#or me a monkey that walks in mine field
olokosomolo · 8 months
Ticks love the mall
• My Ticks are all my world.
• Even though they suck it hard sontine;.
• they give me life.
• Ticks are ticks because of their habits.
• some ticks are a very clean when they suckit, the others can spill my blood all over.
• Some I'll get attach to.
• Ticks makes my thick peak.
• In time they will gets satiate then they detach. • They would leave me with a scar.
• Some will leave me with a small scar, some would LY-ME a BULLS EYE.
• My Likened to whom it may concern everywhere.
• If you survived feeding one, u will survive them all & the-mall
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queuestarter · 9 months
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(finnick odair x reader)
cw: stab wound, vomit, mentions of prostitution, murder, blood, death
link to the request → reader and finnick are in the quell together and reader gets injured. finnick does everything he can to protect her
open to submissions/asks !!
You never expected to be back.
Why would you? After winning the 68th Hunger Games, you thought you were free from the torment, but that was never the case. After winning and gaining the favor of the capitol, you were immediately thrust into the spotlight, being sold off to those who could afford you. You were given a slot each week on television, showing off baking recipes that you had no interest in making. 
And now, your name was called once more from the pool of victors, placing you back to where you started when you were just sixteen years old, only this time with your boyfriend Finnick by your side.
The events of the weeks leading up to the start of the Quarter Quell passed in a blur. Things only start registering with you when you’re finally in the arena, eyes searching frantically around your surroundings to try and figure out what’s going on.
You can see water immediately in front of you with trees just beyond it, which is more than ideal since you’re from District 4. In your first games, you had to trek through fields of tall grass for miles before there was a place to take shelter.
After you find your bearings on the platform, you immediately begin to search for Finnick. You spot him across the water, the distance upsetting you, but Johanna is on your other side which is slightly comforting. 
When the gong sounds, you immediately head for the Cornucopia. You thrived in the bloodbath in your last games and you plan to do so again. Finnick didn’t want you to put yourself at risk, but you have a reputation to uphold. You know the only way that you’re going to get any sponsors is if you put on a show.
Due to your strong swimming skills, you and Finnick get to the golden Cornucopia first. You barely have time to send a smile his way before you’re grabbing weapons- small knives to strap onto your body and a metal spear to hold. You feel a sick sense of satisfaction when you’re forced to use your newly acquired spear on another tribute, proud that you protected Finnick from a man that was going to kill him.
It’s only when you are finally forced away from the Cornucopia by Finnick’s strong hold on your upper arm that you have the time to talk to him. You can tell by the slight frown on his face that he’s not very happy with you.
“What were you thinking? I told you not to go to the Cornucopia.” He’s still holding onto your arm as you make your way through the jungle, Katniss and Peeta in front of you.
You roll your eyes and smile at him. “It’s fine. I’m fine.”
Finnick only frowns at you more. “I’m trying to protect you, here. Something bad could have happened.”
You actually laugh at that. “I know you remember my games, Finn. The Cornucopia was mine in the last games. Don’t worry so much about me.”
He sighs, but drops the subject. The two of you fall silent.
The next few hours are terrible. Peeta’s near death, the acid fog, the monkey mutts that killed the poor morphling from District 6 and claimed your spear. The Quell is moving at a much quicker pace than any of the games have in the past and it’s worrying you. 
Things only start to look up after Katniss uses Wiress’ cryptic words to discover that the arena is set up like a clock.
Finnick, ever inquisitive, says, “I’d like to go to the Cornucopia and watch. Just to make sure we’re right about the clock.” You all decide that it’s a pretty good idea and walk the short stretch over to the golden horn.
The others begin to talk mindlessly as you and Finnick branch off into your own conversation while you patrol the border of the Cornucopia. “It’s interesting that there’s nothing but weapons here this year. They’re really trying to get this over with,” you comment.
Finnick nods. “They want us dead. Good thing we know how to fish,” he smirks.
You shake your head in slight amusement, carefully toeing closer to everyone else. As you get closer to the group, you look up from your feet to see Gloss creeping up on the rock wedges, getting closer to an unsuspecting Wiress.
“No!” You scream, pulling a small dagger from your belt. “Wiress, move!” You try to close the gap between you and her.
But it’s too late. You watch in horror as Wiress’ throat gets easily cut by Gloss. Without much thought, you finish the sprint to Gloss, your blade swiftly leaving your hand and ending up in his neck. His eyes widen as he grabs at the handle but before doesn’t pull it out, instead he jumps towards you.
You almost don’t realize what happens. As Gloss lands on top of your body, the same knife he used to kill Wiress ends up in your lower abdomen. You scream, but in the chaos of trying to kill the rest of the careers along with the rapid shifting of the Cornucopia and surrounding waters, the sound gets lost.
It’s only after Finnick grabs your hand and begins to drag you off the island that the reality settles in. You were stabbed in the abdomen and you are losing blood. You put your hand over the wound and keep walking.
“Are you okay?” Finnick asks you once you are back on the beach. “Are you hurt?”
You debate lying for a second. The last thing anyone needs right now is another injured tribute. Beetee is barely hanging on as it is and Peeta is constantly slowing down the group, there doesn’t need to be another liability. But Finnick knows you and he would know if you lied to him.
“I think Gloss stabbed me,” is what ends up coming out of your mouth. You almost wish you lied when you see Finnick’s reaction.
His face twists up in a look of sheer panic, pupils blowing. His hands run across your body until they meet your own hand, holding firmly onto the meaty flesh of your lower torso. “Here?” He asks, gripping your red fingers. “This is where he got you?”
Tears welling up in your eyes, you nod. You can’t help but feel like a disappointment. You thought you would be able to absolutely dominate in these games based on your last ones, but you completely overlooked the fact that everyone else here is a victor, too.
“Okay, baby, let me look,” he gently commands. His eyes turn even wilder when you shake your head. “I need to look. I can’t help you if I can’t see it.”
Your hand drops from your side. Finnick wastes no time in unzipping your jumpsuit, pulling it below your sports bra and to your hips. He bites his lip as he assesses the damage. With a gentle hand, he prods at the tender flesh. A second later, you push him away and throw up.
You can hear him cursing behind you as you continue to retch. You don’t know why you’re sick, but you know that it cannot be good. 
When your sudden sickness is over and you turn back to Finnick to assure him that you don’t know what that was, that you’re fine, you see the rest of the group staring at you, Katniss hands Finnick a mound of what looks like moss in one hand and a small tube.
“I know this isn’t the best option, but it’ll help. I’m sure someone will send us something better soon,” he sends you a small, still panicked smile.
You just nod your head. You’re embarrassed and tired and you want everyone to stop staring at you. You allow Finnick to lead you to where the spile has been hammered into a tree, rinse your wound, apply the medicine, and pack it with the moss. After a few minutes, you feel as good as new.
“Thank you, Finn,” you smile at him. He wraps his arms around you tightly.
“Of course,” he breathes into your hair. “Anything for you. I can’t believe I almost lost you.”
You press a kiss on his collarbone. “That was nothing. I’m not going anywhere.”
“We need to get out of here. You need a real doctor.”
You nod into his shoulder, not too worried anymore. “Soon.”
“Soon,” he repeats back.
And he keeps his promise. The rest of the plan plays out, although not perfectly. You and Finnick are both evacuated and he makes sure you see a doctor, for both the stab in your stomach and the gash in your arm where you cut the tracker out.
You know there’s still more to do, but you feel safe knowing Finnick will be there to protect you.
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countrymusiclover · 1 year
57 - The Gemini Portland House
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Part 58
Gemini Runaway
Tag list ask to be added @icefrye19 @secretdreamlandmentality
"What could he bloody want with you? You died and became a vampire." Klaus asked, throwing his hands up with us still sitting in the bar confused. 
Tapping my fingers on the counter I eyed the waitress while she dropped her blood into my glass leaving the room once again. "I don't know honestly. The only reason he would want to see me is because I am technically the Coven leader now." 
"Vampire - uh correction heretic nonetheless." He raised a finger towards the ceiling. 
"Still doesn't excuse him from being concerned about his life I suppose." 
He asked, raising a brow. "How so. To me it would seem you are free from the torture you're family has put you through." 
"I have but…" I tilted my head to the side of him. "Now we have to think about our daughters. This doesn't need to turn into a situation with Dahlia." 
He placed his hand on top of mine. "And it won't, love. We will handle this like we do all our other enemies." 
"Hold up we can't just go charging in full force. We have to figure out what he wants and if we sense danger we bolt." I explained intertwining my fingers with his. 
His gaze meets mine. "What are we going to do about our girls?" 
"Just leave them with Caroline. I don't think bringing them with us would be a good idea." I pointed out getting down from my barstool. Klaus laid down a hundred dollar bill following me outside. We strolled through the park nearby seeing a lock of blonde hair blowing around in the wind. 
Missy was going down a slide. Alina and Hope were on the swings then they switched to the monkey bars swinging like crazy. "Mommy!" Missy ran toward us where she jumped up into my arms giggling. 
"Oh hey baby.." I grunted shifting her where she was laying against my chest. 
Klaus walks towards Caroline where I used my vampire hearing their conversation. "Caroline, we need you to watch the girls while we make a trip." 
"Of course. Can I ask why?" She made a face when he pulled her away from the other two kids. 
"Her uncle wants to see her. We're going to go find out why. But we can’t risk him learning of them." He explained tilting his head in the direction of our daughters. 
The blonde vampire tucked hair behind her ear. "Yeah, yeah. I can do that for you guys. Just be safe." 
"Hey little witch, mommy and I have to take a trip. You and your sisters are staying with aunt Caroline." He walked back to me picking up Missy bouncing her in his arms for a few minutes before sitting her on the ground. 
The drive to Portland was silent which makes me uneasy yet not as much as I thought until we pulled up in the driveway. Klaus got out of the car first seeing an empty field in front of us. "Are you sure this is the place?" He sent me a confused glance. 
"Yep. Watch this.." Stomping forward at the edge of the driveway I pressed my hands against the barrier that I could feel. I breathed in slightly before a house was visible in front of us. "See told ya. It's a witch house, remember." 
He clicked his tongue walking up the front porch. I kept looking around with my guard up. He opened the door about to step inside but smacked into the barrier. "Uh Rae!" 
"Let me try…dang it!" I stepped forward trying to siphon it but it knocked me backwards luckily he caught me in his arms. 
"Guess they are serious about no one finding this place. Let's see if someone's here to invite us in." He helped me to my feet where we walked down the stairs holding hands. We circled the grounds for a while until I felt someone watching us. 
Gripping his hand in mine I spun around on my feet creating some fire in my other hand. "Incendia stalker!" 
"I thought we had moved past this whole hating me thing, little niece." I threw the fire ball before someone appeared in front of us shortly after it disappeared. 
Getting in a fighting stance Klaus glared at him. "Unfortunately no, mate. It's rather hard to drop a grudge when someone tries to kill you." 
"You said you wanted to talk, why?" I snapped at him boring my teeth. 
My uncle walked forward dusting his hands off on his shirt. "I wanted to know how the hell we are all still alive. Because as far as I can remember if the leader dies so does everyone else. How is this possible?" 
"Are you dumb, uncle Joshua!" I snapped at him revealing my fangs letting them break through my mouth and the veins appeared under my eyes. "I'm a heretic now. Witch and vampire." 
His eyes scanned over my face where I could see a scowl cross his features. "You aren’t fit to be the leader then..not unless your baby survived. That's how I can sense them…you lied to me." 
"So sorry to disappoint but they didn’t. Let's go, Raelyn." Klaus grabbed me by my arm trying to walk away. 
Uncle Joshua raised his hand, freezing Klaus in his tracks. "Actually I don't think so. Do you take me to be a fool, Mr. Mikaelson. Because I used to be the leader of an entire coven. I can tell when there's a new energy of magic that enters our bloodline. Just like I know Raelyn can." 
"You can't do this to me!" Klaus growled showing him his hybrid face. 
Joshua clasped his hands together coming over to me. "Actually I can. Now either you can tell me the truth and we can do this without violence or I will be forced to take action to find your children." He opened his hands like we did when he shifted the leadership magic into me. 
"Invidia!" Throwing my hand up I made my uncle groan, grabbing his head in agonizing pain. 
He raised one hand where I winced, collapsing onto my knees in pain too. "Pondas!...Don't get cocky, little niece. I know every spell there is. I can be stronger than you." 
Baring my teeth together I managed to push through the pain chanting another spell in his direction,  attempting to remove his magic from his body. "Phasmatos tribum, exum sue, redem su pas quo - ahhh!" 
"Montes!" Uncle Joshua launched me across the yard where my shoulder popped out of its socket until I popped it back in. 
"Per se qui e fratical toi, per se qui e total toi." Doing a barrel roll away from him with my vamp speed I clutched my hands into a fist creating a ring of fire around him. Vamping over to Klaus I grasped his hand in mine siphoning away the spell he had put on him. 
My uncle snapped his fingers undoing my spell. "Solvet. Raelyn, enough of these games. I am looking out for our blood. You may not be linked to the rest of us, but that doesn’t protect the rest." 
"How many times must I say that I don't give a crap about anyone else. My life went to hell because of you, uncle Joshua!" Raising my voice at him the trees around us began swaying like crazy when I clutched my hands into fists at my sides. "You made my mother so scared that she left the family when they called her an outcast. Then you tricked me and my twin brother to Merge without telling us what would happen to one of us. You made me murder my brother and the only way he came to life was because my mother sacrificed her life so we could live together. So you know what I will do, the one thing that scares you the most!" 
Klaus made a move towards me knitting his brows. "Raelyn, what are you about to do?" 
"I'm going to release someone who he is so terrified of, Kai Parker." I snapped my fangs at him. 
Uncle Joshua gasped, stomping up to me. "You wouldn't dare. He is a psychopath  - ah!" 
"Yeah but I am going to find a spell to unlink the ones I do care about. After that then it wouldn't matter to me cause I won't let anyone hurt my daughters!" Holding my hand up I gave him a headache with my magic. 
Joshua scoffed. "You don't know the spell." 
"Wanna bet. I've been inside your head!" I barked back to him. "Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Sanguinem filio, sanguinem effurgarex perpetuum. Phesmatos filio, phesmatos effurgarex perpetuum."  
