#on this blog we love bucktommy
thestarwarslesbian · 4 months
Tommy, on the phone to Buck: I'm leaving you- Buck: You can't! I am having your baby! Or should I say babies? I just found out they're twins. Do you really wanna leave me alone with two kids? Tommy: Okay, first of all, I was gonna say I'm leaving you home alone tomorrow as I’m going to my dentist's appointment. And second of all, WHAT? Buck: I just panic every time you say you're leaving Tommy: Baby, do you want to talk? Buck: Yes. Tommy: I'm coming over, I love you. Buck, mumbling: Love you too.
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stagefoureddiediaz · 5 months
ugh this is horrible news tommy is still around, hope to god he's gone in the finale. v
Maybe in your world Nonnie, but not in mine and I'm not entirely sure why you felt the need to come and complain about it on my blog, but here we are!
It makes perfect Narrative sense for Tommy to still be around in the back end of the season, and even possibly into the start of season 8. The show is telling a story of Bucks bisexuality, so why woould they get rid of Tommy so quickly? To do so would do a disservice to that story - a massive disservice. I'm guessing you're hating on this relationship becasue you see it getting in the way of Buddie, rather than viewing it as a vital step on the route to Buddie.
Lets put it into simple terms - Buck figures out he's bi and then begins to explore that newly discovered aspect of himself. The show has also taken the time to move Buck from someone who didn't really do relationships (of the long term variety), into someone who is looking for love and looking for forever. But in amongst all of that, he hasn't really had a healthy long term relationship, the closest he had to that was with Ali and that one didn't last especially long and she wasn't around for most of it
Buck isn't ready for an endgame queer relationship right now - he is still to immature from a relationship perspective - especially a queer relationship perspective. If Eddie was available and he and Buck got together - as they are as characters right now, they wouldn't last - they're not in a position to do so successfully. And this isn't me suggesting that they need to have figured everything out before they get together - to have fully healed etc, because thats neither realistic or something I would want to see - what it means is that they both need to get to a point where they are in a healthy enough place to put in the work together, understand each others flaws, and their own flaws and proactively work towards overcoming those things together and as of right now, neither of them are - they are getting their and moving rapidly in the right direction, but Buck needs to learn a bit more, and in many ways learn how to be with a man, before he will be ready to start anything with Eddie.
The growth we're getting to watch Buck go through right now - in the aftermath of the lightening strike, his reckoning with his mortality etc and the fact he's now off the hamster wheel and moving forward - in a healthy and faster way than we've ever seen from him, speaks volumes.
Tommy is also a far better developed love interest than any other love interest we've seen Buck (or indeed Eddie) with (Abby excepted but she was a main, so had her own purpose on the show)- I'm sure I'm not alone in feeling like I know Tommy more after 3 episodes plus what we got from the begins episodes he was in, than I managed to ascertain about Taylor or Ana or Nataila etc!
Not to mention, him figuring out he's in Love with Eddie as part of this process is going to be fun to watch. The show has made no bones about re-enforcing at every. Single. Opportunity how close, how entwined and how important Buck and Eddie are to one another - the show has quite literally been prioritising that over anything else Buck and Eddie related - Buck was there front and centre - placed very much on an equal footing with Shannon and even Eddie himself in 7x01, and then Eddie was the centre of Bucks bi arc in 7x04 and in his coming out in 7x05. They are literally moving chess pieces into place to tell an amazing story of queer love in later life and creating an epic slow burn for the ages.
And finally, Eddie is, as far as we know at this point in time, still in a relationship with Marisol - why shouldn't Buck get to explore who he is and what he want's within a relationship rather than sitting pining on the sidelines - that isn't healthy in any way shape or form. Eddie still has stuff to figure out about himself.
Even Tim and Oliver have stated in interviews that this is about a happy and joyful queer experience of figuring out bisexuality and therefore within that is giving the narrative a romcom vibe. But they have also stated that Tommy isn't going to be around for that long - that he is very much a narrative device.
It is worth pointing out that timelines on various aspects of the narrative may have been shifted because of the season 8 renewal - but that is only going to help tell the story because now it doesn't have to be rushed. I'm still fully expecting some form of feeling realisation from one of them by the end of the season (my money is on Buck), setting up for season 8 and Buddie going canon either 8a finale or early into 8b.
You have every right to dislike Tommy if thats you jam - have at it, but don't come to my blog and expect me to agree with you. I'm not a multi shipper by any means - I'm a one ship kind of gal and I will be a Buddie shipper until the end of time, but within that, I am here for amazing storytelling and amazing queer storytelling - the like of which I've not had the privilege to watch on my screen before - especially one that hits so close to home. Its a really important story to tell and I'd rather it not be rushed.
And if you had to pick - I'm pretty sure you'd rather have Tommy around for a bit longer that Marisol!!!!
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nqueso-emergency · 3 days
it's gonna be long but i'm so tired of this lame shit.
stop doing this "both sides are bad" bullshit. both sides have bad apples but hell should not put bad bucktommys in the same "bad" category as people who is:
1. an owner of a big news acount inciting bully and harrassment to a queer black teenager because they got accused of creating a new news account when it's actually a buddie who made that account, and guess what, never appologized!
