#or maybe i’m just a perfectionist try hard by nature
shatteredsnail · 2 years
i’m incapable of doing things casually and i entirely blame being in competitive performance sports for like 12 years
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Can you do a set of headcanons of Dallas with a perfectionist reader? Like someone who stresses out before a test or beats themself up when they get a bad grade (and it's not even a bad grade, it's just slightly lower then they thought they'd get.)
A/N: Oh I liked this one. I liked it a lot- thanks for the request! Sorry it took so long!
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I wrote this during my anatomy class instead of paying attention, so yeah! Hope this turns out well, I hope you guys like it-
I’m gonna do general headcanons for this one?
I’ll definitely include the scenario you gave me, but I think I’ll have more talk about this way-
In general, Dally really couldn’t give less of a crap about going to school and he honestly thinks you’re kind of a weirdo for stressing out so much about the grades you’re bringing home
He just doesn’t see the point to it, ya know? Like he’s basically a dropout, I bet you he never really goes to school anymore, so he really just can’t wrap his head around why it gets you so dialed up
He’s very unhelpful when it comes to your studies
That’s all.
He’s just unhelpful.
When you’re studying? He’ll purposely shuffle up your papers, steal your pencils, mix up your stuff and just generally be a little nuisance
He does it cause he gets bored when you’re not paying attention to him so ya know, good luck getting yourself out of that mess with him, that behavior really isn’t going anywhere anytime soon
Dal’s absolutely astounded by your grades though- all those 100s and high 90s?
That’s miles ahead of what he was getting when he was still in school and it seems like you do it so easily, just like getting good grades is in your nature
Which, ya know, circles back to kick you in the butt because the minute you bring home something in the low 90s, high 80s range, your world is absolutely wrecked and Dallas doesn’t understand at all
When you start to go bonkahs though, and run yourself into the ground just because you got one question wrong, that’s where Dally kind of steps in and really calls you out on it
He’s going to say that you’re being ridiculous and he means it, he genuinely thinks that you’re being ridiculous because why does one missed question mean so much anyway??
You guys have a big argument of course, because the one thing you should never do is tell a perfectionist that they don’t have to be perfect
So you guys fight and you sulk off to your respective places before comes back, not to properly apologize, but to take you out to the diner or drive-in or something as a faux apology
He still thinks you get a little bit ridiculous about your grades, but now he’s smart enough not to run his mouth off about it, he does get mad though if you refuse a date because you have to study, Dal, I’m sorry
Insert Mr. Winston saying whatever, if you’re studying at home, I’m just gonna sneak in your window and claim that it’s a study date
Let’s just say…studying can get very…hands on…when Dally decides he’s going to crash your lesson cramming sessions 
Don’t think too hard about the phrase cramming sessions because I am NOT getting in trouble for that one but ya know….heh-
Dal calls you a nerd, a bookworm, a dork, a geek, but mah boy will not hesitate to throw down if someone else calls you those things
Dallas, admittedly a little bit of a bully, does not like it when other people try and mess with you, so boy’s got you covered
I can definitely see him trying to get you to skip school, especially if he’s fresh out of the cooler or reform or something and honestly? He just wants to spend time with you, and it hurts his feelings a little when you’d rather go to school
It’s all about that perfect attendance, okay? All about that attendance record-
But maybe your last period never takes attendance anyway and maybe Dallas just so happens to be waiting outside and you just maybe get your best friend to cover for you so you can skip one class to go out with him <3
I can see this dynamic working, at least for a little while-
Despite the fights that are bound to occur, Dallas does enjoy you being a genius and he’ll brag about you to the gang, telling Darry he needs to start hanging your report cards up on that old fridge
Dallas does his best to keep you from driving yourself to burnout and I’ve got this mental scene of you trying to teach him something you’re working on and he just kind of cuts you off in the middle of talking to give you a kiss because he hasn’t been listening to you for the past five minutes but his eyes have been locked on your lips and he’s pretty sure that he doesn’t know the answer but he knows he wants to kiss you real bad-
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birdiescanfly · 2 months
Jake Seresin: Self-Esteem
I've been thinking about Hangman lately, and I can't get the thought of him as being a bit insecure and traumatized by his childhood out of my head. So obviously I need to flesh it out more, but I’m thinking Jake grew up poor. In my experience, this can lead to a very disorderly life which is why he likes to keep things so perfect and clean (His styled hair, his crisp uniform). Being dirty all the time as a kid, living in a dirty place, or even just not having nice clothes is something that like really effects Jake and that’s why he tries so hard to present himself in a certain way. Not only that, but growing up being called trashy and dumb kind gives you a complex so I think Jake would likely push for a different view of himself, even if its asshole perfectionist. Thus the creation of ‘Hangman.’ People see him as uppity and/or finicky, a clean freak, and a loner who only thinks of himself but like, it all comes from a desire to NOT feel like he did as a child. To prove himself.
I imagine him growing up Deep South, Bible belt all the way. A trailer park kind of life. I think that the reason he leans so far away from his old life is because he got a lot of backlash during his academy days maybe?  His commanding officers and peers probably had preconceived notions about him, especially if his parents were laborers with no higher education. (Neither of my parents graduated high school, and you wouldn’t believe how many professors I’ve had that find out I’m a first generation college student, and immediately treat my like an idiot.) I think, for Jake, it would be made even worse if he had a really thick accent. Maybe Jake even tries to hide some of natural drawl and slang. I often see him proud of his accent in stories, but I bet that during those first academy years, he just wanted to fit in. He wanted to prove that he belonged with people outside of the hicks he grew up around. (Up for interpretation, maybe he adored his family but he leans away from them to distance himself from that life cause he doesn’t feel like he fits in anymore, or maybe his parents were shit stains, up to you), but nonetheless, there is a divide between Jake and them now. It’s a very much “you chose them” mentality. Makes him feel in between worlds and that he’s always trying to prove that he belongs to his two spheres of life.
So yeah, Jake hides his accent because people think he’s dumb when he uses southern phrases or slides words together. So Jake hates dirt and disorganization, and he cleans and clean and cleans, he takes two showers a day and maybe even still feels a little filthy.  Maybe he still feels like he’s not smart enough, or good enough. And yeah, Jake grew up trailer trash, he’s got to prove himself a little more, he’s got to push a little harder than everyone else.  He’s got to be number one, or he’s nothing, right?  But he’s got Hangman for that.  Hangman can be number one, he can be the perfect pilot and he can be clean, and he can prove that he’s worth more than anyone ever thought.
I am in fact projecting, but what are comfort characters for, right? And also, I just love reading about everyone’s theories about why Jake is such a loner who leaves people behind, and I adore even more the stories that dive into Jake’s self-esteem issues and childhood.
I’ve got more to this idea, (Hangster all the way), but this is too long as it is so I’ll just make another post.
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nayatarot777 · 11 months
what do you need to know for the month of november? • pac
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• pile one •
this month is full of a lot of responsibilities that could be becoming a burden for you at this point. you’ve been working extremely hard within your work life or a particular craft that you have - probably to the point of being a perfectionist with the work that you do - and i feel like it’s due to wanting to just get an abundance of work done as quickly as possible. however, spirit is suggesting that you don’t force anything regarding this, otherwise you’ll really tire yourself out. put yourself in a restful period and be patient with your manifestations coming in, instead of trying to force your manifestations to come in the “perfect” way for you. you may be trying to control the outcome a bit too much. but resting will rebalance your energy, and you’ll get the manifestations that you deserve. you’ve already put in enough work, so now it’s time to step into receptive energy and receive instead of trying to continuously achieve.
• pile two •
someone is really emotionally attached to you, pile 2. this could be someone who has romantic feelings for you in particular, and i’m also seeing a child, a friend, or someone who has a very soft energy. this is someone who feels like you’re a source of stability and structure for them. like you’re a dependable person who they can rely on. you make them feel light regardless of any darkness or difficulties that they may be going through. and i’m hearing that they want to nurture you and “water” you in return. this could be a younger air sign or someone who just may be more mentally immature than you - but not necessarily in a negative way. i’m picking up on a lot of naivety from this person. this is someone who you’re very sweet towards, and they feel sweetness towards you. honey could also be significant for you (maybe this person eats a lot of honey or something like that). there’s a significant completion of a cycle regarding this person, and i feel like this completion is more so related to them than you. with your help, this person has found a lot of courage to achieve something that they’re passionate about. something about learning how to use their voice a lot more too. i’m hearing that they’re no longer playing small and they’re stepping into a more confident energy when it comes to going after what they want. if this is your child, or a younger sibling, or just someone who you’ve worried about due to them being a bit timid, then i’m seeing that their meekness is coming to an end. they’re finding themselves and their ability to act (maybe even defend themselves) a lot more.
• pile three •
i’m seeing a new connection or a new friendship beginning in the month of november. there’s going to be a lot of pure love that you guys feel for each other. this person will especially like some type of fiery nature that you have. i’m hearing that you have a backbone and that makes you very attractive to this person. this makes them feel like you’re a safe person, as they may be the opposite to you. i’m picking up on fire energy for you and water energy for this person. there’s someone else in the picture though. perhaps a younger air sign or an air sign that’s more immature than you. i’m hearing that they feel like their voice isn’t heard by you or like they haven’t yet figure out a way to speak their complete truth to you. but i’m getting the energy that this person in particular feels quite abandoned by you. they could feel that way even more so when you connect to this new person. it’s like this person will be on the outside looking in on this new acquaintanceship, friendship, or relationship. they’re going to see how this new person lights you up a lot more than they do and they’re going to feel a little bit of insecurity. for others of you, you may not experience a new connection with a new person, but a new connection with this person who’s feeling some type of insecurity. your connection could change after they find the courage to express something small to you. i feel like this person is a little bit intimidated by your confidence or your fiery nature, but if they choose to speak whatever truths that they have, then you’re going to feel a lot safer to them. and they’re going to find that there’s a lot of love that can be exchanged between the both of you. this person may have a bit of a colder and more detached energy now, but it’s because they’re observing you and trying to figure you out in some way as a way to see whether you’re safe for them to come towards or not. i’m seeing that this month will change them into a more softer or emotionally open person though. you may be surprised by this or surprised by the new feelings that you feel for this person.
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illneverrecover · 2 years
make it right - epilogue | kth & knj (M)
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➛pairing: Kim Taehyung x reader  ft. Kim Namjoon x reader ➛summary: He had offered to be there with you when you read it, which you had considered. He has always been supportive of you and your emotions, and you knew you could rely on him to be your rock through this, too, should you need it. But there was a little piece of you that felt it was important to be willing to face this alone; willing to face the consequences and fallout of your actions without the crutch of your current love.  ➛genre: starting out musician!AU, smut, angst. SMANGST. ➛word count: 5327 ➛rating: explicit/mature ➛warnings: mentions of previous infidelity, mentions of mature situations, a lot of talk about healing and self reflection, also about self growth, cursing, previous installments contain smut.  ➛notes: Well this was a long, long time coming. If you’ve stuck around this long - I appreciate you more than you will know!  Many apologies for the wait, but damn, was life being a bitch for a hot minute. This was very cathartic for me to write for many reasons, and I hope you enjoy! Just to be clear, this series isn’t here to romanticize infidelity, or make light of it -- but instead show how things aren’t always so black and white in real life. In reality, there are numerous, messy shades of grey, and things can become complicated very easily. This is barely edited and completely unbeta’ed, as I’m trying to be more authentic and less of a perfectionist when it comes to my writing as a personal goal in 2023. It’s been holding me back for far too long, and I’ve missed being creative. Be gentle, and let me know what you think! (P.S. - if you pick up on the TS reference, pls know I’m giving you a forehead kiss)  ➛song: everythinggoes (with Nell) - RM, NELL & Girl of My Dreams (with SUGA) - Juice WRLD, SUGA, BTS  ➛tagging: @jimins-ass-eater, @thatlongspringnight​ ➛Chapter 1 ➛ Chapter 2  ➛ Chapter 3
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Everything, everything, everything goes 
Time passes. Despite change, despite everything moving and falling apart and rebuilding again, time always passes. It is unavoidable, it is necessary. It is healing simply in its existence.  
Namjoon sees that now more than anything. 
It’s hard to believe it’s been a year – a year since you walked out, since everything changed. Since his actions and inactions had finally caught up to him, and so had the consequences. 
He wanted to blame you. It would be easier to do so, he thought in the beginning, considering how everything fell apart. But it wouldn’t be honest, and it wouldn’t make him feel any better. He thought himself a good man, after all, and good men accept the fallout from their misdeeds. They dig deep and do some introspection and maybe see a therapist, and they try to be better.
He wanted to be better. 
It wasn’t easy. Looking into the depths of his mind and soul and inspecting his worst flaws is a raw, painful thing at any time, but especially after what had happened. He meditated more, channeled his feelings into his writing in the studio, and continued to work on himself. His relationship with the new producer, Mina, continued to blossom, but this time without the tainting of his indiscretions, without the shame and guilt. Namjoon found what grew between them was more beautiful this way; tending to the soil and ensuring proper watering allowed him to be his sincere, natural self, giving way to a love that came easy. 
It was hard when Yoongi left the studio, though Namjoon would be lying if he said he didn’t see it coming. It was on good terms, thanks to both of them being pragmatic despite their friendship, but it still stung. Another consequence to his transgressions, another person affected by his shortcomings. Yoongi had told him he was thinking of opening his own studio for a while, but Namjoon was almost positive the incident (and the aftermath) is what accelerated his timeline and had him leaving a few months later. 
Taehyung’s resignation had been less surprising, though equally professional. He offered to finish out his contract or to leave immediately – not wanting to leave the studio hanging, but also knowing the position this was putting Namjoon in. Namjoon could appreciate the gesture, even through the betrayal, and allowed the younger man to finish up some tracks and part ways amicably. It wasn’t long before Taehyung’s name was being released as Yoongi’s first talent, and though it felt like someone had punched him in the chest, Namjoon couldn’t help but be proud. 
He would always support them, even if they didn’t know it.
He poured himself into his work,  into his music. His first passion, his first love. She always welcomed him with warm arms, always gave him confidence and solitude to work through whatever melodies and cacophonies were clouding his mind. And as he worked through self reflection and discovery, she was there to help him work through the tougher emotions, the painful feelings, until he had a full fledged album. A raw and new piece of his soul, ready to share with the world, whenever Namjoon was ready to be vulnerable. 
So much had changed in a year. He isn’t sure if this present version of himself would even recognize the Namjoon from before, the person that he was. But he knows he wants to continue to impress that version of himself, and make him proud. 
He was ready to share his music — and himself — with the world,  but before he could, he needed to do one last thing. 
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Taehyung wasn’t sure why Namjoon had wanted to see him.
His mind began racing the minute he received the text, saw the name that he hadn’t had the guts to ever delete or block from his phone. It had been almost a year since he had last been in communication with the man, when he had put in his notice at the studio.
So much had changed in a year. He had signed with Yoongi, worked extremely hard in the new studio,  and was making music he was really, really proud of. And to top it all off, he was doing it with you by his side, out in the open, for the world to see. No longer having to hide his love was one of the best things to ever happen to Taehyung, and he’d never tire of basking you in it. 
But Namjoon had asked to meet for coffee, and Taehyung couldn’t think of a reason to say no. If anything, he felt like he owed his old friend - his hyung, his brother - the time and space to say whatever it was he wanted to him. It was the least he could do, considering. 
Taehyung doesn’t regret loving you, but the guilt still gnaws at him from time to time over how things went down with Namjoon. It was you who would always reassure him that if anyone was to blame, it was you, and would help him work through his feelings. 
He had thought about reaching out to Namjoon in the months following the aftermath – to apologize, to explain where he was coming from, how genuine his feelings were for you, that he never meant to hurt him – but realized that this would only be to assuage his own shame and guilt, not because it would be anything that Namjoon actually needed to hear. That didn’t seem fair to put on him, after everything else, and so he vowed to keep his apologies to his journal for the time being. Resolved that if Namjoon wanted closure, he would let him know. 
Taehyung  hopes that’s what this meeting is about, if he’s being honest with himself. He has run this scenario through his head a million times, and out of all the conclusions he could reach, it would be the ideal one. Certainly, Namjoon would have every right to ask him to meet up if only to have a chance to give him a solid sucker punch in the face, and Taehyung wouldn’t be able to fault him for that. 
But despite knowing that things will never be the same, he would at least like for there to be peace between the two of them, for your sake if nothing else.
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The coffee shop is spacious, well lit by the copious windows adorning the front of the building, and fairly quiet, considering its size. Mismatched plush couches and chairs decorated the room alongside coffee tables of varying shapes and forms, surrounded by walls lined with bookshelves stuffed to the brim. It is a very Namjoon place to pick, Taehyung thinks, deciding to peruse the menu and order before searching for his friend. 
He finds Namjoon in a back corner, tucked in an alcove that is built into the bookshelves, the only booth in the entire shop. He has one hand cupped around a mug of hot liquid, the other scrolling his phone, not seeing Taehyung approach.
Taking a deep breath, Taehyung slides himself into the booth opposite him. 
Namjoon’s eyes flick up, surprise on his face quickly melting into a familiar grin. “Hey, Taehyung. How are you? You look well,”
Taehyung lets out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, his shoulders relaxing at the elder’s tone. “Yeah, I’m good, I’m doing well. How about you? You look great,” he compliments, realizing that he means it. Namjoon has more life and color in his face than Taehyung remembered seeing in years, a new softness in his eyes that makes him seem lighter, more free. “You look happy.”
“Thank you, I’m getting there,” Namjoon chuckles, a shy smile on his face. “It’s been a lot of work, but it’s been worth it.”
For a moment, they just smile and nod at each other, a comfortable and familiar silence stretching between them. There’s  so much that Taehyung wants to ask, that he wants to say, but he follows Namjoon’s lead, instead sipping on his hot chocolate while he waits for the other man to speak.
“So, there’s some things that I need to say to you. And it might be a lot, and I’ll probably talk for a stupid amount of time, but I’m asking for you to listen ‘til the end, if you could,” Namjoon pauses then, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he winces. “If it’s too much, or if you don’t have the time for this, then I understand completely, but–”
“No, of course I have time, it’s okay. I want to hear what you have to say.” Taehyung reassures, giving him a nod. “Whatever you need.”
Namjoon smiles, taking a deep breath. 
“When I first met Y/N, she was… the brightest light,” he looks down at his drink, face softening. “So bright that she drew everyone to her like moths to flame. I was so drawn to her, so attracted to her light. That first night at the karaoke bar, I couldn’t keep my eyes off of her. She was shining so bright, and everyone was watching. I normally wouldn’t approach someone in a bar, but it was like I couldn’t help myself. I knew I’d kick myself if I didn’t go over, or if someone else did first, so I finally went up to her. Told her some corny joke, and she laughed hysterically.” He laughs to himself, and Taehyung smiles. That sounds like the you he knows, too. “And the moment she laughed, I was instantly hooked. I asked for her number, about floating out of that bar when she kissed me. We became inseparable. Spent all of our time together, and the rest happened quickly. I’m sure you know how she is – it’s so easy to get wrapped up in her warmth, her fire.”
Taehyung dips his chin, his lips curling  into a smirk against his volition. “Yeah, I know what you mean.” 
