#okay but this style was hard to emulate
marachistudios · 9 months
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Just a silly little thing~
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poke-nom · 1 year
So the first meeting between Orb and my new Pokémon went... About as expected.
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The good news is, Sylveon didn't actually lash out as long as she got her space. I talked to her while Orb and Dachsbun played and she seemed to listen, even if she kept her distance. It's gonna take a while for her to trust someone again, that's understandable.
Dachsbun is an absolute sweetie though. (Literally, I didn't know they smell this good. When he licks me I have the urge to lick back lmao) He and Orb are getting along spectacularly, even though Orb's idea of "playing" is mostly lying on him. XD
Thank you @frostbiteyinny for connecting us. While I'm hanging out here, I can pick up some work in the shelter, I know y'all are always overworked.
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omgthatdress · 10 months
To get into the first looks that were made for Barbie, we need to understand the beauty and fashion of 1959.
1950s fashion existed under that shadow of World War II. Women of the war era were hardy, hard-working, and practical. Fashion was also extremely practical, using as little rationed material as possible. The silhouette was boxy, masculine and almost military, with big broad shoulders and knee-length skirts. Rationing and austerity continued in the years immediately following the war, but then in 1947, something miraculous happened:
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(The Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Christian Dior created “The New Look.” Now okay, fashion in general had been leaning into this new silhouette and Dior was far from the only designer to be working with it, but his was the most copied and most iconic.
“The New Look” was a call back to the sumptuous femininity of the mid-Victorian era, bringing back tiny waists held in place by impossibly tight corsets and big, full skirts with crinolines and hoops. 
The silhouette was a return to classic femininity, but the materials garments themselves were pure modernity: a practical ensemble for a wealthy woman-on-the-go who was lunching with her friends in Paris.
Looking back at Barbie’s 1959 looks, Christian Dior’s fingerprints are all over them, but I see plenty of other designers in the mix, as well. It’s actually very easy to find near-matches of almost all of Barbie’s 1959 looks with a cover of Vogue from the 1950s. Barbie from the get-go was an idealized woman who existed in a world that was separate from the middle-class American suburbs that the little girls who played with her lived in.
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Looking at classic first-run Barbie, there’s honestly not a whole lot to say about the bathing suit look. I mean, yeah, that’s what fashionable women wore to the beach in the 1950s. Her buxom curvy body fit the idealized standards epitomized by Marilyn Monroe.
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Her face has the heavy makeup that was worn by French fashion models of the time.
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Arched, heavily-styled brows, eyeshadow, slightly winged eyeliner, mascara, and of course perfect red lips with matching mani and pedi. One of my pet peeves about vintage style is when people wear winged eyeliner as “50s housewife glam.” NO. Your average middle class American Mrs. Homemaker was not wearing that kind of makeup. Winged eyeliner in the 50s only had a small wing that accentuated the eyelashes, and was generally only worn by the high-fashion crowd. Maybe on a special extra glamorous date with Mr. Husband, but not to a church potluck. Anyway, end of rant, but you see that’s what Barbie is trying to emulate.
Her hair, however is different: the poodle hairstyle was one favored by teenage girls. Seen here on the squeaky-clean America’s sweetheart, Debbie Reynolds:
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The playful, youthful hair pulls her back and keeps her from being *too* grown-up. It’s the first step in the balancing act that Barbie has always pulled off with aplomb: to represent adulthood without being too far out of reach of children’s imaginations.
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smallgodseries · 6 months
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He did not come formally and fully into being until the 1980s, when he manifested first as an architectural style and then—after he was recognized and accepted as an independent entity—as a snail the size of a skyscraper, which seemed like a perfectly logical thing for a semiotic process codified by a French philosopher to become.  No one has ever asked Eschercargo what he thinks.  Even his faithful find it difficult to communicate with their god directly, finding his thought patterns and ideas difficult to follow, as they tend to break into shapes that the human mind has trouble comprehending.  They can worship him.  They can emulate him.  They can never truly understand him.
And that’s okay.  When you worship a snail who is also a city who is also a semiotic concept, understanding is somewhat secondary to the whole enterprise.
But we are the omniscient third.  This tense was chosen for a reason, and we can provide you with something no one else has ever possessed: a glimpse into the inner workings of Eschercargo, the massive small god of deconstructivism.  And what he is thinking right now, as he is thinking at almost all times, because he is, after all, a snail, is how much he would like to find a strawberry the size of a mountain.
All he does is to move him closer to the sweetness of the strawberry.  He oozes toward that bright ideal an inch at a time, and when he finds it, he will devour it, sucking it into his toothless maw and scraping it with his hard inner mandibles.  This is the dream of a god.  This is his deepest desire.  All your worship, all your prayers, cannot compare to the strawberry.
The strawberry is bliss.
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atlaculture · 1 year
Cultural Fashion: Aunt Wu
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Okay, I officially retract my previous post about Aunt Wu’s head dress.
By pure accident, I’ve stumbled across the real inspiration behind Aunt Wu’s character design: jūnihitoe (十二単) robes. Junihitoe robes are a style of formal court dress first worn during the Heian period by noble women and ladies-in-waiting in the Japanese Imperial Court. Nowadays, this style of dress can be seen on hina dolls and members of the Japanese royal family during important ceremonies. Although much less elaborate, Aunt Wu’s clothing shares a similar silhouette and many design elements with junihitoe robes: wide sleeves, thigh-length coat, and a long skirt split down the middle to show off an underskirt.
Paired with the ceremonial junihitoe robes is the ceremonial hairstyle called osuberakashi (大垂髪), meaning “great bound hair”. Osuberakashi is a hairstyle meant to show off the impressive length of a woman’s hair; the hair close to the scalp is styled into a large bouffant while the remainder of the hair is tied into a low ponytail. The bouffant is decorated with traditional hair accessories or kamiagegu (髪上げ具): the crescent-shaped accessory is a decorative hair comb called a hirakushi (平櫛) and the circular accessory is called a hirabitai (平額). The ponytail is decorated with colorful hair ties. Aunt Wu’s hair possesses all of these characteristics and accessories, although her hirabitai lacks the decorative prongs of the original--- probably for ease of animation.
I don’t think there’s any particularly deep reason for why they chose this style for Aunt Wu. The overall junihitoe aesthetic looks elegant, important, and long-standing--- an image that Aunt Wu tries hard to foster. I guess we could headcanon that Aunt Wu might originally be from Kyoshi Island, since her cultural inspiration is the same (Heian-period Japan).
Fun Fact: Wigs emulating this traditional hairstyle are available online. They’re called marukamoji (丸髢).
Like what I’m doing? Tips always appreciated, never expected. ^_^
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lurrkingly · 6 months
Do you have any tips for a young artist?
okay GOOD QUESTION so I'm gonna just start typing about some things I wish I had known as a young artist and keep adding to the draft of this answer as I think of things. LOL.
