#oracle deck interview
vacantwoodsenthusiast · 4 months
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A new deck means a new deck interview and this time the deck did some serious talk back.
Deck is the @uusidesignstudio #supraoracle and is probably the most alchemical deck I have ever worked with. Inspired by medieval gnosticism and jungian psychology, I am utterly enamored by this deck.
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dent-de-leon · 2 months
Taliesin: “[Asha] is hunger and violence. There’s one of the cards of in the Moonweaver’s—in Jester and Molly’s oracle deck—that is Hunger and Sacrifice, and it’s an undead skeleton piercing a wolf with a spear, and the wolf is attacking and eating the skeleton, and it’s…it was always meant to be a conversation between the human intelligence and the natural world. You know, the world is hungry, and—human sacrifice. Humans take things and remove them, to make new things…”
Some Taliesin insight on one of Molly’s tarot cards, I thought it was really interesting that he talked about it while discussing Asha’s character :,)
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oraclekleo · 8 months
Tarot of Casanova Deck Interview
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Hello my dear followers!
Recently I have introduced you to my 18+ section of my tarot and oracle deck collection and one of my favourite decks is the Tarot of Casanova. I like to use it, it’s very intuitive and resonating for me and my readings, whether I use it to get an insight for myself or for querents.
I also mentioned several times that one of the rituals I like to do with a new deck is to interview it. Well… I was so eager to start doing readings with the Tarot of Casanova that I forgot to interview it when I got it.
It’s not a problem at all. Anyone can interview any tarot or oracle (or Lenormand, Kipper, Runic, etc.) deck at any point. You can interview a deck you have for many years. It’s supposed to be a sort of a bonding experience, a little check up on how you click with your deck, how it resonates with your personal vibe, and what kinds of readings it can assist you most effectively.
In my psycho-analytical stream of tarot, the interview can tell me what kind of information the deck can best bring to my attention.
Anyway! I have decided to correct my mistake of not doing the interview with the Tarot of Casanova and at the same time show you how it can look like. 
There are many spreads that can be used for interviewing your deck. I personally used the three below in the past.
What is Your Nature?
What are Your Strengths as a Deck?
What are Your Weaknesses as a Deck?
How will You challenge Me?
What do You require from Me?
Our Relationship as a Whole
How will You help Me to grow?
What are some characteristics of your personality?
What qualities do you find most important in a tarot reader?
What are you most determined to reveal?
What types of readings are you most confident about?
What types of readings do you prefer not to answer?
What will our relationship be like?
How can I earn your respect?
What is something I should know about you?
What is your energy like?
What are your strengths?
What are your weaknesses?
What will characterise our collaboration?
How can I best learn from you?
What types of readings best suit you?
What guidance can you offer me right now?
As you can see, they are pretty long and detailed but for my purposes, I have come up with a shorter version of a deck interview.
What is your general vibe?
What kind of readings suit you best?
What do you think about me as a tarot reader?
How can we best collaborate?
Any message you have for me right now.
The last one is completely optional. Well… The whole interview is optional, I mean, nobody is going to force you to do a reading you don’t want to do. 😀
I’m going to use this last shortened version of the interview with my Tarot of Casanova.
It’s an erotic themed deck and I will include the pic of the cards.
If you feel in any way uncomfortable with it, please do not read any further.
For the rest of us who actually like cards with naked people depicted on them -
Tarot of Casanova Deck Interview
What is your general vibe? - 8 of Wands, 9 of Wands
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This tarot deck is both easy-going, getting straight to the point and a mature type of a tarot deck that fears nothing. No matter the reading, this deck will get to the bottom of the matter fast and furious, drilling through the layers of nonsense to discover the bare truth. This deck takes no fuss, it comes without a filter. It’s not going to sugarcoat the reality, it’s not going to pat anyone on the shoulder. It’s more of a shining-a-lamp-into-your-eyes-and-yelling-at-you type of a deck. It surely is a sexy deck but at the same time it never stays silent about possibly problematic aspects of interpersonal relationships or about the darker desires, especially if they are shared among the subjects of the reading.
