#oops guess i lied about not having any informed thoughts
e-adlirez · 9 months
An Independent Callout Update
Hi everybody, this is uh, this is exactly what it says on the tin, and I figured I'd make one.
Last you saw me I was offering some appreciation for some funni Tumblr art, and sharing a project long-ish in the making (it was like two months it's not that long). I figured y'know, maybe we can let sleeping dogs lie, maybe I can work on other things and maybe take a br--
NOPE JUST KIDDING someone's still up and about and still trying to prove himself somewhere in the blameless route. I've genuinely never seen someone make this many backflips to make them look innocent since Grace Chastity, which is an accomplishment, by the way! Not a good one by any means, but an accomplishment nonetheless!
Let's dive into it, shall we?
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Here we have a Cadillac trying to claim that he was hacked. As you can see, he's failed miserably at trying to ping @2deadkat, @ratonahat and @bloombirdreads, in an attempt to call for help. He's failing to ping them because they blocked his ass a whiiiillleeeee ago. And of course, the "it wasn't his fault, it was someone else acting in my name!" excuse! This is peak "I can't be having impure thoughts! This is the other guy's fault for making me horny!" Cadillac is there something you wish to confess in front of the class?
Two holes in his excuse:
One, you didn't seem to have any issues when you were trying to convince me into thinking that you were trying even the tiniest modicum of owning up to your mistakes (which I have screenshotted here in case you think you can delete them and say I can't prove anything). It was really more of a "I'm changed in literally 2 days, I'm not like that anymore!", which is about as believable as falling into a black hole and coming out alive. In other words, not at all. Even less believable since your writing style doesn't seem to have changed from your older posts to your newer posts, hm....
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Two, Cadillac, even if you were telling the truth and got hacked, how did you not notice? Getting your account hacked is a very big deal! You could lose personal information, get doxxed, have your account become a mouthpiece for scams, and that's only the half of it! How did you only notice this just now, on December 22nd of 2023? This is a big affront to your internet safety! It would be impossible!
And if you want to say this is a recent development, then uh, buddy, I have some news for you.
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Here I have a screenshot from one of my personal Discords, and so far it's the earliest secondary record I have of Cadillac's shenaniganery.
And you can tell it's really early because a reply to the mini-rant around the same day mentions this funny little detail:
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This was back when Cadillac had only made two shirtless G posts on his blog. From July 26th, 2023 to December 22nd, 2023-- that's a five-month time period! Almost half a year of not realizing that you've been hacked! And the strangest thing is you haven't changed a bit before or after! This hacker must've done a very good job making your posts sound like your own by extrapolating your internet personality from-- and I counted-- eight bare-bones posts, hm? /sarcastic
Well okay, remember how I said Cadillac's been very consistent this whole time? Well, I lied. There's Cadillac's most recent post as well:
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Dear me, you're sounding awfully mature and respectful here! Is this a miracle? Could you possibly have actually been hacked and the person behind the screen is actually a decent person all alo--
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Buddy, I didn't even need to pull up GPTZero for this, you were sounding so corporate and so fake it wasn't even a contest. You ain't slick, Cadillac, not slick at all.
And for the record, I plugged my entries in the callout post in there too because why not
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Yep, a lotta hooman to go around with me, Cadillac. This one in I'm writing right now took about an hour :D Whether or not it's because of having to find sources or just to find a good way to say what I want to, I'll leave that for everyone else to decide.
Anyway, this is your Cadillac callout update, goodnight tristate area.
Yes Cadillac you can bet your ass that the only reason anyone would ever be unblocking you would be for no other reason but this: making callouts that aren't going any time soon. I will admit, one flaw in my original post was the fact that I hyperlinked more than I screenshotted, giving you an opportunity to wipe the evidence. Well, you've got nowhere to hide now, Cadillac. I've caught you in 4K, and these posts aren't going anywhere.
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tathrin · 2 years
So is au a fusion? Like SW characters are Tolkienized or the other way around?
Yeah, the characters from Lord of the Rings are dropped into a Tolkien-ified version of the Star Wars universe. Aside from a few cases like the Thrawn(Kreia?)/Witch King idea that I posted before, there aren't many straight-up character mash-ups, and even in the case of Thrawn it's more about merging the characters' roles and styles into one than actually blending the characters.
The only other straight-up Combined Character that I've come up with so far is Elrond effectively being either Bail or Breha Organa. Here's thoughts from the unhinged bedtime typing:
Elrond: Bail Organa basically. Elrond, Senator of Alderaan, whose capital city is named Imladris and lies in a valley surrounded by rivers, so it's often nicknamed Rivendell by the locals; it's a peaceful planet that is secretly helping to fund and run the rebellion. His wife and three kids are in on it too (and the twins definitely take advantage of the fact that they look alike in order to alibi each other and generally just cause shit that the Empire has to deal with a la that post about Bail's ships "getting stolen, guess the Empire needs to reimburse me now!" and pre-ANH Leia being…well, Leia, lmao and just basically using her diplomatic status to Be A Shit), and Arwen and Aragorn totally are in love but cannot be together unless the Empire is destroyed and the Jedi can stop being hunted because she won't abandon the Rebellion and he won't turn his back on the Order so they can't just run off together; the only way they can be together in more than secret stolen snatches is after a complete victory. (Or if Alderaan gets exposed for the shit it's pulling and the Alderaanian leadership manages to survive and go on the run, of course. But that's not exactly the result any of them are hoping for.) Maybe when he was younger Elrond used to go on sort of "Space Doctor Without Borders" missions to help in war zones and refugee camps and stuff, and that's part of what radicalized him to join the Rebellion. That bg gives him good holonews cred, motivation, and a backstory that puts him in a position to have potentially been involved in military action in a very media-friendly sort of way (e.g. Last Alliance Herald) without actually having to have had the Clone Wars/Rise of the Empire be a recent thing. Either Celebrían is the queen of Alderaan like Breha, or we're making Alderaan a democracy and he's just their duly elected senator, but she's definitely some kind of Ruling Figure at home like a member of Alderaan Congress or something idk. (Or should she be the senator, who commutes to Coruscant, while he's the one who stays on Alderaan in between Mercy Missions, since he's the one in the "homely house" so to speak?)
Neither Arwen nor her brothers are likely going to serve as straight-up Leia analogs btw, because even the twins are more sensible and prudent than Leia, and we're going more for a Three Hunters And Company storyline (I think, in the story that definitely is not being written) than any sort of direct ANH/ESB/ROTJ sequence of events. But they basically serve the role that Leia did before she took over as senator, e.g. the children of the senator and queen? ish? who go around being an Optics Issue and lowkey pain in the Empire's ass while secretly moving information/supplies/etc around for the Rebellion, getting away with it because of Diplomatic Status.
Although the more I try to think of what to do with him, the more Gandalf seems to be falling into a sort of Kenobi/Yoda role. Which I'm pretty sure leaves Saruman as—a little too appropriately, yes I know—a Dooku/Tarkin combination. Oops?
*I'm keeping links to all the posts I make on this ridiculous au collected here, if you want to see any more rambling about it.
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suckitsurveys · 2 years
When was the last time you went out of state? Last month when I went to Boston to see John Mulaney with my best friend who lives there.
And where did you go? Oh oops I already said lol.
What does the 6th text in your inbox say? Do ANYONE’S texts still work like this??? They’re all grouped by person and not text... Do you even like the person who sent you that text? For the sake of the question I’ll look at the 6th person in my inbox. That was a coworker. I don’t hate him.
Do you have more than one best friend? Yes. I have four. Sarah, Ellen, Mark, and Randal.
In public restrooms, do you flush the toilet with your foot? If possible yes.
What song is stuck in your head at the moment? The Man by Taylor Swift.
Name one thing you worry about running out of: Life.
Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? I am married.
Spell your first name without T, E, R, A, or L. Hnnh
How old were you when you had your first kiss? I was 12 or 13.
Do you ever save Aim conversations? Okay the text question makes sense now this survey was made in like 2002.
If you were a crayon what color would you be? Purple.
Do you wish your eyes were a different color? If so, what? No.
What is the 4th digit in your phone number? The person before me said they aren’t sharing that and I’m so confused? Like what is someone gunna do with that information? There are so many combinations of phone numbers it’s not like someone can take it and guess your number or any other information about you. Anyway, mine is 0. Have fun finding out where I live!
Who was the last person to comment you on Myspace? Wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Have you ever given someone a fake phone number? Yes.
Your phone’s ringing; who do you want it to be? Someone telling me I won free tickets to see Taylor Swift, Tina Fey and Amy Poehler, and Lana Del Rey whenever she tours.
Have you lied to get out of a date? Nah.
Was your mom a cheerleader in high school? She was actually.
Do you still have pictures of your ex? No.
When was the last time you ate at McDonald’s? Last Wednesday. I take my nieces almost every Wednesday when I pick them up. Sometimes I get something for myself or I just munch on some fries.
Do you think more about the past, present or future? All of it all the time always.
Are you more of a talker or a listener? Depends on the scenario. What do you wear to bed? Usually a tshirt and undies.
Do you like ketchup or mustard better? Mustard honestly. Especially honey mustard.
Did you ever have a Furby when you were little? I did.
Did you eat a cookie today? Nope.
What do you and your parents fight about the most? --
How old will you be in 15 years? I’ll be turning 49 gross.
Is summer your favorite season? It sure the fuck is. I wish we could skip past this spring bullshit and go right to it being at least over 70F consistently.
Chinese, Mexican, or Italian food? Mexican. How many states have you lived in? Just this one.
When is the last time you saw your mom? July 18, 2013. I cannot believe it’s been almost 10 years.
Do you like the band Mayday Parade? Eh. What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up today? How much I did not want to go to work.
Do you think dance/techno music is annoying? Whatever.
What year were you born? 1989.
Do you shop at Hollister? No.
Grab the nearest book and turn to page 17. What is the 4th word? The only books near me are catalogs for products for work. What are you going to be for Halloween? I'm not sure yet. My friend Lolly and I briefly joked about being Timothee Chalamet and Pete Davidson’s characters from that SNL Rap Roundtable sketch (ya know, the YEET SKRRT one lol) but theres also like 7 months until Halloween so that could change.
How many times have you seen your favorite movie? A lot.
Do you own a Coach purse? Nope, not really a fan of the brand.
What’s your Myspace song right now? Don’t have a Myspace anymoooooreeeee.
Has a boyfriend/girlfriend ever given you a pet name? Yes.
Name a product you buy mostly because it has a cool package. I don’t really think there is something like that?
Are you purposely hiding something from someone? I’m hiding how much I fucking hate my fucking piece of shit brother in law from him and my sister and their kids.
What’s the most intimate thing you’ve discussed with a stranger? I couldn’t tell you an exact conversation.
What flavor cake do you like for your birthday? I like getting cheesecake or pumpkin pie.
Is your house usually too warm or too cold in the winter? It’s fine.
Have you ever been in love with someone much older or younger than you? Not unless you count Will Arnett hahah.
Are there any songs that make you feel angry inside when you hear them? Anything by Megan Trainer or however she spells her name. When was the last time you sat on the ground, outside w/nothing under you? I don’t remember.
Would you rather have someone ask to kiss you, or just kiss you? I mean, consent is always nice, especially if it is your first kiss, but being in an established relationship, I don’t mind my husband just kissing me.
What the most recent thing to needed an Rx med for? It’s been a whiiiiiiiiiiiile.
Have you ever had a job you loved? I really like this one.
What, if anything, do you substitute for fries? Tater tots sometimes.
Have you ever been in a building that was on fire? I don’t think so.
Are you in an argument with anyone right now? Nope.
What do you wish they would change or bring back on FB? I don’t care.
Would you change your partner’s hair color if you could? No.
Do you like “are we alike” surveys? No.
Have you ever written a poem for someone? Eh. Poem is a loose term.
What is a place you’ve vacationed at and would like to go back to? The Dells, always.
Do you eat samples at the grocery store? Sometimes.
Who’s the last person who cussed you out in anger? My fucking brother in law.
Have you friended your parents on FB? I am friends with my dad but he does ABSOLUTELY nothing on FB lol.
What do you absolutely have to have to make your birthday feel special? Balloons!
What’s the last tourist area you visited? I’m trying to remember if I went somewhere “touristy” here but I guess the last place would have been the Quincy Market when I was in Boston.
Where do you go out to eat for a special occasion? I mean, I like to switch it up but usually sushi lol.
When was the last time you went to a post office? It’s been a while.
Is there an item you are saving up to buy right now? A mattress. And also Lana Del Rey tickets if she tours.
Are you psychic in any way? Nah.
Do you prefer a laptop or desk top? Which are you on now? I work primarily on a desktop and honestly I prefer that to a laptop.
You find $20, spend it before midnight or it disappears, how do you spend it? Sushi.
Do you like wallpaper? I do.
Mice or roaches? Mice, as pets.
Did you give or get any Valentines this year? Yes.
Have you ever been in a submarine? Not an operating one.
What is the last lie someone told you, or you suspect they told you? I don’t know.
Have you ever received a gift and truly did not know what it was? Probably.
What’s your homepage? Just the default chrome homepage..
What was the last birthday gift you gave? Uhhhh I bought my cousin lunch.
Do you have dessert after breakfast? Is that a thing?
Is there anyone whose grave you visit? My mother’s, when I find myself in Tennessee, which might not happen anytime soon because fuck that state.
Would you rather drive during the day or night? Either.
Is there a thing you enjoy doing, but quit because you are not good at it? Everything I try hahahahahha.
0 notes
stoportotouch · 2 years
The parallel of Khan and Vlad jr both spending the duration of the game living away from their fathers in little hide-outs is so funny. Khan is a child unfairly expected to take on the burden of his adult family’s needs (ALSO in p1 he is shown to have been living in maria’s wing/Nina’s former which is SUPER interesting because Nina died YEARS ago and I think that demonstrates a really interesting separation and level of emotional neglect between Khan and his father and remaining uncle)
Meanwhile Vlad jr is enabled by his status + Vlad sr’s hands-off approach to family management (extremely funny that he both knows about and doesn’t care about Capella’s child mafia. She started this herself and he’s completely happy to let her do as she wants especially as it doesn’t directly involve or impede him or his business) to perpetually act like a child, his relationship with his sister is awful because he can’t take responsibility for his own emotional needs and won’t stop himself from upsetting or boring her by ranting about his trauma with the dead mother she barely knew or talking about something she doesn’t know or care anything about. He arrogantly prods too far into his kin studies without regard for the consequences and then hides from them in a “secret” clubhouse that seemingly everyone knows about.
YEAH it's such a hilarious parallel honestly and i am... kind of disappointed now that i've played both pathologic classic hd and pathologic 2 that they changed the kain and olgimsky family dynamics around so much? i don't actually have anything particularly intelligent to say here just that you're right (and also capella's child mafia is such a funny way to phrase it).
also PLEASE continue to put things about young vlad in my inbox i may not be capable of a Long And Informed Reply but i am boiling your opinions up into the stock for a delicious soup
(also: paging @nerdkiller bc i know khan is your Boy.)
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you weren’t supposed to hear that (F! reader)
A collection of instances where your roommate hears you moaning their name whilst your fingers are between your legs. Or your neighbor. Or maybe you walk in on them saying your name. Take your pick 😈
warnings: NSFW, manga spoilers (in terms of what the boys do post timeskip) words: 9.7k (oops)
a/n: wow it’s been awhile since I wrote one of these!! This has been half finished for a while and i finally got the inspiration to complete it. please enjoy!! 💖
Other parts: Kuroo | Sakusa
Ushijima Wakatoshi 
Being Ushijima’s roommate is fairly simple. He’s easy to get along with once you get past his jarring frankness and strict regime. Seriously, the guy never changes his routine; working out at 6am, breakfast at 8, leaving for practice at 9, home at 5, dinner at 7, and in bed by 9 o’clock. He’s a machine, but you don’t mind his predictability. It certainly makes your life easier being able to plan around his tried-and-true schedule.
You saw his ad for a roommate a few months ago when you were desperate to get out of your parents’ house and into the world. They weren’t too keen on the idea of you living with a man, but upon meeting Ushijima, they changed their minds quickly. Neither of them able to believe that stoic Ushijima Wakatoshi would ever lay a hand on you. Plus, the deal was far too good to pass up, he is seriously underselling the room you’re currently renting; and there’s the bonus that he’s frequently absent at away games, leaving the entire apartment for you to enjoy alone.
You learned quickly to keep your mouth shut on who exactly your roommate is, never inviting anyone over anymore in fear of them finding out from the various volleyball paraphernalia Ushijima so sparsely decorates the apartment with. It became difficult for you to tell if people you just met actually liked you, or if they just wanted a glimpse of the infamous Ushijima Wakatoshi and maybe an autograph. And don’t even get you started on his fangirls that he’s so oblivious about.
To your surprise, he was indifferent about having a roommate of the opposite sex. You thought for sure he’d try to ‘keep your honor’ or some shit like that, but all he’d asked you was what your job was to make sure you can pay rent, if you were tidy, and if you didn’t mind being alone. He’d seemed satisfied with your answers, and you’d moved in the following week.
The first and only time Ushijima has someone over, you get home from work surprised to see an interesting looking character standing in the kitchen across from him. They both look up at you, Ushijima giving you a slight nod in greeting while a wide smile spreads across his friends’ face.
“Ushiwaka! You didn’t mention your roommate is that pretty!”
Ushijima blinks as if he’s never considered that about you before, while you chuckle. “Ushi…waka?” You don’t think you’ve ever heard anyone refer to him in such a casual manner before.
The red-head beams, slinging an arm around Ushijima that he surprisingly allows. “Yup, me and Wakatoshi have been friends since high school!”
Now it’s your turn to blink, never having expected Ushijima to have friends outside of volleyball. Especially not ones who call him by his first name. In fact, you don’t even know if he considers any of his teammate’s friends either. He doesn’t spend any time with them outside of volleyball (that you know of) and so far, this is the first person he’s brought to the apartment since you moved in.
“Well,” the visitor nudges Ushijima in the side, who’s expression hasn’t changed throughout this entire interaction. “Are you going to introduce me or what?”
Finally, Ushijima speaks, his deep voice rumbling through your chest as he says, “This is Tendo, we played volleyball together in high school.” He doesn’t show it, but he notices your piqued interest at that information.
“Oh?” You say, “Do you still play?”
Tendo waves his hand dismissively, “Nah, it wasn’t for me. And I’m nothing compared to golden boy over here.”
You try to hide your amusement. This is definitely not what you were expecting from one of Ushijima’s friends. Tendo is rather enjoyable and chatty, much unlike the stone of a man sitting beside him.
“Tendo is a chocolatier in Paris,” Ushijima supplies.
Now you can’t hide your surprise. “Wow! That’s really amazing. What are you doing in Japan then?”
“Just visiting,” he beams. “And of course, I had to see my best friend Wakatoshi-kun.”
“Are you going to his game tomorrow?” You ask, ignoring the way Ushijima’s attention focuses on you. He didn’t think you paid much attention to his volleyball schedule besides when he’s going to be away.
Tendo nods excitedly. “Wouldn’t miss it! You should come too!”
You open your mouth to give some excuse, but then close it again at Tendo’s expectant expression. You bite your lip nervously; in the time you’ve been living with Ushijima you’ve never once actually seen him play. There’s a part of you that avoids it, fearful you might become one of his dreaded fangirls. But you can’t refuse Tendo’s invitation, and to Ushijima’s surprise, you agree to attend.
Clapping his hands together Tendo says, “We get to sit in Ushiwaka’s special seats! Maybe I’ll bring some chocolates for us to snack on…” And when he sees your eyes light up at that, he smiles again, “Chocolate for the lady, done.”
You laugh, and then Tendo is seeing himself out, telling you he can’t wait to see you both tomorrow. And once he’s gone, you can’t help feeling like you don’t know what to with yourself now. Not with Ushijima’s stare boring into your back. After a minute he says, “You don’t have to come.”
And if this had been the first week you’d known him, you might’ve taken that a little personally. But knowing him, he thinks he’s just stating something. He doesn’t see how it can be interpreted as him not wanting you there. “No, it sounds fun! And Tendo seems nice.”
“Tendo is very kind,” he states, and you have to resist the urge to chuckle at him. Ushijima is not a man of words and if that had come out of anyone else’s mouth you would’ve thought they were little strange. But in the months of living with him, despite your limited interactions, you’ve gotten used to his mannerisms.
Looking away from him, you start retreating down the hallway to the safety of your room, but before you disappear you say one more thing. “Plus, I’ve never seen you play.” Then you’re gone, not to be seen for the rest of the night. You don’t see him watch you until you’re out of sight. If you had, you would’ve been shocked by his dumbfounded expression at how the small smile you gave him made his heart stutter for a moment.  
Ushijima has to leave much earlier than you do for the game, but he informs you that Tendo will be by to pick you up and go to the game together. Then, for the first time probably ever, he bids you goodbye and tells you he’ll see you afterwards.
Tendo comes by the apartment a few hours later, sporting an Ushijima jersey and a box of chocolates he asks to hide in your bag. For having just met him yesterday, he easily leads the conversation, asking you all sorts of things—though he seems particularly interested in your relationship with Ushijima. You try to assure him it’s nothing. Really, you aren’t even sure if you can consider Ushijima your friend. Right now, you’re pretty much strictly roommates and that’s it.
When you let it slip that you’ve never seen Ushijima play, Tendo is shocked. “Really? Not even on TV or anything?”
You shake your head. “Nope! I guess I never thought of it.” The lie slips through your teeth easily and Tendo doesn’t bat an eye at it.
Though he does grin telling you, “You’re in for a treat then! Have you ever watched volleyball at all?”
Your regretfully admit to him that no—you’ve never seen a game. You do vaguely remember the rules from high school, but they’re a bit fuzzy now. Tendo tells you not to worry and spends the rest of the train ride to the stadium filling you in on all the aspects of volleyball. And the more he talks, the more excited you get.
When you finally enter the stadium, Tendo is amusingly proud to show off your VIP tickets to be allowed entrance to the special seats reserved solely for Ushijima’s guests. To your delight, they’re some of the best seats in the house and you and Tendo get to work on the chocolates you snuck in while you wait for the game to start. Already the stadium is buzzing with excitement and you can feel your own continue to grow.
Meanwhile, Ushijima hasn’t said a word that he has visitors today. So, it comes as a complete surprise to his teammates when a chorus of cheers erupts from his seats when he enters the stadium. He doesn’t take note of how shocked his teammates are—he’s never had any spectators before. And none of them ever expected one of them to be a girl.
“So, who’re your friends?” Heiwajima asks during warm-ups, nudging Ushijima in the side and motioning his head towards you and Tendo.
“Isn’t that Tendo-san?” Kageyama notes, his own eyes up in the stands.
Without looking upwards, Ushijima replies, “It is.”
Heiwajima rolls his eyes. “Yeah, we aren’t so interested in him as we are the beauty sitting next to him.”
Now Ushijima lifts his attention, eyes drifting to you. He hasn’t told anyone on the team he has a roommate. Not because he has any reason to hide you, but there has never been a reason for him to bring you up. So, he doesn’t think much of it when he says, “That’s my roommate.” And then introduces you.
Everyone on the teams’ eyes nearly bug out of their heads at that information.
“Ushijima, you bastard!”
His brow furrows. Why is he a bastard? You’re just his roommate. And he never lied to anyone about you, nobody ever asked.
“Keeping that a secret from us this whole time!”
He ponders that. He wasn’t really trying to keep any secret. “It’s not a secret,” he says. “You never asked.”
The team guffaws at him and continues to grill him about you until Hirugami claps his hands and tells everyone to focus on the match. They’ll have plenty of time to discuss Ushijima’s secret roommate later. Again, Ushijima tries to explain it you were never a secret, but Hirugami brushes him off and tells him to start spiking warm-ups.
It isn’t hard for him to ignore you and Tendo during the game. He’s used to having nobody here for him, so he just treats it like any other day. It’s nothing special, he’ll play the way he usually does. Meanwhile, up in the stands, you can’t keep your eyes off him. You finally see why he works so hard, and maybe understand him a bit better.
He loves volleyball, you know that—but seeing him in action really drives it home. He’s a machine. Every time he serves or spikes you swear the other team’s arms are going to rip off from the force of the ball. And the sound that ricochets in the stadium when the ball connects solidly with the floor is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. It’s like a clap of thunder rattling your bones and before you know it, you’re cheering loudly alongside Tendo with no qualms.
It’s exciting being here. You can feel your heart racing in your chest each time the Adlers or the other team is at a critical point, and sometimes you catch yourself holding your breath in anticipation for the outcome. You never thought watching a sport could be so thrilling.
