#one friend has A Thing™ for the British accent
useless-catalanfacts · 4 months
Hello I love your content! I'm hoping you can help me understand something about Catalan in Mallorca vs Barcelona.
One of my favorite football players is Mariona Caldentey, she has been playing for FC Barcelona for 10 years but originally is from Mallorca. There is a whole thread of criticism on X for her changing her accent (I think?) when she speaks in FCB videos and to Barcelona press. Why are folks so offended by this? Would the journalists be able to understand her if she used her native accent?
Here is the thread: https://x.com/bibiloni/status/1799091989767704880
Hello! Thank you ☺️
Her accent is 100% understandable to people from Barcelona, the reason for changing is not that she won't be understood. Some people from Mallorca can have a very strong accent that's difficult for the rest of us to understand when not used to it (also some people from outside the islands might not even try 🙄*), but that's not her case. She has a noticeable Mallorcan accent but it's not difficult to understand.
When she spoke in the FCB video, she was using a very specific accent that's not a standard Barcelona accent either (or at least not the original accent you would have heard in Barcelona 80 years ago), she was using the accent of people who usually speak Spanish and don't know how to make all the right sounds of the Catalan language (this is what "xava" means, that the guy who made the tweet mentions). So the man who made the tweet is saying she changed her accent because the "cool" accent is the "xava" one, when her initial (Mallorcan) accent is already correct and she shouldn't have needed to change.
So there's a few things to consider here.
Speaking an accent from a different part of the country where other people have a different accent, and even more so when this place has a different standard (each part of the Catalan Countries has its own standard). It's not uncommon for speakers of non-standard or non-prestige accents to change their accent to what they perceive as the standard or well-regarded accent where they move to (think for example, David Tennant's own Scottish accent vs how he speaks in British TV). This has to do with interiorized prejudice, and the OP of that tweet is remarking that her own initial accent was perfectly genuine and correct, so she didn't need to erase it.
She already knows how to speak Catalan correctly with perfectly correct sounds, and she decided to start speaking it wrongly. Imagine if a native English speaker decided to change their accent and start making a noticeable mistake, like rolling the Rs. It's quite strange, but in our case it again has to do with the situation of prestige. Speaking Catalan with its correct (non-Spanish) sounds, and even more when you have a noticeable non-standard accent, very easily gets you made fun of and labelled a "farmer" and "rural" (even if you're from a big city) which has the implicit meaning of "uneducated", "unrefined", "ridiculous", etc. I'm from near Barcelona and have a very soft accent, not like Girona or Lleida or anyone that can be more noticed, yet when I went to uni my Spanish-speaker friends from the Barcelona Metropolitan Area always imitated my accent exaggerating it to laugh at it. It's way worse for people from Girona, Central Catalonia, or any other that has strong è/é and ò/ó difference and strongly marked əs. Both of which Mallorcan has. People are already often looked down upon or thought of as "funny", "ridiculous" or "shouldn't be speaking Catalan instead of Spanish on camera or in Important™ situations" for speaking Catalan at all, and these same feelings become exaggerated when the accent is perceived as "more Catalan" (more different from Spanish, or from the countryside/not from Barcelona Metropolitan Area).
Code-switching. It's very common for people who live in a place with a different dialect/accent from their original one since they're young to learn to speak the way most people around them speak, even unconsciously. These people gain the ability to change accents depending on who they're speaking with (I have a friend whose family is from a town near Lleida but she grew up where I'm from and it was mind-blowing the first time I heard her speak to her parents!). If she's been in Barcelona for 10 years, it's not unusual that she can do this. So I assume most people around her, or a considerable amount, speak "xava" accent and it caught on.
*Catalan people aren't as used to hearing Catalan accents outside of their own as would be normal. Because of the Spanish government's restrictions on Catalan-language media and Catalan institutional collaboration, we are kept separate. We've talked about this before in the way that it's illegal to air TV and radio from Catalonia in the Valencian Country, or from the Valencian Country in Catalonia. This is done to dilute the Catalan Countries, so we're not as strong as we would be together. This has the result on Catalan speakers from each "autonomic community" (administrative regions in the Spanish system) only being able to hear their own speech variety(ies). For this reason, people from Catalonia can struggle with Balearic Islands, because many of them might never have heard it before. But if we listen for like 2 minutes, the mystery is gone and it's not difficult. But people might get put back at first, so Mallorcans with a strong accent who come to Catalonia can feel the need to soften their accent.