Advice I'm definitely qualified to give young artists:
1) If you are primarily an artist that draws humans or humanoid characters, I need you to internalize this very important fact: There is NO race, shape, type of body, etc. that you are 'unable' to draw. Y'all it is 2023 and Twitter is a cesspool of idiots running around INSISTING that they simply "can't draw black people", "can't color dark skin", or that "black people don't fit into my style."
But you, young artist anon, YOU know better now! Go tell all your friends! Spread the good news! There is no fundamental inability to include diversity in the subjects of your art--there is only unwillingness to learn.
Because that's the thing--a lot of people who say these kinds of silly things will also say that the don't want to 'get it wrong' (I typed and deleted a whole other tangent here. lol). The important thing about approaching diversity in your art is that you are earnestly trying, respectful, and open to being corrected. Hard to go wrong that way! There are tutorials abound--research is your friend!
2) Related: encourage yourself to explore and celebrate variety as you cultivate your unique style. and DON'T SKIMP ON THE FUNDAMENTALS! DO NOT!
I'm going to talk a little bit about what it was like for me when I started "really" drawing at like. 9 or 10. (cont'd.)
I got really into drawing because some friends of mine liked to draw anime in their free time in class. I centered my early drawing life around emulating a style that was strictly anime. Drawing realism or semi-realism seemed so ugly to me! I had no interest in it.
In addition, I came away with a message that harmed my self-esteem greatly, even if I didn't know it at the time: black people don't look good in an anime style. You just can't do it!
So I never tried to. I had a narrow focus, and I was reluctant to explore outside of it. If I'm being honest with myself, I hamstrung myself pretty hard by not being open to exploring a variety of styles. I also thought that the fundamentals of art (principles of lighting, color, shape, and the human figure, etc.) were a waste of time for me to study up on. I knew what I wanted my art to look like--pretty anime pictures! Lol.
All of the above is why I don't think I actually started to get "good" at art until September of 2019, roughly a trillion years after I started to draw. I know that because of those art summary memes, lol. Here, for reference:
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tumblr compressed the image to shit, so you'll have to take my word for it, but yeah! lol.
Anyways, the point is this:
You will go through many stylistic phases in your life as an artist. This is normal, and honestly, I'd celebrate it! Be open to any number of unlikely stylistic influences. They may take your artistic sensibilities in a direction you'd never expect. All in service of developing your unique artistic voice.
If you want to be good at what you do, you will need to create a strong base of knowledge for yourself. This is what intentional study of the fundamentals does. Get that shit in your brain while you're young!!! You will be planting the seedling of your artistic prowess in much nicer soil, and future you will thank you for it.
3) Developing artistic skill is NOT A RACE! You will hear this advice a lot, but I'd like to talk about a specific nuance that I think is important.
There are a number of reasons why it would make sense for you to think that it is, in fact, a race. For instance, there are roughly a kajillion other artists in your age range. A lot of them are on social media, cultivating a following. A lot of them will be "better" than you.
Do not get attached to the idea of being a brilliant young artist. You will not be young forever. If your idea of skill is entwined with your identity as a young person, what happens as you get older? I'll tell you: You start to see more and more people who are way more talented than you, and at least five years younger, and it can really really hurt you because you have not been set up for success with the right mindset. Your pride and joy was not being a creator--it was being a young creator.
Being an artist, especially in the age of social media (jesus, i sound so old) is an emotional investment as well as a practical, skill-based one. If you do not take care of yourself emotionally, if you do not approach creating art and posting it online with the right mindset, you will destroy yourself. Worst case, you end up bitter and hating art altogether.
If you are able to remain reasonably detached from social media response in general--great! That bodes well for you. But that's a skill, like anything else, so it's much more likely that the way your art is received on social media will affect you.
If you are very young, say, in your teens, and your art is exemplary, you will probably receive a lot of comments about this! They might be astonished that you, at so young an age, are so advanced in your skill. It is GREAT to be proud of yourself for accomplishing so much at a young age, don't get me wrong. Feels nice! But just like you will be advised not to let mean comments go to your head, you need to be thoughtful about how you receive comments that praise you for your age specifically. You need to be firm in the understanding that your age is not what makes your art exceptional. Your art is exceptional because YOU made it and because YOU honed your skills!
Beyond that, stuff that you probably already know: comparison to your artistic peers can be very encouraging and motivating; conversely, it can also be stressful and lead to unfortunate emotional spirals. You know yourself best--engage with or steer clear of comparison according to your comfort. You're not on your friend's artistic journey. You're on your own one. This is a very cursory thought on the topic of comparison, but I don't think I could offer you anything you don't already know about it, y'know?
4) This one... I'm gonna try to get across a very specific point. My point is this: Know what success looks like to you, and be honest with yourself.
The definition of 'success' may evolve for you as you develop, but I don't think it's ever too early to have a frank conversation with yourself about what it means for you, specifically, to be a successful artist.
Do you want to develop the skill to draw or create a specific idea in particular? Do you want a kajillion followers on instagram? Do you want to build a portfolio that will get you into a specific creative industry? Do you want to cultivate a steady stream of commissioners? Do you just want to relax and get ideas out of your head? And any other infinite goals.
Obviously I'm saying this without placing a value judgement on anyone's definition of artistic success. This is a highly personal sort of thing.
The reason I encourage this is because it can provide additional direction to a young artist, for whom the world is an oyster. Different enduring goals will require slightly different approaches to art as a field. This goal may inform what you draw, what medium you use, your higher education & career plans, where you choose to post your art (if at all), how much effort you must invest in building a brand for yourself, the role of social media in your life as an artist, the kinds of artists you devote energy to being peers with, etc. Hope that makes sense!
Anyways, I hope this advice is helpful. I'm always happy to answer other questions related to this sort of thing. Go forth, young artiste--I believe in you!
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pinkestmenace · 16 days
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WOOOO! Done just in time! @kirbyoctournament
Name: Olympea, the Pummeling Peacekeeper
Gender: She-himbo, She/Her
Age: Never ask a woman her age! (She's an adult.)
Occupation: Warrior/Hero of Yore
Species: Puffball/Starborn/Star Child/whatever the Kirby species is called.
Uh-oh, due to a temporal anomaly the Hero of Yore Olympea suddenly finds herself transported alive and well from Ancient Halcandra to the Kirby OC tournament! She doesn't know what's going on, but she'll roll with the punches and treat it like a fun dream vacation of sorts. She does like meeting all sorts of new people and trying new foods, weapons and technology. She'll have so many stories to tell her friends when she returns! It's probably for the best if she doesn't learn what disaster befell the four heroes in the regular timeline, though...
Some ground rules, just in case:
I would love seeing people's OC's interact with her! Asking Olympea questions is okay, but this is not an ask blog/rp blog and I'm not looking for extended roleplay. I may not answer your question. If I see potential for an interesting interaction I may draw it, but I can't promise anything. (Keep in mind if I don't respond right away -> 1: I'm timid and get anxious easily. 2: I may not have figured out that part of her story/the history of Ancient Halcandra yet. 3: The answer would have contained a spoiler for my fics. 4: I'm very slow at drawing.)
I'm joining this tournament for fun, so thank you for understanding!
