#ok going back to my valentine’s day hot wings
panb1mbo · 7 months
my dom was was four fingers deep inside me, pressing a vibrating wand to my clit when i started crying from overstimulation. to which he replied “shhh, don’t fight it. just give in. you know this is going to happen anyways.” 🥺
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Busts down your door hello Julie 👁️👁️
Could I request these two prompts because I’m special and I pay your salary in the hole (I don’t)
don’t worry, I’ll be here when you’re awake & sleep, darling. i’ll protect you from the nightmares.
With Dio, p1, 3 or 6 is fine whatever you vibe with and NB is a-ok with me 😘💖✨
Hi Melky! NGL I was really nervous to write this since I've literally never written Dio before but at the same time it was a fun challenge. I hope this is somewhere up to par with what you wanted!
💌 This request was for a Valentine’s Day Fluff event available to member’s of Papersiren’s discord server. Requests are currently closed.
Pairing: Dio (pt 3)/Reader (gn) Warnings: Semi-graphic/gory descriptions of nightmares, Dio being creepy, implied polyamory.
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It’s hot as fuck in Cairo; which, duh, you knew that before coming out here. Though you didn’t truly know it until you took your first steps outside into that dry heat and could literally feel the sun’s UV rays cooking you alive. Needless to say, the second you made it to Dio’s mansion you refused to step outside again. Discovering the mansion’s limited air conditioning made you so close to turning around and going back home before even unpacking, but just like everyone else here you’ve been drawn like a moth to a flame by Dio’s charisma. Despite how that heat can singe your wings at any moment, you choose to stay. 
Well, that, and being one of the handful of people allowed the privilege to share his bed also helped in the decision. Being the one that is called on the most might have influenced you as well. Just a little bit. 
It’s another borderline unbearable night in the unfamiliar Egyptian heat, triggering a spike in your anxiety which has caused you to toss and turn in bed next to Dio. Your nightmares tonight range from being chased by shadows to startlingly vivid and bloody snapshots of your teeth falling out one by one. Awareness comes and goes in between them all, until you roll across bed enough to land face first into Dio’s bare chest. 
Realizing what you’ve done wakes you fast enough that the surge of adrenaline dizzies you, becoming worse when you see him just silently staring at you. Lying on his side and propping his head up with a hand the vampire gazes at you, green eyes studying you intently as you try to appear unaffected by his intensity. 
“You’re quite the active dreamer, aren’t you?” He quips in that velvet smooth voice, free hand coming to gently stroke his knuckles across your cheek. 
As spontaneous as you’ve been about following Dio, you’re not stupid. You know when you’re being put under a microscope, and the soft smirk on his lips while he continues to look down on you makes something irksome yet pleasant pool and simmer in your guts. 
“I suppose so.” You say casually and stretch your arms above your head, watching him as he watches you. Impulsively you ask, “What about you? Do vampires dream?” 
A series of emotions flit over Dio’s face before settling back into the bored smugness that he prefers to hide behind. He chuckles, the hint of sharp fangs peeking out from between his full lips when he replies, “My dear, I don’t have to sleep.”
How specifically worded that answer was is not lost on you, but you have enough self preservation not to push the topic. Playing it cool is the safer option, though you can’t help wondering why Dio would want to avoid rest if he’s still capable of doing so. 
“Lucky you. Ugh, the things I would do for a good night’s sleep right now...” You say through a yawn but the bitterness in your tone can still easily be heard. It only causes Dio’s smirk to grow wider, his hand sliding along the slight dip of your naked waist up to the meat of your hip. 
“Then sleep, darling. I’ll protect you from the nightmares.” He coos in that borderline condescending lit you’ve come to find comfort in. You’re pulled in closer to the solid wall of muscles that are his body and on instinct you scoot yourself into him, your back to his chest with a tired sigh. Sleep creeps up fast thanks to the weight of his arm around you and his voice rumbling in your ear. “Don’t worry, I’ll be here when you’re awake.” 
While cynical about his flowery words you do in fact sleep soundly through the rest of the night, naturally waking on your own mid-morning to surprisingly find Dio still wrapped up in you. His lips rest against the back of your neck, and once fully awake you feel the ghost of a smile take shape across your skin. 
You roll over to give Dio a proper morning greeting before the smug ‘I told you so’ that hangs in the air can be spoken by him out loud. He merely grasps your chin to coax your mouth open so he can take things further than you’d originally intended, but you’re more than happy to let your wings flutter amongst the flames for just a little while longer.
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maastrash · 3 years
Person A and Person B are friends and neither of them have a date for Valentine’s Day, so they decide to order takeout of some kind and watch a movie together. At some point, hidden feelings are revealed. umm elorcan, obvi, because i am nothing if not predictable 🤪
isa... babe... i swear i actually did start writing this around Valentine's day... but... i am CLEARLY a mess.... please accept my VERY late elorcan present 😳
Valentine's Day Confessions
a/n: surprise i am alive ;)
Elide cursed as she grabbed the steaming hot popcorn bag from the microwave. The decadent buttery scent filled her cozy apartment as she poured it into her favorite mixing bowl. She was about to pour in the m&m’s when she remembered who exactly was joining her tonight - Lorcan. And her friend was not a fan of chocolate. If you asked her, the man simply had no taste.
It was Valentine’s Day and the pair had decided to have a singles awareness celebration. Since their entire friend group was filled with couples they were each other’s only source of company on this dreaded day. Truthfully, Elide despised Valentine’s day. Seeing countless couple posts on Instagram and stupid lovey-dovey shit everywhere only made her more bitter. She hadn’t had a boyfriend in a long time - too long. If she was being honest, she had always thought Lorcan would make a move on her one day. Though at this point, it had been years of banter and flirting with absolutely nothing else, so she had pretty much lost all hope. She would just have to accept that she would forever be in the friend zone, but of course, that was easier said than done.
She settled into the couch with her favorite stuffed animal when the doorbell rang. Lorcan, she assumed.
“It’s open,” she called.
“Elide, I could have been a killer,” Lorcan chastised as he took off his leather jacket and shoes at the front.”
“What killer rings the doorbell?” she shot back.
“Ok fair point,” he said, quickly settling down next to her.
“What do you wanna watch?” she asked, turning to Netflix.
Lorcan shrugged, “Your house your rules El.”
“Lorcan,” she grumbled. “You know I’m too indecisive for this.”
He had the audacity to laugh at her misery, “I know, but it’s funny watching you struggle.”
“I already know no romance movies. I’ve already seen enough lovey Snapchat stories to last a lifetime.”
“Agreed. Did you see all the shit Rowan and Aelin have been posting?” Lorcan asked with a laugh.
Elide laughed too. “Can’t be worse than Lysandra and Aedion.”
Maybe they were just cynical because they were both single, but at the moment Elide didn’t care. It was fun to joke around with Lorcan.
“Let’s watch an action movie then,” Lorcan suggested.
“John wick?” Elide asked, already clicking play.
Lorcan smiled, “Sounds like a plan.”
The movie had barely begun before Lorcan was shifting his massive frame to lay down, placing his head on Elide’s lap.
"Lorcan," she groaned. “You’re heavy as fuck.”
He mockingly gasped, “I’ll have you know I’m on a diet Elide Lochan.”
“It’s your absurd height, stupid,” she whacked him, but he was laughing the whole time.
“You’re warm,” Lorcan whined, sounding much like the five-year-olds that Elide taught every day.
“I have blankets right over there,” she said, gesturing to the basket overflowing with various throws.
Lorcan only stretched his legs out and adjusted himself on her lap. “If you don’t get up I’m gonna sit over there,” she said motioning to the new armchair she recently bought.
“When did you get that?” he asked, finally speaking.
“A few days ago because you literally take up the whole couch when we hang out.” She actually got it for decoration, but bantering with Lorcan was entertaining.
“You’re dramatic Lochan.”
“I’m dramatic?” Elide asked, as she stood. “I’ll show you dramatic.”
She walked to the armchair and plopped down crossing her arms and legs.
She was about to add another dramatic remark, but before she could she felt the chair give way. Suddenly, she was on the floor.
“Ouch,” she mumbled, once she registered the pain she felt on her ass.
“Elide, are you okay?” Lorcan asked, making his way over.
“Yeah I’m fine,” she muttered. “But I am never buying Ikea furniture again.”
In all honesty, it was probably her faulty building skills, but she was not going to admit that at the moment.
She tried to stand but pain shot up her ankle. She had landed on it weirdly, due to her dramatic crossed leg position.
“Wait for me Lochan,” Lorcan said as he carefully picked her up bridal style from the ruins of what once was her armchair.
“I could’ve walked,” she said softly against his chest.
That made Lorcan chuckle. “You were barely standing, El. You would have hobbled at best,” he said gently, placing her on the couch. "Let me get some ice. Your ankle already looks pretty swollen."
“I think it's just aggravated. Old wound,” she tried to say it with a smile, but it probably looked more like a grimace.
Lorcan’s eyes softened in understanding. “Ice won’t hurt though.”
Elide nodded and Lorcan took to the kitchen freezer in search of ice. He returned moments later with a bag of frozen peas wrapped haphazardly in a paper towel. He helped situate her ankle on a pillow so it was elevated and gingerly placed the bag on top.
“Shit that’s cold,” Elide couldn’t help but hiss.
Lorcan laughed softly and Elide smiled. Lorcan’s laugh was one of her favorite sounds. It was rare to see him smile and laugh openly when they were with their other friends, but when it was just them she saw it more often. She liked to think that it was because he was comfortable enough with her to show the real Lorcan.
“That’s the point, Lochan.”
“Get us some drinks, Salveterre,” she chuckled. “There is no better medicine than alcohol.”
“Whatever you say, boss,”
“I have a bottle of wine on the top shelf,” Elide called when she heard Lorcan rustling around.
“Got it,” Lorcan said, returning with a cup of wine. A cup.
“I was too lazy to find the glass,” he said in response to the look she gave him.
Elide stuck her tongue out at him before accepting the cup. “Let’s drink every time Keanu Reeves shoots someone,” she suggested.
“Elide, I think you would throw up if we did that.”
Elide rolled her eyes, “I’m not as much of a lightweight as I was in college, Lorcan.”
He raised a brow at her statement. “We’ll see about that."
As he expected, it had barely been 20 minutes, and Elide was already a giggling mess.
It only took 10 more for her head to fall on Lorcan’s shoulder.
And after another 10 minutes, Elide was onto the honesty.
She had hung out with Lorcan one on one many times, but nothing as intimate as a movie night on Valentine’s day where they were practically cuddling.
“Ok Salveterre truth or dare,” Elide slurred, turning to look at him.
“Elide the movie isn’t over yet,” he said pointing to the screen.
Elide gave him a look and paused the movie, “I’m too drunk to pay attention, plus we’ve watched this movie like five times,”
“Fine,” He laughed, giving in, “I say dare.”
“I dare you,” she said, poking him in the chest, “To kiss me.”
Lorcan almost spit out his wine. “Elide, you are way too drunk to be saying things like that.”
“I’m serious,” she said, setting her wine cup down for emphasis.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day I met you, but you clearly only want to be friends.”
“Elide -”
“I know I’m not your type,” she said, her eyes dropping to the floor. “It’s fine, we can forget about this and blame it on the alcohol. It doesn’t have to be weird between us.”
She felt his hands on her chin, tilting it so they made eye contact.
“I’ve wanted to kiss you since the day I met you too. Elide Lochan, you are smart, kind, and pretty much out of my league in every single way. ”
She felt her cheeks flush at his admission. “Please just kiss me already, Salvettere.”
Without another word, his lips were on hers. Soft and sweet, a perfect first kiss, but she wanted more. She kissed him harder and opened her mouth. He took the hint, his tongue sweeping into her mouth. He pulled her closer, her heart was beating wildly against his.
Elide shifted so she was straddling his lap. She grinded against him and let herself get lost in the way he felt. The way he made her feel.
Lorcan shifted slightly as if he was going to lay her down. It would have been perfect, but Elide’s ankle turned too quick and she grimaced, breaking the kiss for a moment, but that’s all it took for Lorcan to pull back.
“Shit. Sorry, Lochan. I forgot about your ankle.”
“No I’m fine,” she panted breathlessly, trying to pull him back in.
“Maybe we should stop for tonight,” he said, brushing the hair from her eyes.
Elide grumbled, “stupid cock blocking ankle.”
Lorcan laughed again. “I can get you set up in your bed before I head out.”
Elide couldn’t help the pout, “Stay please?” she asked, wrapping her arms around his chest.
He smiled softly. “Anything for you, El.”
They readjusted on the couch so they were facing each other, this time cautious of Elide’s ankle. Lorcan pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and Elide tucked herself closer to his side. It wasn’t long before both of them became drowsy thanks to the alcohol and their heartfelt confessions.
And as Elide began drifting off to sleep in Lorcan’s arms, she knew this is how she wanted to spend every night for the rest of her life.
