#one is more stoic-like the other emotional prone
demonicnarwhale · 4 months
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yay more Diamonds Boobs (he doesn't have any. mf would be concave if that was a thing) (loser lol) and Hearts Boobcars stuff
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pallastrology · 8 months
observations on aquarius
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artwork by jules pierre van biesbroek
aquarius moons, like other air moons, can treat their emotions kind of like a puzzle; they turn them over in their hands and really break down and analyse their thoughts and feelings. aquarius moons in particular tend to be very focused on the wider impact of their actions and emotions, which, while a testament to their kind and caring nature, can get in the way of them experiencing their full emotional range and the insight that comes with that.
a lot of people with aquarius dominance can go through life feeling dreadfully lonely. though (depending on individual placements) they often pride themselves on being different, or not needing to follow the crowd, deep down they can feel they don't belong, or aren't 'normal'. really, their uniqueness is what makes them beautiful, and while their journey isn't always predictable, they generally find their tribe along the way, and become people with a strong sense of self and steady values that guide them and their relationships.
aquarius on the ascendant tends to have a reputation for looking 'alien-like' or asymmetric, and while the second one especially can be true, my opinion is that a lot of aquarius risings have a doll-like beauty, with very fine and neat features, not unlike virgo risings actually. what sets them apart is that they are more expressive with their style, more congruent and more open to showing their true selves through their clothing. they are prouder and stronger that way, almost more dramatic.
mars in aquarius is a placement that has a strange relationship with anger and assertiveness. they tend to be very cool people, in that they're stoic, relaxed, grounded and pragmatic; they aren't as controlling or fearful as a fixed mars tends to be. but they can be quite detached from their anger and agency, and so if they aren't self-reflective, they don't see how it can affect those around them when they are angry. they are prone to anger at the state of the world and are sensitive to justice - or injustice, rather - but can be erratic in how they display this, at times seeming uncaring.
jupiter in aquarius is a placement that brings a lot of kindness, a lot of generosity, but a strict will and a clear vision. they are dreamers at heart, like a lot of aquarian placements, but if it's channeled properly, jupiter in aquarius gives the native the power and confidence to succeed. the other interesting thing about this placement is that the native tends to love to work; as long as the work means something to them, as long as it does good. they absolutely cannot work just to make money, it's bad for their souls.
aquarius in the sixth house can bring health issues that appear suddenly, are hard to diagnose or treat, or come and go. they may have unusual symptoms or reactions to things, and the phrase 'when you hear hoofbeats, think horses' doesn't tend to apply so well to them. somewhat nervous individuals, aquarius in the sixth house natives can be sensitive to lifestyle factors that help or hinder their health, and so they need a solid (if maybe a little unconventional) routine to really flourish.
aquarius suns are some of the funniest people i've ever met. they have a real deadpan, dry sense of humour and their serious delivery just makes the joke land better. although they may have unconventional taste in material, they don't tend towards the inappropriate and in fact are very even and fair in their roasts. maybe for this reason, they aren't the best roasters, but at least you know you won't be traumatised if an aquarius roasts you...
venus in aquarius gets a reputation for being distant, 'away with the fairies', even unromantic, but i don't think that's true at all. while they are a more grounded and cerebral placement for venus to be in, these natives are incredibly sweet. when they love someone, they will tell them so in a thousand tiny ways. they're the type to take their time getting to know every part of you, down to your microexpressions and innermost worries and favourites.
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astrobiscuits · 1 year
Astro observations part 8
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[LONG EDITION] - taken from my phone's notes (also, i was too lazy to edit it so here's a nice chunk of info)
🍂 Sun conjunct Saturn individuals inherit mindsets from the father, grandparents or great-grandparents. They might never fully act like their Sun sign (aka "shine"), since they've been conditioned from a young age to listen to parents, teachers, and later on bosses. They are the type to never divorce, no matter how toxic their marriage is. If these peeps deal well with their Saturn Return, they might become "THE BOSS" (aka the person everyone looks up to due to how accomplished, disciplined and rich they are, they've literally got their shit together and deserve a round of applause, "it wasn't easy to get to the top, but it was worth it" - you might hear them say this). They are also more prone to ingrain stoic principles in their lifestyle
🍂 Mars square Neptune gives off major cult leader vibes. They're the type to fool you with false promises until you sign up for their "camp" but then you realize it's actually an evil cult where all they wanna do is put you to work (and maybe later even kill you lol). These individuals become very scary when angry (you don't wanna see them angry, trust me). If they ever commit suicide, it'll be by drowning, alcohol or drugs
🍂 Mars trine Neptune is one of the best aspects for those who make a living off their talents. The talent depends on the element the trine is in:
If it's in Earth signs - ideal for those who work in the "money handling sector" in advertising, becoming an entrepeneur, holistic care (if Virgo is involved), cooks, those who work in interior design, seamstresses, embroidery/lace makers, models, event planners If it's in Air signs - ideal for those who work in sales (their negotiation skills are ✨chef's kiss👌🏻✨), becoming a spiritual/religious teacher or an art/music/any other creative pursuit teacher (lmao, i can't even speak💀💀), writers, musicians, magicians and astrologers (for the last two - if Aquarius is involved) If it's in Fire signs - ideal for dancers, theater/movie actors, hairstylists, circus performers, photographers (only if Leo is involved) If it's in Water signs - ideal for make-up artists, painters, tarot readers
🍂 Moon sextile Uranus individuals have got the ability to create a positive parasocial relationship with their followers. Since these people often use their devices to validate their emotions, i wouldn't be surprised if most of y'all also have atleast one active profile where you post quite frequently
PRO TIP: Whenever Transit Jupiter is trining/conjuncting your Natal Uranus (to a less extent also the sextile), you'll get a sudden boost in your followers count
🍂 This is a theory of mine that i've come up with and i'd love to hear your thoughts on it. When it comes to intergenerational astrology, i do believe that we inherit all of our personal planets placements from our parents and ancestors. But then you might say "But i don't act like my mother at all! This is bullshit!". I'm not saying we're all carbon copies of our family members. What makes us unique and distinguishes us from our parents and grandparents (or even great-grandparents) are the way the planets aspect each other in our birth charts and the planetary configurations between them. Basically we start from the same ground, but we all use our traits differently, whether for the better or the worst expression of them. Let's not forget that we also tend to go through different life experiences than our parents and grandparents; we might be blessed with different opportunities that might enhance our best traits and help us achieve what our ancestors always wanted to but weren't able to
Hope you enjoyed today's post, loves!💗💗💗 I've been wanting to post for a while now but my inspiration has been wandering alone in the Sahara Desert I can't promise that i'll start posting again more frequently (the new uni year is starting soon for me + i enrolled in a local astrology school 2 weeks ago🥳🥳 ya girl can't wait to officially become an astrologer) but my inbox will be open again for further questions! I must also thank you for helping me hit 500 followers!!! I'm probably gonna do another ask game once i hit 600 followers, as i'm too busy right now. As always, don't forget to drink water and take care of yourselves! Hope to see you soon! ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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a-d-nox · 7 months
I was wondering if you could do a simplified way to read a chart. like use an example chart and show where you start with and so on
how to read a chart: the planets' signs and houses
the most simple way to read a chart is to break things down by sign, planet, and house. its better to start with the basics then step it up to evaluating the aspects in a chart, degrees, house rulers, asteroids, etc. there is plenty more to look at but this is a starting point - if there is interest, i will continue the discussion in a series. i am going to do something that i have never done before and dissect my own chart in front of everyone who is reading this in the most non-biased way in which i am capable.
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the ascendant
pisces: as we know, a pisces rising is a skilled chameleon. they are so skilled that they can vanish into their surroundings. it is uncommon for a pisces to stand out even though they can be thought of as beautiful. most people take them for granted - people don't often give them the recognition they deserve. and because they don't, a pisces rising will undervalue themselves. not that they really want tons of recognition and power - that can be too much for an aloof and dreamy pisces person. a pisces rising is likely to create a persona to present to others - they can very quickly lose their true self to it too...
scorpio: its like a dramatic love story - sex appeal meets jealously and obsessiveness. scorpio suns are known for their depth, obsessive, and analytical thoughts. they, like sheldon cooper, "don't need sleep" they "need answers". they will take things to the extreme if they don't find the answers they seek. they seek insight and intimacy - they want everything they can get out of life. scorpios are natural chasers - persistent ones at that. they are a bit childish though because they want everything to themselves including their knowledge - they might even weaponize what they know to be cruel to those they feel wronged them.
8h: 8h sun people are deep people - they don't do fluffy stuff. they like things succinct and purposeful. often they are identified as know intuitives - i mean they have the ability, they just need to tap into it and use/control it. they often hunger for self-knowledge (stuff like shadow-work, psychology, astrology, philosophy, etc is attractive to them). introspection is an art form for them. they enjoy analyzing and obsessing over things like that. either a 8h sun is driven by sex OR money, growth, and power OR maybe all of the above.
scorpio: they have a very deep well of emotional energy - they feel nothing halfway. they are easily provoked and can go 0 to 100 very quickly (they are prone to boiling over / experiencing sudden outbursts). every emotion is very pure/vivid. they can be harsh and even cruel in emotional situations... emotionally, they are possessive and tend assume that others around them don't have it as bad as they do. everything can be a comparison for them - if someone is upset over something, they will comment with something "worse" that they previously experienced. they are quick to respond/react - they aren't the type to think before responding when they are upset. though they are sensitive, they have great inner strength and have the power to overcome any difficult emotional situations.
