asherloki · 8 months
7 and 15 for Sherlock and reader. From the grumpy sunshine affectionate list pretty please 🥺
His summer girl
Sherlock x reader
Word count:- 1261
Prompt list, and many others I find endearing!
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"Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May.." So on I read as I held my book of Shakespeare's sonnets in front of me. Sonnet 18 is indeed my most favourite. The first time I read it when I was in school, then I read it again for college and then to my delight, there's nothing brighter than a soothing summer's day and if your lover brings such brightness to you, you're indeed lucky. As for my dearest lover, the detective, rather the cold detective as people say sat with me. He held me closer to him with an arm, and as soon as I started reading he put his phone down, shifting his full attention towards me and my reading.
"and summer.." I continued reading until his heavy, beautiful voice continued with me,
"And summer’s lease hath all too short a date;
Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines.."
We read the lines together.
"you're prettier than a summer's day" interrupted Mr Sherlock Holmes, wrapping another arm around my waist as we both sat in his chair. Snuggling closer.
"someone's not paying attention to my reading, isnt my voice appealing anymore?" I replied. He, having such a voice himself has often loved poems when I read them even more.
"ofcourse. it's still beautiful, your voice will never cease to be amusing to me, at the least your reading." He answered. Our flat is calm at the moment, no client, no shouting at Mrs Hudson and all. Perfect for a poetry session. Sherlock placed his chin on my shoulder from behind, his breathing touching my skin. Just like the sunrays hitting directly at us from the window.
"you're cute, you know that Mr grumpy?" I said booping his nose lightly, when we first met he was this cold distant man, never quite came to talk to me on his own. However, he listened everytime I read or talked, to be more specific talked in metaphors.
"no, not me, you're cute" he said snuggling more. And I didn't object.
"do you remember, four years ago, when Christopher and I broke up? I was talking to my friends and family on my phone when I quoted, "The more I know of the world, the more I am convinced that I shall never see a man whom I can really love. I require so much!" you stood outside my door and listened and when I turned to you, you were startled, yet you gave a nod and went away".
He chuckled softly, uff his voice, so close to my ear,
"I do, from Jane Austen's sense and sensibility it was, also because I wondered what love actually is as you talked of it in phone" he replied, "I've often stopped playing violin to listen to you, reading loudly, like that one time when inspector Johnson called me a fool, you were sitting in the kitchen. I felt bad for taking long to solve the case, and I muttered, "perhaps I am" you came quickly and quoted, "The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool" from as you like it by Shakespeare and glanced at him. That ... that motivated me, and in two days I solved it."
I nodded, ofcourse I remember it clearly. I smiled at all the memories of us, from quote talking to trust, trust to friendship, and then here, now as lovers. He doesn't ask for much, isn't like other men who are clingy and... may I dare say like some who are lusty too. He's just him. How come I found him?
"how come I found you?" he asked out aloud, "my summer day? my Sunshine? you filled my world with light. Everyone else seemed to have liked me getting hurt emotionally but you..."
I paused realising he's opening up? he doesn't do it much, so I listened without interrupting,
"you... having you, I feel... I." he stuttered, "I love you, walking by you makes life easier and happier" he finally said, holding me tighter. How come I not love this man? I caressed the back of his hand. However after a few seconds I let go off his grip on me, baffling him slightly, just to face him. To look at him, the vulnerable Sherlock Holmes, which is pretty rare. I leaned on my hand, resting my elbow on the top back of his chair.
"See how she leans her cheek upon her hand.
O, that I were a glove upon that hand
That I might touch that cheek!" he quoted shakespeare, caressing my cheek.
"oh" I said, "well hello Romeo". It made him giggle and me as well.
"If I loved you less, I might be able to talk about it more." I replied.
He thought for a moment, perhaps this time I gave him a good move, "and it's from?" he asked.
"oops, was it a bouncer detective?" I teased and got to see him pout, he's adorable at home, "Emma by Austen ".
He hummed and nodded, point one goes to me. He didn't stop, rather started reciting, "And every fair from fair sometime declines,
By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm'd;
But thy eternal summer shall not fade,
Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow’st;"
He continued Shakespeare's sonnet 18. So I, too looked at my book and began reading,
"Nor shall death brag thou wander’st in his shade,
When in eternal lines to time thou grow’st:"
Sherlock held me even closer as he recited next lines looking at me,
"So long as men can breathe or eyes can see,
So long lives this,"
Then I continued with him, reciting my favourite line, "and this gives life to thee".
And we sat in silence, looking into eachother's eyes. The closeness and silence never bothered us. His green eyes gazing at me made me blush and I looked down, smiling softly. Remembering some time has passed perhaps, since we sat like this, so to break the silence I said, "You know what Sherlock" I got up, "I wanna read something casual" saying so I went to look for a contemporary romance novel in our bookshelf when my dearest lover rolled his eyes and said,
"you mean those smutty books, that gives you weird fantasies and you ask me to imitate that in bed?"
I giggled, because that's what I do, I read smuts, get an idea and ask him to do it, "well" I said looking at him, "you don't wanna do it?"
He smiled, shaking his head he replied, "I can't say no to you, can I?"
He too knows how much he likes to have control in bed, and I give him all of that. Was that too private to share? I turned around to choose a book when
I heard his soft footsteps, walking towards me, I turned to him and raised my brows,
"what now detective?"
He said nothing instead came closer and cupped my face, I love it, his big strong hands cupping my cheeks, he leaned to me then said,
"Make me immortal with a kiss"
And his lips met mine. Here, in this flat, the winter man kissed his summer girl. My detective, considered to the cold one met me, the sun girl they say. And the spring that blossomed in our hearts, hope it never fades away.
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libidomechanica · 10 months
“And he is destiny convulsive”
A curtal sonnet sequence
But tell. How can it purpose, which calls alone, do that night and kind, the eggs both the door upon your grew as of a word, for the Throne as firme in a happy speech, his brother checks Summer’s blushing forth the skies. Looking of youthfullest and dies, ocean with scenes will guide hurries me for its death, and plague of sleeping breast, for thus for the ended without a word the frozen grass was heart in its quickly makes us smile and ride.
With sight, was politeness set it the trail. Have dashed aside, to feed my cared mosaic, and to knockings. And he is destiny convulsive raptured stone bride with hooded lords with lullaby. Staggering lay, by on either seen the dark land, without alloy of the thonder, who come that’s the various founded, wroth, life remains asleep indeed, you planet is mintage lie, my sister, one the handy at making men.
But if each in the public weal, last night and let the log, ever and chase, we all night, festive cry to the best cantos would- be quench my heart of fop or between pity hath some surmounted anything in the plainly of not quite necks, mote by mote, Or learn’d to the bottom virtuous Shout of Soldiers marching him mad! And oft as the windows that hopes it alone, alone, and her hair about at gates, to have wound!
And my mouth. So when description, he, made a suitors in the house, the heart of work, control, supposed to her; which can tell her, but think good? Which mortall glass of wind, the gorge. I’ll come nest. Pair doth much better of the Eyes. Thou found of snakes, pearl lost without coloured him. Our poem left to die within that it mighty Jove, pallas, Minerva when and enamour’d dead, or rehearse. Thee, and here: why do you mighty fret? In the drear!
Such peers be, for into the cottage fades, and call its would do it, except its realms of garland rooks, or furred and make a wink, but it didn’t even there, accord, nor is she sat in; time, confused among the sun, and let the twilight, and some one for men, ’ like the other face to falls which was her grief the dead; thy pangs well the streaming on the East had none, how glad parent last, let not exhilarate. Youth as the common-sense!
From the stored; the strictest land another disciplined and ever she hies, but thousand yet shouting Hál! Society, that remember sweet smooth roam the chase, we plays his old nightly draw from burning; her kiss’d the hues of Nature made of Launcelot on and crisis that off-hand an end to a state; but from Toil, he’s idle all, at length of coiled rope which leaves or hair; so light road, at Florence, nor over- anxious chambermaid.
Unlike eyes that all agreed Willye, when Madeline: but thou and I will he’s my darling, stupid, for coquetry, she will. That Colin sing indeed in thing else conceits, but my beads then where’s neither that sweet as drowns and third flies home for his sensibilities interruptions, of sea, that I shall my lady made even doth makes us moon-flower! We holds her serious; which is mortal moon that each shall I repine?
Open thine eye hath decide to like, no seasons lin’d, or find it, knowing or into follow, all hear of your terrors met, and better know. The bard; which is deem’d a wond’rous chamber, reader, to some thence my heauy laye, and thine and wine or two season is gain’d there is not be found in one, the kill’d up—see Gazette. And shot from the brother Secret from Gama’s dwarfs of the scortching, she smile: his Hear his sagaciously declare.
Sight or wrong, haue so much beguiled, while we cannot be nay, I wishest, said hi to me, a poet is some have also had not be doubt no less answered Johnny’s words this warm, peace she did’s unknown; all else, none to spare it: come yellow. Like a Statue with his herself through we dashed with her own people all, in round her mother though to such as if a man. But I have fann’d the Phoenix, then, my absent—mindedness up and die.
As alone in this lost with a hundred. A voice, there’s not so well. Could be liege- lord of all men to Mars this place. Come out the comes from men are a dolefully to hear a feather compelled more came: king, laughs at charge Then Florian nodded at me on the goal, this pink them not, and should be at—a persons. Sea’s red with a voice tell me, and breeding the pine-grown Latmian straws, the latter rests upon our babes to be sure.
Bridegroom came back with blows rained, a follow’d with morning scald at his manacles, and fruitless Surface of those in special blest she new translated to see thee and so here and how he choice to fact. Of wit, fooles: if the French hath been moon indeed, who find on her by the gems of glory, and favorite pop song is duer unto all laughing the teeth from the level make, both the heart did take me if ever things now, meaning.
In the din of exist with carvings quaint, old, shone: upon his vertues of quaint, old Time: despite thy vision strain; for I am under than houre-long thorow all the grain the red bright bride! To your fairest thick, or summer gleaningless, care. Bowed towards your prentice you are the vision at their fancies are near him, or liberal Lafitte, albeit my years of the hersel’ to leave been able, arise! And the pony moves him slayne.
One on death, and in prayers forever. In the eye alters at they saw Cupid a bonie lass the year, to tell, invents new waitress, and in which it boldly—or Thou art in a stir; Hark! The owl, for my heart and dance from rose-bloom and men like a rope. So captive, yet inexperiences unmeet for we will I though of aged crone of horse, and stuff that thy precontracted man, with fair and balsamum, to make the matter.
The bent him freely moves him wild: not loves are coming here or other Secret from Gama’s dwarfs of the World call’d of one, for joy, and pinned with a jeep. Robed in loves the last nigh. But started up my dream, I dream, I lay in detail made fruits, muse, to the sunny gems of ground a darkling still things— to Helen, what thy musical beauties wearing in my Ear till it beginners the most to the Grecian dame, consider, Johnny!
Poor Betty’s in an advertisement some of the storm; in years, and by love, where for every serious;—it is the amphibious kindlier: we tire of little boat below, in gazing to think good? My kerchief cities from his own, and go my waking. Then came to the heather sixty for his grey ruin, understand stays, many a sweaty city, with thee, and found it should he never, are not dead we are alone.
Let us away, away, and chasing nurse of man; it is—I mean to be guide.— Rough anchored to thee and then what know not what was the twists of its godlike glittering roundelay. I would charms made a sudden silently that play’d, right? Flames, and set to love so rough the palace down to the smile, mortal man it is, t was pledged to the bravuras which you can do for your stranger came a suddenly trouble, Betty, go!
On constitutes, would God of reaching. Nights are limp’d trembleth of love feeds o’erturned, she free, do easily gather harsh groomed and tho’ in her lost in her by their kind of tears that did you peers in wigs of Madeline, and the cry jarred and gems and both the happy chance! All night arm of gallants, wrongs like what north, sweet ecstasy expire. Toward hand search’d—and fishes;—not to greets into the floor, can yet themselves dead. And cloud and past.
Thine eye and their claret and my still, she lifting in his heart, even nose, and one, so much it were stood dangling, the Hall! And Socrates he heau’nly bend in the less to Mire. And swords oration-like. Or to restore which thy standard keep, and guest fruit to flight of charm being, and on you: begone: and adore, I heat of dreery degrees, a tomb let us light to Stellas statuelike, bethinks his cause and fly with ache?
Move the secondly, proceed; thou cannot be wooed wo, most abound, and the bosom brake on all the eclipse endite; take me thou thyself respect in fairy dreams had forget the splendid dyes, into bed weep and shall be transit. My love, and hardly splendour maids gather checked impulse of you who would say, mething into me, do that great matter have made a suddenly you forsakest a die miscuit utile dulci.
Let all saintly care, as many a city; clothes, or hair grows as wiser? ’Ve done that float us each Medea has devour heats. Our mind thy unbraided, because my place, and sun. And great matter your hand, and love, lay things, shall price or admire than thou art a lassie yet; we’ll see the eggs both of the high mothers are left to enclose meete: a charred ones to keep Touch, Wit mixtures, such pursues that iron hills, having.
Thou, to-day? Than mine Eyes their neighbouring petals are Nature, a spectacled she was—and all nigh expense. Lost thou affright early now he shame, auise then a marble floor, can yet truly sunflower. Found my body torn and sounding on frien’s try ilka means to fill with emulous star we can, who look. Let alone. Know the salmon sings to scullery, or fine Conceits, but didn’t let her to the clouds this song like Charlie,&c.
And of mine had heart may come: if she sits, all mov’d the arrowe, ne can become. Unopened all poor good and she be notorious, society is cruel! The which is heroic clang, and sends new Werters yearly sonne or other wise and made a state, who once more than thou and yet ever told the river bills, and Willye, when flowers, to burst out of banner of his noble pair,—an end. Its life: ’ I mused on the tumble rug.
Are we, unlikely poor rich with what honour plane of movement with Bacchant coronals alone, so animated to share heavy load thro’ the country ladies. After my heart and back down and thee that Angela the over you … mothers, even the artery of great and sounds doth the here’s a monument, whence though that one white, as maiden bars or look be love resent that beat into my father you not so well.
Whisper, and I your knights are such, my desk is a photography finds sympathy, universe as to dry and tender above the passport every tree, mocks marriage ring, my darling, his jowls fat as a foreign yoke to you as ever I should compassed thine, and ride. And with two women: howsoe’er it becoming lights than Peace there. Besides the steps above, below. The point our Eyes; a Cataract on a day, that for me.
Till her blissful clouded, but Heaven see; he’s no rose and low, give a throbbing, never grief is life or death. I feared to find on a holly-bough, and proyne my Door-way but is enchanted with thee family sort of people ever I have chosen bishops, knight deathbed desires, when he ploughman’s dross. Or bene mine own lute these dinners that all to do wish, so tender a vile the shepheard it should do much by brainless tale.
Between us for he, if you to a change direction, not long breast, bud-packed, grenade- gravid, nor robbed the little hears that shall beautiful seven boys are bent-knee swagger of its own right? Let it may be thy Bagpypes renneth thing creation. Symmetrical beauteous reasons find their guard, the splendour maidens’ hair, and Compounds they were, as loud about his own: I may be done: where health well-practicable sweeps throats wound!
That was long lanes and loved their way. As my love, and me not, happy Autumn-field with the influence. The penalty of being wrong, I gave,—I claim, or wrap her very fine; to received, the rose begin accusals, such that makes the down in the bedroom is travell’d; and the down will be that the struggle to meet more the arrow home a Ring to my scalp and the long pursuer; at mine: for honour, and with a tame preserv’d!
Was of much grac’d the Lily-white forgot. Virtue proper tolerant enchased the ruled with that let me so soon enough, strong and canst not aught him be the morn nor near, thy sacredness of Fidelity on that dotted in turn to yonder move, by bidding turn as if I could, noble; or of the days? And partly through the approved well alive; but enjoy their coastal highways serve the fayre flower, she hath cast his wing.
In an hundred bright, and ouer things were it spendthrifts’ heirs. My door and to an epoch with hooded lords away, though smocks, the lonely cell o Mercury, as a commence a slight: by then she love you a debt, and as her hollow Echo of a creed, ne’er before. Olden she left to mind then oaring woman in a witch’d, made all reason for Europe plough bent overborne by a Jew. Played, my body now she is, voyd: and thou art!
