#or I think they’ll all die and it works out amazing
chexingtonmixalot · 1 year
I will never trust the editors of the dimension 20 next week preview they have stressed me out, and lulled me into a false sense of security one to many times they do such a good job and I hate them ❤️
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oneluckygoose · 2 months
Ok, guys. A lot of people have their fan casts for a Rat Grinders spinoff series, but hear me out.
What if season whatever of Dimension 20 was with the intrepid heroes, but Brennan didn’t tell them what their characters were. They get into the dome, The background is the normal Fantasy High background. The DM screen is the normal Fantasy High DM screen. They all sit as if they would for their Fantasy High characters. Brennan does the introduction, everybody’s smiling everybody’s happy, then he starts with the first scene.
But Nobody has a character sheet nobody knows who they are. “Strange, how do you play if you don’t know who you are playing?” A sentiment throughout the six heroes. The scene moves on, and he does it through one of the players perspectives, and it becomes clearer and clearer, slowly, that that person is playing their Fancy High characters antithesis from the Rat Grinders. Brennan hands them a character sheet.
The scenes go on, each hero getting their own. The character sheets are handed out. Horror: screams are heard throughout the dome, yells and shouts for Brendan to do unspeakable things. All the players are befuddled. All the players are filled with wishes for revenge.
The Intrepid Heroes, beloved of the characters they play called The Bad Kids, now play what they hate the most.
They are the rat grinders.
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paradoxicalrising · 1 year
Astrology Observations :)
preface: this is my first time doing this, these are all either my personal placements or I've had multiple experiences with a certain placement. none of this is absolute, pretty pls take it with a grain of salt, these are very general. Every single one of these placements depend on aspects in an individuals chart. WARNING: some 18+ topics. Enjoy :)
Mercury in the 8th house: naturally good at reading people, interested in psychology, religion, spirituality, astrology. chronic over thinkers + intrusive thoughts galore. could either really enjoy giving/ receiving head and/or dirty talk, reading smut.
Pisces Mars: sweethearts on the surface, usually soft-spoken or doesn’t talk much, spends more time observing or making up scenarios. also another overthinking placement. could also be someone who does drugs/ drinks alcohol. excels in the entertainment industries (film, theatre, music, art etc). either have a piss kink, foot fetish, or demisexual. 
Scorpio Venus: intense lovers. my ex had this placement and told me he’d die for me only knowing me 3 months. my sister also has this placement and will not eat dinner without her husband (could be the taurus opposition = not eating (taurus) until lover (Venus) is around), I think it’s a symbol of loyalty. once this placement finds value in someone, they are ride or die type loyal until you betray them. may stay in relationships longer than they should because it’s fixed emotion unless they finally see it themselves.
Cancer Moon (men specifically): I've had 3 cancer moon men take me to the beach on our first date. they’re always gassing themselves up on their cooking skills. their moms can be really restricting, especially those with Saturn in cancer as well. I've also seen their moms be really detached, cold, basically telling them to fend for themselves. highly intuitive but may get too caught up in the potential of a situation/ person and being disappointed when reality is different. hopeless romantics fr just throwing themselves into anyone they have a good feeling about without the physical proof.
Fixed Rising: the RBF (I love y’all). 
Vedic v. Tropical Astrology: honestly I think they’re both valid, and everyone should decide what placements resonate more with who they feel they are. Ex: I  have Venus, Jupiter, and my Sun in the 7th in Virgo (Tropical) but they’re in the 8th in Leo (Vedic). I feel more of the 8th house but in Virgo.
Pisces moons: I never feel like they’re listening to me if they aren’t looking at me because when they’re looking at me I can literally see them digesting the info w/ their dreamy eyes, but when they look away I just know they’re imagining some kind of fantasy that has nothing to do with the convo. 
Libra Moons: try to be soft and sweet but they have that fiery underside. I've noticed they’ll get all excited and sometimes aggressive and then apologize for it, like no girl look at you having a good time. they usually look aesthetically pleasing, you will never catch them not matching/ lookin raggedy in public, but they won’t judge others for it, Virgo and Taurus will haha.
Virgo + Libra: specifically rising + degrees, moon, or Venus combo usually have clear, healthy looking skin, especially after high school w/o all the teen acne hormones. 
Moon Conjunct Pluto: anyone else noticed the effect these placements have on their peers? it’s so weird but people are like magnetized to whatever house this placement is in. I guess cos it’s generational and yk it’s Pluto, but people around this placement can’t help but be enticed by these individuals. could be amazing actors if they can harness those dark emotions into a piece of work. these are the type of people to succeed out of spite of their trauma; very determined people. they can put such dark emotions into easy actions and words that others find hard to say out loud but they don’t shy away from dark stuff, they’ve dealt with darker topics since they were young.
Neptune in the 1st house: people constantly projecting onto these placements ! it’s important these people form a ground sense of self they can remind themselves of when they feel like someone is protecting on them. I have this placement and someone told me I was intoxicating to be around/ they felt intoxicated around me though they are sober. I fr think people get drunk off the illusion of this placement. These people are never what people say they are, if you want to get to know them I beg of you to please talk to them yourself instead of listening to others opinion of them. the women are cursed with the manic pixie dream girl trope. hella sex appeal bc of the blurred perceptions. make amazing actors/ musicians. very intuitive placement, but can doubt themselves.
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hey! hc questions for Astarion & ace! Tav (sorry if some of those have already been answered):
- Who picks flowers for the other?
- Who has a hobby only the other knows about?
- How do they hype each other up?
- How do they express their feelings?
- Who's more protective?
- Who gets jealous easier?
thank you for your work! I always get excited when I see you have posted something new about this ship ^^
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Who picks flowers for the other?
Tav does it for Astarion. I know there is some dialogue about him not liking flowers, but it’s different when they’re a gift from his love.
Tav never buy them. They just collect a small bundle as their walking. They then arrange them in a vase or spare cup, accompanied by a story; some local legend or tale about the flowers or just something they make up on the spot, Astarion can never be sure. Still he listens attentively as the story is just as much part of the gift as the flowers themselves.
Who has a hobby only the other knows about?
Tav knows about Astarion’s many tries at different hobbies.
Post game Astarion finally has the time to figure out what exactly he likes to do. Yes, there’s reading, but he figures out he genuinely enjoys embroidering and sewing. Making something with his own two hands and having something tangible at the end is extremely satisfying. Plus, it helps him clear his mind of anything besides the task in front of him. He’s since expanded this to jewelry making and knitting. Although he’ll die before he admits the knitting part.
How do they hype each other up?
Compliments. Compliments all around.
Astarion specifically goes on and on about Tav’s immense musical talent. Tav is already fairly secure in their abilities, but having somebody in the audience they know truly loves their work is heartening.
As for Tav, they know Astarion has his vanity and is willing to indulge him, complimenting him on his looks and choice of clothing. And if they throw an “I love you” at the end of it, he won’t say no.
How do they express their feelings?
I’m going to just assume you mean their feelings toward each other since if I went through all the emotions we’d be here all day.
Tav is actually a very physically affectionate person who has been denied it for years. Once they get permission to show their love that way, they don’t stop. Hugs for certain, leaning against him, hand kisses, cuddling, they’re all in. Quality time is next on the list. They don’t care what they’re doing so long as they’re doing it together.
Astarion is more verbal in his affections. He’ll just tell Tav how beautiful, talented, and amazing he finds them. He teases and tries to make them laugh. He can be quite the poet when he puts his mind to it. I’ll also add physical affection to the list. It takes him time, but once he understands he’s safe, he doesn’t want to loses the feeling of having them close.
Who’s more protective?
Not to say Tav isn’t, because they are, but it’s less visceral than Astarion. He spent so much of his life afraid that even when he does get together with Tav, it doesn’t lessen his fear. If anything his more afraid because he has somebody to lose for the first time in centuries. He considers ascending not just to keep himself safe, but to ensure he can protect Tav, forever. He’s never felt this way before about anyone. There’s no telling what he’d be willing to do for them.
Who gets jealous easier?
Hard to say. They both have their moments. I’d say Astarion is more vocal while Tav let’s it build up over time.
If somebody is flirting with Tav at a tavern, he’s by their side the next second with an arm around their waist and a smile that’s all fangs. He can also get real petty if he feels like they’re giving other people too much attention over him.
If somebody flirts with Astarion, Tav doesn’t say anything because they don’t want Astarion thinking he’s trying to control him or “too much”. But it hurts and if it happens too many times they’ll crack and ask if Astarion is getting bored of them. It would’ve be the first time. It’d take a lot for Tav to admit they’re jealous, but once they do, Astarion would have a field day.
They’re both working on getting better about it. It’s not a pretty thing.
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simplydannie · 1 month
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I’m supposed to working on my other fics, but this one hit me like a train wreck. I work with kids on the spectrum, from moderate to mild. This one is dedicated to each and everyone one of my amazing kiddos. Where the world sees the disability I see the ability. My kiddos have changed my heart, and love them all dearly. I wouldn’t change what I do for anything. I wish I could shelter them from the cruel world always. One day the world will see how amazing you guys are by just being you ❤️ I will always be proud of you all!
Velvet has always been tough, overprotective, and really hard on her brother. People would say she’s cruel, but in reality she is sheltering him from a world she fears would never accept him.
●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・● ●・○・●・○・●
“How do they look?” Veneer asked facing Velvet.
