#omfg it wasn’t just three times it was THREE NIGHTS IN A ROW
idekwtf-is-happening · 4 months
Seeing people on Twitter trying to hate on Taylor swift is so funny like, she’s living in their heads rent free as they scramble for reasons to hate her
#the only valid argument I’ve seen is the CO2 emissions from her private jet#but funny enough I never see any of those same people complain about other huge artists using their private jets as frequently as her#I’ve even seen people suggest she just get tickets on a regular plane but guess what#having someone THAT famous on a flight could actually be a hazard to all involved#people would flock to her or cause a scene or record her the entire time#and that’s just on the plane#then people talk shit about her releasing music the same week as other artists#girl there are only 52 fucking weeks in a year and those other artists teams picked that week for specific reasons just like Taylor’s team#some weeks will obviously be worse for a new release than others like holidays and such#they don’t all collaborate and decide on who gets what week#it’s just so funny that they think she does this on purpose#and they think the argument makes sense just because she’s had so much coming out the past few years#which she only had to do because she wanted to actually own her own music#I’ve also seen a few people try to claim that she doesn’t write her own mucus which is even more hysterical ngl#one of the funniest claims I’ve seen is that she is ‘manipulating the top charts’ so she can stay at number one#first of all wtf do they think she’s doing#how the fuck can someone manipulate the charts#if they’re talking about how she strategically releases her music then sure#every fucking artist under the sun does that#that’s not manipulation that’s just understanding the industry that you’re in#they also can’t seem to grasp that she’s at number one so often because she makes good music and people like listening to her#and then I saw someone try to claim that she could never sell out a stadium#…#honey#wanna try that again?#I looked into it and they specified a 100000 seat stadium#one that’s she has funny enough sold out three times before#omfg it wasn’t just three times it was THREE NIGHTS IN A ROW#also if you want other artist to get the spotlight#THEN STOP COMPARING THEM
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givemea-dam-break · 1 year
okay so, consider this: jealous George
hasn't been done much, and jealousy is one of my favourite tropes. I'm thinking friends to lovers (obv) and you're free to make it as angsty as possible, as long as we get a happy ending :))) and you know what would probably hurt him most? When he's jealous of Lockwood bc he gets along so well with reader, maybe they just have a borderline-flirty dynamic (all platonic ofc) and George just has to watch and know he's never gonna be able to be like this (angst angst angst)
AND to make it MORE angsty maybe reader is really reserved around george but only bc she is so nervous (he doesn't know that ofc!!)
AND how about George confides in Lucy at some point that he thinks lockwood and reader might be into each other and she's like "uh yeah no, lockwood and I are dating"
Just throw in whatever cliché trope you can think of in there, i love them all
a/n: I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS IDEA OMFG YES THANK YOU!!!!!! jealousy is also one of my favourite tropes it’s great but i haven't actually written it all that much so i hope you enjoy! this isn't very angsty because i actually struggled with the plot for this, but hopefully you still like it lol
warnings: mild language words: 3.9K female reader taglist: @flashbackwhenyoumetme @irisesforyoureyes @aayeroace @waitingforthesunrise @ettadear @mirrorballdickinson @ella23116 (let me know if you want added to my taglist!)
Touch - George Karim
George had a habit of staying up late on nights where it was unnecessary.
It wasn’t that he couldn’t sleep, but rather the fact that he didn’t want to until he was sure that everything was all right. When the agents of Lockwood and Co. returned to 35 Portland Row, safe and – mostly – unharmed, he could relax.
Well, he frankly could care less what ego-fulfilling stories Lockwood had to tell upon his returns or the colourful and new swear words Lucy had learned from Skull. It was (name) he waited up for.
Out of the three of his friends, (name) was the one who understood him most. She never pushed for him to speak when he didn’t feel comfortable. She always listened to him ramble on, whether it be for a case or purely out of interest in something, with her full attention, letting him speak for as long as he wanted, smiling and nodding as he did so. He felt most like himself with her around.
So, there he sat in the living room, glancing between the book in his lap and the front door, waiting for the familiar rattle of the doorhandle. It was cast in shadow, with only a thin streak of light cutting across it from the flickering crystal skull lamp in the hallway. Lockwood really needed to swap out the bulb.
When the tell-tale jingle of keys and the quiet clatter of the handle sounded, he sat up slightly and watched as she crept in as silently as she could. That was another thing George liked and appreciated about (name) – the fact that she was considerate for the other people in the house late at night. After a case, Lockwood would come in noisily, shutting the door behind him a little too loudly, and Lucy would be stomping around on too-creaky floorboards in her clunky boots. But (name) was always quiet.
It felt like George’s heart skipped a beat when she flashed him one of her enchanting smiles, paired with a little wave. Although the smiles were always reserved, edging on shy and nothing more than a curve of the lips and a sparkle in her eyes, it made his insides feel all warm and fluttery. The sensation had been new to him in the beginning, those first few times she’d smiled at him after she had been hired, but now it was something he yearned for. His days didn’t feel complete without it.
He opened his mouth to speak, but footsteps shook the stairs and, all of a sudden, Lockwood was there, arm draped over (name)’s shoulders.
“How was the case?” he asked, grinning.
(name) leaned against him as she tugged off her ectoplasm-spotted boots. “Couldn’t even call it that. Mrs Tilden, as sweet as she is, forgets that she can’t actually hear ghosts, and that the neighbour’s cat yowls whenever it gets too cold. I would’ve been back sooner, but all the night cabs were taken, and I didn’t feel like riding back with Kipps and his lot.”
“Well, you’re here now. Fancy some tea? Boiled the kettle not long ago.”
“That’d be great,” she said. When her eyes, sparkling in the dim light, turned on George, he found himself stuck to the spot. “Do you want some, George? I got some of that tea you really like this morning.”
And, as much as George wanted to agree, he couldn’t help but look at Lockwood and the way he so easily stood with her, holding her close and grinning. It should be George there. It should be him she leaned on after a case, him that made her tea and asked her how it went.
No, no. His feelings didn’t entitle him to her or her time. Besides, she and Lockwood had been friends since childhood, separated for a few years for educational reasons, so it was a given that they’d be close. He just wished it didn’t make his throat ache every time he saw them like they were now, standing close and laughing. Something he so longed to do, but didn’t know if he could.
So, he simply said, “No, thanks, I’m about to head up to bed.”
She smiled at him once more, the shadow of a grin hiding in the corners, and nodded before following Lockwood down to the kitchen, joking about the infamous Cat of Mead Place. Her voice seemed to reverberate through the walls and into George’s very being as he stared down at the book in his lap, the page long since lost in his distraction.
Heaving a sigh, he gently closed it and set it upon the coffee table, then trudged up the stairs to his room.
“So, you think that our ghost is the killer? That’s interesting. From the description, I would’ve figured it’d be the victim. Makes sense, though.”
George nodded, trying not to focus on the soft scent of lavender and something flowery as (name) leaned closer to him, studying his notes and findings. He really hoped she couldn’t hear the furious pounding of his heart.
“Well, it was the murderer’s house,” he said, pushing his glasses up his nose a little. “It’s very likely that, even if it’s the old remains of the victim, it’s the killer’s source. Remember that bit in Hackney? Old teeth in a jar, but it was the source for that murderer.”
(name) shivered. “Don’t remind me. Still have nightmares about that guy.” She shuffled her chair slightly closer, casting George a short glance, before pulling one of the newspaper copies over. “Natalie Greymouth tried and imprisoned for the murder of her six children, later to – Wait, six children? So, in between all these other murders she committed, she was also popping out babies and killing them?”
Huffing a laugh, George said, “Suppose the kids distracted people from the fact that she was a cold-blooded killer.”
At that, (name) snickered, and a spark travelled down George’s spine as he watched her. The way she grinned as she covered her mouth with the back of her hand, how her cheeks flushed for only a moment. It wasn’t until she turned her head to look at him, much closer than she had been before, that George felt stuck for breath.
Her smile slowly softened into something shyer, more private, as she became aware of the small space between them, but as quick as thought she turned away again, focusing back on the documents in front of them.
Hope had begun to form in that short moment, and it had tasted sweet, but it became bitter as Lockwood and Lucy burst through the kitchen door with bags of goods from Satchell’s. Lucy slid behind George’s seat, dumping an additional shopping bag filled with food on the kitchen counter.
“Hard at work I see,” Lockwood said with a grin. He leaned down over (name)’s shoulder, scanning the notes sprawled everywhere. “Makes no sense to me. I trust you guys have a lead on what we’re walking into later?”
George could feel his throat burn at the sight of them, but he swallowed the feeling down and looked away. “Yeah. We’ll give you the run down on the way.”
He tried his best not to look when Lockwood squeezed (name)’s arm. He tried even harder to ignore the grin she sent his way, so unlike anything she’d ever shown George, but it was impossible. It felt like trying to pretend that Skull wasn’t on the countertop making the most horrid faces ever. The action only ever drew his eye.
Her smile lit up any room she was in, and he hated that it wasn’t directed at him but instead Lockwood. Lockwood, who everyone attached themselves to – (name), Lucy, Flo Bones, the public. Everyone. Well, except for Quill Kipps and his Fittes lot, but George didn’t want them. He only wanted her.
“We’re splitting up.”
“Worst idea ever. I don’t like the look of this place.”
Lockwood snorted. “You never like the look of any of the places we’re hired out to.”
“Lie,” (name) said. She looked up at the towering house before them. “There was that one bit in Camden, remember? With the really nice, frosted glass windows in the door.”
“Before Lucy crashed into it and smashed the glass.”
Lucy went bright pink. “I don’t think that’s our focus for today.”
George watched as Lockwood nudged (name) with his elbow, eliciting a laugh from her, and tightly said, “Lucy’s right. We need to get this case over with. And pairs sound good – too much room to cover as one group. (name), I’ll go with you.”
For a moment, the rush of blood in his ears was all he could hear. What if she said no; that she wanted to pair up with Lockwood instead? George didn’t have anything against Lucy, but it got  unnerving hearing her one-sided conversations with Skull. He was never sure if she was insulting him or the glowing ghost in the jar. And they’d probably end up bickering as they often did which wouldn’t help this case run smoothly at all.
But (name) nodded and offered him that delicate smile. “Sounds good. Think I’ve got some ideas of where we might find our source.”
“Care to share?” Lockwood asked, quirking an eyebrow.
“I’m your boss. You’ve got to tell me.”
“I don’t have to tell you anything.”
“Yes, you –“
“Let’s go,” George interrupted. His fingers were beginning to twitch. “Before it gets dark.”
And so, they did. While Lucy and Lockwood trudged inside and up the looming staircase in the centre of the house, George and (name) crept through the ground floor, taking temperatures and using their Talents. He did try, really he did, to not linger on thoughts of her and Lockwood, of their lingering laughs and smiles, but it became increasingly harder the quieter they stayed.
“So, what are your ideas for finding the source?” he asked, trying to break the silence that had grown between them.
Usually, George would’ve preferred the quiet, but this was choking. Every moment his mind strayed from the task at hand, it drifted over to the horrible ache in his chest and the twitching of his fingers caused by what could only be described as jealousy. Jealousy! God, even thinking it made him mad.
Why was he jealous? Because someone he had never explicitly admitted to liking was showing an interest in someone else? Because someone else would squeeze her arm or nudge her, when even tapping her shoulder to get her attention felt like it would make George implode?
(name)’s fingers brushed over an old vase, and she lifted it up, turning it in her hands. “Going to use my Touch on very specific things. This lady died, what, five years ago? And her nephew took this house, so he likely would’ve thrown out most, if not all, of the things belonging to her. So, we need to find the obscure things.”
“Like that restaurant with the porcelain egg cup as a source?”
“Exactly like that. The stuff no one would expect a ghost to connect to.” Her grin then was unlike the ones she shared with Lockwood, and though it was rather self-approving, George found himself drawn to it. It was something he experienced that Lockwood might not have. “Georgie, you’re going to find the strangest things in this room, and I’ll have a feel. This was one of our theories for the primary haunting, right?”
The words clogged in his throat. Georgie. It repeated over and over and over in his head as he swallowed the feelings that were building up. “Yeah.”
He glanced around the office they had ended up in and took the temperature, finding it as the lowest on the ground floor. It was a moderately sized room with a massive desk cutting through the centre with chairs either side. The desk itself was neatly organised with folders and pens all gathered in holders. An expensive-looking computer had gathered dust since the owner’s rushed departure a few days ago. Rather unassuming, on the whole, but that was exactly what she wanted.
“We’ve got an hour until sundown,” he said, peeking out of the large window. “I’ll watch your back.”
Together, they picked out a selection of seemingly strange things from around the office. An envelope rack; a rather rusty metal pen; a little glass horse ornament plucked from a display case, among many other things. But (name)’s hands lingered over a photo frame. It was a simple thing made from light-coloured wood, and the picture inside showed the owner of the house and his partner, so it was the last thing George would’ve suspected. This was what she was for, though, he remembered. Her gut instinct was much better than the rest of Lockwood and Co.’s.
“Be careful,” George murmured. “We don’t want another repeat of Lucy and Annabelle Ward.”
There was that delicate smile again, and his heart skipped a beat.
With a firm grip, (name) took the frame in her hands and shut her eyes. George could only watch in silence as she used her Talent, unused to having nothing to do in the meantime, and found himself staring. She was wearing the jumper Lockwood had gotten her for her birthday a few months ago, which had George chewing the inside of his cheek, but it was hardly his main focus. Not when the sunlight peeking through the curtains was highlighting her skin just so, emphasising little details he had only ever seen when they would research together, and he’d get distracted and stare. The implication of another smile in the corners of her lips, the curl of her lashes against slightly rosy cheeks.
After a few moments of frowning in such a way that left George with a smile tugging on his lips, her eyes fluttered open, and a proud grin split her mouth. George’s knees felt a little weak.
“Bingo. This used to have a photo of our ghost Natalie with her six kids before she killed them inside. Who’d have thought?”
It took George a minute to reply. His brain felt muddled, what with the brightness of her smile and the feeling in his chest. “I’ll go get the silver net. Our bags are still in the hall.”
“Lockwood will be well chuffed we found the source so quick.”
A moment of hesitation. One George hoped she hadn’t caught, but as he stepped towards the door, (name)’s smile melted into something more concerned.
“Are you all right?”
“Hmm? I’m fine.”
“George, what’s wrong? You were fine literally ten seconds ago and now you, well, you look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
George shook his head. “(name), honestly, I’m fine.”
“Did I say something? God, what have I said in the last, what, two minutes? Um…”
She muttered under her breath as she tried to think, and George really did try to push the burning feeling in his throat down. The embarrassment that, even though it was the two of them working down there on the case, she immediately thought of Lockwood. What more did he expect? He was nothing more than the second choice to most people – no, third. Fourth even. Hell, he was the last choice, and he should’ve realised that (name) would see him that way, too.
“It’s you and Lockwood,” he blurted.
And he regretted it immediately.
(name) looked over at him then, eyes slightly widened, and mouth parted. “What?”
He could only shrug as he looked away from her. “I just – I don’t know. Lockwood is the one everyone finds the most interesting, and I’d hoped that for once that someone might choose me.”