Lastly, the guy who made that tweet is a linguist who is quite famous for making remarks about extremely small details. He makes interesting points from a linguist point of view but don't take his word as representative of what most people believe.
We can't know for sure why she chooses to change her accent the way she does unless she tells us herself, but it definitely feels surprising to hear her speak in different accents! It's probably a mix of more than one reason.
The OP and the people in that thread are defending that everyone should feel okay speaking their accent, and OP points out that there's a sociological reason why she chooses to hide her accent when speaking to media outside of Mallorca. He's pointing out that it's more correct to speak her original accent (Mallorcan) than the one where you would usually be able to tell that whoever is speaking it isn't a native speaker (xava), and that it's a shame that accents are invisibilitzed to sound more "acceptable" or "cool".
I hope it makes more sense now!
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petalsfm · 1 year
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if you’re hearing FIRST DATE by BLINK-182 playing, you have to know RHYS HENDERSON (HE/HIM; CIS MAN) is near by! the TWENTY-SIX year old PUBLIC RELATIONS MANAGER has been in denver for, like, TWENTY-TWO years. they’re known to be quite FATUOUS, but being URBANE seems to balance that out. or maybe it’s the fact that they resemble JONAH HAUER-KING. personally, i’d love to know more about them seeing as how they’ve got those THE SOUND OF LAUGHTER ECHOING THROUGH THE HOUSE, ROSIN DUST ON YOUR DARK CLOTHES, LARGE FLOWER BOUQUETS IN SHAKY HANDS, WINNING YOUR THIRD ROUND OF UNO vibes. and maybe i’ll get my chance if i hang out around the RINO DISTRICT long enough!
full name :       rhys benjamin henderson nickname(s) :     n / a birthplace :      blackpool, england date of birth :       11 / 25 / 1996 parentage :      amelia abrams henderson & alexander henderson sibling(s) :      ___ henderson & ___ henderson ( wc to be written ) relationship status :     single gender identity :     cis man ( he/him ) sexual orientation :      heterosexual faceclaim :      jonah hauer-king
born the youngest in the henderson family, rhys was used to being catered to, whether it was by his mother, his siblings, or their extended family
the move to denver really confused him. he was four and couldn’t understand his own emotions, much less process the move to a new continent.
for the most part, children can take things in stride and roll with the punches. however, rhys had just reached the age of asking perhaps too many questions. every attempt at an explanation for their move was met with WHY? - ❛ dad got a new job. ❜ WHY? ❛ so that we could have a better life. ❜ WHY? and so on.
he just couldn’t understand why he could no longer go play with the friends he had met nursery school or why he couldn’t go visit nana and grandad anymore.
because nothing was quite making sense, rhys became a bit of a terror. he would cry, throw tantrums, refuse to go his new school, take and hide things from his siblings, etc. it didn’t help that their dad was away fairly often
things settled once he officially started kindergarten. he still had his lil british accent so all of the kids found an interest in him and the silly words he said
despite how he acted initially after the move, rhys has always been quite personable. he made friends quite easily.
when he was six years old, he found an interest in string instruments. he gave the violin a go, but for some reason it just wasn’t the right fit. however, the second he heard the man at the music store play the viola, he knew that was the instrument for him
rhys was lucky his mother was able to find a schedule that worked for his siblings hobbies and his viola lessons so she didn’t have to over work herself
it didn’t take long for viola to become the constant rhys needed in his life. his father was still in and out of the house and things seemed to be changing as his older siblings entered middle and high school. one day they were all there for family dinners, and the next it was only him and his mother.
it’s no surprise rhys became a mama’s boy. next to his viola, his mother was the only thing he could count on to be consistent in his day-to-day life. 
it was the free afternoons he spent with his mom that made him a bit Domestic™
he would help her clean up around the house, help her meal prep / cook / bake, play card games with her, etc.