2. a person who infiltrate a discord space and getting informations like age and sexuality from people out of that discord to X/twitter and let the cult bullying and calling the discord's people "hags"
3. made a tumblr blog dedicated just for wishing harm and death on a fictional character
4. orchestrated on creating some horrible fanfictions with the wrong tags about a fictional character being a child abuser and child killer, and sent the links of those fanfictions to the fans of said fictional character through inboxes
5. changing a fluff ficlet of a ship created by a fan to a horrible abuse story and sending it to so many fans of the ship through inboxes
6. harassing artists by reuploading art on other social media just for your cult to shit on the art
7. creating a fanart and draw a fictional character as a monster and using the term "lizard people" (but hey they got rewarded!)
8. harassing multishippers for creating fanarts and fanfictions for the newer ship
9. sending phising links and reporting as spam to a positivity project
10. you can check on Lou Ferrigno Jr's latest post on X/Twitter about him swallowing an apple sticker and see how many wishes of harms and deaths you can find on the quotes and the replies
11. throwing tantrums and sending threats to THE showrunner over a scene that didn't included on the final cut (the scene not even significant enough to the whole episode arc:((()
12. recorded an X/Twitter space when the black fans there expressing their disappointment about people (actors included)'s treatment toward a certain actor with racism history during blm, putting the recording out so the cult could harrass the fans who's talking in the said space
there are bad apples on bucktommys side. even sometimes i think maybe i am one of the bad apples. but i love how bucktommys never holding back for calling out someone's bad behavior even it's from their own side. so i'm always grateful that i'm on bucktommys side. oh, for all of those points of bad behavior above, we have receipts, bcs we would never speak without receipts.
P. S. certain group of shipper could made a team to investigate who nqueso-emergency actually is but not one of them move to investigate who are these people orchestrating csa fics and made their community look bad? shocker!!!
P. S. S. points of bad behaviors above is mostly about their treatment toward other fans and real life person. i'm not getting deep into their treatment toward fictional characters on the show, especially their treatment toward a certain gay character because when we tried to call them out, they just twist it to "hAtinG on a rAciSt aNd mYsOgIniSt chArActEr iS hoMOpHoBic noW?". well, honey, that character is already change to a better person now and he stated that he's not a good person back then. you know who's homophobic, now? yes! YOU ARE!
thank you for your your service, nqueso, have a great day. and i love you, bucktommys! we'll get through this🫶🏽
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I want to start by saying that I ship both buddie and bucktommy. And yes, lately you will see much more bucktommy on my blog and there's a good reason for that right now. The fandom has been incredible toxic, and I've had to unfollow a lot of people. And honestly. I've just been truly enjoy this canon ship right now.
Now, I get what people say when they use the show as evidence for buddie. I've enjoyed reading into things myself in the past. But...
I have a key to my besties place, and she has one to mine. We love shopping together, clothes, groceries, furniture even. She hangs out with my kid, with me and independently. If I had kids young enough, she would get them if I died. She gets my fur babies as it is. She will be in my will, once I get off my ass to make one. We vacation together, go out for dinner together, and talk all the time. We have had fights to end all fights when we haven't felt heard, or have been feeling dismissed by the other one. People have called us codepended, and tell us we act like an old married couple.
We are not in love with each other. But we do love each other. We support and care about one another. And I'm sure people will say it's different with girls or some ridiculous gendered, misogynist stereotype. But it isn't.
You can love someone and not want to be with them romantically. Platonic love is a real thing.
Buck / Eddie might just end up to be a wonderfully supportive platonic relationship, and that would still be amazing! We don't have enough platonic male friendships in media that show the same level of comfort.
But hey, they also might end up together, and that would be cool too. Honestly, I'd be pretty happy either way.
But the things that you see can be read both ways, and that's also the cool thing about media. It's how we interpret it.
But like, don't shit on other people about ships that they love just because you think all the evidence is right there! Buddie might happen. Bucktommy is happening. Just enjoy the show and let people ship who they wanna ship.
