#operation brass balls
forensicated · 8 months
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shannonsketches · 3 months
still re-reading through the dragon ball trilogy manga and just cracking myself up about how Vegeta has this very Visible Famous Corporate Wife and has probably had to go with her to events,
and I've always really enjoyed the underrated trait that pre and post breakdown/identity crisis Vegeta is very in his element lying to people and being maliciously compliant and snarky and my hot take is that the Freeza Force is probably also very corporate and political when you get down to brass tacks
so just imagine with me the wildly unexpected comedy of Vegeta getting hauled to one of these things thinking it's going to be aWFUL only to find it is terribly familiar and he knows exactly how to operate in this space, actually, but because he is An Alien who used to work as A High Ranking (Self-Described) Thug for an Intergalactic Dictator and you can't just Say That -- he's just having the time of his life playing 'what can I say without saying it' like:
Corporate Partygoer: Oh, you're Bulma's husband! She said you retired quite young?
Vegeta, just going along with whatever Bulma lied about: ...Yes.
Corporate Partygoer: Wow, you must have done very well for yourself! What did you do for work?
Vegeta: ...Real estate. :)
Corporate Partygoer: Oh, how lucrative, no wonder! Private?
Vegeta: Commercial. Surveying, acquisitions, that sort of thing.
Corporate Partygoer: Wow, so like property negotiation deals?
Vegeta, about to get dragged away by his wife: Hostile takeovers, mostly—
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enpr-ss · 6 months
Hermitcraft charity stream 2022 Highlights:
- 25k goal being broken by the Australians even before the event started, and the jokes about ending the stream there and seeing them next year
- Getting Martyn to do the donation readouts is GENIUS. He makes it actually entertaining to listen to!
- Martyn listening to Ren the most lol
- The bell bringing back Techno money bell memories
- Basalt Assault being broken by too much boomification (as predicted by Bdubs)
- Doc falling into Dunk Tank in the final winner-take-all round
- All the goofy skins (especially Grian’s cursed skins) and IRL costumes (Pearl’s old man mask, and Tango’s millions of hats)
- Every time Etho is confused about his fanbase
- Grian finishing backwards because “it’s the only way he can see” with his built-in rear view mirror
- Pearl getting to keep her horse from Horse Course!
- “Coming in not least but last” - Bdubs
- Scar actually doing so well on all the games actually?! I didn’t realize he was second on Horse Course
- “While we were on our pee-pee break for the weak bladder people” - Doc
- Etho’s elytra glitching, with Cleo and Grian hitting him around
- Racers stealing other boats. Tango and Cub winning the race by a mile through switching drivers at the bubblevator
- Jevin fell down the powdered snow section LOL!
- Iskall fixing the Hermit Incentives redstone by just moving the dispenser and the button
- The speed at which Doc’s diamonds DISAPPEARED and then all the subsequent mocking just as a 5k soon came through
- Ren: “Nothing will calm your nerves more than Grian’s gong”
Grian: screaming “LALALALALAAAAAL” as he smashes the gong repeatedly (twice)
- Bdubs being spleefed by Tango (VIA PREINSTALLED REDSTONE) into a hole and Doc not caring because he doesn’t have any diamonds. And then Etho punching Tango into the same hole.
- Grian: “I need everyone to take a really nice deep breath in through the nose-”
Everyone: *exaggerated gasps and choking noises*
Grian: “We’re doing that again because everyone FAILED at breathing”
Doc’s panicked breathing and getting TNT to blow everyone up
Scar: “Can I get another dong real quick?”
Grian: “With a g, yes you can.”
- Scar made Panda Resue (lol) in ONE NIGHT?!?! But with no pandas lol
- Doc on strike until he gets his diamonds back
- Bucket rush more entertaining than expected and Scar absolutely killing it
- Hermits interpreting the 350k goal as returning Doc’s diamonds (THEN GRIAN RESTEALING THEM AND SETTING 400K AS THE GOAL FOR THE RETURN LOL)
- All the lore that I’m getting it discover as a new fan!!!
- How the hermits are perfectly quiet whenever another is explaining game rules or when Martyn is reading out donos.
- Impulse being absolutely on the ball with all the drumrolls
- Etho and his pvp player head + item collection mechanics
- Scar absolutely bowspamming yellow team, and Red Team continuing to kill for the spawn mechanics lol. ALMOST WINNING BY 1 POINT!!!
- Martyn with the stellar Battle Bane commentary!
- Scar donating on behalf on those who cannot donate, and apparently this is a common thing with him??? Amazing.
- The carts will have hermitcraft plaques!!
- Glasgow family’s 1k dono: Donated in memory of Technoblade.
- All the smooth backend operations by fans and others! Nothing broken amazingly.
- Doc still asking about the diamonds and Martyn announcing that he had them in a plot twist and logging out
- Only 1 week of prep??!! Insane
- $425k raised!!!! Incredible!!!!!
- Bro when Ren and Tango said Joe’s beard had legos and pinballs in it THEY WERE NOT JOKING. Omg. I genuinely thought the mechanical part was like part of his microphone set up. A SIX DOLLAR HUNTING KNIFE?!???? FROM THE GROCERY OUTLET??? WITH BRASS KNUCKLES??? FOR PIZZA???? This is my first time watching a Joe stream. is he always like this. His transparent facecam overlay is also cool; I like it better than the usual corner ones. HE ACTUALLY WENT WITH THE CRAYOLA SCISSORS??? No mirror only OBS??? His concern with accidentally hurting himself is not being able to talk and violating TOS LOL. HES GOING TO FILTER OUT THE BLOOD SO THAT TWITCH DOESNT BAN HIM. He’s doing it in the worst way possible as a commitment to the bit. He’s so hostile to capitalism it’s great. All after an 8 hour driver from Chicago. MUMBO COSPLAY LOL
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pwlanier · 22 days
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Serial number 159 stamped on the hemi-spherical alpha-numeric keypad
Supported on brass columns with arc for paper carriage
The Malling-Hansen Writing Ball, invented by its namesake in 1865, is an innovative device that embodied several key design features that influenced subsequent developments in the field of mechanical writing instruments.
Rasmus Malling-Hansen, a Danish pastor and principal of the Royal Institute for the Deaf in Copenhagen, developed the Writing Ball with the primary aim of improving the efficiency and speed of written communication specifically targeted at those with disabilities. Utilizing electric current to propel the typing mechanism, Hansen’s Writing Ball is one of the earliest instances of electric typewriters. However, beyond its electrical innovation, the symbiotic design helped distinguish the machine as the most ergonomic of its day. Featuring a completely unique hemispherical keyboard layout, this spherical configuration sought to minimize finger movement and reduce typing fatigue: the keys were arranged in a honeycomb-like structure, and utilized a complex system of levers and escapements, thus ensuring a precise and consistent pressure on the paper; and the paper carriage was moved by a clockwork mechanism, ensuring the smooth operation and high typing speed. Furthermore, the innovative paper feed system allowed for continuous typing without the need for manual intervention. Indeed, the ingenuity of the mechanical design saw a revolutionary step in the development of typing that placed more onus on user comfort and efficiency—the Writing Ball reportedly enabling typists to reach speeds of up to 800 characters per minute.
However, despite its technological advancements, the Malling-Hansen Writing Ball faced several challenges that hindered its widespread adoption. The complexity and cost of manufacturing the device were significant barriers, and it was eventually overshadowed by the more commercially viable Sholes and Glidden typewriter, which introduced the QWERTY keyboard layout that became the industry standard. Ultimately, although it did not achieve lasting commercial success, the Writing Ball remains a critical milestone, highlighting the iterative nature of technological advancement and the continuous quest for improved efficiency in human-machine interaction.
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esoteric-crow · 6 months
ten things i homestuck about you
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dave (loserguy music major, main operator of the student run college radio station) interrupted (loserguy compsci major) john’s dnd club meeting with the most brass balled move of the year
and it worked great for him
context clip:
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i-am-vita · 9 months
Fic inspiration: that time you met Mihawk for the first time
Based on my OPLA oldermenxfemreader headcanons pseudo fanfic here.
