#oops. sorry again anon for another long response.
aprilblossomgirl · 2 months
hi! this is the anon from earlier today again!
i get the disappointment you’re feeling because same. i’ve been looking forward to the show so much, and now i probably won’t even get to watch it live due to work.
anyways, gmmtv is setting them up for failure atm, and it is upsetting for everyone - the actors, the fans and probably everyone who has been working on this project for months and months
there haven’t been too many shows that were broadcast on other paid platforms yet so there aren’t a lot of examples. 23.5 degrees and cooking crush are the most recent (and possibly only??? idk i can’t remember 😅) examples and neither trailer mentioned youtube and they also didn’t put any info about it being shown on youtube on twitter either. for 23.5 they only specified the countries where it was going to be shown on netflix. however, they DID NOT specify that the show was going to be put on youtube in all other countries
idk how the whole iqiyi thing is going to work either, but at the end of the day it’s just another subscription-based platform like netflix so they are definitely going to geoblock the youtube broadcast it in all countries where it’s going to be put on iqiyi - the iqiyi thailand twitter page is the only one having posted about it yet but ig it could include some other countries as well. also, for 23.5 they’re putting the uncut version on youtube and netflix so that’s an interesting fact
i don’t think gmmtv is going to say anything about this whole situation so we will probably have to wait until wednesday to find out if it will be on youtube or not 🙏🏻
Hi Anon, thanks for dropping by again. I don't think I can say much about this broadcasting policy by the company; I could only try to understand based on the published promo materials (i.e., the shows' posters) and perhaps a few 'conversations' among fans on twitter.
And you're right, now that I remember, I think it was not the GMMTV Official account that stated about 23.5 still being broadcasted on the company's YouTube channel outside SEA and Latin America, maybe it was the show's twitter channel or maybe the unofficial fan account of the show that already did the research so they could come up with the information. But I do remember reading such statement, that's how I ended up trying to watch the show on YouTube using VPN (I live in SEA so the YouTube broadcast is geoblocked since it's on Netflix). Some fans already said similar things about this whole We Are x iQIYI case. So, assuming the case would be the same with 23.5 (because both Netflix and iQIYI are paid subscription-based platforms), it is most likely that We Are will still gonna air on the GMMTV YouTube wherever no iQIYI broadcast available. But again, and as you mention that GMMTV probably won't say anything to clarify, I think I would want to wait until Wednesday to make sure.
As I mentioned in the tags of my previous ask/answer, I think all the uproar was more than just, if it's not, about the sudden platform changes. It was due to accumulation of many things concerning the overall promotion (including unclear information about the viewing platform issue) of the show by the company. So that's how things blew up. I would be very 'happy' if this all was just a misunderstanding of the information and turns out the show is going to be on YouTube. However, the thing with having different platforms is the challenge for the fans (both Thai and international) to do the live trending of the show while it was airing. As you might know, it plays an important role in supporting the show, the artists, and the show-maker that could be one of the things that lead to the show's success. So that adds to why things went a bit chaotic yesterday when the new poster of the show came out. Trending would be a lot easier if the show is broadcasted on the same platform across regions. But now we know that will no longer be the case, I'm afraid.
And finally, regardless of that whatever GMMTV is doing right now is not at all a favor to the show, I think it's still way too early to predict about 'setting up the show for failure' simply because it hasn't even started yet. The show involves four fandoms, and I trust that most of the fans are still willing to find a way to maintain their support for the show regardless all these 'chaos' :)
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anmiruzu · 8 months
(anon who requested riddle for the event: i meant prompt 6. the trick-or-treating one. sorry.)
to skip and go trick-or-treating
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a/n i like how in-character this would be for him especially since his mother was strict with him growing up so now let’s hope he’s in character (´・ω・`) …also i made this a little long oops
-472 words-
October second,
riddle rosehearts; prompt 06: “what do you mean you’ve never gone trick-or-treating before?!”
as someone from another world, you didn’t think that many of your holidays and traditions would be celebrated here, referring to halloween and many others. but what surprised you more was that there were actually people who did not go trick-or-treating when they were younger.
“what do you mean you’ve never gone trick-or-treating before?!” you exclaim loudly in shock not expecting this revelation.
“well, my mother had always told me that it was a worthless tradition and that candy and sweets in general are not good for my health-”
you interrupt him, “still! to never trick or treat? not even once?”
you never expected this but this was riddle, a hard worker who was strict on both himself and others. so it wasn’t too far-fetched of a story although if it was ace, you would’ve called bullshit on him.
“not even once” riddle repeats, shaking his head. 
you ponder for a moment in thought before speaking up again, “then let’s go trick-or-treating”
“we’re in college, y/n, furthermore, we, more specifically heartslabyul still have to prepare the botanical garden for halloween week.” (i know it’s more of a high school kind of setting considering their ages but it’s called night raven college so just pretend)
“‘so?’ we still have our responsibilities! as the housewarden of heartslabyul, i cannot just leave my upper and underclassmen by themselves!” riddle retorts back quite passionately despite knowing deep down he wants to try trick-or-treating, just once, despite knowing he’s much too old for it. 
“hmm” you pause in thought once again, “then i’ll help you prepare; I did promise ace and deuce i’d help them… but… only if you skip the last day with me”
you reason with riddle wanting to show him what he missed out in his childhood.
“...thank you for your assistance, however, i’m afraid i cannot do that”
after a very long time of persuading the housewarden, riddle agrees; reluctantly but is he really being reluctant? He had always wanted to try trick-or-treating and was always jealous of the neighborhood kids who he saw happily go from house to house.
so when halloween comes around, riddle leaves his post early feeling a little guilty, to go find you.
“riddle! hey!” you wave to him feeling excited, after all, it’s been years since you last trick-or-treated with your friends.   
“hello” riddle greets you, a bit ashamed for skipping even though he did tell everyone at heartslabyul that he would take off early for “personal reasons.”
after meeting up with riddle the two of you took off going on a bus to one the nearby neighborhoods.
you hadn’t anticipated how awkward it would be; two college students running around from house to house, clearly too old to be trick-or-treating. but in the end it was the most fun you two had in years. 
{31 daydreams of halloween event lineup}
{twisted wonderland masterlist}
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proper post on the Thing™. tws for grooming mention and nsfw mentions im sure everyone gets the drill. im kinda obligated here to make a full reply since i was involved with the issue but Hopefully there wont be another post on this matter. if anyone has issues about what i say/think i didnt address something, talk to me in private yea im more than willing to listen and exchange views. i consulted with several people to make this post in the first place
i havent been keeping up with every response under the sun but i did see opal and blue-jester and some other people in positions of responsibility apologize, so im not gonna rag on them or go on and on about "they should know better!!" because they already know that now. instead ill talk about why i did what i did and why i thought what i did
yep i called opal a groomer at one point. oops thats on me and i shouldnt have thrown around a serious term and accusation like that without getting a better grasp on the situation. lets get that out of the way
to start, how the situation played out was i got an anon saying that i was mentioned in a callout post mtthrw made.
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i dont know who sent this ask and it doesnt particularly matter. i just went to go check out the post, which was public and tagged with the main tags. this was not something given to me in private which i decided to spread publicly. first of all it was still in its 242 page glory and had minors discord ids and a lot of peoples discord developer ids (the string of numbers connected to your account that you cant change) on it. i wanted to boost the post eventually, but i was aware that i shouldnt boost something with that kind of information on it, so i dm'd the person who created the doc and gave them my suggestions first (i was the reason why the doc was shortened down to 54 pages later, for example).
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they said theyd keep the former doc on the post as well, but i thought they wouldve taken out the developer ids and discord ids of minors in that one too. to be honest i dont know the extent they censored on either document, i was busy talking to other people (like quakey and another adult involved in the callout doc) at this time and then the docs got taken down before i could see them again. also note that i definitely shouldve asked them to censor the names of minors In General and not just the ids, so again, sorry, thats on me. anyways continuing with the actual events that happened, i made a vaguepost warning people to block the "negative" tag if they didnt want to see drama. (unrelated but yeah, also my bad for calling it tea/drama instead of taking it more seriously. i apologized for it after getting an anon about it later.) when i made the vaguepost i got a ton of people asking what was up, so i dm'd them.
i dm'd five people in total for this, all of which except for one or two i considered friends. that said, i have no clue how many people got access to this doc directly because of the people i shared it with. i made a lot of careless and irresponsible mistakes in my handling this, and im sorry for that. but for reasons ill cover in more detail as this post goes on, i dont think the person who made the doc had malicious intent or meant to cause harm to the minors involved.
yall see all the apologizing i just did right, now its time for me to state my case on why i seriously thought opal was a groomer at the time i called her one. btw im not gonna work to cover mtthrws ass on this, thats something they can and should make a comment on on their own.
for some reason some people think that i called opal a groomer because i personally dont like them or have personal beef with them which. Dude?? no?? i dont go around calling people groomers because of petty bullshit. as i said before, i dont know how many people saw this doc itself. i dont know how many people are commenting on this based on context other people are posting only. the doc was not up for that long, so i want to make it clear the ways opal was shown acting in the screenshots provided. this is not to send harassment or to rag on her, shes since stated she will change how she deals with these matters in the future and i am aware of that.
excuse me for not having the screenshots to back my words up (or if i do the screenshots are mad compressed), or not having complete recollection of the exact parties involved. as said ofc the doc was taken down, im reciting this to the best of my recollection, but i think people who saw the doc themselves will be able to back me up on a good portion of this at least. during the magowhore saga, there were a lot of people who came up to opal with their concerns regarding her interaction with minors and the suggestive content she was posting, as shown by her posting the anon asks she got in the planet-popstar discord. both these screenshots and her (as well as some other adults in the server) reactions to them were recorded in the doc.
types of reactions she had were; saying they're just jokes; (joking about it in itself); it was magolors fault for being horny, not her*; thats just how magolors character is; there's a difference between a character and the person writing it so she doesn't need to take responsibility (second screenshot below); (when initially getting vagueposted about her irresponsibility regarding the magowhore saga) lamenting about how people who she liked or looked up to had liked the vaguepost/agreed that she was being irresponsible (first screenshot below); directing blame onto kirbypurrs; assuming people sending her asks with concerns were part of kirbypurrs' clique** and thus disregarded them; called asks with concerns hatemail; deflecting responsibility onto minors if they saw or were interacting with her content; said that people who had concerns about her interactions with minors should just block if they dont like it; being extremely aggressive about people coming up to her with concerns in general; saying that people getting on her ass for the whole magowhore saga was breaking her stride/lamenting about how all this had to happen right as she thought she was finally getting somewhere
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and, while not opal saying these next things specifically, i thought these were notable enough to mention about that servers culture: there were people around her advising her to not say anything publicly and to just lie low and wait until this whole thing blew over because people would accuse her of deflecting responsibility if she just said it was magolors fault again, and people called anyone who came up to her with concerns "purity culture nuts" and that they needed to stop infantizing minors
and of course, we cant forget about the stuff in the document not concerning the magowhore saga, like talking about kinks in front of minors or knowing minors were reading/seeing suggestive stuff and letting it happen, as well occasionally talking to minors about suggestive things directly. and her knowing that there were minors in the server, some people who she was speaking to were minors, and people in the community were uncomfortable with her behavior around minors
*yeah i know magolor is her headspace buddy or something of the sort. still not remotely okay to effectively put your legs up about the whole affair because its not Really you doing it
**i got shittalked in this server too btw (by blue-jester and one other person) because ppl assumed i was part of purrs' clique. which, rude i havent spoken to or interacted with them in like 6 months. no clue why people are so rabid about purrs all the time.
with all that said, my point here is that i do not believe it was out of line in the slightest to believe that opal would not have listened to or taken peoples concerns seriously if asked directly, considering her stubbornness and aggressiveness about the situation for so long. i considered this behavior and her unwillingness to change or do whats appropriate as guilt and maliciousness by aggressive inaction, and her aggressiveness on the topic in general led me to believe she was going to continue this behavior for as long as she could get away with it. i understand why mtthrw thought this warranted a callout and needed more eyes on it for things to change. thats not to say i dont think they shouldnt have at least tried to settle this with the involved people in private beforehand, but i think people have downplayed what opal did (or at the very least, i havent seen anyone comment on the sheer extent of her stubbornness regarding this like above) in favor of getting up in arms against mtthrw for calling opal a groomer when they arent. which again, yeah yeah i know its totally fair to get upset at them for that + the leaking minors names thing, but the thing thats baffling me here is that i keep hearing people say mtthrw wanted minors to be hurt by making that doc. i think this was a callout post made with good intentions--mtthrws openness with hearing out and taking suggestions and concerns with the doc when i initially came up to them about it said a lot--but handled rather badly and needing a lot more peer review before being posted publicly.
thats really my view on this.
also for the record, since some people think this conflict is a "we need to protect the pure teenages who cant handle hearing the word 'penis' uwu" issue, its not. im not an idiot, i know people get into all that stuff before theyre properly of age all the time. its practically a teenager rite of passage, frankly id be more surprised if they didnt get into that somehow. my issue has always, always been concerns with minors and adults engaging in suggestive talk in the same space. i literally could not give less of a shit if it were two 15 or 16 year olds talking about sex together in a server of only minors. opal is a college graduate, 21+. the minors interacting with her were 15-17. the adults in that server didnt groom them, but acceptance of that behavior leaves those minors wide-open to being okay with similar scenarios with people who don't have good intentions in the future.
i myself used to consume nsfw content as young as 15. coincidently, i was also a hardcore proshipper and impressionable kid at this time, who thought they knew what they were doing and always had all the answers. i wasnt groomed or anything, but those experiences affected me. i interacted with adults in suggestive and inappropriate ways looking back at it, just like this situation. my former experiences (and the fact that some stuff the adults in that server said, such deflecting responsibility onto minors even if theyre in the same convo as adults, and calling anyone who disagreed with them purity culture nuts, closely reflects some proshipper arguments) led me to jump the gun on believing there was malicious intent from the adults in that server. so again, im sorry and take full responsibility for being so rash in my actions. i sincerely hope all involved parties learn from this and be better in the future, including myself. i've never wanted minors to be hurt from this. to people in my own discord server, i hope that my own rules regarding suggestive talk/content, even despite my server already being 17+ on its own, show that this is a topic ive always cared about and taken seriously. i do not want people to make the same mistakes i did
as ive said before, theres a line in which minors take responsibility for consuming this content. if a kid purposely lies about their age to get access to 18+ material, that's on them. if a kid is openly engaging in suggestive and innappropiate talks with adults, even as a joke, thats on the adults.
by the way, on the point of accidently hurting minors, would anyone mind filling me in on why i keep hearing people say minors will get harassed from this? i talked to like 5 people about it and literally no one had a clue. as far as i know, the two sides on this issue are "the minors were victims and the adults were at fault" and "the minors did nothing wrong because they chose to interact with the material", neither of which warrant any grievances against the minors involved. like /gen /srs if anyone knows fill me in because i am lost on why in the world people would attack the affected party
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cheesus-doodles · 3 years
What Abt yandere toman reacting to the readers death and or the reader made friends with another gang like yandere black dragons with inui and koko?
I love your recent Yan toman I had a busy day and all my energy was spent so I feel a lot better reading your works!! -🐢
🐢anon!! im so happy to hear that you like my works :D don't think i've answered any of your asks before so have a little drabble! also possible reader's death is maybeeee coming up soon hehehee (i haven't completed decided tho) so i'll answer the black dragons part instead~ i hope you like it ^^
Recommended Readings: A Friend In Me Part 1
High Heels
Yandere Platonic Toman Boys AU
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"Do your feet not hurt?" Pausing mid-stroll, Inupi turned at the question that seemed to float over from behind him, though at first glance there was no one there. Ahead, having heard the break in the familiar clink of heels against paved roads, Kokonoi's also came to a sudden stop.
"Your shoes, I mean." Came your clarification, and lowering his gaze, he found you squatting by his feet, the spark of curiosity in your voice clear even as you continued to stare at his red high heels. "Aren't they painful to wear for so long?"
You didn't seem to notice another pattering over to glance down at you, your fascination with Inupi's ability to effortlessly wear heels like you couldn't drowning out the world around you. How did he walk without a care in those shoes?
Hand coming up to cup your own chin, the Black Dragons duo only watched in silence as you seemed to recall your own struggles with heel-wearing, your gaze breaking off from Inupi's shoes and drifting off to the side, staring into the distance at an unknown point.
Despite it being the middle of the afternoon, the air was nice and cool thanks to the overcast sky, a welcomed relief from the usual tormenting heat, the rumbling of thunder in the distance a clear sign of the coming storm. Above, leaves rustled and shivered as a cold draft swept down the surprisingly empty road, breaking your train of thoughts when you shuddered in response to the rapidly falling temperature, rubbing one hand up and down your arm in a vain attempt to get warm.
"Oops, I got distracted again!" Sheepishly, your free hand moved to rub the back of your head as you stood, dusting yourself off as you pulled and straightened your uniform top, one that they recognised as being from a nearby middle school. "Sorry, I'm just not very good with heels."
