#one of the fun things with this au is that it's not just sophie and her friends against another group
huramuna · 8 months
downpour - oneshot.
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modern aegon ii targaryen x nanny reader minors dni, you will be smited.
this is for @targaryen-dynasty sleepover challenge 🤭 i got the babysitter au + the prompt 'why so shy?' i had so much fun with this, modern aegon is a menace and also a sopping wet cat.
word count: 4.5k
content: smutty smut smut (specifics under cut), aegon being a little shit (we love it), saltburn spoilers (lol), allusions to drug / alcohol abuse and rehabilitation, mullet aegon, jaehaera and jaehaerys are hel's kids but they have an unnamed / unrelated father, gratuitous use of song lyrics, probably a touch of power imbalance because of her job
murder on the dance floor - sophie ellis-bexter
warnings: oral (m receiving), face slapping w/ cock, degradation, dirty talk (this man never shuts up), face fucking / deepthroat, cum on face
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“Jaehaerys! Jaehaera! Please don’t run in the house with muddy boots!” you called fervently, trying to collapse the umbrella with one hand, two teddy bears slung in the other. 
“We won’t!” they both called in unison, followed by the unmistakable sound of muddy galoshes squeaking over the marble floor. You suppressed the urge to groan as you entered the exquisite home through the french doors that led to the backyard. 
“Boots off, little ones!” you called again, kicking off your own shoes in a haste to catch the gremlins before they tracked grime all over madam Alicent’s home. You had been working at the Targaryen estate for the better part of a year as a live-in nanny for Lady Alicent’s two grandchildren– twins, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera. It was a wonderful job for the most part, as the twins were a delight and you had grown to have a strong friendship with their mother, Helaena. She was a bit dreamy-eyed and wistful, but was a wonderful mother nonetheless, even if she did have her melancholic days. 
The estate was huge and ancient, passed down from generations through Helaena’s father’s side, which was apparently a near royal bloodline from days long foregone. Viserys Targaryen, the father in question, was hardly ever home. He managed the family business (whatever it may be, you didn’t find it in you to ask– all you knew is that they were dirty rich) with his other daughter, Rhaenyra, from his first marriage. He had four children with Alicent, Helaena being the only one of the brood to still live at home.
 You’d met two of the others as well; Aemond, a lawyer in the family business who was, in short, all business and no play. He never regarded you, really, besides a quick glance or stiff nod. He had, however, slipped you a eight-thousand dollar bonus at Christmas time with a simple card that read;
Thank you for taking care of the twins and my sister. And keeping my mother sane.
- A.T
The other sibling, Daeron, was the youngest of the bunch, visited usually during holidays, as he constantly was studying abroad. ‘Sowing his wild oats’, as Helaena had put it. He was cordial to you and very much had a boyish charm, and Helaena loved to joke that he had a crush on you. When he had come home for New Year’s, he brought you a souvenir from Iceland, an authentic lopapeysa sweater, made from wool and sewn with a beautiful geometric design. 
“Awh, Daeron wants you to stay warm, lovey,” Helaena teased. 
“I-It’s just– her hands are always so cold, a-and the wool is supposed to help keep warm! The inner layer is insulating.” Daeron had stammered, the tips of his ears growing red. 
“Uncle Daeron has a brush!” Jaehaera squeaked, her words whistling through her tooth gap, she’d lost her first baby tooth just the week before.
“A crush, he’s got a crush!” Jaehaerys corrected softly. 
Alicent thought the whole thing very amusing.
That left one child you hadn’t met. You didn’t know much about him aside from small bits of conversation you’d picked up on between the rest of the family. Aegon. The eldest of all of them, and apparently the troublemaker of the bunch. You knew what he looked like from the portraits– blonde hair like the rest but with severely more bags under his eyes. Upon entering the home, one would see the chronological order of family portraits. 
It starts with Viserys, Alicent, and baby Aegon; the latter of whom is happy and chubby and bubbly. 
Then, it moves to the three of them, plus baby Helaena, with her wide blue-eyed stare at the camera. Aegon is still happy.
The next one adds the addition of baby Aemond– there is a glint of sentience in Aegon’s eyes, but he hasn’t experienced the crushing blows of reality yet.
You weren’t exactly sure, but as he got older, he became more morose– more bags, less light in his eyes. Then came the ear piercings, the tattoos, the head shaving, the bloodshot in the whites of his eyes. The portraits ended with this past year’s Christmas photo. Aegon was noticeably missing from it. You’d heard during one of Alicent’s phone conversations with her father that Aegon was in rehabilitation for a myriad of issues, and looking at his photos, you could only guess which one was the straw that broke the camel’s back. 
A particularly harsh clap of thunder broke you from your thoughts, coming back to yourself. You scooped up Jaehaera before she stepped on the carpet with the muddy shoes. “C’mon, let's get cleaned up for lunch, yeah? What do we want for lunch today, lovies?” 
“Grilled cheese n’ tomato soup.”
“No! I want mac n’ cheese.” 
The squabbling ensued, the twins arguing back and forth for a few moments before you butt in. “Alright, how about– whoever gets the floor the cleanest and puts their galoshes by the washroom the fastest gets to pick?” 
The twins squealed in delight as they absconded from your sight, effectively going to do your bidding for you. You would, however, just end up making both meals anyway. As you moved to the kitchen, the sound of the doorbell rang. You bustled to the door, not sure who to expect– there weren’t many roving visitors in and out of the estate unless Alicent was explicitly expecting company– which you had triple checked the calendar when you woke up that morning.
You opened the door, expecting to see a debutante or someone of Alicent’s social circle– ‘twas not the case. You recognized him immediately, seeing his mother’s face in his own. Aegon. He was muddy, dirt flecks splashed on his face as he stood under the stoop trying to get away from the pouring rain. His face was a bit healthier than you’d seen it, the dark circles were still there, but not as prominent. It was like a gloomy day, rather than a full blown storm under his eyes. He had the wisps of a beard starting on his jawline, and his hair was cut into a makeshift mullet, longer in the back.
“Who the fuck are you?” he asked, hands in his pockets. 
“Erm– the… the nanny. For the children.” you stammered, his tone catching you off guard. You glanced behind him, seeing a beat up dirt bike caked in mud– that was probably how he got here. 
“A nanny? You’re a bit young for that, yeah? My nanny’s were all wrinkly old prunes.” 
“Oh– uhm, come in, Mr. Targaryen.” 
He perked a brow at the name, but didn’t say anything. He beat the bottom of his boots on the doormat, which didn’t accomplish much. He immediately began to track mud on the floor. “Mum home? Hel?” 
“Lady Alicent is… upstairs,” you offered, following behind him at a quick pace. “Helaena is taking a nap– the storm–” 
“Yeah, I know ‘bout Hel’s issues with storms. Don’t need to tell me twice. So, you got a name, or are you just the nanny?” 
You gave him your name as you glanced at the clock– it was almost time for the children’s lunch and you hadn’t even put it on the stove yet! 
“Got any food around here? Fuckin’ famished.” he added then as he nosed around the kitchen, hands still in his pockets. 
“I’m just about to make lunch for the twins– uhm, I can make you something too if you’d like.” you walked past him, quickly putting some pots on the stove and starting the gas. You and the twins were on a strict schedule, and if they didn’t get their lunch on time, they would turn into hellions. 
“Sure. Whatever the kids are having. I’m not picky.” Aegon waved his hand behind his head as he disappeared from the kitchen and clomped up the stairs, likely to speak with his mother. You fretted for Alicent’s mental state once that was done, and you felt even guiltier for not giving her a heads up.
As the tomato soup heated on the stove and the water began to boil for the macaroni, you unlocked your phone– you were curious about Aegon and why he’d come back, exactly. Well, of course, besides the fact that he lived here (or did, at some point) he was still supposed to be in rehab for another three months. You went to instagram, rolling your eyes as you saw that his profile was on ‘suggested for you to follow!’ 
You clicked to his most recent photo, the first that he’d posted in over a year.
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“Jesus christ,” you muttered under your breath as you put down your phone on the counter to stir the soup. 
“Don’t take the Lord’s name in vain,” Aegon teased behind you. When the fuck had he gotten there? “Soup n’ mac and cheese?”
“Tomato soup and grilled cheese for Jaehaera, mac and cheese for Jaehaerys.” you responded plainly, trying not to notice that he was practically breathing down your neck. You glanced over as he leaned on the counter, where you had left your phone. Unlocked. Like an idiot. On his instagram page.
“Curious about me, are you? I’m surprised you haven’t heard enough about me from my mum.” 
“I don’t like to pry into Lady Alicent’s affairs–” 
“I wouldn’t consider myself an affair, more like a one time fling, eh?” Aegon snorted, grabbing your phone. It took every fiber of your being to not break all sense of decorum you held to snatch it back from him. “You’re not following me– let’s change that,” he mused, beginning to scroll through your page now. “Lots of pictures of the kids here– ooh, a trip to the seaside. There’s no pictures of you on here, eh? Only of… my family n’ other stupid shit, like the ocean.” 
“I’m a live-in nanny, sir,” you grit out, stirring the soup with more force than necessary. You consider yourself a patient person, and have become accustomed to how people in the Targaryen’s circle made their jabs. High society and filthy rich people had their own language of insults– ones that you wouldn’t realize they were insulting you until much, much later. It was like a game with a slow burning poison. But Aegon, apparently, was different. There was nothing meticulous about his jabs, no filter, no slow burning poison. It was all punch and sting, like a bite from a rabid dog rather than a viper. “I usually attend family trips.”
“Live-in, huh?” he drawled, his arm leaning over the counter in such a laissez-faire manner that you could feel yourself scowling. “Don’t get much action then, I take it? Let’s see if there’s any nudie judies on here, then…” 
“N-no!” you broke then, all sense of manners flying out of your body as you struggled to take back your phone.
“Why so shy? Got something on here you don’t want me to see?” he staved you off, a hand planted firmly on your shoulder as he scrolled through your photos, making all sorts of gaudy faces. You didn’t really have anything overtly scandalous, maybe a few lingerie shots for an old boyfriend.
“Aegon, leave her alone. Give her back her phone.” Alicent’s voice cut through the room like a knife, stunning both of you.
He sheepishly gave you back your phone as she crooked a finger to her son, ushering him to a room on the farther side of the house. 
As you fed the twins their lunch, you overheard some yelling, arguing and heated voices. You only saw Aegon later when going to your room to get ready for bed. His eyes were teary and red. 
The next few weeks went by with some normalcy— everything was as usual, except it was like you had a third child to care for; Aegon. Except this child didn’t listen at all and had terrible habits. He was constantly flirting with you, but also would weave in jabs at the same time— you couldn’t quite tell if he even liked you or not. Not that it mattered, anyway.
You were sneaking in your own lunch one afternoon, eating scraps from the twin’s lunch while they napped— basically just the crust you cut off of the grilled cheese and the small bit of soup left in the pot. 
“You eat like a mouse.” Aegon said, always managing to be there to annoy you. 
“Too much food makes me tired— I won’t be able to keep up with them if I’m sluggish.” 
“Could always drink a red bull or a monster, instead.” he offered, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it in the kitchen. 
“You shouldn’t do that inside. It’s bad for the children’s lungs. Lady Alicent says—,” 
“Well, it’s my fuckin’ house too, innit? I can smoke in here if I well and bloody like,” he growled, exhaling a puff of smoke into your face. “My mum must be paying you extra to be my nanny too, then? The way you’re up my ass all the time.” he flicked ash in your direction. 
You crossed your arms tightly over your chest. He was goading you, baiting you into a reaction. He was being insufferable on purpose. You could tell by his pearly white smile he currently had plastered to his face, like a smug little— 
“Never had a nanny so pretty, though,” he continued. “If I asked real nice, would you feed me soup? Dress me up? Give me a bath if I’m real dirty?” he got closer and you could smell him— the smell of marlboro reds and cheap aftershave that had become synonymous with Aegon blew out your senses until it was all consuming.
Your mouth parted as you tried to think of some witty response, some barb, some jab— but nothing came out. You just huffed and turned away from him in an attempt to hide your red cheeks. Why were you blushing? 
You could practically hear the cockiness ooze from him, his mouth perked into a cheeky smile as he stole one of the crusts. He knew he’d gotten to you. 
It’d now been over a month since Aegon moved back home and the building tension between you two hadn’t let up a bit— you constantly felt trapped and elated all at once. When you saw him, your chest fluttered slightly in anxiety and anticipation. What was wrong with you? 
It was a dark, gloomy day. The seasonal storms were in full swing, pelting the estate in rain and hail. Alicent, Helaena, and the twins were out on an escapade to Alicent’s father’s house— you guessed Aegon hadn’t gone. But, it was a huge house, so surely you could enjoy some of your time off without seeing him? 
