#oops wrong blog that's embarrassing
froggyfics · 1 year
Your first date with Dick makes you nervous. 
THANK YOU TO THIS BRAVE ANON! For the life of me, I cannot figure out how to format your message request into this post, so I replied to you separately. You are my first ever request and can I say, thank you so much for choosing a fluffy topic! Don’t get me wrong, I love me some angst, but I’m a sad bitch, so angst comes super easy to me. This entire blog is about me trying to become a better writer, so thank you for choosing fluff because it really challenged me. I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! 
I categorized this as a fem!reader, just because I mentioned “girl” once in this fic. So, I hope that those who prefer gender neutral readers will still enjoy this. 
Feedback is always appreciated. Feel free to message me privately or comment below to let me know what you think. Constructive criticism is always welcome! 
Pairing: Dick Grayson x fem!reader
Theme: Fluff
Word Count: 1,759
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His arm was deceivingly muscular. You couldn’t help but squeeze his bicep a few times. You know, in the name of science. Who knew that Dick Grayson was this muscular? The biting winter night forced you two to bundle up. The weather called for sweaters, gloves, hats, jackets, boots, the whole nine yards. Even through the bundles of clothes he was wearing, you could still feel his muscles underneath. 
You decide on just one more squeeze. For scientific purposes, of course! One more squeeze and you’ll stop oogling. Both hands were wrapped around his upper arm. You tighten your grip and - 
Oop! He flexes his bicep! Your blush as you realize you’ve been caught in the act. Dick laughs heartily when you whine and smush your face into his arm in embarrassment. 
“I’m so-I mean- uhm-that was embarrassing,” you stutter.
“It’s fiiiinnnne,” he drawls. “I work out so much so that pretty girls like you can appreciate this.” He nudges the arm that you are latched onto for emphasis.
If you weren’t blushing before, you definitely were now. Dick Grayson thinks you’re pretty? Even if this is your first and last date with him, you were absolutely going to tell everyone around you that the Dick Grayson called you pretty. That was something to brag about. 
“Look who’s talking,” you murmur.
He really was the prettiest man you’ve ever seen. You stuttered all throughout the dinner date you two were just at. Initially you thought it was because of nerves. But as the date continued, you realized it was because Dick was just so damn pretty. Piercing blue eyes that never strayed far from your face had you stumbling and fumbling over your words. To a third party viewer, it might’ve sounded like you were a toddler stuck in the body of an adult. 
After he paid the bill, which you insisted on paying for, or at least paying for your portion of the meal, but he refused because he’s the embodiment of chivalry, you thought that would be the last you’d see of him. You thought he’d find you too jittery and weird for his liking. But to your utter shock and delight, he offered his arm to you and asked if he could just take a walk with you around the block to extend your date.
It was freezing outside, but walking so close next to him made your insides melt. As the two of you leisurely stroll away from the restaurant, with no destination in mind, the conversation flowed easily. Something about him by your side rather than in front of you made you less nervous, so it was easier to speak. You tell him about how you want to pick up a new hobby. You mention your coworker that got on your nerves earlier that week. You even tell him your favorite weird food combination that you eat when there’s no one around to judge you.
He talks about his early days with his father, Bruce Wayne, and how growing up as the billionaire’s adopted son was no walk in the park. He talks about Alfred, his pseudo-grandfather, with so much pride and joy. He tells you his favorite colors are blue and black, and that he finds himself wearing those colors quite often.
“And then my buddy Wally says to me-,”
He’s in the middle of his story when he abruptly stops. Neon lights flash in his face and he slowly breaks out into a smirk. You remain confused until you turn your head and glance at what you’re in front of. 
He slithers his arm out of your grip and then reaches to grab your hand. “C’mon, let’s go inside!”
Your eyes take a moment to adjust to the neon lights around you. Different colors of light flash all around you. Pinging sounds from the plethora of arcade games create a symphony of chaos. People hurriedly rush from one machine to another, trying to get to a game before others do. Laughter and chatter fill the air, alongside the clanking of coins. In your distracted haze, Dick retrieves a bucket full of coins for you two to indulge in from the arcade employee.
“You should’ve let me pay for that. You already paid for dinner,” you pout.
He’s facing you now, unlike when you two were walking side by side. You suddenly get the jitters, like you did when you were at dinner with him. You can still see the blue in his eyes, despite the lighting that tried its best to hide it. 
He comes dangerously close to you, almost toe-to-toe. Your head screams at you to look down or up or to the side, just anywhere else except his pretty face. He grabs the small of your back to bring you even closer and bring his mouth to your ear.
“Lemme take care of you.”
His breath on your ear makes you tingle, and you instinctively contract all the muscles in your body to control your reaction. The hand he has on your back slowly makes its way back to your hand and he pulls you closer to the rows of machines. 
You both silently stare at the machines in contemplation. There are so many choices to make, the both of you can’t decide on where to start.
You quickly glance at his face and notice his eyebrows are furrowed in concentration. He’s so freaking cute!
You take a deep breath in to psyche yourself up. He has taken the lead all night. It’s time you show just how interested you are in him, too. This time, you lead the way for him. While holding onto his hand, you shimmy your way past hordes of people until you reach your destination.
You let go of him to take off your gloves and reach into the bucket of coins. You deposit the allotted coins into the machine and the game comes to life. 
He places the bucket of coins on the ground. “Not tryna brag, but I’m a pretty good dancer. You might be in over your head.”
“We’ll see about that, pretty boy,” you bite back.
Three songs later and you conclude that the both of you suck at dancing. Neither of you score very high in the dancing game, but you do come out victorious, scoring higher than him in two out of the three games.
He raises his hands in defeat. “Alright, alright. You win!” He’s breathless as he says it. 
You giggle as you turn your head to examine the other machines in your line of sight. You suddenly gasp at the claw machine filled with Justice League superheroes as stuffed plushie dolls. 
You run over to claim the machine with Dick hot on your trail. Your nose touches the machine’s plexiglass as you look over the dolls within it. Superman, Batman, Green Arrow, Wonder Woman, Hawkwoman, and so many more. 
“Which one do ya want?” Dick slides coins into the machine, readying himself to retrieve whatever plushie doll you desire. 
You think for a moment, seriously looking over the options. “Batman,” you confidently reply.
Dick nods his head and begins to move the claw. He has his eyes set on the Batman doll that is conveniently located right at the top of the pile. 
