#ok but this issue in particular had me crying
boosstergold · 2 years
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Superman Red and Blue (2021) #5
“Mr. Kent! Wait! I just wanted to say - I know there’s only one real Superman, but you’re my Superman.”
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lightlycareless · 3 months
A bit of an explanation as to why Naomi turned to be quite... Not distant but not as welcoming as she was in the beginning with Naoya, her father.. :))))))
related work: prequel 1. prequel 2. sequel.
Warnings: Angst. Mentions of pregnancy and childbirth. Maybe Naoya failed as a husband and father?
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Naomi didn't really know what it meant to be an older sister. It's one of those things that can't be described, simply experienced to get the full grasp of it. And yet, she was as excited as anyone else for the arrival of the babies.
Or more like anxious, for she's never seen you so stressed before.
“Why can't I go with mama?” She'd ask, your sister guiding her to the waiting room by the hand, unwittingly away from you. “Is she ok??”
“Yes, she is. She just needs help from the doctor to deliver your siblings!” Hinata explains, attempting to comfort her. “Aren't you excited? Soon, you'll be a nee-san, just like me.”
But Naomi couldn't care to think of such matters, not when an even bigger issue has yet to be dealt with.
“.... Why isn't papa with mama?” your daughter asks with clear sadness in her face. It's only the second time she sees a disruption to her routine, but she already doesn't like it, not one bit. “He's always here whenever mama feels bad….”
Hinata swallows, trying her best to not feed Naomi's sorrow, quickly turning disappointment, any further.
It's true what she said. Naoya always made sure to be available whenever you needed him, one way or the other. But this time… this time he couldn't, and for one simple decision he'd come to regret later.
“He's on his way here.” Is what your sister responds. “He shouldn't take much longer to arrive.”
For Naomi's sake, she hopes he does. Because Hinata doesn't think she could take any more of seeing the always cheerful and bubbly girl growing quiet at her father's absence, or frightened when hearing your screams once you finally went into labor.
Preparing Naomi for the whole ordeal of pregnancy was difficult, for there were things you feared she wouldn't be able to understand without being traumatized by them. This particular part was the one that worried you the most.
But even as upsetting as it was, hearing you in pain wouldn't be the thing that stuck to Naomi the rest of her life.
No. It would be the part of Naoya eventually arriving at the hospital, a few hours after the twins were born, higkihjti his failure to be with you, his daughter, and newborn children when they needed him most.
“I'm sorry, my love. I'm really, really sorry. You don't know how much I regret—”
“You were supposed to be here for their birth” Naomi manages to overhear, as well as the heartbreak in your voice, the same one she was experiencing for seeing her parents argue for the first time in her life. “You promised you would!”
“I know.” Naoya laments, voice shaky, seemingly at the brink of crying. “I would've never missed this moment, but the mission—”
“You also said you wouldn't take any missions.” You reiterate, hurt. “Why did you do it? Why did you have to go on a mission when I needed you the most?! You knew how scared I was, especially after what happened with Naomi!”
“It wasn't supposed to take this long. They told me it was going to be a quick thing, but it went on and they needed me…”
“I needed you more. We needed you more.”
“I'm sorry.”
Naomi doesn't hear anything else from that point forward, either because Naoya kept quiet, understanding the gravity of his actions while offering quiet endless apologies, the only thing he could do at that moment.
Or because Hinata became aware of what was going on and quickly isolated your daughter from the situation, she had already gone through enough up to that point, the last thing she needed was to end the day on a worse note.
Thankfully, that wouldn't be the case, because after meeting her baby brother and sister, all conflict seemed to disappear from her mind at that moment, focused instead on loving them unconditionally, though mostly excited for her new playmates and all the things she couldn't wait to do with them.
But when looking at her father, well…
Something inside Naomi changed that day.
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morganski-19 · 4 months
The One with Taking Risks
Ten Years Ago
Jonathan turns the key to his freshman dorm room, a burst of hot air hitting him in the face as he does. The shitty, non airconditioned dorm already making him miserable. He struggles through the doorway, a box pressed against his side. Finding his roommate unpacking on the other side of the room.
“Dude,” his voice echoes against the walls. Hair in a messy braid down his back. “Welcome home.”
Argyle, his randomly assigned roommate, pulls him into a bear hug. Jonathan stiffening, not returning the gesture. They’ve only talked a few times, he wasn’t expecting a hug so early.
Argyle realizes this, pulling back. “Sorry, my sisters say that I come on pretty strong when I shouldn’t. Something I’m working on.”
Jonathan places the box on the vinyl covered mattress. “It’s fine.”
“Do you need any help?” Argyle asks awkwardly behind him. “My folks already helped me get all my stuff in the room, so I don’t mind lending a hand.”
“Thanks, but I’m good. My mom and stepdad are coming up soon with more of my things. They’re just finding parking.”
Argyle nods. “Cool. I’ll, uh, just be over on my side of the room then. Let me know if you want to rearrange the layout or anything. I’m not particular about anything.”
From their first interaction, Jonathan wouldn’t have guessed that his roommate would soon become the best friend he’s ever had.
It wasn’t until months later that he really started to open up to Argyle. Until the homesickness really hit him hard and Will had to spend a few nights in the hospital again. Being so far from home, he couldn’t be there for him. Felt like he failed.
Argyle had come back into the room after his class. Jonathan rubbing his eyes, trying to hide the fact he was crying. Pulling the blanket up under his chin, faking sleep.
For a while, Argyle doesn’t say anything. He just goes to his side of the room and puts in his earbuds in. Doing some homework and giving Jonathan space.
When Will calls him later, Jonathan can’t hide how he’s feeling anymore. As soon as the phone call hangs up, he starts to break down again.
His phone pings.
Argyle: I’m here if you want to talk about it, or I can leave the room to give you some space
There’s something about kindness from a sort of stranger that makes tears flow harder. He types out a reply.
Argyle gets up from his bed and walks over to the door. Shutting it gently behind him, giving Jonathan the space he asked for. When the tears dry up, Jonathan lets Argyle know he can come back. Wiping his cheeks, calmed down.
“Thank you,” he says softly when the door shuts behind him. “I appreciate you doing that.”
Argyle shrugs, like this was nothing. “Life is tough when you move away from home. I should know, my home is halfway across the country. Do you want a hug or are we not at that level yet?”
“A hug would be kind of nice.”
Argyle silently asks to sit on Jonathan’s bed. He nods in conformation, accepting Argyle’s open arms. Pulling back after a few seconds.
“I’m not going to force you to talk about it or anything, but I’m here if you want to.”
“My, uh.” Jonathan struggles to find the words. Argyle waits for him, making Jonathan feel like he can tell him anything. “That call was from my brother, he’s in the hospital right now.”
“Shit,” Argyle says bluntly. “Is he ok?”
Jonathan nods. “Yeah. It’s just a bad flare up. He went through a really bad accident when he was in middle school, has chronic pain because of it. Other lingering health issues. But he’s fine. Just wish I was there, you know.”
“Yeah. It sucks being away from family. Especially when something’s going on.”
“It does. You said you were from California, right?” Jonathan changes the subject. “What’s it like out there, I’ve never been.”
Argyle lights up as soon as Jonathan asks. “Oh, it’s great dude.” He goes on a long tangent about his hometown, his family. Being close enough to the ocean for day trips but not directly close to it at all. Anything and everything.
They talk for hours after that. The conversation finding itself during the slower breaks. Just sharing their lives. Complaining about classes. Learning about each other in ways not many people ever tried.
That day, they both made a friend.
Present Day
Argyle checks his phone for the millionth time. Pressing it down in frustration against the couch when the notification screen continues to be blank. Jonathan hasn’t messaged him back yet. Hasn’t texted him since he left to visit home a week ago.
It’s fine, he tells himself. He’s just busy at home. Spending time with family.
