#or that's any reason for spiritual pressure to change
troius · 8 months
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eternalterror · 10 months
pick-a-card: your biggest strengths 💥
• take time to breathe, focus and clear your mind.
• when you feel ready, ask yourself “what are my biggest strengths?”
• if you feel drawn to multiple piles, read them both/all. if you don’t feel drawn to any, then this pick-a-card isn’t for you.
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please let me know if any of this resonates! feedback is greatly appreciated! ❤️
Image 1:
- you recognize your own greatness
- you have good street smarts
- you aren’t afraid to be different and go against the popular opinions.
- you’ve learned how to carry yourself and handle things through your life experiences
- you’re good at guiding yourself and others
- you are able to accept things for what they are
- you aren’t afraid to go through major changes to make way for new beginnings
Image 2:
- your natural beauty
- your good hearted nature and habit of breaking toxic behavior patterns
- your “only god can judge me” type of mentality
- your independence and uniqueness. you’re quite original.
- your willpower, you aren’t the type to fall victim to destructive addictive habits, and if you do, you kick them easier and sooner than most.
- your ability to see things from another perspective
- your faith in the universe or god (although I’m leaning towards god/religion here)
Image 3:
- your adventurous spirit
- your devotion to developing spiritually
- your discipline
- your ability to take the lead and guide others with ease
- your storytelling abilities
- your understanding that money can be destructive as much as it is beneficial, you won’t get swept away by greed.
- your soulfulness
- your passion and devotion
- your loving personality and enthusiasm towards love and other people
- your appreciation of what you have and your appreciation for others
Image 4:
- you have a healthy vengeful spirit, you won’t let people get one over on you or your loved ones
- you aren’t afraid to act first and go after what you believe in
- you’re confrontational
- you may have trust issues or are skeptical of others, but for good reason. it’s protecting you. keep it up.
- you really do keep the snakes away, a lot of the cards are focusing on how good it is free yourself from negative people and destructive social groups, don’t ever feel bad about this.
- you’re a genuinely generous person
- you are tolerant and understanding
- you are respectful and gain a lot of respect in return
Image 5:
- you’re resilient and can handle a lot of mental stress and pressure that would make most crumble
- you can push your body/mind to the limit. this may not be a good thing, but it’s carried you far. learn to take a step back to recuperate though.
- you’re good at coming up with solutions to peoples problems
- you’re strategic and creative yet practical.
- you help people in a way that they’ll appreciate in the long run
- you’re good at going through the motions. highs and lows.
- you know how to make people feel like family or like you really cherish them
- you know how to go with the flow
Image 6:
- you can be very business-minded
- you have good senses and can pick up on things
- you really just don’t let things go over your head
- people think you have boss energy or leadership potential and may treat you as such
- you aren’t afraid to experiment and try things over until you get it right
- you aren’t predictable or conventional
- you aren’t the type to easily be peer pressured or bossed around
- you’re daring and bold with a fighting spirit
- you stand on what you say and can defend your own beliefs
- you have a lot of determination
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hadesisqueer · 2 months
Honestly I have never fully agreed with the whole "Korra has the personality of a Firebender" because-- what exactly is the personality of a Firebender? She used Firebending a lot in the first books, I'll give you that, but it seemed more out of accessibility than anything; later she switches it for Air.
Fire is the element of power; Firebenders tend to be pretty determined people. Water is the element of change; Waterbenders tend to be very adaptable. Earth is the element of substance; Earthbenders usually are very resilient people. And Air is the element of freedom; Airbenders tend to be very free-spirited. There are stereotypes for benders (Firebenders are angry people and obsessed with honor, Earthbenders are usually pretty stubborn) that can be true with some people. But not always.
Now, here, look. These two are Airbenders.
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Do they have the same personality?
Now, these two.
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They're Earthbenders. Do they have the same personality?
What about these two Waterbenders?
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Are they any similar?
Or maybe these two Firebender brothers?
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What is the personality of a Firebender? Iroh's personality? Zuko's? Azula's, or Ozai's? Or Mako's?
Yes, Korra had affinity with firebending due to a couple of her personality traits that made her a very determined and fierce person. She also had an affinity with earthbending from a young age as well because she was a tough, stubborn and resilient person who stood her ground. However, she was also a very adaptable person who favored change, which is the main personality trait of what a Waterbender should be.
Personality traits aren't exclusive of one element. Kya is more spiritual and free-spirited than Tenzin and she's not an Airbender, but a Waterbender; stereotypically, Tenzin is kinda different than you'd expect an Airbender to be, actually, with him being more disciplined and serious. Bolin does not have the stereotypical Earthbender personality, either. And Mako doesn't have the stereotypical Firebender 'impulsive' personality either, he's more a 'cool under fire' person who usually stays level-headed in tough situations. Korra lacked spirituality and prefered to stand her ground or fight at first rather than avoiding conflict, which is why she had trouble with Airbending at first. But again, personality traits aren't exclusive of just one element nor does the element you bend really define and shape your personality; the way you are brought up, your environment and the people around you contribute more to that. Korra originally didn't have those traits due to the way she was raised, isolated from the world, groomed and pressured from a young age as the Avatar. Raise her differently, with a more normal, carefree childhood, and perhaps she wouldn't have struggled as much with airbending as she originally did.
In my opinion, the reason why people might think Korra has a full on 'Firebender personality' is because she has some common traits with a particular Firebender. The Firebender being Zuko. Both were originally hot headed, got angry easily at first, were fierce and impulsive. Korra also shared personality traits with Toph, too, being tough and stubborn —they were raised being isolated with no friends, too, which is a parallel between them. But like I said, personality traits can help with an element, but aren't exclusive of that element. Korra also had several things in common with Aang.
Personally, in my opinion, someone Korra has a lot in common with as well, maybe more than with Zuko or Toph-- is Katara, another Waterbender. They both are driven people with a lot of determination, righteous and passionate about what they believe in, and pretty adaptable as well. Korra seems to be more aggressive, and impulsive as well, but let's not act like Katara didn't have a temper, too, and like she wasn't impulsive and reckless as well sometimes (remember when she blew up a FN factory because Sokka said it without thinking of the consequences). They both could get very frustrated as well when they weren't immediately good at something they expected to be good at. There are many differences between them, yeah, due to the ways they were brought up —again, Korra was isolated from the world with no friends her age and pressured to be the Avatar and Katara was forced on a motherly role from a very young age after the loss of her actual mother. However, if they had been raised in more normal ways, I fully believe they'd be even more similar. Put Katara as the Avatar from a young age like Korra herself was and I think she could have been a very similar Avatar to Korra imo. But it also makes sense in some way they're similar considering Katara was Korra's waterbending master and likely one of her biggest role models growing up.
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(Free my girls they both get so overhated for no reason too).
Anyway, to me there is really no such actual thing as having 'the personality of X bender', they're mostly stereotypes. There are personality traits that can be helpful to bend an element, but they're never exclusive to that element. Just because you're stubborn as hell doesn't mean you're an Earthbender, and Bolin himself doesn't really exhibit that trait. Just because you're a very fierce person, doesn't mean you're an Firebender. You can be a pretty spiritual person and not an Airbender. You can be a very adaptable guy, but a Firebender instead of a Waterbender. Aang was far from having the slightest stereotypical Firebender personality and he didn't struggle with firebending, but he had the determination needed to be a Firebender. He also had the same adaptability needed to be a Waterbender. Korra had some personality traits that made her have it easy with firebending. She also had personality traits that made it easy for her to waterbend and earthbend. Easy.
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punksocks · 5 months
Warning Signs That You May Have A Toxic/Karmic Significant Other
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Hey everyone, you may have seen my recent post about breaking up with my ex partner after 5.5 years. If not, I’ve been deep in reflection after ending this relationship. My reasons for ending it were that he refused to seek professional help to manage his anger which would come out in constant outbursts of violence (not physical ab*se but hitting walls, kicking furniture, scarring my dog, etc) and his mental health in general. After breaking things off I analyzed our relationship and all the red flags became crystal clear in hindsight. This blog is not only my emotional space to reflect, but also a place to give out advice to make sure you guys feel less alone in the world. So I’ve compiled a list of behaviors that made it clear that in hindsight the relationship was destine to be toxic and could not continue. It’s important to take lessons from painful experiences in order to continue to grow, and that’s what I hope I can help with by sharing my experiences here:
(TW Manipulation, Distressing Themes, Emotional Ab*se)
- They hate your intuition: (they work to make you doubt whatever means you have of self guidance. Whether that’s tarot/astrology, or spirituality in general, or therapy, or your simple gut feelings/reactions to things. They hate them because they know that they’ll be singled out at some point by them so they work to make you not believe in yourself through manipulation/gaslighting. My ex would constantly say the tarot is going to tell me to break up with him, but he never really changed he’d just belittle it and say I was getting weird about spirituality and he’d try to make me doubt myself or choose between the tarot and him. When I asked him to go to therapy he would also say that he was worried the therapist would tell him to break up with me-implying I was the problem. When I would ask him to go anyway he would find a way to avoid it- saying it’s too expensive, too hard to find, he doesn’t have time, etc)
-They constant give you advice that puts you in harm’s way: (My ex always told me I was too quick to cut off people that threw me under the bus and that I was paranoid. When I found out my former business partner was being shady and stealing from me, he told me to keep working with her. I said I had to take things over. He said I had no chance of covering the expenses on my own and that he wasn’t going to help me at all even though he was working a consistent 9-5. I rationalized this as putting too much pressure on him to support me through my apprenticeship over the previous few months, even though by the time we were having this discussion I had picked up a seasonal 9-5 to compensate for starting the business. I still felt guilty because I was asking him to cover the rent at home while I built this business up. I ended up wracking up debt over trying to cover everything myself and he was telling me I was going to fail every step of the way. When I didn’t fail and the business remained open over a year later, he said he had always believed in me every step of the way.)
