#ok well if you don't want me to over play music and make you hate it then don't get me into it lmao
he13na · 1 year
hahaha WOW a bunch of teenage trauma is coming up today (:
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buttercupblu · 28 days
Satoru's Psyche|Escalating
"Should I really have to suffer for my actions?"
Session 2 of 10|Previous Session
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🗂️Patient Chart Update: Patient Gojo displayed extremely flirtatious and unruly behavior during the first half of his visit. Mentions of escape and kid-napping were noted as well as enforced close proximity with his nurse. Threatening remarks were also made at the end of his lunch in response to mentions of disciplinary action. Patient is scheduled for a bath but is pending the possibility of negative punishment to instill corrective behaviors. 📋Length of Session (w.c): 8.1k out of "i said we will cross that bridge when we get to it 😊" 💊Intake Chart (tags): mild violence but no in-action descriptors, coercion, manipulation, drug use, angst, unwatched close contact and touch, nudity, mentally unstable Gojo, Nurse!Reader ✏️Doctor's angel’s note: i hope you know what you're doing, Nurse 🎼Waiting room music: Overheated|Billie Eilish
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Choose wisely.
Hunger stirs in your tummy, and Gojo's words sit with you through lunch. Your spoon clinks around the bowl, stirring the soup growing colder by the second though the growls from your stomach are too obnoxious to be ignored. But your mind wanders.
You're stuck. Earlier, you were all for serving up justice on a silver platter, but now you're seriously second-guessing your "genius" idea to punish Gojo by making him someone else's problem.
As if anyone would be crazy enough to say yes.
Everyone already avoids his wing like the plague. It's kind of an unspoken fact that you are Gojo's one and only. The only staff he allows near him. Anyone else would be playing with fire.
And if someone was brave enough to willingly throw themselves into the lion's den, they definitely couldn't be new. New to nursing—new to the ward. High expertise was needed here. Someone seasoned—experience which you lacked yourself—otherwise, they wouldn't last a second with Gojo.
It'd be way too easy for him to make them snap, like tossing a bone to a dog.
"Persephone." Yuko brings you out of your coma.
You perk up, instinctively smiling. "Hey, what's up?"
"You tell me," she snorts. "You've been playing with your food like break isn't over in 10 minutes." She touches your arm. "Everything ok?"
It's written all over your face, huh? You could deflate right now.
This is why Yuko is your favorite co-worker. Always reading you like a book without you needing to say a word. Quick to call anything off out.
Leaning back in your chair, you huff, rubbing circles into your temples to relieve the headache you didn't know you had.
"Yeah, yeah," you begin, "It's just—" You stop, her eyes hold so much concern and you've barely opened your mouth. Not sure if you should now because you know what kind of person Yuko is.
And if she knew even half of what you don't tell her during your lunch breaks spent complaining about work, she'd hang Gojo out to dry if she could. She often makes it very clear she hates you have to deal with him at all.
"—I'm just a bit tired. Gojo's scheduled for a bath later, him and two others. Gojo's easy but...I don't know. I feel slower than usual today. Definitely won't get home until late, again, because of all these sponge baths." You cringe at the last part.
Aside from trying to keep Yuko cool, you also didn't want to risk the news getting back to the Director who could take you off of Gojo completely. No one else could take your place. And who knows what would happen if you disappeared from his roster for good?
How would his threats manifest?
Yuko scoffs, waving her hand.
"Gojo and easy do not go together," and you both shake your heads and laugh. "But I get it. You did come in super early."
"Thought there'd be less of us," you sigh.
"Sonya's been on our asses lately, right? But hey, she finally got us all here."
"A little too late. The damage is done," you pout, resting your elbows on the table, realizing you've accidentally grown used to chaos and ever-changing schedule.
You routinely plan ahead to make sure you can stand up when people fall short. Constantly putting yourself on the back burner seems to be a thing that always set you back.
"Sooo, you just need rest, ya? Nothing else? Gojo—" there it goes "—been 'okay' with you lately?"
Your heart skips. "Ya. he isn't so bad today," you lie, "I'd just love to be home on time for once. Maybe even a bit early, I'm soo close. Overtime's been wringing my neck for weeks."
Yuko looks at you with puppy dog eyes. And not in a "I feel sorry for you" kind of way, but one that almost makes you feel bad for not telling her the whole truth.
"Here," she pushes your soup towards you, "How about I do Gojo's bath and you get an early start on my last two? That way you can at least binge that show you won't shut up about later." She smiles.
You immediately protest.
There's no way you can do that to her.
Yuko never even crossed your mind and was far from your first pick, not because she couldn't handle him but because she was your friend. Not just a colleague, but someone you actually cared about more than anyone else in this run-down job even if she didn't feel the same.
She's too good of a person, and you'd be the Devil Incarnate if you let her do something so risky. Especially when you can just suck it up and get it over with.
"Woah, woah, it's just a bath, calm down," she says, taking your hands in hers as you ramble on trying to convince her that you'll be fine or that you'll find someone else.
Burdening her was completely out of the question.
"Who else but me, Seph'? You don't you think I'm as good as you?" And the way she says it, giving you that look she does when you're being stubborn, dares you to challenge her.
Now you really had to think about what to say.
Goddamn it, you regret saying anything at all, but Yuko's so motherly, how could you resist? Hiding from her is impossible, she would've sniffed you out sooner or later.
Easing your pains when she could was her specialty—helping to calm and settle you down when you're quick to blow things out of proportion.
Could this be one of those moments? Or were Gojo's words more than just hot air?
The back and forth was killing you, but the combination of Yuko's reassuring touch and your gurgling stomach put the final nail in the coffin as she reminded you of the time.
Eyes wide, you look at the clock, ticking away faster than you realized, then back at your lukewarm soup.
Denying that you needed help would be silly because technically it was true. You probably should've asked the Director for a little Gojo break long ago, even if just for a few hours a few times a week. It was better than nothing because if you couldn't function, Gojo couldn't be cared for.
And when you really think about it, who better to fill in for you than Yuko?
The gutsy woman has been your rock since you started at the ward, She's had your back, sticking with you through tough times at work when staff constantly dipped in and out of the facility like a rotating door after being unable to handle the job.
A real day one.
Next to you, she's the most competent nurse in these walls, fully equipped with a "take-no-shit" attitude that routinely keeps her patiently in check.
It'd be silly, downright irresponsible to trust anyone else.
Her offer is simply too good to dismiss.
"Thank you, Yuko," you cave, grabbing your spoon and finally allowing yourself to enjoy your meal. "You're...amazing. I don't deserve you."
She looks on happily. "Just promise me you'll take some personal time after this," she insists, worry evident in her voice. "We both know how much you care, but even superheroes need rest."
She's too kind and right in more ways than one.
"Besides, I think Gojo will like me, ya? I'm cool. I'm fun. He'll like a friend of friend, you think?"
Your eyes roll—ya, totally, cool people definitely say they're cool.
You don't know whether to joke back or wave her off, softly smiling at her concern instead before nodding. You vow to make good on your promise and feel a bit lighter knowing your wish for early release will actually come true.
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The latest threat to your miracle in the making is Mr. Hampton, who is personally making it his business to drag the already long day by its edges. Almost bringing time to a standstill with the way he's handling his bath.
Enormous and lumbering, the man Yuko usually deals with took his sweet time gathering his things and even longer trekking down the seemingly endless halls leading to the bathing area. Occupying every inch of the space like those massive trucks on the interstate, hogging the road, yet inching along at a pace that makes a snail look like it's in a sprint.
All that was missing were the yellow hazard lights.
Oh no, please, take your time, you think, watching Mr. Hampton clean each limb painstakingly s l o w in a tub that's comically too small for him. You may have been able to rush through Yuko's first patient, but this one wanted all that time back.
His pace resembles a giant's, and his cheerful nonsensical hums echo around the hollow chambers, lulling you to sleep, turning your eyes into bricks under the spell of the melody. Perfect timing for the energy drinks from early to crash you out, tag teaming with the chair beneath you that feels a bit too soft as you lean over the tub, willing the colossal man to hurry up.
Warm water flows over your skin as you scrub circles on his neck, deciding to bite the bullet and take over the bath so he can play with the foamy bubbles, when you hear a blood-curdling scream.
Your entire body goes rigid, shock reverberating through your spine and forcing you to halt as your mind goes blank. But steamy water brings you back to life, drenching your shirt and upper thighs when Mr. Hampton jumps from surprise.
The rude awakening makes you lock in.
The scream. It sounds like...no, you know it came from the west wing...where Gojo is.
And Yuko.
Hurried steps rush past your door, sounds of multidirectional distress and frantic shouts echoing through the corridor—staff members and patients alike swept into a whirlwind of panic.
You're number one, dropping the scrubber and scrambling to help Mr. Hampton out of the tub, hands shaking as he grips them.
A security guard bursts into the room, face ashen and jaw tight.
"Nurse! We need everyone in the west wing, immediately!" The command is sharp, laced with an urgency you've never seen before.
And immediately feel responsible for.
"There's been an incident."
Without another thought, you wrap Mr. Hampton in a towel, trying your best to assure him that everything is fine when your obviously trembling body said nothing was. His confused gaze follows you as you lead him back to his room, the commotion in the air moving him a lot faster than earlier before you rush back out heading straight for the west wing—where chaos reigns supreme.
The usually pristine floors, normally squeaky clean floors due to lack of traffic, are now barely visible. Staff members crowd the familiar hall for the first time since Gojo made it his own, filling the space with more bodies than you were used to and making it difficult to find the source of trouble.
Not like you needed to. The truth is painfully clear.
It's disrespectful even to even pretend you don't know exactly what went wrong, and your heart feels as if it'll burst from your chest any moment now just thinking about it. Crushing guilt wrapped you in its clutches, but it was nothing compared to the pain you might've caused.
You push through the masses, clumsily bumping shoulders, heart beating into your ears making the world seem quiet as you inch closer and closer to disaster. Dragging imaginary shackles on your feet with each step until you all but collapse once you spot it.
Gojo—barely restrained by guards, straitjacket nowhere in sight—standing absolutely furious.
And for the first time today, time seems to slow down, your mouth becoming suddenly dry mouth when you look past him.
Halfway out the door to his room. Sprawled out on the ground. Bruised, unconscious, and no signs of breathing.
Your hands fly to your lips, mouth agape. Murmurs from the crowd swirl around you as attendants rush to Yuko's side, knocking into your pathetic frame as you stand too frozen to move.
They gently pick her up, careful to handle her motionless body and place her on a stretcher. Her usually vibrant face is drained of color, twisting the dagger in your chest when you spot the subtle rise and fall of her chest. Fighting for breath.
It hits you like a hammer.
Someone as kind as her, so full of light, love, and joy, always greeting you with warmth and empathy and capacity every time she sees you, should never have to lift a finger let alone fight for her life. The sight is too much to bear.
Waves of helplessness crash over you and you can't even look at her. Regretting with every ounce of your being that you sent her in your place. Knowing this could happen. Concerned only with your silly wants and needs.
But you're so confused.
The ward should have weakened Gojo—Yuko should have been fine. The only threat Gojo has up his sleeve is mental torture but Yuko might as well be Freud. Her mind is sound, strong.
And that's where you fucked up, forgetting that Gojo's pure strength, especially when he's lost his fucking mind and triggered, is stronger.
Even with his security system in place, the devil was still powerful enough on his own. And like this was some sick and twisted experiment to figure that out, Yuko was the one to pay the price.
"I warned, I WARNED YOU!" Gojo's words pierce the overlapping voices like a sword, drawing everyone's attention to the strange interaction between the two of you. "I don't like to be touched by strangers, Nurse." Guards struggle to restrain him as he tugs and pulls away.
All eyes fall on you and you can feel the tense stares. The unspoken judgment.
Why was Yuko here in the first place?Where was Seph’?How’d he get out?How did this happen? 
You don’t know if the murmurs are real or only in your head, but the effect is all the same, making you wish you could completely vanish.  You stand like a deer in headlights—and they're so fucking bright.
Gojo brims with malice and amusement, chaotic energy pulsing from the hellish man and threatening to send sparks flying. As if he's daring someone to be brave and push the button.
But despite his outward display of dominance, the pure rage on his face making you feel sick to your stomach about every decision you've ever made, something...uncertain lurks behind those fiery eyes.
Something like...apprehension.
Like he knew he had done something wrong.
Words escape you, as if anything even needs to or could be said. But fear and guilt soon turn to anger and threatens to consume you. Ready to eat you alive and spit out the bones with disgust.
You are not a victim.
You have no right to stand here, spineless, shocked, or feeling even a little sorry for yourself.
Your fists clench as you hold back tears. 
What was done was done. And someone needed to pay.
But you exhale, thoughts shifting to Yuko as you take a good look around at the results of what happened the last time you decided to punish Gojo. All of your actions, even now, rooted in selfishness. Like you've learned nothing.
You push down the knot growing in your stomach and turn away to follow the medics.
Your friend needed you more than you needed revenge.
And Gojo didn't deserve any more of your attention, even if it meant risking your job or even your life to turn your back on him.
And there's nothing Gojo hates more than being ignored.
Struggled and strained noises grow louder. Guards tighten their grip on the fuming man whose raw strength outnumbered thousands of them even without his cursed energy.
You look back, their determination to keep him contained makes you nervous—you don't want anyone else to get hurt and Gojo knows that.
You're painfully aware that your decisions have put you in this position, watching the guards' valiant but increasingly pointless effort to prevent Gojo from causing further harm.
But it's an obviously losing fight, and the unease on their faces is unmistakably clear.
You wonder why they don't just run like hell.
"Let's go," a guard barks, but Gojo remains fixed in place. Moving a boulder would be easier.
"No, I'm filthy," Gojo protests, smirking, "And if I don't have my bath soon, there will be hell to pay."
He sees no one else in the room, eyes locked only on you, his expression a menacing promise that would send anyone else running for the hills. A look that says, "Try that shit again, and there will be casualties instead of mercy."
Reinforcements are called but it'll never be enough. Not even the goddamn military. Gojo...is the strongest, after all.
"Stop this."
Your cry freezes the room, plunging everything into a tense silence.
You hesitate, fuck, what should you do?
What can you do? No one else can suffer—no one else should suffer. Because of you.
You take a deep, shaky breath, silently apologizing to Yuko.
"I'll do it," you say firmly, "Just stop this and...and I'll give you your bath. Please—" The sharpest pang you've ever felt cuts through you. "—just don't hurt anyone else."
But necessary.
He looks into your pleading eyes in surprise, amazement even, then smiles.
The submission in your voice sounded better than he could ever imagine. Like sweet music feeding his already inflated ego.
The guards exchange uneasy glances, clearly unsure of how to proceed.
Gojo's strength is undeniable, and it's evident that restraining him forever is not possible.
And you know offering to give him what he wants is risky as hell...but this was your doing. Your mess to clean up.
You squeeze your sweaty palms and give a decisive nod, signaling to the guards to let him go. They hesitate, then reluctantly agree and step back, leaving Gojo standing smugly before you.
You close your eyes and breathe, hating the idea of looking at him, but needing to stay strong. For Yuko. And everyone else in the ward.
Gojo's satisfied grin says it all.
Let's get this over with.
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The squeaking of your shoes has never been this loud, each echo bouncing off the empty halls and reminding you of how alone you are.
Alone—with a psychopath.
A bit more docile, doped-up psychopath but, the man could probably still rip someone's head off if he wanted to.
Still Gojo despises anything that alters his body—mentally, physically, all of the above. Alcohol, medication, coffee, energy drinks—anything that threatens his need for absolute control.
But he also needed to compromise, and you refused to be alone with him again unless he took something stronger. Otherwise, it would be you, all the guards in the ward, and a pay-per-view premiere of his bath time.
He knew he had to agree because his ass is not for free, but only if you took it as well.
You blinked, hard.
You knew he would be skeptical—hell, it could be poison, and he wouldn’t blame you. But to suggest something so ridiculous?
"Half, then," he said, as if that made his suggestion any less idiotic, but, surprisingly, as you waited for your supervisor to dismiss the insane idea, the back and forth with Gojo actually didn't save you. And there was no need to ask why. The entire ward shot daggers at you any time someone walked by now.
She reassured you that you'd be fine, the mild tranquilizer would be out of your system by the end of the day, then patted your back as if to say, "lay in the bed you made."
It felt unreal, holding the familiar pill between your fingers, one you were used to dishing out but now had to take.
With a quick snap, you broke it in half, holding the half-pill out to the leering man. Gaze unwavering, he leaned forward and parted his lips, waiting.
You took a deep breath and placed them both on your tongues, but he couldn't pass up this opportunity to feel you and closed his lips around your fingertip with a quick lick before you snatched away.
But it wasn’t quick enough to avoid the tingles shooting up your arm as you swallowed without needing the water you had set aside, a confusing mix of emotions churning as it spread through the rest of your body.
He made good on his promise and swallowed his own, still watching you with a knowing look. And damn him, he's probably still thinking about it.
The guards carefully lead you and Gojo to his private bathroom—they're more there for show than for protection, but you'll take what you can get, and they keep a firm grip on his replacement straitjacket.
You trail behind, mind buried with thoughts of what to say once you're really alone with him.
The door shuts behind you followed by the familiar sound of a series of locks clicking shut. "We'll be right outside," one of the guards mutters, eyes shifting between you and Gojo. A stereotypical hint lacing his voice, but even he probably doesn't believe it.
"Perv," Gojo sneers. And laughs, but you don't find a damn thing funny, keys to his jacket digging into your palms as you spin around the face him, furious. Debating on whether to slap him, kick him, or knock his teeth out. Or be particularly evil and just let him sit in the shower, fully restrained and drenched in cold water. A move you know would do no good but show him exactly how done you are with his shit.
"That isn't funny. None of this is funny. You've hurt someone—you hurt my friend."
His laugh fades, smug expression slipping from his face. Even you're surprised.
...oh shit.
You're actually confronting him.
The intense words burn through his usual arrogance, leaving a heavy, uncomfortable silence between you.
Then, for a fleeting second, his face does something weird.
Something you haven't seen before as his eyebrows draw together. Is that...regret?
"I'm sorry."
The record scratches.
...the hell is this??
You squint at him.
The words were muttered, reluctant, but there they were, hanging in the air between you.
"It...won't happen again."
And he's serious, the same seriousness you see when his heart races when you take his vitals...but why? Because an apology? From him?? Unheard of.
Gojo has said some nasty things to you in the past that you've immediately scolded him for but he's never apologized. He'd make a note when certain jokes didn't land, but he never took them back, preferring to cut out his own tongue rather than waste his breath being sorry.
