#one with the politics and mystery
limerental · 1 year
actually my idea for a good potential adaptation of the Witcher books would be either a stage play or mini series where the framing narrative is a bunch of students studying the Witcher myth featuring varying primary source documents and unreliable narrators, lots of interjections and debates that get more and more heated and then in the end, it's revealed that ciri is their guest lecturer and after delivering a last poignant joke ahout how unlikely all of that sounds and how shit that whole story is narratively, she leaps out the window and rides off into the sunset on kelpie, accompanied by unicorns. The end
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rian johnson took all that time, put in all that effort to make glass onion a fantastic period piece to the first four months of pandemic, a prescient narrative that anticipates the stupidity of rich billionaires, and then pulled the rug from under us because the world of benoit blanc just straight up doesn't have the mona lisa anymore
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mesopelagos · 2 months
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played pmd:eos and lets be so for real. no one including myself is surprised at who i formed an attachment to.
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mrsthunderkin · 1 year
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Sometimes you gotta resurect an old oc and turn him into an innkeeper for flavor
His Inn is called The Blind Wolf
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sincerely-sofie · 1 month
Omg I love Ruby
I'm not sure that the person who sent in her origin story quite understands how much I adore this girl. I love her so much. She's my baby. Oh my goodness gracious. She's such a good partner-in-crime for Opal and I can see these two forming an exploration team together when they grow up.
Team Smoke and Mirrors are some of the most well-known scouts there are in the exploration team world— they aren't the best of the best, but they're up there in skill, and Guildmaster Bidoof is always bragging that those two were apprenticed at his guild, and look at how they turned out! Yup yup, he's so proud to have been able to help them get their footing and send such a doggone wonderful team out into the world, gosh!
Chatot retired shortly before the Guild received their application papers, and he's slightly conflicted about that.
On the one hand, he'd like to resume his work and ensure they get a proper apprenticeship— while he's never met Ruby, he remembers when Twig brought a younger Opal to the Guild on a handful of occasions when her husband (Chatot shudders whenever he recalls the reality of who she married) was away on his own errands and she couldn't get a sitter for the day. He recalls Opal transforming into a downy little hatchling of his species during the first visit, and she was always in that form before Twig even came through the front doors on subsequent visits— when Bidoof casually mentioned the significance of this, Chatot was so emotional the rest of the day that he misfiled an embarrassing number of reports. He doubts Opal remembers him at all, but he'd be proud to keep her and her sister on the straight and narrow.
On the other hand, her and her sister are Twig's daughters. He barely survived ONE Twig. The thought of TWO of them being apprenticed simultaneously, let alone on a single team, is nearly enough to make his feathers go gray with just the thought.
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I can’t wait to see just how unhinged Robotnik is in the next movie. I feel like each movie has had him devolve into more and more madness.
Ooooh! Yes! You’re absolutely right, hon! I love seeing chaotic Dr. Robotnik. He becomes more insane (I.E., his plans to conquer the universe and turn the world into his own empire) as time progresses. I wonder what he’s got in store for Sonic and Co. this time 🤔🤔🤔
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brother-emperors · 1 year
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Mazarin and d'Artagnan! like. listen. I'm reading Charles Samaran's book on d'Artagnan, and 'Colbert a dit que d'Artagnan fut une créature de Mazarin; rien n'est plus vrai,' sure was a sentence to read.
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D'Artagnan, Capitaine des mousquetaires du roi, histoire véridique d'un héros de roman, Charles Samaran
society6 | ko-fi | redbubble | twitter (pillowfort, cohost) | deviantart
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popotobun · 4 months
WIP Wednesday!
Lately I've been working most on my SVSSS fic that's basically a "What if Shen Yuan was a little older and a little more competant". That's it, that's the fic. I have zero idea where it's going to end up, but I've got two chapters worth scribbled down, so that's something! I've also got an outline for a Tangled-inspired Liushen AU that I don't want to start because once I do, I think I'll keep going until it's done and I want to get more done on the longer fic first xD
I've still got plans for the post-MLC fic I'm working on! I really should finish that, since it doesn't have anywhere to go and should just be the one chapter... Who knows. I let words get away from all the time.
