#or to not have anybody get close enough to give away every part of me
shitty-quotes · 6 months
In every person who has come into my life, has left with pieces of me. Some sharp, having been broken by others. Some with jagged but soft edges. Some stolen from me. Others perfectly rounded and shaped, cut out and given to them by me. But the question is, do I regrow the old pieces? Or have I been growing new ones?
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skipper1331 · 6 months
Secret // Alexia Putellas
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| Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | extra |
Everybody knew that Alexia was a private person - she only shared the information she wanted to share as she was very selective in her choice of words and very careful about whom she told what.
And even though that facade dropped around her friends and family, she still kept you a secret - she preferred it that way - having you to herself and not having to deal with headlines like 'Alexia Putellas dating her Barcelona teammate.' and the drama that it could cause.
Whenever it was just the two of you she was the sweetest girl, treating you like a princess and being totally in love with you while when other people were around, she kept her distance, acted strictly professional and didn‘t show any signs of affection.
The only person who knew about you was her sister, Alba and she only found out by accident.
"mi amor, you‘re so beautiful" the midfielder admired, kissing along your jaw, "I can‘t get enough of you" she found her way down to your neck, completely lost in the feeling of you before a certain spot on your neck caught her attention where she gently created reddish marks.
Just because nobody knew about you, didn’t mean that it would stop Alexia from silently claiming you.
Her fingertips ran along your exposed skin as your shirt had riddled up, leaving the midfielder craving for more.
The Barcelona player continued to mumble sweet nothings, planting some last even sweeter kisses on your neck before she reached up to your lips, kissing them with every ounce of love. Alexia always kissed you like that, letting you know that you caused the butterflies in her stomach.
Tugging on your shirt, she signaled that she wanted it off. Happily obeying, you took it off, her hands now wandering around your bare upper body as she was back kissing you with so much passion and love.
"Ale- do you know what-" both of you froze at the same time, your girlfriend shielding your exposed body as her sister stood in the door frame, "oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!" she covered eyes, rushing out of the room and slamming the door shut.
"mierda!" Ale was off of you in an instant, throwing your shirt back to you.
"I‘m Alba!" the younger Putellas called threw the door, "we haven‘t meet yet. I‘m her sister!"
You chuckled - wrong move as Alexia glared at you, marching out of her bedroom.
"Do you ever knock?!" she said angrily, pulling her sister away, giving you the time you needed.
"I thought you were asleep! You didn‘t open the front door when I knocked" the sister defended herself in their mother tongue.
Alexia huffed, pinching the bridge of her nose, "so, who‘s she?" Alba asked.
Perfectly timed, you exited the bedroom, walking towards the sisters in the living room, "I’m Y/N" you smiled nicely, offering your hand.
"Alba" she introduced herself once again, returning your smile and shaking your hand.
"She‘s my girlfriend" the midfielder huffed, annoyed that her little sister caught you, "20€ if you don‘t tell anyone about it" the older one said.
She would pay money to keep you a secret? Don‘t get me wrong, you didn‘t want to be public as you loved the privacy both of you had as individuals and together but you did hope for that she would at least tell your friends and family. All you wanted was to hold her hand and not to worry about standing too close to her.
The sparkle in your eyes died down, feeling stings in your heart but nonetheless respecting Alexia‘s wishes.
"I don‘t need your money" Alba stated when she saw the way your face fell, "you could have just said please."
You felt more than rejected in that moment.
"You won‘t tell anybody about this" she ordered this time now, her jaw clenched and voice firm - captains order.
Alba walked towards the door, "I‘m going to the car, mamá is waiting. Hurry up" before she left, only Alexia and you left in her apartment.
"I‘m sorry amor, I forgot that we were having lunch together." the midfielder explained, not knowing nor realizing that her behavior had hurt you as she was just apologizing for the incident of Alba walking in.
"You can stay if you‘d like" she smiled, putting on her shoes.
After she had laced her last shoe, she pulled you in by your hips, kissing you good bye, getting a bit carried as the feeling of your lips locked was addicting.
You loved being Alexia‘s girlfriend but you didn‘t like being her secret.
To be honest, it didn‘t bother you at first but after 6 months, you started to think about at least telling your family (officially you hadn‘t even met Alba before) and friends but every time you proposed the idea of it, she got defensive and annoyed, so you didn‘t bring it up again.
After one year, you slowly started to think that maybe she was ashamed of being seen with you, just being with you or of you as her behavior got more and more secretive day by day - she didn‘t even act like your friend in training.
You didn‘t know where it was coming from because whenever you were behind closed doors, she was the most affectionate person who loved to cook for you or just sharing the same air made her heart and brain go love sick. She was indeed very much in love with you yet afraid to show this love outside of either of your apartments.
Sometimes you wished that she would take you out for dinner - it didn‘t have to be fancy at all, McDonalds would be simply enough - you just wanted to experience a date night.
And even though, she made home as romantic as possible, it wasn’t enough anymore. You craved for more.
Sometimes when you saw Ingrid and Mapi openly in love, you felt jealous. You wanted that too.
They were your friends and you were so happy for them as they matched each other perfectly but you couldn’t help but feel envy. You envied what they have, imagining how it would feel like with Alexia - hoping to have that with Alexia, one day.
"Do you want to go out tonight? Frido told me about this new restaurant!" you said smiling.
The midfielder looked up from her notebook, pausing the tv as she replayed Chelsea’s matches (the club Barcelona would face in the uwcl semi finals)
"Is it takeout?" she asked.
You shook your head - no. "We can go out" you tried again, flopping next to her on the couch.
"Amor!" she grumbled as all her notes fell to the ground, now not sorted anymore.
"I‘m preparing for our upcoming matches, you should join me in fact, so you know how Chelsea will play. We can order takeout - you know I don‘t like going out with you" she sorted through her notes, grumbling and huffing at the non existing order. She hadn‘t realized that her words were harsh and in fact rude.
You got the message - she didn’t like going out(side) with you, she had made that very clear.
"I can get you some food from there tomorrow" she added, her voice gentle and the wrinkle between her brows gone as her notes were back in the correct order.
It didn‘t help though, you felt hurt. Was it that bad to be seen with you? You‘re a Barcelona player, her teammate - and friends get food together all the time, so why can‘t you get food together as friends? Nobody would suspect that the two of you were more than friends, right?
"Are you hungry? Do you want me to cook something for you, mi amor?"
Again, you shook your head, scrolling through your phone while you acted tough and unbothered by her comment as she didn‘t even notice how harsh her words had sounded before.
You sent a message in the group chat with Ingrid and Frido, asking if they wanted to try out the restaurant which the Swedish woman had discovered. Both of them agreed within seconds.
The two of you laid in bed, Alexia‘s arms wrapped around you as she whispered sweet nothings in your ear. It became a routine for Alexia to lull you to sleep while tracing patterns along your skin. She loved doing so and she loved watching you sleep - you looked at peace.
Something about tonight was different though. Normally, it wouldn’t take long for the captain to soothe you to sleep but after 30 minutes, you still were awake, mind seemingly not finding any rest.
"¿Qué pasa?" she whispered in the dark, gently pressing a kiss to the exposed skin on your shoulder.
"It‘s been over a year, Ale, when will you introduce me as your girlfriend? Or take me out on a date that isn’t in here?" your voice was almost inaudible. You knew it was a sensitive topic for Alexia, the girl always denying your requests on telling someone and shutting you out after the conversation and also avoiding you for the rest of the day. "Amor.. we‘ve talked about this" she said, pulling her hands off your body.
Coldness hit your body while the parts were her hands had rested burnt down.
You turned around, looking at her, the moonlight the only light source "all I’m asking is for some recognition." you admitted, almost pleading for her attention outside of either of your homes.
"But I see you. I see you in training and after training, why is it so important to you that people now? We won‘t have any privacy!" her voice raising slightly.
"Alexia… this has nothing to do with the media. I want to meet your family! Or go on a date and wear very nice clothes. Is that too much to ask for?"
"You‘re right. Lo siento, amor" her hands cupped your cheeks, resting her forehead against yours, "I‘ll try to be better"
Over the next few months, Alexia’s home started to become your least favourite place - you felt like you were trapped in a cage.
Nothing had changed.
She loved you behind closed doors while she couldn’t even look at you in training.
Each day that passed, more of your heart broke. Your motivation faded - football was your work and no longer a passion.
And Alexia could tell. Your passes were sloppy and your tackles were harsh.
As soon as you had arrived in her apartment, she began complaining about your attitude.
You were not having it.
You started yelling at each other, rude comments leaving both of your mouths,
"You promised me!" you shouted, all hidden anger and hurt discovering the surface, "you promised me and nothing has changed! I‘m your dirty little secret!" you spat.
"Alba knows about you, isn’t that enough?!"
"You offered her fucking money to keep her mouth shut!"
"What do you want?!"
"I can‘t do this anymore, Alexia. I don’t want to think about whether my girlfriend is ashamed of me or not."
"What are you talking about- amor?"
"I‘m worth more than that."
"Please- give me a chance"
"I did, Ale, more than once" you walked towards the front door, bending down to put on your shoes.
The captain followed, so overwhelmed by what was happening that her persona took some turns, "If you walk out that door, we‘re done!"
your hand was resting on the doorknob, ready to leave.
You looked at her, "Behind that door, we never existed anyway."
And with that being said, you left.
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vintage-bentley · 4 months
It’s so hard for me to not feel devastated about the state of LGB acceptance.
I’m gen Z, so I was lucky to be raised with a positive attitude towards same sex attraction. I distinctly remember seeing those posters about how gay isn’t an insult, before I even knew what gay was. So by the time I was old enough to understand what sexuality was, I kind of just knew I was gay and was fine with it. I was supposed to be the lucky generation—the first to be raised in a world that generally felt positively towards same sex attraction.
And then in comes gender ideology and all of its rampant homophobia. And in a way, it feels like the world I was promised was ripped away from me. I used to think I’d be out and proud as a lesbian, but now I’m scared to even mention it to anybody because I know that I don’t have to just worry about the people who think same sex attraction = sin, but now I also have to worry about the people who hear “lesbian” and translate it to “evil terf bitch”. And the people who hear “I’m only attracted to women” and translate it to “transphobic and closed-minded”. And people who say “I’m gay too!” But actually aren’t.
I used to dream of going to pride events, but now I know it’s not for me. It’s for people who have built up entire identities that would crumble without their homophobic and misogynistic foundation. Every time pride month comes up, I feel almost a sense of grief. Because that was supposed to be my time to be with people like me. Now it’s for the people who’ve always hated us, and found a way to take over all of the minimal things we had just for us.
It’s lonely enough to be gay, especially a lesbian. And it’s just gotten worse. And it keeps getting worse as more people grow to at the best not give a shit about us, and at the worst hate us passionately and do everything they can to let it be known.
It really feels like the LGB positive future I thought I’d been born into was stolen. And the worst part of it all is that I can’t even talk about this without being dismissed as a bad person.
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sourlove · 5 months
Okay but imagine street urchin Bakugo with a spoilt brat darling. You work in a fancy clothing store on a posh street, modeling clothes in the window front for the adoring eyes of your admirers.
Bakugo is one of those admirers. But he's not like the rest of them. He's special.
Why else would you blow kisses whenever he was around? Or drape over your chair so prettily like that? It was all for him, he knew it.
"Hiiiii Katsuki," you drawled with a lazy grin. He was dead tired but he couldn't go home without seeing you before the store closed.
He came every day without fail and if he was lucky, he would find a pretty trinket in the trash piles that he could gift to you. They were never good enough, no matter how well Bakugo polished and cleaned them but he liked giving you presents. Why risk selling them for money when he could potentially be rewarded with a beautiful smile?
"Hey beautiful," he murmured, pressing a hand to the glass window, not too hard, in case the store owner yelled at him for leaving grimy fingerprints again. "I missed you today."
You giggled at that. "Aw I bet you missed seeing my pretty face, huh?" Bakugo nodded fervently and you laughed, throwing your head back.
He admired the smooth curve of your neck, wishing he could reach out and touch you, just once. But if he touched you now, he would probably leave dark smudges on your perfect skin. No matter how hard he tried to clean up before he saw you, it wouldn't be enough to not dirty you.
"You're so sweet, Katsuki," you cooed, kicking your legs up on a stool so Bakugo could glimpse of the smooth expanse of your thigh. His eyes drank it in hungrily and you smirked. "Anybody else would be lucky to have you."
"You're the only one I want, baby. There will never be anyone else for me," he said gruffly, eyes boring into you. God, you were so perfect, so flawless, just for him.
"Oh come on Kats, you know we just can't be together," you sighed dramatically. "Someone like me, well, I deserve the best, don't I?"
"You do, sweets, I swear you do. Look I-I'm putting something together for you, no, for us! It's gonna be great I swear-"
"Y/N! Closing time!"
You glanced up from admiring your nails and called out an answer to your boss further in the store. You spared Bakugo a bored look. "Look, I've got to head home. You're cute and all, but do you really think you can afford me?"
That stung Bakugo a bit. If it were anyone else, he would have beaten them into a bloody mess but he would never do that to you. But he couldn't just let you keep brushing him off like that. You had to notice him. You had to finally take him seriously.
Bakugo swallowed thickly, mind buzzing frantically. "What if I could get money? And a house? And lots of fancy things for you? Would you love me then?"
How irritating, you thought, glaring at the man. You give them an inch and they think they deserve a fucking mile. Well, it's not like he had any actual hope. You smiled wickedly.
"You know what, Katsuki? If you get a really nice mansion and lots of money and hell, a real fucking job, I'll marry you!"
Bakugo's mouth dropped open. Marry...? You would marry him if he just got those measly things?
You snorted at his expression and left the display area, calling over your shoulder, "Good luck, Kats!"
Bakugo trudged away slowly, still reeling from your words. A house, a job and money. Just three things and you would finally be all his. He began to laugh, softly and first, then louder until he had doubled over with tears in his eyes. You would marry him! Him!
A manic grin stretched over his face, making his cracked lips bleed. "I hope you won't regret ever saying that to me, baby. I'll make sure that you become mine~"
A/N: Don't forget to like and repost if you enjoyed this! Part 2 is up now! xxx
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velarisnightsky444 · 3 months
Scorched Shadows Part 5
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Eris x AzrielsSister!Reader
Summary: Y/N is the younger sister of Azriel. She has shadows just like him, and is also a spymaster for Rhys. When she meets Eris, she initially hates him, but after a bargain is made between them, things begin heating up. This takes place before Under the Mountain.
CW: overprotective brothers, mentions of a past toxic relationship, alcohol, eris being a little shit
Series Masterlist
Part 4 || Part 6
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Year 4
It had been a year since that night. The night that the bond had snapped.
You'd screamed into your pillow, sobbed yourself to sleep, and tried to ignore that string in your chest, leading you to him. In fact, that had been your little routine nearly every night.
You wouldn't call yourself a romantic, but you had grown up hearing stories about mates. Your mother would tell you romantic tales to calm you down during that hour that you saw her.
You'd always dreamed of finding a mate--one you loved. But Eris was far from that. In fact, you despised him. To have him as your mate, of all people . . . it was a cruel twist of fate.
You hadn't told a single soul about the bond. You didn't even dare to speak it out loud. Even your shadows hadn't repeated the word 'mate' since.
But you decided to put your self pity aside for a few days. Rhysand was taking the family--except Cassian--to the Summer Court for a nice vacation. Cassian was quite upset about it, but he had been banned, and you weren't giving up the beach for him.
Mor had let you borrow a black bikini--one you knew your brothers wouldn't approve of. It was skimpy enough to leave little to the imagination.
You found Rhys already on the beach, sitting on a chair with his wings put away, a pair of sunglasses on. Mor settled down on a towel beside him, stretching out to tan.
"Az is gonna make you change if he sees you in that," Rhys warned you.
"Mor gave it to me," you shrugged. He raised a brow at his cousin, who only grinned.
"You're lucky Cassian isn't here," Rhys joked. You just rolled your eyes at him as you sat in the chair beside his.
You closed your eyes, sighing contently as you relaxed. The smell of sea salt made you at ease, as did the sound of the waves hitting the shore.
"I want a drink," Mor complained, propping herself up with her hands as she tilted her head towards the sun.
"I can get us some," you offered, getting to your feet as you adjusted your bikini bottoms.
"Get me a piña colada," she said, flopping back onto her towel. You raised a brow at her until she added, "Please."
You went to the beach bar, tucking your wings in so you didn't hit anybody with them. Leaving the Night Court as an Illyrian was humbling. Everyone stared at you all of the time. Your shadows didn't help.
"Two piña coladas, please," you ordered with a polite smile.
The bartender nodded as you paid for your drinks. You sighed, leaning your arms on the bar as you waited.
“A male is staring,” your shadows sang to you.
Your shadows had always brought gawking males to your attention, and you loved making those males uncomfortable for their staring.
“Are you enjoying the view?” you called, not bothering to turn around.
“Very much."
You knew the voice immediately. The string in your chest went taut, something it hadn't done since the bond had snapped. You spun around, finding yourself facing Eris.
He wore much simpler clothing than you were used to seeing him in. Summer Court clothing. Of course, his face was as perfect as you remembered. That would never change despite how much you wanted it to.
His scent of cinnamon and bonfire smoke seemed so out of place in the Summer Court. While you had worn bracelets to cover your bargain tattoo, his was on full display.
"Stare at some other females ass," you glared once you had recovered from your shock.
“None of them measure up to yours," he taunted. You wrinkled your nose.
“You'll have to make due," you replied.
“Such a shame," he sighed with exaggeration. "I’ll have to store the view away for later.”
“Pig," you snarled. He only laughed, which managed to piss you off even more. “Are you stalking me?”
“I’m here for business," he shrugged. "I noticed a particularly attractive female, and I didn’t realize it was you until I got closer."
You very much doubted that. How many other females had wings and shadows?
"How could you tell I was attractive?" you demanded. "You only saw the back of me."
"The back is all I need," he grinned. You groaned, rolling your eyes at him.
"Two piña coladas," the bartender said, placing them on the table. You thanked him before picking the drinks up.
"You bought me a drink? How thoughtful," Eris teased.
"The other is for Mor," you said. "And I suggest you leave before she sees you."
"I would if I could, but as I said, I'm here on business," he reminded you.
"What business?" you demanded.
"Autumn Court business," he replied vaguely. "Speaking of my Court, you left in a haste the last time I saw you."
You froze up at the mention of that night. You'd been hoping he wouldn't bring it up.
"I wasn't feeling well," you lied.
"Really?" he challenged. "So the bond didn't snap for you, too?"
So it had snapped for him. You'd been wondering for the last year. You had hoped that he was completely oblivious to the bond you shared.
You knew the Autumn Court took mating bonds very seriously. If his father knew about it, you would be forced to marry Eris. And if your brothers refused to allow you, he could start a war over your hand. You would have no choice.
You thought of how Mor got out of marriage with him. You weren't a virgin. You had lost your virginity at 18 to an older Illyrian male in Windhaven named Marcus. He had told you he loved you, then broken your heart for another young female after he got what he wanted from you. After that, you'd been careful about who you gave yourself to. You'd only been with a handful of males since.
"I'm not a virgin," you blurted.
He stared at you, wide eyed and confused before breaking into laughter. Your face went red at the sound.
"What?" he laughed, his eyes twinkling.
"You can't force me to marry you; I'm not a virgin," you repeated.
"First of all, I wasn't planning on forcing you to marry me," he said. "And second, once the mating bond is in place, none of that matters. You'd still be my property, and I'd still have to marry you. If my father knew. But he doesn't. And I'm not going to tell him."
"Why not?" you asked warily.
"Because I have no interest in marrying you," he answered bluntly. You didn't know why the words almost made you flinch. You had no interest in marrying him, either.
You went to reply, trying to find harsh words that would hurt him, but your shadows began to swirl around you.
"Brother approaching," they warned.
Your head turned slightly, eyes meeting Azriel's as he neared the both of you.
"I heard you were here on business, but I did not expect you to have the nerve to speak to my sister," Azriel snapped, his hazel eyes narrowed at the male.
"We were just catching up," Eris smirked, winking at you.
"Leave her alone," Azriel snarled.
With that, your brother led you away with his hand on the small of your back. Your scarred hands still held the drinks, and his shadows moved to cover your ass from Eris's view as you turned away from him.
"You're changing into a different bathing suit," Azriel grumbled.