“Like headphones duh.”
“But they aren’t.”
“Who cares! Let them think they’re ‘actual’ headphones.” She quoted. Velvet went over to adjust the headphones that lay over his purple beanie. “How do they feel?”
“Comfortable.” He smiled, but then it soon faded. “Vels, why can’t we just tell them? I thought mom and dad said not to be ashamed…”
“We’re not ashamed. They just won’t understand.” She rolled her eyes, “Trolls live in this perfect happy world where nothing is wrong with them….. they’d never understand.” Velvet pulled her pink hoodie over her black mini dress. She reached over and fixed Veneers golden hoodie that draped over his skinny black jeans and combat boots.
“Vels come on!” He said embarrassed.
“Some old habits die hard…. I guess let’s go.” She grunted. The twins made their way out of their suit in Gristles castle…
It had been a year since the Rage Dome incident. Floyd had convinced the trolls and Bergens to allow the twins to spend the rest of their term under community service. What the Trolls didn’t know was that a change happened in the twins… Velvet would catch herself loosing control around her brother, as if reality was distorted. Sometimes she’d see him, but she couldn’t stop herself, as if she didn’t have control of her own body… and Veneer, well something returned, something that only her and her parents understood, something that the troll essence somehow allowed him to control. Ever since then, her protectiveness returned…like a bear and her cub.
“Hey guys! Whoa, styling headphones Veneer!” Poppy chimed.
He smiled, “Why thank you.”
“Yeah, yeah, they’re nice. We were called down for breakfast and now here we are.” Velvet said.
“I guess someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Branch rolled his eyes and turned away, Veneers mood lightened upon seeing the small grey Troll.
“Hey Branch!” He waved making his way towards him. Velvet attempted to hold her brother back but failed. Why did he like Branch so much? She could never put her finger on it. Branch did his best to ignore the Rageon as he yapped and yapped.
Branch ignored Veneer and went ahead to get his breakfast. “Oh okay. Talk to you later!” Veneer called out.
“Why do you have to follow him so much?” Velvet asked.
“I don’t know, he seems cool. Bet you I can get him to be my friend.”
“Ew why?”
“Come on Vels, I’m trying.”
Grabbing him by the arm, she led him to the dining area where food awaited. “I’m hungry come on.”
Velvet wasn’t used to having so many people around during any mealtime. It was always her, Veneer, and their parents… but she began realizing that the Trolls treated everything like a party, and apparently the Bergens joined in with them. Veneer began shifting on his feet at the sight of everyone… a wave of anxiety and nervousness came over him. Velvet noticed his uneasiness.
“Let’s sit over here.” She pulled him to an isolated table.
“No! Let’s sit with everyone else.” He told her.
“You’re not ready.”
“How am I ever going to get ready if you never give me a chance?” Veneer looked at his sister square in the eye.
“But what if something happens…”
“Then it happens. These are the Trolls we’re talking about! They’ll be excepting, right? I mean, do they have what I have? Is it normal to them? Different?” Veneer began to over analyze everything.
“Let’s sit over here…” she began to pill him until she was stopped by Poppy and Viva.
“Hey girl!” Viva exclaimed. Velvet rolled her eyes in annoyance. “Sooo Velvet we have nice Trolls and Bergens we want you to meet.”
“And Vennie we have some we want you to meet too!”
The twins took a quick glance at each other. “Floyd said he thinks it’ll be a great idea for you guys to make some friends… other than each other of course.”
“We’re good. We don’t need friends.” Velvet began pulling her brother along. Veneer was frozen in his footsteps. “Ven?” Veneer was staring at the ground, lost in thought. For years since they were kids, Velvet had really sacrificed a lot for him…. That’s including friendships. Veneer was different, making friends didn’t come easy to him. He remembered spending most of his school days alone, until Velvet came in. She decided to be his only friend and he be hers. Maybe now it could be different. She needed friends other than him around.
“M-maybe it’s a good idea Vels.”
“Y-you need to make friends. Y-you need people to talk to. Can you do this, for me?” He asked. Veneer pouted his lip, widening his eyes.
“No….no! Not the face! You’re not a kid anymore!”
But that only made Veneer pout his lip even more, saddening his eyes. Velvet grunted, “Fine! But… someone gives you hard time..”
“I know. Go look for you.” He smiled. Viva took Velvet away while Veneer followed Poppy. She led him to a table where young teenage Bergens and Trolls sat, amongst them was Branch. Upon seeing the Rageon, the grey Troll grunted. He got up and walked off causing Veneer to frown.
“Hey everyone! So this is Veneer! He’s new here. So let’s all be nice.” Veneer took a seat in between two Bergens who eyed him weirdly. He did his best to smile, but even then he felt awkward.
“You’re a Rageon?” Asked a funk troll.
“Y-yes.” He stammered as he grew nervous. His leg began to twitch, he began to fiddle with the sleeves of his hoodie.
“Well, nice to meet you I guess.” A teenaged Bergen told him.
An easiness overcame Veneer when he heard that. He smiled. “You too!” Looking at the food on his plate, Veneer began to do something he hadn’t done in so long, not since using the Trolls essence. He began separating his food by colors. His eyes were able to distinguish the different hues and shades of everything. He hummed as he did so. Everyone around him eyed him suspiciously. They turned to give each other glances.
“Dude. What are you doing?” Asked a young rock troll.
“Something I’d used to do. I don’t why it bothers me when things are not color coordinated. You can obviously tell this shade of red is different than this one…..” Unknowingly, he began to ramble on and on. There was silence around him, so he assumed they were interested in what he was saying. When he looked up, he noticed everyone was gone. Looking around, Veneer saw they had moved to another table, snickering and laughing at him.
“Oh! Hey wait up!” Quickly gathering his plate, he went after them. The table groaned as he neared them…. They left him no room to sit. “Um, excuse me.”
“There’s no room. Sorry bud.” A Bergen said.
“But if you just moved your foot, I can sit here.”
“Okay very funny.” Veneer attempted to laugh as he tried scooting in.
“I said no room.” The Bergen shoved Veneer with such force that he fell down, his plate and food spilling everywhere. The small group snickered at the sight. Poppy, Branch, and Floyd came running over.
“Hey you good?” Floyd asked.
“I’m fine, I’m fine.” Nervousness set in Veneer again as all eyes were on him. His eyes darting back and forth as he tried to avoid eye contact. Veneer began to hum to soothe himself, but he could feel the laughter, the judgement.
“He tripped dude. He’s fine.” Branch said rolling his eyes. He began to hate the attention Veneer would take from Floyd. Floyd was HIS brother, not Veneers.
“Oh! Well it’s okay Vennie we’ll just get you another plate.” Poppy chimed.
Veneer had stopped trying to pick up his food. He just knelt there, staring straight at the ground. He couldn’t calm down, everything wrecked his nerves, the world was spinning a thousand miles per minute. He needed to calm down, he continued to hum. The familiarity of the hands that helped him up was the only thing to cause him ease.
“Just go Ven. I’ll pick this up.” Velvet told him. Veneer tightened his headphones around his ears. He nodded and headed off. Velvet continued to pick up the food without making eye contact or acknowledging anyone…. She knew it was a mistake, she knew they wouldn’t accept him.
“What’s the big deal? He just dropped his food.” Said one of the teenage Bergens. Velvet ignored them… she began to fume as her anger rose.
“Maybe he shouldnt be so sensitive.” Branch scoffed. Velvet grabbed the broken plate and smashed it on the floor again…. completely shattering it.
“HES NOT SENSITIVE YOUR TWIG! HES AUTISTIC!” She screamed at the top of her lungs.
Complete silence surrounded her. It was then she noticed what she had said. Forget this, she thought. Velvet rushed after Veneer leaving everyone flabbergasted. Whether they understood or not, she didn’t care. This world would never accept him…she knew she was all he had.
“Velvet!” She heard Floyd call out to her.
“Screw you!” She yelled back…. She knew the moment Veneer absorbed the troll essence, his brain chemistry had changed, it had made him different. She didn’t have to worry about him… but that was gone. Everything was back to the way it was before the fame… but this time… mom and dad weren’t around to comfort them.
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looseratinthegarage · 2 years
Hi! I've been thinking about this for awhile but how would slashers survive an zombie apocalypse with or without a s/o?
Slashers in a zombie apocalypse
Omg I had sm fun writing this!!
Michael Rz
•Terrified. Undoubtedly. Terrified. But! Would do remarkably well! He’d dig a hole somewhere and call it home.
•he’s a big man so food is an issue. But he manages.
•would have constant adrenaline if he has a s/o. He wants to protect you and keep you safe. If you die, especially if it’s because of him, he’ll…. He’ll walk unarmed into a swarm of zombies and fight them with his bare hands. Once he is inevitably turned, his body will wreak havoc while his mind is finally put to rest.
Michael Og
•lil man would be fine. He’d pick a house to make a base in and board it up.
•if the zombies are drawn to noise he’ll be totally okay. Dude doesn’t speak and is so quiet walking around. There’s no way he’d gain their attention…. Unless his unbathed stench brought them…
•I think he’d kill a bunch of zombies…. and eat them. Therefore turning into one. Unlike someone else on this list, he wasn’t trying to fuck around, he just needed food and went nom nom.
•Now this one’s interesting! Are we talking about zombie Jason? Or living?
