#or maybe an alarm
stargayzingidiot · 11 months
There’s this high pitched whistling or ringing noise outside somewhere and it’s driving me bonkers
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POV you’ve informed the Queen and the Court’s Sorcerer of something and they very clearly know something that they’re not letting on
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hyunpic · 5 months
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"I'll know I nailed this conference if it takes me a week to get the chlorine smell out of my hair"
Lisa Ann Walter as Melissa Schemmenti and Sheryl Lee Ralph as Barbara Howard in Abbott Elementary | 02×16: Teacher Conference
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xbomboi · 5 months
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this is the last joke i’ll make about some of the characters having bad hygiene.
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proteusolm · 15 days
Discussed the "would you rather a run into a bear or a man when alone in the woods" question with my friend who is a black bear technician, and I have a lot of experience working in remote areas with a high black bear population myself. She and I both were instantly in agreement that: 1. If I'm in the woods deep in bear country, the bear is simply much more expected and less startling to run into than the man. It would be something we are prepared for and fully unsurprised by. 2. Bear safety is pretty straightforward, we know and have training in their behaviour, how to avoid conflict, what a black bear that is trying to hunt you looks like, and how to maximize your chances of getting out of the situation safely in the incredibly rare case of an attack. There's no equivalent handy step by step guide to respond to a dude attack.
Most people approach the question as a feminist one, thinking more about risk of violence from a man, but neither of us really even expressed much concern about the dude beyond knowing from experience that it is startling and unsettling to run into someone when in a remote wooded area far from any trails or residences. As two animal autistics that studied wildlife management in college and have spent a lot of time in the woods of northern Ontario, we both missed the intended point of the debate, instead coming to a stance solidly rooted in "why would be I be upset to see a bear when I'm knowingly in the bear's home?"
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jeeaark · 7 months
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Somebody theorized that the dream guardian was Ansur-inspired that I thought was cool, but what REALLY had me go 'WELL SHIT NOW I CAN'T NOT DRAW THIS' was realizing- you know those big beautiful glowy green eyes I gave my guardian (that totally made no sense besides looking really cool)? Same color as Ansur's.... Emps. Buddy. why you gotta be so extra tragic????
Why wish your guardian to have purple eyes when your guardian could have ANSUR'S EYES FOR ANGST REASONS HUAH!
+~So that's what I was hyped to share~+ Besides that, I think Ansur's story helped Greygold realize that the Emperor is just as much a messy mess as everybody else in this feral fiasco of a team.
And even though "There's always another way" Greygold can't fathom the idea that death was the "only choice" to stop Ansur, Greygold can't judge for trying to survive.
But it's fine now. Greygold is here. Gonna have so many more choices to choice now. Gonna sort out this 'no choice' nonsense after saving the world.
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galaxyytrash · 11 days
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Love wins
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duckdodger · 10 months
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mutant mayhem turtles save me … save me mutant mayhem turtles …,
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beescake · 8 months
The Sollux expressions are so sweet!!! Why's he crying in the last one?
your ask is 2mths old so sorry aghk 👁️
basically the answer is that i draw expressions reflecting my mood arnd that character LOL
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unpretty · 3 months
it has occurred to me to wonder if the fact that, left to my own devices, i consistently sleep for twelve hours and always have, is perhaps a thing i should investigate or do something about
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plantanarchy · 5 months
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She's done this twice now and I mean. OK. Yeah it's fine.
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dawnbreakersgaze · 6 months
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Everyone is talking about how cute this whole card was, but this moment had me thinking about how hard it must have been for Xavier and the other backtrackers to adjust to Earth and well... everything.
Like I wonder how hard it was for them to adjust to new foods, new (old? Ancient?) Tech, customs, clothing, everything.
Like it's clear from the main story that some of the Backtrackers are really struggling even after all this time, but I wonder how many faltered right at the beginning, and how hard, when they saw just how different it really all was. I mean, some people can't even manage to live in another country for an extended period of time, imagine living on an entirely different planet, in an entirely different time, with people who weren't even entirely your same species.
And, at the end of it, to develop a resistance to change, rather than to foster a healthy relationship with it, because of it? It's a coping mechanism, for sure, one we've seen from Xavier a couple of times actually.
All this was to say that in the midst of this tooth-achingly sweet moment, there was still a little bit of that "raw realness" that is always there with Xavier. He always seems to say the most accidentally sad things at the most random times.
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holysheithyall · 5 months
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my son and his bf who i hate
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There’s this little moment early on in Steps into Shadow that’s driving me up the wall. They just rescued Hondo, Ezra’s shown off some new badass skills he got during the timeskip, and we get this exchange:
Hondo: “Is that really Ezra?”
Sabine: “Most of the time.”
Like. There’s some backstory here. That’s objectively a pretty strange and concerning thing to say. That’s not the type of thing you say when your little brother’s just been going through a rebellious phase and fighting with your parents. Some shit has happened here.
What has Ezra been doing up to this point that Sabine doesn’t see him as himself sometimes?
(Most of the really authoritative, shitty stuff that Ezra does in this episode happens later, spurred on by his promotion. Even with the Dark side, which he had been using before this point, Sabine’s surprised when she sees what he does to the walkers. She even asks when he learned to do that kind of thing, which means it’s new.)
What’s been going on beforehand to get Sabine to this point? What’s Ezra done that gets this offhand reaction out of her but that she hasn’t raised as a serious concern to Hera? Im chewing on drywall I NEED TO KNOW
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haltraveler · 3 months
I honestly don't think this episode reflects badly on the Jedi as a whole or their entire philosophy.
The Jedi Council and Indara were against interfering with the coven at all since they had no context. Sol, on the other hand, jumped to conclusions when he believed he saw evidence of child abuse and when combined with some clear personal issues that led to him forming an unhealthy attachment and being ruled by his emotions, the exact sort of thing the Jedi warn against.
Torbin on the other hand was acting like a dumb kid whose brain had been fucked with, and while he made many wrong decisions it's hard to fault him for it, or the Jedi for sending him there since they believed there were no people there. He wasn't ready for this kind of situation and ended up in over his head entirely by accident.
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