»»————- ♔ ————-««
Scorched Shadows Taglist: @the-sweet-psycho @hnyclover @lilyevansstudygroup @esposadomd@fxckmiup @lilah-asteria @a-court-of-mischief-and-madness @sourapplex
Eris Taglist:
Comment to be added to the Scorched Shadows or Eris taglists!
»»————- ♔ ————-««
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cowboykento · 1 year
after scoring the winning goal, isagi is eager to receive the reward you have for him
genre: smut
content warnings: car sex & oral sex (m!receiving). minors or ageless/blank blogs that interact with this post will be blocked!
pairing: isagi yoichi x fem!reader
word count: 1.3k
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Your lungs and throat feel electrified as you scream along with the rest of the stadium that just watched Isagi Yoichi, your boyfriend, score the winning goal. You watch in awe as he kneels on the turf, chest heaving from exertion and sweat dripping off of him—he’s absolutely spent, but even more so he’s elated. 
As always, you’re the first person to run up to him as soon as he’s out of the locker room and done dealing with the postgame press. He always had to talk to so many people after every game—part of what comes with being the best, you suppose—but you’re still the very first person that he’s eager to see. The first person that he searches for, and isn’t forced to talk to. 
“You did so well, baby! I’m so proud of you!” You squeal, wrapping your arms around his neck as he pulls you in for a tight hug. 
He presses a sweaty kiss to the side of your neck, “Thanks, baby. Couldn’t have done it without you cheering me on.” 
A couple of his teammates come up to the two of you, either congratulating Isagi on scoring the winning goal or saying hello to you too. Everyone on the team knew you as Isagi’s girlfriend, a fact which boosted both of your egos a little bit. 
Before long, Isagi pulls you closer to him and away from the large crowd that’s formed. 
“Let’s get out of here,” he whispers into your ear, a familiar huskiness in his voice and you know instantly what he means. 
You nod your head in agreement and in an instant he’s saying rushed goodbyes to anybody that tries speaking to him as he pulls you towards the exit and out of the facility. 
His arm stays wrapped around you the entire way out to his car. He’s holding you close, fingers squeezing along your side in a way that you know means he’s needy—in a way that makes you just as needy as he is. 
He opens and closes your door for you before hustling over to the driver’s side. He’s still a little sweaty from the game, and you can see his impatience in the tension he’s holding in his jaw. As he starts the engine, you lean over across the center console, kissing along his sharp jawline, urging him to relax a bit. Of course, as any of your actions do, your kisses only serve to rile Isagi up even more.
“Don’t,” he almost growls, voice low and dangerous. “Not until we get home.” 
You pout at him and see the darkness in his eyes lose their heat for a moment as you blink up at him.
“But ‘ichi… I can make you feel good now,” you whine, running a hand down his side and resting on his hip, just above the waistband of his joggers. “And you did so well today baby, you don’t deserve to wait.”
“Fuck, baby,” Isagi groans. “You’re right. Go on then, gimme what I deserve.”
You smirk before kissing Isagi’s cheek, your hand slipping further down to palm him through his pants. He’s already hard, which isn’t surprising considering the look he’s had in his eyes since he left the field, and he’s needy—rutting up into your hand to get more friction on his dick. 
“Need you,” he says, and you don’t need any more instruction to reach your hand into his joggers, pulling them down just enough to release his aching cock from its confines. 
He lets out a throaty moan when you wrap your hand around the base, throwing his head back against his leather seats. You get on your knees, stretching your body across the center console to kiss the tip of his dick, suckling it in your mouth with wide eyes looking up at your boyfriend. 
“C’mon baby, give me what I deserve,” he moans, as you lick a stripe from his balls to the tip, sucking it in your mouth again the way you know will get him drunk on you the quickest. 
Your hand works up and down his shaft, using your saliva as lube as you continue licking and sucking the head of his cock. You can feel the surging impatience in him as Isagi grabs a fistful of your hair, practically shoving you down on his cock until it hits the back of your throat. Tears prick in your eyes and you can hear faint, breathy apologies from Isagi, even though he keeps you down for a moment—forcing you to choke and try to swallow around his cock—before releasing his hold on you. 
He moves his hand from your hair to your cheek to wipe away the handful of tears he’d caused by forcing himself down your throat as he mumbles, “So good for me, fuck.” 
You let your hand continue working him when Isagi presses the button to move his seat all the way back. 
“Come sit on my cock, baby, please,” he says, grabbing your hand and helping you straddle his lap. The space is cramped but you don’t need very much as you lower yourself onto your boyfriend's dick. 
Isagi lets out a breathy, needy moan when your pussy wraps around him. You kiss him as you adjust to the familiar stretch, his tongue slipping easily into your mouth as he seeks to devour you whole. 
You start with a slow grind of your hips against his, only barely lifting yoursef off of his dick before rolling back down, moving your mouth to leave dark hickies along the column of Isagi’s neck the way you know he loves to show them off. 
His hands have a bruising grip on your hips and his moans sound a thousand times louder in the confined space of his car. 
“So close,” he moans loudly, unapologetically as if you were in the safe confines of your bedroom at home and not in a parking garage where anyone could see you. “Gonna make me cum, sweetheart, fuck.” 
One of his hands slips in between you to pinch your clit, an action that sends you jolting forward and whining loudly from the unexpected pleasure. You’ve picked up your pace, slamming yourself onto Isagi’s cock as he continues rubbing quick, precise circles on your clit, determined to make you cum with him. 
“Oh fuck,” you moan loudly, your eyes scrunched shut and head tucked into the crook of Isagi’s neck. “Me too, ‘m close ‘ichi!”
“Cum with me, sweet thing,” he groans in your ear. 
The hand he keeps on your hip holds you down as he fucks up into you one more time, his other still focused on your clit before a white-hot flash of ecstasy washes over both of you. 
You’re holding onto Isagi like a lifeline, like he’s the only thing keeping you tethered to this Earth, and his fingers have mostly stilled, letting both of you bask in pleasure as your orgasms take over. 
After you catch your breath, you slowly pull yourself off of your boyfriend, feeling his cum leak out of you as you go back to your own seat. 
“How about that for a post-game reward, hm, Yoichi?” you ask, brushing his bangs away from his sweaty forehead. 
His lips pull back into a handsome grin, “Best reward I could ask for, baby.”
You giggle and lean across the console one more time to press a kiss to the corner of Isagi’s lips. 
“Let’s go home, baby. You need to rest,” you say softly, holding his face in your hand affectionately. 
“Rest?” Isagi’s eyes lock with yours and he presses a kiss to the palm of your head. “I could go for hours right now, sweet thing. You’ll let me, won’t you? I played so well today, didn’t I?” 
You let out a slightly exasperated giggle—Isagi knew exactly what he was doing when he looked at you with those big, blue eyes of his that made it impossible for you to deny him anything. Not that you wanted to—not in the slightest. 
“You were the best, baby. C’mon, let’s go home then.”
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WOOOO first post on the nsfw blog! ofc it’s bllk they’re infesting my bones. hope u all enjoy thx for reading!! feel free to leave a request in my ask box if there’s something u would like to see me write! or check out my commissions over on my main blog! thx <3
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lynxtheserval · 8 months
Hi im the anon that requested for scythe chasing the reader.
And yes,like thoese typical yandere pslsls im so down bad for this womwan🙏🙏🙏🙏
Fun to write wooo, I might do a part two if I remember about this lmao
Man sorry if it seems lazy at any point as well
Yan!Scythe x reader -
(TW: yandere shit, stalking, getting chased, a single curse word, possible ooc scythe)
All you heard was whistling and the heavy ba-dump of your blood through your ears. You tried to run as fast as you could through the dusty ghost town you managed to get lost in.
Your shoes pounded against the sand, and your legs were exhausted. You've been running for who knows how long at this point.
You turned around a corner and sat next to a wall to try to catch your breath. You hoped she wasnt following you anymore, but you still heard the whistling and humming of that… monster. The whistles sounded farther away now, but you still weren't fully safe. You don't know what she wanted from you, but what you do know is she's been chasing you for what feels like an hour, carries a terrifying looking gear, and she’s the most wanted in all the factions. You weren't that special of a person, you weren't a criminal, nor anybody important, you have no idea what a person like HER wanted from you.
You got snapped out of your train of thought when you realized you could hear footsteps now, oh god.. she was close. You were frozen with fear, you held your breath and stayed as still as you possibly could.
The footsteps got louder, and louder, and louder.
“Ya know, you can't run forever, sugar.”
Her voice was.. intimidating, to say the least. She had a very strong southern accent, if she wasn't chasing you down for who knows what reason, you might have found her voice attractive.
You said nothing and continued being as still as you possibly could.
“Listen, baby, I ain't gonna hurt ya! Just come out of your little hiding spot, so I can see your pretty little face.”
You seriously doubted that she wouldn't hurt you.
Scythe was getting annoyed now, where the hell were you?! She never loses her sights on a target, but you were much more than that. You were actually important to her. But of course you didn't know that, you just met her, after all.
Except she's known you for a while.
You were such a precious thing! Your adorable face, your laugh, your beautiful eyes, oh.. and your personality! She loves every bit about you.
That's why she isn't letting you leave.
You were still hiding, she knew you were around here, somewhere. You were terrified, you didn't know what to do.
So you stayed in your hiding spot, and waited.
And waited,
And waited.
It felt like forever, you couldn't hear her footsteps anymore, so you think you're in the clear to go.
So you carefully step outside your hiding spot, and look around.
It seemed cl-
You got kicked down on top of the sandy ground, and heard a menacing laugh behind you.
“Oh sugar.. I'm glad I was able to find you in the end! You hide well, I'll give ya that.”
You got the breath knocked out of you, gasping for air. The woman placed her foot on top of your back, not too hard as to hurt you, but enough to keep you from getting up and running.
“Now, you're probably wondering what I want from you.” She paused, trying to figure out what she wanted to say. You nodded, and tried to speak, but she interrupted you. “Well, darlin’, I want you.”
“Wh-what do you mean!?”
She took her foot off of you, but before you could do anything, she grabbed one of your arms, forcing you up. She then brought you into a hug, wrapping her arms around you.
“Ya see sugar, you don't know this, but I've been watching you for a while now.” She grinned at you, looking into your eyes. God, you were so much prettier up close.
“What did I do to anger you?!”
“You didn't do anything, darlin’. Except steal my heart!” She laughed, “And trust me, baby, I ain't angry. It's reasonable that ya would wanna run away from me.”
You looked at her with fear in your eyes and she took notice of this, and loosened her hold on you, instead of hugging you, she was now just holding your hands.
“Relax, I'm not gonna hurt ya! I just want you to stay with me for a little while, it won't be bad, baby, I promise.”
And then your vision went black.
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avocado-writing · 8 months
we need a rewrite of the tiefling party where tav can actually convince wyll to join the party and have fun please 🥹
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notes: love love love writing for Wyll. he's such a sweetie! Implied bard reader but not explicit.
rating: T, but there will be a spicy part 2 coming up!
The party is lively and your head is swimming from the buzz of attention. That, and the small amount of wine you’ve had: not so much as to dull your senses but enough to make you merry. Warmed with Arkhen’s Hoard you take a break from the grateful tieflings and head out towards the familiar babble of the river. The further from camp you go the quieter your surroundings get, and you’re able to breathe a little more easily knowing there aren’t half a dozen children hanging on your every word. It’s lovely to be the centre of attention because you helped them, but a little overwhelming with all those eyes on you.
Of course, that’s not the only reason that you’ve come wandering over this way.
Wyll sits with his legs crossed on the bank, staring at the way the water dances under the moonlight. He seems at peace, the calmest he’s been since Mizora appeared and sprouted those horns for him; shoulders relaxed, tensionless. 
“Wondered where you were,” you say, quietly. You don’t want to make him jump after all. It hurts your heart to see the way that his body stiffens when he hears your voice. Ah: there’s the tension again. Nevertheless, he turns to look at you over his shoulder, an easy smile on his lips - but one with a hint of sadness. You’ve studied his face enough in camp in order to know when he’s trying to hide something. It makes your heart ache bitterly that he would try and hide it from you, though. 
“Thought I’d be able to sneak away. Should have known you’d be able to find me.”
You take a seat next to him in the grass. It’s a soft spot he’s managed to pick, not wet from its proximity to the river, but green and lush from its plentiful feeding. You lock eyes with him and press a hand to your chest, mock-wounded.
“Wyll! You make me sound like I’m a bloodhound tracking you down, not someone who cares about you checking in.”
He laughs, and you see him begin to lighten again. When he smiles this time, it’s sincere.
“That’s not what I meant. Apologies. Just that I’m not surprised you know me well enough to guess where I’d end up.”
“Down by the river,” you hum, fingers suddenly itching for the feel of a lute’s strings. 
“You’re always singing that, you know?”
“I am, it’s a good song. I’ve never once heard you complain about it.”
“I’m not complaining! I never would, I love to hear you sing. Since I joined you on this journey, my life has been filled with so much music. It’s been wonderful.”
You put your hands behind you and lean back on them, allowing your face to become level with his. He looks into your eyes and, this close, you can see his breath hitch a little when your fingers brush together.
“I could be persuaded to do an impromptu performance, but I’d need my favourite person in the front row to give me courage.”
“I’m sure that you don’t need me for that. Courage is the one thing you couldn’t possibly lack.”
“To be my muse, then.”
You know if you lifted your hand and felt his cheek, it’d be warm.
“Please, Wyll,” you continue, softly. “Please come and join us. Everybody wants you there. Me especially, if I’m being selfish.”
“Ah…” you can see he’s warring with himself. On one side of the argument, he longs to indulge you. On the other side…
“I’m not sure. I think people may find me off-putting.”
You furrow your brow.
“You? The single most charming man I’ve ever met?”
Another flash of shyness over his face. You can tell that he enjoys the compliment, but his self-doubt wins out.
“Perhaps I was, before the horns.”
“Oh, Wyll. Do you think anybody up there cares about those? A group of your friends and people you fought tooth and nail to protect? I know for a fact that Karlach wants to challenge you to a drinking game.”
“That seems like more of a reason to hide! I think she’d drink me under one of the tables,” Wyll grimaces, and smiles when you laugh at his silliness. He seems a little more open to the idea, but still not completely sold.
“I don’t know… just… the children…”
“The children who love you and hang on your every word? Umi won’t stop asking me where you are, and someone needs to keep Mol in line…”
“I doubt even the gods themselves can do that.”
When he chuckles you find yourself reaching out to cup his cheek, running your thumb over the sharp ridge that was raised there when Mizora cursed him. His eyes widen and glaze over before sliding closed, nuzzling into the gesture, soul laid bare to the sweetness of your touch. 
 “Nobody feels unsettled by you. Nobody is afraid of you.”
His lips fall apart, anticipating the way you reach in to kiss him.
It’s a soft kiss. Lips dancing slowly, a waltz, noses bumping together a little, his horns grazing your hairline. Your heart soars at it.
When it’s over you sit there and breathe together. Sharing the same air, letting your blood thrum through you in an intertwined heartbeat.
“Will you come and join us? Will you come and dance with me?” you ask.
Wyll loses the argument with himself.
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taglist: @ghosti02art @sadandanxiouswtf @yeethaw13 @trappedinlimbo15 @infinitely-kate @dhampling @wereallbrokenangels @tilldeathdonugget
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cultofdixon · 2 years
Falling for the archer
What dating / being married to Daryl Dixon would be like • Grimes’ little sister!reader / Eldest Greene sister!reader [doin’ both cuz why tf not] • ANGST/SFW/NSFW
Requested by: @witch-of-letters
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Rick Grimes’ Little Sister
Let’s be real, Rick Grimes would wish he was still in a coma if he saw you—his little sister—with a man that tried to kill him for what he did to his older brother
But when you look a little deeper in that situation, he would’ve reacted the same way if someone had done that to you
But y’all weren’t together in the quarry. People assumed such by how comfortable Daryl was around you.
The man gave you an ounce of his trust in the very beginning because you didn’t treat him like an asshole [like a certain home wrecker cop…]
It grew from there and had its moments. Daryl didn’t want to act on this feeling growing inside of him until he knew that you felt the same way.
But you were also struggling with the same brewing feelings that you’ve had since the ambush on the quarry campsite. Daryl knew you had the strength to defend yourself, but the second he arrived he took out every sicko that came your way. That when it was all over, the archer quickly scanned your person to make sure you were alright
The two of you really wanted to ignore your feelings because of the whole “end of the world who would have time for this?” spiel but the universe had other plans.
2 incidents happened
Daryl drunkenly confessed his brewing feelings the night at the CDC and given that the man was drunk and you were in shock hearing that come from him, he simply wished he died right then and there thinking he must’ve scared you off. But when waking the next day to the worse hangover, he saw you sleeping on the couch across from him and a glass of water with some pain killers were placed on the table for him. He indeed didn’t scare you off but was afraid he ruined something
But the other incident was at the farm when the “walker” got shot and revealed itself to be Daryl. Rick had to pry you off Andrea when you managed to get a hold of her. Daryl heard about the incident from Glenn after he left the Greene house and went to recover in the comforts of his tent.
He had to go look for you once it was night enough to get some alone time with you.
“You’re a crazy son of a bitch for picking a fight”
“Maybe if you didn’t get hurt, didn’t get lost, and didn’t get shot by Ms. Trigger Happy—I wouldn’t have had to give her a piece of my mind”
“Why do you care so much for somebody like me?”
“Because I can! And I’m falling in love with you! I’m done ignoring my feelings…I couldn’t…I wouldn’t live with myself if you died without knowing how I felt”
Typical for the other party to confess their feelings first with Daryl Dixon. But all he needed was that confirmation before closing the space between the two of you and pressing his lips firmly against yours.
Yeah. Rick shouldn’t have been on watch that night cuz he saw y’all kissing. But given how you almost beat Andrea to a pulp, he wasn’t going to get in the way right away.
Daryl didn’t want to stop kissing you, or let you go for the matter. But he knew if you didn’t go back to your tent that night, someone would come looking for you. And he didn’t want anybody else in those moments that he just wanted it to be the two of you.
The two of you found small moments to be by yourselves and admire the other. Even when their time at the farm was getting cut short by a number of events.
Sophia…Dale…Shane…the fire
When the fire happened and everyone’s first thought was to get the hell out of there, that was when Rick knew for himself that Daryl wouldn’t do any harm given how protective the archer was when you were last to join back on the highway. He met you halfway checking every part of you before pulling you into his embrace and squeezing the life outta yea.
Guess you can say when the “indirect seal of approval” from Rick Grimes came into play, that you started dating Daryl.
Or whatever dating is in the apocalypse.
Daryl isn’t one to be flashy in the relationship and you respected that, but that didn’t stop him from at least trying.
He always wanted to be close to you in any sort of way, for the most part it was sitting next to you by the fire…on the overturn car keeping watch…in your cell…the list could go on.
Sometimes Daryl would take your hand when you’d least expect it and it brought on the butterflies. His hands made yours feel extremely small and brought on a lot of thoughts that were proven later.
The times you would be more intimate even if it was just a short kiss was when no one was around. As stated before. Daryl likes having these moments in private.
Daryl knew it could be a bit unfair, he didn’t want anyone else in your bubble and he especially didn’t like the way those who didn’t know about the two of you—look at you like your fair game. Really only the farm group knows.
But he will say he was amused by how you handled those situations.
“Hey good looking wanna—-“
“Nope. Go away” Y/N got up from the tables in the prison trying to physically leave and when the man cornered her. Daryl was about to to take care of this guy and reveal to everybody about the two, but suddenly the man met the concrete floor after Y/N grabbed the book she was reading off the table and using it as a weapon.
“Crazy bi—-“ he was cut off by her dropping her book on his face and walking away.
That lead to Daryl wanting to take a leap of faith one day.
“Oh hey D. I just finished getting the truck ready for the run with Sasha later. Did yea—“
Daryl cut her off by pressing his lips against hers feeling her arms instinctively wrap around his neck.
To the Woodbury folk, it came as a shock. Meanwhile, Carol got Glenn’s oatmeal packets for the bet they made about how long it would take for them to be out and open about it.
Since then he’s been a bit more open to public affection.
He’s still not the biggest about it being public but he secretly likes it. Especially when he hears you talk about how great of a man he is to Maggie. Even if part of him doesn’t believe it.
It still takes what feels like forever to get Daryl to believe the words you say to him. He gets the warm feeling in his chest during the moment and you can tell when he starts to feel his insecurities get the best of him.
