#or people speaking english in a different accent
ouroboros-hideout · 2 days
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Alyona Petrova
She goes by the nickname Aon, but it's actually her real name now, as she hasn't used her full name for over a decade. Anna, a girl from her clan who she has grown very fond of over the years, calls her Yoni.
42 (2077)
She / Her
Heteroflex (all people she would say she had something going with, that could be described a relationship where men, but doesn´t mean she didn´t already fall for / can be interested in women aswell girl, consider it after all those man-failures
♡Hair Color and style
She has black hair and wears it differently over the years, but never longer than down too the shoulders. She went from that lenght to a buzzcut, then to the pixiecut/untercut-style and grows it back a little longer in 2077+
♡Eye Color
She used to have natural blue eyes. Her optics are blue-ish aswell but a lot lighter and since it's tech they have an „artificial touch“. Depending on the light you probably wouldn´t notice that she has implants though. I would describe it as icy-blue.
Something around 1,78 m
♡Body Type
She had a lot of training in close combat fighting and works with heavy machinery and therefore is really athletic. Besides that she does small workouts/exercises to stay in shape.
She is a really funny person who likes to laugh if you can put up with a lot of sarcasm and teasing. But she can also get very serious when the situation calls for it. She can be very impulsive and act rashly, but she tries to stop this uncontrolled behavior bit by bit with more thoughtful action and to grow from it. Although she carries a lot of heavy shit around with her, she tries not to let it show and can be a very caring and relaxed friend once you get along with her.
She has a big tattoo of a Lynx on her back Gregori, a member of her clan, did on her a few years after the joined the nomads.
She has a septum piecing, besides that nothing more. She didn't even want it in the first place. But it was a funny night with a lot of cheap vodka and she and some of her friends in the clan played a „do-or-dare“. In the end she weasled out and let Gregori pierce her nose. Though both of them where so wasted the other day they couldn´t even remember what the other choice was. After all she really liked it so kept it.
♡Any definable features such as: Birthmarks, Scars, Freckles, Beauty Marks, Accent when they talk, Lisp, Natural slurring of words, Walk with a subtle limp, ect.
She has many thin scars on her face from a fight with her stepfather and of course the Russian accent when she speaks English.
She loves nature and spends a lot of time there whenever possible. Short or long walks or even a hike are therefore among her hobbies. She also started learning her father's craft as a teenager and has been forging her own knives ever since. I don't know if you would call it a hobby, but she regularly writes diaries and makes little sketches to accompany the entries. Then there's her fascination with old movies and music, which she spends a lot of time and money collecting and of course consuming.
♡Gang/Occupation {Mox, Max Tac, etc}
She used to be in a nomad clan but she and many others parted ways with the family due to some heavy shit that went down.
The group stayed together, but since they settled down and don´t longer travel the land it probably isn´t right to still call them nomads. But since most of them never knew any other life they still like to use the term for themselves and formed their own clan.
You probably also could say she is an „honorable member“ of Barghest since she does a lot of work for them
♡Do they smoke?
She does, not extrem heavily, a normal amount like 5 – 10 cigarettes per day, depending on what she does / where she is. Can be more tho if she is stressed out.
♡Do they drink? If so, what's their poison of choice?
You can spark her interest with quite some things as long as it isn´t too fancy. She prefers strong liquors like vodka and whiskey in their pure form or really subtle drinks like a Gin Tonic or a Moscow Mule. Though she doesn´t drink a lot, rather a nightcap at the end of the day from time to time or when there is something to celebrate (or if she has to go on one of Kurt´s parties. There she drinks a lot.)
♡What do they usually wear on a normal day?
A normal day in her world would be in the workshop. So practical clothes that can, and 100% will, get dirty. Cargopants, heavy boots, some kind of t-shirt or tanktop underneath a harness with tools or a jacket. Later in the evening when the work is done she would slip into some more comfy clothes. Normal pants, some ripped jeans or anything that is laying around and a fresh shirt. An outfit that probably would scream „rocker girl“.
