#once AGAIN this is sooo hilariously long and
chthonicgodling · 1 year
re; a summary (very very long) of some choice beats of Elysium!Loki’s past pre-Elysium but also pre-2012 ….. movie and 2011 movie. and. we’ll go over there and read that post first. it should have all been one but I have discovered that tumblr has a CHARACTER LIMIT IN TEXT POSTS??? nervous laughter well THATS how long this and that is……..
[tw here for. well again. but very much here. child death and uhh murder and uhhhhh suicide.] [narratively resuming without skipping a single best again this is one post chopped in half;; right after Hela-Fen-Jör have been taken away;; WITH—
of course right after losing those three is when Loki discovered that he was pregnant AGAINNN. with a baby of Sigyn’s! he vanished as was typical and for good fucking reason but this time around loki gave birth to perfectly norma fraternal twin boys, not a single thing “monstrous” about them! The birth of Vali and Nari, reuniting with sigyn afterwards as a new happy family!
Eventually Thor found Loki again and discovered, again, the new kids, they were toddlers at this point as Loki and Sigyn had scooped them up and hidden again. but since they were “””””normal”””” (you ass) Thor urged Loki to return to Asgard since surely they would be welcomed THIS time with open arms now that there was nothing unusual about them. though he fuckinggggg hated the thought of it Loki reluctantly decided that keeping an eye on his shitty family from in their own space was probably the safest option for him + kids + Sigyn, where he could see it coming if they went after them again. so he did reluctantly move back with the kiddos.
For a little while for some years things were??? kind of okay??? returning to Asgard Loki discovered that in his long absence and the drama of his children, he had not noticed the new god who had long since taken up residence as a FAVORITE of Odin and Frigga. their lmao honorary new son, shining star deity Balder…….
haha you can probably guess where this is going. Chafing at the fact that now he was cast underneath TWO SHADOWS , AND that there were horrible and cruel rumors spreading at all times about Loki himself and his “monstrous” children who had been taken from him, and plus Balder was kind of fuckin obnoxiously condescending (unintentionally, but Loki by this point had started to crack!),,… PLUS Loki and Sigyn had discovered magical abilities within Nari and were training him in sorcery which resulted in more ostracizing from Asgard - by the time the twins were like, 9 Loki had had enough and moved them all back out of the palace.
Loki had of course never reaally gotten over the loss of any of his kids and, slipping as we know he is prone to do, into the realm of. well you know. Loki. and the. things he is prone to doing. out of the eyes of the palace and just, seething consistently for the past decade basically Loki finally began to scheme his revenge. oh he had lost his children and suffered?? well - an eye for an eye, right?? mysteriously Balder began to dream of his own death….
Well Sigyn fUCKIN. Noticed that Loki was sneaking all around and confronted him knowing he was up to something. Expressing innocent concern for Balder’s well being and then explaining that he was perfectly safe since Frigga had loved him enough to protect him with her magics (ahem hem this is Norse mythology again!!! all things struck harmless except for mistletoe!!) - well Sigyn was not an idiot and immediately clocked what Loki was planning. urging and begging him not to do something stupid and that it would put Vali and Nari at risk, they argued like crazy until Loki promised her that he would not lay a hand upon Balder pinkie promiseee
and then well if you know the myths. Vali and Nari were ten years old when Loki finally proceeded to shapeshift his way into tricking another random god (blind literally, unaware what Loki was guiding him into doing) into gruesomely murdering Balder via well aimed mistletoe projectile straight into his heart. oopsies!! an eye for an eye! now they were even. fleeing the scene Loki vanished for several days, even though there was no way for anyone to prove he’d been behind this but. this was baby’s first cold bloooded murder and he had some emotions to reckon with.
eventually Sigyn found him - SHE knew immediately what he’d done once she’d heard about Balder’s death. accosting him in the woods for forcing her to leave the kids unattended to come find him. Loki lied to her that he regretted the murder (he did not really in the slightest) and agreed to return home to her and the kids and settle down. Except uh
Returning home to Vali and Nari, instead Loki found an absolute horror show scene :( the two boys, dead on the floor and torn completely to gory pieces. enchanting the truth from what remained, Loki learned that Odin had orchestrated this - enchanting and bewitching the twins , transforming Vali into a bloodthirsty wolf and transforming Nari into a bloodthirsty victim to fight back. under his influence they had murdered each other. an eye for an eye… for an eye. this was just as traumatizing as it sounds :(((
the aftermath was - Sigyn blamed Loki for their deaths, as it was his foolish actions that had caused Odin to retaliate. Spiralling deeper and deeper Loki blamed HER for leaving them unattended, and after exchanging cruel words Sigyn left - forever. alone and devastated, biting down bile and madness and fury and rage and rage and rage and rage - Loki returned to Asgard. Thor believed that a horrible accident had befallen the twins and nothing more.
Smugly Odin had proclaimed that now at last they could move past all this, now that Loki was done with his little games of years past - now that he had lost everything. blank and numb and full of rage and rage and rage and rage and— well Loki agreed. over and done with….: and then it. well, then it was:
I would like to make a second post wrapping up some things revealed here Re: kiddos and happy endings in Elysium but! this iis and has been SO long so that will be a separate update for sure!! also I wrote that < before I knew tumblr was gonna make me chop this in half fgkfkfkg
. instead to end this thread of devastation - i must announce that unequivocally in Elysium canon, the end of [2011 film, y’know], the diving off the Bifrost - was absolutely a suicide attempt, not just “kinda sorta”
And in fact after the events of 2012 (which that failed attempt led to, we all know) - Elysium canon begins with a SECOND attempt — but jumping off the Bifrost this second time not only failed again, but plummeted him further, into the underworld of…….
clears throat and uhh Well. thiszzz has been a poast. :’) if you made it to this end…. lmao omG? bless u???? the end of both of these??? Jesus Christ???????
anyway this was exhausting but I will make a followup about actual current Elysium canon eventually!! EDIT - third last part here as promised!
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neonacidtrip · 2 years
#been a while since I made a personal post#but just found out an old ex blocked me on social media#and it’s hilarious albeit a little sad#it’s hilarious because I never talk to exes? like I barely start conversations with people ever because I’m bad at it#I’ve never once been hateful to an ex after a break up I have no energy for that#I’ve actually talked to all of my exes except one after a break up and had full apologies with two of them and we walked away friends#of the two I did not re become friends with I had to block the one for my personal safety#and the other one blocked me and then unblocked me months or years later and started a conversation with me like nothing happened#and I was nice to him but I kept the conversation brief and he never spoke to me again after that#he hasn’t re blocked me either because he knows I’m not gonna bug him I’ve never bugged him#so to realize I’ve been blocked by my most recent ex is sooo silly#like we broke up agesssssss ago I have not talked to them once in months#I think all I would do is like their post if they came across my newsfeed#because them being an ex doesn’t mean I don’t want them to be happy or that I don’t still like the content they share#I guess good on them for the block if seeing me or my likes upsets them they did what they had to do#I’m just surprised because they waited so long to block me like months and months of time without blocking me#it’s December why did you not have a problem with me during January to November lol#I didn’t even date them this year that is how long ago the break up was#I’m so confused lol but it is a bit sad because I truly do want them to be happy#and I’m sad I won’t be able to pull up their account to see they’re still alive#which is how I found out I was blocked I went to check up on them just to see if they posted anything recently#because if they’re posting they must be alive but I couldn’t pull up the account#I thought they may have deactivated until I tried a different device that’s not logged in and it clicked that ohh I’m blocked#oh well I’m glad their alive and making self care choices like blocking ppl even if it’s me being blocked#will not stop me from being confused but I won’t talk to them about it I can respect them wanting their time without me#anyway I am cold why is Florida cold this is not the right temperature#I’m going to sleep through this cold like a hibernating bear wake me when it’s warmer#neo rambles#neo rambles a constellation in the tags#relationship drama I guess
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flamingpudding · 7 months
Sorry but I have returned with a part 3 of Klarion is Dan
So Danny is still having you know conversations with the entire RedRobin Young Justice team
When Tim sneaks away to go talk to the Justice League outside he's holding a few kryptonite cookies in his pockets then starts explaining to the Main Justice League on how yeah Klarion bought our trust with gifts so we can pretend to be his friend so he could make his mom happy Klarion's Mom he's is the nice creepy person I have ever meet so can y'all just got to play along
Clues the main Justice League playing along with Klarion being their sidekicks friend after a while Danny finds a way to pull up his scrapbook too also Danny and Clark have started speaking country to each other it's hilarious amazing
Batman in the end like a party pooper reveal that is Klarion is one of the enemy of the Young Justice it makes Young Justice along with Klarion sad for two different reasons for the Young Justice because Klarion's mom is really cool and Klarion cuz he feels like he is disappointing his mom
Danny after a while had a feeling that Klarion made friends like himself back when he was a teenager
A bit late but I finally had the time to write this down, without work stress or a migraine / headache torturing my brain! Hope i didn't make you wait to long! Either way I love this, sooo lets go! Part 3! Here we come!
Also thanks so much for the ask! This was inspiring since I have been struggling with writing the past weeks.
Danny was really enjoying his time an conversations with the children. He liked them, even if one of them was a speedster. And he could see that they were good for Dan, now Klarion. Danny had always been worried about his time clone / son. Klarion had no longer been as connected to Sam and Tucker as Danny was. Sure Jazz, Ellie and him, as well as Vlad had been there for him. But Danny knew himself and through that he also knew Dan in a way only Vlad could understand. They had been worried. But when Dan got deaged and choose to go by Klarion Danny's worries had become lighter. Especially when Klarion started to tell stories from the Dimension he had chosen to live in when he wasn't at home. One that was unlike their own home dimension but still similar enough so he wouldn't have troubles adjusting.
Danny smiled like any proud mother would as he watched the four heroes interact with his son. He could see it, Klarion had recreated friendships for himself outside of who he used to be in a different timeline. That alone lifted so many of Danny's worries for the boy. A chuckle escaped him as he once again watched Klarion snatch a green glowing cookie from Red Robin, glaring daggers before he jumped across the table in an attempt to tackle Impulse who was now also reaching for the green cookies. The speedster as expected easily dodged him.
He knew something was going on. Klarion has created a barrier right as Impulse had returned earlier from his 'bathroom break' and he could feel presence outside of his son's front door. One of them feeling funnily similar to one of many the soul contracts that had been laying on his desk for months now, ignored on purpose. But Danny choose to ignore it for the moment. If the kids were up to something than he was the least adult to stop them. So instead he when he saw his boy so distracted, Danny smiled towards Wonder Girl, reaching into a quickly opened portal next to him. "So about the picture you wanted to see earlier."
Danny smiled mischievously like any parent would at a chance to embarrass their child. But also noticing how Red Robin used the chance of Klarion chasing after Impulse and the Kryptonite Cookies in his hands to stuff a couple of the green cookies into his own pockets as well as one into his mouth. Danny suppressed a laugh, as he kept conversation with Wonder Girl flowing.
Superboy was right by Red Robins side as the boy pounded his fist against his own chest in surprise, but also refused to spit the cookie out. Once he swallowed the kid stuck out his tongue a look of wonder. "Have you ever tasted something that felt like sugar coated in love and care sprinkled with calming emotions but had a weird but not bad after taste of sewer water?! I will never be able to look at the Lazarus Pits the same anymore!" the caped teenage hero whined towards his Kryptonian friend and Danny couldn't help it any longer as he burst out laughing.
"That's a Description I have never heard before! Sam likes to say their taste like actual Rainbow puke and Tucker is still trying to convince me that they taste like he was dared to lick a motherboard but one was coated in the finest meats!" Klarion instantly froze in his chase after Impulse and pointed glaring at Red Robin as both Wonder Girl and Impulse now appeared very tempted to actually try the Kryptonite cookies too. "You didn't!"
