#on the bright side i'm now happily married!
enbyboiwonder · 2 years
I’ve completed South Block but I still haven’t done more than the one level of Ingall’s Mine because I hate the boss lmao
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shapard · 6 months
Albino Snake🐍
Lucifer x Human!fem!reader
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Alastor kinda reminds me of Dr. Facilier
A/n: I want to cry. I accidentally posted this🥲
You found a cute little albino snake. You named him Apple.
Soft Lucifer
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Part 1 > Part 2
You love your home New Orleans.
The streets are filled with jazz and Happy people dancing around. It brought a smile up of your face.
It’s been so long when the streets were this filled. A big number of murders started to rise in New Orleans. Everybody stayed at home, especially you. 
News spread quickly that the Series Killer got killed by a hunter. The Hunter thought he was a deer and gave him a shot right in the middle of his skull.
The days that were cold and dull started to gain color again. And your live just became more stressful. 
Back to two jobs and a small apartment.
You worked in two Restaurants only to fulfill your dream. You want to live that dream you and you father talked about from morning to dawn. Sadly, he’ll not be able to see you reach this dream.
You’re almost there, just a couple more shifts. Just a few weeks of hard work.
You groaned when your alarm clock started ringing in your ear. Exhausted you pressed your hand onto the alarm.
You yawned and stretched your body; a small cracking sound emits from your bone, and you sigh in relief. 
“Next shift here I come!” 
As usual people side eyed you when you past them with a tray of food. Working in gastronomy is hard.
Terrible chef, terrible co-workers and even worse the customers. Your chief always tormented you that you'll never reach that dream. That it was useless. You are born poor and you stay poor, especially for a woman.
But that never lets you down. Then you'll be the first woman who'll reach the top without marrying off to a rich man.
The ring bell tuned, and your rich friend Charlotte and her father walked happily into the small business.
Charlotte smiled brightly at you when she saw you. “Y/n! There you are! I have an important question to ask you.” You laughed softly at her antics. she always was always so outgoing and a bright soul. 
“Of course.” Charlotte squealed and was quick to grab her father's purse. “Do you think you can make some beignets? You’ll get paid off, of course.” Without even waiting for your answer, she pushed couple hundred dollars into your chest and ran out of the store without even touching the beignets. 
Charlotte already paid and it wasn't rare that this happens. All your attention was now on the money in your hand. 
With this money it’s more than enough to buy the restaurant you and your father always dreamed about.
Soft tears pearled down on your face and your boss mouth was wide open in shock. “Huh… Wait… WHAT?!” 
When you shift was done you were quick to make a visit to the former sugar farmhouse.
The house was pretty worn down but that didn’t hold you back. You swung around the house humming a soft tune as you imagined how the place will look in the future.
"I'm almost there~..."
A soft clink echoed through the hollow place, bringing you back to reality. Scared you looked around you. Maybe a mouse?
Following the clinking sound, you saw a small snake hurt in a water cup. The snake looked up to you with soft red eyes. The white scales reminded you of pure untouched snow.
The snake was probably an albino. 
You spread out your hand and took the little injured creator in your hand. Your heart swelled when the little snake slithered up to your wrist embracing it softly.
Its red eyes never left yours and you patted his head slightly. 
The Snake watches as you walked stressed out up and down through your little room. A small bandage adorned its little tummy and a small bow tie was around his head. 
To say he was embarrassed was an understatement. But the way how happy you applied the little bowtie on his head was giving him pure joy. So, he didn't protest.
When you finally looked at the small clock that was on your room wall you gasp at the time. You grabbed your little purse and the beignets for the little costume party.
Theme: Kingdom.
The snake you named apple slithered up to your neck. It looked like a designer necklace, and you loved it. 
You stood unmoving in one of the stands from the party. The landlord of the place where you found him was informing you that someone pays way more than you do.
Your whole body feels like it's going to crumble. You were so close to that dream. You were so close to making your father proud.
All those years for nothing?
Apple looked up to you and he saw the face of pure despair and sadness. His heart broke when you ran towards the landlord in despair. Tears were pouring down your face as you shouted the landlord’s name. 
You were close to a panic attack. Apple rested softly on your neck like a scarf. He tried to comfort you in any way.
A woman with a wine glass in her hand accidentally pours the wine onto your dress and Apple hissed at the sudden wetness.
When you turned to look for the landlord he was nowhere to be found. And for the first time you really felt defeated.
Your legs under you gave up and everything around you started to mix in one black hole.
Charlotte hugged you from behind when she saw your broken state. Charlotte dragged you along with her when she looked at the damage on your dress. 
She gave you a new dress your mother had designed for her.
A gorgeous flowing dress that beats every physics. A little Tiana was on your head and the color matched perfect with your skin color. 
Apple watched with an immense blush on his scales.
You look so pretty in this dress. 
You plumped softly onto the bed where apple was laying. He laid under your chin cuddling into your heat. "Oh Apple. I don't know what to do." You whined as soon as those words left you.
“I can help.” As soon as you heard Apple talk you shot up, falling with full force onto the hard floor. 
Red mist covered the whole room and in front of you stood a man with white skin, red eyes and royalty looking clothes.
His smirk was large, and he held an apple cane in one of his hand. “Do you trust me princess?”
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A/n: I'm obsessed with Tyla's new album.
@i-have-no-life-charlie @sirenetheblogger @concentratedconcrete
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mikareo · 9 months
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“ ࣭⸰ ★ FROM THE DINING TABLE . . . ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀呪術廻戦 ; gojo satoru x fem reader
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⊹ ⠀⠀ is it possible to fall out of love? ...apparently so. (0.7k)
contains; exes, reader sees gojo w/ his new girlfriend, ur just the sad and lonely ex who can't get over him idk author's note; i am stressed and this is how im coping
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it's been three months.
only three months since you and satoru broke things off. since satoru told you he lost feelings and could no longer string you along as you gazed at him with lovesick eyes etched in hearts; which were well deserved considering your relationship lasted a little over three years.
you loved him so much. no. you love him so much. you'll never stop loving him for as long as you can breathe, because who is he if not your soulmate? there's no one else that understands you, listens to you, and notices all of your ticks and little emotions that are blind to the common eye. satoru is the one that you're supposed to end up with; that you're supposed to marry as you walk down the aisle awaiting that bright smile he always flashed in your direction.
if you're supposed to marry satoru...
...why is he smiling at someone else?
"oh, shit." he finally notices your presence and it's somewhat insulting considering the market isn't too crowded. "hey, how've you been?"
his tone is almost condescending. why would he be asking that question? he should know that you're an absolute and complete mess over him. he should be an absolute and complete mess over you, too. you don't care that he claims to have fallen out of love. that's impossible. that's just something that happens in the movies; and if your life is anything like one of those cheesy romcoms— you desperately hope that you're not the character that gets their heart broken for the main lead.
"i'm okay." you lie. you're not okay. your heart is pounding at a rate that's so rapid you think you're about to pass out, thudding inside of your chest in its best attempt to leap from your body and land in satoru's open hands. now that you're noticing them, though, they're not open. they're firmly clasped to whoever this new stranger is. whoever his new girlfriend is. "who's this?"
he waves his hand dismissively. "don't worry about it." to which the girl giggles and leans into his side.
they're mocking you. you can't help but feel that way.
you can't help but feel your heart break into glass fragments that once were a stained glass mural of your love story. the images of him confessing his feelings after the snow melted in spring, whispering his love for you for the first time when summer began, and the promise ring he was so excited about giving you during your last holiday together, all clash to the ground— becoming incoherent memories that only you care to recall. it's clear that satoru is happily cementing new moments with this girl who's likely somewhat similar to you. she seems sweet and kind, and you hope that she escapes being strung along far sooner than you did.
"you look cute together." the smile on your face is clearly phony. he knows you well enough to be able to tell, and you're sure that she's able to understand, too.
"thank you!" she's so nice? why does he always go for nice girls? if you could take a guess, it's because he enjoys watching them fall for him...watching them give up their entire hearts for his love, only to shred them to pieces like receipt paper that he no longer cares to hold onto. what a monster.
...but you still love him.
"you're welcome." your reply is as genuine as you can fake it to be, and it's possible you've fooled her. you haven't fooled satoru, though. your ex is staring at you with knowing intent, seeing the bitterness in your soul that you hide from everyone else. "satoru, can we talk?"
"what is there to talk about?" his laugh practically drowns you. you feel as if there's a weighted anchor attached to your ankle with a rope that's impossible to break apart with your bare hands. it's pulling you deeper and deeper into the depths of abyss, giggling as you struggle for air and water fills your lungs. the fish say hello. they watch as your lungs close in. they wave goodbye when your eyes finally close.
"forget i said anything."
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⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀ ⊹₊。 reblogs are greatly appreciated! ˚₊⊹
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disasterbuck · 4 months
Oohhh for the prompts I'd love to see Buddie with the sidewalk rule 👀🥰
I'm so glad you chose the sidewalk rule because I had an idea for that one right after I reblogged the prompt post 😂
I hope you like it!! 💕
the sidewalk rule
established Buddie | 645 words
Buck was chatting away, his hands waving this way and that, and Eddie had a smile on his face as he walked beside him. They'd decided to walk down to the coffee shop on the corner of Buck's street together, to treat themselves after their long shift before Eddie had to leave to pick Chris up from school.
As he talked, Buck walked backwards in front of Eddie for a few steps before ending up on his other side.
"—and then it was introduced to England in like, the late 1700s," Buck was saying. How he'd gotten started on the history of dominoes, Eddie didn't know, but he definitely wasn't complaining. He could happily listen to Buck talk for hours about anything. "And it was all over the world by 1889! And although it originated in China, it's now way more popular in France and Belgium."
"And the Buckley-Diaz household," Eddie chimed in with a wink, referring to the set of dominoes Buck and Chris had been playing with for the past three weeks and making Buck blush.
While he was briefly distracted, Eddie gently took hold of Buck's wrist and guided him to the other side so that he was back on Eddie's left and Eddie was walking beside the road.
Buck frowned, then just continued talking about dominoes. But a few steps later, he cut across Eddie's path with a little spin so that he was back on Eddie's right.
With a scowl, Eddie stepped behind him and to the side, forcing Buck left. A giggle left Buck's lips and he ducked in to kiss Eddie quickly, distracting him, before taking the spot on the right again.
"Would you stop?" Eddie exclaimed, coming to a halt.
"Stop what?" Buck asked innocently, a bright grin on his face.
"You know what," Eddie said with a sigh. "Stop swapping sides!"
"Why?" Buck asked, a cheeky twinkle in his eyes.
"Because…" Eddie trailed off, feeling his face grow warm with embarrassment. A particularly fast car sped past and he automatically reached out to grab Buck's arm, pulling him further away from the road.
"I didn't know you knew the sidewalk rule," Buck teased.
"The what?" Eddie asked, baffled.
"The sidewalk rule," Buck repeated, as if saying it again would bring any further insight. Thankfully, seeing Eddie's face, he went on – "It's the idea that your boyfriend should walk on the side closest to the road to keep you safe from any hazards."
"I have never heard of that in my life," Eddie said, mouth twisting slightly in disgust. "It sounds misogynistic. And besides, we're both the boyfriend in this relationship."
"Sure," Buck said easily, giving a one-shoulder shrug. "But then, why exactly don't you want me walking on this side?"
Eddie slid his hand down to Buck's, twisting their fingers together. He didn't want to tell Buck the truth; he didn't want Buck's bright and happy mood to be brought down. But…
"Because of Shannon," he said softly. "Because she… I know it doesn't make sense. We're in way more dangerous situations every day. And she wasn't on a sidewalk but on a crossing, so it was different—"
"Hey." Buck stepped right up into his space, cupping his face with his hands. "It's okay. It makes sense to me. If you want me to walk on the other side, I will."
"I do," Eddie admitted.
"Then I will," Buck said. Closing the distance between them, Buck kissed him softly and earnestly.
When they parted, Eddie was surprised to find that Buck had somehow turned them during the kiss without him noticing. He was once again standing between Buck and the road.
"Come on," Buck said, taking Eddie's hand in his and pulling him along the path.
Content, Eddie gently squeezed Buck's hand and listened as he went back to discussing the history of dominoes.
@dluoser @taketheplanspinitsideways @loudenthusiastic @wallywise @mxrcjqckspnchqsc
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Let me know if you'd like to be added or removed 💕
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dre6ming · 5 months
Wedding plans -TDBR
Pairing: Austin Butler x reader
Warnings: none, fluff, a little crying
Plot: making wedding plans with Austin is so wholesome
Word count: ~1.9k
TDBR series
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A/n: this was a request and I apologize it took me so long to fulfill it. Request are still open but keep in mind I’m very slow when it comes to posting, but feel free to send them
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Thinking back to 9 years ago when you met Austin, you never thought you'd end up here, drowning in tulle and chiffon, laughing with your best friends, tripping over lace veils. "What do you think of this?" You make a little pirouette to show the ample skirt, feeling like a princess head to toe. "It's cute." Taylor says, drinking some lemonade, brushing her bangs back. "Yeah, it's nice" Roxanne adds clearly not loving the dress as well. "So it's not it!" You say dropping your arms at your sides, sighing heavily. "Maybe the next one?!" Timothee sounds hopeful, but part of you feels that is only because, this is the 10th time you all dedicate a day for dress shopping. "Ok I'll go try it!" You say a bit defeated, lifting the front of the dress so you don't trip. You take one more look at yourself in the mirror as you walk away, you liked this one, but to be fair you liked every single one before this one as well, they are all so different and unique, but they are simply not your dress.