Except it isn’t. They haven’t not talked this long since the awkward first weeks of college. When they hadn’t found the right rhythm yet. This was unlike them. Unlike Jonathan.
Argyle busies himself, trying to keep his mind off it. Stop him from sending another text asking if Jonathan’s ok. He cleans, unmakes and remakes his bed. Cooks and does the dishes. Until the door opens and Jonathan’s standing in front of him, duffel bag slung over his shoulder.
“Hi,” he pants. Like he just ran here from the train.
“I thought you weren’t supposed to be back until Wednesday.” Argyle sets down the dish he was drying. Wiping the excess water from his hands.
Jonathan tries to catch his breath. “I wasn’t. Came back early.” He set the duffel bag on the ground, stepping closer to Argyle.
“Something happen?” Argyle’s trying to read Jonathan’s actions, but he’s never seen him act quite like this before.
“I love you,” he blurts out.
Argyle doesn’t believe him. “Yeah, dude. Love you too.”
Jonathan shakes his head, stepping closer to Argyle again. “No, not like that. Well, yes like that but not all like that. I’m in love with you.”
“What,” Argyle exhales in disbelief.
Jonathan brushes the hair out of his face. Hand resting on the back of his neck. “I know it’s random and probably doesn’t make a lot of sense. But when I was home, seeing Will with Mike together and hearing these constant comments from my mom. How great it is that two best friends fell in love. And then asking me about you. How you were doing and how we were doing. Like we were some unit. Together. It just hit me.”
He continues, starting to pace. “I knew I liked you, for a long time now, but I didn’t realize how much. Always told myself that I wasn’t going to say anything because this friendship meant the world to me, and I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. Then Will said something to me, and it made me want to just say fuck it. So, I took the next train and now I’m here.”
Argyle is speechless. Trying to keep up with Jonathan’s rambling while also trying to calm the beating of his own heart.
He never thought that this would happen.
Jonathan stops pacing, fear hitting his face. Everything that he just said coming back to him in slow motion. The frantic energy fades, the tension setting in.
“Are you going to say anything?” Jonathan stares at Argyle.
Argyle barrels towards Jonathan, pulling him into the tightest hug of his life. A happy smile forming as Jonathan hugs him back. Both of them too afraid to let go.
“I love you, too,” Argyle whispers after a long silence. “I have for so long.” He pulls back from the hug, grazing his thumb against Jonathan’s cheek. Reveling in the fact that he can. “I was just so scared. I couldn’t lose you, not because of this.”
Jonathan presses their foreheads together. “You didn’t.” He uses both his hands to brace Argyle’s face, bringing their lips together.
Argyle did the exact opposite of losing him.
Tag list (let me know if you want to be added or taken off) @slowandsteddie, @annieofhearts, @cacdyke, @ubpd, @captain--low,
@thespaceantwhowrites, @goodolefashionedloverboi, @anne-bennett-cosplayer, @lunaticparisianlady,
@apomaro-mellow, @dolphincliffs, @dragonmama76, @maggiebug417, @stevesbipanic,
@fearieshadow, @eightpackdiaz, @au79burger @bookworm0690 , @practicallybegging,
@potato-of-the-lord, @autumncrocusandladybug, @estrellami-1, @ilovecupcakesandtea, @gregre369
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fuck-customers · 8 months
I wanted to address a reply I saw on this post that I submitted. (I prefer to stay anonymous on the off-chance that someone could figure out who I am from my blog. The chance is EXTREMELY small, but if you read the original ask, you'll understand my concern)
Someone responded, saying that (I'm paraphrasing) by leaving negative reviews, I'm causing corporate to cut hours to my location even more and this is hurting me and I should instead leave fake positive reviews.
Ok I GET where you're coming from, I do, and I'm sure others have had that same thought. HOWEVER, as I said in my original post, I. WANT. THAT. STORE. TO BURN. I said in my original post that I've worked there several years (actually 4+ years more than any other employee at my particular location) and I've gotten shit on left and right. By the company, by management, and by customers and while I am looking for another job, it would make me SO happy to watch that shithole burn.
In the time I've worked there:
-My hours are always the first to be cut whenever "budget cuts" come around
-I regularly get scheduled closing shift when the other shifts CLEARLY have not done their tasks (as in I clocked in less than a minute ago and my manager can clearly see that the amount of work left could not physically be made in 1 minute) yet the manager is on my ass every few seconds to clean up after all of them and if my shift ends and I cannot finish, I get a talking to.
-I have been physically shoved by a manager and berated in front of coworkers and customers and that + the already stressful day I was having made me hide in the bathroom and cry. Then a few days later, another manager who wasn't even there that day heard about the incident (not the crying part-I hid) and made fun of me for a small mistake and said that I deserved the other manager yelling at me
-I spent my first year covering every single shift whenever asked and cross-trained myself so I could work in all departments and get more hours that way (🤡) only to be repaid by never getting promotions or raises (I did stop covering shifts after it was blatantly obvious that I would not get a raise/promotion/anything but taken advantage of)
-I worked the entire pandemic every day, almost to full-time, yet they refused to actually make me full-time, scheduling me just under (30-35 hours) so I was essentially working full-time hours without being able to get full-time benefits.
-An SM that worked there for a year apparently was threatened by me (though in no way was I after her job, I even repeatedly expressed that I had no interest in becoming management) and proceeded to fabricate an entire false story and reported it to HR as an EEOC issue in an attempt to get me fired
-Plus the multiple leads that have come and go that either treat all employees like dogshit and/or me, specifically. Talking down to me/us and snapping at me/us.
-Not to mention the disrespectful customers who see that I appear young and automatically assume I am stupid and/or incompetent, the most memorable experience being the old man who straight up asked me if I had brain damage and the (separate) old woman who straight up asked me if I was stupid and then immediately flat-out called me stupid to my face 10 seconds later.
PLUS: the store has been extremely noticeably not managed. We don't get enough hours to actually clean the store up and when I personally tried to start some cleanup projects on my own, I was actively discouraged and scolded by management. The place is a mess and actual customers have complained to me personally and other employees that I've witnessed about how shitty the store looks and how shitty the shopping experience is, so odds are, real customers are making the same reviews. I'm just filling in for those who lost their receipts.
ALSO: In the years I've worked there, I have seen several positive reviews from real customers, in fact the store used to have almost exclusively positive reviews, yet I never once saw any rewards from that. I even had customers personally go up to my manager and tell him how helpful and nice I was, blah, blah, blah and he came back and told me what the customers said and never once rewarded me and instead cut my hours when budget cuts came around.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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whentherewerebicycles · 11 months
ugh I am really struggling with a thing with a former student/mentee of mine. in the week or two of the post-hamas attack aftermath I posted something on instagram that was basically like, i feel an obligation to be an informed global citizen and believe me I read/think about/despair over the news every day but I also think it’s ok to really viscerally hate “doing politics” on social media, where complex, centuries-old geopolitical and cultural conflicts get reduced to a sensationalized infographic some teenager designed on canva last night. at the time I was watching people spread rampant misinformation about the hospital explosion when we had zero conclusive information, and had also just heard jon favreau talking about research indicating that something like 80% of the images and videos people were sharing on social media weren’t actually FROM the current conflict or couldn’t be verified as real. and idk I also have some private thoughts about how american leftists in particular really glom onto this issue because we perceive israelis as ‘white people’ and palestinians as people of color and we get to feel like we are exorcising our own country’s racial demons by advocating for the expulsion of the israeli people from land that many of them actually have deep historical ties to and at least a semi-legitimate cultural and religious claim to inhabiting.