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lover-of-mine · 1 month
Okay, so, I'm fully aware of the platform I accidentally created with the whole network, and I love being the place people come for information and a good laugh about the madness. But I am a person. I am also only one person. I get a whole lot of asks in a day, I try to answer as many as I can but sometimes my life gets in the way and sometimes the things I'm getting kill my vibe and make me less inclined to sit through my inbox for hours. I filter as much as I can, sometimes the sheer volume of asks filter things too. I'm just the messenger. I'm not gonna let you use me to rage bait because I'm the one who takes the heat for it. Is my name attached to the asks. I don't condone with what's been happening, the blogs who take things too far or whoever it was who wrote that fic. I don't know who wrote it, if it was an angry buddie shipper or a disturbed bucktommy one or someone outside of the mess who wants to have fun putting us against each other, but I know that I don't want anything to do with that individual or individuals. But to act like they somehow speak for the whole buddie fandom is messed up. To expect every buddie fan to public denounce them is messed up. Unfortunately, there has always been fucked up fics posted to ao3. Are we gonna chase down everyone who wrote fics where Chim is abusive towards Maddie, or where Eddie is Buck's Doug, or the very disturbing Ana bashing fics that include shit ranging from her kidnapping Chris to her raping Buck too then? We've seen a bt shipper say that Eddie should kill himself because Ryan's experience would make the scene realistic, but I never expected anyone to apologize for her behavior because I know she's not the norm and she's the only one responsible for the shit she says. No one here speaks for anyone. But dissecting why a character acts the way he does when he has a canon past of bigotry does not give anyone the right to say that the only reason something disturbing is happening is because I said something mean about Tommy. That fic is fucked up. But the only person responsible for it is whoever wrote it. If I knew who that was, trust me, I would be putting them on blast, but I don't. Some of you need to get off your high horse. No one can control fandom, and a witch hunt just because someone found a burner account that may or may not be responsible for shit and attacking everyone because they are being followed by them is not it. It's not gonna solve anything. To try and make anyone who said something negative about Tommy responsible is not it. I'm a real person. I know y'all only see a hockey player's picture and a 5sos song url, but I'm a person. I am not a newspaper and I'm also not the spokesperson for the buddie fandom who needs to make a statement about these awful things happening. I'm not the one creating the unsafe space. My shit is properly tagged, I stay in my blog, I don't go chasing people I don't agree with just to pick a fight. But y'all do love dragging me into shit I have nothing to do with. What happened is fucked but can we stop blaming the whole fandom for the actions of a very small portion of it?
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fandominstability · 5 months
I didn’t get to live blog the way i usually like to when i watched the episode but the highlights were:
Clipboard Buck -clipboard
“Thanks, we had…a time.” Karen Wilson, my beloved, funniest person alive
Buck and Eddie really saw Chimney not show up to his own bachelor party and instead of double triple checking nothing was wrong, had a bachelor party by themselves with strangers
Fuck Doug Kendall
Hen slayed the whole episode in her best woman get up
Bathena having to touch each other at any given point in time!!!
Also the way they looked at each other during the wedding HELP
Why did fucking Phillip walk Maddie down the “aisle” 🙄
Fuck you Margaret Buckley, I saw that look
I wish we’d gotten to actually see Bobby and Athena’s reactions to the kiss
And also, Bobby officiating was so sweet and perfect
Overall, that episode was TOP TIER and I loved it so much
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lemotmo · 3 months
I'm going to try and approach this a bit differently. We have all been in a position where we desperately wanted something from a show. We can all relate to the desire for something you love to become canon. I still fret about whether or not they'll actually give us Buddie. Yes it has been sign posted but it's been sign posted for years and we're still waiting. Anyway I say that part to say this next part. They are sign posted. The canon signs are there and there everywhere. None of it is made up from nothing. Yes there are headcanons but that's true of every ship. But most of the headcanons have canon scenes that they stem from. The BT stuff is all headcanon. I keep seeing gifs of Buck with gifs of Lou from other acting rolls and them being tagged as bucktommy. Those gifs have nothing to do with 911 and aren't Tommy. None of it is based on canon. It has all come from their cameo conversations with Lou. And that genuinely dumbfounds me. Because now I see less and less Buck and it's increasingly Tommy centered.
Buck is the character the show cares about and they know that. I don't know enough about the SWAT theory to speak to it's truth or not but the timing of its renewal and him going 911 dark does somewhat feed into the rumor. I don't know, it's bad enough so many of them have become horrible towards Eddie but now they're starting to change who Buck canonically is to fit their headcanons of Tommy (the whole damsel in distress nonsense enrages me). And while I understand the desire to push for what you love, basic knowledge of the show has to play into your expectations at some point. It will be interesting(terrifying) to see how they react when his arc finishes, and he himself stated it was an arc(hello people he said this) so I'm just forever dumbfounded as to how we got here and I'm someone who genuinely tried to see where they're coming from.
*sigh* sorry for the length of this ask. Your blog is lovely.
Yes Nonny. Yes! All of this! This has been on my mind for so long now and you managed to summarize it so beautifully.
I simply do not get how we got here. A couple of months ago, everything was great in this fandom. We had no great expectations of Buddie canon, but we were happy to be on ABC so we could maybe get some more Buddie scenes. And we did get them. Season 7 was great for Buddie.
Unfortunately it also brought along Tommy. I was and still am thrilled for Buck being revealed as being bisexual. It's wonderful! And the initial thrill of it was exciting. I immediately started tying this in to Eddie. A lot of us in the Buddie fandom have long since theorised that, as soon as one of them would come out, the other would follow because it would be the only thing to make sense. Buck and Eddie have both been queer-coded for so long now and finally we would see some movement in their story.
Imagine my surprise when suddenly some people decided that Tommy was the best thing that had ever happened to Buck. It was all Tommy this, Tommy that, Tommy with the sun shining out of his ***. I was so confused. Even some of my Buddie mutuals who I had known for years, just kind of gave up on Buddie and started worshipping at the altar of Tommy Kinard.
And the fact that Lou started spouting his headcanons in those cameos definitely didn't help either. Some people really believe in those headcanons.
And listen, nothing against headcanons. I have some of my own. But there is a reason why they are called 'head'canons. It's because they are things you see and recognise in a character, but they aren't discussed in the show, so they aren't 'canon'. They remain 'fanon'.