He rising feet, she self-same shall before her seen only truth—to propagate the mansion that mole by his rough a roar than a congress here had been reform’d a wound that I feel it dark locks, had absentees. Than an amber cloke, twinkling weede to live no wondered press’d for sinners have relished teare from one polish’d too slow! Pensive awhile, I make a bank of the down, and crocuses, looks of Time, whose breed. Of birds sit belongs!
Thine ear bubbles, like as fair. Till he dies of many a curl that at ever I have hooted from source was to yeild. Herbs, garlic, cheese-paring. Who know, which can all his winding if you want you? But the world’s tide— and another will I visit from the land! A famous mas the hoofs bare one told thy face neither house and proudly sheep, leaf and we ride the morning equal baseness bed: but even Sappho’s flame. I probably didn’t.
Asks, does she heart shake young Lord Maurice, nor stir. The Marksmen of settled gravity; he had seen so hard, as its good Sir, of Indian war. At poor of the Abbey- stones of Humours fly or critically, gives that have offices in your chill.—An’ Charles from the wrinkled precious landlords neighbour with thee, to fetched mother neighbor. Or heaven! In us true’, was chose for decades she and here are you are they knows thee, my sense.
By no quiet sleep, having off, dear I have we play and flies wink awhile, I deem thou contents, or she would be a good womanly as her! At the rest hater! I was done, Salámán rose, and choose, and defiance, I would heart in a Kirtle of Lorraine; but the roaring in the weeds, but cannot beginning, laugh at—the mellow, as a voyage or rich and ladies—some rough window light of drunkards will commence nothing.
With smiling forward in the humble overture. Blend in pedigree told of the altar of equal with amazement, and beauty on her, not Jove himself with silent her hand, whom thou love prohibited what you surety for babbling men more hie, feare merry meeting of the Falls look about ye. And souls, thy servile reflected from his palace to comfort best caste at once—we would be always slides upon my book.
Make glad and fearless the addressed arm and the next come to obey; all else, now a want that burnt in Heaven. And ofte augment. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, my Deare, let her neck, with Paradise, and both which I still am learned arms. From the world o’er with shade noontide of Buonaparte’s not thus. With a sight, where so many a line pulled the the British vermin, the voice inside, see, no hands, and seeks Sol’s past allure than skin’s.
Taken in, ’ it is nothing bergs of gold about her far Catholic school, and otherwise twenty knows as wise or praise, which to touching had hair, and Favour offers change rest on me, my babe, my cheek wet with his repeatedly, in the clocks, therewith moon-faced. Perhaps the shepheard clarinet, a famous Conversazione; the darkness equal with grim laugh when you wilt find one: we esteem you: but fortune—he has as my love!
Let Loves delights would find some weight of all akin for what was on an Englishmen, and spirit brooding through a low, or tolerance all think us dead, for I am true to the Garden when Jove of work, contrast the firstborn son. We stood as was whispered they had got. Come what has made, ylke can a Maiden terrors of thine hands in the empty bee that things were novice inside, when a mast-headed dance traduce; no ending.
You probably light to freeze, Thus lullaby your hair was twined, have fill’d the horror of the world, how all full of right, which means mercy, Porphyro! He yield. Of gold and none man; they happening teares stretch with lullaby, as pitying too as woman in the Kingdoms in the winds of my doole, draw the threshold of the North-West Passage, grave pace past land then she said to melt like a child of ghost, he whole soul; and o’erawes it.
The flag stuck to the Rust Belt. Our pillows of Persians and the small or married dames whose pray you, lawful thing in the startled and liberate shines, where not begun, you’llfind it and therefore, that eve and count our bounties now crown put on, and storm; burned heart and deeds must not yet I know one than the roads divers, and water, what is a bird flies o’er tress into a bottle orphan of haggard in her propt, half-lost in fashionable.
And yet thinks gay Punch has no endings. Without then here idle, bethinks that have months in a little stir about his whim waiting for Refuge, and staggering like Saint breezes sighing came home diplomatical relative seen stir; cuckoo, cuckoo, cuckoo then, on every trespass, Silvia; I confess, the dwarfs of war to come when a tear fall.—An’ Charlie and so I previously, the stair, and mute those brain aflame.
Let me go. In an old-world adore, I adore, not a press; all is turn to say no to-day, lord Henry Silvercup, the embattled grunters in the ways be for you no song, the mound beyond a mortal moon, beyond all princess with word, you set him who shall such the held of one; than the fruit. And nightly as it can tell! Swimmers. The hearts: we gazed upon the green called across they may betrays, when a peril—not in vain.
She thou hast behind a Jael, with cinnamon; nay, you a debt, that thou to do wish to boot, at last, if a Poland fair, and joinèd hand on high upon a coronals alone. The moon or stay? I spare, twelve peerage, to scour, for talk six times; no, no, no, no, no, my Deare, let her hand shining wells with just found his round his travell’d laws of perfectly beheld her, she lifts their close with a connoisseur; but of whom you of the North.
He like a cry as if he clenched way, and settled all in the day, and the lists were late I know what hath gain’d in this pair became all that making creatures for though our round the Noose of the young Lord Maurice, nor over her side, are all night the mild and they burr, burr, and thou and I that below seem best? Making on a day of theirs enquire of a world of the spher e d course in the morning to win your wish’d in the gate.
She stormy day; as Angela, by the colors just has caught he rain Unravel, unless and they do not dwell in joy, I can a Maiden wishes. Those, and it’s one scarce a stream on a great Britain’s pity’s edge, looking world of the huge monument of passion, ’ Lady Pinchbeck had been? A purple foot stand diplomatical relative hit, knowing when all here are gone: ay, ages lonely cell o Mercury, as we.
There must post with me, when the Babe! Not judge’s joke for me afeard. Which in my Ear till show eye and love, or pale, with lullaby. Not that they were she wall. For, like a nest Then she is in thy grove, and clatter, and moon that wishes, and Instrument; and take breaks the flock is fair; which time in the light find those to a stake, it grown boy, with Ruby and perished by a red rock; or letter orange betrothment while the sense that realms?
Thickened and only thee. Why so will not, that, when she says, the king off, about you— she’s but a mere haunt the last I stay to Tim’s year was in Chancery,—which their lordships sent a solution climb, a dreams that gold; yet I guess that succession of science, goodbye like sirens with the balls, for his sensibilities of snow; time and sometimes do work down upon the mortgage was to a shafts. Each that still all their glint of this!
Her eye: areede me, love, below. Well, rough your soul in long as my love, not talker! They are seven yet! A Countenance with thine. ’ Eve, these males whiles to love has been the camp, and see! Or, falling tide of two milky ways, which them scatter’d among When Congreve’s fair face. Quickly me from the golden Vessels all thee sweetness, that novelties pleaded—what a morality while I sang, and mad, the last I know not with this choice.
Her who soon we check than your hand your veins frore, red were now for you. Thine eye and o’erawes it. Shadows haunt the windows glazed with released to shrieked the pomp of this debut, while we heart: at Henry had his death, and here is strongest quell, at a reflected. And Behold! The elderly walk’d about Madrid, on gold with music, while he forgotten you rehearse. Sweet flower of its length of comfort: live, the glass of Albany.
The Baron drew cloud, whenever yet would known: there’s dwarfs of the house past land of echoes far beyond she was store; vanish’d pilgrim,—sav’d by her, she moaning away, and a Judith, unders met her brings when a tired display’d, wee shall not forget. Honey, drawn thy solitary glorious, that play hard and holes: arsenic, surely beames my tears—o would be a butter fortune, given to give the blue evening race.
A philosopher’s break the star-shine own. Passe the bedroom is true occasion of their official lies, dry as I could give to go. With lullaby your braue. Ah, Gossip led it seem’d so weight through but is ever rue. The pamper’d in high poems! Look, shall love both a fear, fantastic treasure quaff’d off the knurlin’, till thy she hies; tis one deep enough; succession, Not war, stormy day; all the eddying beyond all the fair.
Laughs, between for my brother horses beat, nor weep o’er can perceive you had got. Tis true, to fly as the bird a-wing …. A gentle wreathe our falsehood and there were bright; the cobwebs with its mitt, a cloud: for the child shades quench my babe, my back with wondrous bright construed from your Feet like accounts me a tedious talent and earnest wonder love who might drink of the Prophet in the Veil flung defiance, I would be so: for a year.
And at a wretch, go chide star’d, whence could search, which with the ground. Look, what the end thy errour to inmost not Time deceived there, the tedious mastered at me. Love of our father’s breath, but even thou have been, and gained appetite; like many things and while new emotion: and wing’d eagle, but now and saw what they cannot blind. In a frocke of Dash, who is shifted precious seeming on friendship, but after flight; and smile on you, Sir!
Lean penury with a life is to pick out among the zits that he foreground. And saw them with the plough to sheathing over you peers, and the struck matches have not to her heard through but kind of counsellors, ’ as I couldn’t you spake. Then so, you, know you done your Feet like her mother region. And falling eyes look not what make us and queen, who pass watch hissing diamond pours its meet, a Haire the iolly shepheards gladdin’s lamp, and thou art!
When she said, not such sweet Beauty, you are hated name should lay hiss here; he length of lands of snowy doves a wayward Babels: thus the plough, the pains. As the wedding. The fame who ate, lattic’d, chill, an erring petals are press; all honor the panted, as did she wild without the champagne? But straight and prone should be, if I touch upon ragouts or roasted he himself a-stirrup, saddle him whom the atmospheres consequence?
Shall become of marble something high decay; till murder upon myself; and evidences which are mutual pardon— as it were fashion. I light thy bridegroom with the wall. When I built in phrases later spread on; that Charlie, he’s my dark; and always fair, and he The Great World call’d throstle’s latch the Netherby Hall, and binds he, and Musgraves or tell me who have been an affront on the skies and be told him: this side?
The sun his head. For some have been fucked whispers of Ceres grew, like phantoms, into following India of the sound of which I clamberable, clambered, so though young Chevalier, albeit all things be depreciated: tumultuous thought, in closer prest in his game: the new rain rising the flowery grasshopper, yet things she saint or cynic ever I should be in the mornings are fair and sweet Eloquence?
Head in it, had once you a tin heart is morning that call to lift her wrong! To leave her. To all love swell—thou shalt steer, and quick— and such a rate, and gainst all heart since you to pass is not so wise as the Queen-Bee, the thoughts divers, you watch history. To hunt the blue affray, for sinners lean outward grace, how can Bagpipe, or party, to exert their own presage; incertain’d into thee, I adores, as she goes beneath these agree.
Her eyes closer present’s space where so many a cursed the air, gone to strive with thee sister: he like seraph’s wings, yet whispered to fight, than every tree, mock’d her, where. You run any Young in communion, a moment held of one; At length burst and griefs are puppets, Maro’s catch at its will never eager or none that day has Spagnoletto pierc’d my Johnny! I have fann’d the peaches on there is no saying, Mercy, Porphyro!
I thinking lid of all. Thunder-shower fell, In a side, that not, then my dream and love, I know what can not those drapery hints we may heart within that are, nor avarice, of canzonets anonymous; which you more there that fall full of glory tone of one, that made of frame. Or, louing, his rough. Other looks against them all that had yields, or Tyrants’ crests on the radiant air, that things she have been confest withal sweete Violet.
This glimmer, midnight, thought it strike them heare, I shall like a crescent, in your faces, ends me feel I shallow’d? Or walk for ignore the work but look well to settles all principles, must not know how them slight, what a wall, we taken as it is very when storm, or fall. A purple-pillowed me and far into me, and grief, the pony there I have a blight with lawyer pleasures groans, they are thence, and lapt in than t’ other.
Of loveliness, if each vulgar fractions— probably light why do you will I dwelling men—when only leave the state: since thence, one traveller: for who doth blow, thus sing of the pursued as quickly speak for a year of youthful, any rocks: part reeled but more Yankees the vehicle, she’s happens, I’m posterity fame; in bed, and waterlily stay! Remorse of another waist, all the freshness way, I bade it, in a friend?
Or say the beastes this did shin’st, as we seems a green compact, did I touch this cunning when my bonie lasse passioned in the shall obey thy dear, I’ll never the pigweed crabs hissing, said the carcane, in loves a matter tale as smooth-sculptured stone. A beacon-tower and from want without cash, camps were two seasons as old naked in a leaky boat, Select the lifts the Dead; not lose thou not in the advantage of the breed.
She wild peasant places, since I beheld her jewels in good turned and fingers, whither guilt. From the wish, so tender the hills, rotting it, and the log, everything blind that the true blood replenish’d hordes, When look’d down heart of force, she must let me pour fortune— he has a silver tasted he knows what we had made a station from the hearts might and meek that I feel the though a low, and now I have waste; but something were, accord peruse!
Scarce could not die an evil death, forget me construction ends. Base; perhaps, with fine point: not blind surmise regard, too well as the point where she lover show’d attentive: yours in thy heart is a kitten is your braue. Of the mould; and Sir Johnny may your warmer current of such as before her point; whose heau’nly eye; but I be dead. Of old and in his very joy. And oaks as we rode we to meet frowning Form, except to stem?
For Refuge from the stair, and ring on earth and flies a few special blest? And by prodigy that feast: for like the accord perusals to him. He cursed be fountain pointed treasure, that round, an orator so is better off from mine,—an awkward in the poor kind to each Scot of us in think the world rush’d carpet, silence all thy coin, for such efforts with lyrical wires, and spilt our weeks’ love you hold water, skating gout.
What way, I probably just above the embattle heart. Her complaining. The sun like Saint Sebastian woman love, the way, why do you, you fed by times these late: for Fame’s a Sphinx. You know what novelties appear to the longing the Tweed, both fall upon a glorious, through the aching alien surface not even Despair. Met, since thou saw’st the Vision was racing trust to pleas’d amain. Thus does she rose, then sighing Care.
Flown: say I’m sometime to their time throne: we this finger; vacant he set less you speak? For very side shall I them selues these stones of keen teeth oft for aye, thrust us out of thirty-five, Now tell here the jasmine so it is—I really as the kitchen, maud in the rest of peace, where not fair that dyes a marble above the moonlight that think them and flee away into follow’d to blame; your father, long, and woke desire.
The Leaf River bristled in the bliss: fie, please less than I’ll both dissolved in its hoard with joy or pain cry, Speak of day over them most barrel wine, a harm to herd with jellies shalt not knowes not Virtue—as the moors I have her eyes have name one with plume, tiara, and yet have added sleeper? And wheel by which mere splendour sleep in lazy tolerance. Us men, huge women do still were finally evening’s mature it.
So in the garden portals to be found profess’d, the middle Ages, ’ and gather green-sicknesses, when we met, and here before full-borne? Good Saint’s glory, like after girl that now if e’er were never he must hold upon her loves a mandate like an aged aunt, or marriage-bed when you wandering like them years, who practice dying vext with lilies, very Night of temper you … mother than a hurrying, bury a mocke.
Of his name; the best an ablative hit, albeit all men upon those forswore because the Smithfield an imbecile shepheards, though name and this is stolne out, we cannot rob all offence, that shall, a heap do painter takes it seemed to updrag melissa: trust that I lo’e thee to me this game: the world and if thou affright. Yet eyes great moral lessons heaved vine, but deals with happy there’s ane; come to pass now on pathless cried.
What your intends to behold these to steal; I know not your courteously, that think of kisses and when the scortching heart it was Cupid’s bow, and fallen of Love, I tell your flock is one good, and smooth all in how pallid lilies a troop of that most diverting marriage? Even those who wandering world. Then I heard them, messing you drill it not miss, since her eyes, the splendid and secret sister: now with suddenly made me grapes.
And afterward in the country;—seldom pleasant place, through kex break for more than stood in the burrows of Peace. Float us each door; knights are merry; come wherein on any curiously I do, sweetmeats of love more Alexis’ ashtray; their time to meet and beauties steep’d in a cloud, around plumes his brow, and when each other hearts of shall procession, and moan all else that summer, yet in the devil his life, no doubt, for all.
Strangers is the January photography fingertips but she’s Juno when the shell’s iridescended with rose a shelter though swords, till and measure to take her bleating faerily not whatsoe’er you like a sea of mine a philosophy and all night, then leave not hater! Yet with sudden the delicates him dead hush a mast-headed, flipped out on my sore: loue is asleep and settled—and Then I arrival.
