#or however you spell his name I watched this first time when we only had fansubs and character names were a wild west
girafferoyalty · 2 years
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When folks are sometimes talking about Princess Tutu returning as a show, I don’t generally agree with that, the show is perfect as it is. However, what I want to have is the spinoff show about Kharon. What is it like to be a dad for the most unhinged teenage boy in town? I want to know.
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adrienneleclerc · 5 months
The “Affair”
Pairing: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina Wife! Reader
Summary: After adopting 8 dogs, Charles tells his wife no more dogs. However, as a veterinarian working in an animal shelter, it’s very hard for Y/N to turn down a dog. So when she comes home with a puppy while Charles is away but tries to make it seem like she had an affair…getting a 9th dog doesn’t sound so bad, right?
Warning: the usual spelling and grammatical errors, probably a lot of inaccuracies
A/N: i love Salma Hayek and the story she tells about rescuing Ochoa is so funny.
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When Charles and Y/N first started dating when they were 20, he knew how much she loved dogs. The first time he went to her apartment, he saw her with two German shepherds.
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“Muñeco! Please meet Sirius and Nova.” Y/N said, walking up to Charles, the two dogs following her.
"When you told me you had dogs, I don’t know why, but I pictured you owning like a shih tzu or maybe a Maltese.” Charles admitted, observing the German shepherds who began sniffing him.
“Why? You think because I am Latina I must have a white crusty dog?” Y/N asked, acting all offended.
“No no no, of course not.” Charles responded scared that me might have offended his girlfriend.
“I’m teasing. No, I got them from the shelter. You know how I’m studying to become a vet? So right now I’m just a vet assistant at the shelter and when I walked in for my shift, these two dogs tried to get close to me, they would whine when I would leave the room, when I would take them outside for their walks, they would follow me, I had to adopt them. No one likes getting big dogs from the shelter, pero son tan lindos.” Y/N said, petting her dogs, the dogs were wagging their tails, enjoying the affection. Charles's heart melted. He always wanted his own dog and by the looks of it, he might get his wish with Y/N.
"How did you come up with the names?" Charles asked.
"Well obviously Sirius is named after Sirius Black from Harry Potter, and Nova to fit the space theme. Since they were picked up from the street without collars, we named them at the shelter." Y/N said. Charles leaned down to pet the dogs. Nova began licking his face while Sirius was still smelling him, you know what they say about a male dog being owned by a woman. After a few seconds, Sirius joined Nova in licking him, Charles was as happy as he can be.
"They are so friendly! Think I'll be able to stay the night?" Charles asked.
"I don't know, Char, you just joined F1, shouldn't you be training?" Y/N asked.
"I have a few days before the Monaco Grand Prix, do you want to come?" Charles asked.
"I don't know if I can leave Nova and Sirius alone." Y/N asked.
"It's only a few hours, please?" Charles asked with a pout and puppy dog eyes.
"Fine, I'll see if my neighbor can check in on them." Y/N said and her and Charles kissed.
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A year later, 2019, Charles joined Scuderia Ferrari and he was on his way to Y/N's apartment after he rested a day after the Suzuka Grand prix. He opened the door with the key she gave him and he heard barking.
"Nova, Sirius, its me, you know me." Charles entered the apartment, the two German Shepherds greeted him but he still heard barking. Thats when he saw a bulldog on the couch with Y/N. "Amour, you got another dog?" Charles asked.
"Charlie! This is Hiccup, i got him on Saturday." Y/N said, getting to hug her boyfriend. "Isn't he adorable? He has a lot of health problems because of this breeder, but he is the sweetest. Come meet him." Y/N said, holding Charles's hand to lead him to the couch, sitting next to Hiccup.
"Why did you name him Hiccup?" Charles asked.
"I was watching How To Train Your Dragon, he also had a case of the hiccups when i was...como se dice, revisando...checking him! Yeah, during his checkup, he was hiccupping." Y/N said. Charles pet the bulldog and the bulldog smiled, seemingly happy getting affection.
"He is very cute, but I don't think you'll have space for another dog, mon petit chou." Charles said.
"Hiccup wanted to be with me, he wouldn't let the other shelter workers walk him, just me, it was a sign, Charles." Y/N said.
"I'm sure it was." Charles said smiling. "I'm hungry, do you want to order something?"
"Can you manage ordering Chinese food? I have to give the dogs their bath." Y/N said.
"Sure, mon ange. Same as usual?" Charles asked.
"Yes please. Lets go guys, time for your bath." Y/N said and the dogs walked slowly behind her, not being a fan of baths.
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Another year later, December 2020, Charles and Y/N now live together in his penthouse apartment. One day, Charles went with Y/N to her job since he was on winter break.
"Charlie, can you check if Shaggy needs his bowl to be filled?" Y/N asked.
"Sure, amour." Charles said, He was walking through the shelter until he found the gate with the name 'Shaggy' and he saw a fluffy old English sheepdog. "Hello, Shaggy." Charles said hello to the dog and Shaggy started barking, wagging his tail. Charles went to the supply closet to get the bag of dog food, Y/n bought the brand that was specifically for this breed and pour the food in Shaggy's bowl.
"Shaggy looks very happy." Y/N said appearing next to him. Thats when Shaggy started whining and pawing at her through the gate. "Hi Shaggy, como está mi perrito consentido?" Y/N asked in the baby voice, Shaggy lies on his back, showing that he is ready to receive belly rubs. Charles just observes this interaction.
"Are you going to adopt him, mon ange?" Charles asked.
"I would love to adopt him, but it's your apartment." Y/N said.
"Mon ange, it is your apartment too, I asked you to move in with me, it is your apartment too. We can get him, think of it as a Christmas gift." Charles said and Y/N hugged him.
"Can you fill out the adoption papers? I need to check up on a few cats in the other room. Wish me luck." Y/N said.
"Did you take your allergy medicine?" Charles asked. Y/N shook her head no.
"Thats why i need luck." Y/N said. She went with the cats while Charles filled out the adoption papers for Shaggy, since most people in Monaco want small dogs and the other shelter workers know Charles is doing this for Y/N, the process was easy and they were able to take Shaggy home the same day. When they left Shaggy went with Y/N to buy things he needs while Charles went to buy food for the both of them. Charles got home first and he said hello to Nova, Sirius, and Hiccup, place his takeout on the kitchen counter, and refilled their food and water bowls. Charles washed his hands to serve himself good and that’s when Charles heard the door open and he saw Y/N with dog food, a dog bed, and some new toys.
“Mom Ange, I could have helped you.” Charles said, getting the bed from her and placing it on the living room. “Why does he need new toys?”
“It’s why I do for every dog, Charlie, they get new toys, they only share when they want to, it makes them feel important and that they have a permanent home.” Y/N explained to Charles. “Okay Shaggy, meet your brothers and sister.” Y/N let Shaggy off his leash and all the dogs began sniffing each other. After they got acquainted, they started playing with each other, even sharing some toys.
“Come on, mon coeur, your food will get cold, it’s time to eat.” Charles said and Y/N went to wash her hands after seeing the dogs are getting along great. She sat down to eat.
“Muñeco, do you ever think about getting a bigger place?” Y/N asked.
“Eventually, yes. That way we can raise our future children.” Charles said.
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2 years later, 2022, Charles and Y/N now have a huge villa on Monaco after they got married with enough room for their dogs to run around in the grass and a pool. In those 2 years, Y/N adopted 3 more dogs; a border collie, a Carin terrier mix, and an Australian shepherd. Charles was watching TV with their 7 dogs when the door opened and it revealed Y/N with a Euraiser dog, Charles stared at her and Y/N smiled.
“His name is Koda, his owner just abandoned him like straight up went to the shelter and dropped him off, no good reason, no toys for him specifically, nothing. Me dio cosa, Charlie, like you have no idea." Y/N said and since her eyes were tearing up, he got up to hug her.
“My love, I know you love dogs, and I love that about you, you have a big heart, but no more dogs.” Charles said, wiping her tears. Kids barked and Charles looked at him, Koda had his tongue out like he was smiling with his tail wagging. “Nice to meet you Koda, welcome to the family, meet your brothers and sisters.” Charles said. Koda ran to the other dogs. “Don’t be fooled by the size, Mickey is in charge.”
Koda was very happy with his new family. He was playing with Bailey and Bambi very politely using toys but full on wrestling with Sirius, he was very content. Mickey and Hiccup were just observing on their dog beds while Nova chewed on a treat.
“Promise me no more dogs, Y/N.” Charles said, cupping her face.
“I promise no more dogs, muñeco.” Y/N said.
And Y/N kept good on her promise, she was completely devoted to their 8 dogs, taking them to work sometimes for checkups, and it was all going well until.
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Present day, 2024, Y/N was checking a Saint Bernard as a full fledged Shelter Veterinarian.
“Rebecca, where did you get the Saint Bernard? It has worms and I’m afraid he was in the same transport van as the pitbull mixes, I need to check them too.” Y/N said, lowering the Saint Bernard and giving him an oral medication to deworm him.
“He was around Nice.” Rebecca answered.
“Interesting. Have the pitbulls been showing symptoms of having worms?” Y/N asked.
“They are relatively chill, I’ll check them right now though.” Rebecca said. Moments later, another employee named Freddie came in with a dog crate.
“You guys won’t believe what I just found by the docks.” Freddie said.
“Why were you by the docks?” Rebecca asked.
“No reason, but look at this.” Freddie entered the vet exams room with Rebecca and Y/N and opened the crate.
“Oh my god, that’s a pregnant yorkie, who would throw a pregnant dog on the streets?” Y/N asked, petting the yorkie. “Looks like she has fleas too.”
“I’ll take care of her, your shift is over. I’ll give you updates on the yorkie.” Rebecca said.
“Thanks, I’ll come in tomorrow.” Y/N said, she said goodbye to her coworkers and drove home.
When she got home, she saw all her dogs playing in the yard but as soon and they saw her, they stopped playing and ran towards her.
“Hola mis bebés!” Y/N exclaimed, petting every single dog. She got their leashes to take all of them out for a walk so they're not cooped up in one area, no matter how big it is. They walked around Monaco, some children wanted to pet the dogs, other people took photos or videos of Y/N walking the dogs, the dogs were very well behaved and nonreactive, Y/N couldn't be more grateful. She walked back home, let the dogs off their leash, and washed their paws before they stepped foot inside the house.
Charles was away for the Imola Grand Prix and he said he was going to call Y/N when she got out of work. Just like he said, Y/N's laptop started ringing, she washed her hands and answere the video call.
"Hola guapo! How's Imola?" Y/N asked.
"It's good, I'm tired of press, you know? Sometimes they ask the same questions and I can't deal with it." Charles said.
"I'm sorry, mi vida." Y/N said.
"It's fine, darling. How are the babies?" Charles asked.
"Very good, I went to that bakery where they make pastries for dogs and they loved it. I'm going to look up recipes so I can bake it for them. My babies deserve the best." Y/N said and Bambi jumped in her lap. "yes Bambi, you're my baby." Y/N saod, petting the Australian shepherd. "As a kid i always wanted one, their coloring is beautiful, and now i have one. I know we can't bring all the dogs to the Monaco Paddock, but do you think we can take Mickey?" Y/N asked.
"What happened to treating the dogs equally?" Charles asked.
"Then can we bring all of them? I want them to know where their dad works. I also really want them to meet Roscoe, we can just hang around, I'll keep them entertained, also who wouldnt want to see dogs before practice or qualifying? Like come on." Y/N said.
"Y/N.." Charles warned.
"Okay fine, our children won't see where you work, but it is unfair, they're going to be all alone in the house." Y/N said.
"Yeah, with a dog sitter who will feed and play with them, walk them, and the dogs have the entire property to run around. I bought the villas so you wouldn't have to worry about the dogs as much and you worry about the same." Charles said,
"I can't help it, they're innocent creatures." Y/N said, hugging Bambi tightly and Bambi liked her face. "Look at her Charles, no thoughts behind those eyes."
"Alright my dear, I have to go, I love you." Charles said.
"I love you too." Y/N said and hung up her FaceTime and thats when she got a call from Rebecca. "Hey Rebecca, whats up?"
"Hey, so the mama yorkie is about 8 weeks along in her pregnancy, she seems healthy, but I am going to give her a diet for pregnant dogs, make sure shes getting a lot of protein and calcium for the last week of her pregnancy to make sure the birth goes smoothly." Rebecca said.
"Thanks for everything, you are the best." Y/N said and hung up. She made her dinner, making a small dog safe version for them of course, what kind of owner would she be if she didn't?
A week later, it was the Monaco free practice 3 and qualifying session, she was in the paddock with Charles since he just finished the free practice.
"You did great, guapo, I'm positive you'll make pole." Y/N said, kissing him.
"Thanks, mon ange, I just really want to win my home race and i'll have a better shot of winning if i make pole." Charles said.
"And you will, baby." Y/N said. She felt her phone vibrate and saw Freddie was calling. "Freddie, what's going on?"
"The mom is going into labor, we need you here, please! I'm still just an assistant!" Freddie panicked.
"Alright I'm coming, did she start nesting in her kennel?" Y/N asked.
"She's arranging chew toys and blankets." Freddie said.
"Okay, try your best to get her into the whelping box, I'm on my way now." Y/N hung up. "I'm sorry, mi vida, I need to deliver puppies, good luck on qualifying." Y/N kissed him goodbye and ran to her car, drove off to the shelter, and went to Nani's kennel, where she was in stage 1 of labor. "How long has she been like this?"
"About 2 hours." Rebecca answered.
"Alright, we just have to wait a little while, she should start dilating in about 4 or 10 10 hours." Y/N said.
They waited those hours and Nani succesfully whelped 4 puppies, 3 boys and one girl. Y/N helped getting the puppies out of the amniotic saca and cut the umblical cord to make the processs easier for Nani. She cleaned and rubbed the puppies until she heard them cry out, once they cried, she put them near Nani. Now Nani was feeding the puppies.
"Alright team, in 8 weeks those puppies could be adopted. Hopefull the mom will be adopted as well. Goodnight, I'm going home." Y/N said goodbye to her coworkers and drove home.
Once home, Y/N saw Charles in the living room watching 101 Dalmations.
"Ma belle, how did the delivery go?" Charles asked, pausing the movie.
"The mom delivered 4 healthy puppies, I couldn't be happier. How was qualifying?" Y/N asked.
"I got pole." Charles said. Y/N screamed in excitement and hugged him.
"i am so proud of you, we should get ice cream or go out to eat, I am starving, i didn't eat." Y/N said.
"Then lets go out, ma belle, I'll go call to see if they can prepare something so it'll be ready when we get there, I'll wait for you to change." Charles said and Y/N kissed him.
"You are the best husband ever." Y/N said.
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8 weeks went by and in those 8 weeks, Y/N grew extremely close to Bubbles, the female puppy from Nani's litter. Right now, she was carrying Bubbles, comforting her after her first vaccine.
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"Rebecca, he is going to kill me." Y/N said.
"What makes you say that?" Rebecca asked.
"He literally told me that I couldn't get anymore dogs. What do you think he is going to say when he comes home from Hungary and sees her on my lap?" Y/N said, holding Bubble in front of Rebecca's face. Bubbles licked Rebecca's nose.
"Aww come on, who would be mad at a little yorkie?" Rebecca cooed. "Its not like you're bringing home a Saint Bernard, or a Rottweiler."
"Rottweilers are so cute, I would absolutely bring one home if i could." Y/N said.
"You just have to make it seem like getting a puppy isn't the worst thing in the world." Rebecca said, giving the other puppies Chip, Mikey, and Donnie, their first vaccines. Y/N started thinking.