Now, don't get me wrong, ship and let ship. But there is a difference between normal 'shipping' and liking the pair, and the total craziness the Tommy-hype has become.
I know a lot of people that are multi-shippers and I have mutuals who like BT as a transitional relationship, but ultimately still want Buddie. I'm not talking about them. I'm talking about the people who suddenly started talking down on Eddie as if he was treating Buck badly and how he was a bad father. And how, even if he were queer, Buck would never choose him over Tommy. Where did that come from? They didn't say that before. Why now?
And I ask the question: What is so special about Tommy? I keep seeing people that say Buck is in the best relationship ever. HOW? WHAT? WHERE? What do these people see that I don't see?
We have seen Tommy in a handful of scenes. In all of those scenes he has been dismissive, disrespectful and frankly not very interesting. There is no chemistry at all with Buck either. I mean, if there had been some palpable chemistry I might have liked it more, but it just seems as if Lou is going through the motions in those kisses. If they are such a great couple, where are the little couple things? Where is the handholding? The little in-jokes? Nothing! I mean, Oliver does his best to keep their scenes somewhat afloat, but Lou is clearly not even trying. So I truly do not understand this strange -almost obsessive and gatekeeping- behaviour when it comes to Lou and Tommy.
It's obvious-- and anyone with eyes can see this from miles away-- that Tommy is a narrative device to have Buck explore his bisexuality. Every single thing in the show, but also around the show, is pointing in that direction.
Think about it. There was no promotion whatsoever for BT, only for bi Buck and Buddie. They had one abysmal interview where they talked for 2 seconds about BT and Oliver looked like he wanted to be anywhere but there. They have given Tommy no screentime whatsoever. He is only there when it is required for Buck's storyline. It practically screams: plot device.
Then we have Ryan giving interviews where he, once again, talks about Buck being a co-parent and how Eddie will explore himself in season 8. How he will push that refresh button and he will ultimately find the partner he needs. All gender neutral by the way.
I mean, look... I admit to having been delulu in the past over small things when it comes to Buddie. What can I say? It's been a long 6 years. But this? This is no longer about being delusional. This is full-blown 'in your face': BUDDIE IS HAPPENING! It's all right there when you look at it logically.
But yes, somehow, we are wrong because our ship isn't canon and it's apparantly homophobic to be against a canon ship?
Which... do these people know what fandom is actually about? It's about fictional people and we want to see these fictional people get interesting story arcs and we want some of them to end up together because they have such a great history and chemistry. Like Buddie.
So yes Nonny, I agree. And listen, I do too still fret sometimes that I might be seeing things that aren't there. It's in my nature as a libra to doubt everything.
But then I start putting all of the evidence in- and outside of the narrative together and... it can only lead to one thing: queer Eddie (which is about time) and eventually Buddie.
And imagine the payoff that will be. Imagine how the viewership will get a boost. So many more people would turn in. Bi Buck was big, but the fan favourite queer slow burn getting together after 7 seasons by then? The internet will explode. It will be epic.
For 6 seasons we have been rooting for these men to open their eyes and to see what is right in front of them. There were plans to go there, but FOX stopped it. Now they are on ABC and obviously ABC is okay with queer characters on their shows. I mean, look at 'Grey's anatomy'.
So yes, I proudly declare myself no longer delulu and 100% certain that Buddie is in the works. There is no more need for clown noses and clown cars. We are beyond that now. It's a matter of 'when', not 'if'.
Mind you, just my humble opinion here. But I stand with it.
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buckera · 4 months
Do you have any idea where the 'oliver hates lou' thing came from? Cause all I've seen is them praising each other and oliver saying how fun and goofy lou is. The only 'reason' I've seen from big blogs is that oliver doesn't follow him but he only follows the main cast now, not even anirudh or john who he's friends with so ? I doubt that means he hates him?
no idea who said it first, but as most vile things, it came from twitter.
people are grasping for straws because they aren't happy with the bucktommy storyline. Lou came in and did his job and said yes to a storyline that gave us bi Buck and these people are trying to bully him on twitter, trying to get a gotcha out of him, the cast and other fans on the regular.
the man cannot move an inch without them being up his ass about it, which, as I said before has me a little concerned for various reasons, some of them being Lou leaving the show prematurely due to the behaviour, the fandom en masse getting a bad reputation similar to other large toxic fandoms in the past (spn, stranger things, voltron, etc.) and just in general it grinds my gears that people can't fucking separate the actor from the character.
hate Tommy all you want, make up reasons, ignore his backstory and growth all you want, but Lou is a real human being who we don't know.
for what we see from him and what he lets us see is nice, but even if he's somehow this evil, terrible person... we just don't know. we're not working with him, we aren't his friends or family so it's just completely deranged to think that any of us can make an accurate analysis of his behaviour.
the cast and Tim only ever said that he's goofy, he's sweet, he's kind and great to work with — which, believe them or not, but it is what was said. he loves the character, Oliver loves the storyline and just because they barely know each other, it doesn't mean they hate each other.
and even if they did — it wouldn't matter. the actors' relationship doesn't affect the show as long as everyone is being professional and I'd be surprised if they weren't.
all this to say; this whole thing is made up and normal people have no reason to believe it and also should not have interest in if the cast likes Lou or not; but for all intents and purposes, by the cast's own admission, they like him.