( i promise he’s not a mama’s boy in a gross way like these weirdos on the internet )
rhys always felt like he was falling behind with his siblings. it wasn’t like it was any of their fault– time just wasn’t on their side.
in middle school, during puberty, it was discovered that rhys was a hopeless romantic. luckily for him, after his new-to-denver tantrums, he got a bit better at understanding and expressing his emotions. his heart simply felt more love than any middle schooler's should.
being the youngest meant having to follow your siblings and their identities. while there was a bit of a ❛ HENDERSON LEGACY ❜ in the school system ( rhys couldn’t even remember how many times a teacher had told him ❛ oh, i had your older brother / sister!❜ ), that’s all it was. the past.
during his freshman year, rhys and the string quartet he was apart of ( through the lady who gave him his viola lessons ) entered the american protege international piano and strings competition for the fourth year in a row. however, this year was different. they won!
the prize for winning was the opportunity to play at weill recital hall at carnegie hall in new york city.
for once in his life, he felt he had a PURPOSE. nothing felt better than that win. the best part? getting the WHOLE family together to properly focus on H I M. something he felt he didn’t get enough of. sure, his mom attended all of his viola recitals and sometimes one of his siblings would make it too. but a performance this special demanded the presence of both his siblings AND both of his parents. that was a rarity.
he really fell into his own in high school. he was in the school orchestra and was first chair viola. he also took the opportunity to try out for tennis, a sport that did not have cuts - so he automatically made the team.
he was no prodigy, but he could hold his own in tennis. his record was about 70/30 in favor of him. 
he worked his ass of throughout high school along with his two extra curriculars ( and many volunteering hours ) trying his best to get into one of his dream schools
growing up, he always felt out of place. he had almost no memories of living in the united kingdom, so he considers it one of the best days of his life when he gets his acceptance letter from university of west london. not only was it close to blackpool, but it’s a spectacular university.
he was so excited to get the opportunity to be close to home. london, at most, was a four hour train ride from blackpool.
being back in the uk was both over and underwhelming. he loved his time there and the people he met. 
he’d slowly lost his english accent growing up in denver, but it never fully disappeared. he still had his family and the media they consumed to keep hints of it around, but being in london almost brought it back full force. 
he kept in touch with his family back in denver, texting, calling, and facetiming whenever he could. he spent all holidays with the hendersons in denver. 
after getting his degree in public relations, he had to decide what he wanted to do. staying in london was tempting, but when a family emergency arose it felt like a sign from the universe that it was time to come home.
he’s been back in denver for about four years now.
he may be booksmart but do not let this man fool u. he is a himbo at heart.
he truly is just here to have a good ass time
literally like a golden retriever probably
absolutely adores being an uncle. always spoiling his niece/nephew simply because he can.
if ur chara has kids he will spoil them too hes a kid at heart
like i said earlier hopeless romantic. really wants / hopes to be a dad someday. wants to be better and more present than his own dad.
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error404vnotfound · 2 years
today in are the allos okay? apparently accents are sexy ????
I'm so confused I give up bruh
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bythehearts · 2 years
How I imagine Marauder’s era characters talk like
He definitely has a posh accent and he’s not in the slightest ashamed of it.
Under the accent though, you can hear some french undertones, not really in the pronounciation but rather in the intonation and a certain ✨ elegance ✨ in the way he forms words.
Occasionally, a few French swears or filler words slip out, and when he gets really mad French and English just blend together and no one really knows what he’s on about.
Instead, when he’s annoyed or exasperated (specifically by his brother’s and his friend’s stupidity) his voice gets really acute in that typically British way and he just sounds like a question mark
He used to have a posh accent too, but he lost it as soon as people pointed out to him that he had it. Now he has a slight plain British accent but it’s nothing too noticeable
The same thing goes for the French, you would never notice it in the way he speaks and initially he made a conscious effort never really let it slip out, but by now he just mostly lost the habit.
The only time he resorts to French is when he gets really mad and starts ranting, which is something that annoys everyone but Remus more than the others, which honestly is only an incentive for Sirius to keep doing it.
I just feel like he doesn’t really have a Welsh accent but frequently uses welsh words and words expressions, like to the point that sometimes people would be like “tf was that?” cause he uses a welsh word and people wouldn’t even have realized he was welsh
As he spent more time away from home though he gradually lost lost the habit, but it still happens from time to time
He IS The British Accent™ argue with the wall
Like just look at him - LOOK. AT. HIM. - and try - TRY!! - to deny it!!
