#or some other interesting element that adds a bit of spice to it
all a girl like me wants is a fic with tomarrymort as the main pair, and a side of starprince (snack/snirius) 😩😩😩
like is that too much to ask??! 😞😔
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justcallmefox89 · 10 months
Gale and the Gith: Chapter Four - The Grove Part II
X'aa'nath's past is revealed.
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"I saw you at the gates.  You fight well.  A few words for the kids?  Spare a story or two?”  Ashrak’s voice carries over to the pair.
 Oh no.
Gale hurries over in an attempt to cut X’aa’nath off before too much damage is done.
“Bad news, children: you are all going to die.” 
Too late.
The children whimper and back away in fear while Astarion cackles gleefully.  X’aa’nath stands stoically, a slightly confused look on his face as Ashrak and Wyll both glare at him. 
“Good job,” Ashrak scolds the gith, scowling.  “Was that truly necessary?”
X’aa’nath returns his scowl, reflexively lowering his hand to his dagger.  “I speak nothing but the truth, istik.  They are small, they are weak, they are inexperienced, and if this paltry training session is all you can offer them, when your enemies come they will be the first to die.  Their deaths will be because of your failings, not my words.”
Gale grabs X’aa’nath’s forearm and tugs him away as Wyll deftly steps between the two men, softly murmuring words of peace.
“Aww,” Astarion pouts.  “It was just getting interesting.”
“I cannot believe you did that!  Were you deliberately trying to frighten them?”
I usually find the wizard’s voice soothing, but his nagging has not ceased since we left the grove, and my limited patience has nearly run out.
“It was cruel,” Wyll chimes in.
“If you found that cruel then you’ve truly led a blessed and sheltered life, she’lak,” I respond without looking at him, my tone deliberately bored.
“I know that things are different in githyanki culture, but you cannot just run amok-”
Gale’s voice is instantly silenced as I make a small hand gesture beneath my robes.  He frowns, opening and closing his mouth, clearly speaking words, and growing increasingly frantic when he is unable to make even the smallest sound.
I allow myself a tiny smile; unfortunately Wyll notices.
“What did you do?” he demands, glaring at me.
This time I don’t bother concealing my hands.  One quick flick of my wrist later and Wyll’s voice no longer plagues my ears.
“What on earth did you do to them?” Astarion asks, openly fascinated.  “Can you do it to other people?  And why haven’t I seen one of them do it?”
I merely shrug, smirking at the impotent glares the two humans give me.  “It is a simple enough spell.  I use it more as a reminder than anything else.”
Astarion gives me a sidelong look.  “A reminder of what, my dear?”
“In this case?”  I allow my eyes to dispassionately roam over the two human spellcasters.  “That no matter what bargains have been made with devils, or whatever blessings have been bestowed by an inferior goddess, their magic… everything they are, every gift they have is conditional.  And can easily be taken away.”
I pause, allowing a small ball of lighting to form in my hand, rolling it easily over my long fingers.  “But I… I have been blessed by the elements.  I am magic incarnate; I am the storm.  My powers cannot be taken from me, and even if some istik ever managed such a feat, I was trained for years by one of Vlaakith’s most powerful kith’raks.  I can kill with a sword just as easily as magic, and it would be wise not to annoy me.”
Astarion grins slowly, flashing his long, white canines.  “Oh… I think I’m going to like you even more than I originally thought.”
He links his arm through mine and leads me away from Wyll and Gale, peppering me with questions about the potential uses for my magic.
Several hours later….
“I see kin has finally seen fit to give you your voice back.” 
Gale startles, splashing a bit of stew over the edge of the cauldron, causing the campfire to sizzle and smoke.  “Lae’zel!  I… yes.  He has.”
She crouches down next to the wizard, watching intently as he adds various spices and vegetables to the evening’s stew.  “Remember this next time you irritate him.  X’aa’nath can steal the air from your lungs just as easily as he can steal your voice.  He was merciful today, though I do not understand why.”
Gale snorts and rolls his eyes.  “You and I have very different perceptions of mercy, Lae’zel.”
She shrugs one shoulder nonchalantly.  “You are not his varsh, nor his kith’rak.  Who are you or the warlock to attempt to lecture him?”
“He terrorized those children!  There was -”
“He terrorized them, or he told a truth that you and the warlock did not want to hear?” Lae’zel interrupts, golden eyes piercing him to the spot.
Gale remains silent, tossing a last bit of chopped up carrot into the stew and stirring it thoroughly.  While he adamantly objects to the way X’aa’nath handled the situation, it would be a lie for Gale to say he had never considered the possibility that many of the tieflings would die before reaching Baldur’s Gate.  “There was no reason for him to scare them like that,” he says eventually.
Lae’zel tilts her head to the side for a moment, considering.  “Do you know what happens when an egg fails to hatch with the rest of its clutch?”
Gale blinks, confused by the sudden change in subject.  “No?”
“It is destroyed.  The weak have no place in githyanki society.”
“Why are you telling me this?”
“X’aa’nath did not hatch with the rest of his clutch.  His egg was to be destroyed, but Kith’rak Khou’zal stepped in, saying he felt the unhatched child held great potential.  Khou’zal waited, relinquishing his spot as one of Vlaakith’s most valued knights and becoming varsh to an unhatched egg.  When the rest of their creche moved on, he remained here on the material plane, training the hatchling.” 
“You were part of the same creche?”
She shakes her head.  “No, but Khou’zal’s madness was a topic of much conversation among the elders in creche K’liir.  Why would a revered warrior give up his return to the Astral Plane to stay here alone and raise a whelp who should have been crushed long ago?”
“How do you know that X’aa’nath is that hatchling?” Gale asks quietly.
“As it was only Khou’zal and the hatchling, they had no permanent creche.  So they traveled, visiting other creches occasionally, allowing the hatchling to train with other githyanki younglings.  I was in the final stages of my training when they visited creche K’liir.”  Lae’zel falls silent, turning her attention inward, staring back on a memory that only she can see.
“What was he like then?” Gale wonders aloud.
Lae’zel huffs a small laugh.  “Arrogant.  Silent.  Smaller than all the other hatchlings.  Gifted.  They dismissed him because of his size.  They knew him as a stunted egg who should never have hatched.  He was challenged by many.”    
Gale’s eyes automatically search out X’aa’nath, spotting him as he leaves camp, walking towards the shore.  Even now the young sorcerer is noticeably smaller than Lae’zel, shorter by far than the average adult gith, but no less physically powerful.  “What happened when they challenged him?”
Lae’zel slight smile is cast in a sinister glow by the firelight.  “He killed them all.  The one who was never supposed to be slaughtered many of my clutch-mates.  And they deserved it, for underestimating him.”
Gale stares at her, horrified. 
“You view what he did today as cruelty, but he really performed a kindness.  Hope is not what those tieflings need right now, wizard.  Hope will not protect them in the coming weeks.  They need to truly face everything that is at stake, even the children.”  Lae’zel stands, running her hands up and down her thighs.    
Gale remains next to the campfire, absently mindedly stirring the stew, looking up occasionally to see to X’aa’nath has returned to camp yet.  After several long minutes he stands up, brushing down his robes, and hurries to the shore, missing the knowing smiles Karlach and Astarion exchange.
It doesn’t take him long to find the sorcerer, sitting cross legged by the water, eyes serenely closed as he engages in his nightly meditations.  The numerous walls guarding his mind have been temporarily lowered in his relaxed state, allowing Gale’s tadpole to connect with his.  Memories slam into the wizard’s consciousness, their intensity bringing him to his knees.
X’aa’nath as a child, facing down a ferocious looking owlbear with only a dagger, tears in his eyes as he looks towards a silver-hair githyanki knight for aid.
“Summon your strength and attack!  Whether you live or die falls on you, X’aa’nath!  Save yourself!” the elder gith commands.  “Utilize your training!”
X’aa’nath, only a few years older, surrounded by other gith younglings in large training room.  His eyes are wild, darting around looking for escape as the others close in on him, hands tearing at his hair and skin.
X’aa’nath, perhaps only a year or two younger than he is now, standing silently in yet another unfamiliar creche training room, spattered in blood and his long, white hair in disarray, surrounded by the fallen bodies of his kin.  The silver haired elder, Khou’zal, Gale surmises, stands by his side, wearing a look of intense pride.
 A few days ago, aboard the crashing nautiloid.  Khou’zal and X’aa’nath crouch behind a broken mindflayer pod, both injured and breathing hard.  Khou’zal shoves a large supply pack in X’aa’nath’s arms, along with a crossbow and several daggers.
“Go!” he shouts, pushing the young gith away from him.