And Ushijima is incredible. You suspected as much, but actually watching him for the first time is something else. You can’t help gobbling up the sight of him, his powerful thighs thrusting him into the air when he jumps, his biceps on display when his hand connects with the ball—and above it all, that sharp look in his eyes that sends goosebumps prickling down your spine without your permission. If Tendo notices you shamelessly ogling your roommate at all, he doesn’t comment.
He's oblivious to the fact he’s actually playing a lot more intensely than he usually does. Which some of his teammates never imagined possible. And most of them, besides the clueless ones alongside Ushijima, have a pretty good idea what’s different about this game. Though they can’t pinpoint if it’s just a result of having spectators in general, or if it’s you specifically.
The Adlers come out victorious after four hard sets, winning the first and second, but then having to snag the win in the fourth. You watch as the team gets swarmed by reporters looking for a post-game interview and Tendo tugs on your arm telling you that Ushijima is going to meet you by the locker room. You must give him a surprised look because he holds up the card dangling around his neck with a grin. “VIP, remember?” You giggle and follow him out.
In the locker room, Heiwajima and others try desperately to invite him, you, and Tendo out with them after the game. But he has to decline, you three already have plans. And he doesn’t wait around to see their disappointed expressions as he heads out of the room to look for you and Tendo. He finds the two of you nearby and once you catch sight of him, a smile splits your face in two.
“That was amazing, Ushijima! I’ve never had so much fun watching a sport before!” You gush once he’s in earshot.
“Volleyball is very fun.” He nods as the three of you head towards the exit. Ushijima purposefully avoids the spots he knows he is likely to be ambushed by reporters or fans, opting for a back exit instead that he sometimes uses when he wants to make a quiet escape.
“I had no idea being left-handed was such an advantage! Tendo told me it really throws people off apparently.”
Tendo sneaks him a smile and then throws an arm around his shoulder. “So, where is the great Ushiwaka takin’ us for dinner?”
You end up at a nice restaurant not too far away, and of course Ushijima gets recognized a couple times being this close to the stadium. He politely agrees to autographs and declines photos, seemingly unaware to the fact they’re just taking them secretly when they return to their tables. And while you’re waiting for your food to arrive, you can’t seem to stop talking about volleyball. Admitting that you’ll probably watch a few more of his games from home now and even cover your face in embarrassment when Tendo suggests you get your own Ushijima jersey to wear in support.
It’s then that Ushijima realizes he very much enjoys listening to you talk about what you thought of volleyball. Though he does feel heat creeping up his neck at the thought of you wearing one of his jerseys. All the while, Tendo is sitting beside you smirking up a storm, and Ushijima can’t for the life of him place why.
After dinner, when you’re walking a bit ahead of them and out of earshot, Tendo nudges him playfully in the side. “She’s pretty great, right?”
He looks at your back, expression unchanging. “She’s a good roommate.”
Tendo groans dramatically. “No blockhead—like, she’s pretty great, if you know what I mean.”
He blinks. “Do you want to ask her out?” Tendo can’t help slapping himself on the forehead. Who was he to think that Ushijima has any idea you are available, and he has a very high chance with you?
“Not me,” Tendo spells out slowly. “You.”
“I don’t want to ask her out.”
Tendo’s thin brows lift. “Are you sure about that?”
Tendo doesn’t miss his slight hesitation before he says, “Yes.”
And he doesn’t—you’re his roommate, and a good one. He likes having you around, but not the way Tendo seems to think.
But Tendo isn’t convinced. “Okay~,” he sing-songs before skipping up to loop his arms through yours and make you laugh about something. Ushijima thinks about that for a few minutes, why doesn’t Tendo believe him?
When you first moved in, it took a few weeks to get accustomed to each other. But once you figured out his schedule it became a lot easier. You know exactly when to hide in your room if you want to avoid him and when to come out once he’s gone. After going to his volleyball game, you especially try to avoid him during the times he’s walking down the hallway towards the shower, damp with sweat from a workout. Your brain can’t seem to function seeing him slick with the shine of sweat, his hair clinging to his forehead, and a towel draped around his neck—it’s too much for you, as much as you hate to admit.
But one week, you swear he’s on a warpath to make you a stuttering, flustered mess. Despite knowing the fact you’re certain Ushijima has no clue he can have that effect on people, much less do it on purpose. But every single day he’s waltzing around the apartment without a shirt on and while he doesn’t seem to see the problem with it, you don’t think your heart can take it much more.
And it’s the final straw when you see him a few days later, a thin sheen of sweat covering his skin as he saunters across the apartment from his home gym towards the bathroom in the hallway. All while you’re standing dumbfounded in the kitchen trying really hard not to get caught staring at his enormous biceps or the way the shine of sweat accentuates the dips of his abdomen. It’s in this moment you can truly understand why he has so many fans despite his rather stone-like demeanor.
“You have got to put a shirt on,” you blurt when he’s halfway across, knowing this will turn into some dangerous territory if he keeps walking around the apartment half-naked.
He stops in his tracks, his head cocking the only indication he’s confused by your statement. “I don’t want to wear a sweaty shirt,” he says by way of explanation. He doesn’t seem to notice your flustered expression. “I might catch a cold.”
You resist the urge to groan and slap yourself on the forehead. “Fine, then I’m wearing whatever I want around the apartment,” you say, determined to make him realize why he can’t just walk around like that. Though knowing Ushijima, you’ll never get through that thick skull of his.
And as you suspect, he simply replies, “Alright.” Before disappearing into the hallway and the bathroom to take a shower.
You lower your forehead to rest it on the cool countertop, shaking your head at how dense he really is. And you’re beginning to realize you think it’s endearing. While his infuriatingly toned body may be a major perk, you’re starting to see that you like him too. Now you actually groan. You swore this would never happen—not with Ushijima at least. But here you are.
After that, you make a pointed effort to wear the shortest shorts you can possibly find whenever he’s around. And you purposefully pair them with an oversized shirt, so it doesn’t look like you’re wearing pants at all. But if it has any effect on Ushijima, you can’t tell. You can’t help cursing his dumb impassive expression every time you retreat to your room for the night. Seriously—is he swayed by anything ever?
However, Ushijima hardly knows what to do with himself the first time you strutted out like that. He might be dense, but he’s still only human. His eyes naturally span down the expanse of your exposed legs and he has to grip his water bottle like a vice in order to keep it from clattering into the sink when you rise to your tiptoes to grab something from the top shelf. Your shorts ride up even more, hugging the curves of your ass as you stick it out to balance yourself.
You let out a surprised sound when he appears behind you, easily picking up the thing you were vying for and handing it to you without so much as a word.
“I really need a stepstool or something, huh?” You joke, taking it from him gratefully and blissfully unaware he was just blatantly staring at your ass.
He doesn’t say anything, but the next week you find a small stepstool leaning against the cabinets for you.
Staring at your phone in your hands, you thank any god listening that you brought it with you. How stupid do you have to be to lock yourself out of your apartment when you’re taking the trash out? Sitting on the floor against your door, you lean your head back on it and let out an exasperated sigh. You already went down to the office for help, they called a locksmith, and they aren’t available until tonight. And by that time, Ushijima will be home from practice and you won’t need the service anyways.
You have several options here. You could call a friend and stay with them until Ushijima gets back from practice, but they all live too far to walk to, and you don’t have your wallet. You could hang out in the apartment buildings lobby until he gets home, but if your phone dies, you’re stuck with nothing to do and no way to contact anyone.
The last option is slowly beginning to seem like your only option: calling Ushijima at practice for help. Burying your face into your hands you groan—you really don’t want to do that. Plus, you doubt he’s going to answer his phone anyways. After you sit there for a few more minutes, you take a deep breath and steel your courage. Leaving a message is better than nothing.
Despite deciding to call him, you still stare at his contact for a few moments before finally pressing the ‘call’ button. It rings a few times, then unsurprisingly goes to voicemail. When it beeps for you to leave your message, you swallow your pride and say, “Hey Ushijima, I know you’re at practice, but I locked myself out of the apartment…and the locksmith can’t come until tonight. If you by any chance get a break, would you be able to let me back in? I’d really appreciate it…sorry for the inconvenience and disrupting practice!”
Then you hang up and slump against the door again. Might as well head down to the lobby to sit somewhere more comfortable than the hallway floor. You turn the brightness down on your phone to conserve battery and resist the urge to just sit in the lobby scrolling through social media to pass the time. If he by some stroke of luck calls you back, you want to make sure your phone isn’t dead.
“Hey Ushijima, your phone was ringing in the locker room while I was in the bathroom. It was your roommate~,” Heiwajima teases. Ushijima slowly looks past his shoulder back towards the locker room door—that’s odd. You’ve never called him before. “And she left a message!” He coos.
Before Heiwajima can make any more comments, Ushijima strides past him to check his phone. They’re taking a short break and he doesn’t see a problem with making sure everything is alright. You wouldn’t have called if it weren’t important. He doesn’t see the rest of the team share suggestive looks behind his back. Before you, Ushijima refused to check his phone during practice, no matter how many messages he had (which are few and far between but still).
Upon hearing your message, he calls you back immediately.
You’re shocked that he’s calling you back within a half hour of your call.
“Uh, hi,” you say upon answering the call. “Sorry for bothering you. I’m surprised you saw my message so fast.”
“Heiwajima heard my phone ringing while he was in the bathroom.”
“Lucky me,” you joke.
He gets straight to the point. “I’ll leave now.”
Your eyes widen. He’s going to leave practice right now to let you back in? “Oh—um, you don’t have to do that! I’m just waiting in the lobby; I can wait until you have a longer break or something!”
“I can come now,” he says plainly. Then he hangs up on you. You sit back in the chair you’re sitting in and huff out a breath speechless. Never once has Ushijima left practice early. And now he’s just dipping out without hesitation because you’re a major idiot? You can’t fathom it, and the little voice in the back of your head that’s been slowly falling for him is absolutely swooning at the thought.
When he enters the gym again, Heiwajima finds him immediately, while the other members of the team look curiously on as he asks, “So, what’d she want?” Immensely interested in the fact that judging from his sweatpants and jacket over his practice clothes, Ushijima looks like he’s about to leave.
“She’s locked out of the apartment,” Ushijima explains as he heads towards the door.
The team looks around at each other surprised. They don’t get another word in as Ushijima explains to the coach the situation and says he’ll be back in less than hour. Then he’s out the door and a few of them start chuckling to themselves, while the more clueless members wonder why in the world Ushijima would willingly leave.
The gym isn’t far from the apartment, so it’s not long until you see Ushijima step through the front doors and sweep his gaze across the lobby. You greet him right away and the two of you get in the elevator. The silence is unbearable for you—though you’re sure he’s completely fine with it.
When you reach the door and he lets you in, you finally say, “Thank you. You really didn’t have to leave practice though; I could have waited.”
You swear his eyes soften, but it might just be your eyes playing tricks on you. He appreciates that you are being considerate for his time, but he found he wasn’t keen on the thought of you being locked out. It didn’t sit right with him. Not when he’s only 20 minutes away. He’ll be back in under an hour, and that’s better than you just sitting out here for several hours.
He just nods his head and says, “I’ll come anytime.”
At those words, that voice inside your head becomes a pathetic puddle and it’s an effort to keep your knees underneath you.
He can’t explain the way his heart lifts at the smile you give him. Stepping backwards into the apartment, you say as you’re closing the door, “See you when you get home.”
He’s surprised how that word coming out of your mouth makes him feel.
Any feeling of domesticity is thrown out the window the morning you’re walking around the apartment in one of his sweatshirts he lent you a few weeks back when you were cold. He’s stops in his tracks in the hallway seeing you in the kitchen at the stove cooking breakfast, his sweatshirt too big for you covering your shorts and just brushing your bare thighs.
Without giving him the chance to quell it, against his will, his dick strains against the front of his sweatpants and he rushes out the door with barely a goodbye in hopes you don’t see it. It doesn’t even go away on the train on the way to the gym, no matter how hard he tries. His thoughts subconsciously drift to the sight of you and how soft your thighs looked. It’s shocking to him how much he liked seeing you in his clothes. It was the same sort of sensation he felt when Tendo suggested you get yourself an Ushijima jersey—only it’s a hundred times worse.
He tries to ignore it, walking into the locker room like nothing is wrong, stripping his sweatpants and jacket off and shoving them into his locker before he looks around and sees Heiwajima staring at him with raised eyebrows. Then his eyes pointedly look downwards before he lifts them to meet Ushijima’s again. “You wanna deal with that before practice?”
“It’s fine.” He’s sure it’ll go away once he starts warming up.
But then his thoughts drift to you warming up and stretching in his clothes. You bending over, his sweatshirt sliding up your chest, revealing more of your ass and thighs as you count to ten. And any sort of effort he’d put forth to settle down is destroyed as his shorts feel uncomfortably tight. What is going on with him? He hasn’t been able to stop thinking of you as of late, and it’s only been getting worse.
Heiwajima just starts laughing. “Seriously dude, nobody wants to look at that all day.” Then he motions his head in the direction of the showers.
Ushijima’s eyes widen, realizing just what he’s suggesting. He hesitates for a moment, but eventually concedes. He won’t be able to play like this. Nobody seems to care as Ushijima grabs his towel and heads off to the showers, despite feeling distraught about what he’s about to do. He’s never really been one for masturbating, so it surprises him how easy it is to let you in his sweatshirt come to mind as he wraps a hand around his cock. And he comes a lot faster than he expects too.
That’s the first time he jerks off to the thought of you. He tries to brush it off as a necessity for him in order to practice well that day, but it soon becomes a terrible habit he can’t stop. Especially when you keep doing things that make him uncomfortably hard. Like still wearing those tiny shorts around the apartment, doing yoga in the living room, showing him your Ushijima jersey you finally ordered online—seriously, never in his life did he think this would ever become a problem.
He hardly knows what do with himself at this new infatuation.
Recently, you’ve started going out on dates because you’re beginning to feel this strange tension between you and Ushijima, and you have no idea how to deal with it besides letting some other guy pound you into a mattress while you ashamedly picture it being Ushijima instead. One night, when you’re bidding him goodbye as you’re on your way out the door, he asks you, “Will you be home tonight?”
Your heart stutters a bit at that word. Home. And then you feel disgustingly guilty that he’s noticed you don’t usually come back after these dates. Meaning you think even he can put the dots together on what you’re doing.
But really, he’s asking because what you’re wearing is already making his pants feel tight and even though it makes him feel a little ashamed, he needs to get his frustration out somewhere that you’re out spending the night with other guys. It makes him feel incredibly jealous—an emotion he’s not used to yet.
“Probably not,” you tell him, swallowing your pride about it and shutting the door.
For the next couple of hours, he tries to resist the demon in his head telling him to go sprawl out on his bed and think about you with his hand wrapped around his cock. But even after he makes dinner, works out, and takes a cold shower; it’s still there nagging at the back of his head. And he knows it won’t go away until he’s coming into his hand with your name spilling from his lips. He resigns himself to this becoming something he does now and heads off to his bedroom to satiate himself.
Your date is terrible. He wasn’t like this when you met him at the coffee shop last week, but tonight he must be feeling extra lucky. Enough to let his cocky, asshole nature shine through and you find yourself forcibly smiling your way through dinner. It doesn’t help that all you can think about is a certain stone-faced, stoic, gentleman who’s just sitting there waiting for you at your apartment. And just the thought of letting this guy touch you tonight makes your skin crawl. So, once the dinner is over, you end the date short, blaming it on not feeling well. He looks pretty put out that he won’t be getting his dick wet tonight, but you’re not inclined to care very much.
Unsurprisingly, the apartment is dark when you return. Ushijima goes to bed promptly at 9 o’clock every night, so you weren’t expecting to find him awake. So, you’re stunned into silence when you hear sounds emitting from his room on your way to yours. It sounds like he’s…panting? Is he working out?
Your brow furrows and your curiosity gets the better of you. You know it’s wrong, and such an invasion of privacy, but you just can’t stop your fingers closing around his doorknob, turning it slowly to just get a tiny peek into his room.
Your heart comes to a jarring halt at the sight you stumble upon.
Never, in your entire life, did you think you’d catch Ushijima Wakatoshi masturbating.
It never even occurred to you that is something he might do, not really seeming the type to.
And holy shit—is it a sight.
Your mouth involuntarily dries up at his enormous hand wrapped around his equally massive cock, pumping it from base to tip as his hips work in unison with his hand. His hair is a bit damp, and fuck—his cloudy, lust-filled gaze is making heat pool in your core. Additionally, he’s completely and utterly naked. Who the hell jerks off totally naked is beyond you, but you aren’t complaining as you watch the way the muscles of his abdomen ripple with each movement of his hips and breath he takes.
You could probably stand here watching him do this forever if you’re being honest.  
That is, until your name falls from his lips.
You swear the floor drops out from under you.
At first, you think he’s caught you. But you soon realize that is very much not the case. His hips start shuddering, his pace becoming erratic as he chases his orgasm and you’re suddenly struck by the thought of: you don’t want him to finish without you.
And before you can hesitate, you open his door fully and step into his bedroom.
His reaction is nothing like you imagined from someone who just got caught masturbating by their roommate who’s name not two seconds ago escaped his mouth. Anyone else would have yanked their hand away and scrambled to cover up. But not Ushijima.
To his credit, he does cover himself, but he does so in such a calm manner, you’re shocked. Plus, you can see he clearly still has his hand around his cock beneath the blanket. The two of you just look at each other for a few moments, and after what seems like eons of silence, he opens his mouth and says, “You said you weren’t going to be home.”
Your brows raise, amused he’s chosen that as his defense. “I think I said, ‘probably not’ actually.”
His expression doesn’t change as your gaze drifts downwards towards his impressive erection that somehow has not gone away despite that he’s lying there in all his naked glory caught red-handed.
You lick your lips subconsciously. “Can I help you?”
He wasn’t expecting that. Nor was he expecting the way his dick twitched in his grasp at your words. Or how heat is spreading across his entire body at the way you’re looking at him. Is he really going to let this happen? He’s pretty embarrassed you caught him, but you don’t seem phased at all. To him, you almost look…excited.
You don’t really wait for him to respond, taking the way he eyes you up hungrily as a yes, and stepping further into the room. Tentatively, you start lifting away the blanket he covered himself with, and he seems to be in a daze as you toss it aside, baring him for you to see. Glancing up at him, you see he’s breathing heavily, his pupils blown wide as he watches you—and while he may not be able to tell you with words how he feels, his body is telling you enough.
But you still want to make sure. Settling yourself between his thighs, you set a hand on each of them and squeeze lightly to get his attention. His olive gaze rises to meet yours and you ask, “Is this okay?”
Without hesitation, he replies, “Yes.”
And if you know Ushijima at all, he means what he says.
You get yourself a bit more comfortable between his legs, chastely kissing each of his thighs, finding it immensely ego boosting at the way they tremble at your touch. You make your way to the base of his cock and lick one stripe up to the tip. He groans quietly at the sensation, realizing his hand will never be enough again.
His fists curl into the sheets beneath him as you take his head into your mouth, and you fail to suppress the quiet groan that emits from you at how heavy he sits on your tongue. Your mind immediately wandering to what he might feel like inside you—if this goes that far, that is. His eyes haven’t left you, watching you intently as you take more of him into your mouth, the weight of his heady gaze making heat pool between your legs.
Steeling your confidence, you hold his stare as you take nearly all of him into your mouth and start bobbing along his length. A barely audible hiss escapes him, the muscles in his arms straining with how hard he’s fisting the sheets. Yet, you still have his rapt attention, and it makes you want to make him feel so good he has to close his eyes and lean his head back against his pillow.
The thought of having Ushijima Wakatoshi a puddle beneath you makes your thighs clench together. An action that surprisingly doesn’t go unnoticed by him.
In a matter of minutes, you’ve made him throw all qualms out the window and you soon get your wish of seeing him let go. His eyes close, head leaning back revealing the strong column of his neck, and his hips start to move in tandem with your bobbing motions. A guttural groan escapes him when you hollow out your cheeks, and the sound rumbles through you before adding to the growing ache between your legs.
You can’t imagine he’s even close to reaching the end of his stamina, but you are certainly losing patience. So, you pop off his cock, and start making the motions to undress so you can finally fulfill your fantasy of riding him.
He startles you by lifting himself to rest on his elbows, his deep voice filling the silence, “Wait.” You pause, your dress already halfway off. He sits up and pulls you into his lap, completely unbothered by the fact your clothed core is now sitting directly atop his prominent erection. “Let me,” he says so softly you think you might combust.
His hands replace yours, and he gingerly unzips the back of your dress and starts sliding it off your shoulders, each inch of newly exposed skin met by the soft press of his lips. You have no idea if he’s ever been with anyone before, but whatever he’s doing is making your insides scramble and burn. His movements are slow and meticulous, like he’s savoring each touch are you’re positively melting in his lap.
Eventually, you have to stand up to shimmy the dress down your legs, but he sits at the edge of the bed waiting patiently before his large hands rest at your hips and pull you back into his lap. Now you’re looking down at him, so you lean down and press your lips against his.
He’s somewhere else entirely—heaven, maybe, as you kiss him. Your lips are soft, body pliant and warm against his as his fingers dig into the plush skin of your hips. He groans involuntarily when your fingers slide into the hair at the base of his neck, tilting his head so you can kiss him even deeper. You’re pleasantly surprised when his tongue darts out questioningly and you happily open your mouth for him.
I’m doomed, you think as his tongue sweeps in at the same time he uses his hands at your waist to grind you down onto his hips. He feels absolutely huge beneath you, and you have no idea if he will even fucking fit inside you. “Fuck…Wakatoshi,” you breathe. His fingers grip a little harder at your voice saying his name like that, but you’re too dazed to notice what it does to him. You continue, “Fuck me, please.”
He makes a noise in the back of his throat, and for a moment you think he’s going to comply with your request. Instead, he murmurs, “Not yet.”
You almost pout, but then he’s unclasping your bra and lifting you to set you down on the bed. He doesn’t waste much time ridding you of your underwear next, and you have to resist the urge to cover yourself as he stares at you with a near predatory look in his eyes. “You’re perfect,” he says, clear as day and you feel heat course through your veins at his words.
He’s looking at you like you’re the only thing in the world to him right now. The intensity of his wanton gaze making you squirm beneath it until he lays his body over yours, the comforting weight of him pressing against your skin as he takes your lips again. He elicits a moan from you, his fingers dancing along your sides and his tongue sweeping into your mouth, making you nothing more than a trembling mess underneath him.
His lips leave yours, but he slowly begins trailing kisses along your jaw, down your neck and across your collarbone; almost as if he’s worshipping every inch of your skin before he reaches your breasts. He takes both of them into his enormous hands, the callouses of his fingers scratching along the supple flesh, making your back arch into his touch. Pressing a chaste kiss to your sternum, he rolls your nipples between his fingers, all while keeping his steady gaze on you. And you have no idea how the simple action of him just teasing your nipples while pinning you with those olive eyes is so unbelievably erotic your head begins to feel light.
And then he takes one of them into his mouth and you about lose your goddamn mind. How the fuck does he know exactly what to do? In the time you’ve known him you’ve never once seen him be even remotely interested in anyone. But at this point, you’re well past the point of caring how he learned his way around a woman’s body.
His tongue laps at the pert bud, all while he keeps his meticulous pace on your other nipple before turning the attention of his mouth to it. Without thinking much of it, your fingers dive into his hair, curling into the strands as he continues his worshipping. Though it does pull a deep rumble of pleasure from his chest that goes straight between your legs.
“Wakatoshi,” you pant breathlessly, chest heaving, desperate for him to do something about the growing ache at the apex of your thighs.
This time, he seems to heed your words. He pops off your breast and wanders with his lips down the expanse of your stomach, his hands finding purchase at your hips as he settles himself between your thighs. Your thighs tremble in anticipation as he presses soft kisses to each of them, fingers kneading your hips and pulling you closer to his mouth.
Never in your life did you think you’d have Ushijima Wakatoshi between your legs, looking for all the world like he’s about to devour you.
He groans as he slides his tongue between your folds, drunk on how wet you already are. And despite the fact his cock is throbbing almost painfully and leaking on the sheets, he knows to take his time. If you want him to fuck you, he has to make sure you’re ready for him.
You throw your head back, fingers fisting into the sheets as a lewd moan escapes your throat that only makes him bury his face even deeper into you. His tongue finds the bundle of nerves at the apex and sweeps across it, moving in small circles that have you finding purchase in his hair to keep him there as you move your hips in unison with his tongue.
