#or maybe even a winter wonderland skin...
Feelings Thawed
Character; Cater Diamond
Content; Fluff, gender-neutral reader, pining, ice skating (to various degrees of success)
Word Count; 650+
Author's Note; This is a present/thank you to my mutual @i-like-forgs. I hope you enjoy this ice skating scene with Cater, and that you get to skate soon!
As a reminder, do not put my work — or others for that matter — into AI as it steals. Link to Masterlist
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The brisk wind bit at your nose, and you pulled up your scarf, trying to keep away the offending wind. Around you it was a winter wonderland, all made possible in the temperate conditions thanks to Cater, who was filming you skating around on the frozen pond’s surface.
“You know,” you hollered, making sure that you caught his attention, “you should join me! It’s fun!” You came to a stop by the pond’s edge, where Cater was standing with a large thermos.
Cater just shot you a wink, handing you the thermos. “This is for you though, silly!” 
He was deflecting, you could tell; behind that bright and cheery smile that he always seemed to wear around others, you knew when there was something off with Cater. You accepted the thermos though, and took a sip of the spicy apple cider, still piping hot.
You gave him a look and pulled lightly on his coat sleeve. “Yes, but it’s more fun with others, come on Cater!” You stepped back onto the ice, and slowly skated near him, waiting with an eager smile.
He looked at you, and then back at the ice, but he stayed standing in the light snow, shooting you that smile. “But I can’t take photos if I’m out there with you!” He scratched at the back of his neck.
Liar. “Cater,” you looped back around and stepped onto the bank, balancing on your skates, “do you not know how to skate?”
Cater’s smile turned sheepish, and his ‘ahahaha, looks like my gig is up’ chuckle made its appearance. He had been found out. “Never got the chance to,” he hid his face slightly in his scarf, either to keep the cold at bay or to hide that his cheeks were turning pink. “So I’d just slow ya down.”
You took his hand into yours, “Well, I could teach you if you wanted. Just a warning though, you’re gonna fall on your butt a lot, might get a few bruises.”
Cater looked down at your entwined hands. Mittens and gloves separated your skin from touching one another, but Cater could swear that he could feel the sensation nonetheless through the layers of fabric.
“You would? Even if I pull you down with me?” 
The last question wasn’t just about the ice skating; Cater didn’t want to force you to do anything that you didn’t want to… and that included being his friend. His heart seemed to whisper stronger emotions though, but he didn’t want to ruin what the two of you had.
You walked him out to the ice, and the both of you swiftly fell down on the ice, hard. But you just laughed and got right back up again, “Well, we did just fall. There isn’t anything scary about falling down; yes it stings and might leave a gnarly bruise, but in order to move forward we have to fall and get back up. So yes, is what I guess I’m saying.”
Cater looked up at you, the sun illuminating you and the snow glittered behind you. You were holding your hand out again, waiting for him. And Cater took your hand. 
It took him a while to get the hang of it, and he fell down quite a bit, but every time he fell down you helped him back up. And by the time that the sun was setting in the west, the both of you were cold, and both were going to wake up tomorrow with some bruises. It was fun though, which is all that mattered… but that whisper in Cater’s heart was by now singing, and maybe he would listen to it, but for now, he was happy with how the way things were, and he wouldn’t trade it for anything in the world, especially with how much you had smiled today. Your smile and knowing that you had fun with him was enough.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Tags; @eynnwwyjth, @ithseem, @krenenbaker, @silvers-numberonefan, @twistwonderlanddevotee, @xxoomiii
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starseungs · 6 months
after the curtain falls. lmh
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lee know x gn!reader — spring was a season welcomed by all. what a pity that the notion of ‘all’ exempted you.
genre/s — angst, fluff, its just hurt-comfort, university au • 2.9k words
warning/s — break-up aftermath, profanity, commitment issues, minho gets called a bad bf (sorry), there's a twist i swear !
note — its quite literally been a year since i last wrote a fic so i would love to know how the quality of my writing is !! feedback is greatly appreciated 🫶
2024 ⓒ starseungs on tumblr. do not steal, repost, or edit.
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Spring was never supposed to be this lifeless.
It was a season of new beginnings, where growth is celebrated and life is nurtured back into full bloom. A time of bright colors and freshly scented air floating all throughout the expanse of space, bringing soft smiles of comfort towards anyone who takes it in. Springtime was welcomed by all.
What a pity that the notion of ‘all’ exempted you.
You didn’t know why your spring was so vastly different from the others near you. You’d like to think that your winter started off just as normal as everybody else: watching the crisp fallen leaves on the ground get replaced by a fresh coat of snow, feeling the familiar prick of the icy season’s breeze on your skin as your body tried to suppress a giggling shiver, as well as seeing puffs of steam come out of every warm breath you took, reminding you that despite the cold weather, you still held a warmth inside of you.
Just who would have known that your spring would be the complete opposite, with your heart frosted over despite the rising temperatures? But somewhere in the back of your mind, you knew exactly why. You would never want to catch yourself admitting it, but maybe it was the way your winter ended in a snowstorm of emotions.
It wasn’t every winter that someone had a fight that could completely shatter an intricately built mosaic. It also wasn’t every winter that you would watch your other half walk out of your life without so much of a single falter.
You knew so damn well that it wasn’t every winter that you could get your heart broken.
Perhaps that was why you allowed your heart to get glazed over by ice. After all, it was the only thing keeping it together without requiring you to spend too much effort. Sure, it melted a bit every now and then, but it was easier to freeze liquid than it was to achieve the complete opposite.
It was for the same reason that you found solace in the springtime evenings, where it resembled even half of the winter that was keeping you human. The dimmed atmosphere of the surroundings was able to neutralize all the parading palettes of color, leaving you with a monochrome wonderland that was much more comforting to the eye.
The walk back to your dorm building wasn’t anything special. It really wasn’t supposed to, nor did you expect something to happen. You had just gotten over the hurdles of coursework back in the school’s library when you decided to call it a day, peacefully trek back to your dorm room, and get to sleep the hours away until duty calls. That was how your evening was supposed to go.
Except it didn’t.
When you first saw a figure more or less passed out near the lower steps of your dorm building, you were visibly concerned. Why wouldn’t you be? At this time of the day, it would be dangerous to just leave yourself undefended in public. That, and who in their right mind would be willing to snooze away amidst the midnight breeze?
That was enough for you to start a little jog toward them. Was this person locked out? Were they drunk? Should you help them? All sorts of questions popped into your head as you got closer to the steps the figure took as their bed for the night.
And yet all those same questions vanished into thin air the moment you caught a glimpse of the person’s face.
His name came out of your lips so frail, as if any stronger, and the scene before you would shatter into nothingness, telling you once again that it was all in your head. That you had wished to see him again.
It was almost comical just how fast the sight of him brought back the familiar prick in your eyes—the tears fighting the crisp blow of the wind to keep themselves at bay. This wasn’t how your evening was supposed to go.
Granted, the fight between you was a petty one. Well, not more so petty than sudden since it literally blew up out of nowhere. It started off with a question about commitment. Arguably simple one of where you saw each other in a few years. You had gone first after you asked, rambling happily about graduation and living together. Minho chuckled along with your plans, and to you, he even seemed glad to hear them.
Yet, when the topic of marriage was brought up, his smile immediately turned blank.
Of course, you noticed his drastic change of mood right away. What kind of significant other would you be if you didn’t? But when you reached out to ask him what was wrong, he merely brushed it off as being tired.
Except that both you and him had done nothing but lay around the whole day.
Maybe you, too, had a fault in all of this. You prodded him more about the topic, not knowing you were agitating a ticking time bomb running out of time. If you only knew, then it shouldn’t have come as a surprise that he eventually exploded, spitting out that he wasn’t too sure about marriage.
In your view, that would have been fine. You were willing to talk it out; perhaps he had other plans for the both of you that would settle just fine in yours. There was no way you’d pressure Minho into doing something he didn’t feel like doing. You had too much love and respect for him to do so.
It was in an unfortunate turn of events that you had to find out the sentiment wasn’t shared in the same way you did, as when he slammed your room’s door shut after expressing that it wouldn’t work out, he took a piece of your heart with him that left you incomplete on the days that followed.
And yet, there he was again. Marching into your life like nothing ever happened.
In a blinding flash of hot white fury, you marched up to Minho’s peaceful figure, blissfully unaware of the chaos headed his way. Your body shook in the repressed burst of energy, trying not to lose yourself in public despite the area devoid of people. After reaching him in less than a minute, you saw no hesitation in leaning down to wake him.
“Minho,” you grasped at his right shoulder, trying to shake him out of slumber. You saw the action as intense in a way that was borderline frantic, not a care for the state of the joint you had grabbed. After all, why would you? Yet, while you’d like to believe you did a great job at expressing your displeasure, a small voice pestering at the back of your mind begged to say otherwise.
It was a mere whisper—directed at the act you just committed, one that shouldn’t even bother you in the slightest. Yet, it did. So painfully so.
That kind of gentleness isn’t reserved for a heart swirling in rage.
The slight squeeze in your heart at the notion only made you grit your teeth further in displeasure. Curse your damned heart for keeping its fondness for the man before you. The same man who was still up in dreamland while you were fighting your own war at the present. You clicked your tongue in building irritation.
“Wake up, or else I’m leaving you out here to freeze.” With one last shove, Minho finally came back to Earth.
You watched as he fluttered his eyes open, ignoring the warmth that seemed to spread over you once you got a glimpse of his big almond eyes. Minho sure took his sweet time to process his surroundings, causing you to purse your lips in uncertainty when his gaze lingered on your figure towering over him a bit too long with an unexplainable emotion.
“Hi,” he mumbled slowly, a small smile ghosting on his rosy lips. “Even in my dreams, you never fail to look so lovely.”
Cold air filled your lungs as you sucked in a breath at his words. You hated the way he easily melted the ice that you had covered your heart in. Without even meaning to, Minho had already managed to tear down the first layer of protection you had set up to keep yourself sane. There were a lot of things you wanted to tell him back, but you held your tongue. This wasn’t the right time.
Nor would that time ever come.
“It’s not a dream,” you opted to inform him of what was left of the goodness in your heart, partly feeling guilty for his disoriented state. “Get up, Minho. It’s cold out here.”
“You’re—what, wait!”
Minho scrambled frantically from his seated position on the dorm building’s steps, clumsily finding his balance to get up. The rush of suddenly standing after a nap came over him like a wave, causing him to stumble with a groan as he let the blood that came up settle. You sighed at Minho’s efforts, turning back around to continue your way towards the entrance.
“You should go back home.”
“I won’t!” He replied in haste, pure desperation seeping over his words. “Not again. Not when I spend every passing hour regretting that I did back then when I clearly shouldn’t have.”
You felt your world still at what Minho had just said. Did you hear it correctly?
“Please, Y/N.”
Minho’s footsteps echoed in your mind, telling you that he was moving closer. But your body had yet to listen to the warning bells you had set off, keeping you still in the same place you had stopped in. You surprised yourself with the small whimper that escaped your lips after feeling warmth radiating right behind you.
“Can—can I hug you?”
And just like that, the dam broke as the first fits of sobs spluttered out of your body in waves, barely getting contained as Minho wrapped you with his arms firmly. You turned to face him just to throw weak punches at his chest. “I hate you so much!”
“I know,” he said, hugging you tighter, as if you would disappear the moment he eased his hold. “I know you do.”
“Do you know how hurt I was? How could you just leave me like that!”
“I don’t know,” Minho answers again, completely giving in to your inner turmoil. He let you dampen his hoodie with your tears without any reference. “I was stupid.”
“So stupid!”
“Very stupid,” he repeats your words without hesitation, finally pulling back slightly to see your tear-stained face, gently wiping the fresh drops that escaped with his thumb.
You cursed the way your body naturally leaned into his touch. You disliked the way his voice soothed your running mind from the horrors it placed upon yourself. You hated the way you felt comforted by his presence, the same way he hurt you with his absence.
And most of all, you despised the way you couldn’t bring yourself to stay mad at him.
“I’m sorry,” Minho said heavily, visibly trying to keep his own tears at bay. “I know that won’t fix all the things that happened, but I still wanted to let you know.”
You exhaled shakily.
“I—I won’t force you to accept my apology,” he continued. “But please—God, Y/N. I don’t think I’d be able to handle you telling me to go home and never fixing us. I wouldn’t survive in this world without you by my side. I promise I’ll do better for you. I’ll reflect on what I need to, just—”
Minho breathed in deeply.
“Give me another chance.”
The two of you breathed in unison for the first time in weeks.
“Nice,” Jisung’s squeal of joy could be heard throughout the wide space, carefully fumbling with his video camera to watch the scene’s replay. “That was a great take!”
Seungmin groans at the noise level. “Seriously, would it hurt you to keep it down? Some people are already asleep,” he scoffs, really not wanting to deal with a complaint filed against them this late into the night.
The younger of the two only juts his lower lip forward into a childish pout. “But it’s only midnight. We’re in university. Who gets to sleep that early in university?” Seungmin only bites back a retort after sensing genuine confusion in Jisung’s tone.
“Whatever,” he grumbled.
At the sound of their bickering, the late night’s breeze didn’t seem to be as frosty as it was a few minutes ago. You distantly hear Seungmin and Jisung continue to talk, now finding themselves in a heated discussion about the next scene. A light chuckle was heard coming from the man still holding you.
“Well, I’m glad that they’re having fun,” Minho comments, greatly amused at the duo. You felt his gaze drop down towards your head, still resting on his shoulder. “Feeling okay?”
You could only nod at his query, too exhausted from enacting the scene that just finished. He hummed at your non-verbal approach to answering, running a hand through your hair to soothe your dropping emotions.
“What’s going on in that pretty little mind of yours?” You let out a soft giggle at his wording before snuggling yourself closer to his figure. Minho lets you do your thing with a smile.
“Let’s not ever do that.”
“Do what, love?” He asks, requesting that you elaborate. You listened to his heartbeat thump calmly before speaking up.
“Break up,” you said, the thought leaving a bitter taste on your tongue. “I don’t like the feeling. It hurts.”
Minho laughs again, but this time it was aimed at you. “Well, of course it’s going to hurt,” he says with a light tone. “You’re going to be losing me!” You slapped his arm in annoyance.
“You are such an ass, Lee Minho!”
“Ow—hold on!” He chokes out in between chuckles. Minho takes hold of the hand that was assaulting his arm, slipping it into his own and entangling both of your fingers. You couldn’t help the heat that washed over your face at the intimate action. Minho seemed satisfied with your reaction. “If it makes you feel better, it’s going to hurt me too.”
You pull away to raise a brow at his statement. “Why? Since you’ll be single?” Minho pretends to think for a second.
“I mean, I guess?” You shot him an icy glare at his admission, but the tender smile he gave back at you made your angry facade falter in an instant. It looks like on-screen you had the same issues with their own Minho—both being undeniably weak when it came to them.
“Stop giving me that look,” you sigh amidst a smile you were suppressing.
“What look?”
“That look,” you say, almost in a breath as you struggle to chase the words out of your mouth. “The one when you look at me like I’m the only person in this world.”
It was a look you’ve seen too many times. One that he would give you both at the most intimate of moments and the most random of times. You see it when you wake up in the morning to him already awake beside you; you saw it when you squealed in joy after winning a prize from those rigged claw machines in the arcade across town; and you see it especially when he sees you waiting outside his class’ building after an extensive lecture, holding two cups of coffee for both you and him. It was from those times that you realized—it was Minho’s gaze of unfiltered love for you.
Minho pulls you back into his arms, still unable to let go of his endearing grin. Your head finds its way back into the crevice of his neck, finding home in it once again, like second nature.
“That’s because you are the only person in my world.”
“We beg to differ.”
Minho could only roll his eyes at the eerily synchronized voices of Jisung and Seungmin, leaving you to crumble into fits of laughter. He scoffs before replying, “If I lose my beloved darling, then you guys are losing an actor.”
“Well, you wouldn’t be trying to salvage your relationship if you stopped being such a shit boyfriend!” Jisung bites back at Minho’s threat.
“What, so you would rather watch us be all lovey-dovey in front of you? I didn’t take you for that kind of person, Jisung.”
“Seungmin, he’s fighting me again!”
“What am I, your mom?”
The night continued on in blissful laughter and amused smiles, finally fitting for the season of spring. Even with the chilled breeze of the evening air, the warmth exuding from the four of you would remain, defrosting the ice you had layered on your heart for the scene given to you. Deep in your mind, you knew that this was really how your night was supposed to go.
That as much as you loved creating little scenarios for your friends’ films, you’d always prefer the life you had after the curtain falls.
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mastertag 🔖— send in an ask if you want to be added ! 🫶
@fairyki @hysgf @euncsace @comet-falls @starlostseungmin @ameliesaysshoo @hyunverse @djeniryuu
sorry for anyone tagged that didn't want to be !! i used my old mastertag from a year ago for this fic. i'll be creating a new one soon, so kindly just tell me if you want to be included still 🤍
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1980shorrorfilm · 21 days
sour times
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click here. resources for palestine, congo, sudan, and other countries.
btw to the requests in my inbox; i see u. i hear u. 🙏
pairing…jackson!abby x gn!reader x ellie
in which…you confront your not-so-great relationship with abby after she had stolen your best friend from you.
before you read…angst *sigh.* brief sexual content (for the plot!! no smut) you’re kinda mean here but i forgive you. 🫶
“do you like her?” “i don’t…i don’t know…i think so.”
her perfect blonde braid taunts you. you believe this is what hell is, following the lead of abigail anderson while the biting wind howls around you, snowflakes hitting your tender skin. 
the landscape is a winter wonderland, but you can’t seem to enjoy it in this state. perhaps if you were in the comfort of your bedroom, hot chocolate in your hand, and ellie williams by your side, you’d be in heaven. but that’s not even achievable these days. her time is spent with abby, the two in the woman’s garage, doing whatever when you’re not around, and you never are. 
it’s torturous to be the third. you had ellie first, your first real friend in the small town. you weren’t hers, cat had that blessing. but regardless, it appeared no one could even crack the bond you two had. and then she came along.
strolling into jackson like a puppy with eyes that resembled a stormy sea, her long hair adorned in a neat fishtail braid. she was sweet, but not in the naive way. she stood her ground when challenged, she showed her strength when needed, and she proved just how valuable she was to your community.
she also had a face you could admire for days, like some goddess one would worship many lifetimes ago. tan freckles scatter across her nose like lilies in a field, compared to ellie’s that are like stars in a busy midnight sky. they make their way down to her chest, sprinkled on her shoulders, and dancing over her biceps— her fucking biceps. god. abby was just fucking perfect. it aggravates you.
maybe that’s why ellie took a liking to her so rapidly. you get it— you hate it. and last night, you couldn’t help but ask your friend about their relationship, asking the auburn-haired woman if it was a crush. such a silly word, you had thought as it left your mouth. ellie even laughed quietly at it, avoiding an answer. then, you had asked again, ‘do you like her?’ 
and ellie had answered after hesitation, ‘i think so.’
i think so. jealousy coursed through your veins at the simple and uncertain answer; but you cannot pinpoint why, exactly. you never thought you liked ellie in that way. there was no doubt she was attractive, ellie happens to own that word, but your friendship was simply that. 
a friendship. no delving into romantic territory besides some lingering touches and a bit too deep all-nighters. there was nothing that made you yearn for her, when you already had her in such proximity to you, at your very fingertips. abby did a good job fucking that up, though. 
so you sat there, like a void was sucking you up at her answer. the idea of them…being a thing…sent chills down your spine. a nightmare possibly becoming a reality, if the feelings are mutual. and that scares you even more, abby finding herself enamored by ellie. somehow spending even more time with her than she already does. spending nights and mornings in her bed. it was all wrong. 
something that has yet to happen, already terrorizing you. it just can’t happen.
abby slows down her horse to walk beside you rather than in front of you, “you’re quiet…something wrong?”
you meet her eyes, legitimate concern within them. you were never the most talkative with her, but abby isn’t stupid and the tension in the air is almost as painful as the harsh weather you’re enduring. she wonders if she’s the cause of it. 
did she forget to wish you a good morning at the stables, something she did every single patrol? give you the wrong impression when she stared at you, utterly captivated by you? make you feel weak when she pulled an infected off of you, hands wandering your body making sure you were okay?
you answer her bluntly, “no.”
she tries again, “you can tell me if i did something…”
“you didn’t,” you insist, and surprisingly, it’s only a half lie. it’s the conversation with ellie that’s hanging over you like a dark cloud, and abby happens to be the focal point of it. 
abby seems to accept your response, for now, and tears her eyes off you. the wind has managed to pick up, and the horses are growing slower as they trudge through the snow. 