Also I feel like he has a kinda breathy voice and when he’s really happy it almost sounds like a spoken laugh
Honestly, I’m not really sure for him? Like I feel like he would just have a plain accent, but maybe slightly poshy?? Idk I have to say I can’t quite figure him out
She definitely has an elegant way of talking, but not in a poshy way, but more of a reassuring, soft way
She would have a lower voice than most women, but not really low-low
Honestly, I feel like Lily’s voice would just reflect her emotions a lot and just slightly change accordingly.
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the-writing-mobster · 2 years
Hello dear friend and author, may I request some headcanons for The Boys ™ + Frisk on a camping trip perhaps?
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| Baby Face Boys & Babes HCs! | Camping Trip! 🏕️
Yessss! Thank you for the suggestion dear heart! 🫶 This was quite the hilarious scenario to imagine. Especially with all these city boys 😭
Again, if any of y'all have little head canon requests for the BF! boys, drop an ask in my inbox! Let me know if you want any for a specific character ;)
Sans: I Wasn't Built For This™
Why did he let Nick convince him this would be fun? Go camping they said. It'll be fun they said.
He refuses to sleep in a tent. He just puts the seats down in his car, all the pillows and blankets he needs, and sleeps there. He's above sleeping on the ground tbh.
“Hiking? That... That sounds exhausting. How long is the trail? FIVE MILES!? Nah. No thanks. you guys go ahead, I'll protect the site from bears or something.”
Day drinks like a mother fucker. Also is the one who usually grills the food considering he's the best cook in the group. Naps all the time.
Once he's a bit more tipsy he's a lot more open to the adventure. Found a rope swing over a lake and went for it without hesitation.
Is the only one who's actually able to start a fire. He watches Nick and Jonas try to do the stick trick and just, “Oh my God, that's so stupid. Just use a lighter. Fuck.”
Tells the best scary stories at the campfire. Leaves the others trembling all night long with his terrifying tales of torment.
Sometimes, no don't tell anyone, he'll get up on the roof of his car and just stargaze... He's glad Nick got him to come. The stars are so clear outside of the city...
Nick: The Environmentalist™
Always looking for the closest trash can and picking up every piece of litter he finds on the trail or near the lake.
Brings little bags with him and gives everyone some to encourage them to also pick up any litter they see.
Always taking candid videos to document their experience. Will do a David Attenborough impression while filming his friends doing stupid shit. No, it's not a good impression, it's the worst British accent you've ever heard.
If he sees a stream he WILL follow it. Even if it goes off the trail. Probably the least responsible thing he does but it's just SO FASCINATING! If he does need help, Jonas can just howl like the wolf he is until Nick makes his way back.
He loves exploring. Always climbing on rocks, and trees.
Always trying to get Sans to participate, no matter how many times Sans says no.
Talks in length about how he wants to set up an off the grid cabin and just "live off the land," in a commune or something. Always talking about how he'd start a big garden, get rain catchers, solar panels, compost toilets... If Ted Kaczynski can do it, why can't he?
"I'm sorry, the fucking Unibomber?” “He had some good points! Don't worry I would never fucking bomb anyone, he was wrong for that.”
Nick always plays the guitar at the campfire and the boys make up random songs to sing with each other, with Nick leading them like the lil lead singer that he is. :,)
Alphys: Having several regrets...
Nope. Sans is right. Sleeping in a tent sucks! Worst sleep ever. She ends up sleeping in the car with Sans.
Chokes down the bitter ass coffee they have to brew themselves to feed her ✨addiction✨
She misses takeout delivery. And video games.
She absolutely REEKS of bug spray. Mosquitoes don't even go after her, but she still sprays herself down out of paranoia.
Unlike Sans, she actually tries to participate in the "fun" activities cause she doesn't want to feel left out. Is always out of breath and has to be carried by Jonas halfway through because she is literally gonna have an asthma attack. She doesn't even have asthma, but she will after this five mile hike!
Walks into several spider webs, the poor dear.
