#ok maybe he knows what’s up that’d be nice
bright-and-burning · 5 months
[for context one of the more senior staff said he’d do something for this project (due TOMORROW) with that Hell Database that im kind of in charge of. like volunteered for it.] literally this morning i told one of my fellow young people coworkers like “im kind of worried [senior staff guy] isn’t gonna be able to figure it out and it’s gonna get dumped on me last minute lol”
just got a message from senior staff guy. “are you familiar with the process of pulling [hell data] for this project? from running the scripts to making the map. and do you know where all the output files are saved?”
like. lmfao. lmfaooooooo. what did i sayyyyy. what did i SAY!!
he just sent a follow up (i explained the process. well no actually i said hey if you look at the documentation and code it kind of explains what to do. and then explained a little more. and then half offered to just do it myself) and he was like “it would be great if you could do it. once you figure it out, could you let me know? i think [boss] wanted it tomorrow. i will keep exploring and check back in later.”
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ghosts-bandwagon · 2 years
can we have a headcannon of y/n (female) thats throwing dark humour around everytime and have 141 + Rudy, Alejandro nd konig react to her lmao 🤣
Can we have that? 💜 Thank you
Girl. Literally me. (I give my coworkers whiplash but they dish it pretty good too lmao)
Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
Might actually get a decent laugh out of him, we’ve all heard his horrendous hilarious jokes, so we all know he can dish it, but can he take it? Depends on the type of humor
If it’s self-depreciating, probably not. Doesn’t really get it? Like he does but he sees you too positively for the humor to click.
Unalive jokes? Definitely not. Hates hearing it from you even if you’re laughing about it, so if you want to make them, you better be cheeky about it (“Head down, sergeant you’ll get spotted.” “Aw sweet, you think so?” You don’t have to be near him or even see him to feel his glare)
Jokes about your traumas? Not super keen on it but if you’re at a point in your life that you feel ok enough to laugh about it, he’s not one to take wind out of your sails (“Damn, this drink hits harder than my dad.” “Sweetheart. Please.”
But if your jokes are similar to his, then your chances of getting a laugh out of him went up exponentially (he thinks he’s so god damn funny and he’s right. king.)
“How do you turn a salad into a Cesar salad?”
“Stab it 23 times.” Soap audibly groaned,
“That’s my girl.”
All in all, you’ll get a deep sigh with pinching the bridge of his nose for every joke you make, and maybe you’ll get a pretty laugh from him (god I bet his laugh is so nice 😭)
John ‘Soap’ MacTavish:
(laughs nervously) what the fuck?
He’s heard Ghost’s jokes firsthand, so the dark humor isn’t new to him. He might even laugh with you and crack a few of his own
Honestly, as long you’re having a laugh he’s not really that worried (still a little worried tho)
He trusts that if you’re feeling particularly bad about something, you’d talk to him about it and he’s here for that
He kind of enjoys the theatre of it, the dramatic reactions to something so seemingly mundane,
“So when are you gonna take me out?”
“To dinner? We just ate, bonnie.”
“… not what I meant but I love where your heads at.”
“Not in a million years.” He laughs kissing your temple and squeezing you against him
“So you’re saying there’s a chance? It’s just a matter of when, got it. Thanks babe, I owe you”
John Price:
He’s not thrilled about it but he’s worked with Ghost so he’s somewhat built a tolerance
He knows you sometimes use dark humor as a coping mechanism but he’ll tease you saying you should come with a warning label
He’s definitely choked at hearing some of the things come out of your mouth, at least the jokes relating to your own traumas, those always give him whiplash
He finds your situational dark humor much funnier than anything you might say that involves you being harmed, even if it is a joke that’s kind a nightmare scenario for him
Those will definitely get a chuckle out of him, just please stop making jokes about yourself, he loves you a little too much to stomach them
“What does my dad have in common with Nemo?” He refuses to answer, he knows, he fucking knows
“They both can’t be found.”
God damn it, sweetheart
Kyle ‘Gaz’ Gerrick:
He’ll join you for sure lmao
He’ll see you sparring on the mats with Soap and he sees you land a particularly rough kick that he managed to block
“Damn babe, that was clean. Now do it right here.” He’s pointing at his temple, you laugh and throw your sweaty towel at him
You’re out on recon and you’re making your way towards the targeted area,
“I’d be terrible if I was discovered, sure hope there aren’t any snipers to take me out. That’d be awful.”
Price groaned even as Kyle stifled a chuckle,
“Come on, love, we’re a bit too good to let that happen to you.”
“That’s the real tragedy, honestly.”
“Enough, you two.”
He thinks you’re funny but low key a little worried at how easily the jokes come to you
But if you’re laughing and having a good time, then so is he!
Sometimes you really do say some crazy things and he doesn’t know whether to laugh or to hug you
He likes the jokes that have nothing to do with you much better, you’d be sitting at a briefing in the far corner when you lean in and whisper quietly,
“Köni, what’s red and bad for your teeth?”
“A brick.”
He stifles a laugh and shakes his head, you can see the corners of his eyes crinkle as he tries to hide the smile.
Alejandro Vargas:
Honestly, he kind of gives me the vibe of “telling a joke becomes receiving a lecture”
Like you’ll make a joke and look at him and he’s deadpanned,
“Mi amor, that’s no laughing matter.” And then he goes into a full lecture about why what you said was out of pocket and a little hurtful
It’s not that he doesn’t understand the humor he’s just concerned
But, he prefers the goofier jokes I feel like,
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away, or at least it does if you throw it hard enough.”
“Mensa.” He pushes your shoulder playfully with a laugh.
Dumb jokes like that get a good laugh out of him, just don’t make them about you please he loves you so much and he will lecture you
Rodolfo Parra:
Mortified in Spanish
“Mi vida, please don’t make those jokes.”
They break his poor little heart :( he loves you so much it makes him sad to hear make such harsh jokes about yourself or even see such awful things
He sighs every time he hears one of your jokes and gives this look 🥺
He doesn’t like that you joke about yourself or the things that have happened to you like that
He understands that humor is sometimes a coping mechanism, but he’d much rather talk through the things you’re joking about
He just cares about you so god damn MUCH
But if they’re nonsensical, then he’ll chuckle quietly,
“You don’t need a parachute to go skydiving.”
“What? Amor you definitely-”
“You need a parachute to go skydiving twice.”
“Dios mío, amor.” He chuckles.
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Touch and Go: A Detective's Romance
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Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI 
Pairing: Walter Marshall x Detective!Female!Reader 
Fandom: Night Hunter 
Word Count: 3.3K 
Summary: What happens when a touch-starved detective who isn’t well-versed in human interaction meets their match?  
Warnings: touch starvation, awkward conversation, unprotected p-in-v sex, creampie, crying during sex 
A/N: It’s apparently winter in this story, damn Minnesota weather. Honestly, I was watching the movie while writing so it ended up being snowy. Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best.  
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics 
Support/Reblog banner by me 
Cover Art by me 
My Masterlist 
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It’s not like you never noticed your fellow officer. Of course, your attention has been pulled to Detective Walter Marshall once or twice, or several times throughout your time working together. Damn, ok the man was a presence. His very existence should have a warning label on it. 
Not that he’s a bad person. Far from it, in fact. You thought the world of him. Not that you’d admit it, but you found his grumpiness endearing. His monosyllabic responses to questions made it a bit hard to get to know him. You weren’t exactly an open book yourself. But you forced yourself to try and get to know him. 
You didn’t make it a habit to get to know people very often. You had trust issues, and rightfully so after what your ex-partner left you with. A broken heart and a fractured view of your self-worth. You hadn’t even let anyone touch you in so long. A handshake here or there, maybe a pat on the shoulder but nothing more. 
And now here you were, a touch-starved mess who had grown to be a bit more than interested in another detective. You wanted to make him smile and that was a foreign feeling to you. So, you started with an olive branch. 
Asking if he wanted a coffee on your way to the break room. After the fifth time, he relents, requesting a cup of black coffee with three sugars. While you’re there, you pick up a granola bar from the cabinet. Handing him the paper cup of coffee, you also pull the treat from your back pocket and toss it on his desk. 
He tilts his head like a giant puppy at the snack. 
“Humor me and eat something. I’m curious if you’re eating enough if I’m being honest.” You bite your bottom lip unconsciously, and the beginnings of a smile appear on his face as he rips open the bar and takes a bite. 