He threw his hands up. "You may know the spell but the Ascendant is with Jo. Plus you need Bennett blood and a celestial event." 
"Josette trusts me and…" Waving my hand I created the Ascendant in my palm. "I bet there are a few more Bennett witches alive that would be willing to help. So either you stop this hunt for my daughters or I unleash your worst nightmare." 
Joshua attempted to reach and grab it but I tossed it towards Klaus who vamped far away with him playing serious keep away. "Urgh! Raelyn, your daughters are the next generation. Especially the twins. Even by some miracle if you break the Coven tradition you would still be putting them in danger." 
"Not as much danger as long as I stay the hell away from you!" I threatened him waving my hand again making the key to the prison world disappear. 
Klaus looped his fingers through mine where we headed back toward the car. "Can't say it has been a pleasure seeing you again, Joshua." 
"Klaus, is it?" He called making him stop and I turned my head feeling my uncle snap my neck with magic where Klaus caught my body. "I know you will find this hard to believe. But I am doing this to protect my family." 
Klaus vamped forward choking him by the throat. "Ironic thing here Joshua is that I could snap you like a twig without blinking and be perfectly fine. And then walk away knowing my family is safe." 
"But you won't…for her." Joshua attempted to grab his hand choking for air. "You know if you did…she would hate you forever. Cause if I die…then her only family member she…cares for Josette will too." 
Klaus released his grip dropping the older man before he gently lifted Raelyn up into his arms bridal style. "Just know when she finds this unlinking spell you will be the first person I come after for everything you've done to her!" He vamped to the car laying his wife in the passenger seat knowing she would wake up shortly and they would be back with their little girls soon enough. 
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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neopuff · 1 year
title: blades (chapter 2: grateful) (click for chapter 1) word count: ~1900 ship: six/holiday summary: Six learns about his magnablades all over again. ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47419594/chapters/119493331
“So let me get this straight: we’re all infected with nanites, except for you, because we tried to kill each other and you got trapped in an electromagnetic explosion. And you can’t ever leave your little germ-free box without risking exposure, is that right?”
White Knight nodded.
“And my new partner is, what, the teenager? We fight mutants together and he can turn them back to normal?” Six crossed his arms over his chest. “This can’t be real.”
“It’s real, Six. And they’re called EVOs, not mutants.”
“Who came up with that? It sounds stupid.”
White sighed. “I don’t know. Dr. Holiday could probably tell you. Try to focus on the important details.”
“Like the fact that you and I clearly haven’t been friends in years, and now I spend all my time with a woman I’m not even sleeping with and a kid who isn’t mine. Those details?”
White Knight could feel a headache coming on. He’d forgotten how annoying Six used to be - though they’d gotten along back then, it was only for short bursts at a time. “Dr. Holiday and Rex.”
“You don’t expect me to remember that. There’s no way I’m staying here, Knight. We’re wearing monkey suits, for Christ’s sake. And where’s my katana?”
“Give it a day, Six. There’s always EVOs running amok somewhere, we can send you out in the field with Rex and you’ll see if they can keep your interest.”
“Fine. And my katana?”
“It’s in your room. Holiday can take you-” White paused, interrupted by the smirk that appeared on Six’s face. It’d been so many years since he last saw this behavior in Six that he’d forgotten how single-minded the man used to be. “Nevermind. I’ll show you where it is.”
“I’d be fine with her,” Six responded with a clear thought in mind. “Are you sure I haven’t hit that? Really?”
“I cannot stress enough how we don’t talk about this kind of thing anymore.”
Six scoffed. “She couldn’t be more my type. I could see her being a reason to stick around in this place.”
White felt his headache getting worse and worse every second. “Look. Once you’ve experienced her…personality, you may change your tune.”
“A shining endorsement from you.”
“Forget it. Just get to your room and then back to the lab, I wasn’t kidding about there always being EVO problems. Just got an alert.”
Six gave his de facto boss a sarcastic two-finger salute. “Lead the way, partner.”
When Six left the room to have a private, informative conversation with White Knight, Holiday stood there uncomfortably with Rex, Bobo, and Caesar trying to figure out what to do next. Six would still be as skilled without his memories, sure, but he was so different. In just two minutes, he’d proven himself to be a hotheaded asshole with no sense of personal space.
She walked over to Six’s magnablades that were still laying on the floor. Holiday picked them up carefully, her head swimming with thoughts that the magnetic pulse they emitted could’ve been part of the problem. That didn’t make Six’s amnesia her fault, but she didn’t understand why he’d pulled out his swords to begin with. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was going to attack Rex.
That didn’t make sense. Though White Knight’s orders were just as confusing. There was no way White would explain himself and now Six wasn't able to. Great.
Holiday held the swords to her chest and sighed. She’d just keep these with her until he needed them back. 
If he ever needed them back.
Six had had quite the day. It was stressful and upsetting and life-altering and he wasn’t sure if he’d made the right decision - but he was sticking to it.
Knight hadn’t been particularly convincing earlier in the day, and he’d been right about Holiday’s personality not matching her looks. But Rex’s trust in him made Six change his mind. He was going to give this place a shot, if only to become the man he used to be. The man who saved lives instead of taking them and built trusting, close relationships with people he cared about rather than keep everyone at a distance.
It was going to be an adjustment.
He’d also found out through Rex that his face was recently plastered all over TV for some weird news show - so going back to his old job permanently would’ve been difficult. His life of secrecy was pretty much destroyed the moment that went on the air.
Six spent a few hours after Rex destroyed his brother’s machine getting better acquainted with Providence and how it operated. He learned more about nanites and mutations and Rex than he probably needed to know, but it was better to know too much than too little. He wanted to be prepared for whatever he’d be facing.
After a quick bite to eat, Six headed back to his room (or dorm, or apartment, or whatever they called them). He’d looked around it earlier and was surprised by the size - less surprised by the lack of personal effects. He had his clothes, his weapons, his sunglasses, and some medication in the bathroom. At least he had his own bathroom, he supposed. Could’ve been worse.
He typed in the key code that Knight provided and raised a curious eyebrow as the door slid open: the lights were already on and Dr. Holiday was standing in front of his dresser holding something.
She turned to him with a light blush on her cheeks, looking like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar. “Six. I didn’t expect you back so soon.”
Six absolutely couldn’t help himself from smirking and leaning casually against the wall. “Do you usually let yourself into my room whenever you want?”
Holiday stared at him for a second before turning away and sighing deeply. The action made Six feel like he’d done something wrong - he wasn’t the one who was trespassing in someone else’s bedroom. Even if she used to spend a lot of time in his room, he would have no way of knowing that now.
“No, I don’t.” She held her arms across her stomach and pouted, looking around the room. “I just wanted to bring you your magnablades.”
“My what?” Six stepped closer and realized that was what she placed on his dresser. He hadn’t seen them before, and upon closer inspection he noticed they were swords with a particularly unique design. “Since when have I used these?”
Holiday shrugged. “I made them for you a couple years ago.”
“You made them for me?” He picked them up and squeezed the handles, fascinated by how nicely they fit into his hands. She definitely wasn’t lying, they felt like they were made just for him. “Why?”
“You were training Rex and sometimes his builds would go haywire.” She reached out and laid her hands on top of his, pushing the two swords together. “When connected, the blades emit a magnetic pulse that can move certain metals out of your way.”
Six stared down at their hands, then up at her face. Though she’d annoyed him earlier in the day, he decided at that moment that he liked listening to her talk. She had a pretty voice and what seemed to be a brilliant mind. So maybe she was a little stuck-up, that wasn’t exactly a dealbreaker. 
Also…he had a feeling that Knight was wrong about them. These swords seemed like a romantic gift, if Six had to guess. Plus she knew the code to get into his room. That was definitely a relationship kind of thing. Wasn’t it? 
She turned to look back at him, and Six could feel his heart pounding in his head as he stared into her eyes. If they hadn’t been in a relationship, that would mean he worked side-by-side with this woman for half a decade without cracking. Without even so much as kissing her? How?
“It’s Rebecca, right?” he asked suddenly. “Dr. Rebecca Holiday.”
Holiday removed her hands from his and shoved them in her white coat pockets. “Right. And of course your full name is…”
He smirked, placing the magnablades back down on the dresser. “Six is all I’ve got.”
“Of course it is.” Holiday rolled her eyes. She knew that wouldn’t work and she didn’t even know what she’d do with the information if Six gave it to her.
Six liked that she asked, though. It meant she still had some interest in him, after all. He’d learned throughout the day that his older self had been much more mature and calm about his undeniable feelings for the doctor, and that she seemed to prefer the kind of man who didn’t throw her a line every other sentence. Which was also going to be an adjustment, because he really wanted to tell her things she deserved to be told. She might not appreciate all of it, though.
Instead, unable to completely hold himself back, Six turned to her and asked, “Did I ever tell you you’re beautiful?”
Her cheeks turned bright red and she rolled her eyes again, arms huddling tighter around herself. “You’ve said it a few times today, thanks.”
“No, I mean…before today,” he added. “You give me checkups, you build me swords, you do who knows what else for me. I know this can’t all be in your job description.”
She sighed again. “I don’t do this work for compliments. It needed to be done, so I did it.”
“So that’s a no.”
“It’s a it-doesn’t-matter. You’re - well, you were…or, well, you… are my friend, Six.” Holiday was stumbling over her words like a teenager. “You being here for me and Rex is reason enough for me to help you.”
Six stared at her as she spoke, trying to ignore how cute she looked when she muttered. 
Friend, friend, friend. He’d never been much for friends. He’d never considered any of the Numbers to be his friends, not even Five. White was probably the closest he’d ever had, and even that friendship was pretty on-and-off. But here, in this room, stood a woman that felt like a pillar of kindness and generosity, and she was referring to him as her friend. It was absolutely baffling. He must have become a truly amazing person in those missing six years to justify a relationship like this.
"I appreciate the sentiment," he responded, "but I like to think I'm more grateful now than I used to be."
"Excuse me?"
Six leaned forward, a little in her space again but God did he enjoy being in her space. She smelled really good. "Anything you need, Dr. Holiday, just let me know. Anything at all."
Holiday blushed again, not as obviously this time, and pressed her hand into his shoulder blade to push him away from her face. "If I come up with something, I'll tell you, alright?"
She headed towards the door and Six watched her walk away with a satisfied smile on his face. "And feel free to visit anytime. My door's always open for you."
Holiday sighed again and left the room without another word.
Six stared at his closed door for a few seconds, then turned to grab his fancy new swords. He really wanted to play around with these. Maybe Rex wouldn't mind going toe-to-toe again.
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felikatze · 10 months
man. i just had. a dream of all time for sure.
like in my dream. i was siffrin. which is not too unusual since i'm never myself in dreams (all my dreams are usually in third person, even when i'm me in them) and have been playing insane amounts of isat. and i (or sif, i guess), had a job as like, monster exterminator? and they lived in this super depressing town, in a shitty tiny house, ans his only joy was getting zucchini from a communty garden, except he had to physically restrain himself from tearing apsrt the plant.
this apparently continues for some loops, because i see them go to the garden a couple times. at some point they get accosted by two gruff monkeys (like, literal chimpanzees wearing shirts), and one of them holds him by the collar and goes off at them for trapping everybody in a timeloop, and only he (the monkey man) can tell, and his brother (the other monkey man) cannot, and then he gestures angrily into the distance and says like, "That's why we're out here, and not in that tower." (there is a wizard tower, presumably where the monkey men lived.) Siffrin cries a little bit and then wakes up in his shitty house to discover the toilet broke.
anyway, so they go inside this huge fucking apartment building, and enter an apartment with just like, my family, in it. my mom and dad and sibling. and then it's hanging out. except remember the monster exterminator part. because my dad turns into this giant meaty goop monster, like a fusion of mitty from made in abyss and nothing there from lobcorp. giant meat mound tearing up the place.
and as monster exterminator, sif TRIES to fight my monster dad, except their itty hitty knife doesn't do much. so he calls for help from a monster extermination hotline, except the line is busy, and expected wait time is half an hour. i remember at one point in this whole dream debacle (i, or sif, or whoever our esteemed protagonist is) gets a whatsapp message asking for help on a school assignment (very normal occurence for me) and just texts back I HAVE BIGGER PROVLEMS RIGHT NIW like with more typos and everything, because of the whole running for their life thing.
so sif, my mom, and my sister escape, and run outside. it's suddenly no longer the trash city, but the actual street i live in. the three run away from My Actual House until the street turns into a field (it does not, in real life), and they come across a former classmate and friend of mine (have not seen her in two years), who apparently was the one to text me (she obviously was not, but the dream wanted continuity), and she walked the opposite direction TOWARD meat monster papa. sif told her that, but she ignored him, and kept walking.
then, the trio comes upon a steep hill. down the hill is a fucking train station in Stinky City (if you know, you know), because of course it is. the three roll down the hill to the train station, at which point in the dream i'm myself again, because i suddenly have both of my backpacks on me, and also my mom is gone. my sister and i stand at the station and try to figure out which train i need to take (it's a wild jumble of train lines i'n actually familiar with), and i realize one of my backpacks has the tv remote in it, so i hand it to my sibling and enter the next train.
the train is packed, and everyone inside is glaring at me, but i do find an empty seat, sit down, and then i wake up.
other things that featured in this dream, for some fucking reason
hikari from octopath 2 holding a musical number in his flamenco dancer outfit, making this the third musical dream i've ever had
oh, also, after i woke up, i went back to sleep, because i woke up at 7am, and only have to get up at 9 today. so in my SECOND dream, it was isat again, except actually in dormont, except the colors were inversed like the house. sif wakes up, and is frantic, because what the fuck happened? so he runs thru town, and eventually finds bonnie, who doesn't recognize them? and then bonnie says, like, that siffrin must be a result of their wish, because bonnie is to be crowned king of vaugarde (???) but doesn't want to, and wished for somebody else to do it.
and then i woke up, again. wild. thanks dreams. i can feel the new insomnia era creeping up on me already.
