444names · 2 years
scandinavian names + american and german forenames
Aabel Aagar Aandt Abill Ablund Acreyr Adogren Aeva Agne Albren Alin Alla Almfrit Alvar Amunda Anfina Ansgard Arilla Arnade Arnka Arnot Artina Arvi Arwig Asgar Ashorn Asmund Astr Atlesen Audbjörk Audni Auth Aðalster Bald Ball Bast Basteind Beate Becca Bekke Beng Bengsen Bentz Bergh Bert Berthe Berthr Bertjof Bertson Bessen Birgh Birke Bjarna Bjerg Bjoe Bjorgen Blegerdr Bogene Bony Borkeby Boroline Bost Bred Brekt Breth Breve Brie Brielson Brik Bryndin Calvi Camily Camineta Carlstad Cassen Chele Chris Chriskar Christ Claud Claug Coranca Corieder Curtine Dagberg Dagman Danie Dary Daryan Deleah Dellst Dian Didrich Dolborge Dolph Dore Doren Dori Dottsson Earls Edmar Edwig Egel Eirid Eithildr Ekvaldr Elia Ellian Ellin Ellison Elstremy Elvirger Emelby Emilla Emilynur Emme Englan Enstracy Erica Eritt Erlen Erlin Erman Ermine Eskelle Eskilli Estur Eunild Evans Evar Evard Eystrom Filippa Finsson Flore Floren Florene Fold Ford Forsen Frand Frit Fritsen Fulker Gabrian Gabrith Gens Gerdi Gierson Ginn Gonner Greg Gren Gudman Gudricky Gudro Gund Gunilde Gunna Gunneth Gust Gustad Gustan Gutto Guðjon Göranch Haala Hage Halbria Halmberg Halve Hann Hannove Hara Hegstrom Heido Hein Heith Helen Helger Helgrete Hellson Helma Helmin Henne Hennie Herlen Herma Hermaine Heth Hild Hildrin Hildson Hillias Holmluna Holstad Hrun Hunthony Hyerd Hylda Ingerdr Ingja Ingmari Ingvild Jacob Jacque Jamilo Janesen Jarlberg Jena Joanner Johann Johannet Johannie Johnni Jonsen Jonssen Jose Josen Juane Kardis Karius Karolaf Katrid Katrín Kender Kittlest Kjeldr Kjellie Klaug Korend Kris Krist Kristi Kronda Kronnie Kyler Kylerina Kysten Laer Lage Lambert Lando Larstina Leka Leonatal Lient Lindborg Lindis Lindo Line Lisby Liskette Lode Loree Lovia Lovis Lundsen Manssen Marcelie Marilyn Marilyne Marin Marta Martina Matha Mathi Mattir Medal Megare Melie Melin Merek Metten Mich Mine Minn Mollene Mone Monicolt Morkman Morte Nanne Neil Neilson Nice Nicolan Niel Nilsea Niva Njorg Norbjorn Norder Nordi Nordo Norlidi Nygar Oakenson Olene Ollert Ollice Orance Oscarry Otheleah Otherea Othy Ottosse Overa Patt Pede Pederly Perner Peterwig Phild Phylling Prister Pristeve Pustian Ragne Ragnús Ramberg Ramonly Rasminar Reid Rhond Rich Ringren Rithr Roberg Rosally Rose Rosen Rost Rudo Rustie Rúnard Sand Sander Saralp Seansson Seas Sebonya Selin Selleroy Selmedar Seven Sevenson Sheil Sheleah Sheritta Shersen Shora Sigefrid Sinn Sissen Siversen Sjody Sjold Sjurhuus Skaas Skadhaug Skjalte Skjolf Snaeva Snar Snofritt Soling Sorence Sten Storlen Stram Streen Sude Sundsen Sungrene Svensen Sverson Sylvig Tabin Tamie Tanborg Tedt Terra Ther Thew Thorela Thorian Thorlin Thorm Thorn Thorsson Thorum Throna Tobin Torberg Torgeni Torke Torken Tranz Tren Turik Turith Tycholge Tyrbjörg Tyrvid Unnun Utney Utte Vadet Valde Valte Vand Vanhvit Vermak Vetles Victordi Vira Vithryn Vithur Völund Völundin Walbert Wallcup Wence Wench Westahl Westhir Wideborg Widem Widhugh Wilmarl Wiltrud Wulla Yggenson Ylways Yngve Árnar Åradley Órarren Óska
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freewayshark · 1 year
I do think it’s funny that one of the things people liked the most about Arrow, Ollicity, was literally just a revamped Smallville ship. Wild that they were like yeah we’re just gonna redo that.
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l0ng-livethe-queen · 5 years
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GarKon can be a thing. Tv is lesser than comics.