"I did." Red Robin grinned fearless, the way Tucker used to when he had hacked into the GIWs servers when they were kids.
"DO YOU HAVE A DEATH WISH?!" Red Robin yelped as Klarion jumped at him over the couch table to wrestle with the other boy as if to make him spit out any green glowing cookie reminds that could be there. "You mortals are idiots!"
Danny blinked and laughed as a little Chaos (Ha! His sons favorite past time) broke out with Wonder Girl, Superboy and Impulse trying to help Red Robin against Klarion only for them to get pulled into the little wrestling match too. With Klarion occupied with the other three as well as trying to stop Impulse from also shoving a green glowing cookie into his mouth he noticed from the corner of his eyes how Red Robin snuck away.
Batman looked ready to strangle John Constantine as he glared at the Justice League Dark member currently working on removing the barrier. This was taking to long in his opinion. Their kids were in there with a highly dangerous being and one of their enemies. This wasn't a situation to take lightly. He growled and Superman patted his shoulder trying to calm him down.
"We will get in there Batman. Just calm down for now. I am sure they are doing all they can to remove the barrier." The Kryptonian said in a calming tone sharing a look with Wonder Woman and the Flash, who by now had rounded the apartment three times to see if there was a possible entry way not covered by a barrier. Batman only grunted again as the door to the appartement suddenly opened, their heads snapped instantly towards it to see Red Robin standing behind the barrier.
"Red Robin Report!" Batman instantly snapped marching forward but frowned as the barrier was blocking him from reaching the teen.
"Klarion's mother is a multidimensional being under the impression that Klarion is working with the Heroes in this impression and not against them. He is also known as the Ghost King ruler of the Infinite Reams. I am sure you are already updated on what the Infinite Realms are." The teen stated in a reporting tone the adult heroes were familiar with. "So far The Ghost King has not shown any hostility towards us or our dimension unprompted. He is rather nice and a good parent by all means. To not disappoint his mother Klarion abducted us so we could pretend to be his friends, in other words Klarion is in need of our help to keep his mother under the belief that he is working and friends with us."
Batman nodded, letting the information sink in. "Anything else?"
"Well, I would suggest to not become hostile ourselves and to play along for the time being." Red Robin offered his solution hoping that with his report their mentors were more willing to play along than with the way Impulse probably slammed the door in their faces. For one, they would get to have a longer time of a break and two, as long as they don't piss off Klarions mom they won't have to face an eldritch being probably ready to tear them appear to protect his child.
"You believe that to be the best course of action? What about the others?" Superman asked instead and the teens head turned a little to look at the Kryptonian. "We are all in agreement. We are also additionally in a position with this to fish for more information about Klarion."
He could see their mentors thinking as they were exchanging looks weighing the pros and cons of his suggestion.
"Constantine? You said that the Ghost King is a dangerous being that could destroy our dimension, correct?" Wonder Woman spoke up turning towards the magician.
"A Bloody fucking Tyrann that can rip us all a new one, mate." the Brite muttered annoyed with the situation.
"Then I guess keeping the Ghost King happy by humouring Klarion should be the best and most peaceful option we have at the moment." Flash added crossing his arms as he looked at the other JL members as they came to a silent agreement.
Hocked, Lined and Sinker. Red Robin thought for a brief moment with relief as the adults agreed to his suggestion. "That means no using spells behind our backs against the Ghost King too." The teen hero added though as he narrowed his eyes under his mask on John Constantine that was cursing under his breath but nodded.
"Great then I can tell Klarion-"
"Red Robin what are you doing out here?" Batman stiffened as white gloved hands rested on the teen hero's shoulders and they saw a white haired man, wearing a royal cape and a floating crown on his head, appearing by the door behind the teen.
"Oh I was just greeting our mentors, they came to check on us." Red Robin lied easily, not even flinching as the man had appeared out of seemingly nowhere. Batman had narrowed his eyes as he exchanged looks with Superman. They hadn't even noticed the man's approach.
"I see, please come in instead of standing out here." John Constantin gabbed as with the flick of his finger the man removed the magic barrier as if it was nothing and they heard a loud whine from inside the apartment of. "MOM IT FEELS WEIRD WHEN YOU DO THAT!"
"Sorry Klarion, baby!"
At that moment the adults realized that the man before them was the Ghost King.
The man lead them inside introducing himself as Danny as he guided Red Robin by his shoulders back to the couch to join the other teens again. The adult heroes where greeted by the image of Wonder Girl sitting on Impulse who was monopolising a photo book and Klarion being lifted into the air lion king style by Superboy flailing around. The teens and mentors blinked at each other several times before the teens continued like they weren't there, Red Robin joining them wanting in on getting to see the photo book that apparently contained 'baby' photos of Klarion.
"How about we leave the kids to themselves and have some coffee and cake by the dinner table?" The Ghost King, Danny, suggested and the adults mutely followed. They blinked as Danny opened a portal, Batman grunted as seeing similarities to something else in it, and reached into it. Danny heard his sisters distinctive "HEY!" Through it when he pulled out a cake from it to place on the table. The heroes couldn't help but sweat dropped, the cake was clearly not finished, it was only half way coated in cream and decorated.
"It's nice to meet the mentors of the friends my boy made in this dimension." Danny started to make small talk serving them coffee and each of them a slice of cake. "It's also nice to finally meet the guy that has sold his soul into so many pieces that I have an entire stack of paper work on my desk."
Constantine flinched, as he refused to make eye contact with the Ghost King who only chuckled. "Relax, I don't care about all these contracts. Most of them were even made before I took over as the King and the previous Ghost King... well lets just say he slept through all of his paperwork."
"Wait previous King?" The magician looked up now. "Mate are you telling me you aren't the bloody fucking Tyrann Ghost King?"
They watched as Danny rubbed his neck embarrassed. "Oh looks like the news didn't get to your Dimension yet, yea I dethroned that guy on accident and took over once I became an adult. Pops did say that it might take some time for all Dimensions to get updated on these kinda news..."
The four heroes looked stunned as they heard the Brite groan loudly thumping his head against the table muttering a "I need a whiskey."
"Oh its also nice to sort of meet my... Cousin or Niece from this Dimension whatever you would prefer more." Danny said to change the subject, looking towards Wonder Woman who blinked at him. "Cousin or Niece?"
"Yes I was Ghost Adopted by Clockwork, also known as Cronus, and Pandora. They speak a lot of praises about you, well every version of you." Danny smiled. There was an awkward moment of silence that Flash broke looking stunned at Wonder Woman. "You never told us you were related to the literal King of all Dimensions!"
"I didn't know!" / "Not all Dimensions."
Both Wonder Woman and Danny spoke at the same time. This finally seemed to break the eyes among the adults as most of them started to chat idly while the teens were fighting over a photo book in the back ground. Well all but one Batman sat among them listening to the other Heroes talk with the Ghost King, grunting every now and then to signal that he was listening. His eye twitch a little as both Superman and Danny suddenly started to talk in a weirdly with niceties filled way of talking.
Of course everything good and nice couldn't last forever and when a triumphant shout in the background from Red Robin resounded who was holding up the photo book with Klarion pinned to the ground by Impulse and Superboy, Batman had to be the one to finally put his foot in his mouth causing everyone to freeze. The bite of cake Superman was about to eat dropped back onto the plate and resounded like a pin needle dropping by the silence caused by one simple, in Batman's mind, question.
"As his mother, are you aware of your son's villainous actions against us heroes?"
A dramatic "No!" Resounded from the teens mostly caused by Impulse dramatically falling to his knees in a pleading motion towards the adults. Klarion on the other hand looked like his entire world was just shattered as he sat up on the ground from his previously pinned position, his eyes glued to his mother. Both Wonder Woman and Superman eyes looked to and fro between Batman and the Ghost King with worry while Flash, apparently decided to get himself another slice of cake as quick as possible before the Ghost King would inevitably kick them all out because of Batman.
Danny stared at the dark knight for a long moment not reacting until he let out a sigh. "Figured as much."
There was another kind of silence, a stunned one, as they all blinked at the Ghost King who was starting to chuckle a little at the faces they were making.
"Oh please Klarion." Danny waved his son off. "We both know that neither you nor I ever made friends the normal way. Of course you would make friends by being a little shit, just like I did with all my rogues when I was a teen and are now part of the council. It was unavaidable for you to do the same. Ancients even Vlad made friends like this or did you forget how many times he tried to kill my dad, Jack?"
There was silence for a third time, this time it got broken my Wonder Girl bumping her shoulder into Klarions.
"What kind of crazy family do you have?!"
"You have no idea.... you haven't even met my older sister yet...."
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itwasthereaminuteago · 10 months
Hi! I love your writing so much, you've written my fav smut of all time (I've re-read 'In dreams' sooo many times) So I've thought of this little scene and thought maybe this will inspire you to write something...
(I'm not a writer and I'm horrible with words so this probably is shit, but yeah...)
'"I love you so so much, you have no idea" Frank says while kissing your neck "Show me" you respond' and then smut (but in a loving way?)
Thank you ❣️
Hi Dear Nonny, I already thanked you for this message a while back, it absolutely made my day when i was feeling shitty and I want to say thank you again, and also apologise for this taking so long!
Frank Castle x Female Reader
Tags/Warnings: some fluffy sexy love, lots of praise, unprotected sex, Frank being so damn fine.
If you enojy my writing please share/reblog!
|| Show & Tell ||
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When Frank first realised how he felt about you it hadn't come to him in some grand spectacle of a moment, not even at a time when your lives had been threatened (which had been par for the course living in Hell's Kitchen). It simply happened on a chilly spring morning when he saw you sitting on the couch engrossed in reading a book. You had a blanket pulled up around you, one of the cups of coffee you'd made for the two of you cradled in your hand as your eyes scanned over the pages.
Your presence had made his apartment a home, something that had happened so gradually and naturally that he hadn't really noticed the change at all, and he figured that was because it all just felt right. Things were the way they were meant to be.
He watched your lips quirk up at whatever it was you were reading, some escapist fantasy novel probably. You loved that shit. 
You shifted your position and as you did, caught the way Frank was just standing there looking at you. “What's up big guy?” You ask.
“Just thinkin'.” He replies, sitting down next to you. 
You close your book and set down your cup on the table in front of you, turning to face him.
“Oh?” you say, waiting to hear him with interest.
Frank knew he wasn't going to wrap up this in anything fancy, that just wasn't his style. He was just gonna go ahead and say it.
His warm brown eyes trace over your features as he lifts his hand to the side of your face to stroke your skin, his gaze finally resting when he meets yours.
“I love you.”
Your smile almost splits your face. It's so big and beaming and he instantly mirrors it.
“I love you too, Frank.” you respond, leaning forward to tilt your head up and kiss him softly. He chases your mouth, brushing his own lips up against yours, gently encouraging you to open slightly as he kisses you again and you gladly let him. He tastes the coffee on your tongue when he meets it with his, and when you break apart his hand is still cradling your jaw, his fingertips light on your neck and you already see the deep fire set in his expression as he looks at you.
“You don't get it baby,” he's telling you, your body coming alight with the warmth of his attention. “I love you, so, so much.” 
You hum, closing your eyes as he closes the distance between you again, teasing a light lick against your tongue before his mouth roams over the skin of your jaw, his lips kissing and caressing the side of your neck below your ear as he whispers low, sending anticipatory little shivers running up and down your spine. 
“... You've got no idea how much.”
You tilt your head back in surrender, you can feel the passion imprinted in his words and you just know there's plenty more to come. So you open the door wide.
“Show me.” 
