#only 75 more signatures!!!!!!!
akookminsupporter · 2 months
Rosie, I loved your last post about Jimin's versatility. You touched on the same things that are making me so excited about Jimin. Things that I am so grateful to be able to witness in real time because I got into BTS later than I would have wanted. I am seeing Jimin building his legacy. He is adding things that are uniquely him that may be replicated or studied in the future. He is starting to add signature moves that are repeated in different ways in each song. For example, the statue of liberty pose that looks different in SMF, SGMB and Who or his beautiful body lines. I just imagine in the future some rookie or actor going through hell trying to emulate his grace. Or how hard it would be to find a dancer that could replicate his vocals while being equally good at hip hop and contemporary dancing. Jimin is so special.
All I have ever really wanted for Jimin is for him to build a strong catalogue. I love how getting into BTS was like going down a rabbit hole. You start with some title tracks and then the next thing you are streaming old performances, dance practices and beloved B-sides. I can see Jimin doing that. I pray that he can keep growing and developing himself. He already has excellent, strong solo tracks from BTS albums. And now he is adding more amazing tracks from his solo ventures (if he performs somewhere, I don't want him to have to supplement some of his songs with BTS ones).
I really wish he could have done a chilled live performance of his discography, performed as a medly. We haven't seen him sing some of his songs live in a while. Some of my favourite BTS performances are the Festa ones where they just sit on stools and vibe out to their songs. The 2021 Festa BTS LIVE ROOM has 75 millions because you just have a great discography and vocals.
Ah, I'm glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks that. I agree with what you say. Jimin is creating an incredible and sufficiently diverse catalogue for all tastes. And that's amazing. I hope he continues to grow like this every day and that each new release is more incredible than the last, even though that sounds crazy, hahaha. I still hold out some hope for the surprise on the 4th of August; I think nothing is known about it yet, so I still hope it will be a video of Jimin singing his songs, even if they are just the ones from his latest album.
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palestinegenocide · 6 months
Biden ‘quietly’ gives massive bombs to Israel — even as establishment voices say, Stop the genocide
The devastating news from Washington this week was that in spite of lip service against Israel’s war on the people of Gaza, the Biden administration “quietly” approved the transfer of more massive bombs to Israel.
Biden is sending along more than 2000 one-ton bombs and 500-pound bombs, the Washington Post reported (per Common Dreams).
“This is cowardly,” Yousef Munayyer wrote. “If you are going to be full backers of genocide, own it. We see you and history sees you as well.”
“This is obscene,” Bernie Sanders wrote. “We must end our complicity: No more bombs to Israel. The U.S. cannot beg Netanyahu to stop bombing civilians one day and the next send him thousands more 2,000 lb. bombs that can level entire city blocks.”
We can only imagine how horrifying such armaments are here in the West. Gazans don’t have to imagine. These instruments of annihilation have generated a neverending nightmare. Even the Washington Post says these bombs “are almost never used any more by Western militaries in densely populated locations due to the risk of civilian casualties.” But Israel has used them extensively.
Which is why more than 31,000 Palestinians have been killed, the vast majority women and children. Israel justifies the slaughter of civilians by arguing that a majority of Palestinians approve of Hamas’s attack of last October. So, collective punishment is policy.
At least Biden’s hypocrisy is being reported in the Washington Post. And we are seeing a broad movement in progressive circles to end Israel’s immunity to international law.
Harvard Law School’s student government voted for the university to divest from Israel. The global activist network Avaaz has got half a million signatures calling for a cutoff of U.S. aid to Israel.
America is Israel’s biggest arms dealer. You are giving American weapons to a government that is blocking life-saving aid and violating international law. This will only stop when you demand it stops.“
Public opinion is also horrified. A Gallup poll finds that 55 percent of Americans oppose Israel’s months-long military campaign (while 36 percent approve). “A mere 18% of Democratic voters approve of Israel’s effort.” And 75 percent disapprove.
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Gallup poll published March 27 shows that American Democrats’ support for Israeli actions is plummeting over three months.
Biden is not only defying his base. The liberal political establishment has now turned against Israel’s war. The head of the Democratic party think tank, the Center for American Progress, called for a cutoff of aid.
The United States, by its own imposed standards, cannot heedlessly deliver offensive weapons as the Israeli government continues to bombard and starve innocents on a mass scale. These actions have nothing to do with self defense; they are clearly intended as collective punishment and are resulting in the complete devastation of Palestinians as a people.
The former top State Department human rights officer told NPR that it is time to apply the same rules to Israel as other countries. Charles Blaha:
[T]he State Department has said publicly that the same policy applies to Israel as apply to every other country. In practice, Israel gets special treatment…. You may recall the Biden administration suspended items that could be used in offensive air-to-ground operations for Saudi Arabia because they were causing civilian casualties. Those civilian casualties are nowhere near the civilian casualties that Israeli air-to-ground operations have caused so far. Yet unconditional transfers of air-to-ground munitions continue.
Joe Rogan called it “genocide” and a “holocaust” this week. German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said Israel was going too far. Atlantic Editor Jeffrey Goldberg, trying to run from his own past, ran a piece saying, “U.S. Support for Israel’s War Has Become Indefensible.”
And at the Stimson Center this week, when Barbara Slavin said it’s not genocide because it’s not equivalent to the Hutus and the Tutsis in Rwanda or the Nazis killing 6 million Jews, Lara Friedman of the Foundation for Middle East Peace shot down that defense.
The definition of genocide under international law does not require it to meet that bar… It does not have to rise to, Trying to kill every member of a race in the world [to be a genocide. The idea that] ‘it can’t be genocide if it doesn’t kill everybody.’ That isn’t what it means under international law.
So the genocide is having consequences, even in the cowardly seat of empire.
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mitamicah · 2 months
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New look but same old commissions!!
I updated my commission sheet so it also fit with IG - all information is the same as the previous (x)
I will link terms and conditions under the line :3
Terms and Conditions
1 General Information
At this time, I will be taking digital art commissions only.
Standard canvas size: 1200x1600 px, 300 dpi.
It is possible to ask for a different canvas size - the price will be raised for a bigger canvas and lowered slightly for a smaller one.
I have a limit of up to 5 characters per canvas unless something else is agreed upon.
Are you interested in a style not featured feel free to ask me and I can give you an offer.
2 Ownership
As the artist I own the final product: Please credit me if you post it (with permission) and do not delete the signature.
The art must not be used commercially.
3 Drawing limits
Things I will draw;
OCs; Shipart (within reason); Humans/humanoids; Animals of the canine, feline or equine families (cats, dogs and horses); Dragons; Anthropomorphic characters (to an extend); Children (to an extend); Elderly characters (to an extend); Fanart (more later); Armour (to an extend)
Things you have to ask me about;
SFW nudity; Muscular men or women; Big-busted women; (Mild) Gore; Monsters with undefined features; Birds, big fish and other less often drawn animals (eg. goats, rhinos, elephants, bears etc.)
Thing I won’t draw
NSFW nudity and scenes; Hateful art (lgbt-phobia, racistic, ableism etc.); Fetish art; Super detailed backgrounds
Specifically about fanart
I will gladly draw fanart of properties (movies, franchises, books etc.) that I know of and may also be persuaded to try fanart for stuff that I don’t know.
Please keep in mind that no matter what I will draw it in my style; I won’t replicate the style from a specific show/manga/book etc.
4 Work in Progress updates
I'll send work in progress (WIP) pieces when I am done sketching. Exceptions will happen when:
The owned art is a sketch drawing.
You communicate that you are not interested in wips
5 Payment options
At this time, Payment will happen through paypal only.
I will send you an invoice using the PayPal address you've stated in the commission form (more later).
The invoice will be in Danish Kroner, DKR.
Please do NOT send any money before I've accepted your commission.
Please pay within 3 days of getting the invoice - if this is not possible send me a dm/mail.  
Have I not recieved the payment within the 3 days' deadline, the deal is off.
It is not possible to split the payment. (aka paying half now and the other half later)
6 Refunds
As a commissioner you can get refunds before I send the first wip and/or if I do not update you within 14 days.
updating include the following;
sending you notes about the progress.
showing you wips of the progress.
being tagged in posts about possible setbacks.
If you decide to cancel your commission following the description above, you get 75% of your money back (little fee of asking for a refund).  
If you want refunds for any other reason than stated above, the same rules still apply IF you ask before the first wip has been sent.
If you ask for refunds AFTER the first wip the percentage will be calculated depending on how far I've gotten in the drawing process.
7 How to order
If want to commission me, please either DM me or send me a mail at [email protected]
If you want to make it easier for me you can fill in this form:
Offer: (eg. sketch bust)
Character(s): the name(s) and pronouns of your character/person(s) you want me to draw (to make sure I don’t misgender any character/person I may not know).
Reference(s): reference picture(s) of each character/person – (I prefer fullbodies for original characters). Please choose reference pictures in a good quality.
Background: (if you are not interested in a background or are indifferent, please tell me so as well).
Paypal adresss: (e-mail that I may send the paypal invoice to).
Other: some other details worth knowing - do you have a pose or expression in mind? do you not want wips? Etc.
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Dave McKean’s covers for The Sandman presents: The Dead Boy Detectives
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Dave McKean served as the cover artist for the entire 75-issue run of Sandman, constantly recreating the visual aesthetic of the series on shelves in the process. In what seems like a point of pride for McKean, this period saw a shift in the way he created his work, moving from predominantly paint with the occasional Joseph Cornell-inspired shadow box including found material to an ever-evolving mix of media: paint, pencil, photography, and — thanks to the emerging technology of the time - digital image manipulation, with McKean treating the covers as much as visual diary or exploratory canvas as static images intended to sell the contents of any individual issue. When asked about this period and how it affected him when it comes to embracing new ways of creating, McKean was quick to admit that when it comes to his work, he remains fascinatingly restless.
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The covers for SANDMAN were actually big multimedia dioramas.
One of the signature elements of Dave's art is his usage of dim lighting.
He paints and creates art in a way to evoke deeper emotions for the onlooker.
If you keenly observe his art, you will discover more details than those that meet the eye.
The skillful usage of dim lighting in a sparse way makes the artworks extremely appealing. They make the frame more arresting, creating an other-worldly atmosphere.
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Most noticeably in the font chosen for TSP: The Dead Boy Detectives is the round, typewritten letters. They also appear as an easter egg within the show, referencing McKean’s covers.
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For the concept design of the opening titles, a closer homage to those covers was chosen at first, not only of the font on the issues themselves, but also referencing Charles’ “thought bubbles”* within later comics.
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*I say thought bubbles because they are not directly speech bubbles as you can see above. Fonts change for Edwin and Charles when they are not directly addressing each other.