•Zombie Jason is a fucking unit and would turn the most people. The only drawback is he kills extremely violently, he rips his victims apart, aka he makes a lot of crawlers or immobile zombinos.
•Living Jason I think would get very overwhelmed. He’d use his machete and or some sort of long ranged weapon that isn’t a gun.
•He’d do well for a long time, but Pamela would call to him from the other side, but only if he was alone or if y/n had been infected/died. He’d cradle his mom's head and possibly his s/o or a belonging of theirs and bury himself in the earth.
Hewitt Family
•Thomas goes into sheer panic. But less panic when he remembers how far from civilization they live.
•Thomas, Hoyt, and Monty if it’s before that even cut Thomas gave him will work together to make huge scrap metal and wood walls on the perimeter of their property.
•Luda Mae goes up into the attic to find scraps of cloth, old guns, and other helpful stuff. She’ll be handling the house and cooking as she normally does, while Thomas, Hoyt and again, maybe Monty, will patrol the perimeter.
•The tea lady moves into the Hewitt estate, and Henrietta brings her trailer into the encased property.
•they’re very stressed about how they’ll be able to provide food for everyone. They’ll turn one or more of the fields into crop land. Luda Mae, Thomas, Monty, and Henrietta will work the fields as well. Not Hoyt. Never Hoyt. I think he’s worried about breaking a nail.
•Long story short, I think they’ll do very well for themselves.
Sawyer Family (-choptop)
•Almost a complete disaster. Nubbins has a zombie chained up outside, he’s been calling it his gross dog. Drayton and Bubba tried to build a wall around the house, but couldn't do it by themselves. Bubbas panicking because they’ll have to eat his pet chicken. Drayton is taking his stress out on everyone. Grandpa is god knows where, no one’s remembered to check on him.
•Yeah they don’t make it.
•he would either do amazing or instantly get turned, no in between.
•I think he’d bite a zombie- “how ya like that bitch” and then turn…. Like an idiot.
•Undead Freddy is far more nightmarish than living Freddy. Yuck!
•or on the other hand would kick some undead ass.
•his powers wouldn’t really help him? If my memory serves me well, the more people fear him, the more power he has. Zombies can’t feel fear, there’s only one thing they think about nom nom. Hence he’d have to use his claws or another weapon.
•100% fine. Out of all of the boys, he’s good. Like- he’s going to be completely fine. Bruh doesn’t even live on this planet.
•He’ll make sure there’s not a scratch on his s/o, and gods forbid you get infected he can easily cure you with yautja technology.
•they can’t infect him, cus he’s, ya know, a fucking alien. So even if they do bite him, he’ll just be more pissed off then anything.
•He’s not worried about it, he can hop in his ship and just leave. Depending on your mate, he might let you bring family or close friends with you both. He’s not going to be happy about it. But he’ll allow it. Will also allow pets…..hesitantly….
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tuulikannel · 1 year
I was bored and played around with the incorrect quote generator. The names I put in: Nagisa, Karma, Gakushuu. Some of these fit really well, some are pure crack. All pairings at least hinted at, I think XD
Nagisa: What do you think Karma will do for a distraction? Gakushuu: They’ll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That’s what I would do. Building explodes and several car alarms go off Gakushuu: … or they could do that.
Nagisa: Hey, Karma? Can I get some dating advice? Karma: Just because I’m with Gakushuu doesn’t mean I know how I did it.
Nagisa: If Karma and I were drowning, who would you save? Gakushuu: You two can’t swim? Karma: It’s a hypothetical question, Gakushuu! who would you save? Gakushuu: My time and effort.
Nagisa, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Karma: You did WHAT– Gakushuu: William Snakepeare
Nagisa: What if I press the brake and gas at the same time? Karma: The car takes a screenshot. Gakushuu: For the last time, get the fuck out.
Nagisa: Karma and I were crossing the street, and this dude drove by and honked at us Gakushuu: Sighing What did Karma do? Nagisa: They chased him to the next red light, then reached into his window and… Karma: Who wants a steering wheel?
Nagisa: Gakushuu and I are having a baby. Karma: That's gre- Nagisa, slamming adoption papers on the table: It's you, sign here.
Nagisa: Karma, what do IDK, LY, and TTYL mean? Karma: I don’t know, love you, talk to you later Nagisa: Ok, I love you too, I’ll just ask Gakushuu.
Nagisa: What did you do with Gakushuu's body? Karma: What didn’t I do with the body? Nagisa: Karma: Okay, that sounded more sexual than I intended. I disposed of the corpse respectfully.
Nagisa: Are you sure this is the right direction? Karma: Certainly, I'm as sure as I am honest! Gakushuu: In that case, we're definitely lost.
Nagisa: Tell Karma about the birds and the bees. Gakushuu: They're disappearing at an alarming rate.
Nagisa: Fitness tip: never stop pushing yourself. Some say 8 hours of sleep is enough. Why not keep going? Why not 9? Why not 10? Strive for greatness. Karma: Next time you’re working out do 15 push ups instead of 10. Run 3 miles instead of 2. Eat a whole cake instead of just a slice. Burn your ex’s house down. You can do it. I believe in you. Gakushuu: There were so many mixed messages in that I can’t-
Nagisa, at a restaurant: You guys should get the orange soda, it's amazing. Karma: Okay Waiter: Can I get you guys anything to drink? Nagisa: Orange soda, please! Karma: I'll have the strawberry soda. Gakushuu: Me too, strawberry soda. Nagisa:
Nagisa: HELP! I TOLD GAKUSHUU I’D COOK DINNER TONIGHT BUT I CAN’T COOK! Karma, pouring milk directly into the cereal bag: And you thought I could help?
Nagisa: If you had to choose between Karma and all the money I have in my wallet, which would you choose? Gakushuu: That depends, how much money are we taking about? Karma: Gakushuu! Nagisa: 63 cents. Gakushuu: I'll take the money. Karma: GAKUSHUU!!!
Nagisa: Sometimes I drink milk straight out of the container. Karma: The cow??? Nagisa: What? Gakushuu: Karma, W H Y?
Nagisa: I know you snuck out last night, Karma. Gakushuu: Play dumb! Karma: Who's Karma? Gakushuu: NOT THAT DUMB!!!
Nagisa: Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life Karma: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind? Nagisa: Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die. Gakushuu: edible
Nagisa: I’m kind of crushing on someone, but I’m worried about telling you who it is, because you’re not going to like it Karma: Just rip the bandage off. Nagisa: It’s Gakushuu. Karma: Put the bandage back on.
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blackhairedjjun · 1 year
flowers of every color | 3. lilies of the valley
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overall summary: when your father is assigned as the new head gardener to the royal family, you are also tasked with helping him maintain the castle's many gardens and extensive floral arrangements. by chance you find yourself crossing paths with the "ice-cold" crown prince, choi yeonjun... who turns out to be not as ice-cold as everyone says he is.
chapter summary: the royal family throws a ball and you're in charge of floral decorations. along the way, you spy on some official business and meet two other princes of the house of choi...
word count: 1.9k
warnings: a character yelling at another but it's very minor
author’s note: this is more of a transitional chapter but it's gonna set up some things for later in the story! also WE'RE FINALLY GETTING SOOGYU HERE ヽ(⌒▽⌒)ノ yes the choi line are all distantly related in this fic, they belong to the same royal house but are like... very very distant cousins or something lol. easier for me to do than to make them unrelated and part of 3 different houses of choi and me explaining "no they're all different" ksljdfkls
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“those look amazing, y/n. you sure they aren’t ready yet?”
yeonjun watches you as you walk through the greenhouse, showering a long row of lilies of the valley with your watering can. the flowers arrived just that morning and you need to treat them with care before they’re planted. as you water them, the droplets stick to the little white bulbs of flowers and catch the sunlight. you smile at the sight and spy yeonjun smiling at at them, too.
“give them a few days, your ma- yeonjun. they’ll look even more beautiful planted at the front entrance.”
you notice his smile grow just a bit bigger at you using his name, a habit you haven’t quite gotten used to yet. “can’t wait,” he says, and bends down to talk to one of the flowers. “you need to grow up well, okay? make y/n proud! don’t disappoint them!” he laughs and you start giggling yourself.
“they’ll have to make you proud too, you know. we can’t have your ball guests thinking poorly of you and your family because of a few wilted flowers.”
“i know, i know...” yeonjun wraps an arm around your shoulder and pulls you close, and you put down your watering can to accommodate him. “but you should be the one getting the credit. you worked so hard to get these shipped here and take care of them, so you should be proud of yourself.”
you nod, feeling warm at his touch, and lean into him as he pats your shoulder. 
there’s only a few days left until the welcome ball that the royal family is hosting for some diplomatic envoys, and you and your father have been tasked with preparing the gardens and floral decorations for the event. the two of you have been up to your necks in work: surveying the gardens, planning the theme and the floral arrangements to go with it, going through your inventory of flowers, and preparing them for planting once they’ve started to bloom. 
that means that you simply haven’t had the time to do your usual errand of leaving specially chosen flowers in yeonjun’s bedroom. you’re grateful, then, that he took matters into his own hands: he declared that he would be in charge of overseeing the gardens and floral decor for the event, which was really a thinly veiled excuse to see you.
“can i try?” yeonjun picks up the watering can you set down. “let me help you too.”