Which brings into discussion—his scars
He never wanted you to see them and you never pry.
There was a moment in Alexandria where you walked in on him changing and he felt his whole body tense when the door opened. But he instantly relaxed when he heard you say that you were turning around. He didn’t even get his shirt on when he approached you and wanting to get closer to you by letting you see what he’s most ashamed of.
That leap, lead to more. You’ve always felt loved with Daryl even when he doesn’t say it often, and with that moment of him showing his scars…his anxieties about losing you to someone better has washed away.
Now to be a bit more chaotic…
Daryl respected your boundaries and went at your speed when it came to sex. But according to you, he has a look that would get yea going and there was one time he unintentionally did said look when you were talking to your older brother
“Y/N yea listening?” Rick waves his hand in front of your face as you were focused on Daryl looking your direction.
Daryl was waiting to go on a run with you and didn’t know that he was giving you that “look” when you were trying to take down what Rick needed.
“Y/N!” Rick yells only for his sister to sock him in the gut in response.
“I heard you! Now I gotta take fucking care of something before we go” You state before approaching Daryl and grabbing him by the arm heading back inside to take care of “business”.
[A/N: I used pronouns and then didn’t use pronouns in this,,,so my bad]
“The look” is really just taking up any opportunity. Not that Daryl’s complaining.
But there was one morning when you woke before Daryl could leave the bedroom first because Rick knows y’all are dating but doesn’t know y’all share a bedroom…
Bc you didn’t in the prison to respect Daryl’s feelings about feeling confined in a cell
You entered the living room without checking if Daryl left your bed or not and was about to get some water when Rick asked what you were doing last night.
Then cue Daryl coming down thinking Rick wouldn’t be in there and being met with the man’s attention.
“That’s what you were doin’ last night”
“Yknow four people live in this place right”
“Does Carl know about you and Michonne?”
“Okay. I’m just gonna ignore this so you don’t use that against me”
Engaged to Married
Daryl’s thing when going on runs is finding trinkets or anything that’ll make you smile. That was the one thing you’ve kept with you since the fall of the prison to after the wolves attack.
Daryl found you placing the things he found you on the shelves in your shared room because they bring you joy.
That one day, you went into your room after a long day and saw a small box. Being confused by the new item, you picked it up and opened it.
Only for all of Alexandria to hear you scream off the top of your lungs. If Daryl didn’t inform some…yeah people would think someone broke in again
Daryl stood at the gazebo watching Y/N approach him with the ring box in hand.
“Why didn’t you do this the right way?!”
“Uhm. Because…” Daryl took the box and instantly got down on one knee to open it presenting it to Y/N. “I planned this out…and I’m asking you now. Will yea marry me?”
“Yes! I will always say yes!”
Daryl didn’t have to ask for Rick’s blessing, because the two went on a run together when the archer found the ring and was like “You should propose with that, when yea ready”
As much as the group literally had a pastor—-the two of you wanted Rick to officiate and you kept it intimate. With only the group you first came to Alexandria with. And Aaron and Eric. The only Alexandrians Daryl trusted so far.
Being married, honestly didn’t feel very different to Daryl. Except that you two now have a place for yourselves and he really didn’t have to worry about any other guy looking your direction.
Besides. The man likes to leave marks in obvious places. Even slightly before y’all got married, no one even tried because you were marked and Daryl scared most of the men.
Waking up next to you in your own place was the best. Daryl didn’t have to get up right away and not alone for the matter. He’d roll over if he wasn’t already facing you and bring you close that you tiredly wrap yourself around him. The morning sex is a bonus too
You would always take his sweatshirts which were his least worn shirt until much later. He loved seeing you in his shirts but more specifically when he’d come home to you wearing only his shirt.
The two of you gained a routine where either of you would always throw up “I love you” in sign language whenever he went on runs or you would see him during your break from the infirmary. Daryl signed such to you when he was being whisked away by the Saviors and that was the only time it broke you.
Even when all the bad happened and you reunited, the promise Daryl made the day you were married…you made again when he latched onto you the second you walked through Hilltop’s doors.
I will always be by your side until the end, even if someone or something gets in the way. I will always find my way back to you.
The Eldest Greene Sister
Hershel wasn’t the only one to not like the new comers. But you were more open to bringing people in than he was.
“You don’t know what they’ll do”
“I know for a fact that they wanted to save their kid. What happens next? We’ll approach it with an open mind, old man”
“Don’t talk to me like that. Please”
“Sorry dad”
You and your sister Maggie were the only open minded ones when it came to the two officers and an injured child, multiplying into a whole group.
And Maggie wasn’t the only one that gained an interest in someone in their group.
But you were more risky with the whole “take on the biggest man in the room” in a literal and non-literal sense.
Daryl noticed how relaxed you were when things got heated with the group vs the Greene family. But also noticed a part of you didn’t really care for what your family argued. Guess you were also the black sheep in your family.
The first time the two of you ever talked was about trying to find Sophia. The group wanting to rest up while the archer wanted to go back out there and given the few protests. You figured you’d help the guy without any of them knowing.
Little did you know that he’d take your stubborn bitch of a horse.
The group that came knew Daryl had left to look for Sophia but the Greene family didn’t know that you went out after him. Because again, your horse is easily startled. Finding Daryl wasn’t the hardest thing in the world because these were your woods, your solitude even in this new hell. You ignored your horse completely when you realized that its rider is no longer on him or in the surrounding area.
Daryl thought he was hallucinating when you found him. Given he’s been seeing Merle. You were instantly stressed out given the arrow in his side and didn’t even think about bringing any form of first aid.
“Are you an Angel?”
Y/N laughs to the question as she pressed down on the bleeding wound making him grip onto her arm. “Far from it, honey”
That pet name stuck.
As you were helping Daryl walk back to the farm after several moments of him talking to the blood loss. You heard the yelling and thought nothing of it but when a few of the men from his group came running toward the two. It clicked that he must’ve been labeled as a Walker by their lookout. As the group got closer and it was revealed to them who it was…your anxiety got the best of you shoving Daryl quickly to the ground and that’s when the shot rang through.
Daryl groans from impact and heard the thud beside him seeing the eldest Greene sister through blurred vision gripping her arm.
Who woulda thought almost dying is what brought y’all together
I’m kidding.
But it did show to Daryl that you weren’t a threat of any kind. Even if you did prove that to him a few times already.
The two of you grew close when it was revealed that Sophia was one of the walkers in the barn. He didn’t think he had to hear what you had to say…let alone be vulnerable
“Why do yea care?”
“Are you serious?”
“Look sunshine—I don’t need to fucking hear some “it happens for a reason” bullshit out your ranch hand mouth just le—-“
“Nah. You listen here, sugar.” Y/N shoved Daryl back knowing damn well he was still recovering. Hell so was she. “A fuckton of my family was in there and I didn’t know what my bitch of an old man was doing until the rest of y’all knew. I’ve lost enough of people to know that shit happens at random. But as long as I knew…it wouldn’t eat me alive for the rest of my life. I hated not knowing what happened but sometimes that just happens too…isn’t it better to know that this happened instead of beating yourself up for not findin’ her?”
“…She wasn’t even mine”
“Doesn’t mean it don’t hurt yea too”
Something about what you said, glued him to your side and you weren’t complaining. Because who woulda thought at the end of the world you found someone that understands yea. Even if some of the things you say, worries the guy.
You’re an honest person and everyone appreciates that. Daryl especially.
But sometimes your honesty sparks unwanted anxiety and made few turn a bit resentful even if you were also the one that would do anything and everything to provide for the group.
Even before y’all became official, Daryl found himself silently checking up on you and one night at the prison before the infusion of new people…You sat beside him outside the prison leaning against him and letting him keep you close.
The prison era is when y’all confessed. Or more so Daryl did…and you returned once you “returned”
The medicine got to their people in time before anymore could go through death’s door. But as the others woke up, you still laid unconscious. Daryl never left your side the second the medicine got in and his anxiety got the best of him when your breathing would stop for strange periods that made him think he’d have to do CPR.
“You can’t leave me…you can’t. I won’t forgive yea” Daryl frowns bringing your unconscious form into his arms bringing her close. “How could yea. How could yea come into my life and made me feel a certain way that I have never felt—just for you to leave me. This isn’t better. Waiting isn’t great. I need to know if yea with me til the end or not…”
“Mm…ain’t gettin rid of me, honey”
Hershel was about to check on you when he heard sobbing. He thought you died and your old man held a lot of regret for how he treated you but when he saw Daryl holding you in his embrace sobbing even harder when you held onto him.
It always takes stressful situations to bring few together.
You were official in that moment but neither you or Daryl did more than hold hands until Carol needed a favor in getting your archer to take a shower.
“D, you busy?”
“Yea gonna force me to be nice to people too?”
“Nah. I don’t trust it here that much either. But the house is empty”
Daryl looks at you confused but quick to notice you were only wearing a robe.
“And what are yea planning with an empty house?”
“Fuck if I know…but no one would be around to hear me screaming your name in the shower…” You smirk heading back inside as Daryl sat there for a second longer before leaving his crossbow and following after you.
Daryl wasn’t the only one to bear scars from his past. You knew about his before you saw them as did he. The two of you would talk a lot at night just watching the stars from the prison so you knew what his father did and he knew what yours did…but also yourself.
He didn’t hold back with worshiping your body and making you feel loved every second of every day since that moment.
Alexandria made the two you feel safe in a slow manner but you had each other and that’s what is important.
Neither of you wanted anything fancy or really a ceremony. You two just. Found some rings and went from there. He loves calling you his wife whenever he got the chance to do so.
Maggie was mad that you gave her a wedding and you didn’t let her give you one.
Being married was being more intimate. Your dating phase was more so becoming even closer with the other.
Marriage didn’t feel different. Except for the fact that you two were given a place of your own and y’all decided to christen every room in the place.
You were more of a jealous person when the two of you became husband and wife compared to girlfriend and boyfriend. People were once afraid of Daryl. Now he’s a provider and some of the ladies would stare at the man. But little did he know that he had an attack dog.
It was hot how jealous you can get but not when you start threatening to hit people.
Your jealousy level is about the same equivalence to Daryl’s over protectiveness. Man needs to know where you’re at when you’re not right beside him. And tying the knot did have y’all doing a lot of shut together. But sometimes Daryl would find himself panicking when he hasn’t found you within the first hour of returning home after a run.
“What are you doing?”
“…If you want to join me in the shower you could just do so instead of sitting on the bathroom sink waiting for me to finish”
Author’s note:
Me: *writing this*
Internet history: *eight closed tabs about different definitions for the word “Headcanon”*
This is my first one…like. Ever. I hope I did it justice
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gyubasevin · 1 year
zerobaseone members reactions to "i hate you." :)
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pairing; zb1 x reader
genre; angst, fluff/slightly suggestive at times :) so minors dni
word count; 2,200
warnings; toxic relationships (gyuvin), manipulation (jiwoong), cheating (taerae & hanbin), not proofread by any means, lowercase intended.
notes; idk I'm just a sucker for some good angst and i felt like this prompt is perfect for how I'm feeling rn, ALSO please keep in mind this is fake i don't think any of this would actually happen esp for hanbin I ADORE HANBIN DONT COME FOR ME PLEASE i also rlly just caved for matthews idk call me a simp or smth
zhang hao
hao couldn't help the blank stare on his face after the words left your lips. he wasn't even sure what to say, his mind just went blank in that moment as did yours, you had never imagined yourself saying those words to him, the one who made you feel more at home than any place in the world ever could. recently hao had been so focused on preparing for an important violin competition that it felt like he never was able to make time for you, when you brought it up, you went about it the wrong way which had led to a huge argument.
the look of betrayal on your lovers face really let you know how you had messed up.. "mhm?" he hummed softly, arms still crossed over his chest as he gave you a cold stare, chills going up your spine. he had his jaw clenched shut but you could see the tears welling up in his eyes. "hao.. you know i didn't mean it-" you gulped, going to grab one of his hands that was quickly yanked away from you. "i need some air." he mumbled softly, grabbing his phone from your shared kitchen counter before heading out the door, leaving you standing there in shock.
sung hanbin
"you don't mean that.. right?" hanbin tried to reason with you, both of you seated in his car after a long night out. it felt like hanbin had eyes on every person in the club except for you, recently it was like you weren't enough eye candy for him anymore and he was ready to eat up the next pretty thing to walk in the door. "i.. i don't know hanbin.." you sighed softly, staring out the window next to you as you didn't want him to see the tears finally rolling down your cheeks. you didn't WANT to hate him of course, and deep down you knew there was no way you ever could. "i promise i wasn't looking at anybody else, baby." he frowned softly, reaching a hand over to rest on your leg, giving it a gentle squeeze. "why would you think that?" hanbin hummed quietly, not really sure how to comfort you in this moment. "please just take me home." you mumbled just loud enough for him to hear, pushing his hand off your leg gently, the sound of the engine starting back up again soon to follow.
seok matthew
"oh yeah?" matthew hummed softly, laying in bed next to you as he stared at how your pretty face looked glowing in the moonlight that was just barely shining in from the window next to the bed. the two of you had just been play fighting and you just so happened to have lost miserably.
you felt your face flush under his gaze, hoping that he wouldn't notice as you nodded just a bit, " yeah.. i hate you, seok matthew." you whispered softly, just loud enough for him to hear. it was this moment that you actually realized just how deeply you had grown to love your boyfriend, joking around like this was not uncommon for the two of you though as you loved to tease one another constantly.
"mm okay, i hate you too then." he gave you the sweetest smile, slowly getting closer until your faces were just near touching. you could've sworn there were actual butterflies growing in your stomach right about now, matthews finger tips gliding up the outer part of your thigh until it reached your hip, simultaneously with his lips finally attaching to your jawline just under your lips, finding a way to kiss every single inch of your face except where you really wanted him to.
your eyes fluttered closed as your boyfriends teasing was driving you near insanity, just then you felt him abruptly move from over top of you, furrowing your eyebrows as you looked up at him. "now that we have established our hatred for one another, i guess i should just home then hm?" he gave you the cheekiest smirk. "...please get out of my face." you threw the pillow next to your head at him.
"right I'm sure you do." ricky bit the inside of his cheek as he rolled his eyes, not believing that you really hated him for a second. "you can't even look me in the eyes when you say it, y/n." he stayed seated from his side of the couch. "come on, if you want to say such things then you can grow up and say it to my face, don't look at the couch, don't look at your phone, don't look at the tv, I'm right here."
he challenged you, staring dead at you, trying to make eye contact but with the way you purposely avoided eye contact like the plague he was unable to. ricky scooted over closer to you on the couch, gently gripping under your chin (again very gently he would NEVER hurt you, if you didn't want it to happen you could easily pull away) and pulling your face to look at him.
"say it again." he was only inches away from you. how could you say it though? of course you didn't hate him. nobody understood you like ricky did, he was your boyfriend and your best friend all in one. you just can't help but feel like you are holding him back from his dreams, kpop fans were so hard on idols they found out were dating and with his debut recently confirmed and coming up, you thought coming up with some way to make him break up with you would be better than leaving him yourself.
"i.." you were barely able to mutter out your words, you could feel his breath fan across your face he was so close, "im sorry." you gulped softly as the tears began to well up in your eyes, rickys look softened a bit as he pulled you into his chest, rubbing your back gently and resting his head on top of yours. "its okay, i know."
park gunwook
"yeah yeah whatever." your boyfriend playfully rolled his eyes at you, beating you at the game you were playing together for what felt like the millionth time in a row. "its common knowledge to let your partner win AT LEAST every now and then gunwook, nobody likes a try hard." you dramatically acted super annoyed, making it very clear just how much you were teasing him and messing around.
"you think you're funny huh?" he raised an eyebrow at you, standing up from his spot and slowly but threateningly walking over towards you. your eyes widened, gulping even a little bit as he got close. you knew he wouldn't hurt you or anything, and boy were you right, instead he pounced on top of you, attacking you in kisses. gunwook truthfully is a big boy physique wise but deep down he was nothing but a softy, thankfully he only really showed this side off to you as he liked to seem cool for the cameras.
you squirmed under him as you felt the air leaving your body, laughing entirely too hard as your heart swelled, enjoying the endearing moment with someone you love so very much. "babe please-" you begged for mercy as you just giggled and giggled, eventually he had enough as he finally finished up. you had to take some deep breaths to calm down from all the laughing you had just done, genuinely unable to breathe for a minute there. "sorry.. too try hard?" he tilted his head at you sheepishly, leaning in to leave one last sweet kiss on your lips.
kim taerae
"YOU hate ME?" taerae practically scoffed in your face, tears still rolling down his face. "yeah, i guess you do hate me." he breathed out and looked down, bringing his sleeve up to try to wipe some of his tears up. "taerae.. its not what it looks like-" you try desperately to grab your phone out of your boyfriends hands, even though it was too late regardless, he had already seen the text messages between you and your ex. the only problem was the messages were from just yesterday, you don't know what you were thinking when you were texting him back but you didn't think taerae would find them.
taerae widened his eyes a bit as he heard your words "oh its not?" he pulled your screen back up to his face, "because it LOOKS like i want you so bad right now, taerae will be gone all weekend" he read one of the messages out loud that you had sent. "am i not enough for you anymore? do i not satisfy you?" you could hear the heartbreak in your sweet boyfriends little voice, his voice that was normally so powerful. you couldn't help the guilt you were feeling. "i was drunk taerae, i don't even remember sending these.." he couldn't believe his ears.
you chased taerae out the door but he had already pretty much made it to the car by time you got out there, regardless you tried to bang against his drivers side window to get him to talk with you. "i understand y/n, i want you out of this house by time i come home." then he was gone.
kim gyuvin
"then why do we still play this game y/n?" gyuvin threw his arms up in a sort of defeat, yet another argument finally wrapping up a bit. "why do we still and go around and around in circles like this? im so tired." he admitted, resting his elbows on his knees with his head in his hands. "we aren't good for each other anymore, all we do is argue." he looked up at you with his familiar swollen eyes, his entire face red from his tears. and you? you couldn't stop pacing back and forth pretty much biting your finger nails down to the bone it felt like.
"you might hate me but.. i love you." gyuvin admitted through his tears, staring up at you with the prettiest face. and this is why you could never get away from one another, you were addicted to each other. you couldn't help but walk over to gyuvin, resting his head against your stomach from his sitting position, his arms naturally wrapping around you. tears you had been holding back this entire time finally welling up into your eyes.
everyone around you two could see it just as well as you could, you were no good for one another. you spent 95% of your time together arguing even over the little things, but the other 5% gave you a feeling that you knew you couldn't get anywhere else, you could NEVER love anybody like you love gyuvin and no matter what petty things you do back and forth to one another, it will always be him at the end of the day.
"shh its okay.." you soothed him a bit, kneeling down to cup his face as you stared into his eyes. "and i love you." you smiled weakly at him, leaning up to kiss his lips sweetly, ready to repeat this entire process tomorrow knowing you end up in this same position.
kim jiwoong warning!manipulative
"oh come on baby.. we both know that's not true." you could pretty much hear the smirk in jiwoongs voice as he sat behind you, rubbing your shoulders, placing gentle kisses along the back of your neck as he went. again he had broken your new phone because he found out you were texting with a friend that he didn't approve of. "i would hate for you to hate me, because i sure do love that pretty face of yours." he tried his best to butter you up, knowing just how to get under your skin perfectly.
"you know nobody could love you like i can." your boyfriend hummed softly in your ear, "make you feel as good as i can.." his fingertips ran down your shoulder sending chills down your spine, "provide for you like i can." he leaned up to kiss your cheek sweetly, "you don't hate me, you just hate that you love me so damn much, hm doll?"
han yujin
"i said you can have it if you want it!" yujin defended himself, laughing along with you as you both walked down the street with your snow cones in hand. "no way, you totally did that on purpose." you playfully rolled your eyes at your best friend, he had gotten the last little bit of your favorite flavor before you got the chance to as he ordered first.
"i even paid for yours to make up for it" yujin pouted a bit, holding his snow cone out to you to have a bite of. you couldn't help the quiet laugh that left your lips, happily accepting the bite as it was your favorite after all. "im just messing with you yujin, its okay. but you better enjoy it.." you had to through in one last comment before nudging him a bit just to show you were messing with him.
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Little blunder
College AU
Tw: SFW, can be read as gender neutral tho written with a fem reader in mind, fluff.