“that house up there,” abby motions with her head, a red house amongst the beige ones that surround it, “let’s hold up there.”
a stubborn part of you wants to tell her that she can wait there, and you will continue home. but you’re not a moron, and you don’t exactly feel like dying today, as much as ellie tempted you with the morbid idea. you’re freezing and crave shelter, even if that means being stuck another hour or so with abby. 
you follow abby to the home, waiting on your horse as she hops off hers, lifting the garage door for you to enter. when you do, there’s immediate relief in your body, abby behind you whispering sweet words to her horse, stroking the golden fur as she does so. it’s, unfortunately, cute. you keep your smile to yourself, patting your own horse when you get off her, then reaching for your gun before entering the home. 
“wait.” you pause and look back at abby, who walks in front of you, taking the lead yet again. an innocent yet condescending action that irks you deeply, watching the woman quietly slip past the wooden door, scanning the area for any sort of threat. 
you’re not as quiet when you follow behind her, stepping on some wrapper that crackles beneath your shoe, abby eyeing you like you spit on her. you brush it off, “i’ll check upstairs.”
“i’ll go with you.” “jesus— i don’t want you to.”
your sharp tongue takes her back, but there’s no anger in her eyes, it’s that same concern from moments ago. it makes you feel bad, but instead of apologizing, you leave her there, going upstairs like you said you would.
the old stairs creak with each quick step that you take, you forget the purpose of you coming up here. you just wanted to get away from her. that’s the reason why you’re immediately against a wall, snarling in your ear from a rotten corpse trying to bite it off. 
you resist, holding it at an arm's length away with one hand, the other reaching in your pocket for your pocket knife. your hands are cold and shaky, dropping it the moment you pull it out, when the splatter of blood meets your face. the thing is dead, falling before you, eyes meeting hers.
“a-are you—” “i’m fine,” you say coldly, bumping your shoulder with hers when you take a step forward and continue on. abby is really fucking confused, remaining frozen in the hall, staring at the dead infected at her feet. her eyes trail to your pocket knife, then back to you. 
you push open bedroom doors as you pass them, hardly searching them for any more infected. you assume if they wanted to, they’d attack you right then and there, and maybe if you’re lucky, a blonde knight in shining armor will save you. she had an annoying habit of doing so. 
“hey,” abby jogs toward you, trapping you in a doorway, “dropped this.”
the metal glimmers in her hands, and you’re quick to take your beauty of a weapon from her. oddly, you’re protective of the inanimate object, a thoughtful gift from ellie herself. the handle is a dulled shade of your favorite color, and the blade is a bit rusted, but that doesn’t bother you. “thanks,” you mumble, waiting for her to move. she doesn’t.
“wanna tell me why you’re acting like this?” “like what?”
“like that.” “what’s that?”
abby blinks at you, and you remain unfazed. you can tell her calm demeanor is deteriorating before you, patience running thin. “what did i do to you?” she asks, “since i showed up in jackson…it’s like you hate me.”
ouch. the words sting you more than her, and you cannot blame her for believing in such a thing. what have you done to show her otherwise?
held back smiles when she made kind remarks, generous gestures, and stupid jokes? left her out of conversations, not daring to spare eye contact when it was you, her, and ellie, sitting together? made weak small talk that made her feel like nothing but an acquaintance in town, when she just wanted more? 
you sigh, “i don’t…hate you.”
“you make that really hard to believe,” abby replies, crossing her arms. this close, you examine how the tip of her nose and cheeks are a hue of red from the bitter weather. it almost matches her lips…her lips. you’re watching her lips. you catch yourself, and whatever this is, pushing her away. you swallow the dusty air, fast steps taking you right back downstairs. 
of course, abby is on your trail. “you know we’re stuck here, right?” 
like a flip had been switched, you’re once again snappy with her, “no shit.”
“you confuse me, you know that?”
you pretend to ignore her words, focusing on the fireplace in the living room. there are enough logs to last as you wait out the blizzard, so you tug your backpack off and drop it on the distressed coffee table. you search for your matches, that are always in the first pocket in your bag, but they’re not there. 
you’re trying to remember when you took them out, or if they fucking ran away on their own. it doesn’t matter— abby is already ahead of you, and an orange glow suddenly illuminated the dim room. you turn your head, seeing the obnoxious sly grin on her face. “you’re welcome.”
you don’t thank her. you sit on the worn-out floral sofa a few feet away, eyes boring into the flames that are quick to warm you. “do you want a blanket?” abby offers, which you shake your head at. “you hungry?” again, you respond a ‘no,’ with your head. 
the problem with abby is that she’s genuine. she cares about you even if you have not shown the same worry toward her. and maybe that speaks for you more than abby. 
you don’t notice her reaching in her bag, pulling out some crumpled up gauze, until she sits beside you and reaches for your face. you move away when you feel her touch, furrowing your brows at her. “wanna be stubborn and keep that blood on your pretty face?”
your cool cheeks heat up, hardened appearance softening just slightly, then allowing her to wipe the nasty fluid off. she’s soft as she does so, taking her time, and the opportunity to adore your features at such close proximity. you’d probably give her a scowl if you realized so.
“is it her?”
“what?” “ellie. did she piss you off?”
abby is too observant for your own good. there’s only one…two people in jackson that can invoke such strong emotions from you, even if you hide them poorly. “no…”
“you kinda suck at this lying thing,” abby calls you out, large hand on your cheek, turning it so she can clean up any remaining blood on the other side of your face. “if she did, i could kick her ass.”
the somewhat joke leaves you with a puzzled expression. and then you laugh. “yeah, okay,” your tone is nothing but sarcastic, “like you’d ever take my side over hers.”
“what do you mean?” 
you bite your lip, tearing your eyes off her and into the burning wood. it’s not a loaded question, but it’s a loaded answer. to explain to her that ellie is her priority, as abby is hers, and you’re just there. someone that was kicked to the curb, left for envy to grow on you like poison ivy. 
you keep it short, “you guys are close.”
“well, yeah, we’re friends.” for now, you think, a humorless chuckle quietly escaping your lips. abby catches it, opens her mouth, and immediately shuts it. she finally lets go of your face, tossing the crimson coated gauze on the floor, her pupils still trained on you. the loss of her touch almost bothers you. then she speaks again.
“do you…do you think i like her or something? because we aren’t…anything.”
seconds pass in silence as you debate the question dancing on your tongue, curious if it’s overstepping but more intrigued about the answer. even if it will hurt to hear, you simply need to know. “do you want to be?”
“no, of course not.”
guilt ruins through your veins at the relief that settles in your body, knowing poor ellie would frown at the unrequited feelings. but there’s something else that gives you hope…why the fuck do you have hope? you gulp, “okay.”
“do you like her?” “what?!” “is that what this is about?”
“no— no it’s not, it’s not that.” “then what is it?”
you, honestly, cannot give her a proper response. this isn’t about some stupid nonexistent crush on your friend, yet that would make the most sense for whatever these feelings of resentment are. 
you’re quiet as you try to think of something, and it doesn’t help that her blue-grey eyes are zoning into you, as if she’s trying to peel the complicated layers off of you. she’s trying to understand, she really is, and it painfully makes your heart swell. you truly do get ellie. 
your façade of disinterest is chipping away like the paint on these very walls, her gaze on you making you want to break— to give in —and the moment your eyes fall to her pink lips, you do exactly that. 
you close the space between you two, nearly crawling on the couch and in her lap when you gently grab the sides of her face, kissing her before you even realize that you’re kissing her. it was an urge you couldn’t simply couldn’t resist. and abby welcomes it.
she moves in sync, pushing her lips against yours deeper, surprised when you pull away. the moment hits you at once; you and abby. abby and you. it has your eyes widened and lips parted, searching for something to say. sorry? no…that doesn’t feel right. you’re not sorry. and abby doesn’t want you to apologize, she needs you to keep going.
as if you both read the others mind, you lean into each other, connecting your lips once more.
you think of ellie, what she had told you with such vulnerability, and then you think of abby. abby, who had a intense desire to taste you, and was making that evidently clear. the aftermath of whatever this is, will be dealt with when that time comes.
you swallow the guilt when your tongue mixes with hers, abby tugging you on top of her, gripping your shirt like her life depends on it. her eagerness sends shivers down your spine, more intense than the horrid weather outside ever could to you. 
it feels too good to stop, she feels too good. abby is unbuttoning her jacket, while you’re tugging yours off, the kiss suddenly messy as you’re both failing to multitask. you giggle against her lips when you both manage to do so, her callous hand cradling the back of your neck to draw you closer. if that were possible.
you deepen the kiss, your hands slipping beneath the knit long sleeve shirt she wears. you explore the abs you’ve only ever seen through tight shirts that had you in a daze, not that you would’ve ever admit that to her, though. she attempts to say your name against your lips, her voice weak and breathy.
you pull away and tilt her chin up with your fingers, trailing your lips down her jaw, to the side of her neck. the world outside vanishes as abby loses herself in the sensation of your lips on her neck, sweet kisses that shift to gentle bites.
it’s the tender spots that you suck, that earn hushed whimpers from her. and you make sure to do it over, over, and over again. like a damn vampire, sinking your teeth into her, and marking your territory, when she’s not even yours.
and then you stop, noticing the room was dark. the fire had gone out. “we should— uh,” you climb off of her, the woman catching the breath she seemed to hold still the entire time. 
“yeah…” she agrees, chest rising, licking her lips. 
the wind has calmed down by now, a tolerable ride home that’s extremely quiet, besides the occasional gust of wind. except it’s not awkward the way it was hours prior. you’re exchanging short glances at the other, small smiles when your eyes would meet. 
you make it back to jackson safely, both of you dropping off the horses at the stables, making small talk as you walk home. you’re not talking about what just happened inside that red house, both of you are too shy to bring it up, to ask if that meant anything to the other. 
it truthfully drifts from your mind as abby is explaining a childhood story, until your eyes fall on her. ellie, heading in your direction, toward you two. 
it’s when she gets closer, that her pupils fall to abby’s neck; the pale skin decorated with purple marks, caused by you. she had been so worried about you two, and now, she feels dumb. and hurt.
especially when you just give her a tight-lipped smile, knowing exactly what you have done. and more importantly, that you wanted her to see it.
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purple-writer8 · 5 months
Suburban Legends - ACOTAR
Azriel x Winter Court Reader
“When you hold me, it holds me together.”
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warnings: unrequited love, pining, evil thoughts, intrusive thoughts, lesser fae thinks shes not enough, hating on girl, self doubt, self loathing, reader is a handful, ice powers, groping, lesser fae slander
1.7k words
Part Two to Heather
Masterlist :)
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He kissed you. Azriel kissed you. And then you winnowed away, because he kissed you in a way that you knew would screw you up forever. Because Azriel could never love you. You were not soft like Elain, were not some soft baker with beautiful High Fae features.
No. You were just a winterling. A lesser fae that iced everything around her. You paced the House of Wind, paced and paced through the entire manor— scared out of your mind of seeing Azriel again. Why would he kiss you?
Your mind raced and raced and raced.
Azriel deserved someone better than you, he deserved Elain. Not some winterling that got jealous because of a sweater, jealous and you two weren’t even together. Oh, you were so embarrassed— you wanted to die. You got a quick snack in the kitchen, thanking the house for it, and then you rushed up to your room.
Cauldron, you would die of embarrassment if you saw Azriel.
The way that he kissed you, it killed you, because you knew that you were doomed. How were you supposed to live now that you had tasted him? He had kissed you out of pity, you were sure. Or maybe he just didn’t know what to do.
As you ate your chips and dip, you noticed a shadow slithering underneath your door. You ignored it. He probably just wanted to know if you were freaking out or something.
You heard footsteps outside your door and froze when they stopped in front of it. You whispered a curse when your plate with your snack turned to ice, you really had to start controlling your powers.
A knock sounded against the wood of your door, and you wanted to die. You could feel the ice appearing through your body, invading your skin as it did whenever you were in distress— a winterling defense mechanism. You remained silent, unmoving, and after not answering the door for minutes, the shadow and it’s singer left— footsteps disappearing down the hall.
You were tempted to run out of your room and go after him but you were never going to do that. You would die of embarrassment if Azriel simply rejected you, telling you that he only kissed you because he felt bad.
Azriel knocked on your door every night for an entire week, maybe to reject you, or maybe to send you on a mission. You were not sure, but you had barricaded yourself in your room. If you were needed for a mission, Rhysand would reach you, you were sure. Your room had turned into a winter wonderland, your anxiety making your ice powers almost uncontrollable— and frankly unbearable. You were sure you had frost bite by now.
A knock sounded to your door, and instantly you turned to it, watching for the shadow that would always check on you when Azriel came. But no shadow appeared. “Darling? It’s me.”
Surely you could die from embarrassment when you heard the High Lord outside your door. You whimpered when more ice manifested from your fingertips, it fucking hurt and you were sure your fingers could be thawed off your hands any moment now.
Dark majestic talons caressed your mind, and you were tempted to let them in— but instead reinforced the walls that kept Rhysand out, because how fucking embarrassing is it to let your High Lord see how you’ve iced your entire room just because a guy doesn’t want you.
You are supposed to be better than that. But you weren’t.
“Open the door,” the High Lord ordered, and you complied.
His violet eyes widened when he took in the state of your room. “I… What… I… Ice.” Was all he managed to say as he stepped into the room, shivering as the cold hit him.
You smiled awkwardly, unnaturally, “hey.”
“So when Cassian said you turned his room into ice… he meant this?” Rhysand asked and you nodded, awkwardly shifting your weight on your feet. His eyes took in your form and you almost covered your face, but you didn’t. Because the one person who knew all your flaws and ugliness was your High Lord, and he accepted you that way.
It wasn’t a pretty sight when you lost control. As a winterling lesser, the powers that you had were all ice ones. You could wield ice from your fingertips, and when distress happened upon your body— ice bloomed through your flesh, because your blood turned cold. You weren’t good at controlling them; so when anxiety hit you, your veins turned black and you froze everything around you.
Every vein in your body was noticeable, your eyes were white, and you were covered in ice.
Rhysand was probably disgusted by you.
“Azriel says you’ve been cooped up here since game night. Says you won’t open the door for him.” Rhysand stated as he looked around your room, blinking slowly as he took in all of your belongings being frozen.
“For him. But I opened the door for you,” you answered sheepishly.
“He let me know what happened… that night when he went to get you outside… I…” You put your hand up when he said those words.
“I know. I know. He doesn’t like me. I was stupid to complain about a sweater. I mean, my audacity, right?” You laughed dryly. Rhysand frowned, eyeing you— then eyeing your room.
With a snap of his fingers, your room was back to normal. “We’re going out to Rita’s tonight, join us,” Rhysand stated simply, and you were about to decline, but his stern gaze told you that it was a command— not a suggestion.
“I would much rather stay in,” you try anyways. Rhysand shakes his head. “So you could drown in ice and self pity? Get a grip, darling.”
You don’t admit that it hurts. It was not self pity, it was self hate, loathing. You ultimately nod, because you know he is not gonna let you just wallow in your sadness even though it’s all that you want. “Talk to him,” Rhysand said before winnowing away.
You scoffed at nothing. Absolutely not. If he rejected you, which you were sure he would, it would cause you more self hate than you could ever deal with.
You got ready that night in your usual attire. Glittering gowns with diamonds that resembled little snowflakes, reminiscent of your origins. You would look at the clock as you did your hair, and when ten pm rolled around and Azriel did not knock like every other night that week— your whole life was ruined.
At eleven you called for Rhysand in your mind so he could take you down to Rita’s and that he did, though the flight was silent. You were not very fond of him ordering you to hang out when you were miserable.
At Rita’s, you wanted to die.
Azriel was there, sitting silently next to Elain. And instantly your evil mind was hoping she got poisoned by the cocktail she was gently and elegantly sipping.
You truly were unlovable and unlikeable, huh?
You could feel those hazel eyes on you, though no shadows came to greet you. You did not dare meet his gaze because you were sure you would hurl ice all over the floor, so you rushed to find your High Lady and Mor who were chatting by the bar.
They greeted you happily, chatting you up over things you could care less about— because how could you focus when you could see everyone fawning over the shadowsinger in your peripheral vision. He was so magnetic to every fae that it was almost obnoxious.
Feyre started talking about the mating bond with Mor, indulging her in a debate about whether all mates were meant to be. All you could do was fantasize about you and Azriel, mismatched as you may be, surprising the whole court by being mates.
A fae can dream.
A male appeared out of the blue— a handsome male— and he asked you to dance. You indulged him. It was better than standing there pretending to care about Feyre and Mor’s conversation. You loved them, but your mind was elsewhere.
The male danced to the music, swaying along with you, his eyes focused on your white ones. “Shit… I can imagine you sucking my cock with those looking up at me… a perfect lesser fuck,” you gasped at his lewd words because, what the fuck?!
Your heart thudded and you smelled danger, so you gave him an awkward smile and stepped back from him, only for him to snake one strong arm around your waist, tugging you close. “I-Uh, have to go,” you chuckled nervously, looking around for your friends, though the sea of people dancing made it near impossible for you to see their usual booth.
“What does a little lesser like you have to do that is better than being with me?” He asked, leaning down to your ear, an act that sent shivers down your spine. Fear. Which was stupid because you were a spy for the Night Court, you could handle him.
Before you could even snap at him, his hand groped your behind, causing you to gasp and push him away— but in that moment he was stronger, so he tugged you right back to his bulky body. “Who do you think you are?” You scoffed at him, a snarl on your face.
“I’m taking you home tonight, lesser.”
“Over my dead body.” The man stumbled backwards as he looked over your shoulder, to the shadowsinger that had appeared between the crowd. Every fae in the room turned to look at Azriel, at the icy rage that surfaced on his perfect face. He parted the crowd as he stood there, his wings tucked tight as he glared at the High Fae that had been harassing you.
A comforting shadow slinked to you, wrapping around your icy wrist gently. Its gentleness was a stark contrast to the sheer anger it’s master exuded from his being.
“Fuck… I didn’t know… didn’t know she was yours, shadowsinger.”
“Now you know not to fucking touch my mate.”