Loves the campfire and listening to Sans's stories and Nick's songs. Probably the best part of camping is that moment with everyone. She also loves s'mores :)
S'mores are definitely the best part of camping... And also the fact it makes her feel like she's in a studio ghibli movie!
Jonas : The Wilderness Explorer ™
Jonas absolutely loves camping! Being outdoors in general is his jam. Just because he's a grunge skater boy doesn't mean he's above fishing and hiking.
Always trying to impress people with survivalist shit. Can pitch a tent like no one's business and builds little shelters out of sticks, leaves and moss for fun. Still hasn't figured out how to start a fire with sticks but he's persistent.
Really enjoys the fact Sans is out of his element. Constantly making fun of him. "HAH! look at this guy, he can't even pitch a tent."
After Sans decided he was above sleeping on the ground, Jonas thought it would be really funny to tie some hammocks up in the trees. Sans wakes up to the guys sleeping in the canopy and Jonas is just gloating, “WHO'S ABOVE WHO NOW, SANS!?"
When they're hiking, he always climbs up onto big rocks and howls because it's the funnest shit to do ever.
Loves swimming in the lake and when Sans finds the rope, he's overjoyed. Always doing a bunch of flips off of it. Definitely caught a fish with his bare hands.
The fish promptly slapped him in the face as it flailed from his grip to get back in the water.
LOVES s'mores, but can't eat chocolate, so he just eats the marshmallows off the stick. Always talking about how there's a proper way to roast the marshmallow but immediately burns it.
Is the one who can't sleep after Sans's ghost stories.
Midas: the Anti Boy-Scout 😈
Unlike Alphys, Midas isn't afraid of creepy crawlies... In fact, he's the one tormenting people with creepy crawlies >:)
Definitely placed a tarantula on top of Alphys's sleeping bag and is the reason she now refuses to sleep outside.
Finds the biggest bugs imaginable and chases Maeve on the hiking trail. He is a fucking menace to society and MUST be stopped!
He swims under water (with tinted goggles of course) and pretends to be a water snake to freak people out. Will like swim underneath them and his snake hair will definitely slither along their legs. Has been kicked in the face.
When he's not terrorizing his friends, he's binge drinking at the campsite and smoking. Probably knows all the mushroom types and exactly which mushrooms will get people off their shits.
That being said, he has used his powers for good once and caught a big cotton mouth near the campsite so no one would actually get hurt. Carried it away safely and no one was the wiser. An unsung hero, truly.
One time he went out by himself to just enjoy nature, and took his sunglasses off to enjoy the breeze on his face.
Almost turned a hiker into a monument. Thankfully, he was quick to dodge that bullet.
After Sans's ghost stories, Midas will purposefully stay up and fuck with the boys while they're trying to sleep. Like I said, a fucking menace.
Maeve: ✨ Polaroid Princess ✨
“Wow this is so aesthetic.” *📸*
Where Nick is taking stupid candid videos, Maeve is always forcing everyone into fun, cutesy group photos.
Loves watching the sunset, always crooning over the pretty colors.
Basking in a warm patch of sun is one of her favorite activities. Has definitely found a sunny meadow and just laid there to watch the clouds.
She's always put together, outfits are always coordinated. Definitely over packed and now has to wear EVERY outfit she packed for a two day camping trip.
Much like Nick, she's always trying to get Sans to participate but it's to no avail.
She is also the one to keep Alphys the most company and encourage her all the time when they're hiking. “Guys maybe we should turn around, Alphys is getting tired.” “No I'm fine!” -cue Jonas having to give her a piggy back ride back to the camp site, with Maeve tagging along like “I told you.”
Always forcing people to drink water to stay hydrated. “Hydrate or Die-drate."
Hates swimming, but, again, loves basking on the shoreline while the boys are goofing around in the water.
Jonas and Midas have pushed her in the water once and regretted it immediately because she hulked out on them. Went full Lioness on their asses. She is literally the tallest and biggest out of all them, they should've seen this coming 🤦🏼‍♀️ The bugs were one thing, but THAT CROSSED A LINE!
Frisk: Little Miss Sunshine 🌸😚
Absolutely precious. Always asking people if they need help while setting up the campsite. Definitely brought fairy lights and hangs them up in her tent and around their site in the trees. Everyone wants to hang out in her tent because she made it so cozy. Even Sans isn't above hanging out in there.
