#or whether to start working on this new thing that started brewing in the back of my mind when relistening to the black tapes
meow-xine · 3 months
being bakugou’s girlfriend HC!!!
cw: suggestive..no real smut though
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he felt so conflicted at first. he hated the way you made him feel flustered, unlike anyone really. with all of the energy he had placed on hero-related activities, he just never had time for romance. but that all changed when he met you.
the two of you worked together, you being a timid new hero working in his shadow. and with you being so timid, the two of you could not be more opposite. that’s what drew him in even closer to you, although he honestly wasn’t aware.
he had no clue what it was about you that drew him in. he just wanted to be close to you, ALL. THE. TIME.
your interactions were so natural too, feeling more like second nature than anything, especially to bakugou. he felt so many new emotions around you; trust, security, and more than anything safe.
to make up for his shitty personality, most of his life he felt the subconscious need to be flashy and strong. but around you he felt that everything would be okay, whether or not he was flashy or loud, your opinion of him would not change.
this innocence carried into the early stages of your relationship when he finally asked you to go out with him, proposing a rather romantic picnic for the two of you. he still felt at ease.
months after the relationship had bloomed, not long after you moved in, the innocence began to slip away as desire and passion took front.
there was something so lovely to him about the way you looked sleeping next to him, the way your chest rose and fell with each breath, not to mention the occasional flutter of your lashes or furrow in your brows. he was so engulfed in you—your entire being.
with noticing these small things, he also started to notice more; he couldn’t help it. he absolutely loved how most days of the week you would be up well before him, him waking up and walking to the kitchen to find you brewing coffee in nothing but a flimsy tank top and panties.
there was nothing more he loved than seeing you in you like this, often catching you off guard. he never failed to remind you of how obsessed he really was.
it started off with the most gentle kisses, slowly moving from your lips down to your neck flipping you around to plant even sweeter kisses on your nape.
once he had your back facing him he would let his hands wonder around your body, reaching under your shirt to feel your skin which was always so miraculously soft in comparison to his calloused hands.
while seeming arrogant and cruel, he would always place your needs before his, mostly because you just looked too pretty not to please. he just needed to touch you, needed to get your reactions to fuel is inflamed ego.
knowing that he and only he had the privilege of having you. had the privilege of touching you and watching your pretty little reactions to him satisfying you in ways you never imagined feeling satisfied.
it did not take long for him to fall deeper in love with you, feeling otherwise incomplete without you near him.
you’re just his pretty little thing
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soo rushed but i’m obsessed
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sinsirellaxx · 4 months
hi!! could i request the slytherin boys reacting to you moving on after breaking up w them bc of all the shit they pull… like they didnt believe her when she said she was done with them but they see her with another person who maybe treats her better?
Slytherin boys – Seeing you with another person that treats you well
Warning: Toxic boys. Not proofread.
Mattheo …
… thought you’d be back in his arms within a month. You’d live through the different stages of a break-up before realizing that your life was meaningless without him – he was sure of it.
… is in denial when he sees you with someone else. He’ll think you’re just trying to make him jealous – to bring him crawling back to you and beg for you to take him back. That must be it.
… will stalk you and your new partner and is speechless when he finally realizes that you have moved on.
… he’d be absolutely livid if you were together with one of his friends. He’d probably tackle them to the ground before throwing the first punch – betrayal and jealousy clouding his mind.
Theodore …
… scoffs when he sees you with someone else.
… would be all “What a downgrade.”, while trying to stroke his wounded ego. Because how dare you? How could you move on, while he still had hope – while he still had feelings for you.
… would start ‘hating’ you, from that day on. He’ll deny having feelings for you – or having ever loved you, to make himself look less weak and avoid the pitying yes of the other students. But he was as transparent as glass.
… glares at you whenever you pass him with your partner and will wait for any moment to find you alone, just to say, “Where’s that new boyfriend of yours?”.
Lorenzo …
… immediately looks for a new girlfriend just to make you jealous. At least, that’s what he is aiming for: He wants to hurt you. Break your heart and have you beg for him to take you back. He’s sure you’ll be back in his arms within days. But he’ll make you wait and work for it.
… is utterly pissed when you don’t pay him any attention at all. You are so happy and distracted with your new partner – it makes him want to vomit.
... will quickly get rid of his new girl.
… thinks of a plan to destroy your new relationship: He’ll brew a love potion and has someone else slip it into your partner’s juice. Soon, your partner will be obsessed with someone else, and you’ll realize how much of an idiot that new partner of yours is.
Draco …
… is so cocky. Did you really think you could ever find someone better than him? Please. He’d smirk whenever he saw you two together.
… is humbled very quickly when he realizes that you are truly happy with your new partner and his whole attitude changes.
… grows increasingly sad and depressed – disappointed with himself and feeling utterly empty.
… just wants you bad but does not actively do something to get you back, thinking he doesn’t deserve you.
Blaise …
… watches you from afar, his chest tight as he thinks of all the times your laugh was directed at something he had said.
…would be too proud to actively do something at first.
… might spread nasty rumors about your new partner though.
… tries to orchestrate a situation in which he comes to your rescue after a while – because he has finally had enough of watching you lovebirds.
Tom …
… mocks you for your poor choice in men.
… knows that he is better than your new thing and watches you in contempt.
… will – depending on whether he really loves you or not – get rid of your new partner: He won’t tolerate someone else touching or loving you.
… will call you his slobbery seconds if he does not have any real feelings for you. You didn’t deserve him anyway.
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vigilantethot · 11 months
random headcanons about being Miguel O’hara’s housewife <3
Pairing: Miguel O’hara x fem! Reader
this is mostly SFW
Disclaimer: This is my first fanfic I’ve written in yearsss so pls be easy on me haha. Also the reader is black coded. 
It’s no secret that Miguel works too much. He is under tremendous stress all the time, so it makes total sense that he needs his home to be a safe space, and a calm sanctuary. 
Its also no secret that Miguel is a control freak. He has a schedule that he MUST abide by or he’ll go crazy.
As his wife, you have a HUGE part in his routine.
Miguel takes pride in providing for his loved ones, and early into the relationship he told you he wanted you to have to worry about nothing, to just do whatever your heart desires whether its art, reading, or just laying in bed all day. 
When you first got engaged to Miguel, it was super hard to get used to his schedule, it seemed like he was never home, and you often found yourself feeling useless and insignificant to him. 
Upon communicating this with Miguel after he was late for dinner the third time that week, he instantly made changes to accommodate you into his life. You were his life after all. 
He quickly made sure to start including you in his day, even if he’s at work. The last thing Miguel wants is for you to feel useless, and he would do anything to make you happy. 
Treating you like a princess makes him so happy. Everything you want, you get. Miguel has more than enough resources to cater to your every whim.
Found a new hobby that you’re going to spend hundreds of dollars on only to get bored of it and keep the supplies in your hobby room to collect dust? Sure, go ahead and get everything you need, he just wants you to find your passion!
Now lets get back to the routine: 
You two always started your days in bed, limbs tangled, your head on his chest, his hands rubbing your back.  
After a quick cuddle session, and maybe a little more than that, you two make your way to the kitchen, where you brew coffee, make his breakfast, and discuss your plans for the day. 
Miguel never leaves for work without kissing you at least three times, he says its to “clear his head.”
Miguel likes to keep tabs on you all day. He is a very possessive and overprotective man, and he will go to great lengths to ensure your safety. 
He's constantly texting, asking what you’re doing and how you’re doing. Always asking if you ate (if you didn’t you would be in BIG trouble, it seriously pisses him off when he thinks you’re not taking care of yourself.)
He also has a few cameras in your house, for “safety”. Mainly its just to watch you throughout the day to admire you/check in on you. 
He also always has your location, just in case. 
Miguel calls to check in at least twice a day. Hearing your voice and hearing you talk about the fun things you’ve done calms him, and reminds him why he works so hard. 
You really don’t mind how overbearing Miguel can be, he makes you feel loved and safe. 
Miguel loves to hear about your excursions throughout the day. You just got your hair done? be prepared to send him 100 pictures, and he will save every single one. 
Seriously, his camera roll is just you. 
You went shopping? He wants you to model everything you got, even if its just a bonnet. 
He loves anything you do to your hair, whether its a sew-in, braids, or just cutting it all the way off. He’s so lovesick he would still look at you with heart eyes if you had a bowl cut.
Before he met you, Miguel would never leave his work under any circumstance. But on the days where you go to the salon and look so pretty, he couldn’t resist taking a long break just to see you in person. Of course your fresh hairstyle would be tousled and unkempt by the time he’s done showing his appreciation for your beauty. 
When Miguel gets home, his full attention is on you. 
He loves to come home to you, with your apron on, music playing and the wonderful smell of whatever you made him for dinner. 
After showering and putting on cozy clothes, you two enjoy dinner and just talk about anything and everything. His eyes full of love and adoration as you tell a funny story about something that happened to you that day. 
He always helps clean up after dinner, often splashing you with water of putting soap bubbles on your nose while washing dishes. He can only show this side of himself with you, and that’s why his love for you grows more and more each passing moment. 
After dinner, you two normally unwind on your huge, comfy couch that he custom ordered just to be able to accommodate the both of you. 
You two spend the evening cuddling and watching TV, with him pressing lingering kisses on your neck until he takes you into his huge arms and takes you to bed, where the night can continue ;)
A/N: feedback? requests? message me :)
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sosa2imagines · 2 months
Broken Hearts. Part 24 (Epilogue)
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Warnings- None.
Time had passed, and six months had gone by since that fateful day.
You found yourself casually walking down the cobblestone streets of Paris, the city's rich architectural beauty capturing your fascination.
A subtle smile graced your lips as you soaked in the sights and sounds of the city, a sense of peacefulness settling within you despite the memories of the past.
The street was teeming with life, filled with the sound of voices and laughter, a vibrant energy that seemed to fill the city. It was a stark contrast to the silence and solitude that had consumed you during those dark days.
People moved about their day, engaged in various activities, all adding to the lively atmosphere. Children giggled and played on the cobblestones, while vendors called out their wares, contributing to the symphony of sounds.
For the first time in what felt like forever, a profound sense of peace washed over you, and a newfound hope slowly began to take root in your heart.
The memories of the past were still there, lingering like shadows in the back of your mind, but the pain didn't feel as raw as it once did. It still hurt, but the anguish had lessened, and hope had started to weave its way back into your life.
During your aimless strolling, a charming café caught your eye, nestled away in a tranquil corner.
The cafe's welcoming ambiance drew you closer, the softly glowing lights illuminating the interior, as you hovered in uncertainty, reminding you of your own cafe, which was smoothly getting run by Peter, MJ, Happy and May.
For a moment, you debated on whether to indulge in a solitary cup of coffee, but the tantalizing aroma of freshly brewed espresso proved to be too alluring to resist.
Settling into a quiet seat near the window, you placed your order, requesting a latte from the waiter. As you waited, a sense of contentment and tranquility washed over you.
With the cup in your hands, you took a slow sip of your latte, allowing the warm beverage to soothe your soul.
In the tranquility of the moment, your thoughts turned to the events that had occurred after that horrific day, the waves of grief, disbelief, and loneliness that had gripped you, leaving you drowning in despair.
As the truth unfolded, it came to light that Lloyd had meticulously pre-planned the bombing of the compound. The man Steve and Bucky had killed was there to strategically plant explosives in various locations around the building.
Amidst the turmoil and pain, you still remembered the steadfast support of both Nick and Ari. They had been there for you during your darkest moments, their comforting presence a beacon of hope amidst the storm.
And in that quiet café, as you took another sip of your latte, a profound realization washed over you. You had found a new family in them, a support system that would hold you up when you lacked the strength to carry on alone.
You had taken on the responsibility of managing Lloyd's business, a challenge you faced with determination and grit.
With the help of Nick, Jake, Ari, and Andy, you all worked together to keep the business running smoothly. They brought new ideas to the table, implemented new procedures, and helped you navigate the complexities of the things Lloyd use to do.
As fate would have it, with the help of Jake, you obtained the videos that Steve had recorded with Peggy without her knowledge.
With this evidence, Jake forwarded these recordings to Peggy's husband, Daniel, who subsequently initiated divorce proceedings against her.
The consequences were severe for Peggy; she lost her husband, her financial stability, and ultimately, her job. With her life in disarray, she was forced to relocate far away, as everything unraveled around her.
Together, you formed a team that worked towards achieving the shared goal, and over the months, you had grown to become like family, always having each other's backs.
Nick had always possessed a fierce protective nature, and following the incident, this trait intensified further. Whenever you were in public, he would stick close to your side, his proximity deterring any would-be troublemakers.
He vigilantly observed every man that dared to cast a glance in your direction, his intense gaze enough to make many look away. Nick found pride in the role of your protector, and it made him feel closer to Lloyd.
Time passed, and it became increasingly evident that Nick had taken the role of your steadfast protector. He remained a constant presence beside you, acting as a barrier between you and any men who would attempt to display interest in you or approach you.
You would sometimes tease him about it, saying he was your knight in shining armor, but deep down you appreciated his fierce defense.
Standing in front of the breathtaking Eiffel Tower, you were captivated by its beauty, when suddenly you felt a powerful pair of arms encircling your waist. A familiar voice whispered in your ear, “What's going through your mind, Sugar?”
Upon turning, a broad smile spread across your face as you laid eyes on the man who stood behind you, his sturdy arms firmly encircling your waist.
“You…” you said with a soft chuckle, feeling an overwhelming mixture of affection and nervousness. As you looked up at him, a flutter of butterflies took flight within your stomach.
In a tender and affectionate gesture, Lloyd leaned down towards you, his warm lips meeting yours in a gentle kiss.
In that instant, time seemed to stand still, and all other thoughts and distractions faded away, leaving you nothing but the blissful sensation of his touch and the tenderness of the moment.
Against all odds, Lloyd miraculously survived the devastating blast, albeit severely wounded.
Thrown a decent distance by the sheer power of the explosion, he found himself in the debris, battered and bruised. Yet his resilience prevailed, fueled by his unwavering determination to fulfil the promise he had made to you.
Through sheer force of will, he propelled himself forward, struggling to make his way through the wreckage. As he spotted Nick, Ari, and you in the distance, preparing to leave, he realized it was crucial to make his presence known.
Ignoring the throbbing pain that coursed through him with each step, he gritted his teeth and pushed his legs to carry him towards you, every movement becoming increasingly challenging, as he tried to call you all.
Nick was the first to notice, his eyes widening in surprise and relief as he laid eyes on Lloyd. You and Ari soon followed suit, quickly returning to his side.
As Lloyd staggered towards you, his clothing tattered and drenched in blood, his face smudged with soot, you could notice the look of relief in his eyes as he finally collapsed into your arms.
Lloyd had been forced to undergo strict bed rest in the wake of the incident. Consequently, the responsibility of managing his business had fallen upon you, with the supportive assistance of Nick, Ari, Jake, and Andy. Despite their unwavering help, the task remained demanding, requiring significant time and effort on your part.
In typical Lloyd fashion, despite the doctors' best efforts, Lloyd adamantly refused to cooperate with them and resolutely refused to accept a designated nurse for his care. Consequently, you found yourself thrust into the role of his personal nurse, having to tend to his needs and ensure his recovery process went smoothly.
As the days dragged on, Lloyd's restlessness grew exponentially. Being confined to his room, with little freedom to move or engage in any productive activity, took its toll on his mind and spirit.
“I feel so damn useless,” he grumbled, his gaze fixed on the ceiling above him.
“You're healing,” you replied calmly, positioning yourself beside him. “You need to rest. We've got everything covered, don't you worry.”
Lloyd let out a sigh, his irritation clear as he expressed his desire to be useful. “But I want to help,” he protested. “I hate just sitting here, not doing anything.”
With a wicked smile, you proposed a bargaining chip that you knew he couldn't resist, “If you behave, and rest, I'll go down on you…” you suggested, your tone sultry.
Yep, that was the only way to get Lloyd to rest.
Though it took a considerable amount of time, Lloyd eventually recovered from his injuries. To mark his healing, he was adamant about taking you on a trip to Paris.
“You desperately need a vacation, Sugar!” he declared adamantly, disregarding any protests you might have had. “And what better place to unwind than the ‘City of Love’ itself?”
So, here you are now, walking through the bustling streets of Paris, hand in hand. You both visited famous landmarks, indulged in delicious French pastries, and just enjoyed each other's company.
As you walked hand in hand, a gentle breeze blowing through your hair, Lloyd smiled at you, grateful for this moment with you.