“You thought I would…”
She didn’t need to finish the sentence for him to know what she meant. George didn’t know how to explain the feeling that encompassed his very soul at that moment. It felt like drowning, in a way. Like these feelings he’d fought so hard to keep at bay were filling his lungs rapidly and stopping him from breathing. His head was submerged, and he couldn’t think clearly. He couldn’t do anything but feel these horrible emotions so acutely that it was painful.
“I’m sorry. I get that you and Lockwood are close. Well, you’re probably together and I’ve just never realised!”
He didn’t realise how much saying the words out loud could hurt. But he was right, wasn’t he? With all of their shared smiles and jokes and how they always stood close, there was no way they weren’t… a thing. George had just been too blind to see it.
“Don’t. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said anything.”
“George! Shut. Up,” she hissed.
Words caught in his throat, shocked by the harsh tone and the expression on her face. Brows furrowed; eyes narrowed – she was angry at him!
“Look, I am sorry, but I don’t get why you’re mad at –“
She stormed over and slapped her hand over his mouth. The touch made him jump, and the close proximity of their faces had his treacherous heart pounding in his chest. Why? Why did it have to do that?
“Listen,” she whispered, and she gestured to the side with her head.
George slowly turned his gaze to the large table where he could now hear a faint click, click, click. When he looked, his heart lurched for a moment, and he saw one of the pens in the holder move slightly. The button at the end, the one that would bring the nib out, clicked open, then shut, then open. A few papers in one of the many folders fluttered despite the absence of a draft.
“Poltergeist,” he uttered beneath her hand. He tried not to focus on how soft it was, or how the soap she’d used smelled very different from the one Lockwood had bought for him.
She nodded soundlessly, and her hand lingered for a moment before moving back to her side. “Move quietly to the door.”
It was a good plan. If they moved silently and slowly, they’d be able to make it out to their kitbags and secure the source seeing as poltergeists were essentially blind. But George could feel its invisible presence hovering over them like a horribly cold and scratchy blanket, and the house was an old one. As soon as he took a step back, a floorboard creaked.
He and (name) froze and, for a minute nothing happened. Then the clicking stopped and the pen rattled in the holder. The temperature of the room felt like it had dropped five degrees within a mere second and, although George’s Listening was nowhere near the standard of Lucy’s, he swore he could hear a faint voice calling out some names.
Another step back, and the mistake was made. The door to the office slammed shut, rattling the bones of the house. Lockwood’s voice echoed from somewhere above, calling their names.
He should’ve paid attention to the room growing colder or the sun setting outside instead of watching (name) when she’d used her Talent. Maybe then they wouldn’t be stuck in this position, facing off with a ghost that they couldn’t see nor could they harm without securing the source. And, well, they had no way of doing that now with their bags stashed outside.
(name) was the first to move. Light-footed on the floorboards, she tugged on the door handle, but it didn’t budge. George could feel her panic as strongly as he felt his own, and he realised with dread that they were only feeding into the ghost.
The clicking resumed, and (name) shuffled over to George again, hand on her rapier. It would prove useless in this situation.
“For your information,” she whispered. “Me and Lockwood aren’t a thing. He and Lucy are.”
George’s gaze snapped over to her, and she offered a soft albeit nervous smile. “I don’t think now is the time for that conversation.”
“Oh, come on, admit you’re relieved. Also, you didn’t happen to stash a silver net in your pocket did you?”
Yes, he was relieved. He didn’t think he’d ever been more relieved in his life than he was in that moment, knowing that she wasn’t with Lockwood. He was confused for a moment, wondering how he hadn’t ever seen the connection between Lockwood and Lucy, but it was overtaken by the sheer happiness that (name) wasn’t in a relationship with their best friend. And, no, he hadn’t thought to stuff a net in his pocket.
The jealousy that had reared its ugly head in his chest dissipated entirely when her hand slipped into his, warm in the horrid freezing temperature in the office.
“How are we getting out of here?”
George wasn’t sure. He wasn’t Lockwood. He didn’t come up with reckless plans that saved their lives while inadvertently endangering them at the same time. He didn’t destroy houses in the process.
“You any good at throwing chairs?”
Hours later, George was still shaking glass out of his hair over the kitchen bin at 35 Portland Row.
Lockwood was standing over the kettle as water boiled, waiting to make cups of tea for everyone as Lucy slapped a plaster on a cut on his forehead. Apparently, after hearing the office door slam, the two of them had rushed down the stairs, only for the carpet the ran down the centre of them – for whatever posh, middle-class Londoner reason – slipped out of place, presumably because of the Poltergeist, sending Lockwood toppling. He whacked his head off the corner of the wall, earning a pretty nasty cut and a possible concussion. Lucy had come off scott-free, but Skull’s silverglass jar had a dent in the top.
(name) and George on the other hand were covered in little shards of glass that nicked them every now and then after sending a chair through the office window and leaping out into the flower bushes right outside. Thank god they’d been on the first floor.
Ever since that moment in the office, that one where (name) had told him about Lockwood and Lucy, the one where she held his hand, it had become blatantly obvious how wrong George had been about everything. Even now, he could tell that the energy that she and Lockwood shared was nothing like the one Lockwood had with Lucy. How hadn’t he noticed sooner?
Frankly, he didn’t really care about that now. He was too caught up on the phantom touch of her hand in his and the smiles she kept sending his way.
She’d held his hand in the taxi on the way home, claiming it was just because the poltergeist had freaked her out, but he had a feeling that wasn’t the entire truth. (name) was one of the bravest people he had ever met, so a poltergeist wasn’t going to be the thing to shake her out of the norm. But George didn’t mind.
He hadn’t ever been big on being touched, disliking the way it made his skin feel, but he found himself staying close to her, aching to hold her hand again. And, judging from the twitch of her fingers, the way they inched closer to his when he sat next to her, he figured she felt much the same.
And, with a smile, he wrapped his hand around hers, enjoying the feeling of her skin against his.
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otonymous · 4 years
Glutton For Your Flavour (Obey Me: Beelzebub - NSFW)
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Description: You’re about to become Beel’s next meal Warnings: NSFW/18+: Explicit/graphic language — reader discretion is advised.  Spoilers for Lesson 5 of MS (hard).  Please note potential trigger warnings: dub-con (as an inadvertent result of somnambulism), cunnilingus in two flavours (soft and rough), squirting and overstimulation, slight size kink, very faint hints of tetraphilia, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it blasphemy, slight fear (monstrous descriptions) Word Count: ~2900 words (~14 mins of smut & shenanigans) Author’s Notes:  My very first fic for the Obey Me fandom!  I know I’m late to the party, but I’ve recently started playing this game and the story and its characters are so amusing I had to write about it.  This piece may not be to everyone’s taste, so please, please, please note the potential trigger warnings listed above and skip if it’s not your cup of tea.  That being said, hope you all enjoy the read! 💕😆
“Bad luck to be sharing a room with Beel, but what can ya do after he destroyed yours while destroying the kitchen, and all for a dumb custard!  Be careful — he might mistake you for a snack and eat ya in the middle of the night, hahaha!”
The scene fragments, Mammon’s face wavering as his voice grows faint, consciousness seeping into dark corners like sunlight cutting through fog.  And when you open your eyes, you can’t quite place where you are for a moment, straddling the line between dreamscape and reality.
You sigh.  There it was again, the sensation so pleasant it had roused you from the deepest slumber.
Further blinking off the haze of sleep, you take in your surroundings: a large bed lying empty across from yours in a room almost cavernous in size and just as dark save for a candle burning low on a desk, the glow of its flame orange like the hair that was currently brushing soft against your inner thighs—
“So tasty…not…enough…need more…want to…eat…zzz….”
Eyes still closed, the demon’s face is shiny even in the dark, slick from cheek to chin with what must’ve been a copious amount of his saliva and your arousal, you blush to realize.  And when he doesn’t budge even after a swift kick to the face, you are ashamed to find the Lord of Flies’ show of strength sending yet another throb to your already pulsing clit.
He does wake though, Beelzebub’s amethyst eyes opening wide before he falls backwards onto the cold stone floor to realize what he had inadvertently done in his sleep.  And as the always-famished sixth born looks from the shredded remnants of your panties to the pool of wetness on the sheets where his chin had rested, he becomes even more tongue-tied than usual.
“I…uh…I’m sorry!  I didn’t mean to…I dreamt I smelled something delicious and I was so hungry…and somehow I’m here, on the floor…I don’t even know…I-I’m so sorry!”
His cheeks grow so flushed they remind you of the red spider sandwiches he packed away during dinner, stuffing them two by two into his mouth until Satan smacked his hand away for trying to take more from his plate.  The expression on his face is so full of remorse that even if you were angry, you’d be inclined to forgive the demon who was currently grovelling at the foot of your bed, swearing he would hand himself over to Lucifer and Diavolo first thing in the morning to be strung up and hung upside down for a fortnight, even (gulp) forgoing food for a day or two.
“Beelzebub…Beel…BEEL!”  You shout, interrupting his self-inflicted tirade.  “It’s okay, you didn’t mean it.  You were sleepwalking.  You don’t have to go to Lucifer and Diavolo about this.”
“No, I have to.  My behaviour was inexcusable—”
“BEEL!  Let’s…just…try to go back to sleep, okay?  We have our midterm in Devildom law tomorrow morning and I really don’t feel like failing just because I didn’t get enough shut eye.  So please, can we just pretend like this didn’t happen?”
Those orange brows are still furrowed when Beel finally lifts his head and nods.  But then his gaze is falling again on the wet sheets and the shiver than runs through that larger-than-life body seems to send another wave of anxiety through the demon.  He makes a mad dash for the door, murmuring something about getting a snack from the kitchen and “you can have the room tonight” before it slams shut behind him.
He doesn’t return for the rest of the night.
The exam was so disastrous even Mammon didn’t bother sneaking another peek at your paper after the first two questions.  And even if you had somehow managed to get back to sleep after last night’s ordeal, it wouldn’t have changed the fact that you were still distracted by the memory of Beel’s mouth on your pussy:
His long tongue, serpentine as it delved deep between swollen folds to taste you with gusto.  
The way he rolled your clit between those plush, soft lips before sucking it into his hot mouth, over and over again.  
The throbbing between your legs that refused to cease long after the Avatar of Gluttony had left the room you were temporarily sharing, sleep only forthcoming once you had succumbed and reached beneath the sheets to finish the job he had started, your moans licentious even to your ears as you pretended your fingers were his.
It was a pale imitation, of course.  That much you could see for yourself, stealing a glance at Beel seated two rows down — quill twirling between long, dexterous digits when he wasn’t putting ink to parchment.
But those gigantic hands were just a small part of what made Beel demonically attractive, as if the word “small” could be applied to him at all: tall and built, there were times when even you envied the ease with which he maintained that perfect physique despite his penchant for shovelling enough food to feed all three realms into his mouth on the regular.
The same mouth which brought you so much pleasure the night before.
Clearing your throat, you pretend not to see the smirk that spreads across Asmo’s delicate face, hoping the lusty demon sitting just to your left wouldn’t pick up on the very secret thoughts you were having about his brother.
[Private Chatroom]: Satan, Levi, Mammon, Asmo
Satan: This is going to sound crazy, but doesn’t it seem like Beel’s…hungrier than usual?  Is that even possible?
Levi: OMFG!  You should’ve seen the state of the kitchen this morning after Beel decided to camp out there overnight!  It was a total war zone, like that epic battle scene in Vol. 5 of TSL lololol.  Soooo good XDDDDD
Mammon:  Hey!  He’s gonna eat us outta house and home at this rate!  Shouldn’t we stop him?
Satan: You do it, Mammon.  Aren’t you always saying that there’s nothing The Great Mammon can’t do?
Mammon: …..
Asmo: Please, as if anyone — angel or demon — could come between Beel and a meal.  
Satan: Why was he camping out there in the first place?  Was there something wrong with his room?  I don’t remember him complaining about anything since he got shacked up with the exchange student.
Levi: Not like he could, seeing as it was his fault to begin with and a direct order from Lucifer.
Asmo: Maybe we should ask her.  I’m sure she knows something about what’s inciting his hunger judging by the way she kept staring at him in class today fufufu 😏  She almost failed her midterm because of it, isn’t that right, Mammon?
Mammon: ‼️‼️
[Mammon has left the chat]
Levi: He is sooooo transparent LMFAOOOO
Pressing a hand to your mouth, you try to contain your shock at the sight that greets you when you peek around the corner into the kitchen:
Curved, ebony horns sitting majestically atop a head of disheveled orange hair.  Thick, corded muscles that ripple across a broad back — readily apparently because the creature bent over a mountain of food on the ground was wearing nothing but a pair of pyjama bottoms, loose and slung so low over narrow hips that the sharp V defining his groin is visible even from the distance at which you stood.  
Because this wasn’t quite what you were expecting to find when you made your way to the kitchen in the middle of the night to search for Beel, thinking to approach him about the peculiarity of his recent behaviour: the way he now ate constantly and was less satiated than before, the fact that he seemed to be going out of his way to avoid you even though you shared a room.
In fact, he hadn’t said so much as another word to you after he gave you two dozen of his prized custards the morning after the incident, apologizing again until you had to be the one to make him swear he wouldn’t breathe a word of it to Lucifer.  The demon even made a beeline for the door as soon as he saw you emerge from the bathroom tonight, fresh from a shower.
It wasn’t hard to guess where he was headed.
Even still, you tried to focus on your textbook, reading the same line over and over again as you waited for Beel to return so you could have a proper conversation with the demon you made a pact with.  And when you could wait no longer, you made your way towards his favourite room in the House of Lamentation — silently, so as not to draw the attention of the eldest sibling.
But the growls coming from the direction of the open fridge this time sounded like Cerberus himself, enough so that you find yourself rooted to the ground, unable to take another step forwards or back.  
You had never seen Beel like this before, tearing into whatever he could get his hands on with a savagery that made your heart stop.  Teeth, lips and tongue devoured without second thought in a way that was simultaneously terrifying and…
Suddenly, he stills, throwing his head back to sniff the air once…twice…and in a flash, he is upon you, towering over your head as he rises to full height — bigger and taller and much more intimidating than you’ve ever seen him before.
You should have been scared.  Any person in their right mind would have if they found themselves cornered by a demon of Beelzebub’s calibre.  But the hands that balled into trembling fists at his sides made you feel oddly secure, your deepest instincts telling you that not all was as it seemed.
“You need to leave.  Now…please.”
“What’s going on with you, Beel?  I just want to help—”  You reach for his arm.  He jumps back as if burned.
“I SAID YOU NEED TO LEAVE!  I-I…can’t hold back…for…much longer!”
Handsome face screwed up as if in pain, Beel turns to put as much distance as possible between the two of you, squatting on his haunches with his head in his hands when he murmurs:
“I…I don’t know what’s going on with me.  This has never happened before.  I’m hungrier than I’ve ever been.  I eat and eat and eat and it still isn't enough.  The last time I felt satisfied was when…when…”
His voice dies down to a whisper.