He always shows you in other less physical ways of course. Texting you the sweetest messages when you're at work or he's away for a couple of nights. Picking up your favourite sweet treats from that artisanal bakery he saw you making googly eyes at when you both walked past it one day. Or even switching his usual brand of coffee when you first moved in because of the hilarious face you made when he once gave you a cup of the stuff he had before.
But right now you barely have time to take a full breath before he's scooping you right up and sitting you down on his lap. With one large hand planted firmly on your thigh and the other curled around the back of your neck he brings you closer, your foreheads touching as you meld with each other. His kisses are teasingly short and shallow at first, like he's tasting you for the very first time. But with each one the tension grows even more electric between you, vibrating like a plucked bass string as the kisses you share get longer, deeper, and messier as he starts unraveling you. His big warm hands skate up under your soft shirt, his fingers exploring your skin, rucking the fabric up and baring you to him until you raise your arms and rid yourself of it completely. Not wasting a moment, you're pressing yourself back against his body and mouth as soon as you are able to. His teeth graze over your lip and you moan softly as he tugs at it gently while he tilts his hips up and presses his tented crotch against you. You allow yourself a sly smirk, sliding your hands up the back of his head and furrowing your fingers through his thick, dark hair watching his eyes close in bliss for a few seconds as you scratch at his scalp. 
“Show me, Frank.” You repeat. Your composure is shredding with how easily he then wraps one arm around your waist and stands, walking you both to the bedroom where he lays you down on the edge before pulling off his own shirt from his muscled upper body as you watch with hungry fascination. Frank leans over, caging you, hands either side of your head on the bed as continues to lay kiss after tender kiss, slowly working his way down your body until he's eagerly mouthing at the round swell of your breasts, pushing each one up in turn with his hand until they're spilling from your bra cups, sucking and teasing at your pebbled nipples until you're shuddering from the sweet sensitivity.
He continues downward, humming with desire as the tip of his tongue trails down the centerline of your stomach until he reaches the band of your sweats. You hitch your legs up automatically when you feel him curl his fingers around the waistband and drags them and your panties down your thighs, his mouth right back on your skin as hungry as ever. He quickly rids you of them and your cosy socks, rising back up and lifting your foot and leg to make space for himself. You can't help giggling as he kisses his way back up from your ankle to the inside of your knee but your light laughter very quickly changes to softer moans when those lips work up and up the delicate skin of your inner thigh.
“Love you baby,” Frank keeps on confessing, pushing the words into you and you feel the weight of it washing over like a warm wave taking you under. “you want me to show you, huh sweet thing?” 
You hold that eager gaze of his long enough to sigh out a resounding yes before your eyes are rolling back as soon as he puts his mouth on your cunt. Your back is arching off the bed challenging his strength as he has to curl his arms around your legs to keep you right where he wants you. When the warm, wet tip of his tongue slides through to part the moist petals of your vulva, you feel and hear him groaning deeply right against your core and already you're panting and writhing from his intimate touch.
But as good as it feels that's not how you need him. It's so hard to want to make him move when every time he comes up for a breath he's growling praises of just how perfect you taste under his tongue. You're torn in two, fighting with the need to feel him everywhere in every way possible all at once, but you need him inside, as close as can be. The scratch of his scruff against your skin combined with the soft sensation of his lips and tongue massaging your clit has you whining out a plea.
“Frank, Frankie please-” 
He looks up, still softly licking and kissing your dripping pussy between his words.
“Please what, princess? What do you need?” 
He climbs slowly up towards your face, urged on by your grasping fingers first at his head, and then sliding down his abdomen and impatiently tugging his belt loose to help free him from his pants.
“You.” you say pointedly, slowly stroking his entire length through his boxers. He swears under his breath and you feel him throb at your touch.
“Mhm, a'right. You sure?” He would usually takes his time, gets you ready first, warm you up with his fingers but you can't wait, you want to feel him now.
“Frank, please!” 
He's quick to obey and remove the rest of his clothes while you unclasp your bra, throwing it aside. When he moves himself over you you're already hooking your legs around his waist and pulling his hips down towards your own, his sensitive cock dragging firmly against the skin of your stomach and you revel in the desperate groan he makes at the contact.
You reach down between your bodies and wrap your fingers around his thick shaft, watching as you easily coax a few drops of precum from his tip, smearing it around the head with your thumb causing him to curse again.
“Christ, okay sweetheart, you ready?”
“Yes, fuck, yes! Please just-”
He draws back a little way, gently pushing your thighs open wider before taking himself in hand. He locks eyes with you, slowly sliding the tip of his cock back and forth along the length of your slick folds.
“Youre so fuckin’ beautiful.” he says as you trace your fingers down the side of his face, your thumb pulling down on his lower lip as you bite your own between your teeth as he nudges his way to your entrance. His forehead rests against yours as he takes his time, sinking into your velvet heaven with parted lips and a shared soft sigh.
“Mm, that's it. Nice n’ slow, yeah that's it baby.”
You want to cry, but it's not with pain. There's barely any pain, just the perfect stretch. You wanted this, wanted to feel every single inch of him as he fills you, want to feel the way he trembles above you as he savours it with you. He kisses you again, slow, taking his sweet time to explore your mouth, push those addictive little whimpers from your plush lips.
“Feel so damn good sweetheart, love you so fucking much…”
When he's all the way to the hilt he stills, giving you all the time you need to adjust. Every little movement he makes is bliss. You wrap yourself around him, your lips brushing against the shell of his ear as you tell him again that you love him back and he can't ever hear it enough. He begins to move, making love to you so tenderly, one hand bracing his weight on the bed and the other caressing your jaw and splaying around your throat as your lips meet and he kisses you deeply, tongue moving in tandem with his cock inside you. Frank wasn't sure if he could let himself love again, allow himself to be this open and unguarded, but you make it easier than he could have imagined. He never takes his eyes from you as he makes it clear just how much you mean to him, driving you crazy every time he opens his mouth to speak.
“You don't know what you do t’me,” he confesses, rolling his hips up and filling you so completely. You can only respond with a wavering gasp, clasping your thighs more tightly around his waist as you flow so perfectly together.
“goddamn girl, you don't know what y’do…”
You were certain you had a pretty good idea but you adored it when Frank was so verbal like this. He'd shower you with so many sweet praises, and sometimes get so worked up he'd run his mouth almost non-stop with filthy promises that he would always keep.
When Frank makes love, he makes love. When he hits that rhythm and angle just right he has you whining with pleasure and emotion with every one of his deep thrusts. 
“Fuck, there it is baby- such a good girl f'me… shit, wanna do this all day, you want that sweetheart? Just want to make you feel so fucking good honey, give you fuckin' everythin’-”
He cuts off with a deep groan as you tilt your head to suck his thumb between your lips, your tongue caressing and swirling around the tip. He watches intently, never ceasing the movement of his hips, groaning as you take the digit deeper while your big blown out pupils gaze up at him. 
“Attagirl, fuckin' attagirl,” he growls gently, twitching inside of you because of how much he's turned on, never ceasing to be amazed by how fucking sexy you are.
When he withdraws his thumb you chase it, a thin string of saliva connecting as he leads your mouth to his again, delving deep and lapping your tongues together. Your bodies slide and intertwine, you're sharing every single sensation with electric intensity, every clipped and hushed breath, pushing each other closer and closer to an ephemeral state of euphoria. When he bends to kiss your chest and he takes your nipple into his mouth you hum as the layers of pleasure build. He cups and paws at your breasts, lavishing them with such attention that you know what's coming next.
“Sweetheart, you wanna go on top? God you know I love it when you do your thing, please baby, I'm beggin’ you.”
You grin and nod. “Yeah, of course I want to. Let me ride you Frankie.” 
Frank easily rolls you both over so that you're now straddling him, your hands placed on his broad pecs as you steady yourself before you begin to move. You know that he loves when you're in control, moving above him like a goddess, and he treats you just like one worshiping every inch of you with his hands and mouth. He loves the way you move your hips, loves when you guide his fingers down to the crux of your thighs and take exactly what you need. He loves when you lose yourself in the sensation, giving yourself the permission you don't even need you to let go, to just use him. There's always such fierce focus in his eyes when you make love like this. He watches for the signs of the pleasure you feel blooming throughout your body like an unfurling flower, devotedly tending to your needs even before you know what they might be. 
His hands settle on your hips as you move them, almost to try to ground himself as the sight of your gorgeous tits bouncing and your own hands fondling them as you rise and fall on his cock is driving him precariously close to the edge.
“Goddamn that's good baby, that’s it. Feelin’ real nice huh?” Frank continues to fill your head with his sweet praise as you feel yourself getting closer.  “Oh yeah, there you go, like that, hm?”
You can only mewl in answer when he starts steadily thrusting his hips up hitting you at a deeper angle, your wetness gathering at the base of his dick and dripping over his ball sac each time he pushes home into your cunt. He brings his thumb to your swollen, needy bud of nerves again, spreading more of your slick arousal over and over, rubbing your aching clit till your walls start to pulse around him.
“Yeah, yeah, jus’ like that princess, that what you need? Can feel you baby, you're doin' so good f’me.”
You can feel it too, building so quickly you almost don't want the feeling to end. “I'm so close-" you moan, "I wanna feel you come inside me, Frank!”
You're an absolute fucking angel he surely doesn't deserve. He grits his teeth, never losing his rhythm despite being extremely close to the edge too. 
“M’right there with you darlin’, just keep those beautiful eyes on me.”
He watches your mouth open, your breathy moans quickly increasing in volume and frequency as you ride him. He tightly circles your clit faster, his dark gaze intensifying the very moment your orgasm sears through you, making you cry out as bursts of ecstasy come in bone-deep waves throughout your body. Frank doesn't stop, groaning loud and low in response when he unleashes, pumping his hips as he comes hot and hard, deep inside of you. He pulls you down close, wrapping his arms around you, repeating those three words, I love you, over and over as he slows down, gently fucking you through your high. 
When the two of you eventually still, you remain wrapped in each other. You can feel the powerful beat of his heart start to slow along with your own thumping strongly against your chest. His fingers idly stroke back and forth over the skin of your arm as your breathing returns back to normal.
“Mm Frank,” you murmur, so very satisfied you feel as if you could be glowing. Tilting your head up, you kiss him again. “You sure as hell showed me.”
He chuckles warmly, shaking you gently with his quiet laughter. 
“That was what you meant when you said ‘show me’, right?” He asks, and you smile back at him when you see that grin on his mouth. “Or maybe I shoulda left you alone with your book, huh?” he adds. “You looked pretty into it.”
You sit up, smoothing your hands over his chest as you start giggling. “There is no way in hell that was ever gonna happen, mister, not once you get something in your head. I know you…” you tell him confidently and the corners of Frank's eyes crease at that, you're not wrong.
“That you most definitely do, sweetheart.” He rolls you onto your side, carefully pulling out before pulling the covers up over you to stop you catching a chill.
“How about I run us a bath, sweet girl?" Frank proposes. "I wanna lay with you for a while. Does that sound good?”
“Mm, that sounds like heaven.” You nudge closer, taking his face in your hands to kiss him on the crooked bridge of his nose. “And I love you too.”