♡What do they wear when they "Get dressed up"? And what would be considered a "special occasion" to them {such as an "Oh they're gonna be there so I have to look my best." Or an "It's our anniversary".}
If it was for her she never would „get dressed up“. When she is meeting with clients or is traveling she already dresses (in her eyes) in a more „fashionable“ or „business“ kind of way. The only reason she would where something fancy is if she attends one of the Sapphire parties. And then Kurt chooses something for her. After several times she refused to take what he got for her she wears a blouse, some sort of blazer or bolero jacket, suit pants and some elegant flat shoes. She always says she looks like a corpo-doll, but does him the favor if he wears something else than his usual military clothes aswell.
♡What do they smell like? {For example: they smell like cinnamon flavored liquor, cigarettes, leather, and motor oil.}
The smell of the tobacco she smokes clings to her like a shadow and therefore is the most present smell that defines her, escpecially when she is not in the workshop. But it's not overly heavy or harsh and has a slightly sweet note. It's also the classic smell you'd expect from someone who works all day with machinery, engine oil and other heavy tools. Leather, a little damp. I like to think of it as the smell of a car workshop, since it's kind of hard to describe.
♡How do they walk? Do they sway their hips? Do they walk with a sense of determination? Do they bounce as they walk? Etc.
She walks very purposefully, upright and with a certain steadfastness. You could say rather inelegant, but she makes a very confident impression.
♡Are they more of an early bird or a night owl?
She can be both depending on the mood/mental condition or workload, but prefers to stick to her schedule of waking up pretty early and getting a lot of things done during the day.
♡If you had to use one word to define them, what word would you use?
Stong(er than she thinks)
♡What words or catchphrases do they say that's unique to that character?
There is nothing really outstanding in my opinion. She can get really creative with teasing names or descriptions of Kurt, but besides that I can't think of anything.
♡Favorite Season
Winter. You could argue that she maybe would like something warmer since she is stuck in snow and ice most of the time of the year, but she is used to it and is not a big fan of the heat.
♡Favorite type of weather {Thunderstorms, sunny, etc}
Is fog a weather? I just say it is. She really loves foggy morings in the woods and in Dogtown (even if that fog always looks a bit concerning). Besides that she loves thunderstorms. The raw power of nature.
♡Do they have someone they're with relationship-wise? If so, who?
Colonel Handsome
♡Main Ship/Pairings
My OTP is Kaon (Kurt + Aon).
♡Side Pairings
You could probably call the other relationships she had side pairings though I don't really will put much effort into thickening the plot around them.
♡Favorite/Self-indulgent Pairings
Still Kaon. Tho I have to admit I have a incredible weird fascination for Aon and my other OC Vlad for my corpo!AU but it's kinda fucked up so (at this point) I don't think there will happen much. Besides that all the Baddieghest are welcome to ship her with their gals :smug_kurt_emoji:
♡How do they show affection to their loved one?
Her loved ones have to endure a lot of teasing, name-calling and sometimes small gestures like nudging or light punches in the side - all affectionately. She also shines through acts of service or by simply spending quality time with the person. She is a very good listener and tries to get to the bottom of problems and solve them somehow. However, she is not a fan of public displays of affection. She can be very very touching and even cuddly or sweet when she is alone with the person she cares about, but otherwise she tends to hold back in this regard, as she has had rather bad experiences in previous relationships and through her life circumstances. It's a kind of "unfavorable protective instinct" because she doesn't want to paint a big red target on the back of the person she cares about, so to speak. That's why she can sometimes come across as rather cold.
♡How do they sit in a chair?
Leaning, you could say she is lounging rather than sitting. Sometimes she also has her legs crossed. Depending on what kind of chair it is and how entertaining or boring the given situation is, she would lean her elbows on her haunches and adopt the classic "I have to support my head to avoid falling asleep" posture.
♡How do they sit in a chair {uncomfortable version}
Back straight, legs together at the knees. Like a guilty child who has done something wrong and has to wait to be told off (something she has already experienced many times).
♡What do they wear to bed?
A shirt and underwear in Dogtown and something warmer in Russia. Some sort of thermo-clothes, leggins, shirt or a hoodie.
♡How do they usually sleep? {Side sleeper, back, fetal position, backwards, nest sleeper, blanket mountain, etc}
Arms and legs all over the place and shifting around a lot. Blanket and pillows always get lost during the night and go to the floor. She wakes up few times aswell but when there are strong arms of a particular Colonel around her, that hold er in place, she can sleep a lot calmer.