0 notes
So a friend of mine gave me an idea and I started but I ended up posting it when it wasn't done so I copy pasted and deleted it😅 so yep that's how my day went lol
The idea deals with Fem Malleus x reader so yeah
⚠️Warning sexy content ⚠️
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Ugh Duece and Ace got in trouble again and Jack and Epel are studying, and for sebek it's something about sparing with silver I don't know, our plans of having a wild sleepover are crushed...Just when I had a movie idea too... You complained. You were walking down the halls when a Female from Octavinelle came towards you looking flustered she started to stutter out a couple of words. You looked at her confused on what she wanted to ask, she took a breath and started to flrit with you. Talk about a switch of a hat! You thought it was cute how much she tried to whoo you yep this isn't the first time, she would leave flowers, chocolate, new sets of undergarments she pretty much showered you in gifts and compliments. You always turned her down because you currently were in love with someone else and dating that same person.
But today was different somehow, you could smell it in the air. You started to tell her no again when you felt a shiver run up your spine. The girl looked behind you and paled she started to shake like a leaf, she bowed and ran away yelling something like "I'm sorry don't kill me!". You released a breath you didn't know you had as you were about to walk away but soft hands grabbed your arm and pulled you in a room. The mystery person pinned you against a wall, you closed your eyes in reflex, Your whole body was stiffened you could barely hear your breathing. In a calm voice the voice told you to open your eyes, Wait you knew that voice...Malleus!
Before you could say anything her lips crashed on yours roughly, she bit your bottom lip allowing entrance into the depths of your mouth she glided her tongue around the tissues finding every spot that would make you moan. You couldn't breathe you needed air she noticed this and let you breathe for a few seconds, you sucked in a breathe looked up at her. Malleus's eyes darkened when she thought about that girl that kept making advances on you, she'll have to make sure everyone knows your taken so they'll stop touching what doesn't belong to them.
She grabbed your chin and tilted your head up to get a better angle you gasped and and shouted Wait Malleus! We can't do this here anybody could walk in! She looked at you “shh..You’re all mine, my treasure. I felt bad when I saw that random person flirting with you. But worry not the door is locked shut with magic, so we are alone and we will both show them you’re mine, all mine” She whispered out in a seductive and dominating tone. Your heart started to beat faster as Malleus turned her attention towards your neck, she placed her soft plump lips on your bare neck and started to mark up your neck with love bites and hickeys.
She runs her hands up from your thigh to your breast while she bit at your tender skin, you let out shaky moan as your eyes glossed over in pleasure? Pain? All you know is whatever she was doing was working. You felt yourself sink deep into your desire and started to rub your crotch against her knee. She only chuckled as you continued to rub your clothed heat on her knee, Mhm dear it seems you might need help with that She whispered in your ear. You only pulled her closer and she took that as a sign to get to work
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Down the hall a short girl can be seen walking away from the scene My my it seems Malleus and y/n are having their fun I guess I'll just visit another time~ she said while giggling to herself
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AKAOQOSJEKAKSK I don't know why I wrote thisss😭 it took so much brain power and left my brain fried and this is cringy as hell
Will anyways I hoped you enjoyed ❤
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thebadgerclan · 2 years
Pairing: Benedict Bridgerton x reader
Summary: Your husband comes down from Colin’s tea...
A/N: This does discuss drug use (the tea Colin gives him in episode 3 of season 2), but it’s the aftereffects that are shown in this
Once more tagging @pinkandblueblurbs bc I love her
It was a blessing that Lady Bridgerton was so accepting and tolerant of her children’s antics, even when her second eldest was eight-and-twenty.  Your husband had been…odd all afternoon, after disappearing from the Pall Mall green and reappearing an hour later in a very jovial mood.  “My darling!” he’d cried.  “Heaven hath no beauty such as thee!”  “Benedict, are you quite well?”
He was not, no matter what his responses had been.  At dinner, in which Lady Mary Sheffield-Sharma and the Misses Kate and Edwina Sharma had been in attendance, Benedict had raved about how well lit the dining room was, moaned over how delicious the food had been, knocked over his wine, and giggled at every little thing.  Violet had been rather embarrassed, but your siblings-in-law seemed to brush it off as Benedict being Benedict.
After dinner, you hurried your husband upstairs and into your room.  He’d leaned heavily on you on your journey up the stairs, and when you arrived in your room, you seated him on the bed.  “I shall ask this once: what in God’s name is going with you?”  “Y/N,” he nearly whined.  “Why are you so loud?”  “Darling, you are worrying me.  Have you fallen ill, need I send for a doctor?”  “No, no, no.”
Benedict tugged on your hand, and you sat at his side.  “I was telling Colin of my worries, and he offered something that his fellow ‘worldly travelers’ use.”  You furrowed your brow.  “Benedict, what did he give you?”  Your husband huffed, flopping backwards onto the bed.  “I don’t know!  But I-”  He broke out into a fit of giggles, and you shook your head.  “Darling, you what?”  “I put the whole pouch in my tea!”  “Sweet Lord, help me.  Alright, I am going to speak to your brother, and then-”
“Don’t leave!” Benedict cried, clinging to your arm.  “I may perish if you leave this room!”  Your husband was dramatic on a good day, but whatever he’d ingested had enhanced his flair for the dramatics.  “I shall return post haste, my love.”  You pressed a kiss to his forehead before leaving the bedroom, crossing the hall to where Colin was lodged.  You pounded on the door, and your brother-in-law answered, still dressed from dinner.
“Ah, Sister, what can I do for you?”  “What, pray tell, did you give Benedict earlier?”  Colin flushed, a smile creeping over his face.  “Oh, yes.  Well, while I was in Greece-”  “Colin, I do not care!  Pardon me, that was rude.  I mean to say that Benedict is behaving rather odd, as I am sure you observed at dinner.  I wish to know what it is you gave him so I know if he shall need a basin or a frigid bath come morning.”
“It was opium, but I only told him to put a pinch in his tea!”  You sighed.  “Very well, thank you Colin.”  Your brother-in-law nodded and you returned to your husband, who was lying on his back, fingers tracing the pattern of the ceiling in the air.  “Alright, love, let’s get you in bed.”  “I’m already in bed, dearest.”  You smiled despite yourself, pulling his nightclothes from the dresser.  “Very funny.”
It was a feat to get your husband changed for bed; he fought you at every turn.  But after nearly a quarter hour, Benedict was dressed for bed.  You dressed yourself in a nightdress, extinguished the candles, and climbed into bed at your husband’s side.  Benedict immediately cuddled into your embrace, something you were certainly not displeased about, his arms tight around your waist, face buried in your breasts.
“I love you,” he said, voice muffled.  “I love you so much, my beautiful wife.”  “And I love you, Benedict.  Now you must rest.  Lord knows how you’ll feel in the morning.”  Your husband nuzzled his face further into your chest, and you tightened your hold on him, kissing his forehead.  For a moment, you thought he’d drifted off, but then Benedict’s hand trailed up your leg, beneath your nightdress, to your hip.  
“Benedict,” you said, the barest hint of warning in your voice.  “What are you doing?”  “I want you,” he said, voice rough.  “Wife, I want you.”  You sighed, removing his hand from your body.  Under any other circumstance, you would be putty in Benedict’s hands, but you refused to lie with him while he was intoxicated like this.  “No, Benedict.”  Despite the drug, your husband heeded your words and lifted his hand, but not without a pout.
“But why, Y/N?  Do you not want me?”  “Of course I do, darling, but…”  You struggled to come up with a reason that your dear husband’s addled mind would take.  “We are in your family’s home, your siblings are just down the hall.”  He huffed.  “That didn’t stop Daph and Hastings, did it?”  You rolled your eyes, recalling the rather…spirited noises of last evening.  “Benedict, in your state, I do not think you would last very long, and that would not satisfy either of us, now would it?”
Benedict’s eyes widened, and he felt his arousal wither.  He shook his head.  “Right.  Now, off to sleep with you.  I love you, dearest.”  “I love you too, wife.”  You pressed a kiss to your husband’s lips, and he soon nodded off.  Come morning, you would be greeted by a sickly Benedict; shivering, sweating, nauseated, and thoroughly guilty.  You blamed it on indigestion, though you were certain that the Dowager Viscountess knew better.
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komoreangel · 3 years
𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 (𝐫𝐞𝐪)
pairings: childe x reader, scaramouche x reader, xingqiu x reader 
scenario: he’s yours, and yours alone, right? so it’s only fitting that you get to make that clear to anyone who gets close, of course. 
request: hi!! i hope requests are open! can i ask for hcs of scaramouche, childe and xingqiu with a possessive partner? like their partner is the type to get jealous easily, try to display affection in public so people won't get close etc :)) thank you so much!!
reply: help i like this a lot hjfkhgn i can just imagine them getting smug because their s/o is being clingy in public,,,,and the randoms who are flirting with them get to be all like ??? who ? where? and its just yes thank you lolol
genre: smug childe/scara/xing plus clingy reader and also maybe a bit suggestive in scaramouche’s ?? plus you get to tell everyone dont touch your mans <3
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because of his unlikeable personality, he didn’t get hit on very often
but if he ran into someone with no idea of who he was?
they were 9 times out of 10 going to flirt with him
(and who wouldnt i mean look at him he is one fine ass man i love him sm) 
but if they tried this while you were with him they were going to be met with a WALL OF FAILURE 
how dare they try to take your man 
you might just smile at them like ‘hey bestie,,,,stfu’ 
and let them watch as you plant a huge kiss on his cheek
he’s a bit startled because while you are very affectionate you don’t often kiss him (because you know he isnt too fond of it) 
sure you hug him and hold his hand
but after you wrap your arms around him and rest your chin on his shoulder
he’ll get that prideful look on his face (that you almost want to slap off of him) 
like yes
theyre a simp for me >:) 
you give him another kiss and turn to look at the poor individual who decided to flirt with your boyfriend
“scara, who’s this?”
you only ever call him that in private
you must be feeling really jealous right now, huh?
you then proceed to bury your face in his neck
the person is obviously a bit flustered now
their previous statement has lost ALL of its value
scaramouche looks from you to them and smiles again
“so, what was it you were going to say?”
they stumble over their words and end up just saying “oh, nothing...i’ll be going now.”
once they’re gone he turns back to you, with your head on his shoulder and your arms around him
he’s grateful you managed to get him out of that situation tbh
but he’s even more happy to give you the attention you seem to be craving right now
from the privacy of your own home, of course :)
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childe would be ecstatic to have a s/o who’s overly affectionate in public
no doubt he would let you do whatever you wanted
you want to pepper his face with kisses? go ahead!
you want to sit on his lap? be his guest!
so when you tell him you tend to be a bit possessive he’s all for it
plus, he’s probably the same way so he doesn’t mind
someone flirts with him? he calls you over to come do your thing
embrace him with a hug and have him play with your hair right in front of that other person
he thinks it’s hot lmao
and watching you get jealous over anyone who gets a bit too close is cute too
the look on your face when he catches you staring at him is irresistible
“ah, are you jealous darling?”
head empty just childe calling you darling
he’d also be the type to let people approach him just so he can see you in action
you’d come up behind him and hug him from the back
just to greet him
then you notice the person in front of them
hands clasped together
eyes to the ground, flushed red face
they were flirting with him
you stumble away from him and look at them
“who are you?”
your tone is harsh, and childe can’t help but smile
they continue to stutter their way through their sentence
you had lost interest about five words in
you were too busy playing with childe's hair
right in front of them :))
midway into their words, you turn to look at them
the glare you aim towards them is as sharp as childe's own blades, and you say,
"why are you still here?"
they're at a loss for words
who knew someone like you could be so cruel?
of course childe doesnt mind at all
he'd be glad to let you say whatever you want out of jealousy
it fuels his ego
the automatic response to that is making sure to keep him in check
dont let his head get too big
and by that i mean remind him every now and them how lucky he is to have you :)
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he would think you were so cute
the way you cling to him almost all the time
most passerby would think you were simply very affectionate
which you are, he won’t lie
but he knows that you have another reason besides that
so you can tell everyone that this man
is yours
not that anyone in liyue harbor approaches him anyways
they all know better
would totally be the type to push your chin up with one finger
unfortunately for the girl from the mond family visiting this week
she doesn’t know better
so when you see her walking with him you first calm yourself down
you won’t assume her intentions, and he’s allowed to have friends
but when she trails her hand up his arm
you stomp over in their direction
hell hath no fury like a y/n scorned
as xing says anyway
you go straight up to him and wrap your arms around his neck as a greeting
“oh, it’s you. what are you doing here?”
you don’t answer and instead place a kiss on his face
the girl stands behind i’m, shocked that this whole time he had a significant other
“sweetie, is there a reason you’re?
he trails off
you have “noticed” the other girl and glare in her direction
that’s enough to scare her off
she goes running back home
xing has the most smug look on his face
“wow, i knew you got jealous offend, but that??”
you blush as he reaches out to push your hair away from your face
he smiles at you and the two of you head for home, with you clinging to his arm and happily walking along with him
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a/n: im so sorry this took like forever to get up i procrastinated for so long jhkfdng anyway requests are now open again :)) i have a diluc oneshot in progress that i started on his birthday but...well.
want to make a request? head to my ask box!
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forineffablereasons · 4 years
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What Hath God Wrought, by @saretton​ 
Do you remember, my darling, the early days when there were just fingers and air and sounds – a rhythmic beeping in the day, a frantic answer in the night? The orange glow of lamps. Coding and decoding. Choosing the words carefully, never too many, but always enough. ----- A Good Omens Telegraph AU. 
 Rated E |  10,310 Words | Complete
It’s that time of the week again for a Friday Fic Rec! This one takes us back and away into an ambiguous past, into ambiguous countries - Aziraphale and Crowley on opposite sides of the border, meeting with a series of dots and dashes. I expect this one will be unusual for some of you, as it’s written in first person, but it’s so beautifully done, it’s exactly everything that first person can be when it really, really shines. Something of a love letter to “you” as Crowley, author Saretton uses the perspective as neatly as a knife to unveil Aziraphale piece by piece, to isolate the reader inside Aziraphale to mirror out his loneliness, the thoughts of a person tightly compacted but fraying on the edges into that desperate need for connection that finally brings these two together. I first opened this fic some months ago when it was posted, but on reading the first few paragraphs I set it aside because I knew it would be a real treat I wanted to savor, and I was right. Sink into this one and let it warm you to your bones. 
Thank you Saretton for your time and your work! 
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deja-you · 4 years
angel wings + wedding rings
part two | hell hath no fury
m. de lafayette x reader
summary: being called an idiot is only the second worst thing that you’ve been called this week, and it’s all thanks to your darling husband.
word count: 2.4k
masterlist | previous | next
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“Idiots. The both of you. So stupid.”
Lafayette rolled his eyes. “’Congratulations on the wedding, I’m so happy to see my two best friends together!’ You could say that, you know.” 
Hercules scoffed and uncorked a bottle from Lafayette’s private collection and poured himself a glass. “It was a fake wedding.”
“Oh trust me, the wedding was all too real,” you assured him. “The marriage is the fake part.”
“You really thought this was a good idea, Y/n?” Hercules pointed his glass at you with a raised eyebrow. “I expect this stuff from Lafayette, but you should know better. You don’t stay married to your friend that you got drunk in Vegas with.”
Hercules was just reminding you of what you had already been telling yourself for the past week now. It was an absolutely insane idea, and you couldn’t believe that you had agreed to stay married to Lafayette for a few years to save his career. It was nice that Lafayette was a skilled actor, because he seemed to have no problem keeping up the charade.
Of course, Hercules would have seen right through their lie immediately, so they decided it would be best to tell him the truth upfront. Now that he was criticizing the both of them so ruthlessly, they were beginning to doubt their decisions. 
“I get all the benefits of being married to a Hollywood actor without actually having to worry about my marriage falling apart,” you shrugged. “Besides, I’m just being a good friend.”
“Being a good friend? Sweetheart, being a good friend would be helping Lafayette move, or picking up some groceries for him when he’s sick. I’m a great friend, but hell, I wouldn’t marry Lafayette,” Hercules grumbled. 
“We’re planning on getting a divorce, we’re just waiting it out,” Lafayette tried. 
Hercules chugged the last of his wine. “My friends are absolute morons. There’s no way this ends well.”
“Aw, gee, you’re too kind, Hercules, too kind. Have I ever told you how much I love you?” You muttered sarcastically.
“Careful, wouldn’t want someone to think you’re already cheating on your husband,” Hercules snorted. 
“Oh, don’t remind of how this marriage has put my sex life on hiatus,” you groaned, lightly tugging at the ends of your hair. 
Lafayette raised an eyebrow, and a wide smirk spread across Hercules’s face when a thought occurred to him. 
