#one day i'll make him a reality......one day.
alchemistc · 1 day
"Any plans for your days off, Buck?"
Buck knows his grin is a little feral, but he's kind of hoping that'll throw them off the trail. It's barely been a year, and in that time they've had three natural disasters, one copter crash, a boss intent on making Buck's life a living hell, and two almost break-ups.
It's too soon, to know for sure, except Athena and Bobby had known, and Hen and Karen had known even if they were too scared to admit it at first, and Chim and Maddie may have taken a little longer to get there but they'd known.
And Buck knows. He knows he's never felt like this about anyone before. Knows no one has ever had the ability to infuriate him and calm his fears quite like Tommy Kinard can. Knows they could have done this like they joked about six months ago and they wouldn't have regretted it.
Hen is making a face like she's trying to decide if she wants to know whatever head-tilt-cheek-bite sexual innuendo Buck's got in the barrel, because she only appreciates that about half of the time and Buck's praying she decides on no because he's a terrible fucking liar and he doesn't like keeping things from people. But it's sort of a secret, for the next 48 hours, and Buck also wants to bask in it, wants to enjoy keeping it to himself for just a little while.
"Our Buckaroo is all grown up and refusing to over share about his sex life, praise be," Chim chips in, and Buck tucks his chin to his chest and hopes his pink cheeks read as embarrassed.
His phone buzzes in his pocket, and around him lockers slam and voices drift over him. He's only got eyes for the text that just came through.
Bird's ready, suits are pressed, room is paid up. You wanna go to Adele, after? I think I know one of her people.
You know everyone, stop bragging, I'm already impressed
I'm always gonna try to impress you. You still at the station?
Yeah but not for long. I'll see you in like forty
"--right Buck?"
Buck blinks, hums, stares across at Chim.
"Please tell me you're not sexting at work right now."
"Technically, we are off the clock."
"I'll remind Clipboard Buck of that next time he shows up."
He's zipping up his bag when his phone buzzes again.
See you soon, baby.
He's pretty sure he's gonna get away with it - Hen and Chim are arguing about some reality show as they all trudge toward the open bay doors, and though he can hear their voices further back, Eddie and Bobby still seem to be deep in conversation.
Ravi comes out of left field, because of course he does, just finished inventory still clutched in his hand as he rounds the engine closest to Buck. "Hey, Buck, you and Tommy wanna catch that movie tomorrow night? I picked up a shift but I've got like twelve off in between."
Buck winces. Damn, so close. "Sorry, bud, we actually won't be in town."
Which he's realizing now is pretty uncharacteristic of the both of them, and Hen and Chim have clocked it, so he's gonna have to make a run for it, but he catches sight of raised brows and questioning expressions and he can't give them nothing.
"Tommy's taking me to Vegas, we might see Adele, okay bye!"
They absolutely let him make a break for it, let him scramble into the Jeep, let him send them all a quick wave before he peels out of his parking spot, and Buck spends the drive to Harbor viscously ignoring the steady buzzing from his phone.
Tommy snags the backpack from his shoulder before he's fully out the door, and tugs a belt loop to pull him close. Buck is pretty sure he'll never get over how much he likes being manhandled, just a bit.
"You wanna tell me why Chim and Hen both wished us a good flight?"
"Ravi ambushed me on my way out the door. Technically, they don't know anything about anything, except maybe Adele."
Tommy's fond smile makes Buck feel all warm and tingly inside, and he basks in the glow as Tommy nudges a knee between the open bow of Buck's legs.
Tommy's expression morphs, a bit, lips dropping as he tilts his head. "You having second thoughts? We don't have to-."
"No. No second thoughts."
"Evan, I know how close you are to your family. If you want to wait, make this something you can share with them, we can hold off."
He's so goddamn charmed by this man - by how he cares, by how well he knows Buck, by a million and one tiny things that Buck gleefully hoards his knowledge of like a dragon over his caverns of treasure.
"I kinda don't want to share you, for this." It's the first time since Tommy's brought it back up that Buck's been able to express exactly why the prospect makes him so giddy, but there it is. Possessive jealous Buck rears his ugly head again, only Tommy has always been a little charmed by that. At least when Buck expressed it in a healthy way.
"The moment they know, it's gonna be a spectacle," Tommy agrees, fingers curling over Buck's side.
"Exactly. So. Take me to Vegas and wife me up before one of them shows up trying to tag along."
He expects the dramatic eye roll, and Tommy's fingers digging into his sides. He doesn't expect the ear-ringing whistle echoing through the bay door to their left, or the smirk on Lucy Donato's face when she lets her looped thumb and pointer finger drop from her lips.
"We should definitely go before any of them remembers to hit her up for more details."
"Why would she -."
"Yeah she caught a look at the manifest and snooped until she found the rings."
"So you're actually worse at keeping a secret than I am."
"They're all gonna know before we land back home."
"Hen's gonna break like thirty bylaws trying to decorate a county owned chopper."
"Evan, seriously, we can still -."
Buck only knows one sure-fire way of stopping Tommy from spiraling too much - he uses the little bit of leverage he has plastered to the open door of his Jeep to catch Tommy's lips, and the resulting pleased hum shivers down his spine. Evan takes a moment to be pleased that Tommy hadn't shaved this morning like he'd threatened, and then he's tilting his head for a better angle and losing himself in it long enough that a few more wolf-whistles make their way across the tarmac -- Wendell and York, most likely, but when Buck finally breaks the kiss to dart a look over Tommy's shoulder, everyone has made themselves scarce.
"You gonna marry me or not, Kinard?"
It's a rare thing, but sometimes, when Buck makes him a little extra wild, Tommy does this growling thing that Buck always feels down to his toes. Tommy kisses him breathless again when Buck responds to this growl with a satisfied smirk.
"How much you wanna bet Hen convinces you to do a vow renewal within six months."
Buck's busy nipping at a spot of flesh just above Tommy's transverse abdominis, so it takes a second for his brain to catch up with the words.
"It's gonna be Maddie, and she's gonna rope you into it before you realize what's happening."
Tommy hums, pleased, not denying it, and runs a hand through Buck's hair, palm curling over his crown. It takes Buck a moment to figure out why it doesn't feel quite as familiar as it always does, and then he's reaching for it with a hand of his own, the tips of two fingers sliding along the smooth metal surface of Tommy's ring.
The smile he shoots up from the general area of Tommy's groin is all puppy-dog grin, and he basks in the soft, warm grin Tommy sends back. Buck tracks the crinkle of Tommy's eyes like a lifeline.
"I'm gonna lord it over everyone's head that we didn't get married because of, during, or after a health scare or a natural disaster."
"You asked me two days after we made up because of a flash flood we both thought we were gonna lose each other to, but okay."
Tommy's smile is soft. The fingers that slide around his scalp to brush reverently over his birthmark are even softer. "That time doesn't count, because we didn't follow through. You thought I was joking."
He had, honestly, at first, because they'd technically still been broken up at the time and the adrenaline and the terror at nearly losing one another had still been close. It'd taken him three days and Tommy angrily re-ringing his house key back onto Buck's keychain to realize Tommy maybe hadn't actually been joking about hopping in the chopper the next time they both had 24 off.