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rainestorm2556 · 11 months
Those moments when you’re autistic but most people don’t
So to summarize:
I’m in high school
My school has an hour lunch and events are often held during 2nd half because first half is an intervention period if you need help
Today during 2nd half there was pumpkin painting for $1
A week ago I had a field trip to a local college and my friend bought me a stuffed monkey with her dad’s credit card
That’s the backstory… now here’s my story:
When the bell rang for second half I left my monkey with my friends friend. I figured I would be back before lunch was over so my friend and I walk over to where they doing the painting and we just have a good time painting our little pumpkins, but when we get back after lunch is over, my monkey is gone, but we figure that one of our friends took it for safekeeping. So I go through fifth period and my autistic ass is already stressed out thinking that like my teacher finally got that off and just abandoned us because the poster on her door doesn’t have her last name and I know she wouldn’t abandon us and just leave us with a sub for the rest of the year but I still thought that anyways. But I do my work as fast as I can without the necessary reading and I meet up with a friend I painted with at the restrooms. We walk to our final class together because we have the same class and we decide to touch our friend who we think is the monkey to see if she does.
When we get into the class, we see some guys with a monkey and he’s wearing the same sweatshirt that mine has and I immediately think it’s mine because why wouldn’t I. I got a hold of the monkey and I look at his foot, which is dirty, and I know that my monkey’s foot is dirty, even though he’s brand new. So I told him he’s my monkey but they don’t believe me. The thing is though I bring that monkey to every class with me every day so all my teachers know him. I let them have it because they’re just trying to start a thing. But my stress goes off the rails. I did not realize how attached I am to that monkey we gave him a full name. We named him Chim-Chim Chuck Norris Peña-Law.
The class goes by and I’m just realizing more and more that this is my monkey. I can’t focus because I am seething with rage and very stressed and anxious and I want to cry. I told my friends and they know it’s mine because the guys excuse just does not check out. He claimed that he had the monkey from when he was six years old that cannot be possible because even if he was gentle with it, there is no way that the monkey would be in that good of a condition. Also stores restock what they have every few months and change it up so there’s no way he could’ve had it that long. Furthermore only two groups from our school went to the college. The program my friend is in the program I’m in. My friend did not recognize this boy or his friends from any of her classes.
The way programs at our school work though or that you will have classes with people who are in the same program as you so you can build relationships with them. And if neither of us recognize them from our programs, that meant that they did not go to the college, we ask them where they got the monkey, but they said they did not know. The class goes on and I’m just stressed because I just want my monkey back. I even tell them “Look, can I just have my monkey back? I’m not asking for a lot.” And as I say this, I am on the verge of genuine tears. You don’t take away in autistic person’s comfort item. They can, and will have meltdowns from it. It’s not their fault, but it’s just the way their emotions run so high and the way they get so stressed after being deprived of this item that they just know comforts them.
Even after I get it back though, the stress does not go away. Why? It’s just not that simple for an autistic person. This could apply to people in general but I’m just basing this off my own experiences. It’s like you know you have nothing to be stressed over but that does not change the fact that you are still stressed. Afterwords we leave the class to go do our daily annoying of that French teacher. He’s cool, so he just lets us hang in his room for like a few minutes after school. We just stand there and stare at him until he breaks the silence. My friend and I talk about it some more, and our other friend leaves to go to her college class which is offered at the school.
 We leave the French classroom and I walk with her to her car. We talked about how we knew it was my monkey all along and how I’m still stressed. She’s autistic too so she understands what I’m going through. She says that she hates that feeling we talk and I have respiratory issues so I don’t go all the way to her car with her because our school is on a hill so it’s difficult on my lungs so then I turn around and walk over to where I wait for my sister to pick me up.
She picks me up with her boyfriend you say drop me off at home, and I throw something away for her and then I put my backpack in my room after eating two small brownies and I almost leave but I decided to get my blanket first. While I’m at my bad, I decide to grab my chocolate milk cow pillow pet, my grumpy cat in a red tutu and crowned that says “NO!” Stuffed animal, and the monkey. I then lay down on the couch and I get all comfy in my blanket. Set a timer for 30 minutes so I can just relax and then I play Upside Down by Jack Johnson.
After that, I am no longer as stressed. That song feels very nostalgic for me. I am very lucky to have friends who understand what I’m going through. Once the song was done, I started writing this post.
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heart-leeb-oh · 1 year
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Not everyone is going to like you and that is okay. Not everyone is going to get your humor and that is okay. Not everyone is going to want to sit by you at lunch and that is okay. That. Is. Okay. Because just for today, repeat after me, it is Not About Them. You need to be right with Jesus and yourself first, then expand your scope. Be ruthlessly loving towards your soul, dive into the amazing creation that is you-yourself-in-all-your-youness and then come up out the other side, ready to go. Look at yourself in the morning, fix your eyes and heart firmly on the Big Picture, then walk out into the mission field of your life fully confident in your God that He will direct your steps and words. Jesus conquered death and slayed sin for all of us - the sarcastic, the timid, the meek, the pompous, the silly, the haters, the hated, the jerks, and the sweethearts. He loves the crap out of the sinners and bless your heart and mine, that's us. We are all of us wretched ratchet souls scrambling about in the dirt instead of reaching for the stars so let's start changing our focus, stop the awfulness, start the lovingness, and stop worrying so much about what THEY are doing because THEY is US and WE need to just love the crap out of everyone we meet, even we aren't huggers (and I'm really not, tall music monkeys aside). You are of infinite worth, so go and act like you are somebody worth loving worth fighting for worth dying for worth living for worth changing the universe for because that's what God did when He made you. All of history is divided into two bits - before you came along and after you showed up so since you have none percent control over the first part what are you doing to make the second part amazing?
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abellinthecupboard · 2 years
Monkey & Bear
Down in the green hay, where monkey and bear usually lay, they woke from a stable-boy’s cry. He said: “someone come quick — the horses got loose, got grass-sick — they’ll founder! Fain, they’ll die.” What is now known by the sorrel and the roan? By the chestnut, and the bay, and the gelding grey? It is: stay by the gate that you are given. And remain in your place, for your season. And had the overfed dead but listened to the high-fence, horse-sense, wisdom… “Did you hear that, bear?” said Monkey, “we’ll get out of here, fair and square: they left the gate open wide! “So, my bride, Here is my hand, where is your paw? Try and understand my plan, Ursala. My heart is a furnace, full of love that's just, and earnest. Now. You know that we must unlearn this allegiance to a life of service, and no longer answer to that heartless hay-monger, nor be his accomplice — (the charlatan, with artless hustling!) But Ursala, we’ve got to eat something, and earn our keep, while still within the borders of the land that man has girded, (all double-bolted and tightfisted!), until we reach the open country, a-steeped in milk and honey. Will you keep your fancy clothes on, for me? Can you bear a little longer to wear that leash? “My love, I swear by the air I breathe: Sooner or later, you’ll bare your teeth. “But for now, just dance, darling. C’mon, will you dance, my darling? Darling, there’s a place for us; can we go, before I turn to dust? My darling there’s a place for us. “Darling. C’mon will you dance, My darling? The hills are groaning with excess, like a table ceaselessly being set. My darling we will get there yet.” They trooped past the guards, past the coops, and the fields, and the farmyards, all night, till finally, the space they gained grew much farther than the stone that bear threw, to mark where they’d stop for tea. But, “Walk a little faster, and don’t look backwards— your feast is to the East, which lies a little past the pasture. “When the blackbirds hear tea whistling they rise and clap. Their applause caws the kettle black. And we can’t have none of that! Move along, Bear; there, there; that’s that.” (Though cast in plaster, our Ursala’s heart beat faster than monkey’s ever will.) But still, they had got to pay the bills. Hadn’t they? That is what the monkey'd say. So, with the courage of a clown, or a cur, or a kite, jerking tight at its tether, in her dun-brown gown of fur, and her jerkin of swansdown and leather, Bear would sway on her hind legs; the organ would grind dregs of song, for the pleasure of the children who’d shriek, throwing coins at her feet, then recoiling in terror. Sing, “dance, darling. C’mon, will you dance, my darling? Darling, there’s a place for us; can we go, before I turn to dust? My darling, there’s a place for us. Darling. C’mon, will you dance, my darling? You keep your eyes fixed on the highest hill, where you’ll ever-after eat your fill. O my darling…dear…mine…if you dance, dance, darling, and I'll love you still.” Deep in the night shone a weak and miserly light, where the monkey shouldered his lamp. Someone had told him the bear’d been wandering a fair piece away from where they were camped. Someone had told him the bear had been sneaking away, to the seaside caverns, to bathe; and the thought troubled the monkey, for he was afraid of spelunking down in those caves. Also afraid what the village people would say, if they saw the bear in that state— lolling and splashing obscenely well, it seemed irrational, really, washing that face; washing that matted and flea-bit pelt in some sea-spit-shine— old kelp dripping with brine. But monkey just laughed, and he muttered, “When she comes back, Ursala will be bursting with pride— till I jump up! Saying, ‘You’ve been rolling in muck! Saying, ‘You smell of garbage and grime!’” But far out, far out, by now, by now— far out, by now, Bear ploughed, Because she would Not drown: First the outside-legs of the bear up and fell down, in the water, like knobby garters, Then the outside-arms of the bear fell off, as easy as if sloughed from boiled tomatoes. Low’red in a genteel curtsy, bear shed the mantle of her diluvian shoulders; and, with a sigh, she allowed the burden of belly to drop, like an apronful of boulders. If you could hold up her threadbare coat to the light, where it’s worn translucent in places, you’d see spots where, almost every night of the year, Bear had been mending, suspending that baseness. Now her coat drags through the water, bagging, with a life’s-worth of hunger, limitless minnows; in the magnetic embrace, balletic and glacial, of bear’s insatiable shadow— Left there! Left there! When bear Left bear; Left there, Left there, When bear stepped clear of bear. (Sooner or later you'll bury your teeth)
— Joanna Newsom, Ys (2006) (X)
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Okay soooo I know that Oberyn is your fave, so I'm going to request our sex god of a Prince. "You'll have to make me." "Oh, is that so?" *evil laugh here* Can't wait to see what my bestie boo comes up with
A/N: I’m in love with Oberyn Martell so thank you for indulging me. :D ILY 
Thank you for every reblog, comment, and like. 
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x F! Reader (Little Sparrow) x Ellaria Sand 
Warnings: 18 + Only (Language, domesticity, oral F! receiving, mentions of sexy times) 
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Lemon Tarts 
You stood across from the three little girls, their hands on their hips, just like their father. “Obella, Dorea, Loreza,” you stern your expression, “which of you did it?” 
“What do you mean, Mama?” Dorea asks with a grin; oh, the sly viper had taught his daughters well. Ellaria giggles behind, and you turn to stick your tongue out at her. “Mommy, is she well?” 
“Your Mama is quite well, my love, but she wants to know which of you naughty girls took the lemon tarts from the kitchen?” They look conspiratorially between each other, and you bite your lip to stop the smile that threatens to show. “Come now,” she demands, “Which one of you did it?” 
“It’s a secret,” Loreza whispers giggling, and you drop to your knees, seeing the weak link in the chain with the youngest. 
“What’s the secret, my sweet Dove?” You twirl her dark curls behind her ear, and she leans into your hold, reaching out to hug you. 
“Papa, said we couldn’t tell,” she whispers in your ear, and the smile breaks out across your face. “We caught him in the kitchen eating the tarts, and he shared one with us. He made us promise not to tell.” You giggle and hold her tighter to your chest, standing with her in your arms, her legs wrapping around you like a monkey. 
“Loreza! Papa told us not to tell!” Obella scolds, and you look over at Ellaria with a grin. 
“It seems like Papa has been getting into my sweets; what shall we do to him? I think he will need to be punished for getting into things he shouldn’t be.” You let Loreza down with a kiss on her head, and Ellaria giggles and winks at you. 
“Yes, I think a punishment is in order; why don’t you go find him? He is in the training yards with the girls.” You nod and go over to grab your shawl and wrap it around your shoulders, the rain outside sending a slight chill through the palace. Obella holds your dress and pulls you down to her level, “what’s wrong, my darling?” 
“Please, don’t tell Papa we said anything. We don’t want him to be angry with us,” her tiny voice shakes and she looks close to tears. 
You wrap her in a big hug, “Don’t worry, my darling, your secret is safe with me.” She nods, hugging your neck tighter, which you eagerly return. Each day the girls get older, and one day, they won’t want hugs and cuddles; you must take advantage of it as long as you can. You let go and rise, leaning down to kiss Ellaria gently, smiling when she takes your bottom lip between her teeth and pulls. 
“Make him pay Little Sparrow, he must know how angry you are with him. Don’t let him persuade you away with his flowery words and gentle touch.” You give her another quick kiss and a smile walking over to the training fields. 
You follow the sounds of grunts and groans, watching from the upper deck at the fighters below. Nym and Obara spar in the center a deadly and delicate dance of quick footwork and fists. “Dive Nym!” Oberyn shouts from the corner, “you must be ready to anticipate her every move. Don’t let the fact that she is your sister distract you from your goal.”
Nym watches Obara closely as she circles her like a predator viewing its prey. “Now,” Oberyn coaches, “strike!” You hold your breath as Nym gets a grip on her sister and swings her to the ground, her hands coming out to brace on either side of her head, wrists pinned down. “GOOD! Well done!” he claps his hands together and walks over to the table to drink a sip of wine and pops a few berries into his mouth. 
You clap your hands together, and all three pairs of eyes slowly look up to watch you leaning over the railing. “Well done, girls! You have become such fearsome warriors; you bring such glory to your family, my loves.” They smile at you and mumble, “Thank you, mama”, under their breath, both shy with the praise. 
“What about me, Little Sparrow?” Oberyn shouts up at you with a smile, “no compliments for the one who trains them? You glare down at him, and his smile drops, a worried expression growing on his face. 
“You are in trouble, Oberyn Martell,” he freezes, his eyes widening; you only used his name when you were cross with him. “I know your secret, and I am here to make you pay.” 
“And what pray tell, is this indiscretion I’ve committed, my love?” The girls look between the two of you and quickly realize this is something they don’t want to miss. It takes everything you have not to giggle when they walk over to the table and grab a glass of wine and watch between the two of you like a drama at the theater. 
“It would seem that the lemon tarts I’ve spent hours baking are all gone. You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?” To his credit, he does look concerned for a moment before he slips on that charming smile, the one you can’t possibly resist. 
He gives a nervous chuckle and rubs the back of his head, “I wouldn’t know anything about that Little Sparrow; maybe some snakes got into the kitchen and took off with your treats. Come down here, and we can talk about it further.” He flicks his wrist down to the spot in front of him, and you scoff. 