Tags:   @illyriangarbage // @court-of-fuck-me-daddy // @girlnovels // @julesherondalex // @ifangirlninja // @dreamerforever-5 // @queen-of-wings-and-fire // @rhysanoodle // @jemma-nessian-and-elriel // @books-and-words-addict-blog  // @nightinshadow // @wolffrising // @the-regal-warrior // @dreamingofalba // @abillionlittlepieces // @alitzeldiaz // @kylizzles // @queenmaas // @illyrian-bookworm // @aspillofstars // @b00kworm // @tswaney17 // @girl-who-reads-the-books // @theshadowsinger-and-thefawn // // @perseusannabeth // @sweetlyvillainous // @awesomelena555 // @notyournymphetish // @ladywitchling // @aesthetics-11 // @sjmships // @iammissstark // @illyrianwitchling13 // @moondancer-204 // @sjm-things // @foolsinlovex // @sayosdreams // @welcometothespeaknowworldtour  // @stardelia // @julemmaes // @thewayshedreamed // @texas-shaped-waffle-maker // @keshavomit // @superspiritfestival // @wannawriteyouabook // @verryberriess // @courtofjurdan // @bookstantrash // @sannelovesreading // @ahappyhistorianreader // @cass-nes // @my-fan-side // @junsuichow // @sleeping-and-books // @yumna402 // @lordof-bloodshed // @emcarstairs578 // @gisellefigue08 // @maybekindasortaace // @starborn-faerie-queen // @empire-of-wildfire // @loveofbooksandwine // @sanakapoor // @silentquartz // @a-omgnaomithings-love // @aimee1602 // @jlinez // @creamcheesechicken // @steamedlattes // @sahsahprova // @elriel4life // 
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chibsytelford · 4 years
Bullet For My Valentine
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requested by - @adela-topaz-caelon  - Hiya, can I get a Chibs x Female reader fic, where they both like each other, but never gotten together for varying reasons. She's the younger sister of Opie, but a ferocious addition to the sons, despite her bubbly demeanour, and one day she takes a bullet meant for Chibs and that leads to a fluffy confession. Is that okay?
warnings - gunshot wound, swearing, blood.
The gunfire outside woke you up from a dream you were having about a certain Scotsman. At first you thought it was part of your dream, but the shouting outside was unmistakeable and too close to home to be in your head. You threw on the closest things to you which was a pair of joggers and a black hoodie and you lifted your gun from the night stand, tucking it in the waistband.
You were Opie's little sister which meant you were automatically a part of the Sons. They took you in under their wings when you left home and wound up at Teller Morrow, and that was 3 years ago now, and you wouldn't change it for the world. They didn't let you have a gun straight away, but when you showed them that you could easily handle yourself, they immediately knew you would be a great addition. You didn't go on runs with them, or have your own bike, but you did get a say in decisions they made, a dorm and a friendship with each and every one of the guys, so you could hardly complain.
Creeping towards the clubhouse you made sure to check around the corners and doorways. Years of you playing Call of Duty came into practice in times like this, although it hardly compared to the real life shooting happening around you at the moment. You rounded the corner and dived behind the bar, peeking up slightly to see if you could see any of the men.
You spotted Jax and your brother just outside the doors so you leaped over the bar and ran over to them, ducking behind one of the many cars in the parking lot. “Who the fuck are they?” you asked out loud, not aiming your question at anyone in particular.
“People that clearly don't know who the fuck we are” Jax answered with a slight smirk on his face, standing up and shooting a few bullets in front of him.
You looked to your right and saw Chibs hiding behind one of the bikes with barely any cover. “Oi, Scotty, get your arse over here!” you shouted, using your nickname for him. Chibs looked at you and gave you a slight nod of the head before running towards the three of you. Just as he was about to get behind the car, you saw that one of the men from the charter shooting at you had managed to sneak up behind you all. His gun was aimed at Chibs and before you could think about what you were doing, you jumped in front of the Scotsman taking the bullet meant for him. As you lay there looking up at the sky, you heard a few more shots before there was total silence.
“Fuck love, what did ye dae that for?” Chibs asked discarding his gun beside him and putting his hands on your shoulder to try and stop the blood that was coming from it.
“I just woke up today and thought fuck it, I wanna get shot” you laughed but immediately regretted it as the pain hurt more when you did.
“Don't move, you'll make it worse” Chibs instructed as he ripped a bit of his vest off and tied it around your shoulder. He then picked you up bridal style and led you into the clubhouse, placing you down on one of the tables and walking away to find a first aid kit.
Happy handed you a bottle of whisky from behind the bar and you took a few big gulps, welcoming the burning sensation in your throat for a second instead of your shoulder. Chibs came back and opened the first aid kit, placing it between your legs. The movement had you shuddering and he didn't even touch you. “I've got it” he said to the men and they all took the hint and gave you some space.
“Yer a lucky lass” Chibs said, untying the makeshift sling and throwing it behind him. He then got some scissors form the first aid kit and cut your t-shirt, exposing your bra strap. Chibs looked at you and you nodded, knowing he was asking if it was ok for him to cut your bra strap too. He then gently washed the wound with hot water and dabbed it with some cotton wool. Chibs lifted your hand and placed it on his own shoulder. “Feel free to squeeze me to help ease the pain” he instructed you. Chibs finished cleaning the wound and he ripped open a square bandage and placed it over the bullet hole before putting a bit of tape on it so it stuck to you. “There, all done” he said admiring his work.
“Thanks Scotty” you said, not moving your hand from his shoulder.
“It's the least a can dae, ye did take a bullet fur me after all” he answered, packing away the scissors and the tape. “Why did ye jump in front of me anyway?” he questioned catching you off guard.
You shrugged. “I didn't want to see you get hurt” you whispered, taking your hand of him and picking at a crack in the table.
“Y/N” Chibs spoke, “Hey, look at me” he gently lifted your chin with his fingers and you looked into his eyes. They were full of admiration. “That's the kindest thing anyone has ever done fur me”.
“I wouldn't have done it for just anyone Filip” you admitted. The look in his eyes made you continue “this wasn't the way I wanted to tell you, but I love you, I have loved you for a while now, and when I saw that bullet I didn't even think, I just knew that I couldn't bear to see you in any pain so I took it for you”. You finished your sentence and let out a deep breath. Still staring at Chibs you couldn't gauge his reaction.
Just then Opie walked over to the two of you. “My sister is a badass, right?” he remarked, aiming his statement at Chibs.
“That she is brother, but I suggest ye walk away because I'm about to kiss her” Chibs said not waiting to see if Opie took his warning or not. He placed his arms around your waist and pulled you closer to him so you were now sitting on the edge of the table with Chibs standing between your legs. His lips were on yours immediately and frankly it had been a long time coming.
After a few seconds you pulled away, leaning your forehead against his. “I've been waiting for you to kiss me like that for months now” you admitted to him.
“Would ye believe me if I said I've been waiting to kiss ye like that for months?” He chuckled, placing both hands on either side of your face. “I just wasn't sure the feelings were reciprocated, but for the record, I'm in love with you too” he admitted with a huge smile on his face. You put your hands on his cheeks and ran your fingers up and down his scars.
“It's just a shame I had to get shot for you to admit you loved me” you teased him.
@rebelwrites @everyhowlmarksthedead @yourwonkywriter @mrsmarvelous1995 @mayans-sauce @filipthescot @encounterthepast @meteora-fc @frightfulnite @shelliechen @little-diable @starrynite7114 @lauraashley93 @peaches007 @queenbeered @i-love-scott-mccall @agirllovespancakes @lovebishoplosamiguelgalindo @rocketqueen @destynelseclipsa @gemini0410​ @sheeshgivemeabreak​ @blessedboo​ @sadeyesgf​ @jadesamhart​ @talicat713​ @anangelwhodidntfall​ @multiyfandomgirl40​ @withmyteeth
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builder051 · 4 years
I vote 1 for your valentines prompt!
Powers/No Powers Bucky v Depression fic where Steve has no clue what to do for Valentine’s Day
TW-minor mention of weight loss during depressive episode
Steve sits at the kitchen table, letting the condensation from his glass of orange juice soak into his palm.  He stares across the room at the wall calendar, each day carefully ticked off until today.  The 14th.  Of February.  The calendar helpfully notes that it’s Valentines Day in tiny italicized script in the corner of the date box, though Steve’s already quite familiar with the holiday and its implications.
There’s a sound like the fluttering of a bird’s wing, and Steve cocks his ear toward the ceiling.  He holds his breath, waiting to see if he hears it again.  Or if he hears anything at all.  Bucky hasn’t been downstairs in over 36 hours, so it’s about time for him to throw the quilt to the floor and emerge from the bedroom, even if it’s just for coffee and TV.  Or coffee and back to bed.
Steve hears soft footsteps next, and his heart jumps into his throat.  He’s not usually nervous to see Bucky, but today... today is different.  Today he’s supposed to have bought chocolates or roses or new underwear or a pair of steaks and candles.  His mind flicks through each choice, and he feels more lost with each one.  Because Bucky would hate each one, and that would make Steve the enemy for presenting it, yet Bucky would try to hide his distaste behind a quavering smile and a nauseous gulp.  Then he’d probably excuse himself to go puke, then tell Steve he wanted some time alone.
Steve shakes himself when he sees Bucky’s feet on the stairwell.  He quickly rises to start the coffeemaker.  
“Morning,” he calls, probably too early for their interaction to properly start.
“Hmph.”  Bucky has on Steve’s jacket over his own pajamas.  It looks oversized on him; too long in the waist per usual, but now too deep in the chest and shoulders as well.  The chocolates or the steaks would be a good idea of Bucky would take them, but Steve knows he won’t.  Whole milk coffee creamer is about the best he can do, and most days Bucky’s too tired to even stir that into his brew.
“Coffee?” Steve asks.
Bucky nods and takes a seat at the table, yawning and covering his mouth with a sleeve swathed in his sleeve.
Steve begins to ransack the cabinet for a mug, looking for something appropriate to the occasion.  Surely they have something romantic.  With hearts?  With something inspirational written on it?
Settling for ‘world’s greatest Dad’ he accidentally liberated from Clint’s one morning when Laura sent him out the door with a literal steaming mug of tea, Steve swaps the carafe for the mug and lets it fill directly from the drip.  Once it’s mostly full, he sets it in front of Bucky, then turns to retrieve the cream and sugar.
When he turns around, though, Bucky’s already sipping shakily.
“Ooh, I bet that’s hot,” Steve says.  He deposits the cream and sugar on the table and re-takes his seat, realizing too late he’s forgotten a spoon.
Bucky shrugs.  “’s fine.”
“It should say ‘world’s greatest Buck,’ you know.”
“Your cup.”  Steve points.
Bucky holds the mug at arm’s length.  “Oh.”
“It’s, um.”  Steve pauses.  “I don’t know if you’ve been keeping track of the date...”
Bucky grunts.  Steve can’t tell if it’s an affirmative or not.  He isn’t sure if his sentence was a statement or a question, either, or what the proper answer would be.
“But it’s a special day.  And I just want to say... I love you?”  That part definitely wasn’t meant to come out as a question.
Bucky looks at him blankly for a moment, then quietly says, “Love you, too.”
Steve smiles, unsure why he feels so relieved.  
“D’you want coffee?” Bucky suddenly says, pushing back his chair and getting to his feet.
“Uh, sure, yeah,” Steve replies, slightly taken aback.  “Thanks.”
Bucky shuffles over to the coffeemaker and takes an inordinately long time getting a mug from the cabinet, then pouring the hot liquid.  His hand trembles as he sets it down, but he manages to maintain his grip.
“It’s for you,” Bucky says unnecessarily, nudging a knuckle at the bold ‘SHIELD’ emblazoned on the front of the mug.  “But it’s supposed to say ‘Steve.’”
“Ah.”  Steve nods.  “Ok.”
“My Steve.”  Bucky cracks a small smile.
Steve reaches out and hooks one arm around Bucky’s waist, pulling him into a gentle hug.  “Thanks, Buck,” he whispers.  “I love you.” 
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jasons-exposedspine · 4 years
Prompt list
hey guys so my best friend and i made a long ass prompt list. the rules are that you can only pick a limit of five prompts and send them to me with a ship and OC of mine. like for example Reagan and Negan or Clem and Cas or Destiel or Willow and sam or Laylahni and Dean. i only write for supernatural and the walking dead. so get as creative as you want but i know no one will read this post so if you are reading this please send in a request i am really fucking desperate.
1: Hand holding
2: Hair playing
3: Lap sitting
4: “Friends”
5: Tickling
6: Dancing
7: Cuddling
8: Hugging
9: Character death 
10: Resurrection
11: Date
12: Valentines Day
13: Admitting their feelings
14: Piggy back ride
15: Swimming
16: Teleporting to a different place
17: Carrying the other
18: Sad
19: Comforting them
20: Making out
21: Pulling down by tie, bandana, etc and kissing them
22: Being protective
23: Dying for the other; sacrifice
24: Getting drunk
25: Snuggling
26: Wrapping their arms around the other from behind
27: Cheek kissing
28: Forehead kissing
29: First experience in the love department
30: Yelling at them for not being more careful
31: Showering/bathing together
32: Picnic
33: Cooking
34: Licking food off the other
35: Going on a hunt/run together.
36: Tracing their face
37: Wearing the other’s clothes
38: Braiding their hair
39: Teaching them about feelings
40: Teaching them other things (wink wink)
41: Argument
42: Comforting them after an anxiety/panic attack
43: making them happy when they are down
44: Calming them/sleeping with them after a nightmare
45: Putting their head on the other’s shoulder
46: Treating an injury/kissing their boo boos better
47: Food fight
48: Forehead touching
49: Nose touching
50: Guess who
51: Chin resting on top of head
52: Sleeping on the others’ chest
53: Intense eye contact
54: Being caught staring
55: Playing with their hands
56: Telling them what’s wrong
57: They have to leave to keep them safe
58: Break up
59: Getting back together
60: Pregnancy
61: Miscarriage
62: Normal Birth
63: Marriage
64: Fixing their clothes/hair
65: Driving together in a car
66: In the backseat (wink wink)
67: Snuggling In the backseat
68: Resting their hand on the other’s thigh
69: Sex
70: Watching movies together
71: Cinema
72: Height Difference
73: Annoying each other
74: Stargazing
75. Waking up to them
76. Shelter from the rain
77: ice cream
78: being rescued/saved
79: listening to music together
80: texting
81: falling asleep on the other
82: accidentally kiss
83: being badass together
84: lOsT iN tHe wOoDs!!