He's glad they'd taken the extra time, though. Glad they'd had time to drive halfway across the state in search of a ring shop they could be sure they wouldn't run into anyone at, glad they'd had the time to get new suits tailored, glad he'd had time to fuss over vows he'd still cried about while he was saying them, glad they'd done it without an Elvis impersonator standing just off to the side.
"You're stuck with me now," Buck tells him, and Buck knows Tommy's delighted bark of laughter will keep him warm for years.
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mariclerc · 11 hours
hey!... can you write a Charles × horner reader.. where the reader has a crush on since they met.... but Charles doesn't like her very much cuz he thinks she's a nepo baby... but the reader still tries to win his heart.... but one day after a bad race he lashed out on her.... breaking her heart.... later he realizes he also has fellings for her...then ask the reader for forgiveness and a second chance (pls make it a happy ending)... thank you ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for this request! It took me a little while to try to develop it, I hope you like it!! 💗💗
Second chance spark | cl16
Summary: where Charles thinks you're a nepo baby just because of your last name. Warnings: a little angst, horner!reader, christian being an asshole and fluffy fluff.
a/n: let me know if you want a part two!!
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The paddock of the Spanish Grand Prix is in big move, thousands of people moving from one place to another and there you find yourself, outside of the Red Bull hospitality talking to several of the girls on the team. This is what your life has become, practically, since being the daughter of Christian Horner you can walk around the hospitality and the paddock as many times as you like during the year.
Most people believe that you only walk around the paddock because it is a case of "nepotism", but in reality you are working very hard to be an engineer and earn a place in motorsport and that's why you find yourself doing internships at Red Bull. Also, your relationship with your father is not the best, so it is always a constant argument, but, even if you try not to give it so much importance, it always hurts.
“Oh god girls, look who's coming!” You say excitedly, Charles was walking through the paddock, to you he always looked like an angel, you blush slightly.
Mara, one of the Red Bull pr girls spoke. “Leclerc? Are you trying to charm the competition's sponsors I see.” she jokes and you blush a little.
You rolled your eyes. “Don't be ridiculous, he probably doesn't even know I'm here.” You say and a silence is present between the three of you. “I'm going to say hi.” You say determined.
Lila rise up an eyebrow. “Careful y/n. You don't want to spook the red prince.”
“Oh, please. Like he'd give me the time of the day.” you scoff.
You excuse yourself and stride confidently towards Charles. He notices your approach and his expression becomes guarded.
You've liked Charles since he debuted in the F4 European series, you always thought he was someone quite nice and talented... Besides of being cute, of course, but nothing ever happened between you, you were simply acquaintances. But now since you are always in the paddock you see him every single day and those feelings that you thought were already buried, were reborn with much more strength.
“Hello y/n. Didn't expect to see you here!” he smiles shyly.
“Well, I just came to say hi, a little greeting doesn't go amiss, don't you think?” you say shyly with a soft voice. “Are you nervous about the race?” you asked shyly.
“Yeah, uh, a little bit... But let's see how it goes.” he says trying to avoid your gaze.
“Well, you have a good shot, maybe you can achieve a podium finish.” You say and he looks at you surprised.
“You actually follow the races?” he asks.
You feign offense. “Of course I do, I'm trying to be an engineer! I may not be out there on the track like you and the boys, but I appreciate a good driver when I see one.” you smile brightly.
Charles looks at you for a long moment, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
“Just make sure you're cheering for the right team on race day in the future.” he says teasingly.
“We'll see about that, Leclerc.” you two share a comfortable silence for a moment. You take a deep breath. “Well, I'll leave you alone, I have to go. But good luck in the race, yeah?” You say with a small smile.
“Sure, see you later! And thanks!” he smiles too.
You smiled back and turned to leave, a triumphant glint in your eyes. Charles watches you go, a genuine smile gracing his features. His heart is probably beginning to soften to let you into it.
“Is seriously? You talked to him and he didn't think you were a little innocent girl?” Christian said sitting in his chair in the office.
You were at the Red Bull factory in Milton Keynes, you had gone to see some engineers and work with them since you are doing your engineer internship at Red Bull and they have been very generous to you, teaching you everything they know, what you didn't realize was that your father was going to need you to have a talk. Such talks never end well, let's put it that way.
“Well, no... But I think he was being nice.” you say quietly. “I just wanted to wish him good luck, that's all... Just a little greeting... it's not a big deal.”
“You know? It's amazing that you're so stupid and dumb.” He says getting up from his chair. “And also by talking to the enemy, you don't really learn, don't you?” he asked sharply.
He never misses the opportunity to speak badly about you on any occasion, he simply doesn't care about your feelings, he is only interested in the job, winning and that's it. As if that were more important than your well-being as his daughter.
You take a deep breath. “Then let me finish my internship in another team.” you said and he looked at you. “I think it would be better for both you and me. Don't you think?” you said in a whisper.
“What? You really want to finish your silly and stupid internship at Ferrari, right? To be after a man who doesn't give you attention, is it serious?” he says sarcastically, that wasn't your idea but since he puts it on the table it doesn't sound too bad... “How ungrateful you are, to waste the fact that I gave you the opportunity to do the internship here.”
“And it was the only thing you did.” you murmured. “Because, as far as I remember, you haven't done anything else.”
“What did you say, huh? You little bitch.” He said, raising his voice towards you.
“What you fucking heard! Do you think it's not difficult to be under your shadow every day? How tiring it is to have everyone tell you that you are a child of nepotism just because all you did was get me the internship here! And you know that I had to sacrifice many things to get here.” you said in screams, taking everything out of you, all the years of abuse and so on. “And don't come pretending to be a saint because we both know you're not.”
You leave his office and everyone looks at you, but you don't care, you couldn't allow your father to call you names and spoke to you in a not very nice way. Your tears blur your vision as you leave the factory and you run to your car, you feel as if you no longer have a weight on your shoulders, but at the same time you are afraid of what may happen later between the two of you.
A couple of weeks later, the Austrian Grand Prix is a blur of disappointment, specially for Charles, since he finished a distant third, strategy blunders costing him a shot at the win against Max. The Red Bull Hospitality is abuzz with post-race celebration, a stark contrast to the muted atmosphere in the Ferrari hospitality across the way.
You stand awkwardly near the doorway, your presence a silent question in the room. Charles sits alone, staring into the bottom of an empty beer glass, his face an iron mask of frustration. A knot of worry tightens in your stomach, that's not the Charles you know, always so cheerful and lively despite everything. It's another version of him, darker and more mysterious.
“Charles?” you asked softly.
He looks up, surprise flickering across his features before hardening back into a grimace.
“What are you doing here?” he said sharply.
“I...I just wanted to see if you were alright.” You say shyly.
His harsh tone stings, cutting through the fragile connection the two of you would built.
“Look y/n, I appreciate the concern, but I need to be alone.” he said sharply.
“But-” hurt creeps into your voice.
He interrupts with his voice rising. “No buts! Don't you get it? This is my job, my life! And today, I failed.”