Both gith turn their heads, eyes widening at the sound of several rapidly approaching illithid. 
“I won’t leave you!” X’aa’nath argues, summoning a large ball of lighting, determination settling over his features.
Khou’zal takes him by the shoulders, shaking him hard.  “This is my final command as your varsh, child.  Go.  Now.  I will buy you as much time as I can.”
X’aa’nath’s resolve wavers in the face of his elder’s command, but after a moment he collects himself, scowling.  “I will not.”
Khou’zal shoves him, hard, leaping to his feet and drawing a large, silver sword as the mindflayers draw ever closer.  “I will not let you die here, gish!  Not before you’ve even had a chance to live.”
The sorcerer hesitates, the will to live and dedication to his varsh warring inside him.
“You have always been my joy, X’aa’nath, even when I was unable to show it.  Now go, my child.”  Khou’zal gives him a last, fierce smile before charging into battle, meeting the illithids head on with a flash of silver.
X’aa’nath closes his eyes, and to his eternal shame, he turns and runs.
The memories stop abruptly, and Gale opens his eyes to see X’aa’nath staring at him, pale eyes reflecting the silver light of the moon.
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forgottenroderick · 3 months
OOC | Varmont-ians & Religious Culture
(and to be clear, i mean, like, peeps from the varmont empire -- esp the og nation -- not just the fam...)
so we know a good bit about the astairan religion, and so i wanted to hammer out some details abt its counterpart, roderick's god! so far, we know a few things
they have one god
the phoenix symbol is linked to their religion
they do NOT like witches!!!!
they consider the guardians to be demons
so!! obv there are multiple real-world monotheistic faiths, [ zoroastrianism, atenism, judaism, islam, christianity, and numerous others ], from which we can take inspiration
we also know that ppl from the og varmont country have a wide variety of naming bg's
roderick (anglicized visigothic) famed ruler
alaric (anglicized visigothic) ruler of all
guinevere (anglicized welsh) white phantom
edmund (old english) rich protection/protector
arthur (anglicized welsh or anglicized latin) bear king or honorable/respectful
sebastian (latinized germanic) venerable/exulted
cassandra (greek) excelling/shining one
bartholomew (greek-ized aramaic) son of the furrowed
marian (anglicized egyptian) sea of bitterness/rebelliousness/wished for child/beloved/star of the sea
alistair (scottish) defender of man/protector
there's also eoin (irish-ized hebrew) god is gracious and ciara (old irish) black lady who have irish names, but i consider these outliers and attribute this to their calleary mama <3
now, why am i jabbering abt names in a post that purports to be abt religion? well, i thought it might help sprinkle in some fun elements to the religion itself if we can kinda pinpoint sort of a cultural element for og!varmont the way we did for astaira
so, why ~these names for these ppl? now, obv there are doylist reasons for this haha but i was thinking it could be fun to run w it and add a layer of in-world reasons esp w the rise of nationalism in og!varmont that came w roderick
so!! the things that came up the most?
visigoths x2
welsh x2
greek x2
english x1 (but almost allll of the names are anglicized -- for obv reasons, we're english speakers hahah -- but still!)
latin x2
germanic x1
scottish x1
now!! its also interesting to note that germanic and visigothic language have the same root, and that welsh, irish, and scottish all have the same root, so by ~that estimation, names of those origins both show up x3 respectively. another interesting fact, english is comprised of ~both of those roots w a dash of french thrown in for spice ;D (thanks, Wm the Conqueror!)
HOWEVER!! it should also be stated that the names of the royal family (those ~born varmont, anyway) should bear the most weight bc those are most likely to be traditional names to the og culture, so the egyptian and scottish names are probs the least relevant to this process but def still worth considering imo! HOWEVER!! its also worth noting that both roderick and alaric were born to a second wife, so its ~also highly possible that their names are derived from the tradition of whatever ~her culture was so yeah!! bc of these sorts of considerations, bartholomew, guin, arthur, and edmund are likely to have the most 'traditional' names as they were all named w the notion that depending on how things shake out they might rule someday, whereas even tho roderick, for example, was born a second son his dad def wasn't viewing him as a potential future king, and therefore its unlikely he viewed alaric that way, either, whereas we all know its equally possible w our ot3: succession kids laksdjfakljsd
ANYWAY, i feel like, altogether, including each one, this tapestry of names is actually telling us a bit of a backstory -- i.e., that the og!varmont nation (OVN for short from now on!) was an international hub, and im thinking that might tie into maybe roderick's father and grandfather and great-grandfather doing lots of trading w other nearby nations, until whatever OVN's ~pure culture felt kinda lost to "revivalists" such as roderick who felt they had to unearth it from the mire of homogenization, leading to the rise of nationalism and acts such as digging into the ancient past to try to discover whatever may have once been unique abt OVN, and as such roderick making huge national statements like IMMA TAKE MORE WIVES NOW and not receiving backlash bc that's what the ancient kings of OVN did, a fact stated in his bio!
this nationalistic and xenophobic rising tide paired w conquest of course then ironically hurls off the shackles of alien cultures (thus alienating the new culture OVN had since been building) only to then do the same to other cultures by obliterating them in the tide that is this frankenstein'd version of whatever the lost ancient culture might've been bc i love it when roderick is always and inevitably hypocritical without realizing it <3
ANYWAY!! all this international trade and such means you'd have an influx of foreign alliances and marriages and, ofc, names, so yeah!!
so, question 1: would it be helpful to sort of figure out culture(s) to model OVN on? and, if so, do any of these appeal?
now let's circle back to religion!
so when you get roderick's reactive party rising to power, you start seeing a couple of things. now, ngl, i kinda feel like maybe roderick actually follows his mama's religion, which may or may not be/have been the same as OVN's, if we wanna explore any potential religious backlash from within OVN, or anything like that? but irregardless of how it came about, roderick has in fact established his religion as the official state religion of his new empire, and failed to believe accordingly meets with a fiery (aka in his eyes, cleansing!) death
sooooo im having some frankly insane ideas abt Roderick’s belief system thanks to the Phoenix iconography (like…boiled down roderick might legit worship death effectively -- the only god that comes when you call, the god of all, the god of equality?!!?!! Though in a slightly more life/death ying/yang creation through destruction kinda way, motto ‘in my end is my beginning’ sorta way idk Sfjkhffg HELPPP!) and before I get too carried away bc idk if we need a death cult emperor 😂😭 ummmm I wondered if you guys had any thoughts abt the varmont faith/the one god/etc adhkkjgdgh
some other thoughts i had — Phoenix flames, sun, light, fire — dichotomy of light/dark, good/evil — so roderick's view, then, Astaira and the staffords literally take the night as their standard (three stars in the night sky) and worship demons, conquest cleanses etc...idk!! what do you guys think? the sun and moon are the eyes of god
i also had some notions pulled from mostly atenism, orphism, and zoroastrianism re: its cosmology, that maybe there once were three gods: the light god, his goddess wife, and the dark god, but the dark god attempted to kill the great god, stabbing him through the eye (the moon eye) but the pregnantn goddess sacrificed herself and her divinity to bring back her husband who cast down the dark god, stripping him of his divinity, and now he's basically ~satan, but he couldn't bear to never see his wife again so he used the divinity he'd seized from his dark brother to #reincarnation and his reborn wife, tho no longer a goddess (since, to bring back both wife and unborn child he had to split the divinity so yeah #onegod), bore their mortal child whom roderick considers to be his ancestor, so basically the varmonts are possibly descended from the god and goddess, reincarnation is maybe a thing, there's one god of light and one demon of the dark, and death might be good maybe? laksjfkljsfk
(i was thinking a belief in reincarnation maybe bc of the phoenix symbology -- representing resurrection, rebirth, life in death, etc, and the dark god bc they obv believe in demons of some kind, and not!god evil gods w demonic servants appear in many monotheistic belief systems, judaism, islam, christianity, and zoroastrianism to name a few)
question 2: is this absolutely unhinged inanity, or does it have potential? i myself keep going back and forth alksdjfakljsf
also last but not least...@thelongforgottenrealm did you have any notions abt this?
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away-ward · 1 year
To the anon who posted "one thing i hate about will was his manwhore tendencies/lowkey maybe “flirty” personality.", i agree with you 100%. Even worse when i remember that will said that he could easily "sink into alex" implying that he can have alex and alex have him, just like how rika could easily have kai if em and banks were not around. There's no "exclusivity" for their romance as if intimacy with others were so easy, so it does cheapen their feelings for their partners, and it can be seen like "so mich talk, but no actions". This was my main gripe with will too, because if he had the time to fuck around with other women, he had the time to email or call emmy and asked if she was homeless or dying, alright.