What kind of readings suit you best? - III The Empress, VIII Justice
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I’m gonna refer you to the part above. This is a straightforward deck and it really likes readings that encourage individuals to own their power, their desires and become more confident about themselves. I mentioned it in the short deck description that I get the women power type of vibe from the deck and it shows here, too. This deck likes readings which show the beauty and joy of sexual desires, destigmatize sexuality as such, and help to feel better about anyone’s fantasies. The BHS tarot readings clearly suit it well, this is the deck to bring more balance into the life by pointing out that women (or anyone) are allowed to also feel horny, thirsty, have naughty thoughts, undress attractive people in their mind, feel hot and bothered. It’s okay for anyone to experience sexual desire, to enjoy sexuality in any form (consensual, of course). Nobody is less of a respectful person if they experience sexual desire.
What do you think about me as a tarot reader? - Knight of Wands, King of Pentacles
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Lol! Knight of Wands is somewhat my significator card. Sometimes it's the Queen of Wands, sometimes the Knight, it depends on the mood. Anyway! Casanova clearly sees me as someone both quick witted and fun but also very responsible and well grounded. I’m clearly a tarot reader who doesn’t take myself too seriously but at same time I have a certain quiet and deeply rooted confidence when it comes to my practice due to my hard work and considerable experience in the field. I’m open to new ideas but I don’t just jump on any boat, I always thoroughly consider how it fits into my personal philosophy.
How can we best collaborate? - XIX The Sun, 3 of Wands
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It all looks sunny, I’m gonna tell you that! 😂 It seems like we still have a lot to unpack with my Casanova deck and it’s gonna be a pleasurable ride. It has managed to seduce me perfectly by now and we can really have meaningful relationships and collaborations together now. This deck is likely to encourage me to seek more pleasure in readings. All the insights are likely to come with a blinding glare, so clear and shining, as direct and to the point as Casanova’s hand on that 3 of Wands card. 😜
Any message you have for me right now. - XI Strength, II The High Priestess
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And the final message talking of personal power and wisdom, how nice. I really love my Casanova deck. 💋 I think the message here is for me to never lose courage and passion when it comes to tarot and gaining wisdom. It’s likely to encourage me to further deepen my knowledge, possibly even use the Casanova deck in combination with other techniques that help to peek behind the veil of the unknown. The High Priestess is just oozing a total confidence and comfort here, pretty much a guardian of the secrets behind the curtain but at the same time a sensual and self-aware woman, knowing that person standing in front of her is as much eager to lift the curtain as they are eager to pull the sheets she’s wrapped in away from her and reveal her beauty. I guess there are simply multiple mysteries and levels of unknown, some bring instant gratification and some might be only the first step on a journey. None of them is more or less important in life, both kinds are needed.
What do you think about this interview? Do you interview your tarot cards? Let me know your thoughts!
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hocus-focus · 2 years
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23|Jan|2023 Pics from my deck interview with the Cosma Visions Oracle last week. Pleeeease zoom in to see the gorgeous art on those cards. Despite being an oracle deck, its structure is very similar to traditional tarot, with a major arcana and four minor suits (plus a bonus fifth suit that reflects the traditional court cards). My favorite detail is that the minor arcana form a cohesive image and narrative when you lay them out in order. For obvious reasons, I was obsessed with this deck for like a year before finally getting it.
Deck: Cosma Visions Oracle by James R. Eads
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hariedgarpalacio · 1 month
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hermitsmirror · 6 months
Deck interview: Apothecary Spirits Oracle
The Apothecary Spirits Oracle is an as-yet unpublished collaboration that I’ve created with Eric Maille and Michael Anthony of The Diviner Life to celebrate the wisdom and healing magic of herbalism.
