#one place you both will always snuggle in is the sunlight
chaos au with some reverse au !
imagine that childe starts to compare out abbys form with his; like, our tongue, claws, teeth, wings, horn, etc look way more scarier and rough than his.
moth bf just sticking his tongue out when he's angry and we stick our tongue at him OR moth showing us a toothy smile and we show him AN EVER MORE TOOTHY SMILE.
moth bf wanting to fight us and just POUNCES on us and we just tackle him to the ground while growling and that makes childe whimper and resign like he gives up. also zhongli looking how we're literally LAYING ON TOP OF CHILDE, LIKE FULL BODY WHEIGHT AND CHILDE IS SCREECHING LIKE "GET OFF ME" AND JUST WHINING BC WE'RE SQUISHING HIM. also we tend to bite hard at his fluff
domestic moth and just feral us
oh YES you get to be a lil feral, as a treat!!! :D
oh oh after you're both tired out from playfighting and going about your day- Childe's curled up on the couch and when you make your way over he pouts because of the way you squished him before, but this time you simply hop up and snuggle next to him with a purr, careful not to poke him with your claws or horns. Childe's heart is absolutely melting (which you are unaware of because you're very quickly falling asleep) and he reciprocates your cuddles by leaning against you and also dozing off as Zhongli takes a picture in the background <33
the next morning you wake Childe with a few nips and when he yelps and hisses halfheartedly, you simply stick out your tongue playfully and walk off. you're like a couple of cats- sometimes you fight and mess around and other times you're content as can be and napping next to each other!!! and of course Childe whines and sulks when we pounce or lay on him but he secretly loves it and you <33
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ktgoodmorning · 3 months
(love language series- quality time)
Aitana Bonmati x Reader
Inspired by the love language quality time- you and Aitana enjoy a day off together. pure fluff.
Can't decide if this one was kinda a flop or if I completely love it. Gonna do one for each love language, each with a different player. Write less fluff and make it stay under 2k words challenge should be next for me lmao. As always, Requests and feedback are super welcome/encouraged, let me know what you think! :)
The rest of the love language series:
Silent communications. M.Leon x reader. Physical touch.
Let me spoil you. C.Coll x reader. Giving and receiving gifts.
Broken. P.Guijarro. Acts of service.
You know I love you. A.Putellas. Words of Affirmation
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You were awoken slowly by beams of Barcelona sunlight streaming in past the edges of your curtains. Knowing that both you and Aitana had the day off, you rolled over hoping to fall back asleep. In doing so, you sleepily wrapped your arm around your girlfriend, trying to pull her into your side. As you lazily pulled her in, you could hear her giggle softly at you and you being half asleep. Unbeknownst to you, it was 9:30 which was extremely late for either of you to still be in bed. Typically you’d both be out the door by 7:00 so this was unheard of for you. Aitana knew you needed the sleep so she avoided waking you up no matter how bored she was becoming. While you continued to sleep, she carefully reached over to grab her book so she could lie next to you and read. The woman’s free hand gently ran over your scalp, putting you back to sleep while she read. Even though she could rarely sit still, it was easy when you were with her. 
Around ten, you slowly started waking up further. You squinted your eyes as you opened them slightly, caught off guard by the brightness in the room. Aitana was lost in her book, not noticing you slightly starting to wake up. It gave you time to look up at her, admiring her and the way you were cuddled into her side. You noticed she was sitting up while you slept, making you wonder how long you had been sleeping, “what time is it?” your voice was raspy from sleep when your girlfriend finally realized you were awake. 
Aitana set her book down next to her, turning her full attention to you, “it’s almost ten, amor.” she gave you a soft smile and gently tucked a stray piece of hair behind your ear, out of your face. 
You knew how active she typically was and were suddenly overcome with guilt that she had felt like she needed to sit with you until this late in the morning. “Tana, you didn’t have to stay,” you looked up at her questioningly. “You could’ve gone on your run if you wanted to, I wouldn’t have minded,” you tried your best to communicate to your girlfriend that she didn’t have to be tied down by you. The last thing you wanted was to hold her back or keep her from the things she enjoyed. 
“Amor, it’s one day. I’m happy to skip my run for a day if it means getting to lay here with you,” she moved down to be laying next to you and pulled you in close for a tight hug. Her genuineness was clear from the way she held you tight, giving you no choice but to believe her. You knew she liked to be by your side, you just wanted to make sure she still did the things she wanted. “We never have time to just sit like this, it’s nice.” 
You pulled back from her slightly, seeing if she was serious. “Aitana Bonmati, are you sick or something?” you placed the back of your hand on her forehead as you giggled, “since when are you willing to lay around in bed?” 
Aitana rolled her eyes at you with a small smile on her face. She grabbed your hand from her forehead, kissing your knuckles before placing it back on her waist for you to snuggle back into her. “I like laying around when it’s with you, especially when we’ve both been so busy.” 
You hummed in agreement and pulled yourself back into her, still tired from the past week. “I just want to lay here with you all day,” you grumbled into her shoulder, “you’re so comfy.”
“Well… nothing’s stopping you, we’ve got nothing we have to do today.” Your girlfriend's arms wrapped around you, pulling you in close. Her hand rubbed gently down the side of your arm, lulling you back into your sleepy state. 
Sometime around noon you had woken up for real and the two of you decided it was time to finally get out of bed. You had decided to go on a walk to your favorite cafe together and then see where the day took you. It was the perfect way to spend your day together, never leaving each other’s side. 
Walking down the streets of your neighborhood, holding hands with Aitana, taking in the beautiful day- all were some of your all time favorite things to do. It was perfect. When you arrived at the cafe, Aitana found a spot for the two of you to sit while you ordered for the both of you. You easily found your girlfriend after you had ordered your food. She was settled into your favorite table in the corner. It was perfectly private and tucked away but still enough of a view to watch the other patrons of the cafe. She had been sitting on her phone as she waited for you but immediately put it in her bag when she saw you joining her. You took note of the small gesture and how she always wanted to make the most of your time together. The Catalan greeted you with a bright smile, just as she always did. Your smile was one of your favorite things about her, it lit up your heart every time you saw it. 
As you sat down with Aitana, she just looked at you for a while, silently, with love in her eyes. You were always catching her looking at you like this, she’d given up on hiding it now. The sound of the waitress bringing your food over seemed to break her from her trance. The two of you started eating in a content silence until your girlfriend spoke up, “how was work yesterday? I know I didn’t see you much because of the match last night.” You loved how she still wanted to check in even though you could never blame her for being busy. “Was that one girl still bothering you? Or did she get fired yet?” she looked at you hopefully with another smile on her face. 
You giggled at her in response, shaking your head slightly. She always remembered all your complaints about your job and which of your coworkers was annoying you at the time. There was no reason for her to remember it, it wasn’t significant, but she always did. It no longer surprised you, Aitana was just like that. She was always interested in everything you did, even if it didn’t really affect her. “I don’t think I’d be lucky enough to have her get fired, amor. I just wish she’d back off and let me do my job. I’ve got this new project I’ve been looking into starting, I think it could be really cool,” you started to ramble on about your latest work ideas.
 Aitana had no idea what you were talking about. She could always follow at first but the more you continued to spill all your ideas, the more she got lost. To her credit, you were quite scattered, not always making the most sense of all your thoughts. One of her biggest talents was not letting you realize how lost she got when you got into work mode. She continued to listen with admiration, her attention not faltering for a second. To her, it didn’t matter if she understood it. You were excited about it and that’s all she needed to enjoy listening to you. She tried her best, nodding and really working to connect all your random thoughts as you went on. At times she’d cut in with some questions, trying to clear up as much as she could so she could at least get the general idea of it all. It didn’t matter, she loved it no matter how little she understood. 
Your lunch continued like this for the most part, Aitana would ask you about something, you’d get sent into a ramble, going on and on about it, while she did her best to follow. You appreciated being able to get your thoughts and ideas off your chest and she just loved listening to you talk about everything you were passionate about. It was perfect for both of you and exactly what each of you needed to help cope with the stress of your lives lately. 
As you wrapped up your lunch date, she took your hand in hers and led you out of the cafe. Together, the pair of you ventured on a walk, ending at one of your favorite spots in Barcelona, a small park near your house.  You sat down on a bench and just watched the people walking by. It was perfect. Aitana had wrapped her arm around your shoulders so you could lean your head against her shoulder. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence, just taking in each other’s presence and watching the world around you. You didn’t need ongoing conversation or action to keep the two of you happy. Being with each other was always enough, especially on days like this when you had the rare opportunity to slow down and just be. Aitana loved days like this when she wasn’t “Aitana Bonmati,” she was just yours. That was all she could ever want. She loved being yours. 
You tilted your head, still on her shoulder, so you could look at your girlfriend. It was unbelievable to you how you had gotten lucky enough to be able to call her yours. You knew you could always count on her to still prioritize you when she knew you needed it, no matter how big of a footballer she became. The way the sun shined off your girlfriend’s brown eyes was like artwork to you. You were lost in her eyes when she turned to face you, catching you in your staring. All she could do was give you a soft smile, knowing she often did the same to you. “Should we head home,” she spoke softly, “so we are home before it gets too dark?” You just now noticed that the sun was starting to set. You gave her a nod before standing up and offering her your hand to help her up.
Aitana gladly took it and joined you. She didn’t let go of your hand the entire time you walked, swinging slightly as you took in the Barcelona scenery around you. Eventually you noticed how she shivered slightly. The air had cooled down since the sun had set and Aitana was definitely not built for the chilly weather. Wordlessly, you took off your hoodie and passed it to your girlfriend. She pushed your hand away slightly, not wanting to take it from you, “Amor, you keep it, I’m okay,” you knew she was lying, feeling bad that you’d be going without it. “You’ll get cold,” she tried to protest but you could see the shy smile as she spoke. 
“Tana, we both know I handle cold much better than you do,” you laughed lightly as you teased her. Her eyes rolled, “just put the sweatshirt on, you’ll be more comfortable.” She had given you a small push as you teased her but still gave you a smile and nod. Briefly, you let go of her hand so she could put it on. 
When she was comfortable (and warm) in your slightly-too-big hoodie, she grabbed your hand again, “Gracias, mi amor.” You loved how she often spoke to you as if it were still your first date and she was still shy about speaking to you. 
You responded by bringing her hand up to your lips and leaving a soft kiss against her knuckles. “I couldn’t let my girlfriend go cold now could I, Tana?” She laughed softly, pressing a kiss to your cheek. The two of you were mostly silent while you finished your walk home. There was some brief conversation here and there but you mostly just enjoyed your time with each other. Neither of you wanted your day to end. 
When you got home, you made dinner together, how long you had been out. Aitana had put on some music and the two of you bounced around the kitchen, chatting and dancing while you helped each other cook. As much as she loved her Barca teammates, Aitana loved to tell people that you were her perfect teammate. She liked to think of you as her “life teammate.” It’s not like she was wrong. Anyone who saw the two of you together saw how perfectly you meshed. It was times like this, doing something as simple as cooking together, where you saw how true it was. You were lost in conversation, her filling you in on some of the team’s latest endeavors. Neither of you ever had to break the conversation to talk about what you were doing as far as dinner went, you always just knew. That’s how everything was with Aitana. You both just knew. 
The two of you finished dinner, and decided on a movie night before you had to go to bed and prepare for work the next day. It was the perfect way to wrap up your lazy day off together. Eventually, you both ended up ignoring the movie as you got lost in conversation yet again. She was lying stretched out across the couch while you laid on top of her with your head against her chest, happily chatting away. Hearing her heartbeat always put you at ease, always made any stress melt away. 
When Aitana was giggling through her latest story, you lifted your head up to look into her eyes, just smiling at your girlfriend before leaning in for a kiss. As you pulled away, the two of you were both smiling wide. She pulled you back to her and gave you another quick peck, giggling again at how you chased her lips, hoping for more. You gave your girlfriend a playful pouty face which she responded to by peppering your entire face in little kisses, until you also started to giggle at her. You buried your face in her neck for a minute while you both laughed at each other. 
Once the two of you calmed down, she cupped your face in her hands and finally pulled you in for a real kiss. You sighed into it, pleased to finally get what you wanted. Kissing Aitana was one of your favorite things. Her lips were soft, yet filled with conviction, always managing to express her love to you through her kisses. The two of you lazily made out on the couch while the movie played on in the background. Aitana gently ran her hands down your back, somehow bringing you even more comfort. You slowly pulled away and pushed a piece of hair back from her face. 
As usual, your girlfriend was looking at you with admiration. “Thank you for today, Tana.” She looked at you with confusion, unsure of what you meant. “Today was just perfect. It was the perfect day off with you. I love when I get this much time with you, especially when we’re usually so busy.”  You laid your head back on her chest. Her arms squeezed you tight, holding you close. 
You could feel the vibrations in her chest as she hummed in agreement, “me too. I think we need to do this more often.” All you did was nod against her, and return the hug she was holding you in. “I love you, amor,” she started to ramble, “I love this and I love you and I can’t wait to do this with you forever.” 
With a shy smile, you pulled away from her so you could look at your girlfriend's face. The two of you had talked about your future many times, and both knew you planned on getting married. Something about this time felt different though- the way she mentioned it so casually as if it were the most obvious thing in the world. “I love you, mi Tana, always.” She smiled back at you and gently ran a hand through your hair. You placed your head back on her chest as she continued to softly massage your scalp. 
The more you snuggled in, listening to your girlfriend’s heart, the more you were lulled to sleep, thinking of your perfect future with Aitana. It took awhile for Aitana to notice that you had fallen asleep on her. She was so lost in her own daydreams, thinking about your future wedding, your future family, she hadn’t even noticed how you had settled into her. Neither of you could imagine a life better than this. It was what you had both dreamed of. All she could do was snuggle in further and allow herself to drift to sleep, holding you tightly, both with soft smiles settling on your faces. You couldn’t have imagined a more perfect day together, just basking in each other’s presence.
The rest of the love language series:
Silent communications. M.Leon. Physical touch.
Let me spoil you. C.Coll x reader. Giving and receiving gifts.
Broken. P.Guijarro. Acts of service.
You know I love you. A.Putellas. Words of Affirmation
Feedback and requests are always welcome! :)
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| Your Salaryman Husband | (Vol 2)
Vol 1 (not required) Vol 3 Vol 4 Vol 5 Vol 6 Vol 7 Vol 8 Vol 9
Salaryman!Kento x Housewife!Reader;
Waking up with Kento Nanami...
Word Count: 1.2k
CW: SFW, domestic fluff, fem!Reader, Nanami's shirtless (nondescriptive)
A/n: I hope to make a 3rd volume soon... this was so fun to write!
There was something so peaceful about the morning. Since marriage, life was full of excitement and pleasures big and small. Former causes of stress had been lifted off your shoulders, all by the love of your life, your dear husband Nanami - something that you would always be grateful for. 
To say that the provided comfort was reciprocated, was certainly believed by Nanami. His disposition on work remained unchanged since you first met, and you had remained his most precious thought, making every troublesome day worth it and fade away. 
Instead, it was only time that still lingered, the tick of a clock and rise and fall of the sun being your constant reminders. In the end, life is short, something that both you and Nanami understood and dreaded. 
That was the reason for sleeping in that morning, in Nanami’s eyes. He knew you were both sore and tired from the day before, and it was only right that the two of you got some much needed time together, as newlyweds. 
Sunlight had started to pour into the room through the large windows, decorating the dressers and chairs away from the bed. It was a sight to behold, the precious space that the two of you decorated together, and of course the face of you, sleeping softly in his arms. 
He couldn’t help but smile at the thought that crossed his mind, closing his eyes. Though he could spend hours listing everything he loved about you, there was one that was particularly apparent at that moment.
Your heat. 
The warm radiating heat of your body, covered in blankets after long hours of sleeping. It was such a wonderful contrast to the coolness from the night before, after you took a quick shower and hopped into bed, clean as you preferred. Feeling cold as usual, you had snuggled in close to his arms as he spooned you, hand resting on your stomach as you drifted off to sleep. 
Now, you were the warm one, and Nanami wouldn’t have it any other way. It was addictive, having your heated squishy form pressed against him when he woke up. In fact, he woke up early every day, just to enjoy that without missing work. 