The next dress you put on, gives you shivers. It's made of silk, with pleats and boning, accentuating your waist perfectly and the dropped shoulders make you look angelic and sexy at the same time. This is it. "I found it!" You squeal, coming out of the dressing room in a heist, giggling and kicking your feet happily.
"OH my god this is it!"
"You look wonderful!"
"I'm going to cry!"
"Please don't cry mom!" You giggle, blinking back tears, as you turn around to take a look in the big mirrors. The dress hugs your waist, the silhouette complimenting you so beautifully, your breasts look amazing in it too and magically it's your size, so no alterations will be needed. "I can't believe it! I finally found it!" You say, your voice breaking as you still try very hard not to cry. Taylor comes up from behind you, hugging your shoulders and resting her chin on your shoulder, her eyes watch you through the mirror and you notice her glossy blue eyes, tears in them as well. "I can, because it was meant to be!" She sniffs, kissing your cheek before sticking a veil in you hair. You take a better look at it in the mirror, immediately panicking when you recognize the piece, starting to take it out of your hair, but Taylor stops you before you can.
"Taylor I can't, this is..."
"Your something borrowed!" She assures, smiling bright. The veil somehow works perfectly with the dress, like it was meant to be. Looking at it you remember as clear as now the day you saw Taylor in a boutique not much different from this one, find her dress and her veil. She got married to Joe wearing this, the memories of one of her best days are tied to this piece of material. "Ok ok..." you breathe out, smoothing your dress. "What about gloves? I know Taylor already gave you the veil, but mom insisted I give you these?" Timothee says, handing you a pair of silk gloves. "Thanks Timmy!" You say hugging him tight as you put them on. The look seems now complete and you feel complete.
You walk through the dark apartment, tip toeing, trying not to make too much noise, knowing Austin is probably asleep. He was away filming some projects for the past week and you were supposed to be here when he got home, but he insisted that you don't rush your day with the girls and Timmy. "Y/n?" You hear Austin's groggy voice and it stops you right in your tracks. "Baby?" You feel his arms circle your waist in the dark and your body turns to slime. He places a kiss on top of your head, inhaling your scent. "I missed you!" Austin tells you honestly, squeezing you so tight you think you might burst at the seams, but you love feeling like this, engulfed in him. "I missed you too!" You sigh into him , happy to feel him on you, rubbing your cheek on the soft hairs on his chest. "I found the dress." You announce , biting your lip excited for his reaction.
"The dress? You mean THE dress?" Austin takes a step back looking at your face, trying to see if you're lying. "The dress!" You nod, smiling at him. He grabs your face and smashes his lips onto yours. You let him take control, while his mouth dominates you, his tongue explores your mouth and your heart flutters in your chest. "Can I see?" He asks breathless, "No! It's bad luck!" You chuckle, shaking your head, threading your hands in his soft hair. "Hmm ok, then show me everything else you got done while I was gone?" He arches a brow, smirking at you. "Oh yes yes, come on!" You say jovially, grabbing his hand, dragging him to your shared bedroom to get your wedding binder.
"Ok so I got done with the sitting chart, I might have done it a little risky, but, it'll work." You open the glitter decorated binder and show him the sketch you made. "So we sit, Katy and Orlando at the same table as Tom and Daya, ok" Austin says, reading closely over the guests , seeing where your brain has decided that they each should sit. "And I thought we could get away with having Baz sit with your dad and sister, I mean it would be a family table, right?"
"Mhm, yes , it works, honestly this looks fine to me. But what about your mom and dad?" Austin asks, not being able to make full sense of the chart. "We'll have a long table, we sit in the middle, my bridesmaids of my side your groomsmen of yours, for dad I'm saving a seat at the table with Baz and your dad, he hasn't RSVP ed yet" you explain and he nods following your chain of thought. "Ok it sounds like a plan, I think it would work, but I think Ash wants to bring Robbie, would that be fine?" He asks, referring to his nephew. "Hm sure, then I'll have Baz and Cathrine as the table with Pedro, move around Roxy and Joshua, then Ashley and Robbie and Zac can sit with Joe" You try and Austin seems to consider it for a minute, even if he know he'll agree anyway. "Good thinking baby!" He admits and you move on to showing him the flowers you picked "No purple star flowers?" He asks, looking at the white gardenia bouquets, thinking how you left out your favorite flower. "I have a theme, ok? It's white and creams and stuff." You defend.
"But honey, I think we could play with the colors a bit, don't you?" Austin suggests and you swipe on the next doc, titled: back up flowers. "Are you sure they look fine, tho?" You question, fearing the white and purple bouquets would be too much or too out of theme. "There's my girl!" He says, kissing your cheek. "They look like something that should be at our wedding, don't they? The purple star flowers, the sunflowers and you even put my favorite in, the pink magnolias" Austin can be so over the top sometimes, but he's an actor, so that's so in character. "I wanted to have something from the both of us."
"Well I think it look so beautiful way better then the white boring ones you had as a first option" he argues. "Oh ok miss I know everything about flower arrangements" you joke, kissing him, throwing the binder to the side, turning to face him and straddling his hips. "I want it to be perfect!" You whisper, playing with the baby hairs around his forehead. Austin grins and pulls you closer, his lips brushing the shell of your ear. "It's you I'm marrying, it's already perfect." His hands squeez your hips and you sigh, inhaling the smell of him. "I know, I can't believe it's happening!" You admit absentmindedly, drawing circles with the tip of your finger on his shoulder. Austin sighs and kisses your neck, his hot breath fanning over your skin, leaving goosebumps down your spine. "Me neither." He admits, laying back on the pillow, with you on top of him, head resting on his heart. You enjoy the soft beat of it, as your cheek absorbs the heat of his skin. "I cried yesterday, in the shower." You tell him and he tenses underneath you. One of his hands moving from your waist to your chin, forcing you to look as him, his blue eyes wonder over your face, looking over every freckle, curve and shadow. "Why?"
Austin is a bit scared to ask, he fears you might get cold feet and put an end to all of this, which to be fair he wouldn't mind, he loved you ten years without you being he wife, he'd love you a thousand more just the same. "I'm scared, I - my parents made it sound like marriage ruined them. I don't want it to ruin us." Tears prickle your eyes as you speak, and his thumb caresses you cheek catching a falling tear. "It won't, we are not them, we love each other too much. Y/n I want you to marry me because I can't see a life without you, but I want you to know, if you even feel like this isn't what you want, I'll love you just as much for as long as I live." Austin confesses and you can't even find a speckle of doubt that he means every syllable spoken. "I want it, I want to have your name, I want to be your wife, I'm just defrosting my girlhood heart, cause I used to love weddings." You tell him, pulling closer to his face and connecting your lips to his soft ones, time standing still, as your bodies stay intertwined. "I know baby, take your time!" Austin says rubbing you back and you hide your face in the crook of his neck, yawning, which makes him chuckle. "Sleep mrs Butler, I'm home now!" Austin lulls you, pulling the duvet over the both of you, as you fall asleep on his chest, snoring softly.
"Have you written your vows?" You ask halfway asleep, which makes Austin laugh, knowing that no matter how tired you are you'll always make sure to have everything checked for the day, before letting your mind disconnect. "Oh my Virgo baby, ever so organized. I have!" He tells you in a low voice, barely above a whisper, hoping you'll finally let yourself sleep. "Hmm, can I hear them?" You ask, blabbering, Austin grins knowing your having the fight of your life to stay awake right now. "Yes, in a month on august 13th." You groan and wrap your arms around his neck, falling asleep without another word, and Austin does the same as he massages your back, the soft brush of your breath against his neck and the comforting weight of you on him, being his favorite sleep medicine.
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hanilessa · 1 year
I have a request and take your time pls! I don’t wanna rush, I would like a scenario (I think that’s what it’s called?) of childe and I would add three more (I wasn’t sure if that’s too many but if it is then nvm!) of your choice. Can you do a marriage proposal when they were children but the s/o doesn’t believe it until they were wayyyy older? I hope that makes sense and feel free to dm me if it doesn’t or you need more info! Pls drink lots of water and I really like your writing! Here’s a cookie 🍪
` Author’s notes: hello, dear anon!! thank u so much for your request! i'm completely fascinated by this idea <3 i'm very glad that you like my writing. you need to take care of your health too!! i really hope you enjoy it. here are three cookies for you🍪🍪🍪
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` Includes: Childe, Diluc, Kaeya x fem!reader
` Genre: fluff, romance, marriage proposal, childhood friends
` WC: 3.5K
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You and Childe were childhood friends who grew up side by side. Your parents and his were good friends, and it only made sense that their children would be good friends too. You both spent a lot of time with each other, constantly playing and frolicking, but there were times when the two of you played with other children who lived in your area. It was one of those times when you and Childe joined a group of kids playing mothers and fathers.
You were quite surprised when you were given the role of a mother, because you were the oldest among all the girls present here. Embarrassed, you stepped forward and began to look around at the boys present, one of whom was supposed to be your husband for the game. Your cheeks turned red like a ripe apple when you glanced at Ajax, who stood shyly to the side, shifting awkwardly from foot to foot and looking uncertainly at his competitors.
He looked at his friend Maxim, who looked like a leader, ready to lead other people behind him with his head held high. Maxim exuded self-confidence and intelligence, he looked like a person you could rely on as your husband. Therefore, little Ajax couldn't imagine at all that you would want to choose him as your play husband. Insecure, timid and in love with you from the first day you met.
But you did it. You chose him among all the other boys who offered their candidacy for the role of your husband. His little heart beat faster as you called his name. Your voice gently broke the silence that seemed like an eternity and called his name. His blue eyes sparkled with happiness when he heard you call him and moved closer to you excitedly. You were embarrassed no less than your best friend, so you continued to look at your legs, embarrassedly hiding your eyes from everyone.
The girls swirled happily around you, singing about how you both have to get married in order for the game to be realistic. Your ears turned red when you heard these words, and a hot blush burned your cheeks. You nodded absently, afraid to look at Ajax's face out of embarrassment. In fact, he was also surrounded by boys, which is why you didn't even get a glimpse of his silhouette as the girls took you aside to get you ready for your little wedding ceremony.
And the moment you and Childe stood in front of each other, you both lost the ability to breathe. The little boy in front of you looked so timid but cute, making your heart race in your chest. His cheeks were bright red from embarrassment, and it was really very cute. That was what you wanted to remember the most about him. The way he was looking at you right now.
Your image was imprinted in his irises when he finally saw you. Your head was covered with a light white tablecloth as a wedding veil that one of the girls brought from her house, and in your hands you held a small bouquet of wildflowers. You were absolutely charming for Ajax at that moment, and he wanted all this to happen for real. He wanted you to be his wife for real.
"W-will you m-marry me, Y/n?" The way the ginger boy stuttered was both funny and very charming, but you knew for sure that you couldn't refuse him this little game.
"Yes, I will." You smiled shyly and held out your hand to him, waiting for Ajax to put on your finger a small dough bagel that one of the children brought as an analogue of a wedding ring. The little boy in front of you blushed and almost dropped precious ring. This was accompanied by laughter from the children, so Ajax looked very insecure.
But the way you gently smiled at him at that moment made him feel much more confident, and he put the ring on your ring finger with special tenderness. It was the most magical moment of his life.
Time flew by very quickly, and you both grew up, turning into adult beautiful people. Children's games are completely forgotten and left your mind from the very time when Ajax fell into the abyss, having stayed there for three days. But when you looked into his dull, empty eyes, it seemed to you that he lived there for an eternity, which mercilessly changed him. Now he was a confident, formidable and strong warrior. But what has always remained the same is that he never stopped loving you.
You carefully kept your feelings in your heart too, all your love for him, which tore your heart apart at the moments when he had to leave your small town again to go on another mission. You missed him, but you continued to believe that you would soon be able to see him again.
You were in your bookstore when the door suddenly opened and the bell rang to let you know that a customer had entered your store. You lifted your eyes and was speechless. In front of you stood your Ajax. He was dressed in a large gray coat and a red scarf, which saved him from the severe frosts of Snezhnaya. Fatui's red mask, as always, flaunted on the top of his ginger head.
"Ajax!" You didn't even have time to blink an eye, as the ginger man lifted you into his arms, carefully wrapping you in his warm coat. "Ajax! I missed you! W-wait, what are you doing?"
"I have just returned from my long mission." His voice sounds confident and cheerful, his hands in a possessive way press you closer to his warm chest. "I don't know how long I'll be here, so of course the first thing I should do is ask your parents for your hand in marriage."