Pairing: Dan Heng x Reader.
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You pull up in front of the apartment complex and slowly get off your bike. You take out your phone, swipe past the 99+ notifications from every group chat you're in and go straight to Dan Heng's contact.
The last messages there were "Hey, I think I have a crush on someone and need advice" and his reply, "wanna talk about it after tutoring tomorrow?"
You type "Here", then quickly make your way up the stairs. With any luck, he's just woken up -today was his day off- and still hasn't seen any messages about this morning's... fiasco.
You reach his apartment door just as he unlocks it, probably after he heard you approach, and give him a quick greeting, closing the door behind you as you enter.
"So," he starts, "should we focus on History or Chinese literature today?" He asks, still under the impression you're here for your regular tuesday afternoon tutoring sessions. Then... He doesn't know yet. Ok, that's good.
"Actually..." You start slowly, gathering your courage to just be done with it. Come on, I can do this! You think, attempting to pump yourself up. "I'm here to borrow something" You lie instead... Hm. Maaaaybe I can't do this ...
"Of course you are," An eye roll. "what do you need this time? A dictionary? A calculator? Or am I a living dictionary, calculator, and thesaurus all in one?" Had things been normal you would've probably laughed.
"Well you see..." You glance around his apartment nervously, and say the first thing that comes to mind. "I kinda need your dish washer?" You try, and proceed to mentally facepalm. Really?! His dishwasher?!
He narrows his eyes in clear confusion. "You need... my dish washer?" He repeats. "What do you want a dish washer for? You don't even cook?" He sighs.
"If you're planning on borrowing stuff that's mine, then just ask. No need to make stupid excuses like needing my dish washer, of all things. I am your friend, you know that, right?"
"Ahahaha the school population might disagree at the moment." You reply nervously.
"..." He gives you another confused look. "What's that supposed to mean?"
You take a deep breath. "Soooo you know how I've been volunteering to help out the broadcasting club? With equipment maintenance and such?"
He nodded, though now he just looks more confused.
"Right um, about a month ago, I found a club member crying alone after a bad breakup... To comfort him I told him he was a great guy, that anybody would be lucky to-"
"Didn't you already tell me all that?" He interrupted quickly, probably sensing you were still stalling.
"Right, right, just making sure you remember." You answer smoothly enough.
"So anyways, that guy may or may not have asked me out for the school dance?" You pause, gauging his reaction, but he turned his usual pokerface back on, and it gives away nothing.
"Uh? Congratulations?" Realizing he won't say anything more, you move on for now. "No, no. I didn't agree or anything," you say quickly. "Instead I uh, may have rejected him by saying I have a boyfriend, and when he insisted I was lying, I maaaaayyyyyy havesaiditwasyou?" You rush through the last part as your nerves get the best of you.
"..." There's silence in the room as Dan Heng stares at you, processing what you'd just said. He swallows and takes a deep breath. "You. Did. What?" His words are measured.
"I panicked? I'm sorry!"
"Panic led you to name-drop me as your non-existent boyfriend?" He asks with a hint of irritation.
"Well that's because I was thinking about you-" You say before you could think better of it, and by the time your hand slaps your mouth shut it was already too late.
A small smile spreads across his face. The first unguarded reaction you'd seen him make since the beginning of this conversation. "Really?" He asks. "Did you... did I happen to cross your mind as you rejected that person?" He looks at you, his eyes narrowed in amusement.
You blush. HARD. "Well- I- I mean! Yes! of course because-" You think of a quick lie "-because I needed to return your..." You slide your hand into your pocket, pull out the first thing you find, a chewing gum packet he'd given you the day before and say "The- This...?" You end Lamely.
He shakes his head, smiling. "Nice try," he says, "but there's something else on your mind. You're bad at lying." He puts his hands on his waist and smirks.
"Now, tell me the truth. Why did you name me?"
You sigh, utterly defeated... As expected of Dan Heng "Well, I guess I wanted to ask you out to the school dance? I- I've been meaning to finally tell you today but then that guy came out of nowhere and asked me to go with him and I just- welp." You shrug.
He raises a brow "Wait... am I... your crush?" He asks, not believing the question. "It's me, isn't it? Huh." He tilts his head, a bit confused and amused.
"But... why? Why would you be into me? I'm literally the definition of a nerd," he says while glancing over to his desk, cluttered with books and his gaming build.
You jump at the opportunity to tease him "What's this Dan Heng? Are you fishing for compliments?" You ask slyly, hoping to make him blush so it wouldn't be just you.
His ears immediately turn red. "No, I'm serious," he says, "Why me?" He looks at you with a puzzled look, then says, "I mean, I'm flattered, but I don't get it. Out of all the boys in class, why me? Not that I'm complaining, mind you," he chuckles.
A small win for me! He went blushy blushy! You giggle to yourself. "Well what's there not to like? You're always there for me, be it calling me first thing in the morning to make sure I'm awake for classes or tutoring me so I understand the material, you even cook extra portions of food for me because I am not um... adept in the kitchen. Like how thoughtful is that? Honestly how could I possibly not fall for you?" By now you've completely run out of breath.
Dan Heng's cheeks are flushed pink. I can die happy now "Y-You... you're actually serious?" He asks, feeling a wave of relief and joy wash over him. "Because I... I feel the same about you. You're so... you're the sweetest, kindest, most considerate person I've ever met, (Y/N). You're always helping people, even in things completely unrelated to your own life... I mean, broadcasting equipment maintenance? You had to learn a completely new skill just to help them with that."
He took a deep breath, seemingly steadying himself, then continued.
"And... I just have this feeling whenever I'm with you, my heartbeat quickens and my stomach turns in a flutter. Do you... do you feel the same?" This was probably the most honest and vulnerable he's ever been with you.
You smile brightly. "Yes! And I'm ecstatic you do too!!!"
He smiles as well and nods. "When's the dance, again?" He asks. "And how should we tell our friends that we're dating, now that I've said yes to your... confession?"
"If it even is called a confession?" He mumbles in amusement.
"Ah yeah about that..." You smile sheepishly, debating how to break this one to him.
"What... what is it, (Y/N)?" He tilts his head in curiosity. "Tell me. I don't bite," he teases.
"Sooo, remember how this whole thing started in the broadcasting room? Remember how March uhhh... Sometimes forgets the mic open?"
Dan Heng's eyes widen. "No way."
"Hahah... Yeahhhh." You fish your phone out of your back pack, unlock it and pick a random group chat. Sure enough, the chosen conversation topic is still the "Broadcasted failure of a confession LMAO!!" You hand him your phone, let him scroll through the messages, knowing he probably doesn't bother to even join most of these group chats.
"Huh," he starts, "aren't they being a bit... Harsh on this gu- wait." His eyes narrowed. "What does Jing Yuan mean by 'he was being a total creep??'" he asks alarmed, now looking at you.
"Ehh that might be an exaggeration? He probably means how the guy wouldn't take no for an answer, it's kinda why I had to lie in the first place, I mean I was being considerate at first but he really wouldn't let up... Huh now that I think about it, maybe Jing Yuan's right. "
Dan Heng didn't seem to like that one bit.
"You know what? I'm actually fine with the broadcast thing," He replied coolly. "If more people knew about my feelings for you, then that's great. As long as they know you're dating me now."
"So. Are you going to be my date for the dance?" He asks.
You grin. "I'd be honored to!"
"Great." Dan Heng smiles and reaches out to hug you. "So then... that means we're officially a couple?" He grins slyly. "And does that mean you'll call me honey now?" Oh he's trying to make you blush.
You smile back, every bit as mischievous "I was actually thinking of calling you: Darling, love of my life, light of my days, and saviour of my grades! But sure whatever you like." You say innocently. He laughs.
"I think I like that last one," he says, reaching out to brush a stray hair away from your face. "But I want you to call me Dan Heng, alright? If I ever heard someone refer to me as "Darling" or "Love", I'd probably turn into a ripe strawberry." He seems to consider something for a moment then says: "And when we see each other at the dance, will I be able to give you a kiss?" He asks cheekily.
"...!" When they go bold I go BOLDER! " You can kiss me right now." You say, summoning every last bit of confidence within you.
He leans in and gently presses his lips onto yours, holding it for a moment before breaking apart. "Will that suffice?" he asks with a grin.
"Now, come on. We better hurry up. All our friends are probably waiting for us at the cafe," he says and offers to take your hand.
"They're gonna be thrilled. Imagine how happy March will be, learning her little blunder for once caused something great." he adds with a bright smile.
Author's note:
Alhaitham: I'm just a feeble scholar.
Dan Heng: I'm literally the definition of a nerd.
Kaveh & I : \(O-o)/
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venusandlotus · 4 months
My paid readings price -
1. Reading no.1
Your current situation + advices ( from the cards ) $5 / ₹400 ( i will pull many cards as needed to gain clarity and for advices )
— Here you have to tell me about the situation you want advices for .You have to energetically free with me while telling your situation or else I wont be able to pick up your energy and provide and genuine solution or advice
I have also seen people being shy , afraid , or little bit closed off while telling their stories . Please dont do that it blocks away ur genuine energy and it gets hard for the readers to see through the situation and read the cards . I m just here to help so feel free … its not like I m going to meet you in person , we are all strangers here . I just want to use my gifted powers to help people and in return I get paid for it . I wont be faking anything here because money earned from fraud brings badluck and I m a firm believer of that. Dont wanna be part of any bad luck and I have seen enough in my life so you can trust me here.
While we are having a session I dont want you to think - if i told her this what will she think of me and blah2 . Please dont ever think like that there are different types of people and shitty situations keep on happening around the world everyday so its pretty normal .
Bottom line - Just feel free and comfortable, be emotionally open while having a paid session with me thats all I request from my clients .
Reading 1 is for complicated situations.
2. Reading no.2 $5/ ₹400
How does he feels about me ?
Here I will help you to decode what he / she feels about you through my cards .
You will know whether they are faking their feelings or not .
I will pull as many cards as needed to gain clarity regarding the person and you .
3. Reading no. 3
How to heal / what are the blockages that u need to overcome in order to heal .
$5 / ₹400
4. Reading no.4
One card pull + advices on your current situation
Here you u need to tell me about ur situation and i will do a card pull and give u advices from the cards
$4 / ₹320
Reading no.5
Two questions of your choice
$5 / ₹400
Ps - I will send you all the images of the cards i have pulled in every reading mentioned here along with ur reading
Reading no.6
Kpop readings
$4 / ₹320
Reading no.7
Any four questions of your choice
$10 / ₹800
Whats the need of paid readings if u have ask games going on ?
- paid readings will be focused on only you and ur energy along with the person of your choice . The readings will be only based on ur current situation without mixing with the energy of other people. Collective readings and free asks are done in large ammount and mostly other people’s energy gets mixed with your questions. In paid readings I will go in depth with your situation and ur energy and I will pull as many cards as required for advices and clarity.
Paid readings will be done in dms and for payments you can ask me on dms.
Payment will be done on the day of reading and before reading , I wont deliver the reading after days or take days and time after the payment, the reading will be delivered on the present day after the payment and the chat that will be happening between us.
I dont do
- questions regarding dead
- pregnancy
- connecting with a deceased person
- i dont work with deities
- third party readings ( exmple - what she feels towards my boyfriend, how is x relation with y going on etc. )
- career readings like what career will best for me etc. if you are thinking about pursuing a career line i can ask my cards how it is likely to go for you or how ur project might go for u but i wont tell u to puruse certain career lines or what type of career u should pursue
Please remember
Tarot readings are based on energies and I m simply here to help you regarding your specific situations. I will not encourage anybody to take certain decisions I will simply decode what cards are trying to say and what advices are cards giving . Your decisions are your own free will. You will be responsible for your own actions.
Feel free to give feedback after your readings, so i can know how i performed and improve more 🌸
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saokopapii · 1 year
Part Of Me ★ Channel Message
This is the part of me / That you're never gonna ever take away from me🪔🎆 🪔 🎆 🪔🎆
A firework, a dancing flame / You won't ever put me out again / I'm glowing
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First Option. The Strength
Coming back stronger, getting up every time. Warrior soul. Heart of gold. Guardian. Care taking. The Survivor.
"I need my golden crown of sorrow / My bloody sword to swing / My empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology"
Inability give up, refusing to give up. Even if you really want to, even when you been close to... Don't give up on who you're becoming. Your stronger than you realise. And kind and soft. Remaining good hearted. Standing up for what's right.
"Sorry about the blood in your mouth. I wish it was mine. / I couldn't get the boy to kill me, but I wore his jacket for the longest time."
Hope - NF
Taking time and space to recover, To meet yourself, your fear. And show up one day, with your demons on your side, not against you.
To push through. Resilience and love.
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Second Option. Four of Wands
Fuck it We ball energy, looking for the good, keeping on showing up, keeping your head up, listening to playlists to light up the mood. Cheerful energy, Celebrating your wins "A win is a win." Humorous
"You showed me a power that is strong enough to bring sun to the darkest days"
"Until it's my turn, I will keep clapping for others."
Making memorable moments, making new memories. The show must go on, picking yourself up, friendly. Smiling to strangers, light shining out of you, making happy. Sparking joy. Even others get inspired.
"Life may not be the party we hoped for... but while we're here we may as well dance."
Celebrating despite
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Third Option. Page of Cups
Curiosity & Interest. Youthfulness, Silliness, Freedom.
You let life teach you. Your kindness and your heart. Your connection with Animals. Active Inner child energy. 🌷Lightness.
And your hability to feel emotions, whatever you're feeling. Listing to your emotions, knowing that feeling come to make you aware of something. What triggers you, and how to change or manage that. (The pain or whatever will leave when it's done teaching us.)
Experiences and what you can learn from them. What you can learn from yourself. Getting in touch with emotions and feel them. You don't shy away from that. That hability to not take life so seriously. To be silly and embrace joy. (Hope this help!)
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“Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain’t all sunshine and rainbows. It’s a very mean and nasty place and I don’t care how tough you are it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard ya hit. It’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. How much you can take and keep moving forward. That’s how winning is done! Now if you know what you’re worth then go out and get what you’re worth. But ya gotta be willing to take the hits, and not pointing fingers saying you ain’t where you wanna be because of him, or her, or anybody! Cowards do that and that ain’t you! You’re better than that! I’m always gonna love you no matter what. No matter what happens. You’re my son and you’re my blood. You’re the best thing in my life. But until you start believing in yourself, ya ain’t gonna have a life. “
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There's a first time for everything
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sheepiemc · 10 months
your touch (a craving)
part 3: chest (first | prev)
“Are you listening, Lord Diavolo?” Lucifer asked, definitely not amused, but he tried to keep his tone even when talking to the prince of the Devildom. If anybody else had heard him, they would think it was a genuine question, but Diavolo knew Lucifer’s patience was wearing thin. 
Diavolo was standing at a window in his office, watching a single raindrop on the pane. He watched as every other droplet raced around it, miraculously avoiding ever touching the one he was focused on. Many would get close, but they always just managed to avoid a collision. 
“I'm listening, my friend,” Diavolo said. He didn't turn to him. 
Lucifer was in his office to discuss the plans for the “winter formal” that he wanted to throw to celebrate another successful semester at RAD with the exchange program. Naturally, it was an idea you had given him. It was a staple of school life in the human world, or so you had told him. Maybe you hadn't experienced such things yourself, but you were very familiar with the concept from movies and TV shows. And dances weren't a foreign concept to the Devildom so, if it made you happy, Diavolo was happy to oblige. 
He smiled to himself as one tiny droplet finally combined with the largest one, sending them both sliding down the pane and pooling at the bottom of the sill with the rest of the raindrops outside. He turned to look at his friend over his shoulder. Even though a party like this has been thrown hundreds of times, it was quite like the Avatar of Pride to ensure every detail was perfect. “I trust that you'll make the right decisions. All you need to do is give me the paperwork I need to sign and it will happen.” 
Lucifer was usually unreadable underneath the unflappable mask that he schooled his features into in public, but he let his guard down just a touch in front of Diavolo. The prince’s absolute certitude in Lucifer’s abilities made the demon preen. “With pleasure, my lord.”
It was only when he felt his DDD go off that Lucifer's expression twitched ever so slightly out of place. Checking the screen, a flash of annoyance graced his features before they were schooled back in place. “I must apologize, my lord, but it looks like I am needed elsewhere. If you'll excuse me,” he trailed off, bowing slightly. 
“Certainly, Lucifer. Please take care of whatever it is you need to,” Diavolo turned to face him and nodded once. “I'm sure your brothers need you more right now than I do.” 
“Yes, well, we shall see about that,” Lucifer turned and left without a second look and something inside Diavolo’s chest ached. He turned to look back out the window, heavier raindrops coming down harder now. 
He wondered how you were getting home in this storm. 
Did you have an umbrella?  
After a moment, he decided there was no point in staying in the office anymore. If he happened across you in the hallway, he could offer to escort you home. And if you happened to forget an umbrella, you would have to share his; You would have to be so close to him, brushing up against him - to avoid the rain, of course. Oh, just the thought of this deviously orchestrated closeness was enough to bring a little color to his cheeks. 
The demon prince's head was up in the clouds meandering through the halls of his academy. He didn’t need to pay attention to his surroundings because any student still milling about wouldn’t dare to get in his way. 
You, however, weren’t any student. You weren't as mindful as you made your way through the halls. You were looking down at your phone, enraptured by the nonsense going on in the “House of Lamentation (New)” group chat. You were coming up the stairs at the same time Diavolo emerged from around the corner and you collided right into each other, your head bumping directly into his chest. It was a moment of brief contact, more disorienting than dizzying, and you stepped away from each other just as quickly (but Diavolo was thankful for it still). 
“Oh, MC. I beg your pardon-” Diavolo started.
“Diavolo! I mean- Lord Diavolo,” you said at the same time, “I'm so sorry. I should've been looking where I was going.” 
“Please, I could say the same thing.” He straightened his posture and beamed at you, “I'm actually glad I ran into you." He chuckled at his own pun. "Are you heading back to the House of Lamentation?”
“Oh, actually, I promised Beel I would pick up the homework Belphie missed from skip- I mean, he was sick!” You stopped yourself when you realized who you were talking to. “He would get it himself but I offered since he has Fangol practice today. Why?” 
The familiarity with which you referred to the Avatars of Gluttony and Sloth dropped something very cold in the pit of his stomach. He had noticed you were heading up, further into the building, and not outside. Could he still ask to come with you? No, his initial plan for manufactured intimacy was tainted by that genuine closeness you had with the brothers. 
Diavolo cleared his throat, smile not quite reaching his eyes. “That's very thoughtful of you, MC. Those brothers are lucky they have someone like you who cares about them so much.” 
You looked into his face, searching for something; what, he didn't know. And he wouldn't know if you found it because, at that very moment, you both heard what sounded like frantic footsteps coming down the hall. As you turned to look, all you could see was a white and brown blur barreling down the hall as fast as demonically possible. 
“Was that-” Diavolo started.
“Mammon?” you finished. 
Following not too far behind him, what started as a trickle of water soon became a huge wave tumbling around the corner. The scent of brine and sulfur overwhelmed the hallway, and with it came the Admiral of Hell's Navy, in full demonic form, barreling through atop his most loyal soldier, Lotan. 
“Oh, no,” was all you got to say before the force of the tidal wave coming down the hall pushed Diavolo into the wall and you into Diavolo, soaking the both of you from head to toe. 
What was perhaps more pressing in Diavolo’s mind was the way you were pressing into his body. He was hyper-aware of everywhere your body was touching him. He wanted to pull you even closer, sink his claws into your tender flesh so that you would never not be a part of him again. It took every ounce of strength he had in his body to not do exactly that, and it was precisely because he was the most powerful being (currently awake) in the Devildom that he didn’t. His hands were shaking, hovering above your hips by only a hair’s breadth. 
Your eyes were still closed from the shock of the wave. He could feel his entire body temperature rise as his gaze wandered from the sparkling constellations forming on your eyelashes to the droplets of water dripping from your parted lips. 
When Lotan finally passed (which took a while as he's a very long sea serpent), your hands lingered on his body a little longer than they probably should've before you wiped the water out of your eyes. Your expression morphed from pure shock to slight amusement. 
“Well,” you scoffed, stepping back only a little, “at least I don't have to worry about the rain soaking me anymore.” 