And yet, before your eyes could swing up to meet theirs, you spotted a glint of gold from Koko's left ear, and you were once again distracted, your mouth shaping into a cute little o. Though now that your face was tilted towards them, they could see the sparkle of innocence, the sincerity that glowed from the depths of your eyes as you marvelled. Much like a kitten and a laser point, Koko mused, tilting his head to the side only to watch you imitate him, your eyes still fixated on his intricate gold earring.
The thunder only rumbled louder in response, dark grey clouds now slowly tumbling from across the road. Your eyes flickered back to meet theirs, lips quirking up into a full blown grin as you stuck your hand out, your name tumbling out of your lips.
Cautiously, both boys took your delicate hands into theirs, their voices carefully soft as they gave you their names, a rare grin breaking out to meet your own. Though it felt almost like holding glass through the white gloves of their Black Dragons uniform, something that you barely seemed to notice, you only repeated it back to them enthusiastically, the shine from your smile seemingly brightening even further.
Gentle, sweet, naive.
You reminded them so much of their past.
And the heavens agreed, opening with a fury that had the three of you drenched in an instant, though none of you looked particularly bothered, the fat droplets of rain drumming up a cacophony as they pounded into pavement and metal alike.
"Come on, I don't live far from here!" You laughed, a ring of a crystal bell that for just a mere moment, felt like the sun breaking through the turbulent dark clouds swirling in the ferocious winds above, tugging at their sleeves as you made a break for your house. "I'll cook you lunch!"
A quick glance at each other told both Inupi and Koko that they were on the same page, and your two newest friends saw no reason to refuse your offer, allowing themselves to be hooked through one arm as they ran alongside you. Maybe you were really the light they had been stumbling about looking for in the endless darkness. Surely no one would mind if they kept this spark of hope for themselves.
You didn't think much of it when you found Koko and Inupi waiting outside your school for you the next day, a welcomed surprise since you were expecting to walk home alone - your usual companions having taken a rare day off to settle some internal Toman matters. Those kind eyes brightening when you spotted them in their signature white uniform from a distance, their surroundings seemingly suddenly bursting into full colour when you flung your arms around them, laughter bubbling up as you tried to pull as much of the duo as you could fit into a tight hug. "You guys came to pick me up?"
Freeing them from your grip, Koko ruffled your hair roughly, causing you to giggle and duck, even as Inupi lifted a pair of heels held loosely in one hand. "Brought a pair for you to try."
Of course, what they didn't tell you was that 'brought' would be more accurately 'bought', as in brand new from the box just before they had arrived, but whether secondhand or new didn't seem to make a difference to you. Letting out a merry hum under your breath, the duo didn't mind that you slipped your hand into theirs as your odd little trio, a gesture which, unbeknownst to you, garnered much horrified stares from behind, started on your way home.
Everything seemed to be back to normal for you the day after, the afternoon sun blazing its trail across the sky, your six friends pulling up as usual to pick you from school, the distinct roar of their motorbikes easily heard above the hustle and bustle. Though far from your expectations, everything was in fact not well, a glint of silver off your wrist as you broke out of the shadow of the large tree into the sunlight instantly catching Mitsuya's eye, the boy quickly grabbing at the offending object. "What's this?"
Lifting your hand up to eye level, it only took a moment for your six friends to realize that they didn't recognise the bangle that hung off your wrist, shimmering in the sunlight, and neither did they recall you ever buying it yourself.
You blinked. Had you forgotten to take it off? "Oh, a friend gave it to me! I tried to say no, but he said no refunds allowed."
"A friend?" "He?" Shit.
The blank look that washed over your face, even if it was gone in a blink, was enough to tell the group everything that they needed to know, and your gaze meekly slid away as the group fell expectantly silent. Damn you and your loose mouth.
Even worse was when you heard a call of your name from behind you, the clink of heels and boots that had become familiar in the past three days growing nearer, and you felt your heart drop when accusatory eyes instantly flickered to you. Double shit.
Around you, your other schoolmates, having normally given you and the Toman founders a wide berth, all but fled from the school gates as quickly as their feet could carry them - the last thing they wanted was to get caught up in the mess you seem to bring wherever you went.
"Hey, just wanted to return these. Thanks for lending them to us." Koko held out the paper bag, the clothes that you had loaned them after the torrential rainstorm laundered and neatly folded inside, his fierce black eyes carefully searching yours. He needed to see it again; that spark, that gleam in the dark.
"Koko, Inupi!"
Yet before you could reach out and take the offered bag, your hand was gently brushed aside, and Draken had stepped forward to block the exchange.
"Black Dragons." You heard it hissed out from Baji, as you were pushed behind your Toman friends, until your view of Koko and Inupi were all but blocked, Kazutora making sure to intertwine his fingers tightly with yours when you tried to speak up.
"You got a lot of balls strolling in uninvited on Toman's turf." The Vice Captain folded his arms, quirking up one eyebrow even as Mikey stood off to the side, hands tucked lazily into his pockets, lollipop in his mouth. Though you knew better, his stance all but screaming the anger starting to boil below the surface. Without hesitation, you reached over grab his hand as well, and you let out a sigh of relief when his posture instantly relaxed. The last thing you wanted to see was a fight break out among those that considered you a friend.
The once raging heat was slowly becoming more bearable as the sun sunk lower, the dry breeze that swept down the now empty street just outside your school hardly earning a blink as the two groups stared down each other, with you unwittingly caught in the middle.
Inupi's ever stoic face barely twitched in response to the threat issued, blue eyes simply looking past the six boys as best as he could, searching for you in the back. You wouldn't have known of course, but it was no coincidence that they came looking for you at this moment. Having been distracted with cooking for your new friends back when the sky was pouring its soul out onto the earth, you had all but missed them scrutinising your kitchen, a photo, pinned neatly to your board, in particular having drawn their gaze. You and six boys; one in particular they instantly recognised as the Invincible Mikey. An affiliation with the Tokyo Manji Gang was a new piece of information that they took into consideration.
And then again, when you had welcomed them into your bedroom, your schedule for the next few days had been displayed clearly on your study desk, tucked away in the corner of your room near broad windows that let copious amounts of sunlight in. A quick distraction by Koko slipping on the new bangle he had picked up for you, and Inupi had managed to snap a photo of your full calendar.
This was something that they just had to confirm with their own eyes. Yet it seemed even while you hung out with garbage, your innocence and sincerity still shone through like a shimmer of unmined gold, the worry you had for them as you tried your best to break the tension between the two groups clear in your doe eyes.
Smirking, the black-haired boy simply tossed the paper bag up, allowing Mitsuya to snatch it out of the air single-handedly, before turning around, one hand raising to wave you a quick goodbye, Inupi doing the same. They had what they came for.
The sight of you and the Toman founders disappeared from their view as they rounded the bend of the alleyway. But it wouldn't be long before they would be able to make their move. You would be by their side soon enough, as you should, and that bloom of hope you carried with your gentle gaze and kind smile would be theirs to keep for good.
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xutokawa · 3 years
I really love your s/o finding scratch marks, so I was wondering if you can do one for Bokuto & Hinata- if not Hinata you can do Akaashi uwu please crush my soul ~🥝
pairings: akaashi x reader, hinata x reader
genre(s): fluff to angst, cheating
warnings: langauge, cheating
wc: 2.4k
» masterlist
a/n: anon!! tysm for this request hehe. sorry it took so long to write :( but I hope you enjoy!! since i already wrote one for bokuto, it’s just hinata and akaashi in this one! also tysm guys for 400 followers!?!!??! i def don’t deserve it since i barely post oops but i still can’t be grateful enough for your support!
atsumu and oikawa ver.
osamu and iwazumi ver.
kuroo and sakusa ver.
suna and bokuto ver.
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Excitement bubbled in your stomach as you checked your appearance in the mirror. 
“How do I look?” you teasingly asked your boyfriend. Looking up from his phone, his face immediately formed into a smile.
“Ethereal,” Akaashi replied, taking in your appearance. You giggle as you walked over to where he was sitting on your shared bed, wrapping your arms around his waist, snuggling into his chest. His scent filled your nostrils as you felt his hand reach up to smooth your hair. Warmth spread through your body. 
“You ready to go then?” Akaashi asked you.
“Ready when you are,” you replied, tilting your head to meet his gaze. His eyes filled with adoration.
“Let’s go then.”
The two of you were seated in a nice cafe, hunger satiated as the two of you talked. Your conversations were filled with smiles and laughter. Yet Akaashi’s smiles never seemed to truly reach his eyes. How could they when nothing but guilt filled his mind, when evidence of a drunken escapade was marked on his body?
Akaashi had noticed your intense gaze on his neck, shifting uncomfortably. Panic and dread rose to his throat at the thought of there being a hickey on his neck from the night before. Despite checking in the mirror countless times, he still couldn’t help but feel panicked at the thought of missing one.
“Is everything okay, y/n?” Akaashi tentatively asked, rubbing his hand over his neck. Snapped out of your trance, you meet his eyes before laughing it off.
“Yeah, just zoning out,” you tried to laugh off. You couldn’t shake it from your head. That couldn’t have been a hickey. Even if it was, Akaashi wouldn’t be so careless to not cover it, right? Unless he wanted you to see it. Tears pricked at your eyes. You quickly excused yourself to the bathroom, not wanting Akaashi to see your tears. 
As soon as you left his sight, Akaashi hurriedly checked his camera on his phone to see what you were staring at. Sure enough, a purple splotch was peeking out from underneath his shirt. Akaashi cursed as he wracked his mind with what to do. All he could come up with was pulling his shirt collar to one side.
His heart hammered in his chest. Would you break up with him when you came out of the bathroom? He felt his heart crumble at the thought of you leaving him. Akaashi was hoping he would eventually forget about his mistake and move on with his life with you. He just wanted to move onto the moment he got down on one knee, the moment the two of you would buy a house for the first time, the moment you held your children in your arms. He just needed to get past this moment.
He knew as soon as he saw you walk out of the bathroom. Your red eyes and blotchy cheeks gave it away. You saw, and now you knew how shitty of a person he was.
Silence enveloped the two of you as you sat back down.
“So you saw,” Akaashi confirmed. All you could do was nod in response.
“Wh-what do you want to do now?” Akaashi choked out. He truly didn’t want to lose you. It was like living in a nightmare, but the most he could do now was respect your wishes.
“I-” you started off, taking a breath before continuing, “I want to go back to the apartment.”
Akaashi silently nodded in understanding before gathering his things and leaving to pay. You buried your face in your hands, not fully grasping the situation at hand. Why was he acting so guilty? This was Akaashi, your boyfriend since your third year at high school. Never once did you doubt the love you held for each other during your relationship. 
“C’mon, y/n, let’s go,” Akaashi said, tentatively reaching his hand out to you. You debated whether or not you should take it, still unsure of everything going on. Finally, you gave him, letting his long fingers intertwined with yours. You almost wanted to laugh at how easily your unease washed away at his touch, how you immediately felt comforted, when the man who made you feel this way had traces of another on his skin. 
The two of you drove in silence, neither one of you sure of what to say in this situation. Confusion swarmed Akaashi’s mind. You obviously saw the hickey on his neck, yet you weren’t lashing out, demanding to break up with him. Yet he could see you were visibly troubled, your history and past with him getting in the way of your rationality. Guilt and shame pooled in Akaashi’s stomach. He shouldn’t be using his familiarity with you as a way to keep you with him. He was unfaithful, and deserved all the consequences. He knew that, no matter how heart wrenching it was to have you leave him.
Silence continued to envelop the two of you as you walked up to your shared apartment. As soon as you entered the threshold of your home, Akaashi attempted to start some sort of conversation.
“Y/n, I think we need-” Akaashi attempted to start.
“Baby, I’m really tired, can this wait till after I take a nap,” you cut him off. Maybe if you continued to pretend you saw nothing, that this was just another day, everything would be okay. You and Akaashi would be okay.
“You can’t just ignore what just happened, y/n!” Akaashi reasoned. Your detachment from the situation honestly scared him a bit. He would’ve expected you to demand him to move out, maybe even a smack across the face, but your reaction was unexpected and unsettling.
“Nothing’s wrong, Akaashi,” you said, tears beginning to pool, “I still love you, and you love me, right?” 
“Y/n-” Akaashi started, “of course I love you, which is why I can’t stand to see you like this! I fucking cheated on you! I don’t deserve your love! You shouldn’t be forgiving me! I don’t deserve you anymore!”
Tears began streaming down your face at his words.
“No, no no no, Akaashi, no! We’re supposed to be together! You wouldn’t hurt me like that, Akaashi, you love me too much to do that to me!” You tried to reason. Deep down, you knew. Even if the two of you somehow got past this moment, new insecurities from this moment would arise. Your relationship would never be the same.
“Y/n! Get it through your fucking head! I cheated on you! I’m a fucking scumbag who forgot how fucking amazing you are! I’m the asshole here! You can’t just forgive me like this! How are you going to forgive me when I’m never going to forgive myself?!” Akaashi’s voice broke at the end.
“Akaashi, stop it! There’s no proof!” You yelled back, not wanting reality to hit. Your eyes widened when Akaashi moved to pull his shirt over his head.
“Is this proof enough?” Akaashi started, “What will it take for you to realize? Did you want me to call them up? Have them tell you? Y/n, please, don’t put yourself through this! Fucking wake up and realize!”
You collapsed to the ground, sobbing as you took in his appearance. Hickeys littered his neck and chest, red scratches on his shoulders. It finally hit you. Akaashi cheated on you. He left you for another. 
“Why? Why did you have to ruin this, Akaashi!” you yelled, “was this not enough?”
“I don’t know, y/n,” Akaashi began breaking down, “I regret all of it. I would give anything to turn the clock back, but I can’t! This is reality, and we both have to face it whether we like it or not!”
Pain flared in Akaashi’s chest as your eyes met his. He watched as the love you held for him slowly dissolved from your eyes. His heart fell into pieces as you walked into your shared bedroom, only to emerge moments later with a small duffle bag. He recognized it. It was the duffle bag you used when the two of you took trips. You were leaving.
Tears freely flowed down Akaashi’s face as you wordlessly brushed past him, nothing sounding in the room except your hiccups. 
“Y/n,” Akaashi started, “where are you going?”
“Away,” you replied, giving no other explanation. The coldness and sadness in your voice sent knives into Akaashi’s heart, but it’s what he deserved. He couldn’t beg for your love again, or have the right to yearn for your warm embrace. He’s the one who ruined everything, so Akaashi could do nothing but helplessly watch you walk away from him, leaving him alone in a cold apartment.
Tumblr media
“Y/n~” Your boyfriend whined, plopping his head into your lap. Your hand instinctively went to comb through his orange hair.
“What’s up?” You replied, not looking up from your phone screen. Your eyes finally met his, however, when he pushed away your hands, forcing you to look at him. One look at his pleading eyes was all it took for your heart to melt.
“Can we please go out today? The weather looks so nice,” Hinata pleaded, “Don’t you want to go to the beach?”
“But I just want to watch Netflix,” you whined.
“C’mon, baby. Please?” Hinata looked at you, bottom lip sticking out, “Let’s go outside and enjoy the sun! We can buy ice cream!”
You hesitated for a second.
“Ice cream and smoothies,” you said, “and we go to the mall tomorrow.”
Hinata sent you the brightest smile.
“Ugh, y/n, I love you so much,” Hinata mumbled out around a mouthful of ice cream. Giggling, you wiped the corner of his mouth.
“I love you too, baby,” you cooed back, heart swelling at the sight of his smile. Hinata didn’t understand how you still managed to give him butterflies after five years of dating, but he wasn’t complaining. The way your eyes crinkled and your nose scrunched when you laughed made him feel warm inside, and he wouldn’t trade you for the world.
“You know, I’ve been thinking a lot, and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life like this with you,” you said, eyes shining with adoration as you looked at your boyfriend. The amount of love you held for the spiker in front of you was unexplainable. All you knew is he made you feel like you were on top of the world, the only thing that mattered to him.
Gasping dramatically, Hinata replied, “That’s insane, because I’ve been thinking that too!”
“Stop teasing me,” you laughed off. Hinata’s chuckles blended with yours. The spiker’s joy was cut off as guilt began rising in his stomach. Of course he wanted to spend the rest of his life with you. You were his everything, the reason he felt like he could breathe easier, the reason everything in his world was so bright. But he knew he wasn’t faithful during your relationship. Hinata didn’t even know how it happened. All he remembered was waking up in a hotel room, his legs tangled with another’s. He remembered the feeling of his stomach plummeting to his feet once he saw the mangled marks on his back.
Hinata was pulled out of his thoughts by your voice.
“Is that Bokuto?” You questioned, gaze pointed at the sandy beach. Sure enough, the wing spiker along with Atsumu were there, standing on opposite sides of a volleyball net.
“Yeah, Kageyama and Hoshiumi are there too!” Hinata excitedly pointed out, already walking towards the volleyball match. You recognized a couple of other players standing around the area.
Hinata bounded towards them, yelling out, asking if he could join. You laughed as you watched him immediately settle into a disagreement with Kageyama before he came running back towards you.
“Y/n!” Hinata panted out, “I know this was supposed to be a date, but do you mind if I play a couple matches?”
You giggled as you saw the excitement shining in his eyes. 
