#or like 4 shots of vodka
moving-to-dreamwinged · 11 months
curled up in bed listening to mcr in the dark at 7pm on a wednesday night hmmmmm what is this
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blue-banditt · 2 months
"I thought if I got myself into the habit of drinking cocktails then maybe I would be able to have a better relationship with alcohol" — me after being interrogated about why I have so many fruit juices and mixers in my fridge
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possum-tooth · 1 year
um. im ab to live w my parents again.......
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emzawheezy · 2 years
Remember, months ago, when I was like “I should make flautas or something next paycheck” I finally decided to do that and I’ve been drinking all night (planned) after work and I started drinking like “hell yeah, when these are done I’ll be drunk and want to eat” and it is indeed true. Almost done Aw fuck yeah
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I am, frankly, too tipsy to deal with this
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5-htagonist · 2 years
funnie storie in tags
#last week when i turned 21 i immediately picked up vodka and thc-o edibles after school#btw thc/adjacent compounds all break down in the stomach into the same substance (delta 11 thc)#and also alcohol potentiates and breaks down cannabanoids (hence why getting crossed is so crazy)#so.#serving size for the eddies? 1. 50mg. in fact on the back it recommended to cut in fourths.#well. instead of dividing by 4 i multiplied by 4#200mg psht thats nothing ive done more than that#which is true#but i was FUCKED UP when i did#and this time i had drank maybe like#a shot of vodka#MAYBE#and like at first i was like ooh yeah this is vibe oh yeah#then um. i realized it wasnt done hitting#and they were doing monthly room checks (dorm) during a 2 day period#one of which was my birthdya#well#i started getting scary high and it was like 8pm mind you theres no way they would come around at that time anyways even if they hadnt#checked already#it literally kept getting worse i kept checking out the peep hole my ass was looking UNDER THE DOOR every time i heard someone#oh my god if i wasnt stoned i wouldve had an anxiety attack (paradoxical bc i wouldnt have been anxious if i wasnt scary high)#eventually i literally could not keep my head up to Check For Danger and i passed out on my glasses#(note: i would NEVER!!!!!!!! SLEEP IN THE SAME SPACE AS MY GLASSES!!!!!!!!!!!! I TAKE CARE OF THEM!!!!!!!!!)#anyway i think i greened out#it was my first time doig that which is impressive because ive probably spent like a year out of the past 3 being super high all the time#and the other 2 were spent being mildly high#and i have definitely eaten more edibles than 200mg at once#but i surpose i havent drank as well#but ya thats my story about turning 21 and greening out for the first time after having an extreme anxiety episode#i was fr about to look through my roommates shit (she isnt here most of the time) for her xans LMAO
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Since i became an alcoholic my pee has become neon yellow and frothy ;_; and im a person that exclusively drinks water....i feeel like if i wanna have nice clear healthy pee again i gotta quit drinkin for at least a month/widely reduce my intake of vodka specifically...if i was gonna wean myself off of drinkin i think id become a beer guy...
Will it happen? Who knows....i have half a bottle of vodka in my bag as we speak....tho last night i didnt stay up to drink so thats nice at least....1 day is better than zero days....
Maybe if i gave up booze id have to replace it with another vice...
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anonymousicecream · 12 days
Back to You (Minji x M Reader)
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(All characters mentioned are of age :)
"No." A sharp voice produced its sound, making you groan. "Ms Kim..." You start, before THE Ms. Kim Minji, the devil who is your superior, interrupted you. "No means no Mr Lee. We're done." Minji said, making the other employees pack their things up before leaving the room. You also unplugged the projector and packed your belongings before walking to the door. You had a sudden change of heart and decided to close the door, locking it, leaving you and Ms Kim inside the office. Hearing the doors locking, Ms Kim turned her head up and looked at you locking the door. You put your bags on one of the chairs before walking up to her.
"What do you need Mr Lee?" Minji asked coldly. "I'm quitting." You said while sitting down in front of her, making her turn her head away from the computer and stare at you. "I don't have time for games Mr Lee. I have another meeting in 20 minutes." She said, returning her poker face and refocusing her efforts on her laptop, but deep inside her, she was confused, and concerned.
"I've had enough of this Ms Kim. Assigning me into ridiculous hours, making me do projects that YOU won't even have the respect to listen, even if you will reject them. Seriously? I'm disappointed Minji, I seriously am. When I joined your company, Hyein convinced me that you're the bubbly and caring CEO, and that's what I expected. I'm sorry for making myself believe that that's who you are." You said, before standing up. You grabbed your bag and left Ms Kim's office, returning to your cubicle.
You packed your belongings in your cubicle into a box, before making your final parting words with your fellow co-workers. At the end of the day, you then returned home with your belongings, feeling satisfied that you got out of that place being run by YOUR ex-girlfriend.
(Later that night)
"YOU DID WHAT?" Your sister, Hyein, asked you, in a deep tone. "I resigned." "Yeah I know you did that. Just, why?" "I just can't. Having Minji as my supervisor, and her treating me like shit, I can't do it." You said, making Hyein sigh in understanding. "Alright, I'll give her a piece of my mind tomorrow." "Don't Hyein. We all know what happened the last time you did it." You said, warning her. "Hey that was YOUR fault. You should've not spent your days throwing things against the window."
"Noona, noona." A boy called a girl who's older than him. "Yes, what do you need?" The girl asked. "Yeppeo-noona!" The boy said, making the girl smile.
The words echo in the mind of Kim Minji ever since you resigned from the company. Minji tried to ignore those words and how much she has changed in those 4 months, but everyone around her definitely know that something has changed her, but no one's brave enough to ask her anything about it.
Minji sighed, before slamming her laptop and walking to one of her tables, grabbing a bottle of vodka, pouring them onto a shot glass. She then drank it, before sitting down on her sofa, doing the same thing repeatedly.
12. That's how much shots Minji took in the past 40 minutes, trying to remove the words off her brain. It didn't take long before a tear got off her eyes, causing A LOT of tears to come crying down as she broke down, coming to realization on her past actions, especially towards you.
"Why.... I'm sorry!!!! Please, come back. I miss you Lee Y/n..." Minji cried her heart out.
(In another place, at the same time)
"Why.... I'm sorry!!!! Please, come back. I miss you, Lee Y/n..." You heard the voice of your former lover, your first time, and your former boss, Kim Minji, crying her heart out. You opened your "Find my iPhone" app, trying to find her location. "Oh for fuck sake." You groaned, walking into your sister's room to grab her ID card before leaving your apartment, heading for Minji's office.
It took you 15 minutes and some dangerous driving to get to her office. Luckily, you met no one that knew you and you didn't spent a long time getting to her office, at the top floor. Once you got out of the elevator, you immediately rushed into her office, where you found her crying.
"Minji-ssi." You called her, while walking towards her. Minji turned around and spotted you. "Omo, jagi!" Minji shouted, standing up. However, as she stood up, she stumbled upon a table, making her fall. You managed to catch her before she fall, grabbing her by her shoulders and throwing the two of you onto the couch.
"Minji-ah, careful, you're drunk." You told her, making her put an angry face. "No I'm not!" "Alright fine whatever you say." You said, helping her onto the couch. You grabbed your phone and dialed your sister. "WHAT'S UP MOTHAFUCKAAAAA!!!!!" You heard Hyein scream, making you pull away from your phone. "Hyein why the fuck are you drunk?" "It's fucking friday." She replied, making you groan. "Give Da-In the phone." You instructed. "Hello, oppa?" "Ah Da-In-ssi, can you take Hyein and the car to Kim Corp immediately?" "Ah of course Oppa." Da-In said, turning off the call afterwards.
You're now in your car, driving home safely, with the drunk and passed-out Minji sitting next to you, while Da-In cares for Hyein at the back seat.
"Da-In ssi, if you want you can stay at Hyein's room tonight." You told her, making her nod. "Ah oppa, it's okay. I don't want to make a mess." "No, if you're not there, I have to take care of two hungover girls." You said, making the two of you laugh.
The next morning, you woke up early. You made hangover soup for the four people in your house including you, even if there are only two people who's going to have one. Your attention was distracted when Hyein and Da-In left their room and went into the dining table. "Omo, gomawo oppa for this wonderful meal!" Hyein said, diving in immediately. Da-In and you followed her soon after, enjoying the meal.
You and Da-In were brought back to reality when you heard a thud coming from your room. Hyein on the other hand, looked in confusion, staring at your room. Suddenly, you gulped as the door opened, revealing Minji in the clothes you dressed her up last night.
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"YAH WHAT THE FUCK!" You heard Hyein shout, standing up and rushing towards Minji. Minji's eyes opened widely and returned to your room, closing and locking the door. Hyein banged the door repeatedly. "YAH YOU MOTHERFUCKER OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!!!!!" Hyein banged the door again. Realizing what might actually happen, you rushed up and grabbed Hyein away from the door. "Da-In, take her for a walk!" You instructed, and Da-In immediately did so, guiding Hyein away from the apartment. You waited for a few moments, seeing Hyein's car drove away, leaving you and Minji in your apartment.
*Knock Knock
"Minji-ah, it's me. You can open the door. Hyein's not here anymore." You said, and it didn't take long for Minji to unlock and open the door. "Hungover soup?" You offered, and she nods. You guide her to the dining table, watching and observing as she finishes the soup.
"How uh, how did I end up here?" Minji asked quietly, still trying to process the events that preceed. "Last night, I received a call from you, which was when you were VERY drunk I presume. I decided to pick you up, and my sister as well, and here we are today." You replied while drinking your coffee.
"Ah!" You looked up after hearing a squeal. You saw Minji holding her finger and you rushed up, grabbing her fingers gently. You saw her bleeding, and grabbed a napkin, pressing them against the cut. "Hold this." You said, before grabbing your first aid kit. You then put a band-aid around her finger and put her down on the couch, sitting next to her.
"What were you doing?" You ask her. "Well, I appreciate the soup you made, so I thought I'd do the same thing to you." She said, making you smile, and your heart beat even faster. "You uh, you don't need to." You said. You turned around to stare at Minji, and the sight in front of you almost made your jaw drop. You saw Minji blushing, her jacket off, only on her tanktop and shorts.
"I'm sorry." You said. "For what?" Minji asked. "This." You said, as you leaned in to kiss her on the lips. "Mmmhhhh" Minji groaned, before replying to the kiss even more aggressively. You moved to lean her down on the couch, moving your hands onto her midriff, rubbing them through her top. Minji then wrapped her arms around your neck, allowing you to kiss her even deeper. Eventually, the two of you pulled away from lack of air, laying your foreheads against each other.
"Look y/n, I..." "No Minji. We can do this later. For now, I have other agendas in mind." You said smirkingly, making her smile and nod, approving your plan. You wrapped her legs around your hips, before standing up and lifting her up. "AAAAHH!" You carried her to your bedroom, setting her down on the bed before you took your clothes and trainers off, leaving you in your boxers.
"Mmmmm I can't believe I missed out on all this." Minji said smirkingly, seating up to meet you while palming your cock through your boxers, earning a groan from you. "You bastard. You left me, broke my heart and thought you could have your way with me? No chance." You said, pushing her hands off your cock and onto the bed, grabbing her hands and handcuffing them onto the bedposts.
You moved to kissing her on the lips briefly, before moving down her body, kissing her neck, collarbone and midriff, before you removed her shorts and panties, exposing her wet pussy. "Well well, look what we have here...." You said, before lowering your mouth onto her pussy. You start sucking and licking her pussy aggressively, leaving no time for her to breath and enjoy.
"Mmmmh fuckkk you feel so good." She moaned, wrapping her legs around your neck, suffocating you, prompting you to suck her even faster and harder. It didn't take long before she starts leaking, and that's when you stopped sucking on her pussy.
"ARGH WHY THE FUCK DID YOU STOP? WHEN I'M THIS CLOSE!" Minji shouted at you, making you smile. You then tore her top open, before also unhooking her bra, exposing her tits. You leaned in to suck them for a few moments before getting up and removing your boxers. You reached to the bedside drawer and grabbed a box of condoms, wearing them before you align yourself with her pussy. You didn't wait long before pushing into her tight and warm pussy, earning a groan from the two of you.
You waited for a few moments before you start thrusting in and out of her. Your slow and deep thrusts turn into fast and shallow thrusts, allowing you to repeatedly fill her insides after each thrust. "F-fuckkk that's it. You feel so goood." Minji moaned, restraining her hands against the handcuffs, trying to get out of them.
You increased your thrusts, making her moan even louder, before she eventually starts leaking, while her pussy also got tighter. You moved your hands onto her tits while you suck on her neck, leaving hickeys, helping her increase stimulation even further before you hit her g-spot.
"FUCK!!!!" Minji moaned LOUDLY as she came -- HARD -- on your cock. Squirt after squirt of her orgasm came crashing down onto your cock as you fucked her through the orgasm, helping her orgasm become more intense, and even prolonging it. It took you a few more thrusts before you felt her orgasm had stopped, and this time, you actually slowed down before stopping.
"That's what you missed out on." You told her, before pulling out of her, making her whine. "Ah fuck." Minji groaned. You hopped over to uncuff her, and she got up to a sitting position, removing your condom and throwing it away before she put it in her mouth. She wasted no time, licking them aggressively before hollowing her mouth even more, letting you feel her tight mouth, which got you close to another orgasm. You then pulled out of her mouth and stopped her from sucking your cock, earning a whine from her.
"I wanna finish inside you." You said, making her smirk, before she nods. You flipped her onto her stomach, lifting her ass up and spanking it a few times before you enter her tight pussy again. "Mmhhhh" You groaned before hearing Minji say "Make love to me". You start thrusting in and out of her slowly, allowing her to feel your full length and hardness, enjoying it immensely as you two are intertwined in probably the most passionate sex of your lives.
You then turned her around before laying yourself on the bed, Minji still deep inside you, before instructing her to ride you. Minji didn't start off slow, but got aggressive immediately. "Fuck you can't wait can't you?" "No. Not when you'll fill me up." Minji said, increasing her pace even more. Not long after, you started sucking on her tits, while your hands are on her hips, helping her lower herself even more onto your cock before she eventually manages to bottom out.
Suddenly, her pussy tightens and starts leaking again, causing your cock to throb at the sudden tightness. "Don't tell me when you're cumming. I want a surprise." She said, making you smirk. You helped her to bottom out again, but this time, she starts grinding on your cock, with your cock deep inside her, making you closer to your orgasm. "Kiss me" Minji instructed and you found your way onto her lips, kissing them passionately. It took just a few more thrusts before you felt everything changed.
"Mmmmhhhh fuckkk!!" The two of you moaned against each other's mouths as you came, filling her womb up, causing her to have another orgasm, this time cumming on your cock, allowing your cum to mix with hers. "F-fuckk" You groaned, feeling more of your cum filling her up, before it eventually stopped as the two of you came down from your orgasms. You lift her off your cock before going to the bathroom to grab a tissue to clean your cock up. You didn't forget to grab some tissue to help clean her pussy up, before taking the blankets and wrapping them over your head, as you spooned her from behind, leaving gentle kisses on her back and neck as the two of you fell asleep.
You were woken up when you felt movements over your hands, and noticed that Minji has shifted, now facing you. "Afternoon princess." "Afternoon my prince." She said, leaning in for a kiss. "So, I'm sorry, I really am. I guess that after we broke up, I tried to really ignore how much it hurt me, and I also did the same when you left the company. But, It just came to realization last night when everything in the company is going wrong, and I realized that you're my main motivation, my main focus and drive, as well as my best advisor, someone who knows me and the company better than anyone." Minji said. "So uh, is this a way of trying to get me back to work?" You said, causing Minji to smack you on the ear. "Ow" You said, before Minji continued. "No. It's a way of giving you a promotion, as my boyfriend and my advisor." She said. "What if I already have someone in that role?" You ask teasingly, making her smack you on the forehead, this time harder. "I'll kill them." She said softly, and that's when you know she's being serious, because she always deliver her threats softly.
"Alright. I'll take your job, not because of your proposition, but because I still love you, and will forever love you." You said, ending your answer with a kiss on her lips, which she replied softly. "So that's it? You two are back together?" The two of you pulled away and cover yourselves under the blanket, hugging each other when you heard Hyein's voice, leaning against the doorway.
"You know exactly if this didn't happen, she would be six feet under right now." You told Hyein, before she walked over. "I know, and before you make her yours forever, let me do this." Hyein then smacked Minji on her face with a pillow, before saying "That's for making me take care of this drunk asshole for 3 months and getting him out of 10 one night stands just for you" and then leaving the two of you with more privacy.
"10? YOU TRIED TO FUCK 10 BITCHES WHEN WE WERE ON A BREAK?" "Ah shit, here we go again."
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ellecdc · 5 months
Chef!Sirius Black x mixologist!reader who survive a shift from hell
part 1 | part 2 | part 3 | part 4 | part 5
CW: fem!reader, mention of alchohol/drinking, fluff.
comes from a request from @maladaptiveescapism: chef!sirius and mixologist!reader. sirius is a chef at a fancy restaurant and maybe a mishap happens with booking and reader has to keep the people sitting at the bar waiting for a seat and she does such a good job because she’s flirty and fun and trained for this. sirius who always has such a short temper (chefs, am I right) secretly worships her because she’s the one thing he can count on
Sirius was fuming, to say the least.
He loved his job; he really did. The kitchens were his sanctuary, and it was the first place he fled to when he ran away from home at only sixteen. 
Though he knew Effie and Fleamont would have helped with anything he needed (or even wanted, for that matter), he didn’t want to become a burden or take advantage of their kindness. So, he found a part time job in a small family owned restaurant as a dishwasher.
Washing dishes became bussing tables. Bussing tables became hosting. Hosting became serving. He went from a server to a line cook, until finally someone took him under their wing, and Sirius made a name for himself.
Now he was a successful chef working in a successful restaurant and he certainly had made a name for himself.
That name? Hardass.
But it took a certain intensity to run the kind of kitchen that Sirius did, and he expected nothing short of greatness from the kitchen staff.
Fortunately for Sirius, it was the restaurant manager’s fuck up that caused tonights issues.
Unfortunately for Sirius, that fucked everything up for his staff in the kitchen. 
“So, quick question for you Jeffery; did you pass year four maths?” Sirius asked earnestly, watching Jeffery shove his tongue in his cheek to avoid snapping back at the glowering chef in all his tattooed intensity. “Because last time I counted, we don’t have this many sodding tables!” He continued, pointing at the number of reservations scheduled for tonight.
“Uh oh.” You carefully called out as you walked in through the front door, in the process of shucking off your jacket as you made your way towards the bar. “Looks like you could use a drink, chef.” 
Sirius was almost mad at how much of the rage seemed to settle down into a simmer at the sight of you; he didn’t want to calm down, he wanted to ring Jeffery’s fucking neck out.
But Jeffery, the coward, had used your entrance as a means to fuck off from whatever circle of Sirius’ personal hell he’d been summoned from. 
“We’re overbooked tonight.” Sirius grumbled as he sat dejectedly at your bar; mirroring what likely most of your patrons looked like as they spent their weekday evenings with you.
“Shit luck.” you sighed commiseratingly as you poured two shots of vodka and slid one to him. “Here’s to working our sodding asses off then, hm?” You said with a smirk as you touched your glass to his and threw it back like a pro. 
And you had indeed been right; the two of you had worked your sodding asses off tonight. But the difference between the two of you was astounding.
Sirius spent most of his evening sweating, cursing, and - more embarrassingly - shouting at the poor servers looking for their orders that ‘clearly weren’t fucking ready yet, were they?!’. 
But not you. 
Alright, did he take the opportunity to run out the odd plate for the servers just to steal a glance at you? Sure. Sue him. And everytime he did, he’d pass the very busy bar which was always full of couples and groups waiting for a table to clear. None of them seemed to mind, however, as they watched you shake, throw, spin, catch bottles like it was an olympic sport; all with a smile on your face and mischief in your eyes. 
It was as if they were your captive audience and you were thriving on stage. 
Sirius wanted to stay and enjoy the show; but you were working your arse off, and Sirius should be too.
Sirius’ feet were killing him, which meant most of his staff’s feet were worse; his shoulders ached, his head was pounding, and his fingers were raw.
But they made it to the end of the shift; and he supposed that was all that mattered.
He brought out two plates of the restaurant’s famous (read: Sirius’ famous) pasta alla gricia.
You were no longer wearing your beaming smile and Sirius could now see some of the weight of the night in your shoulders and the way your hair was falling as you reorganised your bar.
“Think you can take a break?” He asked as he sat at your freshly cleared bar and placed one plate in front of him and one behind the bar for you.
You startled, which Sirius thought strange for someone who seemed so confident and assured every time he’d walked past your bar for the past almost year the two of you have worked here, but he didn’t comment on it.
“Oh my God.” You groaned appreciatively as you abandoned your task to take in the plate he’d prepared for you. “I’m starving; thank you!”
Sirius chuckled and suddenly felt shy, which he did not think suited him at all, but you were smiling at him like he was your personal angel on earth and he couldn’t help but return the gaze.
“Let me get you a drink?” You asked, but turned to start pouring him a glass of wine (perfectly suited for the dish, mind you) before he had a chance to answer. 
You placed both drinks on the bar and brought your plate around to sit on the stool beside Sirius.
The two of you ate in relative silence; allowing the stress and exhaustion from the shift to wash over you. 
“I think I made Chloe cry.” Sirius said finally, causing you to snort.
“You did.” You agreed quickly. “She came and helped me in the bar for a bit and Jeffery had to run her tables after that.”
Sirius barked a laugh as he took a sip of his wine. “I was wondering why that sod was in my kitchen. Well, I’m sorry to Chloe, but happy to have put Jeffery to work.”
Speaking of the devil; Jeffery came out front with his jacket on and a work bag slung over his shoulder. 
“I’m heading out now; are you two okay to close up?”
You smiled at him, but unfortunately for Jeffrey, Sirius responded first. “Yes we can close up.” He sneered. “We’re not new here Jeffery.”
“Thanks Jeffery, have a nice night.” You relented; giving Sirius a gentle kick in the shin.
The door shut behind the bastard and Sirius felt his shoulders relax. “I hate that sod.”
Thankfully, you only laughed at him.
“I think you hate everyone here.”
“That’s not true.” Sirius disagreed quickly.
“Well you certainly don’t like anyone here.”
“That’s not true either. I quite like you.” Sirius admitted, quickly hoping to god his cheeks didn’t flush at his impromptu admission. 
You hummed in acknowledgement with a cheeky smile on your lips. “Is that why you made me dinner? As a thanks for being the most tolerable coworker?”
“Most tolerable, certainly. Also for saving our arses tonight in the kitchen; I’m not sure how you managed to keep those folks so happy all evening.”
“Oh, that’s easy; get them drunk and steal desserts from the kitchen.”
“That’s where all my tiramisu was going?” Sirius asked in faux contempt.
You only smiled at him and shoved the last bite of your pasta in your mouth.