“I love you Sugar.” “I love you too, Lloyd.”
This trip to Paris marked the beginning of many more adventures for you and Lloyd. You and Lloyd traveled to different parts of the world, exploring new cultures and creating unforgettable memories together.
From the vibrant streets of Mumbai, to the breath-taking landscapes of Iceland, you experienced it all, together.
Each trip brought you closer, your love and bond growing stronger with each passing day. And even amidst the chaos of the world, you found solace in each other, a love that weathered any storm.
In the secluded countryside of Romania, on Barnes' private property, two men stood engaged in heated discussion, meticulously mapping out their next steps.
Steve and Bucky had miraculously survived the blast as well, though not without sustaining harm. While Steve had thankfully escaped with only minor injuries, Bucky had suffered a major loss- his left arm, shot by Nick's bullet.
Bucky's state of despair was palpable; he felt a profound sense of inadequacy and disappointment in himself, perceiving his injuries as a personal failure. His anger towards Nick simmered beneath the surface, yet he found himself unable to face him due to his condition.
The absence of his left arm wrought havoc in his life, thwarting his ability to execute even the most basic tasks, thereby intensifying his feeling of unworthiness.
Steve keenly observed the turbulent wrath and frustration seething within Bucky, striving to offer comfort. However, his efforts were met with deaf ears; Bucky's wrath flared, fixated on seeking retribution, with Nick as his desired target.
Bucky paced the room like a caged animal, his fingers tightly clenched into a fist. “I can't just let those bastards get away with it!” he hissed, the anger in his voice evident.
Steve's voice held firm and reassuring, responding confidently, “We will, Buck. I promise you.”
Bucky continued his restless pacing, his right hand clenching into a tight fist.
With vehemence in his voice, he asserted, “I can't simply let them get away with this! They must be held accountable for their transgressions!”
“We will make sure of it, Buck. You have my assurance,” Steve responded, his voice resolute and encouraging. “With Lloyd now deceased, their strength falters. We shall exact our vengeance.”
With Tony Stark's assistance, Bucky was equipped with an advanced, vibranium-based prosthetic arm, meticulously engineered to meet his unique requirements. The arm was remarkably lightweight and comfortable to wear, yet it possessed the strength to match his remaining natural arm. Armed with this formidable prosthetic, Bucky's combat abilities were elevated to unparalleled levels.
In collaboration with Steve, Bucky strategically devised an elaborate scheme, aimed at reclaiming you and exacting revenge upon Nick and Ari.
As a captivating tune filled the air through the radio, Bucky made a request, his voice tinged with excitement. “Turn up the volume, Steve.”
“Absolutely,” Steve readily obliged, adjusting the radio's volume knob, immersing them further in the music.
“One way or another, I'm gonna find ya I'm gonna get ya, get ya, get ya, get ya”
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Part 23- ✅
Taglist- @imyourbratzdoll @blackhawkfanatic @ordelixx @sapphirebarnes @ilovetaquitosmmmm
@differenttyphoonwerewolf @vicmc624 @thezombieprostitute @nekoannie-chan @emerald-writes
@redbloodedgurl @cjand10 @chemtrails-club @slutforchrisjamalevans @gracescor3
@ghostlythinggoingaround @princezzjasmine @3xclusivemariii @ephemeral-oasis
@geeky-politics-46 @dexter99 @calwitch
@whore-for-chris-evans @caplanreblogsfics
@pono-pura-vida @renegadesgirl1991 @iwudbutnah @ghalouha
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conchcronch · 6 days
How and When They Say ‘I Love You’ for The First Time - Sanji
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A/N: this is my first attempt at writing a headcanon, which I realize has turned a bit into a fic but here we are! I hope you all enjoy, I have a few more brewing!
WC: 627
Warnings: A bit of angst but that’s all
-He’s always been loud about his love, saying it at every chance he gets no matter who’s around or what the circumstances are.
-In those public moments however, you rarely say it back. Thinking his proclamations are merely his flirtatious self rather then actual confessions of love.
-It isn’t until you sit with him in the aquarium bar long after the crew has gone to bed on one of the rare nights Sanji is up late scribbling down his newest recipe in his personal cookbook that you know his confessionals are sincere.
-You had brought down a book with the intention of keeping yourself busy while he worked, but there was something about how level of focus that was fascinating to you. The way he held his bangs back so he could see clearly, how he would run his long, slender finger along his words so he could make sure they made sense before continuing. He hadn’t noticed the way you rested your cheek on your hand, eyes glued to him, a small smile on your lips.
-When he finally felt your eyes on him as he was reading over the recipe, he looking up and met your gaze.
-At first he was confused, why had you been staring at him. But all he could do was stare back, his gaze held by your stunning eyes.
-“God, I love you.” It’s not his first time saying it, but it’s the first time you really believed him. Not to say you didn’t believe him all the other times, but something about this time just felt so real.
-If you say it back, his entire face lights up. He shuts his tattered recipe book, capping his pen and pats the booth next to you “come here mon chou.” You slide your way around the velvet booth into his open arm. In the hundreds of times you had kissed Sanji, whether they were in your most intimate of moments or upon reuniting after an intense battle where you were just happy to see one another still standing, this kiss was by far the most passionate. His hands hold your face in place, as though he thought you might try to pull away before he had his fill. “Out of all the things I’m grateful for, meeting you is at the top of my list.”
-If you aren’t ready to say it back, he tries to mask his hurt. He knows how you feel for him, he can see it in your actions. But he can’t deny the stab in his chest at your inability to say it back when it’s just the two of you.
-You see the hurt in his eyes, the way he averts his gaze from you to avoid you seeing the way tears well along his waterline. He goes back his recipe book, acting like he’s writing something new, when in reality he’s going over words that were already there.
-He tries to shake it off, tries to start a new conversation but it falls flat.
-You try to apologize, explaining that you just need some time before you’re ready to say it. Whether it’s past relationships that have soured your meaning of the words, or there’s something holding you back from giving yourself fully over to this relationship it doesn’t ultimately matter.
-You excuse yourself from the table, pressing a long kiss to his forehead as you stand next to him and in that moment he can tell how you feel, that you do love him. The realization staves off his tears for the rest of the evening, but nothing can cure the pit in his stomach as he sits in the booth smoking a cigarette, and waiting until you’ve fallen asleep to come up to your shared cabin.
-As much as he knows it will hurt every time, he vows to keep telling you how he feels in those quiet moments until you’re ready to say it back to him.
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thetarotwitch111 · 1 month
How can you improve your self esteem? - Pick a card witchcraft
One of this piles actually resonated so much for me that i even teared up. May your guides and the Universe lead you to find the best information here too. Axé!
✨Enjoyed the reading? A tip would be a sweet way to help me keep these free insights coming. Thanks so much for your support!
✨ I always use tarot cards and oracle cards for the reedings. Here i used the tarot, the work your light oracle and the prism oracle.
✨ I also channel messages from my guides and add them to the reading.
✨I hope this reading brings you some clarity and guidance. If it resonated with you, I’d love to hear about it!
✨ And if you’re looking for something more personal, I also do individual readings—just DM me anytime.
✨ TIPS ✨
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Close your eyes, take a deep breath and ask you guides and the Universe take you to the message you need to read right now.
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✨1 - the potion
it’s time to let go of the past and any feelings of regret or missed opportunities. You’ve been holding on to some friends that you’ve lost, and that have left you feeling down, but there’s a reason for all that. They cleared the path for something better that aligns more with who you are now. You’re about to meet people so much more aligned to you and your energy. You’re on the brink of a major shift and being called to open up to new possibilities that are way more in tune with who you are now, not who you were in the past. This is about recognizing that the past doesn’t define your future, your choices do. Start accepting that those chapters are closed and focus on the new opportunities that are coming your way. This shift in mindset is the first step to feeling more confident and at peace with yourself.
And also, step into your power! You’ve got all these dreams and desires, and sometimes it feels like they’re just floating around in the ether, waiting to be grounded in reality. You’re someone who feels deeply, loves deeply, and maybe even dreams with your head in the clouds sometimes. But now it’s time to bring those dreams down to earth and start taking real steps towards them. This is about letting your inner romantic and creative self out to play, whether that means diving into a project, expressing your feelings to someone special, or simply embracing the things that make your heart beat a little faster. Life is too short to hold back, so go ahead and wear your heart on your sleeve. You’re more powerful when you’re true to yourself.
Witch’s advice:
Make a me time with a simple ritual: start with a cleansing bath, from head to toe, using a infusion with lavender, basil, rosemary and chamomile to wash away any lingering doubts and negative energy that might be holding you back. As the water soothes you, imagine it carrying away all your worries and leaving you feeling refreshed and ready to embrace the new and dont rinse off.
After your bath, keep a piece of rose quartz close to your heart and meditate on who you truly are, what you love, and what you want for your life. This crystal will help you nurture that self-love and remind you that you’re worthy of all the good things coming your way. Pair it with citrine, a crystal that’s all about abundance and joy, to attract those positive vibes and keep your energy high.
And because a good cup of tea never fails, brew yourself some dry orange, lavender and vanilla tea. As you sip, take a moment to reflect on what brings you joy, what lights you up, and set an intention to bring more of that into your life. You’d be amazed at how a simple ritual like this can shift your energy already. ✨
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✨2 - the oracle
You've been in a bit of a struggle lately, haven't you? It feels like there's been a lot of tension, some conflict, but the good news is that the chaos is starting to calm down and now you can actually hear yourself think. That’s huge because your intuition is seriously on fire right now. You’ve always been someone who picks up on things that others miss, and lately, you’ve probably been keeping a lot of that to yourself, just trying to figure out what’s up. But here’s the thing: you need to start trusting those vibes and letting them guide you. You know what’s best for you, even if it feels like no one else gets it.
it looks like you’re ready to make some bold moves. You’re clear-minded, determined, and you know what you want and nothing is going to stand in your way. Just be careful not to rush things too much. remember that sometimes the best action comes from a mix of speed and strategy.
Also accept that you’re not exactly like everyone else, and that’s f****** perfect! Own it. Sometimes you feel like a total weirdo, like you’re from another planet or something, right? But guess what? That’s your superpower. You’re not here to blend in; you’re here to shake things up. You’ve got this unique way of seeing the world, and yeah, it might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but that’s exactly what makes it so important. The world needs people like you who aren’t afraid to question the sistems, to push boundaries, and to bring in fresh perspectives.
So embrace your weirdness, share your thoughts, even if they’re not what people expect and trust your instincts, because they’re leading you exactly where you need to go. The more you lean into who you really are, the more confident you’ll feel. And don’t forget: Your voice is powerful, so use it.
You’re about to wrap up a huge chapter in your life, and it’s going to feel so good. Everything you’ve been working on is coming together, and you’re stepping into this new phase where you can finally breathe and enjoy.
Witch’s advice:
Get some rosemary and boldo infusion for a cleansing bath, head to toe, with no rinse, to clear away any lingering bad vibes and sharpen that intuition even more. Light a white candle to connect with your higher self and set those intentions and grab some amethyst to keep your energy calm and clear, and carnelian to keep that motivation high. You’ve got this, babe. Now go out there and rock your world. 💫
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✨Pile 3 - the candle
I can see you’ve been feeling pretty low lately, maybe like you’re out in the cold, struggling to find your footing. It’s like you’ve been dealing with some tough times financially, emotionally, or maybe even both, feeling isolated, or like you’re facing these challenges all on your own. But really, it’s just a phase. This is a moment where you can start shifting that energy. You’re stronger than you think, and there’s a light at the end of this tunnel. Trust that you’re never alone, even when it feels like it. The spirits are with you, guiding you through the darkness.
You’ve got this incredible spark, this passion and confidence that just shines when you let it. You’re a natural leader, someone who can take charge and inspire others. This is a time to really step into that power, to remember who you are cause you got a lot to offer the world, my dear. Even when life’s hard, you’ve still got that fierce energy inside you. It’s time to reignite it and use it to your advantage. And you’ve got that golden touch for your dreams with the wisdom and the practicality to build something solid, something that will last.
And you’ve got that golden touch to make your dreams come true with wisdom and the practicality to build something that will last. This is about laying the groundwork for the future you want. Be patient, be steady, and trust that the seeds you’re planting now will grow into something beautiful and abundant. You have the strength and the skill to turn your visions into reality! believe that, and keep moving forward.
And oh, the celebration that’s coming your way! You’re on the verge of a big win, a moment where you’re going to feel truly proud of yourself. It’s like all the hard work you’ve been putting in is finally paying off, and you’re going to have a reason to kick back and really enjoy the results. This is about feeling supported, loved, and recognized for everything you’ve achieved. Don’t shy away from celebrating your victories cause you’ve earned this!
But, there’s still some shadow work to do. It’s time to break free from the old patterns, the ones that have been passed down through generations. These cycles of pain and rejection—they’ve been with you for too long. Now is the moment to cleanse yourself, to release what no longer serves you, and to step into a new way of being. This is about healing those deep wounds, not just for yourself, but for those who came before you and those who will come after.
Witch’s advice:
I want you to light a purple candle and set the intention to break those ancestral ties that have been keeping you in negative cycles. Ask your guides and the universe to bring in the energy of transformation and transmutation. Let that candle be a symbol of your commitment to moving forward, free from the past.
Also, do a cleansing ritual. Use herbs like sage or palo santo to cleanse your space and yourself, removing any lingering negative vibes. And since you’ve got some deep transformation energy around you, keep a piece of obsidian and an amethyst cluster. These crystals will help absorb any negativity and protect you as you step into this new era.
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justagalwhowrites · 10 months
Perhaps a Fucksgiving prompt: Joel, in grey sweatpants. (I can't be the only one so affected by grey sweats, right?!) Doesn't even matter what universe it's in because I think it could work in Lavender, Yearling, or NIT. Or something new. Just...have fun with it, lol.
I love this, thank you so much for this ask. So here's NIT!Joel being an absolute fucking menace in gray sweatpants.
Fucksgiving 2K23: Gray Sweatpants
Joel makes an... interesting wardrobe choice for Thanksgiving dinner prep. A New in Town BestFriend'sDad!Joel drabble that can be read as a stand alone.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader (both from New in Town)
Warnings: SMUT :D No use of Y/N. Minors DNI 18+ only
Length: 1.8k
“It’s too early for this,” you groaned, face down in your pillow. “It’s supposed to be a holiday…” 
Joel chuckled, his large, warm hand spreading over the bare skin of the small of your back. 
“You stay in bed,” he pressed a kiss between your shoulder blades. “I’m the one who decided to smoke a turkey.” 
“No,” you sighed, turning your head against the pillow so your voice wasn’t muffled anymore. “Not going to make you get up on your own. Just do me a favor and start the coffee?” 
He laughed again. 
“Whatever you say, Beautiful.” 
You listened to Joel getting dressed for a moment before you forced yourself to get out of the warm, comfortable bed. 
You loved Thanksgiving with the Millers. So many traditions, so many delicious foods, so many people you loved who loved you back. But the smoked turkey thing was new and, as it turned out, you’d been a lot more excited about it in theory than in practice. Morning sex was not an option when your boyfriend needed to be cooking before 8 a.m. Joel had gotten you some cute festive pajamas, at least - not that he ever left your clothes on long once you were in bed - and you pulled on the orange plaid pants and matching thermal before toying with your hair enough that it wasn’t a disaster and shuffling to the kitchen. 
The coffee pot’s brew cycle was just sputtering to an end when you got there and you pulled down a mug, pouring yourself a big cup and adding Irish cream before making Joel a cup of his own. You glanced at the clock. 7:18 a.m. Joel was never allowed to smoke a turkey again, you decided. Being up this early on Thanksgiving was a bridge too far. 
“You look exhausted,” Joel laughed as you squinted against the morning light. 
“You’d be exhausted, too, if you’d gone out with Sarah and her high school friends last night,” you groaned, passing him his favorite chipped mug, the one with an owl on it. “I swear, I feel like I’m still in my 20s and then I go bar hopping…”
You made your way over to a lounge chair by the pool and plopped down on it, taking a long sip of coffee. As the caffeine settled over you, you actually opened your eyes and took in the golden fall morning, the sun reflecting off the pool, the crisp air, the smell of wood chips as Joel got the smoker running, the outline of your boyfriend’s huge cock clearly visible through his gray sweatpants. 
You damn near choked on your mouthful of coffee when you noticed it, shooting up from the lounge chair coughing and sputtering. Joel frowned, watching you. 