“It’s no problem, I’ll just go shopping around the boardwalk! Call me when you’re done, but don’t play for too long,” you said, giving him a peck on the cheek.
“Yes! You’re the best! I love you,” Hinata said as he enveloped you in a hug before taking his shirt off and running back to the volleyball net. Your eyes immediately fell on his shoulders. 
“Shoyo, what’s on your back?”
Hinata stopped in his tracks as his stomach fell to his feet. He had completely forgotten about the evidence of his infidelity on his back. The prospect of playing beach volleyball with his friends overtook his rationality, and now he was paying the price for it. He whipped around, eyes now wide, panic replacing the excitement that was there moments before. The hurt swimming in your eyes was enough to make his heart shatter.
“Y/n, I-” Hinata breathed out, unable to form a complete sentence. The spiker felt his knees go weak as he watched you turn around and walk away from him, shoulders shaking. It wasn’t until he heard you say, ‘I won’t be going back to the apartment tonight, don’t wait up’ that he scrambled for his shirt, shoving it over his head as he attempted to catch up to you.
“Y/n, please wait! Let me explain-” Hinata ran after you. He stopped in his tracks, eyes wide, when you turned around. Nothing but hurt blazed in your eyes as you looked him in the eyes.
“Explain what, Hinata? Did you want to go into detail about how you fucked someone else? Was simply cheating on me not enough? You don’t get to hurt me more than you already have,” you spewed back at him, venom laced in your words. Hinata’s face crumpled into sobs.
“No, y/n, that’s not it at all. I never wanted to hurt you, not ever! I’m so pathetic! I can’t even remember how it happened. It never should have happened, I can’t lose you like this,” Hinata sobbed, falling to his knees at your feet. The thought of losing you sent Hinata’s mind into a panic. His hands scrambled to find yours, clasping to them for dear life. You scoffed at his actions.
“Get up,” you said, looking away from his figure. Hinata hopefully looked up, hoping you would give him the chance to make it up to you. His hopes were shattered, however, when he met your eyes. Instead of the care and affection he was hoping to see, he was met with nothing but embarrassment and putrid hate.
“You’re making a scene. People are staring,” you said, looking around you, “I told you, I’m not going back to the apartment tonight. I’ll grab my stuff later.”
“I’m sorry,” Hinata choked out, “I’m so sorry for everything. Please, you deserve better. Someone who won’t forget what he has in front of him. Someone who will cradle your heart and give you everything you deserve. I love you, y/n. I’m so sorry.”
“I wish I could believe you when you say ‘I love you’, but we both know it’s not true at this point. No loving boyfriend would cheat,” you said lowly, energy drained from the situation.
“No, y/n. Please, if anything, trust that I love you with all of my being, and I would do anything to try and fix this. I can’t imagine my life without you, let me fix this!” Hinata sobbed.
“You should’ve thought about that before you ruined everything,” you said as you looked into his eyes. Tears pooled in both of your eyes. The hurt and regret was evident on the spiker’s face, but you couldn’t give in.
“Goodbye, Hinata.”
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imjusttpeachy · 3 years
she's a rae of sunshine (c.h.)
okay so this was a request but i completely read it wrong so i’m gonna write it again but i finished this one anyway so here take it
so sorry to the anon who requested it bc u were so fuckin sweet i’ll have it up asap i promise
ralph castelli - morning sex
crumb - bones
jorja smith - teenage fantasy
summary: balancing college life and wanting to support your best friends online endeavors was difficult, but reader regrets trying a little harder when she finally meets one of her newer stream-mates
word count: 2, 828
WARNINGS: she/her pronouns used, coarse language, lowkey OOC Corpse, that needs its own warning i’m sorry,
“Look you knew I had to stream before I said you could come over ya fuckin idiot.”
“Yea I knowwwww, I just wanted to spend more time with my super-hot best friend forever.”
Being the best friend of an online personality had its perks— the amazing trips you got to hitch a ride on, the adoring fans that seemed to latch on to you as well, the sponsorships that would always send you something along with the original PR package, and especially the way she was able to choose their own work hours.
Well... mostly.
As much as you adored spending time together during the day, whether it be shopping or going out for brunch, those late nights that always seemed to hold the most memories you held so dear were few and far between. Of course, you couldn’t blame her; responsibilities were responsibilities, and fuck if you’d let your selfish wants override the way she chooses to get her work done. You really couldn’t be one to judge either-- having to call off dates because you’d underestimated the time you needed to complete a school paper, or when a last-minute lab was called in and you’d have to leave her sitting alone in those cafes with your half-finished mocha and a promise to Venmo her the money to cover it later. What left you feeling the most guilty, though, was the fact that you weren’t able to watch her content as much as you’d like to. Sure, you’d catch a few minutes of a stream here and there but any time you spent apart was usually spent with your head buried in a book, mind bleary with countless espresso shots trying to keep your tired eyes focused on the seemingly unending work in front of you.
But, a distraction every now and then couldn’t hurt. Right?
Having had enough of your current assignment, any coherent thought was long gone, you’d decided to pay your favourite person a little visit. You knew she’d probably be busy as she hadn’t replied to your previous text for a few hours, but knowing her presence alone and any passing comments would lift the heaviness that had found its home in your head and chest, you shot her a message to let her know that her office couch would be occupied by you for the next few hours. Normally, you’d just show up so you knew she wouldn’t have a problem with it; so when that fateful message popped up on your phone giving you the go-ahead you completely ignored the warning of her work schedule and drove right over.
So now here you were, sprawled haphazardly on her couch clad in sweats and a sports bra scrolling through your phone as you watched her finish her final touches so she could start her stream.
“You’re gonna be in the background of my face cam if you wanna sit there y’know.” Groaning in response to her warning not wanting to move from the comfy spot you just found, you looked over at her with the best puppy eyes you could muster. She chuckled softly, raising her hands in surrender as she turned back to her setup. “Hey I really don’t care, just warning ya bug. The thirst comments and screenshots are outta my hands.”
Scoffing under your breath at her comment, you turned your head back to your phone as a Twitter notification popped up at the top of your screen.
Corpse Husband: streaming among us in a few mins, join in on youtube
Heartbeat picking up slightly, you scrambled for the purse you’d thrown at the base of the couch for your headphones. Ever since you’d found this handsome-voiced stranger’s channel on your late night horror binges, you had fallen completely in love. While you weren’t typically the type to watch video game commentary outside of Rae, his voice got you completely hooked and you couldn’t get enough of it. Yeah, maybe you were a bit of a simp, but that sweet and genuine personality that hid behind that gravelly tone had you melting completely into his clutches. You tried to convince yourself to get over it, you didn’t even know what he looked like. But, y’know, a little crush wouldn’t hurt anybody right?
“Going live in T-minus 30 seconds babe.” Jumping slightly as Rae’s voice knocked you out of dreamland, you mumbled out a small “got it” as you once again got focused on getting your headphones connected to your phone. You’d never been able to watch one of his lives before, his horror commentary videos usually playing as background noise as you did schoolwork or while you were falling asleep. Practically shaking with excitement, you opened your YouTube app seeing the live at the very top and tapping on it immediately only to be met with that sweet laugh ringing through your headphones like music to your ears. You grinned to yourself, grabbing the throw pillow you had previously tossed to the floor and hugging it to your chest while your eyes remained glued to your phone screen, completely forgetting what was happening around you as you zeroed in on the gravelly tone you’d fallen oh-so in love with.
“Hey (Y/N) wave hi.” You startled slightly as the faint voice of your friend sounded from across the room. Glancing up from your phone, you pulled an earbud from your ear and furrowed your brows at her before slowly processing what she said, lifting a hand in greeting to her watchers. She laughed at your confusing antics, turning slightly in her chair to look over at you. “What the hell are you so smiley about?”
“…Nothing..” You grinned widely as her laugh once again resounded around the room, shaking her head at you before turning back to her screen with a scoff, muttering something under her breath so only her watchers could hear. Smile still plastered across your lips, you settled back down into the comfiness of the couch and popped your earbud back in, zeroing in again on the screen in front of you. Watching as Corpse moved his character around the lobby as he waited for his friends to join, a small giggle escaped from under your breath; trying your best to be mindful of Rae’s stream but not being able to hold back the flustered feeling welling up in your chest, mind giddy with the thought of finally being able to see one of his famous live streams, well, live. It had only been a few seconds later when you heard Rae’s voice once again, only this time, not as muffled as before.
“What’s up motherfuckers.” Brows furrowing in confusion, you lifted your hand to your earbud and pulled it from your ear once again, hearing her voice from across the room but from your other earbud as well. No, there was no fucking way. All your questions were answered, though, as you glanced back down at your phone screen seeing a red character move around the game lobby along with Corpse’s, the gamer tag ‘Valkyrae’ floating just above it. Blinking hard at your screen trying to convince yourself that your eyes were lying to you, you slowly pulled your hand to cover your mouth in shock. How… How could you possibly not know they knew each other? With the way they spoke to each other in sarcastic comments, poking fun at the other it sounded like they were close too. Body finally catching up with your thoughts, you scrambled at your phone, shaky hands moving as quickly as they could to pull up your texts with Rae. Your fingers tapped furiously at the screen, anxious to get back to the live stream to listen in more but also needing to know what the fuck was going on.
TO my rae of sunshine: care to explain what the fuck is going on??! how the fuck do you know corpse husband?????!??!
“Oops sorry guys, guess I forgot to turn off my phone ringer-“ Staring up at the back of her head helplessly, you watched as she picked up her phone seeming to read out the text before bursting into a peal of laughter. Tossing a look at you over her shoulder, you looked back down at your phone bashfully, seeing the three loading dots in your message thread indicating that she was messaging you back.
my rae of sunshine: lol what about it? you gotta crush on him or something?
TO my rae of sunshine: …no
Hitting send you rushed back to the stream, anxious to see what Corpse was saying in response to Rae’s absence, not thinking anything about your brief conversation and thinking you would discuss it after she had logged off for the night. Though, as you heard her phone chime again from across the room followed by another bark of laughter, you knew you weren’t getting off that easy.
“What are you laughing about?” Corpse’s honeyed voice sounded from your earbud, hearing Rae’s giggles from what you presumed to be their discord voice chat. Glancing anxiously between his stream and the reflection of Rae’s face cam in one of her monitors, your heart began to sink as you watched that familiar mischievous grin tugging at the edge of her lips.
“Oh just my friend (Y/n) sent me a funny meme”
“Wait, is she the one in some of your Instagram posts?” You swear your heart stopped beating at that moment, eyes glued to the screen in front of you as you tried helplessly to process the conversation happening right in front of you. He knew who you were? You thought you’d always be lost among the hundreds of thousands of his new adoring fans, left in the anonymity of your Twitter tag in his subtweets, or just another subscriber that fawned over him silently behind a keyboard. Knowing that he’d actually seen your face you could feel your own beginning to heat at that moment; you brought your hands your mouth again, unknowingly curling your body tighter around the pillow in your lap as you tried to hide your face behind it as you become more and more flustered from the words nonchalantly escaping his mouth.
“Yea that’s her, pretty thing isn’t she? She’s my absolute favourite.”
That’s it, you were gonna fucking kill her.
“I mean, yeah... I guess..” The timid words followed by a soft awkward chuckle had your breath hitching in your throat. There was no fucking way this was happening. This had to be a dream, that was the only possible explanation. You were just about to pinch yourself when Rae’s voice startled you from your thoughts.
“She’s actually over right now. She insisted on getting wine drunk later tonight because her professor’s been on her ass lately. I’ll get her to come say hi.” Rae had barely turned around in her chair when she was met with your wide-eyed gaze, panic painted across your features as you shook your head wildly. You were in no state to be talking to your long-time internet crush in such a casual setting. But with the look Rae shot you from her chair as she started to plug another headset into her PC, you knew you had no choice and begrudgingly pulled yourself from the couch almost tripping over your own feet as you shakily walked over to Rae. Shooting her another pleading look, she only shoved the headset in your direction in return as she grinned up at you. Finally biting the bullet, you pulled on the headset and leaned down toward the mic.
“Hi, how’s it going?” Cursing at yourself for how quiet and shaky your words came out, you barely had any time to think it over before a chorus of greetings sounded through the headset. A small giggle escaped your lips as you watched the different Discord icons appear and disappear from the top of the screen. You knew most of these people already which made you even more confused as to how you managed to miss that voice from all the discord chats and voice calls. Well, knowing them was a bit of an overstatement anyway; you knew /of/ them, and they knew /of/ you in the other times you popped up in the background or in passing conversation during Rae’s streams. They did know you well enough, though, to know this was not the way you usually spoke around them.
“No way, that can’t be the (Y/N) I know!” The voice you recognize as Sean echoes through your headset, another chorus of knowing laughter following quickly after. Taking a deep breath you managed to force out a few words that would get them off your case.
“…Shut the fuck up”
“There she is!!” As the group erupted in laughter yet again, all you could focus on was the faint deep chuckle that resounded through your headset. Feeling your face start to heat up, you covered your wide grin with your hand as butterflies burst through your stomach; you could listen to that laugh all day. Before you were able to speak again, though, that heavenly voice piped up and wiped all train of thought from your mind.
“Nice to meet you (Y/N).”
“It’s nice to meet you too Corpse. I gotta be honest ‘n say I’m a pretty big fan of your no-sleep work.” And... there’s the word vomit. Fuck, you could feel your cheeks starting to heat up with the ongoing realization of who you were talking to.
“Aha thank you, I uh really appreciate that. I’m sure you just heard, but I guess you could say I’m a fan of yours also.”
No, there’s no fucking way.
Is he...
Flirting with you?
Before you could even think about what to reply to that with, the rest of the group beat you to it.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, what is happening.”
“Is- Is Corpse really shooting his shot right now?”
You didn’t realize you were frozen in place until you felt Rae’s hand on your elbow, snapping you out of your bewildered trance as you tried to comprehend what was happening yourself. As your thoughts finally caught up to the present, you could feel your cheeks start to burn; pulling your hand up to cover your face you stepped out of the view of the face cam. Rae’s laughter filled the room as she watched your flustered antics, shooting you a sly grin as she started scanning the monitor displaying her live chat.
“Wait, wait, chats telling me (y/n)’s blushing right now?” Sean’s voice echoed through the discord chat, only making you flush further as you tried desperately to find a way out of this.
“Okay, okay, leave her alone.” Corpse’s voice finally piped up amid all of the chaos causing everyone to immediately pipe down. God, you didn’t even want to begin to think of the mess this has already made, you just needed to get out of there before you caused any more damage.
“Yeah, I uh- see- see that the lobby’s full so I’ll just uh- leave you guys to it.” Quietly thanking the stars that Corpse finally got you out of this mess, you went to pull the headset off your ears when that fateful voice piped up again.
“Wait, don’t let these nerds make you leave. You should stay- I mean, only to help Rae y'know? She needs it.”
“I do not!”
“I- I mean yea sure, as long as I’m not intruding,” Cursing yourself again for stuttering before forcing yourself to swallow the knot in your throat, “I mean, she really does need the help.”
“Okay just because you want to flirt some more doesn’t mean you can bully me-“
“Okay, I’m starting the round!” The booming accented voice cut off everyone else in the call as you all stared as the screen began to count down to the game, and before anyone had the chance to say anything else a chorus of laughs resounded, and then the lobby fell into silence.
And it went on like that, the not-so-subtle flirting followed by relentless jabs from the group immediately after. The game was almost forgotten with how much of each lobby was taken up by teasing words and endless laughter, but every audience was just eating it up. You didn’t even want to think about the mess social media was going to be after this stream but right now you were having fun with your friends and that’s all that mattered. The grin was practically plastered on your face as you laughed along with Rae the chat during the gameplay portions and you knew everything from this moment on was gonna be different, but you couldn’t find a single thing within you to care.
Especially when you logged onto Twitter right after the stream and saw that little message right at the top of your requests.
@.corpsehusband: wanna hear some of that no sleep work in person?
beep bop here u go,
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sinnohqueen · 2 years
list of urls/blogs i have that nobody asked for but discord is down and im bored anyway
tsunade-hime ; was a naruto blog but i was like 'well im too lazy to tag shit anyway and idk why am i hiding my passion for naruto women on another blog. slap that shit on main'
julesyena ; made this when i was still in my twitch streaming era and i was going with a new username but obviously i never streamed again and i stopped caring oops
sinnohking ; one time when i had anon on years ago someone sent me an asking telling me they hoped i would find my sinnoh king one day. i laughed in lesbian and hoarded the URL. used to be an art reference blog, is now a kpop blog that i actually dont use anymore. embarrassing amount of bts on there. sorry everyone (at least i saved you all from seeing it on my main blog)
darkpulse ; think a friend gave me this url??? using it for a writing resource blog, again hasnt been updated in 1+ year. maybe some day i will revamp it. it could be an oc blog idk
jortshipping ; sometimes i forget that am and i were solely responsible for coining the official name for the malva/cynthia/diantha ship. also hasnt been updated in a very long time because theres barely content for malva/diantha as it is :(
sinnohmeme ; a while back i thought it was funny to hoard this url. that's it
sinnohkingdomfics ; i said one day that i was going to finally get back into writing and posting fanfiction. literally did NOT happen. it's there just in case but oh well
pokegifstudios ; tried running a pokemon gif blog again before realizing i actually get more notes on this account also i was bored AIOSDIJSAD i want to get back into gif making eventually so like. idk. i'll probably just use my main
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lunatens · 3 years
take a break
requested by anon <3 im sorry this took so long!! i hope u enjoy (i also hope u like dogs lol)
prompt: “don’t be sorry, it was...actually kinda cute”
*part of my 2 years with luna event!
word count: 1.6k
genre: fluff, slice of life au
pairing: lee felix x gn reader (ft. roommate/bff jisung lol)
“are you ever gonna stop staring mindlessly at your laptop?” jisung asks as he enters the kitchen of your shared apartment. you glare at him through tired eyes, and he raises his hands in defence. you’ve been sitting at your kitchen table for god knows how long just trying to get work done, but you’ve been feeling stuck for the past hour or so and you’re starting to feel the effects of sitting and staring at a screen all day. 