"Marriage!?" You were absolutely excited by his sudden appearance in your bookstore, and now also by the fact that he spoke so easily and simply that he was going to ask your parents for marriage blessings. You both never even talked about your feelings.
"Have you forgotten that you married me a long time ago?" Childe's eyes shine with genuine happiness when he says these words, making you think for a few moments. And only when memories wake up in your head, you blush deeply and look excitedly at your best friend.
"We were kids just playing!"
Ajax only laughs sincerely and charmingly at your words. He then presses his forehead against yours and rubs his nose against yours, "Did you really think that I would ever let you leave me after you agreed to be my wife?"
Your cheeks turn treacherously red as he pulls out of his pocket that same little bagel that you once wore on your finger, but gave it to Childe when he left on his first mission, as a reminder to him that you will always be waiting for him at home.
He continued talking, "This is a symbol of our love, my dear Y/n. You gave it to me, and now I have to give you your ring. And I will do everything so that you wear a real wedding ring on your beautiful finger."
The world of rich aristocratic people was too cruel. You and Diluc understood this at a fairly early age. The world of aristocrats was ruled by greed, self-interest, money, the lust for power and deceitful people. Who could enter into an arranged marriage just to get a lot of money. When you found out that your best friend and your first love at the same time in the future to marry lady for convenience, your poor little heart was broken.
You weren't a person of noble blood, you had an ordinary family, and you had nothing that you could offer to the rich Diluc's family in order to be able to be with him and love him. The red-haired boy was upset and angry no less than you. He never wanted to marry for convenience, hoping that someday he could marry you, his sweet little friend, whom he loved.
Things got even more complicated when Diluc was ten years old, and in honor of this, his parents arranged a big celebration in their huge rich estate. Many families came from different countries to this noble ball to experience the happiness of marrying their daughter to the offspring of wealthy aristocrats. Girls of his age filled the hall, their outfits were full of multi-colored colors, silk adorned their skin, precious diamonds glowed in the light of bright large chandeliers.
Diluc peered out from behind the big red curtains that hung at the front door and sincerely hoped that no one would be able to see him here. He had been hiding here for some time, because he didn't want to catch the eyes of his parents. They would immediately take him to all these girls so that he could communicate with them and choose a worthy bride for himself. But for him there has never been anyone more worthy than you. Only you he saw next to him throughout his life, when he could fleetingly indulge in his dreams.
Unfortunately, you didn't have the opportunity to be near your lover right now, because you simply wouldn't be allowed to this party if you came. You had no gold, no jewels, no beautiful velvet dresses. What could you offer him in return for his love? These thoughts tormented your mind and heart as you wringed your hands uncertainly behind your back as you hid in the garden. The desire to see your lover overpowered common sense and logic, so you came here tonight to see a full hall of these unfamiliar beautiful girls, one of whom will become Diluc's wife in the future.
You didn't notice how bitter tears flowed from your eyes at the mere thought that you could never be with your loved one. It was a harsh reality that could punch you in the face or plunge you into cold water as a sign that in this reality you could never be with the person you love. Your small hands trembled as you tried to wipe away the salty tears that continued to flow down your pale cheeks. It seemed impossible to do because the tears wouldn't stop coming from your eyes.
"Y/n?" That voice made your heart race in your chest as you turned around and saw a red-haired boy standing in front of you. "Why are you crying?" His voice was filled with genuine concern, and it seemed to make you cry even more.
"These girls..." Your voice trembled as you spoke. You tried to gather all your thoughts together to ask him about what was worrying you most in the world right now. "Did you like any of them?"
These words were spoken in your trembling voice, you had to make an effort to swallow an unpleasant lump in your throat, when suddenly Diluc came closer to you and wrapped you in his strong arms. Your eyes widened in excitement as you felt your lover's body press against yours.
"Never say such nonsense again." You could feel his voice trembling with suppressed emotion, and you hugged him back, trying to calm him down and give him a supportive hug. "None of them will ever compare to you!"
"But your parents will never let you marry me…" You bit your lip in despair, but the red-haired boy squeezed you tighter in his arms to show you that he didn’t need anyone but you.
"I don't care!" Diluc said confidently and looked at you with his red eyes full of love and adoration. And you could tell with certainty just by looking into his eyes that he really loved you. "I don’t care what my parents say! When I grow up, I will marry you!"
Those words were enough to make you cry again. But now you were crying from happiness, not from sadness.
Many years have passed since then. Now you worked in a small tavern to support your family. Unfortunately, the promises you both made to each other that evening were long forgotten. You realized long ago that you never had a chance to be with your loved one, and simply accepted his marriage proposal as a way to calm you from tears. As you've grown up, you've come to realize that not all marriages are for love. You were both just kids who had to face the harsh reality. But now you have the courage to face this reality face to face with your head held high.
You were wiping glasses standing at the bar when a beautifully and richly dressed man entered your modest tavern. He looked around as if he was looking for something or someone, and when his gaze settled on your figure, the man came closer to you and said solemnly.
"Lady Y/n, mister Diluc is waiting for you at his estate to discuss the details of your wedding with you. Please allow me to take you to the estate."
Your hands weakened when you heard those words, and the glass you were holding in your hands fell to the floor and shattered into many crystal particles. You were sure you'd have to pay for it later.
"It's not necessary." You heard a voice that made your heart jump out of your chest. The man you loved more than anything in the world appeared in front of you. "I will take my wife to our mansion myself."
You swallowed an unpleasant lump in your throat and looked at Diluc with your eyes, which were filled with excitement, "But how…"
He gently took your hand and pulled you closer to him, bathing you in the tenderness of his gaze. It seemed to you that you found yourself in a dream that trampled your nasty reality to shreds.
"I will never again let my parents decide for me how and with whom I spend my life." The red-haired man leaves a gentle kiss on the back of your hand. "I want to be only with you. And I want it to be official."
Your heart beat fast in your chest.
"Will you marry me?"
You looked around, shivering from the cool wind that swirled around you, covering your skin with a slight chill. You don’t remember at all how you got to this strange place, where darkness seemed to surround every corner that your eyes fell on. There were unusual and strange plants here, many kinds of animals unknown to you. You were a small child, so it seemed to you a beautiful and magical lost world.
You wandered along a lonely path, and you had the feeling that your journey would never end. You had the feeling that you were walking in circles when suddenly you found a spacious clearing. It wasn't that dark in here, so you had to close your eyes a little before opening your eyes wide in admiration. In the center of a small clearing was a large luminous tree.
The branches of the tree were as if strewn with the brightest stars that you saw every day in the night sky. But for some reason there were no stars in this place. When you looked up, all you saw was pitch-black darkness that swallowed up any light that entered this strange place. But in this clearing, things were different. The tree spread its branches in different directions, and therefore you could clearly see everything that was in this clearing.
And all of a sudden, your eyes caught movement. You noticed a little boy who was squatting a few meters away from you and looking at something enthusiastically. You were completely enchanted by the beauty of an unknown boy. His blue long hair was tied in a ponytail, his clothes were also very unusual, but it looked rich and presentable enough, so you thought that this boy must have come from a rich and revered family. You were curious to know what he was looking at, so you moved a little closer to him.
"Hello, what are you looking at?" Your voice broke the beautiful silence that was preserved in this place, causing the boy to flinch in fear and finally turn his attention to you. His beautiful eyes met yours and you held your breath excitedly. You have never seen such beautiful eyes.
"Hello." The blue-haired boy greeted you hesitantly, but was also quite interested to see a person who didn't look like him. "There was a little lizard here, but now it has run away."
You squatted down next to a stranger and sighed sadly, "I wish I could see it."
The boy noticed that you were upset and thought. For some reason, he was also sad when you were sad, so he decided he would find another lizard for you to see it with him.
"Then let's find another lizard!" He briskly got to his feet and held out his hand to you in an inviting gesture. Your heart beat faster in your chest as you looked at the boy who held out his hand to you. You felt a pleasant unfamiliar feeling spread through your body, and smiled happily, accepting the boy's invitation to follow him.
"My name is Kaeya."
"I'm Y/n."
Before you even noticed, a whole month has passed since your meeting with Kaeya. You've been in this strange place all this time, where your new friend lived. He brought you to his family, who helped you settle into a place that was like a magical world from fairy tales that your parents read to you. You were completely fascinated by this new unknown world, but most of all you were fascinated by the little boy who became your first friend in this magical place.
You both spent a lot of time together, and then one day the two of you returned to the clearing where you and Kaeya first met. When you joyfully ran up to the flowers growing in the clearing, Kaeya hesitantly followed you. It seemed that something had been tormenting him for some time. You were engrossed in looking at various flowers and plants when you heard a heavy sigh from Kaeya.
"What's happened?" You asked, looking into the face of your dear friend. There was a shadow of sadness on his face.
"Here we first met." You listened carefully to Kaeya's words, remaining silent, allowing him to continue speaking. "This place is very dear to me, but it also makes me sad. I'm afraid that if we met here, then we will have to part here."
You stepped closer to the blue-haired boy and took his hand, confidently looking into his eyes, "I'll never leave, I promise you."
The boy's heart began to beat at an accelerated pace, and he felt like he wished he could forever engrave this moment into his memory. And you in his life. "Then will you be with me for the rest of my life?"
"I will."
You took a deep breath, as if you had just stuck your head out of the water, and opened your eyes. You were completely dumbfounded, not understanding where you were right now. You looked around and saw a dark black sky strewn with golden stars. It was different from the place where you looked at the sky with your friend. The heart in your chest clenched desperately as you realized that you couldn't find your friend anywhere who stole your little heart.
A lot of water has flown under the bridge since the moment you met a little boy in the depths of the abyss, and by the time you became an adult woman, you decided that all this — a beautiful underworld, a large luminous tree and your friend Kaeya — was just ordinary the dream you fell into when you accidentally fell asleep in the woods. You were very sad, because you knew you never had the chance to see him again.
But for some reason, every time you again and again returned to the place where you woke up one night under the starry sky after the best dream of your life. Some unknown force pulled you to find this place again. And you had a feeling that maybe you'll find the one you've been looking for so long.
You looked around, making your way through the bushes and wild flowers, when you found yourself in a small clearing. Your heart skipped a beat for a moment, but immediately began to beat faster when you saw strangers in front of you with blue hair and eyes that you could never confuse with anyone else. The stranger also looked at you, speechless for a moment, but then smiled and held out his hand to you.
"It was so long ago, beautiful princess…" You moved closer to him, fascinated, and put your hand into his strong hand. It seemed so familiar. Kaeya smiled happily. "I remember you promised me to spend the rest of your life with me. Should I make a new marriage proposal so that you didn't leave me this time?"
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writingsofwesteros · 2 years
Daemon and his little sister. He always loved his beautiful and innocent sister deeply, but he couldn't make her his wife. Eventually, when news of his sister's engagement was heard, Daemon kidnapped her and forced her to marry him. I'm always appreciated you work♡
AN: Hi, I hope you like it x
The soft giggles of yours echoed around the sky as you wrapped your hands around Daemon’s body. Your head resting on his back as Caraxes made a show like the greedy, attention seeker he and his rider was. Your own dragon was resting at Dragonstone, well, it was what Daemon had told you anyway. 
Daemon softly hummed to himself; a smirk of satisfaction moving over his face as they travelled through the air. He could feel your soft breasts brushing against his back and he fought against losing control. “Are you certain Viserys has given you permission?” You whispered into his ear and nuzzled into his neck. 
Daemon had to bite his lips to keep from chuckling. Gods, you were so innocent, he thought. The rogue Prince would not have you any other way. You were his and so pure. He would keep you safe. It was what he was doing now. The old, fat Lord could not have you and he damned his brother for accepting such a proposal.
You were a dragon. A Targaryen Princess. You were his above anything else. “Of course.” Daemon hummed; his lies easily came to him and you always ate them up. You only hummed and began to softly stroke his chest whilst resting your head into his back once more as the dragon flew.
Your eyes fluttered shut as you allowed the cold breeze to wash over you. The warmth of Daemon had you safe. Before long, you were both settling on the ground as Caraxes huffed. Your giggling picked up again as you gently patted his body. “Good boy.” You whispered and pressed a soft kiss to him.
Daemon’s soft smile could only widen as he reached for your hand. You were soon against his side and your fingers began to play with his own. “I have not been here for too long.” You hummed as those bright eyes of yours looked around. The storm begins to break just beyond the horizon.
“Come..it was a long flight.” Daemon hummed. His eyes never strayed from you as he gently guided you towards the castle. His body hummed in happiness at you finally being so close. Gods, he was never going to let you go now, he thought whilst leaning in to press a soft kiss to your temple.
“Will we be staying here long?” You whispered up to him. You completely missed the looks he sent towards dragon helpers; a maester with them. A soft look of confusion came over your face as you noticed him whilst Daemon gently ignored your question. “We can see your dragon soon.” Daemon hummed; manipulating you so easily.