Tears are pricking at your eyes. “I know it hurts, Charles, but you can't let it consume you.”
He stands abruptly, knocking his chair over with a clatter. “Easy for you to say! You don't have the pressure, the expectations hanging over your head like a damn guillotine! You have everything on a silver platter whenever and however you want!” he say furiously.
His words are a punch to the gut. The simmering tension between you and your father explodes in your mind.
“You think I don't know the pressure? Do you have any idea what it's like living under my father's shadow? To be constantly judged, to have every decision questioned?” you say with a shaking voice.
Charles stares at you, his anger momentarily eclipsed by surprise.
“I may not be a driver, but I understand this world, Charles... I understand the pressure.” You say as tears form in your eyes.
Your vulnerability hangs heavy in the air. Shame washes over Charles, realizing the depth of his lashing out.
“Y/n, I...” he said with a soft voice.
He reaches out, but you flinches back, a wall of hurt suddenly separating the both of you.
You take a shaky breath. “I think I should go.” you sigh tiredly. “Nice talk.”
You turn towards the door, your heart heavy with a mixture of disappointment and a newfound understanding of the burdens that the both of you share. You run out there with tears running down your cheeks, nothing could have been worse after what happened with your father, but now you lost a person you cared about despite everything.
The Italian Grand Prix is in full swing after the summer break. Mechanics scurry around the gleaming red Ferrari, the air thick with pre-race tension. Charles, however, finds himself distracted. He steals constant glances towards the Red Bull garage across the pit lane, searching for a familiar face.
He spots you, standing by Christian, your interaction is tense, your father screams at you while you just only nod at his words while holding a few tears in your shy eyes. A pang of fury shoots through Charles, followed by a wave of regret. His outburst in Austria hangs heavy in the air, a barrier he needs to break. He, despite everything, is moderately informed about what happened between you and your father thanks to Max, and it hurts him not to have approached you much sooner.
The pit lane opens to finally start the grand prix, snapping Charles back to reality. He throws on his helmet, a steely resolve replacing his earlier anxiety.
Charles finishes a strong second, the podium it's a little bit bittersweet. He emerges from the car, the cheers of the tifosi a distant echo. All he can think about is you.
He finds you in the Red Bull hospitality, a hesitant knock on the door of your office, announcing his arrival. The room falls silent as he enters.
You stand by the window, your back towards him. Your posture is stiff, but Charles can sense the tremor in your shoulders.
“Y/n?” he say quietly.
You turn slowly, your eyes guarded. The hurt in your gaze is a mirror to his own regret.
“Charles...” you say softly.
There's an awkward silence, the air thick with unspoken words. Charles takes a deep breath.
“I can't apologize enough for Austria. I... I was a complete idiot.” he says.
“Words don't erase the hurt, Charles.” you say in a low voice.
He takes a step closer. “I know. But I wanted you to know... these past few weeks, all I could think about was your words. About the pressure, about being judged... You opened my eyes to a side of you I never knew existed.” He reaches out, hesitantly offering his hand. “And in doing so, I realized... how much I care about you.”
You stare at his hand, then back at his face. A flicker of vulnerability crosses your features before you speak.
“You can't just say things like that, Charles. Not after everything.”
“I know, but I have to try. Because the alternative... the alternative is losing you completely.” says sincerely. He sees a flicker of emotion in your eyes, a flicker that speaks of hope.
“This won't be easy, Charles. My father... Things haven't been so smooth lately between him and I.”
“I know. But maybe, just maybe, we can face it together... Like you said, we both understand this world, the pressure. Maybe we can be each other's support system, not just through wins and losses, but through everything else.” he say softly.
A small smile tugs at the corner of your lips. You look at him, a question in your eyes.
“So, what are you saying?” you asked him.
Charles takes a chance, the weight of his feelings pulling him forward. He steps closer, your faces inches apart.
“I'm saying that... give me another chance, please. A chance to prove that I can be the man you deserve.” he whispers. “Please, if you want, I beg you on my knees... I'll do anything, but please give me a chance.”
The air crackles with unspoken emotions. You lean in, closing the distance between the both of you. At first, the kiss is hesitant and at the same time soft and slow, then deepens, a promise unspoken but understood.
Pulling away, Charles searches your soft eyes.
“Is that a yes?” he smiled while blushing.
You smile softly, a genuine smile that reaches your eyes.
“Maybe... How about we can do something casual between us, not business related, just to get to know each other better?” you say shyly.
A grin spreads across Charles' face, relief washing over him like a victory lap. “It's a deal darling.” you giggled.
He leans in for another kiss, the roar of the engines and the crowd outside a distant echo of the race that's just begun – the race for your hearts.
The air crackles with a different kind of tension now. You and Charles break apart from your long awaited kiss, foreheads resting against each other. Relief, hope, and a spark of defiance dance in your eyes.
“We should probably get going before someone sees us, don't you think?” you whisper shyly.
Charles nods, a playful smile tugging at his lips. He reaches for the door, ready to usher you out, but it swings open before he can touch it.
Standing in the doorway is Christian, his face a thundercloud. The celebratory atmosphere in the room evaporates, replaced with a chilling silence.
“Y/n! My office. Now.” he says with a strong and demanding voice.
You flinch, your body tensing and shaking at your father's tone, but Charles steps forward, his stance protective.
“Actually, she's not going anywhere Horner.” Charles says calmly.
Christian's gaze snaps to him, fury replacing the icy anger. “And who are you to tell me what to do in my own hospitality suite, Leclerc?” he scoffs.
“Someone who cares about her, a concept you seem to have forgotten.” Charles says with a hard and firm voice.
The room collectively gasps. You reaches out a hand to touch Charles' arm, a silent plea for caution. But Charles shakes you off gently, his green eyes boring into Christian's.
“You judge her, belittle her, just because of your own insecurities. You push her away with every harsh word and raised eyebrow.” Charles says defending you, maybe you and him weren't that close, but probably Max told him about what happened between you and Christian.
Christian lunges forward, his hand raised in a threatening gesture. But Charles doesn't back down, he catches Christian's wrist mid-air, his grip surprisingly strong.
“Don't. Even. Think. About. Touching. Her.” Charles says in a low, dangerous voice. “And if you do, you'll deal with me, is that clear?”
Christian throws Charles a withering look before turning and storming out of the room. The silence that follows is deafening. No one had ever spoken to your father that way, not even Max or Jos, but the fact that Charles was the first to do it was something... Shocking, especially for you.
You let out a shaky breath, your gaze flickering between the slammed door and Charles. “I... Charles.” you say in a shaky whisper.
He whispers back. “Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong sweetie.” he takes your hand in his. “He's such a jerk.” He pulls you towards the door, a newfound determination in his eyes. “We're leaving, now. We can deal with your father later, together, okay?” he says.
You hesitate for a moment, then you nodded in agreement, as you walk out of the Red Bull hospitality, heads turn and whispers follow. But you don't care anymore, you have each other, and that's all that matters.
You two step out into the cool evening air, the roar of the Italian crowd a distant hum. Your hands are intertwined, a silent promise against the warm setting sun.