“You alright over there?” He asked. 
“Oh I’m fucking great,” you coughed, beating on your chest a bit to get the rest of the coffee down. “You’re getting changed before Sarah comes over, right?” 
“Wasn’t plannin’ on it,” his frown deepened. “She’s bringing cinnamon rolls over in…” he glanced at his watch. “‘Bout an hour or so. Was just gonna wear this until closer to dinner. Why?” 
“Because, babe, I’m pretty sure I can tell from here whether or not you’re circumcised and that’s not because I had your cock in my mouth last night.” 
Joel’s eyes went wide and he looked down before looking over at you again. 
“They’re just sweatpants, baby.” 
You snorted. 
“They’re gray sweatpants,” you replied. “Those are an entirely different animal.” 
Joel’s frown deepened. 
“What? Why?” He asked. “They’re… they’re sweatpants!” 
“You really don’t know this?” You laughed a little. He shrugged, still looking at you like you were just a bit crazy. “Oh, babe…” 
You set your cup of coffee down and went over to him, looking him up and down. 
Yeah, you got to see Joel every day. You lived together, after all, and moving in together hadn’t exactly lessened your sex drives. The only day you hadn’t fucked in recent memory was when you had a stomach flu and you were too sick to have anything going into you, including Joel. But you still loved to look at him, at his shaggy, graying hair; at his soft, brown eyes; at his strong, broad chest. Even without the… advantageous sweatpants, you’d been enjoying the view. He might have been in a threadbare Texas Longhorns shirt that was probably the same age as Sarah he managed to look fucking gorgeous in it, the shoulders stretched a little tight and the sleeves a bit snug on his thick biceps, the outline of his soft stomach just visible through the drape of the fabric. 
“Let me demonstrate,” you said, locking your eyes on his and reaching down to trace over his cock through the fabric, starting at his tip with the lightest pressure. He gasped softly when you made contact with him and you smiled ever so slightly. “I can tell your head starts right here…” He moaned a little and you ran your fingers down to the ridge of him, tracing back and forth over the flare of his tip. “And that it ends right here.” 
“Fuck, beautiful…” 
You smiled and moved lower, down his shaft. 
“Can tell just how big you are,” you said, voice breathy. He moaned and you kept going until you were at the base of him, tracing him there, too, before wrapping your hand around him as best you could with the fabric between you, starting to stroke him. He whimpered, dropping his head to your shoulder. “And I can tell that you’re getting hard…” 
“Not giving me much choice in that, Beautiful,” he groaned. “Jesus fucking Christ…” 
You took your hand back. 
“But you’ve got a bird to smoke so…” 
You turned to go grab your coffee again, smirking once your back was to him. But Joel reached out and grabbed your wrist, pulling you back into him with a needy grunt. 
“Don’t know where you think you’re goin’…” he growled, pulling you tight against him, so tight you could feel his hardening length on your stomach. 
“Me?” You said, feigning innocence. “I just don’t want to be in the way of the chef…” 
“Shoulda thought of that sooner,” he kissed you firmly, desperately, his tongue opening your mouth and sliding inside. You kissed him back until he pulled away from you, breathless. “Gotta make this quick…” 
He took your hand and pulled you in the house and you laughed as he started tugging at your shirt the second you were in from the cool morning air. He tossed it on the couch and his mouth was almost immediately on your breast, sucking and licking at you as he maneuvered you back toward the couch. He pushed your pants and panties down as he did and you stepped out of them, leaving them in a pile on the floor. You pulled at Joel’s shirt and he almost reluctantly pulled his lips from you as you exposed his chest. He nudged you down onto the couch so you were sitting on the middle cushion and he spread your legs wide before shoving his pants to the floor.
Joel knelt between your thighs and hooked his hands in the crease of your knees, pulling your ass to the edge of the cushion as you let out a surprised yelp. He notched his head against your dripping hole and took hold of your thighs before thrusting fully into you in one sharp, firm motion. 
“Fuck!” You moaned, the stretch of him burning in the most satisfying way. 
“This what you were tryin’ to get me to do?” He panted as he fucked into you, fingers sinking into your flesh. “Tryin’ to get me to fuck you silly? That it?” 
“Fuck, yes!” You groaned and he slid one hand to your lower stomach, his thumb finding your clit as fingers spread wide over your skin. He pressed down on you and the sensation of him filling you grew impossibly stronger. You could feel his hand pushing on where his cock was opening you and your body was already getting tight and hot and needy. “Fuck, Joel, holy shit…” 
“Gonna fill you up real good, Beautiful,” his voice was strained. “Leave you so fuckin’ full of me, make you feel it all day.” 
You moaned at his words, at his thumb working you, at the slide of his thick, heavy cock as he pushed deep into you. 
“I’m gonna come, Joel,” you panted, all but squirming below his touch. “I’m gonna come, I’m gonna…” 
“Do it,” he fucked into you even harder. “Come for me, come on my cock, want you to milk this cock, give it to me, Beautiful, fucking come for me.” 
You obeyed, your hand flying to Joel’s forearm and digging your nails into him as your pussy fluttered and pulsed over him. 
“There she is,” he fucked you through it. “Jesus Christ, feel so fuckin’ good, gonna fill you up Baby, leave you so full…” 
He pressed deep, to the very end of you and you felt him spill deep inside you, his cock pulsing and throbbing as he filled you with rope after rope of his come. 
“Fuck,” he moaned as your orgasms both ended and he collapsed onto you, his head on your chest as you both panted for breath. You scratched your fingers through his hair and you kissed the top of his head, breathing in the fresh, clean smell of him that was now tinged with sex. 
After a moment he sat up enough to kiss you deeply as he pulled himself out of you and he got to his feet. He went to the bathroom and came back with a washcloth, gently cleaning your messy slit. 
“Just because I probably shouldn’t say this around your entire family, can I say that I’m thankful for your dick?” You teased.
Joel laughed, shaking his head. 
“I’m just thankful for you,” he said, leaning over and kissing you. “Pussy’s a bonus.” 
He passed you your clothes before gathering his own. He put on his shirt and underwear but tossed his sweatpants over his arm before heading back toward the bedroom. 
“What…” you began, but he cut you off. 
“Clearly can’t trust you around the gray sweatpants,” he teased. “Better change before you got me worried about a different kind of stuffing…” 
You groaned as you pulled on your shirt. 
“Oh shit, I forgot, you still have to actually get the turkey in the smoker!” 
He laughed. 
“Don’t worry, Beautiful,” he said. “Think that was worth dinner starting a bit late. Might have to make it a new Thanksgiving Day tradition.” 
You laughed, too. 
“We just might.” 
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robertdowneyjjr · 1 year
a soulmates au where your words only show up after you’ve met your soulmate. sort of like an insurance policy, you know, so you’re not left wondering whether every other person you meet is the one if your words are too generic.
in this universe, captain america has been recovered and active for several years now. he runs missions and saves the world with his ragtag team of superheroes formed by SHIELD. steve's become a celebrity, which he doesn't love, but it's something he learns to live with because that's life for public figures in the 21st century.
tony never became iron man because he walked away from his father's legacy the second he turned 18. he and howard are still working on their relationship, but maria couldn't be prouder and tells tony so everyday. he built his own company from the ground up and it's thriving under his leadership. he's only marginally famous these days and he tries his best to stay out of the limelight, guarding his private life as much as possible. that's how it's been for twenty years and he's happy.
they meet on a day when steve is tired, irritable and angry. he's just returned from a mission where two of his teammates were injured because of the faulty information they received. he goes out on a walk to let off some steam and he's just slipping his phone back into his pocket after rejecting fury's fifth call for a debrief when he slams right into tony.
tony was having a good day. he'd just sent out a new set of designs and decided to reward himself for it. he goes and gets himself a fresh, delicious, life-affirming cup of coffee and is just stepping out of the cafe with aforementioned cup when a walking brick wall comes out of nowhere.
good news is, tony had ordered a cold brew. once every few weeks that's just what he's in the mood for and it had been one of those days. bad news is, instead of drinking it he is now wearing it.
sticky and cold and more than a little shocked, tony barely has time to recover and figure out what happened when steve starts tearing into him.
“god damn it, watch where the fuck you’re going! that could have spilled all over me! idiot!” steve yells at tony. and on a normal day, he’d be apologetic and he’d never curse like this at a stranger. but he really didn’t need yet another thing to go wrong today and he’s on a short fuse.
maybe later, when he’s calmed down, he’ll think back on the cute man with the giant brown eyes staring at him in disbelief and start beating himself up over how he behaved.
at the moment, all tony can do is look at steve’s pristine white t-shirt that somehow has not a single drop of coffee on it, then look back down at his own chest. he has no words except, “wow. you’re a fucking asshole.” and he just turns around and walks away.
tony gets home and strips off for a rinse before he gets ready for his flight to london for a week of meetings. all the while he can’t help but think that angry blond man looked vaguely familiar and he can’t place where he knows him from. he doesn’t notice the new string of words tattooed down the side of his thigh until he’s in his hotel room half a day later.
meanwhile, steve gets home after his walk, after he’s checked on his teammates, after sitting with fury for three long hours to debrief, and finally washes the day off of him. before he gets into the shower, he notices something different about his reflection.
along his left bicep are the words, wow. you’re a fucking asshole.
he thinks back on the cute man with the big brown eyes and a chest full of coffee and wonders how in the hell he can fix this mess.
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jujutsubaby · 8 months
final round (part 1)
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☆ pairing: eren x afab!reader ☆ summary: you have a very important interview coming up that basically dictates whether or not you have a job after college. and you're sure you're gonna ace it...as long as your arch-nemesis doesn't have anything to do with the interview... ☆ warnings: 18+, not nsfw in this part but has suggestive themes, former TA/student relationship, eren is kinda mean to you (but you're kind of mean to eren), a hint of power dynamics ☆ a/n: hiiiii my very first blurb on this site ~ yes this is my brain rot from trying to find a new job. also should i do a part 2? i kinda did this to tease the relationship a bit bc i didn't want my very first thing to be smut haha o(≧▽≦)o
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you hear a ping from your laptop indicating a new email. you read the subject line:
Paradis Labs, Inc Final Interview - Next Steps
you couldn't believe your eyes. your dream company wanted to interview you for their final round and suddenly, you weren't able to even focus on hearing about your best friend sasha's latest hookup at delta phi last weekend.
"hey y/n? you listening? he took me to pound town and back...what's more important than this?" sasha inquired, snapping her fingers in front of your face.
"uhh..i got into the final round interview for paradis labs! AH!" you squealed.
sasha remained seated but elated. "i'm not the least bit surprised. you're the smartest, hottest girl i know after all", she winked. "but wait... doesn't you know who work there now after he graduated..." she trailed off, not wanting to illicit any alarm bells off of you.
you groaned, thinking about you know who. you knew him unfortunately very well in the worst way possible. the guy who was your TA last semester and absolutely crushed you while grading your midterms and finals. not only did he never answer any of your questions during class, he actively ignored you? and would only talk to some sleazy girls he was planning to hit on after the class ended. he had berated your final project, purposefully skipped over you on the waitlist queue multiple times during office hours, and you could've sworn he gave you the wrong advice once on a lab.
eren fucking jaeger.
you groaned just even thinking his godforsaken name out loud. "it's okay sash, paradis labs is like one of the largest companies in the nation. the odds of you know who being my interview is basically slim to none." you surmised unsuspectingly. you always had a way of attracting the worst luck, but you couldn't bear to entertain that for even a second.
~ two weeks later ~
okay, you got this. you've been studying for this final round nonstop for the last two weeks, you thought to yourself as you rode the bus to the elusive paradis lab headquarters. you've turned down every party, every study session, every potential "date" sasha tried to set you up with for this one interview. and you felt great about it.
you arrived at the headquarters 30 minutes early, thanks to your fear of being late, and you started to feel your stomach growling, clearly indicating that the glass of orange juice you chugged before you left was not enough. the smell of freshly brewed coffee hit your nostrils, and you found yourself at the paradis cafe at the lobby of the building you were interviewing at. you ordered your coffee and pastry, but as you're waited, you heard a distant, yet familiar voice in the background. you dared not turn behind you, because you knew if you saw him, your day was fucking over. you know exactly who it was. hell, you could recognize that laugh in a room full of people, easily.
ignoring the mild annoyance, you looked at your watch and started getting anxious. you grew increasingly annoyed and worried about bumping into you know who, and you just wanted to grab your stupid coffee and go upstairs and get this interview over with.
"one iced matcha latte with oatmilk for y/n!" the barista chirped, as you dashed to the front to grab the order. you heard the familiar laughter die down, but as you turned around to beeline to the elevator, someone's torso knocked you out and you spilled your iced matcha all over your freshly dry cleaned blouse and someone else's shirt.
"oh my god, i'm SO sor-", you stopped cold. wait, no. it's not just anyone's shirt i spilled coffee on. no it can't be-
"hey, doofus", eren glared. you detected a hint of playful mischief in his dark eyes, but it went away almost immediately. were his eyes always so mesmerizing? stop, what the fuck, don't think that! "always makin' a fuckin' mess, are we?"
you rolled your eyes. this could not be happening to you. matcha stained blouse, and you were hungry, and the worst person you knew was here. "fuck off, asshat", you retorted. "i literally have a meeting in 10 minutes and i look like a fucking idiot because of you."
"for what it's worth, you always looked like a fucking idiot." eren said.
you flipped him off before you beelined to the elevator, aiming to head to the change room immediately. you didn't have an extra blouse, but you were wearing a sleeveless black shirt underneath, which hid the stain well but it was a bit tight. even you had to admit your boobs looked amazing in it. tucking it into your loose grey slacks, you stepped outside the washroom and composed yourself. your interview was in 3 minutes, but you could do this. you knew you can. you passed eren's class last year, and that was with his ass constantly throwing you curveballs. this was nothing.
you entered the waiting room for the interview, waiting your name to be called in. shortly, a dark haired man wearing a white shirt and black slacks called you in. "y/n? there you are." he said nonchalantly as his narrowed in on you. "come into my office, please." as you walked next to him, you realized he's way shorter than he looked from across the waiting room.
"i'm levi, and i'll be conducting your interview today. please take a seat." he motioned to the chair across his table.
"hi levi. i'm y/n. i just want to say that i am so grateful to have had this opportunity to come onsite and be interviewed by some of the most magnificent minds of our-" you're interrupted by a loud phone call coming from levi's desk.
"i apologize miss y/l/n. let me just quickly answer that. they should know i'm in the middle of interviewing candidates..." he said, sounding slightly annoyed by the phone call.
he answered it, and you heard him groan and say "i'll be right there. send him to my office to take over." he looked over at you, partially annoyed and partially apologetic about the fuss happening. "i apologize. some brat fucked up the program we were releasing today, and now i have to clean up some one's mess." he pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing deeply. you thought you heard him say that he's going to fire the brat at the end of the say.
"someone else will be coming to conduct the interview, but don't worry. he can be a bit much, but he's unfortunately one of our best recent hires in a while. i'm sure you'll be in good hands." levi said, before he grabbed his stuff and headed to the work emergency.
you were left a bit confused, but ultimately grateful that you had more time to calm yourself down after what happened in front of the cafe. out of all the people who work here, why did you have to run into him. you just can't catch a fucking break can you? you thought to yourself.
as if right on cue, levi's office door opened, and your thoughts were interrupted by the person who once again, occupied an unnecessary amount of thoughts in your head. your jaw dropped, and you practically had to stop yourself from yelling at the universe for this sick, cruel twist of fate that destiny was putting you through.
eren fucking jaeger.
you heard him chuckle deeply. "oh, this is going to be so much fun." eren smirked, his eyes staring at you deeply. he looked at you up and down, and suddenly, you really wished you hadn't taken off your blouse in the changing room, feeling suddenly exposed in this tiny hot (hot? when did this office get hot?) office.
you took a deep shaky breath and buried your head in your hands, groaning and letting out all of the bad emotions you were holding in. "eren, if you're just going to flunk me on this interview, just tell me right now. i'll go home and we'll both just move on." you pleaded. what else can you even do at this point? you should've known this interview was over the minute you heard his stupid laugh in the cafe.
"woah there, slow down doof," he said teasingly. he moved in front of you, partially sitting on levi's (quite expensive) mahogany desk. "you can't just leave an interview before it even started. and who said i was gonna flunk you on this? do you reaaaally think i'd do something like that?"