Ah hahaha
*stares in Ollicity*
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Am I the only one who’s still kinda mad the fact that Oliver has lost just about everything including his wife and son, is hated by the people in Star City esp. law enforcement, and is sitting in a super max prison with criminals who want to murder him, while Barry gets his happily ever after with his wife, the key to the city, coffee drinks named after him, a holiday in his honor, etc.?
At least it’s an 100% accurate portrayal of how humans would respond to superheroes...
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When you love reading, but also want to write...and you have too many stories that are unfinished despite knowing exactly where the plot is going...you’re just unmotivated but that does not stop the amount of new stories you want to write...the struggle guys the struggle
...but like low-key want to write a whole series based on au’s for all my ships and even ships that aren’t my ships, so like prompt me please or don’t lol
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faethfigueroth · 7 years
url change!! ollicities → olliequeen
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queenleiaorganasolo · 7 years
They're MARRIED !!!!
Yes, I've finally had the time to watch crisis on earth X, and holly shit, I've laughed so much, cried even more.
My babies, all of them, they're finally married <3
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sleepeatdancedream · 7 years
Getting this one in just under the wire, but here is Day 15!  The prompt for today gave me reeeeeally strong Felicity raging at sexist men at a QC fundraiser vibes and, man, was it so good to write ;) XD
A massive shoutout to all of you that have liked, reblogged, read, left kudos, commented, and bookmarked.  I would not be able to get through this challenge without your support. <3 <3
Feel free to come geek out with me over on my tumblr!  I’d love to talk to you all about any of my stories, this challenge, or any fandoms we might both follow!  And maybe get some prompts off you all too *wink wink nudge nudge*
Without further ado, I hope you enjoy! 
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ao3-writer · 7 years
Do you only write for ships?
This ask is broad af, dear anon wtf yu sayin tho  isn’t specific enough .-.
I usually write pure fanfiction for a lot of m/m ships, yes. I have written some Original stories that I refuse to publish bc they’re so cringy and complicated never really felt like they belong online. 
I do write for others ships that don’t revolve around YouTube, usually ones that I’m somewhat familiar with bc the more info the better it is to write and add lots of juicy details but yeah. 
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fangirl4thewin · 3 years
My Ship List:
Destiel (Dean/Castiel -Spn)
Johnlock (John Watson/ Sherlock Holmes - Sherlock)
Wincest (sorry, not sorry - Spn)
Stucky (Bucky/Steve - MCU)
Starker (Tony Stark/ Peter Parker - MCU)
Snarry (Snape/ Harry - HP)
Spuffy (Spike/ Buffy - Buffy)
Zutara (Zuko/Katara - ATLA)
Biris (Barry Allen/ Iris West - Arrowverse)
Ollicity (Oliver/ Felicity - Arrowverse)
Damick? (What is the ship name? Damien Wayne/Dick Grayson - DC)
Timson? Jatim? (No, srsly. What are these ship names? Jason Todd/ Tim Drake - DC)
Jackiel (Jack O'Niell / Daniel Jackson - Sg1)
Spirk? .......Kock? (YKYK)
Thoki (Thor/ Loki)
Butchie? Hugher? (Billy Butcher/ Hughie Campbell - TBP'The Boys on Prime')
GABRENA!! (Xena/ Gabriella - XWP)
Standard Ships
PolyOutlaws? Outlawamory? (Red hood/ Starfire/Arsenal - RHATO)
Zukka (Zuko/Sokka - ATLA)
Sacky? Bam? (Sam Wilson/ Bucky Barnes - MCU)
Spangel (Spike/ Angel - Buffy)
??? (Chris/Leo - IYKYK)
Starky (Bucky / Tony Stark - MCU)
Stoki? (Tony Stark / Loki - MCU)
Stony ( Steve/ Tony - MCU)
Brick? Batwing? (Bruce Wayne/ Dick Grayson - DC)
Chucky (Chuck/Becky - Spn)
Spiderpool ( Spiderman/ Deadpool - Marvel)
Drarry (Draco/Harry - HP)
Freorge (Fred/ George - HP)
Stackie (Anthony Mackie/ Sebastian Stan)
Stevans (Sebastian Stan/ Chris Evans)
Rob & Rich (Richard Speight Jr. & Rob Benedict)
Starghie (Starlight/ Hughie - TBP)
Starcher (Starlight/ Butcher - TBP)
Druna (Draco/Luna - HP)
Dryrtle (Draco/ Moaning Myrtle)
(A/N: Basically anyone I don't actively ship but don't mind reading about.)
Samifer (Sam/ Lucifer -spn)
Sabriel (Sam/Gabriel - spn)
Kataang (Katara/ Aang - ATLA)
Tang (Toph/ Aang - ATLA)
Kairo ( Korra/ Iroh jr - ATLA: LOK)
Sokki (Suki/ Sokka - ATLA)
Batfam (Anyone with Anyone)
BuckyWA (basically with anyone - MCU
TonyWA ( With basically anyone - MCU)
Joxella (Joxar/ Gabriella- Xena)
Samstiel (Sam/ Castiel - Spn)
The complete list of ships.