“careful, i’m the one with the green thumb around here,” you tease. “we don’t want the flowers withering and dying before ball day.”
“hey! c’mon, that’s not fair.” he pouts and brings the watering can close to his chest. “i haven’t even done anything yet, you don’t know if they’ll die! maybe i’ll do a great job and they’ll bloom even more!”
you laugh and shake your head. “fine, fine. maybe the flowers will be awed by your majesty.” you see him sigh as you mention his title. “here, you can try watering this row, i haven’t worked on them yet.”
on the day of the ball itself, you change out of your usual faded gardening smock into the plain navy blue uniform assigned to servants of the castle. it’s not as comfortable as your usual attire, but the fabric is not as stiff as you feared it would be, and you move around the castle grounds freely.
while you are neither a guest at the ball nor one of the servants working in the ballroom itself, the chamberlain wanted anyone who lives or works on the castle grounds to look presentable, just in case the envoys saw them while walking around. besides, he told you and your father, you need to be on call in case one of the flowerbeds or vases gets ruined and needs to be replaced.
you spend the early afternoon wandering around the southern gardens, admiring the work that you and your father did over the past few weeks. the lilies of the valley sway gently in the breeze, their white bulbs rustling like tiny bells. as you gaze at the horizon, the flowers you planted seem to meld together into a symphony of colors: white and yellow, light and dark blue, pink and purple. you can’t help but marvel at the sight, and at the realization that you and your father managed to do all that. you should be proud of yourself, yeonjun told you, and you do feel a bud of pride swell in your chest.
you spot movement from the corner of your eye and turn towards the southern castle entrance facing the gardens. there you see yeonjun dressed finely for the occasion, meeting with a pair of middle-aged men in heavy grey jackets adorned with medals. you tilt your head at the sight as curiosity gets the better of you 一 because of how busy you are, you’ve never actually seen yeonjun on his princely duties. you move closer, but out of their line of sight, wondering what on earth they could be talking about; soon you are able to examine their faces, yet remain far enough that their words are only unintelligible noise.
the shorter of the two middle-aged men appears to be raising his voice, his eyes bulging as he goes on a tirade that you can’t hear. the other man, almost as tall as yeonjun himself, is smiling but his expression is strained as if trying to hide something. you glance over at yeonjun and notice that his face has turned cold. he stares at them as if he sees right through them, and his lips are pulled in a taut line. when the short man finishes his tirade and the prince is allowed to respond, his expression barely changes.
of course. the ice-cold prince, you remember. the more you get to know yeonjun, the more you realize that the moniker is a carefully crafted facade. since he is the only child and heir of the house of choi, the future of the kingdom hangs on his shoulders; he knows that there are too many people who see him as a weak spot, waiting for him to make a mistake so that they can take power for themselves. to keep them at bay he puts on an air of haughtiness, signaling that he is not the weak spot they think him to be.
but he is nothing like that, you think 一 you know. you know how he smiles at the smallest of joys, how he loves the company of friends, how he knows the right thing to say to bring comfort or encouragement; there is nothing cold about him. yet not only is that side of himself hidden from others, but also that side must remain hidden from certain people to protect his kingdom. you feel a sting in your heart at the thought.
the two middle-aged men start to leave, and yeonjun turns to head back to the castle. you wonder what they have been discussing, though you assume it’s something you probably have no involvement in. before you can think about it any further, you are distracted by distant shouting at the edge of the gardens.
“hey, you’ve had several turns now, let me try!”
“just wait, i’m trying to beat my record!”
“you said that last time and you haven’t beaten your record yet! just accept that you’re never going to beat it!”
“hyung, how could you say that?! i thought you were my biggest support一”
their words are cut off and you hear rustling, followed by a panicked shout. then something gently bumps against your feet 一 a small rubber ball.
the ball is soon followed by two young men around yeonjun’s age running towards you. one of them is lanky with a slender face, the other tall with high features. you notice that their coats also bear the embroidered insignia of the house of choi.
“look what you did, you almost scared one of the servants,” the tall one chides.
“relax, they’re doing just fine. right?” the lanky one gives you a charming smile.
you stare for a moment, unsure what to make of these rowdy young men, until you remember your manners and make a hasty bow.
“i’m alright, thank you. don’t worry about me. here.” you pick up the ball and hand it to them.
“i’m terribly sorry for troubling you like this,” the tall one says and returns the bow. “let me introduce ourselves. i’m choi soobin, prince of the central branch of the house of choi.”
“i’m choi beomgyu, prince of the eastern branch,” the lanky one says. “nice to meet you.”
your eyes light up as you recall yeonjun mentioning just how extensive the house of choi is, with rulers in different kingdoms. yeonjun’s own family, he once said, is from the main northern branch.
“pleased to meet you, your majesties,” you say, bowing again more deeply. “i’m y/n, and i’m one of the gardeners of the castle. i hope you’ll enjoy our gardens.”
at the mention of your name, soobin and beomgyu exchange knowing looks. beomgyu breaks out into a wide grin.
“you一 you’re y/n! you’re the one yeonjun hyung mentions all the time in his letters!”
“e-excuse me?”
“a-ah, pardon us...” soobin flushes and gives you an embarrassed smile. “we’ve heard a lot about you from yeonjun hyung. he writes to us and tells us about a gardener friend that he made. that’s you... right?”
now it’s your turn to flush at his words. “i-uh... unless he made another gardener friend, i suppose that’s me.”
the two of them are now grinning from ear to ear, and you flush even deeper. just what did yeonjun tell them about you?
as if on cue, your friend appears behind soobin and beomgyu and wraps an arm each around their shoulders. “found you!”
“yeonjun hyung!” 
the three young men tackle each other in an embrace and nearly fall over, cheering and laughing as they do. you hear shouts of “i missed you!” and “i got more handsome, right?!” amidst the chaos, and your heart grows light at the sight. gone is the ice-cold prince from moments ago, and here again is the friend you know.
once the greeting is over, yeonjun pokes his head from the tackle-hug out at you. “y/n! you’re here!” he releases himself from his companions and pulls you into a hug of your own. “i’m so glad you made it out,” he says, pulling away. “and how come you met soobin and beomgyu without me?! i was going to introduce you in a dignified way!”
“anything is more dignified than running into gyu trying to beat his football record,” soobin snorts.
“i was going to beat it if you didn’t distract me! and my record is still better than yeonjun hyung’s.”
“hey, why are you bringing me into this?!”
you can’t help but snort at their banter, and all three of them turn to look at you.
“c’mon, you two. you’re embarrassing me in front of y/n.” yeonjun links your arm with his and turns to the others. “let’s do a tour of the castle gardens? i need to show all the work y/n did. they did an amazing job.”
“he never shuts up about you,” beomgyu says to you.
you smile before you even realize it; you only feel it when your cheeks begin to hurt. “sure, i’ll show you around,” you say. “let me tell you all about the flowers for tonight’s ball...”
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end notes: alright! for chapter 4 we're getting the actual ball (kinda-sorta), and we're getting a nice lovely yeonjun x reader moment ;~; ch4 is my favorite one so far so i'm excited to finish it and post it aaaaaa
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itscomplicatedx · 7 months
Marvel at the beginning of the show: So this show will be about Loki learning to love himself and not being afraid of being lonely anymore.
Also Marvel: completely ignores Loki‘s trauma and tries to make him an evil narcissist** (Mobius is not qualified to make that assessment, especially since according to the TVA, Loki was supposed to do the bad things he did) at the beginning, tries to stick him with a Thor light version of himself, and has him end up alone, where once again, very few people will know or care when he did something heroic.
I liked season 2 a lot better than season 1, but that ending was whack.
If you don’t feel like reading a long rant, feel free to skip below. If you disagree with me and want to make your own long answer, write your own post. I’m mostly here to express my opinion, not get into long debates.
**Marvel doesn’t seem to understand much at all about mental health. I wish we could get whoever wrote Moon Knight to write everything about mental health in the MCU as they handled it in a decent way for a TV show. The last guy they tried to call a narcissist (Tony Stark) literally either tried to or sacrificed himself to save the universe more than once; as did Loki and his variants. Loki was set up to fail since the beginning of the timeline; and while obviously he’s far from innocent, acting like it was all his grievances were in his head and “imagined slights” or just a function of a narcissist is a pretty awful message to send about trauma. We know for a fact there’s a shit load wrong with Asgard, and an amazing slew of double standards in the MCU. It would be a great way to explain it to say it was all part of a timeline that was meant for somethings to turn out a certain way, but I’m not sure they’ll do that. But that’s my head canon anyway, based on what we saw in the What If series. There we see that when certain events aren’t set up and happen differently, heroes can go off the trail and villains can be just fine.
They conveniently showed Loki how Odin “loves him”, but not that he literally kidnapped him and lied that his birthright “was to die”, and just basically let everybody else off the hook including people who have done worse than Loki.
I understand if they didn’t want to use another actual mental health term, but instead of “narcissist” they could’ve just gone with Loki having “severe attachment issues” or something more vague like that, but then they might’ve actually had to talk about how he got them. Because I guarantee you when the majority of people hear the term narcissist they think of the worst kind who have all the worst full blown traits on the spectrum, not of the fragile kind, who do have self-esteem issues, share a lot of traits with BPD, and are said to be more rare. They most definitely don’t think of people who would sacrifice themselves.  