“Batman, eh,” he begins covertly. “Is he your favorite of the Bats or…” He trails off as he concentrates his efforts on placing the claw directly above the doll.
“Hmm, I’m not sure. I haven’t really thought about it.” You look off into the distance as you formulate an answer. Meanwhile, Dick makes a few minor adjustments to ensure that the claw will capture the Batman doll as he waits for your answer. He finally is satisfied with his efforts and presses the button that will drop the claw down on the doll. 
“Red Robin seems pretty cool,” you innocuously answer just as Dick releases the button. You could’ve sworn that Dick’s eye twitches and the vein on the side of his neck bulges. You think it’s because he’s so concentrated on winning this plushie doll for you, but Dick knows it’s due to a twinge of jealously. He’ll never admit what you said to anyone, especially not to Tim. It’s prime bullying material for his friends and family.
The two of you watch in silence as the claw hooks onto the Batman doll, carries it over to the side, and drops it down the hatch. You squeal and jump up and down in delight as Dick reaches into the machine to retrieve the doll. He hands you the doll and you grab it.
“Thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!” In your excitement, you lean over and peck Dick right on the lips as a show of appreciation. 
You have no idea where you got the confidence to do that. You don’t even realize what you did until you notice Dick sport the goofiest grin on his face. 
You fiercely begin to blush again, for what seems like the millionth time that night. You hope you didn’t just ruin the experience for him. Your anxiety is squashed though as soon as Dick leans in close again. He again grabs the small of your back with just a tad bit more strength this time around. His other hand cups your chin. You both inch your lips towards one another. You lean in a little. Then he does. Then you do. And then he does. Until finally, your lips embrace one another.
The kiss is gentle. Sweet. Loving. One arm holds the Batman doll, and the other grabs the front of his jacket to pull him in closer. He chuckles into your lips as you do. There’s so much going on around, but it’s almost as if you two were the only ones in that arcade. All that you could sense was him. 
To your chagrin, you end up breaking the kiss. You had to come up for breath eventually. You can feel your lips plump up due to the extra blood flow. Despite the kiss being broken, the two of you remain close to each other. Your bodies melded into one.
His sparkling blue eyes bore into yours. This time, you don’t feel nervous. You belong in this moment. You belong in this moment with him. This feels right. 
You stare right back at him and innocently ask, “So, who’s your favorite Bat?”
His eyes crinkle as he smiles. There’s mischief behind his eyes. Perhaps you’ll indulge in that on another date. 
“Baby, have you heard of Nightwing?”
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macsimagines · 1 year
what about alpha!kisaki, like do you think his yandere tendencies would be worse if he was an alpha? you’re very consistent btw, I love your blog 🥹🫶
(Finally Alpha!Kisaki <3!!! Thanks for the request and compliment this will be one of the last ABO requests I do so I'll try to make it good. Also I feel like an ass because I went overboard on this one... oops can you guys tell I have a favorite)
Yandere!Alpha Kisaki
Met you through a Rut Aid service. Sort of...
Kisaki was taken aback when he presented as an alpha. He was pleasantly surprised and was at first excited to be apart of an elite. Then his ruts hit and apparently they're out of control.
After a few doctor visits he's diagnosed with over producing dominate pheromones. Its apparently common when a young Alpha is surrounded by other very strong and dominate Alphas.
Because he is so much younger than most of the gang members and finds himself in a leadership position his body is trying to overcompensate.
When his ruts hit is when domineering pheromones' overproduce and cause him to have hyper aggression and feral behavior. His room was in complete shambles and he actually tried to fight his own parents.
Its decided he will be going on intense suppressants and will be having his ruts at a private facility where he will be supplied with artificial omegan pheromones that should calm him down.
They don't. Nothing fucking works for years and years. He's an adult now, and not one thing has helped. He just eats suppresants like they're candy and prays to god he can keep it together.
Nobody else notices his issues though. He keeps it under wraps and when he needs to rut, he usually has his lackeys prepare him a special room.
He's almost killed omegas that volunteer to help him through, he hopes one will actually work but they all smell like shit and his Alpha just wants to rip them to shreds when they get too close.
Then comes a new service that provides alpha's with fresh real omegan scents for their rut. If he likes one then he send his own scented item in. If you're a match you two will begin an anonymous pen pal service.
The idea appealed to him, because he was a very dangerous and private man. He needed his anonymity. It was worth a shot at the very least...
They send him a box of samples filled with items like plushies or sweaters (some freaks send their underwear wtf-)
Kisaki has gone through at least 4 boxes and he's about to give up when he stumbles upon a hoodie. Your hoodie. With some inane cartoon or video game (insert favorite cringe character here)
He throws your bag across the room hard as he can because he's so annoyed and it snags on the edge of the table and rips. Then he smells it.
The most perfect soothing calming thing he's ever had the pleasure of smelling in his life. And its your hoodie. He buries his face in it, drinks it in like its water and he's been dying of thirst.
Oh yes, thank fuck, dear god. You're perfect.
If he had a little more restraint he'd be embarrassed at how fast he comes that night. He's not even in rut but he's fucking his own hand like he's 12 again...
Calls the service the next day and tells them he's incredibly interested in your items and wants them all. Exclusively. He also asks (demands) for your personal profile.
They tell him "Thats not how this works sir." and he almost burns their headquarters to the ground, but decides against it. He has to be smart and safe about this. He can't loose his omega.
Plays along with the service, has his best cashmere sweaters and silk shirts sent out to you.
Its a match! Of course it is. You're all but mated to him at this point, and its decided then that for your heats and his ruts you'll be exchanging scented items.
While that happens he has his men infiltrate the company and find you. Finally gets his hands on your information and wants to puke.
There's nothing wrong with you, its just the circumstances.
You suffer from a pheromone diversion disorder and a pheromone deficiency. Your body has a hypersensitivity to alpha pheromones causing you reject the majority of them and your body produces a miniscule amount of omegan pheromones because of being unable to handle others.
Its like you were made for him. His perfect match...
You're younger, and poor. At least by his standards. He can't stand the fact that you send him your cheap shirts and sweaters. Not because he finds it to be pathetic, but because he knows you deserve better. You need what Kisaki, your alpha, can provide.
Lets you go through one heat with his scented items and gets a letter from you explaining how thankful you are.
"You were the only alpha to like my scent, funny right? Saved my butt though, your smell was the only one I liked too."