That's why i said, no MMCs in this book is possessive, not even damon, they all aint shit. The romantic parts were not giving, the bias were so obvious it ruin the fun of "a story with variety of couples" type of series, the men were scums from hell, even worse than mafia romances (and mafia romances had better arc, can you imagine that?! Even these mafia guys practice loyalty and monogamy wtf?!). Like if you guys want great dark romance, better not expect it from PD srsly, because if there's one constant thing i noticed that pd loves to use in their storytelling is to romanticise (?) something ugly, then abandon that ship and expect the reader to lap every second of it. They always wanna write something that goes beyond ugly (whoch is fine, many other authors like k. Webster and other do it too), but PD'S wrap up of their stories were always just pure shit. It's even disappointing because pd's idea was usually fun to read but man, the execution was just so 🗑️☠️
If there is one thing pd was really bad at, it's the middle and redemption arc, that's why whichever character that gets the shorter end of the stick in any of their books will always just have to stow in their hurt feelings without any further just ending for them. It happens in DN for banks and emory, it happens in Fall Away, it happens in credence noah and jake, in tryst six venom too, and at this point, only birthday girl and maybe hellbent were free from this, only because they dont have much "bully" elements to their stories. Even if there were some rough scenes in hellbent, the romance was still sweet, hot, monogamous and everything great you'd expect from the romance genre, but with a sprinkle of hot spice in it.
IMO, i didnt have much thoughts or feelings when will complimented banks, because he's literally like that with everyone, but when you guys discussed about it, he really was a bit too flirty with these women, huh? 🤣 now he made me pissed off to, and this just adds more to my will grayson's ick list, LOL! Becaus that mad sense, if we cant get angry at michael for looking at banks and kai at rika, why cant we with will?
Hey, I hope the Anon sees your message. And I also hope you don’t mind me popping in with some thoughts!
But you can ignore them too. I'll post if Anon replies.
Even worse when i remember that will said that he could easily "sink into alex" implying that he can have alex and alex have him
So I actually found this line interesting, because it can have two meanings, depending on how deep you want to look at it. One, is the obvious. He means penetration.
But the second is like drowning. Like how he used Alex, along with drugs and booze to, drown out his pain. It would be so easy to just try to love Alex and to sink into her because she doesn’t fight him; she numbs his pain. But at this point, he's come so far that he doesn’t want to be numb anymore. He’d rather fight with Emory than forget with Alex.
At least, that’s how I understood his thoughts in that scene.
because if he had the time to fuck around with other women, he had the time to email or call emmy and asked if she was homeless or dying, alright.
You’re not the first person to say this and, I hope you don’t mind, but it always struck me as a bit funny. Because if I was Will’s friend after he got out of prison and he told me he was going to try and contact Emory, I would have lost my mind.
Because, looking at the situation with only the information Will has, this is a girl who had repeatedly for three years told him ‘no’ and to ‘leave her alone’. Then, when he goes to prison for brutalizing her brother (who rightfully deserved it), she doesn’t reach out to him at all.
He's not sleeping with other women in prison. He’s not going anywhere. She knew exactly where he was every day and night.
I’d say with all of that, Emory had made it abundantly clear she didn’t want to be contacted by him.
So if he told me he was going to reach out “just to check on her” I would have tied him to a chair, and removed all access to the internet. No email. No calls. Hell, he doesn’t even get pen and paper. He can’t do smoke signals or morse code. Nothing.
It just seems to be that when a girl says no, we should respect that. So we can’t say we want Will to respect her but also ignore her when she says she doesn’t want him in her life. Because that’s what she told him. Repeatedly.
But also, it sort of does a disservice to Will to expect him to roll his heart out to her once again.
For three years, he begged, followed, and pleaded with her to see him. He goes to prison, and she still says nothing. Not even a thank you letter. Now, whether Em owned him any communication is up to the reader.
But even before then, Will was lost.
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I propose Will didn’t just not like himself, but that he hated himself. He hated himself for wanting her so much. And he tries for years to root her out of his mind and heart. He tries to numb the pain with women and booze, because if the woman he wants doesn’t want him, what would be the point of acting like he’s in a committed relationship. Why mourn the loss of someone who was never his?
And I still think all of this is to cover up the fact that he hates himself. He’s trying to deaden the voice inside that says he’s worthless because Em didn’t see anything worth in him. He’s heartbroken and sick.
Now, if I were Will, and I had gone through all that and had tried to get this person out of my head and heart, only to see them once and realize they are still so deeply entrenched in every part of me? To realize that for years, all the stuff I’d done to try and kill off the love I felt for them, was useless because at the first sight of them I know without a doubt I’m still in love with this person who has made it very clear they want nothing to do with me?
I would feel so stupid. Just dumb. And broken.
But in NF, Will of course has a layer of anger to cover up his feelings. He wants to hurt Em for hurting him and it’s messy and wrong, but people often are.
All I’m saying is expecting Will to come out of prison wanting to get right back to where he left off in high school would be unfair to both of them.
but PD'S wrap up of their stories were always just pure shit. It's even disappointing because pd's idea was usually fun to read but man, the execution was just so 🗑️☠️
Unfortunately, I think this is the case. PD has great ideas, but somewhere along the line, at least for me, the story I’m interested in reading and the story they’re interested in telling diverge until I’m just confused as to how we ended up here.
because they dont have much "bully" elements to their stories
This is an interesting analysis. I wonder what it is about the “bully romance” trope that causes them to do this?
I know a lot of author get tripped up with arc enemies to lovers storyline because they don’t give enough time to let them come to respect each other before making them lovers? At least in my experience, it seems some authors try make the enemies part ‘oh they don’t really hate each other; it’s just hidden attraction’ but that’s not enemies to lovers!
Does PD do the same thing? Where they try to make it a bully romance but once the romance picks up, there’s no time to deal with all the previous bullying?
I don’t know. I’m just throwing things at the wall…
IMO, i didnt have much thoughts or feelings when will complimented banks, because he's literally like that with everyone, but when you guys discussed about it, he really was a bit too flirty with these women, huh?
I never minded Will be flirty with the women in the inner-circle, because I don’t think there was any real intent behind it, but I won’t waste an opportunity to bring up this clip so…
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theuntitledblog · 4 months
WWE King & Queen of the Ring (2024) - REVIEW
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I first got into wrestling after watching the 1996 King of the Ring which was famously won by Stone Cold Steve Austin and the event became a firm favourite of mine thereafter. Part of the excitement was that you never quite knew who was going to win and then pushed to the next big star. With a couple of exceptions between 1993 and 2002 (Mabel, Ken Shamrock, Billy Gunn), most winners of the King of the Ring went on to much bigger things but the event itself fell out of favour post-2002 and was only brought back occasionally but it never really seemed to mean anything. The 2024 King & Queen of the Ring tournament by contrast for me has been a great success in part because it seems to have been given a new leash on life by creative. OK yeah there were a few stars who pulled out due to injuries or other reasons, but it's hard to argue that this years King and Queen of the Ring doesn't mean anything especially with the added twist of a world title shot awarded to the winners. The respective final match of the tournament may lack storyline heat between the competitors but the stakes of the tournament more than make up for it. WWE has had a great year so far with its PLE's and this one is no different.
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Women's World Heavyweight Championship Match - Becky Lynch (c) vs. Liv Morgan
A minor feud that felt hastily put together following the injury to Rhea Ripley that none the less delivered a solid match with some significant story implications due to the involvement of one Dominik Mysterio. The match itself wasn't a classic but it certainly showcased just how far Liv Morgan has come as a competitor from her days as member of the Riott Squad to now being World Champion. Perhaps the most memorable element to the match was it's ending with Dominik Mysterio representing the off-screen Ripley while accidentally (or not?) costing Becky Lynch the match and title. It definitely felt the right call as Lynch didn't particularly need another lengthy title reign whereas it certainly felt the right choice to put the title on Liv Morgan and spice up her feud with Rhea Ripley at the same time. A good start to the show for me.
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Triple Threat Match for the Intercontinental Championship - Sami Zayne (c) vs. Chad Gable vs. Big Bronson Reed
This is by and large the biggest and longest running feud on this card that has been brewing since WrestleMania and involving stars who had been hovering around the Intercontinental title since the Gunther run. This match was incredible and was boosted by the Saudi crowd reaction to Sami Zayne who probably got one of the biggest pops of the night. It's also reassuring to see that the work Gunther put in to raise the profile of the IC title seems to be continuing and it felt right for Chad Gable and Bronson Reed to still be in the mix and adding variety to a rather small card. This had everything you'd want from a good triple threat match with high spots, plenty of near falls and the drama between Gable and Otis at ringside helped to add a little bit more to this match. Outstanding.
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Queen of the Ring Finals Match - Lyra Valkyria vs. Nia Jax
The coldest match on the card that also wasn't helped by a lack of crowd reaction which is a shame because this was a showcase for a newer star with great potential and a veteran who is probably on her best run in WWE. Lyra Valkyria had a great entrance, look and put in a good effort in a David vs. Goliath style match where Nia Jax utilized her size and style to great effect. The finish in particular was very impressive and the result felt right with Jax finally getting some much needed and deserved recognition. An interesting clash between Bayley and Nia Jax at SummerSlam awaits.
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King of the Ring Finals Match - Randy Orton vs. Gunther
This was the polar opposite of the Queen of the Ring Finals match; a clash between two heavy weights in WWE who had never met before and with very different styles. That there was no real story between them going in felt irrelevant as their respective reputations alone made this a mouth watering prospect and it certainly didn't disappoint. This was an old school wrestling match with a deliberate pace, great selling (particularly from Orton) and a crowd that was into it at the start. It's a shame that the final pin by Gunther seemed to be botched with Randy Orton's shoulder not down on the mat but it doesn't take away that this was an incredible match with the right result.
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WWE Undisputed Championship - Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Logan Paul
Coming off of a stunning finale at WrestleMania 40, it is fair to say that the one thing Cody Rhodes has perhaps been lacking is a compelling story since becoming champion. Sure there's the much teased feud with the Rock to look forward to but right now from a storytelling point of view, we're in a more episodic stage. On the plus side, the Backlash match with AJ Styles was outstanding and the match here, though not as good as the Backlash match, is still a very good main event. Rhodes and Logan Paul make for a good pairing with Paul in particular making for a natural heel against Rhode's babyface. It feels repetitive to say how impressive Logan Paul's in ring ability is given his experience, but he again puts in an impressive performance with Cody Rhodes in a compelling match that was otherwise predictable in its outcome.
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farmboyprince · 9 months
My introspective- week 1 of @2024-grimoire-challenge
Tuesday, 2.1. It's only been a few days, but I already feel like I've done something good for myself. Writing definitions on the first day felt like a great start, especially since I'm writing in my native language and spell/ritual don't translate perfectly- I've chosen the words that I think most fit and expanded on that. It will be helpful to have a kind of dictionary and I already have some ideas on what to add to it when I have time:)
I'm also a bit surprised that I recognise the english words for the plant and spice I chose to research, but I wouldn't have ever connected them with ours- I just thought it was something we don't have here xD I feel a little silly about it, but interested in finding more connections like that!
Wednesday, 3.1. I've found today's prompt pretty difficult on the account of the yearly celebrations outline. A couple were quite easy to list- the summer and winter solstices, the spring equinox, pust,.. but for some others it's hard to find credible sources for even approximate dates of celebrations (on account of my ancestors not having a written language and forced christianisation). As such, I wrote down the dates that appeared most often (and most well sourced!). I ended up with 10 celebrations- 6 that I know how they're celebrated and when they are, and 4 that I either saw mentioned a lot or that seemed nice, even if I can't find definite proof of them being historical (Domovoj my beloved, of course I'll have a day for you<3).
As for the tools I use, they're just there to make the whole spellcasting/ritual experience feel a little more mystical and add a bit of whimsy. I have a couple different candles and incense/wax melts, sometimes I add stones or shells I found on the beach. All of those get placed on a "vibes" basis before I do my work. I also sometimes burn herbs I've foraged or make tea with them. My most important tool is my wand; a sun-bleached conifer stick I found on a mountain once. It's just a stick with a wax coated tip (so I can use it to transfer a flame and light my candles without destroying it- very cool) that I absolutely love. It's my kind of protection- instead of casting circles, I just use my wand to start a working. I always had an affinity for trees and wood (lol), so I've never worried about saying the wrong thing or accidentally fucking the spell up as long as I had my lil piece of tree:)
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Behold, the stick! It fits really nicely in my hand<3
Thursday, 4.1. Thinking about my altar- it's been trough many changes since first set it up. That was after I began doing more research into witchy stuff and it followed all the "rules"; I've had the four elements in their right places, candles, a knife, wand, cup,... In time and with practice, I've realised that's not how I work. Since setting it up my own way, it rarely changes. I have everything that I need on hand, along with my god/spirit representations and lucky things. I don't really consider it an altar as much as my personal important space where I do magic work, watch candle flames flicker and drink tea. I do want some more idols tho- I think I'll finally have to learn how to whittle.
Friday, 5.1. I don't really have any personal practices. In part, it's the reason I started this challenge- I'd like to do more research, write down my findings and make my personal practice with the help of that. The only thing I can think of is, that along with doing a yearly spread of tarot cards (I do it in january and pull one card for each month) I also pull MTG cards. It's started because divination can be fun and I really wanted to do some with my boy, who is super into magic the gathering. I usually do it with leftover cards from drafts and while I don't know about accuracy (forgot to write down what I pulled lol), it's definitively a fun bonding activity:)
all in all, I quite liked the prompts and filling up the indexes feels very rewarding! Looking forward to the next week:)
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bcbdrums · 2 years
I don't really see a place for Shego and Drakken in a revival series? 😕 At least not Drakken.
i can kinda see your point... with drakken having been written into the comedic role... what i can see maybe is an immediate post-Grad arc, that details his return to the dark side from a life of inventing good things for the world maybe after he finally got his fame and recognition. so sort of the betrayal aspect.... maybe a secret betrayal. like maybe he's on kim's side and later revealed to be a traitor. and the comedic buffoon element would have to be left behind entirely. so it would be a fun challenge to keep his character...in character. but i can see that working to keep him relevant beyond crazy scheme of the week.
like i said in a prior post... gotta find a way to appeal to the original generation and the new. appeal too much to one or the other, and you alienate one set, and your show fails.
as to shego.... a little more opportunity there. she could be an anti-hero at GJ even though to me the idea doesn't appeal whatsoever... she could turn full evil dictator like the supreme one storyline... run a crime organization in go city... however she's so lazy and un-motivated she just doesn't work in the solo villain capacity either...
and...unfortunately all of these ideas keep the pair of them apart, which does not appeal to me nor are their characters very intersting alone. maybe both of them running a crime organization? maybe one of those super sketchy operations like dr. bortel? (that dude is a villain, prove me wrong.) one of their most endearing qualities is their banter; without each other they're not as appealing but to just have them be...comedy villain of the week totally cheapens them and the interest would fall. especially in a timeline where kim is more mature and needs more mature villains.
so if a sequel moved away from the comedic...yeah i'm not sure what drakgo or any of the original villains except monkey fist would do, who of course has been turned to stone. i think they'd have to stay in their lane kind of? so more world domination. but...maybe more intelligent plots, more scheming... maybe some messing with kim psychologically, more plotting against her like in Blush... that might add some spice to it. they can still banter and be the same people while being a bit more serious.
idk man i'm just...kinda suddenly realizing all my post-canon imaginings don't involve kim, lol. all my drakgo stuff is romantic/domestic, plus i have like...well a secret sort of fic i've been working on for years that givess them their own enemy they'll have to fight against... i never really think about a kim-focused sequel because it's just not as appealing to me as drakgo.
my gosh what did i even ramble on about, i hope any of this satisfies your ask. sorry if not, but, thank you!!
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jessreviewsthings · 16 days
📚 Book Review 📚
Seventh Veil of Salome by Silvia Moren-Garcia
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Jess Summary: Multi-timeline, multi-POV following Salome of ancient times as well as the production of the faux film "Seventh Veil of Salome."
Jess Review:
I read this book and listened to the audiobook. I enjoyed the narrators of the multiple male and female characters throughout the book. I have listened to a few SMG audiobooks (Silver Nitrate being one of them) and found the narration to really add to the tone of the books as well as the mystique that is characteristic of SMG’s writing.
What impressed me was the distinct perspectives throughout the POVs — particularly Salome's chapters/excerpts.
I am a fan of SMG's writing in general with some books preferred to others and I felt this one started a bit quicker than some of her other stories (again, referencing Silver Nitrate). I felt the mystery was built sooner with teasers like these (hope it’s not illegal to post these screenshots/book excerpts 😬).
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In classic SMG fashion, everything builds in the last 15-20% of the book and I really loved seeing how everything played out amongst the three main female voices.
I really believed Vera’s innocence and sincerity. I really abhorred (and therefore believed) Nancy’s entitlement and vitriol. And Salome. Oh, Salome of olden times, cursed to be a woman with one of my favorite quotes from the book:
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Characters: 5/5 — Salome, Vera and Nancy are well-flushed out with distinct voices.