I've still got a couple of FF14 WIPs too, though the MSQ follow-along will always be slow going... I do want to finish the Dark Knight fic, but my WoL was in a Not Good headspace when he started that, so it's on a back burner too.
Feel free to Ask me to work on any of these and I'll post a new paragraph~ but either way, enjoy the snippet!
The entire night passed while he read, the morning only making itself known to Shen Yuan when a knock sounded at the entrance to his room and Ming Fan’s voice announced, “Shizun, I left breakfast at the table for you. Please let this disciple know if there is anything further needed.”
“Nothing but privacy, Ming Fan. I am only to be disturbed by meals for the next three days.” While he recovers is not spoken aloud, but carried in the silence that he lets linger a moment longer than it needs to. “Unless another Peak Lord requires my presence.”
Ming Fan bowed and started to leave after confirming the instructions, but was stopped by Shen Qingqiu’s voice adding, “Perhaps I will meditate in the gardens today. If I am not here, let it be known that I am unavailable for company.”
That should cover most possibilities. He was sure Mu Qingfang wouldn’t be back by so soon, but he couldn’t say the same for anyone else. With the worry from Yue Qingyuan that Mu-shidi had mentioned or potential curiosity as to his recent visitors, anyone could come by! And he didn’t want them seeing him practicing basic sword forms like someone who’d never held a sword before.
Since that was exactly what he planned to be doing.
After breakfast of course.
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winepresswrath · 5 months
trying to plot out a xichen/huaisang emma au solely for the purposes of slotting jin guangyao and nie mingjue into the already married siblings role. in theory this leaves us with no one to play emma's dad but no they're both emma's dad for maximum impact. and obviously jin guangyao is also the nanny. and it ends with huaisang vowing to be worse, actually.
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millenniummmbop · 2 years
hey i just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH for the linkin park ygo content,,!! i just got into ygo and your art made me have another INTENSE wave of linkin park and now i can't stop thinking about yugi and seto while listening and i even have the hybrid theory lp at home and am SO tempted to recreate your fanart every time i walk past it it's insane
anyway your brain is godly thank you for this connection
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U don’t know how happy this ask makes me it gets me SO FUCKING ECCSTATIC to know that the venn diagram of “yugioh fans” and “linkin park enjoyers” is a flat fucking circle for a lot of us slfjsldjfglsgjlsfjlskfjlkfj 
#asks#fallen-juniper-leaves#seto kaiba#yugi mutou#sketchbook#GOD I COULD TALK FOREVER ABOUT THE OBSESSIVE CONNECTION MY BRAIN HAS B/W YUGIOH AND LINKIN PARK#LIKE LITERALLY ONE OF THE VERY FIRST THINGS I MADE WHEN I STARTED GETTING BACK INTO YGO#WAS A DUMB ONE-SHOT WHERE EVERYONE GOES TO A LINKIN PARK CONCERT TOGETHER#AND THEN SOMETHING SOMETHING MAGIC SHENANIGANS AND YAMI YUGI HAS TO GO S0 ON SOME MOTHER FUCKERS#IN THE MOSH PIT AS LINKIN PARK PLAYS BLEED IT OUT OR SOME SHIT#but also and this is important#the guys from linkin park are drawn in the hanah barbara art style and the entire adventure is treated like one of those#old episodes of scooby doo where they meet a celebrity guest and they help them solve the mystery#and they speak in like preppy hip 60s slang and they're all nice and polite until the musical number at the end#where chester just SCREAMS into the mic and everyone just starts raging and going crazy going stupid#i think like 3 of the sketches made it onto my doodle dump from the end of last year and NOTHING ELSE#this was 100% a self-indulgent dumb little au thing that was never meant to see the light of day#but shit maybe i'll actually will this into existence some day sldfjsljglsjglsfjlsdfjldskf#oh right the doodle lmfao#they're having a karaoke contest i guess#kaiba wanted SO bad to do chester's part but sadly he just doesn't have the upper range UnU#there's probably like a dozen or so more thematically appropriate LP songs they could've been singing here#but waiting for the end is literally my favorite song of anything they've ever released ever#so i'm selfishly deciding it's both of their favorite too 8)))))#FUCK i love linkin park
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crazy-maracuya · 2 months
*cracks open a cold one* The Epic of Gilgamesh but science fiction setting.
#honestly the ideas got so big that I thought about making the Mesopotamian mythology but in a scifi dune like setting where#the gods are all related to each other but ruler over different contellations and have their own houses to control over the planets#Enkidu is artificially made by Aruru who sees that Gilgamesh is colonizing certain planets and exploding them of their resources when#its stated by literal laws that he isnt supposed to do such things as it has once caused great intergalacting wars before (cough deluge myt#) and The whole story halfly revolves around them half around the other gods trying to start more wars due to enkidu's planet that he has t#protect being a planet of ultimate misteries and unexplained phonomena that has been able to protect it from MANY exterior threats#yes even gilgamesh to an extent.#It is also one of the powerful planets that had once been in the dominion of Tiamat before they killed her.#ALTHOUGH plottwist. some gods arent even sure if the had killed her or not. so muhuhuh mysteries#and homo and bi homo and bi.#I also have some thoughts Shamhat being a priestess of a cult trying to protect Tiamats heart.#Enkidu and Gilgamesh scifi battles PLEASE#Ninsun and political science fiction drama PLEASE#The Annunaki being the ones to hold most of the power over the 12 contellations. There are other places out there (other gods ruling)#but its mainly just the twelve constellations that are the important ones. anyaways#mesopotamian mythology#sumerian#ancient history#writing promps#gilgamesh#gilgamesh and enkidu#the epic of gilgamesh
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strawbubbysugar · 8 months
It’s so upsetting that if only Moon didn’t go with Sun, or Sun never went to the cave, or if that damn nasty ass rabbit didn’t do anything an was actually a normal not evil rat, things would have gone according to plan, and no one would have to deal with all the conflicts coming off of the incident
Oh believe me there would still be conflict, just a different flavour.
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What would he have made his priorities after being the king? I mean politically? If he had worked at all that is.
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GREAT QUESTION it frankly drives me kind of insane that we never get any hint whatsoever about how he’s running the country while he does briefly take over from S&S through R&R. Like what are his POLICIES!! What is he DOING??
But also, realistically, he is not going to cancel wars with the Shadow Fold threat lol. Like that is only the beginning of a really long and drawn out foreign relations catastrophe. I talked about this a little bit in a different context awhile ago but he doesn’t strike me as a character with a firm end goal… ever. There’s always going to be more to do.
But like a civil war is going to fuck up the country no matter what. So I’d assume, regardless, there’s going to be a fair bit of immediate picking up the pieces economically. He doesn’t at all seem like he cares about public opinion, beyond being scary enough so people know not to fuck with him. So he’d probably have no qualms with making drastic and highly unpopular reforms lol.
We really don’t know enough about his stances but he seems to be primarily: a nationalist, an autocrat, prioritizing military strength, distinctly favoring Grisha interests, and also shdhfgfd against industrialization and technological advancement. He also favors the perceived good of the many over the interests and well being of any individual, and is very happy to make sacrifices of many, many lives to achieve fairly petty goals. He's a fantasy fascist basically.
The books somewhat superficially equate him with Russian revolutionary figures. But I don't think there's enough... actual ideology to back that up very much. And rapid industrialization and transitioning the Soviet Union from a primarily agrarian based economy was itself a key part of it? So... he's not much of a Stalin. If we're trying to sus out his policies I could see him being something of an anti Peter the Great, where instead of forced Westernization, you have an incredibly set in his ways immortal autocrat trying to drag everyone back to the values and traditions of his youth. (Which would also make narrative sense, considering Nikolai, as the Darkling-lite foil, seems to have def been based on some aspects of Peter the Great's youth and interest in innovation, if not his personality)
So for example, he seems like he'd favor isolationism. His idea of "peace" is "don't fuck with me or I'll make my monster filled interdimensional rift eat you." And we know Ravka is in intense debt! I could easily see him seizing the nobility's wealth and using it to pay off any debts owed to foreign countries. And then if anything's left over to stockpile resources towards making Ravka more self sufficient. Maybe even melt the gold and silver out of churches to that purpose.