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slugdragoon · 3 months
RPG Role Analysis Series #15 - Mother 2/Earthbound
Mother 1 analysis here
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Ness - Ness' stats are a little bit different than Ninten, opting instead of perfectly balanced stat growth to give him the stats of a secondary damage-dealer role as the character with the best Offense next to Poo, but also the best ability to get critical (SMAAASH!!) hits. That's actually the same as Ninten, but Ninten got it by default by having a base stat total so much higher than Ana and Lloyd that "balanced" was really strong. Ness also has a higher base stat total, but the gap is closer here and Ness's stats actually have an emphasis on critical physical hits, and if anything, is a bit slow compared to Ana and Poo, so it feels like more of a choice here.
However, when looking at Ness's PSI ability list, he's also a flavour of support PSI user, much like Ninten. Ness has HP-healing moves, both more of them and faster than Poo, but gets status-healing abilities later and can't guarantee revival of party members to full health (but has a 75% change to do it to half-health). Ness can also do single target shields. His signature offensive ability is a multi-target, no-element wave of PSI that might decrease enemies' resistance to PSI attacks. Ness is the only character to be able to put enemies to sleep or paralyze them, or use PK Flash which does a random detrimental effect (status and instant death among them). This is a major change from Ninten who gets no offensive PSI at all (but who could still hit really hard). I think Ness, even more than Ninten is an all-rounder. He really can do everything just a bit worse than the best. Maybe a little more luck-based, too, given his gamble on revival, gamble on PK Flash, gamble on criticals instead of consistent high damage like Poo. Effects like PK Flash, Hocus Pocus (Dragon Quest), and Metronome (Pokemon) always make me think of a wild mage, but Ness is deep into healing too. A wild cleric maybe?
Paula - So I realized my memory was faulty, because although Ness, Paula and Jeff are very clearly modeled after Ninten, Ana, and Lloyd, Paula isn't much like Ana mechanically at all. Paula has the same emphasis on being the party's PSI whiz kid with the highest IQ, like Ana, but notably uses it entirely for combat. She's fast too, but isn't using her Speed to go first as a healer and stabilize the party. Paula uses Fire, Freeze, and Thunder to attack her enemies, and she's kind of a glass canon with miserable defensive stats. She can also drain PSI from enemies, buff your Offense and Decrease enemies' Defense, all of which are pretty aggressive abilities. The support skill she does get is a PSI nullifying or reflecting shield, depending on the rank, like any good dueling wizard. No status effects though, which always makes me think more battlemage than black mage. The exception to her lack of healing and her inability to deal status effects are the random results of her Pray ability, which really can't be described in any other way than a wild magic effect that covers many scenarios, a small fraction of the time, randomly.
Jeff - Jeff get the exclusive ability to Spy, which give you information on the enemies' Offense and Defense, a PSI weakness, and any items they might drop, which allows you to take them after battle. I wouldn't say the looting ability suggests thief at all for Jeff, as you can't take the item and run, and I think that distinction makes the difference, but the other side of Spy is much like Goombario or Goombella from the Paper Mario series. In terms of using items to attack, Jeff is a lot like Lloyd from the first game, but with a larger set of items. Unlike Lloid, some of them have no chance to break after use, so become his defacto attacks, and he's less about inventory management, despite still using Bottle rockets. Jeff's tools also can drain HP and debuff and remove shield from everyone, including the party. That last one, plus the inherent HP-splitting effect of draining moved makes Jeff a character than levels the playing field, in theory. Reset buffs when they get out of hand, and in terms of HP, take from the rich to give to the poor. OK, so maybe he is a thief of a different kind, but I would overall call Jeff a tactical scholar/scout type who can read enemy weaknesses and choose the best moment to strike with, often limited use items, but in the meantime keeps the party from getting in a bad tactical position.
Poo - You would think Poo, a martial artist, would be a lot like the remaining character from Mother 1, Teddy who was a huge physical damage dealer, and Poo can hit the hardest of anyone in Earthbound, but he can also use PSI this time. Poo is the best at fixing status effects and reviving party members, though a bit slower at learning HP-healing abilities than Ness, and he gets multi-target PSI Shield while Ness can only apply it one party member at a time. The difference between the usefulness of this is even greater in a game with 4 party members instead of 3. Poo can also confuse enemies, guarantee fleeing from battle, and drain PP, and attack with PSI, but his damage output won't be as good as Paula's until he gets PK Starstorm. Poo has the Mirror ability to copy a move from an enemy for one turn. Honestly I don't think that one is very notable, but it's like a magical counter ability, fitting for a martial artist. I feel like it's common to see monks get status-healing in JRPGs, like Chakra in Final Fantasy, and everything else about Poo's design says monk, plus they sometimes get confusion as a physical ability like dazzling them with your fast strikes, and Poo is the fastest. However, mass-party shielding and full revival is so strong that he has strong protection cleric energy as well.
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rekofan101 · 6 months
"Can you tell me about her?"
He rubs his hands together, fingers flexing and unflexing. Curling into a fist, scratching at his sweaty palms, spreading them out on his thighs and moving them forward to his knees. He looks up at the counselor, and offers an awkward smile.
"Well...what is there to say?"
She sighs, shifting in her seat. Her pen is in her hand, poised above the clipboard that's resting on her crossed legs. He doesn't really understand her question, as he feels there's not much else to say. She could get her information off tabloids and whatever the news has said lately. It's not like he knew her any better.
"Tell me about your relationship with her. You two fought often, right? Petty arguments, or was there always something bigger?"
He takes in a deep breath. Blows it out through his mouth. A hand rakes over his hair, brushing his bangs to the side. He looks at the counselor again, lips twitching up to smile but his eyes quickly shift down to the table. The fluorescent light buzzes softly, and the way it shines down on the white table almost blinds him. It dazzles him, and reminds him too much of the lights that would line their stage.
"It's...It's not like we hated each other. Arguing with your sibling, that's perfectly normal. We just...had a hard time agreeing on some things. We've both got a bit of a temper, I'm sure you know."
She writes something down on her clipboard, eyes darting up to give him a brief glance. She's got this look on her face, eyes half covered by her eyelids, mouth pulled into a thin line. He knows that look. Seen it too many times to not know it.
"There was once where we couldn't agree on the rhythm for one of our songs. You see, we collaborate on a lot of the music but she..."
He curls his right hand into a fist, gripping the fabric of his prison uniform. His heart clenches, and he thinks of that time in the studio.
"Those time signature changes start measure 14 and end at 38, then picks up again at 75 to 130."
"From 24/8 to 13/16 right? Are you sure?"
Her eyes glance up from the array of music sheets before her. They were staying up late, Sunday evening, going over the new songs they were going to play in studio tomorrow.
"I know what you're thinking, but just wait till you hear it! Trust the process," she says, laughing at herself.
"Oh believe me, I trust the process," he replies, grabbing the spare cups of water that had collected over their table as they worked. "Only you could come up with something like this and make it sound good."
"Well it's all going to depend on you, for the most part," she replied nonchalantly. He could hear the sounds of shuffling papers behind him as he washed their dishes.
"Ah, right. About that..."
He turns off the water, turning to face her. She looks up to him curiously, dark brown eyes shining thanks to their kitchen light. She didn't brush her hair today, because they spent the whole day inside pouring over the music for tomorrow. It stayed true to her nature, wild and unkempt, yet he knew it was soft to the touch.
"What is it?"
"Er, right...Yes, so..." He shifted his weight, bringing a hand up to brush aside his bangs. "I'm...unsure about those fills you want me to do in the intro and the during the breaks. With the time signature change during those measures...I'm not quite sure I can do it."
"Huh?" She replies, voice heavy with exhaustion. They've both been at this for hours, and he knows she's been giving it her all the whole time. He admits that what she has hear will be an amazing song, one to please the audience and anyone who hears it. But he wonders if she realizes that she's put in more faith in him than he has for himself.
"What are you talking about? Of course you can do it, this is just Heart Stab remixed, you got through that just fine!"
It is similar to that song, in fact this new one was sparked from a section of that song. Though she neglects to bring up the fact he had to practice for hours on end to get the sound right when they recorded that one.
"Ah, that is right," he replies, bringing his hands together. "Perhaps I'm underestimating myself, then."
She gets up from her seat, the folder with all their music secured in her hand.
"You always do, but I know you take this just as seriously as I do. So don't sweat it, kay? Now let's get some sleep, it's gonna be an even longer day tomorrow."
She reaches toward him for a hug, and he meets her halfway. As he holds her in his arms, he can't help but feel the guilt weighing in his heart. She's right about one thing. He does take this seriously, and he wants so desperately to meet her expectations. But he really is just not there. He doesn't have the natural talent she has. He can't just get things in the first few tries like she does. She has faith in him, but he knows that tomorrow is going to be hellish if he doesn't deliver.
They bid each other good night, then go off to their respective rooms. He lies awake in bed, staring at the ceiling, mentally preparing himself for tomorrow. She's going to be upset if he isn't able to keep up. And he'll get upset at himself for dragging her down.
But he's wrong. Because the fact is they both get angry for two very different reasons. He just doesn't know this. Neither does she. They both don't realize their own shortcomings. Maybe that's why it was always failed from the start.
"She's a prodigy. Always has been. Her passion for music goes far beyond what anyone else thinks. I've never seen someone with such greater talent and love for something than her. It's natural that she wants everyone to meet her at the level she's at. But I'm just not there. I don't think she realizes. I don't want to hold her back, I just want to be there to support her. That's all I've ever wanted."
He brings a hand up to his bangs, brushing them out of his face, but everything he sees is blurry for some reason. He feels something cool trail down his face. The counselor is busy staring at her clipboard, and for a moment, he's glad to have no one pay any attention to him. He's alone on stage. There's a gaping hole in his chest, one that he only has himself to blame.
"But now, I don't think we'll ever be brother and sister again."
yeah idk lol
DAY 265:
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demonslayedher · 1 year
Nezuko's Favorite: Konpeitou
It's time for Kimetsu Kitchen, and over-analyzing a tiny lore detail! And by tiny, I mean 1.5cm or smaller.
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As already stated in the first fanbook, Tanjiro reminds us the Yuukaku Arc Taisho Secrets that Nezuko's favorite food is humans konpeitou, colorful tiny candies that are made almost entirely out of sugar. They are best known for their signature shape, with a bunch of bumps called "tsuno," that is... horns.
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Aha, I see what you did there, Gotouge. So in that light, I'm not going to hold back wherever I see connections to Nezuko. First off, like Nezuko, konpeitou also comes in many fun sizes. Because of how the horns are formed with the candies bumping into each other and dripping onto the biggest protrusions, the candies have fewer and fewer horns as they get bigger.
We'll get into how they are made is a second, but first a brief history. Konpeitou, like castella and tempura, were introduced to Japan in the Sengoku period by the Portuguese missionaries. Warlord Oda Nobunaga was even presented with some earlier versions of this "confeit" that had anise at its core for a refreshing finish. However, after the missionaries were kicked out, they disappeared for a time, until Edo-period townspeople in Nagasaki (with access to trading with the Dutch) developed a pan-fried version, which they named 金平糖 (gold-even-sugar). Konpeitou were a rare treat accessible only the rich and powerful, such has the emperor using it for special occasions, until a new and easier method with rotating frying pans was patented in 1903. This was already 36 years into the Meiji period, and Nezuko would had been a toddler.