A loud gasp fills the air as one of his thick fingers enters you, the ministrations of his tongue not stopping as he slowly pumps it in and out of your core. He’s kept his attention on you this entire time, his gaze never wavering as he watches you fall apart at his mercy. And he finds he’s thoroughly pleased at how easily his finger slipped into you, enough that he tentatively prods another one at your entrance that after a moment slides in without any resistance.
It’s so satisfying that he buries his face even deeper, his tongue pressing harder against your clit as you fuck yourself on his fingers. At the sensation of his second finger, your own find purchase in his hair, babbling utter nonsense that if you were in a clearer state of mind you might be a little embarrassed about.
“Please,” you beg, desperate for his cock inside you, “fuck me Wakatoshi. I want you inside me.”
He nearly falls apart at your needy request, but he isn’t finished yet.
You continue to plead with him, until you abruptly feel the absence of his tongue and you look down to find him staring intensely at you. Your throat clams up at his smoldering gaze as he says simply, “You aren’t ready.”
Your mouth drops open as you blink in surprise. Is he joking? Are you not frantically fucking yourself on his fingers right now, desperately asking for him to be inside you? How can you possibly be anymore ‘ready’?
“What are you talking about?”
Now his eyes drop, and very quietly he murmurs, “I’ve been told I am…quite large.”
“By who?” You blurt.
All he says is, “Others.”
You decide to leave it at that, your attention traveling to his erect cock, it pulsing so hard you can almost see it and dripping from the tip. You swallow nervously trying to imagine that going inside you. Ushijima just watches you eye him, his two fingers still knuckle deep in you, which he seems to have forgotten about as he angles his head in question. “Do you want to keep going?”
Warmth blooms in your chest at his concern. “I would very much like to,” you reply, smiling innocently at him, despite the fact the position you’re in is very much the opposite of innocent.
And the answering small smile he gives you makes your stomach flutter. It’s so soft and dazzling, it nearly knocks all the breath out of you. He presses his lips to your inner thigh, smiling against your skin, and all you can do is stare in awe of him.
Then, as if remembering where is fingers still are, he drags them slowly out of you, his mouth latching on to your clit once again before sliding them easily back in. Soon, he’s got you writhing on his fingers once more, toes curling and your own fingers gripping onto his bicep you can feel flexing with each thrust of his hand.
He waits a bit longer, until his fingers are soaked with your wetness again, before tentatively prodding a third finger at your entrance. He stifles his groan against you when he finds that it slips in along with the others effortlessly. Particularly as the grip you have on his biceps tightens, nails digging into his skin and eyes flaring open at the new sensation.
“Fu—fuck,” you mewl, holding on to him for dear life as he continues his slow and methodical pace. At this point, you’re practically shoving yourself onto his fingers, wanting him to fuck you deeper and trying to match the pace at which his tongue is flicking against your clit. The sensation becomes overwhelming, your thighs starting to tremble with the effort to not come around his fingers and mouth.
“Wakatoshi, please—I’m going to—,” you try to warn him, nails digging so hard into his arms that you’re leaving small crescent indents in his skin. He doesn’t stop though, not until you’re practically sobbing, “Let me come on your cock, please.”
That seems to be his undoing. His fingers and mouth abruptly leave you, eliciting a small sound of discontent from you. But you quickly shut your mouth at the sight of him leaning over you, aligning his hips with yours, one massive hand palmed around his cock as he pushes forward.
When the head of his cock sinks into you, a strangled gasp rips from your throat at just how utterly massive he is. Instinctively, your fingers wrap around his wrist to keep him from going any deeper as you say, “Slow.”
His brow is furrowed in concentration, as if it’s taking all of his willpower to keep from snapping his hips forward and sinking to the hilt in you. “Of course,” he growls, his voice taking on a deep tone that makes your toes curl.
And inch by glorious inch, he pushes deeper into you. His forearms coming to rest on either side of your head as he takes your lips to distract you from him nearly splitting you wide open. You tug him closer, fingers tangling in his olive hair, slanting your mouth against his and slipping your tongue inside which he gladly allows.
Eventually, his hips meet yours, and he pulls away to rest his forehead against yours, his toned chest rising and falling with the deep breaths he has to take in order to keep his sanity. The feeling of your tight walls clamping down around him is enough to make him hiss through his teeth, “Shit.”
The word alone makes heat pool in your core. Ushijima Wakatoshi never swears.
“Holy fucking shit.” You correct him. He’s seated fully inside you and you’ve never felt so full in your entire life. Your legs splayed out to either side from just how big he is, and once glance down confirms his thick thighs are shaking with the effort to be gentle.
He just shakes his head at your crass words, then pulls out slightly before ramming his hips back into yours. Wrapping your arms around his neck, you pull him close to you, your chest meeting his and his head finding the crook of your neck and he begins slowly. And while you’re very much enjoying each of his careful, deep thrusts, you very much would like to be pounded into his mattress. You’re certain he can.
You wonder if he’ll dirty talk with you.
Running your fingers through his dampening hair, you whisper against his ear, “You feel so good, Wakatoshi.” He merely responds with a kiss against your neck and a small approving growl that makes you keep going. “You know what I thought about anytime I was in someone else’s bed?” He makes no indication whether or not he likes you talking to him, so you press on. “This,” you murmur, “You.”
He stops, and for a second you think you’ve gone too far. But then he rises from your neck, and you swear to god—you almost come on the spot at the carnal glint gleaming in his eyes. Like he is about to utterly and completely destroy you. Your entire body buzzes with anticipation as he finally draws his cock almost all the way out of you before driving his hips home in a way that sends you into total euphoria.
His pace becomes brutal, his hips punishing, wordlessly making you realize it was a mistake for you to ever think anyone but him should be between your legs. It was pure luck you stumbled onto something you didn’t realize—he was immensely jealous every time you came home in the morning, clearly having spent the night with someone else.
It drives him so wild that he growls against your lips, “You’re mine.”
The words are so deliciously possessive, you can’t help the way your walls tighten around him, nor how your legs wrap around his waist and start helping him with each thrust of his hips.
“Yours,” you say, lips brushing against his. His hands wander down your sides, fingers digging into your hips pulling you even closer so that there is virtually no space between your bodies. He’s resting almost his entire weight on you, and his warmth and build is so strangely erotic, the coil in your stomach winds tighter and you can feel your impending orgasm begin to climb.
He cages you in his arms, hips never relenting, seemingly chasing his own release. His quiet grunts of pleasure are going straight between your legs, and you can’t help but start exploring the expanse of his exquisitely toned chest pulling an even deeper sigh from him making you almost melt on the spot. Your hands eventually find a place to rest in the dimples of his hips, relishing the sensation of his muscles moving beneath your fingers.
He refuses to finish before you, no matter how unbelievably tight you’re pulsating around him. So, he reaches between your bodies, fingers finding your clit, pride filling his chest at how you moan lewdly; your head falling back and fingers grappling even harder onto his hips. He takes the opportunity to press kisses to your throat, shoulders, collarbone—any expanse of skin he can get his mouth on.
“Fuck—yes,” you groan, hands leaving his hips to weave their way into his hair, using your legs to push him even deeper and meeting each of his thrusts with your own. You start quivering under him, your body preparing for the onslaught of pleasure rising in your chest, threatening to snap at any moment.
You come completely undone when Ushijima commands, “Come for me.”
Something about his husky, lust filled tone; his lips making their mark all over your skin, and the harsh thrust of his hips sends you over the edge. Your body bows off the bed, and Ushijima meets you, his arms wrapping around your middle to press you against his chest as his lips latch onto your neck and he buries himself to the hilt in your wet heat.
For the second time tonight, he curses quietly, holding you to him as your walls pulse with your orgasm and he finds his own release alongside you. You hold on to his shoulders for dear life as waves of pleasure roll through you, your body spasming in his grip all while he kisses you softly. It’s tender and erotic at the same time. As you start to calm down, he claims your lips, tongue sweeping in as you push his damp hair off his forehead before cupping his cheeks.
He pulls away from you, only to set his forehead against yours, your warm breath mingling. Both of your chests are still heaving, and although it’s silent, it’s comforting as he holds you.
After a moment, you open your eyes and find his closed, his lips curved into a barely noticeable smile. It fills your heart seeing him look so…content. “Wakatoshi?” You say quietly. His eyes open and your throat closes at just how handsome he is. “I…I like you.” Your eyes close now, embarrassed at how pathetic that sounded.
“I’d hope so.”
Your eyes burst open finding him looking at you comically seriously. You know he doesn’t mean it as a joke, but you can’t help the smile that rises to your lips. He gazes at you curiously as you ask, “And? Do you like me?” As if his softening dick isn’t still inside you right now.
Though, it still makes your heart flip when he replies without hesitation, “Yes.”
“Good.” You grin. “I’d hope so.”
You kiss him again before he finally pulls out of you and without a word, he gets off the bed and disappears out into the hallway. You grimace at the mess between your legs but are pleasantly surprised when he returns with a warm towel to clean yourself up with. While you deal with the mess, he rummages around in his drawers and at first you think he’s looking for clothes for himself, until he hands you a pair of his briefs and a t-shirt.
You must eye them curiously because he sets them on the bed saying, “Sleep with me.” He doesn’t word it like a question.
Taking the clothes, you smile teasingly up at him. “I just did.”
To nobody’s surprise, he’s relatively unfazed. “Overnight,” he explains further. “In my bed.” Though the light dusting of pink coloring his cheeks as he says this makes you want to smother him with kisses all over again.
You slip on his clothes and climb beneath the sheets as your response. You watch him dress, marveling over the muscles shifting in his back and arms until he covers them and joins you in the bed. He draws you close to his side, letting you run your fingers across his cheek before settling at his chin and pulling his lips to yours. You kiss lazily until you both grow tired and you tuck your head under his chin, letting his fingers intertwine with yours and enjoying the affectionate kiss he presses to the top of your head.
He surprises you when he says into the silence, “Are we going to do that again?”
The chuckle that escapes you is by no means meant to be mean. He just fucked you better than anyone in your entire life and if you were in deep shit falling for him before this—you’re doomed now. Yet, you don’t mind in the slightest. Not when being here in his arms feels exactly where you should be.
So, you kiss his neck and reply softly, “Yes.”
You don’t see his answering smile.
taglist: @bobawithpomegranate @anothermessedupbitch @abswrites @toorus-goodgirl @apollochjld @vicassa @sssjuico10
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aceaugust · 2 years
(#2) ♠️When the college's bad boy breaks into your apartment 🌬
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Theme: Bad boy, gang-y, quite cold and inconsiderate JK. Straight forward, loyal, hardworking, Reader. (Dk how to describe people lol)
Genre: Gangs, rumours, truth and lies, bullies, mention of abuse, murder, betrayal and insults. ALSO, kinda funny (depends tho lol), loyality, faith and love, backstabbing, gossips. Photoshopping, mention of nudity, shaming. Mention of a notorious serial killer.
Disclaimer: This fanfiction doesn't have any intended connections to the real characters, nor portray their real personalities, nor have anything that contributes to their reality. It's purely for entertaining purposes. Please, don't take anything at heart. It's mere imagination.
So, as you may wonder, I'm currently in an empty lecture hall, revising for my OOP exam, which's in the next 30 minutes. My heart is pounding like crazy in fear 'cause this subject is damned and I'm done with this major for real. Going over the concepts, tricks, informal notes I made for myself and so on. Trying to keep my mind focused on the exam and ignore the noises out there.
Noises of crying, almost screaming and words of blame. Don't know if I'm wrong, but the speaking voice sounds more like Ruby's, just less high-pitched which's now normal to hear.
"You cheated on me with Tiara?! Tiara, Taylor?! She's my best friend!"
Let me guess, Tiara is that blonde the head of the dancers for the sports' teams? Wow, yeah, I'd expect such a betrayal from someone of Tiara's manners. Sorry, non-existent manners.
Like there was that one time, a group of classmates pulled me into one of the dancers show after the basketball team had won, and there was Tiara. Once her name was pronounced into the mic, she sarted putting on her dance moves which contained one and only aim; sexual seduction, which I shall say, disgusted the heck out of me. From showing too much cleavage to bending over for a butt-show to other moves I prefer not to mention or even remember.
"Cheated?! You're being dramatic, Ruby. It was just a meaningless hookup."
Wow, shameless. I only thought of it like in high school movies, she caught him kissing Tiara in one of the hallways, but oh hell, he slept with Tiara.
"And every cheat you say the same shit! I'm so fucking done with you, Taylor. You ruined my fucking feelings! Turned me into a senseless monster like you and the bitch I called my best friend!"
Their voices are near like they're right behind the door.
A yelp startles me which alerts me to stand up, hurry towards the door. Low whimpers are coming out of Ruby as I expect that he grabbed her physically.
"Oh yeah?! You wanna play this game, lil Ruby? Wanna make me tell everyone where's your dear daddy, Mr. Cullens?! And what's he charged of?! HUH?!"
Wow, is he shaming her?!
A'ight, screw that, I'm intruding.
"Drugs?" I burst out after opening the door wide, noticing his hand go off her hair and Ruby starts to wipe her melt mascara from her tears.
"What?!" Taylor spits back in an attempt to scare me.
"Is her dad charged for drugs?" Ruby's eyes widen in shock as she stares at Taylor vulnerably, in a plead not to 'expose' her.
I've heard about her dad's charges of accusation because Daryl is a journalist and loves spicey cases. He told me that her dad has been sentenced to 10 years in prison and his lawyers have been in a private interview saying that he's innocent and someone must have put the drugs in his office and called the police upon him.
"It's none of your fucking business!" Taylor hisses stepping forward to me.
"It's, when you're blackmailing her into staying with you in order not to expose her. Her dad is in prison? Not her freaking fault. The turn goes to whose dad failed to bring him up appropriately." I hiss back, moving aside to Ruby.
"Ruby is done with you. Go cheapen yourself even more by sleeping with random girls. Screw yourself, crap!" I take Ruby's hand and enter the lecture hall, making sure to slam the door to his face.
I sit on one of the benches, studying her face. After most of the makeup has been ruined by her tears, I shall say she's one decent face. I mean, we're all beautiful of course, but we ruin our beauty with heavy makeup and not bracing our natural looks.
"You shouldn't have stepped in like that. He isn't JungKook who would stay silent to your harshness. If all rumours are on JungKook's notoriety, then be sure Taylor is much worse." She says quietly, with her voice naturally coming out.
My heart beats even faster at JungKook's mention. For the first time, someone said something almost positive about JungKook.
"I'd ask about JungKook, but now isn't the time." I reply, still staring at her. She chuckles sadly, shaking her head.
"I know nothing about him, but I know Taylor so fucking well. He'll screw you in the dark and get you to shut up about it. What makes JungKook slightly better is that he's known as a bad boy, people would simply avoid him and that's it. But, Taylor lures into your life as the sweet, rich, humble boy who'd treat you right. For the end to be cheat, abuse and p-pain." Her voice cracks in the end as I hop off the bench, approaching her.
"Hey, break free. He'd expose your dad's case? So, be it. I've heard that he's innocent and if you're sure about it, then you, too, defend your dad. People judged you? A'ight, be the lone standing wolf. You don't need others to strengthen you, Ruby. No one should say a word into a story that ain't theirs." I lay a hand on her shoulder, giving it a squeeze of comfort.
"I was being a bitch to you, why are you nice to me?" I shrug my shoulders, smiling.
"Maybe I found an excuse for your actions now. But, not the bullying." She nods, smiling alittle.
"Go, there's a toilet at the back. Freshen up, wash your face and come back revise with me. There are 5 minutes left 'till exam." She stands up, walking to the back, as I go back to my seat, settling myself to exam.
"Wait, so I should have used an array?" Ruby nods confidentially, as she sips on her black coffee. I face palm myself, realizing the fact that I just lost 3 points of my exam's grade. Can I cry, y'all?
"It's okay, though. I've made this mistake countless of times before. It's a trick." I nod sadly, mentally calculating the grade I might get for this mistake, making sure I plan the loss of other points to other questions I might have mistakened, too.
"Sometimes, I question myself if this is really my thing." I say, quite disappointed in myself. Daryl has fought alot to get me into this school and now, has lots to pay for it besides his own responsibilities. I can't just get a low GPA and disappoint him like this.
"Grades don't define you. I suppose you're one strong girl, don't believe some letters would determine your own capabilities." Ruby replies, smiling. I nod still disheartened, "Yeah, but companies and fields of work define us with grades, Ruby."
She shrugs as she finishes her coffee, tossing it into the bin. "Well, yeah, but not like you're going to fail. Don't be so hard on yourself." She's probably right, 3 points won't affect my GPA much. It might at 15, but hopefully I'd not make so many mistakes.
"Have plans tonight? Taehyung is throwing another party and I'm dying to cheer up alittle." I give her a look of hesitance. I mean I insulted Taehyung, JungKook and a random dude back there. Don't know if I'm welcomed and would be totally understandable if not. Plus, I already hate parties so, no.
"I'm meeting my brother tonight to have some siblings-time." She nods, patting my shoulder. Well, I could invite her to see Daryl, perhabs he could tell her something that would help in her dad's case.
"Well, if you want to come along and see Daryl. He has lots of details regarding your dad's case. Maybe y'all can help him with something." She looks down sadly, fiddling with her feet.
"I'm sorry I didn't mean-"
"No, it's fine. How would your brother know about my dad's case?"
"Daryl is a crime journalist and loves interesting cases. He heard about your dad's and was there during the investiagtion. He told me that your dad might be innocent, but there's no physical evidence showing that."
She doesn't respond, probably processing what I'm saying.
"You aren't trying to expose me to the school by this, are you?" She says, sadly and doubtfully.
My eyes widen as I shake my head no. "No, of course not, Ruby!" She nods, smiling alittle.
She must have been disappointed so many times.
"I'll text, my elder sister, Annie, she's a medical student. She used to spend so much time in dad's office, knows all the secret drawers and stuff. She has more insight about the whole thing." I nod excitedly. Maybe she'd get rid off that shame, clear her dad's name and smack whoever tries to judge her.
"Okay, we'll meet at 7, if that's fine with her."
"Yeah, today's is her break-off, so she's free all day."
"Cool and settled. Let's head to Ms. Grahams lecture, I don't want another lash of her tongue's." We chuckle and rush over the teaching hall.
"A'ight, fucking shit, Holmes!"
I cringe alittle at Daryl's sudden burst of profanity.
"Mother-! You ruined the whole thing! Man, I've finally caught a glimpse of his face and reported it to the police. Then, you fuck around and leak the photo to your girlfriend?!"
Wow, there's so little percentage that Daryl would NOT blow up.
"Man, for real, cut that shit and delete it from her phone. It's a professional thing! 'Cause I know much better than not to expect you have a bitch of a girlfriend!" Daryl's voice raises even more as his face turns redder.
He hangs up the call, sliding his phone into his pocket.
"Well, ahem, hey bro!" I approach him, wrapping my arms around his torso into a hug. He hugs back tightly, lifting me up alittle.
"I missed you so much. God, I love you, little cotton ball." He whispers into my ear, placing a kiss on my cheek. I jokingly sulk as he chuckles. "I'm not little anymore. I'm a grown up college gurrrl." I roll the 'r' as he chuckles louder.
"Aww, you'll always be my little cotton ball. No matter how 'grown up' you get." He says with his ocean blue eyes shining alittle.
Daryl is like my one and only backbone in life. He has always got my back, defends me, gives me pieces of advice, comforts me. He's the one who taught me to stand up strong and never accept oppression whether for me or anybody else. He practically raised me as our parents were always busy for business trips and stuff. He gives me the love, affection and attention he rarely recieved from them. For me, he's really my everything and I could never risk losing him for anything.
"Yo, where you at?" He snaps his fingers to catch my scattered attention. I smile, placing a kiss on his forehead.
"Was just thinking about how much I do really apperciate you, bro." He acts tough, but when you get to be close to him, he's a little cottonball as well.
"So, we're having a guest tonight. Annie Cullens, the elder daughter of Uriah Cullens. Her sister is a friend of mine and I happened to find out that she's being shamed for her dad's case." I say, fiddling my feet on the ground, quite nervous of his reaction. He doesn't like me being involved in any of the cases he works on, thinking that some criminals would put him on rival mode and hunt us down.
Aaaand that's why I haven't told him about my encounter with JungKook yet. I've told him I attended a party, but cut out the argument's part.
"Yeah?" He says quietly which comforts me alittle. "And Annie is coming tonight, you could get some details from her or her from you...like you guys sort yourselves out. Maybe the man is innocent." As I finish my sentence, Daryl's grin is put on full display. I smile back, not understanding his grin, but happy to see it.
"My cottonball has cut a good long path for me to get an interview with the Cullens." He squishes my cheeks together, kissing them.
Well, it seems that I accidentally helped my brother.
"I'm glad, then." He engulfs me in another hug, swaying us left and right.
"Ahem, pardon moi?" Our little sentimental moment was cut by a shy voice. We turn around to see a brunette with her hair long to her waist, caramel brown eyes, long lashes and petite short figure.
"I'm Annie Cullens, I suppose you're Y/N and you're Daryl?" She extends her hand between us shyly. Daryl rushes to take her hand first, shaking it lightly.
Reading Daryl's expression, I think he's falling in love. Not gonna lie, I find her cute.
"So, y'all, I get easily bored from case studies and stuff like these. I guess I could leave you both, discuss stuff together and find helpful details." I say, putting my backpack on, getting the hint from Daryl's nervousness and Annie's shy smile and blush to clear the air for both. After all Daryl is a gentleman and he could never hurt her.
"You'll find me in my apartment. Have a great time." I wave to them as they do back, walking to the pavement to get a taxi back to my place.
1:30 AM
"So, for arrays, all elements have to be of same data type, but for structures, they can contain elements of different data types."
I keep repeating the key differences of both data structures to get a grip on them.
It's been like 4 hours since I started studying this crap.
"Obviously, computer science concepts are all about problem solving. Like they encounter a problem of wanting to store different data types in the same thing, so they create a structure because arrays ain't helping at that point."
You know what? I'm hungry. I'mma leave this crap and go get myself some food.
I walk downstairs, petting my sleeping puppy, heading to the kitchen.
Orange juice.
Spready cheese.
Yup, perfect midnight snack.
"Fünf kleine Fische, die schwammen im Meer,"
"Da sprach die Mutter: Ich warne Euch sehr,"
"Ich wär viel lieber in 'nem kleinen Teich,"
"Denn im Meer gibt es Haie und die fressen Euch gleich,"
"Ach du Schreck, ein Fisch ist weg!"
I sing the kindergarten German song, I've learned through my learning process of the language. The language is hard, but fun. I love learning languages beside my studying major, it just makes me feel more alert.
"Hell, where am I?!"
Excuse me?!
I jump, turning around, stressfully scanning the surrounding.
No, I heard that! That was real!
My breath almost stops when I hear those footsteps out in my hall.
"Oh, it's Y/N."
This voice...
"Shit, why out of all places, it'd be hers?!"
I sneak out of my kitchen, catching his big black shoes.
It's him. It's JungKook.
He's staring at my picture with Daryl on the wall.
"She has a brother. Ha, they look like twins."
Well, that's true. Alot of people mistakened me and Daryl for twins.
"Your voice has saved you from a big bad back stab."
He sharply turns around with wide eyes.
A low gasp escapes my lips as I scan his badly bruised face.
A cut on the left side of his lips, right next to his piercing. Another one on his right eyebrow. His knuckles are wounded as well.
My eyes drop on the floor, watching blood droplets on the floor.
Crap! He's bleeding!
"Are you cut somewhere else?!" I almost yell in panic as he nods.
He motions to the side of his stomach.
Oh, hell hell!
I take his hand, placing him on the couch, motioning for him to lay as I practically run to the kitchen, taking the emergency kit off the shelf, which I miracleously reached easily and hurry back to him.
Giving him a short glance before snatching his shirt off. A low whimper leaves his lips as he shuts his eyes.
"It's okay, think of something good. It's easy, you're fine." I say, trying to comfort him. "I have nothing good to think of." The sad tone lingers over his sentence making my chest clench.
"A'ight, let's think together, then." I say as I dip a towel in water, going over his abdomen which's stained with lots of blood.
"So, you're my senior, right? I suppose you're an excellent one, as well," He muffles a hum when I reach near to his wound.
"My mind is blowing off my head, I can't maintain a good understanding of pointers and their relation with dynamic arrays. Could you give a piece of clarity?" Washing the towel to go over his chest, cleaning it from dust and blood.