“You minx.” He continued, taking the now empty plates to the kitchen as you followed dutifully behind him with the glasses. 
“Get out of my kitchen.” Sirius joked, plucking the wine glasses from your hands as he moved to wash the dishes.
“I’d think not.” You argued. “I got a free meal; put me to work, chef.”
“First of all, it was not a free meal; you more than earned it after your performance tonight. Secondly, don’t call me chef.”
“Why not? You are a chef, aren’t you?” You teased as you leaned sideways against the counter to watch him work.
“Yes; but if you call me chef, what am I supposed to call you?”
Your eyebrows raised at that. “What do you mean ‘what are you supposed to call me’? My name is fine.”
“My name’s not chef.” He countered.
Your eyes narrowed challengingly at him. “What do you want to call me, Sirius?”
“Haven’t decided yet.” He said instead, keeping his eyes on the dishes in his hands instead of meeting your gaze currently burning into the side of his head.
“Well…” You started, walking over to release some paper from the chit, and scribbling something out on it. “Why don’t you just call me…tomorrow?” You said, handing him the paper after he dried his hands on a teatowel.
Your number was scrawled out with a dainty little heart beside it.
Sirius looked back up at you to see you smiling shyly at him.
“I can assure you I will be.” He promised.
Your smile grew at that as you began walking backwards towards the backroom. 
“Have a nice night, Sirius.” You said before you exited the kitchen.
It was too late to wish him a nice night; he’d already had one.
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mermaidgirl30 · 9 months
✨Daddy’s Best Friend, Mr. Miller Masterlist✨
dbf! Joel Miller x fem! reader
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A/N: Hey, guys! Super excited to kick off my first dbf! Joel series. It was originally going to be a one shot, but after some thought I wanted to write more. As always, comments and reblogs are appreciated. Always like to hear your thoughts ☺️ Joel is a menace in this one! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
Summary: After going out with your classmate from graduate school, Mr. Miller doesn’t take so kindly to your date when he sees you out and about with the college jock. Will the older, attractive man you’ve been pining after for years finally give you what you’ve been wanting for so long?
Pairing: dbf! Joel Miller x fem! reader
Rating: Explicit 18+ Only MDNI
Tags: Porn with Plot, dbf! Joel, fingering, oral, unprotected p in v, dirty talk, dom! Joel, (reader is 25, Joel is mid 40’s)
Part 1: Blurring the Lines
Part 2: Secret Glances and Wandering Hands
Part 3: October Surprises and Secrets Slurred
Part 4: Birthday Candles and Rock Concerts
Part 5: Let Me Take You There
Part 6: Hot Tubs and Calloused Fingers
Part 7: Can I Keep You?
Recommended songs for series “Scary Love” and “Daddy Issues” and “A Little Death” by The Neighbourhood
Part 1 Word Count: 13.6k
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The warm August air blows your long hair gently as you sit outside Moonlight Bar, letting the Austin city lights shine in the distance. The lighting is low as the dark blue luminescence of the bar surrounds the alcohol on the back shelf and various plants hang above the edges of the bar. The Goo Goo Dolls play softly across the outside speakers as people mingle together at various white wooden tables strewn across the manicured green lawn. It’s a busy night, one of the more popular bars in the area.
You’re sitting with William. One of the boys that’s in one of your law classes at the University of Texas. He wouldn’t leave you alone at school, so you figured you’d appease him and let him take you out on a date.
He isn’t bad looking. He has shaggy blonde hair and bright green eyes. He’s built like a body builder and has a jawline so sharp that it could cut someone. He’s nice and all, but he won’t stop talking about fucking football. You hate football, but you just smile and nod along to what he says. Occasionally rolling your eyes when he isn’t looking at you.
“Did you see the quarterback get slammed at the game last Saturday? Tim took him out hard! I thought he’d never get up!” he says starstruck as he shows you a picture from the game on his phone, slamming back another drink of vodka as he lowers it to the table.
“I already told you I didn’t watch the game,” you say, trying not to sound obnoxious.
“Oh, right. Well, you missed out. It was awesome!” he shouts as the group of people next to you look at William. You internally groan at the embarrassment that’s caked on your face. You need to get up for a few minutes. You’re bored and want to cut the talk on sports.
“I’ll be right back,” you utter as you get up from the barstool.
“Where are you going?” he asks with a hurt expression on his face.
“To the bathroom. I’ll be back in a few minutes, chill,” you say as you put a hand on his shoulder encouragingly and walk away. You roll your eyes at the action and start walking towards the back where the bathrooms are.
William really is a nice guy, he just isn’t the guy for you. You don’t have that much in common, and he’s way too into football. Granted, he did play as an undergrad, but you don’t really care. You want to talk about subjects other than sports, like maybe something you care about. He never makes an effort to ask you about yourself though. He just wants to talk about sports and his gym routine.
What a bore.
He’s a few years older than you. He’s twenty-eight, and you’re twenty-five. Soon to be twenty-six in a couple of months. You always had a thing for older guys. But lately you had your eyes set on someone else. Someone off limits to you which made you want him even more. But it would never happen. You needed to quit telling yourself it would. He’s too old for you, in his mid forties. Which only makes you that much more curious.
You aren’t watching where you’re going as you round the corner of a small crowd and run straight into someone who feels like a thick brick wall.
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going and…” You stop mid sentence as you see just who stands in front of you.
Joel Miller. Your dad’s hot best friend, the older man you can’t get out of your head.
“S’alright, sweetheart. Didn’t think I’d run into you here,” he says as he laughs, his smile making his honey brown eyes crinkle up at the corners, making you swoon and melt under his gaze.
God, he’s pretty.
“What are you doing here?” you ask with surprise in your voice.
“Havin’ a drink? It’s the weekend. Gotta relax somehow,” he says with another small smile as his Texas accent comes out thick and low. That melodic southern accent that could put you at ease on any given day.
“Oh, right.” You move a lock of hair behind your ear nervously and you swear he watches you a little too closely as his eyes trail to your neck, keeping his gaze there a little too long.
“You come with anyone tonight?” he asks as he looks around the crowded bar, bringing his focus back to you.
“Yeah. Came with a date tonight. Someone from one of my classes,” you say carefully.
His bottom lip twinges and his jaw clenches just enough for you to notice. His bicep flexes around his forest green plaid shirt as it’s rolled up to his elbows, exposing thick veins that spider all the way down his lower arms as they end in his massive hands. You gulp at the sight of him, of how seriously hot he is.
Was he jealous of William? Surely not…right?
“You be careful tonight. Don’t let him do anything you don’t want to,” he warns with a deep gruff in his voice, staring at you with serious, dark eyes.
“He’s not going to do anything. He’s nice. He’s-”
He cuts you off before you can finish. “Doesn’t matter if he’s nice. He’s a guy. He can change up on you like that.” He snaps his fingers, looking at you intently. “Jus’ be careful, okay?”
Why was he being like this? Protective. He wasn’t your dad. He didn’t need to keep an eye on you. You had it under control.
“I’ll be careful, but you really don’t have to tell me that. You sound just like my dad,” you say as you roll your eyes, annoyed.
“I ain’t your dad, sweetheart. Jus’ tryin’ to look after ya is all. Don’t want ya gettin’ hurt.”
“Right. Okay…” you say quietly.
Joel skates his eyes down your body as he takes in the tight black tank top as your cleavage spills out a little too much, going over your short, light blue jean shorts as they barely graze your tan thighs, dragging his eyes down your long legs and ending at your clean, white Converse shoes as he slowly looks back up into your eyes.
You suddenly feel self conscious, like you need to cover up a little more. Not like he hasn’t seen you in short shorts and a tank top before. Hell, he saw you in a slinky bikini last summer at a pool party and the man couldn’t keep his eyes off you.
You wouldn’t lie though, you love when he notices you. When he flicks his eyes over you and lingers just a little too long, making you burn with heat from his intense stare. He’s the one you have wet dreams about, the older man you can’t quite shake from your fantasies. But he’s off limits. Because he’s your father’s best friend. And he would never dare touch his best friend’s daughter…right?
“Well, I’ll let ya get back to it. Don’t wanna keep ya from your date. I’ll be around here if ya need me. Just shoot me a text.”
You nod in reply and make your way over to the bathroom, turning to watch Joel disappear into the crowd somewhere. A sea of green getting lost in the abyss. You sigh and walk into the bathroom, trying to get a hold of yourself.
You had met Joel when you were just eighteen years old. He had just moved into the neighborhood, and your dad made quick friends with him. Pretty soon they were best friends. He was always coming to the house to hang out with your dad, always coming to pool parties or cookouts. He even taught you how to play guitar when you asked. And he was a good teacher, the way his hands slid across yours. Those rough, calloused fingers. You’d do anything to be able to feel those again on your skin.
You wondered how they’d feel on your thighs or even someplace else. Someplace sensitive…
You finish up in the bathroom and make your way back to William. Back to where you belong tonight. You need to stop thinking about Joel. He wasn't the one that was taking you out and never would be. Even if that’s something you want, so badly.
“Oh, you’re back. You missed this great conversation me and this guy had about Jake’s pass last week with the football. It was killer!” he shouts as you settle back into your barstool and get situated.
You roll your eyes and give him a polite smile. You’re so over the football talk. Couldn’t he give it a rest? You take a large drink from your red bull vodka and place it back on the bar top as you chase it down, letting it leave a slight burn in your throat.
When you look back up and turn your head slightly to the left, you almost fall off the barstool as you see Joel sitting across the bar, just on the opposite side. He’s drinking what looks to be a cold glass of whiskey on the rocks as the amber color swirls in the cup.
He takes another sip as he keeps his eyes fixed on you intently, letting his eyes roam up and down your body as a faint snarl edges the side of his mouth as he looks over at William.
Holy shit. He is jealous. You can see it in those dark brown eyes as they slightly narrow at the loud mouthed man that sits next to you as he rambles on about football.
He swirls the short straw around his drink as he eyes you again, this time his gaze relaxing into warmth as a gentle smile plays on his lips. You blush at the brooding man and bite your lip as you look down, unable to keep your focus on the intense dark eyes that are staring at you.
What’s his deal? He never dared tried to flirt with you before. Not like this. At least not around your dad. You always felt that invisible line get drawn at times though. Like last summer when you were in a tight, short dress, about to go out with some friends for the night. You felt his eyes burn through you as he stared at your thighs as he glazed over your toned, tanned body. You could feel it in the room how thick the tension was. But he didn’t dare cross that line. Not while he was in the presence of your father.
Joel’s a good guy. He’d never do anything to disrespect or hurt you. He’s kind and caring, always willing to help you out when you need it. Like with your projects or guitar. Or that time when he picked you up when your car got stuck in the snow and drove you all the way back home in the middle of an ice storm.
He’s special. One of a kind. You just don’t understand why he’s still single when he’s drop dead gorgeous. And his curls.
God, his curls. The way his thick, tousled hair curls at the edges as grey streaks line his dark hair. And his beard. That thick, scruffy salt and pepper beard that you want to graze your fingers across in a flirtatious manner. Thinking of how good his lips might feel on yours. How soft and velvety they must be…
You snap out of it as William tries talking to you again. You avert your eyes from Joel and put your attention on the guy that sits next to you.
“Did you finish the paper yet from Mr. Lawrence’s class yet?” he asks as he takes a sip of his vodka drink.
“Oh, yeah. I’ve been done for a few days now. Wanted to knock it out before more work got piled on,” you reply nonchalantly.
“Cool. I still got a ways to go. But anyways, you wanna go to the football game next weekend? Our team’s playing here. Thought you’d want to maybe go with me?” he asks with raised eyebrows and green eyes that search yours, hoping for a yes to come from your lips.
That was a hard pass. “Sorry, I already have plans that day,” you lie, trying to sound apologetic to soothe his hopefulness.
“That’s fine. There will be other games.”
You roll your eyes as you internally groan. You’re bored and you don’t want to be sitting here with him anymore. You need someone that isn’t boring. Someone that’s older, much older. Someone with pretty brown eyes and thick arms covered in plaid…
You look up from your long, thick lashes and meet Joel’s stare again as it sears through your skull. His gaze is so intense that it stirs something low in your stomach that feels a lot like heat.
This was bad. Really bad.
You squeeze your legs shut and put out the growing fire, dropping your gaze again so you won’t be tempted to be pulled back into the flames.
William puts a hand on your thigh and leans into you as you catch a whiff of his strong vodka drink on his breath. Joel looks like he could break the glass right under his fingertips the way he’s holding the cup.
Oh, he’s mad. But why? It’s not like he was supposed to take you out. He’s your fucking father’s best friend for God’s sake. You need to get out of the sick delusion that Joel actually likes you more than his best friend’s daughter. He’s only trying to be nice, protective. He’s only looking out for you because that’s what he should be doing, for your dad.
But then why is he looking at you like that? Like he wants to eat you alive and wants to snap the neck of your god awful date.
“You okay if I do this?” William asks as he rakes his teeth over your neck roughly. Nothing is sexy about it. It hurts and his teeth are sharp, and his breath smells horrible. He puts his hand back on your thigh and squeezes as his nails dig into your skin in an extremely uncomfortable way. You wince at his actions.
“William, no. We’re in public. I don’t think-”
Before you can finish your sentence, Joel’s on him in a second, pulling him away from your body as he yanks him out of his seat. Your breath catches at the way Joel is seething and breathing hard as he glares at William with daggers in his dark eyes.
“Don’t think she wants ya doin’ that,” he snarls as venom shoots from his tongue.
“Who the fuck are you to touch me and pull me from my woman?” he yells at Joel as his nostrils flare and his green eyes turn to tiny slits.
“She ain’t your woman,” Joel scoffs, clearly annoyed at the younger, less mature male.
“Oh, and who are you? You her keeper or something?” he asks angrily.
“Somethin’ like that,” he replies, his voice clipped.
Your eyes widen at the statement. Was he marking his territory? He had to be. Or maybe he was just being protective, helping out his best friend to keep his daughter safe. Maybe it didn’t mean anything.
Or maybe it did. You can’t tell one way or the other. Your mind’s a blur.
William rolls his eyes and looks over at you. “You want to get out of here? Come on, I’ll-”
You stop him before he can finish that sentence. “No.”
He goes livid as his green eyes turn to murky swamp water. “No? Are you fucking serious?” he asks with shocked words.
“The lady said no,” Joel states firmly as he steps in front of you, blocking William’s view.
“Baby, come on. Let’s go,” William demands, holding out his hand for you to take.
“I’m not yours…” you reply quietly.
“Fine! You can walk home then, bitch,” he says with clenched teeth and a hard line across his forehead.
“Watch how you fuckin’ talk to her,” Joel growls as he pushes William up against the bar table, making the rest of his vodka spill as it lands in a heap on the floor along with the mixed in broken glass.
“You really want to go there? Because I’ll tear you apart,” William yells.
“Go on then. Try.” Joel bares his teeth and flexes his hand into a tight fist.
You can’t let them fight. You won’t let Joel get hurt, even if he can take on William. What would your dad say?
You quickly intercept and step in between them. You put your hands on Joel’s broad chest and try to push him back. “Joel, stop. He’s not worth it.”
Joel clenches his jaw and stares hard at William, about to put a fist in his face. You put your hand over his tight fist and beg him to stop. “Please.”
Joel’s fist relaxes as he looks down at you, his brown eyes softening just the slightest as he focuses on you. Butterflies were swimming through your stomach at the heat that was between the two of you. You had never been this close to Joel. You were only inches from his mouth, so close that you could reach out and brush your lips over his. So very close…
William rips you away from your thoughts as you hear him grab his keys and turn sharply your way. “Have it your way. Enjoy the old man’s company. I’m out of here.” He storms away from the bar in a hurry, leaving you and Joel alone. Together.
You suddenly realize you’re still leaning against his chest, your hand still planted firmly on his. You drop your hand and back away from his space as you rake a hand through your soft curls.
“Thanks for that. You didn’t have to,” you say nervously, your voice cracking at the thank you.
“Save it, darlin’. I could already tell you weren’t havin’ a good time, and then he put his hands all over you. Greedy bastard.” He bares his teeth as he clenches his jaw.
Greedy bastard? Well, goddamn. He does like you. He had to. Otherwise he wouldn’t be talking to you like this. Right?
“Oh uhh, yeah…” You don’t really know what to say to that. And the way he’s flaring his nostrils is making you have heart palpitations. He had never looked that mad before. At least not over you.
“You want a drink? It’s on me,” he says as he tilts his head toward the bar.
“Yeah, sure,” you reply, trying not to act like you’re flipping circles inside.
“C’mon then.” He walks you to the bar and pulls out a barstool for you as you sit down. He takes a seat next to you, gently brushing his thigh against yours as he gets into place. You can’t help but gasp a little at the touch. It feels electric.
The young, red head bartender comes over and asks for your drink orders. “Hi, guys. What’ll it be tonight?”
Joel looks over at you and raises an eyebrow, looking you over slowly as if he’s trying to figure it out. It makes chills run down your spine. “Let me guess. Malibu sunset?”
He never gets it wrong. He knows your drink of choice like the back of his own hand. It was that slight attention he always gave you that did it for you. He was always listening, always so attentive when you spoke. He knew you so well it was almost scary. No other man had paid that much attention to you, nonetheless listened to you ramble about your likes and dislikes. But Joel always did.
“You remembered?” you ask with a faint smile.
“‘Course, darlin’. How could I forget?”
You slightly blush and place your arms on the bar top as you lean on it, trying to calm yourself down. He orders his usual whiskey on the rocks, his drink of choice. A scent that you can sometimes smell on his breath when he’s sitting close to you like now. Something you want to taste on his tongue. But that’s only a daydream. That would never happen. Right?
“So, how’s school going this semester?” he asks as he turns towards you, placing one of his arms on the bar top as his plaid shirt squeezes around his flexed bicep, making you uncomfortably hot just looking at his massive arms.
“It’s going well. I mean, it’s hard. Really hard, but I’m managing. I can’t tell you how many papers I’ve had to write already, but I seem to be doing something right because I have straight A’s,” you beam.
“Straight A’s huh? You always were a sharp thing.” He’s looking at you with those deep honey eyes, gently smiling as he admires you. A sight that makes you weak at the knees as you stare at his perfect dimples.
And those eyes. God, those pretty brown eyes. You want to drown in them. Let them grab hold of you as they drag you deeper and deeper until you suffocate under the weight of them.
“Actually, I’m at the top of my class,” you brag, nonchalantly.
Joel lets out a low whistle as he leans back in awe, giving you a once over. “‘Course you are, darlin’. Such a smart girl…” he whispers low and deep, making you bite your lower lip slowly.
There it was. That tension in the air. The way he’s looking at you makes you feel like you’re the only girl in the room. That deep smolder that puts dangerous daydreams in your mind. Hot, sticky daydreams…
The bartender breaks the tension as he sets the drinks down in front of you and walks back off without so much as a “let me know if you need anything else” line. He just walks away and helps some loud couple on the other side of the bar.
You swirl the straw around your yellow, pineapple drink and take a sip, letting the tropical taste run down your throat. It’s sweet and delicious, just how you like it.
Joel picks up his whiskey glass and takes a generous gulp. You watch as the rim of the glass kisses his lips, how he takes his tongue and runs it over the bottom of his lips, how he holds the glass tightly as the amber liquid clinks against the ice. You never wanted to be a glass as bad as you did now.
You bite your lip slowly as he puts the glass down and wipes his bottom lip with his thumb as he slowly grazes it over his lip. It’s slow, seductive, the hottest thing you had ever seen. You want to know just how soft those lips are, how good he tastes, how his calloused fingers would feel on your skin…
You shake your head and free the dirty thoughts from your mind. He’s your father’s best friend! This couldn’t happen. Ever. But fuck did you want it to. You never wanted anything as bad as this in your whole entire life. He was just so…perfect.
Last summer when your family had a party at the lake house, your friends all whispered how hot Joel was in his tight grey t-shirt and swim trunks. They’d say how built he was, how he must be great in bed, and they had called him the hottest dilf they’d ever seen. Of course they were right, but you were jealous of them. Because you wanted to be the only one that had eyes for him. You wanted him. Period. Even if he was strictly off limits.
He sits the glass down on the smooth bar top and turns back around, putting his full attention on you. “You uhhh, been seein’ anyone besides that handsy asshole lately?” he asks with darker eyes, a hint of anger on the tip of his tongue as his eyebrows furrow together.
There it was. That jealousy swirling off his tongue. Or overprotectiveness. Or possibly both. You couldn’t tell which it was.
“No, not really. Haven’t been dating much lately,” you say quietly.
“How come?” He’s curious. His eyebrows raise and he focuses intently on you, leaning in just a tad bit closer so he can hear you over the noisy crowd.
“Guess I just haven’t been interested in anyone,” you shrug, blowing it off like it isn’t a big deal, but apparently it is to him.
“Oh, but I’m sure guys are always askin’ ya out. A pretty thing like you, surely. Bet all their eyes are on ya.”
A pretty thing like you? The man just called you pretty. You swear you see stars in your eyes. The room feels dizzy as you take another drink, trying to calm your racing thoughts.
“I mean, not really,” you shake your head disagreeing.
“I don’t really believe that, you’re gorgeous. They’re missin’ out on a great girl. Just give it time. You’ll find someone worth your while.” He takes another sip of whiskey and looks at you from the corner of his eye, keeping those brown eyes only on you.
A great girl? Gorgeous?! You can’t help but feel a little disappointed when he says that you’ll find someone worth your while. You don’t want to find just someone, you want him and only him. That’s what you really want. But you need to stop mixing reality with fantasy. Joel would never let that happen. He wouldn’t disrespect your father like that or would he? You hoped he would.
“Have you finished my guitar yet?” you ask all of a sudden excited to see it. Joel was customizing your acoustic guitar and carving sunflowers into the wood. You’d asked him if he could do it because his woodwork was exceptional and you only wanted your guitar in the best hands. He said yes automatically, giving it no thought.
“I am. Just want to polish it up and then she’s all yours,” he says proudly, his smile crinkling up the edges of his mouth, exposing his adorable dimples that you love.
“Can I come see it?” you ask, almost begging with your eyes.
“Tonight?” he asks, hesitating just a bit with his voice.
“I mean, unless you have other plans,” you say, shrugging your shoulders slightly. He looks at you with a serious gaze in his eyes, and you notice his hand on his thigh slowly flex like he’s in deep thought.
Why was he hesitating? He had never hesitated around you before. But also, you’d never really been alone with him before. He’d occasionally picked you up a couple times or you’d be alone with him in the room for a few minutes at your house while your dad was grabbing something, but not in his house. Not alone, just the two of you.
He finally speaks as he runs a hand through his tousled curls, watching as they fall back into place perfectly. “No, don’t have any other plans. So, yeah. You’re welcome to come see it. I’ll have you try it out, see how you like it.”
“Maybe you can give me another lesson? It’s been awhile. You’re a great guitar teacher, best I ever had,” you smile at him, just on the edge of being flirtatious and drawing that thin line that you were about to cross.