Chewing slowly and staring at you, he seems to look right through to your soul. You look down at your feet to break eye contact and he clears his throat, getting your attention back.  
“You know, I actually love food. I love to cook almost every night.” As the words come out of his mouth, it’s like they’re fighting their way out. As if each syllable is a punch to the gut. 
“I love food, too. But I hate cooking,” You suddenly had a very dry throat, so you sip a bit of coffee before speaking again, “I’m not inviting myself over or anything, but if you’d be up for it sometime...I, uh...yeah.” You look everywhere but him as you trail off. 
“Yeah, that’d be nice. I normally eat alone. Be nice to have someone...there...to eat with.” It’s like speaking makes him physically nauseous, the way his jaw tenses like that. 
“Well, I’m free most nights, so...just let me know.” You move to turn and leave his office, but he stops you with an offering. 
“You wouldn’t happen to be free tonight?” He’s even surprised by his question but plays it off by folding his hands on his desk and maintaining eye contact. 
“Yes. I’m free.” You know you sound desperate but at this point, this is the most contact you’ve had with the man since you’ve been here so who cares? Well, you do, but you can worry about that later. 
“Good. Yeah. So, uh, I guess come and grab me when you’re ready to go. You can follow me to my place. Sound good?”  
“Yeah, that sounds great. Um, I’m gonna leave so I don’t say something embarrassing. I didn’t mean to say that out loud. I just—” 
Walter cuts you off, saving you from yourself. “Don’t do this a lot?” 
“No, I don’t. Been a long time and I don’t want to fuck this up, ya know? Not that playing it cool was ever my style. Why start now, right?” You surprise Walter by laughing at your self-deprecating joke and he follows suit. 
The little duck of his head doesn’t stop you from seeing the way his eyes crinkle at the corners. When he picks his head up again, a broad smile is painted on that normally glum face. If you had 1% less control over your face, you would have drooled. 
This man should smile more. 
And you know you hate being told to put on a smile but fuck, his face was made for it. You realize you’re still looking at him and a faint rose-tinted blush dusts across his cheeks and the tips of his ears. 
You should not be allowed to be that adorable. 
“What?” Walter’s question brings you back to where you just said that sentence out loud. 
“I think I just called you adorable. So, I’m gonna see myself out and try not to throw myself into traffic on the way to my desk. I’ll be back when I’ve calmed my brain down a bit.” You wave awkwardly and exit his office before you can notice the smile inching back over his features. 
You spend the next two and a half hours hoping you didn’t make a complete ass out of yourself in front of the only man you’ve talked to in the last few months that wasn’t a delivery driver or your boss. The only person who you’ve talked to for more than a few minutes about something other than work.  
When 5:30 p.m. comes around, you gather your things and drag your feet to Walter’s office. He’s already standing, putting away some files in his desk drawer, looking up when he hears your polite throat clearing. 
“How do you feel about Spaghetti Bolognese? I have a recipe from Jamie Oliver that I’ve been meaning to try out.” He says, putting on his parka and moving toward you where you stand in his doorway. 
“Um, pasta is life. Pasta with meat sauce? Even better.” You brighten at the mention of a familiar dish, your previous nerves all but forgotten. 
“Great. Shall I help you with your coat?” He hinted once he realized you weren’t moving toward the exit. 
“Uh, yeah. Thank you.” You set down your purse and handed over your fluffy overcoat.  
Walter holds it out for you as you back your arms into the sleeves. As it comes to rest on your shoulders comfortably, his hands smooth over the fabric that covers your forearms, your hands ending up in his for a moment. 
You freeze at the sudden contact but if Walter notices, he doesn't make a big deal out of it. He just squeezes your hand quickly and hands you your purse so you can walk out together. You are grateful to be among the stragglers leaving the office so that you don’t draw too much attention. 
Walter walks you to your car and has you put in his address to your GPS, ‘just in case you get lost’ he jests before heading to his truck. As you watch him walk away, one thought comes to your mind. 
Is this a date? 
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You park behind Walter’s truck in his driveway, climb out of your car, and crunch through the snow behind him. In your clumsy state, your foot slips, and strong arms catch you so that you don’t completely bust your ass on the unforgiving ice below.  
This time when he touches your arms, you are beyond grateful to be able to pull yourself upright again. Once you’re stable, Walter keeps one of your hands in his until you make it to his front door. He lets you walk in first, turning on the light to the short hallway after you chuckle in the darkness. 
Walter takes your coat and hangs it up with his, your wet boots left by the door. Walking into the kitchen, he pulls out a bottle of red wine and two glasses. Opening the wine, he pours each glass and brings them out to where you are standing in the living room. Handing you a glass, he raises his own.  
“Shall we toast to something?” Walter smiles softly, expectantly waiting for you to suggest what to salute. 
“To...being pleasantly surprised that you still wanted to cook for me despite every awkward moment I’ve had since earlier today. You are a gentleman and a scholar and I'm gonna shut my mouth and drink this wine before I just...keep talking.” You cringe inwardly before looking back up at Walter. 
He is watching you with rapt fascination, a slow smile forming. “Let’s toast to practicing human interaction. I’d say we could both use some assistance in that area. We’ll help each other, deal?”  
“Deal.” You tap your glass to his and take a sip of the now-aerated wine. Your cheeks warm at the blackberry finish of the cabernet sauvignon.  
Maybe there is something to the whole liquid courage thing. 
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Dinner turned out lovely. You were pleasantly surprised that Walter could cook. There were moments watching him cook where he didn’t have to measure things, or he added a little extra of this or that. He didn’t use a recipe while making the garlic toast like it’s a staple of his repertoire or something. 
Sitting on his couch with your feet tucked up under you, you look around the living room at the lack of family photos or little touches that scream Walter Marshall. Not that you would have any idea of what those little touches would be. It just doesn’t feel like a home. It feels like a house, just a house that someone lives in. 
When he comes back to the couch with freshly poured wine, you accept your glass with a smile, and he returns it.  
“It is a Friday night. We are enjoying our second bottle of wine. You made me a delicious dinner. And I still can’t figure out if this is a date, Walter.” You fiddled with the glass in your hand, looking into it as if the answer was inside the wine. 
Walter’s thumb and forefinger on your chin have you looking up at his face. “I’ve used almost every excuse to touch you tonight. I kept talking to you earlier when you thought you’d lost me. I feed off your awkwardness because you say what’s on your mind without a filter. I’m not exactly one to speak a lot but I enjoy talking to you. Because you make me feel like I’m not alone.” 
Unshed tears gather at the corner of your eyes. You swallow the lump in your throat, clearing it loudly before you speak. “Can you tell I’m touch-starved because you are too?” 
At his quiet nod, you take his wine glass and set both of your glasses on the coffee table. You lean forward, your elbows on your knees. He watches as you have a silent moment with yourself, going over different scenarios before you reach a consensus with yourself. You look back up to him and your face softens. 
Reaching out your hand, you intertwine your fingers in his curls. As he turns his head to push it further into your hand, his breathing picks up. He grabs your fingers as they migrate to his jawline.  
“I want...I need more than this. I'd like to say I could wait, but all I can think about is kissing you until you can barely breathe.” Walter forces the words out, his breathing in time with yours. Erratic. 
You climb into his lap, one hand still in his, the other hand fisting his wool jumper. “Then kiss me until I can barely breathe. Fuck breathing. I just need you.” 
No sooner are the words out of your mouth, than Walter’s lips are on yours. It’s like he was starving and the breath from your lungs was the only meal he’d had in weeks. You could feel his hunger as he licked the seam of your lips, letting him in was the only option.  
As your tongues fought for dominance, he took the lead in a way you couldn’t ignore. His arms wrapped around you, pulling your torso flush to his. You felt so small yet so special as he held you. So new yet so treasured as you broke the kiss and rested your forehead against his to calm your nerves and catch your breath. 
A moment passes between you where you both just breathe. Until you lean your head back, locking eyes with Walter again, and you nod. He understands your non-verbal request, picking you up and walking toward his bedroom. Kicking the door behind him, he lays you down in bed and gets to work undressing you. 
You lift your hips as he pulls your jeans and underwear down your legs. You remove your top and bra, and he watches as your body is exposed to him. He stands to make quick work of his jumper, and you salivate at the sight of his hardness through his boxers when his jeans are pushed down his legs. His hefty dick springs up against his abdomen as his boxers are removed. 