A rumble of thunder shook the house, rattling its constitution— and then the lights flickered. Flickered… flickered… then… out. It was dark, then, even with your window shades open. You turned on your phone flashlight and tiptoed out of your room, going to see if perhaps you could smack the backup generator into working. 
You hadn’t expected to work today, nor see anyone, as Alicent had given you the day off. So, you were subsequently dressed in your pajamas— a hilariously oversized Bass Pro Shop shirt (a gift from your dad in America) and cat-patterned sleeping shorts. Your toes cracked and creeped on the floorboards with each movement, and to your chagrin, as you passed Aegon’s door, it opened. He was wearing a shirt that said “MILF: Man I love Fishing”, with just his boxer briefs on, which didn’t seem to bother him at all. 
“Oh. You’re still here.” 
“Sorry, thought you were gone with the rest. Sad, I can’t do the Saltburn thing now.” 
“The… what?” 
“The Saltburn thing? Dance around the empty mansion to myself with my cock out.” 
“What.” you responded with the most deadpan tone.
“Dance… with my cock out?” he repeated.
“No– I know what you said– but why?” 
“Why not?” 
You rolled your eyes, shifting the conversation. “So, the power is out– uhm, do you know where the backup generator is?” 
“In the wine cellar. Nifty, huh?” 
“... the… wine cellar. I can’t say I’ve been down there yet.”
“I know it like the back of my hand, c’mon then. I’m sure I can kick the old gen in the nads and get it to work.” Aegon said with surprising confidence, turning on his phone’s flashlight and half blinding you. 
You followed behind him, to which he hummed ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ while doing a half-assed dance, apparently from some movie that was definitely something you hadn’t watched– you don’t remember the last time you watched a movie that wasn’t geared towards the twins. 
“So basically… he had the whole mansion to himself, and then he dances through it with his cock out, hanging massive brain, y’know? It's murder on the dance floor, you better not kill the groove,” he imitates the dance, sprawling his arms out in the doorway to the wine cellar and shaking his bottom a bit, which was, admittedly, nicely fit in his snug boxer briefs. You felt a strange heat flush to your cheeks.
“And this… is a… what? Comedy?” 
“Well, categorically no– I’m not a film aficionado. I guess it could be considered a psychological thriller, but I thought it was pretty funny,” he stopped before continuing into the cellar. “It gets pretty hairy in here, so stick close, okay? Ever seen The Conjuring?” 
“... yes, actually. Horror movies are kind of my favorite.” 
“Ah, a girl after my own heart,” he mused. “Well, think of the basement in that movie, but instead of a bunch of old useless shit, it’s a bunch of old wine.”
“And… instead of ghosts?” 
“Oh, there’s definitely ghosts.” 
“... what.” 
“Yeah, estate is haunted. You haven’t noticed?” 
“Shut up.” you murmured. You were a huge fan of horror movies while simultaneously being a huge chicken shit when it came to scary things– you were prone to hiding your face before the big jumpscare or running up the stairs from the kitchen when it was dark, just in case something was chasing you– and your feet had to be covered by the blanket at all times when sleeping.
“Aww, you scared?” Aegon teased, turning to you.
“I mean– ghosts are scary. Of course!” you offered sheepishly, pulling up the collar of your oversized shirt to cover your nose and mouth in an almost hiding manner– a nervous habit of yours. 
“I’ll keep you safe, love, no worries about that.” 
“... that’s what they always say, right? Then they totally leave behind their girlfriends to get stabbed by the killer or… eaten by the monster.”
“You my girlfriend now?” he asked, that stupidly annoying and somehow charming smug energy exuding off of him in waves. 
“Shut up.” you grumbled as you both approached the generator. It was covered in dust and hadn’t been touched or tended to in a long time, it looked like. “Do… you know what you’re doing?” you asked Aegon tentatively, watching as he inspected it.
“Me? Oh, fuck no. I never know what I’m doing, honestly,” he shrugged, giving the metal box a kick and haphazardly pressing some buttons. “No dice, sweetheart. ‘Spose you’ll have to dance in the dark with me for a bit longer, huh? But, if there's a ghost, you'll be... ghost food, or whatever.” 
You pinched your brow in annoyance. “I don’t understand you.” 
“What’s there to understand? I’m a pretty open book, you know.”
“No– you aren’t. You flirt with me but also… insult me? I don’t get it.”
“It’s called teasing– picking? Picking on? Getting the goat?” 
“What? So, like a little boy pulling a girl’s pigtails on the playground because he likes her? That makes absolutely no sense, Aegon.” 
“If you spend your time trying to find a reason for it, you’ll go insane. Why not just enjoy the point of it? I like you.” he breathed, suddenly very close to you. He set his phone aside on top of the generator, flashlight up. It illuminated the walls of wine and cast shadows of cobwebs and dust all around the both of you.
“Are you deaf– I. Like. You.” he repeated, his knees bumping yours as you were practically glued together, your back now against the ancient stone wall.
Your lips parted as you inhaled a breath– okay, you weren’t exactly expecting him to say that, or even like you at all– you figured the flirting was all hot air, a defense mechanism, something for fun, not… real. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you became all too aware of the fact that you hadn’t been touched since you got this job, maybe even before that– and your previous boyfriends never made you feel… flustered like this. You couldn’t form words as he, uncharacteristically cautiously, put his hand on your cheek. He was so close, so close– his body heat mingled with your inherent coldness and warmed you instantly. You weren’t sure what came over you, but you leaned forward, slotting your lips against his. What the actual fuck were you doing– you were kissing your boss’ son, her notoriously bad mannered, foul mouthed, sloven slob of a son, and you liked it. Your hand instantly went to the back of his head, fingers grazing through his choppy curls– even giving them an experimental tug, which he seemed to enjoy, by the indication of something poking you in your thigh. 
His lips moved against yours like a dance, and you couldn’t get the fucking song he was singing earlier out of your head– It’s murder on the dancefloor– you grasped at his hip, it was fleshy and pleasant, the tips of your finger slipping under the elastic of his briefs– But you better not kill the groove– his hands were exploring, too, under your stupid Bass Pro shop shirt, groping at your breasts with reckless abandon – If you think you're getting away, I will prove you wrong – the heat rose in your body until you couldn’t take it any longer, the two of you were practically eating each other alive in this dank, dusty cellar and it was undoubtedly the hottest experience of your life – I'll take you all the way, boy, just come along – your lips parted for a moment, still connected by a string of saliva, bridging the gap between the two of you – Hear me when I say, hey –
“On your knees for me, love?” he asked, his voice suddenly so deep and husky, his thumb skimming over your collarbone. 
You fell to your knees for him so quickly– how pathetic. He wriggled down his briefs, already leaking at the fat tip of his cock. He wasn’t overly long, but he was girthy, like a beer can. Your eyes widened, which he must’ve noticed, as his face was plastered with a shit-eating grin. Your mind immediately went to an image of a so-called ‘American delicacy’ (your father’s words, not yours) called Beer can chicken, in which a can of beer is shoved in the ass end of a chicken and grilled. It is apparently as delicious as it is horrifying. Your throat bobbed as you surveyed it, a tentative hand around the base. He shook his head, prying your hand from him.
“Nope, mouth only. Open up, be a good girl.” Aegon muttered, looking down at you, the light of his phone flashlight illuminating him from below– he looked like a God. Or maybe a devil. 
Your mouth parted as his hand guided you forward. You wholly expected him to nestle in your mouth, but he surprised you with a slap to your face with his cock. It didn’t hurt, just caused you to yelp in surprise. He smeared some of the pre-come across your cheek, then slapped the head of his length on your waiting tongue. It was somewhat degrading, what he was doing– but it lit a goddamn fire under your ass, the neurons of depravity in your body, wherever they may lie, were alight with each nasty little gesture Aegon gave you, before he finally slid home. It stretched out your mouth, prodding at the back of your throat. 
“What would everyone else think, hm? If they knew you were such a fuckin’ slut.” he growled, gathering your hair in his fist like it owed him money, beginning to fuck himself into your mouth, careful to pay attention to your body language to make sure he wasn’t working you over too much. He made sure to be extra careful with his toys, rather than break them.
Tears welled, spilling down your face as you let him use you, degrade you– and yet, he also praised you.
“–such a good girl for me–”
“–you can take a little more, there you go–”
“–prettiest throat I’ve ever fucked–”
You felt like you were on fire, set ablaze by arousal you’d never experienced before– was this what they sang songs about? Dirty, borderline pornographic songs but the point still stood.
You had to chalk it up to the barometric pressure of the storm, right? Aegon wasn’t your type— your type was… well-adjusted, non-addicts, non-bad boy, non-troublemakers. Aegon was the antithesis of what you were into. 
And yet— you were into him. You were into him in a pathetic, pitiful way. It made you cringe to think about but you couldn’t resist his puppy dog eyes, nor could you forget the way he was whimpering— fucking whimpering! You squeezed your thighs together slightly at the sound of it, at the blurry-eyed, teary sight of him looking down at you on your knees, eyes half lidded. 
He pulled out with a particularly throaty grunt, painting your face in his unnaturally warm seed, somehow careful enough not to get it in your eyes– small mercies. Your lungs inflated with oxygen once more as you caught your breath, trying to gather yourself. You felt the swathe of cloth over your face as Aegon cleaned you up with his ‘MILF: Man I Love Fishing’ shirt, which he had apparently taken off. 
“You good?”
You nodded slowly as he helped you to your feet, brushing off your knees with the clean part of his shirt. 
“Um– so,” he still held onto you, as if he was afraid you’d run away. “Do you want to watch a movie with me later, when the power is back on? Like, actually watch it– I won’t fuck your face, I promise.” 
“... are you asking me on a date?”
“Umm… yeah. I think.”
“Maybe we could watch Saltburn?” you offered with a shrug.
“Your mum texted me,” you whispered. “The bridge is temporarily washed out from the storm, they won’t be back ‘til tomorrow.”
“Do you know what that means?” Aegon said, suddenly giddy. You both had just finished watching Saltburn, and you finally understood what the ‘Saltburn thing’ was. 
“You know your mum has like ten security cameras set up around the house, right?” 
“Okay… and?”
“I’m not dancing naked in the hallway, Aegon.” 
“How about just in my room? Please?” 
You gave a sigh, beginning to take your clothes off.
“Siri, play ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ by Sophie Ellis-Bextor.”
‘Okay. Now playing ‘Murder on the Dancefloor’ by Sophie Ellis-Bextor, as featured in Saltburn.’
It's murder on the dancefloor!
But you better not kill the groove, hey-hey, hey-hey!
It's murder on the dancefloor.
But you better not steal the moves.
DJ, gonna burn this goddamn house right down.
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369 notes · View notes
Hello! Are you hyperfixated on RedactedAudio?
Do you want (need) to know who to follow to cultivate your dashboard and feed your gremlin brain good, good boyfriend roleplay content?
Cool, I’ve got you, and I’ve got hyperlinks. Buckle up.
(Note: This is by no means a comprehensive, objective, or complete list. I've only been in the fandom for six months or so. I have biases and favorites and limited time. I hope to update this list periodically, and if you feel I've missed someone, please feel free to reblog with your additions! I just would have loved a guide like this when I got into the fandom back in August and wanted to spread some positivity~!)
@angelnoodlesoup: she/her
Sophie is just one of the sweetest David stans that's ever existed who writes, like, the sweetest things about him. Her posts are just going to make you feel warm, fluffy, soft things in your heart area; give into the sweetness. Highlights: Sophie writes this adorable timestamp series of vignettes exploring Davey and Angel's day, but I'm particularly attacked to their David/Angel neighbors to lovers AU~
I was actually going to put Max in the visual content portion of this post, because they post delightful Redacted edits on Tiktok (under the same username, highly recommend~), but then they made a uquiz that gave me an existential crisis, so here we are. Highlights: This quiz sent my whole server for a loop and has made me reconsider my relationship with Lovely as a character and kin; it's a great time.
@batch-of-pengwings: robin/bird, she/her
Robin, an absolute sweetheart who makes all the fun ask games that keep the community interconnected and thinking and talking which is just really sweet and fun in the best way. Highlights: The Winter Wonderland game is the one who went around most recently, and it’s so fun to engage with the fandom and discuss who we think is stupid enough to get their tongues stuck on a telephone poll~
@bicyclepainting: they/them
Clover, the fandom's resident Smartass, doing the lord's work and reminding us all how fucking smoochable Aaron is on a regular basis on top of being the coolest astrology nerd don't give them your birth chart you will be perceived /lh Highlights: No one is doing Aaron/Smartass like they are; like, read and absorb the delicious, domestic delight that is them. I also recommend their deep dives into the Redacted bois signs, if you're into that; they're very thorough and fun to read!