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sukunas-wife · 8 months
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i finally found someone who is obsessed with this man like me so i am going to apologize in advance but HAVE YOU SEEN THIS MASTERPIECE LOOK HOW BIG AND HOT THIS MAN IS LIKE I WOULD DIE FOR HIM LIKE HE CAN DO ANYTHING FOR HIM I WILL FIGHT ANYONE TO CARRY HIS CHILDREN… thank you for coming to my TED talk😊 thank you!!!!!! i love every work btw❤️❤️
The things I’d DO FOR HIM Lord almighty the things ID DO to him 😩🤭
I need him to corner me- In a convention I once saw a body builder cosplaying as him, and he was picking people up for PICTURES longest line I’d ever seen and I waited sooo long and I AGHSSJKAK i didn’t wanna let go when he held I was ready to cry and lay my life on the line for him 😭😭
At the time I told my guy friend (while being carried by this guy for the picture) this is the guy THIS is HIM, This is the man that makes everyone He because you could never be him
“Sukuna” thought it was hilarious and was flattered
My friend rolled his eyes-
But I’m with you if there’s a chance at having his kid I’d fight for it 😔
I had a point I was gonna make but I lost it.. maybe it’ll come around again 😭
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heyidkyay · 8 months
I guess I'll take this pain, instead of your name | Before we grew up
A/N: Hey! Back with another addition to the George and Birdie universe since it was so well loved!! Honestly, the whole thing still surprises me and the fact that some of you wanted more of them actually made my heart hurt!! But I've missed them and writing this brought me a whole lot of joy, so I hope you enjoy! If this does well or it’s wanted I might write a few more like this sooo let me know x
Flashback moments | 'Before we grew up'.
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“Okay, so when you’re ready just let go of the brake.”
I blinked, holding the steering wheel with an undeniable grip. “Right.” I murmured but didn’t make a move to follow the words.
George, whose brilliant idea this had all been, sat in the passenger seat of his dad’s Volkswagen, buckled in and attempting to exude an air of calm I really didn’t feel.
“You gonna let go?” He asked me after a long minute passed.
I swallowed thickly and removed my stare from where it’d been burning a hole in the windscreen so that I could look over at him. “How do I know when I’m ready?” I asked him and really didn’t appreciate the laugh he gave in return. I scowled. “What’s so funny about this? It’s a valid question!”
George just shook his head and exhaled breathily, obviously trying his best to dim the amused smile he now wore, “Honestly B, you’re just overthinking this and besides, you have it easy. It’s an automatic, barely have to do a thing.”
My scowl deepened. “Barely ‘ave to do a fing.” I mimicked in an accent similar to his deep drawl, it was his turn to frown then. I merely smiled sweetly.
“I’mma ignore that for now, ‘cause you’re a twat.” George retorted, “But also ‘cause I need to get the car back before dad notices it’s gone. So, can we get a move on?”
I inhaled deeply and fought off a whine that wanted to escape me- who the fuck said driving was easy?
“G, I’m being dead serious right now.”
He simply snorted, humoured by my anxieties, “I know, babe, and you’re doing so well.” I raised a brow at that and he smiled, “What? You are! You’ve turned the thing on, ain’t you?”
I took a hand off the wheel just to swat him, “Hilarious.” Before I was gripping it again once more, “Come on, just give me a count down or summat.” 
G shook his head and looked towards the sky, as though anyone up there cared for the likes of us, then he sighed, “Fine, on three yeah? Then you let go of the brake and go.”
“On three.” I agreed with a nod, though it sounded breathy even to my own ears.
George reached out a hand to squeeze my thigh, probably in hopes to spur some proper motivation into me but all it did was make me think back to the previous evening when he’d had a free house. I shook my head, along with the thoughts of his hands and his lips, and settled into my seat with a newfound determination as I looked out onto the road.
It wasn’t as though it was anything too terrifying, I didn’t even have to bare left or right, just keep going straight. But still, I had the horrible feeling that this would be the thing that would seal my fate- imminently, or when George’s dad finally got home to find that his car had a barge pole sticking out of its front. 
I released a shaky breath.
“Okay- one, two…”
And on three I finally let my foot slip away from the pedal, screaming a little to myself as the car began to roll.
“Yes, Birdie!” George grinned over at me, bouncing in his seat as he moved, “Now the accelerator.”
I laughed stiltedly, eyes wide as I pressed down on the other pedal, feeling the car bob at the sudden pressure.
“Easy.” George corrected but he was still smiling away, hand tapping at my leg. “Good girl. See? You’re doing it!”
And I was. I really was.
“Oh shit- break, break!” He then shouted out and I slammed on the brake pedal hard enough to have us both jerking forward in our seats, though the cat that was crossing the road continued in its languid stroll, barely even sparing us a glance.
It was after that I let go of the jittery excitement I felt, heart beating a mile a minute and my grin kilowatt. “Fuck.” I giggled, then glanced over to my left. G seemed to follow the former motion, chuckling to himself whilst we sat in the middle of a side road full of dimmed townhouses. “I wanna go again.” I told him. 
He snorted, shaking his head and grinning. “Thought you were shitting yourself a second ago?”
I shrugged, not caring in the slightest how much truth his statement held. “Can we?”
G huffed another chuckle but ultimately dipped his head, “Go on then, when we get to the garages I’ll walk you through parking.”
“Alright, but only if I can do a doughnut or somethin’ first.” I countered, like I had any authority here. But George just laughed and said nothing more whilst I went to pull away from a stop once more.
Christmas was always a hectic time of year. No one could deny me that. But since my dad’s passing, it had become a holiday that always came too quickly and dragged on for too long. This year though, this year was gonna be different.
See, I’d been living at Matty’s since the summer after the ‘incident’ as I liked to call it- everyone else seemed to roll their eyes at the name though. And whilst staying with them I'd come to realise a few things about myself.
Firstly, I loved all kinds of food.
Sure a strange thing to find out at my age, but I had an excuse! Alright? Staying with mum I’d pretty much had to feed myself and with money so scarce we’d only ever really had enough for the basics, or at least I did. Most of mum’s boyfriends had practically kept the food they liked under lock and key, even though nine times out of ten they hadn't been the ones to buy it. And so, this meant that I hadn’t had much opportunity to branch out, to get a feel for anything that wasn't canned, bagged, or frozen.
Secondly, I had a tad bit of childhood trauma lagging behind me. Most of which I’ll spare you the intimate details from, but that had an impact on the things I did even when I felt safe. Like, I hated not knowing if there was someone new stopping at the house, made me feel all itchy in truth. And the way I went out of my way to make sure I’d locked everything was a bit much; windows, my bedroom door, the backdoor, the front door, the bathroom door, the side gate. At one point I’d been stressing over the front entrance late at night but had felt too stupid to go and make a check to see if it was in fact closed, which had resulted in me waking Matty up to help me deal with a panic attack.
And thirdly, I had no idea how normal people spent Christmas.
This came to light when I’d all but baulked at the many traditions not just Matty and his family had, but also the rest of the lads. 
Ross and his lot often ate their Christmas roast at lunch time then went out for a chinese later on that night. How they had the room for it, I have no idea. Hann, on the other hand, was dragged back and forth between all of his family members on the twenty-sixth instead of the fifth, due to extended family coming to visit from all other parts of the country. 
Denise had a list of things she loved to do this time of year.
She’d set up a nativity outside, alongside the rest of the lights and usual decorations for the neighbours to come see. She ordered a real fur tree and then sent the boys out to go collect it with their dad once the day came. It was humongous and dropped needles everywhere, but was oh so beautiful. They always decorated it as a family, taking turns to put the topper on and finding the best branches to place sentimental ornaments. Stockings were hung by the fireplace with initials hand stitched on. And chefs typically came to cater Christmas day.
Gifts were also a big thing.
A very BIG thing.
As in, they were all so lovely and thoughtful to the point that Matty and his younger brother would have an actual meeting over what to get their mum and dad- which had melted my fucking heart, because what?
This year, I’d been forced upon them. But instead of making me feel like an intruder, they did what they always did and made me feel like one of their own.
“Love, will you get that for us?” Denise called out to me just as the doorbell went, “It’ll only be the postman.”
I smiled and nodded, happy to be of some help whilst she sent herself into a tizzy over tinsel. There’d been many deliveries as of late, so I was pretty much used to adding to the post-pile that was going on in the downstairs office.
Wandering out of the kitchen I padded over to the front door, opening it only to find that the postman wasn't there at all.
I blinked stupidly at the sight I was met with, a bright pink cab had taken over the majority of Denise’s driveway and getting out of the backseat was only my Nana.
The door handle fell from my grasp as I stepped forward on instinct, unsure of what the hell was even happening. “Nana?”
The older woman smiled over at me, eyes twinkling with mirth. Then a voice shouted out and I spotted a head of bright red curls fly out from behind the car’s boot to greet me, “Aunt Del too, Dove!”
“What?” I muttered, still so bewildered, but then I caught sight of another familiar face, a face that I didn’t think I'd be seeing until tomorrow. “Did you do this?”
George just chuckled softly, stepping closer to help my Nana over the gravel walkway, but he wasn’t the one who replied to my question. “Came down to fetch us, din’t he?” Nana replied in his stead, stretching a hand out once she got close enough, I blinked again and hurried to take it.
“He did?” I heard myself murmur, still so in shock. Practically rocking with the explosion of it.
Nana gave a sweet laugh, wrapping me up in a much needed hug and pressing a gentle kiss to my head before she pulled away, “Phoned us up a bit ago, wanted to surprise ya, darlin’.”
“Well, God. I’m surprised, that’s for sure.”
They all laughed, probably at the expression cast over my mug, but I couldn’t find it in me to even rebuke them. “I can’t believe you’re actually here.”
“Best believe it, doll.” Aunt Del replied, smiling over at me whilst she and George trailed the bags they’d seemingly brought with them up onto the front step. “Our Georgie here went an’ planned it all, picked him up from the train station this morning.”
I let Del tackle me into another tight hug, allowing her to pepper me with a barrel full of kisses. All the while it seemed that Denise and Matty had come out to see what all the fuss was about, only- they didn’t look shocked at all.
“Surprise?” Denise sang out when she caught my gawping, waving a hand out from where she stood in the doorway.
“Did you all know?” I asked, my mind racing to catch up with the situation at hand. “How- I- This is so mad.”
Matty snorted at my crappy attempt at a sentence but I watched as he made his way on over, his mum just behind, so that they could introduce themselves. “All G’s idea, mate. Knew you were missing them and so, yeah we made this happen.”
“I can’t- just, wow.” Then I glanced over to where the one person that currently meant so much to me stood on the outskirts simply watching on. He glanced back.
“Merry Christmas, B.” George said, grinning slightly over at me, obviously pleased with my stuttering reaction.
I released the heavy breath I hadn’t even realised I'd been holding and strode over towards him, he caught me in his arms and held me with a prominent strength I didn’t know he had.
“Thank you.” I whispered once I felt as though I could, tears threatening to fall at the sincerity of it all. Never had I ever been so surprised. “Thank you.” I repeated and pressed a light kiss to the skin of his neck that was hiding behind the collar of his shirt and other many layers.
George squeezed me a little closer, then rocked us back and forth. When I finally pulled away I peered up at him with wet eyes and the brightest smile.
“I can’t believe you got away with all this.”
He laughed, but not his typical kind, no, this one was loud and carefree. Honest.
“Is that all you really care about?” He asked me, teasing, hands now at my hips.
I grinned upwards, “‘Course, can’t believe you did all this under my nose!”
Turning back towards the crowd that had gathered by the door, George’s arm fell to a loose hold on my waist and we made our way back over. Denise was already chatting away with Aunt Del and Nana had somehow roped Matty into an explanation about the band and the few stories she’d heard through G and I during our catchup calls.
At that moment, my heart had never felt so full. In fact, I don’t know how any other Christmas could top it.
It had been a lovely day. The most amazing time, actually.
It still felt so unreal to look over and spot Denise in her wedding gown, all happy and glowing. In Portugal of all places, too! Matty was currently off trying to get with one of the many girls attending his mum’s reception, whilst his younger brother, Lou, tested his charm on a couple of the older folk in an attempt to make a bit of money, everyone else seemed fine to just putter about from table to table.