- They rewrite history (that’s the other thing- when I broke up with him he said it was his idea to open the studio in the first place. This was a lie. A bold one at that. At the time I would have had to become self taught due to dealing with several egotistical mentors (wow thematic) and I looked for positions in other studios and there were none. My ex told me I should “pause” my goals. I told him I’ll open up my own space with another artist. He had a long talking down to me about how we couldn’t afford any of that, and how impossible it was, etc. But I went through with it anyway, effectively doing all the work on my own. He constantly told me what I was doing was crazy. But I made success out of it, thank God. Now my ex is trying to take credit for the whole thing as if I don’t remember what happened. Audacious.)
- Instead of having their own dreams they focus on wearing yours down (I have so many big dreams I want to accomplish and every other idea I shared with my ex was pushed back on or breadcrumbed. I wanted to live abroad, he’d say it’s too expensive but maybe he could find a way to make it work if I stopped putting so much pressure on him. I took over my own business, he told me I shouldn’t do it and should quit while I’m ahead. He would always try to counter every idea I had with a “logical reason” of why it wouldn’t work. He would try to control me by doubting me and in turn trying to get me to doubt myself. I never actually listened to him in hindsight, and when I pushed through successfully he would pretend to have been on my side the whole time.)
-They always compare you to their exes, in bold ways (My ex would always go out of his way to bring up his past relationships. The examples and instances were never appropriate. But one of the first worst early examples was when we were at a show. My friend’s band was playing. In the middle of the set he decided to look up his ex on social media. I was clearly uncomfortable but he continued. Then when we’re talking he brought up a nickname she used to call him that was inappropriate. When I was upset by this he threw a shirt (merch gifted to him by my friend’s band) in the booth almost hitting me with it and he stormed off. He made himself seem like the victim in a situation where he was trying to bait me into starting a public argument and yet made me soothe him afterward.)
- The betrayal of not ever being believed (early on this was another giant red flag in hindsight. I’m black and I tried to explain colorism to him, while I was having a bad experience with it. He’s white and should have been listening and understanding with open ears. Instead he tried to argue me down for being “mean” to light skinned black people. In the experience I was talking about how a mixed femme at work established a boundary with our white bosses to try to avoid racist harm. They let the femme do this without any pushback. I tried to establish the same boundary in the same meeting and those white bosses accused me of actively refusing to do my job. I told my ex this was colorist and that’s when he argued with me about this. He didn’t believe my experiences until he googled “the right articles”. When I brought this up in the future he would say he was just trying to see all black people as equal. It was a pretty disgusting defense.)
- Throwing insults in your face about past trauma (I told my ex about how emotionally abusive my mother was (wow there’s that pattern again) and he would throw this in my face and blame me or compare me to her at the slightest provocation in several arguments. When I was disrespected at work, he would blame me for misinterpreting things. Complaining about how I used him for money whenever I had asked him for help managing the business’ expenses. And so many deep cuts of things he should never said to me and names he shouldn’t have called me if he ever cared about me. He always wrote it off as me misremembering or him meaning it as something else or a distraction tactic of whataboutism -‘what about when you complained that I left dirty clothes on the floor?’ For example. All ways he tried to manipulate me from seeing this pattern of messed up behavior. Every argument he would make us talk in circles until I would have to give up from frustration and exhaustion.)
-They’re full of hot air, and if they seem like they aren’t they’re probably mirroring you (when I broke up with him I stopped hanging out with him pretty much immediately. Although I had to coordinate moving out still, I started keeping my head down to focus on my work. Essentially I had already moved on. I thought we had had deep discussions about the world and life but when I had less to say he had nothing to add. He would just keep filling up the air with anecdotes about nothing and commentary on anything just to keep crossing my boundaries and to try to force me to pay attention to him when it was clear I neither interested or comfortable doing so.)
- They try to force you to become as cynical and jaded as they are (I was never antagonistic per se, but when we were together I had unconsciously started looking/preparing for the worst in every scenario and every person I’d meet. Because of my ex’s toxic influence. Getting along with coworkers? They must be just “kissing up to you” according to him. Like that tv show most people are fond of? No way that has to be trash. Want to try something new? No there can’t be anything good about that. He was a very stuck person that refused to find the joy in almost anything. Unless it was too impressive to ignore —but even then he had to nitpick it apart. I would wonder why his compliments would feel so hollow- it was because he really had trouble seeing the good in anything. Like a day or two after we broke up I was already feeling lighter and more optimistic. When people were kind to me I embraced it easier and in turn every aspect of life got a little brighter. The contempt for others was palatable. Because he expected everyone to be ready to undercut him like he was ready to do to them.)
- Before you know it, they’ll have you romanticizing breadcrumbing behavior (I asked my ex to get on meds for his mental health and to find a therapist so many times over the course of 5 years. 4-5 months before I broke up with him he got on medication. Then after a peace period of a month or so, we were back in a cycle of petty arguments and he was saying the meds don’t work. He didn’t even try to go to therapy until I broke up with him. he got an appointment the next day because he “was trying to win me back” Essentially, he’d never work on himself or actually actively improve things. He’d always make one or two half steps to placate me then complain about how it was too hard and completely impossible to put the work in. Even with the therapy example, he wanted to display that he could make progress in order to win me back. Don’t worry, I had seen this tactic before and knew he would just fall back into toxicity. So, it didn’t work.)
- When you do leave they get cocky about how you’ll have nowhere to go (I leaned on my ex to support me when I became overwhelmed by figuring out my business on my own. I worked several temp jobs in addition to the business but it was stretching me thin. So I needed his help several times and only had so much saved up by the time I broke up with him. After begging me to take him back the entire night and pretending to be supportive, the next day he was scoffing and boasting about how “[he] didn’t even know what [I] was going to do.” He did this over everything from buying my own detergent-even though I always bought the detergent- to managing my bills on my own-even though I usually managed most of my bills on my own- until I finally was able to move out and leave him behind.)
- They never defend you and always make it seem like it’s your fault if you get attacked (My ex was always siding with abusive people and gaslighting me when I noticed that behavior. As many of you may know, my mom was a terror throughout my childhood. I confided in my ex about how much of an impact this had had on me. Before I went no contact with her we all got dinner when she came in town to see me. Despite all my warnings and preemptive begging to be supported through the difficulty of meeting with her my ex threw me under the bus immediately. He laughed at her jokes at my expense and didn’t stop her at all from singling me out. I shutdown in this moment and began to draw to cope- I’m neurodivergent so that’s one of the things I default to doing when I’m overwhelmed. They continued to make fun of me together and when I asked him why he didn’t have my back afterward, he blamed me for “not being friendly enough” and “not interacting with [my] mom enough”. This pattern of doubting and failing to help me would continue through our entire relationship.)
- They’ll have -self aware- moments that aren’t quite what they seem (I truly cannot count the number of times my ex would start an argument just to talk me in circles then try to get me to believe I was in the wrong too. It was truly maddening. He would always push to say he “understood” how we had gotten there. Then ramble on and on and on saying that I was attacking him and he was the victim of things. I asked him to do the dishes? I’m “criticizing [his] housework and putting too much pressure on [him]”. I ask him not to throw things when he’s upset? I’m “overly criticizing [him] and making [him] so anxious he can’t help but hit things”. And on and on and on it went. He would always tidy it up by saying he forgave me because we were “both wrong” and he just “would try to be better next time and [I] should too”.)
-They have underlying personality issues that need to be addressed (and when you bring a hint of these up, they lash out about how you’re attacking them and they throw personal attacks back at you because of their fragile ego. If you -somehow- get them to see a mental health professional you may find them lying about what feedback they got. After I broke up with him he said he’d go to anger management class and find a therapist “to win me back”- funny how it’s after you leave them and set the ultimate boundary they do the work to show you they can hypothetically change and it’s never one of the times you’ve begged before in the midst of madness. Before I moved out I overheard his therapy appointment and she asked about his bipolar diagnosis and he said he was just anxious despite the mood swings. When he came to me to tell me the good news of him finally going to therapy he left that out. When I asked if the therapist knew if he had another disorder he manipulated that. He said the therapist asked if it could be anything else but it was just a brief thought. He framed it that way instead of the consistent behavioral issue it was.)