The first konpeitou factory opened in 1907 in Osaka, which is when they really took off as a wide-spread treat, including being sent abroad in soldiers' rations. The first ones were not flavored, they were purely made of granular sugar and sugar syrup (a mix of sugar and water, so yay, more sugar!), and they came in four different sizes. However, the first variations came when they made a mix of four basic colors to reflect the seasons: pink for cherry blossoms in spring, green for summer greenery, yellow for the autumn leaves, and white for winter snow.
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(The closest example I saw to the colors Nezuko might had had available, don't mind those orange ones.)
Throughout the Taisho period they gradually gave way to more popular sweets like ice cream and chocolates, but when Nezuko was a 12-year-old likely around 1912~1913, these would had been widely available and popular.
So how are they made today? Still mostly in Osaka, there's only about 10 factories in Japan that produce them. But only about 5 in Portugal that do, so no wonder people assume they are a Japanese invention! Although you can still find them as purely sugar-flavored and some cafes likes to use them instead of sugar or sugar cubes, you can find them in a very wide variety of colors and flavors now. Basically, if it can be dissolved into syrup, you can color or flavor konpeitou with it.
Konpeitou starts with granular sugar, turned twice a minute in tilted frying pans that are 180cm across at 75 degress C. Every few minutes it gets coated with a scrap of syrup, which gradually makes the candy grow bigger and bigger. It sounds like a simple process, but it takes a lot of patience and practice to get the precise humidity, temperature, timing, and movement to attain a translucent appearance and smooth texture with a pleasing array of horns.
If there is one character in KnY who is extremely patient and can pour that sort of effort into developing something, it's Nezuko. Konpeitou grow only 1mm per day (so it takes two weeks to make a batch of large konpeitou), but that ongoing, dedicated growth is very auspicious, like... hmm. Like what the asanoha pattern on Nezuko's kimono symbolizes. I've always assumed the vines in Nezuko's demon crest symbolized the same thing.
Alright, now to turn this into a Kimetsu Kitchen blog. If you are in Osaka prefecture, you too can join a very brief konpeitou making class to add the finishing touches to a little batch of mostly-finished konpeitou! You get to choose the flavors and colors, and for extra money, you can even add edible gold flakes or get cute jars to put them in. I got to make two batches, one based on the color and flavor already in the first batch. I was concerned out pink and green might mix, so I went with pink followed by yellow for a nice nod to Zenitsu's efforts in Kimetsu Academy to give her the perfect konpeitou. However, I wound up with a nice shade of peachy orange like her hair, and I'm sure Zenitsu doesn't mind.
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I call the flavor "drink bar" because I thought a non-pick flavor like melon would be ironic and I wound up with a mix of melon and cola. It's pretty good.
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The base konpeitou was purely sugar flavored and white, but with tiny ladles of syrup with food coloring and flavor added and stirred about ten seconds at a time, the shape also gradually changed as the horns got more pronounced. It really is up to taste how little or how much you want to add, they're very versatile once the basics are formed.
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ajoloart · 1 year
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It's that time again, time for open commissions!
Prices and examples are listed above, you can order your commission here on my ko-fi: https://ko-fi.com/ajoloart/commissions its okay to get a slot now and send your references to me later (at [email protected]) -more information under the cut-
Commission information: -If you have any questions, feel free to contact me at [email protected] -I will send the first progress shot when I have completed the sketch. Once approved, I will complete the lineart and flat colors. I will send another progress shot to make sure the skin/hair/eye/etc colors are correct, then after approval I will complete the commission. -Minor adjustments/color corrections are free. -Characters are buy one get one at a discount. Third is back to full price and forth is at a discount and so on. If you want more than two characters in your commission, please email me the type and how many characters, then I will send you a paypal invoice for your request. Please include your paypal email address in your message. -Once you receive the commission, its yours. Feel free to post it where you want or use it as an icon, etc, just do not remove my signature and please credit me for the work if you post it somewhere. -Commissioned art is for personal use only -If I post your commission and you would like to be tagged, please also include your username (I have a tumblr and instagram) -If you wish for your commission not to be posted and remain private, please let me know and I will not post it. -If you have a deadline for your commission, please let me know ahead of time I will let you know if I can meet it. - No refunds/cancellations after payment is made. -If for some reason I cannot complete the commission, I will refund you via paypal depending on how much work has been completed. (Nothing- Full refund, Sketch 75% of price , lineart 50% of price, lines and flats 25% of price) -I reserve the right to refuse a commission for any reason. If that happens, you will be refunded in full.
Only 2 Rules: -Nudity/ suggestive content is fine, but no explicit nsfw -No real people (character faceclaims of real people are fine though) (If you have any questions about what is acceptable, you can always ask me at [email protected])
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moonyasnow · 27 days
TWST OC Showcase: Lisle Ram
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Voice Claim: John Rubinstein (in his performance of Subaki from Fire Emblem: Fates)
Human Ambidexterous Sunshine Lands 179cm / 5'8 - #70d64b / 112, 214, 75 August 30th - Virgo - 18-19 y.o. 3d year - Junior - Class B, no. 21 Equestrian Club Best Subject: Summoning Hobbies: watching operas Pet peeves: Poorly performed mechanical repair Favorite food: Pizza Margherita Least favorite food: Ice cream Talent: Public Relations Floyd-given name: Blobfish Rook-given name: Monsieur Berger Cater-given name: Liss Signature Spell: Golden Touch With just a touch, he can turn anything to gold. Though not all the way through; if asked to turn an apple to gold, only about a centimeter will actually be gold. He can also create gold dust out of just air.
[ ~Based on Glinda the Good Witch from Wicked~ ]
Link to all my OC Showcases here!
A few quotes:
He does a mix of a chuckle and a scoff. "Yes…when monkeys fly, perhaps."
When Eliza rejects him for not being 180cm [internal narration] *Why you arrogant—* — "Well…everyone has standards. Some, many."
"Very well; I know when to step down." [internal narration] *As a display of my kindness, of course.* — "Everyone knows I would have won, had that boy not garnered the pity-vote. So in the end, the loss of one measly award does me little when I know it is rightfully mine— at least in spirit."
In a small mountain village by name Gillikin in the Sunshine Lands lived a husband, Elliot and wife, Carla, the owners of a small auto-repair shop. All they wished for was a child. Yet as they were both already middle aged, and in all their years of trying had not been granted one, they had begun to believe it was impossible. Everyone in the little town mourned with them. But then one day, a miracle seemingly happened. The wife was pregnant! The small town, quite set in their traditions, thanked their god for their friends' luck, and the miracle bestowed on them. Though both his parents' hair was brown, when the child was born, his hair was golden as the sunlight. The day of his birth, the town celebrated for the auto-mechanics, proclaiming the boy, who was given the name Lisle, must be a gift from the Seven, to have been born at such a late stage of their lives, when it was thought impossible for them to become pregnant at all due to their age. He was a beautiful little boy, everyone thought. And as he grew, it seemed beauty was not the only gift granted to him, for he soon outperformed his few peers in school, both in athletics, academics, as well as socially. He was polite, friendly, and kind. And even greater yet, when they discovered that he was a mage— the first to be born in the town in several generations. And when he was only seven years old, watching his parents at work in their mechanic shop, he used his Signature Spell for the first time when he turned a broken hubcap, the middle of a wheel, to gold, also fixing it in the process. The people of the town often came to him for help in solving problems, whether it be his classmates asking for help with an equation, or to turn something to gold; either to make it less prone to breaking, or simply for its beauty. He truly was the Golden Boy of Gillikin. Yet, although his parents from an early age both taught him to be humble, when all your life is spent surrounded by people who are, in practice, more worshippers than peers and equals, is it really so strange when you begin to believe you are what they treat you as? That the 'modesty' becomes mere pretense? A façade for the sake of others?
His first brush with others who were more of his caliber was when he, just out of Primary School, began attending a very fancy school quite a bit away from his hometown: Shezan Academy; the finest magic academy for students his age in the Sunshine Lands. To attend at all required stellar results on an entrance test, as well as a hefty admission sum, to be allowed to attend. He passed the entrance test himself— though with somewhat lower marks than he was expecting...though he probably was just having an 'off' day— but as for the admission fee... When he asked his parents about it, he learned that the younger half-brother his father would sometimes speak of, the one who left town when he was young and he didn't speak much to anymore, was the owner of one of the biggest Jewelry brands in the world; 'Ram's'. After this, the brothers got in contact with one another again; if nothing else, at least so that their children might know the rest of their family. And so it was that in his 11th year, Lisle first met his cousin, his senior by two years, Briallen Ram. They looked so similar that they could have been siblings. But what set them apart was their personalities, backgrounds and lifestyles. When his classmates heard his surname, 'Ram', they associated the name with his uncle, and believed he was related to him. They were right, in a sense, but not in the way they thought. Because he quickly learned to dodge the question of how exactly they were related— and the fact that his own parents have a tiny auto-repair shop in some tiny town. He began to feel ashamed of his parents, and of his origins. His father was just a mechanic, meanwhile his uncle was a literal trillionaire! He had full belief that he was great, now beginning to grow a belief that he was meant for far better than the 'backwater' he was born in. And if he was going to keep up his good image in front of his peers, he needed to hide where he came from and who his parents actually were.
Coupled with the newfound shame of the 'poor' rural background he hailed from, and the hidden sense of entitlement fostered in him by his upbringing, seeing his cousin who was so similar to him, yet who he percieved to be 'worse' than him, leading the life he thought he deserved... It planted the first seeds of envy in him. And Briallen did not help matters. She could tell he had some kind of negative feelings toward her and found it funny. So the few times they did interact, she basically terrorized him. Prodding at his insecurities, showing off her fancy fur coats and genuine pearl necklaces, saying she was off to hang out with some famous people. Lisle then, at some point, began to try to...while not exactly OVERcompensate for his rural background, at least compensate. He began to act as this nice, 'princely' person; someone who could definitely not have come from some mountain town. Someone sophisticated, elegant, intelligent, and very helpful. And after doing good deeds for his classmates lead to them doing him good deeds in return, or even just speaking well of him to their teachers and leading to him receiving higher honors as a student, he began to realize how important connections were. And after all, he could only attend this school at all because of his father's connection to his uncle. No matter his talent, no matter how great he was, things wouldn't come to him if he wasn't popular. And with time, the more people sung his praises, the more they called him kind, thoughtful, and wonderful, the more he believed he was. He was every great thing they called him. The only thing at odds with his image was, again, his background...however, one day, he would no longer be poor, living in a rural town hidden up in the mountains. And as they say: 'fake it til you make it'.