Diavolo didn't trust himself to speak. He feared he could only say something like, please, come back, I want you to stay so near me, always. He took in the state of the rest of your body, the way the wet clothes clung to your body. He looked back at your face and got distracted by a drop of water that slid down your neck. If he wasn't blushing before, he certainly was now. 
“Diavolo?” You cocked your head to the side, exposing more of your neck. 
Before he could take a step towards you, another presence entered the hallway the same way Mammon and Leviathan came. The utterly repressive aura emanating off of their eldest brother was smothering, even to Diavolo; He wasn't running after them, just walking slowly and with purpose. 
When Lucifer reached you and Diavolo, he stopped, took a deep breath, and said, “Lord Diavolo, believe me when I say those two are in for a punishment the likes of which neither have ever seen. You have their deepest apologies.” His tone was frighteningly even for a demon as angry as he surely was. 
Diavolo cleared his throat and crossed his arms, frustration only a little feigned, “And what event could have caused such an uproar?” 
“It appears that Mammon sold one of Leviathan's limited edition signed figurines… again.” 
“Again? Like the same one?” you asked. 
“That seems to be the case. Leviathan just bought it back for a ridiculous sum and Mammon sold it off again not even 24 hours later,” Lucifer sighed. “MC, if you don't mind, I believe I'll be needing your help to… discipline them.” 
He turned to you, placing a hand on your shoulder, indicating you had no choice in the matter. 
“Sure thing, Lucifer.” 
“Please excuse us, my lord.” 
Diavolo couldn't tear his eyes from Lucifer's hand. 
“You are excused.” 
Lucifer nodded once before turning you both away from Diavolo. 
You looked back over your shoulder to him as you walked away. His eyes caught yours one last time, drinking in the emotion he found in them like he'd been in the desert for years without water. 
He watched you walk all the way down the hallway and stood listening to your footsteps splashing down the waterlogged stairs. It wasn't until all he could hear was the water dripping off his coat into the puddles on the floor beneath him that he finally took a shuddering breath and leaned his head against the wall, hand pressed against his chest.
He was approaching the point of no return and he had to decide, quickly, if he was willing to cross that line when he got to it.
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"I Know a Place"
Hello my loves. After writing tons and tons of angst, my mind and heart needed a lighter happier story, so i just put this together. I just warmed up to Soap recently, and i thought i give it a go. Happy reading my Soap lovers.
Johnny "Soap" MacTavish x Reader
Warnings: language, not proofread 'm sorry
Summary: Johnny finds you in the kitchen making breakfast, when the only thing he wants is you tangled up with him in bed all day.
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Johnny has never seen a more beautiful thing that his eyes are witnessing right now. His eyelids still heavy from the deepest shuteye he ever had, your naked body pressed against his, complaining about your ice cold feet while pushing you closer to his skin. Mind a little foggy, the comfort of the bed screaming his name to get back under the duvet, but it through him out so quick when he met your side completely empty.
You were supposed to sleep in, having sloppy kisses, wandering his hands to places he couldn't touch for weeks, murmuring sweet nothings, hanging on your every word about life you lived without him while he was gone. It was always bittersweet. He admired how you ramble about everything you wanted to share, searching for his attention, checking if he's still as interested as half a minute ago.
Fuck he loved it. How your eyes lit up to his snarky comment on your asshole colleague, to his macho flirting and bad pickup lines. That light every damn time your eyes landed on him is what he's living and fighting for. Probably the one he will die for. That spark is imminent right at the moment you realize he's watching your every move doing the breakfast.
"Oh no, i wanted breakfast in bed." You pout, one eye on the bacon in the pan so you don't burn like the last time Johnny demanded you attention. Johnny chuckles, a bright pink blush creeping it's way to his cheeks. Gosh, you are the only one person on this planet who can do that. He's down bad for you, and he's not shy to admit it to anybody.
"As much as a bacon and eggs breakfast in bed is tempting, i wanted to be woken up with you by my side." He closes the distance between you with slow but big steps, eyes remaining on your face, looking for the familiar fluster he can cause, drinking it into his memory. He lefts no room for space, body pressed against you right away, chin resting on your shoulder, chest to your back, thighs locking your legs. You can feel every muscle in him, just the way you both like. Closer and closer.
"Smells good, darlin'" He murmurs next to your ear, leaving tingling kisses on your earlobe and neck. "When it's gon' be ready, hm? I'm hungry and we spent just about enough time out of bed."
His arms circling on your tummy and hips, pulling up his shirt that you wear, in an effort of satisfying the need of skin on skin contact all the time. He fills every missing piece, every sense that he can, even if it means you'll be eating burnt food. He won't have it, you aren't fixated on him and only him. He'll do anything to lure you away from your task at all cost. Sliding his hands to your breast, the other to your core, only grazing the sensitive part, to tease and earn that little sigh from your lips.
"MacTavish, give me a break cuz you'll eat dried cereal." He laugh into your hair, a sounds so magical your heart almost leaps out of your chest. You love his laugh like no other sounds existing.
"I had other plans for breakfast to be honest hun" He pushes you closer to his body, separating you from the oven, pulling you away delicately.
"No no no, Johnny, let me get this done. Please." He growls, easing his hold on you, but never letting go, slowly inching back to your food like two idiots attached at the hip. "Can you get me the plates love?" He groans not so pleased with leaving you for that 10 seconds he collects the plates. But he does, eyes always circling back to you.
"Coffee?" You nod towards the freshly brewed pot, signaling him to fill the two cups in front of it. He knows what you are doing, giving him random task so his hands are occupied with something else than your body. In the meantime you proceed to fill the plates with delish food, in quite a hurry to get it done before he's pressed against you again. You swear this man is insatiable if it comes to you.
Just about when you see him move towards you, you poke your finger at him. "Uh-uh! Sit down big boy!"
It's so funny how abruptly he stops in his tracks, a half smile playing on his lips. The cheeky bastard. But he does as you say so, eager to have his food, and you next to him. He brings the mugs with him, while do the same with your breakfast neatly placed in front of him, sided by toasts. You sit down next to him, close, but not close enough for him. He grins widely at you, grabbing your chair and dragging you close to his own seat. "Now that's much betta"
You just giggle, seeing him happy and healthy, devouring every bit of the meal, chugging the hot plain black coffee with it. You often wonder how he can be so gentle and firm at the same time. You see the urgency in his moves, something he cannot unlearn, but he does it delicately. He couldn't deny the soldier in him if he would have wanted to.
He hums with a full mouth, one hand with the fork other hand on the back of your neck. Keeping close as always.
"You are unbelievable, just eat." You giggle when leans over to give you the nastiest bacon kiss, trying to smudge the oil from it all over your face. "You love it." Yeah you do.
"Eat slower, otherwise you won't have space for dessert." His head perks up from his last bite, looking like a kid at Christmas morning.
"Dessert? What kind of dessert?" He asks, chewing on bacon, wiping his mouth in a kitchen rug, and his attention is on you right away.
"You have to see and wait." You aren't even finished with half of you dish, and you are sure you won't have the chance to consume it. Johnny turns his whole body towards you, leg hooked on your chair, hands all over you, honestly he couldn't be any closer than this.
"Nah, you don't get to tease me like that." He literally pulls the fork out of your mouth, half of your bite hanging on it, and the other half between your teeth.
"Johnny, kmuuun" He just laughs into your neck, tingling you with his nose running up and down the delicate skin. Pinching his face with your shoulder is just making it worse because now his lips are stuck on that freaking spot he finds so quick. The food dies on your tongue, grateful for not choking on the egg because of the attack Johnny is waging against you. You decide there is no point of forcing this breakfast thing. His wet lips are too apparent and demanding, distracting your every thought.
His gentle pecks and playful licks with a giddy laugh turns into passionate kisses alongside your jaw, hot air fanning you where his nose tracks your skin. He consumes the space around you, leaving no room for anything else, just him. His touch switching between gentle presses from an iron grip, his tiny growls and hums of agreement when you position yourself for him to access more of you. And when he praises you when your sweet moans escapes your mouth next to his ear, oh my god that's the end of you.
"That's my girl, do it for me again." He doesn't have to ask again, the press of his palms on your inner thigh is enough for you to melt in his hands.
"Enough playing around, kiss me already." You breath out, clutching onto his hair, holding into the back his neck for dear life.
"Yes m'am" You see his grin with heavy eyelids, shutting automatically by his soft lips, tongue slipping right next to your not waiting for a second. Always fast forward when it comes o the real thing. He likes to tease and play, but this, when you come to this part he never taunts you. He gives and takes equally, searching for the relief of his needs pulling you with it.
His hands slides up to your face, slowly turning the heat down, slowing down in a steady pace, to calm you or to calm him you don't know, sadly it doesn't get easy. You want more, so lean in for more, to push for more.
"As much as i want to continue this, we are so fuckin tangled on this chair i can't feel my legs." You laugh loudly, the burning in you calming a little.
"What are suggesting Sergeant?" You ask with an eyebrow raised. He stands up, so clumsy you wouldn't recognize the hardly shaped military man in him. It's almost comical to see this hunk of a man trying to pull his legs out of the chair's leg still holding into you.
"I know a place" His eyes smile with his lips, a rare sight you cherish so much. He pulls you up soon after he untangled his limbs, pressing you against his chest. "It's soft, padded with warm blankets and pillows, perfect for our type of activities." His accent pops off at the last word, a slight tremble running through you by his low tone.
"Then show me this place." You whisper into his mouth as you peck his lips right before he pick you up in his hands carrying you into that special place of your bedroom.
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gadriezmannsgirl · 1 year
Since Always, 'Till Forever -P.G
I really, really hope you guys like this! What started as a One Shot ended up being kind of like a mini series, I'm truly happy for all the feedback these fics have gotten. Thank you so much for the support, it means a lot! Please, tell me what you guys think of this, I would love to see your comments! (Let's pretend I didn't took a month and something to pull this out, 'kay? cool) FEEDBACK IS HIGHLY APPRECIATED
You can read the first part Since Forever, and the second part Until Forever
Warnings: Lots of angst, heartbreaks, fights, some fluff at a certain point, suggestive content, this is a roller coaster of emotions to be honest🥴, lots of swear words
Summary: You and Pablo know you've been for each other Since Forever and you also know, you'll be there Until Forever because no one has what you both have.
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May, 2023
“Gavira!” You yelled turning around with a smile on “I have a knife in my hand and I’m not afraid to use it!”
“¡Joder! I’m so scared”
“As you should, señorito!” You said trying to sound intimidating “I’m dangerous”
“Oh yes, yeah” Gavi nodded “You so are” He went along with you
“I really am!” You exclaimed dropping the act, pouting a bit
Pablo felt his insides twist seeing your lower lip pulled out like that; he wanted to grab it in between with his lips and never let it go. He wanted to taste it, feel their warm and their delicate texture.
It has been six months since he realized his feelings for you and four since he lived one of his nightmares.
After your guys talk during the Supercopa, you’ve been trying to reconnect from the moment your guys distanced, minus the feelings part from your side of course. It had been five months since you started dating Samuel and they were one of the best five months ever in your life.
He knew how to treat you, he knew when to act and when to step aside, he knew when to listen and when to talk, he never pushed you or your feelings away, you were his first priority and everyone could see the fact that he was deeply into you.
You hadn’t said this to anybody but Pedri, Samuel had already said his “I love you” to you and you felt guilty because you still couldn’t say it back, even though you were slowly falling into Samuel’s arms. You liked to think you were getting there, there were times were the three words almost escaped your mouth but you retracted them every single time, saving them up for “a better moment”.
Samuel was really cooperative and understanding, you loved him for it. Everytime he said it he whispered a little “It’s okay, you don’t have to say it back now. I’ll make my way into your heart, bonita”. And that was enough for you to start trying for Samuel again.
Meanwhile Pablo had to stand at the sides and watch you be in another guy’s arms, that weren’t his.
He kicked himself everyday for not noticing it earlier; maybe, if he had, he would be the one to hold you close to him, kiss you, cuddle you and do everything else with you and mostly when approximately two months ago he saw a hickey on your neck while being at his.
“You’ve a…” He took a deep breath pushing all those thoughts and mostly jealousy away
“A…?” He pointed a place in his neck as you seconds later groaned “I told him not to! I don’t like hickeys in my neck!” You exclaimed a bit head thrown back giving Pablo a better view of it, he sighed deeply “I still have my foundation here, right? I’m gonna go and cover it up”
He felt everything explode inside of him when he saw that mark, a reminder that you weren’t his. He, on the other side, loved the fact you went to cover it up.
Pablo didn’t like to address his feelings though; the only ones who knew about his love towards you were his sister and Pedri who found out in the most ridiculous way a few weeks back.
The Canario and the Sevillano were out of training, Pedri riding as Pablo was on the passenger seat like always, the youngest one was on his phone watching his Instagram when you came across his screen and he couldn’t help but click it, you had published an story of Samuel with you at Uni and bringing you, a big bouquet of your favorite flowers ‘Estas si que son unas lindas motivaciones para querer estudiar’and there was another one that showed a card with what Pablo could imagine was the guy’s handwriting. Even Samuel’s handwriting was better.
It had your name written and you put a little caption ‘Smash it in your presentation, he said&lt;;3’ Pablo groaned rolling his eyes inevitably making the oldest one look at him in curiosity
“Something’s wrong?”
“Samuel Carnevale is what’s wrong”
“You don’t like him? He’s a nice guy and he likes Y/N”
“That’s why I don’t like him” Pablo let out not fully remembering his feelings for his best friend weren’t public
“Why don’t you like him?” Pablo shook his head
“I just don’t like him”
Pedri was silent for a few minutes until they stopped at a red light “Do you like Y/N?” Pablo’s eyes didn’t met Pedri’s but instead looked down at his phone where he had a pic of you two as his background  “You like her”
“Actually, I love her” Pablo corrected
“WHAT?! WHY-?!”
“It was during the World Cup, she wasn’t really talking to me and I didn’t wanted to tell her over text” Pablo said immediately
“…Eres un tonto”
“Well, thank you”
“She had waited for you to notice that for the longest time and now when she’s moving on you’re going to pull her that shitty move?”
“I won’t pull any kind of move on anybody. I’ll let her be happy with Samuel” Pablo shook his head “I know I’ve fucked up but I’ll wait for her” Pablo said “That’s the only thing I can do right now, no matter how much it hurts me”
“Well, felicitaciones por ser el último idiota que se dio cuenta que la amabas. Can I say I told you so?”
Pablo sighed shaking his head “You don’t need to. I’ve been telling myself those four words ever since I realized my feelings and didn’t acted on them straight away”
“She cried so much” Pablo nodded
“I know she did” Pablo’s eyebrows got in their usual place “That’s why I’ll let her be happy with him for how long they be together even if it kills me,  if they break up and if she still wants me, shoot my shot”
“I can wish you good luck on that, we both know how Y/N is when she falls in love”
Pablo groaned knowing that if his best friend truly loved someone, it wasn’t that easy to make it go away and that’s what he held a little hope on to. For you to still love him. To give him a chance.
“You truly are; mi niña” Pablo said nodding smiling at you
“You better say that because I have pickles that I can easily put on your sandwich”
“You’re crossing a line over there, young lady” You laughed throwing a slice of onion at him “No! I don’t want to smell like onion!”
“You’d be a cute little and smelly angry onion!” You smiled at him and no matter how much he wanted to try and keep his serious face; he slowly erupted in a smile. He didn’t know how he couldn’t have realized his feelings sooner. He wanted to smash his head against every surface possible
“Es que no puedo contigo” Pablo said shaking his head as you threw another slice at him “¡Hostias, Y/N, parale!” Your laugh told him it was worth smell like onion just to hear that angelic sound and see the happiness on your face
He’ll do anything to keep that smile forever, but just when he thought nothing could ever make you guys separate, your phone started ringing as he saw the ID, he felt his heart fall to the floor.
You instantly reached out for your phone and shooting Pablo a small smile you left the kitchen to attend the call. He felt another tug of his chest and sighed.
Two weeks later
Pablo was deeply asleep when he felt his hand vibrate; he furrowed his eyebrows and opened his eyes to see what was happening. His phone was in his hands and he remembered falling asleep with it while talking to you. The brightness of it, blinded him for a few seconds
 He cursed out taking his other hand to his eyes rubbing the sleep away for a bit but it was only needed to see your name across his phone to make him snap out of it
“Hello” He picked up
“Hey” He heard your voice “Can I come over?”
“Sure, something’s wrong?”
“No… I just- I had a fight with Samuel nothing too much but I don’t feel like being alone” You said “I… I’m sorry, I know you have early training tomorrow I shouldn’t have called but-”
“No” Pablo cut you off shaking his head “Don’t worry about it, Y/N/N. I’m here, always will be” A bit of silence overpowered the line for a few seconds “I’m waiting for you”
“I’m already on my way, Pablito” You said softly. When you came to Pablo’s house, you immediately grabbed him and hugged him
“Are you okay?” You nod
“I just… Feel weird” You spoke as Pablo carried you both towards his couch, you on top of him cuddling
“Did he touched you?” Pablo pulled away from you
“No! No! God no! He wouldn’t be talking nor walking if he had!” You shook your head and that eased Gavi for a bit
“What’s wrong then?”
“I just… This isn’t the first time we fight during this week and I don’t know everytime it ends I feel with this need of being anywhere but close to him, he makes me so angry and for the stupid little things ever”
“Why are you fighting?”
“He’s been stressed about his final project at Uni” You said shaking your head “And gosh, everything irritates him! I breathe and he’s off, my phone goes off and he goes off too, Aladdin barks and he goes off, Wifi doesn’t work and he goes off! Everything pisses him off and it’s making me so angry because whenever I’m stressed, I don’t yell at anyone! I just go to the gym to the punching bag and discharge my everything there” You put your hands on your face and yell into them “And I just can’t stand him right now, like… He told me I was absolutely mad! God, he’s gorgeous, so pretty, beautiful but so irritating” Pablo’s eyebrows went up when he heard the adjectives “And sorry for coming here to bother you with my problems. You shouldn’t even be awake in the middle of the night but still here you are” You put your head in the middle of his chest
“It seems like not everything is pink and roses” You punch him lightly making him laugh
“I know not everything it’s pink and roses” You sigh sitting up, making Gavi grab your waist and get comfortable with his head on the armrest “I just think that he’s overreacting, I saw his thesis and it’s too damn amazing, it’s normal that he stresses out, I do that as well but I don’t go around the world screaming at something or someone because I can’t find this correct word to describe something or something like that” You said “I didn’t feel like staying tonight with him” You shook your head “And that’s how I’m here” You looked down at Gavi and find him smiling lightly at you “What?” You asked softly eyebrows scrunched up
Gavi took one of his hands up to your forehead and gave it the same light touches you give his to make his frown go away, the action made you smile widely
“You’re not pretty with your forehead scrunched up, that’s my thing” You laughed lightly
“Sorry” You shook your head, Gavi’s hand coming back to your waist “I’m just irritated, annoyed, mad”
“And that’s okay” He said “I hope everything turns out okay for you, Y/N/N. And I also hope Samuel gets his job done in peace”
“That makes us two” You both laughed
“I can understand him” You hum
“And so can I” You say “It’s his thesis, it’s his final college project” You shrug your shoulders “I guess I’ll be that way when I’m doing mine”
“God bless the poor man who’s with you in those times” You laughed together
“I’m not that bad”
“Yes, keep telling yourself that honey” He said and you laughed “What about we watch your favorite movie to help you distress and everything else?”
“Wall-e?” You asked
“And ice cream, I bought your favorite one” You got off of Pablo and jogged towards the kitchen “Bring me one too, please!”
“NO, THEY’RE MINE!” He heard you yell
Your mood instantly changed. You weren’t grumpy anymore and all it took Gavi was less than ten minutes for you to rant about your fight with your boyfriend, hear you out, be there for you and buy you your favorite Ice cream. It was something magical.
Gavi often didn’t liked being woken up at midnight hours but for you he would stay awake the whole night if he needed to, just to help you and make sure you were okay. That night, you both fell asleep in each other’s arms laid out in his couch. He swears he had never slept better in his whole life.
Soon, it became a little routine; whenever you fight with Samuel, you call your best friend, go to Pablo’s to calm down as he comforted you and fall asleep with him either on his couch, his bed, the floor, everywhere
Today was no different, two months had passed and you were once more laid on his bed with Pablo next to you, legs up to the wall
“SHE WAS TOTALLY FLIRTING WITH HIM, RIGHT IN FRONT OF MY FUCKING FACE!” You groaned covering your face with your hands “He had the audacity to say she’s just an ex, like what the fucking-?!”