While she's not very big, intellectual or attuned to magic, she is unbeatably chipper and physically strong. She loves fighting and gleefully uses a variety of lovely accessories/weapons like a giant club, enchanted glaive, magitech gauntlets, etc. Her left glove allows her to access a dimensional storage. Teases hard, punches even harder. Actually quite feminine when off the clock. Loves magitech gadgets a lot. Doesn't think science or magic is better, because their society needs both. She's definitely not insecure about her height. She'd also never conjure a giant squeaky hammer to bop you over the head if you call her short.
Likes: Vegetables, Nectar, Trying new foods, The colour green, Flowers, Butterflies and moths, Pretty/cool/badass women, Her club, Brass knuckles, Tinkering, New gadgets, Teasing her friends, Seeing a certain winged magenta knight open up and feel genuine joy
Dislikes: Being mistaken for a child, Being called stupid, Stuck-up people, Seeing her friends being hurt, Strangers flicking her antennae, How much dust and scales her wings leave behind
Abilities: Able to fly. Very physically strong. Innately has access to Suplex and Hammer, but mainly uses her trusty club. Her boots and gauntlets let her emulate elements of Hi-jump, Laser and Mecha. (The boosted jump, laser finger guns and palm blasts, respectively.)
Weaknesses: Can't fly quickly. Stubby little arms limit her great strength with little reach. Distractable and a little naive. Can't resist eating strange and exotic snacks no matter the source. Seeing cute girls (she HAS to show off).
Fighting Style:
Her gauntlets are good for punching and the palms can release blasts of energy as well. They're mainly so she can hold large weapons well, since her actual hands aren't very big.
Her moth wings aren't very big either, so while she can normally fly and can still break her fall when she's armoured, she prefers to zip around close to the ground. It's often faster and easier to run and jump when she's fighting. Especially when she's wielding her heavy club. Her boots help her boost and maneuver quickly.
Don't make the mistake of thinking that because she prefers close range combat and isn't proficient with magic she can't attack at a distance. Her gauntlets possess finger laser guns and she can use her left glove (which she also wears under her gauntlet) to access her weapon hoard at all times. Who knows what else she keeps in there?
Even her civilian outfit isn't harmless. She still has access to her innate Suplex and Hammer abilities, after all. And those shoes have steel toes! Of course, the platform heels are just to keep her delicate wings from scraping across the ground when folded. No other reasons. (Like being taller.)
Design Thoughts:
Olympea is the first of the Heroes of Yore who came to me. I was thinking about how to describe the Heroes of Yore and knew I wanted at least one to be a woman. Suddenly her name resounded through my head! Then I just started associating. Olympea sounds like Olympics, so she must be strong. Pea calls to mind small, round and green, so what if she's (mostly) the same species as Galacta Knight? Peas are famous for research on genetics and alleles, so what if she was born, not formed like him? Maybe she doesn't have a lot of magical affinity. Then she needs weapons. Pea, peace, pea shooters, peas in a pod, peacemaker, pea-smacker. Let's give her a hammer, no, a club! She's strong, so what if she packs a punch? How about some gauntlets for punching? She can have a gun, wait, let's put the gun (pea shooter!) in her gauntlet's finger! She needs storage for her weapon hoard (girl needs to accessorise!) so what if her enchanted gauntlets let her access dimensional storage (peas in a pod)? Hmmm, does she have wings? There's a bug called a pea moth, so she has moth wings now. Her ponytail is twisted like a dried pea pod and not-so-coincidentally looks a bit like a cocoon when down and a boxing glove while up in a bun.
I maaay have gone completely overboard with the whole pea thing, but such is life. Although there is a bit of Hammer Lord in there as well. She doesn't hate magic, she just doesn't have a lot of affinity for it. She does enjoy tinkering and building weapons. This is how she ended up relying mostly on technology instead of magic.
She's not a knight and has no mask, because while many people depict all adult puffballs as masked knights (probably influenced by the Star Warriors from the K:RBAY anime) I personally don't think this has to be universal for their kind. How sad it would be if all they were destined for was fighting! ...And then I made her a warrior anyway. Oh well.
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shima-draws · 2 months
Hi Shima! You have a lot of Pokemon content on your page and I’m sorta curious about the like, world of Pokemon, so would you have any recommendations on what like game I should start with or what I should watch first? Thanks!
!!! YOOOOO OKAY I GOTCHU ANON. Buckle up bc my 20 years of being a Pokemon fan is about to kick in
As for where to start with the games--this is all really depending on how your own personal playstyle! Do you like games that are more easy going and light on plot? Or do you like ones with heavy amounts of story? Or do you prefer games that are a perfect blend of the two? Pokemon's got a mixed bag of all of the above so you really can't go wrong
If you're into that really nostalgia feel I'd recommend starting out with the first Pokemon game I ever played as a kid, which was Pokemon Emerald! You can actually play this for free by downloading a Gameboy Advance emulator and the Emerald ROM. I have a lot of fond memories of Emerald and it's still one of my favorite games to date. I actually even prefer Emerald over its remakes (Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire) bc it just doesn't quite hit the same lol. I think even without having played Emerald as a kid it'll just spark that nostalgic feeling? It's that kind of game, at least to me :")
Going off of that if you REALLY want to hit nostalgia central and start where it all began, Pokemon FireRed/LeafGreen is also a good game to start out with. It's a remake of Pokemon Red/Blue, which were the first ever Pokemon games that were made. Personally I'm not a super huge Gen 1 fan bc I feel like it's been WAY overdone at this point (it's had two remakes already) but if you've never played a Pokemon game again it's definitely a good starting point. It's barely got any plot so it's really a game you can just dive into and enjoy without focusing too hard on the story. AND as an added bonus, Pokemon HeartGold/SoulSilver is the direct sequel to Gen 1 (and a remake of the original Gold/Silver/Crystal) so I'd definitely play that one as well, it's lots of fun!
Of course I will also recommend Pokemon Black/White and Black 2/White 2, which is generation 5 and my FAVORITE mainline Pokemon games of all time. BW released right before the transition to the 3D games so it still has sprite art. It's a GORGEOUS game honestly and I think it's really well balanced with story VS gameplay. It's got great characters and fantastic design elements (with everything honestly like the Pokemon designs are great, the character designs are great, the city/town designs are great, etc) and the most KICKASS soundtrack ever (looking at you Driftveil City AKA Toothless dancing meme music). I could go on and on and on about Gen 5 for hours lmao I really hold it near and dear to my heart. Also it's one of the very few games that actually has a sequel which I LOVE. BW2 takes place two years after BW and I love the story and character progression 🥰
Shouting out Pokemon Platinum as well, I know it's a huge fan favorite and honestly I also love it very much!! Platinum came out before BW did so it's got that early DS era feel to it. It's got a decent plot and classic fun gameplay elements. Also Pokemon Legends Arceus which ties directly into Platinum as its prequel (but you should play Platinum first? I know it's confusing lol). PLA is SUPER fucking fun, it's got a completely different gameplay style and mechanic than regular Pokemon games, and it ties in with Platinum so well.