“…when I tasted you.”
Putting out a hand, you steady yourself against the wall, knees suddenly weak at Beelzebub’s admission.  Or perhaps it was due to relief, the tension that had been steadily building in your strained relationship with the demon released to know that you weren’t the only one who desired to revisit that night’s events.
So you gather your courage, stepping softly towards the demon who crouched on the ground next to the lit fireplace, the heat radiating from the hearth warming the flesh you had deliberately left bare when you lift the hem of your night gown to expose yourself to Beel.
“What are you doing?!  I told you, I can barely hold back—”
“Then don’t.  I don’t mind, Beel.  I…I like it too.”
Amethyst eyes darken as they look up into yours, orange flames reflecting off pupils blown wide.  And when he speaks next, the deepness of his voice echoes in your body, as if its source were to be found within your own soul.
“Ask and ye shall receive.  I won’t touch you until you do.”
Nipples hardening beneath your gown, the rush of heat that floods your core makes you shudder when you say,
“Please, Beelzebub…I want you to eat my pussy.”
Back hitting solid wood, you barely have time to gasp before you are pulled to the edge of a long table in the centre of the kitchen, a long tongue running up the insides of each thigh in turn before they’re propped up onto broad shoulders, Beel’s breath blowing hot on the space in between.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t think I can hold back.  I’m just…so famished, so desperate to taste you again—”
His words cut off in a low growl as he presses his lips to your folds, saliva dripping from his mouth mixing with the juices that already painted a glistening sheen on pink flesh.  You fight to bite back a moan at the vehemence of his hunger, the sheer greed of his tongue — flicking at your clit until your back arched off the table, heralding the arrival of the cream that leaked only to be swept up by Beel licking from end to end of that swollen seam.  And when that still wasn’t enough, you nearly swooned to feel that serpentine tongue penetrate, reaching depths that surely only a demon would be able to achieve as Beel sought out more of your flavour.
He buries his face deeper into your pussy, nose nudging your clit as arousal smeared over the entirely of his visage.  The vibrations of his voice further stimulates your locus of pleasure, punctuating the lewd, wet sounds when he says:
“You smell so delicious.  All the time.  And tonight, when you stepped out of the shower…I couldn’t take it, not with the way your scent flooded my senses.  I had to leave or else…this would happen.”
“Oh Beel…you should’ve told me sooner.”  
Mind lost in a haze of lust and body boneless from riding out wave after climatic wave, you reach down a trembling hand without thinking, fingers innocently tracing along the smooth ridges of the onyx horns that lay against your abdomen.
Suddenly, his breath hitches at your touch and the Sixth Prince of Hell is throwing his head back, eyes squeezed shut and mouth open in a moan loud and deep enough to reverberate off stone walls, clattering stacks of dishes in cupboards and making you come once more — legs convulsing upon his shoulders as you feel a preponderance of fluid gush forth from your body right into Beel’s waiting mouth.
The pleasure was such that you’ve never known before, so good that surely, it must be bad in some way, shape or form.  But you hadn’t the energy to ponder further.  
No, the only thing you’re aware of when your vision goes black is that Beel’s mouth is still on you, feasting upon a pussy that continued to respond to the teasing movements of his lips and tongue even as you ceased to think.
Cheddar.  Pickles.  Ketchup and mustard.
The smell is what rouses you, but nothing could’ve prepared you for what you saw when you awoke in your own bed: mountains of cheeseburgers arranged on platters filling up every available surface in the room you shared with Beel.
“You can sleep for longer if you want.  I told Lucifer you’d be skipping class today because you’re not feeling well.  Are you…feeling well?”
Beelzebub lifts his head from where it’d been resting at the side of your bed, the rest of his body laid out on the floor as if he were guarding you like an oversized dog.  Those puppy dog eyes, full of concern, didn’t help his case either.
“I’m fine, Beel.  Better than fine, actually.  I feel fantastic!”  You smile, moving to sit up in bed.  The demon springs from the ground, putting an arm around your shoulders to help prop you up, and your heart can’t help but warm at how protective he was being.
He breathes, relief flooding those handsome features.  “I’m glad.  I was afraid I lost control last night and had to carry you back.  You were just…so tasty and…satisfying…”  
Those amethyst eyes glint as they travel to the apex of your thighs, and all of a sudden, he is grabbing at those human world cheeseburgers, shoving them into his mouth two at a time.
“Have some,” he says between bites.  “They’re my favourite and I thought you might like them too.  Besides, you need to eat if you’re gonna keep up your energy.”
You reach towards the nearest platter, taking one for yourself.  “Energy for what?”
Beel looks at you, expression completely serious when he says, “For the next round tonight.”
Thank you so much for reading!  Check out more of my work here! 📚
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atlafan · 4 years
Take it Slow - Part Fifty-Eight
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry.
Warnings: Smut and Fluff.
Masterpost (all previous parts can be found in the masterpost)
You were laying there, stunned, mouth still hanging open. He wasn’t trying to pick a fight with you, he was simply trying to assert his dominance.
“Harry…I didn’t flirt with-“
“Ah-ah, don’t need to talk about it, yeh told me enough last night.” He nestles further onto your chest, and wraps his arm around your belly. “Actually your friends ratted you out.”
“They’re your friends too.”
“True…was that the most you’ve ever come in one in go?” You smirk.
“With you? Yeah.” He props his head up and furrows his brows at you.
“And just who else has made you come more than that?”
“Myself.” You giggle. His face relaxes and he rests on your chest again.
“How many times in a row have you gotten yourself off before?”
“Think my record’s ten.”
“Ten?!” He sits up fully to look at you. You’re getting annoyed, you just want to cuddle. “Ten times in a row? Weren’t you tired???”
“Exhausted, and sore.”
“When did you do that?”
“Um, a few years ago. I never really…knew how to touch myself when I was younger, and then one night I just sort of figured it out, so I started doing it more. And one night I just kept going. The friction from my hand just felt really good. It was incredible, I could barely talk the next day because my voice was so hoarse from making myself scream.” You were one hundred percent serious, but you knew it was also torture for him to know this. “Guess I got a little greedy with myself.”
“Hm.” He swallows hard. “Challenge accepted then.”
“Not right now!”
“No, not now. At some point though. I’ll beat your best.” He smirks. “All from your hand, you didn’t even use the vibrator?”
“You’re a little wild, aren’t ya?” He kisses your smiling face.
“Maybe just a little. Now, can we just lay and hold each other, please?”
Harry chuckles and pulls you onto his chest, wrapping his arms around you. Your eyes flutter closed feeling exhausted and relaxed all at the same time.
“What’s this?” Harry asks, looking up at Isaac who just handed him a piece of paper.
“An invitation.”
“To what exactly?”
“St. Patrick’s Day party I’m having.” Harry looks him up and down.
“Isaac, you’re not Irish.”
“No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t party does it?” Harry looks down at the date on the paper.
“Listen, my best mate is actually Irish, like from Ireland, and he usually has a party. I could, um, try to stop by for a bit though since he does an all day thing.”
“Sure.” He tries to act cool. “Whatever works, just wanted you to feel included.” He smiles brightly.
“Thanks, means a lot.” Harry genuinely liked Isaac, he could see himself swinging by the party at some point. Maybe before things got too wild at Niall’s. “Wait.”
“Who else from here’s invited?” Isaac smirks at him.
“You’re a little too nice, you could be a little selective.”
“Bring Y/N with you, okay?” He shakes his head and leaves the office.
St. Patrick’s Day was a couple weeks away, he had plenty of time to decide what he wanted to do. Harry realizes that you weren’t at Niall’s party last year, or maybe you were, he honestly couldn’t remember. When he gets home from work that night he thinks to bring it up.
“What do you do for St. Patrick’s Day?”
“Oh, the girls and I go to the parade in southie. My grandparent’s old apartment is on one of the sidestreets of the parade route, so I know the best place to stand. And then I think we spent the rest of the day at a pub last year.”
“You didn’t go to Niall’s last year?”
“I was supposed to, but I got too drunk.” You laugh. “We’ll go this year, yeah?”
“Definitely.” He smiles.
“Wanna come to the parade too? It’s a lot of fun.”
“Sure!” He pauses. “Isaac is havin’ a party too. Thought maybe we could swing by when there’s a lull at Niall’s.” You raise an eyebrow at him.
“You want to spend time with people from work? I’m shocked.”
“I like Isaac, and it would be rude to not at least swing by.”
“You don’t have to convince me, I’m game.”
“He invited everyone.”
“So Mykenzie might be there…”
“You wouldn’t care?”
“Harry.” You chuckle. “I’m the one fucking you, not her. I’m really unbothered.” You get up from the island and clean your plate from dinner.
He found your confidence and trust to be so sexy. He gets up to clean his plate as well. You kiss him on the cheek, and go out to the living room, plopping down on the sofa and grabbing your laptop. You had some homework to do. Harry sits next to you and turns the TV on. You think of something funny you saw on tik tok. You position yourself so your back is resting against the arm of the sofa. You position your phone, and start filming him. You sigh heavily. Harry whips his head to look at you.
“What’s wrong baby?”
“Nothing, just don’t feel doing my homework.”
He closes your laptop, and moves it away. He crawls on top of you, making you giggle. You stop recording. You scratch the top of his head and give it a kiss.
“That was cute.”
“Watch.” He turns his head to your phone.
“You were filmin’ me?”
“Mhm, watch, you’re so cute. Can I post this?” He sighs.
“I suppose. Did the other one get any likes?”
“You know, I haven’t checked. I’ve not been on the app.” You open it up and gasp. “Ten thousand! Popular trend.” You furrow your brows. “Look at all the comments!”
“He’s so hot, hot bf, looks like he was expecting you, those hands omfg.” He starts laughing.
“Definitely posting this one.” You upload the video and all the hashtags.
You both get cozy and watch the short videos together. Some making the both of you laugh and some that had you both rolling your eyes.
“Did you ever have vine?” You ask him.
“For a short bit, didn’t use it much though. Did you?”
“Oh yeah, I used it all the time. I’d stay up super late in school by accident watching videos. I’d laugh so hard I’d cry most nights.” You giggle. “Sometimes I’ll watch compilations on YouTube. I was genuinely crushed when they announced the app was cancelled.”
“Did you make a lot of videos?”
“Sure! Nothing ever this popular though. It’s a really fun and creative outlet.”
“Glad I could help yeh get some followers.” He grins.
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Bet this’ll get thousands too. After all, I’m pretty hot.” You shake your head at him.
“Okay, I actually need to get my homework done now, get off.”
“I see, just use me for gains on the internet.” He fakes pouts.
“Now you’re getting it.” You both laugh.
On the morning of St. Patrick’s Day, you dig out your green crop top sweater, and a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. You put curls in your hair, and find your green Celtics hat. You knew it would be chilly. Harry throws on black jeans and the Celtics sweatshirt you had bought him specifically for today because you didn’t want someone murdering him while he wore his Packers sweatshirt. Your midriff was showing just enough that you could see your naval piercing.
“You look cute, baby.” He says, kissing you on the cheek.
“Thank you.” You look at your watch. “We gotta head to the T to meet everyone soon.”
You head to the T and go the few stops you need to meet the girls, and then you uber the rest of the way to where your grandparents used to live. You point out the apartment to Harry. You get teary eyed, but shake it away as you walk down the street to stand on the sidewalk. You were happy you thought to wear a coat over your sweater because it was a tad windy. You stand in front of Harry, and he wraps both arms around your shoulders, resting his chin on the top of your head. Sarah takes a picture of the two of you.
“Harry, Mariah’s coming to Niall’s party later.” Rachel tells him.
“That’s great! We’re gonna see her at another friend’s party in a bit.”
“She mentioned you were going to swing by where she was. Isaac’s right?”
“Mhm. So you two have hung out a couple times then?”
“Yeah, we’ve gone to a movie here and there, dinner.” She smiles. “I like her.”
“She likes you too.”
The parade starts, and it’s as much fun as it always is. You all clap as the floats go by. You catch a ton of green beads that are flung at you, and you put one around Harry’s neck. After the parade you all head to Niall’s. He didn’t like parades. He was also busy getting his apartment ready for the day and night ahead.
“Hey everyone!” He kisses Sarah. “Thanks for lettin’ everyone up.” He kisses her again.
“Course.” She says with a smile.
“Right, well, I got the boiled dinner goin’, fridge is stocked with beer, got the bar set up too. And there’s lots of other snacks around.”
“It looks great in here, Niall.” You put your hand on his shoulder. You take your jacket off and hang it up.
“When are you guys goin’ t’Isaac’s?”
“Later this afternoon, just swingin’ by quick.” Harry explains. “Let’s have a pint, yeah?”
Harry and Niall both crack open a cold Guinness, and pour them into glasses. As you had gotten older you realized day drinking was way more fun than staying out for hours on end. You and the girls stick with vodka tonics for the time being. The three of you take cute pictures together.
“Oh! Let’s all kiss Niall on the cheek!” Sarah says. “Get it, cause he’s Irish?” She giggles.
“Good idea!” Rachel says. “It’ll be like Charlie’s Angels. Harry, come take our picture.”
“What are we doin’?” Niall asks. Everyone was starting to get slightly buzzed.
“We’re all going to kiss you on the cheek.” Sarah explains. “Hm, how can we get all three of us in here?”
“We should get all of us.” You say. “Harry can kiss the top of his head.”
“No way, Harry gets a cheek.”
“Let’s just each take a turn, and then we’ll get a couple of us on either side, I think that would look cute, but I’m the only when that gets those lips.” Sarah looks at Harry.
“What are yeh lookin’ at me for?”
“I’ve seen the Polaroids.”
“Jesus, fuck Niall.”
“What Polaroids?” You ask.
“Don’t worry about it.” Niall says. “Just take your pictures.”
You take a picture of Niall and Sarah kissing, and everyone awws. Next you and Rachel go on either side of him. You squeeze his cheeks between your thumb and forefinger, and you and Rachel kiss each of his cheeks, leaving lipstick behind. Harry’s jaw tenses when he watches you and Niall giggle. Had you kissed him before? It was only the cheek, but still.
“Alright, my turn.” Harry says grinning. “Gonna be a nice wet one too, c’mere.”
“Please, no, ahhhh gross!” Harry presses his tongue to Niall’s cheek just as you take the picture and everyone laughs. “You’re disgustin’.” Niall wipes his cheek off with the back of his palm.
“Harry we should go before we get too drunk.” You say grabbing your coat.
“Good thinkin’. Be back in a bit.”
You both wave to the group and leave. You knew the apartment would be filled with people when you got back, so you were happy to have the time to pregame together. You uber to Isaac’s apartment. It’s a quaint neighborhood. You and Harry had brought a case of beer with you to give to him. He holds your hand tight, he was a little nervous seeing so many people outside of work for the first time. He rings the buzzer and you’re both let up.
“Harry, you made it!” Isaac gives him a hug. “Hi Y/N.” He smiles.
“Hi Isaac! Here we brought this for you.” You hand him the case of beer.
“Thanks! Definitely going to need a lot of this today. C’mon in. I can take your coats.”
“Thanks.” You smile back. You and Harry hand him your coats.