85: camping
86: spooning
87: huddling for warmth
88: first kiss
89: first meet
90: one looking schmexy and the other being attracted
91: lip biting
92: wearing the other’s accessories; glasses, jacket, tie, hat, etc.
93: annoying them at work/while they are trying to work
94: making stupid videos together
95: keeping their relationship a secret from other people
96: nearly revealing their relationship in front of other people
97: coming out (if it’s gay)
98: playing with a pet (if they have one). (if they don’t, some other animal)
99: They are forced to be enemies even though they love each other. This could be in a war or sided scenario. Usually a forbidden love. They could also be together in secret. Take Romeo and Juliet for example.
100: corona edition - quarantining together
101: luxurious holiday
102: stuck somewhere together, whether that be locked in a room or lost somewhere, etc.
103: beach
104: watching the other sleep/sneak up on them sleeping
105: backstory
106: childhood friends
107: au
108: crossover
109: SIMPing over them
110: love triangle
111: third wheel
112: having a dream about the other person
113: unbuttoning the other person’s shirt/taking the other person’s clothes off
114: hotel
115: board games/video games
116: chucking paint at each other
117: cheating
118: being annoying and stopping the other person from walking by sitting on their feet and holding onto their legs
119: secret admirer/love letters
120: making hearts with their hands
121: taking selfies
122: singing/playing a song for them
123: Falling asleep on them on a bus, train, plane, etc.
124: Growing old together
125: Widowed
126: Arranged marriage
127: Forbidden love
128: Sitting over the other’s dead body
129: being walked in on doing you know what
130: family’s reaction to the relationship
131: Living together
132: Having a family
133: Senpai/notice me senpai!
134: crush
135: showing off for their crush
136: rejection
137: first date (awkward)
138: first date (normal)
139: painting on each other (for a date night)
140: flirting
141: cringey pickup line
142: Pinning them against a wall
143: sneaking in bed with them when they’re asleep
144: laughing really hard together
145: Under the other’s wings
146: underwater kissing
147: accidentally fall on each other
148: only one bed
149: kissing their neck
150: being awkward around their crush
151: Rich couple
152: Playing in the rain
153: Summer
154: Autumn
155: Winter
156: Spring
157: Walk in the park
158: walking them home
159: Other people/characters also shipping them
160: The cute neighbour
161: putting their hand under the other person’s shirt
162: telling them a story/bedtime story. (If they have a child, that makes it even better!)
163: needy
164: clingy
165: intimate
166: touchy/fondling
167: putting their leg on the other person’s leg when sleeping
168: accidentally falling off the edge of the bed/accidentally pushing the other person off the edge of the bed
167: blanket hogging
168: freezing when they see their crush
169: running away/fleeing when they see their crush
170: surprising/scaring them
171: snow
172: watching fireworks
173: comforting them during a storm
174: divorce
175: homosexual (gay, lesbian, etc.)
176: heterosexual (straight)
177: poly (3+ people)
178: one of them getting an award or something and the other cheering them on and embarrassing them
179: somehow ending up with someone who is way out of their league
180: travelling together
181: weekend of romance
182: act like they hate them but they actually like them, switch between emotions frequently (tsundere)
183: will kill or harm others for their senpai (yandere)
184: ignoring the other person
185: one not messaging the other back
186: pash
187: enemies to lovers
188: friends to lovers
189: watching the other undress
190: soulmates
191: phone call
192: prom/dance
193: highschool
194: riding on bikes (usually as kids)
195: proposal
196: teasing the other
197: watching the sunset/sunrise
198: morning jog/walk
199: waking up but they’re not there
200: waking up to the other one making breakfast
201: sneaking into their house in the middle of the night
202: partners in crime
203: ex lovers
204: crushing on friend’s sibling
205: letting them stay the night
206: accidentally in love
207: coffee shop au
208: when their parents aren’t home...
209: sitting next to them with their arm around the their waist
210: telling secrets
211: fireplace
212: sitting on the floor
213: study buddies
214: flying
215: sitting on the porch
216: see the other naked for the first time
217: double date
218: their crush is upper class but they are lower class or vice versa. eg. rich vs poor, popular vs unpopular, higher social status vs lower social status.
219: One is mature and the other is childish
220: 2 brain cells/both idiots
221: lipstick stains
222: helping the other up
223: Deep conversation
224: meet at a bar/club/pub
225: asking them out
226: being teased by their friend(s) about their crush
227: telling their friend(s) about their crush
228: mistletoe
229: virgin/losing virginity
230: screaming into their chest
231: hand brushing against the other’s
232: soulmates walking past each other in public not yet knowing the other person but still getting some sort of gut feeling.
233: asking if they’re ok
234: handsome stranger
235: a description of the character’s features
236: their scent lingering
237: arriving at their doorstep
238: sleeping on the couch
239: hot night
240: cold night
241: sweaty
242: missing the other person
243: seeing them depart/saying their goodbyes (usually if they’re leaving for a trip for a while)
244: seeing them again for the first time (usually after they arrive back after a trip after not seeing them for a while)
245: looking back after departing
246: not even knowing their name/don’t remember them properly (usually falling in love with a stranger)
247: I kissed a girl (gay)
248: I kissed a boy (gay)
249: the person they like isn’t gay
250: husband energy
251: mum and dad energy
252: wife energy
253: liking a bad boy
254: liking a more mature boy
255: diving off cliffs/waterfalls
256: Comforting the other one when they’re scared
257: hushing them to sleep
258: singing them a lullaby
259: adopting
260: surrogate
261: painting their nails, pamper treatment, etc.
262: posing for photos
263: eating spaghetti together (Lady and the Tramp style)
264: being protective when someone starts SIMPing over their lover
265: holding them tight
266: swears they saw their ex in public but it wasn’t them...
267: sleepover
268: flirtatious bartender
269: helping them
270: stumbling over their words
271: walking in on them showering
272: looking them up and down/checking them out
273: being competitive/friendly rivals dynamic
274: meeting them through social media first
275: tinder/online dating
276: daydreaming about the other person
277: one of them is sick/in hospital
278: doing something embarrassing in front of their crush
279: horseback riding
280: hammock
281: boat
282: taking them to and showing them a place that is special to them
283: dirty jokes
284: making them laugh
285: getting into a fight with each other
286: protecting the other in a fight/from getting into a fight
287: masquerade ball
288: love spell/something or someone casting love spells on people aka Cupid
289: he/she loves me, he/she loves me not...
290: whispering in their ear
291: sitting on top of the car in a field
292: if a character wears some sort of mask/something that covers their mouth/face make the other character pull down/lift it up to kiss them
293: give each other pet names (baby, babe, honey, etc) (be as creative as you want)
294: biting the other’s lip when kissing
295: buying the other flowers/a gift
296: road trip
297: friendzoning
298: Gender Bend
299: saying “I love you” for the first time
300: toxic relationship (physical abuse, mental abuse, cheating constantly, don't love them anymore) be as creative as you want.
@negan-morningstar @savedpeople @you-a-southpaw-doll @smcc212 @gabrielislovegabrielislife @galaxycastiel @winchester-reload @impala-dreamer
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emperorzsmile · 4 years
SiriNoel Fanfiction;; Sick
((hdbvhd this is my first fan fiction I’m posting on here so please bear with me!!))
summary: Sirius is sick and Noel wants to make him feel better!!
Being sick is honestly an irritating thing for many. You cant smell, constantly having a headache, feel like your going to pass out, tired absoulutely all day, angered very easily than before, it's terrible!
Well, sadly the one and only Sirius Gibson, is dealing with that currently. He's sick. The already short tempered male, is sick.
The purple headed male has currently locked himself in his Lover, Noel Levine's room. Even though he was told to isolate himself into his own room, he proceeded to refuse the order. Sirius isn't the type of person to instantly obey an order, especially when the order is to be away from his significant other.
So, Sirius is in Noel's comfortable blue bed, snuggling close to the star and moon pillows they bought each other for Valentines day. Sirius craved attention, considering Noel has been away from his significant for 2 hours.
Why is the blonde away from his significant? He's trying to made soup.
. .
"Noel, turn the stove OFF please!" Claire and Ashe begged, attempting to pry Noel from burning the kitchen.
"I-It is! I swear! I turned it off!" Noel panicked, grabbing the hot bowl of soup and bringing it to the counter, hissing at the instant burn touching his palms in a mere second.
"Noel! Are you okay? Are you hurt?" Ashe hurries over to Noel, looking closely at Noel's burned palms. "Yes I'm alright! The bowl was meerely too hot, I'm ok!" Noel spoke through hisses of pain, holding his hands to his chest as they trembled softly.
"Whew, thank the stars! I'll finish up the soup, Miss Claire, can you tend to Noel's wounds?" Ashe asks, putting on kitchen mittens and grabbed the bowl of soup, taking over and finishing up the rest for Noel.
Despite his absolute terrible cooking, Noel did a very well job with the soup, and actually not burning the kitchen down! Ashe was impressed.
"His wounds aren't terrible, just mere burns, they'll heal up in no time!" Claire spoke, wrapping Noel's palms with bandages, before getting up to clean up the small mess in the kitchen. Ashe nodded, and looked at Noel’s slightly worried face, frowning abit.
"Noel, I know very well your worried for Sirius, but he'll be okay! You haven't slept or taken a rest ever since he became sick, let us do the rest.." Ashe begged, grabbing a rectangulaur plate and but the bowl of soup, a small cup of honey tea, and napkins on the plate, putting it on the kitchen table and softly puttng a hand on Noel's shoulder, worried for the blonde.
"I will be alright, honest, Ashe. I do apprciate your concerns, but I must make sure Sirius is alright." Noel said in his soft voice, before getting up and grabbing the plate and excusing himself upstairs to his room.
"Siruis? Starlight? I'm coming in." Noel spoke outside the door, skillfully opening the door without dropping Sirius' meal. When he locked eyes with his purple haired lover, his eager smile saddened when noticing how pale Sirius looks.
"Oh stars, Darling, look at you..." Noel spoke softly, closing the door and walking over to the bed, puttng the food on the beside table and holding Sirius' face in his hands, looking at his now visible freckles that splattered all over Sirius' face. "You, your so pale, are you cold? Hot? Did the cold get worse?" Noel frantically asked, earning a weak cough and chuckle.
"Silly, I'm-" Sirius cuts himself off with a cough, frightening Noel. "Ah ah, I'm perfecly okay, it was just a cough." Sirius quickly reassured his worried significant, earning a pout. "Are you s-sure..?" Noel asked, holding his lover's hand and intertwining their fingers. "Oh, yes of course, dear. Please try not worry so much about this, it's just a mere cold." Sirius reassured once more. Noel sighed softly and nodded his head.
"Alright, if you say so, Sirius." Noel spoke, relieved that Sirius was alright. "However, your warmth would make me feel much better, Levine." Sirius whispered, drinking the rest of the tea and sipping the soup, humming at the warmth hitting his top lip, his eyes closing.
"The soup is, decent. But delicious. I assume you made it, hm?" Sirius smiled, opening a eye to see Noel's bright red face, clearly flustered at the compliment given.
"Y-yes, I did..! I am f-flattered you like it!" Noe spat out, rubbing his hand through his hair, he then cleared his throat. "A-anyways, if you would like for me to hold you, I'd advice finish as much as you can, but do not rush please!”
"I have to finish this, all of it, so I can cuddle my significant? Absolutely unfair, Levine!" Sirius spoke, clearly unhappy with the order given.
"Alright, alright.." Sirius sighed, sipping more of the soup slowly so he doesn't cough any of it up. A few minutes of silence, Sirius finshed the soup and put the bowl on the bedside table besides him, looking at Noel.
"I'm done. Come here." Sirius requested, scooting over so Noel can get in the covers with him. The blonde haired boy sighs softly at his boyfriend's sassiness and walked over, getting into the covers, and putting Sirius's head on his chest, making sure both of them are very much comfortable.
"Therree we go.~ Hello, Starlight." Noel smiled, gently grabbing Sirius' chin so he can look at him. Sirius' face brightened and his freckles popped up. "H-hello, Levine.." He muttered, getting closer to the blonde haired boy’s lips, looking at them for a small second and kissed them softly, the taller male kissing back almost instantly, the sweet kiss being nothing but love and passion.
"Did you miss me that much? You could have just used the ring, I would have came." Noel smiled, holding his hand up to show the light yellow moon ring upon his right ring finger.
These rings are not just for show. They are rings that can signifiethe other that they are in need for attenion/love/comfort, etc. With the tap of it, shall signify the other that their lover craves you. Like a mood ring of a sort.
"No, I did not want to bother you over mere craveness of your touch, besides, your not leaving this bed no time soon. Henceforth I can hear your heart and feel your warmth for a very long while-" Sirius says befire cutting himself off once agan with anothe cough, this one more painful than the one before.
"O-oh no, Sirius! S-s-shh shh, breathe.." Noel panicked, patting the back of the purple haired male, Sirius’ coughing turning into small hiccups, and then regular breathing, as his pale hand gripped Noel's shirt.
“There you go, Sirius. Shh..” Noel hummed, petting Sirius’ hair and rubbing his back in small circles, in a attempt to relax the other from his coughing fit. “Feeling a little better..?” Noel asked, earning a nod and warm hands caressing his face. “Yes. Now, can I please take a nap with you, My Love..?” Sirius asked quietly.
“Now what type of significant would I be if I simply disagreed? Of course you may, dear.” Noel spoke in a whisper, humming a soft recognizable song to ease the other. “....This song..it’s familiar..” Sirius mumbled, his eyes being droppy, giving him a hard time to open them. Noel noticed this and kissed Sirius’ half closed eye, earning a small smile.