“That so, darlin’?” he smirks, giving you butterflies in the pit of your stomach.
“Mhm,” you hum, taking another sip of your fruity drink.
“Well, glad to hear it. And we’ll see,” he says in a low voice.
He finishes up his whiskey and waits patiently for you to finish off your drink. As soon as you’re done, he pays for the drinks as the bartender takes up the tab.
“You ready to get out of here?” he asks as he stands up, pulling out his barstool.
“More than ready,” you respond as you get up and pull your denim shorts down. Joel’s eyes wander down to your tan thighs, and you swear you see that smoldering stare burning in his eyes return as he takes in the sight of your long legs. His gaze stays a few seconds too long as he quickly looks back up into your eyes, trying to play it off as he runs a hand through his thick curls slowly.
A low heat starts in your core, and you have to squeeze your legs together to ease the tension that was there. You’re already wet from seeing how your long legs affected him.
Fuck. You wanted him. Bad.
“Alright, c’mon then. Truck’s this way.” He leads you out of the busy bar as you wind your way through the crowd of people. He puts his hand on the small of your back, and you almost jolt at the action. He’d never done that before. But it feels…good. And you want his hand to continue to stay there, burning all the way down to your skin.
When you get out to the white Chevy, he unlocks the doors and then you climb into the front passenger seat. It’s nice and clean in here and smells like him. That woodsy pine smell that you love just lingering in the air. It makes you a little dizzy.
After he buckles his seatbelt, he puts the key in the ignition and then the truck rumbles lightly, the engine roaring to life. Ghost plays softly on the radio as the volume is turned low. You played Joel one of their songs a while ago and then he got hooked on them. You had to applaud yourself for getting him into your taste of music. Maybe one of these days he’d take you to their concert.
“I see you’re still listening to Ghost?” you ask with raised brows as you look over at him, laughing. He’s holding the steering wheel tight as he drives down the busy city streets, paying close attention to where he’s going.
“‘Course. Can’t believe you got me into them,” he says as he shakes his head, a gentle smile lifting the corners of his mouth.
“Well, you can’t deny they’re good. I mean, come on. Tobias is a musical genius,” you go on, getting lost in the song that’s playing on the speakers.
“No, you’re right. He’s good. Wouldn’t mind seein’ them if they ever decided to come to Austin,” he replies as he turns a corner, rotating the steering wheel sharp as his large hands grip around the leather. You watch the way his knuckles grasp the steering wheel strongly, wishing you could feel those hands on your body instead.
“Would you take me?” you ask quietly, blurring the lines of a boundary you shouldn’t cross.
His jaw slightly flexes as he flicks his eyes over to you. “If you’d wanna go, I’d take ya.” He looks back at the road before you respond.
“Really?” you ask shocked, not expecting that answer.
“Mhm. Might be fun,” he hums.
You sit back in your seat and smile out your passenger side window triumphantly as you watch the glow of the evening city lights pass by in a blur. This was nice. Having a little alone time with Joel. You didn’t think it’d go anywhere, but you were still glad you were here. With him.
Ghost’s song “Spillways” comes on next, and your eyes go wide as you jolt forward, reaching for the volume so you can turn it up. “I love this song!” you say excitedly.
You guess Joel had the same idea because he ends up reaching for the volume too. Your hand connects with his as he brushes against the top of yours. You gasp at the contact of his rough hand and quickly pull it away.
When Joel drops his hand, it connects with a plastic water bottle in the cup holder and sends it over the edge, tumbling down your way. He quickly reaches out to catch it, but he misses as it goes spiraling to the floorboard. Instead, his hand lands right on top of your thigh as his calloused fingers connect with your smooth skin.
Your eyes go wide as you hold in a breath. His hand feels so good. Both rough and soft at the same time, somehow the two intermingling with each other. His fingers gently curl against the edge of your thigh, lingering there a few seconds too long until he quickly grabs his hand away, bringing it back to the steering wheel hurriedly like his hand is on fire.
“Shit. Sorry ‘bout that. Didn’t mean to, well. Put my hand on ya,” he says hurriedly, apologizing in a quick breath.
“It’s okay…” you say slowly, still catching your breath from what just happened.
He lets out a drawn sigh as he takes his right hand and runs it through his tousled curls, looking like he’s in pain or fighting off something deep in his mind. He slowly brings his hand back down and barely grazes the steering wheel. He slowly flexes and extends his hand, the same hand he touched you with. It’s like he just pulled his hand from boiling water, like your thigh ignited something in him. Something hot and tempting…
He brings his hand up and rakes it through his scruff, his eyes in deep thought as his eyebrows furrow together. That touch to your thigh definitely affected him. You can clearly see that. You want to test the waters and bring his hand back down to your burning thigh. Let him trail his fingers up and down your inner thigh as they tease you, as they send slick down your center…
He sighs again before speaking. “Maybe I should just take ya home,” he says undecidedly, his voice right on the edge of shakiness.
Back home? Without going to his house first? No, no, you wouldn’t let that happen. This was your chance. Your one chance to test just where this would go. And you would not go back home without at least trying your luck.
“No,” you say a little too loud, a little too demanding.
“No?” he asks, one eyebrow raised in question at the harsh words that came out of your mouth.
“I mean…I just really want to see my guitar. Please?” you beg with a pleading voice, batting your eyelashes with the most innocent expression you can muster up.
Joel does a double take at you with his hand over his mouth, deciding if he should take you home or not, and then he nods in agreement. “Alright, alright. You can come see it,” he sighs.
Yes! You were screaming in silent victory at the win. You had him eating out of the palm of your hand. You just had to play it cool and not get pushy. If he wanted to make a move, then he’d be the one to do it. You wouldn’t push him. The next steps were all on him.
He was driving with one hand now as he leaned on the driver’s side window with his elbow, his hand gently resting under his jaw. He seemed to be lost in thought about something, his eyes pierced with attention on the road. And then it was silent except for the faint hum of the stereo. An uncomfortable silence you’d rather not sit in, so you decide to start up a conversation.
“So, how’s work going?” you ask, hoping it’ll break him of whatever intense trance he’s under.
“Busy, like usual. Got a few clients in this week, so my employees have been busy with those new projects. Have to say that I’ve been a little overwhelmed lately. Been workin’ late a lot. I feel bad cause a lot of the time I come home, Sarah’s already asleep. So I’ve been missin’ time with her. But I just hired a few more employees, so I’m hopin’ I’ll finally work some normal hours and not a ton of overtime like I have been.” He huffs out in annoyance, his forehead creasing into wrinkles as he rakes a hand over his mouth.
Poor Joel. He looks so frustrated, tired even. You slowly reach a hand out and sit it on his shoulder to show your understanding. “Hey, I’m sure Sarah understands. And I’m sorry you’ve been overworked. Hopefully things lighten up and you can get more time at home. I’m sure you’re exhausted. Especially with taking on side projects with my guitar. If I would’ve known, I wouldn’t have asked you,” you say in an apologetic voice, slowly bringing your hand back down to rest in your lap.
“No, it’s okay. I wanted to do that for ya. It’s no problem. I enjoyed working on it. And thank you, for the kind words. You always know just what to say to calm me down.” He looks over at you and gives you a small smile, nodding his head in a thank you.
“Oh, okay. And I try,” you say as you swallow.
You watch him turn on Waterlake Drive as he pulls into your neighborhood. Except you aren’t going home. Not yet anyways. You’re going to his house.
You pass your street and drive four blocks down as you turn on the dimly lit road. Houses aren’t right next to each other as each house has a big yard and their own privacy. Joel turns into his wide driveway and stops the truck, putting it into park.
Joel’s house is a big two story house that has a wraparound porch on the outside with blue shutters on the arched windows. There are two wooden rocking chairs that sit on the porch, and the yard is covered in towering oak trees. It’s a really pretty house, one that’s too big for only two people, but he fills up the space with all his projects that are lying around just waiting for him to finish.
You get out of the truck and slam the white door shut as you hear the beeping noise of Joel locking the truck. He takes out his keys and places the golden house key in the lock as he turns and opens the door.
“C’mon in,” he says as he opens the door for you, waiting for you to pass through.
You step through and make your way down the polished dark, wooden floors. Pictures of Joel and Sarah hang all along the staircase as you pass right by, heading for the living room.
The living room’s done up in tall white walls with pictures of Lake Texoma and wildlife sprawled across the side walls. A huge 70-inch flat screen sits mounted on the middle of the wall and a big cream colored couch sits in the middle of the room with a couple of leather recliners sitting a few feet apart from each other. A small, wooden side table with a luminous lamp sits next to the couch as it shines light throughout the room. And a tall, glass cabinet sits in the corner of the room that’s full of old Rock and Roll albums that both Joel and Sarah collect. It’s really homey, peaceful. You liked coming over here, even though you have only been a couple of times.
“Where’s Sarah at?” you ask, looking around the quiet house.
“She ain’t here. She’s at a friend’s for the weekend,” he responds as he walks back in from the open kitchen.
Oh. So you were all alone with him. In his house.
“Well, have a seat and I’ll go grab your guitar,” Joel says as he exits the room.
You take a seat in the middle of the couch and try to relax, but you’re still flustered from Joel putting his hand on your thigh. It was probably just an accident. You were probably just blowing it all out of proportion, so you needed to calm the hell down. But you’re all alone with him, and that makes heat build in the pit of your stomach.
After a couple of minutes in silence, Joel comes back into the room with your guitar in his hands. He has it flipped to where you can’t see the front of it, keeping it a surprise for you.
“Alright, here it is. Why don’t you take a look.” He flips it around to where you can see it, and you gasp at how stunning it is.
The solid, light spruce guitar looks as if it’s shining. The strings are completely redone, and the narrow neck and body look like they have been resanded to perfection. But what catches your eye the most is the gorgeous, carved etchings in the acoustic guitar that makes patterns of sunflowers all over the bottom half of the guitar. Gold, pink, and orange fill in the flowers and a single hand painted purple butterfly sits at the top, along with a few sparkly swirls around the edges that are all sorts of bright colors.
You walk over to him and place your hand on the guitar, gently running your hand over the smooth etchings of the designs he had made for you.
Holy shit. It was incredible, the most beautiful guitar you had ever seen in your entire life.
Your mouth is agape and your eyes are wide as you take in the beauty that sits in his hands, just waiting for you to play. “Joel…I don’t even know what to say. It’s beautiful. How did you…” You’re completely speechless. You don’t know what to say.
“You like it?” he asks with a hopeful smile, his brown eyes trained on you.
“Like it? I love it!” you shout in glee.
“Good, that’s good. Glad ya do.” He says as he runs a hand through his tousled curls as one stray curl falls over his face.
God, what you would give to run your hands through those smooth curls. You could get lost in them for hours.
“Here, why don’t ya try it out?” he asks as he hands the guitar to you. You gently take the smooth guitar in your hands and walk over to the couch as you sit in the middle, right on the edge. You strum the cords as it’s perfectly tuned. Joel must’ve tuned it for you. That man was so thoughtful, you just couldn’t get enough of him.
“You remember that song I taught you?” he asks as he comes around the couch and stands a few feet away, looking at you as if he’s waiting on something.
“You mean that Nirvana song?” you ask, not exactly recalling the entire song.
“Yeah. Something In the Way. You remember it?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
“Umm, I think so. It’s been awhile since I played,” you reply honestly.
“Well, go on and try it. I can help ya if you get lost.”
“Right. Okay. Let me see if I remember,” you say as your voice trails off. You get your hands in position and take a deep breath as you line your fingers up just right. You start the song off slow, trying to recall all the notes to play.
You start off strong as you remember the beginning. Joel’s nodding his head in the corner as he watches you, keeping an eye on your fingers as you play. The more he watches you, the more you get nervous. You start to fumble your fingers and mess up the cords as the wrong tune comes out. You’re getting frustrated with yourself that you’re letting your dad’s best friend get you this flustered. It wasn’t fair. What was wrong with you?
“Shit,” you say with a frustrated sigh as you mess up the cords again. You scrunch your brows together and curse under your breath.
“Hey, it’s okay. You just messed up the bridge of the song. Let me show you.” He comes to sit on the couch beside you, so close that his thigh connects with yours as his muscles hug his jeans to him.
He places his left hand on yours as he positions your fingers exactly where they need to be. You bite your lip as his calloused fingers connect with yours, his thick fingers gently guiding you through the bridge. You can’t focus with him this close. He smells like whiskey and pines, a woodsy scent that’s clinging itself to you, making you dizzy from the smell.
You mess up again as you lose focus, only thinking of how good he smells and how delicious he’d taste. You’re starving for him. A hungry lioness that wants to devour her prey. And that prey is Joel.
Your right hand forgets to strum, and you mess up the entire song.
Christ. Get a hold of yourself!
“Sorry, I haven’t practiced in a few weeks. I thought I’d at least remember the entire song. It wasn’t that long ago that I was playing it,” you sigh disheartened.
“You’re doin’ fine, sweetheart. You want me to refresh ya on the song?” he says with deep brown eyes staring you down in question.
“If you wouldn’t mind,” you reply with a more upbeat tone.
“C’mere then.” He scoots his body to the back of the couch and spreads his legs as he grabs your waist and pulls you to him, sitting you down right in between his legs, right against his broad chest. His arms circle you as his hands come down on top of yours, covering them with his calloused fingers burning into yours as he positions them on the strings.
You gasp at the position you’re in. Joel had never taught you like this. Being this close, practically in his lap.
“You wanna go over to C and play these cords together.” He takes your fingers and strums them along the neck of the guitar, guiding your right hand to play some different notes. He takes you through the entire song slowly as he guides your fingers through every note.
“Alright, that’s good. There ya go. A little slower, right there. Good,” he murmurs as his deep breath rumbles from his chest, sending vibrations through your back.
His instructions were always so clear, so crisp as he languidly guides you with his rough hands. He was an excellent teacher, the best you’d ever had. Always so careful, so pristine, so diligent, so attentive…
His hot breath is blowing down your neck as he leans over your shoulder, his lips so painstakingly close to your skin that he could lean over and drag his lips over your neck. He scoots his hips up as he comes closer to you, so close that your back is crushed against his broad chest and his biceps are caging you in as you hold the guitar. His thighs are right up against yours as they gently squeeze your legs, making your breathing pick up at how close he is now.
He’s practically suffocating you with his tight abs and woodsy scent, letting the whiskey get you drunk from his breath breathing down your neck. It’s almost insufferable at how worked up you’re getting over him. You’re agitated, sexually frustrated at how fucking much you want to jump in his lap and pull his lips down to yours. Let him get you drunk off his whiskey taste as his tongue explores your mouth thoroughly.
He dismantles his hands from yours and coaxes you to keep going with a gentle, steady voice. “Now, you try by yourself. See if you can play it back to me.” He lets his hands fall to the sides of the couch as he stays in place, your body tucked into his tightly.
“You want me to play it myself?” you ask with hesitation in your voice.
“Mhm. Go on now. Play it for me,” he repeats.
You take a deep breath and get your hands in place, focusing on the cords. You slowly start playing the Nirvana song as the guitar strums to life. You’re getting the hang of it, finally remembering the right cords to play.
As you get further in the song, Joel sits up straighter and leans forward, his hands moving to his jeans and his lips almost brushing your neck. You keep playing, trying not to get distracted by the handsome man that sits behind you.
You’re closing in on the end of the song, just about a minute more left and then Joel interrupts your concentration. “That’s really good, darlin’. Nice and steady. You’re a fast learner. Think I could teach ya harder, more complicated songs in no time,” he replies with a low voice, making you break your train of focus.
“Oh yeah? Like what?” you ask quietly as you continue strumming along lightly, barely picking at the cords.
“Metallica, Bullet for My Valentine, Ghost, all those bands you like,” he lulls as he presses further into you, his lips dangerously close to your skin. You can feel his breath hit your collarbone. That hot, sweltering breath that you want to bask in, burn in.
“I’d like that,” you purr.
“Yeah?” he asks, digging one of his hands into the material of his jeans like he was trying to control himself.
“Yeah,” you reply, still faintly playing the guitar.
Without warning, he lifts his left hand and moves your long, beachy curls out of the way, sweeping them over your left shoulder so he has access to your neck.
He gently slides his nose up the right side of your neck, stopping right before he gets to your earlobe as he breathes in deep. “You smell like citrus and vanilla,” he groans in a deep voice as he moves his right hand to your thigh, resting it gently on the top of it.
Your eyes go wide as his fingers trail up your leg, slowly inching their way to your inner thigh as his fingers flex, running his nails up and down in steady strides, his hand ending just at the cutoff of the denim material, so close that he could lift the edges and dive his hand into darker, wetter regions.
His calloused fingers slowly flex and extend as he gently runs his fingers over your skin, making you want to come absolutely undone right there on the couch. His lips graze your skin as they trail down your neck, barely skimming the surface as you feel just how soft his lips really are. They feel magnetic as he teases you with his lips, not yet fully giving in.
You’re still playing the song, just a few seconds left before it’s over. “Doin’ so good, darlin’. Such a good little guitar player,” he purrs as his lips make contact with your skin, his mouth gently brushing up the side of your neck as you feel him sink down into you, hitting that sensitive spot that drives you crazy.
A wave of slick pools at your center as you squeeze your legs together, a breathless moan getting stuck in your throat. You stop playing, not able to concentrate any longer. Not when his mouth is on your neck and his fingers are pressed against your inner thigh.
“Joel,” you press, your voice coming out as clipped and desperate.
His fingers trail up to the waistband of your jean shorts as he dances his fingers up and down the denim, teasing you like he knows what he’s doing because he does know. He knows damn well what it’s doing to you. He’s working you up nice and slow. Starting that low burn in your stomach as it spreads to your center, down your thighs.
“You tell me to stop and I’ll stop,” he says in a deep, husky voice as he kisss your neck again, his fingers slowly unbuttoning the top button on your jean shorts.
Suddenly the room is too hot, the tension too thick in the air. Your breath is coming in and out like you’re about to hyperventilate and your skin is scorching at his touch. You feel your spine tingling as he grazes his lips against your jawline, his fingers slowly unzipping your shorts, getting ready to take them off.
“Don’t stop, please,” you beg as you move your hips up, slowly setting the guitar to the side as you put your hands on his knees, holding on for dear life.
“Don’t want me to stop? Want me to keep goin’? Want me to show you how else I can use my fingers?” he asks seductively, his voice low as you listen to that melodic tone.
“Yes, please. Show me,” you plead as you bite your lip in anticipation.
“Alright, I’ll show ya. Just ‘cause you asked nicely,” he says as he unzips the zipper all the way and pushes the shorts down your legs, letting them drop to the floor as he trails his fingers up and down your inner thighs, letting you squirm against him as you can’t stand the anticipation any longer.
“You don’t know how long I’ve wanted to do this. How long I’ve had my eyes on you, you pretty thing,” he groans as he ghosts his hand over your center, lightly tugging at your waistband as he slowly lifts the pink lace up, sticking his thumb inside as it trails across the top, not quite yet to your dripping center where you need him the most.
“And those legs. God, those long, tan legs. So soft, so perfect,” he purrs as he trails his left hand up your thigh, letting his finger gently slide down your clothed center as it causes a hiss to come from your mouth.
“You want this?” he asks as he sinks his right hand lower, finding your slick folds as he barely puts pressure on them.
“Oh, fuck. Yes,” you groan out as you try to spread your legs further apart, your center desperate for some relief.
“Mmmm, thought so,” he murmurs, a thick, heavy breath coming from his throat.
He puts more pressure on your center and spreads your folds as he circles you slowly. You can hear the sloshing and sticky noises from your wetness and it’s making you so much more turned on, making you feral for his touch.
“Goddamn, you’re wet, darlin’. All this for me?” he asks with a smirk as he uses his other hand to slowly slide your ruined underwear to the floor, leaving you completely bare on the bottom.
He takes a good look at you as he spreads your legs over his thighs and opens you wider, exposing your dripping cunt that’s at complete mercy to Joel’s hands.
“Fuck, you’re pretty, baby,” he growls as he runs his hands up further and catches your clit as he puts more pressure into it. Circling nice and slow, building up that arousal and heat that threatens to make you come undone in just a matter of time.
“Oh, God,” you moan as you grip his thighs and dig your fingers into his jeans as you lean your back into him, his lips skimming down your jaw as he works at your clit meticulously. Feeding your arousal that’s pooling all around you as another wave of slick washes down your thighs.
“That’s it, darlin’. Gonna show ya exactly how a man should get a woman off. Want you to scream my name by the time I have you comin’. Gonna show you just how good your daddy’s best friend can finger fuck you,” he growls, a low guttural sound coming from deep in his throat. It’s primal and territorial. He’s claiming what’s his. And it’s you. And it’s hot as hell.
You let out a breathy moan as he plunges two fingers into your dripping cunt as he works hard and fast at sliding his fingers in and out of you. Up and down, back and forth as the sounds of slick and wet fingers connect, causing you to buck up your hips at the building sensation. You’re already so close and you can’t take much more. It’s too much. He’s too much.
He presss a hand down on your hips and clicks his tongue, locking you in with his grip so you’re unable to move. “You stay in place, sweetheart. I’m not lettin’ you get away just yet. You’re so close, I can feel it. The way you’re arching your back and tightening your pretty cunt around my fingers. You’re almost there, and I’m gonna make you come hard, understand?” he asks in a low, raspy voice as you feel his bulging erection growing in his jeans as you push back against it.
“Yes. Please, Joel,” you beg as you lay your head against his shoulder, looking up at the now blown out black pits of his eyes as he stares down at you with a devilish smirk on his face.
“Please what?” he smiles down, his smirk playing across the side of his mouth, making him look handsome as hell.
“Make me come,” you whisper out of breath.
“That’s all you had to say, sweetheart.”
He takes his thumb and presses down on the most sensitive spot of your clit as his index and middle fingers work at your insides, pumping in and out as the wet, sloshing noises get louder.
Your legs start to shake as he circles and circles your clit, rubbing faster and harder as your breathing picks up and a hot, burning sensation is right at the edge of spilling over. The room gets heavier and thicker as the gasping moans and heat intertwine together, making a muggy room of desire and seduction.
Your legs are shaking so much that Joel has to hook your right leg under his as his left hand holds your other one down. He’s going to make you ride out this orgasm whether you can handle it or not. The sensation is overbearing as you feel your walls start to spasm as they squeeze around his thick fingers that pump in and out of you.
“Joel, I can’t…I’m so…I’m almost…” you moan in quick, shaky breaths. Barely able to hang on any longer.
“C’mon, baby. Let go. That’s it. Want you to be a good girl and come on my fingers. Come on, almost there,” he coaxes as he speeds up his fingers and plunges deep into the spongy spot of your walls, pressing firmly on your clit in just the right spot.