"Pointers are basically variables, ah," His sentence stops with a moan of pain. I hum, glancing at him to go on. "T-They contain the addresses of a specific variable they point t-to, hmm," he tries to go on and stops in pain when I start stitching his wound.
"Right? And how to figure them out in a code, for instance?" I keep the conversation going to distract his attention from pain.
"The data type is of the variable it points to. Like if the pointer is pointing to an integer, they're declared of type integer. 'Cause pointers themselves don't have a type." He goes on, semi-absorbed in his explanation.
"Okay, yup, I think I'm getting it. You're good at this. What else?" I catch a small smile forms on his lips as he looks at me.
"After writing the data type, you put on an astrick operator and name the pointer, AH!" He flinches hard, shutting his eyes with his lips quivering.
"We're done so soon, don't worry." He nods with his hand wandering around. I jump alittle when his hand gets a grip on my thigh, tighthening it in pain.
"Alright, that's about pointers, what about dynamic arrays?" I pop the question again, trying tp go with a smooth flow.
"I-It's about solving the problem of arrays needing a determined fixed size. Sometimes, we don't know the size of our elements and need the user to determine it, so we create a dymanic array which's basically, a-ah, hmm...." I look at him, my heart is tightening in my chest at his sight.
"Basically created at runtime, right?" He nods, breathing heavily.
I finish the last stitich, standing up, smiling.
"Cool, you're full of knowledge, Jeon." I say, cleaning up the floor and table, getting ready to cleanse his facial wounds and knuckles.
"You're intelligent, too, Y/N." I feel something weird in my abdomen at his sentence, with heat creeping on my face.
I come back after disposing the bloody cotton and putting the towel in the washer.
I bend alittle to lift his head and put a pillow behind it, so his blood flow would be regular and I could cleanse his face.
"I'm not going to shoot questions when you're in pain, but who beated you so badly? I suppose they had a knife or some sort of a weapon, as well." I ask, genuinely concerned.
He's silent, staring at my face with tired, but focused eyes. I avoid his eye contact, focusing on his face.
"Yeah, a knife." He says shortly, closing his eyes.
"That's dangerous." I state the obvious awkwardly.
"For you." Furrowing my eyebrows, I stop to look at him in question.
"You just saved someone they wanted dead." My face glooms at his sentence, furrowing my eyebrows.
"Whoever they are, they don't determine who lives and who dies." I almost hiss in anger, 'cause I hate it when bunch of criminals with zero ethics think that they could decide in anybody's life.
"You don't know, and you won't want to know." He says tiredly, sighing heavily.
"I don't care to know as well. All I care about is that you stay safe." I catch myself alittle bit protective of his state that I glance at him; to see him smiling alittle.
"Thanks, Y/N." This sounds genuine. His overall speech is normal and genuine, not playful and vicious like it was in the party.
"It's nothing. I, actually, did the bare minimum." I say, looking away from his face, thinking about his words.
He seems truthful, vulnerable and in pain, obviously. Some sick people wants him dead. He might have done some bad stuff to them, but death solves nothing.
It causes pain and grief for petty things that could have easily been solved peacefully. Desires of authority, property and money, do drive people off limits and cause them to be monsterous.
Those who were once good, become thirsty for these, thirst turns into greed, they drive themselves further and further to reach these things and when they do....they become unrecognizable, scary.
"You're off the planet now, Y/N. Don't tell me you're too affected by my injuries." He speaks with hint of sarcasm, makes me furrow my eyebrows.
"What? Like I'm not, TRUTHFULLY?!" I stress my last word quite loudly as he chuckles.
"Won't lie, you seem like you're." He shrugs as I nod in satisfaction that he realizes my genuinity.
"But, is it possible that someone would gloat over your injuries?" It's his turn to furrow his eyebrows with a sarcastic smile on his lips. But, his eyes...his eyes has a flash of sadness on display right now...disappointment.
"Everyone would, without any exaggeration. Who wouldn't wish for the absolute destruction for Jeon JungKook, the fuckboy, the spoilt, the mafia, the...the murderer? Ha, you're making it funnier by thinking otherwise, Y/N."
The way he speaks right now is not like how he was in the party, nor how he was described by almost everyone. He knows the rumours around him and I'm sure, even if he tries to hide it, that it's so bitter for him.
"You know people's talks don't matter. The real question is are you that bad, JungKook?" My voice autmotically turns low and soft as if I'm approaching a castle...a castle made of glass, too afraid for it to shatter.
He starts to flutter his eyes open and close as he smiles faintly.
"I'll leave it a mystery 'till we meet again, Y/N." And by that he shuts his eyes, ready to drift into a deep slumber. I stand up slowly, leaving him on the couch and cautiously, walking up the stairs to my room.
Shooting up upright, I turn to the alarm with enemy eyes, turning it off.
"Can't you just shut up?! It's literally five in the morning." I say, arguing as if it's a real person.
Wait, JungKook! Let's check up on him.
I put on my slippers, fixing my hair with my fingers as I walk down the stairs.
"Good morning, Jung-....JungKook?!" He is nowhere on the couch.
"JungKook?!" I call again to meet utter silence. Checking the kitchen, he isn't there as well.
He left.
It's literally 5:10 am, when did he leave when I left him on 2:30 am? Is he insane?
"Fine, Jeon, whatever you like." I lowkey sulk, standing up. My aprubt stand causes a piece of paper to fly away to the kitchen.
"I remember cleaning before bed?" I go and reach to it.
Hm, it's folded?
Opening it, it reads :
"Yo, it's 3:55 am right now, in case you wanna know when I left. I just wanted to thank you for keeping me here, stitching and all. I had to leave 'cause I wanna cause no trouble to you whether by the fuckers after me or your brother coming by, thinking you're having a guy in your place behind his back or something. So yeah, bye.
Well, that's kinda sweet of him. He stopped alot of overthinking by this note. "Will we meet again, JungKook?" I fold the note back to the form he did, planning on keeping it. Plus, his handwriting is decent though, ha.
I started to see him differently which scares me alittle. What if I'm wrong? What if it's just all messed up and stupid? What if they're right?
I don't know, let's just brush off these thoughts and get ready for college.
"Yeah sure, Daryl," I walk with Daryl on the phone, telling me to stay safe 'cause he's travelling out of country for his job's thing.
"Don't worry for real. I'll keep you updated and you, too, okay?" He says "yeah" as we say our goodbyes and hang up.
I'm missing you already, Daryl.
Stepping inside the campus, I notice everyone on their phones, I mean, more than usual. I shake it off, looking for Ruby to tell her about the things Daryl found about the case.
I look through the hallway to find Ruby, her face colour-drained, on her phone ad well.
What's wrong with y'all?
"Y/N! Finally, you're here!" Ruby hurries to me, taking my hand, dragging me aside.
"Woah? What's wrong?" I ask, my eyes falling on her phone screen.
"What the fuck are these photos?! I can't believe they did that! Who even?! Oh my God, I'm freaking-"
"Woah, chill, calm down, let's see what kinda crap we're on now."
What's the crap?
Photoshopped, naked photos of me on everyone's phones.
But, guess
Lies got no breath.
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kingwuko · 3 years
Wuko in the Comics: Ruins of the Empire, Book 1 part 2
Welcome to my series of posts discussing Wuko in the Comics. In this post I'll continue to discuss RotE Book 1. There are some... interesting moments in the second half of this comic, including a very famous line that all but confirms canon Wuko.
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Plot Summary
Fearing that Guan will use violence to stop the election, the Krew decides to bring Kuvira along with them to Gaoling, hoping that she can talk him down. When they come face-to-face with Guan, however, they discover he does not intend to use violence, but will run in Gaoling’s election. The Krew decides the best solution is to find another candidate with enough public support to defeat Guan fair and square; and they decide to ask Toph to run. It is revealed, however, that Guan does not intend to win fair and square. He’s planning to brainwash Gaoling’s citizens to vote for him.
Major Plot points in the second half of Book 1
We start off right away with the Sauna Scene. Everyone looks excellent. The ladies' sauna wear is lovely. Mako and Bolin have their classic swim suits seen in season 1. Wu is literally just wearing a towel. I found myself googling saunas and steam baths to see if it’s normal to wear swimsuits or just a towel, and everything I read said pretty much anything goes as long as you are comfortable, but I do find it interesting that everyone wears swimsuits except Wu. Maybe because he does steam baths more often and he’s just more comfortable in that setting? He seems pretty confident and not at all shy. I don’t have anything analytical to say about it, I just think it’s an interesting detail, that he doesn’t seem to have any hang-ups about being nearly naked around Mako his friends.
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They are discussing Guan’s militaristic movement toward Gaoling, and tossing ideas around to handle the situation. Mako not-so-helpfully suggests using force with the united forces which Zhu Li shoots down right away, not wanting to escalate the situation. Wu agrees and wants to find a peaceful resolution. Korra, remembering her conversation with Kuvira, thinks she has the answer. She proposes bringing Kuvira along to Gaoling, which NOBODY is happy about. Asami is upset because she made it clear earlier she does not want to be in the same room as Kuvira, Bolin is distressed because Kuvira nearly had him killed when he defected from her inner circle, Mako points out that he nearly lost his arm taking down the mech, Zhu Li says she invaded republic city, Asami reminds everyone that Kuvira killed her father, and Wu boldly declares that we can’t forget she ruined his coronation… He quickly reads the room and apologises (character growth?).
Korra acknowledges everyone’s concerns and points out that she truly believes Kuvira can be an ally- she was their ally when Zaheer was trying to kill her and the airbenders; and when her spirit vine weapon ripped open a new portal to the spirit world, Kuvira thought she had died and Korra believes that changed her. Bolin points out that Kuvira is very persuasive and may have a good shot at convincing Guan to stand down. Everyone is convinced and declares their support for the plan.
Zhu Li orders Kuvira’s release and Korra brings her onto the airship taking them all to Gaoling. And, I’m sorry, this frame is like, the bitchiest collective look from Mako, Wu, Bolin and Pabu. I just love it.
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They initially plan to restrain her, but decide it’s pointless when Kuvira points out if she wanted to escape that she would have already. They arrive at Gaoling and there’s no sign of Guan and his army. Kuvira is certain he’ll be there, and points out that she needs to change so she doesn’t meet with him looking like a prisoner.
Korra and Wu go to meet with the election candidates. Their portraits are on the wall and it’s revealed that the candidates are both elderly magistrates who have been working in the local government for a long time. They are practically indistinguishable from each other, which causes Korra concern. Wu isn’t happy about it either, he was hoping the elections would bring in new leaders to take the earth kingdom in a new direction. Instead, it looks like nothing will change in Gaoling or the rest of the earth kingdom if things play out the same way. They are both disappointed but Korra is optimistic that this is the first election and over things will improve as they iron out the political kinks
Back in the flying machine, they give Kuvira an outfit of Asami’s that is…. Like I can’t put it into words. I’ve never seen asami wear it and that is a shame. The word that comes to mind is “Dapper”. Like is we saw Asami wearing it when they first introduced her character literally everyone would have predicted Cannon Korrasami and immeadiately said “yup Asami’s gay straight women don’t dress like that”. Slacks, a collared long sleeve shirt, with a grey vest over top. Just like, amazing. I am so disappointed we never saw Asami wear this. Someone point me to a fanart of Asami in this outfit that canonically belongs to her please.
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Guan arrives and Kuvira tries to talk to him, which goes about as well as you’d expect. So she tries to appeal directly to his troops and urges them to surrender, and they all say in unison “Hail Commander Guan!”. So Kuvira decides to challenge Guan and beats the crap out of him in a punch that looks like something directly out of a WWII propaganda poster or something.
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Kuvira is literally about to kill him by bending the metal collar around his neck when suddenly Asami electrocutes her with some device she had hidden in the belt she gave Kuvira.
Once Mako and Bolin drag Kuvira away, Korra attempts to reason with Guan and tells him she won’t let him interfere with the election. Guan then reveals he has no intention of interfering- he plans on running in the election! He immediately turns in all the necessary paperwork to be on the ballot. He informs the Krew that soon, all the upcoming elections will have Earth Empire representatives running and once they have power in every territory, no one will question the Earth Empire's right to rule.
They reconvene back on the airship, where Kuvira is detained in the platinum box. They explain to Kuvira that she was wrong to provoke him, but right that he is an excellent strategist. Mako then tells Wu that he should just call off the election. Wu replies “Mako, you know I love you, but I’m trying to encourage democracy. I can’t just go around canceling elections because I don’t like one of the candidates. We need to see how this plays out”
Yes. “Mako, you know I love you”
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We’ll discuss that at length in a bit.
They decide the best path forward is to find a new candidate who is popular enough to beat Guan. Korra excitedly suggests Toph. Which, like, wouldn’t have been the first person to come to mind for me, but I guess she’s the only person they know who is originally from Goaling? But everyone seems on board, except presumably Toph because she doesn't like to get involved in worldly affairs… So Korra announces they will just have to convince her!!
We then cut to Guan's encampment, where he is discussing Kuvira’s actions with a Doctor Sheng, observing that Kuvira just isn’t the same, and that the Avatar has corrupted her mind. The doctor suggests they “recalibrate” Kuvira’s mind and leads him into a structure where she shows him their latest “recruits'. We then see Goaling citizens tied up in chairs with devices on their heads. They are being brainwashed to vote for Guan! Yikes!
Mako and Wu Scenes
The Sauna scene
The meeting that took place in the sauna was at the behest of Wu. He said he was very stressed out so he couldn’t miss his steam bath. I know there are lots of jokes about Wu being high maintenance because he needs his spa days or whatever, but he is in a highly stressful situation right now and we know that self care is essential to maintain one’s mental health and in order to perform one’s job well. I think this was an interesting way to weave together his seemingly superficial hobbies with his new maturity and responsibility. I really loved this scene for that (though seeing all the hot people in sauna-wear is a bonus).
Also there is a recurring thing where Mako is just offering the worst advice to Korra. He wants the United Republic, a completely separate Nation from the Earth Kingdom, to just.. March into another country and ‘enforce’ their democratic process??? Like…. If you know anything about world history and current events we know that is awful and wouldn’t be received well and would be a recipe for political instability and long term conflict. Thank goodness everyone is like Mako no. I’m pointing this out because, as much as we think of Wu as being immature, irresponsible, whatever, the reality is that he has a level head while Mako is actually giving the irresponsible solutions here. It’s a really interesting evolution from the infamous Wu meltdown scene where Mako was the voice of reason, but here things have reversed.
Also, I want to point out the moment where Wu backs down after he adds his grievance to the list everyone is giving (She ruined my coordination!), it’s kind of played for laughs but like… Wu has a totally valid reason to be upset on par with everyone else, considering Kuvira had him drugged and kidnapped…. Why wouldn’t he have said that? Well, the simple and obvious answer is- the writers wanted to make a “Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking” joke. But since us fans like to give depths to the characters that they deserve, maybe Wu is genuinely traumatized and just doesn’t want to bring it up. And maybe everyone knows he’s traumatized and doesn't want to bring it up, because no one else is like “Wu, did you forget she had you drugged and kidnapped???” They just give him a look and he’s like “LOL oops sorry should have said my thing first!!” maybe Team Avatar understands that it was a really scary moment for him and they just let him shield himself with humor.
I know it isn’t isn’t exactly a strong Wuko moment, but the bitchy look that Moko, Bolin, Wu and Pabu give to Kuvira in the airship breathed life into me for some reason. I’m loving how they look like a group of mean girls who were just badmouthing Kuvira before she walked in. I think they were having a nice bonding moment before this.
Mako, you know I love you
Ok. So after Mako casually mentions just calling off the election, Wu flat out says “I love you” to Mako. This is a line us Wuko shippers just DIE for. The full line is as follows:
Mako: I say you call off the vote, at least for now. Make it impossible for Guan to win
Wu: Mako, you know I love you, but I’m trying to encourage democracy. I can’t just go around cancelling elections because I don’t like one of the candidates. We need to let this play out.
So. Like, what the heck are we supposed to make of this?
I’m not going to dig too deep and force my own interpretations and headcanons onto you. This I love you could mean a number of different things. I just want to pose some rhetorical questions about it and the context to give us all some things to think about.
Is Wu flirting? Does Mako actually know that Wu loves him? Is this an extension of Wu’s many other instances of flirting with complimenting Mako (on par with ‘my big tough guy” while staring at his ass)? Has Wu said “I love you” to Mako before? How many times has Wu said “Mako I love you” before? Is this evidence of them actually being in a romantic relationship during this comic? Or is it evidence of romantic tension building? Is Mako just totally oblivious to the fact that Wu said I love you? Or did he hear it and his brain blue-screened from the shock of being blatantly told I love you? Has Wu just gotten fed up that Mako seems oblivious to all his previous flirtations and he just decided to up the ante? Does Mako love Wu back?!
Lots of questions. Lots of interpretations. But (as far as I remember) Mako has only said I love you to two people- his brother and Korra (I don’t think he said I love you to Asami but I could be wrong). And if you’ve read this you know that Mako’s relationship with Wu is not brotherly. We’ve never heard “I love you” from Wu toward anyone else that I can recall so I don’t think he makes a habit of throwing the phrase around lightly. Also, worth noting: Literally no one reacts to the casual “I love you”. Everyone just goes on with the conversation at hand. The next frame that we see of Wu and Mako’s faces together, Mako is SMILING at Wu.
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So like, he’s clearly not uncomfortable with being told that Wu loves him. And no one else is uncomfortable with it either. So what gives? Are they together? Are they flirting? Is everyone else just like “yup Wu said I love you Mako nothing out of the ordinary here because it’s painfully obvious Wu is into Mako, let's move on, nothing to see here”?
Wu and Korra
One thing I LOVE about these comics is the friendship between Korra and Wu. During the series, Korra tolerated Wu, warming up to him a bit at the very end when he told her his plan to abdicate. But through these comics there seems to be a comfortable familiarity between them. A bit of teasing, loads of moral support, and not a hint of her (or anyone) being super annoyed by him. He also doesn’t hit on her or anyone else except Mako, which is a very refreshing character growth because it was very tiresome to watch him objectify women in the animated series.
Korra and Wu spend a good amount of time together as she accompanies him to Gaoling’s city hall. They seem very comfortable with each other, comfortable enough that the writers included a fart joke.
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Korra reassures Wu when he expresses worry about the election being pointless, she steps forward somewhat protectively when Guan shows up- the entire scene with Guan, Korra is standing between him and Wu.
Basically I bring this up because I genuinely love the idea that Korra and Wu are close and friendly, that they have moved on from his cringy behavior from the series (I like to think he apologized to both her and Asami?)
What this means for Wuko
If you are writing fic or just coming up with headcanon, there are two ways to look at the scenes. Either they are in a relationship, or they aren’t. You could easily just say they are in a relationship and are being quiet about it, because they aren’t ready to be fully public, or maybe because they are still figuring things out, or they are waiting for Wu to abdicate and move back to Republic City, etc. “You know I love you” is such an easy piece of canon content to make this your headcanon.
Likewise, one could say they are Not Together right now. Pre-relationship, if you will. Maybe they’ve danced around the idea, discussed feelings without actually getting together. Or maybe they are still clueless that there is a potential for a relationship. Wu might be putting out feelers to see how Mako responds to his flirtations. Mako might be wondering if he’s misinterpreting Wu’s affectionate touches and words. Lots of romantic tension, pining, each wondering if the other one has any feelings.
I also love the idea that Wu and Korra are friends and have discussed or will discuss Mako and Wu’s feelings for him.
So, in summary, Wu loves Mako. It’s canon. It’s right there in black and white. Make of it what you will!
Next post I will discuss Wuko in the first half of RotE Book 2. Wu goes on a life-changing field trip with Korra to meet Toph and confront a swamp-vision of his Late Great Aunt, while Mako gets captured and brainwashed by Guan. Wu and Mako are not together during these scenes but there will be lots of wonderful Wu backstory along with plenty of angst potential from the brainwashing storyline.
Wuko in Turf Wars
Wuko in RotE part 1
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cudan2 · 3 years
One Last Surgery
Spring Break Shadowing Part 5.1
Carlisle Cullen x Reader
Word Count: 2,043
Summary: You finally find out the reason for going to the children’s hospital, but you’re more distracted than usual today and Dr. Cullen can tell. 
A/N: Tell me why part 5 of SBS takes up over half of the whole series? I’ve had this sitting in my drafts for 5 months because I keep adding more to it smh. Now it’s too long so I’ve decided to split it up into 3 parts (in addition to parts 6 and 7). I’m making the final edits the rest of this part now - 5.2 should be posted in like two days.
Anyways, this is technically the beginning of  #1 and #2 on my headcanon list.
Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital is only across the street from Doctor Cullen’s office, but it seems to take forever to get there. You trail the doctor like a lost puppy through a skyway and a series of corridors before eventually reaching the right building. Different is definitely an understatement.
Gone are the linoleum-tiled floors, the abstract paintings lining the hallways, and the stark white walls. Instead, there are bright colors everywhere you look. Artwork featuring various galaxies and planets scatter throughout the hospital, and giant stars are imprinted along the floors; even the whole atmosphere just feels different.
You don’t get much time to analyze the differences though. Doctor Cullen is wasting no time to reach the destination, and his long legs aren’t making it any easier to keep up.
“Not that I don’t like surprises, but any chance you can tell me what we’re doing in the children’s hospital now?”
“Impatient, are we?” Doctor Cullen chuckles. He stops at an elevator and pushes the up button, only giving into your question once he catches a glimpse of your pout. “Alright, you win. Are you familiar with a cleft palate or cleft lip?”
The elevator dings, the doors sliding open with it. You shake your head no and get on the elevator with him. He presses the button for the floor and then leans against the wall, arms outstretched on the handrail, and gives you an explanation. 
“A cleft is a gap or split occurring in the roof of the mouth, upper lip, or both. It is due to improper joining of the tissue during fetal development. There are no definitive known causes as of right now, but it’s believed that the environment and genetics can play a role.
The hospital has its own craniofacial team, but I was asked to join this particular case given its more complicated nature. Hanna became one of the first patients I treated when I came to Columbia,” Doctor Cullen finishes fondly, a smile gracing his lips.
“What makes this case complicated?” you ask.
“Hanna was born with a bilateral complete cleft lip and palate, meaning her lip cleft is two-sided and continues into her nose. It took quite a few surgeries to repair the lip, but now the next step is to repair the palate.”
The elevator reaches the floor and dings. You follow Doctor Cullen out and continue prodding him with more questions, which he is more than eager to answer. It’s incredible how knowledgeable he is. Granted, it is his job to know these things, but you couldn’t begin to imagine yourself being able to even scratch the surface of these topics, not to mention give a mini lecture on it.
You’re soon standing at the door to a patient room while the doctor asks Hanna’s parents if you can observe. They readily agree, and Doctor Cullen motions for you to come in.
Inside the room, you see an infant that can’t be more than a year old – Hanna.  She’s sitting upright on the bed, leaning against who you assume to be her father. You notice two fading scars going up into her nose above her lip. Her mother is waving a stuffed toy around her, but Hanna’s attention is fixated on the blonde doctor.
“Y/N, allow me to introduce you to Hanna’s parents, Anthony and Linh Pham. And this is Doctor Giselle Adamou, who will be working with me on the surgery,” Doctor Cullen gestures to the older doctor in the room.
“It’s nice to meet you all,” you say politely.
Pre-op goes differently than what you’ve gotten used to observing this week. There is no case presenting given the lack of residents on the case. If anything, this is what you would expect out of a non-teaching hospital.
Doctor Cullen re-explains the procedures to Hanna’s parents, but halfway through, Hanna crawls to the end of the bed where Doctor Cullen is and attempts to stand, arms outstretched as if to say, “Up! Up!” Bewilderment is not a word you would have associated with him, and yet you catch the brief widening of his eyes that betray his usually calm demeanor.
“I think she wants you to hold her,” Linh comments.
“I can see,” Doctor Cullen muses. “Do you mind?”
“She’s all yours.” Linh picks her daughter up from the bed and hands her to the doctor. The sound of Hanna’s elated laughter fills the room, and you can’t stop a small smile from appearing on your own face. A cute baby and a gorgeous doctor? You don’t know who to thank for the sight.
Meanwhile, Hanna starts playing with various pens in Doctor Cullen’s breast pocket while Doctor Adamou continues where her colleague left off. You try to pay attention, you really do. Like Hanna though, your attention lies on someone else, and that someone else happens to be Doctor Cullen.