“It’s So This Is Love, from your favorite book and movie, Cinderella. Last I recall, you love this one because it reminds you of you and me, hm?” Noel answered, rubbing Sirius’ back in circles, making small patterns. “Ah, yes, yes I do remember it! Of course it reminds me of us!” Sirius spoke in a proud voice, seeming as though he felt very proud that Cinderella is his favorite movie and book.
“Hmmm, yes yes my Dear. Now rest, you’ve done a great job today, and I am absolutely so proud of you. You need your rest, do not worry I am right here.” Levine whispered, giving Sirius a chill up his back, but he obeyed very much after, drifting off to a dreamless sleep.
Noel was at ease, hearing the soft breathing from the smaller, although he was not tired, he decided it doesn’t hurt to nap for awhile. Before he did, Levine gently kissed Sirius’ head many many times, before singing softly:
“My heart has wings, mmm
And I can fly
I'll touch every star in the sky
So this is the miracle
That I've been dreaming of
Mmm, mmm
So this is love...”
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nocturnical · 4 years
feb reading continued
I’m going to be meticulously documenting my reading of Metal Angel in the name of romance & sappy shit for Valentine’s Day.
chapter one — welcome to the jungle
Chapter one opens with the introduction of a man who is assuredly going to be a bandmate of our dorky, divine Dr. Doolittle.  Bob McCardle is best called “Texas” because Bob is vanilla af & so is Texas but at least it takes a second longer to say & forget.
He’s run away from West Virginia & his wife & kids, & that’s cool cause his wife has a solid job at the “air-conditioning factory.” I’m sure she’s heartbroken because this man cannot be replaced. He writes to her saying:
“Truth is I got the shits of everything and had to get out awhile or bust.”
A poet after my own heart. & friends you are free to turn to violence if I start saying ‘I got the shits of x’ because I can’t say I won’t.
Much of the next page is engaged in justifying his sometime-in-life crisis (not too sure on age with this one). & hey, I get it, I’m a bit of a rolling stone myself & ain’t this the truth:
“...But wished sometimes he was a kid again, gunning for trouble all the time. Looked at the stars and wondered about things. Hated to think of growing fat or old.”
But  you know you can be free to be an individual & not just take off in the middle of the night & dump your responsibilities on unwilling others right? Like I guess that’s not something that crosses the mind of a person who wonders about things but I’m not a fan of Tex here.
& in the next paragraph we hear that his relationship is this stagnant, passionless thing that happened because they had an oops baby as teenagers. Sir, you have the agency to just drop everything & run but don’t have the agency to just say ‘hey we both deserve better than this’ & like get on with your lives?
On the next page he’s rude to a sex worker & thinks shitty things about her eyebrows & the only thing that is legit in that interaction is him answering “I don’t know” to her question as to what he’s looking for.
Then Volos enters the scene & this man who had nasty things to say about the last person he interacted with instantly recognizes that indeed Volos had manifested a fine penis:
“The guy looked like a show biz hopeful, very young, very well hung, very pretty in the face.”
Tumblr media
So he holds himself back from asking him about his dick somehow, but because he used to be a cop or some shit he watches him because he’s sure he’s headed for a fight walking around that neighborhood in wings.
Lo & behold three “homeboys” appear in an alley & start hurling f-slurs at the angel.
& Volos is a comeback king:
“‘You are strange people. You do fucking with men you do not like?’“
We experience the scuffle in Texas’ head & he continues to refer to the attackers as street punks and homeboys like the yikesy ‘90s boomer he is & eventually he steps in, but not until he gets the feeling that they’re going to execute the angel with the nice dick.
& the fight is boring tbf, but it ends with Texas realizing that the angel’s wings — which had appeared pearly pink before are now brick red.
After he addresses Volos & gets weird vibes of course. Dude talks about tasting himself & it being hot, & then asks if he’s going to die from superficial wounds.
Once he realizes that the angel is technically homeless he takes him in ofc.
OK, but why does he call ‘cowboy hats’ ‘western hats’? Is this an east coast or WV thing?
Now his wings are blue and bleeding & oh god he’s not just a freak in a weird costume, which is likely a striking revelation for this character who has booked it on his own life because he wondered about things.
Ok, the author aced this though:
“... Figure out what sort of hallucinogen he had been breathing in along with the yellow, oily-smelling LA air.”
Honestly, that was my experience in LA.
Okay, and the romance thread drifts in at the end of the chapter when Volos, confused about wtf sleep even is (I’ve been human for 35 years & I’m still stumped so fair enough), describes to Texas a voice in his head:
“A young woman far to the east, a silent woman, I can hear her. A shrouded woman. She is thinking, or dreaming, and sending me the dreams.”
Ok, well this character is dazed from a fight & non-human trying to deal with the human world so I should leave it there. But the editor in me wants to point out the sentence fragment as a perfectly fine part of the dialog I really wish was punctuated differently.
TLDR: Fights are metal, strangers noticing your dick through your pants is metal, so we’re still metal. \m/
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Day 4 (13th of February) - Broentines day @buddietinesweek
Den and a Moving
It was valentine's day or as others liked to call it singles awareness day. Buck was glad it lined up with game night he had with Christopher and Eddie.
"So mister hot dad didn't snag a date tonight. I could've watched Christopher you know," Buck suggested as they pulled up after their shift.
"I wasn't looking for one. What about you mister single stud?" Eddie teased.
Did this count as flirting?
"Same reason. Besides I wouldn't want to miss a chance at seeing Christopher." Or you. Buck shrugged.
"Buck. Daddy!" Christopher opened the door at the sound of his dad's truck.
"Mijo. Don't open the door without an adult nearby.You know you’re not supposed to," Eddie kissed him before buck picked him up for a hug then set him down.
Abuela was using a cane today.
"Isabel que te pasa? Did I say that right?" Buck asked.
"Si. My knees been hurting but I'm ok. I'm going to the doctor tomorrow. Thanks for your concern gran Ángel. I'm gonna go chicos." She smiled before kissing each of their cheeks. "Que lindo." She muttered to Eddie looking back at Buck with Christopher as he walked her to her car.
Buck followed Christopher to the couch to color so Eddie could get first shower out of courtesy. It was his house and he was his best friend.
Eddie kept hearing those words as he came back inside. They repeated randomly as he got out of the shower. Buck really was an angel. He smiled.
"Buck. It's your turn. Get cleaned up man. Sorry mijo." Eddie said coming back freshly changed.
"It's okay dad. You can help me decide what color the rocket will be since Buck's gonna be busy."
Buck grabbed his bag and went.
With both of them clean and some chicken wings on the way at Christopher's insistence because he had pizza at school they took out a card game.
Buck was teaming up with Christopher to beat Eddie who looked ready to curse despite his strong control while around Christopher.
"Maybe we should go easy on him?" Buck asked.
"Hmm. Nah." Christopher said but they did hold back a lot more anyways.
Once the wings were in they put away the games for a movie about cats.
"Is this that Cat movie people have been talking about?" Buck asked.
"No" Eddie said.
"Yes." Christopher said.
"It's the only cat movie that matters. Right mijo?" Eddie said.
"Yep. You're gonna love aristocats buck."
Buck thought it was really cute. A mom cat with her babies going on an adventure after being reverse catnapped. It was weird but in a cartoon way that made sense though.
"Buck I made you and daddy valentine's day cards." Christopher said. "They're in my backpack. I gotta go get them." He got up and did that.
"Can I come. I wanna see it. It's gotta be cool. You made it."
"Yeah!" Christopher moved along.
Eddie cleared their plates. It was a good night.
He didn't need that ridiculous speed dating thing Pepa said to try. He knew it was going to be two and a half years already but he couldn't see himself doing that now. Would Eddie ever feel ready for something like that.
Game night with the boys was great just the three of them. A Palentine’s or whatever Hen had said earlier. 
"Here you go daddy."
"Eddie did you know there are color pencils that can write multiple colors like a rainbow dude?" Buck asked showing his card.
It looked like an angel was carrying Buck or he was one. Ha.
"He got one from another student. It's neat huh?" Eddie said.
"Tony got two from the teacher for being good and gave me one." Christopher said as he handed Eddie his.
"I'm holding a plate?" Eddie asked.
"It's a shield daddy. You're a knight." Christopher corrected him with a giggle.
"Oh. That's awesome Mijo."
"Speaking of valentine's day. I got you two something." Buck moved to his bag.
He pulled out three white chocolate oreo bars.
"Yes!" Christopher cheered.
Eddie huffed out a laugh. "Only a few bites and you're not forgetting to brush before bed in a little bit mister."
Christopher took his opened one and took a bite.
Buck handed Eddie his.
"You're helping read him a bedtime story to put him to sleep." Eddie said.
"Of course man. Wouldn't have it any other way. Hey Christopher wanna see something cool maddie taught me."
Buck moved over to break off pieces of his before stacking them to make a chocolate bar house.
Eddie rolled his eyes.
"You're not usually supposed to play with your food buck but I'll let it slide this time Christopher."
Eddie moved to sit next to them and added a sorta chimney.
Christopher shouted. "Look it's chimney" earning a laugh from both of them.
Buck snapped a photo to send him later asking how he got into Eddie’s place.
Yeah. Tonight with the Diaz boys was amazing. Best broentine's day.
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altissiavibritannia · 5 years
Lovegame: First Date And A Surprise?!
A/N: I’m doing a fanfic this time due to not enough sleep from last night. I don’t own Code Geass and such. I just own Altissia Nyx Casablanca. 
It was a cloudy and gloomy day, Feburary 4th, 2017. Everything wasn’t cheerful, everyone felt nothing but boredom and gloom. Some even slept and didn’t feel like doing anything. The boy sighed as he stared out the window, just thinking. Thinking of what to do with his special someone. The Valentine’s Day Dance was coming up and yet he didn’t know if that special someone wanted to go or not.
Turning his head to look at his special someone. Her white and black hair drooped over her eyes as she slept at her desk. She flapped her black, turquoise, silver and royal purple wings. Trying to get the loose feathers and dust off of them. Students that showed up today ducked when she did this, yet they still don’t mind it. Once her wings folded some of the feathers got swept upwind and around the classroom.
They let her alone because they were also bored, tired, etc. Soon the bell rang, ending the day. The teacher had homework ready for them once it rang. Scoffing as he knew that he had it in the bag, even without studying. Most popular school boy, enemy of Britannia, and he chose her over everyone. He could still remember the first time they’ve met. Princess Altissia Nyx Casablanca falling from the sky with a shot wound in her left shoulder and wing.
Her emerald green and violet orbs filled with fright, yet ends up shocked that she landed on top of someone. Turned out to be love at first sight. Power of a King and Shapeshifter’s Disguise was just the perfect combination. Two Geass users, both with different contractors, the ultimate team. Now they were boyfriend and girlfriend. Shirley was rather upset about this, but in the end she started to support them.
 A exiled prince of Britannia and a fighting ex-Empress of the Arabian Nations trying to change the world for the better. Britannia promised her people that she’ll be their Empress again once she became of age. Well she’s become of age and yet they lied. He’ll do anything to help her have her rights and home back. He chuckled of how much of a birdbrain she can be at times, it was adorable. 
Walking over to his empress to hug her from behind. Her Q cup bust was definitely on the heavy side. Some people swear up and down that they’re fake for once they’re real breasts. Once he got no response from her, he then leaned forward to whisper in her ear. His breath felt hot and sticky against her mocha latte skin.
“Altissia school’s over...wanna go out on our first date?” he asked smoothly.
Eyes fluttered open at once, well eye due to her hair hiding her green orb. A smirk rode of her plump heart shaped lips. Her freckles were very visible as her face reddened. Grasping his hands from under her breasts, made him jump. Oh yeah that woke up his future wife. He had everything planned with her and only her. He didn’t mind having kids and the rest of his plans fall into ruin.
“Why of course Lui, where to?” she asked ever so sweetly.
“It’s a surprise Nightingale. Just come with me, but with your eyes closed ok?” Lelouch explained.
The sleepy girl nodded as she yawned before re-closing her eyes. Taking her hands into his as he helped her to her feet. Walking from the school, pass their secret hideout for the Black Knights and Falcon Spies. They end up inside of the Gawain. Lelouch knew that she couldn’t help out with controls, so he transferred everything into his control, so they don’t crash.
After miles of flying and constantly checking for enemies or spies following them. It was too dark and gloomy to fight, thank goodness. The Gawain landed silently on the sand, under the trees. Helping out his girlfriend to be on the ground safely. She didn’t know what was going on, she went back to sleep when they entered the Gawain, furrowing a brow as he put her down. Was she sick?
“Nightingale time to wake up, we’re here.” he said in a singsong tone.
No answer.
“Hey, Altissia are you ok?! Speak to me my Empress!” he shouted in alarm.
Placing his head onto her bosom to see if she was still alive. She was but with a little surprise. T-Thathump, t-thathump, t-thathump. What was he hearing? Was this her heartbeat or was it someone else’s? Even worse it was both. Laughter could be heard from Altissia. Grabbing one of his hands as she placed it onto his stomach. She surprised him more than he surprised her. She was pregnant with his child or children.
Blushing redder than the spot of Jupiter, putting it to shame as he yanked his hand away. Pacing back and forth as he had no idea what was happening. Altissia looked worried as she wanted him to be happy and not like a worried Suzkau. They had alone time for quite sometime now. They kissed for good luck and to stay in one peace during their battles against Britannia. They even slept together, since the academy had so many rooms to live in, so they shared his room. Yet alone this is their first date after all.