- Usually they attract drama and chaos but blame you for it as their partner (He always kept his ex around in boundary crossing ways. In hindsight I wouldn’t be surprised if he had cheated in any way with any of them because of how murky he was about spending one on one time with them. They also will always encourage you to keep other toxic people in your life so they can keep flying under the radar/blaming the other toxic people when you feel drained/etc. When I decided to go no contact with my parents, he second guessed me. When I decided to go no contact with my friends that were harmful, he second guessed me. He went out of his way to call me paranoid and picky and every other name in the book he could. Even after I broke up with him he went out of his way to tell me I was paranoid and should quit tarot reading “because [he] knew it would turn [me] against [him] one day”. I told him his opinion meant less than nothing to me.)
- Whenever you set a boundary they try to undermine it and take it as an attack (When we met, all of my ex’s small circle of friends was made up of people he had dated or slept with. Once his friend, who had flirted with him multiple times, asked to stay in his apartment while she moved out of her place. He offered her his bed. She even had a boyfriend at the time but she went to my ex first. I told him this made me very uncomfortable. He screamed and yelled about how he’ll always choose his friends first and I have to understand that and that she didn’t want to sleep in his bed while he was in it. It was crazy but the whole time he called me dramatic and made me feel insane for being so uncomfortable with it.)
- They may often act out in public over the littlest things (my ex would get absolutely infuriated when there were lines in places. Insane right? Especially living in cities? with other people? And yet whenever we went out I’d have to prepare my mental for the possibility of him getting angry and breaking down because people were waiting ahead of him in line. In hindsight the entitlement he had was overwhelming in itself. The last time we went out to a movie -which was a whole scheduling fiasco in of itself with him during our entire relationship, he was obsessed with movies. I like movies but spending 6-9 hours in a theater? Every week? On top of hours of mandatory movie viewing at home? It was exhausting. He also made me pay for my own monthly movie pass even though it was his thing. Even in covid, although I’m immunocompromised I had to negotiate with him to wait to get vaccinated before he went back to the theater. And to wear a mask in the showings. He would huff and fuss about those small courtesies the entire time. Anyway the last movie we went out to see had a long line but we bought tickets ahead of time. He pitched a fit and kept storming off away from me and threatening to leave over the line. I kept following him foolishly, and coaxed him into staying. Of course there were enough seats and of course he enjoyed the movie. He apologized after for “getting overwhelmed by the line” but that shouldn’t have happened in the first place.)
- It’s all or nothing for them but breadcrumbs for you (I’ve always been clear that I have no plans of staying in the country I’m from. From the start I’ve understood I’m not meant to stay here. And yet I stayed in a city I hated so he could suddenly finish his associates degree. We moved back to my hometown but we lived in the most stressful neighborhood because he “wanted to be downtown with a pool.” He would always complain about every single idea I had to leave the country. I’m thinking about doing a language school or artist residency? He “did long distance with [his] ex who cheated and it would be too hard”. I want to study this language and go to this -easy-place for a visa? He “kept forgetting to study and had no idea how we would ever afford the move.” And on and on it went until I simply gave up on trying to get him to step up.)
- They twist everything to be about them even grief (my grandma was like a mother to me, so it hit me hard when she died. She even told me she was going and thanked me for my friendship at the end. It was still a very difficult period and I couldn’t accept it until it just happened. When I got the call and burst into tears my ex said “I’m so sorry… do you blame me because we stayed here for me to go to school and you couldn’t be home with her?” It hadn’t even been 20 minutes since I learned she was gone. The extent of his selfishness would shock me until I cut him off.)
- They make you bury things they don’t like about your self expression/goals (I’ll use a simple example. I love fairy lights. When we met I had fairy lights and my ex had no complaints. But when we moved in together they ‘would always bother him and give him headaches’. So I took out the lights. Then he got me a glowing lamp I wanted for my birthday but never allowed me to turn it on when we were in the room. I brought the lights I love to my work and my ex would complain about them there too. He’d say he didn’t know why he “just didn’t like spending time at the studio” and then use the lights as an excuse, and then hed complain all day about how exhausting it was to be there. He’d only offer to come to the studio more if I turned them off just for him. All this time later and all of a sudden I don’t have any lights I like up. This didn’t happen for everything, but there were a lot of little things he was so controlling about just to be authoritative about something I liked.)
- They hate it when you have positive things happen to you (and instead of seeing your success as a good thing they see it as you one upping them, so they often express jealousy and then disguise it as a joke. He would “joke” about how I was going to fail so often I lost count. When I had a great day there would always be a hint of disappointment in his voice. He would always undermine it in anyway he could. “Oh you made X amount that’s nice, but that’s not enough to cover the rent”. I got a lot of compliments on my outfits, so he’d say “no one ever compliments me”. Always something to bring me down and try to get me to focus on a worry.)
- They downplay your trauma (I’m a burn survivor. My dad burned me through hot water and neglect as a baby on around 20% of my body. For that and many other reasons I became sort of a local legend for my time in our local child protective services. In a city of well over a million people. Doctors thought I wouldn’t be able to walk again and it was a miracle when I did. My grandmother had to wrap my scars everyday, twice a day for 3-4 years afterwards. She would tell me the pain would make me cry random throughout the night until I went to kindergarten. All that to say, my scars had a BIG impact on my health and my life. When I told my ex about my insecurity he said “sorry that happened, but it’s not that big of a deal.” Crazily at 21 I took that as flattery. It was not, it was severely downplaying the trauma I went through because my ex didn’t care for that part of my life. I even remember thinking I should tag a post as a burn survivor and he said “isn’t that like advertising your burns, why warn people about it?”. I got better and embraced my scars all through my own healing but damn it was all severely fucked up.)
- They usually have a Fatal Flaw they try to make you contend with (My ex had explosive anger where he would hit something (a wall, the couch, his desk, etc) or throw things at any slight provocations, and he would disguise it as a reaction of low self esteem instead. I didn’t realize how bad the conditioning had got until I broke up with him and I wasn’t getting jumpy from him coming home anymore or my dog wasn’t hiding from him anymore. I was walking on eggshells all the time and I only knew it subconsciously. He would also curse at me and call me the meanest names from the smallest arguments, he would get belittling. It’s their signature style to make you feel small and to desensitize you to truly nightmarish behavior.)
- That’s the other thing- most people and sometimes animals can tell they’re off (I would always wonder why my ex never seemed to make a good impression on others. They could tell he was off from the start.)
- They start trying to love bomb you after you give up or when they sense you are finally giving up (I always asked my ex to pay more attention to my business/endeavors/art/etc when we were together, to respond to texts I sent him at work-within reason-, to give me some support or feedback. His replies were always blasé. “That’s nice.” Or “I will.” As soon as I broke up with him. He was complaining that he always missed texting me at work. Then he started getting more involved on my social media pages. Then for the first time in months he watched my story on Instagram completely unwelcomed and unprompted. It was how fake the performance of interest was that really struck me after everything.)
- They always ask for one more chance when you’ve given them at least a hundred chances (Evem when I broke up with him he kept saying “you cut off other people (for being toxic) but I never thought it would be me!” I feel like I’ve already put plenty of examples of this, so I’ll just say this points to the fact that at their base motivation they don’t really respect you or care about you. If someone actually cares about you, they’re going to go out of their way to make you comfortable, to care about your opinions and feedback, from the very start)
- Even when it’s over, they still always try to blame you for their bad behavior. (My ex painted himself as an introvert when he was in a relationship. I had always asked him to make -newer, healthier- friends and to make a social effort. Since the beginning. After we broke up he made an effort to go out to social events. After he went out one day he came back and said “I was such a girlfriend guy, I never went out and socialized!” In turn I said you’re not a girlfriend guy you never cared about what I had to say, if you were a girlfriend guy I wouldn’t have had to break up with you for literally never taking me into account. So that ended that.)
- When it’s over the relief hits you in waves (I didn’t even realize how much I was doing to cope with the hostility and boredom of the relationship until it was over. I stopped overeating, I actually lost my appetite for days. I went from taking edibles every week to not even craving the ones I had. I wasn’t the most indulgent but I was shocked by how immediately I was fine with going cold turkey. My time with myself became even more peaceful. Even before I moved out, I was more creative and productive. I felt the beauty and the optimism of all the little moments deep in my spirit and my glow was brighter than ever before. My ex kept turning to me in despair and asking “how can you be so okay with this??” I answered him indifferently because he wasn’t worth entertaining. But obviously my spirit had been restored, I wasn’t wasting love on anyone that didn’t deserve it anymore. My energy was finally all mine. And I had faith in God that everything would be alright. And it was.)