You feel your insides clench up one more time around his fingers as white, hot heat fills your entire body and then your walls go slack as you feel yourself release hot liquid all over his fingers. You let your eyes roll back as you moan his name loud as the liquid continues to drip down your center and covers the inside of your thighs.
“There ya go. Such a good girl,” he purrs, his eyes bleeding into yours as you struggle to keep your eyes open.
It’s like you’re hypnotized, in a daze the way your body feels like it’s floating as Joel works you through your intense orgasm, his fingers slowly fucking up inside you as he makes sure he gets every drop of slick inside you that he can.
He takes his other arm and gently runs it up and down your thigh, easing you from your orgasm as you slowly come back to earth. He gently uncurls his fingers from inside you and brings them up to his mouth, lapping up the slick on his fingers as your eyes go wide at the provocative action. He gently runs his other hand down your arm in a comforting way and then slowly unlatches your legs from his grip.
“That was incredible…” you express with blown out pupils, your heart racing a thousand miles per hour as you sink all your weight into his chest.
Joel laughs as he pulls you into his lap and caresses your cheek, slowly pushing a strand of hair behind your ear in an affectionate way. He was being so careful with you, so gentle. You felt so safe and secure in his strong arms. It was nothing like you’d felt before with a man. Joel was one of a kind.
“Glad I could make ya feel good,” he laughs as a gentle smile curls up at his lips, his dark eyes hovering over you as his lips are just inches from yours. You want to taste them, see how good they feel on yours.
“I didn’t think…I didn’t know you were into me,” you answer quietly as you stare up at him, waiting for a reply.
He furrows his eyebrows and flexes his jaw before he speaks. “Sweetheart, I’ve liked you for quite some time now. Just didn’t know how to go about it with your dad being my best friend and all.” He sighs and lets his head drop back against the couch as he takes you with him. He rakes a hand through his messy curls and looks back up at you with another sigh. “Your father would kill me if he knew I just finger fucked his daughter.”
“He doesn’t have to know. It’s our own little secret,” you snicker as you lean your head on his chest. “Joel, I’ve liked you a long time. A very long time. I just thought you were off limits.” You shrug as you relax back into him as his arms pull you in and keep you warm.
“I mean technically I should be off limits, but…” He trails off and doesn’t finish his sentence as his eyes are in a far away place.
“But what?” You shake him out of his trance as he comes back down to reality.
“But…I can’t leave you alone now. Not after this,” he gestures to the mess on the couch that you made. “As far as I’m concerned, you’re mine now. And I don’t intend on sharing,” he growls as his dark eyes penetrate your gaze, sinking deep into you, awakening something that had been dormant till you met him.
Mine? Oh. You liked the sound of that. A lot. And it was possessive, dominant, making you hungry for more of him, needing more of him.
“Then don’t,” you breathe out in a quiet voice, your eyes intently locked on his.
He looks into your eyes with those desperate, needy honey eyes of his and then looks down at your lips, repeating the sequence a couple more times before he cups your chin and brings you in close. He presses his lips to yours as his large hands cup your face. It’s slow, romantic, everything you hoped it would be.
The kiss deepens as you part your lips and invite him in. He slides his tongue in your mouth and collides into yours as he slowly swirls and massages your tongue with his. His lips are so soft and large, feeling like they’re made just for you. And his taste.
God, he tastes so good. You can taste the hint of hazelnut coffee, a drop of whiskey, and maybe a taste of honey as his tongue invades your mouth in all the right places.
You moan into his mouth as he kisses you deeper, faster, more desperate as he grabs the back of your hair and pulls at just the right pressure. It feels good. Like he’s being dominant with you but also soft, the perfect combination.
You push your body up as you straddle his lap, feeling that tight bulge in his pants as you start to unbuckle his leather belt, desperate to get your hands on him. He puts a strong hand around your wrist and stops you before you can go any further.
“And what do ya think you’re doin’?” he asks as he lifts an eyebrow, a small smile hiding behind his serious gaze.
“I just wanted to make you feel good too,” you confess, giving him the best smirk you can muster up.
“Is that so?” he asks with a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth.
“Mhm,” you hum, using your free hand to push his broad chest back into the soft couch.
“Hmmm. Alright then, darlin’. Show me.” He lets go of your wrist and lets you pull the belt loose from his dark jeans. You slowly unzip the zipper but before you can pull down his pants, he stops you again as he cups your chin and lifts your head to look into his eyes.
“On your knees,” he growls dominantly as his eyes turn from soft brown to dark black pits as his pupils expand.
“Yes, Mr. Miller,” you reply automatically without thinking as you drop to the soft rug, getting on your knees as you place your hands on his muscular thighs.
“Just Joel, darlin’,” he reminds you. “Now, be a good girl and show me how good you can suck this cock.”
He stares down at you with seductive eyes and a large smirk painted across his face. He looks so goddamn pretty. And the way his plaid sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, exposing thick veins that cover his arms is making you even more turned on.
You waste no time and pull down his jeans and then his black briefs, freeing his erection from the combines of his pants. It plants firmly against his stomach, and you gasp at just how large he is.
Holy shit. He’s massive.
You gulp and scoot up to the edge of the couch as you bring your hand around his thick width. You start sliding your hand up and down his large length, watching as the veins in his cock wrap around him, feeling the coarse, wiry hair that blankets around the base of him, transfixed on just how big he is.
You bring your head down and slowly lick the tip as you let your tongue swirl around all his sensitive spots, still using your hand to slide up and down him as precum bubbles over the edge. You savour the taste of him as you let the salty flavor run down your throat all hot and sticky like. You lick the tip again, this time looking at him seductively under your long eyelashes as you let your hand work up and down his largeness.
“Fuck,” he moans under his breath as you stare up at him, his black pupils blown out as he watches you devour him inch by inch.
You test your limits and take him further into your mouth, going down as far as you can until you gag on him, slowly coming back up for air before you go back down again.
“You look so fuckin’ pretty sucking my cock, darlin’,” he groans as a grabs the back of your hair as you go down on him again, this time taking him deeper, going past your limits. You choke on him as you feel your throat constrict around his length, feeling just how thick he is as the salty taste runs down your throat like warm cider.
He fists your hair and works you up and down him as you gag and choke on his delicious cock. Your eyes water as you feel saliva pool in your mouth and run down your chin as he takes you as far as you can go, speeding up his actions as he fucks your mouth over and over again. Up and down, deeper and deeper. Driving you fucking crazy.
“That’s a good fucking girl,” he growls, sending a wave of slick between your legs as you continue deep throating him.
He loves every second of it, and you love it just as much as he does. You love feeling his cock slide in and out of your mouth, love tasting him, love the way his eyebrows furrow together and the deep, breathless moans he makes from his throat as you make him come to life. And you love how possessive he gets with it. It’s so fucking hot. You revel in making him yours, making him want you, making him feel like he’s the most special man in the world, because he is. He’s so special, and now he’s yours. All yours.
He deep throats you one more time as he hits the back of your throat, making you audibly gag around him as your throat closes up around him, squeezing him as your saliva encases his thick cock.
“Goddamn!” he moans loudly as he pulls out of your throat as the saliva sticks to the end of his hard cock, running a trail of glistening saliva from his tip to your chin as you wipe the tears from your eyes. You miss one as it runs down your face.
Joel leans forward and catches it, wiping it away with his thumb as he cleans the saliva from your chin, making sure you don’t have a spot left on your face.
“You didn’t come,” you say quietly, unsure of why he stopped you.
He bites his bottom lip before answering you back. “I know, darlin’. That’s ’cause I’m not done with you yet.” His eyes turn into deep black pits again as he yanks you up from the floor and straddles you across his lap, the tip of his cock just inches from your weeping entrance as you’re soaked with arousal.
“Want you to ride me, sweetheart. Now get on top of me,” he instructs. He lifts your hips as he moves the tip of his cock to your drenched entrance, just barely slipping in, waiting for you to go down.
“Lower for me,” he demands, his voice raspy and deep. You slowly lower yourself down on him as he presses up deeper into you, expanding your walls right to the point of pain. You wince but keep your face controlled as you start to ride him nice and slow, feeling just how thick he is as you squeeze him, starting to move faster as you go up and down, up and down. Feeling every single flutter that your walls make as his large length caves inside you.
You groan and press your forehead against his as you straddle and ride him, digging your thighs into his sides as he grabs the back of your ass and squeezes, sending slick running down your center. The room starts to grow too hot, the stickiness and humidity mixing in with your fully aroused state. You can feel your hair stick to your face as the sweat shimmers across your forehead. You speed up the intensity, feeling every single detail of his cock as he rams up inside you time and time again. Making you nearly drown in your own slick.
“Fuck,” you groan as you continue riding him, building up that sweet orgasm that’s about to be set free. The sticky, slick noise from him sliding in and out of you is too much. He’s too much, too sexy, too fucking good for you. You need a release, you need to come. This was too much. “Joellllll,” you moan as you draw out the last syllable of his name, begging for him to make you come.
“That’s it, darlin’. Taking me so fucking good like the good girl you are. You’re almost there. I can feel it,” he says seductively, making you bite your lip at how sexy his bedroom voice is. It’s low, deep, provocative. A noise that could make you come just at the sound of. He’s electric.
“Want some assistance, darlin’?” he asks with low, drawn out words. Setting your insides on fire.
“Mhmm,” you hum out, trying your best to keep yourself in one piece.
He grabs the back of your hair and pulls you to his mouth as he devours you, biting your lower lip and shoving his tongue inside your mouth as he twirls around yours, setting your taste buds on fire. Drowning in his coffee and whiskey taste, wanting to drink him down until you can’t taste anything except him. Only him.
He takes control and places his hands on your hips as he bucks up inside you, thrusting deeper and deeper until he’s bottoming out, hitting you so deep that you swear you start seeing stars.
You place your hands around his neck and hold tight, your fingers wrapping around the curls that reach the back of his head as you claw at him, running your nails through his scalp. He moans at the sensation and continues plunging into you with his massiveness taking over you entirely, feeling every vibration through your body as you’re on cloud nine. You’re almost there, almost…
“You on birth control?” he asks with gritted teeth, a low growl leaving his throat as he thrusts inside you, sinking his nails into your sides.
“Mhm,” you choke out a moan, barely able to answer.
“Mmmm that’s good. Real good. Gonna spill all inside ya then. Is that what you want, darlin’? Want my cum inside that pretty pussy?” he asks with a gritted, clipped tone that’s full of arousal.
“Yes, please. Fuck,” you moan as he places his thumb on the throbbing bud of your clit, pressing just enough to pull that building orgasm out of you as you clench around his thick cock and feel white, hot heat slide over you.
You throw your head back and moan his name, feeling yourself unclench from him as you spill all down his long length. You feel your fingertips go tingly, the sensation making its way all the way down to your toes as they curl, feeling your heart speed up as the palpitations set in. It’s the most intense orgasm you ever had in your entire life, and you know then that you will never be able to get Joel out of your head. You’re hooked like a shot of espresso. Needing to consume it every day to be able to function properly. He’s like a drug. Nightshade. Deadly but intoxicating, a taste you can’t resist. A taste you crave, want, desire.
“Fuck, sweetheart. Your face is so fucking pretty when you cum, when you’re saying my name,” he growls as he emphasizes the my. Making it sound like you belonged to him now. And fuck you want that more than anything.
He thrusts inside you faster, harder as he knits his eyebrows together, getting caught in deep concentration as his breaths become ragged, unhinged. “You’re so tight, feels so good inside ya. You’re squeezing me so hard. Goddamn, you pretty thing,” he groans as he digs his fingers into your hips, pounding once, twice, three more times before he holds you down on his thighs and rolls his eyes up to look into yours with those black pits staring up at you hungrily.
He opens his mouth and moans as he spills his cum inside you. You feel the sticky, hot mess coat your walls as he thrusts once more, getting his fill of you entirely. Your breathing is rough and winded as you chase down your high from the intense fucking.
He keeps you there, staying inside you for just a few minutes as you both collect your breath and just stare at each other, taking in each other’s ecstasy and heat as the tension doesn’t disperse from the room. It stays like a hot, summer day with the humidity intensifying. It’s like you’re in the middle of a rainforest. It’s so hot, so suffocating, so muggy. And you can see that you’re caught in the middle of a hard spot. Alone with the stalking panther that wants to eat you alive. And that panther is Joel. He catches you, and now you’re all his for the taking. A complete menace at best.
He finally slides out of you as you feel his seed start to drip from you as it drops against his thighs, mixing in with the sweat and lust from each other. He falls to his back on the couch and brings you with him as he pulls you into his arms and brings your legs over his as he gently drags his fingers up and down them, soothing you from the hot cardio you had just taken part in.
“Fuck,” he says in a deep voice as he kisses the top of your head and brings his hand under your chin, lifting it so he can look into your eyes. “You’re so fucking pretty, baby. And your eyes. They’re so beautiful, they’re practically sparkling for me right now, just like diamonds.” Your breath catches as he gazes over you, admiring your beauty and charm as he caresses your cheek affectionately.
Oh, God. You’re in trouble. You’re falling hard and fast for your dad’s best friend. What a mess.
“Joel,” you say with admiration as you rake your fingers through his salt and pepper scruff, acquiring a slight groan from deep in his throat from the light touch. “I like you. A lot,” you breathe as you hold back tears from streaming over. You don’t want this to be over. It couldn’t be. You wouldn’t let it be.
“Oh, darlin’. You don’t know how long I’ve wanted this. To have you, to hold you, to feel just how soft your skin really was. Been holdin’ back a long time. But something snapped in me tonight. When I saw you with that guy. I wanted to wring his fucking neck,” he spits as his eyes go cold. You gasp at the intensity of him. Of his words. He really does like you. This is real, it’s all real. And you just can’t believe it.
You run your hand down his broad chest as he pulls you closer, and you lean into him as your head rests on his chest, feeling every ragged breath go in and out as his chest rises and falls in waves.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to leave you alone now, darlin’. Not after this,” he says, holding you tight as he strokes your cheek, pulling back another strand of hair behind your ear softly.
“Then don’t,” you breathe, hope filling your gut as you cling to his bulky, tight arms.
He lets out a soft chuckle as he plays with your soft curls, running his hand through your hair gently as it sends a wave of warmth and serotonin over you, completely calming you of any anxiety. “I don’t intend to, darlin’. You’re all mine,” he coos.
Mine. There it was again. You were his and it felt so right.
“Hmm?” he hums as the vibrations in his chest reverberate around you like a thunderstorm but calming you entirely.
“Can I stay with you tonight?” you ask in a quiet, meek voice.
“‘Course, sweetheart. I wasn’t planning on takin’ ya home. Not after this. You’re stayin’ with me.” He cups your chin and slowly brings his lips down on yours as you drink him in nice and slow, fully embracing the taste of him that was now a part of you.
When you finally break apart, you look up at him with a worried look on your face, your anxiety returning in full force like a galloping horse about to collide with another.
“What is it, sweetheart?” he asks with furrowed eyebrows and soft brown eyes that are searching your face, trying to find what was wrong.
“My dad….what if he somehow finds out that we…what if…”
He puts his thumb on your lips and hushes you, a gentle soothing sound coming from his mouth. “We can worry about that another day. He ain’t gonna find out,” he reassures you.
The unsettled feeling dwells in the pit of your stomach, and the worried expression doesn’t leave your face as you continue looking at him. A tear threatening to pool at the corner of your eye, but you hold it in. Not wanting to worry Joel with your anxious thoughts.
“Hey, you trust me?” he asks as he looks deep in your eyes, his brown eyes honing in like a hawk.
“Yes, of course,” you nod.
He takes your hand in his as he clasps his thick fingers around yours. “Then believe me when I say this will work out. I’m not lettin’ ya go, darlin’. I’m gonna make sure your daddy doesn’t find out. He ain’t gonna suspect a thing.”
You nod up at him, slowly pulling yourself back together. “Okay,” you agree.
“Alright. Now, let’s go get you cleaned up in the shower and get ya to bed. You must be exhausted,” he says as he pulls you up from the couch, picking you up bridal style and carrying you up the stairs to his bathroom.
After the warm shower, you get right in his bed with him. Wrapped up in his strong arms with one of his large plaid shirts hugging your body as you breathe in his pine and woodsy scent, enveloping yourself entirely in him as you memorize exactly what he smells like. Wanting to remember this moment as the best night of your life.
You fall asleep shortly as you listen to the faint sound of his breathing as you lay against his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around you. And that night you only dream of brown eyes, broad arms, thick fingers, and wet, sticky sensations. But one thing still clings to the back of your mind as you dream of Joel. Just one thing that you can’t quite shake as it interrupts your sweet, wet dreams of Joel. And that one thing is your dad.
Fuck. You just had mind blowing sex with your daddy’s best friend.
Tags: @janaispunk @studioghibelli @cinnamongorll @callmecath1 @joelalorian @dugiioh @ladamari68 @amyispxnk @pedrostories @tuquoquebrute
Part 2
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doldoldolcetto · 2 years
Drink the worst shot you can think of. Bet you 500 cenz you won't.
"'m sure y'didn't expect m'ta did'ja? 'm not th'...hhc..nests best tender fer......nothin..."
He's sure he's going to have a massive hangover in the morning. Hopefully Greed won't make him do anything early in the morning, Dol would need as much sleep as he could get.
0 notes
maya1525 · 2 months
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🌶️ Would You Rather??? (Sashisu Request)
Pairing ✩࿐ Fem!Reader X Shoko Ieiri X Suguru Geto X Satoru Gojo
WARNINGS ✩࿐ Group sex with every possible pairing between you 4. Eating train, tit fucking, giving oral, receiving oral, oral during penetration, two people giving oral to one person, face sitting, face fucking, cream pie, and vaginal sex.
Word count ✩࿐10.4K
Summary ✩࿐ Fem!Reader accidentally buys the spicy version of Would You Rather for her friend’s drinking party, and let’s just say… things end up getting a little spicy.
BONUS ✩࿐ Slow lead-up! I felt like it’d be fun to go through some questions before things intensified. Plus, I wanted the fic to feel gradual and not forced. So you can feel like you’re there at the party, just hanging out. Also the reader is also a lightweight when it comes to drinking. Her friends also view her as a little shy and innocent.
A/N ✩࿐ I originally was writing this fic as a one-shot with Suguru and Satoru, but then someone requested a Sashisu Fic! So I of course had Shoko join in on the fun! I had fun with this four-way and I prioritized that everyone was involved with each other at all times! Also, I have a crush on Shoko now. 🥰 Sorry for taking forever to post this, I know it’s a cliche thing to say: but life is very busy for me. Today I got ALL four of my wisdom teeth removed. 🥲 I was given this day off work, and I saw it as a prime opportunity to polish this fic up and post it! Thanks for reading and I appreciate all of you so much! 💗
“I’m glad you found a game for us to play.” Satoru hummed smoothly while he invited you into his semi-lit dorm room. “Cause what’s the point to drinking, when there isn’t anything fun to do.”
That earned a scoff from Geto who lounged on the couch. “Uh, we could just hang out.”
“Psh. Where’s your sense of entertainment? Are you saying you don’t want to play the game Y/n just got?” Gojo retorted in a fake shocked tone.
“I’m not saying that.” Suguru rolled his eyes toward his white-haired friend. “I’m just saying-“
“Enough of that, show us the game you got Y/n!” Shoko’s comforting voice rang from behind you, causing you to whirl around and give her a sweet hug. In return, she held you close with her arm draped around your waist. A lazy grin plastered on her face and a burning cigarette between her lips.
“Shoko! I’m so happy you made it, for a second I thought I’d be stuck with those two.” You teased, playfully glancing at Gojo and Geto. Suguru smirked at your words, while Gojo made a fist on his heart as if he was stabbed.
“Yeah, sorry for not letting you know I was coming. I got held up with something back at the lab.” She explained while moving her bangs from her face.
“Enough talk, let’s start this night off with a shot! That means you Suguru.” Satoru announced clapping his hands. He led you and Shoko to the island, where he got the glasses ready. All the lights were off except for the ones above the island. The rest of his living room and kitchen were lit up by blue LED strips. Giving his living space an electric feel.
“When was the last time you got drunk Y/n?” Suguru asked curiously while approaching the counter, his dark gaze resting on you.
You flushed, “The last time I got drunk was with you guys.”
“What?! That was like two months ago!” Gojo exasperated while pouring vodka into the small glasses. Judging from how fancy the vodka bottle looked, you had a feeling he bought the expensive stuff. Which didn’t surprise you.
“Yeah, it's been a while. So let the send begin.” You explained excitedly, taking one of the shot glasses for yourself.
“Fuck yeah! Let’s full fucking send baby!” Satoru cheered while raising his shot glass. “This is for a good night!”
“A good night!” Everyone said while they clinked their glasses. Then they tapped the bottom of their shot glasses to the counter and proceeded to take it to their lips.
You held your breath as you quickly forced yourself to swallow the harsh poison. Your mouth watered tremendously and it went down like liquid fire. Your eyes teared up a bit as you set your glass down.
“Shit, that woke me up.” Suguru chuckled while setting his glass next to yours.
“Same here *cough* let’s play that game you got, Y/n!” Shoko croaked out while squeezing your arm gently.
You quickly dug in your purse to grab the deck of cards while your friends went to the living room. They situated themselves on the floor, so you guys could sit in a circle. You sat between Suguru and Satoru with Shoko across from you. Geto was busy finding some good background music to play on the TV to set the mood.
“What did you end up getting?” Gojo asked while leaning back on his hands comfortably. You handed him the box.
“I got us Would You Rather! There were so many versions to choose from! I thought we’d have a fun time playing it, so I got the generic box of questions.” You sighed eagerly, leaning over to Satoru to look at the cards.
Gojo chuckled. “This isn’t the original one… You got us the spicy version.” He peeled off the price tag to reveal the small red word ‘spicy’ underneath it.
Mortification washed over you like a massive wave, “No, no! I swear I got the plain one! I’m so sorry you guys. If you want I can run to the store and get the other version.”
“Let’s give it a try. And if it’s no good, I’ll be the one who runs to the store.” Satoru hummed while giving you a gentle elbow jab.
“But don’t you think it would be too embarrassing to talk about spicy topics…” You mumbled shyly, trying to avert your gaze from his.
“Hell no! If you’re feeling shy, just drink some more liquid courage!” Satoru announced while handing you a red solo cup with fruity alcoholic juice. He clinked his plastic cup against yours and the both of you drank to that.
You couldn’t help but turn your lips upward, “Okay, let’s see how this goes.”
“Since Y/n bought the game she can go first, then we’ll just go around in a circle,” Shoko stated, handing you a card from the top of the deck. You were already feeling that shot in your system. Your face felt warm and you felt more outgoing. You leaned against the base of the couch comfortably.
You quickly read over your card. “Okay Shoko, this one’s for you! Would you rather receive a sexy message or a love note?”
Shoko took a swig of her drink and then answered, “Message. I’d receive it faster and then answer right away. What about you?” She nodded her head in your direction.