(I forget which historical figure literally melted down church crosses dfghj but that was a thing! iirc incidentally he also stripped the silver from the currency, absolutely destroying its value...)
By RoW he seems to have embraced the entire like religious propaganda side of things. But in the trilogy proper he seems to hate the church. So resources going to it in any way will probs be diverted. And I could even see him gradually trying to repurpose the buildings for other things. They're on the tail end of a civil war, there's probs a lot of displaced people that could be put there for a start.
S&B meanwhile establishes that he has some pretty distinct opinions about how all the Grisha need to pretend to live like peasants so as not to forget their roots or whatever. I think he *would* enact really harsh regulations and reforms on court life just because he hates it so bad lol. Taxes on parties, insane sumptuary laws for everyone but his favored Grisha soldiers. He's had centuries and centuries to hate changing social norms. I think he'd go nuts if given the opportunity to dictate everything. Generally I think there would be a mix of skyrocketing taxes and reforms to an actual purpose (bolstering the economy and stripping material power from the nobility) but also just to be a petty, temperamental autocrat.
Def also criminalizing dissent and making examples of any opposition immediately. Can't have another revolution threatening his revolution. Again, here I'm annoyed by how little the world is fleshed out, because we get nothing about the nobility. Noble families with any sort of longstanding ties or known friendship with the Lantsovs would probs get executed day one. Stripped of titles and lands etc and then taking those and giving them to his own supporters. (Who are they? Good fucking question! He has one Ivan and then even he fucking dies. But realistically... he would have... supporters?)
He'd probs want to get a firmer grip on West Ravka stat, and maybe invest in some military expansion to control more ports. An issue I forever have with the Grishaverse worldbuilding is that it's just so small? There are only like five countries? Trade and foreign policy just aren't going to Look Like That or mimic a nineteenth/twentieth century vibe if there are only five fucking countries dfghjkl but whatever. Whatever.
I could also see him favoring exports over imports. Stopping all trade seems destabilizing af so I doubt he’d go there but seems likely he'd try to decrease any dependency Ravka has on other countries in favor of self sufficiency and isolationism. Maybe taxing imports so bad that it's just not worth it. Regulating the exact details of what can be imported, when, why, etc.
Speaking of the earlier impending foreign relations catastrophe. I think if he’s scary enough he might manage to avoid an all out war on all fronts? Might. Because there’s also a really good case to be made for attacking Ravka while its still weak and reeling from the civil war. But if he’s lucky, the surrounding countries will take a “wait and see” stance. But like there will be consequences eventually. Consider the Shadow Fold an in-universe fantasy nuke in the hands of a power hungry ruler who has zero qualms with any scale of loss of life or just murdering civilians for the lols. He’s proven himself to be unstable and unreasonable so even if there isn’t an immediate declaration of war there is going to be a response to that. No one’s going to be chill!! And like SoC and KoS context tells us that there is parem on the horizon, along with the Grisha super soldiers in Shu Han, the druskelle getting wayyyy more sophisticated and a general trajectory of rapid military industrialization and advancement through out the world. Those are playing pieces that would be on the board regardless, but it’s just going to get so much uglier under those circumstances. And especially with the knowledge and context that the Darkling is completely fucking unreasonable and ready to war crime anyone who looks at him funny.
I guess siding with Fjerda in S&S could hypothetically be advantageous to him here actually? Like we do not know the terms of that alliance at all, and I doubt it would hold for long. But it breaks up the framing of everyone vs Ravka. And opens things up for anyone else to respond by trying to get on his good side against their own enemies. And once again. There are only five countries lmao. So a tense balance of powers situation might be feasible, but I think it would hinge on him not looking like he’s completely insane. Possibly ironic, but the fact that he seems to have only war crimed his own damn country is likely also useful here. Other governments typically don’t care/won’t get involved to a degree of outright declaring war over that. And it leaves some room for arguing that he’s capable of some restraint. So how quickly things go to hell probably depends on whether he goes back on any alliances or makes good on/is cornered into making good on his Shadow Fold threat.