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The original concept of the deck started as gay flower fairies, and I was going to create a playful, sexy deck to honor my Venusian natal chart, but then I realized I wanted to make something useful more than I wanted to make something silly. (That’s a separate healing journey.) Plant magic was how I entered into the world of witchery and spiritual questing, but I largely abandoned it until recently, so it’s been nice to see it come back into my life in a new way. Sure, it was there in the background, but I wasn’t doing much with it proactively. And Michael, a trained herbalist, has brought practical knowledge to this oracle deck that’s been so lovingly illustrated by Eric.
If you’re wondering what my part is beyond initial ideation, it includes project coordination, layout design, editing, communicating with the printers, and shipping. But the most interesting part for you as the user is a thorough early section of the guidebook on using the deck for divination, from single-card prompts to forecasting and more in-depth spreads. My chonky section is really a guide to using oracle decks in general because I wanted to include the type of information I wish I had had when first conducting oracle card readings. So now the world gets that knowledge without having to spend years figuring it out on their own, not that there’s anything wrong with experimenting, as the deck will show us.
If you want to read that and see the deck come to life as more than a prototype, you can back our project on Kickstarter. It's funded but we're still stretching from now until April 19!
I used my own deck interview spread, which you can find explained on my blog.
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What major lesson are you here to help me learn? Coffee
Through which divine energy can we best communicate? Gardening Tools
In what area can you aid me to help others? Vinegar
In what area could your guidance be easily misunderstood? Ghost Pipe
What can I do to keep our communication clear? Measuring Spoons
How can I use your guidance for the highest good? Lily of the Valley
How will I know when we’re ready for a new lesson? Garlic
What a delightful return to deck interviewing the Apothecary Spirits Oracle has provided me. As a deck I’ve been working on and discussing with two other creators for nearly two years, I’m very familiar with what our intentions behind the project have been, so it’s nice to see where my own personal connection reflects that while also diverging in some surprising ways, notably in the appearance of Coffee in the first position.
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Coffee is the card of passion and excitement and a lust for life. There are other cards that might mean passion in different contexts, but coffee is very much an elixir of life for me, a necessary start to my mornings and a real pleasure midday. I have no doubt that I’m addicted to its caffeine, but I actually don’t drink that much coffee; I just drink it regularly, and I love it. Good coffee—not just a quick pot of whatever’s convenient—is one of the few luxuries I indulge in regularly, and I like how the deck is reminding me of how important that indulgence is but how it's only a part of the puzzle.
I’ve been thinking a lot about what excites me and what I want to be doing in my free time rather than simply going through the lists of tasks I assign myself. It’s a methodical way of going through life, but it’s hardly fun. This deck is a reminder of how fun it is to create and play and work in partnership with others. This last part is intriguing since I’ve restarted deck interviews for that exact reason, the desire to connect with others—you the readers, who are interested in how they could be using other decks, and the creators themselves.
This excitement and my use of the deck overall—much like my coffee intake—needs to be measured and proportionate. It’s about helping others to heal and maintain their own inner work, the lesson of Vinegar, not about wallowing, a downfall of Ghost Pipe. This is surprising to me for more than just the apparent paradox of encouraging a lust for life and the need for moderation. It’s surprising to me because Ghost Pipe was one of the first three cards we worked on. To get a sense that we were all on the same page, I suggested we do a card of wisdom, a card of desire, and a card of mourning. The specific choice of mourning was a nod to the queer experience of loss since this is an inherently and sometimes explicitly (not that kind of explicit) queer deck. And although there’s a lot of beauty and life to celebrate, there’s been a history of death and loss as well, and I wanted to make sure that we weren’t skipping over that for light and love.
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But of course Nature is nothing if not balanced, and you can’t wallow in loss when there’s so much life to live. This is a healing deck, but it may not be a shadow work deck, at least not for me. It’s so much more about supporting the maintenance of life. