#or on the new team dynamics
marcsnuffy · 2 months
When they get to the NEL in the anime, 8bit should make every non-bllker's mouth movements completely different from what they're saying in japanese
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turtleblogatlast · 2 months
Man “Battle Nexus: New York” was a great episode but I do have one major gripe with it.
Like. Raph being paired up with Ghostbear? Makes sense. Works great. Works amazing, even.
Mikey being paired up with Meatsweats? Yeah that checks out!!
Donnie getting…Hypno…? I mean. I guess Donnie doesn’t like magic so it kindaaa works but Kendra would have been a much better choice to me personally. Maybe Big Mama didn’t wanna include a human or something…
And Leo getting…uh…one of the Sando Brothers???? Of all villains? Nah let’s be real, his main villain is more Big Mama herself (or Leo could be considered his own worst enemy lmao-). Hell Hypno would have probably worked better here considering their shared love for magic tricks and stuff, but Carl Sando????
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6.01 Let the Games Begin
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7.04 Buck, Bothered and Bewildered
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formulaonedirection · 11 months
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World's most irritating man vs his Australian team mate
Bonus: Australians React
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lifeonmvrs · 11 months
quick thing i made while at a restaurant (i was waiting for my food). matt has no beard bc it looked weird.
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[Image Description: digital drawing of deadpool, daredevil, and spider-man. they are floating heads in a white background. their suits are pink. deadpool has an excited expression. matt looks a bit annoyed and is saying “three tickets to barbie, please”. spider-man has a neutral expression. /end ID]
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n-fblog · 2 months
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Is anyone else a little bit surprised that Charles actually is blonde ? Or was it just me 💀 I was bracing myself for him to have green hair or smth
Regardless, he looks adorable
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hwiyoungies · 1 year
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courtz: the new overconfident but kinda unsuccessful detective duo
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theplatypusblue · 9 months
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Why put in any effort when there's literally a master of technology you could ask for help with everything? (alternatively: pixal gets a vacation from doing repair work all the time)
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team bolas may have two of the best pvpers but team soulfire has bagina, fitpac, and 4halo so they're going to win through sheer power of homosexuality
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meandmyfandoms1230 · 25 days
The Raimon/Teikoku dynamic will never not be funny to me because Raimon is that one really shitty public school that's constantly underfunded and Teikou is their rival private school with top of the line facilities, that somehow keep losing to them.
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mistergreatbones · 7 months
between willis and catherine being retconned into being abusive/neglectful, that fucking shoehorned talia romance, bruce having the character consistency of cottage cheese, and shelia's girlboss betrayal, what's really impressive is not jason coming back to life but how he seems to be holding the world reserve of shitty parents
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myymi · 11 months
tails: and that's halloween!
knuckles: surface people have strange customs
tails: kinda, but they're fun!
knuckles: being frightened is fun?
tails: to some people. what type of holidays did the echidnas have?
knuckles: ours were focused on our world. the planet, the stars, the emeralds, etc.
tails: explain!! i wanna know!
sonic: im surrounded by nerds
knuckles: not our fault you're uneducated
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uhhh sorry tedbecca shippers… that sucks but uhhh to everyone else: 🥳🥳🥳 YEAHH!!! WOOOO!!! LETS FUCKING GOOOO!!!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳 YEAHHH!!! WAHOOOO!!! YIPEE!!!! 🥳🥳🥳
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millenniummmbop · 2 years
Yugi: kaiba this is grossly illegal I'm not gonna help u commit fraud!!
Kaiba: u said the winner of our last chess game gets anything they want from the loser now shut up and start forging documents
Yugi: I meant like, making out or something!!!
