#or knew how to process
two-faced-clown · 1 year
got (heckled? harassed?) hate crimed while trying to go out to dinner w nic in hyannis
had a group of people whistling and hollering, implying w their words that they found me attractive but could also clearly tell that i was an Other Gender, yelling stuff like what are you, i’m confused, etc
nic basically shut down, i “”laughed”” it off
when i asked him about it the next day, wondering if he’d ever been catcalled or called a slur
he kinda just brushed it off and was basically like yeah yknow everybody be havin their opinions… like trying to imply “yes” but clearly was a no
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"The making of ST5 documentary" oh so you mean Finn, Noah, Winona, David, Charlie, Shawn Levy, and the Duffer brothers' commentary on Byler, how long they've known about it, how they used acting and direction to create the slowburn relationship, and the cultural impact they believe it will have
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milkweedman · 2 months
When you get to a point in fiber arts where you start wanting to learn other crafts just so that you can better make what you're making, that's when you know you're screwed
I keep eyeing inkle looms because I need to make woven straps for the handspun crochet bags I keep making and the knit icord strap is so annoying to make. And I will never know peace until I can make the Perfect Bags.
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iizuumi · 2 years
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stone-stars · 1 year
hit with the sudden realization that when gerard told elody he was fighting because of her, that she inspired him to fight… he inadvertently told her that he died because of her
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p4nishers · 5 months
thinking about the relationship between mightily oats' "the worthwhile [words] don't burn" and constable dorfl's "the words in the heart cannot be taken"
#especially the journey both of them had to go through to get to the point of saying that. like the whole of carpe jugulum oats was so TORN#and before that too about what words could you believe and who could you really trust on their word about om and the prophets and he went#out of his way to look up records disproving what the book of om said bc he KNEW nothing they said could be believed and just all the pain#and all that doubt he went thru and the part where he questioned om's 'infinite compassion' as he prayed bc really what compassion?#how many people prayed at the stake just like he was doing in that moment? how many people had to live with the silence of their god just#like he did? but still when his book of om – that he clung to the whole book for reassurance – burned he said the worthily words don't burn#the worthily words are in the heart and in the mind and not feed into his mouth by old man who just#made things up to justify their actions. he had all the words he needded the whole time and holiness was always all around him. he just had#to look#and dorfl being created with words in his head that dictated his every move . words that chained him. then he and the other golems created#'king' for themselves in the hope he'd lead them to freedom but they put too many words in his head and he failed and carrot gave dorfl his#own freedom and his own words and that lead to dorfl destroying his well child basically and destroying himself in the process but the word#in his heart his OWN words remained and they were able to rebuilt him and vimes give him a voice and his words and belief remained in him b#they were always his#god. sorry for the ramble im severally unwell about them#mightily oats#constable dorfl#carpe jugulum#feet of clay#gnu terry pratchett#discworld
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thebramblewood · 7 months
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Our girl coming in hot with the understatement of the century.
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Helena: [hisses in pain as hot water hits wounds] What the... There's no fucking way.
[investigating in mirror] Yep, this is not good. Not good at all.
Now, where did you come from? [picks up letter addressed with her name]
Dear Helena,
If you are reading this letter, I will admit I am relieved, though I cannot say for certain whether your survival is more blessing or curse. I know you must be confused. God only knows how much of the night you even remember.
My sister misled you about who and what we are, which was no accident on her part, even if the dreadful mistake that followed was. I can hardly cast stones for I did nothing to stop her and, in fact, committed an unforgivable sin myself in attempting to undo what she had done, though I very well knew it would turn you into a monster against your will.
I will put it to you bluntly: Lilith and I have been vampires for some 100 years, and faced with your otherwise certain demise, I chose to make you one too. You may not believe me. It will feel like a bad flu for a day or two; then it will feel like the heat of 1000 fires blazing inside.
You will desire answers. I compel you to seek them elsewhere. Lilith has her mind set on having you and, if she knows you are alive, will not take no for an answer. I can only deceive her so long, as vampires are inextricably tied to their creators. As surely as I will soon know your fate, so will she, for she is my maker and cannot keep out of my head.