I personally see Loki as Borderline with some narcissistic traits (who wouldn’t have them being raised a royal in a place like Asgard). With Tony I think some of his supposedly worst traits were him trying to cover up his trauma. Sorry Natasha, but an assassin/spy who works for a shady government organization is not qualified to make a mental health assessment. Neither is Mobius.
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quizmasterfred · 5 months
13 in 'The God Complex'
I saw a Reddit post a while ago asking 'what episode would you like to see a different Doctor tackle', and now it's been ages but i had some thoughts, and can't stop thinking about it, and just desperately need to write them down somewhere so here if you're seeing this: sorry, you've got to deal with my ramblings now.
This could replace ‘Legend of the Sea Devils’ wholesale. It was most people's least favourite centenary special, so hopefully we’re not losing much. OR, if you want to wrangle 4 specials in that year, it comes between ‘Eve of the Daleks’ and LotSD, which I’ll elaborate on later.
13 genuinely intends to follow through with “that moment on the beach where you tell me everything”, directly says as much at the end of EotD. Instead of fobbing it off with “whatever happened to the lost treasure of the Flor de la Mar”, they ARE going to San Munrohvar, which Yaz is ecstatic about.
In the OG God Complex (quick reminder: 11/Amy/Rory originally), it’s Amy’s faith in the Doctor which brings them there, and it’s the same now. Except it’s not just the generic faith of a particularly attached companion, it’s the exact specific moment of Yaz knowing she’s about to get that conversation.
Her faith is both restored, and about to be rewarded. After years of asking, and wondering, and being fobbed off, finally the Doctor is opening up. And right after Yaz’s coming out to Dan? Wow - what if!
They aren’t there because Yaz “has faith in the Doctor”, they’re there now because in the exact moment the TARDIS launched, that faith was higher and more intense that it has ever been.
Common complaint is that Dan’s a bit of a blank slate – Diane, Liverpool, nice bloke. Fun moments, but not enough time to really develop as a character. I’m not going to make a spectacular reveal here and give him an amazing arc, but at the very least we have a chance to make that blank-slatedness really work. He takes on Rory’s role in the story:
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13’s Room:
We never see 11’s room, only hear the TARDIS’ cloister bell as he looks in. The implication, of course, is that he’s afraid of dying – permanently. Trenzalore, no more regenerations. Very nice and subtle for 11’s arc/personality – the old man disguising himself as a 20-something.
13 has a very different problem: she’s the Timeless Child, she’s been alive for potentially a billion years before her memories begin, and she’s still regenerating. 11 is afraid of regenerations running out; 13 is afraid they’ll never run out.
It’s harder to convey my idea here with just a noise, not showing the inside of the room itself, so I will describe what I imagine the room to look like, but if there’s a way to do this without showing the viewer, that’d obviously be great.
Her room is a field of graves: “Susan Foreman”, “Sarah-Jane Smith”, “Alastair Lethbridge-Stewart”, “Donna Noble”, “Amy + Rory Williams” (an exact copy of the grave from ‘The Angels take Manhattan’), “Clara Oswald”, River('s Screwdriver/Neural Relay sitting on a Library server?), “Bill Potts”, “Yasmin Khan”, even one written in Gallifreyan (could be inferred to be the Master, but not directly stated). Only a brief look, but enough for someone to pause it and read a bunch of companions’ names.
Many are faded, symbolising a fear that one day she’ll be so old with so many lost loved ones, there simply won’t be room for all of them, and she’ll starting to forget their names and faces. Thousands more we can’t read, the people she’s yet to meet across all her future lives, and they will age and die all the same. In the centre, she’s still there. Alive, young, never dying. Maybe it’s not even Jodie standing there – maybe it’s Ncuti Gatwa, or some completely other actor: ‘generic future self’.
This is the moment of tragedy for her. After her own chat with Dan, the fireworks, seeing Sarah + Nick happy, she had decided to give it a try with Yaz. But seeing this room is what changes that. This is the moment she says to herself:
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In OG, this happens immediately after 11 effectively invites Rita to join the crew, but maybe we can swap these around. So 13 sees this, completely psyches herself out of pursuing a relationship with Yaz, knows in her heart that her biggest fear is losing more and more and more people, but seeing Rita being a little bit brilliant again makes 13 invite her along anyway. She can’t help it – a clever little human working their way in, no matter what. Bittersweet.
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Speaking of:
Another young Muslim woman who’s a little bit brilliant and a little bit too brave? In all of time and space, it’s a bit weird for a bottle episode to have someone who, on the face of it, is basically a carbon copy of our main companion, right? We’ll see.
13 gets along with Rita just as 11 did. Maybe Dan is the butt of the ‘with regret, you’re fired’ joke. Maybe in a moment alone, Dan can crack a line to Rita that ‘she’s got a thing for clever Muslim gals’. But of course, most importantly, Rita and Yaz have a bit of bonding over their shared faith. Rita mentions ‘Jahannam’ in the OG, and we can use that to get some insight to Yaz’s faith. We know she’s practicing-enough to visit a Mosque (mentioned in Rosa), but really we get very little exploration of what Islam truly means to her throughout Chibnall’s run. Give Yaz something personal that isn’t tied to the Doctor, y’know.
Then, the phone call when Rita is about to die. Like 11, 13 tries to talk her into coming back: maybe she can save her, she really wants to save her. She can’t convince Rita, but Yaz takes the phone off of her. Two young women of the same religion have a heart-to-heart about faith and rapture and Jahannam. They both start off thinking Yaz was brought here for the same reason Rita was (and the viewer does too) – stealing their religion from them.
BUT, Rita gradually realises that isn’t true for Yaz. She realises that Yaz’s faith in the Doctor is stronger: “if you come back, the Doctor can save [you/us]”. That brief, shining moment of beauty that Yaz felt when the Doctor confirmed she would follow through on ‘tell[ing] you everything’ was so powerful, it eclipsed her religious faith. Not forever, she hasn’t become an atheist, but the novelty, the cocktail of love, and rewarded patience, and anticipation, and trust – for a tiny moment, it out-shone her other faith, and that’s why the TARDIS was pulled in by the eponymous God Complex.
Maybe Rita says it explicitly, or maybe she doesn’t. Either way, Yaz also realises what Rita has seen, but the Doctor isn’t privy to Rita’s side of the conversation (because… phone). They hang up, turn off the cameras, and Rita dies. If Yaz hadn’t let the Doctor take over her life and heart, could she have saved Rita? Did someone die because she failed as a Muslim? (Obviously the answer is no – that’s not how faith/religion works, and Rita was dead anyway because that is how the minotaur works, but the point is Yaz has a total crisis here)
As with the OG, the very next scene is the Doctor’s ‘I figured it out’ moment.
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Yaz is hit with a whole fresh wave of guilt. The whole reason they’re here, the thing that killed Rita – and the Doctor agrees with that assessment (the Doctor couldn’t hear Rita, so this obviously isn’t actually the Doctor saying ‘you’re right, you got her killed’ – the Doctor would never think or say something like that – but that’s what it feels like to Yaz).
Yaz’s Room:
Now this is what’s really beautiful about the change from 11 to 13. Amy and Yaz’s rooms are the same thing. Amy’s is a little girl waiting by a window for her Raggedy Man to come back; abandoned. Yaz’s is a young woman in a basic white TARDIS console room, surrounded by sticky notes and sheets of paper, after hundreds of failed attempts to make it fly, waiting for the Doctor to come back from Gallifrey; abandoned.
[Quick side-note: the moment between Amy and Gibbis where she says ‘I thought that room was for me’ about the Weeping Angels still works for Yaz. In her only meeting with the Angels, what was the result? They took the Doctor away from her for 3 years]
11’s speech to Amy, tearing down the image of him in her head – saving her life by pretending he can’t – absolutely stunning. But 13 has even more to work with here: Amy/Rory, Clara (died because she became too much like the Doctor – hello Yaz), River. The added tragedy of breaking not just a friend, but someone who is actively in love with her and who she shares those feelings for, and the only way to save Yaz’s life is to shatter those feelings.
AND: Bill. "Remember that man who tried to kill you, Graham, and Ryan in a plane crash the instant he met you? The man who tried to kill us all on Gallifrey, and is ultimately the reason I left you, vanishing for 10 months? The man you’re most afraid of, of every villain we’ve met together? I TRIED TO HELP HIM. I put his redemption above Bill and Nardole’s safety because ‘[he’s] the only one person that I’ve ever met who’s even remotely like me’ (direct quote, btw(!) – ‘World Enough and Time’), and it got her mercilessly killed and converted. That’s the sort of person I am, and now I’m about to get you killed too."
Falling Action:
Because Yaz is a little bit brilliant, and coming into her own as “becoming like the Doctor”, like Clara did, she later works out that the speech in her room was ‘the plan all along^TM’ to get rid of the minotaur, and starts to patch herself up by telling herself that the Doctor didn’t really mean not to trust her. So Yaz presses, once again, asking for the Doctor to tell her something about herself.
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The Doctor, of course, actually was being genuine, because her own room – the field of graves – scared her that much. 11 rebuffs Amy’s question, continuing with his exposition about the prison. 13 does the same to Yaz. The episode started with Yaz being elated that the Doctor would finally open up, and ends with 13 reverting back to closed-off, and refusing to answer a personal question. Because 13 saw what was in her room, and decided, against everything they both wanted 45 minutes ago, that she can’t fix herself.  So back in the box it goes.