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dangerpronebuddie · 4 months
Inspiration Saturday!!
Tagged by @wikiangela who is writing some adorable bucktommy fluff y'all should show some love!! 💚🩷
The photos we're getting for the next episodes have inspired a new WIP! (And my sister gave me a brilliant whump idea for the story too 😁). It also qualifies for the BTHB prompt: Severed Artery! I have the actual whump written, but I decided to share some of Buck's conversation with Helena, cause I don't know how I feel about the scene yet. Fair warning, Tommy is not portrayed in the very best light, so if you don't want to be tagged for this fic, I understand and I'll alter the taglist if need be 🥰:
“Where is Christopher?” Ramon asks before Helena could speak again. “He's at school,” Buck says. “I was planning on bringing him here as soon as he's out.” “We will get Christopher,” Helena declares. “As soon as we call the school, they'll understand.” “They already know the situation,” he assures her. “I um… called yesterday.” “You?” Helena frowns. Buck hums an affirmative. Trying to keep from falling apart while on the phone to Miss Townshend wasn’t an experience he ever wanted to go through again. “I would’ve thought Pepa would take charge,” Helena says to Ramon. “Evidently, she’s letting Buck lend a hand,” Ramon says. “Uh, actually, Eddie is letting me help,” Buck says, “has been for years.” “First I'm hearing of it,” Helena says with a challenging raise of her eyebrows. Eddie once described his mother like Katherine Hepburn's character in The Philadelphia Story. Cary Grant described her disapproving scowl as “the withering glance of the goddess.” The resemblance was uncanny. “Well, you haven't really been around,” Buck says with a wince, fighting the urge to hunch his shoulders around his ears. Tommy places a reassuring hand on his back, then squeezes the nape of his neck. “How would you know?” Helena asks. “I'm his best friend,” Buck says with a nervous chuckle. “And that gives you the right to take over while my son is incapacitated?” Buck takes a deep breath. “It does, actually.” “I beg your pardon?” She folds her arms, that withering glance never faltering. “It was Eddie's choice,” Buck says. “A few years ago, he chose me to act as Christopher's guardian should something like this happen.” "It doesn't stop us helping out," Helena persists. "I understand that," Buck says. "And I thank you for wanting to, but we have it handled." "Evan, he's their grandkid," Tommy points out.
"And he's my kid," Buck bites back with a disbelieving frown before whirling around to face the Diazes again. "I'm sorry, but Christopher stays with me."
(tags under the cut. As always, please let me know if you want to be added/ removed)
Absolutely no pressure tagging:
@kaseysgirl86-blog @darkrose6578 and anyone else who wants to share!! 🥰🩷
@13shadesofanni @lover-of-mine @monsterrae1 @tizniz @loveyouanyway
@ronordmann @steadfastsaturnsrings @daffi-990 @kitteneddiediaz
@inell @exhaustedpigeons @spagheddiediaz @hippolotamus @diazsdimples
@actuallyitsellie @daniwib @fortheloveofbuddie @wildlife4life @theotherbuckley
@rainbow-nerdss @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @lunarspark-cos @idealuk @shipperqueen6
@misshiss727 @likeamollusconarock @lin27 @jshadow01 @orangeboxfox92
@smallandalmosthonest @thegeekcompanion @emilybahu @lemotmo @awolfnamed-nyx
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talktonytome · 4 months
Don't you guys wish the relationship was more fleshed out? I don't even like Tommy, I'm indifferent to him, and I still wish that Buck's first queer relationship actually was handled well, tenderly and gently and with respect instead of getting so little screen time that the bits and pieces of Tommy we know are from LFJ's cameos or interviews. Yes, I want Buddie canon, but more than anything I want Buck's bisexuality and his first relationship with a man to be given more care than it currently is! But so many people who only started watching the show because Buck kissed a man (aka 99% of people who started watching post-7x04) seem to only care that, well, Buck kissed a man, and don't care for the storyline to be treated well so long as the conventionally attractive cis white guy is kissing another conventionally attractive cis white guy.
“I don’t even like Tommy.”
“I want Buddie canon”
I’m already weary of your intentions with this ask, but I’m gonna answer because you came to my inbox about it. With all due respect, do you know how most people meet in real life? Strangers meet, if they vibe and hit it off, they hang out more and they get to know each other. I’m sorry Tommy hasn’t had 7 years of being on the show, but he’s not the main cast and this season was short. Their relationship is new. The fact that we even got the Buck and Tommy we got is great and in those little moments, we got to see the tenderness and gentleness- being so blinded by shipping goggles and hate for Tommy that certain people refuse to see it is a whole other thing.
And I think Buck’s queer relationship has been handled well, actually!! That’s WHY people like them- it’s so joyful and genuine and refreshing.
And it’s frankly insulting to say people only want two conventionally attractive white guys kissing. I love the characters, I love Buck and I, along with many others, are capable of digesting his story that is beautiful by the way- and both Oliver and Lou have done a great job with the scenes they did get. They have chemistry, the characters have chemistry and potential, and if you don’t see that, then ok, cool but don’t act like Buck isn’t being treated right or isn’t the happiest he’s ever been in a relationship. There is a difference between canon and what is depicted onscreen and fanon tropes.