You know better than to take anything Gojo says at face value, but...what the fuck??? You almost feel offended.
He has to be joking, fucking with you to dig even deeper under your skin.
Or is he?
Now you don't know how to feel.
He's so good at that. Stealing the air back and hanging his words in them. Tempting you to pause and even consider if he truly meant them. If he could mean them. The mind games are endless.
But then, the familiar cockiness returns, along with that smile that twists your stomach into knots.
"Now," he says, strutting towards the stalls, "let's get this bath started, shall we?" And his easy, but confident steps call you to follow, a stark reminder of who you're dealing with. But he never knows when to quit. "Or should I really have to suffer for my actions?" and the bastard pouts.
Though you know he's being sarcastic and not to feed into his taunts, you can't help but wonder—what would suffering even look like for someone like Gojo?
Violence? Physical pain? A slow and agonizingly painful death?
But the guy is damn near invincible. What on earth could hurt him?
Whatever it was, it would have to be his absolute worst nightmare, but nothing comes to mind other than frustration.
Damn it, you have to keep making choices.
Return his energy or keep it professional? Tolerance or revenge?
"Apologizing won't cut it," you snap and gesture at his jacket, wondering how the hell he slipped out of the first one without leaving a trace. "And no tricks, or those guards will be back in here faster than you can tell another joke."
Gojo sighs sooo dramatically, like he can see straight through your little kitty claws. "Fine, fine. Loosen up," he drags, "I won't cause any trouble. Just don't go getting any ideas now, Nurse." He finishes with a wink.
He's insufferable—but despite your smoldering anger, tendrils of doubt still creep in.
Your fingers slightly tremble as you begin to unfasten his straps, but each click feels a bit like victory. A fragile illusion of your 'control'—at least for now because at the end of the day, Gojo had chosen you to listen to. And after today, he's sure you won't forget there isn't room for anyone else.
The jacket falls with a heavy thud, your eyes immediately scanning his upper body in search of any signs of injury or stress. The cascading bruises on his arms surprise you.
They feel so feeble in your hands, the jarring evidence of him not as invincible as he seems. Pale, weak, and resting between your fingers. Devoid of the power that makes him so feared.
"Never seen bruises before," and he tilts his head, "at least not on me"
You hope Yuko was at least partly responsible for the marks on the villain, but they appear self-inflicted, and he's not as mobile.
Fuck, now you'll have to bathe him too. But it's strange, seeing him like this. Even weirder knowing that he could still do damage in this state and you can't shake the feeling of this temporary 'truce'. If it isn't obvious by now, you've learned that Gojo always has something up his sleeve.
Warm water soothes you a bit, flowing over your fingers into the large white tub—pristine, imported from somewhere far away and standing on decorative claw feet. Your eyes wouldn't stop rolling the first time you saw it, completely annoyed with Gojo's over-the-top alterations and sense of style, but you'd be a liar if you said you never thought about sinking your body into it.
The best you could do was cope with the little porcelain tub in your apartment, and you get lost thinking about how you'd love to take a long, hot, and steamy bath when you get home—if you'll even have the energy. There's no way you'll be leaving early now, not like you deserve it, and feel sick even thinking about it. You doubt you'll even have a job tomorrow.
You look so defeated Gojo thinks, sauntering forward, lifting the hem of his shirt. You turn away, focusing instead on the temperature of the water but the rustling fabric as he pulls the shirt over his head and pants to the ground sends heat to your cheeks.
He certainly isn't lacking in physique, even in his current state, but still, you wonder how such a slim but toned frame could be so...powerful.
Could you be more obvious? Your flickering eyes are so telling, darting between him and the water, but he catches your gaze from the corner of his eye as if he's read your mind. So cute trying to hide away your thoughts.
You toss in his loofah, "Well...go on. Your water's ready." But Gojo can only grin, amused by your attempts to look away despite seeing his muscled frame a number of times. Still managing to fluster you.
"Your shirt," he eyes your top, "Your pants. Looks like you've already started without me."
The water stains from earlier sit beautifully across your chest, not yet fully dry, and drawing his eyes to your semi-erect nips.
His teeth tug at his bottom lip, eyes shamelessly raking over your hefty chest. "Always such a tease, aren't you, Nurse?"
You grit your teeth, cursing the swirling conflict in your easy heart, fully aware of the thin line between professionalism and this game of intimacy he just refuses to turn off. Everything was always a game no matter the circumstances. And he loves to push your buttons.
"Just get in, Gojo," you order, and after what feels like an eternity, the silence is broken by splashing water as he steps into the bath.
He slowly sinks in, sighing at the warmth of the water. Ringlets of steam engulf him, almost making his silky white hair disappear with it.
His arms string over the rim of the tub, a look of relaxation resting on his face as if he's had a long, hard day. You resist the urge to slap it off.
Sudsy bubbles form from the solution you pour under the faucet, hoping to shield your eyes from his body. You've seen enough today and expect the mini-rebellious act to piss him off, but as the bubbles grow, so do his eyes. He picks up a handful and actually starts playing with them.
"Nice touch," he adds, blowing them right into your face, and you watch with a tight lip as he decorates the bathroom with them, knowing you'll be the one to clean it all up.
He sits a crown on his head and gives himself a bubble beard, nipping your nose with some that you're quick to wipe away.
His pale eyes flutter, settling on you in a curious way.
He leans, arms flexing over the edge—steam-slicked sweat dripping down his face that he doesn't bother to wipe away. "I'm ready for my sponge bath," he says, and if it was hard to take him seriously before, it's damn near impossible now—especially with this ridiculous bubble mustache.
Sickening, him managing to still be so playful, so unserious, at a time like this.
You know Gojo's unhinged, yeah, quote, "mentally unwell and a literal danger to society, tf did you think??", but to nearly take someone's life and then make jokes afterward?
God, you feel so stupid, walking around him like you were the shit but with the wrong guard up the whole time, playing right into his hands and accidentally rewarding this grown-ass man who likes to play with bubbles.
The reality of your circumstances replays in your head, the story of how you ended up here, coddling this monster. Still confused as hell as to why it had to be you.
But then again, this was your job...right? To heal. To help those who can't help themselves. To offer redemption, no matter how twisted they seem.
Loofah in hand, you resist the urge to roll your eyes for the 400th time today. "Keep talking like that and I'll stop, Gojo," you say, reluctantly drenching the tool in soap before gently washing his back.
He sinks into your touch, closing his eyes and letting his body completely rest on the cool cast iron, breathing. Feeling like he's won no matter what you say because your scrubs feel like magic.
Across his arms and over his broad shoulders, you work your way down, bubbles glistening in your trail as you're careful not to miss a single inch of skin but don't linger too long.
Every now and then, you catch glimpses of his marked skin between the foam and because you hate yourself, your brain absolutely refuses to give you a break. You have to give kudos to the dedication to his craft. The muscle definition, the scar tissue telling stories of battles won. Evidence of his past before corruption. Everything it takes to be a hero.
It's unsettling, yet fascinating, the polarity between his beauty and his monstrous deeds.
This is another first for you, this level of care. Gojo usually just hops into the shower and takes care of himself as you wait outside—easy and thorough but always taking his sweet time, all while loudly singing some annoying song that inevitably gets stuck in your head.
But after today, it'll be impossible to trust him or you again, and the hushed whispers as the guards walked you both to the restrooms made that abundantly clear.
The pitiful thoughts seep into the way you hesitantly clean him, moving down to his chest and abs and making sure to avoid more sensitive areas, but the malicious glint in his eyes is unmistakable.
"Whatsamatter, Nurse?" Gojo taunts, feeling you slow around his lower region, "Afraid of gettin' too close?" And you can't believe you're praying for a speedy recovery so he can handle this himself.
You ignore his comment, trying to get this over with as quickly as possible. You're humiliated enough as it is and he can sense it, mocking you with a laugh.
"You're so uptight. Can't you just relax and enjoy the view?"
You want to scrub his cocky brow right off his face. "Just doing my job," you mutter, twice squeezing the loofah that feels a little funny in your hand as the soapy water rinses his chest.
The water feels heavenly on his skin, but the subtle change in your movements makes his brows furrow. Slowing, more deliberate, heavy as if you're wading through molasses. You keep adjusting your grip but the material feels so strange—the texture almost too soft like it could melt into your palm.
Your breath catches when you brush his skin, not realizing how close your fingers drifted to the edge of the sponge, and though it was only a second, it sends an unexpected jolt through his chest.
The muscle relaxers. How could you have already forgotten, you both think.
But Gojo, ever observant, doesn't miss a thing.
His eyes narrow slightly as he watches you. "Feeling a little funny, Nurse?" his velvet voice teases.
"I'm fine," you lie, though you couldn't be less certain as the muscles in your hands start to relax more than you intended, the sponge gliding over his abs, down his sides, rhythm almost hypnotic and making the man's head fall back. You try to push through the haze, to finish quickly and be free of him, to try to regain your slipping control, but you're in a losing battle against numbness and heightened awareness.
ANd God, he has to bite his lip at your touch that feels so intense, a sensation too good to keep to himself that you obviously need to stop being such a tight-ass.
You need to loosen up in a way that medicine can't help. And Gojo knows just the trick.
He licks his lips, tongue curling over his canine before splashing a wave of water on you in one swoop.
Saying you gasp is an understatement as the steamy wash drenches your face and front once again. You've been hit not once, but twice in a day—a new personal record.
Instinctively, you reach up to shield yourself, the loofah slipping from your hand, but Gojo is quicker, wrapping his hands around your wrists and holding you in place.
A scream prepares to surge from your body when Gojo maneuvers both of your wrists into one hand and places a finger to your lips.
"Ssssh ssh ssh ssh ssh," he hushes, his voice a little too calm, "I'm not going to hurt you." He swipes a lone droplet hanging from your eyelash. "I just want you to listen."
You freeze, nerves on fire as you're forced into this close proximity for the second time today. Inches away from his face that softens.
Though you can easily call for help, you know better than to argue—he knows you know better but he never felt threatened in the first place.
Besides, he can feel your breathing slowing, the effects of the pill combined with his firm hold sending a faint buzz from your wrists to your stomach. His finger remains on your lips as he brings his closer.
"Now," his eyes flicker to your bottom lip, "You're so very good at your job, Nurse." He smoothly pulls it with his thumb. "That's why I like you. You're thorough but real. Just what I need to keep me sane."
"Sane," he repeats like he's heard your thoughts. "Believe it or not, you keep me grounded...like a good boy. Be proud, not a single soul here or anywhere else can compare to my strength, let alone deal with me yet...here you are." He looks at you like you're a marvel.
"You can handle that...can't you?"
Words fail you. This feels rhetorical. Why does he keep torturing you like this? What is it about you?
You haven't really thought about it since your first few weeks with him but now he's forcing you to think about the little 'power' he's given you that he can easily snatch back.
What happens if he decides to go further than flirting?
You can't handle it, any of it, any of this.
You hesitate, unsure of what to say but know it could never be the truth.
Gojo must sense it because he leans closer, his breath warm on your cheek.
"If you leave, I just might crack completely, beauty." A breath you didn't realize you were holding slips. "How do you think everyone else will fare against me then, hmm?"
Gojo knows he's a prodigy, yet he still manages to surprise himself sometimes, eyes lingering over the spots on your uniform soaked through just enough to make the fabric cling—perfect aim.
Ice shoots up your spine from the heat of his unadulterated gaze, but you refuse to let him see you falter. He almost feels a prick from the daggers you throw with your eyes.
"Oh, don't be like that, Nurse," and he purrs, thumbs grazing your wrists in a mockingly gentle touch. "We all have our boundaries, right? I thought communication was key in a relationship."
"Let go of me," you find your voice, "We're done here."
Gojo slightly tilts his head.
Look at you calling the shots, he thinks. So strong, so very serious.
"God I can't help it," he breathes, "You're so fun to mess with."
He could laugh in your face, have his way with you, and show you that your resistance means nothing.
Instead, he slowly releases your wrists and lies back against the tub. "I know you think about it—there's nothing wrong with a little fun...right?" and though the connection is severed, you don't know if it's the drugs or just him that makes his amplified touch linger as you sheepishly rub your wrists.
Gojo watches you blush red—thoughts you didn't know lived within you rushing to the forefront as if he's pushed a button.
Grimy, raw, salacious, unwanted thoughts of forbidden fruit, wandering hands, and stolen touches in the dark. Wondering what his idea of "fun" was like under the sheets. With a psycho named Gojo.
You feel like you should throw up in disgust but the nausea never comes, instead you burn between your legs.
Fuck, you've got to get out of here.
You draw a breath, forcing away the torturous daydreams and quickly finish his bath.
"You should rest," you firmly say and pull the plug to let the tub drain. "And don't expect any more favors from me."
He sits up slow, his expression stone-cold as he slicks back his wet hair. Then he smiles. "I promise. Now dry me off?" he quips.
You ignore his request, swiftly handing him a towel before he can flash you. Gruffing, you lower to your knees and begin drying the floor of his messes, hoping to distract you from your questionable sanity.
Rustling fabric fills the chamber as he dries off, and when you figure it's safe, you look up to a nude Gojo. Still dripping with bubbles, hair plastered to his derpy face, and toned muscles, all the muscles, presenting themselves in all their glory.
The only things dry are his damn hands.
He throws the towel over over his shoulder, sauntering towards you with a wicked grin.
"Well, aren't you gonna help me put this thing back on?" He nods at the jacket he knows is more bullshit than security. "Don't want you getting all worked up again."
The first time your brain registered that Gojo was flirting with you was on your third day as his nurse.
"Well, aren't you a breath of fresh air?" Gojo was sitting on his bed, leaning against the wall. It was the second time he'd noticed how sluggish you looked while tending to him, suggesting with a grin that you must be quite the party animal.
Ha. If only.
You tsked, tossing his bedsheets into the hamper, and assured him that your sleepy eyes and dragging feet were the result of long hours and running on fumes. Having time for fun was just a dream.
"I don't get out much myself," he says, alluding to the situation he's in, wearing sarcasm like a necklace. "I love a good night in as much as anyone else but, I don't know. The stuffiness hasn't grown on me yet."
You tugged the collar of your scrubs—the air did feel a bit thick, like the room hadn't been aired out in ages and you couldn't help but wonder how long he'd been sitting in it—how he could. That alone would be enough to drive you up a wall.
Sunlight flickered in your eyes, and you raised your hand to block it, noticing the small window perched above his chair.
"Ah, let's open this then," you said, walking over and wrestling with the ancient wood for a moment before finally pulling the creaky flap up to the ceiling.
Standing on your tiptoes to reach it, a sliver of your midriff peeked out, but what captured his attention most was the way the sun rays washed your face. You scrunched your nose, the breeze sending wisps of your hair to tickle it, and he imagined the feel of them between his fingers.
The view was beautiful, you thought, hands gripping the warm bars. Trees surrounded the vast area, stretching out as far as you could see, the pathway to civilization completely covered in dense forest from this angle.
You never realized how high up his ward was—or how long the drop was from here.
"Too bad I'm not small enough to slip through those bars." He rubbed his stomach. "But you know me, 'Mr. BigBack.'"
He joked around as he usually did, looking to trigger your defenses, but your sentiment was...odd.
This was the first time anyone had cared to do something so simple for Gojo. And the closest anyone had gotten to him without their knees buckling.
The first two days of your trial, the Director had guards posted right outside of Gojo's door, their presence a constant reminder to stay alert and maintain a safe distance from the convict and Gojo was positive the mental barrier would keep a wall between you forever.
But then you laughed. A real laugh. Snickery and cute. Finding his joke funny instead of threatening.
It surprised him, that sound. And he wanted to hear it again and again and again.
"Who knew you could bring so much light into this place?"
Later at lunch, you sat with Yuko, having your usual midday catch-up. You never start with yours but she, like most people in the ward now, was absolutely dying to hear about how you were dealing with the villain of the century.
"He's actually not so bad...yet. Corny, but," you took a pondering breath, "He kind of thanked me today?"
She immediately scoffed and waved you off and who could blame her?
You were the anomaly he chose to show mercy to and now he was thanking you??
Being polite was too far of a stretch to believe, you must have been mistaken. But when you gave her the deets on why he'd do such a thing, she nearly choked on her apple. "He said that??"
"Ya?" You patted her back with a concerned look.
"Watch out, Casanova." She cleared her throat and did a nervous laugh.
Her comment threw you off for the rest of lunch, but when you thought about it later that night while surfing for new shows, a light bulb went off.
He flirted with you.
Thinking it was just another one of those literal dry-humor jokes or simply gratitude for making his stay a little less crappy, it flew right over your head. You always feel warm inside when you help people so you didn't think too much about it.
To you, it was just a kudos. Nothing more.
But the way the stands in front of you now is everything.
As bold and brash as it gets.
Fuck. Me.
And your body betrays you, sending all of the vulnerable sensations you've been fighting to suppress from your soaking chest, tingling wrists, aching thighs, and heavy breath, straight to your throbbing clit.
Air escapes you and you scramble to grab your supplies and leave.
Enough is enough. The guards outside can restrain him and escort him back to his room for all you care. You just have to get out of there.
Away from him.
Away from temptation.
Hot, overwhelming, guilty, mentally and physically unstable temptation.
In the quiet of the hallway a level below Gojo's ward, you lean against a wall taking deep breaths, completely disgusted with yourself.
How are you supposed to keep dealing with this, with him?
He keeps pushing and pushing and pushing you to the edge until there's nowhere else to go. You can only imagine the hell the nurses he didn't like went through.
Taking care of him isn't getting any easier, and now you were fucking up and making mistakes.
But you're the only one who can do this. Who must.
So suck it up. Play along, Stop thinking only of yourself. Pretend.
What terrifies you the most is the thought that you may not have to.
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You keep your scrambled thoughts to yourself when you're called into your Director's office at the end of the day.
You tell him the same story you told Yuko and take full responsibility for what happened, blaming it on exhaustion and needing a break. Swearing to never let it happen again.
By some miracle, you get to keep your job, though your one wish to leave early ended up costing you an hour and a half of unpaid overtime, and almost a friendship.
When you finally get home, you collapse onto your bed—images of the day, the ward, Yuko, flooding your thoughts, refusing to be pushed aside. You tell yourself that it's all just the guilt talking, just anxiety gnawing at your edges.
But then there's Gojo.
The most prominent one of all.
Staring you in the face with lifeless eyes and a ghostly smile. Tugging on your moral strings like a puppet.
When you close your eyes, you can't shake the feeling that he's waiting for you, a lurer in the shadows awaiting your every move.
Leave it. Leave it. Le—
You find yourself scrolling through your phone, deep-diving the web for information on your tormentor.