Me thinking what would be a proper technique to distract Mihawk before stealing his cross as a last resort.
*Wild guitar strings appeared*
The probability of a Warlord walking to any ball, specially one in honour of the Marine, was low but never zero.
Well, fuck.
That would undo all your timing and ruin the entire operation. Who knows when will you have another opportunity to infiltrate the Hacienda this easy.
Your crew is so efficient and low profile that the Marine have connected you to just a handful of the real amount of your thieveries through the years. You were sure if the World Gobernment realize how much fuck up they really were thanks to the Phantom Pirates, your bounties'd be thripled.
And neither of you wanted that.
So the red dress it was.
With the corner of your eye, you managed to catch a glimpse of Raoul coming inside the room, the Host mere steps behind with his butler whispering in his ear. Your eyes found those of your maid-disguised crewmate, Carlotta, and gave her a small nod.
The clock was running from now on.
"May I have this dance, my lord. Kill some time before your business meeting?"
The waltz came to it's end with both of you managing to maintain a proper pose and distance despise the intensity of his stare awakening a desire for nearness.
Over the shoulder of your dance partner, you saw Raoul making a circular move with his hand, signing you to keep going.
You noticed the Warlord's eyes scaning the crowd, no doubt looking for the butler who would take him to his meeting at the office currently being robbed by your crewmates.
Time for the big guns.
"Would you care to try something more... robust, my lord?"
"Do you feel an equal to the task, my lady?"
You gave him a wink and signal for a maid who approached you, whispered her something and sent her to the small orchesta near the corner.
You guided Dracule to the center of the emptying dance floor, your arm extended to his with only your hands touching... until the first strings of guitar and brass wind instruments started.
To be continued...
A little excerpt from what I've been working on. I just need to learn how to write a proper dance scene.
And discover how one convinces Mihawk to dance at all in a public setting.
Let's start talking wine, that's sounds legit *googling wine puns*
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Read fic here
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pookha · 2 months
Operation Panville
The Hogwarts Beauty Club wants to ensure that their member, Pansy, has a romantic date with Neville on Hogsmeade weekend. They run interference for them.
Written for the HPFF discord Masquerade Ball.
The brass plaque titled ‘Hogwarts Beauty Club’ rattled on the door as Lavender closed it behind her. Parvati looked up from where she had been enchanting jewelry. Lavender slipped off her necklace, took out her earrings and placed them on the table next to the others.
“We’re all here now and Hogsmeade weekend is tomorrow. Are we all ready for Operation Panville?” Parvati looked each of them in the eye in turn.
Romilda nodded, as did Padma and Daphne.
Lavender was the last to nod and she added, “I let Neville know about the really romantic glade near Hogsmeade that overlooks the brook that flows into the Black Lake and he said that sounded like a good place to take Pansy. I told him Ron had taken me there one day and we’d snogged the day away.”
Parvati finished her enchantments, and handed the jewelry back to their owners. They all put their pieces back on.
“Testing…” Parvati smiled as her voice faintly echoed from the earrings and the others tested their enchanted jewelry in turn.
The next day, Romilda loitered near the castle doors. Pansy gave Romilda a wink as she left hand in hand with Neville, who talked excitedly about a new plant specimen. Romilda stepped into line next. She’d ‘misplaced’ her slip and Professor Flitwick had to recall it from his office. She smiled as she knew it gave Pansy a good head start.
Further down the path, Padma waited, pretending to have to tie her shoe. She had just seen Pansy and Neville walk by. Pansy blew her a kiss as they went down a side path toward the brook.
Suddenly, Romilda’s voice whispered urgently in her ear.
“Mayday! Red Moon!”
Padma stood just in time to see Ginny and Luna hustling down the path.
“I’m telling you, I saw Neville with Parkinson!” Ginny almost spat. Luna smiled serenely.
“What if you did?” she said, but let herself be dragged along.
“She betrayed Harry; she might be doing the same to Neville.” Ginny sounded frantic.
“But he told me that he liked her and she was different now.” Luna saw Padma and waved.
“I saw them. They were heading toward Madame Puddifoot’s.” Padma pointed toward Hogsmeade.
“What were they doing?” Ginny asked.
“Well, Neville was talking about Mandrakes and Pansy was stroking his arm as they walked. They looked happy.” Padma smiled.
“I don’t trust her,” Ginny groused and pulled Luna after her again toward Hogsmeade.
Daphne and Lavender were sitting on a blanket in the glade, but on the far side. A fifth-year couple was also there and already busy snogging under an umbrella. Daphne watched the path and Lavender watched the other couple. When Daphne nudged her, Lavender released her jar of gnats with a whispered instruction. The swarm flew toward the fifth-years and soon they packed up and left. When she turned back, she saw that Neville and Pansy had set up close to the overlook of the brook. She poured tea for Daphne, who drank it, but kept one eye on Neville and Pansy, while Lavender watched the path.
“There’s a lull in the conversation, but it looks like Pansy’s taking the lead to restart it,” Daphne whispered in Lavender’s ear, who shivered at her breath.
“Good.” Lavender whispered back and felt gratified when Daphne’s neck goose-pimpled.
“Oh, she just pulled the ‘I’m cold’ and he tried to give her his jacket, but she used the ‘just open it’ and snuggled up to his chest inside it.” Daphne reported. This time her lip brushed Lavender’s ear and Lav knew it had to be deliberate.
“Shit.” Lavender whispered back and Daphne turned to see what Lavender had seen.
Ron, Harry and Hermione started to come into the glade, the two men were in their Silver Auror uniforms. Lavender stood and rushed over to them.
“What do you want?” she whispered to Harry, who tried to push by her. Daphne blocked him.
“We heard that Neville was in danger.” Harry said.
“Heard it from Ginny most likely.” Lavender sighed and Hermione blushed.
“No, it was me,” Hermione said.
“Neville is fine. The Hogwarts Beauty Club is watching out for him and supporting our member, Pansy. They’re doing fine and if they’re dating, that’s none of your business.” Daphne pushed Ron. He started to pull his wand, but Harry put a hand on his arm.
“Look,” Harry said and pointed.
They all turned and followed his gaze.
Pansy straddled Neville’s lap, facing him. Their heads and hands moved both over and under their robes. Pansy whispered something to Neville, who broke the embrace and turned toward them. He lifted a hand and waved them away like shooing a fly.
“Yeah, he’s okay,” Harry laughed.
“Neville can handle himself. You three weren’t here to see how different he is now.” Daphne’s voice was frigid. Lavender took her hand. Daphne squeezed it almost painfully.
“I’m sorry,” Hermione said and blushed even deeper.
“Right, as long as I’m here and you’re here, want to grab a bite?” Ron grabbed Hermione’s hand and she nodded. They Disapparated.
“I’m off to find Ginny. I’ve got a few hours to spare.” He hugged Lavender, who returned it stiffly, surprised at first.
“She’s in Hogsmeade; we misdirected her. Please don’t let her interfere; they’ve faced so much hate from both the Gryffindors and the Slytherins already and we’re trying to calm it down.” Lavender patted Harry on the arm awkwardly.
Harry jutted his chin at the couple, who were now laying under the blanket, which moved sinuously.
He walked away, whistling to himself. Daphne and Lavender went back to their blanket and soon they were under it also. They lost track of what Neville and Pansy were up to, but Lavender hoped it was as nice as what she and Daphne were doing.
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ellikiins · 2 months
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Old artwork I made July 15, 2022, saved under the file name “man, i suck at this”.
It was an experimental coloring, using photoshop and a Kamvus tablet. It isn’t awful, but it doesn’t really look like something I made. But I have yet to remake it, so here… look at it.