Part Three
Author’s Note:
this definitely needs a part three i know
General Taglist: @mybestfriendmademe @lilah-asteria @sheblogs
Series Taglist: @illiicits @dee-writes-smut @going-through-shit @saltedcoffeescotch @evergreenlark
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inuyashaluver · 8 months
Hello Bestie could you maybe write a Christmas fic with Maya or Leah?? Where player and reader are Christmas tree shopping and they end up kissing under a mistletoe
sneaky - leah williamson
leah williamson x reader
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description: in which you and your girlfriend go christmas tree shopping, you oblivious to her little plan in store for you
warnings: pure fluff, not even close to christmas but still cute, swearing
a/n: this is so cute are we kidding, do you know how hard it was for me to chose, i was dying lmao, enjoy bestie! ❤️ not me writing WAY past christmas
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you and your girlfriend, leah had alternative feelings towards christmas. you didn’t really mind it, whereas leah thought christmas was the best part of the year.
though, as the time progressed, you’d grown a love for christmas because of what it meant to leah, her happy smile the greatest gift of all.
over the four years that you and leah had been dating, you’d spent each christmas together, leah made it her personal mission to make your shared home a winter wonderland.
it was november 31st and you were both lying on the couch, the blonde resting comfortably on your body as you lay flat. her hands are planted under your back, buried into the warmth of your (her) hoodie as you both watch a movie.
her hands gently roam your warm skin as you both giggle along with the movie. when she hears you laugh, she looks up at you in adoration, taking in every little detail she could before you caught her. you were beautiful and she couldn’t take her eyes off you.
when you looked down slightly to investigate why leah had gone so quiet all of a sudden, you were shocked to see your girlfriend looking at you with a lovesick expression that made your heart beat rapidly. “hello” you breathe out with a little laugh.
she smiles bashfully when you make eye contact, moving to hide her face on your chest as you giggle at her affectionately.
you place a hand through her hair and she melts into you instantly, humming at the contact before placing gentle kisses on the base of neck.
after she avoids your gaze for about two minutes, she can’t help but look at you again, this time you were already looking at her and her breath caught in the back of her throat. you looked at her with so much love, she honestly couldn’t believe it.
“you’re so pretty” you whisper, leah shakes her head at you amusingly and moves up a little to be face to face, “you’re beautiful, my girl” each word brushes your lips as she smiles down at you.
she closes the gap between you to seal your lips in a kiss. it was tender, gentle and full of so much mutual adoration, it was sickeningly sweet.
that’s when you were broken apart by leah’s phone buzzing with an alarm. she excitedly gasps and kisses your lips repeatedly, relishing in the sounds of your melodious giggles that made her heart soar.
“it’s 12 o’clock” she gushed, moving to turn the alarm off before moving to kiss you again. you gasp against her lips as she deepens the kiss before she abruptly pulls away to hover over you, “do you know why i’m excited it’s 12 o’clock, baby?”
you shake your head at the girl’s words and she rolls her eyes, “for sleep?” you smile, training had kicked your ass today, mainly because leah was marking you the whole time.
“no, it’s december 1st!” she exclaims, kissing the tip of your nose with a bright grin. you knew what this meant and it made you smile.
“christmas shopping” you point out, making leah smile at you proudly. she appreciated how much you let her share the love of her favourite holiday.
she nods at you excitedly and squeezes you into an embrace, kissing your cheek before hoisting you up, carrying you towards the bedroom so you two could sleep before surely a stressful time for you and a happy time for leah.
you had woken up first for the day and had to pry yourself out of the warm embrace of your girlfriend to get up out of bed.
leah shortly after you woke up with a slight scowl at you not being in her arms when her eyes opened, making her pad around the house to search for you to see you bundled up on the couch scrolling on your phone.
“traitor” she grumbles, glaring at you slightly as you look up at her with a bright smile. “good morning, baby” you cheese out, she can’t help but smile a little and trudges over to you, planting her body on top of you as she sinks into your embrace. “good morning” she mumbles into the skin of your neck.
“someone’s not as excited as i thought she’d be, on the 1st of december too,” you tease, making the blonde shoot up in remembrance, “shit! i forgot!” her eyes are wide as she looks at you, quickly transforming into a look of excitement as she remembered what you’d be doing today.
“what are we waiting for? get up! get up!” leah ushers, dragging you off the couch and ignoring your protests of being cold as you both make it back to the bedroom.
you smile in amusement as leah sits you on the bed to pick out your clothes for the day, giving a satisfied smile as she holds the clothes up to your body.
she grins and gives you a quick kiss before forcing you to get changed. she rushes to get ready herself, running back to the living room to wait for you. not forgetting to complain that you were taking too long.
by the time you’d both made it into the car, leah’s hand would squeeze your thigh every couple of minutes to express her eagerness.
you’d both shopped for decorations and gifts for what felt like days but you wouldn’t utter a complaint at all, leah was so extremely happy despite it being such a stressful time that it eased your worries instantly.
you were happy to follow her like a lost puppy as she showed you a bunch of different items with a bright smile, agreeing with her instantly without a second thought.
it had reached later in the day, it was dark and was now the time where you and leah would go and get a tree after dropping all of your other items at home.
leah insisted you both needed to get a real tree for christmas every year because that’s what she was taught to do and you were happy to oblige.
when you both make it to the tree stall, leah rushes to open your door and laces your fingers excitedly as she pulls you along the hundreds of trees lined up to chose from.
though, what you didn’t notice was that leah was taking you along a specific path, you were unaware that she had spotted a mistletoe towards the far right of the area when you first entered and made it her mission to get you there and steal a kiss.
her cheeky smirk didn’t go unmissed by you as you both walked along looking at the trees and the pretty lights. “what are you up to?” you narrow your eyes at her as she tries to stifle a giggle when you were nearing the area where the mistletoe was.
“nothing, baby” she smiles down at you, kissing your cheek before dragging you off again.
you’d looked at so many trees, you were surprised leah hadn’t picked one yet as she’s usually quite quick. “you don’t like any of these?” you question, leah shakes her head at looks at you with a grin,
“the best ones are usually at the end” she shrugs, both of you walking, chatting and giggling. it was truly a wholesome experience for the two of you, something so sacred and special that you would treasure forever.
by the time you reached the last row, leah visibly perks up and increases her speed. you struggle to catch up with her excited steps before she suddenly stops and faces you.
she takes both of your hands in hers and gives them a gentle squeeze, smiling at you lovingly. “hi” leah smiles cheekily, pulling you forward slightly. “hi” you breathe out, looking at leah sheepishly.
“you look so beautiful” leah says in awe, pulling you closer again. you could tell she was up to something, by her cheeky smile and the way she kept pulling you closer every time she spoke but you weren’t complaining.
“you look very beautiful” you smile, “you also look sneaky, what’s going on?” she laughs at your words and shakes her head amusingly, you both knew when the other was up to something.
“hm” she hums with a laugh, her eyes flickering upward with a smirk. you follow her gaze and that’s when you see it, a mistletoe hung directly over you two. you keep your eyes on it and laugh, looking back at leah with a big smile.
you both giggle when you make eye contact and leah places her hands on your hips, pulling you closer until you were pressed up against each other gently. your arms instinctively wrap around her neck as you smiled at each other.
“mistletoe, huh? knew you were up to something” you smirk, leah chuckles and nods, “who are we to deny the rules of the mistletoe, baby?” leah scoffs, you nod and ghost your lips over hers. she bumps her nose with yours and you both giggle again before she closes the gap between the two of you.
it starts off soft and gentle before you take initiative and deepen it, carding a hand through her hair and gently grazing your nails on her scalp, prompting her to squeeze your hips in appreciation.
she quickly dominates the kiss as you both whine into each other’s mouths. when you both pull away absolutely breathless, she rests her forehead on yours, your breaths mingling as you smile with each other.
you pull away slightly to make eye contact, “you know, we’re still under the mistletoe” you whisper, she laughs brightly at you and smiles with a nod, “mhm, we are” she looks up at it for a moment before looking back down at you,
“who are we to deny the rules of the mistletoe? huh, leah baby?” you quip, leah nods gently before pulling you into another breathless kiss, lasting a couple of seconds before pulling away.
“the tree?” you smirk, leah nods before grabbing your hand again, lacing them together as you walked. “i already know what tree i want” leah chuckles, taking you to the very first row of trees, pointing out the third one.
you can’t help but laugh brightly, you knew her too well, of course she set her heart on one of the first trees she saw but dragged you all the way to the mistletoe.
you both get home and set up the tree, decorating it together under leah’s very careful and specific instructions. the house is warm and full of love, fairy lights providing light as you both laugh and chat while decorating.
once done, you both pull away satisfied, leah tucking you into her side as you both look at the decorated tree.
“it might be our best tree yet, my girl” leah chuckles, kissing your temple as you lean into her. “why? because you dragged me around 10 different isles of trees just to kiss me and then took me all the way back to pick this one?” you recount cheekily, leah nods with a giggle.
“exactly” she grins, “not like you were complaining” leah bumps your hip with hers and you laugh, leaning up to kiss her cheek, making a light pink dust the skin there.
“no, i’m not, in fact..” you start, pulling out a small mistletoe from your pocket to hold it up over your heads. leah raises her eyebrows before she throws her head back in a laugh, “well, who are we to deny the rules?” she smirks, wrapping her arms around your waist to pull you in a searing kiss, your hands dropping the mistletoe in the purpose.
it was a good christmas already.
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liked by liawaelti and 44,232 others
leahwilliamsonn: me and my girl put up the christmas tree, favourite time of the year!
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yourname: leah did the whole thing
↳ leahwilliamsonn: baby! no, we did it together!
↳ yourname: leah, my love, you told me where to put each and every ornament, i don’t know if it counts
↳ leahwilliamsonn: you still put it on with your pretty hands
↳ yourname: mhm
↳ leahwilliamsonn: meet me under the mistletoe in 5 minutes?
↳ yourname: sold
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lesservillain · 8 months
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alpha!steve harrington x omega!reader
cw: omegaverse dynamics, knotting, bonding/marking, breeding kink, unprotected piv, semi public, mutual pining
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Music plays at a low hum from the small radio at your desk. The only station that comes in clear has been taken over by Christmas music since Thanksgiving break. Not even Wham!’’s Last Christmas was giving the same sense of relief after hearing it every day for almost a month now. 
Despite the winter wonderland outside, you still seek out the coolness of your water bottle against your skin, the chill helping to ease the flush that’s been making you sweat like it was mid July in Texas. You’d even cracked the window behind your desk in hopes that the fallen snow would help with your elevated body temperature. But you knew that all of your efforts were for nothing. That no matter how cold you made it, there was really only one thing that would actually be able to ease the discomfort that you felt spreading under your skin; the burden of being an omega in this world. 
Ever since you split with your ex this past spring you’ve been having to deal with your heats on your own. It's not impossible for an omega to go through heats without an alpha to ease the pain, but when you go cold turkey after years of having someone there to satisfy the overwhelming biological need to mate, it can take a huge toll on any omega. 
Science has made leaps and bounds over the last 20 years to improve suppressants for both alphas and omegas. They’re not perfect by any means, but they’re better than dealing with the intense urges that you feel when that time of the month comes. 
The current suppressants you're taking are…experimental. Mixed with a birth control that’s supposed to be able to stop even the swimmers of an alpha in rut from reaching an egg of an omega they’ve marked. They were suggested by your doctor as a preventative, since omegas after losing their long alpha tend to subconsciously scent to seek out a replacement. 
And they worked really well the first few months, not having a heat for nearly half a year. But the added stress of moving to a new town on your own and starting a new job where you were constantly playing catch up after inheriting a mess from the school’s previous nurse, your heat came back full swing within the first month of the school year. The dizziness, increased appetite, a dull ache in your lower back, and hot flashes put you out for three days before you could get a suppressant strong enough to make you functional again. 
Now you’re having your winter heat, which, so far, has been much tamer by comparison thanks to the increased dose of your medication. But the combination of your heat with the influx of students seeing you due to peak flu and strep season, your body has been practically screaming at you by the end of each day this week to go home and relax. 
The sudden overzealous opening of your office door takes your attention off your sweltering body. The all too familiar voice of Mr. Harrington calls out “Helloooo, nurse!” as he occupies the space in the doorway. 
Steve Harrington was one of the school’s sophomore history teachers, as well as the football and basketball coach and the leader of the Student Achievement program. All of the staff, and probably some of the students, swoon over him at any given moment, his presence never missed due to the air that surrounds him. Unfortunately you’re not immune to his charms either. In fact, the natural attraction between the two of you was palpable at times, regardless of how much you try to ignore it. 
Steve could feel it, too. And maybe it was the way his alpha brain was wired, but his flirty personality is jacked up to 10 whenever you’re around. It’s not on purpose, at least not in a conscious way. His amazing hair, the way his clothes hugged his toned body, and his almost unnaturally handsome face made him the poster child for the perfect alpha partner. 
Well, perfect except for the fact that he’s the clumsiest man you’ve ever met in your life, leaving your office at least once a week with a Strawberry Shortcake bandaid after giving himself a paper cut or an ice pack on his head when a ball hits him in the face. 
Despite his accident-prone nature, Steve is a highly desired, single alpha in his prime. And with you being the only unclaimed adult omega in the building, it’s put a huge target on your back for your jealous coworkers who think they have a shot with him. To remedy this, you’ve maintained a firm level of professionalism and platonic friendliness at all times with him, despite his flirty personality testing your willpower.
His intoxicating scent invades your senses sending  a wave of warmth to wash over you before you can even give him a quick glance. You pull at the collar of your blouse willing the air to cool down your shirt. “You feeling okay there, nurse? You look a little flushed. Or are you just that happy to see me?”
“Mr.Harrington,” you say flatly, following with teasing sarcasm as you continue looking over your paperwork, “I was starting to worry you weren’t going to see me this week. Thought you’d finally broken your streak of bad luck.” He lets out an airy chuckle that makes the sides of your lips threaten to curl.
“Oh, honey, you know I can’t stay away from you.” He means it. He would fake appendicitis if it gave him a greater chance to be doted on by you. To get closer to you. “I would have been in here sooner if I hadn’t been glued to my desk all week getting grades in before break,” he says, voicing his grievances that were the result of his own negligence. 
“I see,” you hum, continuing with the sarcastic tone. “I guess I won’t have to replenish my box of bandaids just yet.”
“Weelll,” he draws out, “All that sitting time must have built up my bad luck, because, uh, I think this one may need more than just a bandaid.”
When you finally lift your eyes from your desk, they almost bulge out of their sockets at the sight of him. Where you initially thought his arms were just crossed, you see his right hand is actually covering his left bicep, blood staining down the sleeve of his light and navy blue striped dress shirt. The lack of urgency in his tone had you thinking nothing was wrong, but of course Steve Harrington would find the time to flirt with you while he’s bleeding. 
Tossing your water bottle on the desk and jumping up from your seat, you practically fly across the room to assess the damage, pulling his hand away to find a tear in the sleeve and blood spread messily on his skin underneath.
“Oh my goodness, what happened?” You ask with concern, pulling him into the office by the hand and leading him to a cot, shutting the door behind you. 
“Mrs.Harmon asked if I could stay and help set up stuff around the auditorium for the choir performance tonight,” he explained as you pulled at the material of his sleeve, trying and failing and get a better look at the wound, “and I accidentally knocked a shelf off the wall while trying to get the decorations out. I moved fast enough that it didn’t crush me, but it did knick me a little.”
“A little! Mr.Harrington—” you start with a stern tone, preparing your normal lecture to him about being safe. 
“Steve,” he corrects with a smug grin, insisting that you call him by his first name since you’ve met. 
“Mr.Harrington,” you repeat like a warning, trying to remain professional when he’s so close to you. It’s hard when he’s staring at your face with those big hazel eyes as he watches your face scrunch in frustration while you fiddle with his shirt. A shirt that’s straining to stay together around his large bicep, leaving no give for you to get a better look at his wound. 
Losing your will to argue with him, your hands rest to your hips with a sigh. “Can you, just, slip your arm out of the sleeve, please?”
“Of course,” he says with faux seriousness as you can see his all too satisfied smile, rolling your eyes at him.
Turning on your heel, you walk a few feet to grab the things from the supply cabinet to treat his wound. Your back is turned to him as you fill your arms with gauze, tape, cotton balls, and anything else you may need for a cut that large.
 “You know, you’re probably the clumsiest alpha I’ve ever met,” you tease as you turn to face him again, “Sometimes I think you get hurt on purpose just to see m—“
The rest of your remark dies on your tongue as your mouth goes dry. Taking liberties with your request, you watch Mr.Harrington completely remove his shirt, dropping it on the cot behind him and facing you once more. The white under tank he’s wearing leaves little to the imagination as it hugs his broad chest tightly, thinning the material and making it almost see through. His skin still has the last lingering tint of the tan he was sporting on the first day of school, and different sized freckles and moles decorate his body like constellations in the sky. You’ve never seen so much of him all at once, head feeling fuzzy as you drink him in. 
“I think you might be drooling a bit there, Ms. Nurse,” he says pointing to the corner of his own mouth to further his teasing. But you can barely hear him, the words muffled as your ears start to ring and your vision tilts as if you’d been drinking. The boil you’d been dealing with all day felt like a slight shimmer as your fever suddenly spikes, your body on fire as the scent coming from his newly exposed skin has you reeling.
The supplies you’re holding dropped to the floor, freeing your hands to grasp at the counter behind you. Steve rushes to your side, wrapping an arm around you and easing you to the ground. He barely makes it without dropping to his knees himself, the smell of your pheromones hitting him like a brick. 
“H-hey, what do you need,” you hear him ask, but you can hardly register the words as his scent in close proximity only spurs your heat on more. Even with your clothes covering your skin, the touch of his hand on your waist and the one he’s rested on your knee make you crave more of him in a carnal way, the urgent need to close the gap between the two of you has your body shifting until you’re on your knees and crawling towards him. 
His hands hover in the air, slightly trembling as you lean into him. He falls back on his ass as you get closer until you’re practically laying on him, rubbing against him with your face like a cat. “I need you, Steve,” you purr. He takes a sharp breath in through gritted teeth as your hand drifts lower, lower, until your fingers land on the very prominent bulge straining against his deep blue slacks. “Shit,” his head snaps back at the contact, before dropping back down to look at you with hungry eyes.
“What happened to keeping it professional?” He tries to joke, unsure if this is all just a test from the universe to see how he would react to having his nightly fantasies come true. And while Steve may be resilient in many ways, he wasn’t sure if he could hold back with the way you’re looking up at him through your lashes as if he’d hung the moon and the stars. The scent of his musk permeates the room as he gives into your needs, his desires, letting the primal urges he’s been pushing down since the day he met you front in his mind. 
If you were in a different state of mind you probably would have laughed at his comment. But the intense ache that bloomed between your legs as all your senses start to leave your body has you whimpering against his chest. 
Strong arms scoop you up swiftly, tossing you down on the cot and pulling the privacy curtain behind him. In the split second he was away from you, you managed to grab his discarded shirt and pull it to your nose, inhaling his lingering scent. It was like a drug that you couldn’t get enough of, your thighs rubbing together and hips moving against air as your body seeks out any kind of relief for the ache. 
Suddenly, the shirt is torn from your grasp roughly. You cry out, hands reaching out aimlessly before they’re being grasped tightly around the wrists and pinned to the bed. The cot dips as a weight wedges its way between your legs, pressing against your core in a way that has you instantly bucking against it with reckless abandon, your clouded mind only thinking about satisfying the throb in your core. 
“God, look at the mess you’re making on my thigh already,” Steve says with a low growl, watching you use him in a pathetic attempt to relieve yourself. The grit in his voice hits every nerve in your body on its way from your ear drums to your cunt. 
“You smell so fucking sweet,” he groans as he brings your wrist to his nose and inhales, “Like vanilla or honey, o-or something better,” he stammers. He leans over you, hot tongue licking a thick stripe from your collar bone to behind your ear, lightly biting the lobe and pulling, goosebumps rising on your skin. His hair is just as soft as you imagined it would be as it tickles your cheek, a sharp contrast to the way his teeth bite at your neck, his tongue soothing over the skin. 