"umm, you literally did! last year on my midterm, stupid", you yelled exasperated. you were trying hard to keep your cool and calm disposition, but eren always loved to test your limits.
eren pretended to think about it for a second before he shook his head. "nope, doesn't ring a bell. anyway, first question of this interview: why do you want to work at paradis labs?" he asked.
"well, if you must know, i-", you started, before being interrupted by eren.
"i actually don't care. i don't know why anyone asks that." eren laughed, eyes skimming over the files on levi's desk. oh, you could slap him right now. your patience was wearing thin. "hm, well look at this here. your resume says you took a chemical engineering lab last year with professor zeke.?" he asked, knowing damn well the answer was yes. he tried to hold back the smile he had while he watched you visibly tighten up at the sound of the class. "care to tell me about that?"
"not really since you were my TA for that class and went out of your way to almost fail me." you retorted back, fuming at what was happening. no way was he trying to bring this shit up in the middle of an interview. but you were not backing down from this fight. it had been a long time coming. i'm not getting the job anyway at this point. might as well go out cursing eren while i'm at it, you thought to yourself.
"god, i don't know why you think that," he mused teasingly. "if anything, i helped make sure the other stricter TAs didn't grade your work. i dunno where you're getting this idea i hated you." he shrugged. you could swear he almost sounded...honest while saying the last part.
"oh wow, you're really too kind," you said sarcastically as you rolled your eyes. where does this guy get off?
"no, really y/n. i'm being serious," eren said earnestly. a slight genuine smile formed on his lips.
wait, is he? also, why is his smile so...cute? no, stop it, y/n! compose yourself! you quickly snapped out of your thoughts.
"you also ignored me every single time i came to your office hours and every time i came to your lab for help. you literally helped every single girl but me", you accused. you didn't mean to sound harsh and annoyed, but deep down, you felt your chest tighten up and you didn't know why. who cares if he helped other girls, he hates your guts anyway. why were you feeling so sour about it?
"don't give me that shit. i didn't help you because you were the cutest girl in lab and i couldn't make it seem like i was being inappropriate." he said without skipping a beat. eren wasn't sure what made him say it, but it was true.
your eyes snapped to him, and you felt heat rise to your cheeks, and you momentarily forgot what you were even doing here as your head felt dizzy all of sudden. no way you just heard what you thought you heard. you jaw fell and you were at a loss of words to respond. "i...uhh...well.." cough. "um, o-o-okay..." you trailed off, desperate to find the words to respond to eren. you thought back to your class lat year with eren. was he ever really that mean to you? or were you just a bit desperate to do well in an important class? no, wait, he's just being asshole.
"well, if you liked me so much why did you hook up with those sorority girls after the semester ended?" you said incredulously. this was some big fucking joke and you were not going to lose this game.
"oh c'mon, y/n. don't act like you never had a one night stand before." eren explained, his voice lacking any hint of teasing or malice. "besides, you were the only one on my mind, anyway...", eren whispered under his breath so lowly that you weren't able to make out what he said.
well, actually, you haven't ever had a one night stand like that. in fact you never actually...had sex with anyone before. you've always been too focused in school to really date around, and the most action you've gotten was hearing about sasha's escapades. and you sure as hell weren't going to let eren know that.
"umm...well...", you said as you flustered your words. you took a bit too long to compose yourself and respond, which was all eren needed to connect the dots.
"oh shit. y/n...are you a virgin?"
"u-umm...of course not...i-i just...i just never found...or had the time...", you dropped your gaze. that's it, eren had just found his trump card, after he played the cruelest joke on you. you couldn't even think of a witty one liner like you usually did to get out of something like this. you were tired and shocked by eren's confession (which you didn't even believe fully). and not only that, but you were talking about your v-card with your worst enemy.
"hey, hey, hey, it's okay. i'm sorry, y/n. i shouldn't have brought it up, that was weird. and...", eren trailed off. he wasn't sure what to say next, but he said it earnestly and honestly. "i'm sorry for treating you like shit when i was your TA, and i'm sorry for bumping into you and spilling your matcha all over us," even though eren would've done it again if it meant he could see you in the form fitting top you currently have on, but he dared not to comment on that.
you sighed, partially out of relief and partially because you felt vindicated through his apology. your eyes glanced up to his, and both of your gazes softened. "so, you really do like me?" you teased eren, finally cracking a slight playful smile and releasing the tension in the atmosphere.
"shut the fuck up and don't make me say it again, doofus." eren mumbled, as he leaned closer into you. your heart started beating faster and you swear even eren could hear the pounding in your chest as you sucked in a deep shaky breath. you didn't mean to break eren's gaze and look at his lips, but you did and eren noticed. his smile curved up slightly as he leaned closer to you. you felt his hot breath near you lips, and just as his lips were about to crash into yours, the door bursted open to a slightly disheveled levi.
eren immediately snapped back to leaning on levi's desk, and you let out a breath you didn't even know you were holding. you prayed that levi could not see how flushed you looked or the goosebumps on your arm.
"how did the interview go?" levi asked eren.
eren gave a quick warm glance to you before he said, "y/n did great. answered every question with ease. i think we should extend an offer." you noticed the slightest hint of a smile in eren's professional demeanor, but you were more surprised that he'd do this for you. bit by bit, you felt your hard shell crumbling for eren, and you wondered how you will survive working at paradis labs after graduating.
eren walked you back to the elevator, his hand lightly touching the small of your back as guided you across the hallway. "well, i guess i look forward to working with you and picking back up where we started." eren said with a wink.
you turned around and touched eren's shirt, softly tracing the matcha stain you gave him. "hm, maybe i'll start off my first day dumping coffee on you first thing in the morning." you playfully teased, your breath accidentally hitching as you realized his chest was way harder than you expected it to be. oh my god, no way he's actually built under the shirt. embarrassed, you quickly buried that thought deep where it came from.
"hm, maybe i'll take you to the bathroom and make you help me clean it up," he replied, his eyes filled with warmth and invitation. something that was new to you, but you weren't complaining.
god, you couldn't wait to graduate.
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wisteria-cherry · 1 year
forty days and forty nights
(hey guys! this is a series, so go check out the rest of them on my masterlist :)
sometimes, you really wondered why people wanted to be heroes.
sure, there was the moral aspect of it. wanting to protect your loved ones, wanting to make the world a better place, wanting to stand up for what’s right. but there was so much more that came with being a hero in modern society. heroes had little to no privacy, they were constantly involved in violent fights, justified or otherwise, people constantly gave them their opinions, whether they were encouraging words of “thank you for protecting us, you can do it!” or venomous declarations of how they hate what that particular hero did in that one particular instance. there was just so much attention on them, so much pressure. regardless, you were happy that those people chose to step up so they you could live the life you wanted— peaceful, steady, and safe. suffice to say, you never watched the news.
you worked in a cute coffee shop that you hoped to make your career one day (although not anytime soon; the pay wasn’t enough to cover living costs by itself so you worked another job). your boss had taken a liking to you and often talked about how she hoped you’d stay for the long run. you’d been working there for years. your coworkers looked up to you and all the regular customers adored you.
it was one of those days where you really loved your job. you had started brewing a fresh batch of coffee, and a coworker was making a few more pastries, so the air smelled heavenly. all the customers had been served, and they were all chatting pleasantly amongst themselves at the table.
you look up as the bell on the door jingled merrily, signaling another customer’s entrance. he was tall, and well built, with wild blond hair and red eyes you thought were beautiful. he was dressed slightly warm for the autumn day, with a long heavy-looking coat, gloves, and a scarf covering the lower half of his face, but you paid no mind to it; people had preferences, after all.
“welcome,” you chirp as he approaches the counter, studying the menu briefly. “what can i get you?” he finally pulls the scarf down from his face with one finger, and you note a sharp jawline and a scowl.
“just a medium black coffee.” came the gruff response. you nod, ringing him up as as he pulls a few bills out of his black leather wallet, waiting for you to tell him his total. you do, and he gives you the money, etcetera. the usual routine.
“for here or to go?” you prompt.
“here.” he responds.
“name for the order?”
“dynamight.” what an odd name.
as you go to get his coffee, you glance back, taking in his appearance. he looks vaguely familiar, but you can’t put your finger on it. however, you do notice one thing— dynamight seems to be having a bad day, given his tense demeanor and scowl. so, you resolve to make the best black coffee you can (or at least, the best you can make it when there’s only one step: pouring the coffee.) regardless, you’re glad the brew is fresh for him, at least.
as you slide the mug across the countertop to dynamight’s barstool, you opt to make conversation, hoping that maybe you could make a positive in his seemingly bad day.
“so, i haven’t seen you around here before. is this your first time here?” you ask cheerfully, polishing cups as you talk so you’re at least doing something.
“yeah.” dynamight sipped the coffee. he glanced down at it once before taking another sip.
“can i ask what brings you here?”
“i’m tired as fuck.”
“that does explain the coffee.” you laugh lightly, despite his tone being dead serious. dynamight looked up at you from his coffee, brow furrowed slightly as though he were trying to decipher why you were laughing.
“long day, huh?” you ask sympathetically, leaning on the counter.
“you have no idea.” dynamight rolled his eyes.
“you’re right, i don’t. so, what do you do that tires you out like this?” you ask. did you ask because you hoped talking about it would help him feel better? of course. did you also ask because you really wanted to know what he did in hopes of figuring out why he felt so familiar? maybe.
dynamight looked surprised at your question, so much so that he looked up fully from his coffee.
“… i’m dynamight.” he stated as though it were obvious. you blink.
“i’m the number one hero.” dynamight stated this as though it were common knowledge. in his defense, it was common knowledge, you just didn’t follow heroes.
“oh, sorry,” you say apologetically, “i don’t really follow heroes. that’s why i didn’t recognize you or your name.” dynamight really did seem startled that you didn’t know him at all, but clearly tried to blow it off.
“tch, do you live under a rock or something?” he scoffed. “everyone knows who i am.” you simply shrug.
“i live in an apartment.” you reply. “and now i know, too.”
you liked this dynamight fellow. sure, he was rough around the edges (and egotistical), but he seemed to have a good heart. you talked with him for two and a half hours before you said your goodbyes (his was a grumbly “see ya”) and he left. you figured you’d probably never see him again— after all, from what you heard, heroes often go to bigger coffee shop chains. you had no proof of them doing otherwise. you supposed they just went to the bigger, more expensive coffee shops just because they can afford it.
still, when you went home after your shift, you found yourself settling down on the couch, a movie playing in the background as you open your laptop and then Google.
dynamight pro hero
billions of results in less than a second. his name was katsuki bakugo, and he was famous, to say the least. he was the youngest number one hero japan had seen, working his way up through intense fights against the strongest villains. instead of watching his fights, though (you didn’t like the violence), you watched some of his interviews. before even pressing play, you could see that he hated being at every interview, every public event you watched. he answered questions with blunt and sharp language. some hosts were shocked, others found it funny. you found yourself smiling, sharing the sentiments of the latter category of talk show hosts. part of you hoped he’d come back to the shop again.
and he did.
“i’m tired as fuck.”
next ->
(feel free to comment + leave ur thoughts :)
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talaok · 2 years
Can I kiss you?
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pairing: Virgin!Peter Parker x Stark!fem!reader  summary: this is a sequel to -A helping...mouth- but can stand alone. You basically offer to help Peter out again. warnings: Verginity loss, unprotected sex ( sub!Peter x Dom!reader)  a/n:I was desperate to write some subby smut but I'll get back to the requests now.
you were sat on the couch in the living room of the avengers tower, zapping channels, desperately trying to find something good. Everything looked tedious, and you were bored out of your mind. You checked your phone and much to your dismay, no new notifications had appeared. Hugh. you threw it on the cushion as you pressed the remote again. It was 4 pm and the sun was shining outside, brewing possibilities of all the things you could have done today, but there you were, on the couch, slowly going insane. Another car commercial appeared on the screen and that was it. You shut it off and got up. The only thing left to do was to bother your father. You sighed as you pressed the elevator button, maybe he was doing something interesting in his lab for once. The elevator's door dinged as they opened and for the first time in your life, you believed in miracles. Peter was right in front of you, standing awkwardly in the middle of the elevator. His face dropped as soon as he saw you, while yours lit up. What was a better cure for boredom than this? "hi peter" you smiled widely stepping into the elevator he swallowed nervously "h-hi Y/n" he basically whispered. You were staring at him, and he was doing quite the opposite, his eyes never leaving the floor. "How are you doing?" you asked, stepping closer to him. "I'm-I'm fine" "good" you looked at the button pressed "What brings you here?" his fingers twitched around the bag's handles he was gripping. "Mr. Stark asked me to bring him a thing" "Oh" you pretended to be interested "Is it like a secret superhero thing?" He glanced at you quickly before turning right back "Yes-Kind of" "cool" An idea came to mind. You just wanted to have some fun. "And what about the suit" you bit down a smirk "did you fix it?" His adam's apple bobbed up and down as he gulped, his cheeks getting even redder than they already were. "Uh-I-" he cleared his throat "Yes" he nodded "it's fixed" "Well I'm just glad I could help" He stiffened and you smiled "I hope you didn't mind" You stepped closer to him again, you were now right next to him. "N-no I didn't" his eyes found yours, and you could see so much fear in them you almost felt bad "You were really h-helpful" he stuttered. "I'm glad" you grinned. "and you know" your hand found his hair, caressing it gently, as an almost interceptable groan left his mouth "I'd love to help out again" you toyed with the hem of his shirt "maybe we could help each other out this time" his chest was moving up and down far too quickly for him to be breathing normally. "wouldn't you like that?" you asked gently. "I- I would love that" he immediately spat out. Such a cute boy. "bu-but your father-" he started but you interrupted him. "my father has nothing to do with this Peter" your fingers guided his chin to look at you "Bu-but if he found out-" "we'll just have to make sure that he won't" you bit your lip "you're not that loud, are you?" His eyes widened, followed quickly by his mouth but you stepped away, a knowing smirk remained printed on your lips as the elevator doors opened and you stepped out, not sure whether he was ever gonna do the same or just become part of the elevator. Elevatorman didn't sound half bad. What's he doing there? Nobody knows, he's just there. Some say he used to have something to do with spiders. you laughed softly at the picture before entering your dad's lab. "hey dad, Peter is here to give you some super secret thing" "Ok, tell him to come in " Tony said, going back to his work but stopping to look back at you "and try not to torture the boy too much all right?" "Don't worry dad, I wouldn't dream of it" you smiled guiltily before getting out. "he's waiting for you" you said as you reached Peter, who had apparently regained the ability to move his legs as he was outside the elevator "And so will I" you whispered to his ear before stepping into the elevator again "15th floor, 1st room on the right" you said, waving at him as the doors closed. Finally some fun.