You slowly but surely realize that you were formed to be a victim of a narcissistic/antagonistic person due to being raised by narcissistic parents and in an environment full of enabling emotionally and verbally abusive behavior. When we met I was so vulnerable. I had moved to a new city on my own, I was in a financially precarious place. The city was The Worst for Black people (tm). I was so desperate for an ally, I caught an energy vampire instead. I’ve healed and learned a lot from this. To be much more deliberate about who I let into my life. To be unafraid of purging and moving on when someone shows you they’re incapable of growth. To not accept crumbs of affection and appreciation. To pour my love into myself first before I let anyone else do the same. So I write all this to say, it’s not your fault. It’s not your fault that some people are so corrupted to the core that they’d rather destroy you than heal themselves. So… forgive yourself for this experience. Forgive yourself for being a person that just loves and cares about others. That believes in cultivating a world full of warmth and compassion. Don’t let one (or a dozen- ugh the people I’ve had to move on from oml) toxic ass person ruin you and your compassion. I had to forgive myself for believing in a lot of disappointing, inept, bad people. But I won’t stop being kind and compassionate because of those losers. I’ll continue to shine my light on those who need it whenever I’m supposed to. I mean I don’t know if I’ll ever be able to rely on anyone again without fear of their self interest but one step at a time, I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Anyway, wish me luck on this fresh start. Buy a reading if you want to support me. But yeah, thanks for reading y’all.
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Morals and Ethics
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Hello Friends!! to preface: This post is not here to police anyone on what is the 'correct' way to practice. My aim on this post is to be culturally and magically informed, so this isnt going to be a take down of any belief or path line. Instead this post is offered up as a way to not only build your own moral frame work, but get you thinking about where you stand magically and enhance how you practice! Our moral frameworks are all unique, something that would be a faux pas in your practice might be something thats culturally common in others, so lets throw on our thinking caps and get started!
What is building an ethical and moral framework?
Building an ethical background in witchcraft involves establishing a set of principles, values, and guidelines that guide your magical and spiritual practices! In essence It helps ensure that your actions align with your moral compass (Wherever it may lie). This background can help you make informed decisions, cultivate energy, and maintain a respectful and balanced relationship with both you and your magic.
Some religions and paths have their own moral and ethical framework, for example lyma is this idea of "something to be washed away" and is a big deal when practicing within Hellenic Spaces! It would be immoral to approach an altar without washing your hands if they were dirty, but on the flip side some cultures actively encourage dirty hands like people who worship earth within their gardens. Depending on your path you might have a specific framework.
Another aspect is moral frameworks change and that is ok!! Its important we aren't stagnate and its ok to change your mind and feel like you want to change things up. That is totally reasonable and people do it all the time like with politics, religious affiliations, jobs, and more! Ethical and Moral compasses can change just like we do.
How to build an ethical framework
Self-Reflection: Start by exploring your own values, beliefs, and moral code. Reflect on what is important to you, what you stand for, and how these values relate to your magical practices. Also now would be the time to decolonize your beliefs and explore your biases. Its ok to acknowledge your bias, as long as you are working through it. If you dont know what decolonizing your beliefs is I left a helpful video above, just click 'decolonize your beliefs'
Research and Study: Deep dive into different ethical systems and philosophies. Familiarize yourself with various witchcraft traditions, such as New age spirituality, Pagan magical systems, and country/area specific + their associated ethical guidelines. Read books and articles about ethics in witchcraft whether you agree or disagree. During this time you are simply collecting as many perspectives as possible and comparing them to how you feel, don't feel pressured to follow something if you don't feel it applies to you.
Connect with a Mentor or Community: If possible, seek guidance from an experienced witch or spiritual space who can share their ethical insights and offer advice on building your own ethical framework. The best part is, different spaces will produce their own ethical codes of conduct. For example some spaces don't allow love spell discussion for example, which is an ethical guideline.
Create Your Own Code: Based on your self-reflection, research, and guidance, create your own personal code of ethics. This code should reflect your values and guide your magical practices. It might include principles like harm none, respect nature, work for the greater good, or take no shit. Wherever you feel you sit, walk with it. Whatever comes natural to you explore it. Write down what you believe as a symbol, but do so in pencil so you can change it as needed!
Regularly Reevaluate: As you gain experience and your understanding of ethics evolves, revisit and update your ethical code. It's important to grow as your spiritual journey progresses like I mentioned above. You are not a static person, allow yourself to experience your moral compass and how to bends. Allow yourself to be fluid and honest. Not everyone is 'love and light' or 'fuck authority' your allowed to be who you need to be!
Different Types of Ethics in Witchcraft:
Note: This is not every type of ethics, but rather a couple examples of the ethics you may see in your research and which group it belongs too. This area is not meant to endorse or critique an ethical guideline but instead showcase the many that do exist.
The Wiccan Rede: "An it harm none, do what ye will." This is a central ethical guideline in Wicca, emphasizing the avoidance of harm to others as a core principle. Another one is The Threefold Law, this law suggests that the energy you send out, whether positive or negative, will return to you threefold (three times what you sent out). This encourages practitioners to be mindful of their actions.
Green Witch Ethics: Green witches emphasize their connection to nature and the importance of nurturing and protecting the environment. Their ethical background often centers around conservation, sustainability, and working with the Earth's energies respectfully.
Personal Responsibility: Some witches adhere to a more individualistic code of ethics, focusing on personal responsibility and accountability for their actions.
Balancing Left hand and Right hand: For some, ethical considerations involve finding a balance between Right and Left hand magic, and acknowledging the potential consequences of working with both, one, or neither. The right and left hand path are types of magical systems that involve different attitudes towards magic, the right hand emphasizing healing and selflessness, and the left hand emphasizing individuality and shadow aspects.
Respect for Spirits and Deities: Many witches emphasize the importance of showing respect and gratitude to the spirits, deities, and entities they work with, recognizing their agency and autonomy.
Are there any absolutes that I should be aware of?
Absolutes are ethical things that you do need to make sure you are integrating! These are really important things to note when you are learning, because if you do choose to disregard these you could contribute to some really bad concepts that intrinsically cause harm to real people
Respect - Cultural awareness, avoiding appropriation, and looking out for other people can be important. Its important that you fully evaluate a moral system before indulging in it. For example: In the love spell discussion and lot of cultural practioners voices are left out of the discussion, same with baneful discussions. Its important to listen to many groups of people and take stances that dont turn peoples cultures into a monolith, demonize them, or silence them.
Hate groups and cults - Its important that you check where a belief comes from and see if it matches with any hate groups or cult rhetoric. These groups create really flashy and easy to digest claims to try and push an agenda kind of like a salesmen. Their whole job is to try and push you into their group so they can get money, power, fame, and in some cases carry out atrocities. This corresponds with that decolonization conversation from earlier, because it can help keep you and other witchy friends safe!
Nuance - Its important to keep nuance in the conversation. Don't take extremely black and white stances if you aren't knowledgeable on the subject. I think even advanced practioners need to remember to keep nuance in their opinions and keep an open mind when presented with new information or moral ideals. Keep an open dialogue when you are having conversations, and remember to keep asking yourself why you believe the things you do.
Remember that there is no one-size-fits-all approach to building an ethical background in witchcraft. Your ethical code should be a reflection of your personal beliefs and values. It's essential to be true to yourself and to strive for a harmonious practice that aligns with your own spiritual journey! Enjoy the ride :)
Tip Jar
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jupitersdoll · 1 year
Love your quick Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce reading, looking into their synastry I could see them lasting for a while. My question is though what are some of your top favorite synastry combinations and also your least favorite synastry combinations?
Thank you so much! Some of my favorite synastry aspects and why are:
🤍 Sun-Moon - Deep understanding of each other at each other’s core and very easygoing. This is the aspect where your partner can also be your best friend.
🤍 Moon-Mars - Very passionate and creative energy between two people. The both of you can be very unstoppable together in the best way. (Be careful of babies if that’s not your intention lol)
🤍 Moon-Venus - warm, loving, and very emotional connection. There’s love present at all expressions of your feelings and emotions, it’s one of my favorite aspects ever.
🤍 Venus-Neptune - Spiritual connection that never quite goes away. It’s very karmic so even if things don’t work out romantically, they’ll always be a lifelong love that could manifest as lifelong companionship.
🤍 Venus-Jupiter - You can learn and grow from each other in a way that you can’t with any other aspect, one of my favorite marriage/long term partnership aspects
🤍 6H synastry - Very underrated synastry in my opinion. One of the main reasons people break up over time is because they can’t stand their person being there every single day, but not this aspect. This synastry can make your everyday easier because that person wants to serve you and take care of you. Being with them feels natural and you can love them deeply even when they’re not being intentionally romantic.
My least favorite synastry aspects and why are:
💔 Venus-Pluto - Very obsessive energy, it may be cute at first but I’ve seen this aspect lead to people getting into some serious danger down the line.
💔 Mars-Pluto - Not always but it can be a violent aspect, arguments always escalate to a place that’s deeply uncomfortable or troubling.
💔 Venus-Uranus - This is not the worst synastry but it means your relationship needs a lot of change and unconventional aspects and relationships tend to crumble under that pressure.
💔12H Synastry - Also not the worst synastry but your relationship has to be extremely private for it to last. Not great for people who want love that’s loud and open. There also tends to be separation here between partners.