Kisaki decides that's it. He's gonna make you his Omega soon. He's got an imported collection of hand crafted luxury collars on the way, you'll pick one out when you're ready he just wants to have them prepared and he plans a meet cute.
He had his men tracking you for weeks, since the first time he found out your name and address. Knows you like to just listen to music and walk in the park. You'll bump into each other, smell one another on accident, and fall in love.
The guy is so dedicated to this that he even wears casual clothes, (Vicuna Wool isn't casual you pompous shit), and when it happens he loses himself for a moment.
Your shoulders brush, your eyes meet, and for once in fucking years, he feels at peace. He doesn't even say what he was planning on saying and you take the lead (that wasn't supposed to happen shit-)
"Uh, heya stranger," you smile at him cocking your head, "Smell'ya around?"
This was easy, you two hit it off. You make it easy... Your personality is incredibly calm compared to his own highstrung one. The only problem is that he doesn't want to wait. He needs you now.
Fate is finally on his side, and you ask about the item exchange. He says "What if we just...Shared our heats and ruts together.
He has you convinced it's a good idea. When else will you meet an Alpha whos smell you actually love?
The key to his plan. You're going to bond Kisaki. He's going to get you so high on his over production of pheromones that you're going to go feral and bite him right on his mating mark.
You'll wake up after your heat and feel like a total monster, while he's on cloud nine. That was the best week of his life, his knot felt so at home snuggly inside you...
Kisaki will comfort you. Tell you its not your fault, that he should've done something... Don't worry baby, he knows you'll take responsibility.
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longing-for-rain · 2 months
As a fellow Zutararian, I really don't think the Reckoning of Roku was a slight against Zutara - neither Zuko or Katara or Aang were even born yet. I doubt it was even on the author's mind when he wrote the parts about the Fire Nation's misogyny. Sure, I don't like that the Air Nomads were sex segregated, but that's just it. They weren't perfect victims, but no victim is an "ideal" victim and it shouldn't take away from the fact that they met a horrible end from Sozin. And I'm really disappointed that this is the stance you're taking. Just because the Fire Nation's sexism isn't shown to us the same way that it was with the NWT. They committed genocide against three groups: the Air Nomads, the Southern Water Tribe benders, and even their own dragons. How much worse can the Fire Nation even get?
Side note: Zuko's arc is about unlearning his country's warmongering imperialism and redeeming the Fire Nation. So I'm pretty sure he'd disagree with your anger about the "retconning" of the Fire Nation.
Oops Anon, I think you might have accidentally sent your copypasta to the wrong blog. I didn’t say any of that.
What I said about the “new content” is that it comes off as a lazy way for the studio executives to pat themselves on the back for fighting racism or whatever in the same way the MCU did. Why spend the effort to craft a compelling and thought provoking story when you can just toss in a cheeky one-liner, right? Then when people point out the drop in writing quality and the way your creative decisions are backfiring, you can just call them racist. Hollywood win-win.
Anyways, you should check your work next time because this is just embarrassing. I never connected Zutara to those novels, never said the Fire Nation wasn’t sexist (in fact I explicitly portray them as sexist in my own work) and never said it wasn’t bad. Put down the crack pipe.
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notyouraryang0dd3ss · 5 months
i keep seeing people bring up lana del ray when talking about taylor and honestly shes just taylor swift for people who think they're different. like i know this blog is about taylor swift but lana is so fucking annoying. her music is so boring and i hate how people think shes fucking grunge somehow??? LANA DEL RAY??? GRUNGE??? it reminds me of taylor saying her new album is goth and punk or some similar completely wrong bullshit. taylor and lana fans are the exact same people in slightly different fonts.
this blog is already entering its lana hate era im so dead 😭 im gonna answer this of course but NO LANA STAN WARS IN MY ASK BOX ✋🏽 THIS IS A TAYLOR HATE BLOG ONLY
people think lana is grunge??? to be honest i know exactly 2 songs by her and its summertime sadness (remix) and video games. from those two alone she gives 60s babydoll sugar baby aesthetic definitely NOT GRUNGE.
taylor’s quote is always so funny ajdnxkz she calls the rep album “goth-punk moment of female rage at being gaslit by entire social structure” girl no you made that album bc everyone cancelled you after the kim/kanye debacle. that wasnt being gaslit by a social structure and reputation (the song) isnt goth punk like what 😭😭😭
“taylor and lana fans are the exact same people in different fonts” oop! not gonna dis/agree cs the only 2 lana fans i know are deeply embarrassed to be her fans and confessed to they listened to her as a secret to me. nobody knows they listen to lana except me aksjdjdnfkdn
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plasmaapologist · 1 year
...just realized i left my introduction in the drafts. oops. at least i have a better photo now.
my names tula, and i'm a registered pokémon nurse with a horrible tendency to ramble. i live in unova and do some work here, but i mainly travel to other regions for this.
i am a former member of team plasma. former. my username is ironic because i cope with humor.
i ran away from home at age 14- it's a long story - and ended up being indoctrinated in. i, like many others, were lucky to have a sort of "snap to reality" moment after ghetsis' first arrest, before the formation of neo plasma, but not before i spent 10 years of my life working for him. many people are shocked by how open i am about my experience, but i think its extremely important to talk about these things: if i could help just one person leave this cycle, or keep someone from entering it, then it would make the shame worth it.
i have dedicated my life to helping pokémon, as a way to attone, i suppose. my darling solosis, mini, travels with me, though i must admit she's quite the spoiled brat. to have such an innocent creature love and trust you is the most healing experience someone can ask for, and i acknowledge that i was so very lucky. i had a home to return to, i was able to find work despite my history, and physically, i bear only a scar on my back and a missing finger... also just so we all know i am a natural ginger and i am not going to dye my hair please stop asking thanks
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feel free to ask me any questions you may have: about pokemon, about myself, or my experience with team plasma, any of the sort. and if you need help leaving neo plasma or a group like it, please shoot me a message, i'll give you all the advice i can.
- tula ☆
ooc and admin info:
hi! im cassini, im 21, and i have not rpd since middle school. please be nice
im okay with joining events and plotlines! but i do not know how to join in naturally and get too embarrassed to ask. please shoot me a message/invite! muse list bellloowwwww tulas info
im not lore compliant at times and am even willing to bend (most) of my own headcanons bc multiverse and the likes! very flexible in general
okay more important tula things:
- sapient pokemon interaction is okay! tula will generally believe them. shes seen weirder. legendaries will be met with much more scrutiny, but kindness.