8h: emotionality is like a sixth sense - these people are intuitively gifted; they can sense not only their own feelings but everyone else's around them too. they are often obsessive when they feel intensely like this, especially when they are romantic. trust to them is the most important part of any connection. they are naturally jealous and suspicious of others so when they can't trust someone to be honest with them, they won't be vulnerable at all - they become cold and stoic. their trust issues are next level and often need professional help to work through. security is important to them in all senses so monetary savings are of their interest too.
scorpio: these people are intuitive and are known for their intensity. they have the gift of being logical/rational and determined all at once - they make great sleuths and detectives. generally, they struggle to leave any stones unturned. they hunger for truth and honesty, thus they enjoy research and the search for such. there is a tendency to become obsessive with the hunt for truth and honesty. they are often more introverted and apathetic than those around them. they struggle to open up just as they struggle to find honesty/trustworthiness in those around them. they are intellectual individuals who are easily fascinated.
8h: pessimism and/or deep thoughts are real with this placement. they have a dark mind that might be best suited for philosophy (especially existentialism) and/or occultism. they are predisposed to being overwhelmed by their emotions and being overly sensitive. often they are overcome by fantastical thoughts due to their over active mind. they seek spiritual growth via research and exploring life's many mysteries.
sagittarius: these people are warm, enthusiastic, and lively. they require their independence - feeling tied too one person can be suffocating to them, especially, if that one person only fills their sexual or intellectual needs. they require both to feel comfortable staying in a connection. even then they are likely to experience more than one great romance in their lifetime. their relationships are best built on friendship first.
9h: there is a great hunger for travel and experience when it comes to this person. they are extremely likely to fall in love with a foreign land or a foreigner. it is considered rare for them to never travel and to in the stay in the same place they were born life long. they are notably wise and philosophical people who have an idealistic view and opinion of the world around them. university is likely to be an enjoyable experience for them where they gain more than just bookish experience that impacts them life long.
virgo: these are willing and hard workers. they have a lot of nervous energy and tend to want to keep their hands busy - they don't do well when there is nothing to do. it makes them edgy and tense. they require a steady routine and timetables. without such things they might lose motivation to get anything done and they likely feel pain bodily (they have a stomach ache, head ache, skin issues, etc). but when they have something to do they are patient and detailed with their work. if they lack self-confidence, their work could fail to come to fruition. too much attention to detail may lead to analysis paralysis.
7h: these people are passionate and are willing to work through anything in a connection. they do have the tendency to push their partners too much to the point where they push them away. their relationships are always with a sense of purpose and direction - they are unlikely to date without intentions of a long term connection. these partnerships are great for those that professionally work together as well - they tend to have a shared objective in that monetary matter.
gemini: these people are knowledge starved. enough is never enough for them - they are intellectually restless. they could seem very scattered because they seek knowledge of all things. they need to be more consistent with their efforts if they wish to gain anything at all. these individuals are broad/open minded and tend to be very clever. they have a quick mind that critically thinks in the craftiest ways possible.
3h: these people feel a great need to exercise their mind, and they seek intellectual challenges. often they wish to share their opinions and they tend to impose them on to others (they frequently think their opinion is fact). they have excellent communication skills and a great sense of what is just and what is not. they are people of their word and that word is reliable. they love school and to learn - even when school ends for them, they will continue to seek education. they are restless people who need both mental and physical mobility.
taurus: these people are patient, careful, and cautious. they will persist despite suffering until they have or accomplish whatever it is they want. while they are typically kind they can however become mean and overly frugal. they are ambitious and often seek financial stability which can support their their lifestyle. they frequently will ask if they truly need something however. they are overly rigid and routine oriented. they grow to appreciate what is functional over what is beautiful.
3h: it is possible that this person hated school or didn't think they were good at it at some point. often, they triumph as time goes on however. they develop skills (and fill gaps in their education) to overcome obstacles they have in the educational sector and might even become first in their class or prominent in some other way. these people are sensible and practical - they tend to be cautious and conservative when it comes to their long-term plans.
aquarius: this generation is notably kind, friendly, and inclusive. they want everyone to feel comfortable and as though they belong and are supported. often everyone in the generation has a bit of a humanitarian streak. they wish to keep their independence in most every way. they can be a bit unpredictable, inventive, and original. they typically associate money as a means of charity to ease suffering in a practical way.
12h: these people feel the need to be charitable and make sacrifices for others. strangely, they have the tendency of doing so in a logical and unemotional/cool/detached way. they do so because of some subconscious belief/motivation. often, they will trying to understand what they do and why they do it using astrology, when they truly should leave it to the psychological professionals.
aquarius: i feel like this is why we are the way we are online as a generation. we can be hyper emotional one moment then cold and detached the next. we like to stand out yet we are followers of trends and prefer to blend in. we are sensitive and intuitive, yet uncomfortable with dependence and prefer a touch of logic.
11h: these people tend to have a lively social life that keeps them busy, however, they might not have the best circle of friends. their friends might take them in, only to use them. their caring nature is often used. they enjoy helping others. they aren't fans of having lots of responsibilities. they might be very worried or concerned when having such - heavy expectations cause them too much stress.
sagittarius: this group of people is in a mental tug-of-war. they are open but secretive. they seek independence yet are possessive. they are fun loving yet prefer intimacy and intensity. often, this combo appears to me like a purge moment - get all the terrible energy out every once and awhile and be civil the next period of time. we are the people of the revolution; we see it in how we stand up to political powers and fight for our rights. we do what we do because we are wise and know that all people deserve freedom and autonomy.
9h: this is a compulsive studier who loves a mental challenge. it doesn't matter how advanced the topic is, they desire it. often to the point of mental strain. they desire intellectual perfection - this is their downfall as they force themselves to the extreme and only become unhappy with their progress and frustrated with themselves. they frequently give up and walk away in a dramatic fashion to their detriment. apart from that, i recommend that they visit a country apart from their own as they are likely to gain significant experience and knowledge in a foreign place apart from the one they already know.
the midheaven
sagittarius: to an outsider they appear excited and enthusiastic to just exist in a space. people might see them as risk takers. they are boisterous to those that watch them - they are charming, flirty, and quite funny. but they need to be careful their charm and flirtiness can attract the wrong people or cause them to assume the wrong instincts. not everyone finds the jokes that are made funny - some find them insulting. they can also seem flighty and like they do too much at once. it is important that they read the fine print of any public or high up position that they take.
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materassassino · 6 months
The Old Guard Dæmon AU
Probably done before, but I wanted to write one myself, so I thought I'd make a guide to the Guard and their respective dæmons, to go with the fic I just posted for it.
Andy: Hwehnto (Przewalski's horse)
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Yeah, a wolf or some other predator might fit, but let's face it, the supreme horse girl should have a horse for a dæmon. *h₂weh₁n̥to- is Proto-Indo-European for "wind", butchered into a modernly comprehensible Hwehnto/Hwento. He is a very serious and stoic dæmon, much like Andy, but his outbursts of emotion are striking. He is vicious in battle and will not hesitate to attack both human and dæmon, if necessary.
I did also consider a tarpan for Andy, but there is literally one photo in existence of one. I generally assume that actually it would be some European wild horse so old it doesn't exist anymore, and we've lost all modern knowledge of it. So Przewalski's horse will do.
Quynh: Minh Nhat (white-lipped pit viper)
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Of course our viper would have a viper! Small, quick and venomous. He doesn't have a name yet because, frankly, I don't speak Vietnamese and I want him to have a cool name like most dæmons have. His name is Minh Nhat, which means "bright sunlight", in contrast with Quynh's name. More outgoing than most dæmons, will talk casually with other humans, and is prone to little acts of thievery (thimbles, small nuts, little trinkets), mostly out of delight with the object than any malice. Very tiny! Likes spending his time tucked up Quynh's sleeve. Will not hesitate to bite a human should the need arise, but tucks himself in Quynh's collar or scarf when in battle.
I was torn between this and a red-headed krait, but ultimately went to an actual viper (well, pit viper, close enough).
Joe: Tayyib (scimitar oryx)
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(Oddly difficult to find a photo of one alone, with no radio collar, that hasn't been shot by some bastard trophy hunter).
Tayyib (named that way for obvious reasons and chosen by Joe's mother's dæmon) represents everything poetic and artistic about Joe, and is calm and wise. Dislikes fighting, but will if he must: watch out for those horns! Yes, he is a male dæmon, a rarity, another commonality Joe shares with Nicky. I wonder why? A very good listener who gives good advice.
I don't know why I decided on another ungulate for this hapless team (can they even go anywhere?), but I did. I figured a desert antelope of some kind would be good for Joe, and it was a toss-up between this and an addax. I admit I chose it just for the name.
Nicky: Bonamico (Luzon bleeding-heart dove)
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Geographically, it doesn't make sense. Symbolically? I had to. Bonamico is quiet, contemplative and kind, barely speaks except to Nicky, Joe or Tayyib, but is always concerned for those about him. He is far more nervous than Nicky, but stores a lot of knowledge, a trait he does share with Nicky. His favourite place to perch, other than Nicky's shoulder, is between Tayyib's horns (although occasionally he likes to sit on Joe's head). He does the scouting for the group, as the only bird dæmon.
This bird is the entire reason I made this damn AU. It's just too perfect. Look at this Catholic-ass bird!
Booker: Amandine (black rat)
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*wheezing* I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I'm not sorry.
Now, the problem with dæmons is that we have rat symbolism, which is of rats as dirty and sneaky, but we're also modern human beings that know perfectly well rats are cute, intelligent and affectionate creatures that make amazing pets. Amandine herself is mostly just shy and quiet, although she does like it when she gets the chance to roast Booker, but then again, who doesn't? She is their little reconnaissance expert, being sent in to buildings and small places to chew through wires and spy. She, unlike Booker, is always supremely well-groomed.
I did consider a ferret or stoat, something a little more noble, but I personally do love rats so much and so I wanted a positive rat dæmon, for once.
Nile: Dakarai (red wolf)
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I wanted to give Nile something supremely American, but she was in the Marines, and soldiers of most kinds tend to have dog dæmons, so no stereotypical birds. But Nile is also smart and quick-thinking, and family-oriented, so the red wolf made sense to me. Dakarai is loyal and far more serious than his human, a bit more cynical. Having been trained in a modern Armed Force, post-Geneva Convention, he's never touched another human being and has exclusively fought other dæmons. He is, of course, a good tracker.