Every teen show has that school dance plotline, right? A novel idea that crossed my mind many, many years ago that I managed to adopt into XCOM no less. There is pressure to get more funding, so the Commander and Bradford attend the Meridian Ball in D.C., a prestigious event filled to the brim with Congress, Cabinet members, and Diplomats. Something that Diane grew up with, but Bradford, I imagine, is a lot more blue-collar and in over his head to rub elbows with such rich elite. But Diane would do anything to keep her operations running, and not above schmoozing to keep countries supporting the XCOM Project. Sure, the rest of the operation would speculate and tease about the top brass getting dressed up for an elaborate dinner date… but there’s nothing to hide if they aren’t romantically involved, right? Just dedicated coworkers only…. Right???
If only I was good at making a comic or fanfic with the shenanigans I put my OCs through… 💀
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weedass · 1 year
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ball ball “cheems” passed away :(
full info from ig description:
balltze Ball Ball fell asleep on 18/8.
He fell asleep on Friday morning during his last thoracentesis surgery. Originally, we wanted to arrange chemotherapy or other possible treatment for him after this operation, but it is too late now
don't be sad, please remember the joy that Balltze brought to the world. A Shiba Inu with a round smiling face connecting you and me, he has helped many people during the pandemic and brought a lot of joy to many of you, but now his mission has completed. I believe he is running freely in the sky and having a lot of delicious food with his new friends. He will always be inside my heart. I hope he can continue to bring joy to everyone in the online world, that's my only humble request
Also, I would like to thank the medical staff who had helped Balltze for the past 6 months Ken
@just.walk_animal.rehab, Dr.Jessica and Dr.Tiffany @amahvethk they have done an amazing job for taking care of Balltze
all of you have been very generous and helpful, and I'm truly grateful to all of you, your love and support to Ball Ball is so unconditional and I found that is the purest love in the world, having Ball Ball in my life is the best thing ever happened
The donation and brass pins money I have collected for the medical bills will be now donating to local animal charities
Thank you everyone, thank you, Balltze knows how much he was loved by all of you
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feraliminal · 8 months
So, I live on a boat with no heating (yay, but I do have a wood stove), and when it gets this cold, my devices refuse to charge and (I think) run more slowly. I have to stuff my tablet up my jumper to warm it up first. Convincing the cat to sit on it also works.
Which makes me wonder, what happens to the Alliance when it’s cold enough to freeze the balls off a brass monkey? Realistically (haha) if someone’s figured out conscious robots, they’ve likely figured out how to keep them warm, but there’s also a lot of tech being thrown together in a short time, so extreme operating conditions might not have been accounted for. In areas with cold snaps, maybe everyone would hole up for a few days, and particularly make sure anyone towards the end of their charge cycle is safely indoors. Anywhere really polar might be more or less off limits.
Titans and other bigger beings are likely to have less cold weather concerns, in general running too hot might be more of a problem. But that’s not going to stop them from commiserating with smaller friends. Condensation, feeling like frozen arse, and having to de-ice every five minutes is universal.
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forensicated · 8 months
Jo doesn't want any of Mickey's Southern Lip today!
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jommunism · 23 days
im still in my post-show-comedown period and cant sleep so time for a story :3
so, im in kaiju queers, we're a queercore punk band in denton, tx. i joined back in february of this year, taking the place of the former drummer
for this band, i bought a new-to-me drum set, a 2017 yamaha stage custom kit in cranberry red, and i LOVE them omg look at my pwetty dwumbz
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its a 5 piece kit (pieces in drummer speak means drums, excludes cymbals/other pieces of kit), comprising a 20 inch kick, 14 inch snare, 10 and 12 inch rack toms, and a 14 inch floor tom. ive also carried over the 16 inch floor tom from my circa-2002 childhood pearl export kit for more boom
i also have a very odd cymbal configuration. from left to right, i have a set of 13 inch zildjian planet z hi-hats (cheap, brass beginner cymbals i got for $50 used), my childhood 18 inch sabian b8 crash/ride, a secondary hi-hat without a pedal using my childhood 14 inch sabian b8 hats, and a 20 inch b8 ride with a 12 inch b8pro splash mounted upside down on top of the ride
pic for reference
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in between practices/shows/etc my drums live in our frontwoman dana's house for convenience, we rehearse there and operate out of there on gig days, so while it makes practicing with the band far easier, it also means i dont have immediate access to my gear
it also means that my drums get used when im not around, like when dana jams with the rest of the band or with other musician friends
and on one such recent occasion, the former kaiju queers drummer (whos actually on the EP) was over jamming, using his kit, but when he packed up to leave, he took some of my kit with him
and then he put it in a friend's rehearsal space
so last week, i roll in for practice, and my hi-hat stand (with pedal) is gone, a cymbal stand is gone, my snare stand is gone, and the lil doohickey that goes into the kick drum and holds the rack tom and second hi-hat was gone too
but fuck it we ball, the show must go on, etc
so i had to improvise and make my already unconventional kit (there's a reason for all of it, promise!) even weirder
i used the one cymbal stand for the ride and splash like normal, and just went without a pedal hat (which was not pleasant), using the auxiliary contraption i built plugged directly into the kick
for toms, i used the smaller floor tom as a rack tom at times and as a double floor tom at others depending on the song
observe, shenanigans
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this completely broke all my muscle memory for playing fills and other accent parts and i had to constantly adjust things and it never felt comfortable, but i managed
and at times it ended up making me more creative with improvising
oh and the kick kept sliding around on the carpet cuz the little rubber feetsies on the legs got pushed too far up and exposed the spikes which only grip by chewing into the floor
now for some band operational behind-the-scenes shit
when multiple bands are playing a show together, its rather common for one band's drummer to supply the core kit (kick, toms, sometimes a snare, stands/hardware) with each drummer swapping in their own cymbals and snare if desired
since i play such a weird and bigger than average kit (most drummers ive played with only use a 4 piece kit (one rack tom, one floor tom) with a handful using a second rack tom for a 5 piece)
i usually supply the drums for the show (called backlining)
but for last friday's show, i didnt have a full kit to bring, i had to use a backup snare stand (which is literally shaking itself apart) just to get thru rehearsal
so i had to play the backline drums from another band
and of course, that drummer uses a 4 piece kit, so i was having to adjust on the fly, on stage, during the show
i made it thru by bringing my own snare and larger floor tom along with the auxiliary hi-hat contraption, which made it not as bad as it could have been, but damn it was weird. that guy likes to keep his shit tuned LOW with almost like, flabby-loose heads on the toms, whereas i keep mine tuned up a bit higher, so my 16 inch floor tom (my lowest tuned not-a-kick drum) was dramatically higher pitch than his floor tom
and my muscle memory still was off, going for drums that werent there constantly
i got thru the show, but definitely wasnt my best work
for this past tuesdays practice, i still had to go without my normal set up, as the previous drummer still hadnt been back with my gear, so once again, had to improvise, using the smaller floor tom fully extended as a makeshift rack tom, and it went a little better
but i was so fuckin happy to see him roll up after practice that night with a trunk full of hardware
and for the show i just played a few hours ago, i was able to roll up and backline with my full 6 piece kit assembled how i like it :3
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sketchfanda · 10 months
Kirishima's Mystique:Breakin' the Law!!
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Now you may all know of course of a particular, peculiar series of events involving Izuku, Bakugo and Todoroki during their internship with Endeavour in America. But while all this is going on, here is what Kirishima had happening on his end of things. Well at least in this wild, lewd little story of ours as we come to a modest but cozy little suburban neighbourhood in Hollywood, California. Where our sturdy hero in training found himself helping out with a local federal police detective by the name of Laura Reed, who was quite frankly a goddamn bombshell!!