“You’ll have to make me.” 
“Oh, is that so?” You nod, and he sighs, removing his outer coat and leaving him shirtless; the golden chain around his neck glistens, his sun-kissed skin making you weak. The girls quickly stand, taking their cups and leave out the side door. “If you won’t come to me, then I guess I will need to come to you.” He walks over to the large column and begins to scale the wall, hands intertwined in the wild ivy growing around the stone. 
“Are you out of your mind?!” you step closer to the column, reaching a hand out for him. 
He stops before your outstretched hand and puts a hand to his chest with a dramatic sigh, “my Little Sparrow, love of my life, please forgive me for eating your delicious lemon tarts. They were positively perfect; I couldn’t resist.” 
You put your hands on your hips knowing precisely what he’s doing. “Are you doing something rather dangerous so that I won’t be cross with you anymore?” He grins, and you scoff, “you’re insane; I should have married the baker’s son. Then I could have had lemon tarts, and a sane man warm my bed every night!” You yelp as he swings a leg over the banister and turn, running down the hall, Oberyn hot on your heels. 
You turn the corner and barrel past servents who giggle as you make your way back in the direction of Ellaria and the girls. The youngest giggle when you scream around the corner, coming to stand behind Ellaria. Oberyn grasps the table and fakes left and right, trying to anticipate your every move. “Papa!” Loreza shouts, watching, “what are you doing?” 
He laughs, reaching for you as you move out from behind Ellaria and try to sneak past him. “It doesn’t seem like your quest has been successful, Sparrow,” Ellaria teases, looking up at you from her book. “It seems like our Prince has the upper hand right now.” You try to run past him, but he grabs you with a shriek and tosses you over his shoulder. 
“I’m sorry little ones, but Mama thought it was a good idea to tease Papa.” You hit his back, and he slaps your ass. 
“What did Mama tease you about?” Ellaria smiles behind the hand covering her mouth, and you try to look around him to flip her the bird. 
“She said she wished she’d married someone else besides Papa. Can you believe that, my little Princesses?” You can’t see the girls, but their shrieks of laughter make you smile. 
“That’s silly!” Dorea jumps up and down, “Papa is the best man there is!” 
You can hear the smile in his voice, “thank you, Princess Dorea, now Papa has to go and remind Mama why she married him, and not,” his voice drops an octave, “some baker’s son.” He turns and you lift your head, reaching a hand out to Ellaria, who shakes her head with a laugh. 
“See you later, my love,” she shouts with a wave, the little girls waving goodbye as they jump around and giggle. 
There is not much dignity when you’re carried over your lover’s shoulder to be punished, and you try to avoid eye contact with everyone you pass—sighing in relief when the doors to your chamber close behind him, yelping as he tosses you on the bed. Oberyn stands above you, still shirtless, still handsome, but with a darkened glint in his eyes. 
He reaches out for you and quickly undresses you, peering down at you with a hunger that no lemon tart would satisfy. He spreads your legs, his big hands sliding up your thighs. “What was it you said, Little Sparrow?” your breath catches as he settles himself before your juicy cunt, “you should have married the baker’s son, so you could have all the lemon tarts you wanted an a-” he draws one thick finger through your folds. “-a sane man warm your bed? Let me remind you what that baker’s son could not do for you, my love.” 
He spends the next several hours reminding you why you chose to be with him over all others. His devotion to your body is unmatched as he makes you cum with his tongue, fingers, cock, and all over your chambers. There’s a pleasant ache between your legs, and the perspiration glows on your skin. The moonlight streams through the open window. Oberyn’s weight is comfortable as his arm is slung across your waist, lips kissing a trail down your shoulder and back up to your ear. “I think we broke our record,” he teases, sucking your ear lobe into his warm mouth. 
You turn and smile, giving him a languid kiss, “yes, you seemed to be quite motivated.” 
“Can you blame me?” he kisses the end of your nose, “you told me you wished to marry another. You’re mine; I needed to prove it.” You giggle and kiss him again, both of you turning when the door swings open. Ellaria walks inside, and you are struck with how gorgeous she is, her breasts spilling over the edges of her dress like a delicious wrapped present. 
“I have a gift for you,” she smiles, presenting a plate from behind her back, a single lemon tart in the center. “The girls and I have been working for hours, trying to get it just right.” 
You clap your hands, not caring that the sheet slips down your body as you coo in delight. “I can’t wait to taste it!” She grins and hands you the dish, your mouth watering as she strips out of her clothes and pulls the sheet away. Her necklace and bracelets click as she spreads your legs and settles between them, Oberyn reaching a hand out to palm your breast. You take a bite of the tart and moan at the perfect combination of tart and sweet, but the moans quickly turn to something else as Ellaria licks your pussy. 
“Wh-what are you d-doing?” you stutter the crumbs from the tart sprinkling down your chest, Oberyn eagerly surging forward to lick and suck them from your skin. 
“Our Prince got to remind you why you chose him, but I wanted to make sure you truly know what you would be missing if you married that Baker’s son. See, I even made you lemon tarts,” she smiles before resuming her kitten licks on your clit, her nails trailing over your hips. 
And fuck, do you never forget. 
Taglist: @chicken-ona-stick @agirllovespancakes @ghostwiththemostbitch @the-purity-pen @paintballkid711 @wasicskosgirl @fantasticcopeaglepasta @sarahjkl82-blog @boxdyeblonde @rosiefridayrogersunday @yeah-seems-legit  @mimimi-stuff  @ladyblogger-margie @memyselfandellasworld @peterhollandkait @itspdameronthings @emmy626 @luv-nd-serenity @randomness501  @littlebopper96 @alexmarie29 @hell-is-my-second-home666 @thisshipwillsail316 @madslorian @no-droids-on-sunday @glixxr @sfr99 @pedro-pastel @we-can-be-himbos  @sleep-tight1 @sarhabee @its--fandom--darling @im-an-adult-ish @princess76179 @demoncrypt1066 @jedi-mando @idreamofboobear @aerolanya @rebelliouscat @veracruz-djarin @marvelprincess1994 @thirstworldproblemss @spacelatinoss  @martellthemandalor @kesskirata @waatermelon-sugaar @jitterbugs927 @helga1031  @greeneyedblondie44 @mamacitapascal @oldstuffnewstuff @yespolkadotkitty @heythere-mel @justanotherblonde23 @artsymaddie @anetteaneta @aellynera @lucifer- @houseofthirst @phoenixhalliwell @lunarthoughts
Pedro Pascal Taglist: @lycheemi @purplepascal042 @poubxlle @dreamer-101 @thewayofthemandalorian @omlwhatamidoinghere @linkpk88 @josepedropascal @mrschiltoncat @mrsparknuts @zannemes @xjaywritesx @mandocrest @petersunderoos96 @notabotiswear @mando-amando @lv7867 @mudhorn-djarin19 @ka-x-in @sleep-tight1 @freeshavocadoooo @dinner-djarin @mssbridgerton @prideandpascal @theflightytemptressadventure @notabotiswear @Pintsizemama @pascal-rascal424 @allmahfeels @the-ginger-hedge-witch @soyelfuegoquearde @northernpunk @clydesducktape @a-skov @darnitdraco @spideysimpossiblegirl @jediknight122
Oberyn Martell Taglist: @theatricalbride @meshlamando  @seasonschange-butpeopledont @blufanfictionthings  @queenbbarnes @talesfromtheguild @rpcvliz @evyiione @browneyes-djarin @lips-for-you @midnightzonzz
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wososage · 3 years
Future Teammates: USWNT x Reader
Request: baby reader being soft with Sloane and Charlie
Warnings: none
Word count: 692
*I know nothing about babies so this could contain inaccurate information*
When I walk into the conference room, everyone is gathered around the babies. This is the first time many people, including me, are meeting Sloane. Needless to say everyone is excited. However, I am scared. I’ve never been near a baby before and Sloane is so small. What happens when I mess something up? Ali and Ash will be mad at me forever. I sit by myself and read a book until Vlatko starts the meeting. Once the meeting is over I head up to my room, claiming I need to finish some homework. 
A few days later I find myself alone with Ash and Sloane, which is a first given the fact that everyone is attracted to the babies. 
“Hey kid,” Ash says, getting my attention. “Do you want to hold Sloane? It’s probably the only time you won’t have to fight over her.”
“No thank you,” I say. “You probably haven’t gotten much alone time with her at camp.”
“The kid only sleeps when she is in mine or Ali’s arms,” Ash explains. “We’ve gotten plenty of alone time. Come here and hold her.”
She must see my hesitation because her face softens a little bit.
“What’s going on kid?” She asks softly. “Why don’t you want to hold Sloane?”
“I’ve never held a baby before,” I say quietly. I don’t want to be overheard. “I don’t want to do something wrong and hurt her.”
“Come here, I will help you. You won’t hurt her I promise.”
I get up and sit next to Ash and then Sloane is put into my arms. Sloane’s giant eyes open and I smile. I lose track of time and next thing I know the rest of the team has joined us and Vlatko has started a meeting. 
A few days later I find myself in the training room with Ash, Ali, Alex, and of course Charlie and Sloane. 
“Did you know that newborn babies have a stomach the size of walnuts?” I ask. “That’s why they need to be fed so often because the food gets digested way faster.”
“That's really cool Y/N,” Alex says. “Where did you learn that?”
“When you announced your pregnancy I started reading a bunch of baby books,” I explain. “And now that there are two babies I am really glad you did.”
“Yeah? Did you learn any cool tricks that you would like to share with us?” Ali asks.
“Sound machines can help the baby transition from being in the womb into the world,” I tell them. “Kids sleep better if they use sound machines until they are about 3.”
I let the babies take up my full attention for a few minutes then I turn to the adults in the room.
“Can I request alone time with Charlie and Sloane?” I ask. “They are at a very important age developmentally so if I bond with them now then in like 18 years when we are teammates we will have a great connection on the field.”
All three of them start laughing then Ash hands me a diaper bag.
“They are all yours Y/N,” she says. “I’m going to take a nap.”
“Call if you need anything,” Alex says. “But please don’t need anything. I would really like to take a nap as well.”
Eventually, the three of us make it to dinner, where we are immediately swarmed by people who want baby cuddles.
“Nope,” I say to Kelley who tries to take Charlie from me. “If you guys want the US to win the 2039 world cup then you need to let me and my future teammates have bonding time.”
“Hey Y/N” Ash calls from where she is eating. “Remember when you were too scared to hold Sloane? What’s changed?”
“I remembered that you are way more likely to drop Sloane than I am,” I say with a smirk.
“Wow Y/N,” Ash explaims. “I think you shouldn’t be able to hang out with my kid anymore. You are gonna brainwash her into being a cheeky monkey.”
“Or I could babysit tonight so you and Ali can have sexy time,” I negotiate.
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saanphoenix · 2 years
QUITE the upbringing, huh? (In response to the tags of the sibling post)
Tl;dr: Custody battle when I was 6 months old. Taken in by great-grandparents who were in their late 60s and retired, living off Social Security and disability. Great-grandfather was an ex-Marine and the sole reason I cuss like a sailor and give fuck all about it. Great-grandmother had a 6th grade education from the 30s-40s era, having dropped out of school because babies that she gave up for adoption but stayed in contact with until she died. I was to be her Crowning Achievement.
I was as spoiled as a poor kid could be. Gender stereotypes didn't exist for me because they wanted me to be the happiest child ever. Chores didn't exist for me because, being retired, doing shit around the house is all they had to live for. Of course, living on fixed income and food stamps, allowances didn't exist for me, either. In fact, when a schoolmate explained the concept to me, I thought it was dumb.
I also thought most of my schoolmates were dumb, once I was sent to Kindergarten, because I had been raised by old people. All of that life experience? All of that, "What am I willing to put up with today? Not this," attitude? The simple way an older person treats a child in their speech and logic, as opposed to a 20-year-old who don't even know how to change a diaper? It culminated in a 5-year-old who didn't know how to 5-year-old.
Which, on its own, isn't a bad thing. My schoolwork was flawless. I was one of the best behaved kids. Teachers loved me. ...The other students were like, "What's the matter with you?" And I, being an "only child" and treated like the sun shone out of my ass, was like, "Nothing. What's the matter with you? ...Stupid."
Turns out you can be immune to bullying if you think the people calling you names are beneath you. 5-year-old life hack.
Life happened. I monkey-see-monkey-do'd the other kids so that I could at least have two whole friends to my name. And then, come the tail end of middle school, the side of the family that I'd been cut off from because Courts came back around. And with it came Siblings. All younger. All ecstatic to meet me. All...clearly raised by a 20-year-old who didn't know how to change diapers. Looking at you, Father. *finger guns*
Now, over the course of years--many, many years--of dealing with my siblings, and having lived with one for about a year or so near the end of high school, I can confidently say... Goddamn, I'm glad I grew up the way I did.
There was a period of time, early on, where I was like, "Man, I missed out on what media tells me is a wonderful thing. Sibling relationships. Such a shame." ...Until that period of time where I had to live with one. My boundaries? Didn't exist. My space? His space. My body? His punching bag. Because playful roughhousing was his idea of fun and my bones were not a fan. My shit? Now his shit. Without asking. Which was a behavior he stopped real quick when I finally threatened him in a cool, calm, and collected manner, a trait I apparently inherited from my father, which is why it worked.
And before anyone goes, "Well, my siblings--" This is about me and mine. I know mileage varies. Some sibling relationships are the Garden of Eden and some are the deepest depths of Hell. Mine is walking through a field of Legos while watching them lemming themself off every cliff they come across and then, when I peer over the edge at them, their mangled credit score and personal relationships asks me for more money. "I'll pay you back!" They intone. And I go, "No, you won't," and walk away, back across the Legos.
Anyway, point is: Yes, it is quite the upbringing. Definitely makes you see the family dynamic different than a typical nuclear one. And I wouldn't have it any other way. ...Because I have seen the other way in my family.
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niqhtlord01 · 3 years
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Well folks, while the content may be dry we certainly aren’t here at the Rooster Teeth Championship! (Mostly because we are still drenched in blood from the last matches) Besides, we’re not going to let Mortal Kombat take all the glory of beating the crap out of each other!  So enough chit chat! It’s time for some bare knuckle to face fighting!!!!!