To get started on the day's tasks, you had to wake up early as well. Nanami left for work promptly at 8:30 AM each morning, and his breakfast and lunch had to be prepared, as well as his outfit and things. Now, this didn’t take nearly as much time as was provided by waking up at 5:30, and the intention of course was so he could sleep in, but that didn’t happen, and in fact it never did.
Something about it being important for Nanami to wake his wife up, with kisses of course, was still floating around in his brain after two months of sleeping in the same bed. He got a good 7 hours of sleep anyway, and dreaming of you still wasn’t as good as the real thing. 
Moving even closer to you, he started his little routine. His arms wrapped around your torso, as he gripped the pink nightgown you had on. Placing his head near your shoulder, he carefully kissed your ear, hearing small murmurs from you.
“Good morning, my cute little wife,” he smiled, kissing your jaw next as you stirred. His breathing got heavier as he felt your hands move to his. “Have I ever told you how much I love you, Y/n?” his head moved down to kiss your shoulder, and then your nose as you held onto his wrist.
You were so perfect, laying with him on your side. Surely you were tired, waking up early every morning when you could sleep in. That was why he had to do it, to wake you up himself and make it as enjoyable as possible. To have his voice be the first thing you hear every day, and to get to inform you of his love, even before you got to work. Of course he enjoyed this as well, another sight that only he has ever seen. 
“Kento…” you murmured, finally awake. This time he pulled you closer to him, lazily throwing his leg over yours and turning your face to make eye contact. “Yes dear?” he whispered back, kissing your forehead. “I love you…” you mumbled incoherently, still half asleep, as you started kicking the blankets off, overheating.
He kissed the top of your head, next. “You’re so warm…” he replied, squeezing you tighter. “I love it,” he couldn’t help but let out a laugh as you squirmed, his words making you feel butterflies. “It’s too early in the morning for that…” you whined, trying to turn away from him, but he stopped you with another kiss. This time, to your lips. 
It was sweet and short, only a few moments passing before he pulled away. “You’re right, my apologies,” he gave you another kiss on the nose. “I’ll save the compliments for later.” You blushed, silently enjoying his groggy voice. It was deep and rough, his tiredness was evident with every word - and you loved the sound. 
“Darling, I should get up now.” You stated, starting to untangle yourself from his grip, but in response it only got tighter. Your eyes were wide, starting to feel awake. “Is it that late already?” He asked, rubbing your stomach lightly, as if he wasn’t the one with the watch. 
He pulled you over to face him, holding you in a hug. Your face pressed against his bare chest, an evident blush covering your face as he kissed your head again. The lack of clothing kept him cool, making it incredibly comfortable in the morning.
He tilted your head up, meeting your eyes. “Just a few more minutes, I’m tired,” he chuckled, feeling as you pushed him away. “Okay just a few more… or else your breakfast won’t be ready,” you groaned at the thought. His lunch could be put together with leftovers in the fridge, and of course he wouldn’t complain, but all the fresh fruit you had picked up the store would go to waste if it wasn’t used up. 
It felt like eternity wrapped in his arms, hearing his deep and slow breaths, the sound of his heart beating, and feeling the rise and fall of his chest as you laid your head on it. 
So much so that you didn’t realize it had only been thirty minutes by the time you worked up the will to ask. 
“Darling?” You spoke softly, reaching up to give him a kiss yourself. “It’s 6:08, if you’re curious.” He responded, seeing you stare at his wrist. “Thank you, for this.” He pressed his lips onto yours, still just briefly, finally allowing you to get up. The downside to this morning arrangement, in Nanami’s opinion, was that he was awake. You took care of everything he needed to do in the morning, brewing his much needed cup of coffee and picking out his clothing, so that all he had to do was get up and move around, saving his energy for work. But what was the point of being laying in bed when you were gone? 
You pushed the covers off your legs, quickly standing up off the bed as to not get drawn back in. Nanami sat up as well, resting against the headboard. Luckily, he still had the view of you rummaging through his closet, still all tired and in your nightgown, asking him sweetly about his activities for that day to choose the perfect tie. 
Now he was definitely not going back to sleep. 
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grandmother-goblin · 4 months
Just Watch the Fireworks
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Ao3 - Masterlist
Summary: It was supposed to be a sweet, innocent date. That was, until Astarion decided he wanted to have some fun with you while you were very much still in public.
Relationships: Astarion x Female!Reader
Rating: Explicit (18+) for smut.
Word Count: 2.3k
Tags: Smut, exhibitionism, vaginal fingering, dirty talk, cuddling, kissing, post Astarion's personal quest, spawn!Astarion.
Firework shows over Grey Harbor happened only a couple of times a year in Baldur’s Gate. Bright, massive, loud displays that boomed over the whole city and illuminated the night sky in dazzling arrays of colors and lights. Usually they marked some sort of holiday or other celebration. Although you weren’t keen on the celebration for this particular occasion, Gortash’s coronation, you were still eager to see the show.
Plus, it was a nice way to end your impromptu date with Astarion. You two had gone out to get some supplies, but upon seeing the night market and posters for the firework show, you decided to stay a while.
Astarion had found a perfect spot for the two of you on a grassy, green hillside just on the outskirts of the city. It was one of the more popular places to watch the fireworks. People dotted the landscape, all sitting on their own little blankets as they looked out over the ocean, waiting for the show to begin.
It was kind of nice to be out with Astarion like this. 
Ever since Cazador had been defeated, Astarion had grown much more comfortable being out in the open at night. He seemed more relaxed overall, like a heavy weight had been lifted off of his shoulders. Of course, there were several other factors on both of your minds: the tadpole, the Absolute, the fact that Astarion’s days walking in sunlight were numbered.
But you two would figure it out. 
For now, you wanted to enjoy the night with him and pretend none of your problems existed. Even if it was only for a couple of hours.
As you sat between his open legs, Astarion wrapped his arms around you along with a knitted blanket, cocooning you in pleasant warmth. You leaned your head back against his shoulder with a comfortable sigh, luxuriating in the silky soft material of his shirt. “I bet you’ve seen these shows a thousand times.”
“I have,” he replied matter-of-factly, his cool breath fanning across your neck. You felt him press a kiss to your shoulder, and you couldn’t help the smile that tugged on your lips. “One year, all the fireworks went off at the same time. It was hilarious and I almost hope it happens again.”
You gave a little snort of laughter. “That would cut this date really short.”
“We can find plenty more to do, my love.” Astarion’s fingers slipped under the hem of your shirt and gave your hip an affectionate squeeze. “Now that Cazador is gone, we can do whatever we want. The night is still young.”
“Oh no,” you replied lightly. “I’m turning in for the night after the show is over. I’m exhausted.”
Though Astarion seemed to have plenty of energy, the events of the day had been starting to weigh on you. All you wanted to do after the fireworks display was cozy up in some warm pajamas and snuggle into your bed at the Elfsong Tavern. 
Preferably, you would be cuddled up next to Astarion, but you wouldn’t stop him if he had other plans. 
Most nights since you had started sharing a room with him, Astarion had been perfectly capable of keeping himself occupied while you slept. Sometimes he would read a book or work on something with a needle and thread, but you almost always awoke to him meditating peacefully beside you.
Other nights, well, he had to hunt. While you were happy to be his donor when he really needed blood, it simply wasn’t practical to let him feed on you all the time. So long as he was discreet, you didn’t mind that he took his hunting to the streets.
With his thumb, he drew idle circles around your hip as he rested his chin on your shoulder. You closed your eyes and relaxed into his touch, enjoying the feel of the heavy blanket wrapped around you and the firmness of his chest against your back.
His lips brushed against the shell of your ear and with a low and husky voice, he said, “I keep thinking about our night in the graveyard.”
A smile tugged at the corner of your lips. “Which part?”
“The part with you under me,” he muttered against your skin as he slipped one finger beneath the waistband of your pants, “moaning my name as you clawed my back.”
Heat rose to your cheeks. “Shh,” you said, your eyes darting around at the people sitting on neighboring blankets. “Not so loud.”
“They aren’t paying attention to us.” Astarion placed a reassuring kiss to the side of your head, but he didn’t move his hand. Then he cocked his chin to the starry sky above the harbor. “The show is about to start.”
Sure enough, the first of the fireworks burst into the sky. A splattering of reds and yellows against the inky night sky, the distant sounds of explosive crackling reaching your ears mixing with the sound of excited cheers from the people around you. You watched as the bursts of light shimmered away, blending into the night, just before more fireworks flowered above.
You couldn’t help but smile as you leaned back into Astarion’s touch. Squeezing his arms around you, he pulled your body flush against his. At first, you thought he was just cuddling closer. But then you felt it: a hard ridge nudged that up against your lower back.
You swallowed, but felt heat rising to your face even as you tried to ignore Astarion’s painfully obvious erection. He wasn’t doing anything inappropriate — he was just holding you. With his hard cock pressed against your back. 
Gods, was it always so hot at night? What did you even need a blanket for?
Just as you thought about shrugging the blanket from your shoulders, his fingers slipped further beneath the waistband of your pants. “I want to touch you,” he said, his lips brushing against your throat as he spoke. “Just a little bit.”
“Right now?” you asked, keeping your voice so low you could barely hear yourself over the fireworks. Uncertainty and anticipation tugged your mind in two different directions and you shifted slightly, unsure of what to do with yourself.
It had only been a couple of nights since your tryst in the cemetery, and you and Astarion hadn’t been intimate since. Not for any particular reason — there just wasn’t enough time in the day for intimacy with everything going on with the Absolute. 
Suddenly very aware of a subtle, yearning, ache between your legs that hadn’t been there a few moments ago, you pressed your thighs together hoping to give yourself some relief.
It was unfair, really, how quickly Astarion could turn you on. 
You were supposed to be on a sweet, innocent, date! And he—
“Spread your legs a bit for me, darling,” Astarion murmured, his dangerous teeth delicately nipping at sensitive flesh just below your jawbone.
He was absolutely going to be the death of you.
Glancing around, there were people in every direction you looked. No one was sitting too close, but they were close enough that they could easily hear your conversation had you not been trying to be quiet. But all of them faced straight ahead, their eyes entranced on the bursts of light blooming across the sky. 
“Astarion,” you whispered, your voice somewhere between a warning and a whine as Astarion’s fingers brushed over the soft fabric of your panties. “There are people around.”
His hand stilled, and you couldn’t help the tiny, involuntary, tilt of your hips. You could see the flash of his teasing, rakish smile from the corner of your eye. “Do you want me to stop?”
Your heart pounded in your chest as you took one more look around. 
Astarion had been right earlier.
No one was paying attention to the two of you.
Shaking your head, you swallowed as nerves and excitement fluttered in your stomach. “But—”
“All you have to do is stay still for me,” Astarion said as he slipped his fingers beneath the waistband of your underwear, “and try not to moan my name too loudly.”
Carefully, and as subtly as you could, you let your legs fall open. 
A pleased hum rumbled in Astarion’s throat as he pulled your back flush against him. His hard cock was like a brand against your lower back. “Now just watch the fireworks, darling, and no one will know what I’m doing to you under this blanket.”
Kissing your neck, the tips of his fingers slowly, steadily, circled your clit. You let your head fall back against his shoulder with a sigh, your cheeks burning as he touched you. 
Gods, he was really going to do this, wasn’t he? He was going to finger you in public and…
You didn’t want him to stop. 
You breathed in deep, inhaling the sweet piney and citrusy scent of his cologne. A comforting scent, and one that turned you on like no other because it was uniquely Astarion’s. Slowly, your body relaxed into his touch.
For a moment, it was just the two of you and the sounds of fireworks.
“Good girl,” Astarion purred as his hand delved between your legs. You couldn’t help but bite your lip as he teased your entrance, gathering your slickness on his fingertips. Slowly, he slid one finger inside of you. “It’s just me and you right now.”
He touched you leisurely, unhurried strokes. The subtle curl of his fingers made you want to arch into him. It was all too easy to forget yourself when you were with him. When he was touching you like this. 
How you wanted to return the favor. You wanted to wrap your hand around that hard length behind you and give him some pleasure as well. 
But you couldn’t. 
At least, not without exposing you both.
When he pressed another finger inside you, a shaky exhale passed your lips. Your walls clenched around him, as if trying to draw him in deeper. “Astarion, please,” you whispered, not really sure what you were asking for.
But Astarion knew.
Astarion knew exactly how to touch you. 
He knew exactly what your body needed to be brought to the edge. Oh, he knew how to make you scream in ecstasy, but he also knew how to make you sigh with pure pleasure. Like how his dexterous hands picked locks, it was like they knew all of your intricacies and exactly how to make you fall apart.
You pressed your lips against the underside of his jaw, stifling your moans against his cool skin. The heel of his palm rocked over against your clit in a steady, consistent rhythm as he shallowly thrusted into you. Glancing down, you could see that the thick blanket around you masked his movements completely.
Sneaky, clever, man. 
Of course he knew exactly how to do something like this without being obvious. Although Astarion was far from subtle, he was excellent at not getting caught doing things he wasn’t supposed to.
The only one you had to worry about was yourself.
Your face heated as his movements grew more powerful. Your fingers gripped his thigh under the blanket as your core tightened around his fingers.
His tongue flicked the shell of your ear delicately. “Do you know what I want to do right now?” he asked, his voice low and husky.
Another gasp escaped your lip as he added a third finger, your body stretching to accommodate him. You felt so full, and you wanted nothing more than for him to go deeper. To fill you completely in a way only he could.
“What… what do you want to do?” you panted, fighting the urge to squirm in his arms.
Whatever you did, you would not let yourself get caught simply because you lacked self control.
The heel of his palm pressed more firmly against your clit, providing delicious friction as he fucked your so gently with his fingers. “I want to bend you over, darling,” he said as he picked up speed. “And I want to taste that pretty pussy of yours.”
Oh, by the gods. 
He would never. 
It was just dirty talk but — the idea of having an audience was so incredibly hot. Especially since there were so many people around, and you couldn’t indulge in such a fantasy here.
The forbidden nature of it just made you want it more.
“I would make you come on my tongue,” he murmured as the hard ridge between you pressed meaningfully against your back. “Only then, would I give you my cock. And I wouldn’t stop until you were screaming my name.”
You were so close. Your entire body was strung tight as your walls clenched around his fingers, wishing for something bigger. Thicker.
Why did you agree to this? You wanted nothing more than to climb on top of him and let him fill you up the way you wanted. 
“Gods. Astarion,” you whispered against the scars on his neck. “I’m—”  
Your mouth fell open on a sharp gasp as Astarion’s fingers returned to your clit. Astarion captured your lips with his own, drinking in your soft moans as you came undone. 
The lights from the fireworks burst behind your closed eyes. The booming display in the sky crescendoed into a deafening roar as the show reached its finale, drowning out your already muffled sighs.
Wave after wave of pleasure coursed through you as you rode out your orgasm. Your hips undulated lewdly against his hand as his lips moved against yours. He tasted like sweet wine as his tongue flicked against yours teasingly. 
It was only when your heart began to settle that you felt the delicate nip of his fangs on your lips. His fingers, still slick with your arousal, intertwined with yours as he gazed down at you. 
When you looked into those gorgeous vermillion eyes, his pupils were blown wide with lust.
Lust, and unmistakable love.
Then his eyes flickered toward the direction of the Elfsong Tavern. “You know,” he said, holding your chin in hand as his thumb swiped gently over your lower lip. “I think we should turn in early after all. What do you say?”
You were nodding before he even finished his sentence. “Oh gods, yes.”
Author's Note: This is my first foray into writing anything in second person or anything xReader, so I'm sorry for any mistakes and I hope you enjoyed!
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luveline · 1 year
Roan sneaking into Eddie and reader’s bed in the morning to snuggle with them ?
so so cute! dad!eddie x (nearly)stepmom!reader
Roan thinks her dad might call this something very cool and interesting, like The Snuggle Invasion, or Project Master Bedroom. She just calls it sneaking, putting one foot as carefully in front of the other as is physically possible while she's in her short body. She creeps down the hallway from her room, having woken to the sound of the creaky bathroom window and the birds outside. 
She isn't afraid of the bathroom window anymore, but she hadn't really considered sleeping again, because she knows exactly what's happening in dad's room. 
It's the same every time Roan's up late or early enough to witness you both asleep. When Roan and Eddie lived in their trailer home, she'd often wake up before him, either sharing the bed with him or having walked from her own, but now she lives in this big house she never has the same luck: you're nearly always awake before she is because you work at the fancy building. But when you're not working, like today, a Saturday or a Sunday (Roan's not really sure), she can catch you and her dad both sleeping. The sleeping isn't the important part, though. 