His past, his affiliations, anything to tell you who Gojo was, and who he is now.
The man is an anomaly.
Not much is known about him outside of mainstream news and internet rumors.
He's just this guy that kind of popped out of nowhere in the worst way possible. Conveniently on the tail of what could have been the most devastating incident in the history of Tokyo.
The media says he's a hero gone rogue but not much else. They damned him to hell and that was that. Even the Director disclosed very little about him during your briefing and you weren't allowed access to his files or records because it's all 'confidential'.
The more you search, you less that comes up. Not even silly conspiracy theories that you definitely thought would be riddling Reddit. The longer you scroll, the more you find yourself beginning to question your own sanity. Your interest. Sweet little buds of obsession.
Even though you hated taking it earlier, you actually need the pill now more than ever to relax, sleeping eluding you and mind wandering to imaginary scenarios as you stare at the ceiling. 
Tomorrow, you'll have to face Gojo again. And the day after that and the day after that and every day after.
In between your nearly non-existent off days, you'll have to seem him and decide what face you want to put on.
Because you simply cannot walk away.
After all, he's right—no one else can handle him like you can.
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extended angel's note:
when i originally decided to make this into short story, i had no plans on using a y/n perspective. it was just going to feature an OC name i’ve used in stories before, named Persephone, buuuut i decided to wanted to keep it immersive and include no physical descriptors/personality specifics bc i knew i wanted to upload it to tumblr. 
to keep it reader-friendly, yk? 
alas, Persephone has had her claws in me the entire time i’ve been editing and said with her whole chest that i couldn't just dismiss her like that chile. so i decided changed the perspective but keep her name in place of y/n. 
you won’t see it too often in the story bc it’s not super significant or said a lot in general, bUT it is relevant for a certain moment later in the story. you’ll know when you know 🤭. 
anyway, hope it doesn't bother you guys too much. and def feel free to mentally plug your name when you see it to keep yourself grounded into the story.
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tag list p.1: @reddiamondjazz @kiwismoother @rune1920 @blkkizzat @suguwife
@xerroe @enthyn @gloomuri671 @ressyshi @startatdawn
@khenanadeche @heijihatsutori @inluvkai @ixqiix @strawnanamilk
@rosso-seta @05-simply-06-simping @sims-4lifers @bratidol @rh-tg1
@hyunsuks-beanie @n1vi @luna-v-roiya @neteyamsluvr111 @supsiii
@natadecoco30 @chiyokoemilia @ririoutspoken @kyoxko @strawberrymilkshakes-posts
@nen-nyy @cinnamorochiroll @kazeniya @maybe7tommorow @sxnkuna
@misoyuh @lupitalove @sebastianlover @gojosatorubrainrot @sleepiebunniee
@mmmidkman @theonecrackhead @thathorsegotpoobrain @iveivory @samistar
@yuuan-66 @gojoslefttoenail @soyalovestoyap @winkwonks-world @thebiggestsimpforyou 
583 notes · View notes
rogueddie · 7 months
Mutual Mixtapes T | 544 words Prompt for @steddielovemonth: Love is letting him pick the music
Steve hates metal music. He hates how loud it is, how the higher notes on an electric guitar grate on his brain. He hates how it always triggers a migraine when it's played too long, how it makes them almost blindingly painful when it's played too loud.
But Eddie loves Metal. It always makes him visibly happier, excited, energetic.
As long as he pays close attention to himself, Steve can get through Eddies metal music. He knows that Eddie will turn it off, or turn it down, the second he asks.
It's worth suffering a few mild headaches to see Eddie so joyful.
"Which ones do you like?" Eddie asks him one day, out of the blue.
"I don't know, they're all great," Steve lies.
But Eddie rolls his eyes, tutting. "You hate most of them, it's fine, I know. Are there any that you do like?"
"Uh... that master puppet one that has that line that goes, uh... 'sleep my friend and you will see, the dream is my reality'. That's kinda good. But, uh, I don't like the heavy guitars it gets into."
"So you like the first three minutes, got it. That ones not too heavy for you?"
"It's a little heavy, and that start bit with the high guitar is, like, bad, but it's pretty alright. I like the words."
Steve forgets about the conversation as soon as he gets to work, distracted by Robins rambling and their work.
It doesn't come up again for a few days too, so when Eddie is holding a mixtape and grinning at him, excited, he's confused.
"I made you a mixtape! Well, technically us."
"Yeah, I think you might like it. If you don't, it's ok."
He puts the tape in and, when it starts to play, Steve is surprised. The first song that plays is... nice. It's nothing like the music he's grown used to Eddie playing.
"What is this?"
"It's Black Sabbath."
"This is Black Sabbath? Are you sure?"
Eddie laughs. "Yeah. It's a short one. Orchid. Thought it'd be the type of song you'd like."
"It is. Yeah, this... it's lovely."
Some of the other songs are edging a little too close to 'too much', but most of them are alright.
When Welcome Home (Sanitarium) plays, Eddie tells him the name and explains how he cut it up so the parts that Steve mentioned not enjoying aren't in it. It ends up sounding a little choppy, but Eddie is proud.
"What do you think?" Eddie asks, pausing the tape when he pulls up outside the new place Steve and Robin are working at.
"So far? Great. Some, um... they'd be better played a little quiet, but I like them. Thank you, for doing this."
"Don't worry. I want you to enjoy music with me, not suffer through it for me."
"Well, I loved that first one."
"Good. I'll try and find more like it."
"You don't have to."
"But I want to."
"Alright," Steve huffs, ducking his head. "Thank you."
Eddie shifts, turning so he can look around them, before quickly leaning over to kiss Steves cheek. "Stop thanking me. Just be honest when you're miserable, ok?"
"Go on then, out, I have another mixtape to work on."
297 notes · View notes
taylormarieee · 1 year
~She looks like lust and smells like desire~ ft. Daryl Dixon
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Summary: You come to deanna's party dressed all hot and sexy for your two favourite boys knowing exactly how the nights gonna end.
Word Count: 3k
Genre: Pure filthy smut
Pairing: Rick X fem!reader X Daryl
Warnings: Threesome, PiV sex, Unprotected Sex, Oral(F&M), Daryl and Rick do not kiss or do anything of the sort they just please the reader, Dom/Sub dynamic, Pussy drunk Rick, Cock drunk reader, Reader rides Daryl's face, Cream-pie, Breeding kinks, Mentions of alcohol, Doggy style, Just pure and filthy smut! Enjoy!
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You and the group were a little bit skeptical of Deanna and her ways, especially Rick and Daryl considering they don't trust so easily. Rosita and Carol had there suspicions but decided to brush it off for the good of the group.
For the most part everyone was happy. No problems yet at least.
Deanna says she's throwing a little welcome party for you guys. Typical. Of course she would throw a party like it's the real world again, like we're friends. But, you went on a run with Rosita and found this gorgeous black dress that fits your curves just right.
It was sure to be the dress to make everyone swoon and drool over you. Plus you wanted to have fun and feel pretty. You haven't felt much like that in a long time. So you slip on your dress put on these pretty black stilettos you found as well.
You make your way down the stairs and is met with rosita.
"Girl you took like two hours! What were you doing?" She says with a slight chuckle. "One, I did not take two hours Perra! And Two I was making sure I look good. Haven't felt like this in a while. Feels like prom all over again." You say sadly looking down at your dress.
"Its ok girlie, let's go shall we!?" She says with a smile holding out her arm for you to take. You gladly take her arm and walk out the door.
You both arrive at deanna's house together and knock on the door. There's music playing but someone heard the door. Glenn.
"Hey guys! You guys look great come in!" He says smiling. "Thank you Glennie boy!" You say hugging him.
"Stop! You've been calling me that since the farm!" He says chuckling. You and Glenn have known eachother since Atlanta, you guys were the closest.
You two were like brother and sister. You guys never left one anothers side. You ofcourse was like his little wingman when he met Maggie.
He was so shy but you helped him anyway. You walk through the crowd losing Rosita to Abraham. You make your way to where the drinks are and you see Carl. You wave at him and he walks over.
"Hey! I see you got all dressed up!" He says smiling while hugging you.
"Yea I did! Haven't felt like this since before the end of the world came you know? So I thought when I heard party why not dress up!?" You say hugging him back.
You see Enid walk by and that's when Carl says, "Uh I gotta go see you at home?" He asks. "Go get her Carl! I will see you at home!" I say smiling. He chuckles and puts his head down before walking the way Enid went.
You feel a pair of eyes on you but you don't know who's watching you. You look around getting that feeling of chills on you body only to see Rick Grimes staring at you while seductively taking a sip of what looks like whiskey, could be bourbon but you don't really care.
You smile and you do a cute little wave at him and he smiles back. He turns away to talk to Deanna again.
Yet, you still felt a pair of eyes on you and to your surprise, it was your favourite Archer. Daryl Dixon.
You and Daryl were close but not as close as he was with Carol. Him and Rick were still your boys though.
Following you everywhere to make sure no guy in Alexandria tried anything.
The possessiveness and need to protect you was cute. But you always thought they should know by now that half of Alexandria either hates us for being here or is scared shitless of us. Plus you could take care of yourself.
You always thought Daryl had a crush on Carol and always tried to set them up together. Like going on runs.
You would always partner up with Carl, Tara, or Rosita first so that Daryl wouldn't choose you and end up being with Carol instead so they could get some alone time.
What you didn't realize is that Daryl actually had a crush on you. But you were always so oblivious that him and Carol were a thing or could be a thing at least.
Maybe part of it was his fault for always being around Carol but he only had eyes for you.
And so did Officer friendly. But you always had a crush on Rick. He was a very attractive man, so who wouldn't.
There were always glances that lasted to long or touches that lingered longer than they should have. So you decide to walk over to him.
You almost make it to him except your stopped by deanna's son Spencer.
"Hey, You look nice tonight. Care to join me for a drink?" He asks with a smile. You being the nice person you are didn't deny a nice drink.
Sure I'd love to. Do you have whiskey though? I'm a whiskey girl!" You ask him. He chuckles and looks at you.
"What!?" You say laughing and smiling.
"You have this energy about yourself. Your fun and happy! Butt yea we've got whiskey!" He says holding out his hand, "Shall we?" He asks smiling.
Ha! We shall my knight in shining armour!" You say laughing. Rick and Daryl stood next to each other and they both saw this interaction and boy were they pissed.
They both knew that Spencer was only trying to get in your pants but you were of course to oblivious to notice that.
You were always so sweet and innocent and that's what made Rick and Daryl so obsessed with you. They wanted you all for themselves.
Daryl hated sharing and Rick was just so obsessed with you. Together they were the most toxic duo. And they were planning on taking down their prey. You. There one and only.
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After some drinks later you two get more comfortable with each other. Joking around, Laughing, even some friendly touches were made.
Daryl and Rick didn't like this at all but Spencer wasn't exactly doing anything inappropriate with you so all they could do was sit back and watch the painful show in front of them.
"You really funny! How come we weren't friends sooner?" You say chuckling. You pat his shoulder and he chuckles.
"I honestly have no Idea. I don't really like Rick or Daryl and i don't know, maybe its affected the way I look at the rest of the group." Spencer says twirling his drink in his hand.
"Speaking of them, I can feel there eyes on you all night. You must be extremely special." He says smirking and nodding his head in their direction.
As soon as you look over there you are instantly met with their death stares watching the entire interaction. Heat rises to your face and ears as you look back at Spencer.
"Look Spence, I am so sorry but i should probably go. See you around sometime?" You ask pointing your finger out to him as you ask slowly walking away.
He smiles at the nickname and nods, "See you around sometime Aphrodite!" He says laughing and holding his drink up. You laugh and walk away.
The boys look defeated. Maybe Spencer really was just trying to be your friend. They hadn't seen him do anything really. He joked with you and touched you appropriately, in friendly ways. Who were they to take away a friend from you.
"Seriously guys? You scared my friend away!" You say with the pout of your lips. It's taking everything in them not to take you right here right now. Daryl just grunts and takes a sip of his drink while Rick just stares at you.
"Hello? Earth to Rick!?" You say waving your hand in his face. "I heard you, sweetheart. We're sorry. Right, Daryl?" Rick says not looking up from your body in that tight dress as he nudges Daryl's arm.
Daryl grunts and lowly says, "Yea." While looking at your eyes. "What'd ya wear that thing for anyway?" He adds.
"What this? Oh! I wanted to feel girly again! Did you know Spencer called me Aphrodite!? That was so nice of him but I just think he-" You state before being interrupted.
"I don't care what he said sweetheart, I asked you what did you wear that tight thing for?" Rick asks, his blue irises finally enchanting you. fuck.
Whenever Rick looked at you, you couldn't speak. No matter how hard you tried to think of a coherent sentence, word, or anything, it never came out. Damn you Rick!
You stutter trying to answer his question and Daryl scoffs clearly jealous at how you instantly get all shy around Rick.
"I-I wore it for you guys. Thought you guys would like it because your opinions matter to me." You say heat rushing to you face in embarrassment.
They look at each other and smirk. "Well Sunshine, yer lookin good if ya ask me." Daryl says with a smirk, winking at you.
You giggle and smile at him. You then look to Rick for his opinion on your dress.
"Darlin, you are gonna make me act up tonight. That dress looks amazing on you but trust me sweetheart it would look better on my bedroom floor." Rick says biting his lip looking you up and down.
You squeeze your legs together and bite your lip looking up at them with big doe, glossy, innocent, eyes.
Daryl mutters a 'fuck' under his breath and grabs your waist pulling you close to the both of them. "Damn doll ya really know how to push our buttons." Daryl says.
"Your lookin like lust on a plate sweetheart." Rick says biting his lip again.
"Well if you guys like it then it was all worth it!" You say twirling around and smiling. They both glance at you ass and admire you.
"It was definitely worth it sweetheart." Rick says biting his lip again. "C'mon, let's take ya home and show ya how good ya look." Daryl says smirking and grabbing your hand while Rick grabs your waist.
After about a 5 minute walk, you guys arrive at the shared house. You walk up the steps to open the door with Rick and Daryl behind you.
You guys walk in the house and Daryl is just itching to get his hands on your pretty little body. "Why are we here guys? Did I do something wrong?" you ask confused as to why they brought you here.
"Nah sunshine, you ain't do nun wrong," Daryl says getting closer to you. "Were here to show ya how special you are." Daryl adds.
Your eyes light up and your face contorts into a small little smirk. "Oh, I see. Well, boys don't just stand there," You say seductively "Fuck me."
Both boys are immediately on you growling in your ear and both trying to tear that dress off you.
They both successfully take your dress off and bring you toward the pull-out couch. Rick between your legs and Daryl in front of your face.
"Get on your knees, sweetheart." Rick orders sternly. And you obey him getting on your hands and knees while lustfully staring at Daryl. Daryl slowly unbuckles his belt and takes it off.
Rick unbuttons his pants and drops both his pants and boxers revealing his beautiful 9-inch aching cock, awaiting to be inside you. Daryl reveals his hard, 8-inch cock with protruding veins and already leaking pre-cum.
"God, ya look so pretty from this angle sunshine," Daryl whispers. The throbbing between your legs is unbearable and makes you extremely dizzy. You close your legs together to feel a tiny release only for Rick to yank your legs open.
"Nuh uh sweetheart, keep those prey little legs open f'me ok?" He whispers in your ear, his body flush with yours. You nod feeling his cock on your ass.
"Please... I wanna feel you, both of you. Please fuck me." You whine feeling helpless.
Daryl and Rick share a look before nodding at each other. Daryl looks back down at you and grabs your jaw forcing you to look up at him as he bends down to look at you.
"Beg for it, then maybe you'll get it. You've been a bad girl sunshine." He says in a singsongy voice.
"Please Daryl, please. I'll be a good girl for you, for both of you! Please R-Rick Please Daryl, I beg of you fill me up please!" You beg, pleading eyes staring into Daryl's lust-filled ones.
Rick nods his head of approval a Daryl and Daryl lets you go. "Alright sunshine, get ready."
"You asked for it sweetheart," Rick says grabbing your hips to push your ass against him. You whimper at the feeling.
"Open yer mouth sunshine." Daryl says.
You open your mouth and wait. Rick lines himself up with your entrance and at the same time, they shove their cocks into your holes.
Both thrusting at rough, fast paces. Nothing but skin slapping against skin and slobbering gagging noises filled the silent room. Your cries muffled by Daryl's cock shoved down your throat.
Your throat contracts in a way that has Daryl groaning loudly, "Oh fuck sunshine." He pulls your hair into a ponytail and starts fucking your face harder.
Rick plunges his cock deep inside you, it feels like he's hitting your cervix. His thrusts are rough and deep. You feel him all inside you. You feel his cock twitching, it feels so good you feel like you can feel his veins.
Both of them fucking you just right you feel euphoric. This feeling is better than anything you've ever felt before. Blood rushing through you, it feels amazing.
Your heart rate pumping faster than ever. Daryl pulls out to give you a chance to breathe and catch your breath but Rick's pace doesn't slow down.
You moan out as your body jerks from his rough thrusts. Daryl looks at your puffy lips and fucked out state. You feel your orgasm approaching and Rick's cock twitches inside you.
You both moan out loudly at the same time. Your body starts convulsing and shaking as you squirt all over the place. Your orgasm hits you so hard your eyes cross.
Rick shoots his warm cum inside you. The feeling of him cumming inside you is enough to have you cumming again. Daryl is jerking himself off at the sight.
"Where do ya want it sunshine?" He aska. "M-My mouth." You open your mouth for him and wrap your lips around his cock. Lips warm like a blanket.
He groans and shoots his cum straight down your throat. He gives one last final thrust before he pulls out. You stick your tongue out and show him the cum sitting on your tongue and you let it drip between your breasts before swallowing the rest.
You maintain eye contact through it all. Rick doesn't pull out yet, still breathing heavily as he comes down from his high. He starts thrusting again, "Wanna breed you so badly, wanna cum inside your pretty tight pussy again, want you to have my babies." He says.
You cry out at the overstimulation. And try your best to push him off you. Eventually, Daryl tells him to calm down but he just keeps mumbling at how good your pussy feels and how well you take him. Rick is so drunk off your pussy that it's like a drug. He wants more of it. More of you.
He pulls out though and falls onto his back. "Well, how good is tha pussy? I wanna try." He says with a smirk on his face.
Your body is limp but you still have some strength left. You get off your hands and lean back on your feet. Daryl picks. you up and lays. back and rests you on his stomach. Involuntarily, you grind on his stomach. You whimper and put your hands on his chest.
He lifts your hips closer to his face, "Want ya to ride my face, okay? Take it easy, wanna taste ya." Daryl says. You nod and he smiles. He lifts your body and slowly lowers you on his face, intoxicated by your smell he flattens his tongue against your slit.