“Tio, uno nunca debe decir eso” Pablo shook his head, showing disagreement with Samuel’s words
“I know, right? He told me I was overreacting, that I was being dramatic because he was dating me not her! That he loves me and not her… BUT YOU AREN’T FUCKING BESTIES WITH YOUR EX!” You yelled out angry, silence flowed the room as you took your hands off of your face “But you know what? I’m not going to just stand there, get hurt and watch; if he wants to spend his time with someone else, then I will do the same thing!”
“Yeah? Who are you gonna flirt with? Me?” You huff rolling your eyes
“Please, don’t flatter yourself that much”
“I’m gorgeous”
“And that’s why you have a bunch of thirteen years old girl fangirling over you in TikTok. If they met you, I’m pretty sure their crushes would vanish in a single second” You looked at him noticing a light pout on his lips and his eyebrows scrunched up, you laughed
“I’m lovely” You laughed agreeing
“You are. You are also pretty, Pabs; don’t worry about it” He smiled lightly
“Anyway… He knows all of your male friends are just that, friends”
“I don’t know I’m gonna go to a fucking pub and see if there’s anyone interested in me. Which would be a bit difficult but I can try”
“Why would that be difficult?”
“I’m not every guy’s type of girl, Pablo” He hums turning his face to watch you
“You’re right. Not every boy wants an amazing girl like you, just real man who knows what he wants” His words softened your face and heart.
For the first time since the starts of your relationship with  Samuel you had buried and tried to get the rid off your feelings for Pablo but right now, you had started feeling the same funny feeling you had done for a whole four years. You had succeeded until now. You smiled at him, without showing your teeth
“Thank you” You said as he smiled back
“You don’t have to thank me, Y/N/N”
You looked away from him, watching your socked-clothed feet; you put your feet on top of his, your body closer as he welcomed you in his arms. Your head on his shoulder as he softly pushed his on top of yours, staying in silence for the rest of the evening, no more words were needed to say.
You were saying everything and at the same time nothing.
“Will you be at my presentation?” You asked sitting in front of Pablo during his lunch break, both of you eating
“Yes” He said mid-chewing “Es mañana, ¿verdad?” You nod furrowing your eyebrows “¿Qué pasa?”
“Don’t talk while eating, it’s rude and you look gross”
“You’ve seen me worse” Pablo shrugged his shoulders “¿Me recuerdas la hora?” He asked as you took a sip of his cholocate milk
“I’ll be there at 9” You smiled
“You’re allowed to be a little late”
“I won’t” He reassured you with a smile “Need to always be there for my best and favorite girl”
“I’m your only, favorite and best girl” You push your eyebrows up
“That you are” He nodded high fiving you “Do I have to dress fancy?”
“Not that much but you can’t exactly appear in hoodies and cargos”
“Joder” He cursed out a bit making you laugh “Now, you’ll make me go shopping”
“¡Mentiroso! You’ve nice going-out clothes” He lifted his eyebrows
“I’ll see what I can do then” You smiled at each other
“¡Chicos, estamos listos!” Both of them snapped their heads at Xavi’s voice
“See you tomorrow then, Páez” You smiled getting up leaning over him to kiss his cheek and hug him by the shoulders
“See you later” He corrected grabbing you by the hands and not letting you get away from him
“What’s up?” You asked he pouted his lips a bit letting you know he wanted to give you a kiss. You smiled and putted your cheek on the front of his face; soon you felt his lips collide with your skin repeatedly, you giggled pushing him away
“Your kisses are wet” You whipped his saliva of your cheek
“No, you kept moving around, I couldn’t kiss you properly”
“Tonto” You pushed his face away laughing “See you later then” You pronounced heavily the later making him smile
You left the training grounds as Pedri, Ansu and Balde joined Pablo
“You are a goner for her” Ansu said as Pablo sighed nodding
“Yes, I am” He soon felt Pedri’s hands on his shoulders
“Venga, Pablito. We need to keep training”
Your leg was going up and down quickly as you received the news, you instantly had grabbed your teammate point and read it, whilst trying to remember yours at the same time; you were freaking nervous, everything seemed just wrong for you at that time and you wanted to be curled up in your bed, relaxed, crying and watching any kind of series. Everything was better than feeling this way.
A voice distracted you from your doings “¡Pero mira que preciosa estás!” Pablo exclaimed after seeing you with your group, you looked for his voice and immediately smiled seeing him walk over to you, your nerves easing a little bit.
“¡Y tú estás muy lindo! Extremely handsome” You said hugging him tightly; he kissed your cheek several times “I told you, you had nice out-going clothes” You felt him laugh against you before separating himself from you lightly. His hands still on your waist as yours rested on his biceps
 “All done to smash it?” Your smile fell and shook your head
“I have less than an hour to learn one of my teammate’s points, she couldn’t come and the professor’s want all the information” You started talking quickly, you started waving your hands a bit “I-I” You shook your head “I don’t think I can make it, like… I barely know mine” You laughed nervous “And Samuel is supposed to come with the empanaditas for the judges but I haven’t been able to reach out for him in the whole morning, the guys are getting impatient and I don’t have any more excuses as to why he isn’t here already” You took a deep breath feeling Pablo grab your hands “I’m not ready, I’ll not make it” You shook your head “I wanna leave, I wanna cry and throw up to be honest”
“Hey, hey” He said repeatedly “Where’s your mom?” He asked
“Already inside, so is dad and so are my brothers” You said
“And where are those empandas?”
“In my house”
“Ok, I have my key with me” He said nodding “I’ll go look for them, bring them back here and see you smash that thing, you meanwhile get pretty, don’t cry and read that fuckers teammate point”
“Pablo, no! Once you are in, you can’t come out!”
“You forgot I’m Barca’s golden boy, I’ll use everything I have and own but you’ll have me and those empanadas watching you and being proud of you, mi niña” He kissed your cheek quickly “I’ll go!”
He left you with your mouth full of words, after you didn’t see him, smiled widely.
He is the golden boy and when he wants something, he gets it, you couldn’t help but looked at your watch 9.05am; you sighed mentally hoping for him to get back in 25minutes, but as time went by, there was no signal of Pablo.
Your teammates were already in line to enter, you were last seeing as you were the one who closed the presentation and answered the questions, you sighed 9.30 and Pablo hadn’t make it. You were shaking, tears pooling in your eyes the words on the paper weren’t clear as they were before.
“¡Mi niña!” You heard his voice and turned around, Pablo was there jogging up to you. You sighed once more, this time in relief and ran not caring of your heels up to him
“You made it” You whispered feeling some tears roll down on your face
“Of course I did” He whispered “Had Pedri to drive me around, probably made him break a few laws, have to pay him those too” You laughed letting go of him “Hey, no. Don’t cry”
“It’s just too much” Pablo carefully, not wanting to ruin your makeup, wiped your tears away “Thank you” He smiled kissing your cheek
“No problem at all”
“No, really. Thank you. You have saved my ass once more” You grabbed the plastic bag full of the empanaditas “But, you have to get inside there, right now or you won’t be able to get in during the next forty seconds”
“Forty seconds leaves me time to do something…” He grabbed your hands “Smash it like you always have done, Y/N. Whatever happens I’m proud of you and I know you’ve worked so hard for this. You got it” You nod “Stop crying, that doesn’t make you look as pretty as you truly are” You laughed lightly “You can even give me the paper so if you forget about something, you can rely on me, I will pay attention to the words” You laugh once more giving him the paper
“And don’t fucking care about him. You’ve got your family in there… And you’ve got me, since always and ‘till forever”You smiled nodding, his arms wrapped around you “Te quiero y sé que esto no es nada comparado con lo que tú puedes hacer, guarda esos nervios para el platillo de verdad” You laughed feeling him tighten his arms around you, joining your foreheads
“I will do”
“You’re the fucking boss, mi niña. Smash it” One of your teammates called you signaling you it was time, you felt Pablo kiss your cheek
“Go” You said separating from him; he smiled jogging to the forum “Martín!” He turned around “¡Te quiero!” He smiled blowing you a kiss before entering.
Your eyes never left his while waiting your turn; both of you smiling at each other and when it was your time, your eyes searched his whenever you thought you’d forget something but you didn’t.
You managed your way, walking slowly from a place to the other showing confidence, supporting yourself onto your guys material and even cracked a few jokes along the way that made the judges and the entire audience laugh, you spoke with a smile on your face and a radiant light on your aura. You answered all the team questions with ease, as if someone had asked you, what’s your favorite food, Pablo’s heart swelled with proud watching you smash your presentation even though, you were crying a few minutes before that.
“Congratulations!” You hugged your family with a big smile on after you were out, your brothers had a little card with your name in it and cheering you on, you laughed at their silliness 
“Where’s Pablo?” You asked curious after hugging your family when you felt an arm wrap around your waist and lift you up in the air turning you around
“Pablo’s here!” He said after putting you down, you laughed turning to face him
“You’re crazy!”
“You love me like that!”
“Why did you left?” He smiled pulling out from his back his other arm; a bouquet of your favorite flowers were in front of you. You laughed feeling tears come up to your eyes “You didn’t have to” You whispered shaking your head with a smile on and accepting the flowers
“I know I didn’t. But I wanted to” He said with a loving smile “You deserve this and more though” Pablo smiled pulling both of his arms around you to keep you close to him “If it was for me, I would gifted you something more extravagant” You laughed “…But I know you like simple things”
“Simple things are the best” You replied
“They are” He agrees “But you deserve to be spoiled too” You shake your head “Stop crying” He shaked you a bit
“They’re happy tears, I swear” He with the pad of his thumbs, wiped your tears “Thank you”
“Don’t” He shook his head lightly “Don’t thank me. I will do anything for you in a heartbeat, Y/N/N” You smiled “Don’t let anyone ruin this big day for you, especially him” Pablo whispered as your smile slowly fell
“He’s good” You said “He loves me and he must have a good reason for not showing up today”
“If he doesn’t prioritizes you then he’s not good”
You looked down at the flowers, sighing. “He has to have a really good reason, he has never forgot something when it comes to me and much less something big as this is” You shrugged your shoulders. You truly hoped he had a good reason.
Even though, Pablo and your family had taken you out to eat, tried to lift your mood and got you to laugh sometimes, you were constantly checking on your phone to see if there were any messages of him. Nothing.
You thought you did a good job at hiding it but Pablo had read you completely. He sighed sadly. He was serious and he meant it when he said you deserved everything and better.
Your mood that day was halfway ruined. You wished you had all of your loved ones with you but Samuel was missing and the worst of everything it was that he never texted you that night to come up with some excuse, it broke your heart and for the first time in your entire relationship with him, you cried yourself to sleep.
You never liked the feeling of being forgotten ever since your parents confused their picking you up time you felt so bad, you started crying and crying, that much you had to sleep with them that night, you only had felt that way twice times in your whole life. And you never liked it. Three, now. Counting Samuel’s.
You woke up next day with a strong headache, ten messages of Pablo and the five messages of Samuel, you didn’t wanted to keep on reading on your phone.
Pablo Páez Buenos días. How are you feeling? I’m sorry Samuel is an ass Please don’t let him ruin your mood ever again I saw you yesterday and I wouldn’t like to see you like that again. Much less for a boy. Te quiero mucho Would you like to spend the day with me? Aurora and my family will come later; they are hoping to see you.  Text me whenever you can, please
Samu✨💖 Preciosa I’m sorry I completely forgot about it And I feel so mad at myself Have dinner with me tonight to make up for it?
You sighed, head throbbing with a headache for crying so much. It was too early to be debating yourself from this kind of things, so you just picked Pablo’s message and replied a single yes, you’ll face Samuel later.
“So… Are you coming for dinner with Rora with my parents or what?” Pablo asked calling you while having lunch, he was training today.
Your eyebrows furrowed hearing him ask that
“I told you yes, that I wanted to go” You say confused “It’s been a while since I’ve seen them, so yes”
“You didn’t told me anything”
“Yes I did” You say nodding
“No, you didn’t”
“Páez, I messaged you this morning”
“Y/L/N, you did not messaged me this morning. I haven’t heard of you since last night until right now that I’m talking to you”
You laughed in disbelief “The joke’s not funny” You said
“It isn’t a joke, mi niña”
But it truly wasn’t a joke because as if on cue, a message of Samuel appeared on your screen
Samu✨💖 Dinner is reserved Meet me there at 7?
You groaned sighing
“What? What’s wrong?” He asked while drinking a bit of his water
“I was so sleepy in the morning, I did texted” You nodded “But instead of texting you, I texted Samuel” You sighed, Pablo looked at you before laughing
“Cancel on him”
“I can’t just cancel on him, Pabs”
“Yes, you can. He didn’t showed up!”
“But I’m not him, Pablito” You shook your head “He’s sorry and he’s already done reservations” You sighed “I really wanted to see Belén tho”
“I’ll let her know that” He smiled lightly “What hour’s the date?”
“It’s 2.36” You nod
“I know how to read the hour, thanks” He laughed lightly
“What you gonna do?”
“Obviously go, he’s my boyfriend”
“Doesn’t act like one” You roll your eyes ignoring his statement
“…See why he didn’t showed up and…”
“…And hopefully get laid” You replied laughing watching Pablo’s eyebrows lift up impressed with the honesty “I don’t know, I’m stressing out so much these days”
“Wow” That’s all he said. You kept on laughing “Don’t tell me the details if that happens, please”
“I wasn’t going to anyway” You shook your head sighing, both of you stayed in silence for a few seconds “But he’s just that good-”
“Xavi’s calling!”
“I’m joking, I’m joking” You said smiling
“I don’t like you sometimes”
“You love me everytime”
“Yeah, yeah, whatever helps you sleep at night” Pablo shook his head, staying in silence for a few seconds.
You furrowed your eyebrows seeing him a bit sad so suddenly “Something’s wrong?” He shook his head, smiling a bit
“Everything’s fine. I gotta go, Lewy’s calling me”
“But he’s not-”
The words died in your mouth as Pablo hung up the call; you kept on staring and the black screen of your phone for a few seconds before letting it fall a bit roughly against the surface of your eating table. You sighed feeling a bit mad for not knowing what had happened to Pablo and why did he left you so suddenly, you were also tired even if you had slept until two hours ago, you weren’t feeling the best.
You picked your phone again, looking at Samuel’s text and another wave of indescribable and many feelings came rushing into you, mixed feelings.
 Suddenly you didn’t wanted to go at the restaurant, the dressing up thing seemed a lot to you right now, you preferred to be at home or have a nice car ride with him, you wanted Samuel to come and look out for you, take care of you and mend everything these past few weeks have been with him, in the simplest way possible.
But you also wanted to put Samuel to the side and have the greatest of times with your best friend, to take care of Pablo and him of you. He seemed down so suddenly and you wanted to know what had happened to him that made him act like that.
You were conflicted and you hated it.
Opening your camera roll, you scrolled through pictures trying to clear a bit your mind but it was as if fate decided you to choose right now, after a picture of you and Samuel, last week at one of your friend’s house, you remembered you had three days without fighting and you were over the moon, you never liked fighting with your loved or close ones.
It was the both of you sat in the grass with the Christmas light hanging in the tree behind you both, she had decorated for the get-together and you always had loved decorated trees. Samuel had said something making you laugh hysterically as he smiled against your cheek. And that’s how the picture was taken by one of his friends.
You cuddled up to him, head thrown back a bit laughing as he looked at you with a big smile on, his dimples appearing and his eyes scrunching up a bit in a cute way. You smiled looking at the picture, you really liked Samuel and you knew you could fall for him and mostly if you could stop all of these fights that have been happening, for you both, constantly.
Swiping to the next picture, you found one of you and Pablo in his apartment doing a movie night, taken by Pablo himself. You loved this picture because Pablo almost never truly smiles in pics, he’s just tight smiling, side smiling, smirking or simply not smiling at all, in this one he had fully smiled showing his teeth and something that you loved of Pablo was his toothy smile.
The pic itself was beautiful even if it was taken while the two of you were looking a bit bad and fooling around, you were doing a peace sign with one hand with duck lips and closed eyes, the other around Pablo’s shoulders bringing him into you as he was simply smiling.
Your thumb moved around watching both pictures, until you decided and made up your mind.
Pablo had made himself known he didn’t wanted you like you wanted him unlike Samuel who wanted you and fought for you and you were going to do the same for him back, they were stupid and simple fights and you could get out of them. He was your boyfriend whilst Pablo was, is and will always be your best friend.
You left your phone on the table Samuel pic shown and you smiled on your way to doll yourself up for him, for your boyfriend and hoping that you could solve everything going on between the two of you for good.
You figured if Pablo had something, he would tell you straight away. And if he didn’t, you could always get it out of him for yourself and help him, like the best friend you were and will always be. You couldn’t let some simple fights and his comforts, get in the way to your relationship and mess with your head and heart.
Time was nearly 7pm when you finished and hailed a cab to get you towards the restaurant, when you arrived the restaurant, you texted him letting him know you were already there
“Can I get you something, ma’am?” You smiled shaking your head politely at the waiter
“I’m waiting for someone, thank you” He smiled
“If you need anything, you can call me” You nodded your head lightly
“Will do, thank you” And with that the waiter left
Truth to be told, you lost count of the amount of times the waiter had asked you if you wanted something to eat or where ready to order, you always answered with the same phrase “I’m waiting for someone, thank you”. You stopped watching the hour, when you realized you saw that three hours have passed, you were tired of sending him messages, you wanted to cry
“Miss” The same waiter said giving you a little white container
“I didn’t order anything”
“I know you didn’t but I’m sorry for your date. You deserve someone better” He sadly smiled at you “We’re closing already” You nodded fighting the tears, stood up and left a few bills on the table
“Thank you so much” You said and left the restaurant.
You asked once more for a taxi and fought all the way back to your house the tears that threatened to spill from your eyes. You had no energy to fight him; you didn’t had energy to cry anymore. You were on autopilot mode taking off your heels, undid your hair, cleaned your face and took off your dress pulling a random but comfy shirt.
Your phone never rang with an apology text or with a call. And you went to sleep with a heavy heart that night, tears falling and falling from your eyes. Once more being forgotten
Next day rolled in and your phone had rang multiple times but you weren’t in the mood to face an ‘I’m sorry I forgot’ kind of thing from Samuel so when the door of your room was opened you pretended to be asleep.
“¡Joder, Y/N!” You heard Pablo’s voice and instantly relaxed a bit “Why aren’t you answering my calls or texts? I was going mad thinking something had happened to you! It’s almost 5 in the evening, loca!” You heard his footsteps for seconds before you felt the bed dip in “Y/N?” His hand shook your shoulder a bit “Y/N” He shook harder “You’ve always been a heavy sleeper, mi niña” He chuckled and that made you smile a bit
But then you sniffed
“Y/N? You’re awake?”
You cursed yourself out and held in your breath
“Y/N, you’re awake. I know you” You sighed knowing what was coming.
He pulled down the blanket that was covering your whole frame
“Hi” Your voice cracked but still tried to make a smile for him
“Maldición, what happened?” You sighed closing your eyes; you shook your head and tried to pull the blanket back up again “No, Y/N. What happened? Why are you crying?
You stayed silent before letting yourself cry again, you felt Pablo’s arms around you.
“Y/N, baby” You felt Pablo get underneath the covers and pulled you into his embrace “No, no, no. Don’t cry, mi niña”
“He forgot” You said into Pablo’s neck “I was there.” You shook your head “I was there the whole night, looking like a stupid little girl… He never answered his phone, people giving me pity looks and I hated it” You sniffed grabbing him tighter “I did my hair just the way he likes it, I dressed up with his favorite color, I did myself for him yesterday” You cried “And he never showed up. He never answered my calls nor my texts. He forgot about me, about us, I-” You stopped your ranting, crying
“I’m gonna kill that guy” Pablo said moving around but you clinged onto him
“Don’t leave please” You whispered making Pablo’s heart break.
He had saw you pass several heartbreaks, he had seen you cry for men who in the first place never deserved you, he had always been there for you for each and every single one of them but this was the first time he had seen you suffer for a guy while he was in love with you.
This was a whole reset. Pablo didn’t know what to do, say or treat you like, to make you feel safe and forget about Samuel; Pablo hated the fact you were hurting over a stupid guy who didn’t deserved you meanwhile he was there dying to reach out for you, fill your heart, body and life with the happiness and love you truly deserve.