You had heard his steps outside 10 minutes ago and he still hadn't knocked. You could almost see him breathing heavily in front of the door, thinking about what he should say and panicking about wether he should even be doing this. You had waited but now it was just getting ridiculous, and plus as time passed, the possibility of him changing his mind increased, and you didn't want that. You really really didn't want that. "Hey there" you greeted him as you opened the door. His eyes widened and his cheeks reddened once again. "I was just about to-" he said panicked, before his expression changed to a confused one "h-how did you-?" You chuckled softly "I could hear you overthinking from the other side of the wall" "Oh" he said "It's nothing" you smiled reassuringly "come in" he did, stepping into your room like he was afraid a trap might fall on him any minute. You closed the door behind him and walked up to him. "did everything go alright with my dad?" you asked, tracing your fingers on his arms. "Y-yes, everything alright" he looked at his feet. "good" you hummed "Is this your room?" he looked around at the books-filled space. "yup" you said stepping closer to him "b-but you don't live here" You laughed softly " nope" you slowly intertwined your arms behind his neck "but I come here sometimes" you kept talking as you felt his breathing getting faster "So dad decided to give this room to me" you played with the hair at the base of his neck, twisting some locks between your fingers "You like it?" he glanced at you, so close to him he could feel every inch of you, and he put all his effort into spitting out some words, trying to at least look like he wasn't having a heart attack. "I-I do" he smiles softly "You read a lot" "I do" you did the same. You looked at his hands, frozen by his side, and laughed softly "you can touch me you know?" He blushed "I'm sorry I-" "stop apologizing Peter" you said, taking one of his hands in yours "here" you placed it on your waist "you like that?" he gulped as he could only nod shyly. "Do you want to use the other one too?" He didn't answer, he just slowly raised his hand to set it gently on your waist. You looked up at him and smiled. You couldn't help but do only that. he looked so soft, his pupils scanning frantically your whole face and his pinkish mouth parted, ragged breaths escaping it. You wanted to know what he was thinking. for the first time in your life, you felt like you couldn't fully understand a boy. they usually were quite frankly, simple. You batted your eyes and smiled at their jokes and they would text you asking you to "watch a movie" at their house. It was easy. But with Peter, it wasn't like that. He had many thoughts spinning in that head of his, and some of them you felt you could understand, but some other ones, they were harder to reach. And you liked that. you liked, for once, not knowing. "What are you thinking?" you asked His lips twitched into a shy smile. He opened his mouth to say something but stopped himself before he actually could. "Don't worry" you stood on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek "I won't judge". Peter felt a shiver run down his spine, and he wondered at that moment, what he had done in his life to be so lucky. "Can I-" he looked at you shily "can I kiss you?" Your heart skipped a beat, as a warmth invaded your body. God, he was sweet. "Of course Peter" you smiled, leaning up once again to meet his lips with yours. He was unsure at first but as he calmed down your lips melted into one another, just like your two bodies. He smiled sincerely as you leaned away, for the first time since you had met him, seemingly careless. "Y-you're really beautiful" he whispered, and now it was your turn to blush. You didn't know how to respond, so you kissed him again, walking towards the bed until his legs hit it. He looked at you confusedly and you smiled "sit" He did and you didn't miss the opportunity to straddle him. Your lips found his again and your tongue started exploring his mouth, as your hips started moving on their own, earning little moans from him. His hands came up to your waist, staying there awkwardly as your hands roamed through his hair and back. "y/n" he murmured against your lips "shit" he whined as you kissed his neck. "mh-mh?" you asked, not stopping the trail of kisses you were leaving on his pretty neck. "I-I" he couldn't talk, and so you stopped to look at him. "what baby?" Fuck. The pet name made him groan lowly, only worsening the situation. he looked down at his crotch and you followed his line of sight, a very evident bulge prominent under his jeans. you smiled softly "It's fine baby" you stroked his cheek "actually it's more than fine" you chuckled "I'd be offended if it hadn't happened" "oh" he breathed a sigh of relief and you kissed him briefly before going back to his neck. Little desperate moans fled his mouth as you started sucking on a spot below his ear. You drank all those pretty sounds up, praying to never forget them as you watched his skin redden. "There " you said once the hickey was fully formed on his neck "now you're gonna remember me every time you see it" He laughed softly "I-I don't think I'm gonna need this y/n" You grinned, pushing him onto the bed "shut up" you murmured giddily before attacking his lips once again. You kept kissing him and grinding on his crotch, as he kept emitting low groans. You found the hem of his shirt and broke the kiss to take it off of him. Your hands immediately finding his sculpted abs and firm chest, exploring and tracing every line of his six-pack. he was immobile, mesmerized by the look of you, touching him where he had never been touched, making him feel things he had never felt. You kissed his pec quickly before leaning away to take off your shirt. Peter thought he was gonna die, and to be honest he wouldn't have even minded it. Your perfect boobs were squished between a white lacey bra, and peter tried, he really did, to take his eyes off of them, but he couldn't. You laughed softly "Would you like to take it off?" "Yes" he spat out, "please yes" he murmured as his hands unclasped your bra. He tossed it somewhere on the floor as his mouth slacked open. "shit" he said, looking at you for approval as his hands came up to grope your tits. You bit your lip just as he did, nodding while his hands gently touched you everywhere. You took advantage of this moment to let your hand travel to his crotch. A desperate moan left his mouth as you gently stroked his erection through his pants. "F-fuck" he pleaded, looking at you. "I know baby" you cooed "I'm gonna make you feel better" you ghosted his lips "I promise" He growled lowly. Your fingers found his zipper and you undid it, kissing his briefly before getting off of him to kneel in front of him. Flashbacks from the last time passed through his mind and he gulped nervously. "raise your hips honey" he obeyed eagerly and you pulled his pants off of him, getting up to admire him once you did, all of him. he blushed, and you smirked. Your hands found your skirt and you started to shuffle it down your legs but peter's thin voice interrupted you. "wait y/n" You tilted your head to the side "yes baby?" you asked, noticing his cock twitch at the pet name. "I- I have to tell you something" "what is it?" you asked sweetly "Well I-I" he avoided your gaze "I've never done this y/n" You smiled "baby" your skirt fell to the floor, and Peter started having serious doubts about whether or not his heart could take this. You climbed back onto him "don't worry" you kissed him gently "I'm gonna take care of you baby" you kissed him again "you just have to relax" you gripped his cock "i'll take care of the rest, alright?" He looked at you with those big beautiful puppy eyes before nodding eagerly, just the feeling of your hand on his cock almost killing him. You positioned his dick at your entrance and moaned lowly as you sank down on it. A series of ragged little breaths left his mouth, and he groaned loudly once he bottomed out. He put his hands on your waist and you bit your lip "good boy" you praised him, before starting to move up and down his length. "shit" he murmured "feels good?" you kept your pace "Y-yes" he growled thinly, unable to speak. "Good" you bent down to kiss him "you're doing so good baby" you gripped his shoulders "making me feel so good" you bit your lip "fucking me with your hard cock" he moaned "such a good boy" you kept looking at him as your moans intertwined, becoming one. As you bounced on his cock you noticed his eyes fixated somewhere, and you smirked softly as you realized where. "you can touch them y'know?" you raised your eyebrows and his mouth parted in stunner "I- just-" you cut him off, taking one of his hands to place it on your boob. He looked at you unsurely before you nodded at him, encouraging him to bring his other hand up, groping your other breast. He took them both in his hands, studying their every inch, as you kept up your pace, your thighs starting to tire slightly. "You like that?" you asked, "you like my tits?" "I-I do" he moaned desperately "they are perfect " he breathed out. You smiled, bending down again to kiss him, this time your tongue infiltrating into his mouth, drowning out his groans as he started getting closer. "Are you coming baby?" you asked sweetly "are you gonna cum inside of me honey?" you asked out of breath "fill me up real good?" He nodded, his eyes shut from the pleasure, as his mouth stayed parted, the same filthy little moans escaping from it. "so good" you praised him, going a little faster now "so good for me baby" "y/n" he whispered your name, and you realized he was coming "shit y/n" he continued. "Then cum peter" you put a hand on his chest to get more leverage "be a good boy and cum inside of me baby" you said, finally sending him over the edge. Desperate moans resembling your name came out of his mouth and they filled the room as you kept moving, letting him ride out his high. He opened his eyes once he was back to earth, and you couldn't help but smile at his cuteness. His cheeks were red and he was breathing heavily, so so so cute. "This was really fun" you kissed him before getting off of him to lay next to him. "It was" he agreed, staring at the ceiling before turning back to you, his brows furrowed. "But You- you didn't cum" he almost whispered, and you laughed softly "Don't worry baby" you shuffled his hair "It'll be for another time" Another time, Another time, peter thought, he had no idea if you had just said that to shut him up, but he hoped to god it meant what he wanted. 'Cause if there was one thing he knew right now, was that you were gonna be his only thought for yet another week.
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thegalaxysedge22 · 1 month
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After Ever (Chapter 1)
pair: sylus x MC (named, sorry)
tags: grief, descriptions and depictions of death, swearing, also spoilers for the game lol
word count: 2.5k
summary (full fic): after her grandmother's tragic death, kore promises to avenger her and find out the truth of the aether core inside of her heart. along the way she learns of the mysterious onychinus and their feared leader sylus, a man she hates with every fiber of her being. but something isn't adding up with it all, together kore and sylus uncover secrets of the past and their views of each other are challenged
song rec: marjorie by taylor swift (just to give you an idea of what you're gonna get)
a/n: idk about the title also bc this is a long form thing and only chapter 1 we don't meet sylus yet. also just so we're all clear this is going to be cannon adjacent, with some things being pulled directly from the game i am still going through the chapters but a hyperfixation's gotta hyperfixate.
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Caleb and Grandma are gone. They’re dead.
I’ll never get to hear Grandma’s laugh or have Caleb’s food ever again - they’re just gone.
Kore still can’t believe it. Sitting at her desk at the Hunter’s Association unsure how to process it all. The official report of their deaths stared back at her from the screen. A metaflux explosion, one of the many to happen recently. Kore couldn’t take how the report portrayed both her Grandma and Caleb as another statistic, an inevitable tragedy caused by energy fluctuations. Whether it was delusion or a hunch, she could tell something wasn’t right about it, she had no way to prove it but in her heart- Kore just knew that this couldn’t be the whole story. 
The news playing segment playing in the background was rattling on about the series of metaflux explosions and the anchor's voice grating on her last nerves. Anger was brewing inside of her, Kore’s heart was breaking all over again, how could they use Caleb and her Grandmother’s deaths in this way. They didn’t even talk about the way Grandma could light up a room or the crinkles around her eyes when she laughed, or how Caleb loved cooking and would cook for others at every chance he got.
She couldn’t keep listening to this, Kore starts to reach for the remote when a hand swoops down and shuts off the TV. Tara’s concerned face looks back at her.
“What are you doing here Kore,” her work best friend asks, “I thought you were out on a mission again, or maybe you went home.”
“Yeah, I'm gonna clock out soon, I just finished reading these reports. I have to turn them in first,” Kore says and returns her focus onto her computer.
“You’re working so hard. Handling all these missions and investigating the Metaflux incidents.”
“...I refuse to believe what happened to me was just an accident,” Kore says confidently. Although she doesn’t have any definitive proof as of right now, she is confident that something about it all doesn’t quite add up.
Tara vocalizes her concern over her friend’s wellbeing, offering to take her out for food, because it was clear she hasn’t been eating. But before a response could come for Kore, their captain, Jenna, walks in.
“Captain,” Tara says, her schoolgirl crush on the captain would normally make Kore smile, but she just doesn’t have that in her right now. “I’ll send you the reports soon!” Tara finishes enthusiastically.
“Thank you,” Jenna says before looking between the two of them, “I just got one about a protocore analysis. Who sent it?”
“Oh, yes. Sorry about that,” Kore tries to sound normal but her words come out in a monotonous voice. “That was me,” she says, trying to stand up, but nearly topples over when her blood pressure drops and her vision gets blurry. Tara is trying to convince her that she needs to go home and rest when Kore’s phone starts ringing, saving her from the rest of her friend’s lecture.
It had turned out that the call was a reminder about her doctor’s appointment with Zayne, and that is how she had ended up at the Akso Hospital waiting for an emergency surgery to finish so she could talk to him. Is he always this busy? I mean he has always been a bit of an overachiever I suppose, Kore thought to herself as she stared off into the waiting room.
She was so lost in her thought that she didn’t even notice Zayne had approached her, not until he waved his hand in front of her face and snapped her out of her trance.
“Sorry about that,” Kore said sheepishly, “I guess I sort of dazed off while waiting for you.”
“Well I’m here now. Should we go over your results,” Zayne said, making a gesture towards his office. Kore nodded and walked in sitting down at his desk, and he was not far behind.
Zayne, ever the professional, proceeded to go over the report with her. He said basically the same things she had heard throughout her entire life, that the Protocore fragment in her heart is dangerous and she needs to be mindful of it. He spared her the scolding about her intense life choices as a Hunter, having learned long ago that will not deter Kore. In his rambling, Zayne had managed to say something that really captured her attention.
“You are unlike any patient with your type of Protocore Syndrome that I have ever seen, all the evidence says that you should not be as healthy as you are, in fact you likely shouldn’t even be alive. It’s a miracle you are quite frankly, and that you are as in good of shape as you are. A true scientific anomaly,” Zayne said, seemingly more engaged in the conversation than he was going over the reports.
“Well Grandma always told me I was special,” Kore said with a lighthearted chuckle. 
Zayne looked at her, eyes softened and full of concern, “I had been meaning to check in on you, I’ve just been so busy at the hospital recently. So, how are you, Kore?”
“I’m doing about as well as you can expect I suppose,” she responded trying to put a smile on her face, “But it has been really hard.” Kore’s gaze turned down to her hands which were fiddling in her lap.
“I can imagine, and I hope you know that I am here for you, Kore,” Zayne said, catching her gaze, eyes full of empathy. “Now I am reminded that you Grandma gave me something she had wanted to give to you,” he said before pulling out a locked box.
“Do you know what it is?” she questioned, taking the box in her hands and looking it over.
“I do not. Your Grandma gave me explicit instructions to hold onto it and give it to you should anything happen to her,” he said, folding his hands on his desk. Before Kore could form a response a Protofeild appeared in Zanye’s office and a wanderer emerged.
“The hospital’s flux stabilizer must be down, I gotta alert the association. Stay back Zayne.” Kore says, attempting to alert the Hunter’s Association of the threat
“You are in no position to be fighting like this, Kore,” Zayne said while she fidgeted with her watch.  Rolling up his sleeves, Zayne continued, “Your heart is exceptionally vulnerable and it would be neglectful of me as your doctor to let you partake in this alone. We will defeat this Wanderer together.”
Luckily, the fight went fast, Zayne was really effective with his Evol fighting the Wanderers, it almost made Kore question why he even bothered to go into the medical field in the first place.
“Here, let me walk you out, Kore,” Zayne said once the fight was finished.
“Oh, you don’t need to do that, I know where the door is,” Kore said awkwardly, hoping not to take time out of the doctor’s schedule.
“Please, I insist. I am due for a break anyways,” he said, opening the door wide hand gesturing for her to go first. At that point Kore knew nothing was going to change his mind, so he shrugged and walked out of the office.
“Yvonne, did anything happen to the hospital’s flux stabilizer just now?” Zayne asked his receptionist on their way out.
“No,” Yvonne responded confused with a furrowed brow, “Why do you ask, did something happen?”
“Oh no, nothing happened, I thought I heard the alarm go off,” Zayne responded, the lie rolling fluidly off his tongue, which confused Kore as he had always been an honest man. “Anyways, I am off to lunch, do you need anything while I am gone?”
“Oh, no thanks, I just ate,” Yvonne responded. 
Zanye nodded towards her before focusing his attention back on Kore while motioning ahead he asked her, “Shall we go?”
Kore gave him a weak nod, a questioning look on her face as the two fell in step. “What was that about? Shouldn’t we alert someone about what just happened?”
“It seems like it was an anomaly, and there is no need to cause a panic in the hospital over a one off thing,” Zayne said, in his usual scholarly tone, “What is important now, is where would you like to go to eat?”
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At night, when Kore returned to her apartment, her mind was in a fog. Grief had been consuming her since the accident, its tendrils had dug deep inside her mind, trapping her there. Everything had been so confusing since the accident that her brain hurt.
Dropping her bag off at the door she took off her shoes before plopping herself on the couch. That’s where she saw it. On the coffee table lay Caleb’s necklace. She reached out and grasped it, clutching it tightly to her chest as if it was the only thing tying her to him, and to some extent it was.
The ghosts of memories that were haunting her had returned yet again. She started playing back the time when she had gifted it to Caleb. He had been leaving for school to become a pilot and had promised that he would keep it on him at all times, but the only reason why she had the necklace left in the first place was because he had dropped it. Tears started spilling from her eyes at a steady pace.
It was the only thing she had left of him, no, it was the only thing she had left of them. Of course their bodies weren’t recoverable, the fire had burned so bright that they were no longer distinguishable from the rubble in the mountain of ash that once had been her home. One of the first responders even marveled at the rarity of it all, as a fire has to burn almost unnaturally hot for even bones to turn to cinder. They also remarked on how unevenly the fire had burned, with some parts of her Grandmother’s house having been completely turned to ash and others were still recognizable even in their charred state.
She was inconsolable now, sobs wracked through her small body like an earthquake trembles the earth. She clutched the pendant so tight her knuckles turned white. For how long she stayed in that state, she would never know.
Eventually, something inside of her snapped. Something about the whole thing was wrong, there had to be something that she was missing. Pulling out her laptop she started to search for all that she could find on the recent metaflux explosions. The explosion that killed her family had been the 32nd recent metaflux, up until Grandma and Caleb, there had been no casualties, not even minor injuries. The other explosions were also less catastrophic to the buildings, of course they were badly damaged but they weren’t destroyed like her grandmother’s house was. 
That shouldn’t be right, Kore thought to herself, what was so different about this one, why isn’t it like the other metaflux explosions? With that she started diving into all she could find relating to how metaflux worked. Thankfully, Ever, a multinational group that has been studying metaflux for years (along with a myriad of other things), was an incredible resource as to how metaflux functioned.
