#or walking into the door story with the now ex marine
adlibitur · 1 year
sometimes i have to stop myself from retelling other peoples funny stories because they live so fondly in my own memory
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aoioozora · 3 months
Mending Promises
Content: Keegan x F! Reader, Band AU, Civilian AU, second chances, exes to lovers, angst and fluff, happy ending Note: This idea has been marinating in my head for months now. I've never written an exes to lovers story before and I think I did quite well for my first attempt. Put my heart and soul into writing it. Enjoy :) [also why does K look so "🥺" in the gif]
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The little puddles of rainwater on the cobbled streets squelched and splashed as you stepped over them. The dark night was clear and damp, filling the air with the light scent of petrichor, sizzling meats, and smoke which rose over the buildings and traffic into an incoherent yet delightful mixture. Flickering lamps passed by you as you walked, the puddles reflecting them.
Genevieve's. That was the place you stopped in front of. The red neon sign flickered and buzzed faintly as you pushed the worn bronze metal handle on the equally worn wooden door and stepped inside the establishment.
You were greeted by faint chatter of the dingy restaurant's patrons, all shrouded in dim darkness in contrast to the band up on the podium bathed in the yellow spotlight as they set up their mics on the stands and adjusted the drums. The lead singer stood out with the bright red Fender electric guitar hanging in front of him by the strap as he plugged the wire in. He raised his head for a moment, sweeping away his sweat-glistening black locks out of his eyes to scour through the dimly lit room as if in search of someone.
You felt an annoying tingle in your stomach as his eyes swept past you, unsure whether or not you were spotted by him. You sat at a table nearest to the door, just in case you wanted to run away from the performance midway. You took out your phone and opened a chat screen.
Keegan: I hope it isn't too much to ask you to see our performance. We may have fallen out, but your support is important to me.
And attached below was a digital flyer of the said performance that you were currently attending. It was sent a week ago, and you left him on read, one of the many messages and concert invitations you didn't want to reply to and didn't attend. Your eyes lingered on the second line of the message, and every single time you read it, it wrenched your heart and made your eyes burn with tears. And it did again as you raised your head to look at him, blinking your eyes rapidly.
Keegan's eyes softened with disappointment. There was nobody in this world he would play for if not you, and not seeing you there didn't make him standing in front of this small, faceless crowd worth it. Regardless, the little concert began.
He tapped the mic twice. "Testing, one, two, three," he spoke softly, and then began, "Good evening everyone, we're The Ghosts. We'll be singing our original songs and a few covers tonight. Enjoy."
The patrons in the restaurant gave the band their attention as he and his fellow bandmate, the lead guitarist, Logan, began to sing their indie rock song Claustrophobic together. Keegan's low, gruff, rumbling voice was singled out by you, and it was all you could hear.
The world's caving in without you, I can't breathe, I can't breathe.
You realised that this was one of their newest singles, as you hadn't heard it before. Resting your elbow on the table in front of you, your eye could see nobody but Keegan. You hated it, but you couldn't resist. Him standing in front of a small audience, head bent slightly over his red Fender, his black clothes, the lights shining over his glossy black hair, his foot tapping to keep time, it was all a familiar sight, but a distant one that you could only look at with sorrow.
Your reverie was interrupted by soft clapping from the audience as they ended their song. You felt a small hint of happiness that they were getting good reception. Even if you associated bad memories with their music, it was still good music. They began their next song, Penguins.
My love, you're all I see; I'll give you a rock When I get down on one knee, And forever in wedlock We will be.
A tight lump rose in your throat as you heard him sing those words from your favourite song. He'd croon the words in your ears at night to lull you to sleep in his arms, promising a future of togetherness, mates for life, just like penguins.
Only for it to all come crashing down.
A tear slipped down your cheek as you watched him sing the upbeat yet poignant song; his voice was full of emotion. He sang like he meant it, just like back then. The suppressed memories came flooding back to you as you stared at the floor with a distant gaze, of dancing with him in the living room, hearing his various renditions of the same song, even pretending to get down on one knee to make you giggle incessantly. But most of all, it was the look of utter adoration and awe in his normally dull steel blue eyes that sparkled like stars when he looked at you, like you were a goddess to him.
Why did it have to go all wrong?
You wiped away the stream of tears from your eyes and your cheeks, dabbing them with a handkerchief as you vainly sighed to get rid of the tightness in your chest.
And why, despite the months, did you feel like your love for him never diminished?
You listened to the next few songs distractedly. You couldn't help but wonder about the songs he chose; out of all the ones in their entire discography, he specifically chose the ones you loved, the songs that were most cherished, and held the most memories.
Your eyes fell upon the vacant ring finger of your right hand. There was a subtle indentation around the base of it, where a ring used to sit day in and day out. When you broke up with him, you took off that promise ring and threw it to the ground in front of him, and now your ring finger was forlorn, throbbing with a dull ache at the unpleasant memory you wished to banish from your thoughts.
"The last song for tonight is not our song, but our cover of Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys, which is our personal favourite. Enjoy."
His gruff voice pierced through the noisy recesses of your mind, bringing you back to the present. Was it the last song already? Time sure did fly when one was deep in thought.
And it was no unfamiliar song either. It was one you loved dearly.
The drums beat in time with your heart, and the famous riff of the guitar stunned the air into silence, leaving you to hear your pulsating heartbeat in your ears, reminding you why you loved this song so much. You heard him inhale, you saw him raise his eyes to scan the faceless crowd, and in his characteristic deep gruffness, he exhaled out his song,
Have you got colour in your cheeks?
You did now.
Do you ever get that fear that you can't shift the type That sticks around like summat in your teeth? Are there some aces up your sleeve? Have you no idea that you're in deep? His eyes looked searchingly, almost desperately around the room of the restaurant as he sang, I've dreamt about you nearly every night this week How many secrets can you keep? 'Cause there's this tune I found That makes me think of you somehow an' I play it on repeat Until I fall asleep, spillin' drinks on my settee
Almost as if he wanted you to know what he felt.
His fellow bandmate and guitarist, Logan, provided the backing vocals,
Do I wanna know?
And Keegan followed, still looking around,
If this feelin' flows both ways? Sad to see you go Was sorta hoping that you'd stay Baby, we both know That the nights were mainly made For sayin' things that you can't say tomorrow day
He took another deep breath, his fingers switching chords as quickly as his voice switched from sadness to desperation.
Crawling back to you
The guitar groaned over the amplifiers, filling you with a sense of anguish, like a rag being twisted. The rhythmic drumbeats forced the vision of Keegan approaching you in a slow, steady march, wanting, begging, groweling at your feet to play about in your mind's eye.
Ever thought of callin' when You've had a few? 'Cause I always do
Maybe I'm too Busy bein' yours To fall for somebody new Now I've thought it through Crawling back to you.
Those words hit you like a sack of bricks; they, along with the previous songs, only reinforced the fact that he still wanted you despite the falling away. A lump rose in your throat again.
He wanted you back, and so did you.
So have you got the guts?
He paused, allowing the drums to dictate the length of the silence for the space of four beats. He looked about searchingly again, trying to find you in the faceless crowd. In the dim, flickering light of an old jukebox next to your table, he spotted you. You raised your eyes and met his. A volcano of butterflies erupted in your stomach.
His eyes held yours fast as he sang,
Been wonderin' if your heart's still open And if so, I wanna know what time it shuts
He paused again for a quarter of a beat to let that sink in.
Simmer down an' pucker up, I'm sorry to interrupt
Those same pair of eyes narrowed slightly, momentarily averting his gaze towards his guitar, as if guiltily admitting, It's just I'm constantly on the cusp of tryin' to kiss you But I don't know if you feel the same as I do
He raised his head to meet your eyes again, a glint of hope evident in them despite the distance, But we could be together if you wanted to.
And there was the invitation.
You couldn't bear to stay there any longer. As he sang the bridge and the chorus, you stood up and hastily stepped out of the establishment, rubbing a stray tear off your cheek. Keegan saw it all. His chest seized. He nearly rose to his heels in readiness to run after you midway but he stopped himself, interpreting your departure as the rejection. But the tear he saw you wipe away; did he manage to get through your heart?
As soon as you were out of doors, you were hit by the rain. A fervent wind blew, splattering the heavy drops against you and the shade above your head that you took shelter under. No umbrella; the rain dead-ended you from leaving, and so you waited, holding yourself in your arms to keep warm, refusing to go back inside as his singing permeated the walls, tormenting you even over the noisy rain and howling wind.
The performance ended and the diners went back to chattering away while The Ghosts began to dismantle their equipment. While Keegan solemnly pulled off the strap of his guitar, his drummer, Hesh walked over to him.
"Did she come?" he asked in a whisper as he held Keegan by the shoulder.
"Saw her leave just now,"
Logan also joined in on the conversation as he unplugged the wire from his guitar. "And?" he asked, very obviously expecting something more.
"And what?"
"And are you just going to let her leave after this whole concert we planned just for her?" Logan rolled his eyes exasperatedly as he lectured Keegan, "Go and talk to her!"
Hesh turned to the windows of the establishment and saw the rain beating against the panes. He nudged Keegan. "It's raining pretty hard out there. She must not have left yet. Run!"
Keegan wasted no time in hurrying down the little podium, his heavy steps thudding against the hollow wood. He snatched his jacket and with quick, hasty steps and a rising hope in his chest, he opened the door, stepped out, and looked beside the door.
But you weren't there.
His shoulders sagged, his hand slipped from the worn door handle and fell to his side with disappointment. He was about to turn back inside when the sound of a quiet crunch of gravel under a boot on the asphalt not too far from him stopped him in his tracks. In the dim red light of the neon sign, he had to squint to see the shivering elbow sticking out from behind the wall. He inched closer and peeked into the narrow, dark alley, only to find what- or rather- who he was looking for.
You looked up when he poked his head in and felt your heart stop when you recognized who you were looking at. Both of your eyes widened.
"Wha- What are you doing here?" Keegan blurted, surprised but pleased to see you still around.
"You wanted me to come to your concert?" you said, raising a brow at him as you continued to shiver from the wind and rain.
"I mean, yeah, but..." he paused to take off his thickly lined leather jacket and draped it over your shoulders, "you're out here... in the cold. You could've just stayed inside."
You didn't object to his assistance and he had to hide the surprise from displaying on his face. While you thought of what to say, he nudged you aside with his shoulder, away from the elements and stood next to you by the wall to shield you. He waited in silence for an answer, but to no avail.
"I didn't think you'd come... especially after you left me on read," he began quietly, in a tone that carried no resentment, but sadness. He leaned against the wall and propping his foot up behind him as he crossed his arms.
You let out a sigh as you sunk your face into the fleece-lined collar of the jacket, taking in the familiar scent and feeling the familiar texture of leather and fleece against your arms and your cheeks. He'd always lend you his favourite jacket.
"I didn't want to come here, but I did anyway," you replied.
"You didn't have to force yourself." He shrugged and turned his head away from you to watch the rain pattering noisily on the sidewalk.
"I didn't. I was... kinda drawn here."
Drawn here, he thought, feeling a flutter. "What drew you here?"
A pause. "You."
His jaw laxed and his fingers twitched. His crossed arms loosened and his arm fell to his side, letting his knuckles lightly brush against yours. The brief contact sent a shock blitzing through your fingers, stiffening your hand for a moment. You inhaled sharply, feeling a vortex churning in your stomach; you didn't know you missed and craved his touch so much.
"It means a lot to me that you came," he whispered, letting his hand linger next to yours.
"Why?" A tremor shook your voice. He grimaced.
"I..." he exhaled, "I know I was an asshole to you. I put my band before you and neglected you. I made you sad..." he sighed, his features wincing, "to the point that you left. And I don't blame you for it."
Your throat tightened and burned like a fiery noose had been tied around it. Your thoughts took you back to the past months, remembering how the two of you argued over his preference to spend time making music with Hesh and Logan. Every day was an uphill battle, fighting a tight competition with his band, until you were spread way too thin that you snapped. He was furious when you left, but didn't stop you, calling it a "good riddance", words which left a deep scar that refused to heal.
He continued, "When I told Hesh and Logan you left and explained to them why, they were pissed. Logan was ready to throw hands at me. I was confused until Logan sat me down and told me that nobody and nothing comes before your partner." He shook his head, sighing again. "It was so obvious, but I missed it. I was so stupid!"
He paused his speech for a brief moment to let you have a say. Knowing that you needed time to let his words settle in, he pushed back against his impatience and stayed silent.
You knew Hesh and Logan only a little, but you didn't expect them to stick up for you and scold Keegan about his behaviour. And you had harboured such a boiling resentment for them too. That feeling now started to simmer down into shame and regret.
When he saw that you weren't saying anything, he decided to continue.
"I missed you," he confessed, fiddling with the hem of his t-shirt. "I hoped and prayed you'd come today and you came. You've never come to any of our little concerts after our breakup except for this one. Can I take this as a sign that…" he drew in a shaky breath, "can I be bold and assume that you miss me too?"
The metaphorical noose tightened around your neck, forcing tears to brim over your waterline. You choked out the words, "You have the audacity to miss me especially after saying "good riddance" when I broke up with you."
Keegan drew in a sharp breath as his brows furrowed. "I was stupid to say those words to you, stupid and blind. I didn't value you enough. I can't believe it had to take me Logan and Hesh to drill into my head the weight of what I had thrown away."
You heard the regret in his voice, but it didn't yet move you. A sob choked your throat. "I loved your music, Keegan, but when you started to love your band more, I hated it. I hated your band, you, your guitar, Hesh, Logan, and your songs… I hated it all."
Keegan felt his heart squeeze painfully at your sobs and complaints. He had no right to blame you for it. "I understand…" he spoke, letting out a slow exhale over the howling wind, "I know that me giving more attention to my band has given you a sour taste in your mouth for my music," his fingers brushed against yours and wrapped around your hand gently, "but this concert was just for you. I sang all your favourite songs tonight…" he gave your hand a squeeze, "because I love you."
You felt your heart skip a beat.
"I wrote those songs for you, I sing them for you…" his thumb gently rubbed against the back of your hand, "Even after you left, I couldn't stop thinking of you. I couldn't stop loving you."
He paused, giving you a chance to speak. In the brief silence, he noticed how you haven't pulled your hand out of his very gentle grasp when you easily could. He held on to this ray of hope that you were receptive to his words, though understandably hesitant.
"I know a lot of guys go back to their exes and beg them for another chance, but you know me, I've never done that to my exes. You're the only one I've come back to, and that's only because I genuinely feel like we're connected somehow… I can't explain it."
You understood what he meant. You felt the same way too. You weren't the type to look back once you ended a relationship, but when it came to Keegan, he never left your thoughts, which was why you remained rooted in place, letting him hold your hand.
"I want you back, ____," he finally said, "I'm sorry for not valuing you like I should have. This entire concert was my apology for you. I know this is too much to ask for. I know I've broken your trust and hurt you, but I want to correct that mistake and make amends." He paused, "Once chance is all I need. I'll do whatever it takes."
You sniffled, feeling the first tear roll down your cheek, your body trembling as you frantically tried to wipe the stream away. Keegan's heart wrenched at the sight; he took a bold step in wrapping you in his arms and bringing you against his chest. He breathed heavily, wondering if you would push him away, but to his surprise, you leaned into his embrace.
"Why was it a good riddance when I left?" you squeaked out against his chest.
His chest twinged painfully when you brought it up again, now understanding how deeply those words had hurt you. "I was crazy," he said, chastising himself, "I was stupid and blinded by my anger. I thought you didn't understand my love for music and my band, but I was the one who didn't understand what you needed. It never was a good riddance, darling. I missed you every second you were not in my life." He squeezed you gently, both to comfort you, and for him to cling to you.
Your sobs grew louder; you were both pained and relieved at the same time.
"You're an angel… and I don't deserve you," he murmured, feeling a sob choke his own throat, "I know I'm being selfish but I love you… I want you back."
You let out a weary groan as you leaned further against him. His arms instinctively tightened around you.
"I'm sorry…" you said, raising your hands a little to clutch his t-shirt, "For throwing the ring at you that day."
He hugged you tighter. "I forgive you," he whispered immediately, feeling lighter and relieved that you apologised for your own crime, one that had hurt him.
You squeezed him, and he soothingly rubbed his hand against your back, enjoying the warmth that he missed dearly. But he pulled away slightly and shoved his hand in his pocket, bringing out a small, silver ring.
Your eyes widened slightly. It was the promise ring he had given you. You looked at him, eyes welling with tears again. "You still have it," you murmured shakily.
He looked at the dainty piece of jewelry and sighed, smiling a hint. "I was so mad at you that day that I threw it in the trash, but when I calmed down, I dug it back out and cleaned it up. I kept it because it reminded me of you…" his voice trailed off and then gingerly extended his hand out to you.
You placed your hand in his gently. At the contact, his body flushed with warmth.
With a shaky breath and voice, he said, looping the ring through your ring finger, as tears slipped down his cheeks, "I promise I'll love you more than anything in this world, even myself."
You sniffled and sobbed as you saw the ring fit right in the indentation on your finger like two jigsaw puzzle pieces fit together, the familiar sight of it sending waves of warmth in your heart. Keegan watched your emotional reaction, and he pulled you in his arms again to comfort you.
"I love you, ____. I'll make it up to you a hundred times over..." he stroked your hair softly, voice brimming over with determination and affection.
You buried your face in his chest, his words wrenching more tears out of your eyes. "Do you promise?"
"Wholeheartedly, I promise."
More Keegan:
Cat Got Your Tongue
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justminawrites · 1 year
Of Ribbons and Other Lost Things - Chapter 2: Help Wanted
1 | 2 | 3 | TBC
Luka Couffaine hadn’t meant to end up at the Dupain-Cheng Bakery on purpose.
He’d bombed his first three interviews, for a bartender (too young), beekeeper (they seemed to be allergic to him) and bassist (he took one look at the bloodstained chipmunk costume and refused to get in), and found himself with a some time to kill before the final one at Le Grand Paris hotel. 
So he aimlessly cycled around the cobblestoned pathways of Paris instead, following musical notes scattered all around city like a giant melodic puzzle, before traitorous muscle memory kicked in, taking him to the one place he was sure he’d be turned away from. 
The bakery was right in the heart of the city; a beautiful, five-story building fortified with an eggshell-white composite of brick and wood, the delicious aroma of bread weaving in and around the neighbouring streets. 
Luka felt his insides curl, the twang! of a broken guitar string, as he stopped his bike outside its freshly-painted doors, and tried to pedal back the way he came.
But his legs stalled as he caught sight of a girl on the rooftop balcony of the building, pacing back and forth in her trademark pink jeans and grey blazer, exaggeratedly waving her arms as though she was in an argument with herself. 
Luka bit his lip to keep from smiling at the sight.
Now, it was no secret Marinette Dupain-Cheng was avoiding him. 
He’d deduced as much when she noticeably stopped coming to Kitty Section’s rehearsals, started pitching her new designs on the group chat instead of actually showing up to their meetings, and even having The Girl Squad deliver the first draft of the clothes she’d sewn. 
But what was a secret was that he’d been avoiding her just as much. 
No one knew besides Jule (because no one knew anything about him besides Juleka), but Luka had found himself taking every precaution to avoid the Dupain-Chengs, from cancelling inner-city deliveries to pulling admittedly dangerous 180s on a busy Parisian street, just because the light hit just right and the girl walking his way could’ve been Marinette with extensions (it was not).
He knew the strain of avoiding both his father and his ex-girlfriend was bound to put him in a tight spot eventually, and karma reared its head one fine day when Luka heard the inevitable click of a door opening and found himself face-to-chest with the broad-shouldered Tom Dupain. 
“Luka,” if Tom noticed how he’d turned three shades whiter, he didn’t say anything, “You must be here for Marinette. Marine–”
“NO!” He yelled hastily, before clamping his mouth shut, much to Tom’s bewilderment.
“Uhm, I mean–” Luka held up his hands in surrender, resisting the urge to glance up at the balcony, “This isn’t.. about Marinette.. at all.”
“Then, did you come to buy a croissant?” Tom asked, arms crossed, curiously casting a glance at the several HELP WANTED flyers filling up his bike’s wicker-basket.
“Uh,” He swallowed, uncomfortable with lying to this hulk of a man, “You wouldn’t happen to be hiring?”
It was a deliberate trap. Luka already knew that the Dupain-Cheng’s bakery was a family-owned business, and as a result they almost never outsourced any work, not even for national holidays like Galette’s Day. So it was a pretty safe bet that the next few moves would proceed like this: they’d kindly (they did everything kindly) offer him a rejection, he would graciously accept it, promise to return for a galette in a few weeks, and cycle away, never to show his face here again. 
“Oh no, we’re not–“ Tom looked ready to refuse, but a strange look came over his face, “–actually, hold on, Sabine’s going to be busy for a few weeks and Marinette’s always drowning in schoolwork these days..”
But it seemed like karma wasn’t done with him quite yet.
“Riiight,” Luka leaned back, not liking where this train of thought was going, “I’ll get out of your hair then, sir.”
Tom opened the door wider with one arm, placing the other on Luka’s shoulder before giving him a vaguely threatening smile.
“Why don’t you come in for a bit, son?”
He paled.
“That was way too close, Marinette!”
“I know, Tikki.”
“You know no one can find out about you being Ladybug!”
“I know, Tikki.”
“Were you actually going to tell Alya?”
“I don’t know, Tikki.”
“What do you know, Marinette?”
Marinette Dupain-Cheng stopped her pacing to raise an eyebrow at the red and black-spotted bug’s uncharacteristically hostile tone, which she quickly felt guilty for. 
Tikki was just being cautious; losing Master Fu had a visceral effect on all the kwamis; some more intense than others (Wayzz hadn’t come out of the box once), and she could hardly fault her closest companion for being stiff with her when she didn’t exactly tell her what she was planning on doing.
“I’m sorry,” Tikki said first, flying up from her perch on the balcony railing to nuzzle Marinette’s face, “If you think Alya can be trusted with this kind of secret, I won’t stop you.”
“I know it was hard for you to lose Master Fu,” Marinette sighed accepting the apology with a gentle poke between her antennae, “And I’m nowhere ready to being as good of a Guardian he was, but I need you to trust me, okay?”
“I can’t do this alone, and I can’t tell Chat Noir, in case one of us gets akumatised. I can’t be a full-time Guardian and Ladybug, Tikki. We need a new permanent hero, and Alya is my only choice.”
“But didn’t she reveal her secret identity to you a little too quickly?” 
Marinette pursed her lips at that; her kwami had a point. 
Alya had told her she was Rena Rouge not just with excitement and some air of false pride– like she was a veteran in a field that Marinette had only just been exposed to, but also with resignation. Like she’d given up on Ladybug visiting her at all.
“Well I guess.. if she can’t be Rena Rouge anymore, I’ll just have to give her another miraculous!”
“Won’t she be just as likely to rely on you as before, Marinette?”
“Hmm..” Marinette narrowed her eyes. When she and Chat Noir had first gotten their miraculouses, it was without the safety net of being a ‘temporary holder’. They were forced to make their own decisions, learn their own lessons, and keep their own secrets close to their hearts; from friends, even from family. Master Fu had only joined them when it was clear that they’d fallen into their own rhythm of doing things, and once he was sure they weren’t going to quit on him anytime soon.
“You know, Marinette,” Tikki began, catching onto the idea that was already forming in her holder’s mind, “Nobody knows that Ladybug is the new Guardian of the Miracle Box... or that there is a guardian in the first place.”
It was true; thanks to Queen Wasp’s city-wide akumatisation a month ago, no one had been spared to cover the highlights of Master Fu’s sacrifice in HD clarity. It was as close to a blackout as the city’d gotten to since.. its last mind-wiping akuma?
“You’re right Tikki.. but what if she just tries to return the miraculous to me when she’s done with it?”
“You can always fib a little.”
Marinette gasped exaggeratedly, and the kwami rolled her round, blue eyes. 
“I don’t mean lie, Marinette. You can just tell Alya that if and when the Guardian of the Miraculous decides to hand out a new one to a permanent hero, it’s not your business to interfere in the matter.. or to know their identity.”
“You’re a genius, Tikki!” She said with a smile, “That way, Alya can decide wether or not to accept the miraculous on her own terms, but if she chooses to quit, I’ll still be able to get it back from her!”
As Marinette reached into her sling bag to give her kwami a macaron as a reward, she heard a sudden shout come from below her. Before she could reach over to see who was making a fuss at the bakery so early in the day, Tikki flew into her line of sight to give her a strict look.
“But ShadowMoth knows Alya’s identity now. What if he’s tailing her to see if you give her the miraculous again?”
Marinette felt the grimace before it twisted her mouth. Of course. She’d been so focused on keeping the miraculous safe, that she’d forgotten to consider keeping their temporary holders safe too. And for all she knew, ShadowMoth might just be hiding more information he’d stolen from Master Fu and waiting it out to surprise her in some way. She couldn’t take any unnecessary risks.
“You’ll have to find some way to slip it into her bag in your civilian form,” Tikki continued, “But Marinette, are you really, really sure she can be–“
A buzz interrupted the kwami’s heartfelt warning, and she looked down to see her phone flash with a new message from her bff:
@alya.ladyblogger: guess who’s already waiting for u downstairs??
@alya.ladyblogger: (totally not trying to get u to come faster or anything)
@alya.ladyblogger: hint - he’s vv hot and vv into superheroes (like u!!!)
Marinette ignored the twist of dread in her stomach as she headed down to her room to grab the bee miraculous from a black, egg-shaped slot in the miracle box. 
She wasn’t making a mistake.. right?
“You couldn’t have picked a better place! This is the best bakery in Paris– my kids adore their croissants!”
Zoé Lee stepped out of the hired cab, letting the doe-eyed look she’d given the driver, slip off her face to reveal a sly smile. 
The best bakery in Paris, huh? Of course, anything less for the newest Bourgeois princess would be ridiculous.. utterly ridiculous, to quote the saying her mother and Chloé often butchered. 
She knelt down, adjusting the laces on her colourful sneakers so they’d conveniently trip her up when the time came, running a finger over the slightly smudged red-and-black letters she’d scribbled onto the left one last minute. 
I ♥ U. 
What a joke.
But self-deprecating enough to tug at the heartstrings of anyone who had a semblance of sympathy– and there were a few people in particular Zoé planned on tugging. Into her own orbit, or out of Chloé’s, she wasn’t really picky. But her plans began with these sneakers and one delightfully oblivious baker girl. 
Marinette Dupain-Cheng. 
Zoé Lee-Bourgeois pushed open the bakery door with a soft chime. Her half-of-a-sister couldn’t even begin to guess what was coming her way.
Luka: The risk i took was calculated, but man.. am i bad at math.
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goth-cowgirl-03 · 1 year
New Billy Hargrove & Eddie Munson stories
OK, so my two favorite characters from Stranger Things are Billy Hargrove and Eddie munson. We already know about two of my stories for Billy (Baby harrington and That blue 1979 camaro) and I believe for eddie (The witch and the freak). So here are the others. Wattpad: GothCowgirl03
Updated added two more
Billy Hargrove-
1.Baby harrington: Roxanna harrington is quiet and a loner, what happens when Billy Hargrove meets the quiet girl.  Strangers to friends to lovers Steve's sister, with a twist
2.That blue 1979 camaro: After the event of season three but not in season 4. Joan moves with two sisters, and mom to Hawkins. She befriends the young Max, after Max sees Joan driving Billy’s car. But he’s not dead.  Back from the dead AU!
3. rose colored boy: Hayley loves the 80′s, she wears the clothes, listens to the music, even has the hair, and drives a 1984 corvette, but the thing is she lives in 2023. What happens when she suddenly wakes up in the 80s, but in a world where worn monsters become real. A time travel AU!
4. Hey lover: Vivian Mayfield is the older sister of Maxine ‘Max’ Mayfield, Before they moved to California, Vivian and Billy became close after a night of abuse from Neil, but the question is how close have they become, and will Neil notice? Warning: Stepcest.