He really wanted to go towards Samuel’s house and make him regret every single little thing, he had been doing to you these past few months, the constant fights at the beginning were because of stupid little things but they keep going on and on and it was more often you spending your night at Pablo’s, even though he never complained, he loved spending time with you but he never liked you crying and sad.
He felt rage and all he could see was beating Samuel up but at the second you clinged into him, he softened and his rage turned into care, his arms tightened around you, his lips let a kiss on your hairline and he pulled you into him
“He’s a tremendo gilipollas” You chuckled a bit and sniffed
“I should’ve listened to you and cancel on him” You whispered after a little while “I’m sure I could have spent the most amazing time with my Páez Gavira family”
“Mom misses you too, by the way” You smiled “She asked you to call her” You nod sniffing
“I will do, later” You got your face out from his chest and smiled at him softly “I’m sorry about wetting your shirt” He looked down at his shirt
“You left a bit of snot there” He joked as you scoffed
“I’m gonna look for another shirt for you” He pulled your wrist, getting you on top of him again
“I don’t care about some moco or lágrimas on my shirt. I care for you to be happy” He smiled back at you and leaned down to kiss your cheek “What do you say if we bake something? Your favorite? We can’t let you keep going this way the whole day”
“I love you so much, you know? I’m so glad I’ve you as my best friend, Pabs” You said smiling as his heart softly broke hearing you be-friend him
Guess it’s my turn to feel it. Pablo thought
“I love you too, mi niña. And I’m always going to be here for you, whenever and wherever you need me”
“I kinda feel bad though, you shouldn’t be here looking after me and my romantic fails”
“I can and I will” Pablo smiled kissing your cheek and lifting himself from your body “Now, c’mon. Let’s make some good treats for us and have a skin care night, my cutis needs one of those olive face masks of yours”
“Are we ready to party?!” Pedri and Gavi yelled out coming to your house as you lifted your eyes from your paper work
“Am I getting a thing for this exam?!”
“YES?” Pedri asked as you huffed
“No” You whine
“C’mon, let’s distress tonight” Gavi said putting his head in your shoulder, his hands going around your waist and Pedri lifted his eyebrows as you tried not to blush or smile
“I can’t, I have this big exam on Wednesday and I don’t understand a thing from it”
“But today’s Friday” Gavi said 
“I know”
“You still have five days for it”
“I know”
“Then take a break” You whined
“I can’t, Pablo”
“Don’t call me that”
“It’s your name”
“Not for you!” You smiled lightly
“I would love to, guys. But I can’t”
“Yes, you can” Pedri said “I bet you have like five hours going on with this”
“Five hours?” Gavi scoffed “Better said whole day” You roll your eyes “Have you even ate something?” You nod
“I did. Was feeling too hungry for my own good” Pablo smiled opting to sit down besides you
It has been four days since your failed date with Samuel, he has been texting you but you were giving him the cold shoulder ever since, only replying one message saying: ‘Not in the mood to talk to you, right now. We’ll chat later’ and archived his messages.
“That’s good though” He smiled showing off his teeth “But seriously, get your pretty ass up from this chair and get ready to relax for a while”
“Pablo, no!” You whine softly as he shook his head grabbing your hand and getting you out of the chair
“Pablo, yes! You’ll thank me later for this”
“WAIT-NO! PABLO!” You yelled out as he lifted you on his back as if nothing and walked with you towards your room
“Get pretty and get ready. Pedri and I will wait for you downstairs”
You knew best than try to fight him so you did what he had asked you to, get pretty and get ready for a night out with your favorite boys since it’s been a while since you got one.
“Where are we going?” You asked after a little while
“A que Ansu” Pedri said smiling
“Will there be a lot of people there?”
“Hopefully not” Gavi turned to look at you “, but we already know how Ansu is” You laugh lightly “Don’t worry. I will not let you alone”
“What about the chicks?” Pedri asked jokingly winning a deadly glare from Pablo
“I don’t care about the chicks”
“You can get someone though” You said softly “You don’t have to stop yourself from getting fun because of me”
“I’m not stopping myself from anything, Y/N. I simply don’t want to leave you” He shrugged a bit “I’m more than okay being with you, I don’t need a random girl who just wants me because I’m Pablo Gavi, I just need you” He said looking at you in the eye as you smiled softly 
“Ah, Y/N… You got the golden boy whipped” Pedri joked as Pablo glared at him and you laughed brushing his comment off and not paying too much attention to it.
“He’s just being a good friend”
“No. I’m just being normal… I’m being Pablo” He looked at you “Your Pablo”
“You’re getting too sappy”
“You like that”
“Sure” You spoke with sarcasm and Pedri laughed turning the car to the left, Ansu’s house being visible
“C’mon” Pedri said after parking “Let’s go and have a good time” He smiled as Pablo opened the door for you and helped you get out
You greeted Ansu, Alejandro, Ronald, Frenkie, Christensen, Raphinha, almost everyone of the squad, their girlfriends and wives with a warm smile and a warm hug. Immediately, the guys chatted with you for a bit, when Gavi came up to you with a drink
“Know you don’t like Tequila and that you have to focus tomorrow for your exam. So don’t worry, this is just Coca-Cola” You smiled at him and leaned a bit to kiss his cheek
“Thanks” You murmured feeling him wrap his arm around you and pull you into him
“Let’s sit” Pablo offered with a light smile on as you nod
The night was going on great, you laughed, danced for a bit with Pedri and then Gavi who claimed Pedri was stealing you way too much and had a great time in general, until Ansu decided to post a picture of you, Gavi, Pedri, Alejandro, himself and their respective girls, flings or friends and post it on his Best-Friends Instagram story.
You don’t know how, not when, not anything like that but somehow Samuel had seen the story and soon when you were laughing at something Gavi was telling you, Samuel came in cutting your whole night short and threw your mood away.
You didn’t wanted to see him, still not ready to talk to him and forgive him for what he had done in the day of your presentation and the day after with the restaurant thing. Gavi clearly saw the whole thing and was a bit upset
“What are you doing here, bonita? Why didn’t you invited me? This is nice!”
“Pedri and Gavi brought me here. The invited doesn’t invite” You said serious before giving him your back
“But Ansu is my friend! I’m sure he would’ve loved me here”
“You already are here, hermano” Gavi said “You can stop the ranting and just enjoy the night”
“Nah! Mind your business, Gavira”
Pablo opened his mouth but you put a hand on top of his, slightly shaking your head
“Please don’t” You begged “I just want to enjoy tonight” Pablo nodded at you
“If you want him out-” You cut Pablo off
“I do” You nod “I’m not ready to face him but he’s already here. This isn’t your house for you to kick him out nor either is your party” You sighed “We’re just invited”
“I’m best friends with the owner of the house”
“Still, Samu is friends with the guys, they don’t know our problems and they will like him being here. Let’s just forget about everything, okay? Let’s enjoy ourselves” You patted his thigh sending him a little smile
“Just for you” He said after a few seconds, your smile widening “But still, if he does something to you, just tell me” You nod rolling your eyes
“Will do”
“Promise?” He showed his pinky, making you shake your head lightly
“Promise, mi lindo” You linked your pinky with his and you bottled out of your bubble
The night was good, both you and Pablo were almost ignoring all the way Samuel, who was each time more and more insistent on having your attention
Tarot was playing and you were once more dancing with Gavi, you probably looked like a hypocrite, your boyfriend asked you a few minutes ago to dance but you declined saying you were tired but when Gavi asked if you wanted to dance you extended your hand and let him lead you to the dance floor
You were dancing and singing to the song with Pablo goofing around with him when you felt a hand on your shoulder, you turned around and saw Samuel
“Dance with me?” You softly shook your head
“I don’t want to”
“Please, just one dance. I miss my girlfriend” He said and you raised your eyebrows
“I’m still mad for what you did” You shook your head in disbelief “Please, I really don’t want to be near you right now”
“Y/N-” Pablo cut him off
“She said she doesn’t want to and that she wants you to leave her alone, please. Can you understand that?”
“Mind your business”
“Her business are mine too, so please step aside. Let her be”
“Our relationship doesn’t involve you, kid” Samuel pushed Pablo by the shoulders
“What did you just called me?” Pablo asked rage going all around his body; he marched towards Samuel but you quickly intervened putting yourself in front of the Sevillano
“He isn’t worth it, Pabs; don’t let him get to you. You’re not a kid; you’re more man than anyone in this room, please. Don’t put yourself into his level” You whispered but your words got in one of Pablo’s ears and went out of the other, hell, he wasn’t even looking at you even if you joined both of your foreheads whilst talking
Pablo softly pulled you out of his front and stepped up to Samuel
“I called you what you are, a fucking kid”
“Hijo de tú put-” You pulled Pablo back by his shoulder but he got himself out of your grasp
“Stop” You somehow got in the middle of them “I said stop” You looked both guys before your gaze stayed on Pablo “Please” Each one of your hands were placed in the guys chest, preventing their movement
“Step aside bonita” Samuel said taking off your hand softly and moving closer
“Yes, Y/N. Step aside” Pablo agreeded
“The fucking I will move from here. Stop” Your voice started shaking “I will dance with you; I will do anything, Samuel. Just fucking stop. Stop” You pleaded “This is a party, to have a good time not to fight”
“It was” Samuel said “But this fucker wants to get my girl and insert his nose in places he shouldn’t and I’m not gonna allow it”
“Your girl doesn’t want to be with you because you’re an asshole and a shitty boyfriend; I’m just being a good best friend, a human and a reasonable man to treat her how she deserves to be treated, not forgetting her at restaurants and pulling stupid stunts. Shame on you to treat such a wonderful girl like she’s nothing” Samuel smirked and pulled you out of the middle
“Well… My girl, my treatments”
“Pablo” You warned grabbing his arm trying to pull him back but it was a failure, he was angry and he was stronger than you, Pablo squared up once more to Samuel. Both of their faces separated by millimeters
“Eres un tremendo gilipollas” Pablo said
Your eyes devised Pedri who was already coming over with Fernando, his older brother behind him. You silently thanked him for noticing, the loudness of the music wouldn’t have done anything if you called for any of the guys.
“Yeah? This gilipollas is breaking your legs, golden boy” He mocked Gavi’s title “Calling yourself a man when all you can do is run around the field, acting like a little kid, stomping your feet, doing rabietas and run into the other players because you don’t know how to play for shit”
Pablo smiled angrily before launching himself at Samuel, when Pedri grabbed him in the perfect moment and Fer grabbed Samuel, the other lads noticed this and they instantly went up to help.
You were surprised by Pablo, he had undone himself from Pedri’s, Lewandowski’s, Raphinha’s, Araujo’s, Alejandro’s, Diego’s (One of his childhood friends) and Sergio’s hold, meanwhile Samuel was controlled by Ansu, Ferran, Eric and Fer.
You decided to step in for Pablo “Please, stop. This isn’t funny anymore, Pabs” You begged feeling tears up in your eyes, your hands went to touch his face but he refused pushing your hands away
“I’m gonna kill him” He growled
“No, you won’t” You said grabbing his arms but he let himself go rudely which startled you and made you lose your footing.
You would have fallen to the floor if it wasn’t for Alejandro who quickly saw it and helped you, still your ankle suffered a bit. You whimpered out in pain, Pablo’s eyes quickly softening as seeing you in pain
“¡Dios mío, joder!” He kneeled down besides you, worry written on his face “I’m so sorry, mi niña” He said going to touch your hands but now it was you who didn’t wanted his touch
“Well done, football star” Samuel said also kneeled down besides you, he wrapped his arm around your waist
“Look, cabrón-” You cut Pablo off
“Shut up!” You exclaimed, you were angry with him, angry with Samuel and angry to the fact that you had to end up with a bruised ankle to make them both stop “I don’t want to talk to both of you right now, I came here to relax, to forget about everything” You looked at Samuel first who looked down in shame and then to Pablo who sniffed not being able to meet your gaze “and here I am with a bruised ankle. I told you both to stop and both of you acted like fucking children!” You sniffed not being able to hold the tears anymore “I wanna get out of here”
“I’ll take you” Samuel said quickly
“She came with me, she can leave with me”
“I’m not leaving with any of you!” You exclaimed angry once more “If I have to take a fucking Uber, I’ll take it. If I have to walk all the way to my house or any place I want to, I will do it. But I don’t want to see both of your faces for a long while” Alejandro helped you stand up but you whimpered once more not being able to
Pedri got close and helped you get out of your heels, you hissed when his hand came in contact with the injured part
“Sorry, cariño” He said “Gotta take it off” You whimpered a bit when he was almost done, you heard Pedri hiss a bit “We gotta go to the hospital, this is turning blue” You groaned
This wasn’t how you expected to spend your night.
You felt Pedri helping you get up on your feet “Want my shoes?” He asked but you declined
“Just want this night to end as soon as possible” You murmured
“Y/N-” Pablo said stopping in front of you but you shook your head
“Just shut up” You pleaded and watched how Pablo’s mood shifted to a sad one
“I’m sorry”
It’s all he said before letting you go but before that he heard you murmur a little
“I shouldn’t even have gotten out of the house today” And he knew in that moment he had fucked it up once more but he couldn’t do anything else besides stand there and watch you leave doing little jumps with Pedri
“See what you have done?” He heard Samuel’s voice
“I’m not gonna talk to you, cabrón” Pablo replied “Y/N just got hurt because of you”
“Me? You were the one who pushed her”
“I didn’t pushed her”
“Guys” Ansu called “I think you should leave it. We don’t want another accident to happen” Pablo sighed nodding at his friend’s words “Samuel, thanks for coming man but I think you should leave” Samuel without saying anything else nodded and left “You too, Pablito”
“Don’t play yourself the innocent” Ferran said “You should’ve done what Y/N told you”
“He kept on calling me names, saying things”
“And she told you to not pay attention to those things” Ferran nodded “And now, she’s hurt. You brought her here to have a good time, to take her worries away but instead you created new ones” Pablo sighed knowing his friends were right.
Without fighting, Pablo waved goodbye and left the house. He texted Pedri on his way home
-Where’s she?
Pedrito González: *Sent ubication* Pedrito González: But she doesn’t want to see you, hermano
Pablo sighed feeling his heart heavy
-Is she good?
Pedrito González: Y/N is fine, can’t say the same thing about her ankle. She has to have a cast for the next five days
Pablo wanted to break his ankle himself too. Much better, give himself some good punches for ruining what it was supposed to be you relaxing night.
“She’s gonna be so mad at me. Hell, I’m mad at me as well” Pablo said before blocking his phone and walking towards his house already thinking on ways to make you forgive him
Next day he came up to your house and you raised an eyebrow, not expecting him there but knowing he was going to make an appearance sooner or later
“How are you?”
“My ankle is in a cast, I can’t walk properly, I can’t shower properly, I have to rely on Pedri to do my shopping that I always do on Saturdays whilst I’m grateful for him offering to do it, I’m not exactly a fan of him knowing what kind of pads I use, I have to do this assignment and later on study for Monday’s exam, Samuel hasn’t stopped bothering me, that much I had to turn the airplane mode on, my wifi isn’t working as quick as I would love it to, I also didn’t wanted to see the owner of my ankles disgrace today but he’s here anyway and I have to take medication for the amount of pain this injury gives me. How do you think I am?”
Pablo stood there looking at you in silence; guilty was not a correct word to express how bad he was feeling 
“Like you need more medication to work your pain away?”
“I wouldn’t even need medication if it wasn’t for yours and Samuel’s little show yesterday!” You exclaimed throwing a cushion in his way which he easily grabbed in his hold
“And I’m completely sorry because of that” Pablo said coming over to sit next to you “I’m truly, truly sorry for it. He was just being an asshole, calling me names, you know I hate when people calls me kid and-” You cut him off
“If you behave like that you are surely giving them a good reason to think you are a kid” You said “Which you aren’t by the way” You added quickly “Tienes que tener la cabeza fría, not pay attention to everyone’s words. You know you are an amazing football player and you’re also an amazing human being. We could just have ignored him and spend the rest of the night as we had done it until that moment”
“He wasn’t going to let you go”
“If he wasn’t, then we would have. We could’ve gone anywhere else, whenever we wanted to. But no!” You closed your laptop frustrated “Mister-I-get-worked-up-too-quickly couldn’t ignore a single sentence and leave with me, no! He had to act like a macho and demonstrate how he couldn’t handle his emotions, ignore my words and hurt his best friend without meaning to in the process” Pablo’s head was looking down at his lap in shame
“I’m sorry”
“I know you are” You said and he looked up at you “But you’re an idiot”
“I know I am” His reply made you smile lightly
“…My idiot”
“I am” This time he smiled “Forgive me, please?” You look at him
“With one condition” He nodded  listening to you “If next time, I tell you to stop and you don’t stop, I’m breaking your legs for you to stop playing for a very, very, very long time and don’t even think about coming over to talk to me because I will act as if I don’t know you” He nods “And I have to be your passenger princess too for whole three months straight”
“Done” He smiled “But you can be my passenger princess any time you want to” You smiled
“Also you have to massage my ankle” He gave you a look “You did it, you treat me”
“Fine” He sighed “How about I even make your shopping instead of Pedri? I already know you prefer pads instead of tampons” You smile at him “With wings”
“That’s very important” You pointed out as he laughed nodding
“Then its done” You nod
“It’s done” He hugged you tightly as you leaned into him
“For how long do you need that?”
“Four days now” He hissed
“I’m really sorry”
“Yeah, I’m about to kick your crotch too and just tell you I’m sorry”
“Please, don’t. It has already suffered a lot from those fucking players” You laugh out and soon he joined you
 And that’s how you come back to ‘normal’ with Pablo, four days pass on as he was checking in on you, like a personal nurse, he even had slept those four days in your house to, in his words “check on everything you need” but when Pablo came in with a bouncy step on his walk you knew he had something planned
“What do you want?” You asked him as soon as he appeared in your house from his training
“¿Qué? ¿Ya aquí no reciben a uno con un hola, buenas tardes, ¿Cómo estás? ¿Cómo te fue? ¿Nada??” You laughed
“Hola, buenas tardes. ¿Qué tal te fue en el training?” You asked watching a small smile appear on his face nodding
“That’s better” He said going over to kiss your cheek “Me he caído durante el entrenamiento, the guys have laughed their asses off” You smiled
“Damn. Why whenever I go to training nothing happens to you?”
“Because I try to impress you”
“Ush!” You roll your eyes “As if it would’ve worked… My eyes are always on Lewanpapi”
“Lewanwho?” You laughed out loud
“The things that man does to me… Without even trying”
“I’m joking” You giggle “Or am I?” Pablo gives you a look “I’m joking, I’m joking” Pablo smiled “I care about for Pepi, have you seen him?” You put your best shocked face as Pablo gives you another look once more “He came back hotter from that injury and I just-” You did a weird motion with your hands, face and shoulder “HE’S GORGEOUS!”
“To be honest, I don’t see Pedri as gorgeous, yes, he’s good looking but-”
“Don’t yell!” He exclaimed “And don’t lie! We both know you care for me”
“Sure, keep telling yourself that” He pushes your face away lightly as you giggle “We know deep down, like really deep and really down inside me, I care about you” He hums with a smile on
“That’s all we need to hear” You laugh
“What were you going to say?”
“Pedri” You raised your eyebrows
“My man”
“Stop it” You giggled watching his furrowed eyebrows “He��s not your man” He never liked when you joked around with Pedri, much less he’ll like it now that he knows he’s in love with you
“Sadly, we just don’t see each other in that way”
“OKAY! Serious voice, serious face, serious persona” Gavi gave you a look fighting a smile
“He invited us to a party at his house”  
“Yeah” You said slowly “Don’t count me in”
“Why not?” You pointed your non-casted ankle but still it was wrapped in some bandages
“I still can’t walk properly” Gavi rolled his eyes
“I will carry you”
“I’m on my period”
“You can spend the whole night sat if you like”
“I’m with a headache”
“Thank god, Pedri won’t put any kind of music on” You sighed
“Pabs” You shook your head “I don’t really want to go” Now, it was his turn to sigh
“I know last time wasn’t that good” You hum looking at your ankle “But you can’t be afraid of each party we get”
“I just don’t want Samuel to be there”
Samuel. Oh dear, Samuel.
You haven’t talked to him since that night, you were mad at him for him to say such things to your best friend, to treat you like that, how dare he? My girl, my treatment? What the fuck?