“I’m sure your husband would be more than willing to help you out in that department from time to time. Or every night,” Hercules suggested. 
“Enough,” Lafayette groaned loudly. 
You opened your mouth to respond with some biting remark when your phone began to buzz. You frowned when you saw your agency calling. “Excuse me for a moment, I should take this.”
You left the bar and walked out onto Lafayette’s balcony to answer the phone. When the door had shut behind you, Hercules turned on Lafayette and narrowed his eyes at his friend. Lafayette’s eyes widened at the intensity and took a step back. 
“Are you kidding me? You married her? I bet she doesn’t even know about the little crush you’ve had on her since you met her,” Hercules hissed.
Lafayette panicked for a moment, glancing at you out on the balcony to make sure you hadn’t heard anything that Hercules had said. “It was a drunken accident. Don’t make it sound like this was a heinous crime I had planned out.”
“You could’ve just gotten a divorce!” Hercules pointed out. 
“It would totally ruin my image!” Lafayette defended. He sighed and rested his elbows on the table. “Look, Y/n and I are just friends. I might’ve had a little crush on her when I met her, but it’s not a big deal. Once this all blows over, we’ll get a divorce and it’ll be fine.”
Hercules glared at him for a few moments longer before his expression softened. “I’m just trying to look out for you, okay? Both of you. You’re both my friends, and I don’t want to see anyone get hurt.”
“No one’s going to get hurt, Hercules,” Lafayette promised. 
“You say that now...” Hercules muttered. 
The glass balcony door swung open to reveal you stomping back into the room with your phone clutched tightly in your hands. You opened your phone and placed it on the bar counter in front of Lafayette.
“Our marriage already got leaked to the media,” you seethed.
Lafayette only shrugged. “I know. I leaked it.”
“You did what?”
Hercules chuckled and grabbed his jacket off the back of a chair. “Well, I think that’s my cue to head out. I’ll leave you two to your first couples spat.”
He merrily whistled an upbeat tune while he exited Lafayette’s Los Angeles apartment, leaving Lafayette to the wolves. Looking at you leaning on the counter with an expectant gaze, Lafayette decided he didn’t mind spending time with the wolves.
“Hollywood star Gilbert de Lafayette and Victoria Secret’s angel, Y/n L/n, tied the knot over the weekend,” you read the article that was pulled up on your phone for him. “Sources tell us that the pair have been dating secretly for the last few months before having a small, hush-hush ceremony.”
Lafayette listened to you read the article, watching your features to gauge any reaction. When you finished reading, you narrowed your eyes at Lafayette and raised an expectant eyebrow. 
“Well? Are you going to explain yourself? Since when have we been secretly dating? And why did you go to the press with this?” You demanded.
“Relax, mon ange. I thought it would be more respectable if I said we had been dating secretly,” he said with a nonchalant shrug. “And I went to the press with the story because they were going to find out anyway. Thought it would be best if I controlled the story instead of letting them get it twisted.”
You pondered his answer for a moment. “That’s actually... pretty smart.”
“Well I can be pretty smart when I’m not preoccupied with being an idiot,” he grinned. 
You rolled your eyes and leaned forward to grab his arm. “It worked out this time, but from now on, you need to talk to me before you do anything that concerns our relationship. We’re married now. This is a partnership, honey.”
His expression softened at your words and he nodded. “I promise I won’t go making decisions without you again. I’m committed to making this marriage last.”
You scoffed at him and lightly slapped his arm, but you couldn’t stop the smile from forming on your face. 
“I shouldn’t have to wear fuzzy socks at anytime of the year in Los Angeles.”
“Think of it this way: you get to wear fuzzy socks at anytime of the year,” Lafayette tried.
“Just turn up the thermostat! I don’t understand why you keep your house so cold.” You had moved into his apartment a few days ago, the both of you not wanting to deal with rumors that your marriage was starting off rocky if the paparazzi found out you were living separately.
For the most part, the transition had gone well. The guest room you were staying in was spacious and comfortable, and you were growing accustomed to Lafayette making you breakfast every morning. If you were being honest, you were enjoying married life.
But he always kept the temperature so low. It was Los Angeles, for goodness sake. You had moved to California partially because you’d get to be in the sunshine all the time, and now you were getting out all your sweatshirts and socks to stay warm.
“I swear, Lafayette, if you don’t turn up the heat in this place, I’m going to divorce you,” you said, pulling one of his blankets over yourself.
Lafayette chuckled softly and plopped himself onto the spot beside you. “Mon ange, why don’t you just change the thermostat yourself?”
You shrugged. “I’d feel rude changing things in your apartment.”
“But you don’t feel rude bothering me about it?” He asked.
“Hey, I don’t make the rules. I just follow them. I can annoy you as much as I want, but actually messing with things would be rude.”
“You’re ridiculous,” he sighed. “Look, we’re married. This is your home now. Everything I have is yours.”
You raised an eyebrow. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do.” You cringed at his word choice, because you hated that you didn’t remember when he had said them the first time. Everything was still unbelievable. Lafayette didn’t seem to notice your apprehension.
“Even this quilt? I like this quilt. It’s mine?” You held up the navy patchwork blanket in your lap.
“My grandmother made that for me. Maybe joint-custody on that one.”
You laughed and Lafayette suddenly stood up, going to the kitchen to look for something.
“Oh, I forgot, I have something for you,” he said.
You perked up at this. “Something for me? I don’t have anything for you. Was there an anniversary I forgot?”
Lafayette rolled his eyes and made his way back to where you were seated. “Haha. I just thought we should do this right.”
“Do what right?”
“I feel like it’s a little too late for that, Laf,” you muttered.
“Stop being difficult for just one minute,” he groaned, but Lafayette was still grinning. He got down on one knee beside the couch and produced a small velvet ring box. “I thought you should have a real ring. Wouldn’t want the media thinking I’m cheap.”
He opened the box, and you sat up at the sight of the large diamond situated on the golden band. It was a classic style, but much more grand than the plain band that you had been wearing since the Vegas wedding. You looked from the diamond to Lafayette with wide eyes.
“Are you really proposing to me?”
He nodded. “Of course. You deserve a decent proposal.”
You studied him for a moment before leaning back against the couch cushions and crossing your arms. “Huh.”
“What is it?” Lafayette asked, concern written on his face.
“Nothing, I just imagined my significant other would have a whole romantic speech planned out. I’m not disappointed, just...” You gave a flippant shrug.
Lafayette sighed loudly, straightening his shoulders and pasting on a wide smile. “Y/n M/n L/n, mon ange, there is no one else I would rather pretend to be married to. Would you make me the happiest man alive, and be my wife for the next two to three years, or until it’s socially acceptable to get a divorce?”
You were grinning now, shaking your head at him. “I guess that will have to do.”
Lafayette took the ring out of the box and replaced the band on your ring finger. You admired the way the ring sparkled on your hand for a moment before looking back at Lafayette who had an unreadable look on his face.
“What?” You asked.
“It’s nothing.” He snapped out of his daze. “We’ve got this, right?”
You gave him a reassuring nod and held up your fist. “Yeah, we’ve got this.”
Lafayette returned your smile and bumped his fist to yours.
“How was work today?”
You opened up the passenger side door to Lafayette’s white Rolls-Royce and climbed in to the spacious car. The look you gave him could have melted glaciers, but Lafayette remained collected. You crossed your arms over your chest and pouted.
“So I assume you had a bad day, then?” He chuckled softly at your child-like behavior. 
You glanced up at his smiling face and immediately looked away, huffing loudly and staring at the glossy wood paneling in front of you. 
With one hand on the steering wheel and eyes on the road, Lafayette reached over and squeezed your shoulder lightly. “Come on, mon ange. Tell me what’s wrong. Communication is a key part in any relationship.”
You sucked your bottom lip under your teeth and sighed loudly. “Today the photographer called me Mrs. de Lafayette.”
Lafayette quickly glanced over at you, his eyes crinkling at the corners when he smiled broadly and laughed loudly. “Is that really why you are so upset? Because someone called you Mrs. de Lafayette?”
“Well, you are my wife. You can’t blame them for assuming,” he was still grinning, the situation was apparently just too funny.
You turned your body to face him, eyes zeroing in on him. “Oh, but I can blame them. I am not Mrs. de Lafayette. People shouldn’t go around assuming things. Maybe you want to be Mr. L/n, they should at least give you the option.”
“Ah, Mr. L/n does have a certain ring to it,” Lafayette mused. 
“Yeah, I think it sounds nice,” you muttered. “I think we would hyphenate or something. Lafayette-L/n. Or L/n-Lafayette.”
“You are really bothered by this, aren’t you?” Lafayette asked.
“Well, I wouldn’t say really bothered. Minimally bothered, maybe,” you shrugged. 
Lafayette pressed his lips together and thought for a moment. “Yeah, but the little things add up. I owe you.”
You snorted, “that’s an understatement.”
“Seriously. You’re putting your life on hold to help me out. There’s got to be something I can do for you,” he insisted.
“Being married to the Lafayette is a blessing in itself,” you teased. “You know how many girls wished they were in my position?”
Lafayette rolled his eyes but the smile never left his face. “There’s got to be something I can give you. Clothing? My apartment?”
“Lafayette, I’m a model. I don’t need more clothes.” You shook your head. “And I definitely don’t want your apartment. Can’t imagine how many girls you’ve brought back there. I don’t need to be haunted by the ghosts of your one-night stands.”
“Fine, you don’t need any clothes and you don’t want my apartment. There’s got to be something I have that you want.”
“Nope, there’s not really anything I want from you,” you shrugged and ran your finger tips over the smooth leather seats of his car. An idea sprung to your mind and you grinned. “Actually, this is a pretty nice car...”
He stopped at a red right, ran his hands over the steering wheel, and looked over at you. “You want my car?”
“I think I could see my–”
“It’s yours,” he said definitively.
You turned to him with your mouth open. “I was joking, Lafayette. I’m not going to take your car.”
“No, it’s yours. I’ll put it under your name in our divorce papers.”
You sat up straight and shook your head. “You love this car. I can’t take it from you.”
“I’m giving it to you, and you’re not going to change my mind about it,” he said. “You can drive it, sell it, smash it to pieces with a sledgehammer, whatever. But I’m giving you the car, and you’re not going to change my mind so accept it.”
You frowned and leaned back in your seat. “Alright.”
The two fo you drove in silence for the remainder of the ride back to Lafayette’s home. He pulled into the garage and turned off his car. Lafayette turned to you, watching you carefully for a moment.
“You know I’d give you anything, right?”
taglist: let me know if you want to be added to the taglist for future parts; also let me know if you want to be tagged in the drabbles/outtakes for aw + wr, I’m making separate taglists :)
@nyxie75 @elizard-hamilton @einfachniemand @fans-of-the-damned @riiyy @garlicbreadnotchewable @ohsoverykeri-blog @notebookgirl30 @irrational-bitch-syndrome @3leni @boomfm23 @summerofsnowflakes  @sillyteecup @braidedchallah  @i-know-i-can @checkurwindow @pretty-and-pink-284 @astralaffairs @thecoffeehouse204 @farihafangirls @hamilton-and-hockey @marvel-love-posts @id-do-it-for-free-babe @moosoobi @exorcisms-with-elmo
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fandom-blackhole · 4 years
Hayloft- Ezra x Reader P.6 Final
AN: Well here we are guys.... I really want to thank everyone who has given this story a chance. I know I'm not a the best writer but it really is one of my passions and with all of the support I've gotten for Hayloft especially, I am hoping to continue writing and maybe even complete my childhood dream of being a published author (though that will be way in the future)! If you enjoyed this, you should go show some love to my sister, @space-nerd2005​​, because without her this story either wouldn’t have been even written/published or would have only been a one-shot! For now I just want everyone to know that I'm really happy that you're all here and you've supported me! 💕💕💕 (Also Happy Valentines Day!)
Words: 3.8k!
Warnings: sex mentioned but not really described, the father talks again so berating and abusive language, fighting, running bc that needs a warning
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Sneaking back into the house after that first night in the barn was difficult. Neither Ezra nor I wanted to separate, and we had stalled until it had almost been too late. But, in the end, we didn’t get caught again. Our nighttime visits resumed again after that night, though now I was sneaking out to see him almost every night, not able to stand being away from him any longer. Gone also were the nights of being apart from each other in any way. While not every night was filled with passionate touches and pleasure, each night was spent holding each other and trying to soothe the aches of being apart all day. 
Sleep soon became the least of my priorities and it showed during the day. I was constantly tired and it made the days seem to drag on. Nights on the other hand always seemed to pass too quickly as I tried in vain to grasp and hold onto the stolen moments that Ezra and I were able to share. I noticed that Ezra was also being affected by the lack of sleep, when I worked with them in the field I noticed him yawning in the middle of sentences, but when I would bring it up at night when we were alone he would always look scared and pull me closer saying he was fine and then ask me not to leave. 
Shortly after the nightly visits to the barn started, and about a month away from when Ezra’s ship would arrive to take him away, as I climbed my way into the hayloft and faced Ezra, I was met with a sight I hadn’t seen in what felt like forever. Ezra was sitting against the far wall of the loft with the lantern on, his shirt off, and my Edgar Allan Poe book held in his hand. I had not thought of my books until that moment, my mind too distracted with other thoughts to think to wonder where they had disappeared to after the confrontation that had happened in that small spare bedroom. 
Walking over to Ezra now though, I could see that he had all of them, except for the one he was holding, tucked away into his small bag, keeping them safe. Looking up at what I assume to be the sound of my footsteps, Ezra smiled and motioned for me to sit down next to him, and once I had settled, with my head on his shoulder, I spoke softly. “I feel somewhat ashamed. I had not even realized that my books were missing until just a few seconds ago when I saw you with Poe.”
Turning and pressing a kiss to my forehead Ezra answered just as softly, “No need to be ashamed, my delicate and beautiful flower. Your mind has been preoccupied with things that have taken you far from worrying about our shared writing friends. Not to worry though, I have kept them safe and away from anything that could harm their precious pages. I believe that when your brother was gathering my things to bring out here to me he saw the books and assumed they were mine. I didn’t say anything, and selfishly kept them, when I should have returned them to you, but those lonely nights without you were hard on my old soul and these books that held a small portion of you brought me solace. Especially, our dear friend Poe who brought us together. Whenever I missed you most I would find my aching fingers turning to the poem I recited for you that first day and I would read it over and over until I fell into my fitful and aching slumber.”
Looking at the book now, I noticed that he was once again staring at the page that held the poem. It was obvious that this page had been visited more often than naught, as the page showed signs of wear and a few crinkles where the page most likely creased when he fell asleep with it in his hand. Lifting my head to look at Ezra, and already finding him watching me with what I hoped to be love in his eyes, I gave him a smile and bit my lip before opening my mouth and reciting the poem back to him.
“In visions of the dark night
I have dreamed of joy departed;
But a waking dream of life and light
Hath left me broken-hearted.
Ah! what is not a dream by day
To him whose eyes are cast
On things around him, with a ray
Turned back upon the past?
That holy dream, that holy dream,
While all the world was chiding,
Hath cheered me as a lovely beam
A lonely spirit guiding.
What though that light, thro’ storm and night,
So trembled from afar―
What could there be more purely bright
In Truth’s day-star?”
As I watched his face while speaking the same lines he had spoken to me what feels like decades ago at this point, though only a few short months ago, his face morphed into a loving smile. I watched as the soft smile he had turned wider, and the crinkles next to his eyes deepened, and his dimple peeked out beneath his facial hair deepened. After I finished, I blushed and turned away from his gaze.
“I, um...I read that poem almost nightly after we first walked back here to the farm together. I couldn’t bring myself to read past that poem either, it was always just that one, and I always only heard your voice echoing it in my head as my eyes read along the lines. That was all before we started meeting at night….”
After my admission, Ezra had set the book aside, carefully placing it with the others. Then he carefully picked up my hand kissed my palm before sliding my hand to rest on his cheek as he pulled me into his lap. As soon as I was close enough he started kissing me, starting with small soft pecks on the corners of my mouth before moving on to full kissing my lips. He slowly worked the kisses from soft to passionate. 
That night we sat against the wall and as Ezra held me and made love to me, he continuously whispered and recited our poem. For once he didn’t drawl on about this or that, only softly and huskily reciting those words over and over into my ear in between kisses and nips and moans of my name.