The more you study him, the more the minute features you never noticed about him before seem to pop out to you. Under the bright fluorescent lighting of the hospital, the dark purple circles under his eyes are more apparent than ever. How ironic for the preacher of health to lack sleep himself. His eyes, which you normally consider to be a vivid golden, are darker than you initially thought them to be. They are liquid pools of dark amber, speckled with dustings of gold and flecks of black. There isn’t a single blemish on his face that you can see either, further confirming your belief that this man is truly the most attractive person you have ever met. Either that or he must have one hell of a skincare routine.
It’s unnerving how young his appearance is. Skincare and diet can only do so much for a person, right? Doctor Cullen has to be at least 35 at the minimum, yet he could easily pass off as someone from your own school.
“Any last minute questions?” you hear Doctor Adamou ask and snap back into reality. By missing nearly everything the older doctor talked about, you already know you’ll be so screwed if and when Doctor Cullen decides to interrogate you on this case.
Neither parent has anything left to say, so Doctor Cullen gives a reluctant Hanna back to her mother. She lets out a cry and his expression softens.
“I know, sweetheart. I’ll miss you too, but I need to get ready for your big surgery, okay? I promise you’ll see me again in a few hours.” His soothing voice does wonders for her. In an instant, Hanna quiets down and her frown is replaced with giggles and smiles again. She waves the two of you off, and you both take your leave with Doctor Adamou trailing behind you. You’re not even halfway out the door yet when Doctor Cullen starts testing your knowledge again.
“Y/N, what procedure will we be doing to repair Hanna’s cleft?” 
You do not have this one in the bag whatsoever. You wrack your brain for information that could help you, but Doctor Adamou interjects before you get a chance to say anything.
“Why does it not surprise me that you’re treating students like interns already, Carlisle?”
“I am merely advancing the education of next generation’s doctors,” he responds.
“Whatever you say,” she laughs. “Don’t scare off Y/N though, or we won’t have any doctors left in the next generation.” She turns to you after picking up files from a nearby counter and says, “You come running to me if he pushes you too hard, alright?”
You grin. “For sure.”
“Good. I look forward to seeing you both in the OR,” she says before heading off.
You like Doctor Adamou. Each surgeon you’ve met here so far has had such different personalities, yet each also has the charisma and confidence to take control of a room and command respect. You, on the other hand, could barely get your own friends to listen to your own words. How are you ever going to get on the level of all the amazing doctors around you?
“She saved you there,” Doctor Cullen comments, leafing through Hanna’s charts as he walks you into an empty elevator to the operating floor. Oops, it’s just your luck that he noticed your lack of attention during the pre-op. “It’s unlike you to be distracted. Penny for your thoughts?”
The elevator doors shut, and he looks up from the chart, his eyes falling onto yours. He has that twinkle in his eyes again – the one that brings warmth to your cheeks and could make anyone weak in their knees. You know it’s silly, but a single look from him could make you spill any of your deepest and darkest secrets, yet a part of you also knows that he would keep it. You’re not naïve – you know it’s dangerous to put so much faith into a man you only met this week – but there’s something about him that told your instincts to trust him from the very beginning.
Call it intuition, or maybe it’s just plain stupidity, but you sure as hell aren’t going to tell him about how you got distracted because of his pretty face.
You hesitate for a moment and let out a sigh. “How do you do it?” He quirks a brow, momentarily perplexed, and you attempt to find the right words. “How do you make all of this look so easy? How do you know what the right thing to say is? Or trust that what you’re doing is even right? How did you know if this was all meant for you? This is really dumb, but it seems like everyone here was born for this job, and then there’s... me.”
There’s a slight sense of dread starting to form in your stomach. You’re unsure if what you asked even made any sort of sense and wonder if you gave too much away. Giving any reason to second guess your abilities is like digging your own grave when it comes to this career. Expressing uncertainty is one of the biggest taboos of the cutthroat world that is pre-med because schools would not accept students that aren’t absolutely, totally, and completely sure about this path.
You’ve wanted this for so long, yet there’s still a part of you that doubts if you would be enough.
Rather than going straight to gowning and scrubbing in for the surgery, Doctor Cullen grabs your hand and leads you down to an abandoned hallway, only letting go once the two of you are hidden in an alcove away from any prying ears or eyes.
“What are you doing? Shouldn’t you be getting ready for surgery?”
“We have a few minutes to spare. Y/N, please know that I understand how you feel,” he says softly. “There was a time when I questioned my own abilities as well… whether my perseverance could overcome adversity. It took quite some time to reach where I am today.  However, without enduring those trials and tribulations, I would not be here. With time comes experience, and it is that experience that allows me to perform my job the best I can.”
His voice reminds you of a gentle breeze, rustling the leaves of a tree on a cool summer night when he continues speaking in hushed tones. It brings a blanket of reassurance, a sense that things would eventually be alright.
“I have said this before, but I see enormous potential in you. You still have a great deal of time to grow and develop your skills. It’s easy to get caught up in comparing yourself with others, especially given today’s societal standards, but I believe you are much more capable than you may think you are. Everyone’s journey is different and yours may not necessarily be as linear as you would prefer. In due time though, I have faith that you will succeed.”
What he says is exactly what you needed to hear.
The swell of tears pricks at your eyes and start blurring your vision, but you blink them away quickly, fighting the urge to wrap your arms around the doctor. 
“Thank you, Doctor Cullen.” Your voice is barely above a whisper.
“You’re very welcome. Now, I believe there’s a little girl waiting on us.” 
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@jelly-fishy-babie @notahappytree @anxiousgoldengirl
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Stalker X Stalker, Part 6
Perma tag: @nathleigh @peachmuses
Stalker x Stalker taglist: @aespades @jayjayspixiepop @blueslushgueen @fan-written @seraphichana @nerd-nowandforever
Just remembered I had a plot so oops
Marinette wasn’t stupid. Nino had a brother only a few years older than Robin, and that brother had never acted so young or clingy at Robin’s age (and it surely wasn’t a thing about Robin, because she had yet to see him cling to anyone else). She knew that Robin was just using her to mess with Red Robin.
But she didn’t particularly mind. It was kind of funny to watch Red getting all worked up over his little brother and friend being close. She was glad she had her mask, because otherwise she definitely would have given away the act by this point.
Robin, for his part, had been upping things more and more every time he saw her. She wasn’t sure whether this was because he knew that she knew or because he was testing the limits of what he could do without her saying anything.
Red looked like he was at his wit’s end with Robin held out a hand for Marinette right before crossing a street. She took it, which was when he finally snapped:
“He’s twelve, not five!”
She pulled her face into a mock frown. “Are you saying that twelve-year-olds should get hit by cars, Red?”
Red Robin sputtered.
“Miss Ladybug, why is he so mean to me?” Robin asked with wide eyes. She could see the corner of his lips twitching in an effort not to smile.
She winked. His eyes narrowed just slightly then he widened them back to their wide-eyed sadness.
“I don’t know, sweetie. He’s just a meanie, I guess.”
Red Robin threw his hands up in either anger or defeat. It didn’t really matter which one it was, they counted it as a win.
Tim wasn’t surprised to walk into the Batcave one day and see Marinette’s face on the Batcomputer. The only thing he didn’t know was whether she was up there because they had figured out her identity or because Tim had started hanging out with her as a civilian.
He took a long sip of his coffee as he considered this, then he trudged over. Might as well find out.
“Hey guys,” he announced his presence.
He watched Duke out of the corner of his eyes. Duke was the newest of them, he could usually count on him to have more pronounced reactions.
Duke didn’t seem all that awkward. So it must have been them finding out her identity.
Tim sidled up beside them. “Sure that’s her?”
Bruce, never one for using his words when he didn’t have to, held up a small container of blood.
He hummed his understanding and intended for that to be the end of the conversation… but it was getting increasingly hard to ignore the eyes boreing into the side of his head. Tim fought to keep a straight face and unclench his jaw and ignore the stupid ‘d-d-don’t be suspicious’ song playing in his head.
And then Cass tapped him on the shoulder and he cursed quietly.
“Fine. Fine. I knew. Happy?”
Cass was not. She narrowed her eyes at him.
“I saw her run into an alleyway and I followed -- obviously, it’s Gotham and alleyways are dangerous -- and she transformed right in front of me.”
She nodded and let it go.
Bruce, however, did not.
“You knew her identity and didn’t think to tell us?”
“I thought to tell you, I just didn’t,” he said with a cheeky grin.
Ah. The Disappointed Dad Stare. He had certainly not missed that.
His grin melted into an awkward smile. “It felt weird to reveal her. She clearly cares about her identity since she hasn’t told us herself yet, I figured I’d respect that as long as I could.”
“... you weren’t making progress on her identity on purpose. God, that makes so much more sense,” muttered Steph.
He shrugged. “Easy to avoid someone’s identity when you know who it is.”
Bruce was still looking at him disapprovingly.
“Don’t worry, I have contingencies,” Tim said.
His father relaxed, finally. He motioned for him to go on.
“Well, a few need confirmation. I still don’t know if her yoyo can be cut and it’s hard to tell if other people can unzip her hood or not. But if the hood is open then The Flash or Superman can easily get the earrings from her -- beyond those she’d just a normal person with some fighting skills, same contingencies as The Arrows or any of us. If not then Green Lantern can probably neutralize her.”
Bruce nodded.
The other kids looked mildly concerned.
“Wait, he has contingencies for us?” Duke said.
Bruce was back to looking dismayed. Tim showed them all where their files were (he wouldn’t hack them for them, obviously, he didn’t want to break the news of exactly how messed up Bruce’s contingencies were). He could practically see all the sweat beading itself on his forehead beneath his cowl.
(Tim hid his smile. He’d finally gotten revenge for the time he’d made him stay inside after The Chloroform Incident. And revenge was sweet.)
… it wasn’t until he started seeing his siblings on the rooftop across from Marinette’s apartment that he thought that, maybe, he should have gotten them into their files. It definitely would have distracted them from the Marinette Is Ladybug situation.
At least Cass trusted Marinette -- she would have slipped up and showed her intentions at least once by now -- and therefore wasn’t likely to come by. Cass would be the one to figure out that Tim coming up to the roof was more than him just checking on his siblings.
The first person that came by was Damian. Fair enough, he’d been around Marinette the shortest amount of time and what little friendship they had was based on his lies.
Now, the youngest sibling sat, cross-legged on the rooftop. He was sketching in his sketchbook between quick glances over at Marinette. He looked up when Tim pulled himself over the side and squinted at him.
“Dami,” Tim greeted, because it always annoyed his younger brother when he used the nickname. “Having fun spying on Marinette?”
Damian was silent for a few moments before clicking his tongue. “She needs to close her blinds more often.”
“Aw, do you care about her?” Tim teased, reaching over to ruffle his brother’s hair.
He pushed his hand away. “She’s a Gothamite and is therefore under our protection.”
Tim snickered and shook his head, taking a seat beside him on the rooftop. “We can tell Duke about it once everyone else has had their chance at checking her out. He’s the only one that can get away with asking her to close it.”
Damian nodded firmly.
Tim hid the fond smile on his face by diverting his brother’s attention: “So, what’re you sketching?”
Damian’s eyes lit up.
The next person to drop by was Bruce himself. He was sitting there, in all black despite the fact that it was less useful during the day, with full spy equipment.
Tim dropped down beside him and was offered a set of headphones. The two of them stayed there in silence for a long time, listening to Marinette going about her day. She was currently cooking something and singing along to a song:
“I always feel like... somebOdy’s watching meeEe… andIhavenoprivacy~.”
Tim was choosing to ignore the song choice in favor of giggling about her inability to hit the notes. He could feel Bruce watching him out of the corner of his eyes, but he didn’t say anything and neither did Tim.
Next was Steph.
Steph raised her eyebrows at Tim when she saw him.
“Come here often?” She asked in a tone that was only half-joking.
“Only recently,” he lied. “Trying to figure out if any of you trust my judgement.”
“Yeah, Duke is my last hope.”
She snickered and shook her head. “To be fair, you’re whipped. You could have been biased.”
“But I’m not.”
“But you’re not,” she conceded, then turned her gaze back on Marinette. “She’s cute. I approve.”
“Glad to know you trust her.”
“I wasn’t talking about it like that and you know it,” Steph said with a wink.
Tim blushed and pushed her face away. “You’re the worst.”
Marinette was having a little difficulty figuring out the not-quite-a-language that the bats spoke with her. She wanted to learn it because she cared about Black Bat and, though she could use ASL, it was clear that she wasn’t comfortable with any particular language… but wow was it hard to learn a language when there wasn’t any actual language involved.
Thankfully, Signal had said he would teach her since he had learned it the most recently and therefore might have an easier time teaching it.
Now, it was just after they had finished their lessons for the day and the two of them were relaxing together between their patrols. He had his head in her lap as they both scrolled through Twitter, occasionally laughing and showing each other the dumb things that the other bats had supposedly done. Her favorite so far was the picture someone had discreetly taken of Robin while he was petting their dog.
And then Signal suddenly sat up straight, eyes so wide beneath his domino that she swore that the lenses were going to pop out.
“Uh --?”
“We need to go,” he said.
She felt his hand wrap around her wrist and now she was being dragged somewhere else --.
There was a rush of air and next thing she knew she was being held just barely off the ground.
She blinked all the dryness out of her eyes and then looked up to see that her captor was none other than Superman himself. He had grabbed both of them and taken them to where the Batcomputer was, holding her by her hood and Signal by the back of his shirt. He looked angry, but not particularly at her. She followed his gaze to where Batman was sitting in his Batchair.
“B --.”
“Batman,” said Batman sternly.
Oh, so Superman got to know his secret identity and she didn’t?
(She was ignoring the fact that Batman’s civilian name started with a B.)
“Batman, what do I have here?”
“Two children?”
“Two. Metas.”
“Technically, Ladybug isn’t a meta. Her powers were given to her by a god that lives in her earrings,” Batman informed him.
Marinette tried not to smile too much. Look at how much he had grown. He was using her excuses now.
Superman’s eyes narrowed. She’d say something about how ‘if looks could kill, Batman would be dead’... but, considering the fact that Superman could kill someone with a single look, it didn’t really work.
“And is the god allowed in Gotham?”
Batman didn’t have an excuse for that one. He just grunted a specific grunt which Marinette had learned meant: “What’s your point?”
Superman also knew this specific grunt, apparently. “My point is that the last time I was in Gotham you put kryptonite in my coffee! You said no metas, and we listened, but now you have two!”
“They’re my kids.”
Marinette blinked. “News to me.”
Signal tried to reach across Superman to punch her arm. Superman was a very wide not-man, so he came up short.
“Do you want to be kicked out of Gotham?”
“Guess I’ve always wanted family here,” she said quickly.
Superman squinted at them for a long time before, finally, dropping them.
“You’re lifting your no meta rule.”
“No --.”
“Yes. If even you’re not going to listen to it, neither should we.”
Batman didn’t seem happy. Superman didn’t seem to care. Probably because he was a good head taller and had far more superpowers than Batman did.
Superman left soon after.
Marinette knew it wasn’t the time, because Batman was back to his Batbrooding, but she couldn’t help the grin slowly spreading across her face.
“So, Dad, can I have the new Xbox for Christmas?”
Duke had visited Marinette. Tim hadn’t seen him visit, but he definitely had because Marinette had closed her blinds and they hadn’t been open in days. She was still in Gotham, though, she had gone on patrols and, as far as he could tell, she didn’t have any places in Gotham in her name. She had to still be in the apartment, so Duke must have visited as Signal and told her to close them.
And he should have been happy about this. It was far safer that way. The less people knew that there was a woman living alone in that apartment the better.
… but he couldn’t help but be concerned.
The blinds being closed was his best indication of when she was about to leave or currently not home. He didn’t like that he no longer had a way of figuring that out. How was he supposed to watch over her while she was getting groceries if he never knew when she was going?
He gives her a necklace with a tracker in it the next time he sees her as Tim.
She raised her eyebrows at the box he was holding out to her. “Don’t you think it’s a little early to propose?” She joked, but he could hear the slight wariness bleeding into her tone.
He grins easily. “It’s just to thank you for the outfit you’re making me.”
“You pay me,” she said. “That’s thanks enough for me.”
“Maybe I just feel a little bad about guilting you into making it in the first place.”
She hesitates, but he could see the shiny red gem inlaid in it winning her over. It doesn’t matter that she wasn’t a gold digger, she was a fashion designer and he had purposefully chosen a common gem color so she’d be more inclined to wear it more often. It worked with a lot of outfits and it came from someone she -- hopefully -- considered a friend? There was little reason to say no.
As expected, she gave in.
She turned around and he carefully clasped it behind her neck. He pressed a tiny kiss to the back of her head.
When she turned back around her face was redder than the gem. He couldn’t help but smile.
“Ready to go?”
She nodded, taking his hand and allowing him to pull her along to the newest attraction.
Marinette fell back on her bed with a huff.
“Tikkiiiiiiiii,” she complained.
The kwami slipped out of her purse and came up to float above her face. “Did you enjoy your date?”
“It wasn’t --!”
Tikki laughed at her dismay. Because Tikki sucked.
She dropped the pillow back beside herself and curled up in what had used to be Tim’s jacket (she wasn’t joking when she’d taken it, he was never getting it back).
“Tim better be Red Robin. I’m not doing the whole ‘two crushes at once’ thing again.”
You know, there were actually times where Tim felt bad about chipping Marinette. He wasn’t out of it enough to think that it wasn’t messed up, he knew that there was a reason he didn’t want the other bats to know.
And he knew that, if he had to keep his habits from fellow bats, his habits had to be pretty bad. Every single one of them had a tendency to watch over their loved ones from time to time, it just came with the territory of having friends that are a) vigilantes/heroes/Rogues, b) stupid enough to live in Gotham, or c) an unfortunate mix of both. And, really, when you have the entire world at your fingertips it’s hard not to cross a few lines from time to time.
But Tim couldn’t bring himself to care about that line when she didn’t seem to care about her own safety.
She left the house constantly. Tim was beginning to suspect that she’d had her blinds open so often in order to feel closer to people rather than because she liked sunning herself. This would be fine… if she wasn’t leaving as a civilian. Marinette cared about her secret identity almost as much as Bruce did, so he knew that she probably wouldn’t try too hard to escape attackers for fear of them finding out who she was through her very particular fighting style. The bats had drilled her on the best ways to deal with being held at gunpoint and everything, but not every criminal was completely predictable. Bruce’s parents were a prime example of that.
She also had a tendency to take food without checking to see if it was laced. She did it especially when Tim handed her food and, while he liked that she trusted him, he didn’t love that she was as trusting of him as she was.
Marinette had trouble detecting when people were watching her, too. He figured it was just a byproduct of having most of the stuff she did as Ladybug filmed by tv crews and random civilians… but understanding why she was like that didn’t make him any less concerned about it.
Most damning, however, was how she dealt with catcalling.
Tim never felt a need to intervene when any of his siblings got catcalled on the job. He could trust them to tell whoever it was to stop with however much politeness was correct for the situation (usually not that much).
(The only exception was Damian because, unlike everyone else, Damian was still very obviously a minor. And even then the temptation to beat them up was mostly sated by the fact that Damian knew far more nonlethal ways to hurt them than he did.)
But the few times Marinette had gotten catcalled in front of him she… had just very politely asked them not to say that? And, when they didn’t stop, she had just sat there in her discomfort until they were done?
And Tim had done nothing but watch in stunned silence the first few times. It hadn’t been on purpose, he had just… not been expecting it. She usually acted far more confident, usually had some sort of retort on her tongue, why was this any different?
He didn’t know. Both he and Steph had tried to ask but she shut down both times and they didn’t want her to be more upset than she already was so they’d stopped trying.
The bats just silently agreed to check in on her through comms when she was quiet for too long and, if she didn’t respond, head towards her last known location and start looking.
So, yeah, his paranoia wasn’t completely unfounded.
Marinette blinked at the envelope Black Bat had handed her.
She turned it over in her hands, wondering if it was some kind of test, but that wasn’t really as much of a Black Bat thing as it was a Batman or Red Robin thing. So, she figured it probably wasn’t dangerous. She still found herself examining it. It was done in an old style, with a rough and slightly yellowed paper, a red wax seal with a pointy hat emblem she didn’t recognize, and ‘Ladybug’ written across the front in gorgeous calligraphy.
Black Bat only smiled at her and made a motion to open it.
Marinette hesitantly opened the letter and pulled out more weird paper. It was splattered with something that looked suspiciously like dried blood. In the same elegant script that had decorated the front, it read:
Your spirit has been summoned to my annual Halloween Party!
Dress to kill!
This was followed by a bunch of directions and timings and stuff about RSVP-ing.
Marinette looked at Black Bat, somehow even more confused than she had been before.
Thankfully, Red Robin chose that moment to run down the stairs, waving his invitation excitedly.
He stopped short when he saw Marinette already holding her invitation and huffed, sending Black Bat a halfhearted glare. “I wanted to tell her.”
Black Bat’s smile morphed into a smirk.
“Rude,” Red said. Then, he turned to Marinette. “We got invited to his Halloween Party!”
“Yeah… whose Halloween Party, exactly?”
“Scarecrow’s, of course!”
… what?
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Prince Nuada x Angel!Reader (P.3)
(Requested by @blackwoodwinter​ : Hello! Could i request a story of reader x prince nuada, where the reader is naturally born human with powers & mutations that make her look like an angel. She also works in the BPRD alongside Red and Abe and when she first meets Nuada he mistakes her for a mythical creature, initially not liking her of betraying mythical creatures for humans, but she clearfies she is technically human and shows him little by little there is still good in humanity.)
Warning: None I guess.
Word Count: 2,888
Part1 Part2
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It has been weeks since the resurrection incident, (Y/n) had recovered and has rejoined the investigation for the Gargoyle. During the said investigation, Nuada has been keeping an eye on the little human angel, which surprised some because he always showed nothing but disgust towards her and now he will not leave her side unless she expressed wanting to be alone. Of course, he was subtle about it, only those who knew him well enough noticed such actions. Hellboy didn't like the sudden interest the elf prince had in (Y/n), Abraham was between being hopeful that Nuada accepted her as a friend and worried that he was up to something, Liz and Nuala on the other hand had a pretty good picture on what was possibly happening but said nothing only acted when Hellboy needed someone to hold him back or poor Abraham who needed reassurance that everything is fine.
 However, unlike what the girls were thinking, Nuada wasn't staying close to (Y/n) because he had feelings for her, but rather was intrigued by her and wanting to know what else she is able to do.
 "Can you fly with them?" He asked one day when he caught her stretching her wings, his eyes mesmerized by the feathers that shone against the light.
 "Uh… Yeah." She replied a bit startled since she thought she was alone.
 "How high can you go?" He took a few steps forward to get a better look at (Y/n)'s wings.
 "Well, the highest I went like… 60 story building." You answered self-consciously. Nuada raised a brow of bewilderment.
 "Only 60 story?" He repeated confused. "Forgive my bluntness, but I believed you could go higher since your wings look strong."
 "I might be." You said with a shrug.
 "Might be?"
 "Well, I never really went any higher than 60 stories." You looked around to make sure they were alone before whispering. "I'm actually scared to go higher."
 "Why is that?" Asked Nuada in bewilderment.
 "I'm just afraid that something might go wrong." You answered. "What if I went too high that I can't breathe anymore and lose consciousness and fall to my death, what if my wings got tired and cramped and caused me to fall to my death, or what if I got high enough that-"
 "Bunch of human hunters would mistake you for a bird and shot you down to your death?" Said Nuada with a smirk finding (Y/n)'s imagination amusing.
 "No, that would be a silly thought." She retorted before continuing. "I was going to say, that I would accidentally be pulled into a plane's engine without me being able to prevent it.
 Nuada looked at her with wide eyes of amazement before bursting into laughter.
 "Why are you laughing!?" (Y/n) exclaimed with a bright red face, Nuada continued laughing.
 Nuada agreed to keep her secret on the condition of allowing him to help her get over her fear, which she reluctantly agreed to. When the weather was clear they would go outside where she would try and fly a bit higher, she would get scared after a few meters away from what she was used to but with practice, she is getting used to it. Of course, flying isn't the only thing he was teaching her. In the training room, he would teach her hand in hand combat and that she should not just depend on her wings. One day she came forward and asked him to teach her how to fight with weapons specifically with sword…that she already has.
 "Tell me again how did you obtain such a weapon." Said Nuada as he stared at the sword in her hands that he dared not to touch, for even if it was naked to the human eyes he could sense the holy aura around it.