Plot/storyline: 4/5 — I was intrigued to see how everything would connect and play out. I appreciated how the Hollywood storylines segued well with Salome’s timeline; e.g., Salome’s interactions with Agrippa of being “irrevocably intertwined” give nice foreshadowing of what is to come with Vera and her love interest. Some parts dragged and I was grateful for the audiobook, particularly in Salome’s portions because man these ancient times humans have difficult-to-keep-track-of-who-is-who names.
Storytelling: 5/5 — the distinct voices of the three main characters are the draw for me for this book. I cannot wax poetically enough about it (clearly).
Predictability: 4/5 — I acknowledge as below in the “Jess Notes” this was due to coming in with zero information and a few unvalidated expectations. The drama SMG builds throughout the novel regarding Nancy and Vera give you enough hints to know bad things are coming for our lead. Called the death but only a chapter or two before it occurred.
Spice/Smut: 1/5 — No explicit smut. The sex scenes and their descriptions make sense depending on the character.
Overall: Would recommend for a fascinating take on Biblical and old Hollywood times. Not one of my favorites of the year, but definitely a good read.
Jess Notes: **Slightly spoliery**
I have read a great deal of Silvia Moreno-Garcia’s work and tend to go in to a lot of books these days without reading publisher summaries. As such, I was quite confused when I was through 86% of the book (thank you Kindle for that precise number) to discover there was no supernatural element. It wasn’t disappointing, but it was surprising. The story seemed to hint that it would overlap somewhere, but clearly that was me reading in to time-space overlap. Vera and Nancy definitely overlap IYKYK.
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falisha-enterprises · 24 days
Comparing Wooden Spice Box Prices in Pakistan: Find the Best Deals
When it comes to enhancing the functionality and aesthetic appeal of your kitchen, a well-crafted wooden spice box is an excellent choice. Not only do these boxes help in organizing your spices neatly, but they also add a touch of elegance and tradition to your kitchen décor. In Pakistan, where craftsmanship is revered and Pakistani handicrafts hold a special place, the demand for wooden spice boxes has surged. This article will guide you through the factors influencing Wooden Spice Box Price in Pakistan, where to find the best deals, and why these boxes are a must-have in your kitchen.
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The Charm of Wooden Spice Boxes
Wooden spice boxes are more than just storage solutions; they are a reflection of cultural heritage and skilled craftsmanship. Each piece is meticulously carved, often featuring intricate designs that make it a work of art. The use of high-quality wood ensures durability, while the design adds a rustic charm to your kitchen space. Given the growing appreciation for Pakistani Handicrafts, these boxes have become popular not just within Pakistan but also among international buyers.
Factors Influencing Wooden Spice Box Prices in Pakistan
Several factors contribute to the pricing of wooden spice boxes in Pakistan. Understanding these can help you make an informed decision when purchasing one.
1. Material Quality
The type of wood used significantly impacts the price of a spice box. Commonly used woods include Sheesham, walnut, and oak. Sheesham, known for its durability and rich texture, is often the preferred choice, but it comes with a higher price tag. Walnut and oak are also popular, offering a balance between cost and quality. The quality of the wood determines not only the durability but also the overall appearance of the spice box.
2. Craftsmanship
The level of craftsmanship involved in creating a wooden spice box is another crucial factor affecting its price. Boxes that feature intricate carvings, detailed designs, and hand-painted elements tend to be more expensive. The time and skill required to produce these artistic features contribute to the overall cost. Artisans who specialize in traditional techniques often command higher prices for their work, but the result is a unique piece that is worth the investment.
3. Size and Compartments
The size of the spice box and the number of compartments it has also play a role in pricing. Larger boxes with multiple compartments for different spices will naturally cost more than smaller, simpler designs. Some boxes come with innovative features like rotating bases or removable compartments, which can add to the convenience and therefore the cost.
4. Brand and Origin
Brands that have established a reputation for quality and authenticity typically charge higher prices for their products. Moreover, spice boxes that are handcrafted in regions known for their woodworking traditions, such as Chiniot or Peshawar, may come at a premium due to their origin and the quality assurance that comes with it.
5. Market Demand
Like any other product, the price of wooden spice boxes is also influenced by market demand. During festive seasons or wedding periods, the demand for such items increases, often leading to a temporary rise in prices. Conversely, off-season purchases may offer better deals and discounts.
Where to Find the Best Deals on Wooden Spice Boxes in Pakistan
Finding the best deal on a wooden spice box requires a bit of research and patience. Here are some tips to help you score the best prices:
1. Online Shopping
Online marketplaces like Crafts Emporium offer a wide range of wooden spice boxes at competitive prices. Shopping online allows you to compare prices easily and take advantage of special discounts or promotions. The convenience of home delivery is another plus.
For instance, if you’re specifically interested in finding the best Wooden Spice Box Price in Pakistan, online platforms often provide detailed descriptions and customer reviews that can help you make an informed choice.
2. Local Markets
Visiting local markets in cities like Lahore, Karachi, or Islamabad can also yield good deals. Here, you have the advantage of inspecting the product firsthand and negotiating the price directly with the seller. Artisans often sell their products at these markets, and you may find unique, handcrafted spice boxes that are not available online.
3. Craft Exhibitions
Craft fairs and exhibitions are excellent places to find high-quality wooden spice boxes at reasonable prices. These events showcase the best of Pakistani Handicrafts, often at special prices for the duration of the exhibition. Attending such events also supports local artisans directly, contributing to the preservation of traditional crafts.
4. Wholesale Markets
If you’re looking to buy in bulk, perhaps for gifting purposes, wholesale markets offer the best prices. Places like the Wholesale Market in Karachi or the Jinnah Market in Islamabad often have a vast selection of wooden products, including spice boxes, at lower prices than retail shops.
Why Choose Wooden Spice Boxes?
Investing in a wooden spice box is not just about practicality; it’s about embracing a piece of art that enhances your kitchen’s aesthetics. Here’s why you should consider adding one to your kitchen:
1. Durability
Wooden spice boxes are incredibly durable, especially when made from high-quality wood like Sheesham or walnut. These materials are resistant to wear and tear, ensuring that your spice box will last for years, even with daily use.
2. Aesthetic Appeal
The natural texture and color of wood add warmth and elegance to your kitchen. Whether your kitchen has a modern or traditional design, a wooden spice box can complement the décor beautifully.
3. Sustainability
Wood is a sustainable material, making wooden spice boxes an eco-friendly choice. Unlike plastic or metal containers, wooden boxes do not contribute to environmental degradation and can be recycled or repurposed.
4. Cultural Significance
Owning a wooden spice box is also a way of preserving and celebrating cultural heritage. These boxes are often crafted using traditional methods passed down through generations, making each piece a unique representation of Pakistani craftsmanship.
A wooden spice box is more than just a kitchen accessory; it’s a blend of functionality, art, and cultural heritage. When searching for the best Wooden Spice Box Price in Pakistan, consider factors like material quality, craftsmanship, size, and market demand. Whether you choose to shop online at Crafts Emporium, visit local markets, or attend craft exhibitions, there’s a wooden spice box out there that will perfectly suit your needs and budget. Investing in one not only adds to the convenience of your cooking experience but also brings a piece of Pakistan’s rich artisanal tradition into your home.
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sneakers-and-shakes · 2 months
Beginner’s Guide to Scrapbooking
If you’ve always wanted to scrapbook but aren't sure how to start or feel intimidated or overwhelmed by the aesthetic scrapbooks you see online, this blog post will walk you through how to get started with minimal cost or investment.
There are a few ways to scrapbook depending on your motivation for starting. Is this something you want to do as a way to hold memories? Or just aesthetics? Or maybe a bit of both?
I think the easiest way to start is if you focus on scrapbooking memories since you will already have a lot of the materials you will need without needing to buy extra things like stickers or washi tape that fit a certain aesthetic.
1: Junk Journaling
Junk journaling is a pretty popular replacement for journaling but also a great foray into scrapbooking. 
The concept is simple: keep old receipts, ticket stubs, tags from clothes, or any other pieces of paper from the activities you do and tape them into an old journal.
In junk journaling the goal is just to stick everything in the journal as a way to memorialize the experiences.
If you’re trying to scrapbook though, you should try to be more intentional with the placement and aesthetics. Choose a handful of the most visually interesting tags, receipts or stubs and try to arrange them more artfully.
You can even try to make it more aesthetic by going in and coloring blank spaces with colored pencils as a replacement for colored paper, and drawing doodles as a replacement for stickers. 
Since most of the space will be filled with receipts and stubs, there will still be a 3D element to your scrapbook even if you’re coloring and drawing to fill up space.
This is also a great place to put any pictures or polaroids if you have any printed out.
By using what you already have, this method is a great way to get started with little effort while creating an end product that is like a trip down memory lane.
(I prefer to do this type of scrapbooking once a month as a recap of the month.)
2: It’s called a “scrap” book
Pretty stationary can be pretty expensive but there are a lot of ways to find “scraps” all around that you might not think of.
-Magazines/Ads: that come through the mail (junk mail) will sometimes have colored or fun paper. (A lot of American Express ads I get come in shiny envelopes that I like to keep for scrapbooking.) Magazines, of course, will have images you can cut out as well. 
-Cardboard boxes: (Cereal, Makeup, Perfume) A lot of products come in pretty cardboard containers that usually have some sections of color without any text. Perfume and makeup containers especially will usually have minimalist designs and a lot of nice colored light cardboard on the sides that can be used to fill up a background.
-Colored pencils/markers: I said this one already, but a great substitute for not having colored paper is coloring stuff in or adding small doodles. Even small hearts or stars can add a lot to a page even if you aren’t a great artist.
-Stickers: You can make your own stickers with tape but if you’d rather just buy some, the Dollar Store and Five Below usually have some cute stickers without the expensive price tag. Also you can use colored post-it notes as replacements for stickers!
3. Technique:
There’s no “right” way to scrapbook. Just put things in whatever way makes sense and sparks joy.
That said I’ll lay out some tips here for those who aren’t sure what does spark joy yet:
-It’s better to have a smaller notebook if you don’t have as many materials because it’s easier to fill up the space.
-Generally the goal is to layer with scrapbooking rather than spreading things out. Overlap your scraps of paper with other parts to give it that scrapbook feel.
-I recommend having double sided tape, though it’s not necessary. Using masking tape to tape things on is a replacement for washi tape and you can even add doodles with markers on top of the masking tape if you want to spice it up a bit. (Make sure to use permanent markers so it doesn’t bleed.) 
-It may help to have a theme so you can pick out what scraps to use. If you’re doing personal mementos like the junk journaling method, you can limit your page to a single month to narrow things down. 
-If you’re more focused on aesthetics rather than your personal life then choosing a song or an album can be a great way to create a more structured theme to your page.
And with all those tips I send you off and hope that they help in your scrapbooking journey! Please share your thoughts in the comments and let me know how your pages turn out!
I've added some example pictures below of how I scrapbooked the month of June!
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peptea · 3 months
Baking with Matcha and Beyond.
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We all know about the benefits of matcha green tea, but have you ever considered using it as an ingredient in your cooking and baking? The subtle sweet grassy tones of matcha add an interesting flavour dimension, and when you understand how well it pairs with other ingredients the creative possibilities are endless. So, whether you simply want to bring a bit more interest to your morning matcha latte, or bake some impressive matcha makes, read on to find out what you can do with matcha. And what you maybe can't.
Matcha Flavour Pairings
Matcha is a hugely versatile ingredient that plays well with a variety of complementary tastes. Sweet Vanilla The creamy sweetness of vanilla is like a hug for matcha's complex bitterness, softening its edge and adding a cosy warmth. Rich Caramel The deep, buttery notes of caramel melt into the earthy matcha, adding a rich, more complex sweetness. White Chocolate The creamy texture and sweet, milky flavour of white chocolate pair perfectly with matcha's slightly bitter and earthy tones. Matcha loves anything creamy, and sweet. Peppermint Peppermint takes matcha in a different direction, bringing out the herbaceous quality of matcha, rather than rounding out bitterness. With a deft hand, you could balance both. Toasty Nuts Toasted nuts have their own element of bitterness, with a sweet creaminess that works alongside the bitterness of matcha. The toasted depth adds an extra layer of complexity. Coconut Coconut infuses a silky, exotic flavour that works in the same way as sweet and creamy flavours, yet with a different tropical dimension. Bold Spices Again, it is the sweet spices like cinnamon, cardamom, or nutmeg that work well with creamy milky flavours, that pair well with matcha. You could push the boundaries though. Keep it milky, yet experiment with black or pink pepper; even Szechuan. What not to pair with matcha While matcha is incredibly versatile and pairs well with a broad range of flavours, there are a few that might not make the perfect match. Citrus fruits, for instance, can overly accentuate matcha's bitterness, creating a sharp taste that overshadows its nuanced flavours. The same goes for most acidic flavours. The key here is to balance out the acidity, with something richer. The fruity flavour of raspberries, for instance, goes well with matcha, yet it requires a careful hand to balance out their acidity. Dark chocolate or coffee, with their bitter tones, can sometimes accentuate the bitter notes of matcha too much. Again, the key here is to balance out the bitterness with something creamier. Too much sugar can also drown out the distinctive taste of matcha, turning a sophisticated flavour profile into a one-note sweetness. Experimenting is key, but these guidelines can help maintain the integrity of matcha's unique taste.
Ideas for Matcha Makes
Matcha Shortbread Cookies: Incorporate matcha powder into your shortbread before baking. Matcha Chia Seed Pudding: Mix 1/4 cup of chia seeds with 1 cup matcha-infused milk, let it sit overnight, and top with berries in the morning. Matcha Tiramisu: Indulge in a decadent but simple dessert by layering matcha-soaked ladyfingers with a whipped mixture of mascarpone cheese, sugar, and cream, then dusting the top with matcha powder as the finishing touch. Matcha Mousse: Create a light and airy matcha mousse by folding matcha powder into whipped cream. Sweeten with powdered sugar and layer with crumbled biscuits for an easy, elegant dessert. Matcha White Chocolate Latte: Turn your matcha latte into a decadent winter treat with melted white chocolate. Top with whipped cream and a light sprinkle of matcha powder for a truly indulgent drink. White Chocolate Matcha Truffles: Melted 450g white chocolate into 250ml heavy cream. Add a tablespoon of matcha powder and leave it to set. Roll the mixture into balls and dust with matcha powder. Or dip in tempered melted white chocolate and leave to set. Matcha White Chocolate Macadamia Nut Cookies: Give the classic cookie a twist by adding a hint of matcha to the dough. The nuttiness of macadamia pairs well with the sweetness of white chocolate chips. Creamy Matcha Panna Cotta: Delight in the silky texture of panna cotta with a matcha twist. Simply infuse the cream with matcha powder before setting it with gelatin and chilling. Go one step further and turn it into a creme caramel instead. Quick Matcha Cupcakes: Upgrade a vanilla cupcake mix and blend in a bit of matcha powder for an easy matcha upgrade. Top with vanilla frosting and a dusting of matcha. Explore our range of matcha and other teas. Want to more about matcha? Read our article on the different grades of matcha explained. This article was reproduced on this site with permission from operafoods.com.au the “Organic Matcha Tea importers”. See original article:- Baking with Matcha and Beyond Read the full article
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September 12: AHS 5x06 Room 33
Obviously the best part of today’s episode was all of the Liz content, and the Liz/Tristan romance. I had sort of forgot about them, I guess because they’re only in this one episode together. I get why they were only in one episode—you get pretty much everything you need to know about them from their one scene together—and I get why Tristan was killed off here, because he’d really served his purpose in breaking up Dom and the Countess and he hasn’t really had anything to do since then. Still, the season is so busy and there’s so much bullshit I have to sit through, including everything with Detective John…. I feel like I should get one Tristan and Liz scene for every March scene I need to endure.
Still, I feel like they realized as the show was developing that Liz was the real star and they needed to find reasons to have her interact with all the characters and show up in all the scenes (Liz and Ramona! Liz and the Detective! “Looks like that breakdown is going well” as he comes downstairs naked and covered in blood).
This was a good episode for the Countess as well, showing how the two sides of her character are really a coherent whole. In some episodes, it’s felt like she’s really seesawing, either one or the other: supportive and kind or cruel and selfish and violent. And of course these aren’t really opposites. She’s deeply selfish but also seductive and appealing. I mean, I’ve known irl non-vampires like that haha. Absolutely magnetic, but fundamentally unfaithful—part of the magnetism is the capacity for kindness, for making you feel special, but you’re never as special as them. That’s my read on her and it does track, and I like that we can see it play out here in a single scenario: wanting Liz to be happy, but only if that happiness infringes not in the slightest bit on something she’s claimed as hers.
I feel that the halfway episode is rather late to introduce a story element as significant as Bartholomew—it felt pretty random to me, and, at least so far because I don’t remember what happens to him later, pretty unnecessary. Also I don’t really the crossover scenes with the different seasons. It feels too gimmicky to me. (This was also my problem with the entirety of Apocalypse, as you can imagine.) So really overall the Bartholomew thing felt forced.