Is definitely super stoked about camping. Much like Jonas, she absolutely adores the outdoors and spending time in nature, even though she doesn't have any of the survival skills.
Always asking Jonas to show her how to do cool stuff and he is more than happy to teach her how to do things. He definitely shows off for her all the time, and she enjoys the attention.
Keeps the campsite tidy and organized, always agreeing with Nick about keeping the land clean and picking up litter.
When everyone goes off to hike, she stays behind with Sans to hang out with him alone.
She actually manages to convince him to enjoy the outdoors and the two go off on another trail by themselves, and just talk about life and shit. Occasionally they can hear Jonas howling or Maeve's blood curdling screams from being chased by bugs and they start giggling with each other.
Definitely makes little wildflower bouquets for everyone and also flower crowns.
Everyone is always making sure she's having fun.
Hangs out with Maeve because they're pretty similar. They're always taking pictures together and Frisk is always offering to take pictures of the group so Maeve can actually be in said pictures.
Loves swimming. Tried the rope but it unfortunately snapped on her. The boys constantly asked if she's okay after flopping on her back, but she's just giggling about it the whole time.
Is the one who kicked Midas in the face. She feels really bad about it, and he always teases her about it but hey, he shouldn't have been acting like the creature from the black lagoon!
Loves listening to Sans's ghost stories and Nick's songs too. Definitely the boys' biggest cheerleader.
At night, she climbs up on the roof of the car to stargaze with Sans, and the two point out constellations with each other and tell each other stories.
For some reason, these songs gives me Camping vibes so...
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4alarmfirecracker · 3 years
So... The Nevers. What's it all about? I've seen your gifsets and my interest is piqued. I 100% trust your taste in shows as you got me into Astrid and Raphaelle last year and am a keen follower of your wlw journeys haha
OMG where do I startttt. First, thank you for trusting me with your choice of shows to watch (and ships ^^). ♥ I always seem to choose the small fandom ships though :D
I call them Truedair but the fandom doesn’t seem to have come to a choice ... On twitter you have TruePenance you also have Trudair and that’s mostly the main ship names. I love “Truth and Dair” and ThunderCloud (when you see the scene in ep 3 you’ll know ^^)
No Ann it’s not Adue and no Laura it’s not Pamalia :D
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Everything under the cut ♥
---------- General ----------
Ok so now ... a general comment about what the show is. Took it from wiki tbh ^^
The series is set in Victorian London and follows a group of people, mostly women, known as the Touched, who suddenly manifest abnormal abilities. Among them are Amalia True, a mysterious and quick-fisted widow, and her best friend Penance Adair, a brilliant inventor.
The Nevers is described as "an epic science fiction drama about a gang of Victorian[s] who find themselves with unusual abilities, relentless enemies, and a mission that might change the world."
At first I'm not the kind of person who loves Victorian London settings BUT this show honestly made me like love it ^^ (sorry youtube for all the Victorian dresses making videos I watched lately and NO I do not plan on creating one it's just ... hyperfixation) I love fantasy, I love sci-fi... so that's why I might like this show. The sci-fi part is the powers but also the big TWIST. (Nope won't tell you about it and yep I was sadly spoiled about it ... I know I shouldn't have went through the tag :D) Oh and also ... SteamPunk energy. I swear, at the start of ep 6 you will be ... Is it the right show I’m watching ? :D
It’s HBO so ... yeah sex and nudity sometimes are a thing. Sometimes it’s kinda dark but it also has humor and amazing lines/quotes. 
There’s some White Old Man™ talks especially in the first two eps where they discuss in their closed clubs about the fate of the Touched ... You know :D Boring talks where you wanna rip their throats when they’re talking about woman/Touched but it’s kinda necessary to get the feel of the situation they’re in.
It’s created by Josh Whedon but after what happened in other shows he decided to leave the show after ep 4 and Philippa Goslett took back the showrunner chair. Then you have  Jane Espenson as a writer ... Buffy, OUAT, Jessica Jones, ...