The very first signs of daylight started to emerge from the windows of her apartment as she was scouring a scholarly research paper commissioned by Ever. She was struggling to understand exactly what it was saying and growing increasingly more frustrated at the complex scientific jargon.
At her wit’s end she scrolled down to the end of the paper hoping to find something more clear there, luckily she found something even better. Down at the end of the page was the head researcher’s contact information, a Dr. J. Higgins. A surge of relief rushed through her and she quickly started to compose an email to him. Before she could type anything out the computer screen went black. A primal sound of rage erupted through Kore;s throat. 
This can’t be happening, she screamed in her mind. Where the absolute FUCK is my charger, she thought to herself while she practically tore her place apart like a madman. She turned back to the couch about to reside herself to defeat in a wave of frustration, when she spotted the darkened silhouette of her backpack. How could I miss that, I had my laptop with me at work today, idiot, she scolded herself.
She practically stormed to her bag and when she opened it she saw the box that Zanye had given her earlier, the one from her Grandma. It was like time slowed down, Kore pulled it out of the bag like it was the most delicate thing in the world, completely forgetting the charger.
Her footsteps padded over to her small dining table and she sat down. Carefully she placed the box on the table in front of her wondering what could possibly be inside it. Why on earth would Grandma give it to Zayne of all people, no offense Zayne, she thought to herself as her fingers traced the outline of the box. Fear, anxiety, anticipation, and more coursed through Kore as she sat staring at the box unsure what to do about it.
Finally, curiosity got the better of her and she opened the box. Inside were multiple files of papers, one even being marked as classified. She took a beat to look at the sheer amount of documents then opened the first file and started reading.
The more she read the more she slipped into a state of denial. She was the result of an experiment and an aether core had been placed in her heart. What the fuck is an aether core, she thought to herself, she pulled out her phone to look it up. Nothing came up, other than whispers of it being an Ever project on forums that were now ancient, which she easily disregarded. But the worst thing they said was that her grandma had been involved in it somehow, her name being scattered throughout the papers. Not wanting to believe what the documents had said, Kore threw the papers back into the case and slammed the lid. 
By now the sun is up and people are starting to go about their day. Kore did the same and followed her typical morning routine, but she brewed an extra large pot of coffee to compensate for her all-nighter. Somehow she remained in a trance-like state but her thoughts were racing. 
After a large cup of coffee with breakfast, Kore went to change into a new uniform, not wanting people to get the wrong idea if she showed up in a zombie-like state in yesterday’s clothes.
Before she left, she poured herself a thermos with the rest of the coffee to bring to work. She went to the coffee table and grabbed her laptop before reluctantly leaving the security of her apartment.
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xoxomoonlightxoxo · 7 months
Somewhere Between Hello and Goodbye | Ch. 4: Strangers With Memories
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a/n: more angst but at least they aren't as awkward, however, after this chapter, I fear it's only going to go downhill for my babies :(
The dreadful No Contact Rule. Difficult not to break when the relationship is over and even more so when the relationship comes to a sudden halt but the feelings are still brewing inside. When the distance is forced and fueled by the guilt of losing that person again. However, I would be lying if I said that Jungkook is no longer part of my life. That I have somehow completely barricaded myself from his presence. How could I, when not even a conscious stream of thought can overcome the yearning of a broken heart? One that still longs for his touch, his sweet smile, his laugh. One that has been holding on to the memories of our past despite the lack of recollection in Koo’s eyes. To him, we are simply picking things up from where they were left off. Not a complicated task in nature until you realise that our story left off with his first and last “I love you, Mira”. So, no matter how hard I try to push him away, the heartstrings of my own soul seem to pull us back together. Even if he sees me as just a friend, I am willing to fight for everything we could have been, until one day he finally remembers it all. Remembers me, remembers us.
Unfortunately, with school starting, everyone has been getting back into their routines, leaving little time or opportunity to actually hang out. Despite this, Jungkook has made a special effort to “build back what he can’t remember”. So, seeing him has actually become part of my daily ritual. Whether that be going on a morning jog or grabbing a quick coffee after class. Like the good old days, we are connecting as close friends, since everything began that way. Before anything, Koo was my friend, one who somehow filled the void of my family when we were separated by an ocean. For that, I will forever be grateful to him. 
Today was like any other. Tae and I met our new cohort leader, the head of the ER department in the local children’s hospital, who was this older gentleman who wasted no opportunity to crack one of his dad jokes. He absolutely adored Tae, said that he saw his younger self in him, and unless he was a sleep-deprived, broke college student, I’m not sure what the correlation was. To be honest, Tae hasn’t been having it easy either. His grandma was recently diagnosed with pneumonia, so he spent the entire summer working three jobs to send as much money as he could back home. Being the only man, and thus, the breadwinner in the family after the passing of his father, he constantly tells me about the guilt he endures being far away from his mom, younger sister and grandma. The three women in his life he would give up anything for. And, as I’ve watched him slowly run himself thin, I have grown to be protective of Tae myself. Although he is older, in my eyes he will always be like a little brother to me. One whose shoulders carry the weight of a whole lineage.
Packing up our staff after class, Tae recommended we try the new pastry shop that opened by our dormitory. One that he first mentioned when Jungkook was admitted into the hospital in hopes of cheering my numb self. However, during that period the aching pain in my heart wanted nothing more than to be by Koo’s side. So, seeing that this time Tae was the one in need of support, I made sure to take him up on the offer as we indulged in our daily debrief. At the end of the day, we might not know how to properly give an IV but you best believe that we know how to run our mouths. In the span of half an hour, we managed to cover every possible topic known to men, ranging from the rise in the cost of eggs to the hideous new haircut the grumpy librarian decided to debut today. Our conversation could have gone on for hours until it was abruptly interrupted by the buzzing of my phone. 
Koo: Will 20 minutes be enough for you to get ready?
Mira: Depends … where are you taking me? 
Koo: It’s a surprise, just wear something comfy ;)
“Who got you smiling like that?” Tae chuckles teasingly, seeing that his words have lost my attention.  
“Oh nothing, I’m sorry, it’s just Jungkook,” I say, nibbling on my lips to suppress the urge to keep smiling. 
“What did he say?” he leans forward taking a sip of his Americano. 
“I think he wants to go somewhere?” my words drag on as he searches my scattering eyes. 
“Well, no you’re right, I’m just gonna tell him that I’m busy,” I try to comfort Tae with a smile, sensing the guilt of leaving him alone.
“No, I mean, don’t you want to freshen up? How much time do you have?” he mumbles, gaze softening at my flustered state. 
“Oh, are you sure? I hate to pause our little hangout,” 
“There’s always tomorrow,” Tae assures with a boxy smile. 
“Okay, I’ll see you at breakfast, alright?” I say, packing up my stuff before we wave each other goodbye.
Thank God, the pastry shop was a short walk away from the dormitory as I suddenly realised how valid Tae’s suggestion of a shower was. Let’s just say that today’s clinical was one for the books. Not only did I spill a whole IV bag on my scrubs but I’m pretty sure that there are still some pieces of dried cream in my hair as one of the older patients refused to cooperate. So, as I finally managed to open the front door, I headed straight into the shower, washing myself free of the chaotic aftermath. 
Debating between a woven sweater and a cashmere pullover I settled on the one Koo loved the most. “Peaches, you’re so soft,” he used to say, pulling me into a tight hug as his hands caressed the delicate cashmere. I wore it on our last date before the incident, the one we spent on Oceana Beach talking about the future, our future. Miraculously, after all this time, it still had his scent, the sweet vanilla musk lingered like the memories of our past. I remember crying sleepless nights, holding the cashmere close to my heart as if it were the only thing left of Jungkook. With my eyes closed, I could almost feel his warm embrace. 
Beep Beep 
My reminiscing, however, was interrupted by Jungkook’s arrival. Quickly touching up my makeup, I grab my purse and phone before locking the door behind me. Maybe it’s from the actual physical rush or the fact that I get to see him again, but my heart sure is beating hard. I could practically feel it in my throat. And, the appearance of his bunny smile as our eyes finally met certainly did not help it either. 
“Sorry to make you wait,” I say out of breath, tucking some stray pieces of hair behind my ear. 
“No worries, I just came,” Koo assures softly, leaning back on his car. 
“So, where is this mystery destination?” I grin teasingly, folding my arms in front of my chest. 
“Surprise, remember? Ladies first,” he grins back, opening the passenger door, before helping me buckle up. And, just like that, my heartbeat went through the roof again. 
Driving down the bridge, we were in awe of the beautiful sunset that covered the sky in warm tones. Blasting our favourite song, Jungkook rolled down all the windows before pausing his phone just in time for the high note. And, as silence filled the car I could feel the flush rise up my cheeks from the sheer embarrassment that was my singing. It wasn’t just a voice crack, it was the complete demolishment of my dignity. 
“Yah, how could you betray me like that?” I scoff in disbelief, rolling the windows back up to shield myself from the passing cars. 
“I couldn’t help it, you looked so concentrated,” Jungkook chuckles, mimicking my singing face. 
“Okay, relax, eyes on the road bunny boy,” I smirk, turning the music back on.
“We’re here,” he says, turning into the parking lot. Looking around, chills run down my spine as I realise where we are. The Oceana Beach. This means that while I was fully immersed in our karaoke session, Jungkook unknowingly drove past the exact spot where he lost consciousness on that cold, winter night. All this time, I’ve been trying to avoid this place in hopes of erasing the image of Koo’s frail body lying on the side of the road. Now, I have to act like none of that happened, since he doesn’t remember any of it. 
“Hey, are you okay?” Jungkook’s voice pulls me out of the spiral, as my chest heaves up. Feeling his hand on mine, my body almost jolts from his touch, unable to hide the fear rushing through my veins. It all felt so surreal, to be looking at him alive in flesh but knowing that the Jungkook I once knew was no longer there. 
“Yeah, I … I just remembered something,” I lie with a nervous chuckle, unbuckling myself. Helping me out of the car, Jungkook looks concerned, eyes searching mine. 
“You sure, you’re alright? I can drive back jus…” 
“No, no don’t be ridiculous. I swear I’m all good,” I interrupt his sentence with a reassuring smile. Reaching for my hands again, only this time with slight hesitation, his worried eyes meet mine as his thumb caresses the back of my palms. 
“Mira, you’d tell me if something was wrong, right?” his words are layered with a tone of fear, uneasiness, and genuine worry. But, there’s a short period of silence, as my mind filters through possible replies. 
“Of course,” I manage a small chuckle, swallowing down the lie. With a nod of acceptance and a soft sigh, he intertwined his fingers with mine, taking the bags from his trunk before walking us toward a small spot by a campfire. Setting everything up, I was commanded to just relax, covered under a woven blanket.
“I used to love making smores when I was little,” Jungkook smiles, handing me a bag of marshmallows, before covering himself under the same blanket. Jimin was right, he could still remember the earlier years of his life, but nothing of the recent events. 
“Can’t relate, I somehow always burned mine,” I frown as he can’t help but laugh, scrunching his nose and letting that bunny smile come on full display.   
“Hey, don’t laugh,” 
“I’m sorry, but how does one mess this up?” he leans closer, nudging my shoulder before looking back at the sparks. If only time could stop and we could stay this way forever. If only he could feel the way my heart ached at that moment. 
“So, Mira, do you have a boyfriend?” his sudden question brought me back again, as my eyebrows visibly furrowed from the bluntness of his curiosity. 
“Why? Are you trying to pitch an offer?” I chuckle, leaning closer to the fire to warm my hands, before looking back at his teasing grin. 
“Just trying to figure you out,” he replies softly, eyes searching mine. 
“I used to,” 
“Oh, yeah? What happened? 
“He moved away. Long distance didn’t work out,” I reply slowly, allowing the fake story to play out without succumbing to the tears. 
“That sucks, you guys don’t keep in touch at all?” Jungkook’s curiosity is innocent in nature but naive to our past. I can’t even get mad at him for digging deeper, even if it hurts.  
“I’m not sure he remembers me anymore,” I sigh, replying almost defeated. 
“That’s a lie. Who could forget you?” he laughs, shaking his head in disbelief, blind to the irony of it all. 
“Yeah …” a little chuckle escapes me as well, as my eyes dissociate into the distance. “I'm pretty unforgettable, aren't I?” 
“Pretty and unforgettable,” Jungkook replies with a quick wink, covering my shivering body with his share of the blanket before taking a bite of my half-burned marshmallow.
Replaying our last conversation in my head, I felt bad for snapping at Jiah at the mall. It was totally uncalled for and simply a projection of the thoughts that haunted my mind. Not a fibre of my being meant it as we rarely ever fought or even came to a slight disagreement with each other. To be quite frank, during that time it seemed like every interaction I had was like walking on a minefield. With one wrong move, I was destined to blow up and take everyone else down with me.  
Not being able to talk to her freely pained me, as I grew to miss my best friend with each passing day. And if one thing was for sure, then it was that Jiah deserved an apology as she fell victim to my self-destruction. So, after a few hours of crafting a well-developed apology, I made my way to her apartment, which was literally a level below mine. Nonetheless, the walk there seemed never-ending, most likely due to the sheer panic I was experiencing. It wasn’t fueled by the fear of her reaction but the shame I felt from how I treated Jiah. However, none of it mattered anymore, as I stood in front of her door, hand ready to place a few knocks. That is until it suddenly swings open and our eyes finally meet again. 
“Jiah,” I mumble before she pulls me into a tight hug as tears stream down both of our faces. No words needed to be said. Everything was understood through the emotions we were experiencing. Melting deeper into her embrace, my face dug deeper into her hair as the sweet smell of coconut filled my senses, reminding my body of her aura. I missed her so much that I could physically feel the void in my heartache as my teary eyes searched her sad gaze. 
“Jiah, I’m so sorry,” I manage to let out as she gently wipes the tears off of my face. Holding onto her hand, I keep it close to my chest as my heart beats faster. 
“It’s okay, love. I’ve missed you so much,” she says softly, tucking a few pieces of stray hair behind my ear. And, just like that, we were back in each other’s embrace, making up for the lost time we were apart. Catching up, we spent the whole afternoon discussing everything that happened since our falling out. She showed me the emerald jewellery set Jimin gifted her for their 1 year anniversary and the pictures they took following their celebration. They looked so happy that I couldn’t stop smiling. If they ever break up then I’ll know that love isn’t real, because in my eyes they were destined for each other. No one understands Jiah better than Jimin and no one cares so deeply for Jimin more than Jiah. Simply put, they’re soul mates. 
Feeling lightheaded from all the tears we’ve cried, I suggested we go out to grab some late lunch, or early dinner before going on a walk around campus. Jiah was quick to agree as she changed into some jeans and a hoodie before grabbing her purse and keys. Stopping by my dorm, I quickly touched up my makeup in hopes of not scaring innocent civilians from the aftermath of my mental breakdown. And, as we rode the elevator down to the main lobby, Jiah and I were inseparable once again. That is until my eyes widened at the sight of Jungkook standing by his car, shuffling in place to keep himself warm.  
“Oh? Jungkook? What’s wrong?” I stutter, worried eyes searching his. 
“Sorry Jiah, but could I steal her from you?” he asks softly, as Jiah's face turns to mine. Hiding the way her chin was trembling, she didn't know how to reply before taking a deep breath. 
“Call me when you get back?” she nods, separating her hand from mine as I pull her into a hug.  
“I’ll bring you some pastry from the new shop Tae recommended,” I say with a reassuring smile before waving her goodbye. Making sure she got in safely, my eyes turned back to look at Jungkook’s bunny smile. 
“How did you know I was here?” I ask with a skeptical tone, slowly making my way towards the car. 
“You really don’t think I pay attention, huh?” he says teasingly before opening the passenger door. 
“You mean to tell me that you’ve memorized my schedule?” I scoff, looking up at his softened gaze. 
“Pretty much,” he replies with a grin, leaning onto the door frame before caressing my cheek with the back of his palm. 
“Hey, were you crying?” Jungkook asks, concerned, as I cover my red cheeks with my hair. Way to not be obvious, Mira! I guess, my attempt to hide the fact that I’ve been sobbing for hours failed miserably since he managed to notice it after one glance. 
“Oh, yeah, it’s nothing. I promise,” I shake my head with a soft smile before looking back up at his worried eyes. 
“Mira, you know you can always talk to me, right?” his words are followed by a deep sigh as he crouched down before my still form. 