Your hands roam over his hairy chest as he climbs onto the bed. With a hand under each knee, he pushes your legs back as far as they will go. He admires the shiny wetness that your pussy leaks. Shifting closer, he pushes the head of his dick through your folds and groans. 
He looks up into your eyes and asks silently if he can continue. When you nod, he enters you and your body accepts him fully. Allowing you to get adjusted to his size, he wraps your legs around his waist and pulls out until just the tip remains inside you before he slams back into you. This time you both groan, you at the fullness, him at the tight squeeze. 
“Fuck, you feel amazing. But please, keep moving.” Your words are all he needed to begin an all-out assault on your cunt. 
If it had been a while for him, you’d be none the wiser with the stamina this man possessed. He held your legs open while he fucked into you. He allowed you to just take it as he did most of the work. You could hardly keep up with his thrusts as you melted beneath him. 
“You’re so fucking close, just let go for me. I can feel you squeezing my fucking cock. Be a good girl and come for me.” While he whispered in your ear, he ground his pelvis into you to stimulate your clit and G-spot at the same time. 
When your resolve finally breaks, you try and hide your face in Walter’s neck to no avail. He tangles a hand in your hair and pulls you back so he can watch your orgasm play out on your face. 
“Don’t hide from me when I’m making you come. I want to watch you fall apart under my hands. You are so fucking gorgeous when you come for me, girl.” He talks as you come down from your orgasm and the warmth that spreads over your body is palpable. 
“Thank you,” You blurt out before you can stop yourself. 
Walter all but runs with it. “Fuck yes, you fucking thank me for your orgasm. That’s my good girl.” He pulls out, turning you on your side and sliding in behind you. Entering you again, he reaches a hand around to play with your clit. Circling your nub, then flicking it to keep you stimulated enough to come all over his fingers. 
You come for a second time within a few minutes, and he fucks you through it. Your words are clipped while you try to thank him once more and it just comes out as breathy whispers. 
Your moans are music to his ears and he pistons in and out of you. As your walls massage his cock, he starts to falter in his movements. You reach back to grab his hand, lacing your fingers together before pulling your hands to your chest. 
Getting the message, Walter wraps his other arm around you to pull you even more impossibly close to him. He slows down his pace, dragging out your moans as he unhurriedly moves inside you. He leans into your ear and speaks softly. 
“You have no idea how much I needed this. How much I wanted you. I didn’t know how to talk to you. Fuck, you feel amazing. Need you every day, girl. Just like this, wrapped up in you. I won’t last much longer. So perfect.” He babbles near the end, whimpering your name. He latches onto your neck as he stills inside you. 
His teeth nip at you and his tongue soothes your skin as you feel his cock twitch and paint your walls with his spend. You can hear him groan in your ear as his arms hold you tight. You haven’t felt this safe in someone’s arms since you were little. You don’t notice you’re crying until Walter wipes away the tears that fall down your face. 
“I’m sorry, I—” 
“If you’re about to apologize for crying in front of me, please don’t. You deserve to express your emotions no matter who is around. Least of all, me.” He places a kiss on your neck, attempting to soothe you. 
“Fair. I haven’t been held or even touched in so long and it’s a little embarrassing that my first reaction is to cry.” You sniff, rolling your eyes at yourself. 
“Don’t be embarrassed. I know that’s easier said than done. But trust me, we just experienced some intense sex. And it was emotional for both of us. Trust me. Can’t you feel how fucking hard I am still inside you?” He moves his hips just slightly and is rewarded with a shiver going down your spine. 
“Walter...please.” You let your whimpers be heard and you get what you want.  
He moves to his knees while keeping you on your side. He pushes your leg up to a 90-degree angle and leans forward to fuck into you. The sound of slapping flesh fills the room as well as Walter’s grunts as he buries himself deeper inside you than before. 
“I’m gonna...please, don’t stop!” You reach up to hold his cheek in one hand and he shuts his eyes at the contact. When they open again, his pupils are blown wide. 
“Not stopping until you come again for me, girl.” The hand on his cheek migrates to his forehead to wipe away sweat-slick curls from his brow. 
“Come with me, Walter!”  
“Ugh, fuck!” 
The hold you have on your orgasm falters and your walls flutter around him, his hands curl around your thigh as his hips pound into you one last time. As his cock spurts inside you, your cunt continues to milk him until he softens and is released from your hold on him. 
He collapses next to you, wrapping an arm around you and pulling you close. You reach an arm across his chest and settle in to catch your breath. Looking up one last time to Walter’s face, you’re pleasantly surprised to see a smile on his normally grumpy face. His eyes are closed, and you feel at peace knowing you are the cause of that serene expression. 
“Stay with me tonight.” You’re startled by his words, but you can’t deny the smile that crosses your face.  
Leaning up to kiss his stubbled neck, you revel in the grunt that follows. “Good night, Walter.” 
You feel him kiss the top of your head, nosing at your hair. “Night.” 
You fall asleep with your hand in his chest hair, your legs tangled together. You are held, you are safe, and you couldn’t be happier. Talking about what all this means could wait until the morning. For now, you bask in the feeling of warmth that this man and this moment give you. 
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Touch and Go: The Morning After
A/N: Shout out to @sillyrabbit81 for her Detective Grumpypants Spotify playlist which helped me so much in writing this. 
**Tag List** 
@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67 @thabiddie23 @astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry @rebelangel1102 @peyton-warren @geralts-yenn @raccoon-eyed-rebel 
Let me know if you wanna be added (or removed) 😁 
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electronix-arts · 1 month
i have the urge to ramble so why not ramble about murder drones
i have many fears over episode 8, my biggest one being is that everyone is going to fucking die, and since im now considered the khan guy, why not talk about him (THIS IS SO LONG HOLY FUCKING SHIT)
ok so funnily enough, im prepared if he does drop dead in ep 8. people have teased me going “oh lol what if khan dies in ep 8” but little do you all know ive been prepared since ep 7 dropped, my wife has improved so much he’s bound to be sniped by liam. i’d be upset as hell and act like a wife who lost her husband at sea but i would not be too surprised if he is killed off
before it was confirmed ep 8 is the series finale, i was a s2 believer and i held onto hope that they wouldn’t kill khan because it’d make his character feel worthless. you see this man improve so much to be a better father to uzi and grow a pair to actually do something; to me, him dying would have made all of that useless, the hypothetical season 2 could have grown his character more if he lived, hell, maybe even show flashbacks of him during his ‘kill all humans’ phase. ep 7 shows khan has nowhere to go but up (or go insane, like the ep 8 teaser showed us)
but since season 2 is not real, i have to accept the fact that yeah, khan might die. so instead of being upset over that, why not speculate how he’ll fuckin die even though him being in the teaser looking batshit insane makes me think he’ll be a survivor. look at him. he will live off of pure adrenaline. anyways.
it’d 100% be a sacrifice, his apology for everything he’s done (which i fucking HATE i wanted him to grow more to become more redeemable to others not [death = hooray your sins are mostly forgiven] but i just gotta suck it up for now)
it’d definitely be for uzi or nori, make sense if he sacrificed himself for both of them [“Turns out, I’m not who either of you needed”] buuut i think it’d be more uzi focused. he was the one who raised her for the entirety of her life, actually tried to become better and changed his main focus to her and tried to help whenever he could after that, he would take a hypothetical bullet for her. it could even parallel to pilot when he left her for dead, now he’s the one dying and telling uzi to leave him so she can save herself and the others (it could even reference heartbeat where she thought he actually died, i don’t know how they’d do it, but yeah. i like that scene in heartbeat, i enjoy characters i love oh so much in severe pain.)
while i like this a lot, i would want khan to sacrifice himself for someone else more than his own wife and daughter. shocking, i know. i make my entire personality based off these idiots why wouldn’t i want a doorman family reuni-
n. if khan dies in ep 8, i want him to die sacrificing himself for n. i want n to be in horror at what has happened as khan is slowly dying in front of him, basically giving n his blessing to date uzi even though the entire planet is doomed.
it parallels nori’s disapproval of the relationship, shows that khan’s views on the dds (mainly n) have changed [killing machine -> bad influence on uzi -> someone who genuinely cares for her, someone who she needed] -and i guess nicely ties up the gift that is his redemption arc.
it makes sense for him to give said blessing, he’s seen how close uzi has gotten with n as well I’m pretty sure when he reunites with nori (plsplspls) after they calm down she’s definitely gonna be like “YOU LET OUR DAUGHTER “HANG OUT” WITH THE THINGS YOU SAW KILL ME” so that’d be fresh on his mind when he hypothetically drops dead.