The woman was a dusky chocolate skinned work of art that had what could only be called an unreal combination of a pornstar's bombshell curves and the muscle tone definition of a fitness queen. You'd hardly think or believe this woman was a single mom but she was also one seriously fierce, focused and determined woman of the law. Laura you see was a woman on a mission and that mission was part of how and why our sturdy hero's internship saw him assigned here. It was in regards to the house just next door of this one and who resided it in it, one woman in particular.
in this house resided the infamous and Notorious Herron family originally hailing from a namesake county in some small middle of nowhere Oregon town called Coxville. No that’s not a joke and neither was the reputation of this family. And I’m not talking to the obvious quirk all the women seemed to share that quite frankly made them all turn out an develop into toned, curvy size queen slut bimbo bombshells!! But were it up to Laura, well that’d be the least problematic issue she’d charge them with.
For as long as anyone can remembers the Herron family ran the various trades in weed, ecstasy, molly, pills and bootleg/ knock off merchandise in the entire county within Coxville. To most upstanding residents they were just a family of trouble makers who've had more run ins with the law and destroyed more marriages/ relationships then anyone can count. But Laura knew better than anyone the truth which was why that sting operation should’ve been a lot more successful. Unfortunately they’d only succeeded in rounding up the men in the family, the women were a different story, Especislly the target of her ire, Veronica Herron.
Okay so sure she was pretty much going over the top brass’ heads trying to build up a case against the Herrons but damnit she wanted justice and she was going to get results!! Okay sure she rounded up some hero intern into helping her out saying it’d be great field experience but what she read about Kirishima in terms of his quirk and what he could provide for her stakeout made him essential in her eyes. He seemed a reliable guy and besides which not like she could trust her hormonal son to help out. He’d be weak against the temptation of those human skinned succubi and speaking of which…
Laura:”Alright Red, phase 1 will be observation, I want to know everything that happens at that pool party, there is no way that the Herron family went legit.”*As the milf cop informed her recruit, handing him a set of binoculars as he had him sitting down, facing the window which gave him a view of the Herron girls’ backyard. Mineta would give his very hair balls to be where Eijiro was right now, to see paradise before him. The backyard pool swarming with two baker’s dozen worth of swimsuit clad babes, sweimming and tanning. It was a wet dream made reality.*
Kirishima:*blushing as red as his hair, even with how his love life was? He could only handle seeing so much sexiness.* “Uhm yes ma’am, okay ma’am…”*he nervously quipped in reply, trying not seem nervous. It didn’t help Laura was in a swimsuit herself, a simple but effective gold coloured two piece that did wonders sowing off her amazing body.*
Laura:*seemingly unaware of the affect she was having in the sturdy hero in training, her luscious skin glistening in the sunlight as she gazed out at the window with absolute contempt.*”Veronica Herron mayve rolled the top brass but not me!! I’ll buiold a case against them myself and you’re going to help me do it. That sex addict milf will face justice for her constant depravity!” *Something told Kirishima this might’ve been a personal vendetta on the fed’s part, not that he’d say it to her face. Her sexy, exotic work of art of a face.*
Kirishima:”Sex addict milf..constant depravity…got it…”*He coup nly repeat hose keywords and who could blame him. He had this woman acting as his superior giving him a slight case of jungle fever and she was telling him to spy on a house full of walking talking pornstar blue prints. It’s a wonder he hadn’t popped a stiffy already, there was no doubt Mina and Maya were going to want details. Red eyes glued to her backside as she was picking up a towel, her muscles flexing snd her milk chocolate booty jiggling hypnotically.*
Laura:”I’ll be laying out in the front yard to eavesdrop. Fsce-down so I won’t be recognized. Now, help me put in some lotion.”*That made Kirishima’s arousal skyrocket faster than it already was. He had to wonder if the federal officer wasn’t doing this on purpose. But he knew he had to oblige her as he accepted an offered bottle of tanning lotion. This was going to be awkward to say the least.*
It was a tense situation at least for Kirishima as he coated and rubbed tanning oil lotion onto the police woman. Making her all slick, sleek and glistening from head to toe on her milk chocolates toned hottie body. If she was feeling the least bit of eroticism from this then she was really good at hiding it. The sturdy chivalrous stud could only hope to do just as ell and not get branded a pervert.
But internally the detective wasn’t as stoic as she seemed on the outside. Secretly biting her lip sensually as her nerves tingled from the sensation of Kirishima’s lotion soaked hands working away as they grazed and touched the most intimate places. Which she insisted he be as thorough as possible, leaving nothing done from her thick thighs to her twin meatbuns. Part of her fines it wasn’t right having tricked Kirishima into this stakeout operation but she felt he’d be ideal for what she needed of him, as long as she ensured e wouldn’t fail against the temptations of Herron charms.
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Once she felt her recruit had done the deed as thoroughly as possible, she let him be to spy and be her eyes while she went to lay out in the front yard. Far as the neighbourhood knew, especially those lusty bimbos, she was some hot single mom just soaking up some sun. Listening in best she can to pick out any possible leads or proof Veronica had some less than noble intentions. Far as she could assume, they had to still be in business and planning to muscle in on a rival cartel, having overheard remarks about Veronica and her sister Jane never being ones to share and always in competition with one another
For her that was all she needed to have Kirishima begun his parts in the next steps of the Stakeout. Deciding to forgo picking up her radio to give him the heads up she was on her way back into the house, instead looking to tell him directly in person. Admittedly she also wanted him to scratch her itch, his touch earlier with that lotion really got her going. Having been so tempted to have him caress her more intimately, erotically, go further than just oil her up as she made her way upstairs and suddenly barged in through the door.
Laura:”Unit 2!! Stand to attention!!”*she spoke firmly and loudly, making Kirishima gasp and stumble as he dropped his binoculars and did as told. Looking nervous as Laura narrowed her eyes at him to look down at the groin area of his shorts. Just as she thought, her intervention was a must here. Who knows what hedonistic sights he saw.*
Kirishima:”Ma’am! Yes,I swear I wasn’t up to no good!! Didn’t see anything noteworthy ma’am!!”*the chivalrous hero swore truthfully as he mentally berated himself. He knew he was pitching a major tent in his shorts, how could he not? At least one of those Herron girls was walking around naked! Silently gulping as the detective woman made her way over, face inches from his as she swore a no nonsense expression.*
Laura:”I heard enough to know my instincts were right, those deviants are up to Something and it’s up to you to be infiltrate that house and find whatever evidence we need. But first things first…we need to build up your will power and resistance against whatever temptation they send your way. A teenage boy like you is prey for those harpies…”*Before Kirishima could inquire what she meant, she suddenly cupped his face and kissed him. Lips locking with his a he found her tongue invade his mouth, tracing his sharp teeth before coercing his own to reply in kind. The detective moaning into the French kiss she initiated before she suddenly broke it, a saliva strand trailing between them. As she then nudged him to fall back flat in the bed behind them.*
Kirishima:”Detectie Reed, ma’am what the hell?!”*Before he could ask any further, he felt his jaw drop as his eyes bugged out at the sight before him. As Laura began us stripping herself of her swimsuit, her bikini top undone and tossed aside as she ditched her thong to follow. Standing in all her milk chocolate naked glory as she made her way towards him with a sensual determination. Gasping as she grabbed the waistband of his shorts, boxers and all as his cock stood up like the spring of a jack in the box popping out.*
Laura:*biting her lip erotically, the sight and smell of that shaft hitting her hard as she felt her pussy drool and quiver. Grasping that length and girth as she began stroking it.*"You listen and you listen well and good mister hero. When dealing with these depraved bitches, they will tempt and seduce you therefore I'm taking it on myself to buildup your resistance and stamina. When i'm through with you, you're gonna have more willpower than a whole platoon!! So we're not leaving this room until I know you're capable of handling a Herron at her sluttiest.."*with that said, the lusty detective began to kiss and lick his Riot stick, the warmth of her mouth surreal as she tasted his essence. Latching her luscious lips around the tip as she began to suck and blow, her dry spell being hit with a sudden storm of desire.*
Kirishima:*grit his sharp teeth intensely as the thirsty milf detective proceeded to give stunning fellatio. The serious intensity of her eyes making such a contrast with her pornographic act of fellatio.* "Ma'am, if that's what you want from me in this mission, you got it!!"*the sturdy stud quipped, grasping her distinct hair firmly in his grasp as he began to pump and buck his hips. Making her widen her eyes in surprise as the young hero in training showed he was certainly no virgin and he sure as hell knew his way with a woman sexually.*
Far as Kirishima knew, this was definitely not like any intenrship he'd been expecting but being a woman of the law, it's not like Laura had any reason to bullshit. Admittedly of course, it'd been a while since he'd gotten any intimacy especially with Mina and Maya since this stateside internship program began and between Laura and that poolparty of erotic delights? The second this milf cop got naked and started sucking him off, his brain had flipped to full primal mode. Facefucking her deep and hard as she deepthroated him with passionate ecstasy, as she rubbed slit in response to those smooth heavy balls smacking her chin.