Namjoon’s jaw flexes at those words, otherwise he seems to have no reaction, swallowing before he continues. 
“After she moved in, things were good – comfortable, a little predictable, but good. I felt safe and confident,  knowing that she was always there, always around when I needed a bit of that light. And eventually, that comfort became complacency.” Namjoon shakes his head, drawing another breath. “I started taking advantage of the fact that she would be there when I needed. I got wrapped up in my music, and instead of trying to bring her into that with me, or share that piece of myself, I shut her out. Told myself she wouldn’t understand. Convinced myself that it would be okay once my hard work paid off and she could see the final product. But looking back, it was all excuses to be selfish and to do whatever I wanted, knowing that she loved me enough to put up with it.” 
“I’m not proud of myself for that. There’s thousands, millions of different ways that you can kill the person you love. The slowest way is not loving them enough, not giving them enough of your time – but not having the strength to let them go. She tried talking to me, telling me what she needed from me, begging me to spend time with her, and instead of being strong enough to let her go, I kept making promises I knew I wouldn’t be able to keep. It was fucked up, what I did. I just- I wasn’t ready to lose that fire,”
Taehyung didn’t trust his voice, so instead he nods, easily empathizing with the older man. He intimately knows that fire that Namjoon spoke of, understood its siren call, the unbelievable warmth it is to be loved by you. But at the same time, he realizes how much Namjoon’s admission gets under his skin – knowing that you were in that much pain, remembering seeing you suffer, watching you fall apart and try to hide it from everyone – it angers him, hearing Namjoon own to the fact that he knew he was hurting you, but didn’t walk away.
He must not be schooling  his face as well as he thinks,  because Namjoon sighs as he rubs his face with his hand. “I get it. Trust me, I know it wasn’t okay. But when you’ve been in the dark for so long, finding someone like Y/N – you want to be loved by her, want just a piece of that for yourself. I’m not justifying my actions, but hopefully explaining where my mind was at the time,” he continues, taking a sip of his drink. “I was already not being the man she needed, already not meeting her expectations. And when Mina started at the studio, and started helping me with some of the tracks… I hate to say it, but it was easy to let myself get distracted. I was so wrapped up in myself and what was going on with me, I didn’t see just how far away she had slipped - not only emotionally, but physically, intimately. It seemed like it went from incessant texts about when I was coming home, begging to spend time with me, to… nothing at all. She went radio silent, started going out of the house more, started hanging around you guys more.  I remember thinking to myself, ‘Well at least it seems like she’s found something to entertain herself, now she won’t always worry about me’. How clueless could I be? So fucking stupid, and selfish.” 
Namjoon gives the younger man a moment to process his words before he continues. “After everything went down, I… I’m not proud of this, but I got drunk one night, and I kinda begged some information off of Jimin,” Namjoon winces again, casting his eyes down. “It’s not Jimin’s fault, I think he honestly just felt bad for me, so please don’t be upset with him. He really didn’t tell me much, but he confirmed that… the two of you,” he gestures with his hands towards Taehyung, “ started… being together on her birthday.”
Taehyung feels his heart drop in his chest, his pulse racing at the admission, unsure of why the fact that Namjoon now knew this piece of information makes him feel a bit more ashamed. 
“Which means, it started way after she had ‘the talk’ with me,  way after she began to pull away and I just let her go – hell, encouraged it, even.  When she showed up at the apartment the day I found out, Y/N kept telling me it didn’t matter what happened, or who’s fault it was… that we had both done hurtful things and it was time to move on. And I think even with her saying that, even as she was breaking things off with me, she was still trying to protect me in a way. Still trying to shoulder all of the blame, especially because of the affair. But the truth is, I don’t blame her for any of it. I blame myself.”
He meets Taehyung’s gaze straight on. “I may not have physically cheated, and sure, she may have been the first to step out, but what choice did I leave her? I abandoned her long before she got together with you. I don’t know when or how it happened, but I woke up one day and I stopped choosing her, and started only choosing myself. And the worst part is, she fought to try and fix things between us, and it was like I had blinders on.  I still couldn’t stop choosing myself. I was so damn cocky, so sure of myself…” He swallows thickly. “She still fought, still chose me over and over, so it never crossed my mind that she would cheat. But honestly, I don’t blame her. She wasn’t being taken care of the way she should, the way she deserved.”
Taehyung is surprised to see tears welling in Namjoon’s eyes; the sheer amount of emotion he is willing to share in front of him shocking overall. Namjoon always keeps things so close to the chest.
“And then you swooped in and saved the day,” Namjoon continues, giving the younger man a wry grin. “Again, I get it. I can understand why you were drawn to her, why you were drawn to each other. I was mad, at first. Jealous mostly, if I was being honest with myself, but that’s because I’ve always been a bit possessive. But the more I sat with my thoughts, the more I realized that I was… relieved. Relieved to know that she had someone during that time, that she was being taken care of in all the ways that I failed to. Relieved to know that it was with someone that I know and trust to truly have her best interest at heart. That if it was anyone, it was you.”
Now it’s Taehyung’s turn to have his smile turn watery and soft. “Namjoon, I-”
“No, you promised to let me finish, remember?”
He doesn’t wait for confirmation before speaking again. “I know it sounds crazy, but that's why I asked you to come here. I wanted..” he trails away, hands fidgeting in his lap until his eyes snap to Taehyung. “I wanted to thank you, for taking care of her, for loving her. The way she should be… the way I couldn’t.” He doesn’t hide his tears this time, instead letting one trail down his cheek. “And if it’s alright with you, I have basically written down what we spoke about today, and I would like to give this letter to her - along with the offer of a meet up, if she’d like. Before the album comes out.” 
That gets Taehyung’s attention. “What do you mean? Is there something she should be worried about, or-?”
“N-No! No, not at all, nothing like that,” Namjoon waves off the concern with a hand. “But there are some emotional songs that I worked on after the break up, and it feels like the right thing to do would be to give her the chance to hear them first, before everyone else.”
There is nothing that comes  to Taehyung’s mind that would be a good argument against that - Namjoon is right, it is the courteous thing to do, to allow her the privacy of that moment before the rest of the world had a chance to dissect it into a million pieces. 
“And I didn’t want to reach out without talking to you first, out of respect for you both. It didn’t feel right approaching her directly… again, I want to give her time to process, you know?” 
Taehyung nods in agreement, appreciating the foresight. “Thank you for that, I think that will mean a lot to her.” 
“So you’ll give it to her? The letter?”
There is a part of Taehyung that didn’t want to, if he was being honest, didn’t know if it’s worth reopening the old wounds that you had worked so hard to close. That chapter of your life was something you worked hard to move past, and though you made it clear you wished Namjoon well, you hadn’t asked to meet up with him in the year since the split. There really hasn’t been a need to, once you got your things out of the apartment and moved into Taehyung’s place. 
But if he makes that choice for you, would it be any better than what Namjoon had done? Would he be any better? 
“Of course. I can’t promise she’ll want to meet, but – I’ll give it to her, I promise.” 
Relief sags Namjoon’s shoulders, and he lowers his head in gratitude. “Thank you, that’s all I ask. And thank you again, for meeting with me today. I promise my only intention here is closure, and respect.” 
“Does that mean I’m allowed to say something now?”
“Taehyung, you really don’t have to, there isn’t anything to say–”
“Just let me get this off my chest, please,” Taehyung begs, a hint of desperation in his gaze. “I know this probably doesn’t mean much, and I completely understand why… but for the record, I am so sorry that I hurt you. I wish it hadn’t come to that.” 
“Come on, Tae, like I said-”
“Let me finish.” Taehyung raises his voice slightly, just enough that Namjoon knows he’s serious. “I sincerely mean that. I don’t regret being with Y/N, and I won’t pretend to. I really do love her, and your words and… approval,” he chokes on the word, as if the marvel of it isn’t lost on him, “mean more to me than I think you can understand. But I really hate that you were hurt in the process, regardless of what was going on at the time.”
Namjoon waits, taking another sip of his drink to ensure Taehyung is finished before speaking again. 
“Apology accepted. I appreciate you saying that, really. But I mean… what would you have done differently? No matter what choices were made, the outcome was inevitable. She was never going to tolerate my shit forever, and it was the catalyst. Considering I wasn’t exactly innocent in my behaviors, either, I get it. It wasn’t okay, what any of us did, but I get it.” 
The world is never as black and white as we would like it to be, never as quickly and neatly explained as the human brain would prefer. There are many shades of the foggy grays and dark misty blacks and every level of fading ink in between, a messy cacophony of varying gradients. If anyone can understand that, it’s Taehyung. 
“That’s probably the best way to put it. It wasn’t okay, but I get it. What you did, what we all did. But I do think people are capable of change, if they truly want it. And it sounds like you’ve come a long way,” Taehyung gives a wide grin then, feeling the lightest he has in a long time. “ I wish you nothing but luck and success in your journey - both with your love life and with your music. I genuinely mean that, Joon. We’ll always be rooting for you.” 
Namjoon matches the younger man's carefree smile, any remaining tension easing away from his posture. “Thanks, bro. I’m always rooting for you guys, too. All of you - Yoongi included. If you ever need anything, even just some ears or a hype man, I’m here.”
More pleasantries and gratitudes are exchanged before Namjoon is standing, pulling Taehyung into a quick embrace before gearing up to  leave the coffee shop, holding up a buzzing phone in explanation. “Sorry, I gotta take this - thanks again!”
Everything changes, and everything stays the same.
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You aren’t sure how long you stare at the letter before you decide to open it. It must be a few hours at least, because Taehyung had given it to you in the bright light of early afternoon, and now the sky was turning faded pinks and oranges, sun ready to rest for the day. 
He had offered to be there with you when you read it, which you had considered. He has always been supportive of you and your emotions, and you knew you could rely on him to be your rock through this, too, should you need it. 
But there was a little piece of you that felt it was important to be willing to face this alone; willing to face the consequences and fallout of your actions without the crutch of your current love. 
Your friends had rallied around you after the initial fallout, surprisingly, and though you weren’t sure you had deserved that, you certainly appreciated them for it. They gave you the confidence to keep moving forward, to battle with your demons, and you would always be grateful to them for showing up in your time of need. 
You are stronger now, more healed than you were when you had last seen Namjoon a year ago. Not fully healed, because healing isn’t linear, but you are working on it and yourself. An excellent therapist had been the start of the self love journey, and it was with her help that you were able to confront some difficult truths and soothe old wounds, feeling more secure in your skin than you had in years. 
You had even started working on your music again, though you could say that was Yoongi’s fault if anything, since he kept saying he was tired of you lounging around his studio for free. He had practically shoved you into the booth one day, asking for you to warm up and lay a raw track for some backing vocals to earn your keep, and you had complied easily. It wasn’t the worst thing he could have you doing there, and it soothed you to be able to work with music, even in a small capacity.
And Taehyung.
Taehyung had been amazing through it all;  your grounding peace during the storm, your home in the form of a person. His devotion and endless understanding and love was more than you could dream of, more than you ever thought you would know, and you can’t help but to feel like the luckiest person in the world to get to experience it.
Picking up the letter, you take a deep breath, centering yourself before folding it open, eyes quickly scanning the words awaiting you. 
He wasn’t mad, wasn’t angry. Instead, he was apologizing, giving explanations for his actions while telling you  not to blame yourself, offering to meet up to talk things out if you’d like. Or if you didn’t want to talk, to at least get a copy of his new album so that you could listen to it before it dropped, since there were some personal songs included that he thought you may want to hear in private.
Overall, it was a short note; but kind, considerate. A softer side of the Namjoon you used to remember, from the early days. 
You didn’t need to think about how you wanted to proceed, instead picking up your phone and sending a text to your ex-fiancé.
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It had been you that insisted on meeting some place outside, wanting to keep the encounter quick and pleasant. You weren’t sure how he was going to reply to your text letting him know that you were willing to meet for the album, but not to talk, but in standard Namjoon style, he didn’t seem bothered. Taehyung told you he supported your decision no matter what, which you knew would be his response, but you truly didn’t feel the need to continue to hash this out. You had both apologized and moved on, and the past was in the past. 
You certainly appreciate his dedication to his own healing, and can empathize with the need of writing a letter for closure, but that was enough for you. You didn’t need anything else in order to forgive him. 
You had forgiven him long ago. 
You and Taehyung made plans to listen to the album together, knowing that you would want his warmth and comfort both physically and emotionally during, and you let that thought comfort you as you walk towards the meeting point, eyes scanning the park for the taller man. 
A tap on your shoulder has you turning, peering up at a dimpled grin. 
You give him a shy smile. “Hi, Joon.”
He has a small manila envelope in his hands, your name scrolled in black sharpie on the front, and his fingers tap against the material a few times before he thrusts it towards you. 
“Well, here it is. It’s a USB, but it has all the songs plus the album concept art. I hope you like it, but uh, even if you don’t, I thought it was only right to let you hear it before everyone else does.”
His awkwardness makes you want to giggle, but you stifle the urge, not wanting to make him feel self conscious. Taking the parcel from his hands, you slide it in your bag before glancing back up at him. “Thank you, I really appreciate that. I’m sure I will like it. Your music has always been amazing.”
The tips of Namjoon’s ears start to redden, and he scoffs bashfully. “Ahh, you gotta warn me before you say nice things to me, I’m not prepared.”
You laugh then, his deeper chuckle joining in after a few moments, and it felt good to laugh so carefree with him again. Something you didn’t think you would ever have the chance to do. 
“Well, it was good to see you, Joon. Thanks for this,” you tap your bag twice, “I’m excited to listen.” 
“Thanks. It was good to see you as well, you look great. Really h-happy,” Namjoon stutters over his words, the sentiment rushing out, “It’s what you deserve - to be happy.”
Your heart squeezes in your chest, a piece of your soul healed by the words you didn’t know you needed to hear out loud. 
“I am really happy,” you confirm, unable to hide your smile. “Like, almost disgustingly happy, it’s pretty annoying.” 
You laugh, but this time he doesn’t join you.
And before you can think of how to reply, he’s gone, faded back into the bustle of the crowd like he was never there.
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Taehyung already has your favorite wine opened by the time you arrive home, a glass placed in your hand once you walk through the door. He’s all easy smiles, nonchalant as he asks about the meeting, steadfast and attentive as he listens while putting the finishing touches on dinner. 
He’s made one of your comfort meals, and you spoon it into bowls before carrying them into his office-slash-studio, cozying up on his lounger before putting the thumb drive into the computer. He queues it up, sliding the mouse closer to his reach as he settles beside you, pulling a blanket to cover your laps. 
You hand him his bowl, and he pulls you in for a kiss. It’s quick, but there’s heat underneath the gentle pressure of his mouth. 
“Are you ready?”
You look into his warm gaze, the affection evident in the soft way he drinks you in. He has one hand cupped around his bowl, the other on your thigh under the blanket, giving reassuring squeezes as the silence ebbs on. 
It’s not that you were afraid of what you would hear, or that you thought Namjoon would do anything to hurt you. But you know hearing your previous relationship's downfall from his point of view could bring up some lingering pain, and you wanted to be able to process and work through it so you could continue to heal.
It’s what he deserved, what you all deserved.
The old version of you wouldn’t be able to handle this, certainly not next to someone like Taehyung. Wouldn’t be able to bear the vulnerability, or having a witness to the potential flood of emotions that could come at any moment. But over this past year, you’ve learned that you are worthy of a love that makes you feel safe enough to be your authentic self - and in turn to allow your true self to be loved. 
You knew that you were safe, here under the blanket on the loveseat in Taehyung’s cozy little studio, next to the man you love. 
“I’m ready.” 
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Just like the night leaves and the morning comes The spring leaves and summer comes, but Just like the flowers and summer sunshine Everything must be hurt Breathe the world The air in my lungs is full of cold air I want to run away From long hours of pain and dullness
 Everyday I pray (everyday I pray) That I may become a slightly better adult And everyday I stay (everyday I stay) People die with their pain one day We can not be eternity in dream Words like "Cheer up" can not be real Instead of plausible words It hope it goes like a wind (Everything, everything, everything goes Everything everything else goes)
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alyjojo · 3 months
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Twin Flame 🔥 Journey - June 2024 - Scorpio
Your Energy:
King of Wands rev - Page of Pentacles - 4 Wands
I try to do these one area at a time, but here I needed your Twin’s energy just to decipher yours, I can only see you’re upset. Your person moved onto someone else, maybe got engaged, moved out even, could’ve broken a lease and left you with the bag…maybe even left behind your child (that I assume you share). Just woke up one day and decided to be with someone else, commit to someone else…or they’re doing things with other people they never would’ve done for you. You’re like WTF? Angry, hurt, bitter, fuck them 💯 Why couldn’t they have shown you half of that, or made those decisions for you? It’s made you feel like you were chopped liver, or I’m seeing “friend-zoned” for someone.
For the friend story, there was never talk of love, this person was never yours, and even you’re aware you can’t really be mad and yet, you are. Or this person may have just ended things suddenly and wasn’t clear as to why - but it’s because they’re moving on with another person and never mentioned it. A house or lease may have been involved, or an engagement even, breaking one or forming one very quickly - so fast your head spins. And you’re left feeling overwhelmed, hurt, and angry. Never speaking to them again 😞😡
- Boundaries & Hurt
- Avoiding Conversation
- Not Dealing
- Still Upset
11 Overwhelm
The hard work we love can leave us feeling burdened, drained, and burnt out, among other problems.
72 Nature
Go out in Nature as much as you can, for it’s pure creativity can teach you everything you need to know.
- I just want to talk to you.
- New Perspective.
Their Energy:
5 Pentacles rev - 2 Cups - 8 Pentacles
This person is extremely immature, and they’re a coward. That’s why. They knew how you’d react, how it would make you feel, and that terrifies them. They aren’t one to be held accountable for their actions, certainly not publically, and they’re accountable enough, but it’s like “we move on now”, they’re not going to linger in that energy. You’re over here lingering in the hurt and they know that, they can’t face it. They’re not sorry 🤷 It’s what they want. Now I’ll describe their character here, because it may help this New Perspective for you.
This person is superficial, materially oriented, all about status and reputation. They don’t care if the inside matches the outside, yanno? Depth doesn’t matter, TRUTH doesn’t matter. It only matters what people see, so if they wear a suit everyday looking like a boss and actually live in their car - it’s no one’s business. They’re not wrong, lots of people are like this. When it comes to this new love interest, I assume they met at or through work, because they have work in common. High standards, reputation, a healthy bank account, perfectionist tendencies, they want it all - and by all - material shit. They want other people to think they have it all, that’s all that matters. Do they have feelings for this person, yes, and it’s meant to be this way. Right now as it stands they are not good for you and would only bring you down. Justice at the bottom with giving up, seems like it’s more for you than them. They’re a lost cause for any depth or spiritual meaning, and a Twin connection involves all of that - showing how spiritually “off” they are right now. Not aware at all. And they’re not sorry, that’s important, they’re more relieved it’s finally come to light - so I’m not sure how long this was going on beforehand tbh. And they can’t face you.
- Light-hearted & Adapt
- Finding Out & Change
- Things Coming to Light & Heal
6 Habits
Examine habits that may impede the pathways to your goals and encourage beneficial ones.