“you know, it’s probably a good idea to take a break at some point. you know, get up and walk around, maybe go outside for once,” jisung says as he starts making a bowl of cereal. 
“but i just have sooooooo much work to do,” you groan, rubbing your hands over your face in defeat. jisung sets the milk carton down with a bit too much enthusiasm, the loud sound startling you.
“that settles it. y/n, you are banished from this apartment until you go outside and take a walk or something,” jisung declares.
“you’re not my mom, i don’t have to listen to you. besides, i pay half the rent here,” you argue. 
“fair enough. but nothing’s stopping me from finishing your cereal,” jisung says as he grabs the box of your favourite cereal and dumps the remainders into his bowl.
“jisung, what the hell!!! i was gonna eat that later,” you pout, now in an even worse mood than before. you love your best friend, but god he can be obnoxious at times; he’s honestly more of a brother to you, and you haven’t decided if that’s a good thing or a bad thing. right now, you’re leaning more towards the bad. 
“oops, sorry. guess you’ll have to go get more,” jisung says as he shovels a spoonful of cereal into his mouth, clearly proud of himself. you get up with an exaggerated sigh, closing your laptop and dragging yourself to your room.
“okay fiiiiine, i’ll go outside, happy?” you ask. jisung nods, cheeks full. your eyebrows furrow as you realize something. “hold up, did you pour the milk before the cereal??”
“yep. oh by the way, we’re also out of milk,” jisung says, shaking the empty carton for emphasis. you blink at him, needing to mentally question your friendship with the boy for a moment. deciding he’s worth keeping around, you turn to grab your wallet and pull on a jacket and some shoes as you prepare for the great outdoors. aka a ten-minute walk down the street to the nearest store. 
“i’ll be back,” you call behind you. 
“love you!” jisung calls before you close the door on your way out. you make your way down to the street, shoving your hands in your pockets as you’re hit with the brisk air. you squint in the bright sunlight, taking a moment for your eyes to adjust to the scenery. it’s the middle of the day, so the streets aren’t overly busy; some pedestrians are scattered about the sidewalks, and cars and bikes pass by as you walk down the street. you inhale deeply, realizing the fresh outside air is helping you feel slightly less dead inside; okay, maybe jisung was right to make you go outside, but you’ll never tell him that. 
you pass by the nearby park and decide to walk through it instead of around it like you usually do. it’s a little longer this way, but it’s such a nice day out and the scenery is too pretty to pass by. plus, a lot of people walk their dogs here and you could use a furry friend to cheer you up. 
as if on cue, the moment you enter a park a large ball of golden fur barrels right into you, knocking you to the ground. the dog stands over you, tail wagging enthusiastically as it tries to lick your face. you giggle as your hands come up to gently push the dog away, appreciating the affection but not the slobber so much. you sit up and the dog stands beside you, eager to accept your hands scratching its ears. 
“where’s your owner, huh?” you ask, the baby voice you use when talking to animals coming out. 
“i’m so sorry!!!!” you hear in the distance, and you turn in the direction of the voice to see a boy running towards you, out of breath. “bbokari, come here!!” he calls, and the dog happily trots over to the boy. “oh, so now you listen,” he scolds as he puts it on a leash. he walks over to you, sticking out a hand to help you up.
“i’m really sorry about that oh my god, she’s normally really well behaved when i let her off-leash!” the boy apologizes as he pulls you to your feet. 
“don’t be sorry, it was...actually kind of cute. i really love dogs,” you reply with a friendly smile, brushing yourself off and hesitantly letting go of his hand. now that you’re more at eye level with the stranger and his dog is no longer a distraction, you can’t help but notice how cute he is. despite the chilly weather, he seems to radiate a warmth that almost rivals that of the sun. his freckled cheeks are slightly rosy from the crisp air, and his eyes crease when he flashes you a bright smile. 
“oh that’s good, she really seems to love you!” he says. you look down to see bbokari’s happy face, tongue lolling around and tail wagging enthusiastically as she stares up at you practically demanding to be pet more. of course, you oblige, reaching down to bury your hands in her soft fur. 
“well, thanks for letting me pet your dog; trust me, this really made my day,” you tell the boy as you stand back up straight. you’re about to continue walking, but the boy interrupts you before you get very far, jogging a little to catch up to you. 
“wait!! i’m walking this direction too, mind if i join you?” he asks.
“not at all,” you tell him, a warm feeling starting to bubble up inside you. he gives you another one of his friendly smiles, and you think you might melt at the sight.
“so, you come here often?” he asks, and you can’t help but giggle at the question.
“sorry, i’ve just never seen you here is all,” he explains shyly.
“i used to walk through here all the time on my way to the store, but i’ve been so caught up in work recently that i didn’t want to take the extra time to come here,” you explain. 
“what made you change your mind today?” the boy asks.
“my dumb roommate said i needed to get outside and take a break from work, and it’s such a nice day out i thought it would be refreshing for a change of scenery for once. plus i always love the chance of seeing a dog or two,” you say, smiling down at bbokari. “and also he finished my milk and cereal so i kinda need to go get more,” you add.
“well, i’m glad you listened to your dumb roommate,” the boy says, a little shy at the comment but smiling nonetheless. “it’s really good to take a break and enjoy the fresh air, especially on days like today.” he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath.
you humm in agreement, admiring how content he looks as you walk under the trees together, sunshine filtered through bare branches before landing on your faces. you quickly look away when he opens his eyes again, hoping he didn’t catch you staring.
you continue making small talk as you walk along the path, however it’s not too long before you reach the end. you’re sad to have to leave this stranger behind, and you wish you could walk together at least just a little bit longer.
“thanks for walking with me, uh…”
“felix! i’m felix,” the boy tells you. 
“thanks for walking with me felix,” you say with a genuine smile. “i’m y/n, by the way.”
“y/n! it’s the least i could do after my dog bowled you over,” felix apologizes. “and if you ever need another break i uh, i walk bbokari around this time every day and we could always use some company,” he tells you, cheeks a bit redder than they were before. 
“then i guess i’ll see you two tomorrow,” you say. felix’s face lights up at your response.
“cool! cool, yeah, i-we’ll see you tomorrow y/n!” he says, and you wave your goodbyes before you head off towards the store and felix turns back into the park. it doesn’t take you long to buy your food, feeling much less bitter towards jisung now. on your walk home you can’t help but hope you’ll run into felix and bbokari again, but there’s no sign of them as you pass through the park. 
“someone’s in a better mood,” jisung teases from the couch as you walk through the door, your giddy smile still apparent on your face. “so are you gonna admit i was right?”
“never in a million years,” you say as you put the milk and cereal away. “i just ran into a cute...dog, that’s all.” you tell jisung. as you get back to work, you find your thoughts drifting to a certain boy and his dog; honestly, you aren’t sure which one’s cuter, but all you know is that you can’t wait to take another break tomorrow.
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stolen-pen-name23 · 3 years
Can you do 15 with Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan? Thanks!
Hello Anon! Of course, I can! Thank you for the prompt // from these prompts. Prompts are open for now, but it will take me a while to get to all of them since I have about 20 sitting in my inbox at the moment oops.
Once again, I lack self-control. Here's 2.4k words on Ao3 or you can read the whole thing below the cut! Here ya go:
Please just shut up.
The stray thought was locked behind Obi-Wan’s shields, but he still felt bad for having it. It was not the senator’s fault that Obi-Wan’s head felt like it was being beaten rhythmically by a hammer.
Still, the senator droned on and on and his baritone voice reverberated through Obi-Wan’s head. He just wanted this mission to be over already.
He straightened and ignored the sideways glance Qui-Gon was aiming at him.
Obi-Wan tried to pay attention to the peace talks. He really did. But the fluorescent lights were blinding and even keeping his eyes open was a torturous experience.
Qui-Gon nudged against his shields — a question without the tangible form of words, but after the past few years of working with him, Obi-Wan knew exactly what he was asking.
He gave an imperceptible nod, assuring his Master that he’s alright. Or he will be. At least, he’ll be alright for now. He can complete the mission, which was all that really mattered anyway.
Obi-Wan told himself all of these things, though he was not finding himself all the convincing.
The words that were volleyed back and forth throughout the talks might as well have been in a different language for all Obi-Wan was able to glean from them. So lost was he, that he didn’t realize the senators were clearing out until Qui-Gon was gently squeezing his shoulder.
“What’s wrong, Obi-Wan?” he asked quietly.
“Are we done here?” Obi-Wan asked, trying not to sound too hopeful.
“No, not quite. The senators are taking a break before the final vote.”
“Are you feeling alright?” Qui-Gon asked. Concern was evident in the furrow of his brow.
“I’m fine,” Obi-Wan said.
“You’re not. But if you’re not going to tell me what’s wrong, I’m not going to argue with you.”
Irritation cast itself from Qui-Gon’s side of their bond. Obi-Wan felt the pinpricks of shame color his cheeks. “I’m fine…” he murmured. “Just a little dizzy.”
The irritation vanished and was replaced with worry.
“I’ll fetch a healer.”
“No!” Obi-Wan said, his voice echoing loudly through the conference room. He tried to ignore the stares of the senators that lingered in the room. “No,” he whispered. “It’s not bad. It’s just a migraine. I can handle it.”
Qui-Gon hummed, his eyes scanning Obi-Wan’s body, looking for any indication that he was lying, or hiding parts of the truth. Seemingly finding nothing else amiss, he nodded. “Why don’t you go back to our room and rest? I’ll be there soon.”
“I can stay!” Obi-Wan insisted. “I can complete the mission.”
“The mission is already complete Padawan,” Qui-Gon said gently. “All we have left is the vote, which you do not have to be present for.”
“Oh,” Obi-Wan said again. He weighed his desire to be the dutiful Padawan against his desire to go lie down in a dark, silent room.
“Go,” Qui-Gon urged as if he could sense Obi-Wan weighing his options. “Get some rest, Obi-Wan.”
Decision made, Obi-Wan nodded. He regretted the motion as it sent his head spinning, but he steadied himself and made his way for the exit with his head held high and his shoulders straight.
As soon as he was in the empty hallway, he let the guise fall away. His shoulders slumped and his paces became uneven and unsure. He certainly hoped he was walking towards the guest rooms, but he could not be sure.
Ornate statues and billowing tapestries decorated every winding hallway he turned down. He would have liked to have stopped and admired the art were it not for the splitting headache and all-consuming dizziness. Every footstep he took seemed to reverberate through his whole body and pain echoed through every nerve ending.
He couldn’t think. He couldn’t see. His vision was tunneling and his stomach was turning and then he was falling, falling, falling down to the cold, marble floor.
The air fled his lungs at the shock of the impact and he gasped pathetically on the floor.
Get up.
His body did not obey his commands. Even if he did get up, Obi-Wan was forced to admit to himself that he was completely and thoroughly lost. He had no idea if he was going in the right direction or if he was even in the correct wing.
He did not know where he was.
It was quite embarrassing for a Jedi to be lost, Obi-Wan thought to himself. Normally, he would just follow his intuition, but his intuition was drowned underneath every wave of agony that crashed into him.
Get up.
Placing a palm on the cool tile, Obi-Wan tried to force himself to his feet, but everything was spinning. His shaky arms gave out and he fell hard back onto the floor.
He lay there, defeated. He couldn’t get up. He couldn’t do anything except feel everything.
A familiar voice, though it sounded more concerned than usual, was calling his name. The voice echoed from hallways away.
“Master,” Obi-Wan responded weakly. His voice did not carry like Qui-Gon’s, and the calling continued.
“Obi-Wan!” A pause, like he was awaiting a response. “Obi-Wan!”
“Master?” Obi-Wan called out again, his voice gaining a small amount of strength at the prospect of being found.
Footsteps thundered towards him and he curled up into a tight ball, covering his ears with his hands. The footsteps slowed and quieted.
“Obi-Wan,” Qui-Gon said breathlessly. Warm hands were pulling at his own, pulling them away from his face, and Obi-Wan blinked up at Qui-Gon.
“Master? Where are we?”
“We’re in the western wing. What are you doing out here anyway? I told you to go to the room.”
“Tried to go to the room,” Obi-Wan said. “Couldn’t find it.”
“Yes, it seems you took a wrong turn somewhere, Padawan.”
“Didn’t know what way.”
“Clearly,” Qui-Gon said. “When I went to the room and you weren’t there…. Well, I’ve been looking everywhere for you.”
Guilt only added to the nausea roiling in Obi-Wan’s stomach. “‘m sorry,” he said.
“It’s alright, I’ve found you.”
“Don’t feel good.”
This time, Qui-Gon was the one to look guilty. “Come on, Padawan. Let’s get you to bed.”
Before Obi-Wan could respond or even try to get up on his own again, he was being lifted into the air. He squeezed his eyes in a vain attempt to stop the spinning. “Don’t… don’t feel good,” he repeated, sounding like a youngling to his own ears, but no longer caring.
“I know, Padawan,” Qui-Gon soothed. “We’re almost there. You’ll be okay.”
“Hurts. My… my head...”
“I know. We’re almost there,” Qui-Gon repeated.
“Too old,” Obi-Wan mumbled.
“Are you actually calling me old right now?” Qui-Gon asked incredulously.
“No, no. Me. I’m too old. Fifteen. Too old to be carried around.”
“Hush. You are a padawan, my padawan, and you are ill. I will carry you as long as you need to be carried.”
“Still too old,” Obi-Wan muttered.
When they made it to their room, Qui-Gon gave him the dignity of standing on his own two feet while he unlocked the door.
Obi-Wan staggered into the room, Qui-Gon close to his side.
“What do you need, Obi-Wan?” Qui-Gon asked.
“I need…” Obi-Wan cut himself off as the nausea he’d been ignoring made itself known. He put a hand over his mouth and stumbled to the refresher. Collapsing to his knees, he leaned over the toilet and threw up the contents of his stomach.
Qui-Gon hovered over him like a shadow, unable to do anything except be there. Obi-Wan was grateful for that at least.
When he was done, Obi-Wan slumped over on the tile. He was getting quite sick of tile floors, though the cool temperature did feel nice on his forehead.
He felt Qui-Gon’s presence get farther away and he chanced a glance over to where he had been. “Master?”
Obi-Wan lay there, weakened and helpless, on the ground. Obi-Wan didn’t know how long he waited for but he closed his eyes and then opened them to see Qui-Gon crouched down by him, holding a change of clothes in hand.
“Here,” Qui-Gon said. “Get into something more comfortable and then you can get some sleep.”
“A’right,” Obi-Wan slurred, taking the soft sleep tunics in hand.
Qui-Gon left him alone again and Obi-Wan slowly, painfully eased his way into the fresh tunics. He shuffled out of the fresher, where Qui-Gon was waiting for him before he could fall over again.
He didn’t realize he had been picked up again until he was being set down in the plush bed.
“Thanks, Master,” Obi-Wan mumbled as his body finally let him get the healing rest it so badly needed.
Obi-Wan awoke to a dim room with a cool, wet rag on his forehead. He blinked tiredly and rubbed his eyes.
“You’re awake,” Qui-Gon observed plainly.
“How… how long was I asleep?”
“About 16 hours.”
“What?!” Obi-Wan exclaimed, sitting up quickly in bed. The wet rag dropped into his lap. His head spun at the quick movement, but after a moment, he realized the pain was not as intense as before.
“Easy, Padawan,” Qui-Gon said, gently pushing him back down. “You have not missed anything important.”
“We… we were supposed to go home,” Obi-Wan said.
“Yes, well, I didn’t want to put you through more travel, given the state you were in, and the government of this planet was kind enough to give us another two days in their senate guest quarters.”
“Oh, well I can go now. I’m feeling better. We don’t have to—”
“We can wait a little longer, Padawan. You may not feel as bad as you did, but you are still unwell. I can sense it.”
“I’m okay,” Obi-Wan said but there was no fight behind the words.
“I know. But there’s nothing wrong with taking a moment to rest when we need one.”
Obi-Wan’s cheeks flushed and he broke eye contact with Qui-Gon. They sat together in silence — Obi-Wan staring out into space and Qui-Gon messing with the sleeve of his robe.
“You’ve gotten taller,” Qui-Gon mused, looking back up at Obi-Wan.
“Have I?” Obi-Wan asked.
“Yes, you have. Heavier too. You’re much harder to carry around these days.”
“Sorry,” Obi-Wan said sheepishly. “I could have walked.”
“Oh really? Is that why I found you laying on the ground then?”
“I just needed a moment,” Obi-Wan said, feeling defensive.
“You needed more than that, Padawan.”
Obi-Wan looked down at his hands. He nervously ran his fingers along the seam of the blanket. It was blue and soft, and from the looks of it, expensive. Though it was made of a fine textile, it lacked the comfort and familiarity of his own bed with his own blankets, but it served its purpose well enough. Still, Obi-Wan wanted to go home more than he wanted almost anything else.
“This was a bad one wasn’t it?” Qui-Gon asked, breaking the silence between them.
Obi-Wan nodded slightly.
“They’ve been getting worse,” Qui-Gon observed.
It was true. Obi-Wan’s migraines had gone from random occurrences to routine events. They were always unpleasant, but this one was particularly debilitating.
“I… I think it’s because… well…” Obi-Wan trailed off.
“Because of what?”
Obi-Wan bit his lip. He didn’t want to say it. Saying it would make it real. Putting words to the images that plague his mind would lend validity to them — empower them. Obi-Wan just wanted to bury them.
“Tell me, Padawan,” Qui-Gon said.
“I’ve been having dreams… visions I think.”
Qui-Gon straightened. “Visions?”
“I… I don’t know. I think so.”
“Tell me about them,” Qui-Gon urged. “We can work through them together.”
Tears pricked Obi-Wan’s eyes but he blinked them away.
“Padawan,” Qui-Gon said. “Please, maybe I can help you.”
“Can you make them stop?” Obi-Wan asked. It was a childish ask, he knew, but he had to ask.
“No,” Qui-Gon said. “But I can help you try to understand them. I can help you meditate through them.”
This was not the answer Obi-Wan was looking for. He tried to rein his disappointment in behind his shields. He wanted them to just go away. But nothing was ever that simple for Obi-Wan.
“I see such terrible things,” Obi-Wan whispered, his voice cracking on the words. “Awful, terrible things.”
“Visions can be misleading, Padawan. Don’t put your faith in them.”
“What am I supposed to put my faith in?”
“The Force.”
“The Force is what gives me these visions,” Obi-Wan argued.
“And if your visions come to pass, you have to have faith that the Force will guide you through them.”
“I don’t want that. I don’t want to go through them at all.”
“And perhaps you won’t,” Qui-Gon said. “The future is in motion. You need to focus on what is around you — not that which is ahead.” He was so sure — so sure that the Force would help him chart his course, that his convictions began to ease Obi-Wan’s tired mind ever so slightly.
Even still, he clung to some of his doubts.
“It’s hard.” It was a lame response, Obi-Wan knew, but it was the only one he had.
“No one ever said the path of a Jedi was a simple one.” The familiar glint in Qui-Gon’s eye appeared — shining with the strength of his faith.
Obi-Wan tried to smile at that, but it came out as more of a grimace. “Guess not.”
“You don’t have to tell me what happens in your visions,” Qui-Gon said after a pause. “But if you ever want to, I promise I will do my best to help you through them. As a Jedi, you are never alone.”
“Of course, Master,” Obi-Wan said, swallowing thickly.
Obi-Wan didn’t like keeping things from his Master, but there was no way he was going to tell him about all the dark and terrible things he has been seeing flash behind his eyes. He was not going to tell him about the way he wakes up sweating and panting in the dead of night as though he had just been running for his life. He was not going to tell him the way he had mastered silent cries of despair so as not to pull Qui-Gon from his sleep. He was not going to tell him that in his visions, he is older, yes, but not old enough.
No. Much too young.
How could Obi-Wan tell him? How could he tell him about the visions that, if they were to come true, would mean that Qui-Gon would not have much longer to keep his promise?
He can’t tell him. He can’t.
If Obi-Wan kept his visions to himself, if he did not speak them into existence, then maybe, just maybe, his darkest dreams would remain just that: dreams.
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capcarolsdanver · 3 years
Why Her? (Part 1)
Summary: This fic is based off a request from an anon after some speculations that have been made on my blog.
Brie enlists the help of the reader to get a date with a girl that reader knows from class, only for unexpected feelings to be caught. Drama/angst/fluff to come! Pairing: Brie x Reader A/N: Oops accidentally took another way too long break from posting. I was still writing during this time, trying to structure some kind of schedule, but every time I reread my writing I always end up wanting to rewrite most of what I have, which is exactly what happened with this one. This is part 1 of 4, more of an intro than anything. Part 2 coming very soon!
As always, feedback is always appreciated so please let me know what you think, or even any suggestions you have for future parts! It is all written but I’m open to making some adjustments if people have any good ideas to bring to the story!
Please do not repost my writing anywhere without my permission.
PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4
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You take another generous sip from the coffee cup in your hands, practically cradling it as if it’s your most prized possession. Although, that’s what you would be inclined to referred to it as in this moment. You relied on coffee during most of your days at the best of times, but even more so while you’re nursing a hangover like the one you currently have.
You groan quietly to yourself when you realise you’ve reached the last drop of your precious caffeinated drink, placing the cup on the table in front of you and dropping your head into your arms in probably the most dramatic fashion you can muster.
You vaguely acknowledge the sound of footsteps getting louder as they approach you but you quickly dismiss them as yet another student walking passed your table in the campus library and choose to ignore in favour continuing to feel sorry for yourself. You take note to never sit at one of the tables closest to the entrance again. Foot traffic has quickly become your least favourite thing.
It suddenly occurs to you that you can no longer hear the footsteps. How long had you been zoned out for? Surely whoever the footsteps belong to couldn’t have already passed you without any other sound.
“Hey Y/N, how’s it going?”
The voice beside you isn’t over the top loud or anything, but it still doesn’t stop you from jumping in your seat, your head springing up. You instantly wince, warily bringing your fingers to your temples in a useless attempt to ease your pounding headache.
The girl standing by your table, Sarah, scrunches her features in apology.
“Sorry,” she sheepishly apologises. “I did see you at the party last night. Didn’t think you were much of a drinker, though.”
“I’m usually not, especially when I have class the next morning,” you grumble. “Last night was a mistake that will never happen again.”
Sarah laughs quietly, clearly trying to be mindful of your current state. “I figured I’d find you here this morning. I just have one question about class and then I promise I’ll leave you in peace and quiet again.”
“Shoot,” you say in as pleasant a tone as you can manage, deciding to spare her from your complaints about how not at all quiet the library of all places has proven to be so far that morning.
Sarah smiles a grateful smile and sits opposite you before asking a question about some paper you had received in your shared class the previous day. You can barely comprehend what she’s asking you but you answer as best as you can, which seems to be enough because Sarah is again smiling brightly and standing from her seat.
“Thanks, Y/N. I owe you one.”
“How about telling me how the hell you avoid getting a hangover. I saw you last night too. I swear you drank more than everybody else combined.”
Sarah chuckles and turns to leave. “Call it talent,” she says, waving over her shoulder as she retreats.
You wave back and watch her leave.
You wouldn’t necessarily call the two of you “friends”, but you and Sarah share an English class together and you seem to find yourself at the same get togethers and parties frequently, and had always gotten along well enough. You were sure if you actually took the time to hang out together you would probably be easy friends.
You take a heavy breath and release it when you realise you’re alone again, and just barely start feeling sorry for yourself again before a figure is slumping into the chair next to you with absolutely no consideration to your clearly less than ideal state.
You jump even more than when Sarah had startled you and your hand flies to your heart.
“Oh my god!” you exclaim. Your body was so not prepared for these kinds of interactions today.
“Sorry,” the girl says, kindly enough but with much less sincerity than Sarah. You don’t recognise her and you look at her with wide eyes, trying to figure out who she is.
“Can I help you?”
“Yes, actually,” she says, apparently missing the bite in your tone, or just choosing to ignore it. “That girl you were just talking to. You’re friends with her, right?”
You instinctively look in the direction of the main entrance, where Sarah had disappeared through just moments go.
“Uh, kinda?” You reply, unsure. “I guess. I mean, we have a class together but-“ you interrupt yourself, remembering that you have no idea who this stranger is or what she wants. “I’m sorry, what exactly do you want from me?”
“I was wondering if you could help me get a date with her.” She says it so matter-of-factly that she doesn’t seem to recognise how entirely strange her words are. All you can do is blink at her in response.
“Excuse me?”
You have never actually considered that Sarah could be interested in women. Sure, she was an attractive girl and she was always nothing but friendly to you, but for whatever reason you just weren’t interested in her in that way. And  now that you think about it, you’ve never actually seen her with anyone else, not even at any of the parties you’d attended.
The girl in front of you, however, obviously had considered it, and had somehow come to the conclusion that Sarah was interested in dating women.
“Do you even know her?” You ask.
“Not at all. Why do you think I’m asking for your help?”
“I don’t know, why don’t you tell me?” You have to admit that you’re still confused by her request. She seemed confident enough coming here to talk to you. So why would she need any help talking to Sarah?
“Oh, I’m like, notoriously bad at talking to women I’m interested in,” she easily explains. “I can’t flirt for the life of me and I’m way too awkward to try to convince a girl that she definitely wants to leave a party with me.”
You’re left without a response once more, blinking at the girl as she offers you a half smile and watches you. After a long moment, she seems to remember something, sitting up straighter to regard you again.
“Oh! I’m Brie by the way!” She holds out her hand towards you and you drop your eyes to stare at it for a moment, your hungover brain working at half speed before you realise she’s offering to shake your hand.
Your hand grips hers weakly and she shakes it with her own. Her handshake is firm yet gentle, though you don’t really know what to look for in a good handshake. Brie seems to hold back a laugh at the awkwardness of the situation.
“And you are…?” She regards you with a raised eyebrow.
“Oh! I’m Y/N.” You shake your head as if you were clearing the fog inside of it. “Sorry. It’s been a bit of a rough morning.” You force a chuckle. She squints her eyes at you for a moment before a look of recognition flashes across her face.
“Ah, I thought I recognised you. You were at that party last night, right?”
You look at her in surprise. Usually, no one ever seems to recognise or remember you from any of the parties you attend. You’d always been a loner to some level. Not totally socially inept but enough so that you generally flew under the radar quite easily.
You nod. “I’m sorry but I don’t remember seeing you there.”
“Yeah, by the time I showed up you seemed pretty plastered,” she chuckles and your cheeks immediately flush. You hadn’t meant to drink so much the previous night, but what started out as a couple of drinks had very quickly multiplied the more you had allowed yourself to wallow in your own self pity. You uncharacteristically had let the fact that you were at yet another party alone get to you.
Brie seems to notice your discomfort because she thankfully has the decency to move the conversation on fairly quickly.
“So, you think you can help me?”
You’d completely forgotten the reason why she had even started talking to you in the first place, but your brain eventually catches up and your eyebrows lift when you remember her request.
“Oh. Um…”
“Okay, listen,” Brie interrupts, watching you with amusement in her eyes. “I’ve gotta go. But if you decide you might want to help me, here’s my number.”
She grabs the notebook that you forgot you even had open in front of you and slides it across the table towards herself. She quickly scribbles her phone number in the corner of the open page and slides the notebook back towards you.
Brie stands up, considering you for a moment before she reaches into her bag that’s slung over her shoulder. You’re still several steps behind, looking down at the set of numbers she had written in your notebook, when she drops two aspirins in front of you. You startle, looking up at her and finding her smirking down at you.
“Take these, they’ll make you feel better. And maybe they'll convince you to help me, too,” she says, barely giving you a second to respond before she, too, is leaving you alone at the table.
You sit in stunned silence for a few moments until your eyes drift towards the large clock on the wall opposite you and you catch sight of the time. If you don’t leave now, you’ll definitely be late for your first class of the day. You half consider your options, wondering how much you’d really miss if you just skipped one class in favour of going back to your dorm to nap.
Eventually you let out a deep sigh and stand up, knowing you’ll just end up beating yourself up later if you let yourself miss a class because of your poor choices from the previous night. You quickly throw your belonging into your book bag, only pausing to look at the two aspirins Brie had left for you. You pick them up and quickly swallow them down with a gulp of water from your water bottle before you’re rushing out of the library doors and towards your class.
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violetnotez · 4 years
Can I request a storyline where reader and Ms. Joke gives advice to each other to ask their crushes out. (Reader crushing on Bakugou and Ms. Joke likes Eraserhead). Also I love your Dabi fic it's so damn amazing.
Anon I know this took so long but I loved this idea ALOT. Like-literally GENIUSSSSSSSS!!!! And omg I’m so happy you liked my Dabi fics!!!🥺😭
Another fic for the @bnhabookclub event! If you wanna join in, heres the link!
Also pls ignore that Ms Jokes shoulder has disappeared I forgot to fix it 💀
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Bakugo x reader
⤷ Genre: Fluff
⤷ Word Count: 2000+
⤷ Warnings: cursing
⤷ Synopsis: As your helping your hero aunt Ms. Joke concoct a plan to win over Eraserhead, the conversation somehow turns to your crush on Bakugo. Even though you feel comfortable talking about the hotheaded boy with your aunt over the phone, you don’t realize how bad that idea is until a certain someone decided to eavesdrop outside the door.
Song Recs: ⤷ Leave This Place-Lione ⤷All This Time-Deorro ⤷Start It Over-NOTD
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“Okay okay, how about this one-
“Can you pass me my inhaler, because you just took my breath away!”
Ms. Joke made an over exaggerated attempt at swooning, her voice airy and theatrical. You couldn’t help but giggle at her antics, your nose scrunching at the terrible pick up line she just gave you.
“I don’t think that one will work Auntie,” you mused, your phone on speaker as you tidied up your UA dorm room.
Not many people were aware of it, but your aunt was Ms. Joke, the comedy hero. It was quite a shocker when you let that information out to your classmates, as they couldn’t understand why you had went to UA over her hero school. It was true you had entertained the idea of going, but as much as you loved your aunt-you could only tolerate her for so long. She was so fun and energetic to be around, but that energy quickly became draining after a few hours.
The thought of having to be around your aunt every day made you feel tired just thinking about it, so you had kindly opted to try UA instead. Your aunt was a little disappointed that you had picked UA over her school, but she was over the moon excited for you to finally follow her footsteps and become a hero.
It also didn’t hurt that you would be around Aizawa quite a lot-and she definitely used that to her advantage.
“Oh Cmon tho, Jitter Bug, he would love it!” She exclaimed through the phone. “That one is such a laugh riot!”
“I think you forget that Mr. Aizawa isn’t too big on jokes,” you gave her a short giggle as you began to fold the freshly cleaned clothes on your bed.
“Hm….” she hummed in thought.
“What about-I’m thirsty, and guess whose body is 75% water? I’d then give him a killer smile to go along with it-he can’t say no to me then!”
Your cheeks turned incredibly red-the thought of your aunt hitting on your teacher so openly like that? Revolting.
You made a gagging noise at the prospect, a nervous laugh spilling out.
“I swear if you do that, I will dig my own grave and lay in there from second hand embarrassment,”
A belly laugh erupted in the other end of the line, Ms. Joke’s chuckles high pitched and uncontrollable.
“You really are a hard one to impress, huh?” She said between laughter.
“That type of pick up line is a little too young though-you babies are the ones that say ‘thirsty’ all the time…”
You heard a little hum on the other side of the phone, signaling she was thinking deeply.
“Why don’t you use that one on that boy you like, what’s his name again?”
She asked good naturedly, a hint of sneakiness in her voice. “It’s-Bakugo, Katsuki Bakugo, right?”
Your eyes went wide like saucers, your body language going rigid.
“Auntie you cant say that so loud, I’m on speaker phone!” You hushed her.
Your cheeks went insanely red, your head swiveling to look at your door.
Damn you and not closing it properly-anybody walking by could have heard!
Your aunt only knew about your crush because she had noticed you staring quite intently at Bakugou at your provisional licensing exam, her questions hard to not answer truthfully. She had promised not to tell anyone, not even your parents, but she used it against you nevertheless.
You sighed a breath of relief once you were satisfied that no one had walked by, your head turning back to your phone call.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
Unknowing to you, someone had walked by-Bakugo.
It was later in the day and getting close to his early bedtime, so he had come up to tell you to be quiet.
It felt strange walking up to your room-Bakugo knew he was beginning to like you, more than just a classmate or a friend, yet he didn’t quite want to believe it.
He shouldn’t have all these vulnerable feelings, he should be focusing on training and nothing more. But the more and more he tried to ignore it the more and more he realized how much he truly admired you-you were so damn pretty to him, your laugh and smile always making a blush rise to his cheeks, and the way you would look at him so innocently whenever he spoke to you made his whole world light up.
He liked how you respected him, but you would also put him in his place if needed.You were really one of the few only people he would listen to, which made it even worse-you had a power over him you didn’t even know about. It frustrated him, but he cared about your opinion too damn much to openly defy your wishes.
It sucked how easily he’d fallen for you, but he couldn't make it stop, no matter how hard he tried.
Just as he trudged up the stairs to your room, he noticed the door unlocked, a strange thing for him to see since he had prepared himself to knock. Whatever-less time waiting outside your door. He lightly leaned himself against the adjacent wall, ready to yell his warning at you quickly until he heard the familiar voice of Ms. Joke speak his name from a phone call.