- i keep her age purposefully vauge for "pokemon timeline makes no sense" reasons, but you can generally imagine her somewhere between 26-30, probably.
- shes been through a lot and often copes with humor, which means she tends to come off the wrong way a lot of the time
- though open about her time in plasma, she doesnt like talking about how it affected her
- she speaks before thinking and often posts in bursts do to this
- she has a pretty shitty memory
Timeline 1:
Tula Gagnon - @plasmaapologist (OC. 📍Unova. Birthday: January 1st)
Callisto Aoki - @cherishcherubi (OC. 📍 Kalos. Birthday: October 25th)
Iolana Kealoha - @teamskullkalos (OC. 📍Kalos. Birthday: April 12th)
Timeline 2:
Mari Pijotto - @marifromkoto (OC. 📍Paldea. Birthday: December 18th)
Katy - @patisserie-soapberry (Canon. 📍Paldea.)
Atticus - @navisquadatticus (Canon. 📍Paldea.)
Larry - @medali-gym (Canon. 📍Paldea. Half joke blog.)
Robin Lusk - @absolsrenegade (OC/Self Insert. 📍Unova. Birthday: July 5th)
Timeline 3:
Timeline Unknown:
Grise (Hilda Lewis) - @driftingtrainer (Canon. 📍 Vagabond. Birthday: October 5th)
Rochelle Ichihara - @basaltpowder (OC. 📍Hoenn. Birthday ??? )
Barbie & Ken: @championbarbie-swimmerken - (It's fucking Barbie. Yeah, the pink one. 📍 Everywhere. She's Barbie. Birthdays: March 9th, March 11th)
Ice - @rottenice OC. 📍Primarily Sinnoh, but travels a lot. Birthday: December 21st. Please read content warnings in the pinned post.
Miki Nakajima - @nakajima-lgm OC.📍 Johto. Birthday unknown. Please read content warnings in the pinned post.
@galacticfoundation - Team Galactic AU blog.
@twotoypokemon Pokémon Rumble based blog. Sapient Pokémon OC. 📍Axel Town
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I figure this is a question for the student union.. but do you guys do like, school tours? Because I haven't been to the school in a BIT (long story .. oops) and I swear so much has changed😵‍💫 pretty sure I've walked into the wrong class like, 3 times now, and been too embarrassed to leave so I just sat through a class I wasn't supposed to be in.......
- @imp-decisive ((ooc// hope you don't mind a like. New person sending stuff, I've never done an rp blog before but saw this and thought it was cool!!))
[ Oh! No of course not! We love getting new people, and we adore interaction! Tysm Mun! Very happy to meet you:3]
That's right, we offer full tours. We're in charge of that now, so we can set you up with a group of perspective students or give you a personal tour.
We also do have maps! - A.🎨
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v-anrouge · 6 months
Hello! 👋 I’m a lurker 🙈
I love Rook too obvi (I mean.. I’m here 🤣) and the other person trauma dumping was.. uh yeah. That was a lot… 😶
But they also said they were autistic, so maybe they just legit didn’t realize you were joking? Maybe they aren’t a follower? Idk. 🤷
Like I’m trying to give the benefit of the doubt because they seemed like one of those people wandering into the wrong classroom like “wait this.. isn’t my homeroom?”
Also you said you have Rook haters DNI interact on your card… but ima be honest. Please don’t hate me. I actually took a legit second to find your card in your pinned post because the text and the link is so smol. 😩 But also I’m blind and dumb sometimes so like don’t mind me too much…
But I DID find it!!! But then I couldn’t find where it said Rook haters DNI. I’m on mobile so maybe there’s a different section that it’s not letting me see??? Maybe THAT’S what happened to them too?
ANYWAY!! I may be a lurker and am just popping up for this so I��m going back down to lurking (aaaa social anxietyyyy) but I love your various posts. I honestly thought that post in question was really funny before all the drama started 😅
Rook going off on long tangents about his much-loved hyperfixations and having time blindness is so relatable help 😭😭😭
Hi nonnie first thank you for warning me about the problems w my carrd! I think ill just make a text and put the link there on pinned then in hopes it will make it easier to see. About the carrd itself i made it on mobile so you're seeing it correctly i just noticed though that a part of my dni is missing, i probaly deleted it accidentally last time i was fixing it so oops that's embarrassing 😭 but to answer they were a follower, they're no longer one because i softblocked and the reason i was so shocked was not because they don't hc rook as autistic since obv it's just a comfort hc i have as someone who also is autistic, but how they said rook was PURPOSELY ignoring social cues like😭😭 that part caught me SO off guard especially as someone who deeply relates to rook, ive had ppl do the same thing to me say that i was just purposely being weird despite knowing i had a difficult time telling what is and what isnt acceptable to say so i simply don't feel comfortable with them in my blog anymore, that trauma dump they had already made me a bit icky but i thought okay maybe they're just joking? because the post i made was clearly joking but clearly they were not (they said it themselves) and rook is one of my ultimate faves and i cant tolerate to see him get mischaracterized, especially not in such extreme manners so yeah they're not coming back but anyways thank you so much for warning me about the pinned thing ill fix it pls tell me if its better for you!
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scuddle-bubble101 · 8 months
I just realized I asked the wrong blog... oops- I sincerely apologize! My half-asleep self did this on the wrong blog! I feel stupid, and embarrassed.... Sorry for asking you this, being for I asked the wrong blog. I was meant to ask another blog!
( Don't answer if you don't want to.)
hbhufvndjghjfk ROFL, OH MY LORD... I AM SO SORRY. I THOUGHT YOU WERE THE SAME PERSON. Holy crap, pardon my answer then. You get a free pass with us, and I will promptly delete your ask, no worries X'D
Safe travels dear, I wish you the best!!!!
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maxladcomics · 1 year
"Sans doesn't read a bedtime story to Papyrus" <- okay but he literally does. It's canon. Like your entire reblog bordered on the "My hcs and interpretations are better because I'm fully canon and no one can enjoy others" carlyraejepsans level shit but I assumed you didn't mean it like that and I was used to the bullcrap so I was reading in too much. But like. :/ it's never confirmed he dOeSnT hAvE nIgHtMaReS or shit. Have fun with character analysis and hcs and have fun writing him strictly to canon but don't make stuff up and state its canon -_- you seem like a well meaning person but please actually do some research before you decide what's canon?