I am truly sorry, though it must offer little consolation. You do not deserve this eternally damned existence, but you also did not deserve to die. You see the bind I was caught in. All I can do now is urge you to make the most of this truly terrible hand we have all been dealt.
Caleb Vatore
Helena: Well, shit.
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skitskatdacat63 · 1 month
+ bonus :)
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Thank you for all the votes on the poll :D unfortunately however I decided to follow my own destiny </3 also sorry if I forgot to include anyone! Was mostly going off mutuals who voted/are Fernando fans and others who reblogged the poll :)
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harmonysanreads · 3 months
Aventurine? More like ANGSTTURINE.
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wouldbeliketoloveyou · 4 months
hey guys do you ever think about how i know places we can hide + you had turned my bed into a sacred oasis + your love is a secret i’m hoping dreaming dying to keep + nobody’s heard from me for months + you don’t need to save me but would you run away with me? became you knew the password so i let you in the door + showed you all of my hiding spots, i was dancing when the music stopped?
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starheirxero · 6 months
For the record, I think soooo much about a potential AU where Eclipse really commits to the "false hope" plan and grits his teeth through every act because he's like "the more I seem genuine and the more they believe me, then the worse they'll feel when I finally stab them in the back!!" and every act of kindness he commits is under his idea of "oh man they're falling for my act sooo hard rn"
and then when he's eventually been completely integrated as at least a friend to the celestial siblings, he sits back and goes "man. now would be a great time to betray them right?" and then he finally looks at it all and realizes he doesn't truly want that now and he's just like "oh. oh." and is probably wildly conflicted and emotional about it
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whaliiwatching · 1 year
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cozy color..
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oceanwithouthermoon · 7 months
saiki being in a romantic relationship (or alternatively, actually trying to be in one) for the first time and having no experience or knowledge on what to do, so he falls back on behaviors hes picked up from the people around him..
but the most romance hes seen close up are his parents, aiura + teruhashi + yumehara with crushes and trying to flirt, etcetc (toritsuka does not count cuz what he does is hardly romantic, and that one time kuboyasu was ready to drop everything and marry a girl immediately doesnt count either cuz saiki expressively thought that was too much)
PLUS his own 'secret' obsession with romance stories and cliches..
so like.. crushy honeymoon romance is the only romance he KNOWS..
he would definitely find it too embarrassing to actually be as consciously lovey dovey as his parents are, and wouldnt want to try and be some 'knight in shining armor' like yumehara imagined him at first, but i think that 1) it would be a lot more subconscious and he would just not know any better than to latch onto his partner and 2) he would just choose (consciously AND subconsciously depending on the situation) to just try and do what he knows but in a subtle way..
like, he wouldnt write a love letter and pair it with a homemade chocolate heart like yumehara did, but he might write little notes (which are probably more like encouraging little phrases and paragraphs like a mom would put in her kids lunch than sweet love notes) and make baked goods for someone..
its probably mostly his mom that he models his behavior after, so he cooks for his person a lot and his most notable love language is probably acts of service
thats obviously not his only love language though, quality time was always his biggest until it came to romance and acts of service just barely weighs it out. words of affirmation is a big one for him too.. physical touch is also important for him, but not in the way that it would be for most people i think. its part of his love language more in a way that if he wants to touch a person at ALL, its an expression of love.. i think he would be big on sitting close together so his thighs and hands are just barely touching theirs, holding onto someones arm or having his arm be held, stuff like that..
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blubujollyrancher · 9 months
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that relatable moment when you assumed the girl you used to care for perished in a tragic lab ablaze incident and only realized she still lived when you stumble upon her years later after you've erased yourself from everyone's memories and now she no longer remembers you
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dreameroftheblue · 1 year
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fidgeted with this one for long enough, think I’m finally ready to release it to the wild 🤔
haha zagreus go brrrrrrr
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