5. Ain’t that some: Billy Hargrove meets the older sister of Jane hopper one day after a fight with his father, he takes a drive, then a walk to the forest. Meeting the young girl, drawing an animal in the grass. Friends to lovers, Jim hopper’s daughter. 
6. Lucky man: Billy Hargrove gets to meet the girl driving the old beat up farm pick up school, when they are assigned to a project together. Friends to lovers to ex to lovers
7. Dirty: Billy finally makes his way back to california, and speeds most day working at the surf shop and surfing, when One day his workmates drag him to a stripclub, where he meets a stripper named Angel. Surfer!Billy Hargrove x Stripper!OC 90s California AU!
8. Mixtape of the soul: Billy hargrove was brought up with a strict military father moving place to place, when he's sat at a bar with a couple of his marine friends. He meets the fire, festy, independent, bella. A woman in leather, with motor between her legs, and heart of gold. They make a deal, but not everything is what it seems behind closed doors. Purple heart 90s AU!
Eddie Munson-
1. The witch and the freak: Della is known as a witch, her boyfriend a freak, their styles clash, but they love each other too much. Another insert. 
2. Hard times: Valentina is Eddie munson’s girlfriend, they are one in the same, but the couple face hate foe their age difference, so what happens when Eddie is framed for murder. Valentina is younger by a couple of years, and this is just insert. 
3. The chief's daughter: A 16 year old Eddie Munson meets the 13 year old chief's daughter, when she was sent to the police station from school because she got into a fight again. A few years go by and now with Eddie in his third year of high school and The chief's daughter being in her junior year. A spark leading to a romance is started. 
4. The mockingbird and The crow: Blair is an 18 year old college freshman, when she meets 24-5 freshman Eddie munson. 90s College AU1
5. Need a favor: Eddie finally graduated High school in 86, but he never left Hawkins, why, not many people know, but one thing is that he is not to be messed with, as he is part of the Hawkins own biker club. Biker AU!The shit in 86 didn’t happen. Age-gap Sunshine!OC x Grump!Biker!Eddie.
6. Live off: When the mornings start for the students of Hawkins high, they hear two different music blaring into the parking lot, one heavy metal, and the other country. A van and a truck park next to each, to different styles, and pairs of boots stepping out. The van, Eddie munson, the resident freak and metal head. And The truck, Annabella Higgins, the resident cowgirl, and rodeo princess. Eddie Munson x Cowgirl!OC
7.Heat Haze: Abigail lives in a world where you are either Alpha, Beta, or Omega, for she has shown yet. Butting her body for some reason reacts to the scent of the freak of hawkins high Eddie munson. Who had shown as an Alpha. What happens when she starts smelling, and most of the male student body can smell it, but only one knows it to be theirs. “MINe” The voice of Eddie munson sounded from the end of the hall, making everyone look at him, then the shy small quiet girl. A/B/O verse
8.Magic man: when Eddie and his band stop at a bar in a small town, they meet a young woman with a voice like Joan Jett with a hint of cherry from the runaways. The brightness a farm girl. It was love at first sight, but the life of a rockstar is not always easy. A star is born 90s AU!
For those I think will like these stories: @billysbabyy @billyhargrove-s @billyhargrovetitties @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @eddiethefreakkmunson @eddiethetwisted @eddiemunsxn @billy-eddie-steve-babygirl @billyhardgrove @andvys
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ohlovxr · 3 years
au where we’ve got recently divorced dilf!frank castle who moves in next door.
it doesn’t take long for people to judge or make their assumptions. everyone’s cautious of the ex-marine bc of his brooding demeanour and past that most of the neighbourhood teens liked the twist into ghost stories for their younger siblings.
it takes quite a bit of effort to bite your tongue and keep walking on the occasion that you pick up the mail and hear mrs. turner telling her kids not to “play too close to mr. castle’s house”.
you couldn’t debunk his past or the stories the neighbourhood told but what you did know was that the man shot you a smile and a wave every now and then when you passed by. he offered to help fix your father’s car when it had suddenly broken down. that he had kids, ones he adored, that he had mentioned to your father in passing that one time.
it takes quite a bit of effort to bite your tongue when his kids came to visit and the entire neighbourhood chose to change their attitude towards the man.
suddenly, neighbours were lined up at his door, some with a bottle wine or maybe a homemade dish, ready to welcome him to the neighbourhood.
suddenly, you had neighbourhood moms that had finally gotten a closer look at “mr. castle” - a closer look at the ex-marine in a button-down, you assumed - in your home, gossiping (or rather lusting if you had anything to scoff about - and okay, so, fine, you’d admitted to yourself that the older man was unreasonably attractive) with your mother over the man.
it takes quite a bit of effort to bite your tongue and not scream in excitement when mr. castle shows up at your parents’ door asking to speak to you about watching his kids when he goes to work a late shift. it’s paid, but you insist it isn’t necessary because “you’ve been nothing but kind to my parents mr. castle. i’d love to just watch your kids.” that earns you a knee weakening chuckle when he does that smile and insists, “you can call me frank, sweetheart.”
soon, it takes quite a bit of effort not to squirm under his gaze when he comes home from his shift and asks after you. he pulls you from the door with his questions, simple yet about anything and everything. he pulls you from the door with two beers in his hand and a small nod towards the couch - “want to thank you, for watching them.” he’d told you, laughing that damn laugh of his again, “lisa called me ‘fore bed. said she likes you.”
you stay what feels like the entire night, although interrupted once. it takes quite a bit of effort to push down the butterflies that erupt in your stomach when frank brushes off mrs. turner, who’s leaning against his door with a sly smile and wine bottle on her hand, and looks back at you.
for the next week, it becomes a pattern. he pulls you from the door, leads you to the couch, and seems to close the gap more and more as each night passes, leant back and legs open with an arm stretched behind you as if he was the epitome of comfortable with you and your nervous stature.
it isn’t until he drops his kids off at their mother’s that he really brings you into his home. that he pulls you onto the couch by putting your hand into his and tugging you towards it. that he lets his arm rest against your shoulders.
it isn’t until it’s late and you’re all alone that he confesses, in his own way, how alone he’s been.
it isn’t until it’s late and you’re all alone that you let him push you back into to couch. that you let him run his hands over your body. that you let him kiss you like no man has before.
it isn’t until it’s late and you’re all alone that he slips his hand between your thighs and makes you whimper against his lips. that he makes you beg for him.
after you beg so sweetly, the man obliges; spending the night fucking orgasm after orgasm out of you until seemed to forget how to utter coherent words - laughing and pressing a kiss to your forehead when you barely managed to utter his name as your legs tightened around his waist, attempting to bring his body impossibly closer to yours.
it isn’t until frank flips your body over and fucks back into you with a grunt, trailing a hand over the curve of your back as if to memorize it, that you can’t help but let a satisfied smile grace your face and admit to yourself that it took quite a bit of effort to bite your tongue and avoid ruining the moment with a clever little quip about mrs. turner.
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sashi-ya · 3 years
Is it ok if I request a Law x Yonko reader? For once the reader is badass and strong 😎 has her own crew and is well respected yet she fell in love with Trafalgar Water D. Law
Hi!! Of course! I fell in love with the idea. I think Law deserves a strong woman on his side, and this type of dynamic is one of my favorites!! It was intended to be a OS but I got too invested on the story so I decided to part it in at least another part that I'll be posting in a few days. I hope you don't mind! Plus I included some NSFW too, because the tension between the Yonkou and Law was really high! I hope you enjoy it and stay tuned for the second part if you like it 💖 Thanks for reading and supporting my work!
NSFW - Trafalgar D. Water Law x FemYonkou! Reader - PART 1
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TW: NSFW. 18+ Minors DNI. Rough and unprotected sex. Chocking.
WC: 4.1K
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/31973146
Part 2
Part 3
Final/Part 4
“My dear captain, someone is on the coast!!”, your most loyal nakama comes running through the door of your huge castle with the news. “Mmm, I wonder who it could be…”, you tell her. “I’m afraid whoever we’ve been waiting for has arrived, Captain”, she says, looking at the ground. You have always hated how they are afraid to look directly to your eyes, even though you consider them your equals. But you guess it’s because of your powerful aura, or the respect they have for you.
“Let’s be a good host. His crew can come to the castle once we have talked. He would probably be staying the night, so tell the boys to prepare the royal guest room, ok?”, you order your first commander with a lovely smile.
You laugh, some say your laughter is something similar to a demon, but hey, that’s part of your identity as a yonkou, so… You wait for your guest sitting on your throne, admiring your brilliant rings. Suddenly the big door in front of you opens and there he is, the brat you’ve been waiting for.
You lick your lips, wondering when you will be tasting that sweet candy. No man or woman could ever resist your beauty, or your power.
The steps of that tattooed punk echoes all around the huge room. He is wearing a black coat that covers his whole body from his neck to his ankles, a funny looking white hat, and a big katana over his shoulder. “I hope this is not the only bigger thing he carries…” you think while smiling at him, trying to admire those grey eyes you saw on his wanted poster. But he does not show them, he walks slowly, covering his gaze with the visor of his hat. “Oh, you are trying to look mysterious, I get it punk”, you say to yourself.
He is now in front of you, and finally looks at you. He is even hotter than what you thought. It surprised you when your den den mushi rang and it was him requesting an audience with you, but even though you know this brat is dangerous, you accepted it right away.
“So, Trafalgar D. Water Law, huh? what brings you here?”, you ask him, crossing your legs and bending over a little to see his face. Your throne is a little elevated from the floor, so you look down at him.
“I’m here to ask you for an alliance”, he tells you, fixing his cold eyes on yours. “Oh, I see… an alliance. But aren’t you in one with the Mugiwaras? Why would you want an alliance with a Yonkou? Didn’t you lose your Shichibukai title because of an alliance? ”, you inquire him.
“Heh, I see you have more information about me than I thought…”, he tells you with sneering contempt. That pisses you off, hard. Who do you think you are, little rookie?... You stand up, violently, solemnly. Your black feather coat over your shoulders makes a loud noise, your hair flows over your back. You start walking down the little stairs off your throne and stand up in front of Trafalgar Law. He backs up a little, even if he looks like a total badass, you are scary for him.
“Tell me Law, why do you think I am an emperor of the sea, huh? Do you think you are stronger? Do you think you can outsmart me?”, you tell him firmly, centimeters from his face. Law gasps, he is trying not to look scared, but he is, pretty much indeed. He remains silent.
“Do you think you can put me down as you did with my old friend Doffy? Ha! poor Doffy, he was pissed that his little ex retainer fucked his whole life… Well, I guess that’s what you get for not being incredibly strong and intelligent”, you smirk at him, and begin to walk. The sound of your hills resonates on Law’s head. But even if he might be a little scared, you know he is smarter and stronger than he looks, so you must be careful, especially because he is at your back.
“Why don’t we have dinner and discuss your offer?”, you tell him, this time a little more friendly. “Yeah…”, he tells you with that low voice he has, that makes you bite your lip. Of course you are curious about his proposal and his true intentions, but damn, you wish you were devouring him right now.
You turn your head to the side and tell him “Follow me”, over your shoulder. And keep walking to the dining room.
Once the two of you arrive at the dining room, a big table is waiting for you. Candles on each side of the table, several delicatessens served on silver platters. “Take a seat, please”, you invite Law to sit while you sit on yours.
Law and you are face to face on each side of the table. You bend a little over the table, with your elbows over it, and interlocking your fingers. You show yourself interested in him, smirking sexily. “So, I’m all ears. Tell me about your offering”, you say.
Law takes off his hat letting you see his disheveled black hair and adopts the same position as you. “Well, as I told you before, I want to form an alliance with you”. He is short and concise. You raise an eyebrow, what does he want from you?...
“Why? What do you want from me? and what do I get in return?”, you ask before sipping some red wine from a big crystal cup. “You will be able to defeat the other three yonkous, as long as I can see the red poneglyph you have in here”, he says straight to your face.
You widen your eyes, surprised that he knew you have such a treasure in your hands. “I’m surprised Mr. Trafalgar. You have indeed, more information than I thought… I wonder who told you about it. I’m a little concerned at this point, maybe you are some kind of undercover agent from the marines?”, you tell him, fixing your eyes on him.
Law gasps subtly, his lips part and for a moment he remains silent. He is also looking at you, and you can see a red spark in his eyes. “I’m not with the marines”, he tells you firmly. You begin to laugh and stab the bistec on your plate with the knife. “Of course you aren’t, if you were one you would have denied it instantly…”, you tell him and taste a piece of meat.
The tension floods the ambient, you want to show how dominant you can be, but at the same time you wish he were dominating you in your room.
“Fine, if I accept that means that you and the Mugiwaras will be my allies, right?”, you ask him, showing him you are sure, but deep inside wondering if you made the best decision, after all, pirates alliances are often marked with betrayal…
“That’s right”, Law tells you. “Listen to me closely, little brat. If you happen to show the slightest sign of betrayal, you will know exactly why I’m named “The Sadist”. Are we clear?”, you tell -threaten- him. “I know exactly what you are capable of. Don’t worry, I won't betray you”, he assures you, firmly.
“Let’s have a celebration, then”, you tell him and order your subordinates to bring the dessert. “I’m not a man of celebration, could you please show me my room? tomorrow morning I’ll be telling you all about my plan to take down the other yonkous”, he tells you denying your invitation to a little private party. You are upset, angry… but you won’t show it to him, so, you tell your crew members to show him his room with a big smile on your face.
Once he leaves the dining room, you walk to yours with strong steps, frustrated. "Nobody has ever refused my invitation…". A cold shower cools your annoyance a little but not enough. You snuggle into bed and fix your sight on the big ceiling of your room. "Damn brat, why is he so hot? And for what?"... you go to sleep planning the best way to catch your prey in your spiderweb. You are used to getting everything you want, and Law of course is no exception.
Morning comes and the sun outside shines more than ever. You’ve been planning the whole night on how to seduce your guest, so you order your subordinates to prepare a special breakfast next to the pool. You choose to wear a tight bikini, those who show more than what they can cover, and a white semi-transparent kimono over it… after all, he is a man. He shouldn’t be resisting the lure of your beauty.
When you get to the pool patio, he is already there having a cup of tea, with those lean long legs, wearing an unbuttoned black shirt that allows you to enjoy his tattooed chest. You contemplate the handsome man from the arcade that connects the patio with the castle. You took a finger to your lips planning the next step on your plan.
“Good morning my dear guest and ally!”, you greet him, while sitting next to him under the big umbrella. “Good morning”, he salutes you, looking at you with those intense grey eyes. You give him a side smirk and grab a slice of orange, for some reason none of you look down, and you keep staring at each other. Perhaps trying to fight for dominance, perhaps because he wanted to seduce you as much as you do.
You take the slice to your mouth, and a drop of the juice runs through the commissure of your lips. He follows the path the bead of citric trails on your mouth with his eyes. He approaches you with his hand and runs his inked thumb over your lips. The sensation of his soft surgeon fingertip over your lips feels so enticing. You wish you could suck his finger, yet, he is the one who should succumb first, not you.
The moment gets interrupted when one of your maids offers you coffee. The strong black coffee that keeps you going in the morning, sweet, caffeinated elixir that today isn’t necessary, something else keeps you energized. You gaze at the maid, with hate in your eyes for interrupting such an intense moment. You tell her with a false smile, “yes, please”. She serves you a cup and runs away, quickly, scared as hell.
Leaning on the backseat of the couch with the cup on your hand, you cross your legs, letting some skin peek through the opening of the kimono. “So, Law, tell me about your plan”, you tell him. “Right, so I’ll be staying here for a few weeks, if you don’t mind”, he informs you and keeps talking about the plan. You lick your teeth; you don’t even listen to anything about the plan. You are satisfied as you will be having your sweet candy with you for a long time…
“Perfect, so the plan is set. I’m glad we are allies, Law”, you tell him as you stand up, and walk up to him. You place your hand over his shoulder and look down at him with a smile. “Aren’t you hot? let’s enjoy the pool”, you invite him and keep walking to the edge of the pool. You untie your kimono letting it slide off to the floor. You can feel Law’s sight pinned to your back and even lower, yet he is not moving.
“Right, you are a devil fruit user” you tell him pouting, but either way you dip in the pool. When you emerge from underwater, you take your wet hair out of the face, and get out of the lido. Your bikini turns a little bit see thru and you see how Law looks directly to your now notorious erected nipples from the cold water. You have an evil grin on your face, and he seems to be enjoying every inch of your skin.
“Do you like what you see, huh?”, you tease him. He looks at you, with piercing eyes, stands up and walks up to you. “Huh?”, you say but before you could even continue with a cocky phrase, he is already grabbing you by your neck.
You gasp, ‘cause you got slightly scared, but your bossy attitude won’t let you show it. You begin to chuckle with that -demon- laughter you have. And suddenly stopping you tell him, “What do you think you are doing?”. Law squeezes your carotids even more tighter approaching his face to yours and tells you, “Don’t play with me, if you want me to fuck you just tell me”. “Let go of me”, you command him. He sets your neck free, but his nose still is almost touching yours. “Before I let you walk, you gotta show me how you crawl, brat”, you whisper to him. You celebrate internally how he has already fallen into your trap; he couldn’t resist you. Another victim, another candy to taste, this time a spicy rather than a sweet one.
Law and you keep looking at each other for several minutes more, perhaps playing a game of power, who is gonna be the first to cave in and kiss the other?... Your heart beats faster, the tension is in a way arousing, you hold yourself back while sometimes your gaze wanders over his lips… so enticing.
You were about to cave in when his den den mushi rings. He smiles at you, seductively, and turns around to pick up the transponder. You decide to leave the patio and go to your room, you are way hornier than you think, and falling into his arms that soon it’s not your style. Or so that’s what you think…
You spent the whole day in your room, thinking about your next move. Some of your commanders have come to visit you and asked you about the new alliance, but you seemed so invested in seducing Law that you forgot about your responsibilities.
The night comes, and you are getting ready for dinner. You are excited almost like a little girl, finally you are going to see that face that got your heart beating fast. You have chosen to wear a pretty, draped black dress, not so revealing yet not conservative at all. Your back is completely naked and has a slit on the side of the skirt. Your typical fine jewelry and heels that can kill if you happen to step on someone.
Law is always first in the dining room, this time accompanied by three of his most loyal nakamas. A polar bear dressed in a black suit, and two guys with hats that start drooling when they see you enter the room. The four of them stand up from their seats “Cap… captain…!”, says the one using an orca hat. “Shachi, shut up”, says the other with a hat that puts “PENGUIN” over it.
“Good night sirs, please take a seat”, you tell them. One of the menials runs to your place and moves the chair for you. “Thank you, darling. You can bring the food whenever it is ready”, you tell him, with a big smile. You usually aren’t so sweet with others, but tonight you are in a good mood for sure.
“So, you are the high officials of the Heart Pirates, huh? nice to meet you”, you tell them with your intense gaze placed on each one. The humans swallow, they are intimidated by your imposing presence. The polar bear stands up once again and shouts “AY AY, NICE TO MEET YOU! I’M BEPO!”. You are kind of overwhelmed by how noisy the Mink is, but you think it is kinda cute. Law tells Bepo to sit down and lower the voice, and the bear repeats several times how sorry he is. You giggle a little and tell him “It’s ok, Law! Bepo you are a cutie, nice to meet you”.
The food is served, and everyone starts to taste the wonderful creations of your chef team. You can’t help but peer at your prey while eating. He notices your persistent stare and fixes his eyes on yours. That piercing, grey, icy stare that makes a shiver run through your spine and you’re breathing subtly uncontrollably. No person has made you lose control before, you are known for being cruel and cold, you haven’t felt in love ever in your life, but this brat… this brat has something special.
“Guys get back to the Polar”, Law commands his nakamas. “They can stay in one of the rooms if they want, Law”, you tell him, and the guys start getting excited with red cheeks. “It’s an order, get back to the polar, please”, he orders his subordinates with a cold stare. You roll your eyes back, because you know he is protecting his crew from you, he respects your power and knows well how cruel you can be when you want something. “Fine, fine…”, Bepo, and the guys say and walk away.
“Do you want to have a drink in the garden, Law?”, you offer him after his nakamas have left the place. He looks at you and takes a few seconds to finally respond. “After you”, he tells you and you two start walking to the patio.
The blue night sky looks deep, the sound of the running water of the many fountains competes against the song of frogs and crickets. Some torches light up the path to the lawn chairs. As you walk on the deck, you ask him “Do you always carry your katana wherever you go, Law? Are you afraid of something? He responds from behind “I’m not, I simply take my precautions”. You try to sound strong and petty, but the truth is that the one who is scared is you.
When you finally take your seats on the couches, both of you cross your legs. Your dress allows some skin of your thighs to peek through, and Law can’t resist but scan your whole body with those grey eyes. You do the same, his tight jeans, seems to get even more tighter in between his legs. The unsolved sexual tension between the two of you it’s way too high to ignore, and at this point you are sure Law has on his mind the constant idea of fucking you, as much as you do.
You can’t take it anymore; you are just fed up. This is taking too damn long, you want him in between your legs, now. So, you suddenly and violently stand up, slapping the table with your hands. Law even though got a little scared, he remains still, acting swanky as always. You wait for him to say something, but he just stares. You are tired of this pestering feeling, a flame inside you burns even hotter. Law smiles at you with that cocky smirk and pats his lap. “Come here”, he tells you.
Even if you were dying to sit there, you are just too arrogant to do as a man says, and fighting against your true desires, walk away. “Damn brat”, you say to yourself while walking through the deck stepping strong so your heels sound louder in the middle of the night.
Suddenly, someone grabs you by the wrist and turns you around. You have the Surgeon of Death´s face in front of yours. You gasp, he is not smirking, but his eyes show pure desire, his breathing is accelerated as much as yours. Your hand is directed to his crotch by him. You can feel his hard bulge growing under your palm. You have a side grin. And after a few seconds, he kisses you so passionately, so lustfully, so needy. His inked hands grabbing your hair, pulling your head back, letting your neck exposed so he can dig in like a beast.
“Let’s go to my room, Law”, you gasp in between steamy kisses. “Fine… Room… Shambles”, he says and you two are teletransported to your bed. You land into your mattress while Law is standing up at the feet of your bed. You smile seductively at him, full of desire when he begins to take off his black shirt. The big heart tattooed on his chest that reaches almost to his belly button, his abs slightly defined, the V that his lower stomach muscles form over his pelvis, and a little happy trail that makes you wonder where it finishes, makes you squirm and recognize how needy for this man you are. “Come here, brat”, you tell him with a beckoning finger.
Law is over you in no time, cradling your face with his hand. Your fingers trail the inked lines on his chest. He begins to kiss your neck, lower and lower, his hand is now traveling under the slit of your dress, up through your thigh and even higher. His soft hand caresses the side of your waist, while the other slowly slides off the right strap of your dress, exposing to him your breast.
His tongue plays with your nipple, and you moan his name. A string of saliva forms when slowly relieves the nipple from his lips and looks at you with intense lust. Your hands that were lingering over his bulge are now at each side of his head, and in a simple but fast movement you are now over him, straddling your hips. You grind against his sex, touring your hands over his tattooed chest. You slowly bend over him, biting his neck, playing with your tongue with the little hoops he has hanging from his ears. Law’s hand on your butt, squeezing hard your flesh.
You slide off your other strap, so your dress falls off exposing your torso and beautiful breasts to him. The black dress gets stuck on your hips and you start softly jumping over his aching dick, still trapped in his jeans. Law is sweating, he is about to burst, and you haven’t even touched his sex yet. You don’t even care about the foreplay, you want him to flood your insides, and he wants it too.
He reaches for his zipper and lowers it. You help him by pulling down his jeans and his boxers, letting free his member. To your surprise the left side of his groin area is also inked with a little sword. At first it looked suspicious, but you are so horny that instantly jump over his sex.
Your already wet panties become even wetter when you rub your sex against his. Law closes his eyes, every time your core touches the tip of his cock, like a sweet torture. Until this is too much for him and pushes you to the mattress. You flop down on your back and Law violently tears off your panties. “I’m gonna fuck the hell out of you, bitch”, he tells you gasping, and penetrates you, rough and deep.
“Mh, Law”, you whine, invaded by the pleasure his cock against your walls makes you feel. He has his teeth clenched making his mandible even more sharp. Your bodies are covered in sweat as he pounds you with hard fast thrusts. Your moans would probably make everyone in the castle wake up, but you don’t really care.
Law passes his hand on your back, lifting you as you cross your legs around his waist. You are now seated over him. Your breasts pressed against his chest, face to face, while he keeps penetrating you. The both of you reach climax, you first and then Law. Your core feels how his pulsating member empties inside it. He gets you hugged tight, and you rest your head over his shoulder enjoying how full you feel, how satisfied you feel after relieving that sexual tension between the two of you. n
Even if you insist on this being all just sex, and haven't been in love before, something about being skin to skin with a man after having sex feels better than you thought. Never in your life have you experienced being hugged to someone, so closely, so intimate. His warm breath caresses the skin of your shoulder, and you close your eyes in hope this moment never ends.
Law slowly helps you lay on bed, and he does the same. You are lying on your side while Law is on his back looking at the ceiling. You worship how his inked chest goes up and down with every inspiration and you can't help but put your hand over it. He looks at you and pulls you next to him. Your face is now over his arm, and he caresses your naked back. He probably knows this is a whole new experience for you, as you are known to be heartless… but the truth is that you have always been lonely…
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guiltgoreglory · 3 years
Heat Waves (Chapter 1: A Warm Welcome)
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(Very) Brief Summary: Reader is a government contractor joining the team in Benghazi.  (Eventual Tanto x Reader) (2,684 words)
Chapter 2
Foreword: In this series, the reader will be loosely based off of Nikita from the TV show Nikita (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nikita_(TV_series)). The reader has an extensive background in black-ops and is currently an independent contractor working with the department of defense in coordination with the executive branch. If you have any questions about the character, feel free to reach out to me and I can clarify. The story will generally follow the plot of the movie with the exception of a few scenes. Lastly, the POV will shift throughout the story, a change in POV will be signaled by a line.
Author’s Note: Hey guys! I have a full plot already set up but it has been a long time since I’ve written a fic. I’m so sorry if the writing is kinda shitty but I really wanted to get it down in writing. I hope you like it!
You closed your eyes and rested your head against the headrest, trying to find an ounce of comfort in the cramped seat. The dull hum of the plane was cut through by various murmurs amongst the travelers. After a minute or two, you deemed the effort fruitless, letting out a frustrated sigh. Instead, you opened your eyes and looked out the window, watching as the monotonous view trailed by. For the next several weeks, maybe even months, you’d once again become acclimated to discomfort. This shitty seat is probably as good as it gets, you thought. The department will likely have you shacked up in some storage closet on a grimy 20-year-old cot. You have had worse and at least you’d be occupied. 
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed Silva shift. You turned, watching him from a row back, across the aisle. He grimaced as he took off his wedding ring, putting it into a small metal container. He didn’t appear to notice your gaze as you turned your attention back to the window, the heat already radiating in. You felt sorry for him. Leaving people behind is never easy, especially kids. Luckily, you didn’t have that problem. 
As the plane began its descent you skimmed the team comp in your head. You’d been thoroughly briefed on the contractors, on top of all the research you had done on your own. You were joining alongside Jack Silva. A family man in real estate. Pushed to fly back overseas for the money to support his family. From all that you had seen, he’s a good guy. He seemed to be good company. It’ll be nice to not be the only strange face, you thought.
You readied yourself. Benghazi is far worse than most believed. Ever since the department even suggested you might be helpful here, you’d been keeping track of the chaos. It was only a matter of time before it erupted into a full-blown civil war. 