You press your cheek into him, whining his name right into his ear, practically begging him to put you out of your misery. He releases one of your hands to grab your face, lips pursing together, making you look him in the eyes. His pupils fully blown out and close enough that you can see your own fucked out reflection in them.
“Listen to me,” he says, swallowing, eyes flickering between your eyes and your lips. “I’ve been wanting to do this for five fucking months. Five long months of fucking my fist to the thought of getting you under me just like this, making you a mess and having you beg for me.” He takes a deep breath through his nose, nostrils flaring as the last bit of his resolve begins to waver. “So if we do this, you’re mine from now on, got it? No more of this back and forth, pretending you don’t want me as much as I want you bullshit. Once I start…I’m not going to be able to stop. Do you understand?”
There’s no hesitation with how quickly you try to nod your head against his grip. The heat coming off of your cheeks warms the tips of his fingers. “Nuh-uh,” he tuts, giving you a little shake, “Need to hear it. Tell me you want this.” 
“Want you, Steve. Need you. Need your cock, please, please please.”
 He curses under his breath before his lips crash into yours. The kiss is hot and heavy right off the bat as teeth clash and tongues dance together in desperation. Your free hand finds its way into his perfect hair, pulling slightly at the nape, eliciting a moan from him that you catch as it leaves his lips.
Steve pulls away from you with a wild look in his eyes. Both of his strong hands release their hold on you so that he could rip open the front of your blouse, sending buttons flying and hitting the floor with a clatter. His mouth is back on you, nipping and biting the skin while his hands pull your tits free from the cups of your bra. 
Mouth moving at lightning speed, he hungrily takes one of your nipples in his mouth, sucking and tonguing the bud while needing at your other breast with his hand. His eyes are glassy when they look up at you, half lidded and unfocused, drool dribbles down your breast from his mouth. 
Everything next happens so quickly you can barely register it. Steve pulls away from you completely, standing up fully to rip your pants down your legs. Once he throws them to the floor, he’s making quick movements to undo his own pants, his right thigh drenched from the slick that had soaked through while grinding against him. 
His cock is so hard that the pressure against the crotch of his pants has the zipper undoing itself once he frees the button. Wasting no time, he shucks down his slacks and boxers in one go, his large cock and heavy balls now on full display for you, the sight making your eyes widen in surprise—and maybe fear?
Alphas are known to be bigger than even a well endowed beta, and omegas are built to handle the size of an alpha’s better than a beta can, but the size of the Steve’s cock less than a foot from your face has you mesmerized at the sheer size of it. But while your mind may be in shock, your pussy has a mind of its own, slick dripping in anticipation for the stretch you’d be receiving. Even in his large hands it looked massive, bigger than any alpha you’d been with before. 
You sit up in the bed slightly, reaching out to take him in your hand, your fingers barely able to wrap around him as you stroke the angry red tip. He curses under his breath as you let your hand roll over the tip, feeling the veins against the skin of your palm with each stroke.
 A little bead of precum bubbles at the tip and something in your mind snaps. Your mouth is on him in an instant, any sense you may have had left is completely gone out the window when that salty taste hits your tongue. 
“Fuck, look at you,” he cooes, followed by a guttural moan at the sight of you trying to take as much of him in your mouth as you can. “Such a good girl. Trying your best to take me in that pretty little mouth of yours, huh?” His words egg you as you continue to suckle at his tip, lapping up any of his spend that leaks out as you keep pumping at his shaft.
You want to keep going, want to be good for him, but ache between your legs is becoming unbearable the longer you go on. Slick is slipping down your thighs, a puddling forming under you on the sheets as your body involuntarily preps itself to take Steve’s massive cock. You look up at him with teary eyes, lifting your ass in the air as a silent plea for him to take you like the bitch in heat that you are. 
And as much as he’s loving watching you pitifully mouth his cock, seeing you present yourself for him turns off the evolved parts of his brain, leaving him to run on primal instincts only. 
Grabbing you by the throat, he manhandles you onto your back and positions you so your ass on the edge of the cot. Your legs fall to the sides, opening as wide as you can get them, pussy on full display and ready to be taken. 
“Hoooooo, fuck,” Steve shudders, licking his lips at the sight of your dripping cunt, hole clenching around nothing, begging for him to fill it up. He runs his fingers through your folds to collect some of your arousal, barely brushing over your throbbing clit. He brings his fingers to his mouth, shoulders slumping in satisfaction.
“Damnit, of course you taste sweet, too. Can’t wait til I can get you in my mouth,” he says with a slight slur. 
You panic for a moment, unsure if you could wait any longer for him to finally be inside you. As if he can read you like a book, he lets out a soft chuckle, taking his cock in his hand and pumping it slowly. “Don’t you worry, baby girl, I’m not gonna keep you waiting any more. Next time, though…”
The sticky tip of his cock taps your clit, sending shock waves throughout your body with every touch. It’s too much and not enough all at once. His name falls from your lips, and he shushes you in return, lining himself up with your entrance.
The breach of his tip stretching you wide is like a shot of morphine in an IV drip, your body becoming numb and a live wire at the same time, replacing the pain with a fuzzy haze all over. 
Steve watches the way your face contorts with pleasure as hips rock back and forth slowly. His teeth bite down on his bottom lip, trying his hardest to hold back so you can get used to his size, but the vice grip you have on his cock has him quickly losing his resolve. Body falling over you, he brackets your head between his forearms as he finally folds. His breath fanning over your face has your eyes fluttering open. Met with the most divine visual of Steve’s pinched brow, scrunched up nose, and slack jaw fill your vision entirely. Your breath is punched from your lungs as he makes that final thrust, bottoming out inside of you with a shuddered whimper. 
“Oh, my god,” you breathe, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him in closer. He buries his head in the crook of your neck, rubbing his face against your skin, marking you with his scent. He begins to move, setting a pace that makes every thrust feel like heaven, the tightness of your walls amplifying every ridge and bump of his cock as it drags back and forth. “Fuck, Steve, you’re so big,” you whine, “Never felt so full be-fore!” The last syllable comes out as a gasp as he thrusts into you hard, spurred on by your words. 
His arms wrap around you tightly, laying all of his upper body weight against you to pin you in place so he can fuck into mercilessly. The feeling is mind melting, nonsense words mixed with repeating his name over and over fall from your mouth with each punch of his cock against your cervix. Each thrust hits that spot inside of you dead on, throttling you towards the edge quicker than your mind can handle in your current fucked out state. 
“Fuuuuck,” Steve’s voice is strained next to your ear, thrusts slowing as you “Don’t squeeze so tight, baby, I don’t wanna cum yet.” 
His words have the opposite effect on you as your whole body trembles beneath him, cumming so hard his cock your vision goes white. Your chest presses into his as your back arches off the mattress, the skin to skin friction against your hardened nipples stimulating you more as he fucks you through your high.
He lifts his head to watch you come undone with a wide eyed, feral look. He’s panting, too, with a string of saliva from his tongue to the skin of your shoulder where he had latched on, the skin red and already speckling with broken blood vessels. 
 “You’re so pretty when you cum on my cock like that,” he says with heavy breaths, “Wanna see you do it again, and again, and again,” he babbles, leaning in to trail kisses along your jaw, continuing to thrust into you harder and harder, in his own world now. You can only cling to him as he ruts into you, nails scratching down his back. “Gonna fuck you over and over and over until it takes. Big, round belly on full display for everyone to see. You gonna tell everyone Mr.Harrington got you pregnant when you can’t hide it anymore? What will all the other teachers think?” 
“Fuck, Steve, please.” 
“What is it, baby? Tell me what you want.”
“Want it, Steve. Want your knot.”
“Oh, is that right?”
Suddenly, he pulls away and out of you completely. It’s such a shock to the system you can help but cry out at the loss of him. But the vacancy doesn’t last long, his strong arms lifting and flipping you with ease until you’re face down into the mattress, ass being propped up on shaky legs so he can bottom out in you once more. 
This new angle changed everything. A wanton moan feels like it was being pushed out of you as it felt like his cock was in your lungs. One hand grabs a hold of your hip while the other pushes down on the back of your neck, effectively pinning you down so he can pick back up his brutal pace. There was no rhythm to his thrusts, driven purely on animalistic instincts as he chases his own pleasure, using you as a means to get him there.
“You want my knot, huh?” The question is rhetorical, said in the heat of the moment as he feels his peak nearing. “Want me to give you my knot and really knock you up? I’ll ruin you for any other alphas that think they have a chance. Cause you’re mine now, aren’t you, sweet girl? No other alpha’s gonnna fuck you like I can, right?” 
“No-no, Steve! Don’t want anyone else! Only want your knot! Please, please!” Your eyes lull as he fucks you stupid, mouth parted open as you drool onto the sheets. 
His weight shifts, trailing kisses down your back until he gets to that spot on the back of your neck. A chill runs down your spine as his teeth scrape against the skin over your scent gland. “Well, if that’s the case…Guess you wouldn’t mind if I held you to that, right?” 
The primal part of your brain is screaming for him to do it; mark you and make you his, permanently. The logical side fights for dominance, reminding you that you never wanted to be owned by an alpha, which is why you and your ex broke up in the first place. But the way he was making you feel right now had you second guessing all your morals. He hums over you, lips lingering against your skin as he speaks. 
Before you could answer, his hips were stilling inside you, the base of his cock swelling as he pumped you full with his spend. It would have been painful if it didn’t trigger the release of oxytocin in your body, making you cum with him. Your legs start to give out, but his hold on you tightens as his spend continues to spill into you., the  His body shakes above you, chest heaving as tries to catch his breath.
The two of you take a moment to come down from your highs. The air around you feels electric as the two of you become one, his knot settling within your walls snuggly, the steady stream of Steve’s cum filling you to the brim until you couldn’t possibly take anymore. He rests his head over your scent gland, rubbing his face against it out of comfort while you still emit that sweet, sweet smell. 
Everything feels right in the moment, until it’s interrupted by a knock and an intruding aroma. To you, it smells like smokey wood and cinnamon, but to Steve, it’s a threat. The smell of another alpha trying to get near his omega and claim her over him. You can feel his body tense up, breathing picking up in a panic, lips pressing against the skin as his mind races.
“Steve?” You say his name meekly. There’s a short pause between you, a split second before you feel it, his teeth clamping down on your skin. It’s like every nerve in your body lights up all at once. The sensation is powerful it makes you cum again, clamping down on Steve’s still hard cock buried inside of you. The moan he lets out against you is pornographic, teeth still clinging to your skin tightly as his saliva mixes with your body’s natural scent.
“Hey, everything okay in there?” The muffled voice calls from the other side of the door.
“Get the fuck out of here, Eddie!” Steve yells out to the janitor, another alpha that you’d seen in passing, pinching your skin as he does his best to keep his teeth on you. It’s quiet for a moment, and you think that Eddie left until you hear a loud, booming laugh, and a faint “About damn time!” as the new smell starts to dissipate. 
Steven feels your body jolt slightly beneath him and refocuses his attention on you. You do it again with an audible snort. At first he thinks you might be crying, guilt creeping in as he’s realized what he’s done to you. But as you get louder, it’s clear that you are actually laughing. 
“Was tho funneh?” He asks, drooling down onto your back.
“I don’t know,” you say through fits of giggles. “I think I’m losing my mind.”
“Thounds like et,” he says, laughing along with you.
“Sorry, I just…wasn’t expecting any of this.” Your body shifts under him, growing uncomfortable in the position you were in. Steve senses this, releasing your skin and licking your wounds so that, with careful maneuvering, he’s able to get both of you comfortably on your sides. He wraps his arms and legs around you, holding you close to his strong chest, eyeing his handiwork of his mark as you rest your head on his arm.
“There’s nothing for you to apologize for,” he says softly, kissing the back of your head. “If anyone should be apologizing, it should be me. I took things too far…But if I’m going to be honest with you, I don’t regret it.”
It could be the residual high from your heat, or the change in your brain chemistry from his mark, or just the fact that you’ve been pushing down how much you really wanted this with him from the moment your hands touched when you both went for the same bagel at the first staff meeting over the summer, but you couldn’t deny that you didn’t regret it either. 
For so long you’ve been in denial, trying to ignore that he was the reason your suppressants stopped working because you wanted him so badly that your body was rejecting them when he was around. Denying how happy you get when he brings you coffee in the morning, or how much you look forward to when he sits with you during his lunch period to talk about whatever shenanigans his multitude of friends get into, or how the whole reason you started this heat was because he let you sit in the passenger seat of his BMW while he jumped your car after work on Tuesday, the inside smelling so overwhelmingly like him that you had to jump out and rush straight to your car before you ended up jumping him in the middle of the parking lot. 
“Steve?” You request his attention just above a whisper, breaking the silence between you. He hums quizzically, resting his cheek against yours. “Did you really need to grade papers this week, or have you been avoiding me this week because you knew I was going through a heat?”
His cheek vibrates against yours as he chuckles from his throat. “You’re so smart, you know that, right?” He kisses your cheek before settling back with his head on the pillow, forehead resting against the back of your head. 
As the two of you lay there you ask him a million questions, picking his brain to its fullest extent with this new closeness the two of you share. Really, you just like the sound of his voice, but he does say a few things here and there that make you belly laugh.
“Don’t do that,” he laughs along with you, “We’re never going to come undone if you keep squeezing me like that!”
“I can’t help it,” you wipe a tear from your eye, trying your hardest to suppress your giggles. 
Thirty minutes pass and Steve’s knot finally goes down enough that he can pull out of you. It feels like a part of you is missing now that he’s no longer occupying you after so long. Hot, sticky cum pours from you like a storm drain onto the sheet below. With a sigh, you make a mental note to add new sheets on your list of things to replace, right under a new box of bandaids.
Oh, shit. Steve’s arm.
As he starts to gather the discarded clothes on the floor, you see that that blood has dried up and mostly rubbed off after everything. After the two of you redress, you wearing Steve’s button up after he made your blouse no longer wearable, not that you were complaining as the need to nest was starting to kick in, you cared for his wound. Just a cut left behind that would be okay with a little disinfecting and a few steristrips. 
“You forgot the most important part,” he says with a shake of his head as you place the last strip on his arm. You tilt your head at him in confusion, a smile forming on his face as he looks at you with a sparkle in his eyes. “Aren’t you gonna kiss it better?”
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toournextadventure · 9 months
everyone but her pt.39
Summary: Everything is starting to play tricks on you, and all you really want is for Wednesday to swoop in and fix it. Even if only for a moment.
Word Count: 4.5k Warnings: swearing, injury, shock, grief, suggestive themes at the end Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader (everyone but her Masterlist)
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Ringing echoed in your ears. It felt so deep that you could almost feel your teeth vibrating. At least it was a feeling. Something other than the unusual mix of numbness and the heavy weight that had settled in your stomach. The ringing was some sort of distraction from the stench of the hospital.
Underneath the dried blood, your skin itched. A nice contrast to the way it usually felt like it was crawling. Your dirty nails peeled the dried flakes of blood off your skin subconsciously. Piece by piece, falling to the floor like rusted snow. Beneath your hands, resting on the ground, a tiny horrific winter wonderland was being born.
You couldn’t see it. The blackness had crept upon your vision, leaving you with something that was like looking through the wrong end of a telescope. A small pinprick of the spot in front of you, distorted and distant and looking like nothing more than a speck of light in the pitch black.
The doctors were saying something to Yoko. You wouldn’t know; you hadn’t been able to hear anything aside from the ringing for… you didn’t know how long. Time moved both too fast and too slow. Existence seemed to crawl by at a snail’s pace, and yet it felt like you were ageing with each shaky, pained breath you took.
That grounding hand on your knee disappeared, leaving you with nothing but the small speck of light and the itching of your skin. The ringing started to dull, slowly becoming overwhelmed by muffled voices. It started off low, almost inaudible, growing into what could almost be recognised. Something familiar.
Something angry.
You blinked hard once, twice, squeezing your eyes shut the third time. When you opened them, the tunnel vision started to pull back, revealing two tiles on the floor, then four, then letting them take over your vision. There was something powdery beneath your hands. Had it come from you?
Two sets of shoes stepped into your still-growing field of view. A pair of boots and a pair of heels. Both black. Neutral. Safe. It was like Wednesday. Black was safe. Your eyes slowly raked up from the shoes to the legs, to the waist, then finally up to the face.
Bianca. She was safe too.
“What did you do?” She asked, demanded, her voice ringing crystal clear in your ears.
Maybe she wasn’t safe.
She’s accusing you, the voice said, almost sounding more clear than Bianca. You killed her girlfriend. You blinked hard again. You’re a killer. No, that couldn’t be right. Right? No, of course not. No one could have died. Why would they have died?
Everyone around you dies.
“We didn’t do anything,” Yoko said. In contrast to Bianca’s, her voice sounded far weaker, almost uncertain. That couldn’t be right. “You should be happy we even found them at all.”
“Are you here for-”
“-Yes,” Bianca said quickly, interrupting whom you assumed to be the doctor.
You tried to see who they were, to finally get a firm grip on what was going on, but it was like you were moving through molasses. No matter how hard you tried, you just couldn’t move fast enough. It was like a bad dream, one of the ones where you tried to save someone but you just couldn’t get your feet to run faster.
“You can all come with me,” the doctor said by the time you finally managed to look at her. “We put them both in the same room.”
Bianca didn’t wait for either of you to follow. You didn’t blame her. A pale hand reached across your gaze before resting on your arm. It slowly slid down until it cupped your elbow and gently pulled upward. Oh. Oh, of course, you should follow. The creak of your knee was horrifically loud in your ears. You wondered if the entire hospital had heard it.
Yoko’s hand never strayed from your elbow as she helped you down the hallway to the room. Did she think you were incapable of getting there on your own? She may have been older, but you weren’t a child. Even as you tripped over the floor when the toe of your shoe scuffed the tile.
You’re incompetent, the voice chided. A feeble killer.
“They’re stable,” you heard the doctor saying when you walked through the doorway. “They should wake up soon.”
She politely pushed past you then, leaving you alone in the room with Yoko and Bianca. And two corpses. No, they were alive, the doctor had said so. Stable even. As long as you didn’t have to look at them, they would be okay. Your mind couldn’t play tricks on you if you didn’t look.
“What happened?” Bianca asked after a few moments of tense silence. “I need the truth.”
“I already told you,” Yoko started with a sigh.
Her hand vanished from your elbow while she rambled on, talking about what had happened out in the forest. At least you assumed that’s what she was saying; each word from her mouth was melding with the next, leaving nothing but a constant stream of noise.
Look at them.
You didn’t want to.
Look at what you caused.
Your eyes raised from the hole you were attempting to stare into the ground. All of your insides were screaming, telling you something was wrong. The usually pristine white bed sheets were soaked, dripping steaming blood onto the sterile tile below. Yoko’s voice was drowned out by a flatline that grew louder with each heartbeat from your own chest. Bandages were soaked through and they were looking at you with ghastly white eyes. You wanted to scream.
But you couldn’t move.
It was like that story Wednesday had read to you at Nevermore; I have no mouth, and I must scream.
It burned in your throat. Like swallowing hot coals, one by one, devouring them before they devoured you in return. You weren’t sure what it felt like to drink fire, but this must have been close. There wasn’t even any saliva left in your mouth to ease the scorching heat threatening to bubble past your lips.
If only you could open your mouth.
A cold hand slipped into your own from behind. Small, seemingly fragile even though you knew the strength it held underneath the skin. All it took was a squeeze of her hand in yours, and the acid rising up your throat started to recoil, slithering back to whatever crevice it had crawled out of.