But. He does love his parents. It's not them he's ashamed of— it's their shared 'poor' background, since it could pose a problem for his future prospects. One of the reasons he wants to become great and successful is to be able to provide for his parents; buy them a big, beautiful house somewhere scenic and make sure they never have to work another day in their lives. He sees keeping quiet about them as the necessary evil for the sake of fulfilling that dream. Although, despite it not being them, but their background, he's ashamed of...in practice, there isn't much difference. He still asks his parents not to come visit him at his school, or speak to his 'friends'.
And...something else happened as he was growing up. Something that made him feel...strange, at first. He was finding that all his peers were starting to develop crushes, and romantic and physical attraction. But whenever someone talked about a person they had a crush on, no matter what their gender, appearance or personality were...Lisle just could not see it. Never. Not one single time. But instead of pondering about if he might be the one who's different, he just wrote it off as no one being attractive enough to him. And it only further cemented his view that none of his peers were as great as him, if those were their standards.
Due to his parents being quite old when they had him (they're now in their early 60s) he has an appreciation for old music, and has a record player in his dorm room.
For a rough example of how the people of Gillikin treated Lisle growing up, think Gaston from the 1991 Beauty and the Beast.
When he had just turned 16, he got a letter. One he had been anticipating; a letter informing him he was to attend one of the greatest Mage schools in the world, located on Sage Island. Seeing the address it had been sent from was all he needed to know. He had been planning for, what he thought was his inevitable, tenure at Royal Sword Academy for many years. For there was no other school that could possibly fit him better.
So when he actually opened the envelope and saw written in big, bold, black letters: 'Night Raven College'... He was...shocked. To put it lightly.
Him, going to a school like that? With a reputation for unruly, uncooperative hooligans, who had lost every single Spelldrive game against Royal Sword for nearly 100 years in a row, all due to their inability to cooperate with one another? He'd watched himself, in all his research of Royal Sword, how the NRC team had multiple times broken out in a brawl amongst themselves only minutes, sometimes even seconds, into the start of the match.
It had to be some big joke.
There was no way he was fit for such an awful place!
So he was in a BAD mood when the Black Carriage came for him. Though being sorted into Octavinelle, the Dorm associated with a 'spirit of benevolence', did improve his mood somewhat.
And so he started to see him being sent to NRC as a 'challenge' somehow. Basically, he had to not become upset by this and prove he can still be 'good and kind' even in the midst of people he considers to be worse than him on the very basis of them being sent to NRC. He wasn't like them. He wasn't supposed to be there: he was 'supposed' to be at RSA. So he didn't need to even consider the possibility of him being anything like them.
Eventually, not too far into his Freshman year, he had managed to become the Housewarden of Octavinelle. The previous Housewarden— that is, the one before the one holding the title when Lisle was first enrolled— had gone onto his 4th year without picking a successor, making the former Vice Housewarden the new Housewarden by default. but he really did NOT feel fit for the role. And, having already gained a reputation for himself as being very befitting of the Dorm's spirit, Lisle was picked to be the new Housewarden.
He was secretly at least somewhat disgusted with nearly everyone he met at that school. At any joint events, he would socialize almost exclusively with RSA students. At least, as much as he could get away with it and not make anyone from his own school believe he preferred them. If anyone asked why he was schmoozing with them so much, he'd say he was just doing it to 'keeps tabs on the competition'. It disgusted him to have to, in his mind, sink so low as to 'lie' about doing something worse than he actually was, all to stay in the good graces of people he did not care for and thought were below him.
With the exception of one person. His seatmate in that year's Freshman Class B, one Cater Diamond. Now, Lisle hadn't had anyone he could consider a 'true friend' before. His 'friends' were always merely acquaintances closer to his level he associated with for his own gain, or those below him who he kept around out of charity. But somehow, something with Cater just 'clicked'. They got on like a house on fire, becoming quite close. And upon witnessing Lisle when he wasn't acting, seeing him be a petty, whiny, selfish drama-queen, he didn't think less of him. Or maybe he did. But he still wanted to be Lisle's friend.
That was...strange, to Lisle. He'd always hidden those parts of him, to the point of convincing even himself he didn't have them in the first place, all because he was sure they were things no one would ever truly like in another person. They were 'bad' traits. He'd been expecting Cater might turn into one of those 'convenient friends', with a mutually beneficial arrangement, who stuck to him because of what he could gain. So he was touched when Cater said that 'despite being way worse of a person than I realized, we're still cool. It's kinda refreshing to see, even.' Lisle even started tearing up a little, though quickly tried (and failed) to not draw more attention to it by proclaiming he 'needed to go fix his eyeshadow.'
And once on a school break, when it was clear— to Lisle, at least— that Cater wasn't too thrilled about going home for the week, he offered to let Cater go to Gillikin with him. And so Cater became the first, and at that point only, friend of his to ever know the truth about his parents.
And on the very opposite side of the spectrum... The person...or rather, the floating tablet 'sitting' on his other side... He showed up in person one time. Only once. And Lisle took one look at him, heard his name was 'Idia Shroud', making him the son of one of the richest families in the world, and was overcome with a feeling of pure...bafflement! Beffudlement! Disgust!
Here he was; someone who had everything Lisle wanted; wealth, a well-known family name, a guaranteed good future-- and he was presenting himself like...like some corpse! Like a gloom cloud personified!
Lisle is not entirely unconvinced the look of pure distaste toward Idia he couldn't keep off his face contributed to Idia never again showing up for class in-person.
They were at one point paired up for a class assignment. Everyone else in class, whom Lisle had quickly won over, shared words of sympathy with him for being 'forced to work with someone like that'. And at once, he put on the facade of the kind classmate, thanking them for their concern, 'though I'm sure it won't be all as bad as that.'
Lisle ended up joining the Equestrian Club. After all, knowing how to ride would definitely enhance and play very well into his 'princely' image. And to his joy, the horse he was assigned to ride was a pure white mare named Lady. He was sure it must have been meant to be. As far as he saw it they were both diamonds among coal, two pure, beautiful beings stuck in this place infested with ne'er-do-wells.
Eventually, Lisle started to realize that Idia truly had great potential; a good bone structure, was fairly tall, and the naturally blue lips and flaming hair coupled with his pale skin could actually work really well if he just put some effort into it. He will not admit to having realized this after Idia was kidnapped and almost forcibly married to Eliza.
But he started getting an idea... If he were to, say, give Idia a makeover, to make him look actually presentable, then 'the gloom-cloud' as he now referred to him as in his head, might feel grateful, possibly even indebted, to him. Not only would that stroke Lisle's ego and make him feel better about his envy toward Idia's wealth and position, viewing himself as a 'king-maker' of sorts, being owed a favor by someone that powerful would be sure to do wonders for getting him a foot in the door in the right rooms in the future.
So suddenly he started being nicer to Idia, saying he wanted to help him become more popular. And Idia, of course, wanted no part of it, even as Lisle kept insisting that people would like him more if he simply put in some more effort into looking presentable, and not insulting people so openly.
"After all, people love a good story of rehabilitation."
Despite how good Lisle usually was at maintaining his kind facade, Idia just had a way of absolutely infuriating him. And so once in a moment of heightened emotion, after having had a long day already, Lisle dropped his mask and was completely honest to what he truly thought; about him, about everyone at NRC, about him being at NRC at all.
And somehow, learning this guy who'd been trying to 'help' him was actually kind of a terrible person but felt the need to always hide it, who felt envious of him and was trying to feel better about himself by proving he was somehow 'better' in a way... Well, he didn't like him any more than he previously did. But he sort of understood him now? That all of this was just his way of trying to make himself feel better.
But then after that, Lisle just kept coming back. But he was actually honest this time??? He even thanked Idia. Sincerely! Saying he felt so much better since he was able to drop the mask and just vent at Idia. So now, in return, he was going to try even harder to 'help' him. Dragging him off on walks sometimes to get a minimum amount of exercise, teaching him how to cook simple, healthy meals, and opening his blinds to show him non-arteficial light.
Idia's 'Um, WHAT?! I literally never asked for that! In fact, that's the opposite of what I wanted!' did not phase him in the slightest. Instead, Lisle got closer and held Idia's jaw delicately in his hands, looked him right in the eye with a genuine expression and telling him: 'I see promise in you. Truly.' Idia just kinda stopped. He didn't know what to say or how to respond to that.
And with time, all the things Lisle did to try to help Idia became no longer as Lisle treating him like a 'project', and no longer as much out of gratitude, but instead...just out of care. The way you'd want someone you care about to stay healthy, so you scold them for only eating snacks or going out in the rain without a coat or umbrella. He basically became Idia's hype-man, too.
The day Lisle gave him a small platonic goodbye-kiss on the forehead was the day the code file containing idia's perception of his and Lisle's relationship glitched out and has been unable to be opened again ever since. He has no idea what's going on.
Upon the start of his second year, with the arrival of four new students in particular— Azul Ashengrotto, Jade and Floyd Leech, and a girl whom Lisle had no idea how Crowley allowed to be enrolled, Junia— his status as Housewarden of Octavinelle came to an end. The Headmaster Crowley himself told Lisle that there was nothing he could do about it, despite the sudden re-delegation of the title very much not being the way it usually went. Lisle immediately suspected bribery.
Although... There did exist a clause which was not very well-known, saying that if at least a 3/5 majority of a dorm disagreed with the new choice of Housewarden, the new could not be appointed. And Lisle was still very, very popular with those in his year, and the now third-years.
But Azul proposed a deal to him. In which Lisle would still be allowed to continue giving out help to the rest of the Dorm, as well as students from other dorms, without it being seen as 'infringing' on Azul's business. In exchange, he could be the Vice Housewarden.
Lisle knew that any beloved figure only becomes more beloved when faced with a 'villain'. And so he denied the offer to be Vice Housewarden, so as not to be seen as 'complicit' to the 'new regime' yet still exchanged his title of Housewarden for the promise of being allowed to freely offer his own services. He thought it was better to be seen as a gracious leader felled by newly arrived 'malicious forces' than an ineffectual leader who could not manage to hold off the foul business practices of one of his own 'subjects'. It would garner him more sympathy from said 'subjects' in fact, for him to now be on the same level as them.
Though as he, being one of the oldest, and definitely the most popular, was deemed the leader of the Equestrian Club, it could have been worse.
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So :)
On a scale of 1-10 how much have I destroyed the expectations you had of him
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(I made this meme to keep myself from spoiling a mutual and I've been wanting to post it SO BAD but it'd SPOIL THE SURPRISE!)
Tag list: @another-random-paradise @thehollowwriter @faefum @cactus13-rolloflammesimp @beneathsakurashade
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𝑬𝑵𝑫𝑳𝑬𝑺𝑺 𝑵𝑰𝑮𝑯𝑻 ║ Chapter 1 - If the Moon Smiled
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| ENDLESS NIGHT | series masterlist | main masterlist | | PAIRING(s): Joel Miller x fem!OC/reader, Ellie Williams x platonic!fem!OC/reader | RATING: explicit material | 18+ | WORD COUNT: 3.7k | CHAPTER WARNINGS: none | CHAPTER SUMMARY: Your next project as Jackson’s Community Coordinator looms on the horizon as you look to start Phase 1. It is your passion project, and one of your two newest residents is the key to getting it off the ground. The only problem is you’ve been asked to hold off until they’re ready for your integration process. How will you fill your time as you wait out the holding period?