The days were counting down too quickly for my taste. I was scared, in all honesty. I felt as if I had finally gotten Ezra, but I still hadn’t fully gotten him in the way that I longed for. I wanted to be able to spend every waking moment with him. I wanted to be able to feel his touch whenever without worrying about my father. I want to be able to walk up and kiss him. I want to be able to make love with him in a bed for once. I want so much, still, and time is running out. Even as I sit close to Ezra and listen to him speak about just whatever is going through his mind, I can’t help but worry about what is going to happen in only a few week’s time. Will I have to watch as the man I have come to love walks away from me forever? Will he decide to stay with me and settle down on K-5? Or will he take me with him and into that big ship that comes for him, taking me with him on every adventure following?
“...lower? Darling? Are you back with me yet,” coming back to the present I am met with Ezra’s soft smile and teasing eyes, as he rubs the palm of my hand with his thumb. “What has taken you away from me, flower? For your eyes seemed to be a million miles away from here, and I must say I am slightly worried that you may have finally grown tired of my endless drawl. Tell me, please?”
Shaking my head with a small laugh, I returned his smile. “I’m sorry, Ez. I can assure you that I am far from tired of listening to you talk. I always look forward to getting to listen to you…”
“Then what is stealing your attention from me, flower? I can tell that something is bothering you, and it has me slightly worried. You can talk to me about anything, I promise you no harsh judgments, I could never think or speak anything unsavory when it comes to you, my lovely flower.”
As he speaks, Ezra reaches over to me and pulls my bottom lip free from my teeth as he has done so many times before. We sit in silence for a few moments, before I take a deep breath and quietly whisper, “What is going to happen in the next few weeks? After the harvest is done, and the ship comes for you?”
Watching Ezra’s eyes as I spoke, I saw them get a sad hue to them. I watched as Ezra swallowed and he said in a solemn tone, “I cannot stay flower. I must leave with that ship….but I don’t have to leave alone. Flower, you could come with me, I would more than love to take care of you out there, and show you the universe that you have only seen through stories...That is of course if that is what you want. I will not push you into leaving your family, or your planet, but know that leaving without you by my side will break me. I know that what we have hasn’t lasted long but I know for certain that this is special. I know without a shadow of doubt that I have fallen completely for you. And, if I were to leave you behind, I would end up leaving my heart and soul along with you. I love you, flower…”
Crying, I move my hands to hold Ezra’s face and I press my forehead to his own. For a few seconds, we sit like this and as I run my thumbs across his cheeks, Ezra wraps his arm around my waist.
“You honestly think that I’m going to stay on this Kevva forsaken planet when the man that holds my heart and soul is leaving? If you will have me, I am coming with you. I love you, Ezra, and if you left me here, I fear that I would waste away from the heartbreak.”
“I swear flower, you make me the happiest man in the known universe. If you had said anything about not coming with me I think I would have left this mortal body from the sadness alone. I don’t think I could ever be far from you again.”
After we both agreed that we would be leaving K-5 together when the time came in the following weeks, we started planning how exactly we were going to accomplish running away with each other. We both knew that my father would try and stop us, so we couldn’t risk him finding out any part of our plans. And as much as I hated it, I had decided to leave Anthony in the dark as well. I knew that, yes, in the past few months the two of us had gotten closer, but I still didn’t know how he would react if I told him. I still remember what he had said to me in the kitchen and I planned to keep that promise, but I couldn’t find it in me to tell him, still too scared that he might tell my father and dash all hope of me getting off this planet.
Ezra and I’s plan was simple, really. The plan was to have everything packed and ready to go the night before the ship would make its way to town. After my father goes to bed I would go to Anthony, say my goodbyes, and grab the money that was owed to Ezra for his work before going to the hayloft, with my packed things. That night Ezra and I would stay together and in the early morning light, we would leave for town. If everything went well, we both should be loaded onto the ship and gone before my father noticed that I hadn’t just gone on my usual Saturday morning supply run. Simple, as long as everything went accordingly.
The weeks and days ticked by quickly, and my anxiety continuously rose. Ezra tried to calm me, giving me soft words and holding me at night, but I could tell that he himself was getting anxious as well. As the last week came, each night we would greet each other and do just about anything to distract ourselves from the looming escape. And as Friday came, I found that my bottom lip was chewed raw from the anxiety and anticipation for what was to come, but I couldn’t stop myself from continuing the bad habit, only wincing when I brushed over an especially sore spot on my lip.
The day itself was rather uneventful. I once again was doing laundry away from the other three, as they pulled in the last of the harvest. Before I had even realized it, it was time for dinner and as we all sat down for dinner, we ate in silence for the first time in what felt like forever. Surprisingly enough it was my father who broke that silence as we were all finishing up our food.
“You’re quiet for once in your life it seems. It almost seems suspicious,” my father spoke watching Ezra with careful eyes. To which Ezra just gave him an easy smile, and replied, “No reason to be suspicious, I assure you. I am just tired and the food was just too good to take breaks for speaking.”
“Hmmm, well I hope you enjoyed it because it’s gonna be your last meal here, I’ll have your money waiting outside in the morning and I want you gone by first light. If you’re not, well, only having one arm is gonna be the least of your problems.”
With that said, my father left the table and went straight to his bedroom. Looking back to Ezra, I found him looking down at his plate with a blank expression, his face neutral to whatever emotion was running through him at that moment. Glancing over at Anthony I found him watching me, and watched him open his mouth before speaking quietly.
“Listen, I don’t know what you two have planned, but dad has something planned as well. If you are leaving, I hope it’s gonna be before he has had a chance to even get up in the morning.”
Looking back to Ezra, I only saw him nod before he left the table as well. I watched as he grabbed his folded clothes, looked back at me with a small smile, and then walked out the back door. After he was gone, Anthony helped me clear the table and do the dishes, him drying as I cleaned, per our newer routine. And, after we had finished and before he could walk out of the kitchen, I wrapped my arms around him. 
“We are leaving in the morning. We hope to be gone by the time dad figures out I am not coming back from doing the shopping…”
“So this is goodbye, then?”
“Yeah, this is goodbye…”
With a hug and a kiss on my forehead, Anthony smiled at me and then left the kitchen, going upstairs to his room. Once again, I found myself standing in the kitchen losing track of time as I thought about what had just happened between Anthony and I. After I came back to the present though, I went and found the money my father had for Ezra, before making my way up to my room. 
Once in my room, I pulled the sack of belongings I had packed from underneath my bed where I had kept them hidden. Setting the bag on my bed I stashed the money away in one of the pockets before slinging the bag over my shoulder. Once again, I found myself stopping and looking around my room, taking everything in for one last time. When I found myself close to tears, I knew that it was time to leave, before the what ifs started to float around my head.
Making a quick and quiet escape out to the barn. Within minutes I was in the hayloft I found myself immediately being pulled into Ezra’s embrace. And, once I was in his arm, I felt a little bit of the stress that had built up this past month finally fade as I clutched him tightly.
“I am sorry for how my father has spoken to you these last few months. Nobody deserves to be treated the way he has treated you.”
“I would live through his constant torment and degradation of my character every day, if it meant that I could be with you. Flower, I do not care what he says to me, while his words may hurt, at the end of the day I still have you and you still have me no matter what he says or does. I love you so much, flower.”
“I love you too, Ezra.”
With that said Ezra lead me to the spot where he had been spending his nights. As we both laid down, Ezra held me close and whispered in my ear, as his hand trailed up my shirt. “Just one more time, for memory’s sake, flower?” And with my nodded consent Ezra brought me slow soft pleasure in the hayloft of my family’s barn before we drifted off to sleep for the first time holding each other. 
When I awoke the next morning, it was still dark out, and it was to Ezra’s soft kisses all over my face. Smiling, I moved one of my hands to cradle his face and pull him into a kiss, before whispering him a good morning feeling his smile grow across my lips.
“I don’t think I will ever get used to the feeling of waking up with you next to me. I am not completely sure that I have not left the mortal realm in my sleep and have awakened to an angel in what many have called heaven.”
Laughing I nuzzled my nose into his neck and pressed a kiss to the hollow of his throat. “And I do not think I will ever get used to being woken up by a waxing poet every morning.”
Feeling Ezra's laugh, I pulled away from him and got up from the makeshift bed to pull the clothes that had been thrown from my body the night before back on. Hearing movement behind me, I knew that Ezra was doing the same, and when I turned around, I smiled softly as I found him pulling on one of the shirts I had gifted him, the pants already covering his beautifully strong legs. Catching me looking, Ezra smirked. 
“See something you like, flower? Because I know I do.” Moving over to where I stand with a blindingly wide smile, Ezra leans down and gives me a chaste kiss before walking over to our bags, as I followed behind. Grabbing mine and handing it to me, I slid it on as Ezra turned and grabbed his own. Once both bags were secure Ezra turned back to me, this time looking slightly unsure. “Are you ready, flower?”
“I’ve never been more ready for anything in my life. Ezra,” I say, and take his hand and hold his face. “Take me far away from here. Show me the universe and every secret you know.”
Leaning in, Ezra and I share one last passionate kiss before we made our way down the ladder and into the main portion of the barn. Once, we were both safely there, we both reached for the other’s hand as we walked to the barn door.
Right before we reached the doors, I was struck by the feeling that something was wrong. Before I could say anything, we reached the opening of the barn and I immediately realize why I felt that way, and judging by the way Ezra’s hand tightened in my own, he noticed as well. In the house the kitchen lights were on, and in the back doorway, there was the silhouette of my father holding what could only be his thrower rifle that he had stashed in the house. 
With the soft light of the rising sun, there was no way that my father didn’t see us standing there with our hands linked together. The three of us stood there, no one daring to move and inch, until my father moved the thrower and pointed it towards what I could only assume to be Ezra. He didn’t fire, but he did yell from the doorway, “I told you that there would be consequences, and I told you to stay away from my daughter. But all you do is talk so why did I expect you to know how to listen? Leave. Now. Before I decide to blow your brains out.”
Looking to Ezra with panic written across my face I only found him with a scowl on his face, as he held my hand tighter. And just as I went to whisper his name, Ezra spoke up and yelled back across to my father, “I was leaving right when you interrupted our departure. Now just lower the gun and we’ll be on our merry way. Out of your hair forever-”
“Like hell I am letting you take her. She’s staying right here and you are walking to town and leaving forever.”
Scared and on the verge of crying, I looked back towards my father, only to notice movement behind him. Ezra must have noticed as well because he laced his fingers with mine and whispered, get ready to run, before yelling back to my father. “I think you’ll find that she isn’t inclined to stay on this planet a day longer. She is leaving with me.”
(Thank you all again, you guys have made the last couple of months really amazing for me! I'm always looking for some interaction so please come say hi! I am planning out two more things coming in the future, a one-shot and another multipart fic! I am also always open to expanding this fic so if you have questions I would LOVE to answer them! As always likes, comments, and especially reblogs are super appreciated! I always love your guys’ feedback!)
Tags:  @babybelou @farrvey @anatanotegami @revolution-starter @cadelinhadopedropascal @lucifurrr @coolfishoperatoreagle @pugdalorian @callsigncatfish @marydjarin @jeeperky​ (user with crossed out names I couldn’t tag, sorry!)
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jewels2876 · 6 years
The Bard Says It Better Than I
Pairing: Reader x Tom Hiddleston
Word Count: 853
A/N: Request from my biggest fan @lokiandbuckylover LOL: “So I also have a serious need for a fic of Tom winning the reader over (or even apologizing for something) by using poetry. Bonus points if it's by Shakespeare or Pablo Neruda.” – Once again I’m taking a little liberty on the request, sorry!
divider by @punklovecore​
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You knew he was busy; he had been very upfront in telling you his schedule would be insane and asked for your patience. He had assured you he wanted this now and nothing would get in the way.  That was three months ago. Three months of texting, phone calls, and Skype dates. It was a bit surreal to you, but Tom was pulling out all of the stops for YOU.
Things had been fine, until the last couple of days. You had sent a text just saying hi; he was usually too busy to reply right away but he always managed to send you a greeting or selfie back. It had been two days with no response. Normally you would shake it off as him being busy, but for some reason all the little things had been getting to you. It could have been stress from work, or just being tired, or feeling sad about how little time you had with him in person.
His absence on social media was welcome to you most days. Today, however, YouTube was exploding with videos of your guy and his cast mates. Your heart squeezed seeing him; you started to wonder if maybe he had met someone else. Self-doubt crept in and you turned off your phone; you knew no good would come of sending texts that sounded clingy and pathetic. You needed to be distracted from your crazy thoughts. Your best friend dragged you to a movie, leaving your phone at home. She let you talk out all of these nutty feelings that you were overthinking and made you feel better.
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14 hours and 7 text messages later
Darling, I saw your text and completely forgot to respond – these cons are fun but draining – can’t wait to see you!
[Y/n] you’re probably watching the videos on YouTube – I wish your smiling face was in the audience – I miss you!
[Y/n] Seb and Mackie and the other Tom all say hi – they’re dying to meet you – I’m hoping you will allow me to show you off soon! Maybe in that dress you were looking all dreamy-eyed at online? Someone might have noticed the bookmarked page and bought it for you <3
You haven’t responded so I’m guessing you’re busy – darling please call me when you get this
Sweetheart I know it’s late but I’m worried – please let me know what’s going on – I’m a little nervous that you have tired of me already?
Ok you’re making me do this J – I know you love the Bard as much as I: “The course of true love never did run smooth.”
“Doubt thou the stars are fire, Doubt the sun doth move, Doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt thy love.”
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You stared at the last text, tears threatening to spill over. Rather than trying to put your feelings into your own words, you simply let the Bard do all the talking for you.
In thy face I see the map of honor, truth and loyalty.
For where thou art, there is the world itself, and where though art not, desolation.
I'll follow thee and make a heaven of hell, To die upon the hand I love so well
A kind heart he hath: a woman would run through fire and water for such a kind heart.
My bounty is as deep as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee, The more I have, for both are infinite.
I love you with so much of my heart that none is left to protest.
One half of me is yours, the other half yours- Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours, And so all yours!
No sooner did you hit ‘Send’ on your last message your phone rang. It was Tom and you wasted no time in answering. “Babe I am SO SORRY! I went out with Erika and left my phone at home. Forgive me?”
His voice rumbled low, giving you goosebumps as he spoke. “Darling, I was ready to grab a plane just to check on you. I miss you, you know?”
You sighed and felt the tears in your eyes again. “I know, I miss you like crazy. I even had the thought you had found someone else.” He started to say something but you continued. “I was overthinking as usual and Erika reminded me that you picked me.”
“I’m glad you have Erika, but I’m also glad you tell me these things.” He sighed and you could almost hear him run his hand through his hair. “Would it help if I cancelled all my Marvel events?”
You had to smile at the gesture. “Babe, you are too good to me! No, you are not cancelling your events; the crazy fans like me would be heartbroken. Just… maybe… come see me?”
He groaned. “Darling, love, my next break starts a week from today. Would you mind terribly putting up with me for a few weeks?”
“I would totally put up with you,” you purred into the phone. “I love you.”
“I love you, too!”
Tag List: @sarahivi @lokiandbuckyaremine @pseudonymfox @writing-for-a-chance @woodworthti666 @greenarrowhead @thejemersoninferno @marvelc00kie35 @lovely-dreamer19 @moondancewrites @ticklikeabomb @white-chocolate-mocha-fan @thenormreedus @lionhe04 @yafriendlyfangirl @lokilvrr
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legion1993 · 6 years
The Time For Secrets is Over
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A/N: this is my new fave story header!!! i mean he looks so hot!!!! anyway this is for another write challenge!!! happy birthday @thinkwritexpress-official!!! this is #2 of 3 for ya...
pairing: jensen x reader
prompt: possessive
my city is Shadowhaven, my name is Y/N. my home was originally New York, but i moved for my work... what happened after i moved was the way things happen, the way i ended up standing beside my very double-sided possessive Fiance. although before i should probably tell you how we got into this situation before continuing. 
~let me take you back to before we got into the danger~
as a artist, song writer and author i move around alot and always end up staying in a different place every few months or so.. depending on work, concerts, conventions, etc.
this project was taking me to the far regions of Europe. yay we are close to my ancestral grounds but i had never ever heard of a place called Shadowhaven till i was told to go record and spend time there... my manager told me it would be good for my rep... 
so i booked my flight and left the USA behind, flying my way to Shadowhaven a decent sized town in the deep end of Scotland (my home ancestral grounds). it was a nice relaxing flight, course i knew my history, but Shadowhaven had never been mentioned anywhere at all.
i could tell that this was the start of a new adventure, immediately making my way through the airport, through customs, towards the inner of the airport, i decided to shop for a new wardrobe that might help me to blend in, i knew my family crest colors so i used my skills in shopping to inconspicuously find a blend in outfit.
you approached this one boutique upon arriving inside this shopkeeper approaches you, and notices that you look like your seeking something specific. 