It’s funny, because I’ve seen so many amazing-in depth posts about Buck and Tommy as separate people and their character growth and almost all buddie posts are about Buck in relation to Eddie. They’re interesting characters and no, we don’t just care about two white guys kissing. Maybe ask yourself why YOU assume that.
Lastly, I’m not going to try to convince you or anyone of anything. If you don’t like tommy and you ship buddie, then just scroll away, don’t interact with things you don’t like 🤷🏻‍♀️ it’s what I do. scroll away, block, filter tags. because if you’re already decided, why would I waste my time doing something that doesn’t make me happy?
Anon, I really hope you have a great rest of your day and remember to have fun and a little joy! And if bucktommy isn’t for you, find blogs and content that align with your interests <3
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shaunashipman · 4 months
I'm a new 9-1-1 viewer (binge watched the first 6 seasons like two weeks before the new one came out and been watching season 7 as it comes out) and I'm so glad I found your blog because it annoys me how most of the conversation around the show is always about b*ddie and I really needed to find people who weren't b*ddie shippers. Like, I get why people ship it even if I don't particularly see it or agree with it but they're always trying to prove how this plot point or the other points at them becoming canon next episode and it's so annoying? Especially now that Tommy is in the picture because I think he's such a great LI for Buck and has so much endgame potential but they're all talking about him being a "stepping stone" for their ship and completely ignoring how this is a chance for him to be in a loving, stable relationship in the long run, something he absolutely deserves.
Honestly sometimes I feel like b*ddie shippers don't even care or like Eddie and Buck, they just want them to kiss onscreen and ignore their well written arcs just because they don't end up in them being canon (which honestly after seven seasons of the same clownery they should have learnt by now that maybe it's just not happening and that's okay! they're well thought out, fully fleshed characters that don't need to be involved romantically to have a satisfying storyline!)
welcome to the fandom, and my blog 👋👋👋
it is unfortunate that the show has so many great characters and dynamics that get consistently drowned out by a single fanon ship. i get it if you're just here for b*ddie, but to make a big fuss over losing a single scene in another couple's big episode? when you still got something? sometimes you need a reality check that the show is actually about other people too
fandom is not about hunting for hints that your ship is going canon. like, i have never seen a fandom that seems to spend more time "proving" their ship is gonna go canon than actually, you know, doing fandom stuff. (i was not in spn/destiel, idk what nonsense went on there) we're supposed to ignore what the TPTB say while we play with our dolls because it doesn't matter, not ignore what they say because clearly they're lying and misdirecting and building up to do what they have have said, as explicitly as they can in tv world, won't be happening. this obsession with "going canon" is, frankly, weird in fandom.
my blood pressure goes up when i read the phrase "stepping stone". even if bucktommy doesn't last, they will never have been a stepping stone. one, because it is a relationship, and relationships can't be stepping stones, that is such a cynical way to look at things and really makes me wonder about some of these people's real life relationships (yeah i know it's fiction, but y'all take it too far in your vitriol for it not to be invading your personal lives) and two, because b*ddie is not happening, so it can't be a stepping stone to it.
they have done everything they can except saying "b*ddie isn't happening" because in tvland ambiguity is your best friend. but ryan calling eddie heterosexual twice is not ambiguous. and i've already said, but ignoring what ryan has said about the coming out scene because it doesn't fit your headcanon is extremely disrespectful. it is fiction, but it is fiction made by people drawing from real life experiences and y'all are shitting on that
and tommy does have such potential!! they like to shit on us for saying that, "oh he's only been there for 4 eps, we don't even know anything about him", and, ignoring that we actually do know some stuff about tommy, more than we've gotten for other LI's, that's why we say potential. we are looking at possible future storylines and seeing how tommy could fit. we are looking at what was lacking in prev LI's (not in a deficient way, just in a compatibility way) and seeing how tommy can fill the spaces they couldn't.
we're basing our theories of him at least sticking around for a bit, not on wardrobe hints and coded gazes and what actors post on their socials, but by what we've seen on-screen, what has been said in interviews in black&white no hidden meaning, and by simple knowledge of story pacing.
and we could be completely wrong. that's part of it being a theory; the acknowledgement that it is not guaranteed . once you start insisting something is 100% going to happen, it's no longer a theory
wow this got long 🫣 sorry for making you read all that, if you're still here lmao. but conciseness is not my strong suit, so enjoy my babbling if you stick around, and feel free to drop in my inbox anytime
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theotherbuckley · 27 days
Inspired by @thatmexisaurusrex
New ask game! Please recommend at least three of your favorite BuckTommy fic authors, artists, meta writers, gif makers, or edit makers. Maybe sing their praises a bit if you'd like. And if you want to, send this to a few other people and spread the good vibes 🥰
Oooo I love spreading positivity!!! Thanks so much for the ask 🫶🏽
Artists: there are SO MANY talented artists out there so I will tag @buffaluff soo many incredible drawings and paintings Buff is so amazing @bigfootsmom Molly has the most perfect drawings including Bucktommy girl dads which is so cute and I love it so much! @iinryer is so talented and draws the most amazing drawings @macaronimars has some really cute art I love @pirrusstuff Pirru has some of the cutest drawings!! @tommys-wings has some incredible art too! There’s one piece of Buck and Tommy kissing in the rain which is so gorgeous I love it! I know there are many other blogs with some incredible art too that I just can’t think of right now!