The Detective and Alex are truly the villains of this season. I mean, him, obviously, the killer etc. But she’s just as bad. “Oh, I know someone you can mentally torture into a complete and utter breakdown—my ex-husband.” Also while I think the concept of one’s ‘one true love’ being potentially not a romantic love but a familial love is interesting, I can’t get over how BOTH of these numbnuts totally forgot they have another child.
Also I don’t feel bad that Detective John was being mentally tortured. That’s what you get for being born and infecting the season with yet another serial killer narrative. I find it kind of funny when the ghost residents gang up on him, especially the maid and the sheets. Sometimes that character is a little much but often I find she adds the right amount of spice.
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terselylove · 1 year
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How to Make Natural Dyes for Fabric
Have you ever wanted to create your own custom fabric dyes but didn’t know where to start? You’ve come to the right place! In this post, I’ll be sharing how to create fabric dyes from natural elements like fruits, vegetables, plants, and other natural elements.
Natural fabric dyeing is such an awesome way to add vibrant colours to fabrics while minimizing environmental impact. These dyes are sustainable and eco-friendly, and can create some truly stunning hues and colours on fabrics with just a little bit of work.
Sustainability and eco-consciousness has become an important aspect of our lives in the recent years, as we strive to protect and preserve our planet for future generations. Traditional textile dyeing processes often involve harmful chemicals that pose risks to human health and the environment.
Thankfully, natural dyeing offers a sustainable solution. By harnessing the power of nature’s very own colour palette, we can reduce our ecological footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future!
Natural dyes are derived from renewable resources and are biodegradable, ensuring that the dyeing process has minimal impact on ecosystems.
Additionally, the use of natural dyes supports local farming communities, as many dye materials can be sourced from plants and crops cultivated sustainably.
By embracing natural dyeing techniques, we can reduce water pollution, conserve energy, and foster a more conscious and responsible approach to textile production.
One of the most wonderful aspects of natural dyeing is that it can be a fun and engaging DIY project! Whether you are an experienced textile artist or a curious beginner, experimenting with natural dyes allows you to unleash your creativity and explore the wonders of colour creation.
It connects us with nature and fosters a deeper appreciation for the world around us. Moreover, natural dyeing provides a sense of satisfaction and fulfilment as you witness the transformation of plain fabrics into unique and visually captivating pieces.
The outcomes of natural dyeing are truly remarkable. Each dye material holds its distinct characteristics, resulting in colours that exhibit depth, variation, and subtle nuances. Natural dyes create a sense of connection to the Earth, with colours that evoke the seasons, landscapes, and natural beauty.
Here are 10 natural dyes that you can experiment with!
Indigo, a plant-based dye with a rich history, produces fascinating shades of blue. It is obtained from the leaves of the Indigofera Tinctoria plant. This dye is highly regarded for its ability to create deep, denim-like blues. Indigo dyeing techniques, such as shibori, offer unique patterns and effects that make each piece truly one-of-a-kind!
With its vibrant golden-yellow hue, turmeric is a popular choice for natural dyeing. This spice can be used to achieve bright, warm yellows on various fabrics. Turmeric’s intense colour makes it a versatile dye that can create striking patterns and designs on textiles.
However, turmeric’s benefits extend beyond its visual appeal. It possesses natural antibacterial properties, making it an excellent choice for dyeing textiles intended for everyday use. This property is particularly beneficial for items like kitchen towels, napkins, and clothing that come into regular contact with the skin.
Furthermore, turmeric is easily accessible and affordable, making it an attractive option for those interested in experimenting with natural dyeing. Its versatility allows for various dyeing techniques, including immersion dyeing, tie-dyeing, or even block printing.
For a range of pink and reddish hues, beetroot is an ideal natural dye. The pigments present in beetroot can create subtle shades of pink on fabrics, adding a touch of natural elegance to your creations.
Depending on the concentration and duration of the dyeing process, you can achieve various intensities, from soft blush tones to vibrant reds. This versatility allows for experimentation and customisation, making each dyeing project truly unique!
Also, beetroot is readily available in most grocery stores or can be grown in home gardens! It is an inexpensive dye material, making it an affordable option for those who are new to natural dyeing or wish to experiment with different shades.
Whether you’re dyeing clothing, linens, or other textiles, beetroot offers a versatile and accessible option for achieving lovely pink and reddish colours. So, embrace the beauty of beetroot and let its natural pigments infuse your fabrics with elegance and charm, all while indulging in the wonders of sustainable and eco-friendly dyeing!
Onion Skins
Often discarded as waste, onion skins can be transformed into a beautiful natural dye that yields warm and earthy tones! By simmering the onion skins, you can extract a range of shades from light yellows to deep oranges and rich browns, adding depth and character to your fabrics.
Onion skin dyeing is a fantastic way to repurpose what would typically be thrown away, turning it into a valuable resource for creating unique colours. This makes it a very eco-friendly and sustainable option for natural dyeing.
By giving new life to onion skins, you contribute to reducing waste and minimizing the environmental impact associated with textile production.
Not to forget that the colours obtained from onion skins evoke a sense of natural beauty and rustic charm! The warm and earthy tones they produce are reminiscent of nature’s autumnal palette, bringing a cosy and organic feel to your fabrics. 
Avocado Pits and Skins
Don’t throw away your avocado pits and skins! 
Avocado pits and skins, often discarded as kitchen waste, can be repurposed to create beautiful natural dyes. These dyes produce a range of lovely pinks, blush tones, and light peach colours, adding a delicate touch to fabrics. 
As with any natural dye, the longevity of avocado-dyed fabrics can be enhanced by proper care. It is recommended to wash them in cool water with mild detergent and avoid exposure to direct sunlight for extended periods!
Derived from the heartwood of trees, logwood is a natural dye that offers a diverse range of colours, including deep purples, greys, and blues. 
One of the remarkable qualities of logwood dye is its exceptional ‘colourfastness’. Colourfastness refers to the ability of a dye to retain its vibrancy even after repeated washing or exposure to sunlight. This means that your dyed textiles will maintain their beauty and intensity over time, allowing you to enjoy them for years to come – Making them even more sustainable! 
Logwood dye is well-suited for various fabric types, including natural fibres like cotton, linen, silk, and wool. From bold purples for statement pieces to subdued greys and blues for a more understated look, logwood dye offers a wide range of options to suit different design aesthetics.
Marigold Flowers
Marigold flowers, with their vibrant hues of yellow and orange, hold rich natural pigments that can be used to create stunning dyes! These flowers contain lutein, a powerful pigment known for its dyeing properties, making marigold dye an excellent choice for adding a touch of brightness and warmth to fabrics.
The colours obtained from marigold flowers range from sunny yellows to rich oranges, which add a lovely sense of joy and vibrancy to any piece! Whether you’re dyeing garments, accessories, or home textiles, the marigold dye can infuse your creations with a burst of cheerful and uplifting colours.
Not only can the dyeing itself be a fun and rewarding DIY project, using marigolds also allows you to engage with nature! Harvesting marigold flowers from your garden or sourcing them locally adds an element of connection to the natural world and a sense of satisfaction when witnessing the transformation of the flowers into vibrant dyes.
Cochineal Insects
Found on the pads of prickly pear cacti, Cochineal Insects offer a great source of natural dye that produces a range of intense reds, pinks, and purples.
These tiny creatures contain carminic acid, a potent pigment that has been used for centuries to create the renowned colour known as “carmine’ which is extracted by crushing them to release the pigment-rich liquid. 
The historical significance of cochineal dye is fascinating! It has been used by various civilizations, including the ancient Aztecs and Mayans.
Cochineal dye played a significant role in trade and commerce, with its rich reds being sought after by artists, textile producers, and even royalty. Today, cochineal dye continues to be highly regarded for its ability to create intense and enduring colours.
Walnut Shells
Walnut shells offer a wonderful source of natural dye that can be transformed into lovely earthy browns and warm, muted yellows. 
They are great at achieving vintage or rustic aesthetics on textiles. The earthy browns produced by walnut dye can lend a sense of warmth, depth, and antiquity to fabrics, creating a nostalgic and timeless appeal.
These natural hues are perfect for creating a rustic, farmhouse-inspired look or adding a vintage touch to garments, accessories, or home decor items.
To preserve the colour intensity, it’s advisable to avoid excessive exposure to direct sunlight, as natural dyes may experience some degree of fading over time. By following proper care instructions, you can ensure that your walnut-dyed fabrics maintain their rustic beauty for an extended period.