to be clear I think the current israeli government is pretty much your trump-inspired shitty/evil right-wing militaristic populist movement and I feel like their response has squandered every single ounce of empathy garnered by the hamas attacks!! but idk I guess what I want to carve out space for is like, the right to say I AM NOT AN EXPERT HERE. I DO NOT HAVE DEEP ENOUGH KNOWLEDGE TO FULLY UNDERSTAND THE ROOTS OF THIS CONFLICT. I WORRY ABOUT SPREADING DANGEROUS MISINFORMATION IN BOTH DIRECTIONS IF I SHARE UNVERIFIED SOURCES OR REDUCTIVE TAKES. ALSO I AM A PRIVATE CITIZEN AND I DO NOT HAVE A “PLATFORM” JUST BECAUSE I HAVE A SOCIAL MEDIA ACCOUNT. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO BE CONFUSED, TO NOT PASS SNAP JUDGMENTS ON RAPIDLY EVOLVING INTERNATIONAL INCIDENTS, AND TO ENGAGE IN POLITICS BY MEANS OTHER THAN SOCIAL MEDIA POSTING. but idk this former student, who I had a really good relationship with for many years, has just come after me in my DMs and keeps sending me posts implying that anyone who is not furiously posting right now is pro-Palestinian genocide, etc etc, and meanwhile she is posting hundreds of unverified stories a day from Arabic-language sources that aren’t just like, anti-Zionist but are actively pro-Hamas, actively denying that the attacks on Israel happened, and actively calling for the immediate and violent expulsion of all Jews from the area. dude idk she’s not my student anymore so I think I’m just going to disengage/not respond and continue staying off insta because it sucks out there!! but it sucks!
I also just refuse to experience a war via unfiltered social media posts again. I did that for a month or two at the start of the ukraine invasion and I can’t unsee some of the stuff I saw on telegram. I don’t actually think any of us have a moral obligation to watch or share a 24/7 feed of graphic images of maimed corpses and crying children. I can’t make the violence STOP by watching that content and I also don’t believe that ravenously consuming the most terrible moments of people’s lives is a form of meaningful political solidarity. WHATEVER as you can see I still feel super conflicted about how to feel about all of this but I also have to remind myself that IT’S NOT NORMAL to click through my stories or scroll down my feed alternating between liking people’s cat photos and watching people dying half a world away. we were NOT BUILT to process world-historical events this way and it is OKAY to opt out of watching a livestream of human suffering you are personally powerless to do anything about.
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peachjagiya · 4 months
This isn't me trying to nitpick everything this anon said but i feel like these weren't presented in a very accurate manner because anyone reading this will feel like taekook only confided in each other and no one else when they weren't ok but based on the things they have both said over the years, this doesn't seem to be the truth. Yes we know that Jk and Tae were both there for each other in difficult moments but i personally never got the impression that they were each other's go to person when they weren't ok and i'll show you why.
These are some clips or things both Tae and JK said.
Here they were asked who they go to when they have worries and Tae immediately chose Jimin and this was from 2014/2015 if i am not mistaken.
Here we have Tae saying that he normally wasn't very keen on letting other see his pain or stress but the very first time and first person he was really able to open up to was to Jimin.
Here we find out that when Tae had nightmares, he immediately went to Jimin's room to sleep by his side
Here we have Tae talking about how friends and Jimin as well as members were worried about him when he wasn't ok. What stands out most to me here is how he made sure to separate Jimin from the rest of the members
I'm sure we all know about this one. Tae writing a letter to Jimin thanking him for always coming to cry and laugh with him when he was going through tough times
Then for Jungkook, he has never really given the impression that Tae was his go to person when he wasn't ok. I say this because taekook have always been considered one of the closest if not the closest pair from bts (before their ITS talk) but since 2013, everytime JK was asked which member he went to when he wasn't ok or when he had troubles, he almost always picked Jimin.
I don't have the links for all those times but i believe that the first time he said that was in 2013 when he was asked during a radio interview which hyung gave him the most comfort and he said Jimin.
Then in 2015 (i think) during a solo interview, he was asked which member was the easiest to talk to and he said that it was Jimin. He said that when they were trainees, Hobi took very good care of him but after some time, Jimin started taking very good care of him so he found it easiest to talk to him. (i'm guessing this was because Jimin joined last). In 2020, he watched that interview he did in 2015 (where he picked jimin as the easiest to talk to ) and said that nothing had really changed from back then but that now they had all grown and matured and knew how to handle their issues better so he wasn't going to pick a particular member like he did when they were younger because now they are all there for each other in different ways.
Then we had this interview from 2014 (i think) where Jk said jimin comforted him and listened to his worries and that is how he was able to navigate the hard trainee life. I immediately remember that one time when JK went into the dark kitchen and cried because he missed his mom when he was trainee and it was jimin who found him crying and comforted him.
Then we had this interview from 2018 where the members were asked who knows them best and Jk said it was Jimin.
Unless i am forgetting, i do not seem to remember anytime when Jungkook especially said anything that gave me the impression that Tae was his go to person when he wasn't ok and i am not forgetting the fact that he said he was able to break out of his shy shell thanks to Tae but i personally feel like it was more or less Tae's fun and quirky personally that made Jk feel more comfortable than anything else. Tae has always been one of the easiest idols to be friends with because he has a fun personality so i think that was it.
As i said before, this isn't me trying to nitpick what has been discussed but me giving my personal opinion based on the things the members themselves have said all through the years, I think at some point, Jk and Tae both depended on Jimin emotionally more than they depended on each other and it wasn't only them. I think even Namjoon had spoken about Jimin being the person he goes to have grown conversations with and Hobi too said something about Jimin being a donsaeng who feels more like a same age friend because of his maturity and emotional intelligence.
It's so funny how jikookers and taekookers fight about jikook and taekook when we have Vmin literally writing songs about each other after haviing arguments, Tae having nightmares and immediately going to Jimin's room, Jimin saying that he was usually so good at handling his problems on his own but when he couldn't handle them, he went to Tae, or tae pouting because the producers wouldn't let him record a song with jimin which he wrote because it would be weird for two guys to sing that kind of a song together (i wonder what the lyrics looked like lol)
After all this writing the point i am trying to make is that all the members were there for each other in their own way and it is possible for some people to grow closer while others grow distant over time. Even people who are married have moments when distance creeps in so even if you do not want to acknowledge the ITS convo because u think taekook are dating, know that it is still possible for couples to break up, take breaks or have moments when their relationship is strained. Admitting that the ITS convo was real and that maybe JK really wasn't aware of Tae's struggles at certain periods, technically doesn't really debunk your ship.
Episode 3:
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Episode 4:
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Episode 6:
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After conversation that was so big and important that they felt like doing it on camera was best and apparently all awkwardness was banished in one go cos that's definitely how humans work:
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After conversation 😏:
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(that's mainly a joke. Unless...)
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spider-man-199999 · 1 year
Web love || Spider-Man 4
Summary: Spider-Man saved you that one time when you needed him and now he comes and checks up on you every single day. 
Author's note: I'm honestly so demotivated to write this part since the whole series flopped and idk why
previously on web love: part 1 part2  part 3 
this pic is a representation of how Peter feels about his mixed feeling in this fic 
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      "...Life often times opens doors we never really expected to ever be open. And often times these new opportunities lead us to experiencing things we never have dreamed of. And these experiences shape us into the person we become. But sometimes the person we see in the mirror is not the person we want to be. Taking particular roles in life bring us misery, especially when we are not mentally prepared to meet other's expectations for this "social role". And now that we have grown up, we have gone this far, who do we owe it to? When you look back on your life you realize that it's not the groundbreaking turning point that has made us who we are but it was the little everyday things like meeting someone new, doing things you have never done before and generally having the courage to put yourself out there in the world are actually the things that really change us. Those are the things that speak for us the loudest in society and those are the things to which I owe who I am now." Peter's voice rang in the classroom as he read his English essay, his palms sweaty and his cheeks rosy. After he finished his speech the teacher thanked him and told him to sit down and as he walked down to this seat he flipped Ned off, who was filming him with his phone the whole time. 