Anyway about interpretations/headcanons how bout that headcanon of my blog lmao. I guess that's how I come across strictly from blog view and not when I'm spamming dumb theories at people in discord oops.
I'll clarify then.
I don't like apologizing because I'm never wrong it seems like an excuse to let people kick you if you show weakness on the great old internet, HOWEVER. I will make an exception and say sorry.
I'm sorry for giving the impression or directly saying? (memory bad) that I only follow canon and that canon is obviously the best and only way to see things. That is very unfun for everyone, and I like having fun, a lot of it. I also hate controlling others or others attempting to control me (see: my entire existence in this fandom).
I have only said it on discord but I should make it clear here as well:
I purposely ignore/put down Sans's importance in anything, it could be out of spite? hatred? (I do not have the time for hate I have to draw) or simply for entertainment.
Spoiler: it's for entertainment, a majority of stuff is about Sans and I find it a lot of fun to go out of my way to remove him from concepts/ideas/theories. I've also found this very interesting because it forces me to look elsewhere for concepts/theories and see things I hadn't before because he was in the way. (I don't mean this maliciously)
Contradicting or nonsense headcanons are loads of fun, are mine better? Of course to me they are, that's why they're on my blog, that's why I post about them. Are there headcanons I don't like? Yes, a lot of them, I used to complain about them a lot in the past, but lately I'm wasting my time more efficiently by searching for stuff in Undertale for the 100th time that's not actually there.
I'm not 100% canon. Do I want to be canon? Absolutely not. Do I use canon to bully people? YES. IF YOU THINK SANS LIKES PUNS THINK AGAIN. DO YOU THINK SANS IS STRESSED WITH BILLS? HAHA JOKES ON YOU. WHAT? HE HAS NIGHTMARES? NOT ON MY WATCH.
I want to enjoy my Papyrus focused content in my Papyrus focused corner is that too much to ask? (It is)
ANYWAY. To answer the original grievance:
Undyne stays the night? (It is not confirmed if it's more than one night) at Papyrus's house, and confirms that he doesn't sleep, that specifically: He doesn't know HOW to sleep. Does this mean that he NEEDS Sans to read to him to sleep?
No. Because it's not mentioned, it could have easily been brought up at this point since Sans already puts himself in some calls already, but it's not. The only one who brings it up is Sans when he's alone, where no one else can argue it or confirm it. What if it's too embarrassing to say in front of Papyrus? Well I mean he already teases him for the junior jumble thing so it wouldn't be out of line for Sans to tease him about that, too.
BUT, if Sans reads Papyrus a bedtime story, why doesn't he remark on the fact Papyrus has nightmares? Wouldn't he have to read to him every time a nightmare woke him up? But again, Papyrus also mentions that he's just too busy to sleep, no mention of needing to sleep, or reading a bedtime story, Papyrus also doesn't bring up Sans reading, or reading to him in any context.
Anyway to argue the "Sans doesn't have nightmares" statement, I'll refer back to my thing of 'removing Sans from ideas because it's funny'. Hahahaha.
But also there's no proof Sans has nightmares, AND WHILE I UNDERSTAND THE HEADCANON- I refuse it because it's funny, but also because Papyrus DESERVES nightmares as a trait and it's unfair to take that away from him.
"But Max, can't they both get nightmares?"
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painsandconfusion · 2 years
Anon Ask Lineup!!
I got SO many gorgeous lurker confirmation asks, and wow I love you guys so much. You're way too sweet to me. Ahhhhhhh.
That being said, a lot of you had questions and I said I wouldn't rb those asks, but there were several overlapping ones anyway, so I'm just going to make one biiiiiiiggggggg post answering questions here!
How long did I lurk? Six years or so? Longer? I knew I loved whump since I was a little tiny kiddo, but didn't know there was a word for it (I feel like this is a common experience lol), and started following hero x villain things (also a common experience) that eventually lead me to the whump community. I didn't make this blog (well, the same url - it used to be a sideblog and it moved but I'm counting it) about two years ago? But I only started making my own content one year ago.
Have I ever regretted making my blog instead of lurking? Since I started this one? No. But there was a time before where I made a side blog (same url) and started making some whumpy gif sets? And I loved it and was having a nice time with no one knowing or following me, but it was immediately picked up by the kink community instead of this one. While I don't have any problem with that, I felt like I wasn't in the right place and that no one was really listening and I was getting sucked in the wrong direction, so I panicked and deleted the blog. Cut lurking again for two years before making this one.
Was I ever ashamed of whump? Um. Yes. Still kind of am (I'm working on it), but I grew up in a very religious household, and I'm an extremely kind and gentle person irl, so it felt like this horrific denial both of my faith and of myself. I read a post a year and a half ago or so that clarified the difference between fiction and reality for whump, and something about it just made the pieces fit together again for me. It wasn't long after that that I got started making my own content.
How I moved from being a reblogger to a creator? There was one prompt list (here) that I just fell in love with and had a few ideas to continue? So I did. And it got SO many more notes than I expected and I just........fell in love with it? I found I have a knack for prompt lists - much more than gif sets. So I started making prompt lists. They got popular pretty quick. Then I was challenged to do Whumptober, and I did. After that, I felt comfortable starting my own series and doing drabbles and I haven't looked back.
How many irl people know about whump/my blog? Four who I didn't meet through this. I've told three friends and my sister - all of whom took it FAR more gracefully than I expected. While whump isn't their thing, they're incredibly supportive and generally confused why I'm so embarrassed about it. Oops-
Is my whump fixation purely whump, kink, or both? Uhmmmmmmmm....I like whump. I like whump in any context. That bleeds into kink as well. I don't post NSFW things here because a lot of my readers are minors and I genuinely don't trust the tagging system to keep their sweet lovely eyes off the abominations I create asdlkf. But if I'm in an 18+ area where people are chatting, I'm more than willing to discuss it or put out ideas/content. I'm getting more comfortable with it by the day (everyone has hurtles to get over in self-acceptance - that's one of mine).
Do I use whump as an outlet for something else? I know a lot of people have turned to whump to process trauma, but that's not my story. I have loved it since forever, and my ptsd isn't something I ever want to encounter in whump. I have those tags blocked so fucking hard, I don't want to be triggered in my safe space (that's just me - everyone processes differently). But. I do find that it greatly eases my anxiety and nightmares. If I go a week or two without writing or consuming something terrifying, my anxiety doesn't really have an outlet? And it bleeds into dreams. I often have very whumpy dreams, but I don't consider them nightmares, they're just lovely. But the nightmares? Nope. Nuh-uh. Don't want. It's a very small part of why I write, but it's a lovely bonus.
