#supernatural on netflix
laf-outloud · 10 months
Supernatural Netflix Viewing Numbers - Jan. 2023 - Jun. 2023
Thanks to anon on this ask, I was able to download Netflix' report with viewing hours from Jan. 2023 to June 2023. I thought I'd run some numbers for Supernatural.
Now, obviously, with these numbers, there are caveats in that we don't know if certain episodes are watched more than others, so the best I can do is an average of views per episode in a season. Some episodes in the same season may get fewer views while others get more (this is the only way it makes sense to me why Season 15 is watched more than Season 14, lol!)
Based on the math below the cut, here are the rankings of most-watched Supernatural seasons (# = average views per episode):
Season 3: 65,421
Season 1: 61,822
Season 2: 49,614
Season 4: 47,794
Season 5: 45,253
Season 6: 41,633
Season 7: 36,681
Season 8: 35,054
Season 9: 32,744
Season 10: 31,909
Season 11: 30,889
Season 15: 29,820
Season 14: 29,206
Season 12: 28,048
Season 13: 26,958
As you can see, Seasons 1-5 are expectedly at the top, with 1-3 taking the top three,
People can draw their own conclusions, but for me, it just proves that the general public watch Supernatural for Sam and Dean, and anyone planning a reboot, looking at these numbers, should know exactly what to put back on our screens.
Now, I'm no math major (I actually got a D- in math in 7th grade), so if I'm doing something wrong, someone please correct me! But, I believe by dividing the total number of minutes viewed by the total number of minutes in the season, we can calculate the number of separate views per season. Then, if you divide the views by episode count, you can get a decent average of how many people watched each episode in the first 6 months of this year.
Season 1; 22 episodes:
1.254 billion minutes/922 minutes = 1,360,087 views/22 = 61,822 avg. views per episode.
Season 2; 22 episodes:
978 million minutes/896 minutes = 1,091,518 views/22 = 49,614 avg. views per episode
Season 3; 16 episodes:
672 million minutes/642 minutes = 1,046,729 views/16 = 65,421 avg. views per episode
Season 4; 22 episodes:
960 million minutes/913 minutes = 1,051,479/22 = 47,794 avg. views per episode
Season 5; 22 episodes:
900 million minutes/904 minutes = 995,575/22 = 45,253 avg. views per episode
Season 6; 22 episodes:
828 million minutes/904 minutes = 915,929/22 = 41,633 avg. views per episode
Season 7; 23 episodes:
804 million minutes/953 minutes = 843,652/23 = 36,681 avg. views per episode
Season 8; 23 episodes:
774 million minutes/960 minutes = 806,250/23 = 35,054 avg. views per episode
Season 9; 23 episodes:
726 million minutes/964 minutes = 753,112/23 = 32,744 avg. views per episode
Season 10; 23 episodes:
684 million minutes/932 minutes = 733,906/23 = 31,909 avg. views per episode
Season 11; 23 episodes:
660 million minutes/929 minutes = 710,441/23 = 30,889 avg. views per episode
Season 12; 23 episodes:
618 million minutes/958 minutes = 645,094/23 = 28,048 avg. views per episode
Season 13; 23 episodes:
594 million minutes/958 minutes = 620,042/23 = 26,958 avg. views per episode
Season 14; 20 episodes:
486 million minutes/832 minutes = 584,135/20 = 29,206 avg. views per episode
Season 15; 20 episodes:
498 million minutes/835 minutes = 596,407/20 = 29,820 avg. views per episode
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memingursa · 1 year
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Wait hold on Tumblr girlies have been carrying that show on netflix for well over 10 years now and even the guy responsible for it hasn’t gotten a GOD DAMN DIME?????
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nikossasaki · 5 months
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tooth-with-eyes · 3 months
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dinamitelove · 5 months
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guardianspirits13 · 6 days
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I would apologize for this but there’s nothing to apologize for unless you are @netflix 🤷
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Hi queer fans of queer stuff! How are we feeling with today's TV industry? How about really bloody angry?
Look, the recent cancelation of Dead Boy Detectives is obviously personal for its fandom, but it's also one more nail in the coffin and I think we have to start doing something about it together.
I went through this with Sense8. With Our Flag Means Death. With smaller but also amazing shows like The Bastard Son and the Devil Himself. Not to mention when it's not cancelled yet but it's boycotted with seasons cut in half or zero marketing. *I am tired*.
If you are too, I ask you to join the campaign. This is specifically about increasing views and attention, not because Netflix is necessarily going to change their minds (we know that's unlikely), but because we want to prove that we exist as a group.
So even if you don't feel like actually watching right now, we ask you to give it a stream if you have a Netflix account, with headphones connected or low volume. If you don't have a Netflix account, and honestly good for you, you can help by boosting us in social media.
I do recommend Dead Boy Detectives for real, it's REALLY good, but this is more about joining forces. They want numbers, so we give them numbers in the most petty way: after they cancelled so that other networks will get interested. At the very least, the crew and creators might get some royalties and they deserve it after busting their asses for years to give us this season.