"What are you doing, nuthead?" Peter whispered to him 
"I'm going to send this to Y/N, she helped you write that and wanted me to tell her how it went. But we live in the 21st century so I thought it would be better to show her instead''
"Sure, fine, even though I probably look like a dumbass-" he started saying as the teacher shushed them. Peter shook his head, getting a text from you. 
Killsforpills: So, I heard the reading went well.
Spywalker: Not bad, not bad 
Killsforpills: PUBG after school?
Spywalker: I have work
Killsforpills: Ok, I'll be playing if you decide to join at some point
After the last time Spider-man had come to visit he had vanished once again. You would spend most of your free time just playing videogames and doing school work. Keeping your thoughts occupied was the best way for your to not go insane after everything. Deadpool stopped showing up as well, which left you thinking that maybe this insanity was finally over for good. Maybe it was time to turn the page and try to find a boyfriend or something. Everyone around seemed occupied with someone else, Peter and MJ, Ned and some girl from their school. You felt left out, crying yourself to sleep more times than you would wish for. 
Spidey, of course, was not happy about the fact either. He would always check up on you when he could, come see you as much as possible. The issue was that he felt like he had made a really big mess when he visited the last time. He was feeling like a hot mess as well, all these things happening to him. The pressure of being Spider-man, the guilt of lying to MJ about his feelings, the pain from seeing you hurt. It was all piling up, making him slowly lose his mind in all the stress. He would get injure more often than before, do worse on his test. He even seemed to space out often enough to make Ned and MJ worried about him. He would brush it off and tell them not to pay him attention ‘’it’s just superhero things’’ he would say and put on a fake smile for them. It got to the point where Ned had to call and make you try and get something out of him 
“You have to call him and make him play a game together! Please, he refuses to talk to us! We need you to find something out....’‘ Ned whined through the phone, convincing you to help him.
“I don’t mean to be rude but why don’t you ask MJ? She’s his girlfriend, surely she’ll get more out of him than me.”
“We tried everything, you’re our last hope! Maybe he needs someone he doesn’t see every single day to open up to! Just try, ok?’‘ 
‘‘Ok, fine, I’ll try’‘ You agreed with a sigh escaping your lips. 
The ringing sound was filling your ear as you had already dialed Peter, trying to reach him. After a few rings you gave up on the call, throwing your phone on the bed behind you and messaging Ned. 
Killsforpills: He’s not picking up
Iamfriendswithsidey: Call him again. PLEASE
Killsforpills: Surely he would have picked up if he wanted to talk, maybe he’s busy.
You heard the vibrations from behind you, turning to see Peter calling you. Rushing to pick up you stumbled in the bed, groaning as you hit your leg and rolled on the bed, picking up.
‘‘Hey, you called’‘ You barely heard the boy’s voice from what seemed like wind 
‘‘Yeah, I was wondering if you wanted to play some Minecraft, ouch’‘
“What’s wrong?’‘
‘‘Fuck, um nothing, I hit my leg in the bed and it’s bleeding’‘ 
‘‘I’ll be over in a bit’‘ 
‘‘Wait, I....’‘ he had already hung up. 
You felt kind of bad, maybe he thought it was a serious injury and that’s why he was rushing over but in reality it was just a scratch and he was going to go out of his way for nothing. After what seemed an eternity you heard the doorbell, walking over to open the door. Peter walked in with a worried expression on his face, scanning you to see where the injury was.
‘‘What happened? Are you alright?” He asked as he threw his bag on the couch and grabbed your hand, pulling you towards the bathroom.
‘‘Peter, it’s literally just a scratch, you shouldn’t have walked all the way here! I can take care of that’‘ 
He didn’t even bother to listen to you, sitting you down on the edge of the tub and looking through the cabinet for rubbing alcohol and bandages. 
‘‘It’s going to sting’‘ He said in a serious tone, cleaning the wound. 
‘‘You don’t need to do this for just a scratch’‘
He looked up, his gaze piercing right through your body, making you shiver. 
‘‘You’ve done it too many times for me’‘
‘‘I haven’t?”
‘‘I mean you would have done it for me too’‘ he said suddenly embarrassed, placing a plaster on the scratch and getting up. 
‘‘Hey, what’s with your hands?’‘ His hands were all covered in plaster and bandage
‘‘It’s nothing, work stuff’‘ 
‘‘Peter, I’m serious, what’s going on? Ned and MJ are very worried about you, you cut me off every time I try to spend time with you, what’s wrong? You know you can tell me. You’ve been acting kind of odd lately.’‘ 
He looked up, one eye squinting lightly because of the light above you. He put on a fake smile, packing the things he used back. 
‘‘I really do think it would be best for you if you didn’t know’‘ he said softly and got up, walking out of the bathroom and sitting on the kitchen counter (like Spider-man used to do every time he would hag out), grabbing a glass and pouring himself a glass of orange juice. Everything felt oddly familiar when you saw he scene. The way his legs hung, the way he threw his head back as he drank, his jawline. Even the way he wiped his mouth with his sleeve sparked some weird sensation in your chest. You tried to brush it off, trying not to think about it and sat down on the couch, turning the tv on. You two spent the evening playing Minecraft together but by the time Peter had to go it felt like you made little to no progress with him. I guess talking about feelings was not his thing. 
After Peter left your apartment that night, you couldn’t sleep well. After hours of spinning and tossing around in your bed, all the memories of Spider-Man kept rushing through your head, his voice, the way he talked, the way he moved, everything was adding up in your head, it felt like you were about to explode. You never really spent much time with Peter, especially alone, so you never really had a close observation on his behaviour. Yet, somehow, everything clicked. The clock was striking 2 am when you decided maybe it was finally time to confront the situation. Your feelings were getting caught up in the mix as well, making it even worse. It really did feel like your head was spinning, you couldn’t breathe well, your heart was beating so fast it was going to explode just like your head. A panic attack? You’d didn’t know what to do. The only person you knew you need to talk to was Peter. So, almost on impulse, you picked up your phone and dialled his number. You heard the dial in your ear, it was so loud you had to pull the phone slightly away form your face. Just as you did that, the dial stopped and you heard a faint voice from the small device.
Your breathing got heavier, your heart started beating faster and the room really started spinning.
“Hello? Y/N, are you alright?” The words echoed in the room, a bit more clear this time, you felt tears rolling down your cheeks.
“N-no” you managed to whisper through heavy breaths
“Where are you?” Peter asked, starting to panic himself, which made you more worried.
“Home” you said softly, breaking down in a cry at this point
“Okay, listen to me. I want you to breathe slowly, follow my lead” he told you, voice still panicked as he started taking deep breaths, listening closely to you as you started copying him. “I’m on my way to you, okay? Just keep breathing”
“I’m so sorry” you muffled out, through soft cries, handing up form the panic and breaking down. You didn’t expect to have a panic attack when you called him, or for it to get worse when you did. You didn’t expect him to actually come around, but he did, at 2:30 am, he was knocking on your door.
You had managed to calm down a bit at that point, opening the door a bit hesitantly. His heart shattered when he saw you like that, immediately hugging you and closing the door behind him.
“What’s wrong? What happened? How can I help?” He asked as he held you close, his scent filled your nostrils and eased your nerves a little bit. You could hear his heartbeat. Why was it so fast? Was was this so scary?
“I want you to be honest with me.” You said against his chest, pulling away shortly after so you could look at his face. “Are you… God this sounds so crazy, I promise I’m not crazy! Are you Spider-Man?”
The words spilled out and it suddenly became silent. Peter let go of you, hands going through his hair as he nervously paced around. He didn’t really manage to put a much of an outfit, he was in sweatpants and a loose white T-shirt that moved up with the motion of his hands and exposed his lower stomach. He seemed like he was having a crisis, walking around, squatting down. He looked very nervous and overwhelmed. Was he the one having a panic attack now? The boy stared at the floor, his hair was all messed up, remaining squat down as he exhaled heavily.