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From 11’s perspective, this could be perceived as bittersweet. He’s still afraid of death, but at least there’s someone here and now commiserating with him. Maybe it would be a gift, and maybe he can accept it in time, and go to Trenzalore in peace. But for 13, it’s just bitter. 'Yes, it would be a gift – if only I could ever have it. But at least I can grant it to you.'
We can either do the beach scene now, ‘can’t fix myself’…
(and then in my ideal world, alter Power of the Doctor to give us a slightly happier end / opening up / explaining 13's hotel room / Thasmin kiss, because god knows us gays need someone to throw us a bone – but that’s not important right now, not relevant to 13!GodComplex)
Or this is where the Doctor goes ‘let’s fuck about looking for the Flor de la Mar’, cue LotSD. Again we see the contrast between her genuine intent to be honest with Yaz 45 minutes ago vs fobbing it off now. Yaz’s heart is broken for real, just after she managed to convince herself that the Doctor’s speech in the hotel room was all a trick.
I can't stop thinking about it, because Doctor Who has consumed my every waking moment for the last 2 months...
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nightghoul381 · 4 months
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Dark If ~ Jude Jazza
This a fan translation so it is definitely not 100% accurate. I do not own anything related to Ikemen Villains. Support Cybird by buying their amazing stories!
CW: Implied character death
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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I calmly pretended to be hiding in the castle and explained everything about the curse to my father.
King: “You’re sick and will die soon? There’s no way you can trust that!”
Kate: “You’d deny it without thinking… what will you do if it’s true?”
Kate: “Please, just once, please listen to what he has to say…”
King: “Poor thing… you must have been brainwashed by that wizard.”
Kate: “…That’s not true. He is certainly a person who doesn’t mind doing outrageous things…”
Kate: “But he is not so foolish as to lie and antagonize the military!”
King: “You are prohibited from leaving the room until the chaos has subsided. All right.”
Father didn’t believe my words and locked the room several times.
(I don’t know what to do…I have to somehow get out of this room and find the spinning wheel.)
I try to escape, but even the windows have been covered with iron bars, making it more difficult to escape.
(What should I do… What should I do… If it stays like this, I’ll--)
(I’ll lose my life, leaving Jude behind trying to fulfill his promise.)
Kate: “I won’t let that happen…”
I started banging on the door of my room as hard as I could.
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Jude the Wizard: “…Weren’t you going to escort us to the castle? It looks like we’re heading in the exact opposite direction.”
Soldier: “You did not respond to repeated questions and assaulted several messengers,”
Soldier: “His Majesty the King is well aware that you sometimes went so far as to kill people.”
Jude the Wizard: “Absentmindedly.”
Soldier: “This time, the command was to recapture Princess Kate, and—”
Soldier: “He told me to kill you if I had the chance.”
Jude the Wizard: “Heh, if you think you can kill someone like me, I’m sorry.”
Soldier: “We will not give up.”
Soldier: “For you—suicide with this horse drawn carriage!”
The soldiers kicked open the carriage door and suddenly jumped into the darkness.
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Jude the Wizard: “Tch, these guys are idiots…!” 4426
Jude the Wizard: “Your tactics are stupid, the king isn’t that different from me…!”
The carriage careened off the cliff at breakneck speed—,
It fell straight into the darkness.
My hand, which kept banging on the door, felt like it was throbbing to the bone.
My skin was torn and bleeding, but there was no sign that my room would be unlocked.
(Jude, I wonder if he’s okay…maybe he’s locked up in the castle’s prison by now.)
(…He was injured, is he okay?)
“Since wizards can easily plot to overthrow the country,”
“Those who refuse to serve in the national army are often imprisoned or killed.”—
A passage I read in a book flashes through my mind, sending a shiver down my spine.
(No, don’t get too worked up. I’m sure Jude will be fine.)
(I have to escape from here and find the spinning wheel before I collapse from illness.)
And with that I will fall into a 100-year sleep.
In the meantime, I have faith that Jude will find a cure to my illness.
Actually, before I go to sleep, I want to talk about the promise I’d just made with Jude from the past.
I want to hear how Jude has lived his life since then.
Why would he do all this for me?
(But—All of that and this)
(It shouldn’t be too late even after the promise is fulfilled.)
(…That’s right, Jude.)
Low-voiced guard: “Ah… I’m hungry.”
High-pitched voiced guard: “Hold on a little longer, they’ll be taking over soon.”
(…I’ve been quite for a while, so the guards must think I’ve given up and let their guard down.)
Kate: “Um… I won’t be wild any more, please go ahead and eat.”
Low-voiced guard: “No, no, Miss Kate… Not even if you say so.”
Kate: “Aren’t you tired from the night shift? If you’d like, I’ll let the next shift know where you’re at.”
High-pitched voiced guard: “No, Actually…you’re right, I am feeling lightheaded.”
Kate: “If you collapse at a critical moment, you won’t be able to protect me when that evil wizard comes, right?”
Low voiced guard: “O-oh… that’s true…”
Kate: “Please, it would be reassuring to me.”
After a while, I heard the sound of the guards going down the stairs to eat.
Taking that opportunity, I push the back of the chair into the gap under the door and use the principle of leverage to remove the hinge.
(I know this confinement room is dilapidated.)
(For a long time, I’ve been confined as a punishment by my overprotective father.)
I heard the sound of the lock breaking under the weight of the door falling inward.
Kate: “The problem is how to find the spinning wheel from here…”
Kate: “I have to do something. For the sake of Jude to be able to fulfill his promise.”
Kate: “In order not to die in a place like this…”
I clenched my fists and took a step, and at that moment--,
My vision became distorted.
(Ah, is this…?)
My legs lose strength and I feel like I’m about to fall.
(No, if I fall down the stairs,)
(Finding the spinning wheel… I won’t be able to--)
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Jude the Wizard: “---Hey! Shit…”
Someone caught my body as I collapsed, and I did my best to lift my heavy eyelids, which were about to fall.
(…? Jude…?)
Jude was there in my distorted vision.
Kate: “Did you come to get me?...How…”
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Jude the Wizard: “Shut up. If you die here, I’ll kill your damn father and all his servants.” 4479
Jude had an unusually anxious look on his face, and it made my heart hurt.
(It’s my fault that he’s making this face.)
The man who had been holed up in his study alone in that castle,
I was also making him run into such danger that he would come back bleeding in the middle of the night.
Kate: “…Why are you so desperate?”
Kate: “I only helped you once, by chance, but for me…”
Jude the Wizard: “I’ll tell you about it in 100 years.”
I saw Jude take out something sharp.
It must be the spinning wheel needle I was looking for.
(But… It seems like it might be a little late.)
The clock’s hands must have already passed twelve o’clock.
Kate: “Jude, I –I met the old you.”
Jude the Wizard: “Don’t talk, just sleep now—”
Kate: “I bound you to a promise… it was me… I’m sorry.”
Jude: “…I don’t care about that.”
“Thank you for trying to help.”
I don’t know whether my words were voiced or not.
Without even feeling the pain of the spinning wheel’s needle, my consciousness was swallowed up by darkness—
Suddenly—I realized I was back in the bookstore in London.
Kate: “Ah…wha…?”
Bookstore manager: “Ah, that’s good… did you notice?”
The store manager wearing glasses was staring at me as I lay on the floor.
Bookstore manager: “I was surprised. When I went to work to open the store, I found you collapsed.”
Bookstore manager: “Are you okay…?”
Kate: “…Y-yes… I’m okay…”
What was I doing until now--?
(Right, I’d come to this bookstore to make a delivery last night…)
Kate: “This is a delivery for the store manager.”
Bookstore manager: “Aah, thank you… but, you.”
Bookstore manager: “Why are you crying…?”
Kate: “Eh…?”
When I touch my cheek, warm drops wet my fingertips.
The moment I realized this, sadness welled up in my throat like a bubbling spring.
Kate: “Huh… w-what… what happened to me…?”
It’s like I’ve forgotten an important promise.
Like I’ll never be able to meet the person I care about again—such indescribable sadness and loneliness flooded my heart,
Becoming endless tears.
“Even if I die, I won’t break my promise.”
Kate: “I’m sorry…”
Kate: “The promise… I broke it.”
Kate: “I’m sorry…”
I was sad from the bottom of my heart that I couldn’t make those words come true, even though I couldn’t remember whose voice it was,
I cried aloud until my tears ran dry.
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Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Bitter End | Premium End | Epilogue
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sitp-recs · 3 months
Hello Liv, hope you are well ❤️ Thank you for the amazing work you do, I am so glad I started following you.
I am struggling a bit at the moment, and was wondering if you had some cozy drarry to recommend? Could be hurt/comfort or anything else, but preferably not to explicit. If you know of some where either of them is dealing with figuring out they are asexual that would be great, but I haven't really found many fics with this before, so no worries if you don't.
Again thank you so much for all that you do, I really appreciate it ❣️
Hello darling, I’m sorry to hear it’s been a rough time for you 🫂 here are some of my favourite comfort fics that I’m always revisiting to lift my spirits. All of them are T-rated, except for Nice Things (M). I hope they help! Take care 💜
Ace Drarry:
Glowing by @cavendishbutterfly (10k)
Harry's lived alone and vampiric in his cottage for ages, until a long-lived Draco Malfoy suddenly shows up to answer an advertisement Harry had practically forgotten he'd put in the Prophet.