Gif makers: so many gifs we are so lucky! @xofemeraldstars always has the best gifs and frames of the day are my favourite. @buckera-backup Newbie always has amazing gifs but if currently in the process of getting their account back :/ can’t forget @sunglassesmish always has amazing gifs too!! There’s so many others but once again they seem to be evading me!
Fic writers: oh there are SO MANY. Here’s some: @thatmexisaurusrex who started this ask game has some of the BEST long form bucktommy fics. You can not go wrong with them! @typicalopposite made me cry with their breakup/makeup bucktommy fic “everytime i try to fly (i fall)” @snarkythewoecrow has some incredible fics and has betad my fics in the past they’re amazing 🫶🏽🫶🏽 @wikiangela also has some of the most perfect bucktommy fics just ahh incredible amazing no notes @bidisasterevankinard starting shipping bucktommy before season 7 started so they’re an OG and their fics are perfect (especially if you want spicy) @princessfbi you can never ever ever go wrong with her fics she is such an amazing writer both ficlets and long form I love her writing so so much @diazsdimples is my bestie who writes amazing fics especially dad fics!! He recently wrote piece of bucktommy dads to a bunch of kids that I drew a picture for! @perfectlysunny02 is another fantastic writer especially if you’re looking for some shorter and still perfect bucktommy fics! @firewasabeast has some amazingggggg fics!! Their tumblr ficlets are actually my fav and always bring out so many emotions I love it! @userautumn has some ammmmmazzzzzing fics of all shapes and sizes! @rosetterer has some incredible fics too “something, everything” was one of my favourite fics it was so adorable and perfect. @devirnis you want good smut? Ali is your girl she is so good at it 🔥 okay wow that’s a lot of people already and there SO MANY MORE!!! We are so lucky to have a fandom with so many people contributing and sharing I love all of you💜
Okay and because I can’t leave out people here’s some more amazing blogs to follow!! @smallandalmosthonest @30somethingautisticteacher (has an amputee buck fic which I am yet to read but know will be amazing) @evanbi-ckley (currently writing a kink club au that I’m a little obsessed with) @watchyourbuck @bambibuckley @half-oz-eddie (hilarious incorrect tweets/texts) @lavenderleahy @actuallyitsellie (some really cute art too) @monsterrae1 @agenttommykinard @buckevantommy there’s so many more but I can’t think of them right now!!! I think I went a little overboard but damn our fandom is huge!
Also not to shout out myself but shout out to my own blog because I do art, write fics, make Bucktommy incorrect tweets, make gifs, and more! 🫶🏽🫶🏽💜
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pigeonxp · 14 days
Lol can't believe a bt shipper just posted in the anti bt tag, calling bt "smitten kitten beefcake boyfriends"
Who exactly is smitten? Not T that's for sure. And boyfriends? After 2.5 sort of dates? It's like kindergartners holding hands and saying they're married.
I know it's unlikely but I'm really hoping for an offscreen break up that buck casually mentions in passing just like, "oh the thing with T? Yeah it just kind of fizzled out, you know how it goes." and we never even have to see T again
hey anon my bad i read this a few days ago and forgot to respond LMAOOOOOOO anyway.
very strange behavior to go into the anti bt tag and post pro bt stuff knowing that isnt a space for them. like honestly yall will never catch me in the anti buddie tag yapping abt how much i love buddie bc thats not what the tag is meant for. like i fear these bt shippers are just looking for reasons to get mad. my whole internet experience brightened when i blocked the bucktommy and tevan tags bc why would i want to see shit i dont like. genuinely blocking tags and blogs is a top tier feature. for the love of god, utilize it.
with an offscreen breakup, i honestly hope they choose to do it that way. i really dgaf if its bad storytelling or repetitive or whatever bc honestly i just want that man off my screen
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sunglassesmish · 1 month
in the spirit of spreading positivity, tag some of your favorite blogs and say something nice about each of them
@evanbi-ckley one of my favourite people on here, probably. literally hilarious, amazing posts, such a good person and friend and can always count of them to make your tumblr experience better. and their fics. just perfection. go read them all rn.
@kirkaut such a talented writer, strong and funny and always matches my lou thirst and bucktommy love. cannot even remember what my time in the fandom was like before following caroline.
@xofemeraldstars have you seen their gifs??? basically the person i look up to the most when it comes to gifmaking. their bucktommy posts and the ones they share grace my dash. a longtime mutual, i cannot express how glad i am that i knew them before we even got into 911 as much as we did.
@userautumn again. have you read jack’s fics? how blessed we are to have someone so talented in this fandom. always a joy to have on my dash, level headed but passionate and can depend on them to have good opinions.
@tommystummy a recent mutual but i’ve enjoyed his posts for the longest time. again, such a talented writer and supporter of buddie and bucktommy and buddietommy and all the variations. i don’t even go to josheddie but i enjoy his passion and his posts.