The excitement at the mere thought of seeing your glorious, sweet beast had your bright smile returning to your face. “Yes please..” You hummed and followed the Prince; you would follow him everywhere, you thought as your free hand moved to his and both of your hands now clutched to him.
“I have a surprise for you.” Daemon whispered down; pressing a soft kiss to the top of your head as he turned a corner. Candles flicker around the pair as they walk. “You do?” The excitement in your tone was undeniable and he could only chuckle as he watched you. He’d gotten so lucky, he thought.
He looked down at her sweet, soft body at the white dress clinging to her form. Daemon had instructed her maids and paid them off to have his Princess wearing white for this day. It had his cock twitching in his pants at the idea of you not knowing what was about to happen. “Hmm, yes..” He purred.
“I am sure you will like it.” Daemon hummed and watched as you hummed happily. You always did like surprises, he thought to himself. 
“Daemon…we should not do this…” You whispered out; eyes blown in shock as he leaned closer. “Ouch..” You whimpered as your lip was cut. Daemon’s eyes darkened as he softly gulped down his desire. “Shh, you have always belonged to me, have you not?” The rogue Prince purred.
You could only blink; his words were confusing you as his hand slowly moved down your side now. You shivered as the maester continued his ceremony whilst you were still in a state of shock. “I was to be married..” You whispered; hoping to remind your dragon but it was no use. Daemon only leaned in.
“Yes, to me..always to me.” He whispered and soon; his soft lips were on yours and you could only gasp. Your hands gently moved to his chest as if to push him away but Daemon only deepened the kiss. His tongue brushed over your bottom lip before pushing inside your hot mouth.
You moaned and whimpered; everything so new as your body hummed. You subtly rubbed your thighs together as pleasure confusingly moved through you. His smirk only widened as he brought his hand to the back of your neck. Your eyes fluttered as you slowly melted against him even as you tried to fight it.
“You are now husband and wife.” The maester’s words hardly came to you as you moaned against his lips. “You are mine now.” Daemon whispered into your ear as he softly mouthed down your neck in front of everyone. “I do not think we should do this.” You whimpered out, trying to fight.
“It has already happened.” Daemon hummed and it was only when you looked around did you notice how alone you both were. He burrowed into your neck and took in your mouth watering scent. “Tell me you belong to me.” He whispered his order as his hands slowly moved up your body now.
He pinched your pebbled nipple from the cold and you gasped out the words he wanted to hear. “I’m yours..yours, always..” You whimpered out. “Good girl.” Daemon whispered his praises as he gently pushed you towards the wall. His mouth was soon on your neck once more as he gently pushed your straps down.
You gulped now and whimpered his name. “Shh, little one..it’s only me.” He whispered; brushing your noses together. “You trust me, do you not?” He purred into your ear and you could only nod. Of course you trusted him. “Good.” Daemon hummed; cupping your face before leaning in for another kiss. You were his now, completely.
@casualheartadorable @hotdreads @phantoms-main-blog
@severewobblerlightdragon @lettherebrelight
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thevoidscreams · 1 year
Hello 🌺 How are you? I hope you are doing well✨ I'm not sure that you can write requests so often. But I dreamed about this plot and have been spinning in my head for a couple of days😅 I need to share this with someone)) Sanguinius / reader (not officially married, but live as spouses). As soon as peace negotiations were held on the entry of a rich and developed planet into the Imperium, everything went smoothly and the government surrendered quickly. Thus, Sanguinius and his Astartes did not have to show their tough fighting side. Everyone on the planet considers him a peaceful, calm person with a beautiful appearance. So it is with his legion. And so, while the last negotiations were taking place, the reader (she constantly accompanies the primarch on his campaigns when the fighting remains on the flagship with trusted bodyguards) is walking with several Astartes through the water gardens when she is attacked by a group of dissenting rebels. Although they are quickly disarmed, they manage to injure the reader. How would Sanguinius react and what did he do? Maybe he fell into the Black Fury? And let him, as a result, be very worried about what the reader now thinks of him. But she will say that in anger he looks even hotter and sexier than usual)))
I like this idea :3 I kinda diverted a bit, though. Sorry.
Also, I'm sorry they keep taking so long.
TWs: Gore, blood and death. (You live though bby don't worry 😘)
It was like the stories of old. The fall of the mightiest angel of God.
His wings blotted out the sun as you feebly looked up from the blood-stained water of the cute fish pond you'd been admiring, not even five minutes before.
Your blood flowed from a gash across your chest and over the opulent white marble and mingled with the blood of the rebels as your guards cut them down.
Your smile was one of shock, and your head felt light with blood loss. He was coming to save you. He didn't draw his sword to fight, and you were certain, in your heart, that he would scoop you up and fly you away to safety. But he didn't, and you became entirely aware of the horrors before you as you saw the love of your life land in the fray, rending tiny human forms to bloody piles of meat and sinew and bones by hand. Steaming, stinking offal was scattered over stone and foliage as he ripped his way through terrified men and women. His eyes black as pitch and his pristine white feathers that had been so clean and perfectly preened through all the peace talks were now stained a violently bright crimson. He opened his mouth, and your whole body rang as he roared in furious hatred.
Now you understood why he'd never let you see him after a fight. Why you always had to wait for him to wash and clean his armor after taking the field of battle.
But what you weren't prepared for was the sheer animalistic nature of the man you loved. As he tore the upper half of a man away and poured the blood into his mouth, squeezing the body to paste to get even more of the coppery liquid.
A shakey hand raised up as your fingers slid over the gapping wound in your chest, and your stomach turned.
There was so much violence around you that you figured you'd gotten lost in the uproar. But those pitch black eyes found you, bleeding and alone by the water side. His face softened, and something like sanity returned to his face, then guilt and terror and panic. He stole towards you, his arms reaching out for you. You felt a pang of fear lance your racing heart, as you tried to push yourself up your shoulder was caught by the heavy boot of a fleeing rebel and your body slid over the edge of the pond.
It was deeper than you thought it'd be, the pond that is. It was at least ten feet in the little divet your body settled in. It was oddly quiet, too. The sound of bolters was muffled by the deep layer of water, and the pressure made your ears pop. Bubbles flowed up from your lips and rose happily towards the surface. But they were broken apart by a massive golden gauntlet. The gauntlet became an arm and then a shoulder and then the rest of the primarch as he came in after you.
The fresh crimson was diluted in the water as he scooped up your small delicate form and hauled you out from under the surface with ease.
"Darling?!" He called down to you. Your eyes glazed and unfocused. You must have looked like a drowned rat in his arms. The last thing you remember as the world went dark around you was the look of shock and pain in his eyes as he shook you gingerly and called your name. Then, nothing but fragments of hectic scattered dreams and dark eyes and crimson stained lips.
The medical wing was never a comfortable temperature, and the beds were always a bit too hard for your liking. So it surprised you to wake up in a comfortable bed in a comfortable room. It was dim, and your eyes were blurry, so your surroundings were a bit hard to make out.
You were dry and in a fresh medical gown. The gash in your chest was sore, and the stitches were still fresh.
As you got up, you realized you were tied to several machines that read out your condition. Heart rate, blood pressure, and other things you weren't sure what they were.
With a tug, you pulled the sticky pads from your arms and unlocked the finger monitor. The beeping became a quiet alarm as the rate on the monitor dropped to zero, and you giggled as you watched the line go flat.
Just as you were about to turn to look for someone to ask about the events prior to you waking up here, the door burst open. Sanguinius stood in the doorway, his wings puffed up with panic as he surveyed the room, which you were just realizing was yours and his.
His ruffled wings calmed as he made his way around the bed and scooped you up into loving and gentle arms.
"Please, don't do that again." He kissed the top of your head as he returned you to the mattress and pulled the blankets up over you.
"What happened?" You asked, Sanguinius looked a bit uneasy at the question and took a deep breath.
"You were attacked by a group of insurgents who were unhappy about the union of their planet and its government and the imperium." He watched you carefully as he gave his answer and then you asked another question. One that made his hearts drop.
"And what about you? What happened to you down there? I've never seen you like that before."
Sanguinius looked ashamed, like he'd been caught in the act, doing something indecent. He sat on the edge of the bed, and his head hung low, wings similarly drooping.
"I... " He wasn't sure how to begin, but he knew he could no longer keep it from you. His beloved one, his own angel. His light.
"I lost control, I fell to my rage. After I heard over the vox that you'd been attacked... that you'd been hurt. I fell to the darkness inside me, and I let it guide my actions." He breathing quickened. And he turned to look at you, his eyes sincere and brimming with tears. "I would never hurt you. I promise, my rage could never be for you, I love you, and I would die before I lost control like that around you ever again. I promise you are safe." He assured. Sanguinius seemed almost desperate for you to believe him, as though your belief would make it true.
"I believe you, Sangy. I love you too." You got out from under the blankets again to go to him. Crawling onto his lap and pulling his arms around you. "Thank you for coming to save me."
The angel seemed surprised and then very, very happy. "Of course darling. I would never leave you for dead."
"I know you wouldn't." You assured him and took his large hand into yours. "If I'm being honest... I kinda liked it." You admitted quietly.
Sanguinius face twisted to an expression somewhere between horror and revulsion. "What could you possibly mean by that?" The primarch asked, his voice still gentle despite his sudden sinking, disgusted feelings. How could you have enjoyed a display like the one in the gardens?
"You were angry; angry because I got hurt. You loved me enough to tear the gardens apart to save me. I liked that you love me enough to feel that kind of anger. It proves to me that you really do view me as more than just another base line human." Your cheeks felt warm as Sanguinius hugged you even closer.
"Well of course, but I would have thought that would be evident by all the other things we do together."
He kissed your cheek, then moved down to your throat and kissed it too.
You sighed happily and shivered with pleasure. You still couldn't help but feel a certain sort of heat as you pictured his angered form descending from above to destroy his enemies and protect you.
"There's also a certain kind of beauty to your rage. A dark beauty that feels forbidden. And the danger of it is alluring."
"You're playing with fire here." He whispered against your tender neck. Feeling his fangs score your skin, you shivered again, half in fear and desire.
He laid you back but stopped suddenly as he heard you hiss in pain.
"Just the wound." You admitted sheepishly.
"Ah, of course. I am sorry for my thoughtless behavior, I should not be getting riled up when you are this injured. Forgive me." He placed you down so softly, so sweetly, you could have never been mad.
"All is forgiven, although you didn't need my forgiveness." You kissed him, and he felt that bone deep need to care for and protect you. His most precious one.
Sanguinius stayed until you were asleep again, leaving you with a soft kiss on the forehead.
"I will be back soon my dove."
The planet's leaders had been truly contrite about the garden incident. Handing over all of the surviving rebels to be dealt with as part of their deal to keep peace. Sanguinius had demanded it, demanded justice be left to him to deliver. They'd agreed, not wanting to anger this angel of death.
Sanguinius made his way down to the Red Tear's brigg, his anger growing as he went. He'd have his justice for you himself now that he knew you'd live. He'd not even let himself consider the other side. Losing you. And his heart was ever so lighter for not losing you.
But still, that darkness roiled under the surface, the need to punish them for trying to kill you growing with each step.
By the time he'd made it to the cells holding them, he'd made up his mind. For your sake, he would be just... and make it quick.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 months
Seventeen P51- 55
Media TMR X Seveteen
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating SMUT
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The class was stupidly boring but I don't think the fact I'm sat in the back of the class while my erection slowly goes down and my very excited sexual urges are left to die inside me exactly makes for the most enjoyable time. But at least now we had rehearsals so it would be something to take my mind off it and see my cute little cheerleader I took my seat next to thomas as they were starting with Big Fun a section neither he nor I was in so we snacked on our lunches. 
"You okay?" He asked
"Fine" I shrug "Why?"
"I don't know you seem... off." he said "and you're staring at y/n. Like way more than you usually are."
"she looks nice today" I shrug "You wanna try and tell me you're not staring at your girlfriend? given they both in their cheer uniforms and on a stage, that we are lower then." 
"Touche" He sighed "I take it you two..." he smirked
"I think I can guess why she was missing from business studies this morning" he smirked at me 
"Maybe" I smirked "Maybe she was just late" 
"Late? yeah, sure newt. That's why she walked into English lit with a bright red hickey on her neck" 
"How do you know about that? you're not in her lit class?"
"No but Teresa is. she told me. Plus I can fucking see it newt"
"Like you don't like putting marks on Teresa too" 
"So you admit it?"
"I happily admit it" I smirked as they finished up that number and y/n and Teresa came to join us 
"Hey honey" He smiled at her giving her a kiss
"Hi newtie" she giggled coming to sit with me 
"Hi darling" I smirked giving her a kiss and a cuddle 
"What's wrong?"