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✧⋄⋆•✧⋄⋄⋆⋅⋆✧•✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆•⋆⋄── •✧• ──⋄⋆•⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧•✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧•⋆⋄ ✧ "𝙸𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚖𝚘𝚘𝚗 𝚜𝚖𝚒𝚕𝚎𝚍, 𝚜𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚘𝚞𝚕𝚍 𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚕𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞. 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚜𝚊𝚖𝚎 𝚒𝚖𝚙𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝙾𝚏 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚋𝚎𝚊𝚞𝚝𝚒𝚏𝚞𝚕, 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐."                             ─ Sʏʟᴠɪᴀ Pʟᴀᴛʜ ✧⋄⋆•✧⋄⋄⋆⋅⋆✧•✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧⋄⋆•⋆⋄── •✧• ──⋄⋆•⋆⋄✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧•✧⋄⋆⋅⋆⋄✧•⋆⋄ ✧
“So that’s, what? Seventy five people roughly? Maybe a hundred if we’re smart about how we use the space?” you estimate. You scan the open, empty building, unsure of its past use. It may have been a small warehouse once upon a time, but you didn’t have much to go on other than the run-down metal framing that felt more like a cage in the noticeably barren space. A few derelict shelves and dingy, rotting wood pallets were the only accents to the vacant building. You scribble a few notes onto your signature clipboard before turning your attention back to your collaborator. “Seventy five? Yeah, I’d wager that. Not sure about the hundred mark. ‘Course I wasn’t exactly a fire marshal in my day,” Tommy joked. His nose crinkled into one cheek as his lopsided smile gathered his features closer. You brighten in reply and survey the space closer.The long neglected  building  might not be the most glamorous thing you’ve ever seen, but the more projects you saw to completion in Jackson meant fewer top-notch locations and buildings to choose from. You considered it an accomplishment of sorts that you had overseen so many growth initiatives as Jackson’s community coordinator - or was it “resident liaison” that Maria had bestowed as your title? you couldn’t really remember - that the first pick of the bunch for your newest endeavor was this obsolete structure.
It wasn't all bad. The most prominent and inviting element of the space had to be the symmetrical row of towering windows that lined the main walls. Natural light was unparalleled in what it brought to a room, and with Jackson logging so many gray, wintry days, it would provide some much needed figurative and literal shine to the community.
Your mind began to work in the way all of Jackson had come to know and value. Seeing the little pieces scattered and plugging them together until they fit or could be neatly rearranged into something else. You were good with people, but you were even better at seeing the possibilities and potential in them. You wouldn’t call yourself a “fixer” by any means, but you were undeniably effective and influential. Your talents also translated well into projects that cropped up around town. “Don’t reckon I’d exactly wanna have 75 people in here, though,” Tommy remarked. His expression had waned from self-amused to skeptical as he joined you in gauging the condition of the building. It wasn’t abandoned, per se, but it certainly hadn’t received the sort of upkeep needed to make it a viable entertainment space for the community to enjoy. “I know it’s not much to look at now, but we really need to prioritize another space where people can socialize. It’s not a population boom or anything, but Jackson has been growing steadily,” you mention as a reminder of what brought you to this building in the first place. You pause and take a moment to jot down another memo to yourself for later review. “It’s inevitable that we’re gonna end up having to make use of what we can, even if it’s . . let’s just say ‘suboptimal.’” You can tell Tommy isn’t shoulder to shoulder with your idea but doesn’t want to shut you down outright. You decide to double down on your petitioning, knowing he will come around once you can make him see the promise of the space. You do, however, have to remain realistic. “So, 75 people capacity on the lower end of the estimate. That’s not really much more than the Tipsy Bison. Plus, this place needs a lot of work.” “Now that I can attest to,” Tommy agreed. “Definitely some structure work on top of all the obvious updatin’.” Between the two of you, Tommy was definitely the authority on construction limitations and stipulations. You respected Tommy’s merits, professional and personal alike. His past experience with his family contracting business as well as all the work he contributed to Jackson had earned him a well-deserved rapport with everyone. “Still doesn’t solve the space problem, though,” you surmise. You breathe a contemplative sigh, lost in the brainstorming of your latest project. You swept your eyes across the dilapidated bordering on unviable space, landing on the large roller shutter doors lining the back wall. “What does this open up to?” you wonder aloud, making your way towards the exits. It was unlike you to not already know what was beyond the wall, but the thrill of intrigue at all the possibilities that lie in wait placated any qualms you had with yourself for not having explored it already. “Hm, not sure what’s out back. Not a whole lot goin’ on down at this end of town,” Tommy pointed out. “One of the things that makes it such a good spot. Nothing in the way,” you counter as you turned the knob of the rickety door in the far corner of the rear wall. The hinges made a shrill creaking sound as you pulled the door open. It served as an auditory reminder of how much attention and diligence this project would require.
Your eyes adjusted quickly to the sunlight thanks to the copious natural light the windows inside provided. What had once been a smooth, paved terrace was now a splintered mess of concrete spanning about 50 feet from the exit. Clusters of grass shot up between any fissure and littered the entirety of the strip until it converged with an overgrown stretch of brush, weeds, and greenery. A large tree loomed off to the right, the outskirts of the settlement in the distance behind it.
“Yeah, not much goin’ on,” Tommy repeated as he followed behind you. 
“It’s perfect,” you breathe. “You’re not bein’ serious.” Tommy’s brows scrunched together so tight they almost joined. He propped his hands on his hips, scrutinizing the unruly field sprawling in front of you both. “Dead serious,” you chirp. “How in the hell-,” Tommy starts to squabble. 
“So, the Tipsy Bison has about the same capacity as this building, which doesn’t work because too many people and not enough room is already the problem,” you rattle off without hesitation. You hop along the remaining solid fragments of concrete further onto the lot as you unveil your masterful resolution. “Yeahhhh?” Tommy drawls, still waiting for your proposal to make sense. You held back a grin. Being right is always more fun in the end when you have to work for it.
“So, we have what the Tipsy Bison has - a similar building capacity, but–” you pause for impact –“the Tipsy Bison doesn’t have THIS.” You gesture widely to the surrounding area. Tommy looked back and forth between the overrun spectacle you were proposing to him and to you a few times, searching for something to pin his faith on. His eyes squinted for a moment, looking as though he wanted to say something but thought better of it. Your emphatic smile finally evoked a response.“I’d say it’s a good thing the Tipsy Bison doesn’t have . . this,” he finished, a wrinkle to his nose adding the touch of disdain already present in his voice.
“Tommy,” you fuss. “When have I ever let us down?”
To that he cocks his head to the side and nods. “Can’t argue with that,” he concedes. “Never missed the mark yet.”
After being vetted and approved by Jackson’s leaders about 5 years ago to join the settlement, you took on your current role at Maria’s behest. Adjusting to life here was difficult for many - the reasons were as diverse as they were extensive - and it was an increasing need for someone to act as guide and intermediary for all the new faces cropping up. Within the first day of a newcomer’s arrival, you quickly became the face that embodied Jackson and the second chance at life it offered.
You made short work of getting to know people and pinpoint where they best fit into the enterprise of Jackson. Of course you gleaned any valuable trade or skill they possessed, but many readily volunteered their personal stories: what their life was like when the outbreak happened if they were alive then, what
kind of job did they have, what sort of things motivated them, what they hoped to get out of Jackson and give in return, what sort of things generated or shattered their loyalty, who their family was, how many of them had made it to Jackson with them, where they had come from, if they had an prior experience with other settlements . . . You were a helping hand and an open ear, and people couldn’t seem to help divulge all the things weighing on their minds. You had been told before that you had “kind eyes,” and maybe that, along with your small frame and stature, made you seem like just the right amount of trustworthy and non-threatening confidant. Whatever the case may be, you found that people tended to broadcast their inner worlds to you without much effort on your part. You knew part of letting their guard down so quickly was due to the relief so many felt once inside the safe walls of Jackson: they opened up simply because they could. And Jackson was all the better for it. 
Since joining all those years ago, you had taken a pivotal role in orchestrating a successful, thriving community. You were proud to have played a part in the beautiful settlement you called home. Being able to size someone up quickly and with devastating accuracy was an inherent skill you had utilized to its fullest extent, and it was what made you so invaluable. On a personal level, it meant you were never left guessing what someone was thinking or how they might be feeling; even if you didn’t know every gritty detail, you could come up with an adequate assessment. Tommy’s affirmation came as no surprise, but the usually easygoing and agreeable side of him was still on the fence with your proposed venue. “As much as I trust you know what you’re doin’, I really don’t follow.” Tommy studied the unruly greenspace and crumbling concrete underfoot as though if he stared at it long enough it would reveal its hidden potential so readily apparent to you. “We make it an indoor and outdoor spot,” you explain. “Uh. Okay. The indoor I get. Sort of.” He glanced back at the building as though he doubted his own appraisal. “The outdoor . . .,” he trailed off, glancing back outward. “I know it’s not exactly a tropical paradise here, but we can have an outdoor entertainment space regardless. It gets warm enough for long enough that it would be put to good use,” you contested. Tommy starts to debate that assertion, but you continue. “Plus, we can work outdoor firepits or fireplaces into the space to extend and maximize its use.” Tommy shook his head. “I mean, I would love for all of what you’re sayin’ to happen, but we just get too much snow here for it to work.” He isn’t totally off base with his concerns. Jackson got more snow than anywhere you had ever lived, and it was probably why nowhere in the settlement had a dedicated outdoor space for entertainment or socializing. Still, you knew there was a way to make this feasible.
“You know how igloos work?” you asked, making the final lap on your proposition.
“No fuckin’ way,” Tommy howled with laughter.
“Yes fuckin’ way,” you snip back with feigned indignation. “Seriously, think about it,” you urged. “We get enough snow, like you said. And it wouldn’t be year-round use out here, I get it, but with three different spaces we can more than accommodate a good sized crowd. Jackson’s headcount keeps going up, and we gotta get creative sometimes with how we’re going to keep pace with that.” “Three spaces?” Tommy repeats with a puzzled look. “Inside, of course. And then outside, a social firepit hangout . . thing, on the patio, and then converted into igloos over winter,” you summarize. “I can’t believe you’re actually-,” Tommy mutters audibly, a laugh reemerging. “So are you with me or am I gonna have to tell everybody you rejected it?” It’s an empty threat, but Tommy doesn’t want to even consider that sort of a cloud over his head. A resigned sigh marks your victory. “Alright. I surrender,” Tommy says goodnaturedly. “So when do you wanna start this thing?” You are peering up at the flat backing of the building, envisioning the flickering images of an outdoor movie night lighting its expanse. “As soon as we can. Gonna host an outdoor movie night to kick off the summer.” “An outd- What?” Tommy’s thoughts totter, following your line of sight. “Ah, of course. Good thing I was all in from the start.” You shoot him an amused, withering smile but relish in your win nonetheless. “So you wanna put together your team to build this thing or …?” Tommy noticeably perks up with a devilish smile. “My team? No, not quite. Not gonna be headin’ this project up,” he corrects. “What? But you just said-,” you blurt out. He holds up a hand to silence your appeal, and a crinkly-eyed grin tells you that you are in trouble. “I’m not the hombre you want for a project this big,” Tommy says, his words laced with mischief. “But I know just the guy.” You never much liked when the tables were turned, but you sat in silence waiting for Tommy to reveal his mystery man. As if the crinkly-eyed grin was bad enough, the eyebrow that sprung into his forehead assured you that Tommy took pleasure in giving your energy back to you, and you weren’t sure you were ready for whatever he was about to throw at you.