Someone had to have a canine in this group. Might as well be Nile!
Bonus (under the cut for cockroach reasons):
James Copley: Vindemiatrix (common raven)
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The Odin symbolism of the knowledge-seeker raven, honestly. She perches in odd places, watches everything, and reports back. She is a secret-keeper and prone to keeping her own counsel, not interacting much with other dæmons. She, like Copley, misses his wife and her Pallas's cat dæmon something fierce.
Stephen Merrick: Unnamed (American cockroach)
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Need I say more? He deserves it.
Dr Meta Kozak: Unnamed (hagfish)
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A disgusting dæmon for a disgusting woman, who burrows into people's bodies and eats them from the inside out. She carries the horrid thing in a lightweight tank backpack, one of the many modern accomodations for people with water-dwelling dæmons.
Keane: Unnamed (Eastern black rhino)
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A beautifully noble dæmon, unfortunately wasted on a bastard.
Lykon: Unnamed (melanistic leopard)
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She was graceful, majestic and courteous, and absolutely breathtaking in battle. She would dispense affection to daemon and human alike, much like Lykon himself.
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gojos-thot-patrol · 2 years
In the Valentine spirit, could you do boyfriend HCs for the jjk men? Thanks 💜
oh, ABSOLUTELY I CAN this is like my bread and butter!!
Now Presenting...
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Starring Satoru Gojo, Suguru Geto, Kento Nanami, and Ryomen Sukuna.
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Satoru Gojo
The Fool
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Listen, you can not convince me Gojo isn't all about PDA
He wants everyone to know that you're his and he's yours.
He shows his love by giving you sweets
"But none of them are as sweet as you, Dear"
Did I meantion this man is cheesey as fuck?
His ideal date is staying at home with you and watching a movie, because honestly, it's one of the few times he can truly relax.
10000% the type of boyfriend that wants to spoil you more than anything else...mostly because he's not sure how to be a good boyfriend outside of that.
He's honestly fairly new to romance. He's only had one other romantic partner in his life, and that ended far less than ideal.
So, he's learning how to love you while also just learning how to love in general.
But, he's excited to learn!
he fully beleieves you desrve only the best in everything, and that includes boyfriends,
Meaning he's not scared to ask you how he can do better.
Also meaning he's not quick to share his emotions. He doesn't want to inconvinence you with them.
Or worse, shatter your image of him. He is supposed to be the strongest after all. Everyone loves him for his strength.
Except for you, probably the only person that sees him for him.
It may take some time and coaxing, but once he knows how he fells (Cause lets be real here, hes not the most emotionally intelligent) he'll try his best to explain to you.
please be patient with him, he's bad at this.
It's a big deal for him that you and Megumi at least get along. As far as he's concerned, Megumi is his son and his son has to come first.
Luckily for you both Megumi takes to you as well as his tsundere ass can.
He's the first one to ask you to make it offical, but waits for you to say "I Love You" first.
Mostly because that phrase scares the shit out of him. Theres no curse more powerful than love, and honestly he would have rather avoided it.
But you were inevitable. He knew it from the first time he laid eyes on you, you were going to be the death of him.
he hoped.
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Suguru Geto
The Lovers
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OK, first things first, his favorite thing is to show you new music.
Not too long after you had stated dating, he promised you he as going to show you all the good music the world had to offer and he ment it.
Honestly he surprised you with his range. anything from Heavy Metal, to Folk Punk, to R&B to Pop, to fucking country, if he could vibe with it, it hit his playlist.
All about words of affection. He's constantly telling you how beautiful you are, how smart you are, how powerful of a sorcerer you are, he won't shut up about how amazing you are.
Not typically one for PDA, unless he thinks someone else is hitting on you.
Then it's like he's been suddenly glued to you.
He's very much the silent jealous type. He'll never straight up ask you "So who the fuck was that?" He's more prone to passive aggressive comments.
"I'm just saying, you two seem really close." type shit.
He covers you in very visible hickys and is very quick to "lend" you his jacket for this reason. He want's to make it very clear that you're his.
His ideal date is an underground concert. He always knows where the best ones are.
The energy of a concert is intoxicating to him, and the effect is doubled when you're around.
It's one of the few places where he'll actively take part in PDA without having to be jealous first.
He's normally pretty Stoic. He jokes around yea, but he's never vunerable in public.
The only place you see his walls come down is when you're alone together.
It's a visible change too, you can see the tired flood his eyes as he collapses in your arms.
You were the first person to notice when he started to grow cold to Jujutsu Society, and the last to know when his betrayl finally took place.
As much as it made you sick to your stomach to admit, you weren't surprised at all. a darkness had been growing in him for a long time.
He spoke all the time about how unfairly society treated sorcerers, and he spoke with such passion, you often found yourself almost convinced by it.
Almost. you we're always able to bring yourself back to reality one way or another.
That was until he came back for you.
He was just as sweet as he always was, pouring affection over you.
how he tried so hard to move on, but he couldn't rebuild without you. No matter what he did, his soul called out for you.
"Please, Y/n, I need you. come back with me?"
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Nanami Kento
The Hierophant
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Ok, so hear me out. I actually think Nanami has had a few relationships before.
They all ended amicably, He didn't have the time for petty mind games as a teenager, he damn sure didn't have the time for them as adult.
So, he has quite a bit of experience in making things work.
He's AMAZING at communication. He's clear, consice, and careful with his words.
Often times he's able to deesculate a fight before it even becomes one.
And if you're one of those people that will start a fight because you need drama (*cough* me. *cough*) he's quick to notice and shut it down.
"Are you really mad that I lost the remote, or is something else going on Darling? If you're mad that's ok, but I feel like theres a diffrent underlying issue here."
He loves cuddling. Its shocking and strange, I know, but he is touch starved.
Also, he loves kissing. It's one of his favorite things to do, espically with you.
His favorite dates are when he takes you to a facny resteraunt for dinner.
He loves watching you get all dolled up, and he'd be lying if he said it wasn't a nice little ego boost to walk in with you on his arm.
Not even just that, he loves taking care of you in anyway he can. So feeding you the finest foods? Top of his To-Do list every day.
While he loves to take you out, He loves staying home with you just as much.
Nanami is insanely good at Tekken, like God-Teir, this is not up for debate.
Really, he's good at all fighting games, but his favorite is Tekken.
And he loves to play with his SO. you're not that good at video games? He's willing to teach you if you're willing to learn.
One of his favorite date night activities is having you be on mic while he plays some online matches. It's hilarious to watch his opponent get a big head, 100000% sure theyre going to own this soft spoken ninny just to get absolutely BODIED by Nanami.
He tries to make it through movie nights. He tries so hard. but he passes out, every. single. time.
even if he really likes the movie! He just can't bring himself to stay awake.
He'll always try for you though. He would do anything for you.
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Ryomen Sukuna
The Devil
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Listen to me reader, LISTEN TO ME: you may see his charming smile and his oddly puppy-dog like eyes and think "OH, come on! how bad could this guy be? He's so cute!"
That is the Devil talking.
I am Sukunas number 1 cumslut and I can tell you from personal experience he is The Worst™.
For one, he's cold as fuck. Even if he is head over heels in love with you, he's too emotionally closed off to ever fucking admit it.
His heart could be doing acrobatics in his chest when you're around, his palms sweating like crazy and his sight suddenly switching to Shojo vision when he's looking at you and he would STILL have you convinced he hated your guts.
Hell, he'd honestly be even meanier to you just so no one suspects his true feelings.
But, once again, you are inevitable and there's no escaping you.
But dont start thinking you're going to get a date or even a talk. Nay nay dear reader.
He just kinda decided at somepoint that you we're dating now. You had no say in it, and didn't even know until he caught you flirting with someone that wasn't him and almost ripped their fuckin head off.
Yandere. I will not explain, nor do I need to. Look at him.
He's hiding you away in his temple and never letting you go.
Which, could be worse. That temple is decadent as FUCK
If you do manage to endure him long enough though, I do think he'd let his soft side slip.
Sukunas love is quiet. It's not showering you in gifts or words of affermation. He's honestly not sure how to do that.
It's quietly holding you in the night, pulling you just a little bit tighter when the nightmares start to make you stir.
It's letting you quietly lay on his chest, tracing his markings, letting you get close enough to his heart and neck to kill him.
It's sitting with you while you read in the garden, secretly reading over your shoulder incase you wanted to talk about it later.
Sukunas love isn't shown in grand gestures, it's shown in his lack of violence. it him quitely, without either of you even realizing, letting his walls down around you.
He's never going to talk about his emotions, ew gross. That would make him weak.
What he would do is pull you into a bath with him, or into the bed, or somewhere else safe and comfrotble, and ask you to talk about your day.
Listening to your voice calms him down, and you know you've helped because when youre done talking about whatever, he quietly thanks you.
He has killed to "protect" you, and would die to atually protect you.
Once you've wormed your way into his heart, theres no leaving. he's obessed and even if you manage to get away one day, he's never getting over you.
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avonne-writes · 3 months
I’ve seen some posts about Benny x Bucky, which is always interesting, and it made me curious if you had any thoughts about what if Gale and Benny were the same person or twins? Not in a Bucky x — way but just. Mota/Bikeriders crossover content. How you think that would work?
Thank you for the great question! Sorry for taking so long to reply.