Judge me.
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i-am-robie · 4 years
Any thoughts as to why they steered clear of Brainy/Kara in the show? DGMW, I love Brainy and Dreamer as a couple but like, Brainy and Kara are main canon and they didn’t even try to go there, unlike Oliver/Canary in Green Arrow b4 everyone collectively decided Ollicity was better.
I feel like speculating on the creative choices made by the cw is a fool’s errand, but having said that they’ve clearly made so many decisions that depart from canon (future boy’s entire character/arc, Alex Danvers’s very existence are just two things that come immediately to mind), so my best guess is they just aren’t all that interested in copying the canon comics
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maximoffdanvers · 7 years
for the number thing, 11, 64, 129, 133 and/or 148, and 150
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? - I sent “aww” to my mom after she sent me a picture of my dogs
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? - Haven’t had it yet
129. What your zodiac sign? - Pisces
133. Favorite lyrics right now? - Every lyric in “Devil in Me” by Halsey
148. What’s your favorite quote? - “Get knocked down, get back up.”
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? - Life at the burrow was as different as possible from life on Priver Drive.
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grishawitch · 8 years
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You know, I think it’s time for me to try watching that there new video game movie.  Based on a real old game too.  What was it called again…?  Ah yes, Dragon Quest: Your Story.
 What?  Why in the world would I wanna watch a Sonic movie?
 * This opening is not filling me with confidence for the rest of this movie.  I mean yeah, there’s a lot of story to cover in Dragon Quest 5 if you’re making an adaptation, but that’s, like, why it’d be better to not try and cover all of it.  Like, one movie for childhood, one for young adulthood, and one for fatherhood. Instead we’re skipping past almost all of childhood with a whole lot of exposition thrown in quite clunkily and through game footage.
* Well, give the movie some credit here, they’ve introduced Dr. Agon a bit earlier so as to establish relevance (and yet more exposition…), and he doesn’t have the indignity of Luca and co. having to rescue him from a runaway mine cart.
* Well I’m not entirely sold on character appearance, and the dialog seems to be sped up often to match mouth flaps, but some of the scenery shots are downright gorgeous.
* Suspicious slime is suspicious.
* Aw… no Harry falling in love with a cute nun?
* Man, this whole thing is pretty much on fast forward.  I don’t like it.
* Well, interesting change about the sword being the one in, um, the rich person’s care (look, it’s a long name and I’m horrible with those, alright).  Although this makes me thing that they’re going to skip the rest of the Zenithian equipment and focus on just the sword.  Because if not, well, Luca’d be claiming the sword right about now.
* OK, the metal slime scene was pretty good.  As was Luca being stocked about the cash drop from the Goodybag and Mimic.  Because let’s face it, if there’s two things every Dragon Quest player is familiar with, it’s the frustration of trying to kill those slimes and being short on cash.
* And again we get the ludicrous fast pace with him suddenly getting Gootrude and Purrcy on the team.
* OK, as much as I love the DQ theme and for all that it makes sense for a “starting off on the journey” choice, ending with the triumphant trumpets as Luca comes upon a recently burned city?  The amount of dissonance here is unbelievable.  Who directed this?!
* Um… I don’t think you need to translate the subtitles into English when the subtitles where there to translate something written in English.  Also, they’ve changed the marriage quest to demon slaying rather than magical wedding ring retrieval?
* I know this awkwardness between Luca and Nera is supposed to be cute.  But it’s not.  It’s really not.  I’ll admit though that I might have had a bit more emotional investment here if their previous interactions as children wasn’t brushed past in 3 seconds of sprite work!
* Gootrude has the sword! She must be the Heavenly Hero! …Dang it, I was making a stupid joke, but now I can’t help but wonder what her and Luca’s kids would end up looking like.  Stupid generational plot.
* Alright, time to give the movie credit again.  The failed attempt at drawing the Sword was pretty funny.
* Oh come on, at least let us see Bjorn in the party!
* Again, the supposed emotional connection would be a lot stronger if they didn’t skip past the adventures as a kid with Bianca too.
* Well, if Luca owes Bianca half the reward I guess she’s marrying Nera too now.  Rather naughty of Nera, trying to get two spouses like this. Well OK, to be fair this is more her dad’s decision.
* Bianca is three sheets to the wind.  How old is she supposed to be right now again?  I mean, medieval society, different standards for drinking and all. I just hope that Luca and Nera don’t mind her tendency to get hammered occasionally.
* But seriously it’s a little late to be pulling the “which one will Luca marry” thing after he’s already popped the question to Nera.