“How… did you find out?” He asked coldly, not looking at you.
Iamfriendswithspidey: Did you talk to Peter?
The messaged popped up on your screen as you were in the middle of a fight with Peter. You both looked at the phone that was on the couch, the screen showing 3:45 am. Shit, you had been arguing for more than an hour now. The nervous pacing continued for a while from both of you, but the tiredness and the emotional drain was so bad it made you sit down, him on the counter and you on the backrest of the couch, looking at him.
"What did you tell him?" Peter asked, feeling defeated already
"Nothing at all, he asked me to check up on you because you were acting weird and distant. Never got to the point of figuting out what was wrong with you." You replied, voice filled with anger and sadness. The text message was followed by a call, with both of you staing at the screen as it rang, so you could gather your thoughts.
"So..." You broke the silence after Ned gave up "We're set on how you became Spider-man... Care to explain everything else?" You crossed your hands in front of your chest.
"I-" he started, looking down at his lap almost like he was building up the courage. "Well... you see... I don't even know how to explain something I don't understand myself"
"You can try, becuase I'm dying to know why you would do something like this"
"What did I do exactly?"
"Peter...What didn't you do?" You said in frustration, getting up and pacing around again "You would come here, spend time with me for a month straight, every fucking day. You would make me laugh and comfort me and get to know me and all of that bullshit and then leave like it meant nothing! Did it really mean nothing to you?''
"Of course it meant something!'' he jumped off the counter catching up to you to grab your arm "I wouldn't have done any of this if you meant less. I overstepped all of my boundries to be here with you.''
You looked at him, tears starting to stream down your face.
"So you could abandon me? Like you didn't care? Like I was nothing? I spent weeks crying, trying to figure out what I did wrong to push you away" You pulled away from his grip, breaking down in front of him. You could see his emotions getting the better of him as well, his breathing rapid and sharp, his fist clenching.
"You thought it was easy for me too?" He asked, anger bubbling up in his chest. "To have so many people dependent on you? To be constantly scared that the people you care most about could end up hurt because of you?"
"So you thought disappearing on them would make it all better?"
"No, not at all" He let out a sigh, looking down at his lap again. "It just got so complicated, the more I came over, the closer we got and then I just-" He looked back up, looking at your teary eyes "I couldn't help it, I really couldn't, we clicked so well and it was so easy with you and I... I just fell for you, so hard, I was terrified, I couldn't tell you as Spider-Man, I couldn't tell you I was Spider-Man... I had to find some other solution"
"You know what the worst part about this is" you said between sobs "It's that I feel in love with you too''.
He pulled you in after that, hugging you tightly. You tried pushing him but he was much stronger. You cried into his chest, gripping his shirt. He didn't say anything, hot tears streaming down his cheeks as he rested his chin on top of your head.
"Stop" you begged him "Please stop doing this, now that I know it's you, it hurts even worse"
"Why?" He asked, trying to keep his voice as steady as possible
"Because you're dating someone else" you said, helplessly hitting his chest with your fist, trying to make him let go. "Please let me go, I can't do this"
"I'm not letting you go" He shook his head, kissing your forehead "I'm never letting you go, I'm sorry for everything, if I were more of a man, none of this would have happened''
You continued helplessly hitting him, crying in his arms. He hugged you tighter, crying into your hair.
"I would understand if you never want to see me again" he whispered.
"I don't hate you, Peter'' you whispered back. "I just need some time to process all of this"
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farfromstrange · 6 months
Ok so
Daddy issues is so relatable, as in like growing up in a rough childhood (specially with a dad like that) I felt it to my bones.
Srsly, your writing made me feel like I was being heard. Like, now people are gonna realise why I don’t like when people get mad and raise their voices, why I’m such a people pleaser, why I wanna be liked more than hated.
And I can’t thank you enough, because not only did I feel like my story is kinda being said. But THE MATTHEW MURDOCK is the king comforting me, and I felt a huge sense of comfort (it sounds weird Ik) when I finished reading that.
I keep on rereading it a lot and it makes me feel so safe and secure for some reason.
Ik, you’re probably not gonna read this 😭😭.
But this is my thank you for being such an amazing writer!!!
Nonnie, it took me two days to figure out how on earth to reply to this because it made me so emotional, I struggled to find the right words.
First of all, I’m so horribly sorry that you had your childhood was the way it was. It’s not something you would wish on anyone. I think no one really wants to relate to what I discussed in Daddy Issues, but there are a lot of people who do, especially from the experiences they’ve had with their fathers. It’s needless to say that you deserve the world and that being treated like that is not the way to treat your own child.
That being said, you being so brave as to tell me this made my heart swell to, like, twice its usual size because I realized once again that this right there is the reason I even decided to post Daddy Issues. As self-indulgent as that fic is, and as much as I struggled with whether to post it or not, I figured that some of you guys might feel the same way or have experienced something similar, so I posted it in the hopes of not crossing a line by being too personal.
Reading all the responses ever since I posted it made me come to the realization though that a lot of you have also been traumatized by at least one parent in your lives, and it’s a cathartic experience every time to see and hear that I’m not alone in this, in what I’m struggling with—what we’re struggling with—and that you guys now know that you are not alone in this either. That’s why posting this fic was 100% worth it.
People who have not gone through the same thing often have a hard time understanding why we cry when someone yells at us, or why we feel like we always have to please everyone. They don’t understand that daddy issues often stem from serious trauma—it’s not just being drawn to dangerously older guys, and it’s not something to be sexualized in that context because daddy kinks are an entirely different thing—and that tends to make you feel extremely lonely because you feel like you’re exaggerating and ‘oh a lot of people have had it worse than me’. That’s hurtful though because everyone’s feelings are valid, and trauma will always be horrible, no matter the extent.
(And there is hardly enough representation of that particular psychological issue)
I didn’t think this fic would bring that many people together, but I’m so glad it did. I’m so glad it gave you, nonnie, some semblance of comfort, and that you’re finally feeling some kind of heard. Because you are. I feel you.
Sometimes all it takes is someone who understands. Sometimes we all just need a little bit of comfort. And sometimes people don’t understand, but the important thing to note is that you’re not alone. You’re never alone.
Anyway, you just made me cry. I’m not even kidding. I feel so grateful that I get to share my experiences with you through fiction, and that it actually helps you guys in a way. And it’s words like yours that inspire me to keep writing, so from the bottom of my heart, thank you!
Whoever you are, I hope you’re having an amazing day, and I’m sending you a big hug 🫶🏻 And this is also a gentle reminder that you’re going to be okay!
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auspex · 3 months
For the micro story: 19. sea change 🌊
ok i had to google what this meant so for anyone who doesn't know:
Sea change or sea-change is an English idiomatic expression that denotes a substantial change in perspective, especially one that affects a group or society at large, on a particular issue. It is similar in usage and meaning to a paradigm shift, and may be viewed as a change to a society or community's zeitgeist, with regard to a specific issue. The phrase evolved from an older and more literal usage when the term referred to an actual "change wrought by the sea",[1] a definition now remaining in very limited usage.
also, this prompt came from this ask game which i am more than happy to do more if anyone else wants to send! Only have one more to do now :): https://www.tumblr.com/blood-bound/754537518514438144/send-me-a-number-and-ill-write-a-micro-story?source=share
Without further ado...
Harrison still found suits a bit uncomfortable, even after all these years in San Jose. He ran his thumb over the seam on the sleeve as he slid it on. The gray he usually chose gave off the right impression; a strong, put together baron, meeting with whoever-the-hell Cynthia put on his calendar tonight.
Not just a vampire who wheeled-and-dealed with other kindred. He was now one who could be seen in public by the kine.