The important part is that you and Eddie cuddle. Or at the least, hold hands. She saw it in a docu-something once on TV, there are these animals called otters, and when they sleep they hold hands so as not to lose one another. Roan thinks it must be like that. Maybe you're sharing dreams, the spooky kind, and you need to stay together. Or maybe you're just in love. She likes that idea too. 
She has a different, better TV favourite, a movie called Princess Polly. Princess Polly marries a prince, and the prince takes care of her, and he gets taken care of. Polly and the prince dance, and sing, and hug, and it's easy to slot you and Eddie in their places.
You guys dance in silly places, like Uncle Wayne's front yard before burgers, and you sing in the grocery store line when she wants to go home until she doesn't mind so much, and you hug each other all the time. You hug after breakfast, and while you brush your teeth at night. You lean over the back of the couch to hug Eddie's head and shoulders. Eddie sits on the floor by the armchair to hold your legs during movies. Roan would be jealous if she didn't get her fair share. 
But anyways, Roan knows that you guys hug in your sleep, so she doesn't even have to wake you up. She doesn't want to, she knows her dad is tired 'cos he keeps taking the extra hours even when you tell him he doesn't have to. 
"What your mom doesn't get," Eddie says, head tilted down to share a private smile, "is how much I love her, and how much I want her to have the perfect day." 
Because you and Eddie are getting married! Roan almost hits her face in the door as she jumps over the creaky floorboard outside of your bedroom, she's so excited. You're pretty much mom already, but Roan knows that the wedding is the seal of the deal, and you'll be mom maybe forever. 
She eases open the bedroom door and stands up on her tippy toes. The sunlight leaking in from the window has caught Eddie by surprise. He's hiding his eyes on your shoulder, his hand against your collarbone like he's worried you'll shy away. You're flat as a pancake, the only indication that you know he's there your face turned to his, your lips just shy of his brow, and your fingers braceleting Eddie's wrist where it rests on your collar. You aren't holding hands after all, but you're clinging. 
Roan needs to be right there in the centre. She knows how it'll go. If she can get there discreetly, her dad will shift back enough to let her in, and you'll kiss her crown. It'll be toasty and warm. 
She leans down to fix her sock. She doesn't know it, but Eddie's rousing at the small sounds she's making, his dad sense itching that some mischief is taking place. He tries not to move in case he wakes you, his ears alert before his eyes. 
"Okay," Roan whispers, likely much louder than she means to, "just got to…" 
Eddie knows what she's doing. She's his baby. He's spent every day of her life loving her and having to predict what she wants. Usually, he'd lean back and invite her in, only she's making these adorable sounds of exertion, and if he peeks at her from the corner of his eye and from under his lashes, he can see that her tongue is poking out from between her rosy lips in concentration.
He worries you'll wake and reveal his facade when she gets to the bottom of the mattress, her shifting weight disrupting your snores, so he slides his hand very slowly to the side of your neck and works a tender back and forth over your skin. You settle swiftly. 
Roan crawls up the bed. She knows he's the heavier sleeper, and she's smart enough to use it to his advantage. She only climbs on his thigh to get to the gap he's widened. Once she's there, her hair tickling his arm, she kicks the blankets back to cover her legs and then weasels under his arm so she's included in his hugging. 
It makes his day before it's even started. Roan let's out a happy, satisfied sound, and again when he shuffles closer, dropping his face lower on the pillow to nose along her hairline. She giggles under her breath. 
"Mission accomplish-ded," she whispers. Eddie almost doesn't hear it. He is so, so glad that he does. He can't wait to tell you about it in a couple of hours. 
You don't wake, and yet you know she's there. You sigh in your sleep and your hand roams down his arm from where you'd been holding his wrist all the way to his elbow. It falls gently onto Roan's chest. You ease the sheets up just a touch. 
He sneaks a glance at you, wondering if perhaps you're faking like he is. You don't seem awake (though it's possible you're the better actor), and Roan isn't far from it herself. She has the most pleased, loved look on her face, like there's no place else she would rather be. 
Roan snuggles into Eddie's arm, self-satisfied beyond words. Easy-peasy, she thinks. 
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apuckishwit · 1 year
With a Capital P
Saw this post about Stobin having no boundaries, by @grimmfitzz and oops, my hand slipped.
By all rights, there should be some awkwardness. A little lingering strangeness, an adjustment period, if you will. After all, only a few days ago, he fully thought he had feelings for Robin. Well, obviously he does have feelings for her...but he'd thought they were entirely different than the ones he has.
He's maybe a little more concussed than he'd convinced the paramedics he was. To be fair, they had a lot going on.
The point is, he feels like there should be more weirdness. A time period in which he awkwardly shuffles Robin from a box marked 'possible girlfriend?' to the one marked just 'friend'--the one Tommy and Carol used to occupy before things went so sideways (though he's still too afraid to really examine the spaces those two left, too afraid it'll just confirm that he wasted so much time with people who were never his friends at all). Maybe even slot her into the box he's slowly constructing for the kids...something not quite labeled 'friend' and not quite labeled 'family' and quickly coming to take up the biggest chunk of his battered, lonely heart (oh, wow, yeah...definitely more concussed than he let on).
Turns out, though, that being drugged and tortured together, and then launching an assault on a gigantic flesh beast from another dimension with nothing but fireworks and nerve lets you skip over a lot of the beginning phases of a relationship (romantic or otherwise). Also turns out there's a secret, fourth box he didn't even know about. One that's just marked 'Robin' that he has apparently been just waiting for her to come along and fill.
Robin ends up spending most of the rest of the summer at Steve's house, more often than not. He doesn't know what she tells her parents. Doesn't particularly care. He's always had a weird relationship with parental care and authority, so he's not sure he's really in a position to have an opinion about if Robin is lying to her parents about where she is, or if they don't care that she's hanging out at his place so much.
They spend days abusing the central air, or watching movies they swipe from Family Video, or eating snacks out by the pool (he tells her she's welcome to swim, she notes that he never gets in the water himself and doesn't ask questions...but also doesn't move from his side). At first, he makes up a guest room for her when she spends the night, but after the fourth or fifth time one (or both) of them wake up screaming (goddamn, goddamn, goddamn it, he'd just gotten a handle on the nightmares about impossible creatures bursting from the wall, now he gets new material to deal with?) Robin just groans and collapses onto Steve's bed, burrowing under his blankets with him.
"Your room is hideous," she grumbles, grabbing one of his hands and bringing their joined fingers to rest in the small space between their bodies.
"I know," he shrugs. He squeezes her hand. She squeezes back. He listens to her breaths in the dark, feels the warmth radiating off of her. It's comforting. Grounding. He's not alone. Whatever terrors the night brings for them, they'll face it together.
He wakes up hours later, sunlight streaming into his room and the beautiful girl he'd thought he was falling for snuggled right up against his side, the two of them having moved in the night. It should be the stuff of adolescent fantasies but all he feels is a distant sort of confusion that they actually slept so long. Robin's face is smashed into his shoulder and he realizes he's been drooling into her hair, and the first thing she does when she wakes up is shriek about it.
"Ewww, gross! Seriously?!"
"I didn't do it on purpose!"
"Spit, Steve! My hair is covered in your spit!"
"Well I'm pretty sure this giant booger on my shirt isn't mine, Buckley!"
"Are you accusing me of--oh, wow that is big." Robin starts rubbing at her nose as she stalks into the bathroom and the shower starts running a moment later. He opens the door long enough to toss a clean towel onto the sink and then wanders down to the kitchen to start coffee.
She makes fun of his bedhead when she comes down the stairs, he goggles at the amount of milk and sugar she puts in her coffee. And he never makes up the guest room for her again.
"I am telling you, Johnson is trying to kill us with his exams! It's barely October and we've already had three!" Robin stabs angrily at the chicken cutlets in the pan with her fork, holding one up so Steve can see how brown it is on one side. At his nod, she starts flipping them over. She ducks her head without looking when he reaches over her to snag the basil out of the spice cabinet, still stirring the tomato sauce with his free hand.
"Yeah, Johnson's a dick. Glad I'm done with his class for good." He dips the spoon out of the sauce and blows on it for a moment before tasting, then holds the spoon out for Robin to lick the rest of it off.
"Mmm, more red pepper. And I know! You're so lucky. How did you even pass? Cheryl Mackey was crying in the band room after she got her test back, and she's like, straight a student all the way." Robin finishes flipping the chicken and goes back to chopping carrots for their salad.
"Oh, Robert O'Connell--the guy that works down at the Snack n' Go?--he saved all his tests from when he had Johnson a few years ago. Johnson never writes new ones. You give Robert 20 bucks, you can get any of the answer keys."
Robin sets the knife down and reaches into Steve's back pocket, pulling his wallet out. "Couldn't have told me this earlier?" she grouses, yanking two tens out and shoving the wallet back in his pocket.
"Hey, that's my gas money for the week!" He grabs the pot with the noodles off the stove and takes it to the colander waiting in the sink, sticking his ass out expectantly.
"You look like a hooker trying to pick up johns."
"Well give me at least half my gas money back so I don't have to sell my body to drive you and Henderson to school this week."
"Ugh, fine." She grabs his wallet again and stuffs one of the tens back into it. Then winds up one of his dish towels and smacks his rear end hard enough that he jumps about a foot in the air.
He dumps the drained noodles back into the pot and turns around to bring it back to the stove only to find that Robin is right behind him with the pot of sauce, apparently having been bringing it over to the sink. They collide, hard, and Robin screams bloody murder as hot spaghetti sauce gets dumped all down her front.
"Hot, hot, hot, fuck, hot!"
"Shit, hold on!" He all but tosses the pot of noodles back into the sink and snatches the sauce pot out of her hands. As soon as he does she's whipping off her shirt and grabbing the dish towel she hit him with, wiping off the smears of sauce that got onto her arms. "Did it burn you?" he asks, searching her torso for blisters, even though he knows at the back of his mind that the sauce was only on a simmer.
"No...no, I think I'm good. Damn, I liked that shirt, though." She straightens, glaring down at the sauce pot he slammed onto the counter.
"You sure you're okay?"
"Yeah. Yeah, I'm fine."
He holds his tongue for approximately zero point three seconds.
"Okay, then can we talk about this whole situation, cause I feel like I just got a major piece of the puzzle of why you don't have a girlfriend, yet. What the hell are you wearing?"
Robin's bra is so faded it's unclear what color it was originally, two large tears right above the elastic band.
Robin looks almost comically offended. "Excuse me? I'm sorry, are you commenting on my very comfortable and perfectly functional underwear?"
"Functional, yeah, if the function is 'never get laid ever'."
Robin crosses over to the doorway that leads to the laundry room. "We can't all exclusively wear Calvin Klein, Harrington!"
"How do you know what underwear I wear?"
"Am I wrong? Also, Jesus Christ do you own any normal shirts?"
"What's wrong with my shirts now? Hey, I'm not taking fashion advice from a girl in a, a grandma bra!"
"Hey!" She steps back out of the laundry room, wearing one of his old basketball team shirts.
They keep bickering back and forth as Steve tries to salvage dinner, eventually ending up just sitting on his kitchen counter dipping pieces of breaded chicken into the remains of the pasta sauce in the pot, having decided they really didn't want to eat spaghetti that had to be fished out of the sink.
"I'm not buying a bunch of frilly, sparkly lace just to wear under my clothes," Robin informs him. "That shit itches."
"Not saying you have to, but at least get something that doesn't look like it came out of the bottom of my gym bag."
"Eww, don't talk about your gym bag while I'm eating!"
It is a slow day in Family Video, and Robin has been casting him strangely intense looks since she came on shift. He restocks the shelves, picks through the candy to take home the almost expired shit to give to the kids, and is halfway through the rewinding before it finally gets to him.
"What?!" he demands. Robin blinks at him, immediately shrugging. A little too fast, actually.
"What, what?" she asks. He narrows his eyes at her and she ducks her head, pretending to find her biology textbook extremely interesting. He knows she's pretending because she hates biology. They're making her dissect a frog this quarter. After a few seconds, she slams the book shut and straightens up, determined look settling on her face.
Steve has just enough time to get a little nervous before she says, "How do you do the tongue thing?"
He blinks at her. "Uh...can you be more specific?"
She rolls her eyes. "You know...the thing! The thing with your tongue."
"I promise you, I do not know. What're you talking about?"
She looks around the store, as if some customers that they somehow haven't noticed in the last three hours might suddenly appear. Then she lowers her voice. "Like, sex things. With your tongue." She huffs a frustrated sigh. "They had to combine gym periods today 'cause Mrs. Hornby had to sub for Janson's history class, and Maryanne Greene was talking about how her boyfriend wouldn't go down on her and then Sue Rennet--you remember Sue? Apparently you dated her for, like, two weeks at the end of her Sophomore year--started talking about you and how you used to do that to her and it's the best sex she's ever had."
And oh...okay, he remembers Sue. Nice girl, a little ditzy, but she hadn't wanted to get more serious, and then Nancy had caught his eye. He can't help but puff up a little. Sure, Hawkins isn't exactly a big city overrun with choices, and judging by the talk he remembers from his own locker room days, he's a little bit of an outlier as far as being concerned with making sure his partners are having as good a time as he is...but to be called the best someone has ever had is nice.
"Don't let it go to your head," Robin says, because she can read his mind quite a lot of the time. "Just...tongue thing. You know, in case I ever do get a shot with, literally anyone."
He softens at that, reaches across the counter to ruffle her hair because it annoys her as much as it annoys him when someone does that. "You will," he says softly, and thinks that he would give almost anything, would probably happily trade any shot at happiness for himself if he could make sure Robin had someone to love her the way she deserves to be loved. He grabs one of her school notebooks and tears a sheet out, grabbing a pen out of the cup beside the computer.
"Okay, so, first things first, you can't just dive right in--gotta get the motor warmed up a little first--"
"Please don't talk in car analogies the whole time," Robin says, leaning in as he draws a crude (heh, see what he did there?) sketch of what he's going to be talking about.
"Noted. So what you're gonna do is start with a little massage around this area," he points with the end of the pen, "really take your time, get things nice and slick..."
He talks, Robin listening intently and occasionally asking questions.
"No you don't--flutter your tongue, flutter it. Here, like this..."
"Okay, vibration is good, but you're not, like, trying to blow a raspberry on her clit--"
"I said flutter!"
And that is how Lucas and Dustin find them about forty minutes later: Steve with his mouth held open wide, demonstrating what he means by fluttering his tongue while Robin stares at it like it holds the secrets of the universe, pen in hand as she takes furious notes.
In retrospect, he supposes he should be grateful that Lucas didn't immediately join Dustin on the 'Steve and Robin are totally dating' train.
"Shit! Steve! Wake up, it's Wednesday!"
Steve's eyes shoot open and he's vertical before he's fully awake, reaching for the nailbat propped up by his bedside table, but it's not there. It's...his bedside table isn't there either.
What the fuck, where's his bed?
"Steve!" Robin shouts, and he blinks rapidly, his surroundings resolving themselves into his...living room?
"What...Rob, what the hell? You're on winter break! You don't have school today?"
Ugh, why does his mouth taste like something died? He looks around the room, at the piles of dusty boxes that look like they came from...
Oh yeah.
He and Robin had spent yesterday dragging the Harrington family Christmas decorations down from the attic because Robin said his house looked like a sad capitalism museum and she refused to spend the holidays in a place that didn't have a single Christmas light up. And then they'd found Steve's grandmother's recipe for homemade eggnog. And he'd maybe experimented a little bit with the liquor ratios...they must have fallen asleep on the couch.
"We don't have school but we both promised Keith we'd open all this week!" Robin shouts.
Oh fuck.
They're still dressed in their clothes from yesterday. And they smell like a goddamn distillery. Without thinking about it, he grabs her hand and starts hauling her upstairs. "Shit, shit, shit."
"Fuck, shit, fuck!" she agrees as they rocket into the bathroom. Steve starts the water while Robin yanks clean towels out of the linen closet. "Do you have pants I can wear?" she asks, tossing the towels onto the sink and stripping out of her shirt.