“How is this even possible?! I could’ve sworn that I used a condom! Unless somebody did this as a prank and yet didn’t know the aftermath afterward!” Lelouch panicked. 
“We’ll be fine as long as we do this together. I didn’t expect this either...I was aiming for the perfect time to tell you whenever we were alone. We did this for a good while, so why quit now? They are yours after all Lelouch.” she said.
That snapped his being in two! They?! So she’s pregnant with twins. How long was she even pregnant?! He started to pace back and forth again, thinking to himself. Calculating what went wrong. He didn’t expect this outcome on their very first date together. He wanted to have fun, yet was unsure if they would have fun even now that she’s preggers. Tears start to slide down his pale cheeks as he then glomped his girlfriend.
“In that case marry me! I don’t want to ever abandon you or our children. We can have as many as you’d like Nightingale!” Lelouch choked while crying with tears of joy.
“Thanks Lui, and of course I’ll say yes to your proposal. But it’s a bit too soon to even be engaged. Let’s just have fun for the rest of our first date then. Besides I believe you’ll make a great father.” Altissia chuckled as she rubs his back.
She couldn’t pet his head due to his face in her cleavage. Wrapping her wings around him, to keep him warm from the new cold blast of wind. So much for a fun date, they were spotted by Suzaku inside of the Lancelot. The Gawain was well hidden, so he couldn’t see it. He only spotted the two lovebirds. Once he landed, he held out the hand of the Lancelot. Hopping on as they didn’t want to be found out for being Zero and Maleficent. 
Once they were back in safety of the academy, Suzaku got out. Looking up as the lightning flashed before the thunder. They figured out why he was searching for them. They were to expect the worse during the night. Lelouch blushed again as he didn’t think that through. Suzaku chuckled too as he then joins them inside. He had noway to get back home due to how nasty the weather recently got within 10 seconds flat.
“So...how’d he take the news?” Suzaku asked.
“Quite swimmingly, you were right he freaked out and then turned into such a crybaby. I guess I owe ya 20k yen.” Altissia chuckled as she rubbed her stomach.
Lelouch was now dumbfounded, they knew this was going to happen?! “W-What?! You knew this all along and made a bet on my reaction?!” he shouted in disbelief.
“Well yeah, we planned it this morning. What else were we going to do on this very boring, gloomy, and now stormy day? Dude lighten up will ya? We wanted a bit of fun of our own.” Suzaku explained.
“Besides we can still play Twister~! Since our first date at the beach went downhill, at least we can play games and have fun Lui.” Altissia said in a singsong tone.
His spirits went back up as he then laughed. He’s been outsmarted by his own girlfriend for a change. She knew this would happen and wanted to see what he might think. He was going to be a father and nodded to himself. That was the perfect timing to tell him what was going on. He then joined them to play Twister. He guessed that some dates don’t end up the way one plans. He’s happy that Suzaku and Altissia are starting to get along. It was like the old times but not with Nunnally.
He was still upset that she was now the new Viceroy of Japan. Rolo joined in on the fun. They had to pretend their memories didn’t come back once more. It was tiring for sure. He wondered what the twins might look like once they were born, yet to his surprise he had lost a chess match while doing so. After playing a lot of games during their first date/slumber party. Everyone went to bed. Lelouch kissed Altissia and then her stomach before hopping in bed next to her. Today went all over the place and yet it felt nice for a change.  
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hey-hey-chan · 7 years
Just Friends PT.3 - Changbin
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This is the finale so however this ends, that’s it mothafxxkers. let’s go 
Pt. 2  
Read these first, this will continue from pt.2 
I stared the boy who had tears strained in his eyes. I felt my own trickle slowly onto his expensive rug. 
“I’m sorry, but, I just can’t.” 
After I said those words, I ran out of his house, praying that my legs wouldn’t fail me now.
“Y/N!” I heard him yell, but I was too caught up on adrenaline to stop. I already made my choice. I felt the cold air whip past me, slowing me down, but I couldn’t stop. 
I finally hear his footsteps stop, getting the hint I wanted to be left alone. 
I reached my house after what felt like forever and hit the ground once I shut my door. I felt sobs take over my frail body; I held my face to my hands, feeling as nothing in my world was going right.
My best friend and I weren’t ever going to be the same ever again and I lost my chance with a great guy because I couldn’t let go of the first boy. 
I choked out a fit of laughter, in disbelief at the scenario. 
“Why can’t life be easy? Why couldn’t I have just fallen for Hyunjin?” I asked myself. I carried myself to bed, praying my parents didn’t hear me and fell asleep to my gentle sobs and pounding headache.
Two weeks. 
That’s how long Changbin and I didn’t speak to each other. We awkwardly avoided each other in school, we made sure not to make eye contact. I went through a different path to my classes to clearly avoid him. 
It was terrible. 
“Ugh, what’s up with you and Changbin? I thought I told you to confess not act like he has the plague.” 
I brushed past the younger boy to get to my locker and rolled my eyes. 
“Shut up.” I mumbled, careful to not let Changbin hear. Hyunjin scoffed, leaning against my locker like a typical pretty boy in a drama. 
“No seriously though, like what happened. Why is this so hush hush when the entire student class knows there’s something wrong?” I scoffed at the exaggeration. “No seriously, I’m like 10/10 even the teachers know.” 
I pulled my text book out and walked past the boy. 
“Hyunjin, it’s just over now. Whatever ‘it’ was.” I replied curtly. He sighed.
“Hey, I was the boy who let you go, don’t I get to know?” He smirked at me. I glared at me.
“You mean the boy who let me go and then latched onto another girl a couple days later? Ex: Kim Yeri, aka a girl who is a grade older than you.” He stopped me and bent to my level, holding his finger up to his lips.
“Ok, here’s what you are going to do: Shut up.” I laughed and tossed him out of the way. 
As we were laughing, Hyunjin playfully pushed me and I knocked into someone. 
“Oops, sorry I-” I looked up to see who I hit. 
Seo Changbin, just my luck. 
“It’s fine, um, yeah.” 
I felt like the whole world stopped around me as I stared into the boy’s eyes.
Did he miss me as much as I missed him?
The bell rang, snapping me out of my thoughts. I felt Hyunjin tug on my hand, pulling me towards him. 
I saw Changbin walk in the other direction, no emotion clear on his face.
“Welp, that was awkward.” The boy’s voice snapped me out of my confusion and I hit him on the shoulder.
“Yeah, and it was your fault.” He gasped. 
“What? I take no blame in that. Maybe if you had better balance, or if you could see the future, or if aliens blasted to space before you would hit him, you could’ve avoided that situation. Or, hmmm, you could also just make up up with him and kiss him and-” I slapped his mouth shut and pushed him out of my face.
“Idiot.” I mumbled, trying hard not to think of what it would be like to kiss my best friend of 18 years. 
“So, Valentine’s Day is soon.” 
I looked away from my laptop to glare at the boy. We were currently in my room, as the school was finally giving us a break from work. 
“Yeah, and?” I hinted at him to shut up. He smiled, his eye smile not doing anything for my butterflies. 
“Just saying, my dude, no need to get angry.” I crossed my legs and glared at him. 
“Yeah right you loser, you gonna confess to Yeri?” I teased. His face turned red at the girl’s name.
“Hey, this conversation was obviously not about me.” I held my hands up to my ears like a child.
“I don’t want to hear anymore of that. It’s embarrassing.” I muttered, feeling emotions tug on my throat.
I felt stupid for making the mood fall, but I couldn’t help myself. I feel like I’ve been in a funk ever since Changbin and I officially stopped talking.
“I’m so dumb. I should’ve just became friends with him when I had the chance. Now we never will be able to.” I felt a tear slip from my eyes, feeling pain wing itself around my heart. 
I felt Hyunjin jump onto the bed with me and wrap an arm around me. 
“I’m sorry, y/n. He’s an asshole.” I shook my head. 
“Just promise you’ll confess to Yeri before you get friendzoned like a little bitch.” His chest vibrated with laughter.
“You are not a little bitch. But yes, if it makes you feel better.” 
And I laid in Hyunjin’s embrace until I fell asleep, dreaming I was Changbin’s instead.
Valentine’s Day rolled around the corner. To be completly honest, I didn’t care much for the holiday. I wouldn’t even have known it was Valentine’s Day if Hyunjin didn’t remind me. 
I strolled into the hallways that were decorated with pink and red heart streamers. I saw a girl run up to a boy and shove a box of chocolates into his hands and run away. 
I visibly cringed.
“What? You don’t like all of this love?” I sighed. 
“I mean, I don’t...” I trailed off when I glanced at the boy. My eyes widened in shock. 
“No!!” I yelled, bursting out into laughter. He was wearing a nice button down shirt and black jeans that obviously made him look super hot, but it was just funny. 
“Ha ha, very funny, at least someone’s getting loving today.” I rolled my eyes and frowned.
“Oops? Low blow?” I shook my head despite the pain. 
“Whatever, she might not even say yes, you freak.” 
I turned the corner and bumped into a sight that I almost didn’t believe I was seeing. 
“Um, Chaeyoung, w-would you go out with me after school today?” Everyone anticipated her answer, staring intensely at the two girls in the hallway. 
Chaeyoung smiled at the younger girl and nodded.
“Of course.”
The crowd cheered for the new couple and I still stood, jaw dropped at the sight. 
“That’s just-”
“Crazy, isn’t it?” I jumped back at the voice and turned around.
I was facing a smiling Changbin. 
“I, ummm.. I.” He laughed, making my heart do those familiar flip flops. 
“It’s fine, I knew before everyone else did.” I nodded, not knowing what to say. 
Changbin was wearing a plain white t shirt with a denim jacket on top, my favorite outfit on him.
“Oh, uh, that’s great, yeah.” I already felt myself becoming more and more awkward, if that was even possible.
“The relationship never felt right, and she told me when we broke up. I mean, I couldn’t be too upset about that, right? And I mean, I think I lost something more special that night.” 
My heart pounded at his words, making my insides shaky and my hands tingle. 
I think I lost something more special that night. 
I could just grab him and press my lips against his, but I couldn’t do that. Because that’s crazy. 
He gave me a soft smile and took a step back.
“See you later?” 
He left at that, making me stuck in the hallway with an embarrassingly wide jaw open. 
“Well, I can smell love in the air, and for the first time, it’s yours.” I kicked Hyunjin in the shins and turned away my blushing face. 
After school was the worst, there were at least 20 new “couples” and even more confessions. 
“I did it.” I jumped in fright at the voice. “Oops, sorry.” Hyunjin said sheepishly. I rolled my eyes at him. 
“What did you do?” I tightened my backpack straps, anticipating his answer.
“I confessed. To Yeri.” My eyes almost popped out of their sockets at his words. 
“WHAT?! HOW DID IT GO!? TELL ME EVERYTHING!” I yelled at him in the hallways. He clamped my mouth down and looked around.
“Oh my God, chill out. She said yes, we’re going out after school today.” I felt my heart bubble out of joy for my new friend. 
“I’m so happy for you, Hyunjin, really.” My eyes softened at the boy, as I knew he had been through heartbreak a couple weeks ago. He patted my head.
“Don’t worry, y/n, you still have a tiny sliver of my heart.” 
I laughed, pushing him away from me. 
“Now leave, peasant, I need to go to my queen.” I gasped at his words and playfully glared at him.
“If any other time, I would’ve gotten mad at you, but I’m happy for you, so leave before I punch you in the face.”
He ran off, giggling like a little boy. 
“Thanks y/n, you’re the best! I’ll tell you all about it later!” 
And then I was stuck, alone, in the hallways surrounded by giggling girls and boys at their love confessions and crying at their rejections.
I carefully made my way out of the crowd and opened the school doors to leave. 
I ignored the chill running down my arms as I walked through the winter air to walk home alone.
And for once in my life, I cared about being alone on Valentine’s day. 
I curled up with a good book and hot chocolate instead, hoping to soothe my loneliness with food and book boyfriends. 
“Honey, are you going out tonight?” I shook my head at my mom. 
“Nope, are you?” She nodded. 
“Yup, so you’re home alone. Take care?” I nodded, somewhat glad I was alone tonight. 
“Of course, have fun.” She smiled and shut my door gently. 
Wow, everyone has a date tonight except for me, great. 
I shoved a piece of chocolate into my mouth, trying to ease my pain. 
I sunk deeper into my bed, feeling more and more relaxed while reading.
This is the life. 
*ding dong* I heard. I furrowed my brows together.
Who could be here at this time? Is Hyunjin already done with his date? 
I heard it ring again, making me irritated. 
“I’ll come back to you Prince Maxon, don’t worry.” I shut my book and rolled out of bed. Still in my fuzzy pajamas, I opened the door to greet Hyunjin.
“Hyunjin, what are you-”
I opened the door all the way and almost gasped out loud. Though, I’m sure my shock was visible.
“Um, hey, uh.” God, I’m acting like we’ve never spoken before. 
“Yeah, um, is Hyunjin coming over tonight? I didn’t think-” I shook my head. 
“No, uh, he’s out with Yeri.” Changbin laughed. 
“Yeri? Isn’t she a year older than him?” I laughed.
“I mean, so was I.” I noted. He nodded, stuffing his hands in his pockets. 
He was wearing the same outfit from earlier like he knew it made him look 10x hotter. 
We stood awkwardly in the doorway until I braced myself to ask him a question I knew I would regret. 
“Why are you here, Changbin?” I whispered. 
He didn’t answer for a while, leaving us to listen to the “caws” of the birds flying by and the “woosh” of the winter wind. I crossed my arms, feeling goosebumps trickle up my arm. 
“I just, I-” He sighed. “Can I come in?” 
I hesitated for a moment, then I nodded.