The hell were you even talking about?
He couldn’t help it, he had to listen in, it was him you were talking about after all. As much as he didnt want to care, he hoped it was only good things you were speaking of, his heart fluttering when he heard your aunt say “you like him.”
Was it true? Did you really feel the same for him?
Bakugo instantly felt himself to sweat, his vermillion eyes wide as he prayed the news he was hearing wasn’t a lie-you had to like him back. You just had to.
Ms. Joke laughed at your distress, her voice lighthearted and loud.
“Oops, sorry!” She said, not a single ounce of remorse in her tone. “But really, y/n, what do you see in that boy! He’s so-well-“
“Harsh?” You finished her sentence, shuffling on your bed.
“Exactly! He’s always so mean and entitled too-you can’t find another boy in UA? What about Shoto-hes a pretty one!”
You gave a giggle, your hands fiddling nervously with your hair.
“Shoto is just a friend Auntie, and besides, he’s quite reserved-Bakugo isn’t,” you sighed, “Ive never meant anyone like him before.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
Bakugo’s heart beat painfully in his chest from outside the door.
This was fucking wrong-he was being a total creepster eaves dropping in your private conversation.
He kept telling himself that this was all okay, because you were talking about him and it was your goddamn fault for speaking about him behind his back-
But he knew deep down it was because he wanted so badly to know. He just wanted to be reassured that there was a connection between you two and he could pursue it somehow.
。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚★,。・:*:・゚☆ 。・:*:・゚
“He’s just so-different. He is really harsh and brutally honest-it makes him kinda unique in a way. He’s always so driven, trying to do his best to be the best-it’s infectious, ya know? I can't help but admire him for that.”
you admired him? god, hearing those words sent him over the moon. You sounded so sweet and so soft as you relayed all your inner feelings to Ms. Joke, his heart was practically swooning.
Your aunt gave a small nod at your words, her voice much more understanding.
“Have you talked to him? Tried to ask him out or do anything you little kiddies usually do when you have a crush?” She asked playfully.
You sighed, your hands combing through your hair.
“Oh I could never! He wouldn’t like me back-he’s too into his school work. And he is super harsh-god I don’t know what I’d do if he’d reject me….”
“I understand you full heartedly JitterBug,” she used your nickname again, a groan slipping out of your lips.
“Are you yiu ever going to stop calling me that!”
“Never!” She exclaimed, her voice loud and cheerful again. “Your my wonderful little JitterBug and I’m going to keep calling you that until I kick the bucket!
“But really,” she sighed, her tone much more serious. “You never know until you try! I got rejected myself many, many, MANY times-but Im still doing perfectly fine!”
You held back a small snicker-your aunt, the Jokester Hero, who can’t hold a conversation without cackling like a maniac, the one who wears the most ridiculous outfits, has a chaotic fighting style, and has been pinning over the same guy since her internship days as a rookie?
Yeah, perfectly fine isn’t the best way you would describe her.
You simply hummed a nod in order to satiate her a response, a small smile gracing your lips.
“Ugh, I just got a call-they need me to help out with some robbery,” you aunt huffed out, her tone clearly tired. You felt a little bad for the hero-she must have been having a pretty crazy day.
“I’m sorry we had to cut our call so short!”
“Oh no it’s no problem!” You reasuresed her happily, “stay safe out there!”
“You two Jitterbug! Byeeeee!” She practically yelled her goodbye into the phone, making you flinch.
You breathed a tranquil sigh, readying yourself to start studying for your tests when you heard a loud banging upon your door.
“Oi, dumbass, can I come in for a minute?” The gruff voice of Bakugo filled the room, making your blood shiver-
Bakugo?!? Wait-was he there the whole time?!?
You teeth were practically chattering from that overwhelming fear, your cheeks red and your eyes wide.
You seriously were going to crawl into a hole and never come out if he heard that whole conversation.
You crawled off your bed, your hand making their way to the door to peak it open slightly.
Bakugo’s heart was thumping violently in his chest-now he knew you felt the same for him, this was going to be extremely easy. But he still felt really nervous, especially when your hair was so perfectly messy like that and your cheeks were dusted with pink like you were already nervous yourself.
God damn, why did you have to be so attractive? It just messed everything up for him, making him feel like he couldn’t think straight.
“Hey Bakugo, I-Uh-what’s up? Did you need something?”
“Yeah,” he replied gruffly, his nerves making his hand sweat more than usual. “something like that,”
Damn quirk, he thought in annoyance, shoving his hands into his pants. “You gonna let me in?”
“Oh-uh,”you began to stutter, shifting away from the door and opening it up slightly, “sure, yeah!”
He grinned to himself at your adorableness-did you always act this nervous around him? How did he not notice you like him before-it was so obvious to see now when you were fidgeting like that.
He strutted into your room, a new found confidence in him as he shut the door of the room for you, practically trapping you in with him. A mischievous smirk graced his lips, making your heart thump against your ribcage.
“Don’t want anyone overhearing by accident cause you cant close a door right,”
You groaned in embarrassment.
Welp-he knew.
You gave him a small look, your eyes doe -like and scrunched up in uneasiness.
“How much of that did you hear?” You asked timidly.
Bakugo scoffed, that shit eating grin still plastered on his face.
“All of it, Jitterbug,”
You groaned yet again, plopping your body onto the bed in embarrassment.
How could this happen?! He was right-you should have closed the door! You covered your face with your hands, your fingers trailing against your forehead and your hair.
“God I’m so sorry, I probably sounded like a creep, I didn’t mean to-“ you tried to apologize and explain yourself, your cheeks a cherry red.
“Do you like me?” He interrupted you, his arms crossed in front of his chest.
You looked up timidly-god, was he always this intimidating?
He was standing right in front you, his overwhelming stature making you feel so small and overpowered. He was wearing this strange smirk, as if he was enjoying interrogating you.
That usually wasn’t a Bakugo thing to do, to smirk like that, but damn, was it kinda-hot. You could really only focus on that, on the way his lips curled up so softly like he was happy about something but trying to repress it. It was warm and inviting, and you couldn’t help but feel some of your awkwardness melt away.
“How would you feel if I said ‘yes’?” You tried your best to lighten the mood some what, a nervous smile slipping against your lips.
Bakugo knelt down, his body so much more closer to you. His hands went on each side of your legs, his thumbs just brushing your outer thigh. He caged you in to the bed with his arms, his face mere inches from yours.
Well shit.
You felt the blood rush to your face, your ears pounding-you never knew he felt this warm so close, and god-did he really smell like salted caramel? His vermillion eyes were boaring to yours, sending your senses into over drive.
“And how would it feel if I said ‘yes’?” He turned your words against you, his voice husky and deep form being so close.
You squirmed from nerves, your hands going to play with your hair. It was so strange being so close to him, and you didn’t know what to do.
You looked so cute flustered like this-Bakugo internally tried to remember this perfectly, mentally writing down your adorable mannerisms and facial expression to memory. As much as he loved this, you were taking too long for a reply, and he was getting a little annoyed.
“What was that? I’m still waiting,” he asked gruffly, his voice low and sultry.
You gulped, feeling a pang in your heart from hearing that type of voice come from him. Directed to you.
“I-Uh-yes, I-I do, I've liked you for a while now,” you revealed, your cheeks practically tomato red.
He smirked at your expression, slowly lifting his body with off the weight.
You looked up in confusion, already feeling cold without his warm body so close to yours.
“Good,” he replied, his voice prideful, “cause I feel the same way.”
“You do!” You practically shouted, your eyes wide with shock.
The Bakugo-“liked you” liked you? You could practically scream with happiness.
“Well yeah dumbass, why would I say that if I didn’t?” He chuckled slightly, his bright red eyes still drinking you in.
Now his nerves were coming out again, a heaviness feeling his stomach as he realized what he had to do now.
“I-I’m not good at this shit, but-
“Wanna go out tomorrow?”
You were practically screaming like a little girl internally. This was happening? Was this all just a cruel dream?
Only one way to figure out if this was real or not.
You stood up from the bed, bringing yourself close to the hot head.
Now it was Bakugo’s turn to be embarrased-he was getting too comfortable being the one to make you nervous. He forgot how you could make him so flustered, your warm smile and pretty eyes making his heart thump painfully and his mind go into a panicked standstill.
Your hands shakily wrapped around his neck, slow to see how he would react.
God, you had thought about touching his hair for so long now, it was even better than you imagined-soft and fluffy like a cloud, you ran your hands through the spiky locks. The faint smell of caramel wafted into your nose agaun, making you feel nervous and calm at the same time.
He was slightly rigid, staring at you with shocked eyes-but he seemed to not mind this. You smiled softly, your heart thumping-it was now or never.
You slowly got on your toes and leaned yourself into his lips, surprised how warm they felt. At first he didn’t move, which scared you-but he eventually began to move against your lips, a little rough but still pleasant. A flood of warmth filled your body, your hands relaxing against his body. You felt his arms wrap around your body, his lips now taking the lead and guiding you into him.
You couldn’t believe how good this felt, how perfect and surreal it was.
But you remembered-sadly- breathing was a thing, your lungs burning as you both reluctantly pulled away.
You thanked your aunt for her loud mouth in your blissful daze, because without her, you wouldn’t be kissing your crush now.
You smiled at the blonde, his cheeks dusted with red and his eyes drinking you in.
“Tomorrow sounds great.”
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washymylifeaway · 3 years
hi! do you have any favourite fantasy/mythology esque sakuatsu fics?
Haikyuu SakuAtsu fanfic recs: Fantasy Edition!!!!
To the anon who requested this, you are an ABSOLUTE GOD. I don’t know if you know, but fantasy AND mythology are some of my FAVORITE genres of ALL TIME. STILL, I saw the esque and I ran with it (cause there isn’t a lot of like pure fantasy or mythological journey fics ie. my poor excuse OOPS LOL and I wasn’t too sure what would be okay on this list AHAHA), so if it’s not the right kind of fics you were looking for, I’M SO SORRY :((((((( May this rec list be up to your expectations!!!!!! (And if it isn’t, feel free to re-request :’))))),,,, ALSO, ignore me switching between Sakusa and Omi LOL.)
As per usual, pls check WARNINGS, TAGS, and SUMMARIES for each fic before reading and make sure you’re taking care of yourselves (since mental health is key!) Stay healthy loves <3
if you make me feel in love / if you make me open up by volchitsae (E) 6.4k // this is a reincarnation AU, and it has a major folklore/japanese-ish mythology (gods) element to it. This honestly MIGHT be my favorite from this list cause it’s just done SO well and I LOVE the reunion after the TRAGEDY :’)))) I’m trying to be vague cause I REALLY don’t want to spoil this fic at ALL, so PLEASE read it heh.
my love, take your time by bastigod (T) 9k // this is another reincarnation AU, but this time it’s with greek-ish mythology :’D However, the fantasy part of it is kinda on the back burner (ahaha oops LOL). It becomes more apparent near the end of the fic, but the build up to it is worth reading, which is why it’s here LOL. I love how they added Sakusa’s own memories concerning certain things, and how he collected pieces of them in the museum! The writing is so good, but also, I’m a sucker for Omi making lists relating to Atsumu hehe.
your flame will not survive in this cold tundra by awkwardedgeworth (T) 26.5k // this is an AtLA AU, but even if you don’t know the show, you’ll still enjoy it! I absolutely love this fic and the plot is really AMAZING and asihfkjahsdkfjak their DEVELOPMENT. Especially with the separation of POV’s in both chapters (and what we get to see which we didn’t previously) UGH,,,, it was so GOOD. (Their other AtLA AU fics are really good too, so don’t be shy, go read them as well LOL.)
one life, one encounter by bastigod (G) 5.7k // this is a japanese-ish mythology AU, with our first appearance of foxsumu. We do stan Kita-san and Sakusa being friends with one another in this house :D This fic was really cute and Sakusa is so baby in this (but in a GOOD WAY), and when he talks to Atsumu at first,,, HE SOUNDED SO LONELY LIKE I’LL BE YOUR FRIEND :((((((
give me a moment so devoted by volchitsae (T) 4.5k // immortals! YES! I really really like this one and I think that their relationship in it was SO cute. I am really into the idea of Atsumu being insufferable throughout Omi’s lifetime and them having INSIDE JOKES AHHHHH. It’s really light and fluffy so if you just want some love in your life, this is the read :)
show you my best disguise by volchitsae (T) 5.1k // this one has NICE Sakusa in it (which I think should be more common fight me) and their relationship with one another is actually good from the beginning :D I love how naturally it progressed and how we get to see the habits slowly build as they spend time with one another. Very good fic, but not lots of magic until the end LOL. (There’s also a lot of poetry LOL.)
both our hands speak for us and complicate it by volchitsae (M) 8.6k // MAGIC/superpowers :D FIRST, the puns are such a nice touch to this fic and SECOND we do love the yachi/yama agenda being pushed here. I really like the conditions Sakusa’s powers have, and how that added to the plot (and the ending for that matter, may there be a universe where they can touch LOL). Honestly, the magic is also kinda back burner for this one and it focuses more on relationship dev. but it’s still a fun read so I added it LOL.
Rain and Its Incendiary Properties by firtree (M) 24.5k // so we get some Sakusa turning into vampire backstory in this one, and the revelation of more mythical beings LOL. Bless Komori and tbh Suna for being some MVP’s in this fic, we do love the familial bonds :)))) But also, the knowledge at the end does give some second hand embarrassment so brace yourself LOL.
two slow dancers by orphan_account (T) 1.2k // AHHHHHH BLOND SAKUSA! Also, yes another vampire fic. What? Sue me. This is just a load of fluff and sap from Atsumu, and warning: there ARE twilight references in this one ahahahaha. (If you thought that with this many vampire fics on the list, you would be safe from twilight, you obviously thought wrong.)
crimson colored lotus by sieges (M) 16.5k // this was a demon slayer AU LOL. TBH I haven’t watched DS, but you honestly don’t really need to in order to read this LOL. It’s explained really well and the writing is AMAZING! It’s not a linear fic, but you can read it in order if you so choose. I know it’s a stretch for this list, but it’s just that good, okay? LOL.
how can I not be moved (by you) by Ann1215 (T) 26.4k // this has warlock Atsumu (with an actual REASON for his blond-ness that isn’t Osamu) and halfling Sakusa, who is eventually a sap LOL. I really love fics with familiars and animals so this fic was one that I really liked hehe. The ending? Embarrassing but we do love the love LOL. Also the second part with Atsumu’s POV, FLUFF like, yes please give me all the love :DDDDD
enchanted to meet ya by zantetsvkens (T) 4.8k // FAST BURN but it makes sense. I agree with the a/n at the end for the confession, so there’s that LOL. I liked this one because the tactful provoking was SO good and funny for that matter HAH. But Sakusa WOULD be more concerned with the window costs than Atsumu’s wellbeing (it had to have been said).
when morning comes we'll be safe by bestcarrot (T) 2.7k // another demon slayer AU even though I’ve never read or watched ds? Yes. Again, sue me. I know it’s teeeeeeechnically a stretch BUT fox demon Atsumu...... (Also it’s written so well I felt like I needed to add it okay? :’)))))) AND yes, I WAS holding onto the no character death (YOU SHOULD TOO), the close ending was scary.
a boy is a thing with fangs by unthank (T) 3.5k // foxsumu! ngl I’ll just be straight up honest with you all, I added this for the response Sakusa has to Atsumu when they’re watching SunaOsa play shogi in the next fic LOL. I thought it was so funny and perfect for that moment please. Just,,,, forgive me once AHAHAH.
Falling For You (Literally) by Anubis_2701 (T) 6.5k // clumsy Atsumu makes me feel some type of way LOL. This is another NICE, soft Sakusa fic (like i said we need more: me pretending like I don’t see the tag for it LOL) and it’s just really cute. There’s some medical tings that occur (cause Omi is literally a magical medic LOL), but it’s just very FLUFF hehe.
The curse of a blessing by basinnit (E) 7.8k // CHECKING WARNINGS AND TAGS!!!!!!! I felt like I knew what was going to happen, but DENIAL IS NICE OKAY. Honestly, it seems short with it’s 7.8k word count, but with the number of mental breaks you’re gonna need,,,, it’ll seem long. Also, yes Atsumu punching people (one person in particular) because I would’ve too and I love that person >:((((( It looks scary and confusing with the tags, but I’d read it anyway LOL. (If you’re wondering, the magic is that Suna and Sakusa are warlocks LOL.)
The Fox Prince by cinnamonlove (T) 13.1k // okay there are some INSULTS thrown (and lots of cursing LOL) and so TW: LOTTA CURSE WORDS. Aside from that, we see once again MVP Komori making an appearance, but also vulnerable SakuAtsu near the end :0 It’s definitely an interesting fic, so that’s why it’s here LOL. (Also it’s like fake foxsumu but not really,,,, you’ll understand.)
the echoing halls by ohwickedsoul (T) 11.7k // GAH THIS ONE WAS SO GOOD. To read it though, some background knowledge (or google LOL) is needed cause the mythology references are very strong in this one. But I love when Sakusa was so desperate (honor’d light AUAHFKJDHFKJS) and Atsumu was aboutta (basically) punch him LOL. V GOOD V CUTE IN LOVE? I AM.