 Junior: *Walks in hefting rocket launcher* O’Malley: Put that away before you get hurt boy. Junior: You do know “Junior” is just a nickname, right? O’Malley: *Hefts his own rocket launcher* And you know that I’ve been using one of these since before you were born? ---------------------------------------------
Neo: *Walks in changing colors* Roman: I saw you in that last season. Neo: *Silently beams in delight* Roman: *Points gun cane and cap pops off* How many times did I tell you not to trust that red witch?!?! ---------------------------------------------
Nemesis: *Nano tech cloud comes together and forms body* Salem: Look at you; clinging to life in hope for what was lost. Nemesis: He-he-hello pot, I’m kettle. Salem: *grim arms start sprouting from her back* If you had a tongue, I would have removed it by now. ---------------------------------------------
Rufus: *Walks in handing Caliban data pad* Dr. Grey: Cranial manipulation is a hobby of mine; you simply must show me your notes! Rufus: I’m not about to share highly classified material with a mad doctor. Dr. Grey: *Evil glint in helmet* That’s alright; information extraction is another hobby of mine as well! ---------------------------------------------
Ruby: *Twirls in with rose petals* Yang: Feels like forever since we spared. Ruby: I’ll give you a break and only use one arm. Yang: *Hair glows bright* You’re lucky you’re my sister. ---------------------------------------------
Weiss: *Falls in from roof and lands on glyphs* Don: “A” for entrance, but your attire is a “C-“ at best. Weiss: Says the man who dresses like a discount pincushion. Don: *Draws sword* I’ll turn you into a pincushion!!!! ---------------------------------------------
Valentina: *Removes stealth cloak* Griff: So are you a woman or a dude? Valentina: Does it really matter? Griff: *Hefts rocket launcher* Ah, have you seen the internet lately??? ---------------------------------------------
Julian: *Hologram appear* Ozpin: *Chuckles to himself* Julian: What’s so funny? Ozpin: *Extends cane* Two souls now but shadows of themselves fighting each other; the universe has a twisted sense of humor. ---------------------------------------------
Meta *Bursts through wall* Santa: Warning, you do not have access to this facility. Sigma: *Hologram appears* Interesting; I can’t wait till you are part of us. Santa: *Hologram glows brighter* Your failure has just been assured. ---------------------------------------------
Nomad: *Slowly walks in with wind blowing poncho* Felix: I hear you’re a straw man made with magic. Nomad: *Nods* Felix: *Draws knife* Let’s cut you open and see if you have a brain. ---------------------------------------------
Cammie: *Walks in and picks up nugget* Sarge:  Young girls shouldn’t bring pets to the battlefield. Cammie: And the elderly shouldn’t wander off from the retirement homes. Sarge: *Cocks shotgun* Hold on a moment while I see if this is a stand your ground state. ---------------------------------------------
Sun: *Swings in on tail* Caboose: Excuse me monkey man, but I will need to borrow your hand for a while. Sun: Ah…….why? Caboose: *Pulls out Freckles* I need to make a wish to see my best friend again. ---------------------------------------------
Sheila: *Rolls on to field* Miguel: Sounds like someone needs a new oil job. Shelia: The blood of my enemies I used to grease my treads has dried up; how fortunate you are here. Miguel: *Hefts wrench* It’s not even 9 and I already want this day to be over. ---------------------------------------------
Toth: *Walks in sheathing knife* Penny: I’m combat ready! Toth: *Looks her up and down* I severely doubt that.   Penny: *Swords emerge from her back* Maybe, but I’m full of surprises.
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inknopewetrust · 4 years
In Another Universe (Marcus Moreno x Fem!Reader) 
Summary: If Thanos’ destruction wasn’t enough, being blipped into another universe was worse. After finding yourself in the universe of We Can Be Heroes, you must maneuver your new life and relationships while trying not to dwell on the one you lost. 
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x Fem!Reader (We Can Be Heroes) 
Word Count: 4.3k
Warnings: Some descriptions of violence, nothing extreme. 
A/N: *Gif not mine.* Thanks so much for requesting this @jupitersmoon167​ ! I just have to say—not only did I love writing this, but it’s like a whole ass fic in one. Request are currently OPEN, see request guidelines in bio for details!
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In an instant, the world you once knew was gone. 
The last thing you remembered was the sensation of fear. But it was ethereal, painless compared to anything you’d ever experienced before. Fighting with Nat was worse than the affects of Thanos’ snap, well, for you anyway. 
It wasn’t until you woke up in a world that felt so incredibly familiar yet so incredibly foreign at the same time that you realized what ever event the snap set off, it wasn’t one that brought peace to anyone. 
“Y/n! Come play with us!” 
The moment of relapsing memory was broken by the sounds of children running and shrieking in the park. The sound was strangely comforting because it reminded you of home, of the little one you had to let go, and the found family you may never see again. But the little girl that screeched your name from across the park on the metal bridge reminded you that there was something good in this world, even if it wasn’t your own. 
“I don’t think that would be a good idea.” 
The voice sounded beside you on the other side of the tree before you even managed to budge from your leaning stature against it. Nothing Missy ever did went over Marcus Moreno’s head. He watched her like a hawk, as if his eyes were glued to her every movement but you couldn’t blame him. Missy was his life. He did everything for her. 
“Don’t approve?” You quirked your head to the side with a smirk that you knew Steve would have said it reminded him of Natasha. Natasha, Steve, Tony... 
“Well she doesn’t know you like we do. I think it’s best if she keeps her distance. Not to mention for the safety of the other kids...” Marcus trailed off as his gaze tracked from your own to the playground and the group of Heroic children that littered the place. It was chaotic, but normal? You didn’t know what was normal or not anymore so in truth, you felt it didn’t even matter. 
“I don’t hurt children. I would never hurt a child.” 
“How are we supposed to know that? What have you done but lie to all of us to make us believe you wouldn’t kill us all right now?” 
“Are you trying to make me angry, Marcus?” 
Your eyes narrowed as you crossed your arms over your chest. You knew they didn’t trust you. You knew they had a hard time believing your story, even after a year but yet they continued to let you go on missions. They continued to invite you to group luncheons and trusted that you wouldn’t sell their secrets to their enemies. 
“Testing your patience.” 
“If you didn’t trust me with your daughter, why did you let her eat the food I brought? Why do you let her come to headquarters-” 
“Because The Heroics are family. This whole thing-” He rose his hand and gestured to heroes and their children gathered and played around them. 
“-is her life as much as it is mine. You came here from some “world” that we’ve never heard of that apparently looks a lot like this one. You are the stranger here, not her and especially not at headquarters.” 
Marcus huffed in aggravation and stalked away from the tree and to Anita who had been set up at a picnic table not far from the playground. Anita watched her son make conversation with the newest Heroic and shook her head in a brief and tiny fashion as her son walked toward her with a plume of invisible smoke coming out of his ears. 
“You shouldn’t be so rude, give the girl a break. She’s lost everything and everyone she’s ever know and I’d be lying if I said she wasn’t a brilliant fighter. The training she could give all of you is worth more money than we spend in a year fighting aliens.” The look on Anita’s face was critical of Marcus. The son she knew, the one she raised was not cynical or mean. He was kind and loving and a father who would have wanted Missy to have strong women in her life. 
“She doesn’t belong here. She isn’t a Heroic and she doesn’t need to talk to Missy any more than she does already.” 
“But does she seek out Missy at headquarters or does Missy seek out her?” Marcus couldn’t recall if Missy’s interactions with you were brought on by his own kin. He found the girl hanging upside down on the monkey bars with Guppy below her jumping up to try and touch the long, black locks of his daughter. She looked so carefree, so full of joy until she flopped back onto her feet and turned her gaze toward the tree, almost ready to yell. Marcus followed her eyes only to notice you had gone, like a ghost, and Missy was seeking you out.
In The Heroic Headquarters, you often wandered the halls aimlessly, minding your own business as your thoughts were filled with the events that happened exactly one year before. It was already your one year anniversary in this new world. But my God, or to whatever God was out there, you missed your old life. Even if life wasn’t exactly the most glamorous before Thanos arrived, you had found a comfortable family in Natasha, Steve, and the others who stayed behind at the Avenger’s Facility in New York. Natasha was your sister in all things but blood and you would do anything to see her again. Steve had been the one to lean on when your memories of Russia, of that room, of the little one you had to give away, came flowing back in waves too ample to deal with alone. They were everything to you, everything. 
And now you sat alone in an office you were sure was once a broom closet and lie in wait for the other heroes to come, visit, to extend a gracious hand to someone who is hurting but it never came. Every day that passed made that more clear. Even the materials they gave you were sub-par to the advanced ones that scattered the offices of the Heroics. You wondered how this world’s technology was so different from your own and no one knew of it. This multiverse, this time continuum that has taken place is far beyond any knowledge you claimed to have. It took nothing to image Tony or Bruce having an absolute field day with all of this. 
“Ms. L/N?” A knock alerted you that a visitor had in fact found your small, grungy door in a vacant hallway. 
“Come in!” Who were you to ignore a visitor when all you could think of was the family you’d never see? 
Anita Moreno cracked the door open and popped her head in with a smile. She quietly closed the door behind her as she took a seat in the broken desk chair situated across from your desk. You wheeled as best as you could from behind the computer to give her a small, welcoming smile. 
“What can I do for you Mrs. Moreno?” 
“Please, it’s Anita. You’re a Heroic now, no need for the formality.” 
“I’m not-” It wasn’t a chuckle that sounded with your denial. It was a stone-cold denial of being a Heroic because it erased what you really were, an Avenger. 
“You are here. You are here.” Her tone wasn’t offended, but re-assuring in her proclamation. Anita could read people like books and you doubt you evaded her abilities by being from another universe. She was far too skilled to let people and their problems fall under a radar. 
“I have a request for you, well two to be exact.” She looked up from her folded hands expectantly waiting for you to nod, allowing her to continue on. 
“First, I have a mission for you with Ms. Vox and Marcus. It’s nothing too concerning but it needs to be taken care of. And for my other request, I’d like you to help train Missy.” You were sure if you had been drinking anything from water to vodka that it would have found itself all over Anita, but you managed to stay mum and concealed. 
“And Marcus approves of this?” 
“He doesn’t know.” 
“Going behind your son’s back and letting his precious daughter train with a woman he sees as a weapon? My, Anita. You have taken me by surprise, I must say.” 
The elder woman smiled slyly as if she were getting away with a far more terrible crime. Missy was just as important to her as she was Marcus. Anita was not going to let Marcus’ prejudice against you prevent Missy from looking up to an accomplished and heroic woman as yourself. 
“As long as Missy comes home with no scrapes or bruises, there should be no problem. You can use one of the rooms here and I’ll make sure his card can’t access it. I’ll bring Missy in when she’s done with school, leaving about an hour for her to work with you.” 
Anita rose to her feet, preparing herself to leave the room but instead, she turned back around, looking you dead in the eyes and for once, looked like someone who cared. 
“I don’t know what your world was like. I don’t know who you were there or the family you left behind, but this is your world as much as it is mine, Missy’s, or Marcus’. He shouldn’t be so cruel. I see how you look at the girl, like she’s special. She is. But I couldn’t help but think it was something more...” She trailed off her speech just as Marcus had that day at the park. Like mother like son you suppose. 
“Did you have a family? A child—I mean?” 
For the first time in your life you were speechless. Was it that obvious? The longing? You never spoke of the child, not even to Natasha or the others because it was far too painful to recall. The Red Room was traumatic enough and by barely escaping to save the life of a child you so desperately wanted only to give it away to protect its life was worse. You didn’t know where she was or who she lived with now. Her life was an illusion to you if you could craft one. That alone broke you, chilled you to the bone. You held her for two minutes before they took her from your arms to give to another and it would be the one thing you would always regret. 
“You don’t have to answer-” Anita backed away from the question when she analyzed your reaction. But she was the only one who cared enough to get to know you and that opportunity for connection was slipping away. 
“Yes, I did. I don’t know her name or if she’s... if she’s alive anymore but I did. I had to give her away. She would be ten.” 
“Oh I—I am sorry, I didn’t know.” 
“No one does.” 
Anita could only nod and attempt to leave again but was halted by your voice. 
“Thank you for coming here.” She nodded, acknowledging the difficult transition she knew you were having. 
“When is the mission?” 
“Two weeks. I’ll, um, bring Missy tomorrow. I’ll send a message about the room later today.” 
She left with a twist of the door handle, leaving you with the thoughts of the girl who you tried to, but never could forget. But Missy helped to fill that gaping, vacant hole in your heart. After the first week of pure hesitancy, Missy came running in every day after school with a wide smile, bragging about the grades she received, the friends she had, and the way her father always put her perfect grades on the fridge when she got home. 
Missy let you into her life without you asking for it. Even with the distance you tried to give her in order to protect yourself from any kind of unintentional attachment with the girl, she melted it with a look in her kind, young brown eyes and her shining smile. Missy treated you like the adult and role model she wanted, not some foreign alien that the Heroes treated you as. 
“How do you know how to do all this stuff?” 
Missy was stretching on the red mat while you built an obstacle (of sorts) but only half of her attention was on the task you had instructed her to do. It was the second week of your daily training with Missy and she was disappointed to hear that tomorrow, you would be off on a mission, therefore her favorite after school activity would have to wait. 
“I was a spy for many years and I had been in this academy of women fighters.” That’s the only explanation you could give her without truly telling her what happened to you in Russia. The horrible, wicked people who experimented and forced you to become a weapon on behalf of the state. 
“And what about your old team? How did you meet them?” She sat up now on her knees in an anxious, excited inertia. 
There was an initial hesitancy with that question, though you had to ask yourself why. Why, after a year of being in this new world, were you still not willing to be open and voice your story to someone who wanted, someone asking, for it. But what did you have to lose but divulging in this girl’s questions? Nothing. Heck, Nat would probably be proud that you let your guard down enough to make a connection in the first place. 
“I met them through-” 
You didn’t even get passed the fourth word when the door to the training room slid open and a very, very, angry Marcus charged in with Anita on his tail. She looked pleadingly at you as he grabbed his daughter off the mat on the floor and grabbed her bag from the highest stack of mats to his left. 
“Marcus please!” Anita tried to plead with him but he did not listen. 
“No! I told you I don’t want her anywhere near her and what did you do!?” 
Marcus tossed the bag to Missy who barely caught it in her trembling hands. She had never seen her father break the cool façade he wore on the daily. 