"Yeah, I've got those jeans from, like, three years ago. Those fit you pretty well, right?" He tosses his own jeans and boxers towards the laundry hamper, followed by his shirt, and jumps into the shower, adjusting the temperature hotter than he likes it, because Robin's a weirdo who likes to boil herself in the mornings.
"Good enough!" Robin leaps in after him and they squeeze under the spray just long enough to get hair and body wet before separating somewhat so Robin can start scrubbing herself and he can get started on his hair. "Why didn't you set an alarm?"
"Me? Why didn't you set an alarm? You're the one who wanted to take the shifts!"
"Like you're gonna turn down holiday pay."
"It's Keith! Holiday pay probably means a buy one get one coupon to Pizza World up the highway!" He sticks his head under the water again to rinse his hair out and they switch places.
"Are you saying you wouldn't take a buy one get one coupon to Pizza World?"
"I mean...no?"
They switch places again so that Steve can rinse the soap off his body and then it's a race to get dried off, teeth brushed, dressed, and out to the car so they can get to the store in time. It's only as they are piling out of the BMW in front of Family Video that it seems to occur to them both at the same time what they just did. They both pause, mid-step and turn to each other wide-eyed.
"Huh," Steve says quietly.
"Yeah," Robin answers.
Then they shrug and continue towards the store entrance, making it in with exactly three and a half minutes to spare.
"Steve I really think if you're worried about this, you should be talking to a doctor, not me," Robin says, peering at a medical journal she checked out from the library spread out over her lap. "Has it changed color or shape recently?"
"I don't know, maybe? I've got so many moles, it's hard to keep track."
"Any pain or tenderness?" She reaches out and taps his hip so that he turns a little more towards the light cast by her desk lamp.
"No, definitely not. I was just having, you know, private time in the shower and it looked weird to me when I looked down."
Robin hums thoughtfully and pokes at the weird-looking mole on Steve's groin. "I mean, it doesn't look like any of these pictures of bad moles, but if you think it looks different to how it used to, you should probably get it check out regardless."
"Damn it, I was afraid you'd say that," he sighs. She shuts the medical journal and props her chin on one hand as he pulls his pants back up.
"Should I call and make the appointment?"
He huffs and flops back down onto her bed. "Yes please," he grumbles. He never remembers to write down all the appointment details.
"You want me to book something over spring break so I can go with you?"
"Nah, just whatever's available soonest. I'd rather not sit around and stress about it."
It turns out to be nothing to worry about. But three weeks later, Dustin and Max come bursting into Family Video while he and Robin are watching a new report about a brutal murder, and Steve is wishing all he had to stress about was a maybe-weird mole on his dick.
It's not like no one was aware that Steve and Robin were...perhaps unusually close friends. It was just never much of an issue (except to Dustin, who was obsessed with the idea of the two of them getting together) before the events of the spring of '86 and after...
Who cared how weirdly codependent Steve and Robin were when Max and Eddie had nearly died and the Upside Down was bursting up into the real Hawkins? Honestly, if that was the weirdest thing about them after all they've been through, he'd count that pretty lucky.
After everything, though--after they put Vecna/Henry Creel/One/Whatever in the fucking ground, after they do what Steve was beginning to think was impossible and seal the Upside Down away from them forever, after Max is as recovered as she's ever going to be (she's probably never going to be able to get a driver's license even with glasses, and her doctors tell them the leg braces and crutches might have to be permanent, but she's alive...she's alive, she's alive, she's alive), after Robin finally feels safe enough to come out to the group at large, after Steve spends an entire week holed up in his room screaming into his pillow while Robin patted his back consolingly before marching down to Eddie's new (government-funded) trailer and announcing that it turns out he likes both and would Eddie please go on a date with him...
He thinks maybe Eddie didn't quite understand what he was getting into when he agreed almost before Steve was done asking him out.
"Uh...hey guys," Eddie says slowly, taking in the picture he and Robin present in Steve's kitchen. There's a bag of cucumbers, a few eggplants, and several bananas spread out on the island in front of them. Robin has a tape measure and a homemade pamphlet acquired from a very exclusive shop they traveled to Indianapolis to visit last weekend. Steve is holding up two of the cucumbers for comparison. "What's, uh, what's going on here?"
Steve and Robin exchange a look. Then Steve jumps up and snatches the tape measure out of her hands. "Perfect! Here, Eds, lemme measure you." He reaches for Eddie's belt, only to freeze with a look of annoyance when his boyfriend jumps back with a yelp.
"Whoa! Whoa, hey, baby, I have no idea what you're talking about and also Robbie's right there!"
"What? Oh it's fine, Rob and I have seen each other naked plenty of times."
"Ask me about the time we accidentally showered together," Robin pipes up with a grin.
"Wait, no...wait, what? How do you accidentally shower together?" Eddie asks incredulously. Then he shakes his head. "Wait, no! No, not important. Robin has never seen me naked, and I am not whipping my dick out in front of your best friend so you can measure it! And why do you want to measure it?"
"Well I was trying to just guesstimate how big you are," Steve says, gesturing to the array of produce on the island, "but it'll be easier if I can just get the numbers from the source."
"Why do you need exact measurements of my dick?!" Eddie's eyes have gone wide as dinner plates, his voice reaching an octave usually reserved for his female NPC's in his nerd game. Steve huffs.
"Babe, you said you want to fuck me, but like, all these guides say we should work up to it." He jerks a thumb back over his shoulder at the pamphlet that Robin is now helpfully holding up. "So I'm gonna figure out exactly how big you are, and then Rob and I are gonna go up to this shop we found in Indy and get some of these toys. It's supposed to help me get used to things being, you know, up there."
Robin nods seriously.
Eddie looks at him. Looks at Robin. Looks back at him.
Steve has never seen someone look touched and horrified at the same time. Eddie rakes a hand back through his hair and sighs.
"What...what measurements do you need, exactly?"
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Forever, mine.
Pairing: Astarion x reader
Warning: Dark themes, Smut, Concubine reader, Augst, Yandere Astarion, Possessive Astarion, Arguments, Creampie, Fingering, Bloodsucking, One-side love? (Fanart, not mine)
Summary: don't you know you're his?
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You recall the first time you met your master, the white clouds blocked the warm light of the sun. You sat down at the edge of the path of the town where you were confined. Ladies and gentlemen alike walked pasted you, who would pay attention to a beggar? A woman at that who was covered in dirt and grime, hair rattan and tangled, with cloths holed and torn. You sniffled as your vision blurred, barely seeing people walking until tears fell.
That's when you saw him.
It was like the world slowed for his outworldly beauty. A ray of sunlight appeared from the cloudy day and shined upon him, a man of pale skin, white hair that was styled to perfection, eyes an beautiful burgundy, and he was adorned with the finest of fabrics, a smirk full of genuine confidence.
Your breath shorted as the man stopped in front of you once he noticed your glaze, the Heat of embarrassment flushed in your cheeks, and your lap became quite outstanding. Unexpectedly two fingers lifted your chin and your glaze had once again fell on the man. He kneeled on one knee and smiled softly at you to your surprise. Leaning back you surely smelled caused a frown on his lips. "You do not have to fear me pet. I wish you no harm, quite the contrary." his voice was as regal and enchanting as his blessed beauty, "Take my hand." he offered his other hand, you musted of hesitated more than he liked he spoke again "I know how hard this life is. Having to beg for the tiny bit of kindness of cruel people." he looked almost pasted you like he was reminiscing. "I'll take you away. You won't have to worry about your next meal nor surviving another cold, winter anymore.  For I will clothe you, feed you, keep you safe and warm. All your wants and needs will be met." he rubbed some grime from your cheek.
"What do you say?" you took his hand that day and his words rang true. If only you knew what it would come to.
The dancing of the candlelight shined light upon the sinful dance of passion you shared with your master, in the otherwise dark room.
Your mouth dropped open as you let out a strangled moan, Astarion's hold on your hips tightened in response. "My beautiful concubine." Your master growled as he lost himself in pleasure called you, his usual maintained curls, messy from the grip your had them in earlier, and laid over his ruby orbs, He was even more beautiful this way. "You ruin me!" He gasps as you clenched around your poor master, his thrusting stuttered before he began to pound into your squelching, wet cunt. The sent of your arousals and sweat thickens in the air "Harder." You bucked your hips "please, harder." You begged of your master and he surly answered. "As you wish my pet." He chuckled darkly as he throw your legs that rested around his waist onto his shoulders and bend down, driving his already deep cock deeper in your wet cavern. The world seemed to disappeared as your heated glazes locked together, it was just you and him in this moment of passionate, as you both reached your climax, he whispered her name. The name of his beloved runway, Tav, the one you were brought here to just replac. You faked a moan and a shudder, faking your orgasm as your master release his pearly cum deep within you. Filling you with everything he had but his love.
Disappointment and bitterness were a feeling you knew all too well and while he lay beside you it felt like he was miles away, so scared to get close, he saved you and he favored you yet that meant nothing, and it meant nothing as Astarion held you close, your head resting on his chest, snuggling into his side as the moon raised high in the sky. It was nothing and you would always being nothing to him.
As the sun took its place among the clouds of the day, you awoke to his disappearance, likely busy with his duties as the vampire Lord, and a note with your beloved master's beautiful handwriting.
My dearest concubine,
I regret to inform you that I will be occupied for the remainder of the day and night as there is no rest for rulers. I hope you will miss me as much as I miss you.
With love,
You sighed, pushing away the ache in your heart as you sat down on your vanity chair, and began to brush your hair. Despite being only a concubine, you were an extension of your master and you had to look of importance in your master's castle. Once your maid helped you into your gown your duties commenced. You were to make sure things were done to perfection, and that no mistakes were made to give people a slight idea your master reputation was not up to hold.
The kitchen bustled with life as the chefs and the maid prepared for one of the master's many ball events, which would feature various races. Your maid, Lyra, took notes as you checked with the chefs about the dishes. "My lady," she whispered gently, poking your arm to gather your attention away from the head chef's demonstration of the selected dishes. A familiar pale man smiled at you, his teal eyes lighting up as you glanced in his direction. Soren Nightingale, a young man who was clearly infatuated with you, and you felt the same way about him.
Soren took your hand, and you both ran to the garden. Your back hit the tree as his lips met yours. Little did you know, angry ruby eyes were watching from the castle window.
"This how you repay me!" Astarion hissed, slamming the door of his chamber, the moon had raised again shrouding the room in moonlight, "Giving another man love and affection!" He yelled, glaring at you with such rage that you stepped back each time he walked towards you till your back met the wall. "I gave you everything! My love was yours but how would you care!! You still love her? " you yelled back. "You forget yourself. You belong to me! All of you." He grabbed your arm and pulled you into a kiss, his hand tearing away at your gown and underwater, his rough kisses trailing from your lips to your neck, his sinfully hot tongue licking a stripe before his fangs pierced your skin. An unexpected moan forced its way out of you as your master drank from you.
You yepped as his fangs ripped out your neck and you were thrown onto his bed. Your face burned with embarrassment, and frustration as your pussy became wet with your arousal. "oh my pet~" Astarion cooed as he climbed above you, his body bare of clothes, "Your body knows it's mine, why can't you? " he mocked as his cold nimble fingers playfully dips the tip of his finger into your entrance. You glared at him, your lips curled into a snarl "I will never-" your words were cut off as your mouth dropped into a perfect o as his long finger finally pushed it away in. In no time his finger was joined by another as they curled into your sweet spot and they thrusted with practiced ease. Slick coated the silken sheets as well as your master's palm, the coming bliss of your orgasm was taken away as he pulled his fingers from your depths.
"Now we can't have that, you've been a bad pup." Astarion grinned wickedly as he saw the look of anger on your face, he wanted to prove a point and he would, lining up his cock to your core and without waiting slammed in, groaning as he felt your wet walls. You cried out, your body shook from his intense thrusts, his hips snapping, driving his cock deeper and deeper nor did he slow. The bed creaked under you as your bucked your hips to his ponding, and as his cock head hit your cervix, your sweet releasing finally washed upon you. "You belong to me and don't you ever forget it." Astarion growled as he slammed into you, his cock throbbing and twitch as his cum filled you in hot spurts.
You will always be his and he'll never let you forget it. He will make sure to let that little boy know as well.
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mywritingonlyfans · 11 months
Cherished. // Cillian Murphy X Reader! (Fluff)
prompt: it's focused on cute dialogue that i think would be typical of being with him. it's all about how he thought about adopting a puppy to keep you company while you're away. (it's like me being extra goofy tbh)
words: 2,1K.
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The room bathed in sunlight, a sight that would typically annoy you on any other day, but in that moment, it served as a gentle reminder of the incredible night before. The memory of it was so good that closing the curtains was the furthest thing from your mind. Now, with him lying beside you, mouth half open against the soft pillow, his hair a charming mess against his forehead, and those tousled curls seemed to beg for your touch - you couldn't resist running your fingers through them.
Nestled in-between his arms, you snuggled closer, wanting to be a part of him, feeling as though you were immersed in the very depths of his being. The mingling of your scents brought a sense of comfort and familiarity, and you found yourself hoping not to disturb his peaceful slumber; you simply yearned to be close to him.
A shiver ran down your spine when you felt the cold material of his necklace brushing against your skin, entwining with a similar one you wore. Despite the sunny day, there was still a lingering chill in the air, almost enticing you to stay wrapped up beside Cillian.
Your fingers traced down his torso, gently pressing against each naked part that was visible to you, until your touch reached the hem of his underwear. The softness of his morning skin left an impression on you, and you tried to memorize the sensation.
His body radiated warmth against yours, making you wish that every day could be like this - no worries about the months he'd be away filming, just the joy of basking in his presence on a lazy morning. You noticed a small trail of drool on his pillow, and as you gazed at him, his long eyelashes were resting softly on his under eyes, and he had a faint hint of redness on his nose, you couldn't help but feel a rush of affection. His whole face seemed to beckon for a kiss, and you leaned in to place a tender one on his cheek, knowing he'd feel your love even in his sleep.
Tracing your fingers across his cheekbone, gently moving down to his nose, you counted each little brown mark that adorned his skin, trying to etch the sight of him into your mind before he boarded the plane and flew away from you once again.
The days leading up to his departure were always bittersweet, filled with an intensity that left both of you yearning to spend every precious moment together. You knew that the upcoming days would test your longing for each other to the extreme, and while you cherished the closeness, the impending separation weighed heavily on your heart. It felt selfish to want him to stay, but you couldn't help but wish for more time together.
Shaking those thoughts away, you considered leaning in to kiss him, but his face looked so peaceful, and his breathing was so gentle that you decided against it. Wrapping the sheet around your naked body, you rose from the bed, only to feel Cillian's arms pull you back to his side. You chuckled, realizing he had been awake this whole time.
"Keep starin' at me, little pea. It's creepy, but a bit cute too, y'know," his voice was raspy and deep, the accent mixed with sleep making it all the more endearing.
"I wasn't staring, I was admiring; there's nothing creepy 'bout it," you said playfully, laying your face on his chest, relishing the comforting vibrations of his laughter. "Not my fault you're a cute sleeper."
He grinned, his fingers gently playing with your hair as he replied, "Well, I'll take that as a compliment then, my little admirer." His lips pressed against your forehead in a tender kiss, and you felt your heart flutter. It was moments like this that made the impending distance even harder to bear, but for now, you were content to savor the warmth of his embrace and the love that enveloped you both.
Cillian was the shy type, and when he was with you, it could get even worse. Yet, you were one of the few people who had the power to make him blush, and you adored watching his cheeks turn pink while his lovely eyes briefly drifted from yours; just like they did right now.
As you adjusted the sheet to cover your breasts, which had fallen during your previous actions, he buried his face in your hair. "No need to hide it from me, we both know I've seen them several times," he teased, his voice filled with affection.
"No, Cill," you mumbled between laughter, hiding your face in his neck.
"I'm dead serious, I love 'em," he squeezed you, pulling you closer and placing a gentle kiss on your shoulder.
"Cill, stop," you playfully protested.
"Alright, only because you look like you're about to explode, my embarrassed thing," he replied with a soft chuckle.
"How sweet," you mumbled, feeling sleep starting to take over you once again in the comfort of him.
"Cill, babe?" he purred, his voice full of fondness. "Can we get up? Have some tea, maybe go for a walk or do something fun?"
With his eyes still closed, he didn't move, but he pressed your body tighter into his. "Why? Here's just nice, I get to snuggle you and everything," he murmured contentedly.