"Nothing" I shrug 
"Newt?" she warns
"What do you think" I told her 
"awww you got a cummyache" she whispered 
"Don't call it that love" 
"Alright, Where's my Veronica! my JD! we need to do dead girl walking" Miss mary yelled
"Ohhh this is gonna be fun" I smirked happily leaving my stuff taking y/n's had as we headed up onto the stage 
I started off stage as they set up what will be set when they get built, as y/n enters from the other side
"The demon queen of high school has decreed it.She says Monday, 8AM, I will be deleted.They'll hunt me down in study hall,Stuff and mount me on the wall.Thirty hours to live How shall I spend them?I don't have to stay and die like cattle.I could change my name and ride up to Seattle.But I don't own a motorbike" she sung 
which was my que to come though and act like I was in my room so she can see me though what till be a fake window at some point currently just a mark on the floor and I climb onto two black boxes that again will be a fake bed eventually 
"Wait. Here's an option that I like Spend these thirty hours gettin' freaky!Yeah!I need it hard,I'm a dead girl walkin'.I'm in your yard,I'm a dead girl walkin'.Before they punch my clock,I'm snappin' off your window lock. Got no time to knock,I'm a dead girl walking!" she sang stepping over the mark
"Veronica! We may not have the window prop yet but you are climbing through JD's window!" Miss Marry shouted at her meaning she had to walk back to her spot and then fake climb in a non-existent window prop which made me laugh in addition to the smirk given at this angle she briefly flashed her panties from under her skirt 
"JD!" Miss mary yelled
"Shi- Veronica? What are you doing in my room?" I asked
"Sh...Sorry, but I really had to wake you.See, I decided I must ride you 'till I break you.'Cause Heather says I gots to go," she began stepping closer so I stood letting her come closer "You're my last meal on death row.Shut your mouth and lose them tighty­whities!" She smirked tugging on my belt "Come on! Tonight I'm yours,I'm your dead girl walkin'." She sang so I went to lean in to kiss her "Get on all fours, Kiss this dead girl walkin'" She smirked forcing me down on my knees on what will be the bed "Let's go, you know the drill.I'm hot and pissed and on the pill.Bow down to the will of a dead girl walking!" She sung moving to her knees too "And you know, you know, you know,It's 'cause you're beautiful.You say you're numb inside,But I can't agree.So the world's unfair,Keep it locked out there.In here it's beautiful.Let's make this beautiful!" 
"That works for me-" I smirked grabbing her waist and pulling her in for a kiss 
"JD! She is meant to grab you not the other way around!" Miss mary yelled
"Ohh sorry guess we need to so that again" I smirked
Y/n playfully rolled her eyes "So the world's unfair, Keep it locked out there. In here it's beautiful. Let's make this beautiful!"
"That works for me-" I smirked and she happily grabbed me to pull me into the kiss not as intense as we would but it is only rehearsal and it still got a mess of whoo's and catcalls from everyone else 
"Yeah! Full steam ahead! Take this dead girl walkin'." She smirked pushing me down flat on the blocks and climbing on to my lap
"PG Veronica this is still a performance" Miss mary reminds so y/n moved a little back so she sat on my thighs not my crotch but secretly I moved her a little closer close enough she would be over me but it wouldn't be as easily noticed fixing her little skirt to keep her covered 
"How'd you find my address?" 
"Let's break the bed, Rock this dead girl walkin'!" 
"I think you tore my mattress!" 
"No sleep tonight for you,Better chug that Mountain Dew."
"Okay, okay." I sung back every so often the two of us moving our hips 
"Get your ass in gear.Make this whole town disappear!"
" Okay, okay!"
" Slap me! Pull my hair!Touch me there and there and there!" We each sung and I got to toss her hair, stroke her face and even grab her ass, 
"And no more talkin'."
 "Love this dead girl walkin'!" she sung doing what will when she has her costume be a shirt rip but of course only faking given she's in her cheer uniform but it still made me fucking hard 
"Love this dead girl!Yeah!Yeah!Yeah!" We sung grinding our hips on each other for real 
"Ow!" I complained 
And of course to the mad hooting and hollering of the rest of the drama club
"Perfect. The second half movements were better" Miss Mary said 
"I bet they were" I smirked rubbing my nose on y/n's 
"Ohh behave newt I can feel your belt trying to rip my skirt"
"Ummm it's not my belt darling" 
"Right next everyone get set for me inside of me!" Miss mary yelled so we had to get up and continue rehearsals 
Y/n had cheer practice tonight so I had to bid her goodbye with a kiss before I headed through to work with Zart, I sat at the counter while he sat watching the slushie machines. I did my best to stay awake even if I was bored snacking on some chips.
"Hi newtie" Y/n giggled as she arrived at the seven-eleven
"Awww Hello darling, What's a lovely little cheerleader doing here?"
"I thought I could come and visit" she smiled leaning on the counter and stroking the top of my hand
"Aren't you a sweetheart?" I cooed
"Are you too busy for me?" she asked
"Never Baby" I smirked "Zart cover for me," I told him
"Really?" he sighed "You need to get your cock checked man you should not be this horny," he said "I get she's a hot cheerleader but… come on man"
"Just cover for me," I told him
"Fine" he sighed "You gonna be in the alley?"
"No, we'll be in the walk-in" I smirked helping her around the counter and back into the walk-in fridge and store room shutting the door behind us "Umm I've missed you" I smirked pulling her into an intense kiss
"I've missed you too" she giggled kissing me back
"shall we continue my little cheerleader?"
"Absolutely" she smirked pulling us back into our kiss I pulled her tight my hands slipping down to grab her ass through her skirt as she stroked my chest unbuttoning my shirt a little so she could put her hands inside
"Hey!" I complained a little
"my hands are cold"
"Alright warm them up" I chuckled getting back to our kisses I smirked into our kiss and tugged up her skirt grabbing her ass "fuck- Did you?"
"I thought it would be best, so we didn't waste time" she giggled shaking her ass a little as my hands sat there revealing she had removed her panties since I saw her last
"Humm you naughty little girl" I cooed grabbing her ass hard and spreading her cheeks as we kissed even giving her a spank "You're right though we shouldn't waste time" I smirked
"We shouldn't" She giggled grabbing my belt as she moved to lie on the floor I happily laid on top of her as we kept kissing, as week kissed I tugged up her shirt revealing she had removed her bra too
"Fuck-" I groaned my hands immediately grabbing her breasts as we kissed she giggled and wrapped her legs around my waist her hand tugging on my belt "Go on the baby" I smirked and she happily undid my belt and jeans so I started to grind on her
"NEWT! Your snuggle break is over come on I can't do all this by myself!" Zart yelled as he banged on the door
"Really!" I complained in frustration
"It's fine newt get back to work" she giggled fixing her uniform
"But- baby!"
"I'll hang around till your shifts over, then maybe we can head back to your cosy basement?" she giggled playing with my hair
"I'm sure we'll find something to do there" she smiled slipping her hand under my boxers and stroking my erection
"Ummm fine, it's not long till end of shift anyway" I smiled giving her one more kiss before we got up and fixed ourselves up before heading back to the main shop.
I stood doing all the stock desperately waiting for my shift to be over, often narwing on my bottom lip in frustration often actively choosing to stock the lower shelves just to peak up her cute little skirt as she had her slushie waiting for my shift to finish.
And the moment I saw the clock tick over I shoved stuff back in the store room and grabbed my stuff,
"My shifts over, I'm done," I snapped grabbing my stuff,
"Alright have fun," Zart sighed,
"Come on sweetheart," I smirked grabbing her hand so we quickly rushed out and headed back to my house, and the moment we got through the door I thanked the fucking gods! that my parents were out and Sonya was still off with her friends so I didn't waste time we bolted down to my basement and shut the door up tight "So? What shall we do my little cheerleader?" I smirked and his response was to push me onto the sofa,
"I have a little plan, you've been so excited today newtie,"
"How can I help myself when I keep seeing under that cute uniform?"
She smiled and climbed into my lap immediately I grabbed her thighs trying to get up that cute little skirt she pulled me into a kiss so I happily kissed her back running my hands up her thighs and stroking her cute little pussy which made her gasp into my mouth so I wasted no time rubbing in her clit and making my tongue toy with her's she battled me bravely but surrendered as I rubbed little circles harder and harder.
"Yeah? That's what you want baby?' I cooed stroking her move slipping my fingers down to circle her pussy feeling how wet she got for me teasing where she so badly needed me,
"No," she giggled, grabbing both my hands and forcing them onto the back of the sofa above my head, "You move those you won't get to go… in here," she smirked, grinding herself hard against my erection as she lifted her skirt to flash her pussy as she did it, "until December."
"Uhhh- come in I've waited for long -"
"Don't move them newtie,"
"Fine. I won't but how can I pleasure my baby if I can't touch her? Humm do I have to just use my -" I began, grinding back but she was clever she jumped off and giggled undoing my jeans and boxers and pulling them them both down my ankles to expose me to her and she moved to her knees, "ohh my god your gonna - uhh really?'
"Umm humm," she nods licking up my shaft,
"Ohhhh fuck-" I groaned, "You don't have to do this you know,"
"I know," she smiled, pressing kisses up and down the whole length of me.
"well, if you're sure," I smiled and she happily took me completely into her mouth, "ohh my god!" I gasped, gripping the sofa tightly and rolling my head back as she bobbed her head and gently sucked I did my best not to be too Loud but, "uughhhhh uuuuuuuhhh uuuuuuuhhh! Yes! Yes ughhhhh!" I had to hold the sofa in a vice-like grip even if I desperately wanted to touch her, to pat her pretty head, play with her cute hair and fondled her perk little tits but I didn't want her to stop and God knows I wanna get up in that tonight if she'll let me, but fuck she was good, my ever muscle relaxed my whole body feeling pleasured and relaxed from her sweet work often I had to stop myself from my hips bucking in desperation as I absentmindedly tried to fuck her mouth, "oooohhh god! Fuck yes! Yes! Uuhhhh baby! Your mouth is this fucking magic baby! Stop please or I'm gonna -"
And her response was to suck harder! Her hand slipped up to undo the buttons on my shirt and stroke my bare chest.
"Uuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh-" I moaned desperately trying not to cum my back arching off the sofa my head thrown back, "uhhh you evil little thing," I smirked pushing her away. "That's enough of that," I quickly, tugged her back into my lap and she giggled as I kissed all over her neck and face anywhere but her lips given… yeah that didn't seem like the best idea I'm horny I'm not stupid she smiled and began to grind herself on me which now felt a million times better given nor nothing was between us and she tugged up her shirt so I immediately grabbed her tits fondling them, squeezing them and rubbing on her nipples a little.
"You really like my boobs newt,"
"They are so lovely, I can't help wanting my hands on them. I've been staring at them all these years," I smirked biting her neck playfully.
"Newt!" She giggled.
"Shall we head to the bed?" I whispered.
"Sounds very cosy,"
"It will be," I smirked grabbing under her ass as I stood and she happily wrapped her legs around me so I carried her to my bed.
I set her down unbelievably over Egar as I looked at her lying on my bed
"You ready my baby?" I smirked crawling over her
"Absolutely" She giggled
There was a sudden bang from upstairs "Newt! Sonya! either of you here!" My dad yelled from upstairs "I need a hand with the groceries"
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! You gotta be kidding me!
"Newt shouldn't you answer him" she giggled
"Maybe if we're quiet He'll go away" I muttered between kisses
"Newt that's so mean" she playfully giggled
"I know I know but… Come on baby" I whined desperately trying to tug at her clothes
but she pushed me off her and fixed her uniform
"Were down here Mr Newton!" she called
"Ahh Hi Y/n" He yelled back to her
"We'll be up in a second" she smiled
"But… But baby!" I whined fixing my clothes too
"Later newtie I promise" she smiled giving me a little kiss
"I don't know how many more laters I can take!" I whined
"Just a little while more" she smiled petting my hair before she moved to the stairs pulling up her skirt to flash me her pussy "Come on then" she giggled before dropping her skirt and herring upstairs
"Ummmmm coming…" I groaned eagerly chasing after her
We went up and helped my dad put groceries away, all the while I was so insanely desperate! I could barely think straight! everything was making me excited. and I mean everything!
Melons, Bananas, eggplants, chocolate teacakes, chicken breast.
It didn't help any time I glanced across the kitchen to y/n she smiled at me innocently as if nothing was wrong.
"Perfect thank you both for your help" My dad smiled as he finished up,
"Your welcome Mr Newton" She smiled,
"So were done?" I asked,
"All done" He nodded,
"Great! we'll be in my room!" I yelled grabbing her hand to tug her back to the basement,
"Leave your door open!"
"Don't argue Isaac. Or you stay up here."
"Fine!" I complained keeping my door open as little as possible tugging her into the corner of the room almost impossible to be seen from the door "Ummmmmm so come on baby!" I pouted grabbing her ass, and kissing all over her
"Newt I need to go home my dad will be here soon." she giggled
"NOOOOOOOO! You can't do this to me!"
"Yes I can" she giggled tapping my nose,
"Noo come on, please! Please I will literally take anything at this point!"
"Anything?" She giggled,
"ANYTHING! But you can't leave me like this baby."
"Alright," she giggled, "But you have to be quick."
"Ohh I will be." I nodded
She giggled and moved to bend over the arm of the sofa
"uhhhhhhh you mean it?"
"Yes go on, but quickly."