You two may have a long road ahead, filled with challenges and disapproval, but you'll face it together, a united front against the storm.
“Thank you... For what you did in there.” You say softly, he smiles and brings your hand to his lips to place a kiss on the back of your hand.
“It's nothing ma belle, I know I may not know the whole story since the begging, but I'm willing to help you.” he says the same in a whisper.
“I just want to know... Who told you about it?” you asked softly.
“Max told me.” He says and you laugh.
“I thought so! It doesn't bother me that he did it anyway.” you say and let out a giggle while you shake your head. “I think it's something you deserved to know.”
He smiles at you tenderly. “How about we forget this mess with your father with a good pizza, huh?” he says softly.
“And where would we go?” you shyly asked him.
“We can go to my hotel room... Unless you don't want to, I know it would be awkward but... I don't know, ugh.” He said and started babbling, you smiled seeing him like that, it seemed like the cutest thing of all, seeing him nervous about doing something simple with you.
You smiled and placed a soft kiss on his jaw. “I would love to eat pizza with you in your hotel room Charlie.” you say softly. “So it's a date?”
“It's a date.” He says softly as he kisses the tip of your nose and you giggle. “A date between Ferrari's golden boy and the red bull girl.” he says in a whisper while letting out a giggle.
You smiled tenderly. “You couldn't have said it better.” You whispered back.
To think that a couple of months ago you had not imagined that situation, to see Charles against your father and defending you like a true gentleman, but here you two were. Maybe at the beginning not everything was rosy or he simply didn't tolerate you at all due to false "nepotism" status around you, but you both understand how difficult and complicated this world is, maybe with different perspectives, but you two are there to support each other in the ups and downs.
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perkypeony · 2 days
I'm feeling angsty but I don't wanna cry alone. So I'll make the whole fandom cry 😈
The estate of the Gojo clan always seemed more like a prison to you. You were the prisoner, the tortured disgrace, a cruel joke of fate that was never meant to see the light of day.
Your parents ensured your existence was kept a secret, telling the world that you had died shortly after birth due to a severe health condition. In reality, you were very much alive, though barely, and kept breathing by your cursed energy. The doctors called it a miracle. Your parents saw it as a curse.
You were the opposite of your perfect older brother, Satoru. You didn't inherit any Gojo clan cursed techniques. And worse, you could produce cursed spirits whenever you felt bad emotions just like the non-sorcerers.
From a young age, you were confined to the estate, hidden from visitors and locked away in the basement whenever you couldn’t control your emotions. The basement was a place of darkness and fear, where cursed spirits born of your anguish tormented you until you passed out from exhaustion or terror.
The only light in your life was Satoru. Unaware of your suffering, he believes that you led a normal childhood despite your health condition. Every time he came back from Tokyo Jujutsu High, you felt genuine happiness, a rare and fleeting emotion.
"Satoru! You're back!" You would exclaim, the pain momentarily forgotten. He would spend his time with you, read you a book or listen to your rambling. One time he brought you out to get ice cream, that was the best day of your life. You sure get scolded after that but it definitely worth it. His presence was a reminder that maybe, just maybe, you were worth something.
But one day, Satoru came home unexpectedly after a mission, and the facade crumbled. Your father was dragging you towards the basement, your screams echoing through the halls.
"Please, don't! Not again!" you pleaded, your voice breaking with desperation.
He followed the sounds and found you struggling against your father's grip. "What are you doing to them?" he questioned, his voice cold and dangerous.
Your father froze, unable to meet his son's gaze. Satoru didn't wait for an explanation. He took you by the hand, and for the first time, you felt safe.
Satoru brought you to his house, determined to give you a chance at real life. You met Megumi first, who became your first friend. After that, you got to become a student at Tokyo Jujutsu High where Satoru's a teacher there. Slowly, you got to know Nobara and Yuji, and for a while, you experienced normal life.
But happiness was a fragile thing. The higher-ups soon learned of your existence and demanded to see you. If Satoru was there he would come with you, but unfortunately he was away on a mission.
"You are a disgrace to the sorcerer society," one of them sneered, and the dam of your emotions broke. A powerful cursed spirit finally erupted from you.
They ordered for you to be locked in a room where your cursed energy would be restrained. Without it, you began to weaken rapidly. The cursed energy that had kept you alive was now being siphoned away, leaving you on the brink of death.
You woke in the infirmary, your body frail and exhausted. Satoru sat beside you, his usual blindfold hiding his teary blue eyes, but his voice gave away his sorrow. "I'm here, " his voice cracking. "I'm sorry I wasn't there with you. "
You reached out and grasped his hand. "Satoru, I'm so tired," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "I've spent my whole life fighting just to exist. I think it's better if I just die."
His hand tightened around yours, his voice trembling. "Don't say that. Please, don't give up."
You gave him a sad smile. "Thanks for all the happiness you've given me, even if it just for a while. But, it's time for me to rest. Don't worry, I'll die without regret. I'm happy to get to know you better. "
Megumi, Nobara, and Yuji gathered around your bed, their faces etched with sorrow. Each goodbye was a dagger to your heart, but you managed to smile through the tears.
"Thank you," you said, your voice weak. "For being my friends. For giving me a taste of what life could be."
They left one by one, and finally, it was just you and Satoru. He held you close, his tears falling freely.
"I love you," he whispered. "I'm sorry I couldn't protect you better."
"You did your best," you murmured. "And that's all that matters."
With a final, shuddering breath, you let go. The darkness enveloped you, but this time, it was a gentle embrace. You felt no fear, no pain. Only peace.
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formulauno98 · 3 days
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A Birthday to Remember - Part Four - Toto Wolff x Reader
Originally written as an OC, inspired by an amazing request from @latte-luxe, I have rewritten this to a Reader POV, no descriptions and no use of your name. The only brief description is of a butt (you can probably guess why).
Word Count: 2.3k
Warnings: Caution may contain fluff.
Author’s Notes: Disclaimer, purely fiction, no-one is married in this alt-universe.
The sun was high in the sky as you and Toto finished brunch together on his terrace, Toto having laid out an impressive spread of pastries and mimosas for your final meal together. The peaceful morning a surprisingly domestic contrast from the frenzied night of passion that you had just shared. It was the perfect end to your birthday weekend.
“Thank you for this,” you said, savouring a bite of a buttery croissant. “You didn’t have to go to so much trouble.”
Toto smiled, watching you with a look of satisfaction. “It was no trouble at all. I wanted to make this weekend special for you.”
“You succeeded,” you replied, raising your glass. “To an unforgettable birthday.”
“To unforgettable moments,” Toto echoed, clinking his glass with yours.
Packing your things back into your weekend bag, you felt mixed emotions. Your unexpected, whirlwind romance was over as quickly as it had begun and you knew deep down that this was a one-off, no matter what Toto said. Your lives were too different, it would never work.
As you sped along the scenic coastal road back towards the airport, once again in Toto’s classic 300SL, you were both lost in your thoughts. The morning had passed all too quickly and you both knew that their weekend was almost over.
Reaching over, Toto took your hand gently in his, his large hand easily covering yours. "I don't want you to leave yet," he said softly, his eyes never leaving the road.