He kept a sweet smile on his face, and as you were dying at the sight of him, he opened his eyes, making you realize you hadn't answered him yet. "It's just that the days seem to be longer when we're doing something other than being in bed," you explained, feeling a little shy yourself.
He understood that, nodding in agreement and holding your hand as a sign that he was willing to get up. "Okay, breakfast then, lil' one," he said affectionately, a playful sparkle in his eyes. He would certainly do anything for you.
Cillian appeared restless in the kitchen, more so than usual. From minute to minute, he checked the time, even though he made sure to pay attention to his surroundings.
"Babe?" he turned to you, looking like a lost puppy. He had just set the table. "Here, try this," you said, offering him a spoonful of scrambled eggs, supporting your hand below to avoid any spills.
He tasted it, nodding in approval. "It's good," he said, pulling the spoon out of your hand and giving you a sweet kiss.
You smiled and sat at the table while he fetched the tea kettle. He filled both cups, which were already filled with fresh chamomile tea. As you thought he would finally sit down in front of you - where his chair was - he pulled it out and placed it next to yours. It was a simple gesture, yet enough to make you feel a tingling mess inside. With legs rubbing and shoulders colliding, he positioned the two dishes side by side, allowing you both to start eating.
Occasionally, he would rest his head on your shoulder, rubbing his hair against your cheek. You would pause from eating to kiss the top of his head, eliciting a lovely sigh from him. There were no words to describe how much you loved these cozy moments at home with him, memories you would cherish in the days to come.
"I'm full," you said breathlessly. This time, you leaned your face on his shoulder for him to kiss.
You never ate much in the morning. "It's alright, you can finish your tea, though," he murmured. You nodded, appreciating his thoughtfulness. He would eat whatever you had left, as he always did, and you would savor your drink together, enjoying each other's company in the comfort of your home.
Cillian seemed uneasy still. Clearly worried about the passing time, yet you didn’t think much of it. He wore a mischievous smile on his face. Until a sound irritated you by taking you out of the good trance of the moment. "The bell," he announced, taking another sip from his cup.
"Okay," you replied reluctantly, not wanting to leave his side. "I'll be right back."
As you opened the door, you were greeted by a friendly girl holding a big box. She pointed to your house, confirming if it was indeed yours. Perplexed, you confirmed, and she handed you the light blue pack with a few small holes. On the side, it was written in beautiful handwriting, 'to Cillian and you.' Before you could turn the box around to inspect it further, the girl stopped you, urging you to be careful. Thanking her, you watched her leave with a cheerful goodbye, leaving that slightly moving thing in your hands.
He came over, a big smile on his pink lips, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "C'mon, open it, or do you want me to cover your eyes and ask you to guess what it is?"
Your face mirrored his enthusiasm, and you sat on the floor, him following suit. "I’m sure you'll love him, it's the cutest!" he exclaimed, growing even more thrilled as he helped you remove the lid from the box.
You were already excited, but he seemed even more eager. His hopeful eyes studied your reaction, as if there was a slight chance you wouldn't like it.
"Oh, Cill," you sighed. Inside the box was a puppy with light cream-colored fur and dark eyes like blueberries. It wore a golden collar with a pendant similar to yours. "I love him." You took the little furball into your arms, and it playfully tried to bite the string of your necklace. You gently removed the pup's mouth from the necklace with Cillian's help, and you couldn't help but laugh at the adorable attempt. "I loved the leash idea too, thanks love."
He beamed, his eyes glowing with delight. "I ordered a similar one for him from the same store," he said, pointing to the necklace he was wearing, identical to yours and his. "It's like we're a little family, isn't it? We've always talked about wanting the family to grow."
You placed the puppy beside you, leaning over to give Cillian a quick kiss. "So, it's like a first step then?" you asked softly, not wanting to overstep any boundaries, though you've had similar conversations countless times before, during long car rides or just before falling asleep.
"Yep, if that's okay with you," he confirmed as the puppy tried to jump onto his lap. You couldn't blame the little one; you felt like doing the same. Your smile couldn't have been bigger.
"That's more than okay with me," you hugged him, including the puppy in the embrace. "God, I'm more than okay with it," you confessed, feeling a rush of electrifying happiness that left you feeling elated. He didn't look any different; the elation was evident in his eyes too.
Cillian giggled, showering your face with multiple kisses until you both ended up on the floor, with the puppy joining in, barking joyfully. He placed the little furball on his belly, patting its head.
"You'll take care of her while I'm away, right, little one?" Cillian asked the puppy, holding its snout toward him.
The puppy seemed to purr, as if saying 'yes,' and Cillian wrinkled his nose at the sight. He looked at you, signaling to see if you had noticed, and you smiled brightly, nodding to confirm.
Biting your bottom lip, you found the entire scene the cutest thing in the world, and the name for the puppy came to your mind. "Mind if I name him?"
"Nah, of course not. What do you have in mind, lil’ one?"
You couldn't help but contain a laugh. "Cill."
"What?" His voice pitched higher in amusement. "No way," he laughed, knowing there was no other name for the puppy but his own.
You held the tiny pup, turning it to face Cillian. "See, that's little Cill."
"Just like lil' one?" You nodded, remembering the silly nickname he had given you since you first met. Though he wasn't that tall, he had the perfect height for you to snuggle into his chest and feel his calming breath, gradually making you feel at ease. Once you mentioned this to him, he never let it slip his mind.
"Yes, exactly," you hugged the furry bundle against your chest. "That's little Cill for now on." He was happy with your happiness, and he could feel the warmth spreading in his chest.
As you got up, with the little one still in your arms, in a gentle reminder that you wouldn't let go so easily and your focus was entirely devoted to the tiny one, Cillian felt his cheeks flush with a smile, knowing that he would soon feel jealous of your new bond.
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togenabi · 10 months
waking up slow
yuta okkotsu x reader
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♡—waking up with Yuta is one of your favorite things to do.
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word count♡— 1k
genre♡— fluff, romance, established relationship
aged up characters♡— 18+
content notes♡— domestic fluff, living together, romance, lovers, dating, being late together, no use of y/n, shockingly not a royalty au
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author's note♡— this is my very first request from anon! it's a bit short but I didn't want to drag it out too much. I mainly focused on the fluff and the uwu of it all. I hope you like it!
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The scent of sheets and the warmth of the sunlight shining through the window are the first things you process when you wake up. The next is the weight of Yuuta’s arm around your waist.
Smiling contentedly, you bask in the moment before shifting to face him.
His eyes were still closed, but his eyelashes flutter and you sense that he’s coming to. You raise a hand to brush his hair away from his eyes. He wakes up slowly as you do, and a lazy smile graces his lips.
Yuuta pulls you to him, his arms firm around you and your nose is hit with a fragrance that’s so distinctly him. You let yourself be pulled closer against him and snuggle into his neck. For a moment, all you could think was how lovely it would be to have all days start this way.
Usually, mornings with Yuuta were rushed and scrambling. There always seemed to be something going on. Something that one–or, let’s be honest, both of you were late to. A meeting that slipped your mind. An urgent call for him. An event or two that you’d both rush to get to anyway, despite already being late for whatever it was.
Mornings like that had their own appeal, of course. Everything, every mundane moment was always made a thousand times more special with Yuuta. Each miniscule second was still greatly cherished. You breathe out a laugh when you remember that time Yuuta had put on mismatched socks. He didn’t even bother finding a correct pair, only hastily shoving on his shoes and kissing your cheek before he was out the door.
“Morning…” Yuuta’s voice rang in your ears. In that low, raspy tone it always was when he had just woken up. He kisses the top of your head before settling his head on the pillow again. 
His expression was so calm; you had a feeling that the two of you would be falling asleep again before long. Fixing the blankets over you, your mind felt hazy as you anticipated a carefree and relaxed morning. Perhaps you could order food for brunch once you properly woke up.
Right as you were slipping into dreamland, however, Yuuta’s hold on you stiffens.
It alerts you instantly. “What’s wrong?”
Yuuta seems to try to fight the sleepiness as he forces his eyes to open. He blinks, looking deep in thought as if he’s forgotten something. 
You felt the dread building in your stomach.
A few seconds of silence passes over the room. You place a hand on his arm. “Don’t tell me…”
He considers his words carefully before speaking. “It’s not... Yuuji’s birthday today, is it?”
“I don’t think so…” You try to deny it, wanting to stay in bed longer. “If it was, you’d set an alarm for that, wouldn't you?”
His face falls. You knew his answer before it left his lips.
“...I thought you did.”
The two of you spring off the bed immediately. The blankets are shoved away in a flurry, with a pillow or two falling to the ground softly. That softness being the exact opposite of your demeanor right now.
So much for a lazy morning, you think to yourself.
However, having been in situations like this makes you fall into a tried and tested routine with Yuuta. Once he heats up water for coffee, you already have the mugs out. You pick out clothes for one another while he brushes his teeth and cleans himself up. He gets your shoes while you’re the one in the bathroom, and he always knows which pair you would want to wear with your outfit for the day.
You’re ready and prepped in record time. As you give yourself a final once over in the mirror by the door, Yuuta goes to grab Yuuji’s present on the kitchen counter. When he returns, he meets your eyes in the reflection and leaves a delicate kiss on your temple.
“You look perfect.” He says, and he smiles brightly when you do.
You sigh, pretending to be exasperated. “I know.” A laugh bursts from your lips when he tries to tickle you in retaliation.
“No, Yuuta! Stop!” Still laughing, you try to capture his hands in yours. “We don’t have time for this!”
He finally relents, but pulls you to him instead. The look in his eyes is so precious, and you don’t doubt that you’re looking at him with the same gaze. You meet him halfway for a kiss, and you melt into it. 
Kissing him was enchantingly perfect, a warmth blooming in your chest as if you were always meant to be with him. Your heart swells up from all that you feel and all that he gives you, but you catch yourself and pull back.
“We should be heading out.” You say, but you sound unconvincing even to your own ears.
Yuuta stares into your eyes happily for a moment. Then he nods and takes your hand as you head out the door. 
“Do you have anything planned tomorrow?” He asks as you both walk at a leisurely pace. 
It occurs to you that you should probably urge him to hasten his steps, but as the sunlight reflects in his eyes in that spellbinding way, you couldn’t find it in yourself to rush this moment.
“No, why?” You reply. He brings up your hand and kisses the back of it.
“I think we deserve a day of just absolutely nothing.” Yuuta’s expression was delighted, as if he was planning something more exciting than just simply staying at home together.
The feeling is contagious, nonetheless. You found yourself grinning at the idea of an uninterrupted morning with him. You remind yourself to try to wake up before him tomorrow, so you can see him in that morning glow that makes your heart flutter again.
“There’s no one else I’d do absolutely nothing with.” You give his hand a tender squeeze as you respond. 
“Glad that we agree on that, then.” He beams at you, and you realized then that the sun would never hold a candle to him.
And so you went on with your day, having fun with friends and celebrating your time with them. But as the day draws to a close, all you could look forward to was waking up slowly the next day and every day after that, in the loving arms of your other half.
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© togenabi 2023 | see here to be added to my taglist ♡
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elliesbelle · 11 months
ellie with an oblivious girlfriend
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there’s nobody else in the world you feel safer with than ellie
she’s your protector and she always looks out for you
and thank god she does
one of the things ellie loves most about you is how genuinely sweet and thoughtful you are
you think of others first, you’re reassuring and kind, you’re a very giving person
however, you can also be ditzy and forgetful, which ellie finds endearing but it also puts her on extra alert constantly
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you’ll wake up earlier than her to cook breakfast for both you of you, and by the time she walks in, you’ll be setting out the finished product on the dining table
she walks in with a sleepy “mornin’ babe” and a yawn, and as she sees the breakfast set-up you’ve made, she begins to smile
but before she can praise you, she smells something weird from the kitchen and immediately bounds in to find you’ve forgotten to turn the stove off
thankfully it was just an empty pan on top of it and the burner was on a lower setting
you rush in after her as she turns the dial to “off” and you immediately start to apologize tearfully
“oh fuck, el, i’m so sorry, i can’t believe i keep fucking doing that. i didn’t mean it, baby—”
ellie interrupts you by pulling you into an embrace and kissing your forehead
“hey, hey, it’s okay. no harm done. don’t freak out.”
you let her peck you on the lips before she continues
“we’ll work on it, okay? can’t have you burning the place down. but i’m not mad, alright?”
she places another kiss on your forehead as you whisper a soft “okay”
“now, i’m pretty hungry,” she continues. “whatever you made smells really fucking good. let’s go eat, alright?”
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your forgetfulness applies to misplacing things too
whether it’s your keys or your favourite pair of shoes, it’s not uncommon for something to go missing
in the game’s universe, ellie will be knocking on your door ten minutes before you both have to go for a morning patrol
you were supposed to meet up with her for breakfast at the tipsy bison earlier but you never showed
she hears you go, "one second!!" followed by the sound of things being thrown around
ellie's concerned, so she lets herself in where she's greeted by you ransacking your house
"uhh, babe?" she says and you turn to her with an overwhelmed look on your face
"oh! i'm so sorry el, i know i'm running so late. i just can't find my favourite pistol anywhere, and you know i can't leave jackson without it, i—"
you keep rambling and only stop when ellie unzips her backpack and pulls out the exact pistol you've been searching for all morning
you squeal and say, "OH MY GOD, BABE, WHERE DID YOU—"
she chuckles and hands it to you, saying, "you left it in shimmer's saddle yesterday, remember?"
you place the gun down on the table and lunge to give her a hug
"thankyouthankyouthankyou, what would i do without you?" you say
she gives you a quick kiss before going, "go get ready, silly girl. jesse's gonna kill us if we're late."
while you're in the other room quickly getting dressed, she's straightening the room up and putting things back where they belong
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in a modern au, you'll be just as forgetful
it'll be a saturday and you're asleep in her arms and you're woken up by her alarm going off way too early
she reaches over to turn it off and you expect her to turn back to snuggle you but instead, she gets up from bed and draws the blinds to let the morning sunlight in
you groan and lift the blanket over your face
"ellieeeee, whyyyyy"
she chuckles and makes her way over to your side of the bed and pulls the blanket down
"wakey wakey, eggs and bakey" she says, giving you a morning kiss
"no eggs and bakey, it is still night-night time" you whine. "close the blinds, baby"
ellie strokes your cheek and says, "gotta get up, pretty girl. you got therapy this morning."
you kiss the hand that she's stroking your cheek with and say, "no, therapy's tomorrow"
"nope, today, baby." ellie flashes her phone at you to show her calendar app which says your therapy appointment starts in an hour
you groan again and say, "can i skip it today and you come back to bed and cuddle me?"
ellie attacks your neck with kisses and says, "tempting, but still gotta go, baby. i'll cuddle you when we get back, okay?"
you pout, hoping it'll convince ellie
but she's pulling your sleepy ass out of bed two seconds later
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you're someone who sees the good in others
which ellie admires you for, but unfortunately means that people will take advantage
the worst is when people start hitting on you
whether it’s a man or a woman, ellie gets territorial regardless
she does react differently though, depending on who’s trying to flirt with her girl
with men, there’s a cockiness to her, knowing that you could unintentionally get their hopes up with your sweet and pleasant demeanor, but in the end? they’d have no chance
but with women? ellie is 10x more possessive
she trusts you and knows that you’re not actually flirting; you’re naturally friendly and affectionate
but she doesn’t like when she sees the way other women look you up and down, drinking you in with a hungry expression on their faces
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in the game’s universe, you’ll be at the tipsy bison one night with ellie, dina, and jesse
you all share a table together, and when the bottle of alcohol you’d all been sharing runs low, you volunteer to get another from the bar
you expect maria to be who serves you, but instead it’s a guy your age who you’d seen around town but don’t interact with often
as you walk up to the bar, he spots you and flashes a huge smile
“hey pretty, lady,” he says. “what can i get for you?”
you smile back, not catching the obvious flirting in his greeting
ellie’s eyes were on you since you left the table
usually, she just enjoys being able to look at you every second she has just so she can admire your presence
but this time, it was to suspiciously squint at you and the barman you were currently conversing with
you were giving him an innocent smile, one that she fell in love with so long ago
but the way he looked at you like something he’d like to devour? she muttered a quiet “be right back” to dina and jesse before appearing at your side
you’re laughing politely at something the guy is saying when ellie surprises you by wrapping her arms around your waist
“yeah, i’m—oh! el, you scared me!” you giggle as she pulls you close
she gives you a quick smile before staring at the barman straight on with an intimidating glare
he regards the way ellie’s holding you before he meets ellie's angry green eyes
"everything good here, babe?" she asks you pointedly
"yeah! just grabbing a bottle for us. is everything okay? did you guys need something else?" you ask her
"nah, just missed you." she replies, giving you a kiss on the cheek
the barman, who was taking his time getting you a fresh bottle, quickly assesses the situation and guesses correctly that ellie is not someone to be fucked with
he hands you the bottle but ellie grabs it instead
"thanks, man" she says cooly
she leads you back to dina and jesse, but not before she gives the barman one last smug look
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in a modern au, you'll be waiting for ellie to pick you up from the train station to take you home after you'd visited some friends
as you wait in the kiss-and-ride area, some sleazeball approaches you and starts up a conversation
you're too nice to say no and you just assume it's just someone trying to make conversation
ellie eventually pulls up and finds you chatting with the stranger
you see her car and wave and immediately grab your bags
"oh, my girlfriend is here! have a nice day!" you say
"oh man," the sleazeball says. "leaving already? can i at least get a hug?"