“Ok.” For the first time in 2 weeks, Changbin was in my house again. 
“Wow, still looks the same.” He stated while shutting the door. “Where’s your-”
“Changbin, my parents are gone ok? Just tell me whatever you need to.” I felt heart speed up, making me feel anxious. 
He gulped and sighed.
“Ok, fine. I came here because I just.” He stopped speaking and before I was about to yell at him, he pulled out something from behind his back. 
I peered down at the object, and burst out laughing. I laughed so hard, I almost cried from the pent up sadness in my body and from the actual laughing. 
He laughed along with me, and soon our fight was almost forgotten.
“Well, it is Valentine’s day. But you’re not one of those basic girls who wants roses and chocolates, so I got you this instead.” I rolled my eyes.
“Yes, how did you know the way to my heart was through fried chicken?” I took the bucket and set it on the table, still blushing at his antics. 
Of course he would do something like this, he knew everything about me. 
Knows. He knows everything about me. 
He smiled, biting his lip out of anxiety. 
“Y/n.” He stated abruptly. I looked into his eyes, feeling them draw me closer and closer to him.
“Remember when I told you that I was confused at how I felt about you?” 
I felt my heart thump against my chest. 
“Yeah.” I managed to whisper out. He took a step closer to me, closing almost all the distance between us. 
“Changbin-” I choked out. 
“I’m not confused anymore. I just needed to tell you that.” His words made my heart swell and confusion ran through my body. 
“What does that mean now?” I asked, my voice surprisingly smile. He smiled right next to my face, taking another step towards me. 
My heart quickened with each step. 
“It means that I like you, actually, more than like, I love you.”
I almost felt like this was a dream; I’ve always dreamed of the time when this would happen, when he would say these words to me. 
And the time was finally here. 
He took one final step closer to me, which left no space for me to move.
“Can I?” He whispered, his breath hitting my cheeks. 
I could barely process his words, but I nodded quickly. 
He slowly came closer to me and then, I felt his lips press against mine. I snapped out of my trance to kiss him back, millions of emotions feeling me up. He grabbed my waist and deepened the kiss. 
I felt years of love and emotion spill out between us as the kiss was desperate, yet soft and tender. 
He pulled away with a glaze over his eyes and I knew I was blushing. 
“Wow.” He said breathlessly. “I’m pretty sure you taste better than the chicken.” I shoved him away at those words, covering my face with my hands.
“That’s just not even cute.” I lied, still laughing. His eyes turned serious, though he was still smiling. 
He pressed his forehead against mine, which felt more intimate than a kiss.
“How could I ever think we would be just friends?” 
Y’all are so lucky I was listening to I’m in Love by Narsha XD
But thank you everyone who has supported me and read this fic! I love you guys! :D
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jinships-ideas · 7 years
BTS Run 40 - The Jin Harem
Happy (Lunar) New Year! 
(I posted this on Valentine’s / Single Awareness Day though...)
My prediction: This post won’t be that long since I didn’t notice too many harem moments. Let’s see if I’m wrong like always :D
Let’s Get It~
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We start off this lunar new year with Yoonjin reaching for their face at the same time
A study on mirroring: it’s been noted that mirroring occurs when A is looking at B and is subconsciously influenced by their actions.
A study on mirroring: it’s also been said that mirroring tends to occur when A is interested in B
A & B = Yoonjin
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I wonder who’s got Jinnie’s eyes on them?
Whoever that is, they are a lucky man
Ft. Tiny looking JK
Ft. Magical Boy Chim looking huge in comparison to Jk and Jin
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Jk CLEARLY looking at Jinnie as he does the old spread and hug
He wants those worldwide shoulders and he wants it bad
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I believe I can fly~  I believe I can touch those shoulders I think about him every night and day Spread my wings and touch away~
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I spy with my pretty eyes, a fineass looking man
How about 3?
Jin’s habit of being more interested in knowing someone else’s team is once again present in this episode.
ft. Tol Jin and Smol Yoongs
Tae looks like a giant though
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Seems like yoongs is interested to know which Team Jinnie is in~
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Yoongs and Tae collectively reaching out for Jinnie!!!
Our Worldwide handsome-him is so desirable
Jk: *pines from the back* That should be me *channels inner Justin Bieber Sunbae-nim Joonie: Bitch, HANDS OFF Chim: These Punks can’t go around touching what’s mine like that! Hobi: NUH UH. FILTHY HANDS AWAY FROM HIM ASSHOLES Tae: Let me just cop a feel of that chest  Yoongs: Ooooh his skin feels so soft!
Our man has got all the men
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Congrats Tae!
Also, Tae just naturally went from the side to the middle, to beside Jin huh?
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Tae whispers something to Jin that is muted in the episode
Please look at how his leg is lifted
Isn’t that what anime girls do when they are love struck?
I mean... anyone would be when beside Jin...
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JK: I’m so done with your shit. Trying to get Jin’s attention by being all excessive. I’m SO DONE. Hobi: I looked so damn cool! Hyung must think that too! Jin: Watch me win this punk in rock-paper-scissors like the RPS God I am
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Hobi reaching out to stroke Jin’s face
(Bless you our sweet sweet sunshine)
Tae reaching out to caress Jin’s arm
Tae: Back off bitch, don’t touch what’s not yours Yoongs: Oh yeah, do your ritual for when you are about to get smacked the fck up JK: How dare they touch MY hyung?! ONLY I CAN TOUCH HIM SO SHAMELESSLY IN FRONT OF ALL THE CAMERAS! NJ: *Save Me Plays in his head* I’m with a bunch of fools. Jin Hyung OBVIOUSLY only wants me Chim: All these losers vying for Jin-hyung when I’VE got his heart. Touch him while you have hands losers.
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Top 10 anime betrayals
JK: Why does this hurt so much...yet feel so hot?
JK falling into the depths of shipping hell that is 2Seok
Welcome Jk, you shall NVR escape the 2Seok world
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JK: Really? In front of my salad? Chim: UNACCEPTABLE! *stomps his feet cutely* Joon: OH YES! FRONT VIEW!!! Hobi: IS HE GoInG TO KISS ME?!! Jin: You have some dirt... what? Why are you all looking at me like that?
Jin WOULD be that guy that leans in super close to you, giving off the ‘action-time’ vibe and whispers: you’ve got some crumbs on your face... can I eat them?
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Tae- the overly clingy boyfriend that Jin Loves to pamper
Also, I’m quite sure Jin only won RPS because Tae whispered to him what to throw out before the game commenced
Teamwork Makes the Dream Work
Taejin makes me feel things
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Yoonjin cuties sitting in the back watching the others
They look like they are Bangtan’s Guardians
They got time-out for being too indecent 
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Jinkook are DEFINITELY the couple that does weird things 
They would also be the couple to start trends
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Ok...I have a confession to make... This pic is NOT the same as the previous one. 
The previous one is edited because they were sitting much further apart and my extra ass when to edit it to make them sit closer
Because this pic here is NOT edited
which means 1 of them moved to sit closer to the other!!!
Yoonjin be here trying my heart
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2 Oldest MY ASS
The way Yoongi sits with his feet pointing inwards makes him look tinier and cuter than he already is!!!
*clutches heart*
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Sha la la la la la My oh my Looks like the boy's too shy Ain't gonna kiss his love  
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The (Magical) Boy settles for a teasing chin stroke instead!
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The Joy on Chim’s face as Jin does his Body Wave
Joonie is also very amused
Jin succeeds in making 2 men fall deeper in love with him
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Chim looking at him like nothing is wrong though...
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So many dirty things I can insert here...
Jin on his knees = A++
I wonder who is the lucky person who gets to enjoy this sight...
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Send this photo to all of your friends who are non-bts fans (difficult to find but I know there are some out there)
offer NO explanation
Ft. Yoonjin mirrors
Ft. Perky Ass Hobi
(I low key think he maintained that position so Jin could see his booty
Ft. Camera Man Tae Tae
(He would do a much much better job than those lackluster award show ones)
Ft. Jk and Joon who are super respectful
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Hobi only did this so he could get up close and personal with Jinnie~
Jk and Joonie looking on in the bg
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Chim’s smile as he calls out for Jin
(Without honorifics, mind you, such a brat but he’s Jin’s brat)
Jinnie looking at Chim like he is the most marvelous thing ever
(He is)
Hobi snapping Pics of Jin AGAIN
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다시 run run run 
Jinnie walks
Jinnie runs
Jinnie falls to the groud
All for Chim
The outfits and poses remind me of Avatar...
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This angle makes it look like Chim is petting Jinnie
Too bad Chim was just adjusting the tape on the floor
No on-screen petting from Jinmin but who knows what goes on behind the scenes?
They aren’t called BTS for nothing
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Chim only has eyes for Jin during this game~
Even as his hat fell, he was still focused on looking at Jin
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DAMN IT PD-nim!!!
The Pd-nim probably wants Jin all to himself
Hobi: Damn he smooth Chim: Me Gusta :D Jin: Admire my beauty Yoongs: Imma ninja my ass there to smack a little bird
(the bird is Chim)
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This looks like an overly dramatic play acted out by Chim and Jin
*flashback to the utter mess that was Gayo track 14*
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Such a dramatic pair they are
Fcking bubs
(I use to do this whenever I said bye to one of my friends like 7 years ago... Jinmin are basically kids)
Yoongi praising Jin though!!!
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Also, Chim causally touching Jin’s sleeve~
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Also, this looks like those kung fu movies where Jin is Chim’s master (teacher... FFS Y'all are dirty)
(It’s ok. I’m dirty too :>)
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Chim: *flirts aggressively* Jin: *being beautiful aggressively* Yoongs: *wants to fight Chim aggressively* Tae: *wants to charge at Jin for a backhug aggressively*
Chim complaining about how Jinnie seems to be getting further away from him...
Double meaning much?
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(Please NVR stop)
Chim really only has eyes for Jinnie~
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Chim imitating Jin’s pose
He really loves his hyung huh?
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Finger hearts from HeartMan Jin for Magical Boy Chim!!!
Seriously... Jinmin’s love is just overflowing
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Hobi & Jk & Joonie:  내가 웃는게 웃는게  아니야 (I’m not really laughing)
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Yoonjin sticking together like glue when there’s plenty of space
Also, magically no height difference?
Could Yoongs be a Magical Boy too?
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Jin’s hand on Yoongs’ shoulder 
*ugly sobs*
Chim also praises Jin’s skills at playing the game after this...
Have they played this before??
How TF does Chim know Jin is very good at Flopping down onto a mattress to create a gust?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Tae: You see this fist? It’s flying right to your face Jin: I have a pretty fist too! Yoongs: Try me bitch Chim: I don’t want to see this. Not in front of my salad
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Tae helping Jin to get the clothes off
I wonder if he helps him a lot
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
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Cutie Tae showing off to Jin that they all got 22
(Note: 22 is kinda a thing for couples in South Korea. Couples have something called a ‘22 Day’ <two-two day> that they celebrate.)
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Jin teasing Joonie for his failed attempt at the game
Namjin is definitely that couple that teases each other a shitton
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NOT Jin Harem related but... WTF was Hobi doing? He touched the red clothes and recoiled at it?
Did he also punch Joonie slightly as he was walking by???
I’m genuinely curious
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The sound that escaped Jin was so fcking cute??
Look at how Tae and Chim were so confused at Jin’s result!
They really thought Jin should have gotten more points!
Jin himself is confused af too 
Jin’s eyes were shaking as they were counting cos he was worried they would lose because of him 
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Emperor Tae demands a bow of apology from Jin
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Taejin kids are play-fighting with sticks and while the others are filming for the episode
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Jin being impressed at Chim’s skill
Ways to win Jinnie’s heart: Be skillful at throwing things into a thin cannister
Jin also immediately cheers for Yoongs after this
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This is Jin has Tae gets the second score consecutively
I sense the birth of a new meme
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He looked like such a brat as he threw the slinkie
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Look at him as he gets nagged by Yoongs
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Cheerleader Yoongs cheering for his Favourite Hyung
Jk joined in the cheer despite Jin being on a different team!!!
(He could also just be scratching his head with the toy...but he said ‘hey hey hey’)
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Yoongs cheering for Jin wholeheartedly
Only to be chided by Jin for distrubing his concentration
(ง •̀_•́)ง
Yoongi just submissively keeps quiet
Blame your own ass if Yoongi NVR chhers for you again Jinne 
(No i’m kidding. I love naggy Jin and how he is the only one Yoongi is submissive to)
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Taejin bubs are high-fiving when their opponent scored 
I guess they are keeping their morale up???
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Tae: *looks cool by succeeding at the game* Jin: *Waay too impressed*
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JK: *looks smug AF for succeeding at the game* Jin: *again, waaay too impressed*
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Tae: *I won’t lose to you punk* *proceeds to do it again and impress Jin once again*
Tae: You have just been served. You are very welcome *bows*
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Jin teasing JK for his failed attempt at looking cool
He looked plenty cool already ok?
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Jin: *fails and tries to get Hobi to use his method (which sucks) so he fails too* Hobi: *falls for it*
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Jimin: *enjoys the beauty and grace that is Kim Seok Jin* Yoongs: Extra points to hyung for beauty! And for existing! Jk: That’s my hyung! He’s MY hyung!! Joon: *Excited like the puppy he is* Tae: *Impressed* Hobi: *I’m standing next to him!!
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Tae manages to get a high-five from Jinnie for succeeding~
Ace of the Jin team: Tae
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Jinkook who has no idea what to write
Ft. a shoe
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They keep becoming more similar as the days pass...
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All members either clapped immediately/responded verbally to Jin’s suggestion of clapping for everyone!
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Jk... don’t just look at Jin when you speak...