"I got it! I'll make him believe i am having an affair." Y/N said.
"Y/N, that's a little crazy even for you." Rebecca said.
"But it's perfect! I just need to set it up perfectly. Today is Friday, right?" Y/N asked.
"Yeah, why?" Rebecca asked.
"I am not cruel enough to make him worry during the important race events like qualifying or the actual race, during free practice should be fine." Y/N said before she sent the text 'Call me tonight at 8, we need to talk' and she showed it to Rebecca.
"Good luck with that." Rebecca said. Y/N filled out the adoption papers for Bubbles and bought everything a puppy needed, she carried Bubble everywhere because until she has all her Parvo vaccines, she is not touching the ground. Bubbles was wrapped in a blanket and was brought home. When she entered the house, all the dogs came up to her.
"Hello everyone, we have a new member joining the family, her name is Bubbles, everyone, be gentle." Y/N said, emphasizing gentle. She lowered Bubbles a little so everyone had the chance to sniff her. They all went their separate ways. Y/N got a text from Charles. 'What do we need to talk about?' Y/N responded 'It is crucial to our marriage that we talk.' She wants to worry him a little. Y/N had already established and good feeding schedule with her, she just needs to adjust her potty spot. When she checked that this is the time she usually does her business in the shelter, she took her outside and let her pee on the patch of grass thats near the pool. When she was done, Bubbles trotted right to Y/N and Y/N picked her up, giving her little kisses. Thats when she heard her laptop ring.
"It's show time." Y/N said, placing Bubbles on the couch with her blanket. "Watch her." Y/N told Nova and Nova moved to the couch, keeping her eyes on the puppy. Y/N answered the FaceTime.
“Petit Chou, what’s wrong? What do we need to talk about? Can’t it wait until I’m home?” Charles asked.
“No no, I have to tell you know, the guilt is eating me alive.” Y/N said, getting teary eyed, if she wants Charles to believe she had an affair, she really has to sell it.
“Mon coeur, you can tell me anything, what happened?” Charles asked, sounding very worried.
“This isn’t easy for me to say, I love you so much, you have to know that, but my job has me very stressed, I feel like I don't have a life outside of work because you are always traveling and I work late sometimes, we are like two passing ships. Please, have mercy on me, understand where I am coming from, I get so lonely when you're not here.” Y/N finished saying and she covered her face, just waiting to hear Charles’s reaction.
“Please don’t tell me you got another dog.” Charles said and Y/N uncovered her face.
“How did you know I adopted another dog?” Y/N asked.
“My love, I know you, you would never cheat on me.” Charles said.
“I could have.” Y/N argued.
“You love me too much.” Charles argued back.
“You didn’t believe me?” Y/N asked.
“Not at all.” Charles said.
“Oh come on, that was phenomenal acting, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Y/N said.
“I think you overdid it.” Charles said.
“Well i acted better than you did for that Shell commercial.” Y/N said.
“Forget about it, can i see the dog? Did you get a big one?” Charles said. Y/N moved off screen to pick up the yorkie.
“Actually she’s a little puppy, I named her Bubbles, apparently this awful person put her dog out on the street because she was pregnant so the mama yorkie was actually with us for a while, i supervised the birth, i was bonding with the mom and her litter, but i guess this one really liked me and she would seek me out. Isn’t she adorable?” Y/N said, putting Bubbles closer to the screen so Charles can see her in all her glory.
“She is adorable, can’t wait to meet her.” Charles said,
“Im so excited for you to meet her too! This is the first time we can raise a puppy together, i can take her with me to work for her vaccines, we need a lot of bonding time with her. I honesty hope the other yorkies get adopted though, they’re so cute! I would adopt them all if I could.” Y/N confessed.
“I know you would. Please let Bubble be the final dog, I really mean it this time, Y/N." Charles said.
"Okay, okay, i promised Bubbles will be our last dog...for now." Y/N said.
"Y/N!" Charles shouted.
"Okay okay, te lo juro juradito por las haditas that Bubbles will be our last dog." Y/N said.
"That's more like it." Charles said.
"So how was free parctice?" Y/N asked Charles, placing Bubbles on her lap, giving her a small chew toy since she's teething.
"Well what happened was..." Charles said.
The End
Hope y'all liked it! I know the buildup was VERY long but i wanted to show you how much Y/N loved dogs.
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corruptedcaps · 2 months
Helping Hands
This is a sequel to my previous story 'A Helping Hand'. I hadn't planned on making a sequel but it seemed to be a hit and there were a lot of votes for who the biggest bitch was so it made sense that the winner would get a story of their own. Enjoy!
It had only been a week since Chad had accidentally turned into Chantelle, a bitchy gorgeous brat, but it had been enough time for her to cement her place as the Queen bee. She had beauty and ambition and was intent on getting what she wanted.
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It had helped that the former most popular girl of school, his ex-girlfriend Millie was now a shell of herself. It was bad enough that her beauty had made Chad into Chantelle, but the cherry on top was that she couldn't help but be infatuated with what a bitch Chantelle was thanks to the main person responsible for this whole mess, Maddy.
Maddy had only wanted to become Chad's perfect woman, his equal but instead the magic spell she had gotten had backfired and made Chad into his own perfect woman. Chantelle was a force to be reckoned with.
Every hallway she strutted down felt like a runway, her high heels clicking with an authority that echoed through the school. Her new body, a perfect blend of seductive curves and striking features, drew every eye and silenced every whisper. Chad had used his strength as his weapon but Chantelle used her beauty to get what she wanted.
Millie and Maddy were now Chantelle's loyal simps, dedicated to doing anything she asked. However most of that involved debasing themselves in public for Chantelle's enjoyment. Millie's old friends had at first watched in horror as their former cheerleading head embarrassed herself day after day but they were soon corrupted to Chantelle's side and took pleasure in watching Millie play the fool.
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"We can't keep going on like this." Maddy said one day to Millie while Chantelle was off fucking one of the football players.
"Keep it down, you don't want her to hear do you?" Millie replied with a whisper.
"That's the god damn problem! I do want her to hear. I want her to punish me. I want her to call me names and pull my hair! I'm so infatuated with her and I can't help it." Maddy said frustrated.
"I know. Trust me." Millie said, having the same desires. Suddenly the door burst open and Chantelle strutted in. Her hair slightly askew because of the sex she was coming from but still looking like a million dollars.
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"Millie, lick the cum out of my pussy at once! I have a hot date tonight with Derek and I want my clit to sparkle." Chantelle commanded and Millie dutifully crawled over to her mistress' open legs and began to lick as Maddy watched on jealously.
"Well don't just stand there loser, come her and rub my tits." Chantelle growled at Maddy who quickly leapt to her feet. Chantelle was in ecstasy.
However, as the weeks passed, the thrill of her absolute power began to wane. The excitement of watching Millie and Maddy do anything she commanded was no longer enough. She had practically fucked every guy in school now and had every other girl in the palm of her hand. Chantelle craved a new challenge, something to stir her jaded heart.
That's when she made Maddy tell her about magic. Maddy after all had bought the spell that had made Chantelle in the first place, surely there could be some magic out there that could fulfil her new needs. Chantelle herself wouldn't bother herself with delving into the dark arts, no that's what a lacky was for.
"I found something. This spell… it's supposed to create a worthy adversary for you." Maddy said coming back days later, with a magic book in hand.
Chantelle raised an eyebrow at Maddy. While this wasn't what she had in mind, a wicked idea began to sprout. Snatching the book from Maddy's hands, she flipped through the pages, making note of certain spells.
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"This will do perfectly. Millie! Come here at once!" Chantelle yelled. Millie ran in quickly from another room and stood next to Maddy obediently.
"Girls I have a gift for you two. With this spellbook I will create a link from you to your bitchy selves in another reality. Realities where each of you is the apex predator. It's hard to believe I know, but I am going to siphon their power directly to you, creating formidable adversaries for me at last." Chantelle smirked as the two girls looked at each with a mixture of hope and worry.
Chantelle's fingers traced the ancient symbols on the page as she began chanting the incantation. The room filled with a strange, pulsating energy, and the air crackled with a dark magical force.
A vortex of light and shadow enveloped Maddy and Millie, lifting them off their feet. They felt a surge of power flow through them, a raw, unfiltered strength that was both exhilarating and terrifying. Their eyes glowed with a new intensity, their bodies vibrating with the energy of their alternate selves.
Memories of their alternate selves flooded their minds. They were ruthless and cruel, beautiful and sexy. They were matched by no other, just the way they liked it.
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Chantelle watched with satisfaction as the spell took hold, her lips curling into a triumphant smile as the bodies of the two girls began to change. Their breasts heaved out, their lips plumped up. Even though they were floating in the air, their posture took on an undeniable bitchy stance.
As the changes slowed, they lowered back to the ground. They radiated confidence and power, their former meekness replaced by an air of dominance. They were now Madison and Amelia.
"Welcome girls, together we are going to have a lot of fun." Chantelle purred. Madison and Amelia however looked at Chantelle with disdain.
"We don't have to do shit for you anymore bitch. In fact Amelia, how about we teach this slut a few lessons." Madison said with a grin towards her new bitchy bestie.
"Couldn't agree more babe." Amelia replied, stepping forward with an intimidating presence.
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Chantelle smirked, unphased by their rebellion. "I expected as much." She said, opening the spellbook once more. Quickly flipping to the earmarked page, she began chanting a new spell, her voice steady and commanding. The air grew heavy with magic, and a strange force began to pull at Madison and Amelia.
"What the hell is this?" Madison exclaimed, struggling against the invisible pull.
"Chantelle what are you doing?!" Amelia cried out, trying to resist the force dragging her towards Chantelle.
Chantelle cackled evilly, her eyes gleaming with malice. "Did you really think I wanted two bitches to challenge me? No, I just wanted two evil bitches to add to my power." She taunted as Madison and Amelia were pulled closer, despite their desperate struggles. The moment they made contact, their bodies were absorbed into Chantelle's with a slurping sound.
Chantelle groaned out in pleasure as she felt herself changing, becoming even more beautiful, strong, and powerful. Her already impressive tits grew into two enormous breasts that were barely being held in my her clothes.
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He facial features took on sharper more defined lines, accenting not only her beauty but her intensity. She knew in an instant that she would strike fear into all that looked upon her. Her skin glowed with an ethereal radiance as she felt the combined power of her adversaries enhancing her own abilities.
Chantelle stood tall, her transformation complete. She looked down at her hands, flexing her fingers and feeling the immense power coursing through her veins. She was now an unstoppable force, a true goddess among mortals. With a wicked smile, she whispered to herself. "Let the real fun begin."
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causenessus · 3 months
love notes
part 0.1. I KNOW A GUY
"being stupid and being fifteen, the simple mania of no responsibility"
from the gaping mouth by lowertown, left at inarizaki high, hyōgo
° ᡣ𐭩 . ° . three years ago. ° ᡣ𐭩 . ° .
“huh? sakusa, why do you have a stick in your bag?” she watches in surprise as he pulls out a light brown piece of wood
they’re sitting under a tree (on a cloth, of course, they both agree that sitting on the grass would be unsanitary) unpacking their lunches. it’s their first year at itachiyama, only a few weeks in, and they’re still getting situated in their new setting. but the fall weather is nice, and they welcome the nice breeze from the wind. inside is far too noisy for them.
however, when she looks over, he has yet to pull out his food. instead, he’s wielding his stick like a weapon.
“i just have a feeling…something bad is going to happen soon,” he answers, turning his head to scan their surroundings as if something will come leaping out at them any second. perhaps the wooden stick will come in handy if anything pops out of the blue, like two high schoolers.
putting it like that, it didn’t sound that strange. sakusa and her were high schoolers as well, after all. the difference was that they weren’t supposed to be here. they were from an entirely different high school. she had thought nothing of their discolored uniforms until they started coming closer and closer as if they were heading straight for them.
sakusa had noticed them well before her. she had looked towards him to find his head turned away from her, looking down the field towards two small figures in the distance. from that far, neither of them could make out who they were, but as they neared his face contorted. his jaw clenched and his lips were pressed into a thin line as they approached.
“do you know them?” she asked still watching them while sakusa turned back to look down at his food. they looked identical besides the fact that one had gray hair and one had blond hair, their bangs swept in opposite directions.
“omi! are ya happy to see us?” the blond one calls out with a big grin on his face, his other half following behind with a smile that only spelled out trouble.
“what are you guys doing here?” sakusa doesn’t even try to match their enthusiasm, continuing to pick at his food.
“aw, don’t be like that,” the blond continues to whine, “we’re here for our game of course! our school let us out early.”
the two boys both sit down in front of them and she decides to copy sakusa’s posture, paying attention to her lunch instead.
she sees sakusa shift out of the corner of her eye, “no way they let you out this early. it’s like noon.”
she hears a sigh, “yeah, you’ve seen through our little facade…we skipped school and came early, suna’s really pissed we didn’t bring him.”
she’s focused on trying to piece together who the boys in front of her are when suddenly one of them is leaning forward, yellow hair coming into her sight as he tries to peek at her face, “who's the pretty girl here?”
she’s reflexively repulsed backward while sakusa pushes the blond’s face away with his stick. she internally thanks his sixth sense and talent for being overprepared.
“her name is y/n. she’s a photographer for publicity. she’s a good friend and she’ll be taking pictures of the game later today, so back off,” sakusa’s tone is nothing short of hostile, yet she can’t help but give him a smile when he calls her his friend. they haven’t known each other for long, but they’ve bonded quickly over a shared distaste for people and physical contact.
she learns in the next few minutes that the blond’s name is atsumu and his twin brother with him is osamu. they’re both volleyball players for inarizaki, the team sakusa will be playing after school. although initially she was convinced atsumu was the only troublesome one, she quickly learned they were both equally destructive. they'd bickered at least four times in the span of their lunch break, each time being uniquely different and entertaining.
one of her only contributions to the conversation had been making sure the twins had eaten, in which they nodded enthusiastically, explaining that they had stopped at a convenience store before coming here. sakusa had only rolled his eyes, “did you guys even go to school? or did you just come straight here to plague me?”
soon after, she noticed that other students in the grass were starting to pack up and she checked her phone, “oh, lunch is ending soon.”
she’s quick to put away her things, zipping up her bag as she turns back to look at the two boys in front of her. she seems to be thinking the same thing as them, and sakusa is the one to bring it up, “since you guys completely thought through your plan, what are you planning to do while we’re still in class? i’m not letting you into our gym.”
they both place a finger under their chins, looking identical as they ponder the question. “hm, ‘tsumu, i think i have an idea.” osamu wears the same grin she first saw them with and she’s already bracing herself for the kind of plan he’s thought up.
“i think i’m thinking the same thing, ‘samu,” atsumu returns the sly look.
they pause for a moment before they speak at the same time,
“i’m going with dollface.”
“you’re going with omi-omi.”
“come on, ‘tsumu. you’re making her uncomfortable. let her breathe a little before she has to deal with your stinky ass on the court,” osamu scoffs, sticking out his tongue at his brother.
“how dare you! i use deodorant and those hours on the court will be great. besides–” atsumu’s gaze slides from osamu to her, “you’ll get all the good shots of me, won’t ya?”
his stare is intense and it makes her want to curl up. she looks away, trying to cover how red her face is.
“aw look, she’s blushing– FUCK! OMI–” she looks up again and atsumu is holding his forehead while sakusa is once again brandishing his stick. osamu immediately bursts out laughing and has his phone out, taking pictures of his brother.
“you guys aren’t even wearing the right uniform. you’ll get kicked out immediately,” sakusa chides, beginning to stand up and she follows after him, dusting off her skirt.