"oh, uh—" you begin, but he's mostly there already and you concede to give him a half-hearted hug with one arm
you make your way to ellie's car and get into the passenger's seat, greeting her happily and hurling your bags into the backseat
"who was that?" ellie asks after she greets you back
"that guy you just hugged."
"oh, i don't know. just some guy who came up to me a few minutes ago and started chatting. he asked for a goodbye hug." you respond, shrugging
"babe," ellie sighs. "you can't just—you can't just let random guys touch you like that."
"he was just being friendly, el!"
"trust me, baby," she says, glaring at the man who was still staring at you from where he was. "he wasn't."
before you can respond, ellie kisses you passionately and you melt instantly
she kisses you because she misses you, but she also wants this strange man to see that you were unavailable and unattainable
as she pulls away, you're flustered at your girlfriend's boldness
you giggle nervously, not noticing as she glowers at the sleazeball who's now scowling
she drives away as she places her hand on your thigh like usual, pleased with herself and making a mental note to make sure to be ten minutes early to pick you up from anywhere from now on
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in the game's universe, you'll be coming home from patrol with a new girl that maria had asked you to train
you were assigned to a fairly easy and tame route that day and maria thought that you'd be a good teacher for this newcomer
this newcomer was very friendly and very bold, and when she'd been told she was assigned to patrol with you that day, she was excited and made plans to ask you out afterwards
she'd seen you during her first couple of weeks in jackson and she'd been itching for a chance to chat you up
you hadn't noticed her much prior to your patrol with her, but ellie did
she noticed her the day that she arrived because the second the new girl laid her eyes on you, ellie could tell she liked what she saw
when you'd told her you were training her, ellie said nothing about the very obvious crush this newcomer had on you
ellie trusted you, but that didn't stop her from worrying
she'd made dina come back from their patrol earlier than usual so she could be there when you'd come back from yours (which earned her an annoyed but playful eye-roll from dina)
ellie was brushing shimmer's mane when you came into the stables with your horse along with the new girl
she frowned when she looked up to see the new girl eagerly helping you down from your horse
you gave the girl a smile and a thank you before spotting ellie waiting for you
your smile widened when you saw her and you practically jumped on her to give her a hug
"hi, baby! you're back from patrol already?" you ask as you pull away slightly to look at her better
"yeah, not much action on mine and dina's route," ellie lied. "missed you, pretty girl."
"you saw me this morning, dummy." you chuckle
"and i missed you," ellie reiterated. "can't help it."
you give her a loving smooch, which ellie gladly reciprocates and takes a step further as she lifts you up and swings you around
she smiles at your giggles and your noncommital whines to put you down, smirking internally about putting on a show in front of the new girl
the new girl who looked at the scene, defeated and irritated, and who you also had completely forgotten about
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in a modern au, you'll be visiting a lesbian bar with ellie
you both needed to unwind and you were both slowly getting tipsier by the second
she excuses herself to the bathroom for a few minutes, but not before giving you a quick kiss and a promise to return quickly
she's not gone for five minutes before she returns and finds that some other girl is leaning on her barstool and chatting you up
she could tell that you were being friendly and sweet as always, but the other girl's body language told a different story
the girl has left by the time she makes it back to where you were sitting
your face lights up like it always does when you see her
"scoring some dates?" ellie jokes, even if she's seething internally
"oh, just someone being nice, that's all" you reply
"uh huh," ellie says as she takes her seat, handing your purse back to you that you'd placed on top of her stool to avoid someone taking it
"el, not everyone is out here looking to sleep with me." you say to her, pushing a stray hair behind her ear
"really?" she says before lifting the napkin her drink was sitting on to reveal a piece of paper with a number scribbled over it
you look at it for a second and say, "that doesn't mean she was hitting on me!"
ellie rolls her eyes and says, "you are far too beautiful to not get hit on when we're in a lesbian bar"
"lesbians need friends too, el" you reply
ellie pulls out the piece of paper from underneath the napkin and lifts it up to your eye level, revealing the girl's phone number and a note that said "call me xx" right underneath it
you stare at it for a second before saying, "do you think i should call her?"
you laugh as ellie rolls her eyes at you and playfully gets up to leave
"i'm kidding, baby, i'm kidding!" you snicker, gripping ellie's tattooed arm and pulling her back down to her stool. "come back here, silly."
"you sure it's me and not your new girlfriend that you want to sit here with you?" ellie taunts
"is this new girlfriend gonna take care of me better than you do?" you ask, pulling ellie close to you by her collar
"probably not" she says, staring at your lips
"that's what i thought." you say before you lean in and kiss her so intensely that she completely forgets all about that other girl within seconds
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author's notes:
sorry for taking a bit to respond to this! hope this is what you meant hehe
oops sorry for going off on this dslkfjsfds
enjoy the header pic of ellie here cause i took that myself in photo mode in my own playthrough of tlou2 a few days ago hehe
also the forgetfulness part is me being inspired by myself because i have adhd and i’m annoyingly forgetful oops
also that kiss-and-ride one was something that happened to me years ago when i was waiting for my gf to pick me up from the station one time lmao
my masterlist
i have a ko-fi if you like my work so much that you feel compelled to tip me ♡︎
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kengan-daddies · 8 months
I'm Your Baby Baki Hanma x Older Girlfriend!! Reader
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Baki Hanma x Older Girlfriend Reader Series
Anime : Baki: Son of Ogre
Character : Baki Hanma
Warning : Lactation kink, Mommy kink, DMlb, Breeding Kink, Forced pregnancy, slight somnophilia
I'm Your Baby Baki Hanma x Older Girlfriend!! Reader
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I'm Your Baby Baki Hanma x Older Girlfriend!! Reader
The sunlight poured into the room through the half-closed curtains, the blinds halfway angled down, making the rays of sunlight come into the room at a downward angle. The bed was messy with blankets and pillows scattered about. Limbs tangled up together, slim, smooth, toned legs crossed with muscular, thick scarred ones. Your naked bodies are warm and comfortable as you both enjoy the quiet lazy day.
You awoke not too long ago to the feeling of warm weight on your chest and soft hair under your chin. You didn't need to look down to know that it was Baki, he was a major cuddler, it was pretty normal for you to wake up to him snuggled up to you. Your fingers lazily rubbed over his back, shoulder, and arm, feeling his ridged muscles and scares under your soft touch. Your hand slowly makes its way up to the nape of his neck, your fingertips playing with the ends of his hair before you slowly comb your fingers through his burgundy locks.
You smiled softly when you felt him shift some, his arms tightening around you more as he buried his face deeper into your chest. Your drowsy eyes slowly closed as you drifted back off to a gentle sleep, your fingers coming to a slow stop in his hair as you drifted off. It wasn't long until Baki awoke next, his eyes cracked open as he sighed, your scent and warms circling around him comfortably as he pressed his face into the side of your inner breast, your nipple softly rubbing against the tip of his nose.
The contrast to your bodies was always so astonishing, seeing as how your personalities didn't match your place in the relationship at all. Sure, from an outside perspective, you were a normal couple, to some you looked like mother and son, and to others, you looked like a couple, it just depended on the situation at hand. But they were never too far off, considering that both perspectives were pretty much correct. He was your good boy and he was your man. He was your baby and he was your other half.
He tilted his head up slightly his lips brushed against your nipple gently before he closed his lips around it gently, his tongue lightly flicked it as he rolled it around, his teeth coming into contact with it gently, and his arms tightened around your waist as he pulled you closer to him as he widen his mouth taking in more of your breast into his mouth as he gently suckled on it. He wished, and prayed that you had milk, how can you feed your baby if you have no milk?
He gave a soft moan when he felt your fingers run through his hair gently. "Is my baby hungry?" You softly asked, your voice sounding groggy but still so beautiful. He gave a grunt in response as he gave a slightly harder suck, his tongue pressing on your underboob, almost like he was squeezing out the milk. Your arm tighten around him, pressing him into you as you hold him close to you. "Oh Baki, you're such a good boy... Suck a very good boy." You mumbled as you pushed his hair back from his forehead, repeating the action over and over as you pressed kisses to his forehead in between.
He groaned lightly, his hips shifting some as he pressed into you, you gave a small chuckle as you felt him rutting against your thigh, his semi-hard cock pressed against your inner thigh, a small stream of precum trailing into your inner thigh making a wet patch on the bed. "Is my baby getting rowdy? Does he need help?" You asked as you moved your other leg, pressing your thighs together and enclosing his hardening cock in between your plush thighs. He gave a shuddering moan at the sudden enclosure, his mouth pulling off of your breast, salaiva had trailed down his chin, your breast soaked as strands connected from his mouth to your breast the stands slowly breaking with distance as he pressed his face into your neck.
His hips thrust against your thighs as he groaned. "I- I wanna..ugh..I wanna be inside." He whimpered out. You grabbed his hair firmly, as you pulled his head back. His eyes seemed hazy and lust-filled as he stared at you. Your hand came up to rub his cheek. "You need to use your words, baby, you're a big boy." You softly cooed, he gave a shuddering sigh. "I- I wanna be inside, inside of mommy." He said. "I wanna be in your warm womb, I wanna be a part of you, I wanna make you feel good." He said. You smiled as you let his hair go, pushing it back as you gave his forehead a kiss. "That's a good boy." You said.
His eyes fluttered close for a moment before he moved, he grabbed your thighs gently yet firmly as he spread your legs apart, and you shifted onto your back, your arms laying above your head as you watched him. He was always so gentle with you. His hands traveled up your sides and over your breasts, back down and over your hips. "My mommy is so pretty." He said. You gave a bashful smile at his compliment. His hand traveled down to your glistening lips, his fingers gently pressing down on your clit making your abdominals flex at the pleasurable feeling. He circled his fingers over your clit making you moan as you bucked up into his hand gently, his thumb replaced his fingers as he slipped his finger into you.
Your head turned towards the side, your eyes closed as you focused on the pleasure, his eyes trained on your face as he pumped his finger into you, his thumbs circling over your clit, you gave a low surprised grunt when he entered a second finger into you. He smiled at your reaction, his fingers scissored inside of you a few times before he curled his fingers up, your legs twitched and your hips bucked up the feeling of your passing fluttering around his fingers made his chest swell with pride. He pushed in a third finger and you moaned.
Your hand curled into the pillow below your head, sighs and moans spilling from your mouth as you felt your orgasm coming on, your hips bucking against his fingers keeping up with his moderate speed. You gave a whining moan and your breath hitched, your back arched. His eyes shined as he felt your orgasm flutter through your clenching pussy, your juices drenching his fingers as he kept the same steady pump into you, riding out your orgasm.
Your body relaxed against the bed as you huffed lightly, he pulled his fingers out gently, and he stared down at his hand, rubbing his fingers together a few times before he stuck them into his mouth sucking off your juices. You lay there, the edge of sleep slowly creeping up on you, still drowsy from just waking up not too long ago. You felt the bed shift some, and the feeling of Baki's hand holding your hip while the sound of something sloppy sounded out. You looked down, seeing him giving his cock some desperate strokes, precum leaking down and some flying off, landing on your lower stomach and inner thighs.
His eyes clouded with lust as he stared down at you, a gentle yet hazy smile on his face as he did. You sighed as you got more relaxed, watching as he angled his hard cock towards your relaxing core. He pressed in slowly, his eyes rolling as they fluttered close, you closed your eyes, the stretch was always pleasurable as he slowly pushed in. "Nugh... Mommy is always-- so tight." He grunted out as he slowly bottomed out inside of you. You both sighed at the feeling, he sat there for a moment, and the throbbing of his cock, felt deep inside of you as he sat there. Admiration and love in his hazy eyes as he stared at you.
"I love you." He said as he slowly leaned over, his hands moving to pick up your thighs, pushing them up as he pressed them up on either side of your head. Your eyes widen at the position. 'A mating press?' You thought. His hips pulled back before he trusted back in, your breath pushing out from the thrust, that hazy smile on his face as he stared into your eyes. His thrusts are deep, long, but sweet. His forehead pressed into yours, the bed creaking, your breaths coming out as gasps as he angled his hips, his tip brushing against your G-spot, your hands held onto his arms and shoulder.
"I wanna get Mommy pregnant. I want her to leak milk, you need to feed your baby, but how can you feed me without any milk?" He spoke, sweat dripping from his body onto yours as he thrusts into you. Your hazy mind barely understood his words, but the word 'pregnant' did stand out to you the most. "Pregnant?... You want to... To be a dad Baki?" You asked him. He chuckled as he moved his head to your neck, pressing kisses up to your ear. "No, I just want your milk." He said. You understand now, the diet plan he suddenly put you on, the hormonal vitamins he convinced you to take, it was all for milk. 'Lactation kink...' You thought.
Your fingers combed through his hair before you gripped it pulling it as he moved with the force. "Baki... I- I don't need to get pregnant to make milk... I can make milk... just give It more time okay?" You said. His eyes were strong, luft-filled but still strong enough to bore into your soul. "okay... I can wait a little longer then." He said. You relaxed, you didn't want to get pregnant, that wasn't on your bucket list, you already had a baby, he was a big baby but he was yours nonetheless. You smiled as you pressed a kiss to his lips, your arms wrapping around his neck as his thrusts picked up speed, his breath coming out hard and short as he panted.
"I'm... I'm your good boy." He said as he released your thighs, his arms coming to wrap around you, his face pressed into your shoulder. Your legs wrapped around his waist. "Yes... Yes, you are... You're Mommy's good boy." You said as you pressed a kiss to the side of his temple. He grunted in response as he cuddle fucked into you, his favorite position. Your core fluttered as you felt another orgasm coming on, he groaned in response to the feeling. "I... Ugnh..." You couldn't make a coherent response as you felt your orgasm crashing down on you, your toes flexing and your heels dug into his back.
His thrusts became uneven as he felt your pussy fluttering around his cock, his eyes rolling from the feeling as his thrusts became slower and harder before he gave a hard groan, his cock throbbed as he came deep into you. His legs slowly stretched out, as he laid flat on you, his arms wrapped around you as he pressed his nose into your neck breathing in your scent. His slowly softening cock is still deep inside of you, enjoying your overwhelming warmth. "Okay Baki, get up, I need to clean up." You said. Light snores came as a response and you looked down at him as best as you could.
You sighed as you let your head fall back onto the pillow. "Of course, he fell asleep, he always does." You said with a sigh as your hands gently rubbed his back. A smile came on your face. "He's such a cutie." You said fondly as you tried to follow him into dreamland. Your soft snores sounded out after a few minutes and Baki's snores stopped, his eyes opened and he gave a smile as his hand came from around your body, and rubbed his hand over your stomach. 'My seed will hopefully take root, even if it doesn't there's nothing wrong with trying again. I won't stop until she leaks milk, either through pregnancy or threw other methods.' he thought determined to get what he wanted.
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syd-djarin · 7 months
Leftovers (joel miller x f!reader)
a @katiexpunk & @sydneyinacoma oneshot collab
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Summary: You’ve waited for what feels like forever to hear Joel say he’ll give you what you want, and what better day to be grateful you’re both now on the same page than Thanksgiving. Joel shows you just how thankful he is for you by giving you loads of his cum. Yep, that’s the fic. 