There were plenty of people here already. Harry keeps his arm hooked around your waist. It was clear you were not to leave his side the entire time you were here. Which was perfectly fine with you. These are the moments you didn’t mind he was clingy. You both still had a good buzz going.
“There’s a keg in the living room, help yourselves.” You both walk further into the living area.
Julia and Dana are standing together near the keg. Ah yes, underage drinking, how fun for them. Their jaws drop when they see Harry, and they drop further when they see you, his pretty girlfriend. They weren’t expecting to see you almost sort of dressed like them. You pulled off the crop top look quite well.
“Hi girls.” You say to them smiling, grabbing two solo cups. You had hoped Julia crapped herself when she saw you, and by the way her cheeks flushed, maybe she had.
“I got it.” Harry says, tapping the keg and filling the cups. Julia bites the top of her cup. “Don’t worry, I won’t tattle on yeh.” She blushes. “I was in college once too.” He winks at them.
“We’re surprised to see you here.” Dana says.
“Why? Awfully rude to decline an invitation.”
Harry hands you your cup and puts his arm back around your waist. Julia has her eyes glued to you. Did you know about what happened? Of course you did, why wouldn’t Harry tell you?
“Well, we’re happy to see you, right Jules?”
“Yeah, super happy.”
“Surprised you two are at such an adult party.” He says.
“We have somewhere else to be later. Just here to pregame.” Dana explains.
“Myk’s here too.” Julia blurts out.
“And Paige, and Mariah.” Harry nods.
“Myk brought her boyfriend too, H.” Dana says, nodding over to where they were standing and talking.
“Oh, good for her. Babe, let’s go find Mariah, yeah?”
“Alright. Nice to see you two again.” You smile at them as you walk away with Harry, his grip tightening on you.
“Babe, ugh, gag me.” Julia says quietly.
“How could you not be over him after everything that happened?”
“Because…look at him! He’s so fucking gorgeous, it’s not fair.” She sighs.
You and Harry find Mariah and say hello.
“Hey guys! Think I’ll leave when you do, Rachel invited me to your friend’s party.”
“Sounds good, yeah, she told us.” Harry smiles.
“You got your nose pierced! When can you put the hoop in?”
“Just a few more weeks, I’m itching to change it out.”
“I promise, you’ll be happy you did it this way. Makes it a lot easier to change them in and out.” You nod and take a sip of your beer. Isaac comes over to your little group.
“Everyone good?”
“Isaac, you are the perfect host.” Mariah says putting a hand on his shoulder.
“I do what I can.”
“Do you have a roommate, or do you live here alone?” Harry asks.
“With a roomie, he’s over there.” He points. “Some of his friends are here too.” You look around and see a few flamboyant looking people and smile. A couple of them walk over.
“Oo, girl, I don’t know you, but I have to tell you, this look, you are serving mama.” You giggle.
“Thanks! This sweater used to be longer, but I cut it up myself.” You get into conversation with the boys.
Harry feels more comfortable now, so he lets you go. He knew you were social and outgoing, he didn’t want to hinder you. Mykenzie and her boyfriend come over.
“Never thought I’d see you at one of these things.” She huffs.
“You can thank yourself for that.” She rolls her eyes at him and his jaw tenses. He’d slap her if he could, but she’d probably like it so what’s the use?
“Anyways, this is Brian, my boyfriend. Brian, this is Harry. He takes pictures for our studio.”
“Nice to meet you.” He smiles at Harry and shakes his hand. You catch the awkward exchange out of the corner of your eye.
Brian didn’t look anything like Harry. He had blonde hair and brown eyes, an odd combination. No apparent tattoos. You wondered how long they had been dating.
“So, where’s your girl?” She asks.
“Right there, making pleasant conversation.” He points to you. You smile at him and excuse yourself from your conversation, and go over to him. He kisses the top of your head through your hat. He snakes his arm back around your waist. “This is Y/N.”
“Hi, I’m Brian.”
“Hi.” You smile and shake his hand. “Nice to see you again.” You say to Mykenzie.”
“Yeah.” She says with a fake smile.
“Need another drink, Myk?” Brian asks her.
“Yeah, actually.” She smiles as he walks away.
“Need to use the loo, Mariah, know where it is?” Harry asks her.
“Yeah, follow me.” Mykenzie crosses her arms when she’s left with you.
“So…you two still doing well, then?”
“Mhm, really well.” She looks you up and down. “Cute outfit, very festive.”
“Thanks.” You smile.
“You’re younger than him, right?”
“Um, only by a year and a half.”
“Well…I just always thought he liked be the younger one.” You furrow your brows.
“Why, how old are you?”
“Just turned thirty this year.”
“That’s only a four year age difference.”
“Wow, you are smart.” Her voice littered with sarcasm. You roll your eyes at her. “Careful, he doesn’t like that very much.” Your mouth forms into a straight line. She was trying to make you mad, but this bitch really didn’t know who she was fucking with. You cross your arms and smirk.
“He likes it a lot, actually. Begs me to do it.” Her eyebrows raise. She’s never known Harry to beg for anything.
“That so?”
“Oh yeah. In fact, he begs me for a lot of things. You should see the look on his face when I tell him to wait, it’s priceless.” You take a coy sip of your drink. “But I don’t need to tell you, I’m sure you remember lots of things like that about him. Things I’m sure you’d love to throw in my face. But I’m sure that nice man over there getting you a drink wouldn’t appreciate hearing any of it, would he?”
“You think you’re a tough bitch, don’t you?”
“Oh, you poor, sweet, idiot. I don’t just think it, I know it. You think I have any reason to be afraid of you? Intimidated by you? You’re the last person I would ever be threatened by.”
Harry and Mariah return at the same as Brian does. He hands Mykenzie her drink.
“Thanks.” She says to him, her cheeks hot. Harry snakes his arm back around you.
“Alright?” He asks you, not having realized just who he left you alone with.
“Oh sure, we had a nice chat.” She rolls her eyes at you as she takes a sip of her drink. You feel Harry’s hand squeeze your hip.
So this is where it came from. No wonder he hated when you did it. It must remind him of her every single time you roll your eyes, whether it’s playful or not. The thing you weren’t sure of though was if he really truly hated it, or if the defiance of it turned him on so much it sent him into another state.
“Bought ready to go? I’d like to head back to Niall’s soon…”
“Sure! Yeah, lemme just find Isaac, gotta make the rounds and all that.” You nod.
“Nice seeing you again, and it was so nice to meet you Brian, you have a really great girl here.”
Your sarcasm isn’t lost on Harry. He knew whatever you two talked about wasn’t good. You and Mariah follow Harry around. He gives Isaac a hug goodbye. He waves to Dana and Julia, and then turns to the two of you.
“Ready ladies?” You both nod, and head out to your uber.
You get up inside Niall’s, and there were a ton of people there just like you knew there would be. Once you get settled, Harry pulls you down the hall where there were less people.
“What’s up?”
“Did Myk say anything weird to you?”
“Weird? No.” You smirk. “She wanted to start something with me, but I put her in her place.”
“Okay, but what did she-“
“Don’t worry about it. S’not important. C’mon, there’s a party, let’s drink.”
You go out to find Sarah and Rachel. Rachel was talking with Mariah. They both looked excited to see each other. You decide to leave them alone. You find Sarah by the makeshift bar Niall had put together.
“Shots?” She asks.
She slices up a lime and hands you the salt as she gets two shot glasses. Harry watched the entire thing. How you slowly lick the back of your hand to get the salt on there, and how you lick at it again before you tip your head back. He watches you sink your teeth into the juicy lime and suck everything out of it, juice rolling down your chin. You use the back of your hand to wipe yourself off. You and Sarah giggle as she makes you both a margarita. Your third type of alcohol for today.
“You’re back!” Niall slaps Harry’s back.
“I wish Lou was here…” Harry pouts.
“I know, he just couldn’t make it to this one. Think he had Freddie this weekend.”
“Can’t blame him for that.” He sighs.
“C’mon, let’s have a drink.”
Harry and Niall go into the fridge and they each crack open a beer. You sip your margarita happily as you chat with Sarah. You knew you were going to get hammered, but you needed to nurse your drinks so you wouldn't throw up. You looked over at Harry, who looked absolutely delicious in your now hazy eyes. You wanted his cock in your mouth, and you wanted it now. He looks over at you and does a double take. He instantly recognized the look on your face as he met your gaze.
“Shit.” He says under his breath.
“What?” Niall asks innocently.
“Hm, oh, nothin’.” Harry smiles awkwardly. Niall looks over at you, and he can see the look on your face too as Sarah absentmindedly talks your ear off.
“Look, if you’re gonna do that again here, could ya clean up? Yeh left the guest bath a mess, and Eleanor thought I was a slob.”
“What? How? How do you know-?”
“Was painfully obvious. You both disappeared.”
“You don’t care?”
“Why the fuck would I?” He shrugs and then grins. “When yeh finally have that house warmin’ don’t be surprised if I fuck Sarah in some random room as payback.” They both laugh and walk over to you and Sarah.
Niall distracts Sarah with a kiss while Harry yanks you down the hall, and into the guest bath, locking both doors like you had done on New Year’s.
“How’d you know?” You breathe against his neck.
“I’d know that look anywhere.” You get on your knees and start undoing his belt and pants.
“Just want it in my mouth, you can fuck me when we get home later, yeah?” He nods.
You tug his jeans down just enough, and take his cock out of his boxers. You don’t even pump him first, you just wrap your mouth right around him, and moan. He grips the counter behind him, watching your eyes flutter closed as you swirl your tongue around him.
“Fuck.” He groans.
Your hands were secure on his hips while you bobbed your head up and down him slowly, trying to take as much of his as you could. He pushes his hips forward slightly and you gag on him as he hits the back of your throat. You come off him for a second just catch your breath.
“Sorry, angel. Got excited.” He breathes.
You’re back on him instantly, and you moan at the salty tastes as your tongue slides over his leaking slit. You hear him let out a breathless moan. You take him deep, and suck on him hard until you have him panting.
“Gonna come.” He moans, and it’s music to your ears. “Y/N, gonna fill that pretty mouth up.”
You groan against him. You had to be soaked through, but you’d deal with that later. You feel his come shoot into your mouth and you take it all. You slide off him and swallow every last drop. You stand up and rinse your mouth out quick while he pulls his pants back up. He rubs your back for a moment while you catch your breath.
“Sure I can’t do anythin’ for yeh, love?” You smile and kiss his cheek.
“You just did. S’all I wanted. Just wanted to, hic, taste you.” You were drunk, this you were sure of. You hear some Nicki Minaj song come on. Damn the music was loud. “Shit, I love this song.”
You practically race out of the bathroom, and guest room with Harry not too far behind. You find Rachel and Sarah and the three of you start dancing. Harry’s face was absolutely flushed. Mariah comes over to him.
“Dontcha wanna dance with ‘em?”
“Nah, I’m fine watching the show.” She looks at him. “You okay? Your cheeks are really red.”
“Just the alcohol, love.” She smirks at him.
“Sure it is.”
“Oh shut up.” He nudges her. “How are things with Rach?”
“Good! Think we’re going to hang out later in the week.”
“Can I ask a personal question?”
“Have yeh kissed or anythin’?”
“Yes.” She giggles. “The other day, but that’s all we’ve done. She said she moved too fast with the last person she was with and just wanted to take things slow for a while. Which I’m perfectly fine with. No need to rush.”
“Right.” He nods, and looks back at you dance with your friends.
“They really know how to move, huh?”
“Oh, you have no idea. You should see them at a club. They’re crazy.”
“Especially Y/N.”
“Keep your eyes on your own girl.” She nudges him. “Kidding.”
“No you’re not.” She snorts. “You’re a possessive guy Harry. You’re possessive with your equipment, your shoots, and the people in your life. You barely let her go at Isaac’s.”
“That was due to nerves. Bad enough I left her alone with Myk.”
“Why did you sleep with her anyways?”
“I was younger and stupid. Thought she’d be a quick and easy fuck, and she was, until it continued…for far too long. Least she has a boyfriend now, she bothers me way less.”
“I swear she’d pounce at the chance to fuck you with the way she looks at you sometimes in our staff meetings.” She laughs.
“Any one of them would, I’m afraid.” He rubs the back of his neck. “Am I that good looking? Honestly?”
“Harry, I’m a very gay woman…but honestly…I’d take a ride.” She smirks and they both burst out laughing.
You eventually get Harry to come dance against you when Niall joins Sarah. Mariah eventually joins Rachel, but the two opt to sit on the couch together to chat. You grind your butt up against Harry’s pelvis in time with the music. Niall had put a great playlist together.  
“Hey, we’re gonna go.” Rachel says putting her coat on. “Mariah said she’d help me get home.”
“Oh!” You practically lunge at her with hug. “Let me know when you get back!”
“Okay! Thanks for everything Niall.”
“Glad yeh could make it.” He slurs.
“See you Monday, H.” Mariah gives Harry and you a hug. “Good to see you Y/N.”
“Same to you, bye!” You watch them leave. “They are so cute!” You kiss Harry on the cheek. “Good job.”
Harry had you up over his shoulder when it was time to go. You had drank so much with Sarah that you could barely walk. You were still singing along to whatever music was playing while Harry carried you around to say his goodnights. Sarah was about to pass out when she gave Harry a loose hug.
“Night mate, thanks again.”
“Night! Safe travels.” He chuckles.
“Niall!” You yell from behind Harry. He walks around and bends down to meet your face. “Lemme smoosh that little face.” You grab his cheeks. “I had so much fun today, you throw the bessssst parties, I love you.”
“I love you too.” He giggles and you let go of him. He kisses your forehead making you giggle.
“Alright, I’m takin’ her home before you two start makin’ out behind me.” Harry huffs.
“Chill, not where my lips wanna be.” He nods towards Sarah.
Harry walks out with you still over his shoulder. You didn’t mind being carried by him until you realize Michael would be at the desk when you got back.
“Harry put me down! I don’t want anyone in the lobby to see me like this.”
“You can barely walk.”
“Gimme a piggyback ride then.” You smack his butt as he crosses the street.
“I’ll do it again!” You smack his butt again.
“Jesus!” He sets you down and crouches in front of you so you can get on his back. “Alright?”
“Mhm, much better.” You rest your chin on his shoulder as he hooks his arms under legs, and stands effortlessly. “You’re so strong, baby.”
“I know.” He sighs as he enters the building. Luckily there were other drunk people stumbling in.
Michael looks up and smiles at the two of you, you wave to him.
“Can we say hi to Michael, pleasseeeee, poor thing didn’t get to enjoy the holiday.” Harry sighs again but does as you ask. He knew you’d keep whining if he didn’t. “Hi Michael.”
“Hi Miss Y/L/N, Mr. Styles.” He smiles. “Have a nice St. Patrick’s Day?”
“The best! Did you get to enjoy it at all?”
“I did! Just came in a couple hours ago actually. Opted for the night shift so I could hang out with friends earlier.”
“That’s nice. We were with friends all day. Our best friend lives across the street.”
“That’s nice.” You smile big at him.
“Right, well, we’re gonna head up now.”