“don’t worry,” atsumu is quick to recover, bouncing up with a grin on his face, “i know a guy.”
sakusa quirks a brow, but when atsumu doesn’t let up, he groans. “fine, whatever. maybe it’s better that you guys aren’t left unsupervised. but i’m not handling you both. osamu, go with y/n. atsumu, i’ll leave you behind if you can’t catch up.”
the twins share a cheer and high five each other before atsumu runs after sakusa whose already walking away, “don’t worry, ‘samu, i’ll get a uniform and find you!”
he leaves her and his brother standing alone under the tree, and she can’t be bothered to feel surprised anymore at what just happened. sakusa seems like he’s already used to their antics, and she’s starting to feel the same way after one day. when osamu turns to her, she lets him follow along as she walks back towards the school. 
separated from his brother, osamu isn’t that bad. she’s like how he initially perceived him to be, calmer and more observant. as soon as they step into the school, he’s keeping in step with her as he talks, “don’t worry about supervising me. i’m not pushy like my brother. i hate him, and i’ve vowed to never be like him. you know, this may come as a surprise, but no one likes him.”
he smiles when she lets out a laugh, unable to keep it to herself, “you seem like the complete opposite of him when you’re not with him, i was starting to think you guys were just mirror copies of each other and twice the trouble–you bounce off of each other so well.”
he shrugs, hands stuffed in his pockets. he doesn’t seem bothered by the looks some people are understandably throwing his way. his uniform stands out in the sea of green they’re walking through. “it’s a curse and a blessing. depends on the day. hey, by the way, do you make your own lunches? it looked like you were eating tamagoyaki, I couldn't tell.”
she nods, “yeah, now that i think about it, i guess i always like having something to do with my hands. if i’m not taking photos, i like to cook.”
“a woman after my own heart!” he slaps a hand to his chest dramatically before he gives her a grin when she looks at him, “just kidding. i promised not to flirt with you, remember? i think omi would kill me anyway. but i do love cooking, and it’s nice to talk with other people who enjoy it as well.”
she hums in agreement. for how similar he and his brother are, she’s not sure she could ever imagine atsumu cooking something edible, but it fits well with what she knows about osamu. “so, there’s one more of you guys coming?” she asks, trying to keep up their conversation until they reach her class.
he doesn’t answer immediately, seeming to think about her question. “oh, suna? i mean yeah, the whole team will be here later since we’re playing omi’s team. but you’ll definitely meet suna soon. we drag him along everywhere.” 
she doesn’t doubt him. if they skipped school just to wiggle themselves into an entirely other different school, it doesn’t sound out of the question that they could force a third person to come along with them on their adventures. her phone buzzes once they sit down and she’s thankful that the seat behind her is empty, hoping that maybe she’ll be able to block most of osamu from her teacher’s view.
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much to her surprise, osamu had gone the entire class without getting caught. he’d taken notes as if this was one of his actual classes and even tapped her on the shoulder to show her a text of atsumu getting his phone getting taken away. she’d had to cover her laugh up as a cough. when the bell rang, she almost left immediately out of habit before remembering she had someone following her.
“i need to stop by the yearbook room real quick to grab my equipment for your guys’ game tonight, is it okay if you follow me there before we go to the gym?” she clarifies.
he nods and she starts to lead him out the door. “and you remember suna, right? how he was mad at ‘tsumu and i for accidentally leaving him behind? he wants food in return…is it also okay if we stop by a vending machine?” he asks, walking alongside her.
“oh, sure,” she answers, “did you want me to drop you off there first instead? honestly, the vending machine with the best snacks is by the gym so we’ll pass by it either way.”
“no, that’s fine. i can follow you to the yearbook room,” he shrugs and she keeps walking. it’s nice to have company as she walks through the halls.
“do you know what he wants? i can pay for it,” she looks at him from the corner of his eyes.
“oh, don’t worry about that. he wants atsumu to pay,” he replies and she snickers. in her head, she can already imagine how atsumu flipped out upon being told that. osamu reaches a hand up to rub the back of his neck. “and he uh…he wants jelly sticks.”
she tries to stifle her laugh with her hand but can’t completely muffle it. “sorry, i don’t mean to laugh. that’s just adorable. your friend sounds cute.” atsumu and osamu were both quiet childish as well. when she tried to imagine what suna might look like, he just looked like another version of the twins. if he hung around them, he was at least probably just as silly as them. 
how wrong she was.
she first meets suna rintaro in the middle of a fight. she’s barely pulled back by sakusa before she gets caught in the crossfire.
it started with osamu and her arriving at the vending machine after picking up her equipment bag. she had said something about buying something for herself too and was digging through her school bag for her coin purse when osamu stepped forward. “here, let me pay. what did you want?”
before she could respond, footsteps came stomping down the hall, “no way in hell you’re paying for her, i am!” atsumu had come out of nowhere once again, sakusa trailing a few paces behind, his face mask doing nothing to hide how severely annoyed he looked.
osamu clicked his tongue, “you have to pay for suna and i know for a fact you’re broke as shit! it’ll be a miracle if you can even afford to buy him jelly sticks!” they began to wrestle, osamu pulling at atsumu’s hair while the blond pulled at his brother’s cheeks,
that was when sakusa had pulled her back just in time for a third voice to enter the picture, piercing through all of them and making them freeze in their tracks,
“seriously? you guys couldn’t even buy me food by the time i got here?”
atsumu and osamu are quick to break up their fight, osamu rubbing his cheeks grumpily. “i have no idea what you’re talking about,” atsumu purses his lips as he turns to face the vending machine again, “i’m buying them right now. see? here they are. your jelly sticks.”
her eyes follow atsumu to the boy he’s handing the plastic package to and her mouth goes dry. he’s nothing like the image she had in her head. what did she even imagine him looking like? surely not this pretty.
shit, he was really pretty. 
the collar of his red jacket hides the edges of his face, but when he turns towards her, she sees his entire face and instinctively shuffles back towards sakusa under the weight of his stare.
“suna! this is y/n. y/n, this is suna,” atsumu follows up, for once (in the few hours that she’s known him) seeming to read the social situation.
“nice to meet you,” she says, not moving a muscle because he doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to do handshakes.
“yeah,” he replies, holding her gaze for a moment longer than she expects him to, “you too.” then he turns around and walks back the way he must’ve first come from.
she wants to bury her face in her hands and overthink everything she’s ever done, his yellow-gray eyes still prominent in her memory. osamu’s voice pulls her out of her thoughts, “well, that’s suna.” he states the obvious and no one replies. “anyway, what did you want from the vending machine, y/n?”
“you’re paying for her over my dead body,” she looks up to see atsumu shouldering osamu away from the front of the machine.
“oh yeah like it’s gonna be hard to kill you–”
“you’re both making a fool of yourselves,” sakusa cuts them off and they both immediately straighten at sakusa’s grim tone. 
“you guys don’t have to buy me anything, really,” she tries to add before all three boys look at her and she shuts up.
“no, they won’t let you go until you let them pay for something,” sakusa sighs, and she feels drained. she hasn’t even picked up a single piece of equipment or put her bag down, yet all she wishes she could do is go home and fall asleep, pretending atsumu and osamu were just figments of her imagination. 
but this was reality, and she continued to see atsumu and osamu quite frequently after their first appearance. sometimes they’d show up after school, or visit during school breaks. other times, she saw them during their frequent matches with itachiyama, and she couldn’t help but suspect they were manipulating their coach; there was no way the amount of games between itachiyama and inarizaki was just a coincidence. but their matches were also where she saw suna the most. she had never been able to warm up to him the way she had with atsumu and osamu, but then again, the twins had basically forced themselves into her life. nonetheless, she still talked to him sometimes, and he became part of the reason for the small habit she had formed.
atsumu and osamu complained the most about being starved after games, and she had never realized how draining volleyball must be until she started taking pictures of it up close. it made sense, seeing how attentive everyone had to be 100% of the time, and they were always jumping or running. she saw how it wore even omi (a nickname she had stolen from the twins) and suna down, despite how much they tried to remain their neutral faces.
as a result, she had decided that maybe it was a good time to flex her cooking skills, and to give herself peace of mind that none of them would pass out on their way home. she often made sure to bring food for omi and his cousin komori, but she always made extra when they had a game with inarizaki.
and none of them complained, it was second nature for osamu to come stumbling towards her after every game, looking like a sweating mess unable to even keep his eyes open as he asked her for food. she’d force him to patiently wait a few more minutes as she took shots of the teams packing up which also gave atsumu and suna time to come over as well.
she had told herself she was making food for all of them, but in reality, she knew it was for suna most of all. she was too scared to talk to him as often as she did the rest of the boys, yet she still found herself pulled to him. food had instead been the mutual connector between them. it was something they exchanged without many words, but she reasoned that it was a good thing that they weren’t very close. as much as she tried to play it off, she couldn’t keep her camera off of him. she knew she was supposed to be taking pictures of itachiyama–and she did make sure to take good shots of them–but she’d be lying if she said she didn’t find herself always turning towards the other side of the court every chance she got, following one middle blocker in particular. 
it was always embarrassing to think about, and she tried to push the thoughts away as she rustled through her bag for her container. 
she almost felt like a mother, really. she'd taken in three insatiable foxes plus whatever omi could be considered as–something more passive than his sly opponents. she'd fed them all once and now they'd become attached to her for life. they definitely played the part, looking restless and grumpy while she tried to do her job. eventually, she'd give up trying to take any more pictures and rustle through her bag, finding the rice balls she'd prepared earlier that morning for them. they weren't sufficient as a meal, but something she deemed good enough to last them until they got home.
"y/n, I could kiss you," osamu would confess as he stole the first ball and she'd laugh, seeing atsumu nod eagerly in agreement and the look suna threw their way. neither of the twins ever noticed, too invested in their food to care about anything else.
"back off, she's not yours." omi came to stand beside her, nodding in thanks when she offered the food to him.
"oh whatever," osamu shrugged, "i'll open a restaurant and hire her, then you won't be able to say anything."
"y/n made food for us all, omi-omi. you're just jealous you lost~" she’d grown accustomed to how much trouble atsumu got himself into, seeming to never learn from the beatings omi would give him. she watched the two fight before suna approached her, making her freeze up.
"do you have any food left?" he asked.
sometimes it took her a moment to respond, too caught up in admiring his eyes before she forced herself to respond, "oh, yes. I have a few more. take as many as you want," she held out the box, laughing when osamu snuck in next to her to steal another ball as well. she sent up a silent apology to komori; she had technically made enough to feed him too, but if suna wanted a rice ball meant for him, she was definitely giving it to him.
she was glad he liked her cooking, it was always a worry in the back of her head if he would like what she made. osamu and atsumu would eat anything, and she knew what omi liked. he was the only one she wasn't sure about. whenever he seemed to like something she brought, she made sure to write the recipe down so that she could make it again. she may not have been able to talk to her with words, but if she could show that she cared about him with actions, she was going to make the most of it.
that was how their time through high school had gone, all the way up until graduation. when suna had decided it was time for that to change.
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extras <3
just a little bit of backstory between the friendships of most of the characters! i thought it'd be cute <3 hopefully this wasn't too long and this chapter was pieced together over a few weeks so i hope it flows alright
doing something a little different with song reccs this smau!! i don't think it's very clear although i tried to make it easy to understand, these are basically lyrics that suna left written on a wall in different locations <3 they range in how specific they are and nothing's really important about them! i just thought it was cute to include <3
y/n was put in charge of taking photos for the boy's volleyball team since the yearbook program was stretched thin
inarizaki’s coach, seeing how she took a lot of photos of inarizaki too (bc of suna but he doesn’t need to know that), asked her to send the photos to him
she was so intimidated she made sure she edited them and then sent them his way. he was impressed with her work and asked her to take pictures for inarizaki’s team too whenever she had the time ofc
which also meant she was always cooking to bring something for suna & co. <3
when she got into college, she was offered a job as a photographer for a sports magazine but she declined because she realized it was just not the kind of photography she wanted to do for the rest of her life
this is important for next chapter 😭 but suna is on y/n's private!! most of her friends are, because it's where she posts everything since her main account is dedicated to photography. so that also includes atsumu and osamu ofc
they're all also second years in college in present time
taglist: @0moonii @iluvmang @bluebeanbee @wyrcan @oyasumeii @froyaoya @gyuijns @nbcvs @milkteade @eggyrocks @guitarstringed-scars @makkir0ll @mylahrins @cherrypieyourface @vivian-555 @sharkerino @r0seandth0rns @staileykout @lunavixia @thvvluvr @elliott0o0 @wolffmaiden @rockleeisbaeeee @toges-cough-syrup @cnnmairoll @ryeyeyer @hibernatinghamster @localgaytrainwreck @lemonocity @bows4life @sereniteav @madiexuberant @eclecticeggknightpsychic @phoenix-eclipses @sonicsolos @httpakkeiji @brkfclub @snail-squasher @starry-magicshop @cr4yolaas @kitnootkat @zzzlevislothzzz @iluv-ace @iluvaquaphor @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @applepi25 @twiishaa @girlkissersco @sleepystrwbrryy @encrypta
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cursed-peanut · 4 months
A/N: Hello everyone! My name is Peanut and this is my first post on this account! I’ve posted online before but it’s been a few years since then so I might not be the best 😭 Please forgive me. For my first post, I decided to write some yummy angst 😋 I hope you enjoy and consider following me if you enjoyed this.
— Peanut <33
I hate you, Toji Fushiguro || Toji Fushiguro x Reader & Megumi Fushiguro + Reader Drabble
Summary: You are the only stable and constant parental figure Megumi has ever had and he hates that his deadbeat dad has you rapped around his finger despite Toji clearly showing he only wants you late at night for the sake of his own pleasure.
Genre: Angst
Warnings: ANGST, unrequited love, absent parents, swearing, GN! Reader, hints at spoilers for season 2 JJK??, not proofread, possible spelling and mistakes, lmk if I missed anything.
Megumi doesn’t know his mother, he was never given the chance to meet her. But he’s okay with that because you fill her absent role.
You were originally just someone Toji used to hookup with every now and then, so naturally you had bumped into Megumi a few times. You were kind and caring every time, however these moments weren’t what made you replace her role.
No, that came much later when you found out Toji would sometimes leave Megumi and his sister Tsumiki alone months on end.
You couldn’t sit by and watch that, so you stepped in and stayed at the Fushiguro’s flat and took care of them. Looked after them. You were more than a parental figure to him, you were his parent. Fuck Toji and his absent ass, at least his mother had the excuse of being dead. Toji however just seemingly up and left one day.
Sure, maybe he comes home every so often, but it’s never for long and he’s only either arguing with you or he’s staring at you intensely, his eyes full of lust. Then on the contrary, there’s you. You are always there. A stable and constant figure in his life other than his sister.
Now it’s common knowledge that Megumi is very mature for his age, so while it shouldn’t shock you, it comes as a surprise when one day he tells you;
“Stop hoping dad will fall for you. We both know he’s not going to. He’s too stuck in his own mind to be able to love someone else.”
You swallow thickly. What is up with this six year old? How long has Toji neglected him for him to mature this quickly? You stop preparing dinner and move over to the young boy, crouching to his level and placing your hands on both of his shoulders, offering a warm smile.
“Don’t worry about it ‘gumi-chan. Even if your dad doesn’t love me back, that’s never going to stop me from caring for you and Tsumiki, if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Megumi is relieved to hear this, but he’s still worried about you. You’re hurting yourself by hoping Toji cares to one day love you.
And that was the end of that conversation…until it wasn’t.