As the landing zone came into view you checked your hijab, making sure not a hair was out of place. You wore a casual white button-down shirt with a gray tank top underneath. You unfolded the sleeves, covering as much of your skin as possible. Given the heat, you’d love to run out in something a little more breathable, but the beige cargo pants would have to do. Next, you checked your “cello” case that sat in the seat next to you. Moving the strap towards you for a quick and effortless disembark. Being you had its perks, one of which was bringing some of your own firepower. 
You cracked your neck as a familiar ding came over the com. 
“Welcome to Benghazi.”
The two men settled into the car, watching over all the civilians walking past. Rone leaned forward, pulling a handgun out of the back of his pants. “It’s loaded.” Jack accepted the gun readily, cocking it within his lap. 
“How’s the team here?” 
“Good. Three ex-marines, one ex-army ranger. It’ll be nice to have some more team guys around.”
Jack briefly glanced back at Rone. “Guys?”
“Yeah. We’re waiting on one more before we head out.”
“You work with him before?”
“Nope. Defense department assigned her.”
Jack furrowed his brow slightly, pursing his lips in surprise. “Alrighty then, what’s she look like?” Jack looked more intently for another westerner standing out like a sore thumb. 
“No idea. I’ve been told that she will find us.”
“Oh how ominous.” A smile tugged at the corner of his lip. 
Rone hummed in agreement as he eyed the rearview mirror. Out of the crowd, a body began to beeline towards the car. “Think that’s her.”
Jack nonchalantly stretched, turning towards the back of the car to catch a look. 
You approached the dust-covered truck, already craving shade from the burning sun. Your sunglasses did little to protect your eyes from the glare off of the ground. As you got closer, you could see Tyrone eying you from the side mirrors. You adjusted the straps of both your cello case and your duffel, making sure not to make any sudden movements. You made your way to the driver’s side door, turning to face him. “You Tyrone?” you asked, knowing full well it was.
“Yes, Ma’am. And you are?”
“Nice to meet you, Y/N. Hop in.”
You nodded, moving back towards the rear of the car. Swinging the back door open, you threw your stuff onto the ground next to the seat. Leaving just enough room for you to climb in. As you sat down, you angled yourself towards Jack so that you could have a proper introduction. He noticed your movement, turning back to face you. He reached out his hand for a handshake. 
“Jack Silva”
You took his hand. “Y/N.” 
He settled back into his seat as Rone started the car. “Just Y/N?”
“Just Y/N.” You affirmed. 
As Rone made his way through the city they began to catch up, making friendly jabs at each other. You yanked your duffel towards you, rummaging through the various clothes. You could feel Jack’s eyes peeking at you ever so often through the mirror, making sure you weren’t doing anything unsavory. Trust is earned.  Finally, you found your shoulder holster. You unbuttoned your shirt, throwing it on the seat beside you. You put on the holster, adjusting the straps as needed so that it sat comfortably. After you were satisfied you again began to look through your luggage, pulling out two black pistols. You loaded a magazine into both of the guns. The sound quickly drew the attention of both men as the conversation briefly paused before they returned to their conversation. You paid them no mind, knowing that any response would probably make them more antsy. You then cocked them before placing them within your holster. Grabbing your shirt, you put it back on, leaving it unbuttoned. It was opaque enough to conceal your firearms as long as no one looked too close. 
“So, Y/N,” Rone directing the conversation towards you, “The Defense Department didn’t tell me much about you. What branch you from?” 
You turned from watching out the side of the car. “Covert operations.” 
That definitely piqued his interest. Jack let Rone do the questioning, but it was clear he was just as curious as him. 
“Alright. SEAL Team?”
“Uh, no. It’s a little more complicated.”
“Oh I get it, you’re on some James Bond shit huh.” He chuckled to himself as you smiled and rolled your eyes.
“Pretty much.”
Rone left the questioning there, knowing he’d probably not get much more of an answer, at least not until you’d come to know him a bit better. The two of them shared a look before the car came to a sudden stop. 
“Shit. No, no, no, no, no this isn’t good.” Rone’s body tensed as he assessed the situation. 
Civilians began to run around the car, whimpering in fear. You straightened up, readying for a shit show. You positioned yourself in the middle of the back, between the two men so you could see as much as possible through the windshield. 
“Fuck.” Rone’s discomfort quickly seeped through his cool resolve. “Who the fuck are these guys?” 
“What do we got?” Jack stayed still, his eyes scanning over the various armed men.
“Brigade we coordinate with, February Seventeenth Martyrs. This ain’t them.” He looked back past you and he switched into reverse. Moving back a few feet, the path was blocked and the car jolted forward. “Shit we’re boxed in.”
You settled on your knees, carefully unclipping the straps keeping your guns in place, just in case. Both men leaned out of the window. Jack looking up towards the man on the balcony readied to run.
“We bailing?” He asked, voice calm and collected.
Rone, giving no response, pulled out his radio. “Base this is Rone. Come in, over.”
“This is Base, go Rone.”
“I’m in a Jam off Fifth Ring Road. I’m lookin’ at about 8 armed tangos here.”
“Copy that, sit tight.”
“Sit tight, that’s great advice.” Everyone in the car became increasingly more agitated as the armed militia made its way in your direction. 
You took a deep breath. “If we’re bailing we gotta do it now.” You glanced at your bags. You could leave the duffel. There wasn’t anything particularly important in there. The case on the other hand couldn’t be lost to a rampant terrorist cell, if you did, the government would be up your ass about it for at least another 10 years. You fidgeted slightly, knowing that the opportunity to flee was about to pass.
Jack clenched his jaw. “They got a KPV.”
Fuck this is bad. 
“Base we ain’t got all day.”
“Hey, Rone. They’re trying to get Feb 17 to back you up, but we’re coming.”
Deeming that transmission utterly useless, Rone whipped out his cell. “Oz I’m in a jam of Fifth Ring.”
“Ty.” Jack interjected as the men became uncomfortably close.
“Rone, 17 Feb QRF is being alerted.”
“Fuck that, the only Quick Reaction force I want is my guys.” Without an immediate response, Rone continued on. “Send them. I want my guys.” He said more adamantly. 
“Negative, Rone. Just hang in there.”
“Maybe I’m not making myself clear. I’m looking at multiple radical insurgents with AKs and a 50-cal technical set to blow my rover all the way back to Zimbabwe. Over.”
You watched as a man dressed in a disheveled suit made his way around the vehicles and debris. He’s the big guy.
“It’s not my call, brother.”
Goddamnit. Looks like we’re either talking our way through this, or we go out quick. The thought gave you the slightest bit of comfort.
Rone looked towards Jack frustrated. You could sense he felt an inch of guilt for getting his friend stuck in this hellhole.
“Here we go.” Jack said nonchalantly as he could given the circumstances.
You crossed your arms, giving yourself easy access to your handguns without looking too conspicuous. A man stood at the front of the rover, yelling something you couldn’t understand. He pointed his AK right at you, maybe it wasn’t on purpose but you couldn’t help but mentally scoff. Well, that’s not very nice.
“Welcome to Benghazi.”
The man in front banged on the hood as the leader moved towards the driver’s side window. Jack raised his hands up innocently as Rone smiled at the man. 
“Salaam.” Rone raised his badge up to the man in the suit as he gazed at him incredulously. “Libyan visa. Official. Libyan government.” The leader looked him up and down. 
The guy with the AK was now in Jack’s face. His gaze shifted forward, doing his best to remain calm despite the barrel of a gun being inches from his forehead.
“Friendly? Hm? Friendly?” Rone again gestured with his badge.
Rone whatever game you’re playing it better fucking work because last time I checked a friend of Al-Qaeda is no friend of ours. You did your best to blend into the back of the car, feigning as the harmless woman. 
“Pull over for inspection.” The leader said sternly.
Rone shook his head. “No.” 
“Pull over for inspection!” He was now angry, his voice shaking with every word.
Alright, this is how it’s gonna go. You crept your hands slightly closer to your guns.
Rone’s voice remained steady. “I’m sorry, sir. I can’t do that.”
The man at Jack’s door yelled once more. Banging his palm against the dirty surface. Then the slightest movement came from Jack. 
It’s showtime. You thought. You gripped your pistols and whipped them forward, pointing them as the secondary soldier positioned at the front of the rover. Jack and Rone acted similarly with Jack’s gun pointed across at the leader, and Rone’s gun pointed at the soldier beside the door. The soldier at the front adjusted his AK, pointing it more fervently towards the car. 
“Look up.” Rone pointed towards the sky with his empty hand, never moving his gaze from the leader’s eyes. “Go ahead, look up.” Some of the aggression left the leader as he looked towards the sky, confused. “You see the drone?” The man looked back down. “No? That’s okay. The drone sees you.”
Nice play, Rone. You thought to yourself. A couple of Americans? No problem. We don’t pose that much of a threat. But good ol’ American air support? Now that carries a little weight. 
“Sees your face. We know who you are.”
Jack, facing the soldier at his door, swallows hard. Keeping with Rone’s power play, he maintains eye contact.
“If anything happens to us, your home, your family, boom, gone. Give us the order to let us go.”
Jack, looking past the AK in his face, doesn’t flinch as the soldier gestures with his gun.
 “I want the car!” 
Within a brief moment, Jack and Rone switched their aim, with Jack now pointing his handgun at the soldier and Rone at the leader. You flinched ever so slightly at the movement, but you remained steady, watching for any worrisome movement amongst the militia. Adrenaline pumped through your veins as you could feel your heart pounding in your chest. You ignored the harsh metal of the rover digging into your knees. This was your guys’ only shot to make it out of this cramped alley. They had to think your little caravan of three had the power of the entire U.S. military revolving overhead when in reality, you were just three Americans with a couple of guns in the middle of fuckin nowhere.
“No, I’m not gonna do that.” Jack shakes his head, leaning forward towards the man. The energy around the car was beginning to shift. Despite the KPV having enough firepower to destroy your car, and about 5 cars behind you, you three possessed the upper hand. They recoiled at the barrel of your guns, not the other way around.
The leader’s eyes began to soften, his harsh exterior falling at the thought of losing everything. For a moment, you actually pitied him. “I earn the right to decide the future of my country.” You understood the sentiment behind his words. Once again the U.S. had shoved itself into the center of a country, with no right to do so. But you, and the men sat beside you, just wanted to keep others safe. You had no agenda.
“You’re talking to the wrong guy. How willing are you to die for your country? I’m ready to go right here, right now.” Easy, Tyrone. Don’t push it too far. 
The leader’s frown deepened as he considered the weight of Rone’s words. He slowly backed away from the car. “Leave here. While you still can.”
You stopped yourself from relaxing your figure even though it felt like the weight of the world had just been lifted off your shoulders. Rone leaned back into his seat, beginning to maneuver the car between the debris. Jack slowly lowered his pistol to the door as the car inched forward. You followed suit and lowered your guns into your lap. You could hear the leader yelling to his men, and their posture relaxed enough to show they weren’t an immediate threat. Air filled your lungs for the first time in what felt like 5 minutes, before you looked behind through the dusty back window, making sure the leader was true to his word and you weren’t about to get shot in the back. You settled back onto your seat, leaning back against the warm metal. You debated holstering your weapons but decided it was best to have them at the ready until you were within the walls of the base.
“We got air support?” Jack’s voice was calm but demanding. You knew the answer to his question but left Rone to give him the bad news. Rone didn’t take his eyes off of the road as he did his best to make it back to base in one piece. 
“We don’t have any fucking support.”
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your-dar-ling · 3 years
Gen:Lock 2.3 Re(cap/view)
LOVED this episode. Very needed. I finally feel like this story is going somewhere. Let's get into it.
There's finally enough on every front to to divide sections into plotlines instead of characters!!
Gen:Lock Team
YES. YES. YES. YES. YES. Everyone is going through it still, but I love the way it is being presented in this episode as a loss of boundaries. Delicious content. The ways it manifests range from funny to depressing, sometimes even both. I really like the example where Chase walks in on his ex doing the naughties because he's literally got door knocking trauma now. Absolutely hilarious. There's also hologram discrimination now? I mean Chase is the only living hologram there is. I guess it only really applies to him. The entire universe is gaslighting him.
I appreciate the fact that Yaz is now getting some more time to develop. She's been vulnerable about her position, but I don't think she can bear anyone else committing the world's most cynical suicide, which I think makes Cammie in this chapter suuuper interesting.
Of course she just wants to know more about the tech. Of course she's curious about how it works and how people live when they're not lonely. In many ways the mind-share is just Cammie's way of coping (also no more nightmares). Her inability to stand alone is an issue that's been foreshadowed since the very beginning. I appreciate this direction. She's been trying to develop the G:L program to look exactly like the Union's Nirvana in a sense. But the space she refuses to provide anyone else is beggining to cause...problems, speaking of which:
KAZU. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. All of the privacy he wants, all the things his subconscious has been burying? He can't do that on the cloud. All of his thoughts are everyone else's. But I'm obsessed with the fact he put on a robe in a dreamscape instead of like...actual clothes. Hilarious.
Val doesn't have much outside of Kazu, but what he gets is still cute.
Migas is gay. Sorry. He is.
Marin is a ❤️piece of garbage❤️ . Also, again, nothing in G:L has good security like this is sad. Also also, are the other Chase's not on the G:L network anymore? Also also also, these new Holons still have no reason to exist. I still don't know what the point of them is. Also also also also, does anyone know Leon is dead yet?
Miranda is great in this episode. She's such a realist it hurts. It's not necessarily a mindset bred from logicality either. Everything she does: the promotion within her ranks (can she really, just do that???), the passionless sex with Jodie, all of it is just her taking a deeply cynical control over her reality in order to keep moving forward. Just because she's not angry at Chase anymore doesn't mean she's over him. He's everywhere. She literally can't escape him. And ironically enough, Chase wanted Miranda to be his escape. She's still the first he went to with new info. Still where he goes when he can't be alone. They both want to move on, and they want to do so separately, but they can't. At the very least, they don't know how. Boundaries!!
Who is giving Brother Tate this information about the Mars thing??? I can't side with the Union, obviously. But their motives are as pure as they are...bad, and I think that's what I really like about them.
Also I'm still unendingly grateful that this faith has some merit to it.
The Proletariat
A TERRIBLE name. What does this have to do with Marxism? I mean in opposition to the Polity, I guess (I truly cannot stand capitalism Holcroft makes me SICK), but I don't see Sinclair's faction as the working class at all. He is destroying the two party system at least, as he should. Although, I don't know why exactly helping people escape the warzone is something neither party likes. Like what exactly is wrong with that in the eyes of Brother Tate or Marin?
Also, if not the Anvil, where is the base of operations? Is it just RTASA? I mean I'm fine with that, I guess.
World building on TEN in this episode Las Vegas is so cool and terrible.
"I hear Australia still has trees" wow.
Sinclair's lil grappling hook thingie is so much fun.
The sex scene wasn't that bad -- or at least not offensively so -- and it's now all anyone is talking about and that angers me because the schadenfreude is drowning out actual discussion of the merit of this show as a show and not "what HBO did to it." Like I can both hate a corporation over a show and still have respect for the artists' direction. It doesn't have to be the same. If I don't like the direction on its most basic level (like the literal content rating) then the show doesn't have and never will have anything to offer me. Making such a fuss about cookies I want to be cake is beneficial to none and detrimental to everyone trying to actually engage with the thing. I'm generalizing here but it's the common sentiment I see reflected in G:L spaces and it's tired.
Final Ranking: 6 seggs scenes out of 7. Still nowhere near the enjoyment I got from Season 1, but I'm glad this show still exists. Let me say it again: I'm glad this show still exists.
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tonio-dawson · 4 years
A crossroad
Antonio x Halstead!Reader
Word count: 1,783
Summary: AU where Antonio stays in the unit until season 7 (because I don’t like how he got written out :)). He found himself at a crossroad where he thinks he isn’t the right fit for the team anymore. Reader is Jay’s sister working as a Detective at another precinct.
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Antonio walked up to your place, you could hear his footsteps even before his keys reached your apartment door. “It’s not lock-” you screamed from your kitchen but he already made his way inside. He took off his boots and his jacket, and made his way to the fridge and pulled out a beer.
You looked at him, he hadn’t said a word but he glanced at you finally recognizing your presence. “Sorry babe, thought you’re still at work,” he said while taking a swig leaning back to the fridge. His jaw clenched, his eyes were filled with fire, as if he’s ready for a fight.
“Woah, I’d say welcome home, but what happened? Rough day?” You turned to him, spatula on your hand. “Something like that,” he sighed.
“Wanna talk about it over this Arroz con Pollo once it’s ready?” You asked softly.
“I guess,” he gulped his beer this time.
“And maybe give your girlfriend a kiss before you go shower and change?” you walked toward him this time, pursing a smile.
His gazed softened as he reached his arms out to you and pulled you into a hug, “I’m sorry. It’s been really tough at the office today. And we’ve promised each other not to let work gets in between us.” he mumbled on your shoulder. You can feel that something is weighing on him.
“And you did not. Not yet anyway.” you pulled away and kissed his cheek, “Now go shower and we can have dinner,” he nodded and made his way to the bathroom.
Antonio was much calmer after his shower, much more after he filled his stomach with food, “This is soooo good, almost as good as mine.” he smiled. Usually you’d throw a napkin or anything within proximity at him but knowing he had a rough day you just chuckled, “If that’s your way to say ‘thank you my beautiful girlfriend, food is delicious’ I say you’re welcome,” you smiled.
“Of course I meant thank you, ‘almost as good’ is the highest of compliment,” said Antonio while finishing his plate. His expression changed to a tired face as he let out a sigh, “You don’t know how much I need this after today,”
“What happened? Ruzek picked a fight with you again?” You asked.
“Hmm.. yeah, he was on my list of problems today. But…” He trailed off and left his word hanging.
“But what? I’m sorry, it must have been a very hard day.” you looked deeply into him.
“Yeah, I don’t know if this is right… but I’m thinking to quit Intelligence.” he was hesitant at the beginning however his raspy voice was loud and clear when he mentioned about quitting.
You’re at loss for words, trying to control your expression. You didn’t even know whether to stop him from doing it or to support his thinking.
“I…are you, are you sure?” You stuttered.
Antonio sighed even longer this time, “That’s the thing, I’m not sure.” He grabbed another beer from the fridge and took a seat on the couch after clearing up the table.
You’re still sitting at the dining table, frozen, running different words to say to him.
“Babe?” He glanced at you.
You snapped back to reality and made your way to the couch, sitting next to him. “I’m sorry. I’m at loss for words. Don’t know what to say.” you said honestly, “I thought you love working at Intelligence,” you gazed softly at him.
“Yeah, I do. I like working the case. Our cases are always the toughest one, we put away the evil of evil and make the city safer. That’s what I love about being part of the team.” Antonio explained, you sensed a but coming.
“But…you know how Voight and the unit works. It’s not always conventional,” he continued.
“Yes, but you already know that.” you replied and he nodded at your sentence, “Most of the time it worked to our benefit. But lately, every one is trying to be like Voight, you know? Using any means necessary to solve a case. Maybe, except your brother. But Jay’s also has his way of letting things happen. And I can’t. I can’t do it. Not anymore.” he shook his head.
Antonio went on explaining how the last few years went down for him and the team. How they dealt with Al’s murderer - how Ruzek blamed him over not standing up for Voight though it wasn’t the case, how Voight handled Lopez, how Burgess let Q brought a gun to a sting and ended up killing the target, how Upton took care of Vanessa’s mess by planting evidence, the list goes on. And Antonio always got caught in the middle not wanting to condone their actions though not condemning either. But because of that, he was seen as the enemy of the team.
Beyond from short stories that Jay and Antonio shared with you, you didn’t actually know about how the Intelligence team works. As Jay’s sister and Antonio’s girlfriend you have good relationships with the team outside of work. You’ve known them to be good people and solid cops. But getting all of this new information, you can only feel for your boyfriend. You know that Antonio is the boy scout cop who does everything by the book. So these questionable methods that the team uses really challenge his ethics.
“I don’t care how Voight runs his shop. He brought me in to the team knowing already how I handle cases, and we always know how to work with each other despite our differences. But the rest of the team? I’m not sure anymore. These young folks think that Voight’s way is the only way forward. That doesn’t sit right by me.” he complained.
After Jules death, Lindsay’s departure, and Al’s gone, you suspected that Antonio’s feelings towards the team has changed. Team dynamic and roles have shifted and you’re not sure where Antonio sees himself within the team, and how the team positions Antonio. 
Your suspicion only grew stronger after he told you what happened today.
A patrol officer got killed under Intelligence assignment to do a search at a suspected drug dealer’s home. But it was the wrong house, the officer came in hot and drew his gun already when coming inside. Much to everyone’s surprise, they only found a couple who are eating their lunch. Things got real bad, real quick when the husband - an ex-marine - panicked seeing a gun pointed at his direction and pulled his gun from under the table. In a matter of seconds, multiple shots were fired. The first officer died at the scene, the ex-marine is clinging to life at Med, the wife and the officer’s partner got several GSWs albeit not lethal.
The problem? They didn’t have a search warrant. It was an intel from a CI, a real bad one. Ruzek rushed it because a suspected drug dealer has been threatening Michele Sovana, Al’s only remaining daughter. With Ruzek now being questioned by Internal Affairs, the team turned to Antonio to pull in favor from ASA Peter Stone to issue a back dated search warrant to get Ruzek out of trouble.
“I think Jay’s against this. A fellow soldier got shot over a bad police misconduct? But he didn’t say a word.” Antonio’s eyes were filled with concerns, “The thing is, not only the warrant didn’t come through, but an officer shouldn’t draw their gun to a civilian unless necessary.” he sighed and remembered his almost altercation with Ruzek earlier today.
“They thought they’re walking to a lion’s den for fuck’s sake!” Ruzek yelled at him, “Well they weren’t, were they? Now you got two civilians injured; one of them served to protect the country!” Antonio yelled back.
“You always do this, man. A brother is killed and you’re worried about some political correctness? He worked patrol for 10 years, sacrificed HIS LIFE and one simple mistake you wanted to strip from his honor?”
“YES! Because that’s what we do! We sacrifice our lives as cops! Not only him. And because we’re the police we should be held to a standard. All the fucking time. You think you can knock on someone’s door and starts shooting?!” Antonio was boiling, in fact he was so close to hit Ruzek, but Voight broke them off and told people to go home and pick it up tomorrow.
“So, what are you going to do?” you asked.
“I figured I’d do what they say one last time and maybe…hand in my transfer letter the next day.” He replied.
“Wanna transfer to my unit?” you asked cheekily.
He laughed, “Only if I got to boss you around,” as he snuggled to you.
“Not gonna happen!” you threw a light punch.
“I honestly don’t know, you think transferring out is a bad move?” he asked.
“Well, I think working for Voight in the first place was a bad move. Same thing I said to Jay,” you scoffed, “But who knew you guys could go this far and rose to be a unit with the highest solving rate in the department. Whether or not you enjoy it, that’s for you to say.” you smiled this time.
“Hmm…” he hugged you closer and placed his head on top of yours.
“But whatever you decide, I’m behind you. One thing I know is that you’re a damn good cop don’t matter in which unit you work at,” you continued with a proud girlfriend tone.
“Thanks for always having my back. I love you,” He cupped your face and kissed you long and deep, “I love you too,” you replied as you pulled away. He leaned in closer for another kiss, more heated this time. His touch was more intense and you let out a soft moan. His hands traveled inside your shirt as he nipped at your neck. You both were all cozy until his phone rang. You both stopped and looked at the caller ID, “Your brother’s timing is impeccable. You sure he didn’t put a nanny cam around here?” he raised his eyebrows.
“Ugh. You have to answer him?” you asked.
“Actually I do. So tomorrow I don’t have to explain myself why I missed his calls. I’ll be quick,” Antonio replied and got up to answer the phone. He stepped outside to your balcony while you turn on the TV.
After three minutes or so, he stepped back in with a much brighter face. “Why are you so happy?” you asked. Whatever it was that Jay said on the phone has put Antonio at ease.
“I know I’m sure about one thing. That I always can count on a Halstead.” he smiled, pulled you in and continued where he left off.
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Dominant Erik sees his ex gf at a party/ Dominant Erik and his soft ex gf he lost by being a fuck boi keeps taunting him about how much he can’t have this anymore since she has a new man. Erik is jealous and he has to remind her who Daddy really is
Warnings: HARDCORE SMUT. Dom & Sub play. Voyeurism. Edging. Nasty talk. Jealousy.
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“Y/N, get the croissants so you can make those bomb-ass breakfast sandwiches.”
“Which ones? The big ones or the small ones?”
“The big ones.”
Y/N crouches down in a squat to grab four big croissants for her and her roommate, Ivory, to have. She was famous for making the best breakfast sandwiches. Y/N grew up in a southern home with two parents who have their own catering business. She learned to cook at the age of 6, bringing a stool over to the stove, making breakfast and lunch for her younger siblings. Now, her Cali friends can’t shut up about how great of a cook she is. Her friend from UCLA, Tommie, is having a pool party/ tattoo party at her place this evening and she asked Y/N if she could cook some dishes. She didn’t have to worry about the grilled items. Y/N was asked to make curry chicken, barbecued ribs, seafood salad, and potato salad. She already whipped up the salads yesterday so all she had to do was cook the marinated chicken and ribs so they would be fresh and ready to devour.
“I need to get my ass out of this market. If I stay in here I’ll end up spending more money and we still have to pay off the rest of the new furniture set.”
“We have enough saved, let’s splurge,” Ivory spoke while grabbing some junk food.
“The money we have saved is for emergencies, Ivory, like if our cars start fucking up? If some big weather crisis happens and we have to stock up on food for a while?”
“Girl lets live life and stop worrying about money all the damn time. You’ll be graduating next year with your Master's degree.”
Y/N chuckles, “that’s next year though. Did you get the avocados?”
Ivory held up a bag filled with them, “You know I couldn’t forget. We eat these with everything.”
“True,” Y/N stood up, pulling a wedgey from between her ass cheeks.
“One more thing,” Ivory pulled up the list of groceries from her notes in her phone, “Cookies and cream ice cream.”
“And extra Oreos because they don’t put enough in there for me,” Y/N walked to the cart, heading back down the aisle. She spotted the cookies, grabbing two packs of double-stuffed Oreos. Y/N and Ivory made a right outside of the aisle, heading towards the frozen section to grab their tub of ice cream. Ivory was currently texting away with a grin on her face, almost bumping into an Indian couple with their child. Y/N knew she was texting the group chat that included Tommie and herself because her phone kept vibrating in her Louis Vuitton purse sitting in the cart.
“Tommie wants to know if you are bringing your new boo?”
“Terrence? Yeah, I’m bringing him,” Y/N looked up at the signs above the frozen aisles to make sure she was heading towards the correct one.
“Ah, ice cream,” She made a left, Ivory following slowly behind her.
“She also wanted me to let you know that Erik is coming so be prepared.”
“Erik who?” Y/N says while bending over to grab some ice cream. Ivory held the door to the freezer open for her.
“Your ex-boyfriend?”
“All I know is a nigga named Erik who is a fuck boi. The biggest fuck boi ever,” Y/N places the ice cream in the cart, “Ready to checkout?”
Ivory purses her lips, “How long have y’all been broken up? Still ain’t over it?”
“For about...eight months now. Eight months of peace and no drama. He’s irrelevant to me. Every time I hear the name Erik I wanna fight somebody and I’m not the fighting type.”
“Does Terrence know about him?”
Y/N glares at Ivory, “No. why? Should I have mentioned him? I didn’t think I needed to.”
Ivory didn’t say another word until they made it to the car. All things were purchased and bagged up. Y/N opened the trunk with a push of a button, bringing the cart over so she could pass the bags to Ivory. Once the trunk was loaded, Y/N walked the cart to place it with the others. She made her way back, Ivory driving this time since Y/N drove to the market.
