batfleckgifs · 5 days
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Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)
Zack Snyder's Justice League (2021)
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nellarw95 · 6 months
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Happy Birthday Julia 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
March 28,1981
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
28 Marzo 1981
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My DC Cinematic Universe: Superman (Part VII)
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Chapter Seven: A Dangerous Future
Before I get to the main focus of this post, let me mention something about my treatment of the DCU. The beginnings of this cinematic universe (and yes, I do mean cinematic universe) should be centered around the Trinity. That would be Superman, Batman, and Wonder Woman. Zack Snyder sort of knew this, having all three team up in Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice Ultimate Edition in Black-and-White-and-Color featuring Wonder Woman too...the Movie. God, it's still a dumbass title.
The difference is, each member of the Trinity should bring in a different element of the DC Universe, acting as a gateway to something bigger. Now, unlike the MCU, this cinematic universe isn't going to be obsessed with cameos and connections between films. BUT, it will still be an interconnected universe regardless. So, to open up our universe, we'll need to open a few doors.
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Batman opens the doors to street crime and the down-to-Earth threats of this Earth. This includes metahumans, crazed maniacs and lunatics, and all the stuff that's primarily confined to Earthly science. It's basically the stuff that Batman would deal with on an everyday basis, from the Joker to Ra's al Ghul, and beyond. This could also act as a gateway to introduce characters like Green Arrow, the Atom, and even Flash. All are either street crime-focused vigilantes, or scientific experiments gone right.
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Wonder Woman serves as our gateway to the magical and mystical. As a child of magic, Diana of Themyscira is the natural pathway to the powerful forces that can't be explained by science. Her villains are largely god-based or magical, and her powers literally come from the Greek gods. Because of that, she's at the beginning of the road that leads to Shazam, Doctor Fate, and weirdly enough, Aquaman. I mean...Greek Amazon princess, Atlantis, c'mon. That one should've been obvious. Others will follow, of course, but Wonder Woman should be the launching point.
But then, there's Superman. And if you haven't guessed already...
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Superman is, unsurprisingly, the gateway to space and the cosmic.
I mean, he's an alien. It only makes sense that the presence of an alien on Earth would lead to more aliens, at least thematically. Now that said, the way I'm going about this begins with this first movie, but this gateway opens up possibilities for the Green Lantern Corps, Hawkman, and Martian Manhunter. I may go into those connections in a couple of essays, but just know that those characters will enter through this road, amongst others.
The question of this film's villains, though, still goes unanswered. And that's probably because choosing villains for a Superman film seems to be a weak point for movies. They've basically stuck to only two comic book villains throughout the character's film history, those villains being General Zod and Lex Luthor. Which is, in my opinion, boring as shit. But it's also somewhat understandable. Luthor is sort of a given; he's the archenemy of Superman, after all. But Zod is there because only a Kryptonian can challenge a Kryptonian. Which I'm going to prove wrong, but it hits upon a point. This is, arguably, the origin of the "villain-who's-a-reverse-of-the-hero" trope. And again...boring. But the problem remains; how do you threaten a character as powerful as Superman? Well, as always, there's a McGuffin-esque answer for that.
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Kryptonite: The Easy Way Out
Look. I know. I know. It's Kryptonite, the ultimate McGuffin. Originally introduced in a radio show of all things, Kryptonite was the easy weakness for an all-powerful character. It's so ubiquitous that the word "Kryptonite" is now a colloquial term that means "a specific weakness". It's literally entered the American vernacular. So why use it AGAIN? Literally almost every Superman movie, EXCEPT for Man of Steel, has used it. It was a major McGuffin in Smallville, and everybody and their mother seems to have Kryptonite. But even then, I'm still going to use it. Because it's not about what you use; it's about how you use it. And in this case, it's also about where it comes from.
Normally, Kryptonite somehow arrives on Earth with Clark, which is...kinda dumb and unrealistic, not gonna lie. I'll give Synder a tiny bit of credit and say that his origin for Kryptonite makes a little more sense, in that it was in the ships brought by the Kryptonians. Somehow? OK, it doesn't make THAT much sense, but still. So, when bringing in Kryptonite, we have to think about who gets it, and WHERE it's coming from in the first place.
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It's also worth mentioning that, while Kryptonite is usually an acid green in color, there's a veritable rainbow of Kryptonite colors. Smallville took full advantage of this, introducing anger-inducing Red Kryptonite (which actually causes random and unpredictable effects in the comics, but this change is forgivable), power-removing Blue Kryptonite, lethal Gold Kryptonite, paranoia-inducing Silver Kryptonite, and good-evil half-splitting Black Kryptonite. I should also probably mention that some versions are...confusing.