“Goodnight.” He smiles as you wave.
Harry gets you two into the elevator, you still secure on his back.
“Michael is so nice, Harry.”
“I know.”
“How come you’re not drunk?”
“I am.”
“You’re not acting like it.”
“I started drinking water over an hour ago, unlike some people.” The elevator door opens and he makes his way with you down the hall and into your apartment.
“Didn’t want any.”
“Well, you’re going to drink some now.” He brings you right into the kitchen and sets you down on top of the island. He unzips your jacket for you and you shimmy it off while he fills a glass of water for you. “Let’s go, slow sips.” You shake your head no. “I’m not kiddin’, c’mon.”
“I wanna dance some more.”
“I dare you to try and stand on your own two feet right now.”
“Fine.” You hop off the counter and immediately lose your balance, landing on your butt. You start laughing. Harry sits down next to you, leaning against the island.
“Please, drink the water. You’re gonna have a massive headache tomorrow if you don’t.”
“It’s already tomorrow.” You take your temple knowingly.
“Y/N, for the love of god, drink the fuckin’ water.”
“Why are you getting mad at me?” You pout.
“M’not.” He sighs.
“You swore at me, you’re mad. And I was so nice to you earlier, I let you come in my mouth.”
“Yes, you did.”
“So be nice to me.”
“I’m tryin’.”
“Ask me nicely, Harry.”
“Y/N, would you please drink this water?”
“Fine.” You snatch it from him and take slow sips. Your eyes feel droopy, and you lean your head back against the island.
“Can’t fall asleep, love.”
“M’not.” You take more sips of the water.
You eventually hand him the glass of water, and you climb your way up to your feet. You close your eyes and then open them again. The room felt like it was spinning.
“I have the spins, fuck.” You clutch at the counter.
“Are you gonna throw?”
“I…I don’t know, help me get to the bedroom, please, I’ll lay on the rug.” Harry picks you up and carries you to the bedroom. You start giggling.
“What’s so funny?”
“You’re like my prince, no, you’re better than a prince. You’re like a knight in shining armor.” You nuzzle into his chest as he sits you on the bed.
“Let’s getcha outa these clothes, hm?” You nod.
You lift your arms up so he can take your sweater off. He reaches around you to unhook your bra, effortless as usual.
“You’re too good at that.” You say as it drops to the floor.
“Lots of practice, I’m afraid. Stand up.” You use use shoulders to steady you as he takes your pants and underwear off.
“Can I wear that t-shirt to bed? You know that one I really like?”
“My uni T?”
“Mhm, please, I really wanna wear it.”
Harry rummages through his dresser for the shirt, and helps you put it on. It hugs around your thighs.
“Makes me feel like I’m one of your college hookups.” You giggle.
“And you like that?”
“S’fun to play pretend sometimes.”
“You’re killin’ me.” He shakes his head. “C’mon, you’ll be pissed if you don’t wash your face.”
He gets you into the bathroom, and grabs one of your scrunchies to put your hair up with. He runs the water and grabs a washcloth. He gets your makeup off. Your eyes flutter closes as he does so. He washes his hands before lathering them up with your face wash. It was like you were getting a facial. After thirty seconds he wipes it all off with the cloth. Next you each manage to brush your teeth.
“I need t’pee.”
“Alright, let me help you to the toilet.”
“I don’t want you to watch me pee!”
“You could easily pass out on that toilet. I’ve been in the bathroom with you plenty of times while you’ve wee’d, I’ll turn around.” You nod.
You sit down to pee, wipe yourself, and flush. He turns back around and helps you up. You wash your hands quick.
“Stay right there, now I need t’wee.” He does so quickly. You look up and away. You hear him zip up his pants and then suddenly you’re being lifted. “Still have the spins?”
“No, but I’m sure the second I lay down I will.” You chuckle against his neck. “Thank you for taking such good care of me.”
“Course. You’d do the same.” He lays you down on your stomach.
“I really would.” He strips himself of his clothes and climbs in next to you. You turn your head slightly to face him.
“Hey, um…” He rolls over onto his side to face you. “How come you wanted to squish Niall’s face before we left?”
“I wanted to do what? Ugh, fuck. Yeah, I need to sleep on the floor, I feel like I’m swimming.”
You grab your pillow and throw it to the floor. You drag half the blankets with you as you make it to the floor. Harry crawls to the edge of the bed to look at you. You curl up and sigh.
“Better?” He asks.
“Alright make room.”
“No, stay on the bed. What if your back hurts?”
“I won’t be able to sleep with you…” It’s a shameless admission, but he’s still sort of embarrassed.
Harry grabs his pillows, and the comforter, and joins you on the floor. He wraps his arms around you and you back up into him. You prayed you wouldn’t need to throw up. You felt less spinney being on the floor, so that was a good sign. You feel yourself drift off to sleep slowly, and thankful that tomorrow was not a work day.
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lavenderlattaes · 4 years
txt as high school au tropes
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⇒ summary: txt in a high school au setting.
⇒ [ high school! au ]
⇒ pairing: txt x reader
⇒ word count: 2.5k words
⇒ genre: fluff
⇒ warnings: cursing, mentions of fighting, parties, making out
⇒ note: hello,, yeonjun’s cover got me so emo last night that i knew i just HAD to finish this so i can finish the bad boy au i had started writing for him sksks. Also i only had a bad boy fic planned for yeonjun, but if you guys think i should write for the other members too, please send me an ask! ignore mistakes bc im a bit of a blind bat and enjoy!  \ʕ •ᴥ•ʔ/
choi yeonjun:
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↳ the bad boy
C’mon guys, this is badboy!!!! Yeonjun!!!!
okay, so yeonjun’s definitely the leather jacket wearing, motorcycle riding kind of badboy
the one that gets into all the fights (ง’̀-‘́)ง
the one that smokes and drinks and punches his way around bc he cannot, for the life of him, control his emotions and feelings ‾͟͟͞(((ꎤˋ⁻̫ˊ)—̳͟͞͞o
he’s also hardly at school
but on the rare days that he’s actually at school, he’s always punching someone or he’s all bloodied and bruised
like,,, dude do you wanna die N O W???
the first time you met was at the nurse’s office
oh wow i wasn’t expecting that
the nurse wasn’t around but you volunteered there frequently, so you were the only one there
the door opens and you’re surprised to see someone you’re not familiar with??
he wasn’t wearing your school’s uniform,,,
who is this dude and why is he heRE
but he looked like shit and like he was gonna die
so even if he may be part of some sketchy gang
you had no choice but to patch him up pspspsps
he was covered in scratches and bruises and his lip and eyebrow were bleeding
ffs man
you told him to go sit on a bed while you went around looking for all the supplies you needed
yeonjun was being a lil shit too, bc he wouldn’t cooperate right away but eventually after threatening him that he might die if he was being choosy about who’s gonna patch him he gave in
so you started to patch him up and he was just
s t a r i n g 
he’s really attractive if he just wasn’t into fighting all the time y’know
girls still occasionally wanna try “breaking his badboy rep” 
all that cliché stuff
you get really conscious under his gaze and then he asks for your name and you ask him what happened instead psksks
he goes (◕︵◕)
so you give him your name fAM AND HE SAYS, “I’m Choi Yeonjun”
and then he tells you that he’s friends with two other choi dudes who are also really well known in your school
and then it hits you
damn y/n you’re so lost fam 
lmao so he does go to your school but you’ve never seen him before????
you finally finish patching him up and you wrap his knuckles in a gauze and his arm as well
“what kind of fight did you even get into?” (´・(´・(´・(´・(´・(´・д・`) ・`)・`)・`)・`)・`)
“the kind where I almost die???” ( ̄ω ̄;)
after getting him all patched up, you take a good look at him and whew he’s all better now
he doesn’t look like he’d die any minute 
then you smile at him like (✿◠‿◠)
“I like your smile, can I call you sunshine?”
yeonjun’s about to leave when you’re still bothered by the large cut on his eyebrow
you pull out a cute rubber ducky cartoon band-aid from your pocket and place it on top of the cut sKSKSKKS
after he finally leaves and says goodbye, yeonjun suddenly can’t stop thinking about you
and maybe, just maybe, you can’t stop thinking about him too.
choi soobin:
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↳ the rich kid
okAY so remember how badboy! yeonjun was friends with 2 other chois
Well duh who would those other two be (●´ω`●)
so soobin’s the riCH KID!!
like, he be drippin in finesse yo
(okay that was bad)
he wears gucci, channel, louis vuitton, armani, all that shit
jk you guys had uniforms
but there’s always something expensive on him
whether it be his shoes, or his bag, or maybe a ring
but he isn’t exactly the friendly type (๑◕︵◕๑)
he’s the quiet one out of the three of them and he always keeps a straight face
\|  ̄ヘ ̄|/
Like that ^^^^
despite having literally no emotion on his face whatsoever, his lips always seem to be upturned in a pout ksskskksks
and despite his cold personality, that doesn’t stop the girls from swooning over him lol
so,, y/n you’re a pretty clumsy simpleton
and you somehow,,, idk 
the world hates u
you accidentally bump into him like really hard when he was adjusting his precious Rolex on his wrist and the collision caused his Rolex...to...fly…
basically you broke his watch.
and everyone that was there was like :000
And soobin is just ( •̀ω•́ )σ
And you’re ಥ_ಥ
but he just sighs, picks up his broken watch and slips it into his pocket and walks away as if nothing happened
HNGGGGG o(╥﹏╥)o
you’re so guilty that you started to come up to him everyday asking how you could repay him and if you could,,, you know,, pay for it in six months time or some shit
and after a few days soobin’s had enough of you following him around
and ( ̄ー ̄)ノ
“can you stop annoying me? It’s an expensive watch, you can’t possibly pay for it”
wOW OKAY :///
“But i feel really bad for breaking it...( ˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ )”
so soobin decides to make you his “servant”
and you know it’s stupid ,,, just bc he’s rich as hell doesn’t mean he can treat you like that
but he wasn’t giving you any options so you had no choice
you followed him around now and well, somehow
you got to know the real choi soobin hiding under all that expensive clothing and jewelry
the choi soobin that built his walls up so high that no one saw except his other two friends
and now, you.
choi beomgyu:
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↳ the heartbreaker
steals hearts left and right
or: also known as the fuckboy
he slept around and girls always fell victim to his charms
aside from the fact that he was just really really good looking and handsome and gorgeous and-
he was also really friendly and funny
you’d see him at parties all the time, and sometimes with soobin and yeonjun too 
there’s always a random girl on his arm too lmao
beomgyu’s never brought a girl to bed more than once before
it’s always just making out for like hours and one night stands here n there
and flings here and there
never had a serious relationship ever
and all the girls at school are fighting to be the one he decides to “do” more than once
i mean,, who wouldn’t want to be the first girl choi beomgyu ever fucks more than ONCE 
but you just can’t seem to share the same sentiment with the other girls at school
shouldn’t they be fighting over who gets to be his first serious girlfriend or sumth? the girls in your school r weird tbh
besides,, you’re too busy looking for new memes or something and aren’t fuckboys supposed to be the type to do one night stands anyway???
but you know, you’re the mc in this world y/n
and you caught beomgyu’s eye bc he’s always noticed you on your phone laughing at something or bopping your head to some cool new song
he can’t stop smiling every time he sees you do that
and get this,,, beomgyu’s never been the type to be all shy and flustered bc that’s just so not him
but then you get partnered up for a project and suddenly you’re approaching his desk with a bright smile on your face and 
“hi! I’m y/n!” you extend your hand out for him and he just
seeing beomgyu all flustered makes you giggle and he breaks out of his trance and goes back to his old self
“Hey, y/n. Let’s have a great time together(づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ”
so that’s how you and beomgyu become friends
even after the project ended you still hung out and you even became somewhat friends with yeonjun and soobin
you sometimes went to parties with him too
and whilst beomgyu fell deeper for you
you remained clueless as ever
you just thought it was him being friendly and stuff bc that’s what he does
what you did notice though
beomgyu hardly made out or slept with anyone at parties now
he hung out with you and played games with you and with soobin and yeonjun
and he didn’t usually go to parties now if you couldn’t make it!!!
and everyone can clearly see how much he LIKES?? LOVES?? you 
so yeah, maybe beomgyu’s gotten rid of his fuckboy ways bc of you.
kang taehyun:
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↳ the valedictorian
name a smarter guy in your school than kang taehyun. Go
jk never gonna happen HE’S the smartest
literally breezes through his subjects like it’s nothing
idk how it works for you guys but in my school, we don’t have GPAs and stuff but anyway
he has like, an average grade of 99 (*•̀ᴗ•́*)و ̑̑ (and that’s a 4.0 GPA right????) 
and all the teachers love him ofc
he doesn’t have to sit in front to be THIS smart
he can sit at the back row and be all emo with choi yeonjun if he wanted to and he’d still ace a test
h o w ⊂•⊃_⊂•⊃
and not only that
he’s got a really good voice?? he’s in choir omg
he has the voice of an angel ★~(◡‿◡✿)
he hits high notes like how he breezes through his subjects
he’s the type of guy you bring home to meet your parents after one (1) date bc they’ll love him anyway
aND if he could get any more perfect,,,, he’s captain of your football team AND class president
kang taehyun best boy _へ__(‾◡◝ )>
and you?
you guys are a match made in heaven
you’re his vice president, and while he’s in choir, you’re part of your school’s journalism club
plus, you’re smart enough to go against him but you like slacking off lmao
“you have all the glory in high school tae, i’ll kick your ass in college” PSSPPS
And if taehyun’s the captain of the football team, you’re captain of the volleyball team just bc
goals? I think so too (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
but sigh,,, yunno
as smart as taehyun is, he’s a bit dumb when it comes to matters of the heart
you’ve always loved him, but you realized it only when you guys won the science quiz bee the year before ⊂( ◜◒◝ )⊃
basically, you’ve loved him for more than a year now,, sigh
and you’re just trying to find the right opportunity to confess
wHEN BOOM you suddenly remembered you’re on the school paper!!!! ⌒°(❛ᴗ❛)°⌒
v-day is right around the corner and since you’re editor in chief, you decided that it would be nice to have a lil fun in preparation for the event
so you got the whole school dropping anonymous love notes for their crush!!
and the club went around pasting them on lockers for the students so they don’t risk the chance of getting caught pspsps
totally smart idea huh !(•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
all for the sake of confessing your feelings for your best friend.
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↳ the popular guy 
this boi
loved by everybody
and i mean everybody
even yeonjun and soobin who seem like they don’t give two flying fucks about anything
like literally everybody wants to be his friend !!!
there’s nothing people have to hate him for honestly
he’s in choir with taehyun 
he follows no crowd bC THE CROWD FOLLOWS HIM SKSKS
“hey, kai!”