“Have you met my brother yet?” he asked with a deceptively innocent air.
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Tommy volunteered himself to break the news to his older brother that he had been assigned as head of the build. You assured Tommy you were more than happy to introduce yourself and the project to his brother, but Tommy insisted. “Don’t worry yourself too much,” he chortled. “You’ll have plenty of chances with this one to put your people skills through the wringer.”
You weren’t entirely sure what he meant by that or why it seemed to bring him so much childish amusement. Tommy was perpetually good-natured and easygoing. It was something that you banked on when you helped him and Maria get together. Tommy’s brother wasn’t his twin brother, but you couldn’t imagine he’d be a massive deviation from the Miller brother you knew.During their short arrival and departure from Jackon several weeks ago, Tommy’s brother and niece flew under your radar as you had been preoccupied trying to orchestrate and implement a sustainable pig and bacon venture.
It had been a sort of pipe dream of Tommy’s, and you knew just about everyone would be thrilled if bacon became a reality. It was the small things people tended to value the most, the things that were so easy to take for granted before the outbreak happened, and bringing them back was well-received and improved morale.
It felt good to bring people happiness in this world that had fallen into complete desolation. Life inside the safety of Jackon’s walls offered something of a safe haven, but so many were well acquainted with the horrors that existed just outside its gates.
When you expressed your disappointment at having missed all the excitement, Tommy reassured you that they would be returning in the coming weeks or months. When they eventually did return, you stopped by Maria and Tommy’s to field any useful information from the pair on Jackson’s two newest residents as well as get up to date with Maria’s pregnancy.
Tommy made the odd request that you postpone the normal introduction phase you had all but mastered over the years. His reasoning was vague, but it was essentially that his brother and niece “needed a little more time to adjust” before your customary acclimation proceedings would be of any use.
Tommy tried to put you more at ease with the atypical initiation by explaining that even though their visit last time had been short, Maria had given them a rundown of everything and situated them in a house that they had since reoccupied. Sensing your remaining misgivings, Tommy added that they had “been through a hell of a lot” in their time away. You were hopeful Maria would help to fill in the gaps to Tommy’s chronicle, but she seemed hesitant to do so.
“They’re just a special situation,” she mollified. “You’ll still have your work cut out for you if you’re at all worried about losing out on a new challenge.”
Maria understood the way you almost gamified the successful transition of a new member. She was always shrewd like that, which is partly what made you apprehensive when you got the distinct feeling Maria didn’t much care for or trust her brother-in-law. She wasn’t as reserved when talking about the teenage girl, noting how she possessed a lot of great qualities. She felt her tongue was a tad sharp for what Jackson was used to, but she would do well if she leaned into her pluck and smarts. Overall she sounded like your typical teenager: combative, aloof, and in serious need of as much love you could pour into them.
Tommy’s brother on the other hand . . . Maria might be a bit firm and exacting in her discernment most of the time, but it was rare that she disliked someone. So far all you had deciphered was that Tommy’s brother was a tough nut to crack.
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You didn’t completely agree with the revisions to your welcoming committee routine, but you respected Tommy’s request and kept your distance. You knew he wouldn’t have asked if he wasn’t truly compelled to do so. You may not have formally introduced yourself yet, but you acquainted yourself with his brother and niece nonetheless by way of casual observation.  You had seen them around town several times, and you watched in fascination each time as they almost orbited around each other with magnetic harmony. Their movements were so subconscious yet so deliberate. It was the sort of osmosis that only came from a deep, immutable connection, and you thought back to Tommy’s vague words about the scope of hardship they had endured together.
It struck you how you and your baby sister Caroline operated in just the same way. You often communicated in an unspoken language only understood by the two of you: the synchronous existence split between two bodies. An inherent bond further forged by the horrors of the outbreak. A tiny pang pierced your chest at the memory of her.You could see just from watching them they had been in isolation for a long time. The pair unconsciously checked in with each other on a regular basis, and after a few days Tommy’s niece had even started to wander a little bit, much to her dad’s umbrage. She was definitely a powerhouse as Maria had alluded to.
Being accustomed to their isolation unfortunately meant they struggled with basic social interaction. Their body language screamed get me out of here any time there were more than 3 people in their vicinity. Even if the world hadn’t gone to hell in a handbasket, you didn’t get the feeling either of them would have been social butterflies in any hypothetical alternate universe.
Tommy’s brother was incredibly protective of his daughter. The few goofy, shy smiles she reserved only for her dad were so pure it almost made your eyes mist over. It was during one of those times you thought you saw the corner of his mouth twitch ever so slightly in response, but you hadn’t seen him unmistakably smile once during your observations.
It was all austere surveillance on his part. His eyes darted as he scoped out Jackson, refusing to settle his sight on any one thing for very long. His daughter was also standoffish, but she carried a perceptible warmth to her that her father lacked. You caught her exchanging more than just a handful of words to the grocer and the canteen worker. Tommy’s brother mostly seemed to communicate in nods and grunts. It was sort of Neanderthal-ish to you, and it was quite comical to observe.
You ended up not minding your little secret spy sessions in lieu of the normal introduction phase. You had a reason to be on the lookout for them, so you didn’t feel too appalled with your newfound hobby of ogling Tommy’s brother. He was incredibly handsome. Even from afar you took in his graying brown hair and beard, his jawline as it clenched whenever his daughter started walking too far from him, the broad build of his shoulders and chest. You thought to yourself if even one corner of his mouth wasn’t so downturned all the time he would probably have every eligible lady in Jackson swarming him. A fleeting thought crossed your mind that you would really love it if you were the one that could make him smile. Your summary of your observations was: they were each other’s everything. 
In truth, they reminded you a lot of two feral bonded cats. There was no separating them, and if they even thought that was a possibility, claws out and blood drawn were on the agenda. As the window of postponement drew to an end, you had yet to determine what the exact technique would be for winning them over. You had gotten a moderate sense of who they were, but how well that would hold up once you actually spoke to them wasn’t conclusive.
You were beginning to understand what Tommy and Maria had meant when they told you your work was cut out for you. Your usual gentle but persistent prodding for new residents wasn’t going to cut it with these two. They weren’t going to let their guard down easily, and pushing it on them would only sound the alarm and send them running. You would just have to show them you could be trusted with their integration and let them come to their own conclusions about you. 
You knew once all was said and done, your sense of pride at their complete integration would be your biggest achievement yet.
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Thank you to everyone who read all of that and is maybe even reading this! I am so happy to finally be posting this fic! I've been working on it for a while now, and I'm really excited for you all to read it. I already have the sequel in progress, and they are both VERY long fics. Oopsie!
As for the chapter title, I love me some Sylvia Plath. She will show up again as a chapter quote or title. What do you make of our EnNi Gal®?  She really has no idea what's in store for her. 👀💦 Joel certainly fits the description of "beautiful but annihilating."
Catch ya later,
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knavesflames · 2 months
Hallooo Elise! How does it feel to be one of the beloved authors who feeds us starved Arle fans?? Srsly, you all are heaven sent to us 🫶🏼 this woman became my hyperfixation and singlehandedly brought me back to playing genshin only to lose 50/50 💔 I hate her! (I love her) I'll be waiting for her next rerun 😔
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Hi!! I didn’t think I was beloved, if I’m honest. I feel quite unknown, and I feel like I should try to interact with people more😟 but I’m so bad at starting conversations! I yearn to be interacted with. So, I really enjoy when everyone sends me messages/leaves things in my inbox/interacts with my posts :]
If I’m honest, i saw signora’s funeral video, lost it at Arlecchino, then I took a break after sumeru came out, because it burned me out so so much, it was about a year break. Then, when I started playing again in may 2023, Fontaine was coming soon. I saw fontaines trailer, and.. let’s just say it was over for me. I feel bad for my best friend who puts up with me constantly going insane over her (though, he simps just as hard for Miko, so we get each other).
I was lucky enough to get her C3 with her Signature weapon, though I lost the weapon 75/25, or whatever it is, the first time, and lost my 50/50 on Arlecchino the first time too (though I got her again twenty pulls after), and then I lost yet again when I went for her C2. I was a very lucky girl and I thank the universe, truly. I’ll manifest for you!! You will get her. I just know it.
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sjrouka · 4 months
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Name: Rouka 楼花
{Play on Okura/Okra}
Gender: Female
Birth year: 739
Species: Saiya-Jin and Tsufuru-Jin hybrid
{75% SaiyaJin & 25% TsufuruJin}
Father: Renkon
Mother: Satsuma
Home world: Dojin
Alliance: Chaotic Neutral
Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Status: Single {And staying as such}
Height: 165.1 cm {5'5"}
Weight: 54.31 kg {120 lbs}
Hair: Onyx, short & spiked
Eyes: a light azure
Distinguishing Features: Aside from the tail that most SaiyaJin descendants are born with, and her crystal blues, she has a rather defined scar across her right eye.
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Temperament: Rouka is an odd mix. Though she holds the typical traits one would expect of a SaiyaJin; proud, arrogant, moderately aggressive, short-tempered, strong willed and the love of a good fight; she also has the blood of a more docile and intellectual race coursing through her veins.
The TsufuruJin were a peaceful race, more rationally inclined than battle ready. Due to this contradictory disposition, Rouka herself is more calculated where her emotions are concerned. Though her darker impulses are bound to dominate her mind, she will tend to look into things more logically before simply reacting. Well, at least for the most part .. Occasionally, the more dominant attributes will prevail, depending on the situation at hand.
All in all, she is a rather feisty, yet sometimes devilishly spirited, persona. An amusing banter is always enjoyable, though she will typically assess her moves wisely.
°There are certain advantages to being the hybrid she is, but the conflicting aspects of herself can occasionally clash. Rouka willingly embraces certain aspects of her SaiyaJin nature, especially since it's the predominant blood coursing through her veins. But, her more passive psyche does cause hesitation from time to time, especially regarding situations when she should be more ruthless.
°Though she is primarily logical and vigilant in most situations, she can have a fairly short fuse. Gruf, volitile, spiteful, hostile and abrasive; these are all characteristics of herself that she does her best to control. Of course, there are situations in which those traits of herself overcome her resolve.