Kaiba: yugi u said ANYTHING I want now are u gonna help keep me out of jail or are u gonna be a BAD FRIEND
Yugi: >:/
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s10127470 · 1 month
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Fandoms: X-Men - All Media Types, X-Men (Comicverse), Marvel (Comics)
Relationships: Jean Grey/Scott Summers, Ororo Munroe/Wren Worthington, Wanda Maximoff/Kurt Wagner, Bobby Drake/Piotr Rasputin, James “Logan” Howlett/Mariko Yoshida
Characters: Scott Summers, Jean Grey, Ororo Munroe, Henry McCoy, Kurt Wagner, Wren Worthington, Piotr Rasputin, Bobby Drake, James “Logan” Howlett, Charles Xavier, Kitty Pryde, Duncan Matthews, Taryn Fujioka, Raven Darkholme, Cain Marko, Moira MacTaggert, Lockheed
Additional Tags: Team Dynamics, Team as Family, LGBTQ Characters, new powers, Teens being teens, Action/Adventure, Mutants, Humor
Summary: In this all new take on Marvel's merry band of mutants, the X-Men are reimagined as a band of young adults and teenagers who are about to enter the next step of their evolution.
A/N: I've been working on this ever since February. And since today marked the premiere of the season finale of X-Men '97, I figured a lot of people are gonna be carving some more X-Men related content. And so I figured that I might as well help provide them that. Also, please refrain from making any jokes related to a long-running franchise about adolescent, martial arts training, mutated reptiles. Just from reading the title of this fanfic, I know it reminds most of you of a particular show related to that franchise.
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hall0wedwyrm · 1 month
Basically, TLDR i saw a fake screenshot on TikTok showing Amy in the Knuckles series and it got me thinking about how she... doesn't quite fit in the movieverse yet...
So here is my long rant about why it would be bad for her to join in Movie 3 and she should be saved for a future installment.
to preface: I DO NOT HATE AMY OR HAVE ANYTHING AGAINST HER. I think shes wonderful and shes literally a main character so shes very important obviously.
First, the elephant in the room. Shadow the Hedgehog. One of, if not THE most, complex character in the Sonic franchise, let alone in the main expanded cast. Having to introduce, and illude to, aspects of Shadow’s backstory (his relationship with Maria and Gerald, The ARK, how he was made, and the fallout) and his future (returning with amnesia in his next appearance, potentially introducing the Black Arms and some of the Heroes and Shad05 story beats that are important who he becomes) in about an hour and a half to 2 hours. I just don’t see how it would be a good idea to introduce a core member of Sonic’s friends into the movie series when she could be introduced later so that Shadow has more of a time to shine, and Amy can too later on.
Historically, Amy’s talk to Shadow to remind him of his promise to Maria has been filled in by another character when the plot called for it. In Sonic X, during its own adaptation of SA2, Chris spoke to Shadow to try and help him remember his real purpose and talk sense into him. While it didn't exactly work out, it shows that this role could be interchangable in SEGA’s eyes. I propose a similar story, using Tom’s niece Jojo. Being a character who is around Maria’s age and doesn’t have a complete character behind her as of now, this could be a more meaningful way for Shadow to realise his purpose and remember his promise. Hearing the words from someone who is like Maria (a young girl who cares about Earth) would be more impactful to him. I can see any human character taking up this role though, but Jojo would be the best candidate, due to her simiarities to Maria.
However, while not introducing another new character could be good for not overcrowding the movie with new arcs and introductions involving them, I could see this working for one character; Rouge the Bat. She was introduced along with Shadow in SA2, which is immediately a good sign, as their plots intertwine with each other. They both work with Eggman, until they turn the focus on saving the world. Rouge is one of Shadow’s closest companions going forward, and has her own arc too. She is the one who frees Shadow in Heroes, and rekindles their friendship there.
Rouge also could connect back to the previous movie. Being a jewel thief at heart, she goes after the Master Emerald, but in Movieverse its destroyed and the Chaos Emeralds are retrieved from it. She is established as being the Rival to Knuckles, and this could help him fill a new purpose on Earth (cos lets be honest… he didn’t really do that in his show-) of becoming a protector of the Chaos Emeralds instead or something. The main part of SA2 is about the Chaos Emeralds so this makes sense. Refinding the Emeralds or going to the right spot to use them and such but thats besides the point.