Later that year, a strange white haired man with black sunglasses came to their flat telling him he came to take him in. Before he could reject this weird man, you came out of the flat asking who he was. Turns out he’s called Gojo Satoru and he came with news about Toji.
At this you immediately invited him in, offering him something to drink, he says a glass of water will do fine. Once you give him his glass, he tells you Megumi should probably not be here for this conversation.
After Megumi’s allowed back into the main living space, he knows something has happened to Toji. Your head is hung low and your cheeks are damp with red eyes, clearly you’ve been crying. You wipe your face and beckon him over.
“Megumi, come here.”
He walks over to your place at the kitchen table and takes the seat next to you.
“This kind man here has an offer for us. We can either stay here and in two years time we join the Zen’in Clan, or we go with this man and live with him. You will need to train to become a Jujutsu Sorcerer once you’re older if we decide to go with him, so I thought I’d ask you-“
“If we stay here and join the Zen’in Clan, will you and Tsumiki be happy? They’re wealthy, right? We’d be okay financially-“
“I’m sorry to interrupt, however,”
You and Megumi turn to Gojo.
“If you want your sister and mentor to be happy, I can guarantee you they will be far from it if you join the Zen’in Clan. Trust me.”
“…well then, let’s go with him if he’s our best option.”
You smile at him and side hug him, placing a soft kiss on the crown of his head.
“Alright. Explain to Tsumiki and pack your things. I’ll come help you and Tsumiki in a second.”
Megumi slips out of his chair to head back to his room. Once you hear the soft click of Megumi’s door, your face drops as you place your face in your hands. You laugh bittersweetly.
“He really knows how to fuck things over, huh?… Did he really not say anything about me to you?”
“I’m sorry Mx. L/N, not a peep. If I knew you were in the picture, I would’ve knocked instead of talking to him directly first.”
You quietly hum to your self, whispering:
“Who would’ve thought I should’ve taken the advice of a six year old?”
The little six year old in question is on the other side of his bedroom door, listening to the conversation through the thin wood. So he was right, something did happen to Toji. He had warned you to let go of Toji. He knew one day Toji would hurt you one final time. Leaving you completely broken. Despite knowing this, he was seething inside and out. No one should make you feel like this. Especially not his sorry excuse of a father who only gave you the time of day when he wanted some pleasure.
He hates Toji Fushiguro. He hates him for never being around for his family. He hates him for neglecting him and Tsumiki to the point where they can’t even remember what he looks like. He hates him for a plethora of reasons, the list could go on. But, above all, he hates Toji Fushiguro for using you. He grits his teeth and clenches his fists. Just thinking about that despicable man makes blood boil.
“I hate you, Toji Fushiguro.”
Please don’t copy or take as your own. Likes and reposts are appreciated!
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the-marshals-wife · 2 years
The Bad Batch Having a Token of Their Love For You Would Include (Bad Batch x Reader)
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─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─ 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ─ ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─
A/N: I love these boys so much and I thought of this instead of going to sleep all week. I really hope y'all like my idea for Echo's especially. He deserves the galaxy and more.❤️ (I also had extra ideas that are definitely still in character but probably "anachronistic", so I just labeled them bonus. I mean we have finally 'caf'' aka coffee in SW canon, so maybe there's hope for hoodies 🤭)
Description: Bad Batch x Fem!Reader | Warnings: none, just lots fluff and kisses | Gif credit: user mutantfactor
★ Bad Batch Tag List ★ @dantes-devil-huntress @sageislostinspring (comment to be added!)
He would get a tattoo of your name
Hunter did not need his heightened senses to be certain that he had fallen in love with you - if anything, they just strengthened his conviction that you were the one he was meant to find
Being the intensely devoted and thoughtful man he is, you were on his mind constantly, and he wanted a symbol of his love to be as a part of him as you had become
He didn't even tell you at first because he wanted it to be surprise
It wasn't until he changed into plainclothes for an undercover mission that you noticed the new black ink on his right bicep
You grabbed his arm and stared at the Aurebesh letters spelling your name
"You like it?" he asked, a little nervous
Speechless, you pulled him into a kiss
"I'll take that as a yes" he smiled, before getting another embrace filled with kisses
Whenever you have time alone together, you love to slowly trace the letters with your finger and listen as he dreamily talks about the future
Later in your relationship, he would want to add to it with a portrait of you, and someday, the names of your children
Bonus: he would keep anything you gave him like a pendant or a ring and wear it whenever he could (this man would totally wear one of your scrunchies and make it look hot - a product of his 'girl dad' powers that you find very attractive)
He would keep your shirt to cuddle with
The only thing Wrecker has ever been discreet about in his entire life is his feelings as he was falling for you
It wasn't for lack of trying. He had been officially head over heels for months, but every time he tried to tell you, his words suddenly came out wrong
You thought it was adorable, and you were sure he'd figure out how to say what he was feeling when he was ready. It just gave you more opportunity to realize you were falling for him too
What you couldn't figure out, however, was where your favorite shirt had disappeared to
That is until, after days of searching, you finally caught a glimpse of it tucked beneath the pillow in Wrecker's bunk
You were stifling a giggle when he walked up behind you, looking nothing less than mortified
"Oh, Y/N! That! I uh...I found it on the floor and I was going to give it back to you! But it smelled really nice, and pretty...like you, and um, then I forgot..." he stammered, his face bright red
You smiled and kissed him on the cheek, "Keep it."
In the weeks following, you would refresh it with a spray of your perfume every so often when he wasn't looking
He would also draw doodles of you whenever he had downtime
You were all on a mission not long after the discovery of that day, and during his watch, you rolled over to see him drawing in the sand with a stick. He'd scribbled your initials together within a heart, surrounded by a dozen tinier hearts.
Suffice to say he was not the only one feeling absolutely smitten from then on
Bonus: speaking of shirts, you would absolutely be the couple with the "If lost, return to ___ + I'm ___" tees (likely worn with your matching homemade 'friendship' bracelets)
He would keep a recording of your voice and laughter
Tech is a private person when it comes to his emotions, but he feels very deeply, even if he isn't sure how to best express his growing affection for you (he thinks it's obvious, after all)
It's this very reason why you doubted that he returned your feelings at first, until you walked by him one day and heard the sound of your own laughter, playing over and over
"What's that?" you questioned, now recognizing the moment that had caused your sides to nearly split (Wrecker had just taken the most dramatic fall into mud you'd ever seen, immediately after bragging he was 'too heavy' to slip)
Tech muted the sound and kept his stare on the datapad, "I capture auditory recordings of all of my interactions for analysis, and file away important data for later reference."
"My laughing is 'important data'?" you smirked as he hesitated for only a moment
"Well, no. Not technically. It is, however, a pleasant sound that reminds me of you, and one that I would like not to forget. By that reasoning, it is important to me," he stated, calmly meeting your awe-struck gaze
It took all your strength not throw yourself into his arms right then and there. He went back to filing his recordings, oblivious to the fact that he had just irreversibly won your heart
He'd also incorporate you into some of his private passcodes
Anything from your initials to your eye color to your favorite flower - just some of the many details that he associates with you and remind him of how much he cares for you
Bonus: if he had a lockscreen/background, it would definitely be a picture of you. He would also be the type to make you a playlist of your favorite songs all from memory because he knows you that well
He would engrave your name on his rifle
Crosshair is a man of conviction and loyalty, and when he was certain that he could trust you with his heart, he wanted to display his loyalty in turn
Modifying his rifle in any way at all is significant, so ingraining your name on the scope is a very personal gesture to him
He caught you completely by surprise on a mission, casually showing it to you while you had watch together
You were stunned to see your name glistening in the firelight, every letter expertly etched into the smooth metal, "Cross, I can't believe you would do that for me..."
"Your love makes my aim true," he replied, wholly sincere
This one remark sealed your fate, giving you both the courage to lean in and share your first kiss
"Then you will never miss," you whispered afterward
You spent the rest of your watch sitting close together in soothing silence under the stars
He would also carve your initials into the wall of his bunk
Wherever he would go, you would be there also. His devotion is unyielding, and you have a partner until the galaxy itself burns up
Bonus: a huge sign of his affection would be letting you wear his clothes. He may act disgruntled, but it's all in jest because would be the boyfriend that's extremely proud to see you walking around in his hoodie
He would have your handprint on his armor
It seemed like a lifetime since he'd had the handprint from Captain Rex on his chestplate that had meant so much to him through those long years of war
When Echo is sure of something, nothing can move him from it. Not much time was required for him to know that he wanted to share his life with you, and that he wanted your handprint on his armor
He confided in you quite a bit about his past in the GAR, and you knew about the original print, but you never dreamed that he would ask you to replicate it
"Are you sure?" you asked in disbelief
"I am, Y/N. There's no one else whose mark I'd rather carry with me, and no one I want by my side more. On and off the battlefield," he confessed, taking your hand in his
Tears welling in your eyes, you dipped your other hand into the red paint on the table, placed it carefully onto his chest, and pressed your lips to his
More than a symbol of love, you both knew this was a vow to keep fighting for a free galaxy where you could build a future together
He would also have a photo of you in his personal things
He's not afraid of letting his relationship with you be known around his brothers, but his horrifying experiences imprisoned by the Separatists have made him extra cautious in all things. He keeps his photo of you safely tucked away and never brings it on missions, not wanting to risk it falling into the hands of anyone who would ever want to harm you
Instead, whenever you're apart, he holds his hand to his chest before he drifts to sleep and dreams of you. The nightmares are all but gone
Bonus: you two would totally have matching caf mugs with snarky sayings. "Grumpy parents in the morning" vibes all the way
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longtallglasses · 6 months
some miwi headcanons just bc ! older ones
i see young mike as kind of loud and not realizing how loud (and annoying) his yelling near people is (ie karen yelling in s1 “mike let’s go!” “COMING!!!”) however he quickly learns not to yell around will, adopting his softer voice for him BUT
in school he’s constantly calling over to will “will come here” “will sit next to me” “will! over here! look at this!” trying to get his attention “will, will, hey will…” other kids are like dude shut up… so many kids know will’s name who’ve never seen him, and mike’s thought of as that kid who’s always calling out for his friend.
i’m an avid rock collector!mike enjoyer. on the playground, in the forest, at the park, at the lake. he’s picking up all the cool ones, storing them away for very important scientific reasons like “this one’s shiny in A Different way!” he sets aside his favorites to show and give to will, very much in the style of a cat bringing a dead rodent to their owner, like “got something special just for you :) a Very Cool Rock :)” will loves how much mike enjoys it and is very excited to receive them, feeling quite special.
will loves stuffed animals (i mean we been knew) when he was younger they all had names and backstories, interpersonal drama and storylines he played out. two stuffed cats he definitely thought of as him and mike subconsciously, as they were best friends. he would act out little dramatic scenes of them running away from some oppressive kingdom, going on an adventure and meeting new friends along the way. … and he may have made them kiss a few times …
obviously small will loved drawing, but i don’t think he was always confident in his skill. after people tell him he’s good he gets caught up in trying to be really good, and gets frustrated when he can’t do something the way he wants. hence crumpled up attempts in the trash mike fishes out. there’s a spell of time where he gives up for a bit and jonathan asks why he hasn’t seen him drawing lately, and will says he doesn’t think he can get any better, it’s too hard. jonathan tells him it doesn’t matter if it’s perfect, he should just draw to make himself happy “draw for the campaigns, your friends think it’s so cool” so will keeps at it focusing on drawing what he thinks him and his friends will appreciate
while watching scary movies in the basement mike and will always held hands under blankets. it started when they were younger and they first got permission to watch a scary movie, they didn’t want to admit they might be getting too scared. during a big jump their hands reached out on instinct and too caught up in the movie they didn’t let go. when it was over they didn’t talk about it, but then it just kept happening every time they got scared. which led to holding hands when upset outside of watching movies. they never really discussed it, it just felt like their little secret thing.
all the boys were nice to holly but will was the only friend who actually liked seeking her out to play w them. (fascinated by a little sister unlike lucas and only-child dustin) mike and will would play games with her sometimes, will thinking she was really cute, and mike thinking it was cute will really liked her. cue karen thinking will is the best influence on her son
i have such a strong image of kindergarten miwi right after they become friends making mud pies together every recess. their teacher scolds them the first few times having to scrub their hands when they come back in. it gets so bad when the recess monitor sees them heading for the dirt they’re yelling “Michael! William! don’t even think about it!” they think it’s so funny to rile them up, they start spreading mud on each others arms “will you need more than that!” they only try to eat it a few times, it does taste really gross. after they’re banned from the dirt, they move to the sand box, it’s only a bit cleaner.
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luvxoxo · 1 year
gojo satoru x fem!reader
billie eilish - ocean eyes
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you don’t understand. you simply just dont. how on earth is it possible to be born with a pair of eyes that were so mesmerizing? you would be unstoppable if you were him.
you can choose to visit the sea at any time of the day, and yet it still remains beautiful. day or night, the time or hour of the day, doesn’t matter. if you had to choose between getting lost in his eyes or the ocean view, we both know which option would easily triumph the other.
they say ‘beautiful things dont ask for attention’ and perhaps that’s the best way to describe his eyes. more specifically, satoru’s eyes.
you stare at him intensely. not at him. but at his eyes. ‘he’s doing absolutely nothing’ you think. he’s just resting on the sofa, watching the reality show with you. smiling and occasionally lightly slapping you on while laughing. it’s not that you only find his eyes marvelous. satoru himself is the definition of a celestial being. he shines even when the sun is hiding away. however, something about his eyes just pull you in, leaving you weak and wanting more. if satoru asked you to commit arson and flashed you his blue gems at you, you’d agree to it without a second thought.
you’re snapped out of your thoughts when you see satoru gently shaking you by holding onto your arms, concern written all over his face.
"you okay? i’ve been calling your name for a while now, but you spaced out"
you nod your head, still feeling dazed "they’re so" you pause gazing deeply into his irises again.
"your eyes are breathtakingly beautiful, satoru," you whisper softly.
satoru visibly flushes. he smiles widely and looks down shyly, suddenly not wanting to meet your eyes. he’s a confident man. he knows he’s attractive. but when he’s around you, or with you, satoru’s heart flutters. only you would say such things to him and leave him feeling flustered. to say he’s wrapped around your fingers would be a huge understatement.
"dont do that" you voice trails off. you cradled satoru’s face in your hands and brought them up so that he’s forced to face you. thumbs gently grazing his cheekbones. you look into his eyes again, knowing deep down you’re 100% under their spell. and you certainly don’t mind one bit.
"as cheesy as this sounds satoru, your eyes are like crystals. they reflect light and color in a way that seems to hold the world within them" by the time you finish talking, you notice satoru's entire face turning scarlet.
"bet you say that to every guy with blue eyes huh?" satoru teasingly says
you nod your head no "of course not. they can't compare to the oh-so-great satoru, can they now?"
satoru let's out a small laugh and fondly looks at you with the utmost attention
"thank you" he mumbles "i don't think my eyes are particularly special but-"
you immediately shush satoru with your index finger.
"im gonna stop you right there" you smile "not only are your eyes strikingly fascinating, they show how kind you are, how warm and compassionate you can be"
you bring his face closer to yours "so don't ever, even for a second, think that your eyes aren't special. because they are to me. everything about you, is addicting. im completely enamored by you, satoru"
satoru closes his eyes as you softly kiss his eyelids. taking the time to let your lips linger for a few seconds before moving on.
for the first time in his life, satoru feels true peace and genuine love in his heart. satoru knows you're smitten with him, just as much as he is with you. perhaps that's why he always strives to be the best. for you, that is.