In the comics, you have random Red, harmless Blue, power-stripping Gold, plant-killing White...gay-inducing Pink...OK, look, we need to fucking STOP. There's a fucking turquoise Kryptonite that has the same powers as Green Kryptonite, except it's just kinda bluish. Also, lemme just go back and point out that there was a Kryptonite that MAKES KRYPTONIANS GAY, and it was EXACTLY as offensive as you think it was. I'll give the oft-forgotten and unappreciated Justice League Action credit: it made Kryptonite kinda silly, but also changed up and added some varieties, making Orange confusion-inducing, and making Pink gender-swapping. Watch the short, it's cute.
But regardless of these weird varieties, the origin is usually in space or somehow buried within the Earth itself. But for this film, I'm using Kryptonite as a bridge to somebody else. And so, FINALLY...
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Intergang: Cosmic Networking
Lemme just start this is a big ol' FUCK YOU to Black Adam. One, it was a bad movie that came about 15 years too late to be considered half-decent. And second, they used Intergang as their villains before I made this post. Oh, and they used them very badly. Intergang in Black Adam was an international gang with futuristic weapons and vehicles and no substance to them at all. In the comics, Intergang is surprisingly complicated. But rather than go into too much complex comic book history...again, I'm going to start with how I'm presenting Intergang.
Intergang, understand, is sort of a blank slate. While there is ONE extremely important thing to maintain about Intergang, you really can do a lot with the group, from a creative standpoint. Black Adam, of course, did the bare minimum with this group, making them international mercenaries with weapons. Ooh. Fun. No, instead, my version of Intergang is mostly centered in the United States, hopping from city to city in order to avoid being caught. Primarily weapons smugglers, they can be linked to a number of gang and organized crime organizations throughout their history, first appearing in the 1920s, in Metropolis.
But recently, Intergang has become more than the usually competent Metropolis PD can handle. As I mentioned in the last entry of this series, Lex Luthor has been secretly supplying the streets with advanced prototype weapons, and their manufacturers are able to increase their power, in an effort to take on the MPD and Superman. But then, the leader of Intergang, Bruno "Ugly" Manheim is approached by someone who offers him something...new. And his name...is Gordon Crown.
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By this point in the film, Crown will already be known. A political pundit and candidate for Senator, Crown is an outspoken critic of the city's government, pledging to push for police militarization, decrying increased crime and homelessness, and actively rallying against Superman and other vigilantes. He won't be particularly likeable, but will also have a building following. This means that Superman will face a bit of public opposition that he needs to overcome, while also facing the crimes of Intergang. And BOTH are Crown's fault.
See, Crown's real name is Glorious Godfrey, and he's a member of the New Gods of Apokolips. As the god of persuasion, his mortal form manifested as Gordon Crown, with the purpose of sowing dissent on this planet in order to discover the Anti-Life Equation which his master, Darkseid, desires. Yeah. I'm starting this RIGHT FUCKING NOW. None of this is known until the very end, but Godfrey's been reporting to Darkseid directly. Since Superman's appearance, he's managed to continue his work, but it's been more difficult. So, the Kryptonian needs to go. But how do you destroy the indestructible? Well, after discovering that Superman is a Kryptonian, Godfrey's benefactors travel to the former location of Krypton, and fetch what they believe to be Superman's weakness.
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This is the key for helping Intergang take out Superman, sowing more despair and making the path to the Anti-Life Equation that much clearer. So, this plot point is introduced when Gordon Crown just waltzes into Intergang headquarters, as they're trying to figure out their next moves after a failed heist. Led by Bruno "Ugly" Manheim, the gang is in shambles. But in comes Crown, holding out a gift to help them take out Superman.
Obviously, Manheim is surprised by this, and asks why the head of the anti-crime brigade is trying to help them, and why he shouldn't just blackmail Crown and take the weird rock. Crown responds with green Kryptonite and green MONEY, and he basically pays Manheim to test the mineral in their weaponry. Manheim accepts, and brings in his second-in-command to take the crystal to their weapon manufacturers and test it out. This second-in-command is former soldier and international mercenary for Intergang, John Grant Corben. More on him later.
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So, Clark gets into another fight with Intergang, who are now armed with Kryptonite weapons. To be specific, Corben is wearing an armored suit, with Kryptonite in the center of the chest. Corben is an excellent hand-to-hand combatant, and he's also looking forward to beating Superman down personally. And in this fight, two things happen. Firstly, Superman gets the absolute FUCK beaten out of him here. With Kryptonite significantly weakening him, he's actually very hurt here. Obviously, he won't die, since this isn't the final act fight, but more likely the end of the second act instead. Plus, we're planning on having this character live, so why pretend he's about to die? It's cliché, and extremely pointless in a Superman movie. And second, as fucked as Superman's going to be...John's gonna get it worse.