And to my last few recommendations -
Pokemon Sun and Moon!! There's mixed feelings about this one from a lot of people but it's one of my personal favorites...I think people dislike that it's so plot heavy, there's a LOT of dialogue even when starting the game so if you're not into that I wouldn't go with SM. But I LOVE games that are heavy with plot and SM just does it so well. The characterization is really well done and I love watching Lillie go through her development arc 🤧 But yeah it's SM NOT Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon which are like. The same games but Worse. USUM took SM's plot and stomped all over it so I would not go for those lol
And, of courseeee. Pokemon Scarlet and Violet! These are the most recent mainline games to release and ohhh my god. Is the game laggy and bugged out as hell? Yes. Is it also fucking FANTASTIC and has made me cry multiple times? ALSO yes. If you don't mind occasional shitty graphics then please please PLEASE play SV. The open world aspect is a ton of fun, the new Pokemon designs are so charming, the characters are wonderful, and the STORY??? The plot literally blew my socks off the first time I played it. SV endgame you will always be the king of my heart. It's definitely heavier than any previous Pokemon game and it had me reeling for DAYS after. The story is just. So so so good. And we get a continuation of the story kicking ass in the DLC. I love SV to death it really redeemed Pokemon after the disaster that was gen 8 for me (and it's REALLY fun to shiny hunt in).
And LAST but certainly not least. My favorite Pokemon game of all time period ever in the history of Pokemon. Not a mainline game but a side/spinoff game--Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Sky!! If you want the classic Pokemon experience I probably wouldn't start with this since it's so different from the mainline games but I'd 10000% play it after finishing your first Pokemon game. It's a dungeon crawler, you get to BE a Pokemon, the music is phenomenal, the gameplay is phenomenal, the story is PHENOMENAL, everything about it is incredible and I will love this game until the day I die. I CANNOT recommend it enough. It's so so SO good and it means so much to me I can't even. Please play PMD Sky this goes to everyone who hasn't played it I prommy it's worth it
So basically:
Easy games with no/light plot: FRLG, Emerald, HGSS
Games with a perfect blend of actual gameplay and plot: BW/B2W2, Platinum, PLA
Games that hit HEAVY with plot/storyline: SM, SV, PMD Sky
Honestly you really cannot go wrong no matter where you start out. Even if it's with one of the games I DIDN'T personally recommend, all the mainline games have their own unique charm and each generation has its die hard fans (UNOVA GANG RISE). I've played all of them and they're all enjoyable!
As for the anime, my personal recommendations are the XY saga and the SM saga! The SM saga is my ultimate favorite, it's really cute and charming and fun, with some heavier plot arcs sprinkled in so it's a good blend between lighthearted stuff and more serious story. XY is VERY plot-heavy especially in the latter part, there's a lot of character development and crazy stuff going on, so I'd go for that one if you want to get hit hard with Feels. I haven't watched as much of the anime so I'm sure other people would recommend other seasons (I know the original saga, the Hoenn saga and the DP saga are fan favorites).
I'd also recommend watching the sub instead of the dub,, especially if you haven't grown up watching the Pokemon anime like me the dub is VERY hit or miss. I prefer subs as well bc the dub actually cuts out a LOT of stuff? I know for SM they had fun extra little bits at the beginning and ending of each episode that the dub just. Didn't include. For some reason? Like they'd cut out entire scenes. Idk. It's up to you either way tho ^^
And that is my introduction to Pokemon list.........if anybody has anything to add feel free! These are just my personal recommendations based off of what I like so naturally not everyone will agree lol. If you have any questions anon don't hesitate to ask, I'm always down to talk Pokemon. And I hope you have lots of fun playing whichever game you decide to go with!!
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ohmytomorrowisthursday · 11 months
AOT Characters As Actors
OKAY I KNOW THIS HAS BEEN DONE A MILLION TIMES BEFORE but I cant help but want to join in because its so fun.
Imagining the characters of AOT as their actor selves after the show is wrapped up. Pls enjoy! <3 LMK if u want a part two
Ymir (Scouts): One of the sweetest people on set, just really good at playing such an asshole, lol. The one during the press tours to make sure that Gabby, Falco and young Ymir are all okay. Making sure that paparazzi aren't bothering everyone and generally getting along with the whole cast. Goes on social media after and does a whole soft-girl rebrand so that people know shes that good at acting.
Jean: THIS MAN WOULD BE OUR PEDRO PASCAL. Absolutely loves the love he gets from his stans and loves watching fan account compilations of him. Wears wild looks on the red carpet because he knows the fans are going to go crazy. Posts photos of himself in costume backstage becuase he knows we'd EAT IT UP. Silly and goofy and generally just loves to say he was a part of the show. Would love to do costumed appearances for late night shows and fan meetings; he just absolutely loves the fans and his role.
Erwin: I feel like as an actor he'd be so funny. He's the star who anchors the show and gives it the original buzz. He's always playing jokes on his co-stars and loves messing with everyone. I feel like him and actor Zeke would get along so well and just mess with people. Not a huge social media guy but I feel like he'd post group pictures of the cast at the premier with the caption "We did it, guys". Does a whole GQ cover and interview to promote the show.
Hange: This is their debut role and I feel like the public just IMMEDIATELY falls in love with them. I feel like actor Hange would be so shy and intimidated by the love for the character they play. But the public would love them even more for that and encourage them soooo much. Levi is like their biggest supporter and always hyping them up during interviews. Would post a long love-letter-goodbye speech to their character on Instagram after the show ends. Would sooo steal looks at award shows. Gets into some really big A24 movies and shows after and is in general, just killing it.
Mikasa: She would be the IT girl after the show was over. Her haircut would be trending on tiktok and people would be photographing her everywhere. I see her being someone who adopts parts of Mikasa into her everyday persona. Becomes really passionate about supporting young women and girls in her spare time. THE RUMOURS ABOUT HER AND EREN ARE FLYING. Like everyone is constantly wondering if they're dating in real life or not. In the end, I feel like they'd both stay friends but people would always wonder. Post a lot on social media and has a ton of followers. Zendaya vibes; gets into everything and does so well and ALWAYS EATS IT UP AT AWARD SHOWS
Armin: By the end of the series, Armin is like the new heartthrob of the whole series. I feel like irl he's actually pretty confident and outgoing. Like, he would try his best to change his brand from sweet inquisitive nerd to bad boy by doing like 'rugged' GQ shoots and generally going for more 'action hero' characters outside of the show. HARD LAUNCHES A PARTNER AT THE FINAL PREMIERE and everyone is like omg ARMIN THEY'RE FINE AS HELL. Really enjoys the action and thriller genres and does a lot of movies of those kinds.
Eren: The character really shapes him as an actor (obvs) and I feel like he gets cast in a lot of similar protagonist roles. Everyone loses their minds for shirtless rebel Eren with long hair, and I feel like he's actually kind of shy about it when he talks about it during press interviews. Super jokey and really into fashion (like cool vintage fashion) and people like to emulate his style. Really gets along with everyone and, like, has absolute eyes for Mikasa during interviews (like their chemistry is flying) and there's all these fan theories that he loves her but they just remain friends. I feel like he goes off the map from acting for awhile after a demanding film schedule to travel the world, and his feed is just cool film pictures of his adventures for a bit. Kind of a private dude, but absolutely adored.