“Still haven’t mend things with him?” You shake your head
“And I don’t really know if we can mend things this time” You said looking at him “I mean I would love to, I love being with him, he takes care of me, he loves me, he understands me” You sigh looking down at your hands “I don’t really know what’s happening to him lately, but I am willing to give it a try”
“I think you have been the one who gives different tries to it” Pablo said as you avoided looking at him in the eyes. Pablo took a deep breath thinking if he wanted to know the answer to the question his mind had been running on lately “Y/N, do you love him?”
You looked at Pablo, sighing.
Truth was, with Samuel’s actions lately you’ve been more and more distanced of him, you stopped seeing him with other eyes, you stopped seeing him like you used to and honestly you could go on not talking to him for a whole three days, you don’t do that to somebody you love. That’s when it hit you.
You have never loved him and you weren’t even close to it. You made yourself believe you were able to love him when in fact; you just loved the attention he gave you and wrapped yourself into a bubble believing you could escape your true feelings.
Your feelings for Pablo.
When you opened your mouth to answer your apartment phone started ringing, you looked at the number and recognized it to be your mom’s. A huge wind of relief came to you knowing it wasn’t Samuel. You weren’t in the mood to also mute your local phone by throwing it against the wall.
“It’s my mom”
“Y/N, please, answer me”
“You need to go to the party”
“Go” You said before sighing “Please” You begged a little “Just go, I wanna be alone” Pablo sighed knowing you weren’t going to answer the question
“We’ll talk later” He warned
“We will” You smiled lightly.
The hug and kiss on the forehead that Pablo gave you was one of the most pure and longest ones, you’ve shared in your whole life together.
“I love you, okay? You can always talk to me about anything” He whispered as you nod
“Love you too, Pabs” You said smiling “But you gotta go and get some chick tonight” You faked excitement
“I have told you several times I don’t need some chick when I have you!”
“Yes, yes, yes. Whatever you say, loverboy. You seriously need to get laid”
“I don’t need to get laid. I’m not desperate for it!” He said in disbelief “I have my hand too!”
“ Gross!”
“It’s completely normal!”
“Just shut up, go get some; mom’s calling me” You pushed him a little, smiling and watching a smile appear on his face too, you saw him take some steps towards the corridor when you picked up the phone “Hi mom”
Samuel, Samuel… Pablo wanted to kill him.
What are the odds of finding him in the party anyway?
“What the fuck is Samuel doing here?” Pablo whisper yelled at Pedri when he saw that blonde hair, he grow to hate so much these past few weeks
“I don’t know. I haven’t talked to him in days. I didn’t invited him”
“If you didn’t. How is it possible he’s here?”
“¡Qué no lo sé, tonto! Why would I invite him knowing Y/N is feeling bad because of him?”
“How do you-?”
“She’s also my best friend”
“I came first”
“It doesn’t matter. I’m also her best friend” Pablo’s eyebrows furrowed even more if it was possible
“Stop being so jealous, fucks sake!” Pedri complained “Yes, she was your best friend first, joder!” Pablo nodded but still decided to ignore him 
“You know what? Thank god, Y/N didn’t wanted to come here tonight. I wouldn’t know what to do if I told her he’s not coming and then” Pablo smashed his palms together “Boom! He’s here”
“Yes” Pedri nodded “Also adding to the fact she can’t walk” He rubbed the fact again at Pablo
“I told her I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt her” Pedri shakes his head
“It’s already done. You” He pushed a finger into Gavi’s chest “Don’t do anything crazy tonight, just relax and forget he’s here, okay? I don’t want to explain to Y/N why her best friend ended up with a black eye and her boyfriend with a busted lip”
“Why do I have to be the one with the black eye?”
“¡Es un decir tonto!” Pedri exclaimed “Either way that won’t look good for you at matches, interviews and anything, people will start whispering and creating stories and el Mister wouldn’t like that”
“Yeah, yeah, you’re right” Pablo nodded “He’s not here. He’s not here. I’m not coming close to him, he’s not coming close to me. Each one in separate ways knowing deep down I wanna kill him”
“But you won’t”
“Pero no lo hare” Pablo repeated Pedri’s words. “Everything will be good. I promise, hermano” Pablo smiled at Pedri who nodded
Pablo spent his evening laughing with his friends, eating and drinking a cerveza but he wasn’t entirely happy knowing you weren’t there with him. He understood your reasons but still he missed you like crazy. That’s what he thought about the whole evening, you.
And, enhorabuena, he really did almost forget Samuel was there. He would have done it all the way if he hadn’t seen what he saw. He also didn’t mean to break his promise but his blood was boiling. The vase he was holding broke under his strong hold, his jaw clenched and his eyes darkened, his nose sharpened and his whole appearance changed.
Samuel, who was sat outside in the backyard had a girl on his lap, he was touching her thighs and leaving kisses on the girls neck. It got worse when he saw the girl giggle and her grabbing Samuel’s chin to kiss his lips
“¡CABRÓN!” Pablo yelled marching over to where he was, alerting Samuel of his presence, who quickly stood up, color leaving his face
“Hermano, look-” Pablo cut him off with a punch on his face
“How dare you do that to her?!” Pablo roared, serving him another punch “She loves you, estúpido! And here you are, wasting her love meanwhile others are dying for it! You never deserved her, man!”
“Others like you, right?” Samuel threw a punch at Pablo, the lads coming over to separate them but Pablo didn’t wanted to stop hitting him. He wanted to make him feel pain, he wanted to make him pay for all those things he did to you, for the stood ups, for the forgetting, the pains, the cries, the fights, everything.
And he did, he undid himself from one of his mate’s hold and punched him straight in the nose
“PARTY’S OVER!” Pedri yelled “Everyone out, now!”
As everyone left only being left Ansu, Alejandro, Diego, Ferran, Fer and Pedri
“WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?” Pedri yells once they are alone
“The motherfucker was cheating on Y/N! I couldn’t stand there and watch him kiss and touch another girl like he only should do with his girlfriend, who by the way, I may remind you is the girl I’m in love with, my best friend and whilst he’s wasting her love, I’m dying for it! I know I took a lot of time to realize that and I still can’t forgive me for that but I absolutely hate and despise cheaters, knowing my girl just got cheated on makes me sick. I couldn’t stand there, watch and not do anything”
“I get it, Pablo. I’m mad as well but still”
“Nothing, Pedri. Nothing! I don’t regret anything!” Pedri sighed shaking his head
“Let’s get you cleaned up”
“I wanna see Y/N, I wanna be with her, I want her to treat me, please”
When you open the door, you always expect seeing scout girls selling her cookies to you, some friend or a relative and maybe the delivery guy who was taking too long in come in with your food but those are the things you may expect and are normal to… What is not normal is watching your best friend with an ice pack on his cheekbone with a bloody lip.
“Joder, ¿Qué hiciste, cariño?” You asked as he lightly smiled at you
“Surprise?” You roll your eyes
"Come in, come in" You said opening the door for Pablo to step in "Won't you come inside, Pepi?" You asked watching how the Canarian shook his head with a light smile on
"He's all yours, Y/N" You rolled your eyes smiling at him "Text me how it goes" You nodded murmuring a little 'Will do'
You closed the door turning to face Pablo who was already waiting for you at the couch
You sighed slowly walking towards your bathroom where you had a first aid kit, you made a note to yourself to thank your mom for buying you one.
"Care to share how did this happened?" You asked lightly sitting in front of him grabbing his hand and taking off the ice pack
"You wouldn't like to know"
"Oh, but I'm asking you, aren't I?" He watched how you putted alcohol into a cotton wipe and pulled your hair away from your face, before turning your gaze to his
"Can I start by saying you were right?" Your eyebrows furrowed working on Pablo's lip
"Thank god, you weren't there either. Samuel was there" You hum lightly "And he was with another girl"
"Come again?"
"¡Ay! That hurts!" You quickly push your hand away not realizing you left the cotton in his skin and rather harshly, you murmured a few sorry's over and over again. "Don't worry"
"He was with another girl then?" You asked as Pablo gulped nodding "What were they…?"
"She was all over his lap as he was touching her and kissing her" Pablo pushed his head away "I'm really sorry. I found out like half an hour ago"
"Can I guess?" He hums letting you continue "That's why you got in a fight?"
"Had to protect you somehow" You smiled a bit
"Thanks for that then"
"How are you feeling?" He asked looking at you
"Like anyone who's been told they were being cheated on" You shrugged your shoulders "Like... I kind of predicted it, all this time fighting for something so stupid... But still fighting, not entirely making up...  and even though I'm not in love with him, it still hurts me, I can cry and at the same time I can throw a party and... I just don't know" You look at him “Mixed feelings”
"You don't love him?" You slowly shake your head
"I don't" You whispered moving to clean his cheekbone "But I hope he's happy" You say watching his doe eyes look at you with intensity.
"I feel sorry for him" Pablo said as you gave him a confused look
“You should be sorry for me, I got cheated on. Not him” Pablo shook his head
"He’s a bastard for cheating on you, you will never deserve that. You’re a queen and need to be treated as one”
“Not at those extremes but still” You shook your head "I'm not taking it to heart, Pabs. I, either way, would have ended it with him. You can stop that" You giggled lightly
"I'm not trying anything" Pablo shook his head lightly “I don’t think you’re getting my point, Y/N”
“I’m not honestly”
“I feel sorry for him because he let go such a beautiful and gorgeous woman not only on the outside but also in the inside. Any man who gets to be with you should consider himself as the luckiest man ever in the world. You just are so wonderful, so precious. You’re kind, lovely, incredibly smart, sassy, sarcastic, fucking positive, always seeing the good side of everything and everyone, selfless, understanding, you’re one of a kind. You love and care for those who you love with everything you have, you’d fight for them, you’d die for them. You need to be loved and cared with the same, if not more, intensity”
“I know you’re independent and that’s so fucking fine, it’s a really turn on” He chuckled in disbelief “But you need a man that can fulfill all of your needs, he was lacking everything and it hurt me like hell because…” He suddenly stopped his ranting
“Because what?” You whispered
“Because I was dying! Wishing to be the one to be by your side, I wished to be in Samuel’s spot, because I’m in love with you!” Pablo exclaimed standing up “I know I messed up back ago when you told me your feelings and I didn’t reciprocated them and it’s because I didn’t realized them at the moment but ever since you left that night my apartment I have been dying on the inside. I wanted to call you, hear your voice, see you, text you and I wanted you to reply, to call me, I wanted you to keep wanting me!” Pablo ran his hands through his hair biting his bottom lip as you could only sit there and follow his moves with your eyes
“I realized my feelings too late, during the WC, you didn’t come and you didn’t talked to me that time so I couldn’t say it back and then in the beginnings of this year, when I finally see you, you threw me off with Samuel being your boyfriend, I saw you be so happy, you were moving on and I was stuck with you” He started pacing around “¡Joder!” He cursed when he passed one of his hands in his injuries.
You gave him the cotton wipe and he grabbed it putting it against his eyebrow
“We were recovering our friendship, you were in a relationship and I couldn’t just sweep in and say: Hey! I realized I’m in love with you” He put on a different voice managing to get a small smile out of you “I couldn’t when you were so happy with him by your side, so I stayed quiet, I loved you in silence during all these past months, seeing him kiss you, touch you, love you were hell for me because I wanted to be the one to do that” He sighed “But seeing him tonight doing that to you whilst I wanted to be in his boyfriend position with you, I saw every color of the rainbow and wanted to throw them at his face” You laughed lightly “I just kept thinking I would never do that to you if you were my girlfriend, hell I wouldn’t even fight you! You say the sky is green? Yes, it is. That cats can drive? They can. That the milk comes first before the cereal? It does. I would care, love and cherish you until the day I die. Not like he did."
He looked at you and you looked at him “Please, say something” He begged
“I say you need another cotton wipe, the one you’re holding has too much blood in it already”
“This isn’t time to act like a nurse, mi niña” Pablo whispered but still decided to give you the cotton
“What do you want me to say, Pabs?” You sighed standing up to be face to face with him, he was still a bit taller than you but nothing too much to make a deal for it, you went to put the clean wipe on his cut but he softly pushed your hand away
“I love you” He said looking straight into your eyes “I’m in love with you”  
You were left in silence just looking at him.
You couldn’t process what he was saying. It couldn’t be possible for him to be in love with you. He was just your best friend, even he had said that!
“Please, tell me you’re joking” You finally whispered as you watched his face fall
“I’m not”
“You have to be” You said shaking your head “You absolutely don’t mean that, you are drunk and even mad at what Samuel did and you’re trying to comfort me with that, nice but I won’t fall for it”
“I’m not drunk, I only took dos cervezas during the whole night” He exclaimed
“You’re lightweight then”
“I’M NOT!” Pablo yelled a bit “I do am in love with you. Yes, I’m also so freaking mad at Samuel but I’m not drunk, I know what I’m saying is truth, Y/N”
“I’ll stay single, it’s okay” You ignored his words
“I don’t want you to be single” Pablo whined lightly “I want you to be in a relationship with me!”
“But you don’t want that! You’re saying it just because! You don’t mean any of this!”
“Fucking hell, I’m the one who knows how I’m feeling! And what I’m feeling is love for you and to you!”
“Don’t lie!” You exclaimed
“I’M-!” He cut himself off, taking a deep breath before letting it out “I’m not lying, Y/N, joder! ¡Te quiero, te amo!”
This was too much for you. He can’t just come back after months and pour his love for you as if nothing. You just got cheated on, you realized earlier that same night you were still head over heels for your best friend, he came to your house all beaten up, you treating him up… You couldn’t. You needed to process this.
“I’m… No… I gotta go” You said turning around and walking quickly even if you shouldn’t do it, you needed to get out of there now.  
You heard Pablo’s repeated calls of your name as you got out of your house, whimpering a little as the weight on your body fell on your ankle
“I’m not letting you go”
“Please, I need time to think about this. I promise I will talk to you”
“Just like you promised some time ago? You left me waiting five months, Y/N”
“I told you I needed time to myself, to think” You sighed “This won’t be like the last time”
“I feel it can be worse” You whined
“I swear I won’t disappear, I just need to process all of this. I just got cheated on, the guy I told I was in love with him is declaring his love for me right now after he said he could only see me as his best friend, I’m not walking, I’m stressing for Uni and I just need time to think a few hours” You looked up at him “Please, I swear I’ll talk to you. Just let me think”
“Come back to me, please” He whispered as you nodded entering your car. You smiled at him and pulled your window down
“Martín?” He nodded “Te quiero” He smiled
“Y yo a ti” He said as you started driving out of your porch. You grabbed your phone and dialed the one person who could help you with this
“Are you at home?”
“Did you know Pablo’s in love with me?”
“For a very long time”
“Can I come over? I need somebody to talk to, Pepi”
“I’m waiting for you, bonita”
“So… Everything he said, it’s true” You murmured. It was halfway past midnight and you’ve been with Pedri for the past three hours
“You didn’t believed him” You took a deep breath
“I didn’t wanted him to just talk because of pity, because I got cheated on, I didn’t wanted him to create that world for to make me or make himself feel better for the fact I’m still in love with him”
“He has never told you this, but he cried when he learned the fact you weren’t going to go to the WC, he cried in his room when he didn’t saw you in the stands after he scored and he cried once more in Arabia Saudi at Supercopa when he saw you being there, whilst changing in the locker room, that day, was the happiest I’ve seen him after your failed confession night”
“Thanks for reminding me it was failed” You both shared a laugh
“He was a wreck at trainings, Xavi even gave him three days off but it seemed worse because all he could do was stare at the pics of the two of you. We already knew he loved you but it was a surprise for all of us when he finally admitted it and it seemed too late. These months he has been at the edge with Samuel, simply watching how you gave yourself to other man meanwhile he knew he had that chance in the past, when you started fighting with him it was worse; Pablo wanted to strangulate him” You giggled nodding
“He told me that several times”
“And tonight was his finish line. He was crying in rage, he felt offended for the fact someone could cheat on you, he didn’t cared the fact he could get a call from Xavi tomorrow, he was repeating I wouldn’t do that to her every once in a while in the car ride to yours. He really does love you, Y/N. It’s up to you if you wanna give him a chance or not”
“I want to” You sighed “It’s all I’ve ever wanted since I was fourteen” You admitted
“Then go and do it”
“I need to do something first though” You smiled at Pedri eating more popcorn  
“Yeah? ¿Le darás Mariachis?” You fake laughed
“He wishes I would” You smile shaking your head “It’s something better”
“Bueno, se lo darás mañana. It’s too late for us to be awake”
“Yes, oldman”
“¡HEY!” You smiled
“Are you sure he’s in his house?” You ask getting into your car
“Yes, I just left him there” Your phone dinged with another message notification it was from Pablo checking in up on you “…Did you really broke up with Samuel whilst throwing his clothes dentro del charco de agua?”
“I did. I completely ruined his leather jacket” You swiped the notification away
“Eso hurts” You shrugged your shoulders
“He deserved it tho”
“Yes, he did” You could feel Pedri’s smile “Now, go and get your angry bird” You shook your head smiling
“Will do”
You have been to his house million times before, but this time could change everything. You even had a key to it but you didn’t dare to use it today. It was really cold in Barcelona; it was raining half an hour ago but you were sweating your ass off. You knocked the door three times, you were even shaking and you looked at the sides over and over
The door opened and you saw Pablo with his lip and cheekbone bruised, his hair wet, some basketball shorts and a simple grey t-shirt
“What are you doing here?” His question surprised you
“Came to talk to you” You stuttered “But… If you don’t want me to, I can leave and-”
“No!” Pablo shook his head “I mean… Don’t leave” He whispered opening the door for you to come in and you did “Want something to-”
“Did you really meant it?”
“Meant what?”
“Everything you said yesterday” You spoke
“I do. Every single little word” Pablo nodded “I really am in love with you and I want you, Y/N. And I’m deeply sorry for everything I put you through”
Instead of answering him, you grabbed him by the face and smashing your lips against his, Pablo quickly kissed you back grabbing you by the waist and pulling you into him   
“I love you too” You whispered once you pulled away from him “I want you too and I’m in love with you, Pablito” You looked at him in the eye “I’m sorry I-” This time he cut you off and kissed you and only separated from you when you without meaning to, graced your injury with your teeth
“Sorry” You apologized once more
“It’s okay, kiss me again” You smiled pulling away from him as he chased you “Mi niña” He whined as you giggled
“We need to talk a bit” He hummed leaning to kiss you as you fully separated from him “I’m serious”
“Okay, okay. Got it. Serious voice, serious face, serious persona” You smiled seeing him repeat your words
“You’re an idiot. If you had realized your feelings sooner we could’ve been into this thing months ago, maybe even years”
“Don’t remind me that, please. I can keep imagining it” You smiled softly “You as my very, very-long-term-girlfriend, it sounds amazing, like art. Me as your very, very-long-term-boyfriend, it’s perfect” You nodded agreeing
“I want to thank you for telling me the Samuel thing; I just broke up with him like an hour and something ago… I don’t want you to think I didn’t trusted your feelings for me, well… Kind of. I just didn’t wanted to believe you were making that world and those feelings just to satisfy the fact you didn’t reciprocated my feelings back then but I had the help of someone and I have been deeply thinking of it and I don’t wanna stay single” He smiled “I wanna be in a friendship and a relationship with you too, you’ll always be my best friend, my partner in crime and my everything, Pablo”
“You really don’t know how happy those words make me feel right now” You laughed feeling his arms wrap around you, he leaned down to kiss you when he groaned
“I won’t kiss you again if it’s hurting you too much”
“A simple cut won’t make me stop kissing you, tía. I gotta make up for the lost time” He smiled “This feels nice”
“The what?”
“Having you in my arms, as my girlfriend and best friend. I can’t believe I took so long in realizing I am in love with you” You smiled
“Good news is that you finally did” You kissed his nose “How’s your cheek?”
“I’ve definitely looked prettier than this” You smiled
“You still manage to look pretty, Pabs” He leaned down to kiss you “But we need to disinfect it once more just in case and put on some ice. Doesn’t look that nice” You push your lips out lightly when you feel Pablo peck your lips again “Is it going to date you be like this?” He nods
“Better get used to it” You smile
“I think I can do that”
At the end, you and Pablo always got each other’s back and stayed by each other’s sides ‘cus it has always been you and him, him and you. Since Always and ‘Till Forever.
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Taglist: @gaviypedrisbride @ariagonzalezsstuff @gaviswh0re @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld
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