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xqueen-of-disasterx · 11 months
Under the mask
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Kinktober day 2
Paring: fem!reader x Ghostface!amab!Nat
Warnings: SMUT, DUB!CON, Dom!Nat, Sub!Reader, implied murder, blow job, unprotected sex, riding, Daddy kink (I’m sorry), stalker behavior, clit play, slight dumbification
!Disclaimer English is not my first language so please excuse any grammar or spelling errors. This story is completely fictional!
Masterlist- kinktober
A ghost made it was through your hometown. Hiding in the shadows to wait patiently for its next victim. The community in your city was terrified to say the least. The police was useless having no idea who the gruesome could be. The only clue which they did have that the killer must be a male. No woman could be this sadistic they thought, they suspect. Oh how wrong they were. Why the cops interviewed some innocent man Natasha made her way through the cold city. This years October was especially cold leaving anyone outside to freeze especially at this hour. However Natasha was burning in desire. Desire for you. She was watching you for a week now, her body was longing for your youth and sexuality. You were different than her other victims she didn’t want to kill you. Not yet. She wanted you to be hers. There was only one problem; your boyfriend.
You were alone tonight like so often you tried to call Peter to see if he was home but he didn’t pick up making you suspect that he was out with friends . Peter, your boyfriend, rather went out to have a drink with his friends and some chick named Gamora. To be honest you suspected him cheating on you. He’d smile at his phone all the time came home late at night smelling like cheap perfume. You didn’t leave him either, to big was your fear of ending up alone. You made your way into your apartment building up the stairs facing the door. You press the door handle down to notice that the door was unlocked. You looked at the handle confused not knowing how the door could be unlocked when you checked it twice the this morning. You tried to clam your nerves by thinking it must’ve been your boyfriend and not the killer. What would be the chances?
Once you were in your apartment you called out for Peter. No response. You felt a shivers down your spine something was off you weren’t alone here. Your instincts set in and you rushed to the door. Your hand was nearly touching the handle as you felt to arms grab you roughly. The persons bloody knife on your neck pressing the sharp steal against the soft flesh of your throat. “What I nice catch eh?” She pressed you hard against her. “It’s a shame you had to put up with such an excuse for a boyfriend but I took care of that sweetheart” Her touch felt strangely comforting better than Peters could ever have felt. “We are going to have a lot of fun tonight”
The woman with the mask found herself with you on your couch again. The white screaming mask and black clothes hiding her identity from you. You were afraid of her but also aroused at the sight of her bulge. “I’ve you are a good girl I’ll leave you unharmed bunny.” Her voice was sweet like honey pulling me in to her. “Yes of course Daddy” Your knees hit the hard ground as you watched Natasha unbuckle her belt moving her hips away from the cushion to pull down her pants and boxers freeing her thick length. She was big to say the least the biggest you had had yet. “You’re so big daddy” you said in an awe wrapping your hands around her erected penis. “I know bunny but could girls can take it” Your plump lips wrap around her deep red tip your tongue circling it making the woman with the ghost mask throw her head back groaning. You swallowed a few more inches bobbing you head up and done.
You pull away again licking up the sides of her cock spreading the saliva up her thick shaft making her crazy. You lick her balls and the woman above you was in heaven and you. You enjoyed it more than you should. “Do you like that daddy” you ask in an innocent tone your tongue on her shaft again. Nat moaned nodding how how badly you wanted to see her
face twist in pleasure maybe later you thought. You wrapped around her again put this time she had decided that you were way to confident. She place her hands on your head holding it in place as she roughly fucks up your throat making you gag and whimper. The sounds you made were running vibration down her veiny shaft as she grew even more desperate. Her groans turned into whimpers as she emptied herself into your throat. Hot cum shot down into your stomach as you swallowed everything she gave you.
Roughly she pulled you up making you sit on her lap avoiding her still hard member. “Good girl“ she whispered in your ear pulling you up and forward your entrance right above her tip. Slowly she pulled you down making you cry at the feeling of the stretch. You pushed your face into her neck as she filled you up to the brim. She moved your hips back and forth making you cry as you rode her your legs shivering. You clenched down hard as your arousal dripped down your thighs. You babbled some unrecognizable words at he feeling for her finding your sweet spot “Fuck you little slut too cock dump to talk” her hands found your clit. She pulled the hood back rubbing tight circles. “Do you like your clit getting played with” she groaned into your ear. “Fuck I’m gonna-” Natasha interrupted you “cum cum with me” you clenched down hard as you both had your releases her painting your velvet walls white. You collapsed on top of her.
“Ready for round two?”
I do not own these characters all rights go to Marvel
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gemini-sensei · 1 year
Back on my angst bs
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Imagine if Reader was dating Hawk when he was still in Cobra Kai. It was great at first and he always treated her right, but as he became more violent in the dojo, it started to scare her. They argued about it a bit before she finally broke up with him, struggling with his attitude and how it progressed.
She does everything to move on and get over him, but it gets hard after a few weeks when she finds out she's pregnant.
It's hard, but her friends rally around to give her support. They help her through the tough emotions and the early stages of pregnancy. She gets through it.
At school she hides any changes to her body with giant hoodies and sweatshirts. It isn't obvious at first, but as time goes on, her pudgy belly rounds out and she wants to hide it. She doesn't want Hawk or the Cobras to see. She doesn't want anyone but her close friends to know. It's hard enough as is.
But then she's struggling to get something in her locker and everything just falls to the floor. It's frustrating and it upsets her, which quickly turns into her crying over it, thanks to her hormones, as she's trying to pick everything up. She's on her hands and knees just doing her best when Kyler and a few Cobras come around and see her tears.
They start laughing and jeering at her, pointing at her and calling her pathetic. It only makes her cry harder. She's struggling and instead of helping, they're laughing. Not that they or anyone else around knows she's pregnant, as she's done literally everything to hide it.
However, next thing anyone knows, Kyler is getting slammed into a wall of lockers and Hawk is breathing in his face.
"What's so funny, dumbass? Forgot how to spell your own name again?" He throws him down and kicks him in the side, again and again, until he stops trying to get up. "Oh man, look at you on the floor. If only someone would help! You! Up!"
Each word in punctuated by another kick. Then Hawk spits on him and grabs him by the shirt, picking in up off the ground like a piece of trash. He throws him at his friends.
"Get him outta my face!" He grunts. "Fuck off!"
Everyone nearby takes the warning. Everyone but Reader, who is a little stuck.
She's sitting on the floor, unable to lift herself from the floor, never mind everything she dropped. She can only watch, tearstained cheeks hot to the touch.
Hawk turns to her and his whole face softens. "Did they hurt you?"
She shakes her head, a little embarrassed. "I can't get up."
He offers his hand and she puts both of hers out. He grabs them and pulls her up, but she loses her balance and stumbles. He catches her and she falls into him, her belly pressed up against his stomach. She looks away from him as she gets on her feet properly, but all he can do is stare.
She doesn't say anything as he grabs the bottom of her hoodie. She doesn't try to stop him as he lifts it up and looks at her belly as it sits under a stretched out tee shirt. She closes her eyes as he puts his hands on her round midsection.
"Why didn't you tell me?" he whispers.
She starts crying again. "You beating the snot our of Kyler is a pretty good example as to why, for starters."
"He deserved it for treating you like that," he says defensively. He pulls her close and shushes her tears gently. Her cries echo down the empty hall anyway. "I'm sorry... I'm so sorry. If I had known-"
"I found out after we broke up," she chokes out. She hides her face in his hoodie, his familiar scent comforting. "I would have told you, but I didn't know how. Not with cobra kai still hanging around."
"I'll leave cobra kai. I swear."
"No, you won't. You love it."
"Not as much as I love you. Not as much as I miss you." He's ready to start crying as he holds her, just hoping she hears the sincerity in his voice. "You and this baby are more important to me than some dojo."
She's quiet for a moment, then looks up at him. "Babies."
"What?" he asks, dumbstruck.
"Babies," she repeats, then smiles through her tears. "It's twins."
He takes her face into his hands and looks her in the eyes. "I'm never going back to cobra kai, okay? Never. My place is right beside you, you and our babies."
She smiles and cries some more, but he wipes her tears away with his thumbs before kissing her. All this time he's wanted her back, wanted her by his side. He's missed her something terrible, but never knew what to do to win her back. But now that he has he back, he's not going to screw it up. He can't afford to.
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latoyalestrange · 1 year
seb. sallow x f!reader
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“you know that i hate this place, but if you wanna stay, i do too
we’ll let the night turn to day, but i’m down either way
cause i’m so down for you”
summary: how could you possibly help attending a party celebrating your incredible win in quidditch? sebastian isn’t one for parties, but he can’t seem to leave you…
words: 1.3k
warnings: fluff, pining, aged up seb and mc, jealousy, suggestiveness, not edited
sebastian didn’t know what it felt like for someone to be proud of him. all his uncle solomon told him was how disappointed he was in him and how foolish he was. he did know, however, what it felt like to be proud of someone else. that was the best way to describe how he felt about you. prideful.
having you on his arm made him puff out his chest and hold his head a bit higher. the brilliant, stunning new witch that single handedly saved hogwarts, and, most importantly…the only person in this world that had ever truly understood him.
so who could blame him for physically being unable to say no to you? seeing you beg…did things to him. the way you drawled out his name in a melodic voice send bumps across his skin.
“sebastiaaan…please? for me?”
god...what was a man to do?
"sure, just for a few minutes, okay?" your sounds of excitement forced the corners of his mouth to turn upward brightly at you.
"this is gonna be so fun!" for a moment, perhaps you had him convinced. seeing you this elated was making his heart flutter in his chest and he suddenly would do anything to keep you happy.
"can't believe you got him to say yes," ominis commented shortly as he watched you practically drag him towards the slytherin common room.
"we won tonight, how can we not celebrate?" you asked innocently, halting in front of the blonde-haired boy.
"you mean you won," ominis corrected her. the slytherin's couldn't deny it, you had taken well in your role as a beater, practically wiping the competition in that night's game.
"someone has to be the humble slytherin," you joked back.
"speaking of humble," garret appeared next to the trio that was still stalling outside of the party, snaking through them to enter the door. sebastian instantly tensed up. "how about a toast to the mvp of the night!" you peered over the stone railing to see a sea of students cheering for garreth's words. you scanned the crowd to see enchanted instruments in one corner, an established table for drinks.
you smiled as you gazed down at them, feeling bashful. sebastian sighed behind you.
"lets go!" you instantly started down the stairs, careful to weave in between your classmates and leaving sebastian in your dust. he watched you find your way to the middle of the room, running into poppy and amit, who were nursing drinks of their own, casually swaying to the music and socializing. a few paces to the right, a couple had claimed one of the couches, ravaging each other as if no one were around.
at first, it displeased him. then, reminding himself of why he was still there, he thought of what it would feel like to mark you like that in front of everyone. nevermind. i can't be here.
"y/n! wait!" you could hardly hear him over the music and loud drone of conversations going on around you. sebastian was less careful trying to chase after you, bumping into a few people along the way. it took him a while, but when he caught up to you, garreth had found you in the crowd again, and this time he was holding a vial of what he instantly recognized as fire whiskey. sebastian pushed forward to meet your side just as you had accepted the vial. his arm instinctively clung to your waist.
"hey, i'm leaving. i prefer sleep over drunk people--" as if a switch had gone off, your face fell into disappointment.
"already? don't you want to have a drink? maybe we can dance!" your giddiness made it impossible. you were looking forward to touching him. once again your pleas cast a spell on him, and he was unable to deny you of everything you wanted.
"yeah, i can stay a while, i guess. i-if you want me to stay, i'll stay." stay smooth, sallow. you giggled, followed by a shy hiccup. he couldn't help but chuckle along with you. he found his eyes lingering on yours for a little too long. you didn't avert your gaze or your smile, despite it.
"I would really like it if you would stay, sebastian." the corner of her lip found itself in between her teeth in an inviting bite.
"it's settled then--"
"y/n! one, two, three!" garreth and a few of his friends gestured for you to take your elixir along with them. you quickly looked to sebastian, whose expression was blank. you thought of your victory, your reputation, your personal bucket list. you succumbed to peer pressure and downed the fiery liquid in one go. it felt like your entire throat was burning as your eyes squeezed shut to dull the disgust. a few people turned into almost the entire gathering as they erupted in excitement.
sebastian shook his head, his smile unfading. floating instruments coming into his view snapped his eyes away from you as they stayed to circle the room in the air. when he looked back down at you, two other quidditch captains were ushering a chair beneath you and hoisting you in the air. they jostled you to the beat. you regained eye contact with him to shrug.
sebastian had suspected he would regret his decision in staying, but he wasn't anticipating it to come this fast. it wasn't that he was angry that you were getting recognition for you efforts, not at all. it was the false, parasitic companionship that he hated. he saw right through people like garreth, imelda, and various others. they couldn't have cared less when they were teasing you as you were first arriving. but as soon as you had gained notoriety, they came flocking to you. he wanted to protect you from being used. more importantly, though, he wanted to protect you from being taken from him. that, he absolutely could not bare.
tonight, though, he would push aside his feelings. you deserved to be celebrated to the nth degree. watching you be carried away, glanced around for his second favorite person. he spotted the slytherin boy leaning on the wall near the grand windows. sebastian made his way through the crowd to finally join him.
"she has you wrapped around her finger, sebastian," he teased, earning an annoyed scoff from his friend.
"impossible," he argued, still eyeing you from a distance. he saw as they clumsily set you down. you eventually made it to the floor in one piece and he could no longer see you in the masses.
"you'd think she'd casted imperio on you. i've never seen you so--"
"okay, alright, fine..." sebatian stammered. "i'm pretty sure we're made for each other or something but that does not mean i'm wrapped around her finger."
"if that comforts you, so be it." sebastian rolled his eyes and tried searching the common room for you again. the music coincidentally changed to a more romantic, sultry tune. his eyes, almost as if they knew, finally fell on you. you swayed to the beat alone, eyes only on him. almost as if you were luring him out to sea, he was pulled to you, quickly meeting you half-way through the people.
"dance with me." your voice almost echoed around him, ghosting his ears like an enchantment. he nodded slowly, absentmindedly, but fully aware of his decision. he had been waiting. this was exactly what he was holding out for. his palm raised to flatten against yours, fingers intertwining slowly, as if he were savoring it. sliftly, he pulled you in with his other hand by your waist, closing the gap between you. twirling around, he showed you off, ensuring everyone knew you were there with him.
sebastian changed his mind as quickly as he had made it up. it was the perfect night, and a moment worth waiting for.
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sanjisblackasswife · 2 years
Monster Trio with a Black Girlfriend Headcanons (NSFW-ish)
A/N: this is like so long…like..wtf..
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our Brazilian King here would be the most fun to be with ngl. Being in a relationship with him is no different than being his friend really. The only difference is being a bit more touchy and protective.
He literally loves everything about you from your hair, shape, and just who you are as a person
He loves giving you his hat btw. Especially when you show off your natural hair
Speaking of natural hair…
Probably one of the funniest things that has happened in your relationship is when you take out your braids for the first time.
Ok picture this: Nami just announced it will be getting colder in the next few days as y’all set sail and it’s about that time you want to take out your braids and be natural while it’s cold.
So, You’re in your room as everyone is minding their business and Luffy barges tf in looking for you if you wanted to play tag.
Mf loses his mind seeing the braiding hair all over the place pls
Pls calm this man down he is running all over the ship looking for Chopper
After a good kick from Sanji and Nami you drag him back to your room with your hair now half braided and half a fro to explain to Luffy that you’re not losing hair or balding it’s just fake extensions.
He’s still lost but he’s a good sport about it.