Levi: Okay this show is Robert Downey Jr's Iron Man for Levi. He was like a teen hearthrob and then some kind of drama happened in his early 20's and he fell off the map for a few years. He comes back for this role and everyone is like OH MY GOD HOW DID WE EVER STOP SEEING HIM IN MOVIES HES THE BEST. I feel like his life would be similar to his existence in the fandom now lol; people would absolutely love him. I feel like he's a really down to earth guy (KEANU REEVES TYPE) and during his break from blockbuster hits he was in a bunch of amazing indie movies that get popular after the show, and theres just a million pictures of him back in the 90's/2000's where people are just fawning over Levi in his 20's. Does a lot of magazine and video interviews but isn't particularly active on social media (not his thing) and that makes him even hotter to people. He'd write a book after to tell his life story. And like, you know actor Levi has an absolutely ridiculously hot partner and they've been married for years and he's just THAT GUY.
OKAY THATS IT! I hope you enjoyed this post, lmk if you want another part with more characters! <3
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aranarumei · 4 months
bonus hanzawa to tashiro (ft. the anomalous agate)
have you read the anomalous agate? yes? if so, this is the bonus I was talking about—if not, as long as you know what I mean by hanzawa to tashiro, this should still make sense. if you were introduced to hanzawa and tashiro as characters through the anomalous agate and that alone, consider reading this post where I explain little but talk a lot.
this bonus scene takes place between the two scenes in ch 4 of the anomalous agate. specifically, it takes place around two weeks after the first scene in ch 4 / a week before the last scene in ch 4, during tashiro's cultural festival as a third-year.
and since this exists within the context of the anomalous agate, which is written first-person and trying to emulate seigi's pov, this bonus is written in tashiro's pov, and attempts to blend my style with tashiro's first-person narration in love & passion.
ok I think I've spent enough time talking. fun stuff is below the cut!
bonus: hanzawa to tashiro, ft. the anomalous agate
Tashiro Gonzaburou, third-year. At the moment, I was experiencing a horrible case of déjà vu.
Two years ago, I’d lost so badly at a ping pong match that I’d stumbled my way into being the captain of the ping pong club. And as much as I liked the club, and had even gotten pretty good at ping pong, I was still pretty annoyed about having been tricked into joining. 
Though the former captain of the ping pong club who’d tricked me then wasn’t the former captain in front of me now, I couldn’t help but feel the way I had then—cornered. 
It was hard to pinpoint the exact reason. Maybe it was the black and red sailor uniform I was wearing. But Kuresawa had worn it just fine the year before, so even though I hadn’t shaved my leg hair, I couldn’t have looked too bad. I’d also worn this specific outfit quite a few times—we’d needed to adjust the fit, and I’d needed to practice my lines. Maybe it was the makeup I was getting done. But I’d tried some of that before, too. Getting blush dusted on my cheeks had gone almost exactly as the same as it had last time.
Almost, except for one thing: it was way too quiet. The guy sitting in front of me, Hanzawa Masato, was probably used to that kind of thing. In fact, he was the type to take a normal silence, extend it until I felt awkward, and then mercilessly tease me whenever I blurted out something to fill the space.
“Weird to see you with earrings on,” I said. …And here I was, falling for it again. 
Hanzawa-senpai didn’t seem fazed at all by what I’d just said, but he was an annoying guy who looked the same whether he was angry or not. “You’ve seen me wear them before, though?” 
“Not in school,” I pointed out. Hanzawa-senpai had been a terrible sadist of a president, but he was squeaky-clean about the way he did it. Even now, with his earrings clearly visible, he was the perfect picture of a model student working in quiet concentration. 
Hanzawa-senpai hummed in thought, his hands rummaging through the bag of makeup products he’d left on a nearby desk. “Well, I’m not a student anymore,” he said with a shrug. “Even so, aren’t they fairly hidden?” 
As if—they were small, and a plain steel color, but it was Hanzawa-senpai. Of course I couldn’t stop staring.
“Trying to hide your delinquent ways?” I asked, not expecting a serious answer. Hanzawa-senpai’s secrets probably had secrets. He’d passed over his title of captain to me, so I knew his caginess wasn’t completely because I was unreliable, but it still bothered me.
“If you’re looking for a delinquent, look in the mirror,” Hanzawa-senpai teased, and then produced some kind of torture contraption from his bag. “Now don’t move, okay?” 
I yelped and threw my hands up in self-defense. “You can’t put that thing near my face!” 
Hanzawa-senpai just laughed at me, close enough that I could feel his breath on my face. Sadist!
 “It’s just an eyelash curler, Tashiro-kun,” he drawled. “Calm down, would you?” 
I shook my head furiously. “No way,” I said, ready to fight for my life. When we’d gone over the basics, this guy hadn’t mentioned this step—I’d bet anything it was purposeful! “How can—” 
A warm hand curled around my wrists, and I froze. Hanzawa-senpai pulled my hands away from my face, pressing in close, and made an order: “Sit still, would you?”
I’d barely listened when he was captain of the ping pong club, but something about his voice held me in place. I’d never really thought about it before, but Hanzawa-senpai had one of those storybook-narrator voices—the kind that made even simple things sound weirdly compelling. And then he had to go be one of the most eloquent people I’d met, too.
So, my eyes, which I thought would never hold still, obediently refrained from twitching as Hanzawa-senpai slowly curled my lashes.
The process was less painful than I thought, but it was still freaky—my vision was half metal, and so even though I knew that Hanzawa-senpai was right in front of me, the only real cue for that was the way he kept murmuring instructions into my ears. Once he’d curled my eyelashes, he carefully applied mascara, and then leaned back to survey his work. 
I could finally breathe again. My eyes felt… different?
“Blink a few times,” Hanzawa-senpai suggested. 
After taking his advice, I got a bit more used to the feeling. “Huh.”
“Eyeshadow next.” After that announcement, Hanzawa-senpai started digging through his bag again. 
“Right,” I suddenly remembered, “Were you planning on buying something fancy?” At Hanzawa-senpai’s blank stare, I elaborated, “Fancy earrings. Since there’s that jeweler guy you’re friends with.” 
“Not friends,” Hanzawa-senpai corrected after a beat. “I’ve met him a total of four times.”
You’re counting? 
For two people who weren’t friends, they sure had talked to each other like they were. And now Hanzawa-senpai was looking through his stuff with a strange look in his eyes, so I’d clearly touched some kind of nerve. 
I sighed. “Do you have to overthink everything?”
He didn’t even pause his search. “Maybe you could stand to think more?”
“Hey!” I crossed my arms. I think about you all the time, don’t I?
“…Okay, that was a little rude,” Hanzawa-senpai admitted. “Forgive me?” When he smiled, his eyes would always curve in a way that made it impossible to be angry.
“…We’re doing eyeshadow next, right?”