°Rouka wears the tail SaiyaJin descendants are born with proudly, but it can be a hindrance at times. Not only due to the particular extremities sensitivity, but also the rare occasion in which a slip of emotional control is revealed by even the most miniscule of reactions of her tail. Though a small flicker or such may go unnoticed by most, a more competent observer could use the small inconsistencies to read through a facade.
Signature Techniques:
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Spiritual Armor
Seishin-tekina Yoroi
Quite like the techniques name, its entire purpose is to use a concentrated amount of ki to encase her form within a protective barrier, shielding herself from the threat.
Dynamic Burst
This miniscule orb of energy is more devastating than it seems at first glance. Upon condensing a great deal of energy into the tiny sphere, she will release it carefully towards the foe. Upon piercing, its design is to erruupt the full of its power within the physique. This is typically used for the intent of administering a massive amount of damage to any given area.
Power Siphon
A rather unique assault, this technique starts with what appears to be a rather simple orb of energy propelled towards her foe of choice. Though, instead of dealing damage in the typical manner, it latches itself onto the target of choice, disrupting and manipulating ones aura to ultimately leech and absorb. In doing so, as their life force begins to weaken, the original orb will effectively increase and grow in power until consuming its victim within the amplifled inferno of the combined ki.
Vortex Blitz
This ability begins with Rouka gathering a sufficient amount of ki above her, shifting its force cylendrically until it forms a rather intense maelstrom of energy. When she finds it to be a sufficient amount of force and power, she will launch it forth towards the object of choice, expectantly entangling them amidst the whirlwind of power. Intended to be both disorienting and agonizing while the swirling energy encompasses their being.
Plasma Storm
Purazuma Arashi
Amassing her ki into a nebule of powerful energy, Rouka awaits this emanation to reach the proper intensity. This nimbus like collection of ki will begin to gradually dissipate into smaller waves of power, raining down in the vicinity of the desired recipient.
Dynamic Wave
Dainamikkuna Nami
This collection of force is a stream of ki expelled towards a target (Much like that of say the Kamehameha or Galick Gun). The intensity of which is greatly decided on the amount of power she feels like pushing into it
Serpents Coil
Hebi Toguro
This technique is one she can have some fun with if she so pleased. Simply put, tendrils of ki eminate from her palm towards the object of her choosing, encircling an area with precision and focus. Now the vigor behind the coils depends on her and the connection she retains to them.
Each serpent like cord of power is connected to an aura affixed to her for command. Whether she decides to retain control with a mere finger or two, her hand, or even tethered down the length of her arm; it all determines the strength of the bond, not to mention how much energy she sends pulsing through them.
In essence; the connection could feel as tender and docile as a piece of string, or as formidable as the strongest binding with a river of powerful current coursing through them.
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Before the start of the SaiyaJin and TsufuruJin civil war of 720 on Planet Plant (Known to most as Planet Vegeta by year 730), The TsufuruJin and SaiyaJin cohabitated their shared world civilly. Each species tended to stay within their own domains, almost dismissing the others presence all together if they could. But by chance, as can happen often with any civilization that live in fairly close proximity to one another, there were a small populace of the two very different beings that found the race more favorable than most. Comaraderies were formed, each group assisting the others in the areas they waned. Occasionally, even, a more passionate companionship arose, though fairly uncommon in the beginning.
By year 718, rumors had begun to arrise of a particular SaiyaJin rising amongst the ranks of the tribes. A primal and domineering man that was gaining favor amongst the tribes, all while professing his animosity towards the TsufuruJins and their claimed condescending and disdain towards the people that came to their planet all those years ago. Talk had started concerning an eventual battle, a chance for the SaiyaJin to overthrow those who who they were convinced found them inferior. Of course, some weary of annihilation and others determined to preserve their way of life, a plan to abscond their home for a place of their own to thrive was made.
The following year they were all gone, fairly unbeknownst to the planet they left behind. The peculiar group of allies settling on a world far from Plant and the destruction that would come. The new world was harsh and unforgiving at first. Each party offering their prowess to better the terrene. It wasn't long before they were able to thrive and grow as a new civilization on the world they would name Dojin.
Rouka was born on this world, her father a man of pure SaiyaJin descent and her mother a halfbreed between both lineage. It was a tranquil existence; her father training her in the ways of old, and her mother focusing her instructions on the enlightened ways of the TsufuruJins. She excelled in her training, eventually becoming one of the more revered combatants of the new generation. Little did she know everything she knew and adored would soon come to a close.
By the year 750, at the mere age of 11, Lord Kura's (Cooler's) forces stumbled upon Planet Dojin by chance. Intrigued by the mixture of intellect, brute strength and battle savy. Those deemed worthy in his mind were subjugated into his forces; primarily the more adept of the younger generation, precieving them to be the easiest to mold. Rouka was one of the few to be amassed, torn away from her kin amid annihilation and chaos. Like so many others, her parents rallied against the alien forces in vein. The young girls last memories of her parents while she struggled to abscond herself from the warriors clutches, their gruesome slaughter as they fought to protect her.
For years she begrudgingly did what she must to survive.. Endless training, conflicts, crusades; whatever skirmish Kura commanded her to conduct. If ever her emotions caused her to falter or rebel, she would be tortured into allegiant compliance. Until, that is, the year 765 when she heard of his supposed demise.
Finally able to escape her constraints, she ventured forth in search of a new chapter of her life. Her one irrefutable resolution; she must check out this Planet Earth, and the warriors who subdued her tyrannical captor
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mitamicah · 1 year
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Hi guys and gals and nonbinary cuties 🤗
I had a wild thought: Why not try to take some commissions 👀👀?
It is a sort of experiment since I have no idea how big the interest is on tumblr next to my other social platforms (mostly deviantart) 😅. Yet I wanted to give you the possibility to commission me if it turns out that some of you are interested 💛💚💗.
More examples
You will find terms and conditions plus how to proceed with sending me a commission offer below the line:
Terms and Conditions
1 General Information
At this time, I will be taking digital art commissions only.
Standard canvas size: 1200x1600 px, 300 dpi.
It is possible to ask for a bigger or smaller canvas - the price will be raised for a bigger canvas and lowered slightly for a smaller one.
I have a limit of up to 5 characters per canvas. Doodles are excluded (there the limit is 15 doodles per canvas). To check out the price for a drawing with more than one character you can click on this excel ark (under commissions by Nov 2021).
Are you interested in a style not featured feel free to ask me and I can give you an offer.
2 Ownership
As the artist I own the final product: Please credit me if you post it (with permission) and do not delete the signature.
The art must not be used commercially.
3 Drawing limits
Things I will draw;
OCs; Shipart (within reason); Humans/humanoids; Animals of the canine, feline or equine families (cats, dogs and horses); Dragons; Anthropomorphic characters (to an extend); Children (to an extend); Elderly characters (to an extend); Fanart (more later); Armour (to an extend)
Things you have to ask me about;
SFW nudity; Muscular men or women; Big-busted women; (Mild) Gore; Monsters with undefined features; Birds, big fish and other less often drawn animals (eg. goats, rhinos, elephants, bears etc.)
Thing I won’t draw
NSFW nudity and scenes; Hateful art (lgbt-phobia, racistic, ableism etc.); Fetish art; Super detailed backgrounds
Specifically about fanart
I will gladly draw fanart of properties (movies, franchises, books etc.) that I know of and may also be persuaded to try fanart for stuff that I don’t know.
Please keep in mind that no matter what I will draw it in my style; I won’t replicate the style from a specific show/manga/book etc.
4 Work in Progress updates
I'll send work in progress (WIP) pieces when I am done sketching. Exceptions will happen when:
The owned art is a sketch drawing.
You communicate that you are not interested in wips
5 Payment options
At this time, Payment will happen through paypal only.
I will send you an invoice using the PayPal address you've stated in the commission form (more later).
The invoice will be in Danish Kroner, DKR.
Please do NOT send any money before I've accepted your commission.
Please pay within 3 days of getting the invoice - if this is not possible send me a dm/mail.  
Have I not recieved the payment within the 3 days' deadline, the deal is off.
It is not possible to split the payment. (aka paying half now and the other half later)
6 Refunds
As a commissioner you can get refunds before I send the first wip and/or if I do not update you within 14 days.
updating include the following;
sending you notes about the progress.
showing you wips of the progress.
being tagged in posts about possible setbacks.
If you decide to cancel your commission following the description above, you get 75% of your money back (little fee of asking for a refund).  
If you want refunds for any other reason than stated above, the same rules still apply IF you ask before the first wip has been sent.
If you ask for refunds AFTER the first wip the percentage will be calculated depending on how far I've gotten in the drawing process.
7 How to order
If want to commission me, please either DM me or send me a mail at [email protected]
What I want you to do is:
Fill in this form:
Offer: (eg. sketch bust)
Character(s): the name(s) and pronouns of your character/person(s) you want me to draw (to make sure I don’t misgender any character/person I may not know).
Reference(s): reference picture(s) of each character/person – (I prefer fullbodies for original characters). Please choose reference pictures in a good quality.
Background: (if you are not interested in a background or are indifferent, please tell me so as well).
Paypal adresss: (e-mail that I may send the paypal invoice to).
Other: some other details worth knowing - do you have a pose or expression in mind? do you not want wips? Etc.
Fill in this agreement:
I, (insert your username), have read and understood the terms and conditions set by MarcooftheMoon. I accept that if I should break these rules, the offer will be declined and all owned art will be cancelled. I have hereby signed this agreement.
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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“I could issue an order against these useless and harmful performances [dances, powwows, and other gatherings], but I would much rather have you give them up of your own free will . . . “ 
From the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, February 24, 1923.
Record Group 75: Records of the Bureau of Indian Affairs
Series: Subject Numeric Correspondence Files
Com. Burke advice to Indians Re Dance.
Department of the Interior
Office of Indian Affairs
A Message
Not long ago I held a meeting of Superintendents, Missionaries and Indians, at which the feeling of those present was strong against Indian dances, as they are usually given, and against so much time as is often spent by the Indians in a display of their old customs at public gatherings held by the whites. From the views of this meeting and from other information I feel that something must be done to stop the neglect of stock, crops, gardens, and home interests caused by these dances or by celebrations, pow-wows, and gatherings of any kind that take the time of the Indians for many days.
Now, what I want you to think about very seriously is that you must first of all try to make your own living, which you cannot do unless you work faithfully and take care of what comes from your labor, and go to dances or other meetings only when your home work will not suffer by it. I do not want to deprive you of decent amusements or occasional feast days, but you should not do evil or foolish things or take so much time for these occasions. No good comes from your "give-away" custom at dances and it should be stopped. It is not right to torture your bodies or to handle poisonous snakes in your ceremonies. All such extreme things are wrong and should be put aside and forgotten. You do yourselves and your families great injustice when at dances you give away money or other property, perhaps clothing, a cow, a horse or a team and wagon, and then after an absence of several days go home to find everything going to waste and yourselves with less to work with than you had before.