"I uhhh OKAY!" I bolted over giving her back a million kisses pushing up her cute little cheer skirt to reveal her bare ass to me "uMmm you look so good!" I groaned giving her ass a playful spank "Can I uhh really?"
"You're fine,"
"You sure? I did get checked like… July when they had that testing thing in the cafeteria and I have not had sex since so.."
"Me too."
"Okay, good uhhh what about uhhh you know?"
"Implant your good newt."
"Ohh thank god!" I gasped immediately grabbing her hips I couldn't wait not a moment longer, I undid my jeans and kicked them off stroking myself a couple of times but not like I needed to I was completely ready for her, actually a little over ready for her, but after so long of desiring her I'm not surprised now I actually had the opportunity I went… a little crazy. The moment I slipped inside her I wanted to cum, she felt so so good! but I didn't have time to hesitate my hips worked on their own fueled by my hormones biting my lip hard as I didn't scream even if I loudly moaned into my mouth I was in my own world of utter pleasure, she grabbed the pillow from the sofa and used it to muffle her own moans which only made me go faster knowing I was pleasing her as much as she was pleasing me, I dug my fingers into her ass while I got to a decent pace, and then I moved my hands up her shirt and grabbed her breasts as my hips went crazy on her, slightly rubbing her nipples as I knew how close I was
"Newt please" She gasped moving one of my hands to her clit, I smirked and rubbed her clit mercilessly as I thrusted hearing the sofa squeak under us until she tightened around me and screamed into the pillow feeling her hit her wave which was enough tip me over too burying myself as deep inside her as possible
"HOLY FUCK-" I groaned as the most intense orgasm I had ever had rushed through me almost making me faint
"Yeah… Holy fuck-" She gasped too but just then her phone went off, and we both froze up staying completely still as she grabbed it "Uhhh Hi daddy…."
We both turned bright red at the idea her father was on the phone and I was… you know… hilt deep in his daughter
"Okay…. yeah I'll be right up… okay bye." she smiled before she hung up,
"He here?"
"Aww alright," I smiled pulling out and cleaning up getting my jeans on while she sorted out grabbing her stuff, we quickly headed up seeing her dad waiting for her in his car,
"See you tomorrow" she smiled
"See you tomorrow" I smiled giving her a sweet kiss and a cuddle,
She giggled and waved as she headed off home
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mikashisus · 8 months
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Clipped Wings
"i could recognize him by touch alone, by smell; i would know him blind, by the way his breaths came and his feet struck the earth. i would know him in death, at the end of the world"
— madeline miller
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summary: He was like the fresh breeze on a warm summer day, brushing over your skin with the most delicate of touches.
He knew just the right words to say and how to say them, and lies slipped from his lips easier than wine slid down his throat.
pairing: venti x fem!reader
content warnings: foul language, panic attacks, mentions of alcoholism, graphic depictions of violence, mentions of abuse and trauma, mentions of torture, religious symbolism, and suggestive themes (including innuendos).
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ch.5 wc: 1.9k
previous chapter masterlist
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CHAPTER V: the poet and the king
Venti had his moments. His ups and downs and confusion starters, but you haven't seen him this... odd before.
The usually excited bard was on the quieter side today, as if he was having troubles of his own. Of course, you knew everyone had their troubles— whether it be from the past or the present or worrying about what was to come in the future. This situation was just out of character for him.
He hadn't been showing up in Angel's Share for a few nights now, and although it was common for him to be helping out the traveler now and then, the traveler was currently long gone from Mondstadt, now taking up a new adventure in Sumeru. Not only that, but a few people who frequented Windrise had told you that he was there every night for the past week. That concluded the mystery of where the bard had gone, but now you were trying to decipher the abrupt change in his personality. It was almost as if he was a completely different person.
When you arrived here, you caught him in the midst of what looked to be him meditating. He was humming a soft tune, one you hadn't heard him sing before, which was surprising, seeing as you've already heard just about every song he sung. His hand was pressed against the trunk of the tree, and the lower half of his braids were glowing a faint teal color. As much as you wanted to blame that sight on the Anemo vision strapped to his hip, the bright orb wasn't glowing in the slightest... as if it was a prop and not an actual vision.
Instead of freaking out at your presence like you thought he would, he only smiled and calmly turned to face you. There was a deep sadness reflecting in his eyes, that of which you longed to know the answer as to why.
"(name)... what brings you to Windrise?" he asked softly, his somewhat aloof demeanor catching you entirely off guard.
You didn't know what to say, or how to say it. What could you say when someone you've known for almost a full year now was acting completely different from how they usually acted?
"Ah..." he noticed your stunned expression and laughed bitterly. "Sorry for the mood dampener. I'm just... thinking about old times."
Old times?
Before you could question what he meant, he turned his back to you and sighed heavily. "Do you want to hear the tale about the soldier, the poet, and the king?" The sudden change of the subject had you reeling, and you stepped up next to him. He took your silence as a yes, and without turning to you, began to explain the story.
"Long ago, there once was a fearless soldier. he took up arms in his hometown and protected the people from harm, as well as helping them with whatever chores they needed to finish. One day, a rival nation's army attacked, and the whole town was wiped out, except for the soldier. He survived, sought refuge in another town, and vowed never to let any innocent person face harm ever again.
"He met a beautiful woman, one who treated his wounds and showed him pure kindness and compassion. They fell in love, and married in the old cathedral in her hometown. They lived happily together, until she faced her untimely death by the hands of an illness. The soldier swore he'd bring her back, but in his effort to do so, was corrupted and sentenced to death by the gods. And so, that was the end of the soldier's legacy.
"There once was a brillant poet. She was not one by choice, but by chance. She discarded her old past and forged a new, bright future. She was uncaring by nature and convinced herself she'd never bow to the will of human emotions... that was until she met a knight with strong convictions and a pure heart. She fell in love with the knight and swore to protect her no matter what. The knight, having also been a princess, appreciated the poet's company and they became very close.
"The two trained together and promised to protect each other. Even if one of them lost their way, the other would guide them back onto a righteous path. The poet followed the princess, stayed by her side and watched her grow into a perfect queen. Soon, the queen's heart began to change, and what once was love, turned to rage. The queen became corrupted, just as the two had feared, and the poet was unable to guide her back onto the right path.
"The poet stuck with her, just as she had promised, right up until the queen's dying breath. After the fall of the queen, no one could find the poet's diary, and all that knew of it suspected she had tossed it into a fire when the queen died— to ensure no one found the contents of the diary. The poet lived on without the person she loved most.
"...Many millennia ago, there was a king. Or rather, a queen that was more akin to a king. She took up her throne with a promise to fulfill her nation's expectations. And so she did, for a long while, until she became corrupted and the power rose to her head. An evil curse had taken host in her, and she lost all control of what was left of her rationality. She was sealed away for hundreds of years by mages, until a prophecy stirred that told of her return.
"She returned, with next to no memory of her past life. She continued on, wandering the world and enjoying things for the first time as if she was a kid again. She stumbled upon the now decimated ruins of what was her kingdom long ago, and felt the uneasy aura of dark magic in the soil. There, she met a lone soldier standing amidst the rubble. They agreed to travel together, thus forming a bond that would later become larger than life, and eventually cause both of their demise.
"Some time later, she met a poet— a poet who was not a poet in title, but took up the mantle in the way she spoke and acted. The poet introduced her to the dark tales of the past, of a queen who had gone mad and lost everything. The three traveled together, and the poet took her to all the places that were significant to her in her past life.
"Eventually, when her memories returned, the three began the kingdom anew from the ashes, like a phoenix reborn. They ruled side by side, with the poet taking up her post as the queen's right hand once more, and the soldier pledging his life to his queen.
"Years passed, and the kingdom thrived, as did the curse on the queen's mind and body. She started to show signs of corruption once more, and the soldier that ruled beside her came to a final conclusion: the queen had to die. He lured her into the forests, masking the trip as a peaceful walk away from the stresses of their duties.
"He then pulled a knife from his pocket and revealed his plan to his queen. The queen ran, and he chased her. She ran and ran to get away, but she could not outrun him. He tackled her to the ground and whispered his final goodbyes, before murdering her in cold blood. He then took his own end, passing beside the woman he cared for most.
That marks the end of the tale of the soldier, the poet, and the king."
You gazed at him in silence, watching as his eyes clouded over with something akin to reminiscence. His lips were pursed into a tight frown, and his usual calming aura was replaced with something tense. Standing beside you was no longer the carefree bard you knew, but a victim of war and tremendous suffering. You could see it all in his eyes— so expressive yet secretive.
"Were the soldier and the king in love?" you muttered quietly, your voice cracking a little as you swallowed the lump that had formed in your throat.
Venti scoffed softly, his lips pulling into a small, forced smile. "I'd like to believe they were." And that's all he said. There was no confirmation in his words, and you suspected that there was no real answer to your question.
You cleared your throat. "Who are you in the story? The soldier, the poet... or the king?" you questioned, and he met your gaze for the first time since he started telling that story.
His cerulean eyes searched yours for a little while, before they flitted down to your lips for a split second. You pretended not to notice and waited patiently for his answer. His lips parted, as if he was going to speak, before he closed his mouth again and glanced away from you. When he met your eyes again, he repeated the action of glancing down at your lips.
"I suppose I'm the king..."
"Really?" You blinked in surprise, taking a step closer to him and bumping his shoulder with yours playfully to lighten the mood. "I think you're more of a poet."
He laughed softly. "You think too much of me. I'm no poet, just a storyteller—"
"And what is a storyteller if not a poet?" you retorted, taking his hands into your own. "And what is a poet if not someone who steals hearts?" You placed one of his hands above your breast, right near where your heart was located. The action startled even yourself— having done it in the heat of the moment —and your heartbeat began to race.
Venti went still, his lips parted and his eyes wide in surprise. The feeling of your beating heart beneath his fingertips prompted a moment of intimacy. He couldn't suppress the sudden smile that graced his lips and he retracted his hand from your grip to cover the lower half of his face in embarrassment. Collective breathy laughs were shared between the two of you as you stood under the glowing light of the moon.
"I take back what I said," he muttered finally, turning to you with a genuine smile and an adoring look in his eyes. His expression softened the longer he stared at you, and you found him to be ethereal in this setting. "I believe I am the poet..."
You held his gaze with an intriguing look of your own, and returned his smile. "What changed your mind?"
Without looking away, he said, "Because I fell in love with the king."
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author’s notes: i actually love how the end of this chapter came out. also, the story i made up abt the poet, the soldier, and the king is actually a shortened rendition of the story of 3 of my ocs!
and that story will actually have A LOT of significance in this fic, so make sure to remember it or at least come back to it later on to refresh ur memory. i don't do coincidences in my fics— everything has a meaning!!
i saw someone say once that the nameless bard is the soldier, venti is the poet, and barbatos is the king, and that's where his answer of "i suppose i'm the king" came from. and if u guys rmbr that one test, then u know that the king wishes to be the poet & i think that's even more reason to believe that barbatos is the king. but that's just me.
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almost-gabrielle · 1 year
Told Ya She'd Say Yes
requested by @frodo-cinnamon-roll. Thx for requesting :)!
***Frodo's POV***
I sighed, staring at the bar where Rosie Cotton, and lovely y/n worked. Both were chatting happily to each other as they did their duties. It's been a few months since we came back to the Shire. I've always had a crush on y/n, even before my quest began. Sam had already proposed to Rosie, which happened just a couple of months ago.
Now, I wanted to ask y/n out. But I didn't know how. And I was too scared.
"Hello? Frodo, are ou even listening?" Merry asked. He waved his hand in my face, trying to catch my attention.
And it worked. I snapped back to reality after staring at y/n from afar.
"Sorry. Wasn't paying attention," I answered quickly as I turned to face my friends again.
"Oh. Staring at y/n, are we?" Pippin smirked. He gave me a teasing wink.
My cheeks burned a bright pink color.
"Of course, I don't," I hastily replied.
"Yes, you do. You've been staring at her for the past thirty minutes, man," Merry interrupted. "You should ask her out by now."
"I can't, Merry. I'm too shy," I tried to argue.
"C'mon!" groaned Merry. "You went into Mount Doom and managed to destroy the Ring. And you think that asking y/n out is harder than that?" He stared at me in disbelief.
The duo pressured me for a bit. Sam just sat to the side, smoking his pipe. He didn't want to get himself involved, and I didn't blame him.
"I'm sure she'll say yes, Mr. Frodo," he finally encouraged. "I was scared to death when I asked Rosie to marry me a couple weeks ago, even though I knew she'd say yes. We're not close to Miss y/n, but I can tell that she adores you, even if she just watches from afar."
"See?" Pippin added. "You should ask her!"
Both Merry and Pippin shoved me towards her, and I nervously approached y/n. My hands were sweating profusely by the time I got there. I waited patiently as y/n collected orders from two other male Hobbits, who were drunkenly commenting her. That caused me to be a bit jealous. But she paid no heed to them, much to my relief.
She finally turned to me, smiling slightly. I could see a pink blush creeping up her cheeks, and she quickly avoided my gaze.