@cashandprizes: she/they
My Lexi, my queerplatonic soulmate… She is on a quest to dissect and critique fandom brick by philosophical brick, and I both love her and fear her in equal measure. (That’s a lie, I love her infinitely, more than anything, but she is in fact incredibly intelligent and intimidating.) Highlights: Come for the scathing insights into gray-morality and DD:DNE’s place in fiction, stay for the stripper!Gavin fic they’re working on and their sequel to Lasko’s SexTember audio because she really wanted to make him cry
@ejunkiet: she/her
EJ, the very first of my Redacted loves~ Not only is EJ an endless well of kindness and positivity, but she also writes fucking bomb ass everything. You get angst, you get smut, you get fluff- We stan a multitalented, ace queen. (She also writes really cute CastleAudios fanfiction and original stuff as a cherry on top.) Highlights: EJ writes just some of my favorite David/Angel smut; she captures Angel's little shit nature perfectly. She's also written the sweetest thing of Damien meeting Huxley's moms that I can't get enough of~
@dominimoonbeam: she/her
Domini, truly one of the pillars of the fandom. I don't know what'd we'd be without her fantastic fics or her original novellas or her fantastic, beautiful, rarepair-creating brain. Highlights: God, there's too many to choose from! There's the Sam/Darlin fake dating AU that has us all gripped by the proverbial balls. There's the David/Darlin tattoo shop AU that has me frothing at the mouth because tattoo artists are stinkin hot. That's not even getting into their Cam/William fic, because god, that is such a good rarepair. We love two immortals finding love with one another, we really do. My personal favorite has got to be their Huxley/Darlin piece though, because Darlin gets to be cute and awkward and so, so loved in it.
@frenchiefitzhere: she/her
Frenchie, the fandom's unofficial (but basically official) Marie Greer, not only a gorgeous writer but also the creator of the most fantastical and unique fansongs (who makes original audio content to boot~) Highlights: We would be nowhere as a fandom without the Marie/Colm greer backstory and saga or her audios as the Greer Matriarch herself, but personally? Her Imperium!Lasko/Adam fic kind of changed my life, I'm kind of obsessed with it.
@friendlyfaded: he/him
Miles, the king and professor of the rarepairs! Beware, you will leave his blog wishing for fics for a ship that doesn’t actually exist yet. It’s unavoidable when you read the careful, creative, thoughtful way he considers seemingly silly pairings and makes them gorgeous. Highlights: I recommend his whole rarepairs with prof tag for a snack and his Sweetheart/Lasko/Milo fic for a whole meal~
@gingerbreadmonsters: she/her
Ginger, literally one of the sweetest, friendliest people in the entire Internet. I cannot adequately describe the absolute magnificent poetry of Ginger's prose, so you just have to read it for yourself. You will not be disappointed. Highlights: Ginger's Milo/Sweetheart series is for if you're feeling sweet, and her Vincent/Lovely/Gavin/Freelancer foursome fic is if you're feeling spicy~ Or if you're like me and are longing for an character we'll never see again, you can read her gorgeous, Doctor Who-inspired look in Marcus's mind.
@glassbearclock: she/her
Beans, also known as the best Milo/Sweetheart writer in the game. Their banter is taken from the mouth of god and first name Erik last name Redacted himself, and you could not convince me otherwise. Highlights: I’m a big fan of her sweet, wholesome, Jewish!Milo sick fic, but aYO her Milo/Sweetheart first date fic is so good y’all like goddamn Sweetheart phases through their door and makes Milo faceplant it on accident man that shit is so good
@horrorscoupes: they/he
My beautiful, darling Lotus, my gloriously deranged brother in arms (affectionate). The way they write each and every d(a)emons is just so -chef kiss-. Highlights: I think about their Regulus/Doll fic, like, literally every day, it's just yummy and depraved. Though, for a true taste of genius, for a galaxy brain treat, you've got to read his Shark!Vega/Pet masterpiece.
@k9rage: he/xi
My beloved Calico, our helpful Image Description fairy. He is just so cool and writes the most glorious smut like the world has ever seen. As of publishing, he's writing a Vega/Lasko street racing AU that's gonna be just smoke ash cinder fire hot. Highlights: You need to read his Damien/Gavin waxplay fic; like, this changed my life, I think about it daily. Ooh, AND his Aaron/SmartAss/Gavin threesome fic, because he didn't do all that thinking and imagining for us to not appreciate it. I'm also reccing @calicostorms, his other blog and spotify, so you can get at his stellar Redacted character playlists!
Lovely, absolute stand-out writer in the fandom! Would you believe they have a whole (as of posting) 95 works for the RedactedASMR fandom on AO3? There’s <2000 fics, which makes Lovely a whole five percent of the fanfiction on their own. That’s wild and so hella cool. Highlights: Literally everything they write. Explore their extremely well done masterlist, it’s beautifully put together, and you’ll find something you love. (I’m particularly fond of the Darlin/Vega fic they wrote based off of one of FriendlyFaded’s posts~)
@romirola: she/her
Dr. Romi, the one and the only and one of the legitimate sweetest goddamn people that has ever existed. You've never met a more polite, darling person in all your days. How did she write all these thousands of words of art while getting a doctorate? God, I wish I knew... if only we could also be so beautiful and wonderful and accomplished. Highlights: You haven't existed until you've read her Milo/Sweetheart Tangled AU; like, what are you doing here? GO. (I also deeply recommend her found family Shaw Pack + Sam fic, if you're looking for something that's still ongoing!)
@sealriously-sealrious: they/them
Chrys who writes- no contest I think we can all agree- the best Huxley that this fandom has ever seen. He is just so well-explored and so multifaceted, just the top-tier himbo content we all need and deserve. Highlights: Huxley and Freelancer at the aquarium, Huxley and Freelancer going camping, sfw, nsfw, whatever you want, we've GOT. (There's even some imperium!Huxley, if you're so inclined >:))
@starlitangels: she/her
Starlit, another absolute powerhouse of the fandom. Just look at this masterlist, I think there’s something here for literally every character. That’s what babes call RANGE. Highlights: The way they explore the Shaw pack is so fun; I’d highly recommend her fic exploring Gabe and his backstory or her fic exploring the Shaw’s future pups~!
@taelonsamada: she/her
A pillar- or should I say fence post?- of the fandom and just an utter peach. Always has a nice word to say and says the best nice words about Sam and Darlin- Highlights: Her nsfw Geordi/Cutie fic holds a special place in my heart (the blindfold? the gag? Be still my beating heart), but you haven’t lived until you’ve read her Shaw-centric Ranch AU~!
@teasandcardigans: she/her
Mads, another lovely creator that could be in either section of this post- that's how talented she is! Not only is she a lovely writer but she also designs the most fun Redacted stickers! Also, she's got the only Redacted fan tiktok that Erik has confirmed seen and liked, can't not mention that it's so cool Highlights: Honestly, there's too many to mention! A really popular of hers is a "What If" echo-esque reimagining of everyone's stories which is so fun, and my personal, biased favorite is her Alexis & Gavin fic hear me OUT-
Cait, out here doing the most and the best. They’ve run the Redacted Winter Gift Exchange for the past two years, connecting blogs who might have never spoken to each other, inspiring creativity, and spreading holiday cheer~ Highlights: I recommend taking a look-see through the “Redacted 2022 Winter Gift Exchange” tag- much thanks to Cait for making it possible- to consider if you’d like to join next year! Until then, there’s a compilation of their cute headcanon posts to inspire you!
@zozo-01: she/her
Zo, one of the sweetest people in the fandom~ Not only is she a fantastic writer, but she is also one of the friendliest people in the space! Constantly excited and supportive and positive and a joy to follow and befriend. Highlights: Her Sam/Darlin Deity AU is going to change the world and break some hearts, I just know it. (Just like her Alexis and Darlin meeting fic broke mine-) If you're not up to getting your heart broken and just want a friend, I recommend asking her about her Powerpoint of Bollywood scenes that could be Sam/Darlin moments~!
@andr0leda: she/they
Androleda’s art is so gorgeous in that most of them are uncolored or working with a smaller palette, and it just makes those colors stand out and the line work all the more elegant. Highlights: Their wolf!Darlin piece got so popular, and you can see why! It looks like the cover of a really cool YA fantasy novel. Also, her Sam/Darlin art just melts the heart- the gentle hand, the key around the neck-!
Kays, a fantastic artist who plays around with the prettiest, brightest colors and has the prettiest (hottest) fem listeners. They also have super fun Redacted playlists! Highlights: Their Sweetheart, Valentina, is kind of smokin hot, I mean look at her, but also good lord, have you seen their Warden like lock me up anytime hello-
Bow’s art just makes me so soft and gooey inside I dunno. Their art is so pretty, and they always have the most expressive faces. Not to mention the colors- like, Bow uses the simplest but most emotionally evocative shades of pinks and blues that make me inexplicably feel things, and I love it. Highlights: Literally all their Davey/Angel is the sweetest, but I also have this deep fondness for their imp!FL and Vindemiator pieces, because look at these deep, mournful blues, they’re beautiful!
@cascadiiing: they/them
Atlas creates the most beautiful, squishable, smoochable characters on top of being the most beautiful, squishable, smoochable (platonic) sweetie in existence~ they’re so sweet and friendly on top of being so talented at such a young age, and I would protect them with my life. Highlights: Their Sam kind of makes me so lovesick, I could barf- he’s just that pretty. Their Alexis/Christian art is fanart of my own fic, I’ll grant you, but it’s also so fucking pretty look at the dreamy colors and it MOVES-
Where would we be without Clara, like honestly- What really stands out about their art is- other than the overwhelming talent- the obvious thought and joy that went into designing the outfits. Only the best from our resident fashion design student! Highlights: literally everything. If I must be specific, the David design pinned to their blog is utterly ahdhkakshdjsk, and I am particularly partial to their Alexis design, because I love my beautiful, possibly complex lady okay-
@fregget-frou : he/they
Mal has the prettiest Listeners; I’m lowkey in love with all of them~ I love the way he does such fluffy, voluminous hair, and I dunno, all their listener OC’s have this fashion model-esque glamour and posture about them that’s really attractive. Highlights: Of their listeners, Mal’s Angel has got to be my favorite. Look at this fluffy-haired cutie! Look at this menace! I would also propose to them, they’re gorgeous!
@gwenifred: she/her
Gwen draws the most gorgeous, swoon-worthy Huxleys and is just a big sweetpea to boot. Her and Pali sharing OC’s and art trades here and on Twitter is a testament to how friendly and sweet the fandom can be! Highlights: Everything she draws is gorgeous, but you haven’t lived until you’ve seen her animation work!
@ice-palace-art: They/It/He/Dae
Darby has some of the most beautiful designs, I can hardly stand it. He creates the most gorgeous, realistically proportioned characters and listeners, and they’re just really smoochable okay let me live- Highlights: It has this one piece of Gavin and Lasko having a sleepover that fills me with the warm fuzzies every time I see it, and their Aaron design fills me with longing I am hopelessly in love with their dad-bodded Aaron.
@itsdaifuku: she/her
Y’all don’t even know the little happy stim storm Fuku’s art sets me on; like, all her art is so cute and joyful and somehow colorful even when it’s in black and white? It just gives the vibe of life and vibrancy constantly? How does she do that? Highlights: Literally, everything she draws is gorgeous and sweet, though her designs for the Shaws and their mates are so S-tier and so cute. (I’m also particularly fond of her designs for Love and Alexis, my favorite characters, I’m biased, sue me)
@mr-laveau: he/they
Laveau, my favorite Milo kinnie~ (Yeah, I said it out loud; I’m callin you out.) Charming, thoughtful, friendly, much more talented than they have any right to be when they’re also so funny and sweet, AND also writing at their other blog @bratty-telepath. You’ve never seen such a double threat. Highlights: Literally, everything he makes. All his designs are colorful and gorgeous and filled to the brim with deliberate, intentional details (though I am incredibly partial to their Alexis and Darlin designs and the parallels he included between them.)
Nai is a fucking blessing unto this fandom, and we are not worthy. You haven’t really lived, haven’t experienced all the pure, positive silliness that this hellsite has to offer until you experience Nai’s Redacted Actor AU. It’s pure serotonin, and we’re all here listening to Boyfriend ASMR, I know we could use it. Highlights: Other than said AU posts (which really are so fuckin good), have you seen their drawing of Vincent and Sam’s Monarchal ball? Ooh, and if you go to their tiktok under the same username, you can see some of the really cool dating sim they’re working on!