---------- Soooo the characters ----------
You have Amalia True, the number one main char who has the ability to see glimpses of the future. She doesn’t control it, she doesn’t know when her glimpses will manifest themselves and she doesn’t know when she sees an event that will happen, when it will actually take place. "The most irresponsible, spontaneous, and psychologically broken hero of 19th-century London, and a danger to the British elite. She is dedicated to her cause and never turns down a drink."
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So yeah, you've guessed it, she's the perfect anti-hero, absolutely badass (in a corset and dress nonetheless), dark soul/past character. Who ... weirdly (we all know it and love it in our ships) is all soft and loving when one Penance Adair is concerned. Shocker, right? :D I swear the hearteyes I’ve seen x_x She’s also very protective of Penance. She’s got PTSD and doesn’t like large crowds.
She runs the Orphanage where a great number of Touched are gathered and live as a community. She protects them, she helps some others to get to safety and so on.
She’s played by miss Laura Donnelly who’s perfect for the role and amazing at doing different sorts of accents because, you might have recognized her from Outlander (Jamie’s sister), she doesn’t talk the same way AT ALL in both series. Also I’m in love with her voice in the Nevers I don’t make the rules. She’s 40 but honestly looks way younger. MILF am I right? Also Amalia fighting scenes are amazing and Laura has done the majority of it by herself !
You might have guessed ... I immediately thought of Jessica Jones when I saw her face ^^ But that’s kinda irrelevant here. She’s beautiful and messy and my kinda gal.
Then you Have Miss Penance Adair “Amalia's best friend, and a Touched with the power of 'seeing' electrical energy patterns and a skill for inventing. She is both religious and heretically progressive.”
She’s an amazing inventor, creating all sorts of gadgets for Amalia to fight with :D Our own 007 ... She’s her BeSt FriEnD ... When you know, you know. (Xena flashback ^^) She’s her wife right hand man and goes in the field to help Amalia. They also have this cute dynamic where Penance name an invention and Amalia calls it another way (the right way) and they bicker about it lovingly.
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She’s THE sunshine character. Amalia is the Sunshine protector of course. But we all know who’s the top in the relationship and it ain’t Mrs. True. All her interactions with Amalia are WIVES™. She’s the cutie, she’s the hope and compass of Amalia. She loves to touch Amalia too ♥ Amalia is her idiotic suicidal wife and Penance has to deal with that but she doesn’t love her less. Like Laura said, Amalia loves Penance more than she loves herself. We all know it’s because she doesn’t think highly of herself but also because who doesn’t love Penance.
She’s played by Ann Skelly and has an amazing, lovely, Irish accent (Laura is Irish too but not in the show). And OMG I just checked and she’s only 25 ? She’s 6 months younger than me and I’m kinda shocked because I thought she was at least 28 :D Listen to her saying ‘fabric of the world’ at the end of ep 1 and not fall in love with her I dare you. You’ll fall in love with Penance way before the end of ep 1 tbh.
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---------- Queer rep ??? ----------
They are not canon, I prefer saying it before anyone thinks that they are. (Like Astraëlle)
I honestly thought they would become canon until Laura Donnelly called them sisters in a IG live ... (Honestly the showrunner might make them canon who knows) but like Astraëlle even if they don't become canon I don't even care. Their interactions are magnificent and their relationship is everything that’s good in this world. Like I said, they have the WIFE™ energy, they’ve know each other when the show starts for about 3 years. “You’re supposed to be inseparable.” is an actually quote from ‘the bad guy girl’ (Maladie) or as I could say the misunderstood woman who’s kinda crazy too though don’t get me wrong ^^ But everybody is his own hero in his story. Maladie = Disease in French.
They both have what seems like male love interests too. One for Amalia who honestly I’m not a fan of. He’s cheating on her wife with Amalia so ... let’s not ship them. And then you have an adorable being as Penance’s LI aka Bird guy ^^ aka Augie. He’s a cutie like Penance and honestly if they go that way I won’t be mad.
Now ... the CANON queer rep ... I give them from the top of my head so if I forgot some sorry and please add them in the comments !
Amalia : She’s bi or pan ... given by an info in ep 6. Won’t spoil.
Hugo : pan man, of course we ship him with Augustus (Augie). Give them to me. They aren’t canon.