A far cry from his days in the woods where he often went shirtless, when he'd only see humans as prey or cattle, proudly displaying his fangs. It was only on rare occasions that he missed it, felt nostalgic; he had almost lost himself in those times, after all, and he was never going back. The rites, the comradeship, and even the rare times where he found use for his skills as a diplomat wasn't enough to keep the beast away.
Harrison walked towards his desk and sat down, opened the drawer, and started idly reading over some notes.
Tonight he had issues focusing. Again his thoughts returned to larger things.
He did sometimes miss his work as a diplomatic, in a younger, different USA. Those dreams only died when he did - Harrison was convinced he would have made it.
But thinking upon that was a waste of time. He shook his head.
There was only the future now, one that his previous ideology and comrades believed would lead to ruin. Cursed by ancient vampires.
Harrison still believed in Gehenna. But he did not believe the Sabbat could prevent it. Ravnos's awakening proved that: It was not the Sabbat that put it down, despite the destruction of the Antediluvians being one of their largest goals.
Harrison would find a better way forward, one all his own.
His reminiscing was interrupted by a horrific headache, one that preceded his visions. He gritted his teeth, put the notebook down and waited for it.
The tug of blood.
He was at his desk, looking at his hands, where his veins were stretching, pushing through his skin. Reaching out the office, out to the city.
The laughter of someone in the background. It took him to moment to place it, but yes, this was the sound of his prodigal grand-childe in the background, Jeremiah. What he was laughing about, Harrison did not know. God, how long has it been since he heard him?
Now Harrison was not in his office, but by the highway, seeing the sign "Exit 4, San Jose: 1 mile."
A bus went past.
Harrison saw his veins once again follow. And then the sound of crying- again of Jeremiah.
Someone had entered the city. But somehow, Harrison knew it was not Jeremiah.
Someone connected to him though, no doubt.
Then Harrison returned to himself in his office with a start.
He paged Cynthia. As he waited for her to arrive, Harrison made notes of certain locations.
Cynthia knocked on the door as she entered. "Yes, Mr. Harrison?"
Time to put on the face. Giving her a practiced smile, he spoke. "I believe we have an unexpected guest. How many individuals in my employ could we send out tonight?"
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maria-eve-falcon · 1 year
I think she understood his anxieties, you can hear in her songs over the years and I think just from what we know of her as a person... I think she got tired of waiting for him to do something and decide what he wanted in his life... And you can say that him not deciding has to do with his anxieties, but I think she understood him and just waited as long as she could...
sorry I didn't answer early.. I had this answer in my mind but I was(am) to0 tired.
precaution : it's gonna be long and there will be out of this particular topic disclosure because idk why a box inside was opened by this
so.. while I get people when they say she waited too long (bit skeptical) we can't blame anyone (this is making me cry wow parasocial much?) and:
they both of mental issues as we know . god knows what was their position in times. normal people without any issues (almost everyone has issues cause 'perfect' is just not a thing) can't commit easily , famous people with issues having a hard time is really normal. commitment is big. it's not just a piece of paper (imo)
I can't blame joe at all here. cause look at the position he was in. his career kickstarted and he was with her. something very unsimilar with her other exes. so, he doesn't have a career close to the people that debuted with him / close to the time he did i.e liz debici (they won a chopard together ) . he doesn't have enough press (lmfao billy lynn had the record for most press(if not collectively) with him until recently ), nominations and stability what so far judging that he is a decent actor (you can disagree for sure but he IS a decent actor objectively (even when miscast) )
I understand he doesn't want fame and hoards of money doesn't mean he doesn't want a stable career ( while tay's is 740 million a year! that's a load even after paying for everyone and everything! (idk why I pointed this out) )(acting is not a stable career choice it self but I bet he wants to have some kind of stability before at least marriage) AND he has to calculate his every word and action since the beginning .
this is gonna sound mean but do you think tay's position screams suitable for marriage and babies? I'm sorry but she is the position (was before the tour too!) where she literally is on top of the world ! ( yeah I wrote this after the people's article so I'm angry) to get married now and gain a load of attention FOR IT, is sure to be overwhelming for an actor like joe who grew up pretty normal. posh , but normal. I'm sorry but she hasn't step down at all! (not her fault but.. not his either)
considering everything I just pointed out lame excuses (this is gonna get ugly so buck up) what about her picking fights? (when you are in love, you fight but don't pick them?! ) for example afterglow, false god. she even said she knows it's her fault but wants HIM to apologize first. (i'm a person who used to always apologize first and boy, at a point you don't care and distance yourself from those who keep making ya do that (that's how my rtl with my 8 year long bestie ended, fucking exhausting I tell ya) ) ALSO when SHE broke HIS heart first! sorry but my man is human!
ok , fuck all I said . even judging by ylm , I'm assuming with pressure to work on his career or not he couldn't read her mind cause surprise! he is human! they just needed to talk about where they were or what she actually wanted but clearly she didn't understand that.
also about letting go. do you really think a woman who is still writing songs about jm (something that happened 13 years ago) AND INDICATING ENOUGH THAT IT'S ABOUT HIM KNOWING WHAT HER FANS ARE LIKE , going as far to dress up like she was in the vma's literally a decade ago and announcing her new album on the bday of some guy's ex wife (who every one is done dragging for the last 3 years) on mtv music awards is letting go? that thing icked me soo hard . what is growing up is confusing to me since midnights announce. she needs to stop these little clues to diss people that are perfectly fine with their lives and don't care at all! it just shows she loves dragging things and can't let go or be cool about it after soo many years!(nothing else!) and worst part is she makes it obvious that it's about them. now it has come to the point where it is just a stupid topic for everyone to make fun of. her pain surrounding jm and kanye has been dragged for soo long by none other than her and her fans that either people just roll their eyes and move on or it's just a joke atp!!!!!!!!!!!!
tl;dr : I just made 7 points of why joe might have not proposed to her and was stressing about doing so.
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blitzgamev · 22 days
hi hey hello here are some of my fav spies are forever london bits in a random order :) i am going insane about this :)
Never done a read more! Surely this'll work first try!
- The Deadliest Man Alive stinger. Him coming back on stage just to say it again for the stinger was top tier and the fact Everyone looked into the audience when it played!!
- The fact they had enough cast now to have DMA stand there visibly not enjoy his time at the ball except when people talked about pulling toenails off??
- No seriously doing an extra Owen there when Curt said it and not just having him to the lil pose but also walk across stage, look around, notice what's going on AND DOING THE GUN SHOOT WITH DMA HELLO CAN ANYONE HEAR ME
- The wolf whistle during That part of the stairway scene? Whoever did that is my hero that was hilarious
- Managed to get past the booking agent for the banana yippee
- Speaking of the emoting between Curt and Owen during the slow motion fall was top tier love these actors
- The DMA into Owen reveal was so funny because Owen walked on before The Line to stand behind DMA so you couldn't even hear it over people cheering and laughing
- The slow turn while Joey narrated and the little low walk for the trap door?? Top tier
- Vanger visibly cringing every time someone said something negative about the prince was hilarious but also the implication they aren't even trying to keep it down...
- Facial expressions! Some very very good ones between Curt and Tatiana in not so bad
- DMA being like "yeah I did that look how cool I am cheer for me" at Some Point I Don't Remember like I love how the actor played him
- The deafening cheering whenever Mama Mega showed up was the most based we ever got as an audience let's go Mama Mega
- This did lead to the cheering being so much that we didn't stop when Joey came on to do the scene transition and him having to go calm down guys just doing the next scene lol
- That was definitely not helped by the insanely funny Vanger bit to start act 2 like the cyber bullying in the 60s?? Every cosplayer (pog shoutouts btw) being him??