“I RATHER BE YOUR B.I.T.C.H CAUSE THAT'S WHAT YOU GON’ CALL ME WHEN I’M TRIPPING ANYWAY!” Y/N jammed to Megan Thee Stallion’s song that played from Ivory’s iTunes. She grinds her hips in her seat, thick ass and thighs moving, windows rolled down making her top knot curly bun frizzy, and snapping her fingers.
“Aye, you know you can’t control me, baby, you need a real one in your life them bitches ain’t gon’ give it to you right!” Y/N stuck her tongue out.
“Bitch, who you singing to? Soft Boi Terrence or Fuck Boi Erik?”
“Neither, I’m just singing, girl. Why I gotta be singing to a nigga?” Y/N turned down the music.
“Because, bitch, I peep what you’ve been doing on the GRAM.”
“What have I been doing Ivory?” Y/N asked defensively.
“My girl ain’t so sweet anymore,” Ivory raises both of her brows, “The captions under your pictures? The music you post in your stories? Who are you tryna piss off?”
“I know this ain’t about Erik ain’t shit ass,” Y/N argues while talking with her hands, long acrylic nails swaying like she was ghetto fabulous, “Cuz if it is you can cut this shit out real quick.”
“Let me give you an example,” Ivory clears her throat, “You wish this was still your pussy, HUH?”
“Girl, that’s a quote from a song,” Y/N rolled her eyes.
“Well, how about, Fuck Boys played out, let’s treat these niggas how they treat us. Y/N, I’m not the only one who’s noticed, girl. And you didn’t unfollow Erik on Instagram. You want him to see all your posts so he can get jealous and miss what he can’t have that’s what you’re doing.”
“What’s wrong with that though?” Y/N shrugs, “He crept around with other bitches, so what’s wrong with me letting him know that he will never find another girl like me? I want him to feel it. Terrence might be soft and sweet but he treats me with respect. Erik just wanted to get his dick wet. He didn’t take what we had seriously, Ivory. I don’t care how fine or how big that nigga dick is he fucked up.”
“OKAY. I’m sorry for bringing it up. I just don’t want you to dwell on him. Then, that means he won, right?”
“I don’t want him to win,” Y/N spoke with a pout of her lips, “I want him to remember what he lost, that’s all. I want him to watch me glow up on his big-headed ass.”
“Girl...we both know Erik. We know how he had you running behind him. If that nigga said get on your knees for Daddy, what you gon’ do? GET ON YOUR KNEES!”
“Nah,” Y/N folds her arms over her hefty chest, “Nope. He doesn’t have that power over me anymore-“
“I remember the stories, Y/N. How he taught you to be the best freak. Girl, you can’t just throw that away.”
“Who’s side are you on?” Y/N spoke with rage.
“Nobody’s side. I just know you still have feelings for him, that’s all. Don’t do Terrence like that. He’s just a filler, we both know this.”
“I really like Terrence. He’s the man I should be with, not Erik. My mama warned me about men like Erik. They sweet talk you, fuck you good, then break your heart and move on to the next bitch. She said it with those exact words. I always told myself I would never get with a dude like Erik and here my dumb ass go skipping to a dick appointment and coming out bow-legged.”
Ivory was in a fit of laughter wheezing and clutching her aching belly. Y/N turned the music back up, shaking her head at the fact that she even had to talk about him again. She wanted Erik and everything he did to her out of her mind. It took a while for Y/N to forget the good times. The nights where they laid up under eachother, talking about everything under the sun. The way he kissed her. How hungry he was for her each time he saw her. How he made her body react to him. Made her cum from dick for the first time. Turned her over to the BDSM lifestyle, becoming his 24/7 slut. It was fun, exhilarating, risky, sexy, wild, passionate, but then she found out he has multiple bitches calling him Daddy and submitting to him. That was the last draw. She cut ties with him and he acted like he didn’t give a fuck.
“So I won’t give a fuck,” Y/N held her head high, “I’m gonna enjoy being petty.”
“You’re grown,” Ivory ended it, turning into their apartment complex.
The Splash party/ Tattoo party will start around 6 PM and would end whenever. Tommie, the host and Y/N’s Instagram Model friend, was currently on the phone with the moon bounce crew about when they would arrive. Ivory and Y/N were in the kitchen taking the shells off of the boiled eggs. The dank smell of weed filtered into the kitchen from out back while Ivory and Y/N continued with the eggs. They had so many to do. Terrence was out back helping Tommie’s boyfriend, DJ, blow up the floaties and other pool accessories. Most of the hot food was in the oven on low heat. The grill master, another friend of theirs, Bryson, was seasoning the meat outside so he could start the grilling process. Y/N didn’t have on her bikini like Ivory and Tommie did. Y/N has a lime green bikini packed away in a holographic tote bag. She had on a pair of elastic waistband pink velvet shorts and a cropped airbrushed T-shirt that read Spoil Me.
“Is that my nigga Erik?!” DJ yells.
Y/N didn’t react, she didn’t flinch or jump to look at him. She continued scooping the yoke out of the middle of the boiled egg whites.
“So, you’re the drink plug then? Where’s the rest of the liquor?”
“In the truck.”
His voice. She hadn’t heard it in about seven months. She forgot how raspy and alluring it was. Now, she was remembering the way he used to talk to her. Instruct her to sit on his dick or suck his dick with no hands.
“We may need to make one more run. You know Tommie’s friends with everybody,” Erik laughs.
That laugh was infectious. Y/N licks her lips, picking up another egg to cut into.
“Who’s here already?” Erik asked.
“Bryson, Ivory, Y/N, and her boyfriend Terrance.”
“Oh, for real? Let me go say wassup.”
Y/N’s breathing quickened. She wondered how her hair looked slicked back in a bun or how thick she looked in her velvet shorts. All thoughts she wished she didn’t have but couldn’t help. Ivory was too busy singing to Ari Lennox that played from her phone to pay attention to Y/N. Footsteps finally settled in the kitchen. Y/N looked up through her lashes, staring at her ex. Erik Stevens. He put on more muscle. Skin a deeper brown from the sun. Dreads in his hair now and not that kinky fro she remembered him having. Orange swim trunks on and a half-buttoned white linen shirt that showed off gold chains hanging from his neck. He was carrying a box filled with dark liquor.
“Sup?” He spoke to both Ivory and Y/N. Y/N didn’t speak.
“Hey, Erik,” Ivory waves to him with a knife in her hand, “How have you been?”
“Pretty good, how about you?”
“Same me, what did you bring for us?” Ivory peered her big brown eyes into his box, “Hennessy, Long Island, D’usse! good choices.”
“More coming too,” Erik smiles. His eyes looking past Ivory’s braided hair to stare at Y/N, “Hey, Pinky.”
He actually called her that. Her hair wasn’t even pink anymore. She went back to her natural dark brown. He said that shit to piss her off.
“Damn, rude ass,” Erik kissed his teeth, “Where you want these at, DJ?”
“Come on, let me show you.”
“Erik, this is Terrence, Y/N’s boyfriend.”
Terrence was taller than Erik and slender. Skin a hickory brown, silky waves in his jet black hair, full lips and sepia eyes. His chest and arms were covered in tattoos. He has on black and grey striped trunks with no shirt. His body was wet from being in the pool to place the pool lights and floaties.
“Hey, man,” Terrence shook Erik’s hand with his wet one, “Oh, snap!” Terrence pulls a bottle of Hennessy from Erik’s liquor box, “Can we open this now?”
“I don’t care, it’s for everybody,” Erik walks away, sitting the box down on an empty table next to ice buckets that DJ told him was the bar.
“Where do I know you from?” Terrence asked while following Erik to the drink table.
“I’m well known. I’m a party promoter and I own my own night club-“
“OH YEAH. That’s where I know you from. I follow you on Instagram. I’ve been to a few of your parties. Your shit be jumping off, bruh.”
“Thanks.” Erik started taking the bottles out of the box.
“I also know that you and Y/N used to fuck with each other.”
A smile crept up Erik’s lips, “Oh, yeah?”
“Yeah. And let me just say this now before I walk away. Don’t think about speaking to her. She’s with me now. Clearly, she left your ass for a reason. She didn’t tell me exactly who her ex was but she did say he was a cheating ass bitch. Stay away from her, aight?”
“Step off, nigga, before I make you,” Erik’s eyes were dark and menacing. Y/N failed to mention that Erik was dangerous. Killer dangerous, “She ain’t mention how I kill niggas for a living too? Don’t end up on my list tryna defend your bitch. I had her, I know how she feels. Still nice and tight? Still gotta lay the towels down under her big ol’ ass because she squirts too much? Did she mention how I call her Pinky because her hair used to be hot pink and how she sucked on the dick real good?”
Terrence simply scowled at Erik. He looked like he wanted to bust Erik’s head open with one of those liquor bottles but not once did he make a move to correct Erik or hit him. Erik smirks before grabbing the Hennessy bottle from Terence, opening it, and drinking from it in his face. Erik wipes his mouth with the back of his hand, his eyes unblinking and murderous.
“Nothing to say? What happened to the tough guy? I like a challenge-“
“Just stay away from her, she doesn’t need you, she got me-“
“Are you insecure, homie? For you to approach me like this right off the back lets me know that you’re afraid I may take her away.”
“I’m not tryna ruin Tommie’s party, homie-“
“Nah, you feel insecure. If you know me then you must know how I get down. Pinky ain’t mention how she used to be my little slut? If I make you my little slut that means you’re still mine.”
“Y’all Aight?!” DJ yells over at Terrence and Erik from the pool, “Y’all niggas ain’t about to fight over Y/N are y’all?”
“NAH,” Erik yells, clapping Terrence on the back, “Just getting to know Terrence more. Decent guy.”
Erik walked away, bumping Terrence’s shoulder so hard he stumbled. Terrence braces himself on the table before looking back at Erik with fury. Once again, Terrence didn’t do shit.
“You know,” Erik takes off his checkered Vans before putting his feet in the water, “Y/N really needs to find a nigga with some backbone next time.”
“What did you say?” DJ asks with a shake of his long dreads, “Did you threaten that nigga, Kill?”
“Nah, he tried to threaten me though. Ain’t work. How long him and Pinky been dealing with each other?”
“Probably for five months. They met through me. Terrence came with me to a house party and next thing I know he and Y/N hitting it off. They exchanged numbers and been down for each other ever since.”
“That shit won’t last,” Erik took a swig of Hennessy, “she still talks about me?”
“No, Erik. That girl doesn’t mention your name, ever.”
“She still thinking about me with all those shady captions she posts on Instagram. She turned into a real gangsta on a nigga,” Erik chuckles, “I know it ain’t because of him.”
“E, DONT act a fool, bruh.”
“She shouldn’t have come. She should have stayed her fine ass home then.”
Y/N was standing in Tommie’s master bathroom tying the strings to her bikini thong. She grabs her phone from the sink to take a boomerang of her in the bikini for her Instagram story. She didn’t want to admit it to herself, but Y/N was intentionally stalling in the bathroom. Other guests already began to pour in and eat the food. The music from the DJ at the pool could be heard all the way in the bathroom, Roddy Rich- The Box playing. Terrence was probably already drunk by the pool since he couldn’t keep a drink out of his hand. Ivory was probably scouting the crowd full of men for someone to potentially take with her back to the apartment later. And Erik...
“Stop thinking about him.” Y/N spoke to herself in the mirror. She sighs, grabbing her matching lime green kimono to put around herself. Y/N headed out of the bathroom, walking down the hall and descending the steps towards the party. The house was empty, everyone out in Tommie’s big yard partying. When Y/N arrived, she smiled wide. This was like a 90’s pool party. Women dancing and walking around in tiny bikinis. Men dunking chicks in the pool or carrying them on their shoulders in the water. Towels laid out in the grass, people sitting on them with plates of food in their hands while others sat on chairs with their knees together to hold their plates of food. Moon bounce in full effect too. Tommie even has a slip n’ slide.
“Baby!” Terrence came over to Y/N with his arms out and an annoyed expression on his face, “Where have you been for the past hour? Sleeping?”
“No, getting dressed,” Y/N bats her lashes innocently, “You aren’t mad at me, are you?”
“Nah, that nigga over there is just irritating me.”
Y/N gave Terrence a perplexed look, “What nigga?”
“Your ex.”
Y/N looked up in time to see Erik surrounded by a group of half-naked women in the pool. They all splashed him, Erik picking one of them up to toss back into the pool. The other who tried to splash him was resting on a flamingo floaty. Erik flips the floaty over, the girl shrieking as she went underwater.
“How did you find out?” Y/N turned her eyes back on Terrence.
“Found a picture of you and him on his Instagram at a party he promoted for.”
Y/N looks away, a guilty expression on her face.
“Why did you hide that from me?”
“You wanna do this right now, Terrence?” Y/N folded her arms, lowering her voice so she wouldn’t cause a scene.
“Just answer the question, he’s gonna be here a while and I have to see his ugly mug until we leave. And Pinky? What’s up with that-“
“WHAT?!” Y/N raised her voice.
“He told me he called you Pinky because you used to have hot pink hair-“
“This conversation is over, Terrence. I didn’t come here to talk about my ex I came here to have fun- AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!”
Y/N was being tossed into the pool. She didn’t have time to prepare herself as the chlorine water burned in her nose. Her hands splashed frantically before she went under again. Gaining her footing, Y/N broke the water surface, coughing with her eyes squeezed shut. Snickering and shouts surrounded her. Y/N finally opens her reddish eyes, staring up at a laughing Erik with his wet muscular body standing over her on the pool edge.
Y/N was about to charge him until she saw the straps to her bikini top floating in front of her. She screamed, causing more people to laugh. Tommie and a few other girls came over while Y/N held the front of her bikini top tightly so it wouldn’t float away.
“SERIOUSLY, BRUH?!” Terrence was ready to attack Erik but Erik’s friends held him off, trying to calm him down.
“All jokes, Terrence. Y/N is used to it. Falls for the shit every time. Ain’t that right, Pinky?”
Y/N was embarrassed. Finally secured, she swam to the pool ladder, climbing out of it while glaring at Erik with vengeance. Her hair was out of its bun, wet curly hair smoothing down her back. The kimono she wore was currently floating in the pool and her ears were filled with water. She rushed away and back into the house, a finger in her ear swishing around to help get the water out. Y/N almost slips on the tile of the kitchen floor when she made it back inside.
“UGHHHHHH.” She groaned loudly.
“Baby, you Aight? Here,” Terrence held out her fluffy SpongeBob beach towel for her, “I know you’re cold.”
“Thanks, DICK,” Y/N snatched the towel.
“Why the attitude towards me?” Terrence spoke offensively.
“Because I have a feeling you said something to Erik. You knew he was coming, didn’t you? You had an entire speech waiting for him when he arrived? Now, he’s provoked and he will do whatever it takes to piss you and me off. So THANK YOU!!!! I am SO GRATEFUL!”
“Chill out with all of that. Yeah, I did approach him. I told him to keep his focus on everything and everyone else besides you-“
“Why though? You scared he’s gonna come back into my life? That’s a wack nigga move on your end,” Y/N wraps the towel around her waist, “I’m gonna go clear my head. Why don’t you go back out there and stir up some more shit.”
“Y/N!” Terrence yelled out as her back turned. She stomped through the living room, spotting a bottle of Tequila, grabbing it, and walking upstairs to Tommie’s room.
Y/N was sitting on Tommie’s balcony, staring down at the party with a gloomy expression. Erik was down there partying with his third plate of food in his hand. Ivory was in the pool playing shoulder wars, better known as chicken fight with one of Tommie’s model friends. Bryson was sweating bullets at the grill and Tommie and DJ sat on the pool edge with drinks in their hands. Y/N couldn’t spot Terrence. She didn’t care honestly. Y/N was burning through that bottle of Tequila. She could feel the earth rocking beneath her and her mind drifting in and out like a tide. Y/N stares with blurry eyes at the bottle in her hand. It was almost gone. She rolls her eyes, capping the rest before throwing the bottle on the balcony couch that Tommie has. Y/N stood on wobbly legs, bracing herself on the glass sliding doors before entering the house. She needed to eat but she didn’t want to walk back out there.
Y/N picks up her phone from Tommie’s canopy bed, ready to dial for Tommie but before she could, her phone was buzzing in her hand from an incoming call. She didn’t bother to see who it was, answering the phone anyway.
“You tore up already, ma?”
That voice almost made her sober.
“Why the FUCK do you still have my number?”
“Because I can. Where you at?”
“FUCK. YOU.” Y/N spoke with a slurred voice.
“Just tell me where you are so I can come to the rescue like always.”
“No, Fuck Boy, I’d rather lay in my own vomit than be near you for another fucking second you piece of shit.”
“Damn, I really turned you into a Lil’ savage, huh?”
“Erik...I am hanging up.”
Y/N ended the call.
“Sup, Pinky?”
Y/N felt like her body was moving in slow motion. She looked towards the entrance to Tommie’s bedroom. There, in his orange trunks, bare feet and shirtless was Erik himself. He has a plate of food in one hand and a bottle of water in the other.
“Why do you keep calling me that?” Y/N asked while blinking up at Erik. She felt like her head was spinning.
“Because...I know you still like it. You gon’ always be Pinky to me...my Pinky. Ain’t gon’ never change.”
“What do you think is going to happen for you? You think because you bring me food and water I’m gonna get down on my knees for you? I’m not your submissive anymore, Erik.”
“I’m not here to argue with you I’m here to sober you up, here,” Erik places the plate filled with a burnt hotdog, some cucumber salad, and deviled eggs, “I figured this would be the perfect food to soak up that alcohol. I saw you throwing that bottle back like it was water.”
Y/N didn’t say thank you but she did accept the food. She was starving. Erik sat on the other side of the bed, watching her eat like she was his favorite movie. She ate quickly, burping and all. Y/N grabs the water from the bed, uncapping it before gulping that water down in a rush. She felt better even though she was still tipsy. Her head didn’t spin like before and she could stand with a better center of gravity on her two feet.
“You ain’t gotta thank me. I know your pride won’t let you. You’re welcome anyway.”
“You can go now.” Y/N got up from Tommie’s bed, walking to the bathroom to rinse her mouth out with Listerine.
“I like it up here more,” Erik follows her, his eyes watching her ass sway, “We can catch up and shit.”
“Catch up? Boy-“
“I’m a grown-ass man, Y/N.” Erik cuts her off quickly.
“Fuck Boy’s are little boys to me,” Y/N rolls her eyes at Erik in the mirror, “Now, why don’t you make yourself scarce and leave me the fuck alone, yeah?”
Erik had a glint in his eyes that Y/N would usually flench at but this time she didn’t give a fuck.
“What? I’m being too bratty for you? You want to punish me?” Y/N let out a short suppressed laugh, “Please.”
“Keep talking, watch what I do next.”
“Nothing!” Y/N swished the Listerine around her mouth thoroughly before spitting it out. “You don’t get to tame me again. I’m gonna go to the party, swim, freak dance with all this ass on my boyfriend, and spend time with my friends. You do you, and I’ll do me, okay?”
Y/N rinses out the Listerine cap, twisting it back on the bottle, then walking back to the bedroom. Erik walked out behind her slowly, his hands clenched in fists and his nostrils flared. Y/N ignored him completely, reaching out to grab her phone only to see it vibrating with an incoming call.
“Ah, that’s my man right now,” Y/N picks up the phone to answer it, “Hey, baby,” Y/N looked over at Erik and he was green with envy, “I’m better. I just took a little nap. You know how I can be when I’m tired.”
Erik’s covetous expression didn’t go unnoticed. Y/N got onto the bed slowly, feet swinging behind her while she twirled a piece of her curly hair, putting on a sweet and honeyed voice. She was playing with him. The little minx.
“I’ll be down, Daddy...Mhm, I’m so sorry I was so pissed with you earlier. I just get so angry sometimes...Mhm, I just need some sex that’s all.”
“Y/N...put the phone down, now,” Erik warned her with a quiet rough tone. He steps a little closer.
Y/N rolled over onto her back, “I promise, I’ll be a good girl,” Y/N giggles, “Yes, fuck Erik, I’m your new good girl-“
“Y/N. Do it now before I tear that ass up, girl, I’m not playing with you.” Erik tries to grab her phone but Y/N backs away on her knees, getting out the canopy bed.
“Yes, Daddy, you’re my new Daddy, fuck Erik-“
Her phone was snatched from her hand and placed in his trunks. Y/N shoves Erik away aggressively. That was the wrong move. Erik picked Y/N up, covering her mouth to muffle her screams, walking towards one of Tommie’s bedroom closets since she had two of them, opening it, then stepping inside. He sat her down, finding the light switch in the closet. Erik looks down at Y/N, her chest rising and falling with deep gasping breaths, body backing away into a corner. Erik didn’t blink. He didn’t even speak. His body was pressed firmly against hers, trapping her in the corner. Y/N could only look at either his eyes or his chest. His skin smelled like chlorine and Shea butter.
“Done playing with me?” He spoke finally, “Cuz I didn’t find that shit funny.”
“Ha. Ha. Ha,” Y/N teased, “Jealous that I have a new Daddy to fuck and not you?”
“More like pissed the FUCK off. You had your little rebellious fun for these eight months. Now, I gotta properly get in that ass. Like I said...you done playing with me?”
“No,” Y/N smiles, “You need to hurry up with your I’m still Daddy speech I got a date with my man at the pool-“
“Oh, I’m done talking. You know...talking doesn’t seem to work for you anymore since you turned into a Lil’ savage on a nigga. I gotta use action...”
“Erik, move,” Y/N bumps past him, turning the doorknob only for it to be locked. Confused, Y/N jiggled the knob and twisted it with more force, her upper arm burning from her muscles being worked out. Pausing, Y/N looked from side to side nervously, her hand still on that brass doorknob. Now, she was screaming, practically yanking Tommie’s doorknob. Erik brings a hand around to cover her mouth, pulling her further into the closet, forcefully placing her back against the wall. Y/N still wanted to scream even though Erik’s hand was pressed over her lips. She bites down on one of his fingers, thinking that would help her but it only pissed Erik off more.
“Shut the fuck up with all that noise,” Erik whispered angrily into her ear, “Yelling like a fucking child. SHUT UP.”
“Mmmm!” She tries to speak. Erik’s face was dangerously close to hers.
“Couldn’t get out?” She blinked up into his onyx eyes, “couldn’t escape? How does it feel that you are locked inside of a closet with me right now, Hmm? My Pinky scared?” Erik removes his hand from her mouth, Y/N shaking with fear, “Yell Terrence name. I want you to yell as loud as you can.”
“WHAT-“ she was cut off with a hand around her throat.
“Do. It.” He spoke with a warning before letting her neck go, standing back with his large biceps and triceps crossed over his chest.
Y/N clears her throat but her voice cracked, “TERRENCE?!!”
“Mm-mm. Louder than that.”
Nothing. He was toying with her. Making her yell his name like he would come to the rescue. He was reminding her that she was trapped and the loud music and partying from outside muffled her yells. Y/N was vanquished. Vanquished by the one man she despised.
“Say, Terrence, help me! Help me please!” Erik smirks deviously.
“T-TERRENCE! HE-HELP ME! PLEASE HE-HELP ME!” She felt like an idiot.
Erik presses his ear to the door, “Hmm, no sign of him. I wonder why?” He asked with faux curiosity.
“Because he’s outside, and it’s loud, Erik,” Y/N glares at him.
“Exactly. Good girl...that’s my baby,” Erik jiggles the doorknob, “I peeped that Tommie locks the closet form the outside. No wonder, look at the shit she has in here,” Y/N entertained Erik, looking around on the shelves and the floor. Nothing but boxes filled with home movies, a folded up camcorder, sex toys for men and women, a blow-up doll deflated in the corner, and BDSM toys.
“Would you believe me if I told you that I introduced the homie DJ to this? I’m the one that suggested he spice up sex with Tommie by making her his little slut. It seems like it worked. Don’t you agree Lil’ mama?”
Y/N didn’t respond. She was having flashbacks to how her closet used to look. Exactly like this minus the blow-up doll. Erik purchased her own collection so he wouldn’t have to bring his own from his place. The movies and the camcorder really struck a nerve. All the movies they made, especially Erik’s favorite that involved her first time as his sub, 
Daddy! oh! Daddy! I can’t believe I’m cumming!
Daddy, it’s so big in my little bad girl pussy!
MMM! Yes, Daddy! I’m a little slut! I’m your nasty little slut!
I love sucking your fat dick, Daddy...
It played in her mind. All the sex. All the role play. She couldn’t wipe it out. It was as if someone opened her brain to re-file all her memories of her Daddy, her Sir. To her disappointment, Y/N could feel her pussy growing warm and wet.
“Now, what smart shit do you have to say now?”
“N-nothing,” Y/N slid down the wall and to the floor, “I don’t have anything to say.”
“I know you don’t. Cuz you know if you keep talking I’m gonna pop that ass real good, right?”
Y/N glares at Erik, “Yes.”
“Terrence just let you walk all over him, doesn’t he? That nigga ain’t Daddy don’t make his head swell with false promises, Pinky.”
“STOP calling me that. My hair isn’t even pink anymore. And I’m not your little porn star-“
“You still are. You wanna see something?”
“See WHAT?” Y/N glanced at Erik’s trunks.
“See what will make you remember how much of a porn star you really are for me.”
“I-No, Erik, I don’t,” Y/N’s eyes disobeyed her by looking at his crotch again.
“You do, and you will,” Erik didn’t need to do much, he simply takes his thumbs, hooking them in the waistband of his trunks, and pulling them down so they could cascade around his ankles. His dick was moist from his wet trunks but it still hung heavy like Y/N remembered. Still just as thick and beautiful. Terrence has a little dick compared to Erik’s. That was the dick that made her cum multiple times in one session. That was the dick she would wake up to in her mouth or wait for on her knees at her door when he said he was about to pull up. The dick she would gladly go limp for. The dick that turned her into the best slut. Her Daddy’s dick.
“This is what you still do to me. Still don’t want it?” Erik moves his hips making his dick bounce and twirl.
“Uh-huh,” Y/N spoke with an unsure voice.
“Speak into the mic, Pinky,” Erik jokes, laughing and making Y/N suck her teeth. Erik moves closer to her, his moisturized dick hitting her in the cheek. Y/N reaches out to slap it away but it was like an iron rod; rigid and stiff. Her clit jumped and her pussy squeezed around nothing.
“Go ahead, take all that anger and frustration towards me out on this fat dick.” Y/N could hear him jerking his dick, “Stop playing and suck Daddy’s dick.”
“Fuck,” Y/N whimpers, “I’m so fucking mad at you! I can’t believe I wanna suck your dick right now!”
“I can,” Erik taps his dick on her lip, “Let’s go, mamas.”
“Oh yeah,” Erik crouched down to grab his trunks, pulling out Y/N’s phone, “FaceTime him so he can watch you suck on this dick.”
“ERIK! Nooooo,” Y/N pleaded, “No, I don’t wanna do that to him-“
“I DONT GIVE A FUCK ABOUT THAT NIGGA,” Erik shoves her phone in her face, “Call that wack nigga right now, or I will.”
“Please,” She was on her knees, eyes watering, “Please, pleaseeeeee I don’t want him to know-“
“Then you’re not Pinky no more. The Pinky I remember used to suck my dick under the table at the restaurant or at the club in VIP. That’s the Pinky I remember. He messed you up, girl,” Erik presses her phone against her cheek, “Call him right now, hear me, girl?”
“UGH, OKAYYYYYYY!” Y/N snatched her phone away, earning her hair getting pulled
“Fuck is wrong with you?!!! I am so disappointed,” He had a mug on his face that scared Y/N, “I got something for you...wait till his face pop up...watch.”
Y/N’s teary eyes looked down at the FaceTime call. It rang twice before Terrence popped up, drunk with another drink in his hand. He was currently waiting to get a tattoo done since the tattoo man and his crew showed up.
“Hey, baby! I thought you said you were coming down?! The tattoo man here! I’m thinking about getting your name.”