Madder Root
This versatile plant offers a wide spectrum of colours, ranging from delicate pale pinks to deep oranges and vibrant reds. With its ability to produce vibrant and long-lasting hues, madder root has been used for centuries as a reliable source of dye that withstands the test of time.
Beyond its visual appeal, madder root dye carries a sense of history and tradition. It has been utilized for centuries across different cultures and regions. The knowledge and techniques associated with madder root dyeing have been passed down through generations, making it a valuable part of cultural heritage.
Now that you’ve learned about some of the natural sources for dyes and the colours they generate, let’s talk about how to create the dyes themselves!
How to Create Natural Dyes from Fruits, Vegetables, and Plants
Step 1: Preparing the Fabric
Before dyeing your fabric, it is crucial to prepare it properly to ensure optimal color absorption.
1) Choose natural fibers such as cotton, linen, silk, or wool, as they tend to absorb dyes more effectively.
2) Wash the fabric thoroughly to remove any dirt, chemicals, or finishes that might hinder the dye absorption.
3) If the fabric is made of cellulose fibers like cotton or linen, pre-treat it with a mordant solution to enhance colorfastness. Common mordants include alum, iron, and vinegar. Follow the mordant instructions carefully and rinse the fabric before dyeing.
Step 2: Extracting the Dye
Now that you have selected your natural ingredients and prepared your fabric, it’s time to extract the dye! The process may vary depending on the ingredient chosen, but here’s a general approach:
1) Chop or crush the fruits, vegetables, or natural elements into small pieces to maximize the surface area for pigment release.
2) Place the chopped ingredients in a stainless steel or enamel pot and add enough water to cover them completely.
3) Simmer the mixture over low heat for an extended period, typically 1-2 hours, stirring occasionally to extract the dye.
4) Once the liquid has absorbed the desired color, strain it to remove any solids, obtaining a concentrated dye solution.
Step 3: Dyeing Process
With your dye solution ready, it’s time to add color to your fabric:
1) Wet the fabric thoroughly to ensure even color absorption.
2) Immerse the fabric into the dye bath, making sure it has enough room to move freely.
3) Simmer the fabric in the dye bath over low heat for about an hour, stirring occasionally to achieve uniform color distribution.
4) For deeper shades or stronger color intensity, extend the dyeing time or repeat the process.
Step 4: Setting the Color:
To ensure your newly dyed fabric retains its color over time, it’s crucial to permanently set the dye. Here’s how:
1) Rinse the dyed fabric with cold water until the water runs clear, removing any excess dye.
2) If you used a mordant, apply a fixing agent such as salt or vinegar to help set the color. Follow the instructions provided for the specific mordant used.
3) After applying the fixing agent, rinse the fabric again to remove any residual dye or chemicals.
4) Hang the fabric to dry away from direct sunlight to avoid any fading.
Enjoy your custom, naturally dyed fabric!
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yhfjmn51 · 2 years
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votivecandleholder · 2 years
Inspiring Ideas To Craft Modern Wood Candle Holders
New Post has been published on https://woodencandleholders.com/candle-decoration/inspiring-ideas-to-craft-modern-wood-candle-holders
Inspiring Ideas To Craft Modern Wood Candle Holders
If you have an obsession with working with natural wood, crafting modern wood candle holders wouldn’t be a big deal. The chic combo of rusticity and modernity gives such a cozy and homely feel and that’s what fascinates us most about bringing a bit of nature into our modern homes.
Table of Contents
1 Modern Wood Candle Holder Ideas
2 Create Something Simple And Elegant
2.1 Unique wood candle holders
3 Add A Modern Touch To Your Household Essentials
3.1 DIY candle holder set
4 Choose Timeless Accents For A Sophisticated Look
4.1 Lantern candle holders
Modern Wood Candle Holder Ideas
All you need to do is think of ways to match different textures with breathtaking colors of natural wood to create an artful fusion of different design styles. You can either add some rustic décor elements on the dining tables for bringing interesting textures home or fill the room with greenery to impart a natural feel to your space.
However, if you don’t want to make many changes to your décor and still want to create a completely different look, here are some DIY wood candle holder ideas to get your creativity flowing.
Create Something Simple And Elegant
The best wooden candle holders are the ones that look expensive and are incredibly easy to make. So, you don’t have to have crazy woodworking skills to work out the best shape of natural wood. Simply drill holes for the tealights to fit inside or just let some pillar candles sit on top of wooden slices to get the desired natural wood vibe for your home.
Unique wood candle holders
It’s really as simple as that only if you have a saw, a drill, and some basic equipment! But if that’s not the case, you can still make some sylvan décor pieces by mixing and matching different pieces of wood to give your candle holders an abstract look. Like you can bring together some smaller pieces of driftwood and glue them around a glass votive candle holder to create a wonderful centerpiece or just stack different sizes of scrap wood to make a unique candle holder set.
Add A Modern Touch To Your Household Essentials
If you don’t find those wooden rings fit for drapery anymore, there’s so much more you can do to turn them into a fresh décor element. Just glue and stack them together at different heights letting the tealights sit on top for a fresh take on modern wood candle holders. These candle holders don’t need much time to get done as the rings are perfectly sized and shaped to give a uniform look.
DIY candle holder set
The same goes for wooden coasters as the refined edges and smooth finish adds a modern touch to your candles when placed on top without requiring any drilling or carving. Another thing you can do is choose the other way round by turning the wood scraps into coasters for crafting a creative DIY candle holder set. Simply cut and sand the scraps very well to get the desired shape and finish so you can display the candles in the chicest way.
Choose Timeless Accents For A Sophisticated Look
There is no specific definition of modernity as there are so many variations added every time to bring a fresh new twist to the aesthetic. What really measures the classiness of your different décor accents is the way they blend to pull off a modern look.
Lantern candle holders
So, if you want your décor to stand out as a statement piece, you should choose timeless designs. Like a large wooden lantern candle holder standing elegantly on the floor or a DIY wooden candle holder crafted from a slender piece of wood will perfectly accent the aesthetics of your home décor while bringing in an aura of coziness and tranquility.
— EventHomeDecor (@EventHomeDecor) September 14, 2022
You can always spice up your candle décor by grouping 3 pillar candles of varying heights on a round wood slice and tying them together with a twine string to give them a whole new life. Or you can just use some Birchwood branches to create modern wood candle holders for imbuing your space with a rustic vibe. Whatever way you choose, natural wood will always have an aesthetically pleasing impact on everyone.
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wicked-witch-dude · 3 years
🧹Witchy & pagan parenting ideas 🧹
So I'm a single father of a 10 year old girl. One day about 3 years ago she comes upto me and decides that she wants to put my crystals into colour order. This was the start of something that I never thought would happen. Today she has her own crystal collection thats bigger than mine with several books on the subject aswell as a fascination with star signs and she's starting to ask questions about Sabbats and the moon and other things witchy related. Now Iv never actually talked to her about the fact that I'm a witch cause her mother is the type of person who would go out of her way to not let her have things like crystals and such if she thought it had a deeper meaning like witchcraft. (Her mother is the most closed minded person iv met and is the kind of person to make someone feel bad about their beliefs).
Last weekend she was asking me about the sabbats and festivals and I taught her what I knew. Thinking on this It inspired me to do more low-key things with her if shes interested, that might one day grow into her own practice.
Now I'm not really one for doing original content cause I'm not sure how it will be received with been a male witch but I figured I'd give it ago and share with everyone in hopes that other pagans/witches who are parents find it useful.
Now I know no one's situation is exactly the same and all kids are different so some ideas may need to be tweaked a little.
Below is a list of activities and subjects I feel are good staring points.
Activities and subjects
🐝Wildlife watching
🕷️Animals and their meanings
🌲Nature walks
🍄Foraging for herbs and teaching them what is okay to pick and what is not (dangerous, endangered etc)
🌱Growing flowers/plants.
🌳Tree and plant identification
🌼Making flower crowns
☀️Watching the sun set/sun rise
🌕Full moon watching (Aslong as it's not cutting into their bedtime)
🌙 Moon phases and other lunar events.
⭐Star gazing
♎ Zodiac/Star signs and birth charts
🟣 Colour correspondences
💧The Elements
🍁The seasons
☸️The wheel of the year
🌧️Collecting rain water or spring water
🧚🏼‍♂️Local history and folklore
🌿Herbs and spices
🍞Baking (Not really a Witch activity but if done for a sabbat or maybe combined with some herbal magick and intention)
🍂🐚Collecting things from your local natural areas. (Acorns sticks and leaves from wooded areas. Shells and pebbles from the beach etc.
These are just a few things off of the top of my head. Feel free to add something if you reblog or comment.
Hope this comes in handy and is helpful to someone and my first bit of original content isnt to shit ✌🏻😆
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