You gasp and grab his hair. He starts lapping at your clit, licking from your slit to your clit. He moans into you and you groan feeling the vibrations.
Your moans start to get louder as he starts to prod and poke at your entrance. Haps up whatever he can, all of your juices flowing from your wet pussy. He loves how you taste and how you smell. You taste sweet like candy and fruity like strawberries. And you smell like peaches and whiskey.
God, you drove him crazy. You drove him absolutely crazy. He was so feral for you.
The things you do, the clothes you wear, how hot you are, how brave you are.
All those things always shot a spark down to his crotch every time. It drove him crazy.
Your pretty little noises grew louder and the pattern was all over the place. He could tell you were about to cum again. He continued to fuck you with. his tongue and lap up your juices.
You let out a long drawled fuck, with a cry of his name while you came all over his face. You rode and grinded on his face trying to ride out your high.
You scooted down from his face to his thighs and fell on top of him. He rested you on the couch and got up. He offered Rick a hand as he was clearly still fucked out.
Rick carried you up the stairs bridal style while Daryl got you a warm, wet rag to clean you off. The smell of sex, cum, and sweat lingering on your pretty body.
They wiped themselves off and got in bed with you. They sandwiched you in between them and kissed you goodnight.
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A/N: Whewwww! That was hot! Personally, I enjoyed writing this one. It took me a while but I did it! I hope all enjoyed it! The longest fic I've written so far.
Taglist: @murdadixon @catt-leya @carlsdarling @carlgrimesenthusiast. @rickswh0r3 @sickyrat @sinsandsweetness @the-dixon-effect @number1gal @daryldixmedown @darylscvmdumpster @loveforcarl
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wonuwrites · 5 months
ok so you know how in korea friend outings & dates usually consist of rounds, like dinner, then drinks, then taking a walk, then coffee, or whatever else? what do you think svt would do on dates early in the relationship? how many rounds (😏) would they go?
Why did i blush at the innuendo and want to do a MTL for it 😭😭😭 LMAO i got you you.
Warnings: Fluffy, humor(?), tbh idk. Not really read over.
p.s I haven't done this in a while so I'm giving song recomendations that I was listening to in case you wanted new music to listen to while working on the parts <3
x song is playing rn if you were curious lol
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ღ S Coups: (Song Note: Biebs will always hit, argue with the wall LOL.)
# of rounds: 3-4 rounds
Seungcheol would want to get to know you pretty well when you first started dating.
Having said that, the best way to get to know someone would be through quality time.
I could see him planning on a "pregame" date at a cafe then going on a walk then getting something to eat, then maybe another walk?
I can see him giving you his full attention and would genuinely like your company.
He wouldn't want to leave your side but he's a gentleman and wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable especially so soon.
He would def play the date by ear.
ღ Jeonghan: (Song Note: yeah idk but I love this song LMAO.)
# of rounds: 2-3 rounds
Jeonghan is a very go with the flow type of guy so I think similar to Seungcheol he would play it by ear as well.
I think he could also be very shy at beginning of the relationship so he doesn't want to mess anything up with you.
I feel like the rounds would be longer though. I feel like others would have "short" rounds which is why they have more but Jeonghan would take his time with you. (get your mind out of the gutters guys. this is a safe for work, work lmaoooo. yes im blushing too.)
He would have a smile on his face throughout the date though and would really enjoy the date.
ღ Joshua: (Song Note: god dammit I fucking love this song. Say what you want about Ravi but this is literally one of the best songs to exist.)
# of rounds: 2-3 rounds
So, since Jisoo is a LA boy aka American *bald eagle screeches in background* I feel like he would do lower rounds because we don't do that really in the states.
However, I also feel like he could do more rounds as well because he's such a gentleman and if you wanted to go for multiple rounds I feel like he's a yes ma'am thank you ma'am kinda dude.
Plus he's extroverted so he'd be so down to be social longer than other members would be.
Honestly, would just be so whipped the whole time. Probably similar to Jeonghan, his rounds would be longer.
Just expect soft eyes staring at you while you are on your date bc <3333
ღ Jun: (Song Note: this song makes me wanna shake my ass.)
# of rounds: 4-5 rounds
Jun would be similar to Jisoo where he would be like "yes ma'am" and would just be along for the ride.
If you wanted to do drinks, dinner, a walk, a drive, etc he would be down to clown
Would want to be with you no matter what you were doing.
He would be super shy super shy tho. hgahaha.
At first I feel like you would be the one to call the shot for first little bit.
He just likes you a lot and would want to be around you a bit longer than other members.
ღ Hoshi: (Song Note: If you hate this song or don't appreciate this song I don't trust you. This song is just so special.)
# of rounds: forever if he could || 5 rounds max
Look, Soonyoung is peak down bad behavior.
Like throughout the relationship but at the beginning, he would want to be with you constantly.
Not necessarily in a clingy or red flag kind of way ofc.
I could see him being like, "oh (Y/N), the night doesn't have to end just yet."
Shoot, he could turn errands into a date.
Like round 2 would be a convenience store run to get snacks to pregame your dinner date.
He just wanted to get to know you better and loved being around you.
He really felt he could be 'Soonyoung' around you and that was great for him.
ღ Wonwoo: (Song Note: this album was peak and this song is so cunty. I absolutely love it.)
# of rounds: 3-4 rounds
Wonu seems to be a very 'go with flow' kinda guy from what I've gathered.
However I feel like he would be one of the more 'cautious yet curious' members.
I feel like he would be overthinking everything at first regardless if he wanted to or not.
However, I feel like spending time with people is how he learns more about his feelings which is why I ended up saying "3-4 rounds" instead of what I originally thought with "1-2 rounds."
I feel like he would try to make each of the rounds super memorable though.
ღ Woozi: (Song Note: Psy x Taeyang will always be my roman empire omg.)
# of rounds: 1-2 rounds
idk about yall but I know the Jihoon being a workaholic narrative is everywhere in the svt fanfiction world and it seems pretty predictable at this point.
Which... yes, I'm putting that narrative out again, I'm sorry LMFAO
This is just to say that due to him being a busy bee makes me see him not having many rounds.
Not because he doesn't want to do a lot but just because it's hard to juggle multiple things.
Also prior to nana tour, he is such a homebody. I think he might miss home.
I think the longer you were together, the more rounds there would be ya know?
ღ DK: (Song Note: Woodie GoChild's "pussy hoe" lives in my mind rent free and I love it LMFAOOO.)
# of rounds: 4-5 rounds
Seokmin is similar to Soonyoung because if he could go forever he would because to him you were good company.
Wouldn't matter what you were doing, he would be laughing with you and smiling wide the WHOLE time.
Expect Karaoke to be a round because this man eats CDs and I'm sure he'd vibe with someone who also eats CDs.
If you are trash at singing, he would still think you were like the Bob Ross of singing LMFAO.
He would be your biggest hype man. <3
He just is so head over heels for you maaaaaaaaaan.
ღ Mingyu: (Song Note: B.A.P deserved better. Literally one of their best b-sides <3333.)
# of rounds: 3-4 rounds || sometimes all night lol
I feel like Mingyu would be a mix of Joshua, Soonyoung, and Seokmin? (What a combo)
I feel like even a splash of Seungcheol as well because I can see him playing it by ear as well.
I feel like he would only do 3-4 rounds in general but if neither of you would NOT want the night to end you would add rounds that didn't make sense to others but it made sense to you both.
The date would be so carefree and would be an escape from reality for both of you.
Never an awkward moment tbh.
Once you said goodbye when rounds and date were over, I can see him yapping to either Wonwoo or Seokmin ALL about the date.
He'd be giddy af for like 4 business days.
Oh to be able to go on a date with Kim Mingyu...
ღ Minghao: (Song Note: Sik-K's verse is one of the best verses I've ever heard.)
# of rounds: 2-3 rounds
So when I talked about Minghao here, I said he would be flustered by you.
I stand by that still.
I feel like at beginning he would be so shy but so heart eyes during the rounds.
I feel like at first he would want you to call shots because he wanted you to be comfortable. So if you wanted a few rounds, that would be fine with him.
If you wanted more time, that would be even better because it was with you.
ღ Seungkwan: (Song Note: I just love this song.)
# of rounds: 1-2 rounds
Seungkwan is a busy bee similarly to Jihoon.
I feel like he would want to do more rounds but at the beginning he would be in his head a lot and either prioritize his career or you more
I think his overthinking might be why there are less rounds at the beginning
However as time goes on, there would be more rounds.
Especially when he get more comfortable with you <3
(sorry his is so short. I will come back to it later because idk how else to explain it.)
ღ Vernon: (Song Note: this song is mother idc)
# of rounds: 1-2 rounds
I feel like Hansol would have less rounds but the frequency of 'dates' would be more often if that makes sense.
Every night could be date night if you were brave enough.
He would be all smiles while you were on your dates.
He would want to get to know you more hence the frequency of dates but also he wouldn't want to scare you away by having you for multiple rounds. At least not yet
He would gain energy back from these dates and he just loved the fact that you agreed to go on dates with him.
ღ Dino: (Song Note: I don't need to explain myself to anyone.)
# of rounds: 5 rounds
Lee Chan is down bad. (not crying at the gym tho. the girls that get it get it.)
He would want to be with you as long as he could so the more rounds the better.
I can see our precious maknae being similar to Mingyu, Seokmin, Soonyoung, and Joshua. again what a combo.
He would be laughing and smiling throughout the date and would do everything to make sure you are also having a good time.
He would look forward to these dates. He'd yap to his members about it too and they would tease him for it hahaha.
It would be cute as shit. <3
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tan1shere · 5 months
oooh maybe a part 2 to film wife: where you get booked with someone else on the same day that miko wants you, and she gets upset that you went to the other job first, but then you finish that job and show up for her and she’s making out with someone else for the video and you get pissed. maybe some like confrontation/being cornered in a trailer type of thing 🤭 can end in smut obvi - 🥸
Film Wife pt 2
Young Miko x female reader !
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A/n: oh my god I absolutely adore this !! Thank you anon I have the perfect idea ;) not the best but I still hope you enjoy
Warnings: SMUT OFC MDNI ! bit of a argument but it doesn't last long, strap usage, language ? Squirting
Pt 1 , pt 3
Appointments after appointments. You seemed to be really popular for music videos lately and well, you weren't exactly complaining. The pay was good. You were currently grabbing your bag as you were done for the day, when Stacy comes over to you. "Ok, a little pickle but- tomorrow this singer wants you to be in her music video right... Miko called." Your face lights up. "Wait really?" Stacy nods. "But this singer called first it starts at 1 pm- Mikos at 1:30 so it's it's bit tricky, you may have time to go to Mikos if she waits." You ponder her words, that's so close together. "I'm sure it'll be ok if I'm a little late to Mikos right?" She shrugs. "Hopefully."
It was the next day, you were walking into the studio of your first singer, she wasn't very famous so you hadn't heard of her before. "Darla." She extends her hand out to shake it. You introduce yourself too. "Its nice to meet you." "Likewise." She says with a smile. "Right so I'll run through what you'll be doing in the scene." You nod as she speaks, walking along with her to the area the shot will be taking place. "Not too much of an intimate scene but there will be kissing." You smile softly. "Yeah course, I'll just go set my things down." You tell her, quickly going over to do just that.
"Action!" The director calls out. The music begins to play, and she was such a good singer, how had you never heard of her before. Even if she wasn't as well know, you were close with the industry because of what you do, surely you would've heard something. The kiss was coming, she gently grabbed your face going to lean in. It was more sweet and delicate than anything, you weren't complaining ofcourse. Nothing compared to Miko tho. It didn't last too long either, but when you pulled back you gave a soft smile. She seemed to be really sweet, she intrigued you to say the least.
Once everything that needed to be done was finished with you go to grab your stuff to head over to Miko. "Hey." Darla sprints over. You turn to look at her flashing your smile. "Youre really good to work with." Your smile widens. "Thank you! Heaps of people think so apparently." She smiles now. "Well I made a good choice hiring you, I saw you in some other music videos and begged my team to get you in here." You blush slightly. "That's really sweet, thank you for this opportunity, really."
You pulled up to Mikos studio, grabbing your bag and heading in. Stacy was yet to arrive so you decided to just go on in. As you go in you spot her and some other girl kissing for the shoot. Impatient. You thought to yourself. She spots you briefly, smirking at you. You hated it in all honesty. But you sat down anyways you don't know why you clearly weren't going to be in it. The way she was holding her, the way she was kissing her- you needed to stop thinking like this as if she was yours. Which she wasn't. Once the scene was done she strides over to you. "Well hello." You look up at her. "Hello to you too, see you couldn't wait a little bit." She gives you a look. "Hey not my problem you had other plans before me." You keep looking at her. "Its my job-" "And this is mine." She quickly adds. There was a silence. "Meet me in my trailer once I'm done with this yeah?" You furrow your brows, going to get up. But she sits you right back down. "No no. I want you to watch this." You keep your stare on her, a little confused but also a little annoyed. She smirks at you. Again. Going to head back over.
It was killing you, the way the girl would touch Miko the way she did. But why on earth would you feel this way it wasn't professional whatsoever. You averted your eyes just wanting this to be done already. Finally, when it was. She comes over to you heading for the door of the building. "Come on." She says. You hesitantly get up and follow her outside to her trailer. "Why do you even want to spea-" "what was the job you did." Your brows squeeze together. "What?" She waits a second. "What. Was, the job." Your brow now raises. "What's it to you." Leaning on the door just looking at her. She walks closer to you.. Impossibly closer. "Was it a kissing scene?" You genuinely couldn't believe this right now. "Mi-" "Was it. A kissing scene." You shake your head with a scoff. "Why do you even care, I could say the same about what you were doing, so what's the big deal." She glares at you. "First you were late, and all because of-" "because of what? Go on. I'm all ears." You stare right at her. For what felt like forever as the silence overtook. She was jealous, she knew it was a kissing scene. "Yeah, yeah it was."
Your posture straightens getting closer to her too. Her expression looks a little cold. Sexy. "She was all over me, and her lips.. mmm." Your smirk grew as you finish your sentence. She was a statue, staring at you. "What?" Moving even closer to her face. "Don't like the thought?" When all of a sudden her hand was wrapped around your neck, lightly pushing you back and against the door. She pauses before immediately kissing you. And God how you had missed it. When you're ready for air, you pull apart looking at one another. Her grasp still around your neck.
"No, no I don't." Her voice was low. "Huh. Shame." You speak, looking straight into her eyes. Her hand tightens, and out of nowhere slams your back against the door again. Not that you minded. But your eyes did go wide at the impact, when you then felt her knee, slowly wedging into your cunt. You let out a breath. Her face leans down to your ear. "Hmm, wondering who got you this wet then. Can feel it on my knee mama." You swallow thickly, that confidence evaporated. You had no idea what to even say. "Cat got your tongue?" She then says pulling back to look at you briefly. Her knee still in that position, moving a little bit. Making your mouth run slack. "She would never make you feel like I know. I can. And you know it too, isn't that right." She says, but oh boy was she not nearly done. "I mean, why else would you even come here. You knew damn well I could've gotten someone else considering your late arrival. So, why. Bother?" You had no formable words for her question. Because in fairness you didn't know. Or did you.. "go on, might as well say it hm?"
Taking a moment, letting out a small breath, her grip loosens. "W- wanted-" You swallow. "Wanted to see you anyway. M-missed you." You pathetically breathe out. It shocked you how weak she could get you, within seconds. "There you go." But you wanted to wipe the smirk off her beautiful face. "Mm, but what about with that girl." She glances at your lips. "Know you were thinking about me when you were kissing her, right?" Nothing, she's silent. "I'll take that as a y-" "bet I can fuck you so good. Oh wait, know I can. Does she get to?" That shut you right up as she gets closer again. "Didn't think so." She smirks again going to kiss you. Her hand slowly moves down into your jeans, past your underwear and straight to the point. "Didn't realize you were this wet." Your breath hitches, getting caught in your throat. "Who did this to you mi amor." Your eyes shut. "Y-you did." This only increases her ego, swiping her thumb along your neck as she still had it in her grasp. "Good. Good." Her lips were back on yours.
Kissing you hungrily. You gasp as her hand tightens, resulting in her slipping her tongue into your mouth. Her hand resumed it's actions in your pants, going straight to your entrance. You pull away from the kiss slightly. Breathlessly, letting a moan escape your lips. She speeds up. "I want you to cum on my fingers." You go to lazily kiss her again. "Miko.." You breathe out her name, feeling her thumb pick up on your clit. Her fingers pumping inside you, moving her lips to your neck. "So wet.. hungry for me huh?" You almost choke on your saliva, feeling your body go to mush in her hands. "P-please.. I need more." Her pace doesn't slow. "What more could you want angel. Go on. Tell me." It's like she knew exactly how to get you. Knew how inaudible you got during sex, especially when she made you feel the way you did. "I- mhf." You groan out. "Sorry, what?" She gets close to your face, staring you straight in the eyes.
"P- mmm." You started getting embarrassed at the way she had you, exactly where she needed you. But you were too far gone to give a shit. "Spit it out baby." You moan. "Need you to fuck me. Begging for you to." She swears she could go insane by your desperate voice. She quickly grabs your waist, beginning to bend you over the small couch in her trailer. Her swift movements, immediately taking off your pants. The cool air hitting directly on you. Your breath is uneven. "Miko.." "Getting there pretty girl." And she was, you felt the tip of her strap soon enough, making you hum gently. She slowly slides it in making your jaw drop, putting your hands down for support. Her pace was antagonizing slow. "F-faster." You blab. You feel her hands grope at your ass, eventually speeding up. "Know how you wished it was me today. Kissing you, bending you over like this. All you could think about huh mama?" The dirtiest moan comes out of you, feeling yourself coming to that breaking point. "S- fuck." You almost go cross eyed. It hit the perfect spot. "All I need to know." Miko smirks at your reply. "I'm so close.." But she doesn't respond, keeping that speed the same.
"Go on then, cum on it. Let me know just how much you wanted me, today." Your mouth runs dry as you felt it approaching. Her hand makes its way down to your clit, going at an ungodly pace. The action only speeds up your ogasm, making you squirt shortly after. Her eyes go wide only for a second as she wasn't expecting it, but she's left with a proud smirk.
"Good girl."