Rating: 18+ Minors DNI 
Word count: ~2.6K
Warnings: BREEDING KINK GALORE (if this isn’t your cup of tea, kindly move along), come play, rough sex, established relationship, thanksgiving, gentle sex, rough sex, creampie, kitchen sex, finger fucking, pet names, use of DADDY, use of MAMA, feral!joel, somnophilia, inappropriate use of kitchen island, spanking 
Authors Note: what started as a brilliant idea from Katie, turned into a breeding extravaganza by these 2 slutty smutty sisters. Happy Thanksgiving ;)
~honored to get to collab w the amazing @katiexpunk again for some depraved fantasies. she is a true gift to this world & i'm proud to call her a friend. ily a milli bby. <33333
Joel finger fucking his cum back into you under the dinner table wasn’t quite what you had planned for the evening. 
But it’s Thanksgiving, and you’re grateful.
In the warm glow of the late afternoon sunlight streaming through the kitchen window, you stand in the kitchen, in total Thanksgiving mode. This is the first year that you and Joel are hosting at your house and you couldn’t be happier. 
The dining room table is set for twelve, a symphony of warmth and welcome. It’s decked out with gleaming plates, polished silverware, and a giant cornucopia centerpiece that Maria and Tommy had dropped by earlier in the morning. 
In the kitchen, the turkey is roasting, the pies are resting, and the whole place smells amazing. Your apron's on, tied snuggling around your waist, and you're juggling pots, pans, and veggies like it’s nothing. 
As you're meticulously arranging a platter of hors d'oeuvres, the floorboards creak as Joel approaches. You’re too deep into hostess mode to notice his presence. 
Joel leans casually against the kitchen doorframe, a silhouette of quiet appreciation as he watches you move with purpose around the kitchen. His broad shoulders rest against the wood with his arms crossed, while his gaze, softened by admiration, follows you. The longer he watches you, the hungrier he gets. 
He takes a step into the kitchen and your eyes lock with his. Your face erupts in a warm smile as you drink him in; fresh from the shower, his hair damp and combed neatly back. His scent invades your senses, over the plethora of smells circulating throughout the kitchen. It’s warm and earthy and brings a sense of comfort, of home, of Joel. 
He takes a few short steps forward through the kitchen to be closer to you. “Wow,” he breathes, a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth, “I can’t believe all of this is in our kitchen. You’ve really outdone yourself, sweetheart.” 
You move to close the gap between your bodies, and stand to face him. You raise your hand to his chest, feeling the warmth he exudes and the fabric of his white t-shirt and flannel under your palm. Him in a flannel always makes you weak in the knees, but today it’s an all-consuming feeling. 
You glance up at him, a mix of exhaustion and satisfaction etched on your face. “Well, you know how I am when it comes to Thanksgiving, I just want everything to be perf–” . Before you can finish your sentence, Joel’s lips are crashing into yours. It’s soft, and you relish in the taste of it.
Joel’s kisses become more needy, gluttonous even. Try as he might, he can never get enough of you. He’s fusing your body to his, one hand clutching your hip and the other cradling the nape of your neck. 
“You look so pretty like this, sweetheart. You’ve been workin’ so hard – why don’t you take a break, hmm?” he whispers in your ear, nipping at the soft flesh of your lobe. “Come take a break on my cock.”
“Joel, we can’t – everyone is going to be here in like 30 minutes, there’s still so much to do,” you try to reason, but your body isn’t listening, and neither is he. 
“Don’t care, make ‘em wait. Need you. Now,” growling in your ear. 
“Plus, if my calculations are correct, I know you’re ovulating, and I bet your body is craving my cum, isn’t it, baby?” he says, grabbing you by your hips and walking you back to the kitchen island until the cool marble hits your lower back and he has you pinned.
You and Joel have discussed kids, but briefly. You were ready now, but he wanted to wait.
“Let me breed your tight little pussy, baby. Wanna have my cum overflowing deep inside of you, wanna fuck it into you so deep it’ll stay there all night,” he says, reaching his hand up your dress.  
“Joel, now? I know we’ve discussed having kids, but you said you wanted to ah,” – your ability to form words gets broken as he slips his thick finger through the side of your underwear and cards it through your slick folds. “You said you wanted to wait,” you conclude, your breath a little ragged. 
“Waited long enough haven’t we? Wanna give you what you want, sweetheart,” ghosting a fingertip over your clit. “Plus I can’t wait to see your pretty little tits engorged and your belly full of my baby,” he says.  
His words stir heat low in your belly, they’re what you’ve been waiting for him to say for so long. You’re practically dripping at the thought of him as a father, how good he’ll be to both of you. 
His intent is to fuck you, to ravage you with no protection or pills, to intertwine your lives together forever. His cock all but tells you as much. You reach your hand out to cup the thick shape of him through his denim jeans, feeling his engorgement and so desperately wanting to have him inside of you. 
“Please, daddy,” begging him to fill you up, somehow already knowing that ‘daddy’ will spur him on.
“Already calling me daddy now, huh baby?” Joel says, “I’ll show you daddy,” he adds, assisting you in helping him unbuckle his belt and jeans, growing impatient, wanting to be buried deep inside of you. As he drags his jeans and underwear down, you’re also impatient, and shimmy your underwear down to your knees and hike your dress over your hips, giving Joel unrestricted access to your needy cunt. 
Joel grabs you by your waist and pulls you into him in a passionate kiss before flipping you around and pushing you down onto the kitchen island, chest first so that you’re eye-level with one of the Apple Pies you made earlier that morning. You’re grateful for the clothing covering you there as the countertop is cool, but your nipples still peak in response to the sensation. 
Normally he’d take this slow, work you up to it, make you come once or twice before even attempting to fuck you, but right now he doesn’t care, nor does he have the time. Joel Miller has one goal, and one goal only right now. Joel, normally a bit of tease, skips straight to the part where he’s fucking you. 
He lets out a moan at the sight of your ass bent over, pussy drooling, pressed up against his hips. Unable to resist, he swats your ass, enjoying the way your cheek bounces on impact. 
Your wet and aching hole is just begging to be filled with him. He grabs his heavy cock by the base and spits down onto it before bringing his hand to stroke the length of it a few times, lubricated by his own saliva and the pre-cum that collects as he thumbs over his weeping tip. 
He taps your ass with the mushroom head of his cock and grabs your buttcheek with his free hand, spreading you open to him. You’re growing impatient and whine out another plea, “please, daddy, please fuck me.” It’s pathetic and desperate but you don’t care. 
Instead of a verbal reply, he responds by slamming his cock into you, causing you to jolt forward. 
He only gives you a few moments to breathe before he’s driving into you at a dizzying pace. Should any of your guests arrive early, they’re in for a scene straight out of Skinemax.
“Fuck, baby. Who are you gonna let breed this tight little pussy, hmm?” Joel hisses through his thrusts. 
“Only you, Daddy. Only you. P-please, fill my pussy up,” you purr. 
“That’s right. Daddy’s gonna knock his girl’s tight little cunt up good, fill you full o’me. Gonna fuck you until you can’t see straight,” he says. 
“Gonna make you a mama,” he adds for good measure, his breath a little ragged from the relentless pace he’s setting, hammering in and out of you, “gonna be such a pretty mama, baby.” The sound of his balls clapping against you is drowned out by your moans. 
“Joel, shit – ah, I’m gonna come, feels so good,” you say, your cheek flat against the countertop. His cock is so big and perfect, you’re practically helpless. No more than a woman without a lifevest, drowning in the sea of your impending orgasm. 
“That’s good, sweetheart – it will open your cervix up to me, my seed,” he responds, his jaw goes tense and he’s also not far off from his own release. He begins to set a rough, relentless tempo and begins to thrust into you deeper and harder, causing your walls to clench around him tighter. 
Your legs begin to shake, and the buzz of arousal pulses through you. The tip of him hits the soft, spongy spot inside of you that drives you crazy, and with a few more drags of his veiny cock, you’re gone. 
“Fuck, daddy! Yes,yes,yesss—” You come with a hoarse shout, body writhing underneath him. 
His cock is covered in your sweet release, your milky juices covering his rod put Joel in a tantric, animalistic state as he nears his own orgasm. You’re still shaking under him, your legs begin to wobble and he holds both of your hips as he slams himself into you balls deep. You’re hanging onto his forearm behind you, needing solace from the intense onslaught. 
The strength of his grip leaves bruises on your hips as he gives you one final, intentional thrust, and pauses with the tip of him right up against your cervix and your walls milk him for all he’s worth as he curses your name under his breath. 
You can feel the subtle pulses of his cock as he stays stuffed inside of you to the hilt, holding his cum where he wants it to go the most. You both stay there, heaving and fucked out, as he lets the final drips of his seed paint every internal surface of your sweet pussy. He presses gentle kisses on your shoulder blade and behind your ear; a stark contrast from the previous roughness. 
“I’m gonna pull out now, sweetheart. But don’t go to the bathroom, want you to keep my cum inside of you for as long as you can,” he says, still pressing you against the countertop. You let out a small hum of agreement, and he retreats from your hole and you whine at the loss. You just want to be full of him always. You wrap your hand under you to cup your mound to keep the warm cum from flooding out of you. 
Just as Joel is pulling up his jeans, the familiar chime of the doorbell tells you that your first guests are here. 
“I’ll get it, baby,” Joel says with a wink and cards his fingers through his now dry salt-and-pepper curls in an attempt to look like he didn’t just fuck you within an inch of your life. 
You stay there on the countertop as long as you can, before you hear voices in the foyer. You let out a sigh, not wanting to get up yet, wanting to stay in your filled-up bliss for a moment longer. You stand up to pull your underwear back in place and straighten out your dress. 
Of course Tommy and Maria would be the first ones to arrive. Not only were the Miller brothers both incredibly attractive, but they both had the same belief that if you aren’t at least five minutes early, you’re late. 
“Tommy, Maria – hi, so lovely to see you, Happy Thanksgiving!” you say, your voice just a little too high. You stand in place behind the kitchen island and clamp your legs shut together tight, trying to pay no mind to the sticky, syrupy release that’s beginning to slowly drip out of you down your thighs. 
Maria responds with a similar greeting, and then trails on “This island really ties the room together,” Maria surveys the kitchen, admiring the updates Joel’s been doing around the house. 
“Thanks,” Joel replies, “We’ve been breaking it in. You know, with all the cooking and stuff. I think it’s the perfect addition to our home,” he adds, giving you a look that says and it won’t be the only perfect addition in about nine months. You feel your chest heat at Joel’s unsaid words. 
“Can I get either of you a drink,” you ask, effectively making the transition back to hostess as you wait for the rest of your guests to arrive. 
Nighttime encroaching, your exhaustion takes hold of you. From preparing food all day, tidying up the house – with Joel's help, of course –  and an explosive orgasm – also with Joel’s help – your body aches, overcome with the need to sleep for 15 hours or more. 
Joel observes your depleted energy, feeling proud that some of it is his doing. He also knows that you’ll need lots of rest in the coming days, and he’s more than happy to take care of you.
So he decides to give you a boost of energy the best way he knows how. 
You try to retain any form of composure as he reaches his hand under the table, and grabs your upper thigh. He pauses there for a moment, but eventually trails his hands up under your dress to the damp fabric of your underwear. 
He pushes the soiled fabric to the side and sinks his thick finger into your wet hole, collecting the remnants of his release still gathered between the lips of your cunt. You try to hide your pleasure and near-gasps at the intense sensation behind the thin glass of your wine. 
“Gotta make sure it sticks, sweetheart,” Joel rasps, only for you to hear. 
You mask a moan with a laugh, as if Joel said something funny, instead of the lewd remark he made. 
Joel finger fucking his cum back into you under the dinner table wasn’t quite what you had planned for the evening. 
But it’s Thanksgiving, and you’re grateful.
After a successful dinner, you and Joel say goodbye to the last guests to leave. You shut the door behind them, and lock the deadbolt. You turn your back to face the door, and Joel’s eyes are trained on yours. You can see it from the look in his eyes, the want and the hunger that simmers behind his dilated pupils. 
Joel walks over to you and brings his fingers under your jaw, tilting you to look up at him. He plants a soft kiss on your lips, and you melt into him. 
“You did a lot of work today, baby. C’mere, let’s get you into bed,” he offers, tapping your outer thigh and you get the hint. You wrap your arms around his neck, and he picks you up and carries you up the stairs to your bedroom. 
Once in bed, Joel takes his time with you. He languidly eats you, savoring the taste of you like you’re better than the Apple Pie he had for dessert a mere hour ago. He would attest that you are, in fact, better than the dessert from earlier. 
He’s affectionate, tender, peppering kisses everywhere his lips can reach between the soft pecks, he tells you how much he loves you, and how he can’t wait to see you grow your first baby. He fucks you, slow and intentionally, and gives you another load of his cum. 
“I’m staying inside of you until you’re knocked up, sweetheart,” he says, his hard cock softening inside of you, plugging you up so his cum can’t escape. As he lays there playing with your hair, you hear his breath slow and he eventually lets out the soft twitches of early sleep.  
You place your hand on your belly over his, where he keeps a tight grip on you, pulling you close to his chest, even in his sleep. Even if you’re not pregnant yet, you know you’re sure as hell gonna have a fun time trying. 
“Night, baby,” you say to him, hoping this time next year he’s not the only one you’ll be calling that.
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
dont be shy share the werewolf charlos idea girly
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Sleepy boy— Werewolf!Charlos x reader
Tagged— @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @67-angelofthelordme-67 @amatswimming @alwayzbeenale @bblouifford @badassturtle13 @bbtoni @barcelonaloverf1life @charlesf1leclerc @crashingwavesofeuphoria @clowngirlsstuff @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @faithsotherhouseofchaos @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hangmandruigandmav @hrts4scarr @hollie911 @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @jaeeyaaasworld @kimiracing07 @lightdragonrayne @lollypop90907 @laura-naruto-fan1998 @ladymarvel27 @moss-on-tmblr @natailiatulls07 @norrisleclercf1 @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @scotlynaurora @toasttt11 @taylorswifts-cardigan @uluvjay @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics
Carlos had one rule and was don’t wake him up before 10am. Carlos wasn’t a morning person getting up before 10am means dealing with a cranky crabby werewolf you were the same way. Charles was a morning person when the sun rises, so does Charles. Charles can’t help it. Charles and his wolf were both restless. So when the sun rose this morning Charles was wide awake. Charles placed a kiss on your forehead and placed one on Carlos’s shoulder as he climbed out of bed.
Charles watched as you and Carlos snuggled up together. Sighing, Charles got dressed for his morning run and left. Charles watched as you and Carlos snuggled up together. Sighing content Charles got dressed for his morning run and left leaving you and Carlos alone in bed asleep.
Carlos slowly woke up wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into his chest. Carlos knew it was morning, but was glad that Charles didn’t wake him up. Carlos buried his head into your neck and let out a deep sigh.
You felt Carlos squeeze you tighter. You looked up at Carlos’s sleeping face. You smiled at the sight you see each morning. Carlos looked handsome even with his sleepy face. Carlos’s lips twitched like he was dreaming while his arms remained wrapped around you.
“Going for your run” you asked Charles when he came out of the bathroom.
Charles turned his head and smiled at you. “Good morning, beautiful. Yes, I’m gonna go for a morning run.”
“Hmm,” Carlos mumbled sleepily, turning his head as Charles spoke. Charles smiled and leaned down to kiss Carlos’s forehead, and then whispered, “I’ll be back soon. Love you.” Carlos muttered in a sleep-dazzled murmur, “Love you, too”.
“Be safe Charles” you whisper knowing he’d hear it.
“I will, babe.” Charles gave you a wink. “I always come back in one piece.” Charles smiled and waved one last time before starting on his morning run.
You could smell the faint scent of Charles’s cologne coming from his t-shirt that you were wearing. You smiled thinking how much you loved both of them. You wrapped your arms around Carlos’s body and pulled him in tighter. You ran your fingers through Carlos’s thick black hair, feeling the softness.
Carlos mumbled groggily “I love you,” and then yawned. You smiled and pulled Carlos in tighter still and rested your head on his chest feeling the warmth. You felt comfortable and safe being in Carlos’s arms. You closed your eyes and slowly drifted back to sleep.