20 Willpower
Use your willpower to bravely overcome thoughts of compromise and defeat.
- What other people say matters too much to me.
- I don’t know how to communicate!
Mutual Energy/What is Mirrored:
Judgment - 8 Wands - Queen of Swords rev
There will be a return at some point, enough to bite each other’s heads off for what happened between you. Holding the other accountable. Calling each other out with a big “fuck you” and other bitter feelings that still exist between you, or just you, because you’re trapped in rumination. Trauma. Grief. And they will not reciprocate whatsoever, the reading shows there is no point. Some people just suck, they have no regard for your feelings or what they’ve done, they just want it to be over and onto the next thing. Snake 🐍 at the bottom of the oracles makes it clear. In your case, and especially being Scorpio, I don’t see reconciliation ever being possible here - this is a perfect example of why it’s sometimes not. You’re likely to tell them to go fk themselves until the day you die, the next life, and all of the lives thereafter 💯
- Outdated Thinking
- Conditioning
- Replaying Events Over in Your Head
Possible Signs:
Heavy Virgo, Cancer, Scorpio & Taurus
Optimistic ♐️ on Partnership (both) shows there is reason to look positively towards the future. You aren’t cursed, you don’t deserve shitty people, there’s no little black cloud of karma following you around to zap you every time you fall in love - it’s one experience, and it’s here for a reason: to remind you what you’re worth so that you appreciate it when it comes in. To show you the worst of a person so you can sense it when someone is not the right fit. More or less. That’s it. I get they already are optimistic about love and will get their karma in other ways - financially 💯
Clover 🍀 rev on King of Pentacles is their energy, the career-oriented, responsible, reputation & status obsessed King that doesn’t want to feel things is going to get knocked, time after time, where work is concerned. Because that’s all that matters, it’s the only lessons they learn, love is not considered as important unless it makes them look/feel important, you see? It’s not you, it’s them, and Spirit has to move in different ways with this person because they literally live in a 3D material vacuum. Probably an earth sign or has that heavy in their chart, or they may get with someone who simply cannot get it together financially, after all of that judgment on you/others for the same thing. Reconciliation isn’t the goal in this one, Growth is. At least that I can see. You deserve better than this, and someday they will be forced to see that too.
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rollercoasterwords · 2 years
it’s so so so cliche but when people say “our bodies are maps of where we’ve been etc etc” my little heart peels itself off of the floor from where it has been slowly decaying in a blistering dessert and does a feeble little jig because it’s just so very!!!!!
like i want to examine every single little part of someone that i’m attracted to in a raw sense
i am not exempt from appreciating aesthetic beauty like bffr david boreanaz as angel will always make me swoon, but just like you said about the cake analogy, a fondant cake you see on insta always feels likes somethings off
it’s so lovely and pretty but you can sense the insides probably gonna be a bit dry and maybe the cake needed that but more vanilla extract and actually do you really want to cut into it? i mean you worked so hard to make it look so so pretty.
and then you pull a slightly undercooked, and yet very over cooked cake from the oven and you slap a bit of icing on it and it’s just so very delightful.
in no way am i trying to feed into the whole “pretty people have no personality” bullshit narrative, but when you idolise this perfectionist beauty and use it as a standard instead of appreciating the natural i feel like you kinda just corrupt the whole meaning of what attractiveness actually is
no yeah exactly!!!! like. yeah. the beauty industry and all it's branches (skincare, cosmetic, diet, fitness, wellness, etc) have just. very much conditioned us 2 think that so many things that are a natural part of humans + what makes us sexy are "problems" that need 2 be fixed and in doing so i feel as though we are being constantly brainwashed 2 think that attraction is like. instagram photos. pinterest boards. like where's the meat where's the blood what here can i actually sink my teeth into....
(also "natural" not 2 be confused w the rhetoric of like. divine feminine/masculine ~~ohh never alter ur body~~ as like. tattooed trans person seeking surgical body alteration lmao. but natural as in like. the way the world leaves its marks on ur body is beautiful and the way ur body shapes itself according to the world is beautiful and the things we are often told are ugly problems that need 2 be solved are often the things that are sexiest abt us. in my humble opinion.)
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vantaesfairie · 2 years
Hello!!! New here. Just saw ur post and i'd like a reading from u if its not too much to ask 🦋. My question is how would my forever person/FS shows me he loves me? Like his love language and etc. 💕 My initials is SS gemini sun.
Your vibe:
It's kind of like my first impression of you combined with my intuition lol. considering I'm new here. I got the idea that you love the outdoors especially the nature and u may even enjoy raising animals that people could consider weird or exotic as pets, such perhaps frogs. Also, snells, snakes, etc. I believe that those around you are aware of your kindness, especially those who are truly close to you. I think that sometimes people misunderstand you, but when you let them in, they truly open up to you and see a whole new world. You seem to enjoy trying out different things, but on your own terms maybe? You definitely give me a main character energy ngl! Lol
In fact, you make me think of these two characters: Sydney Novak from I'm not okay with this and Leslie Burke from Bridge to Terabithia.
I have the impression that you are a loyal friend who will go the extra mile for your friends. Are you stubborn? I'm not sure why, but I'm getting this lol, sorry if u're not . And I get that you'll do everything you can to achieve your goals. You might be a perfectionist. This a great traits to have but remember to take of your health first and don't be too hard on yourself. I believe ppl also view u as a strong and confident person, and so freaking funny when they get to know you. What about Harry Potter? Do u like this movie? Bcs I keep seeing Ravenclaw and Gryffindor. Maybe you have a blend of both personalities? Both cleverness and bravery. Are you also a fan of astronomy? since I also keep seeing Telescope and saturn 🔭🪐.
That is it yayyy, I would love to hear about what resonate and what not ✨.
Take care<3
hello! thank you for participating. welcome to tumblr too (if thats what you mean when you said you were new lol)
i do love animals and nature, but frogs i literally cannot stand to touch lol snakes they’re very cute and snails also nope. yeah i’m constantly misunderstood, and i googled those two people and i sort of resonate to how you found them similar to me. i am loyal and quite stubborn. and yes i love harry potter! i’m in hufflepuff but used to be in gryffindor. i’m not into into astrology, but i’m cool with knowing more about it 🥰
SS’s ffs love language and showing how they love SS
your fs will show that they love you through giving you your own space, especially when you are tired or stressed and just want some time to yourself. they will also show that they love you by letting you have fun with your friends outside of them, and giving you the space to indulge in projects that make you happy. they may be someone who doesn’t really like physical affection so you will have to respect that too. instead, their love language in return is actually quality time, taking you out, having time and adventure with you, and letting you experience the things that make them happy so you both can share it. they will support you not only as a lover, but also a friend and confidant. they will be your silent supporter. i got a specific message: if you are unhappy in bed at night, they will learn what you like and dislike and give that to you as a sign that they love you and will always be beside you. probably, they will always refill your water, pat your back. this sounds very sweet to me already. they want to see you happy with or without them. they sound like a very self-sacrificing person who does more than they say (in a good way), so treasure them. 
hope you enjoyed! feedback is mandatory. please like and reblog, it would be greatly appreciated. 
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realcube · 2 years
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˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ a long matchup for @ajumierose
˚ʚ♡ɞ˚ if you wanna request a matchup, read this!
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‘Infp-t, Sagittarius but it doesn't really fit me i think [...] ambiverted, I’m open minded.’ 
𓆩♡𓆪  according to Personality Database, Daichi is an ENFJ 
𓆩♡𓆪 since you are both intuitive feeling types (NF), you’ll be open to sensitivity and enrichment in the relationship so that is definitely a good thing going into it and will make becoming comfortable around one another so much more easier
𓆩♡𓆪 Introverted/Extroverted types doesn’t really matter in terms of a relationship tbh, so even though you maybe clash there, I think Daichi’s outgoing and friendly nature would definitely rub off on you and maybe bring you full swing from an ambivert to an extrovert 
𓆩♡𓆪 just because he is very insistent that you are so nice and he would definitely praise you for showing that to the world an opening up some
𓆩♡𓆪  daichi isn’t that far from being a sagittarius but he is in fact a capricorn
𓆩♡𓆪 there isn’t much material on Sagittarius and Capricorn compatibility, so all the compatibility ratings are sporadic.
𓆩♡𓆪 “Sagittarius can show Capricorn adventure and excitement, and can offer a glimpse of the freedom so often missing from Capricorn’s life. Capricorn teaches Sagittarius to pay attention to detail, uncovers the knowledge that the little things are important, and helps them to harness their random energy. Sagittarius may view Capricorn as too responsible, and will teach their partner to lighten up. Capricorn may accuse Sagittarius of being reckless and impulsive, and can help them to become well mannered.”
‘I can good empathize with other people's feelings if I want to. I often complain about my physical health like an old woman but everyone thinks that it's funny and old people feel young in my presence😅’
𓆩♡𓆪 daichi is shown to be very empathic as well, if not one of the most in the show, so both of you being sensitive to each others feelings and emotions is one of the best foundations for a relationship.
𓆩♡𓆪 and i suppose this trait isn’t exclusive to him, but he’s shown to get very emotional over his games — whether that be positive or negative —  so having someone who can reciprocate his feelings and help him deal with and process them would be so good 
𓆩♡𓆪 also being old woman-esque is so perfect for daichi because he is a senior citizen at heart 
𓆩♡𓆪 he even sleeps like he is hooked up to life support 
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𓆩♡𓆪 so y’all seriously have that in common
𓆩♡𓆪 and he is defo the type to reciprocate your old person complaining as if he isn’t in like, peak physical condition 😭
𓆩♡𓆪 “your back hurts? i’m sorry to hear that, honey. but, you known, now that you mention it, my back has been hurting a lot recently too. it might be something in the water.”
𓆩♡𓆪 “...but didn’t you have a volleyball match yesterday? how did you play with a bad back?”
𓆩♡𓆪  “uh, power of teamwork?”
‘I tend to be a perfectionist with my drawings but with everything else i try only half-heartedly unless i do something for someone i like.’
𓆩♡𓆪 since daichi is show to be very hard working, especially in volleyball, both of you having a hobby that you are very passionate about and want to perfect makes you really compatible, since you both have something that drives you
𓆩♡𓆪 so both of you having passions is super good, as it’s not only something that gives you both some space and time to focus on yourselves but it’s the perfect way to support each other and encourage each other too 
𓆩♡𓆪  ie. you could really show that you care about him by attending one of his volleyball games, practising with him, watching volleyball on tv with him or even getting him tickets to a volleyball match. and even if you aren’t as adept in volleyball as him, he will simply enjoy and appreciate you practising with him at all and having fun 
𓆩♡𓆪 and a way he shows he cares about you is by insiting on framing all of your artworks, putting them on the fridge, or if you are more of a digital artist, he will have a special album in his gallery for your artworks and maybe even make one of your works his background on his phone. and he’d also totally buy you art stuffs and chill with you while you draw, maybe even try draw something himself but 😭 it might not be pretty  
𓆩♡𓆪 however i think your easy-going nature (outside of drawing) would be a really good and useful change of pace for daichi because he could really do with not working his ass off in every single thing he does, and help him not be as competitive too 
𓆩♡𓆪 like you show him that the 1-minute noodles you cook are just as good as the burnt on the outside, raw on the inside, falling apart, only slight corrosive crown roast
‘Im not the best at singing but im good at dancing(but just free dances,i can't even dance Macarena...and i can only dance the basic steps of the waltz😅).’
𓆩♡𓆪 (let’s ignore that fact that daichi’s va has the voice of an angel)
𓆩♡𓆪 honestly i hc that daichi can’t single very well either. well, he is definitely not a bad singer but he thinks he is a good singer so he is a mediocre singer who sings hard notes like he is a good singer which makes him a bad singer 
𓆩♡𓆪 but it’s fine because he only really sings around you so y’all and your karoke nights are simply hilarious, feel free to sing your heart around him even if you don’t think you are the best because he will hype you up none the less lol
𓆩♡𓆪 as for dancing, i think he definitely has the physical capabilities and some of the skills to be a dancer, since he plays volleyball so he definitely knows his stuff when it comes to timing but he kinda struggles with rhythm 
𓆩♡𓆪 but it’s fine! you can teach him
𓆩♡𓆪 in fact, he would insist — on some random night — that you teach him how to waltz because he thinks it would be romantic 
𓆩♡𓆪 but he ends up like stepping on your toes and tripping over just a bit 😭 but for the most part seriously gets into it. like after the first time you practise he just assumes he is a professional 
𓆩♡𓆪 and of course you were laughing because he was just being a big goof
𓆩♡𓆪 and from then on, he just uses it as a method to cheer you up whenever you are down. like if you are upset about something, he’ll talk about it with you first of course, but after that if you are still upset, he’ll grab your hands and try waltz you around the room in attempt to make you laugh 
‘first i’m very shy about skin ships but i like them (but i’m not the biggest in physical affection, it depends on the day, on one day it's only small skin ships but on another day/Minute I could tackle the person with cuddles and kisses and rave about the person like a crazy woman, but usually only in private)’
𓆩♡𓆪 i think this totally matches daichi’s energy , except he is maybe a bit more physically affectionate and would be more open to like hand holding and hugging in public and whatnot
𓆩♡𓆪 he’d definitely encourage you to open up some as well, but in a sense that he wants to pressure you, he just wants to let you know that if you ever become more open with skinships, he’d totally reciprocate
𓆩♡𓆪 but it does match him in a sense that he is pretty consistent with his affection, but he’s not needy 
𓆩♡𓆪  so when you are in a state where you are especially shy about touching and are only up for hand holding or even nothing at all, he is completely alright with that and can simply enjoy your presence 
𓆩♡𓆪 however, when you are maybe in one of your moods where you are more affection and crave more intimacy, he can also still reciprocate your cuddles and kisses without an issue 
𓆩♡𓆪 he is strong too so even if you do want to tackle him with love and cuddles, he will be able to withstand and not fall to the floor 😅 he is an immovable cuddle rock !!
for @ajumierose​: thanks for requesting !! :> it was really between daichi and maybe sugawara. they have a lot in common when it comes to work ethic and traits, but a big difference personality wise. i just think daichi’s personality is more complementary to yours, especially as he is less volatile. (but not by a lot haha.)
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beseojun · 2 years
✰ Seojun’s Next Gen Audition ✰
seojun performing bambi by baekhyun ( 0:04 - 1:04 )
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it seems all around campus and even in the dance studio he occupies, there's word that a new audition program is going to be happening. seojun only catches bits and pieces but he's curious. it made sense with being in the dance program that he'd hear something but the dancer just shrugs it off. he can only imagine what he'd see in his comment section but he doesn't dare look at them right now since he sucked at accepting compliments. maybe he was scared? those fears always kept him from pursuing things outside of his comfort zone. sure he did an audition before but the doubts hit him. maybe he could try again? maybe things would be different? he could only hope he didn't get too inside his head with all of this.
his busking buddies seem to decide to spam him about it since they all wanted to audition but he just tells them he's unsure. his confidence loves to fluctuate at the best times and he wishes it didn't.
it changes when his dance instructor poses the question to him about auditioning. even a few of his classmates ask him if he would. the attention is different but he nods, ready to give it a chance. it wouldn't hurt to try plus he had nothing to lose and only hoped he got picked.
learning new choreography had made him confident and he made sure to get some second opinions on his choices of what to perform for the audition. seojun wants things to be perfect. being a perfectionist made things hard, especially with self doubts.
deciding on bambi, he spends the rest of his time learning the choreography. it doesn’t take that long, actually enjoying the process as well as the song which he listens to on a daily basis. once he’s finally comfortable with everything he waits till the next day, ready to film and send off his audition.
rushing to the local studio he loves to occupy on the days he isn’t flooded with classes, he sets up a camera and gets the music ready with the instructor's help. he knows having someone controlling the audio and camera would make things so much easier.
the camera starts recording and seojun right away starts to introduce himself. “hello! i’m lee seojun. i’m turning 23 soon and i’ll be dancing and singing bambi by baekhyun.” he flashes a smile, showing off his dimple before he gets into position as the music starts to play.
letting himself get into the flow of the music, he seemingly lets his body go and moves to the choreography like it was second nature. singing while dancing was something he always practiced so he wasn’t as out of breath as he thought he’d be. it felt natural and he the intrusive thoughts were long forgotten as he continued to do his best while being filmed. even his expressions were changing to fit the dance and whatever character he was trying to portray through his dancing. it just shows how much he’s into dancing as his movements are precise, sharp, and perfect. it was the perfectionist in him that made sure that every movement was done correctly.
once the 60 seconds came to an end, he held the ending pose. a smile was on his lips as he happily waved at the camera before politely saying a thank you. the instructor turns off the camera and happily claps for seojun who flushes at praise and waves it away.
“you did well jun! i hope for the best for you.” this causes a giggle and a bigger smile to spread across the dancer’s lips.
after chatting for a bit, seojun returns home and watches the video a bit before deciding to submit it. he can only hope that it’s good enough and that he didn’t somehow make a fool of himself at all.
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thewalkingchipmunkk · 11 months
a fictional tale #4
- Life of Shane Parker
I like how my free-spirited self is embedded underneath the manufactured behaviour of mine. This vicious society perpetuates us to obey the social rules and laws dictated by the elite, the corrupt, the “scum” of the earth. We are afraid to do anything to defy the majority, provide a fresh voice amongst the tainted and norm, and write our own legacy with our unabashed honesty and rigour in our views and beliefs. How is it possible that as days go by, we are becoming carbon copies of one another— we think alike, we feel constrained and limited, we feel used, we feel our huge reserves of potential are slowly going to waste, we feel we are rivals, not allies, and every opportunity is meant for us to outrun each other, we feel…
Can someone be original, be authentic, and please, be the scent of my life? Put the stop to this madness and fast-paced competitive rat race that will put us all to shame and devastation as we yield to lust and temptation. Let’s not throw our wealth away, and be conniving creatures. Let’s not destroy each other for no apparent reason. Let’s try to uplift each other. Let’s start from scratch, and build from there— like lego blocks, every piece emphasises the essentiality of teamwork where only with its presence, we can achieve greater things together as one.
As I say this, I fear for my own madness looming ahead. I am bounded by my own years-long inner loneliness and grief, unable to escape my own ill fate. I resent the people not able to see through my mask. Is it that it is silicone and I wore too long that I forgot it was a foreign entity, not my flesh and bones? Maybe I just am too guarded by the “nasty artworks” and whisperers around me that I know for sure knives would penetrate deep in me once my back is exposed to them. Maybe I am just too hurt by my past ordeals that opening up was not an option because I deserve lasting peace. Is it wrong to be a little well-tamed robot and lost my own originality and spark? I so yearn the days I can see myself being highly ambitious, witty and playful, treating everything at face value, once knowing I am safe in the arms of my comrades swimming around me.