It had started to spit a little while ago, summer rain they’d said, and so I was the only one still standing out in the garden now, the rest of the party somewhere inside the villa or over at the gazebo. My bridesmaid dress was speckled with tiny water droplets that shimmered in the late setting sun but nothing too heavy. The rain here was almost a total contrast to that back home. 
“There you are.” I heard someone say just as a pair of hands came to wind themselves around my waist, I leant back in their hold, smiling at the familiarity. “Thought you’d done a runner.”
“Nah, just enjoying the last of the sun.” I hummed, intertwining my fingers with his atop my stomach.
“As well as the rain.” George added with a light chuckle, but he didn’t seem to mind it much either. I nodded lightly, then felt him tuck my head under his chin. “Ross is sloshed.” He told me.
“Already?” I asked around a soft laugh, he hummed. “Lightweight.”
The noise from the party seemed to trickle out to greet us, but no one else seemed to want to step out into the rain. Content with the warmth inside.
“You havin’ a good time?”
I smiled at the question as well as the thumb that soothed the back of my hand. “The best.” I told him honestly, “It’s all been so lovely. Reckon I’d want something like this, you know.”
George was quiet for a long second before he spoke again, “Thought you didn’t want to be tied down. As free as a bird and all that.”
Chuckling, I shrugged a single shoulder. “Dunno. Seems cool, plus you get all that cake.”
An ugly snort escaped George at that, “Only in it for the cake then, I ‘spose.”
With a grin I tilted my head back so that he could see me, “Always!”
He narrowed his eyes down at me, eyelashes fanning the skin beneath them, then tugged me in a bit tighter, “You’re a right menace, you know that?” He murmured against the jut of my collar. I squirmed slightly in his hold, his breath tickling my neck.
“I guess it’d be nice to have a big party too.” I tacked on, if only to tease him further. And it appeared to work too, because he spun me around in his arms and I laughed at the unexpectedness of it.
The rain started to come down a little harder then, but I could hardly feel it with the weight of his gaze on me and the beam of the sun. An old Billy Idol song echoed out into the courtyard from the main room and George grinned at the sound, a favourite. “Fancy a dance?”
“What, back in there?” I wondered, not really all that up for being back amongst everyone else just yet.
George just shook his head though, as if reading my mind, and then dragged me further out onto the grass where the dampness which clung to the clipped stems soaked my feet.
He started to sway then, in time to the beat of Eyes Without A Face.
“Didn’t think you even could dance.” I murmured to him, then giggled as he spun me out, raindrops flicking up the backs of my legs before roping me back in.
“Full of surprises, me.” He quipped before dipping me into an exaggerated bend.
I gasped, unable to help myself, then shook my head, hair falling with it. “Warn me next time.”
George just grinned, eyes squinting with the power of it, then pulled me in closer, chest to chest now. His hands on my back, mine wrapped behind his neck. “Would make things boring, wouldn’t it?”
“What’s so bad about boring?” I shot back.
He huffed, the force of it fluttering my dampening hair and catching on the shell of my ear. “Nothing. Absolutely nothing.” He assured me and I heard more than saw his smile.
Pleased, I hummed, loosening my hold on him so that I could rest my head against his shoulder and close my eyes. The rain continued to fall on and around us, neither George nor I caring for the way it clung to every available inch of our skin.
“I love you.” I heard him mutter above me, so softly I hardly even felt it resonate in his chest.
I turned to glance up at him again at that, eyes trailing across every inch of his face, taking in every detail he had to offer. “How do you know? For sure?” I questioned him in a faint whisper even though there wasn't another soul about to hear. I was still smiling away, only it was ever so soft, so warm.
He didn’t say anything for a moment. Then, “I know I love you because even on my worst days you’re all that gets through. There’s no pretending with us, you know every inch of me, the good, the bad, and still, you choose to stay. So I’ll love you today, and then tomorrow. I’ll love you til the day I die, and if there’s life after that, I'll love you then too.”
My eyes watered at the hit of his words, having expected something stupid like ‘you give good head’, or something as simple as ‘I just do’. 
“You always manage to surprise me, you know that?” I chuckled quietly, fingers threading through the length of his hair.
George lifted his brows in turn and so I just smiled, humming as I coaxed him closer so that I could finally lean in for a kiss.
“I love you.” I repeated his earlier words once we parted, laughing loudly when he swept me up off my feet and around in a circle.
“You’d better.” He quipped straight back, laughing now too before he slipped on the damp grass beneath us and sent us both sailing to the ground.
But he continued to just chuckle away, eyes bright and beaming. God, I thought, I was so, so gone.
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miimo96 · 1 month
Thoughts on TBHK Chapter 117
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Ok I'm starting to think you guys love torturing or something because once again you didn't remind me that a new chapter was out, I mean it's already hard enough trying to keep up as it is without spoilers, So you guys could at least do me the favor and cut me some slack by letting me know when a New chapter is out, I mean you guys KNOW how I feel about this series and that I wanna talk about it just like everyone else, So Why F$#K DON'T YOU GUYS REMIND ME!? like c'mon guys 🥺 also I see that we're back to using the original font style tho so that's a plus at least, I wonder shenanigans we're gonna get up to in this chapter tho, ooh! I wonder if well see hanako or if yashiro will even talk about what happened with him being a teacher now or that she even had an encounter with him, I highly doubt it because she knows how much Akane and teru hate hanako so maybe she'll keep it to herself, welp only one way to find out
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Ngl I was a little caught off guard at 1st with them calling her Akane instead of Aoi, maybe because I'm So used to the anime calling her aoi and him Akane, but eh it's whatever tho 😅
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I completely forgot that in this timeline he and Aoi are in a relationship, so his reaction to her texting him is So Hilarious to me, it's just like "Oh shit, I forgot 😀" 🤣🤣
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I KNEW IT! I knew she would be conflicted with leaving things as it is and maybe even not wanting to Rest the timeline, OMG I ABSOLUTELY CALLED IT RIGHT ON THE EFFING MONEY YEAH! *Does happy dance*
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Omg i didn't even think of it like that, but yeah who's to say that everything that happened in the previous timeline, won't just happen again, like a Canon event or something, Omg Aidairo's understanding of time travel is really Amazing, Iike the way it just plays with all the concepts and rules without making too confusing is just Genius, and ya know what it really does bring into question of "What if this could happen " and "would this lead to that" like omg aidairo well done golf claps all around 👏👏👏 Also no offense teru but I don't think hanako would really care that much, because hanako's whole thing is about making yashiro happy, like even if he couldn't be with her or if he had to do something drastic like killing one of her friends to extend her life like he tried with aoi, he wouldn't really care because as long as she's alive that's all that matters, I mean sure he would get lonely, but as long as she's happy, he couldn't ask for more
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Omg this Panel is so GOOD like look at it OMG I want this to be animated sooo Baaaadd!! 😖
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OMG Teru is such a bitch for this, he legit called her to make it look like Akane and yashiro are a thing, which would never effing happen to begin with, but all in the name just to fuck with him like Omg teru, you're such a bitch like Wow just Wow, also I love that even tho she's with teru, she still gets jealous if she sees.Akane with someone else, like it just shows that she really loves him Awww 😊
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Phff 🤣🤣🤣 they legit hit the "ewww no he like a brother to me" 🤣🤣🤣🤣 Also i love how aoi is immediately wanting to know about yashiro's love life, She's such a gossip Girl Lol
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Omg Now THAT is a confession, yashiro needs to take notes, Holy shit was not expecting this, Hell yeah Aoi Aoi is back! ^^
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Yo I effing hate this dude like I just wanna Slap him at times like bro shut yo ass up, like how do you go from being so clutch and awesome last chapter but such a dick in this one like this is what I don't like about this guy, like I'm starting to think he's bipolar like LOOK AT HIS FACE, LOOK AT HIS FUCKING FACE!
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Wait we're going to the Red house, Omg the Next chapter can't come any sooner like I'm So excited, I wonder what changes have been made or if THAT is never meant to change like what if This is what teru was talking about how things are eventually meant to happen, Oh my gosh I can't wait ^w^
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My initial reaction to this scene was "ah this is nice, just 2 of my favorite character's having a nice stroll and being an absolute adorable couple" before IMMEDIATELY turning into "WAIT I RECOGNIZE THAT STREET!" Because if you have an encyclopedia knowledge of this series like I do, then You'd KNOW exactly where that street leads, Ah Shit I'm really starting to think that Kou's earing might be bad luck or something because this the 2nd time this has happened to him, ya know maybe that's why mitsuba hates it so much, Omg I hope it isn't what I think it is, but the fact the he said it had a Red roof is already confirming my suspicions *bites nail* 😰
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F%#$k I KNEW IT! Omg these 2 can't catch a break like WTF also I SEE that it has the keep out sign at that it's looks pretty abandoned almost burnt so i guess teru was right and things eventually Are meant to happen, Ah shit I'm so scared for Next chapter, Damn it Aidairo leave them ALONE PLEASE!? Welp, looks like shit's going to go Down next chapter, and I guess I'll be right here to cover it ^^;; wait a minute I just realized something, we haven't seen Sakura or Natsuhiko yet so could next chapter finally be them and confirm my suspicions of Sakura being a ghost or Kannagi and Natsuhiko being her protector!? OMG NEXT CHAPTERS GONNA BE AMAZING!!!
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cream-stew · 2 years
hiiii!! I've been reading your genshin smut for a lil while now and I was wondering iffffff I could ask for a jealous!itto x sub!milf!reader smut? (If not milf then just regular fem reader would be just fine!!)
Could I possibly be 🪨 anon? (If it's not taken already 😔)
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🔞 minors dni
warnings: afab reader, semi public sex, creampie, rough sex
// note: accidentally made reader slightly less subby for a couple of paragraphs, but I think I fixed it in the rest of the fic </3 feel free to request again if you think it strays too far from the prompt, no hard feelings🤝
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it's hilarious to you how he's so jealous of the new babysitter you've hired🤭 he pretends not to be, of course, but you can see he's distracted during the whole date, sometimes even pouting and looking back at you like a kicked puppy.
he basically walked into it by himself, but you feel a little bad for teasing him so much… maybe he deserves a little reward!
you pull him into the restaurant's bathroom, dragging him into a stall with you, and making him sit on the toilet's closed lid, his legs parted so you can straddle one of his muscled thighs. you start rubbing your clothed pussy on his leg, reaching over to palm his cock through his pants as well, and he's quick to grip your waist and move you along, leaning down to kiss you sloppily.
you stand up before you can stain his pants with your fluids, and you sit in his lap instead, as he scrambles to get his cock out. you rub against his length then, pulling your panties to the side so you can get it wet, and he wastes no time in gripping you again and making you sit on his cock, forcing you to take it to the hilt with a moan way too loud for your current situation.
it feels sooo good inside you, fully stretching your pussy and burying deep in your guts, and he has to help you ride him, because for a moment you feel already tired and boneless.
it's going way too slowly for his tastes tho, so you're not surprised at all when he just picks you up and pins you to the stall's door, fucking you relentlessly against it as you struggle to wrap your legs around his waist.
he mutters into your ear just how jealous he was, finally admitting it, and you melt into his arms as he pounds you so hard that the whole stall trembles. you hold onto him for dear life as he uses you however he pleases, your tits bouncing so much that they spill from the top of your dress, and he licks his lips as he looks down with a heated gaze... he's been staring at your cleavage for the whole evening, and he's very pleased he finally has an excuse to crane his neck down and suck on your nipples!
you're still in a public bathroom tho and you worry about hogging the stall for too long... who knows who could walk in on you or overhear, but he doesn't seem to care at all! you'd dragged him in here for a quickie, but you don't think he's gonna stop after only cumming in your pussy once :(
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moonchild-in-blue · 3 months
Can we talk about Turntail? Like I knew Queen the First (fifth? Miss Birdsong? Do you have a nickname for her that I’ve misremembered…) obviously had the voice of an angel, but these RUNS she is doing on this song?! They are so convoluted but she sings them so TIGHTLY?!?! And PRECISE?!?? How do I get more heart eyes over her, holy hell what a talent
You know what. It's currently past 3am and I'm playing Zelda because I can't sleep (running on sick hours over here), so yeah absolutely we can talk about Turntail 😌 Also, I don't really have a nickname for her, I just call her Miss Ma'am hahaha. Miss Birdsong is great, I'll borrow that.