also i’d feel like him sacrificing himself for uzi is like. too perfect or easily guessable, maybe they could hint “oh yeah khan’s def gonna die to save uzi & nori” when haha sike he’s dying to save the future son-in-law (if there is a future)
anyways that’s it. im bad at wrapping up things so here is what i call my conclusion. if you actually read this i love you so much you will be in my will
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sumeruin · 2 years
i feel like i sped ran all of ur posts i’m in luv <33 do u think i could maybe… be…🫧-anon??
anyways here’s me little brainrot on scaramouche/wanderer bc i love him
pervy!scara who would hide u under his desk during fatui meetings and make you suck and kiss his cock, all the while you have to hold back whimpers in fear of being discovered :((
yandere!scara who would slowly isolate you from everyone else until you feel abandoned :( but don’t worry! he’s dealt with plently of betrayals, all you need is him!
thinking about a yan!scara x touch starved/traumatized reader scenario. reader genuinely loves scara, and all their past trauma just makes them that much more attached to him. they look past all the red flags and think that this is the best thing for them!! Of course, scara is happy to receive the love, and gladly gives them everything they want :)) scara controls readers surroundings just to make them that much more attached and needy for him and his help! what a good boyfriend he is!
minor writing smut, dni if uncomfortable!!!
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omg nonnie!!! ofc you can be 🫧 anon!!! i will write about these in order they’re just too good :(
tw: noncon/dubcon idrk which one of the two to classify this as, i think that’s it tbh
i love love love the idea of pervy scara!!!! and i think it’s just that much better when it’s not in an au or anything so that there’s the power difference of him being a harbinger :( he’d make sure he got to the meeting before anyone else just so that he could feel your mouth wrapped around him during the boring discussions that just seem to drag on for so long :( if he thought you were having it too easy he’d quickly thrust up his hips, just enough to make you gag around him though, he does still have a reputation to keep :(
tw: yandere, heavy stockholm syndrome, like really heavy, like that’s almost entirely what this part is about you’ve been warned, isolation
i think he’d be the most likely to do this out of all the genshin yanderes, he’s just so so mean and so so lonely (and tbh a little bit pathetic and soggy but that’s part of his charm) he wouldn’t want you to look at anyone but him :( i think if his usual punishments with pain and degradation weren’t working he’d even take it a step further and leave you alone in a room for however it takes you to break :( he’d bring you 3 meals a day and plenty of water though!! he’d just ignore you whenever you tried to touch him or even just talk to him :( he’d look at you like you like you’re just a disgusting speck of dirt to him, and that’d continue until eventually you’d break and end up begging him to talk to you, to touch you again, to just do something so that you know you aren’t completely alone :( i think if what you did to deserve that punishment was bad enough he’d let it go in past that point, waiting until you’re clinging to his clothes, full on sobbing for him to pay attention to you again, and physically not letting him leave, then he’d bend down and gently wrap you up in his arms, cooing soft praises and sweet little nothings at you while he reassures you that, “shh, shh, it’s all ok, i’m here now, you don’t have to be scared anymore. i’ll take care of you, it’ll be just how it’s supposed to be.” :( he’d run you a nice, warm bath and pretend like he wasn’t also the one who did this to you, still holding you in his arms and whispering sweet, comforting little words and phrases in your ear :(
tw: yandere, kinda sorta stockholmish??? definitely not as bad as the last one but it’s kinda there, toxic relationships
i think this one is especially good with scara cause i think he’d be just so sad whenever his darling is mean to him, so when you actually, genuinely love him for who his is, obsessiveness and all, he’s overjoyed!! and he’s even more excited when you seek him out yourself and ask him for cuddles or a kiss or even just to sit next to him for a while :( i think he’d try to test you in the early stages of your relationship, just to make sure you aren’t pretending to love him back while you secretly plan to leave him. poor scara has trust issues, can you really blame him? :( besides, he’s made all his red flags more than clear by now, if you’re dumb enough to ignore them then that’s no skin off his back. after he decides you’ve passed his tests he’d become a lot more comfortable showing his true colors with you, gradually adding more rules and restrictions to your schedule, not letting you leave the house unless you’re with him, adding a lock to the outside of your bedroom door and not letting you have a key, making sure to always keep some rope around “just in case” :( eventually, it’d turn into you not being allowed to leave the house at all, and you constantly being in his arms or tied up when he can’t hold you himself. he knows you won’t mind as long as he continues to ravish you with his love and attention though. you’re just so perfect for him, how did he get so lucky? :(
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foxedfriend · 2 months
Supernatural spoilers for like the whole show//
Thinking about how it was ok to make God canonically bisexual in Supernatural, but Dean Winchester wasn’t allowed to be.
It was so easy for them too. SO EASY. They were just like “oh btw god has had bfs as well as gfs!” And that was it. No hints, no subtext, no dramatic buildup and easing the audience into it. None of that. Just. God’s bi I guess 🤷‍♂️. Even though it seems like a throwaway, practically a funny gotcha! line. It’s still there.
That’s what hurts the most for me. Just how easy, how effortless queer rep seemed to be for the show in later seasons. Nothing crazy. Nothing extreme. A simple sentence. A romantic interest who happens to be of the same gender.
Even for God. Something from our reality that a lot of people believe in. Religious people generally don’t like it when people make things up about him because it messes with their image of something they genuinely believe in. But the show did it anyway. They didn’t really seem to care about upsetting people. Even though their target audience was originally macho cis het men (those who are generally more conservative and Christian leaning). Oh yeah just make him bi.
But not Dean. No, never Dean. There’s no way they could make him bi or gay or anything like that. He’s our manly hero. Our main good guy.
No, that’d be crazy. You’re crazy. Oh yeah all of these random side characters are queer and engage in queer behaviours: evil witches, the king of hell, the most macho burly hunter you’ve ever seen (not Dean tho), LITERALLY GOD HIMSELF. But not Dean. Don’t be stupid now. Oh yeah Cas is queer and in love with Dean. Maybe. But Dean would never reciprocate that. Dean isn’t gay. He can’t be. For some reason.
And that’s how the show ended.
I appreciate everything said and done by actors and writers later on and I know what’s true in my heart and have my own interpretations of the text of the show, but it kind of would’ve just been nice to have something concrete and official in the show. A small line. You know. Would’ve made me feel a little less crazy. A little less alone.
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hyatoro · 1 year
Sinbad Sub Headcanons
Part 2 of a request. You can find Kouen’s part here. 
Sinbad is a generous lover but because of everything that’s happened to him you can tell it’s all very surface level. Sure he can get up in people’s spaces and charm their pants off with his natural and hard earned charisma, but when it comes to his genuine relationships (as like a person) the ones that know him best have stuck with him even after seeing his ugly sides. 
How he loves and lets himself be loved can vary depending on what phase of Sinbad we’re talking about, but I’ll be sticking with the Sinbad we meet in early Magi. Not his prequel, and not late game Sinbad, though those are all sides of him. He is very welcome to public displays of affection, especially during festivals, but he hopes that his partner understands time and place, like when he has important meetings to arrange business deals. 
In contrast to Kouen, you wouldn’t need to be necessarily on his level djinn-wise. He just needs someone with a strong will to reign him in. He’s not as concerned about marrying another position of power. You’d likely still be somewhat of a power couple, since everyone he keeps around him is useful in one way or another. If we’re talking about having a relationship that has dom/sub stuff happening, then yeah. If he went to some red-light district and got dominated that’d be more a one time thing.
Your characterization is more open ended. As long as you find a way to make conversation with him and prove yourself, then you’re in. It’ll start as a fascination, and then evolve into an infatuation. Which honestly, he’d lie to himself about it because he doesn’t actually want to get distracted from his goals, which is what he thinks of it at the beginning. A distraction. Then he convinces himself that because you’re such a useful person that he’s just getting close to you to keep you in his arsenal. But then eventually he’d fold and admit that he’s weak for you. 
Maybe he finally spills the beans when you corner him about why he’s been so annoying. “Why did you schedule me for so many meetings? All of which actually already have you in them so I don’t know why you would need me there.” 
Nervous sweating. “UH-”
He’s been in this wild mental state of “God she’s so hot and amazing and I’d be ok if she slapped me man i wish she would lol wouldn't that be funny” and “Haha eyes on the prize. Wake up and grind king.” 