Passion Cake by @icmezzo (19k)
It’s all about desire. (Harry orders a magically enhanced cake from a chic London bakery, and from there it all goes to hell in a cake tin. Also, will someone please tell Harry what Passion Cake is?)
Little Deaths and How to Avoid Them (or Draco Malfoy's Guide to Stop Dying and Start Living Instead) by nerakrose and dustmouth (96k)
Malfoy is way too interested in coroner reports for somebody who's definitely not looking for ways to die, Harry wants to be friends with him, and Ginny wants to break up with Harry.
Waiting for that Feeling by @sorrybutblog (4k)
Draco Malfoy has a car and Harry Potter is on the case! Featuring Muggle car repair, a road trip to Cornwall, and falling in love in a Ford Fiesta.
Thermodynamic Equilibrium by @dorthyanndrarry (5k)
Harry's far too hot. Draco's always cold. And somehow against all odds, together they create a perfect equilibrium.
Life goes not backward by @shealwaysreads (9k)
Harry still isn’t used to gifts, but this one is different. A story of coming home, finding safe ground, and the wild courage of putting down roots.
warmest part of the winter (orphaned, 11k)
It’s not even a balcony, it’s just a window with a bit of a ledge, and Draco’s read Shakespeare anyway, he knows how this one ends.
How We Throw Our Shadows Down by thistle_verse (14k)
Draco has finally found the perfect, rare piece to complete his collection. The only problem is that the item belongs to Harry Potter, the last wizard on earth Draco wants to ask another favour from.
The Snitch-Maker by Omi_Ohmy (21k)
Draco is content with his Snitches, with the tap tap tap of his hammer, and the tiny gears and sharp scent of metal in his workshop - until one day Harry Potter appears, asking for help to solve a rash of Snitch-tampering in the Quidditch world.
With Great Yawns and Stretchings by sugar_screw (22k)
The coffee is very good. Really. And the cats are so cute. That's why Harry goes so often.
Nice Things by aideomai (M, 22k)
The first thing that happened was Theodore Nott came back from France.
Doing the Lambeth Walk by @blamebrampton (26k)
There are only three traditional choices for the cashed-up hero after victory. Harry Potter is too young to settle down and provide the wizarding world with a happy ending, and has too acute a sense of humour to spiral downwards into a spectacular flame-out. That leaves a life of good works.
Follow the Water by @xanthippe74 (38k)
Harry Potter’s life is fine. Maybe a little dull and predictable, but he shouldn’t complain about that, right? When he unexpectedly finds himself at Luna’s house one afternoon, Harry gets invited to join the secret wonderland that she’s creating with a surprising group of friends.
Like Lightning at Your Fingertips by potterwatch (43k)
The problem with living with another insomniac is, eventually, they find out you’re one, too. When Harry and Draco return for their eighth year, they think they’ll see very little of each other. Then McGonagall assigns them to room together. And the castle starts breaking. And there’s that thing with Potter’s magic.
A Room Up There (And You In It) by @the-starryknight (59k)
When Preservationist Draco Malfoy was assigned to work on Number Twelve, Grimmauld Place, he was excited to delve into the gorgeous Black family antiques. His excitement quickly ended when something in the House decided it did not like his presence one bit.
Going Postal by dustmouth
So Draco and Harry sort of maybe have a bit of a thing going. Which is all fine and good, but would probably be more effective if they managed to be on the same continent for more than five minutes at a time.
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seijorhi · 2 months
Hello!! Sorry for the question but your jjk yuuta fic has been stewing in my mind for the past few weeks, and I’ve been wondering about a few things regarding Gojo’s response! When he told Yuuta that the reader’s death was “the only way this goes” was he trying to prompt him into kidnapping the reader? Like was the phrasing intentional in that he approved of him doing so, suggesting it since he knew it was the most ‘effective method’? Or was it supposed to be a deterrent, like ‘it is what it is’ just accept they’ll likely die? In full honesty I’ve never interacted with jjk (it’s likely that this would be rlly obvious if I was familiar with their characterization) I was just scouring through your works since they’re really well done and I couldn’t stop thinking about it!! Regardless, your writing is truly amazing and thank you for sharing it with us all!! :D
aw thank you bby!
gojo meant it as a very genuine warning, but also, if yuuta's smart enough to connect the dots (like gojo believes he is) and more interested in keeping her safe, alive and his than necessarily doing the 'right' thing (as gojo suspects he is) then it's also a friendly suggestion. a solution to this problem of his, dangling right in front of his face.
all yuuta really has to do is reach out and grab it.
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safety-writes-noms · 8 months
holding out my idea of wolfwalkers type shit but with dragons. im jsutbtrghgrhgbrjrghrgjngrughibkjfggfhbjgrfihdkjh SMASHING MY HANDS ON MY DESK. PLEASE.
just imagining big angry dragon miguel with gold accents trying his damn hardest not to snap as hes got a bunch of smaller dragons clambering on him and excitedly talking while waiting to be told what to do. being dragons and all they go around and make sure theres peace between kingdoms and stuff ....
sobbing into my hands. i need to see more dragon content im GGGGHR AAHHHHHH
YES OMG PMG I LOVE DRAGON AU’S (so sorry this is kinda late 🙏 school seriously beat me up this week. Also YOUR ART IS SO SO SO COOL!)
(Also also I’m so sorry but I’m not familiar with the wolf walkers series and never got the chance to watch it :(( but I absolutely love the animation style and premise from the ads I’ve seen)
I can just imagine miguel grumpily walking around with all of the spider kids either nestled on his back or chattering somewhere in the cave, waiting to get assigned their missions. I am in LOVE with the idea of Miguel sending them out to keep the peace between humans since sometimes humans can be very… not wise. Idk actually, maybe the some of the spider kids are humans and that’s how they meet Miguel or peter and Jess (bc I’d love to see them as dragons theyre so cool)
imagine a human Hobie just confidently walking around a dragon’s cave/network society and just casually arguing with a giant dragon Miguel. I’m feel like he’d get in the dumbest arguments with him just for the giggles. I can see him also baby sitting a hatchling mayday, keeping her fully entertained while Peter goes off to finish missions too dangerous to bring her along. Their little interactions in atsv were adorable especially the little salute he gave her.
or the fight between miles and Miguel ☹️ even tho I love him (Miguel) and understand why he did that and his motives, I’ll always feel so bad for miles. I feel like it would even be worse because instead of having a 6’9 roughly judged 310 pounds of muscle man chasing after you and pinning you down, there’s a ten ton dragon hellbent on having your dad die for the sake of the canon, claws, wings, VENOM/FIREBREATHING. It’s pretty much game over at that point. Ofc miles is a resourceful amazing wonderful intelligent human so I think he’d be able to reason with him. Besides, even then I kinda doubt Miguel would want to kill a kid, even if they’re a human. Nurturing instincts don’t go away after ur daughter dies 😋! Actually Miguel might even nom miles in an effort to keep him from messing up the canon :( can you imagine being so so terrified of this huge creature and getting nommed and you don’t know you’re safe and you’re panicking and —
The hurt and comfort is strong here :o. And the guilt. So much guilt. Once they work out their issues (there are so so so many poor dudes) I’m sure they’ll be besties. But that’s for human miles au
dragon miles would definitely get the short end of the stick. Even if he’s a hatchling (kind of, he’s in that odd stage between adult and adolescent but on the younger side) he’s still a whole lot more durable than if he’s a human. Which means that Miguel won’t be nearly as cautious handling him physically. Ouch. Miguel genuinely wants to protect miles in the movie but does it in the worst way possible. That would probably transfer over to this universe too.
But still because I absolutely LIVE for found family, I want to imagine they work through their problems in a long and very very non linear path that has setbacks and leaps forward and minor changes and everything because I love all of these characters sm and without depth they don’t feel like people. Plus imagining sleepy spider kids/dragons stumbling into Miguel’s section of the cave system/lair and deciding to take a quick nap there because it feels safe and waking up with Miguel curled loosely around them, wing slightly shielding them from the chilly drafts and hsjskskdjskj they have my heart. (Miguel will deny it later.)
or peter b taking the human kids out flying to let them feel at least a little what it’s like to taste the sky while Miguel lurks in the background anxiously, crimson eyes tense just in case peter accidentally drops one of them. Not that he would, he may be goofy but he’s most definitely not stupid.
I can imagine Miguel trying his hardest to stop some of the kids from doing things that he thinks is wayyy too dangerous for them and just giving up and tucking them away in his brooding pouch. If they won’t listen to his very very valid concerns then he’ll just have to make sure they don’t go anywhere >:(. Plus it’s warm and safe and even though Miguel will never admit it, he feels calmer if they’re there, protected completely bc he’ll never let anything hurt them. At least not while they’re nestled in one of the literal safest places in the world. I can’t imagine anyone would have an easy time getting to them when there’s a very protective and vengeful dragon guarding his precious brood.
and I haven’t even really gotten into the other characters either :( especially exploring the relationship between Jess and Gwen or Hobie and miles/gwen and pav but I feel like I’m writing too much so I’ll end it here. If you or anyone else wants to continue this thread/au PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE GIVE ME AN ASK! I LOVE THIS AU SM 😭😭
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skymaiden32 · 8 months
Safety Measures
Read on AO3 here
Fandom: Thunderbirds
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio @uniwolfcorn @idontknowreallywhy (Please ask if you would like to get alerts when I update or post new stories.)