“Hmm… I’d say love note! Cause when you write something down you want to leave a lasting impression. Making notes more… special.” You exclaimed dreamily, then you felt hot with embarrassment because you realized everyone’s eyes were on you.
“Aww, that’s cute. I didn’t know you were such a romantic.” Shoko’s soft brown eyes sparkled at you.
“I’d say I’m the same way Y/n, letters seem more sentimental.” Geto agreed with you, his gaze held on you briefly.
“Nah, I’d want a hot text message. Right here. Right now.” Satoru slurred, “Then we could act on those feelings asap.” Gojo grabbed a card from the top of the deck and read it over briskly. “Y/n, would you rather show affection in public or in private?” Satoru asked with a cheeky grin while taking a drink from his cup.
You tilted your head toward Gojo. “What type of affection is it? Cause if it’s innocent then I don’t mind doing it in public.”
Satoru chuckled. “What do you mean innocent stuff?” He arched a brow at you over his glasses.
“Like hugs, kisses, and hand-holding. Not doing the nasty!” You explained while taking a drink, you felt another wave of the alcohol wash over you. Damn, you’re getting drunk faster than expected.
“Makes sense, to be honest, I don’t care if it’s done in public. Let’s make a scene, who cares if people watch.” Gojo murmured while subtly resting his hand on yours. This small action made your heart skip a beat.
“I’m the opposite, I’d want to be the only one to see my partner unraveled. No one else should deserve to see them in such an intimate way.” Suguru stated with his arms crossed.
“What about you Shoko?” You asked her curiously.
The corner of her mouth tilted upward, “I’m the same as you. I’m okay with public affection if it’s mild.” She then leaned forward to grab herself a card. Her eyes quickly darted from left to right as she read it. “Ooo, okay this one’s a little dirty… I want Suguru to answer this. When it comes to oral, would you rather give or receive?”
Geto stiffened with surprise. “Even though receiving is delightful, I’d say give.”
This earned a girlish squeal to come from you and Shoko, “Really?! How come?” She pried with a hazy smile.
“It brings me satisfaction to please someone who I care about,” Geto admitted while adjusting his position so his left arm was now resting on his bent knee.
“Same here, it’s like your way to show them how much you admire them.” You agreed wistfully, the alcohol in your system had taken a deeper root and you were feeling pretty good.
“I like being on the receiving end of the stick. Nothing’s hotter than the view of your sweetheart worshiping you with their mouth.” Satoru explained while his fingers trailed up your wrist playfully, and then he rested his hand back on yours.
Geto chuckled. “Of course you would.”
“Yeah, why doesn’t that surprise me,” Shoko added with a little laugh.
Suguru then leaned forward and grabbed a card. “Would you rather only have sex in bed for the rest of your life or never be able to have sex in a bed again? I want Y/n to answer this.”
“I’d say, never in the bed. Cause doing it in the bed all the time could get boring.” You expressed and everyone murmured in agreement. “Ok, my turn.” You swiftly grabbed yourself a card. “Suguru, would you rather have sex in the car or the shower?
Geto brought his veiny hand up to his mouth in deep thought. “Shower.”
You giggled at his blunt answer. “And why?”
His sharp eyes darted toward you humorously. “Because when you’re done you’re nice and clean. Also, the steam and being all wet is hot. Doing it in a car sounds a little restrictive.”
You nodded in agreement. “Those are some good points, I’d say the same.”
“You guys are weird, doing it in the car is way hotter!” Satoru interrupted.
“Yeah, that’s what I was thinking!” Shoko chimed in to aid Gojo. “Doing it in the car is restrictive, but that shouldn’t be a problem if you’re flexible.”
“Plus the whole car steams up and it shakes while you do it. Making it a public scene which is even better.” Satoru explained while waving his drink around. Then he grabbed his card, “Shoko, would you rather only be able to be on the bottom during sex or only on the top?”
Shoko took a slurp of her beverage, “Hmm, it depends. If I’m with a guy, then bottom. But if I’m with a girl then top.” She explained with a cute smile, her gaze drifted towards you. “What about you?”
You flushed because of how intimate the question was. “Me? Oh… umm, I’d say bottom for men. But it depends on women. If she’s more assertive I’ll let her be top. But if she’s more on the submissive side then I’ll take the lead.”
“That’s hot.” Satoru blurted with a flirtatious expression. You felt his hand give yours a small squeeze, causing you to look down bashfully.
You reached for your cup only to realize that you finished it off a couple of minutes ago.
“Gimme your cup, I’ll get you some more babe.” Satoru purred over to you.
“Thank you.” You smiled up at him sweetly as he removed the red cup from your hand. His gaze had the perfect view down your shirt at this angle, which made him enjoy the noticeable height difference between you too.
“Anyone else need a refresher.” Gojo glanced at his other two friends, while he stood to his feet. Both Suguru and Shoko handed him their empty cups and with two cups in each hand, he departed to the kitchen.
“So on a level of one to ten, how drunk are you Y/n? One being barely and ten being black-out wasted.” Shoko asked the beauty mark beneath her eye raised upward when she smiled at you.
“Hmm, I’d say I’m like a four-point seven.” You sighed cutely. Your response caused both Geto and Shoko to laugh.
“That’s oddly specific, why a four-point seven of all numbers?” Geto eyed you with amusement.
“I couldn’t just say four, 'cause I’m feeling five coming on!”
“If someone said four-point seven, that must mean they’re actually like a six.” Shoko snickered. “I think our little friend’s a lightweight Suguru!”
You paid no mind to their teasing, it only made you laugh in response. It’s been a while since the four of you kicked back like this.
Gojo returned with the refilled beverages, he of course handed you your drink first with a sly grin. He sat down next to you, closer than he was before and he draped his muscular arm around your narrow shoulders. “So whose turn is it now?”
“Mine!” Shoko announced as she reached for a card. “And this one’s for you Gojo, would you rather have morning sex or late-night sex?”
“Morning sex, what else would be a better way to start my day!” Satoru admitted seductively while pulling you a little bit closer to him. His warm body next to yours was comforting, since his living room window was open, letting in a fresh cold night breeze.
“True, I’ll have to agree with you on that one,” Shoko admitted while sipping on her drink.
“What about you Y/n?” Satoru asked nonchalantly while throwing his card in the discard pile.
“I’m more of a nighttime person. Cause then after we can just cuddle and fall asleep.” You confessed while taking a drink from your cup. Its fruity flavor was quite delectable, making it a dangerous drink.
“You’re such a sweetheart Y/n, truly girlfriend material.” Gojo laughed and complimented at the same time.
His honest reaction made you feel pretty good about yourself - or was it the alcohol? Maybe both.
“Don’t fall for his flattery Y/n,” Geto warned, snapping you out of your thoughts. “Gojo doesn’t deserve a girl like you. You’re too good for him.”
“Psh! As if you’re any better than me?” Satoru hissed over at his friend. “Answer me this Y/n, would you rather date me or Geto?”
You flushed at his bold question and nervously looked down. You couldn’t choose between both of them! You wouldn’t want to hurt either of their feelings. “I-I…” You stammered.
Shoko came to the rescue. “Cut that shit out Gojo! Besides, it’s not your turn to ask a question.”
“Yeah, it’s my turn.” Suguru leaned forward to grab his card with a devilish grin. “Y/n, would you rather I show you or tell you about my desires?”
You took another drink from the red cup, feeling the liquid courage run rampant through your veins. “Show me.”
Suguru set his drink aside and pried you from Satoru’s grasp. He guided you onto his lap so you were straddling him. His lips turned upward to form a sly grin.
“First… I’d gently caress your body, like this.” His smooth voice hummed softly, while his large veiny hands ghosted from your waist down to your juicy thighs. His hot hands trailed from your knees to the inner sensitive parts between them. “And while I do that, I’ll kiss you, like this.” His lips pressed against yours and his sneaky tongue tangled itself with yours. Meanwhile, you could hear Shoko and Gojo protesting in the background.
Your heart was pounding a million miles per minute. You’ve never kissed Suguru before, he was your friend! The most you two have ever done was cuddle when you were cold. Yes; he’d flirt with you, but so did Shoko and Gojo (he was relentless, to say the least). Of course, you fed in and would smooth talk your friends. You never would’ve thought those innocent remarks could progress into something so much more. Was he kissing you just for fun? Or was it simply to take part in the game? You wanted to test the waters and cautiously reached up to grab the back of his neck to deepen the kiss. His mouth moved against yours passionately, while his hands glided from your thighs to your lower back in the most tantalizing way.
He then removed his mouth from yours and whispered lowly in your ear. “Then once things get a little more desperate between us, I’d like to worship you with my mouth.” With that being said, he lowered his hot mouth down to the crook of your neck. He sucked on your flawless skin as if he was savoring a delectable dish. While he marked you, his sultry gaze met Gojo’s. Who had his arms crossed defiantly. Satoru wanted to be the one to unravel cute little Y/n.
An adorable sigh of pleasure escaped your lips when you felt Geto mark your skin with a bit more pressure. The room around you seemed to spin and your vision wasn’t clear anymore. The alcohol has clouded your senses and now you are in a drunk stupor. You couldn’t care less though, you were having fun, and you were feeling yourself too. You’ve never felt so wanted and so hot before.
“Let’s not get carried away, darling.” Suguru cooed while he pulled off your neck, leaving a notable red mark. By the way your breath hitched, Geto could sense how ready you were. He turned your body effortlessly and draped you across his lap. His strong arms held you securely, and you felt quite comfortable in his lap like this.
“I didn’t realize that you’d be such a needy little girl Y/n,” Gojo smirked down at you while he handed you your drink. You took it graciously and took a generous swig.
“Hmm? Is that a bad thing or a good thing?” You questioned with a hazed look on your pretty face. It was pretty evident how drunk you were.
“To put it bluntly, your eagerness is a fucking turn-on,” Satoru murmured while blatantly checking your tits out.
You simply smiled and took another drink from your cup. Your ego was higher than ever and it was mostly because of the liquor in your system. You were heavily intoxicated at this point and the room was swirling around you. You rested your head on Suguru’s shoulder for stability while you sipped on the last of your drink.
“Looks like you’re running out.” Geto purred above you, he poured his drink into your cup with a killer smirk as his bangs fell in front of his face. You greedily took another drink of the alcoholic beverage.
“Suguru, I’m drunk…” You whined quietly, looking into his hazy amber eyes, your vision was doubled and it looked as if Geto had a twin brother.
“Oh really?” He teased while finishing off his drink.
“Damn, Y/n is so fucking cute when she’s drunk,” Satoru murmured over to Geto. Gojo’s flirtatious gaze held on you briefly. His voice sounded as if it was underwater, you couldn’t help but smile at his compliment and burrow your face in the crook of Suguru’s neck. Damn, he smelt so attractive, like a dark and sweet candle.
“Y/n… I think it’s your turn to go.” Shoko called from across you. “Here’s your card.” You turned your attention over to her while she was on all fours on the floor to hand you your card. Her cheeks were flushed and her eyes looked at you with a hint of desire.
You smiled at her sweetly and took it, you found it a little difficult to read what the card said. The words looked as if they were waving around. “I can’t read it…” You pouted adorably.
“Here, hand it to me sugar.” Geto’s voice rumbled in his chest. “Okay it says; would you rather have long, slow sex every time or always have a quickie?”
“I’d want to have quickies 'cause I like it rough.” You admitted with no shame. Your words caused Geto to grip onto you a bit tighter.
“You don’t say?” Gojo’s seductive voice rang out while he eyed you hungrily.
Shoko giggled, her laugh sounded like music to your ears. “No sweetie, who do you want to answer the question? That’s your card.”
Realization hit you and you laughed carelessly. “Oh, whoopsies… how bout you answer this Gojo?”
“I’m the same as you, 'cause fucking rough is so much fun. Would you care to try it sometime?”
You bit your lower lip and batted your eyelashes up at him. “Really?”
“Yeah babe, we’ve been friends for about a year now and I’m just trying to get to know you a bit better.” He whispered huskily, knowing damn well Suguru and Shoko could hear the both of you. He brought his face close to yours while you shifted in Geto’s lap to get closer to Gojo. He brushed his lips against yours in a teasing manner and then pulled away.
“Fucking hell, don’t get me riled up. I might just have to take you up to my bedroom after this.” He grazed his tongue over his top row of teeth. Satoru reached over to the pile of cards and grabbed one for himself. “Y/n, would you rather lick me here…or here?” He pointed to his abs and then to his neck.
“Why those places?” Shoko giggled over at her white-haired friend.
“The card specifically says not on the lips or privates.” Satoru flung his card in her direction. He then cast his flirtatious gaze toward you. “So which is it?”
“Both!” You sighed excitedly. “Shit, what were the options again?” You slurred with a hiccup.
“Abs or neck?” Gojo repeated himself while beckoning you to come to him.
“Okay.” You giggled while crawling from Geto’s lap over to Gojo. You lifted Satoru’s shirt to reveal his mouthwatering abs, he was so fit and muscular. You eagerly settled yourself between his legs comfortably and dragged your molten tongue up his stomach.
“Mmh, fuck.” Gojo groaned quietly, fully enjoying how hot this was. Your tongue tickled him, but he paid no mind to it and loved your cute little mouth making love to his strong abs.
Everything around you didn’t matter and you solely focused on licking Gojo like a treat. Your intrusive thoughts got the best of you and you latched down and began to suck on his skin instead. You then left a small trail of hickeys down his taught skin and continued to work your way southward. You rested your hand on his thigh, and in return, you felt his large hand rest on your shoulder.
Your thoughts quickly became dirty and you tentatively reached up to rest your hand on Satoru’s crotch. You were pleasantly surprised to find him fully erect. “You dirty girl. Ahh…” Gojo hissed out in pleasure when you stroked his length in an appetizing way.
Your sinful mouth sucked on his pale skin hungrily. You knew that some red marks would be left behind. Being the one responsible made you feel needy between your legs. Your mouth continued to make its way lower and lower. Soon enough your lips brushed against the hem of his black pants.
“Have you ever been to Paris?” Gojo murmured huskily above you.
“Huh?” You looked up with a dazed expression on your pretty face.
“Cause I can show you the eye-full tower.” He rumbled with a flirty expression.
Your busy mouth came to a halt and a smile crept on your face, followed by uncontrollable giggles. “That was the corniest shit I’ve ever heard! You’re drunk Satoru!”
“What? I thought that was the right thing to say at the moment.” Gojo smiled cheekily with a faint blush forming across his cheeks.
Even Shoko and Geto joined in on the laughter. You pulled off his hickey-ridden abs and took a greedy drink from your cup.
“Please don’t tell me you used that pickup line before.” Suguru chided through hearty chuckles.
“As a matter of fact, I’ve used it twice. And each time-“
“Ouch! I can’t believe you’d try to pull the same shallow trick on me! You gotta try harder than that.” You panted between fits of laughter.
“I bet he’s the type to be all talk and then finishes in three minutes,” Shoko added while rolling onto the floor snickering.
“Nah, he’s more like. That has never happened before, must be because you’re so hot.” Geto snarked while imitating Gojo’s seductive voice.
“Hey, guys enough with the mean jokes!” You defended. “He’s just a squirrel trying to find his nut.” The three of you were wheezing at this point, while Satoru just crossed his arms with an amused smile.
“You guys seem to be more drunk than me.” He mumbled with an arched brow, while he pulled his shirt back down and quenched his thirst for his alcohol.
Eventually, the three of you settled down and there was a moment of silence. Which was short-lived.
“My turn!” Shoko sighed excitedly, she grabbed a card, and her face lit up as she read it. “Ooh! Okay, Y/n, would you rather make out with me right now or in the bathroom where we can have some privacy?” Her smooth voice echoed in your mind while her amber eyes seemed to glow towards you in the dimly lit room.
You felt immense desire well up inside you, you’ve always found Shoko to be alluring. You never would’ve thought that she’d view you in a romantic way. You’ve never kissed a girl before and the liquor in your system sent your confidence soaring. You crawled over to her instead of answering the question. She leaned across the circle toward you and met you halfway. Her beautiful face inched closer to yours, and being so close to her made you realize how good she smelt. Her scent was sweet like vanilla mixed with a faint flowery smell. You smiled at her with anticipation and she smirked at you in return. You admired her cute little beauty mark below her right eye. While you were taking in her pretty looks she greedily pressed her lips against yours.
She tasted like cherries, her soft lips moved against yours hypnotically. You gasped in her mouth when she tangled her l fingers in your hair to pull you in deeper. It felt as if your body was lit on fire with passion, and you succumbed quickly to her viper-like tongue.
Suguru and Satoru watched with starved looks on their faces while you feverishly made out with each other. Shoko grabbed you by your shoulder and pulled you even closer. You tentatively reached up and rested your hand on her slim waist. Things were heating up faster than you intended and you felt her sneaky fingers grip your thigh hotly. Her nimble hand snaked its way between your legs, causing excitement to burn through your veins. The both of you were completely enthralled with each other and forgot that the guys were still watching you. She kissed her way off your mouth and across your jaw. Her heated kiss trailed down to your neck while her hand gravitated closer to your core between your legs.
“Mmh, Shoko…” A slutty little whimper rang from your lips, stirring an insatiable hunger within the men watching.
You felt her slick lips form into a sultry smile against your neck. “Have you ever been pleased by another girl before?”
Your cheeks flushed and you shook your head negatively. “N-no. But I want to be.” You admitted in a breathy whisper.
“Perfect. Let me do the honors then.” Shoko’s smooth voice mumbled against the crook of your neck. Her hand that was between your legs brushed against your clothed pussy in your pants. A combination of delight and excitement washed over you.
Suddenly, you felt another pair of hands resting on the back of your hips and the presence of someone sitting behind you.
“I hope you sexy ladies don’t mind if we join in on the fun.” Satoru’s low voice mumbled out from behind you. Your body immediately rested back against his chest in acceptance. He hoisted you up on his lap as if you were weightless. His body pressed against your back brought a comforting warmth.
Gojo feverishly snacked on the right side of your neck while Shoko left hickeys on your left side. Her dainty fingers ghosted over your clothed cunt. You felt her smile slyly against the crook of your neck. Shoko began to unbutton your pants.
The room around you was spinning and it felt as if someone had hexed the liquor you consumed. For some reason in your drunk state of consciousness, you craved this sexual pleasure with the utmost urgency. There was no rhyme or reason to your actions and your body succumbed to those wanton urges.
You lifted your hips to help Shoko remove your pants when you felt her tug them downward. Gojo took the opportunity to rest both of his large veiny hands on your soft and squishy thighs. You glanced over to see that Geto had positioned himself behind Shoko and began to caress her body while she shimmied your pants off of you. Once she flung your pants away she settled herself between your thighs and pushed your sexy underwear off to the side. Her hands pried your thighs open a bit wider and now your exposed core was on display for her and Suguru to see. Meanwhile, Satoru nibbled at the back of your neck hungrily. You felt his hands firmly pull your top off now revealing your juicy breasts to Suguru.
Her alluring face dipped between your legs and you felt her hot breath waft over your desperate little cunt. She placed a feather-light kiss against your pussy. Her silky soft lips glided over your dampening folds, she teasingly dipped her tongue into your entrance for a quick taste. Suguru made his way over to you to study your flushed face. He smiled at the needy look on your face and pressed his lips against yours. He gently groped your plump breasts with admiration. But his fondling was cut short when Satoru pushed his hands away so he could have a turn.
Shoko’s sneaky tongue slid up your pussy and against your clit deliciously. She lapped her tongue in your folds expertly, she’s done this before. Shoko then focused her mouth on your sensitive bundle of nerves. She even went as far as latching down and sucking on it viciously. Your body squirmed under her promiscuous mouth and small whimpers of pleasure escaped your lips and into Suguru’s mouth.
Suguru’s lips moved against yours feverishly, he nibbled your bottom lip in a teasing manner while his tongue begged to enter. You obliged and your tongues twisted and slithered against each other hotly.
Satoru had a perfect view of Shoko going down on you and that fucking riled him up. The way Satoru had you on his lap, caused you to feel something hard press against your ass cheeks. The thought of Gojo popping a boner from Shoko eating you out made you extra horny.
Gojo couldn’t take it anymore and unzipped his pants from underneath you and began to rub his aching rod along the inside parts of your thighs. His dick felt hot and firm against your soft skin. You glanced down to admire the way his cock looked. You never would have thought that you’d be fortunate enough to witness his large vein-covered rod. The tip of his dick was a soft rosy color and it leaned a little to the left. Despite how heavy it looked, it surprised you how it stood up erect on its own.
Shoko’s mouth on your desperate cunt made you incredibly wet. Your pussy was practically begging for penetration. Satoru was able to feel the mix of Shoko’s saliva and your arousal drip down onto his raging shaft.
Shoko couldn’t help but give Satoru’s dick a little love. Her pert mouth welcomed him into her wet cavern with great enthusiasm.
“Fucking shit.” Gojo hissed under his breath, Shoko’s mouth felt so inviting. She dragged her tongue all over his length to coat him up in her saliva. Shoko pulled away and guided the head of his cock to your slick entrance. She wore a captivated expression as she helped his thick tip squeeze into your pretty little pussy. Gojo stretched you out almost painfully. He was barely inside you and a small cry of discomfort and surprise fell from your lips.
“It’s okay baby, you’re doing so good. Just a little more and then he’s in.” Shoko cooed with an empathetic smile. She picked up on your slight discomfort and placed juicy kisses on your clit. Her tongue swirled around your clitoris. Her skilled mouth helped you relax onto Gojo’s shaft and soon enough, he slid all the way into you. Enthralling pleasure began to buzz through you and you were ready to move.
Satoru placed one hand on your hip and the other on your breast, teasing your nipple between his index and thumb. He set into a slow pace of pumping his rod into you. He was trying to savor the way your walls gripped him tightly. But the greedier side of his personality was taking over, and he simply wanted to rail you here and now. His thrusts became wild with an incredible amount of force. You’ve never been fucked this rough before, and you were certainly enjoying it.
Suguru’s hot lips kissed yours passionately while his friend claimed your pussy. However, Geto felt a small sting of jealousy toward his white-haired friend. To feel like he wasn’t missing out he positioned his face between Shoko’s legs. He lifted her skirt to reveal her toned thighs and plump ass, wrapped in a sexy red thong. He slid his sneaky fingers down to her snatch, to find her pleasantly wet and ready. Suguru didn’t waste any time and ravishingly kissed her cunt.
Shoko slurped your clit as if it was her favorite candy. Her tongue teased and tickled you, which made you even more saturated. Gojo has never experienced a pussy as wet as yours, which enticed the idea that this wasn’t going to be a one-time thing. That’s for damn sure.
The overstimulation of Shoko’s hot mouth and Satoru’s penetrating length turned you into a bubbling mess. Since you weren’t sober, this made the situation much more riveting. You flung your head back and onto Gojo’s broad shoulder. Which inspired him to plunge into you with more force than before, with each thrust you were able to feel his massive dick stretch you out almost sinfully.