So when you have him pushed up against a wall he’s frozen. And you already know he’s more than capable of just bolting if he wanted to. Then you realize exactly what weird emotions he’s feeling so you make the first move. 
A knowing look crosses your face and he gulps as you lean closer. You’re bent so that you’re looking up at him and he’s frozen like prey caught by a predator. And it’s kinda nice. 
You grab him by the collar of his shirt and whisk him away, and he can’t help but follow. Tired of dealing with his mental dilemma he surrendered the decision, the control, to you. 
As seen in my bondage headcanon for him, he needs a lot of trust. And that applies to all of this really. You may point out that dom/sub relationships need that in the first place. You’d be surprised. 
Of course he gives off his authoritative aura that exudes leadership, but he’s also just a silly goofy man sometimes. So it’s much easier to reign him in and transition to that dom/sub dynamic whenever, as opposed to Kouen where he has a hard line between private and public. 
Sinbad is down to get messy anywhere. 
Does not like choking. Is okay with gags if he’s not tied up. Basically if you want to tie him up you have to be thorough in making sure he’s comfortable. He doesn’t like anything around his neck like a collar or a choker because of his slave days. 
He likes edging and overstimulation. Testing his will and stamina gets him going and you can easily make him go crazy with little effort, or a lot. 
Kind of a masochist so he likes pain, but not to the point where you’re like actively trying to cause damage. It’s not like he hasn’t had worse but he doesn’t think getting beat is sexy. Spanking, pinching, slapping is all good. 
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milgramprojectfan · 8 months
Things I expect to see/want to see in the third trial MVs (lmk if we already know any of these)
Haruka- Literally everything. We need After Pain levels of concrete evidence. We don’t know who the victim even is!! Like both of his MVs are all just vibes and breadcrumbs!
Yuno- Ngl I think she’s good overall, like we know most of the stuff we need to. Maybe we could see why she decided to become a sugar baby, or I saw a theory she threw herself down some stairs as a DIY abortion, so smth like that.
Fuuta- I want to see what the girl did that Fuuta felt he needed to bring justice to. Not that it’d change my verdict, I’m just curious. I also saw a theory that someone was impersonating Fuuta and like doxxed the girl and stuff, so maybe we’ll see that.
Muu- I really want to see what Rei’s deal is. Like I feel like her and Muu’s relationship is a lot deeper than it first seems. Also I expect to see why Muu’s friends switched up on her, cuz I feel like that’s one of the main mysteries with her. (
Shidou- I kinda just want confirmation on whether or not he actually stole organs, cuz like people keep saying it’s confirmed but it’s not 100%. Also what happened to his kids? Why do we see them in Triage and not Throw Down? Are they dead? Also were his wife and kids in a car crash, and that’s what the call in Triage was? I feel like Shidou’s MV are like Haruka’s where they say a lot but also nothing at all
Mahiru- I feel like Mahiru’s story is pretty wrapped up nicely, like Yuno’s. I think maybe we’ll see her boyfriend be confirmed as codependent too, since I’m like 99% sure he was.
Kazui- I honestly just want to see him confirmed as gay. Like we all know he is, but I want to hear the words “I’m gay” come out of Kazui’s mouth. Other than that, I expect to see some more backstory with Hinako (the wife).
Amane- I expect to see more around Amane’s murder , because we assume it’s her mom but it could be someone else. Also we don’t know how she did it, like we see her in her marching get up with a bloody staff, but I doubt she was actually dressed like that irl.
Mikoto- Mikoto’s kinda boring imo, so i want to see how Mikoto was the one who killed that man and John is covering for him. I don’t expect this to happen, but it’d be a unique twist. I expect to see the circumstances surrounding the death, but idk what that’d be.
Kotoko- ok her new MV just came out so I’m kinda don’t know what to expect, but maybe like see what happened to that girl (Lucky I think?). Someone on here said smth like “What if Lucky died and that’s Kotoko’s crime for being in Milgram because she focused too much on punishing perpetrators and not protecting victims”. So yeah.
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paxmorgana · 6 months
Militsioner Hc post bc I am cringe but I am free:
Heads up, I haven’t gotten my grubby little hands on the demo quite yet, so don’t expect perfection here!!
-So, Slavic language branch, right? I feel like our mili would at least understand some other Slavic languages, maybe even speak a little. For self-indulgent reasons, I’d like to think he has a pretty ok grasp on polish, particularly. Can’t write in any other language to save his life, though.
-In the same vein, this man has barely illegible handwriting. I know he writes poetry, but I’m starting to think maybe there’s a reason HE has to read it to the player.
-I hc his height being around 1,500 feet maybe?? Not much to compare him to, so this is really just eyeballing.
-It’s given that he’s actually pretty sensitive! His emotions are also very prone to sudden changes from what I’ve seen, and he clearly isn’t very happy overall. Until directly exposed to stimuli, though, he’s very monotone. I kind of interpret this as some kind of masking or emotional suppression.
-Ofc the moment thunderstorms come around that all goes away (canon, for whoever didn’t know). This man has very real panic attacks and will shut down. The worst part about all that, though, is that he physically can’t move anywhere or even shake too much. LOOK AT THE SIZE OF HIM. He would kill people, and he knows it so well. Mili can’t even let himself scream because that’d probably blow people’s eardrums out. He just has to hunker down, internalize absolutely everything and sob as quietly as he can, though of course, that’d be heard too.
-I’m linking that back to him hiding emotions most of the time, that behavior is so intense during his panic episodes that I feel like it’d carry over into day to day life. That’s why he’s so receptive to basic kindness. It’s literally the only comfort he has, and the only time he can break from masking everything ever, and he’s still subtle then.
-Something something anxiety disorder perchance..
-Also someone on here talked about the militsioner being autistic and let’s just say I’m pretty happy abt that one :)))
-Mili gets so attached to anyone who even cares to be nice to him. If they betrayed him and left on the train, he wouldn’t even know what to do with himself. He’d just be fully bewildered and inconsolable.
-If he were normally sized and whatnot, he’d be terrified of horses. No explanation or anything. They’d just freak him out.
-I feel like he’d enjoy classical music, specifically Tchaikovsky and Chopin. Very melody-rich and sophisticated. He’d wag his finger and pretend to be conducting very badly. My little (humongous) king of cring..
-Mili likes being read to! He loves listening to people talk to him. He’s a wonderful listener and just quietly melts away at that kind of affection.
-In the rare occasion of which someone falls asleep on him, he just totally freezes. Mili gets so awkward with it bc he’s terrified of screwing it all up. No doubt he’d be staring at them the entire time, though. Just.. totally mesmerized.
-I think someone else said this before, but if he were a bird, I think Mili would be a shoebill.
That’s about it now BYE don’t look at me
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kny-agere · 8 months
I’m not sure if your requests are open but can you do a cg!giyuu and little!reader? you can do whatever scenario you want.
Requests will be open if the link on my pinned is activated and says so!! Usually it’ll say if it’s closed and the link will be unavailable.
“Are you ok?”
“But you’re uh…” You frown when Giyuu can’t quite finish the sentence. He seems allergic to the word, little.
“I can take care of myself if you want,” you offer. Whichever choice he makes it has to be quick because your hands are drifting towards your mouth, a squirmy sort of feeling growing in your stomach. It’ll only be a minute or two before you’ll slowly float down and completely be… not gone, but maybe taking a backseat. “I know last time wasn’t planned, but um, you did a good job, I think.” You have to force the words out, still too aware to feel the sting of embarrassment.
“What do I need to do?” The man seems genuinely curious. There’s no judgement in his voice and that makes more funny feelings settle in your chest.
“I liked it when you picked me up, and um, puttin’ me to bed was nice too. You don’t have to do that though. It’s just kinda nice to have someone watchin’ me.” You try to peek at his face, searching for a reaction. Tomioka still looks stiff and uncomfortable but that’s just his usual expression when faced with any social interaction.
Stuck in the silence one of your fingers finally finds its way into your mouth. You bite at your nail and tug at your skin. It feels like you might cry even though Giyuu hasn’t done anything antagonizing.
“Can we sit down then?” The question catches you off guard. Looking towards the man you find his hand partially outstretched. You’re quick to grab onto his fingers before he can reject the offer.
“Ok.” You follow Tomioka to the small worn couch provided. He sits hesitantly, stiff and unnatural. You’re quick to crash into the spot beside. Immediately you’re curling up by his side and pulling one of his arms across your lap. The contact feels wonderful even is the man isn’t particularly cozy.