“You go with her. I am not going to have this conversation with you now, but when I get home, you better believe that we will be having a long talk about this.” 
Anita wrapped her arms protectively over Missy and practically dragged the girl out of the room while Marcus stood with his hands splayed on his hips in anger. Maybe if it were another universe you would have found it just a little adorable.
“I had my suspicions that this is where she was. Three days ago when my card denied me access to this room I knew someone was lying to me about it.”
“Marcus, you’re over-“
“I am NOT OVERREACTING!” He shouted with a blazing fury. His eyes were filled with nothing but a fatherly rage.
“I asked you to not go anywhere near my daughter and here she is training with you like some—some prodigy! She is my daughter!”
“You think I don’t know that!? Do you really think I am that stupid to not notice the girl is your daughter? She’s just like you!”
“If she was just like me, then she wouldn’t have run off every afternoon with a deadly stranger.”
You shook your head at him with petty laughter.
“You are the most ridiculous, most annoying, and most PRETENTIOUS PERSON I HAVE EVER MET!”
Rage continued to boil up his body like a pot of water. Had Marcus ever met someone he found as infuriating as you? No. Had he ever met someone like you? No. Had he ever been slightly curious about you? He wouldn’t answer that question. Besides, now he was playing protective dad and he never had been given a reason to trust you.
“If you had a child, I bet you would feel the same.”
You think he meant it as some sick burn but he had no idea, none of them did. So your brows lifted at him as a smirk graced your face knowingly.
“If you cared for a second to get to know me— you would know the answer to that question.”
More than a deadly spy, though none of them ever cared to know more than what your profession suggested.
You left the room in an abrupt haste following the confession. A part of your conscious still wasn’t sure whether or not telling everyone every little detail about your past was a good idea, let alone a safe idea. But every night you thought of the family you disappeared from; how you wished you could have told them everything about your past before they disintegrated into dust around you. If you couldn’t do it then, maybe you could do it now.
The next day happened to be the mission Anita had set up for Marcus, Ms. Vox, and yourself. While Marcus waited in uniform with the singing siren pacing the room, he was sure you weren’t going to walk through those doors. One side of him felt that you were the kind of person who ran away after exposing some deep secret, the other thought maybe you just quit. But when you waltzed in with your weapons and uniform perfectly pressed, he couldn’t make eye contact.
If it weren’t for Missy’s dotting on your character that previous evening, he probably would have still been angry. But there was little doubt in his mind that Missy would lie about someone she trusted, so maybe he could give you a chance. That belief quickly turned when you wouldn’t speak to him or even look him in the eye five hours into the mission that had you all stuck in a building across from an increasingly suspicious studio apartment. According to Anita, this is where technological weapons were being stored and the mission was to identify the weapons and alert headquarters so they could send an extraction team. Unfortunately the view was poor and between the three of you, only three pieces of equipment were identified.
“I think we should try and sneak in.” The suggestion came from Ms. Vox who appeared a bit eager to be on an incredibly serious mission. Marcus tried to look at you for an opinion but you gave him no audience.
“If we go in, someone needs to stay behind to keep guard.”
“Maybe I could keep guard and you both can go in?”
The proposition was most unwelcome. You and Marcus, together, on a mission that was possibly deadly, and you still wouldn’t look each other in the eye.
“Or I can go with one of you?” Ms. Vox’s voice was straining but she walked on egg shells to get an answer. Be the bigger person, be the bigger person.
“Marcus and I will go inside. Vox wait down the hall from the door and you need to press the call button on the watch if you see anyone. If we are not out of the apartment in five minutes, alert headquarters and let them bring in the team.” It was a demand and no questions were asked as Ms. Vox rose first to leave the room, followed by you, then a concerned but unquestioning Marcus. 
To the building across the street and down the hall, no words were exchanged between the two of you. You both kept quiet as the room came closer and all weapons were drawn in protection.
“You take the left and I’ll go right.” Again, he didn’t question it but he did nod, meet your eyes in understanding.
For starters, the apartment was entirely open concept. The floor was lined with rows of computers; all had been wired to one another and their screens were a blinding blue. You looked up at Marcus as he rounded the row nearly three yards in front of you. The look he returned was unsettled by the scene.
“What do you think they’re doing here?”
“Beats me. I’ve never seen anything like this before.” And it was true—he truly hadn’t. Most of the time missions were against some alien breed, certainly not old junkie computers from his childhood. You lowered your gun for a brief moment, pressing a key on the closest keyboard and all the computers went black. The light from two sets of comms were the only light in the room until a stream of three, then four, then five lines of green invaded from the window. Slowly they crept on the floor until the met a black boot and trailed up the targets body.
It took no time for you to realize what it was.
“Get down! Marcus get down!”
You practically barreled into him as fast as you could, wrapping your arms around his torso as his swords went flying in the opposite direction. Gunfire erupted around you both as you scrambled to drag his body with yours to a corner away from the windows.
“Are you alright? Can you hear me?”
All you could illicit was a nod in combination with a panic gaze. It would take four minutes for the rest of the Heroes to arrive and find the two of you. But whatever happened in Marcus’ brain the moment he saw you tumbled towards him in his moment of peril, changed the dynamic.
It first began as complete acceptance into the team. No one questioned your actions and your abilities were praised just as much as the others. Marcus didn’t keep his distance, but also allowed Missy to continue lessons after school because he trusted you. You saved his life and if it weren’t for you, he would have never seen Missy again.
After about a year of acceptance, Marcus attempted friendship. He would ask you to do things, outside of work, especially when they involved Missy. Bowling, Pizza nights, ice cream runs, game nights; they all became normal after the first few times of pure hesitancy. Although you weren’t entirely comfortable with the idea because of how he treated you in the past, you could tell it was an honest effort. You also would be lying if you said you didn’t have any fun doing those things.
In your fourth year in this new universe something else happened—something unexpected. Instead of what had become a usual game night, Marcus asked you on a date. Your initial reaction was to say no, laugh at the attempt, and return to the monopoly game (yes, you did find it strange that this universe had many similarities to the other). But the “what if” question lingered after minutes of contemplation so you said yes. And you would be lying again if you said anything other than it was “the best date you had ever been on.”
And somewhere in that fifth year of living, Marcus asked you to move in with Missy and himself, and you said yes. Finally, a family of your own that wouldn’t disappear at the snap of a finger. Every day you thought of what Natasha would say to you if she knew about this. One part of you wanted to believe that she would be surprised but proud, while the other believed she would laugh and call you soft. In reality she would have responded both ways.
Every morning you woke up to a man who looked at you as if you held the world in your hand. How you went from enemies to lovers was beyond your comprehension but you didn’t want to question it further. The way he would hold your hand on difficult days, smile at you from across the table, kiss you goodnight, love you until you believed you couldn’t be loved anymore. It was those things you didn’t have in that other world that you just held onto with a tight grip now.
As Marcus readied lunch in the Kitchen, you helped stack new books on Missy’s bookshelf with her. The girl had grown so much over the years and was making her way into becoming the leader Marcus, and Anita, wanted her to be.
“I left a box out in the hall, do you think you could get it?” Missy asked as she admired the cover of a fantasy book in front of her. She looked up with her big brown eyes that reminded you so much of the man in the other room that you couldn’t deny her anything.
“Sure. Be right back.”
But you never came back.
Because you woke up with a jolt on the dirt ground of a forest you hadn’t seen in years.
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marvelsbetch · 3 years
Peter Parker’s field trip part 2
March 7th
Peter's POV
I woke up peacefully to Friday playing Highway to Hell and telling me it was 6:30am and I needed to get up for school. Concerned for Wade's sleeping I quickly told Friday to be quiet and that I was up, I obviously didn't want to wake him at such a cruel hour.
Stumbling out of my room in a sleep filled haze, almost walking into the door frame and tripping over my shoes, I made my way to the kitchen to find Pops trying to cook breakfast and silently arguing with Thor who put his hammer in front of the fridge yet again, Loki really is a bad influence on the God.
"Uncle Thor please move the hammer so I can have breakfast. Please." I requested giving him my puppy dog eyes knowing he can't resist them.
With a small grunt Thor moved his hammer and set it on top of the kitchen counter out of people way. Pops sent me a grateful look before pulling eggs, milk and cheese out of the fridge to make Captain America's famous omelette. I smiled slightly and moved to sit on one of the bar stools at the island counter and watched slowly as all the Avengers plus Loki, T'Challa and Shuri were woken up by the amazing smell. All but my boyfriend who could probably sleep through an earthquake, hurricane and tsunami all at once. It's a gift.
-1 hour later-
After breakfast I got ready to just come back here, grabbed my back, kissed my now awake boyfriend goodbye, hugged my Dads goodbye and made my way to the car with Happy prepared to take me to school. On the way Happy gave me a lecture on how I was basically representing Dad and SI so I should be on my best behaviour. It was boring and in all honest, I'd heard it before on the field trip to the zoo we have last month, that didn't end well in all honesty. It's better left saying some monkeys escaped and it totally wasn't my fault.
"Right Kid. We're hear, I'll pick you up tomorrow from here so message me when you're on your way back to school." He told me, I could tell he was going to miss me but I could also tell he was looking forward to the extra one hours sleep he was going to get tomorrow from not needing to drop me off.
"Bye Happy. Tell everyone I'll miss them. See you tomorrow and I'll give regular update and text you if anything happens." I told him before exiting the car and walking up to Ned who was waiting outside the bus ready for me.
"Hey man. You looking forward to the surprise field trip?" Ned asked as we stepped onto the bus.
"Not really. I'm gonna miss everyone at the tower. Wade arrived last night as well so I'm not gonna see him for like another two days." I sighed as we sat down next to each other in the middle of the bus.
"Hey penis. I know what the field trip is and you're gonna be in so much shit." Flash tainted as he passed us.
"Steve wouldn't be happy with your language." I mumbled so only Ned heard. We both giggled a little but everyone was soon quietened down by Mrs Robbins shouting at us.
"Okay so before we leave we must take role call to see who's here." She explained and started reading names off of her sheet. Everyone responded with a simple yes miss and everything was going well until she got to my name.
"Patricia Parker!" She yelled and looked directly at me. I simply ignored it and continued to stare out of the window until she shouted it again louder.
"Come on Penis just answer. Don't try and stall this." Flash huffed from the back of the bus.
"Fine. Peter Parker is here." I told her emphasising the work 'Peter'.
"What ever." She grumbled going back to role call.
-30 minutes later-
As we were driving I noticed a lot of places, it took a few seconds until it finally clicked as to where we were going. Stark Industries. Over night. Oh dear.
“Right kids. We're going to be there in roughly 5 minutes so please get you begs sorted, make sure your areas are clean and you have everything with you." Mrs Robbins told us from the front of the bus.
"I bet you'd recognise this way from your internship, if it was real." Flash sneered as if it was going to affect me.
Soon we pulled into the visitor parking lot and exited the car. I was slightly shaking with anxiety especially when Happy and two other security guards, Johnson and Stone (I don't know their first names) walked over to us and started running through the security guidelines.
"And finally and type of bullying or intolerance towards anyone inside this building with not be tolerated and the person doing it will be kicked out immediately. That could be in 10 minutes or at 2:00 in the morning. It will not be tolerated." Happy finished giving me a look that said 'I know something you don't know I know'. Shit.
"Okay now that that is out of the way with, follow us." Happy said leading us inside the lobby of the building by swiping his security card.
“Okay we're gonna give you all access passes. These are the lowest of the 10 levels you get get so basically all you can use them for is the toilet. We have a strict no re-printing policy and a display policy. In other words you must always have your pass on display on your outer most layer of clothing, if it's lost then you will be searched and escorted out of the building if it is not found. Let that be a warning to everyone." Johnson explained as Stone started handing out the passes, glossing over me, Ned and MJ of course, until everyone had them.
Me, Ned and MJ all had to pull out our avenger themed cards. Mine was half and half Iron Man and Captain America cause there my dads. Ned's was a combo of everyone's as he couldn't decide which one he preferred. MJ went for Nat cause MJ liked the fact that she, and Pepper, could control all of us and was the only girl original Avenger. MJ admires her as a icon for women.
"Okay everyone scan your passes as you walk through the scanner like this." Stone demonstrated as he scanned his pass and walked through the scanner with his hands out.
"Logan Stone. Security level clearance:8. No unauthorised items." F.R.I.D.A.Ys voice announced.
"Now all of you do it." Happy instructed.
Everyone started going through the scanner, Flash being the most smug as his level 1 clearance was announced, until it got the the final three. Me, Ned and MJ. MJ decided to go first, F.R.I.D.A.Y announced her name, level 9 security clearance and the fact she had no unauthorised items with her. Next was Ned, F.R.I.D.A.Y announced his name, level 9 security clearance and the fact he had no unauthorised items. Next was me, I was dreading it.
"Come on Patricia, just admit your internship is fake now and save us all the trouble." Flash shouted over everyone making Happy stop and glare at him. He was about to make a move towards Flash but I put my hand out and stopped him.
"Just leave it Hap. He's not worth cancelling whatever Dad's got planned." I told him in a low voice trying to be unheard.
"He says one more thing and I'll knock him out." Happy threatened.
"I have no doubt you will." I sighed and decided I stalled enough. I quickly scanned my card and walked through the scanner with my hands up like everyone else.
"Peter Stark-Rodgers, level 10 security clearance. No unauthorised items. Mr Stark-Rodgers has already been informed of your arrival. Thank you for using the front entrance." F.R.I.D.A.Ys robotic but slightly sarcastic voice announced.
The tour started off normal. One of the actual interns, Owen, greeted us and me separately. We were quite good friends as he was one of the people to help me when Wade asked me out, I will be eternally grateful to him.
"Okay, our first stop on this tour is the avengers museum. You will be allowed to take photos but please refrain from touching anything as they could activate. Everything thing in this room is the real deal except a few things. We will also be trying to lift Thor's hammer in this room with him there of course." Owen explained. So, this is where Dads plans begin.
We walked into the museum and was greeted with 3 main area. Original Avengers, later added Avengers and Avengers associates. Then, I saw a red and blue display. Spider-Man has his own display IN THE LATER ADDED AVENGERS SECTION. Did this mean Dad wanted me to be an Avenger? What's going on? Did Fury know about this?