💔 Moon-Saturn - Moon and Saturn go well together but only with time and overcoming a lot of adversity. In relationships, this could be the person feels that it’s never the right time to be with you or that there’s something in the way to overcome first before they invest their love.
💔 Mercury-Mars - Communication is so important in a relationship but with this aspect, communicating can feel like entering a battlefield. You have to be strategic with your words and over time that’s just exhausting.
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1galaxia369 · 10 months
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Okay guys, I see a lot good energy radiating from you. You've finally let go and you finally realized that the treasure is within. Alot of you are out here chasing crazy (but attainable) dreams. I love that for you, there's been so much pressure on you to be normal and do the right thing but there's no such thing. When you you force yourself into that box you become unhappy and restless. The stagnacy creeps in after and then the financial issues. You have to constantly stimulate yourself, you are a creator, you create. You are not meant to get up and do the samething everyday over and over. It's the reason you feel so depressed and confused, you don't have a creative outlet or anything fun to look forward to. Honoring your inner child is important to you, all work and no play will make you a sad and depressed mess of a human being. I understand Saturn being your ruler but so is Uranus, there needs to be a balance between practicality + hard work and Creativity + eccentricity ( like come on you never been able to fit into society...standing out is your thing). You use to be so creative and fun, what happened? You let societal expectations stop you again. You were never meant to be Kris that wears a gray suit everyday and works in corporate, you're the rich eccentric artist that spends their day doing crazy spontaneous things who dresses like they belong in a movie. I'm just trying to tell you that your success and happiness comes from the same thing you try to lock away--your individuality!
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You are really out here mad at yourself for not being able to do what everyone else is doing even though it makes you unhappy. That makes no sense, why do you have to change your self to fit in? why can’t everyone try to be themselves? Society is set up to keep everyone living the same story. You are here to create your own! Nothing you do will ever be normal, the way you are will never be normal and it's time to embrace that kid. Once you finally make this decision to honor yourself then you can finally see some movement in your life. The universe will be blessing you never endingly, people will be coming to you to bring you support and harmony. These new connections will be people who love you for you and will encourage you to embrace your individuality. You might have went through most of your life without any support or someone to clap you when you achieve something but this support is coming through for you. You deserve this praise and support you're a star and remember that. There's going to be success in whatever you are working on at this moment, this project or goal has been something you have been working on for a while now, results will start to finally show up and there will be a positive outcome. Of course it's successful, you worked hard on this and you agonized over it but most importantly, you stuck with it and disciplined yourself. Congratulations!
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Take the next step. It's time to go full in, get your pen and paper and start planning your next steps. I promise you, success is waiting for you to take the leap. Some of you are honing your skills for perfection and professional use. Some of you are in school, or planning to go back to school for a new skillset, some of you are practicing new techniques, self teaching new skills, enjoying your talents, whatever it is pursue it. It will be beneficial to you at this time, use it to further your self or invest into what you really want to do. Remember that you're here to do great things. You are bigger than what society has to offer hell, you're bigger than what this world has to offer. Some of you are a about become mentors & guides, oracles, astrologers, spiritualists, healers, practitioners, open up spiritual businesses or open a place of healing. You guys are here to guide and heal, people want to break away from this unhealthy society and you are here to help them. You are here to show them another way of life is possible. All of this can be triggered by you making the first step, out of society and chasing your true desires and dreams.
I recommend working with crystals, you have a lot of major things happening you need some support (rose quartz,pyrite, citrine,garnet, carnelian, obsidian,rainbow flourite, clear quartz,selenite). Smudge if you can and clear out any energy that makes you feel low. (palo santo, cinnamon stick,frankincense, incense). Go out in nature you need to interact with the natural energies that mother nature has to offer
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satanandsoul · 2 years
What can you learn from your favourite celebrity?
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<<Pile 1>>
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You: Komodo dragon "Answer your wake-up call"
What you can learn: 9 of Pentacles
Your favourite celebrity: Spider "Create magic"
Right now you are the Komodo dragon. You have not answered your spiritual calling. There is something that you have always want to do, something that you have always felt you are destined to do. That probably is your spiritual calling, what you are meant to do in this life. But for whatever reasons, you have not answered that call. You have not carried out any action in fulfilling your spiritual calling. You favourite celebrity on the other hand is someone who has answered his or her spiritual call and is striving because of that. He or she is magical in his or her chosen field. What you can learn from your favourite celebrity is that you should learn to be self-reliant. You know what you are meant to do, then go do it. Don't listen to the naysayers. If you follow your spiritual call, I can see that you will be accomplishing quite a lot.
<<Pile 2>>
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You: Ant "Keep going"
What you can learn: 9 of Swords Rx
You favourite celebrity: Peacock "Share your true colours"
You are represented by the ant. This tells me that you are a very hardworking person. You try your best to fit in. So much so, you blend in with the people around you. However, your favourite celebrity is someone who isn't afraid to show the world who he or she truly is. You are attracted to him or her because of that. In the deepest corner of your psyche, you know how different you are from the people around you. But you are afraid to show it. It can be because you are afraid of judgement or you belong to a minority group hence there is extra pressure on you to culturally assimilate. This is painful, I can tell. What you can learn from your favourite celebrity is to let go of your worries. In a safe environment, reveal to those whom you trust who you really are, what you like and how you think. Step by step, you can finally be yourself.
<<Pile 3>>
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You: Frog "Take the leap"
What you can learn: The Fool
Your favourite celebrity: Beetle "Think Optimistically"
I can see that at the moment you are on the cusp of change. Maybe you are deciding whether you should change jobs, or if you should move to another country, or you are deciding which subject to study in university. Anyhow, you have a big decision to make that you know will change the course of your life forever. And understandably, you are scared to make such a decision. You favourite celebrity is a happy-go-lucky type of person. He or she always looks for the silver lining. What you can learn from him or her is to take a leap of faith. Nobody knows what the future has in store for us but you can try to believe in the universe.
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gloryhrs · 2 years
━━ ⟡ 𝓜𝐄 𝓐𝐍𝐃 𝓜𝐘 𝓗𝐔𝐒𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐃, shinji h.
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male reader.
Shinji felt like he was on the verge of passing out from exhaustion.
He was currently suffering from an empty stomach, dehydration, and the fact he has been on his feet all day without having the time to sit down, not to mention his back felt like Hiyori punched it countless times in his sleep. The only thing he wanted to do today was to take his husband out into the world of living for a date so they could enjoy their anniversary together. After completing another task he dragged his feet back to his office and whilst muttering curses under his breath, “I can’t believe the head captain picked this day for me to do all these damn tasks.” He ran his long slender fingers through his hair.
I promised him I was gonna take him to that cafe and now he’s probably mad at me for lying. His frown deepened at the thought of his husband giving him the silent treatment for the rest of the week because of the promise he broke. Whilst walking back to his office he sensed a familiar spiritual pressure which made him pick up his feet till the point of running, once he opened the door he felt his heart speed up at the sight of his husband completing the last paper from the stack with a peaceful smile on his face.
“Darling you’re back! While you were gone I decided to finish your paperwork stack!” You dusted yourself off before feeling a heavyweight knock you down on your back, “Baby, you didn’t have to do this.” Shinji grumbled into your neck as you wrapped your arms around him to form a hug whilst rubbing his back slowly. Deciding not to say anything back you just held the blonde male as he continued to nuzzle his face into your neck. From the dark eye bags under his eyes you could tell Shinji was exhausted from his captain duties, which explained why you completed his paperwork and any other task he had to complete before the day was over.
“ Nonsense! I know being a captain can be excruciating, so that’s why I’ve decided to help you out. Besides I’m your lieutenant, I’m always gonna be here to help.” You ran your fingers through his now short blonde hair which made him melt in your arms. Every day he finds a new reason to be proud that you’re his husband, your kindness was the main reason he fell so hard for you. You are such a lovable person that no one could find a reason in their heart to hate you. It’s still questionable to this day how he managed to steal your heart, but from the moment he saw you his heart was already yours.
When you both first met your appearance truly caught him off guard. Maybe it was because of your smooth dark brown skin that had no blemishes, scars, or bruises on it, your breathtaking ( e / c ) eyes that sparkled brighter than one million diamonds, those soft and plump lips that curved upwards whenever he looked at you. He can still remember the constant teasing he would get from Shunsui and Jushirō from the way he acted when you were around, his mouth would become dry as the desert and his body turned stiff as a board. Once you were gone he would hear the two captains howling with laughter at his embarrassing actions.
“Aren’t you mad? I promised you we were going somewhere for our anniversary.” He removed his head from your neck with a frown visible on his face, you could tell he was beating himself up all day at the thought of you being upset with him. “Why would I be mad? You had to attend captain duties today, besides, we can always reschedule when you’re not busy.” He watched as your eyes soften from the thought of your anniversary, even though you weren’t mad he still felt guilty. His thoughts were interrupted when he felt your hand brush against his slightly red cheek, no matter what he did, you couldn’t be upset with him nor have any hatred in your heart for him.