It takes him a few minutes to soften. When he relaxes you peek at his face once more. To your surprise he’s looking down at you with a rather intense expression. The brief meeting of your eyes startles a squeak of you as you quickly duck your head back down.
“Do you want to sit closer?” This is maybe the most you’ve ever heard Giyuu speak, at least directly to you. With your mind fuzzy at the edges you take the man’s offer as an opportunity to crawl into his lap. He doesn’t react outwardly instead simply grunting while your weight settles on him. The stiff uniform fabric isn’t comfortable, but his body is warm.
“Is it ok if I fall asleep?” You pray he doesn’t say no, you’re already closing your eyes. “And then you can carry me again.” It sounds like a demand in the softest of ways.
You think maybe the corners of his lips twitch. It’s not a smile but comes close to one. “That’d be ok.”
“And you can also pet my hair a bit if you’d like.” Pushing your luck comes with a swift reward. Immediately his hands sweep through your locks. You make lots of pleased noises and lean into his calm. He pets you more like an animal but the motion is still soothing. You don’t have much to compare it to anyways. “Um, a-and also also thank you lots and much,” you mumble, halfway embarrassed and halfway exhausted.
“No problem.” It only takes a few more clumsy swipes through your hair until you’re limp in his hold.
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chibishortdeath · 1 month
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Free will strikes again, these were some really fun doodles :3. I think Simon is allowed to be a little visual kei sometimes. Idk I just know he’d vibe with it. Explanations under a cut—
And also a couple unfinished doodles that were just intended to be rough pose/anatomy practice sketches, but ended up accidentally more detailed than intended 💀💀💀. It’s nothing graphic, but ⚠️slight artistic nudity warning⚠️ anyway in case d(>_< ).
Hehehe, this is based off of a photo from Malice Mizer live, it’s Simon in place of Mana and Fuma in place of Gackt. Very fun pose to draw!!! Especially cause it’s a pose with a whip and also cause idk why but I find poses with one or both arms up pretty easy to draw. And yeah yay, Fuma inclusion yippie :3!
I don’t have any other explanation for why this exists other than dresses are cool. So I made him one :D. The coord has a half caplet that connects to a shoulder paldron on the other shoulder by chain with a little cross. Under that there’s a blouse and skirt combo with patterns similar to his SQ armor and some rose thorn patterns around the ends of the sleeves and collar. Over that is a corset and under is a cage crinoline made to look like crosses peaking around the edge. Shoes carry outfit motifs like the roses on the bow tie and headdress and the lace throughout. Also, an eyepatch with cross on it because yeah, cute :3. I’d probably wear this if I had uh any skill in sewing at all (TwT ).
A not chibi version of the above outfit! Except probably without the crinoline with how the skirt fabric is sitting lol. Tbh I think Simon would probably be fine with this for a little bit and then get uncomfortable about having so many layers on. I don’t think he’d like tights at all 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀. Hmmm I’ll have to draw a version of it that’d be more comfortable for him hmm maybe tomorrow.
Another Simon holding Dracula’s heart artwork. Shout out to how this guy just carries this thing around for so long lol.
Simon facing off against his worst enemy: stairs! This one was practice drawing characters in backgrounds, since I’m so rusty at actually drawing those two things together (ToT ). I can draw a separate background fine, but the second I have to put someone in it I just completely forget what I’m doing XD.
This one is also a practice! He’s running up to the altar in Drac’s basement. The lighting was fun for this one, but I forgot to draw the whip in his hand 💀.
This one was an attempt at drawing a skeleton and keeping the same proportions in a drawing of someone (Simon) who is uh not a skeleton. Fun fact! It took me like 5 tries to get the skeleton to not just look like Papyrus Undertale cause holy heck do the skeletons from that game take a hold of some part of your art style and never let go 💀💀💀💀
CASTLEVANIA JUDGEMENT HAS HATS??? AS LIKE AN UNLOCKABLE?????????? So obviously I had to draw Simon (x2) with the bow options. Pink probs looks really nice with his hair tbh. And the striped bow was black and white so it fits with the Judgement design’s outfit. If I ever actually play this game again (I suck so bad at it), I’ll be trying to get these for the very important reason of Simon cute. :3
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Ok now these two. The first one was a different attempt at that Mana pose, but a bigger scale and a bit less exaggerated. I ended up having to do a ton of edits to it cause I kept making things too big or too small lol. And the second one is just a couple dynamic posing practices. They’re also excuses to draw more arm up poses cause they’re fun X3. He was just supposed to have like a generic placeholder rectangle er um uh there, but some of the sketchy lines ended up looking like what’s supposed to be in that spot, so I just didn’t wanna risk these being on main tags out in the open 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀. Though, tbh, I’ve seen more explicit things on the tags so eh, better safe than sorry tho (- w - )
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slafkovskys · 8 months
ok but why am i imagining that older beech would be so smooth and such a flirt with younger reader. like he has her over for dinner and cooks for her bc he knows she’s stressed bc of school (we’re throwing it back a little, okay?) and she doesn’t want to leave and he doesn’t want her to leave but she’s like “i should go, i have class tomorrow” (but johnny knows that campus isn’t far from his place and if she stays, he can wake up early and he can drive her to class and that gives him an easy reason to see her later) and johnny starts a romcom on tv that she told him earlier that she always loved watching and he goes “you’re gonna leave and make me watch this movie all alone?”
“you’re gonna pretend like you don’t want to know what happens?” he wraps his arms around her, preventing her from gathering her books off his kitchen counter. she sighs and melts into his embrace, “c’mon. you know you do.”
“i have class in the morning, johnny, and i already feel like i’m about to crash,” she trails off, wrapping her arms loosely around his waist. she wanted to give in so badly, return to the pile of blankets they had made on the couch, maybe steal a slice of cold pizza from the box as johnny plays with her hair.
yeah, that’d be nice.
he scoffs, “well now i’m really not letting you go.”
and they both know he would. he would drive her home in a heartbeat if that’s what she really wanted, but they both knew that she didn’t. he just wanted her to be the one to say it. she hums, “well, i wouldn’t have to wake up as early…”
“yeah,” he grins, “and i’ll make you breakfast. take you to class on my way to the rink, will even let you listen to your podcasts.”
“oh, what a gentleman,” she teases and he presses a kiss to the side of her head, “are you sure?”
“baby,” he sighs as the unsureness she always held for the two of them started to creep in, “i’m serious. there is nothing that i want more than to watch this cheesy movie with you, go to bed, and then see your face first thing in the morning. you know that.”
and she does. she knows that he would’ve had her stuff taking up the empty half of his closet at the start of the season if she hadn’t turned him down when he asked. she nods, “it better be a good breakfast, beecher.”
“you have my word.”
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sunny-speaks · 1 year
First Kiss
Characters: Henry Morgan (@homecomingvn) x Reader
Pov: you’re just chillin’ with your good buddie Henry, your best friend. One you may have had like a tiny little crush on… You’re whining about how you haven’t had your first kiss, complaining on and on about all these hopeless guys who’ve never liked you back.(Am I indulging myself? Ofc i am) or relationships you couldn’t pursue because you had academic pressure on your back? (ok now im totally projecting)
Fic under the cut! Have a good time reading !!
You were sprawled out on Henry’s bed, whining about how post-secondary school was kicking your ass, how life was kicking your ass, a lot of things that were kicking your ass. To be fair, adulthood seemed much better in YA novels and shows compared to… ugh, reality. Honestly, why do they produce such bullshit to make it seem fun?
“Buttercup, I’m sure things’ll get better for you! Just give it some time, mhm?” Henry added on while you noticed you had grumbled that last line of thought out loud. They then turned all his attention back to his FNAF game before you let out a wistful sigh.
“At least they make it seem so… rose-tinted. What I would do to actually have a love life, I swear to God.” You combed your hands through your hair, the summer heat making you perspire more on your friend’s bedsheets as you groaned at the thought. “Dude, I can’t believe I’m this old and I still haven’t had my first kiss. God, what am I even waiting for at this point…?” You dejectedly mumbled the last part to yourself.