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  "It was found centuries by humans who passed it from one generation to the other, then from and organization to the other until it was settling beneath the Vatican vault." She explained. "I remember that we needed further information about a monster we were after, and such information can only be found in the Vatican. It was one of my first missions outside the country, Professor Broom is the one who insisted to take me along with them in hopes that by seeing me 'An Angel' that they would be a bit lenient on us, of course, Hellboy was forbidden to go along with us, so it was just me, the professor and a few protection agents….  I remember that while the professor was looking into the documents I felt a pull towards a locked room that to this day I still don’t know how did I get into without alarming anyone, all I remember is one moment I was standing on one side watching the professor work and then suddenly I was holding the sword in my hand while Vatican security was pointing a gun at me to let the sword go."
 Nuada watched her closely as she told the story, her eyes shone slightly as she stared down at her sword.
 "And what convinced them to let you keep it?" Asked Nuada pulling her out of her thoughts.
 "It was the Pope." She continued. "He said that the sword found its owner. I still don't understand. Of course, there were a lot who objected on letting me keep the word, but the Pope's words were final."
 "Does anyone know where the sword came from?"
 "They don't know exactly where, each one just said a different story." She sheathed her sword back to her side. "But the one I follow was the one Professor broom told me, That millenniums ago, in the war between Lucifer and god, that an Angel must have lost their weapon causing it to fall on earth…. I'm still skeptical about it but I think the story sounds really cool!"
 Nuada just stayed silenced and nodded at her.
 Everything was going well for Nuada. Manning trusted him more which allowed him more freedom to even walk outside the building unsupervised, He got to know Abraham more for his sister's sake, and even his relationship with Red become of a friendly rivalry rather than pure trust and distrust, and even humans around him started to become less tense around him, going as far as greeting him in the halls when they saw him or ask him about her day. Everything was going well…until Manning called for an emergency meeting that everyone including the paranormal agents had to be present in it.
 "His name is Hugo." Said Abraham as he presented the few blurry pictures they were able to catch on the digital screen.
 The moment he uttered the name Nuada could feel his blood grow cold and his heartbeat slightly rise with nervousness. He did his best not to show it. He would be lying to say that he didn't expect to hear about the gargoyle again, but part of him still hoped that the beast would follow his advice and disappear for a few centuries before striking again. The prince tried to ignore the bang of guilt he felt when remembering his first encounter with Hugo and how he let him go. His eyes looked to (Y/n) who was concentrating on whatever Abraham was saying with a serious look in her eyes while her hand rests on her sword, ready to fight. Aside from guilt now he also felt ashamed because he deceived her. The Elven prince stared back into the screen trying to mask his true feeling with a nonchalant stare.
 "We found the Gargoyle Coven and asked them about if any one of their members went rouge and they confirmed that Hugo was one of them, that he spent centuries complaining about the humans and even refusing to protect them from harm when they saw them in danger." A few murmurs were filling the room but were quieted down as he continued. "They cast him out of the coven after he not only witnessed the death of an innocent human family but helped the culprit escape."
 "How horrible." Said Nuala with a sorrowful look. "What kind of creature would allow such a thing."
 Nuada averted his eyes with shame from his sister, looking down at his weapon which he refused to raise against the gargoyle. He was now part of such a crime because he too let the beast flee undetected.
 "Listen, we still don't know what is his weakness since every book we had said that gargoyles are invisible…" Said Red earning everyone's attention. "Except against one thing and its sunlight, when it touches them they turn to stone, it still doesn't mean they are dead, they just become immobile until nightfall. So our best option is to find him, tie him down until sunrise, and when he turns to stone we break him to pieces!"
 When he said the last part he slammed his stone fist against the table breaking it.
 "…Oops…" He said as he took a step back.
 "You know Red.." Called (Y/n). "I was really admiring your plan, that you finally said something that didn't involve shooting something down, but then you go and do this."
 Her remark made the people in the room laugh or giggle, except Nuada who was trying to figure out what to do and how. Because if they did manage to catch the beast he will blurb out that he had helped him escape, which will lose him to lose everything he has now. Respect, Trust, and loyalty. The humans would probably lock him back with no hope of a second chance, his sister would look at him with disgust… and (Y/n) would never want to be near him again.
 No, he needed to do something and fast.
 "What is troubling you brother?" Asked Nuala as she entered his room.
 "Nothing is troubling me." He lied skillfully.
 He was in the middle of preparing for leaving with the others to look for the gargoyle. They had been informed of a large group of humans going missing around a specific area in the city so they planned to make different search parties each one lead by either Hellboy, Abraham, (Y/n), or him. His plan however was simple, slowly separate from the human group, search for a possible lead to Hugo, when he finds the Gargoyle he will convince him to leave the city. Nuala's eyes narrowed at her brother, who still has his back to her.
 "I sensed how agitated you were during the meeting." She said with her arms crossed. Nuada paused for a moment before continuing his work.
 "It was just the fact that I have to work with humans." He lied swiftly but Nuala didn't believe him.
 "Brother…" She called timidly, he just hummed in response. "Did you do something you shouldn't have done?"
 Nuala came forward to place her hand on her brother's shoulder in hopes of learning what he was hiding, but Nuada dodged her hand, which fell in mid-air. His sister froze when she saw the harsh glare he gave her.
 "You are my sister, and I love you dearly… But…" He growled. "If you tried to read my mind again without permission, I'm afraid I won't be so kind."
 He then turns around to leave his stunned sister in his room, her eyes wide because Nuada rarely becomes angry with her, but also because his action reminded her of when they were little, he would avoid her like the plague whenever he does something he shouldn't, like stealing pastry goods or breaking something valuable, but they were adults now and for Nuada avoiding her touch let alone give her such a glare means that whatever he was hiding was big, which makes her very worried.
 "What are you doing Brother." She said to no one in the empty room.
 Nuada was wearing a cloak to blend easily with the shadows whenever a human was about to see him. From the device, in his ear, Nuada could hear the human agents talking among themselves whether it was a casual conversation or just stating what they were seeing as suspicious, only rarely did they talk to him, and when they do it is only to ask him if he is seeing anything. He had enough when he saw that in a couple of hours they will have to go back, so Nuada told the humans that he was going to search from the buildings surface to have a better look at the dark sky to catch the Gargoyle if he was by chance flying over them. they trusted him and just told him to inform him if he saw anything so they can inform the other groups and come to help him. Nuada shook the bit of guilt he felt at the blind trust that these humans have given him, and continued jumping form a building to the other, when he deemed himself far enough he used the fire escape to go back down and go somewhere a bit more open for the Gargoyle to fly in freely. Nuada had seen how big Hugo was, not to mention the length of his wings, knowing that he would need an open place to be able to continue his kidnapping easily, Nuada had led the humans to an area that was closed, to keep them away and safe.
 He was walking on the side of the road looking up to the sky and keeping his senses sharp, to any movement near him. He kept walking until he reached a park. He was outside by the high iron fences, his eyes glanced to the lack of green graces, how the ground was filled with brown spots, most of the trees were dead or dying, even the children's ground was dirty and broken. A small bush of yellow flowers caught his attention, the flowers were growing on the small space between the iron fence bars, and they were slightly beaking out in the sidewalk. He didn't know why but he wanted to at least feel the small petals of the flowers, he knelt and reached for them but before his fingertips could someone called for him.
 "Don't pick the flower!" A small voice of a little girl who was running towards him.
 Nuada quickly took a step back and he tugged his hood down to assure that his face wasn't visible, but he still could see the little girl who was kneeling down to inspect the flowers. She then looked up to him.
 "I'm sorry for scaring your mister." Her tiny voice said politely. He just nodded in response to show that it was alright.
 Nuada watched as the little girl pulled out a worn-out plastic bottle which was filled with water. She opened the cap and proceeded to pour an amount that was obviously too much for the flower to absorb, but she did know that. When the bottle was half empty she stopped, and gave a satisfied nod at her work before closing the bottle again.
 "There used to be a lot of flowers, but after last summer almost all of them died because no one was there to take care of them…" The little girl explained. "So I decided that do it myself!"
 She gave Nuada, who was staring at her with interest, a big proud smile at what she just said. The prince couldn't help the small smile that graced his lips.
 "What is your name little one?" He asked gently.
 "My name is Sophie."
 "Well, Sophie, I must say that what you are doing is admirable." He said sincerely. The girl titled her head.
 "What does that mean?" she asked confused. He chuckled at her nativity.
 "It means good." he explained as simply as he could. "What you are doing is very good."
 The girl's eyes widened in realization before giggling, delighted to being praised by a stranger. He was still curious about something.
 "Why are you watering them at night?" He asked.
 "Oh, My mom grounded me today and I couldn't go and water them, so I sneaked out." She said as if she was caught doing something wrong… which she was.
 "It is dangerous to go into the night this late you need to return home now." Nuada said in a soft yet stern manner. The Girl's smile dropped, replaced by a sad frown.
 "B...But my flowers…"
 "Your flowers can survive till morning and I am sure if you told your mother she will understand." He said. "But sneaking out late at night with no one knowing your location, now go home now, it's dangerous."
 The little girl looked as if she was going to say something but refrained from doing so and she turned and ran away. Nuada as well turned on his heel to continue his search for the Gargoyle. However, Nuada failed to notice how the little girl stopped her track after she thought she was far enough from him, and when she saw him turn in a corner and disappear the little girl returned back to the park to tend to the rest of her flowers, disobeying the stranger's orders, believing that she will be safe enough to water a few more flowers.
 Unaware of the glowing red eyes that are watching her from afar.
I hope all of you enjoyed this part and will look forward for more.
Reminder Requests are closed.
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UPDATED: An Extremely Thorough Analysis of Episode 9 - Adrian’s Story
@espanholina​ asked me to rewatch the show and re-evaluate what really happened between Takka, Sumi, and Adrian. This is about the sex/non-con scenes in Episode 9. 
UPDATED: My theory here is confirmed to be correct by the director, Sam Deats. He said this in a Twitter post. 
(On a completely unprofessional and inappropriate note, doesn’t Adrian look just positively glorious in orgasm? Wow...)
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(Rewatching Season 3)
Let me preface this by saying that I am a bisexual person and I have experienced both consensual sex and non-consensual sexual situations (with men and women) in my life. I’m also the same age as Adrian would be and I have the same personality type. Okay, analysis time… 
These are my opinions about what Adrian is thinking and feeling during the controversial sexual scene:
First, let’s look at the meaning of rape in terms of deception (which is the only type of rape that might apply here): “Rape by deception is a situation in which the perpetrator obtains the victim's agreement to engage in sexual intercourse or other sex acts, but gains it by deception or false statements or actions.” To be honest, I had no idea this is technically rape until today. It means tricking someone into sex, basically, even if they want to have sex. So basically, Adrian is giving consent, but because he was deceived in order to give consent, it is a form of rape. That being rape by deception. This is very interesting. A lot of characters in TV shows are rapists then if you really think about it. For some examples: Chandler and Joey from Friends would both be rapists because they assume false identities and use fake names to sleep with women, Saul Goodman from Better Call Saul would also be a rapist because of deceptions in order to get sex, Don from Mad Men, etc. Really, if we think about the story, their deception started long before the sex scene and continued throughout because they came to murder him and just used sex as a ploy to get him in a vulnerable position. They knew Adrian is extremely lonely (and horny, oops sorry) and used that to their advantage. I think they knew Adrian would consent and that’s why they came up with the plan.
Detailed scene analysis: Adrian can’t sleep. When Takka and Sumi enter, he looks a little surprised and concerned. He asks what is wrong. Sumi and Takka conceal their blades and consecrated handcuffs behind their backs and drop them on both sides of the bed out of view of the camera. Alucard doesn’t notice. When they put their hands on his chest and say “You’ve been so alone,” he visibly blushes. I didn’t actually notice that until the second time. I rewatched this part a lot to try and gauge his emotion - in my opinion, it’s pleasant surprise and mild shock. He looks possibly hopeful and unsure about what is happening. 
When Sumi says that it’s time for his reward, Adrian’s eyes quiver and he breathes shakily, his mouth agape when they push him down onto the bed. When Sumi kisses him, and he’s shocked at first, but then he reciprocates. He’s still shocked afterward, clear by his expression and wide eyes. When Takka strokes his cheek and leans closer, Adrian actually rises up to kiss Takka. Adrian initiated the kiss with Takka and he pulls him closer right away - there is clearly (uninformed) consent and initiation at this point on Alucard’s side for Takka. I don’t understand why Adrian would actually lift himself up and initiate the kiss with Takka if he didn’t want anything sexual/romantic to happen. If someone has a different opinion about that please let me know what you are thinking.
Is it possible he simply wanted to please? I mean, that’s possible, but Takka and Sumi came into the room by saying that “it’s time for his reward”. If he didn’t want to be doing this, would he really be initiating a kiss with Takka and pulling him in close? I don’t think so. I think Adrian is definitely bisexual and I think this was his first kiss with a man (maybe with anyone). I definitely think he’s a virgin because he’s so young and so socially isolated. Throughout this scene, Alucard’s (uniformed) consent is up to interpretation because he never stops them or protests, and yet we cannot know what he is thinking at all. The expressions of ecstasy and agony/discomfort are almost the same for many people, so it’s hard to say. Also, it’s safe to say that Alucard’s not experienced with sex or with anyone being close to him, so he could be consenting and shocked/nervous at the same time. I think Adrian is so desperate for affection, sex, and love that even though he might not feel entirely comfortable, he still wants it to continue. He wants friends, he wants to be fucked and cared for like most of us do. It seems, in the next scene clip, that Adrian is holding Takka’s waist while Takka does something - not really sure what, probably gives him a handjob. Sumi takes off his nightgown and Takka gives him a kiss. Adrian’s eyes widen in response. Sumi kisses him while topless, and his eyes are still wide with his eyebrows drawn up. This could be shock or possibly discomfort, more likely shock. When Sumi comes closer, his eyes return to normal and we see him grab Sumi’s ass and pull her towards him. Then, Adrian kisses her neck and fondles her naked breast. So, he seemed shocked at first, but then definitely consenting (by manipulation of course). I think the shock here is probably because of three things: he didn’t expect this sudden three-way sex, he’s a virgin, and he didn’t think that two people would want to have sex with him. Most people think he’s a monster, after all. He pulled her closer and initiated this foreplay, so I think he did want to do this (of course, I’m not in his head, so I can’t say for sure - this is just my best guess). I think his loneliness, horniness, and affection for his new friends is trumping any discomfort. That’s my opinion based on his personality and life story.
Adrian, Takka, and Sumi are naked together. Adrian has his arm wrapped around both of them. Adrian kisses Sumi while Takka kisses his neck and gives him a handjob. Takka kisses down Adrian’s stomach down to his cock. The camera pans to Adrian’s face and he’s hard to read. He basically is blushing, but otherwise emotionless, and then he cries suddenly. (The first time I 100% thought that this was because he felt amazing, and he was so grateful and contented to finally be receiving the pleasure and affection he deserves - I still think that might be the case here) 
UPDATE: I was right, and his crying is confirmed by the director to be tears of joy.
I watched it a couple of times. It’s certianly possible that he’s uncomfortable/scared/afraid/freaked out, but I still would guess that he’s crying because it’s feeling really amazing and healing for him. Having sex for the first time (if not all the time) is very emotional for us INTJs (Adrian and my personality type) because we rarely let ourselves be vulnerable around others. We’re not used to being close or connected to other people, and we are often lonely, so sex can be totally overwhelming for us. It can also be a weapon used against us (like it is here) because we are usually so lonely and longing for affection. I think Adrian is taking what he can get. I definitely think he wants this here, but that’s up to debate.
Next clip: It looks like Takka and Sumi are taking turns going down on Adrian (giving him head). He is shaking visibly and his expression is strained. Now, I’ll be honest this doesn’t seem out of place in a sex scene, especially for the first time. (TMI= The first time someone went down on me I think I had a similar expression - it’s kinda nervewracking to be so vulnerable. Also, having two people go down on you at once? That’s got to be nervewracking, hence the shaking) Takka kisses down Adrian’s inner thigh and goes down. He seems to be rimming Adrian (licking his asshole) in the next scene, while Sumi gives him a handjob. Their expressions are starting to get progressively creepier. But Adrian is too caught up in pleasure to notice, I think. Adrian seems absolutely overwhelmed with pleasure in the next shot, breathing heavily - I think he’s about to orgasm. Takka lifts Adrian’s leg up, presumably so he can penetrate Adrian. He seems to enter Adrian in the next shot, but it’s off-screen. Sumi gets on top of him and pins down his arms, possibly having intercourse with him at this point. It’s not very clear. Anyway, they’re having sex/raping him.
Final clip: Adrian is gasping, flushed, and coming down off his orgasm. Takka nods to Sumi that it’s time to kill Adrian. Adrian looks to see what they are doing but it’s too late. It takes him a moment to understand that they’re trying to murder him. (I’m going to cry again, oh my sweet Adrian! I’m so sorry baby you didn’t deserve this at all) 
They betray him. Adrian closes his eyes so he doesn’t have to see them die. He turns away.
Adrian whispers finally, “I never lied to you.”
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So, anyway, my final opinion is that Adrian is giving consent, but it is not informed consent (because Takka and Sumi are deceiving him), and therefore, it is rape. If you want the specific term it’s rape by deception. They lied about being his friends and allies, so they deceived his trust, given that their true intention was to murder him. 
{Sam Deats has confirmed this theory on Twitter. Thanks to all of you who supported me on this.}
He deserved better.
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incarnateirony · 4 years
An anti dressed up as a shipper, an idiot, and a terf all walk into the same bar.
It’s the same picture person.
A lesson.
Warning: if the title doesn’t give it away, queerphobic content comes up in this from the other party being documented.
So, some of you may have watched a twitter exercise yesterday.
It started simple: concern trolling white knight “for the writers” comes in to angrily declare fans doing something tagged in support of them about Destiel was “out of line.” She claimed things like “Misha was gaslit into supporting Destiel”, and pulled all kinds of stunts.
She immediately got on a soap box yelling “I HAVE A LIT CRIT DEGREE, I KNOW AUTHOR INTENT” of course implying she knew better than EVERYONE around her how to read text. She then pulled, of all things, @chill-legilimens​​ ‘ article about the network gods gutting the show out of the internet, and somehow misread it SO FUCKING BADLY -- SO FUCKING BADLY -- she thought it aligned with HER. She argued that fans influenced the writers, essentially, and basically pulled the exact opposite of the very clearly delivered message there out. When it was pointed out we know this author and even sometimes help edit their pieces, and she was, flat out misreading it while bragging about how good she is at deciphering text, it turned into a SHITSHOW.
I had watched her give a large group of queer people 2 days of runaround, while they tried to be polite, and similarly tried to prove everything while she proved nothing. Just preached. After 2 days of them exhausting themselves on her, I came in doing my blunt & savage thing, because fuck civility culture when it’s used by oppressors. Of course, she immediately started tone policing, while herself being an arrogant shitbrick the whole way.
She continued to preach author intent and talk down about “headcanons.” You see, she knew the authors very well. Berens’ name was mentioned in passing, and she came back with. “Who’s Berens? Is that the author of the article?” after Deirdre’s name had been directly cited in associated with it about 15 times.
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(credit: @judgehangman​ )
But it gets better. She started pulling the “authors have said Dean is straight.” line. Now, at this point, we had already sourced her at least four pieces of information (quite formally too: SPN Official DVD Collection Season 8 episode 13 creative commentary, Edlund and Sgriccia; Dissent Magazine The Attack Queers Bob Berens review; the books in the office with screenshots, and more.) So we issued one simple request: Okay. Source.
For the next-- I shit you not-- 10 hours she bricked the thread to death, finding any and EVERY rabbit hole she could try to venture down. For the first hour or two a few of us tried to actually debate her newly raised points, but still gave reminder that we were waiting for her source. Every tweet was an opportunity for her to drop a 15 tweet thread trying to derail onto a new topic, and often clarifying she had no idea about any of it (Edlund, Sgriccia, Berens, Dabb--who she couldn’t spell the name of--and Deirdre all became an amorpheous blob in her retelling that she swore she looked at sources and wasn’t convinced, while she crossed all the data and comments about the sources). She tried to challenge that anyone could know all the writers and episodes just because she proved she couldn’t, even when multiple people expressed it to her extremely rapidly with not just author and director listings, but cross references on when they overlapped and major elements (like the 15.20 shot 19 tree being the Kim Manners memorial tree). She randomly babbled about Kripke once. Lied her way through and claimed those sources were vague. Etc.
But at some point, I decided, we’re not playing this distraction game. You wanted a debate, you claim you have a lit crit degree, and thus know the entire art is Argumentation. A source, if you’re declaring knowing author intent. One source. Any time she dropped a distraction tweet, I replied to her thread with things like a list of our sources vs her lack of any and a reminder. I installed a counter ticker. How many times had she been asked to either recant her point or give a single source?
Someone made a list of the logical fallacies she used in the argument. It was two tweets long and still missed several obvious ones. That didn’t stop her. Neither did the dozens of requests for a source or a recant. Onwards, she marched, derailing time and again. She brought in a buddy to try to distract, but he fell out real quick when he realized “the burden of proof lies on the arguer” shot him and her both in the feet in record time and he ducked out. 
Other greatest hits came out like “Dubs (Dabb’s) fanfic books”, and calling the ability to list authors and episodes “headcanons.”
Over time, the dialogue shifted: see, she came in trying the snide “enjoy your headcanons” downtalk, but as time and time again she was pulverized on every point about the show, or the authors, or anything else while STILL never even giving a single source to even her FIRST POINT and running distractions, it became a reality-- she was told, “We’ll enjoy our canon and author intent. You can enjoy your headcanon of... Dabb’s fanfic books and Lord Barons and the writers being collective hallucinations and whatever else in your hot takes about the show content itself” and she FLIPPED SHIT. 
As the ticker for sources approached 100, she started becoming flustered. Before that, even, she started repetitively misgendering Ezra (no tumblr to link in), and Ezra screenshot their bio of they/them and asked them to adjust. Ignored. Ezra linked this request and asked it to be addressed again, and again, and again. 13 times. Ezra linked it 13 times. She even replied to several of them. No avail. No change. Not until literally any and every tweet in her vicinity either had “source?” or “address gender?” for her to reply to did she flee there, and write some giant write-around of “oh, I didn’t see this, sorry” but still refused to actually use it. Or “I’ll use the right one now.” No, just completely strickened pronouns from her vocabulary with Ezra moving forward, after not one mistake, not two, not five, but 13 answers.
At this point, I notice a trend: throughout the entire conversation, she had flip flopped on my pronouns, clearly confused as to what to call me. As I generally don’t care (honestly I prefer he but meh), it didn’t ping me as something to react to while she switched religiously between “he” and “she”. But I realized now, despite all of that confusion: she never once thought to use “they.” Also earlier we found tweets of hers that, while now declaring herself bisexual, she used troublesome wording in the past to blur the line on if she was an ally or, as she phrased it “maybe less than 100% straight in the bell curve” in other conversations.
I mutter about this on the side to Ezra and some friends, but continue on towards the 100 ticker that was the goal to show people in this digital terrarium how disingenuous most people you argue with are -- an exhibit for the class. They know they’re lying and have been caught, but will not cede to admit “oops, I guess I was wrong.” but rather stick, unironically, to their own headcanons about things. After all, they vaguely sorta apologized even if suddenly just refusing to use any pronouns at all on Ezra after that. And she’s so quick to disappear into 15 tweet bombs of distraction trying to play victim for being held accountable at this point, we just didn’t jump to a conclusion on that, alarming as it is.
So. You know. Source.
At this point, she RANDOMLY starts evoking the fact that like, How Dare, She Watched Gay Men Die To AIDS, She Is A Great Philanthropist How Dare How Dare. 
I’m sorry, did you just evoke the blood of our dead to run away from the most basic scrap of accountability in what is literally the first wave of a lit debate because for the last 10 hours you have refused to take the necessary steps to move on to the next point? Did you... just... evoke the ghosts of gay men that were genocided to, essentially, pull up a smokescreen and run away from being party to queer erasure? Or even just? Giving a source? or admitting you were wrong on one point in a debate? Wow, you really just did that. 
Naturally, people involved got pissed. Her Sources ticker hit 100, but at this point, all that haunted her was how completely fucking vile and inappropriate that was in this discussion. 