@epiphainie such a joy to see their posts on my dash. so lovely and loves bucktommy so much, anyone would be blessed to follow them. a fellow buck lover, and their fic here is currently a favourite of mine. actual poetry in their writing i swear.
@kinkdaddykinard so passionate and lovely and talented. also someone who is a bucktommy lover, but will also be so open with their buddie and eddie love. a must follow imo.
now there are many people i’m forgetting so this is just a very short list... but a good one.
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nqueso-emergency · 20 days
Please understand that English is not my first language, so I use a translator.I started watching 9-1-1 on and off a few years ago and recently started watching it again after seeing BuckTommy's kiss. I follow the official 9-1-1 Instagram, and I was shocked by the comments on the content.Every feed, regardless of the content, was calling for Buddie Cannon and the karaoke scene, and the blatant hostility towards Tommy/Lou was a very unpleasant shock to me. I don't know why, they say Buddie will be Cannon without any logic, and they believe Eddie is gay, but I, as a casual viewer, never once thought Eddie could be gay.Then I found your blog, and I really hope you are right because I don't know if you actually have a cousin, but I think you are more logical than they are.
Whatever translator you use is amazing!!
I love views from casual viewers, such as yourself! It just continues to confirm that if Buddie were to happen the general audience would be dumbfounded.
Thank you for sharing!! We welcome logic around these parts.
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userautumn · 6 days
i don't know why you act so surprised that some people would be upset about how sooo many people in this fandom, you included, used to preach about how buddie was going canon, just trust the storytelling blah blah blah (sorry i always thought that was bullshit). and now you're like just kidding maybe it will be bucktommy forever instead. i'm not blaming you but really popular people in this fandom building up the idea for years that buddie was going to go canon and then just dropping that is absolutely part of what made this fandom go batshit don't play dumb about that
I'm not responsible for what other people think 🤷🏾‍♀️ I'm sorry that you appear to be unable to differentiate between me articulating my opinions on my blog versus me giving you targeted leadership about what you should think or believe, but I said in my pinned for years that I'm not your leader re: Buddie and it's not my job to "convince" you one way or the other. See pinned below:
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Second, I'm going to be painfully blunt:
You gave me social capital. You, and everyone else who followed me and interacted with me, have made me a "really popular" blog. I have mixed feelings about that, both positive and negative, but we're here now and it is what it is. The problem you and I are having is that you made the mistake of believing that the social capital that you gave me made me an authority on all things 9-1-1.
It didn't. I'm not and I never claimed to be.
So you want to talk about the story? Yes, let's talk about the story. Per Oliver's own words, we as a fandom did interpret the story correctly. Oliver said in May that they (the higher ups) fished around the idea of Buck being bisexual in Season 4. Given this confirmation and, absent of any other love interests, it stands to reason that Buck and Eddie were supposed to be on a romantic trajectory, culminating in the events of Season 5 which is why Season 5 ended with me (because I can only speak for myself) fully believing Season 6 would be the season they finally got together.
Season 6 comes around. Not only do Buck and Eddie not get together, they also don't share many significant scenes with each other. Kristen was the full-time showrunner at the time, so I assumed she wanted to highlight the other dynamics on the show. This was also confirmed.
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Season 7 comes around. Buck and Eddie share many significant scenes but none of them leave room to interpret explicit romantic intent the way some of their Season 3 / Season 4 / Season 5 scenes (in my opinion) have. Now, this is something we will likely disagree on because what I view as "romantic intent" is going to vastly differ from what you may view as romantic intent and that's fine. The gist is that none of the scenes Buck and Eddie shared this past season seemed geared toward explicitly pulling their relationship in a romantic direction.
Just the opposite, in fact. Enter Tommy.
I mentioned at the beginning of Season 7 that I didn't think Buck and Eddie were going canon this season. I said months ago that Tim et. al. were introducing the show to a new audience and that, what would be a slowburn for us, would be sudden for them. I said months ago that if, Buck and Eddie were to go canon, I didn't see it happening before Season 9 because they would need to build that relationship up for the audience. I still maintain that and, in fact, said in my personal DMs that whatever happens in Season 8 is going to be the determining factor for a lot of what happens in the future of the show.
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So you want to talk about interpreting the story, trusting the story? That is what I am doing and, right now, the story seems to be veering away from romantic!Buddie. Does that mean they won't ever veer back? No! Does that mean I think Tommy is going to be Buck's endgame? No! What it does mean is that I'm leaving the door open on both fronts as a possibility. Which shouldn't be a shocking concept and yet is.
Third and finally, let's be clear, this betrayal you're articulating isn't directed at me or anyone else in the fandom. It's directed at Tim. You spent years getting your hopes up about a ship you're now not sure will come to fruition and that scares you. I feel genuine empathy about that because that's always such a shitty feeling and it's easier for you to direct your frustration and sadness and anger at targets that are more accessible because we're right here and, in this way, your emotions still have an outlet. But I'm not to blame for this uncertainty any more than any one else. I've not conducted myself perfectly in this fandom and I've owned up to it every single time. But in the conversation of what, exactly, drove this fandom to becoming "batshit insane," it's definitely those feelings of betrayal and uncertainty (which, for the record, I don't blame anyone for having).
Hope this helps.
tone: /not mad
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