Won’t spoil it but there’s a repressed (kinda homophobic it feels like or at least not well in his shoes) gay man in the show too who’s as much as a main as Hugo and Augie. I personally am not a fan of him.
Nimble Jack is they/them (probs ?) not sure about it but the person playing them said this : “androgynous trans character” they’re not a big part of the show though so only a supporting char.
You have Bonfire Annie who looks kinda close to Maladie at some point so yeah probs not canon but she seems to be pan too. supporting char too
It has for now 6 eps because it stopped in the middle because of covid but s1 will have 12 eps overall ... 6 more eps will prob come in april or summer 2022.
If you can’t tell, yes I’ve become obsessed with this show and this ship. I love them with all my heart ... They’re blonde x brunette, sunshine x sunshine protector, they’re wives your honor.
OH AND I ALMOST FORGOT ... You’ll see miss Claudia Black in ep 6 and let me tell you I so ship her with an other character ^^
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figmentof · 4 years
ourdesignatedgrapes replied to your post “Ok yes about the SC fandom being cliquey, you’re �� right and you...”
I would be very happy to hear your thoughts on SC and it's lack of diversity/ what could have been done better. I have my own thoughts but I'd really like to hear yours. Don't worry if that's a big ask, it's just something that interests me, and the more I think about it the more I conclude that SC could have done better.
Thanks for opening up this discussion with me! I never really thought anyone in this fandom wanted to talk about it because somehow having LGBT rep, albeit white, seems like it should be Enough™ and this fandom in particular tends to really avoid talking about diversity because then our favorite, heartwarming show has flaws *gasp* and that’s unacceptable!! That’s the vibe i get anyway
I think the first thing that should’ve been done would’ve been to just name-drop more poc celebs as Alexis or David’s exes. It’s bare minimum and doesn’t really do all THAT much but it’s a start? The next thing would be getting rid of Ray’s subtle but obvious Indian accent, seeing as Rizwan Manji legit doesn’t even have an accent and yet he has one on the show? Why????? Can we Asians for once not have an accent on a mainstream show or is that too much to ask.... Then there’s Ronnie, who, as the show has coded her, is a lesbian and seemingly butch which is nice-- but she’s also black and really aggressive towards Patrick, who is a white gay. And although it’s hilarious to watch Patrick’s people pleaser ass try his hardest to get on Ronnie’s good side and always failing, there’s..... an inherent problem there with having a black lesbian be antagonistic towards a polite white gay man. I’m sure people are gonna accuse me of not having a sense of humor and taking things so literally but there we go.
I’m sure you’ve seen the behind the scenes videos or pictures of the crew on insta/youtube, where it’s so white it’s like I’m staring at Canadian winter or something. Last I checked Toronto isn’t lacking in diversity so what’s the deal with that? Make An Effort™ at least. The writers room is white as all hell too, not to mention Dan did hire a bunch of his own friends and that makes me wonder does he have poc friends that work in the industry or..... like is Julia Chan who is half white British the only person he knows ksdjhfkjdhf
The pan aspect is refreshing and it’s pretty much SC’s main selling point because pansexual people are severely lacking in pan rep, and obviously Patrick’s entire storyline was done incredibly well. The talk/addition of diversity doesn’t take away from the queer rep but rather works alongside it. imo SC is like Parks and Rec (both with a black woman and an Indian man) except newer with better queer rep. Both shows make you feel good and you’re always in a good mood after watching them. However it’s undeniable that both shows are extremely white, at least for Parks and Rec there are more poc working behind the scenes than on SC, though the show ended in 2015 when SC premiered 👀
The Rose family had to be white because Dan and Eugene and Catherine, which alright, I’ll let that slide seeing as the journey they went on from being arrogant rich white people to being somewhat more humbled/normal is great to watch, but the supporting cast could’ve been poc. lbr Stevie could’ve easily been East Asian
Now I think Noah is incredible, I really do, I can’t see anyone else doing Patrick justice the way he does, but boy. boy imagine if David ended up in an interracial marriage with a gay moc. Wouldn’t that be something 😔Wouldn’t Patrick’s coming out story be doubly impactful if he had immigrant parents? idk
Anyway that’s my two cents lol
What parts of SC do you think they could’ve done better? I’d love to hear your thoughts as well!
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