First, let’s look at what's similar in these characters and what differs (non-exhaustive list because I'm sure I forgot things):
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Both are stoic and introverted
Admired by others
Tough as nails, hard to make them cry
But they both have deeply running emotions that they try not to show
Bad childhood/family issues
Loyalty to their loved ones
Passion (e.g. for riding / flying)
Gale is much more playful and teasing than Benny
He's kinder than Benny too
Gale doesn’t drink, smoke, gamble or break the law
Gale takes responsibility on his shoulders like he doesn’t even know how not to, Benny runs away from it as if it burned
Gale is calm and thinks things through before he acts, Benny is hot-headed and prone to rash decisions
Gale is a leader, Benny is a follower/loner
They're both brave and stubborn but Benny takes it to the point of stupidity (wearing his colours while alone)
Benny's attitude towards death is closer to stalag-John's than to Gale's determination to live
Gale longs to settle down, Benny longs to belong and only settles down when that's what gives him a sense of belonging
Gale tries to look as neat as possible, Benny is comfortable being dirty with dust, grease, oil, blood, since it's part of the identity that helps him feel like he belongs
I can’t imagine them as twins, because if Benny had a sibling like Gale, he wouldn’t have become so wild and desperate to belong somewhere. He would have Gale as a pillar. I think it’s important to why Benny is like this that he doesn’t really have anyone aside from Kathy and Johnny.
If we put Benny and Gale in a room together, I think they wouldn’t get along. They would stay quietly in their own corner, judging the other but also respecting each other.
What do you guys think? Any additional headcanons?
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stat and appearance and vices refresh for Memento Mori, oh my! 𓍢ִ໋🌷͙֒
Hi lovebugs!
I wanted to introduce the changes I'll be making to the Stat page, a peak into some of the vices I'll be adding, and the additional appearance options I'll be giving MC!
Now that I'm more comfortable coding in Twine, I feel like I can implement these changes that many have been requesting!
This refresh won't be implemented until I post Chapter 2 and the updates to Chapter 1 and the prologue. But! That doesn't mean I can't show y'all what I've cooked up!
I wanted to 1) simplify the stats so I can have an easier time writing flavor texts depending on different MC's 2) have a stat dedicated to the MC's emotional arc.
So, stat changes?
There will now be two additional stats. The SANITY stat, and the HEALTH stat. Both are on a scale from 0-100. The HEALTH stat is pretty self explanatory. The more banged-up your MC gets, the lower the stat goes. Don't let it get to 0...we only have one doctor around here.
The SANITY stat is MC's attunement to their emotions, the quality of their coping mechanisms, the emotional wear and tear they've encountered, and their reactions to these events. This singular stat will replace the traits section. A higher SANITY will mean that MC is more merciful, level-headed, emotionally mature, and optimistic about their future. They think with their head, and can set their emotions aside when it comes down to difficult decisions. A lower SANITY will mean MC has a tendency to be violent, impulsive, selfish, and cynical. They are much more volatile and prone to explosive outbursts. This MC is more likely to let their emotions influence their decisions, for better and for worse.
You begin the Prologue with a SANITY stat of 80. Those dreams....
If we're being real, this SANITY stat will have a great impact on the kinds of decisions your MC makes under high stress. Oh, you thought you as a reader would be able to have your low SANITY MC react logically when they're in a life or death situation? Think again, my friend. When tensions are high and emotions boil over, I will be using SANITY stat checks to determine how a MC reacts, and how successful they are achieving their goal. So, keep an eye on that SANITY stat. The choices you make throughout the story can be the difference between life or death when it matters most.
That isn't to say that higher SANITY MC's will always make good decisions. You might think that you've considered every variable and the logical answer is the best one. That isn't always the case. You might lose the people you care about, in more ways than one. You can't always live cautiously. To live a fulfilling life, you must take risks and put your heart on the line. No choice can be worse than the wrong choice.
In addition to these two stats, there will still be the Personality stat section and the skills section. These are mostly unchanged, save for some wording.
Stoic or Friendly
Intimidating or Charming
Stubborn or Compliant
Insincere or Genuine
Alien Knowledge
There are many flavor texts I'm adding, as well as changes to dialogue or character interactions depending on your MC's skillset or personality!
There will also be some fun "hidden" dialogues or interactions for those of you that max out on a skill. Fortune favors the bold!
For MC appearance updates, what's tea?
Firstly, please note that not all of these changes will be set one after the other. I will do my best to integrate them as seamlessly as possible into the chapters. Having multiple customization choices back to back feels clunky to me while I'm writing. So if some choices don't show up immediately, don't worry!
I'll be adding 6 clothing options in total and letting MC be super fly so fresh so clean if they want to be (3 more masculine outfits, 3 more feminine although clothing is genderless you know the vibes)
Along with the already-present eye color and hair color, MC will also be able to set their skin color.
Tattoos, piercings, and details such as freckles, dimples, stretch marks, and the presence/absence of glasses.
Top surgery scars will be available!
MC can set their body types/physique. (and how they feel about it)
Determine whether MC wears makeup or not, and which style of makeup.
Now, these vices...sit down let's discuss
Taking from my own experiences as well as research, MC will be able to partake in drug use, alcohol use, and sexual activity as a way of coping with the trauma they've experienced. They will not start indulging in this vice before chapter 1, so we can see the slow progression/descent and get the full range of repercussions.
If any of you have any suggestions to any of the three sections above, I'm all ears! I cannot promise I can accommodate any or all of the recommendations, but I will note them down! Just please be respectful, or the ask will be deleted ✧˖° (i'm putting a lil cute emoji here but y'all please do not piss me awfffff)
Anyways, I hope y'all like the changes I'll be implementing! I'm happy that I'm getting used to the different coding and variations; now I get to add more customization!
Happy Sunday, everyone!! Be sure to laugh today!!
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shini--chan · 1 year
May I request a birth scenario for the 2ps. You can do either side first and make 2 separate posts.
There is one ask further up in my ask box asking for the dreaded birth scenario with the 2p axis anyway, so I’ll just be doing the 2p allies for now. Warning for implied non-con, manipulation & coercion. You’re reading this at your own risk.
Yandere 2p! Allies – Dreaded Birth
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“Not like you have much choice, cupcake”, Allen lazily drawled from his place next to you. He had tidied himself up for the birth, and it was downright surreal to see him in a blue overall with a hairnet and mask. Exhausted as you were from pressing the baby out, you had nearly not recognised him for a moment.
“You are not the mother of that…”, you began weakly only to be cut off by him.
“Yes, I’m the daddy and you are the mommy and you’ll act the part. Taking care of another human being will be good for your mental health. We talked about this sugar. You are just acting like this because you just had a difficult birth and post-partum depression is already setting in. Plus, you’re anxiety is showing again.”
Allen would quickly see what you are up to and would do his best to stamp it out as soon as possible. He would have possible caught on to your true feelings on the matter long before the deliver would have taken place with how you would be more emotional and prone to lash out in the weeks leading up to the event. As such, he would have a plan in mind to deal with you.
Would either take you to a small country hospital or a hippy commune to have the birth. There, he would either know the people very well, letting him be the more credible person in the room, or it would be a group of complete strangers that wouldn’t care about your fate and therefore have no incentive to intervene.
Would likely give you a joint or cannabis tea afterwards to make you calm down. Promises would be made and he would have a serious heart-to-heart conversation with you, doing his best to sway you. If else, the carrot and the stick will have to do.
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Sighing Mark turned to the midwife, asking: “Mind leaving us alone for a minute? I have to have a word with my wife.”
“Please don’t go”, you stated. “I don’t want to be alone with him.”
Cassidy, as she was called, looked uncertain between you and Mark, not knowing who to heed. She probably also sensed that something foul was afoot, having likely been in similar situations before, situations where not everything was as it seem on the surface.
“I had a fight with my honey-buns before the contractions started. With everything that happened today, she is probs more mad at me than she usually would be.”
“Alright. I’ll just be by the door. When you have finished comforting her, not hesitate to shout”, the woman said somewhat hurriedly, and then scurried out of the room. Typical – she just wanted to believe what he had said, because the alternative would be so extremely troubling. Now you were alone with the wolf.
Mark could do his best to construct the situation as just an unfortunate series of events. Though, because he wouldn’t be the most sociable and suave guys, he would likely leave opening that you could easily exploit. Taking with the nurse a bit or some other person witnessing the awkward scenes, and you could have a very willing accomplice that could help you escape and even testify in court.
Aside from that, would sit on your bed and do a long lecture, while holding the baby in his arms. Would chide you of disturbing the sleep of the little one if you would raise your voice and reprimand you for being so heartless as to rejecting such a cute and helpless thing that would suffer dearly without your aid. If it initially wouldn’t work, then he would have the following weeks to convince you.
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Zao raised a thin eye-brow, a rather emotional gesture for such a stoic man. Or at least, for when he wasn’t under the influence of anything. Ignoring your protests, he shoved the baby in your arms, forcing you to take it unless the small tumbled to the side of the narrow bed you had just given birth in and smash its head open. The midwives had just finished washing the wax off the pliable body and swaddled the boy in blankets. After handing the father his child, they had all filed out doubtlessly in accordance to some preplanned schedule.
This China wouldn’t leave much room for argument. He would ensure that events would be framed to make sure that out of the two of you, you would be viewed as the evil doer. The people around you would offer you a lot of unsolicited advice on child rearing and ensure that would be doing your job of a dutiful mother. Should you fail on doing that, they would be the ones to lecture you and shame you. That could or couldn’t be Zao’s intentions, yet the outcome would be that you would feel the pressure more acutely, since it wouldn’t just be some crazed faux-lover telling you what to do.
It would be one of those circumstances where he would continuously invite people over, just to force you into the role of mother. Other’s would gossip and look down on you if you wouldn’t, after all.
All the time, would act as if you are not protesting against motherhood – shoving the child in your arms, leaving you alone with him and assigning you the role of primary caretaker. He is not going to feed the boy, would you let the kid starve? You know that you could go to jail for child abuse if you’d do so.
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Oliver giggled softly, bright blue eyes shining.
“What did you say, poppet?”, he asked brightly. His appearance made you step back. He was covered in blood, your blood to be exact, seeing that he had played midwife.
You had hoped that the deliver would have meant that you would have been allowed to see other people. Sadly, he had deftly dashed your hopes by doing the task himself. It shouldn’t have surprised you – the mere notion of you in somebody else’ arms drove him berserk.