@nanowatzophina: any pronouns
Na’no is not only a must follow on tumblr, but I also highly recommend their tiktok if you wish to wade through the horrid cesspool of that app (I say with tiktok as one of my top social media sites- we have a codependent relationship) Their art is super cute and expressive, and I get massive gender envy from the way he draws hair and teeth. Highlights: Her aspec Freelancer is just so close to my heart; I adore Avery so deeply. Also, the way they draw imperium!Vega and Pet makes my heart fucking melt and want to jump out my chest- the size difference, my god
@obsessivedino: they/them
Mint’s contribution to the fandom cannot possibly be overstated. Their art style is just so clean and neat and with the cutest expressions, and I love their designs so much, especially for the d(a)emon bois I just ahhhhh Highlights: If you’ve joined the official unofficial Redacted Discord server, you’ve seen their adorable stickers reminding you to kick that ass or hydrate unless you want to die-drate, and you haven’t truly embraced life unless you’ve seen their two-year anniversary masterpiece. Ooh, or pocket caelum!
@palilious: she/her
There is no Redacted fandom or fandom list without Pali, and we’ve all accepted that. Her style is so uniquely and instantaneously recognizable as hers, and everyone adores it, including but not limited to GBA, Nomad, and Cardlin! Highlights: Literally everyone she draws is so pretty, though I have a soft spot for her Vincent or her Nomad drawings if you’re looking for more VAs to listen to!
@pearl-kite: she/they
Kirehn has the most huggable humans and the most awe-inspiring d(a)emons. The way she draws the d(a)emons with constellations worked into the designs and color palettes is just so gorgeous and purposeful and thoughtful. Highlights: Their Vega is so frightening but beautiful, you just can’t look away from him. I’m also particularly in love with their Darlin!
Do y’all ever do this thing when you see an ethereally beautiful person and you have no words, all you can do is giggle like a vapid schoolgirl(gn)? That’s me with all of Anna’s paintings: no words, just awe. Highlights: I don’t even really like Gavin, okay, he’s not my type, but lord above, Anna’s Gavin is something else. Their Sam also has those Captain America, boy next door good looks I imagined, it’s like they took him right out of my daydreams.
@ryokoaoi : they/them
Ryo has the absolute cutest, most adorable art style, one can barely handle it! Everything they draw is just so pretty and so colorful and detailed and sweet. (Except the sad things, those are less sweet but gosh they’re still so pretty.) They also have this Magic Swap AU that they design that is so fun to read about! Highlights: Their swapped! Gavin and Avior designs are so fun, I adore them deeply, and if you need something to cheer you up, you can always depend on their DAMN pieces that always include a little invisible Caelum to bring you joy~!
@slushrottweiler: she-they
There is nothing like seeing Slush’s signature blue linework on your dashboard, it’s such a sweet treat- or spicy. There are also very good, very spicy treats. Her blog is a magnificent roulette wheel of blue surprises. Highlights: I love their Sam/Darlin stuff, especially this one because wowee them shoulderblades, but their HuxDami BA piece takes the cake.
Spooky has my whole heart and wallet and my other heart if I had one I fell in love with their rich color palettes and shading and Alexis right away and had to commission them. Could not recommend enough, they were a treasure to work with~ Highlights: I’m not biased- okay yes I am but not now their Alexis is fuckin smoking hot but also their Cam might be my favorite Cam look at that smile-!
@sri-rachaa: she/her
Rae is such a treasure to this fandom, we hardly deserve her. Her art is so ethereally pretty and delicate? The way she draws hair and noses and silhouettes- her line work is just phenomenal. Everything she creates is just a delight to look at. Highlights: The Southern Siblings AU is a gift, a treasure, a boon that cannot be ignored. I’m also a big fan of her Lovely OC who is ridiculously pretty~
@tankwolf : she/her
June has been posting fanart for only two months, but I’m already absolutely obsessed. I just find her monochrome character portraits so visually engaging and interesting. I would love so badly to be friends with her listener OC’s… Highlights: …or more than friends, because her Sweetheart is something else good lord. I would just love it if June could stop putting the hot people in crop tops please (but also don’t cause whoa)
All the fanart Terra creates is so bright and vivid and colorful and expressive, they’re really such a treat to see and experience. I’m a sucker for the colors they use, cause it makes my lizard brain all happy and go “shiny pretty happy.” Highlights: Everything they draw with the Shaw Pack is pure dopamine, like this one of the bois and their mates hanging by the pool. I am particularly attached to this piece from Milo’s HBS, because they’re so fucking in love, your honor, I love them.
@thefablefoxart : she/her
Angelina’s Redacted couple series is one of the truest delights of the fandom; like, they’re so colorful and cute and just adorably designed. I’m also deeply in love with the way she does hair. Everyone just has really fucking good looking hair, and I can’t get over it-Highlights: On top of the aforementioned couple series, I just want to bring attention to this adorable chibi Sam that she drew- it brings me so much serotonin- and their Darlin, Kai who I wish would just give me a shot okay I have a Southern accent too-
If you’re reading all the way here, I hope you found the post helpful and smiled while making your way through it! Or both! The RedactedAudio fandom is truly one of my favorite spaces on the internet; it’s so intimate and creative, and I’ve found some amazing, perfect friends here, so I hope you will too 💖
again playing around with the formatting please stop hurting me tumblr I’m trying to be nice
If you can see this, I love you, and you’re watching me try to format this post so tumblr doesn’t cut off the bottom of it please ignore the Android behind the emerald curtain go about your day
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thekatebridgerton · 4 months
Today on another episode of stories I'm too sleep deprived to write: Jekyll and Hyde Bridgerton boys au
Since the Bridgerton boys tend to get so bipolar around their love interest, what if it was actually a day/night curse that only true love can... blend in.
Take Anthony, Benedict and Colin, respectable gentlemen by day, rakes by night.
During daylight, Anthony is respectfully courting Edwina and trading barbs with Kate, but during any night time ball he's cornering Kate in dark libraries and whispering sensually in her ear about all the things he wants to do to her. Kate finds him distasteful at first, easily cluing in that during daylight hours, Anthony is too rational to attempt to seduce her, and running away from him during night time balls, but his changes in mood are getting out of hand, she's taken to staying at home for the past number of balls and Edwina swears that Viscount Bridgerton is beginning to scare her. The less of Kate he sees at night, the more his ungentleman side wants to have her. And Kate is running out of options to avoid him, she's falling for him and if she doesn't do something drastic she's going to end up ruined, or worse, married to the insufferable man, so in a last ditch attempt to save herself she's just announced she's going to India... Now Anthony's unrestrained side has started blending in with his good one in an attempt to stop Kate from leaving him and it's not good, not good at all
Benedict thought he was spared the most unsavory sides of the curse, some night time debauchery here and there was a small price to pay for keeping his reputation as the ton's darling. That until he met the lady in silver, and for the first time the wild side of the curse got out of control. The one that got away drove his nocturnal self mad with want. For 2 years he fought against it only for Sophie Beckett to bring it out of him more strongly than before. Sophie Beckett isn't scared of anything, she should be scared of Benedict, who gets her a job in the morning, then demands she be his mistress at night. But she's figured that even at his worst she can push him back and he won't hurt her. Sure he's determined to help her establish herself independently during daylight and demands she depend only on him during his nighttime adventures, but Sophie is strong, she's dealt with worse. At least until gentlemen daylight Benedict starts seducing her in a very rakish way. And wild untamed nighttime Benedict starts romancing her like a gentleman in love
Colin... Well Colin has always known he's cursed. He learned to work around it, keeping his darker nature under control with decadent food and debauched travels and the occasional gambling. Until Penelope Featherington asked his nighttime self for a kiss and got in the way of his neatly laid plans. Penelope is clever, too clever, his daylight self might hate her, but oh his nighttime self can't live without her and she thrives on it. Truly it irks Colin to know that she prefers him at his worst during the night and rejects his at his best during daylight. She with her lady Whistledown secrets, smiling as she indulges his every hungry whim during secret nighttime meetings and then pretends the man she's taken for lover is not Colin Bridgerton. If she didn't frustrate him so, he might think himself inlove with her. Penelope Featherington knows Colin's secret, truthfully she doesn't mind if he knows hers, as lady Whistledown its only fair that he knows she can ruin his life if he dares to ruin hers. His nighttime self is fun, savage, and completely enamored with her body, nothing like daylight Colin. Penelope adores that side of him. Part of her doesn't even want to admit they're the same person because Daylight Colin is the popular charmer of the ton who can't even look her in the eye and calls her his dear friend. But nighttime Colin is hers and he doesn't demand anything out of her as her lover, truly its the best arrangement in the world... That is until an overprotective Colin Bridgerton ravishes her in a carriage and proposes marriage in front of all her family, all in the same morning. Could it be his two personalities are blending??
And Gregory Bridgerton, he's seventeen and afraid, very afraid about when he'll reach a point where his curse will be triggered and what that will mean for his best friend Lucy Abernathy. Because Greg knows he's going to respect Lucy till the day he dies, but he also knows he can't live without her and he can almost feel the want in his bones, how little it would take for his Lucy to be his undoing and the reason he needs to lock himself up at night... It's going to happen eventually but Gregory hopes it takes longer than a few years, for Lucy's sake and for his own.
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funemployed-fangirl · 4 months
Modern Bridgerton AU
Colin & Penelope
Colin has no interest in getting anywhere near the family business. He takes an extended gap year after high school (he goes to “find himself” on a farming collective in New Zealand…after parting his way through Europe for 6 months). Eventually he does make it to college, after which he fucks back off to wander around the world.
Penelope has always enjoyed writing, but more importantly loves observing people from the side lines. She’s the quiet one in a loud, kind of obnoxious family, so pretending to be invisible comes easily for her. She goes to NYU and gets a degree in Journalism. While there, she starts the Whistledown blog making observations about the New York elite (it started as a class project…then she kept going). It's mostly benign. Sometimes it’s the social stuff (who was at which party wearing what), and sometimes it's in-depth analysis of how someone’s business is doing (data and all). Whistledown basically becomes required reading for New York upper social circles. 
Fun side note: While Colin and Penelope have always known each other (Penelope is best friends with Colin’s younger sister Eloise), they’d never spent any time together (who hangs out with their little sister’s friends?). That is, until they get to college. Because of Colin’s gap years, they end up overlapping at NYU for a couple years, during which time they get pretty close…like, REALLY close. But then Colin graduates and heads off for his adventures and Penelope stays in New York with her ever growing Whistledown blog.
They reconnect when Colin comes back to the city. There’s a drunken hook up in the back of a cab (following a party of some sort), after which they spend the next day together. Since it’s a Sunday, Violet is hosting Sunday Family Dinner, so Colin just texts "I'm bringing Penelope." Everyone's like, cool, great, we love Penelope. They show up holding hands and keep sitting down next to each other with his arm around her waist, holding hands, leaning into each other - full couple mode, no shame. It still takes everyone legitimately half the night for someone to go... is something happening here? 
Patented Bridgerton style everyone-at-once conversation explodes at the table: 
Benedict: Surely Penelope can do much better than Colin. 
Eloise: No way something is happening here. Oh my god are you two dating? No way, you would have told me. Oh my god, are you two actually dating?
Kate: Eloise, are you going to be okay? 
Daphne: They did look awfully cozy at Cressida's birthday party last night. 
Sophie: Did you two hook up after Cressida’s birthday party?! 
Anthony: Did you think none of us would notice that you were suddenly a couple?
Gregory: We’ve all been here for 3 hours and none of us did notice. 
Hyacinth: Except for me, obviously. 
Francesca: Then why didn't you say anything?
Colin gives them a few minutes to wear themselves out before announcing that yes, they are together. And things escalate quickly after that, with them getting engaged after a couple months. At their engagement party, a drunken Colin makes an impromptu speech where he announces that he’s “just SO PROUD of his fiancé, Penelope! Do you guys know how awesome she is? She runs that gossip blog that everyone’s obsessed with ALL BY HERSELF! How cool is that!” Yeah…no one knew it was Penelope’s blog.
The consequences of her being outed as the author of the blog aren’t dire (it’s not like she’s ever been intentionally malicious or tried to ruin someone). In fact, she starts getting access to hot ticket restaurants and parties, and the society girlies are suddenly nicer to her as they start trying to score spots on the site for their side hustle brands. She gets a buy-out offer (Buzzfeed, Cracked, Wired, whatever) and the site expands. A lot. She continues to run it, and Colin writes travel articles every once-in-a-while (he’s basically a kept man and living his best life in their Upper East Side penthouse).
more (x)
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Rafal as an Ever Student AU
I think I came up with a decent portion of this right before I read Rise, in the shower, and the rest of it manifested later on, after reading Rise.
Note: This concept is set as if he were in Sophie and Agatha's year.