“Since you’re done when your duties we can spend the rest of the day together.” You smiled sweetly at your frowning husband whose mood immediately changed when you spoke.
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Shinji felt an utter sense of euphoria as your hands continued to massage his back, it was like your hands were working magic on him. The way your hands kneaded the soft muscles on his back made him feel a surge of energy rush through his body, once you’ve finished he sat up to let out a loud yawn which made you chuckle lightly. “Do you feel better? Sorry if some of your muscles feel stiff still, it was my first time doing that.” You nervously played with your fingers with a hint of uncertainty in your voice.
“You did an amazing job babe, so stop acting like that.” Shinji leaned forward to land a kiss on your forehead and laughed at your flustered reaction. Even if you both are married the feeling of his lips against your skin always made you feel flustered, “We should go watch the moon now.” He stretched before standing up to intertwine his hands with yours.
“I remember when we had our first kiss here. You looked like you had just seen a ghost when I decided to make the first move.” You laughed at the memory of Shinji who looked like a fish out of water when you decided to kiss him. It didn’t take you long enough to realize that the blonde-haired male had romantic feelings for you, back then you couldn’t help but find him adorable and funny. “Yeah yeah, that was over one hundred years ago.” Shinji scoffed with a light pink dusting his cheeks.
“Since I’ve been with you, every day has been a blessing.” You leaned back into his chest with a soft hum escaping your lips. “I love you so much, Shinji. I’m so glad I met you and was able to find you again, now no matter where you go, I’ll be there with you.” Tears started to gather in your eyes as his hand began to caress your cheek. “And I’m so glad to have you as my husband, you never failed to make me happy, not to mention you’re always there for me. Not because you’re my lieutenant, because you’re my husband. I wouldn’t have it any other way with you, if I can spend every second of my life with you I would.” He spoke against your lips before connecting them which formed a loving and passionate kiss between the lovers.
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© gloryhrs, 031123. — notes and reblogs are appreciated! (≧∇≦)[ live laugh love shinji ( •̀ ᴗ •́ )و!!! ]
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xenodelic · 2 years
Physical Shifting: An Alternate Perspective
We had a discussion recently with a fellow alterhuman who was struggling to find a term to accurately describe the types of shifts they experience. And as they explained, they made some excellent points about the way that community terminology around shifting intentionally excludes any mention of the physical aspects whatsoever.
And this, of course, is for understandable reasons. P-shifting groups have been known to use the promise of transformation to control and manipulate others. Thus "physical shifting" has become inextricably associated with the act of something that is widely understood to be impossible - that being the complete and utter alteration of one's entire anatomy (or at least of significant parts of the body).
There have been many descriptions of the different types of shifts that alterhumans can experience; mental, phantom, sensory, spiritual, etc (as well as the lesser known berserker and vardjur shifts).
But something we've noticed that the community has shied away from describing some of the ways that shifting can impact your physical body. Some examples may include:
Goosebumps / body hair standing on end
Pupils dilating or constricting
Muscles tensing, twitching, involuntary movements
Changes in voice or vocalizations (even vocalizing in registers that are not normally accessible)
Changes in sensory perception (more focused hearing or sight, more sensitive to touch, even sometimes loss of certain senses)
Soreness or aching due to human posture that does not align with one's alterhuman body type
Changes in breathing, heart rate, blood pressure, etc
And this is a non-exhaustive list! All of these are "side effects" that can come about from several types of shifts, in varying intensities.
And these are actual, physiological changes that are happening in the body as a result of a shift. Most may be psychosomatic, but that doesn't mean they are not "real" - in fact, many are quite easy to observe and document.
To be clear: These sorts of side effects have been talked about plenty. Its not that they are never discussed, its that people seem hesitant to call them what they are: Physical. Real, observable, physical changes of the body.
And while they may be connected to other types of shifts, they are not solely psychological or spiritual. We are being of flesh and blood after all, and the things we experience in our hearts and minds are rarely totally separate from our bodies.
And to be completely honest, I think the only reason we stray away from describing these shifts as physical is because of the actions of certain p-shifting groups. But I don't think we should let the behavior of some people stop us from accurately describing our experiences.
So why not call it what it is? Shifts that result in these sort of effects ARE physical (in some capacity). Perhaps if we want to be more specific, we could call them physiological shifts, or psychosomatic shifts. But either way, we're not going to shy away from it. We experience physical changes in our body as a result of our alterhuman identities - and we're going to call it what it is!
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alyjojo · 11 days
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Love Reading 💬 - September 2024 - Scorpio
Who is Coming In: The Fool rev, 9 Cups, 10 Swords
Regarding: Justice
Long-Term Potential: The Magician rev
This one is going off grid, you have Twin Flame and Karmic, and maybe you have them switched because Spirit is labeling them for you 😆 I tried to read it like normal and heard “no, no” and then pointing at these two messages, no…they’re literally telling them apart for you. The Lovers came out when I clarified whether it’s real or perceived, these are both very intense spiritual contracts you have with two people, I assume both are around you somehow. Justice is your energy, needing to make a decision and cut the other one off, or just trying to be fair, you’re needing to use this Higher Wisdom, that’s yours. I mean…you could probably choose neither and be fine. That’s not Spirit, that’s me. You have free will. Do what you want ❤️
Okay, okay.
The Karmic is the manipulative puppet-master that lies about everything and drove you crazy. Very charming and persuasive, probably taught you a lot about what to avoid - now you know. They keep you on your toes. Further clarification shows the Karmic didn’t have other people involved, they lied about all of the other shit every day…but not fidelity.
The Twin is the one you always wanted but something didn’t happen, The Fool is reversed, a leap of faith wasn’t taken and someone got cold feet or ran away, causing 10 Swords. Very painful. The Devil rev could show someone running away from addictions or “feeling like a drug” if drugs weren’t involved. They might like to party and you don’t, or used to. They could’ve betrayed you this way. Clearly there’s other people involved with this one.
Both hurt you. What is Justice to you? The decision is yours, not anyone else’s, I don’t even really see input from Spirit here. It’s coming off more like “figure it out for yourself.” Which…probably means lesson learned. You’re free from karmic contracts & it IS free will. That changes once you decide, of course. New Wheel, new Devils. No pressure 😆
- Twin Flame 🔥
- Karmic Connection
- Reminiscing
- Making Memories
- Learn from the Past
- Perception
Higher Wisdom 🔎
Explore options, learn what you can, and expand your horizons.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Gemini, Pisces, Aries & Libra
The relationship: Judgment
The problem: The Magician
What to do about it: Death
Ooh, Spirit is calling you wrong. Or cheap. Just kidding, sort of. You both have some goal you’re working towards, 4 Wands at the bottom show the most obvious thing is buying a home or moving in together. Could be a backyard wedding or something too, an anniversary dinner, it’s different for everyone. 4 Wands is the feeling of “coming home” to something, but at the same time, something is over with entirely. Or needs to be. King of Pentacles is the reason this is stalled, and that’s feeling like your energy, you’re the decider of financial things and where those energies are applied best. Could be work too. Work could be keeping you living at a location you don’t want to be at anymore.
The goal is changing this, but you both can’t get on the same page. You see things differently, for some you may not even agree whether something is even over with. Like…the neighborhood is going downhill, the businesses are leaving, but your person is stubbornly hanging on because they’ve lived here their whole life. This could describe your financial state in dealing with a parent like this too, that’s for someone. The problem is, assuming you’re the stubborn ass 😉, you don’t *like* any of the other options available to you. If it’s a house, you hate them all. If it’s curtains, you hate every color. If it’s dogs, it’s all smelly ones, you’re just not on board with your person’s way of seeing or doing things - and since you can’t agree, it’s hard to get anything off the ground. Which you may be doing on purpose, no? You don’t like their options, what they like, so no. The advice is to stop being a stubborn ass that purposely blocks progress 😆 Or that’s who you’re dealing with but like…you can’t make them. That’s why I assume it’s you. Peaks Reached at the bottom shows there’s no going up from here, only down, again I’m seeing a neighborhood. Your oracles elude to the right option either being outside of your current financial standards (you have 75k selected and need to select 150k instead) or it’s not even in the realm of your thought processes right now - but might be for your person. They could have a point, and still I’m seeing it be more down their lane and not necessarily the options you don’t like. But those are there too. Just keep an open mind, don’t judge too soon.
- Plays too much!
- Wise Spirit 😌
- New Phase & Rekindle
- Renew & Growth
- Changed Mind
- Rise From Ashes
Soul Whispers 🤫
Look beyond the words and hear what is really being said now.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Libra, Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo & Capricorn
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hikarry · 5 months
Since I didn't communicate clearly earlier:
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 39
Oh, God lord, Sam
Okay, yes, yes, sure
Just, be prepared for a long post I guess then. Ill skip the ones I already answered
2. show us a picture of your handwriting?
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3. 3 films you could watch for the rest of your life and not get bored of?
The Imitation Game, The Muppet Christmas Carol and Corpse Bride
4. what’s an inside joke you have with your family or friends?