I know it;s hard to look away from beauty
But... your bais and love are showing too much!
He actually turns to look at Jin as he says: 
Let’s stay by each other forever from now on 
*Ugly sobs*
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The 3 different stages of being bored
Jin: Slightly bored Yoongs: Bored Tae: Borderline falling asleep
Listen to Chim’s pretty words DAMN IT
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Joonie. GET A HINT
Give the boy some food
That’s what you got to do to win his heart you fool!
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Chim: *smirks* And that, folks, is how I got my boyfriend
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Jk complains about how there’s no dumplings
He’s probably used to the one Jin makes where there is always dumplings
Chim and Tae praising Jin’s cooking, wanting the rest of the world to know only they’ve tried Jin’s cooking
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Aww so clueless Joon DID give his food to Jin
Ah-Hope <아홉> you guys enjoyed~
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Until Next time~
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Masterpost of threads
With @thewanderingsoul (Rey)
Lost and found on Jakku - Rey finds a Force artifact. Qui-Gon feels her from the Force and comes back as a ghost to investigate the disturbance.
Tiny Lost Child - Padawan!AU Rey is 6, Qui-Gon is 26. Their first meeting is fated by the Force. [finished] 
A new Padawan for Qui-Gon: One year after he Knighted Feemor, Qui-Gon is looking for a new Padawan - and of course, he wants Rey.
Teasing a Jedi - Padawan!AU Set two years after Rey was knighted. Sexy times happens. (Qui-Rey)
A dept paid in blood: Mordern au. The Vampire AU nobody asked for but that I desperately needed.
With @mcsterskywclker (Luke)
A new Jedi - Luke explores the temple of Alaris Prime, Qui-Gon appears to guide him.  [ended]
Stranded planetside - Qui-Gon keeps Luke company as he fixes his X-wing  [abandoned]
With @brokenspaceprince  (Kylo Ren)
You’ll never be free from me - Qui-Gon is sent to keep an eye on Kylo Ren. Kylo is thrilled. Can ghosts be murdered?  [ended]
A new Master in an old time - Ben Solo travels back in time, to a Gray Jedi who might show him a different path. 
With @bencannolikenobi (Obi-Wan)
The timeline’s all wrong - When Qui-Gon dies, he rejoins the Force… Only to wake up twelve years later. General Kenobi is shocked to meet his Master anew. (QuiObi)
Hoodie for the feckless - Modern!AU Obi-Wan is out in the cold with only a t-shirt. Qui-Gon offers him his hoodie.  (QuiObi)
To be young again - Obi-Wan is deaged to a toddler. Qui-Gon is defeated by the cute. [ended]
Frip him hard: Shameless smut. Qui-Gon has been away on a long mission and Obi-Wan is thirsty. (QuiObi)
With @beststarpilot (Anakin)
The long path to Knighthood - Anakin is Qui-Gon’s Padawan. As much as he likes his Master, he’s eager to become a Knight.  [ended]
With @nieithryn (Mace Windu)
Flirting with danger - Qui-Gon and Mace space. The battlelust becomes simpler lust. NSFW. (QuiMace)
With @thesarcasmofasoldier (Obi-Wan)
Young and wild - Wereanimals!AU Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan are both from Stewjon, but the first is a lion, the second is a coguar. Qui-Gon is assigned Obi-Wan as his Padawan to teach him to control his animal side. It’s a rocky start.
Valentine confession: On Valentine’s Day, Obi-Wan has the courage to confess his love for his Master. (QuiObi)
With @onlyhopc (Obi-Wan)
It goes on - Qui-Gon doesn’t die on Naboo, and wakes up to face his mistakes and his feelings.
The Fall: On Apsolon, Obi-Wan is too late. Qui-Gon kills Tahl’s murderer in hate, and steps into the Darkness.
With @therapardalis (Thera Pardalis)
King and Lionheart verse:
A Jedi lost in outer space - Qui-Gon finds himself stranded on a Force-forgotten planet in the Outer Rim. Seems like Captain Pardalis is his only way out of there. (October)
Oh no she’s hot: Qui-Gon looks at Thera Pardalis and has naughty thoughts. (November)
Tahl and Micah are too noisy (My drabble, January)
How to fail and the sequel - Qui-Gon is oblivious and he makes a fool out of himself. Things could turn out right for him and Thera in the end, though. NSFW (February)
Why can’t people just shut up already (Panth’s drabble, March)
Movie night - Thera is a damn tease, and she knows it. Shameless NSFW. (March)
A chat between friends - Qui-Gon and Thera talk of attachment and unsolved issues. (April)
Modesty what’s that: Qui-Gon returns exhausted from a mission, and Thera pampers him. (April)
Master of bad choices: Qui-Gon has a fallout with the Council and seeks comfort in Thera’s arms. (May)
Thera deals with the fragility of life (Panth’s drabble, May)
Happy Birthday Thera!: It’s Thera’s birthday, and Qui-Gon gifts her with a lightsaber. (June)
Meeting a star: Their favourite actor, Ha’at Boi, is in trouble, and the Jedi send them to help him. Happy coincidence? (July)
Sparring is showing off: Ha’at asked to see Qui-Gon and Thera spar.
Night at the premiere: Thera and Qui-Gon are invited to the premiere of Ha’at’s movie
A thoughtful gift: Micah gives Qui-Gon glow-in-the-dark condoms. What are Qui-Gon and Thera to do but they them? NSFW
One more dance - After a successful mission on Darla, a ball is announced. Qui-Gon is invited, and he asks Thera to be his plus one. (August)
Vacation on Scarif: exactly what it says on the tin.
Valentine’s day: Qui-Gon is so cheesy. I can’t.
I’m not calling you a liar: one of Qui-Gon’s old lovers appears with a baby, saying that the child is his. Things go south fast.
Thera’s Life Day gift to Qui-Gon
Qui-Gon’s Life Day gift to Thera
Other AUs:
A difficult night - Qui-Gon goes to a bar to drink his heartbreak away. Thera is there to play babysitter and counselor. [finished]
In time of crisis - Thera really tried to be ok with an open relationship, but she hit her limit.
Of lions and men: Gladiator!Au where Quinn is a werelion and Thera came to free the lions from the Colosseum.
Fauns in space: Qui-Gon is a faun with a streak of very bad luck.
With @negotiator-kenobi (Obi-Wan)
In your skin - Soulmate AU where what you write appears on your soulmate’s skin (QuiObi).
Equivalent Exchange - Qui-Gon is dying, but Obi-Wan is given a choice by the Force: be able to heal his Master, but lose him anyway, because Qui-Gon will forget about him. Obi-Wan accepts. (QuiObi)
Adventures in dating - the fake dating AU everyone needs. (QuiObi)
Give me some sugar: Sugar Daddy AU. Qui-Gon feel lonely and Obi-Wan has a little brother to care for.
With @thezabrakassassin (Maul)
Of learning and manipulation - Maul survives Naboo and is brought back to the Temple for interrogation. Qui-Gon wants to learn all he can about the Sith, but there’s always a price.
From ashes of hate: Maul was rescued as a kid and became a Jedi, Qui-Gon fell after Tahl’s death. Sith and Jedi meet, and they’re more alike than they would have expected.
With @theironlyhxpe (Obi-Wan)
Of past and future: Timetravel AU: A Sith artifact unwittingly activated by Obi-Wan and Anakin brings back a 25 years old Qui-Gon. Ansgt and smut happens. (QuiObi)
Unexpected confession: Qui-Gon brings up his feelings for Obi-Wan in an unexpected way. [finished] (QuiObi)
The first touch: Sequel to Unexpected Confession, the first time QUi-Gon and Obi-Wan are intimate.(QuiObi)
Birthday boy: it’s Qui-Gon’s 70th birthday, and Obi-Wan decides to make it a good day.(QuiObi)
With @darksidewalker (Anakin)
First date: It’s Valentine’s day, and Qui-Gon asks Anakin out on a date. (Quikin)
Flowers and weeds: It’s Valentine’s Day, and Anakin gives Qui-Gon a flower. How can he not return the favour by taking him to his greenhouse? (Quikin)
A big start:shameless smut. (Quikin)
With @lcstjedii (Rey)
Maybe too much aggression: (AU) Rey is a youngling at the Temple, but everyone says she’s too reckless, to angry. Qui-Gon sets out to discover why.
With @obiwankeno-bae (Obi-Wan)
to be tagged
With @galaxyofmisguidedstars (Dooku)
Sithly beginnings: Tahl’s death and his thrist for vengeace made Qui-Gon Fall hard. Trying to come to terms with his new identity in the Dark, he seeks out his former Master, in need of council.
With @stillsalvaging (Rey)
An old ghost: Rey reads the ancient Jedi text, looking for anwers - what she gets is a guide.
With @shieldshawk (Clint Barton)
Underground City: Qui-Gon needs a guide to navigate an undeground city. Clint just so happens to need money.
Oh look a shiny: (Marvel AU) Sorcerers don’t interfer with earthy business - unless the dimensions are at risk. Quinn does his duty, but that puts him in SHIELD’s path...
With @partialparseltongue (Harry Potter)
The herbology professor: (Hogwarts AU) Quinn was hired to teach one year at Hogawarts, and gets to know Harry Potter - and look, he’s adopted a new stray.
Haunted greenhouses: Harry Potter died in the summer of his fifth year. Professor St. John finds a ghost in his greenhouse.
With @astrawalk (Thor)
A god far away from home: Thor is catapulted by the Bifrost into a new Galaxy. Qui-Gon always had the bad habit of picking up strays, so...
With @justastarkgenius (Tony Stark)
Magic and iron come together: After IW, Tony Stark has taken to checking in on Stephen Strange. One day he meets Quinn St. John instead.
With @ariadne-inthesky (Ariadne)
A woman not to be trusted - Ariadne is an explorer who specializes in finding lost artifacts. Qui-Gon just so needs an artifact to be found.
A beating heart of stone - AU where Ariadne’s family wants to marry her off. Qui-Gon accepts to marry her to save her from that and oh no look they’re in love now.
With @keeperoftheliars (Asha)
The Mandalorian ways - Death Watch tries the diplomatic route... Except that the Order sent Qui-Gon Jinn, who knows the Mandalorian well. Asha is not going to have an easy time with him.
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A Complete Timeline of Cole Sprouse and Lily Reinhart's Relationship
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Jughead and Betty may be openly in love on Riverdale, but Cole Sprouse and Lili Reinhart are far less forthcoming about their real-life romance. So much so, that some fans suspect the pair may have broken up recently. Despite those rumors, the IRL Riverdale couple seems to sill be going strong and providing us with almost constant #relationshipgoals.
APRIL 29, 2019
Lili just shared a video of her boyfriend, Cole Sprouse, getting a whole lot of attention from another lady. OK, to be fair, the other lady has a lot of fur and while she's a cute pup, she has nothing on Lili.
The Riverdale actress posted a video on her Instagram story that shows Cole getting his faced licked by an adorable dog, Pinky. "She thinks that you're Dylan," said someone in the background. "She does the same thing to Dylan."
In Pinky's defense, ever since Cole dyed his hair back to blonde, he does look A LOT like his twin brother. It was later revealed that Pinky was probably going after some of the barbecue chicken wings that Cole had previously indulged in. Either way, the video is so cute. Pinky is having the time of her life with Cole, and Lili is having the time of her life watching her bf get slobbered on.
MARCH 15, 2019
Cole and Lili like to keep their private life, well, private. So, it isn't often that we hear about things like their dates...until now! That's right, Cole revealed to Glamour the most romantic thing he's ever done for Lili and, unsurprisingly, it's straight out of a movie.
"I took my [Lili] on a date where we drove to this location deep into Canada, and I surprised her with a big hot-air balloon adventure, which was quite a bit of fun," he told Glamour. "I like traveling quite a bit. I like road-tripping. Those grand experiences always end up yielding the greatest memories—and the greatest romances."
OK, um, imagine Lili's face when she saw that hot-air balloon. I'm sure that was the most magical date either of them have ever had. In the interview, Cole also mentioned that he's not a big movie date kind of guy, instead he prefers doing something more personal, like photography. Of course, we already knew that because he takes the most incredible photos of Lili.
MARCH 13, 2019
It didn't take long for Cole and Lili to realize their connection with each other.
"We legitimately could not stay away from one another," Cole revealed to the Los Angeles Times.
Even though the couple has been more public than ever, Cole says that fans shouldn't expect things to change, especially when it comes to things like his relationship with Lili.
"I’ve girded my private life very intentionally," he says. "It’s one of those things that I still sort of grapple with, and Lili and I grapple with."
MARCH 7, 2019
Cole's new movie, Five Feet Apart, is almost here and Lili Reinhart was there to support her beau during the movie premiere. The Riverdale co-stars looked so cute as they posed together on the red carpet and even showed some super rare PDA.
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Dylan was also there to support his brother and the twins seemed to have a good time together!
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FEBRUARY 14, 2019
Love is in the air for Valentine's Day and Cole just posted another amazing photo of Lili for the big holiday!