What’s worse, recently, I have stopped my Oscar-worthy life performance and decided to just put on the misery expression, to denote a “I’m a gloomy boy, please begone” face. I’m sure they know how many times my face was begging for desperation to be seen and understood and appreciated. Yet, they still choose to assume as a well-fed and grown adult, I can still function and perform demanding tasks without fail (which I assure you, I am capable and equipped). Knowing there should not be any room for error, and chasing after my elusive goals, with my perfectionistic nature coming into play strong and undefeated, I am soon my own demise. I repeat, to suffer in this ill-fated life. As my brain keeps churning of endless possibilities and question marks, I live in anxiety and stress, not wanting to make a foolish error and live in perils and shame anymore. I do not want to be seen less, and feel inferior to the rest I show no respect to. I do not want to be worse off than these people— merciless creatures that were so ready to crush me when I was so down and fell so hard. To underperform and let myself down is like a first-grade crime committed.
I know, everyone, I should not push myself like that. But then again, am I to be blamed? I will say no to victim-blaming because I need no pity party, and like how many here fail to sympathise someone’s plight, I shall say no more. Life has hardened my skin, thrown salt on my burning wounds, and cracked my skull with its velocity. I am a broken individual, unseen and unheard, unwarranted and unwanted, unconfident and unknown, as I sauntered down the dark alley, with tears glistening my face, into the raging sea cheering at the sight of its prey. At my final stretch, I look into the reflection and saw nothing humane but the face of cold-blooded murderer with a crooked smirk.
“You take him or me,” I bellowed against the roaring night breeze as an empty vessel emerged above the horizon casted by the dim moonlight.
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breizzle2 · 2 years
I struggle with extreme anxiety.
Especially in social situations or in anticipation of something. My hope is to uncover the alarms that are buried within me and soothe the kid in me that was so worried and nervous, so that I can finally release this and live my life. 
It is literally a struggle for me every single day. I worry over my work, my daily routine, my life goals, even hobbies that I love. It is such my norm that I find myself with this sense of dread looming all the time. 
Something I’m trying out now is to write down specifically what is worrying me in the moment. Seeing it written down on paper helps me to at least get it out of my head a bit, like releasing pressure or steam. I also challenge myself to do the things I love and desire despite the anxiety and fear. It’s hard, but I feel great afterwards. I just don’t want to deal with this always. I imagine all the amazing things I would go for if I didn’t have anxiety tying me down with the weight of a mountain. 
People’s opinions of me & external validation were my masters for so long unknowingly. I’m working through this though. I genuinely truly love me, my creativity, my understanding, my innate joy for life and nature, and the arts. I choose to let that love I have for me define me, and operate from that internal validation. But yet, again, it’s still hard. Or maybe like with anything else, it takes practice. 
School didn’t help either, despite the fact I’ve was an A+ student. In fact, I feel like school watered the seeds of my anxiety that were planted in childhood. Maybe I felt like I wouldn’t be loved as a child if I weren’t a people pleaser. It’s hard to cope with because I didn’t have a horrible childhood. But on a side note -- I do feel that my upbringing contributed to me developing vaginismus which I’m still working through to this day. This alone has caused me immense pain not only psychically, but mentally and emotionally. Having barriers preventing me from sexual liberation is incredibly crushing. Especially when it comes so easily and naturally to others...
I can’t positive-affirmation my way out of this. I have to get to the root of the issue for sustained healing. It’s just that for me. no traumas stand out immediately in my mind. And I don’t know if it’s as simple has having a parent whose mood I needed to adjust to in addition to the overwhelming praise I received from my performance in school...Maybe that led to me being a perfectionist which led to all these anxieties, and it became a cycle feeding itself? Could it be just that to have caused all this pain in my adult life? well...this is where the work comes in...I need to sit with my inner child and ask her.
I will someday be free of this. I deserve and the world deserves the full uninhibited experience of me.   
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0mellow-marsh0 · 2 years
Chinese Zodiac Legacy Challenge
The most widespread theory behind the Chinese Zodiac focuses on the Jade Emperor’s banquet. He is said to have invited all of the world’s animals but only 12 showed up. He decided to honor those 12 animals by dedicating one year to each animal in the order in which they showed up.
Hi! This is my first sims challenge ever. I’ve been wanting to do an animal-themed challenge but I couldn’t figure out what kind of theme I wanted to use until now! I had a lot of fun making this and I tried to be as thorough as possible so if you’re someone who appreciates specificity, like myself, this challenge is for you!
I’m aware that the Chinese Zodiac utilizes elements like metal, water, etc., but due to the nature of this challenge I will focus on the general descriptions
Some expansion pack elements will be used in this challenge! I don’t have all of the expansion packs anyway so I’ll try to make it a majority of base game stuff but all of these can easily be compromised. Alternatives will be in italics
Give your sim a specific item in CAS for each generation (ex. glasses, jewelry, socks?!, etc.). Everything else is free reign! 
Try to incorporate at least one lucky color from each generation whether it’s in CAS or while customizing your home. If you find a way to use all the colors go ham!
If you have a trait from a pack and think it will be a better fit for the description given use it! You’re only allowed to substitute one trait
Start the first generation with $50,000. (NO OTHER MONEY CHEATS ALLOWED). Then go into CAS, temporarily choose a different aspiration, then choose the Fabulously Wealthy aspiration again. That resets the progress of the aspiration so it gives you a chance to actually play and earn the money yourself.
You can’t cheat skill levels or career levels
Lifespan can be set to whatever you want but aging must stay on
Occult sims are allowed
Next generation will begin when the heir is a YA but you can get a head start by leveling their skills up until then
Generation One: The Rat
Lucky colors: Gold, Blue, Green 
“ A Rats characteristics tend to be more quick-witted with keen observation and foresight; which is why it was first to the emperor’s banquet! Rats also have bright and optimistic personalities which make them adapt to changes in any environment and easily get help from others. However, though Rats are ambitious in their careers, they may not be qualified to become great leaders due to their stubbornness and lack of empathy and humility.”
You are the very definition of progress, the perfect person to create and define your legacy.
Traits: Ambitious, Genius, Snob Aspiration: Fabulously Wealthy Career: Doctor/Business (Management Branch)
Live to the city/start a new life in Newcrest
Must marry a coworker (You work too much to find love any other way)
Max out your career
Max Logic skill and two other skills of your choice
Have triplets (Cheats can be used for this)
Complete aspiration
Generation Two: The Ox
Lucky Colors: Red, Blue, Purple
“Like the ox, people born in the Year of the Ox are industrious, cautious, less talkative, hold their faith firmly, and are always glad to offer help. It is said that Ox ranks second among the Chinese zodiacs because it helped the Rat but was later tricked by it. They have the talents to be leaders and are good at managing, but maybe a little strict. Oxen like routines and respects traditional ideas, doing things step by step. The persistence makes most of them become tireless workers.”
You’re extremely loyal to a fault. Just like your predecessor you are stubborn and hard-working. You run a conservative household but you are fair to everyone in it.
Toddler Trait: Independent Child Aspiration: Social Butterfly YA Traits: Active, Perfectionist, Neat YA Aspiration: Neighborhood Confidante Career: Salaryman/Business (Investor Branch)
Must live in Willow Creek
Marry someone older than you (must be your first and only partner)
Get cheated on by a lover but stay with them
Have only 2 children, one boy and one girl (cheats can be used)
Max Charisma skill
Must complete aspiration
Host a party every two weeks
Generation Three: The Tiger
Lucky Colors: Gray, Blue, White, Orange
“ The Tiger are natural leaders and they can always bravely put brilliant ideas into practice. They are also generous, passionate, and hold a strong sense of justice. When meeting the weak or seeing anything unfair, the Tigers stand up and offer help. They are adventurous, ambitious, and have a strong sense of justice, but maybe also a little arrogant and impetuous.”
You are a natural-born leader who is strong and stubborn yet possess a soft heart. Just like your parent, you pride yourself on looking out for others but strive for a more relaxed household. You embody kindness and appreciate the outdoors.
Toddler Trait: Independent Child Aspiration: Rambunctious Scamp YA Traits: Loves Outdoors, Self-Assured, Outgoing YA Aspiration: Friend of the World Career: Politician (Politician Branch)
Have only 1 child you love dearly
Live in Sulani/Oasis Springs
Start a garden and grow four different fruits and four different vegetables
Max the Charisma and Logic Skill
Max out your Career
Complete at least 1/2 of your aspiration
Generation Four: The Rabbit
Lucky Colors: Red, Blue, Pink, Purple
“Generally, the Rabbits are positive, gentle, and elegant. They love freedom, but once set goals, they just march forward for it without distractions. They are also self-disciplined, the typical kind of people who are strict with themselves but tolerant of others. Though looking mild and soft, the Rabbits in fact are alert to strangers and outsiders. They don’t trust others easily, unlikely to be fooled by others.”
You are the very definition of beauty and elegance, yet a little emotionally unstable under the surface. You struggle to find your place in the world but you fake it until you make it!
Toddler Trait: Angelic Child Aspiration: Social Butterfly YA Traits: Erratic, Family-Oriented, Paranoid/Gloomy YA Aspiration: Big Happy Family Career: Education
Move at least 2 times (Final destination must be Henford-on-Bagely/Willow Creek)
Date at least 1 other person before getting married
Have at least 4 children
Master the Writing and Parenting skill
Must have a flower garden
Complete at least 3/4 of aspiration
Generation Five: Dragon
Lucky Colors: Gold, Silver, Hoary (grayish-white)
“The Dragon is full of fighting spirit and strength. The Dragons may look indifferent, however, they actually are chivalrous and always think of others.  They are charismatic, attracting a lot of followers and their talented leadership skills naturally convince every subordinate. But the Dragon’s pride may bring prejudice, and it is also a little hard for them to have the force of will to follow through. If they want to achieve excellence and get great success, then honing the willpower is indispensable.”
Growing up in a big family you always aimed to be the center of attention. You have no problem making friends and often find yourself surrounded by people who worship you.
Toddler Trait: Charmer Child Aspiration: Social Butterfly YA Traits: Goofball, Outgoing, Self-Assured YA Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity/Friend of the World Career: Social Media (Internet Personality Branch)/Style Influencer (Trend Setter Branch)
Live in Del Sol Valley/Oasis Springs
Marry someone famous/rich
Have as many children as you want
Max Charisma Skill
Never turn down an invite to a party unless you’re working
Complete your aspiration
Generation Six: The Snake
Lucky Colors: Red, Light Yellow, Black
“The Snake easily attracts others for their mysterious character and graceful behaviors. They are calm and thorough and can always carry out a plan from the beginning to the end.  The Snakes are typically deep thinkers who are perceptive and skeptical about everything. In the love aspect, the Snakes are devoted lovers who will not fall in love with someone else.”
You are mysterious, attractive, and calm with a sensitive side. You have any interests and have no problem making friends. Growing up around extravagance you learned to appreciate the little things.
Toddler Trait: Clingy Child Aspiration: Artistic Prodigy YA Traits: Bookworm, Creative, Family-Oriented YA Aspiration: Soulmate Career: Painter (Patron of the Arts Branch)
Stay in the same neighborhood as your parents
Marry your childhood best friend
Max Painting skill
If you have Get to Work, open your own retail store by the time you are an elder and sell your paintings/if not sell your paintings regularly
Max out your career
Have only one child
Generation Seven: The Horse
Lucky Colors: Brown Yellow, Purple
“The Horse is lively, energetic, courageous, and enthusiastic about people and life. However, they are not good at hiding emotions and their feelings will be easily shown on their face. Most of them are fond of joining social activities. They have a keen eye and display strong logical thinking, which makes them easily discover the essence of the phenomena and be considerate enough to take care of other people’s emotions.”
Unlike The Snake, you are extremely expressive. You love partying and getting to know others. You’ve never had a never had a negative relationship.
Toddler Trait: Silly Child Aspiration: Social Butterfly YA Traits: Bro, Cheerful, Outgoing YA Aspiration: Party Animal Career: Actor/Entertainer (Comedian Branch)
Live in the city/Willow Creek
If in the city, your apartment must have the Lively Neighbors trait
Marry someone you met at a party
Throw/attend a party every weekend
Have one child but struggle to maintain a relationship with them
Complete your aspiration
Generation Eight: The Goat
Lucky Colors: Green, Red, Purple
“Goats care about others’ feelings and never intend to hurt people. Their upright personality also makes them sympathetic enough to understand other people’s problems from various perspectives, especially for their friends and loved ones. However, sometimes they can be very passive and tend to be a pessimist to see bad aspects of things, which means that they need strong support and enough understanding from their friends. Also, they keep alert when strangers step into their domains.”
Growing up without a lot of support from your parents made you sensitive to the things around you. You are very in tune with others but struggle to find stability in yourself.
Toddler Trait: Clingy Child Aspiration: Social Butterfly YA Traits: Gloomy, Good, Jealous YA Aspiration: Musical Genius Career: Entertainer (Musician Branch)
Struggle academically throughout your school years
Marry your high school sweetheart
Have no more than 3 children
Build your own home office for music creation
Complete aspiration
Have at least $40,000 in your household fund, get a part-time job if needed
Generation Nine: The Monkey
Lucky Colors: White, Gold, Blue
“The monkey is intelligent, smart, and always appreciated by teachers and parents throughout adolescence. They also have strong bodies, all of they perform well in an organization and they tend to be excellent leaders compared to anyone else. In life, they are helpful and humorous enough to be favored by people. However, boasting may hinder them to make great success and they need more patience.”
Living with soft parents helped you get away with a lot. Though you excelled in school, you were very mischievous, and a little irresponsible.
Toddler Trait: Wild Child Aspiration: Rambunctious Scamp YA Traits: Athletic, Cheerful, Goofball YA Aspiration: Chief of Mischief Career: Athlete
Maintain A’s in school
Once you reach level 5 in your career quit your job and getting married
Marry someone with the Mischief trait and become partners in crime
Have an elaborate wedding
Have only one child
Build an expensive home gym
Generation Ten: The Rooster
Lucky Colors: Gold, Brown, Yellow
“Roosters are good at making friends and adjusting themselves to new environments. Whenever there is a tricky problem, they wont give up easily and try every means to solve it. Since they cannot stand lagging behind others, self-improving is an important part of their life. However, as the name implies, Rooster people tend to be cocky or even arrogant sometimes. Their craving for attention may make others feel uncomfortable. The lack of patience could be another problem.”
You gained The Monkey’s smarts but unlike them, you decide to utilize your intelligence to the fullest. You obsess over excellence and only accept the best. Your daily activities include going to work and coming home.
Toddler Trait: Independent Child Aspiration: Whiz Kid YA Traits: Ambitious, Genius, Snob YA Aspiration: Nerd Brain Career: Astronaut (Space Ranger Branch)
Live in Strangerville/Oasis Springs
Reach level 5 of your career before getting married
Marry someone that works for a service (firefighter, food delivery person, mail carrier, etc.). You fall in love with them unexpectedly
Have 2 children but place most of the responsibility for raising your children on your partner due to your studies
Complete your aspiration
Build a backyard shed or basement for science equipment
Generation Eleven: The Dog
Lucky Colors: Green, Red, Purple
“Dog people are cautious by nature, which means it may take a comparably long time for Dogs to accept new friends. However, once Dogs accept a friend, they will be very loyal to the friend and always be supportive. Dogs are loyal friends, honest lovers, and reliable families. Though being just and honest, Dogs are also very critical and sometimes make a sharp criticism. They are not good at taking in the whole picture to consider things, which may lead to misunderstanding and blaming their own mistakes on others.”
Despite not spending a lot of time with The Rooster, you are a lot like them. That’s probably why you butted heads so much as a child.
Toddler Trait: Independent Child Aspiration: Whiz Kid YA Traits: Bro, Hot-Headed, Loyal/Bro YA Aspiration: The Curator Career: Critic (Food Critic Branch)
Live in Bridleton Bay/Newcrest
Go for a jog at least 4 times a week
Marry the first person you date
Have 3 kids and be an extremely active parent in the household
If you have the Dogs and Cats pack, adopt a cat (Oh the irony!)/if not, keep a pet fish
Max the Cooking skill and make every meal for your household
Generation Twelve: The Pig
Lucky Colors: Yellow, Gray, Brown, Gold
“Pigs are always diligent and upright and never to be pretentious. Thus Pigs are easy to get others’ trust. Their compassionate and genuine personality makes them glad to offer others a hand at any time, which results in getting a lot of good friends. They are called upon when sincere advice is needed and will always give a helping hand. Pigs may be a little realistic and emotional, and it is hard for them to detect lies and thus easily be fooled by bad people.”
You are the final generation. You are kind-hearted and loved by many. Although you had the perfect family as a child, you decided against having children. You choose to live your days focusing on your career, your personal growth, and your partner.
Toddler Trait: Inquisitive Child Aspiration: Social Butterfly YA Traits: Clumsy, Glutton, Outgoing YA Aspiration: Freelance Botanist Career: Law (Public Attorney Branch)/Gardener (Botanist Branch)
Live in Sulani/Willow Creek
Max Charisma skill
Complete at least 1/2 of your aspiration
Marry someone with the romantic trait
Have your partner cook every meal for you (Out of love, not obligation!!)
Retire as soon as you are an Elder and live out the rest of your days tending to your garden
If you do decide to have children, you must have twins (Use cheats)
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thecontumacious · 3 years
can you make a mysta x streamer!gn!reader like the one you did with vox? except this time they're doing a cooking simulator stream collab and reader can cook so they're trying to teach mysta how to cook :] i'm an avid mysta fan and i really love your headcanons <3 keep up the great work, author-chan!
pairing: Mysta Rias x Streamer!GN!Reader
a/n: as a person who can cook decent meals myself AND a perfectionist to measurements, that cooking stream was painful to watch, man 💀 also, anon, i don't wanna say reader is exactly 'teaching' in this instance. let's just say that reader is teaching mysta the hard way--
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y’all know the deal
you were a nijisanji streamer, particularly debuting earlier than mysta
your first meeting on stream officially was as a host and him debuting
and let’s just say things fell into place naturally after you decided to drop by mysta’s chat~
especially for mysta
this man adored your charm and always found himself enjoying his time more when you dropped by the chats
at that point, you and mysta talked a lot over discord and he always, always tried to invite you for any possible collabs
the chat thinks mysta is obviously down bad for you
“hi y/n!”
“y/n’s here???? hi y/n—wait, YOU GUYS TRICKED ME THEY'RE NOT HERE FUCK YOU GUYS” 凸(`⌒´メ)凸
the chat has so much fun
[COOKING SIMULATOR] 🔴 mysta cooks for y/n and chat [NIJISANJI EN | Mysta Rias]
“aight mysta, i’m counting on you not to poison me, kay?” you giggle
mysta exclaims, “i’m not poisoning anyone! in fact i haven’t poisoned anyone!”
“it’s a miracle that hasn’t happened too”
“oh fuck you, y/n”
but despite this, mysta enjoys your company
he is well aware of his limitations in the culinary world and your actual decent skills in it
why does he (a terrible chef) think streaming cooking simulator with you (a decent chef) would be a good idea for himself, hm?
to mysta, it’s not rly about impressing okay maybe just a bit hush but he’s looking forward to imbedding the memory of it
it’ll probably end in chaos but if it has made you laugh, mysta won’t mind
“alright, what should we start with y/n? cakes and cookies or pizza?“
“ooh dessert or pizza… personally, i’d like to see you try cakes and cookies first, mysta.”
“cakes and cookies? chat what’d you think?”
“cakes and cookies probably”
mysta frowns, “whys that?”