Now, the reasons for this would be up to action choreographers, but we're essentially going to paralyze John from the neck down, while also destroying a decent amount of property, and laying Superman partially to blame. Yeah, I'm repeating something from Man of Steel, but NOT making it Superman's fault. In fact, Clark will try his DAMNEDEST to save as many people as possible in this fight, while trying to lead it away from people. But Corben won't let him, and desperate blows from Clark in the process will cause Corben's injuries. It'll also provide a platform for Godfrey to sow more dissent against Superman and the city.
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Y'know that scene in The Dark Knight, where Joker basically convinces Harvey to become Two-Face? Well, something similar is about to happen here as well. See, while Clark is being healed by his ship and discovering elements of his past (check Part IV for more on that front), Crown goes to the hospital to visit the injured from the attack, including Corben. And as you'd assume, Corben is under guard by the Metropolis PD, but he's easily able to talk his way into the room. Remember how I said that Crown is the God of Persuasion? Well, we get a glimpse of that here, as he seemingly Jedi mind-tricks his way into talking to Corben. Real Killgrave/Purple Man vibes here, it should be genuinely creepy.
Godfrey goes to Corben, who's unconscious. He places a pendant on his chest. We've seen this pendant before, as Godfrey's always wearing it when we see him. A pulse comes from the pendant, waking up the comatose Corben. It's then that he realizes the extent of his injuries, blaming Superman for his injuries (which isn't unjustified, to be fair). Godfrey offers him the opportunity to make up for his failure, and to get revenge on Superman. In the process, he'll also be able to walk again, and be more powerful than ever before.
And of course, Corben accepts. Shame he doesn't truly know WHAT he's accepting.
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Metallo: The Metal Behind The Man
Metallo is maybe the best example of an earthbound villain who can pose a massive threat to the Man of Steel. His origins in the comics are varied, but usually involve a man in an accident whose brain was moved into a robotic, Kryptonite-powered body. He's always been one of my favorite Superman villains, and has never really been done well in live-action, in my opinion.
Don't get me wrong, now, because he has been in live-action, but always as different versions of the character. In Superboy, he was a bank robber with heart disease that was later turned into a Kryptonite-powered cyborg, similar to Corben's original incarnation. Lois & Clark did something similar, and gave us a pretty good turn on the character. Smallville gave us the most interesting and accurate version, giving us a war reporter that was experimented on after being hit by a truck. Granted, his change was caused by General Zod, but we're not gonna talk about that here.
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But most recently, Supergirl actually gave us SIX incarnations of the character, starting with John Corben and ending with an alternate universe Lena Luthor. Which is crazy, but admittedly interesting. Funnily enough, the idea of multiple Metallos is something we've seen in the comics, but definitely dilutes the idea of John Corben as a vengeful android who hates Superman and wants him dead.
And yes, before you ask, of COURSE my favorite version of the character is from the DC Animated Universe. Played by the vastly underappreciated Malcolm McDowell, this Corben is a mercenary introduced in the season premiere, then brought back to fight Superman after being turned into Metallo by Lex Luthor. The episode The Way of All Flesh is genuinely one of my favorite episodes of that series, and that's saying something for me. He comes back later in the series, and in Justice League Unlimited, where he joins the Secret Society and is...mindwiped by Grodd, oooooooh. Well, in either case, I love Metallo, and making him a major villain for this movie makes sense to me.
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So, again, in this theoretical movie, Corben accepts Godfrey's offer. When he does, Godfrey supplies him a body composed of Nth metal, and outfitted with a Kryptonite heart. Now that we know Kryptonite hurts Superman, Godfrey's been allowed to go all-in to try and kill Superman. So, armed with the Kryptonite heart, and backed up by intergang to lure Superman out, the newly crowned Metallo goes out to fight. Now, he still looks relatively normal, wearing a synthetic skin and able to change his size into a more compact form. Once the fight with Superman commences, Corben keeps the heart secret and takes the blows from Superman, seemingly testing his new body's toughness. But eventually, Superman figures it out, and stops holding back. This breaks the synthetic skin and gives Corben a more traditional robotic appearance. He rips off the skin, bulks up a bit, and the fight commences, this time in a place where people WON'T be hurt. Clark's learned by now, so he IMMEDIATELY moves the fight to a safer location.
And here...well, again, I'm not a fight choreographer. The only way for Superman to win here is to disconnect or destroy the Kryptonite heart, OR to somehow block the heart with lead and dismantle Corben, which WILL NOT kill him. Either way, this is the climactic fight of the film, so it's gonna be a biggie. In the end, of course, Superman will win the day...but not without a cost. The main goal here is to give an entertaining fight, while beginning a plot that will have much wider ramifications. Namely...