“Nothing, dear”, you answered quietly, feeling tears well up in your eyes.
Oliver wouldn’t hesitate to go full batshit insane if you would ruin his dream of a happy little family. He would desire, no require a sweet little life with a darling sweet wife and a cute tyke to be happy, so don’t dare tear that away from him.
If you would insist on being difficult, he would go one of two routs. The first one would be dragging you to his personal torture chamber, disregarding that you just gave birth, and torturing you a few hours. You would only be allowed out every once in a while for a quick clean-up and to breastfeed the child.
Or he could play the long game by turning the child you would hate so much against you. Then he would have an ally in keeping your behaviour in check. Perhaps, that route would be so much to his liking that he would force another child on you and repeat the whole process.
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Francois carelessly snipped the finished bud of his ciggerette towards the rublish bin. It missed and rolled on the floor, vanishing in an arc behind the bin. Sighing for the untempth time this hour already and looked up at you. You were staring at the craddle with bitter contempt, as if the squeaking child had gravely insulted you. This was slowly going too far. Sure, he had would also be more peeved if he would be bleeding from his genitals for over a month and stretched skin turned into a wrinkly flap of tissue. "It is not as if she tried to kill you so stop trying to set her on fire with your eyes", he tiredly commented. Affairs like this made him even more tired than usual. Maybe there was still some German beer in the fridge to calm his nerves. "And yet she still nearly did", you curtly snip back, all to happy to let out your anger now. Ah yes, there was that. On good days Francois could easily forget that you nearly died during childbirth. Partially, he had been angry at the baby for that, at least in the beginning, however, unlike you, he was a rational person and worked quickly to overcome his misgivings. - Francois' solution would just be to shrug off your responses and wait. Surely you would have only been hysterical at the moment and given a few weeks you would surely calm down. If not, then he would resort to violence - burns and choking and attempts to impregnate you again. - Though, that would only be the case if he would still want the child. If you could argue your case well enough, then he would put the child up for adoption. That would be the outcome anyway, if he would find the child to be too difficult he would give it away, regardless of your feelings on the matter.
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Victor raised his eyebrows in askance and then his expression proceeded to melt into one of mirth. The usually stone expression vanished, the corners of his eyes crinkling and his mouth forming into a smile that had too many teeth. Hiding the lower half of his face inside his signature red scarf, he looked even more sinister. That was when it came to you - his happiness stemmed from giddy anticipation. You had just broke one of the rules in this elaborate game of cat and mouse, you had just given him an exuse to act out his crueller fantasies. Normally, you were more careful, but this time, you had lost it all because you had allowed your emotions to get the better of you for the fraction of a minute. Those red eyes, twinkled down at you as he carefully laid the buddled little babe in your lap. You felt a shiver run down your spin as he patted your messy hair. The gesture would be affectionate, if you didn't know him. Ice gathered in your belly and you found yourself frozen with dread. "I'll keep your words in mind", he said softly, and with that, you knew that you were doomed. - Victor would use this as an excuse to let out his pent up anger and frustration out on you. For a few weeks, you would become his emotion punching bag. Of course, it would be constructed so that you would likely not suffer permanent damage. Emphasise on likely, because that could change very quickly if would provoke him. While standardly a very collected man, when he would already be swimming in anger, he would lose all tolerance for bs. - During that time, he would still have you tend to the child. Your treatment of the little one would determine if your punishment would be extended or shortened as well as the intensity of it. Of course, he wouldn't tell you of this - it would just be more fun for him to have you figure it out yourself. - Such an "event" could occur again and again during the life of your child, depending on your behaviour towards them. Family is something that Victor would take extremely seriously.
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danger-xylophones · 2 years
Hey! I hope you're having a good day/night <3 I had a LOTR and/or The Hobbit headcannon request but if you're not taking those rn I understand <3 How various characters would react to a friend (reader) who is very emotional (like, the type of person who when they find something funny they LAUGH HARD, has deff. been kicked out of public places for fighting people who made them angry, and gets teary eyed even over the death and suffering of animals and total strangers) Any character is fine, I love them all, but please include Gandalf (he's SO COOL! and I feel like he doesn't get included in hcs enough but idk-) Thank you <3 :)
Howdy, I am still taking requests it just takes me awhile to get around to them.
I also agree Gandalf should show up more.
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Gandalf adores you
You are unequivocally one of his favorite people
And that's saying a lot considering he's been around for centuries
He loves how expressive you are and wishes more people were as free with their emotions, he thinks that maybe some problems in middle-earth could be solved if people were just more open about how they're feeling
Of course, he acknowledges that your propensity for expression can be a danger at times
He would never wish for you to stop being so expressive, but he does wish you'd quit getting kicked out of bars
It makes it hard to go get a drink with you because you're banned from a lot of places for 'roughhousing'
He's keen to have you meet Radagast, he thinks the two of you would get along swimmingly
I will add he's hesitant to smoke anything other than pipeweed with you - I mean, you're already prone to heightened emotions when sober, he's a bit scared to see what happens when you've got some for of recreational substance in you.
You're the first person he wants to show any new fireworks he learns to make to because you let your enchantment with the party favors shine through unabashedly
Beorn was initially a bit put off by you
He's very quiet and used to the company of animals who normally don't laugh when he cracks a joke to himself
But he warms up to you when he sees just how deeply you care for anyone and anything
He took you on a walk one day and you started crying because you found a tree that'd been scorched by a lighting bolt
And again when you were so gentle and tender with one of his horses that suffered a bad scrape on its side
He starts to open up a bit when you're around
It's not that noticeable but the jokes he normally cracks to himself are now loud enough for you to hear
He looks forward to your sporadic visits now
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Being an elf who was raised to keep a stoic countenance, he finds your expressiveness odd but a welcome change
The first time he cracked a joke that made you laugh he was worried you'd asphyxiate
Gandalf had to be the one to explain that you were just like that, that you felt things a bit differently from others
It takes Legolas a bit to get used to just how strong your emotions are
He happened to be in a bar with you when you got kicked out once, he was worried he'd be helping you bury a body before the end of the night
He understands your empathy for animals though, as that is something he can say he feels deeply
Elves share a special bond with all life and though they are often spared by death, that does not mean witnessing it ever gets easier
He eventually learns to appreciate your expressiveness as a gift few can claim to have
Galadriel is very fond of you
You remind of her of her younger self who was more wild and willing to let her feelings shine through
She loves it when you tell her stories of your life
Your still just as emotive while recounting your journeys with Gandalf to her as you probably were while traveling
She's a bit jealous of you though, as she wishes she could show her emotions as freely as you do
You're a breath of fresh air for her
As the Lady of Lothlorien, she has a certain countenance she must uphold and that stoicism is often repaid with aloofness from her fellow elves
But you remind her she is also a person, same as you, and that she feels too
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Whenever you get tossed out of a bar, Gimli's often right there with you
He's also loud and expressive
You can hear his laugh through the clamor of a filled tavern and his temper has also gotten his name blacklisted at a few mead halls
He thinks of you're pretty dwarvish, which is high praise to him
Dwarves are passionate folk and that passion is celebrated because it takes great emotions to ring art from stone
He does feel a bit awkward if he sees you cry only because it takes a lot to make dwarves cry
So he's a bit clumsy if he tries to comfort you
But he loves that he can find you in a crowd if he pauses to listen for a laugh
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Bard doesn't know how to feel about you, if he's perfectly honest
You remind him of his children who are still learning how to control their temperaments
And his initial thought is that you're too immature
However, when he does finally sit down and talk to you he's quick to realize that this supposed 'immaturity' is something he completely fabricated
You're incredibly intelligent, emotionally and intellectually
And he soon realizes he made a grave mistake judging you so early on
He comes to love just how boisterous your laugh is
It becomes enough for him to start laughing just hearing you laugh
He's still learning how to handle you're more fiery emotions
But he's a loyal friend who'll stick with you even when you get the both of you kicked out of the bar
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senjuushi · 1 year
Memory Au — Character Info Post
Time for a New Au! >:D This one uses a scenario where, through an unknown summoning glitch, the gunboys are temporarily returned to the physical and mental state they were in when they were first summoned... and before all of the abuse and trauma had fully started happening. Or had only just started.
Overall, that means innocent, trusting, openly needy guns who don't have the experience or awareness to hide their more vulnerable traits. Some are outwardly much better off than how they'd later end up, some just have a different set of issues.
For asks/requests, you can take the chance to treat these un-broken versions of the gunboys with kindness... or you can be their first truly terrible experiences. The aftermath of the switch is also a fun part to think about; when they go back to their normal selves, yet retain all of the memories of what happened to them while they'd been changed.
Requests are open for this now, so have fun! General questions (about the Au itself, character personalities, etc) are welcome!
. . .
Sweet, somewhat shy, and deeply eager to be a good Musketeer just like his useful, reliable brother. He’s soft-hearted and emotionally sensitive— both praise and disapproval affect him massively. Cries easily and is awful at hiding his emotions. Physical affection makes him melt, but he’s easily flustered by too much attention or intimate touch.
Still hyperactive and more than a little stupid, but behaves more like an overexcited kid than a battle-happy maniac. He’s constantly pestering his Master and seeking out attention, eager to learn about everything they like and join in on their happiness. Shows his soft-hearted crybaby side far more often, and runs to his Master whenever he wants comfort.
Soft-spoken, gentle, and almost angelically elegant. Delicate in both body and demeanor. Rather than being disconnected and distant from the world to protect himself, he adores the beauty of the world around him and is far more willing to open up and connect with others. He can be slightly spacey and frequently ends up lost in his thoughts.
Just like an eager puppy, he’s clingy, happy, and excited by nearly everything. He’s able to talk in this state, and not afraid at all to do so. While he still does have a rather anxious personality, to some degree, he’s more willing to show how helpful and clever he can be, and nowhere near as panicky. He’s full of energy and usually fidgeting because of it.