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New series idea: analysing my favourite (underrated) lines from Six of Crows
I feel like I haven't given you any analysis in a while, and I've had this idea for some time now so I thought it was worth giving it a try. This is going to be a list of my personal favourite quotes in Chapter 2 of Six of Crows with explanation/analysis for any that I have an explanation/analysis for - but if a famous or popular quote isn't included then it's not because I don't like it, it's just because I don't feel I have anything new to add to the existing analyses around it. And yeah, if you guys like this then I'll make it a more regular thing and go through chapter by chapter (probably sometimes including multiple chapters in one post), so let me know what you think!
(Also, I chose to start with Chapter 2 on purpose because I don't have loads to say about Chapter 1, but if anyone is interested I'm open to trying it in the future)
"every favour came with enough strings attached to stage a puppet show" - ugh words cannot explain my love of this quote. Not only is this a gorgeous and vibrant metaphor that brings forth very clear imagery, it also achieves two different concepts relating to the idea of the "puppet show". Firstly, we have the idea that Kaz is the puppet master and Ketterdam is his stage; he is in complete control, he can bend the city to his whims, and it's ultimate his say that can make or break someone. This is definitely the image we're given of Kaz in the opening two chapters, and this singular line really reinforces that, however the rest of the book and many of the descriptions in Crooked Kingdom unravel this view very quickly. This description far better fits Pekka Rollins, which brings me onto the other concept relating to the "puppet show": the question of who it actually is pulling the strings. Arguably Kaz is a puppet on Rollins' stage, and Rollins a puppet on the Merchant Councils'. each has power but each is ultimately at the whims of the other. This brings worth the suggestion that something darker is at play and that there's far more to Kaz than initally meets the eyes before we've even met him, so in short it's just completely and utter genius.
"Kaz hated a puzzle he couldn't solve, and he and Inej had concocted a hundred theories to account for the murder - none of which satisfied" - again, Kaz has thus far said a single line, and not one with a lot of information in it ("Yes and no. It's always good to have a country in debt to you, makes for friendlier negotiations) and yet we know so much about him - and even some details about his relationship with Inej! It even tells us a lot about Inej; we've been presented with a figure heralded as near-omnipotent in his city, someone no-one wants to be on the wrong side of, someone who has complete control over every conversation he has with you, and she is someone with whom he will spend hours trying to solve a riddle? So then, the reader is forced to think, what kind of power does she has? What makes her worthy of his closeness, why does he trust her, and why does she know him well enough to so intimately know his likes and dislikes? Inej hasn't even spoken yet.
"But it didn't feel neutral to Inej. It felt like the hush of the woods before the snare yanks tight and the rabbit starts to scream" - ok most of my enjoyment of this quote is just of the beautiful prose, however I would like to add that all six Crows experienced this sort of 'calm before the storm' leading up to the most painful experiences of their lives - Wylan thinking he could go to music school, Inej at the beach with her parents and calling sleepily to the man she though was her father, Kaz staying at the cafe and meeting Margit and Saskia, Matthias knowing he was going to be a big brother, Jesper seeing his mother for the last time when she picked him up and hugged him even though he was up past his bedtime, Nina feeling that she had purpose and loving the way she could help her country - so this could be considered foreshadowing.
" 'Care to place a wager?' Jesper asked.
'I'm not going to bet on my own death,'
Kaz flipped his hat onto his head and ran his gloved fingers along the brim in a quick saulte. 'Why not Bolliger? We do it every day,' "
"Kaz had done his best to teach her, but she didn't quite have his way with breaking and entering, and it took her a few tries to finesse the lock" - my main source for liking this quote comes from an analysis I did a while ago when someone asked me about comapring this quote and Kaz's self-proclaimed "shoddy job" of teaching her to pick locks. It's a while since I posted that so I'll run through it here briefly, basically it's very indicative of their relationship dynamic. Whilst both place the other on a pedestal, they do it in different ways, and Kaz particularly often glorifies Inej and almost finds it difficult to accept that she, like anyone, must be flawed. So if she fails at something, like picking locks as well as he can, and she cannot possibly be flawed then the error must be in his teaching - it can never be with her. It's also a glaring example of Kaz's self-destructive nature. My other reason for liking this quotes is just that it once again tells us about the characters so early on and without having to directly explain it to us - we know Kaz is good with locks because he tried to teach Inej and she isn't as good as him, but she still manages to get it open.
' "I'm a business man,' he'd told her, 'No more, no less,'
'You're a thief, Kaz,'
'Isn't that what I just said?' " - I ADORE this, but honestly all I can say for analysis is that it sums up the entire theme of the novels beuatifully.
"Now he looked like some kind of priest come to preach to a group of circus performers" - this sets up a great parallel that I've mentioned before in one of my "little details you might have missed/forgotten" posts, but it's also interesting to have it come from Inej's perspective since she's incredibly religious and performed as a travelling acrobat with her family. It's probably drawn from personal experience, someone in dark clothes who judges the brightness of Suli traditional clothing and/or culture and tries to preach religion to a group who've already long found it because they don't align with thier idea of religion. It's even possible that she links that idea with Kaz, not because of his actions but because he's from a country that has perversely sexualised and condemned her culture and he dresses like the rich merchants who would preach this exact kind of message - and possibly even have visited her at the Menagerie, where she was forced to appropriate her own heritage and way of life for the enjoyment of those who look down it with no reason for doing so.
"Inej pitied the boy who might die alone with no one to comfort him in his last hours or who might live and spend his life as an exile. But the night's work wasn't over yet, and the Wraith didn't have time for traitors" - this is one of the few but fabulous examples we get of the idea that "Inej" and "the Wraith" are separate entities; Inej being the girl she was, the girl she should have been, and the Wraith being a creation of necessity to aid survival. Inej is a religious young woman from Ravka who has been through far more than she should have done, but the Wraith was born and raised on the blood-soaked streets of Ketterdam and has every intention of surviving them - no matter the cost. This concept is only mentioned a few times, however it runs a beautiful parallel with the distinction between Kaz Rietveld and Kaz Brekker, or Kaz and Dirtyhands depending on how you look at it.
Ok I realise this is a pretty long post but thanks for reading it if you got this far, and I really enjoyed making this so please let me know if you guys would enjoy seeing more. And, in summary, Leigh Bardugo is a genius
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seulszn · 9 months
7 days and your gone
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Pairing: Abby x Reader
Warning: suicide, death, angst, no happy ending
Day 1
You didn't know how fast your life can change one moment your laughing with friends, hanging with family, planning dinner dates with your girlfriend Abby just loving life and then the next your suicidal wanting to end it all.
You asked to be alone, just for a few hours no longer you turnt your phone off and just played some music to take your mind off of it, but music wasn't working so you tried to make your favorite dish to cook but it wasn't as good as how your mom makes it, so you went to the bathroom to take a hot steamy shower the water wasn't doing anything but irritating the cuts you have so you decided on looking at yourself you stare at yourself in the mirror for hours on end not moving feeling like if you do something might change.
You stare long and hard at your hair you used to get made fun of for, your stomach that you would starve when you felt like you were too fat, your nose you hated, everything you hated everything about you everything your girlfriend Abby loved
“Look at the way my stomach looks”
“I love the way it looks”
“Your just saying that cause your my girlfriend”
“I’m saying that cause it's true
You stayed their and cried, cried until you fell asleep.
Day 2
“Here Julien I want you to have this” you say handing your best friend your gaming consoles with a smile Julien looks at you with a face of confusion “this is unexpected why you giving me this?” she ask placing the consoles down on her table you shrug your shoulders “well I don't need them anymore and I felt like selling them would be a waste so I said why not just give them to my best friend in the whole wide world!” you said as Julien nods her head grabbing you and pulling you into a tight hug “thank you Y/N this means a lot to me i’ll make it up to you I swear” she says and you shake your head.
“No need,” you say as you smile at your beautiful best friend you have known since kindergarten “Julien you know I love you so much right? I thank all the gods above for bringing you into my life, I honestly don't know what I would have don't if I didn't have a friend like you thank you for changing my life I'll see you soon” you say as Julien looks at you with a confused smile on her face. “Y/N your scaring me what's going on?” she ask as you don't say anything just smile looking around “Y/N talk to me please”
“Nothing is going on just grateful for all my friends you know?” you smile as Julien nods nothing is said for a few minutes until Julien speaks “Well I love you so much Y/N your still coming to my birthday in six days right?” she ask as you shrug your shoulders she nods her head a little disappointed “well I gotta go you take care of yourself ok Y/N? I love you so much” Julien says pulling you into a tight hug you melt a little inside
“We are for life, nothing not even death can break the bond we have” Julien says one last time before closing the door on you for the last time.
Day 3
“Abby I think we should break up” you say as Abby looks over at you from her computer desk “What?” you look over at her before repeating what you said “I think we should break up” she turns off her computer before walking over to the couch to sit by you “and why is that? What did u do this time?” she hums pulling you into her lap with a smile you look at her feeling your heart melt Abby your Abby the one who loves you so much “I just feel like we should” she looks at you nodding her head at what your saying
“Well, that's not a good reason to break up what I do? Tell me so I can fix it” you don't say anything you just stare at her with a small tired smile you wrap your arms around Abby pulling her in to a tight hug “I just feel like I'm not right for you, y'know? We are two completely different people with different backgrounds, I always wonder what a person like you is doing with a crazy bitch like me” you say as Abby pulls away looking in your eyes
“Y/N you are enough for me everything I do is for you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you Y/N, I want to make you my wife I want to have kids-”
“How many kids?”
“Six of them” you laugh for the first time in weeks, a true genuine laugh “I want our first daughter to be Y/N Jr” Abby says caressing your face you look at her to see if she's joking.. She's not “really?” she nods her head before laying back on the couch spreading her legs “Y/N I hate when you speak like this is breaks my heart I don't like how you treat yourself, your beautiful Y/N your my sun, my heart, everytime you talk like this it's like a stab right in the heart” Abby vents you nod your head listening you want to apologize but you feel like you can't like their is something stopping you “I love you Y/N your not getting away from me anytime soon”
Hours go by of you and Abby talking, laughing, and cuddling, that you feel that sadness coming back that you wanna excuse yourself before you get to caught up in this “What where you going?”
“To write”
Day 4
Dear Abby,
My baby, my love, my hero I wanna say thank you, thank you for the love you have given me, thank you for the energy you have spent on me, thank you for the shoulder I can lean on when I needed to cry, for the laughs we shared, the arguments we had that had us wanting to kill each other but ended with us fixing it. Your probably wondering why I'm writing you this when I can literally go into the living room right now and say everything I need to say.
I can't
I can't look you in the eyes and tell you how fucking exhausted I am, how worn out and weak I am, I can't tell you how I've been cutting again after we celebrated a week clean, I can't tell you how depressed I have been it will ruin the mood and you know how much I hate an awkward situation lol. But Abby I love you so much you have shown me how strong I am when I thought I was weak, you loved me when I thought I was unlovable, loved me when I was Insecure and even ugly. When I was a kid I was always the ugly duckling, but when you told me “even a ugly duckling needs its Swan” I couldn't believe that I was gifted with such an amazing girlfriend.
We planned a whole life out together, what was it again? Oh yea six kids the first two named after us, a big house with a farm, with a dog and cat. I'm sorry but I don't think in this lifetime we was meant to reach those goals we wanted life isn't fair as much as we hope and pray for it its just not in us.
You have to forget about me. Heartbreak is temporary you will find someone better then me I'm sure of it. I am sorry for all the pain I have put you in. I never meant to do that. I loved you too much to see you get hurt by me.
I love you so much words can't express my love for you. Anytime anyone mentioned you my heart would flutter, like I'm falling in love with you again.
I remember when you told me on our first date that you would never fall in love and that love is overrated and here you are in love with someone who is dying. I love you so much Abby. Maybe In Another Life we will finally be together.
Forever yours,
Y/N ❤︎
Day 5
Ambulance, and police cars crowd your parents house. Screaming, and crying are the only things to be heard. Your mother panicking craddling your bloody body as police men try to remove you
“NO NOT MY BABY! YOU CAN’T TAKE MY BABY AWAY FROM ME!” she screams pulling you in closer as your father tries to pry your mothers arms open to let them take you to the hospital. Your mother refuses to let go until your father grabs ahold of her face “stop being difficult dear and let them take her they might be able to save her if you let them do their job. Your mother looks down at you and then at the men hovering above and she lets go slowly…slowly.. And she slowly relives everything your birth, your first word, your first day of school everything, slowly her baby, her first born, the life she made to protect you slipping away, going down the drain.
The ride to the hospital was long, well to your parents at least, your mother couldn’t stop crying and praying to any god that is out to to hear her prayers, she doesn't want to believe it her baby girl, wanting to kill herself why? Was it because of her? Was she not a good mother? She tried to change for the better for her baby girl she didn't wanna end up like her mother who mentally and verbally abused her but it seems like the Apple doesn't fall to far from the tree.
“MOM PLEASE TELL ME ITS NOT TRUE!” She hears from her left she lifts her head and sees Dina, and Julien running to your mom she gets up and opens her arms as they run into them making her stumble over “She-she just I- I’m a terrible mother!” she chokes on her words as Dina and Julien comfort her with tears in their eyes the doctor comes out with a clipboard in hand and a small smile on her face.
“Your Y/N’s Mother correct?” the doctor ask as your mom their nods her head interlocking her hands and placing them onto her chest “your daughter just got out of surgery” the doctor announces as your mother nods her head just wanting to hear if her daughter is ok “your daughter tried to kill herself, and sadly she stabbed a few major parts of her body, so now she's in a coma and we tried everything we can but it's up to her now if she want to come out of it” the doctor adds on as your mother starts to break down the doctor apologizes before excusing herself.
On cue, Abby runs through the doors in a sweat was she too late? She tried to get to the hospital as fast as she could she really tried but she couldn't exactly believe that her Y/N would try to kill herself, it wasn't even a day ago when you wanted to break up with each other was this the reason why? Was it her?
Day 6
Abby stayed with you since she got their not leaving your side once not to use the bathroom not to sleep nothing afraid if she was to do anything much as breath you would be gone forever
Abby squeezed your hand anxiously waiting for you to wake up looking at your life monitor and then at you “come on Y/N wake up baby girl”
She decided to scroll through photos of you guys smiling at all the memories, like your first date to the zoo and seeing all the cute animals, or the movie date you guys did she smiles at the memories wanting to make more but all she need was for you to wake up.
“You remember when you told me how you was tired of living with your parents? Well I found a sweet three bedroom apartment that would be nice for us, we can use the third bedroom as a little office since college is starting soon” Abby asks speaking to you as if your gonna answer. “I gotta you the bathroom I'll be right back ok?” Abby says squeezing your hand and leaving the room.
Abby looks at herself in the mirror she looks fucked, her cheeks are stained with tears and her eyes are red she looks like a zombie. She opens the bathroom door and sees doctors rushing somewhere… somewhere?…Y/N?….No it can't be why can't she move.. Abby move run she was lost in thought everything playing back your first introduction, to the first kiss, to the make out that led to you losing your virginity, to..to..to
“MOVE OUT THE WAY KID” a doctor yells pushing past Abby knocking her out of her train of thought she walks over to your room but it felt farther why? She wants to come back and see you hug you but she can't…
She's too late
your parents and Julien come rushing in as the doctors speak to them “say goodbye” she says as your mother nods running in to hug you kissing your face and saying how much she loves and wishes she could have protected you.
Abby doesn't say goodbye in shock she stands their and watch them pull your life support she stands their as she sees the life drain out of you, she stands their until they zip your body up and drag you way.
“I’m sorry about your lost kid” the doctor says patting her back. She was the last one their and the last one to leave.
Day 7
The day of the funeral hit hard for Abby, she lost everything in a span of 48 hours, she had no time to process any of it, she didn't even get to say goodbye, she didn't get to hug you, kiss you any of it you were pulling right from under her. She tried not to cry just for you she tried to stay strong but she couldn't, not when a piece of her heart just broke, not when the light in her life suddenly went out.
“Y/N was loved by everyone” the pastor says but Abby wasn't listening too busy trying not to break down, trying hard not to to open the casket and see if your actually dead and not playing a sick joke on her. When it was her turn to speak she couldn't really find her words without feeling like she was gonna choke on them “Y/N was my everything, I feel like I have just lost apart of me, life is so unfair why her? Why me? We're we not meant for a happy ending like everybody else? Are we so out of luck that the world just gave up on us? I wanted to marry her, I promised her a happy life, I wanted to get old with her but fate said no and just took her and I didn't even get to say bye” Abby holds the box with the ring she was gonna use to propose to you with and just looks at it with a sad smile.
“Y/N you were my soulmate and I don't think I can find another person that will fill your spot I know you would want me to move on but I can't I feel like it would be cheating, like I just forgot about you if I do you were my Juliet, and I was your Romeo. Maybe in another life fate will bring us together” Your mom looks at Abby as she walks back over to her seat “Thank you for loving my daughter” Abby smiles nodding her head and showing your mother the box “I really meant what I said I wanted to marry your daughter”
When they was lowering you to the ground Abby pulled out the ring she was gonna marry you with and threw it in and then put the other one on her finger. She watched as they covered you, she watched as they sang, and she watched as your gravestone was placed, she sat their and didn't leave even hours after the funeral ended she stayed, looking up at the sky seeing all the pretty birds
A dove the bird that means peace, hope, transformation, and love. she smiles at it “Goodbye Y/N you can rest now”
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The end I hope you like this (this made me cry writing this so hopefully it makes you cry as well) first post of 2024 kinda nervous hope I did good fr and remember life isn't worth killing yourself over, if you ever and I mean ever need to vent about anything my DMs are always opened.
All rights reserved to the owner of this blog! Ⓒ︎ bellaxellie. You may translate and repost my works only with permission.
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subterlyfitumtale · 22 days
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Cover of the song "Bonetrousle by the Man of the Internet," for Subtertale and sung by subtertale Papyrus, subtertale sans, and subtertale stelliny:
Hey you two...it's time for my big number, Sans and Stelliny! Press play!
(Sans hits a tree and Stelliny laughs)
Sans and Stelliny! I meant play the music!
(Sans plays trombone and Stelliny plays trumpet)
Okay, let's stop now and see...Oh, here's the play button!
Are you guys ready for this!?
We think no one could be ready for this.
Shut up guys! You just don't understand what perfection is!
Prepare yourself now, human!
You face Papyrus now!
Even though the royal guards couldn't stop you, I'll do it alone!
So I hope you're ready for the ultimate showdown.
While you're trying to show your strength and determination in this bone battle.
I see your face, you're running around everywhere.
This is serious, I know that look!
Are you flirting with me?
Please understand
That I'm a highly sought after skeleton
And I'm also a skeleton with standards, mostly for making spaghetti and pasta!
Don't feel sad, human even though I will capture you
Because you can do anything.
I just have to do my best to capture her!