"Neither do I," you replied, your voice tinged with sadness. "But reality calls."
You shared a quiet moment, Toto holding your hand until he had to shift down a gear, the picturesque scenery blurring into a backdrop to your fragile emotions.
At Nice airport, you checked in all too quickly and turned to Toto, heart heavy with the impending goodbye. It was silly really, you’d known this man all of two days but had gotten swept up in a wave of emotions and been offered a glimpse into a glamorous world that you would never be a part of. 
As you stood in front of the departure gate, the bustling airport crowd around was a stark contrast to the intimate weekend you had just shared. A tourist had even approached Toto for a selfie, something he had reluctantly but politely obliged while you stood there awkwardly. It was yet another reminder of the two vastly different universes that you existed in.
"I know it’s stupid to say but I'm going to miss you," Toto said, pulling you into a tight embrace, his eyes filled with sadness. 
"I'll miss you too," you whispered, holding on to him tightly, enjoying the strength and warmth of his arms around you for one last time.
You shared a lingering kiss, the world around fading away. Pulling back, you smiled, "Thank you for the best birthday I could have ever imagined."
"The pleasure was all mine," Toto replied, his dark eyes sincere, "Please call me when you are home safe, if you can."
"I will," you said, standing on tippy toes and giving him a final peck on the cheek before turning towards the security checkpoint.
As you walked away, you glanced back to see Toto standing watching you, his arms folded, his expression unreadable. Noticing you he smiled and waved, a little goofily. At first sight, he may have seemed intimidating but having now spent time getting to know him, you could see beyond the icy facade and found him truly endearing.
Waving back, you were thankful you had almost rounded the corner as you could feel tears welling up. You willed yourself to stop and be thankful that you had had such a brilliant birthday, both with your friends and with Toto. It truly had been a birthday to remember.
The first few weeks after your return were filled with frequent messages and calls from your handsome paramour. Toto would share snippets of his hectic life, sending blurry pictures from various tracks, while you shared your daily life and the joys and challenges of your busy job. You may have been worlds apart but the spark remained.
Despite the distance, the connection felt strong and you made plans to meet up again, discussing the logistics of possible weekends and holidays. But as time went on, the frequency of your communication began to wane, Toto's demanding schedule and constant travel across time zones making it difficult to pin down dates and maintain regular contact. You, too, found yourself buried in work, your days now filled with meetings and endless reports.
Your conversations became sporadic and eventually, the messages stopped altogether. You knew that maintaining a relationship with someone living such a different life was always going to be a challenge, but you cherished the memories of your wild birthday weekend and tried not to get too sad about it. Life carried on as normal and you had to smile when you were sat at home watching the Monaco Grand Prix and Toto flashed up on the screen, frowning at the camera as his team struggled around the punishing circuit. He really was a handsome man and as much as you hated to admit it, the best sex of your life.
You resolved that you were never going to hear from Toto again, he was likely busy with work and had probably met some thirty-something-year-old who had taken his fancy. Knowing that you too had to move on, you allowed your friends to set you up on a few dates and tried your best to forget all about Toto.
But try as you might, unfortunately, that one weekend with Toto had somewhat ruined other men for you. Sure enough, you had met some perfectly nice and objectively handsome guys but they were missing the charm and the spark that you had felt with Toto. 
It was a rainy Thursday evening late in June when your phone buzzed unexpectedly. It was almost the Summer and you were counting down the days until you could escape work for a few weeks, even if you hadn’t made any travel plans. Glancing at your phone absentmindedly, expecting it to be one of your friends checking in, your heart skipped a beat when you saw Toto's name flash up on the screen. With a mixture of excitement and nervousness, you opened the message.
"Hello my love, I know that it’s been a while and for that I am sorry. I hope you’re doing well? I can’t get you out of my head and was wondering if you’d like to join me on my boat for the summer? Let me know. All my best, Toto."
You stared at the message, your mind racing. You had truly resigned yourself to the idea that you would never hear from this man ever again, yet here he was, inviting you on another adventure. Your initial reaction was scepticism, having been burned by fleeting romances before. But as you re-read the message, you felt a familiar warmth. The memories of your short time together came rushing back and you couldn't help but smile.
After a few moments of reflection, you decided to respond.
"Hey, I‘ve been thinking about you too. That sounds amazing, I’d love to join you. When and where should I meet you?"
Toto’s reply was almost immediate. 
"Fantastic. I’m currently docked in Antibes, in the South of France. When are you around? Let me know and I’ll arrange everything. Can’t wait to see you again."
Touched by the fact that he was prepared to arrange everything, you hastily replied, leading to you spending the evening hashing out the finer details via Facetime. It had been months since you had properly spoken to one another but it oddly felt like no time had passed and the hours flew by as they finally set your plans to reunite in stone. You would fly to Nice and join Toto on his boat for a week.
The days leading up to your trip were a whirlwind of preparation and anticipation. You could hardly focus on your work, your mind drifting to thoughts of sunny days on the water and starry nights with Toto. You confided in your friends, who were both excited and slightly cautious. They’d already been with you through the highs and lows of whatever this situationship was and were still weary that Toto was some kind of billionaire playboy with ulterior motives.
As the plane touched down in Nice, the sky as blue as you remembered, you felt a flutter of nerves. What if things had changed? What if you didn’t click the way they had before? You pushed those thoughts aside, reminding yourself that you were here for an adventure.
Stepping into the arrivals lounge, you were greeted by a smartly dressed driver holding a discreet sign with your name. Guiding you through the airport, he quickly whisked you away in an elegant black Mercedes saloon. 
The ride to Antibes was short but filled with stunning views of the Mediterranean coastline and as the miles ticked down, you felt the butterflies in your stomach building with anticipation.
As the car pulled up into the marina drop-off area, you spotted Toto waiting at the dock. He looked as handsome as ever, dressed casually in a white linen shirt, navy shorts and smart espadrilles. His face lit up when he saw you stepping out of the car and he rushed to pull you into a warm embrace, keeping things considerably more PG than he had the last time you’d been together.
"Welcome back," he said, his voice filled with genuine happiness. "I’m so glad you’re here."
"Me too," you replied, your smile matching his. "This place is beautiful."
“I know,” said Toto, proudly, taking your luggage from the driver, and thanking him for his service. 
“Oh you don’t have to do that,” you said, surprised that Toto would carry luggage.
“Nonsense, and besides it weighs nothing,” he said, effortlessly swinging your large duffle over his shoulder before taking your hand in his, “I hope it means you packed only bikinis.”
You shook your head laughing, chastising him but secretly relieved that the spark was still there.
As you boarded the boat, a sleek and luxurious yacht, you couldn’t help but be impressed. The teak deck was immaculate, home to elegant cream sunloungers and an expertly laid dining table, already laden with brunch.
“Welcome,” said Toto, setting your luggage down before a deckhand scurried to collect it, “I took the liberty of ordering brunch as I thought you might be hungry but let me show you around first.”