“Oh, he’s a quick one,” Erik joked.
“Who is that? And why are you crying, love?”
Y/N’s lip trembled while Erik softly ran his fingers through her hair.
“Are you in a closet? What the fuck is going on with you?” Terrence looked like he was coming to his senses.
“B-Baby, I-I’m sorry. Just break up with me, okay? I-I’m about to do something very bad and-“
“Erik pulls her hair with a warning.
“I-I’m sorry.”
Y/N turned towards Erik on her knees, making sure Terrence could see what she was doing. Her hand wraps around Erik’s girthy meat, shuddering breaths escaping her mouth before her lips pulled him in snugly. She instantly remembered the taste. She hadn’t sucked a dick this big in months so she wasn’t used to the filling her mouth received. Erik could be seen smiling smugly down into the phone while his balls dangled and Y/N’s tight plump lips went back and forth over his dick.
“Y/N!!!!!!!! What the fuck?!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU!!!! You cheating ass bitch!!!!” Terrence gawked at her while she sucked, looking from that phone with her pretty mocha eyes shining with tears and up to stare at Erik. She felt so guilty but having Erik’s dick in her mouth again brought back the good times when she used to suck on her Daddy.
“YEAH! WE ARE DONE! hoe ass bitch.”
He ended the FaceTime.
“Good girl,” Erik fucked her mouth, “That’s my good girl, my good little slut.”
Y/N sucked him while he gave her the dick.
“Now, who is the cheater? You just FaceTimed your boyfriend while sucking your ex’s dick. Shame on you,” Erik made Y/N gag, “On your knees in the closet while sucking me. So nasty, baby, yes, such a slut. Aren’t you a slut?”
Y/N nods her head.
“Good girl, who’s a slut?”
“And who’s slut are you?”
Erik pulls his dick from Y/N’s mouth, “Your slut.”
“Mhm, and who do you answer to?”
“Y-you, Daddy,” Y/N’s eyes were puffy, nose running, mouth drooling.
“Exactly. Now suck my fucking dick like you’re supposed to, slut.”
Y/N went back to pleasing Erik, sucking on him to make up for the lost time. She had to show him that she still had the title for the best dick sucker. Like she didn’t go on a hiatus, her jaws went tight and her throat became a never-ending fuck hole for Erik’s thick slab of meat.
“Why don’t you grab my nuts and play with those too. Don’t leave them hanging, baby. Take all of me.”
Y/N obeyed his command, grabbing Erik’s fat sack with her hands. She massages them, her lips on the tip of his dick now trying to ring him dry.
“That’s it, get it, mamas, yesssss, Mhm, just like before, uh-huh,” Erik’s eyes fluttered, “Fuck, you know how to please me. It was fate having you here. Now, ain’t no running away from me.”
“You’re here to stay. Fucking leave me again if you want.”
Y/N could feel Erik’s dick swelling in her mouth. Her plump lips felt sore from stretching them around his dick. 
“Suck that dick for Daddy, a true dick sucker, dump all this cum in your mouth, and you better swallow.”
“mmmm,” Y/N blinked her eyes up at him. She couldn’t do much but mumble.
“Goddamn, what a mouth on you, I trained you so well to deep throat big dicks and you can take the whole damn thing, Daddy loves to fuck your pretty little mouth-”
When Y/N smiled at him with a mouth full of dick Erik erupted in her mouth and Y/N’s pussy got so wet it was dripping on the carpet in the closet. Her submissive throat happily swallowed all of his cum. 
“Slut,” Erik smiled at her.
Y/N pops her mouth off, wiping her chin with the back of her had while trying to catch her breath. There was no going back, she already did what she said she wouldn’t do. Y/N could see Ivory now pointing a finger at her while laughing hysterically. She was on her knees for Erik just like she said she would be. 
“Stand up!” Erik startled her with his booming voice, “Put your leg up on that shelf, let me see that Lil sexy pussy that I haven’t had in months-”
“It’s your own fault, Daddy-”
Erik struck Y/N’s ass painfully before cuffing it so hard his nails sank into her skin. 
“Keep talking back. Keep running your fucking mouth,” WHACK! “Put that goddamn leg up like I said.”
Y/N brought her leg up to one of Tommie’s shelves, adjusting her balance.
“Pull that juicy cheek open so I can see my meal.”
Y/N pulls her left cheek open, revealing her wet, creamy pussy to Erik’s hungry eyes and drooling mouth. 
“Fuck yes. Need some pussy on my tongue like yesterday.”
Erik got down on his knees in the cramped closet, helping Y/N by holding her cheeks wider before his entire mouth gave Y/N one big kiss with a whole lot of tongue and suction. 
“Feed me,” Erik commands, Y/N opening her legs further for Erik to devour her pussy. She moaned sharply, gasps escaping her mouth in a desperate rhythm. His tongue dragged from her tight hole all the way up to her clit. Air was forced from her lungs in agonized gasps. Over and over he dragged his tongue along her engorged folds. Her thighs shook and she could feel her foot slipping from the shelf. Erik held her thigh up further so he could lap her kitty and give it sweet kisses. She could feel herself beginning to squirt because of a little of the clear liquid dripping from her. Erik tasted that, taking his tongue to roll over her clit before he brought his lips together to suck.
“Uhhhhh! Uuuuuuuh!” Y/N sucked in a quick breath, ready to explode but Erik stops. 
Y/N grabs the back of Erik’s head, bringing him closer to her pussy, “Daddy-”
“Don’t fucking touch me before I spank you again. You don’t deserve to cum in Daddy’s mouth. No matter how much I want that sweet pussy in my mouth I gotta discipline you.”
“Pleaseeeee,” Y/N wanted to cry. She was so close. Her cum was about to glaze his fucking face. 
“Nah, fix your bikini and pick up your phone to call Tommie so she can come open this closet.”
“Erik,” Y/N tried to sweet-talk him but he was busy pulling up his trunks. She rolls her eyes, Picking up her phone from the floor, unlocking it, and dialing Tommie’s number. It rang four times and she didn’t answer.
“She’s not answering, see,” Y/N shows Erik her phone. He looked at it nonchalantly.
“Dial it again that girl stays having her phone in her hand-”
“You can finish eating my pussy for me,” Y/N bends over as far as she could go, spreading her cheeks, showing Erik that sad little pussy that needed to be licked up, “See, Daddy? Daddy, please?”
“Get the fuck up.” Erik pulled her up by her arm, “Now dial her fucking number like I said.”
Y/N whimpers, stomping her foot, dialing Tommie again and hoping she wouldn't pick up. To Y/N’s disappointment, Tommie picks up, her voice loudly speaking into the phone because of the music.
“Tommie! can you come to your room, please?!!! I’m locked in your closet!”
“Just hurry, please??!!!!”
The line ended.
Y/N looked over at a fully clothed Erik, spotting his wet beard and lower lip.
“Uh, Daddy,” Y/N pointed to his chin, “You still have my pussy juices on your face.”
“I know,” Erik looks her up and down,” I'm gon’ keep it there too-”
Tommie opened the door, hazel eyes growing wide and mouth hanging open.
“Oh! this what you were doing, huh?!” She laughs, “Y'all are wild! no wonder why Terrence left ready to cry!”
Y/N stormed out of the bedroom.
“Erik,” Tommie scolded, “Don’t fuck with my girl like that-”
“Mind your business, Tommie,” Erik playfully mushed Tommie before leaving the bedroom as well.
Y/N relaxed on a floaty in the pool, staring up at the starry sky. She didn’t care that the people around her splashed water or bumped into the floaty. She needed to reflect on what she just did. Erik was currently in the house getting a tattoo of a scorpion with the year 1986 on the back of his left arm. His session would probably take another hour. Y/N wanted to get a tattoo of a crescent moon on the side of her left breast but she felt that if she sat in there near Erik, she would act like even more of a brat. He didn’t deserve to deprive her, she deserved to deprive him. He cheated on her for some other bitch. He should be begging her but Y/N didn’t have it in her to do it. She wanted Erik to control her. 
“Sup, ma?”
Y/N looks down in the pool, her eyes connecting with a guy who looked Ethiopian, thick coily hair wet and dripping onto his forehead. He has full lips with facial hair that didn’t connect, eyes a cinnamon color and a skin smooth and caramel.
“Hello,” Y/N spoke dryly.
“Can I keep you company? I know your man stormed out of here crying about you. You really pissed him off, huh?”
“Do you need anything?” Y/N asked with annoyance.
“Your number if that’s cool,” He tried to put on a smooth voice but it didn’t work, “You look so gloomy with your pretty self.”
“How about you get me a drink,” Y/N needed one.
“I can do that.”
“What’s your name?”
“Aman,” He held out his hand to her, “You?”
“Y/N.” She shook his wet hand.
“All finished, bro.”
Erik looked at his tattoo in the mirror that was given to him. He was a great tattoo artist. Erik paid him extra, thanking him again after getting it covered up with ointment, before walking away to let the next person have a turn. He needed to get more liquor before the good shit was gone. Heading back outside, Erik spots a group of people huddled around the pool lounge area, shouting and laughing. He walks over and the closer he got, he notices Y/N standing up, removing her swimsuit top, big beautiful, hefty breasts with large chocolate areolas and nipples free for everyone to see. She had everyone gawking at her before she took off running around the pool, breasts rebounding and swaying. She ran past Erik, almost slipping, before making it back to the group that cheered her on like she won a contest. She immediately picked up her bikini top, Tommie tying it back in place for her. Erik crushed the red solo cup in his hand, the ice falling out and landing on his bare toes. He tossed the cup down, squaring his shoulders before walking up to the group. All the dudes over there were looking at her savagely, dicks probably hard as a cement block in their wet trunks. One dude in particular that Erik recognized to be Aman was whispering in her ear, probably telling her how much he would love to suck on those big ass titties all night long; like a damn baby.
“I CAN’T BELIEVE YOU ACTUALLY DID IT!” Ivory spoke with shock, “Okay, your turn Aman.”
Y/N turned to him, Her legs awfully close and her lips just as close as she whispered in his ear, “Truth or Dare.”
“Dare,” Aman spoke loud enough for everyone to hear. Erik crossed his arms over his chest, eyes low and predatory. 
“I dare you to...take a shot off me!”
“Teh, easy.”
Y/N giggled drunkenly, “Let’s see then.”
Someone passed Aman a shot of tequila while Y/N laid back over his lap. Ivory sprinkled some sugar around her navel and squeezed a bit of lemon juice. Aman poured some of the tequila between Y/N’s breasts, watching it drip down. He quickly traced the wet trail with his tongue before licking around her navel to get all the sugar, dipping his tongue in her belly button to get the lemon juice. Everybody shouted, cheering Aman on while Y/N giggled. Erik saw red. He bumped roughly past a few people before pulling Y/N off of Aman, throwing her over his shoulder. Everyone watched stunned as Erik spanked Y/N.
“What the FUCK do you think you’re doing?!!!!!!!” Erik barked out in a gruff tone with clenched teeth, “You really enjoy pissing me off I can see that now! WHY ARE YOU LETTING SOME NIGGA LICK ALL OVER YOU-”
“Because I can!” Y/N slaps his back, “Get your hands off me, you don’t own me. Go find that bitch you cheated on me with and fuck her!”
“Let’s go,” Erik heard enough. He stormed away, Y/N kicking and screaming over his shoulder. 
Inside, Erik damn near ran up the stairs with her, finding a guest bedroom, tossing her on the bed, and slamming the door shut. Y/N got off the bed, falling to the floor because she was a little drunk. She laughs, flat out hysterical like a hyena. 
“Get the fuck up,” Erik spoke while shaking his head, “Can’t even hold your damn liquor-”
“Fuck you, yes I can, dumb-dumb,” Y/N got up, stretching out on the bed, “You just ruined my night yet again. I was having fun.”
“Thanks to you, Aman gotta die,” Erik walked over to Y/N slowly, “And as for you, I gotta punish you.”
“You already punished me. You owe me an apology,” Y/N sat up, “Apologize to me for cheating on me. Get on your knees and say how much of a sorry piece of shit you are.”
“Y/N,” Erik pinches the bridge of his nose, “Aight, look...I am sorry. I am so so so so fucking sorry for cheating on you like that and not giving a fuck. I truly apologize. If you wanna hit me, fucking hit me. Do what you gotta do, ma, but I’m not going nowhere. I promise you that. I miss you. You got me hot right now but I miss everything about you, girl. Come on, hit me. After this, you won’t get another chance, baby girl.”
Y/N looked at Erik like he has two heads and four legs.
“Did you hear me?! come on,” Erik held his arms out, “Hit me.”
Y/N got off the bed, walking over towards Erik timidly. She stood before him, looking up at him with low eyes, frizzy curly hair, and no balance what so ever. Erik still has his arms out, ready to take whatever Y/N dished out.
Erik’s jaw felt like it disconnected from his face. Y/N put a lot of force into that hit. She gasps, covering her mouth before giggling. 
She breathed a breath of relief.
“That felt...so good,” Y/N beamed up at him, “Gosh, you don’t know how much I wanted to do that.”
Y/N could see her handprints on Erik’s face. He just looked at her while rubbing his left cheek, a smile slowly creeping up.
“You got hands, girl.”
“Thanks, asshole.”
“I deserved that,” Erik looks down at Y/N’s breasts, “But you dead wrong for showing your titties.”
“It was fun. I’ve never done that before,” Her eyes went down to stare at his crotch that was indeed tented in the front. Those hits turned him on.
“Consider that your last time,” Erik grabs his jaw to flex it before he presses his chest against hers, moving her back towards the bed, “Now take this bikini top off so I can titty fuck you until I bust on your chin.”
Y/N lays back on the bed, removing her bikini top, her heavy titties spilling out. She squeezes them together before twirling her nipples. Erik stood between her legs, pulling his trunks down and stepping out of them. His thick veiny dick stood at attention and bounced up and down as he got onto the bed to straddle her waist. Y/N grabs Erik’s dick, looking up at him with low eyes while he spits on his dick multiple times. Y/N rubbed it in, bringing his dick between her breasts before squeezing it with her copious flesh. Erik started moving his hips, his spit covered dick making squelching noises like he was in Y/N’s pussy.
“That chin is a good place for me to nut on, right, baby girl?”
“Umph, yes. Uhh, my pussy just jumped at that.”
“Good girl,” Erik grunts, “Lick the tip of my dick.”
Y/N flicks her tongue on Erik’s dick while he increased the speed of his hips, Y/N’s body moving back and forth across the bed.
“Fucking sexy,” Erik squeezed her tits more, “Fuck, these big ass titties so tight on my dick.”
“Daddy, please fuck my titties, please cum on my face,” Y/N leans forward to suck on the tip of his dick, “Yes, please, Daddy!”
Erik spits some more, His movements more erratic. Y/N held her mouth open with her tongue hanging out so the tip of Erik’s dick could rub against it. 
“Titties feel so soft and good, girl,” Erik moans, “You like it when Daddy titty fuck you, baby?”
“Hmph, fuck!” Erik’s creamy and warm cum landed on Y/N’s chin and lips. Her head came forward, nose a target now and a little on her eyelashes on the left side. She couldn’t believe how much cum came out. 
“goddayum!” Erik removed his dick from between her breasts, grabbing it at the base to slap her nipples with it.
“Can I feel your dick in my pussy now?” Y/N turned around, Arching her back deeply, “I want my pussy fucked so bad right now-”
“Oh, you want a proper workout, huh?” Erik crawled behind her, smacking her clit with his dick, “Thick as fuck. You want me all in that phat silky pussy?”
“Umph, Yes!” Y/N pops her pussy back on Erik’s dick, “Daddy give it to me-”
“Bounce that ass back on me,” Erik thrust forward inside of her, shallow grunts escaping his mouth. He really missed how tight and wet she is, “Fuck this fat dick-”
“Like this, Daddy?” Y/N sat up on her elbows to look back at him with her cum stained face, “Right fucking there, ahhhhhhh,” Y/N threw that ass back knowing Erik would catch it, “Right here...right here...get it good, fuck, Daddy.”
“Nah, you better fuck this dick. Move that phat butt,” Erik was still on his knees watching Y/N fuck him. She spread her legs, bringing one knee to her chest, grabbing the sheets, and went to town on his fat pipe. She used all the power she has to fuck him herself. sweating and sucking air through her teeth, Y/N could feel herself squirting. Erik’s dick slips out, Y/N’s hips still moving as her pussy steadily poured until it did nothing but drip. 
“All this thickness is killing me,” Erik slaps her ass while sliding his dick back inside, “Mmm, mmm, yummy.”
Y/N could feel every stroke because she was super wet. Erik showed her no mercy on her pussy. All he wanted to do to Y/N was beat it up. He arched her again, Y/N letting out unsteady breaths.
“You feel where I’m at?” He was deep in her belly.
“In my fucking stomach, ugh,” Y/N could feel her pussy creaming all over his dick, “This is what I want. I want to be a wet mess for Daddy.”
“You knew Daddy needed this sexy pussy to fuck and fill with all this dick and cum over and over. That ass... damnnnnn,” Erik swats her ass while hammering her pussy, “Good bitch, give Daddy that pussy! Good girl, get that dick!”
short little spurts of air escaped Y/N’s lungs as she cums on Erik's dick. She couldn’t breathe. Panting and gasping, Y/N could feel Erik reach around to grab her neck with his nose in her hair. Y/N held onto his arm around her neck while Erik battered her sugar walls. Her mouth fell open, Erik’s fingers sliding inside. Y/N wasn’t in her body anymore, not even when Erik slowed it down to purposefully give her sharp and quick thrusts before stopping. Each surprise thrust made Y/N suck in a panting breath. Erik���s fat dick got even fatter, her pussy lips spreading to accommodate his rapid growth. She felt his lips sucking on her jaw, her pussy like a waterfall. 
“F-Fuckkkkkkk, oh my God, fuckkkkk, ugh, yeah, mhm,” Erik still stroked while he nuts inside of her, Take it...take it...” He whispered, “Fucking take it like I said.”
Y/N licked between Erik’s fingers, her eyes rolled back. 
“Good girl, give Daddy that pussy, bitch...let Daddy get in that pussy, slut...enjoy that dick.” Erik’s dick was squashed between her walls while he spoke in a subdued voice in her ear. Y/N melted around him, “You love letting Daddy fuck your pussy...you love having a dick in you...you be feeling so good, right?”
“Umph,” Y/N squeezed her eyes shut, tears rolling down her cheeks. That squirt made her pussy extra sensitive. Erik would not stop fucking her pussy. Her hand went back to push at his hips, Erik responding by pushing his hips in further. 
“Fuck, Daddy, you got me so weak.”
“Just cum one more time for me. You already made a big ass mess might as well give me more,” Erik spoke quietly in Y/N’s ear. 
“Fuckkkk,” Y/N’s head fell forward, “Yessssss.” She gave him one final messy release before falling flat on her belly. Erik’s dick slips out, his eyes watching all his nut fall out to add to the big puddle Y/N already made.
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Part 3
Part 1
This is a continuation of the first part.
-Back to the rest of the Group in the hardware store-
“Do any of you believe in the existence of evil?”
Ash had asked the whole group that question after they got back without U!Takeo, after they had to explain what had happened back in Wonderland Plaza. “A force of nature capable of giving rise to all things wicked?” his back was back to everyone with his hands on his hips when he asked further, waiting for an answer.
“Most of us do.” Primis Richtofen answered as he was seated on a crate he shared with the Engineer, “Back in 1918, before the end of World War I, me, Doctor Maxis und our men had gone to Excavation Site 64, we had uncovered an ancient tomb vith large amounts of Element 115 inside, from vhat ve had found is very likely from zhe middle ages, zhe statues zhat looked exactly like us und elemental stones zhat can be used by staffs.”
“It was long before we got involved, German.” Primis Nikolai growled in anger as he glared at him, “You and others had uncovered and created something that should never be unburied and undisturbed but you went ahead and unleashed the evil upon the land with no second thoughts!”
Diego was silent as Ash turned around to face them with his arms crossed, Engineer then spoke up “Before all of this, we had met and seen things on every Halloween, most of it was normal before but some of ‘em ain’t good.”
Ash looked at everyone as he explained “Guys, listen to me and what I had gone through in my own experience, alright?”
“It happened 30 years ago, my friends and I spended the night at the cabin,”
Tumblr media
[Digitally drawn by Meaghan “Icefir” Halter, images, screenshots and movie poster belongs to Sam Raimi and the one and only; Bruce Campbell.]
The walls shown the memories of Ash’s younger years with his former girlfriend, a friend with a girlfriend of his own, and his sister in the car riding into the woods and arriving to the old cabin behind everyone as they settled to listen to his story
“We shouldn’t be looking but we have found the book… Necronomicon Ex-Mortis, Book of The Dead. Created by the Dark Ones as it was inked in blood and bound in human skin. Having the power to resurrect demons and summon the powers of darkness.” as the scene of these memories changed into a book, like Ash had said himself; the book was bound in human skin and flesh, and it was inked in blood of the fallen to write and drew the book in as Ash and his friend, Scotty, looked at it before they found a reel-to-reel tape player with the type left behind.
“The professor, Raymond Knowby, long before we got there, had taken it to the cabin to study but when he read the box’s text out, he was never seen again.”
Scene had rewinded to an elderly man, Professor Raymond Knowby, his wife, daughter and assistant wandering into the ruins of a castle until they discovered Necronomicon Ex-Mortis and along with a dagger, both of them were covered in dust before it showed the cabin once again as the windows was glowing light through them.
“When we played the tape Knowby left behind, we unleashed something dark, something evil that lasts for centuries that lives in the woods.”
Then we are shown a flashback of Ash having pinned his possessed hand onto the floor with a knife in order for it to stay in place while he uses a chainsaw to sever it while blood- his blood, sprayed onto his face as he screams in agony.
“It got into my hand and went bad so I lopped it off.”
We then saw into the evil entity's point of view flying and dashing through the forest as it was going towards the same cabin and it broke down the back door, flashbacks shown the images of Scotty, Sherry, and Cheryl had been possessed; Cheryl was the first one to be possessed, locked in the fruit cellar of the cabin as she was banging under the chained up cellar door for most of the night. Sherry was then the next unfortunate victim of the Kandarian Demon when she was attacked in her room and eventually Scotty was too the next one to go as he was severely injured when he tried to find an alternate route back to the outside and he was eventually resurrected into a Deadite.
“It then got to my friends, twisting them, changing them, they made them… less than human. And Linda, she…”
We are then presented to one more flashback of Linda in her night gown as an unseen force breaks through the glass while she screams and then presented to the now Deadite Linda being decapitated by Ash with a shovel and her head flew upward and back down to him in a struggle.
“...And then soon, things escalated quickly after that.” he finished.
“Escalated quickly?” Primis Nikolai commented on Ash’s story, the way he looked at him now as the Russian suspects that this Necronomicon Ex-Mortis may have something to do with this and Ash Williams may somewhat be involved with it.
“A lot of sh!t, I was the only one that managed to escape and now all because of a screwup I’ve made; read from that book, one lousy time, evil has found not only me but all of you somehow. and I am now, as I was thinking, responsible for all of this.” Ash somewhat confessed with his hands raised and then fell down onto his sides, everyone looked at him as silence remained until U!Dempsey said “Huh, funny that you were the reason why we are here in the first place.” as he gave him the stink eye while Ash then remarks “You don’t think to catch a rabbit once it’s on the wrong foot, do you?”
“Okay, that’s it; I’m shooting him.” before he got out a pistol and then aimed it at Ash who got his “Boomstick” out and the only one that prevented this was the Engineer who stood between them and said “Hold on, let’s not make it worse, boys.” with his hands raised in a gesture of calming the situation or an attempt to calm it down.
“There’s gonna be other theories, if what Ash says about the Necronomicon story didn't have anything to do with this then what we are dealing with is worse than zombies and Deadites.” Shaw had to explain as he stood up from his place towards the standoff between El Jefe and the marine.
“Examples?” Corporal asked as he still was looking at Ash, “Stanton may have a point.” Primis Richtofen added with must, “Apothicons are the second one to be on the list, as of now the Book of The Dead is top of it but now with other theories that anyone want to share?”
David Tapp then spoke up with raw rash, “Jigsaw may be behind this zombie outbreak but now when I think about it, I don’t think that kidnapping people through interdimensional means was a way for him to act out his games on.”
More and more theories are coming up more in people's minds as Ash and Tank had to lower their weapons to listen.
“A part of us believed that the Order was somewhat behind all of this,” Diego finally spoke up before two of his teammates could, “If this was their plan the entire time, then we must surely do something about it.”
“Maybe Saxon’s mistake,” Medic suggested, “He might have caused a universal rift in our universe to yours.”
“Stop, stop, stop!” Miss Pauling interjected, “It could be Gray Mann, he is the only one that is advanced with machinery and technology, maybe he could be responsible for all of this.”
“But it doesn't explains how those creepy-looking f*@#ers that brought us here, ones with jack-o-lantern faces.” U!Dempsey had poked a hole into these conspiracies'.
“Still,” Bill finally spoke after they all talked, “Last thing I remembered was turning on the generator to help my teammates to get away from zombies and then getting the wind out of me before things turned back.”
David Tapp, up until now, looked at Bill with concern and said with hasite “Did you think that you’d died?”
“I think so, Detective.” Bill Overbeck had confirmed and then the store went still, silent, “I think I had died too but how are we even alive?” David said as he placed a hand on his forehead as if he was pressing against a headache.
“How the hell are you even here, breathing, not undead?” U!Dempsey asked, adding further questions but Primis NIkolai already figured out how, “You were both resurrected. By something.”
“Resurrected?” They both said, not believing the Russian but before he could say anything, a knock was heard and he honestly had no idea who got out a shotgun as a bang was heard and split the wooden door and a yell was heard.
“Engie!” Ash yelled to whoever saw him with the Frontier Justice, “Sorry, Ah panicked!”
“Stand down!” A familiar voice was heard from the back of the door, their ears perked up as P!Richtofen questioned “Takeo?”
As if it was automatic, Pyro had gotten a flamethrower and then walked over to the door as P!Nikolai tried to stop them but Spy stopped him. “Don't recall what happened in the Wonderland Plaza.”
Nikolai looked at him for a moment and said “Do you think Mercer had found us?”
“Oui., I believe so, if I am wrong, it could be Takeo.”
Pyro slowly grabbed the handle and then slowly pulled it open and pointed at whoever it was on the other side of the door with the weapon. On the other side was Frank West who had his hands up and beside him was Ultimis Takeo who tried to ushered to the pyromaniac but then realized two reasons: his encounter with the shapeshifter with biomass and his allies may had relayed this to the rest of the group.
“Pyro, lower the flamethrower, we are not like him.” he reasoned as Pyro looked at U!Takeo with suspicion, he carefully walked over to the Pyro as slowly as possible. When he got close only for Pyro to see more than Frank, and then rolled his sleeve a bit for the same vine to present a flower for them as proof.
It was good enough for Pyro but not for Frank West yet the Samurai were able to have their back turn and they talked quietly as the photojournalist watched rather dismayed with tribulation.
“But what if he’s?”
“He’s not Mercer, if he’s him, he could’ve consume me rhen he had the chance but he didn’t on rhe rhole way here.”
“He’s not him?”
“Iie, his name is Frank West-san, not Alex Mercer.”
Frank examined the private conversion between the two with loathsome pause while these two whispered to each other with no end it seems, Pyro seemed to be in two minds on the dilemma until the delay that took 5 minutes they finally turned to Frank West, saying nothing but Pyro moved and lets Takeo in, he turned and looked at Frank before saying “Are you coming?”
Frank was a startled at first as he was be bit suspicious of this before he cautiously walked into the hardware store, so far on his first day; he had countered a mad man known to him as a Psycho in form of a gun shop owner when he was out trying to find more unlucky survivors in the zombie after he helped Brad to try take down a terrorist reasonable for this.