"C-Can I help you, Mr. Baggins?" she asked shyly.
"Well. . . . .," I began, wondering how I should start off my confession. "I actually have something to tell you, y/n."
She raised an eyebrow, looking really suspicious. Well, no turning back, now. It's now or never.
"Go on," she said. She sat herself down on the counter.
I took a deep breath, trying to control myself.
"I — I was wondering if you'd — if you'd like to go on a date with me?" I asked, stuttering and stumbling in between words. She stared at me in surprise, and I could feel a sense of dread settling in the pit of my stomach.
Maybe she didn't want to be with me at all.
I found myself blushing hard. This was not how I wanted things to go.
"I-I'm sorry!" I stuttered, unsure of what to say. I — I wasn't sure of what you'd say. Or if you wanted to go on a date at all! It's alright if you don't want to. I understand —"
I was cut off when I felt a pair of soft lips pressing against mine. At first, my heart stopped, and I didn't know how to react. I soon responded by wrapping my arms hesitantly around her waist. When she let go, she looked me directly in the eyes.
"Of course, I want to, Mr. Baggins," she answered.
My heart soared when I heard her say that.
"Tomorrow evening, then? If you're free?" I asked.
"That sounds great."
"I'll see you, then," I breathlessly replied.
I looked at her one last time before cheerfully making my way back to my friends. I noticed that both Merry and Pippin had triumphant smirks on their faces.
"What?" I asked casually once I sat back down.
"Told ya she'd say yes," Pippin replied.
"Shut up," I replied as I stared wistfully after y/n again.
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cutiedwaekki · 6 months
domectic dwaekki
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—hold me i'm your bunny
Bang chan x changbin
summary : changbin's new life as a house-husband
contain : weight-gain , tight clothes , breaking furniture
A/n : started as a random idea , ended up as a short fic
Enjoy ♡
In a quiet neighborhood, in the heart of a bustling city, lived Chan and Changbin, who had just sealed their love with the sacred bonds of marriage.
Their union was an ode to modernity, acceptance and unconditional love. After years of innocent flirts in college, of making out sessions at the studio where they both worked that became their places of love, they now stood side by side, ready to face the challenges and savor the joys of married life.
Changbin , with his warm smile and kind heart, had decided to swap his stressful job for that of housekeeper. He had always dreamed of creating a welcoming home, where harmony and happiness would reign. So, on the first morning of their new life as husbands, Changbin proudly donned a pink apron adorned with a pretty pink heart, symbolizing his new mission: to take care of their home and his beloved.
Every day, while Chan went off to work, Changbin devoted himself to household chores. He sang happily as he polished the furniture, did the laundry or cooked delicious meals in their bright kitchen. For him, every act was marked by love and devotion to his husband. Over time, however, Chan began to notice a subtle change in Changbin.
As the months went by, something began to change in their routine. His husband, once athletic and slender, was gradually putting on weight. At first, it was only a few, almost imperceptible kilos. Chan didn't even notice, thinking it was simply due to the fact that spending more time at home meant Changbin ate more and spent less time at the gym. It was normal, after all, for a man who had spent his whole life focusing on his career to have the right to rest!
But as time went by, those tight-fitting shirts became a little tighter, and jeans seemed less flattering. He could see his cheeks getting fuller and fuller, until one day a second chin appeared. Instead of worrying, Chan felt a strange sense of satisfaction. He loved Changbin for his bubbly personality, his humor, his way to care about people. But if before he loved his body because it was another way of seeing each other at any time of day, now he had it at home, singing tunes while cooking in the same apron that was becoming tighter and tighter around his growing belly , he clearly appreciated this view
When he broached the subject with Changbin, the latter replied with a beaming smile: I guess I let myself go a bit, but you don't seem too bothered by it, do you? Chan smiled and gently stroked his cheek and assured him that his love for him was unchanged, no matter his size or shape. As the weeks passed, Chanbgin continued to flourish in his role as househusband. His passion for cooking was reflected in the sumptuous meals he lovingly prepared for Chan. Evenings were filled with laughter, deep conversation and tender embraces. The only difference was that, between two sweet moments, they both discovered the strange fantasies they had about the youngest's expansion.
More like, Chan was discovering that he loved his chubby husband even more.
He wanted to see him eat, enjoy his food, every dish he ate with pleasure as if it were the last of his life. But his favorite thing was when he wore tight clothes, he was so sexy!
Don't tell Changbin, but Chan liked to give him things on the pretext that it was on his way, like "the bakery was having a promotion on unsold goods" or "Jisung asked me to give you this", "Felix said this will suit you"because otherwise his husband, who was too humble, would refuse any kind of present. he still remembered that time when he had given him a letter , confessing his feelings and a box of chocolate accompanied by a rose. Changbin had cried that day and still kept the box of chocolate even though it was empty for years and not the most fancy at all , but for him , this box and this letter was the most beautiful gift that making all dear things superfluous alongside this proof of sincere love
But did he need to know that Chan was offering him clothes and taking them one or two sizes too small on purpose? You'd think Changbin would feel kissed or embarrassed, but he knew Chan, well... he thought his lover meant well but underestimated the weight his lover had put on.
What a fool, Chan analyzed his body in minute detail, he kissed every part of his body at night in their shared bed, he grabbed his belly and shook it, rubbed it, caressed it. He clearly loved this new Changbin.
However, as the weeks went by, Changbin's extra kilos became more and more visible, his belly grew more and more wrinkled against his clothes, his apron became very difficult to tie and it was hard to control his growing belly. He noticed that his walk was starting to change, the kilos were piling up so much that he began to waddle in order to walk properly.
Changbin's clothes became tighter and tighter, and even his kitchen apron began to struggle to contain his body. One day, one weekend among many, the two of them spent the day at home, doing nothing and enjoying each other's company. The two of them were sitting down to breakfast at the kitchen table.
—Jagi, can you fetch me the jam from the cupboard, please? Chan asked with a gentle smile.
Changbin couldn't resist, unaware that it was all a ruse so that Chan could admire his body soaking while he hopped about trying to grab the jar of strawberry jam that Chan had deliberately placed high up. He noticed that his belly was starting to hang over his clothes, but above all that when he had to pick something up, he'd land on the edge of the worktop. In short, such a divine vision sight for Chan.
But as he tried to get up, Changbin felt something strange. A muffled creak echoed through the room, followed by the sound of warping wood. Changbin realized to his horror that he was trapped. His apron was wedged between the back of the chair and his protruding belly. Panicking, Changbin tried to free himself, but to no avail. Chan rushed to his aid, alarmed by the unusual noises from his seat. Seeing the situation, A couldn't help but hold back a wry smile, he's fat as can be he thought.
Without wasting a second, Chan set about reassuring Changbin, expressing his unfailing love with multiple kisses despite the comical situation. Together, they finally managed to free Changbin from his chair. Sitting on the kitchen floor, totally oblivious to why he had to get up in the first place.
—Do you think I've put on weight?
—Binnie, I'd be lying if I said no.
—You're not very delicate with your words
—I'm just telling the truth, love
—Pff, I just want to know if... you like me like this, like I like our life, I like my body but I also like the way you look at me and I don't want that to change.
Chan grasped the importance of this moment, forgetting for a moment that his lover might be suffering from insecurity. He came to sit beside him and hugged him tightly.
—My love, I fell in love with you because of your personality, whether you're fat, skinny, muscular or whatever, you're the one I married and nothing will change that
—...even if I like gaining weight?
— I love you even more, I have more of you to love, more things to hold on to and ride-"
—Stop, you pervert, it's morning! Changbin chuckled, putting a hand in front of Chan to hide his blush.
In the end, the day was off to a good start, despite the incident that had only served to reunite the couple.
As he entered the room, the enticing aroma of Changbin's baking filled the air. With a smile, he made his way to the kitchen and found Changbin leaning against the counter, waiting for a tray of cookies to cool. Since embracing the role of a house husband, Changbin had put on some weight, his thighs becoming thicker, and developing a slight paunch, which his husband adored. They both welcomed the changes that married life had brought, cherishing the newfound softness.
His face lit up at the sight of his husband. Channie, you're home! he exclaimed, pulling him into a warm hug. Chan couldn't resist wrapping his arms around him, noticing how loose Changbin's apron ties had become. He reminisced about when Changbin first wore the apron, a gift symbolizing his commitment to their new lifestyle, where Changbin took on household chores while Chan worked. Despite Changbin's outward appearance of an alpha male, he was actually bubbly and eccentric, qualities that Chan cherished.
As they pulled away, Changbin placed his hands on Chan's waist, a touch Chan couldn't resist. Chan's hands found their way to Changbin's belly, eliciting a subtle sigh of pleasure. Changbin inquired about Chan's day at work, to which Chan expressed relief at being home in their cozy environment. Meanwhile, Changbin shared his busy day of cleaning and baking, his belly feeling a bit firmer from sampling his own creations.
Chan patted Changbin's belly with a knowing smirk, causing Changbin to blush. Despite his nerves, Changbin admitted to indulging in some taste testing while baking. Chan reassured him, expressing his love for having Changbin well-fed during his absence. He then instructed Changbin to remove his apron, revealing his strained button-up shirt and burgeoning belly.
Feeling embarrassed, Changbin questioned if he had let himself go. However, Chan disagreed, planting a passionate kiss on his lips while caressing his fat belly.
As they embraced, Chan whispered, "I think married life really suits you," affirming their love and contentment with their new lifestyle.
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veeples · 7 months
ockiss24 - valinter
Well hi there. I'm really just doing OC shipping these days, so <3. Happy ockiss24 to everyone! For @ockissweek! No theme used. title: bright, aching longing pairing: faustus valentine/winter collins (@narrativefoiltrope) rating: gen word count: ~1.2k ao3 link!
When Faustus opens his eyes, his bedroom is that surreal shade of blue before the sun can gild it gold. It must be very early. Winter’s alarm hasn’t even gone off yet. Her back is facing him, half bare with her summer pajamas. If he focuses he can make out the freckles on her shoulders, freshly vibrant from the weekend gardening.
Looking at her fills him with a bright, aching longing. They haven’t had a morning to themselves in weeks . Months, maybe. Between the kids and both their jobs, they can only manage to find their privacy at night. Faustus recognizes that familiar longing as loneliness.
He misses her.
The distance between them becomes suddenly, acutely intolerable. He wants her in his arms, like, right fucking now.
“Winter,” he says, voice low and rough with sleepiness.
After a moment, she hums so low he almost misses it. She’s probably tired. The weekend had been as hectically busy as they tend to be now with kid’s birthday parties and local events. He almost hesitates. It would be kinder to let her sleep, but he’s always been a selfish bastard.
Reaching out to stroke her spine with his knuckles, he says, more insistent, “Mm, no, don’t go back to sleep. We have to enjoy this while it lasts.”
Sleepily, Winter mumbles, “Enjoy what?”
“The joy of the kids not being up.” She shifts a bit in interest, head turning towards him. Faustus smirks, scenting blood in the water, and continues. “Nice, isn’t it? We could have a little morning snuggle.”
“Come on ,” Faustus whines impatiently. “Honeybee, I’m cold. I’m freezing. Come warm me up.”
“Freezing in summer?” Winter laughs quietly. Faustus grins, smug with victory. He can tell she’s ready to give in.  “Alright.” 
Then, with a little sigh of effort, Winter rolls around until they’re face to face. Their eyes meet across the sheets and Faustus is too shameless to regret bothering her.
Gripped with excitement, Faustus does a stupid little shuffle towards her. Winter giggles, but she’s shuffling too, sheets rustling noisily in their otherwise silent room. Then: Faustus sighs happily as soon as he gets an arm draped across Winter’s waist and she’s got hers curled around his back. She smiles at him, drowsy and imperfect. Her hair is an ugly flattened mess on one side. Creases line her cheek on the side she slept on.
I love her, Faustus thinks, overwhelmed with the force of it.
“Hey,” he says in a whisper, like any louder and he’ll break the moment.
“Hi,” Winter whispers back.
Settling into the cuddle is as natural as breathing for Faustus. That bruised, aching thing in his chest quiets with Winter’s solid warmth in his arms. He has always been so hungry for affection. It’s insane to him that even now that he’s married, that hunger still hasn’t left him. 
Maybe he would always be like this. Maybe it was a simple consequence of their constraints: his touring, her job, the kids now. Even holding her, he finds himself wanting for more. Wishing they had endless time to indulge.
“I miss this.” Faustus says, stroking his thumb along the curve of her hip. “Mornings like this.”
Winter’s mouth goes soft and sweet with understanding, sad with a little longing. “I do too.”
Her hand draws a line up the worn cotton of his shirt to the overgrown fringe of hair at his nape. Faustus closes his eyes as she scratches there lightly. He could sink into this shared warmth for hours and hours. He really, really would like to. He’d love for everything – her job, his music, even the kids – to fall away for a while so they could enjoy each other without worry. 