It wasn’t just the feel of her hand that tamed your nerves; it was her very presence. The moment you felt her beside you, the pools of blood on the tiles started to absorb into the tiles. Each drip from the bed sheets slowed down until they stopped completely. And each set of nightmarishly white eyes closed until you were standing in a normal hospital room again.
You had always been in a normal hospital room.
Voices - muffled and high pitched - came from behind you before quickly ending up in front of you. The air in the room grew lighter, and you inhaled slowly through your nose. Your lungs then exhaled in relief, the burning ache easing into nothingness. There were plenty of people in the room, you could tell, but you just looked back down at the floor.
Wednesday’s black platforms made for a wonderful focus point.
“Why were you in the woods?”
Bianca’s voice was grating against your ears. It didn’t sound any different than normal, but something about it made your skin crawl. Someone cleared their voice. It was a wet sound; too fleshy for your liking.
“You asked me to go with you.” That was Ash. She didn’t sound dead.
“What do you mean?” Bianca asked, and you finally looked back up. Everyone had gone dead silent. “I was in my apartment.”
“No you weren’t,” Ash said. Her voice sounded raw as she cleared her throat again. “You asked me to go on a morning walk with you.”
“When have I ever wanted a morning walk?” Bianca asked not unkindly as she gently took Ash’s hand in hers.. “Mornings are the worst part of the day.”
Everyone turned their heads slowly to look at you. Why would they be looking at you? You weren’t Bianca; you didn’t even look the same. Besides, you had an alibi, and everyone tended to believe Yoko about things. She was your best friend, but she had made it clear over all the years that she would call you out if need be.
“What about you?” Ajax asked the other bed; Joel’s eyes were slowly opening too. “Who did you follow?”
“I don’t know,” he said with a similarly croaky voice to Ash. “I don’t remember anything after going to sleep.”
Wednesday squeezed your hand again, holding on tightly for a few seconds longer than usual. It was grounding. The longer you stared at Ash and Joel, the more their bandages started to bleed. But each time Wednesday moved, or touched you, or spoke, the bleeding would dissipate. Slowly. Surely.
“Have the police come in yet?” Divina asked. “They were still outside when we got here.”
“Not yet,” Yoko said. She looked at you; you weren’t paying any attention. “But I’m sure we’ll have to.”
“Get lawyers,” Kent said. “No one’s pressing charges, but you can’t trust cops.”
Everyone mumbled in agreement.
“My family will assist with the lawyers,” Wednesday said. “We maintain a list of all attorneys we currently have on retainer.”
“Why am I not surprised,” Bianca grumbled. You didn’t hear her say she didn’t want the list, though.
“Moreno is on his way,” Wednesday said directly to you.
You knew she was speaking to you because her voice lost its edge. The purposefully professional tone she kept around everyone else - though it slipped more and more with each day - didn’t exist with you. Instead she was soft, almost even kind; something she kept reserved just for you. Only Uncle Fester received the same treatment, and that was something you were okay with.
Something sealed your lips together from the inside. You wanted to say something to her; scream out that you were scared. There was too much red, things didn’t seem real. But you couldn’t even tell her a simple “thank you.” Instead, you just nodded once and blinked slowly. You hoped she understood.
You could feel the exhaustion settling in your bones as Moreno walked out of the interrogation room with you. His hand rested between the connecting point of your wings. Fingers scratched between the joints and kept you grounded. Something usually only Wednesday did, but it worked just about the same, you supposed.
Wednesday was sitting in one of the chairs in the lobby of the police station. The tunnel vision from earlier returned; you could only see her. Her, in your worn out hoodie that added just a splash of colour to her usually black repertoire. It looked almost unnatural, yet not unpleasant.
She looked tired.
It’s your fault if she is.
Moreno stopped you in front of Wednesday and started saying something to her. You couldn’t decipher any of it. The only thing you could hear was the difference in who was talking. It seemed they were having a conversation. Well, that was typically what happened when people talked, so of course they were.
Talking about you.
Yes, you could have guessed that on your own. Maybe they were talking about how you were going to jail again. Surely that couldn’t be too far out of the realm of possibility. Maybe it was for the best. Clearly nothing was going right, maybe it would be safer if you were in prison.
Cold hands pressed against your cheeks and tilted your head down. You blinked hard once, forcing your vision to come back. You couldn’t even be concerned about how you had gotten back into your apartment. It was so far detached from the numbness of the situation.
You just didn’t care.
“Let’s get you cleaned up,” she said softly. It was too soft for Wednesday Addams. A shiver went down your spine.
Her hands lingered on your face for a moment, nails scratching against your jaw. Comfort. Your eyes fell shut as you let yourself feel. The sharpness of her nails against your skin. The shocking cold of her hands in comparison to the warmth of her body pressed against yours. You felt… love.
“In any other situation,” Wednesday said as her arms slid down your neck and arms, “the blood would look lovely on you.”
It should have upset you. The blood belonged to your friend and you should have been upset. You were soaked in it, to the point where your clothes were stiff and your skin itched. But it didn’t. Instead, you felt a warmth in your chest, slowly pushing out the cold that had been tightly nestled into your ribcage.
Wednesday’s hands slipped into yours and pulled. It didn’t take an ounce of brain power to follow wherever she was taking you. The hardwood of the floor turned into tile, and you looked around at the bathroom. A simple room; you would have expected nothing less from her. A clawfoot tub against the wall and a shower across the room.
She let go of your hands to start filling up the tub.
You knew the steps to getting into the bath. Take your shoes off, remove your clothes, and step in. Simple steps, something children could do on their own. Yet you couldn’t get your body to do it. It was too busy staying locked up, refusing to move. Your body felt heavy, like you were trapped underneath rubble and couldn’t get out.
Air caught in your throat when cold hands slid underneath your shirt. Flinching because Wednesday had touched you was humiliating. You hadn’t done it in… you didn’t know how long. She wouldn’t think you were scared of her, would she? Oh god, what if she did? You didn’t think you could handle that.
She’ll think you’re a coward.
“May I?” She asked, eyes uncharacteristically wide.
The words still wouldn’t form on your tongue, so you settled for nodding instead. She gave you that little smile that most wouldn’t even notice before gently taking the hem of your shirt and helping you out of it. Most of the blood was dried, but you still felt a few sticky parts catching your skin. The scalding water filling the tub had already left the bathroom full of steam, so it wasn’t cold when you were bare to the world.
You still shivered anyway.
She held you steady as she helped you out of your stiff jeans. You didn’t know when you had taken your shoes off. Wednesday’s hands kept you steady. She was far sturdier than she seemed. The water was far too hot, but you wouldn’t say anything. If Wednesday Addams had one guilty pleasure, it was a painfully hot bath.
“Wait,” you said when Wednesday started removing the jacket. She froze and looked at you, waiting. “I can help.”
“I’ll only be a moment,” she said. You simply nodded and turned back to face the water.
It would have made anyone laugh if they saw the tub in Wednesday’s apartment. Hot water, fresh black roses on a small table nearby, and a relaxing bubble bath that created a wonderful aroma in the air. Rather soft for what people typically associated with the Addamses. Oh how wrong they were.
The water parted as Wednesday stepped in, quickly straddling your lap. There was nothing scandalous in the position; it was one of comfort, nothing more. It often led to the perfect position for her to help you wash your hair, which was enough of a battle on a normal day. The second upside was your wings could rest on the outside of the tub, staying perfectly dry.
“Stay still,” she demanded, though it held no venom. Her words never held the same sting as they used to. Sometimes you missed it.
Not all the time, obviously. But sometimes.
While one of her hands gripped your chin, the other grabbed a wet washcloth and started washing the grime off your body. It’s blood, the voice made sure to remind you. Your friend’s blood. You bit your tongue to distract yourself from that very fact.
It didn’t distract from the knowledge that you were literally bathing in Ash’s blood.
“Would you find any sort of comfort in talking?” Wednesday asked. “It doesn’t have to be about what happened.” You exhaled slowly through your nose. “It can be about any topic you wish.”
Your thumb rubbed against her hip bone. Did you want to talk about anything? Though you had stayed silent for the majority of the day, you worried that if you opened your mouth, nothing would come out. Or worse, you would fall into uncontrollable sobbing and wouldn’t be able to stop.
But Wednesday was offering, and she so rarely offered.
“Am I bad luck?” You asked.
The washcloth stopped moving for only a moment.
“No,” she said simply. “You are not bad luck.” Her thumb rubbed underneath your eyes. “You simply have a penchant for getting yourself into complicated situations.”
You choked on a laugh. “Did Wednesday Addams just try to sugarcoat my apparent proclivity for trouble?”
“I would never stoop to such a level,” she quickly attempted to defend herself. “I’m simply saying perhaps it’s not all you.”
“Maybe not,” you mumbled. A smile slowly formed on your lips. “Maybe it’s Yoko.”
“What?” She asked.
“Yoko.” You weren’t necessarily looking at Wednesday, but you felt her hands rubbing the product into your hair. “She’s always with me when I get in trouble.”
Wednesday hummed in reply. “You may have a point.” The corner of her mouth tilted upward. “She is a rather unlucky vampire.”
“Exactly,” you said as you leaned your head down so she could better reach the back of it. “I would bet money she’s the reason I’m always in trouble.”
Wednesday smiled. It was her equivalent of a laugh, and you adored it. Even though you would kill to hear her actual, verbal laugh, you had become obsessed with her smile. There was nothing more beautiful, more perfect. The sight alone made your heart skip a beat in the best way.
You wanted to see it for the rest of your life.
That will never happen, the voice taunted. It sounded deeper. Sinister. She will abandon you once she learns how dangerous you are to those you love.
After what had just happened… you couldn’t disagree.
“You’re thinking rather loudly,” she said. You hadn’t noticed she had finished with your hair. “Would you care to share those thoughts?”
No. No, you didn’t want her to know about the voice in your head and how it was right. You hurt those who loved you. Everyone that had ever felt any sort of affection for you had gotten hurt. Fuck, Nicky had gotten killed. How could you explain that to anyone without sounding like either a jinx or a superstitious lunatic?
You couldn’t let her know.
“Do you think Ash really saw Bianca?” You asked instead, doing your best to change the topic before Wednesday caught on to your original train of thought. “Or, I mean, do you think she thought she saw B?”
Wednesday’s hands rested on your shoulders, and her thumbs rubbed against either side of your neck. They were perfectly poised over your jugular; a spot she was rather fond of. You didn’t know if it was because of the power it gave her, or if she simply liked knowing how vulnerable you willingly were around her. All you knew was you kind of liked it.
“If she did,” she started slowly, “then it must have been a hallucination.” Her eyes trailed off to the side. “Or perhaps a shapeshifter.”
“They said the wounds were from claws,” you said. “Shapeshifters usually don’t have claws.”
“Perhaps a werewolf then,” Wednesday continued. “Though it wasn’t a full moon.”
“Enid can grow claws whenever she wants,” you pointed out. “Full moon or not.”
“We should be putting this on my investigation board,” she said.
She didn’t give you any time to object or even fully comprehend what she had suggested. The next thing you knew, she was already getting out of the tub and drying off with her towel; a black, monogrammed towel you had managed to get her for her birthday. You tried not to stare, but she did look rather good with it wrapped around her.
“Are you coming?” She asked.
“Yes ma’am,” you said quickly.
Wednesday was already leaving the bathroom by the time you managed to start emptying out the tub. Of course she would leave you with cleanup. Once a spoiled rich kid, always a spoiled rich kid. The thought made you smile to yourself. Ah, but she was your spoiled rich kid, that was for sure.
By the time you had managed to get out, dry the floor, and dry yourself off, Wednesday had already gotten dressed and set up some sort of board in the living room. You peaked at it on the way to the bedroom. Shit, she had been serious, you didn’t have any time to waste. You hastily threw on a pair of old sweats and pulled the sweater over your head. It was a good thing she was too busy looking at her board to watch you squirm to pull your wings through the holes on the back.
“Did you have this at Nevermore?” You asked as you finally managed to look at the black board. It was littered with notecards and- were those autopsy photos?
“Yes,” she said without turning away from the board. You did your best not to notice that she was wearing another one of your sweaters. And no pants. “I’ve had it since I was nine.”
“Sounds normal enough,” you said with a subconscious nod to yourself. “What else would a nine year old girl want?”
“You said the injuries came from claws?” Wednesday asked.
Okay, no room for small talk, she was in serious mode. That certainly hadn’t happened in a while. It was a lovely look on her; all business. You had missed it. But when she still wouldn’t look at you, you pouted. You hadn’t missed that.
“That’s what the doctor said,” you confirmed. “At least, that’s what Yoko said the doctor said.”
Wednesday nodded once and put something up on the board with a thumb tack. “Plus the possibility of a hallucination.” She tacked a second piece of paper on the board. “What’s the connection?”
“Maybe Bianca’s just a secret psychopath,” you grumbled. This wasn’t turning out to be as fun as you thought.
“I had considered it,” she said, “but it’s rather unlikely.” She turned her body toward you slightly. “Weren’t you and Yoko attacked as well?”
“Yeah,” you said slowly. Was it bad you had practically forgotten your own attack? “But we didn’t see anything, it just… happened.”
“What was the worst injury?” She asked, already reaching for a stack of cards. At least that’s what they looked like.
“Yoko got a cut on her head,” you said with a shrug. “And a few scratches on her back, I think.”
Wednesday turned quickly to look at you. “You’re alright?”
You tried not to smile. “Yeah, I’m alright.”
She nodded to herself and turned back to the board. It wasn’t like she hadn’t just seen you in the bath, though you supposed your body was a bit obscured by the bubbles she just had to have. But you knew better than to bring that up. She wasn’t too keen on being teased about her super secret love for bubble baths.
“Preliminary evidence leans toward a werewolf,” she said as she tacked up another card, this one looking like a picture. “Though obviously we’ll need to do some more research.”
“Research?” You asked, standing up straighter. The pop in your knee was not hurting; you were just getting old.
“Whatever it is has attacked my-” you raised your brow as she cleared her throat “-your friends.”
“Nuh uh,” you said as you grabbed her hand and pulled her around. “Joel is all yours, mi vida.” She exhaled through her nose. “And admit it, Ash is your friend too.”
She seemed to think for a moment. “It might also take the pressure off Enid for those fraternity murders last year.”
You sighed. Well, you hadn’t gotten her to admit they were her friends, but at least she hadn’t openly denied it. That was a start if you had ever seen one. Slow, baby steps with Wednesday.
Baby steps.
“Are we going to be doing this all night?” You asked.
Wednesday turned to look at you with a smile so big you almost, almost, saw her teeth.
“Can I at least get a kiss as motivation?” You asked with a sigh.
Her hands held your head in place as she stood up on her toes and kissed you. She tasted uncharacteristically sweet, as if she had been eating candies recently. Coupled with the warmth that had seeped into her skin thanks to the bath, it was almost like you were kissing a Wednesday from another dimension.
But you could still taste the bitter undertones of black coffee, and her fingers had already lost their warmth, and only your Wednesday let her fingers gently hook on either side of your jaw to give her complete control. Only your Wednesday knew just how to kiss you so you felt utterly wanted, loved, desired even.
“Motivated yet?” She asked, her lips still moving against yours.
You shook your head and bent down, wrapping your arms around the backs of her thighs and picking her up. She inhaled sharply, nearly taking your breath away. But that didn’t stop her from wrapping her legs around your waist and pulling your face closer. Not quite into a kiss, but just to hold you close.
“Just a little more,” you said softly.
You couldn’t tell her you couldn’t look at the board yet. That just the thought of finding out who had done something to Ash and Joel was enough to hammer away at what little sanity you had left. She loved mysteries, and you weren’t going to stop her from it.
But a little distraction from the world wouldn’t hurt. You could get your distraction, she could get a clear head, and you would both be all the better for it. After all, maybe if you were lucky, she would test out a few methods of, ahem, marking to see how possible they were.
For her research board, of course.
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yaksha-lover · 9 months
Good evening and happy holidays! Since we’re in that season again, would it be alright if I asked for a short little story about some winter fun with the twisted wonderland first years? Like getting into a snowball fight or something?
happy holidays!! ofc, thanks for the request it was sm fun to write, i love these idiots <33
“There’s no point in having this farce of a ‘fight,’ as you call it. My superior fae genes will clearly allow me to sweep the competition, securing victory for my team and liege, and-”
A snowball smacks Sebek directly in the face, causing him to still. The wetness of the melted snow is only mildly uncomfortable, until Ace hits him with another one, this time lower so the snow falls inside his jacket instead of away from him. He twitches at the cold snow that slides against his bare skin, before scrambling to fish it out.
“That second shot was just mean,” you scold Ace, but you can’t help but snicker.
“You know you love me~”
Ace stops laughing when Deuce hits the back of his bare neck with another snowball, causing his shoulders to scrunch up.
“Dude, what the hell?”
“That’s for my teammate,” Deuce yells from across the field.
“Teammate takes priority over best friend now? And here I thought we were actually getting close…”
Like the jerk he is, Ace takes advantage of Deuce’s momentary guilt to chuck his own snowball and hit Deuce square in the face.
“Heartless, truly,” you remark, shaking your head.
“Just be thankful you ended up on my team, MC.”
“Ace is right,” Epel says, still crouching behind your snow fort and working on the stash of snowballs for you and Ace to throw. “Better to have him as our friend than our enemy.”
“I don’t know. They have Jack, I feel like he could’ve been a solid ally instead,” you say.
Across the field, you hear Ortho speak. “Jack Howl, your heart rate has suddenly increased. Have you encountered a stressful stimulus?”
You don’t get to hear his response, but you peak over the top of the fort to catch sight of his suddenly floppy ears.
“You’re the meanie.” Ace sticks his tongue out at you.
“You know you love me,” you mock his previous words.
“Maybe…” he mumbles, but you’re too busy deciding your next target to notice.
Sebek still has his jacket unzipped, trying to stop the snow from making his clothes more wet. You’ll take pity on him, you suppose. For now.
Ortho had to be put on a separate third team for the safety (and feasibility of winning) of everyone else involved. He’s only allowed to throw one snowball every minute, but you assume he’s been waiting for more of the action to start cranking it up. He’s only hit each of you a couple of times, after all. Best not to provoke him and his small (but surprisingly strong with perfect aim) robot arms.
Deuce or Jack, then. Both of them are sweeties, but this is a battle, and hard choices must be made.
You turn to Epel, motioning. He smiles as he places a snowball in your hand. “Go get-’em tiger.”
You rise above the fort, now equipped with your weapon. You make eye contact with Deuce as he nervously eyes the snowball in his hand, the one in your hand, and then you.
Deuce’s eyes widen. “Not you too, MC.”
“I’m sorry, Deuce. All is fair in love and war.”
“I thought we-”
The snowball leaves your hand, flying across the field and hitting him in the chest. He falls to his knees, disappearing behind the fort.
“Deuce Spade has fallen,” Ortho remarks, perhaps too cheerfully.
“And you said I was the mean one? I think you just broke Deuce’s heart with that betrayal. At least he expects it from me,” Ace snickers.
“In the game of snowball fights, you win or you die.”
“Maybe you need to watch less tv.” Epel pats you on the back.
“Is the game truly beginning now? How exciting.” A chill, stronger than any one provoked by snow, runs down your spine. Ortho picks up several snowballs at a time. Quickly and brutally, he takes all of you out with his effective aim. Even hiding behind the wall of the fort, Ortho is able to angle the snowball to make it over the wall and hit Epel. You’re sure the other team faces similar loses.