Whelp I think that's all of them?? Shoot me another ask if I missed one - it wasn't intentions.
Love you all so so much - I'm glad you reached out!
General disclaimer: all these are my own expeiance and do not speak to or dictate in any way how others interact with this community or their pasts - everyone's journey is their own, this one is just mine.
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elkkiel · 2 months
You are welcome for the discussion <3 im just always glad to see st fans who are mature about sexual topics, and sometimes ill see stuff that makes me feel unwelcome as someone who reallyyy loves the sex appeal in the band/their music and it being a big factor of my appreciation of them. Im not actually offended at all by the term baby making metal and i get surprised by the vitriol people have towards the term. Art can be sexual but also be meaningful in manyyy different ways, i can appreciate the many layers of the music and ves's emotional vulberability in his art while also not acting like hes an infant who accidentally put sensuality in his music yknow (emphasis on SOME of the music, no im not saying atlantic or blood sport is sexy because just no)? I just feel like with how much personal attachment people have to the band (because yeah the music is SAD and ves has obviously been through awful things so i get being protective or being legit triggered by peoples hornier interpretations) things can get out of hand quickly in spaces ive observed in the fandom. Though perhaps ive just observed particularly bad places in the fandom in all fairness, im pretty new here and all having been listening to them for 2-3 months now. Tumblr doesnt seem too bad but ive seen stuff on twit that really angered me with the insults being thrown around and stuff that honestly seems infantilizing to ves (no, dont sexually harass him. Ive seen vids where people screamed "daddy" at him and.. ew. But like, i doubt hes offended by people having hornier interpretations on various songs as long as you dont get downright absurd and weird about whatever hes been through irl). Im rambling but i have Many Thoughts, genuinely didnt mean to have a long discussion but oops it happened. Thank you for discussing with me, kissing you on the mouth too (if youre cool with it of course lol)
If we're all in horny jail, Vess is the warden lol. Like he's the king of sexy fanservice and we're all just here soaking it in (darling? I think we've saturated 😳). To clarify my earlier answer, I loooooove me the sex appeal side of the music. It's just not why I'm a fan, if that makes sense. I'd be no more or less into them if Vess was fully clothed and decided to wear underwear for once (but I'm definitely not complaining about his current... attire loooool. don't search anything related to II on my blog it's embarrassing and I would be a total hypocrite to say that all sexualization is wrong.) It's totally normal to associate the music with sexuality considering, ya know, like a good chunk of his discography is sensual in some way. Bro literally wrote a song about vore as a romantic metaphor. If anything, it's a little unusual to insist that the music isn't sexual.
I'm not annoyed by any of the thirsting on a general level, just when that's people's only takeaway from the music (again, I would be incredibly hypocritical to take a hard oppositional stance lmao). But, that's also my personal opinion and not an objective judgement. I can't expect everyone that heard the summoning on tiktok to deep dive into the lore and discography, so baby making metal is just the only impression some people have lol. And that is okay no matter how I personally feel about it.
It's one thing to be a little miffed about booktok claiming Vess as their sex icon (referring to the reasons in the last ask), it's another thing to get huffy on his behalf about things that YOU'RE uncomfortable with. It's something that twitter fandoms overall seem to really struggle with. They're adults; if they were uncomfortable with contextually-appropriate thirsting, they can assert that boundary themselves. Again, I was in the dream smp fandom on twitter since 2020—the aggression with enforcing boundaries on the person they're a fan of is super unnecessary and, if anything, totally disrespectful as well.
In my experience, the Tumblr community tends to be a little older on average, so the discussion here is generally more mature and level-headed. Obviously you'll get a few dickheads in the bunch, but everyone here is pretty chill even if they disagree. The ability to articulate your thoughts in long-form text posts makes for a more rational medium for discussion imo. Honestly, twitter is a bit of a waste of time if you're looking for a positive, proper fandom experience. It's a platform optimized for rage engagement and echo chamber discussion, neither of which make for positive community building.
I'm starting to ramble and lose the plot a bit too lol. Also I am down to make out anytime anywhere. I'll bring the water bottles if you bring the toothpaste (nothing more intimate than scrub-a-dub-dubbing the chompers pre-smooch sesh 😘🩷)
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mishastars · 4 months
──── intro post (only one main tag because i dont want to accidently flood people.. and i'm nervous)
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hi! i'm misha (or misharei), at your service! i'm so excited to join this community! ヾ(๑❛ ▿ ◠๑ )
i've been proship for.. about 7 or 8 years now! i found the 🕰️ app easier, but i've decided to switch it up to tumblr (because it's in the process of getting banned..)!
this is a sideblog, and i interact through my sys's main blog, @cryinqsys!
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my otps are ⨾
ֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶָָָָָָָָָ֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢ angel/patches
ֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶָָָָָָָָָָ֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢ ted/felix
ֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶָָָָָָָָָָ֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢ toya/len
ֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶָָָָָָָָָָ֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢ layla/qiqi
──── if you know any of these, ily bmf /nf
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i'm a selfshipper, and i'm learning to draw digitally since i usually draw traditionally! i like writing fics, but i never finish them.. ⚘
𝜗𝜚 ask to dm please, and you have to be openly proship/proship supportive, i just want to be safe ^-^
my asks are ⊹ open ꗃ anons ☑
─── please be civil, even if you don't like me or the community!
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my tags ⨾
ֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶָָָָָָָָָָ֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢ the wrong bag ! ? ꕀ ⨾ all of my art! i probably won't use this tag much
ֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶָָָָָָָָָָ֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢ idle chatter . ꕀ ⨾ probably will be my most used tag, for random thoughts i have unrelated to ships
ֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶָָָָָָָָָָ֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢ room service ! ꕀ ⨾ reblogs! i'm grasping for themed-names here..
ֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶָָָָָָָָָָ֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢ a room for two ! ꕀ ⨾ shipping content (including poly ships rarely, but i like this tag name better than 'a room for multi')
ֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶָָָָָָָָָָ֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢ oops . . ꕀ ⨾ vent posts / posts that contain something potentially triggering! i'll always specify before the cut, but if you don't want any of these posts from me, filter it out!
ֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶָָָָָָָָָָ֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢ employee's discount . ꕀ ⨾ selfship stuff! i probably won't use this tag for personal stuff much because im embarrassed.. :,3
ֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶֶָָָָָָָָָָ֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢֢ company policy ! ? ꕀ ⨾ any posts i'll make announcing a hiatus or a break! hopefully it won't be used much, if i'm mia and haven't posted a hiatus announcement, i'm not fronting!
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inkybinky · 3 years
if u saw that one weird pee post I'm sorry about that ignore it
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leeminho-s · 6 years
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41-49/ ∞ random gifs of minho
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kittiestkat · 2 years
€5,00 !? for a coffee !!
aizawa x fem!student
nsfw content
stolen from my old blog
the clocks loud, the ticking incessant.
pushing your hand into one of the holes so the tips of each finger were hidden behind the nylon, you spread them wide, creating a larger hole that exposed the entirety of you upper thigh, the plush flesh seeping out.
you felt his gaze dance on the bronze of your skin way before you looked up.
slowly, you sunk into your seat, spreading your legs, right elbow resting behind you on the chair as your legs swung back and forth.
detention was a game for you.
you always had a soft spot for punishments.
you felt his eyes on you, felt them burning more holes into your shredded tights. smirking, you look up, eyes resting on aizawa.
it almost hurts you to look at him, feels like you’re dying when you do, suffering when you don’t.
a frown, much like your own right now, was the only thing you saw as the teacher was doing nothing but marking tests as he overlooked you kids, social rejects, fuck ups.
why wasn’t he looking at you?
you could have sworn…
your head snaps to the left of you. of course. the purple haired freak, probably in here for something gross, statutory even, was almost drooling as he watched your hand trail up and down you thigh. gross.
it was ironic really, slitting yourself out and getting mad when people looked.
eyes flickering back to your sensei, you grew more engrossed, needy. you read about this, studied this. you wanted him to see the curve of your ass when you bent down slightly, you needed him too.
you looked to the left of you, eyes quickly peaking at mineta. mineta and his sticky fingers.
smirking at the boy, you kept your gaze on his, practically looking down at him. your lip curved, making his eyes widen as you accidentally nudged the pencil on your desk, the wooden object falling and rolling.
“oops,” you whispered, head tilting “i should pick that up, huh?” the boy swallowed as you pouted. standing up, not bothering to pull your skirt down, you made a show of standing up, blouse unbuttoned, giving him an eye full of your cleavage. if he could even see that high.
you watched him, watched blood rush to his face, his cock. they wanted you, why didn’t he want you, why didn’t aizawa want to fuck you.
just as you’re were about to bend over, the belt rang.
detention was over.
aizawa still wasn’t looking at you.
everyone cleared out the classroom. no friend to wait for you, no one ready to meet you outside. you sighed, swinging your bag over your shoulder.
the attention was unwanted, tainted . it wasn’t good enough, wasn’t the one you wanted. wasn’t the one you craved.
after all, you didn’t touch yourself to the thought of mineta.
you just wanted to get back to your dorm, probably so you could stare at your homework only to not do it then fall asleep.
“y/n.” the deep voice made you realise where you were. the embarrassment of your teacher, the man you were thinking about, catching you day dreaming was evident. then again. you were always blushing around aizawa.
you made toga seem sane.
it was wrong. this was wrong but it was going to be so good. he was going to make you feel so good. why else would he be looking at you like that, lids drooping, face flushed.
walking over to him, your heart beating out of your body, you answered him, voice small.
you wanted to close your eyes, no keep them open, no close them. did you chew gum? swish on mouth wash? eat a mint? this was it, this was happening, this really was going to ha-
“please refrain from flirting with students, especially in detention and especially students like minoru.”
“what?” the disinterest that poisoned those words only made your legs clamp together, lust pooling in your belly. he said them with such boredom he had to be teasing you.
the way he said what like you were bothering him, after all you well and truly were.
“nothing, no,” you fiddled with the charms that adorned your bag “it’s just, well i just-”
“you just what?”
it was silent.
he was looking at you.
you felt like you could feel everything whilst his glare was on you. your shirt felt too tight, your skin felt too exposed; you were hyper aware of your every move and word.
looking down at his work, he pulled the sheets of paper together, hitting them gently on the table so they’d form together in a neat pile before placing them back on the desk.
you needed to leave, needed to go back to your room and evaluate where you went wrong, your delusions clearly controlling you.
was it because you were too fat? you could starve, good girls could live off cigarettes.
but then again good girls didn’t smoke.
“what did you think was going to happen, y/n?” he was still talking to you? why were you still here?
he stood up, hands tying his hair back, the black material of his shirt lifting up so the smooth, pale slither of his skin made you dizzy.
you were so close to him, he was so warm.
you had to look up at him, now he was stood. he was ready to leave, waiting for you to exit first. if he wasn’t such a good teacher he would most definitely have left you there, alone, without any conversing.
a smirk graced his own lips, brows furrowed as he took in your tights, eyes drifting to your chest.
it was laughable, the most pathetic and cliche thing ever. cute you were trying so hard.
“did you think i was going to fuck you?” you almost choked, no thew up, no you almost screamed right then and there.
his words were lewd and inappropriate and he just said them like it was nothing? saying it like those words alone couldn’t get him fired.
he was now closer to you, so much so that your ass was pressed up on the students desk behind you, his knees dangerously placed between your legs.
“bend you over my desk and pound into that tight little thing, huh?” his gaze slowly move to your desk, his head nodding at it.
“that why you act like a whore? dress like one too.” yes, yes, yes.
you did, changed your whole style and rearranged your way of thinking just for him to even let you answer one of his questions.
his knee brushed your inner thigh and you whimpered, the man laughing at you.
his lips were close to yours, breath warm and tickling your nose.
“i’d put you in your place but you’d probably like for me to do that wouldn’t you, y/n.”
you would. you so would so fucking much. your mouth felt dry, throat closing.
you felt your eyes water, tears threatening to prickle the lash line. why were you crying? which stupid reason had you damn near blubbering.
“mhm, yeah you would.” his nose nudged your ear, mouth so close to your neck “too bad i don’t fuck whores, never mind students.”
and just like that.
he left.
and just like that the wet patch in your panties grew.
as did your need for him.
your phone beeped to action, flashing a little dot.
aizawa was smart, knew how to handle teachers.
you were crazy, knew how to stalk people.
the dot flashed again and a location appeared.
he’d just have to learn to like whores in school skirts.