Still aware that he’s a failed prototype, and anxiety-ridden because of it. Terribly insecure and afraid of abandonment, yet still hopeful that he can prove himself useful to earn his Master’s attention. Follows his Master like a persistent shadow, though he’s too nervous to ask for attention outright. Highly emotional and not jaded enough to try to hide it.
While he’s still introverted and prone to depressive spirals, he’s much more hopeful and optimistic. Shy and highly responsive to any kindness from others, he quickly grows attached to those who show interest in him. Quickly gets clingy and needy with a kind master. He’s still awkward around other people, but without the beaten-in fear of rejection.
Emotionally stunted and struggles with empathy, yet puts in effort to connect with the other guns. Caring, protective, and often fills a “big brother”-like role. Does his best to fulfill whatever orders he receives; takes commands very seriously, especially when they come from his Master. Far more gentle than his size and stoic face would suggest.
Though he still has high expectations of himself, he’s far more willing to take his own needs into account. Eager to be of use and make the most of his capabilities, and often pushes himself too far to please others. Much more relaxed and open, though he’s still polite and deeply respectful. Has a close relationship with F and tries to help him succeed.
Needy, attention-seeking, and as much of a brat as ever, but in a very different way. He’s only experienced the first steps of the abuse that would follow, so he doesn’t yet see sex as love. Mischievous without being sadistic, and without his usual vicious envy. Wants his Master’s love desperately, but in the form of cuddles and praise instead of being used.
As hyperactive, upbeat, and energetic as ever, but without the scattered thinking and impulsive decision-making. Incessantly cheerful and excited to be of as much use as possible. Still has his blood/red phobia, but to a far lesser and more manageable extent. Eagerly hopeful for his Master’s attention and wants to earn it in whatever way he can.
Since his gun is a faulty mess, he’s been afraid and in pain from the beginning. Far more panicky and plain because he lives in fear of his flaws being noticed. Lacks his usual faked persona and persistent sense of humor, but also doesn’t yet have the reflex to hide his needs with a Master who’s kind to him. Clings to Like2 as a “protector”.
Open about how badly he wants to be spoiled and loved. Seeks comfort and nice things in whatever way he can, and melts into any affection. Desperately wants to make himself pretty and sweet and worth being loved, but without his usual method of doing that. Cries more easily and often and admits when he’s uncomfortable or in pain.
Sweet and eager to be of service however he can. Instead of being stoic and aggressive, he’s openly adoring of his Master and almost prefers being a lap dog over being a bodyguard. Always trying to cling to his Master’s arm or hold their hand. Responsive to praise and any kind of attention, with a precious smile whenever he’s treated kindly.
Instead of keeping up a cutesy, well-behaved front, he’s openly and happily an eager little menace who enjoys causing mischief at every chance he gets. Smug and somewhat cocky, but turns into an eager, adoring mess when with his Master. Far more trusting, without the same fear of people knowing his true self. Loves attention and feeling spoiled.
He’s still kind of not okay— in the sense that he has serious issues with emotional processing and disturbing responses to violence—, but he hasn’t reached the point of believing he deserves nothing but suffering and pain. Desperately wants kindness and affection, with no idea how to get it. Immature, mentally distant, and highly naive.
Though his personality is mostly unchanged, he’s somehow even more annoying. With no experience telling him that he can’t be near his Master constantly, he’s unbearably clingy and embarrassingly eager to please. A little less viciously protective, since he’s not yet fully aware of how many threats there are in the world. Pathetically naive.
Like Two
Lacks his usual abrasive, hot-tempered persona. Though he’s still pretty tsun, it’s more of the flustered, vaguely in denial type than the angry type. More willing to admit to his feelings, especially when he’s upset or in pain. Presents himself more femininely and isn’t as desperate to hide the things he likes. Openly needy, especially when he’s stressed.
Deeply afraid of making mistakes because of his status as a near-perfect gun. He hasn’t convinced himself he’s a lump of iron yet, so he has no mental barrier to make him think he’s flawless. He’s still calm, polite, and highly functional, but he lacks his usual ego and has very little ability to completely conceal his emotional responses. Desperate to be “good enough”.
Quiet and spacey, but not fully dissociating. His awful memories of his past as a weapon aren’t quite so all-consuming. Enjoys people-watching and trying to connect with others despite being terribly awkward and stiff. Clings to people who offer comfort even though he feels guilty for it. Not completely accustomed to violence and pain yet.
His body is still weak and sickly, but the damage is nowhere near as far along. With some lingering hope of being useful to his Master, his self-esteem is slightly better. More outgoing and not as self-conscious, and eager to find ways to make even his fragile self worthwhile. Still tries to hide what’s “wrong” with him, but opens up more easily.
Eager to prove himself as useful and capable, without the tough-guy act to hide that. Proud of himself and his work, yet still highly responsive to praise. He willingly shows his “housewife” behavior in the hopes his skills will be recognized and admired. Nervous about if he’ll be stuck in his brother’s shadow, but lacks the assertiveness to stand up for himself.
Desperate for affection and recognition, but with no ability to control his distress when he’s rejected or disliked. Lacks his usual coping methods of violence and sex, so he’s prone to awful meltdowns instead. Highly needy and emotional, and still prone to vicious jealousy, but without the unpleasant walls to keep his surprisingly sensitive heart guarded.
Proud and proper, but far less distrustful. Affectionate and highly protective toward his Master, similar to how he behaves around Arisaka. Much more comfortable with receiving affection and care, though it still flusters him quite a bit. Happy to be relied on. Not quite as quick to resort to violence (or attempted murder) despite his temper.
Much less depressed and withdrawn, though he is still prone to self-consciousness and anxious moods. Tentatively willing to reach out to people and socialize, without so much of a fear of rejection. Easily attached to those who treat him kindly. While he’s still quiet and awkward, he’s not assuming everything in his life will stay awful and unhappy.
While he’s still serious and fairly calm, his “little gun” side shows a lot more. He’s more openly clingy with his Master, willing to seek out attention and try to stay close to their side, but he’s also a little too eager to fulfill their orders. Quiet, somewhat dense, and still naive about a lot of the world; can easily be confused by new concepts and expectations.
Openly blunt, aggressive, and far less cheerful. He feels out of place and worries that his Master will view him poorly, and is self-conscious because of it. Highly uncomfortable with affection and kind treatment— both because he’s not used to it, and because he thinks he doesn’t deserve it. A little too willing to put his body in harm’s way if it’s of any use.
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antheiantics · 2 years
Breaking down ENTJ stereotypes to uncover the true face of the type pt.1
1. ENTJ individuals are cold and emotionless
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Okay, that's by far the most idiotic stereotype of them all and one I haven't been shy to object to in this blog of mine. That's the main reason why I chose to cover it first.
First things first:
No one is emotionless. We all feel things. ENTJs just choose not to show it that much. We are analytical, observant, and what one might call stoic. It's not like there isn't something that has hurt, bothered, or offended me, I just try and find a way for it not to prevent me from doing my day-to-day tasks. No one likes to have to work or communicate with openly emotional messes. Of course, it's a good thing to express yourself... shutting yourself out or pretending everything's fine is an option but never a solution to the issue, and we ENTJs love solutions. They're practically our drive for anything which kind of explains the fact that we're good at finding and establishing them. Being able to control ourselves in tight situations or around certified stress inducers, as I'm keen on calling humans, is essential to us. Anyone can lose their composure, it's always easier to let go than to keep it down. ENTJs understand that and sometimes even unconsciously strive to achieve it, whilst still being on the job to look presentable and socially active. That's where it becomes tricky - to look like you have it together when you don't, to maintain the appearance of the "fine and successful way of life".
Smiling, actively participating in conversations, sharing ideas and opinions, debating when needed, backing down (reluctantly, if it must be somehow defined), taking charge or navigating others while they lead are all part of the things we make ourselves do, to maintain our image of the always prepared person that's capable, well-organised and a tower of strength. To other people, we might seem proud and conceited at first. Sometimes we appear as robots because we take on situations a lot more different than how it's normally expected. We take in shocks well and are durable. Sometimes we think so much, that we forget to react appropriately because we were busy thinking about the possible outcomes. To put it simply, brainstorming is on 24/7. ENTJs are prone to a lot of overthinking. If there are three possible scenarios of how a certain event might go, we come up with four. That's not to say that we're the only ones capable of doing that, a lot of people are overthinkers too, but the main difference between them and us is that their overthinking is derived from possible past experiences (traumas, toxic relationships, anxiety) and ours is more like a personality trait. I can't recall a moment in my life when I wasn't thinking of possible scenarios for all the different kinds of situations I was in. Sometimes it even became too much. I was too aware and that slowed my reaction time to a negative number because my brain was so ahead of the present moment that it already counted the event for passed, finished achieved, you name it - in other words, over.
Being emotionally strict with ourselves isn't an ally to us either. I've had moments in which I've hardly managed to get a word out because I'm so confused about how I feel that my brain just stops working.
When it comes to feeling spectre ENTJs are as well developed as any other person out there (excluding the issues, varying from person to person). However, if we speak about the full emotional spectre, our operating system starts to glitch. Emotions are not unfeelable but are hard to process and when they are hard to process they become a burden. And what do ENTJs do about burdens? Yep, you guessed it right, we remove it.
That's all there is to it. Emotions are not a burden, but when they do appear as one, we push them away for later so we might navigate smoothly throughout our lives. The coldness that's negatively looked upon, is the fruit of the constant thinking of possible outcomes, statistics, and solutions.
Part 2 will come sooner or later, depending on the interest this blog gets. Hope you enjoyed reading, thank you in advance for appreciating my work.
See you soon.