Undyne will see that I can be a real royal guard!
That's right, there's only that one girl you need...
I hate to say goodbye!
Maybe someday, all of us can become friends
And when that day comes
I know we'll have a lot of fun!
But until then
I have to capture you
Since you're a human
But what you're trying to do is become her friend.
Both of you! Stop messing up my number with incidental letters!
We thought what we said sounded pretty good.
Well, I thought that didn't sound like something I would say.
And that's the worst thing you ever said!
Oh, then forgive us.
Okay, guys. I forgive you now. Let's go! Let's enjoy Grillby's!
Hey, Paps...
The girl is still here. And the music is still playing. We're pretty sure that means the song didn't end.
Oopsie doopsie! I completely forgot about that! HUMAN! Get ready for my second attack verse!
You can do anything
If you want it hard enough and determined enough
Undyne says that, and she's very strong and determined!
So I look up to and copy her style!
And that's why I'll be the best and most awesome future royal guard
Or at least one who's in training to be one
Though it's taking a while...
But when that's over, we can be friends
And you'll see how a royal guard has immense amounts of fun!
Where are you going, human?
We're supposed to be fighting!
Why do you think this song ended?
Oh, I knew it, guys.
Not even the human respects me.
Listen bro, that's not true. A lot of people like you.
How do they know?
The underground network has, like, a million versions of this song. Here's one now. Press play, boys!
Guys, this is—
Yep. Blow 'em away, bro! Show that you're bad ass and a backbone breaker!
Come on then, human, let's see if you can keep up
With the greatest and coolest Papyrus right now for real.
It won't be easy, you'll have to really work
Unlike my lazy brothers at their posts!
You're doing a great job so far, little human
But since I'm a skeleton, I'm not getting tired at all.
Okay, maybe I'm losing some breath
But not as much as you, wait, be careful! Don't fall!
This is the longest a human has lasted against me—
That's because you haven't met her yet.
So maybe we can take a little, well-deserved break
And lie down for a while?
NO! Papyrus never rests!
I fooled you, human! Papyrus doesn't do things with his eyes closed and snoring!
Hey bro, what you're saying is called sleeping—
They bring out the great backup dancers!
Stop right there, human, listen to me
I'm the great, coolest Papyrus, and you can never be free!
I'll keep you here, held captive by riddles and puzzles
Unless you want to leave, and you ask me very nicely!
You can do anything if you want it hard enough and determined enough
And we know we've got what it takes, we've got heart and big dreams, we've got pride!
Undyne might be upset, but I don't care
Because I finally made a new friend, or at least I tried really hard!
So if you want to make a new, great, cool friend
Get ready to have fun, because I know we're going to have a blast.
Just like it seems you were ready for this battle!
Because I'm almost out of letters and I'm almost done.
What did you say? Do you want to be my friend?
Word-a-broadly Sanskrit we knew would happen.
Today is a great day, I have a new friend, and she's a human!
We knew you'd make friends with one.
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milesandcorysupermacy · 6 months
can you do a fic we’re y/n is miles(doesn’t matter which one) little sister who can lowkey sing but denies it
HEEEEEY, POOKIE! So ik I took long to answer ur request but u inspired me to write again because I can actually relate to this 😭
1610!Miles x Younger-SISTER-Reader
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Warnings: Cursing, Reader is 13, Miles is 15, Me not knowing anthing about the music industry, Not spell checked bc im lazy, Reader recorded without her consent (it'll make sense, I promise 😭)
Songs that were used: 'In Your Hands' By Halle, and 'Hailey's Comet' By Billie Eilish
Summary: You've always thought you could sing well, but you never considered it was exceptionally well. When you're confronted with other people's opinions on your singing, you start to change your mind. Can you really sing?
You walked into your kitchen, humming the soft melodies of the Billie Eilish song playing in your shared airpod with your older brother, Miles.
"Hey, you wanna order tacos? Your treat, by the way."
You turn to him, confused from this comment since he usually pays. You hate to admit anything nice about him, but one thing you can say is...he's a gentleman.
"Why am I paying?"
"Oh, I dunno. Maybe this will jog your memory."
Your over-dramatic sibling says as he points to a scar on his left cheek. You sheepishly chuckle as you scratch the back of your neck, embarrassed. The scar he's referring to is from two days ago when you threw scissors at him.
"Oh, right. In my defense, I thought your spidey senses would make you catch it."
Miles gasped.
"HOW?!?!!? I was holding sketches! If you thought I would drop my precious babies for some scissors...you clearly don't know me, mother's other child."
He said, not referring to you by name anymore. You rolled your eyes as you threatened him with the worst thing of all...no food.
"Well, if you're not even referring to me by name anymore, I guess you don't want any tacos!"
Miles immediately frowned, gasping from your threat.
"No! I love you my most beautiful, sweet, elegant sister! I still want the tacos! Make mine carne asada, please!"
You rolled your eyes at his willingness to switch up so easily. You sighed, opening your Uber Eats app to find the closest taco place.
"What a drag to love you like I do, ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh"
You sang quietly along to the infectious melodies of Billie Eilish's 'Hailey's Comet'. Miles just stared at you, stunned. He's never heard you sing unless you were joking around, but right now he could've sworn you were a Grammy-nominated artist. He let this keep going on until the song ended, still staring at you while you absent-mindedly look into your phone. Not noticing him staring daggers into the side of your face.
"Ok, I placed the orde-"
"You sounded really good just now, why didn't you tell anyone you could sing like that?"
You stared at him bug-eyed, not knowing how to respond to all this sudden attention on you. Being the younger sister of Miles Morales, you just kinda got used to flying under his radar. I mean, he's a *almost* Straight A student, exceptionally good at art, a superhero, and he's in one of the most prestigious schools in Brooklyn. How could you even compete with that?
You're just a 13 year old girl who passes all her classes to keep her and her parents sane, and pretty much nothing after that. You acknowledged this hidden talent, but immediately compared yourself to other singers and realized that you would get crushed in that audition room. You weren't some Beyonce waiting to happen, you were just a girl. A girl who has absolutely no idea what she's doing.
"Why? What do you mean why, Miles? Have you heard all the other singers out there? Dude, I would get fucking crushed the moment I let out the first note. Not just that, but you're so obviously mom and dad's favorite. I mean, every time I come home with a B I feel like an idiot compared to you. You're just better than me, and everyone knows it. I fly under your radar, Miles. Every time that you, mom, or dad introduce me to somebody, you guys always say Miles' little sister. Face it, dude. I can't compare to you."
Miles felt his heart shatter hearing your words. As a big brother, his job was to protect you. How could he do that when he was causing the problem himself? He never looked down on you, he was proud to have you as a sister and he couldn't believe that you felt this way about yourself. What made it even worse was the fact that you started crying, he immediately sprung into action when he saw the tears falling. He engulfed you in a hug, feeling extremely guilty.
"I'm so sorry, Mariposa. I never even realized that the family was downplaying you like this, you're incredible and deserve to be seen as such."
You felt a smirk coming onto your lips from the nickname that he called you, referring to your Halloween costume from 10 years ago. Small moments like this made you realize that you had a brother who loved you, and would talk to you about anything. That's all that matters, right? You and him against the world...well, maybe just him. (Give the man credit, he's literally spiderman.)
"It's fine, I'm sorry to drop all of this on you. I feel like I kinda overreacted."
You awkwardly chuckled as Miles look at you like you were a woman gone mad.
"Why are you sorry? I'm glad you brung it up, now I can be more aware whenever I see it happen again. The fact that you feel like you're always under my radar is even more of a reason to get yourself out there! Who knows, I mean maybe Mami and Dad could hire you a manager. We're in New York, this IS industry city."
You thought about the idea for a second and honestly, it sounded great at first. Then you started to realize that you were 13, about to graduate 8th grade, and have no experience in vocal training. The once great idea started to sound like a complete fail.
"While I appreciate your excitement, Miles. I'm barely a high schooler, and have no experience. If I were to make it in the industry, it be pure luck!"
You waved him off as he was walking around you in a circle, spewing ideas. Starting to become annoyed with how invested he truly is in your life, a blessing and a curse.
"Well maybe if we go to the mall and-"
"What? No, that's so idiotic."
"Well, if you can open for an artist's tour-"
"How am I gonna do that with my middle class, Afro-Hispanic family in Brooklyn, New York?"
"Well, I got a few piggy bank-"
Miles was thankfully interrupted by a notification from your phone saying that the tacos were downstairs at the front desk.
"Thank fuck."
You whispered as the notification saved you from hearing any more of Miles' idiotic ideas.
"Miles, you mind going to get it?"
"Yea, just gimme a sec."
He says as he puts his shoes on, but that's really just a cover for his plan. He decided to play one of your favorite songs right now, 'In Your Hands'. He did this since he knew you wouldn't be able to resist singing it, especially since nobody else is around. While he's downstairs, he left his phone recording in the apartment so that he could catch your angelic voice and show it to his parents. Great plan....well, at least he hopes so.
While you and Miles play Wii Bowling on the living room TV, (you were beating his ass btw) your parents walk in. You both greet them and help with groceries, you then decide that you wanted to take a shower and exit the room. This gives Miles time to execute his plan!
(We're gonna pan over to Miles' scene bc I'm not. writing about you taking a boring ass shower.)
"Ok, we have like 40 mins until she's done with her nightly routine."
Miles says very suspiciously which causes his parents to feel concerned about him.
"Miles, buddy. You alright? I hope you're not sick or anything."
Jeff says as he cautiously touches Miles' forehead. His mother begins to chime in with the concern too.
"Yeah, you do look kinda pale."
Rio says, also touching the poor boy's face.
"He does, doesn't he? I'm glad I wasn't the only one noticing-"
"I'm not pale, I'm very pigmented!"
Miles whisper shouts. His parents back off with their hands up in a surrendering motion.
"Anyway, I wanted to show you guys a video of Y/N that I took. I know it sounds weird, but it's a video of her singing. It sounds really nice and I want her to have a talent of her own since everyone compares us."
His parents smile with approval and appreciation of how nice your brother was being towards you right now.
"Well, show us whatcha got!"
Rio says, enthusiastically. Miles opens his camera app and plays the video, immediately smiling at your perfect voice as you sing the melodic notes of the song.
"In your Hands, in your hands.
You can't let go or you'll lose your chance.
'Cause after me, you'll never fall in love again, la-la-la."
You melodically sung along to the song ans your parents stared at the phone with shock. They listened to the whole 3 minute video and smiled the whole way through, stunned by your almost perfect vocals.
"Wow...I can't believe that's my baby girl singing!"
Rio said, bewildered.
After some time, you finally walk out the bathroom with your pajamas and a towel on your head. Your family just stared at you with shock as you walked toward the kitchen for water.
"What? Am I not supposed to drink this water or something?"
"Girl, where'd you learn to sing like that?"
You furrowed your eyebrows at your dad, believing he's truly lost it this time.
"What are you talking about?"
Miles smiled cheekily at you as he played the video of your singing. You immediately grew embarrassed as you felt your face heat up and eyes widen.
"Miles, I'll kill you!"
You shouted as you charged towards your older brother who hid behind his mom.
"Baby, this is great! We signed you up for vocal lessons and even got you a meeting with a manager tomorrow, that's...if you say yes, of course."
Your mom trailed off.
"You better say yes, this stuff wasn't cheap!"
Jeff complained as your mom shot him a glare.
"Fine, I'll do it."
You said as you smiled from your families interest in you and your interests. You and your family conversed on some logistics and commitments that you will have to make for this newfound hobby. With that, there was just one more question to ask...
"So, what will your artist name be? We need a name to put on the email to the record label."
You looked up at your older brother and smiled before saying...
The first post after my lil hiatus 🤧
Anyway, I hope yall liked it and thanks to the anon who sent this, ima answer the other request I got too!
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writingpei · 1 year
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han | 한지성: brother's best friend
tw: graphic descriptions of panic attacks, drinking, men being gross, claustrophobia
there was this very famous club in your city. almost everyone you knew had a story to tell about it, a remarkable experience, a fragment of youth.
well, everyone but you.
you had never stepped on the club, much to your dismay. now, freshly 19, you think this is your chance to go and create your own stories, have fun amid sweaty bodies and deafening music. that's why when one of your friends invites you to go with her, you don't hesitate to say yes, feeling the enthusiasm burning through your body.
that's until…
"what? why do you want to know about that place?" your older brother asks you skeptically, one eyebrow arching.
chan was only two years older than you and had already inhabited the four corners of the city, traveling at night from neighborhood to neighborhood, street to street.
"um, just curiosity" you make the excuse quickly, trying to get off target. "it's just that everyone talks about this place, i wanted to know what it's like"
"believe me" he turns to you, crossing his arms and assuming the big brother voice ready to lecture you. "you don't want to know. this place is pure bullshit. all the legends are illusions of people out of their minds, this place is a shithole"
"you've been there, haven't you?"
"yes and i regret it" he says. "and you better not go there either" and you knew you were screwed. he definitely, definitely couldn't have known your plans for that very night.
"ok, not like i'm going to go..." you say walking into the kitchen, trying not to incriminate yourself.
when you reach the door, you feel your body bumping against something hard, and you almost fall backwards if it weren't for an arm hooking around your back and pulling you to regain balance once again.
"oopsie" you heard that voice you already knew so well.
jisung and chan were friends since middle school and you got used to watching him grow up on your couch, at your dinner table and in your brother's room. you never really liked him, he was always riding the waves of sarcasm, a wittiness that oozed out of his mouth whenever he spoke, as if he liked to pick on you. there are certain moments that you remember.
on jisung's 15th birthday, chan asked for your help making a cake for him and you didn't mind helping, opting to bake a strawberry shortcake. surprisingly, you put a lot of effort into making it look nice, cutting the strawberry pieces into equal sizes and re-making the whipped cream 3 times until it was just perfect. what you were not expecting was that, on the day of his birthday as he arrived at your house, a small smirk appeared on his lips as soon as he saw the cake, and he just whispered softly so chan wouldn't hear "i hate strawberries". you don't know why you got so angry, but you ran to your room and stayed there until he left. chan comes to your room at dusk with a big smile on his face, and when he says "he ate the whole cake when he found out we made it, i almost couldn't get a taste of it" you get extremely confused.
another time was when you were 16. prom was lurking and people were already getting partners for the long awaited night. one of the school jocks showing up with a bouquet of flowers in front of you and asking you to be his partner wasn't exactly on your prediction list, but you were over the moon either way, so you playing with your bouquet as you walked home after school daydreaming about what you were going to wear. it was common for jisung to wait on the steps of your house when he arrived before chan did, which in your point of view was a strange attitude, but not unexpected, and precisely because of that you weren't surprised to see him there listening to music in a headphone. normally you'd ignore him, but it's freezing and the way he hugs his legs, he feels it too.
you invite him in without much exchange of words and his gaze is quickly captured by the bouquet in your arms, and he is not shy about asking you directly “who gave you those?”. you get red in the cheeks and say the boy's name, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. what confuses you is when jisung makes a disgusted face and just says “he's a douchebag, don't go to the prom with him" before going up to chan's room to wait for him there. you decide to let it go and pretend he didn't say anything to you to begin with continuing to stare at the beautiful bouquet in awe. your happiness lasts until jock comes to you the next day with a very different attitude than he had the day before, wasting no time in telling you that it was a prank and he wasn't going to take you to the prom under any circumstances.
han jisung was a strange fella, and in your years of knowing him - not by choice - you knew better not to dive way to deep into the meaning of his actions.
“you need to watch out” jisung says, still holding your waist. you take a deep breath and push him away, creating distance between the two of you, and that's when you notice he's eating his favorite cereal from his favorite bowl, emblazoned with little koalas.
“this is my house!” you exclaim.
“congratulations…?” he retorts by sending you a frown.
“why are you never in your own house?” you ask. “and why are you eating my cereal?!”
“why would i stay at my own house when yours is just…” he walks over to your brother, plopping down on the couch. “beautiful, stunning, amazing-”
“in my favorite bowl…” you sulk, seeing your precious bowl in the hands of a careless person like him.
“y/n, you said you're staying out for the night, didn't you?” chan suddenly asks and you feel your spine run cold.
“yeah… i'm going to sleep over at a friend's house” you try your best to lie as convincingly as possible. “i'll be back by morning”
“want me to take you there?” he asks, but you get even more nervous. you had agreed to meet at the club and then go to her house.
"no!" you exclaim, waving your hands in front of you. “ha ha, no need, chan. i know you guys will focus on your games, it's ok"
"are you sure?" chan asks, reaching for the video game controller.
you nod vigorously. “yes, yes, don't worry” and smiles too big, in feign naturalness.
behind chan, on the couch, jisung eyes you suspiciously, with a glazed look, as if he already knew exactly what you were up to. but he soon puts down the cereal and picks up a controller too, nudging chan with his shoulders and blurting out the “i want to be luigi”
“i'll be mario then” chan replies, and you take the cue to fly to your room and start getting ready.
the night arrives stealthily, with the sky being heard every second in an immense silence. you were never a person who challenged the authority of others and contradicted them just for the thrill of being rebellious, but curiosity and excitement took over all your senses, and with each step you took against the concrete of the street, more lively you stayed. you had dressed up a lot for the night out, running out the door as quickly as possible so chan wouldn't see you and not be surprised by your clothes and the makeup you'd done just to go “sleep at a friend's house”.
when you found her waiting at the entrance, she gave you a huge smile and ran towards you, also excited for what was to come.
“you look amazing!” she said, grabbing your shoulders and giving you a huge smile. “let’s not waste anymore time, tonight is going to be awesome!” before you could answer you were already being yanked towards the door. you took your last breath of fresh night air when you saw the front door swing open, a burning neon red light pouring through the crack.
in a second, you were in.
the music was deafening, you could feel it in your bones. bodies were a sea, and it felt like you never knew what personal space was. a heat from the bodies around you rose so fast the breath was knocked out of you. so many people having fun, the loud laughter and euphoric screams echoed through his mind, and the hope of the unforgettable night grew more and more inside your chest.
when you found the dance floor, your friend grabbed your hands and pulled you to dance until your feet started to hurt. a glass appeared in your hand, then another, and another, and then another.
“how about we sit down?” you yell for her to be able to hear just as your vision starts to blur into an endless jumble of colors.
“you can sit down, there's a guy who's been looking at me for hours, i'm going to go talk to him” your friend replies excitedly and soon disappears into the crowd.
once she disappears, some of the magic around it disappears as well. without the sight of a familiar face, the people around seem too close, the colors too bright, and the heat unbearable. you have to sit down, but at the moment you are right in the middle of a sea of ​​people moving like the waves, in an eternal and slow swing.
when you step out of the center and finally lean against a wall, you realize you're sweating. you try to take a deep breath and feel the fresh air you breathed outside to pass through your nose, but you can't. you feel a presence uncomfortably close to your side, and when you look in that direction, you see a tall, strange man smiling at you.