Henry, albeit barely noticeable, perked up at the word ‘first kiss.’ They could hear the discouragement in your voice, ears picking up on that last note. “Well, guess we’re both hopeless romantics then…” 
“I don’t know, I’ve always thought that there’d be this great guy waiting for me when I got old enough. He’d want nothing more than to be the best partner, and he’d just sing my praises. I know it’s kind of…” You flushed a little at your wording, “Self-serving. I know you care about me and all! But it’d be nice to have someone care about me romantically. Ugh, my expectations are too high, aren’t they?” You sat back up, legs dangling off the edge of the mattress, hands fiddled with in your lap.
Were you being too obvious on what you were trying to signal him? You wanted a partner, a boyfriend even, and your best friend would be so perfect and you really wanted him to at least reject you and give you closure rather than drag this out. But if things turned out positively? Well, that’d just be a cherry on top.
He totally wasn’t your first friend and first love. Totally not the only one who you would never outwardly confess to without prompting. Totally not the one that you’ve loved since childhood.Totally not the one who made all your past loves pale in comparison. Totally not th―! You were getting distracted.
“Yeah, don’t think anyone would wanna kiss me…” You muttered to yourself under your breath.
Henry quickly paused his game. He wanted nothing more than to jump out of his seat and say ‘I want to be the best partner! I want to sing your praises! I care about you romantically! If I’m not good enough, you can do anything to fix me! I’ll be whatever you want me to! I’d make sure no one could ever hurt you again! If they did, I’d make them pay suffer rethink their decisions!’ But that would come off a little too desperate. He’s waited years for you.
It wouldn’t kill to wait a little longer.
Well, if only he knew how much you liked him. He was a little… dense when it came to others trying to court him, after all, he never thought that he’d be the object of someone else’s affections. Henry hummed out their reply after some thought, trying to subconsciously hint that there’s someone out there who’d love to be your partner. Even if he didn’t outwardly say it was himself. “I don’t think they’re too high. Maybe there is someone out there perfect for you. Besides, who wouldn’t want to kiss you?”
You sarcastically chuckled with no malice behind it, “Maybe all the people I’ve liked in the past?”
He opened his mouth, sputtering rebuttals, “Well that’s because they were clearly all blind! They just have no taste! You know what?” He gets out of his chair and stands in front of you, pointing an accusing finger at your window.
“What?” You raised an amused and curious eyebrow at his mild aggression to your past crushes. 
Still gesturing to the window, he referred to your past admirations. “Clearly, they’re just dumb, because I would totally kiss you! And I would enjoy it!” He puffs out his chest in some sort of… pride at his words before realizing what he said. “Uh.” After a single noise from him, his face almost erupts into a bright red. “I- wow, um. I- Yeah, uh…”
As he struggled to mentally compute what he had just said to you, to your face, (oh my god he was going to die from rejection or embarrassment or even both, ahhh―) and how you were gonna react, you were in our own world.
Everything going through your brain was a disorganized chaos alarm that had only one cohesive thought.
Which was to shut up his mumbling by kissing him.
And so, that’s what you did. No fear, no hesitation, no consequences. You snaked your hand up to the back of his neck, feeling a couple of goosebumps. You gave him chances to pull away as you drew your heads closer together. Your fingers entwined themselves into strands of his golden hair, nails gently raking his scalp.
Fuck, you left him breathless. You looked up at him through your eyelashes and he swore his heart stopped for that solid second. The question ‘Is this okay?’ was left unsaid, but not unheard when he gave you a shaky whine in response, “Please, yes…” was muttered from the pretty lips of his. Pretty lips that you were about to kiss.
It was inexperienced and a little awkward at first, teeth clacking against each other awkwardly as you both got a feel for what you were trying to do. It was chaste as you pulled away rather quickly to see a very flushed Henry begin to open his eyes that were closed to soak up all the pleasure before you went back in for another, his eyes fluttering wide in surprise.
“Hhn—?” You pulled on his scalp a little, tilting your head to the side so you could slot your mouths together a bit more easily. He jolted a little before slowly hovering his arms around your waist before deciding to settle them there. He keened and pulled you closer to him until there was barely any space between the two of you.
Of course, oxygen was, unfortunately, necessary for one to survive and that need had caused you to pull away from him. The two of you stared at each other for a moment, as you drank up the sight of a dazed Henry who looked back at you with reverent eyes, clearly more than interested in continuing kissing you.
You soaked up all the attention before gently booping him on the nose, “You enjoy that enough?” You gave him a small teasing grin, regardless of your internal panic over how that was your first kiss, with the first guy you’d been friends with, with the first guy you ever really loved like that. God, maybe YA shows weren’t bullshit?
He stammered, light puffs of air passed through his mouth as his eyes darted everywhere except towards yours.
You weren’t that bad at kissing… you hoped. “Was I so good at kissing you that I took your breath away?” You instantly cringed at your words as they slipped out of your mouth. Why did that seem so cheesy?
After a moment of silence, he quietly mumbled, “...yeah.”
You could feel heat rise to your face at his reply. He was too adorable to not tease and he was too honest for his own good. 
“... That was my first kiss too.” He quietly admitted. If it was to you or to himself, neither of you knew. “I’d been saving it for you, buttercup.”
Your heart leaped in your chest at the implications of his statement, hope filling your eyes. “Well, there’s no easy way to say this. Henry, I’ve liked you for years now. It was on and off, if I’m being honest. But you’ve always been the one constant in my life, you’ve always been there for me, supported me. Henry, I really, really, really do like you. I, uh—” You paused, it was so much harder to confess after you had kissed, because it was usually the other way around first. “Will you date me?”
He held a shaky hand to his mouth to barely hide the biggest grin on his face before exclaiming in elation, “Of course, buttercup, a thousand times yes.” He gently began peppering your face with soft, chaste kisses. The temples of your face, the crown of your forehead, the corners of your eyes, the tip of your nose before planting a soft gentle one on your lips.
He picked you up and sat laid on the bed, before getting you to lie beside him as he draped his arms over your shoulder and pulled you in closer. He snuck his head into the crook of your neck and let that guide him to sleep.
“D’you mind if we take a nap, love?”
“Geez, already pulling out the ‘L word,’ Henry? You move quick!” He could feel your laughs reverberate through your chest as you looped your hands around his waist. “Of course we can take a nap. All that excitement tired me out for sure…”
He looked over your shoulder, pulling your warmth closer to him, to see a picture frame with a photo of the two of you.
He had been patient for so long. Clearly, it had paid off.
Once again, go check out Henry Morgan from @homecomingvn's tumblr !! They are very cool !! Also I hope you don't mind that I tagged you, I can always remove it if you'd like?
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ramen8baka · 2 years
Hello!!! I saw u write for Naruto so I had to jump and request 😭😭🙏 can you maybe do a neji x reader ?? maybe neji trying to confess to his crush but boy is so flustered he literally cant 😭😭 maybe reader will have to end up confessing.
if you end up writing this, thank you! even if you don’t thank you for reading hehe
Thank you for the request! Omg u sound so sweet 🥺 but yes i’ll write for our boy neji 🤪
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Summary: Neji finds himself taking a liking to reader…. but he gets to embarrassed and flustered to actually confess his love. ┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅┅
Neji was known to be a serious stone faced boy. No one has ever really seen him portray much emotion. That is, until they saw him with you. People suspected knew he liked you. But the only people that were oblivious to this was you and ironically, Neji. The boy seemed like he was very smart (which he was) but he was also innocent and oblivious. “Hey Neji, will you train with me today? Just one on one.” Neji had been walking around town early that morning and you came to ask him if you could train together. This was secretly an excuse for you and him to be together. Yes, you had a bit of a crush on Neji. But you didn’t think you had much of a chance of him liking you back. “Oh, I suppose that’d be nice y/n.” He said while blushing.
“oh, great! ☺️“ You grabbed Neji’s hand in order to lead him to your training ground. He blushed even more at you holding his hand. You were just so… what’s the word? Perfect. You were perfect to him. And beautiful, and kind. You just seemed to get him. For awhile, the both of you trained. Your stomach grumbled and you looked at your watch. It read 1:30 already. “woah! We’ve been training for so long already.” “Mhm. Maybe we should get some lunch?” “Well I guess we could go into town and get something. What’s that one place Naruto likes, again?” You put a finger to your chin and thought.
“Ichiraku?” Neji suggested. “Oh, that’s it! We could go there! The last time I was there I was with Naruto and Hinata. It was so funny because they both liked each other but they were so oblivious to it. Haha!” You put your hands on your hips and giggled a bit. Neji smiled. There it was, he thought. You cute smile and laugh. It made him smile too.