“bcs it’s relatively harder,” you begin to wheeze
“you’ll be fine, mysta,” you tell him, still laughing. “mostly.”
“you’re not really on my side either are you????” mysta whines, clicking on the cakes and cookies sim anyway
“i’ll try not to backseat, mkay?”
“you better fucking not. don’t flex your cooking skills on me. do that when vox is around”
but you just couldn't help but itch so much when mysta kept over measuring or doing the technique wrong ;-;
“you know what? it’ll be fine” mysta claims, flour overmeasured by a hundred or so grams
“no it's not mysta, that cake is gonna have too many solids now”
“IT'LL BE FINE!! believe in me for once!” he begins to protest once more, moving on to put in the next ingredient he's going to add too much of again
6:35 minutes of y/n being tortured by mysta’s inability to cook
y/n malds because of mysta’s food
continuation utc!
the gas tank arc 🛢:
mysta puts the gas tank on top of the stove anyway, just for the spite of it
“i’m gonna call it chat. if that thing explodes, i’m calling it—“
“oh,” mysta deadpans
“i’m not even gonna say anything💀”
“guys look this looks so good!!” mysta exclaims as he pulls out the finished cake out from the oven, appearing with a surprisingly very decent result
“oh shit wow that does look good,” you comment to which mysta grins at
that camera may not catch it, but he’s very very flustered about getting your compliment(´ω`*)
he's done something right in his life
“see? see? i can totally do this. okay okay let’s decorate it now! this one’s gonna be for you, y/n.”
“ah- thanks mysta-“
you had to call him out for all the unseiso references tho omfg
tbh mysta was just fishing a reaction from you lol
“mysta we’re in the goddamn kitchen this isn’t the time”
mysta could only giggle unseiso-ly moving on
the fact you call him out and react to it just makes him want to tease you even more hwjshsish
“WHAT” mysta laughs his ass off
you can say that he kinda likes it when you scold him┐(-。ー;)┌
same goes for the pizza arc 🍕
“parme-SAN? what’s parme-SAN?”
you stare at mysta, absolutely baffled
“what’d u call it?”
“mysta it’s par-muh-ZAAN”
“… same thing.”
🧀 😭👎
“cant be surprised from someone who said it as ja-la-pe-no.”
“oh shut the fuck up”
the banter between you two is just the cutest thing the chat has ever seen, you won’t believe how many clips the clippers have made just you guys arguing over the most stupid things💀💀
“i wonder where food hygiene went,” you sigh upon seeing mysta drop the whole container of dough
“went up my fucking ass,” mysta retorts, casually putting the dough back in and on the counter again as though it hadn’t caught the floor’s bacteria
foodhygiene.file not found
“i’d never eat this pizza. i’d die first before doing that”
“come on it’s not that bad??? the worst outcome is prob like just a stomachache or sumn”
“food poisoning, lawsuits from the customers and probably the shut down of the actual restaurant mysta, that’s the worst outcome.”
“i’m not opening my own restaurant and it's just a game, y/n.”
“that’s not the point mysta—“
hardcore facepalm
“guys what cheeses have you tried? what about you, y/n?” mysta suddenly asks, picking up the mozzarella from the in game pantry
you hum before stating your answer
“huh i see,” he says. “i mean i have tried some cheeses. oh god but please not blue cheese. that’s literal mold. and you think i’d eat it because you’ve seen me eat mold”
“you eating bacteria aside mysta all cheese are mold, you idiot”
“no they’re not???? they’re just like processed milk right? and then like for blue cheese it’s left out for a long time until like mold forms,” mysta argues
you roll your eyes, “goddammit mysta that’s not how cheese making works. they’re all mold”
“well how do you know that?? it’s literally just milk and they add shit to it so it hardens to become cheese”
“exactly. it’s when it becomes cheese is it mold, mysta.”
wait what the fuck did he just say again
“what’d you say mysta?”
even the chat was too stunned to say anything
you sit there, staring at mysta who is quiet, probably just as baffled by what he just sputtered out himself
you honestly… didn’t know what to say????
it’s only when the chat exploded, you had to say something
“ALRIGHT ANYWAY ENOUGH ABOUT CHEESES THIS PIZZA ISN'T GONNA BAKE ITSELF” mysta cuts in, returning to his unfinished pizza and you to your own thoughts
chat wasn’t willing to let it go either, with the overwhelming roll of messages and supas waiting to be given attention by mysta about what he just said
“okay chat, we’re gonna speedrun this pizza okay? okay sauce first!”
how could this guy just move on from what he said like it was nothing???
you just sit there, dazed as though you had woken up from the weirdest dream while mysta continues to decorate his pizza
“wait it says garlic, did we get garlic?” you hear him say again. the chat was asking for your input on the matter too it seems, with how worryingly quiet you were
so you decide to follow mysta’s footsteps and play along with the causality, “no i don’t think we got garlic. go back to the pantry mysta”
mysta’s camera pans around, into the said pantry and quickly cuts up the garlic needed for the pizza, all the while you were unable to comment and the chat buzzing in with chaos
“okay let’s just put this in the rack thing—wait hold on, i can't interact with it,” you turn to the screen and indeed see the game glitching
you breathe a sigh of relief, seeing the open opportunity to take a break and... recollect
“is that a bug? you got bugged?” you inquire, leaning closer to the screen
mysta tries clicking everything on his keyboard and nothing reacts
while for the chat it was upsetting, you were never more glad for a game to bug
with how mysta was looking, he probably was too
“you’re moving tho, are you sure??” you ask again
“no! look! nothing is highlighted! chat i just broke the game,” mysta chuckles, aggressively running around the kitchen. “okay okay so i might have to end the stream now and probably start again after like 10-15 minutes because this is bugged.”
“yeah, you can’t even open the main menu either,” you add in
the chat hasn’t even calmed down from the recent “confession”
“okay chat i’ll see you in 15 minutes aight. im so sorry this happened. y/n thanks for coming too! i haven’t completely made you insane have i?”
“mysta you know fucking well enough how much that tortured me,” you hiss, to which mysta laughs
“okay okay fine i’ll buy you real pizza or something,” he says. “okay chat i’ll see you in a bit. mwah, bye!!!”
and with that, mysta’s screen switches to the ending display, finishing all misery you had to face that day
on the discord call, it’s quiet
and that’s when you realize mysta just went offline
the audacity
“THIS GUY HAS TO GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME” you curse out loud, grabbing hold of your phone to call the said culprit on discord
there was no way he’s gonna run from this. you needed clarification!! why the fuck did he say that??? what the fuck is going on even???
“mysta come on pick up…”
it took a whole killing 30 seconds before your call is answered
“he-hello?” mysta speaks, obviously shy with how he was stuttering
“mysta i-“ you inhale, admittedly nervous as well.
"THAT WAS FUN RIGHT? I ACTUALLY LEARNED SOMETHING FROM YOU!" mysta exclaims, shuffling around in a restless matter. he continues, "OKAY I NEED TO SET UP THE STREAM AGAIN, GOTTA GO NOW--"
“mysta don’t fuck around with me. what was that???? what you said on stream??”
the line is silent again and all you can hear is the erratic beating of your own heart and the shaky breaths of mysta
“alright,” he sighs. he takes a long breath in before saying, “i meant what i said. a-about liking you…”
“i really do think you’re cute and it makes me so mad that you are. i just wanna make you laugh and hang out with you all the time. but i also don’t wanna bother you too much or annoy you with how i game. i’ve always wanted to say i like you but like i said, who the fuck would like me?” mysta’s voice is soft and the chaotic person he usually is online is gone
it’s almost as if you’re opening a different side to this man
“say something. anything,” mysta pleads.
“mysta i… “ warmth envelops your entire face, everything finally settling in. “you fucking idiot, don’t say that kind of shit to me. i-i like you too… you’re pretty fun to be around and i’m always excited when you ask me to collab. don’t just say no one would like you. i would, alright?”
the air hung awkwardly, not a single word spared.
“mysta? are you okay?”
“no shit,” his voice is cracking up and it was very obvious he was breaking down.
your heart wrenches for him, “hey seriously what’s wrong? did i say something wrong?”
“no you idiot, i’m just—“ mysta sniffles again. “i can't believe you actually like me back. you’re just so cool and out of my league—“
“didn't i tell you not to say that kind of shit to me?”
mysta pauses and lets out a chuckle, “sorry.”
you sigh, “look mysta. you are an amazing person. look at how far you’ve come. you have so many good friends, co workers and a great audience! if anything, i thought you wouldn’t like me…”
“oh so we’re degrading ourselves now, hm?” mysta says, and you both laugh
“fuck you that’s not the point.”
“cheese nerd”
“shut the fuck up”
“… hey”
you reply, “hm?”
“i don’t know if you’re okay with this but,” mysta clears his throat once. “i-i don’t know like… are we a thing or something? like dating or whatever?”
“dating or whatever?” you snort, to which mysta begins to whine
“shut up. you get the idea”
your laughter dies down and you answer, “sure. let’s try dating or whatever.”
when you two finally end the call, for the first time, mysta feels like he doesn’t have to go for another sleepless night. he doesn’t feel like he had to miss your presence just as much. with the barrier finally broken between you two, it feels as though the one piece mysta had been looking for all this while is now here in his own two hands.
and he’s going to make sure he’s gonna take care of it the damnest he can.
later post stream:
mysta rias 🟢: um y/n
mysta rias 🟢: can i ask for help
y/n l/n 🟢: with what?
mysta rias 🟢: i’m hungry and i still don't know how to cook
y/n l/n 🟢: pick up the phone ok
605 notes · View notes
missgeniality · 4 years
A Date With Destiny (m)
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“Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves, alone - we find it with another.” - Thomas Merton
➺ Pairing: Jungkook x Female Reader
➺ Trope: Strangers to Lovers, Idol!AU
➺ Genre: Fluff, Smut, one comedian in the mix
➺ Rating: 18+
➺ Word Count: 11k
➺ Summary: You are a boss lady in the tech industry travelling to world for work. He is a chart-topping artist touring the globe to perform in front of millions of fans. In the cosmos of life, you are not likely to cross paths. Luckily, fate has a different plan for you two.
➺ Warnings: dom!jk, unprotected sex (sex is cleaner when you pack your weiner!), hickeys galore, lot of spit, oral (male and female receiving), balls receive attention, throat fucking, cum eating, edging, masturbation kinda?, cum play, pussy slapping, pussy sniffing, fingering, squirting, spanking, pain kink?, tit slapping, reader teases a bit but this man is a tease maestro, cum stuffing (is that a thing even?), Jungkook’s THIGHS need their own warning
➺ Author’s Note: @ppersonna​​ is an angel among us peasants. Thank you so much for all your help with this!   This is my first attempt at writing, and the tiniest feedback goes a long way! Hope you enjoy! 
When you die, the first pit stop you make is to the coffee gods. 
Without coffee, this whole month would have been a disaster. Back-to-back meetings, daily flights, countless documents being read, it’s a miracle your eyes are open and fully functioning. 
Being the Chief Technical Officer of a well-established company at your age had been anything but a cakewalk. You had strived hard and crossed many boulders to come to where you are. But if reaching that point required huge amounts of effort, now your work is tenfold. 
“Why can’t I just get longer flights so I can nap in them?” You mumble into your nth cup of coffee - not keeping count is for your own sanity. 
“Because longer flights apparently have crying children. You, our resident baby-magnet hypothesized that shorter flights equal more time in hotel rooms ‘sleeping’. Guess who sleeps in said hotel rooms? Everyone but you.” Your personal assistant and part-time truth-spouter Jake offers helpfully. 
“Past me was such an idiot.” You shoot back, wondering if you could inject the espresso right through your veins.
Jake pouts. “Woman, you take on jobs that an intern could do. If you weren’t such an unnecessary perfectionist I would be on the beaches of Thailand, getting sensual massages and eating some pretty pussy. But here we are, on our way to Seoul. So quit your whining because clearly, I have lost more.” 
“What if I wanted to do that too?”
“Can I watch?” 
“Right.” And that was the end of the conversation. 
Passengers on flight KE654 from Bangkok to Seoul are requested to report for boarding at Gate 45A. First Class passengers will be boarded first, followed by Business class and lastly Economy. Please keep your boarding pass ready for checking.
Jake stands up, groaning. “This is where we say goodbye. Do you wanna pretend like we’re strangers and have a hot one-night stand when we land?” 
“Sometimes I think it’s your natural response to flirt with a breathing being. Do you ever accidentally just, you know, flirt with a tree?” You try to sound sarcastic, but you’re genuinely curious. 
“If a day comes when a hot specimen like me has to flirt with a tree, humanity is doomed. Catch ya later!” He blows you a kiss before leaving for the restroom. You shake your head in awe, a small smile finding your lips. He knew how to get your mind off things.
For all his flirting, Jake’s interest in you is perfunctory. He looks after you, keeps you from starving or gouging your eyeballs out, and calms you when things are too hard. He’s seen your worst. You’ve seen him drunk out of his mind, bailed him out when he “accidentally” smoked up, and heard every new pick-up line his ingenious brain churned out. Basically, you’ve seen his worst as well. 
You take a look at your boarding pass. 3C. Jake would be in business class, and you in first. Not your choice, the company makes the rules. It's for the better, he says. Apparently, he can ‘prowl for his hunt better’, without your judgmental glare. You nearly vomit on him just for his choice of words.
Entering the flight, you stash away your hand baggage the first place you find the room and head to your seat and-
Holy. Shit.
Jeon Jungkook is sitting on your seat.
Jeon Jungkook is on your flight? 
BTS is on your flight? 
What are the odds?
Granted, you’re not a 16-year old obsessive fan, collecting photocards and waving light sticks through the screen, but even in your adulthood you’ve admired their music and shows, routinely keeping up with their discography. 
Hell, you even learned Korean years ago to better understand their songs. Maybe you are an obsessive fan.
But you can’t approach them like that. They no doubt want some privacy and not be recognized. God forbid you approach Jungkook with crazy eyes, just to be escorted off the plane for stalking. While you liked their work, you had your own, and getting thrown off this flight does not help you there.
So, you’re just gonna have to speak to him like just another passenger. 
BTS who? 
Biggest boyband who? 
You only listen to Frank Sinatra. 
“Excuse me?” You call out, a shiver of a whisper leaving your lips. You immediately chastise yourself for being so star-struck.
Big, round eyes glitter under the bucket hat. The softest ‘huh’ throws a lasso over your heart, and holds it captive. He adjusts his hat, inked fingers making a brief yet lasting appearance. The epitome of tenderness, you muse as his eyes flit here and there to figure out the situation. After finding no one to help him out, he gently offers “Yes?”
You feel extremely guilty for marring his serene face with creases of trouble. “I think this is my seat. See, 3C.” you say, pointing to the seat and then to your ticket for good measure. Did he suspect you recognize them? No. Do you look like you’re over-gesticulating? Totally. 
“Oh.” His brow distresses further, the sight has you ready to give the man your seat and hide in the bathroom for the rest of the flight. “But even I am 3C.”
His ticket shows the same characters as yours. 
With both your faces contorted in confusion, an air hostess comes forward to help. 
“We both are booked on the same seat. How does that happen? Do I need to catch another flight?” You suddenly pour out, remembering the countless commitments you have in Seoul that would go down the drain if you don’t make it by tonight.
She's quick to reassure you. “Do not worry ma’am, I’m sure there must have been an error in the printing. I’ll be right back.” At the same time, Jungkook is approached by someone, probably one of their staff, to discuss the issue.
The air hostess returns smiling. “Ma’am, you both were booked on the same seat but this adjacent seat was left empty. We are extremely sorry for the error. You may take 3B.” She reiterates the same message to Jungkook in Korean, who then looks mighty relieved. 
Goddamn, his eyes got bigger. How much bigger can they get?
“All okay then?” He glances sideways, smile irradiating your senses and waking you up better than all the coffee could. 
“All good. Sorry for the trouble.” You add, even though it isn’t your mistake in any way.
“No no. No trouble” He beams back. 
Aw, you are in trouble. 
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As the flight is about to take off, you can see the rest of BTS in the rows ahead of you, with some other staff members taking up other seats. There’s one old man with a scowl on his face, whom you can’t place with the BigHit group. Great, no crying kids. Unless the frowning grandpa snores to the heavens, you can actually catch a good four-hour snooze. Take that, Jake. Hope a kid blows snot in his face. 
Looking at your neighbor, you find him busy searching for a good video game on the screen. The other members seem to be using this flight to catch a nap, except him. You always wondered whether their on-screen persona was real or not. Now you could say at least one of his characteristics is true. 
Turning away, you bring your focus back to the document at hand. The schematics for a new product your company was launching. You had spearheaded its conception and looked over every single detail in its manufacturing. The Seoul branch is one of the main players in its production, and your last stop before heading back home. You must have every word in this file burnt in the back of your eyelids to make this deal smooth. 
Reclining your seat, and putting your legs up, you got down to business.
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An Angel was calling you. 
You want to wake up, but you couldn’t, fearing the Angel would stop singing to you. Something is poking you, but the voice just drowns it all out.
Fluttering your eyes open, you see Jeon Jungkook staring right at you. 
“Hi... They, umm--Food? Want to eat?” the Angel utters. Jungkook utters. Tomato, to-mah-to. 
“Oh!” you exclaim, wiping non-existent drool on your face. His palm on your shoulder quickly retracts at your exaggerated attempt to hide your embarrassment. “Thank you so much.”
Then, he does that thing. He smiles. Eye scrunch and all. 
Fuck the coffee gods. When you die, you want to meet the Grand Master and ask him what crack he was on to hand over so much power to one man’s smile. 
The food is placed on your table, and you thank the hostess graciously. 
“Do you need anything to drink?” She asks, to which you only shake your head. There was enough caffeine in your system to shoot a horse to the moon and you were still drowsy. There was no need to catalyze this process with booze.  
“Your Korean accent is pretty good.” Your next-seat resident comments. Ah, you had conversed with the hostess in Korean. 
“Thank you very much.” You giggle, roleplaying an acne-prone teenager talking to her hunk of a crush.
“Have you been speaking for a long time?” He pops a huge morsel of food after asking. Well, that’s another on-screen quality found to be accurate.
“Six years now. Comes in handy for my work.” 
“Oh! Did you have to learn it for work? That’s fascinating.” Another mouthful went in. You didn’t even know it was physically possible to hold that much rice using chopsticks.
“Uhh.. no..” You tussle your hair, trying to stop your cheeks from turning beet red, “I just listened to some music and consuming more content.. and subtitles are a bore, plus I needed a hobby at the time so..” 
Your unnecessarily long explanation was cut short by Jungkook’s child-like laugh, enjoying the pickle you were putting yourself in. 
“Hey! I just didn’t want to put you in an uncomfortable situation, that’s all.” you try to be cross, knowing it’s inconceivable since God himself seems to have given him whatever he wanted. If big ol’ Almighty can’t stand against his charms, you are but a mere pleb. 
He looks at you kindly. “Thank you, that was very thoughtful. I’ve been speaking to so many foreigners trying to get across to them I got surprised when you spoke so fluently.” 
He went back to chomping on his food like it was his last meal, completely unaware of your staring.  