Thundertober Day 18: Safety
Some rules are made to be broken.
Continuity: TAG
“Are you joking?!” Gordon winced when he heard Virgil yell at the hologram in front of them, hovering above Thunderbird 2’s dashboard. “Please tell me you’re joking…” The man in the image tried his best to look apologetic, but after years of learning how to read others, the two Tracy’s could tell he wasn’t.
“This is no joke, Mr Tracy. It’s health and safety.” The idiot stated. “According to the official handbook, no non-staff members are allowed to access the master control panel. If we let just anyone use those controls, it could result in disaster.”
Virgil grumbled, uncharacteristically folding his arms in front of him and slumping back in his seat with a huff. This back and forth was eerily similar to the whole atmospheric cleaner debacle not too long ago. Honestly, he wouldn’t be surprised if the official he was currently speaking with was the same guy and had moved companies. But alas, that was not the case.
Gordon frowned at the man, standing up and making his way over so he was eye level with the hologram. It was lucky he was in front of them as a hologram; if he were truly face to face with them he probably would’ve had a black eye. “Well, can’t you make an exception just this once? There are people in that factory who could die if we can’t access those controls!” The idiot began to open his mouth, and Gordon quickly silenced him. “And before you ask if there’s another way, there isn’t.” He put it bluntly, hoping to get the situation into this guy's thick skull. “Our team has run through every possible solution we can think of in various simulators, and nothing works. They all result in the building collapsing. Or worse.”
Sensing his brother’s increasing frustration, Virgil took over the conversation again. “The master controls are the only way. Please, we don’t have much time left to save your workers.”
“As much as I’d like to help…” Liar. “I’m just doing my job. Which is to uphold our company's code of health and safety to the highest degree.”
“Well, so are we.” Gordon snapped. “Would you seriously risk your employees' lives just because a rescue team wants to access your system to save them?” He practically hissed. “A little hypocritical, don’t you think?” The officer rose an eyebrow, as if genuinely puzzled. Virgil looked at his brother in shock. Gordon ignored them both. “You preach about wanting to protect your team from danger, but you fail to realise that the most dangerous thing you can do is not let us help them. They’ll be waiting for us to come to their rescue, probably scared out of their wits, but help will never come for them. All because you have your head buried in the sand.” He shook his head, and laughed without humour. “Don’t you see? International Rescue is the only thing standing between those men and women down there, and an untimely death. If you don’t let us in, believe me, we’ll find our own way in. It’s your choice…”
An uneasy silence followed. Virgil and Gordon waited a few tense seconds before the official huffed. “...Fine.” He finally relented, seeing the point the aquanaut was making. “I’ll allow it. Just this once. Meet me down at the main control building. I’ll let you in and show you how to operate it.” That was all he said before the hologram winked off, leaving empty space where it once was.
Virgil looked at Gordon in awe, laughing at his success. “How’d you manage to do that?”
His brother just shrugged, still amazed that it had worked. “When you’re in a naval officers company to defend yourself enough times, you pick up a thing or two…” He explained slyly, examining his nails. “Guess I still got it!”
“You sure do little brother!” Virgil chuckled, flying towards the rendezvous point. “Down with overcomplicated safety measures, huh?” Gordon couldn’t help but agree.
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violivs · 1 month
NMTDaily: We Are The Watch and The Game is Afoot(ball)
- Doing the first two Dogberry & Verges episodes in one post. They’re always the characters I care about the least in any version of Much Ado, but these two are so cute I can’t help but love them.
- I totally forgot their videos are all posted on Ursula’s Watch Projects channel! I definitely somehow developed the incorrect memory of them having their own channel because they have orange borders on their thumbnails and every other new thumbnail color so far has heralded a new channel.
- Someone in the comments called Dogberry & Verges “Sherlock and Brittany S. Pierce,” and I will never recover from the sheer brilliance of that call. Verges definitely has Brittany energy.
- They’re very cute, arguing about what kinds of cases they’ll take. Do we ever find out whose cat Tibbles is? I bet she’s Dogberry’s cat and she got out when he left the door open too long.
- The malapropisms and exaggerated speech are so perfect though. It takes skill to write (and act!) two characters who are so wrong in every big fancy word choice and yet so convinced they’re right, who take their detective work SO seriously even though no one else does. And making them two kids playing at a detective agency. What great adaptations of these characters from the play.
- I think we already got the famous line “my mom says I have to wear the suspenders to keep the Devil from infiltrating me” in Vox Pops if I’m not mistaken, but I forgot to talk about it. Do we think Verges’ mom is crazy religious so Verges hides out at Dogberry’s house to get away from her? I love their friendship but the idea of Verges feeling unsafe at home makes me sad.
- “We are The Watch. And we are Watching!” *staring awkwardly*
- The kazoo Sherlock theme!!!! I genuinely almost forgot about that. Comedy gold. I love it. And I love that D&v definitely recorded that together (with Ursula’s help). I was wondering whether the Kazoo player was Dogberry and then the accompaniment of the second kazoo started and I cracked up imagining Verges very seriously chiming in to play her part. On kazoo. Amazing.
- “The ginger nuts you will find in your bag are from us” Perfect unhinged yet thoughtful energy. I know this video description is addressed to Ursula, but I have a strange urge to check my own bag, as though D&v have reached across ten years and thousands of miles to somehow leave ME ginger nuts. Mysterious.
- Starting “The Game is Afoot(ball)” now. I love how many angles we get on this same scene at the game. Reminds me of a future scene we get multiple angles on, except that scene we get D&v scrambled footage first and are left to frantically piece together what’s happening…
- Okay, I had to pause the video to die a little at Verges saying “masturbation” instead of “mastication” when talking about the muffins. I cannot believe they snuck that in lol. I want to cover Verges’ ears even though she doesn’t know what she’s saying! Cringing so hard for her right now.
- “We are going to interview civilizations!” Love that line lol
- So the first game of the season is a rematch with the team Messina was forced to forfeit last year’s championship or whatever to because the fire alarm was mysteriously pulled. Wild how Dogberry & Verges are actually giving us Important Backstory here.
- “what does that have to do with soccer” GASP! Why did that girl say “soccer”? She’s not American! Huh??? (This may be copy editor brain wondering whether I try really hard to get terminology right in my fanfics for nothing…)
- Does Pedro/Peter know that John pulled the fire alarm? It seems like everyone else does. It makes you wonder why he’s so surprised that John hates him enough to do what he does later on. I guess he’s just in denial of how bad things really are between them.
- We get shown exactly how bad things are between the Donaldsons with Pedro’s snippy “HALF-brother” comment and the way he slaps the car keys into John’s hand in that little moment we see between them. All is not well in the house of Donaldson. And at this point, we only know that because of Dogberry and Verges’ videos. It’s amazing how everything is important in its own way in this show.
- Pedro must be so eager to publicly distance himself from John with the half-brother comment both because he begrudged John’s arrival making his family life tough for a while, but also because other kids at school think John’s weird and Pedro, however unconsciously, doesn’t want him to tarnish his image. At least he does seem to feel bad about the little tiff over the keys.
- You also have to feel for John, because Pedro making comments like that publicly means that the whole community knows all of John’s personal business and probably whispers about his parentage, and he knows that they all know. It has to be very lonely to be John. And Pedro is doing the opposite of making things easier for him. It all must have been hard on Pedro too, their family being so talked about, and he’s also just a kid, but it’s still a huge dick move on his part to treat John that way.
- “John owned up to it” says Claudio, so everyone does know, so Pedro must know that John sabotaged the game. He just doesn’t understand it as an act of sabotage against him specifically, which is clearly what it was. He picked the most important game of the season because it would hurt Pedro most to have ruined, more than any other game. (And Robbie helps John pull the fire alarm because *he*, Robbie, wants revenge against Claudio for ‘stealing’ his spot as goalie, so he ruins Claudio’s first ever game).
- Ooh Ben is walking away with the group and does not have his green uniform shirt with him, so he did leave it on the ground in front of Beatrice! Do we think she really took it home to give back to him at school? Or did it end up in the lost and found? Not that we ever see another game, but he would need it back. Oh, maybe Bea gave it to Leo to give back to Ben, without telling him who left it there so he and Hero wouldn’t have more ammo to tease her about Ben. Analyzing incredibly minor details is fun!
- I also adore that Benedick apparently named this video by making a “the game is afoot-ball” pun when talking to Dogberry and Verges. Interesting that there’s so little footage of Ben in this video- did they interview him in this scene at all? Or did he name the video when he and D&V were all over at Ursula’s house getting editing help with their new vlogs? Either way, love this random little Ben-related detail.
- Also, you hear a lot of Ben being described as all limbs, but watching him walk away in the background here? Jesus, the boy is TRULY all limbs. Look at him! Flailing around. Playing catch with Balth, establishing them as friends. I am… like, still ALARMINGLY obsessed with this character, my god. I was just trying to see if we could hear what the group walking away were saying, I swear, lol.
- The blond guy who was standing with Balthazar in Balth’s clip in this video: Surf-Lifesaving Tony? Other Tony? Damien???
- “Exit stage right!” “It’s left, you moron!” Adieu for now, readers!
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