She got blocked. She then tried to glom onto anyone that hadn’t blocked or muted her and run the same argumentation points she had earlier been decimated in the argument with, while yelling “I ship Destiel too! I wanted them to have sex too! Why does this make me the bad guy?” around the block and hoping nobody actually read the thread. She tried to pitch the “headcanons” point of view again, hoping a new audience would lick her boots. She was, largely, ignored; given a few more comments about her leaving the conversation losing all points and only covered in the blood of our dead she was so proud of; blocked by a few more. (unsurprisingly, if you check her actual tweet history, she seems more invested in Megstiel but)
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This is when CommaSameleon -- a professor with two lit degrees and a primary focus in teaching the art of Argumentation -- literally -- stepped in. She initially tried to engage the fact that, well, this woman not only can’t argue out of a paper sack but wasn’t even arguing, she was just running in circles and distracting from all the points and hadn’t addressed a single lit point directly while preaching down at people. But Sam, also, noticed something. This woman kept changing things like “queerphobia” to “homophobia.” Sam mentioned this kinda puts off TERF vibes (I think Sam picked up on the gendering thing herself too.)
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Her response? Which she deleted since? But Discord’s embed helpfully saved?
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Her inacted non-apologies remain weak, especially in any form of debate be it lit or now queer topics.
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Oh I’m sorry, let’s recap her viewpoints: TERF is a slur. “They” is made up and should be avoided at all costs. The blood of dead gay men are a token to use in a lit debate you’re avoiding responsibility in. After this, “authors are headcanons” is suddenly not your worst take, but fascinating that you 13 times didn’t even read the blatant ass screenshot. And I mean, these weren’t subtle or easy to miss these 13 times.
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100. She had 100 chances, literally, on a timer, to give a source or shut up with her platforming until she had one. Instead, she chose every rabbit hole she could manifest to disappear into, only to be met by another request for a source, and not moving on until we address the first points. We’ve given ours, now you give yours. Instead, you choose this. This is the hill you choose to die on, rather than admitting, “Sorry, I guess I was wrong” or “I guess I heard that somewhere, my bad.” 100 chances. 13 direct QT requests to address gender which she replied to but didn’t reply to until cornered (and still didn’t, truly, reply to), and “TERF is a slur.” Oh, and after waving around the dead men’s blood she also suddenly Can’t Be A Terf Because She Adopted Two Trans Kids. Lord help those children. Or, you know, the more realistic thing is she’s just manifesting all kinds of bullshit at this point to save face, which is probably why she deleted all the related tweets that show she’s a giant-ass TERF.
So anyway, this is very much a lesson on:
Paying attention to how people manipulate conversation to erase genuine discussion and debate.
Paying attention to WHY they do it. Motivation on methods and tactics will clear up a lot.
Figuring out HOW they try to sound woke about shit and when it’s entirely fucking vile and inappropriate to pull
And by all above points, figuring out that these people are among us, and how NOT to let them influence your conversations.
I don’t care if it’s about a discussion on a ship or show or anything else. People do this. A lot. Extremely dedicatedly, if the 100 asks doesn’t make that clear. 
Stop letting people railroad your conversations with disingenuous bullshit.
So anyway in honor of this I made everyone a gif
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Use at will. It’s tagged anti-terf if you want to use the search feature on it.
Just went and checked. She went and deleted literally her entire side of the conversation, hundreds if not thousands of tweets. Luckily, Ezra mentioned repeatedly -- and I do trust them inherently -- that they were saving the entire conversation, so that zip file exists somewhere. How fascinating, after she accused us that we would want to delete tweets. Someone realized they had a bad look and giant failure all around.
Also, a related anon that links to an earlier part of this conversation I didn’t even document where she was crying about “cis erasure” [x] This shit went on so long I legit forgot about that.
170 notes · View notes
beautiful lies | part i ☾
words: 1.1k
warnings: cheating, suggestive themes
notes: if you haven’t yet seen the summary and masterlist for this series, i suggest you take a peek here, just so you don’t get confused later on. also the lil moon means version night, and the lil sun means version day just to be clear :)
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Kita Shinsuke liked living by the book. He did things properly, and he did things because he was supposed to. Just like his relationship with his dear fiancée. She was modest, caring, supportive, and responsible. And most of all, he could see how devoted she is to him. She had the profile of a perfect partner, one who could make him happy, one who he could settle with, one who would make his life simpler. As things should be. She would be easy to love. There was no reason to turn her down when he realized that she had feelings for him.
So, what was he supposed to do when he met you? You were everything he was not. You were passionate, wild, and unpredictable, seeming to have a tempestuous storm constantly brewing in the depths of your eyes. You had a certain magnetic quality, one that made a person feel drawn to you, even in a room full of people. Yet, your existence was somewhat enigmatic, and you never gave away too much about yourself, keeping him guessing. 
The first time he laid his eyes on you was at a bar. He was on his way out when he felt a tap on his shoulder. 
“Hey handsome, I think you dropped this,” you drawled, slipping his wallet into his front pocket. 
You were strikingly beautiful, but that wasn’t what left him speechless. It was your strong, alluring presence; you were sure of yourself, and also commanded his attention. 
Kita blinked quickly, said a word of gratitude, and got ready to leave. He squinted at his watch under the dim lighting, wondering if he should hurry home. But in the end, you made that decision for him, making a noise of disappointment, prompting him to turn back around. 
You placed a manicured finger on your chin and pouted your pillowy, cherry lips. “Really? Don’t I get a drink? Normally I would have just taken off with your money and treated myself to something good. I just did a good deed, you know, and I thought good girls got rewarded.” 
Maybe you had a point. It was rude of him to leave so hastily and it wouldn’t hurt to show his appreciation. After all, he had a lot more to lose than the price of a measly drink. Besides, it was probably not as late as he thought. He could afford to stay a little longer. It was only one drink anyways. 
Except it wasn’t. One drink turned into two, to three, and eventually he lost count. He was enjoying himself. You chatted about various topics, not that he was paying much attention, with how you seeked every opportunity to touch him: a squeeze to the shoulder here, a brush against his leg there. You teased him with a hand slithering up his thigh, travelling closer and closer to his growing bulge, but never quite making contact.
You were sitting on his lap now, but he didn’t recall how you got there. He felt too warm for his liking and had to loosen his tie. Was the heat coming from the alcohol? Or was it because of you? Either way, he was reaching his limit. He suppressed a moan and fought hard to stop himself from rutting against you.
Just then, Kita’s phone lit up with an unread message from his girl. She was wondering when he would be home. He typed back a response, letting her know that he had an urgent deadline to meet, and might not be home for a while.
This was the first time he lied to her.
He set his phone back down on the table and you leaned in, enveloping him in the intoxicating scent of your perfume. You took his hand and examined his ring, resting your cheek on his shoulder.
“So, you’re married,” you mused. “Tell me about your wife. Have you got any children?” 
He swallowed. “No, I’m not married yet. My fiancée and I are planning to have our wedding next year.” 
You hummed. “Shame. I prefer married men, but I might have to make an exception, just for you.” You eyed him greedily, and caressed his jaw, stopping at the tip of his chin to tilt his face, forcing his gaze on you. 
And he could only peer up at you, spellbound, as if you were a succubus, and he was your next meal. Deep down, he knew you were dangerous; he knew he shouldn’t be hanging around people like you. Despite that, he’s been pushing that thought to the back of his mind all night. Now, he was fully aware of your intentions and couldn’t make any more excuses for your behaviour. 
“Lucky for you, I just so happen to find men like you irresistible…”
You closed the gap between yourselves, moulding your lips together. Kita knew he shouldn’t have let it happen, but he just couldn’t pull back. He couldn’t deny himself of what he’s wanted all night.
After a few moments, your lips parted with a pop. You smirked in satisfaction. 
“Well, I had a really great time tonight, but I’d better let you go home to wifey. I’ll see you later,” you whispered. 
You uncrossed your legs and hopped off his lap, hips swaying as you went. The sound of your stilettos was gradually drowned out by the chatter of the bar patrons, and you disappeared into the crowd, leaving him stunned on the barstool.
Kita wiped a hand down his face, letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. He straightened up hurriedly, exited the bar, then unlocked his car, settling into the driver’s seat. As he drove home, he couldn’t stop thinking about you, even though he tried his best to replace you with images of his fiancée. It was no use. He could still taste you on his lips.
Pulling into the parking spot, he took some time to calm his still furiously beating heart, mentally preparing himself to face her.
He did something wrong. It was a mistake. 
He should probably forget you. Also, he didn’t have your contact information anyways, so he’s not going to see you a second time. Besides, he had no intentions to leave the woman waiting for him at home.
He flipped through his wallet as he remembered to discard his receipts, when a torn piece of napkin slipped out. A number was scrawled across with black ink, complete with a filled in heart. 
Has this been inside my wallet this whole time?
He should probably throw it away. He was never actually going to call you.
For what seemed to be the hundredth time that evening, Kita lied to himself.
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series masterlist
a/n: should i have included ‘potentially horrid portrayals of seduction’ in the warnings? because i did not know if this was sexy at all honestly. there’s probably some cliche phrases in here too oops.
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kimberly-spirits13 · 4 years
Bat Pranks and Gun Fights (Request)
Pairing: Jason Todd x reader
Synopsis: (Reader is like Deadpool) For a month you had been trying to prank Batman with your best friend Jason. The task was easier said than done but one night, you finally get the chance but halfway through the night, you get interrupted by a more serious matter.
Warnings: Language, mentions of getting shot but not anything graphic at all, also at the end there is some mention of some stronger pain killers that eventually cause the reader to fall asleep really quickly so if that bothers anyone just FYI it’s there
Word Count: 2502
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           As an antihero, you did what you saw right. You knew the law, you follow the law... mostly... but besides that, the point of your job is to find loopholes and ways to go about your business technically not breaking the law. Another added to that is that you also go around annoying those who are very precise about following the law as best they can. Take Batman for instance, one of the most terrifying and iconic heroes you knew, lived just outside your base city of New York. That’s where you and Jason worked most of the time if he wasn’t in Gotham anyways. The Batman was someone to be feared, someone to be honored. You on the other hand had heard the stories of what he had done to Jason and thought he was an old grumpy asshole that needed to be taught a lesson.
           So, for the entire month that’s what you tried to do. All you were really doing was prank Batman in a harmless way so that you wouldn’t be thrown off a building but every time you got close, something happened. Now you were suiting up in your apartment ready for another night of crime fighting. Tonight was your night to prank the Batman. You were heading out to Gotham and meeting up with Jason for the bust. After a few minutes, you found yourself hopping onto your motorcycle and heading down the interstate down towards Gotham. __________________________________________
 It seemed like no time had really passed by since you were on the interstate and now riding with Jason to where Bruce would be.
           “So, any other plans tonight other than possibly being thrown off a building by the old man?” Jason asked.
           “No, not really.” You replied on the headset of your helmet, “I’ve been tracking a group of people that are smuggling contraband into the US through the Hudson River. It’s weapons like guns and a shit ton of modified explosives.” “You know, the usual.”
           Jason laughed some before making a sharp turn into an alley. You did the same, stopping behind his bike and putting the kickstand down. The important thing about keeping your bike in some random alley way was making sure no one could steal it. That was what your codes and finger print was for. That thing wasn’t moving but for only yours and one other person’s finger print ID. You hadn’t revealed who that other person was.
           “So, what’s the plan?” He asked.
           “I figure until he catches us, something simple like making his smoke shields go off randomly.” You answered shrugging.          
           “Oh come on, that would be lame.” Jason side eyed you, “The demon could do better.”
           “Not if we did it in front of Gordon.” You smiled, a glint of mischief glazing over your eyes, “I mean just imagine the commissioner giving a rundown of some serious crime happening and suddenly Batman starts smoking from behind.” “The look on his face would be hilarious.”
           “You’re not wrong.” Jason thought about it for a second, “Okay, until we get caught he escalate more and more in what we do. But for now, this sounds like it could be fun.”
           You smiled at the look on Jason’s face. Whenever he took off his helmet, his hair would always swoosh over. You liked how it looked, just not really how it smelled when it got really sweaty. You always made a face when he did and sometimes would spray a flowery perfume that you got as a joke in his hair to improve on the smell. It’s not like he would do anything to you for it but maybe jokingly flip you off.
           The two of you climbed up onto the building where Gordon and Batman typically meet. Lucky for you, tonight was a full moon as you liked to call it since you really couldn’t see the moon that well in Gotham with all of the pollution and possible rain clouds. A full moon here meant that the Bat-signal was up and running. There was something big going on somewhere and Batman had to be notified.
           As you reached the top, you and Jason ducked behind a cover spot on the building closest to where Gordon was waiting.
           “Move over, I’m in the open Hood!” You hissed nudging his side.
           “I can’t move over or I’ll be open too.”
           You huffed and looked at the height of what you were trying to hide behind.
           “Fine then.” In order to solve this dilemma, you laid on top of Jason. You were both facing the same direction, you were just stacked. You laid your chin on his helmet some and smirked down at him. You couldn’t see the look on your face, but judging by his change in position, you could tell he wasn’t expecting that.
           “What the hell are you doing?” He asked.
           “Fixing the issue. Anyways, why are you so tall? My feet hardly touch yours.”
           Jason sighed, “Maybe it’s cause I’m not short like somebody here.”
           “I’m not short!” You demanded, “You’re just a giant Jason.”
           Time passed and you two were getting tired of the pranks that were being played on the Bat. You were pretty positive he was tired of it too. You weren’t doing anything to get anyone killed, just to cause minor annoyances. It was funny to watch, but now your mind was drifting elsewhere. You wondered what Jason thought when you climbed onto him. It wasn’t like you were doing something to get anything started, you were just curious what he thought of you. You thought that maybe there was a chance that he possibly liked you back.
           Your thoughts would have consumed you longer if you weren’t alerted by your tracker on the smugglers. At the sight of what you were seeing, your eyes widened.            “I’ve gotta go.” You said jumping up from next to Jason.
           “What is it?”
           “The targets have almost reached the docks. If I go now, I can make it and stop them.”
           “Do you even know what you’re walking into?” Jason asked.
           “I have somewhat of an idea.” You lied a tiny bit knowing that there could be more than you originally planned, “I’ll be fine.”
           “You’d better be.” He was quick to say, “Don’t go getting yourself killed tonight. Trust me when I say it isn’t fun.”            “Yes, yes, I’ve got that part.” You rolled your eyes, “Anyways, I’ll call you when I’m done with this party.”
           Now you were at the docks. It was colder than you’d expected with the breeze coming in and reinforcements were waiting for the cargo load. You would have to strike fast for this to work. The one problem was you didn’t know how that would play out. Dropping from your hiding place, you crept up behind one of the guards on the outer rim of security. With a sword in hand, you took him out.
           “Oops, didn’t see you there buddy.” You smirked some and moved onto the next one. It was an easy job so far. The security was terrible on the rims as you’d imagine and no one was raising any sort of alarm.
           After finishing this part, you climbed back up to see that there were even more heavily armed men aboard the ship than you had ever anticipated.
           “No big deal.” You mumbled, “Just like all the times before. Crack a few jokes, kill a few idiots, and at the end, blow some stuff up. It’s just what you do now a days.”
           Time was ticking and the slot for best entry was getting smaller and smaller. You looked around once more and then dropped to the ground when the shipments were on the docks so that they couldn’t be moved after the boat caught flames from the devices you’d planted around it.
           “Hey boys. I hope you don’t mind but, I saw you were having a moving in party and wanted to drop by and give a house warming gift. Well, then again, I guess catching the boat on fire wasn’t the best gift, but it certainly did the job well.” You smirked taking the approaching ones out and avoiding the flying bullets.
           You only slowed down just a bit when one slightly grazed your arm, “Okay, who did that?” “This was a brand -new suit and I did not want it damaged tonight.” “God, who taught you manners? A fish?”
           It was all running well again. The advisories were being taken out, weapons were being destroyed and... you looked up to see one of the crates of explosives. If you wanted to, you could light that baby up and let it do your job for you. The issue was making it out on time without any other survivors. You didn’t need any lose ends on this mission. There was a moment of pause before someone called out your name.
           “Y/S/H/N, need any help?” You looked behind you to see Jason shooting at some guys.
           “What are you doing here Hood?” You looked almost a little too shocked to see him, you really were a bit too shocked to see him.
           “Got a bad feeling and figured you might need back up at some point. Not saying you’re not capable, just watching out.” He explained loading in another magazine.
           “Yeah, yeah, I get it.” You looked back up at the crate, “Say there is one thing you could do though.”
           “And that is?”
           “Cover me while I go take out whoever is hording that massive crate of explosives.”
           You didn’t give him any time to protest on your actions. It was always unclear to you why he was so protective of you in those regards but no one else. It wasn’t like you were his significant other or something. That is, no matter how much you wanted to be.
           “You had no business coming here tonight.” Some taller man said shooting at you.
           “Neither did you but I guess we both found some.” You retorted firing back as well.
           “If you’re here for information, you won’t ever get it.”
           “Trust me buddy, I have all of the information I need.” “You’re not really a hard group to track.” Rolling your eyes, you shot the man in the arm, making him cry out in pain, “You’ll be fine, trust me.”
           “Not if I detonate these.” He gave you a look like no other you’d really seen before.
           Sometimes you’d meet people that had fairly evil motives. Other times it was just the run of the mill henchmen. But sometimes, like just on these missions, you’d come across a group or one singular person that was so dedicated to a cause or leader, they’d rather die themselves with what they were hiding than give it up. Those people were some of the scariest.
           “Hood get out of here!” You said into the coms.
           “What’s going on up there?”
           “I’m about to try and stop this guy from taking the docks out.” You answered grimly knowing that this wouldn’t end well for either you nor the man in question.
           “What are you crazy?” Jason yelled.
           You jumped over the crate to where the man was and shot him down before looking over at the count down. There wasn’t much time before it set off. You quickly started typing codes that you had picked up into the device. It wasn’t until after a few seconds that you noticed how close the time was getting. Sighing, you knew the only thing to do was leave. You turned around, not seeing the last remaining henchmen behind you and was shot in the side. The moment Jason registered what was going on, he shot the man who was now aiming at him and jumped onto the boat to grab you. That was when he noticed the spot on your arm as well as your bleeding side.
           There were less than 10 seconds on the clock. Jason ran as fast as he could when the explosion went off. It sent him stumbling to the ground since he was a decent distance, that stumble didn’t help you though. You were sure you hadn’t been hit anywhere super important, it just hurt, a lot.
           “Come on Y/N/N, stay with me.” He went to your bike which was the only one there since he zeta beamed to New York.
           He was in too much of a rush to remember that your bike needed finger print ID to start going. With you straddling him so he could make sure you didn’t fall off, he cursed under his breath.
           “I know you’re not going to like this, but I need you to get the bike going.” He said to you.
           “You can do it.” You groaned.
           “No, I need your ID fo-“ He stopped when you cut him off.
           “I told you, you can do it.”
           That was when he realized what you meant and started up the bike himself with his own ID. He smiled at the gesture. Maybe you really did trust him enough. Maybe you actually felt the same about him as he did you.
           High on pain killers you sat on your bathtub ledge getting stitches from Jason while draped over him for support. He was pretty sure you would either start ranting about something extremely random that he might be able to use for blackmail, or you’d start snoring. Either one was fine to him as long as you didn’t stop breathing. That was when there would be issues.
           “Jaybird, you know I really like you right?” You asked making his cheeks heat up.
           “I didn’t know that.” He had to clear his throat.
           “Yeah, I’ve always thought you looked really nice. Then I got to know you and now you’re even better.”
           “Well what if I told you I liked you a lot too?” Jason asked smiling at what you had said.
           You sat up and looked at him quickly, “Really?”
           “Yes, and don’t rip out your stitches. I don’t want to put them back in.”
           “Well if you really liked me, you’d kiss me like what they do in the movies.” You smirked some at Jason.
           “What kind of movies have you been watching recently.” He scrunched up his nose faking a look of disgust.
           “Jason Peter Todd, I mean it.”
           Jason gave your stiches a once over before pulling you into a kiss. You could feel him smiling into the kiss before pulling away.
           “What else do they do in movies?” He asked.
           There was no response.
           “Y/N? ...Doll?” Jason looked down to see you asleep sitting up, whatever Alfred had recommended, it worked because you were out like a light.
           He laughed and carried you into your room, tucking you in. He went to go sleep in the living room but stopped when your hand didn’t let go of his. Jason sighed holding in a chuckle before changing into his own night clothes and climbing in next to you.
I hope you guys liked this one. I know it’s a bit longer but I really liked the request and things just kept coming to mind of what to add to it. I’ve got something big coming for a fic unless I scrap it. It’ll be long and Idk when I’ll finish it, but you’ll know when it gets here. Anyways, I hope you’re all having a wonderful day and week and continue to have a great one. Stay safe and healthy and make sure to take care of yourself when you need it.
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Please Fix the Story pt 3 - Zombie Apocalypse
The story continues. At least one more part in the zombie world before moving on to the next one. 
Part 1 / Part 2 Linked here. (If I get to 5 pts or so I’ll make a master post)
“Why’d they let YOU in?”
An angry shout stopped us in our tracks as we reached the center of the camp.
I paused, smiling. Ah, the nostalgic smell of unnecessary internal strife. NOW it feels like a proper post apocalyptic story.  I raised a hand in greeting. “Hey there, kind and pleasant person, I’m Blaire!”
“Don’t pretend like we’re friends! You shouldn’t be here!”  The angry young man stepped closer, allowing me to get a better look at his face. His copper colored hair framed sharp, angular features, his brown eyes practically burning with rage as he tried his best to stare a hole through me. 
He seems familiar. 
Searching my character’s memories, I was finally able to place him.  Jason, the hero’s best friend, who had gone to high school with my character. Before I could celebrate placing his identity, however,  I felt a surge of deep terror flood through me. My heart beat wildly in my chest, a cold sweat breaking out on my forehead. I frowned, pushing back the feeling that weren’t my own, but those from my character.
It’s rare for emotions from the character to be this strong, even in the last world I was able to easily put away any feelings of the character I’ve taken over. Why is she so scared? I don’t see anything in her memories that would warrant her being frightened of Jason. And why is he so antagonistic towards me?
As I stood there, trying to comb through what information my character knew about him, he had continued to rant. “Eric, what were you thinking accepting people like her?!”
Eric sent Hannah away with a smile, before turning towards his friend with a tired expression. “They have extra supplies and skills, both of which we’re in desperate need of.”
“We don’t need HER!”
As they argued, Liam walked up to me, pulling an apple from his bag. “Want a snack?”
“Sure, these idiots might take a while, I’d hate to get hypoglycemic while they argue.” Before I could say anything further, he pulled out a knife and silently started cutting the peel off.
“What are you doing?”
“Peeling the apple for you.”
“…” He paused, looking honestly confused. “I’m not sure, but I feel like this would make you happy.”
I couldn’t help but shake my head in amazement. “I love apples, but I can’t stand the peel. How did you know?”
“Really?” He grinned, continuing to peel. “My support husband instincts must be kicking in.”
“You’re very… optimistic.”
I sighed. “Don’t get attached, Liam. It won’t end well.” I thought of the heart wrenching pain I had felt when pressing “No”  in the last world. That was just after 4 weeks. If I have to stay here years…
“It’s okay. I already count myself fortunate being your lackey.” His smile was bright, but his attention to the apple never wavered. “As long as you live well. I think I could die happy.”
I shuddered. The habit was just too strong. A character casually mentioning dying in a story…such a red flag. “Try not to die. Happy or otherwise.”
“Yes ma’am.” He saluted, his silly expression making me feel less tense. 
“Blaire! I’m talking to you!” Jason had finished arguing with Eric while Liam and I chatted and was obviously still furious.
I felt the same edge of fear from the character at the sight of him again, and pushed it back down with irritation.
“That must be so exhausting to be so angry all the time.”  I muttered quietly as I watched him approach.
Liam nodded. “No kidding. I think I’ll need a nap just from watching him perform.”
Jason stopped just a few feet away, sneering. “I don’t know what lies you sold Eric earlier, but don’t’ forget, I know the real you! You’re a rich brat without any skills! You’re deadweight to any group, just a worthless bit….ARGH!” He flew backwards as a mostly-peeled apple struck him in the mouth, splitting his lip.
“Oops. Sorry did that hit you?” Liam watched him coldly, not sounding sorry at all. “My hands get slippery when I hear pure stupid.”
“Is that why people around you tend to get hit with flying projectiles often?
“It’s a curse…” He paused, then looked mortified. “THAT WAS MY LAST APPLE!”
“It’s okay.”
“WHY DIDN’T I USE A STONE?” He groaned into his hands. “That idiot wasn’t worth losing your snack! Now you’re going to go hungry!”
“I’m fine…” I tried to comfort him, but he had already pulled out a walkie-talkie and was growling instructions in some sort of code.
Jason, on the other hand, was now pointing in shock at Liam. “You! You’re William the destroyer!”
“…” I glanced over at the man who was still panicking over his lack of snack options to offer me.