Ned grabbed my hand and led me to the display cases where I saw my old suit and computers next to replicas and photos of my current ones. This is so cool.
“Spider-Man is the latest mighty hero to join the Avengers in their mission to protecc the Earth and Asgard. Spider-Man has been described my many to be funny, witty and charming. He the only Avenger to have not revelled his identity yet but we are sure he will in due time. Fun facts about Spider-Man:
He is afraid of Spiders ironically,
He's a complete Daddy's boy,
He made his first suit himself,
He lives with Tony and Steve Stark-Rodgers,
And finally, he can rival Tony Stark-Rodgers levels of Sass." Ned read from the information
I silently groaned at the second fun fact knowing full well Dad was just trying to boost his ego. Oh well, it's kind of hard not to be true.
"Oo Penis Parker checking out the exhibit on his 'friends'." Flash sneered putting air quotes around 'friends'.
"Right, come along people. We have an exclusive lecture with Dr Banner on Gamma radiation and how it affects the human body. Everybody make and orderly que and and we can make our way there." Owen informed and instructed.
We all qued up with me and my friends at the back and started to walk towards the elevator to go to Bruce's lab. Once we found ourselves outside of the lab the reality of the situation set in, we're going to be talking to my Uncle Bruce. While no one in the class knows he's my Uncle and I'm with my Bully and Transphobic teacher. I dread to think what's about to happen.
"Okay kids. Be very polite and respectful, we don't want a code Green." Owen instructed before knocking on the door and waiting for Bruce to open it as Owen didn't have high enough clearance to open the door.
After a minute of waiting and no sign of Bruce Owen knocked again but to no avail. I knew that Bruce was working on a new project last night so it's highly likely he's asleep so I stepped forward, security card in hand and swiped it for entrance.
"Peter Parker, access granted." F.R.I.D.A.Ys voice sounded from above the door way.
I opened the door slowly and saw Bruce asleep on the couch. Motioning for everyone to give me a minute I creeped into the room to gently wake him up.
"Uncle Bruce, you have to give my class a lecture. Uncle Bruce wake up." I said softly and gently shook him awake.
"What? Peter? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" Bruce asked slowly sat up.
"I'm on a field trip and you're supposed to give a lecture to my class. They're all outside but you fell asleep." I informed him.
"Oh my god I'm so sorry. Ask them to give me a minute and I'll be mostly ready. Thanks Pete." Bruce replied scrambling to clean up a little bit and get sorted.
"He'll just be a minute." I informed my class while exiting the room waiting for Bruce when I heard Uncle Clint shifting in the vents. Oh no, this has been planned.
“Hello Midtown. Sorry for the delay, life of a stressed scientist. I'm sure most of you know what that's like. Come in, take a seat and please excuse the mess." Bruce greeted and opened the door wider for us to enter.
We all shuffled into the highly cluttered room and sat down in one of the fold out chairs set us in the centre of the room infront  of three dry erase boards. Uncle Bruce started his lecture but I soon tuned him out as I had heard it all before.
"Peter!" Clint yelled popping his head out from the vent with a grin on his face.
"Barton." I said in a monotone voice to hopefully convey my disinterest in whatever he was planning.
"I was asking if I could go into your room to borrow some silly string. Tony fucked with a few of my arrows and I'm not happy about it. I was literally shocked!" He shouted the last sentence making me wince and cover my ears.
"Yes you may but only one can. I need the rest for Loki cause he's the only one out of all of you that hasn't had a string attack yet. Hopping to change that soon." I informed.
"Cool. I'm taking the blue one. Bye, see you later." He waved before disappearing back into the vents and crawling away.
"He has this all planned doesn't he?" I asked Uncle Bruce signing slightly.
"Sorry kid." He smirked and continued with his lecture despite people only being focused on gawping at me.
Soon after that his lecture was finished and we moved on. Owen took us to a more general development lab where people started their testing to see if it was possible and worth perusing. As soon as we entered I was greeted with Shuri running towards me and hugging me tightly.
"Shuri, you literally saw me last night. Why are you hugging me so tightly?" I asked smiling slightly.
"I still missed you. Brother has been boring but these labs are very interesting, still they would be more so with you here." She told me pulling away and looking at my astonished class.
"Hello children of Midtown High School. I am Shuri Princess of Wakanda and this is my brother, the king." Shuri introduced smiling at everyone's shocked faces.
"I can introduce myself sister." T'Challa told her.
"Now you know how I feel." She told him smirking before walking off to see one of the experiments happening in the room.
We looked around the lab for a little while, I helped a few people with equations and how to improve their testing. Shuri and I shouted memes and vines at each other from across the room. Flask and Mrs Robbins glared at me any chance they got.
"Right Children, it's time for lunch. You've been privileged enough to have lunch on the level 7 balcony right near the landing pad. Please be calm and sensible and respectful of the employees eating there." Owen explained and lead us up to the eating deck.
Once there I immediately noticed Uncle Thor and Loki waiting around the corner obviously looking for me. They truly planned this. Anyway, me, Ned and MJ all walked over to an empty table and they took out their lunches when I noticed I left mine in the kitchen this morning. Shoot.
"Peter!" I hear Thor yell as he and Loki walk around the corner with his arms out.
"Hello Thor. To what do I owe the pleasure?" I asked jokingly formally.
"Does one need a reason to visit his favourite nephew?" Thor asked bringing me into a hug, possibly crushing everyone of my ribs in the process, while Loki stood awkwardly to the side.
"If your all going to embarrass me can I ask you a favour in return?" I asked the brothers.
"Of course Peter! Anything for my nephew!" Thor all but yelled and clapped me on the back.
"Yeah, I left my lunch on the kitchen counter today. Could you possibly run up and get it for me please." I requested when a flying object fell from the sky.
My lunch.
"YOUR WELCOME!" I heard Sam yell from above us.
"THANKS BIRD BRAIN!" I yelled back at him and sat back down as the table, Thor and Loki soon following.
"Peter, I was wondering later if you could help me with my magic. I've been trying to work on my long distance aim and I think you'd be the perfect person to practice with." Loki asked shyly, he still isn't comfortable with all of us yet but he's made loads of progress.
"To hit or to avoid?" I jokingly asked earning a slight laugh out of the giant.
"To miss. I'll place the object I want to hit next to you and 'throw' a spell at it. If you're next to it it gives me more motivation to not hit it." Loki explained.
"Yeah sure I'll do that. What time were you thinking?" I asked.
"Well, you're class is staying the night and tomorrow day so maybe we could find time tonight or tomorrow night." Loki said making me realise my entire class has witnessed this entire encounter. For frick sake.
"Peter!" The deep voice of Bucky yelled from the doorway to the balcony.
My entire class looked in shock as I hugged good bye to the Gods and James 'Bucky' Barnes walked over to me with a bag and an apron saying 'Kiss the cook' on it. Once he was within range I could smell the contents of the bag. White chocolate and caramel cookies. My favourite.
"I made cookies and thought you might like some while they're hot." He explained handing me the beg witch I immediately accepted and took a cookie from.
"Thank you Uncle Bucky." I said but it was muffled by the whole cookie I shoved into my mouth. Classy.
"Hey you said you'd wait for me!" I hear my boyfriend shout appearing at the doorway and running towards me with his arms spread.
"I said I was leaving in one minute and you could come if you wanted. I never said I'd wait for you cause I know how long you can take." Bucky complained to Wade who crushed me into a hug and kissed my lips briefly.
My entire class and teacher were stunned at this point. Every single jaw, except Ned and MJ's, was on the floor. When Wade kissed me I could faintly see from the corner of my eye my teacher so red and angry. Close minded female dog.
"I've not seen you all day how are you?" Wade asked pulling away.
"I'm fine, you saw me less than a few hours ago. Not much changed." I told him smiling a little and pulling him into another kiss. I did this to annoy my teacher but mainly because I just loved to kiss my boyfriend. Sue me.
"I know but anything could happen while I'm not there. I love you too much to allow anything to happen to you." He said to me after a solid 40 seconds of kissing.
"Right well, I'm gonna go back upstairs. Wade, you can stay with Peter as long as you keep your hands to yourself." Bucky warned before walking off back into the tower and Me and Wade sat down with me on his lap.
After a few minuets the shock wore off and people started whispering and pointing at me and Wade. Nothing I didn't expect if I'm honest but it's a lot more annoying than I thought it would be.
“I love you Wade." I said putting my head on his chest and eating my cookies.
"I lub you too Pete." He responded making me giggle a little. "And you're ass that will be mine tonight." He whispered seductively into my ear and gently grabbed my ass.
"You two make me want to be sick." MJ joked making a disgusted face at us before continuing with her lunch.
"Right everyone, we have ten minutes before we need to move on." Owen warned.
To be continued...
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vbee-miya · 4 years
[A Final Goodbye]
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✥︎ miya atsumu x gn! reader || m.list
genre: angst || type: drabble
warnings: mentions of a breaking up slight language
w/c: 1k (1024)
a/n: well this is a first...
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‘This was it huh? We’re finally going to tell each other our last goodbyes.’ Atsumu didn’t want to address anything out loud. However he also wanted to. The voice in his head was louder than the evening breeze.
You had just entered his field of vision giving him a last hug goodbye. He knew your departure was at 8:30 pm and since his practice ended at 6:30 in the evening he planned to just spend the remaining 1-2 hours with you.
He’ll admit not much happened within the first thirty minutes. Regardless of the empty silence. The atmosphere between you two was at peace. However neither of you decided to speak a word about the situation. He didn’t want to because this was something neither parties could control.
He would make the same stupid comments and jokes about your relationship to lighten up the mood though he thought it’ll be best to just let the world around you tell the story.
He looked around the park for something to take his mind off, but everything reminded him of your relationship.
“Mommy, when will I get a boyfriend?” Your attention both fell on a child drawing colorful hearts on the ground. A smile fell on his face when you looked back at him.
‘[name], do y’a still remember the first time I asked you out? It was after our first MSBY game, y’a decided to stop by with Osamu and back then I had the biggest thing on you, but I acted like I didn’t care. But you knew how obvious it was. Don’t lie, even Bokkun noticed. But he damn really had to expose me like that huh. It’s kinda embarrassing, but I wanted to ask y’a out in a more formal manner like some date at a restaurant. It sounds corny and nothing like me, but that’s how much I was willing ta give. I didn’t want to disappoint you.’
He dragged his feet a bit to match your pace. He held your hand and brought it up to kiss. He took notice of the ring you had. And his faint smile fell weaker.
‘Y’a wore the promise ring huh? I’m pretty stupid myself. I should’ve worn mine too, but I lost it remember? It was during our 12th date? I was trying to beat that rigged game. And it was going well until you realized the ring was gone. Yer always made sure to put my feelings first which I didn’t understand until recently which kinda sucked ass, but you too also took off yer ring so we’d be matching. Yer such an idiot sometimes you know? But I love y’a regardless’
The walk dragged on a bit longer and the sun was starting to set. He didn’t realize time was passing by that quickly. You held tighter to his hand checking your watch.
Atsumu caught a glimpse of the time and let out a heavy sigh. His heart was starting to feel heavier and heavier as the time continued. He didn’t want to let you go.
‘WIAT [name] what’ll happen to the promise we both made? I mean I don’t know about y’a but I like the idea of living in an apartment with y’a . I mean think of all the things we could do. Endless nights of karaoke which, not trying to sound arrogant, but I’m obviously the best singer. Or or how about that pet zebra you promised to get? [name] we could live in a farm land full of monkeys, zebras and koalas. Atsumu the greatest setter of all Japan? Nah Atsumu the greatest farmer of all Japan. Mister no Gaps Kita Shinsuke wishes he were me.’
The wind was starting to pick up as you both could see the sun setting. The spring breeze circled around you. Atsumu took off his team jacket and placed it around your shoulder. He threw his arms around you and pulled you closer to his side. He didn’t want to let you go. Not yet not ever.
‘[name] remember when we first met? It was just like this…’
*he inhales the air*
A tear was forming, but he hid it away from you. He didn’t think now was the time to cry. He didn’t want you to regret making the decision all because of him tearing up. He too had to show you that he could also move on.
The first date was simple, but it held a lot of meanings. He took you out for a boba after the finals week because he knew how stressed you were and he made sure to officially get the best boyfriend award. What better way than to take you out on boba. And better yet he pays. If boba wasn’t it for you he also went to a place of your choice.
‘It’s funny looking back, our first date and our last has so many similarities. I’m not the type to believe in supernatural things such as destiny or soulmates, but having coincidences so similar to each other seem to be saying something. What do y’a think [name]?’
He looked over at the person he deemed perfect and smiled.
“[name] -“
“Want me to drive y’a to the airport?”
“It’s okay ‘Tsumu - I already booked a shuttle ride there.”
“Oh, alright gotcha.”
He stopped under one of the many cherry blossom trees. You turned in your tacks and walked back to him.
‘This was really it huh. This is the final ending of our relationship isn’t it?’
He gently tore a thin branch off the cherry tree. But instead of giving it to you he placed it behind your ear planting a soft gentle kiss on your head.
He looks at you once again. Despite having just ended the relationship his eyes were still filled with love and adoration for you.
He blinked a while to throw back the tears one last time and covered it with a smile. Pocketing his hands in his jacket he walks away from the sunset.
‘Goodbye [name].’
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boop-le-snoot · 3 years
masterpost ☀️ main masterlist ☀️ taglist
previously on...
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Two chapters over the weekend because I was ✨ inspired ✨ and my neighbors can't stop fucking (noisily!) and I'm,,, envious.
Strange adventures in Hell. There are descriptions of desperation and doom, lots of magic and - hear me out - forced/reluctant hand holding 😌 Oh my God, they held hands!!!
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"What. Were. You. Thinking?!" Strange was seething, his enormous figure and broader height towered over me, the blood-red of his cape vibrating, the only spleck of colour in the grey and dusty dark world.
"I had no choice in the matter," I replied as calmly as I managed, gritting my teeth, memories of our past stand-off fresh in my mind. We could have bickered until the end, until one of the beasts flying overhead spotted us and decorated the bleary grounds of this forsaken planet with the crimsons of our life blood. "I think it's best if we get to safety first, argue later. I have no desire to become somebody's lunch."
That much was true: I had taken a good look at our surroundings as soon as I recovered from the vacuum-like sensation of being pulled into a magical gateway; the visibility was terrible, the planet's natural light very scarce. Several suns were hardly visible in the sky, their rays barely penetrating the mists and the ashes freely floating in the air.