Another huge loss of introducing Amy in Sonic 3 is missing out on how she was introduced in the franchise. In Sonic CD, she was introduced along side another key character in the franchise; Metal Sonic. She saw a blue hero coming to help her, believing it to be Sonic, but turned out to be Metal instead. Having Amy navigate the trio around and give them the lore would make a lot of sense, given the way that others were introduced in the second installment.
Its also appropriate for this introduction too, since Metal Sonic is the perfect equal to Sonic, compared to Shadow's unintentional equal. After Eggman's failure of using Shadow, creating Metal is the next best thing. Whatever the story is with Metal, whether its faithful to Sonic CD or is twisted to fit the Movieverse story.
Now... I think introducing Amy could also mess up a lot of aspects of what the movieverse has set up for the stories of the characters. I 100% know that they will try and pull off a romance for Sonic and Amy, since its one of her main character arcs and for the longest time and its kind of (??) the main romance of the franchise. BUT according to the Sonic Dream Team character profiles, and the ending of Frontiers, she's drifted away from that interest in him... so to go back to that would be a really weird choice. I know its a different universe, but if SEGA is trying to steer away from that, then why would they go back on it?
PLUS I think it would be a huge detriment to both of their characters. Movie Sonic is much different to the Sonic's of the past, as he has all of the charms of Modern Sonic (his quick wit and charming personality) but hes younger and less experienced and jumps head first without thinking because he doesn't know what to actually do. He was thrown into the role of the hero in the first movie because the place he grew up was being threatened and he refused to run away. Amy being introduced as solely 'the love interest' also does a disservice to her character. She's strong willed, and unafraid to stand up to Eggman and any other wrong doer. She's also rather hot headed but still kind and cares for those who matter. (this is also part of a larger discussion i wrote about how in canon Sonic and Amy wouldn't work out because they want different things and are very different people but thats for a different day and/or if anyone is interested). Sonic immediately switching to a head-over-heels guy would be a complete ruin of his character built up, while also immediately destroying Amy's.
Another problem is that there isn't a focus on romance of any kind in the story so far, and introducing it could mess up what they have going. The Movie's are clearly about familial love and growing up and filling the boots of a hero. It is not a story of romance in any way. The first movie was friendship, the second was about family bonds and making new friends, and the third is most likely about trust or learning to trust again (Shadow has to trust Sonic to save the world). It'll also be a huge moment for Sonic's character; Meeting someone who is not just against him and Knuckles and Tails, but against the world itself, someone who is so hellbent on revenge for the one he lost, and how hes going to over come that WHILE meeting his new love interest... is a huuuuge task to pull off and the two stories don't really mix imo. Plus even in SA2 the extent of the romance is just 'Amy mistaking Shadow for Sonic and then she thinks its awkward and gets embarrassed and thats how they meet for the first time'.
So yeah this could be done much better if it's something thats going to happen, and it would be better left for a 4th or separate installment. Having a mini romance arc along with the Metal Sonic stuff works better because the introduction of a potential romance was worked more into Sonic CD than anything.
Im still gonna be pissed off if they do a romance, because Sonic the Hedgehog has never been about romance... but its also a multimillion kids film franchise and its bound to happen, especially when its the main male and main female character. Just know i won't enjoy it lol.
IF they do Amy... I want tarot cards AND the Piko Piko Hammer and if you take either of them away i will be causing problems (on purpose). If you give her the original outfit +11 points and if you make up an outfit whatever as long as it works and its cute (I'm partial to Dungarees myself).
anyway yeah id like to see other opinions on this... maybe some other ways it could work out? or how else she could be introduced? or maybe even of she could be in Sonic 3 but idk what they would do for her to make her not get sidelined or overtake the plot...?
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