You slept in Carlos’s arms and dreamed. When you woke up again, you were still being held by Carlos. His strong arms were wrapped tightly around you. You smiled and turned your head to look at Carlos who was now awake. He noticed you were awake but didn’t want to let you go.
Carlos stared into your eyes as he smiled at you. His beautiful brown eyes sparkled in the morning sunlight. He had a few scruffs of facial hair due to it being early in the morning. His black hair was sticking out all over him. You smiled back at him and giggled softly, thinking how cute Carlos looked in the morning. Carlos leaned forward and kissed your forehead, and then kissed your cheek, and finally, kissed your lips.
“I’m assuming Charles is on his morning run?” Carlos asked
“Yeah he should be back any second now” you said
Carlos smirked and squeezed you tighter. Carlos whispered “Good, because I want him to catch us like this.” Carlos smiled smugly and kissed your nose.
You blushed and giggled. “Yeah, why?” you said. Carlos shrugged and smirked. “Just want to see the look on his face.” Carlos kissed your cheek again and you chuckled.
“So you want to deal with a pouty Charles for the rest of the day?” You asked Carlos.
Carlos shrugged and smirked again. “Yeah, it would be funny to see him all pouty. He’d be grumpy because he missed out on cuddles with you, but he’d still pretend to be mad.” Carlos grinned and nuzzle your neck.
“But what if he gets really mad?” you asked Carlos as he continued to snuggle up to you. Carlos shook his head and leaned into you. “Nah, he’ll be fine. Plus, I’ll give him extra cuddles when he gets back. He’ll be back to his normal self.” Carlos chuckled as he kissed your cheek again. You giggled and hugged Carlos tighter.
Carlos’s words were soon proven true when Charles returned from his run. Charles came into the room, and saw you and Carlos snuggling together. He didn’t say anything, but he did pout slightly at first. But once Carlos reassured Charles that he would get extra cuddles later and that he would treat him well, Charles softened his pout and even smiled at the sight.
Carlos noticed the small smile that creeped onto Charles’s face. Charles had a slight twinkle in his eyes, happy that Carlos was looking after you. Charles then spoke “I see you’re keeping her warm while I was gone?” Carlos shrugged “Something like that,” he answered coyly as he smirked at Charles.
Charles smiled softly. “Well, I’m definitely going to have to fight for her cuddles later. You two got anything special planned for today?” Charles asked. Carlos shrugged, “Not really. I was just planning on cuddling all day.” Charles chuckled, “Typical.”
Carlos grinned, “Yup. It’s our favorite pastime. We just like cuddling.” Carlos tightened the embrace around you. Charles smiled again and shook his head. “Well, I won’t leave you two to it then. Guess I best hit the shower and get some work done.” Charles walked over and planted a quick kiss on your forehead before he left the room.
Charles left the room to give you and Carlos some privacy. Carlos tightened the embrace around you again and nuzzled his head into your neck. Carlos mumbled in a slightly sleep-dazzled voice “I love you.”
You giggled softly at the sleepy voice you heard. “I love you too.” You smiled as you placed a quick kiss on Carlos’s cheek. Carlos smiled and leaned into the kiss. The two of you continued to cuddle in bed enjoying each other’s presence. You felt so lucky to have two amazing boyfriends that loved and cared so incredibly for you and one another.
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rainbowtransform · 2 months
The thing nobody tells you about dying, Buddy thinks, is the pain of it. Someone slit his throat, but all he can see is Kristen Applebee’s horrified face, her eyes wide and mouth gaped open as she shouts something he can’t hear.
His heart thumps.
His fingers twitch.
His blood spreads.
Buddy closes his eyes.
He reopens them in front of huge gates, big and yawning. Sunlight drifts off the edges of them and shines through the bars, but when Buddy places a hand on them instead of feeling warm, like how he used to snuggle into his grandfather’s arms when he spoke about Helio and Faith and the love, it’s cold.
Like how cold it felt when he came into Helio’s church after they’d lost his Chosen. Cold and uninviting.
“Buddy Dawn,” comes a voice and Buddy turns his head to see Helio, hair long and flowing and his satchel at his side. “I’ve been expecting you.”
“Lord Helio,” Buddy says, dropping to one knee and bowing as Helio laughs. Light. Airy. Warm.
“Stand up,” Helio commands, one warm hand on Buddy’s shoulder. “Come on, Buddy, you don’t have to kneel like this.”
“Lord Helio,” Buddy says, awed and inspired. “I’m sorry this Chosen could not do what you wanted. I tried my hardest, my very best and I’m so so sorry that I was not what the Church needed.”
Helio helps him to his feet, both hands on his shoulder and smiles at him again. “You were what you needed to be,” he said. “Your father prayed everyday for you to find your way to me, and you did.”
Buddy swallows. “My father?” He questions, one hand going to his chest. “My father is here?”
“Yes,” Helio says. “Your father has been waiting for you, and your mother for many years now. But before that, come. My father and aunt would like to meet with you.”
“Your Lord Father?” Buddy whispers. “Sol?”
Helio wraps Buddy into a hug. It feels like his father’s, it feels like his mother’s, it feels like the Church’s picnics.
It feels like when he was crying over a split knee after his father’s funeral and a red-haired girl healed him with warm eyes, and a grin that showed off her two missing front teeth.
“He’s not too bad,” Helio says. “Don’t worry. Come on. He won’t hurt you.”
Buddy follows Helio to two chair, as large as the sun and one just as bright; the other one glimmering in the sun’s reflection. There is nobody sititng in their chairs, but Buddy knows that Sol and Galicaea are there. Waiting.
Buddy kneels again. He puts his head down and says, “My Lord Sol, and His Sister, Galicaea. A pleasure to meet you.”
“Stand,” Galicaea says. Her voice is cold, frosty despite the sun’s warmth and Buddy trembles. Helio goes to stand on His Father’s right side, where He must stay.
“You heard my Sister,” Sol says, just as cold. Buddy scrambles to his feet, eyes wide. He doesn’t know what he’s done wrong, but he must have because why are they angry at him?
“Buddy Dawn,” Sol says. His voice is rumbling and despite the sun’s heat, Buddy still feels the coldness in it. “You have quite some explaining to do. My Sister’s Wife has been roused from Her slumber by Kristen Applebees.”
“Lord Sol,” Buddy begins, before—
“Not to mention, when I tried to kill that infernal thing, I was thwarted.” Galicaea says. Her voice is colder than the dark side of the moon and Buddy swallows.
“My Lord,” he says. “With all due respect, I don’t know what I could’ve done. I focused on the Church of Helio, and keeping the Faith alive through the Chosen One’s Leaving.”
“The Chosen One does not leave.” Helio says, still all smiles. “Regardless of what she’s done, she’s always been mine. When she dies, Kristen Applebee’s soul will come here. To our Heaven.”
Buddy blinks at him. “But Kristen hasn’t been practicing.” He says.
“She’ll go to Hell for a couple of millennial,” Helio says. “Somewhere quiet and away from where her friends can’t find her. Just until she realizes the mistake of her actions and then I’ll come in and save her.”
“Lord Helio,” Buddy frowns and Helio quirks an eyebrow before Buddy falls silent. He chews on his bottom lip, sweaty hands wiped off on his pants.
“Enough,” Sol says. “What do you say in the case of your neglect of the My Son’s Chosen One’s actions?”
“I was fixing the Church,” Buddy says, feeling so small in front of these immortals. “I… I can’t be always with her. I’m not part of her adventuring party. Kristen Applebees doesn’t even like me.”
“It doesn’t matter,” Galicaea says, leaning forward to tower over Buddy. “It does not matter what she likes or does not. It was your job to keep Helio informed of what she does, so we could stop her. She doesn’t even have a God anymore, and yet she’s been messing with something that she has no right being in. Her and that Hellspawn Tiefling. It’s bad enough that that idiot werewolf is trying to change Me in my own Home, and then that Goddess’ name was uttered from a marriage that meant nothing.”
“Galicaea,” Sol says sharply. The goddess slumps back in her seat and Buddy realizes he’s fallen to his knees sometime she was talking. He’s trembling, he realizes.
He looks over to his Lord Helio, who is looking down at His nails, and when He realizes that Buddy is looking at Him, gives him a thumbs up.
Sol sighs. “There is nothing to be done now.” He says, still sounding angry.
“Then why did you call me here?” Buddy asks in a whisper.
Helio blinks at him, confused. “To tell you what you’ve done wrong, Buddy,” he says. “And to let you know that we’re going to keep you here, despite all your wrongdoing. Because we’re gracious. And kind.”
Buddy has done right all his life. He has followed the word of Helio, fixed the church that fell apart in the night and their chosen one’s departure, prayed daily and nightly for Helio to save the immoral souls of those who do not Follow him or his Father; took an empty cleric’s position in a team of people who were stars, burning themselves too bright and too hot to compete with a galaxy.
Buddy has healed the sick, and helped the homeless, and eased the minds of believers and nonbelievers alike. He has done right all his life.
And his afterlife is stained red because he wasn’t shadowing Kristen Applebees every step of her way. Because he wasn’t keeping up with her news and telling Helio.
(“She’ll be in Hell for a while,” Helio said. “Just until I come in to save her.”)
Buddy snaps out of it as Helio��s hand lands on his shoulder again, smiling and leading him away from His father and Aunt.
“Did you mean that Kristen is still yours?” Buddy asks.
Helio nods. “Cassandra layed a claim on her when She was revived and it would’ve been a battle if Kristen died, but now that she’s dead…” Helio shrugs.
“I can’t just let her walk in, though. She needs to be punished for leaving.” And then Helio smiles again, and points behind Buddy’s shoulder at the small house.
Buddy turns around, and sees a shock of brown hair, a mouth stretched in a permeant smile, and eyes that have always had love in them, despite being milky and never actually seeing his own son. Buddy’s mother always used to ruffle his own hair and ask how Buddy didn’t get anything of his father’s except his smile.
“There’s your dad.” Helio whispers. “He’s been waiting an awful long time.”
Helio hugs him again.
And, like at his father’s funeral, like his first year of waking up to an empty kitchen, and like when the red-haired girl’s mother called her away, despite the warmth of Helio’s hugs and his father’s cloudy, love-filled eyes staring at him, Buddy feels cold.
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sturniolowhore · 6 months
summary ⎯ "i could watch you for a lifetime, you're my favourite movie"
warnings ⎯ chris x fem!oc, fluff so much tooth rotting fluff
A/N ⎯ as much as i love smut and everything about it, it'll never beat my love for fluff and the pureness of it all. this is super short but i just wanted to try something cute
i hope you enjoy <3
❛ ━━・❪ ִ ࣪𖤐 ❫ ・━━ ❜
there's something divinely beautiful about existing with someone without having to do much at all. the ease that comes with being beside them as though there's no place else in the universe that matters. it's the delight that comes with watching them exist, eyes taking in the gentle rise and fall of their chest as they breathe and ears drowning in the sound of their voice or beautiful laughter.
chris doesn't exactly know when he fell for alina, it just sort of happened and he hasn't been able to do anything but ever since. it was like one second she was the friend he'd always had and the next he was falling for her and the way her hugs made him feel like he was the safest person ever or the way her mere presence was enough to make him light up with joy. it wasn't supposed to happen but it did and he's so fucking thankful no matter how unexpected it was.
as he watches her now, he knows he could do this forever. he could god honestly watch her for a lifetime and die happy because at least he died watching the love of his life. love is indeed a strong emotion but it takes no effort for him to love her. loving her is as easy as breathing and at times, it feels like he isn't thinking about his feelings. his feelings just float in the air and simmer there like oxygen. he loves her but there's no complications to it.
her eyes flutter in the sunlight and he watches the gentle hue cascade across her face, making it glow in a way he finds mesmerising. it's endearing really because he often views her as his own little sun. she can make him shine and sing and that's why he feels so strongly for her. her nose wrinkles as she laughs at something and he wants to kiss it, to capture the image forever.
he pulls her closer to him and wraps his arms around her, hugging her tightly because she's so fucking warm and cosy. her head lays against his chest for a moment before she turns around and locks eyes with him. he swears he forgets his purpose for a second when she connects their lips. the familiar feeling soon washes over him like a tide and he kisses back instantly, welcoming the soft brush of her lips against his.
when they pull apart, they rest their foreheads together and chris knows this is where he's supposed to be, knows this is who he's meant to be with. he pecks her forehead lightly and she giggles, making him repeat his actions so he can hear the adorable sound again.
"you're very smiley," she tells him, prodding at his grin with her finger jokingly.
he smiles even further at the small gesture, "you're so fucking cute baby."
she smiles at him in return, a rosy look covering her cheeks at the compliment and chris never wants to part his eyes from her. he's stuck to the sight of her like glue but he doesn't find it within himself to care.
"you're cute," she retorts as she sits on his lap, her legs moving on either side of his torso as she falls into his chest, inhaling softly.
it feels like home. the embrace feels like normality in the best way possible. it's a touch of no return, one that doesn't need to lead to anything else. it's pure and they both adore that as they sink into it with their hearts for all they can.
she draws patterns on top of his t-shirt, her face still snuggled into his chest, and he exhales slowly, content with everything around him.
when she lifts her head and watches their surroundings, he in turn chooses to watch her. he watches the small smile on her face and the shine in her eyes as she takes everything in. sure, the scene around him is beautiful but he can't exactly look at that when the most beautiful thing is currently on his lap.
"that tree is so pretty," her voice sounds after a few moments but chris simply keeps his eyes on her.
"so fucking pretty," he says but he's not really talking about the tree but then again, she doesn't need to know that. he can admire her beauty without making it known; he always does.
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Hangover (Fluff)
2007!Leonardo x reader
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A/N: I went mini golfing last night with some friends, and now I have the worst hangover, so had to comfort myself with a little Leo fluff💙
Warnings: Spelling, hangovers💙
You groaned and shifted in bed as the sunlight came through the window and landed upon your face, regretting every decision you made the night before. Your head pounded, and the room seemed to spin as you attempted to open your eyes. Memories of laughter, dancing, and a bit too much partying flooded back into your mind. Your throat was sore, and your feet were aching. You clearly remembered your decision to be wearing high heels last night. One of the many things you regretted as you made your way home last night.
As you slowly became aware of your surroundings, you realized you weren't alone. The gentle sound of footsteps approached, and you felt a comforting presence near you. You managed to crack your eyes open, and there he was - Leonardo, your steady and caring boyfriend, looking down on you with a warm smile and kind eyes. Of course he was there. It wasn’t uncommon for Leo to make an unannounced visit, whenever you had been out the night before. Just one of his many ways to make sure that you were okay and got home safely-
"Hey, sunshine", he greeted with his soft smile and gentle voice, holding a glass of water and some crackers.
"Ugh, Leo", you mumbled, shielding your eyes from the light. “When did you get here?”
Leo chuckled, placing the water and crackers on the bedside table, before taking a seat on the bed. “This morning. Seems like you had a great time with your friends last night. How are you feeling?"
You winced at your headache. "I don't remember much".
"Well, you made it back in one piece", Leo reassured, holding the water up to you again. "How about some water? It might help."
You nodded gratefully, sitting up to take a sip. Leo watched you with warm patient eyes, his hand gently rubbing your back. Once you managed to drink half the water, he handed you the crackers.
"Thanks, Leo. I feel like a mess", you admitted, munching on a cracker.
He chuckled again, his blue eyes filled with affection. "Don't worry about it. Everyone has those nights. The important thing is that you’re here and you’re safe".
You couldn't help but smile despite the throbbing headache and your aching muscles. Leo's care was like a soothing balm to your hangover. After finishing the snacks, he leaned in for a tender kiss, staring at your forehead before making his way to your cheek, finishing with your lips.
"Feeling any better?", he asked, his forehead resting against yours.
"A little", you replied, leaning into his touch. "But I think I need more than just water and crackers".
Leo grinned mischievously, knowing exactly what you were fishing for. "I have just the thing". Leo climbed further onto the bed, before lifting the blanket, making space for himself. He then wrapped it around both of you as he settled back behind you, bringing you close to his plastron with his arms around you.
"You're my hero", you teased, snuggling against him.
Leo chuckled, running his fingers through your hair, making you melt into his soft touch. "Always, my love."
The two of you spent the rest of the day in each other's company, Leo taking care of you with gentle affection. Your hangover may have been brutal, but with him by your side, it felt like the perfect day.
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