He was thinking that these people could have something to do with this outbreak as well when he entered the store and there were people inside, he recognized them right away as they were with the other townspeople before the barricade was broken in but there are two old-aged men who are unfamiliar.
“Well, hello there, stranger.” Diego was the first one to greet him, “Hey, you must be the ones from the Entrance Plaza, I guess they did get away rather all.”
“And you are?” Ash asked as he crossed his arms while he looked at him. “I’m Frank West,” Frank introduced himself, “Right now I rather want to know than exchanging pleasantly.”
“Right on the spot,” Bill said as he stood up, “Are you writing a story about this?”
“I’m a photojournalist, just listen, your friend has led me here, I guess to convince all of you to come with me.”
“To where?” U!Dempsey said with suspicion, “As I recall nothing in this mall is safe.”
“There is,” Frank rebuked, “An security room was wielded shut so none of these walking corpses could get in.”
“Welded shut?” Scarlett perked up, that caught their attention so the Engineer urged “Is it true?”
“A Janitor, Otis, had wielded it shut with a blowtorch to make sure none of them would get in, that would be the only place left that could be safe.” He explained to the group who were interested in this conversion.
Miss Pauling looked at him before pulling Primis Richtofen, and Scarlett away, “Guys, a word please?” and they were on the other side of the store right away. “What do you zhink, Frank vas telling zhe truth or…?”
“If he was lying, he couldn’t spill it out. There’s hardly a window there and…”
“If the door was wielded shut from the inside, how did he manage to get out of the room?” Scarlett had to inject the two, “And I want to know how.”
“Still, better than being here with the dead.” Miss Pauling as she and P!Richtofen looked at her with treaty, “If ve follow him, he could-”
“He had said rhe “helicopter” ras coming,” another voice joins in the meeting of theirs, they looked and saw him, Takeo who was watching them with arms crossed across his chest.
“Vhat/what?” the three said at once.
Ultimis Takeo walks over to them, stopping once he got close enough to them, “He had spoken of his “ride ``coming rithin three days. Rhis is how he had planned; find the story to make sure it will be worth for these three days.”
“Why can’t it be three hours?” Miss Pauling thought with hefty impatience, they were silent for a moment and soon, Richtofen said “Is his escape route reliable?”
The warrior nodded, “Hai, story was the reason he is here.”
The three looked at each other with the thoughts, possibly thinking it over about it but you could ask why couldn’t Primis Richtofen use the Summoning Key?
Well, he had tried earlier but for a shocking reason, Key didn’t open up the portal like before. He had tried and tried but it failed each one time.
Primis Nikolai had berated him on this but it wasn’t honestly his fault, the key wasn’t working and something was very wrong.
This seemed to be the only option for them now, much as he doesn’t like it but he had to agree to the deal. “Alright.”
U!Takeo looked content with their decision, but not before Richtofen stated “But if ve all had to vait for three days for it to arrive, ve'd need supplies.”
“Brad’s gonna handle that.” Frank had came around the corner where the four were, “Frank, you see-”
“I kinda heard the whole thing, Tak,” Frank had confessed, no joke, he had listened to what he said, U!Takeo felt a bit bad for what he had overheard and looked at him to say something but Frank continued “I'm gonna check if everyone could fit inside the helicopter, afterall, my guy is reliable.”
“Well, Brad is going to need help with supplies.” Scarlett suggested, “Where is here now?”
Two hours it took for a few of them to get in the security room with much supplies they needed but of course, they had to share them with the survivors Frank had rescued for the three days as Tank had tied his jacket around his waist as he had a black tank top with his dog tags is standing guard of the vent, making sure that there won’t be any shambling zombies won’t get inside the room through the vents.
Brad had got back with more supplies as Tank was pressing his back against the wall close to the door to the monitor room, Brad looked and then said “Yo guys! Gimme a hand here!’
Dempsey and Frank walked over to Brad who had the supplies in a box that was sitting inside the air duct, Frank grabbed a cola from it but Brad gently grabbed him by the arm and made the photojournalist look at him.
“Wh-what gives?”
Brad grabs the soda and pulls it away from him, “Considering the helicopter, bringing more hands here and all, we have to work together.” Brad said as Ultimis Dempsey nodded and added “But that doesn’t mean that we all tell you anything of what was going on.”
“The corporal had the point; things are classified for security reasons and things that, if we do tell you, cannot be printed as necessities.”
“Yeah?” Frank sledded with his arms crossed, “So?”
“So, we just want you to appreciate the situation.” Brad answered as he and Tank looked at him, Frank looked up at the ceiling and said “Well, we are all trapped in a mall with a bunch of zombies.” before looking at them again “Yeah, I think I appreciate the situation just fine.”
“Zombies….” The Afican man looked down at the floor before looked back to Frank, “I still can’t believe all of this is happening, you know, it seems unreal.”
“But this is reality, we know how to take them out.” Tank blissfully thinks as Brad gives the cola back to Frank West and carries the box to the monitor room as the marine goes with him.
“Ya alright there?”
“Yeah, we got it.” Dempsey answered as he opened the door to let Brad and himself in while Frank opened his drink and sipped it down.
Dempsey went into the hallway as where the rest of the group was, Shaw was making another batch of Acid Bombs with Ash looking over at his work before looking over at the old man and greeted with “Making new friends, already?”
“Hahaha, go f*** yourself, Ash.” mocked Dempsey with a sneer as he walked to P!Richtofen with Scarlett and Pauling on what they will be doing once the rescue arrives. Tapping him on the shoulder, making him jump a little but realized that it’s Dempsey.
“It was a tiring day, too bad that the stuff we could use is back at the hardware store.”
“Ve could always come back to it vhen ve go out of zhe room vhen ve still can but on limit of three days,” P!Richtofen recounted with the 1940’s marine, “Ve sleep for about 4 hours per night to switch shifts, ve vill figure out more by morning.” he then turned to walk over to his own living place with little supplies he had carried with him as U!Takeo nodded in agreement.
Four hours passed with David Tapp, P!Nikolai and Richtofen and Engineer kept awake, ready for action while others slept. U!Dempsey was up to get ready for watch as he cracked his knuckles as Miss Pauling was up as well with her legs against her chest, looking down.
“Your turn was up, German.” It was Primis Nikolai who looked over and said this to Richtofen to rest, with a nod as he got and then walked away so Ultimis Dempsey could take watch. He looked back and saw David Tapp doesn’t let anyone have a turn, just kept watching that lead having five of them, one being the Pyro, sat with them.
“He must’ve been determined.” he thought as he walked over to his sleeping quarters, gently sitting down on the floor and sat down with ease next to Bill. The old man looked at him and said “Did you figure out what the hell was going on?”
P!Richtofne looked at William with confusion at first, “Hmm?”
“The whole “Interdimensional Time travel” bullsh!t?”
“I do not know yet, William.”
“Not even the parts on how me and Tapp are still alive?”
“I do not know about zhat either, if I do know, I vould.” P!Richtofen replied with skepticism. Bill looked at him with his arms crossed, he had been through hell and back in a form of war through Vietnam and Green Flu zombies with his teammates whom he will now consider them as friends and he hoped they are still alright right now after… What he must do to ensure their safety.
“Doc,” Overbeck insisted, “I am not that stupid, if this… Whatever is happening, did those “App-o-con” creatures have something to do with this?”
“I believe so, William-”
“Just call me “Bill,” Ed.”
“Bill,” The Doctor corrected himself, “As much as I vould love tell you everything about vhat had been going on und vhy zhis is happening in zhe vhy is has been, I couldn’t find zhe words for that. Time travel und all zhat had happened, vhy zhe dead vas resurrected but as a normal person, not a zombie is beyond my level of reasons.”
Bill seemed to get that but then said “Maybe it was out of no reason whatsoever or just brought me and David back to live on purpose, a bullsh!t purpose.” before turning over to Richtofen before he lays down.
“Besides, I didn’t sign up to be in this hellhole but I’m here anyway.” before closing his eyes and then starts trying to close his eyes to sleep.
Primis Richtofen looked down at the floor as he wondered back at what had happened at the hardware store. “But it doesn't explains how those creepy-looking f*@#ers that brought us here, ones with jack-o-lantern faces.” U!Dempsey had poked a hole into these conspirities.
Frustration, irritation and condemned in this dimension, he groaned in fervid and furious at this sudden change to his plans to save the universe as something had not only brought him and his fri- Allies to do god-knows-what, but everyone else getting involved in this agenda as well. He fully believed that Dr. Monty would do something about this but…. A thought came to him, it should’ve been sooner but his mind had heaved it from it too late; Why wasn’t Dr. Monty doing anything right now? Putting a stop to this?
Edward was amazed yet uncertain by it. If Dr. Monty knew what was holding him and his team up and figured it out, he could do something to cut this situation short, get everyone home and resume what they were doing but why wasn’t he?
Maybe, just maybe, something must’ve figured out that Dr. Monty could try but must’ve shuttled him out from this strange modern dimension as a precautionary measure if he did find out what was going on. Or maybe it had found him, Dr. Maxis, Samantha and-
“Nein, Edward, do not overzhink it…” he swallowed those thoughts before they could get more avid. Shaking his head at this as he closed his eyes to let out a sigh.
“Hopefully soon, ve could be able to get back vith zhe rest of our groups und figure what is going on yet most critically: vho vas behind it all.” he whispered to himself as he laid down at last.
Using a handbag filled with clothes from the store as a makeshift pillow for his displeasure yet usual slumber, it took him a jiffy for him to find comfort on the floor until he eventually found it and fell off into a slumber….
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fireflies to bring us home -chapter 1
techno goes home with phil after the battle of the artic empire. he’s still settling in and it won’t be easy.
words: 3.6k
warnings: intense zoning out, blood ment. 
⊰ ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ⊱
Every morning before the sun had risen and the dew had dried, Technoblade would get up, don his cloak and walk around the forest.
In the days of the Antarctic empire, he and Phil would patrol together. Two soldiers, together against the world, boots crunching through ice and snow to make sure their land was safe. As shitty and cold and awful as it could be, the tundra was their home, their base, a land they had claimed and were intent to keep.
The dew that coated the grass beneath his feet didn’t break like the snow used to, but the chill in the air and the gradient of the rising sun were reminiscent of what was once his home.
The war was over though; it had been for months. All that was left now was their stories and their scars.
Going home with Phil was more of a last minute decision, but it felt right. One adventure ending and another beginning so soon after, side by side with his only ally.
By the time he’d made his rounds, the sun had risen enough to wake the forest’s creatures, light filing through the tree’s canopy.
Music began to fill the air as Phil’s house came into view, low and sweet notes of his son’s guitar. Wilbur was sitting on the grass outside, eyes turned down on the strings as he played. Techno walked past, perfectly comfortable in ignoring the sudden stop in music as Wilbur watched him go.
A plate of eggs and toast were slid across the counter as he walked into the kitchen, Phil himself sipping at a cup of steaming coffee. Techno leaned back against the counter, giving Phil a slight nod as he lifted the plate and dug in.
As they stood in silence, Techno observed Phil through his peripheral. Since they returned, Phil had a new sense of peace to him. Not being on a constant battlefield would do that to someone.
It could also be the safety of home and family. Probably all of the above, Techno thought to himself while chewing on his eggs.
“I didn’t know you could cook.” The silence was broken with a tease, Techno lightly bumping his elbow against Phil’s arm.
“Bullshit. I’ve made us food every day for the past two years!” Phil returned Techno’s playful jab with his own, grins finding their faces as they fell back into their familiar routine.
“I don’t know if I’d call that cooking. I mean it’s not like there were a lot of other options-”
“Oh shut the fuck up!” Phil’s hand slapped against his forearm, the both of them breaking into laughter.
When silence fell back over the room, Phil shrugged.”I didn’t make those anyway. Will did.”
“Oh.” Techno looked down at his empty plate, feeling strange. “He did.”
Phil gave Techno a sideways look. “He did.” 
“And he asked me to give that plate directly to you.”
The hybrid made a face, not enjoying the tone Phil was using. “Your kids are weird.”
“It wouldn’t hurt to try and talk to him. They don’t bite.”
Techno was quiet, frowning as he set his plate aside. “Tommy might.”
Phil snorted into his coffee, nodding. “Tommy might. But you and Will would get along, I think. Just give things a chance.”
The older man seemed appeased at Techno’s reluctant forfeit. He took a sip of coffee and breathed out through his nose, causing light ripples in the liquid. 
“Your kids are weird.” Phil repeated, humor on his tongue. “He made you breakfast.”
“I’ll see you later, Phil.” Techno said as he left the kitchen, trying not to be obvious in how he was fleeing the conversation. 
As he entered the living room, Techno hung up his cloak and immediately walked to the reading corner, sitting on the padded bench that was built into the wall and examining the scene outside. While he had been eating breakfast, the world had woken up even more, the clear sky now more pigmented and the grass outside free from dew. Muted through the walls came the slow notes of Wilbur’s guitar outside, the boy himself still sitting in the lawn with an open notebook and his instrument.
Phil was right, as he usually was. Techno and Wilbur would probably get along, if they got to talking. That was the problem: Talking.
There wasn’t a lot that could openly intimidate him, but the idea of talking to Wilbur was something daunting. 
It was clear that the oldest of Phil’s children didn’t like him very much. Or he could’ve been socially awkward. Something they had in common.
He’d been staring out the window for a few minutes, eyes flitting between the sky and the occupant of his thoughts mindlessly. Besides the quiet sounds of Wilbur outside and Phil’s movements in the kitchen, everything seemed to be at peace. Clouds outside, as few and far between as they were, seemed to crawl along the azure horizon at a snail’s pace.
Just as Techno thought about the innate peace that quiet mornings could bring, Phil’s youngest son woke up.
“GOOD MORNING FAMILY!” A blur of blond hair and red pyjamas flew down the hall, Tommy sliding less than gracefully into view and diving into the kitchen the moment he had footing. Tubbo, Phil’s second youngest, followed a few seconds later in a far less energetic fashion. With a hand on the wall to guide himself down while rubbing sleep from his eyes, Tubbo stopped just outside the kitchen door, staring at Technoblade with a confused expression. 
If talking to Wilbur was daunting, interacting with the other two was a nightmare. There was something unsettling about talking to any of the three, but Techno wasn’t able to put his finger on what it could be. He liked to joke that it was because they were ex-orphans, but that was a distraction from the truth. Whatever the truth could’ve been.
“Good morning, Technoblade.” Tubbo gave him a little smile before trailing after Tommy. Techno felt his muscles tense as the child spoke to him, standing up after the brunet disappeared and fleeing out the front door.
He once again paid Wilbur no mind as he walked down the path from the house, head buzzing as he jammed his hands into his pockets and let his feet take him where they would.
Techno didn’t have much thought as he walked through the forest for the second time that day, stopping only when he came to the bank of a river, rocks clacking against each other under his feet. The sound of rushing water helped clear his anxiety a little, the sight of the water doing its part as well. There was a fallen tree a ways upstream, bridging the gap between the two banks. In a few moments Techno was sitting on the hollow wood, letting the cold water rush around his ankles and bring him back to reality. The river’s current was surprisingly strong, his legs being tugged more forcefully than expected.  
He felt pretty stupid, being so easily overwhelmed by something so small as a child giving him a greeting. His feelings didn’t change the reality of it though, and he was left to marinate in his thoughts. With the calming feel and sound of the river aiding him, Techno felt his mind calm and slow, the uncomfortable buzzing sensation of his head dulling to a low vibrate. Time became a contradicting pace, feeling bodily slow while the world around him moved at a lightning pace. 
The sound of rustling leaves and breaking twigs pulled him from his resting state. Techno twisting his head to the side so quickly it caused a twinge of pain in the muscles in his neck.
He was met with a wide-eyed look from Wilbur, the other teen looking just as caught off guard as Techno felt. He was making a lot of eye contact today.
Wilbur slid his guitar off his back, leaning it up against a nearby tree with the journal right beside it. The tree beneath Techno began to wobble as Wilbur carefully made his way along, sitting down next to him with his legs crisscrossed.
They were both quiet, unsure how to break the thick wall of silence that had already been built between them. The problem would always be talking, less getting the ball rolling and more pushing it through clay mud.
“I’ve got to hand it to the river.” Wilbur was the one to break the silence, starting out sardonic. “Without the water, this silence would be oppressive.”
His words startled a laugh out of Techno, the piglin hybrid giving Wilbur a stunted nod. 
“Nature is really carrying this interaction right now.” He agreed, snickering when Wilbur let out a chuckle. A sense of camaraderie fell over the scene as they both let out a breath neither realized they’d been holding.
“What are you doing out here?” Wilbur didn’t look at him, eyes trained down on the warped rocks under the water’s flow.
What was he doing? Running from a child, mostly. Hiding from his thoughts. What appeared to be the usual.
“Felt like taking a walk.” Techno responded, looking off to the side and away from his companion.
“Mhm.” This was definitely Phil’s kid, what with the same tone that let you know he knew that you were lying through your teeth. If Techno could build up the courage to look, he knew Wilbur would have the same expression, too. Willing to let it go, but not with letting him think that he’d pulled the wool over his eyes.
“What about you?” Wilbur definitely wouldn’t see through such a transparent distraction.
“Felt like taking a walk.” Techno supposed that was fair, having his own rebuff thrown back in his face.
Silence fell back over the two, though it was comfortably strained. The type of quiet where nervous energy lit red embers underneath a crackling fire of fellowship.
“I heard you playing this morning.” When in doubt, change the subject. “It sounded good.”
“Thanks. I just started something new.” Wilbur looked over at the journal next to his guitar, fingers twitching a little from where they rested in his lap. 
“...cool.” What would Phil say in this situation? Something kind or witty, probably. A quip or phrase to ease the tension. “What’s it about?”
Wilbur looked back down into the rushing water, head tilted ever so slightly.
“I don’t know yet. I’ve got a few ideas but they don’t sound right when I put them to paper.”
Techno wasn’t much of an artist, unless you counted slaughter and murder a form of art. He wasn’t sure what to say in the face of Wilbur’s frustration, ear twitching as a bird took flight nearby.
“How old are you, anyway?” What would’ve been a pitiful attempt at comfort was overshadowed by Wilbur’s question. Techno couldn’t’ve asked for better timing. 
“Uhh…” He let the syllables drag on while thinking of an answer. How old was he? That wasn’t a question he’d ever need an answer to before this moment. No one had ever told him his age, and it didn’t seem that important anyway. 
“I don’t know.”
Wilbur gave him a deadpan look, faltering when he looked at Techno and saw the seriousness on his face.
“Oh. You really don’t know?”
Techno shrugged and looked away, swinging his leg back against the flow of the ice cold water.
“Didn’t seem that important.”
He was met with cumbersome silence, though Wilbur looked more contemplative than upset.
Was knowing how old he was really so important? He had never slowed down to consider something so small as how long he’d been around on the earth he had soaked in blood. There was always something more important. A battle to win, or something like that.
Quiet nights that could be used to think were usually reserved for a mental blankness, a type of relaxation he didn’t often get to partake in. A crackling fire nearby while he could stare into the stars, letting worries melt away as the swirling galaxies above became his only comprehension. 
“Are you hungry?” Wilbur shifted on the hollow log, causing it to wobble underneath them. The piglin hybrid looked up, shrugging lightly.
“Not really.”
“Well I am.” Wilbur shifted a small bag that Techno hadn’t seen before into his lap. It was a brown fabric, small patches stitched into the front. There was a set of poorly done stitching across the bottom of the bag that read, “Tommy wa here.” Techno figured it was supposed to say that Tommy was there, but over time the thread had been tugged out. 
There was a variety of other stitching in the brown fabric, like a nicely done letter P and a yellow W. Tubbo's name was there too, slanted down like a waterfall on the left side. The patches were all of trees, flowers, and similar nature depictions with a few musical notes placed here or there.
Wilbur pulled a smaller paper bag from his cloth one, grabbing a sandwich from inside and biting into it, legs swaying along with the current of the water below. The sight made Techno a little hungry, though he didn’t say anything. He didn’t have to, stomach rumbling loud enough to be heard above the river’s flow. Wilbur snorted around his bite of sandwich, pulling another out of his bag and offering it out.
Techno took it from him, holding it in his lap for a moment before unwrapping it to take a bite. Sweet strawberry jelly burst flavor across his tongue, a short hum leaving Techno’s lips as he chewed.
“You brought me food?”
“Mhm.” Wilbur was already halfway done, a bit of the red jelly staining the side of his lip. “It’s been a while since you ate, I figured you’d be hungry.”
It hadn’t been that long, had it? Techno looked up, startled to see that the sun had climbed into an afternoon sky while he had zoned out, bright rays cast over the forest.
“Huh…” Technoblade took another bite of his sandwich, a light breeze making the stray hairs that had fallen from his braid squirm in his peripheral. 
An unexpected consequence of coming home with Phil was that Techno had precious little to do. In the Arctic Empire he could patrol, or hunt down some poor idiot who was trying to sneak onto their land and show them a one way ticket to death’s door. But in Phil’s secluded little spot in the world, Techno had already gotten cabin fever. His weapons all had a spot in his closet and would be staying there until further notice. The closest he could get to his old self was finding an empty clearing and sparring with particularly thick oak trees.
Phil might be down for a round or two, something to pass the time and get their blood flowing. Techno made a mental note to ask him about it later, shoving the rest of his sandwich into his mouth and swiping his hands together to remove the crumbs.
“Aren’t your feet cold?” Wilbur asked, leaning slightly to get a better look at the warped picture of Techno’s boots under the warping water.
“Eh.” Techno lifted one of his legs out of the water, tucking it under his opposite thigh. He wouldn’t relay to Wilbur that he couldn’t actually feel his foot, the frigid temperature stealing his sensations. The second leg was moved shortly after, Techno following Wilbur’s example of seating.
“Well, I’m going home.” Wilbur stood up, making his way back to the solid ground and grabbing his guitar. “You coming?”
There was an underlying question in Wilbur’s tone as he looked back at Techno, the pig himself nodding as he stood. 
They walked side by side on the way back to the house, occasionally breaking the tranquil silence of the forest with short small talk. Mostly Wilbur, making comments about his music or memories that sprung to mind at the sight of a mark in the tree bark or a particularly gnarled set of roots. Techno didn’t do much in the way of responding, giving short laughs or grunts when needed. Wilbur didn’t seem to mind, enjoying being listened to for the fleeting time they had.
When they walked through the doors, it was to the sight of Phil reading on the couch, a snoring Tommy and Tubbo cradled in the curve of either wing. It was cute, but Techno felt strange watching it. He gave a wave to Phil and ducked into the hall, heading back for his bedroom to take a seat on the bed and undo his boots. By now he’d regained the feeling in his toes, but they were still damp and cold from the soak. He dried his lower legs off and replaced his soggy boots with some worn sandals he’d gotten as a gift from Phil. Probably better footwear for the summer’s day anyway.
Techno set his boots on the porch, counting on the sun to dry them out by nightfall. Wilbur was situated under the shade of a tree down the path, his yellow sweater easy to spot among the greens and browns of his surroundings. He waved at Techno, music stopping instantly as he provided the salutation. Techno, with nothing better to do, made his way over to the other, taking a seat a couple feet away.
Wilbur gave him a half smile, plucking a string on his guitar. Techno wasn’t sure which one.
When Phil said they should talk, he probably didn’t mean a hesitant set of greetings cushioned by utter silence like they’d been doing. Any progress was good progress though, right?
“I think you should be sixteen.” Techno shifted his eyes onto Wilbur, blatantly as he tried to figure out what that could mean.
“You’re sixteen.”
“No I’m not.”
“You don’t know that!” Wilbur huffed, pushing his glasses up as he leaned onto the rough bark of the tree behind him. “You said no one ever told you how old you are! So there’s no way to know you aren’t sixteen.”
Was there really a point to arguing? The only real argument there was that Techno didn’t want to be sixteen. He would’ve preferred being ageless, as he’d always been. Wilbur met Techno’s silent deadpan with a strong look of his own, not budging. He seemed to take the silence as a victory, yet another trait shared with Phil. The human smirked, shifting into a comfortable position to keep plucking at his guitar.
“Your birthday is in three days.”
“That seems pretty specific.” Techno thought he might be catching on now. “Any reason?”
“Maybe, maybe.” So that’s how it was gonna be. Techno nodded, trying to feign ignorance.
“So...nothin’ special happening in three days?”
“Well there might be one thing.”
“Hm.” Techno felt the corners of his mouth lift in a grin, shifting slightly so he could lean against the same tree Wilbur was. He let himself fall back into the gentle daze of sleep as Wilbur began to play again, light and sweet notes guiding Techno down the path to rest.
The news that Techno was sixteen was a dinnertime topic, apparently, when Wilbur brought it up as Phil was handing out plates. The adult of the house seemed confused, mostly, as Techno had been telling him for as long as they’d known each other that he had no clue how old he was. He had to explain the situation immediately, how Wilbur was joking and had assigned him an age and birthdate. Phil simply laughed it off and grabbed everyone a glass of water, but Techno knew that it wasn’t the end of the conversation. 
“Tech.” The initial tone made Techno cringe, debating on turning around and getting into this talk or just throwing himself out the bedroom window. With one option far more preferable than the other, Technoblade turned around and continued fastening the golden buttons on his cloak.
“I’m glad you and Will are getting along.”
Techno looked up, making eye contact with a grinning Phil. He didn’t think that this was how the interaction was going to go. Phil didn’t want to talk about anything else?
“Yeah...me too.” He wasn’t one for rocky conversations anyway. 
“How are you settling in?”
“Why do you ask?”
“I heard you leave pretty quickly this morning.”
Oh. Techno clenched his jaw and felt his chest tighten with the telltale feeling of defense, shrugging as he looked around for something to do. Phil, looking as relaxed as ever while purposefully blocking the doorway, tried to catch his gaze.
“Felt like taking a walk.”
“Mhm.” Techno felt an intense sense of deja vu, eyebrows furrowing. “One step at a time, old friend.” Phil’s hand on his shoulder was welcoming and warm, but despite that Techno still felt on edge. He felt drained from the day, even if it was majorly positive, and Phil trying to block him in and pry an answer out of him was taking what little energy he still had.
Phil seemed to recognize his discomfort, dropping the topic with a smooth distraction. If there was something they all had in common, it was avoidance tactics. 
“You should try sleeping in tomorrow.” Techno shrugged, patting Phil’s hand and following the other out of his bedroom.
“We’ll see.”
In the days of the Antarctic empire, he and Phil would patrol together. Two soldiers, together against the world, boots crunching through ice and snow to make sure their home was safe.
Techno had a new home now. A home no longer surrounded by ice and snow, but by tall oak trees and flowers. A home that was no longer filled with intent of blood and war. His new home was filled with the scent of warm meals, crackling hearths, and old books. 
On his evening patrol that night, Techno decided that he would be sleeping in.
⊰ ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ── ⊱
thanks for reading! have a good day, and feel free to drop a headcanon request in my askbox
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atlafan · 5 years
Take it Slow - Part Four
a/n: okay this is my first shot at a harry:y/n fic, and it will be multiple parts. y/n had a bad experience with an ex over a year ago, and finally accepts her coworker and good friend Niall’s invitation to go on a blind date with his friend Harry. 
(Fluffy part....and I will give a bit of a trigger warning here, y/n mentions abuse from an ex. This is sort of a short part, I part five is long and I promise it delivers on the smut. )
Part One Part Two Part Three
You left work a little early Wednesday. You had been marinating your cauliflower since the morning. But you wanted to make everything perfect for Harry. You put a table cloth over your small table, and added a single candle. You plated up your buffalo cauliflower. You spooned some blue cheese into a small bowl. You knew he wouldn’t eat it, but you needed it for yourself. You also put out some celery and carrots. You put a bottle of voka and some tonic out. Drinking on a work night wasn’t something you did often, but you knew vodka wouldn’t leave you with a hangover. He texts you letting you know he’s downstairs. You buzz him in and open your door.