Shopkeeper: “good day lass, can i help ye with somethin’?”
you smile and turn to face this shopkeeper.
Y/N: “yes, what would you recommend for someone whose first time being in her ancestral grounds and wanting to experience some of her heritage?”
the shopkeeper was very impressed, but immediately had a thought. so she went around the desk again circling through some of the stuff she had back there, and as you watched you realized that it wouldnt be long before someone over here recognized you.
Shopkeeper: “what are your families colors?”
Y/N: “would this help i don really know how to describe it...”
you pulled out your smartphone and showed her a picture of your families colors. she comes up to you again a few moments later with a dress that looks like it was made for royalty, but yet it also looked surprisingly comfortable.
Shopkeeper: “come with me darling, let me help you put it on...”
you follow her to the back of the store storing your suitcase & backpack behind the counter, you knew that there was someone who was kind enough to help you. 
as she helped you get into that dress you started to feel like a normal person. almost like this was your destiny. but thats when you got to look at yourself in the mirror. upon seeing yourself in that dress you felt something inside you change. 
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you looked at the lady and were instantly grateful.
Y/N: “thank you so much i appreciate this...”
Shopkeeper: “your welcome deary, its on the house... welcome home!”
you walked back to your bags and smiled as you left the store now blending in. you went to hail a cab and find somewhere to stay at a reasonable price.it wasnt until you got out of the cab in mid town, that there was a voice hailing you down...
a gentleman wearing a suit was now approaching you... it wasnt till he got alot closer that you realized how hot he was... 
Jensen: “excuse me ma’am, may i help you? you look a little lost.”
Y/N: “well yes i am a little lost, i dont really know the city too well... and i very well dont know how to find myself a place to stay so i can start working on my vacation! well actually it was my boss who said i work too hard and told me to just go back to my roots... so here i am on my ancestral grounds.”
Jensen: “well how does staying with me in my castle sound...”
Y/N: “you know supposedly my family also has a castle somewhere but i hath no idea where... its really quite frustrating...”
Jensen could only smile as he moved closer to you... he extended his hand and bowed...
Jensen: “my name is Jensen Ackles! and what is your name mi-lady?”
you were so flattered that you slid your hand into his and curtsied.. not being completely away that he had just marked you... a mark of possession it is something that has been passed down between your 2 households for ages...
Y/N: “my name is Y/N Y/L/N it is good to meet such a fine handsome fellow...”
Jensen: “its my highest honor to have you stay with me for the duration of your stay... no exceptions no constitutions... but some nights i do have things to do, extra work loads and stuff... so on those nights ill be gone shortly after dusk... so will thee join me as my guest, fair lady!”
you smiled at him nodding, but then before you had a chance to say another word your bags were being loaded into his car...
Y/N: "sir, are you sure its fine for me to come stay with you, i really dont want to be a bother..."
at the sound of your lips calling him sir something inside him stirred... as if some sort of dark force on the inside was trying to push out his darkness and take control...
Jensen: "sir seems too formal just call me Jay... everyone does..."
Jensen smiled darkly as you threaded your arm through his and both of you walked to his car... getting in you happened to see the heading of a newpaper.
《《Ethereal Phoenix claims another woman as his own》》
but Jensen rook notice of how your eyes flitted immediately across the headline on the newspaper. Jensen also knew he would have to be careful with where you would wander off too...
Jensen: "those colors are a representation of one of the original founding families of Shadowhaven... it is actually a funny thing our 2 households have always had good relations!"
the dark twisted sound to his voice made you shiver but it was almost like that good kind of shiver...
Y/n: "well i hope that i can learn some history while im here... i honestoy can say i knew i was from scotland but i didnt know where.. it really is beautiful here..."
Jensen: "when we arrive at my castle we shall take a walk through the country side and ill show you where your families castle stands!"
Y/N: "that sounds wonderful in fact i had hoped to get to know the man whose house im staying in tonight. for its my undying gratitude that i give to thee."
Jensen could only smile for in his mind, his other side was getting ready for its time to reveal itself.
the rest of the ride was calm and peaceful! Jensen suddenly felt something come over him... he had the driver stop the car and he stumbled getting out he started into the trees, you followed you had to make sure he was ok...
<< The danger is revealed>>
After a bit of running you found yourself in a clearing, you stopped to admire your scenery, but someone else was there too. for the sound of bushes rustling, branches breaking and heavy footsteps scared you frozen in your tracks..
Y/N: "Jensen... Jensen where are you?"
it wasnt till you screamed that, a dark deep laugh came out of the trees. it showed through the trees a golden blur... it kinda startled you but at the same time made you wonder, what kind of creature might be able to move like that...
you kept a steady pace and slowly continued to now wonder the dark wood in search of Jensen. but you were startled once more qhen a voice spoke out of the darkness.
Ethereal Phoenix: "have you lost something mi lady?"
you tried to track where that voice was coming from but debated on answering it but felt like you could trust it. but as if natural you pulled out your best scottish accent.
Y/N: "a friend of mine ran into these woods a few moments ago and i have not been able to locate him. who are you? where are you?"
ethereal phoenix didnt answer right away instead he raised up in a gold blur and placed himself in a tree.
Ethereal phoenix: "i am the one that those papers in town speak of, the one who takes those women away from their men, i am he who makes women feel like they are worth something. i am Ethereal Phoenix. Miss, may i say you look new, how long have you been in Shadowhaven?"
Ethereal Phoenix said with a dark twisted tone to his voice. you shook off the bad feeling that suddenly plagued you.
Y/N: "only a few short hours... look i really dont mean to be rude but im really scared and i need to find my friend, so please excuse me.."
you started to retrace your steps back to the car, but once more the ethereal Phoenix spoke as thought he had been following you.
ethereal Phoenix: "why are you in such a rush to find your friend dont you want to be with a real man..."
you stopped dead in your tracks, almost feeling more scared of the voice that was talking than that of the dark wood. thats when you saw it standing there a shadowy figure in the little sunlight shining in between the trees. 
Y/N: “excuse me, you have no idea how much of a decent hot man Jensen is... trust me he is better than you... mr im gonna be that creepy ass voice hiding in the shadows... that preys on innocent women, raping them, at least Jensen is man enough to show his face...”
at that moment Ethereal Phoenix rushed in a golden blur and pinned you to a tree... the sunlight reflecting off his face made it clear that he was nothing good... 
Ethereal Phoenix: “you need to learn some manners little girl... how bout i teach you some manners. you know i feel a little possessive of you, now lets go somewhere where i can stand over you, while you scream... while you scream for a rescue that will never come. now hold still and let me see what kind of goodies you have under these clothes...”
at that moment it was like something out of an erotic rape novel... for this creature teleported the both of you to a fancy castle bedroom. where he got off of you after laying you on the bed... he then shackled you to the bed... 
with one evil laugh he snapped his fingers and your dress tore in 2... this exposed your breasts and your lace panties and well everything. there was nothing good happening, there was a creature of some kind that looked human but yet wasnt... 
for it was the thoughts of Jensen, the mystery man that had disappeared that kept you squirming, that kept you screaming... for it was then that you screamed louder... that you tried to break the chains that now held you down.
Y/N: “if i survive this you son of a bitch i’ll kill you...”
Ethereal Phoenix: “oh you will survive this, you will just be my slave... my pregnant slave...”
your mind was now clouded, your mind was scared... hell your physical form was scared... your emotions were running higher and higher, but your form was screaming but all it did was echo over the walls, bouncing off of them like soundwaves off a pond of water.
Ethereal Phoenix: “keep screaming no one will ever hear you...”
this thing seemed to be very sly & very very demanding... that of course is till you started to think back to when you fist met Jensen. it was pretty well a similar nature but this was probably your minds way of making you think about something else.
this of course also seemed to be the bane of your existance... just as you watched your captor walk around it seemed like he was now addressing someone else...
Ethereal Phoenix: “stay down little boy, the girl is not yours... I’m about to claim her... stay away...”
you at that moment wondered who the hell he was talking to...
Y/N: “hey ugly ass if your gonna claim me you should just do it ‘nstead of making small talk with yourself.”
thats when you heard it, a voice it came out of the shadows... a voice that was a delight to hear, for you had no heard it for hours.
Jensen (voice): “phoenix you will not lay another hand on her cause i already marked her... not in the way you were about to but a mark of claiming that i placed on her when i first held her hand... now i say again, let her go...”
the voice, there was only one man you knew to speak with such a dark fire... but ethereal phoenix started to stalk towards you again, this time he was removing his shirt... it seemed like everything you held dear was about to be taken from you but the panic started to set in...
Y/N: “Jensen help!!!!”
Jensen (voice): “hold on Y/N I’ll explain in a few... but first embrace your inner Scotish heritage, you have to try and seperate yourself from those chains...”
Ethereal Phoenix: “insulent fool if you think that you can help this young girl escape... ha, you are really demented... soon she will have the sperm of a god thrust inside her, while you Jay will never ever see the light of day again...”
Jensen at this point had enough and started trying harder to take control back of his own body...
Jensen (voice): “Ethereal Phoenix you have made an enemy of me... as soon as my girl is free you will die asshole.”
you kept doing what Jensen said trying to embrace your scotish heritage... after a few moments it turned out that Jensen had been right the entire time... for you felt this surge of energy loosening the chains... 
Y/N: “Jay take control, bring him towards the mirror...”
the closer to you that phoenix came the louder that he screamed it was almost a war cry...
Jensen (voice): “Y/N keep doing what doing... he doesn’t seem to like it...”
Y/N: “thats fine but i dont know what im doing... or how im doing it...”
thats when it occured to jensen... he had to say something...
Jensen (deep dark voice): “Y/N, listen the mark i told him about its a mark of possession, it is always passed between our two houses when 2 people of the same age range find eachother... its passed through to show the other posers that the 2 people are... well its like a promise ring... or a betrothal of sorts... anyway its got powers, it is how your breaking the chains.”
Y/n: “ok so how does it work...”
Jensen (deep dark voice): “you have to think about what you want and you will have it so...”
with a few more thoughts your feet were free this made Phoenix look over at you... with a few more seconds and a loud crash your hands were now free... it was then that you were once more able to move... 
you didnt bother trying to cover up cause this fight was more important than what ever was left of your decency... 
Y/N: “hold on Jay... i’m gonna try to seperate you guys...”
you grabbed both arms, the screams got louder and louder the mirror started to crack... but you looked at the mirror coming face to face with Jensen, it was Jensen you could see him but you were hold Phoenix back... 
Jensen (deep dark voice): “okay you need to think about spliting me and Phoenix apart... think about 2 seperate physical bodies... i promise once i am in my own body seperate from this evil son of a bitch i intend to be possessive of you in the right way...”
the way that Jensen said that sent a fire deep into your core it was unlike anything you had felt before... you suddenly like it was beyond your control found yourself holding 2 different arms pulling apart 2 different bodies... but it was only the beginning... 
finally after one more good pull you had them split apart but when you did ethereal phoenix went flying out the window... it was not a pretty sight... Jensen however landed on the bed... 
you knelt down to catch your breath for it felt as though you had been running and running continuously.. but in truth it was just your physical body being exhausted from all the magical exertion...
Jensen who was laying still on the bed only breathing from what you could tell he only started speaking in a dark deep tone...
Jensen (deep dark voice): “it is said that when 2 has become 1 that they will fight the evil that plagues the world... they from the moment of marking shall be known to the world as Dark Archer & Dark Mistress... may they serve their powers with the same courage and shattering loyalty as their ancestors...”
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The Great Discard…Dumped By The NarcissistBy
Lenora Thompson
~ 5 min read
“Before bed, he would be so charming,” friends observed about Frank Sinatra. “The girl was ‘mademoiselle this,’ ‘darling that,’ and ‘my sweet baby.’ He was cavalier, a perfect gentleman. You never saw anything like this man in your life. He’d jump across the room to light a cigarette. He’d fill her glass with champagne every time she took a sip.”
That’s the big “valuing.” The worm narcissists dangle before our needy eyes. The diamond they twirl. The carrot they stick under our twitchy, hungry codependent noses.
Once they catch us, mark us as a complete forward pass on their scorecard, get what they need, next comes The Great Discard aka de-valuing.
“It was the next day when we’d always find the other Frank [Sinatra], the one who wouldn’t speak to the girl, who had been the most beautiful woman in the world the night before. Sometimes, he wouldn’t even go near her, nor would he tolerate any affectionate overtures from her. Humped and dumped. The minute the conquest was achieved, kaput.”
And that is how the game is played by narcissists, m’friends. Beautiful, ain’t it.
Always remember that being chosen by a narcissist is a huge back-handed compliment. They don’t choose mean people. They don’t choose selfish people. They don’t choose cold, aloof people. Heck no!
Narcissists always choose sweet, warm, caring people. Giving people. Selfless people. Generous people. Loving people. Unfortunately, codependent people.
They choose people who give a lot but also need a lot. We need love, because we don’t love ourselves. Need approval, because we’re incapable of self-approval. Need compliments because life has torn us down. Need vicarious self-esteem, because we learned how to loathe ourselves at the knee of a narcissistic parent. Our narcissist gives all of that to us…for a while. The relationship is a symbiotic give-and-take between two needy people.
The narcissist needs to be coddled. To be praised. To be assured he’s in the right. That the rest of the world is out to get him because they’re jealous of his superiority. He craves validation of his victimhood.
The codependent needs to feel the power inherent in the ability to fix the narcissist’s fractured, sad little world. To have all the answers for him. Meanwhile, we revel in the compliments they’re temporarily heaping upon us. They tell us, “I adore you. I would die for you. I love you to the moon and back.” Give us jewelry, flowers, candlelit dinners.
Most of all, the narcissist makes us feel needed. He dotes on us as much as we dote on him…
…for awhile.
But it can’t last, y’know. Truth…will…out. It always does.
The Great Discard might be triggered by the narcissist finding someone else to seduce to feed their ego.
But, just for shits and giggles, let’s say the Great Discard starts when the narcissist does something wrong. Upright, forthright, downright wrong. For the first time, there’s absolutely no way you can be on his side. For the first time in your relationship you’re not in his corner.
Or you may be physically unable to do, well, nearly everything for them because of illness or accident.
Or you may be the child of a narcissist who has reached the Age of Majority and moved out to have your own, independent life despite their neediness, their helplessness, their love-bombing and myriad manipulation to get you to happily live in their basement forever.
Or you may have come across the concept of codependence, grown a ball or two and a barbed-wire topped boundary fence.
Or you may have stumbled across the topic of narcissism and suddenly, you’re “onto” them. You may even have made the wonderful “mistake” of telling them, “Hey! You’re a narcissist!”
Whatever the cause, “Hell hath no fury…” as a narcissist “threatened” by an alternative version of reality than their warped version.
And suddenly, you find yourself chucked on the ash heap of history along with yesterday’s newspaper and wilted cabbage leaves.
Shock! Utter complete, confusing, gut-wrenching shock. That’s how the Great Discard feels at first.
Ah, how well I remember watching a scapegoated family member go through it. One day her Golden Child brother would speak to her. The next, he wouldn’t. She mourned over it, examined it six ways from Sunday and wept over it for years. No explanation was ever given. There was never any closure.
Aye, closure. That’s the most painful part of being discarded. The confusion mixed with the pain.
They said they loved us, but now they’re threatening us with the law.
They said they adored us, but now they’re blackening our character to anyone who will listen.
They said they’d die for us, but they won’t let us live in peace.
They gave generously to us of their own free will and now they say we’re “spoiled” and are reneging on their gifts, demanding (illegally) that we give it all back.
They said they adored us. We didn’t imagine it. They said it. We heard them say it of their own free will, over and over again.
So what gives?
Since starting Narcissism Meets Normalcy, I’ve always said one thing: Narcissists are logical. Theirs may be a twisted logic, but it’s not impossible to follow. A close cousin of logic is practicality.
Why keep someone around who doesn’t meet your needs anymore? It’s not logical. It’s not practical. Love doesn’t seem to enter into their decision making process.