Ah...a evil version of "You've got a friend in me" from Toy Story with one of my friends
5. what made you start your blog?
Honestly? No idea. Technically I've been here since 2014 and I kinda just joined to see pretty pics in the beginning. And now here we are, neck deep in the Good Omens fandom
6. what’s the best and worst part of being online/a creator?
The best is honestly the interaction. You guys really have no idea how nice the Good Omens fandom is. I used to be a "creator" for the Yuri on Ice fandom and it didn't used to be half of this. It's very exciting.
The worst? Maybe the pressure to post new stuff? Which is not exactly no one's fault but mine, but alas
7. what scares you the most and why?
Ah. Dying in pain? I don't like pain and I don't appreciate dying so, yeah. Kinda logic
8. any reacquiring dreams?
I don't think so?
9. tell a story about your childhood
We went to the beach this one time and I, for some reasons, made friends with this one guy I never saw again in my life. Somehow he caught a big ass fish (or big in toddler scale) and gave it to me and my first reaction was toss it back into the ocean. It was a magnificent throw, lemme tell ya. For a 3 year old, anyway
10. would you say you’re an emotional person?
It depends on how mentally stable I am and who I am with. But yes, overall, I would say so
11. what do you consider to be romance?
Small things, like sleeping cuddling, cooking together, drinking coffee together at the window in a sunday morning, kissing in the rain. My idea of romance is very...fairytale-y. And not realistic. That's why I am very very good by myself
12. what’s some good advice you want to share?
Don't look for yourself in other people. You're good enough to make yourself happy. You don't need anyone else so don't think you do. Other people are a bonus, not a requirement
13. what are you doing right now?
Answering this long ass thing thanks to you, Sam
14. what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
Piercings. I've conquered my fear of tattoos and piercing are next, write what I'm telling you
15. what do you think of when you hear the word “home”?
My grandma's house
16. if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
Physically? My weight. Because I've been fighting it ever since I was like 4 and so I could go under surgery and change my chest.
In general? Just...I would like to be more simple. I feel like other people in the world are way simpler than I am. Think and feel in a simpler way. Or I'm too complicated, depends on how you want to see it. I would like to feel simple
18. do you believe in ghosts and/or aliens?
No, to both. If I allowed myself to believe in any of those I would become way too paranoid and that's a no no
19. favourite thing about the day?
Getting home after a long day
20. favourite things about the night?
Actually getting to sleep properly, which is being an impossibility at the moment
21. are you a spiritual person?
No. I don't believe in any god or religion or entity. I max believe that the universe has my back and everything will work out somehow. But that's it
22. say 3 things about someone you love
My grandma is an amazing cook. I love her snuggles. I miss her every day
23. say 3 things about someone you hate
My uncle was assaulted last week, aparently. Not to be mean, but he could have died. I wish he had died
24. what’s one thing you’re proud of yourself for?
Not having killed myself when I really really wanted to. Living is super nice and I enjoy it quite a lot
25. fave season and why?
Autumn. Because it's when I was born and it's spooky season! And hella cozy! I love cozy!
26. fave colour and why?
Blue. Because it feels calming and reminds me of the ocean and/or water in general
27. any nicknames?
My friends used to call me "Mouse" when I was in school. It was an inside joke
28. do you collect anything?
I collect books and military jackets
30. what’s one thing that never fails to make you happy/happier?
Honestly? Without being sappy, you guys. Every time I'm having a shit day and I come here to complain y'all manage to cheer me up. It's very sweet and I thank you very much
31. are you messy or organised?
I am proudly organized in my messiness
32. how many tabs do you have open right now?
On pc? 4
On the phone? 48. 47 of those are fanfics
33. any hobbies?
Mainly reading and writing. I don't have time for much else
34. any pet peeves?
When people are slow. Not only walking, but in general: thinking, moving. It annoys the shit out of me
35. do you trust easily?
Oh no. Not at all. I think the only people I currently trust are my grandma and my therapist. And one of them I pay them to trust them so-
36. are you an open book or do you have walls up?
Way way too many walls up. I've been broken more times than I care to count and that does something to someone, lemme tell ya
37. share a secret
I stole a Hello Kitty necklace from a girl I hated when I was like 7. I still have it, as a trophy. I really hated that girl
39. youtuber you’ve been obsessed with and why?
Pinely! He's so fucking funny and I love his accent. Besides, his videos are amazing. Go watch it!
Ooof, okay. That's it, right? I tried to give short answers so it wouldn't get too annoying, but there we are. Hope you're happy, Sam!
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loving-family-poll · 8 months
Hello, I came across one of your asks where you listed your four favourite movies (stating that they changed everyday). You listed Kagero-za. May I ask why you liked it ? I’m super curious because to this day it’s the strangest movie I’ve ever watched. I really couldn’t understand it, I cannot explain, it was such a weird watch. I’m genuinely asking and not necessarily expecting a comprehensive answer, no pressure 😊
Have a nice day !
FINALLY A GOOD QUESTION you should all be asking my about my favorite movies. Thank u for asking tomate-grappe <3
For one I just really love Seijun Suzuki he's one of my absolute favorite directors. I love his bold visual style, I love how the chaos and strangeness of his films come together to make something really beautiful. I love the fierce energy of his films, even with something as long as dreamlike as Kagero-Za. I love how he combines the ridiculous and absurd and tragic, and I love how concerned he is with harm done to women and women's lives. But Kagero-Za is quite unique amongst his filmography so let's talk about that!
Kagero-Za is kind of hard to talk about because it's so weird! Doesn't have much of a plot, does it. That's one of the reasons I love it, actually, how dreamlike and strange and often nightmarish it is. At the same time, it has a kind of internal rhythm to it that just makes sense, it's hypnotizing. It so intentionally it blurs the lines between fiction and reality, life and death; the set of the play-within-a-play literally collapses in the climax. Reflections are everywhere, water, mirrors, so often we're seeing some diaphanous image with only a tenuous relationship to anything "real." I've never felt so, I don't know, pulled along by a film. The protagonist Matsuzaki is resistant, confused, he seems to be pulled into this story against his will. You are my lover and we will die together, says the woman who may or may not be a ghost. No, Matsuzaki says, but he is. Never deciding to do so, he buckles to fate, or god, or this strange undead woman. Cast as the tragic lover in a tragedy that's already happened. When I watch it I sort of feel like Matsuzaki. It's hard to describe, like I have a role in this play too, the audience, and I'm as powerless as him in the face of it.
Kagero-Za has a lot of ideas - about Westernization, about women's internal lives and how men assert themselves over women's bodies and minds, about eroticism, love, lust, about the spiritual and tangible, about fiction and storytelling. But it doesn't address any of them directly, or literally. They all just exist, murky half-formed notions of the subconscious manifesting in this bizzare dream. I've never seen anything quite like it, and I couldn't help but fall in love with it the first time I saw it. It is too long tho. I hope that makes sense to you :)
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astroyongie · 1 year
Solists July Reading 2023
Note: Please take it light with a grain of salt 
Career: His career s going well, not only he is able to show a more true self on camera, he is happy to be free to communicate with his fans without much pressure or rules. Woodz also has a good communication and relationship with his company and honestly he is able to decide what he wants and what he doesn’t 
Love: He is currently dating someone, and this person is the base of his self esteem. Thanks to his partner he works on himself, he tries to be a best version of himself and it honestly helped with his self esteem issues. He is happy  
Spiritual: His energy is rather very neutral, I don’t sense negativity nor positivity, he is just patient and taking whatever comes his path and his way to work with 
Career: I believe there’s a lot he doesn’t say, either to his fans and to his company. Ian keeps things to himself he doesn’t like people to know he struggles with x or x reason. I think he tries his best to portrait his idol image the best he can but Ian has troubles to show his true emotions and true self in front of the camera when it comes for work 
Love: I do believe he is in a relationship as well, but his partner I someone that his inner circle don’t approve/don’t like. However he has kept himself deaf to the comments of people and he has fought for the relationship. I also fee like communication might be hard for them and Ian sometimes feels very frustrated. 
Spiritual: I have no idea how his relationship with Mito is but at the moment I feel like the real Ian is slipping away since his energy is getting very low and it’s fading in a way to let space for something else. 
Career: When it comes to his career he is actually happy with his situation. Dawn doesn’t need to be constantly providing something, he likes to have time for himself and for his own projects. He has been kind to people who work with him and also thoughtful to their needs so he knows not to ask for too much 
Love: Love is complicated, I feel like he is still healing his inner child and he is still trying to learn to live with himself and learn all about his own needs and what makes him happy or not. 
Spiritual: There’s something that bothers me on his energy is the lies that he might spread around him about his situation, about his relationships or about his state. The fact that he isn’t being honest with people and with himself affects his energy greatly 
Park Jihoon
Career: There’s a lot going on here, when it comes to his career, his company as full authority and power over him. He cannot do anything without their approval and all projects are decided for him. he doesn’t really has his word to say on this which is kinda of sad.