♡How do they sleep in a place they don't know? {Can't due to anxiety, in small bursts of sleep that are short lived, holding themselves, etc}
It takes her a few nights to get used to a new place, but she is not particularly uncomfortable as she is used to traveling and has certainly slept in many different places. She wouldn't use up all the space of her bed or whatever she sleeps in and keeps her pillow and blanket very close to her. You could say a lot less careless. And just in case: her knife at hand.
♡Do they have to have a form of "white noise" in order to sleep? {The sound of a fan, the sound of rain, the sound of a city, etc}
She has become used to the quiet hum of the generators from the mine that power the heating and other technical equipment. She doesn't need them to sleep comfortably, but it's strange to sleep in complete silence.
♡What's a place they go to feel comfortable, that's their "spot" they always go when they're upset?
In the forest near the mine, there is a clearing with a huge old tree that could be something like "the heart of the forest". When Aon saw it for the first time, her jaw dropped and she has been enchanted by this place ever since. She brought some old shipping containers to the spot and built herself a hideaway or hut near the old tree. In this little "home" she has also set up a really old-school forge where she makes her knives and other sharp things. It's also the place where she always goes to write her diaries because she knows no place that can beat it for silence and peacefulness. In fact, she is very strict about her privacy there. Only Anna and Kurt are allowed to accompany her there. And to answer the question: Of course it is also the place she goes when upset. There's nothing better than cooling off a little by shouting into the forest and get the tension out.
♡What do they do when they're nervous? {Fidget with jewelry, pick at nails, bite nails/lips, play with knife/zippo lighter, etc}
I love that the suggestions are already play with kife and zippo because exactly that is the case. And shaky legs, when it's a situation where she has to sit somewhere.
♡What is their "tell" for lying?
I don't think I quite understand the question? Excuse my not so good English. Does that mean you can tell she's lying? In this case, you can tell very quickly because she's a terrible liar. The first sign is always that she clears her throat and can't maintain eye contact with the person she's talking to. She also talks faster than usual and gets nervous very quickly. All in all, she would rather slay you with the truth, no matter how hard it is.
♡What is their favorite color?
♡Favorite flower/plant
She´s not a flowergirl but she likes all sorts of wood since she knows a huge variety of it through her knife crafting. Her favorite tree are Oaks.
♡Favorite sweet of choice
I'm going to cause an uproar with this, but: licorice
♡Do they have any pets? If so, tell me about them
A dog living on a junkyard She had a cat in the mine for a few years. Well, it wasn't her cat, but the clan's cat, as they had brought it from her old family. His name was Bill, an old, feisty geezer, but he liked the open, wide space where he could roam, find lots of hiding places and catch mice. He wasn't exactly a cuddly friend, but from time to time he came to get a few pats. Sooner or later old age got him but everyone has at least one story about old man Bill at hand if you ask.
♡What are their triggers {If they have any}? If so, what calms them down?
She has agoraphobia, so she is quite easily overwhelmed by large crowds and wants to get out of there as quickly as possible. For example, she never goes to the public area of the black market in Dogtown because it's too packed for her in some areas. What can bring her down here is if she has someone with her who she really trusts 100% and who "looks out for her" in a way or if she just gets the fuck out of there. Another big trigger is the fear of failing, disappointing someone or doing something wrong that has consequences for others. Here it is usually enough to talk her down and try to convince her that everything is okay. She is very protective of the people who are important to her. Another small thing that luckily has rarely happened is that when she gets completely out of breath she can panic quickly because it always brings her back mentally to the night her stepfather tried to strangle her. It takes a few minutes to get out of the crisis. But as soon as she regains control over her body, the anxiety disappears relatively quickly.
♡If they could visit anywhere in the world, where would they go and why?
There is not really a place that sparks her interest so much that she would plan something like a vacation there or something like that. It's always rather a nice circumstance when she comes somewhere for work where she's never been before and enjoys it. Even if Russia and especially the part of Siberia where she lives seems rather unreal, she likes it best there. If she really had to choose, it would probably be Canada, Alaska or even Iceland (I hope it still exists in 2077 lol). It's similar enough to what she calls home but less hostile in terms of climate and most likely also socially and politically. Exactly which part of these countries she would visit, however, would be more of a spontaneous decision. Probably more remote and lots of nature anyway.
♡What is their favorite comfort meal?
Anna´s Bliny. With a sweet topping.
♡Do they have a food they hate?
She can't really cook besides the most basic things and isn't a foodie or picky eater so she won´t complain much about anything that´s served to her, but definetly prefers homemade/fresh meals instead of some stale plastic fast food.
♡What is their favorite {non-alcoholic} drink?
Everyday starts with a cup of black coffee.
♡What are their plans for the future {if they have any}?
For a long time, her only plan was to survive. After crossing the Grim Reaper a few times, she has in a way gotten used to this “one day at a time” lifestyle. She is very perfectionist and ambitious when it comes to her craft, so she wants to keep her business going, not least because she has a responsibility to her people. At least until 2077, her life is turned upside down again. After that, Kurt's plans for the future become hers too.
♡What's a song that "fits" them?
If I had to chose a theme song for her it would be Arlekino.
But there are a lot other songs on the playlist I made for her and the ship (and update from time to time) that fit her character incredible good.
♡Give me 5 facts/random bits of information about them
- She always carries a small hand-carved Lynx figure made of Blue Apatite around with her, that her father once made. It is her talisman
- She's missing two molar teeth on the right side of her mouth she lost in a fight
- In addition to her native Russian, she speaks fluent English and decent Polish. She also has a basic knowledge of Mandarin due to some contacts in Asia.
- Her knife is called Claw
- Her favorite movie is Kill Bill Vol. 1
♡Give me their backstory {can be long, or brief.}
Alyona Petrova had a bright future as a high-ranking engineer on the SovOil payroll ahead of her – education, prestige and a fat wallet for the rest of her life. Growing up in the corruption-ridden heart of Moscow, however, this was not a life Aon could have imagined for herself. A troubled teenager who had problems to fit into that societey she never felt she belonged to, an ambitious and abusive stepfather who tried to integrate her into his world by any means necesarry – in the end an explosive mixture. She is forced to flee from her „home“, from the henchmen of the Secret Police and basically anyone who tried to collect her more than considerable bounty. Manslaughter, attempted murder and industrial espionage are not minor crimes – although she didn´t commit any of these herself and only served as a scapegoat. While on the run, Aon was taken in by a group of nomads only a short time later, and made herself a name as a mechanic and engineer in the Russian underground and large parts of the USSR.
Unfortunately, this connection was also doomed to failure.
To this day, her base of operation is an abandoned and forgotten SovOil coal mine frome where she runs her small but more than lucrative business. Whether guns or heavier war machines – you have the bluepritns of as yet unreales weapons of mass destruction and a few special request? She is your contact.
Due to unforeseen and rather unfavorable circumstances for her at the time, she came into contact with a certain Militech Colonel in the mid-2060s. The initial tension between the two quickly evaporated and a friendship developed, and later more. Hansen used her skills and contacts to build up his own black market empire in Night City. The knife he wears on his uniform was a gift - A gesture Aon only makes to her closest confidants and important persons in her life.
♡Free Space! Give me any sort of extra information about them you'd like to share
She's the first female OC I really spent time into creating. Always been guys so far. And I love her and will drag her through all fandoms to come.
Urgh I finally put everything together. As always: Thank you a lot for tagging me @olath124 💚
It's actually quite nice to have this wall of text post with all those details in one spot!
(Might edit it a bit over time)
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not-poignant · 28 days
oh god im having a moment. this may seem obvious but…i know that utr is set in australia…theres more than a few references….to australia.. and ….australian things..but i only now realised that means everyone has an australian accent omg 😭😭😭😭(me to my brain: “why didnt you tell me” my brain back: “girl are you forreal”) idk why this is so surprising to me…im slow. so all the conversations that happened…. happened with an aussie accent….temsen…gary….gwyn 😭 i know faber has more of a british accent right? idk why i remembered that but then didn’t think about calebs accent… this is amazing, its also embarrassing for me but i am protected by the veil of online anonymity so im just rolling on my couch going through past conversations in the stories re-imagining them. wait that means YOU also have an australian accent!! i LOVE australian accent!!!! almost as much as kiwi but then again i hear that one even less than aussie accents… 😂 oke have a good sunday..or wait what time is it over there?! have a good time from 9pm germany 🇩🇪 cheers mate
Ahaha, this was so great to get
Okay so firstly, I think it's fairly universal that most of us don't think of ourselves as having accents, so unless a character has a very distinct accent, I don't think of their accents at all. For that reason, I also have zero problems when people just imagine the accent that is normal to them!