The next few days passed in a blissful blur and you quickly realised that things were just as easy as they had been the first time around. You spent their mornings lounging on the deck, sipping coffee and chatting non-stop. By day, you explored hidden coves and swam in crystal-clear waters and by night you dined under the stars, sharing considerable amounts of wine-fuelled laughter before retreating to Toto’s luxurious master suite, passionately rediscovering each other into the early hours.
One such evening, you were still reeling from the surreal feeling of your reunion with Toto as you lounged together on the deck. The sun was setting, casting a warm, golden glow over the two of you as you sipped champagne contently, leaning your head into Toto’s broad chest, his arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush.
"I still can't believe I'm here," you said, breaking the comfortable silence. You looked up at Toto, who was gazing at you with a mixture of amusement and affection.
"I’m glad you decided to come," Toto replied, his eyes twinkling. "I was worried you might say no."
"Why would I say no to an adventure with you?" you asked, your tone light but words sincere.
"Well, I was worried you might have moved on," Toto admitted. "I wouldn’t have blamed you. I know I haven’t been the best at keeping in touch."
You smiled, reaching out to stroke his hand. "Life gets in the way. But I’m here now, and that’s what matters."
"Do you remember the last time we were together?" Toto asked, his voice soft. "The airport, the way you looked at me when you walked away?"
"How could I forget?" you replied, your voice barely above a whisper. "I didn't want to leave."
"I didn't want you to either," Toto confessed. "I felt so stupid, I know that it was only one weekend but you knocked me sideways.”
You looked at him, your heart aching with the memory. "For real?”
"For real," Toto repeated back, his eyes intense, "I know it’s a lot to consider, and I don’t expect an answer right away, but I want you to know that I want to see where this can go."
Your breath caught in your throat. You hadn’t expected such a declaration, but it warmed your heart. "Toto, I…"
He held up a hand, stopping you. "You don’t have to say anything now. Just think about it. Enjoy the Summer with me, stay longer. We can figure out the rest as we go."
You nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and excitement. "Okay. Let’s see where this takes us."
Spending an extended amount of time together, it became more apparent that there was a connection beyond the wild weekend you had shared all of those months ago. Your week-long trip extended to two, giving you and Toto time to explore more secluded beaches where you could be alone and away from prying eyes. Each day bringing you closer, and your bond growing stronger.
For the first time in a long time, you felt truly happy, ready to embrace whatever came next. You were grateful Toto had come into your life and wanted to stick around. 
Your fateful birthday weekend had truly been one to remember.
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mishietishie · 9 hours
Sukuna dating headcanons
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Tw: slight angst? Ooc Sukuna probs, HeianEra!Sukuna, for the first part, fluff ofc <3, Shibuya mention
A/N: I'll write Choso headcanons after this silly willy <3
You used to be his concubine in the Heian Era.
In the beginning, Sukuna never really paid mind to you. You were just one of the many others in his harem.
But then, one night, he came back from slaughtering villages, his body covered in blood (which wasn't his, obviously).
While Uraume was running a bath for him, he was walking towards his chambers until you bumped into him.
Sukuna got annoyed at your recklessness and wanted to end your measly life then and there. But then he could see a glimmer of worry in your eyes at the sight of his bloodied state. You were brave enough to stand up and touch his bicep, asking if he was okay and if you should call Uraume.
He quickly dismissed you after that, but ever since, he felt a weird feeling in his stomach when he thought about or saw you.
Soon enough, he started to spend more time with you, spoiling your more than his other concubines. He made you sleep with him, sit on his lap while he was sitting on his throne, listening to some measly sorcerers who tried offering him all kinds of things so he would spare their lives.
Sukuna genuinely enjoyed your presence, not seeing you as just a concubine anymore. He liked hearing you talk about your day when he was gone.
Sometimes, he brought you the heads of people he killed as gifts, but he soon stopped after you made it clear you didn't want heads in your room. (Oh well, more food for him!)
One night, when he was lying with you in his bed, watching over your sleeping form, he promised himself that he would make you his Queen one day and that he'd conquer all with you by his side.
But that dream didn't become a reality as he was sealed away the day he wanted to declare you as his queen.
Or so he thought.
When he killed Jogo in Shibuya, he suddenly felt the presence of your soul nearby. Turning around, he sees Uraume kneeling behind him together with someone else. It was you. His concubine, his supposed to be Queen. You looked exactly the same as he remembered, and he could swear he felt his heart skip a beat at the sight of you.
(Anyways, time for the actual headcanons)
He likes holding you close at all times. Sleeping? He's big spooning you with his face buried in your hair, smelling your fragrance. Sitting? You're sitting on his lap, no discussion. Taking a walk? He'd secretly love to carry you bridal style, but since you're a human being with some decency, you don't allow him to. Which means Sukuna has to settle for wrapping an arm around your waist
If you cook for him, he'd first complain saying how he already has a chef, but he'll eat it nonetheless
Makes fun of you and calls you names from time to time, but you know he doesn't mean anything bad behind it. It's just his love language! (Also, if someone else makes fun of you, then you can bet you'll find their head on your porch <3)
Sukuna Ryomen isn't only the King of Curses but also the King of Jealousy. If you have any guy friends, you bet Sukuna's gonna get all up in your business whenever they're involved. You're his, so why should you spend time with other men while you have him?!
If you have plushies, he'll throw them away or destroy them because he finds it stupid that you're cuddling with them and not with him.
When he found out how to use a smartphone, you kept getting spam notifications of texts and missed calls from him <3
For someone as big as he is, his footsteps are very silent. He uses that to his advantage when he's sneaking up behind you to give you a good scare. But he also likes "spying" on you at home when you're doing simple domestic tasks like cooking or cleaning. He likes seeing you sway your hips while dusting the ceiling or the way you hum and even softly sing while stirring in the pot of soup. Sometimes, you catch him staring, though, and when you do, he will never head the end of it.
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dceasesd · 5 hours
why juni ba’s the boy wonder has my favorite jason characterization of any contemporary comic run: a needlessly in-depth analysis (pt.2)
alright here we are with part two! i promised i'd be quick with it, didn't i? you can find part one here. thank you guys so much for all the nice comments, i love yapping to a receptive audience :D
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so, if you haven't read part one, i've been going over the common critques of ba's characterization of jason, the main three being:
the typical boiling down of jason's character to "the angry one"
his lack of strategy going into the fight with the demon is out-of-character
the neighbor's kid interaction
in the first part we went over #1, so now were gonna look at #2!
so, a problem people have with the story is how ba writes jason's reaction to the fight with rok (white tophat demon guy); damian and jason jump into the fight with seemingly no preparation at all, "underestimating" rok and paying the price for it.
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i'll be honest, i do agree with this critque a bit. jason, if he is nothing else, is an obsessive planner and strategist; his back-up plans have back-up plans, and so on. we see this in plenty of his comic renditions, especially in lost days and under the red hood, where there are numerous examples of jason's competency. despite this, many comics fall into the habit of treating him as the "reckless, stupid robin", once again reducing his character to just his anger, usually to make the other robins more competent. looking at his actions in utrh & lost days, however, makes him jumping into a fight with no information uncharacteristic.