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After Corben is defeated, Intergang comes soon after that. However, not only is Godfrey able to sow more dissent as a result (based on property damage, and also on the fact that Intergang was taken out due to more funding to the newly established Special Crimes Division), but there's also a way to take out Superman. In an after-credits scene, Godfrey reports to his master, Darkseid, and the plot is laid out in the ending scene. Because, as much as I would love Superman's main villain to be Darkseid in his third movie...he's a Justice League villain. He really is. So, we'll be setting up Darkseid in the Superman movies, with Godfrey acting as his hand on Earth, sowing dissent for his arrival. But Darkseid...Darkseid will be talked about in another essay series. Because that's a WHOLE different bag of cats.
But that's not the only thing we're setting up in the end. In the last entry, I mentioned that Lex will obtain the Kryptonite somehow. Well, of course, Godfrey will find a way to get the Kryptonite to Luthor, allowing him to set-up the next stage of this series. With Intergang mostly taken out (although they will reappear eventually), Godfrey sees Luthor as another opportunity to sow dissent and discord. And Luthor will be using the Kryptonite in experimentation to make a new series of threats: metahumans. And while this won't be really brought up in this movie, Luthor's team, Infinity, Inc., actually has another name entirely...the Superman Revenge Squad. And it's an excuse to FINALLY show some major Superman villains on the big screen. But I'll elaborate on that one... in the next essay.
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Index: Superman
Part I: Why I Love Superman
Part II: On Lois Lane
Part III: The Kents
Part IV: The 'Rents
Part V: The...Frendts?
Part VI: Lex Luthor
Part VII: The Real Villains
Part VIII: Superman's Rogues Gallery
Part IX: The Story - Act One
Part X: The Story (Acts Two and Three)
Part XI: The Story - Climax
Part XII: Epilogue (Part One)
Part XIII: Epilogue (Part Two)
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l48yr1nth · 3 months
Bklkack people in the tehaor when the movie end::;
waite people in the theoator when the omovie end;
zinnia pokemon when movie end ::::
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videostak · 11 months
completely empty day today idk like not empty like bleak or anything just like room clean and should logically be wathcing a movie or playing vidoe games since i have hte perfect opportunity to but am not and am just on the computeer -_- i think i wiill in a bit tho. took out a bunch of vhs tapes ive been meaning to watch and wanna kinda get on watching all of the dollars trilogy soon. technically ive watched them all but all at different times. i saw fistful a couple months ago this year then saw fora few dollars like ughhh idk 2019 maybe and then before that saw good thee bad etc in like 2018 while in high school. so saw them all backwards but also doesnt matter since theyre likee not telling a straightforward plot from omovie to movie or anything. but like wanna wach them again to see how i feel abt them all i kno good the bad and the ugly is like one of the greatest movies ever but wanna see how it feels watching them all back to back. like when i saw for a few dollars i was like meh abt it cause i thought it wasnt as good as good the bad which it obv isnt but like after seeing fistful i was like hmm maybe for a few dollars is actually rly good since fistful was just like yojimbo but nowhere near as awesome.
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hardynwa · 1 year
Full list of 257 judges to hear petitions