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ladyfluffbutt · 1 year
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Here's Alora's daughter, Akari Estelle DeKimora
more info below
Name Meaning: Brightest Star of the Golden Meadow
Gender: Female (she/her)
Age: 10
Height: 4'4"  132.08cm (barley taller than Kotetsu)
Species: Witch
Nicknames: Kari, Aki, Child of Light, akuma (by those who dislike her), Little Vulcan (by Solan)
Powers: Pyrokinesis/Pyromancy, fire/flame/lava invulnerability, shape shifting, heightened speed and strength
Personality: Stubborn and can have a temper when pushed. Intense focus when it's something that interests her (i.e. her glass work crafting), careful and distrusting to most, quiet around strangers and prone to glaring at any who approach, blunt, independent, stoic, perfectionist.
After her mother is nearly killed she doesn't trust ANY human save for her Father and distances herself from all others, ever her best friend. She becomes clingy to both parents and often gets anxious when Alora is away, fearing losing her.
Flame manipulation/summoning/immunity
Extremely rare traits among witches and even more rare for them all to belong to one witch together. Only one other witch has this combination of abilities and immunities.
She is rather inexperienced so must be careful otherwise she can easily set things on fire unintentionally.
Common knowledge passed down from her mother
 glass work /metal work crafting
Learning to make things with materials that she can physically handle in their molten forms. makes trinkets such as chimes and necklaces.
still learning
Has extensive knowledge of flowers and tends to a massive garden that's hers and hers alone. She loves flowers
​Alora Vega DeCeleste: Mother
​Hotaru Haganezuka: Father
​Kotetsu: Best friend
​Tetsuido: "grandfather" (looked after her with his wife when Alora needed rest and help)
​Solan: Self-Appointed Uncle and an annoyance to her
​Irizhia: Ancestor. Has yet to actually meet her and is not sure she ever wants to since she disowned her Mother
Fun Facts
​- Her hands turn a black ash color when she uses her power. It grows depending on how much power she uses and fades after she stops for a time. Her fingertips are always this color though.
​- Her clothing is a blending of her parents' traditional clothing. The red haori was a gift from her father that she cherishes.
- Will not use her fire powers around her mother.
​- Spends a lot of time with her father in his work hut. Even has a space where she can practice her own work
​- Idolizes Haganezuka and thinks he's the best swordsmith. Doesn't tolerate any negative talk of him in her presence and  will snap at any who try, adult or child.
​- Learning glass work specifically because her Dad likes glass chimes so much. the chimes on his sandogasa were all made by her.
​- Some of the the metal wind chimes and wind sculptures that are around her mother's shrine were made by her
​- Because of her fire powers being influenced by her emotions, namely anger, she doesn't venture too far into the village unless accompanied, mainly by Tecchin or Kotetsu
​- Nobody outside of Kozo Kanamori knows she's Haganezuka's daughter. The other smiths assume she just targets him since he's always off in the woods somewhere. They all can't even fathom him having a child, despite how similar the two look to one another.
​-Kotetsu doesn't even know, though he does have his suspicions. Doesn't want to offend her if he'sactually wrong though so he doesn't say anything
​- Haganezuka doesn't tell anyone because he doesn't want his own reputation to negatively impact Akari. It's also a means of protecting her mother. He's sure none of the smiths would ever harm either witch, but Alora's cautious nature has rubbed off on him.
​- Kotetsu is one of her only friends that's her own age, as Akari tends to find other kids annoying and stupid. She helps Kotetsu and his Father with the Yoriichi doll.
​- Was absolutley devastated when Kotetsu's father passed as it made her realize she'd long outlive others she cared for, including Kotetsu and her Father. Immedietly went to Hotaru's hut and interrupted his work as she was panicked and crying. It was the first time Hotaru ever saw her cry and to say that it easily broke his concentration to hear her choke out his name in a sob was an understatement. He and Alora had to talk her down and comfort her through her grief before they went to comfort Kotetsu and his family.
​- Akari doesn't express much emotion outside of anger and mild annoyance on a typical day. That day she came crying to Hotaru has stuck with him. The only one that tops it is when she came to him thinking her Mother had just been burned alive, all because she saved a young man from death in another village. He's had nightmares about that day.
-Akari likes playing with kotetsu's hair. Kotetsu enjoys it.
-There is a festival in celebration of Akari's birthday. It's known as the Starfall Festival.
​Akari was actually an "oopsy baby" and was born in the Forest of Ages. While not being an intended child, Alora welcomed her into the world with happy tears and a loving embrace. Hotaru found out later and the two adults agreed to co-parent their child.
​Thankfully Akari didn't fully inherit Hotaru's hot-blooded nature as she only becomes enraged when pushed. Her temper has lead to some confrontations with various kids in the village. Luckilly she's only used her fire powers to intimidate and deter them from causing further issues with her. Kotetsu is the only one to brave her fire and actually forge a proper friendship with her. When not with her Dad or Tecchin she's spending time with him. This time increased when Kotetsu's father passed.
​Hotaru and Akari have an interesting father/daughter relationship. They talk more like colleagues in public. But when it's just the two of them or only Kanamori is present in the work hut, they become more close. Akari takes great interest in whatever Hotaru is working on and her focus on it is almost as keen as his. Akari is always hunting for more information about her father since he doesn't really talk too much about himself. Tecchin is always happy to tell her stories despite not knowing why she has such an interest in Haganezuka. 
When she discovered how much he liked glass chimes, she set to learning how to make glass crafts. Unlike typical glass blowing, she found that she could bend and mold molten glass much like dough to achieve what she wanted without needing to blow into it or anything. She really wanted to make a glass chime for her father and figured it's be easy with her magic.
The next time she was with her father at his work hut she set about her task. It was a lot harder than she expected. She could easily manipulate molten glass, that was true, but she was inexperienced and trying to make it keep its shape while it cooled was difficult. In the end the glass chime didn't come out the way she hoped. The top was warped and the sound it made wasn't quite right as the glass was thicker in some spots. Akari was so upset and disappointed in it that she went to break it in frustration.
She was stopped by Hotaru, who'd been watching what she was doing for the last half an hour. She tried to take it back, saying it wasnt good and she needed it to be perfect for him. He stopped her and said it was perfect the way it was because she made it for him. He talked to her about his training and learning how to properly forge a sword. He made many mistakes and his first sword he worked on alone was far from perfect, yet Tecchin still kept it. It served to remind Hotaru where he started compared to where he is now. Her chime was made with no prior training or teaching. Yes it had imperfections but it was a symbol of her skill starting out and he was going to cherish it. 
He encouraged her to practice and even seeks out other glass craftsman on his travels so he can take notes from them to help her. He still has her first glass chime hung up just outside his bedroom and violently threatens anyone who make fun of it or touch it.
Akari improves quickly and, needless to say, Hotaru couldn't be more proud of her.
After a couple years Akari asks to go traveling with her mother and, after much begging, Alora concedes. Akari bid those she cared for a farewell and promise that they'd be back after a few months. 
She returned after two...alone and eyes wide with terror...
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bluebunnyears-08 · 2 years
How Rusty Rose Could Be Darker: Analysis Of A Rusted Rose
Alright, so I really want to talk about how the very concept of Rusty Rose could be even more messed up. So here's a post on our robotic queen <3
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So you guys are wondering, how can the concept of one of the sweetest Sonic characters becoming nothing more than a robot of destruction, used for 5 dictators' purposes be darker than it already is?
Well, what if I presented the ideas of both lobotomy and body removal, not to mention the mental issues that Rusty has? Yep, we're going to explore that!
First let's speak about body removal, the easier one. Let's take a look at Rusty's design, shall we?
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She has no real body parts save for her head, and only by a little. Her arms and legs have clearly been removed as well as the rest of her body, including her organs, which is horrifying. Even her hair is nothing more than a helmet.
This makes you think, well not ALL of her organs are removed, I mean she still has a heart right?
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Yeah, It's not pleasant. She has a flicky in place of a heart which is horrifying, both for the implications that the flicky is being used as an energy source, and that Rusty shows no attachment to it. The only thing that has been saved is a side of her face. The rest of her is nothing but Robo limbs. It's seen in the pirate episodes that Rusty is also waterproof. And in the first two episodes, it's shown she's fireproof.
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In fact, she doesn't even have her other eye, it's just a red dot now. Not to mention her emerald eye, her real eye, looks robotic as well.
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Rusty isn't human anymore. She lost that to the Council, who use her as a tool. Which makes me all the more curious about what the hell happened to make Rusty this way? What made her decide to damage herself to become a killer cyborg?
We probably won't find out until season 2, so I'm just going to go on to my next point.
Now I know some of you are saying that what Rusty does is in code, but wouldn't they have to get to her brain in order to do that? Not to mention, Rusty can be programmed to change sides without question. And when that happens her red dot turns to yellow, which is probably just because Nine was the one in control with his signature color of yellow.
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Rusty doesn't act like the Amy we know, she's cold, apathetic, and robotic. But Rusty shows emotions, but it's just barely expressed. Most of the time she has a stoic frown on her face.
The effects of lobotomy are a change in the subject's personality, emotions, empathy, and ability to function on their own. However, a long-term side effect is a mental dullness.
Lobotomy is a process where the subjects (I'm never saying patient to such a horrible thing) have neural connections between the frontal lobe, a part of the brain that controls the person's memory, emotions, and problem-solving skills severed by a sharp surgical tool.
I think the process Rusty went through was the Transorbital Lobotomy, which is where the process done through the person's eye sockets. Something must've gone wrong or something because her left eye is no longer there. So they replaced it with the grate and dot, which could be something planted inside Rusty's eyesocket (Yeah I know, I'm getting squirmish too).
The effects of transorbital lobotomy (which is used to eliminate excess emotion and stabilize a personality, which the Council might've used to remove any strong emotions) can cause the subject to be childlike and less prone to worry.
Now I know some of you might be saying that Rusty isn't childish, not really, but Rusty's needs to look to others for orders and random bouts of emotions evoke a childlike feel to her. Like she's a child looking to adults for guidance.
This brings me to my last point in this post; Rusty's complex issue.
When it's looked into more, Rusty doesn't seem to serve on the council because she just wants to, it's probably to feel validated or appreciated. Instead of giving herself validation and accepting herself, she undergoes robotic implants and lobotomy to please a group of dictators.