“Damn it.” Gojo gritted through his teeth, he was about to bust due to your perfect pussy. He wanted to last longer and pushed the thought of release aside. You felt him abruptly pull out of you. “Shoko, Y/n. I want you to make out on my dick.” Satoru commanded breathlessly.
This grabbed Suguru’s attention and he removed his mouth from Shoko’s pussy with a wet kiss. “Can you ladies do the same to me?”
Shoko popped her head out from between your thighs and rolled her eyes. “Who made you the boss, Satoru?”
“It’s okay.” Shoko’s expression softened when your mousy voice spoke up. “I think it’d be hot, we should give it a try. Then after can I suggest something?” You smiled almost innocently. Your natural beauty mesmerized your friends.
“Y-yeah, anything for you babe.” Shoko flushed, her upper cheeks tinted with a faint shade of pink.
You flashed her a sugary grin and repositioned yourself on the floor near Gojo’s crotch. His pants were messily undone and his slippery raging dick stood up, ready for action. You laid on Satoru’s right leg and Shoko placed herself over his left. Gojo was able to feel your wet and desperate pussies through his pant legs. Geto went ahead and sat on Gojo’s right side, next to you. Geto had a large and noticeable tent in his pants, his cock was aching for attention. Without hesitation, you reached over and softly stroked his meaty package.
With no words being exchanged, you and Shoko began to kiss the tip of Satoru’s dick together. The sweet taste of your juices was the first thing you noticed. You lapped your tongue over the head of his rod and Shoko did the same. Your tongues tangled with each other passionately, while they slid over Gojo’s pink tip.
Geto looked down longingly at the way you and Shoko swapped saliva on Satoru’s length. Gojo caught him staring and guided Geto’s face to his. Satoru kissed Suguru with immense desire, he didn’t want his friend to feel left out of all the fun. You felt Gojo’s hand envelope yours on Geto’s dick. He promptly pumped your hand on Suguru’s shaft, which caused his dick to get even more excited. Geto’s pants looked uncomfortably tight and you felt Gojo’s hand move off of yours and yanked his waistband down, freeing Suguru’s sprung friend.
You and Shoko took turns sucking off Gojo’s rod. She would briefly deep-throat him, kiss you on the lips, and then it would be your turn. You beckoned him down your throat, pulled off, and kissed her with your slick lips. You then placed petal soft kisses on the right side of his cock, while Shoko copied your actions and kissed his left side. Your mouth lowered down to balls and you engulfed his right nut in your mouth, sucking it softly and lapping your tongue on his heavy sack. Shoko followed your actions and sucked on his other nut, you felt Gojo tangle his fingers in your hair, lost in delight. Your tongue grazed against Shoko’s while you two made love to Satoru’s nuts. Shoko then brought her heated mouth upward and to the tip of his dick and greedily forced him down her throat. You switched to his right ball and sucked him off softly, while Shoko let him throat fuck her.
Muted moans of pleasure came from Gojo’s mouth but were quickly swallowed up by Geto. Their mouths moved against each other with intense passion. You felt Satoru’s hand speed yours up while the both of you jacked off Geto. You heard a small groan rumble from Suguru in response. You moved your mouth back to the tip of Gojo’s veiny length, you were greeted by a sloppy kiss from Shoko. The both of you sucked and licked his sensitive tip.
“Mmh, I’m about to cum, get ready to be fed,” Satoru murmured into Suguru’s lips.
You and Shoko obediently opened your mouths and stuck out your tongues, anticipating his release. Soon enough, he sprayed his hot clear treat on both of your tongues. You eagerly drank it up, loving his delectable taste. You and Shoko took turns sucking his tip lovingly as he shot his liquid down your throats.
Once Satoru finished, he guided your face down to Geto’s exposed dick. You removed your hand from his girthy shaft and placed a sweet kiss on his tip. Shoko crawled over to Suguru’s other side and began to run her tongue all over his cock. You welcomed the head of his hot and ready dick into your mouth. You fluttered your tongue around him expertly, while Shoko began to make love to his heavy balls. You were able to hear Geto and Gojo swap saliva intensely. Satoru tangled his hand into Suguru’s tied-up black hair, he knew just how to tug it to make Geto unravel.
You worked your mouth further down Suguru’s shaft and he quickly hit the back of your throat, you calmed your breath and let him pump his dick in and out of you. Your wet and tight throat felt immaculate to him, he could just stay there forever. Shoko teased and suckled each of his nuts, she loved the way his velvety skin felt under her swift tongue. While Suguru throat fucked you, Shoko began to touch and tease your body. Her sneaky hands caressed your breasts and hardened nipples. Her other hand found its way down to your wet snatch and hastily rubbed on your sensitive slit.
You eventually had to come up for air from Suguru’s thick cock lodged in your throat. You popped off him with a loud wet sound, and once you did, Shoko’s hot lips were on yours. As if she was craving your attention. She guided your bare boobs down to Geto’s slick rod with a little sparkle in her eye. She placed his dick in between your plump breasts, causing him to groan in delight. Your soft and squishy tits wrapped around his dick in the most comfortable way.
Shoko placed another passionate kiss on your lips and dove between your breasts. She sucked off Suguru eagerly while she fondled both of your boobs. As a bisexual girl, Shoko was in heaven.
She’d briefly slurp Geto’s rod, then she’d leave feverish kisses all over your tits. She made sure not to miss a single spot on your breasts. Shoko especially loved how responsive you were when she’d give your boobs attention, your little moans and gasps of delight sounded like music to her ears.
Geto instinctively began to thrust his length between your soft breasts, Shoko helped by bouncing them on his crotch. The sight before you was incredibly hot, the way his large veiny dick was surrounded by your tits caused a primal desire in your empty pussy. You could practically feel your arousal dripping down your thighs. You couldn’t help but bring one of your hands down to your needy little snatch, as for your other hand, that one was for Shoko’s cunt. Your dainty fingers snuck underneath her skirt and traced her slippery outer lips, this caused a desperate whimper to come from her busy lip. Shoko sucked on Geto’s tip like a lollipop, while you rubbed both of your clits in little circles.
Gojo was already fired up again and his dick stood up proudly from his undone pants. The sight of Geto tit fucking you while Shoko sucked him off was more than enough for him to handle. Suguru noticed his friend’s predicament and whispered something in his ear that caused the white-haired man to hastily get out of his spot. Satoru swiftly stood above you and Shoko. Geto helped Gojo wrap his legs over his broad shoulders. Satoru made himself weightless, to save Suguru the trouble of holding him up in this position. Now with Gojo’s impressive length in front of Geto’s lips, he immediately got to work.
This was one of Satoru’s fantasies. Ever since he saw Suguru consume the large orb of cursed energy down his throat, he had a strong feeling that Geto would be amazing at the head. Suguru swirled his tongue around Gojo’s tip while he inched himself further into his mouth. Once Satoru was in his throat, he was able to feel intense cursed energy tingle the tip of his dick.
“Mmh, fuck…” He groaned out in surprise. Was Suguru using his technique on him? Regardless, the foreign feeling was quite erotic. Gojo wanted to hump his dick into Geto’s mouth, but the sensation of his cursed energy sent waves of pleasure all over him, Gojo did not need to move. It was as if he stuck his dick into a wet and warm vacuum, Satoru’s jaw went slack from this intensity. Out of curiosity, he tried to pull his dick out a little, but he was unable to, he was getting pulled down Suguru’s throat! That certainly didn’t bother him though, as a matter of fact, it made him hold Geto’s face even closer to his crotch. “Keep me in your throat,” Gojo muttered breathlessly. “Yeah, just like that. Ohh.”
Both Suguru and Satoru were lost in pleasure. For Satoru, it was having his hips flush against Suguru’s mouth. As for Suguru, it was the dirty acts his throat did to his friend, along with the way Shoko fucked your tits against his dick while she sucked his tip. This was all too much for Geto to handle and he released himself all over you and Shoko’s doll-like faces. His cum came out like strands of milk and it dripped from her face down onto your fleshy boobs. Shoko licked her lips clean and then began to clean his seed off your perfect boobs. Her hot tongue lapped up Geto’s juices in a fluttering manner. She then brought her face to yours and removed his cum off your face with her slutty mouth, as you did the same to hers.
Gojo wasn’t close to finishing yet, but at least he was slick and ready for fucking. He reluctantly removed himself from Suguru’s throat and sat down beside him.
“So, what was your suggestion?” Satoru’s blue eyes grazed over your wet breasts.
You stared him down as if he was a piece of meat. “I want to sit on your face.”
Gojo’s expression switched into a more flirtatious one. “Oh? I didn’t think a shy girl like you would be that bold.”
“I guess it’s cause I’m drunk.” You smiled lazily. “Also I want Shoko to sit on Geto’s face while we make out.”
That earned a small giggle from the girl beside you. “Man, drunk Y/n is secretly a freak. I like it!” She grinned over at you with approval and wrapped her arm around your waist snuggly.
Geto cleared his throat. “That sounds like a great idea, but halfway through I want us to switch partners, just to keep things interesting.”
“That’s fine, switching sounds good.” You agreed while resting your head on Shoko’s narrow shoulder. Sleep was calling your name, but your desire to find out how the rest of this night would play out kept you wide awake.
“Mmkay, let’s get on with this. I’m hungry for your pussy Y/n.” Satoru snarked while grabbing a pillow from the couch and lying down on the floor. Geto followed his lead and put his pillow next to Gojo’s, so their heads were across from each other.
You stood up and began to remove your soaked panties, they dropped to the living room floor soon forgotten. Shoko also undressed herself, her skirt pooled to the floor along with the rest of her undergarments.
You carefully mounted Gojo’s face so both of your knees rested on each side of his head onto the squishy pillow. He eyed your pretty pussy with a starved look on his face. He rapidly gripped your thighs and forced your cunt onto his mouth. You worried about the lack of air he had, but those thoughts soon vanished because of the way he ate you. His tongue swiped over your folds repeatedly, his nose was burrowed against your puffy clit.
Now that Shoko was sitting on Geto’s face across from you, she immediately brought your body close to hers. Her comforting scent of sweet vanilla filled your senses and you pressed your soft lips against hers. Her warm supple body against yours felt so right. The both of you kissed each other with intense yearning, her tongue intertwined itself with yours. Your left hand tangled itself in her straight brown hair, while your right hand messaged her plump breast.
Satoru and Suguru eyed the both of you friskily, certainly enjoying the view going on above them. Gojo’s wicked tongue flickered against your sensitive bundle of nerves, causing you to grind your cunt against his face desperately. His hands were still holding you down on his face, he knew if he let go you’d be a squirming mess.
Shoko was also becoming more unraveled due to Suguru’s teasing tongue in her pussy, her small gasps and moans of pleasure had become more frequent. Shoko pulled away from your face to admire the adorable flushed expression you wore. “You’re just so breathtaking.” She gasped out in felicity and pressed her lips against yours.
“Mmm, thank you. You’re so fucking fine... Ahh, Satoru!” You whimpered out shamelessly while you felt Gojo tongue fuck you. He shoved it in you aggressively and pumped it in and out repeatedly.
“What about me?” Satoru gurgled into your pussy, with a playful look in his blazing blue eyes.
“You’re hot too!” You moaned while trying to clench your thighs closer together, his hot mouth on your dampening pussy was sending you over the edge.
“What else do you like about me?” Gojo teased, then he swiveled his tongue around deep inside you.
You flashed him an annoyed look. “Quit being jealous-ahh!” His tongue flickered over that special spot inside of you.
“Just eat my pussy.” You hissed out in ecstasy while you gyrated your cunt on his face. Satoru’s hair fell messily in front of his eyes, but you were still able to make out the flirtatious expression he had.
“Yes, mama,” Gojo mumbled into your slippery cunt, while he ate you like a starved animal.
Shoko gave your boobs a little squeeze. “Let’s switch, I’m getting close.” She murmured against your lips, with a little smirk.
You nodded in agreement and pried yourself from Gojo’s grip. You and Shoko swiftly switched spots. Geto’s dark brown eyes greeted you ravenously, once you settled yourself on his face. He didn’t waste any time eating you as if you were his last meal. He slurped on your clit while simultaneously fluttering his tongue over it, making you a mewling mess.
“Oh, Suguru!” You cried out while smashing your lips on Shoko’s. The two of you exchanged breathless sighs while clinging to each other’s breasts.
Suddenly, you felt Geto stick his thumb up your ass. A surprised moan left your lips, while he pumped his thumb in and out of your tight puckered hole. Suguru’s hot lips kissed and enveloped your pussy while he sucked on your cunt. His tongue brushed your clit rapidly, you had no idea that he was capable of moving his tongue that fast.
The combination of his intruding thumb and slick mouth was riveting. White hot pleasure overcame your senses aggressively and your legs shook as you came into his eager mouth. Geto drank your juices as if it were the elixir of life. To him, you tasted, heavenly.
“Mmh, good boy, fucking drink my cum.” Shoko hissed while releasing herself on Gojo’s face with a sexy little moan, which you swallowed up while your lips moved against hers seductively. Satoru expertly lapped her cum up with his tongue.
Geto helped you off his face, and now you were sitting on his large lap, face-to-face with him. You noticed that the lower part of his face was slick with your release. He brought his lips down to yours for a tantalizing kiss, you could taste yourself in his mouth.
“Turn around, beautiful.” He whispered while guiding you to body the other way. You lowered your torso so that your ass stuck up in the air. Now you were face to face with Shoko, who was also on all fours.
You and Shoko brought your faces together and began to kiss each other zestfully. Her supple lips moved against yours with the utmost enthusiasm. The sensation of abruptly being filled with Geto’s hefty dick rocked your world. “Ahh!” You moaned out in delight. In this position, he could get extra deep in your wet cunt. You instinctively clamped your thighs together from the intense waves of pleasure going through you.
You felt Suguru’s large hands grip your waist securely as he set into a steady rhythm. Each thrust you and Shoko received, caused your bodies to jolt forward. This caused your kisses to become more sloppy and inexact. You’d try to kiss her on the lips, but a rough thrust from the man behind you, caused you to kiss her cheek instead. Shoko was also having trouble landing her smooches and decided to focus on worshiping your right shoulder instead. You followed her lead and began to leave heated love bites along Shoko’s narrow shoulder.
Gojo unexpectedly flipped Shoko over on her back, all while staying lodged inside her. He slid her body underneath yours, so her face was below your boobs.
“There, now you keep each other busy while Suguru and I do some rearranging,” Satoru grunted huskily, this was something he defiantly wanted to see.
He didn’t have to tell the both of you twice. You leaned down to engulf Shoko’s perky nipple in your mouth. You felt her do the same to you, she even reached up to softly grope your other breast. Her warm wet tongue felt amazing on your sensitive bud. She then began to switch between the two, licking and kissing your soft squishy skin. You copied her swift technique of swapping between her breasts. She smelt ravishing, you could just eat her up, literally!
Gojo and Geto watched in awe while the both of you sucked on each other’s tits as if your lives depended on it. They felt incredibly lucky to whiteness such sultry acts between you two. Satoru couldn’t help but break the distance between him and Suguru and kissed him roughly, while he fucked himself into Shoko.
Suguru gripped the crease where your hips met your thighs and began to ram himself deep inside you with powerful thrusts. His toned pelvis met your bubbly ass cheeks with loud claps.
You felt Geto’s large hand sneak off your waist and down between your legs. His fingers roughly rubbed fast circles across your swollen clit. Your breath hitched and small gasps of approval fell from your lips.
“You feel, mmh, so sacred Y/n,” Geto grunted from behind your bouncing body. Your slick cunt gladly welcomed Suguru with each powerful thrust. “But I think it’s time we switch, I know Satoru would like to have a go at you.”
“Mmh-Kay.” You hummed in understanding.
Geto was right, as soon as he pulled out of you, Gojo was already on his knees beside him. Ready to finish the deed, Shoko was back on all fours and Satoru hastily maneuvered your body so you were on your back now.
“There, good girl. Wrap your legs around my waist.” Gojo purred lowly, his handsome face looked down at your willing body with a sly smirk. You obediently trapped him in between your legs and pulled his toned waist close to your desperate cunt, slick with anticipation.
Satoru rubbed the head of his massive dick against your wet clit. “Ready?”
“Yea-yes!” You whimpered, mid-word because Gojo shoved himself into you balls deep. His lengthy rod filled you up completely. Shoko’s juices made Gojo’s dick nice and slippery, so he could fuck your pussy almost immediately. He set into a viscous rhythm of pounding his dick into you.
Gojo looked down at you with a wicked smile and a wild look in his eyes. “That’s what I thought.”
He then shoved your body underneath Shoko’s, you knew what to do and began to suckle on her bouncing boobs. Shoko also returned the favor and bent down to latch onto yours. Geto was fucking her rather roughly and her whole body shook vigorously. Satoru was picking up pace as well, with each thrust from his pounding length, your pussy welcomed him with a wet and tight squeeze.
You felt Satoru’s grip on your waist grow a bit more firm, but he removed both of his hands and hoisted your legs over his shoulders. He shoved your body further down below Shoko’s. From this angle, you could see Geto’s girthy dick penetrating her pretty pussy perfectly. Your intrusive thoughts got the best of you and you swiped your tongue over her sensitive clit.
A moan of approval fell from her lips as you zigzagged your tongue over her nub. You could taste her sweet arousal, she was incredibly wet. Shoko lowered her head down to your cunt and returned the oral favor. She sucked on your clit while fluttering her tongue on it at the same time.
Geto abruptly pulled out of her and pointed his rod towards your lips. You welcomed him down your tight throat. “Yeah babe, just like that.” Suguru hummed in delight. He then removed himself from your throat and continued to plow into Shoko.
Satoru also took advantage of having Shoko’s face near your crotches and fed his dick to her. “Good girl.” He groaned out while Shoko deep-throated him. Gojo humped her face a bit too roughly which caused her to cough in response.
“Fuck y-” Shoko hissed but was cut off when Satoru shoved himself back into her mouth. All she could do was shoot him a spiteful glare.
Gojo abruptly pulled out from her damp mouth and plunged back into you with a pleasured sigh. He slid into you effortlessly thanks to Shoko lubricating his rod with her saliva. As his dick stretched your little wet cunt, you could feel your orgasm bubbling to the surface. He filled you up in just the right way. His hips rammed into yours powerfully, while his speed increased. Breathy moans came out from you that sounded like music to everyone’s ears. Shoko’s teasing tongue on your clit made your release rise even faster to the surface.
You didn’t have to say that you were close, Gojo could feel how close you were. Your walls began to twitch around his plunging dick, beckoning him even deeper inside of you. You could tell that Shoko was on the edge as well, her moans became more frequent and her saturated pussy was dripping onto your lips like raindrops.
Shoko made an adorable little moan when Suguru began to hit that spot in her just right. Her warm honey brown eyes rolled into the back of her head as she released herself all over his dick. This caused Geto to lose himself rather quickly and shot his cum inside of her with a godly hiss of pleasure. You couldn’t hold back any longer either, your pussy clamped down on Satoru’s rod as he relentlessly plowed you. Your orgasm shook you to your core and you drenched his cock with your divine juices. Gojo was sent over the edge when he felt your hot waterfall of cum envelope him, he shot his copious amount of seed deep inside you. He made sure to empty himself in you completely, claiming your cunt as his.
Once everyone regained their senses after experiencing each of their climaxes, Satoru slowly removed himself from you. Suguru pulled out of Shoko’s cunt from above you, and droplets of a mixture of their cum fell onto your face. The hot liquid fell onto your cheek and rolled down to your lips. A dirty thought popped into your mind and you reached up to grab Shoko’s thighs.
“Turn around so I can’t clean you up.” You purred seductively while eyeing her glistening lips with an insatiable hunger.
Shoko did as she was told and swiftly repositioned herself onto your awaiting mouth. She looked down at you with her signature grin, her beauty mark raised closer to her chestnut brown eye. She lowered her slippery pussy down to your hungry mouth. You wrapped your lips around her slick folds, you could immediately taste her sweet arousal and Geto’s salty cum. The combination of their flavors was like a special and unique flavor that you had the pleasure of eating.
With Shoko on her knees, Satoru quickly adjusted her body so she could lean down clean off his dick. Gojo laid on the floor at an angle, so Geto could join in on the fun. Suguru saw his opening and lowered his face to your cream-filled cunt. He made sure to bring his long-spent cock over to Satoru’s lips in the process. Gojo welcomed his dick into his mouth and sucked him off graciously. He was able to taste your sweet and subtle flavor on his rod along with the mixture of Suguru’s cum.
The four of you licked, sucked, and cleaned each other privates with great enthusiasm. A beautiful symphony of moans and groans filled the room while each of you enjoyed your special snacks.
You scooped your tongue into Shoko’s pussy, earning a burst of Suguru’s cum to fall on your awaiting mouth. You slurped up his cream, enjoying the taste. Shoko loved how your fluttering tongue felt while you cleaned her cunt out. Shoko gave Satoru’s rod loving licks, she made sure to even clean off his balls with her mouth. She enjoyed the way Satoru’s cock stood up proudly while she licked off the sticky liquid that coated him. She loved that she could even taste you on him, which made her eager to clean him off.
Gojo had Geto’s dick lodged down his throat, his mouth salivating uncontrollably around his thick rod. Suguru groaned quietly at the welcoming wet squeeze of Gojo’s throat. Satoru felt that he should be the one to clean off Geto since he let Gojo throat fuck him earlier.
Suguru ate the juice from your pussy ravenously, he swiveled his tongue deep inside you in order to get to Gojo’s cum in your sweet center. Suguru enjoyed your cunt as if he was eating a cream pie. Some of Satoru’s cum had dribbled down your thighs, and Geto made sure to lick and kiss that trail away.
Soon enough, everyone’s genitals were free of slick cum. Your clean privates were shiny from wet saliva. Shoko gingerly removed herself from your face, while Geto got up as well. Suguru helped you up with a kind smile.
“I’m thinking we should head to the bedroom for some rest,” Geto murmured, pressing his lips onto your forehead fondly.
“Good idea, I call cuddling with Y/n!” Shoko raised her hand in the air adorably, her boobs jiggled in the air.
“Then I call cuddling Y/n from her other side!” Gojo announced playfully, raising his hand just like Shoko did.
“If that’s the case, then I call cuddling her too,” Suguru added with a dashing smirk.
Moments later you found yourself in Gojo’s king-sized bed. Satoru held you possessively on the right side of your body, while Suguru caressed you lovingly from your left. Shoko nestled herself on top of you, her face burrowed into your supple breasts.
Everyone was spent, and the effects of the alcohol were gradually wearing off. Suguru’s strong bicep made an excellent neck rest for you, while Satoru's arms wrapped around your waist were quite soothing. Shoko’s slender legs were tangled with yours and her breath became more relaxed. Sleep was going to overtake everyone shortly.
As you were about to drift off into sweet slumber, you overheard Satoru whisper. “We should play would you rather, more often.”