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A total of 257 judges will hear petitions arising from the 2023 general elections in Nigeria, according to a list by the National Judicial Council (NJC). Proceedings at the Presidential Election Petition Tribunal and State Election Petition Tribunals are expected to commence fully in May after the Worker’s Day holiday. Nigerians have shifted their attention to the tribunals as aggrieved candidates in the February 25 and March 18 contests attempt to overturn victories. The Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has issued Certificates of Return to all winners of various positions. Already, hundreds of petitions have been filed to challenge the outcome of the presidential, National Assembly, governorship and state assembly polls. But more are expected due to the April 15 supplementary elections in more than 20 states, in view of the provisions of the Electoral Act, 2022. Section 132 (7) & (8) allows for petitions to be filed within 21 days after the declaration of results. The respondents have 21 days to respond, while the court has 180 days to decide. The senior judicial officers to preside were drawn from State High Court, FCT High Court, Federal High Court and National Industrial Court. Below is the full list of the judges approved by the NJC under the leadership of the Chief Justice of Nigeria, Olukayode Ariwoola. Abia: Justices C.O. Onyeabo, O. Zik-Ikeorha, C.H. Ahuchaogu, A.O. Chijioke, K.C.J. Okereke, L.T.C. Eruba, B. Anya, N. Philomena, A.O. Phoeba, C.K. Nwankwo. Adamawa: Justices H.N.H. Joda, B.I. Ladukiya, Musa Usman, K.L. Samuel, A.J. Balami, K.Z.U. Modibbo. Akwa Ibom: Justices P.P. Idiong, A.D. Odokwo, O.A. Okon, F.J. Ibanga, and N.M. Obot. Bayelsa: Justices J.B. Egele, and Justice T.Y. Abasi. Benue: Justices W.I. Kpochi, T.A. Kume, T.T. Asua, P.T. Kwahar, M.T. Ugar, A.I. Ityonyman, M.M. Odinya, I. Muhammed. Borno: Justices H.Y. Mshelia, A.Z. Musa, U.S. Sakwa, M.G. Abubakar B. Othman. Cross River: Justices F.N. Isoni, E.O. Abua, O.I. Ofem, A.A. Ewah, U.A. Ibrahim, E.I. Ebri, I.B. Etape, E.A. Ubua. Delta: Justices A.O. Apkovi, F.N. Azinge, C.N. Ogadi, E.N. Ejiro, T.O. Uloho, M.O. Omovie, C.O. Emifoniye, C.I. Dafe. Ebonyi: Justices H.A. Njoku, B.A.N Ogbu, N.E. Nwibo, C.E. Eze, I.P. Chima, O. Elekwa, T.A. Achom, U. Onwosi. Edo: Justices V.O. Eboreime, J.O. Okeaya, Irele-Ifijeh, V.O.A. Oviawe, I.P. Braimoh, T.I. Eghe-Abe. Ekiti: Justices A.L. Ogunmoye, A.A. Adeleye, L.O. Ogundana, E.B. Omotoso, A.O. Familoni, J.A. Apuabi, O.O. Oluboyede. Enugu: Justices R.O. Odugu, E.N. Oluedo, N.R. Oji, C.A.B. Onaga, U.J. Nweze, E.N. Alukwu. Gombe: Justices A.M. Yakubu, H.H. Kereng, S.Y. Abubakar, M. Fatima, D.S. Sikkam, M.A. Haruna, B.H. Abbayo, M.I. Gombe. Imo: Justices L.C. Azuama, K.A. Ojiako, B.C. Iheka, S.I. Okpara, V.I Onyeka, E.N. Eke, K.A Leweanya, J.I. Obichere. Jigawa: Justices A.M. Abubakar, A.Y. Birnin Kudu, I. Ya’u, N. Zargina. Kaduna: Justices E.Y.B. Lolo, K. Dabo, M.T. Rashid, M.N. Sidi, A.Y. John, E. Michael. Kano: Justices M. Yusuf Ubale, A.A. Amina, I.M.M Karaye, N. Saminu, J.S. Suleiman, S.A. Maryam, S.M. Ado, A.A. Maiwada. Katsina: Justices A.B. Abdullahi, A.K. Tukur, I.W. Baraka, B.U. Safiya, I.I. Mashi, L. Umar, A. Yarima, M.D. Hadiza. Kebbi: Justices U. Abubakar, N.I. Umar, S.B. Shuaibu, F.H. Bunza, S.K. Manya, A.S. Bello, S.U. Mukhtar, U.A. S/Kudu. Kogi: Justices F. Ajayi, S. Umar, M.M. Gwatana, A.S. Husaini, S. Zubayru, B. Aina, D. Yakubu. Kwara: Justices A.A. Adebara, A.S. Halima, A. Gegele, F.D. Lawal, J.Z. Umar, M.A. Oniye, O.I. Olabisi, K. Abdul-Latif. Lagos: Justices M.O. Obadina, J.E. Oyefeso, A.O. Opesanwo, L.B.L. Akapo, J.A. Kudirat, S.S. Ogunsanya, I.O. Akinkugbe, O.A. Adamson. Nasarawa: Justices R.G. Soji, A.M. Mainoma, S.A. Ayiwulu, A.A. Ozegyu, M.A. Ramat, J.K. Kurape, A.T. Chanbo. Niger: Justices M. Abdullahi, S.T. Zainab, Y.G. Bilkisu, I. Usman, I. Hauwa Kulu, L.M. Amina, M.I. Khadijat. Ondo: Justice O.A. Osadebay, P.O. Ikujuni, W.R. Olamide, O. Sunday, J.O. Abe, A. Enikuomehin, T.M. Adedipe, A.E. Akeredolu. Ogun: C.C. Ogunsanya, Justice O. Ogunfowora, A.A.S. Femi, A.O. Araba, A.A. Adewole, I.O. Awofeso, D.I. Dipeolu. Osun: Justice A.A. Ajeibe, A.O. Ayoola, K.M. Akano, A.L. Adegoke, M.O. Agboola, S.A. Oke, M.O. Okediya, A.O. Adenji. Oyo: Justices G.A. Sunmonu, O.M. Fadeyi, E.O. Ajayi, M.L. Owolabi, M.I. Sule, L.A. Ganiyu, B.A. Taiwo, O.A. Adetujoye. Plateau: Justices A.I. Ashom, N.J. Dadi, T. Zololo, G.M. Kamyal, V. Dadom, D.S. Damulak, S.S. Fomber, B.M. Bassi. Rivers: Justices M.O. Opara, G.C. Aguma, F. Onyiri, L.T. Senewo, F.A. Fiberesima, L. Ngbor-Abina, O.D. Gbasam, S.S. Popnen. Sokoto: Justices M.U. Dogondaji, A.G. Sifawa, M. Mohammed, S. Shehu, M.A. Sambo, D.Y. Danjega, B.Y. Tambuwa, B. Ibrahim. Taraba: Justice S. Haruna, A.B. Abbare, C.J. Katabs, M.A. Badamasi, E. Tata, K.A.A. Yara. Yobe: Justices M.Z. Usman, K.B. Yusuf, M. Kyari, H.L. Musa, H.S. Tahir, K.M.B Inuwa, A.K. Kime. Zamfara: Justices H. Mikailu, B.M. Kucheri, I.H. Ismaila, U. AbdulNasir, S.G. G/Bore, B. Rabi. FCT High Court: Justices M.E. Anenih, O.A. Adeniyi, A.I. Kutigi, A.O. Otaluka, Y. Halilu, A.O. Ebong, B. Hassan, E. Enenche, A.S. Usman. Federal High Court: Justices A.A. Okeke, M.A. Onytenu, H.R.A. Shagari, J.O. Abdulmalik. National Industrial Court: Justices I.S. Galadima, S.H. Danjidda, K.D. Damuak. Read the full article