He gets a different reception than Agatha despite being a bit like her but less coarse and more refined. He’s seen as broody and cool, not “moody,” “grumpy,” “sour,” and “unpleasant.” It is a total double standard for the Everboys that he benefits from.
Yes, he retains his personality from TLEA and Rise, just minus the Evilness. Aloof, grouchy, and quiet.
He’s not entirely an outcast even if he is unconventional, for a prince. The other Everboys hate him because he’s seen as competition. They poke fun at him and call him “as pale as a Crog’s underbelly.”
Some Evergirls are attracted to him. He sets their hearts aflutter, but most think he is the antithesis of Good in its typical definitions and forms. He is cold and pale, and leaner-built than most. He runs cold, unlike the warm-blooded, sweaty Everboys. (And, he and Sophie love each other. Although, being atypical examples of an Ever and Never as they are, they are quite a contrast and quite the power couple. Even though they are an Ever-Never couple, they have lots of commonalities. Maybe, they’d resemble Tophie, but their dynamic would be leagues better.)
Ironically, he performs badly at things that require true Goodness. The other Everboys mock him for being “impure” like the Nevers mocked Sophie.
Basically, Rafal is no good at doing performative Good. In the way that Sophie initially is bad at performative Evil, in practice.
However, he aces the Good theory lessons somehow. He probably got a 90% on Dovey's Good Deeds test. He just knows the Rules and how everything works really well. He's clever. That's obvious enough. (And, he was a prodigy in primary school.)
The two, Sophie and Rafal, are paradoxes. They are (oddly enough) desirable social-rejects.
One of their first interactions, after he performed badly in a class involving concrete action that Sophie witnessed:
Sophie: I thought you were Good.
Rafal: I am. In theory.
His ability to understand Good theory traces back to his Talent: how he already has a full understanding of how the Woods operate, and can read souls and intentions, meaning he can immediately sense who’s an Ever and who’s a Never, is a walking lie-detector, and senses a betrayal days before it happens. His weakness is that emotional attachment to people dulls his senses in regards to them specifically.
He’s also slightly prescient. He is not a Seer though. He can simply predict outcomes and movements with surprising accuracy. Plus, maybe, he's just observant and knows too much, more than he should, of the inner workings of the Schools’ system.
He probably cheats the system with his performance, anomalous with the actual impure inclinations of his soul. Like, he knows the correct, Good answers to the test. He just wouldn't be compelled to do all of it in reality. He doesn't care enough to. He doesn’t care enough for others. He doesn't care enough for what others think, at all, so that's part of the problem.
In reality, he’s on the less pure section of the Good continuum; he’s just incredibly competent at what he does to be tracked as a Leader. So, his morality is already greyish. But, he has no inclination to do Evil without provocation. He’s just capable of thinking exactly like a villain would, which both impresses and terrifies all the Evers. It looks suspicious, and Tedros is certain he’s secretly a Never.
This connects back to his Talent. Rafal can anticipate what Nevers will do. He’s always several steps ahead as a strategic, long-range planner.
Rafal’s Wish Fish vision is of Sophie. (He had seen her at the Welcoming, and cynically chalked her up to delusional Evil in love, like his Never brother once was. He did experience aesthetic attraction though.) He’s startled by the vision, and the Everboys jeer at him for being drawn to a Never.
Meanwhile, Agatha tries to tell Sophie to try and get him to kiss her, and tells her to wait for him to make the first move. Sophie doesn’t listen and approaches him. She had decided to lure him instead.
But she is not the only one with ulterior motives. At first, Rafal had selfish motives in pursuing Sophie. He, ever the control freak, decides to try and reform her. It would surely be an unforgettable accomplishment, and win him fame and influence as the first Ever to convert a Never to Good. Then, he’d take her as his queen.
And, yes, he admits, he does have feelings for her, but he is unable to process or decipher those feelings at the moment, and he stuffs them down, so he can conduct his morally-questionable experiment without interference.
He finds Sophie amusing and intriguing. Sometimes, he smiles knowingly at the lengths she goes to prove she's truly Good. Because, he once tried to love too and failed. His heart and soul failed him. And, it pains him to think about the Evil brother he had to kill in the purest self-defense a year ago. (Yeah, he's traumatized in this AU too.)
Eventually, he’s a prince lured onto Evil's side. She won their game, like a siren. And, both of them were already morally grey.
If the Storian were to write a fairy tale about them, the first triumph of both sides, it would be very radical for lack of a better word. Very good. Ahem. [Clears throat awkwardly.]
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sensitiveheartless · 10 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Tagged by @feralrookie! :D Thank you for the tag!!
1. How many works do you have on ao3?
10! (technically, kinda)
2. What's your total ao3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Just Bungou Stray Dogs! It's also the first fandom I've written for, actually. :D
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
This is how it feels to take a fall (Dazai goes feral, time shenanigans)
Plate :( (Dazai breaks a plate, experiences emotions)
Dazai and the Moving Detective Agency (Howl's Moving Castle AU)
Chuunyaa's Pawsitively Catastrophic Day (Chuuya is turned into a cat, it's short and pretty much just shenanigans)
Wish in one hand (First fic I wrote, and the first one I posted — Dazai has emotions about handholding)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to, but I've been absolutely terrible at it lately — whenever I'm particularly stressed I start worrying that the negative emotions are going to leak through into what I'm writing and make my tone sound weird, so then I end up turtling in on myself and not saying anything at all, no matter how much I want to engage with people. It's a bad habit, and I want to work on it, so I'm gonna try to catch up on comments! (I treasure every single one of the ones I receive, so for anyone who has left a comment and hasn't gotten a response from me yet, thank you and I am very sorry about my inability to form words in a timely manner skdjfksd)
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably An Unsent Letter, since it's pretty much just a short snippet of Dazai being sad while he's leaving the mafia. And even with that one, I have in my head that skk still get together after the four years apart, I just didn't write it. I am dreadful with sad endings — although the ending to "This is how it feels to take a fall" is a little bittersweet, perhaps.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hmm...I'm gonna say Dazai and the Moving Detective Agency, because it's the one with the longest buildup, so I think it has the most catharsis, at least for me! But I tend to give all of my fics happy endings because, as established, I am a wimp when it comes to hardcore angst. I will say that Zut Alors I Have Missed One is probably a contender for happiest as well, just because that fic had no angst whatsoever and was just Unhinged
8. Do you get hate on fic?
Nope! Everyone's been lovely! I have gotten some for my art, but honestly it was pretty toothless and I couldn't take it seriously lol
9. Do you write smut?
...Yeh. :0 There was an attempt, at least — one fic, and I made it anonymous (so on the extreme off-chance that anyone notices a discrepancy between my total ao3 wordcount listed here and the summed up wordcounts of the fics viewable on my profile, that's why!) It's also another fic I need to finish, I hit my writing roadblock with that one at the same time as all my others, and it's almost doneeee I just need my brain to cooperate >:|
10. Do you write crossovers?
Not any proper crossovers, only things like the Howl AU and the Little Mermaid AU, where I took the settings/plots and put in BSD characters.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
...Possibly? I'm not actually sure, I've given a couple people permission, but I'm not sure if anything came of that, I haven't heard one way or another :0 I do have a tendency to use puns, which I realize might make things difficult for translations
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, not so far — and given how tempestuous my schedule has been, it'll probably be a while before I attempt anything like that! Sounds fun, though
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
...I mean, it's gotta be soukoku, because for all that I've enjoyed a lot of fictional pairings before (for example, Howl and Sophie specifically from the HMC books, Beatrice and Benedick from Much Ado About Nothing — I like bickering duos, what do you know — Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane, currently falling down the Hualian rabbithole because I'm reading Heaven Official's Blessing with my friend, and there's lots of other ones), for as much as I like all those, I haven't really had much of an urge to write anything for them.
So, purely in terms of me wanting to mess around with two characters and write them over and over and over again, it's really only skk! They hit the exact right combination of braincells, I guess lololol
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but probably won't?
Hmmm...honestly, most of my WIPs I still intend to finish at some point or another — first priority being the ones I've already started posting, of course! Although...just due to time constraints, I might not get around to writing the thief!Chuuya/detective!Dazai one I was planning a while back. (and I mean a WHILE lol) I didn't write very much of it, and honestly most of the reason I wanted to write it was for comedy — so maybe I'll turn it into a short comic series instead, because I do think some of the bits were funny :0
16. What are your writing strengths?
That's a hard one; I tend to look more at the ways I want to improve my writing then at what I like about it, and I nitpick just about everything I create, art and writing alike. But if I had to pick something, I would probably say dialogue? That tends to be what I write easiest, at least. I still want to get better at that too, though.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions and action scenes. I've been making myself write them more, so I think I'm slowly improving (the Howl AU has been great for that! It pushed me to write all sorts of scenes I wouldn't have normally :D ), but those two things remain what I get bogged down by the most.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Depends on the circumstances, I think? I'd include translations if I did. I do tend to include Japanese honorifics when I'm writing in the canon universe, because there's not really english equivalents and it feels like I'm leaving something out when I just do their names straight — although I did take them out when I was doing the Howl AU and the Little Mermaid AU, just as a setting thing.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Bungou Stray Dogs — like I mentioned in the ship section, this is the first fandom where I've really felt the urge. Although I did write things when I was little that very blatantly yoinked in various creatures and concepts from the things I was reading and watching, which resulted in stories with pirates and weeping angels and Ringwraiths all running around in the same place. But I didn't usually bother with bringing in actual characters from those pieces of media, or even using the settings, I just made ocs and had them run around in my own made up world.
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I like all of them for different reasons, but I think my favorite overall has to be Dazai and the Moving Detective Agency. It's the longest thing I've ever written, and when I started out I wasn't sure I'd be able to do it — so the fact that it's most of the way done (currently chipping away at the epilogue, it is getting to be a LOT of words) makes me really happy. And it's just been so much fun! Writing characters I hadn't before, piecing the world together, working out the magic system, writing Dazai being a mess and Chuuya being cool, it's all been a blast. And I seriously need to finish the epilogue, because the followups are living in my brain and they demand to be freed aksdfjksdjfk
But yeah! I'm not sure how many writers I know on here have already been tagged, so I'll just go open tags on this one! :D If any of y'all write and feel like doing this, then go for it!
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fictionalgap · 4 months
I Hate My Coworker (Chapter 4)
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Pairing: Modern Au! Barista! Kit Thantalos x Barista! Reader
Summary: Some tension between you and Kit resolves.
Warnings: Swearing, Kit and reader is 18+
Chapters: Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 5
Song Recommendation: Photograph - Ed Sheeran
You grabbed your keys and opened the door. You got inside and followed you into the house. She took a look around with a smile. "You have a nice house. "
"Thanks. It's my grandma's." You stripped your jacket and hanged it on the wall. Kit started to take hers off as well.
"Y/N?" A small woman with a pink dress appeared with a small and cute purse.
"Yes- Whoa grandma what's the occasion?" You said with a smirk on your face.
"Brenda called our group to her granddaughter's baby shower."
"Okay. Just be careful and you look pretty. " You said with a smile.
She smiled at your compliment.
"I would ask you to join to us but It seems like you have company... " She winked playfully.
You eyed Kit who eyed you at the same time. You smiled as you blushed a little.
"This is Kit. My coworker from the where I work. Kit this is my grandma, Sophie. "
"Nice to meet you, Ma'am."
"Oh, please call me Sophie and very nice to meet you too. It's been a while since Y/N bringed anyone home."
You cleared your throat in urgency to stop her embarrassing you.
"Oh, I should be going. You two have fun... but not too much-"
"Enjoy the baby shower, grandma!" You said as you guided her to the exit.
She grinned as she waved at you. You watched her leave for a while.
You blushed a little bit.
"Your grandma is really cool." Kit was smiling.
You bit your lip as you walked towards the kitchen.
You wanted to change the subject.
"Tea, coffee, water? " You asked.
Kit followed you into the kitchen.
" Oh... uhm tea would be nice, thank you." She said and pulled a chair next to the kitchen table.
You opened the window above the sink to let some air in. What was your grandmother thinking...
You put water in the kettle and took two mugs out of the cabinet.
"Earl grey or herbal tea?"
"Earl grey." Kit said while drumming her fingers.
Kettle made a sound that indicates the water is now hot so you put the tea pockets then poured the hot water into the mugs. You placed them into the table and you sat down on the a chair as well.
You looked up at Kit and didn't know what to say so you smiled tightly as you fidgeted with your fingers.
Kit smiled seeing your nervousness but she was also curious what was your problem with her mum.
"So... "
You gulped. How does one tell this thing?
"Yeah... " You sighed. You rubbed your sweaty palms on your jeans.