“Love?” You hear him say.
“In the kitchen!” You yelp. He walks in. He’s wearing those black ripped jeans again. You can slightly see his thigh tattoo. The black t-shirt he’s wearing is slightly tattered too. You notice he took his boots off at the door.
He comes right up to you, and takes you in for a hug, he simply hold you for a few moments, and sighs happily.
“Yeah, just a long day. Sorry for my appearance, I didn’t want to be late, and stupid me forgot to pack extra clothes.”
“You look fine. Sit, dinner’s ready.” You smile. He sits down at the table, and you hand him a serving utensil so he can take as much as he wants.
“This smells great, (y/n).”
“Thanks, it’s my own sauce recipe. It’s vegan, but the blue cheese isn’t.” You laugh.
“No worries, I don’t need it anyways.” He pops a smaller piece of cauliflower into his mouth, and nearly chokes. “Holy shit, this is spicy. Well done.” He takes a sip of the glass of water you left for him. You both decide you don’t need the alcohol tonight. You’re secretly thankful.
“I had some extra strawberries, no chocolate though.” You say after finishing dinner, bringing a bowl of strawberries to the table.
“Oh, thanks. Another thing I forgot about, bringing dessert.”
“Harry, it’s okay.” You look over at your couch. “Come on, let’s go sit down and get comfy, and you can tell me about your day.”
He grabs the bowl of strawberries and places it on your coffee table. Before you sit he grabs your wrist.
“Would it be alright if we, like, cuddled?” He looks at you with tired eyes.
“Of course.” Your heart flutters.
He lays on the couch, resting up against the pillow on the end near the armrest. You place your body on his, and he runs his hand across your back. He lets out another happy sigh.
“So how was your day?”
“I gathered. What happened?”
“Just these people I was working with, they didn’t understand my vision, and we kept fighting. It took nearly three hours to get two decent shots. Finally, they understood where I was going with it and let me do my thing. It was exhausting.”
“I’m sorry.” You nuzzled into his chest. You felt like you could fall asleep. Before you knew it, you heard light snores. You looked up and saw Harry’s eyes closed, and lips parted. You smiled at the beautiful site. You soon drifted off as well.
“Oh shit.” You awake to him rustling underneath you.
“Mm, what time is it?” You press into his chest.
“Only around eight-thirty. We slept for like two hours.”
“Must’ve needed it.”
“Love, I hate to move you, but I desperately need a wee.”
“Oh!” You immediately get off him. He goes down the hall to the half bath. You go use your bathroom as well.
He gets back to the couch first. Confused that you’re not there, but realized you probably needed a wee as well. He smiles at you as you come sauntering back in. You sit down next to him, and you both put your feet on the coffee table, his hanging over the other side. He really is tall. You grab the remote and turn the TV on. He puts an arm around you, and snuggle into him.
“Right, what are we watching?”
“How do you feel about Chopped?”
“Love it.” You smile, beaming up at him. You stretched your neck out and winced. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing, just think there’s a little kink in my neck from how we fell asleep is all.”
“Damn, that’s my fault. Want me t’rub it?”
“That would be great.”
You two adjust yourselves so he has his back against the arm rest, and you sitting between his long legs. His soft touch feels amazing on your neck and shoulders. You lean back further into him, and let out a small moan as he massages out a particular knot in the back of neck.
“Ugh, that feels so good Harry.” He adjusts himself a little, and continue to rubs your neck. His legs tighten around yours a little. You realize now what you’re doing to him, and you feel bad, honestly. You think of what you and Niall talked about the other night, but you still feel like you’re not ready. Harry lightly taps your shoulders and presses a kiss to the back of your head.
You move your arm to hook around him so you can give his hair a gentle squeeze. He presses his hips to your back side and feel him twitch against you. His hands slide down your arms and wrap around your waist. He kisses you on the cheek, down your jaw, and then down to your neck. He doesn’t waste any time to get your skin between his teeth. You lean back as far as you can into him. His hands move up your stomach a little, and stop just below your breasts. You want to give him the go ahead to touch you, but you don’t speak up.
You’re too busy practically panting from the way he’s sinking into your skin. He’s trying to show what he can do with his mouth, he has to be. You find yourself suddenly on your feet.
“Sorry, did I…did I do something wrong?” He puts his hands up. “Did I leave too big of a mark last time?”
“No, no. It’s not you, Harry. I just think, you know, it’s a work night, and I have to be up early. So I think we should stop that for tonight.”
“I barely even got to kiss you.” He says looking at you with big eyes, and his bottom lip jutting out in the cutest pout you’ve ever seen. It breaks your heart. “Can I see ya Friday night?” You sigh in relief that he’s not mad.
“Yes, of course.” He stands up and takes you in his arms. You look up at him and kiss him. He kisses you back, but only for a minute. He presses his forehead to yours.
“I know it’s only been a couple of weeks, but you’re doing something to me. I can’t quite explain it, but I like the way I feel when I’m with you.” You could keel over. A man had never been so honest with you.
“I like the way I feel when I’m with you too, Harry.”
With that he gives you one more squeeze and he’s out the door. You groan to yourself. You know you’re doing what’s best, but you just want to let him ravage you.
Harry speeds quickly to Niall’s, and lets himself in. Niall is sat on his couch in his boxers with a pint of ice cream.
“Uh, hey man?”
“Sorry for just barging in so late.”
“Did you see (y/n)?”
“Yeah.” He paces across the room and runs his hands through his hair. “We had a really nice and relaxing night, and then I did what I always do, I took it too far. But I couldn’t help it!”
“What happened?”
“I was giving her a neck rub, and it was strictly to help her out, nothing sexual. Then she moaned out ‘oh Harry that feels so good’, and I, well you know how it is when a girl says something like that.”
“So, what happened?”
“Well, she let me kiss on her, and I thought she was into it, and then all of a sudden she was telling me it was getting late. I feel terrible. I wish she felt like she could talk me through whatever happened to make her feel so uncomfortable.”
“Harry,” Niall starts, putting his ice cream down. “Listen, I can’t tell ya everything, but she has a valid reason for wanting to take it slow. If it makes you feel better, she’s really battlin’ with herself over it. She wants to give you more, but she’s scared.”
“Of me?”
“No, she’s actually amazed by you. She said it was refreshing that you’re being so cool about everything.”
“Then what is she scared of?”
“Giving it to another guy who will just leave her the next day.”
“Is that what happened with her ex?”
“Sort of, there’s a lot more to it. But that’s a story she should really tell you, not me.”
“Alright. I’m seeing her Friday, maybe she’ll feel comfortable opening up to me then. This’ll be our third week seeing each other. She makes me feel so happy, I can’t explain it.”
“Have you told her that?”
“Tonight actually.”
“Good, she’s definitely someone that needs that reassurance.”
“Good to know.”
“No offense, but did you go over there lookin’ like that?”
“It was either this or be late.” Harry raises his middle finger to his friend.
The next day you wake up like you have a hangover. You can barely get yourself out of bed. You were up all night thinking about Harry, and not in a fun way. You felt like you were lying to him or something. Today all you can put together for an outfit are some black dress pants, black flats, a white shirt, and a blush pink blazer. Today was Niall’s day to bring coffee, thank god. By the time you left the house you surely would’ve been late if you had to stop. Your coffee was waiting for you on your desk when you got there. You took it and walked down to his office. You tap on the outside of his door frame.
“Hey.” You say.
“Mornin’, come in.” He waves you in with a smile. You close his door most of the way. “Oh boy. What’s wrong?”
“Do you think I should tell him what happened? I feel like I keep sending mixed signals. I mean, when I think about it, it’s not that big of a deal.”
“(y/n), it was a big deal. You almost wasted away to nothing, and you had to see a therapist.”
“Okay, okay, so how do I explain that to him?”
“Just be honest, he’s a really understanding guy. I’m sure some clarity on his end would be good.”
“Has he mentioned anything to you?” You ask, looking down at your shoes. “Sorry, I don’t want you to be in the middle of this.”
“A little…he just wanted to make sure he wasn’t doing anything wrong.”
“He does everything right. But I thought my ex was too, and I know he’s not him, it’s just hard.”
“Maybe you should go in for a session.” You roll your eyes with disgust. “Just an idea.”
“I know you’re right, and I shouldn’t treat you like my therapist.”
“That’s not what I was sayin’. I’m just sayin’ that clearly this is still something that bothers ya.”
“I think it’ll get better once I talk to Harry. What’s on the agenda today?”
“Here, got this flash drive for ya, and a memo saying how they want these clips edited together. Work ya magic.” You take the flash drive from him and smile.
You head back down the hall to your office, and you stop short when you see someone standing in your office. He turns around, it’s Harry. He smiles warmly at you, and you smile back, a little confused.
“Mornin’.” He says to you.
“Morning.” You say, kissing him on the cheek. You put the flash drive on your desk. “What are you doing here?”
“I was in the area, and I just wanted to check in and see how you were. I was worried about you last night.”
“Oh, that’s so sweet. I’m fine. I was actually wondering if we could meet after work tonight. There’s something I want to tell you, and I don’t want it to ruin our date tomorrow.”
“Sure, but dontcha usually go to the gym after work?”
“I’m too tired for that today. I barely slept last night.” His face falls at your admission.
“Wanna meet at the coffee shop down the street from here?”
“That would be perfect.”
You get your work done, somehow. You tell Harry to just meet you by your car in the parking lot. Your knuckles are white while gripping the steering wheel. He gets in a few minutes later.
“Hi, sorry, I just wanted to talk more privately.” You say looking for at him.
“Of course, love.” You take a deep breath.
“Okay, and it may be way too soon to be talking about this since we’ve only known each other a few weeks, but I feel like you need some explanation for my behavior.” He just looks at you and gives you an encouraging smile. “So, over a year ago, I started seeing someone. We had gone on about four dates, I think. I really liked him, and I thought he liked me. I brought him back to my place on our fourth date. My hope was just to maybe make out.” You swallow. “Maybe a little more, but not go all the way.” Harry nods, his eyebrows furrowed, all his concentration on you. “But he had…other plans.” You feel your eyes start to tear up, but you swallow it back. “It started off fine, and it was like all of a sudden I was naked, and so was he. Everything happened so fast, he took out the condom faster than I could say anything. He was rough with me, and in the moment I didn’t feel safe enough to speak up to tell him to stop.” You take another deep breath. “After it was over, he kissed me goodbye and told me he’d call the next day. He didn’t call for like three days, and he broke every date we had planned.” You look away from Harry. “I basically shut down. I had never felt so used in my life. I missed a week of work. I told them I had the flu. I didn’t eat or bathe. I basically stayed in bed for an entire week. I had never felt that low in my life. It wasn’t until Niall basically broke into my apartment that I got my act together. I didn’t feel great, but I went back to work. I eventually went to therapy, it helped a lot. I learned to stop blaming myself for what happened. That guy was an asshole, and doesn’t deserve to ruin my life. But I guess ever since him I’ve been so guarded about having sex so quickly with someone, I guess out of fear of like just being used and hurt. I know there are people out there that have had worse than me, but for whatever reason this really affected me.”
You look over at Harry, and he is full on sobbing, tears staining his cheeks. He wipes his eyes with his shirt. You wipe your eyes as well. You hadn’t realized you had even started crying. He takes your hand in his, and kisses it.
“I am so sorry that happened to you. You’re so brave. And don’t compare yourself to others, what happened sounds horrible. I don’t understand how people can do things like that. I don’t understand how men can get pleasure by forcing themselves onto someone. I’m sorry if I pushed you into telling me.”
“Oh, Harry, you didn’t push me. I wanted to tell you. I feel much better now that it’s out in the open. You’ve made me feel so comfortable every time we’re together. I didn’t want you to feel like I was rejecting you.”
“I didn’t, don’t worry. I just wanted to make sure I wasn’t doing something wrong.”
“I appreciate that, so much.” You smile at him. He puts a hand on your cheek, and you lean into it. “Thank you for listening.”
“Thank you for sharing your story with me.” Harry’s phone starts to ring, but he ignores it.
“You can get that, Harry.” He reaches into his pocket.
“Shit, it’s work, one sec.” He answers it. “Yeah? Oi, I left it on my desk for ya. Ya I did. Didja check again? Okay, go inta my office, yup, it’s on the left hand side. Got it? Okay good. See ya tomorrow.” He hangs up. You can’t help but notice how thick his accent got on the phone. “Sorry bout that. I swear I work with some real wankahs.” You giggle at the word. “What?”
“Nothing, I just thought that was a word only used in movies.”
“Nope, we really say it. We also say bullocks in case you were wonderin’.”
“I’ll remember that.” You laugh.
“Well, I’m sure you’re drained. You should get home and relax. What would you like to do tomorrow?”
“I’d love to come to your place again. I really liked it there.”
“Alright, whatdya say I pick ya up, and we get some food, and then go to my place.”
“I’d like that.”
“Do me a favor, let me know what you get home.”
“Alright.” You lean in and kiss him on the cheek. You linger for a moment, and then he exits out of the car.
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Oorah G.”M”.G
Greg "Mouse" Gerwitz is underappreciated and needs more attention. Also I love the gif (not mine), look how cute and happy he is!!
Summary: You, an ex marine, meet up with your friend Kelly Severide at Molly's the night before you start your new job at the 21st District. Little do you know, Kelly invited two of his friends from the district to meet you.
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When Kelly invited you out to a bar, you didn't realize it was a t-shirt and jeans kind of bar, not a black mini skirt and skinny little red tank top kind. You walked into Molly's and immediately felt overdressed. You contemplated walking out, but then you found Kelly sitting at the bar with two of other guys. Kelly turned and looked at you when he heard the door close. He yelled your name and backend you to come over.
Kelly met you half way from his seat and the door and engulfed you into a hug "You came" he said
"Of course I did. But it would have been nice to know that a t shirt and jeans would have sufficed." You said pulling away from him.
"Nah you look great, besides I have some friends I want you too meet."
He guided you back to where he was sitting. When the two men saw you walking over they got up from their chairs. "Y/N I want you to meet my friends Detective Jay Halstead and Mouse. Guys this is my friend Y/N Y/L/N she's starting at the 21st tomorrow."
You shook the boys hands, "It's nice to meet you two"
The taller of the two men, Jay, smiled "Same here. Kelly was telling us you just got home. Where from?" He asked.
"Iran actually. Before that, Pakistan. I was a marine gunnery sergeant, 107th " you tell them with a smile.
The boys were clearly impressed with you, "I will take that as you are not meant to be fucked with." Mouse said. "We were 75th Ranger Regiment, Afghanistan," he said pointed to him and Jay.
"Well thank you for your Service Mouse." You said.
Mouse clearly wasn't his real name, but you had to admit, he was a good looking guy. Tallish, with beautiful blue eyes and brown hair. He clearly wasn't ba twig but he was nowhere near the size of Kelly or Jay either. And damn that smile you thought.
"And you too Jay" you said, honestly forgetting he was there with Kelly. Jay and Kelly clearly noticed you were checking out Mouse, and he wasn't hiding looking at you either.
"Thanks you too. Kelly how about a game a darts.' Jay said dragging him away from you and Mouse. You sat down in Jay's old seat and Mouse sat next you. Mouse got Otis' attention and asked for two beers.
"You didn't have to" you tell him.
"No but, I wanted to," Mouse said.
You took a swing of your beer, "So, I'm assuming Mouse isn't your real name?" Mouse laughed as he put down his bottle.
"No, no it is not. My name is actually Greg Gerwitz. Jay calls me Mouse cause I'm good with computers" He said.
"Is that code for hacking then?" You ask laughing. Greg looked down, smiling "Yea, yea it is. I’m a Civilian Technical Analyst for the Intelligence Unit. Jay is the fancy detective."
"Your job is just as important as Jay's. You go and make sure your boys are safe. Not to mention you can probably scare some people with the things you can do on a computer."
Mouse is kind of sat there and shocked version of your moments. He always felt in superior to Jane the rest of the intelligence unit because he wasn't the copper detective. It wasn't that he didn't want to be one just he doubted his skills to get through the academy. He never thought he was as good as the rest of the team. And here you are, a woman he literally just meet is saying otherwise.
“I- ah. well,’ Mouse was truly at a lost for words. “Thank you. Um what unit are you working in?”
Code for, “How far away are you going to be from me?”
“I’m in Sex Crimes”
Only one floor above me  he thought.
“Oh really? Well I expect you come visit me then.” 
He looked at you, confusion evident on his face till Mouse realized he said that out loud. 
You bit your lip trying not to laugh at the poor boy in front of you. “So how does a pretty boy like you end up in the army?”  
Mouse’s neck turned red from the compliment, and he ran a hand through his hair to calm him down. “Well I tried the whole college thing and to be honest I wasn’t that great at it. Well besides the whole computers thing. So I ended up enlisting. I met Jay when we got deployed together.” 
Mouse nodded to you, “What about you? How did a sweet, pretty girl join the Marines? I couldn’t imagine how hard that was.”
The second after he said that he realized how that sounded. “Not that girls can’t be Marines! It’s just that you know it’s a lot more training, and heavy lift- not that you can’t do it! It’s just- oh god” 
Mouse just gave up and put his head in his hand. You couldn’t contain your laughter any longer. You placed a hand on his leg “Greg, I get what you were trying to say. No need to to feel bad” You said in between giggles.
Mouse turned his head towards you, resting on his hand. His whole face was red now. So many things were going through his head right now. He can’t believe how hard he embarrassed himself in front of you. Not to mention the fact that not many people call him Greg anymore, and yet when you say his real name it sounded so pleasing.
“I actually went to college. Finished undergrad with a degree with criminal justice and minor in psych. But then my younger brother got sick and passed. All he talked about was being a Marine. He never got to do it. And honestly the thought of joining the military was always in my head. So I thought what better way to help people and memorialize my brother than joining the best branch in the U.S Military?”
While you were telling your story to Mouse you moved your hand off his leg. He tried his hardest to hide his disappointment. 
“Well, I don’t know if the Marines are the best, but that’s amazing and I’m sure he would be really proud of you.” 
The two of you ended up talking for a few hours about anything and everything. But once it hit 11:00 you figured you should probably leave for the night. “I’d hate to do this to you, but I should head home and get some sleep. Don’t want to be late on first day.” you tell him
Mouse understood and nodded. “Don’t worry about it,” he said, “Have a good night, stay safe. Hopefully I will see you down at the district.” 
You hopped off the stool, “You too. If not, then you should come upstairs and say Hello.”
You walked away and went over to Kelly and Jay. “I just wanted to say bye to you guys. I’m heading home. Jay it was really nice to meet you.” You tell him.”Yea same here I’ll see you around Y/N” Jay says
You went to Kelly and hugged him goodbye, “I’ll call you tomorrow after I get off” you tell him. 
After saying your goodbyes to Jay and Kelly you walked passed the bar and saw Mouse still sitting there.  “Night Greg” you said in passing. 
As you walked towards the door, Mouse watched you walk away, paying close attention to the way hips swayed as you walked.  His eyes started to drift down more when he felt Kelly and Jay slap him on the back. “Here, i got you something” Kelly said.
He handed Mouse a napkin and saw that there was a lip stick stain along with a small message.
Marines are the best branch, Pretty Boy. 
     - Y/N
Underneath was your phone number.
Mouse let a small laugh and  under his breath said, “Oorah”
Part two anyone???
Request OPEN
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How Did We Get Here?
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A summary of an upcoming tale about my character Anderson, inspired by my own recent struggles.
Anderson spends several days comatose. Wakes up in an unfamiliar place, bound tightly to chair. Is unable to speak. Minutes later, attacker walks in. Attacker commentates on how Anderson was found on the coastline (attacker’s territory) in Yiga Attire. This was received as a threat and Anderson is now subject to imprisonment, torture for information, and Master Kohga will be contacted for ransom arrangements.
Anderson displays elevated levels of distress, which continually continues to increase as the attacker gets closer to establishing contact. The operation is temporarily forfeited when his screaming and begging is so loud that the gag may as well not have been there. Attacker displays frustration and confusion at Anderson’s distress, which is extreme even given the situation he is in.
Attacker removes the gag, and Anderson takes some time to compose himself before explaining that he was actually on the run from the Yiga, after a demon god accused him of treason and sabotage, turning his former lover, several of his friends, and the clan leaders against him. In the ensuing fight he managed to slaughter his ex-lover, incapacitate the right-hand man, severely wound the leader and demon god, and just as quickly made an escape.
He expresses fear and concern that if the leaders were to be made aware of his whereabouts, they would most definitely want him back for the sole purpose of subjecting him to what he describes as a “fate worse than death”, and that traitors and killers like him are not killed, but instead brutally and slowly tormented for the rest of their lives. Anderson undergoes extreme emotional distress and remorse upon recalling the events and is no longer able to compose himself to form words.
Attacker is skeptical, and comments on how the story sounds quite unbelievable. However, despite their skepticism, attacker agrees to not contact Master Kohga right away, and instead will bring the matter up with their boss. As collateral, though, it will be necessary that he is kept heavily restrained until it can be proven that he is not here on a sabotage mission. Several interrogations will follow for the next few days, sedatives will be administered as necessary, and any noncompliance will be met with unrelenting punishment.
Anderson reluctantly agrees, deciding that a few days of hell would be better than a lifetime and maybe more of unbearable agony. The attacker acknowledges, re-gags him twice over, blindfolds the man, and plugs his ears. They then shut off the light to the cell and secure the door, leaving to presumably report this new development to the boss. Anderson then experiences a full mental breakdown, crying and thrashing against his restraints until he passes out.
An approximate 16 hours pass before someone enters the cell, and removes the captive’s earplugs- but leaves all other forms of restraints in. This person is presumed to be the boss- and their footsteps can be heard pacing the cell as they begin to mark on the preposterousness of the captive’s story. Anderson cannot shake hearing a certain familiarity in the boss’s voice, but nonetheless is terrified of what is to come of the situation.
Very shortly after, boss slowly removes the blindfold. Is revealed to be the Captain Sonii of the Shiekah Marine Embassy, and she remarks on how this wouldn’t be the first time that the Yiga try to break in by pretending a part of the clan was betrayed by the others. However, she does admit that there is a certain sadness, fear, and fury in his eyes that she has not seen before.
Captain Sonii continues on by saying that she does know what there is a demon god that stands by the Yiga, and that Anderson must have done something drastic to anger the entity so much- to which the captive responds by squeezing his eyes shut and turning his head away. It seems that the Shiekah Captain is able to infer the source of his distress.
She goes on to remark that, if her intuition is correct, she could draw the fact that Anderson was falsely accused of treason, to which the captive replies with surprise and looks back at her. Captain Sonii chuckled and begins to explain that the whole reason the Shiekah Marine Embassy was founded was to give those who have been framed, misinterpreted, and accused a second chance. And she herself was one of those victims and built this army so no one would have to suffer the way she did, having no one to fall back on.
She concludes that, if there are no rescue attempts by any Yiga within the next three months, she will offer him a high-ranking position on the crew. However, until then, he is not to be left unrestrained, and under constant remote surveillance. Other stipulations follow, along with warning him that in the meanwhile he will be interrogated regarding both the Yiga Clan, and the events that conspired up until his capture.
She appears to snicker to herself, before producing a small knife, and explains how misinformation and fabrication are not tolerated. She begins to draw the knife very slowly up his throat, merely slitting the skin open and deliberately avoiding airways and major arteries, all the while making delicate yet terrifying threats about the consequences if he truly is lying and plans on sabotaging them.
He withholds his pain and terror- yet still in agreement with himself that as bad as things were now, they at least have an ending in sight. The captain notes his resilience, and reminds him of the stipulations one more time, before dismissing herself. Anderson seems relieved that she is gone, and several nightmares within the following few days about what would happen should he be captured by the Yiga confirm his confidence that this is the better option.
Over the following few months, his restrictions are gradually loosened, from a few weeks of full body restraints to a few weeks of wrist and ankle shackles and the allowance of basic entertainment, to simple handcuffs and special requests of food, to complete freedom to move about his cell and partake in recreations under supervision.
After a period of a little over three months, he is called in to be formally interviewed by the boss. He explains that his specialties lie in the operation of, hijacking, and repair of hardware is his specialty, along with an innate knowledge of robotics and machinery. He goes on to admit that he is the owner of a divine beast and use that divine beast in any missions they may need it for.
Under the agreement that she is allowed to connect the divine beast to the Embassy’s centralized army database, to which Anderson shows no opposition to, she hires him and as promised is given the title of leader of the tech division, more specifically the hardware sector, while he will be working aside another leader, August Staghorn, who oversees the software sector. He is given his own room and is now allotted all the freedoms and benefits of a level 3 crew member.
August and Anderson were initially very hesitant about one another, Anderson being intimidated by the software leader’s large stature and reluctance to speak, and August being intimidated by the hardware leader’s very apparent stoicism and distrust. However, as time goes on, they learn more about one another- Anderson learns that August is mute and communicates completely nonverbally (although he can hear and comprehend things perfectly fine), and August learns that Anderson suffers from a small case of Autism Spectrum Disorder and sometimes has trouble handling himself.
Both, in secret, study for months on end about the other’s problems; Anderson teaches himself to both use and interpret sign language, and August teaches himself how to effectively communicate with, comfort, and understand people with neurological disorders. They gradually become more compatible with one another, but neither seem to really notice any large change until they are put on a collaborative project together.
The two and their teams are instructed to begin work on a new semi-terrestrial divine beast construct. The ease at which they have communicating with one another seems to surprise them both, as each admits that they spent a long time studying how to communicate with the other more effectively. Upon realizing, both are overwhelmed with a feeling of rejoice and instantly embrace, getting emotional over one another.
August then goes onto admit that he had admired Anderson ever since he joined the tech division and heard about what happened to him beforehand. August expresses his empathy and admits that while his stature may be big, he considers himself to be rather meek. He reveals a bit more about himself, and states that the reason he was hired here was due to five or six years back, he was subject to a series of tests against his consent and ultimately had his vocal cords completely dissolved which led to him not being able to speak, and complications eating.
Due to these complications and receiving no compensation for the damage done, and the perpetrators never caught, he ended up losing the job he had and not being able to pay rent. He couldn’t find any new jobs either due to any hirer’s lack of understanding of his condition and refusing to change their policies. Ultimately he came down to Lurelin where he intended to spend what he presumed were his last days, alone.
However, at that time, the Shiekah Marine Embassy was surveying the area and they pulled August aside for questioning about his apparent loitering around the area. When he could not answer the soldier, he was asked to attend an interview with an interpreter and the boss, where he explained his story. The captain immediately could tell he had exceptional potential that others couldn’t see, and he was offered a position.
The two go on to discuss how the captain is quite the powerful woman; she clearly went through a lot of effort to found this army and is quite ruthless- but at the same time seems to have an innate understanding and compassion for those who have been wronged, just hidden behind a cold, yet ambitious exterior. Anderson admitted that he wasn’t so sure about her first, but soon came to realize that regardless of how tough she is, what was most important to him was her understanding.
August commentates that he knows about Anderson’s distrust of having a significant other and expressing affection and did not know how long it would take him to heal from that traumatic event. Regardless he confesses that he has feelings for Anderson, however, to the other’s surprise, reciprocates those same feelings, stating that he was truly taken back by how much August put into being able to communicate and understand him better, something that no one in the past had done before.
August humbly dismisses it as nothing more than something he was passionate about and should not be praised so highly for. Anderson intervenes, however, by mentioning that he knows that the two of them would not have studied each other’s issues without their knowledge if they were not meant for this. August cannot supply an argument against this, and thus, their relationship is made official.
 And so, life continues on, there are ups and downs, but one thing is certain- there’s definitely room for a whole series here.