There was oxygen even if breathing in a full lungful seemed impossible; I tried not to think about the contents of the air, or the possibility of radiation poisoning, as the multiple amulets and charms seared into my skin where they rested under my clothes. I had four bottles of water, some bandages and salves and a sacrifice for a single ritual to my name and absolutely no conviction that Mother Earth would be able to hear the call of an earthling gone so astray.
But it was hope, so I held on.
"Fine," Stephen sighed, suddenly looking tired and weary, glancing around with furrowed brows. "Let's see if I can open a portal," his hands did that complicated set of gestures that I'd grown to associate with a golden circle and sparks on the ground. The thing flickered, once, twice, before disappearing, as if the Sorcerer's magic had run out of batteries. "Yeah, I thought so," he whispered to himself, stuffing his hands in his pockets.
"The bad news first, please," I interpreted his hesitation with a realistic outlook on our predicament.
"I can't open a portal just anywhere on this planet. We need to find a... Rift, of sorts," the man was anxiously looking around. "And those things, they'll smell us... Right about now," his eyes shot up at a winged, rapidly approaching shadow. "No good news, I'm afraid."
I allowed myself a small sigh of disappointment, keeping a tight leash on the panic slowly creeping up my body. The feeling of determination, the power of Gaia within me was still present, laying in a cozy dormant ball slightly south of my solar plexus. "Give me your hand, please," I reached out to Stephen only for him to promptly recoil.
"You should've thought about the consequences of your actions, I'm not going to hold your hand because you're scared shitless," his words were sharp but they lacked the venom. He wouldn't, or couldn't, meet my eyes.
"I know you have scarred hands. I'm a healer and you don't have to feel embarrassed or ashamed I, I've seen worse," I stated in my best 'mutant nurse' voice as Stephen's eyebrows shot up and his eyes widened. "Those things can't sense me. And I know they won't be able to sense you too if we have skin-to-skin contact. So unless you want me to get under your... Robes," I gestured to the layers upon layers of clothing he had wrapped himself in. I considered the possibility of his whole body being covered in scars, too, and couldn't help the pang of sympathy. "Take one glove off and give me your damn hand before this trip to Jurassic Park goes full pterodactyl massacre!"
I saw the thing in the sky open it's mouth - but no sound came out, the clouds reducing it's outline to a vaguely triangular shadow. There was something very unusual about this planet's atmosphere.
With a couple of jerky movements, Stephen slid off the glove from his left hand, looking away as his large, dry, warm palm encompassed mine in a gentle, trembling grip. It made no sense to interlace our fingers, so I help onto him like a child holds onto their parent; the size difference of our hands and his imposing aura surely made me feel like one.
We stood a foot apart, watching the shadow in the sky begin to circle the place we stood in, it's gaping maw opening again and again, before it zigzagged across the sky with a strong dash of confusion, it's graceful glide becoming a series of rapid turns and twists. With a final inaudible shriek, it flew off into the dusty greys of the horizon, becoming a dark spot far away in mere seconds.
The silence was so loud in this world. Like the eerie stillness of my, undoubtedly haunted, apartment, I was eager to dissipate it with something beyond our combined heavy breathing. "Please don't tell Tony," I timidly gave our touching hands a sway. "He'll never leave it alone."
A chuffing noise coming from above had me whip my head up to see Stephen holding in a puff of nervous laughter; his shoulders dropped slightly as he eyed me in turn. "What makes you think I won't tease you about it?"
"You wouldn't dare," I took mock offense, rising my leaking nose to the skies.
The grumble and the eyeroll I expected, the smirk that faded into a ghost of a smile I did not. "We should go. Usually there is a rift within a few miles of every location everywhere," he tried to keep the content expression as he spoke but the storm in his eyes betrayed his concern. They were so blue, I felt like I was drowning.
I let myself to be tugged in a direction - everything seemed exactly the same, a never-ending ashen wasteland with the occasional dark grey rock that crumbled to dust as soon as the heel of my shoe touched it. My light blue sweater quickly became the colour of rotten wood, a sickly, dull monotone between brown and gray.
The complete lack of any kind of natural noise brought out the desolation of this wretched place; if we gripped each other's hands tighter, neither of us chose to acknowledge it. It was too easy to get lost in your own mind when the surroundings were dead set on rebuking anything that was in any shape or form alive.
I caught myself thinking that this must be what people think Hell should look like.
Strange walked briskly for the most part, periodically clearing his throat and eyeing me when I struggled to keep up with his long strides. It could have been an hour, or maybe two, of aimless wandering and rapidly imploding portals accompanied by Stephen's increasingly overcast face before I made the man stop and offered him a water bottle, which he insisted we split between us two.
It didn't take me a tarot reading to figure out our chances were grim. Needless, I gave him the same look I give to injured, scared mutant children when they come to the bodega for the first time; a look of quiet temperance.
And then we walked, and walked again, as Stephen grew moodier and moodier, marching on with the force of a seasoned soldier, only taking breaks when I forced him to stand still and breathe with me. As cautious and closed-off as he was, I pressed onto the fact of me being a healer of sorts, and he relented if briefly, always reluctant, always seasoned by a great dose of bewilderment.
"Do you feel that?" Stephen's stride halted, both feet firmly planted on the ground.
The ground had tremors had coming from deep within, small shocks that could have been easily missed if not for the complete lack of sound on this world. My nod was mute, I didn't trust my voice not to break when I clearly knew there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, endless fields of nothing all around us.
"Hold onto me," promptly, I was grabbed and pushed into his chest, his long arms easily picking me up, encouraging me to wrap my legs around his waist. "Hold tight, I might need my hands," my face grew hot as I wound my arms around Stephen's neck, clinging to him like a monkey, a palm resting on the soft fine hairs if his nape. It felt too intimate somehow, in the wake of imminent danger.
The Cape that previously swayed behind him in rhythm with his steps billowed, the red fabric of it tough as it levitated us a few feet above the ground. I felt Stephen tense with each tremor; within moments, the surface shook and stuttered more and more, cracks appearing in between the dust, turning the plains into a marble-patterned patch of darkness.
We rose above it, high enough that I could see the veins resulting from the quake stretch far out into the wasteland, jagged, abrupt lines of even more concentrated darkness. And as quickly as the quake started, it was over, leaving little evidence as the ground settled.
Stephen floated us to a larger patch of the ground, criss-crossed with thinner, less prominent lines, poking the ground with his foot before allowing it to fully bear our weight. He was shaken, there was no doubt. "That was... Something," he stated lowly.
"Mhm," I hummed, fighting the urge to frantically look around, forcing my hand from clutching at his palm like a lifeline. I had decided on a plan while I was busy playing baby koala - not that there were many other options except to wander these god forsaken bare badlands until our painful demise. "Listen, Strange, I'm aware you don't hold my people in particularly high regard but you're going to have to trust me on this," my words came out derisive as I placed his palm on the back of my neck and kneeled, forcing him to do the same behind me.
The contents of my bag greeted me grimly with out last bottle of water and the couple knick-knacks that gathered the black dust on them. I hastily poured the water into a bowl, dipping my fingers in it, and added the crushed bones to the mixture.
The time that was required to make a paste-like mixture, I used to address a bewildered Stephen. "This is a last resort. I don't know if it will work, we're not on Earth," I briefly breathed my distress. "I don't even know how far we are from home. But I refuse to die here, in this grotesque Hell, without putting up a fight and Gaia has always looked out for her flock. I might get very, very sick if this is successful."
The warning had him attempt to object before he cast a long look around us, shoulders sagging, as motioned for me to continue, those piercing blue eyes boring into my face. "Tell me what do I need to do," his voice quietly attempted to soothe my very obvious fear.
I was terrified, both of dying, nameless, faceles in this world full of Nothing; the prospect of withering away after depleting all my resources was, perhaps, equally unappealing, but dying on my home planet sounded better than dying here. "Have faith," I replied curtly, beginning to chant softly under my breath as soon as Stephen's expression hardened.
My eyelids grew heavy, limbs filling with lead and molten lava as I summoned the forces of Mother itself; my body was aching, exhausted by answering her call as it was. The warm ball in my chest that previously comforted me grew, spreading its smelten power through every vein, every vessel. No part of my body was left cold. A sense of purpose filled me, pushing me forward, driving me to move, to run, to leap.
"This way," even to my own ears, my voice sounded pained. It felt as if I was walking through swamp waters, full of clay and debris, each step taking my barely coherent form through an individual bog full of pins and needles. The force of Mother Nature burned inside of me, enraged at the state of her surroundings.
Stephen spoke to me but all I could hear was mumbling, thousands of voices, low and shrill, unintelligible to the human mind. I could feel the sorcerer's pain; the itch and burn in his throat, the constant, dull throb in his scarred, broken hands. His hand in mine only intensified the situation and I fought with his injuries like I fought with the black dots in my eyes, I forced down the unpleasant sensations, setting fire to them, letting the reigns of control on the raging inferno within me slip just the smallest, tiniest bit.
The steps of his long feet stuttered as I felt the discomfort lessen yet I simply towed him along. Time leaked through the cracks in my eyes, which were mostly unseeing anyways. The useless things grew blind at some point, not that I noticed it on the greys and blacks of the surrounding scenery. It was harder to walk, my breathing grew laboured with the extertion as we finally reached the place that felt right.
"Here," I rasped, voice so quiet it could have been mistaken for a breeze. I craved to feel it; the soft puffs of wind, the sound of running water. I had called for Earth and she demanded its child back.
The portal appeared without a stutter even though Stephen's hands shook; I saw the uneven channels, the energies traveling through them at an uneven pace. As soon as I pushed through the wormhole, coming to my senses in an unfamiliar, light room, I fell to my knees.
Stephen's pained moaning told me he was probably experiencing the same stinging, burning sensation on his skin; my eyes, they were the worst - my eyeballs felt like they were melting, leaking out of my sockets into thick, gelatinous tears streaming down my face. I blindly groped for the sorcerer's hand, directing the forces within me to soothe his hurts much like I had done in the wastelands.
"Strange?!" A masculine, shocked voice exclaimed before footsteps crashed into my sensitive ears with the force of an elephant herd. "Oh my God, they're here! Tony, come!"
"Stop fucking screaming," Stephen gasped out as I felt him curl into himself.
"Friday, scan them," I recognised Tony's voice, the tiredness and desperation standing out in it more than it did in the rest of the whispers in the room.
"They appear to be experiencing a sensory overload. I would recommend to engage Peter's Cooldown mode," the mechanical voice replied, barely audible. The noise still grated on my ears after spending... How long were we gone?
"Do it, Fri," Tony's soft footsteps reached us; I smelled the spices of his cologne next to my and Stephen's prone forms. "You gave us a scare there," the tone was admonishing but gentle.
"We were scared shitless ourselves," I attempted to speak, only now noticing how grating my voice sounded. "We were in Hell," I mumbled to myself, slowly removing my hand from Stephen.
"That," he coughed up the word, breathing through his nose before speaking again, his voice sounding much better than mine. "That place was as close as possible to biblical pits I have ever seen," there was shuffling and gentle murmurs as the two men ensured each other of their presence and well-being.
The burning sensations receded back to my core, the embers of the fires dying out, leaving me feeling like deflated beach ball, all shell and no filling. With a groan, I rolled over onto my back right in the middle of the pristine carpet on the floor, forcing my eyes open and breathing through the pain until I could somewhat see the champagne coloured ceiling without black dots obstructing my vision.
Shuffling noises reached my ears as a familiar round face with light red hair came into my line of sight, Wanda's gentle features concerned. "Star, do you need to go to medical?" She eyed me almost suspiciously but the question was earnest.
The idea of a doctor fixing a magical burnout was bizarre to me, as if it ever was that easy; I chortled sardonically. "No, Wanda, there's nothing wrong with me that a doctor would be able to fix," I replied honestly. "I should call Odette."
"I've called, she said to notify her when you return," Sam's voice was gentle as he approached. I could feel him glaring daggers at a rapidly reddening Wanda. "She was the one who said you'll definitely come back," he offered me his hand.
I had to choke down a moan of relief as I grabbed it. The warmth, the life of another human being, the precious gift of a beating pulse under my fingertips was divine. "You should listen to her. She knows her stuff." It was easy, talking to Sam as if he was an old friend. He had one of the most pleasant auras I've seen on a human being.
"I'm a doctor," Stephen suddenly perched up, sounding almost bashful. "And I can aid the healing process," he stated over Tony's disgruntled mumbling. "If you can explain to me how the hell you managed to hold a... an entire sun's worth of energy!" The more he spoke the more bewildered he became, tone growing in pitch, ending the sentence with an exclamation.
"I don't know," I replied with a sigh. The whole indignation in this man, I was not prepared to face. "When I took this up," I gestured vaguely to the burned, bent metal adornments I began to remove off my body. "I thought I was going to get an increase in tips and a better outlook on life. Help my friend with her asthma as much so she wouldn't have to use her inhaler every time she gets suprised or scared," my jewelry hit the floor with a dull clank, piling up into bent silver I wouldn't even be able to cleanse and repurpose.
Sam whistled lowly, poking at a necklace that had twisted on itself, a grotesque spiral of dull ashen grey.
"I certainly didn't think that a bleeding mutant accepting his fate as cannon fodder will call for the Earth itself," my tone grew vicious. Exhaustion was nesting in my bones. "And that Mother Nature would take over my body, pour lava into my veins and bleed recklessness into my thoughts. But here I am, freshly out of Hell and alive and kicking."
A stunned silence was interrupted by Tony's frantic whispering. "You are not leaving my penthouse for the foreseeable future," as the weight of the incident set on him. The knuckles of his hand clutching Stephen's dirty tunic turned white.
"I am," Stephen eyed me with a strange look in his eye, as if he was seeing me for the first time. His eyes then turned to Tony, who'd began rambling, arguing with Stephen. The sorcerer stopped the word vomit with a grim confession. "I'd be dead if not for Starlight. I'd be meat and bone, splattered across a barren, radioactive land in the deepest, darkest pits of the universe."
I felt my face droop in slow-motion. My throat flexed, swallowing a thick lump of filthy mucus, I coughed up, "Ra-radioctive?" As soon as I could work my voice without it squeaking.
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