* Man, they are seriously trying to push the Bianca possibility with now having a pushy fortuneteller.  I mean not that I’m complaining about the ship, Bianca was my bride of choice in the game, it’s just, well… he already proposed and is quite happy with his choice. There’s a point where it’s a bit too late to indulge in this plotline!
* Although it would be kinda funny if drinking that potion showed him a vision of Deborah completely dominating him.  Never mind that Deborah hasn’t been in this movie yet.
* “Refusing to drink a strange glowing potion given to you by a very pushy magic woman obviously means you’re in denial!”
* *Luca falls into his subconscious*  When did this become a Kingdom Hearts movie?
* Alright, while most of the wedding plotline wasn’t very good, and Luca changing his mind after proposing was kinda infuriating, the old woman being Nera in disguise was a nice touch.
* Only one kid? Before Luca finds out about and reclaims his kingdom?  There’s supposed to be royal twins!
* Also kinda weird how they changed the two-bloodline thing needed for the hero to just having even more Zenithian blood.  But then Bianca was captured rather than petrified, so really we’ve pretty much almost completely jumped the plot rails at this point.
* Ah there’s the petrification.
* Yeah, this version of the years in petrification is kinda sad, but honestly I found Luca being placed in the garden of a family as a supposed protective spirit, being there to watch the family’s young boy grow up, only to be helpless to do anything when the boy is kidnapped my monsters to experience they same kind of horrific slavery he did, the father yelling impotently at the statue he purchased and pushing it over, only for even more years to pass, to be far more poignant. I mean, that scene wouldn’t have even taken that much more time than this one did.
* OK, I kinda like the monster just being able to follow Ollice’s Zoom spell with one of their own to be pretty good.  It’d be nice to see that in the games at some point.
* And the drawing and first use of the Zenithian Sword was definitely cool.
* “That’s just how it is this time around.”  Wait, is Dr. Agon suggesting multiple timelines here?  And that he’s aware of them?  You know, that would be one way of handwaving all of the discrepancies between this movie and the game.  Or even the differing versions of the game.  Different timelines and realities.  Or that could apply to the different games in which the Zenithian Dragon appears; rather than a continuous timeline which wouldn’t make much sense due to the massive differences in the landmasses and lore of the settings, it could be different realities that the Zenithian Dragon has been appointed over by the Goddess, and thus has a split awareness.  …Which in turn suggests more realities through multiverse theory on which girl Luca marries.  The timeline here just got incredibly complicated.
* This… this time travel plotline is being bungled so badly.  And Luca was the one who gave himself relationship advice in the past? Uuuuuuuugh.
* It’s Mada!  Mada is dead!  OK, honestly that one isn’t different at all from the game.
* Sudden reinforcements? OK, I’ll admit I was kinda hoping that Bjorn would show up, but I wasn’t expecting Harry.  At least not after the battle has already begun.  Like, if they were going to toss this one in wouldn’t it have made a lot more sense to have the heroes gather forces before the big battle than have them show up out of nowhere during the big fight?
* Well that’s… odd. I’d crack a joke about the movie crashing, but I have the feeling that plot point isn’t out of the question here.
* OK, so, the movie really is a game world, and “Nimzo” is a virus that was inserted into the programmed final boss, so now everything is going absolutely haywire.  Well I guess that’s what the “Your Story” title is about. It’s the story of the player of the game.  And as Luca is the player avatar, he’s the only one still with any kind of awareness. But Dr. Agon and Mada seemed to have some awareness of the nature of their world, hence their reference to “this time around”.  It’s “this time the game is being played”.  But if things were changed about the basic nature of the game, some of the plot points and so forth, that makes me wonder if the reason for those changes is because this isn’t the base game, it’s actually a ROM Hack. One that carried a virus in it.
* So I was mistaken. It was a remake for a VR system. Oh crap, the virus is going to try to do a mind hijacking, isn’t it?
* No, just a nerd pissing match.  Man, this thing got strange.  And kinda disappointingly shallow for big bad motivation.
 Well, that’s the movie. I guess they wanted to try and do something of an examination of nostalgia and gaming?  But honestly in the end even that plot point was rushed, and even if there were a few hints at something being off that still felt like it came out of nowhere.  Points for effort?  But this was not a good movie.  At all.  I can see what it was trying to do, and that could have made for good storytelling if enough time and care had been devoted to it.  But there just wasn’t.
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smkkbert · 6 years
"'Time for a story' Drabble Series" by smkkbert
Arrow is sadly coming to an end after its (shortened) eighth season. There are lots of opinions about that, just as there are lots of opinions about Oliver and Felicity. However, we'd like to think that Ollicity fans would rather enjoy those two living the rest of their lives in domestic bliss, which is exactly what this sweet series delivers.
Time for a story was mentioned in this article and it makes me incredibly happy! With that overwhelming love in her my chest, I will continue writing chapter 354!
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