You both speak for a long time. He explains their latest shoot and fan meeting, and you listen to him pour out his love for his job and fans as much as he could articulate. The rest of the emotion is portrayed by his now widest eyeballs (they cannot get any wider, you confirm by asking him - a request he apparently gets a lot) and intense gesticulation. It is very gratifying to listen to his past schedules, and you slip in a quick prayer for not having a job where you had to maintain public appearances while having a schedule as persevering as theirs. Sure, you had a ton of commitments. But can you throw your hair in a bun and aggressively scowl at a monitor and still meet your target? Fuck yeah.
You went on to tell him about yourself - your job, your travels, the reason you were in Seoul. He listens to them with rapt attention throwing in appropriate questions without interrupting your flow. He gives the right amount of sympathy; just enough to show that he understands why you have three sets of nightwear and a futon in your office, but not too much where it seems like you should “take a break” and “think about the joys of motherhood” - as you are often told. 
During the conversation, you digress a little to take in his slight features. The apple of his cheeks, in full display, when he tells you about how he pranked his members. The light pout of his lips when he talks about the times their path seemed too far-fetched, when every single obstacle felt like the end of their career. The stars in his eyes when he speaks of how he feels during tours, meeting the endless number of fans, the drive that keeps him going. They all make an endearing package. Eager to please, you kept the conversation going with gusto. The meal is followed by a snack break, after which you had effectively exhausted all conversation topics that could be brought up with near-strangers.
A quick alcohol break later, (yes, you caved, the catalyst was welcome) you both doze off, seemingly exhausted from recollecting respective timetables. He wakes up soon after to play video games and talk to the other members. But you fall into a deep slumber, with an Angel’s chuckles in the background guiding you through the sleep. 
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Jungkook wakes up to see his character dead. The video game was forgotten after his conversation with you began. 
He spent an inordinate amount of time talking to you. And now that you’re asleep, he is only thinking about how much he enjoyed the conversation. Jungkook is not a speaker. His introversion leaves much to be desired in that department. Most of the time, his members cover for him, play the role of dutiful wingmen, and introduce him to their friends. And still, it took him a long time to talk freely.
But something about you made him open up.
Maybe it was the way you listened to him, lips slightly parted when you were absorbing every single word he let out. Maybe it was the questions you asked, treading lightly and skirting any personal questions. Maybe it was the fact that you pretended to not know him at first, mindful of his privacy. The butterflies in him could be explained by this.
It could also be how graceful you looked, even though you’re dressed in sweatpants and an oversized t-shirt. It could be how you carried yourself, with great elegance and poise, even though your work was taxing. It could also be your toe socks, and your glee when he showed you his.
Your personality is infectious. He already misses you, despite you being inches away, desperately wants to exhaust every second of this journey engrossed in you. 
He wonders if you feel that way too.
Speaking of whom-
A snicker escapes his lips when he turns to face you. 
In your sleepy haze, Jungkook sees that a) your mouth is wide open, b) your hands mindlessly fiddle with the reams of pages on your lap, and c) your eyes scrunch as sunlight pierces through the flight to bounce off your face. Cute, he muses, trying to locate the source of the criminal rays irking you. 
The window letting the sunbeam in is beside an old man sitting on the other end. He is eyeing the magazine in his hands with abject disapproval, like the booklet had sullied him and his family. 
Gathering up the courage, Jungkook calls out for the man.
“Excuse me, sir. Do you mind pulling the window shade?” He asks, in the sweetest voice that his hyungs would melt at first listen. 
Puppy eyes are met with the geezer’s piercing glare, making Jungkook wonder if he accidentally said something strikingly offensive instead of what he thought he said. About to backtrack his words and try again, he gets interrupted by the man letting out a big grunt, after which he continues in his endeavor to telepathically set fire to the magazine. He does not forget to give a nasty side-eye but completely refuses to comply with Jungkook’s request. 
“And my team thinks my glares are spooky.” You pique, having witnessed the whole interaction, “I ought to have him on board”. Jungkook snorts, and you take that to be his agreement. 
Pausing, you throw caution in the wind and add, “Thank you though, that was very sweet of you.”
He eyes you demurely. “No problem, you looked like you needed the rest.” 
“Listen, I-”
“So I was think-”
Ladies and gentlemen, we have just been cleared to land at the Incheon International airport. Please ensure your backpacks and suitcases are stowed away in the overhead compartments or underneath the seats ahead of you. The flight attendants are currently passing around the cabin to make a final compliance check and pick up any remaining cups and glasses. Thank you.
High-quality curses almost make it to heaven (speakers). The announcement dissipates all the courage you had mustered, feeling a rush exit your body. You had almost asked for his contact - and by the looks of it, he had wanted it too. Or maybe your hair is a rat's nest and he was just going to point that out. Guess you will never know.
You shyly smile at each other before going about following the instructions. Your half-read document gets stuffed back into its bag, to be read once you have no distractions in the form of eye candy armed with saccharine speech. Well, you have Jake to distract you plenty, but you can shoo him away by threatening his paycheck. 
As the flight descends, you look over to your neighbor - one last time, you guess - and surprisingly lock eyes with him. Anything that had exited you comes rushing back, veins in full alertness. A moment’s awkwardness later you both burst out laughing, each doing their best to hide their crimson cheeks. You find one more online fact to be true - Jungkook’s peak happiness laughter, eye crinkle and nose scrunch, can melt your whole entire heart. 
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“Hey mami, come here often?”
“For the last time Jake, I will not hesitate to donate your bones for science.”
“Well, I heard bone, it's already a win for me.”
You let out a sigh of exasperation. There is no reforming him. 
“How was the flight?” Jake questions as you approach the baggage belt. Looking out for your somber black suitcase, you try to play it off like you did not spend the whole time in the company of a stranger who is on the fast track to your heart.
“The usual. Sleep, eat, read needlessly printed out documents that could have been shoved into on email, repeat. What about you?”
As Jake starts an account of his flight experience in exorbitant detail, you took the opportunity to try and find your ride. Once you locate it and get in, you catch the end of his sermon. 
“-and the name of the book will be ‘How to manage a farm - ‘cause chicks gon’ be crazy!’. What do you think?”
“I think it was a good idea I chose to zone out.”
“Y/N come on! It’s a self-help book for poor souls born without my raw charisma. Men and women out there want me, but I can’t satisfy them all. I will just resort to making more of me! It will have pointers, DIY’s and pick-up lines crafted by yours truly - wanna hear one?”
You throw your bag in front and turn to him. “Do I have a choice? Go ahead.”
Grinning like a Cheshire cat, he starts. “Am I cute? Squish my cheeks. Am I hot? Clap my cheeks.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Points for creativity. You’ll still get wine splashed at you.”
Jake was not one to give up. “‘It’s good we don’t need eye condoms, or you’d be on your way to delivery.’”
“Just… don’t have kids, okay? This gene must be stopped, right here.”
“Okay, this one is my all-time favorite. ‘Rack so big, I don’t motorboat, I motorship.’”
That’s it. The guffaw itching you since the start of this conversation is out of its cages, populating the air in the car. Wiping stray tears from your face, you face Jake, seeming very pleased with himself. Undoubtedly, he is coming up with absurd scenarios to ease your nerves. No book is in the works (one could only hope).
“Thank you, I feel much better now. You can stop coming up with these.”
The goof has the gall to look appalled. “I was going to cut you ten percent of my book commission but I guess that’s out. Hmph.”
“I’m at the receiving end of all these pick-up lines. I should make twenty at least for all the nuisance I’ve put up with.” 
“All right mami, we’ll shelve this for later. Here’s the schedule for today. You have a 10 a.m. breakfast meeting with Dr. Park Shin Young, Lead Research Scientist of the project. Then you have a bunch of seminars to attend, which will go on all afternoon. There’s a bar right beside this venue.”
“How is that pertinent?”
“So you know where to find me.” He continues, unperturbed. “After which there’s an evening meeting with the whole team to demonstrate the product and a marketing meeting right after.”
“Am I required for the marketing meeting?” Your expertise is limited to the technical field. PR work isn’t your cup of tea, but they stubbornly demand your presence. 
Jake exhales. “We’ve been through this. You CAN doze off during the meeting, but you have to be there. Just pretend you’re a college student, sitting in one class, completing assignments for another.”
“But if I’m there I feel the need to pay attention.” you whine.
“Clearly you weren’t one of those college students,” Jake says, perusing through his diary, “Stop being a pedant and do one of those things people do. Loving their jobs and whatnot.”
Before you can retort a reply, the driver pulls up to your destination and you exit the car. 
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Eleven at night is when you finally check in to the hotel. The tedious day warrants your heels coming off before you even reach your floor. There’s an irritant drumming, from the balls of your feet right up to your temples, that beg for your attention. Setting your footwear on your bags, you massage your feet for temporary relief as the lift took you closer to a more permanent one.
Once your suitcase gets parked in the closet, you head to the bathroom to soak your day away with the bath bomb kit you were gifted in one of the seminars. The ball fizzles as soon as it hits the water, dispersing in tiny bubbles and a heady aroma of vanilla and lavender. The soft amber tones of the walls, the lambent gold lighting, and the ambrosial air put all your senses at ease. You sink in; the bathwater permeating warmth through your skin. Crackling bubbles with every move; the water teases your neck, soothing the laceration with every lick. Every pulse point on you is enhanced - you let yourself float wherever your mind takes you. 
A familiar face makes its presence known. You allow yourself to think about him, after pushing his visage away all day. Something about him… felt like home. Soothing, comforting, always speaking in dulcet tones unless something humorous pulled out a loud laugh. Even that wasn’t jarring; it was the exact opposite. Felt like sunshine filled your lungs every time he cracked up. Made you want to keep talking to him, keep him amused and entertained. You can’t imagine he converses with every stranger like that. 
But maybe he did; maybe this is some unspoken celebrity culture you were unaware of. 
All you know is that this was a once in a lifetime experience. There’s no way you are encountering another personage ever again. There’s no way you’re encountering him again. Luck can only thrive so far. 
So when you exit the bathroom, clad in a towel, remnant bathwater dripping from every end, the last thing you expect is Jungkook, spread out on the bed, casually flipping through his phone like it’s his own abode. 
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Y/N. In his room. In a towel. Dripping wet hair. Emanating a delectable aroma. 
Y/N. In person.
He is dreaming. He has to be. He's been thinking of you ever since the flight, so now he is delusional. Nothing else. There’s absolutely no chance that you’re in his room, let alone… like this. 
“What are you… what are you doing in my room?”
Jungkook knows he should say something. He should not be gawking at you like he is doing now. But God. You look so pretty, eyebrows arched up in confusion, jaw about to be unhinged, hands fluttering around not knowing what to do. 
He forces his body to action.
"Y/N!" He exclaims, finally averting his eyes to face the wall. 
"Wait, what do you mean MY room? This is my room!"
You’re baffled. "Huh? How is that possible? This was given to me!" 
“I really don’t know, Y/N, there must have been some confusion! Please, you have to believe me!” 
Jungkook wants to turn around and face you. He desperately wants to clear the air. He can see that this looks bad. He obviously looks like an enamored creep, waltzing into your space. You probably think he does this all the time. Many a time people have misunderstood him, his celebrity status not earning him many points. You must think the same.
And now you’re going to tell him to get out and never see you again, he hypothesizes. His brain is working overtime trying to remedy the situation, without noticing your now relaxing demeanor. 
“Oh, okay.”
“I’ll fix this, I’ll go to the reception and fix this. You don’t worry, I didn’t see anything, you can trust me, I’ll go an-”
“Hey, hey,” your tone gentle, “it’s okay, trust me. Just, let me get dressed and I’ll come down with you.”
Your soothing response almost has Jungkook on his knees. Whoever orchestrated this meet, he is just thankful for this good turn. Anyone else would go berserk, and rightfully so. 
But you’re not anyone else. 
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He isn’t just anyone.  
Technically, he isn’t a stranger, you try to justify. You should have been more shocked, enraged, or at least doubtful of his intentions. But you weren’t. You had accepted his explanation, let him stay in your room while you changed in the bathroom, and now are en-route to the main desk to rectify this error.
The air around you two is strained; he won’t even look you in the eye. Any question you have is replied to concisely, leaving no room for a chat. Nothing to disperse the tension between you two. 
Like now, in the elevator, Jungkook has done the math and maintains the maximum distance between you. Opposite ends of the diagonal of this lift, his peripheral vision probably barely picks you up. However, his evasion helps in a way--you are able to study his full form.
He is dressed casually, and any lesser man would have seemed casual enough. On him, it is a whole new game. Ripped jeans hugging his sturdy legs, the slashed fabric allowing you a peek of his dangerous thighs. A plain white t-shirt tucked in to show off his lean waistline. The only thing holding you back from having a full-blown wet dream, wide awake, is his chestnut overcoat, saving his modesty and yours. 
Jake was right, eye condoms are the need of the century. 
To be fair, Jungkook had the worse end. He saw you scantily clad, post-bath glow and everything. You wonder what is going through his mind. 
Definitely nothing like the debauchery unfolding in yours. 
He has probably seen his fair share of women, and one hot to trot lady isn’t anything new. If anything, him dodging you is a sign of his civility, something you are lacking apparently--ready to jump his bones.
Stop thinking about his thighs, you whore. Get back home and trusty old Vlad the Impaler will take care of you.
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The employee’s jaw almost hits the desk as Jungkook explains the situation. 
“Ma’am, Sir, we are extremely sorry about this confusion. We usually keep another key for family members, but somehow you got them both. We are deeply apologetic.”
“Yes, it’s okay, I’d just like my room key now and-”
“We will give you the best of our service to make up for this disorder. Not that we didn’t plan on giving you the best anyway, but now it will be top-notch! Please allow us to have your room cleaned again ma’am. Kyuyoung-ah! Get the people to prep 5338 and set 5337 again, and add more flowers!”
“Hey, that really won’t be necessary, we can just go back and forget about all thi-”
“And!” She continues, relentless, fully intent on doing her job, “Here are coupons for our round the clock pub! The ambiance is phenomenal, and our bartender makes a mean drink! You can use the facility for free during your stay. Hope this compensates for our gaffe. Once again, we are extremely sorry!”
She extends two passport-sized coupons that you hurriedly grab, wanting this quandary to end. 
The walk back to the elevator is less tight-lipped, only because Jungkook starts his deluge of apologies. Even though you had felt the same way on the flight, he was going overboard. You quickly assuage him and deflect his concerns.
“It’s okay, Jungkook. It really is. I know it was a mistake.”
“I know, but I shouldn’t have just walked in like that. I should have checked.”
Your expression is the visual form of a question mark. 
“Do you go around making sure your hotel room doesn’t have a surprise occupant?”
You’re taking this too lightly; it's obvious you are doing it for him. He can only laugh, broad delicious shoulders loosening in relief.
After a delay, you add, “You can’t help it if fate wants us crossing paths like this.” 
The quip makes Jungkook lose a beat. He cocks a brow in surprise - at that juncture, his features lose all boyish charm and turn unquestionably irresistible. 
Then, in a flash, the expression is replaced by his usual grin, back to his boy-next-door spirit. Are there world records for this speed? Jungkook needs to sign up to one.
Collecting the stars floating around your head, you return the favor, thankful that the barrier is now broken. 
After a quick break of courage gathering, you turn to him. “How come you’re staying in this hotel? Thought you’d be home.”
A thought is building in your mind; that this is too personal a question. But before you can take it back, you hear a chime. Jungkook moves. And somehow, you are moving with him. 
The elevator door opens, and people walk out. 
But that’s not where your attention is. 
You are focused on the sole patch of your body in contact with Jungkook’s arm. 
The palm of his hand sitting at the small of your waist is what had guided you away from the elevator. Even through the fabric of your t-shirt, his hand is sending goosebumps all over your body. The air feels twenty degrees too hot for you.
Jungkook is simply being his chivalrous self, while you are ready to get arrested for public nudity.
Woman, you are a disgrace. Get laid.
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Jungkook will high five himself once he gets to his pad. 
Is it right to get so euphoric about the smallest act of intimacy? That too with a near stranger? He has no answer. You are special to him; that much he knows. And someone up there agrees with him as well, letting him run into you again (albeit under crude circumstances; he’ll take what he gets). In this proximity, he can hear the slight gasp that escapes you once you recognize his hold, feel your muscles tense, smell the flowery fragrance you still carry. The fragrance that takes his mind on a rewind routine; one he forces to a halt. He feels lewd for taking pleasure in that misfortune, but he can take pleasure in the present. 
Entering the elevator, Jungkook has taken note of one thing: the roles have been reversed. On the downward voyage, it had been him avoiding you. Now, even with the closeness, you refuse to meet his eye. Something on the carpeted floor has your unrelenting attention. Letting his gaze dip to you, he bit back a smirk. Good to know you are as affected by him as he is by you.
“It’s a shoot.” 
You relent, looking up to him. “Huh?”
“You asked me why I’m here, it’s a shoot. The site is close by, so we don’t waste time traveling. Once the shoot is done, we will get back home.”
“Ah, that makes sense.” 
You beg your grey matter to find some topic of conversation to halt the blood rushing to your cheeks. The atmosphere is frozen again, but not like last time. Any unease earlier present has drifted. The tension that once kept you from closeness now keeps you from moving apart. His hand sits unmoved, continuing to rest on your hip. Jungkook can hear the loud thudding of a heartbeat, but he cannot discern whether they are from his heart or from yours.
Continuing after a pause, “I will be here for a few days now.” he adds, the suggestive hint of the words masked by his innocuous smile. 
“Ah.” You lamely add. You ought to kick yourself - but at this closeness, you might hit him too. 
The span of your separation is contracting, even though none of you move. Like the land underneath you is shifting, because even Mother Earth can’t handle the sexual tension in this confined space. 
“Ma’am, Sir, you’re here!” 
The booming voice of an employee disrupts the scene. You jump, wondering how you didn’t hear the door open, while Jungkook takes a graceful step back unscathed. 
“Your rooms are ready, please follow me.”
The walk back is quiet, except for bashfully exchanged glances and racing pulses. When you finally reach your respective rooms, he speaks again. 
“Want to accidentally cross paths with me at the bar?”
The heat reaches your ears. A moment of silence prompts you to look up, and you are held hostage by his eyes. His gaze flickers, intense and probing. Then, as if it never happened, his eyes narrow and his smile softens, harmless and easy. Again, this has to be witchcraft.
“Maybe we’ll let destiny decide. Hasn’t failed us so far.” 
Now, alone in bed with nothing but your thoughts, you wonder when it will ever happen again.
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Three days. Three days before it happens again.
Three days filled with conferences, a ton of files, and a lot of battery acid disguised as coffee. Apart from the success of your work, the highlight of your time is when Jake tried to fix his shoe heel at a meeting and ended up gluing his fingers together. In a quiet room filled with immersed employees, he had yelled, “Superglue, my ass!”. 
The punctuation was not vocalized. 
Tonight was your last night in Seoul. It was supposed to be a night to yourself, but an office party pulled you out of your cavern to get dressed. You put on an elegant dress, a black and silver number, only to find the ‘party’ was the most monotonous excuse of networking. High-end businessmen exchanging cards over non-alcoholic fizz was not your idea of a party, so you quickly excused yourself. 