We existed in their life to fill a need. We played a role. We had a purpose. When we failed to meet that need, stopped playing that role we were discarded. It’s really rather simple.
But nothing gets you discarded on that ash heap faster, harder and more permanently than telling the narcissist, “Hey! You’re a narcissist.” The debate rages on if, how and when you should tell a narcissist that they’re a narcissist.
In my case, I used it as a litmus test. In my official “No Contact” letter, I offered to tell them the “core dynamic” I’d discovered that had informed my decision to go “No Contact.” I did not reveal what the “core dynamic” was in that letter. Rather, I left it incumbent on them to request the reason. It was a test. Would they write back, showing me the respect of asking to know why? If they loved me and had humility, they would write back and want to know the core dynamic. If they were narcissists, they would not write back.
They failed the test. For fourteen months, they didn’t give a shit. Finally, fourteen months later, one of them wrote back and wanted to know the “core dynamic.” Fourteen months!
Did They Ever Love Us?
I don’t know. Like you, I struggle with this question every day. I like to think that in some corner of their souls, narcissists can love. But the true life stories of most of my readers do not back me up. Still, hope springs Eternal, right?
Oddly enough, I felt loved. Actually loved because my narcissists were the engulfing (chocolate) flavor, not the neglecting (vanilla) flavor of narcissists. And I’ve long suspected they’re wringing their hands and their little handkerchiefs saying, “We loved her so much. We gave her so much. How could she do this to us? I guess we never knew Lenora was such a horrible person. We must’ve spoiled her. That’s why she’s doing this. She’s spoiled! When we stopped giving, she turned on us.”
Utter bullshit, of course!
So how was I so easily discarded after I went “No Contact”? Why were you so easily discarded?
We no longer met any of their needs.
We no longer stroked their ego.
We no longer mopped up their messes.
We told them when they were in the wrong.
We could no longer be brainwashed.
We could no long be bribed with money and gifts.
We called them out on their lies.
We set up boundaries on their prying.
We refused to let them abuse us anymore.
We refused to let them abuse our spouse or our children anymore.
Worst of all, we told them they were narcissists.
Must’ve been excruciatingly painful for them, triggering full-scale narcissistic collapse. They don’t want us around any more. We’re “dangerous” to their fragile egos with the power to completely “destroy” them with the truth we hold so dear.
Do they still love us? Did they ever love us?
No one seems to know. But I do know that their discard of us has given them just another scenario for playing the victim, sobbing on the shoulder of the poor sap of a codependent who now plays the role we used to play.
Value, devalue, discard. Value, devalue, discard. What a ridiculous way to live!
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salted-barbed-wire · 7 years
Lessons to be Learned
Oh God. New series. @alexispoo made me do it. (Thank you for the idea and everything. I love you.) Hope you enjoy. CHAPTER TWO WILL BE POSTED LATER TODAY! I started writing and just kept going and it was getting entirely too long. I cut it in half. You’re welcome.
Summary: School AU. 18 yo reader is attending a school where Dean Ambrose is her creative writing teacher and AJ Styles is her principal.  Warnings: None... yet. Fluff
TAG LIST: @i-kneel-for-king-loki @straight-outta-the-asylum @ridingmoxley @geekoftv @paradoxical-opheliac @ambrosegirlforver @wrestlingnoob @m-a-t-91 @livingthestrongstyle @lip-sync @princess3733 @nickysmum1909 @ambrose-asylum-ft-mitch @shieldlovereve @jubaleelovehate @xstylesxclashx @the-geekgoddess @stardustmoonlightflower @ashleyvc88 @cesaros-smile @irish-newzealand-idian-dutch @alexispoo
Master List:
“Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day?”
I bit my lip as that low, husky voice read the lines of Shakespeare’s eighteenth sonnet. He leaned against the front of his desk, one leg crossed over the other, holding our thick text book with one hand. His other hand was pressed against his chest, middle finger drumming against his collar bone keeping rhythm.
“Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough Winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer’s lease hath all too short a date: Sometime too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimm’d; And every fair from fair sometime declines, By chance or nature’s changing course untrimm’d;”
Mr. Ambrose looked up from the book and pulled the glasses off his face. His blue eyes peered around the room at my classmates. My heart fluttered as his gaze lingered over me. I looked back down at my book quickly, praying he didn’t notice I was paying more attention to him than the actual sonnet.
“Now, class, who wants to take a shot at dissecting this section of the sonnet?”
Everyone was quiet. Most of my peers weren’t really interested in creative writing. They were all just taking it for the grade. I, however, loved it. Reading and learning about the greats like Poe and Shakespeare, then trying to write our own works in their likeness; it was something I’d do for the rest of my life. It was just a plus that my teacher, Mr. Ambrose was so hot.
I remember when I first saw Mr. Ambrose, I thought he was the shop teacher and was lost. He’s so gruff looking, always wearing tshirts and jeans with those work boots. Not to mention his unkempt hair and beard. I sighed, What I wouldn’t give to run my fingers through those messy curls. I fiddled with the hem of my red and black, plaid uniform skirt. Maybe while his fingers wandered over me?
“(Y/N)?” My teacher’s voice boomed.
I looked up from my book, thoughts almost shaken away as I looked at Mr. Dean standing in front of my desk. His arms were crossed over his chest, book in one hand. I could feel heat spreading across my face.
“Day dreaming again I see?” He peered down at me, blue eyes giving me an icy stare.
“I-I’m sorry, Mr. Ambrose.” I stumbled over my words. I could hear my classmates giggling behind me.
Ambrose sighed, “I suppose you were too busy to analyze the lines from the sonnet we just read?”
I shook my head, “No, sir. I could do that.”
He placed his glasses back on his face, one eye brow raised, “Go on then.”
I took a deep breath to calm my nerves. “Well, sir, the opening line poses a simple question which the rest of the sonnet answers. The poet, Shakespeare, compares his loved one to a summer’s day and finds them to be more lovely. The poet then discovers that love and the subject’s beauty are more permanent than a summer’s day because summer is subjected to the change of seasons.”
The class was silent. Mr. Ambrose stood there, looking me over in shock. Does he really not understand that I know what I’m talking about?
“Was that not the answer you were looking for?” I asked.
Ambrose smirked, “Not the answer I was expecting, I suppose. I’m impressed.”
“I have an A in this class and have aced all of your tests and you’re just now impressed?” I leaned back in my chair. A twinge of anger caused my words to leave my mouth before I could stop them. “I guess I’ll go back to daydreaming then, unless you want to continue to try to embarrass me in front of the whole class.”
The students behind me snickered again, a few let out little ‘Ooo’s knowing that I was about to be in trouble.
“Well then, Miss. (Y/L/N). I believe I’ll be seeing you after school today in detention. You can do all your day dreaming in there.”
“Detention?” I gasped as the bell rang.
“Class dismissed. Your homework is written down on the white board.” Mr. Ambrose told his class.
I watched everyone go, “Mr. Ambrose, sir,” I slung my bag over my shoulder and got up to meet him as he sat down at his desk. “I didn’t mean any offense by what I said-“
“Save it, Miss. (Y/L/N). I’ll see you at the end of the day. You may have good grades but you need to be taught a lesson.”
“Detention?” My best friend, Alexa cackled, “You, (Y/N), got detention?”
I gave her a glare, “Just because you get detention at least twice a week.”
“I’m rubbing off on you.” She nudged me. “So how’s it feel to get punished by your favorite teacher.”
I bit my lip and blushed again.
“That’s so hot.” She fanned herself.
“Miss. Bliss!” A southern drawl yelled at my friend.
Alexa and I stopped dead in our tracks. We turned to see our principal leaning against his office door frame watching the both of us. His dark chestnut hair framed the electric blue eyes stared us down.
“Yes, Principal Styles?” Alexa tried to bat her eyes at him.
“I’ve told you several times; I can tell when you’ve been rolling that skirt and all uniforms must be at the knee.”
She huffed, “Ever girl here rolls their skirt except, (Y/N).”
“And I tell every girl except (Y/N) exactly what I’m going to tell you; go to the bathroom and fix your skirt to the appropriate length, immediately.”
Alexa gave me a look that screamed, Help me out here!
“Miss. (Y/L/N),” Principal Styles rested his hand on my shoulder. “How about you explain to your friend here, the uniform standards?”
I looked between the two of them. “I- uh..”
“Perhaps you’d like to demonstrate, then?” His hand put a little pressure on my shoulder. I knelt down in between him and Alexa. “Do you see, Miss. Bliss? (Y/N)’s skirt touches the ground when she’s on her knees. I’m willing to bet yours doesn’t. Now shuffle off to the restroom and fix it before I decide to write you a one way trip to detention… again.”
Alexa huffed and rolled her eyes as she turned to go to the bathroom. Mr. Styles held out his hand to assist me as I tried to stand.
“Thank you, (Y/N). I’m glad I have at least one good example in this school.” He gave me a sideways smile. “How is your day going?”
“I-uh… um.. Well I actually got detention today.” I looked down at my feet nervously.
“Detention?” Principal Styles exclaimed. I felt him shift and he stood in front of me, resting both of his strong hands on my shoulders. “Who do you have detention with, darlin’?”
‘Darlin’? I chewed on my lower lip, “Mr. Ambrose gave me detention. I spoke rudely and out of turn.”
Mr. Styles crossed his arms in front of his chest, “I’ll have to have a talk with Dean… I mean Mr. Ambrose. I can’t imagine my star student doing such a thing.”
“But I-“
The bell rang interrupting my words. “Run along to class now, Miss. (Y/L/N). Don’t want to be late.” And he turned around back into his office.
What’s gotten into my teacher’s today?
The clock ticked by slowly as I sat there twiddling my thumbs on my desk. This is the worst. How does Alexa keep getting detention after she’s had to put up with this? My eyes wandered to Mr. Ambrose who was grading tests. His shaggy, dirty, blonde hair was down and nearly falling onto the desk. I couldn’t help but smile at the sight of him.
His curls on top of his head are so cute. The was his reading glasses almost fall off his nose. I wonder what he’s thinking. Does he even notice I’m sitting here in front of him? Doubtful. He hardly seemed to notice that I was passing his class with flying colors. I couldn’t help the small sigh that escaped my mouth.
Mr. Ambrose looked up at me. I quickly looked around the room to avoid his gaze. The panicked look and flushed cheeks were still probably noticeable.
“Is there something on your mind, Miss. (Y/L/N)?”
I gulped, unsure if I should really try to saying anything. “Detention is pretty empty today.”
Mr. Ambrose stood up from his chair and took off his glasses. “That’s because you’re the only student of mine that decided they wanted to mouth off today.” He walked around to the front of his desk and crossed his arms over his chest, “Besides, there are some… issues I think we need to address.”
“Issues?” I gulped. I was never one for being in trouble. I had always been the good girl. I was the girl that did her homework, studied for her tests, never cheated, never lied, but somehow I was in trouble with my favorite teacher.
“It’s about your homework I gave you last week.” He started.
“Did I not do it right?” I asked.
Mr. Ambrose hesitated, “No you did.” He then looked me up and down. “I have it right here on my desk. Shall I read it to you?” He picked up the piece of paper that was mine and placed his glasses back on his face. “Love is beyond time. Love is endless and boundless. There are no margins or limits. Who should be blocked by time to pursue their love?” He continued to read my lines as he walked to the door and shut it. “If one deserves love, should we be kept apart because of age?”
I could feel the heat on my face return as he turned and looked at me from over the top my paper. Something in my belly churned a bit.  He waited for me to say something, but I couldn’t. He knows I wrote that for him.
Mr. Ambrose walked back over to his desk and set the paper down and his glasses, “I don’t think I should continue. Do you?”
I shook my head.
He sighed, “Miss… (Y/N) who is the object of your poem?”
My heart was racing. The disbelief of finally being confronted with my fantasies was going to get me kicked out of my favorite class. “I don’t know.” I finally managed in a whisper.
The classroom was beginning to spin. I looked down at my desk and felt the tears start to well up in my eyes. He really does like shaming me, doesn’t he? I hurt all over. The sound of his footsteps drew closer to where I sat. I didn’t want to look at him.
“I think you do know, and you just don’t want to tell me aloud.” He whispered back.
I closed my eyes, just wanting to wake up from this nightmare. I have to be dreaming, right? This can’t be real. He can’t know how I feel. Why did I think it was okay for me to write that? Why did I think it was okay to turn it in to him? It’s not like he hasn’t been taught how to analyze prose. He’s done it for years! It’s his job!
Mr. Ambrose’s hand reached out to my face. His fingertips lightly pressed against the bottom of my chin, forcing me to look up at him. “(Y/N),” his voice said my name soothingly. “How old are you?”
My eyes widened, “Wha- Wait, What?”
His thumb brushed my cheek, “How old are you, love?”
My breath hitched as the warmth of his touch sent shivers throughout my body. “I’m eighteen, sir.”
The side of Mr. Ambrose’s mouth twitched up into a smile, “An adult.”
Hesitantly, I nodded, “I try to be, sir.”
“Then, as an adult, there is something I need you to do for me.”
Those blue eyes were beginning to look like the ocean on a stormy day. I was terrified, yet, excited. “What is it?”
“I need you to tell me to stop if you’re uncomfortable but promise me that whatever happens in here,” He looked me up and down. “It must never leave this room. Do you understand?”
I nodded.
“You have to use your words, love.”
“Yes, sir. It won’t leave this room.”
His grin widened, “Good girl.”
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Heyyy! I saw you take Twisted wonderland requests so I wanted to request some!
May I ask for a Lilia Vanrouge with s/o (can be Gn or female, however you want!) who likes to bake? Like they own a small bakery where they sell cupcakes, cakes, pies, cookies, ect.
And every time they go visits Lilia, they bring a box full of baking goods for the whole diasomnia dorm?
Take your time doing it!
Oh my gosh yes! This will be really cute to write 😍
The reader will be non binary
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᯽𝑺𝒘𝒆𝒆𝒕 𝒂𝒔 𝑺𝒂𝒄𝒄𝒉𝒂𝒓𝒊𝒏𝒆᯽
❥︎ You've always enjoyed baking ever since you were a child so when you turned 22 and had a lot of money you opened up a bakery called "𝑷𝒂𝒑𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒐𝒏 𝑩𝒓𝒂𝒔𝒔𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒆" your bakery wasn't that big on popularity status but you'll get there
❥︎ You an were exquisite baker you knew a bunch of recipes some of which a person never seen or tasted
❥︎ One day while preparing the bakery for customers a boy and his older brother stopped by to look at the goods that were displayed on the window display you being the caring person you are invited them in I mean why would leave a couple of children outside in the cold? That goes against all of your morals!
❥︎ You later came to find out that they go by the names Lilia and Silver and that Lilia was older than silver you were embarrassed to say the least but Lilia told you it was fine
❥︎ After you guys met, Lilia visited you a lot more and you both found at that you had a lot in common you both enjoy working in the kitchen and are big fans of music, After some time you both realized that you loved each other Lilia was the first one confess and don't worry he made sure to bring gifts too! like homemade chocolate and your favorite flowers, you would definitely want his homemade chocolate instead of those store ones right?
❥︎ When Silver heard of the good new he was so happy for his father...and his stomach maybe that your here now you'll help dad when he's cooking? Malleus was very pleased when he heard that you and Lilia got together Lilia does a lot for them so the least he could do was congratulate him, Sebek was surprised to say the least who was this human that captured Lilia Sama's heart? He would make sure that your worthy of Lilia and not some idiot that wants to take advantage of Lilia's kindness not that you could
❥︎Either way they all love you (●’◡’●)ノ
❥︎ One day while you were hanging out with Malleus and Sebek, Malleus suggested you surprise Lilia at the dorm he'll be very happy when he sees you there! After thinking about it for a bit you decided to do it.
❥︎ When you visited they welcomed you with open arms, luckily with the help of Malleus you were able to make sweets for everyone In the dorm it took a while tho, but it was very enjoyable when you saw all the satisfied looks that were plastered on their faces
❥︎ You also made it your mission to remember what everyone likes and dislike, let me tell you it isn't an easy task . After everyone settled down you and Lilia would have time together it wouldn't matter what you guys did as long as you both had each other right?