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darrenbrade · 5 years
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Out film is being shown in Italy next week. Reposted from @peripheralvisionfilms (@get_regrann) - We’re excited to announce ‘Your Heart is Homeless’ will be screened in Naples Italy (next week) at the OMOVIES (LGBTQ+) Film Festival 2019: . OMOVIES is the international festival of homosexual, transgender and questioning cinema promoted by the association of social promotion the Ken ONLUS ( LGBT association – Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender ) was conceived by Carlo Cremona and Marco Taglialatela of which they are founding members. . Festival Dates: 9-14th December 2019 http://www.omovies.it/ . Please follow us on social media and share with your friends. More updates to come soon… . 📷 by @chrisbiele website: www.peripheralvisionfilms.com Instagram: www.instagram.com/peripheralvisionfilms Twitter: www.twitter.com/PVFUK Facebook: www.facebook.com/peripheralvisionfilms . #OFFLGBT #OMOVIES #naples #napoli #lgbtq #lgbt #queer #gay #lgbtshort #lgbtfilm #lgbtcinema #gayfilm #queerfilm #lgbtqfilm #comingout #gayshorts #periphervisionfilms #pvf #yourheartishomeless #shortfilm #film #movie #indiefilm #britishfilm #london #drama #filmmaking . @peripheralvisionfilms @darrenbrade @wesley.mahoney @james_jimmy_joe @chrisbiele @peter_mcpherson_ @fyodorh @bertenshawadam @OMOVIESFILMFESTIVAL - #regrann (at Naples, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/B5sSMY-FBqW/?igshid=11vd9vyp15cd1
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On February 6, 1964 Olga's House of Shame debuted in Los Angeles.
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spacenerdevans · 4 years
what's your favorite chris evans' movie?!
hmmmmm that is a good question. I would have to say my favorite movie of his is before we go. 🥰 that’s one I can watch all the time and just feel really good about myself.
inbox me one thing you want to know about me!
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nellarw95 · 8 months
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Happy Birthday Andrew 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
January 29,1979
Buon Compleanno 🥳🎂🎈🎁🎉
29 Gennaio 1979
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dhamakadealindia · 4 years
O Movie ( Kannada “ಓ” ) title launch by Dr. Shivarajkumar
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carlocremona · 5 years
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Un buon onomastico puó solo essere se quando delle persone speciali si ritrovano insieme ed è sempre #armonia. Tra loro due a cui voglio bene e che stimo la bravissima inviata di #striscialanotizia @rajae_bezzaz ed il nostro #gancio @mauriziovessa (figo più che mai) all'aperitivo @criminalcandy per #omovies @omoviesfilmfestival#napoligay #napoligayfriendly (presso ROW Club) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4bDjVOokNa/?igshid=nzthe3aoppfv
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cosimoalberti · 4 years