Kit waited for a moment then asked a different question than you expected. You expected "Why don't you like my mum? "
Instead she asked " Is my mum the reason why you hate me? "
Your head snapped so fast she opened her eyes wider in shock.
"I-I don't hate you."
Kit rolled her eyes. "Yeah..."
You sighed. "I just...ugh. It's complicated. " Your hands were in your hair.
She came closer to your face. "Enlighten me then."
You bit your lip as you thought how to tell her this. It wasn't her fault and you were still grieving.
Damn, you missed your parents so much.
The more Kit looked at you with empathetic eyes more you understood this has nothing to do with her. You were just a victim of your emotions.
You opened your phone and picked your favourite photo of your parents and you. You clicked on it and showed it to Kit.
She looked at your phone screen.
"These are my parents. They passed away two years ago."
"I-I'm sorry." Kit looked at you with sincere sadness on her face.
"I did everything to not forget them. I wrote every specific memory I had with them in my journals. I keep their photos in my albums. Our videos and all of the other things are in my computer, in my phone and in my flash drives. Just in case I delete them on accident."
Kit kept her eyes on you as she listened to you carefully.
You exhaled deeply. "But nothing feels like visiting the places we have been together. " You explained with teary eyes. "I- I used to visit all of the places we have been with my journals after they passed away and read them while I was sitting where we used to sit so I could feel that- that they were actually there... with me."
Kit came closer and placed her hand on you. You squeezed it a little.
"Our favourite place were the the small parks around here but especially one specific park that we loved and visited occasionally. It had giant trees with a small pond. We just have so many- we had- I just" You sobbed. Kit pulled her chair closer and leaned in to hug you. You kept on sobbing while she drew circles behind your back.
"I need tissues." You tried to got up but Kit literally jumped on the counter to bring you tissues.
"Thank you. "
You eyes we're red and puffy from crying.
"I'm sorry, I-"
"Don't be." She rubbed your arm to calm you.
"You probably wonder why this has to do with your mum. "
Kit paused rubbing your arm.
"Yeah but you don't need to tell me If you don't want to. " Kit said in a small voice.
You never thought you could see her like that.
"Last year, the park was destroyed by Thantalos Company... I know it sounds stupid. I don't hate you, Kit. I just remember that I'm never going to be in the place where I felt closest to them when I look at you. Oh God, I sound like an idiot-"
"No, It's not stupid and you're not an idiot. You're in pain and I'm really...really sorry. I wish I knew you back then and If that park wasn't destroyed I swear I wouldn't let my mum touch a single leaf in it." Her voice sounded like crying.
You looked up to her and saw her eyes were teary as well.
"I'm sorry. I know it has nothing to do with you." Kit squeezed you a little more to reassure you.
"Don't say sorry. I know how you feel. I mean- not exactly but you see, my father passed away, too. "
You broke up the hug to look at her.
She sighed. "I didn't take it well as you can guess. I kind of made life a h*ll for people around me. You see, It was- It was really hard to move on." She gulped then looked at you again inside your eyes with a tight smile.
"Oh, Kit. I'm really sorry." You put your hand on her arm and squeezed it a little.
"It's been years, so..."
"Does - does it get easier?"
Kit looked at her palms.
"I really would like to say yes but- It's... I guess, guess I can say that I deal with it better after a couple of years."
She sighed heavily then looked at you.
You looked into her eyes. " I'm sorry I put all my repressed feelings onto you."
"I'm sorry about the park... and all."
"It's not your fault... And I'm sorry I made you feel like that."
"It's okay. We can start over. Right...? "
You smiled with teary eyes. "Yeah, I would like that. "
Kit smiled as she sipped her tea.
You sipped your as well. It was cold.
"Ow, It got cold. I will make a new one. "
You took yours and Kit's mug to make a new tea.
"You don't really have to. "
"It's okay."
You felt the negative tension you both have clearing up as you waited for the water to boil.
"Hm... " You turned to her.
"There is no thing you didn't apologize for."
You turned around to look at her. You were confused.
She looked at you with a 'Duh' face.
"You hit my boob! "
You snorted.
"Yeah, I'll never apologize for that. " You said with a side smile.
You heard her chuckling.
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apinchofm · 10 months
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first meeting/modern au - edwina sharma x prince friedrich
for @tarrynmj
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"This is an expensive dress."
"As is this watch, perhaps that's why we are stuck like this."
Edwina cannot help but giggle at the situation. Leaving her hotel room, carrying multiple bags herself, plus her own clutch, was not the best idea. The dress, a deep pink with wide sheer sleeves was beautiful when she bought it.
She had not expected to bump into a stranger and get stuck to him. Sophie had said the dress would help her pull - Edwina did not think that she meant this!
The stranger was more amused than anything.
"Let's see," He hums gently as he works to unhook the material from his timepeice. A small thread had hooked itself onto the small movement.
"It is a beautiful watch." Edwina compliments weakly.
"It was my father's." He tells her.
He managed to unhook them, "Well, he was rather a, ah, lothario?" He says, "I do hope this was not one of his tricks."
"Um, I'm Edwina." She introduced.
"Freddie." He shook her hand and then looked at the time, "Ah, good, not late at all."
She gently grabbed his wrist to see that it was nearly six and cursed quietly whilst Freddie raised an eyebrow amused.
"Late for a meeting? Let me guess, an accountant?" Freddie asked.
"Oh, but this is all the rage at Barclays!" Edwina jokes, "No, it's my sister's bachelorette party." She began to pick up the glittery party bags.
"Here let me help. It is the least I can do." He takes four of the six bags and they walk to the elevator together as Edwina tries to avoid direct eye contact.
"These are beautiful party favors," Freddie says.
"Oh, I put them together - a little something for my sister and the group," Edwina explained.
"Slippers?" He gestures to the fluffy items wrapped in plastic.
"You do not know the pain of wearing heels for hours on a night out, do you?"
He clicked his tongue, "Second year of undergrad refreshers week - I won a bet." He says. She giggles. Stand up! Edwina scolded herself.
"You must be really close to be doing all this?" Freddie asked.
Edwina shrugs, "It's nothing. Kate, she would do the same. She's always taken care of me and I just want all of this to go well. For her to have so much fun before going on to have more fun. And I love planning things. And gift bags. This was perfect for me!"
Freddie smiled gently at her enthusiasm as she looked away, her face warm with embarrassment.
"I am the eldest myself." He tells her, "My sister is still in school - uh, year 12? She wants to be a vet and wants me to get married so she can wear a ball gown."
"Oh good for her. You are a cruel brother, depriving her of the occasion!" Edwina playfully gasped.
He grinned, "I am just awful. What about you?"
"What about me?"
"Will your sister be struggling with gift bags with slippers and candy anytime soon?"
"I'm not the greatest at dating." Edwina said sheepishly, "I mean, I have been on dates but..." She shuts her eyes in embarrassment as she rambles and stutters.
But Freddie wasn't teasing or judgmental, smirking and said, "You are single. Good. I still have a chance."
They reached the ground floor and he dutifully followed her to the hotel bar and restaurant to the booked table.
Kate was at the bar, dressed in a mini silver dress and excited to see her sister escorted by a very handsome man.
Kate mouthed 'who's the hot guy?' from behind and Edwina's eyes widened in embarrassment.
"Thanks." She said shyly to Freddie who grinned.
"Have a fun night," He said with a wink and then left, but not before looking back at the funny woman in pink.
Kate smirked, then deepened her voice, "Have a fun night," She said mockingly, "I think he wanted to have a good night with you."
"Shut up. He was just a nice man." Edwina scolded and decided to distract her sister by waving her goody bag in front of her face which only worked momentarily.
"You are beautiful, bon. Thank you for all of this."
"Well, how else shall I celebrate your first marriage?" Edwina teased, making her laugh.
"Anyway, who was the cute man?"
Edwina shrugged, "I don't know. Our rooms are next to each other."
"Ooh, maybe it's fate!" Kate teased.
Edwina shook her head but there was a part of her that hoped so. She didn't realize that Freddie felt the same way.
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mossterious · 23 days
I need to stop making leverage sports aus. I will not stop making leverage sports aus. Especially cuz it’s paralympics season! Which meansss… para sports au!
Eliot lost an arm in an explosion while still with the army. This means that he never worked for Moreau, and was instead sent home early to recover. He did, mostly. To deal with it, he started practicing martial arts again. Toby ran a gym, instead of a cooking school, and was the one to help Eliot with the rules and regulations and stuff. He got used to fighting with only one arm, and focused on his kicks. He made a name for himself in para taekwondo.
Parker was born blind. It never affected her much, except people did try to baby her about it which she hated. Archie still found her picking his pocket, but when he pointed it out, she ran and she ran fast. Archie, who in this was a track coach, picked her up and trained her to run. She’s now a para sprinter. She has some impaired vision but not completely, and she’d be T12 which means she’d have a choice whether or not she’d run with a guide. Parker HATES the idea of running with a guide.
Hardison plays wheelchair table tennis. He was born without any legs, and uses his hands for most things. This would place him class 5. He definitely still hacks on the side, because he is Hardison and you cannot stop him. But table tennis keeps him in one place grounded, so he’s not hacking into hotels for cheap thrills and is just doing it to pay for nana, and his training, and the like.
Nate was still an IYS agent. But he played basketball on the side, as a stress reliever. He was pretty good, but not great. And then Nate got into an accident, and because IYS wouldn’t pay for his treatment, he wound up paralyzed. Sam’s totally fine, and Nate’s less upset at IYS but still quits. He winds up depressed after the accident, until Maggie and Sterling force him to try wheelchair basketball just to do something. He likes it, and he hates that he likes it. And he hates even more that he’s really good at it.
Sophie is still a conwoman, but one of her cons had her doing paraequestrian and now she just kinda can’t stop. She uses the alias every time there’s a competition, because she can’t help herself and equestrian is fun as hell. I think she has CP, which leaves her with an odd gait and using crutches, and it at first made her feel like she couldn’t be beautiful but then she was like “no I can be whoever i want to be” and was simply hot as fuck with crutches.
Honestly, because it’s leverage, I feel like they would all meet because they were all separately investigating the fact that something with the Paralympic committee was really fishy, and they work together to solve the mystery, stop evil rich people, win their sports, and make a family out of it. Afterward they open the weirdest gym ever.
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agentnatesewell · 2 months
hello lovely mar!! i just read "they saw you in my written words" for the first time and i just wanted to say what a wonderful writer you ❤️ i love how you write nate and suri is just an absolute goddess
a question! i have never seen bridgerton before, but that regency art of N & A got me thinking. do you have any thoughts or headcanons about if nate & suri had met in a similar setting? 😌
Bree!! I am literally just sitting here with my jaw on the floor! Thank you so much for reading ‘they saw you in my written words’ and sending me this very, very sweet message!
I am floored!! Blushing!
And thank you so, so much. Nate’s always been a little bit tough for me to try to figure out writing wise, but it was really fun writing him and Suri together. I think about them all the time, and it was nice to put them together. Especially in that sort of way 🥰
Ah Bridgerton! I loved season two, and I really love Anthony&Kate, and Benedict. So much that I also really love Benedict’s book because of his love, Sophie Beckett (who is a maid, and I really, really hope she’ll be on season four!)
As for Regency Nuri! I’ve had a few thoughts!
* Nate would be a member of the gentry, still. Surina would be the daughter of a dowager titled woman (Rebecca) and they both participate in society. While the others learned the more common second languages like French and Latin and Italian - I think they both knew Arabic (and he would know more, such as the tongue of his biological father — I assume Mama and Papa Sewell in this AU) . But that was a draw for them both (they would have known each other before the official debuts)
- And in true historical romance fashion, of course the titles and succession might be smudged, just a little bit
* For fun, because they knew they loved each other even before debuts, I imagine - in true historical romance fashion - they get up to some sneaky things, and do a lot of fun sneaky things. Do they get caught? Well, if they did, they were wanting to get married anyway!
* I went to a butterfly garden today in the afternoon and it was just lovely. It made me think that N’s family probably had a stunning orangery and grounds, and that’s also a headcanon!
* Before we were told that N’s family was part of the gentry, rather than the peerage (titled), I hc’d (with a friend) that Nate and Suri eloped because she quoted Violet Bridgerton saying that rakes make the best husbands and Nate agreed (not that he still couldn’t be a rake but I don’t think so at all)
One of these days, it is my goal to play around with a Nate and Suri historical/modern romance and see where that goes (actually the thoughts are very angsty but I’ve been enjoying doing some mental plotting)
Ah! Thank you SO much! You’re so sweet and wonderful to take time out of your day to send me such kindness! I am so, so glad you’re here with us!
I loved your Adam fic so much! We were on a road trip that day you posted and I couldn’t wait until we got to our destination so I read in the car! It was amazing!!