“hey you pretty thing, are you here all by yourself?” he approaches your ear, and you instinctively recoil.
“no, i’m here with a friend” you answer quickly, trying to get away from him.
"well, i don't see anyone here" he approaches once more, and in a wave of panic you run into the crowd, pushing your way through people as much as you can.
you only stop when you see the stairs leading upstairs, and see that the part underneath is completely empty and secluded. you go under the stairs and you can't believe the feeling of your body not touching anyone. the club has lost all its charm. the sounds merged into one, which hammers your head from side to side knocking the air out of your lungs and making your head throb.
your hands shake as you reach into your purse for your cell phone. your breath is out of control like your fingers when you scroll through your contact list looking for your friend, and when you find her, you don't hesitate to call her.
the phone rings once, twice, three times, and relief shoots down your spine when she picks up. “hey, i’m busy right now, wait for me downstairs”, however, is the only thing she says before hanging up in your face.
you can't believe it. tears pool like rivers in your eyes, and if you were shaking before, it's a lot worse now. this couldn't be happening, it had to be a prank. you were completely alone.
when your eyes hit the contact list one more time, you surrender. you had already lied, now all that was left was for you to try to correct your mistake once and for all. you endlessly search for chan's contact, hoping to heaven he comes to get you.
the phone keeps ringing for what seems like hours and you lose more and more hope that he will answer you. “hello” a soft voice answers you after several rings, and you grip the phone so hard your knuckles turn white.
“jisung?” you ask confused and check to see if you didn't call the wrong person.
“chan fell asleep hours ago, i ended up answering for him. what is that loud music?” but you just sit silently contemplating the weight of truth that will fall on your shoulders. “you went there, didn't you?” he asks quietly, as if he's being forced to deal with a reality he definitely doesn't want.
“i'm sorry” is all you manage to say before the tears flow freely down your face and sobs shyly escape your lips.
“hey, what happened?” his tone changed. the awkwardness of being talking to jisung in such a situation and his tone sounding oddly concerned doesn't take up significant space in her mind at the moment, the loud music clouding all her senses and thoughts instead.
“i came with a friend…” you start to say between sobs. “but she disappeared and left me alone. i'm all alone, jisung” you say, running your hand over your face to wipe away the tears. “and the music is too loud, there are too many people, i am totally lost“
“i’m going to pick you up” he says, and you can hear keys rattling on the other end of the line. the strangeness of his attitude hits you almost like a tickle. you never imagined that jisung, out of everyone, would be the one to come to your rescue. “but i need you to do something for me” he says suddenly after a few seconds of silence between them where all you can hear are his hurried footsteps.
"what?" you whisper, trying to stop the tears from flowing.
“stay with me on the phone until i get there. you're not alone, i'm here with you” he replies calmly, voice sweet and smooth as velvet. you nod even though you know he wouldn't be able to see, and you don't dare move the phone even a millimeter away from your ear. “now, do you think you can leave the club and wait for me at the entrance? it's going to be complicated, you'll have to go through everyone again, but you need me to catch you as soon as possible. you can do it, i know you can. i'm here with you"
the idea of ​​going back among everyone, in the center of the mess, the heat burning your skin once again makes your breathing, which had calmed down listening to jisung's voice oh so calm, become irregular again.
“i, uh, i can try…” you manage to blurt out and start to get out from under the climb slowly and carefully.
“i trust you, everything is going to be fine” he says, and you hear him start the car. “i’m already coming for you”
“thank you, jisung” you say timidly, but when you face the crowd, your feet stop as if they're frozen. “jisung, i don't know…” you take a deep breath looking around, looking for any other escape alternative, but you knew that was the only way.
"what is it? talk to me” he says patiently.
“can you keep talking to me until i cross to the other side? i don't think i can do it alone” you ask, hands shaking.
“of course” he answers, and doesn't waste another second for his voice to ring in his ear again. “i’ll tell you a story then”
you take a deep breath and try to put your full attention on the boy on the other end of the line, and then you take your first step into the crowd.
“do you remember when you were 16 and that guy asked you to the prom? then he dropped out a day later?” you frown, confused about what he could possibly tell you about this story. he had nothing to do with it anyway. “he was on the school team, but me and your brother were too. when you arrived with that bouquet and said that he, that guy, had asked you to the prom that was in my head all day. i knew him and i knew he was a jerk, that's why i said he was a douchebag and you should have said no. the next day i overheard him saying it was just a prank and he wasn't going to take you to the prom at all. i was so pissed off that i made him tell you it was a lie straight away, he was terrified because i was older than him i think, but at least he told you before it was too late”
a strange feeling bubbled up inside your chest. you noticed that the previously seemingly endless distance to the entrance had shrunk considerably, and now you could already see the fluorescent green 'exit' sign glowing above the door. “did you do all this to help me? you asked, genuinely surprised. "i didn't know you cared about me at all"
he laughs across the line lightly.
“care about you at all?” he repeats in a humorous tone. “i did that because i had the fattest crush on you, y/n” you stop right in front of the front door. everything behind you that used to scare you has dissipated in your head, and you think you've finally lost your mind and are hearing things.
“what?” it's the only thing that escapes your lips.
“did you manage to get out yet?” he changes the subject, but your mind won't let go of the words that flew from his mouth to his ears.
“what did you say, jisung?” you insist.
“i'm almost there” you take a deep breath and push the door to leave.
you can hardly believe it when the cool night air hits your skin and you can breathe out of the hot, sickening air inside the club, but your head is now floating on something different.
when you step outside the club, you see jisung's car parked in front as a kind of savior. as soon as he sees you, he jumps out of the car and comes running towards you, hair tousled and eyes puffy from sleep. it was the middle of the night, after all.
“are you ok?” he asks with slightly wide eyes, taking you by the shoulders with an extremely gentle touch.
“um, i think i am…” you start to say, but soon realize you can't take your eyes off his. you weren't used to being close to him like this, but contrary to what you expected, you didn't feel any revulsion. only his words took full hold of her senses. “did you have a crush on me?” you ask, and now he had no way to get away, standing in front of you.
his eyes widen further, and his mouth opens and closes a few times before he actually responds.
“yes, i- uh, had…” he says, his hands dropping from your shoulders and sliding to your forearms and pulling you closer slightly, eyes scanning your face for any signs of distress or injury. “you didn't take anything someone gave you, did you? didn't drink anything from someone else's cup?” you shake your head several times, not wanting to even think about what might have happened if you had. “thank god” he takes a deep breath before calmly pulling you into a tight hug, and the strangeness of the touch doesn't make you want to run away from him, quite the opposite. “you shouldn't have gone, he told you, this place is a shithole”
“i know” you are overcome with a feeling of guilt, and tears come back to your eyes when you think about how chan will react when he finds out what you did. “do you think he will be very angry?”
“oh, yeah, absolutely” he replies and you feel his chest shake slightly as a giggle escapes your sides. “but now it's okay, you're with me and i'm not angry. let's go home"
he pulls away from you and the lack of his touch on your skin just gives you a sense of loss, and when he starts walking to his car you just follow him.
the journey home is silent, and you begin to understand certain things. the strange behavior he always had with you, being at arm's reach all the time but at the same time, distant, never getting close.
“is that why you had that strawberry cake that time, on your birthday?” you ask out of the blue, taking your eyes off the window and looking at him from the corner of your eye as if if you looked at him all the way, you wouldn't have the courage to say what you wanted.
"oh, what do you mean?" he asks, but he knew well what you were talking about.
“because of your crush on me” you say softly.
“oh” he is silent for a while, only his breath reaches his ears. “yeah. it was because of that. i fucking hate strawberries” you chuckle but become infatuated with him, a conversation you never expected to have.
“is that why you came to get me?”
“what?” he asks, looking shocked. “i don't need a reason to help you. you were crying on the phone, i would never leave you alone in a situation like that”
“i know, i know” you say. “i wanted to know if… if that wasn’t left in the past, that’s all”
he looks at you with a confused look.
“why is that?” it's his turn to speak softly, looking at you carefully.
“i don’t know, i just…” you stop at a red light, and it seems that the fear has completely dissipated inside and you look him in the eye. “contrary to what i would have expected, i wouldn't hate the idea. you know, of you liking me”
he stands there looking you in the eyes too, mouth agape, head elsewhere.
“do you want me to say it then?” he whispers, eyes burning into yours. “do you want me to tell you that i liked you from the moment i met you?”
air is drawn from within you, a warm feeling warms your whole body. now it's you who has no answer.
“i do” is all you say.
he freezes, staring back and forth between his eyes and his lips, but when the green light flashes on the traffic light, the connection unfortunately breaks.
“your brother is going to kill me” he chuckles, eliciting a smile from you.
“well, as you saw today, i'm not very prone to follow things he says” you joke.
when the car pulls up in front of your house, the familiarity gives you an inexplicable sense of security. you and jisung walk side by side, arms touching lightly, but every touch makes the butterflies in your stomach dance. as soon as you enter the house, you turn to him suddenly, making him stop walking so he doesn't fall on top of you.
“thanks so much for helping me jisung” you say sincerely. he cannot imagine what would have happened if you had been there until now.
your hands tentatively move up to his rosy cheeks, and you pull him close enough to plant a peck on the tip of his nose.
“but i need to ask you one more favor” you say when you walk away, but your hands are still holding. his eyes shine like they have little stars in them, a constellation.
“tell me” he says softly. your house is silent, almost no light illuminates it. silence, whispers, and closeness only bring more intimacy.
“i want you to tell me everything tomorrow morning” you say, hands leaving his cheeks and going snakelike, tangling in his brown hair. “i want you to tell me everything, will you?”
after a few seconds of silence, feeling his warm breath against her face, he opens a smile, teeth showing.
“of course” he laughs. "tomorrow i'll tell you everything"
skz as romantic tropes masterlist
taglist: leeknowinggg
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jujutsubaby · 7 months
Hello my dear! Congrats for your achievment!✨
I’d like to play and I say:
Cafè Heaven and Hell.
I’d like to order a white mocha and take away a Macha Latte.
I’ll eat a mochi donut!🍩
Thank you very much! 🤗🌸
a/n: thanks for your ask 💓 yours was super fun to write and i hope you enjoy it hehe~ also guys i swear i don't hate gojo he’s just a male thot to me. also btw when i went to paris last year there was a male thot that served me at a cafe and so he’s just all i think about when i think of gojo and cafe au’s
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🤍 PAIRING. gojo
🤍 WORD COUNT. 1.3k (sorry i just love writing about male thots)
you can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief as you enter your favorite cafe. work today had been complete hell, and you need a caffeine and sugar fix to give you the will to live this evening.
the cozy ambience of cafe heaven and earth instantly soothes you - the romantic low lighting, the smell of eucalyptus and coffee beans, and the low jazz music playing in the background settles over you. 
after ordering your white mocha (as well as a mochi donut as an extra treat — you really deserve it today), you wander to your usual counter seat by the window and lean back with a relaxed sigh. 
you had been so excited to start work at the prestigious zenin law firm, but just three months in, you were already feeling the first signs of burnout.
you usually like to go over documents from work during your coffee runs, but today, you just need to savor the moment. as soon as you sit back down, you close your eyes and take your long awaited sip of white mocha. as the sweet, rich liquid hits your tongue, you can’t help but almost moan in satisfaction. 
your moment of calm is immediately ruined by an unfamiliar voice. “wow, that good, huh?”
you crack one eye open in annoyance to see a tall and muscular white haired man sitting a couple seats away from you. you’re taken aback by just how blue his eyes are - one glance and you find yourself sinking into its ocean blue. the next thing you notice (and you do feel a bit embarrassed about it but c’mon, you had a long day at work!) is how muscular and lean his arms are, his fingers playing his phone on the counter absentmindedly. it’s a wonder you didn’t notice him as soon as you got here. 
remembering that he just interrupted your peace and quiet to ask a question, you respond, “the white mochas here are always the best.” in spite of how astoundingly handsome the stranger sitting near you is, you’re not really in the mood for a conversation, so you hope your tone dissuades him from continuing.
“yeah? can i get a sip?” he asks, a bit too fast for your liking.  
 “what??” you’re taken aback by his forward question and brash manner. how old is this guy, anyway? this is the kind of behavior you expect out of your ten year old nephew yuji, not a grown ass adult!
the man pouts in response. what was his deal?! model-worthy good looks or not, he was starting to wear on your already limited patience. 
“maybe you could get your own drink?” you ask, trying to remain polite. “i’m kind of a germaphobe,” you lie. you don’t really care too much about sharing cups, but you really want this guy off your back. your precious relaxation time is limited!
“pleeease!!!!” he starts begging loudly, earning looks from surrounding cafe patrons. he notices you looking around self-consciously, and scrambles to the seat next to you so he can talk more quietly. 
“please!” he repeats at a more socially acceptable volume. “i’ll drink from the other side, promise! you won’t even know my mouth was there!” god, was he irritating! (it certainly didn’t help that he was making you think about his mouth now, too.) 
 desperate for this stranger to leave you be, you decide to let him have what he wants. then he’d leave you alone, right? you kind of doubt it, but it’s worth a try anyway.
“ok, ok! fine.” you slide the ceramic mug towards him, and he has the audacity to look smug as he clasps the mug between his hands. you absolutely do not notice how long and elegant his fingers look curled around the drink. 
“down the hatch!” he chirps as he lifts the mug to his lips.
you soon find out that the two of you have radically different definitions of the word “sip”. to him, a sip means gulping down half the mug, apparently. you watch wistfully as the drink you had so been looking forward to begins to disappear before your eyes. 
 when he puts the mug back down, his smug expression is replaced with an exaggerated grimace. “ewww, how do you drink that stuff?? it’s so bitter!” 
as you seethe to yourself, he darts his tongue out to swipe away at some foam left on his lips (which you are pointedly not paying attention to), before continuing. “i’m gojo, by the way.”
“it’s not bitter,” you say through gritted teeth. “it’s the best espresso in town, and one of the sweetest drinks they offer. besides, couldn’t you have decided that you hated it before you drank half the damn thing? what’s your problem, man?” 
“i told you, my name’s gojo!” the man starts to whine again, but seeing your animosity, he changes his tune quickly. “ok, sorry, sorry! i didn’t mean to annoy you! listen, why don’t you get yourself another drink on me?” he reaches into his pocket and pulls a shiny credit card from his wallet, handing it to you with an air of penitence. 
“really? thanks, gojo. that’s surprisingly decent of you,” you reply. you start to feel a little guilty for almost losing it at this complete stranger. his guilelessness, while annoying, is maybe almost even starting to charm you. 
“uh, maybe while you’re up there, you could also pick me up a drink that’s not a complete pukefest too?” he asks, fluttering his fluffy white eyelashes at you. upsettingly, your stomach does giddy somersaults at the sight, which you studiously ignore.
you sigh and roll your eyes. “all right, pretty boy, what’s your drink?” 
“oh, they’ll know,” he replies with a wink. “the gojo special — hot cocoa with strawberry milk mixed in. best drink on the planet.” 
you wrinkle your nose. “that sounds disgusting, but sure.” you head to the order counter for a second time, looking down at the card he entrusted you with as you wait in line. 
damn, a black card? he’s annoying AND rich? pick a struggle. nonetheless, you weren’t one to pass off another drink, especially at his expense. you go up to the counter and decide on ordering matcha latte and his wretched drink order. the barista looks at you with distaste after ordering it, before sighing and ringing you up. great, now you can never come to this place ever again. 
it doesn’t take long for your drinks to come out carefully make your way to the seat. you notice he’s dusting his hands on his thighs.
“alright, you weirdo, here’s your-” you stop mid sentence as you place the drinks on the table and notice there’s a huge bite taken out of your mochi donut. your precious mochi donut. you glance at gojo, then back at the donut, and then back his hands which still had remnants of frosting on top. 
“did you…did you just take a bite out of my donut while i was gone?” you say incredulously. 
“i know you heard me.” your fingers pinch the bridge of your nose in annoyance. “do you just always take bites out of random people’s food? who raised you?!” you’re in awe of someone who has social skills like this.
“don’t worry about it, kitten,” he purrs, and you hate that your heart beats faster at his nickname for you. “i’ll just buy you another one. i’ll buy you a dozen right now.” 
you sigh. “okay, fine.” you end up ordering a box of mochi donuts against your better judgment. even worse is that you…actually had a good time with him? you can’t remember the last time you were this annoyed but laughed this much. 
“by the way, you gonna be here tomorrow?” he asks with his mouth full of the last mochi donut. ugh, you shouldn’t find this attractive, but you do. 
“yeah.” you say, before you have time to change your mind. you take out a pen from your tote and quickly scribble your number on a napkin. common sense be damned, you think to yourself on the bus as you find yourself yearning to see that color blue again.
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wonderful-magician · 6 months
OK do you ship dinahboose and if you do I NEED YOUR THOUGHTS. ( I saw you where analyzing ceeb’s characterization sooo) if not just use this as a free space to ramble about something else idk 💀
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it is 1:am but I am so desperate to ramble and I also will take any excuse to draw any ship I like ever which is almost too many so excuse me if I sound nonsensical
OKAY I LOVE DINAHBOOSE obv I've been into this musical for a total of 2 weeks or so- so I'm still scrounging every bit of Information on these guys that I can. And I've done wayyy more research on CB than I have Dinah ( he has a lot more to look at though ) but these two just make sense to me. They just make sense. Opposites but not opposites. They are confusing and they are both confused. But at least they can hold hands while confused.
Personally I struggle to ever hate or dislike ships unless there's like a blindingly obvious reason to dislike a ship. But dinahboose is probably my second favorite ship so far for StEx ( Electraboose has 1st place and Krupp/purse has 3rd )
Totally not gonna use this to talk about my personal rewrite of StEx.. specifically C.B. because I don't want to make a post just for it LMAO.
So yeah I've been basically studying C.B. ( or, I guess caboose because he hasn't been called C.B in a long time... but C.B has more personality.. ) and my version of C.B. is probably a horrible amalgamation of OLC and 2015 Bochum. Because I love radio aesthetics and the Dinah friendship but I also love the toy soldier aesthetic and absolutely batshit laugh ( I also love it when C.B. is played by somebody too flexible for their own good ) hes just a glorified circus clown on wheels with a radio set strapped to his head.
And I wish I could pretend that I understand cutting him but I do and I don't and I do. Because I honestly feel like C.B in the original does more than Electra lmao. But I don't think cutting people is the solution most the time tbh.