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Hello love, i have found ur blog awhile ago and im already liking ur writing from ur first ask and I wanted to ask myself aswell❤ (Gn neutral)
Past Royal Yuu/Mc Au
Imagine Yuu/Mc got hit by a potion turning them into their past self (before coming to NRC) and that is A King/Queen/Royal. Their clothes changed, their aura, poster, attitude changed but their memory is still the same. I wanna see how their s/o (character) react and do in this situation.(❁´◡`❁)❤
(Characters: Malleus, Riddle, Lilia, Leona and Vil?). i dont really know ur character limit so u can always remove the characters u dont like. ❤ aswell as Take care of urself and have a wonderful day/night/afternoon love.
Sincerely: Y❤
Alright this will be fun to write
Non binary reader also R/N will refer to Royal name
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This is all a Mess! How did this even happen in the first place?...oh..I know some idiots thought it would be cool to throw a damn potion at me. Not just any potion but a potion that brings back your past memories and personality...what a hassle. So you could bet you're left button that this was Chaos...you thought the Mc's life was already bad enough? Oh ho ho get a load of this pal
In y/n's past life they were known as the crimson gewl, they were named this because they shined like a gewl but was stained with the blood of lots of lives. With this y/n's own people were afraid of them and wanted y/n gone. Let's keep in mind that y/n loves their people to death and would do anything for them they are just misunderstood. So In the afternoon of May 23, while y/n was reading a book on how to approach people a maid slipped poison in their tea to kill off y/n. Y/n being a trusting and naive of what the people think of them drunk the tea and died on that same day. The maid was founded guilty and put on death row days later. And here they looking are looking at these people in pure rage, 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐭?
~Past events~
After they were done preparing for the potion they waited for y/n to walk over by the room, apparently the potion is supposed to make a person act dumb or embarrass themselves. And oh so they wanted to see y/n embarrass themselves in front of everyone, but what they didn't know was that the potion they got from Azul was actually the wrong one Azul had made a "mistake" when giving them the potion when he founded out who they were using it on. Anyways back to the group when y/n finally came they through the potion and waited for something to happen...wait...why was nothing happening? Did Azul do something wrong? No! he couldn't have! So why didn't it work??? While they were busy questioning this mystery, y/n started to glow and stuff and next thing we know this ain't even y/n anymore they look like a whole different person! They had really long flowy hair and piercing dull eyes, and was wearing very expensive clothes had that gold trim and everything! Even their whole Aura changed, poster too! But y/n still had their memories of this timeline so that's good!
When the boys realized that Azul gave them the wrong potion, Boy A screamed in anger and started spilling the beans and stuff lets just say some were not happy oop🤭
Reaction time!
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He was beyond surprised to see you standing there in a different body one of royalty. You looked very mature and calm...almost unapproachable, but the softness in your eyes told another story you were still the one and only y/n he fell in love with
When you looked in direction you were scared he wouldn't love you liked he loved the other you..I mean who would love you? Your people were terrified of you they thought of you as a monster...a monster who shouldn't live anymore so they poisoned you and they made sure the poison would kill you slowly so they could take the time and torment you
As soon as you both met eyes you turned away nervous for the outcome, Malleus decided to walk over to you and give you the warmest hug ever. That hug let you know that you aren't alone and he would be with you every step of the way, that he doesn't care what you look like or your past you are still the same y/n and that's all that matters
He latter came to find out that your name was r/n what a beautiful name you have. You both talked for awhile over tea until time was up
He liked your past life self but he missed them new you, the you who would listen to all of his problems the you that he loved
You both had a pleasant time together that's nice
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He was pissed to know that those fools from Scarabia even thought about throwing that potion at you when they knew you were with him. He'll surely make them pay with permission of Kalim of course!
But he was so angry to the point that his face wasn't the only thing red his eyes too! Especially when they dared to get all up in your face, he completely lost he rushed towards them and was literally about to claw their eyes out. But thankfully you were there to stop a blood bath phew. (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
You both left the room so he could cool off when he was calm again he looked you up and down. This scared you you didn't want to be rejected again...He smiled at you and grabbed your hand and started to talk to you normal telling you how you shouldn't let people walk all over and stuff
Trey also made a bunch of sweets! Maybe you would like to have some tarts with him?
When You turned back to normal he was more than happy to see you there smiling at him but he also was sad knowing your past life and how you were judged and titled a monster
The tarts were nice!
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He was amused to be honest Do those fools think they can get away without answering to him? Oh are they sorely mistaken. But first he has to check on you to make sure the potion didn't have any weird side affects
Once he was done checking for anything weird he excused himself to have a "friendly" conversation with the boys. No he didn't put his hands on them he just gave them a friendly warning...ok maybe he did kick them a little
After he was done with his "conversation" he walked up to you and smiled and started to make small talk. You both talked all the way to Ramshackle dorm you of course invited him in and he accepted
While you were both were talking about funny things that happened to you and him(This timeline you) you couldn't help but get jealous of y/n and their good life but you were happy too
After the potion thing Lilia wouldn't stop following you for a few days
New bestie achieved!
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Leona was exhausted he didn't know what to think of this current events, all he wanted to do was sleep...but he was irritated these idiots are truly dead.
Either way he just grabbed you and left saying something about not wasting breath on idiots right now or deal with them later. He took you to the Botanical Garden to nap of course!
You were hesitant at first but you eventually gave and also laid down. A bunch of questions were going through your head Why was he so normal? Did he not feel anything? Like disgust? Anger? Fear? Nothing at all??? Leona noticed this and only groaned in response "You need to calm down it doesn't matter what you look like herbivore as long as your still..you"
It was something about that sentence that made your heart ache y/n surely is lucky you eventually fell asleep too
When he woke up and he didn't see r/n but he did see y/n he only smiled a little and went back to sleep
What a nice nap!
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He was shocked to see you standing there in such beautiful clothes in a more mature body you looked absolutely divine not that you didn't before but damn!
He walked over to you and you looked at him with a questioning stare and gave a long glare to the fools that are being scolded and scuffed and took your hand and walked away with you
Once you both made to his dorm he couldn't help but touch and pinch your cheeks for a couple of seconds he than sat you down on a chair and asked you if it was alright to do your makeup you said yes
He used your favorite color for the eye shadow it brought out your cuteness? Idk after he was done he felt very proud of the art he did on your face. You gave him a smile and complimented him
After you turned normal he was relieved to see you doing alright and dragged you to his dorm to talk about things
New makeup buddy?
Oh my gosh this took too long I hope you enjoyed this byeee
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