Love: He is in a relationship at the moment, his relationship is rather stable and cute, things are going well for them and it’s probably the only thing he has power over. 
Spiritual: He is coming to an end of something, probably an awakening he had or to an energy he has around him. At the moment I see him more neutral, but he definitely came out of a difficult period. 
Career: Thankfully everything is going well on his career, Yongguk calls the shots, he is the one planning his things out and he has total freedom on what he does and what he wants. Thankfully his experienced has helped him choosing something that works fo this mental and physical health 
Love: He is dating as well, his partner is someone he protects so much that he makes sure he doesn’t leave any clues for anyone to know who they are. He wants them to be protected from the public eye or at least from rumors so it doesn’t stain their image either 
Spiritual: His energy is complicated, since it changes whenever he is with someone. but Yongguk still struggles a lot with self esteem and how he sees himself and his worth so whenever he is on a lower mood, it’s complicated for him to see the true 
Career: This boy is preparing something new for his fans, new music, new videos, new shows, new activities ! he is happy with where he is now, he has no regrets and Hanbin is able to grow properly and with love around him. 
Love: He is also in a relationship, a strong one and the way he loves them is quite impressive. He is also extremely loyal to his partner and his partner to him, it’s honestly a beautiful union 
Spiritual: However his energy is dark at the moment, probably because he has been dealign with unhealthy habits and a lot of non heal darkness that keeps haunting down. Hanbin struggles a lot with his mental health 
Career: in her case, her current situation isn’t making her happy, Somi feels betrayed ad abandoned by her company, she is basically doing nothing for herself and she feels that everything that she needs to do isn’t earning her anything. She feels alone and unheard by her company 
Love: She isn’t in an official relationship, but on a on and off fling with someone she has faith will become an official thing one day. Things are complicated enough that she doesn’t have time to actually enjoy a couple life 
Spiritual: At least her energy is peaceful and light, Somi works a lot on herself and on her inner self, she probably meditates a lot and works on her health too. The fact that she takes care of herself is actually helping her keeping her energy balanced and positive 
Career: She is definitely enjoying herself with people around her, with people she work with. She is very close to her coworkers and she goes out with them and has fun. Hyuna also spends a lot of money on her friends and on the company. I don’t think she has other artistic plans for now 
Love: She is healing, being resilient when it comes to love, she doesn’t want it nor does she wants to think of it for the moment. She believes she isn’t ready and that unless she heals what she needs to heal a relationship is off limit 
Spiritual: Her spiritual part is rather blocked, she doesn’t believe that much on that, and her mind is more focused on proper and material things. Like I said, Hyuna spends a lot of money on things to make herself feel better 
Kim Jaejoong 
Career: New opportunities are arising for him, Jaejoong has been talking with his company and sponsors to find new horizons and new projects to develop. I believe he wants to show his public he is a versatile artist and that he can do more things that what he has been sowing so far
Love: I believe he came out of a relationship very recently, this person simply left but so did he. It wasn’t taking them anywhere, they both didn’t had the same dreams or values and they have parted ways peacefully. They are friends just not a couple anymore 
Spiritual: His energy is soft and very balanced. Like most of them, it seems like he is able to control and process emotions and events in order not to get overwhelmed. Jaejoong is a spiritual being that has a high intuition and he uses it for his good luck. 
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naturesbeat · 2 months
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@obakeyashi said: One could have argued her timing was impractical, after all this was far from an emergency. Could it have waited? ... Probably. Was she going to wait? With a wound on her heart this fresh, absolutely not. While it could have been seen as rude to interrupt his day as a Captain, he was also her husband. It was nearing noon, and she was certain there wouldn't have been anything of pressing importance going on.
At least, that's what her still tender feelings told her as she made her way to his office. There was no knock as she rushed in in a flurry of fabric, finding her the subject of his gaze as well as the awkward stare of his lieutenant. Seconds of silence passed, and while Renji was not spared a glance, her words were pointed in his direction, "Please leave." Without missing a beat, he did just that, leaving the couple to their privacy.
She wouldn't make him wait long as to why she had made such an uncharacteristic entrance, drawing in a sharp breath before making what sounded far more like a demand than a request, "I want another baby."
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𝚃𝙷𝙴 𝚂𝙸𝚇𝚃𝙷 𝙳𝙸𝚅𝙸𝚂𝙸𝙾𝙽 𝚁𝙰𝙽 𝙰𝚂 𝙸𝚃 𝙰𝙻𝚆𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝙷𝙰𝙳, with nigh impeccable efficiency. As such, its Captain remained where he always did within the hour after noon -- cloistered in his office, working as his lunch grew cool on the desk beside him. The monotony of protocol had yet to weigh him down some century after assuming his post. He worked smoothly, despite his Lieutenant's restless fidgeting not so far away. The stack of completed paperwork soon towered over what he had yet to complete, allowing him time to take that first bite. But no sooner did he set his brush aside, did he sense her spiritual pressure.
He'd grown so attuned to the gentle brush of her reiatsu that it was always there, in the back of his mind; it became a fixture of his days, a warmth not unlike the sun that he could almost -- almost -- become so accustomed to that it ceased to draw his conscious attention. It made those times it changed -- grew agitated, angry, withdrawn -- all the more noticeable. He looked up, a slight frown on his lips when the door slid open in a whirlwind.
A beat passed in silence. Byakuya gave an imperceptible nod to his Lieutenant that dismissed him just as surely as Eri's request. When they were alone he stood, intent on going to her before her word's rooted him in place.
He exhaled his shock, features settling once again into cool composure. In a few slow, measured steps he stood before her. Byakuya took her hands, drawing them to his lips where he placed a gentle kiss on the smooth ridges of her knuckles.
"...You know I would be honored to expand our family," he said softly. Her, Sojun, Rukia -- they were his pride. His joy. Those sentiments could only grow brighter with the addition of another child. And yet, looking into her eyes, he hesitated. Reflected back to him wasn't the happiness he had seen when they first learned of Sojun. If he didn't know any better, he thought she looked hurt."But first I would hear your reasons." Releasing one of her hands only to bring his to her chin, Byakuya gently urged her head upwards.
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"Is all well, Eri...?
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centi-pedve · 29 days
New Pinned (cuz we accidentally deleted the old one <3)
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Gen Info
hello we're centi-pedve but we usually go by connor/congress or cosmia/cosmocrat. he/she/it pronouns we're bigender and we prefer to have fem pronouns used with masc nouns and vice versa.
we're working on a webcomic and it's located here, beware lots of old art. if you like the premise of political ideologies being yaoi boys and yuri girls and yuri boys and yaoi girls then stick around maybe
we fit under too many labels to put here lol we can be whatever you want us to be but if you're one of those people who thinks selfcest is gross you'll have a hard time here cuz we're autosexual and we do selfcest irl
ahospice realicide is our wife and anyone who claims to love or understand her more than or equal to us will be executed
political ideologies (no we're not an expert we just experience category 5 autism about it) realicide (forever and always) ultrakill homestuck and hiveswap bugs (not very knowledgeable we just think they're cute) smiling friends conspiracy theories (not believing them) made in abyss pressure moral orel dead plate regretevator (behind on the updates sobsob) hazbin hotel gravity falls (no book of bill spoilers!) clone high jack and the cuckoo clock heart silly ai/robot media (portal, space odyssey, electric dreams, wall-e, etc) object shows (just getting into this but we like it)
feel free to request fanart for any of the above :3c
we plan on trying to get into 8:11, adventure time, steven universe, and maybe ranfren
our only hard dni is just pretty please don't get pregnant in front of us 🥺 other than that we tend to block marxistly.
some posts will be tagged as #suggestive or #nsft so if you don't want to see that then block the tags. we tend to talk about society's relationship with kink and sexuality. to be clear we are very pro-kink and believe shaming people for their kinks and fetishes is inherently wrong, and that reflects in our posts.
bugs and bright colors will be abound. we make a point to tag them as much as we can. if we forget to tag any of them then let us know.
in general we don't stray from talking about dark content casually. once again we attempt to tag the best we can but it should still be noted that we're not one to self censor or dance around things.
lastly we are a christian, and we are uncomfortable around anti-theists or anyone who acts like being anti-christian is some inherent queer experience. if you're weird to us about it we don't want to be your friend, even if you think we're "one of the good ones." we never tag #tw christianity only #tw religion. we're also southern so similar things apply, we're not fond of yankees who mock the south.
transandrophobia is real, man hating is weird, kink shaming is cringe, inclusion is awesome, and everyone can change.
okay faq time we wont answer asks about these
yes we use the royal we no it's not a system thing we do it for spiritual reasons
no we don't hate pregnant people it's like arachnophobia not homophobia
no we don't care if some rando we reblogged from is problematic we only care about the content of the post itself
yes we think critically about the evil bad media we consume you don't need to lecture us
no we don't care if you think we do our religion wrong
no we're not antivaxx
and we will never answer any asks about shipcourse or syscourse
okay bye bye remember to be smellay and stinkay and nastay
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