Okay onto more half asleep rambling that is likely to change because I'm still in the early stages of this rewrite. But. I recognize that C.B. has some issues. The one most of my friends point out is that he seemingly has no motive. He just... Is silly I guess. And I think this is a bit funny because I do like an antagonist with the motive of " it would be funny " , but at the same time. Kind of hard to make that character very ...er... Well I'll just say it does get a bit boring.
Something I also heard was that in the reasons C.B. has been cut was because caboose's aren't exactly used anymore, which is totally fair!
But could also totally be a motivation! Think about it, why is C.B still working? Still working with the freight despite essentially being useless? Because greaseball wants to keep him around to use him for cheating. Easy! Obviously none of this could easily be translated to the show. But for some comics/writings? Yes. Yes.
Think about it. Rusty is struggling, he feels a bit useless because steam is falling behind! So he tries to win and prove himself. But who else feels useless because of their job being replaced? C.B. but unlike rusty, C.B takes the other path, instead of trying to be a role model and win or prove himself. He just goes down the path of crime. And hey, he's probably a crazy adrenaline junky too so he's still doing it for the fun!
And why does he betray greaseball? Plenty of reasons. C.B might dislike greaseball because of poor treatment, he might dislikes greaseball for his treatment of Dinah, he probably just wants to get the adrenaline high of betraying him in the first place. Maybe to prove that he's important and needed because if he doesn't help, greaseball will lose. And he wants to hold it over him for his own personal desire of self importance. Who knows. He's a complicated little clown he is.
Ok anyway yeah I'm like the #3 Dinahboose supporter I will draw them more hehbehehehee
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fictionalmenxyn · 1 year
Day off
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Summary: having no missions to do, besides some training there isn’t much more to do.
F/n- Friends name
Tw:jumping out of plane/aircraft and I believe that’s it.
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So today you and the lads plus Layla didn't have any missions. You had a few training sessions buts that's it. Your nickname/code name is Grim Reaper since if someone saw you, they knew they were already dead.
Currently walking down the corridor with your headphones on. You were listening to your favourite playlist. Bopping your head to the rhythm, you felt a hand on your shoulder. You jumped a little and turned around. You saw it was ghost, you smiled and spoke "hey" you paused your music and pulled your headphones around to your neck. He spoke "hey, when's your next training session?" You spoke "uhh I think in a hour or two I was just about to go on a run, why?" He spoke "I'm gunna join you" you smiled and spoke "sounds like a plan" you gave him a fist bump. You and Ghost both grew up together only you two know each others true pasts. You both wore some form of face masks, he wore his skeleton and you wore your half skull mask that was smudged. You did it because of three reasons one to hide your massive scars. Not that you were insecure about it but you just didn't want people asking about how you go them because some of them weren't from the military. Two is because you wanted to hide your Identity from enemy's and also because of your scars it would be quite easy to remember your face. Lastly because if you looked in the mirror long enough you just see your younger self and that was a bad place because of your bad parents and stuff so it would just remind you of childhood.
You were at the start of the track. You spotted ghost walking over, you waved and he copied your movement by waving back. You spoke "ready?" He nodded. You started your watch and you both started your run. Since you both joined the military you both have changed but you both know it was for the better. You both became stronger mentally, physically and emotionally.
After about a solid hour of running ghost spoke "don't you have training soon?" You looked at your watch and spoke "shit.. yeah I do come on I need to get ready" you both went back to your rooms. You quickly showered and changed.
Quickly leaving your room you headed outside. You spotted
F/n and Price outside. Price spoke "ah just in the Nick of time thought we'd leave without you" you spoke "sorry to busy running and lost track off time, no pun intended" he smirked and said "come on let's go" you three walked onto the helicopter and buckled yourselves in. Todays main training is free fall, you loved it since it gave you a feeling as if you were on a roller coaster plus you loved fear. F/n who is also known as Soap's missus, well she has a love hate relationship with the thing. Price spoke "get ready" the door started opening and he spoke "aim towards the astroturf" you shouted of the noise "ok!" Walking towards the opening you looked back at Price. He gave you a thumbs up, you shouted "three.. two.. one!" You grabbed F/n’s hand and you both ran off the platform and you both in the sky. Looking over to F/n you gave her a thumbs up to see is she was alright. She gave you a thumbs up to confirm she was alright. You heard Price over the radio in your ear "pull the cord" you pulled the cord and then so did F/n. You both managed to lad in the AstroTurf. You unclipped your parachute and ran over to F/n. You high-fived each other, you said "you did great" she said "that's because I enjoyed it this time" you said "then enjoy it the next" you smirked and she said "I'll try my best, Reaper" you walked over to your parachute and started packing it back up. You heard Price shout "well done ladies! both did great today!" you spoke "managed to get a few flips in too" me laughed.
Making your way back into the building. You saw most of the men in the break room. You spotted ghost, sat at the table playing cards with Gaz and soap. You looked away then felt eyes on you, instantly knowing it was ghost. You continued walking towards your room. Opening the door and closing it behind you, you placed your vest on your chair and helmet on the desk. You pulled your boots off when you heard the door. You beckoned them in. The door opened revealing ghost. You spoke "hey, love" he closed the door and asked "how'd it go?" You said "good.. good" he nodded his head and slipped his mask off. He laid on your bed. You spoke "Imma go in the shower alright, you can stay here I'll leave the door open so you can talk to me, ok?" He looked over at you and spoke "I want one thing first" you said "and that is?" He spoke "a kiss" you smiled and walked over and leaned down. Giving him a kiss then you gave him a peck on the cheek. You spoke "if you want music on my phone is on the desk if you connect it with my speaker it should work" he got up and walked over to your desk. Grabbing your phone he saw your lock screen. It was you pair in your gear after one of your duo missions and saved thousands of people that in your opinion was the best mission you been on. He unlocked your phone and did what he was told. Turning it up so it was practically background music so he could still hear you. Hearing one of your favourite songs on you started singing to it. He smiled to himself as he loved when you sang it reminded him of the time you and him would be in either one of yours rooms when you were teens and you’d sing the same song. That song to him and you had something there. It felt like a safe place, it had so many good memories behind it.
Getting out of the shower you changed into a pair of joggers and one of ghosts hoodies and a pair of your sports socks. Scrunching your hair in your towel you walked out of the bathroom and saw he still was on your bed. You walked over and said "so heard it's movie night tonight, you joining?" He said "if you go, I’ll go" you smiled and spoke "they we shall" you sat next to him.
After drying your hair, you and ghost pulled on your masks. Walking into the brake room you spotted everyone gathered round the table. You spoke "hey guys" F/n patted a seat next to her. You sat down and ghost sat opposite you and next to soap. Price said "now since everyone is here, we need to vote on what we are eating tonight." He handed out pieces of paper and spoke "write down what you think we should eat tonight." You pretend to right down but you looked at ghost to see what he was writing. Agreeing with his option you wrote down the same. Folding the paper you placed it into Price's hat. Once he collected the votes in he mixed them in his hat. In the end he said "so the food we are getting tonight is pizza." You looked at ghost and saw he was already looking at you. You smirked and looked back at Price and he spoke "once you get the note pad write your order down" after three people it was your turn. You wrote your name and ghost's name, you looked up at him and asked "the usual?" He nodded his head as you wrote down his order and then yours and slid the note pad to F/n so she could order hers and soaps food.
After a while you all ate your food and cleaned up. Soap said "everyone grab what you want for the movie" you and F/n gave each other an excited look. You ran to your room and F/n ran to hers. You grabbed your waited blanket F/n gifted you and you grabbed a pillow for ghost. Walking back out you saw most of the men had hogged up the sofa. You rolled your eyes as you hear F/n whisper "they've hogged up the sofa again haven't they?" You spoke "yep, gosh we can never have a seat can we?" You both chuckled and she said "no worries at least we got men we can us as a pillow" you gave her the eyes. She laughed. You both walked over and you threw ghost the pillow. He rested it behind his neck and he gestured for you to sit on his lap. Sitting sideways so your left side was against his chest as you both sat on the end. You pulled the blanket over you both. Feeling his arm snake around your waist and the other hand on your thigh. You rested your head on his shoulder. You watched the beginning of the movie and spoke "gaz picked this didn't he?" The men laughed and gaz spoke "how do you know that?" You spoke "I’ve know you all long enough now. Trust me I can read people like a book" he was shocked. You smirked and continued watching the movie when you heard ghost whispered "that was quite accurate" you smiled under the mask and he knew you did as well.
After the movie, you all headed to your room. Soap went with F/n and ghost went with you. Closing the door and locking it, ghost pulled his mask off. He later on your bed and said "come on, before I get cold" you rolled you eyes as you laid on top of him. He placed his index finger under your chin and lifted your face to look at him dead in the eyes. He closed the gab and started to make out with you. Sometimes when you kissed Ghost it was as if he’d haven’t seen you in years. He love it though and deep down you did too. Pulling away for air and asked "why'd you stop?" You said through each breath "do.. you want.. me to suffocate?" He chuckled and said "eh, as long as it's me doing it" you smirked and started kissing him again. Then you both went to sleep. The only time ghost slept it would only be in your arms. Just like when you both were kids.
Hope you enjoyed!
Make sure to request/message me if you want
Have a good day/night!🫶
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Scared of you.
this was based on a convo I had with @kimberlyscout about life under the sea!
Warning(s): angst AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh and some undersea life headcanons
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You and Azul have been dating for quite some time now.
To everybody else, it seems like you have a perfect relationship.
Hell, even to you it seems like you have a perfect relationship, but...
That's just because Azul is good at hiding his feelings.
In reality, your relationship is completely falling apart. But, Azul won't let you know that. He won't let you know how he really feels about you... because he wants to have a perfect relationship with you.
It happened so long ago.
He should be over it by now, right?
So why isn't he...?
You two were sat down in the cafeteria together. As always, you were eating octopus.
He loved how happy you looked when you ate it, it was your favourite food, after all... it makes sense that you'd enjoy eating it...
But he can't help but wince everytime you take a bite.
If he hadn't been so lucky that day... then that tentacle on your plate could have been from him.
But there's no use thinking about that! After all, he was lucky that day, he was able to get away! He shouldn't be thinking about this! He should only be focusing on how happy you are, your food isn't him and it never will be, it never will be...
...it never will be.
"Is something wrong, Azul?" You asked.
"Huh-? Ah, no... n-nothing's wrong, (Y/N)..." He insisted.
"Well alright... um, you're sure you're ok with me eating this...?" You asked. "I know you've said you are, but... you always seem so nervous when I-"
"No! It's fine! It's fine, it's your favourite food, and I'd hate for you to have to stop eating your favourite food just because of me!" He nervously laughed.
"Well... ok then, if you insist."
Azul quietly sighed to himself.
"What is wrong with me?!" Azul yelled at his reflection.
No transformation spell or potion is perfect, a mirror will always reflect the true form. The mirrors will always remind him of...
He punched the mirror.
He's not entirely sure why he did it...
Whatever. He has to go manage the Lounge. There's no use thinking of... all this.
"Ah, there you are, Azul." Jade said as Azul entered the Lounge. "We were very worried you would fail to show up tonight."
"I think I might need a day off next week..." Azul sighed.
"By the way, you know it's tonight, don't you? Floyd and I need our... payment."
"W-what?! No, that's not for another month!" Azul whisper yelled. "They haven't even fully grown back yet, just give me a bit longer!"
"Do you not value our friendship?" Jade asked. "If you do, then you will do it tonight."
You couldn't help but feel like you messed up earlier.
You want to let him know you're sorry for whatever you could have messed up.
He's probably at the Lounge, cleaning up and getting ready to lock up for the night. So you made your way there.
You entered the Lounge.
All the lights are off, and no music is playing.
It seems so different that you feel like you've never been there before.
Azul isn't anywhere to be seen.
But you can hear him... it sounds like he's in the kitchen.
When you opened the set of double doors, you saw him sitting on the floor, his pant leg rolled up to his thigh so he could bandage his leg.
He looked up in surprise, causing you to notice the tears in the corners of his eyes.
"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?!"
And that was when you noticed the two spasming black-and-purple tentacles on the counter, still oozing blue blood.
"What... what is this?! Are you ok?!" You yelled in a panic.
"Yes, yes, don't worry, I-I'm fine..." He told you, wiping his eyes. "It's... it's just a scratch, really, they'll grow back."
"Grow back...? What are you-"
"Well, because I'm an octopus I can... I can regrow my limbs. It's easy, don't worry. I'm used to this." He sighed as he stood up.
"So you can regrow your tentacles?" You asked, he nodded. "That's cool! Heh, with an ability like that I could use you as my own personal food supply~!" You said in a joking matter.
Azul fell to his knees the second you said that.
He looked so... shaken.
"What's wrong?! A-are you ok?!" You yelled in a panic.
"I... I can't do this anymore." He whispered as he brought his hands up to his face. "I can't do this anymore (Y/N), I can't date you anymore! We can't be together, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-!" He sobbed.
"Azul...? Are... are you ok...?"
"Get out of my café. NOW, (Y/N), I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE!" He screamed.
"Azul, calm down, what's going on?"
"I told myself... I'd never let myself feel like this again." He sighed. "So much for that. Do you know how hard life is underwater? No. You don't. You could never know. You could never hope to understand what I've been through."
"Your bullying? Don't worry, I understand that completely, I-"
"NOT THAT, YOU IDIOT! ...high class families live in civilization. The rest of our society is kill or be killed, eat or be eaten. I was lucky enough to grow up in civilization. There are many different kinds of merfolk, some more carnivorous than others... take the twins for example, they're morays; apex predators. Fish are sentient too, you know. It's illegal to eat fish under the sea, though some still do it..."
"Fish are sentient-?"
"That's not what's important, (Y/N)!!" He yelled. "You see, to solve that problem... octopus merfolk like me are... used as a non-lethal renewable food source. Some do it by choice for money, but... the majority are forced into it. I was almost forced into it. Sure, I was from a high class family, which is supposed to protect me from that, b-but I was still almost... I was only involved in that for a day, it shouldn't scare me anymore, right? What's wrong with me?"
"Azul, did you... really go through that?"
"DO YOU NOT BELIEVE ME?!" He yelled, inky tears falling down his face. "Come to think about it, that... that might've been the first time I properly met the twins. They... they saved me, from that terrible fate... but you know, of course they didn't do it for free. They wanted my tentacles. They made me cut them off myself, I remember their faces as I did it... they laughed at me the whole time. So they ate the tentacles and then brought me to safety... ever since then, we've had a deal. So long as I give them my tentacles every now and again, they'll... protect me." He sighed. "I didn't feel safe in my own home, you understand that?! Anyone at any time in any place could take be away again...!"
That was when Azul fully broke down crying.
"A-are you ok-?"
You immediately crouched down, and reached your hand out in some attempt to comfort him.
He slapped your hand away.
"DON'T TOUCH ME!!" Azul screamed. "(Y/N), do you know why I never told you about this...?"
"No, I-"
"It's because I wanted us to have a perfect relationship. I didn't want you to have to give up your favourite food just because of something that happened to me so many years ago... I tried so hard to hide this side of me from you... I try my hardest to not appear like a... coward. But now I see that won't work. We won't work, (Y/N)."
"Please, we can work through this-!"
"No we can't. I'm sorry. Now get out of here and leave me alone. (Y/N), I... I'm doing this for you, understand? I want you to have a partner that can make you happy, one that isn't... scared of you." He paused. "That just isn't me."
"Azul, please-!"
"NO! GET OUT! GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN! GET OUT OF MY LOUNGE! GET OUT OF MY DORM! GET OUT, NOW!!" Azul screamed at you once more. "...please don't come back here. And if you tell anyone about this 'breakdown' of mine, then I'll make sure you never speak again. Understand?"
"But I-"
You didn't mean for any of this to happen...
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coraline-jones353 · 24 days
Campsite Love, Pt 1
Summary: On a family trip to a campsite, you romanticize having a campsite love story. But this time it ends up coming true.
Henry Hart X f!reader
Warnings: Cussing
Coraline speaking: heyy guys, I had a scenario like this play out in my head before bed last night because I'm gonna be at a campsite this weekend so enjoy my hopeful thinking lol.
Also I think imma make this a mini series of 4 because I don't want it to be just one long story. So if y'all would be interested in that then go to the next part --->
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 (still in the writing phase)
"Good morning!" My mom screams as she busts down my door at 7 am. Why do we have to leave so early, I think to myself as I turn away from the door as she throws open my black out curtains. "I'm up, I'm up." I say groaning and getting out of bed.
I walk into the bathroom and start to get ready for the day. After I've gotten dressed and what not I started double checking my bag for all the stuff I insist I need. I mentally do a checklist and decide I've got it all. After that I go help load everything up into the van. Then we have last minute bathroom time, grab any DVD's and snacks and get the hell in the car.
Since I'm the oldest under 18 I get the farthest back seat to myself so I can lay down and relax. I put my eye mask on, air pods in, and go back to sleep for a while.
I wake up with about an hour till we arrive at the campsite so I just play games on my phone and day dream. I start to let my mind wander to the what if's. Like what if I meet a cute guy and we actually hit it off. Maybe we'd go on a date and walk around at night together. Ooo or we could go to the playground and just swing for a bit, or maybe we can do the tye dye day and make matching clothes or make something for one another. There's just so many possibilities. And I think of them all as we pull into the campsite and to the cabin we will be staying in.
"Well this is our home for the next 4 days." My dad says as he starts to unload the van quickly since it's so hot outside. My mom said to unpack my stuff and just go have fun and maybe make some friends.
Worst idea ever I think to myself as I kick a rock down a path to the playground. I'm probably just gonna swing for a bit while listening to music and then just go back to the cabin. I hate making friends.
"Watch out!!" I hear three voices yell at me. I did indeed attempt to duck but I was not fast enough apparently. The basketball proceeded to hit my head as I scrunched up my face on impact.
"Ow" I groan rubbing my head and picking up the ball. I look up to hand it to the person that had the terrible shot and hit me. Just to see a teenager run up.
Gods was he hot. It felt like he was running in slow mow over to me.
Blonde hair, chocolatey brown eyes, chiseled jaw, and his shirt off. Holy shit I think he has a 6 pack.
"Hey, sorry about that my sister has bad aim." He apologizes as he seems to search me for further injuries. "Oh it's all good." I say still holding my head. Man I'm gonna need an ice pack later I think to myself.
"Is your head ok? We have ice packs I can give you from my cabin it's like maybe down the street from here." He says almost reading my mind. "Actually I will take you up on that because my head feels like it's throbbing and the ice will cool me down from this heat." I reply removing my hand from my head.
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