Instead of answering, he pressed an eyeshadow palette in my hand. Palette wasn’t the right word—what did you call something that was just one eyeshadow? Before I could think too hard about it, I got distracted by the eyeshadow’s color. “…You’re not colorblind, are you?”
“I can tell that’s green,” Hanzawa-senpai said, clearly amused. “No, that’s just for you.” He gestured to the eyeshadow palette in his hands, which was way more color-appropriate. “Close your eyes.”
I did close them, but I couldn’t stop thinking—what did “just for you” mean?
After I’d faced an eyelash curler, the eyeshadow and eyeliner didn’t seem so bad. The hardest part was staying still—how did some girls do this daily?
Once Hanzawa-senpai was done, he tugged me to a standing position, and moved a few steps away to check the result. Judging by the irritating smugness radiating from his expression, he’d done a good job.
“Where’d you get this eyeshadow?” I asked, holding up the one still clutched in my hand. I couldn’t bring myself to ask why. 
“…When I was helping Seigi cover his bruise, I happened to find it, and—” He shrugged, deliberately casual. “You like that shade of green.”
I did. It was my favorite color, and I wore it all the time. But I still didn’t understand why Hanzawa-senpai had gotten this eyeshadow for me. And I didn’t understand why my chest felt so weird when I heard him talk about Seigi. 
“…Is that everything, then?” I asked.
“There’s lip gloss,” Hanzawa-senpai said, handing me a tube of the stuff, “but that’s easy enough for you to do. Sit down, but turn to the side—I’ll do your hair.” 
I had a faint memory of Shirahama saying he didn’t trust anyone else with hairstyling, but I figured he’d accept Hanzawa-senpai’s skills, so I didn’t protest.
In this new setup, I was stuck staring at a random classroom wall. Though I couldn’t see Hanzawa-senpai standing behind me, I could feel the brush he was carefully pulling through my hair, working through the tangles with a steady hand.
“You know,” I said, “why didn’t you ever do the contest yourself? You’d be so good at it.” 
“I prefer to be on the sidelines for this kind of thing, I think.”
“Makes sense,” I said. “But if you did—oh, you’d have to pick out a name!” 
“A name?” 
“It’s a conversation I had with Kuresawa. Like, his girl name would be Tasuko. And I could just shorten my first name to be something like Gon-chan. For you, maybe… Masako?”
I thought he’d laugh at my lack of naming sense, but instead, Hanzawa-senpai just shook his head. “That one’s out—it’s my sister’s name.” 
“Ah—that’s right, you have a few siblings, don’t you?” 
“I do. And you’re quite obviously an only child.”
“How do you know that?”
He simply smiled. “It’s impossible not to.” 
“...Sure,” I said. 
I didn’t have an immediate reply, so I unscrewed the tube of lip gloss. It was easy enough to apply, even without a mirror, so once that was over, my thoughts wandered.
What kind of magical, mystical quality did having siblings give to someone? Maybe even thinking that was what made me an only child, but really… 
I stole a glance up at Hanzawa-senpai. If this guy was my brother, I don’t know if I would cry or laugh. 
As it turned out, you couldn’t unnoticeably look upwards when you had someone’s hands fiddling with your hair. Our gazes met, and Hanzawa-senpai smiled—like a cat who’d gotten the canary. I stayed frozen in place as he leaned down.
“Alright, Gon-chan,” Hanzawa-senpai purred. “It looks like you’re all set.” 
My face turned instantly, abruptly red. No wonder Miyano had said I’d been way too casual about accepting the name. It definitely, definitely, without a doubt, definitely, definitively, couldn’t be used casually! 
Hanzawa-senpai straightened back up. “...Tashiro-kun?” 
“I—” My voice came out way too high. “I’m going to ask Shirahama to help with my hair!” 
Then I ran as fast as my legs could carry me. 
(...Running in a skirt wasn’t that hard—it was actually kind of fun—but that was the last thing on my mind, then.) 
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elphael · 2 years
hiya! I really appreciate a lot of your takes on D&D and DMing, and was wondering if you have tips or advice for the more improvisational/spur-of-the-moment aspects of being a DM? I'm interested in DMing a campaign but I'm worried about being able to respond to players' whack-ass choices on the fly in a way that's organic and non-railroad-y -- it feels as though the best DMs I've had are able to "improv" on the spot and come up with imagery or encounters or things for players to do if/when needed, and I'm not quite sure if I'm cut out for that, if that makes sense 😅 thanks for any advice!
spur of the moment / improv is something that was really hard for me to learn and to be honest i still don't think it's one of my strengths. i have a few tips and suggestions but i also just want to say, there is no real thing of "rail-roading" unless your players are unhappy, if you tell people "hey i actually don't have something prepped for that" above table there's a good chance they'll go "oh sorry" and you can nudge them in the direction you DO have preparation for so they have a story to engage with. i think above table conversation is just important as in game signposting as a dm
that being said here are a few tips that i think could help what you're getting at:
i don't prep a session or a linear plot, i prep an area. i've made a post here about what it looks like on a Storytelling level but this is sort of what it looks like in my notes:
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specifically i learned that writing descriptions IS important for me but it's also important to be able to improv them and not work entirely off of a script, which is why you can see my descriptions is a blend of descriptive writing and then also actual lore.
i also have done this in the past and will probably bring it back for longer projects where i create a little box that has sensory descriptions that fit the setting and tone that i can refer back to
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let your players describe their characters actions and spellcasting, especially in combat. you can encourage this by asking "what does x look like?" it's really exciting as a player to get to take that into your own hands and it is also one less thing to worry about while running combat.
throw out everything you think you should do. your favorite actual play dm's style? who cares, your cool dm's style? throw that one out too. you can take as much advice from people, can emulate other people's styles, take in as much information as you possibly can, but part of dming is figuring out what works for you. i am still constantly figuring out better ways for my brain to dm and different ways to organize information. i share the way i dm because i think it's WORTH putting out there, not because i think it will work for every single person. but even if there are a few things you see that a dm does that you like, That's Enough to start building your own foundation. don't be too hard on yourself.
if you need a second to prep something in the middle of campaign that you weren't expecting, you can SAY that. in the middle of combat on my halloween oneshot my players wanted to do something that was CERTAINLY not RAW but it was cool enough that i was like "yeah give me a second and i'll figure out how i think a fair way to do this mechanically is. this is going to be high risk high reward and might really fuck up your characters though, you good with that?" and everyone gave me the okay, so in the middle of session i spent about 5-10 minutes coming up with rules for a VERY difficult combined skill check and the tiered consequences that may occur depending on how poorly the party did. you're allowed to take a second to go say "hey i didn't think you'd pick a fight, lemme go get some statblocks. i don't have a map, we're doing this theater of the mind"
i know this was my first bullet point but because i'm talking about it at the end again above table communication is just as if not more important than in game signposting, hoping your players will recognize the hints you're dropping, if you think they're not getting it, just say it out right.
improv is super daunting and its still something i get stuck on occasionally. don't be too hard on yourself and find what works for you. dming is EXTREMELY fun, it is also work, but i think one of the things that makes dming harder than it needs to be is this expectation for perfection. you're a player at the table too and you're managing MORE than the players are. it is okay to have to take a second and to not have a perfect answer for everything.
just like 9/10 dms aren't trying to be malicious when they do something that accidentally upsets a player, 9/10 players aren't trying to be a pain for their dm and you can say 'hey i don't have an answer' or 'can we get to that later'
happy to lend my opinion if you have any questions about dming and i'd also direct you to my dm tag which is my own misadventures in dming and my own posts about dming
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active-mind-15 · 4 months
Accidental Siblings AU Headcanon #4
[Ramblings related to my fic, Accidental Siblings.]