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so, i sort of agree with this critque. HOWEVER. i will attempt to rationalize this part of ba's writing (because there are still parts of it i disagree with and it's more fun than just agreeing and moving on)
alright, to begin, lets look at these three different series; utrh (under the red hood), lost days, and the boy wonder. there is obviously many other examples out there, but i'm just gonna focus on these three for now because otherwise we'd be here all day.
in utrh & lost days, jason is driven by an obvious goal with an obvious end result; in utrh his goal is making bruce kill the joker & taking over gotham's underbelly, and in lost days it is getting skilled enough to complete the previously mentioned objective. i also chose to highlight the scene where jason puts a bomb underneath the batmobile in lost days, intending to kill bruce, because it's another very clear example of jason's strategic prowess. the whole bomb thing even happens before jason starts his murder training, making the feat even more impressive.
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ba's jason, though, exists in a reality post-utrh; his plan failed and he must live with the consequences and implications of that truth. the recklessness that he presents in the fight in the boy wonder could be a representation of him grappling with this idea-- his supposed failure and banishment obviously must have had an effect on his psyche, and ba is attempting to portray that. ba plays a lot with the sadder side of jason's existence in the comic, so it's a plausibly theory, even if it is admittedly reaching a bit.
additionally, referring back to the earlier conversation about jason's anger in the first part of this discussion, i have the same sentiments about portrayal's of jason's recklessness. he can possess a strategic mind while still being reckless; it's his numerous paradoxical character traits that make him such an interesting character (at least to me). he's a mess of contradictions.
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furthermore, while jason's actions are reckless and brash in this specific instance of the story, that does not mean that ba presents him as a reckless character. there's a difference between a reckless character and a character being reckless, and i feel like jason mostly falls into the latter. while maybe not super obvious, jason's tactical-ness is still present in ba's portrayal. this is represented through damian's responses and reactions to jason.
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the fact that damian goes to jason for help in the first place is baffling. as a prideful kid desperate to prove himself, damian is not predisposed to asking for help, which is clearly presented in the first issue when he interacts with dick and babs.
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damian's willingness to work with jason could be a result of him recognizing their similarities; he's more approachable than dick "golden boy" grayson. beyond that, he goes to jason because he needs a certain set of skills to help him catch the demon.
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while jason is not able to fully present his usefulness at this task because the demon finds them first, he is clearly seen taking charge of the situation and dictating their plan to locate the demon, and damian actually defers to him. while brief, this instance represents that despite his recklessness in the battle against rok, ba still accurately presents jason's tactical skills, underscoring the intelligence he has that so many author's ignore or downplay.
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i could go into how this plays into jason being a foil character to damian, but i'll save it for another day. sorry if this post is a little nonsensical, i did my best. i'll finish up my analysis in part 3! :)
part 1 / part 3
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cypher05 · 3 months
had an exchange with a friend yesterday and have not stopped thinking about it since
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sova fursona by @the-pyre-of-stars, posted here
more art below the cut, cypher specific (really just doodles and sketches, nothing complete)
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 6 months
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Bonus 8: How met your mother (CSSR design by @qourmet!)
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#poorly drawn mdzs#mdzs#cangse sanren#wei changze#jiang fengmian#It was important to me that WCZ had the hereditary mole. I will die on this hill.#I have been *waiting* for the day to finally arrive when I could finally make this comic. It's been marinating for months.#My mission is to redraw all of qour's character designs one day. They are just *that* good.#CSSR has the vibes of a wandering menace who shows up in towns like a stray cat arriving at a new doorstep for treats. 10/10.#While YZY strongly leads us to believe that JFM was in love with CSSR and that's his whole motivation behind taking wwx in-#-I do think this is (once again) rumour being presented as reality. It's the juicer story to tell after all.#It is still possible that he did love her! But I think that story undercuts the relationship he also had with WCZ.#Yall ever think about how JC and WWX parallel their fathers? How Wei Changze also left the Jiang Leader's side? I do.#Unlike JC though It is far more hilarious and plausible to imagine JFM begging to be CSSR and WCZ's third. You know he would.#My wild headcanon is that JFM and YZY are in a mlm and wlw arranged marriage situation. Deeply unhappy as partners. Better as friends.#they care for each other and I'll admit that there is a beautiful tragedy in them having romantic feelings for each other the whole time.#But I am also here for the gaffs. Let them be unfulfilled homosexuals together.#Meanwhile cssr and wcz are having incredible hetrosexual sex in a bisexual way that WILL leave him pregnant by the end of it.
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ohposhers · 6 months
I would very much like to see the rest of Brozone meeting Cloud Guy
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they fear him
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sysig · 2 months
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Bad time of it, all things considered (Patreon)
#Doodles#SCII#Helix#ZEX#Blood#Just a bit but y'know - Enough#It honestly made me So sad that it took until his canonmates saw it happen that someone /finally/ acknowledged his spontaneous cuts D:#Like I get it it's dark and it's hard to see but his skin just opened up and he made a noise about it! The possible danger!!#And then by that point he's just so used to everyone ignoring it that their concern for him is barely even a factor weh ZEX ;;#Plus it's just a cool effect haha - sudden blood from nothing! Very rich mental movement#At least Max had someone concerned for him about it <3 Not that he could do anything about it but even just the validation of seeing it!#He has enough cuts on him :( Poor tenderized flesh#He gets all crabby from being sore from healing constantly haha :'D Of course he would!#One thing I found very interesting was the scar sidedness :0 Most of the examples in the gallery have his scar and missing eye opposite#But that's not necessarily the case! I actually scoured mid-read and there /are/ a couple instances of matching side!#They're very tiny so I overlooked them upon first viewing hehe ♪ But they're there! It's very interesting to me!#I like the aesthetics of the opposite - probably because I'm more used to it lol - but I can see the appeal and reasoning for the other way#I do honestly enjoy how much is open to interpretation and allowance uwu♪ And what's consistent! Like how it's always his right eye :D#That tracks hehe ♫#Haha his meeting with his delightfully inept counselor - I'm pretty sure I was actually more angry about his supposed injury than he was#He chilled out pretty quickly while I was just - A Scratched Cornea??? The disrespect!!#So happy with his eyebrow expression on that one as well ah <3#It really does make me curious for how the staff is kept there - they don't /seem/ malicious during the day! But they're also unaware#It's interesting where the lines of reality are between everyone :D Very interesting ♪#Capping off with another song my playlist is looking quite healthy now hehe#Flagpole Sitta is one of those songs that only comes up for me every half dozen years or so but when it Does - phewph#It is /such/ a ZEX song to me now hehe <3 The flirtiness and exasperation - the defeatism even! So many killer lines#I think my favourite is ''I'm not sick but I'm not well'' ask me to read into that I will I'm gonna I'll do it even if you don't ask me lol#So fun to draw those lapses in control the poor dear ♥#The digital reconstruction there was a lot of fun as well actually :D I think I nailed it :3 Pulled around from all over the page! Pleased ♪
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shirogane-oushirou · 1 month
[little vent -- tldr definitely not gonna have the planned art ready for the renniversary lol.]