(okay it is now past 4am i spent WAY too much time gushing over them sorry lol)
HONEY. THIS IS WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING. If you think she sounds amazing as a BACKVOCALIST, then you're in for a treat to hear her as a main vocal of her OWN BAND HELLOOOOO.
I remember a few months ago in one of their (live? Q&A? one of them) instagram things, someone was commenting on how great she sounded, and one of the guys was like "yeah, and she didn't even get training, isn't that so annoying?", it was hilarious 😂 Miss Ma'am is a natural - no wonder Vessel got her (and the babes) to back him 💅
Turntail is fantastic, I've had it on repeat since Thursday. Their music is so interesting and unique, and a great of it is because of her singing. She does this crazy runs and unexpected intervals like it's nothing, and her tone is so so SO clear and stable. Her lows??? Like, honey can go reeeeal low and smooth and real high and crystalline in seconds just like that??
This song in specific, I super appreciate the eerie, melancholic vibes. It's such a great successor to The Collapse (their previous single), but somehow even better. And can we talk about that sexy bassline??? Johnny boy went HARD on it (like he always does. Same with my drummer boy Matt, he's fantastic. Also he writes a lot of the lyrics alongside Lyns, he's fantastic). I love the breakdown bridge and that last chorus so SO much. And the piano??? They always have the most heart-wrenching, soul-crushing, beautiful piano melodies, and yet I get pikachu faced everytime. What can't the queen do. Also, this is the first time they're using a voice effect-tune-thingy so, interesting choice there. The babes sound beautiful as ever too 💖
While my favourite thing from them is still the 1st ep (The Thing With Feathers - please please PLEASE go listen to it. The Downpour and The River are my favourite songs of them, they're so amazing, please I am begging you, you'll love it), you can absolutely hear how much better they get with each new thing they put out. I'm so so excited for when they finally release a full length album, it's been a long time in the making.
If you listen to their latest ep, Dancing In The Face Of Danger, you'll see that they went for a more upbeat vibe (notable on Pyre and Ever The Optimistic), so it feels great to hear the Sad Vibes™ again. Nothing against upbeat stuff (Pyre is one of their best songs fr), but I am an emo at heart sooo... yeah. Miss Birdsong sounds like an elf or some other woodland creature - idk if its just me but you can hear traces of folk music in it and ugh what a combo.
Super super reccomend you hear them live. There are a few recordings on YT, and some of them do feature one or both of the Espera babes too.
(not gonna talk about how once again i missed their concert 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 it was today/yesterday 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂 i'm fine really not salty at all 😃😃😃😃😃😃)
Also - do not sleep on their Diamond Eyes cover. Genuinely does NOT feel like a cover AT ALL. Covering Deftones is so daunting because of how unique a they are, and by god those beautiful bastards did it. I do very much prefer their version to the og, she really shines vocally there.
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wholoveseggs · 3 months
Learning that you watch House of the dragon, and of course already knowing of your love for TVD/TO, I wondered if you liked any other shows I also love! Do you watch Bridgerton?
Hi Darling Anon!
Yes, I have watched Bridgerton, but I haven't seen season three yet! Because... I'm really not that attracted to Colin, and I canceled my Netflix subscription a while back.. lol.. But I will watch it eventually.
Have you ever watched a show, really enjoy it, but once you are done you never return to it again? I am a binge-watcher, so I am usually very quick to watch everything in a show's run. But here is a list of shows I've watched over and over and are imprinted on my soul:
For Comedy? Fleabag and It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. {It's my entire sense of humor in a nutshell} IF YOU HAVEN'T WATCHED FLEABAG DO IT!!!! YOU WILL SOB AND LAUGH AND SOB AGAIN. And Sunny is... insane. But in the best fucking way.
For Drama? Sharp Objects {Devastaing}, Breaking Bad {No Notes, If you have watched it, you know...}, Chernobyl {When you need to feel pain, watch this and weep}, Succession {Hilarious, FUCKED, best writing ever, you can't make a tomlettle without breaking some gregs}, Six Feet Under {perfect from start to finish} & the Bear {If you have ever worked in a kitchen like me... watching the bear feels personal lol}
For Fantasy / Sci-Fi? Game of Thrones {Seasons 1 to 4 only ~lol}, Westworld {The first two seasons are literally perfect television}, The Witcher {Season 1 ONLY ~ I LOVE the games and the books & the show is meh, but Henry is perf}, Andor {Absolutely surprised me by how good it was}, Watchmen {Mini-Series}, The Last of Us {Pedro <3}, The Expanse {It's the perfect space show, IT'S SO UNDERRATED & PERFECT AND SO ARE THE BOOKS!!!!} & of course the Originals!!!
Some honorable mentions are Stranger Things, Outlander {only the first few seasons}, Vikings Valhalla {Harald Sigurdsson can come get it}, The Boys, Loki {The ending sent me into a comatose state, it was sooo goood}, Fallout, Dexter & True Blood.
I could probably go on, but I will end it here, because this is long as shit lol.
Thanks for asking!
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ryuichirou · 2 years
Could we ask for nsfw hc of the tweels with Idia?
Of course, Anon! Thank you for your patience.
And once again, ironically, I posted another reply with the headcanons about the tweels and Idia just before this one, so you can also read it, if you want more spicy stuff with the three of them.
Sooo, more headcanons.
Jade and Floyd bite a lot. If Idia didn’t know better, he would have assumed that Jade would be more decent about it, but nah, he is just as bad as Floyd. Even worse in a way, because you wouldn’t expect him to be this feral. And to think that Idia thought (very very deep inside) that Jade and he were cool after that Harveston trip…
Be it because of positive reinforcement and Idia’s body getting used to it, or because of some kink that Idia himself has, deep inside he doesn’t mind that they are getting more and more aggressive with their biting every time. Idia will definitely get scared and complain and ask them not to do it, but it seems whenever he is with the tweels, he feels the pain, fear and arousal at the same time.
Both Jade and Floyd adore how long and thin Idia is. The tweels are huge, and it’s sliiiiightly easier for Idia to take them inside than for Riddle. But because of how tiny he is, at a certain angle and in a certain position you can see how these two are moving inside of Idia. This drives of three of them insane.
The tweels could pretty much exploit Idia because they have some blackmail material on him. Which both of them find hilarious, because they just end up creating more blackmail material while having sex with him. They’ll never use it for blackmailing though, all of it is for their own enjoyment.
Whether Azul and Idia are together in this scenario or not, Jade and Floyd would find it extremely amusing that Idia is trying so hard to hide from him whatever he and the tweels are doing. 
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cosmica-galaxy · 11 months
for whichever one(s) you feel like answering for, (tho no need to answer in this first place if you dont feel like it ヾ[ ^^ゞ]):
one (or multiple, again, up to you!) of your skibidi 'ocs' run across a teeny tiny kitten all alone in the wild! how do they react? what do they do with the thing?
Camron would react in a way that would be similarly to him saying 'aww'. It's so tiny and round and...surprisingly noisy. What is it? Can it bite him? Can it kill him? It's hilarious to watch a larger unit act a little skittish around the tiny new creature, but once it rubs against his legs, he falls head over heels for it. He picks it up and holds it close to his chest. Wonder where it came from...no matter! It's organic like his human friend! Maybe they'll get along if he brings it back to base! He hopes they like it as much as he does! DJ would pick the little critter up. Mostly surprised that such a small creature managed to survive this long out here! With the bombs, the destruction, and even the predatory mimics! Consider this little creature very lucky! To which, that's what DJ begins to call the little cat. Lucky. He then decides to show his group the little kitten and each one fawns over the little meowing hairball. Each taking a turn to gently pet the creature before DJ takes it back to base. Another life saved will always make a day in this war-torn hell a good day.
Vee would try sooo hard to resist the little noisy beast rubbing up against his legs and desperately trying to gain his attention...but he's not made of stone. The moment he looks down into those large pleading organic eyes...he's instantly reminded of the human that was back at base. Then, he bends over and finally picks the needy little shit up off the ground with one hand and holds it out. It's unimpressive...but small...and cute. Maybe even a little feisty too. Are all organics this way...? He can only wonder as he pulls it close to his chest. Trying his damnedest to resist noticing the small internal motor that was purring against his overcoat. He merely turns away and dissipates into a black mist, taking the kitten with him back to base. Maybe the human would like to take care of this little creature...it would do them some good to have a companion.
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troutberryspoon · 4 months
Unhallowed Heart - Chapter 6: 'In dreams'
Gortash and Villi are named as their Gods' Chosen [or, Gortash gets caught in a lie] Warnings - depictions of drunkenness
(I was fully planning on there being some smut here but the word count ran away with me. Next chapter I swear)
Word count - 3076
Full fic here on AO3
Later that night.
‘I know we’re a…we’re a murder cult…but why’s this party sooo dead?’ Villi laughed at his own joke. Ha, he was hilarious. He raised a chalice to his lips, only to pout when nothing came out. ‘Sceleritas! Ya lil’ bugger…where– oh, there you are…wine’s gone.’
Sceleritas studiously ignored the empty vessel that was being waggled under his nose. ‘I think it might be time for you to retire to your chambers, Master.’
‘An’ I think it’s time for yooo-uuu to get me s’more wine,’ Villi said with another drunken giggle. He tried to place the chalice on his Butler’s top hat, missing by quite some way and watching sadly as it cracked on the stone floor. ‘Ah, cockrot. S’your fault, that. You moved.’
‘I assure you–’
‘Fuckit, I’m goin’ to bed anyway, I’m dyin’ of boredom.’ Villi heaved himself out of his chair, only for the ground to swell and roll beneath his feet. ‘Hells. Gettin’ choppy in ‘ere. Bed ahoy!’
Sceleritas carefully guided the giggling Bhaalspawn to his chamber, grabbing his leg when a wobble threatened to become a faceplant.
‘Get yer claws off me arse,’ Villi muttered, making a half-hearted swipe for the fiend’s head. His hand met empty air.
‘Nearly there. I do wish you wouldn’t let yourself get into such a state.’
‘Say one word about proper conduct an’ I’ll…I’ll kick yer teeth in.’ Villi pitched forward once his bed was within falling distance, dropping gratefully into its piles of soft cotton and feather bedspreads. He hummed happily. He would never ever take a comfy, clean bed for granted. Not ever. ‘I used to sleep in straw, y’know,’ he said, muffled by a pillow.
Sceleritas started to remove Villi’s boots. ‘I know,’ he said.
‘We all had lice.’
‘I know. Those days are long behind you now, my Liege. You will find a carafe of water on the nightstand–’
‘I miss the parties we had, though.’ Villi rolled over, wrapping himself in a blanket as he went, still fully dressed but now minus his boots. The room continued to spin even when he stopped rolling and held onto the side of the bed. ‘Here, no-one drinks, not like I do. There’s no music. No-one dances. They’re all miserable getz. We should be celebrating.’
‘But we are celebrating! Sister Nudvaoi recited the full Prayer of Crimson, there are some truly rousing stanzas in that one,’ Sceleritas said. ‘It always gives me the tingly goosebumps.’
‘Ugh. Piss off.’