TL;DR: stream dead boy detectives as a community to shove it in their faces
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lildoodlenoodle · 1 year
We all know about the DDOS attacks on AO3 as it is still down. So it is very important we talk about the KOSA(Kids Online Safety Act) that is going to hit the floor soon. Because if that act goes through this could very much be the new reality of not only AO3 but online fandom spaces within the next year. The point of this act is to limit queer media and to eliminate online queer spaces.
Let me stress, the politicians are lying to you. Democrats and Republicans are lobbying for this. It is not pro trans rights and it is not pro lgbtq rights. This is very reminiscent of the Restrict Act! Politicians can SUE websites for having QEEER CONTENT. This act will not protect kids, it will further separate and marginalize the queer community!
If this bill goes through AO3, Wattpad, TikTok, Tumblr, and Twitter will be limited and fanfiction websites could be wiped out all together. If you are apart of fandom spaces pay attention and ACT! Call and email your senators! AND SIGN THE BELOW PETITIONS!
Reblog this! Send the links to people who aren’t on Tumblr! If you care about fandom, fandom spaces, your ships, your blorbos, fanfiction writers’ works, freedom to create, etc. Spread this!
If you aren’t American you can still sign/send some of these!
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rivvyve · 19 days
Yes, they used Black Parade for the trailer. Yes, I know literally everyone on this site should have seen it for that reason alone. Yes. Dead Boy Detectives is worth the watch.
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ineedhjalp · 2 months
oh honey i have rewatching capabilities you couldn’t dream of
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strawlessandbraless · 8 months
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The divorce arc was really something else
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malcanine-art · 10 months
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When is a monster not a monster?
(Oh, when you love it.)
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dragonsareawesome123 · 5 months
Not over Dead Boy Detectives only heavily advertising on Tumblr and nowhere else. They know exactly who their audience is.
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mattzerella-sticks · 5 months
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"Who are you?"
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"We're you, but on Netflix. And ghosts."
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eaglerayys · 22 days
The real tragedy of Dead Boy Detectives is that it deserved to be a cable show made at least ten years ago. Just imagine a 20 episode season with legitimate monster-of-the-week, "filler" episodes, and time for every character to shine.
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alltimefail · 22 days
Hi @netflix and @warnerbrostv! I'd like to talk about the show Supernatural and how its history and legacy can provide some insight on why you should reconsider your decision to end Dead Boy Detectives after one singular season.
Supernatural is undoubtedly one of the most successful television fantasy franchises, but many don't know that it was nearly cancelled after season 2. Thankfully (and luckily) for the network they didn't go through with cancelling the show and by season 4 it was regularly breaking viewership records. A show that was nearly cut short in its prime - much like Dead Boy Detectives - became one of the largest and most recognizable fandoms across social media platforms between the years of 2010 and 2014. The show was so wildly popular that a confession scene between two of its leading characters (Dean and Cas) is STILL used today in a meme format to circulate everything from fandom news to world politics and current events. You can't go to a single comic-con without running into something relating to Supernatural, and ever since its conclusion there has been an opening in the market for a show to take its place.
I can say with absolute certainty that, given the proper time to flourish, Dead Boy Detectives would be the show to fill the spot Supernatural has left behind. It has loads of charm alongside a sensational balance of action, whimsy, heartwrenching character development, and horror. Furthermore it is objectively better with representation than Supernatural was, which is always something embraced in fandom spaces (which are diverse and filled to the brim with queer, neurodivergent, and/or a wide range of people of color).
I also think it's fair to remind you that one of your most popular "Nerd" shows, Stranger Things, is coming to an end after a 10-year-run, leaving behind yet another gap to fill, but this time on your very own platform.
It isn't too late to reconsider the cancellation of Dead Boy Detectives. The fanbase is dedicated and hungry for more, and we know you are currently sitting on finished season 2 scripts, making it impossible for the writers to take this story anywhere else for quite some time. The scripts are there, the cast, crew, and writers love what they do and want to make more... there's simply no reason to not give Dead Boy Detectives the chance it deserves - this time with an entire fandom that wants nothing more than to consume this show, market the hell out of it, and buy merch relating to it (another win for you).
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(Source x)
Oh and did I mention that Steve Yockey was a co-producer on Supernatural as well? You know, that wildly popular show I just told you about that lasted 15 seasons. You are sitting on a golden goose; Steve Yockey and Beth Schwartz, among the other talented writers, cast, and crew, know what they're doing.
Give this show its time and market it well and you will have a hit on your hands. Frankly just based on the steady, continual fandom growth since Dead Boy Detectives' release in April and the vocal outrage over its cancellation just in the last 24 hours, I'd argue you already have a hit on your hands that rivals several shows you currently have on your platform.
Dead Boy Detectives has one of the most active fandoms of the year - do the right thing by them and bring Dead Boy Detectives back. It isn't too late!
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