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It was certainly pornographic in nature but if anything, what was going on between the hero in training and the sexy police detective made porn stars look tame. As the Herron girls overheard and eavesdropped on the noise of their animalistic mating, curious to what sort of donkey dicked stud was so good to make a woman scream like that. The bimbos unaware as Laura guided Kirishima into levelling up his sexual experience to ensure he would be capable of surviving and handling a Herron at her horniest. Yes he would be a weapon of mass seduction that would bring the downfall of those size queen sluts, she thought with lewd pride.
Such ideas and what not flowed through her erotic hazed brain as she laid atop her young charge in a 69 position. Bobbing her head on his cock as she quivered and moaned at his hands massaging and squeezing her ass. Stroking what she didn't fit in her mouth with her plump, milk chocolate tits as she soaked his cock with her drool while he probed her sloppy, wet pussy with his tongue. She hadn't felt such enjoyment from foreplay since her honeymoon or the night her son had been conceived.
Laura:"Yes!! Yes!! Yes!! Just like that!! Fuck me deep and hard like you want to rearrange my guts with your dick!! Don't make a love to a Herron!! Fuck them, destroy them!!"*The secretly thirsty milf cheered and goaded as Kirishima fucked in a spooning position. The chivalrous stud holding and hooking one of her legs at a 90 degree angle as he pumped his jackhammering dick into her eager pussy. Their sculpted bodies glistening with sweat and the lotion still staining Laura's body with slickness. Which provided extra lubrication to boot.*
Kirishima:"Ma'ma, you're so tight...can't stop..fucking you!!" *Not that she wanted him to,as he gave it to her doggy style, his powerful pelvis smacking against her glorious dusky skinned booty as those cheeks clapped and jiggled with every impact. His balls smacking her clit as he held onto one of her hips while the other hand reached out to grab and squeeze one of her swaying, bouncing titties. The walls and ceiling of the bedroom echoing with their passionate mating as skin smacked skin and the bedsheets became soaked with their sweat and juices. And the police detective couldn't get enough of it!!*
Laura:"AAahhn, fuck fuck!! Don't stop, even if it feels like your cock and balls will fall off!! Yeah, look 'em in the eyes like you're doing with me right now!! Doing this as you cum inside them will really wear 'em down!! Fuck and rut any and everytime like you want nothing more than to put your babies into them!! Make me have to go on maternity leave you sex machine!!" *The horny cop hollered and moaned with wanton abandon as as she hugged her arms around Kirishima's board powerful shoulders. Her young studly intern plowing her in a mating press as the bed creaked and shook, her legs draped around his arms as he pushed her body's flexibilities to its limits. Shamelessly panting with desire as she couldn't help but gaze into those blood red eyes as her heroic intern shattered her sense of professionalism. Part of her was really rather liking the idea of getting knocked up by him when this gig was all said and done.*
Kirishima:"PLUS!! ULTRA!!"*The chivalrous stud howled his school's motto and mantra as he continued to fuck Laura fast, deep and hard. Rocking her world as he performed a standing fuck, her arms and legs draped and wrapped around his waist and shoulders as he held her ass in his powerful grasp. Making her bounce and ride on his shaft as their tongues danced in a sloppy open air kiss as a puddle of their juices grew on the floor. Before Laura found herself in a full nelson hold as the pair continued to fuck well into dusk as they lost track of time.*
The pool party had long since finished but the federal police detective and her heroic intern charge were still going at it, much to the former's delight. It helped Kirishima was really making the use of his little trick of focusing a percentage of his quirk on his cock, which really extended the fun. And were they damn well loud!! Some of the Herron girls next door couldn't help but continue to eavesdrop, the audio erotic voyeurism making their imaginations run wild.
Whoever that lucky lady next door was, they couldn't help but wonder what the stud with her was like. Was he black,white or whatever? And was his cock at least more than 9 inches? All they knew for certain was that they were going to have some very pleasant dreams tonight, and Laura was going to be feeling deliciously sticky and sore in the morning.
To be continued...in Kirishima's Herron House Hassles!!
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operation-priority · 8 months
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Tankiste during Vehicle Maintenance
This is an impression of a French tank crewman working on their vehicle during maintenance time. Any 'free time' the tank crews had was in the form of vehicle maintenance and ensuring that their vehicle was fully operational for the next fight. While the workshop section within a company was tasked with larger repairs, it was up to the crews to maintain their vehicle in a fit-to-fight state. For this task the crews were issued tank working overalls (modern terminology would call this a coverall) to be worn over the standard light blue uniform. These were either commandeered from the civilian realm or old regulation models, which would result in several different appearances of the same style garment. Some would be one piece like the one depicted here, while others were of a two piece style. Colors also varied, from white, to off-white, to tan, to cachou, and dark blue. After the war in 1919 it was codified that the dark blue variants were to become the regulation model because these would show the least amount of vehicle oil and other debris. This particular variant is in a cachou color and features a left breast pocket, Equipements Militaires buttons, and a standing collar. Two EM buttons on the front of the chest allowed for the placement of a rank tab, denoting the rank of Corporal. The civilian black beret would often be worn during maintenance, as well as the Ceinturon Modèle 1903 modifié 1914 without any gear looped on it. The patches of light blue wool on the coveralls are repair patches due to usage rips throughout the uniform.
The display photos show a Boîte à Munitions (Ammunition Box) which of course would carry the crew's ammunition supply. On the top of the box is five Cartouche de 8 mm Modèle 1886 à balle D for the Renault FT's 8 mm Hotchkiss Modèle 1914 Heavy Machine Gun as well as one Cartouche à Obus en fonte Modèle 1888 which was the most common 37 mm round for the Renault FT's Puteaux 37 SA Modèle 1918 cannon. In the background is a periscope painted in Gris Artillerie and while not issued to tank crews, this type of periscope was an incredibly common sight within the trenches. Beside the ammunition create is a brass Pyrene Fire Extinguisher. These models came standard in tanks out of the factory with every Renault FT equipped with one Pyrene Fire Extinguisher underneath the driver's seat.
The second display photo depicts a Renault FT section maneuver on a small target per doctrine scribed on a chalkboard slate. Many household items like these would be commandeered and pressed into service within the French Army. Behind this is a photograph of Renault FT during the 1919 Bastille Day Parade. This parade would be extensively photographed and many other pictures would feature these Renault FTs moving through the Arc de Triomphe and down the parade route. Further back is a fully intact post-war Renault FT souvenir inkwell. These were very popular inkwells that often made appearances on the more enthusiastic AS officer's desk. While these two items are post-war pieces, both provide a glimpse into how important the AS and the Renault FT was in bringing final victory to the French Army and shows some ways they were celebrated post-war. Finally, behind these pieces is a regulation pair of glasses with its matching case. Regulation glasses could be purchased by the soldiers in military bazaars along with other various small kit items tailored to soldiers.
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When Art Becomes Industry - The Menu Review
For my elementary school yearbook, I was given a slip of paper that had me answer the following prompt: "What do you think you'll be when you grow up?" These would later be printed just below my name and portrait that would proudly beam on the glossy pages of the 5th grade section of the yearbook, among the other classmates off to do wonderful and ambitious things as preteens in middle school. In short, this was like a high school yearbook quote, but a little more hopeful and earnest.