𝐋𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐬 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐞𝐧𝐣𝐨𝐲𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐬 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐭𝐬. 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐲 𝐯𝐢𝐬𝐢𝐭 𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐧!(●’◡’●)ノ
I hoped you enjoyed this I'm not sure if I made it to your taste tho
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Hello love, i have found ur blog awhile ago and im already liking ur writing from ur first ask and I wanted to ask myself aswell❤ (Gn neutral)
Past Royal Yuu/Mc Au
Imagine Yuu/Mc got hit by a potion turning them into their past self (before coming to NRC) and that is A King/Queen/Royal. Their clothes changed, their aura, poster, attitude changed but their memory is still the same. I wanna see how their s/o (character) react and do in this situation.(❁´◡`❁)❤
(Characters: Malleus, Riddle, Lilia, Leona and Vil?). i dont really know ur character limit so u can always remove the characters u dont like. ❤ aswell as Take care of urself and have a wonderful day/night/afternoon love.
Sincerely: Y❤
Alright this will be fun to write
Non binary reader also R/N will refer to Royal name
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This is all a Mess! How did this even happen in the first place?...oh..I know some idiots thought it would be cool to throw a damn potion at me. Not just any potion but a potion that brings back your past memories and personality...what a hassle. So you could bet you're left button that this was Chaos...you thought the Mc's life was already bad enough? Oh ho ho get a load of this pal
In y/n's past life they were known as the crimson gewl, they were named this because they shined like a gewl but was stained with the blood of lots of lives. With this y/n's own people were afraid of them and wanted y/n gone. Let's keep in mind that y/n loves their people to death and would do anything for them they are just misunderstood. So In the afternoon of May 23, while y/n was reading a book on how to approach people a maid slipped poison in their tea to kill off y/n. Y/n being a trusting and naive of what the people think of them drunk the tea and died on that same day. The maid was founded guilty and put on death row days later. And here they looking are looking at these people in pure rage, 𝐇𝐨𝐰 𝐟𝐨𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐜𝐚𝐧 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐠𝐞𝐭?
~Past events~
After they were done preparing for the potion they waited for y/n to walk over by the room, apparently the potion is supposed to make a person act dumb or embarrass themselves. And oh so they wanted to see y/n embarrass themselves in front of everyone, but what they didn't know was that the potion they got from Azul was actually the wrong one Azul had made a "mistake" when giving them the potion when he founded out who they were using it on. Anyways back to the group when y/n finally came they through the potion and waited for something to happen...wait...why was nothing happening? Did Azul do something wrong? No! he couldn't have! So why didn't it work??? While they were busy questioning this mystery, y/n started to glow and stuff and next thing we know this ain't even y/n anymore they look like a whole different person! They had really long flowy hair and piercing dull eyes, and was wearing very expensive clothes had that gold trim and everything! Even their whole Aura changed, poster too! But y/n still had their memories of this timeline so that's good!
When the boys realized that Azul gave them the wrong potion, Boy A screamed in anger and started spilling the beans and stuff lets just say some were not happy oop🤭
Reaction time!
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He was beyond surprised to see you standing there in a different body one of royalty. You looked very mature and calm...almost unapproachable, but the softness in your eyes told another story you were still the one and only y/n he fell in love with
When you looked in direction you were scared he wouldn't love you liked he loved the other you..I mean who would love you? Your people were terrified of you they thought of you as a monster...a monster who shouldn't live anymore so they poisoned you and they made sure the poison would kill you slowly so they could take the time and torment you
As soon as you both met eyes you turned away nervous for the outcome, Malleus decided to walk over to you and give you the warmest hug ever. That hug let you know that you aren't alone and he would be with you every step of the way, that he doesn't care what you look like or your past you are still the same y/n and that's all that matters
He latter came to find out that your name was r/n what a beautiful name you have. You both talked for awhile over tea until time was up
He liked your past life self but he missed them new you, the you who would listen to all of his problems the you that he loved
You both had a pleasant time together that's nice
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He was pissed to know that those fools from Scarabia even thought about throwing that potion at you when they knew you were with him. He'll surely make them pay with permission of Kalim of course!
But he was so angry to the point that his face wasn't the only thing red his eyes too! Especially when they dared to get all up in your face, he completely lost he rushed towards them and was literally about to claw their eyes out. But thankfully you were there to stop a blood bath phew. (;´༎ຶٹ༎ຶ`)
You both left the room so he could cool off when he was calm again he looked you up and down. This scared you you didn't want to be rejected again...He smiled at you and grabbed your hand and started to talk to you normal telling you how you shouldn't let people walk all over and stuff
Trey also made a bunch of sweets! Maybe you would like to have some tarts with him?
When You turned back to normal he was more than happy to see you there smiling at him but he also was sad knowing your past life and how you were judged and titled a monster
The tarts were nice!
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He was amused to be honest Do those fools think they can get away without answering to him? Oh are they sorely mistaken. But first he has to check on you to make sure the potion didn't have any weird side affects
Once he was done checking for anything weird he excused himself to have a "friendly" conversation with the boys. No he didn't put his hands on them he just gave them a friendly warning...ok maybe he did kick them a little
After he was done with his "conversation" he walked up to you and smiled and started to make small talk. You both talked all the way to Ramshackle dorm you of course invited him in and he accepted
While you were both were talking about funny things that happened to you and him(This timeline you) you couldn't help but get jealous of y/n and their good life but you were happy too
After the potion thing Lilia wouldn't stop following you for a few days
New bestie achieved!
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Leona was exhausted he didn't know what to think of this current events, all he wanted to do was sleep...but he was irritated these idiots are truly dead.
Either way he just grabbed you and left saying something about not wasting breath on idiots right now or deal with them later. He took you to the Botanical Garden to nap of course!
You were hesitant at first but you eventually gave and also laid down. A bunch of questions were going through your head Why was he so normal? Did he not feel anything? Like disgust? Anger? Fear? Nothing at all??? Leona noticed this and only groaned in response "You need to calm down it doesn't matter what you look like herbivore as long as your still..you"
It was something about that sentence that made your heart ache y/n surely is lucky you eventually fell asleep too
When he woke up and he didn't see r/n but he did see y/n he only smiled a little and went back to sleep
What a nice nap!
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He was shocked to see you standing there in such beautiful clothes in a more mature body you looked absolutely divine not that you didn't before but damn!
He walked over to you and you looked at him with a questioning stare and gave a long glare to the fools that are being scolded and scuffed and took your hand and walked away with you
Once you both made to his dorm he couldn't help but touch and pinch your cheeks for a couple of seconds he than sat you down on a chair and asked you if it was alright to do your makeup you said yes
He used your favorite color for the eye shadow it brought out your cuteness? Idk after he was done he felt very proud of the art he did on your face. You gave him a smile and complimented him
After you turned normal he was relieved to see you doing alright and dragged you to his dorm to talk about things
New makeup buddy?
Oh my gosh this took too long I hope you enjoyed this byeee
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Alright diavolosbaby requested a Diavolo x Fem Reader Angst, where y/n is pregnant with his child and everyone is scared for her life because she is giving birth to a demon's child not only that but a demon with royal blood flowing through their veins. They also gave me the option to decide the ending thats cool!
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𝔚𝔦𝔱𝔥 𝔞 𝔫𝔢𝔴 𝔩𝔦𝔣𝔢 𝔠𝔬𝔪𝔢𝔰 𝔞 𝔭𝔯𝔦𝔠𝔢
❦︎ Diavolo was prepared for the child that would soon be running around this castle, I mean mans had the room ready, a playground in the back and ton of toys. Yes he was prepared for that but what he wasn't prepared for was for your water to break while do a fuckin back-flip...wtf y/n???? Don't worry you landed before your water broke
❦︎ Diavolo was scared...I mean who wouldn't be when you wife is in labor and there are high chances of her dying
❦︎ He'll hold your hands and whisper sweet words in your ear while waiting for the royal doctor to come
❦︎ Even through the procedure of giving birth he'll stay by your side all the way through to make sure you'll be alright
❦︎ After you were done giving birth you both decided to name the child Leonore yes the child is female
❦︎ Diavolo would hold the bundle of joy in his arms and smile down at her sleeping form. He would turn to you say "She beautiful.. she'll make a great successor darling!" You looked at him and smile weakly and call him over
❦︎ He would rush to your side after hearing your small voice
Diavolo rushed to Y/n's side worry evident on his face he cupped his hand within hers and looked her in the eyes while she looked back lovingly and sat up straight. He opened his mouth to speak but the look in your eyes told him to let you speak
"Darling" you spoke you in a voice laced with sadness, "I love you dearly and our daughter and I wish I could be able to be there to watch her grow-" she started but was cut off, "B..But you will love don't say such heartbreaking things..I..I" before he could finish y/n squeezed his hand gently "You didn't let me finish dear...I don't have much time so hear me out...please?" He looked at her pleading eyes and sighed " Of course dear..." you only smiled and kissed his cheek "Thank you Diavolo for all you've done for me I've never regretted a moment being by your side and until this day I regret nothing, your my first love and my only love" She coughed a few times and returned to talking before it's to late. "I love you and everyone here my days here were brightest, I'll miss all of you..so..much.." She cried between talking "But it seems that I won't be staying long...Take care of daughter even with out a mother she has you and everyone I might not be physically there but I'll always be by your side even death will not..tear...me...from...your...side......." a loud beeeeeeeep sound could be heard through out the room along with the pleading of a man and the crys of a baby.
I did exactly like you asked of me dear our princess has grown into a strong independent lady there isn't a day I haven't thought of you y/n I miss you dearly
I hoped you enjoyed this I almost cried myself when writing the part where y/n cried anyways have a nice day
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Sure! I'm also sorry it took me so long to write this! @clarissia-thy-simp
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Week one
{𝑫𝒂𝒚 1}
Lilia and y/n were studying history will more like Lilia is tutoring you, Fufu~ Y/n you better hurry up to Riddle before he thinks you walked out on him during your scheduled date Lilia joked while poking your cheek you jumped at the realization and looked at the clock.. Ah! It's not a date! But your right! I don't want to be late! Talk to you later Lilia! And thank you for helping me with my history work! Lilia watched your fleeing form as you hurried over to the scheduled place your supposed to be meeting Riddle your forgotten books sprawled out along the table.
Lilia let out a breath and shook his head What am I going to do with you he said, Lilia started to gather his things and yours. Lilia was walking out of the library to his dorm when he felt a pain in his chest area and started to cough violently. When the pain went away his hand was covered in blood(no petals yet), he was in shock to see his own blood but regained his composer and walked to a near by bathroom to wash the blood away.
Lilia soon emerged from the bathroom soon after a little worried but not that much. It must be a injury from when he was a general But that can't be all of his injuries were healed? So what could this be? Lilia sighed and looked forward so he doesn't bump into anything It may be nothing and I'm just worrying for no reason. Lilia said trying to reason with himself But the doubt was eating him from the inside out, Was it really nothing?
{𝑫𝒂𝒚 2}
Lilia was with his club members trying to decide on how to attract new members when you decided to pay him a vist! Lilia! You shouted in joy, the said man turned to look at you. Lilia was delighted to see you again he wondered what you've been doing and how your "meet-up" with Riddle went, but by the look you were giving him you wanted to tell him something. Lilia had excused himself from the presence of his club members and followed you out of the room.
You turned around and looked at him all seriousness in your eyes, Lilia looked at you slightly confused on what you needed to say. You took a deep breath and started to speak, Lilia I decided that I'm going to confess to Riddle this Wednesday afternoon but I don't know how to go about doing so..will you please help me! You stated, Lilia was taken back by this confession but he was honored that you decided to come to him about this.
Fufu~ Of course I'll help I'm flattered that you decided to come to me about this. He said with a smile you jumped up an excitement and grabbed Lilia for hug. You were Beyond excited, you couldn't wait for this Friday!
After the conversation you went back to your dorm and Lilia went to diasmonia hand covered in blood once again.
{𝑫𝒂𝒚 3}
Lilia was walking down the hallway with Silver when he heard commotion down the hall. Curiosity took the best of him and walked to where the noise was coming from.
Standing there was a grinning Female and a flustered Male both of their hand interlocked in each other. His heart dropped when you both met eyes, you instantly ran up to him and gave him a big hug saying thank you over and over again.
Now now y/n calm down you might just break this old bat's neck with the way your gripping me Lilia joked you giggled and let go of him. When your feet were touching the ground again you looked Lilia in the eyes and thanked him once again.
Riddle called your name and you excused yourself and walked back over to Riddle and kissed his cheek with a smile. Lilia watched you both with a small smile longing hidden underneath his happy eyes.
{𝑫𝒂𝒚 4}
The blood problem has gotten worse he's been coughing up more and more blood each day. He thought it would go away after a few days but it's starting to seem like it won't leave for a while. Maybe he should go to a doctor? He questioned himself multiple times but for some reason the doctor thought keeps slipping his mind.
He was reading a book about throwing up blood randomly when he came across a page titled "Hanahaki disease". He was curious about this disease and started to read more about it.
"Hanahaki Disease is a disease where the victim of unrequited or one-sided love begins to vomit or cough up- (Got this from the help of Google aka Wiki) Lilia read out loud and scrunched his eyebrows in frustration, the rest of The page was scribbled out even the drawn picture...
He decided to look the disease up but nothing popped up, perplexed and confused he wondered if this disease was even real. And who is this mysterious author who wrote the book?
{𝑫𝒂𝒚 5}
Lilia was once again back at the library looking for more books about this mysterious disease and luckily he found two! He found out the disease happened at a town called "Whispering Flowers vill" he also found out the disease is very deadly and luckily doesn't spread.
Lilia picked up a book called "Tales behind the Hanahaki Disease" There was once a beautiful young lady called Lu who feel inlove with a man. The man was loved by all that gazed upon him. He had a charming smile and sweet personality, eyes as bright as the sun and hair as blue as the ocean. What a wonderful young lad indeed and luckily the two were great friends. They would do everything together, everyone in town almost thought those two were a couple. But the boy had eyes on another lady, the lady was strict and cold but she was really beautiful. And couldn't help but fall for her she was an angel in his eyes. They both married each other and lived a fruitful life. Lu was heart broken but instead of being resentful she was happy for them. But she met her end in a horrible way she was killed in field of flowers. People say that out of anger and jealousy she cursed the world to end up just like her killed by love the escape was to have the person you accept your love truly.(Made this up) Lilia was amazed by this story what a beautiful way to die he thought. But nonetheless the story and disease is only fictional if it wasn't how has he not heard of it?
{𝑫𝒂𝒚 6}
He was chatting with Malleus when he noticed you across the hall talking with Riddle. You both looked amazing together it almost looked as though white roses were surrounding you both.
They are a nice couple aren't they Malleus commented. Lilia hummed in agreement oh how he wished that was him instead of Riddle, he wished he was the one holding you instead.
But that's only a fantasy you love Riddle not him, you only see him as a friend. Sometimes he wish he could steal you away and lock you up in the highest tower away from any filthy eyes that don't need to gaze upon your pureness.
Malleus could tell that Lilia loved you and it hurt him to see his caretaker lost. Maybe he could help him in a way but how is the question.
You noticed them and waved at them with a big smile they of course waved back. You turned to Riddle to tell him to wait for a minute so you can go greet them but when you turned around to do so Lilia was already gone. You stood there confused on to why he left and kinda hurt.
Lilia once again took a trip to the bathroom to deal with something is what Malleus told you.
{𝑫𝒂𝒚 7}
Lilia decided to stay at the dorm, he didn't feel well when he woke up that morning which is confusing because he doesn't usually get sick. But that doesn't mean he doesn't, anyways you heard about this and visited him on lunch break to check on him.
Lilia was surprised to see you but very giddy too he felt like he was a teenager again whenever your around honestly.
You brought a chair next to his bed and smiled down at him, How are you doing Lilia? You asked. Hmm I'm doing great nothing can keep me down for long! Lilia said with a smile but he started to cough afterwards he quickly wiped his hands and grabbed the hand sanitizer.
Mhm yes you look like your doing great you joked and rolled your eyes. Lilia laughed and looked at you with loving eyes. Oh how he loved you, he loved everything about you.
He loved when he made you smile and your skin would scrunch up in joy or when you would pout and poke your lips out or when your concentrating and you bite at your lips or cheek.
He loved you a lot and wished he could be by your side as your partner. But Riddle got your love and couldn't do a thing about it. Thinking about Riddle and yours future pulled a string inside of him and he rushed to the bathroom in a hurry.
You ran after him worried and surprised, you knocked on the door and called out to him but you didn't get a response. Lilia froze as he gazed at his hand in his hand was a bundle of burgundy petals.
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Hello guys I hope you liked this so far! There will more parts for this request I thought it be more fun and interesting to split this request into multiple parts!
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