me: "oh hell yeah i'll have a dog-sitting "job" for the next few days, so i'll have plenty of time to work on the art leading up to friday :) "
the dogs: untrained, poorly behaved, require constant attention (not their fault but it's the reality of the situation)
so uh. i might have some simple chibi art for friday if i have enough energy between putting the dogs to bed and going to sleep hghghghgh ;;;;; i'll finish the more detailed pics as i have the time and energy :')
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ichigosoju · 7 days
#out of sight out of mind....#im not gonna check his blogs every day from here on out#and i hid/archived our chat so i dont have to see it when i open the messaging app#i do have some kind of 'fomo' lol bc i dont wanna miss out on any potential glimpse into his mind or days#esp now when he doesnt tell me anything anymore. idk anything abt what goes on with him#but .. i am allowing and letting him control my life#i obsessively check my phone and refresh his blogs ALL day#it's extremely unhealthy and pathetic and i know this#it's just hard to stop bc i genuinely... love him sm#plus he told me he wanted me for real so he made me not only dream of a life i thought wasnt possible for me#but also WANT it. i only want him and to live with him and be his. that's all i want but he just cut me off out of nowhere lol#and im still hung up on it... i dont want my boring reality. current nor future. i just want the reality where im with him which he made me#think was smth i could have one day soon.#but anyway. if his feelings changed that's how it is. it's not even his fault it's just how things work in life#even if i dont want to accept it i have to. i cant keep living in this limbo. i try to talk to him but he's a wall so that's a No.#so i cant let him control my life and waste away all my days on him#i need to stop checking his blogs and our chat. that's the first step#im still gonna allow myself to think of him and daydream and fantasize. but that will have to stop soon too#then i have to focus on doing my assignments and read books and go to the gym#things that will help me get realistically where i want in my current reality#i want to finish highschool and then apply for a preschool or library program#and hopefully the plan is to get a student housing apartment so i can move out finally and live on my own and study#then when i finish i'll look for a job as either of those things. and a place to live (which is super fkn hard in these modern chaos times)#even if i have to live my life all alone... i want to be as comfortable as i can at least#i can live in my own row house and have pets and work and read and play games and watch shows#and see and talk to my mom#i mean hopefullyyyy i'll be able to try to make at least some shallow connections so i have ppl to hang out with#i can always hope to meet someone who'll fall in love with me but im not counting on it#ugh.. bc as it is now#i dont do ANYTHING but be on my phone
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eithernich · 2 months
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plenilunaris · 4 months
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Robin's singing career at its beginning wasn't easy despite, in fact, counting with innate singing capabilities as a halovian and the soul to keep it great. Since she was very young, she encountered difficulties starting from her teacher (for the sake of simplicity, I'll stick with the same, being Lady Cash), a fellow halovian too. And the truth is that when Robin was told that she's unsuitable for singing, it was jealousy shining through and an inherent fear that one day she may become greater than the already great Lady Cash.
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Ironically or by some karmic debt doing its job, Robin became grander and known in the cosmos and most of the merit was Sunday's for his unconditional support even when she didn't believe herself to be good enough to sing. It's because of this that she strived to do better, in order to fulfil a wish of the two of them. It would be unfair for her to give up when someone so dear to her trust her so much and a disrespect to not be the best she could be. Nevertheless, sometimes childhood dreams are as fragile as bubbles bound to burst and not all of them last into adulthood. This change and perhaps the situation that Penacony is facing would later become sources of insecurity, for her first supporter, while still there, has his sights set elsewhere. And when her primary reason to become a singer slowly fades, a void in her chest is born.
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mxgoldenwood · 1 year
need to get my hands on some extra cash because I DESPERATELY want to commission someone to design a couple outfits for Erann. I love all his priest robe looks and all - but he really needs some casual and partyboy looks and I cannot for the life of me seem to make it happen in a way that satisfies my needs......
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emphistic · 2 months
Bf!Sukuna who sometimes calls you 'girlfriend' — and not in a flamboyant way
"Girlfriend, c'mere."
"What do you want, girlfriend?"
"Sure, girlfriend."
Bf!Sukuna who loves having your lips on his; he'll just randomly come up to you and slot his lips against yours without a word
Bf!Sukuna who walks around the house shirtless, and teases you by saying, "You should try it out," only to get a pillow thrown at his head
Bf!Sukuna who would pause his video game just for you
Bf!Sukuna who is actually super clingy, and cannot function without having you in a foot radius — but will never admit it
"I'm going to go get groceries now."
"I'll come with you," he said, immediately standing up from the couch.
"I thought you hated errands."
Sukuna shrugged, "'m bored."
Bf!Sukuna who spits in your food when you're not looking
Bf!Sukuna who, when he can't sleep, will just stare at you — a few times, you've woken up to his creepy crimson eyes staring back at you, and you socked him in the jaw
Bf!Sukuna who claims to hate your music, but whenever you two are in the car, he'll always let you handle the aux
Bf!Sukuna who purposely forgets to do your laundry so he can see you be forced to wear his clothes instead
Bf!Sukuna who is the king of keeping eye contact
Bf!Sukuna who'll hover around while you do your makeup and just ask random questions
"What does that do?"
"Why the fuck is it shaped like that?"
"It's almost as big as my dick."
Bf!Sukuna who steals your things and raises them above his head where you can't reach just to mess with you
Bf!Sukuna who never gets cold, and while that may seem like a good thing in the winter because you have a personal heat generator, it is the absolute worst during the summer — you have to ban cuddling because Sukuna is just too damn warm
Bf!Sukuna who doesn't help you bring in groceries, even if your hands are full
Bf!Sukuna who ignores you for the rest of the day if you forget to give him a good morning kiss, or good morning text (if you guys are temporarily apart)
Bf!Sukuna who is good at everything he touches
— a/n: kinda irrelevant if you ask me, but I just had to include this
Bf!Sukuna who pretends to forget if you guys have planned a date together
Bf!Sukuna who gets a hard-on when he sees your angry face; he loves having you pull on his ear and drag him away to a secluded area to hear you yell at him — he thinks you sound so sexy and look so hot
Bf!Sukuna who isn't above doing extreme pda when he sees someone staring at your ass
Bf!Sukuna who whines about going to work, claiming it's boring, but in reality: he just doesn't want to leave you — or vice versa: he doesn't want you to leave for work
Bf!Sukuna who swears up and down he doesn't want kids and hates children, but when he sees you taking care of his little brother Yuuji, he finds himself doing a mental 180°
Bf!Sukuna who goes into a trance staring at your ass
Bf!Sukuna who has no purpose for an Instagram account: you forced him to make one — he never posts on there, but when does, it's only pictures of you and occasionally him and you
Bf!Sukuna who has a drum set in your guys' shared apartment, but refuses to play it for anyone but you, and even then, he only plays to annoy you or wake you up from your nap
Bf!Sukuna who permanently quit smoking when he saw you plugging your nose near him
Bf!Sukuna who enjoys chasing you around the apartment, sometimes with a knife in hand just to make you extra scared
Taglist: @starlets-things @sad-darksoul @mochimoee @r0ckst4rjk (pls lmk if u only want to be tagged in my boy nextdoor series or all of my work) @lillycore
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