I answered Probably a comic book writer or a piano player. While the use of "Probably" helped me ease into the idea of letting go of my short-lived comic book writing ambitions, it still amazes me today that, at 10 years old, I knew in my heart that the piano would be a part of my life.
My earliest memories come from the time when I was a toddler who could barely walk, stumbling down the soft carpeted hallway of my childhood home in South San Francisco as I approached the mysterious and booming mid-range tones from the piano in the living room. I'd see my dad's legs, rhythmically pressing on the ornate pedals with the balls of his feet at irregular intervals, like he was operating a weave as he conjured up a net of harmonies beneath his palms. While I might not have fully comprehended it at the time, there was a understanding in our family that the piano is a gene in our household, and I inherited it from my dad, whether I liked it or not.
Fortunately, I did like it. My dad took me to my first piano lesson when I was five years old, in the back of a Chinese-owned musical instrument shop on Clement Street. I never saw that teacher again (maybe the first lesson was complimentary, and my dad just didn't like her enough), but I got to keep the book. At home, with the help of 12 colorful cartoon characters printed in my book, I taught myself all 12 notes in the scale (more if you want to count the treble and bass clefs), simply because I was hungry to learn more notes and more songs. I took great pride when my dad clapped for me finishing Mary Had A Little Lamb, and shame when he reprimanded me for improvising wrong notes. I loved learning new songs, and held myself over with nursery rhymes and folk songs until it was time to take formal classical lessons from a teacher who met my dad's approval. At nine years old, I finally was reaching the next step.
My piano teacher introduced me to the world of music education and the rigors of music training. She was compassionate and warm, but demanded dedication. Through her, I internalized the technicalities of finger placements, metronome speeds, hand compartmentalization. I expanded my repertoire to included Russian contemporary composers whose surnames sounded like Harry Potter spells, but whom sometimes wrote the easiest pieces for my nimble fingers. I reckoned with the performance anxiety that dreaded my psyche before every monthly recital, which eventually bled over to my Certificate of Merit performance auditions. While I changed schools and subjects during the day, music became the constant test that loomed over me.
By the time I became an adolescent, I had nothing to show for it. In high school, it dawned on me that, not only was the piano barely used in any high school ensemble, but everyone knew how to play it better than I did. Everyone knew an ensemble-friendly instrument, whether it was a string instrument for the orchestra, a woodwind for the symphonic band, or a brass for both. All I had was piano, an instrument that's barely heard unless there's a solo, a concerto, or a jazz rhythm section involved. If I wanted to be heard, I had to be perfect. All 4 years of high school, I didn't pass a single audition for piano - not for the school jazz ensemble, not for any of the school musical pit orchestras. I dreaded each audition anyway, and probably flubbed them out of nervousness. I only got into orchestra after I begged the music director and offered to be a TA and a percussionist for the orchestra class, and the one time I did play in the musical pit orchestra was for percussion.
The stress and pressure I felt in the rigors of the music world left me jaded; they were a sobering reminder that I would never be cut for a career in music, or at least as a piano player, as my 10-year-old self prophetically proclaimed. My worth was at the whim of directors listening for every perfect note. The world was telling me that I wasted my time with the piano, a constant reminder of my own inadequacy. I became angry. I lost sight of why I was even spending time and money on these piano lessons, when I had schoolwork and college applications to worry about.
It's this jaded feeling that I think The Menu fully understands. Ralph Fiennes' Julian Slowik is a world-renowned chef who uses his reputation and art to seek retribution for the ills of the arts-turned-service industries. His dishes are the visceral expressions of his stoic hatred and rage for the pretentious, capitalist, and opportunistic subculture that has plagued his beloved art. Having been deeply engrossed in the higher world of fine dining, he manipulates and upends the culture to his own vengeful benefit, usurping expectation and surprising his guests (and by extension, us) by forcing them to confront their dismissive participation and moral crimes against art and humanity. In public reference does he create his own personal chaos, a heaven out of a living hell for those he finds undeserving.
There's a point in the film in which we see Slowik's origins. In one photo shown, he's younger, relaxed, and smiling, holding up a greasy burger patty on a flat and wide spatula, like the kind you'd see in cartoons. It's in stark contrast to the Slowik we got used to seeing, a stoic and terse statue of a man with thunderous claps and a commanding presence, arms crossed. And it's this point in the film where we see it's emotional core, an outlet for our own passionate angst and frustrations. We see a man who was once happy, doing what he loved, now grown into a bitter, spiteful shell.
With nothing else to audition for (save for the slightly less rigorous annual piano tests I habitually studied and trained for), my time with the piano became much for personal. Around my early adolescence, my love and ear for music bloomed with The Beatles, and the piano became the perfect outlet for that rediscovered joy and love of music. Like how I was when I was five, I began dedicating myself to learning more and more songs I loved, Beatles and beyond. I sought new territory and creativity in jazz piano and improvisation, a new language that was previously shunned from me.
When I see Ralph Fienne's Slowik as he is, I am reminded of all of those failed auditions, those nights slumped on the piano bench, those feelings of worthlessness, and if I sat through more of those and eventually found the success I was looking for, I'd come out a shell like him. But, when I see Slowik cooking a burger, I am thrust with nostalgia for the days when I learned Beatles songs on the piano, noodled jazz piano solos over wavy chords, and weaving harmonies out of thin air.
So yeah, I got pretty emotional watching this.
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brookstonalmanac · 2 months
Holidays 8.1
African Emancipation Day (Trinidad and Tobago)
Air Force Day
Armed Forces Day (China, Lebanon)
Azerbaijani Language and Alphabet Day
Basil Day (French Republic)
Battle of Athens Day
Bitcoin Independence Day
Caribbean Day
Chopsticks Day
Clergy Sexual Abuse Awareness and Prevention Day
Cross-Quarter Day
Cycle to Work Day (UK)
Day of Azerbaijani Language and Alphabet
Day of Pachamama (Peru)
Day of the Rear Services of the Armed Forces (Russia)