- The little acting choices Tatiana made in general?? The suspender bit in particular
- Speaking of acting choices. The Whole of Owen's appearance at the end felt like a performance for the audience to me and I need to know if that was A Choice or if I imagined it
- Seperate but related point but spies are forever reprise being on the programme... All I've ever needed now add it to the album smile
- Argh the staircase scene... To see that in person is to be alive I think. The shaking on the gun arm on That Bit. How close Owen looked and sounded to crying during the reprise. MOVING ON OKE KING
- Barb
- Did the informant just not die here??? Good for him maybe don't get into the song next time yeah?
- Curt hesitating to take the first shot is also gonna haunt me that's always been the one issue I had with one more shot
- All the little extra flourishes in the songs were very fun love actors making it their own
- The henchmen!! They lived! I don't know that tickles me no quick changes needed so they get to Vibe and giggle
- BARON'S DEATH SCENE "ouch my back *turns around* ouch my front ouch my self *dies" <- he bows after this btw
- Joey shouting out people who were at the matinee but not the evening show was not a planned bit I bet but it Was funny
- The band!!! Hearing overture In Real Life rewired my brain
- Also a shout out to the stage hand we cheered on before the show and act 2 started
- Everyone's faces but especially Tatiana when Sergio was doing the plead reprise were top tier "what are you DOING get away"
- YOU GOTTA y-you GOTTA :) the whole song was really good loved this Cynthia
- The one handed moves for eyes ii was necessary but also just fun
- Also DMA making curt move the whole chair over and him refusing for a while for realism
- The way Curt kept sputtering and touching his lips way after Tatiana got over it and also agreed it was shit way more
- Prisoner of my past is haunting In Real Life holy shit
- One step ahead :) that one moment they kept getting closer to eachother until they did the hand thing again and it looked like Owen was leaning in completely to the hug. Hey you can't do that. I wish I remembered who pushed the other away to mirror the opening betrayal line
- The final pose was so so good to see I adore spy dance and getting to stand up and clap for it was an out of body moment (I hurt my ear cheering)
This turned into a non chronological recap of the show but whatever I wrote all the energy and memory out that I had so good night tri state area . tri london area
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lesbiangummybearmafia · 11 months
Spoilers... on the last two episodes. More under the cut.
Ok first I have talk about the whole Turner situation. When she walked up to the whole Russell's clan like she thought she own the place on the arm of Colonel Sanders. I was like oh no she didn't... but well she did. I didn't like watching the color drain from Bertha's face though. Too bad she doesn't have Evil Queen magic, because she could of conjured up a fireball and throw it at her!! 😈
Wtf is Turners issue anyway with Bertha? Was it because she fired her, throw her out on her ear. Or could be revenge because she couldn't seduce George? Which it's like please bitch he has Bertha why oh why would he want your sorry ass. When she showed up in his bed naked I remembered thinking wow pathetic and desperate move there.
I wonder if Bertha going release the information of Turners ture identity out and ruin her? I think she may if Turner keeps messing with her!! Why do people mess with Bertha she will make them sorry, idiots.
Does anyone think that this new woman Oscar interested in could possibly be a lesbian? The reason I think this is Aurora mentioned that she has a female companion that goes everywhere with her. Now why we haven't met this female companion is beyond me. But it made me think, also wouldn't that be the best solution.
I'm really liking Marian with Dashiell Montgomery. I wasn't sure at first but so far I really like him. Now his daughter on the other hand, well she seems creepy and has anger management issues.
I'm so happy Peggy's back working for Aunt Agnes. I really liked her being at the house all the time.
They need to find a really good man for Gladys. Like her perfect dude! I really like her and I don't want to see them do her wrong.
Oh Larry needs to stop fucking Melania Trump!! Omg I thought that was such a slutty move when they bearly know each other she's already going to sleep with him. Especially back then. When Bertha wants it stopped and ask George to talk to Larry. I hate it when George all with the bullshit "boys will be boys" line. I started thinking about that, I can only imagine how different the world might be if men, young men in particular hadn't been allow to get away with shit just because they happen to be men. If they had been held up to the same high standard as women and young women back then. Larry can have sex with as many women as he wants as long it does bring shame to the family name. But Gladys couldn't even sleep with one guy before she's married or she would be considered wholly unworthy of marriage. 🙄 I really think everyone really needs to sleep with the partner you're going to marry!!! Especially then when being married was forever! Bad sex life for decades... no thank you!
But back to Larry and that woman whatever her name is. She gotta go, she's annoying, possessive, I'm sorry gonna say it too old for him (he looks like he's with his mom when they stand next to her. Never a good look). I don't know I just don't like her.
I personally want to watch Bertha crush Mrs. Astor like a bug. Bitch thinks people should just do whatever she said. No, Bertha don't play that way!!
Ok seriously George needs to buy Bertha a huge bouquet of flowers or some super lux piece of jewelry. Because no he didn't do anything wrong but he should of told her sooner so she didn't caught out by that gold diggin bitch. Who wouldn't of been able to make it out to be something it wasn't! Dumb ass doesn't he know anything happy wife, happy life! Because I do not like seeing Bertha upset, crying, sad, feeling like her husband may of betrayed her trust in one of the worst ways!! Just breaks my heart seeing her cry. 💔 Just want to smack George upside the head. Dude you have more money than God, do sometimes super special for your wife!!!
Oh Aunt Ada and the Preach man is just too sweet!! 😍 Aunt Agnes better not mess it up. We all know he's not up to Aunt Agnes standards, but I don’t think he needs to be. It's not like with Marian where that need for money is so great. With Aunt Ada, a man that's not rich wouldn't be an issue. I'm pretty sure the Preacher man makes enough for the both of them. Aunt deserves a romantic love in her life. She's so kind, sweet, loving, she just wants happiness for everyone she loves. She'd be friends with everyone if Aunt Agnes would let her. See she'll be the perfect preachers wife. I wish i.had an Aunt Ada in my life!
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liliallowed · 1 year
listening to "all I want is you" as I descend into madness 🫡
here are the lyrics color coded with no particular reason or reference to something.
Let me be the one to
I know what you want girl
Hold your, hold your ha-ever
We'd be good toge-ge-ge
I know what you want girl
Let me be the one to
Hold your hand forever
We'd be good together
I'll make you feel special
Help you feel less stressful
Fix the holes in your heart
It's what I wanted from the start
I got mental issues
Always fucking miss you
Tons of bloody tissues
All of over my room
I need to clean them up
Baby, I'm fucked up
Baby, will you help me?
Because I'm gonna help you
All I want is you now
All I wanna do now
Is wait for you to call me
Baby, I'm so sorry
Do you wanna hurt me?
Are you gonna hurt me?
Please don't desert me
Please don't desert me
All I want is you now
All I wanna do now
Is wait for you to call me
Baby, I'm so sorry
Do you wanna hurt me?
Are you gonna hurt me?
Please don't desert me
Please don't desert me
Please don't desert me
I was up early
Up all night
I was scratching off the 30s
You make me feel dirty
Tell me I'm disgusting
Tell me that you love me
But really you mean nothing
I don't wanna talk
No, it's not up for discussion
You control my life
I feel like a fucking puppet
Keep telling me to shut it
Ok baby, alright!
I remember nights
We were dancing in the moonlight
I remember hiding
I was shy and I had stage fright
I remember crying
I just want you to be alright
Want you to be okay
Okay, baby, alright
Want you to be okay
Okay, baby, alright
All I want is you now
All I wanna do now
Is wait for you to call me
Baby, I'm so sorry
Do you wanna hurt me?
Are you gonna hurt me?
Please don't desert me
Please don't desert me
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lindszeppelin · 7 months
Hi Linds. Hope you’re well.
Why do you think some people feel entitled to know more about actors than they want to share?
I have a theory that those people have similar boundary issues IRL. I am never entitled to know someone’s thoughts, feelings, etc., unless they wish to share them with me. And then I feel honored. That goes for co-workers, neighbors, friends, and family.