I could issue an order against these useless and harmful performances, but I would much rather have you give them up of your own free will and, therefore, I ask you now in this letter to do so. I urge you to come to an understanding and an agreement with your Superintendent to hold no gatherings in the months when the seed-time, cultivation of crops and the harvest need your attention, and at other times to meet for only a short period and to have no drugs, intoxicants, or gambling, and no dancing that the Superintendent does no approve.
If at the end of one year the reports which I receive show that you are doing as requested, I shall be very glad for I will know that you are making progress in other and more important ways, but if the reports show that you reject this plea, then some other course will have to be taken.
Wish best wishes for your happiness and success, I am
Sincerely yours,
February 24, 1923.
The Indian Print Shop, [Chilberc?] Oklahoma 2-17-1923. [10M?]
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pentecostwaite · 2 years
Voices from the Balcony, part 2
Luke and Hagar Nicklson: a Black Revolutionary War Soldier and his Wife
Since learning (and seeing with my own eyes) that there were rough, uncomfortable pews set specifically apart for people of color in the balcony of the 1757 Harpswell, Maine, meetinghouse, I have been trying to learn the names of the people who sat in those pews. It has been challenging, but I have made some discoveries in the past few weeks.
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(above, rough-hewn balcony pews in the Harpswell Meetinghouse)
After some digging, I was able to access a typescript copy of the church’s records. The issue with transcribed copies of original documents is that the reader doesn’t know what information has been left out by the transcriber. But I dug into the copied records anyway.
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(above, Harpswell Meetinghouse)
One church record caught my eye. It was for the marriage of Luke Nickerson to Hagar Cozens on November 12, 1772. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Samuel Eaton, the pastor of the Harpswell meetinghouse. The woman’s name, Hagar, was one often given to enslaved women of African descent in 18th-century New England. I felt I should research this family.
I was amazed by what I found. Not only were Luke and Hagar Nickerson people of color and Harpswell residents, but I learned that Luke was a Revolutionary War soldier. More than likely, when Luke and Hagar Nicklson attended church at the Harpswell meetinghouse, they would have had to sit on the benches set apart for people of color in the northwestern corner of the balcony.
When Luke was an elderly man, he applied for a military pension from the United States government (pension file S37270, which can be accessed via subscription at ancestry dot com). He was granted the pension, and his application files can help us understand what his experience in the military was like. (N.B.: It’s worth mentioning that Luke’s surname seems to have been a strange source of confusion. Although Luke clearly signed his name “Nicklson” in his pension application, others seem to have misheard it consistently as “Nickerson.”)
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(above, Luke Nicklson’s signature from his pension application)
Luke began his military service in early 1777 in Captain John Reed’s company, Colonel Ichabod Alden’s regiment (7th Massachusetts). He remained with the same company for his entire three years of service
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(Illustration by T. Payton)
In the spring of 1777, having marched with his company almost 150 miles from Harpswell to Cambridge, Massachusetts, Luke was struck down with smallpox. In the isolated community of Harpswell, he likely had never been exposed to the virus before. Deadly smallpox outbreaks were rampant in the Continental Army, weakening the troops and dramatically slowing their progress throughout the mid- to late 1770s.
Luckily, Luke recovered and was able to make the march that summer to New York: first to Peekskill, then Albany, Stillwater, and in the autumn, to Saratoga, where, his pension application reveals, he “was at the Surrender of Genrl. Burguyne’s Army and their received a wound in his thigh by a Musket Ball.” A fellow soldier from Luke’s regiment testified that Luke spent time in hospital recovering from his injury. 
In 1778, an inventory of the clothing given out to men in his company shows (below) that Luke received a shirt, a pair of breeches, stockings, and a pair of shoes. Had he been wearing his torn and bloodied breeches from Saratoga all this time?
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(above, inventory of clothing given out to Pvt. Luke Nicklson, 1778)
On January 15, 1780, Luke was honorably discharged and made his way back to Harpswell.
It is hard to trace Luke for the 20 years after his return from war. He was enumerated in the 1800 US Federal Census in the neighboring town of Brunswick as part of a family group of 8, though the names of his other family members are not listed. By 1820, when he applied for his military pension at age 75, his family group had telescoped down to 3.
Luke told the pension examiner he held no real estate, and when asked about his personal estate, he claimed a single cow. “I live in a small log house,” he continued, “I have no income.” Hagar, his wife, was 66, Luke reported, and though suffering from rheumatism she was “able to work some.” Despite their advanced ages, Luke and Hagar were responsible for “a small boy” named John, who was only 8 years old. It’s possible John was their grandson, though Luke didn’t reveal their relationship. “I have no other family,” he stated, with a finality that suggests a deep, unspoken loss.
On May 4, 1829, Luke Nicklson died. His grave lies in west Brunswick, Maine, on private property. In the 1930s, a veteran’s headstone was placed on his grave. Today, the current property owners carefully tend his gravesite, replacing the American flag every year. I have not yet been able to discern what happened to Hagar and John following Luke’s death.
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(above, headstone of Pvt. Luke Nicklson/Nickerson. Image source)
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systastic · 2 months
hii! can we get a lvl 2 (if thats available) sisasystem of headmates that are all endermen? everything is dealer's choice and you can decide the amount of headmates
perfectly fine if not, ty in advance! :]
another one we [tried] to post before overthinking it to death; the descriptions don’t feel as good as usual, but i feel like our perception on that is a bit warped cus we’ve been staring at it for so long…? unsure! let us know if you want more :] -🌲
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name :: end, ender, noct, nox, nyx, shade, shadow, eclipse, obsidian, dusk
age :: 110 to 130 (average lifespan of 200 years)
pronouns :: it/its, ix/ixs, nix/nixs, no pronouns
roles :: hunter-queller, hunter-persecutor
species :: enderman
gender identity :: nyctophic, eldritchine, endergenic, devotionhunter
orientation :: no romance. no sex. only hunt. (aegoromantic / aegosexual)
source :: minecraft
aesthetic :: alien, liminal space, traumacore (loosely)
appearance description :: your typical enderman: skinny yet inhumanely tall and strong, skin that is pure black in color, and with purple shadow particles hovering around it like a shawl. its eyes are a vibrant shade of pinkish purple, as are its mouth, tongue, and insides. it heals fast if cut or wounded, reforming in an instant as though nothing ever happened. ender does not wear clothes. why would it? animals have no need for things like that. it, too, is an animal: predatory and vicious, ready to snap its jaws around prey stupid enough to look it directly in the eyes. any other headmates who stare into its eyes trigger an immediate response. nox becomes double the height, twice as strong, and inhumanly fast, responding based on what the other headmate it has locked eyes with is like. those who are bad get attacked immediately. when not triggered, it is still a somewhat normal height and docile, finding joy in moving and stacking toy blocks one on top of the other. just… try not to take the blocks away from it.
personality description :: silent, cold, and otherwise unapproachable by others: dusk is the definition of apathy for other lives. it judges from afar, never interacting with others on its own free will, instead choosing to sit and observe in silence. those who draw close can hear ix inhuman noises: quiet creaking and groans as though trapped in a state just after death. the only exception to this stoic silence is for those who look nox in the eyes. such searing purple can strip a person to their core and see into their past, subjecting them to nox’s judgement of their character. if nox can see bad things in that person’s past, they are deemed a possible threat that needs to be kept watch of. those who have committed a great number of crimes are considered “tainted” and needing to be disposed of. it is single minded in its relentless pursuit of those who have done wrong and will not rest until the perpetrators are caught and punished for their crimes.
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name :: forrest, fern, cedar, elowen, rowan, maple, ash, twig (nickname), acacia, river
age :: 75 to 85 (average lifespan of 200 years)
pronouns :: it/its, he/him, ey/em, di/dir (dirtself)
roles :: peacemaker, reconciler
species :: mutated enderman
gender identity :: foretidian, liminalcameraic, floragrowic
orientation :: sparkromantic / demigreyroace
source :: minecraft
aesthetic :: ravencore, goblincore, witchcore, cryptid academia
appearance description :: rowan is somewhat smaller than the other enderman, being half a foot shorter than they are. his dna has been crossed with that of a creeper through experimentation by player characters. this is why his appearance is so unique when compared to his brethren. being mutated like he is makes forest stand out among the other members of the sisasystem. his signature tell is the amount of fluff that grows over his legs and arms when he takes control. this fluff doubles as a protective barrier against magic-based attacks, making rowan the second most capable of surviving an intense fight. dir survivability is essential for dir role as a peacemaker; if di was more susceptible to violence, it would make di less effective at dir duty.
personality description :: twig is probably the sanest enderman out of all three members in the sisasystem. ey are rational and lead with eir heart and heart in tandem to help others find a way to reconcile. when not actively helping others, ash is a bundle of nerves paranoid about every little thing. it doesn’t want to hurt or scare anyone with its appearance; all it wants to do is set the persecutors or fragments that nox hunts on the right path. elowen switches in after nox has captured and detained a headmate to probe for information and suggest possible changes to their behavior to improve personal relationships. this doesn’t always work, though: some creatures may get violent, requiring acacia to have some form of self defense should things go wrong.
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name :: frost, blanche, eira, holly, venus, io, crystal, luna, lace, jay, jayce, skye
age :: 200+
pronouns :: it/its, nov/nova, lu/lun/luna/lunar/lunarself, null/nulls, mirror pronouns
roles :: emotional funnel, emotional suppressor
species :: revived enderman
gender identity :: cosmianull, moonentity, calmvoidic, lostrain, nublunic
orientation :: caligoaroace
source :: minecraft
aesthetic :: dreamy, virgo’s tears
appearance description :: skye used to be a normal enderman: ebony black, seekers of things to hoard, sensitive to sight and a loner. of course, nothing can remain pure forever. a player came after holly, trapping it in a boat and pushing it off of the end islands. it fell for days. weeks. months. all it remembers of this is being slowly eaten away, removed from existence, and the suffering… until it was brought back. after being revived and having its soul wiped clean, skye has become a pure white creature with reddened eyes. this makes it stand out among its friends and comrades. skye has the unique ability to model its form into similar states as other creatures like pigs, creepers, and even players. the only thing that sets blanche apart from a normal member of its species is the vitiligo-like white patches that appear on the limbs of any other species it takes the form of.
personality description :: io is, by all accounts, the quote unquote “core” of the trio. memories of the past before its reincarnation have been wiped from its mind, rendering io a blank slate. since coming back, it has stripped itself of all excess emotion and distributed said emotion into cedar and nox. now it is a perfect void of a creature: an emotional black hole, as it were. skye can do to others what it did to itself: strip their emotions and suppress them by holding unwanted emotions or memories inside of itself. this makes nox somewhat of a loner; in order to protect the others from these feelings, it cannot risk contact and possibly tainting them with such a burden. lace is strong enough to handle this on lun own… after all, this is a secret frost has been hiding from the others before they even existed. surely it can hide this secret a bit longer.
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