Day of the Telephone Operator (Mexico)
Earth Overshoot Day 2024 (a.k.a. Ecological Debt Day)  [ website ]
Ectopic Pregnancy Awareness Day
801 Day
Emancipation Day (UK; British Commonwealth)
Freedom Day (Belize)
Freedom to Marry Day (Minnesota)
Friendship Day
Gold Star Children’s Day
Girlfriends’ Day
Good Sportsmanship Day
Grain Marketing Freedom Day (Canada)
Guca Brass Bands Day (Serbia)
Harriet Quimby Day
HitchBOT Remembrance Day
Homowo (a.k.a. Hooting at Hunger; Ghana)
Indigenous Peoples Day (Taiwan)
International Adaptive Activity Day
International Can-It-Forward Day
International Childfree Day
International Mahjong Day
International Marine Protected Areas Day
International Sri Lankan Leopard Day
International Woo-Ah Day
Jerry Day
Laa Luanys (Isle of Man)
Laughter Day (Southern California)
Led Zeppelin Day
Liberation of Haile Selassie Day (Rastafari)
Memorial Day for the Victims of World War I (Russia)
Minden Day (UK)
Minority Donor Awareness Day
National Alpaca Day (Peru)
National American Family Day
National Andrew Day
National CBD Day
National Girlfriends Day
National Huddle Ledbetter Day
National Mahjong Day
National Minority Donor Awareness Day
National Mountain Climbing Day
National Non-Parent Day
National Poll Worker Recruitment Day
National Promise to Care Day
National Spritz Day
National Waifu Day
National Warsaw Uprising Remembrance Day (Poland)
National Wedding Day (UK)
National York Day
Odaiba Day
Oxygen Discovery Day
Parents’ Day (Democratic Republic of the Congo; Zaire)
Planner Day
Play Ball Day
Pod Body Day (Portland, Maine)
Respect For Parents Day
Rounds Resounding Day
San Francisco Cable Car Day
Scout Foundation Day
Scout Scarf Day
Social Resistance Day (North Cyprus)
Spider-Man Day
Sports Day
SSN 801 Day
Startup Day Across America
Swiss National Day
Technical Support Worker Day (Russia)
Treida de Santo Domingo de Guzmán (Nicaragua)
Thoroughbred Birthday (Southern Hemisphere)
Victory Day (Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam)
White Rabbit Day
Wipe the Slate Clean Day
Woman Astronomers Day
Women’s Day (Thailand)
World Breastfeeding Day
World Day of Joy
World Fintech Day
World Lung Cancer Day
World Middle Finger Day
World Naked Sailing Day
World Scout Scarf Day
World Wide Web Day
Yaoi Day
Yorkshire Day (England)
Food & Drink Celebrations
Belgian Frites Day (a.k.a. International Day of Belgian Fries)
Homemade Pie Day
International Albariño Day
International Can-It Forward Day
Mars Bar Day
National Nutritional Yeast Day
National Raspberry Cream Pie Day
Old Vine Day
Independence & Related Days
Benin (originally Dahomey; from France, 1960)
Colorado Statehood Day (#38; 1876)
Guadalcanal Province Day (Solomon Islands)
Jennytopia (Declared; 2019) [unrecognized]
Switzerland (a.k.a. Confederation Day; from Holy Roman Empire, 1291)
Toku (Declared; 2014) [unrecognized]
Vodopol (Declared; 2021) [unrecognized]
1st Thursday in August
August Thursday (Anguilla) [1st Thursday]
Emancipation Day (Bermuda; 1st Day of Cup Match) [Thursday before 1st Monday in August]
Kid Lit Art Postcard Day [1st Thursday]
National Dash Cam Day (UK) [1st Thursday]
National IPA Day (f.k.a. International IPA Day) [1st Thursday]
Weekly Holidays beginning August 1 (1st Week of August)
Brat Days (Sheboygan, Wisconsin) [1st Thursday thru Sunday]
Carnaval del Pueblo (London, UK) [1st Week]
International Assistance Dog Week (thru 8.7) [1st Week]
International Clown Week (thru 8.7)
International Mathematicians Week (thru 8.9)
National Albariño Week (thru 8.5)
National Cleanse Your Skin Week (thru 8.7)
National Fraud Awareness Week (thru 8.7) [1st Week]
National Minority Donor Awareness Week (thru 8.7)
National Scrabble Week (thru 8.7) [1st Week]
National Video Game Week (thru 8.7) [1st Week]
Satchmo Days [begin Thursday nearest 8.4 thru Sunday]
Simplify Your Life Week (thru 8.7)
World Breastfeeding Week (thru 8.7) [1st Week]
Festivals Beginning August 1, 2024
American Cured Meat Championships (Omaha, Nebraska) [thru 8.3]
August is Maine Lobster Month (Statewide, Maine) [thru 8.31]
Bear Lake Raspberry Days Festival (Garden City, Utah) [thru 8.3]
Castlefest (Lisse, Netherlands) [thru 8.4]
Clam Festival (Highlands, New Jersey) [thru 8.3]
Denver Burger Battle (Denver, Colorado)
Eden Corn Festival (Eden, New York) [thru 8.4]
Empire Farm Days (Pompey, New York) [thru 8.3]
Estherville Sweet Corn Days (Estherville, Iowa) [thru 8.4]
Gen Con (Indianapolis, Indiana) [thru 8.4]
Green Gathering (Chepstow, United Kingdom) [thru 8.4]
Houston Restaurant Weeks (Houston, Texas) [thru 9.2]
Katahdin Sheep Show (Mexico, Missouri) [thru 8.3]
Klamath County Fair (Klamath Falls, Oregon) [thru 8.4]
Lollapalooza (Chicago, Illinois) [thru 8.4]
Mammoth Festival of Beers & Bluesapalooza (Mammoth Lakes, California) [thru 8.4]
Mile of Music (Appleton, Wisconsin) [thru 8.4]
Minnesota Fringe Festival (Minneapolis, Minnesota) [thru 8.11]
Mobile Motion Film Festival (Zurich, Swizterland) [thru 8.31]
Official Star Trek Convention (Las Vegas, Nevada) [thru 8.4]
Outer Banks Watermelon Festival (Nag's Head, North Carolina)
Owensville Watermelon Festival (Owensville, Indiana) [thru 8.3]
Phelps Sauerkraut Weekend (Phelps, New York) [thru 8.4
Pol’and’Rock Festival (Woodstock Festival Poland; Czaplinek, Poland) [thru 8.3]
Saint Dominic Days (Managua) [thru 8.10]
Saskatoon Fringe Festival (Saskatoon, Canada) [thru 8.10]
Spicemas (Grenada Carnival; St. George’s, Grenada) [thru 8.13]
Sumner County Fair (Caldwell, Kansas) [thru 8.4]
Toronto Caribbean Carnival (Toronto, Canada) [thru 8.5]
Twin Cities Vegan Chef Challenge (Minneapolis, Minnesota) [thru 8.31]
Washington Wine Month (Washington State) [thru 8.31]
Wisconsin State Fair (West Allis, Wisconsin) [thru 8.11]
World Lumberjack Championships [thru 8.3]
XIT Rodeo & Reunion (Dalhart, Texas) [thru 8.3]
Zanzibar International Film Festival (Zanzibar City, Tanzania) [thru 8.4]
Feast Days
Abgar V of Edessa (Syrian Church)
Alan Moore (Australian War Artist; Artology)
Aled (a.k.a. Eiluned or Almedha; Christian; Martyr & Virgin)
Alphonsus Maria de' Liguori (Christian; Saint)
Æthelwold of Winchester (Christian; Saint)
Bernard Võ Văn Duệ (Christian; One of Vietnamese Martyrs)
Betty Lou’s Dad (Muppetism)
Cartoon Day (Pastafarian)
Chantal Montellier (Artology)
David Gemmell (Writerism)
Day of the Dryads (Macedonia)
Dormition Fast (Orthodox Church) [thru 8.14]
Drug Side-Effects Day (Church of the SubGenius)
Ethelwold of Winchester (Christian; Saint)
Eusebius of Vercelli (Christian; Saint)
Exuperius of Bayeux (Christian; Saint)
Faith, Hope, and Charity (Christian; Virgin Martyrs)
Feast of Faith, Hope, Charity, and their Mother, Wisdom (Christian; Martyrs)
Feast of Kamál (Perfection; Baha'i)
Feast of Ninlil (Sumerian Goddess of the Grain)
Felix of Girona (Christian; Saint)
Festival of Lugh (Celtic here god)
Festival of Xiuhtechuhtli (Aztec God of the Calendar)
Gerhard Hirschfelder (Christian; Blessed)
Herman Melville (Writerism)
The Holy Maccabees (Christian; Saint)
Imps Charity Scramble (Shamanism)
Isobel Lilian Gloag (Artology)
Jackie Ormes (Artology)
James Henry Govier (Artology)
Jan van Scorel (Artology)
Kalends of August (Ancient Rome)
Lammas (a.k.a. ... 