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⚜️ Mi sono accostato a questo personaggio in punta di piedi e con tutta la cautela del caso. Dopo aver letto le prime battute della sceneggiatura ho avuto un tuffo al cuore. La storia che andavo a fissare nelle immagini di un film per un pubblico enorme e variegato era dura e delicatissima al tempo stesso. Essa esige innanzitutto rispetto verso i suoi protagonisti e non permette errori di nessun genere e vi spiego il perché. La bellezza di MariaPaola, la sua giovane età, la limpidezza dei suoi sentimenti commuovono e non possono essere in nessun modo sviliti. Per fortuna Denise è riuscita ad interpretarla magistralmente. Inoltre il carattere di Ciro è lontanissimo dalle mie corde attoriali, io sono abituato ad interpretare ruoli leggeri, brillanti e comici. Ho dovuto quindi scavare in me stesso alla ricerca di esperienze che mi avessero potuto aiutare a rendere il personaggio o almeno ad intuirne i passaggi per arrivarci. Il resto del lavoro l’ha fatto il regista Rovani a cui mi sono affidato con abnegazione. Sul set come sul palcoscenico amo essere creta informe da essere plasmata dalle indicazioni registiche. Spero di aver fatto un buon lavoro. 🎥 “A modo mio”, il corto di Danilo Rovani con Cosimo Alberti e Denise Capuano a #MariaPaolaGaglione vittima innocente IDN – ITINERARI DI NAPOLI & i Ken ONLUS Presentano: COSIMO ALBERTI e DENISE CAPUANO in“A MODO MIO un cortometraggio liberamente ispirato ad una storia vera “A Maria Paola e a tutti coloro che amano, profondamente, atavicamente, senza limiti e senza giudizi” – DANILO ROVANI A modo mio è il cortometraggio prodotto da Itinerari di Napoli di Massimiliano Sacchetto e Carmela Autiero e iKen ONLUS, che prende le mosse dalla storia di Maria Paola Gaglione e Ciro Migliore. Per la tematica trattata e per la qualità del prodotto il corto è stato scelto come manifesto contro il bullismo omofobo che sarà presentato, in anteprima assoluta, alla prima edizione di OMOVIES@SCHOOL Film Festival in estate prossima ventura. #cosimoalberti #attore #attori #attorenapoletano #cinema #cortometraggio #corto #teatro #gay #trans #transgender ##televisione #omovies #ciak #noomofobia #stopomofobia #newslgbt #lgbt #lgbt https://www.instagram.com/p/CMK1agHFhct/?igshid=16uueh673c9h6
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sirajaburung-blog · 4 years
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Mira la película Mulan en línea: películas completas en línea gratis FortalecimientosCrugadores y monturasLos comandantes moros vuelven a la corona británica corrupta. ¿Cuánto tiempo te has quedado dormido durante la película Mulan Movie? La música, la historia y el mensaje son fenomenales Moon Movie. Nunca he podido ver otra película cinco veces como hice esto. Regrese y busque la segunda vez y preste atención. Mire la película Mulan Movie WEB-DL. Esto es archivos sin pérdida de la transmisión de Mulan Movies, como Netflix, Amazon Video.Hulu, Crunchy roll, DiscoveryGO , BBC iPlayer, etc. Estos son omovies o programas de televisión que se descargan a través de atributos en línea, como iTunes.
La calidad es bastante buena porque no está codificada nuevamente. Videostreams (H.264 o H.265) su audio (AC3 / Mulan Movie) generalmente se extrae de iTunes o Amazon Video y luego se desinstala el contenedor MKV sin sacrificar la calidad. DescargarEuphoriaMovieSasonason 1 Movie 6 Una de las películas en streaming. Mira la película de Mulan Miles Morales conjura sus vidas siendo estudiante de la escuela y convirtiéndose en StevenUniverse: TheMovie. Sin embargo, cuando Wilson “Kingpin” Fiskuses como un super colisionador, otro Estado cautivo de otra dimensión, Peter Parker, subió accidentalmente en la dimensión de Miles. Cuando Peter entrenó a los Miles para mejorar, Spider-Man, se unieron a otros cuatro Mulan Moviefrom a través del “Spider-Verse”. El mayor impacto de la industria está en la industria del DVD, que afecta la velocidad de su destrucción al popularizar en masa el contenido en línea. El surgimiento de los medios de transmisión ha provocado la caída de muchas compañías de DVD como Blockbusters. En julio de 2019, un artículo del New York Times publicó un artículo sobre el DVD de Netflix, NoManches Frida 2s. Se dijo que Netflix continuaba con su DVD No. No Frida 2 con 5,3 millones de clientes, que disminuyó significativamente respecto al año anterior. Por otro lado, su transmisión, NoManches Frida 2s, tiene 65 millones de miembros. En un estudio de marzo de 2019 que evaluó “El impacto de las películas de los alquileres tradicionales de películas en DVD tradicionales”, se descubrió que los encuestados no compraron películas en DVD casi tanto, si es que alguna vez, porque la transmisión ha estado en el mercado.