“Gahh!! Forfeit! You win, just make it stop,” Epel cries out.
“No hard feelings?”
“None.” Deuce shyly smiles at you. “Well, maybe none if you promise to get hot chocolate with me after classes tomorrow.”
“Deal, as long as we can go to the place with the marshmallows I like. You know, the small ones that provide just enough marshmallow without making it marshmallows with a side of hot chocolate.”
“Sounds good to me.”
“You wanna invite Ace too? Or the others? I think Sebek mentioned he’s never actually tried hot chocolate before.”
“Actually, I was thinking-”
Ace interrupts your conversation, slotting himself between you two and draping his arms across both of your shoulders.
“Are my friends really making plans without me now?”
You roll your eyes. “And if we were?”
He takes his arm off Deuce to place a hand on his chest in a mocking gesture. “Gasp. Heartbreak. Betrayal.”
“Yeah, yeah. Deuce just asked me, I’m sure he was about to tell you too.”
“Yeah,” Deuce says. “You should…you should come.”
“I’ll text Epel, Jack, and Sebek, then. Epel might have spelldrive practice, but if I spin the hangout to be something practical he can do to improve for Malleus, Sebek might actually come.”
“Ortho might want to come too. Although, I guess he can’t ingest the hot chocolate…” Deuce wonders aloud.
“Nah, Idia has custody of Ortho tomorrow. He said I already ‘stole him away’ too long this week. Why can’t he accept I also want to have a little brother?”
“Right…” Ace and Deuce exchange looks like you’re crazy.
“Anyway, I think you and Jack should treat us since you lost.” You swipe off the snow that’s fallen on your jacket.
“We lost?!” Deuce looks incredulous.
“You heard me.”
“Yeah, Deuce-y. You lost,” Ace laughs.
“Nuh uh.”
“Did you just- whatever, I’m sure Jack will own up to your crushing defeat.”
“Hmm, if anything, I think Ortho won. He got more hits than anyone,” Deuce says.
“True,” you and Ace say synchronously.
Ace looks at the time on his phone. “Basketball practice is starting soon, I better go before Floyd tracks me down.”
You and Deuce wave him goodbye. You tell Deuce you can go the rest of the way yourself, but he insists on walking you all the way back to Ramshackle (‘What if you slip and fall on the ice? Who’s gonna call for help then?’)
“Maybe we’ll switch things up next time, and you and I will be on the same team, MC.”
“I’d like that.” You smile back at him.
“Well-” Deuce starts as you arrive at your door.
“Wait here,” you say. You run inside to grab something for him.
“You don’t have to-” he says as you wrap your scarf around his neck.
“You expect me to watch you shiver some more?”
Deuce looks away. You can’t tell if the flush on his cheeks is from embarrassment or the cold.
“I’ll give it back tomorrow, then.”
“No, keep it. It…It looks nice on you,” you say.
Somehow, Deuce’s cheeks get even redder.
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rosedere · 3 months
Flames of deception
(Rollo Flamme x Fem! Reader)
CW: implied noncon, implied stalking, Drugging, writer did not play Glomas-
“You aren't at all who you say you are (Name)”
 Facing the antique fireplace, you didn't turn around towards him, merely focusing on the embers shooting to life in the fireplace, illuminating the dark winter sky outside.
“What if I wasn't anyway?” You simply slipped out, rolling your eyes.
"Are you going to tell my parents or what?”
Rollo only watched you, his eyes illuminated by the fiery embers of the coals.
His eyes were on you like a target meets an arrow.
Rollo stayed looking at you with silent judgment. Good, you hated being bossed around by him anyway, only being chosen to be apart of the student council because of your unique lack of ties to twisted wonderland. It seemed they had to pick you for being so unique, as the council put it.
At least you could go back to being invisible.
 “I find it most entertaining,” he chuckled, still sitting firmly in his armchair before him in the cavernous room.
“You (name) the unmagical prefect with a secret,” he grabbed his colored handkerchief promptly moving it in front of his mouth.
“I never kept anything a secret anyway,” 
“You just never asked,” you shrugged, keeping your hands clasped in front of your uniform.
The silence befell the room once more.
 ”Why so much anger (name)”
He leaned in, seeming like he was going to get up from his seat.
But instead of hearing his feet firmly stand up on the ancient mahogany wood beneath him, you felt his hands reach your hips.
stiffening, you only turned to the side to then feel the bottom of your robe lift up abruptly.
”Just as I thought,” he began to tsk; You only tried to pick up your now exposed underwear, only for Rollo to swat your hands away.
”You fucking pervert; get your hands off of me,” you yelled.
You were about to slap his wrist when you felt the smoldering heat radiating from his hands.
Pulling back with haste, your hand closest to the hand using fire magic was convulsing, trying to fan the now-burn blossoming on your tender skin.
Rollo only smiled up towards you, his expression contorting into a sunken darkness.
”So, on top of using foul language, the intel I’ve received might also be true about you,” he shook his head back and forth with a nasty glare of judgment.
”Unless, when I take your very feminine-looking underwear off, I see you told me the truth, then I will only reduce your punishment for doubting you.” His fingers began to curl under the waistband of your underwear.
You mentally cursed yourself for not wearing your boxers today; every damn day you wore those things, but you woke up later than usual.
“Well? Not even trying to fight the allegations before you.”
 He gripped the top of your underwear.
”Maybe you secretly get a thrill thinking about me looking at your bare fruit.”
He only snickered as the blush grew on your face as you tried, in vain, to pull your robe over your thighs.
 ”hoping someone comes in to see you so exposed; the magic-less prefect of Nobel College.”
 "S-stop,” you finally snapped; you didn't care who he was anymore.
You kicked behind you blindly, aiming for his seated knee, causing a blowback between the two of you. 
 Eyes stunned, he looked up at you, but you didn't stay long enough for him to say anything, bolting past him into the hallways, covering yourself once more.
Coming to the barren hallway with the antique decor and brown wooden walls, you finally caught your breath.
He wouldn't be crazy enough to follow you, possibly…
Looking around, you didn't see any student council members in the area at all. You pondered to yourself, assuming he had probably sent them away for the evening since it was the winter break anyway.
Only you and him remained strangely enough.
Shaking your head, you went down the isolated staircase you’d taken many times. The polished wooden steps leading down to a secluded courtyard at the bottom were your destination.
or what should have been where you ended up.
You didn't miss your step; you felt your foot land on the third step to the landing in the chambered staircase.
But the next minute, you felt someone grab you from your side.
It was supposed to be impossible. There was a wall there.
but unbeknownst to you in your time at Nobel Bell College The school council president had extensive knowledge of all the corridors and passageways that had been in the school before Fluer City was founded.
Fighting in desperation, you were no match for the person in the wall as you felt your mouth become covered with a handkerchief. You tried to claw into the thick material draped around his forearm to let go, but this only led to a fiercer fight as he pressed the handkerchief into your face. 
The smell coming off of it was putrid as you tried your best to resist inhaling and taking shallow breaths, but unfortunately you succumbed to the smell.
You just felt a horrible wave of drowsiness overcome your eyes.
Your limbs went weak, and your tongue was numb within your mouth, unable to protest anymore. You only felt yourself being carried back up the horrid stairs you had just come down from below.
Rollo knew from the start you were a female.
The hesitancy to strip for gym class in front of the others because you were “too embarrassed” by a scar you had on your chest.
The few times he did see you wear your robes tighter, he could see the volumptious form your hips had as you swayed, going back and forth  carrying on with duties in the council room.
He was already quite fond of you, already seemingly docile like he was, keeping to yourself in the side courtyard beyond the statue of the righteous judge.
 And, of course, having no filthy magic in your blood.
It was just a bonus when he found out you were female.
He only knew since he waited patiently behind a statue in the walls of the dressing room for athletics.
He heard you walk in his breath, baited in anticipation, as he saw you look around to be sure no one was around.
After a couple of seconds, you carefully took your hair down from under your hat, followed by unbuttoning and shifting your robes.
The finale, he thought.
He hoped his observations were right; to be wedded to a magicless being would be his dream come true.
Submissive and ready to start a family with him to begin his purification.
his eyes lingering on your chest as you finally reached the last layer of your uniform.
And, of course, a plain binder and laced corset were what he was greeted with.
 Your chest carefully wrapped underneath it, saddened that there wasn't more underneath. He got his wish when he saw you strip your lower robes.
You wore laced underwear, which is only seen in the most famous boutiques in the city.
It seemed you wanted to look cute sometimes, he thought to himself with a smile.
In that moment, he had decided to betray his values.
Why tell everyone the magicless prefect was a girl? They would all salivate over you, and he’d never have a chance to be with the one he knew was the key to purifying the magic from twisted wonderland.
He knew he had until winter break to convince you to be his.
but it was clear you weren't interested in any of that. Yet.
”I'm sorry it had to be this way (Name)”
Rollo stood over your unconscious self as you lay against a wooden pillar in the beloved clock tower.
bounded in scarlet ropes against the worn pillar, he began to undress you as he had when you were in that room all those months ago.
Carefully peeling your numerous layers on top of your torso, finally reaching your tender, exposed chest, he undid your binder and corset.
Your plumb breast being exposed to him; it was unbelievable, he was able to see your symbol of being a woman.
He told himself it wasn't weird to stare, as you would be his bride soon.
but he had to feel you.
He reached for your slowly rising chest as he felt your squishy mound underneath his palm.
It was heaven.
 Too heavenly.
A touch became a squeeze, a squeeze turned into a kiss, and eventually you were completely naked as Rollo began to let his hands wander.
After an hour of coitus together, he realized what he had done.
 laid underneath a blanket he had brought, still bare and unconscious.
He only laid beside you in the cold tower, heaving from the energy it took him.
But it was okay, he told himself he knew you wanted this.
You were just as lonely as him in this world. No one understood you as much as Rollo flamme did.
Suddenly, he heard you mumble.
 It seems someone was awake.
Note: btw I wasnt lying literally only know Rollo is based off my favorite disney movie 😭
Btw Requested by: Sallade on AO3 <3
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euphoricfilter · 2 years
𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐦𝐚𝐬 𝐤𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬:
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pairing: boyfriend! jungkook x gn! reader
genre: fluff || established relationship
summary: it’s not often your boyfriend calls you with a cryptic message to come over; especially when he’s meant to be at his parents’ place for the holidays.
word count: 3k
tags/ warnings: just fluff and a ton of kisses
notes: i was all in my feels and just wanted soft boyfriend jk
my full masterlist
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you watch your warped body from the reflection of the television; knees pulled close to your chest. hot water bottle stuffed under your sweater, close to scalding but you revel in the heat that extends over the expanse of your stomach; heat tickling your skin.
inches of pure, untampered snow blanket the ground in white outside your apartment window. a true winter wonderland housing the giggles of children— echoing, haunting, as they glide over cobblestone paths glazed in a thick layer of ice in beaten up ice skates. elbows bruised but smiles bright as they tumble into one another.
you felt like scrooge, and for once you could sympathize with his dismissal of the holidays. because what was there to be excited about when all your plans had be ruined by the bad weather?
all trains over the next couple of days had been cancelled due to ice on the tracks and not enough men to clear the snow, and now you were stuck, moping around your apartment by yourself as the rest of your family enjoy christmas together.
you flinch when your phone buzzes, hands patting around under the blankets blindly.
“hello?” you can’t help the smile the tugs at the corners of your lips.
“baby, can you come over?”
and jungkook hangs up on you.
you blink down at your screen, disbelief etched into your features at his cryptic message.
jeon jungkook was ever the dramatic but your boyfriend had never hung up so quickly. if anything the two of your would be on call for a few hours before he even dared hang up on you. even then he’d be the one to ask you to hang up, otherwise you think you’d hold the world record for the worlds longest phone call.
you tap on his contact, call sending you straight to voice mail. fingers running over your bottom lip in thought.
stumbling over the carpet, you tug your coat off the back of the door, socks bunching up uncomfortably as you shove your boots on, laces tucked into the sides before you’re fumbling around the living room looking for your front door keys.
on any other day you would have probably giggled at your boyfriend’s antics. maybe played along until he’d press a plethora of kisses over your face until you had to physically peel his body away from your own; melded together until limbs become one and heartbeats in sync.
except, he was meant to be at his parents house for the holidays and in no way, shape, or form should he be at his apartment with only a few days left until christmas day when he was meant to be arriving today. calling you this evening to inform you of his safe arrival and maybe a quick hello from his mother.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
you blink up at jungkook when he pulls the door to his apartment open, gentle smile tugging at the corners of his lips as you look at him with pure confusion. head tilting cutely that he can’t help but coo at you, fingers itching to hold you close to his chest— the only thing stopping him, the snow that caked the top of your shoulders, lashes wet from melted ice and his favorite christmas pyjamas soaking through with the wet weather outside.
“i thought you were going to your parents’ place?” you ask him.
jungkook simply ushers your into his apartment, door clicking shut behind the two of you as his warm hands cup your cheeks. he leans down, lips pressing over your red nose and chilly cheeks. though you think your cheeks flush for other reasons than the cold as he continues to press his lips over the expanse of your face.
“all the roads are closed so i couldn’t get out of the city yesterday” he explains, helping you pull your coat off, larger hands engulfing yours as he tries to warm them up; tips of your fingers numb from the cold. and you can’t help the smile on your face as he holds both of your hands over the heater.
“why didn’t you call me?” your voice is muffled as he tugs your face into his chest.
“wanted to surprise you” he rocks the two of you back and forth.
“you scared me, kook. thought something bad happened when you called” you pull your face away from his chest, lips turned down in a frown that jungkook kisses away.
“sorry, baby. i couldn’t wait to see you” his head tips back in laughter and you simply sigh.
your gaze travels over the boxes that cover the floor of your boyfriend’s living room.
“what’s all this?” you ask, arms snaking around jungkook’s waist.
“christmas decorations. i thought we could make the place festive and spend the holidays together since we can’t go home” he cranes his neck.
“together?” you blink.
“why’re you pouting?” his thumb brushes over your bottom lip.
“that’s really sweet of you”
“i’m always sweet” he argues, pulling you into the living room; where the two of you fall onto the floor between the scattered boxes.
“yeah, but where exactly did you get all of this stuff?” you turn to him, absolutely baffled as to where he could have kept all these decorations.
“i went out to buy them yesterday” he pulls you closer to him by your ankles, thumbs brushing over the bare skin from where your pyjama pants had ridden up.
“all of this?” your mouth falls open and jungkook nods, hair bobbing cutely that your hands can’t help but push his bangs from his forehead.
jungkook leans into your touch as you tuck a piece of hair behind his ear. your heart swelling with unadulterated love for the man sat before you.
“mhmm” he smiles, “i know how much you like christmas, and i know you’re kinda bummed out about not seeing your parents. so i thought we could get in the christmas spirit?”
“you really did all of this, for me?” you whisper and jungkook pulls you between him legs, head resting atop of yours.
“of course, baby. better than spending it alone” he tilts your head up, fingers squishing your cheeks together as he leans down to press a kiss to your lips.
“i got a real tree too, it’s on the balcony. i’ll go get it” he picks you up from underneath your arms, placing you on the floor beside him before he’s slinking into the back bedroom-made-studio.
you watch as he drags a tree into the room by the plastic pot, pine needles dropping onto the floor.
“careful” you giggle, watching the top of the tree catch on the doorframe.
“oh shit” jungkook pauses, standing at full height to check for any damage.
“do you want some help?” you ask him, pushing yourself up off the floor.
“i wanted to be super cool and do it alone. but i guess you can help” he sighs, “i’ll take the other end though so you don’t prick your hands”
“you’re still super cool” you skip towards him, using his shoulder as leverage as you stand on the tips of your toes, pressing a kiss to his jaw.
“but i’m meant to be your buff boyfriend who can do anything” he sulks as he squeezes between the tree and door, knocking his elbow on the handle.
“you are my buff boyfriend” you giggle, “who has a girlfriend that likes to help him sometimes”
“i guess if you don’t mind helping” you can hear the pout in his voice, body hidden behind the christmas tree.
“how did you even get this onto the balcony in the first place?” you ask when you feel him tip the tree towards his body, muscles in your arms flexing when you tilt the pot towards jungkook.
“the guy at the tree place helped me, it barely fit in the elevator” he huffs, and you can only imagine the thick muscles of his back, taught under his shirt as he carries majority of the tree’s weight.
“why didn’t you just buy a smaller tree, kook?” you snigger, dropping the pot back to the floor when you both reach the middle of the living room.
“alright baby, leave the rest to me. can’t have you with a sore back at christmas” he grins at you.
“where should we put it?”
jungkook’s hands fall onto his hips as he scans the expanse of the living room.
“if we move that lamp, that corner should be fine” he nods, more to himself than you, “can you move it for me, darling?”
you hum, unplugging the lamp from the wall before you’re dragging it across the room; where it’s new temporary home will be, a problem the both of you will face later.
you start rummaging through the boxes as jungkook starts turning the tree until he’d found the side he liked most before turning to you with a triumphant smile.
“i got pretty lights” he kneels down beside you, the both of you sat knee-to-knee as you begin to untangle the wires.
“ah!” he holds onto your shoulders, “wait here, don’t do anything without me” he calls over his shoulder as he disappears into his bedroom.
“okay” you whisper to yourself, dull patter of his feet on the floor carrying into the living room as he meanders around his room.
he’s back beside you in no time, speaker in one hand and phone in the other. you watch as he fiddles around with a few buttons, watching his smile grow when he connect to the bluetooth speaker before he’s scrolling through his phone.
you can’t help your own smile when a classic christmas playlist echos through the speakers into the living room, jungkook’s hands grabbing your own— fingers intertwining with yours as he helps you up from the floor.
he spins you before you’re tumbling into his chest, strong arms wrapping around your shoulders as he waltzes the two of you towards the christmas tree, “what colour lights? i bought so many so whatever doesn’t go on the tree we can use around the house”
“shouldn’t we come up with a theme for the tree? my mum only likes red and gold on our one at home” you look up at jungkook, top of your head bumping his chin and he laughs.
“i thought we could shove a bunch of shit on it and hope for the best” his hands find your face, both your bodies swaying to the music. you smile into the kiss as jungkook presses him lips firmly against your own.
“that works too” you whisper, lips still touching as neither of you make a move to pull away.
“rainbow lights then?”
“rainbow lights” you giggle and jungkook swoons. he squeezes you close before he’s letting go. body still drifting in time with the music as picks out the colourful lights, handing you one set while he takes hold of the other.
“you go bottom and i’ll go top? then we can meet in the middle” he nods.
✯¸.•´*¨`*•✿ ✿•*`¨*`•.¸✯
“it kind of looks like an elf shat in the corner of the room” you mutter, both your arms touching as you stand there, taking in the tree.
you didn’t hate it. it was clear jungkook had spent hours walking around the mall trying to find baubles that were both to his taste and your own; a mixture of designs all shoved onto one tree.
two souls ever so different but somehow still complimented one another in an odd way that seemed to just make sense. your tree a tangled mess of both of your love, kisses shared under faux holly and fingers itching to touch bare skin as you giggle at funny looking baubles and cheesy christmas lyrics that jungkook croons— swinging both your bodies around the living room until you’re both dizzy and high off love and adoration for one another.
“in a good way?” he turns to you, eyes conveying his own mixed feeling. your lips quirk up at that; surprised he hadn’t asked you to strip the tree and try again, ever the perfectionist.
“considering we’ve never actually decorated a tree together before, without supervision from your mother… it’s not awful?”
“no” you nod.
“star or angel?”
you mourn the loss of his body heat as he rummages through a bag, pulling both out for you to inspect.