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alaydabug2 · 20 days
Tag list: @sparklenarniawizard @imobsessed123 @thoughtlescat @ilikebookssomuch
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter Sixty-eight
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
"Well, hey there," Sophie smiled. "You look like you're doing a little better," she said when the door was awnsered.
"Yeah," Keefe murmured. "I managed to get a shower and wash my hair."
They were going to try and have an outing today. Going to go to a restaurant with their friends.
"It looks good. How's the pain been?"
"A bit sore, but nothing too horrible. The meds have been doing their job."
"That's great!" She offered her arm. "Ready to go?"
"I think so."
Keefe put the strap of his oxygen pack over one of his shoulders. He hooked his arm through hers, and they slowly went out towards the car.
Arriving at the Denny's, their friends had already sat down at a table. Sophie helped Keefe get settled in his seat before taking the one beside him.
"Hey," Fitz said. "How's things going?"
"It's going," Keefe told him
Sophie felt an immense amount of relief when she saw the smile on his face. Things were getting better. It was a huge step in the right direction.
The conversation changed from everyone's orders to dogs, then puns, then playfully threatening each other. It somehow ended off on school as they were eating their food.
"Ooh! What are you guys wearing to prom?" Biana asked.
Keefe's face fell. "Prom? When is it?"
"Next Friday. When will you be allowed back at school?"
He looked down and pushed his food around on his plate. "It's going to be a couple of weeks. But I hope you guys have fun. Take pictures for me."
"I'll keep you company," Sophie assured him.
He shook his head. "No, you should go."
"Seriously," she insisted. "It's not that big a deal to me."
He pursed his lips. He nodded and stared down at his food.
The rest of lunch was an awkward silence. After, Sophie drove them to her house. Stepping into the kitchen, Edaline rushed over to them. She pulled Keefe into a hug. It was the first time she had seen him since the before operation.
It was a little too tight. He let out a groan. Edaline pulled back.
"Sorry!" She exclaimed. "Didn't mean to hurt you. I'm just so glad you're okay. We were all so worried about you!"
"It's alright. Didn't need my ribs anyway." He turned to Sophie. "I do think I need to go sit down, though," he informed her.
"Of course."
She led him down to the couch. They got situated in a snuggle with a move turned on.
"Y'know, you don't have to miss prom to stay with me," he murmured
Sophie adjusted her head to look up at him. "I know I don't. But I want to. That way we can both go together next year. I wouldn't want to go unless you were there."
"I'm sorry."
"What are you apologizing for?"
"Just... making everything difficult."
She took his hand. "You don't make things difficult. I promise."
"Still, I don't want you to miss it because of me," he complained.
"Hey. I'm not 'missing it because of you'." She laid her head in his shoulder. "I just want to be where you are. And right now, where you need to be is home, recovering."
Keefe's eyes shifted away from her. "I guess so."
Sophie kissed his cheek. "I promise you, I really don't mind. I just don't want you to feel lonely while everyone else is at the dance."
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thesorrowoflizards · 6 months
i have this thought of leverage/leverage redemption existing in the same universe as warehouse 13/alphas/eureka because like. one of my favorite fun facts about warehouse 13 is that like. it really obviously crosses over with eureka (they had a whole Event) but it also has a crossover with a show that is nowhere near as well-known, alphas, and like. there's a character in warehouse 13 that just inexplicably can tell when people are lying. it's established that this is a real trick that works, and is basically magic; they give no explanation for it, and you don't really need one. however there is an explanation for it if you know where to look, which is that in alphas, some people (called, who'd've guessed it, "alphas") inexplicably have weird little abilities, and steve is likely an alpha and just does not know it. (unfortunate naming conventions for a post on tumblr aside.) and in alphas, a character from warehouse 13, with the same name and actress, shows up (presumably due to the Weird Events) and this implies they're in the same universe (meaning it's also in the same universe as eureka.) now in warehouse 13, we didn't really need an explanation for steve knowing when people are lying. like, it's a little weird since no one else seems to have any obvious or overt ~magical~ abilities without a clear origin, but also, warehouse 13 is in the fantastical genre, they already have weird magic shit happening, so you're just kind of like, yeah, sure, that can happen. the alphas thing is really more a fun bonus if you happened to watch this cancelled-after-one-season show. however. and now we get to my point. that guy in "the mastermind job" who can put people to sleep by talking. i just think it would be really funny if the explanation for this was that he was an "alpha" and some people just have weird magical abilities. (actually i haven't seen alphas in ages but i'm pretty sure there was a technomancer type dude which. hm. thinking. rotating.) anyway this obviously doesn't scan the same way steve did since leverage redemption is supposed to be in a more grounded setting (it stretches reality, certainly, but magic isn't really supposed to be a thing as far as we're aware) but i just think it would be funny if that was the explanation.
this also opens up a new world of generally leverage crossing over with warehouse 13 and eureka. so much potential there. warehouse 13 is literally about valuable historical items with MAGIC NONSENSE happening, so one or many of them have GOT to have encountered them before (god nate and sophie would be a terrifying warehouse duo. all of them would be great at that actually. actually now i'm straight up thinking about a full-on warehouse 13 au and my brain is fucking. spinning.) and EUREKA????? a town of WILD GENIUSES who do WILD SCIENCE????? at least hardison and/or eliot (and sophie potentially?) have gotten involved in that shit before right? like. hardison is in geek heaven, eliot knows all sorts of weird government secrets, etc. can you imagine. i have so many fucking thoughts
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awholelotofladybug · 2 months
The Vet: A Stammering Adrien AU Moment
Based on this AU
It's a busy day at the vet's office. Adrien and Nathalie, Sabrina and Roger, Marinette and Sabine, and Chloe and Audrey are all there with their pets for one reason or another.
Buddy: *whimpers*
Adrien: *snuggling him* Aw, I know, B-B-B-Buddy. The vet's no fun, huh?
Marinette: *holding Enzo* What's wrong with Buddy?
Nathalie: *petting Buddy* Oh, he's just a little fussy because he just had his checkup. The poor thing is so nervous around vets.
Sabine: Aw, poor baby.
Adrien: Yeah, but he was a good boy, so he gets a treat later.
Sabine: That's good.
Marinette: *to Enzo* Hear that, Enzo? Good puppies get treats, and so do good kitties. So be a good kitty for you worm check, okay?
Enzo: *meow*
Marinette: *looks to Chloe and Sabrina* What about you guys? What's up with Rex and Sophie?
Chloe: Well, Rex is getting fixed today.
Sabrina: And we've noticed that he and Sophie spent a lot of time together these past few weeks, so...
*Roger and Audrey come out of the vet's rooms.*
Chloe: Rex?
Audrey: He needs to stay overnight, but the vet says he'll be just fine.
Chloe: *gives a relieved sigh* Okay.
Sabrina: And Sophie?
Roger: *smiling* The tests came back positive.
Sabrina: *becomes star-eyed* You mean...
Roger: That's right! Sophie is going to have puppies!
*All the girls in the waiting room give a collective squeal*
Vet: *to a drowsy Rex* Congratulations, Rex. You're going to be a father.
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thekatebridgerton · 9 months
So you guys know the trope where the hero turned into a villain because he wanted to resurrect his dead wife?. I just love the idea of the villain actually succeeding because then he'd have a lot to explain to said wife. And it got me thinking about this but in a Bridgerton context
So here's my fantasy Villain Au,:
Because I think the #1 male lead who would burn the world to bring back his dead wife would be Anthony, in a fantasy setting this guy was a Viscount with magic in his bloodline whose beloved Kate, died in a tragic carriage accident, before he could apologize for ignoring her during their first month of marriage. So yes, he 100% turns to the powers of darkness and goes full evil conqueror path to necromancy to bring his Kate back. Which is the start of his fantasy villain arc.
His brothers also start out as heroes, but Anthony, in true fantasy villain fashion goes after their most beloved ladies and kills them so Benedict and Colin 'can see things his way' and have a bigger incentive to help him achieve dominion over the darkest of magics and revive the dead. Colin was the easiest really, his idiot brother thought he could stop Anthony with some magic spell book and some foreign wizardy learned in his travels but all it took to drive Colin over the edge was dangling little Penelope Featherington Infront of him and cruely letting death take her away before Colin could confess his love to his dear Lady Whistledown. All Anthony had to do was give Penelope push and his would be sister in law misscast a deadly spell from her own spell book. And Colin was convinced that Anthony's way into the dark arts of bringing back the dead was the way to go.
Sophie was perhaps the easiest person in the world to dupe. A maid with a heart of gold, so easily convinced to help Anthony find his beloved Kate.. in the underworld. That she never understood why Benedict seemed to be going on so many quests trying to stop his brother. Really Anthony quite liked Sophie, she would rather die than accept Benedict's offer to be his mistress and adding to that the fact that his seemingly worst enemy happened to be his elder brother, tragically misunderstood for trying to use magic to revive his true love. (Give or take a few subjugated kingdoms and a lot of war over some sacred magical artifacts he absolutely needed) Made Sophie very keen on volunteering for a little trip into the underworld. And Benedict very keen on bringing her back.
Hyacinth and Gregory were children easily led by their only father figure, and their wise mother only needed a nice tower where she could remain imprisoned. because really Anthony never worried about his sisters, the death of John guatanteed that Francesca would be on his side from the start. Daphne loved her children too much to oppose him and Eloise who was the only one strong enough to stop him, was persuaded to join him with in the same blow that took out Colin (Penelope, dear Penelope, what a nice friend for his Kate to have in Anthony's new world order).
The fun begins when the villain succeeds and Viscountess Kate Bridgerton is resurrected, along with fellow friends Penelope and Sophie. Only to find the world in darkness and her once kind and responsible husband as it's new evil dictator.
Because Kate is still very surprised at the fact that Anthony conquered all the magic nations and plunged the world into the new dark age of magic, apparently all because loved her. Last time she saw him, he was running away from his feelings and leaving her alone in the marital bedchamber without so much as an explanation. But sure, her heroic, family first, by the letter husband loves her enough to plunge the world into a dark age, sounds fake but okay.
Then there's poor Penelope and Sophie who never even got to see a love declaration from Colin and Benedict. As far as Penelope was concerned Colin joining the evil brother he was trying to defeat just because she died didn't make much sense. Let alone becoming one of Anthony's main force of terror. Someone has got to explain, how exactly kissing Colin once and not accepting his horny marriage proposal in a carriage before she died...led to this
Sophie, well she's just mad that she was pulled from the fantasy world version of heaven. (Valhalla? Elysium?) All because Benedict couldn't accept that she didn't want to be his mistress, and would rather leave the whole Buisness of the masquerade behind. She was happy in the place where good souls go. How was she supposed to know her death made Benedict into the worst version of himself? He went from charming masquerade ball gentleman, to kinda rude hero, to... A bit Unhinged and obsessed with her, dark magic supporter. Sophie really has no idea how trusting the bad guy once and helping him get his wife, could have gone so terribly wrong for her.
This au has been in my mind for a while for the potential drama and hilarity. I don't think about high fantasy Bridgerton scenarios often. But when I do, you know they're fun. Tagging @sea-owl and @bellascarousel because I need your thoughts on this
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shadowuserannie · 26 days
KOTLC Miraculous AU (pt. 2)
Did not expect the people saying they would actually read it;
So fun fact, it's been a hot minute since I last reread KOTLC (well aware the graphic novel doesn't Really Really count). So now I'm making a list of Fitz character flaws that I want to use my narrative to punish him for, so that he can grow, in my AU.
Because Fitz isn't just the angry golden boy. He's someone who doesn't realize all this privilege is a privilege. The Vackers may fight for 'good' but they still largely benefited from the KOTLC system. Playing back into why Plagg is a good match for him-in canon, both Adrien and Keefe don't care about the status that being Mari/Sophie's boyfriend comes with. But Fitz does.
So Detruire is flirty towards Ladybug. Because who better to impress and benefit his status than the superheroine of Paris?
Then the attraction stops being superfluous. He gets a vibe check-from LB or Plagg, maybe both. Plagg has had too many holders to count, and too many who were angry but angry because of their low status in life because of where they were born/born into poverty. Fitz is angry because of his pressure and lack of freedom (in this AU)-which while is equally valid, means that Plagg will be able to vibe check Fitz's privilege. Will be able to question him, call him out, get him to realize the superfluous reasons why he chases Ladybug.
So that he falls in love with Sophie. The clumsy, funny, slightly awkward classmate who smiles just a little crooked and tugs on her eyelashes and isn't all-powerful, isn't all-seeing. Just Sophie.
(Not the perfect Ladybug. Not the perfect Moonlark.)