He actually sees your real hair for the first time, it was pretty short when you first met him but you stayed in braids for so long you managed to get a lot of new growth.
Luffy has sparkles in his eyes seeing how pretty and healthy it is(not in a weird way but seriously whether u had a TWA or long curly hair it was all pretty to him)
He also loves your thighs heh
Before you two dated Luffy was already close with you in friendship and very touchy too.
There have been many times you have just been chilling on the ship with Robin and Luffy comes in, put his hat on your head, and takes a quick nap on your lap.
You have gotten ALOT of spit in between your thighs due to this
Don’t worry he also makes a mess of your thighs when y’all are in bed together
Ok lemme put some angst:
We all know OP isn’t afraid to tackle issues like human trafficking and even racism so imagine you and Luffy are in a pretty bad town and encounter some rude racist mfs.
So you and Luffy are grabbing a bite to eat when two idiots in the restaurant come barging in demanding drinks.
The waitress tells them they’ll have to sit at a table but they seen you and Luffy sit at a booth and pointed
“Why don’t you get those two to give up their seats?…the boy and…that person…people like her don’t deserve to even sit in an establishment like this.” And the man had his thumb pointed back towards you.
His tone was so disgusted and to further insult he made his statement known LOUDLY that a girl like you shouldn’t be in a place like this.
“Excuse you?” You muttered looking at the two men in front of you and Luffy.
Luffy wasn’t dumb, he only found out recently after you both started dating the heavy racism people tend to have towards black people which caused Luffy to be a bit more over protective over you.
. Luffy did sit and watch the men’s movements and words, because he knew you could defend yourself, however racist idiots always managed to take it too far and then your sweet boyfriend jumps to action.
“What do you mean ‘a girl like me!?’”
“Do i have to spell it out for you?! YOU’RE A N—“
Immediate knock out.
Broken noses, ribs, you name it Luffy went tf off on them racist jackasses
Your hand barely touched your weapon before Luffy punched the daylights out of said man.
It was actually kind of hot because his hat was covering his eyes.
“Idiots.” Luffy grumbled walking out the restaurant . He took your hand and a piece of meat in the other hand mumbling something about them being bastards.
Long story short after Luffy tossed the men up and down the street so well you ended up giving him the OL sloppy toppy as a thank you that night.
Speaking of sloppy toppy let’s get into the NSFW part of your relationship:3
First off he has seen plenty of naked women. But yours is just better
He don’t know if it’s your shape not being the same as other girls or your skin or just the way you smell but he enjoys staring at your naked body and bending it im crazy positions as if you were made of rubber too during sex
You’re always more sore after one round of sex with him rather than actually fighting marines Sksjsksks
You of course initiated sex with Luffy first after a few months of dating and you were the one to take his virginity (he took yours as well). He was kinda awkward about it though because stuff like that wasn’t something he cared to do.
However, you both got into the oral sex part and goodness he fell in love with you after that.
Luffy has a huge oral fixation so he doesn’t mind going down on you
He actually likes it more than screwing you im sorryejsjhsjdsk
Not that it doesn’t feel good being inside you
Poor boy started crying and moaning so loudly cuming inside you for the first time
It’s just you have a very interesting and addictive taste
His words not mine
He also really likes staring at your pussy Abseiskjdhdj NO JUST HEAR ME THOUGH—
Like when he is eating you out sometimes he just stares at how his tongue is rolling and lapping up your clit he forgets that you probably came at least 2 times :((((
It’s just so nice to look at to him especially if you have a fatter ….cat.
Loves burying his face in your neck pls.
You smell like shea butter and cinnamon the man is so addicted to your smell.
I feel like Luffy doesn’t have a favorite body part your thighs
But he loves rubbing his cock between your thighs as you both sleep .
Literally they’re so soft and warm especially after taking a bath.
Speaking of baths you managed to get him to take more baths
ONLY IF you take one with him.
Usually ends with him screwing you in the tub and y’all get more dirty than clean sksjsjsjs
All in all he loves you sm
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This man deserved the best head ever omg.
Luckily he has you and your beautiful lips<3
Ngl Sanji is the type of dude to call you his “Black Queen” IM SO SORTEUEKDJSJ
Literally any corny black girl “compliment he can think of he’d say it to you.
:(….hes trying.
None the less you being his first official girlfriend actually was more work than you thought.
Yes he’s very charming, sweet, honest, giving etcetc but his jealousy sometimes wears you out.
Anytime you two go out together and another man drools—let alone comments your looks Sanji’s already lifting his foot .
He didn’t believe you actually liked him back at first :(((((
Poor baby, he has trust issues. Pls give him all your attention.
It doesn’t take long though for him to accept you actually do love him just as much (if not more) as he loves you.
Said “I love you” on the first date
Threw you off completely, but it was so sweet and quick so you said it back.
A few of your love languages with each other is most definitely quality time and acts of service.
When there is an off day with the crew you and Sanji spend the day cooking meals you grew up with
I.E. whether it’s from your culture (like Nigerian food) OORRR simple soul food baby he is ganna FLIP. Especially if you cook it for him to try!
“Okay so this is Mac and cheese, fried chicken, greens, & corn bread. I didn’t make a whole lot because I wasn’t sure—Sanji?”
His whole world is rocked.
The seasonings, the flavor, the texture, everything that you just cooked was something he will put on his “new favorite food list”
He asked to marry you.
He ask to marry you at least once a day
That’s actually how y’all started dating heheh
When he first met you, you were actually intimidating to him but not in a bad way SKSJSJS
He still fawned and drooled over you, but you nearly thought he didn’t find you attractive because even when you joined his heart eyes was still on Nami more than you.
Even after Robin joined after you he seemed to stir his attention to the two girls more than you.
Granted you felt like it was probably because you weren’t his type, you didn’t have those girl’s shape(for example if you’re pear shaped) your hair wasn’t like theirs, and you were a bit more of a tomboy than anything so it made you feel a bit insecure.
Or maybe the mf didn’t like black girls who knows KSHSHSJS
Complete opposite tho this man is a whore for black women
It only annoyed you because somehow you’ve grown a crush on the idiot.
However all those things were the reason why Sanji felt so intimidated + you’re incredibly strong willed and ain’t afraid to speak your mind and that’s what made you so much more attractive to him than another other woman he met.
And you do so one night while Sanji cleans up the kitchen.
You knew this was a bad idea, a bit cringe, and out of character but the curiosity was eating at you and you knew if you didn’t ask right then and there you may as well just get over your crush with him; “How come you don’t like me?” You said without a care in the world leaning on the door frame arms crossed pouting, Sanji recognized your voice and felt his soul drop a little hearing your crazy question.
“Don’t… Like …you?”
“You heard me. It’s not like I’m jealous or anything (you were) but…I don’t know it seems like when I want to hang out with you, you seem to be more interested in Robin or Nami to be around…I know I don’t wear dresses a lot or skirts…and I’m a bit rough around the edges but …as your crew mate…AND FRIEND…I…um….I…”
You didn’t even hear Sanji approach you so closely as your tangent was going on with your eyes not meeting his. He felt so bad making YOU feel bad.
He grabbed your hand rubbing the palm of it with his thumb.
“I’m…im so sorry, Princess i—I um…”
Que the dramatic music
You actually found it amusing seeing how much of a drama queen he was asking for you not to forgive him, and you’re a big softie for him so to shut him up you grabbed him by his nape and kissed him.
His lips were so soft omg
“Marry me.”
And that’s how I met your mother
Ok we finna get spicy over here
Sanji is a boob man. We know this. And because of this he loves seeing your boobs ALOT.
“They’re like chocolate kisses.”
You nearly started crying from laughter when you let Sanji fondle your chest.
“Do not say that again will slap you—AH!”
Too late Sanji popped a whole titty in his mouth.
Ngl after a few months of dating and gaining each others trust he started to become a bit OOC.
Meaning….in the bed.
At first he’d ask you repeatedly if you felt good having sex with him, but now that he knows your body…well..
“R-Right right there San—-JI YES!”
“I know baby I know..”
Tf this boldness come from
Ok so you took his virginity too. It was just a Process because Sanji kept bleeding on you.
Had to use a blindfold on him which really had him cuming in seconds.
He sometimes moans in French.
He moans in French in your ear and you slowly grind on his cock
“Tu te sens si bien sur ma bite”
You find his French accent so sexy
Cocky bastard knows it too so if you are acting like a bit of a brat he whispers in your ear some of the dirtiest things he wants to do to your body in French
You don’t even know what he’s saying it just sounds hot KabsjsKSBSKS
Sanji most definitely loves to finger you.
Great past time when you both are alone and you wear a short dress or skirt
Your pussy>>>>>>>>>>>>life is his whole mentality being with you in bed.
When it’s your hair wash day Sanji always invites himself to help you, but it always starts off with him helping washing your hair, then once he rises it he begins kissing your shoulder, then your spine and then next thing you know he lifting your pretty brown thigh on his shoulder kissing and eating your pussy under the hot shower head <3
He keeps those days marked on his calendar SKSJSJ
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I told y’all he wasn’t racist
Mf is a simp for black and Latina women too he just won’t admit it fr.
This mf here..
He mf adores and can’t stand you all at the same time
Seriously your little smart remarks is ganna be the death of him.
Zoro actually loves a feisty/strong woman. He’s usually around the girly girl types plenty but seeing a woman that isn’t afraid of fighting grown men 10x her size is what led Zoro to pursue you
However he didn’t know he had a crush on you you were the one to get it out of him💀💀
“Why don’t you admit you like me already? We could have been dating like…a week after I joined y’all.”
“What?! I don’t— !”
“You’re literally cuddling me, Zo…”
When you first joined shortly before Chopper you both automatically had a love/hate relationship.
You were a gunslinger and he was a swordsman there were plenty of debates on which was better
“At least I can still fight if I run out of bullets..”
“At LeAsT I DonT RuN ou—-shut up! If it came down to it and we ended up fighting I’ll whoop you so disrespectfully boy..”
Me and Mrs. Petty everyone <3
You both tend to argue a lot but it’s stupid arguments that you start because you love annoying him.
And he knows this.
Zoro also likes patting your butt
It’s never sexual—you’re the sexual being in the relationship (we’ll get to that later)
But Zoro loves your fat butt.
Literally. The man is a butt man.
The way you sway your hips when you walk and how your butt effortlessly moves has him staring for way longer than he should.
And you know this.
However he usually pats your butt to get your attention
“Common we head to head to the ship.” He stated in your ear walking past you giving your bum a light slap and slowly dragging away said hand off your bum.
It turns you on sm pls
Loves to nap on your tummy
Looks like a grumpy baby with his strong arms around you and his face slightly tucked in with his eyebrows furrowed
He usually lift up your shirt to have skin to skin contact
Sniffs your hair a lot
Don’t know why he does it but sometimes when he’s standing behind you he just lowers his head and does a subtle whiff
You don’t question it….you kinda wanna though.
He lets you hold and use his swords
You have threatened him with it…many times.
Also if you have a TWA(or any natural hairstyle really) or like finger waves of the sort he friggin loves that. Whenever he’s holding you he tends to run his rough fingers through your curls and sometimes helps pull out any kinks he may randomly find
You woke up to him one time eyes completely focused on a tangled curl you had
It was so cute
“Lay back down im not finished.” He pushed your head back down gently still taking out the curl.
Despite that Zoro really has no clue on how to be a proper boyfriend sometimes so you have to teach him.
A lot.
“Why would you randomly want flowers where would you put them?”
He’s trying.
Y’all never go on proper dates though.
Zoro doesn’t think it’s necessary, you both spend a lot of time together training or when you dock on a ship.
However if you REALLY wanna go on a date he’ll take you.
Ended up in a mess.
You both got lost.
Zoro was fighting random pirates
You shot a guy
Y’all fell down a hill because Zoro slipped and grabbed your arm
Never again
His dick makes up for all his stupidity though
Okay don’t get mad…
But I don’t think Zoro is as great with sex as y’all say he is OKAY JUST LISTEN TO MEJDJDDKSKS
But it took so long because he’s so easily flustered.
Just like Sanji and Luffy he was a virgin and you had a bit more experience.
You went down on him first and he was actually more embarrassed than turned on KSBSJDKS
But he just felt weird seeing you in between his legs damn near gagging on his cock. You liked it though.
“Are —-are you okay?”
“Mmhm. Why does it not feel good?” :(
When Zoro first slid inside you you swore his eyes rolled back and he swears you were just seeing things.
“Feel good don’t it.”
“Shut the hell up.”
No but after the 2 years he definitely got much better and bigger
He knows how to read your faces on what hurts and what feels good and it’s honestly something he pats himself on the back for.
He loves it when you sit on his face btw.
You’re thick, he’s thick , and he loves your thickness so sit on his thick head. Both of em
Remember how I said you were the more horny one of the relationship?
Not true he is but you’re more vocal about it.
“Zoooooo….I wanna sit on your face.”
Man nearly drops his dumbbells on his foot.
“What is wrong with you?!” Literally been craving to eat you out all day since he had a dream about it this morning though.
His tongue…..
My mans is a messy eater
You like how he manhandles you so it’s not a big deal but if anyone were to see him eat you out they’d think he’s literally EATING YOU
He loves holding you up on his shoulder to eat you out btw
You’ve been caught once by Usopp in the aquarium with you back high on the wall and him sucking your clit
Us couldn’t speak to you for weeks
Zoro didn’t give af
Ok he did a little because his dick was out
Amazing bf.
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Hihi!! Can i req for kinktober 8. fuck or die with sam Winchester or castiel (idm) the readers dying and only there onsolved feelings for sam or cas is the only way to save (if you get me 🙇‍♀️🩷)
Thank you for the ask, Anon! ❤️❤️❤️
I was already planning to do a similar version but I like yours better. Here ya go!
Warning: heterosexual sex (p in v), unprotected sex, wrap it up, kiddos! nipple play, tw: love curse, tw: physical pain, tw: person dying, schmoopy, Angst and Fluff and Smut
Day 8: Sex Pollen/Fuck or Die, (Ask request)
“Sam, it hurts.”
Y/n looked pale as he held her in his arms with his cell phone pressed between his ear and shoulder.
“Hello, Dearie.”
“Rowena, Y/n got hit with a curse…” Sam proceeded to explain the events that led up to now, including Castiel being unable to heal her or affect the spell cast on her.
“Oh, Darling,” Rowena trilled. “You’re gonna need to make love to the lass.”
“What?!” Sam squeaked. He’d had a crush on Y/n since meeting her, nearly a year ago, finding her cute, and kind, and they seemed to have similar interests in books and research. From the first time he saw her smile, he was caught in her web, and she had no idea.
“You heard me, Samuel.” She paused for a few moments, realizing the situation as Sam remained silent. “You have feelings for her?”
Sam eyed Y/n, who was wrapped in a blanket in his arms, dozing.
“Yes,” he confirmed, quietly on the phone. “I can’t let her die, Rowena.”
“Oh, you poor boy. I told you what you have to do, but there is a catch, Samuel, darling.”
Sam silently waited.
“She has to have feelings for you in return. The spell is a sort of curse and love spell. If the other doesn’t reciprocate, it kills the one who is cursed. You have 24 hours at most from when the spell is cast upon them, and you both have to admit your feelings for each other.”
Sam felt the blood in his face drain away at the realization they were extremely short on time. It had been six hours already as he had scoured the library’s card catalog before calling the witch.
“HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO DO THAT? SHE KEEPS FALLING ASLEEP AND CAN BARELY EAT!” Sam quietly yelled through gritted teeth, waking Y/n who looked up at him; however, he didn’t notice.