“How was it?” Neji asked.
“Delicious.” You rubbed your stomach. Ichiraku ramen was so filling but so good, you thought. “Alright, wakai kappuru. Who’s paying the bill?” The man asked.
You and Neji blushed at the name he had called you. “Here,” Neji handed him the money owed. “Oh, Neji you didn’t have to pay. We could’ve split the bill!” “Relax, y/n. It wasn’t that expensive.” Neji assured you. It was then that he looked into your eyes and saw that look. Those doe like eyes. He wanted to confess at that moment. He was so damn close, too. “Hey, um… I kinda” he started.
“hm?” You asked, confused. “nevermind.” He blushed and looked away. “we should get back to training now.” Well, he could try again later.
You both were sparing for the rest of the day until you were all work out. You sat on a nearby tree stump and Neji took a seat next to you. “Thank you for everything today, Neji.” “What do you mean?” He asked
“I mean for helping me train, paying for lunch, you know.” You took a gulp of water. “o-oh. No problem y/n. I better walk you home. It’s getting dark.” He suggested.
“I’d be honored.” You smiled. You and Neji stood on your doorstep. I have to do it now! Neji thought. It’ll be too late if I don’t do it now. “y/n I really like-!” He shut his eyes. Just one more word Neji. “ramen.” He failed pathetically. He was too embarrassed to look at you but he couldn’t go out this way. He looked up at your face and surprisingly you were smiling sweetly at him. so tooth rottingly sweet. “it’s ok, Neji. I really like you too.” And with that, you kissed him on the cheek. And for the hundredth time today he blushed a deep red. Before you could close the front door he pulled your waist and kissed you. The move took you by surprise. He deepened the kiss and you put your arms around his neck. You both broke the kiss for air. “I love you, y/n l/n”
“I love you too, Neji Hyuga.”
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rowanthestrange · 8 months
Foster Pup Blog:
How I ate breakfast this morning
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We survived the night!
Given his trauma reactions to being locked in, we aren’t shutting him in his Secret Den yet, so the middle-ground we’re going for is having him in the living room overnight. …obviously that also has a shut door, and his separation anxiety won’t be having that (and nothing’s ever fully day one puppy proof), so I get to move temporarily onto the sofa. Depending on how long he’s here, the plan is that he gets used to the crate enough we can first drop the blanket down like a door, then add the door, then remove me. Or failing that, work out the majority of unsupervised puppy-proofing problems, give the sofas up for lost and get to be happy if they don’t get chewed up, and slowly move me out of the room that way.
But he did manage to last a whole night from around 11pm to 6:30am without waking up for a walk about. And while we did have a little full-bladder accident this morning he did really tried to hold it and we’d have probably made it if I hadn’t chanced trying to put my hoodie on first. (We’re on the second story so it’s not as instant out as we’d like, but he’s already got the idea).
He does woof at just about everything, which we’re trying to positively train out, but given everything it might take a while, which we may or may not have. And he seems to have an understandably wonky view of ‘object permanence’. If my husband goes behind a door or upstairs, the little lad hears noises and woofs at him like it’s a stranger until he sees him. Makes sense. He’s been in kennels with their many entrances and exits and huge variety of people working there. The humans in his life must have seemed completely random and unknowable to him. When he woke up this morning (and bear in mind I’m not one to anthropomorphise) he slid out of bed, butt first, had a little sleepy look around, and when he noticed me you could see the shock and surprise in his eyes, and he then rushed up for cuddles. He must’ve grown to enjoy being with so many people, and then they leave again. With a human baby we try to limit their number of primary caregivers to prevent attachment disorders; probably something similar for puppers.
The rescue people are still all but forging the adoption papers. Even the foster care coordinator is pushing for it, though you’d think that’d reduce our utility (“sometimes I might want a dog fostered alongside another - if he can do it then there’s nothing stopping that”) and oh he is lush. But the thing I think is weird is…ok I’m trained to some degree in dog and animal care (and frankly the childcare I think also counts, a lot of similarities tbh except sadly not allowed to clicker-train the toddlers), and yes I’ve got time, flexibility, and enough income to cover sudden basic needs/medical care. But I don’t think we’re that special - those are standards the forms want you to meet. It’s just one of those things where you’re thinking what the usual clientele on the list for adopting a rescue puppy are like then? Cus I’d have thought we’d be average really, our home and garden setup isn’t great, and we had to cart our big old border collie/doberman cross in the back seats of a clapped-out Mini that didn’t even have back doors and he had to climb through the front ones (and we’re still transporting this little lad in the same one! Though actually do plan to get another now cus it’s costing new car money to fix it at this point). I don’t know, it’s just like…you know when you see visible emotional relief in a service worker’s eyes when something goes wrong and you’re nice to them, and you’re like ‘fuck I thought this was normal politeness levels, what are people usually like to you?’ That. At the end when I pulled the tape-measure out of my pocket in our first meeting with him so I could size what harness he’d need, one of them literally went “yeah I want you to have him”. But I don’t know, maybe a baseline awareness of what you’re getting into is not actually the default I think it is. Might be Autisming. Just because you think through details of needs and how something might work in a full flow-diagram mega tree of options, doesn’t mean everyone does.
And I do think he is going to be a bit more of a pickle than they think with these early impermanence trauma complications, more so than pure simple separation anxiety I think. And I suppose we would just be adding another stone to that wall, with him leaving us for yet another brand new set of humans… Or is that just justifying myself?
(Though one more neutral thing is that he lies flat with frog-legs a lot:)
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(EDS people recognise that hypermobility? They’ll be able to check him for hip dysplasia/its level if so when he gets snipped, but our vet friend is at least a little unsure on their health and wants him on joint supplements if he stays (a lot easier than Brigsy since this one isn’t allergic to seafood). And we do know what his therapy exercise needs and the hydrotherapy people well)
How do you know whether to trust that people see something right in you? Or is that also a form of arrogance - not trusting other’s assessment of you? Bah. Sorry. This is what happens when I start actually blogging on the blogging site.
Have some compensatory puppy pictures:
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dailywincestspam · 2 years
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💚🧡Yes, hello. Hi. It’s me, sicko here, pointing out that wincest shippers are the origin of slash in Supernatural. We know they’re brothers. And we are legion.😌🧡💚
Also, love that Dean comes around on wincest shippers in 5x09 and in 10x05😌🧡💚
5x09 “The Real Ghostbusters” Written by: Eric Kripke and Nancy Weiner
DEMIAN You're wrong you know.
DEAN (Turning back) Sorry?
DEMIAN About Supernatural. No offense but I'm not sure you get what the stories about.
DEAN (Smirking) Is that so.
DEMIAN All right. In real life, he sells stereo equipment. I fix copiers. Our lives suck. But to be Sam and Dean, to wake up every morning and save the world. To have a brother who would die for you. Well who wouldn't want that?
DEAN Maybe you got a point. You know, you two don't make a bad team yourselves. How do you know each other anyway?
BARNES Oh. Well, we met online. Supernatural chat room.
DEAN Oh. Well it must be nice to get out of your parent's basement. Make some friends.
DEMIAN We're more than friends.
He takes BARNES hand, they twine their fingers together.
DEMIAN We're partners.
BARNES drops his head onto DEMIAN's shoulder and they both grin at DEAN.
DEAN Oh. Wow. Ahem. Howdy partners.
DEAN leans against the Impala, lost in thought. He smiles slightly.
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SAM You ok?
DEAN Yeah, you know? I think I'm good.
[x] -source
10x05 “FanFiction” Written by: Robbie Thompson
DEAN : Why are they standing so close together ?
MARIE : Hum... Reasons.
DEAN : You know they're brothers, right ?
MARIE : Well, duh ! But... Subtext.
DEAN : Why don't you take some substeps back there, ladies ?
(Siobhan and Maggie look at Marie, confused, and awkwardly put some distance between them.)
DEAN : Alright, listen up, girls. Now, you're all here, because you love Supernatural.
ACTRESS!MARY : Actually, I was hoping we'd do Wicked.
DEAN : Yeah, that'd have been easier. I know I have expressed some differences of opinion, regarding this particular version of Supernatural. But tonight, it is all about Marie's vision. This is Marie's Supernatural. So, I want you to get out there, and I want you to stand as close as she wants you to,
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Dean: and I want you to put as much sub and add text, as you possibly can. There is no other road. No other way. No day, but today.
[x] -source
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