The coupon still weighed heavy in your purse, carrying memoirs of the last time you saw him. You had wanted to go earlier, but always held yourself back. What if he wasn’t there? What if you missed your chance? Why did you have to sashay away with a cool statement that night instead of clawing your way through the lust-filled air and settling things then and there? 
You supposed a drink at the hotel bar on your last night couldn’t be a bad thing, even if Jungkook didn’t show up.
So here you are, sipping on your wine and trying to appear nonchalant as you look out the window overseeing the city’s skyline. One ear is trained to the door of the pub, the slightest peep from that corner alerting your antenna. 
So far, no sign of him. 
This won’t work, you tell yourself. Second time’s a charm, third time’s pushing it too far. 
But as you wave the bartender to top up your drink, the corner of your eye catches movement; one, two, three heads appear through the door. Signature multichromatic mops of hair make their way in, forcing your pulse to marathon mode. 
And then you hear it. 
You hear his trademark cachinnate echoing through the structure. Multitudes of contrasting sentiments fill your gut. Are you sensing relief, that fate served its purpose without fail? Or is it the anticipation of how events will unfold? A sense of titillation, that a three-day old bond makes you feel more than year-old relationships you’ve had? You pry your eyes from that direction, trying to appear aloof when you are anything but. 
When you think you’ve gathered your composure, you look up. Like a hare falling for its bait, you are trapped, because he is looking right back at you.
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Jin and Jimin are laughing about something that happened on set today, but Jungkook only has eyes for you. He can’t believe his luck. 
The past few days, his schedule had no give. After every shoot, the only thing he remembered was taking off his shoes and falling into a deep slumber.
So today when the shoot wrapped up earlier, Jungkook grabbed his trusty wingmen and open bar enthusiasts to utilize his coupon, and possibly test his kismet.
“Wasn’t she on our flight?” Jin observes, tracking Jungkook’s sight. 
“Oh yeah! Dude, is she the one?” Jimin keenly notes. “How do you keep bumping into each other like this?”
Jungkook downs his whisky, the burn felt from the throat to his diaphragm. “I don’t know, hyung. I don’t know what to do.” Beckoning the bartender for a refill, he tears away from your sight. 
 “Okay, liquid fortification is all good but how about,” Jin stops briefly to pluck the coupon out of Jungkook’s hands, “we handle the drinks department while you attend to her?”
Jimin nods in assent. “The worst thing you could do is spend time with her slurring and garbling while she ditches your sorry ass.”
“Hey! I won’t do that. Just, ” Jungkook gulps, “I don’t know... We’ve met like, hardly a few times. It really doesn’t make sense. What if we’re not on the same page?”
Jimin frowns, and even Jin seems unhappy with his reasoning.
“Things don’t have to make sense. You’re two consenting adults. You like her. By the way she’s eyeing you right now, I’m sure the feeling is mutual. You said it’s easy to talk to her right?”
Jungkook pouts, but sees his point.
“Then go with that. Don’t chart out a plan, just go with your heart.” Jin adopts a soft smile of encouragement. 
“Meanwhile we will grab the others and exploit this coupon to the full extent!” Jimin gleefully appends.
Jungkook’s eyes crinkle as he laughs with the other two. They are right. Carpe diem, right?
Finding you again, his breath hitches. You look beautiful. The sleek black dress with silver embellishments over the torso. It hugs you in the right places, accentuating your already alluring frame. Your shoulders bare, elegant collarbones waiting to be tasted. Hair tied up, exposing the delicious curve of your neck, a stretch Jungkook wants to pepper kisses onto, without missing a spot. You look exquisite against the backdrop of the night.
Carpe noctem it is. 
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“Did you really dress up to use the coupon?” The tongue-in-cheek query breaking your line of thought.
A breathy chuckle leaves your lips, hopefully masking the frenzy in your heart. 
“I had a party. A very dull party. Figured I preferred my own company over that.” 
“Do you prefer your own company over mine?”
He’s still standing, tall frame waiting for your permission to occupy the next seat. God, he looks amazing.
“Not at all.” The words leave huskier than you intend, but they convey the message.
He takes the seat, a mere step away, his cologne wafting over to your side. The alcohol buzz makes the scent feel stronger, every bone in you wanting to dive in nose-first. 
Apparently you have been staring, because he nervously chuckles “Why are you looking at me like that?”
Should you go the modest route or fuck it?
Fuck it.
“You look... great today,” is all you get out. Stupid brain spewing half-baked goods.
Understatement of the year. He looks like sin incarnate. All black attire highlighting his golden skin, the dichotomy of his whole look has you understandably tongue-tied. Black jeans - no rips, sadly- with a dark grey high-neck t-shirt, tucked in of course, because pain is the only constant for you. A black trench coat is thrown on top to seal the look. The obsidian outfit sends desperate need through your body, an intense desire to rip it all off surging through you. Somehow, through all these layers you can sense his fit body, his rippled muscles, his sturdy pecs, like they have an aura of their own. 
“Ah, thank you. You look amazing as well.” Halting a moment to sip his drink, he resumes.  “Sucks that you dressed up for nothing.”
“Well, you liked it. So it's not for nothing.”
If looks were potent, Jungkook’s own could set you on fire. Gaze coolly raking over your figure, the tick in his jaw betrays his reaction. A chill passes through every part of your body under his intense scrutiny.
“Are there other things you would wear… if I liked it?” He carefully treads.
“There are certain things I’m wearing right now that I’m sure you would appreciate.” 
If not for the shrinking distance between you two, you couldn’t have caught the low hiss. His animalistic need, usually kept well under control, is raging against its bonds, screaming to let go. Your exquisite gown, flowing down your curves, accentuating the swell of your ass - God save this dress from his feral hands. Against his will, he restrains himself. He would make this a lasting encounter. 
“How many drinks have you had?” He needs you to remember every single moment.
“Two glasses of wine, don’t worry. You?” 
“A shot of whisky, that’s all. Haven’t even finished my second drink.”
Gone were his cherubic appearance and dimpled smiles; the man in front of you is oozing pure sex appeal. His clenched jawline, furrowed brow, and perfectly placed tresses add to his raw masculinity. The cusp of your thighs is damp; if this is his effect here, what will it be behind locked doors? You wonder whether this is the same man that gushed about old-era video games in the flight. 
“Well, if you are wearing them for me, I’d be a fool to miss them.” he brings you back to the present. Twinkling eyes match your eager ones as you give a small nod.
Every step you take shoots a thrilling tingle through your spine. Every inch of distance closed forces you to close the next with doubled speed. Every foot forward adds to the thick air, laced with hunger, desire, and an inordinate amount of trust placed in the hands of a stranger. 
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The first time you two walked back to the elevator, his move had caught you unaware. 
Now, the arm wraps around your entire waist, body flush against his, yet you yearn to get closer. 
Last time, you couldn’t match his gaze, skin burnt a crimson hue. 
Now, your eyes are locked together, any movement in your surroundings be damned.
Michael Jackson rising from the dead and performing Thriller wouldn’t tear you away from your current view (sorry MJ, maybe next time).
When the doors close, he places a palm on your bare back, bringing you to his chest.
“I’ve wanted this so bad, ever since I met you. It’s insane.”
The hand caressing your back makes you sigh. “Not if I wanted the same.”
His grip tightens. “The things I want to do to you...” eyes searching yours, ”tell me you can handle it.”
“Oh baby,” you drawl, “I’ll do whatever you want. Whatever it is,” your lips hover on his, “I can take it.”
The elevator doors opened too soon for your liking, and Jungkook drags you through the corridor. You’re practically hanging on to him, feet barely responsive, the faint buzz of wine making you giddy. His hawkish gaze soaks in everything you do, memorizing every response to his touch. 
You lean over to lay wet kisses on his neck. Pleasure searing through his veins, Jungkook’s knees almost buckle. He pushes you against a wall and locks you in with his form.
“Uh-uh-uh, honey,” he tsks, “you’re not making this easy on me?”
You pretend to ponder. “Well, I didn’t plan on making it easy.”
He smirks, all sex, and the wetness between your legs is making its presence known. Leaning into your ear, he whispers, “Unless you want me to have my way with you right here…” and all your brattiness dissipates. 
Satisfied, he grins. “Your place or mine?” 
“Hmmn, depends.”
He cocks a brow. “On?”
“Am I gonna be able to walk tomorrow?”
That damned smirk. “Your place it is.”
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Jungkook’s lips are on yours the moment your door is locked. He cages you against its frame, teeth clashing and biting anything they find. You let your hands roam all over, searching for something to hold on to. A throaty sound leaves Jungkook when your digits card through his hair and tug on it, a sound you gladly swallow.
Time seems to have taken a break. Your thoughts are blank. You chase the kiss like it's the only thing you know, the only thing you’re born to do, your sole mission in life before you die. The bruising pace Jungkook set is eagerly matched by you. Gravity is slowly losing its meaning, and you’re nothing but a stray entity floating in space. And this kiss is your only source of air. 
Jungkook pulls you towards him, closing the nonexistent distance between you. Heat rises from his chest, the feeling is hypnotic beyond reason. A taste of you has ruined every other flavor. He kept his eyes half-open, sneaking peeks at your flushed face whenever you come for air. His fingers explored your body, grabbing your ass and pulling you into him. Your clothed crevice jolts at the friction, hips hounding for more.
The moan that leaves you gets muted, because Jungkook takes this opportunity to take control. Tongue forcing its way in to explore every corner of your mouth, it melds with your own muscle. If this were a dance, it would be a fierce tango, oozing with sexual tension. Breathing is now trivial, this kiss is imperative. 
Jungkook’s hands grab your hips and twirl you, both of you now facing a full-length mirror. You can witness your neckline being abused, mulberry blossoms left in place. The sight has your sex clenching, and lips liberated, you couldn’t stop yourself from mewling.
“Fuck, Y/N. I’m going to make you scream so loud, the hotel reception will hear you.”
With your head spinning in lust, you try to form your words right. “An- And what? Discuss how a second room for you was - oh god - was useless?” 
Jungkook pauses to admire his craft; your neck, shoulders, and collar are now littered with bruises, like a garden of hyacinth at his disposal. The view is maddening, your lusty gaze locked on to him in the mirror. His mane is tousled, no doubt your handiwork, and his hand is tracing the outline of your dress. 
“That cursed day,” He chokes out, “You were so fucking hard to resist you know?”
You turn back to face him, hand reaching back to undo your halter neck, “You have me now.” Stepping back, you let your gown fall.
He froze. You are standing in front of him, robed in only your black lace-embroidered strapless bra, and matching panties, each adorned with a white bow. The swell of your breasts barely caged in the cups, making Jungkook drool at sight. All the wind was knocked out of his lungs; you look like a prisoner’s last meal, waiting to be devoured. 
“On your knees.” he commands.  
Not a second is put to waste. You begin undressing him, unbuckling the pants and aggressively pulling them down. Next come the boxers, and you are faced with-
You mean this in the nicest way, but, what a dick.
He is already hard, the mushroomed tip angry and red, leaking a drop of precum begging to be tasted. The girth exceeds your expectation, already visualizing the delicious visual of your cunt stretched thin. He is going to reach places even Vlad the Impaler couldn’t; you are already brimming with anticipation for the final act.
And his thighs. Nothing angelic about them. Taut. Muscular. Sinewy. Something uncivilized in you wants them to trap your frame between them, caging you, pinning you down. You press kisses on his inner thigh, letting your tongue poke out when you hear him exhale. A sharp bite shocks Jungkook, but you only smirk.
“Wanted to do that since I saw you.” 
The stare that meets you is practically challenging you to try that again, and perhaps reap some delicious consequences.
You bring yourself back, giving his cock the full attention that it deserves. Looking up, you see his half-lidded eyes, assertive and arresting, compelling you to go on. 
You bring your palm up to him. He raised a brow in question.
“Spit for me.”
Jungkook almost busts his load when he hears you. “Fuck, so dirty.” he garbles out. Rolling his neck in an attempt to divert his blood, he takes your hand and drops a thick glob at the center of your palm. 
A throaty moan arises from you, and his dick is harder than ever.
“Go on baby, show me you can suck dick like a champ.”
You give him a confident look; you’re about to rock his world. Starting with small licks, you tease the slit and taste the pre-cum lodged in it. Meanwhile, you work the spit along the shaft; you spit on it again, the original amount insufficient to cover the length. You can feel his dick twitching against your attention, eager to be sheathed. Interspersing with some long drags on the underside, you zero in on the pinched skin under the head. 
Jungkook is staring at your jerking him off. The sight of you, clad in lingerie is blowing his mind. If that was not enough, the mirror in front is providing a sumptuous secondary perspective. The smooth stretch of your back, the swell of your ass, the panty fabric barely able to cover the expanse, everything on you is making him short circuit. Seeing you on your knees, your deferential nature stirs something in him. If he doesn’t control himself, he will bend you in half and ride you to sunrise. He doesn’t want to scare you, but fuck, his depraved early man instincts are telling him otherwise. 
“What are you- ohhh, holy shi-”
Instead of slipping his cock fully into your mouth, you hold it up, and pay careful attention to his balls. Jungkook’s hands come to rest on your head, a telltale sign of his unraveling. With a smile, you let your tongue swipe through every nook and corner till they are coated in saliva.
“You think you’re such a fucking tease, ” He grabs you by your now unraveled tresses and pulls you back, “Ease up baby, your throat is in for a treat.”
In one quick swoop, he lodges himself at the base of your throat, provoking your gag reflex, but you restrain the urge to pull back. Breathing through your nose, you suck and swallow whatever you can; his girth isn't giving you much to work with.
Jungkook growls. “Such a tight fit. Like you’re meant to be like this. Forever.”
The last word slips out unwittingly. 
Alarmed, his eyes flit down to gauge your response, but all you are doing is looking back at him. 
Fuck, your dovelike eyes are captivating. They look so angelic, a complete contrast to the perverse posture you are in. Not an ounce of displeasure in response to his words. Pure, unadulterated affection for him. Only for him. 
“God, you’re going to be the death of me.” Jungkook husks. “You’ll do anything for me, you said?”
Muffled whimpers impart your compliance, and you bob your head up and down for good measure. The tip of his cock hits every ridge of your throat, the vibration releasing more fluid down.
“Pleasure yourself, baby. Touch yourself, but don’t you cum.”
Your brow distresses further, a disgruntled whine leaving you and reverberating around him. Already so turned on, the lightest friction would make you combust.
Jungkook’s teeth clench. “Edge yourself for me, sweetie.” 
It's like your body is tuned to his command. Slipping two fingers under the band, you part and slide them on either side of your throbbing nub. Despite you avoiding any pressure point that might push you over the edge, the pleasure threatens to tip you over. 
You look over for his approval. Swallowing, he nods. Your self-stimulation is making him dizzy. It's time to get serious.
“Such a good girl. Don’t stop, okay? I’m going to fuck your throat raw.” Starting with mellow jerks, “Hope you don’t have to speak anytime tomorrow.” he rasps.
The carpeted floor grazing your knees only adds to the revelry. You’re not in control of yourself anymore. The back of your gullet is aching as Jungkook shoves into you again and again. An amalgamation of his salty juices and your dribble lewdly coats your chin and neck; you must look ravished. Everything with Jungkook feels augmented; every single motion of his making your sex clench. 
He is close - you can feel his grip on your hair tightening. 
“Can I cum on you?” words slither through his clamped teeth. You frantically nod. 
With a loud grunt, he pulls you off and releases all over your chest, a stray pump landing on your chin. Thick liquid, dripping from your jaw onto your collarbones and breasts, the whole scene is filthy good. Your unfilled cunt is aching to be replete with the cum. 
Post-orgasmic glow is dazzling on him--hair drenched in sweat, tufts sticking to his forehead. His breathing is heavy and resonant as dilated pupils take in your soaked state. Bending down, he crooks a finger under your chin, anchoring his attention on your dewy stare. The onyx embers in his eyes bore into yours, studying for any hesitation in them. A microscopic moment of tenderness, unspoken words exchange between you. 
Satisfied to find only searing hunger, his digits collect the beads of cum on your jaw, pushing them back into your mouth. Your eyes roll skyward, relishing the briny taste, nearly asking him to do it again. Leaning further, he grabs the wrist of your hand that is thoughtlessly rubbing your sex - you didn’t even realize you were still doing it. You feel drained, like you orgasmed vicariously through him. 
“My turn.” He wears a devilish expression on his archangel eyes.
Lips connect once again as he pulls you up. If he tastes himself, he is relishing it, with his tongue exploring the deep cavern. With wobbly ankles, you let him guide you to your bed, dropping on your back. He follows you, pouncing on you, plunging into your mouth again like a beast hungered. Bodies melting together like an icicle under the summer blaze, your hands hunt to frisk his skin. Realizing he is yet to undress, you yank at this t-shirt, attempting to liberate him from the offending fabric.
“Tsk, greedy.” he bit your ear, soothing the sting with a kiss. 
“Cruel is what it is.” You huff, like everything he’s doing is not a blissful affair. 
How do men do that? Violently ripping their shirt off and leaving a messy mop of hair in its wake, nevertheless looking like they could walk a runway the next instant. Jungkook was no exception. The moment he pulls his shirt off, you are rendered speechless.
Chiseled chest like the work of an artisan. Droplets of sweat race down the paths traced by the sculpted abs, an intense desire to taste them forming in you. He is a mesomorphic dream who puts Greek gods to shame. Swallowing, you let your hand trace the outline of his pecks, feeling him shudder against your touch.
“Jungkook, please.”
Who was he to deny you?
Leaning up to you with a wicked smirk, Jungkook drops a thick line of spit right on your hardened nipple. The concoction of his cum and spit soaks through the lacy material. A lone finger circles, avoiding the spot that requires the most attention. You arch your back, begging him for more, just more of anything. The wet fabric amplifies the emptiness in your cunt. 
“Aww,” he coos, clearly amused by your neediness, “undo this for me, sweetness. Let me see you.”
Moving at lightning speed, you unhook the bra, swinging it away to a corner of the room. 
“Oh no.” He mock-frowns, veins bulging on his arm as he controls himself. “Look at these tits, fuck.” Mind reeling with ideas, filthy ideas, of all the things he wants to do to you. “You’ve ruined everything else for me.”
You tremble. “Good, so have you. Want you for myself. Want you,” pulling him close, “to do your worst.” you end with a whisper.
Jungkook’s jaw tightens. “Careful what you ask for,” he grits before diving headfirst into your bosom. 
He licks and laves and bites and laps--your breasts are on fire. Continuing his marking spree, new blemishes make an appearance on your torso. Nibbling on one nipple, he pinches the other; pulling moan after moan from you. 
Your hips barely touch the bed, bucking up in response to Jungkook’s sinking teeth into your ample bust. He has decided to not leave an inch without his saliva, and like a man on a mission, covers every part with rapt attention. 
“Yo- You don’t have to--oh holy fuck--you don’t have to, cover me in marks you kno--ohh my go-” The sentence is spastic, piercing mewls breaking your flow of speech and thought. 
“These fucking tits,” roughly clasping your pert breast in his large palm, “they look so much better like this.” The proud smile he shows has not the slightest hint of regret. 