0 notes
andrewuttaro · 6 years
New Look Sabres: GM 58 - NJD - The Room
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Yea, I guess there still in the race even if it is a distant third. The race for the final wildcard spot has felt… hopeless at times. At some point in that game against the Rangers something snapped in me. You can talk yourself into a lot of things in life: putting off the laundry for too long, being lazy on your car registration until the Cop pulls you over, buying a Brian Gionta jersey that won’t even fit you. I was still able to talk myself into the Sabres making the playoffs before Friday night. I’m not so sure anymore. Sure, as of the posting of this blog Buffalo is a full five points back on first team out Carolina while Philadelphia is now breathing down their necks dead even in points while the Sabres have a game in hand. There is a scenario that could unfold here where the Hurricanes make the playoffs and the Flyers are the first team out. I mean Pittsburgh missing the playoffs would be fun but that’s like ordering a garbage plate and getting just the pasta salad: yeah, this isn’t bad, but the nature of this situation had me believing I would get quite a bit more. Yeah, our expectations were inflated by November but I’m not relitigating that again and I think all reasonable observers were placing the Sabres on the bubble back in September. We’re still on that bubble but who would have thought bubbles hurt so much to sit on? Luckily the Playoff Trash talk is out of the way for the Devils because I really don’t have the heart for that. I turned this game off after the Reinhart goal. Yeah, after it because I felt that hopeless. My dad messaged me because we have our cute little Sabres chat with my brother and he, perhaps for not knowing hockey so well (he’s more of a football guy), thought a one goal deficit wasn’t too much to overcome. He messaged me that in the third period and shortly thereafter admitted himself it was time to turn the game off. Get someone in your life who knows when to turn it off.
So, I know last game I said I wasn’t going to do the goal for goal recap and ended up doing it. I mean it for real this time: I just don’t have a recap in me. I was at the last game against the Devils and it wasn’t shit: in fact, Buffalo won 5-1 in a game that kind of felt liberating after the stretch of games before it. Buffalo lost 4-1 tonight and it looked like a different team. Sam Reinhart scored the one Sabres goal in this game, it was a nice rebound tap in when the game was still 2-1. I don’t feel the need to recap any of the Devils goals because they are folks I don’t follow regularly on a team that not only will not be a threat if the Sabres do pull a playoff berth out of their asses, but are likely one of the next teams to be mathematically eliminated from the playoffs after the Senators led the way into that abyss earlier this week. How long until the Sabres join those sad ranks? As recently as last week I thought this group of guys could pull off a tight race going into March and here we are with 24 games left and they don’t even look like they want it anymore. Yeah, once again a lot of stuff was said in the locker room after this game and I will get to that but what is it? What is the thing in the room that is holding them back? They lost to a Cory Schneider in this game who hadn’t won a game in a calendar year up until recently! I could rationalize the recent loss to Winnipeg as a tight game lost by inches. This one looked like a surrender. How is the team that led the whole league in November, however much that was obviously an aberration, coming out in a playoff race game like this? Something isn’t right in the room and apparently this is the only recourse for guys like me who don’t want to throw Jack Eichel and Rasmus Dahlin under the bus. It’s either there is something wrong in the room or we need to discuss our brightest stars not living up to potential. The former is the solution we opted for after last season’s utter shitshow. Botterill shipped Ryan O’Reilly out and if you’re decrying that trade now, you’re missing the forest for the trees. The latter option is too depressing to contemplate when we’re going on eight years without Sabres playoff hockey.
Is Jason Botterill going to do anything about this state of affairs? You know I’m not convinced the playoffs was ever the internal goal for this season. Every professional organization has the external goal which is fixed squarely on winning games, making the playoffs and winning a Stanley Cup. The internal goal is the real shit you get from the insiders like Friedman and McKenzie. We all pegged this team as a bubble team. Did Jason Botterill and the Front Office decide they were going to get Reinhart signed, then Skinner and make minor moves at the Trade Deadline and continue to build at the Draft and over the summer? The lack of movement at this awful moment seems to suggest that and the deadline a week from tomorrow stands to prove it. Yeah, Botts could make a splash and signal he wants this group to make the playoffs now. Frankly I’m desperate for that outcome to the point of not feeling the need to spell out exactly which trades I’m ok with and which ones I’m not. This ship looks to be going down right now but it isn’t below the waterline yet. And oh yes, I am past the point of bandying about around Phil Housley and his strategic decisions. We got our Scandella-less game and you see how well that went! I’m out of answers on the ice but the scarier part is that I am running out of answers in the Front Office now too. Was Housley’s comments about only having what the GM gave him to work with merry conservation starters over wings and Pearl Street? I’m not saying the GM needs to act in spite in response to those comments but what’s going on? What is going on? I really lead myself to believe we were in a hot new smart organization after the wild offseason last year and now I’m not so sure about that either. The jury is still out on that but in terms of the shot at a playoff spot I feel like the deliberations may be coming to an end.
But it isn’t over yet! Let’s get to our handsome ice soldiers in the locker room! What consolation do they have for us? Phil Housley said: “We’re still in this race.” I am not wasting my time dissecting the “we” and “in this race” right now with him. At this point we’re running about a 50/50 chance he’s completely lost the room morale wise. Us fans always make mountains out of mole hills but let’s look and listen to how the players felt. Sam Reinhart, visibly frustrated at being asked “…are you guys just about toast?” responded saying “we in the room don’t feel like we’re out of it at all.” It seems like that question came from media man Donald Trump warned you about Mike Harrington with the News, so I’ll let Samson off on that one. Zach Bogosian, okay yeah why not, let’s go to Zach Bogosian who responds to similar questioning about what makes him think this team can put together a few wins going forward here with: “It’s because of all the guys in this room here. I believe in them.” Okay, even if they’re losing faith in the coach if they can work together as a team that’s something, right? Fuck if I know. If their united there in the room, God bless them: I hope it results in more than just a festive golf trip in April. Captain Jack? I’m sure someone got words from him but I know he’s taking this hard so I’ll sit back and see if he’s going to hoist this group out of it. I won’t be grilling him about why he’s not scoring at the same clip he was in the middle of December. I’m sure he’s lifting twice as hard because of this slump. Three times as hard for the team itself.
There are no matchups over the next two weeks that inspire much of any confidence. If you are expecting to count potential W’s down the stretch here just trust me and don’t for your own mental health. I think we’re past that point now. These guys need to string 3 to 5 wins together now to even look like competitors for that last spot so take it easy now. Take solace in the fact that this less-than-hopeful calculus is happening after Valentine’s Day this season and not before Thanksgiving. There’s progress right there even if it’s not the advancement we wanted. Hey, the Rochester Americans are holding onto a division lead and stand to capture that title for the first time this decade. I’m enjoying that and you can look for this month’s Amerks Angle in the near future celebrating that. The Americans rough stretches last for three maybe four games. You can comfortably speculate about playoff matchups with them and if that’s what you’re looking for I recommend it over looking for rays of lights right now with the Sabres. Like, share and comment and the internet algorithms that curate our lives will cause us to meet again soon for that good time. In the meantime, I think we can take in trade deadline rumors with a not completely unrealistic hope that something may develop to change what we’re going through right now on this crazy roller coaster that is Sabres fandom. Let’s Go Buffalo.
Thanks for reading.
P.S. I can’t believe I got this done tonight. It’s better than starting a Monday off this way, eh?
0 notes
fangirlsaywhaat · 8 years
Piano Adrien
So Adrien plays the piano, right. But you’re kidding yourself if you don’t also think he has an amazing voice (it kinda goes with the model/superhero/hot person territory). So Marinette and Alya are discussing the latest behind him before class (Marinette was actually on time, yay) and Marinette offhandedly mentions something about loving Imagine Dragons. Adrien smiles, so does he. He even knows a piano cover for their song Demons. But before he could turn around and say any of that, class starts. He decides to approach Marinette after class. He asks her if she wanted to be in the talent show with him, they could duet to the song. Mumbling and blushing the entire way, she agrees. 
When he gets home he practices the song over and over till it’s perfect. He wants to impress her so badly. They meet up that Friday and work on it. Marinette has a good voice, but she lacks confidence. She is very quiet, which is not something you want in a singer. But as they spend more time together she opens up more. Her volume grows with confidence. Eventually, she’s better than him. He doesn’t mind. He loves watching her sing. It’s mesmerizing. He hits a false note and it brings him back to reality. The talent show isn’t for another two weeks, so they have a couple more practices. When they are done practicing, he walks her home (so he could get cookies and goodies from her parent’s bakery). All the rest of the week they are practicing their parts on their own.
They meet again next friday. This time, they have the basics down so they try and add some more riffs or harmonies. Adrien even adds a little piano solo in between choruses. They are really happy with what they’ve done. They walk Marinette home together (again) and Adrien get’s more cookies.
That weekend there is an akhuma attack. Ladybug and Chat Noir to the rescue. They are setting a trap for the akhuma (like in animan) when Chat Noir notices Ladybug humming Demons under her breath, hoping he wouldn’t notice. He does and starts humming along with her. They notice themselves start to go into their harmonies from rehearsal, but they don’t think much of it. They've done it that way so many times, it sorta becomes second nature to them. They are about to get to the riffing part when Ladybug stops. If she does that, she’ll be too recognizable. They go back to work. Akhuma captured, Paris restored.
Next, and final, Friday they meet up again. The show’s on Sunday. They are mostly done, only polishing at this point. They were walking home when Adrien asked, “So what are you going to wear?”
“For the concert. I’m thinking of wearing something black. Like a suit. What about you? We should colour coordinate.”
“Never really gave it much thought.” Something about the way Marinette said it, or the way she looked off into the sunset, felt very familiar. Thet’s crazy. This is the longest they’ve ever spent together. How can something new feel farmiliar. Still, he decided to test a theory.
“You should wear red.”
“Yeah, like-” Ladybug, “those big celebrities.”
“Ok. I don’t have anything in red, I’ll have to make something.”
Make something? Couldn’t she just buy something? Wait, how much does she make? “Do you make your own clothes?”
“Not necessarily. We have enough money. I buy stuff if I wanted. I just know I can do getter than Gap or Old Navy can. Also, making it means I can get a lot of practice designing clothes.”
Adrien smiled. She would love to meet his dad. He made a mental note to introduce them the first chance he got. “Tell you what. I’ll get you something from my father’s ‘vault.’ It’s where they keep all the sample sizes. I don’t think you have enough time to make something.”
“Oh. Thank you.” Her blush deepened. He smiled, and she smiled back.
He droped her off and raced back to go through the vault. His father found him looking at all the dresses and thought nothing of it. He was taking an interest in the company for the first time. Adrien found the perfect dress. It was the exact same shade as Ladybug’s suit. 
Sunday came and all the people who were performing meet backstage. He had dropped off the dress at Marinette’s house earlier that day but hadn’t actually seen her in it yet. Also, they were entering from opposite wings so the first time he’d see her in it would be on stage. And they were the closing act. The waiting was torture. Finally, they were up. He walked out when she did and. . . She looked beautiful. Like a dream. She smiled at the audience, then at him. When she smiled at him his heart melted into his shoes. Looking at her now, how could he have been so foolish? Of course she was Ladybug! She had the same smile, same eyes, same kindness. He was so enthralled with her, he forgot he was even on stage. It wasn’t till she whispered “Adrien?” that the spell was broken. 
He played and they sang. It was amazing. All their practice really paid off. When they finished they got a standing ovation. Marinette smiled at the audience, and Adrien couldn’t take it anymore. He walked over to her, grabbed her hand and lead her off stage. 
“I know you’re Ladybug,” he whispered at her.
“How? I-I was careful. I never-” She was shocked. She panicked. Her eyes were wild.
“I know you’re Ladybug, bugaboo, because I am Chat Noir.” 
Horror came over her face. Horror over him being cavalier with his identity, he guessed.
“And I love you. As Marinette, or Ladybug, or anyone. I love you and will always love you.”
Adrien couldn’t tell what she was thinking. Horror? Relief? Love? Hatred? He had no idea. He had one more card to play.
“I love you,” he said holding her face in his hands, “Let me prove it to you.” He kissed her. She was hesitant at first, but she soon started to kiss him back. They couldn't have stayed there forever, but they were interrupted by a scream. They looked up, fearing an akhuma attack. Instead, they saw all their friends and family gathered around. The scream came from Chloe. She looked at them in horror. Everyone else was smiling. Suddenly, Alya said “Pay up!” and everyone started to hand her a few crumbled euros. Adrien even saw Tom slip her a few. Nino stopped everyone saying “Wait, wait. They just kissed. That doesn't mean they are dating.” “You just want them to wait another week,” Alya said, “Pay up.” Reluctantly, Nino handed her a couple euros. 
All this attention made Marinette very uncomfortable. Adrien decided to put an arm over her, boyfriend style. This only made her more uncomfortable. He took it back, instead held her hand and lead her away from the crowd, explaining how he wanted to introduce her to his dad. He made the introduction, then ran off. He wanted to give them room to discuss fashion, but he also wanted to talk to Tom and Sabine. He found them in the crowd. Tom was muttering something about “I thought valentine’s day was a sure bet.” He suddenly became very self-conscious about how messy his hair must be. He smoothed it out and approached them cautiously. 
“Um, sir? Madam?”
Tom and Sabine looked up. 
“No need for such formalities Adrien,” Tom said
“We know you practically like a son,” Sabine added. It’s true that over the last few weeks Adrien has been spending more and more time at the Dupont-Cheng household. After hearing that Adrien had lost his mother Sabine started to treat him with extra love. Adrien didn’t mind. Sure he didn’t like to feel pitied, but that wasn’t what Sabine was doing. She was just trying to show she cared. 
“I thought things might be different now that I’m. . . Well, now that Marinette and I are. . .” He couldn’t wrap his head around it.
“Don’t worry,” Tom said, “We trust our daughter to make good choices.”
“And as far as first boyfriends go, we couldn’t have picked a better one ourselves.” Sabine got up and hugged him. Tom followed her lead. Adrien felt their embrace and couldn’t help think, is this what family feels like? People who will love you unconditionally? Who trust you and don’t keep you to a schedule or chain a bodyguard to you? When the embrace broke, he was crying. Sabine dried his tears saying “You are welcome at our house whenever you want.”
“Thank you,” Adrien said, “So much.”
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