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jamaisjoons · 5 years
intro: her VIII ⤑ knj | m
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 you enter namjoon’s life in the most unexpected of ways, but will you be able to stay, especially when he comes with three adorable but chaotic children, even more chaotic best friends and a bitch of an ex-wife? not to mention your own emotional baggage. 〞singe dad au.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: single dad!namjoon x marine vet!reader⏤ sᴇʀɪᴇs ɢᴇɴʀᴇ: angst • fluff • smut
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: angst ⋆ fluff
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 5.5k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: allusions to smut but other than that, none
➵ 𝑎/𝑛: hello,,, this is,,, the long-anticipated next chapter! hope you enjoy :)
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Thursday evening, Namjoon finds himself trudging home from Jin Hit Entertainment. The minute he steps into his home, however, he’s immediately bombarded with three bodies. Taehyung and Jimin cling to each of his legs, Jungkook standing slightly behind. Hoseok follows the boys, smiling at Namjoon.
“Any luck with your next song?” Hoseok asks, Namjoon shaking his head. For the last week and a half, ever since your disastrous end to an almost perfect date, Namjoon had thrown himself into his work to try and take his mind off of you.
“Daddy! Let’s go to the aquarium!” Jimin suggests with a bright toothy smile on his face, his cheeks squishing up into his eyes. Namjoon freezes, Hoseok looking at his age-mate and best friend in sympathy.
"Please daddy! We wanna see noona," Taehyung pouts. The entire time, Jungkook keeps quiet, looking at his father expectantly.
"I don't know if that's a good idea buddy," Namjoon begins, already grimacing from the way Jimin's eyes begin tearing up.
"I wanna see noona," Jungkook calls out. Namjoon sighs.
"I don't know if we can Kook," Namjoon replies. Namjoon can't help but wonder if you even wanted to see them.
"But it's Thursday daddy! We always see noona at the aquayum on Thursday," Jungkook answers back, stomping his little foot while his eyebrows furrow. This was what Namjoon hadn't wanted. How the hell was he supposed to explain to his sons that they may never see you again?
"Kookie, calm down," Hoseok says, trying to placate Jungkook. Jungkook, however, only grows more agitated, his eyes tearing up.
"I wanna see noona!" Jungkook repeats, his voice growing louder.
"Daddy, please! Let's go see noona," Taehyung pipes in, tugging at Namjoon's legs. Namjoon's heart grips, and he wonders if he'd made a mistake by asking you out.
"Take me to see noona!" Jungkook cries. Jungkook’s words, paired with the exhaustion Namjoon feels from work along with Jimin and Taehyung's cries cause him to finally snap.
"No! We're not seeing noona today," Namjoon finally yells. Jimin and Taehyung freeze, and instantly, they let go off their father's trouser legs as they look at him in fear. Jimin shies away, eyes downcast at having upset his father. Jungkook's face scrunches up further, clear devastation written all over his face while Taehyung’s bottom lip trembles. Namjoon's face softens as he realises that he'd just yelled at his sons out of frustration.
"I'm sorry-" Namjoon begins apologising, but before he can even finish his sentence, Jungkook turns and runs away and up the stairs, towards his room. Jimin sniffles, Taehyung grabbing his hand as they both follow Jungkook. Namjoon lets out another sigh, rubbing the bridge of his nose.
"Damn, I haven't seen you this worked up in a while. You wanna talk about it?" Hoseok asks, looking at Namjoon in worry. Namjoon simply shakes his head, letting out another frustrated sigh.
"It's just... Everything was going so well, and I had to ruin it. Now the boys miss her and more than that I miss her - but I also know I need to give her her space. I just… I need to know if she’s coming back… And if she doesn't, I don't know how to tell the boys that they'll never see her again," Namjoon mumbles, his heart clenching in his chest.
"You didn't ruin anything. She loves the boys and she really likes you. You just need to give her some time because I can understand where she's coming from. Being a parent isn't an easy task, she probably needs time to make her decision," Hoseok says sympathetically, walking up to Namjoon before placing his hand on Namjoon’s shoulder.
"What if her decision is that she doesn't want to be with me? Or that she doesn't want to be their mother?" Namjoon whispers, dread washing over him as he utters the words out loud. Hoseok empathetically pats Namjoon's back.
"I'm sure it won't come to that. Though if it does, well, we'll burn that bridge when we get to it," Hoseok replies, Namjoon humourlessly chuckling. With an exhausted exhale, he rubs his face before following his sons, knowing he needed to make amends.
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Meanwhile, you sit in your office, poring over the different papers littered around your desk. Most of them are just charts and health records of the different marine mammals at the aquarium. You should be going through them and updating your online records, but you simply can't concentrate. Your eyes continuously flick towards the watch on your wrist. With a sigh of frustration, you push the papers away from you. This isn’t working. Your brain is far too preoccupied with whether Namjoon will bring the boys to the aquarium or not. It’s nearing closing time, which meant that any moment Namjoon should text you saying he'd be bringing the boys over.
You wait for several minutes. Time ticks incredibly slowly, the clock in your office practically mocking you with each tick. Fifteen minutes later, you realise that Namjoon isn't coming. You can't help the sinking feeling in your stomach. Is he mad at you? He has every right to be. You still aren’t sure whether you are ready to be a mother. It’s a huge task. More than that, however, you have no idea how to be a mother or have people rely on you the way children rely on a parent.
With the knowledge that Namjoon isn't coming with the boys, you hunch back over your papers, ready to do some actual work. Taking those few days off to take care of the boys had been a bad idea. You’re the head veterinarian, and with your absence, the paperwork has built up considerably more than you had anticipated. A fond smile crawls onto your lips, and involuntarily, you lean back into your seat, staring at the wall across from you. You can’t help but remember how you'd had to rub Jimin's soft little belly to 'help' with the ache. It was definitely a hoax, but it had worked as a brilliant placebo, instantly calming Jimin's cries.
Your mind wanders further, remembering the way Taehyung had sleepily waddled up to you, begging for a story despite being half asleep. His words had only caused Jungkook and Jimin to gravitate towards you, and before you could even say no, they'd already dragged you to their father's room for a bedtime story.
Suddenly, the smile on your face curves downwards, a pensive frown on your face. You shake your head, trying to clear your thoughts. You have work to do! You can’t just sit here reminiscing over the boys. Though try as hard as you may, your mind simply refuses to focus on the papers in front of you, and you find your thoughts once again wandering. You wonder if Jimin has finished his antibiotics and if he and Taehyung are happily playing pirates in the mud much to their father's chagrin. When Jungkook's face flashes into your mind, you find yourself smiling softly, and you wonder if he’s doing okay.
Immediately, you freeze, eyes wide. You’re missing them - but it isn’t just that you were missing them. You’re worried about them - worried if they’re okay; if they’re listening to Namjoon; if they’re missing you as much as you’re missing them. The chiming of your phone draws your attention. Your heart speeds up with hope, eyes momentarily flicking towards the clock on your office wall. Is it Namjoon? Perhaps he was running late but is bringing the boys after all. Quickly, you grab your phone, swiftly unlocking it.
Your shoulders slump. It's not Namjoon. Disappointment sinks into your stomach, and you lean back in your seat once again.
Now, your mind wanders to the man who had been occupying your heart and mind lately. His words from your date echo in your mind. You wanted to be with Namjoon, your heart practically yearns for him, and you miss not only him, but the boys too - for every day this past week and a half that you hadn't seen them. Recently, they'd been a constant in your life. You want to see them, but you knew you couldn't without making a decision. Are you ready to be a mother? Are you ready to give Namjoon that much commitment? All your worries swirl in your head. There are so many what-ifs. What if the boys don’t want you to be their mother? What if you and Namjoon break up? What if it turns out you’re a terrible parental figure?
The chiming of your phone once again draws your attention. Picking up your phone, you frown slightly when Hoseok's name flashes across the screen. You unlock your phone before opening your texts. The minute your eyes read the message, your heart grips. 'Missing you' is the only thing the text reads, but attached to the message is a picture of Namjoon and the boys cuddled up on the sofa. You swallow thickly, and before you know what you're doing, you're getting up and grabbing your coat. That single message had finally made you come to a decision.
It doesn’t matter that you’re scared. You want to be with them, and that’s all that matters.
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Almost two hours later, you find yourself in front of Namjoon’s door. You’ve no idea how long you’ve been standing outside, contemplating whether to knock or not. The burgers and chips you’ve bought as a poor attempt at a peace offering have probably gone cold by now, yet you can’t seem to bring yourself to knock or ring the doorbell. Stepping back, you pace along the length of the porch. Is it alright for you to stop by so suddenly - especially after the way you had practically run out on Namjoon? Perhaps this is a bad idea. Despite your negative thoughts, your feet stay rooted to the ground, staring at the dark wood of Namjoon’s front door.
The image of Namjoon and the boys cuddling flashes through your mind, and before you can stop yourself, your hand reaches out to ring the doorbell. Thunderously, your heart palpitates in your chest, and your palms turn sweaty. Pulling your lip between your teeth, you chew on the flesh, almost breaking the skin. Time moves excruciatingly slowly, the moments drawn out as you await someone to answer the door. After what feels like an eternity, Namjoon’s face appears on the intercom.
“Oh,” Namjoon says, sucking in a sharp breath when he spots you on the other side of the camera. You shuffle from one foot to the other, looking at him sheepishly.
“Can-” you start, your voice already shaky. Your fist clenches, nails digging painfully into your palm as you steel your nerves. “Can I come in?” you manage to choke out.
“I- Let me come to you,” Namjoon says, and then you hear the click of the intercom as it turns black. You can’t help the way your heart plummets it your chest, though you know it’s completely deserving for Namjoon to be sceptical. Moments later, the front door opens, and you shuffle back. Namjoon is dressed casually in loose shorts and a sleeveless top, his arms on display. Arms you long to be nestled in. Swallowing thickly, you fight to focus on your thoughts, knowing you’d have to explain yourself.
“What are you doing here?” Namjoon asks, looking at you warily. There’s a small inkling of hope in his eyes, however, it’s drowned out by the hesitation in them.
“I- I missed you,” you breathe out. Your voice is barely above a whisper and so full of emotion that it automatically has your heart gripping. Namjoon’ eyes soften slightly, and he lets out a small sigh.
“I- we missed you too, but we’re gonna need more than that,” Namjoon says, correcting his words to include his sons. Hastily, you blink, trying to suppress the tears welling up in your eyes.
“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I was just running scared because I hadn’t really thought about being a mother to the boys and what it meant to really be with you. Then you said all those things, and I just- it was too much for me. I got out of a really, really bad relationship a year and a half ago, and I didn’t expect to meet someone else. I didn’t expect to meet you, and I certainly didn’t expect to fall for you, and it just… it terrified me. I didn’t know what to do, so I ran, but then this week… I missed you and the boys so much and-” you’re rambling at this point, words just tumbling out of your mouth, and you hope to whatever god is out there that they make sense. You take in a deep, shuddering breath as you attempt to calm your nerves, “what I’m trying to say is, I want to try. I want to be with you, and I want to be a mother to the boys,” you finish, looking at him earnestly.
“I-” Namjoon begins, unsure of what to say. There’s so much he wants. He wants to tell you it’s okay and he understands. He wants to pull you in his arms and kiss you senseless. He wants to tell you he may, quite possibly, be in love with you. Despite all his wants, however, he needs to make sure this is what you really want. “I want to try too, but… but I can’t just let someone into my life who’s not going to stay. I can’t let someone in and have the boys fall in love with them just for them to leave us. I want to be with you too, but I need commitment. I need security,” Namjoon breathes out. He needs you to be sure.
“I know. I want to be the one to give you that,” you reply without hesitation. Namjoon’s eyes widen slightly. Abruptly, his eyes search yours, looking for any, any shred of apprehension. He finds none. You’ve never been more sure of anything in your life.
Unable to resist, Namjoon steps forward. Instantly, his hands cup your cheeks, and then he’s pulling you into him. The minute his lips caress yours, your hand lets go of the carrier bag containing the food, and it drops with a thud, undoubtedly messing up the burgers, but you don’t care. Instead, your hands thread through the hair at the nape of his neck, drawing him closer to you. You step closer, your chests touching as you sink into the feeling of your kiss.
Time seems to gradually slow down until it comes to a halt and the world slowly fades away. The taste of Namjoon’s lips slowly drives you wild, his tongue licking the seam of your mouth. With a gasp, your mouth slowly falls open, allowing his tongue to poke through into your warm cavern. His grip on your cheeks is strong, fingers splaying into your hair as his tongue languidly moves against yours. Tongues dance sensually, almost erotically, and you find yourself moaning into his mouth. When Namjoon pulls your bottom lip between his plump, albeit slightly chapped, lips you gasp, your toes curling.
You’re completely wired, almost overwhelmed with all the sensations. His tongue is sweet against yours, and you can taste his strawberry chapstick on your lips while his breath fans across your face. You feel his fingers thread into your hair, pulling you closer until his lips practically crush into yours, mouths moving in tandem. It almost feels as if he’s trying to meld you together, wanting to feel you as close as is physically possible without you coalescing into one being.
Deliberately, you ignore that gradual ache that builds deep within your chest, your lungs practically crying for oxygen. You want to feel him more, taste him more, hear more of the little moans and breathless sighs that leave his lips and circulate the air. You have no idea how long you’re both locked in your embrace, refusing to pull away from the other. Eventually, however, the ache ignites so viciously that you both pull away, gasping.
His breath is hot and heavy against your chin as he pants. You’re no better, chest heaving as you try to appease the burn. Namjoon, recovering faster, presses his lips to your swollen ones once again, desperately wanting to taste you. You moan against his lips.
This time, your kiss isn’t as mellow but is, instead, needier. His tongue practically ravishes yours, lashing in your mouth with expert strokes. The way he leaves you senseless is completely unfair, and you chalk it down to his rapper status. Namjoon’s tongue is practically a weapon, expertly curling and twisting in your mouth in intricate moves. So intricate, in fact, that you wonder if it had a mind of its own. Is it even humanly possible for a tongue to be that agile?
Short moments later, you’re once again breaking the kiss. Your lungs still hadn’t recovered from your previous kiss, and once again, he leaves you completely breathless. Namjoon allows you to recover, thumb rubbing at your cheek as he brushes his nose against yours. You mewl under his actions, eyes slowly fluttering open. You don’t even remember exactly when they had shut. His visage is the first thing that greets your eyes, his onyx irises swimming with emotion.
“Gods, I missed you,” Namjoon breathes out, his lips skimming yours once again.
“I’m here now,” you murmur, relishing in the scent of burnt amber and sweet vanilla that lingers around him.
“Namjoonie is everything okay?” Hoseok’s voice breaks out. The result is jarring, and you’re immediately broken out of the bubble you and Namjoon had found yourselves in. You blink owlishly before turning to look at the newcomer. Hoseok looks between you two, his face passive but his eyes questioning. Namjoon doesn’t pull away; his eyes remain glued to you while his thumb moves to caress your lip.
“Everything is perfect,” Namjoon replies, and you smile tenderly at him, kissing the pad of his thumb.
“As happy as I am for the two of you, this is kind of getting gross,” Hoseok says, his eyes twinkling with mirth. Namjoon lets out an exasperated sigh while he rolls his eyes.
“Shut up Hobi,” you mutter, poking your tongue out at him.
“Well, now that you’ve got this all under control. The boys are demanding you watch a movie during dinner, but I’m exhausted so I’m gonna head off. Be safe kids,” Hoseok chuckles with a teasing wink. You watch as Hoseok waves goodbye before he’s walking off towards his car.
“I love him, but he can be really annoying,” you scowl, muttering under your breath. Namjoon’s lips curl upwards lopsidedly, the dimples in his cheeks indenting. Your heart leaps into your throat at the sight of his smile. Out of everything you had missed the past week and a half; his smile was probably the thing you missed the most. Once again, he pulls your face closer to him before his lips caress your forehead.
“Come on, let’s go in. The boys really missed you today. They wanted me to take them to the aquarium, but… I wasn’t sure if you wanted me to come...” Namjoon trails off, rubbing the back of his neck. Your chest contracts, heart dropping before you reach up, leaning your palms on his chest, and kiss the corner of his lush lips.
“I wanted you to come - but it’s okay,” you say. Namjoon grabs your hands on his chest and brushes his lips across the knuckles. He watches as you bend down to grab the food bag before he drags you inside. You follow his broad figure, allowing him to lead you towards the living room. The minute you step into the living room, the boys’ heads snap towards you. Jungkook’s eyes light up. Immediately, he climbs off the couch and runs towards you, his little feet carrying him as quick as they can. Jimin and Taehyung follow his lead, not too far behind.
“Noona!” Jungkook cries, throwing himself into your legs.
“Gukkie! Hi baby, did you miss noona?” you ask. You peel Jungkook from your legs before crouching down to his level. Jungkook nods enthusiastically, the little pouch in his cheek puffing out.
“Me too! Me too! I missed noona too!” Taehyung says, small fists tightening into your trousers. Jimin doesn’t say anything, instead, just holding tightly onto the material by your elbow. Reflexively, your heart lurches in your chest. How were you going to walk out on them just a short while back? You had almost made the worst decision of your life by running scared. Drawing in a deep breath, you tenderly pet Jungkook’s head before smiling at the twins.
“I missed you boys too,” you reply, pulling them in for a hug. Here and now, with them in your arms, you know that this is the best decision you have ever made. Namjoon smiles softly at the scene. He grabs the plastic bag of food and rummages through it before looking at you curiously.
“Yeah, I didn’t know what to pick up, but I know they’re Taehyung’s favourite,” you reply as you stand up. Taehyung’s eyes twinkle with joy before he’s running towards his father.
“Hamburgers! Daddy, hamburgers!” Taehyung joyfully yells, jumping up and down. Namjoon tuts and pulls the bag higher out of Taehyung’s reach.
“Calm down tiger. Boys, stay with noona, and pick a film, I’ll grab plates and cups,” Namjoon says. Immediately, Jungkook grabs your hand, dragging you towards the shelf filled with DVDs while he runs his mouth.
“OH!” Jungkook gasps before he’s standing on his tiptoes, fingertips stretching for a DVD. Aiding him, you pull it out and hand the case towards coconut haired boy.
“Let’s watch Toy Stoyee!” Jungkook cheers, holding up the DVD case triumphantly.
“No! I wanna watch Mulan!” Taehyung says, eyebrows knitting together.
“No! Buzz!” Jungkook replies, his features scrunched into a scowl. Jimin stands beside you, watching as Jungkook and Taehyung begin their little back and forth of ‘Toy Story’ and ‘Mulan’. You have no idea what to do, should you say something? Did you have a right to intervene? You’re shocked, however, when in a fit of rage, Jungkook throws the DVD case down, pushing Taehyung.
“Toy Stoyee!” Jungkook yells as Taehyung tumbles to the ground. Instinctively, you dive forward and catch Taehyung before he can fall. Taehyung’s bottom lip quivers before he’s spinning in your arms and crying into your stomach.
“Jungkook! That’s not nice, you don’t push,” you chastise, gently hushing Taehyung as his tears soak through your shirt. Jungkook’s flinches, having never been yelled at by you, eyes tearing up at the way you comfort Taehyung.
“Taehyungie, it’s okay. He didn’t mean it,” you coo, gently petting Taehyung’s hair.
“Noona I’m soyee,” Jungkook whimpers. Eyes softening, you gesture him over. Without a second thought, Jungkook rushes towards you, clinging to your thigh as he cries into your hip. Jimin turns away from you as you continue comforting both the crying boys and walks towards the shelf, looking over at it with curious eyes.
“There, there. It’s okay,” you murmur, softly patting both their backs until they calm down. Once the crying stifles to little sniffles, you pull them both away from you.
“Better?” you ask, both of them nodding. “Good, now Kookie, I want you to apologise to Taehyungie. It’s not nice to push,” you say firmly, giving him a pointed look. Jungkook pouts, his tongue poking into his cheek before he murmurs his apology while staring at his feet.
“It’s okay Gukkie,” Taehyung says, wiping away his tears before sending a large, toothy boxed smiled towards his younger brother. Jungkook nods, holding tightly onto your hand as he buries his face into your thigh.
“What do you wanna watch noona?” Jimin asks, and you find your face crumpling at how adorably thoughtful Jimin was.
“I don’t mind. Since Kookie and Tae can’t choose a film, why don’t you choose?” you suggest with a soft smile. Jimin cocks his head before nodding and turning back to the shelf stocked with DVDs. Suddenly, his eyes light up and he pulls a case off the shelf.
“Nemo! Let’s watch Nemo! Daddy likes Nemo! Do you like Nemo, noona?” Jimin asks, his little legs carrying him over towards you. He stops just in front of you, holding up the DVD while he smiles brightly. The way his cheeks bunch up into his eyes, his lids turning into half-moons has your heart clenching from how absolutely adorable he is.
“Okay, I’ve got everything here. It took a while to reheat ever- is everything alright?” Namjoon asks in alarm as his eyes sweep over Taehyung’s puffy eyes and Jungkook clinging onto you desperately.
“Everything is fine, Tae and Kook just got into a little argument,” you reply with a reassuring smile. Namjoon lets out an exasperated sigh before nodding.
“Alright, as long as it’s all under control. Have you picked a film?” Namjoon asks, placing down the tray of burgers, fries, and drinks.
“Mhm. We’ve settled on Finding Nemo, haven’t we puppy?” you ask, turning to Jimin. The boy in question nods enthusiastically, running towards his father and handing him the DVD.
The five of you settle on the sofa as the first scene begins to play. Taehyung happily sits between you and Namjoon, munching on his hamburger, eyes barely focused on the film. Jungkook clings to you, scarfing down his burger so quickly you were worried he’d get the hiccups or worse, a stomach ache, but he soldiers on, completely unbothered. Jimin practically lies on Namjoon’s lap, picking at his fries every now and then, completely engrossed in the film.
For the most of it, it’s pretty quiet, and halfway through the film - when everyone has long since finished their dinner - the boys slowly start drifting off to sleep. You briefly glance at the watch strapped to your wrist, realising it was well past their bedtime. Jungkook’s head falls onto your stomach, Taehyung’s legs in your lap as his head rests against Namjoon’s side, hair flopping in front of his eyes. Jimin has completely crawled into Namjoon’s lap, small arms thrown over his father’s stomach as small snores escape his plump lips.
“Do you think we should-” you begin, wondering whether you should move the boys to their rooms. Namjoon, however, is completely engrossed in the film, eyes sparkling at the characters. When you speak, he turns towards you, cutting you off.
“Do I think we should get a fish tank? Yes,” Namjoon says. The first thing that strikes you is that he’s so engrossed in the film that he hasn’t even realised his sons have fallen into a deep sleep. The second thing that strikes you is his use of ‘we’ as if you had any say in what he did in his own home. It makes it seem as if you’re a permanent part of his life -as if he considered you part of his family. The word causes your heart to soar. You’ve never loved the word ‘we’ so much.
“No, that’s not what I was going to say, but if you really want one I don’t see why we can’t get one. Anyway, what I was going to say was, do you think we should take the boys to bed?” you ask, finishing off your previous sentence. Namjoon blinks, expression blank, and then he turns to his sons, eyes expanding as if he’d only just realises his sons were next to him. Immediately, his cheeks heat.
“Oh, yeah. We probably should,” Namjoon says, but you don’t miss the way his eyes momentarily flick toward the TV, almost glimpsing longingly at the film. You roll your eyes in exasperation.
“Come on you big baby, we can finish the film later,” you reply already picking up Jungkook. Namjoon lets out a small sigh before turning off the TV.
“No, it’s fine. I’m kinda tired now anyway,” Namjoon yawns before he picks up both Jimin and Taehyung, one in each arm. You gulp when you notice the way his muscles ripple, corded flesh flexing under his tan skin. Has he always been that muscular? Surely not.
Namjoon leads the way upstairs, and carefully you follow, trying your hardest not to wake up the sleeping boy in your arm. Soon, however, you realise another problem - mainly, that Namjoon was slightly ahead of you. Climbing up the stairs, he gives you a perfect view of his ass in his loose shorts. The material billows around him with each step, only accentuating the shape of his taut cheeks. You swallow thickly as you attempt to fight off your traitorous thoughts.
Luckily for you, the flight of stairs is relatively short. The sigh of relief that escapes your lips when the torture ends is almost inaudible. Almost. Namjoon quirks an eyebrow at you curiously, and your cheeks flush in embarrassment before you shake your head. Namjoon’s face contorts as he looks at you strangely. Pointedly, you ignore him, walking into Jungkook’s room instead. Namjoon stares at your back in confusion before he shrugs it off and enters the twins’ bedroom.
As gently as you can, you place Jungkook in his little race car bed before tucking him under the covers. Instead of immediately leaving, however, you pause and perch on the side of the bed. Your eyes wander over his figure, his little cheek swelling onto his pillow as thin lips pull into a pout. Unhesitantly, you find yourself reaching out and brushing the wisps of his hair out of his forehead, admiring how soft his locks are.
That’s how Namjoon finds you. When you don’t emerge out of the bedroom, he gets slightly worried and follows you into Jungkook’s room. He stops short, however, when he notices the way you tenderly stroke Jungkook’s hair. Leaning against the doorway, Namjoon can’t help the way his heart soars at how attentive you were being. Initially, when you’d appeared at his doorstep, he’d been worried that somehow, sometime, you’d start running scared. However, seeing the way you oh so gently, incredibly tenderly, caress Jungkook’s cheek, he knows you won’t be running scared any longer.
He almost hates himself when he lets out a quiet cough, breaking up the affectionate scene. You still, head snapping to face him. Instantly, you know you’ve been caught red-handed. You smile sheepishly at him, Namjoon returning his own soft smile before reaching out his hand towards you. Tenderly, you grab his hand, marvelling at his large palm in yours. It practically dwarfs your own hand. Namjoon leads you out of the rooms, but, before he can lead you back downstairs, you halt and tug his hand. Namjoon stops and turns to you, looking at you questioningly.
“I don’t have work tomorrow, I took the day off,” you nervously reply, your hand almost imperceptibly trembling in his - out of anticipation or anxiousness, you have no idea. Namjoon blinks at you dumbly.
“With the amount of days you’re taking off they’re going to fire you,” Namjoon points out. He clearly did not get the hidden meaning behind your words. You find yourself unable to prevent your eyes from rolling. Honestly, how was he so clever and yet so oblivious at the same time? Though, you muse, it only added to his charm.
“Yes, well, it’s a good thing I have a rich boyfriend then,” you joke. Your mouth moves before you can even ponder the words as they spill from your mouth. Then, you both freeze. Your words are heavy and linger in the air. Namjoon looks at you, eyes wide and irises slightly blown out.
“I- sorry, is that okay? I don’t want to assume,” you quickly blurt out. Namjoon, however, is immediately pulling your hand and you stumble into him. As a way to brace yourself, your hands find themselves on his chest, feeling the defined pecs. Namjoon doesn’t waste a single second. Instantaneously, he lowers his head, and before long, his luscious lips find themselves on yours. The kiss is brief, Namjoon’s hand moving to cup your chin, thumb caressing your cheek. When he pulls away, you let out a little sigh, your lips chasing his.
“You’re not assuming. It’s… perfect,” Namjoon answers. His gaze upon you is dark and intense, eyes swimming with so much emotion that it almost leaves you breathless. You pull your lip between your teeth, chewing on it nervously. Then, you take in a breath and gather the courage to utter your next words.
“You know… if I’m not working… it means I have nowhere to be tomorrow,” you breathe out as your eyes purposely flick to his bedroom. Namjoon sucks in sharp breath, almost hitching. His eyes darken slightly as he finally catches onto the meaning of your words. You watch the way his pupils dilate, his eyes searching yours for any sign of hesitation. When he finds none, he lowers his head once again, pressing his lips against yours briefly.
Then, he takes you by the hand and leads you to his room.
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A/N: My god fiNALLY! I can’t believe it took me this long to get them to bone. That being said, the next chapter will most likely be smut :))
▷ Masterlist | Chapter 9
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