Catching a break, he twiddles your nipples, letting his other hand sit on your covered sex. He is teasing you; you recognize that. Just giving you opportunities to disobey, to take all the pain he has to offer.
It’s a good thing you like the pain.
You slowly roll your hips, trying to grind against his palm, taking whatever help you can get.
A sharp smack lands on your clit, shooting your eyes open - you don’t even know when they closed. Jungkook’s hand is soothing the site of the blow, the pain converting to pleasure under his touch. 
“Patience, sweetness,” the gravely whisper sending tingles down your spine, “such a good girl for me.”
You give him a slight nod - he smacks you again, once, twice, thrice, without a break. Your entrance is smarting, but you want to give him everything. Biting your lips to stop the labored moans escaping, you clench your eyes and savor the burn.
Your show of obedience has Jungkook’s heart thronging. Fuck, he was enjoying toying with you. Playing you like a fiddle. You produce every tone he desires in the form of wanton melodies, he wants to play them over and over again like his favorite song.
“How are we doing?” he asks, a shit-eating grin plastered on him. Before you could answer, his fingers shallowly enter your soaked pussy, still hampered by the cloth. 
“You- fuck, you said I was the tease here?” Your hands are at his wrist, begging to pull the scrap of cloth aside and have his way. 
He comes to face your sopping mound, pausing only to speak “Never said I wasn’t,” and starts pressing soft, feathery kisses. “That day, seeing you dripping in that towel, I dreamt of having these legs around me.”
“I swear, at least take it off - oh Jungkoo-”
Without warning, he kneads your ass and pushes you into his face. 
You feel like you’ve been on the edge for hours. The suckle on your engorged clit along with the abrasion of the lace gets you so close. So damn close. So, so clo-
The tightness in your belly finally snaps and you howl, gushing your vat of arousal onto his face. The high was more intense than you had imagined, so high that you wonder if you will ever find your way back to reality. You feel like a rock in space, aimlessly floating in the vast nothingness.
You dimly notice Jungkook toying with the lacy hem of your panties, pulling it back to snap it against your hip. The sting is soon forgotten, along with your panties flung across the bed, as he parks himself back between your legs.
“You smell incredible.” He approves, taking a long whiff of your honeyed center. “Look at you, so messy.” He licks a long stripe along your crease. “Messy girl, I should clean you up.”
“Wait Jungkook-” you oppose, lids heaving in pleasure. “I need you inside me, please. I can’t take -oof”
Gnawing at your sodden folds, he let his nose press against your clit. “You’re so fucking tight, you think you can take me?” He shakes his head. “Gotta stretch you out, gotta make me fit.” He presses his tongue against your nub, feeling it throb in anticipation. “And I think you can give me one more.” He ends, before invading your drenched channel with two fingers. You are putting up with his torments the best you can; walls fluttering against his lips, legs entwined behind Jungkook’s back trapping him between your thighs. 
“Ah! God - I, I can’t-” Your eyes are screwed shut, hands bunching the sheets in your grasp.
His fingers fluctuate between scissoring motions, their lengths opening you up for him and curling inside, fingertips finding the rough patch inside. He adds a third finger, pussy straining to accommodate them all. Your thighs clench in the burn, and he groans into your pussy at the pressure. Increasing the pace, he pumps into you harder and faster, sucking your puffy lips in tandem. 
“Please, please, harder - let me cum - please oh go-” 
“Fuck yeah baby, your pussy is just sucking me in. You like that? You like me shoving into your cunt?”
“Uungh yes yes I love it!”
“Doesn’t it hurt? Or are you such a slut for pain? Tell me, tell me you’re a pain slut.”
“Fuck, Jungkook, don’t you stop- I am! I am a pain slut! Your pain slut!”
“Goood girrrll,” he husks out. Even though he is taking charge, your words are what control him. “Only mine. My pain slut will come for me now.”
A spray of cum ejects out of you, coating Jungkook’s chest and inundating your legs. The coherent part in you recognizes that you just squirted, but the neanderthal side shuts all recognition of anything that is not Jungkook’s cock. Even after two climaxes, you are hungry to get more. More of him. 
If you don’t fuck him now, you will lose your capability to reason. 
Limbs still heavy and reeling from the ravaging, you pick your pieces and drag Jungkook to the headboard. 
“I’m going to ride you.” you declare and straddle him. 
Jungkook is staring fixedly at your still-leaking cunt. Running his tongue over his lower lip, and licking the remnant syrup of your release. You position yourself, letting the drippage fall directly on his erection. He twitches, eyes still feasting on the mess you are making. 
Finding purchase on his shoulders, you lower yourself. Jungkook’s breath staggers as you drag your inner lips along his hard shaft. You repeat this motion till your fluids drip to his balls. 
“Y/N, I swear to God, if you don’t stop with this-”
“You’ll do what?” you challenge, an eyebrow raised in response to his threat. 
He grabs you by your waist, jerking you up before bringing you down on his dick. Your cunt, creamy from his earlier ministrations, gives no resistance to his hardness. His cock twitches inside as you bottom out. Pulling you closer, he bites your lip and tugs at it. 
“I’ll do this.”
A sharp spank makes you clench around him, the supple flesh of your ass ricocheting in response. 
“Go on baby, ride me.” 
The low-grained command sets you in motion. Slowly gyrating your hips, you feel every ridge of this length inside. Jungkook’s grip on your waist tightens, and you’re sure you will see evidence of it tomorrow. Your grasp on his shoulders isn’t faring any better. 
“You’re so tight, fuck, and so wet. Who made you like this, huh?” A second spank punctuating his question.
“Oh God, you-”, you barely manage to recognize your own voice, “You, Jungkook! Only you!” 
“That’s fucking right, only me.” 
Hips snapping, he meets you halfway. Both of you are lost in each other, lewd sounds of your skin slapping and juices quelching barely muffled by your desperate whines and moans of passion. Eyes locked in like magnets, neither of you could look away. 
Jungkook pulls back a little, slapping your jiggling tit. Your sex clenches, and the following slap has you lodging yourself in the crook of his neck, searching for a reprieve. 
“Want some help?”
One swift move and you are on your stomach, face pushed into a pillow, and ass out. A final spank lands right in the middle, and you can feel it pulsate everywhere. He pushes back into your glistening core, taking control of your pleasure and pain. One hand carding through the nape of your neck, pushing you down, the other hand grabbing your waist and setting the pace. The new angle hits deeper, you feel so full. 
“Jungkoo--unghh I need to cum! Need to- umph- cum so bad!” You are wailing at this point, shame lying somewhere near your flung clothes.
“Fuck, babe, me too. Go ahead and play with yourself, nice and slow.”
It takes a few swipes for the tightness in you to detonate. Tears flood your face as you unravel, your orgasm crashing into you like waves of a tsunami. You clench tight, wetness flows out of your hole as Jungkook pumps in and out, chasing his high. 
He comes undone soon after, ropes of his ejaculate filling your insides. He stays in, plugging you as if to not allow any of it out. But as his member softens, he gives in, turning you on your back to meet his face. 
Butterfly-soft kisses are exchanged after the blazing encounter. He asks you if you’re okay between breaths, a tender murmur you almost miss, as if you weren’t screaming your lungs out moments ago. Nuzzling into his neck, you confirm.
A snort disrupts the silence. Looking up, you see Jungkook chuckling.
In response to your cocked eyebrow, he says “Want to talk about what a freak you are?”
“Want to talk about what a hypocrite you are?”
“Hey, you asked me to spit on you!”
You mock-gasp, hand on chest for the extra effect. “My breasts need medical attention after your attention! Freak!” 
Laughter echoes in the room as you two tumble in the blankets, and you feel his release seeping out of you. Turning to him, you pout, “Your mess is leaking out of me.” 
Jungkook gets up to leave the bed, and you expect a wet towel coming your way. 
What you don’t expect is him parting your legs, gunmetal eyes following the rivulets escaping your abused hole. 
“Your cunt smells so good with my cum on it,” he purrs. 
He gathers the escaping thick liquid and pushes it back into your quivering core. 
Jolting with oversensitivity, you try to stall him but he is fingering you with a vengeance. The ache and soreness soon dispel, bringing forth a new wave of ecstasy. His unrelenting stare concentrates on the mix of fluids on his fingers. With a few strokes on your sensitive bundle of nerves and fingers stuffed inside, you come again, legs shivering and pussy overflowing, his juices intermingled with yours. 
You are dazed; you’ve lost track of everything. The room is spinning in front of you and your body feels like lead. All you can manage is to arch your neck, and plead, “No more, you freak.” 
Jungkook giggles, eyes crinkling in good humor. Ah, the duality of this man is a force to reckon with. You can’t believe this is the same man that fucked you into your bed like a primordial beast. There’s no way you can move anytime soon. 
After a clean-up interval, you are wrapped in each other's arms, melting into the embrace. His musky fragrance putting you at ease, you tuck your in the nook of his neck, basking in the aroma. Hands pressed against his broad chest, exuding warmth for you. His hand cradles your head, snuggling in closer till there is no space to cover. Sweet nothings whispered into each other’s lips, tender kisses exchanged in place of the scorching ones that had passed. You drift in and out of your slumber, fearing the sun would ascend too soon and break you apart. 
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A dim glow from the other end of the bed wakes you up. On turning you find Jungkook, dressed in his now-wrinkled clothes, seated on the edge. His gaze, pensive. You lay a hand on his thigh.
“Oh, did the light wake you?”
The alarm on his face makes you smile. “No, your absence did.” 
The corners of his mouth turned up, eyeing you with softness. 
“I have an early schedule. I didn’t want to wake you, but, ” he lets his palm rest on yours, “I also didn’t want to leave without it.”
Neither of you know how to walk away from this. The silence is deafening, unuttered sentiments hanging in the still air. Jungkook’s chest is heavy. 
This is insane. He wants to lay you against a bed of flowers, treat you like the delicate petal you bear resemblance to, worship your body till the sun succumbs to your blazing passion. How is he to explain that his heart is beating through his chest for someone he knows for mere days? He rifles through his memories for a similar instance. 
He finds none. 
Maybe you don’t feel the same way. Maybe, you are blissfully unaware of the tumultuous emotions lurching in the pit of his belly. He can’t assume you will echo his lovesick needs, but he can’t let go. 
You inch closer. 
Fervid feelings die hard. He probes your eyes searching for an intensity matching his. 
You let your lips convey the answer.
Passionate as ever, you draw him into the kiss. His lashes flutter against your rosy cheeks. At the moment, there is no dominance in him. Almost like his tongue, dragging across your swollen lips, is healing the brutality of last night. If you pull back, he comes after you; an incessant tug of war no player wants to win. 
“Please Jungkook,” you choke between kisses, “Please tell me this isn’t the last of us.”
He is hovering on top of you, the galaxy in his eyes twinkling at your words. 
“Please, I don’t want this to end.” You continue against his lips. Head versus heart, you fought a losing battle; how were you to stall the inevitable? Fueled, you plunge your tongue into him, determined to make your ardor known. The void of ferocity is filled with slow sensuality; like he is the sole reservoir to quench your thirst. 
“Y/N”, he breathes out, “I feel like I know everything about you and nothing about you at the same time.” Resting your foreheads against one another, he continues. “I’m not about to let fate decide when we cross paths again.”
A grin finds your lips. “Destiny really pulled its weight here, didn’t it?”
He wordlessly nods, not wanting to break the tranquility in place. However, it is short-lived; his phone’s ringer makes sure of it. 
“Yeah, I’ll be right down.” Something the speaker says turns Jungkook scarlet red. “I said I’ll be right there!” he yells before ending the call.
“The members are asking why I wasn’t in my room.” he clarifies, waggling his brows.  You join his laughter, happy to have just the simple moment with him. 
After exchanging numbers (and a photo for keepsake), Jungkook presses one last kiss, lips promising to find each other again. Somehow, you don’t say goodbye. You just stare at his disappearing body, confident that the next encounter is not far. 
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Jake is babbling about his night, how he managed to ditch the god-awful party and hang out with some overenthusiastic college-goers who paid for his drinks with their trust fund dough. This is usually the time you ask him if he’s proud of mooching off of children, but today his exaggerated narrative is cracking you up. 
His forehead creases. “What’s up with you today? You haven’t vowed to skin me alive even once.”
“You like it when I threaten bodily harm?”
“I’m kinky like that.”
You just shrug. Erotic images make a fleeting appearance in your mind, but they are interrupted by your flight announcement. 
“Aren’t you glad this is over? You can go back to overworking yourself in your office instead of a hotel!” Jake remarks, throwing his bag over his shoulder. “At least your back won’t break in the travel.”
Thinking over your experience in the city, you confess “Actually, I look forward to returning here.”
A thought slips in, curving your mouth into a smile. You quietly add,
“And yeah, my back was broken all right.”
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Thank you for making it to the end! Please do let me know what you think!
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serenheist · 3 years
What Jungkook is like in a relationship/ Jungkook as a boyfriend Tarot reading
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I was gonna put Jin up first but I finished Jungkook quicker so oops but I’m finally back after 200 years of adulting things
1. How long does it take Jungkook to get into a relationship? 8 of pentacles, 2 of cups, the world Do he prefer long or short term relationships 7 of swords, ace of wands Nelys the alchemist 27 reversed, 5 of swords, 9 of cups reversed 
For an actual relationship and not just dating I think he can take a while if not a long ass time because he’s too much of a perfectionist and will work hard at making sure everything is right before getting into a relationship. I don't know why I’m getting like before things would get “steamy” he would never let them see his body until he worked out enough for his own standards like everything has to be perfected and mastered beforehand. There’s also a reoccurring theme of work getting in the way and even in the beginning stages it’s like he meets up with them does whatever then has to hurry and run back to work and is like “hey I gotta go but I’ll text you later” type of shit. Big focus mostly on career though so it’s hard to tell. But I still think he’s not just sleeping around with just anyone I mean they have to be important if the 2 of cups pops up. I don’t think he’ll get into an actual relationship with someone unless there’s a strong connection. Or at least to him it seems like an important connection.
I gotta say too that the 7 of swords usually screams fuckboi to me but in this case I think the lying and trickery aspect of the card can be taken literally to mean of course he has to lie and sneak around when fans would legit doxx and slit his partners throat if they knew they were together. But anyway in a relationship there’s definitely gonna be extremely strong sexual chemistry I don’t know why this keeps popping up but alright. But one annoying thing is that in a relationship jungkook seems to like fighting in a way. He doesn’t like to lose to anything and will want to win an argument even if it’s petty. There’s also a kind of energy of the other person feeling inadequate sometimes with how much praise he gets from the entire world. It makes the other person feel as exposed since they’re not doing as “well” in the grand scheme of things. And will sometimes not want to compliment him on things because he gets compliments from the entire world this is just day to day petty shit. Another thing is getting into a relationship thinking this person is the one but then realizing over time and all the work you put in was useless cause this is emotionally unfulfilling.
2. Past and present love life king of pentacles, wheel of fortune reversed, queen of pentacles 
Past: bruh his love life in the past is similar to the present. He was mostly focused on building his own career and wealth and love was on the back burner tbh. I think since he has huge goals for himself there was really no time to even do other things. But his love life right now seems like it’s a external long term problem affecting it. And I think he’s learning how to balance his love life and work life right now and just letting things happen and trying to take care of his body and mind.
3. What is he like in a relationship Tobaira of the waters 37 reversed, The glanconer 62 reversed, mother of dawn, knight of pentacles, flashover 11, 6 of swords reversed, addiction 11, envious gluttony 9, is this me? 4
When Jungkook is in a relationship he doesn’t fully feel like he can be emotionally vulnerable and instead will act mischievous and play around to hide behind vulnerability. It can tend to make the other person mad because they never know when he’ll actually be serious because he plays too much sometimes. There’s also playing up to peoples ideas of him. It’s not outwardly tricking people but allowing them to believe what they want and project their fantasies on him. It’s like a weird energy of wanting to rebel but also you feel stuck and want to please them so you don’t let them down. I think he overthinks legit everything and makes things a bigger deal in his mind than what it really is.
Another thing is he could have a tendency to stay with someone even if it’s toxic because of a mix of remembering the good times and also insecurities. There are big vibes of being emotionally stunted like I feel that he’s mentally a teenager still and even though he’s physically different and projects something different. When he’s in a relationship; he still feels like that insecure kid in his head and he can’t escape it. It’s like a false bravado thing going on. There’s a hole that leads to darkness and from that another one that leads to even more darkness. That's dramatic but that’s what it’s like for him. It’s like this emotionally starved monster in his head but in reality the monster is this scrawny young boy who wants to let go and open up but is blocked by himself and running away from his shadow aspects. I do see him though slowly moving towards becoming more open, honest allowing his vulnerable and passionate side out in a healthier way but it might take a while (unless he’s already been working on this) since the knight of pentacles is the slowest knight but he’s also the most stable and loyal.
4. What is his "type" the sage 19 reversed, knight of cups reversed, Jeanne the maid, golden empress, the lovers reversed, 3 of cups reversed 
His ideal type is someone who can come across as aloof, cold, excessively critical. Hey I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt but when I pulled a clarifier I got the knight of cups reversed lolll. Dude likes toxic people apparently. On the surface they might look “normal” but on the inside their inner world is overflowing and they have an abundance of charisma and sexual energy. Honestly that could be a big reason why he likes that. There’s a big dualistic energy in them and appearing the best on surface level but underneath is really unpredictable and has the energy of unrequited love. I think he likes those types of people who don’t fawn over him like he’s the second coming of Jesus tbh. This person doesn’t give 2 fucks and they don’t tell everything up front they’re mysterious and it’s more of a challenge for him. They’re really good at appearing humble and maybe innocent even but that’s just because they know how to woo people really. They’re confident and can convince people of almost anything especially around those in power they know how to present their best self to get what they want.
At first I was confused why your ideal type would be someone that seems manipulative af but it makes sense when Jungkook has a lot of deep dark shit he needs to work on from the other cards. I think it’s a big codependency thing and excitement that someone toxic can bring also the fact that this person is down for anything in the bedroom they’re not ashamed or shy about it. His idea of love is pretty distorted he thinks he needs someone who is as intense as he is but really it would be a bad combination especially with the lovers reversed. I’m getting especially that as long as he keeps going after these types of people, he’s never going to be with his “true love” for a lack of a better term. Basically not be with someone who is actually good for him. There could be third party bs but I’m getting more of an overindulged and addiction energy between both of them. Even if he knows they’re no good it’s just so intoxicating it’s like a damn drug to him and it feeds into his more animalistic side (I have no idea how to articulate this lmao) it’s like possessive nature. This reminds me a lot of the attachment types since there’s a lot of people like this who love a more avoidant person and I feel that Jungkook is probably avoidant himself so this is like home sweet home to him. It puts him in the cat chasing mouse position instead of the other way around. That emotionally unavailable energy is very appealing to a lot of people I guess especially when you’re used to everyone bending over backwards for you.
5. What is his love language: Ta’Om the poet 29 reversed, the bodacious Bodach 59 reversed 
He likes when someone actually does helpful things for him that is useful and not like the annoying meddling energy of just doing stuff for him that he doesn’t want you to do. He also does this for others. So acts of service mostly but you already knew that.
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