So I don't know, basically I think there's a ton you could extrapolate from his personality, actual world history, and like fascist takeover 101 sdfghj but it's also somewhat unsatisfying to speculate about because it's impossible not to constantly run into thin points in the worldbuilding. But basically I think he would probably rule with an eye for sweeping, harsh reforms, consolidating power, and chipping away at any opposition or potential adversary, with a general decided disinterest in the popularity or lack thereof of any of his policies. And I also think unless someone got him to take a deep breath and chill out for five minutes and relearn the value of diplomacy things would get. how you say. really fucking bad.
This was incredibly unorganized I hope it answered your question at all sdfghj
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katabay · 3 months
Do you have specific fiction authors that you like to read? What aspects of a story make you want to really dig your fingers in it? Is it horror?
I’ve got a couple! Keigo Higashino for sure. anything Naoki Urasawa does: I will be reading it. Priest (Guardian and Mo Du are all time favorites). also KJ Charles and Andrew A Smith!
ngl I don’t really have a concrete list of favorite fiction writers, I spent several days thinking about this one: like, I have favorite books for sure, but I don’t often find myself considering an author to be a favorite just because their book blew my mind. I’ve only read three of Andrew A Smith’s works, but he’s here because he gave an interview years that changed my entire approach to storytelling, and I still revisit it whenever I start editing a story.
honestly the big thing is that I like character!! I like compelling characters (extremely varied definition of compelling, it doesn’t have to be much, but it does have to have something) I like it when something goes full throttle into whatever it wants to be. I’ll watch a slow paced slice of life romance with the same amount of enthusiasm that I had for Devil Judge, and the 1vs10 beat down in Ipman takes up just as much space in my brain as the ‘let’s not see each other from now on,’ breakup in the Heirs (but for extremely different reasons lmao)
however. if I have to pick something more thematically specific: I like seeing people in power get what they have coming to them, I like explorations and confrontations of political and social injustices. kingdom is one of my favorite shows, and the horror is great, but it was the political-class-power aspect of it that solidified it as a memorable watch to me. kamen rider build did something fundamental to the circuitry of my brain. etc.
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bonefall · 1 year
Let Clear Sky suffer a Tigerclawstar death via Star Flower! Or something even more horrible and horrific.
Star Flower is definitely going to sacrifice him at least 8 times, bleeding him just slowly enough that his lives can replenish his lost blood and bring him back only to die slowly again.
She does this because she is trying to resummon One Eye after his defeat. I'm still working out the other details, but this is a scene I'm working towards.
Star Flower will likely be replacing Slash as the final villain of the DOTC arc; depending on how much time One Eye himself ends up eating.
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upsidedog · 1 year
before she and her mom moved into forest hills, max had a rule about lucas not calling her house, she would call him when she could. and more often than not “when she could” was the middle of the night. lucas was obviously not crazy about this, but he knew enough about max’s home life to figure the slap on the wrist he’d get for one of his friend’s calling late was disproportionate to whatever would happen if neil or billy caught max. max was never caught, lucas’ parents slept through the phone ringing the first two nights, but the third night the ring woke them up and lucas’ nonexistent volume control gave him away. his mom got up to tell lucas to get off the phone, but when she arrived at his door it was immediately clear lucas wasn’t talking to one of his party members. he was audibly nervous and throwing out shy compliments left and right. he called his mystery friend pretty, then apologized a moment after. “oh sorry, how about beautiful? handsome? cool? tubular?” he laughed, they agreed on cool then continued their conversation about video games. he was so respectful and kind and smitten and sue wanted to be upset but honestly couldn’t have been more proud of her son. she just went back to her room and explained it all to charles, they’d have normally been more strict about that sort of behavior but it was so sweet and lucas was such a little gentleman, it reminded them of the start of their relationship, if they’d called him out he’d just get more secretive. so they let it slide, shook their heads and laughed whenever they overheard lucas’ scrambling for the phone at two in the morning, exchanged glances when he alluded to the “cool new girl” he may or may not have liked and when he introduced them to his mystery caller sue cashed in her bet for what her personality would be like. after the summer starcourt mall burned down they stopped hearing ringing in the night, mystery caller stopped showing up around the house, but again, lucas was grown, he would come to them when he was ready.
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