Secondly, what most people know as the Australian accent is very particular to certain parts of Australia. Most people haven't heard a Perth accent, which is a lot milder overall than say, a Queensland accent. And class really influences how people talk. Like, most of these people aren't saying 'mate' for a reason, it's just not part of their daily language. So...in that sense, it wouldn't be accurate to imagine a standard television Australian accent either. It's kind of jokey, in the same way that people put on really overdone German or Russian accents, you know it's not always reflective of reality.
I love Kiwi accents too btw, so good. :D Early Flight of the Conchords forever!
But, yes, they are in Australia and they do have...Australian accents. Kadek's probably one of the most 'ocker', Faber is one of the fanciest speakers (as is Flitmouse, though he picked up his accent out of choice lol), though Gary's up there too because he came from a very educated and relatively upper class family (as is Efnisien, when he can stop swearing for five seconds!)
Characters who have a more standard Australian accent would be Janusz, Caleb, Nate, Kadek and I would say Anton's about in the middle.
But, again, if it's just easier and more comfortable to imagine whatever your internal 'generic accent' is - imagine that! For me that's actually like... a neutral English accent, for I think most people it's American! I don't even think my neutral accent is Australian, lmao, because I'm influenced by coming from a family of immigrants (Dutch + English + Russian) and watching a lot of TV growing up of which the majority wasn't Australian, and of course thinking of my own accent as just 'neutral' which it absolutely isn't.
Accents are weird!
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dailymanners · 4 months
Don't make fun of any accents, ever, for any reason.
The person on the receiving end will most likely fall in at least one of three categories:
Second language
Regional accent
Speech impediment
1. Second language
This person is probably speaking in this language to you because either you don't speak their mother tongue or you speak it worse than they speak the language you are speaking. They are making an effort for you. An accent doesn't make you dumb.
Making fun of someone for attempting to communicate in another language is the height of assholery.
2. Regional accent
Half the time you make fun of regional accents, you make fun of historically disenfranchised accents.
Southern accents? Congrats you're making fun of the way rural, usually poor, people speak. Their speech was highly influenced by black people.
Don't even get me started on making fun of AAE.
Again, an accent doesn't make you any less intelligent.
3. Speech impediment
They know they have a speech impediment. They are probably trying very hard not to sound like that. It is literally not their fault. They have had to deal with people making fun of it their whole life.
A speech impediment doesn't make you less intelligent either.
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candyfloss-esophagus · 11 months
actually? fuck it. do you know how good it was to hear someone speaking in a cockney accent who was not only a main character in a piece of mainstream media, but a good guy? it was so fresh to see a cockney guy that wasn't victorian streetrat #6. daniel kaluuya did a fucking fantastic job on hobie i don't know why i don't see more praise for him.
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coquelicoq · 1 year
there's nothing that makes me realize how ridiculous homegrown pronunciation guides are like watching other people from oregon try to tell people not from oregon how to pronounce "oregon". there is a bumper sticker you see here that instructs people to say "ORYGUN", and i, as a person who knows what the desired end result is, have no idea how you're supposed to get there from "orygun". what is that y doing there? the sound it is representing is a SCHWA. on what planet is a y the most logical option for that sound??
a REAL pronunciation guide for this word would be more like "it's like saying the phrase 'or a gun', except you stress the word 'or' and you don't stress the word 'gun' at all. actually it's more like saying the phrase 'or again', with stress on the 'or'. but only if you also pronounce those words the way i pronounce them. obviously. otherwise you're shit out of luck." but that doesn't fit on a bumper sticker now does it.
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Oooooh do you think gnomes would have their own language/dialect??
Short answer: Yes. Technically.
Long answer: I have. Feelings. About how language is treated in fantasy. Like “this race has their Own language” despite living in vastly different areas of the same world. Like. Humans having their Own language. Elves having their Own language. Elves, orcs, etc etc. Its not Bad but its definitely like A Thing that pokes at my sides a little lol.