“Of course, I know that, Koo,” I manage to let out a giggle, patting his head in hopes of making him feel at least somewhat at ease. In all honesty, however, I knew that he wasn’t fully convinced, but I also didn’t necessarily hate that. Because a small part of me hoped that maybe, his curiosity would somehow help him regain the memories he once lost.
“Anyways, where are you taking me this time?” I try to change the subject, as his eyes look back at mine. 
“I need your help,” he replies, buckling my seat belt before heading to the driver’s side. 
“May I know with what?” 
“A song. A love song,” his voice is abrupt, but still layered with tease. 
“I beg your pardon, a love song? Jungkook If you think I’m going to sedate you with some vocals then you are greatly mistaken,” I scoff with my arms folded in front of my burning chest. A love song? As if seeing him again isn’t hard enough. Now, he is giving me yet another reason to cry at night. 
“Shhhh, I’ll explain everything when we get there, just sit back and relax,” he assures me with a sly wink. 
“Mmhhm,” I nod, loosening up the seatbelt before crossing my arms over my chest. Navigating through all the turns, my mind is trying to piece together our destination, until we finally stop at a brick building near the campus gymnasium. 
“Koo, where are we?” I ask cautiously, scanning the premises as he opens the passenger door. 
“It’s a studio my buddy owns. Don’t worry the inside looks more welcoming than the outside,” Jungkook grins, locking the car as we make our way up the stairs.
“Be careful here, they’re still under construction,” he points to a hole in the wooden floor, grabbing my hand as I tip-toe behind him.
“Right, and this buddy of yours, you know how?” 
“He used to produce for the band the guys and I were in. The Bulletproof Boys,” he replies proudly until I burst into a cackle, which promptly faded the smile on his face. I couldn’t help it, I was still not over the first time he mentioned the infamous band name. The Bulletproof Boys. Peak comedy if you ask me. 
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing with you,” I try to regain my composure looking at his pouty lips. 
“I’m not laughing,”
“Okay, then I’m laughing at you,” I tease again, poking his side as he opens the door to what seemed like a small recording studio.  
“Hey, guys! Come on in,” a man’s voice welcomes us into the dimly lit room. 
“Hi hyung, thank you again,” Jungkook shakes his hand, before looking back at my flustered face. I’m usually not as awkward but something about being in a room with a stranger, Jungkook, and a hypothetical love song just did not sit well with me. 
“This is Mira, she’s going to be our female lead,” Jungkook smiles, giving me a sly wink. A lead? I really do hope he is kidding. Is today April Fool's or something? Where are the cameras? 
“Sounds good to me, who wants to go first?” the man asks the both of us, as I try my best to avoid his eye contact. Fiddling with my thumbs, Jungkook could sense that I was becoming more and more uncomfortable. So, he suggested that we go in together since it is my first time doing something like this after all. 
“Just follow me okay?” he says softly, helping me put on the headphones before handing me the lyric sheet.
“Alright, let’s just see how the melody plays out, okay? Jungkook, if you want to jump in with your vocals now, by all means. But, Mira, you can just use this take as practice. I want you to get comfortable with the lyrics,” the producer explains, giving me a thumbs up as I nod okay. 
Following Koo’s lead I tried to mumble the words under my breath, getting the feel of the song. And, to my and probably everyone’s surprise, everything was going somewhat okay? We were able to finish recording the intro in under an hour and have just gotten to the pre-chorus. After some practice, I was beginning to feel capable of managing this project, until my ears were pierced with a sudden “I love you,” projecting from Jungkook’s microphone. 
“Oh?” I let out a loud gasp, covering my mouth as my eyes shot up at his form across the booth. Searching my flushed face, he grins, pointing to the lyric sheet on my stand. Furrowing my eyebrows I begin scanning the lines with my finger, realising that he was singing one of the adlibs. However, what came after almost made me sick. Suddenly, it all felt a bit too real. Shutting my eyes, I tried to regain my composure, and within a second, I was back in that hospital room, sitting across from Koo’s frail body as his thumb caressed my palms. 
“I love you, Mira. I’ve been loving you this whole time,” his sweet words played in my head, as tears rolled down my face. Feeling the knot in my throat, I was practically screaming, but nothing came out. I couldn't do it, not then and not now. I couldn’t say the words he desperately deserved to hear. And just like that, I was back in the booth, only this time, my heaving body was plopped on the floor surrounded by both Jungkook and his producer. But, before they could ask me anything, I rushed out of the room, virtually sprinting towards the nearest washroom, where I hoped to lock myself from the outside world. Closing my eyes, all I could see were the replays of that scene before they were suddenly interrupted by the knocking on the stall door.
“Mira! Mira, open up, it’s me,” Jungkook’s voice is heavy, almost breathless. 
“Are you in the women’s washroom?” I yelp in disbelief, wiping the tears off of my face. 
“There’s no one here, come out, please,” he pleads softly, moving back as I slowly open the door. Lowering my gaze, I fold my arms over my chest before leaning back on the stall as if I didn’t just pass out in front of him. Taking a deep breath, I tried to explain myself before feeling his arms wrap around my shoulders as our bodies melted into a tight hug. Oh, Koo, if only you knew how much I missed your warm embrace. 
“Mira, please tell me what’s wrong,” Jungkook whispers, burying his face in the curve of my neck, as I feel his breath on my skin. 
“Koo, I told you, I’m fine,” I managed to lie, placing my hands on his shoulders to create at least some distance. 
“Fine? You dropped to the floor and were unresponsive,” he shouts, furrowing his eyebrows from frustration as his hands grab mine. 
“I … I think my period is coming soon. The days before are always killer,” I explain, trying to convince the both of us, before feeling his worried gaze search my scattering eyes. 
“Your period?” he confirms. 
“Mmhm,” I give him a few nods, feeling his grip on my hands slowly loosen. Tucking the stray hair behind my ear, Jungkook leans closer, tracing the trail of dried tears on my face before letting out a soft sigh. 
“Okay, I believe you. I’ll always believe you, Mira,”
Please, don't.
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how-masterful · 1 year
Missy X Reader, Dhawan!Master x Reader
Summary: It's a late night after an eventful day, and in your exhaustion you muse about the Master and his chaos. But the chaos is seemingly just beginning. Notes: Here we are! The fourth annual birthday fic in a row for @plethora-of-imagines! And my first fic in a while! It's been both fun and frustrating getting back into writing, but i'm pretty happy with how this turned out- and where i'm planning for it to go! Don't worry plethora, you'll get your joust soon! Enjoy! (Also reader note, there's mention of Delgado!Master X Reader in here too, just in case that's not your thing!)
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To finally rest your head upon a pillow was bliss. The aches and pains of the day that held tight within your bones seemed to melt into the plush duvet, dispersing from your body and leaving you nothing more than an exhausted husk. Today, as ever, had been far more eventful than any plan the Master's brain (or brains? You still weren't so sure about that one) could create. 
It seemed these days, even the simplest of visits would end in a universe threatening scenario- whether it was indeed the Master threatening the universe himself was often a flip of a coin. Chaos trailed behind the Master like a shadow, a tangible shred in the fabric of the universe. No matter his reason for visiting, whatever planet he dared to step his foot onto could never be left in the same state. His compulsion for chaos prevented it. He left destruction like footprints in the sand.
You adored it. You adored him. But some days the chaos felt just that- chaos. A heavy weight that made you crave nothing more than a good night's rest.
You sighed deep into your pillow, turning onto your side as you let out a hefty sigh. Even today, what had started as a simple visit to a museum had ended with utter destruction and you being banished from a whole subsection of space. The Master had, perhaps overnight, developed a strong passion for the correct and morally appropriate relocation of artifacts to their home planets, instead of keeping them in museums on the opposite side of space. From memory, you recalled musing about how strange this new desire was, how… benevolent. The shelves in his own office were crammed and sagging in the middle from the weight of all his stolen keepsakes. Since when was he so bothered about things being where they belonged?
Then you noticed the dangerous twinkle in his eye, his hand stretching outwards to grasp hold of your own, his electrifying touch leading you down the exhibition hall and towards the large glass cabinet housing a weapon of, when put bluntly, targeted mass destruction on a single planetary scale. 
The Master's moral mission to return the artifact had been nothing more than a vehicle for destruction-the weapon was specially designed to implode the planet the moment it made contact with its unique outer crust, which was why the museum across the stars kept it in the first place. To prevent destruction. To show the universe such chaos must be prevented. Be contained. But with the shatter of glass, and a dastardly smile, the Master had taken it into his hands to wipe that planet from the map. 
“That's what they get for working with the Grand Serpent.”
He’d grinned, watching the fire from the safety of his TARDIS, one hand upon your thigh, another bringing his teacup to his lips. He’d never been fond of that slimy old copycat. You’d smiled and sipped from your own cup in return, the curl of smoke in your nostrils a familiar and oddly comforting smell. 
Your eyes fluttered shut, the darkness of your own head far more comforting than the darkness of the room. Sleep had begun to sink deep within your limbs, a welcomed relaxation as opposed to your mental debate.
The chaos, as he’d once said, was a wonderful thing. It was routine yet also unique, that strange unicorn of a lifestyle that tinged the edges of everything you knew. Chaos brewed itself in the smallest of fashions and grandest of scales. Cushions that didn’t match, eclectic mugs that filled up the cabinets, mountains of books yanked from the library and piled in precarious structures, minefields of abandoned and temperamental experimental devices that could go off at any moment scattered around the various labs in the TARDIS.
But it shone deep from within the Master's eyes, his deep browns a perilous vortex you could find yourself falling into at a moment's notice, never wishing to crawl free of him. He was a harbinger of chaos, a walking weapon of catastrophe, anarchy at his fingertips. He could send your body and soul into a frenzy as easy as destroying a dynasty. You could never want him any less.
Sometimes, however, it all became too much to handle. You needed much more rest than the Timelord could bring himself to want, need or take with the amount of adrenaline running through his system. With a kiss to your forehead, a promise to return, and a request to take full advantage of the luxuriously comfy hotel bed, the Master had returned to the labyrinth you’d lovingly called ‘The Timeline Club’- once more meeting with his former self to discuss new business. Business it was essential they’d both be able to remember.
The other Master had started to become a more prevalent part of your existence, arriving to join your plans on occasion, arriving to join your more personal excursions even more. The Master, your Master, with his wide smile and eyes that could soften to a dangerously innocent doe eyed look, had taken such pride in how willing you were to get to know his former self… intimately. A boost to the ego that could never be matched: No matter what body he was in, it seemed you were destined to find it ridiculously attractive- and you weren’t inclined to argue with his hypothesis, considering the other Masters' visits often ended in you providing damning evidence.
The long curtains that hung beside the wide window began to softly sway, caught in a gentle breeze as your brain began to slow, allowing your thoughts to soften. You’d once suggested to your Master, well, Masters now, that you'd felt an ‘off’ button to your brain would be far more effective in getting the amount of sleep you needed when running on such a tight schedule. Your younger Master (definitely younger, despite looking like he should have been the older Master- much like the brains, it was awfully confusing) had a penchant for that sort of thing, his words were able to guide you to such a wonderful rest in less than a minute. Hard as you tried, no sleep you could muster on your own had yet compared to his.
Making a space for him had been almost as easy as breathing. He was so different to your Master, so refined and stoic, yet the hold he had upon you was exactly the same. Your apprehension upon your first meeting had disappeared with the same ease that your mind had now disappeared into a needed slumber. 
That was, until, you heard it. Your eyes barely cracked open at the familiar groan. The groan of the TARDIS, wheezing and phasing into existence. The breeze upon the curtains had swelled into a storm, the fabric billowing as the furniture began to lightly rattle, the cool wind snatching away the warmth of sleep you’d worked so hard to find. 
You sat up slowly in bed, pushing the covers back with balled fists as the TARDIS finally materialized upon the far wall of the hotel room, taking the shape of an elaborate wardrobe, swirling carvings of hissing snakes deep within the mahogany wood.
“Master,” you groaned, rubbing your eyes. “You said you’d be hours, I've only just got in bed.”
The door to the wardrobe swung open, light piercing through the gap and bathing the room in a fierce purple glow. You squinted hard, your eyebrows furrowing. The Master's tardis had a red console unit light.
“Did you change the console room again?” You mumbled, rolling your shoulders. The ache from earlier in the day had finally returned to your joints.
There came no reply from within. Except for the slow click of high heels upon metal inching closer and closer.
“Not quite.”
A figure emerged, bathed in shadow, breaking the glow of the TARDIS with her silhouette. Her voice, a Scottish lilt, made your eyes snap wide open.
“But you’re not far off.”
The other wardrobe door opened, and the figure stepped out of the TARDIS and into the light. Her long brown hair was fashioned into a messy updo of curls, her piercing eyes precisely lined with deep black liner. A pale broach sat perfectly within her white collar upon her throat, her long purple skirt covered by a matching purple jacket, the tops of her sleeves puffing out like a victorian. She smiled darkly with her red rouged lips, brandishing a slender black umbrella in one hand, its metal tip digging into the carpet.
“My my, what big eyes you have.” She teased, stepping closer in her black leather heels.
“All the better to gawk and say ‘what the hell is going on?’ without actually saying anything.”
You inched back slowly, hand carefully creeping towards your phone on the nightstand. The intruder's gaze caught you immediately. She tutted lightly, before raising the umbrella in her grasp and aiming it at your phone. With a loud hiss, the phone jumped from the table and clattered to the floor, an involuntary yelp escaping you.
“That’ll do you no good, dearie.” She teased, shaking her head.
“There's no use calling him, there's no danger. He wouldn’t be so self sabotaging. I should know.”
“Who are you?” You snapped.
The intruder giggled, raising her free hand teasingly to her lips.
“Oh, he hasn’t told you? Typical men, always wanting to keep their shiny things to themselves. Such a boys club, isn’t it?”
“Answer the question.”
“I am!” The intruder replied, gesturing exasperatedly.
“No, you’re really not.”
“Uh, I really am. I’m providing indirect answers through context clues masked with sarcastic commentary! C’mon poppet, you’re letting the side down here.”
You pressed your lips together in a tight line, narrowing your gaze towards the strange woman.
The intruder sighed dramatically, placing her hands on her hips.
“Wow. He really didn’t tell you who I am? I’m offended. Seriously, totally offended. You’d think after promising to let you meet me A YEAR AGO he’d fill you in on the deetz- but no, you’ve been running around making whoopee with the silver fox for months, far too distracted to come and visit little old me!”
You opened your mouth to ask more questions, when memory got to you first. It was a partial haze, the image muddied by alcohol and exhilaration, yet you could still make out the shapes. One year ago you’d visited the Timeline Club for the first time- a year ago, you’d met your other Master for the first time. After your… antics… the Master, your Master, had carried you out and mentioned something about-
“Workshopping…” You said aloud. The intruder tilted her head like a curious cat.
“He’d said he’d be workshopping it… he said I needed to meet…”
The intruder stepped forward, reaching the edge of the bed and smirking expectantly. You looked up, awe slowly spreading across your features. You gasped softly, the tension falling from your shoulders.
“You’re… Missy?”
The Timelady hummed in approval, her hand reaching to cup your chin with her fingertips, lifting your face to meet her gaze.
“That’s Mistress to you right now, pet. We’re still getting to know each other.”
You gaped up at her, unable to pull your eyes away. You could see it within her eyes, that familiar twinkle of danger. It was the same one you saw in your Master's eyes.
“Now come along, we’ve much bonding to do, so little time.”
Missy preened, bringing her face closer to your own, leaning across the edge of the bed.
“I’ve been so looking forward to getting my hands on you, poppet. Those boys have been keeping too short a leash on you.”
The Mistress chuckled, booping the end of your nose with her fingertip.
“Now it’s my turn to have some fun.”
Missy grinned down at you. And in that smile, you saw the familiar storm of chaos.
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molly-ghuleh · 1 year
hi!!! Can I get “i think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me” with Secondo please!!!! Thank you and love your work
Kiss Prompts: "I think this is the part where you're supposed to kiss me."
Secondo x reader
Hihi thank you for the love!! And thank you for requesting Secondo my beloved <33 I got a little carried away with this one oooops
SFW! Contains: Angst, pining, implied smut but no explicit descriptions, manwhore Secondo trope, emotionally constipated Secondo, confessions, fluff and a happy ending, reader is gender neutral but there is one use of 'piccolina'
Kiss prompts
You have a... thing, with Secondo. This thing doesn't have a name, or a label, but it lives in his bed and in the heavy air inside his chamber as he makes you cry his name over and over. It's a thing that you know he shares with other Siblings of Sin, sometimes multiple at once. The thing is not special to him.