“angel” you outstretch your hand, ready to grab it. only you blink up at jungkook when he places hand in your own.
“want me to lift you up?” he asks, and you tilt your head in thought.
“i think i can reach from the couch, hold my hand though, just in case”
and he does, never letting go as you push yourself onto the arm of the sofa, back arching as you try to avoid getting pricked by the little pine needles.
jungkook helps you back onto the floor without much issue, you falling into his chest and you can’t help the grin that pulls at your cheeks when his arms squeeze around you.
“well done, baby” the praise causing your cheeks to flush pink; whining when jungkook leans down to press a kiss onto the heated skin.
“wanna go get some stuff from the bakery down the road? i heard they have festive cakes” jungkook rocks the two of you back and forth. “and then we can decorate the rest of the house”
“did i leave any of my clothes here? an old woman gave me a weird look when she saw my festive pyjamas” you stare down at what you’re wearing, too worried earlier on to even think of changing before you got to jungkook’s place.
“what’s wrong with festive pyjamas?” he complains, eyes widening, “hey baby? wait here” he presses another kiss to your forehead before he’s scuttling back into his bedroom.
“it’s an early gift” he tells you, placing the bag in your lap once he’d gotten you to sit down.
“i left my gifts for you at my place, maybe we can pick it up later? and then we can put them under the tree” you look up at him hopeful, and jungkook nods; kneeling on the floor before you.
you carefully open the bag, a giggle bubbling up your throat when you see what’s inside.
“we can be matching now” jungkook’s smile is contagious. you place the bag beside you on the couch, slipping onto the floor in front of jungkook.
his head falls into your neck as your arms wrap around him.
“thank you”
“for what?” his breath tickles your skin.
“making my christmas less shitty”
“i told you i couldn’t get home anyways, might as well spend the holidays with my favorite person” he shrugs, pulling his head away from your neck, “now lets get changed and we can march to the bakery in matching sweaters” he announces.
you tug you own festive night clothes off, jungkook helping you tug the sweater on, an easy excuse for his hands to run over your skin. you let him, more than used to him running eager fingers over any expanse of you he can get. pure love shared through gentle touches and gentle kisses.
and you do the same for him, marveling at the expanse of his back as he tugs his own christmas sweater on. your hands running over his arms; appreciation of his dedication to the gym.
you can’t help the laugh you let out when you catch a glance of the two of you in the mirror; jungkook’s smile matching your own.
“i think we look great” he nods, hand gentle as it grasp one of your own, watching as you give him a twirl.
“my pretty baby” he coos, hands cupping your face and you simply pout as he kisses your nose, his own nose scrunching when he leans down to press another to your lips.
“i think we’re ready” he nods, pulling both of your coats off the hook, and you whisper a ‘thank you’ when he helps zip up your coat.
“and a scarf for the lady” he helps wrap it around your neck.
your fingers interlock like second nature, arms swung happily between the two of you as snow crunches beneath your feet.
jungkook can’t help but be enamored by you, watching as you waddle a little; always wary of the icy floor— though he’d catch you if you ever really fell. the romantic inside of him liking the idea of being your knight in shining armour, even if his enemy was the iced over floor.
“are your parents disappointed you couldn’t make it?” he asks, hands on your shoulders as he expertly maneuvers the two of you around a group of people.
“i think a little upset, but they understand” you tell him, “are you sad you can’t go home?”
jungkook shrugs, “cant be helped if the weather sucks”
you hum at that, hand falling into his own as your steps fall in line with one another once again.
jungkook’s fingers feel numb as he pulls down the handle to the bakery, “why don’t you go order, i have to call someone” he nods towards the desk and you smile.
“anything you want?” you ask him, watching as he pulls his phone from his pocket.
“nope. get whatever looks good” he bends down, another kiss to your lips before he’s ushering you to look around.
he swipes across his phone screen, accepting the incoming call.
“mama? hey— i won’t be able to make it to christmas this year—“ he bites his bottom lip, “no, nothing like that, something came up and i don’t want y/n spending the holidays alone”
jungkook’s nose scrunched up cutely, waving at you when you smile over at him, “i love you too, i’ll see you new year?”
“okay, i got a quite a few things” you hand him the bag when the two of you get outside, “and look” you pull two cookies out of your pocket.
“they’re cute” he nods, pulling your scarf tighter around your neck; careful not to choke you. worried you’d catch a cold, you always had felt it a lot harsher than he had— and maybe he’ll buy you a new pair of earmuffs for christmas. after bam had chewed your old pair, he can see the tips of your ears flushing red from the bitter weather. harsh winter wind tugging you around and jungkook would worry you’d be knocked over if his grip on your hand wasn’t so tight.
“which one do you want? i have santa and a christmas tree”
“tree, please”
you pull the wrapper open for him, taking a bite out of your own cookie.
you eye the tree, smidge of green frosting coating his lips and jungkook turns his head towards you when he feels your eyes glued to his face.
“what’s the matter?” he questions, eyebrows furrowed in worry.
his eyes flit down to where you’d bitten into the cookie, his gaze travelling to his own sweet treat.
“do you want this one, darling?” he tilts his head, watching you bite your bottom lip.
“yes, please” you smile up at him sheepishly.
you swap cookies, content smile on your face and jungkook can’t help the overflowing amount of love that thrums through his body when he looks at you.
“i love you” he announces, startling you a little.
“i love you” you smile up at him, both of you stood outside the entrance of his apartment, wispy flecks of snow starting to fall out the sky, feather-like as they dance in tandem with one another, falling over you and jungkook.
“i love you more” he takes both your hands in his own.
“liar. i love you more” you challenge, any other words dying on your tongue when he leans down; lips pressing firmly against your own. a low rumble in his chest as his tongue flicks over your lips, sweet frosting coating his tastebuds.
but no matter how sweet the cookie was, jungkook thinks you taste sweeter; always so gentle and always a little unsure of yourself.
“merry christmas, jungkook” you whisper, eyes slowly fluttering open.
jungkook leaves another peck on your cheek,“merry christmas, my love”
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Emmett, Garrett, and Edward(separate) with a mate that when turned has ice abilities(yes like Elsa I can't help it 🤣) as always please and thank you!
❝the cold, never bothered me anyways❞
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✭ pairing : garrett x reader , emmett cullen x reader , edward cullen x reader
✭ fandom : twilight
✭ summary : Garrett, Emmett and Edward just learn of their mates gift and let’s just say they are amazed
✭ twilight masterlist
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Garrett :
Garrett, the rugged and adventurous vampire nomad, had always been drawn to unconventional beauty and unique experiences. That's why, when he met (Y/N), he couldn't resist her allure. They were two kindred spirits, seeking adventure and excitement in the world, and their connection had grown stronger with each passing day.
One sunny afternoon, Garrett and (Y/N) found themselves lounging in a meadow near the town of Denali. The day was sweltering, the sun blazing overhead, and Garrett couldn't help but voice his thoughts.
"Whew, it's a scorcher today," Garrett remarked, wiping his brow with the back of his hand. "I wish it were cooler, maybe even a snowy day. That would be perfect."
(Y/N) glanced at Garrett, her eyes twinkling with mischief. She had a secret, one she had been waiting for the right moment to reveal. As her hand brushed against a blade of grass, it instantly froze, turning into a delicate icicle.
Garrett watched in astonishment as (Y/N) summoned her icy powers, forming a small flurry of snowflakes that danced around them, cooling the air around them. The sweltering heat gave way to a gentle, refreshing chill.
His eyes widened with wonder as he realized what was happening. "Did you just... make it snow?"
(Y/N) smiled mischievously as she continued to manipulate the ice and snow around them. "I have a little bit of Elsa in me," she admitted, referring to the beloved Disney character with similar powers.
Garrett couldn't contain his excitement. "That's incredible, (Y/N)! You can control the weather?"
With a nod, (Y/N) answered, "It seems that way. I can create snow and ice, even on the hottest of days."
Garrett couldn't resist the urge to playfully scoop up some of the snow (Y/N) had created and toss it in her direction. She giggled as the icy flakes landed on her skin, creating a delightful sensation.
As they enjoyed the unexpected snowfall, Garrett realized that he had found something truly extraordinary in (Y/N). Her unique abilities only added to her allure, and he couldn't wait to explore the world with her, one snowy adventure at a time. This day marked the beginning of a thrilling journey they would embark on together, their love and their lives forever intertwined with the magic of ice and snow.
Emmett Cullen :
Snow blanketed the town of Forks, transforming it into a winter wonderland. It was a day that Emmett Cullen, the jovial and strong member of the Cullen family, had been eagerly anticipating. He and (Y/N), his beloved mate, had planned to spend the day together, reveling in the beauty of the freshly fallen snow.
Emmett's enthusiasm for the day was infectious, and his excitement had been building for weeks. He couldn't wait to see (Y/N)'s reaction to the snowy landscape, as it held a special surprise he had been keeping secret.
As they ventured into the snowy forest, hand in hand, Emmett's grin was as wide as ever. "Isn't this amazing, (Y/N)?" he exclaimed, his enthusiasm bubbling over. "I knew you'd love it!"
(Y/N) smiled back at him, her eyes filled with affection. She had always been drawn to Emmett's zest for life and his ability to find joy in the simplest of moments. "It's beautiful, Emmett. I'm so grateful we can share this together."
Emmett led her deeper into the woods until they reached a secluded clearing. The trees were heavy with snow, and the world seemed hushed in a serene stillness.
"Close your eyes, (Y/N)," Emmett instructed with a mischievous glint in his eye. "I've got a surprise for you."
(Y/N) obliged, closing her eyes and feeling the cold, crisp air on her cheeks. She trusted Emmett implicitly and eagerly awaited the surprise he had in store.
Emmett took a step back and then, with a flourish, he clapped his hands together, creating a miniature snowstorm around them. Snowflakes swirled through the air, dancing in intricate patterns, and (Y/N) felt the magic of the moment wash over her.
As she opened her eyes and witnessed the enchanting display of snowfall, her heart skipped a beat. But something extraordinary happened. She felt a strange connection to the snowflakes, an inexplicable power coursing through her veins.
In her excitement and amazement, (Y/N) raised her hand, and to her astonishment, the snowflakes responded. They swirled and danced at her command, forming intricate shapes and designs. It was as if she had control over the very essence of winter itself.
Emmett watched in awe as (Y/N) unwittingly harnessed this incredible power. "Wow," he whispered, his voice filled with reverence.
Realization dawned on (Y/N) as she stared at her hands, her eyes wide with wonder. "I... I have ice abilities.”
Emmett could hardly contain his excitement. "That's amazing, (Y/N)! You're like a real-life snow queen!"
As they continued to explore her newfound powers together, (Y/N) and Emmett's bond grew stronger, their love warming even the coldest of winter days. Little did they know that her abilities would bring an extra layer of enchantment to their lives, and the snowy day in Forks would forever be etched in their memories as the day they discovered her unique gift.
Edward Cullen :
The small town of Forks lay beneath a thick blanket of snow, its streets and houses gleaming white in the winter sunlight. Edward Cullen, the introspective and empathetic member of the Cullen family, had been planning a surprise for (Y/N), his beloved mate. He had been monitoring the weather forecast closely, waiting for the perfect snowy day to reveal his plan.
As (Y/N) and Edward prepared to go out for a romantic drive, Edward couldn't help but smile at his mate's excitement. She had always loved the snow, and he knew that today's surprise would be especially meaningful to her.
As they stepped outside, (Y/N) marveled at the winter wonderland that surrounded them. "It's so beautiful," she sighed, her breath forming a frosty cloud in the cold air.
Edward chuckled softly, his golden eyes filled with adoration. "Just wait, (Y/N). I have something special planned for today."
He led her to his car, which was buried under a thick layer of snow and ice. (Y/N) watched as he handed her a snowbrush and began to clear the snow from the car.
But as (Y/N) reached out to help, something incredible happened. Her touch sent a wave of energy through the snow and ice, causing it to melt and evaporate before their eyes. The snowbrush in her hand was unnecessary; the ice and snow retreated at her mere presence.
Edward stopped in his tracks, his eyes widening in astonishment. "Did you just...?"
(Y/N) looked down at her hands, realizing that something extraordinary had just occurred. "I... I didn't mean to," she stammered. "It just happened."
Edward's smile returned, filled with awe and wonder. "You have ice abilities, (Y/N).”
Realization washed over her, and (Y/N) couldn't help but smile in return. "I suppose I do."
As the last of the ice and snow disappeared, (Y/N) and Edward stood before the now-clear car. The surprise he had planned had become even more magical, thanks to her newfound abilities.
Together, they embarked on their romantic drive, reveling in the beauty of the winter landscape. For (Y/N) and Edward, this snowy day marked the beginning of a new chapter in their love story, one filled with warmth and enchantment, even in the coldest of seasons.
Garrett, Edward and Emmett :
The anticipation hung heavy in the air as the Cullen family, including Garrett, Emmett, and Edward, stood on one side of a vast snowy field. On the opposing side were the Volturi, the ancient vampire royalty, led by Aro, Caius, and Marcus. Tensions had reached a breaking point, and a battle between the two factions seemed inevitable.
(Y/N), their beloved mate with ice abilities, stood at the forefront, her powers at the ready. The snowy field was the perfect canvas for her unique gift, and she was determined to protect her family and her mates at any cost.
The confrontation escalated, and as the Volturi advanced with menacing intent, (Y/N) raised her hands, her fingers poised like a conductor about to lead an orchestra. In an instant, the snow beneath her feet began to transform.
Spikes of ice erupted from the ground, forming a formidable barrier between the Cullens and the Volturi. Each spike glistened with deadly beauty, ready to defend against any threat.
Garrett, Emmett, and Edward watched in awe as their mate's power unfolded before their eyes. They had known of her abilities, but seeing her wield them with such precision and strength left them speechless.
Emmett grinned, his admiration shining through his usually jovial demeanor. "That's our mate," he exclaimed, pride and affection in his voice.
Edward, usually composed and analytical, was equally astounded. "She's incredible," he murmured, his eyes never leaving (Y/N).
Garrett, the adventurous nomad, couldn't help but be captivated by the sight. "I knew you were extraordinary, (Y/N), but this is beyond anything I could have imagined."
(Y/N) stood her ground, her icy spikes forming an impenetrable barrier. She was ready to defend her family and mates against any threat from the Volturi. Her love for them was unwavering, and she was prepared to use her unique abilities to protect the ones she cherished most.
As the standoff continued, the Volturi hesitated, their confidence wavering in the face of (Y/N)'s formidable display of power. The snowy battlefield had become a testament to the strength of their bond, a bond forged not only by love but by the extraordinary abilities that united them.
In that moment, (Y/N) knew that she had found not just love but a family that accepted her for who she was, powers and all. And her mates, Garrett, Emmett, and Edward, realized that they had found a mate whose strength and determination were matched only by her unwavering love for them. Together, they stood ready to face whatever challenges the future held, bound by a love that could weather even the fiercest of storms.
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fleckssadgirl · 9 months
𝓑𝓪𝓫𝔂 𝓘𝓽'𝓼 𝓒𝓸𝓵𝓭 𝓞𝓾𝓽𝓼𝓲𝓭𝓮
Arthur Fleck x Reader
Warning: Gross amounts of fluff.
Enjoy this Christmas Ficlet.
You hated the cold.
No matter how many oversized sweaters you donned, the wind still found its way through your icy skin.
You enjoyed an evening stroll down to the only area in which Gotham had some greenery: a small park. With your feet in fuzzy socks, and double knotted combat boots, you shivered in the Christmas Eve air. This was not the weather you were hoping for, but you couldn't bring yourself to wuss out, simply from the cold, but you soon regretted your decision. Your nose hairs were starting to turn into icicles, and your ears were getting sore. You could use a large cup of coca, with loads of whipped cream on top. The very thought gave you the energy to leave your walk and up the several flights of stairs to reach your dreadful apartment.
When the screech of a gate reached your ears, you knew that the heat from your building would soon relive your incessant chills. It was by no means a burst of warm air, but it was certainly better than outside, and that was enough for you. Even the rattling of the elevator didn't seem to bother you as much as it normally did: it was warmer than the winter wonderland you had exited from.
You were about to slide the key into the lock when you heard the dull sound of footsteps, nearing you. Glancing upward, your eyes met the figure of your next door neighbour: Arthur Fleck. His head was down, and he was carrying a bag of what you presumed were medications from the pharmacy. You knew of Arthur's condition, from the few times you had spoken to him. He was rather quiet, but you could tell he had a kind soul.
"Hey Arthur!"
He turned around in surprise, his eyes meeting yours. It made your heart stop for a quick second.
"Hey, Y/N." He smiled gently, setting down his bag and reaching for his keys.
"H-have you had a good holiday?"
He turned back towards you again, seeming surprised you were continuing this conversation. He opened his mouth, and shut it again, giving a slight nod.
"That's good." You weren't sure exactly how to continue the conversation and you glanced at your snow-slicked boots, trying to think of another question you could ask him.
Before you could he finally spoke. It was so soft you felt yourself stop breathing in fear it would be too loud.
"How has yours been?"
"Great!" You responded far too quickly and enthusiastically. You cringed inwardly.
This response seemed to have startled him, as his eyes widened and he gripped tightly on his door handle.
Before he could beeline for his apartment, you stepped towards him.
"Uhm, I was going to maybe drink some hot chocolate, and listen to some music. Would you....care to join me?" You felt your face get hot, as you fidgeted with the hems of your sleeves.
He looked down the hall, and back to you.
"What, me?" he questioned, gesturing to himself.
You grinned.
"Yeah, who else, silly?"
His hand was clutching the doorknob with all his might, his eyes darting to his door.
"Well, uhm, my mom is expecting me..." He refused to meet your eyes, as he stared down at a stain in the hideous carpet.
"Oh, well that's alright." You bit your lip, trying to hide the disappointment that most definitely was on your face. You liked the guy, what could you say? There was something very intriguing about him, that kept you wondering.
"Sorry." He barely whispered.
"No, it's alright. I get it. Have a good Christmas." You almost scrambled to get your own door open. Once you had closed it, you felt yourself breathe normally for the first time since you had seen him.
You couldn't lie; you were pretty crestfallen when he made his excuses. You were certain you had freaked him out by being too eager, something you were normally quite good at, but for some reason hadn't been. He gave you butterflies, and you weren't sure why.
Sulking, you trudged towards your sofa and let your weight fall down on top of it, not caring if you had even removed your coat or boots.
It's not like you had expected to see him. Why were you so upset he didn't accept your invite?
You know exactly why, a little voice chirped, to which you huffed in annoyance.
You were too lazy to even get up and make your much needed cup of cocoa, opting for a sip of tepid coffee, which made you gag in repulsion.
So much for a nice Christmas Eve.
It had seemed like hours, but had only been a few minutes, you heard a knock at your door.
Part of you wanted to ignore it, but you also were curious who was on the other side.
You, with some difficulty, finally made yourself get up and open the door.
To your utter and complete surprise, it was Arthur Fleck.
The butterflies returned.
"Hey, Arthur."
"I'm sorry."
"For what?"
You could swear you could hear your heart beating.
"I-I wanted to come over, it's just...I got nervous and...." a small fit of giggles suddenly erupted from his mouth.
You looked at him with deep concern.
"No, it's ok. Really. I completely understand. You don't need to explain yourself to me." You reached out, resting a hand on his arm, and rubbing it comfortingly.
He clutched his chest, taking a few deep breaths.
"I-I, appreciate it." he finally got out, blinking back his watery eyes.
You smiled at him, your eyes gleaming with warmth.
"Come in. I'll make you some hot chocolate."
He nodded and let you pull him into the apartment.