Following up from my previous headcanon about Bokushi being slightly clumsier as a 5 y/o because he now has to adjust to a body that's still developing motor skills, I think that he would start training himself extra hard in basketball to regain his former ball handling abilities and hand-eye coordination.
Cuz like, even though he's still good at basketball in his new body, he has to put in extra effort and adjust both his strength and his focus to play basketball the way he used to. He wants to get to a point where it feels natural to him again and not like he's trying really hard to emulate a style he's not ready for yet.
And it's difficult and frustrating for him because there's only so much you can do in a child's body, and he has bigger physical limitations compared to when he was in the body of a 16 y/o, but he still tries to do the best that he can with the cards he's been dealt, and he also tries not to complain. But sometimes, when he and Seijuro are playing basketball together, Seijuro will see Bokushi staring at him, almost like he's longing to switch, even though they can no longer do that.
There are times when Seijuro and Bokushi would be playing basketball in the park or something, and even when Seijuro is ready to call it a day, Bokushi would still be pushing for just one more game. One more one-on-one so he could perfect this move he was working on, or so he could practice shooting again. And those are the days that Seijuro feels for him the most but at the same time has to step up and stop Bokushi from overworking himself. But aside from having to be the one to put his foot down, he's also there to comfort Bokushi and reassure him that it's okay to take things slow and that his health is top priority before anything else.
It's a long journey of coming to terms with his physical state, but eventually Bokushi learns to accept it and even appreciate the art of going slow.
Just in case y'all were curious about what training might look like to Bokushi, I remember back in the day there was this 5 y/o kid who was really good at basketball, and this is a video of him practicing and training. Take this as a visual for the time being.
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yesterdayiwrote · 8 months
I really want the thesis on George mirroring people if you’re so inclined 👀
So I also got this anon and the two things are kind of tied together...
i would absolutely read your essay about how george doesn't know how to be himself because i also have so many thoughts about his personality that i'm too scared to voice for a fear of people saying that i'm making assumptions😶😶😶
I will try my best, but I am absolutely dreadful at putting my rambly observations/overanalysis/bug under a microscope theories into coherent prose sometime so apologies in advance this tails off or gets a bit muddled!
I think it's quite obvious that George it's a bit... socially awkward? He's confident in an oratory way, he seems quite chatty and social, he's not shy about his body and showing it off, and yet there's just an undeniable 'awkwardness' to him that it’s hard to put into words?
It’s always said by people that George is too ‘PR’ and I think he really does try hard? Possibly too hard sometimes because it seems so noticeable that he’s trying, but I don’t think it’s because of any nefarious reason, I feel like he’s just really kind of… self conscious?
I think there’s a tendency for people to view self consciousness through a lens of vanity and pre-occupation with perfection but actually a lot of the time it’s a confidence issue too and I’ve just always got a feeling that despite appearances, George isn’t always the most confident in himself and doesn’t know how (or perhaps want to) let down his walls completely and just be his full unguarded self in public.
I think we see flashes of it at times, and I think all of them are wary of being fully open in public, and yet George always feels the one to me who is perhaps most worried about being ‘silly’?
Which is where the mirroring thing comes in. Sometimes I feel that in his quest to present a ‘version’ of himself, he almost strays into emulating other people at times? (This is where it gets all deep and if you’re not into the bug under a microscope stuff you may want to jump off here)
I feel sometimes (and I may be way off here) that George still isn’t quite sure who he is yet or how he wants to be seen. No criticism because I think that’s totally normal. He’s still young, there’s more pressure to be a character of some kind of substance in the public eye, and I think plenty of people much older than him still don’t entirely know who they are, who they want to be or how they want the world to perceive them.
So, I think sometimes he kind of emulates people around him, which again isn’t unusual, I think we all do it. I think it’s part of how most of us find ourselves, and I’m totally willing to admit it may be me drawing parallels where they weren’t necessarily intended. It may be that he does these things completely subconsciously but idk I still just find it all fascinating?
He went through a brief streamer phase just after lockdown which felt like it was kind of leaning in to what Lando was doing. It gets picked up that Daniel bops along to the National Anthems and now George bops along to them too. Lewis posts a thirst trap… George posts a thirst trap. He hangs out with Jack Grealish once and within two months he’s got his hair style (sans chunky highlights which is an OVERSIGHT tbh)…. - okay that one may be a reach but I’m struggling to think of more examples off the off the top of my head 😂.
As I say, I don’t say it as anything bad and actually I think it is subconsciously part of human nature but it just makes me giggle because it feels like he has such… hero worship of people around him and idk… it’s cute?!
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skelinor · 1 year
Love your art! Also, this may a dumb or too personal of a question, but where did you learn to draw so well? I've been trying to teach myself for the past couple years and it hasn't been working out
Hey thanks! :)
When I think about it, there are a few different things that I believe are important when learning how to draw.
In random order:
Passion. You need to really want to become better. You will only see your greatest improvement happen if you have the right mindset and truly believe you can get to where you want to be. It sounds cheesy, I know, but having this mindset really helped me. You just have to be passionate not only about drawing, but also about improving yourself and being the best version of yourself. If I'm being honest, this is something I'm struggling with right now. It's difficult. So don't be afraid to take breaks and rediscover what drives you forward.
Practice. You've probably heard this a million times. But it's stated over and over for a reason. It may be discouraging, though, when you spend hours upon hours a day practicing only to see little to no improvement. So I would say it's important to learn WHAT and HOW to practice. What I would do is set some time aside- however long you want but short enough that you can really make the most of your attention span- and practice one specific thing. Learn how it works, draw it from different angles, draw its components, etc. If it's a muscle, learn how it fits in in relation to the muscles around it. Study what happens when it bends or contracts. What does it look like when it's small, like on a child? Or big, when it's on a bodybuilder? Really take the time to learn about and love the world around you, and everything else will fall into place.
Learn from your mistakes. This one is difficult, but extremely important. You need to recognize what you did wrong in order to improve. If you don't, you will keep making the same mistakes over and over again. You will most likely need a second opinion, as it can be hard to know what you did wrong by yourself. Don't be afraid to message artists you like and ask for a critique. Some may be too busy to respond, but others may take time out of their day to answer.
Emulate art you like. Now I want to preface this by saying in no way do I condone copying or stealing. You shouldn't be completely copying what others do. What you can do, though, is take bits and pieces of art you like and translate it into your own style. My own art style is an amalgamation of a bunch of different styles I like. It's important to learn from people who know what they're doing, especially if you don't have a teacher yourself. You can learn a lot from studying what others do.