“Samuel.” Rowena quietly informed, “The spell will allow you to make love once things…get going or said. Trust me. This is the only way to break the curse. You can do this. While I haven’t met her, I’m certain she has feelings for you too.” Rowena almost sounded as if she was lamenting.
“Thanks, Rowena,” Sam replied quietly as he contemplated how to save Y/n.
Dean saw Sam hang up and looked at him expectantly.
“I’ll explain later. I got this,” Sam informed Dean.
Sam looked down to the now awake Y/n, who watched him.
“Are you ok?” she asked softly. Her weakened state making even talking troublesome.
Sam’s face softened—amazed that she was worried about him despite her dying—and nodded. He kissed her hair. “Yes. We need to get you to your room and settled in bed.”
Without a word or warning, Sam changed his arm placement and picked Y/n up bridal style causing her to yelp. He grinned at her. “I’ve got you, Y/n. Nothing is gonna hurt you if I can help it.”
Dean and Castiel secretly smiled at each other and held hands under the library table.
While Sam walked to Y/n’s room in the bunker, he thought back about his interactions with Y/n, wondering if she feels the same way about him. They’d been spending more time together over the last few months. They'd been texting each other daily and Y/n would always text good morning and good night to him. He began to feel confident that she felt the same way, but getting her to admit those feelings might be harder.
By the time Sam put Y/n down in her bed, she had fallen asleep again. Her body was shutting down. He sat down next to her and gently caressed her face, calling her name.
Y/n blinked a few times before awakening to see Sam smiling at her, and she smiled back and placed her hand on his hand on her face. “Hi,” she greeted, her eyes soft and her cheeks barely pink.
Is she blushing? Sam wondered.
“Hi,” Sam returned.
“What did Rowena say?”
Sam dropped his hand away from her face as he spoke. “She said it was a love curse.”
Y/n looked at her lap. “Oh. What does that mean?”
Sam sighed and clarified, “Rowena said that you would need to admit your feelings to who you’re in love with and…and…make love.” He could feel his face heating up as he looked towards her nightstand, then back at her.
Y/n eyebrows rose into her hairline, her slightly pinkened cheeks darkening. She remained silent a moment, then winced and whined at the pain in her abdomen. “I don’t understand how, Sam.”
“She said the curse will allow you, once things start going. If there is someone we need to call or get, I’m sure Cas will go get them.”
She smiled widely and looked at him, placing her hand on his cheek.
“Sam,” she gently chided. “There isn’t anyone else.”
His heart raced on his chest as his cooling face began to heat up. “What do you mean?”
Y/n knew if she was going to live, it was now or never as her heart rate increased. Her chest started aching but she ignored it. “You.” she explained, her voice trembling. “Ever since I met you, it’s been you.”
Sam took this as permission. He leaned down and brushed his lips, chastely, against hers. His stomach fluttered with butterflies and bees. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down on top of her. Her chest warmed and tension faded away. It was so much easier to breathe. He bracketed her in with his arms, knees between her legs, tangling his fingers in her soft y/c hair. The kiss reassured her as her body felt to be tentatively improving. She tightened her arms further as her strength returned, crushing her lips against his, and moaned. He slid his tongue against hers and a dance ensued as they devoured each other.
Y/n captured Sam’s moans as she pushed her chest against him. Pulling away from him, she looked up and smiled. “I think we should, um…” She looked away, unable to complete the sentence.
“Right,” Sam agreed, realizing what she meant. He sat on his haunches, removed his plaid, and pulled off his shirt. Y/n turned to watch him at his words with an eyebrow raised and chewing on her lower lip. “Y/n.” He chuckled at her watching him.
“Right,” she agreed. She grabbed the front hem and pulled off her shirt revealing a spaghetti strap undershirt.
“You don’t wear a bra?” Sam asked.
“Do I look like I need to wear a bra?” She asked incredulously, and grabbed her breasts through the undershirt. She giggled, “It’s not like I got a lot here.”
“I don’t know. I think I need a better look to judge for sure.” he teased, acting playfully thoughtful.
She pulled off her undershirt revealing her chest. Her breasts, while on the small side, seemed to be the perfect size for Sam, just enough to fill his hand. He squeezed slightly and grinned. “I think you’re perfect.”
Y/n could feel her face heat up at the compliment.
With his other hand, Sam tilted Y/n face up to him and tenderly kissed her. Y/n pushed him away, frustrated. “Sam, we need to speed this up. I’m already starting to feel…weird.”
“Weird, how?”
“I don’t know. Not like myself. Just like before. Off.” She couldn’t figure out how to explain it but remembers a similar feeling hours earlier before the pain started. Determined to get the show on the road, Y/n repositioned herself to be kneeling and pulled Sam down to her. She skipped his lips and went for his neck, sucking marks in his skin across his jugular then his Adam’s apple. Sam gasped in surprise, then moaned, causing her to chuckle.
You’re mine, Sam.
Sam was stunned at her directness and desire for him. His hands sat at her hips. She moved slowly from one side of his neck to the other.
And I’m yours.
Sliding her hands down his arms, squeezing and feeling their strength and definition, she grabbed his wrists, slid one to her ass, and the other to her breast, squeezing his hands. He finished rebooting and pinched her nipple, gently rolling it between his thumb and forefinger while he massaged her asscheek. Y/n moaned into his neck, then nipped and licked his shoulder.
She slid her hands down his chest, stopping to trace his defined abdominal muscles. The feel of his muscles went straight to her core and she could feel that she suddenly soaked her panties. She had a muscle kink and never told anyone since it was very superficial. She went to his belt, unbuckling it blindly while she nibbled his collarbone. She popped open the button, then slowly pulled his zipper down.
Surprised, he glanced down, seeing her finger the edge of his boxer-briefs. “Y/n, you’re moving fast.”
Y/n pulled back. “Sam, take off my pants,” she commanded, then hesitantly asked, “Can I take off yours?”
She grinned and worked his underwear and pants down together. His large cock sprung out and she stopped to stare. “Holy shit.”
Now it was Sam’s turn to blush. He had never gotten that reaction before. He worked to remove her pants and she helped. Once they were both naked, they took each other in for a few moments.
“Is there anything you don’t like?” inquired Y/n.
This was not going how he imagined it but answered anyway. “Uh…not that I can think of right now. If you do something I don’t like, I’ll let you know.”
“Same,” she confirmed.
“You?” he asked.
“Um, no penetrating my ass this time around. Need to clean up.”
Things stalled a bit for Sam but not for Y/n. She wrapped her hand around his girth, stroking his length. Sam practically growled at her action. She bit her lower lip and giggled. She leaned forward, licking the underside from base to tip then engulfed the tip in her mouth. He growl-groaned at the sensation. Since she was unable to communicate, she grabbed his hand and placed it on the back of her head. He instantly grabbed the back of her hair, pulling her off.
“If you keep that up, I’m not gonna last.”
She failed to hide her grin, never having had someone react so strongly to her. “Then fuck me, Sam.”
Sam leaned forward and picked her up as he sat back on his heels. Y/n’s breath trembled and a shiver went down her spine at the change. He cocked a brow at her but she just held on to his shoulders as he did the same to her thighs and ass
“Y/n, I need to tell you something.”
“Sam,” she begged and squirmed in his hands and arms. “Please.” She wrapped her legs around him and he lined his cock up to her entrance, lowering her.
They both groaned the moment he began to penetrate her hot, wet heat. The burn from Sam’s large size felt amazing, especially once he bottomed out. She took a few slow, deep breaths, having never felt so full.
“Are you ok?” Sam asked, concerned.
Her pupils were dilated with barely any y/e/c shown. “So full,” she panted and squirmed on his cock. “Please, Sam. Please fuck me.”
Sam slowly thrust into her soaked channel at first. Throwing her head back, she closed her eyes and moaned. Once he started to speed up, she panted and whined. “More,” she begged.
He gently laid her down on the bed, bringing her further up his thighs, and thrust into her with force. The strength of his thrusts sent lightning down his spine to his groin. He knew he was close. She screamed with pleasure, encouraging Sam to continue. She brought her hands to her nipples, rolling them around and pinching them. He pressed open-mouth kisses across her chest and left marks from his teeth on the inside of both her breasts with licks from his tongue.
She carded fingers through Sam’s hair, damp from sweat, and scratched his scalp, causing him to groan. Her hand goes rubbing her clit. He gasped at her walls clenching around him and this pushed her over the brink, crashing and burning as she screamed through her release. The sight of her — beautiful and sexy— was such that he, too, grunted and exploded, filling her full.
Sam bracketed her in again with his hands on either side of her shoulders. He huffed and panted, trying to catch his breath. She smiled blissfully at him. She raised a finger and lightly touched his cheek. “How are you?”
He huffed a laugh. “Great.”
Her hand dropped to her chest and she panted, “Me too.”
He leaned down, brushing his lips against hers, and rubbed his nose against hers. She lightly giggled.
“I love you, Sam.” She told him like it was an everyday thing they told each other.
He smiled widely, “I love you, Y/n.”
The next afternoon, Y/n was in the library reading in Sam’s lap, snuggled against him.
“How are the lovebirds?” Dean teased.
“We’re good,” replied Y/n. She grabbed her cell, looked at it, then put it down. “Five more minutes,” she informed Sam.
He kissed the top of her head. “Ok.”
“Five more minutes until what?” asked Castiel.
“We’re making sure the curse is broken and there is a time limit on it. While we don’t know the exact time, we have an idea of when it was, give or take, so just waiting it out to make sure.”
Dean and Cas chuckled. “Mind if we wait with you?”
“Of course, the more the merrier,” replied Y/n. Dean and Castiel sat down next to each other. Castiel on Dean’s laptop and Dean on his phone as they held hands under the table
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novelmonger · 3 months
Moments That Bring Me Joy: The Sound of Music
(Reminder that "joy" doesn't necessarily mean "happiness.")
The iconic spinning around at the beginning of the movie, and then, "The hiiiiills are aliiiiiive!"
Maria running back to get her…headpiece thing, I don't know what it's called ^^'
When we'd watch this as kids, my siblings and I would joke that when the nuns start singing "Hallelujah" at the end of the service, they were happy it was over. Maybe that's in poor taste, but I think of that every time I see this movie ^^'
Right at the end of this whole delightful song about what Maria's like, she rushes in, splashes some water on her face, and then almost barrels past them, proving everything that's just been said XD And then she just rolls her eyes, shrugs, and trudges away.
"You know how Sister Berta always makes me kiss the floor after we've had a disagreement? Well, lately I've taken to kissing the floor when I see her coming, just to save time."
"I'm your new governess, Captain!" "And I'm the old butler." "Oh. Well, how do you do?" *shakes his hand vigorously*
"When we enter the abbey, our worldly clothes are given to the poor." "What about this one?" "The poor didn't want this one."
The first tiny hint of a smile from the Captain when Gretel fails to say her name c:
"Fraulein, were you this much trouble at the abbey?" "Oh, much more, sir!"
The look on the Captain's face when Maria says they should thank the Lord for the food - like a little boy who's just been scolded! XD
"Oh, they're all right, Captain, they're just happy." *inconsolable sobbing*
"And I forgot the other boy, what's his name? Well, God bless Whatshisname."
"You're not frightened of a thunderstorm, are you?" *Gretel shakes her head, then immediately rushes into Maria's arms*
The entirety of "My Favorite Things"
"And do you or do you not have trouble remembering such simple instructions?" "Only during thunderstorms, sir."
The "Do Re Mi" song <3
"Well?" "Whell what?" (You have no idea how many times my siblings and I have quoted this one random line XD)
The way the Captain has to fight so hard to not smile when Maria and the children fall out of the boat XD
"My heart will be blessed with the sound of music, and I'll sing once more." This hits so much harder as an adult than it did when I was a kid. I definitely understood the significance of the Captain singing again, why he stopped when his first wife died, and how singing again opened his heart to his children once more…but somehow the words of the song seem even more significant now.
All the subtle expressions on the adults' faces during "Edelweiss" as they begin to realize there might be some attraction forming between the Captain and Maria.
"So Long, Goodbye" and all the times we've sung snatches of it when saying goodnight ^_^
"You flatter me, Captain." "Oh, how clumsy of me. I meant to accuse you."
Everything about the pink lemonade. It's so random, I'd almost think it was product placement XD
"Strawberries?" "It's been so cold lately, they turned blue!"
I was today years old when I realized that the dress Maria's wearing when she returns to the Von Trapps is the same one the new postulant was wearing when Maria goes to talk to the Reverend Mother ^^'
"Gretel, what happened to your finger?" "It got caught." "Caught in what?" "Friedrich's teeth."
I've always loved exciting stories of people hiding and running from Nazis, so I always loved the climax where they have to out-fox them so they can escape.
When the whole crowd joins in singing "Edelweiss"
Fraulein Sweiger (or however you spell that), who keeps on bowing when she receives third prize in the competition
"I lift up mine eyes to the hills; from whence cometh my help?" This verse means so much to me :') <3
The tension when the Nazis shine the flashlights through the bars! Yes, this brings me joy.
"You'll never be one of them."
The nuns bringing out the car parts they removed from the Nazis' cars! The last spoken lines in the movie are them confessing their sins! I love it XD
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snuffydoo · 1 year
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Dimentio’s backstory
This post will explain the origins and past of Dimentio and how he came to be prior to Super Paper Mario. I would like to make it clear that everything I say here is not canon and it should not be taken as clear facts or evidence. This is my telling of his story so if you disagree with certain points of the document… that is perfectly okay. I am not here to force anyone to tell the same story as I do. However; I do take a lot of inspiration and points from Garson/Carson. 
>Another thing, I might change some things in the future, especially in terms of designs or names. I will keep this document updated whenever I make any said changes.
Also please don’t go through my doc picking apart my grammar and english mistakes. I know I’m not a professional writer. Thank you
Enough rambling/disclaimers
Let’s begin
The Beginning
The story starts off with a small family of four. 
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(The dad’s design is not finished)
(Will update it when I do)
A mom, a dad, a daughter and a son. The dad was an all-powerful magician with the power to bend and create dimensions while the mom was an ancient who had the power to produce illusions. They were both named Universi and Illumina. They then named their kids Damon (Dimi) and Poppy respectfully as they were born. The family was a content family with only the goal to help the other ancients and provide a safe, healthy economy. Using their magic, they would help the civilizations. However, fate had other plans. 
Around the time Dimi was 10 he would come crawling to his mom about certain nightmares he has been having. Each new nightmare shares very similar attributes and traits to the previous one. They all had a forbidding message about a heart made of chaos that would wipe out everything as we know it. Of course these were just dreams right? That’s what Illumina thought of at first until she started getting visions with the same descriptors. 
This grew worry in her as she anxiously watched over Dimi as he continued to live his childfree life. The fear only seemed to grow as the visions got worse for them both. Universi soon caught wind of what was happening and quickly asked what they all meant. He would then ask Dimi the same questions making sure everything was all right. The story was always the same in these visions/nightmares of a masked man who would use the heart of chaos to live out a prophecy that would wipe out every dimension. Once it was clear that Dimi would be that man one day- the terror grew quickly.
Universi quickly disposed of that thought and decided to fight the future. He went into action to start taking more responsibility in leading Dimi the right way. He would direct him to doing the right thing and nag him constantly about what was right or wrong. His punishments were harsh when he did mess up and his words were stern despite Dimi still being really young. Their relationship grew really shaky as both parents had all their attention on him. This only caused more issues than good. 