You were stirring a packet of chocolate mix into warm milk, your toes bouncing, as you hummed the chorus to a popular Christmas tune. The cocoas were loaded with whipped cream and topped off with a slightly dinky candy cane. You admired your effort, and took both mugs to where Arthur was sitting.
He was admiring your large collection of records, his eyes set on your special edition of Nat King Cole.
"Jazz fan, huh?"
He set the record down, and reached for the cup of cocoa.
"Yeah, I guess so."
You took a sip. You felt it warm your body almost immediately, and let yourself relax and sink into the sofa. There was something so wonderful about this time of year, even if the cold was like Hell frozen over.
And the company certainly made it better.
You supposed he was quiet because he didn't have much to say, but, you wondered if maybe he had so many inhibitions set into him, that he just chose not to talk, in fear of what others would think.
"Why are you always so nice?"
The question seemingly came out of nowhere and took you off guard.
"Because I like you."
You couldn't believe you had said that with so much nonchalance, you wanted to both pat yourself on the back and smack yourself in the face.
He nearly spat out the hot chocolate from his mouth. Choking slightly, he gasped for air.
"Y-you d-do?"
"Of course. Why wouldn't I? You take care of your mom, you work in a place to make people laugh, and you always smile at me when we cross paths. I think you have such a lovely soul, Arthur. I hope that you know that."
He seemed genuinely grateful for your praise. It was clear he didn't hear it often. You feared that people often judged him because of his condition.
"No. I guess I didn't." He ran his hands down his arms as if a chill had run through him. "I think that I don't deserve that."
You wanted to cry at his confession. What a tragic admission, to not know your own goodness.
"Oh, Arthur. I know you do."
Before either of you could comprehend what was happening, had reached out for his face, and had kissed him.
It was brief, and uninteresting, but it sent a larger wave of heat than the hot chocolate had.
You wanted another one.
You hesitated, fearing he hadn't wanted to be touched this way, but were completely shocked when he reached for the back of your neck and kissed you again, this time with a little more movement.
Your head had gone completely fuzzy, and you had forgotten all concepts of time.
When he pulled away, you let out a rattly breath.
"Wow, Arthur I had no i-"
You didn't finish your sentence before his mouth was on yours again.
There was no stopping him now. You had confessed, and now so had he. You wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer as his hands slid from your neck to your waist, and finally settled on your hips.
Neither of you were sure how long you kissed, but you were certain the moment he released you that you were addicted.
You laughed, your fingers finding their way through his chestnut curls.
"You keep that up, there's no way I'm letting you leave."
He chucked.
"I probably should. My mother might need me."
Before he could stand up, you let your legs cage him between you.
"Nooo, you can't go now. I just got warm." you pouted.
"Y/N, c'mon, you'll be alright. I promise."
And with that he lifted you off him, and made his way to the door.
Before you could feel more saddened at his disappearance he turned just before exiting.
"Don't worry baby. I'll be back."
With a wink, he closed the door behind him.
Merry Christmas indeed.
Hope you like!
Have the most wonderful Christmas!
<3 Lyddie
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Bucky Barnes x female reader
**Title: "A Winter's Warmth"**
The first snowfall of the season had blanketed the city in a serene white, turning the bustling streets into a picturesque winter wonderland. You found yourself wandering through Central Park, the crisp air nipping at your cheeks, but the beauty around you made it all worthwhile. The trees, now bare, stood tall and proud, their branches adorned with delicate snowflakes.
As you walked, you couldn't help but think about Bucky. It had been a few months since you two started dating, and every moment with him felt like a dream. His past was filled with darkness, but you were determined to fill his present with light and love. You smiled to yourself, remembering the way his eyes sparkled when he saw you, the way his lips curled into a gentle smile whenever you laughed.
Lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice the figure approaching until a familiar voice called out your name. "Hey, there you are!" Bucky's voice was warm and inviting, contrasting with the chilly air around you.
You turned to see him, his metal arm glinting faintly under the soft light of the street lamps. He was bundled up in a thick coat, a scarf wrapped snugly around his neck. His cheeks were flushed from the cold, and his eyes shone with happiness at seeing you.
"Bucky!" you exclaimed, running towards him. He opened his arms, and you melted into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his body seep into yours. "I missed you."
"I missed you too," he murmured into your hair, holding you close. "I thought we could spend the evening together. Maybe grab some hot chocolate and take a walk?"
You nodded eagerly, slipping your hand into his. "I'd love that."
The two of you strolled through the park, talking about everything and nothing. Bucky told you stories from his past, the good ones that made you laugh and the bittersweet ones that made you hold his hand a little tighter. In return, you shared your own memories, painting a picture of your life before you met him.
Eventually, you found a cozy little café that looked like it had been plucked straight out of a fairy tale. The windows were fogged up from the warmth inside, and the scent of freshly baked pastries wafted through the air. Bucky held the door open for you, and you both stepped into the inviting atmosphere.
You ordered two hot chocolates, complete with whipped cream and marshmallows, and found a seat by the window. The two of you sat close, your legs brushing under the table. Bucky reached across to take your hand, his thumb tracing gentle circles on your skin.
"I never thought I'd find someone like you," he said softly, his eyes locked onto yours. "You've brought so much light into my life."
You felt your heart swell with emotion. "And you've brought so much love into mine. I can't imagine my life without you, Bucky."
He leaned in, his lips brushing against yours in a tender kiss. It was soft and sweet, filled with all the unspoken words and promises that lay between you. When he pulled back, his eyes were filled with a warmth that made you feel like the luckiest person in the world.
The evening continued like that, filled with laughter, stories, and stolen kisses. By the time you left the café, the snow had started falling again, adding a fresh layer to the already pristine landscape. You walked hand in hand, the world around you fading into the background as you focused on each other.
As you reached your apartment, Bucky pulled you into another embrace, his lips pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Thank you for tonight," he whispered. "I needed this."
"Me too," you replied, resting your head against his chest. "I love you, Bucky."
"I love you too," he said, his voice filled with sincerity and warmth. "More than you'll ever know."
And in that moment, surrounded by the quiet beauty of the snow-covered city, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you and Bucky would face them together, hand in hand, heart to heart.
Sooooo I’ve been having a terrible summer and lately I’ve been feeling really bad so I’m sorry for being mia but I’m back and I’ll try to get more writing done but for now this is short and sweet byeeee loves🌸💕💕💗🎀
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moldycantaloupe · 5 months
Mushy May Day 9
Warming them up
Pairing; Alpha/Omega
Rating; E for Everyone
thanks as always to @/forlorn-crows for the prompt list!
Alpha woke up in the early hours of the morning, groggy as all hell and in desperate need for coffee. He kicked his sheets off of himself in mild frustration and stood. He scratched at his stomach and made his way over to the open window. It was in the middle of winter and the fire ghoul decided in that moment of staring out into that white wonderland that he could wait for spring to show. The crisp air, especially in the mornings, felt so incredible on his overheated skin. He’s warned the other ghouls and his Papa about his room’s environment during the cold months, and they’ve all made sure to steer clear from it.
Except for one ghoul.
Before he had a chance to go freshen up, a somewhat timid knock came to his door. He let himself smile devilishly, knowing full well who was on the other side.
“It’s open,” his voice was still gruff from disuse over the night. The door opened and out came a hiss from the ghoul on the other side, his arms folding into himself further. He was all bundled up in a robe and sleep pants, and even had thick socks on that morning. It must’ve been really cold.
“Alpha,” Omega nearly growled, his nose tinged in a blush from the cold walls of the Abbey. Alpha smiled at his packmate, a sweet fondness to the quint that he never could place.
“Omega.” He echoed, his hand still absentmindedly scratching at his stomach. He could see the way Omega was tempted to look at his bare chest, and if it were any other time of day, he’d tease him, maybe even get something out of it. But it was the ass crack of dawn, and he had just woken up. “What do you want so early?”
Omega’s eyes caught his own and he frowned at the fire ghoul. Alpha knew what he wanted, it had become a somewhat routine thing they’ve been doing all winter. Alpha was stubborn at first, because surely there had to be another fire ghoul nearby who could be doing this. But Omega, ever persistent, would continue to ask every morning. Sometimes in the nights, too.
“Will you?” Omega bumped his shoulder towards the hall, followed by a quiet, “...please?”
Alpha bared his fangs in a toothy grin and finally moved away from his spot from the window, his arms stretching out towards the sky. That was Omega’s cue to start his journey towards the couch, where Alpha would find him already huddled into a blanket, eyes nearly pleading towards him as he slowly trudged. There would be a steaming cup of his coffee on the table as a peace offering. Alpha would grab the mug before he sat right next to Omega, and lay his legs across the quint’s. He’d wrap his free arm around his shoulder and squeeze him into his body, his head pulled to the fire ghoul’s chest. While Omega was around the same height and size as Alpha, in those moments he always looked smaller with his arms wrapped around his waist and his head nuzzling into him. He’d start up a rusty yet boisterous purr once he was warm and comfortable, one that would vibrate the couch, and Alpha would sip on his coffee with his own joining. And maybe that’s why Alpha got up so early these days, just so he could share the few hours of stillness with Omega wrapped around him.
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thewritersaddictions · 9 months
Day Twenty: Joel Miller + Winter Wonderland
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"Joel and you were stuffed into the rotation for patrol together. He rode his horse with ease, but you were less confindent. "You'll do just fine darlin'." He had said when the two of you made your way out of the gated community of Jackson.
The weather was getting worse by the day. Cold fronts with harsh winds that made your skin prickly, and red. Your gloved hands held the reins, as the horse moved in sycn with Joel's horse.
"It's might snow later on." Joel says as the two of you trot to your designated location of patrol. You hum, "You know that I've never seen snow." Joel turns his head, the bewilderment on his face is evident. "Joel and you were stuffed into the rotation for patrol together. He rode his horse with ease, but you were less confindent. "You'll do just fine darlin'." He had said when the two of you made your way out of the gated community of Jackson.
The weather was getting worse by the day. Cold fronts with harsh winds that made your skin prickly, and red. Your gloved hands held the reins, as the horse moved in sycn with Joel's horse.
"It's might snow later on." Joel says as the two of you trot to your designated location of patrol. You hum, "You know that I've never seen snow." Joel turns his head, the bewilderment on his face is evident. "I'm sorry what?" He says, even his voice is laced with confusison. "I lived in Texas all my life, and then when I did manage to get here to Jackson it was during the summer, the mountains weren't covered in snow rather green grass. It was really beautiful."
You're unaware of that fact that Joel had fully stopped his horse that is until you bump into him. He's staring at you, "Well? Are you excited about the potential snowfall?" He asks you, and you beam, "Duh, of course I'm excited. I've hear stories about how nice the mouatins and snow look."
You two manage to get through your section rather quickly, yet just when you think you're safe to go back to Jackson. Joel becomes hyper aware of his surrounds. "We need to get going darlin'" Joel mutters with haste, to which has the both of you running your horses until the evental happens. A small pack of stalkers, with a few clickers. "At least there's no runners." You say as you slow your horse down to look around to find some sort of shelter. The two of you can't take the small horde as is, so you have to go hide. You manage to find a cleared out old building which has tall enough front doors that you can also get your horses away from the cold, and clickers.
You had managed to wiggle your way into Joel heart in the past year that you had been in Jackson. To the way you were with Ellie, to how slow you had been with him. It was rather rejuiventing hanging out with someone who wasn't a 13 year old girl and cursed all the time. How you had manged to get through the many walls he had built up. Maybe it was the help of Ellie, and having his brother back. You'll never know, but you didn't care. Not when Joel got off his horse, and helped you off yours with his hands on your wasit.
"Let's look around before we go galivanting around this place kay." Joel says grabbing for his rifle on his back. The two of you found nothing in the old building other then some spider webs, and left over magizines. The one good thing you did find was an old office room. Where a couch was sat with an old regirdator. You ploped down ease, as Joel took a slower route to get his ass on the twetny plus old couch. "Do you ever think what the world would be like without all the clickers and such?" You ask him, his brows furrow together and he looks off into the sdistance, "I don't think about the past's furture anymore. I'm here, I think about the now." Joel's answer is filled with longing and hurt, so you don't push him.
The wind picks up outside and you can see through the panes of glass thats white flurries are falling. You're in the right gear thankfully, and so is Joel. So there's no need to worry about gettin to cold, but you really wanna go out. "Come over here." Joel mutters, opening his arms. You crawl into his lap, your legs on his either side of his thighs.
"Is the snow has as pretty as I think it is?" You ask Joel as he runs his semi-cold fingers up and down your back. "Hmm it depends. Honestly it nice the first few minutes and hours it's out on the ground, but then it's just dirty with people walkin' all over it." He answers you. "No, no I mean are the mourtians pretty, and are the trees covered?" He hums, and nuzzles his nose in your neck. The two of you stay like that for a while, waiting for the howling wind outside to calm, and before you know it Joel is tapping you awake. "Darlin' you waking up now. I thought you'd like to see that the snow has fallen a little bit." He says sweetly, sweet enough to have to you back in his neck for more warmth. "Come on baby, let's go back home to Jackson."
When you get outside with your horse your eyes light up. as if you're a child seeing the ice cream truck roll down the hot summer texas roads. "Oh, Joel it's so pretty." You say softly, almost like you're talking to yourself, "Ellie would disagree with you there." He chuckles, but gets his old ass on his back. "You'll love Jackson when we get back, with the lights on and the buzz of people. Just the right spot for you darlin'" Joel says before he racing down the snow covered streets to get back to Jackson.
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Completed on: 11/26/23
Posed on: 12/20/23
The Last Of Us Tags-
The Last Of Us Master List // Christmas Stories Master list
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sunnylands-world · 1 year
Winter wonderland
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Pairing: Jim Hopper x FEM Reader
Summary: it's a cold day in Hawkins and you just want to be held and maybe more…
Word count: 1'232
Warning: p in v, kinda drunk Jim, degrading, praise, light dirty talk, this one's filthy, explicit words [of course], daddy kink, oral [female receiving], fingering, kinda overstimulation, soft and aggressive Jim [couldn't decide if should be rough or soft so I did both], age gap [but no minors!] I think that's it, let me know if I missed anything
Universe: strange things
A/n: well…i don't know what this is, it's a mess and it's cold where I'm at so here you go, for all the Jim girlys!!
You read the warnings if you continue to read. I'm not to be held responsible.
Comments, reblogs, and inboxes are appreciated and motivational
It was a simple day today, minus the cold weather. The house was quiet and still with the voices of whatever hopper was watching, playing in the background. Winter was beginning and as you walked around the tip of your toes seemed to freeze and your body felt like you were standing in the doorway of a walk-in freezer. Jim wasn't needed and you were home from work as well so he was sat in that chair that he always sat in with a beer in his grip and the ashtray next to him had buds from his cigarettes.
It was a strange comfort walking through his house with the smell of burned tobacco, and forest breeze. As you peaked out the window you could see it was snowing and as if you felt it a shiver ran through you. Jim must have noticed from his chair because he patted his thigh, his way of telling you to come sit and you walked over eagerly taking a seat on his thigh. You wrap your arms around his neck, tucking your face away in the crook and with the hand that wasn't busy with beer he rubbed your back soothingly.
"It's gonna be cold for awhile baby, should've brought yourself warmer clothes instead of all these cropped tops and short shorts," he says as his hand moves lower and his finger hooks in the band of your shorts pulling them from your ass enough that when he releases it pops back. You're not gonna try to argue with him because you know he's right so you whine in response.
"You know, with all this time off I could focus on other things," he mutters and you can smell the alcohol on his breath along with the musk and Laundry soap from his skin and clothes. Something about sitting on his thigh with his hand teasingly playing with your shorts and running along your back as he watches tv, talking about nothing has you rolling your hips against the denim of his jeans unconsciously.
There's that sweet pleasure licking at you as move against him slowly with your toes curling and you know he knows you're starting to become a needy mess when his hand places the beer down with slight force and it finds its way to your other ass cheek gripping it like his other hand, but moist and chilled from the sweating cold can. It makes you shiver at how his hands grip a handful and for him that's a lot so not much skin is left untouched.
Nothing is said as you move back and forth picking up the pace with whines and whimpers kissing his skin.
A smack is delivered to your ass that has you letting out a yelp in surprise.
"Are you all shy now baby, even though you're grinding like a needy little whore, ruining my jeans?" He demeans and it only makes you hide your face more and increase the movement of your hips and he chuckles.
"that's alright, I'll have you screaming in no time" he says planting a kiss on your shoulder blade and your lashes flutter dazed as he lifts himself from the couch holding your ass firmly while he stumbles a bit to his room and doesn't bother shutting the door as he places you on the bed. that's one of the things you admire about him because even drunk Jim doesn't give a fuck.
His hands tug your shorts off urgently as he sits himself between your thighs throwing the item elsewhere, and you don't have much time to think about it anyway because his thumb presses against your clit with just enough pressure to make you wither and he rubs tight circles as his lips attack your thighs like he can't decide what he wants first, nipping at your skin and switching so the tip of his tongue can lick the sweet juices from your folds.
You aren't sure what to do with yourself. You feel like you're drowning in pleasure and your fingers can't seem to grip anything as you moan loudly and your eyes roll back into the heavens.
As if it wasn't enough already that he was practically assaulting your bundle of nerves he adds his fingers, curling them so they hit the spongy spot inside you.
"aww look at that you're all wet and swollen. Want daddy to make it all better for ya?" He coos and your thighs start to quiver as he starts to move his fingers searching for the deepest places inside you. when you start to feel your body cover in goosebumps and your pussy starts to throb around his digits he takes them out and you whine thinking you'll cry as he cups your cheeks, smearing your arousal on your skin and says,
"Shut up crying whore, I'm gonna give you what you need." Before slipping his fat cock into you and tears trickle down your cheeks in both relief and from the prickle of pain mixing with your pleasure like the smallest prick of a needle.
He releases his hold on your face grabbing your hips instead but gently rubbing up and down your curves as slams his length into you, kissing your cheeks and anywhere else he can reach.
"your so pretty baby" he whispers, making you moan in response and it plays on your senses the way he's gently caressing you and roughly pulling you down to meet his thrust.
Your toes curl and your mouth hangs open as tremors cause your body shake.
"That's my girl, take it," he growls, kissing at your skin and that throbbing in core causes you to grip and release his cock as it glides back and forth making you feel every angry vein along him.
Your eyes open and close like you'll pass out feeling him chest to chest and your nails scratching weakly at his back while the rest of you is shaking. Your skin sweaty like his, leaving you feeling sticky as you try to breathe; smelling your arousal in the air. your ears ring with the clapping of skin and the bed creaking like it's gonna give out any minute.
He's so in tune with your body that his thrust slows a little and his hands become almost feather light when he pulls back looking into your eyes and fingers coming up to rubb soft circles on your nipples as he moves in and out.
"It's okay baby, that's okay. daddy's got you," he assures you, his brown eyes looking into yours and your heart strains in your chest thinking he sobered enough to guide through the end.
He leans forward again, lips crashing against yours letting you taste the lingering sex and his beer as he gives you his tongue quieting both your moans.
Your back arches and he taste your lips a little longer before he leaves hot, wet kisses along your jaw and neck till he finds your favorite spot and whispers,
"come for daddy baby" and you being the obedient girl you are, you let your release take you and everything blurs together but you feel him empty inside you with a sigh of pleasure shoving his hands under your small body so he can hold you close as you graze the clouds and fall back to him so he can keep you warm on this winter day…
©Sunnylands-world this belongs to me therefore you don't have the right to do anything with my work or ideas without permission.
Nice thought, reblogs, and inboxing is appreciated and motivational ❤
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