Did I just take this ask as an excuse to read a crap ton of fantasy/mythology AUs instead of doing any of my other work? Yes, yes I did. Also, I know it’s kinda short (LOL NOT ME SAYING THIS but I did NOT (surprising IK) put some of the fics I liked D:), but I tried to REALLY narrow it down a bit hehe. I hope I didn’t miss too many good ones, and I’m sorry for not really staying on ‘topic’ LOL. I realized while re-reading these that a lot of them are just Atsumu like meeting Sakusa by chance and being like dang, he’s hot. Gotta bother him forever ig? Thank you for the ask, it was really fun and I hope you liked the fics hehe :)
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dccomicsimagines · 4 years
Spilled Coffee - Wally West x Reader
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Requested by Anon -  Impulse accidentally knocks a girl over while running only for Wally to fall for her when he stops and helps her up and then tries his hardest to find her when he's not in uniform?
You shuffled out your front door and down the driveway. A warm cup of fresh coffee in your hand, filling your nose with it’s lovely, wide wake scent. Your overnight Amazon order had just been delivered, but the deliveryman left it at the end of the driveway. Personally, you didn’t see why they couldn’t at least leave it by the front door. 
Taking a long sip from your cup, you bent down to pick up the package. You straightened before a car honk shattered the peaceful quiet of the day. A bright yellow and blue car sped down the street. “Come get me, Flash Boys,” a man in an orange and blue costume and a mask shouted out the window. The car skid into the turn, running into a few garbage cans on the way. 
You jumped slightly before carefully steady your coffee. “Maniac.” You tucked your package under your arm and turned to go back to your house. However, after your first step, a gust of wind hit you. It was so powerful, you lost your balance and crashed hard onto the pavement. 
Your coffee splashed onto you, burning your skin. “Shit.” You checked the package, which you landed on. It didn’t look damaged. 
“Sorry about him. He never looks where he’s going,” a voice said. You looked up, wide eyed at the hand offered out to you. “Did that coffee burn you?” 
“A bit.” You took the hand and got to your feet. “I didn’t break the cup at least.” Your body ached from the impact. You’ll have bruises tonight for sure. It took a moment before you noticed the red and yellow suit on the owner of the hand. “Is it Halloween?” 
The red headed man chuckled. “No, I’m Kid Flash.” You stared at him blankly. “A superhero.” 
“Oh, that’s why you’re wearing that?” You shook your head. “Well, thanks for helping me up.” You started toward your house with a limp. “Better go stop that guy.” 
Kid Flash was still standing where you left him when you reached your front door. You raised an eyebrow at him. Suddenly, he shifted before disappearing in a flash. You sighed. “What a crazy day,” you mumbled, going inside to change out of your coffee stained clothes. 
“Where were you?”  Bart asked as he finished deconstructing Trickster's car, leaving Trickster in a state of shock. He sat on his car seat with a loose steering wheel in his hand.  He threw the steering wheel with a scream of frustration. 
“You knocked over a civilian.” Wally zoomed to tie up Trickster with a piece of extension cord. “I stopped to help.” 
Bart shrugged. “Oops. Were they feeling the mode?” 
“Yeah, but then they didn’t know who I was.” Wally stopped next to Bart. 
Trickster laughed. “Not everybody knows you, Flash Boy. They only know the Flash.” 
The cops pulled up. “Let’s go.” Bart elbowed Wally before dashing off. Wally sighed, following him. They both rushed out of their suits and into civvies. “Do you think we missed the surprise part of the party?” 
“No, Uncle Barry is supposed to pick her up from work at five. He’s always late, so we should be good,” Wally chuckled as they both zoomed through the backdoor. Joan jumped, almost dropping the cake in surprise. Wally quickly caught it. “Sorry.” 
“Boys.” Joan shook her head. “You almost missed it. Barry just texted that they were on their way home.” She took the cake back and glared at Bart in warning when he tried to steal some frosting. “Bartholomew, snack on something else.” 
Bart blushed and zoomed off into the living room to find snacks. “Do you think it’s weird that someone doesn’t know who Kid Flash is?” Wally asked, crossing his arms. It bugged him. He used to hate it when he got called Speedy or Mini-Flash, but for someone to not even recognize him. You lived in Central City. How could you not know who he was?
“No.” Joan took the cake into the living room. Wally trailed behind her. “Not everyone is so into superheroes to know all your names.” 
“But she lives in Central City? It’s our city,” Wally exclaimed. Mary came over and started to smooth out Wally’s hair. “Mom, stop it.” 
“I don’t know why you can’t run a comb through your hair once and a while.” Mary shook her head. 
Rudy clapped a hand on Wally’s shoulder. “Listen to your mother.” 
Wally sighed. “But the entirety of Central City knows the Flash, thus they know Kid Flash. I mean it makes sense if no one knows who Bart is.” 
“Ouch.” Bart pouted, eating a bag of Chicken Whizees. “I’m so crash they don’t have to know my name is Impulse.”  
“They’re here, everyone quiet and hide,” Jay said, turning off the lights. Wally got pushed down by his dad. He grumbled, still obsessed with the idea you didn’t know who Kid Flash was. 
“How does someone who lives in Central City not know who Kid Flash is?!” Wally said for the hundredth time that week. Dick rolled his eyes. 
“Can you give it a rest? Who cares if she doesn’t know who Kid Flash was?” Dick landed a punch on a robber. Wally and Dick were having guys’ night out only to find robbery in progress.  
Wally zoomed around another robber so fast that he got disoriented enough to back up and fall into the nearby trash can. “I care.” Wally stopped beside Dick once all the robbers were down. 
“Cops are on their way. Let’s go.” Dick climbed out the window and landed on the street below. Wally dashed down the stairs and out the front door to join him. They both walked down the street, heading toward the new club they decided to check out. “You need to get turbed, dude. I mean we’re on a covert ops team. No one is supposed to know who we are.” 
“People know who Robin is.” Wally threw his arms in the air. “There was even posters made of us. Remember Gar had them in his room.” 
Dick stared at him blankly. “Walls, not everyone is obsessed with superheroes.” 
“So? I mean it’s like not knowing who the president is.” Wally kicked a beer can down the sidewalk before picking it up and tossing it in a garbage can. 
“There are a lot of people who prefer not to know who the president is.” Dick laughed. They joined the line into the club. 
“What is this place anyway?” Wally tapped his foot, eyeing the bouncer somewhat nervously. 
Dick shrugged. “It’s a new club. Plays live music every night.” He bumped Wally’s arm. “I heard the band playing tonight is awesome. Barbara recommended it.” 
“Oh, Barbara recommended it?” Wally raised an eyebrow. “So is that working out for you two now?” 
Dick bit his lips to hold back a smirk. “We’re not feeling the aster yet, but it’s getting close. I think she’s going to give me a chance.” 
“Good for you, dude.” Wally smiled, bumping Dick’s arm back as they reached the front of the line. They showed their IDs to the bouncer and were let inside. The club was crowded. Dick led the way to the bar, getting two sober colas for himself and Wally. Wally took a sip of his drink and turned to look at the band as they warmed up.
Wally spit out his cola all over a few passing women. They gasped, glaring at him in disgust. “Walls, what the hell?” Dick exclaimed, flashing a smile at the women. They instantly didn’t seem so upset anymore. However, Wally’s eyes were on the stage. His heart pounding so hard, it threatened to burst from his chest.
“It’s her,” he whispered to Dick. His hand shook so bad, his cola was spilling on the floor. Dick took it from him and set it back on the bar. The bartender stared at the mess on the floor.
“Who?” Dick followed Wally’s gaze to the stage. “Which one?” 
The singer took the mike. “Hello music lovers, are you ready for Laugh Track?” they shouted. The crowd screamed in response. Wally’s eyes stayed on you as you beat the tempo of the song on your drum set before the rest of the band joined in.
“She’s the drummer.” Wally raised his voice, not taking his eyes off you. Dick chuckled, shaking his head. Wally saw how skillful you were on the drums. He moved closer to the stage. Dick followed him, wanting a closer look himself. 
Your face was a mask of intense concentration. Wally loved how confidently you played. The little smirk you got when you did your drum solo. Wally’s knees shook. He almost crumbled at the sight. In that instant, he knew you would rarely leave his thoughts again. 
“Dude, you’re drooling.” Dick pulled Wally over to sit down at an empty table. Most of the crowd was on their feet, dancing and cheering for the band. Wally still didn’t take his eyes off you. You glanced up and met his eyes for a second. Time froze, the last note of the sound hung in the air. A real smile pulled at your lips. Wally grinned back at you.
Suddenly, time sped back up. The crowd was cheering loudly as you looked away from Wally. Wally moved to go to you, but Dick grabbed his arm. “Walls, you can’t go up there.” The band started their next song.
“But...” Wally looked back at you to find you focused back on the music, drumming away expertly. “Oh my god, she looked me! She smiled at me!”
Dick shook his head. “You’re hopeless,” he sighed as Wally focused back on you. However, Dick sensed he wasn’t done hearing about you for a long time.
“This sucks,” Wally groaned, collapsing on the floor of Roy Harper’s new house. The original team had come by to help him move in. Artemis stepped over him. 
“You aren’t even doing anything.” Artemis rolled her eyes at him, box in hand. 
Roy set baby Lian on Wally’s chest. “Hold the baby if you aren’t going to help.” He went back out to grab more boxes. 
Kaldur and Conner came in with an armchair. “Wallace, we will step on you,” Kaldur warned . Wally sighed, scooting out of the way. Lian giggled happily, thinking it was a game. 
“I haven’t been able to find her.” Wally looked at Lian who smiled at him sweetly. “I’ve looked up her band, Laugh Track, and all I found was a website for merch.” 
“Oh, that’s why you’re wearing that.” Conner snorted, nodding at Wally’s bright colored shirt with Laugh Track spray painted across the front. 
Wally glared at him. “I think it’s romantic,” M’gann said as she floated some boxes down the hallway toward the bedrooms. 
“Or it’s creepy. You realize she’s probably going to think you’re a stalker or something.” Artemis smiled when Wally turned his glare onto her. Lian reached up to grab Wally’s bottom lip. 
Dick and Roy came in with a coffee table. “I didn’t expect Ollie to buy me so much furniture for a housewarming gift,” Roy said as they set it down against the wall so it would be out of the way. Lian saw Roy and got excited enough to wet her diaper. 
“Roy, she needs you.” Wally held her out, wrinkling his nose. 
“You’re useless,” Roy said, coming over to take Lian and going to the bathroom to change her. 
Wally groaned, bringing his knees to his chest. “I found the house where I first saw her this morning, but she’s not there anymore. I think they were renting it.” 
Dick laughed, sitting down on the armchair Conner and Kaldur just brought in. “You know I could help you find her?” Dick jumped when Wally suddenly appeared beside him.
“Really? You will?!” His body vibrated in excitement. “Because that would be crash, dude!” 
“Impulse rubbing off on him,” Conner grumbled to M’gann. M’gann kissed Conner’s cheek.
Kaldur chuckled. “Why did you wait until now to offer your assistance?” He sat down on the coffee table. Artemis came up to offer him a water bottle.
Dick snorted. “I wanted to see how long it would take him to ask.” 
“Oh, thanks for waiting, Dick, so we could all hear Wally whine and complain,” Artemis said, rolling her eyes. 
“You’re welcome.” Dick smirked at her, earning a sharp punch in the arm from Artemis. Wally sat back on the floor, lost in his excitement at finally being able to meet you as Wally West. Who cared if you didn’t know who Kid Flash was? It wasn’t like you couldn’t learn. 
“What the hell is this? I go change Lian’s diaper and you all stop.” Roy came out of the bathroom with blazing eyes. Lian laughed. Her cuteness threw off his threatening appearance. “We’re renting that moving truck by the hour.” 
“I thought Green Arrow was paying for it,” Conner said. 
Roy froze as if he suddenly remembered that little fact. “Well, in that case.” He sat down next to Kaldur and handed Lian over to M’gann. “What’s the gossip? Is Wally going bald?” 
“Hey!” Wally grabbed a throw pillow from one of the boxes and threw it at Roy’s head. “I have all my hair, thank you very much. It’s you that getting a dad bod.” More pillows were thrown, and for a day, it was almost like old times back during the first year of the team.
You sighed, picking up your book as you sat on your stool behind the drum set. The singer and the bassist were arguing again. The bassist had written a new song, and the singer was adding their own flare to it. It was a mess as usual. The keyboardist laid down to take a nap on the floor while the guitarist went outside for a smoke break.  
About a chapter or two later, they finally came to an agreement. You put your bookmark in, and picked up your drumsticks. The new song was interesting to say the least.
The club wasn’t open yet. Only the bartender and the manager were there, preparing for the night. The band decided to practice while you could since you were all playing this club for the week. It was a chance to try something new and see how the crowd responds, your manager said.
Speaking of your manager, they burst through the stage door like their pants were on fire. “Hold the practice. You need to save your energy for tonight. We got some record companies coming to listen.” 
You sighed as the band stopped mid song. “Oh my god, I have to go get my hair done,” the singer cried, knocking over their mike and going on their phone to find the closest hair salon. The keyboardist just laid back down on the floor, while the guitarist went back out for another smoke break. The bassist ran up to your manager, chatting away. 
Putting your book and drumsticks in your bag, you got up to leave. A cup of coffee would be good. You didn’t get a lot of sleep last night due to sharing a room with the guitarist who snored like a fog horn. 
You left out of the club’s back door and used your phone to find the nearest coffee shop. “Where are you going?” the guitarist asked, blowing smoke into your path. You wrinkled your nose, walking through it.
“I’m going for some coffee. Want some?” You stopped a little ways away to avoid breathing in the cigarette smoke. 
“Yeah, you know what I like.” They took out their wallet and handed you a ten. “Bring me a snack too, will ya?” 
“Sure.” You took the ten and stuffed it in your pocket. “Don’t tell everyone else. I don’t want to get five coffees again.” 
They snorted. “Yeah, I still haven’t gotten the coffee stain off my shirt yet.” The blood rushed to your face, but you laughed it off and walked out of the alley to the street.
Luckily, you found a coffee shop two blocks away. You ordered your drink first and sat down to read your book in one of the cozy armchairs. Your drink sat on the table next to you. Time slipped away from you before you heard the table fall. You jumped, protecting your book as your coffee crashed to the floor. It splashed everything. “What the hell?” 
“Sorry.” A familiar looking red headed man quickly grabbed napkins to mop up some of the mess. “I’m such a klutz.” 
“It’s okay.” A employee came over with a mop and a wash cloth. The man turned to you. Your eyes went to his t-shirt, remembering the design your band had picked out for it. “Oh, are you a fan of Laugh Track?” 
He blushed. “Yeah, I heard them play a few weeks ago, and I couldn’t get their music out of my head.” He held out his hand. “My name is Wally.” 
“(Y/N).” You gave him a tight smile and shook his hand. It felt familiar, but you didn’t know how.  “I guess I better get another coffee.”
“Oh no, I’ll buy it for you. It’s my fault.” Wally smiled and suddenly you lost yourself in his green eyes for a moment. “What’s your poison?”
You laughed, getting up with your book and bag in hand. “How about I order it while you pay?” The two of you went to the counter, chatting away like you knew each other for your entire lives. 
Meanwhile, Dick and Barbara watched from a small table in the corner. “I can’t believe he purposely spilled her coffee. That’s a sin,” Barbara whispered, giggling away.
“I know, but it broke the ice didn’t it?” Dick took a sip of Barbara’s coffee. She glared at him, but he flashed her a charming smile and the glare faded away.
“At least she didn’t think he was a stalker.” Barbara snorted, stealing a sip of Dick’s coffee in retaliation. 
“Artemis will be upset about that. She bet me twenty that Wally would get punched in the face.” Dick and Barbara watched as you and Wally sat back down with fresh coffee. Wally looked happier than he had been in a long time. Dick smiled before he turned his full attention to Barbara.
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idjitlili · 3 years
Obi-wan x reader.
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Summary: Imagine sitting down Obi-wan, Anakin and Ahsoka to talk about their feelings. Though what is supposed to be family therapy just turns into 'negotiations'.
Word count:1065
Warnings: Nothing.
A/n:Request for anon. Xx
You were not sure what to do. You had been on your way to Kamino something about a recon mission. When Anakin was too busy arguing with Ahsoka, he was supposed to be piloting the ship. You and Obi-wan strapped in next to each other, Ahsoka co piloting.
"You are so stubborn, master."
"I am not."
"Yes you are and you are reckless."
"Am not!"
"Are too!" Wow, that sounded like like R2, the bickering between them had been going all day about silly things.
"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwhhh!" R2D2s scream seemed to stop the pair from fighting.
"Ahhhhhhhh!" Well, more like made them jump out of their skins, and they ended up crashing the ship some how. Smacking right into Hoth, an ice planet. Yours and Obi-wan's hands intertwined as the ship fell at high speed towards the surface bracing yourselves.