With all this attention on Damon, Poppy started to get neglected. She was often placed aside because the fears of Dimi’s future were more worrisome than hers. The parents never meant to do this to her but the consequences will take a toll. One day, Poppy started to get very sick as she lay to rest hoping it was just a fever. Not too long after, it took her life as Illumina screamed in terror. Grief quickly took over the family as the dad mourned his daughter for days upon end. With the family completely in shambles, both parents were once again focused on other things as Dimi finally had a chance to breathe and do his own thing. He really didn’t do much aside from locking himself in his room, reading or studying magic. This is where he starts to come up with a book that will be detrimental to super paper mario as a whole. The dark prognosticus. 
Now… At the time it wasn’t really much. It was just a bunch of random notes and diary documents about what his dreams were like and certain spells he jotted down. It was supposed to help him get an understanding of his future and basically get his visions onto paper so he wouldn’t forget them. He even recorded some of his spells that his dad had been practicing. Even an important one that was supposed to bring the dead back to life in a new body. Whatever that meant. While he was researching that, both Dimi and his mom didn’t have much to do so Illumina decided to promise Dimi that he would take him out on a little vacation. It was probably the only time in such a long while that Dimi would be excited for something. 
A couple weeks passed and nothing much has changed. Luckily it was the day of vacation as Illumina beckoned Dimi to come with him. It would help calm both of their nerves as well as maybe rekindling their relationship. She was hoping to help apologize for being a terrible mother as she guided him towards one of the dimension doors. 
The next events came as a surprise.
Before the two could make it to the door, a large explosion happened. At the time, no one knew what caused it. (Frankly someone hypothesized it was faulty wiring to old broken machines). 
Illumina was now dead.
The accident caused an uproar amongst many as people far and wide came to debate and decipher the events of the explosion. The magician’s wife was dead and his son now was nowhere to be seen. News caught wind to Universi as he began to now mourn the death of his entire family. Everything was taken away from him in the span of a couple years. 
Dimi, although presumed to be dead by the public, was actually not really dead. He was caught in the explosion, yes, but he ended up surviving. (Warning for wound depictions and injuries.)  When the explosion happened, it burned his face and his arms were deeply scarred. He didn’t seek help right away, afraid of his father’s reaction so instead he ran away and lived in a shack far from the town. He wasn’t really sure what to do now. Both his mom and his sister were gone, his father was in heavy grieving, and now his own body was injured. He waited it out nonetheless. He didn’t want to go back. Not now. 
Time passed as things at the village started to settle down. Universi became consumed in his work as he was seen to never leave his house aside from calling forth an assistant he hired to help him out. Even the people at the town have become shaken by the events that transpired before them. Silence was thought to have been forever until Universi had an epiphany. 
Once again he refused to let fate describe his future so he did the unthinkable one day. Taking his daughter, he was able to transport her soul into a new corpable body in which he proclaimed as the first ever pixl. He named her the pixl queen and finally came out of his house to shout the praise of his new work. 
News spread fast as the Magician taught his discovery to various other ancients his power of creating pixls. Building tools and ways to bring dead ones back to life as a second chance. A way to preserve the souls of family members. It was a huge success and soon ancients across multiple dimensions were practicing his ways. Universi couldn’t have been happier as he rejoiced at bringing his own daughter back. There was one big issue though, she had no memories or relocation of her past. When she became the pixl queen, all her thoughts and past were erased from her mind. She did not know who he was, or where she came from. All pixls didn’t seem to remember who they were previously. This would soon become an issue later on but let’s get back to Dimi. 
Damon was actually seemingly doing better as he thought that he would finally return home. He got up and headed back with a heavy sigh in his breath. When he came back he couldn’t believe his eyes. The civilization has flourished since he left with people everywhere exclaiming about how the pixls have vastly improved everything in their lives. Dimi, bewildered, went back home to see his dad once more. Of course Universi was even more ecstatic to see his son was actually alive. He helped him settle back in as he helped tend to Damon’s wounds. 
(Not an important note but I wanted to say this anyway. This is where Dimi gets his floaty hands since his arms were way too damaged. His dad helped him out with this) 
Dimi wasn’t too fond of what his dad was doing however. Pixls? Reviving dead members? Assistants? He was completely delusional from grief that he didn’t even have a grasp on what he was actually doing. Damon’s own sister doesn’t even recognize him anymore. Dislike for his father started to become hatred as he quickly started to separate himself from Universi again. 
His relationship with Poppy or well.. The Pixl Queen wasn’t even the same anymore. She was very derogatory of him and often would want nothing to do with Dimi. She had a strong hatred for the ancients for some reason and Damon didn’t get a pass. He started to hate her too as isolation got the best of him. He would go back to what he was doing before all this went down and idly sit in his room. Ashamed of his own face he tried finding a cure and even began wearing a mask to hide his injuries. He couldn’t look at himself anymore in the mirror.
Things played out normally after that or well.. Somewhat normally. Universi would continue to do his own work as both Damon and his sister did her own things. Dimi however was starting to lose it as he became more and more enamored in darker forms of magic. It completely enthralled him as he finally found perhaps a spell that can finally fix his broken face. Upon practice, it worked. His face finally healed and he no longer had scars that plagued his skin. That’s what happened at first at least. Time passed and everything seemed to have gone wrong. The magic backfired and completely corrupted his body. His face especially was now only void. Damon was no longer the same person anymore as this was his last push over the edge. He officially ran away and didn’t look back. 
That’s basically the main gist of what I wanted to write here. A couple years into the future he would soon dawn his new jester attire for he was enamored by the theatrical arts. He then would go completely insane and wish to wipe out all the dimensions and become ruler of them all. I could also get into the nitty gritty of the Pixl Queen revolution against the ancients, how the war was started, or how the Pixl queen became Shadoo  but this document is long enough. (Maybe in the future I’ll explain that too who knows)
But that’s all I wanted to explain today and I thank everyone who read it. 
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lucem-stellarum · 11 months
So I actually wanted to go through and listen to the video, "Your Vampire Boyfriend Explains His Turning". It doesn't exactly match up to the way they tell it in "The Vampire Boys Have It Out". I'd recommend you go watch both videos back to back because it's fascinating, and frustrating. Redacted is contradicting himself on some things to push hard on the idea that both Porter and Vincent are in the wrong. I'm not saying that Vincent is perfect, but the way Erik is going about framing the circumstances of their fight and changing previously established canon so "they both have their reasons" isn't the greatest. Details and receipts under the cut because of length, and because it gets critical.
When Vincent's talking about the circumstances of his turning to Lovely, he says at 5:00 that "all he's had is the clan, and they already knew the story. Will had told them." That the only person he's ever explained it all too was Sam, because William told everyone else on his behalf. Which, first of all, makes it sound like the clan was a lot more supportive overall and a lot more informed than ANYONE implied in the later video. Even if William edited out a lot of the details there's some things you just can't get around. Like the fact that William, who is old blood and promised to never turn another progeny, and so needed a damned good reason to break that vow. The fact that neither of them had ever met before that day. Vincent's refusal to discuss the exact circumstances of his turning to the rest of the clan, the fact that William had to list Vincent a missing person rather than letting the department handle the human authorities around his turning. The fact that Vincent was uninformed/unempowered before this and had to be introduced to the entire magical world from the ground up. He couldn't have known anything about who William was as a powerful political force, the advantage that being turned by old blood gives him, Vincent literally couldn't have arranged his turning for his own selfishness because he didn't even know that was an option, let alone the bonuses of having William specifically as a maker.
There's so much evidence that Vincent's turning was impulsive, any combination of the above facts implies that it wasn't a choice on Vincent's part, let alone something that he would try to "earn". Plus, William bought WonderWorld because of the lawsuits after the very public accident to be their home base. People saw Vincent get on the coaster, that he was riding it just before it crashed, and that's the same day the clan gets a brand new prince that matches the description of a "body that was never found"? Even if William didn't blatantly spell it out for the more oblivious members of the clan, it's SO obvious what happened from knowledge available to them. An "impulsive" turning isn't ever going to be a happy story.
Speaking of "publicly available knowledge"... we can argue about how much of the full truth is available throughout the general clan population (however many people that may be), but if Porter is close enough to William to be offered his last name, and close enough to know secrets that Vincent isn't aware of, shouldn't he have known William and been part of the clan long enough to have been around for the original explanation for Vincent's abrupt turning? Let alone, potentially, being closer to William and getting more personal details, at least from William's side of the story? Getting a new progeny isn't a decision to be made lightly. Porter very heavily implied that he's known William for longer than Vincent has; since Vincent's turning was the first time that William and Vincent had met, then Porter's been part of the clan longer than Vincent has.
Next, we know that both Porter and Adam were foundlings, but considering how fundamentally eternal and unchanging vampires are, it seems odd that there'd be such a population turnover in the clan that Vincent was tormented by "the rest of the clan" (per Sam, when he said it wasn't his place to tell other people's private stories at ~18:00 in the later video). Vincent was turned Feb 13, 2000. Sam is turned by Alexis in 2008 (per the timeline). That's not long enough for immortal vampires to forget Vincent's story. Even if there are a LOT of new vampires in the clan over time, Vincent is the golden boy, the prince. It's natural he'd be the subject of gossip, and the circumstances of his turning would be pretty good fodder for the rumor mill even if he doesn’t talk about it himself and not everyone is as principled as Sam is. If some of the newbies (or Porter) were getting prissy about Vincent never having to take his turn guarding WonderWorld, just the fact that he died there doesn't seem like it would be uncommon knowledge among the clan.
With how rare vampires are supposed to be, even without specific numbers and censuses it doesn't make sense. The Solaires are supposed to be the largest and most influential vampire clan in Dahlia, sure, but population-wise that still can't be that many people. Either the clan grows slowly enough that word about what actually happened to Vincent can get out and corrected, (and the minority of new people who don't know better perpetuating baseless rumors face charges of slander against the prince) or the clan should be large enough to effectively patrol WonderWorld without Vincent needing to take regular shifts. (which... wasn't Vincent on patrol the night he first met Lovely?) 'Duke' Sam has to patrol sometimes, but does Alexis take shifts too? If the clan doesn't have a large enough population to support even the "royalty" from skipping that duty (except for Vincent), then they can't have that many members. By that logic, the clan is small enough that "everyone knows each other's faces" and so why is Porter bitching about the unfairness of Vincent having the "perks" of the Solaire blood and name when he ought to know damn well why Vincent of all people generally avoids that particular duty?
Again, Porter was almost certainly around to watch Vincent join the clan. Why doesn't he know about the circumstances of Vincent being invoked for a single time? Vincent tried to starve himself to death because he refused to feed on humans. William couldn't convince Vincent to feed of his own volition, so he invoked him. That is a seriously drastic measure to take for someone who "wanted to be turned". Alexis' many invocations seem to be common knowledge among the upper echelons of the clan that we see in videos; if Porter is close enough to have the Solaire name and be part of the "family" and is close enough to William to know "more than could fill the city of Dahlia", why is he so out of the loop around Vincent? Porter is jealous, not stupid nor blind.
Porter's comments about the rumors that popped up when William 'brought home the new baby?' More proof that he HAD to have been with the clan at that point. How else would he have heard all those rumors? Porter was jealous of Vincent's circumstance immediately after his induction to the clan and didn't hesitate to start "tearing Vincent down" from the moment they met for the crime of "not being grateful enough" to William. Porter's accusations that Vincent wanted to be turned by William to get the associated power and prestige of being turned by "old blood" is proven to be a lie (again, ignoring the fact that he was uninformed before being turned) because Vincent avoided events (like the Summit) for years longer than most makers would have allowed their progeny. If Vincent wanted that prestige, what possible reason would he have to avoid events where he could flaunt it, and potentially acquire more?
I'll admit, we DON'T have a definitive date for when Porter joins the clan, or anything at all about Porter and William's relationship. The timeline website hasn't been updated with Porter's information yet. Even still, William offered Porter the Solaire name; that's supposed to be some great honor not offered lightly. That level of trust takes a LONG time to build. Porter had to have been part of the clan to see Vincent in the depths of his depressive and suicidal ideation, to criticize Vincent in the specific ways and faults that he does. The way the argument video is set up, though, it sounds like Porter was both there to torment Vincent at every turn from the beginning but also not there to miss every blatant fact of the situation around Vincent joining the clan.
Porter's claim that "all [Vincent] ever did was moan about how terrible it was to be you. As if we all didn't register in your mind as people with our own far worse problems" (15:00) is just so hypocritical considering his apparently willful blindness to Vincent's own deep seated issues. After having it pointed out to him, and being punched by Lovely, he sees it clearly enough to apologize and sound like he means it, but then why didn't he see ANY of the points from my first paragraph in the first place? Porter saying that "he didn't know" about how traumatic Vincent's turning was in the later video, while his voice sounds genuine, is either blatantly false or things are being retconned in order to make the feud between the two of them more dramatic.
Some of Porter's accusations do hold weight. I'm not going to lie and pretend that Vincent is some perfect angel in all of this. Vincent is arrogant, self centered, and blind to his own privilege. He used to be a manipulative ass. He's favored, powerful, and lucky in certain ways that Porter isn't, but that's not his doing nor his fault. But Porter's comment about Vincent's "egregious actions" is so vague as to be meaningless to me; if it's not worth elaborating on here why is it part of this 20+ year grudge match y'all have going on? Vincent couldn't choose his maker, he didn't know a single thing about William when they met and he was turned. The fact that Vincent has the self control to only "need" to be invoked once shouldn't be a criticism. There's years that they're skimming over for the sake of limiting it down to a 20 minute conversation for watchability. But I hate retconning, I hate this sort of character self-contradiction and hypocrisy especially to push "both of them are in the wrong", I hate that Sam is just being played as a mouthpiece to force this "grey morality" (12:38, 13:24) and defend both sides, and I'm not going to lie I expected Redacted to do better than this. Trying to equate Vincent's jealousy that Porter was well-adjusted to being a vampire with Porter's complaints that Vincent was traumatized and suicidal because of the circumstances of his turning is not okay.
14:30 Porter says: I said you were arrogant, and favored. That from the moment you were turned you've never wanted for anything. You'd never been invoked into doing something horrific for your maker's amusement. You've never been beaten within an inch of your life for the slightest transgression. You've never gotten so much as a slap on the wrist no matter how egregious your actions. You never had to guard WonderWorld. You'd never had to do anything. And still all you ever did was [look down on us]... You were turned by old blood... and didn't even have the tact to show a little gratitude for it.
19:30 Vincent says: I did look down on you. I hated that you seemed to enjoy being a vampire so much. I hated that you seemed so at peace with who you were. And what we had to do to survive. You made everything look so easy. And that made me feel broken. Even more than I already felt.
You can't have it both ways, Porter. Either you want Vincent to be just as broken and mistreated as you imply you were, or you want him to be happy and grateful about his "perfect" life. You can't complain that he never recognized that other people had far greater problems when you're the one who ignored that he's practically screaming with every action, every fact, every unsaid word that he's literally being forced against his will to stay alive, both by turning and by invocation until it literally hit you in the face. You don't have the right to tell Vincent, as a (formerly) uninformed unempowered human, that he shouldn't have manipulated something he didn't even know existed into getting the power you envy so badly. Porter was jealous of Vincent because of his circumstance first, and that jealousy made Vincent's every legitimate fault unforgivable and threw in a lot more illegitimate criticisms just for good measure.
I'm not going to pretend like I have the right answers for this, how it "should have gone". Everyone is going to have their own preferences, and at the end of the day this is Redacted's story. He makes the final decision. But I do have the right to point out flaws and criticize where I think he could have done better. Maybe he wanted Porter to be a hypocritical, jealous, contradictory character. Maybe he legitimately did just forget that the rest of the clan already knew (or easily could have put together) the messy details when he wrote that Porter didn't know better. He could have written it any way he wanted to, but he chose this way.
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