Humans have hundreds of spoken and visual languages! Id like to imagine that in a world with other races, they would have their own variety of spoken language 😊 So yes; Gus does speak in his own native tongue. And he has absolutely badmouthed someone who got on his nerves without them realizing it lol
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one of my favorite bits i do currently is speaking in swiss german or my local dialect to my friends who aren't from my region
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napneeders · 1 year
honestly as an L2 speaker of English with "an accent" the linguistic diversity in ofmd is so cozy to me
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theramblingvoid · 9 months
42 for the ask game! either dola or null but particularly interested in null 👀
42! Do they speak multiple languages?
Hallowrove - I don't think so, I've referenced them moving around a lot on the Surface before but it was pretty much just between cities and small towns in England so they didn't get much opportunity to pick up a second language
Null - my guy they barely speak one language lmao, if they spent enough time around someone speaking something other than English they could probably mimic it back though. Just soak it up and dispense it again like a squeezed sponge
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meowhawkk · 2 years
i think the problem with the England/Britain thing you mentioned is that most US people don't seem to know the difference. i actually didn't and had to look it up. im 29 and never once in school did they tell me there's a difference so i guess I'll be educating people from now on about that?? Im sorry though, it must be really frustrating
Honestly it's okay! I know how America-centric a lot of online spaces are, so it's something I see and roll my eyes at all the time; unfortunately I can't really change the state of the education system over there but. I'll use this as a jumping off point to chatter.
As someone from Wales, I've always grown up having to constantly correct people that I'm not from England, and I'm not English, and that the UK is far more than JUST England, like... I'm used to it. It happens. I always try to explain to people this is the equivalent of me referring to all of America as 'New York' for example, and obviously that isn't true, because not every American is from NY- just like British =/= English!
I guess it grates on me bcuz I know a lot about a lot of different American states, and most don't know (and sometimes don't care) that the UK is made up of 4 countries, know very little about Europe in general as a whole, & sometimes try and speak over us on our geography, history, & culture.
But sadly I am one person and I can't really change the state of education over there 😭 BUT! now you know that Britain refers to more than just England! So it is a net positive! I am also happy to be seeing the energy crisis in the UK being discussed on a larger scale, outside of British news & media-- bcuz it is a genuinely terrifying issue for a lot of people & it has brought forth the reality of how big the class divide here truly is in the UK, and how corrupt it really is. The sociopolitical dynamic of it is very different to America; I'm mostly happy more people are seeing it now.
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mrfoox · 2 years
Actually I love accents. Like no matter how good you become at languages you still have some sounds/letters you pronounce in a specific way, that's actually very cute
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yb-four · 1 year
My favorite part of being Chinese is being next to other Chinese people and hearing them speak a dialect I completely don’t understand. I wish English worked the same way, where in addition to “American” and “British” being the main two (like “Mandarin” and “Cantonese”) everyone also knew a secret second language that only people from their own town speaks and NOBODY else. I want the Denver, Colorado dialect to have completely different grammar from Kitchener, Ontario dialect. I want idioms that your grandma always said that just cannot make sense in “standard” English. I want to live in a world where you can drive 2 hours and all of a sudden the locals have a new secret code language that they can use to conspire against you
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i appreciate it when people from anglican countries say that they shouldn't assume that people from non-anglican countries who live in their countries will have a stereotypical accent from their native countries. but sometimes i will encounter people acting like accents simply do not exist and that is very funny to me. ''why does this character who has newly arrived to america from korea have a stereotypical korean accent that's kinda racist :/'' bestie idk how to tell you this but somebody who has lived in korea their entire life has a stereotypical korean accent T_T
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gender-euphowrya · 1 year
funniest defense of that one writer that keeps saying nonsense and funding hate groups You Know The One is when people say "well i still like her work because she writes well"
have you actually read a single fucking word of her latest works
i know nobody in their right mind should willingly subject themselves to this but i beg you to look up the polish character in her detective story
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nexus-nebulae · 2 years
i keep forgetting how to talk to people bc the person i talk to the most is my mom but whenever we text we use something closer to ASL grammar than English grammar so i forget how to words sometimes
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darksouls2yuri · 2 years
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