Rusty doesn't love herself.
And when she probably realized earlier her mistake, she gives up on fighting it, instilling a dull and emotionally suppressed mindset (not that it wasn't already). But then Nine programs her to fight for the Rebels, and we see that Rusty's more expressive, more lively than she was.
She expresses herself more because she's not alone anymore.
Then Nine abandons her and the Rebels, and we see this.
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When Nine abandons them, Rusty doesn't show shock or surprise; she shows tired disappointment, not at Nine, in fact, she seems to accept his betrayal. In the first picture, her self-disappointment is on full display, she's saddened at the fact that Nine didn't think of her as good enough and left her.
The second picture has her looking down, still sad, still loathing herself.
Then the last one has her finally break into tears, not just at the betrayal, but at her self-thought failure to be useful. She looks angry at herself.
Knuckles is furious, and Rouge is hurt, but Rusty is the one that truly breaks down at that moment. Knuckles and Rouge escape, and we see Rusty. Her sadness was suddenly gone, a small smile on her face.
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It's relieved in a way. It shows what Rusty truly thinks. She doesn't want the city to be a punk-dystopian city, she regrets her choice to join the Council, and she wants freedom like the others. But then this happens.
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She gets reprogrammed to the Council, and her thoughts are overridden by code and she serves the Council once more. She doesn't look too happy about it either.
Then we'll skip to episode 6, with Nine getting captured. When Mister Dr. Eggman announces that Nine has been captured we see a brief look of some sort of sadness on Rusty.
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Only for it to harden.
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Rusty didn't seem happy when the fox she worked under briefly got caught, there's a sense of sadness. Only for it to be squashed down into cold aloofness. She goes back under the Council's plan.
Then in the pirate episode, Rusty sees Black Rose, and both are understandably shocked. Rusty glitches out and refuses to bomb the rest of the ship. Her face as she calls for the robots to stop and her voice both sound panicked.
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She doesn't seem to want to hurt Black Rose for some reason. A reason we'll find out in season 2. Hopefully Black Rose'll make her find peace with herself.
Anyway, this was just another messed up theory, and thank you for reading it! I hope you liked it, and I'll see ya when I come up with another crazy theory.
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reikomizuao3 · 9 months
Last ask (sorry for bombarding you) once the grandkids collect themselves (or at least try to), they have a change in style. Go here for inspo, and they're personalities are a mix of Harley Quinn and their old selves. Like comedic villains but you can see the pain and insanity in their eyes.
Dolores - went back to being silent and reserved but all willing to execute, if need be. Listens for information on Alma and the other adults. Blackmails the town for supplies, she knows everyone's secrets so she can get anyone to do what she and her siblings want.
She blackmailed the local seamstress into letting her siblings stay in her house and allowing Mirabel to use all the fabric and thread she needed to give them new outfits/wardrobe.
While in the seamstress's house they all act like it's they're house and SHE'S the guest. But she knows better than to speak up about it and is always polite to them...hoping they spare her life.
Camilo - Comedic, funny, joker vibe. He's taking an interest in theater and pranking people of the village with...not so safe pranks. that includes his and others' parents. He's also the bomb guy, he makes bombs out of fireworks and unsafe chemicals.
He also cooks and bakes, he's the main cook in their small little family. Dolores easily blackmailed some poor soul into giving them free meat, herbs/spices, and whatever else he needs to cook with.
Mirabel - Bubbly, "sweet", always with a smile, main one with ideas, Harley Vibe. She's all of her siblings' seamstress but sometimes when she's tired Dolores and Isabela will help.
The designs of the clothes are very colorful and spontaneous. All with their respective favorite colors, which aren't magenta, yellow, orange, Blue, violet, dark blue, or any color that resembles the family they used to be in.
The outfits are usually knee length skirts, colorful pants, or pantsuits for the girls. Suits, dress shoes, and other types of boyish clothing for Camilo and Antonio.
Isabela - more prone to lash out, poison ivy vibe, more hateful but kind to her hermanitas and hermanitos, "calm", stoic, also the main one with ideas.
Luisa - "Calm", trying to be more fun, Harley and Spinel vibe: Goofy, unhinged, outbursts (not toward her family), intelligent, cunning, still emotional. She's usually the one
Antonio - He's going back to be shy and quiet. All his older siblings give him animal books to read and coloring books to color while they scheme. Dolores also blackmails the toy store owner into giving her free toys for him. At this point they are all putting their effort in to raise him themselves.
He knows what they are doing, he's not a stupid kid, thanks to Alma. He's been raised to be very aware of his surroundings and to notice every single detail in things. So, he knows his siblings are plotting to make the madrigal house crumble, he just doesn't care.
"To hell with them"
All madrigal kids have a small portion of their gifts. Isabela can make small plants appear here and there. Luisa can still lift some heavy stuff but not anything close to houses. Camilo can shapeshift but only for five minutes at a time and the scar in his face makes it hard for him to blend in.
Thankfully makeup exists in Encanto.
Mirabel can still make diamonds and crystals, but they are break pretty easily. She can't make much jewelry anymore but she something new.
She can make beautiful weapons for her to use when the time comes. The only she has to do is to sketch a few ideas on paper and concentrate more on what she wants to make. In the past, she didn't have to concentrate all that much.
It gives her a headache, but she can withstand it. in the end she has the pretty glass/crystal weapons she wanted.
But of course, these are just suggestions and you can edit things to your liking.
Literally love all of these. I probably won't get to this AU for a long while, I have a story I promised someone back in April that I'm posting tonight, along with finishing all my other stories. I will let you know when I've got something written out and I'll run it by you before posting
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n3xii · 2 years
Your Next Relationship
▪︎☆this reading is meant to give you insight on your next relationship, their personality, how they will treat you and how you make them feel! Choose an image and forgive any spelling errors! ;))
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☆°•Pile One
Personality 》 ace of cups + "achievement"
Your next partner has an endless capcity to love. To them, love comes in many forms, they appreciate and embrace it no matter how it shows up in their life. This ability makes them very vulnerable as their capacity to hold emptional space is infinte. They also care deeply about achievement. They are ambitious, focused and possibly have a deep love for aritcheture. They may appear stoic and overly focused on material matters but this is not always their intention. Their sense of fulfillment does come from achieving massive projects in their lifetime though. They care about structure, discipline and strategy. They enjoy self improvement and expanding themselves in their career. They want to be the best to the best and because of this attitude, they may be critical of themselves and others.
How they feel about you 》 2 of pentacles + "power"
You challenge this person to be more flexible with schedules and structure. They feel you make their life less boring and dull because you shake things up and throw them off their routine in a good way. They feel you have this hidden power and undeninable influence over them that helps them embrace a less serious aspect of their own personality. Thwres something about you that has a subconcious influence over them which challenges them to embrace life's duality in a playful way.
How they treat you 》 5 of cups + "control"
This person may be prone to bad moods that cause them to be withdrawn in their own worlds alot. They project negative feelings onto you. I feel like this person would be the type to notice your flaws and ignore what they like about you. This person's shadow has full control over them, meaning anything they don't like or critique about you is a quality they see in themselves. If you do meet this person, do not internalize or feel responsible for fixing this person's behavior. They are a a passive victim of their own shadow and anyone they become close with will be too.
•☆°Pile two
Personality 》 ten of cups + extremism
This person want to live life to the fullest even if they take it to extremes. They care deeply about details and may overexplain themselves to full express a point. They want to share their happiness with others, their emotional fulfillment comes from combining joy with other people. They are a person who possess an impressive intellect. They likely have an intrest in niche topics and they happen to know alot about stuff others may find off-putting or arcane. Anything they study, they study it with a unique lense.
How they feel about you 》 ace of wands + "inspiration"
This person feels you are spontaneous and enriching for their soul. You transcend the mental blockages they have when it comes to thinking outside the box. You help them explore the unknown parts of their subconcious. They find your mind especially attractive and addicting because your creativity gives them something theyve never seen before. It awakens them to something locked deep within them. You transport them to places within them that they thought they have repressed or was lost forever. They feel you awaken new life within them.
How they treat you 》 the fool + "idealism"
While this person has pure intentions, they may idealize you or place you on a pedastool. They go into things without expectations but their idealism may put pressure on you to conform to their ideas of a relationship. They are very progressive in how they think, meaning they have a mindset focused on optimism and creating best possible outcomes. Where others see limiting choices they see a path to innovate. This person is great a problem solving and will approach conflict with an attitude that takes the both of you into account. They may act carelessly towards you at times but this is unintentional.
♡°•Pile three
Personality 》 4 of pentacles + "assertion"
This is a person who is not afraid of confrontation, they hold what they have worked for close to their heart. If they put in work towards pursuing you and maintaining a connection with you they will feel a sense of possession over it. They are not easily trambled over and they will stick up for themselves if they feel their security is at risk. They have a firm grasp over their possessions and will protect it by asserting their power. They are a great leader and possess the potiental to bring these qualities out in you as well. Anything they do they want to be the winner of, its a childish aspect of them that makes them combative and playful.
How they feel towards you 》 4 of swords + "versitality"
You make this person think...alot. this person will intellectually enrich from being in a relationship with you, they feel you are a very smart and contemplative person. They see that you a versatile, meaning you don't over commit yourself to opinions and are open to further reflection. They feel you are quiet, withdrawn but ,ever feel alone in your precense. They feel they have a safe space to think, share ideas and be full listened to. They feel you have a dynamic listening style that makes you an amazing partner.
How they treat you 》 ace of pentacles + "impulsiveness"
They see a path with you and they charge towards this path with full force. They take this connection very seriously but their feelings cause them to act impulsively towards you. Maybe they come on to strong at times. However they do make it very clear that they value you. While you challenge this person to sit with their thoughts more, they still can't control or repress how they feel about you. They charge towards their assets with all their energy, and they see you as an asset to their life.
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