People who feel entitled to such information are untrustworthy and unhealthy.
I’m not talking about curiosity. Curiosity is natural. Even speculation is not that big of a deal — as long as the “speculator” knows that they are only guessing and speculation is not fact.
For example, all the stuff we talk about in your asks about Austin (and specifically Austin and K), are just our opinions. We find our opinions reasonable and grounded in reality — but we are aware they are opinions. We are aware that we could be mistaken. That we are not privy to facts — until and unless those facts are made public. That we are not in a reciprocal relationship with Austin Butler. That we do not know him.
We love him. We are fans. We are even grateful and truly care about his life. But we understand we are not actually part of it.
Unfortunately some people in the Austin (or any) fandom seem to actually think they know him (scary) while others act like he’s their property or pet (which I find even creepier). They make comments about him like he’s a child or some sort of stuffed toy. It’s so weird.
Now I know there are plenty of people who find it problematic that someone like me, who is old enough to be Austin’s mother, lusts after him. And I’d be lying if I didn’t say I think that’s kinda fair. Even sometimes I question myself and think “omg if anyone IRL knew how I behave on tumblr they’d have me committed immediately”!
But I can say with the utmost confidence that if I ever actually met Austin (and I never will) I would only behave age appropriately in his presence and I would speak to him as a human being, not as a rabid cougar. Or, okay, just stare at him. Not sure which. But my point is I would not feel entitled to a particular experience and I would make every effort to show him respect as a person.
Because I’m not a creepy asshole.
Ultimately I think the folks I detest in this fandom are the folks I would detest IRL. I have a spidey sense that they’re narcissistic toxic gaslighting emotional vampires and would behave so anywhere.
Ok I know this is a wide-ranging conversation, as John Mulaney would say, but I had thoughts and you know how I like to spill my guts in your asks. 😉
MJ first of all, i fucking love you and you know i love all of the messages that you send in to me. I love these kinds of discussions because it's more of a wider perspective in terms of conversation and it brings about important notions.
Let me just say that you do not give off weirdo cougar vibes lol. You are the utmost of respectful when it comes to Austin. Best believe, there are people in this fandom that are much younger than him or around his age like i am that truly are the definition of a weirdo when it comes to how they treat and talk about him.
You already mentioned it here, that they infantilize him. And he is a grown man in his 30s. Even when i was in my teens or early 20s and I had a crush on an older actor or musician, i never talked about them as if they were my child and i was their mother like "omg my precious boy" or something of the sorts lol. idk what it is about these young fans that want to baby him. He is a man and doesn't need to be babied by his own fans for crying out loud. There is a difference between loving him truly, and then diminishing him by patting him on the head/pinching his cheeks and calling him baby names. There are certainly worse things that they could do, but that is a massive gripe.
In regards to your question of why, i think you put it well, that it's curiosity. But also it's grandiosity and egos flying about everywhere. Some people in this fandom feel entitled to know everything that goes on in private so that they can feel big about themselves and stick it to people like us who feel like he has not been truly happy in a long time.
idk how to end this because i think i hit on all of your talking points so i hope that was a good enough answer lol. love ya <3
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iviarellereads · 8 months
Wheel of Time full series spoiler thoughts on EOTW 14-18
A probably semi-regular weekly bonus to my reread blog, since sometimes you realize things on reread that just make you need to yell in a full spoiler space.
Mo's nicknames are abandoned so quickly, along with everything else about this book. I suppose it justifies the Wondergirls, in particular, using false names later, but it feels so tacked on to me after this many reads of EOTW.
Ishy tries way too hard.
"Rand, if we get out of this alive, if we ever get back home, and you hear me say anything about leaving Emond’s Field, even to go as far as Watch Hill, you kick me." Oh, Perrin, hon, you really have no idea how far you'll go.
Min's predictions. All the way to the eye on the balance scale. A few are slightly less clear, sure, but on the whole, top notch. Just vague enough to make you wonder, just clear enough to be recognizable when they happen. The beggar's staff for when he's wandering just before Veins of Gold is a nice touch.
The Pattern guiding Rand through his encounter with the Whitecloaks is fascinating. At least, that's what I'm guessing it is. Part the Pattern, part an early instance of LTT bleeding through, since Rand has now started channeling and RJ intended for the madness to progress pretty quickly until he realized this was no longer going to be only 6 books long…
When Thom glares at Rand and Min while Min tells Rand what she saw about Nyn, I'm pretty sure this is the only time Thom and Min ever meet? Ever even have the chance to meet, really.
Nynaeve's arrival kicks off so so many events and poses so many more questions. Of course she tracked them, but she also still has the healing connection to Egg, at this point.
Cheeky working in of the Heroes of the Horn. I know I probably don't need to point out every little thing that I see as setup for later, but it's part of what makes the reread so much fun, so I'm gonna keep doing it anyway.
Sneaky to use the scar-faced man to cast suspicion about who called the Fade, when Rand was all eagerness to tell Fain last chapter.
I like the idea that it was just some trick of air that let Moiraine appear to do… whatever that was in leaving Baerlon, but I don't think that RJ had his whole magic system worked out yet at this point, or the limits he would soon put on it. So, I have trouble really believing that that's the case.
OK, so, one of my biggest issues with how the fandom treats Mat is that there's so much misinformation about his memories. For one thing, assuming that his war cry was a reincarnation-memory. Not only is this directly contradicted by what Moiraine says, it would be silly. You wouldn't statistically end up in the same place you lived and died before on any kind of short time scale, and even then, Egg wouldn't have felt the same memory tug at her if it was just that Mat was, like, Aemon reincarnated. Second, of course, is the 'Finn memories, which Mat himself says later are from people who went to see the 'Finn in their lives, they're the memories the 'Finn had available to patch his holes with, they are not something buried in his soul's psyche or whatever. Now, the way the show is changing this, I don't have a problem with as long as they're internally consistent about it. But, a lot of people took some really weird ideas away from the books' explanations, perhaps because they can seem so vague and the pieces of the whole picture are so far scattered apart that by the time you find the next puzzle piece, the whole puzzle in your head's been disturbed so you have to start all over with the pieces you can still find in there. Okay, that metaphor got away from me, but I stand by my point, and I might as well get it out there this early.
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jewishraypalmer · 1 year
Got tagged by @agrebel18 to list 8 shows to get to know me and y'all know I never pass up an opportunity to talk about television so (in no particular order except the order that they occur to me lol)
1. Avatar the Last Airbender - yeah yeah easy answer whatever it is the best show on television and I cry about it every day
2. Chuck - ok so unfortunately Zachary Levi can't learn to shut his damn mouth shut and I'm not even going to into the Adam Baldwin of it all but honestly one of the best shows it has something for everyone you like spies? Check. You like romance? Check. You like families both biological and found? Check. You like comedy? Check. Chuck has it all bby and one of my top ships of all time (but also it's from 2007 so you gotta watch it with your mid 2000s glasses on)
3. Legends of Tomorrow - my time travel bbys will live on in my heart forever and Ray Palmer lives in my head rent free for now and for always and I miss him every day
4. Gravity Falls - Alex Hirsch is a genius like need I say more? I've decided to not list the Owl House bc I would be here all damn day listing DTVA shows
5. Switched at Birth - yeah it was a drama on ABC Family but dealt with issues in a really good way and had lots of Deaf rep
6. Lizzie McGuire - I WANT A BRA OK!!!
7. Crazy Ex Girlfriend - No one is doing mental illness like Rachel Bloom honestly thank you for my life and those songs and everything in between if you have not watched crazy ex girlfriend then truly get on IT
8. BoJack Horseman - Ace king Todd Chavez. Depressed tv star horse. Men not getting away with shit. Free churro. Absolute PERFECTION.
So as per usual I feel weird tagging people so just whoever wants to do it can!
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