“ey, wassup! I like your top!”
he’s a cute babie too oomf
the girls that aren’t swooning over yeonjun or beomgyu or soobin are definitely swooning over him
(with taehyun they’ve lost all hope bc they know his best friend’s the only one that’s supposed!! to!! stand!! next!! to!! him!!)
kai’s also really sweet and nice to everybody,, and i mean everybody
he talks to everyone, even those emo kids who sit at the back row
and even they can’t resist smiling :) 
he’s that kind of popular guy that’s really preppy and fun to be around
he’s the type to help girls carry their books, or help guys plan on how to ask their crushes out
everyone knows a lot about him bc he doesn’t hesitate to share and talk about his life bc he literally has no trust issues whatsoever
not in a bad way, tho!! he’s just really honest n stuff
the one thing that everyone doesn’t know about him is that he can play piano sksk ♫꒰・◡・๑꒱
they know he can sing, but they didn’t know he played piano like???
he’s never brought it up before
but one time you find him playing the piano in the music room
you’re in the art club and you guys usually stayed behind after school to work on your paintings and stuff when you were feeling like it
and it just so happened that you were staying behind bc you entered into an art competition and you had only two weeks left to complete your painting
but lately you’ve been running out of inspiration and decided to clear your thoughts first before going back to your painting
what’s that beautiful melody??? 
and it led you to him and you were surprised to see mr. popular in the room
and you didn’t mean to, but the door was ajar and you push it open even further to hear the song better
a chair was resting behind the door and it screeched on the floor spsps
Kai turned around and saw you
“oh! Hey y/n”
he stopped playing and you could see a faint blush on his cheeks ≧◡≦
“you play piano? i never knew” you decided to just step inside bc he wouldn’t mind right? rIGHT???
yeah,, if he didn't have such a big PHAT CRUSH ON YOU
“uh yeah, it helps me to clear my mind sometimes”
“i was taking a break too, i couldn’t finish my painting”
he’s always liked you, ever since you were lab partners for an entire year,,
you occasionally talked, but since he was on the more popular side and you had a smaller group of friends it was hard for him to find proper alone time with you
but life’s good to this baby and he finally got to spend his time with you.
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hobidara · 7 years
Secret Admirer
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
genre: fluff
words: 1,578
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I walk out of the bathroom with my right hand busily brushing my teeth. A towel draped over my neck, I pick up the remote which was lying on my bed and press the button.
When the curtains open, my eyes widen and the toothbrush almost slips out of my grasp. I quickly close the curtains back.
The sight of Yoongi stretching in his black shirt was such a heartwarming sight, I don't know why.
I run to the bathroom, rinsing my mouth and staring myself in the mirror. I look like a mess but Yoongi didn't see me anyways. I tiptoe towards the window though there is no need to be actually tip toeing. I slightly open the curtain with my index finger and peek inside his room – no sight of Yoongi.
I sigh and go downstairs. When I don't see him, I become sad. When I see him, I can't stand it.
I'm really crazy.
"You are awake. Go buy some milk and bread." Mom demand as soon I place my foot in the dining room. I groan and pick up the money on the table before walking out of the house.
"What's with the face?"
My head shoot up when I hear the familiar voice.
"Hyunwoo oppa!" I squeal and he pulls me into a hug.
"Are you even wearing pants?" he chuckles. I am currently still in the oversized white shirt and it just perfectly hides the shorts underneath. I glare and punch his arm.
"Are you out to buy something?" he asks, nodding at the money in my fist.
I nod sadly and start walking north when I stop and realize that I have no idea where I can even buy milk and bread.
Hyunwoo chuckles and said, "I know the place."
When we reach in front of Yoongi's house, I look up to the bedroom's window. My eyes squint when I see the curtain close. It was slightly opened just now.
I wave it off and go to buy with Hyunwoo.
I sit there staring at the closed curtains as if I could see through them and look at every movements of Yoongi. I am dying to just open the annoying curtains and drool over him but of course, be invisible at the same time.
I open the curtains widely like in movies where the princess wakes up her morning beautifully and opens the curtains wide as the birds sang.
[a/n: like how jin opened the curtains in I need u]
My eyes stop at the male sitting at the edge of his bed with his eyes fixed at his phone.
I quickly get up to get a book and sit down by the window again, pretending to read the book which I don’t even know the name of. 
I lean on the window and look at Yoongi from under the strangs of my hair.
He looks so beautiful. My eyes follow to his fingers which are running across the phone screen and his hand holding the phone.
Even his hands look amazing.
I gulp and my hands travel back to his face. What is it on his phone that he is so focused to it?
I sigh and just start actually reading the book in my hands.
I gasp and glare at the door. Why did I even gasp?
I rub my eyes, damn, I fell asleep right there, beside the window.
"Yes?" I answer.
"Your friends are downstairs." Mom says from the other side.
I open the door and mouth, "Friends?"
I am confused. Jaein is on a trip so she can't possibly be right downstairs too. I walk downstairs and almost fall down from the stairs when I see Taehyung and Hoseok standing by the door.
"What are you guys doing here?"
"We heard from Yoongi hyung that you moved. Nice! We can hangout more."
"Why are you blushing?" Taehyung look at me as if I came from another planet when actually he is the one.
"That's because I just woke up."
What an excuse.
"Anyways," they both lock their arms with mine and squeal, "Lets go!"
"Yah! I'm still in my homewe----" I stop mid-sentence when I see him in a black shirt with another white long sleeve shirt under the black one, paired with black jeans which are ripped at the knees.
[a/n: yoongi's outfit in save me mv]
He looks stunning.
I stir the straw in the glass with my eyes perfectly landing on Yoongi. He is drinking his milk while gazing around the shops.
We are currently at the new mall that just opened like three days ago.
I smile and return my gaze to the glass of milk in front of me. I don't know why I was even stirring it in the first place.
I take a sip and freely let my eyes travel to Yoongi again but this time, our eyes meet.
No, probably not. He was probably looking at the shop behind me. I know my cheeks are heating up but not wanting it to be obvious that I was checking him out, I look at the shop behind him.
After chatting with each other for a while, obviously I wasn't talking to Yoongi – anyone but Yoongi, we walk out of the mall and head towards our homes.
I walk with Taehyung at the front when suddenly, Hoseok asks from the back- "Ina, aren't you cold?"
"Of course I am." I glare "You and Tae just had to drag me out of the house when I was still in my sleep wears."
I am just in an oversized white shirt with black cotton shorts underneath and I'm shivering as fuck but I can still endure it.
"Let's just hire a taxi, then." I hear Yoongi says.
Hoseok decides to sit at the passenger seat so Yoongi, Taehyung and I are going to sit at the back row. Taehyung quickly climbs in which basically means ---
Am I supposed to thanks Taehyung or what?
I awkwardly close the door and stare outside. With the radio playing Eric Nam's Good For You, my eyes start becoming sleepy.
"Oh my god, can you stop raping my ears every morning?" I groan and yank his hand away.
"Ew." Taehyung scrunches up his nose. "I HAVE GOOD NEWS HEHEHE"
"Go on." I say opening my locker.
"So yester—what is that?" Taehyung asks mid-sentence when he spots the bread and the milk with a sticky note stuck on its wrap.
"There's also a bread this time." I smile and read the note.
Did you sleep well last night? You look beautiful! I don't need to see you to tell you this because you are always beautiful.
"He's such a candy." I coe and keep the note into my cardigan's pocket.
"You mean cheese."
"No, candy." I shake my head at Taehyung and take out another note and start writing down.
Hey, secret admirer. Thanks for always making me smile with your gifts and notes! I always keep them and you don't need to do these for me. I want to do something back for you but since I don't know who you are, here's a note from me!
"Secret admirer, that is so childish." Taehyung laughs and I kick his shin.
"I hate you so much." I show him a middle finger and close the locker before unwrapping the bread.
[ how do you call that, unwrap? lol im sorry. but u get what I mean, right? ]
"Anyways, I was saying. Last night, you fell asleep on the taxi---"
"Stop panicking." Taehyung flicks my forehead
"You didn't drool. Now, don't interfere because you are going to have the time of your life."
"Um, okay?" I raise my eyebrows in confusion.
"So when you fell asleep, Yoongi put your head on his shoulder and luckily, you didn't drool. He also carried you to your room because your mother was too lazy to carry your fat ass."
I continue staring at him with a poker face.
"You are supposed to be squealing." he frowns.
"As if I would believe you." I roll my eyes and walk ahead.
"I have a picture."
"WHAT" I yell and run back to him. "WHERE WHERE"
He clicks his tongue and takes out his phone in slow motion.
"Cut it out." I groan and stomp my foot impatiently.
He grins at me and shoves the phone screen at my face. I gasp and squeal out loud at the same time when I see the photo.
My head was resting on his shoulder and his head was resting on mine. We look like a couple that would last forever.
"KIM TAEHYUNG I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" I scream and wrap my arms around his neck.
He giggles and ruffles my hair. I pull away and pat his head.
"Well done, my son."
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fyp-psychology · 7 years
33 Unusual Tips to Being a Better Writer
via James Altucher
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Back in college, Sanket and I would hang out in bars and try to talk to women but I was horrible at it.
Nobody would talk to me for more than thirty seconds and every woman would laugh at all his jokes for what seemed like hours.
Even decades later I think they are still laughing at his jokes. One time he turned to me, 
“the girls are getting bored when you talk. Your stories go on too long. From now on, you need to leave out every other sentence when you tell a story.”
We were both undergrads in Computer Science. I haven’t seen him since but that’s the most important writing (and communicating) advice I ever got.
33 other tips to be a better writer:
A) Write whatever you want. Then take out the first paragraph and last paragraph
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Here’s the funny thing about this rule. It’s sort of like knowing the future. You still can’t change it. In other words, even if you know this rule and write the article, the article will still be better if you take out the first paragraph and the last paragraph.
B) Take a huge bowel movement every day
You won’t see that on any other list on how to be a better writer. If your body doesn’t flow then your brain won’t flow. Eat more fruit if you have to.
C) Bleed in the first line
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We’re all human. A computer can win Jeopardy but still not write a novel. If you want people to relate to you, then you have to be human.
Penelope Trunk started a post a few weeks ago: 
“I smashed a lamp over my head. There was blood everywhere. And glass. And I took a picture.” 
That’s real bleeding. My wife recently put up a post where the first line was so painful she had to take it down. Too many people were crying.
D) Don’t ask for permission
In other words, never say “in my opinion” (or worse “IMHO”). We know it’s your opinion. You’re writing it.
E) Write a lot
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I spent the entire 90s writing bad fiction. 5 bad novels. Dozens of bad stories. But I learned to handle massive rejection. And how to put two words together. In my head, I won the pulitzer prize. But in my hand, over 100 rejection letters.
F) Read a lot
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You can’t write without first reading. A lot. When I was writing five bad novels in a row I would read all day long whenever I wasn’t writing (I had a job as a programmer, which I would do for about five minutes a day because my programs all worked and I just had to “maintain” them). I read everything I could get my hands on.
G) Read before you write
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Before I write every day I spend 30-60 minutes reading high quality short stories poetry, or essays. Here are some authors to start:
Denis Johnson
Miranda July
David Foster Wallace
Ariel Leve
William Vollmann
Raymond Carver
All of the writers are in the top 1/1000 of 1% of writers. What you are reading  has to be at that level or else it won’t lift up your writing at all.
H) Coffee
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I go through three cups at least before I even begin to write. No coffee, no creativity.
I) Break the laws of physics
There’s no time in text. Nothing has to go in order. Don’t make it nonsense. But don’t be beholden to the laws of physics. My post, Advice I Want to Tell My Daughters, is an example.
J) Be Honest
Tell people the stuff they all think but nobody ever says. Some people will be angry that you let out the secret. But most people will be grateful. If you aren’t being honest, you aren’t delivering value. Be the little boy in the Emperor Wears No Clothes. If you can’t do this, don’t write.
K) Don’t Hurt Anyone
This goes against the above rule, but I never like to hurt people. And I don’t respect people who get pageviews by breaking this rule.
Don’t be a bad guy.  Was Buddha a Bad Father? addresses this.
L) Don’t be afraid of what people think
For each single person you worry about, deduct 1% in quality from your writing.
Everyone has deductions. I have to deduct about 10% right off the top.
Maybe there’s 10 people I’m worried about. Some of them are evil people. Some of them are people I just don’t want to offend.
So my writing is only about 90% of what it could be. But I think most people write at about 20% of what it could be. Believe it or not, clients, customers, friends, family, will love you more if you are honest with them. We all have our boundaries. But try this: for the next ten things you write, tell people something that nobody knows about you.
M) Be opinionated
Most people I know have strong opinions about at least one or two things… write about those. Nobody cares about all the things you don’t have strong opinions on.
Barry Ritholz told me the other day he doesn’t start writing until he’s angry about something. That’s one approach. Barry and I have had some great writing fights because sometimes we’ve been angry at each other.
N) Have a shocking title
I blew it the other day. I wanted to title this piece: “How I torture women” but I settled for “I’m Guilty Of Torture.” I wimped out. But I have some other fun ones, like “Is It Bad I Wanted My First Kid To Be Aborted” (which the famous Howard Lindzon cautioned me against).
Don’t forget that you are competing against a trillion other pieces of content out there. So you need a title to draw people in. Else you lose.
O) Steal
I don’t quite mean it literally. But if you know a topic gets pageviews (and you aren’t hurting anyone) than steal it, no matter who’s written about it or how many times you’ve written about it before. “How I Screwed Yasser Arafat out of $2mm” was able to nicely piggyback off of how amazingly popular Yasser Arafat is.
P) Make people cry
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If you’ve ever been in love, you know how to cry.
Bring readers to that moment when they were a child, and all of life was in front of them, except for that one bittersweet moment when everything began to change. If only that one moment could’ve lasted forever. Please let me go back in time right now to that moment. But now it’s gone.
Q) Relate to people
The past decade has totally sucked. For everyone. The country has been in post-traumatic stress syndrome since 9/11 and 2008 only made it worse. I’ve gone broke a few times during the decade, had a divorce, lost friendships, and have only survived (barely) by being persistent and knowing I had two kids to take care of, and loneliness to fight.
Nobody’s perfect. We’re all trying. Show people how you are trying and struggling. Nobody expects you to be a superhero.
R) Time heals all wounds
Everyone has experiences they don’t want to write about. But with enough time, its OK. My New Year’s Resolution of 1995 is pretty embarrassing. But whatever…it was 16 years ago.
The longer back you go, the less you have to worry about what people think.
S) Risk
Notice that almost all of these rules are about where the boundaries are. Most people play it too safe.
When you are really risking something and the reader senses that (and they WILL sense it), then you know you are in good territory. If you aren’t risking something, then I’m moving on. I know I’m on the right track if after I post something someone tweets, “OMFG.”
T) Be funny
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You can be all of the above and be funny at the same time.
When I went to India I was brutalized by my first few yoga classes (actually every yoga class). And I was intimidated by everyone around me. They were like yoga superheroes and I felt like a fraud around them. So I cried, and hopefully people laughed.
It was also a case where I didn’t have to dig into my past but I had an experience that was happening to me right then. How do you be funny? First rule of funny: ugly people are funny. I’m naturally ugly so its easy. Make yourself as ugly as possible. Nobody wants to read that you are beautiful and doing great in life.
U) The last line needs to go BOOM!
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Your article is meaningless unless the last line KILLS.