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Definition and definition of film / film
While the players who play a role in the film are referred to as actors (men) or actresses (women). There is also the term extras that are used as minor characters with few roles in the film. This differs from the main actors, who have larger and more roles. As an actor and actress, good acting talent must be required that corresponds to the subject of the film in which he plays the leading role. In certain scenes, the role of the actor can be replaced by a stunt man or a stunt man. The existence of a stuntman is important to replace the actors who play difficult and extreme scenes that are usually found in action-action films. Movies can also be used to deliver certain messages from the filmmaker. Some industries also use film to convey and represent their symbols and culture. Filmmaking is also a form of expression, thoughts, ideas, concepts, feelings and moods of a person that are visualized in the film. The film itself is mostly fictional, though some are based on actual stories or on a true story. There are also documentaries with original and real images or biographical films that tell the story of a character. There are many other popular genre films, from action films, horror films, comedy films, romantic films, fantasy films, thriller films, drama films, science fiction films, crime films, documentaries and others. This is some information about the definition of film or film. The information has been cited from various sources and references. Hope it can be useful. TV FILM The first television shows were experimental, sporadic programs that from the 1930s could only be seen at a very short distance from the mast. TV events such as the 1936 Summer Olympics in Germany, the crowning of King George VI. In Britain in 19340 and the famous launch of David Sarnoff at the 1939 New York World’s Fair in the United States, the medium grew, but World War II brought development to a halt after the war. The 19440 World MOVIE inspired many Americans to buy their first television, and in 1948 the popular Texaco Star Theater radio moved to become the first weekly television variety show that hosted Milton Berle and earned the name “Mr Television” demonstrated The medium was a stable, modern form of entertainment that could attract advertisers. The first national live television broadcast in the United States took place on September 4, 1951, when President Harry Truman’s speech at the Japanese Peace Treaty Conference in San Francisco on AT & T’s transcontinental cable and microwave relay system was broadcasting to broadcasters in local markets has been. The first national color show (the 1954 Rose Parade tournament) in the United States took place on January 1, 1954. For the next ten years, most network broadcasts and almost all local broadcasts continued to be broadcast in black and white. A color transition was announced for autumn 1965, in which more than half of all network prime time programs were broadcast in color. The first all-color peak season came just a year later. In 19402, the last holdout of daytime network shows was converted to the first full color network season.
??? formats and genres ???
See also: List of genres § Film and television formats and genres TV shows are more diverse than most other media due to the variety of formats and genres that can be presented. A show can be fictional (as in comedies and dramas) or non-fictional (as in documentary, news, and reality television). It can be current (as in the case of a local news program and some television films) or historical (as in the case of many documentaries and fictional films). They can be educational or educational in the first place, or entertaining, as is the case with situation comedies and game shows. [Citation required] A drama program usually consists of a series of actors who play characters in a historical or contemporary setting. The program follows their lives and adventures. Before the 1980s, shows (with the exception of soap opera series) generally remained static without storylines, and the main characters and premise barely changed. [Citation required] If the characters’ lives changed a bit during the episode, it was usually reversed in the end. For this reason, the episodes can be broadcast in any order. [Citation required] Since the 1980s, many FILMS have had a progressive change in the plot, characters, or both. For example, Hill Street Blues and St. Elsewhere were two of the first American prime time drama television films to have this kind of dramatic structure [4] [better source required], while the later MOVIE Babylon 5 further illustrated such a structure had a predetermined story about the planned five season run. [Citation required] In 2020, it was reported that television became a larger part of the revenue of large media companies than the film. Some also noticed the quality improvement of some television programs. In 2020, Oscar-winning film director Steven Soderbergh declared the ambiguity and complexity of character and narrative: “I think these qualities are now being seen on television and people who want to see stories with such qualities are watching TV.
Thanks for everything and have fun watching
Here you will find all the films that you can stream online, including the films that were shown this week. If you’re wondering what to see on this website, you should know that it covers genres that include crime, science, fi-fi, action, romance, thriller, comedy, drama, and anime film. Thanks a lot. We inform everyone who is happy to receive news or information about this year’s film program and how to watch your favorite films. Hopefully we can be the best partner for you to find recommendations for your favorite films. That’s all from us, greetings!
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ask-flip-frost · 5 years
~Jilly’s Songs~
Five song playlist
Halestorm - Here’s To Us
VGR -  That Distant Shore (Remix feat. Slyleaf)
Bad Lip Reading - SEAGULLS! (Stop It Now)
Omovies -  Reproduction Rap
Jonathan Young -  Don't Kill Tyrion
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gayit · 6 years
Manifesto di #Omovies oscurato da striscione omofobo di Fratelli d'Italia https://t.co/Bpe8QDhHOD #CinemaLGBT #Napoli https://t.co/lbESRvO2jA
Manifesto di #Omovies oscurato da striscione omofobo di Fratelli d'Italia https://t.co/Bpe8QDhHOD #CinemaLGBT #Napoli pic.twitter.com/lbESRvO2jA
— Gay.it (@gayit) February 12, 2019
via Twitter https://twitter.com/gayit February 12, 2019 at 02:10PM
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