Though you were not with Kenobi, you were very close with him, you knew he couldn't being a Jedi. Did not stop your feelings from suffocating you either. You were not a Jedi, but what would be know as a rebel. Okay maybe not that far, you just worked along side the Jedi helping where you could, mostly being a healer.
"Do not say it, Ben..." The frown upon his face when his eyes met yours, the crease in his brow stunned his response. He did not know what you meant.
"Another happy landing." The external groan from you, Anakin smirked at Obi-wan as he turned in his chair. Obi-wants lips now shaped into an o, before he turned make to you with a grin.
"Oops." The smirk evident on Anakin's face angered you, his lips twisted up, his tone sarcastic.
"Shut up, Ani."  Oh wow, he really was like Annie, he was an orphan...  It was almost embarrassing seeing Padmè call Anakin that nickname it was annoying. 'Oh ani, help me!' 'Oh ani,' Ugh, worst secret relationship.
The way the smirk melt from the Jedi's face like lava, he spun around back to the control panel.
No long after that, they started fighting again, because the ship would not start, Obi-wan now invoked, you on the sidelines.
"For goodness sake , Anakin. Look what you've done, again."
"Look at what I've done? Look at your hair! It looks terrible."
"Sorry? You have been copying my hair for years!"
"Me? You shouldn't even be a Jedi master, you're scared that I am more powerful." The shouting increasingly getting louder, as well as more frequent scoffing.
"You a master , master? You are too immature, plus you got hit in the face by a broccoli last week."
"Oh, now your getting involved? I am a trunk and you are stick, padawan."
"Anakin, she's right you are too imma-"
With that you had left, R2 following you as you exited the ship, with thin layers you entered the snowy atmosphere. The cold hitting you like a phone falling on your face. There you and R2 began repairing the ship. No one came looking for you, in fact you could slightly hear the shouting still. Fixing the ship didn't take long, especially since R2 did all the work.
Walking slowly against the harsh winds back to the ship, the cold nipping at your nose. Why did no one bring coats? Your poor grip on your shoes making it difficult to climb the slope to into the ship. After a few attempts you made it in to the ship, the warm are engulfing your freezing body, R2 following behind.
Once you had made it into the cockpit, all three of them were now sat back down, in silence. As the door opened , their heads turned towards you and R2. Obi-wan standing up , his face in distress as he notices your trembling body.
“Where have you been?” Shrugging his robes of placing them of your shoulders, pulling them around you, leaving him in a brown turtleneck.
“Fixing the ship.”
“Y/n, we would’ve done that.” Ahsoka had piped in, she had heard of the creatures that lived upon Hoth, she felt guilty.
“Really? I think you were all too busy fighting, again.” Taking a sheet, the warmth of of Obi-wan robes, raising your temperature. Silence from them all, Obi-wan back in the seat next to you.
“I’ve had enough of your fighting, we could’ve died today, because you , Anakin,were too busy, arguing whether you were immature or not, clearly you are, otherwise you would’ve dropped it.” Anakins face was red as he looked at the floor, you were right and he knew it.
“And Obi-wan , as much as I love you, you just need to be calm with them don’t get so angry....” Your hand upon the brown fabric on his shoulder, leaning to his ear to whisper.
“it’s obvious you have the better hair, no need to argue.” A grin sat on his lips, a small blush, he tried to to hide it facing away from Anakin and Ahsoka.
“Right, Ahsoka, less teasing when we are in dangerous situations. Okay, that all I have to say. Wait, now go have a group hug.”
Hesitating they all got up slowly, Anakin and Ahsoka closed meeting first. Obi-wan next up , he had lifted you out of your seat by your upper arm, looking into his eyes, mouth gapped.
“You are a part of our unit.” His hand now on your lower back, guiding you to the other Jedi, a smile upon your face. In seconds you were pulled into a tight hug , pressed against Ahsoka and Obi-wan. Though, you were not related, that would be weird since you and Obi-wan had an non official thing. You felt at home.
Well, until bloody Anakin, kills a bunch of kids again, tries to kill Obi-wan , had body parts chopped off. When Obi-wan was in exile you did go with him, to Tatooine, to much of your dislike of the heat and the sand. What was non- official quickly became official. The amount of times you’d see Ahsoka were limited, but she was not gone.
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savrenim · 3 years
hi hi hi. so I just got into the Hamilton fandom, I swear I am four years late where did everybody go, and, well. I am apparently a hamburr shipper. bcs that is my life now. anyway I saw your fic ifmlam and I swear it is my favourite of all the fics I've ever read (and trust me I've read literally thousands). I love it so so much, how do you write fics like that??? I cried about four times during the whole thing, I stayed up till 4am reading it even when I had to wake up at 7 because it is just. that. good. I could not stop thinking about it for days afterwards and ifmlam has just ruined me. I can't think of listen to Hamilton without thinking of ifmlam anymore.
on to my qursttion: is it abandoned? of course it's perfectly FINE if it is. don't let anyone tell u differently, your fic is YOURS and u are amazing.
but pls I really need closure from ur fic, it has been haunting me if its abandoned or ongoing and I've read ur other fics and they are just chefskiss and thank you so much for writing them all. thank you thank you thank you, I will never be able to thank you enough for writing this fic and for everything it's done for me. I am probably thousands of miles away but I am sending you virtual jugs through a co.puter screen right now.
(don't feel pressured to reply to this or update it flam, I know how overwhelming it can get with so many messages and after a while u get desensitized to it. u can literally reply "thx. itfmlam is abandoned" and I would still be amazingly star struck. anyway has gotten way too long and I need to sleep and I'm sorry u probably won't see this so I'm just talking to myself right now but bye!!)
and thank you so so much for writing itfmlam.
aaaah hello anon!
thank you so so much???? I am so??? honored??? that ifmlam rates so highly to you, and also that you've read my other fics??????
the answer to the "is ifmlam abandoned" question is probably the worst possible one, which is pretty much "I do want to finish it, both for the folks that still want closure as well as it bothers to me have abandoned projects that are in the public eye/ already partially published, but also, it is last on my current writing projects list"
my current actually active writing projects list, kind of in order of priority, is
I'm literally three chapters away from being Actually Fully Done with the not-quite-first-not-quite-second let's call it 1.5th draft of an actual?? full?? original?? novel?? Opus which of course then goes out to beta readers and then gets who-knows-how-much edited and then maybe beta readers again if a lot does change and then a copyeditor my mom, my copyeditor is my mom, and maybe my little brother he's one of the betas but is very good at catching typos and then I!!! get to publish it!!!! which is the single thing I am most excited for!!!!!!!!! this should be closed up in the next week or two, and then take a while for people to actually read the draft and get back to me.
I really desperately want to finish my open-but-like-90%-written fic, which means we raise it up, the final chapter of to the bottom of the river bc I realized that it was kind of incomplete, and the second chapter of a buried and a burning flame because any more work there will need to wait until the author publishes the next book in the series. this should be closed up in the next month or two.
Speedwrite the draft of the second book of the Opus series so that hopefully by the time book 1 edits are happening, I have an almost complete draft of the second book. this is mostly me side-eyeing myself about taking nearly four years to write the first book, but that is solidly in part because I had so many other open projects which point 2 is about clearing that docket. this should be done in the next year.
And then just have my major projects be, at least until books 1-5 are written and published, books 1-5 of that because that is arguably the first major 'plot arc' of the series, so if I'm looking for a pause point on writing, that's probably where to stop.
There are two or three other short side projects (a weird fun second person short story tentatively titled witch-queen, a collection of four short stories Memoirs about a not-so-evil necromancer and the shenanigans he gets up to trying to rule a kingdom, working title Perfectly Normal Recipe Blog which is a collaborative project about a perfectly normal recipe blog that definitely doesn't include anything out of the normal) that will happen when they happen
There are other projects that are on the backburner -- The Numanok Files, a series of probably 12-15 short novellas about a mercenary/ bounty hunter esque person in space whose specialty is dealing with hauntings, but, like, 80% of their jobs is actually "you are effectively a space home inspector pointing out faulty wiring reacting to solar flares/ there's a weird alien fungus/ it's carbon monoxide okay change your atmosphere filters" and 20% of it is punching ghosts; there's a post-post apocalypse novel that I want to write that I know characters and general pacing and half the setting but need to work out the other half and figure out how much aesthetic I want to commit to; there's Strangeside7 aka spacerace book that is my reaction to how much I love how Redline the anime movie commits itself to "no we are about a race, like 60% of the screentime is just fully going to be an utterly ridiculous sci fi space race"; there's even a ridiculous YA trilogy that I would have to completely transplant the setting but might end up writing because the interplay between angel-physics and physics-physics was one of my favorite things in the world. and I guess the weird ridiculous technically a sequel series to ifmlam that was going to be published as original books that was basically me having fun with 'okay I fucking love star wars prequels old rotting space bureaucracy galactic republic style' except with seers and that also still might happen because it does have some of the coolest sci fi concepts and honestly I thiiiink that's all?
but the tl;dr of that timeline is I'm trying to finish a punch of projects Right Now, so that I can write books 2-5 of Opus, and then when I'm done that (which honestly, my average fiction-writing output is close to 100k a year. if I'm concentrating purely on one project, and writing books that are about 100k, we are talking four years. although my job situation is super up in the air in that period and writing might get put solidly on the backburner as I try to make it in academia, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) I will re-evaluate which projects go next, and that's when ifmlam is likely to come up for review.
I do not have any expectations that I will make it as an original author. I'm planning on posting all of my stuff online for free, but, like. it is incredibly difficult to convince people to try out even a piece of free and easily accessibly original work even if one has a huge following, I am a very small fanfiction author, and from what I can tell the majority of the people who are interested in my work are mostly interested in me finishing ifmlam. writing is a hobby for me, and while I'm writing mostly for me--and hence the for me bit at least for the next five years is pretty solidly going to be this series that I am deeply excited about and have sunk my heart and soul into every single aspect of--I'm human, and I don't really like shouting into the void, and I expect if I spend five years publishing to absolutely no response I will either stop writing for a while and do other things gods know my life is busy enough, return to fandom in general to write some other fanfic about whatever I get deeply into, or return to a work that I actually get response to. so ifmlam will probably start getting worked on a bit at that point one way or another. unless, of course, we are in the incredibly rare timeline in which I do make it as an original author, there are people who are deeply hyped for my original works and an actual demand for them, in which case as you may have noticed there are enough ideas there to keep me busy for a decade or two, and they will just get my full attention instead of fanfiction*. in this timeline, I will do what I was considering doing a few years ago, which is officially declare ifmlam otherwise abandoned and make one more giant chapter update which is a full and cleaned up outline of what I was going to write, interspersed with the scenes already written, and have ifmlam be given at least that closure.
*I want to make it clear that I very much love fanfiction and am proud to have been a fanfiction author and in my heart of hearts would keep writing it forever, I just also have a lot of ideas for characters and settings and magic systems and Aesthetics and I have been biting at the bit to write something that is //mine// and all mine and only mine for a while, I don't see original work as superior so much as there are a dozen fandoms that I am currently in and bursting to make content about except oops these fandoms currently only exist in my head, and I want to correct that
of course given how much as writing is my vent activity and I write what I'm in the mood for, there's a chance I'll feel ifmlam cravings before then, just... expect it to take a couple of years for an update, but also for there to be an update one way of another in a couple of years? but as for right now, I'm turning to original writing, because that is what brings me joy.
but I am really deeply honored that it brought you so much joy!!! and while I will never publish spoilers in a public place, if you message me off anon I am perfectly happy to give a run-down of my current plans for the ending, bc I know "wait a couple years and see" is not the most satisfactory of answers! and hey maybe you'll be like me and once you've given Opus a try you'll decide you like it better too, it does have Seers although they are deeply different Seers than in ifmlam but imo it's very gay and fun and at least politics on one side
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lilunebriumplays · 4 years
oh geez don't be sorry, I'm excited to see you got into wayhaven finally! do you have a favorite romance?
Aaah anon, thank you so much! I'll still try and start using a queue though, I'm usually not overly active on here and now I feel like I'm all of a sudden flooding people's dashes, eeeeep (sorry guys!).
I thought long and hard on an answer to who my favourite romance is, but to be completely honest with you, I've reached the conclusion that I genuinely love all of them. Every route is so different and unique and brings it own appeal, I just love itttt. Every romance is different and every romance is completely valid and everything just makes sense within them.
(Eeep, so I turned out going on a bit of a ramble about every separate romance and what I love about them, so placed it under the cut to spare people’s dashboards!)
I love A because of the tensionnnnnnn and yearning, it's just so so so good 👌 But what really solidifies it for me is that, yes, neither A or the Detective are honest with their feelings, but it is never presented in a toxic manner.
There are still PLENTY of soft moments throughout, moments where they smile at each other, grow close to each other, and clearly appreciate each other's company.
Sure, those same moments get cut off by refusing to take the next step or even acknowledging they want to, but what I love so much about @seraphinitegames writing is that it's all done respectfully so. Neither A or the Detective are ever punished or made to feel worthless (sure they feel frustrated or sad, but there’s a distinct difference there). It’s always made clear that the reason A doesn’t go full-on into the romance is not because they don’t trust the Detective or that they’re not sure they like them - it’s because A doesn’t trust themselves and genuinely want what they think will make the Detective happiest. It’s a tragic romance, but never punishing.
Playing a genuine, friendly, deduction-based Detective for A's route, by far my favourite aspect is how they seem to just be effortlessly drawn to each other and are portrayed as so comfortable (the library-scene when you choose supernatural study is A+++ ♥), right up until one of them becomes aware of exactly that and takes a step back. Plus, the times where giving a patient response to A’s defensive comments and watching their armour slowly crumble as a result is just... *chef’s kiss* perfection. They are dorks and I love themmmm
Then there's N. My favourite part there is how N is just unquestioningly there for the Detective - dependable, reliable, supportive. Out of all the RO’s, I think N is the one who really shines through when it comes to taking an interest in the Detective’s view on matters. The other ones do as well, don’t get me wrong! But I think N is most vocal about it - they constantly check up on the Detective and ask them their opinion on situations, and make a point of conveying how much value they place in their company and just genuinely as a person in general. The fact that N was the one who wanted to explain everything to the Detective from the start as well really shows a genuine care and how much they appreciate and respect them. They are so refreshingly respectful of the Detective - letting them dictate the pace and constantly making sure they are ok with what is happening.  They value the Detective as a person.  
I play a stubborn, stoic, and independent Detective for their route, and honestly, N is just the best thing that could have happened to them, in a way that they provide them seemingly unconditional stability and support. Seeing the Detective slowly come out of their shell is such a rewarding narrative experience, and it’s a hallmark for N’s radiant influence.
M... oh man. So my detective for M’s route is bright and bubbly, focused on helping people and making horrible puns. At the same time, they get incredibly flustered at even the slightest hint of M’s interest in them. I have a feeling the route can play out quite differently when going for the Bold options, but my Detective basically spurned any and all advances from M right up until the hospital scene where they finally kissed. And it was just... so incredibly rewarding. 
I love how M’s route starts off with pure physical energy but gradually evolves into something that just exudes comfort and trust. It’s shown in such low-key details like M actually thinking about adapting their smoking habit before meeting the Detective again in book 2, or how M is gradually sitting closer to the Detective without giving it much thought, or the rooftop scene (T_T) where it’s inexplicably shown how much of a calming effect the Detective has on M. 
Throughout the entire romance, the focus can definitely lay on the flirting and the heat between M and the detective, but I personally get the most joy out of seeing how much M gets out of their shell because of the Detective - without question, and without seemingly any effort or conscious thought about it, the Detective is shown to slowly have become M’s anchor. Their way of connecting and engaging with the world. 
F. Oh my gosh. I don’t even know where to start. I played F’s route last, and I am so so so grateful I did, because there’s so many details you can pick up on if you play the other routes first. So many moments that are shared with other routes - the bedroom scene before the thrall attack in book 1 for example - where, if you pay attention to the details, you notice how the roles have been reversed in F’s romance route. The fact that the RO is usually the one to step towards the action with the Detective following them, yet with F it’s the other way around and F follows the Detective instead, is just such such such a small yet nice detail that perfectly portrays how sincerely F has fallen for the Detective. I love ittttttt. ;_;
They are sincere, genuine, upfront, inexplicably in love with the Detective and offer absolutely no excuse for it - in fact, they wear their love on their sleeve. No hiding, no second-guessing, no hesitation, just pure, unadulterated honest love. 
But what really, truly draws me towards F, is their joy. The light that they bring into the Detective’s life. The care and consideration. The laughs with them, the sly smiles, the upfront importance they place on their company, but above all, their optimism. Their sheer ability to pull the Detective up from any and all low and put a love for life back into them. The pure ability to enjoy and savour every moment has made the Detective’s life so much more radiant throughout the entire romance, it’s just...... I’m.......
F makes the Detective’s everyday infinitely more beautiful and enthralling just by effortlessly making them slow down and open their eyes to how rich and full and exciting and magical their life can be. 
Oh my gosh. I just love all four of them. Picking a favourite is genuinely impossible since their romances just cannot be compared to one another. Each one is so unique and beautiful and offers different joys. Sera really, truly, genuinely delivered such fantastic work on fleshing out her characters and stories, I am almost speechless.
(....I type, after having written essentially an essay, oops.)
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