(fixing character issues ONE BY ONE)
wait but then see Sophie realize Fitz isn't perfect. She screams in Detruire's face that Ladybug isn't perfect, she's not perfect, it's not possible for anyone to be perfect and chasing such an ideal is stupid. See her realize her own hypocrisy. Let Ladybug watch as Detruire changes, stops flirting and gets more genuinely joking instead. Treating her as a real person and not something to attain. LB watches Detruire change, and she starts to fall for someone who has proven they can. Because Detruire listened, and Detruire is trying, and fuck SHE JUST GOT HIM TO QUIT FLIRTING WITH HER-
(extra torture when I reswap the square yay)
Also before you ask, no this is not going to be some kind of s5 swap. Idk when I'll insert this in, BUT IM DEFINITELY NOT GETTING STAMINA TO EVEN THINK OF THAT RN so it'll likely be earlier in the timeline
Rayni as Lila; I saw this in a reblog, AM ADOPTING!! (thanks @ohmygoly) I dislike extra salt and I like the tentative beginnings of Rayni's canon redemption, so let's see if I'll get there before SM either hits or misses in canon!
(also @tiana4evahh I have Plans with Dex and the Lila thing hahahaha hes one of my favs)
Biana as Kagami; BEFORE I GET SHOT. Remember that canonly badass Della will have to be Emilie Agreste. So while Fitz is homeschooled (and I already have a plot reason worked out why Della agrees) Biana Vacker is sent to multiple boarding schools from a young age. When she returns, she doesn't like Sophie trying to make moves ON !HER BROTHER!! So for a while, Sophie sees her as an enemy. (also that means no Kagami/Adrien will exist in this AT ALL JUST TO CLARIFY UTTERLY)
Biana eventually befriending Sophie despite disliking her at first. Biana seeing her brother's indecision and making HER MOVE. Short Sophie/Biana while Soph tries to get over her current thing for Detruire. Biana TELLING HER OWN BROTHER NOT TO HESITATE IM TAKING LUKANETTE AND MAKING IT KAGAMINETTE I DO WHAT I WANT
Btw yk how in canon Mari and Adrien don't question their powers? Sophie and Fitz are too nosy not to HAHA AND THEY START HUNTING DOWN THIS AU'S MASTER FU ALONG WITH HAWKY
Also side note that's kinda irrelevant; When Tam and Linh eventually come in when I finally figure out how to include them, assume they are either already adopted by Tiergan (this will be indicated by their last names being Alenefar and them being proudly introduced as such) or have yet to be adopted by Tiergan and thus the plotline will come later (not introducing themselves with last names)
(@tiana4evahh okay fine I won't scrap this, but I will likely make changes if I ever write in full ao3 fanfic form and not just bullet-pointed)
And finally! While I am taking suggestions for this AU, I'm not going to do stuff because one character in KOTLC matches one in MLB perfectly. That'd be boring. I put characters in slightly unexpected roles because I think the angle would be fun to explore and wouldn't be the same role, same character, same lines. This is adapting MLB's story and adapting KOTLC's characters. I'm not looking to make perfect comparisons and copies (hence my reasoning why Keefe is not the Chat Noir/love interest in pt 1) I'm trying to make a new story where everything is not a repeat of just one of the stories it's adapted from. Not just a copy of MLB but with different names. So please do not expect as such.
Go ahead and rag on me for repeating this too much, but I've always preferred story value and not surface comparisons, which is why I am trying to make this completely clear. I'm not going to make one KOTLC character be the exact same role they had in KOTLC. This is why I am exploring the temporary Sophie/Biana. If you tell me the roles don't perfectly match, then okay! Go create your own AU! (this is not sarcastic) I just don't want getting comments on the whole [but it's not the same thing] because it's not MEANT to be an exact match, and again, sorry for being repetitive. I may include this on all posts of this AU until I finally start writing and fire spoilers.
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justatypicalwizard · 1 year
Wants Within | S. Shinazugawa | Chapter 4
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✦ Sanemi Shinazugawa x femReader!, college au, reader is adult
✦ Synopsis: You're a college student taking classes with a very strict lecturer- professor Shinazugawa. Because of an unfortunate even you got on his bad side so now you're trying everything to regain in his eyes. Well, you most certainely didn't expect that kind of attention.
✦ Word count: 1,9k
18+, minors do not interact
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After a week or so, you got your assignment back. You happily jumped in your bed, seeing an A. Not only did you get a great score, Professor Shinazugawa pointed out some minor mistakes, but apart from that, he sent you a lengthy email about your additional work. He was impressed that you went through with it and was overall pleased with the effects. He also wrote that he will remember about that while giving you the final pass.
Fall was hitting hard. The days became shorter and shorter, rain and wind attacking your window. The seasonal depression also dropped on your shoulders, as you felt kinda sleepy and out of energy all the time. You liked to stay in your room, relax and do things that you only do by yourself, but you also missed the opportunity of going out.
Well, it was about to change.
Next Monday you learned that you may attend a research field trip. It sounded really fun! Anna and her major were also going. You were honestly grateful about that, she was a social butterfly and would never leave you alone in such a situation. Feeling a tingling sensation in your back you smiled to yourself. You felt like you were back in highschool, about to go on a trip with your class.
Two weeks passed by and you found yourself in front of your wardrobe, packing your large, hiking backpack. No, you were not stupid enough to take a suitcase with you, in the mountains. You already pictured all the shocked people, about to carry the fifty kilo plastic boxes up that mountain. There was always someone like that.
Your first enthusiasm faded away, when you realised, it will be freaking cold. Longing to all your crop tops, strapless dresses and swimming suits, you grabbed the long, warm trousers, waterproof jacket and a winter hat. You didn't know if there was ever a trend for sexy hikers, but you would definitely never be one of them in your warm, baggy clothes. Well, nevermind, it was meant to keep you warm and healthy during the trip.
You had to reach the town where the trip was about to start on your own, so you were about to go with Anna and two other people by car.
The day came and it started with rain. The weather was awful, cold and windy. You were glad that you didn't have to take the public transport and spend several hours in trains and buses, just to get to the town that was forgotten by civilization.
Packing yourself into Anna's car, you realised, it was already full. The trunk nearly didn't close and there were three girls in the back. Your friend saved you the front seat. With that, all of you took off.
''That's going to be an interesting trip.'' One of the backseaters started, a pale and ginger girl.
''Do you plan something?'' Ann snickered, knowing well her gossiping friends.
''We don't even have to.'' A different one, with chocolate skin and long curly hair added.
''By the way, the gossips at the back are, Veronica, Janet and Sophie.'' Anna outshouted them and all of them darted their eyes your way.
Veronica was sitting right behind you, you saw her giving you a small wave in the mirror. She had medium length black hair, bangs cut right before her eyes, cat like glasses and a small frown on her pinkish lips. She was dressed in grunge, her band t-shirt and chequered trousers framing nicely her plus size form.
Janet was in the middle, her long legs squeezed between the other girls. You must admit, her hair was a game changer, long and perfectly curly. The girl wore a comfortable dress set.
Sophie looked a bit like a squirrel, she was very ginger, pale and kinda small. On the other hand, she definitely didn't act like a squirrel, she was loud and full of life, not looking like someone scared and anxious.
Looking at Ann, her short, business sharp, sunny blonde hair and a gym body, you felt like Gollum. Well, shit, not everyone has the same mindset as you- comfortable first.
''Hi, I'm Y/N.'' You waved at them and they greeted you with enthusiasm. ''What do you mean by interesting trip?''
''Didn't you hear what Professors were going with us?'' Sophie asked in a sneaky manner.
''I did hear some names, but I don't recognize them.'' You answered.
''Ooookay, then hear that!'' The ginger one bursted out.
''Better get some popcorn.'' Ann laughed.
''Shut up, okay. There is Professor Rengoku going, he is very fun aaaaand good looking. Then there is Shinazugawa, the next hottie, and the Kocho sisters.'' She said it like the names only were news.
''I don't know them beside Professor Shinazugawa.'' You said.
''Okay, listen to this. Professor Rengoku is not important in this story, it's more about the rest. Miss Kanae and Shinobu Kocho are both Professors, they are like tied to each other. Shinazugawa and the older Kocho, Kanae, were once engaged! Then, out of the blue, he broke off the engagement and they say that Miss Kanae had a really hard time because of that. I've also heard that something was happening between the three of them later and the university administration had to interfere due to work etique. I've heard that Miss Shinobu Kocho got involved with Shinazugawa in something more serious, like they were in an argument. Miss Kanae is supposed to give him a cold shoulder, but I've also heard that she is not so innocent. And that Shinazugawa guy, they say he is kinda nasty and left her because he is not a relationship one.''
That sounded like... a melodrama.
''Half of that must be bullshit Sophie.'' Anna laughed out loud.
''That's what I've heard.'' Sophie shrugged her shoulders.
''I only believe in that part about the engagement and the end of it.'' You also laughed at the highschool love drama.
''Okay okay, maybe some of it may be made up, but I can certainly say, that they are not fond of each other and they will have to talk with each other a lot on that trip.'' The ginger said.
The story that you heard during your car ride made you think a bit more about Shianzugawa. It crossed your mind that he also has a life of his own, and hearing this news it may not be perfect. If he reale was the one breaking the engagement, he must have had a reason to do that. On the other hand he may simply be a cold-hearted bitch for everyone.
Well, you could only wonder. It was none of your business.
It came out that the four of you would also share a room. While unpacking, you heard Anna talk with someone on the phone. She soon came to the rest of you and explained in an excited manner, that there will be a small party. Her major was throwing something in their rooms.
''I will come but I will definitely not drink anything.'' You gave your friend a raised eye look.
You were not getting a hangover barely the first day. It was a research trip, not a vacation in Dubai. Also, you didn't want to get on any professor's bad side. That Rengoku guy may be chill, but your Shianzugawa was not.
''Pooper.'' She turned her butt your way and started to change.
''Yeah, yeah.'' You laughed her fake tantrum off.
You, Ann, Veronica, Janet and Sophie found the party room later in the evening. Entering the party zone you found out that not many students gave a damn about the research part of this trip.
''Do you have a plan for tomorrow?'' Veronica asked, sitting next to you on a bed.
''Not yet, they will post it anytime now.'' You answered.
That was also why you didn't want to party too much. You may have some morning lessons and you didn't want to miss them. The scholarship wont earn itself.
''Same here.'' She sighed, dragging her hand through her hair. ''I'm surprised so many people don't give a shit about it.''
The party was going on for some time but you felt more and more tired. The packing, the ride, it wore you off enough. Skipping to Ann, you told her that you're going to bed.
''I'm coming with you.'' Veronica also had enough.
While on your trip back, you found out that the plan was ready. Opening it on your phone you saw that your first hike would start at 6 am. Holly shit, that was early.
The two of you went back to your room and straight to bed.
In the morning, you found yourself sitting in the nearly empty dining hall. The Professors were already there, apart from a small bunch of students. They didn't look pleased with the attendance. After twenty minutes of sitting and nearly falling asleep, you heard one of them speak.
''Okay, we will start the lecture like this.'' A tall, black haired woman stood in the middle of the hall. ''I would like the groups to find their leading Professors. Group one will start with me, please gather around one table.'' A bunch of people shifted their seats. ''Group two with Professor Shinobu Kocho.'' The other black haired woman gave the speaking one a smile, before taking off to her students. ''Group three with Professor Rengoku.'' There were only three people present, one of them was Veronica, who gave you a nod.''And finally group four with Professor... Shinazugawa.''
The speaking woman gave Shinazugawa a weird look. She seemed to be uneasy with the fact that she placed her eyes on him. On the other hand the white haired man didn't even face her. He was looking around the room, trying to spott the supposed forming group.
That must be the Kocho.
Everyone started to gather around their leading ones and you made your way near Professor Shinazugawa, as you were group four. Standing in front of him, you looked around but no one else was coming your way. Every minute was more and more awkward because the two of you stood in silence, you looking around the corners, he looking straight at you, both in silence.
''Is that the... whole group?'' The whiyte haired man grumbled.
''I guess so.'' You sighed, wishing that you would also stay at the party and sleep with a gigantic hangover right now. ''What are we doing now?''
''And what are we supposed to do?'' He gave you a raised brow look and you felt stupid. ''We are going on the hike, it's their fault they can't drink. You shouldn't be punished for their absence.''
So not going on the hike was supposed to mean a punishment for you?
You do you, Professor.
Somehow, you felt scared and excited at the same moment. Scared because you will have to talk to him, excited, because you will have the opportunity to talk to him. Maybe you will get to know something interesting on your one on one, several hours long trip with Professor Shinazugawa.
Wait, you are going on a one on one, several hours long hike with Professor Shianzugawa. Why were you thinking about... oh my god, get a hold of yourself girl!
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