Which earned a sleepy chuckle from Suguru.
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leah-lover · 3 months
Part 1.
Alexia putellas x reader. Smut 18+
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It was agreed upon in the woso community that a stay in ibiza was the usual holiday for football stars. Ibiza offered them a beach, cool resorts, adventures, and most importantly parties to celebrate the triumphs of the season. .
For you Ibiza was home, you lived there for the entire year. You witness celebrities, businessmen, and frat boys party all the same. However, your favorites were the tanned, mostly happy footballers that came to blow off some steam from all around the world. You liked hearing their stories and overall you loved their company.
This year was no different, coming off of a world cup, you knew the parties were going to be interesting.
The club you worked at was popular because of its strategic place in front of the beach. In it there was a place to party and another place to just relax. It was what drew the footballers to it as it was their favorite spot to hang out.
As you tended to the customer asking for tequila shots, you saw her enter the room. The impeccable queen of football, or as some might call her alexia putellas. She was as gorgeous as you remembered her to be. Her hair was less blond than the last time you two met. She was wearing a black, shoulderless jumpsuit with her hair resting on her shoulder. Surprisingly she was alone this time.
As she approached you, you got more and more nervous.
“Hola preciosa” she said with a big smile on her face. You tried to contain your smile as you looked in her hazel eyes, eyes that you have missed so much.
“ Sorry, do I know you?” you responded cheekily. You couldn't hold the joke any longer as you looked more into her eyes.
“You still drink vodka sodas? ” you rhetorically asked while preparing her drink.
“ no hey, i missed you, how are you?” she said with a pout on her face.
“ ale I am working now. You know I can't flirt with clients.” you respond as you hand her her drink.
“ So I am just a client.” she continues with the same pout on her face. You hand her her drink and she hands you her credit card.
“ No ale you are the light of my summer.” you smile at her. “ But you know my rules while I am working. I can't do this. Go enjoy your drink and say hi to your friends for me . Once I am done I will join you.”
She took her drink and left you after that and you continued serving your clients. You watched as one by one her friends all joined her. Her company included Mapi, ingrid, jenni, parti, and aitana. They all said hi to you as they ordered their drinks, patri even ordering a bottle of champagne. You watched from the corner of your eye as they laughed and drank until they were visibly tipsy.
“ Alright boss this is me.” you said as you closed all your tabs and headed to change your clothes.
You didn't know that Alexia was gonna join you tonight so your outfit was underwhelming compared to hers, nonetheless you still joined her at the beach.
She was again alone nursing her drink. “ hola.” you said as you made your way to her and sat on her lap.
“ Hey, how are you? I missed you.” you whisper into her ear. As she rubs her hand on your back she responds. “ I missed you too.”
“ what i heard was that you had your fun this year without me.” she continues.
“ Ale, you don't own me. We have our fun, but I can sleep with whoever I want whenever I want. No need for jealousy. ” you respond.
“ I know , I know. But I bet none of them make you cum like I do.” she whispered.
“ It's been a long time i think i forgot how you felt inside of me.”
“ Well that's not right. Let's go back to the villa and I will remind you.” she says as she takes your hand and walks you to her villa.
On the way there you talked about everything that went down since you last met, from her history making 4 trophies, to her struggle with injury.
Once you got to her house she eagerly pushed you towards the nearest wall and locked her lips with your in a needy hungry kiss. Her hands were all over you touching every available part to her as she bruised your lips and devoured your tongue.
You pulled apart just for a short while so that you can retake the breath she stole from you with her mouth.
“ Now I remember clearly all the times you made me cum and how hard I did reina.” you say with your voice filled with lust.
“I have been dreaming of this all year. Dreaming of you and of what I can do to your body. “ you say while looking in her eyes.
“ Let me show you how proud I am of all that you have done this season. Please reina.” you ask her.
She looks at you with confusion in her eyes because this is the first time you have ever asked to top her.
Without a word she takes your hand in hers and leads you to the bedroom. When you two arrive she lays on the bed and looks at you seductively. You take the hint and undress slowly.
Once you are naked you straddle her lap and begin to take her shirt off, then her bra.
“ you are so fucking beautiful.” you say as you memorize her upper body.
“ not more beautiful than you.” she says as she takes your face with her hands and gives you another kiss.
“ alexia tonight is about you.” you say to her when you pull out of her hold. You then move to her neck, her collar bone, her chest, and her stomach, giving her bruising kisses as you move down her body. Alexia wasnt loud when it comes to sex, so the small whispers you managed to get out of her as you kissed and squeezed her boobs were music to your ears.
You slid the rest of her jumpsuit off of her and pulled off her damp underwear too.
“ Are you enjoying the show reina. Because it looks like you are.” you say as you show her how wet you fingers are when dipped them in between her folds.
Alexia has previously shown you how she liked to be eaten so you didn't waste any time once you lowered your head to her core.
You gently kissed her folds before parting them with your tongue. Your tongue made slow contact with her clit a few times before you moved up to kiss her again.
“ I am so proud of you reina. You did so well this season despite everything. You deserve all the best in the world. “
You went back to her core again moving with more determination to make her come. Your hands roamed her body in the process before settling on her chest. Her fingers tangled in your hair as you do so.
She soon because to arch more and more as you changed you stepped.
“ just like that corazon. You are doing so well. So so good.” she said breathlessly.
You smile onto her clit and continue your motions.
“ I am gonna come nena.” she declares before her legs start to violently shake around your head and her cum and her come drops on your face.
After she settles down you clean her up and move to kiss her with her cum all over your mouth.
“ How do you taste?” you ask her.
“ not better than you.” she responds.
After she retakes her breath you ask her “ did you bring my favorite strap? ” to which she responds by getting out a thick rainbow colored strap from her bedside table.
“ Can you wear it?” you ask her.
“ do you want me to fuck you?” she asks, confused be you demand.
“ Please wear it and you will see.” She does as she is told and secure the harness on her core.
You then proceed to get on top of her and sit on the stap. It was painful at first but you got used to it quickly.
“ I told you I would give you a show.” you say as you blue on her cock.
Still shocked you take her hands and put them on your chest. She quickly realized your message and started moving her hands on your body. You kissed a few times before you threw your head back and focused solely on how the strap felt inside of you. Theatrical moans were soon to follow as alexias eyes and touches, and the strap were overwhelming you.
“ eres tan jodidamente sexy” says Alexia as you continue to bounce.
“ I am soo close ale. Can I come please?” you say desperately.
“ yes amor, come all over my cock.” it only took you a few more thrust for you to come undone. Alexia followed you soon after with the second orgasm of the night.
After you calmed down, you moved off the strap and layed next to her. She then disposed of it too and held you close.
“ if i knew this is what was in store for me i would have come here sooner.” she joked.
“ I am glad you liked it reina.”
“ We agreed you would stop calling me that last year.”
“ The nickname is still true isn't it you are still the queen.”
“ That's debatable.”
“ not really i would only put this show on for you and only you.”
“ So I expect that you will only be sleeping with me this summer.”
“ You wish but I have other plans with other people.”
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victoryverse · 6 months
soap and gaz's reaction to you going commando on a celebratory dinner>>
johnny would be...flabbergasted 😂 eyes would be blown wide and mind going a million miles per minute as he actually takes in the situation in front of him.
theren you are, having vodka shots in your cute little dress, when there' nothing on underneath, and one blow of wind, or something, and yo would be exposed to the entirety of his team.
he would come up behind you, pressing his hard cock to your ass, and you would immediately straighten up, the curve of his bulge fitting perfectly between your cheeks.
he would whisper in your ear, "aye, bonnie. you've got it all naked underneath, ain't it?" in his accent.
you would shiver, nodding, "yeah", a small whisper
"shall i bent y'over and show everyone how desperate ye're for m'cock? hm? " with a subtle press forward, that has your pelvis pressed up against the pool table.
"no--no, johnny" you would mumble, but your wetness pooling between your thighs would tell a completely diff story: wetness dripping out of your pussy, getting uncomfortable and wet.
"bet ye're dripping down there, aren't ya? creaming all over those pretty thighs of yours? hm? bet you want me to fuck you nice and good, so good there's cum dripping out of y'cunt, and you're a mess, all tears on y'face from how good it feels?"
you would audibly moan, eyes widening in surprise as soon as you would realize what happened. no one is looking at you, though. the music is loud enough, and everyone is drunk enough.
"see? they can't hear, wouldn't even notice if I bent you over her and fucked you bloody raw, lass. unless, of course, you make noises for me, yeah? pretty moans and whimpers and mewls, all the while your tiny, tight pussy clenched m'cock like it owns it? hm?"
gaz is the pretty boy, would get red-cheeked and immediately sober up.
"wh-what? you're-you're wearning nothing underneath? oh m'god-what if someone sees?"
red cheeks with the most innocent look, you would just reply with, "let them, wouldn't you want to show off your pretty girl? hm? fuck me here, kyle, please? put your thick cock in me and fuck me till I can't even speak"
"shh! someone could hear" even though his cock would be struggling in his boxers. he would gulp down, seeing around. no one has their gazes on you, everyone's busy with their own. then,he would get up, grabbing your hand and taking you to the bathroom stalls
would push you in one, getting after you and locking it good.
"oh fuck. thought I would cum right then and there"
you would look down at his crotch, his cock tenting in his pants. his eyes would be droopy, pupils blown out and full of lust.
you would smirk, getting down on your knees in front of him and quickly undoing his pants, pulling his cock out, precum oozing out the tip that you immediately lick off
his hand would slam at the wall beside him, his legs going week as you would take him down your throat.
"feels good? hm?" you would ask, whilst choking around his dick. he would nod, head thrown back and adam's apple bobbing as his mind would go empty with the way you're sucking his cock
you would use your hands to fondle his balls, massaging them while his cock hits the back of your throat, drool and spit all over your mouth as you try to make him cum in record time.
and that he does. 4 minutes and a few more seconds to be exact. his salty release inside your mouth while you gulp it down, and his legs almost give out.
"fuck, goddamn it, jesus, fuck" continuous mumbles of curses, while you pull his pants back up to the way they were.
he would immediately look into your eyes, asking "what about you?" without actually saying it.
"my dress and thighs and pussy are ruined anyways, all sticky and creamy. so you should just take me home and ruin me then."
you would slap his bum while walking out, and the shocked look on his face would be enough to say that he will be giving you back so many of those later.
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toast-on-dandelioms · 14 days
completely fine if you can’t do this but I’m curious if you could do something with platonic yan batfam finding out teen reader smokes. Not hard core drugs or anything, just cigarettes (still bad I know), and maybe even drinks alcohol.
in their own words it “makes it so they can stop thinking”
Again completely fine if you can’t!! Also love your work ♥️
The ask is based before the events of part 4
beta reader: @duck-you
WC: 4.4k
Dividers made by @saradika-graphics @cafekitsune
Age of reader: 16-17 (the age of reader in the main serie is your choice, I don't think I ever made the age clear but for this ask reader is almost 18)
Tw: mentions of alcohol and cigarettes, underage drinking and reckless behaviour from intoxication, Joker, fighting under the influence, wrongful imprisonment, Black Mask and his uglyness
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You first started smoking when you were at the end of middle school and started high school, your friends kept pressuring you into it since all the cool kids were smoking and you didn't want to lose them.
You did stop a few times but they kept gas lighting you into starting smoking once again and after you started to roam Gotham as Spider it became an habit that helped you do something whenever the night was dead or you were just bored.
You also made sure to not smoke before going back to the Manor since you knew Alfred would know and you didn't want to let him know and disappoint the older man, seeing him as a father figure instead of Bruce since he was the one who actually took time out of his day to pay attention to you whenever you told him in advance.
The drinking didn't start until you turned 17 and your friends managed to drag you to a party after a lot of begging and accusing you of not caring about them.
You still remember the night where you got drunk for the first time, the beat of the music making you unable to talk to anyone without yelling and how everyone kept pushing drinks in your hand and cheer whenever you drank it all.
The taste of whatever drink you just drank always made you make a disgusted face before smiling happily as you started to relax and have fun with your friends, even singing karaoke after someone pushed a microphone in your hands and told you to follow the words that were being displayed on a TV.
Honestly that night was one of the best you ever had because you weren't Spider, you weren't the forgotten child of Bruce Wayne and you weren't the straight A's student that people looked down upon because of how silent and antisocial you were. You were [Y/N], the one who beat 5 guys at arm wrestling, the friend who was dancing like crazy and how you just lost your virginity (the alcohol one, not the actual virginity).
You didn't really enjoy drinking, especially whenever you drank too much after a party and ended up with the worst hangover ever thanks to your powers, but it was a nice thing to do to de-stress after a long night or to just become free for a night with your friends.
One night you were still on patrol but had a long night because you had to stop many gang fights and even got shot on the leg, which you bandaged up but it was hurting and annoying you so you ended up drinking the entire bottle of vodka you had in your schoolbag, where you forgot to take out the bottle a friend put inside after you told them that you never drank it since you never had the opportunity to do so.
And you were a bit of a lightweight since you didn't start for too long and somehow you found yourself wandering around Gotham, drunk out of your mind and unaware of your surroundings. Yes people were taking videos of a drunk vigilante walking on the walls and street but didn't do much, especially when they saw a familiar clown approaching.
When Joker finally walked up to you with his usual smile, happy that he saw you since he could just use you after he noticed how Batman was attached to you, plus you looked incredibly drunk and you were stumbling around the empty street, still wearing your mask that was just rolled up enough that he could see your mouth, slightly open so he thought it would be easy to kidnap you by just using a crowbar.
Immediately, when you felt his hand touch your shoulder and his annoying laugh, you grabbed his hand and just slammed him into the ground with a judo flip, that you saw Damian do when you were watching him train alongside the others.
Your drunken mind didn't clock in that the person who touched you was the feared clown of Gotham, you just kept hitting his body with the crowbar that he had in hand after you took it off his hands after he tried to hit you with it when he had the chance to attack.
But you didn't let him, somehow your mind and body when under the influence were a better fighter than you actually thought, you weren't using your superstrenght most of the time and only if he actually posed as a threat when he tried to attack you once again.
During the fight your mask was taken by that clown, who probably got even angrier when he saw that you were just a kid and that looked like you were gonna fall asleep in any moment, which was why he even managed to hit you on the face. Unfortunately for him, his hit made you remember when Jason hit you and somehow awakened an anger and you just started to hit that man like there was no tomorrow.
Somehow, during the drunken fight between you and Joker that people were recording, you didn't notice three masked figures on a rooftop who were watching you fight that clown and were discussing when to butt in.
Dick was watching with glee as you hit the clown while also waiting for Oracle to tell him who Spider was once Joker took off your mask, amazed as he watched your fight.
He did feel anger whenever Joker managed to get a hit on you with his fists and had to be held back by Jason and Damian, since they both wanted to see you win and see you fight in real life instead of watching from the cameras, which didn't show all of the fights most of the time.
As he watched he did that you moved a bit weird, like you were under the influence and that made him panic because what if Joker actually tried to drug you? What if someone tried to kidnap you and he wasn't there to save you?!
Jason was also watching in glee when he saw you hit the Walmart clown with a crowbar, cheering whenever you hit him in the face with that crowbar. He would also yell out scores when you did that, not caring that people were filming him.
He did notice how sluggish you were when you moved and was also ready to jump down to help you, not wanting you to get badly hurt by that clown even though he knew that you could defend yourself.
Damian was watching and making small comments about your posture as you fought before noticing how many moves were incredibly similar to downright the same moves he did as he fought with random criminals, making his heart soar with respect and felt incredibly honoured that you were copying him. He knew that he was gonna show the footage to the others to show how much Spider was like him and how he's obviously the favourite since they're copying him.
He did found your face very familiar, like he met you once but he couldn't find any memory of you in his mind, making him frustrated and angry since he's supposed to be the heir of Wayne Enterprises, his memory shouldn't get worse so soon.
When you felt a hand on your shoulder and another grabbing the hand that was hitting the now dead Joker, you turned around and just kicked that person away with all your strength to a nearby dumpster and just prepared yourself for another fight.
You honestly couldn't really see who was close to you thanks to Joker punching you right in the face and making your eyesight a bit blurry that you honestly couldn't see who was approaching and just thought it was another guy or more trying to kidnap you, so you kept fighting by using your spider senses to find them.
It took Dick, a laughing Jason and an annoyed but amazed Damian to manage to stop you, leaving all of them with bruises and many injuries since you didn't hold your strength back. The indented dumpster after you kicked Damian when he tried to grab you and the hole in a wall after you missed punching Jason and got stuck in the wall was proof of it.
The last thing you remembered before falling asleep after getting a small injection in your neck was Jason's laugh even though he sounded like someone kicked him in the chest and Damian's exasperated voice as he talked with Dick and how they shouldn't let you near anything alcoholic anymore.
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You woke up the next day in your room, the headache from the hangover making you groan in pain, especially after feeling how sore your body was even though you couldn't remember anything from last night, before managing to get up without feeling like puking or falling, cursing yourself and making a mental note to never drink during patrol.
You slowly walked to the door, cursing your hangover since it felt like your door was farther away from you since you though you were in your usual room and not in another that looked exactly the same but you didn't really pay much attention to it since your head was killing you as you tried to think of anything.
You finally reached the door and opened it, immediately facing a surprised Bruce, making you confused and annoyed since you already felt like shit and seeing your father that never stepped up as a father to you made your headache worse.
You and the man stared at each other for a few seconds that felt like hours before you pushed him away and walked to where you thought the bathroom was, knowing that you needed to have a shower and probably puke your mind out.
When you finally walked out of the bathroom with a less painful headache after drinking some water from the sink and while you were showering, knowing it was safe since the Manor filtered the water, but the short-time happiness from the long shower was immediately ruined by Dick's loud voice as he talked about something you weren't paying attention to and him dragging you to the dining room where everyone was waiting for you, your headache coming back strong to even making you try and get away from his arms.
You groaned when he basically dropped you on the carpeted floor of the dining room, to which everyone's eyes were on you as you slowly got up and made your way to a random chair far away from everyone else, a bit weirded out since you actually never sat on a chair on the actual table. Hell, you probably never even stepped foot in the room in all the years you lived there.
You mumbled a thanks to Alfred when he set a bowl of soup in front of you and a few pills on a tissue next to your glass of water, to which you assumed it was for your headache and hangover.
You started to eat the soup without saying anything to anyone else at the table before looking up when you heard Bruce's voice saying your nome, ignoring how hesitant his voice was when he actually said your name, like it was the first time he ever actually pronounced your name out loud.
You stared at the older man who was supposed to be your father, hissing a little when the lights from the chandelier hits your eyes, too used to your poorly lit room and of the gloomy weather of Gotham that never lets any sun in so bright lights hurt your eyes.
"[Y/N], hun, I know you drank last night. And I am sure you know that drinking is bad for you, especially when you are underage. You could've hurt yourself and the people around you, which you did last night!" he said, his voice raising at the end before pointing at Dick, Jason and Damian, who you just noticed all had some bruises and looked uncomfortable while sitting on the chair.
Honestly, you didn't even feel bad. The only thing you felt bad about was not being able to remember anything about it. You hoped that someone took a video of it, god you hoped so hard.
As you thought of finding that video you suddenly noticed that Bruce was still talking, probably going on about the dangers of alcohol and what it could do to someone's liver after prolonged drinking, making you annoyed since he cares now? After years of ignoring your existence?
So you did what he did once when you were little, you just got up and left without a word to your room, not caring about anything he was saying. You didn't even know where you were going in the Mansion,thanks to how big it is and how you stuck to your room instead of exploring and ended up inside a small bedroom that looked like no one entered it for years thanks to the all the dust inside of it.
You opened the windows to let some air inside and found a few diaries as you snooped around before finding the holy grail of things you could find in anyone's room: an unopened bottle of rum in a hidden drawer that you might have broken while trying to open it because you were curious.
You were now loving whoever lived here and put the rum away in a pocket before walking out the room by the window so you could reach a bag you left on the rooftop that held a copy of your costume. Why did you had a bag there on the first place?
That was simple. You once forgot it while you were drinking on the rooftop when you had a horrible day and just forgot it there when you stumbled in your room by walking on the walls. And yes, the conversation you had with Alfred to ask him about having some money to buy all the stuff you needed to re-make the suit and re-create the voice modulator was very uncomfortable, especially when you knew you couldn't afford all of the stuff you needed even though you had a job.
And yes, you didn't have an allowance because Bruce never thought of giving you money and you had to take a job to just survive and not always ask for Alfred for money when you needed something for school or for dance practice.
As you reached the bad tied to an unused chimney, a small frown formed on your face when you saw the old design of your vigilante suit but still changed before putting the web shooters on your wrists, your bag already on your shoulders and the rum safely stashed in it and wrapped around your clothes to make sure it won't accidentally break while you were swinging around Gotham.
Once you got on a random rooftop of an abandoned building, which you made sure wasn't a rogue or a gang hideout before settling on it so you could finally drink the bottle you stole. You were close to one of the mafia's territory in Crime Alley but you didn't care which one it was, you only wanted to drink.
As you finally started to drink, your tongue tasting a hint of nutmeg and weirdly cinnamon with each sip you took, you slowly started to relax as the alcohol did its job, each sip making your head feel less heavy, like it was getting pumped full of helium and slowly making your forget about the pain your body was in.
God, you never wanted to stop, just four sips in and you were already past the tipsy part and you felt so free that anything you saw in the starless, polluted night of Gotham made you laugh like crazy. You finally felt like you belonged when you drank and that all the hatred, anger and the deep resentment you felt towards the Bats was calm, like a warm heavy blanket was put on those emotions.
As the night progressed, the bottle now half empty and your mind completely fuzzy, you started to hear noises and grunts of pain from one of the alleys near your spot, making you curious to see who it was and especially what was happening that would ruin your drinking night.
You slowly got up, your limbs feeling like jelly as you moved to walk on the side of the building, slipping a little as you stumbled around. After a bit you finally managed to get to the right alley when you realised you were on the wrong side of the building, and as you walked over you luckily avoided a frantic Nightwing grappling to a building.
You watched in silence when you finally got to the right alley and saw Black Mask, one of the criminals you knew his own goons feared because he could kill them if they did anything wrong in his eyes. You couldn't count the times you saw bodies in alleys when you were patrolling, their bodies covered in bruises and most of the time they were beat up beyond recognition that always made you sick.
But, unfortunately for you, your drunken mind decided to say something since you found his mask boring and weird. Like, compared to Jason's mask, his just looked boring and not really original. And you knew he was dangerous but noo, let's anger the mafia boss who kills with no mercy.
"He-Hey! You look ri"- you took a few sips of the rum - "uhh, oh yea! Ridiculous! Why that? No red, thought of being compared to Red Skull?" you started before your drunken mind just decided to go on a whole rant about his choices of brand and what he does with his goons.