“What’s the leader of the Blood Wolves doing here?” Jason was now looking nervous, clambering to his feet and keeping a good distance from us both
Liam ignored him, continuing to talk on his walkie talkie. Shaking my head, I stepped in between him. “He’s with me. Do you really want to argue now about whether or not we should be here?”
“But… but…”
“Jason!” Eric had returned, a grim look on his face. “I told you to leave them alone. We’ll go out hunting for supplies tomorrow, they can prove their worth then.”
Jason’s expression showed his clear unwillingness, but he slowly nodded. “Sure.” Glancing towards me, he sneered. “Then I guess tomorrow we’ll see just how useless you are.”
“Did I step on your dog or something? Seriously, try to reign in the hostility there, buddy.”  With that, I turned and walked towards the empty tent Eric had pointed out earlier. 
Despite my casual tone and outer appearance, my hands were clenched at my sides, the fingernails digging into my palms to keep my hands from shaking. My back was soaked with sweat, an uncontrollable reaction from the character I had become.
What is going on? It had been a long timesince I had been unable to fully control my character’s emotions like this. I swallowed uncomfortably. The sensation  was unpleasant, a sense of incongruity between body and soul that I couldn’t quite overcome. It reminded me too much of the first mission I had undergone, the worst time of my life that I could still remember.
Waking up without memories, with no idea of who I was or why I was there, thrust into a romantic drama where my mission was to fulfill the role of a foolish, calculating villainous side character. Overwhelmed by intense love for the male lead and mind-numbing hatred for his heroine, I lost myself in despair. Later, I would learn to maintain my sense of identity. Even if I didn’t know who I was, I at least knew who I wasn’t.
And I wasn’t this character. A spoiled, angry young woman who thought the world revolved around her.
So why can’t I remember clearly? Not just Jason, even the events surrounding my character’s kidnapping and death were vague.
Something’s wrong with this world.
Sitting down with a sigh, I pulled out my phone.
“Let’s see how helpful this new ‘character description’ function is.” I typed in Jason’s name. After a moment to process, the phone’s screen filled with text.
Jason, the hero’s best friend and this world’s hopeless secondary male lead. In the story, he is shown to be in love with Hannah, but hides his feelings for fear of hurting his friends. He often supports her from behind, helping the hero rescue her during her frequent misadventures and kidnappings. Despite his devoted acts, Hannah remains blissfully unaware of his feelings, and treats him as a friend.
Nothing to explain why my character is scared of him. I grinned maliciously as I re-read the part about his unrequited love. “No wonder he’s so high strung. If he were nicer I might even feel sorry for him.”
Unable to control my curiosity, I typed in a second name.
Character unknown.
“Hmm. Let’s try ‘Liam.’”
Character unknown.
“Blood Wolves.”
The most notorious and highly skilled gang in this story’s world, they often sell their services as mercenaries, and are considered a major power in the post-apocalyptic society.
I stared at the screen, even more confused. Such an important group, but the leader isn’t mentioned? Who is Liam?
But no matter how much I searched, there were no answers.
Shortly later, Liam called me out.  The smell of freshly cooked food hastened my steps, and I sat at a table across from Hannah, ignoring her wide-eyed look of fear at my approach.
“The others are checking the perimeter. Here, I made you dinner!” Liam placed a bowl in front of both of us with a proud grin. It was filled with a stew, with vegetables and chicken. Hannah stared at the food suspiciously, although I didn’t see anything wrong with the food. Carefully, I lifted a spoonful up to my mouth, my eyes widening with shock.
“It’s delicious!”  I took another few bites before pausing. “Where did you get the ingredients?”
Liam sat down next to me, peeling an apple with an affectionate grin. “My friends happened to have gathered some extra supplies and brought them over.”
“… You sent the Blood Wolves on a snack run?”
“What were they supposed to do? Let you go hungry?” He raised an eyebrow.  “They wouldn’t dream of it.”
“I don’t know how you manage to sound so supportive and yet so… ominous at the same time.”
“It’s one of my many talents, I’m so glad you noticed!”
Hannah watched our exchange back and forth, before looking down at the food once more. She seemed very hungry, but she still hadn’t made any moves towards eating.
“You should try it, it tastes really good!” As I coaxed the girl sitting across from me, I saw Liam beaming with pride.
“…” She stared silently at us both for a long few moments before nodding and taking a bite, her hands shaking and almost spilling the stew from her spoon. As she swallowed the food however, her eyes filled with tears.
Why do all the heroine’s I meet cry so easily? Maybe the problem is with me? Do I just not cry enough?
“It tastes so good!” She ate quickly, blinking to keep back the tears that were threatening to spill over.
Oh… so… happy tears? That’s refreshing. I patted her on the shoulder gently. “Not had a lot of hot meals lately, huh?”
Hannah nodded at my sympathetic words. “Yeah, Eric and James are too busy with security and supply runs. And I…” Her words trailed off.
Why hello there, mission opportunity!I rejoiced inwardly but kept a gentle look on my face.  “You what?”
“I’m weak… I can’t fight. I can’t even cook.” She looked up at me her eyes still wet with unshed tears. “I wish I could be scary like you…”
… Scary?
Liam laughed at my dumbfounded expression, quickly silencing himself as I turned to glare at him. Looking back over at Hannah, I tried to smile comfortingly, the expression stiffening as a look of terror flashed across her face.
“You want to be a well-rounded useful person? I can help you.” Not like I have a choice.
“Really?” Hannah clasped her hands together in front of her. She still looked frightened, but excitement was clearly pushing back her fear. “I really want to be helpful!”
“Really. Just come watch me tomorrow during the outing. I’ll show you what I can do. From there, we’ll come up with a plan.”
She now was smiling brightly, giving off the impression of a small, adorable animal that should be protected. “I promise I’ll work hard, Boss!”
She trusts me so quickly… no wonder she kept getting kidnapped. 
“Wait... Did you just call me Boss…?”
“One day, I pray I can be just as terrifying as you!” Hannah cheered excitedly. 
I feel like her motivation has gone in a weird direction.
As I struggled on how to answer her, Liam nodded solemnly. “It’s good to have goals, but you shouldn’t aim too high.” He handed me the freshly peeled apple, and continued. “No one’s as terrifying as your Boss. But with hard work and effort, one day, you can reach ‘lackey status’ like me!”
“Yeah!” The two high-fived as I watched on silently, feeling tired.
“… I’m going to bed.”
The next morning, we all headed out, running into a group of zombies, almost immediately.  We halted a good distance away to discuss a plan.
“Will it be okay?” Hannah’s face looked extremely nervous as she looked at the zombies in the distance.
“Don’t worry, I’ll protect you!” Jason smiled at Hannah, his eyes full of tender emotion.  “I promise, as long as I have breath in my body, no zombie will get near you.”
I still felt a small thread of fear running through me as I looked at him, but fortunately, it was much easier to control now. I rolled my eyes at his words. Didn’t the character summary say hehides his feelings? How is this subtle at all?
Eric stared at his friend silently for a moment, and then patted Hannah’s head with a sigh. “Make sure to stay away from the fight.” Loading up a handgun, he glanced over at me. “Are you coming?”
“Ha, bet you’re gonna run and hide, huh?” Jason glared at me, his face looking extremely punchable, forcing me to hold back.  
I sighed, admiring my self –restraint. “I’ll take the ten on the right.”
“There’s only fifteen!”
“Yeah, so we’ll split it by skill.” I turned back and grinned. “Ten for me, four for Eric and one for you.”
Pulling out my sword, I headed over, ignoring his stuttered complaints.
The closest of the zombies was reaching out towards my head, several fingers missing from its hands, its half rotten jaw open, ready to bite.
I lopped it head off, knocking the body away from me.
IT SMELLS SO BAD!!! I had only been able to wash in cold water from a basin. I still desperately missed hot showers.
“Go Boss!”
“Yeah! Kill the zombies! You’re the best!”
Shouts from behind me caught my attention. After killing several more zombies I glanced over, giving out a loud sigh at the sight.
Liam and Hannah cheered off to the side, jumping up and down with excitement.
“Zombies don’t stand a chance against her!”
“Yeah! They’re toast!”
… I’m just going to ignore them for now.
In the corner of my eye I saw Jason struggling to defeat his first zombie, waving a metal bat but missing several passes. He backed up, putting some distance between him and his foe, and turned to stare longingly at Hannah for a few moments, before looking over to glare at me as he realized who she was cheering for. I smiled and winked, watching with interest as his face turned even redder with rage.
Feeling an undeniable urge to taunt, I called out to him as I continued to decapitate zombies.
“Don’t lose focus, little Jason! Or do you need me to help you with your one zombie too?”
“Try not to bully him, please.” Eric called out as he calmly dodged attacks, occasional shots ringing out. Each was a perfect headshot, as expected of the hero of an action novel. “Jason is sensitive to criticism.”
I nodded, kicking a zombie head into the air and batting it away with my sword, watching it sail away with interest. “Sorry, I’ll try harder to support his emotional well being.”
Having finished off our respective zombies, Eric and I high fived before heading back towards the rest of the group.
“Guys… I’m still fighting here!” Jason’s helpless cries caused me to pause.
I glanced at Eric “Will he be okay?”
“Yeah, he’s just milking it so Hannah will pay more attention to him.”
“And you’re okay with that?”
Eric shrugged. “Not really, but he doesn’t step over the line and extra hands are necessary, so I just ignore it.”
Is this a… reasonable male lead? Could it be possible?
“Okay, then.” I raised a hand, not turning around. “Good luck Jason, we believe in you!”
Eric grinned and called out behind him. “See you back in camp, buddy!”
“Boss!” Hannah ran up with a grin. “That was amazing!”
Liam stepped closer, handing me a thermos with hot tea. “I told you she was awesome! She saved my life, you know.”
I ignored him, turning my attention to Hannah. Time to make some progress on this mission. “Did what you see today inspire you?”
“Do you want to be helpful?”
Getting excited, I pumped a fist into the air. “You want to be strong and fight along side me?!”
“…” Hannah stared at me in shock. “What? No. Fight zombies? It’s scary… and kind of gross.”
I looked at her silently. “I… thought you were inspired?”
“Yeah! But not like that.” She nodded firmly. “I realized I was too eager when I wanted to be as terrifying as you…”
“So I’ve decided.” She grinned. “I’m going to be a professional lackey, just like Liam!”
Eric and I sighed in unison.
Liam smiled, patting Hannah on the shoulder. “Now don’t look down on us weak and vulnerable support spouses!”
“You’re not even weak…and we’re not married...”
“We may depend on our stronger counterparts to protect our lives, but we can keep everything running smoothly so you don’t have to worry about anything else.” He looked at me expectantly. “How is your tea?”
Giving up on arguing, I sipped it, and paused, shocked. “It’s… amazing. How did you even make hot tea out here?”
“It’s a trade secret.” Hannah and Liam gave each other a thumbs up, as Hannah handed Liam a thermos, which he drank from silently.
We headed back to camp.
“I feel like we’re forgetting something.” I muttered as I sipped my tea.
“GUYS? WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!! I’m STILL FIGHTING!” Jason’s angry shriek pierced the air, but no one turned around.
“I know what it is!” Liam grinned, cleaning one of my hands with a warm towel before handing me a freshly peeled apple. “Here, snack!”
I nodded, taking a bite. “That must have been it.”
A few days passed.
I tried again to convince Hannah to train to fight, thinking that combat skills would be the fastest way to  change her status as kidnappable dead weight.  After much convincing, she agreed to start training with me.
Unfortunately, the results were not what I had hoped for.
“OWW!” Hannah laid on the ground, staring up at me sadly. “I’m dying.”
“All I did was have you hold my sword. We haven’t even started fighting yet.”
“It hurts.”
“How did you even hurt yourself?” I stared at the small cut on her leg in consternation. “You only had the sword for fifteen seconds?”
Needless to say, the sword was confiscated. Strengthening exercises were meant with similar outcomes.
“How’s it going?” Liam brought me a bowl of hot soup, as I stared in disbelief at the figure attempting to do a pushup in front of me.
I pulled out my phone, glancing at the mission screen. The first completion bar for Hannah’s mission had been stuck at 10% since we started. “Not good. This is still her first push up.”
“Well, everyone takes a different amount of time…”
“We’ve been out here four hours.”
“Oh… how’s the soup?”
I sighed, taking time to try it. “It’s amazing. I’m still convinced you might be magic to be able to cook like this in the apocalypse.”
“This is just the beginning of my skills!”
I drank the soup quietly, staring at Liam while thinking.
“What is it?” He grinned. “You think I’m handsome and finally want to upgrade me from lackey to support spouse?”
“Who are you?”
My question was whispered, but he still heard it, a look of helplessness spreading across his face. This wasn’t the first time I had asked him this.
“I’ve told you everything, Blaire. I swear I’m not hiding anything from you.”
“You’ve told me everything you’ve remembered.” I corrected him quietly, turning away. Focusing my attention back on Hannah, I couldn’t help but feel discouraged. “This isn’t going to work.”
“You said you’re trying to make her a well-rounded, useful person, right?” Liam finally spoke up, his expression thoughtful. “You might be pushing her in the wrong direction. There are many different ways to help out, fighting is just one of them.”
“Yeah… but that’s what I’m good at.” I rubbed my head. “If I have to teach her other skills, I might not be able to.”
I had memories from multiple story worlds, but most of them required me to act as a brain dead villain, not staying long. Only a few provided practical skills such as the assassin guild story.  A sense of frustration filled me.  
“I can teach her cooking, supply management, and basic book-keeping.”  Liam watched me, seemingly worried. “And you can teach her your special skill.”
“Oh? What’s that?”
“Negotiation.” He grinned. “It’s amazing to watch you reduce that idiot Jason to an apoplectic fit every time you argue.”
I thought it over, a small return smile forming on my face. “I guess I have developed some good interpersonal skills. I once helped my brother overcome an obsession with behavior modification training.”
“You have a brother?” He asked, his eyes widening.
“In a different life.” I felt a pang of loneliness for the time I had spent in the previous world. I wondered if Adam was doing well. Looking back at Liam, I reached over and patted him on the head.
“I’m glad you’re here.” That I got to see you again. Even if you look different. Even if you don’t remember me.
Liam froze with shock at my touch for a few moments, before his face lit up with delight. “I’m glad I’m here too!”
I looked back down at Hannah, who still hadn’t completed her first push up. “Let’s go with your plan.”
Scratching the plan to make the heroine a one woman army, it was time to make her into an overpowered support character.
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one-leaf-grimoire · 3 years
"the knight who pierced the king's heart"
Chapter 3
Summary: Julius wonders if going on this date is a good idea, only for Lisa to almost immediately try and bail.
Warnings: They are both big idiots oops
Pairing: Julius x Lisa
Link to full work on AO3
“Please, Marx, just trust me-”
“Julius! I’m not going to allow you to run off and skip your meetings!” Marx balled up his fists and for a brief moment, Julius feared for his life. His advisor was already livid about his disappearance last night, which did not go unnoticed by Augustus. Julius explained it away as he was feeling sick, but another excuse wasn’t going to get him past Marx. “Not without a really, REALLY good reason, at the very least.”
“Oh, well- I have a reason-” Julius glanced nervously at the clock in his office. If I don’t get out of here soon, I’m going to miss lunch time! “Er- um…” Any good excuse was evading him, so he just blurted out something slightly stupid: the truth. “I’m going on a date.”
Marx’s jaw dropped, and Julius immediately regretted his decision. “WHAT?!” He dropped the paperwork in his hand out of shock, and it scattered all over the tile floor. “You’re kidding!!!! It’s been ages-”
“Don’t remind me-” Julius cut in, trying to reveal as little information about the date as possible. “I’m going to be late to meet her if I don’t-”
“BY ALL MEANS- go!” Marx was suddenly behind him, pushing him out the door. “This is great news! It’s about time you got married and produced an heir!”
“Heir?! Married?!” Julius had thought about it, sure, but he didn’t expect Marx of all people to start bothering him about it now. “It’s much too early to start talking about that stuff-”
“Whatever! It’s still a good sign.” Marx smiled to himself as he finally released Julius. “Go- I’ll make an excuse. But let me know about your plans ahead of time in the future so I can plan your schedule, alright?”
Julius nodded, and couldn’t help but grin to himself. “Thank you… I’ll be back by the evening.”
“You better be!”
Julius quickly ran to his room to change, glad to discard all his finery. His crown was carelessly thrown onto his bed, replaced by a wide-brimmed hat that covered most of his hair. When combined with his usual bandana, it worked as a great upgrade to his “disguise.” She’s not going to be tipsy this time, Julius thought to himself, his heart pounding as the nerves started to set in. So it’s more likely that she’ll figure me out… she did kiss my hand that day, after all. But maybe that’s for the best… I don’t want to keep tricking her or anything like that.
With that, he set off, slipping out of the castle unseen as usual for what he hoped would be a fun afternoon.
As he walked through the busy streets as fast as he could, Julius couldn’t help but let his mind wander back to what Marx mentioned.
Marriage… and an heir.
Julius really hadn’t worried much about either of those subjects before. Back before he was king, when he was still just a knight, he had dreamed about settling down after retirement and having a family with someone. But of course, plans changed; his injury, his father and uncle’s deaths, and his ascent to the throne threw him off course. The position he took over was the one that oversaw the army and foreign policy, and the kingdom was on the brink of war at the time. Now, 5 long years later, they were at peace, and Julius finally found himself without much to do.
I guess… maybe this would be a good time to figure that all out after all.
He was never a fan of the dynastic aspect of things. Julius wasn’t supposed to take the throne at all, but of course things changed and the royal line shifted. But he didn’t really feel too possessive over the future of his line. One of his cousins would take over when he died or retired, and Julius was fine with that.
But still… maybe it would be nice to have kids.
Maybe it was all a weird delusion. After all, no one could predict the future. It might be silly to imagine this whole future from just two meetings with another person, but Julius didn’t stop himself.
Anyway… what was so special about her?
Why do I even like Lisa?
The truth was, Julius had been infatuated before he even saw her face. The way she fought in that tournament let her determination shine through, and when she took off her helmet, and kissed his hand-
Julius could acutely remember how it felt last night, with her holding onto him, her cheek pressed close against his chest. It had been a long, long time since another person was so close to him. Just the memory was enough to dust his ears in red.
So… is it all physical?
It must not be all physical. Because, somehow, from just those two meetings, Lisa was able to make him think about a future, and imagine her there too.
Or… maybe I’m just being silly.
Julius suddenly halted, letting a few people brush by him in the crowd.
Lisa… she’s so young. She just started her career as a knight. If we get closer… it might hurt her…
However, a moment later, he started walking again, his steps more confident.
No… that’s silly. I’m the King, I’d be able to protect her! All I know is that I like her, for whatever reason, and I’m not going to let that go!
For now, all Julius had to worry about was making a good impression and figuring out a way to let Lisa know exactly what she was getting into.
Julius half expected Lisa to have forgotten about their “date,” but to his pleasant surprise she was already standing outside, dressed casually with her arm still in her cast. She blinked at the sound of his voice, turning to see him. Her eyes immediately widened, and to his relief, she smiled.
“Oh! So I didn’t dream you up!”
“Ah, yeah, no you didn’t…” Julius laughed nervously, scratching the back of his neck. “I’m glad you remembered.”
“Me too!” Lisa stepped a little closer, and despite her smile, Julius could pick up on a distinct apprehension in her stance. She’s nervous too… probably more nervous than I am. For good reason, too; it was quite risky to meet up with a mysterious man, even for a lunch date. “I woke up this morning and all I could think of was I have a date today! I’m glad you’re just as handsome as I dreamed~”
Julius gulped, his heart jolting around every which way in his chest. She’s still just as bold as ever- “Thank you… you’re just as lovely. So-” He averted his eyes and looked around under the brim of his hat, which he was surprised didn’t hinder her opinion of him today. “Where would you like to go?” It had been a while since he had been on a date, but he assumed it was the gentlemanly thing to do to let her take the lead.
“Hmm… I was thinking that we should just get something from the market then go somewhere quiet.”
Somewhere quiet? Alright… Julius nodded, then turned to lead her off. “Sounds like a plan… this way, right?”
Julius didn’t want to overstep boundaries, but it turned out he didn’t have to; Lisa immediately slipped her right hand into his left. Ah! Ok, that must be a good sign… He glanced down at her as they walked, seeing her staring ahead, still looking as happy as could be. So far so good… now I just have to figure out how to go about the rest of this.
Before he knew it, they had finished up their trip to the market, and Lisa was dragging him towards the outskirts of town. Julius didn’t object, following with ease as he carried both of their lunches in his free hand. “This way!” she said, glancing back at him. “There’s a hill on the edge of town… it has a great view!”
Sure enough, she let go of his hand to race up the hill, lively despite her one useless arm. Once at the top, Lisa turned to look down at Julius, her grin faltering when she saw him still at the bottom. “Come on! I can’t wait up here forever.”
“... oh, right.” Julius quickly snapped out of it and climbed after her. I started staring… I have to be careful about that.
But how could he not stare at her? She demanded the attention of all those around her with every movement she made. Julius didn’t understand her yet, but he could see that she was the type of person who breathed life into everyone she crossed paths with.
Even him.
“You’re right, the view is great up here.” Julius finally sat down, letting out a sigh as his back came to rest against the trunk of a tree.
“I know right?” Lisa quickly sat next to him, reaching towards the lunch bag. “I bring dates up here all the time.”
“All the time?” Julius repeated, his heart sinking again. I mean… I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. She’s pretty, I’m sure she has a lot of admirers. I’m probably nothing more than a fun way to pass the time-
“No. I lied.” Lisa laughed nervously, awkwardly digging through her bag. “I don’t really get asked on dates much… not even this time! I asked you didn’t I?” She licked her lips as she pulled the sandwich out. “I do still come up here a lot, though… just by myself.”
Something changed in her voice. Julius stared at her, not exactly sure what to say.
Oh… so… I guess she’s also…
Lisa stared at her sandwich in her hand for a moment. Then, with a soft breath, she let it drop back down into the bag.
“Last night… I feel like I embarrassed both of us. I don’t know why you were there, or why I recognized you, I don’t even know your name now!” She let out a sigh, and to Julius’s dismay, she stood up. “I guess the reason I wanted to meet you today was to apologize. Sorry about all that… but you don’t have to worry about me anymore.”
Finally, she turned to look down at him, a sad smile on her face.
“Thank you… goodbye.”
Without another word, Lisa turned back around and started to walk off down the hill.
For a moment, Julius didn’t move. He wasn’t sure he was even processing what happened. His eyes were glued on the back of her head, as her hair bounced around her with every step. Maybe that image was what made him snap out of it and finally jump back to his feet.
Lisa paused, glancing over her shoulder at the man behind her. Julius gulped, his arm halfway outstretched dramatically. He didn’t really know what to say; he just started talking.
“My name… my name is Julius.”
No change could be seen in her expression. Julius started to sweat. Should I say my last name too? I thought she would have put two and two together…
“...I saw you at the jousting tournament.”
His hand dropped back to his side as he continued to speak. He only had one goal in his mind, one desperate goal to keep her here just a little longer. The realization that she was about to leave, possibly forever, was finally dawning on him, and the emotion pounding from his heart had just one name:
“You broke your arm, yet you kept pushing forward. I-I couldn’t help but admire that… and then…”
Here he was again, spewing out the dumbest thing he could: the truth. Yet, for the second time today, it was working. Lisa’s eyes finally widened a little, her body turning back to face him fully. Julius sucked in a breath through his nose before continuing.
“Then… you took off your helmet, and I saw that you aren’t just brave and strong… you’re beautiful too.”
Lisa blinked, shock starting to register on her face with each passing word. Julius couldn’t tell if she was pleased or not, and his next words caught in his throat. He stood there for a moment, his mouth open, unsure if he should continue.
“... I should be the one apologizing. It was weird and selfish of me, but I ended up at a party where I didn’t belong, because I wanted to see you again-” For some reason, Julius felt himself laugh weakly at the thought. “So… I’m sorry. But, if you have the time… I’d still like to have lunch with you.”
For a long, long time, Lisa just stared up at him, a light blush on her cheeks from the unexpected confession. Julius held his breath, feeling a bit dizzy. But somehow, he was still smiling.
And then, miraculously, she smiled back, closing her eyes for a brief minute.
“Why didn’t you say so earlier?”
She opened her eyes again, and Julius swore that they were sparkling. “I finally get my hilltop date, with an admirer, no less! How could I refuse?”
Julius let out a sigh of relief, his nervousness shifting into a more pensive kind.
She’s staying… just a little longer… that’s all I need!
“My name is Lisa… but you probably already knew that.”
“Yeah, I did…”
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