The bed was bobbing about on unruly seas. Villi closed his eyes but it just made the feeling worse. At least Sceleritas had vanished when he opened them again. He yawned, wondering how he’d ever manage to fall asleep while his brain sloshed around in a vat of wine, and started to hum a song he remembered from his years sleeping under the stars:
Under moon's twisted grin, we dance and sing,
For warrakul hearts know only one thing.
When dawn breaks, we'll vanish like smoke on the breeze,
Back to our shadowed lairs, where secrets appease.
So raise your tankards high, let the plunder be sung,
For warrakul hearts beat fierce, forever wild and young.
And then he was out.
He awoke with a rough gasp, freezing cold and completely sober. As he pushed himself upright his hands slapped polished stone: he was no longer in his comfortable bed. He was lying on a slab, or some kind of altar. It was dark.
‘Sceleritas?’ His voice bounced back unanswered from unseen walls, mocking him.
He swung his legs from the slab, stood up, and looked around. Anger percolated in his chest, thick and hot. He wondered who would dare to take him from his chambers, dress him in a long black robe he didn’t recognise, and lay him out like a winter solstice buffet. Whoever it was had made a horrible mistake.
‘Sceleritas?’ he called again, this time louder, sharper.
Red, unnatural flames flickered to life along the cavernous walls, adding not so much illumination as a deeply unsettling atmosphere.
‘The Butler is not here.’
The voice was blood, torn flesh, grasping fingers, the rattle of a last breath.
Villi’s insides twisted in fear and awe. He turned around, searching for the voice’s source.
The man stood by the head of the altar, watching him. And it was an altar, now that Villi could see it in full view. A burly man with long, unkempt black hair, a full bristling beard, and hatred in his eyes.
‘My Lord Bhaal,’ Villi said, his breath leaving him in a rush.
‘Child. Here we stand at last. I am about to name you my Chosen.’
Villi bowed his head. ‘I am honoured–’
‘It was not my choice.’
‘M-my Lord?’
Prowling with a wolf’s hunger, Bhaal circled his spawn. ‘It is too soon, but I lost a wager. To Bane. He wanted to test a new follower, one he claimed was a master manipulator. The test? You.’
‘I don’t understand…’ Villi feared that he did understand, all too well. ‘Do you mean the alliance? I can explain–’
‘The alliance I can forgive. The alliance I expected. Such a pact is not worth the vellum it is written on. I told Bane as such. I wanted to wager something I thought would be impossible. I said to him: I see your pact and I raise you… a kiss.’
Villi’s stomach lurched and dropped in a sickening freefall.
‘My only living child. I was certain you could not be tempted by the poisoned honey that oozes from the axe wound of a Banite’s mouth.’
‘I–I didn’t–’
Bhaal didn’t shout. Didn’t yell. The command was delivered with the same measured, growling tone as the rest of his words, but the force of it drove Villi to his knees. A hand of iron bit relentlessly into his jaw, dragging his gaze up to the harrowing pits of his Father’s eyes. Endless misery danced there, twin daggers burning into his skull.
‘Now, tonight, I must name you my Chosen, as Bane names this Enver Gortash his. And you and I, child, will be pressed into their service. Those were the stakes.’
‘I’m sorry, I’m sorry! My Lord–’
‘Listen to me. You are my weapon. When we discover what their plan is–for I know Bane always has a plan when he seeks me–you will kill the Banite Chosen. You will find a way to raise an army fit to mutilate this world in my name. You will not fail me again.’
‘I swear–’
White hot pain obliterated the rest of Villi’s assurances to his Father. The sound of his jawbone cracking beneath Bhaal’s grip was drowned out by a howl of agony that seemed to come from a long distance away, even if he knew, on some level, that he was the one screaming. Every bone, muscle, and sinew writhed and snapped, his skin split, his organs boiled.
Just when he thought he would be driven mad by the pain, or die from it, it stopped.
Perhaps he had died.
Tentatively, he lifted his head. No, he was not dead. He was still in the same dark, cavernous hall, curled in a ball on the frigid stone floor. His head felt huge and heavy. His mouth contained too many teeth. He unfurled quickly at the shock of realisation, raising himself up to his full height, towering over his Father.
He held out his hands and counted four of them, wickedly clawed. Diving around behind himself in a tight corkscrew he caught a glimpse of his new tail before it whipped out of sight.
Bhaal had granted him His Slayer form. Oh, how Villi had dreamed of this moment. 
The pain had been a just punishment, he knew that now. A warning. In the future it wouldn’t hurt in the same way to change shape, but if he fell short of his Father’s expectations again then it could be far, far worse.
Villi chittered happily at the God of Murder; grateful, honoured, determined to make Him proud.
‘You will follow me,’ Bhaal said, striding towards a huge archway that Villi hadn’t noticed before. 
He dropped to all fours–wait, all sixes, on account of the extra arms–and loped behind his Father, thrilled with the way keen muscles bunched and lengthened beneath his wickedly spiked hide.
They headed outside to a vast ledge situated high on the side of a mountain. The surrounding lands were blanketed by snow, marred only by knife slash pine trees. There was a surprising lack of wind out on the ledge. Villi would expect to be buffeted by strong gusts of icy air this high up, but there was nothing. Only an eerie calm.
A shrine of sorts had been hacked out of the mountainside. Black wax candles burned with flames of red and of purple in the rudimentary alcoves. A third of the candles remained unlit. Somehow Villi knew they would burn with a green flame when the time was right.
Gortash was standing near the shrine, dressed in the same kind of black robe Villi had found himself in before his transformation. With him was another man, one who radiated an aura of cruelty. He was tall, thick-set, with silver hair and a well-groomed beard. Dashingly handsome. He must be Bane, the God of Tyranny, Gortash’s master.
Gortash turned as they drew closer, looking up at Villi’s monstrous form in admiration. He said a few words under his breath and while Villi didn’t know the language, he recognised the sound of cursing when he heard it. A guttural snarl that trailed into a series of questioning clicks left his throat in return.
Ah. He had forgotten that he couldn’t speak. He wanted to demand answers. He had so many questions, chief among them being: Was it all just a ruse for a wager between their Gods? And: Aren't you already Bane's Chosen?
Those questions would have to wait until he had a functional larynx.
‘I see you have already bestowed your ‘gift’ upon your spawn, my old friend,’ Bane said to Bhaal, as the Gods eyed each other like a pair of veteran, bare-knuckle prize fighters. ‘Getting a head start, eh?’
‘Let us conclude our business,’ Bhaal growled.
‘As you wish. Enver Gortash, I name you my Chosen. Where the weak falter, the strong shall prevail. You are my Black Hand; I will wield you to shape the world as I see fit. Fear, hatred, and control are your weapons,’ Bane said.
Gortash inclined his head. ‘Thank you, my Lord.’
‘Child, I name you my Chosen,’ Bhaal said to Villi. ‘All is ash and meat. You are my Slayer; savage the world in my name. Pave my path with corpses, and build my castle with bones.’
Villi gave a hard growl of acknowledgement, flicking his tail from side-to-side as he committed this moment to his deepest memories. He would remember this night until the end of everything.
Bane turned back to Bhaal. ‘Now. Old friend. Do you enter again into my service, as per the terms of our agreement?’
‘Yes,’ Bhaal said, quickly, as if to prevent the word’s bitterness from lingering on his tongue.
Villi huffed, ashamed that his actions had forced his Father into this situation. He hadn’t meant to make a noise but seemed unable to hide his feelings in this form, every emotion telegraphing itself through unwitting vocalisations or the movement of his tail. Maybe in time he would learn to control it.
Bane was looking at Gortash again. ‘It is done. You will have to make good on your promise, Enver Gortash, or you will face my wrath.’
Glancing at Gortash, Villi added another question to the list. What had the Banite promised his God?
‘Of course, my Lord. You have my guarantee,’ Gortash said.
A change came over Bane then, swift and subtle. The avuncular expression in his eyes fell away, replaced by a stinging, sadistic lash. ‘My guarantee is your soul, which will be mine to twist and torture until eternity’s end. Do not forget that.’
‘Absolutely,’ Gortash replied smoothly, unruffled as always.
‘We’re done here,’ Bhaal said gruffly, waving a hand at Villi.
Villi started forward, not yet ready to leave, and everything went black.
He floated in darkness. No time, no space. No sounds, no sights.
Until…a smell.
The savoury, mouthwatering smell of cooked meat; smoked ham, or something similar.
He surfaced from the dreamless darkness towards the smell, blinking open dry, sticky eyes, only to be assaulted by the sight of Sceleritas’s nasty visage not ten inches from his nose.
Villi inhaled sharply. ‘Balyag-zaar!’
‘Master! You’re awake,’ Sceleritas said, grinning from fiendish ear to fiendish ear. ‘Jubilant day!’
Villi shoved himself away from the Butler, getting tangled in a blanket as he did so. The hammerblow of a hangover started to ring his skull like a bell. He closed his eyes again and groaned.
‘I have a herbal tonic here, mi’lord. That and your legendary constitution will have you feeling as perky as an abyssal chicken in no time,’ Sceleritas said as he held out a chalice brimming with a deep purple liquid.
Villi took it and drank. It tasted mildly of anise. He tried to recall snatches of the dream he had last night. Images tickled his mind, scattering like a shoal of glittering fish as he grasped for them.
‘Ahem. I hear congratulations are in order,’ Sceleritas said.
Then Villi remembered. He was Bhaal’s Chosen. In an instant he was out of bed and on his feet, sweeping the Butler up under his arms to whirl him around with a grin. ‘He made me his Chosen!’
Sceleritas cackled. ‘I am so proud of you!’
Oh no. The spinning had been a bad idea. Villi dropped the imp and pressed a hand to his mouth as it flooded with saliva and a bubble of bile threatened to make an unwelcome appearance.
‘Deep breaths in through your nose, master,’ Sceleritas advised from the floor.
Villi sat heavily on the edge of the bed, concentrating hard on not vomiting up the herbal mixture that he could already feel working. More memories came back to him, and shame threw a bucket of cold water over his initial joy.
‘Oh, gods. Sceleritas, I did something awful. I mean awful, awful, not good, awful.’
‘Whatever do you mean?’ Sceleritas asked. Having picked himself up he now stood by Villi’s knee, with a cup of water in one hand and a plate loaded with breakfast in the other. Smoked meat and thick slices of bread that had been toasted over an open flame until the edges were almost black, with fresh butter and mustard on the side.
‘Father said–he said it wasn’t his choice. It was too soon. But he lost a wager…and it was my fault. I failed him.’
‘No, no,’ Sceleritas said. ‘If you had failed Lord Bhaal he would have either taken your body for his own use or drained you of your vile, precious blood and torn what was left of you to pieces. Furthermore, I would despise you. None of those things have come to pass, have they? You may have disappointed him, but he loves you still because I love you still. You are his Chosen.’
‘That’s…I suppose…’
‘What did you do? It’s not the first time your Father has had to pledge himself to Bane’s service. There’s always some game or a wager lost and–happy times–we’re back in a war against the Realm. History repeats itself. Do try a sip of water, mi’lord.’
Villi took the cup and downed half of the water before looking sheepishly at the Butler. ‘I kissed the Banite.’
‘O, history repeats itself…’ Sceleritas muttered.
‘Hm? I mean…They’re foul tricksters, those of Bane. Liars, manipulators of the worst kind. No scruples.’
‘I don’t have any scruples,’ Villi pointed out.
‘That’s not the same. You do it with style, mi’lord,’ Sceleritas said. ‘For the right reasons. Not them. You might think it was your choice to…do what you did, but I assure you, it will have been orchestrated by the Banite from the very beginning. You should not blame yourself, not for one moment.’
Taking the plate of food, Villi mulled over the Butler’s words. He picked up a piece of meat and took a bite. ‘I think it was my choice, though,’ he said, with his mouth full.