As you were ranting about his ugliness and name choice, your spider senses made you dodge an incoming bullet shot at you but unfortunately Black Mask managed to hit your sacred bottle that still had most of its contents in it and you just watched with tears in your eyes as the alcohol ran out of your bottle to the ground.
The anger that surged in you after your drunken mind realised that he wasted your precious rum made you so angry that you didn't care who Black Mask is and threw the broken glass bottle at him and used his small distraction to web his chest and launch yourself at him, using all your strenght to punch his ugly masked face.
Using the moment and how distracted the man was, thanks to your punch, you kept hitting the man with all your strenght. Sadly, this moment of you overpowering the insult for eyes as a man as the man manages to catch one of your punches that was aiming for his stomach and pulled you forward to knee you on the chest, making you gasp for air and cough and almost made you puke but you anaged to keep it down.
Sadly, the bastard with no imagination for names started to hit you on the back of the head, making your vision blurred for a few seconds before your vision went back to normal thanks to your fast healing. You managed to avoid another one of his hits and quickly jumped on the wall and webbed him on the chest, pulling him forward and jumping on him, kicking him on the jaw.
You stared at the sad excuse of a original rogue as it stayed on the ground and slowly raised your hands like you won before grabbing the broken bottle of rum and walked on a wall, waiting as you watched the thing who you refused to acknowledge as a man get up and wobble around while the two goons he was hitting before already ran away.
Once it got up, obviously confused when you watched him look around and you waited until he got closer and hit him on the head with the bottle as a revenge for the wasted precious alcohol and then you quickly kicked him on the back to keep him down since you knew he was good at hand and hand combat and you knew that you couldn't win if he was lucid so you were lucky that you gave him a concussion with a lucky move.
You kept hitting the man-thing with the bottle with no care in the world, the blood splattering on the walls and the dumpster near you two, your smile the only thing he could see as you just kept hitting him, the bottle getting thrown away when it was completely broken from hitting his mask so you went back to using your hands, smashing his mask onto his scarred face, the alcohol in your body making you ignore how the shards of the mask were also getting embedded in your hands as you kept punching his face.
You stopped when your spider senses alerted you of danger and got ready to fight whoever it was that before getting hit with something and falling asleep, the last thing you managed to say before falling asleep was "fuck yall".
You woke up once again with weird cuffs on your wrists, but fortunately you weren't chained to the bed. You slowly got up from the bed and noiced two things: your hands were bandaged, making you confused as to what happened last night after you drank and both windows in the room had bars on it.
You managed to get up from the bed and walked to the door, your vision being a bit blurred as you looked around the room. You first walked to the window to see the bars and noticed how the bars were so close together and had such a small space between that even your finger couldn't pass through.
You then walked to the door and went to grab the doorknob but almost fell to the ground as you noticed too late that the doorknob was missing from the door. You quickly recovered and looked angrily at the door, punching it with all your strenght before realising that the cuffs were blocking your super-strenght when you felt an immense pain in your hand after you punched it and the door didn't fall down like you planned to.
You slowly retracted your hand from the door and started to pound the door with the other hand, yelling for Bruce and whoever lived in the fucking Manor, too angry and scared to care about the pain as your hand kept touching the door.
As you pounded on the door, you hoped that Alfred would come to save you from this room and explain why the hell you were stuck in a room with no way out, feeling trapped as minutes went by and no one came to explain what was happening and why you were trapped in that room.
You let out a huge sigh of relief when you heard footsteps coming your way and finally stopped pounding on the door, only now noticing the prints of blood on the door from your hand that was now bleeding profusely, making you almost cry as even slightly moving a finger brought you immense pain.
You looked up when you heard the door open and stared at Bruce and Alfred, who was holding a first aid kit, and moved to the side to let them enter, not wanting to fight until you knew why you were here.
You sat on a chair, who you now noticed was plastic, and let Alfred change the bandages on your hands while you stared at Bruce, waiting for an explanation before getting frustrated when he didn't say anything and just stared at you.
"What happened to me? Why are my hands bandaged?" you asked, staring directly at Bruce to hear his explanation, not remembering anything after you drank.
The man who you were told to call father just stared at you with a grim expression on his face "two days ago, after you snuck ou-" to which you interrupted him "I didn't sneak out, using those words would mean that you cared that I actually lived here and what these last 17 years showed me was that you don't care. Don't act like you do now".
You watched as the man acted like it didn't affect him but you knew that it did. You knew Bruce Wayne and he loves kids, you saw how he acted with Damian when he got hurt during patrol and how Jason once came home bleeding. You saw the man who you thought was heartless and didn't care about anyone cradle Jason's body as he carried him to the batcave, his face showing so many emotions that you never saw before.
You stayed silent as you watched him, giving an ok to Alfred when he asked if the bandages were too tight, still waiting for him to explain before sighing loudly when he just stared back at you.
"I went out to drink so what? Did I fight a gang member and somehow got so hurt that my hands need help healing?" you joked, wiggling your fingers to show your bandaged hands like it was something to be proud of.
To which Bruce seemed to get extremely mad about it "no, you decided to fight Black Mask after insulting him and ended up killing him. Damian and Cass had to sedate you as they thought you were a danger to yourself and to the civilians.".
After that you just stared at him before looking down at your own hands and looked at your knuckles who were staining your bandages since they were still bleeding. "So what? I didn't hurt someone innocent so why am I in a room with bars and no way out?" you asked angrily, not caring that you killed someone since you never viewed Black Mask as a person after everything you've seen him and his men do.
The man stared back at you "and this is exactly why you won't be let out until I know that you aren't a danger to the public" he said coldly and walked out with Alfred while you just stood there in shock.
You quickly ran to the door and started banging on it "NO NO NO! YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME HERE! I AM AN ADULT! YOU CAN'T DO THIS TO ME" you yelled as you banged to it, ignoring how their footsteps started to sound so far away while you cried and yelled in the room.
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babydollmarauders · 9 months
john marino x fem!reader
summary: in which y/n and her boyfriend get up to no good at the Devils christmas party
warnings: NSFW CONTENT, alcohol, cussing, extreme domination, heavy degradation, oral (m receiving), p in v (unprotected), i think that’s all? (3.6k words)
notes: welcome to day 4 of the 12 days of kinkmas! this is quite possibly the most degrading smut i’ve written so far, so if you ignore the warnings and go ahead and read it anyways, don’t come crying to me if you didn’t like it <3
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“oh c’mon Johnny!”
Jack’s grating voice floats over the rest of the noise that bounces throughout the captain’s apartment, his hands gripping John’s shoulders as he shakes the boy from behind.
“you don’t wanna take a body shot off your smokin’ girlfriend?”
John’s head whips around to look at his teammate, a scowl resting on his face, “don’t call my girlfriend smokin’.”
“is she not?” Jack laughs, wiggling his eyebrows at the older boy.
“of course she is,” John states, shrugging Jack’s hands off his shoulders, “but you don’t get to think so.”
i roll my eyes at my boyfriend’s possessive nature, slinking closer to his figure, which stands besides the empty kitchen island.
“alright, alright,” Jack caves, “but if you won’t take the shot, someone else will.”
i can practically see the gears turning in John’s head, his eyes flickering between me and Jack.
“no, they will not.” i chime in. my hands come to rest on the defenseman’s chest, slowly traveling up to his shoulders before locking behind his neck.
“nobody else’s lips or tongue are coming anywhere near my body, baby.” i assure him, pulling his head down until his lips are mere inches from mine. “if you don’t want to, that’s okay. but you’re the only one allowed to touch me.”
“damn right, i am.” John gruffs, his eyes darkening as he pulls away. he pats the empty counter. “hop up, beautiful.”
a sultry grin pulls at my lips, hastily following his orders and pulling myself up onto the counter.
the kitchen full of hockey players cheer, any wives and girlfriends whistling as i pull my tank top off, leaving me in only a dark red bralette.
John’s hand connects lightly with my collarbone, gingerly pushing me backwards until the heated skin of my back makes contact with the cold marble countertop.
a shiver rolls down my spine, one side of his lips quirking up into a smirk. he takes hold of the ziploc bag of crushed peppermint candy cane from the counter, sprinkling a small bit on my sternum between my breasts.
Jack hands me a mini marshmallow from the bag in his hands, whilst Dawson hands his friend a shot glass of luke-warm cocoa with peppermint vodka.
“THREE!” the crowded kitchen counts down and i stick my tongue out, placing the mini marshmallow near the tip of my tongue.
“TWO!” John readies, shaking out any nerves as he prepares to down the muddy brown liquid.
“ONE!” i blink up at my boyfriend.
John clinks the shot glass against the counter before throwing the cocoa back into his mouth in one big gulp. his head dips down, his wet tongue dragging up my cleavage, collecting the crushed candy cane.
a shaky breath passes my lips, resisting the urge to throw my head back in pleasure at the feeling of his tongue and hot breath against my skin.
his face pops into my view as his tongue presses against mine prior to capturing it between his lips, sucking the marshmallow off of my tongue.
my eyelids flutter closed, eyes rolling back in my head. he releases my tongue, hastily transforming the movement into a deep kiss, his lips locking with mine before he pulls away.
Jack and Dawson shout, shaking their friend around as he smiles goofily.
“fuck yeah, Johnny!”
John rolls his eyes playfully, shaking his friends off. he steps back over to the counter while i sit back up, my legs hanging over the edge of the counter.
his hands wrap around my hips, lifting me off the surface and placing my feet back on the ground. he swiftly grabs my discarded tank top off the counter, shoving it into his back pocket as i press my chest to his.
“Johnny.” i breathe out to grasp his attention. he looks back down at me, his sight ripping away from Jack to find me gazing up at him.
my eyes are dark, pupils blown and breathing heavy as i sink my teeth into my bottom lip.
“baby,” he drags out, voice dropping in warning.
“that was so hot.” i whisper, lust dripping from my words as my hips push against him, his semi-hard bulge pressing against my pelvis; letting me note that the experience was just as sexy for him as it was for me.
“we’re at Nico’s.” he reminds me quietly, his lips grazing my ear.
“he won’t notice.” i state, my head nodding over to where his captain stands, immersed in conversation with Timo.
John scans the kitchen, finding everyone minding their own business, talking amongst themselves and paying no attention to us.
“fuck.” he curses, his hand grasping my own. he yanks my arm, pulling me out of the kitchen, down the hall to Nico’s guest room.
he shoves me into the room, slamming the door behind him. he steps closer, fingers digging into my waist as he spins us around, my back harshly meeting the door. his lips crash against mine, my hands holding onto his shoulders, straining on my tiptoes in order for my lips to meet his.
his tongue swipes across the seam of my lips, one hand sliding down to squeeze my ass, pulling at one cheek and making me gasp. he takes the chance to shove his tongue past my lips, tangling with mine while he uses his grip on my ass to pull me closer, his quickly hardening erection brushing against my heat.
i can feel my dampening panties stick to my core, making me let out a whine at the feeling.
John rips away, red swollen lips brushing against mine. he walks backwards, pulling his shirt over his head, throwing it onto the floor.
i follow after him until he stops near the end of the bed, hooking my fingers into the front of his jeans.
“on your knees, sweetheart.” he demands, taking pleasure in the way i immediately drop down in front of him.
his eyes darken, biting his bottom lip as he stares down at me. his fingers drop down to the button of his jeans, slipping the metal through the hole and unzipping before he pulls them down, his boxer briefs falling down with them.
his cock springs free, nearly slapping against his abdomen, tip red and angry, precum beading at the slit.
my thighs clench together, my mouth salivating at the sight.
“look at you,” he tsk’s, shaking his head. “such a fucking whore, clenching your thighs together.”
his hand tangles in my hair, yanking my head back to look into his eyes and drawing a gasp from my lips.
“so horny, just from a fucking body shot.” he gruffs, “bet you’re fucking soaking. aren’t you?”
i mewl, nodding my head shortly.
“that’s what i thought.” he huffs in disapproval. “such a slut, i bet you would get worked up like this if anyone did that shot, wouldn’t you?”
he gives me no chance to answer before he speaks again.
“hmm? you’d get this worked up if fucking Nate did that shot, wouldn’t you?” he yanks at my hair again, my jaw falling open as my eyes roll back, shaking my head. “words, slut.”
“no.” i whimper, “no, no. just you. only you, Johnny.”
he hums in approval, his grip loosening in order to pet my fallen hair out of my face sweetly.
“yeah? prove it.” he croons, “suck my cock.”
my hand wraps around the base of his length, squeezing, and i begin to pump him slowly. my lips fall back open, my tongue lolling out as i lick up the underside of his cock, tracing the bulging vein that rests there.
when i get to his tip, he shoves my head down lightly, urging me to take him in.
“shit.” he curses as i slide him into my mouth, my warm tongue flattening on the underside of him as i relax my throat, bobbing my head. my hand stays wrapped around him, jerking what i can’t fit.
with each bob, his tip hits the back of my throat, coaxing a gag out of me amidst his moans.
the sound of christmas music and loud conversations still float through the crack under the locked door, covering our noise from the world outside of this room.
i peer up through my lashes, finding his chin tilted down, his eyes set on me. his jaw is slack, and i run my free hand over the ridges on his abs, feeling them tense under my fingertips.
a mix of saliva and precum drools from my lips, providing lubrication for his cock to slip farther with each head bob.
i pull off of him with a pop, my tongue darting out to lick his tip before my lips close around it, sucking gently while my tongue swirls.
his gasp is like music to my ears, his grasp on my hair tightening, pulling a moan from my throat. the vibrations travel up his cock, making it twitch, and he lets out a loud groan.
his hand slides around to cup my cheek, forcing me to look up at him again as my hair falls to frame my face.
“you think you can take it all, baby?” my lips leave his tip, my hand still jerking him, and i nod. his thumb traces my bottom lip as he speaks again. “yeah? you think you can be a good girl for me?”
i nod again and he takes my consent. his hand goes back to holding my hair up in a makeshift ponytail as he pushes my head further down, and i relax my throat, letting him thrust in until my nose touches his pubic bone.
i focus on breathing through my nose as he stills, basking in the feeling, but the moment quickly falls when i begin to gag. he uses his grip on my hair to pull me off of him, watching me as tears roll down my cheeks.
“again.” i whisper, my voice hoarse from the abuse of my throat.
“you sure?” his eyes are soft, but as i nod, they darken once more. he guides himself back into my mouth, making quick work of thrusting this time. rather than stilling, he begins to fuck my face.
moans pour from his lips, his head falling back in pleasure.
“you’re so good.” he hisses. “just a cock hungry little whore for me, aren’t you?”
i hum in agreement around his cock and his hips begin to stutter, his guiding of my head quickly stopping as he pulls me off of him for the last time.
i look up at him and his hands lock at the nape of my neck, tugging me up into a bruising kiss.
my body falls against his, my lips parting, and he slips his tongue in, tangling it with mine. my hands explore his body, smoothing along his bare chest and up to his shoulders.
“tell me what you want.” he speaks against my lips, his tongue flicking across them. “you want me to fuck you like the whore you are, right?
“you want me to use you for my pleasure; fuck you dumb until all you can scream is my name.”
his words go straight to my core, only making me wetter. a whimper resonates from my throat, a smirk growing on his lips at the sound.
“i need you to say yes, baby.” he lays kisses up my throat, leaving wet marks in his wake, until he reaches my ear. his lips ghost my outer ear as he whispers. “i need to know you want it before i treat you like the dumb, drippy little cock whore that you are.”
a shaky breath passes my split lips, my jaw relaxed as he continues his attack against my neck.
“i want it.” i tremble at his touch; his hands trailing up my hot skin. “i want it so bad, John.”
he pulls away, leaving goosebumps littering my body at the loss of his touch.
“strip for me.”
John takes a seat on the bed, staring at me with watchful eyes, and i’m suddenly insecure under his gaze.
my hands shake as i pull my bralette over my head, my pebbled nipples hitting the cold air and causing chills to wrack my body.
his eyes lock on my breasts for a moment before dragging down my body, watching as i pull my skirt down my body, my panties being dragged down with it.
his hand reaches out to pull me toward him, between his spread legs, and my hands thread into the hair at the nape of his neck.
he leans forward, pressing a kiss to my stomach. he trails up my body, leaving wet kisses in his wake. his lips follow a path between my breasts, agonizingly slow until he reaches my neck.
he nips at my skin, sucking and dragging his tongue over the spot before he pulls away, blowing cool air against the spot and making me squirm in his grip.
he stands, twisting me in his arms before spinning us around so my knees hit the edge of the mattress. he gives me a shove, bending me over the bed, and i brace myself on my forearms, my ass brushing against his dick.
“you’re glistening for me.” he remarks.
i jolt as his fingers swipe through my slick folds, spreading my wetness around my cunt, and he chuckles lowly when i cry out as he thrusts a thick digit into me suddenly.
“Johnny.” i sob out, rolling my hips down against his hand.
“god, you’re so fucking needy.” he grunts, pulling his hand away and making me groan in want. “i’m gonna ruin you.”
his hand closes around the front of my throat, his other wrapping around the base of his cock, guiding it through my moisture. my back arches when his tip hits against my swollen clit, a broken whimper dropping from my lips when he shoves into me.
“shhh, be a good girl and take this dick.” his grip on my throat tightens, his other hand grasping my waist.
he uses his touch to anchor himself as he pounds into me, his tip hitting repeatedly against my g-spot.
he swiftly hooks an arm around my leg, bringing it up to kneel on the bed in order to open my pussy even further for him.
tears already prick my eyes but this new angle brings a high pitched moan from my lips, my face falling forward and hair dropping down. my arms feel weak, shaking underneath me.
“this pussy was made for me. made for me to use; to get myself off in.” John’s voice is tight and strained, his hips slapping against my ass as he speaks. “say it.”
“i-it-” i stutter, struggling to speak over the sounds of his cock thrusting into my wetness.
“i-i-i-” he mocks me. his hand from my throat drops down to roughly squeeze my breast, “have i fucked you dumb already?”
“it was made for you.” i squeak out, back arching again as he twists and pinches at my nipple, “my pussy is yours to use.”
he drops down, his sweaty chest pressing against my back, his lips pressing against the nape of my neck before he brings them to my ear.
“good girl.”
he stands back to his full height, hands on my waist, using his grip to push me forward and pull me back onto his dick, moving me with his thrusts; manhandling me like his own personal sex doll.
“touch yourself.” he orders, “rub your clit like the needy little whore that you are.”
my hand dips down between my legs, making my upper half press into the mattress, and my middle finger slowly begins to rub the puffy bundle of nerves.
John gives my ass a harsh smack, coaxing a scream to bubble up my throat, and he hastily leans forward, shoving his fingers in my mouth.
“unless your screaming my name, you shut your damn mouth. do you wanna get caught?” he hisses.
“i- no- i-” i babble around his fingers, and he shoves them slightly deeper against my tongue.
“jesus, i really have fucked you dumb.” he spits, “i said to shut your mouth, do you understand?”
i nod my head as best as i can with it pressed into the mattress.
“good.” his thrusts speed up, urging my finger on my clit to rub faster, and i can feel a familiar pit forming in my lower stomach.
repeated murmurs of his name frantically form in my mouth around his fingers, my eyes rolling back and my body twitching as i clench around him.
“don’t come.” he demands, and i whimper as i try and hold back. “i’m close. don’t you dare fucking come.”
the pressure builds, tears falling from my eyes and onto the bed sheets as i try and hold back my release.
he fucks into me rapidly, losing his rhythm as his hips stutter, his dick twitching inside of me.
“come.” his one word spurs me to finally let go, my toes curling against the carpeted floor and my breath hitching in my throat as i finally release on his cock.
his cum spurts out in ropes, covering my insides and making further squelches as he fucks me through our orgasms. his fingers dig into my waist, surely leaving bruises, and a grunt leaves his clenched jaw.
he thrusts a few more times before pulling out, the empty feeling making me whine.
his hands begin slowly caressing up and down my back in comforting lines.
“hey.” he coos, using his strength to lift my frail figure off the bed. my legs wobble as i stand and he spins me around to face him.
his eyes are soft, filled with love and the familiar sense of home that i’m used to.
“are you okay, baby?” his hand cups my cheek, his thumb dragging to wipe the drool from around my mouth. i hum, nodding my head softly. “did i hurt you?”
i shake my head and he shakes his in return.
“i need words, beautiful. reassurance.” his voice is gentle, and he presses a light kiss to my forehead.
“you didn’t hurt me, Johnny. i’m okay.” i assure him and a small smile plays at his lips.
“how are you feeling?”
“good,” i start before adding, “sticky.”
he laughs and a grin spreads across my face at the melodic sound.
“let’s clean you up, and then you can decide if you wanna go home or go back out to the party.”
he guides me to the en-suite bathroom, gathering a few cottonelle wipes from the pack on the back of the toilet, and i bend over the counter, wiping the mascara smudges from around my eyes as he cleans me up from behind.
“you’re so beautiful.” he whispers, my still bare ass pressing against him as he leans forward to drop kisses along the tops of my shoulders. “i love you. you know that, right?”
i nod, peering back at him with puckered lips. he locks his lips with mine, twisting my body around mid-kiss in order to wrap his arms around my waist, locking them at the small of my back.
“i love you too, John.” i utter against his lips and he pulls away to give me a wide smile. i scrunch my nose at him, his head dropping back down to rub his nose against mine.
“let’s get dressed.” i nod, leading the way back to the bedroom, and we get redressed, John finally returning my tank top from earlier in the night.
“do you wanna go home?” he asks me once we’re fully clothed.
“no.” i shake my head, my hand resting on the wrist of his hand which cups my cheek. “let’s go back out and celebrate the holidays with our friends.”
“and then, when we finally do get home, we can take a bath.” i add, making him nod.
“whatever you want, love.”
his hand slips down to hold mine as he unlocks the bedroom door, opening it up and slipping back out into the still wild party.
“ayo! there you are!” Jack cheers as we find him in the living room, wrapping an arm around John’s shoulders. “was beginning to think you guys left with an irish goodbye to go home and fuck.”
John chuckles with Jack, shaking his head.
“nah, we’ve been around.” he assures his shorter teammate.
he slings his arm around my shoulders, my hand still holding his, and i peek over to look at Nico, who stands quietly next to Dawson, who speaks a mile a minute in his captains ear.
Nico finds my gaze, raising his eyebrows and smirking over the top of his beer bottle. my face flushes in embarrassment and fear that he knew what happened in his guest bedroom, but then his eyes dart to the side towards Dawson and i realize he’s giving me a ‘get a load of this guy’ look.
i giggle, burying myself further into John’s side, who gazes down at me mid-conversation and presses a kiss to the top of my head.
“so, y/n,” Luke sidles up next to me, a spiked eggnog in his hand as he escapes the never ending flow of words that come from his older brothers mouth. “have fun?”
my head whips over to look at the young defenseman, a smirk resting on his lips. i tell myself that he’s just making conversation, asking if i’m having fun at the party, but then his eyes flicker between me and the hallway that houses the doors to the bedrooms and blood rushes to my cheeks.
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