Read the book of short stories “Jesus’ Son” by Denis Johnson. It’s the only way to learn how to do a last line. The last line should take you all the way back to the first line and then “BOOM!”
V) Use a lot of periods
Forget commas and semicolons. A period makes people pause. Your sentences should be strong enough that you want people to pause and think about it. This will also make your sentences shorter. Short sentences are good.
W) Write every day
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This is a must. Writing is spiritual practice. You are diving inside of yourself and cleaning out the toxins. If you don’t do it every day, you lose the ability. If you do it every day, then slowly you find out where all the toxins are. And the cleaning can begin.
X) Write with the same voice you talk in
You’ve spent your whole life learning how to communicate with that voice. Why change it when you communicate with text?
Y) Deliver value with every sentence
Even on a tweet or Facebook status update. Deliver poetry and value with every word. Else, be quiet.
Z) Take what everyone thinks and explore the opposite
Don’t disagree just to disagree. But explore. Turn the world upside down. Guess what? There are people living in China. Plenty of times you’ll find value where nobody else did.
AA) Have lots of ideas
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I discuss this in “How to be the Luckiest Man Alive” in the Daily Practice section.
Your idea muscle atrophies within days if you don’t exercise it. Then what do you do? You need to exercise it every day until it hurts. Else no ideas.
BB) Sleep eight hours a day
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Go to sleep before 9pm at least 4 days a week. And stretch while taking deep breaths before you write. We supposedly use only 5% of our brain. You need to use 6% at least to write better than everyone else. So make sure your brain is getting as much healthy oxygen as possible. Too many people waste valuable writing or resting time by chattering until all hours of the night.
CC) Don’t write if you’re upset at someone
Then the person you are upset at becomes your audience. You want to love and flirt with your audience so they can love you back.
DD) Use “said” instead of any other word
Don’t use “he suggested” or “he bellowed,” just “he said.” We’ll figure it out if he suggested something.
EE) Paint or draw.
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Keep exercising other creative muscles.
FF) Let it sleep
Whatever you are working on, sleep on it. Then wake up, stretch, coffee, read, and look again.
Rewrite. Take out every other sentence.
GG) Then take out every other sentence again.
Or something like that.
Sanket didn’t want to go to grad school after we graduated. He had another plan. Lets go to Thailand, he said. And become monks in a Buddhist monastery for a year. We can date Thai women whenever we aren’t begging for food, he said. It will be great and we’ll get life experience.
It sounded good to me.
But then he got accepted to the University of Wisconsin and got a PhD. Now he lives in India and works for Oracle. And as for me…
I don’t know what the hell happened to me.
About the Author:
James Altucher is an American hedge fund manager, entrepreneur, bestselling author, venture capitalist and podcaster. He has founded or cofounded more than 20 companies, including Reset Inc. and StockPickr and says he failed at 17 of them.
via jamesaltucher.com
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dieellendie-blog · 5 years
Ellie Sue and Jemima.
Ellie Sue and Jemima woke up from a very nice sleep. The previous night Ellie Sue and Jemima had tried to watch a movie in bed however most parts of the dialogue would remind Jemima of some theory and she wouldn’t stop butting in and they ended up just talking really. Then having sex. And talking. Then having sex. Hopefully two other ladies will enjoy the movie though or maybe Jemima and Ellie Sue can another day.
Upon waking and because Jemima was kind, she made Ellie Sue a coffee because she knows that Ellie Sue can’t function without coffee time in bed of a morning. The coffee was nice coffee, from a nice machine and in a Taylor Swift cup. Ellie Sue liked to start her day by looking at very beautiful things so Jemima would sit on top of Ellie Sue during coffee time and admire her fantastic looking face and some other things depending on the amount of clothing that Jemima was wearing. Because some days Ellie Sue really like to look at two very fantastic amazing things and Jemima was kind so let her. Then they had sex.
The two nice girls went to brush their teeth but Ellie Sue had to hold Jemima’s hand on the way to the bathroom because she liked to remember this was real life and had problems not touching Jemima for 4 seconds. This stemmed back to some prior issues where Ellie Sue was unable to touch Jemima whenever she wanted so sometimes she was very annoying, reveling in her new freedom of putting her hand on Jemimas face or very arms whenever she wanted to. Jemima didn’t really mind because they were both very fond of eachother and would often walk around the towns with little pulsating clitorises due to mutual attraction and joy. Anyway, Jemima became cross at the way Ellie Sue spat her toothpaste in the sink and left her jeans behind the door. Ellie Sue said, look Jemima I don’t like the way there is always bits of cheese in the bed and in your hair. I don’t like the way there are bits on crusty stubborn melted cheese on the pots you were meant to clean because of my allergies. Ellie Sue and Jemima began to argue and it wasn’t nice because toothpaste was spitting everywhere and a little bit was on Ellie Sues eyebrow when she was shouting and it made her look stupid. Jemima said, look  Ellie Sue I think maybe it would be better if we just got a cleaner. Stop this racket. Enjoy the fact it is Saturday morning and we should call in sick on Monday and go to Europe today.
Ellie Sue said that is a great idea Jemima lets get some Ryanair flights for pittance and be on our way. They had to have sex again because Jemima didn’t like to argue without some sex afterwards to regenerate her vagina and heart. 
Bags packed in four minutes because they didn’t want for much when in eachothers company, the pair headed to Gdansk in Poland because it was the cheapest flight and inner-city beer prices.  Many people gave Ellie Sue and Jemima bad looks at the airport because Ellie Sue canoodled Jemima on the escalator, Ellie Sue wasnt upset, well she was, mainly because she said canoodled. But Ellie Sue had a genuine disorder where she could not touch or kiss her suay girlfriend Jemima for long periods of time. So. That was that.
The two girls enjoyed a pint of delicious beer at the airport. They also played a game called ‘strange solo traveler’ where Jemima and Ellie Sue would approach the bar table the other was sitting and be a different character looking to make friends at the airport. Then they had sex again because of the disorder.
The two nice girls boarded the plane and not many people wanted to go to Gdansk because there is little to do but Ellie Sue and Jemima could stand on a grid for 17 hours in Gdansk and have a time similiar to Christmas morning when you are 4. This gave Ellie Sue and Jemima a large row to themselves. When the air hostess came round with her little trolley, Ellie Sue was real polite as she harbourned no bad feelings to cabin crew and she was so in love, she had no negativity left in her soul, only regarding snakes, racism and the holocaust. 
The pair ordered some of Ryanairs finest warm lager and spent the duration of the flight spitting it in eachothers mouths, kissing and playing ‘Strange lady on the plane trying to make friends’ 
Upon arrival in Gdansk, the two sweet girls checked into their room and because the disorder that had reached hideous levels on the plane, they had sex immediately. Jemima was very understanding of Ellie Sue’s disorder and knew she couldn’t help it. She would help where she could and cooperate with the treatment greatly. She realised that sadly, it was in fact her fault for being so ridiculosuly fucking beautiful and fucking fit and gorgeous and so fucking sexy omfg. fucks sake. They spent the remainder of their weekend walking around, crying with laughter, spitting beer out at eachother for three days straight, falling asleep hugging, going to lesser-known concentration camps, bike riding, doing karaoke, talking, singing, playing games, playing with eachothers hair, eating nice food, simply sitting in a bar for 19 hours, debating, discussing, laughing, falling, playing drinking nice wine and falling more in love.
Ellie and Jemima were not sad to go home because every day, no matter where they were was fun anyway. Gdansk, Manchester, Odiham, Yugoslavia, Bratslavia, Phuket, Newcastle, Glasgow, Paris, Portugal...anywhere.
When they got home, the cleaner had been, the toothpaste and cheese crust was gone and life was perfect again. 
So they had sex. Whilst drinking Prosecco x
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kaibaibou · 8 years
SHINee World V in Dallas
ho boy. y’all. Y’ALL. that’s right i said y’all it’s dallas hello
i don’t know where to start. ok no wait yes i do. @ikimashou and i had front row center seats. FRONT ROW. CENTER. let me tell you, it was absolutely insane. i could touch the stage with my hand. I WAS TWO FEET AWAY FROM THE STAGE.
so i’m at center stage, glowing taemin sign and lighstick in hand. alanna has her glowing jonghyun sign, we’re so ready. and then it begins.
Here is my long ass fan account. i’m so sorry. i wanted to write everything so i never forget. ps i’m a taemin stan so......... yeah i wrote a lot of things about taemin.
hitchhiking begins, we’re ALL chanting “OH OHHHH O-O-O-O-OH” and then the curtain rises and SHINEE IS STANDING RIGHT THERE. I WAS F;KAJSD;FLKJ;S SCREAMINGGGGGGGG
y’all know taemin is my ult bias #2 right so like. i see him and i just got this crazy adrenaline through my veins like he was RIGHT THERE. key start singing and taemin sings after that and i fucking lost it. i lost. it. i was going SO HARD. SO. HARD.
y’all they were right. there. two feet away from me. i could see the beads of sweat on their faces. holy shit. hoooooly shit.
so for a full week before the concert i practiced the fanchants because i was slacking in that area, so the next song was why so serious and I WAS FUCKIN READY
onew was just an absolute joy and ray of sunshine to see, especially up close.... just the sun itself.
MINHO WAS HIS USUAL DASHING PRINCE SELF. holy shit i can close my eyes and picture minho two feet away from me spittin some rhymes i consider myself ultimately blessed.
KEY. key looked at alanna and i at one point. :) he’s always so sweet and super sassy and his silver hair was ON POINT
ahhhh jonghyun................................... what a fucking TEASE holy shit he looked so good but more on that in a minute
oh my god i’m so happy i got black hair soft bub taemin hair holy shit he was incredible and beautiful up close. it was absolutely insane i know i just keep going on about how close i was but it was just... mind blowing. they were all so beautiful.
ok so like by song 3 alanna had like..... i don’t even know like 10 eye contacts with jonghyun????? i don’t even know. that boy was all over her and her glowing jonghyun sign that boy LOOKS FOR HIS SIGNS MAN
after song 3 when alanna started freaking out next to me i wouldn’t even pay attention to her and ask her “WHAT WHAT” like i knew what. jonghyun, that’s what. there was no need to ask.
ahhhh juliette was the 3rd song and man... i’ve been listening to that song since 2009 man JULIETTE HOOOOOOO~~~~
okay. replay. i fucking. bawled. i had to stop, i couldn’t speak and suddenly i was just a wreck. i was shaking and my eyes were a waterfall and i was just a hiccupping collapsed mess. on the one hand i hope shinee saw how emotional i got because that song is like.... it was my first shinee song, it was shinee’s first song... i’ve been listening to replay for 8 years. it just ALWAYS gets me. on the other hand, i don’t want to burden shinee thinking i’m upset so I hope they didn’t see me. they were happy tears. the happiest tears.
then it was ment time and i’m like okay. this is the time when they’re gonna start looking around for real at their fans. with my glowing taemin sign in hand i was ready.
ok sad points coming up. taemin was.............. i felt like he was not truly himself at this concert. i know he’s been sick since the start of their japan tour AND jet lagged. i could just... tell he wasn’t havin it last night.
i rarely saw him smile, he was mostly straight faced, averted gazes with the fans.... or i guess I should say me. i’m not being salty, i’m just truly sad. front row and holding a glowing taemin sign, it was obvious that he saw me. but i think i made eye contact with him like... 3 times. and 2 out of those three times he would make eye contact and then immediately look away.
i know he’s super shy :( i could tell he was in general at this concert but.... i didn’t get the feeling he was having a great time, and that broke my heart. i tried to give him as much encouragement as i could throughout the concert, shouting “taemin you go boy” and stuff like that.... waving at him whenever his eyes started getting close to mine. but... :(
during the ring ding dong-lucifer combo songs he was having major trouble with his ear pieces and like... MAJOR PROPS TO HIM because he just went “fuck it” and danced and sang without his ear pieces in. those are some INTENSE DANCES and those chords were swinging around at lightning speed. at one point taemin like flicked his wrist really really fast and hard in frustration over them and i just wanted to like.. pause time and help him untangle his chords so he wouldn’t be frustrated.... idk i wanted to give him a big hug.
now i’m not harking on him at ALL because like I said before.... i know he’s not feeling well and also tired. i’m purely just sad that he might not have enjoyed the dallas concert as happily as I had wished him to. even so, i think dallas really really showed him our love.
so needless to say throughout the entire concert i was looking at taemin for the most part, but mostly it was out of worry. i can’t help it i’m such a mama bear
key’s gucci got burned holy shit quote of the night
“yeah and my gucci got burned” taemin: “i’m not talking about that” SHUT DOWN
Hello~ hello~ not many people knew the fanchants for this song so i remember minho gently trying to teach us the fanchants. after verse 2 though he gave up, but IT’S OKAY MINHO I GOTCHU I WAS DOING IT. was very nice to hear that he knows the fanchants though, you know? i know the artists are always so focused on performing, i always wonder how much of the fans they hear.
PRISM. PRISM. HOLY SHIT. PRISM. the butt part. you know the part. yep. again front and center. view. yep. i dropped my lightstick. i’m not kidding. key’s butt and taemin’s butt are really nice up close.
SPEAKING OF BUTTS i got a good view of all of them HO BOY. LET ME TELL YOU. they have some nice butts. taemin’s was really cute is that even a thing to say? it was really cute.
ODD. EYE. i’m pretty sure i made slight eye contact with taemin at this part? i think??? at the part where they sing “youuuuu” and outstretch their hands in a square. idk. fuckin odd eye was so subtley sexy
FEEL. GOOD. there’s this part in feel good where they like..... thrust and arms come down to their crotch really fast and like. taemin was right in front of me at that part. and i died. i seriously. like stumbled a little bit? my legs legit could not hold me up i squatted or something i don’t even know
okay. it happened. taemin’s solo. GOODBYE. MORE LIKE..... GOODBYE RACHEL. when this song came out i was shook. when taemin competed on hit the stage and introduced his dance for this song. i was. S H O O K. this song and dance mean something very special to me. and here taemin comes out SHIRTLESS. AND IT’S HIS SOLO STAGE AND I. i lost it. i. lost it. i almost cried. maybe i did cry? i lost track. i was just mesmerized by him but also hyping him up so much. i’ve watched fancams and i just see me in the front waving my lightstick up and down as high and low as my arm goes.
also HE HAS A TUMMY AND THAT MAKES ME SO HAPPY. i mean don’t get me wrong his abs were NIIIIIICE but. soft tummy. soft tummy makes me so incredibly happy. 
my lifelong dream has been to scream “fantastic elastic” at the top of my lungs and i achieved that dream
i think the boys could definitely hear our fanchants at some points. i know they definitely could for the major hits :’) which is great because fanchants are so rare in america, most kpop concerts here no one knows the fanchants
i got real emotional at “don’t let me go” i don’t know why... i just really love that song and got super into it and was singing so passionately along with them and i hope they saw me because i was like close to tears
(by this point i’m going out of song order i forgot what it was) sherlock was absolutely amazing, it’s one of my favorite shinee dances, and holy shit it was just incredible to see up close.
we all got SO HYPE at ready or not, jumping up and down. i went hARD. SO FUCKING HARD AT THIS SONG and everyone was jumping!!!! .... except for taemin. again, he wasn’t feeling well so he kinda just... expressed his excitement less exuberantly.
i don’t remember much about savior except pointing at onew as he sang PLEASE. BE. GENTLE. god fuck me up.