‘Exactly, that’s how manipulative and slimy they are,’ Sceleritas said. ‘Speaking of which; should I have a bath drawn for you?’
‘Mmhm.’ Villi nodded, before quickly swallowing. ‘But one more thing. My Father referred to me as his only living child last night. Did Orin die?’
‘Lady Orin? No, she is in the reliquary making use of one of the recovered racks if I’m not mistaken.’
‘Then what did he mean?’
Sceleritas hesitated. ‘Well, you are your Father’s Chosen now. I suppose it wouldn’t do any harm…’
‘Butler.’ Villi felt his patience slipping.
‘Yes, yes. So you see, Lady Orin’s unholy blood comes to her by the way of her grandfather. Lord Bhaal is not her direct sire. Your Father learned his lesson after the debacle with The Five. No more offspring. One single pureblood spawn was the plan this time,’ Sceleritas said. ‘Lady Orin is unaware of this fact.’
‘Oh,’ Villi said. His sister was even more of a mongrel than he thought. ‘Then, who is her father?’
‘I don’t know. I have my suspicions but her blood is…murky. It makes it difficult to sniff out the truth, as it were. She is still your kin, however.’
It didn’t make much of a difference. Well, not to Villi, anyhow. He was Bhaal’s favoured child. It would matter more to Orin, however; she was very proud of her blood, of their bond, of their Father . It might be prudent to keep hold of this information–this gift–to use against her in the future, Villi thought.
‘I’m glad she’s not dead,’ he said. ‘I cannot wait to see the look on her face when I tell her that I’m the Chosen one. I know she always thought it would be her.’
‘And I always knew it would be you, master,’ Sceleritas said fondly. He sniffed. ‘Oh, look at that, I’m getting all misty-eyed. I will away, mi’lord, and draw a bath fit for a Slayer.’
Pop. He vanished.
Villi continued his breakfast, running through all of the questions he intended on asking Gortash later.
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mysticbeaver · 10 months
what's your favorite line of dialogue from kevin in the show? and fave of rolf's? i think kevin is really funny super quotable. one line that always stands out to me is when he randomly says "POTENT", probably in response to eddy getting hurt or embarrassing himself. i can only remember him saying it once but its such a weird thing to yell out. then with rolf mine's gotta be "rolf sees through your husky boy masquerade". its too good.
I think Kevin only says "potent" that one time but it's a really good choice! It almost sounds like a fancy word for a 12 year old, did hear that from Edd or something haha. Or did he scroll through a dictionary to find other words to shout like "dork" and "choice"? (On a sidenote I feel I could just start just saying "choice" or "that's choice" in posts and comments shshsh)
"Nazz thinks I'M a dork. How can something so righteous be so wrong, man?" I don't even know how to interpret it. What's righteous? The fact Nazz thinks he's a dork? Cause she's right 🤣 Also some of his dork puns "I don't know what you're dorkin' about". And some of his sarcastic remarks get much funnier when you put it into context of him just being 12. Like in the restaurant scam "I'm ordering the barf bag" geez Kev tone it down 🤣
Also in BPS when he calls Eddy's bro "Hey, bro guy!" Dunno why It's just funny to me, like he doesn't even know how to adress him.
For Rolf it's impossible to decide, you know... His voice alone is hilarious, even just the funny noises he makes. The "husky boy" line is sooo good cause Rolf's wisdom makes him see right through people's attitudes, (which is why he calls Eddy that "half-man-half-woman" remark...)
Right now I'm thinking of an episode I saw not long ago, Urban Ed where he says "The city air is thick like Nano's toenail". Not necessarily the line itself, but the delivery just kills me every time.
It's oddly... camp? If that's the right word, I don't know how to describe it 😅
Another one is in "Dueling Eds" when he describes the cucumber suit. "The fittings were excruciating... but that's another story". Again the delivery is just *chef's kiss* (like all of the voice actors, really). That delivery again...
And finally, "Shall Rolf rub Kevin's belly with the oil of fermented figs?" Damn Rolf, that's gay
Thanks for the ask, hoping this answer was good enough hah 🥴
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babsvibes · 7 months
What were your thoughts on the last Bob’s Burgers episode, “Jade in the Shade?”
1: Did you feel you got enough Logan and Cynthia screen time?
2: How did you feel about how Logan and Louise interacted? Since it’s been a while since those two have had an interaction for a LONG tiiiime.
3: And what did you think of Logan and Cynthia’s interaction with each other in this episode? It feels like their relationship has gotten better since "Mother, Daughter, Laser Razor.” 
You're actually my hero, you know that? I'm in love with you. I LOVED the episode! I don't like getting my hopes up, so I had low expectations that were farrrr surpassed! This is definitely my favorite episode of the later seasons now 🥰🥰
Yes! They absolutely got enough screen time. Any more screen time and I'd have to deal with Logan antis whining about him? Any less and what's the point of having him? This was the perfect balance for me!
See, I'm obsessed so I can get blood from a stone when louigan is concerned. Turns out? I didn't even have to grab the magnifying glass. They have a >:P greeting? Logan overhears Louise with a plan and immediately assumes it’s gospel truth? "Damn it, that’s so sneaky. I have to respect it but I also don’t like you, so I’m at a loss here." hello?? They once again have similar values and mindsets that put them on the same playing field while still delivering that sweet enemies banter. I am at peace with the world
You said it! Logan and Cynthia's dynamic has greatly improved since MDLR. On one hand, the direction of the show transitioned to something softer, and Cynthia's earlier parenting styles don't necessarily fit into that vision. On the other hand, she did say "we're working on it" in Late Afternoon. She was overtly maternal in a way that had me rethinking my earlier stance on her loving her own image more than Logan. She keeps raisins on her in case her son gets hangry?? Milf behavior. Logan being sooo done every time she opens her mouth was hilarious, and it's made a couple of people more sympathetic to him which I can appreciate!
All in all, absolutely my favorite episode of season fourteen!! But what did you think, Tragedies??
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leaderoffestivals · 11 days
Poltergeist Epilogue 3 (End)
Madara: I may not know what the future holds, but right now, I’m smiling from the bottom of my heart!
Scenario Writer: Akira Season: Winter Characters: Mikejima Madara, Narukami Arashi
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Madara: [ ♪  ~ ♪  ~ ♪  ~]
(... … Yes. That’s what I’ll do as well. Just like the children of Dancing Cranes Home, I’ll hold my head high as I walk towards the future.
That was how I was going to set things right, wasn’t it? Pretending like I had it all figured out, for the sake of encouraging those kids―
Even though I have no clue about what kind of future is waiting for me down the line.  
It’s only gonna get tougher to move as Double Face, and the problem of MaM's lack of direction has not been solved either. 
Organising this festival has given me an idea of what lies ahead, though―)
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Madara: ( It doesn’t matter how meaningful or grand an event I put together may be, the sins and stains I carry will never be washed away. 
It doesn’t matter how many beautiful and sparkling things I surround myself with either, my ugly past won’t just disappear.
Even if I do everything I can to hide it away, it all would come erupting out at the slightest trigger.
I've no right to sneer at The Priest, or at those foolish adults who tried to erase the memories of the fire—
I’m no different from them at all—Just another villain trying to cover up the truth with pretty lies—)
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Madara: ... ...Huh? Did you just say something to me, Arashi-san?
Arashi: What? I don’t really have anything to say to you at this point, do I, Mama?
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Arashi: If I did have something to say, it would be this: Focus! What’s the matter? Have you lost your edge after detouring about all over the place—MaM?
Madara: I’ve not been taking detours at all, but—
Still, it reeeally stings to be mocked by a kouhai, even if you are from the prestigious Knights, one of the ES Big 3.
I’d better get my act together so I won’t get teased by you anymore.
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Arashi: That’s right. I know you’ve got it in you. You’re the type who can do anything once you set your mind to it, Mama!
Madara: Hahaha! Anyone who didn’t know what’s going on would be sooo confused to hear you say that to me, wouldn’t they? That’d be reeeally hilarious!
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Madara: (Hmm. That person who was speaking to me earlier seems to be a staff member from Dancing Cranes Home. They’re the real deal, someone who’s been working here for quite a while—
Who are they, again? They’re chatting with Anzu-san now, and both of them are smiling happily as they watch the stage. 
Hahaha. No matter the time or place, Anzu-san always seems to be able to find happiness in moments that have nothing to do with me. 
Maybe it’s arrogant of me to think, “I’ll protect her” or “I’ll save her” —like that. Honestly, I’m unqualified to say stuff like that at aaall. 
But it doesn’t matter. As long as she’s enjoying the festival, that’s enough for me—)
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Arashi: Hmmm… … What’s that staff member’s name again? 
They’re the one who calmed the kids down after I read that picture book to them and made them cry.
I really must remember to thank them properly later.
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Madara: Nah~, I don’t think there’s any need for that. 
They already came over and thanked me earlier. I think organising this entire festival can be considered thanks enough from us.
Arashi: Hmm? Well, if even one of the staff members is enjoying the show, then I’d say the festival is a grand success!
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Madara: They also said, “Thank you for the loving care you’ve shown to my friends, and for trying to comfort their sorrowful hearts—”
Arashi: Huh? What’s that again?
Madara: And… “All of you are just as kind and wonderful as always, aren’t you?”—That was what they told me. 
Arashi: … … Can it be, that person was actually… …?
Madara: That seems to be the case. It’s said that the Priest and his son, Kurone Hitsugi-san, are masters at transforming themselves to impersonate others. So, I guess this must be “one of those situations.”
Arashi: Eh? Are you saying that that staff worker was actually NEGI-chan, disguised as “someone who doesn’t really exist?”
Haha! I would feel really happy, if that were true~
Because that would mean our voices can be received loudly and clearly by anyone, even the dead. 
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Madara: That’s the reason we sing with all our might, isn’t it?
So that our melodies can keep on resounding, now and forever——
All of us, singing with all our hearts. 
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Madara: HAHAHA! Who would’ve thought there was something like “that” in meee, too! What an ecstatic surprise, what a thrilling delight! Festivals are truly such fun and joyous events, aren’t they, my friends!
I may not know what the future holds, but right now, I’m smiling from the bottom of my heart!
—Thank you for watching this humble performance! No, I should say, I hope you’ll enjoy the rest of your night! (1) That’s all, folks! ♪ 
[♪  ~ ♪  ~ ♪  ~]
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The End
Epilogue 2 / Story Masterlist
Translator's Notes
Madara says お粗末! (Osomatsu!) followed by お後がよろしいようで♪ (O-ato ga yoroshii you de). These phrases are traditionally used in Japanese performing arts like rakugo (Japanese comic storytelling). お粗末! (Osomatsu!) translates to "It was a poor performance" or "It was nothing special." This humble expression is used by performers to modestly downplay their performance, even if it was excellent, showing respect for the audience. お後がよろしいようで (O-ato ga yoroshii you de) translates to "I hope you have a pleasant time." This polite phrase is used to wish the audience well as the performance concludes.
Aaaand this is the end of Poltergeist! I hope you all enjoyed this story! I'd like to give a shoutout to Mamacord for always supporting me, brainrotting and screaming about Mikejima Madara with me, and also, for wishing nothing but the best and happiness for him till the very end.
PS: In 2024 Limit Break talk, Madara has found his direction as MaM after BBB. 🎉Also, his Feature Scout 2 story has him very confident and secure as MaM, to the point that the focus of his story wasn't that he was nervous about the performance or worried about the image he wanted to portray in his photoshoot, but his willingness and wish to work hard and help others.
I hope I translated for the voices of everyone's oshis well. If you have any feedback there, please DM me.
It's not proofed, so if you spot any mistakes or have questions about the story, please DM me.
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