#or back pain
milfbro · 5 months
dude honestly I made a miraculous recovery since yesterday??? I barely feel any pain at all?
this is surreal
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britneyshakespeare · 1 year
knuckle tats that say HEAD HURT
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chronicillnesshumor · 5 months
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corrodedparadox · 5 months
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I love watching birds fly south for the winter
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irhabiya · 4 months
i'm curious how many people also don't experience cramps as their main symptom, because back pain is the worst for me by far it's usually how i can tell my period is coming up too
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recklessmoss · 1 year
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hey i've been watching girl with the dogs lately does anyone know what breed these are
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mocndu · 2 months
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my back hurts so his does too
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caffstrink · 2 years
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Comic about something that happened in 2019
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fuusart · 3 months
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barghest-land · 5 months
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drawings from paleo expedition to dagestan, done right on the trip. sometimes messy when it was cold and rainy, but i won't correct it. i think it's cool to leave it just the way it was done, and not retouch it after. there will be more drawings later, but those will be done from home
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finchfvkingcortes · 4 months
thank you to this tweet for giving me the perfect opportunity to ramble about edwin’s outfit during the confession scene because oh how i love it
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the juxtaposition between these two scenes and what edwin wears is so good because he goes from an outfit he chose and put together when he planned to confess vs a blood stained shirt when he actually did but what i think a lot of people don’t realise is that edwin isn’t wearing pyjamas when he’s in hell, he’s wearing undergarments. he’s in an undershirt and drawers, which was typical edwardian underwear and it is such a perfect way to show how vulnerable he is in that moment. so often clothes are used as armour or a way to make oneself feel more confident and that’s exactly what edwin is doing when he made himself look, as niko says, really nice. a nice outfit and feeling good about yourself can go a long way in making yourself feel more ready to, i don’t know, confess your love to your best friend of 30 years. now compare that to what edwin’s wearing when he actually confesses and you immediately feel a sense of vulnerability and almost nakedness in that situation because the modern day equivalent is standing there in your boxers. all of that armour, all that confidence is gone, he is both literally and metaphorically bare. in the end it’s just edwin, in the most basic sense, baring his soul to charles and i think it’s so so beautiful
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I know its kind of silly to say “don’t feel bad for canceling because of pain, fatigue, etc” because I know guilt is a reflex you can’t easily refrain from. But you can reason with yourself so instead I’ll say this:
Nobody can feel what you’re feeling but you. Nobody knows the severity of what you would be putting yourself through if you were to “tough it out.”
If you do “tough it out,” the purpose for you doing the thing will most likely not be fulfilled anyway. You probably will not be mentally present or engaged. You probably will not have a good time or get much out of it. Etc.
If people really have such a problem with it, thats a huge red flag. Being transparent about your needs and boundaries is a great way to weed people like that out of your life.
If you have any kind of chronic illness or disability, remember that you probably have a very warped judgement of what is “reasonable” to endure in terms of pain, fatigue, burnout, etc.
You didn’t ask for this, you don’t deserve this, there is no reason you should have to bear the weight of it alone. I bet if someone else was in your position, you wouldn’t mind helping accommodate for them?
Low energy days are truly sacred, take them seriously. Please respect your body’s signals. “If you do not choose times to rest, your body will choose for you” or however the saying goes
It is so much pressure to have to deliberate what sacrifices are necessary for proper self care. Give yourself extra credit for having to deal with that stress on top of whatever is putting you in that position in the first place. Thats a lot at once
You are leading by example and showing others that you would never expect them to hurt or overextend themselves for your benefit. Putting yourself first always inspires other to do the same.
Please be proud of yourself for even considering canceling and putting your needs first. That is so strong of you <3
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s-oaps · 4 months
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bixels · 5 months
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Scary Sunset.
I'm concepting things way outta order in this story, but I'm sure you can piece things together. Context is for a storybeat where, after defeating and capturing Adagio (thus having all three sirens in her possession), Sunset enacts her revenge plot to release the sirens on Canterlot as Thea discovers she's been manipulated. In a confrontation, the two scuffle and fight over the siren orbs while Sunset struggles with her conflicting wants and emotions.
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fruitsyrups · 1 year
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This probably isn't entirely in character but it's based on an exchange I had & I thought it would be silly with these two
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