VIEW!!! EVERYONE KNEW THE FANCHANTS FOR VIEW AND IT WAS BEAUTIFUL. one of my absolute favorite shinee songs, it meant so much to me to see it live and for everyone to participate. i KNOW shinee heard us on this one and it was so great NOMU AREUMDAUN DAUN DAUN DAUN VIEW SHI-EE-NEE
EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this was it. this was the song i was WAITING FOR. the dance is just SO INCREDIBLE and they’re all SO AMAZING in this song i was so SO SO HYPE. i think i screamed almost the loudest i have in my life singing along to this. AND!!! so many people knew the fanchants!! which was amazing because it’s one of the more complicated ones?? but i’ve watched lots of fancams and people are chanting the names at the beginning, i’m so impressed with dallas shawols. THE PART WHERE THEY ALL GATHER TOGETHER AND ONEW IS SPINNING HIS ARMS AT THE BACK. that part. that’s the part i screamed so hard, my head started to hurt, it felt like my brain was expanding........ man i went so hard.
then there was the pause before the encore. we were supposed to sing love sick but.... :( that fanchant didn’t happen. everyone just started chanting “SHINEE SHINEE SHINEE” which is okay i guess. i wanted to sing love sick :(
1 of 1 omg. they came out in their outfits and taemin was in that yellow suit and (i saw a lot of great butt views) and alanna and i were screaming the fanchants so loud. not many people knew them but i’m POSITIVE shinee heard us few scream them. WE GOTCHU FAM. i love 1 of 1 sooooo fucking much. it made me so incredibly happy. also taemin. fucking owned this song. i hyped him up so much “GO TAEMIN GET YOUR LIFE YAAAAAAAAAS TAEMIN”. lots of that.
:’( the ending ment was so short. all of their ments were so short. i wanted them to speak longer. :( but they were so sweet.
key’s english is on point. he is SO FLUENT. D’:
minho spoke so well too!!!
onew and jonghyun didn’t really speak too much english but that is OKAY they spoke beautifully.
taemin’s so shy speaking english holyyyyyyyyyy i about lost it at his shyness
and then..... it was time for the last song... an encore. oh yes. i cried. ohhhhhhhh yes. so many tears. shoutout to my makeup setting spray for keeping that shit in place because i didn’t look like a mess by the end of the night somehow???? so many tears were shed.
okay. i fucking swear this happened. i feel it in my bones and soul. the last line of an encore, jonghyun sings “gyeolguk irwojineun du juingongcheoreom”. at the very end, when he was singing “cheoroem” ~so softly~.... the LAST LINE OF THE LAST SONG OF THE SHOW..... he looks down into my eyes and holds my gaze as he sings that and finishes singing. i..... i froze up. i just.... i had to hold his gaze, he just froze me in place as he looked into my eyes as he finished singing. i can’t begin to describe how incredibly greatful i am to have shared that moment. i can’t..... i just wanted to write it here. i have nothing to say, i’m getting emotional writing this. all i’ll say is i can picture his gaze perfectly in my mind.
and then the curtain was lowering and they stood there and i looked at taemin for the last time as long as i possibly could and then his face was covered and then his whole body was covered and then he was gone and shinee was gone and i fell into my seat and started crying.
AND THEN THEY HAD TO GO AND PLAY THAT VCR OF THEM WORKING HARD AND IT SAYS “THANK YOU & LOVE YOU” AT THE END AND THAT. THAT WAS IT. I LOST IT. i know i said i lost it a lot in this but i really lost it that time. because they were gone and it was over and it went by so fast and it was heaven :(
now i don’t have much of a voice left and am left with SEVERE post concert depression and don’t know what to do with myself. all day i’ve been sitting here just....... doing nothing. also i had to say goodbye to alanna again and i cried for that too.... back to long distance friendship again.. so everything’s over and everyone’s gone and i’m just sitting here like “holy shit did that even really happen”. 
the end
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tawananna · 8 years
01.17.2017 - MEJIBRAY - Meto’s Birthday event in Fukui.
1. RISK:er
2. hatred × tangle red × hunger red
3. 羽花
4. Cristate
5. 嫉妬
6. 欲槽
7. DECADANCE - Counting Goats … if I can't be yours -
10. 嘘と愚考-それもまた人間らしいって神様は笑ってるの-
12. 原罪の林檎
13. 枷と知能 -それってとても人間らしいって神様は笑ってるの-
14. シアトリカル・ブルーブラック
1. トロシナ
2. コエガキエルマデ
I’m going to be honest - I vastly preferred the setlist and the overall show on the 16th to this one on the 17th. We were numbers 17 and 18 for this show, but we had had the feeling that there was no way this show could live up to the hype that was the show on the 16th; we were right.
Most of my highlights are going to be referencing the break between the main set and the encore where the band just hung out, chatted, and gave Meto presents for quite some time. That was so much fun.
We were in the second row in front of Mia. He seemed off that night - I don't know what it was, but when the curtain dropped, and he was staring into the crowd trying to see who was around him, he looked shocked (pleasantly) that we had gotten to the second row for him. He is a rather aloof one, isn't he? My interaction that night was mainly with Tsuzuku - it made my evening to be completely honest. There were no Mia-gya directly in front of Mia - I wonder if it threw him off? The girls directly in front of us were Koichi-gya and Meto-gya, so Mia wasn’t able to really get them pumped, so I felt bad for him.
During ACME, though, omfg. I stayed to the side because I wasn’t about to play in the crowd - that song gets intense. I was beside the wall for the show anyway, so it wasn’t a huge deal, except that I was an easy target. I did minimal furi - enough that I was doing something, but during the first chorus, of course, Tsuzuku looks directly at me, and he’s about to point or do something at me, and then he notices I’m singing along. So he stares at me for two lines of the chorus, gestures at me, I gesture back at him, and I get a head nod. Well, okay. We sang -at- each other. That was wonderful, unexpected, and easily made my night. He always finds new ways to impress me, but the level of interaction he gives is amazing. (I’m also not crazy because this comes back at the in-stores.)
I know that the row got tighter after ACME because some girl lost her spot and invaded the second row, but I was still trying to enjoy it. I think that @crucifyregret was less happy, but they also had a girl beside them, not a wall, so…(sorry it was an annoying situation for you!)
Like I said, I’ll focus on this part in between the main set and the encore:
So, we shouted for the encore, then Meto played along to it, then Mia came running out with his guitar. Ah, sorry, first Meto had balloons tied to his drumset, and apparently, there was something inside the one giant balloon. He starts trying to rattle it, then brings a mic closer for us to try and hear it - it was really cute and he was really pleased with himself. He drummed on a balloon, okay?
Okay, okay, so Mia is out there, everything is cool, but no Koichi. Meto starts making the cutest confused looks as he keeps looking into the back from where he’s standing. Then he stops drumming and sort of trails toward the door, where of course, Koichi comes out with a cake. The candles are already lit, and Koichi is showing it off, walking to the center of the stage - then he tried to quiet the girls down because he didn’t want the candles getting blown out, but he also smiled, and made an “I have a solution to this!” kind of face when a candle did go out. He pulled a lighter from his pocket and re-lit it. METO’S FACE ISTG - he is such a young boy about these things, like, he doesn’t want to be hassled, just leave him alone. It was really cute actually. He trailed over, took the cake, Koichi was talking, Tsuzuku came out holding a whiskey highball and stood to Koichi’s side of the stage. It became clear that Koichi would be MC-ing this whole thing. Mia stood in front of us with his guitar, just being a casual onlooker. Meto kept swiping some of the icing off of his strawberry shortcake bday cake off and tasting it, and when he was done holding it, he passed it off to a staff member.
We figured that would be it. We were wrong. Dead wrong. Poor Meto.
This was only the beginning.
Koichi announces they’d like to give Meto his presents. Mia got two cars, so I’m like, omg, I wonder what they got Meto~
Each present was wrapped in newspaper and brought out by a staff member, handed to Koichi, Koichi made some comment about it, and then he would hand it off to Meto, who was standing where Tsuzuku normally does on the stage. We are all cracking up. The first three presents were giant stuffed animals, they were cute af, they were stackable. The first one Meto put Ruana on it. Then he realized there were two more, so he lined them up at first, and then he made a tower. Koichi named all of them, too. I’m pretty sure the brown one was “ちゃいろ” which is brown in Japanese. The other two were white and pink, and the names were ridiculous. If I remember which games/shows the names were from, I’ll update this.
Then there were two appliances, one to make mega takoyaki, and another to make mega something else - I can’t remember. Meto looked happy. Koichi told him not to forget to show his gifts off, so he starts to make a big show of them for the audience. He even tried to give it to one of the girls (I think it was the one I can’t remember), but she obviously flailed, and he laughed at her. He piled those on Tsuzuku’s platform as well.
Then he was given some sports equipment. They gave him a soccer ball, which he immediately opened and started playing with it, and then aggressively shoved it back into the box, only to have it not go back in. He fought the soccer ball. He ended up just adding it to the pile. Then, he was given a skateboard - you guys, he was so thrilled. He also started playing with that, but with all the wires, he kind of just moved back and forth on it; It was excellent. Koichi kept telling him to be careful.
Mind you, through all of this, Tsuzuku is standing to the side, chatting with a roadie, and making comments about every present. He wasn’t really using his microphone, but they were generally things like: “who picked that out?” - All little taunting, cute things. Mia was silent, haha. Meto, because he couldn’t take the stress of the spotlight or something?? He kept walking over to Tsuzuku and asking for sips of his whiskey. So, there they were, sharing a can of highball - Meto making faces the entire time. Imagine: Tsuzuku happily sipping at his whiskey, Meto going up to him, gesturing for the can, Tsuzuku pointing at the can, and then Meto nodding with such an exhausted look on his face...
Koichi also - guys, I was dying - “I don’t want to do this anymore,” “Can’t someone else talk?” “I really don’t want to.” KOICHI DID NOT STOP WHINING ABOUT HAVING TO MC THE WHOLE THING. His voice gets really cute when he’s whining too, omfg.
The last gift Meto received were weird glasses, and then a blue velvet track jacket, a white button-down shirt, and a red bowtie - he was Doraemon. He was psyched. We could tell because he immediately began to put the shirt on over his outfit. He was dressing on stage and Tsuzuku was like, “Please be careful because of your hair.” Meto’s red hair was still bleeding all over his clothes. It was cute that Tzk was concerned. Koichi was commenting on Doraemon, Tsuzuku was like, “Aren’t there supposed to be pants?” Meto shrugged, and a staff guy ran into the back - they had forgotten to wrap the pants, haha. Everyone was dying as Meto shimmied into those as well.
Then, in a case where I think Koichi really wished he could die or crawl into a hole, he had to lead everyone singing “Happy Birthday” to Meto. It was hilarious. He was keenly aware of the foreigners in the room during this. Koichi looked over at us during his cute singing. I heard Tsuzuku more toward the end - Mia really must have been happy not to have a mic again - Tzk just projects, haha.
Meto would have died if he kept the outfit on, so he ditched it at some point. The staff guys came out and cleaned everything up. Finally, Tsuzuku used his mic again and started playing around. He announced Meto was 6 years old (the age of the band this year), to which I have to wonder how he was able to drink highball then...Tzk also put on the glasses for a bit.
It was really sweet, and they were fucking talking about the sunshine thing again, and everyone was just as confused as we were. Then it finally became clear that they would be starting the encore.
I knew it was coming - I had been warned, but it didn’t mean I wasn’t dying because of it. Tsuzuku screams into the microphone: “TO-RO-SHI-NA!!!” I’m energized, so I’m screaming back - but this is the most intense song they have. It lasted for ten minutes at least - it could have been longer. Essentially, this is clapping, yelling, and running back and forth. It’s so much fun!!!
So, I’m watching as Meto gets up from the drums, and has the drum tech sit down, showing him what beat he needs to keep. Then Meto kind of walks around on stage, and then he’s gone - I don’t remember when I lost sight of him, but I did. Mia, takes the same tech, and gives him his guitar, and decides he wants to try the drums (this was halfway through the song). It was then that we realized Meto was in the back, standing by the light/etc. booth, and was watching us all. Great, haha. Mia sits down and holds the beat for exactly 0.0003 seconds. Tsuzuku turns around, Koichi is laughing at him, Tzk tries to be like, “Yeah, drums are really difficult, do you want to try again?” @crucifyregret is yelling “you can do it!” in Japanese, of course - they start up again, and Mia instantly fails. For the first time that night, we hear him speak: “I couldn’t do it.” Lmao. I was dying. Tsuzuku was trying to cheer him up, but he immediately took his guitar back, and the tech was back in place. At some point, there was Meto on the stage. He just walked through the audience (I think) and jumped right up there. He walked around onstage again. When he came over to our side it was really exciting - we had to show our Fukui pride by screaming extra loud at him. He knows @crucifyregret is from Fukui, and now he knows I stay there as well (I wrote him a letter), so that was cool.
When Meto finally got back to the drumset, we still had more Toroshina, haha. It was so exhausting, but it was certainly a lot of fun.
Ah, it was a really good live. It wasn’t the best. There were some shitty things about it, but overall, it was a Mejibray live...so, I can’t really complain, right? We also kind of assumed that maybe the second row just wasn’t our thing, and we also figured 'what were the odds of ever getting such good tickets again?' (then we got our tickets for the Osaka FC live, lol.)
Fukui Chop was one of my favorite venues, though. The end of the show was as it normally was, except that Meto spent a lot of time thanking everyone with hand gestures and facial expressions - it was very sweet.
Trying to get out of there for the cheki line was incredibly difficult, though. I also found myself annoyed, once again, because some foreigners cut the merch line. I know this because they were a bit behind us, and then when we were still wrapped up in the line, I watched as one of the spots opened (two staff members were working the line), and the one girl jumped off of the line and went and got cheki, bringing her friend with her. It’s simple etiquette. There are things to be cutthroat about, definitely, but can we please stop perpetuating awful stereotypes as foreign fans?
Again, those are just my feelings on the matter. It’s just frustrating is all.
Otherwise, it was fun. I’m happy we live in Fukui and were able to attend the shows even though they were on a Monday and a Tuesday!
I want to talk about the FC shows and my last couple of days in Japan, including the instores, but you guys will have to wait a little longer for all of that. I’m still pretty busy this semester even though I’m not teaching at the moment. Thanks for the support and all, though! I know that these reports are very skewed because it’s all my perspective, but I like being able to share some stuff with you guys - it’s difficult when you don’t have the opportunity to see them, and I don’t really see many other people writing reports about their experiences. At least I can give you a small taste of what it’s like, at least through my own lens. I hope they’re somewhat enjoyable to read, haha.
I went to the Osaka show, both Osaka events, then the Nagoya event and the Nagoya FC show. I’m not too sure yet how I’ll split up these reports, but they will get done.
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