Feast of Bread (Neopagan)
Feast of First Fruits (England, Scotland)
Feast of the Wheat Harvest
Festival of Albina (Irish White Barley Goddess; aka Alphito)
Festival of the First Fruits
Gule of August (England, Scotland)
Imbolc (So. Hemisphere; Neopagan)
Lady Day Eve (Neopagan)
Lammas, Day 2 (Celtic, Pagan) [5 of 8 Festivals of the Natural Year]
Lammas Eve (a.k.a. Lughnassad Eve)
Lammas Sabbat
Luanistyn (Manx Gaelic)
Lithasblot (Norse Harvest Festival)
Loaf Mass
Loki and Sigyn’s Day (Norse)
Lugh (Celtic Book of Days)
Lughnasadh (Grain Harvest) [Ends on Samhain]
Lúnasa (Modern Irish)
Lùnastal (Scottish Gaelic)
Sexon Hlafmaesse
Lobster Boy Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Mati-Syra-Zemlya Day (Slavic Goddess of the Earth)
Pachamama Rayni (Festival Celebrating Mother Earth) [Ecuador; Peru]
Pellegrini (a.k.a. Peregrinus), Hermit (Christian; Saint)
Peter Apostle in Chains (Christian; Saint)
Procession of the Cross and the beginning of Dormition Fast (Eastern Orthodox)
Quarter Day (Scotland)
Richard Wilson (Artology)
Rose Macaulay (Writerism)
Sebastiano Ricci (Artology)
The Spanish Romancers (Positivist; Saints)
Vhrsti (Artology)
Warsan Shire (Writerism)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Dismal Day (Unlucky or Evil Day; Medieval Europe; 15 of 24)
Egyptian Day (Unlucky Day; Middle Ages Europe) [15 of 24]
Fatal Day (Pagan) [15 of 24]
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Unlucky Day (Grafton’s Manual of 1565) [35 of 60]
Unlucky Monday (when Eve gave birth to Cain; Philippines) [1st Monday] (3 of 4)
Alfred, by Thomas Arne (Opera; 1740)
Alice the Peacemaker (Disney Cartoon; 1924)
American Graffiti (Film; 1973)
Bargain Daze (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1953)
Being and Time, by Martin Heidegger (Book; 1927)
Big Chief No Treaty (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1962)
The Big Money, by John Dos Passos (Novel; 1936)
Burning Love, by Elvis Presley (Song; 1972)
Cape Kidnaveral (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1961)
Charley’s Aunt (Film; 1941)
Cook and Stagger (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1956)
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, by Judi and Ron Barrett (Children’s Book; 1978)
Concert for Bangladesh, hosted by George Harrison (Charity Concert; 1971)
Cosi Fan Tutti Frutti, by Squeeze (Album; 1985)
Cowardly Watchdog (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1966)
Crazy with the Heat (Disney Cartoon; 1947)
Crusader Rabbit (Jay Ward Cartoon TV Series; 1950)
The Dog Show (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1950)
Driven to Extraction (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1963)
Dune, by Frank Herbert (Novel; 1965)
The Dusters, featuring the Mighty Heroes (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1971)
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, by Tom Wolfe (Novel; 1968)
Eric, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1990) [Discworld #9]
Everybody���s Rockin’, by Neil Young (Album; 1983)
The Fabulous Firework Family (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1959)
The Final Countdown (Film; 1980)
Flebus (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1957)
Flight of the Navigator (Film; 1986)
The Four Musicians of Bremen (b Iwerks Cartoon; 1922)
A Game of Thrones, by George R.R. Martin (Novel; 2000) [A Song of Fire and Ice #1]
Gangsta’s Paradise, by Coolio (Song; 1995)
Generals and Majors, by XTC (Song; 1980)
The Genie with the Light Touch (Woody Woodpecker Cartoon; 1972)
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, by Stieg Larsson (Novel; 2008) [Millennium Trilogy #1]
Give Me Liberty (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1967)
Golden Egg Goose (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1951)
Guardians of the Galaxy (Film; 2014)
Heaven Can Wait (Film; 1943)
The Highwayman, by Alfred Noyes (Poem; 1906)
The Hound of the Baskervilles, by Arthur Conan Doyle (Novel; 1901)
House Busters (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1952)
Howard the Duck (Film; 1986)
How to Catch a Cold (Disney Cartoon; 1951)
Jeremy, by Pearl Jam (Music Video; 1992)
Judo Kudos (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1968)
King Tut’s Tomb (Heckle & Jeckle Cartoon; 1950)
The Littlest Bully (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1960)
The Lyin’ Lion (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1949)
Make Way for Ducklings, by Robert McCloskey (Children’s Book; 1941)
Meat, Drink and Be Merry (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1961)
Modern Man in Search of a Soul, by C.G. Jung (Philosophical Book; 1933)
Money (That’s What I Want), by Barrett Strong (Song; 1959)
The Monkey Wrench Gang, by Edward Abbey (Novel; 1975)
Mrs. Jones’ Rest Farm (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1949)
MTV (Cable Network; 1981)
MySpace (Social Media App; 2003)
96 Tears, by ? and the Mysterians (Song; 1966)
North Dallas Forty (Film; 1979)
Nothing in Common (Film; 1986)
Oil Through the Day (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1964)
Open House (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1953)
Paul Bunyan (Disney Cartoon; 1958)
Porky the Rain-Maker (WB LT Cartoon; 1936)
Pride of the Yard (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1954)
Rain Dogs, by Tom Waits (Album; 1985)
Rear Window (Film; 1954)
Rebecca, by Daphne du Maurier (novel; 1938)
The Road Not Taken (Poem; 1925)
Robots in Toyland (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1965)
Rule Britannia, by Thomas Arne (Song; 1740)
Señorella and the Glass Huarache (WB LT Cartoon; 1964)
Shadows on the Rock, by Willa Cather (Novel; 1931)
Shootin’ Stars (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1960)
Shotgun Shambles (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1962)
Sick, Sick Sidney (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1958)
The Snows of Kilimanjaro, by Ernest Hemingway (Short Story; 1936)
Steel Wheels, by The Rolling Stones (Album; 1989)
Superiority, by Arthur C. Clarke (Short Story; 1951)
A Swiss Miss (Mighty Mouse Cartoon; 1950)
The 39 Steps (Film; 1935)
Tot Watchers (Tom & Jerry Cartoon; 1958)
Trouble in Baghdad (Terrytoons Cartoon; 1963)
Truant Officer Donald (Disney Cartoon; 1941)
The Trumpet of the Swan, by E.B. White (Children’s Book; 1970)
Turning the Fables (Noveltoons Cartoon; 1960)
The Twist, by Chubby Checker (Song; 1960)
Video Killed the Radio Star, by The Buggles (Music Video; 1981)
A Wedding Knight (Modern Madcaps Cartoon; 1966)
The Wiggles, by The Wiggles (Album; 1991)
Wild and Woolly Hare (WB LT Cartoon; 1959)
Witchy Woman, by The Eagles (Song; 1972)
Today’s Name Days
Alfons, Kenneth, Peter (Austria)
Alfonz, Jonatan (Croatia)
Oskar (Czech Republic)
Maira, Maire, Mairi, Maris (Estonia)
Maire (Finland)
Alphonse (France)
Alfons, Kenneth, Peter, Uwe (Germany)
Efkleos, Elesa, Markelos, Solomoni (Greece)
Boglárka (Hungary)
Alfonso, Giacomo (Italy)
Albīna, Albīns, Dags, Jarmuts, Spekonis (Latvia)
Almeda, Bartautas, Bartautė (Lithuania)
Peder, Petra (Norway)
Brodzisław, Justyn, Konrad, Konrada, Nadia, Piotr (Poland)
Božidara (Slovakia)
Alfonso, Caridad, Esperanza, Fe, Pedro (Spain)
Per (Sweden)
Charissa, Charity, Chasity, Cheri, Cherie, Cherry, Cheryl, Esperanza, Faith, Faye, Hope, Nadia, Nadine (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 214 of 2024; 152 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of Week 31 of 2024
Celtic Tree Calendar: Tinne (Holly) [Day 27 of 28]
Chinese: Month 6 (Xin-Wei), Day 27 (Ding-You)
Chinese Year of the: Dragon 4722 (until January 29, 2025) [Wu-Chen]
Hebrew: 26 Tammuz 5784
Islamic: 25 Muharram 1446
J Cal: 4 Purple; Foursday [4 of 30]
Julian: 19 July 2024
Moon: 8%: Waning Crescent
Positivist: 17 Dante (8th Month) [The Spanish Romancers]
Runic Half Month: Thorn (Defense) [Day 9 of 15]
Season: Summer (Day 43 of 94)
Week: 1st Week of August
Zodiac: Leo (Day 11 of 31)
Calendar Changes
August (Gregorian Calendar) [Month 8 of 12]
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