But it is to you.
It wasn't supposed to be special at first. It was just an arrangement that the two of you had (literally) stumbled into one evening after the dinner hour. Secondo had been furious at something Nihil had said and stormed out of the refectory, and you were the lucky Sibling who he practically ran over in his haste to distance himself from the old man. He had been angry and in need of a distraction, and the way his large hands grabbed your arms to keep you from falling had been enough for you to agree to join him in his bed that very night.
Apparently Secondo had enjoyed what relief you gave him, because he invited you to his bed again within a week of that incident. It became somewhat of a routine. He had been very clear from the start--it's just a form of stress relief. It's merely because your bodies reacted to another in a way that felt exquisite for you both. It is not an emotional affair in the slightest. Secondo is not an emotional man. So, you will take the little crumbs he offers you in the form of a repeated, open invitation.
But oh, how can you not fall in love with him when his aftercare is even better than the sex? He takes aftercare more seriously than he does its 'before' activity. Secondo does not allow you (or anyone) to stay the night after an evening of passion; but that doesn't mean you leave him feeling dejected or used. He is very, very careful to make sure you know he cares for you in at least some capacity. Whatever you need until you feel like you can stand on your own two feet again, he gives you. Massage? Bath or shower? Water and a snack? He does it before you can even ask. And then he'll walk you to the door, open it for you, and bid you a good night before promptly crushing your heart in his hands.
It's not just in his bedroom that you meet him. You occasionally run into him at the coffee pot in the Ministry kitchens. The first time, you'd offered to make him a cup. He told you how he takes his coffee, and you struck up a little conversation as you waited for it to brew. From there you always seemed to find a subject on which to approach him later--whether it's a sermon he plans to give, or a new type of tea you want to try, or a new tidbit of Ministry gossip (yes, he admits that he loves drama, but you are the only one who knows and he asked you to keep it that way). And at the end of each little interaction, he asks you to meet him that night, and you consider turning him down to protect your own feelings.
You come, though. Every time he invites you, you come back and you let him pulverize your heart into smaller and smaller pieces. It's your fault, really--you should've ended things with him as soon as you started to feel. Because as stellar as his aftercare is, all you can think about is having to fall asleep alone. Having to pretend you don't love him when you run into him during the day, masking your heartache with banter. How you'll never have his heart but you will always have the little smirks he gives you when you make him laugh.
The very man who holds your heart doesn't even know he's breaking it.
All of these thoughts, which you've started having every time you meet with him, swirl around your head as you come down from a rather long bout of sex with Secondo. He seems agitated tonight. He hadn't bothered with his usual bells and whistles, instead just choosing to take you in a more primal way. You've spent enough time with him (inside the bedroom and out) to know that there's something on his mind.
You decide to test your luck because your heart aches particularly hard for him this evening. "Papa," you say softly, "are you alright? You seem... distracted."
He doesn't turn his head to meet your gaze, instead choosing to close his eyes completely. The two of you lay on your backs beside one another and you desperately want to take his hand. "It is nothing, dolce."
Your heart clenches but you don't push the issue further. You take a few more breaths and steel yourself against the inevitable pain of having to leave him again. The blanket slides off your naked body as you sit up, searching for your discarded clothes on his floor. You don't have the strength to endure his tender aftercare tonight.
Secondo notices your poorly-concealed haste to dress and opens his eyes. "What do you need?" He asks too kindly.
"I... I need for you to let me go," you mutter, pulling on a sock. I need for you to let me leave tonight and I need for you not to ask me back.
"Dolce," Secondo calls after you when you stand to find your shoes. You can hear the slight confusion in his voice, still gravelly from how he growled in your ear minutes before. "Stop, and tell me what is wrong."
You turn your back to him. You can't look him in the eye when you break your own heart, because you will cry and that will be the last thing he sees of you. "I need to go."
You hear the rustling of blankets as Secondo stands. "No."
"No?" "No," he repeats. "You will stay and tell me why you are in such a hurry to leave."
You huff out a humorless laugh. "Isn't that what you want?" You snap. It comes out harsher than you'd meant--but perhaps this will be easier if he's angry at you. Easier for him, or for you?
"I want to make sure you are alright."
"I'm not," you say, your voice hitching. "I'm not, Secondo. So I need to go."
A broad hand comes to rest on your turned shoulder, and the warmth and weight of it comforts you despite your agony. "Are you hurt?" he speaks lowly. His voice is close to your ear. "Did I do something you did not like? Let me take care of you, dolce."
Secondo gently urges you to turn and face him, and you let him, but you don't meet his eyes. Instead you stare at your feet so he doesn't see the tears welling in your eyes from your shame. He's going to make you admit it.
His other hand gently curls under your chin and tilts your head up towards him. "Piccolina," he says when he sees how glassy your eyes are. The softness of his voice is like a salve on your feelings, even though you know this is just his aftercare.
"I can't do this, Papa," you say, the words tumbling from your mouth without your intent. "I need you to stop inviting me to your bed. Because I will come and it will only hurt more when you turn me away."
"I know," you cut him off, sounding more angry than you are. "I know it was supposed to be just a means to an end, but... it isn't for me. Not anymore."
You lift your chin away from his hand and turn to leave, but he catches you. He draws you into him, your back to his front and his large arms encircling you so you can't move. You release a pathetic little sob that sounds more like a whimper. "Please," you breathe.
He leans his head down so his cheek rests against your temple and his mouth is at your ear. "Stay," he whispers in the softest tone you've ever heard form him. "Stay the night."
You freeze. Did you hear that right...? "Wh-what?"
Secondo simply holds you for a moment. Silence echoes between you louder than your own rapid heartbeat in your ears. Hope blooms in your chest. It's warm and comfortable and it tugs at your soul. It tells you that all those crumbs he gave you fell from something bigger. Sweeter.
"Dolce... I have not taken another lover in months. not since you," he mutters in your ear. "You were never just a means to an end. I am sorry that it took me this long to... to accept that."
You turn in his grip, tilting your head up to look at his face. He's always been known to keep a healthy rotation of partners. You hadn't assumed that would change just because you came along, but he's telling you that it did. That with you, he feels like he doesn't need anyone else. The warm, simmering hope in your chest explodes when you meet his eyes.
The tips of his ears are red and it's the only indication that he's blushing under his smudged Papal paint. "I... do not make flowery speeches, piccolina. I cannot say I will do everything right. I may know how to seduce you but I..."
Oh, your poor, emotionally frustrated Papa. You can see the little crease between his brows deepen, and you know that he's kicking himself. "...I do not know how to do this."
You smile at him, trying to mask how badly you want to shout with elation. "I... I think this is the part where you kiss me," you whisper. "And then when you've kissed me to both our liking, you take me back to bed and hold me."
Secondo follows your rules. He takes your face in his hands and kisses you. It's a gesture free of lust or urgency, but you can also tell just how nervous he really is. You flatten your palms on his still-bare chest and his heart pounds against his ribcage. It's real, and it beats for you, just as yours beats for him.
He gently lifts you back into his bed and pulls your body against his. You settle into him, completely content, because you know you won't have to spend a night alone again.
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masterjedilenawrites · 10 months
In Other Words: Chapter 3
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Hux x fem!reader | 2k words
Content warnings: Threats, bullying, cursing, displays of anger, references to past abuse (par for the course with Hux)
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You should've taken that offer to sleep in for the day.
Your alarm went off at 5, which was already ambitiously early, but you figured you'd need the time these first few days until you got the hang of Hux's morning schedule. Dry cleaning, freshly brewed caf, and updated reports were just a few of the items you'd need to have prepared before his day would officially start at 7.
But no sooner did you turn off your alarm and rub at your eyes a bit did another sound start emanating frantically from your holo pad.
Messages from Hux, about six in a row, lit up the screen and you blinked through your fatigue trying to keep up with them all. Something about a change in plans for the day, needing some of his meetings rescheduled, and all due to the arrival of...
"Ren?" you muttered to yourself, not immediately placing the name and first thinking it was some sort of acronym or First Order slang you'd never heard of. And then you yawned and re-read the message.
Oh kriff, Ren.
Your stomach started turning over and over itself, like the time you'd stumbled down a hill and couldn't seem to stop yourself from rolling helplessly - and painfully - over until you'd reached the bottom. The panic you'd felt the first time you were in Hux's office was threatening to overtake you again. This was all too real. Too much. You didn't want to be here. You didn't want to be here.
You didn't want to be here.
You swung your legs over the side of the bed and planted your feet firmly on the floor. You forced yourself to take a long, deep breath. And then you made yourself take another. A slow and patient inhale, a steady and calm exhale. Again. Inhale, exhale. It wasn't long before your nerves stopped buzzing and you felt in control again.
It was one thing to be working for the General of your enemies, it was another entirely to be near the fearsome Force user known as Kylo Ren. You would have to be careful, lest he detect the conflict and fear within you. You didn't survive a week of torture to simply be ousted by the Force. And besides, it wasn't just about you, but protecting your friend's life as well.
Oh, Nat. You sighed, knowing you owed her a follow up conversation. To clear the air. Get back to being on the same side again. Whether it was her fault you were here or not, it was all water under the bridge at this point. All that mattered now was your mutual survival, and you'd get nowhere without each other.
You hurried through your own morning ritual, getting cleaned up and dressed as best you could in the little space they'd given you for a room. Two more messages from Hux popped up along the way and you quickly offered reassuring responses. You were on it. No worries. Right away, sir. General.
* * *
It wasn't that Hux cared about Ren and what he thought. On the contrary, the bastard could disappear from existence tomorrow and Hux wouldn't even be bothered by it. It's not like the First Order needed him, anyway. Operations would continue as usual, wouldn't even skip a beat. The Supreme Leader was the only one who cared, for whatever reason. Something about the Force and other sorts of nonsense.
No, Hux didn't care about Ren. He just really, really hated him.
And that was why plans were being shuffled around, meetings canceled, extra wax added to the floors. He couldn't have Ren getting in the way of things, and he certainly wasn't interested in being served a dish of hotheaded, snarky criticism, either. Phasma got it. She'd have already redirected most of the troops to a training simulation on a different floor for the day. He just prayed to whatever god was available that this new assistant of his would understand what he meant by needing his "good coat" today.
She arrived on time; impressive, considering he'd moved that time up a couple hours early, and on her first official day, no less. But that was all. She did not have his good coat, the one that would whoosh behind him dramatically as he crossed the hangar to greet Ren. Hux sighed in frustration as he was handed his stiff, ceremonial wool coat instead.
"Oh no. Did I get the wrong one?" she asked, not seeming too overly panicked or remorseful.
"It's fine," he huffed, not having time to care about it further. He hoisted the thing on, hating how the stiff wool made him feel more trapped than he already was.
"Did you still want your coffee, or...?" she asked next, gesturing to a lidded cup she'd set down nearby.
He brushed that off, too.
"No, I can't drink anything right now," he mumbled. His stomach felt like it had shriveled up, and that even one drop of something would surely be too much to handle. But that wasn't the sort of thing he needed to explain in detail to an assistant. Or anyone for that matter.
He kept his jaw locked and his focused on keeping his heart rate under control. All he had to do was get through the next hour or so, and then Ren would retreat to his own quarters. Or if the universe was being really kind, he'd have another mission to go on and would leave right away.
Hux led the way down the corridors to the hangar. A few other lower level officers trailed behind, ready to attend to whatever Ren needed upon his arrival. Hux glanced behind at his own assistant whenever they turned a corner, noting how obliviously calm she was. He envied her.
They reached the hangar just as Ren's ship flew in. Most of the crew rushed up to where the craft would touch down, while Hux elected to stand further back. Not only did he not have his good swooshing coat, but he was also just didn't care. Make the bastard walk to him, not the other way around.
He could feel his assistant standing beside him, just outside his periphery. And as he watched Ren's ship land, wings folding neatly upwards, trails of smoke hissing from hydraulic legs, he was overcome with a thought. A feeling, really. It was always a mystery how Ren would present himself, if he'd be in a mood or somewhat akin to normal. Either way, the man always had the potential to be dangerous. What if he tried to interfere with this experiment with the defectors? What if he mocked Hux for allowing a potential spy so close? Or worse?
No, no he couldn't have her near him.
"Lieutenant, you may proceed with your rounds now," he turned to her. She looked at him with wide, questioning eyes, undoubtedly surprised by his sudden directive. "I don't know how long I'll be tied up with this, so just make sure to have your reports on my desk by the end of the day and we'll reconvene tomorrow."
He turned back around to see the ramp of Ren's ship starting to lower. He still felt her nearby, shifting a bit, probably out of nervousness. He hadn't yet walked her through how the rounds should go, hadn't even notified any of the departments about her, but there was simply no time. He was nervous, too. Ren would be coming down any moment.
"Go," he snapped.
Thankfully she finally hastened off, as Ren was, in fact, in a mood.
A really, really bad one.
"I need a battalion of troopers ready to go in one hour," the modulated voice of Kylo Ren echoed across the hangar as the masked man marched down the ramp. Who he was giving orders to? Unclear. Hux continued to stand where he was several feet away. "And I want whatever fool suggested we visit kriffing Clonu to show themselves!"
The teams of officers, mechanics, and security personnel around the hangar bay hesitated in their efforts to move forward with their jobs. Ren was continuing to march along, headed for the hallway out, so Hux just waved a hand at them to continue.
"Bad trip?" he asked with as straight a face he could manage. Though Ren's temper could be unsafe, it was also amusing. Hux would gladly take screamed threats and sparks flying in his face if it showed just how out of control, how powerless, Ren was compared to him.
Ren did not answer Hux, just continued to stomp by him. Hux ground his teeth as he was forced to skip a little just to catch up and fall into step beside him.
"And what's this about a battalion?" Hux went ahead and asked, though he would much rather not be the one without necessary information between them.
"The map wasn't on Clonu. But you know what was?" Ren stopped abruptly and whirled on Hux. "An ambush. Those rebels knew we were coming, and now one of my knights is dead!"
His voice, his anger, was rising with every word.
"One of your officers gave us that location and I want to know why. And then I want a battalion ready for my revenge!"
Ren whirled back around and made a beeline for the lifts... the lift, the one that led to the comms room for the Supreme Leader. Hux gulped. If Ren lost control in there, no one would see it but him. And that would make any lash that much more painful to bear.
And yet, he still hastened to follow. Ren couldn't just strut about demanding things. He'd have to plead his case to the Supreme Leader.
"A battalion is hardly keeping a low profile, Ren," Hux spat just as the doors closed behind them. He tried not to think about how much he hated lifts and instead focused on how much he hated the man he was sharing it with. "Raids and skirmishes, that's what the--"
"As if you understand what Leader Snoke wants." Ren turned to face him, his dark, fearsome mask just inches away from Hux's face. "As if it wasn't your incompetence that led to this mess."
"My incom--" Hux was in the middle of scoffing when Ren's fist came slamming down against the wall by his head.
"Don't try to snivel your way out of this one, you filthy runt."
Hux had heard worse, but oh how he loathed that he flinched. Though Ren's mask covered his features, he knew the bastard was smirking about it.
"If you won't serve me your traitor's head, then I'll cut it off myself, even if I have to make my way down the line to find the right one."
Hux set his jaw, determined not to let any of this get under his skin. "I will not--"
"Coward!" Ren yelled, bringing his fist down again for emphasis and causing Hux to flinch yet again. Hux frowned deeply as Ren continued to crowd him in the corner of the lift, breathing heavily, threats of worse to come if Hux dared to push further.
And so he didn't. This position wasn't new to him; he knew better than any which fights were with having. And this one, over some sort of paranoid nonsense, without any sort of back up or witnesses, was most assuredly not worth even his pride.
Ren took the hint and slowly backed off with a demeaning scoff. The lift began to slow as well, nearing its destination.
"We'll see what Leader Snoke has to say about this, hm?" Ren sneered.
Hux stood there feeling like a scolded child, his gaze set straight ahead and his jaw clenched so tightly he could already feel a headache coming on.
And not for the first time since they'd entered the lift, though it was quite a strange thought to keep having given the circumstances, Hux was grateful he'd sent his assistant away when he did. His instincts had been right. If Ren was this worked up over a logistics officer giving him bad information, then he certainly would've had a shit fit over a resistance deserter.
Best keep that one close to the chest, Hux decided, even at the expense of whatever demands would have to be met today.
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