Have faith in yourself. This ties into what I said in the passion category, but I think it's important enough that I'm putting it here too. You need to believe you have the ability to push yourself to improve. Self-confidence is important. I assume it's different for everyone, but I've found that the less self-confidence I have, the worse I do. And my passion snuffs itself out. It's really cheesy, but I can't stress enough the importance of loving yourself. It's hard- I get it, believe me. I'm still working on it myself. But you have to be patient with yourself and love who you are as a person.
Okay, that's it. Sorry for the whole entire essay. I hope this helped you ;u;
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kiwisbell · 4 months
hi, lovelies! this is going to be quite rambly, but i wanted to share some of my messy emotions as 2023 comes to a close. i'm feeling a little melancholy and sentimental all at once.
personally and academically, this has been a really tough one. i underestimated the workload that would come with all my classes this year, and as a result, i really burnt myself on both ends. this past semester was fucking hard. i ended up getting sick during exams from all the stress and let myself give into a lot of anxiety, especially when it came to the question of what do i want to do with my future?
by the end of the semester, i realised i was incapable of letting myself relax. i was buzzing with anxiety over masters applications and future commitments and i just felt so exhausted. in so many ways, i stretched myself thin, and i'm kind of disappointed with myself for that! i want to get better at being kind to myself in the new year, the way that all of you have been so kind to me.
finding this space has been, no-fucking-question, the highlight of my year. i've been a fanfic reader/writer since the fanfiction.net and wattpad days (no i will not tell you about my loki fic), and finding this fandom catapulted my reintegration into fic.
i started writing a fanfiction in late november/december last year after i finished watching narcos, and once my doc surpassed 100 pages, i realised, why don't i just get an ao3 account and post this? if i'd known back then how much love it would receive, i think i would have been a lot more a careful about the way i wrote it.
so, i posted it. and then i posted another, and another, and so on. i got better at writing. i enjoyed being able to explore these characters, build stories, find my own style. people were kind.
i joined tumblr in august on a whim, hoping to cross-post my content. and then, some of the writers i had looked up to and fangirled over for so long began to interact with my content. what. the. fuck.
i'm an emotional girlie. i'm a taurus. i cried a lot in those early days. i still do. it was baffling to me that people enjoyed my writing—that they sought me ought, asked for more, and even wanted to chat with me about me. i still don't really understand it.
being here has made me realise one thing above all: that i am so fucking grateful to share a planet with all of you.
the amount of life and heart and soul poured into your art and gifs and writing is never, ever lost on me. i am thrilled to be in this space. i feel genuinely honoured to be here. sometimes, it feels like i'm in a museum, staring up at colossal statues, and i've got my little notepad, just trying to emulate their greatness with a broken pencil. i have so much respect and love for my friends and my mutuals and all of the incredible creators in this space. i truly cannot thank you enough for allowing me to find a place among you.
i think i wouldn't have gotten through a lot of the struggles i faced this year if it hadn't been for you folks.
school and life and the future are scary. sharing your work online is scary. dming that mutual you admire so much is scary. you're all fucking incredible for what you do. i just hope you know how much you've gotten me through.
i've had a crazy year, with a lot of ups and downs, and even though i'm scared for the future, it's going to be okay. i want to remember to treat myself kindly going into 2024. i hope you can all find the space to do the same.
i love you, and i wish you a happy and safe and healthy new year.
xoxo kiwi 🤍
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mooifyourecows · 6 months
I love the humor of your fics! I've genuinely never read a story that does it's humor so well and even after multiple rereads I find myself laughing out loud reading Open Tab for example. What tips would you give for writers who are trying to incorporate humor into the story without it being corny?
Hey, sorry for the late reply, i've been really busy lately with the holidays, womp womp 🥲
My advice is: embrace the corny. Every joke I've made will someday (if not already) be corny to somebody. Some of them have become corny even to me. But that's okay. Corny is good. Corny is funny too. Life is too short to be embarrassed about your writing. Embrace corny.
And what makes you laugh the first time might not make you laugh the fifth time. That doesn't mean it wasn't funny the first four times, right? There are tons of jokes I read back on now and I'm like "oh GOD that's lame" but when i wrote it, and when people first read it, it was HILARIOUS. Humor just wears off a little the more you expect and remember it. I mean sure, there are always going to be those jokes that you think are ALWAYS funny, but they're probably not always funny to other people. They might not have been funny ever at all for some people.
All that matters is if YOU think it's funny. Make YOURSELF laugh and giggle and snort over your stupid, corny jokes. That's what I do. I write something, and if it makes me laugh, I know it'll make someone else laugh. Maybe only one other person, but hey, me and that person are the only people in the world with taste anyway so, bombs away. Don't play to an audience unless you're trying to sell something. Play to yourself and you'll attract like minded people and those are the BEST people to have as your readers. They'll love and support you more than your own dang mom.
And then of course the usual advice i give to people about writing comedy is to consume comedy. Watch some shows/movies or read some books/comics that you personally find hilarious. Really pay attention to why they're funny. If you have to, pause and really break a joke down. Even take notes if that's helpful. Basically treat it like you're about to write a deep dive essay on why you laughed. I know it might seem unfun, explaining the joke, but if you understand comedy, you'll have an easier time writing it. Pay attention to word usage, timing, physical gags, silence, etc. It's all important. But don't be afraid to play around! Comedy is like any art and is meant to be creative and unique to every individual. There are some things out there that people find funny that I can't even pretend to laugh at. And that's okay! It's about taste. Find what you like and try it on.
Personally, I like witty banter. I like humor that is a little surprising and over the top. I like when something is so dumb that you can't help but laugh about it. I like funny characters AND funny situations, but especially funny characters in funny situations. So these are the things I try to include in my writing.
But I also really enjoy contrast, so I like to pair humor with other stuff. Sweet romance, deep emotions, sad drama, etc. If you try to be funny and only funny all the time, you're gonna come off a little desperate and the jokes will fall flat. Ever watch a long running show and have to suffer watching it slowly get less and less funny as the seasons go by because all the nuance is gradually replaced with signature character traits recycled again and again and again until every character is a husk of their former selves? That's what it feels like when you focus too hard on making everything funny. You lose the soul of the writing.
Really pay attention to the things you find funny and try and emulate that same energy. Don't use the same jokes, of course, but try and capture the general vibe of the humor in a way that suits your story/writing style. A lot of the stuff I like to consume is witty banter/outlandish situations/crass euphemisms/puns so those are the things i like to put into my own stories. And hey, sometimes it doesn't work. I've written jokes that make me laugh until I cry but nobody seems to feel the same way and HEY, that's alright. I like it. And liking the stuff you're doing is the most important thing in the end.
Anyway, I hope this is helpful in some way. If you ever want any more advice, feel free to shoot me another ask! I'll try my best 👍
Good luck! Sending you good funny vibes for your adventures into comedic writing 🌈
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