Not for the first time, Faustus feels that nasty twinge of guilt. He loves his kids. He loves that parenthood fills him with a huge love, bigger than he knows how to really hold, and he even loves that it scares him shitless. But there’s also that nagging desire to monopolize Winter’s time. Bad habit of his, really. He’s an insatiable beast.
Ah, whatever. This really isn’t the time for that conversation. Later, he thinks, he’ll have to admit they need to figure out how they can get more time together or he might, like, keel over from wanting. It’s kinda funny that, even married, he finds himself wanting for her. 
Kinda funny. Mostly unfair.
For now, all he wants to do is fully enjoy the luxury of having his wife in his arms, her fingers in his hair, before the day pulls them apart again.
Soon – too fucking soon – Winter’s alarm interrupts their happy cuddle time. The look she gives him is one of strained regret. Faustus groans, lifts his arm, and watches her roll over to silence her phone on the nightstand with a pout. He waits until Winter’s out of bed, feet stuck into her pink plaid slippers and standing at their closet, to decide to poke her a bit.
Faustus sighs loudly, dramatic and jilted. “Is it worth it to convince you to come back to bed?”
“You can always try,” Winter says lightly as she examines her wardrobe. There’s a note of teasing in her voice, the bully she is. 
“Five minutes, Winter.”
Winter pulls out two sweaters, one blue, one tan, both equally grandma like in style. She considers them both before putting away the blue one. “Skylar will need to get ready soon though.”
“Three minutes?”
“Oh Faustus, what could we do in three minutes?”
“Cuddle some more?” Only now does Winter turn to him, eyebrows slightly raised in the mild astonishment of someone who knows Faustus hardly ever stops at cuddling. Faustus raises his hand in mock salute. “Scouts honor! Just a cuddle.”
Unmoved, Winter smiles at him like she really wants to give in, but knows she can’t. Instead she crosses back to the bed and cups his face between her palms and kisses him in way of an apology. It’s very tender, very loving, and again he wants more . Faustus tries to chase after it when she pulls away, but she stills him with a gentle squeeze to his jaw.
Faustus looks at her, helpless. For the second time that morning, he aches to have her in his arms.
“I’m sorry,” Winter whispers against his skin. “How about we get a babysitter for the end of the week for a little date night?”
That stirs some definite interest in him. Almost enough to make him drop his primadonna act, but not quite. “You’ll make me wait all week?”
“I’ll give you extra cuddles tonight.”
“And the rest of the week.”
“You’ll get spoiled like that.” Winter grins wide enough he can see her little tooth gap, all sweetness and affection. “Alright, all week.”
The rest of the morning goes exactly as all of them have since they added Clover to their little family. Check the baby, wrangle Skylar into his clothes, get breakfast on the table. Put on the kettle for Winter’s tea, start his coffee. Winter kisses him goodbye and he steals two more before he lets her go.
Faustus spends the rest of the day, after the kids are dropped off at daycare and he’s plopped his tired ass in the recording studio, looking forward to their nightly cuddle.
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jillianfahey · 4 months
Bad Batch Crosshair - Modern AU (Cross middle fingers the Government)
So in my last one Lyni is basically going to be deported due to not being legal and having a terrorist use her as a bargaining chip. In the stress induced state, she and Cross get engaged. This is what happens next.
Crosshair woke up in Lyni's apartment with his arms around her slender form and a giant smile on his face. This is all that he had wanted, now she was his fiance. Looking around the world had not seemed so bright in ages.
Making breakfast for Lyni and the kids he remembered that tonight was the eighteen month anniversary of the day he found out about the twins and got her email address. So it was really the anniversary of them being friends. Smiling he decided to make her a picnic to celebrate. It had been a few days since he had proposed to her and he had bought the ring he had been considering for it. So now it was time to make it official. But that would wait until their picnic that afternoon.
The ringtone saved for Fox's work phone range though the quiet apartment and his heart sank. No good news ever followed when it rang in the middle of one of his cousins shifts. Picking it up he heard his cousins voice, "Crosshair, is Lyni with you?"
Swallowing, "No, shes at work. What's wrong?" A sudden dread, "Is it the twins?"
"No, the kids are fine Crossy." Old nickname, not good. Fox continued, "The higher ups have given the requirements that Lyni would have to meet in order not to be sent back to the cult."
"What are they?" Crosshair's voice came out harsher but his cousin didn't blame him.
Sighing, "Cross, they need proof of citizenship." Continuing on, "If there was a visa it could be negotiated but we both know that Lyni doesn't have any legal paperwork to be here."
It was true. That's how they had met Riyo Churchi in the first place, to try and get that legal paperwork straightened out. Crosshair asked, "Marriage has given a green card before right?"
"Yes but..." then Fox seemed to realize, "Cross are you just going to marry her to keep her here?"
"No Fox," taking a deep breath, "I'm engaged to her, but we haven't announced it yet because I just barely go the ring yesterday."
Fox was swearing softly on the other side of the phone before saying, "I'll call Riyo and she'll get on the paperwork for Lyni to be a military wife." Blowing out a breath, "You'll get some flack for this Cross."
"I know," he answered, "but if it keeps Lyni and those kids safe I will take whatever is thrown at me."
There was a soft chuckle on the other side of the line, "I know vod'ika." Then the two said their goodbyes and Crosshair was left in the quiet again.
Lyni got the call from Riyo as she was walking home and ran to Crosshair's arms when she got there. They discussed the hope their marriage brought to the table and decided then and there they were marrying ASAP. So each showered and changed before going to Riyos office. Crosshair was in dress uniform and Lyni was in a floor length , long sleeved blue dress that matched her eyes perfectly.
At Riyos office they got all the paperwork done and submitted into the systems there. And then they went down the plaza with her to the little marriage ceremony at the court house and submit paperwork there as well. Crosshair and Lyni were legally and lawfully married.
********** The next day was a Saturday and they were having a family picnic to celebrate. There was going to be a reception on the Sunday after to officially introduce Lyni to the family as Crosshairs wife.
Laughter rang through the air as the Shadow and Brutal played tag with Wrecker though the park as Hunter kept an eye on them. Tech has started recording them amused and Phee leaned on his shoulder contentedly. Crosshair was sitting with his back against a tree, Lyni between his knees with back against his chest laughing softly as she watched the kids run around happily.
Suddenly the peace of the day was broken by an official call berating Crosshair for finding a loophole that would not allow the higher ups to get rid of their problem by sending Lyni away and getting information in return. A few choice words showed exactly what he thought of that and then he looked back to where he let his wife who was now talking to Phee. A soft smile broke on his face as he looked at Lyni reveled in the thought, my wife."
So yeah, Crosshair did an F-you to the idea of sending Lyni back to a violent cult. And the fact that he got to marry her is a triple bonus. Now he is just waiting for the adoption papers for the twins to go though and they'll be an official family.
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mylove4oldmen · 1 year
Tumblr media
fem reader x noel gallagher
•warnings- a few curse words
*requested by Lasheshavetobeblack on wattpad
summary: y/n is really annoyed at Noel's guitar playing and this is how married with children comes up
THE CLOCK right beside y/n's bed marks 3:00 and she certainly should be asleep by now
why is she awake? you must be questioning yourself
Noel's guitar playing is a non stop situation in her house
he literally plays it in every opportunity possible but the only actual free time he has is at night and tonight couldn't be different
Y/n reaches for his shoulder and taps it gently as to not disturb her boyfriend too much
"Noel can you please stop playing? i need to sleep...some of us have to wake up early to work you know?" she whines fixing her hair with her left hand and getting closer to the boy who’s on the corner of the bed
"yea yea I'm almost finishing this song...lemme play it for you" looking straight to her eyes he starts strumming a nice rhythm:
*There's no need for you to say you're sorry
Goodbye, I'm going home
I don't care no more so don't you worry
Goodbye, I'm going home
I hate the way that even though you know you're wrong
You say you're right
I hate the books you read and all your friends
Your music's shite it keeps me up all night
There's no need for you to say you're sorry
Goodbye, I'm going home
I don't care no more so don't you worry
Goodbye, I'm going home
I hate the way that you are so sarcastic
And you're not very bright
You think that everything you've done's fantastic
Your music's shite it keeps me up all night*
"I know the chorus is a bit repetitive but I really can't come up with a different one" the man explains as his gaze shifts to his calloused fingers
"I can see that I am the inspiration for this song...and you're right you're music is shite" her joke lights up the mood and both of them laugh while a comfortable silence with no guitar playing becomes present
"my music is not shite c'mon"Noel answers and this time he is the one slagging your shoulder "you like Radiohead for fuck sake"
"there's nothing wrong with Radiohead"she answers with anger filling her voice "sometimes is nice to listen to sad songs...AND SONGS WITH MEANING"
"Don't go around dissing my music"he snaps "they do have meaning...but who needs to discover it is the listener,not me"
"I got you,mister rock n roll star" y/n says making a quotation marks movement with her hand
"I'm glad you know what I am" he states really proud of himself "now let's go to bed sleepy head,you're almost sleeping while I'm talking to you"
"I am exhausted don't blame me" tiredness fills the girls voice as she pulls the blanket over her delicate body "now come here,you're the big spoon today"
she pats the bed place right on her side the boy immediately puts his guitar away and lays down embracing her
"what are you going to call the song?" she asks closing her eyes
"married with children"he answers as if it was nothing
"why's that?" she asks happily
"we are going to be married with children one day...and you will thank me for writing these songs and annoying you cause they will be the reason you won't work" now he is the one closing his eyes
"oh yeah I won't be working in the future?"
he nods "good good,I deserve it after listening to this really bad songs"
"don't even start y/n"
"I won't...now let's sleep" her body is fully relaxed but interrupting the silence she confesses once again "I love you babe"
"I love you too" and she knows he means it
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doctorbrown · 11 months
DOCTOBER '23 ⸺ 「 23 / 31 * NOSTALGIA 」
December 7, 1985
❝Can you believe it's been twenty-seven years already since we got married, George?❞ Lorraine says, smiling as George wraps his arms around her from behind. He leans in and whispers something in her ear that paints her face a bright shade of red and has her giggling like a schoolgirl. Lorraine swats at George's hand half-heartedly, but her eyes are twinkling with the knowledge passed between them in their silent conversation.
Marty quickly looks away from his parents to look at Dave, at Linda, at the faint coffee stain on the couch—anywhere but there. Linda rolls her eyes, shrugs at Marty, and leans in toward her little brother to whisper, ❝You and Jennifer better not be this bad when you get to be Mom and Dad's age.❞
❝How time flies,❞ George says wistfully, ❝but these have been the best years of my life. I married the woman of my dreams, I have my family... You know, I was actually looking through some of our old stuff and you'll never guess what I found tossed in with the photo albums—our old yearbooks!❞
❝Our yearbooks? Oh, I haven't thought about those things in years.❞ Lorraine sighs, leaning back into George. ❝Speaking of high school, George, you remember Calvin?❞
Marty snaps straight to attention as Lorraine makes a noise he can't quite place. At his sides, Linda and Dave both groan in preparation for a story they've heard so many times they could recite it verbatim.
A lump the size of a baseball forms in Marty's throat and he feels the tension mounting in his shoulders as he pulls them tighter, willing to the powers-that-be that his parents change the topic or the power goes out. The lights don't even flicker and his silent pleas once again go unanswered.
He grabs his soda from the table.
❝Calvin. Now there's a name I haven't heard in a while. I wonder what happened to him. He disappeared after the dance; didn't his uncle say he went back to New York?❞
They talked to Doc? Marty chokes on his drink and Linda whips her head around, her face scrunched up in a mix of concern and annoyance. ❝You forget how to drink?❞ He waves a hand at the four pairs of eyes now trained on him to say I'm fine, ignore me. Dave pats him gently on the knee.
❝He must have been one of the strangest people I ever met,❞ George continues, humming softly. ❝Always saying weird things, didn't quite fit in—❞
❝But he was so handsome,❞ Lorraine muses, and Marty feels his stomach flip. This is all still too fresh in his mind for them to be talking about this and he fights the urge to cover his mouth when he starts feeling nauseous for fear that they'll somehow put two-and-two together.
Dave's brows furrows as he asks if Marty's feeling alright and he diverts the question with a hurried nod.
❝Mm, he was an attractive guy, wasn't he?❞ Marty's eyes widen as the realisation sets in.
❝I'll never forget his advice to me: you can accomplish anything if you put your mind to it. It's what I've been teaching you kids since you were little. It's all because of him I had the courage to stand up to Biff that night.❞
Lorraine smiles. ❝You were amazing, George. It was the most heroic thing anyone had ever done for me.❞
Linda groans. ❝We know, Mom, we know. And then Calvin Klein played at the Enchantment Under the Sea dance where you kissed for the first time and fell madly in love, Dad became super popular at school and became class president, and you lived happily ever after.❞
❝Why don't I go grab one of them? I think there's even a picture or two of Calvin in there. Have we ever shown you those photos, kids?❞
Marty shoots up off the couch like a rocket as his heart slams into his ribcage. ❝Shit, uh, I just remembered I was supposed to help Doc with something; I gotta go!❞
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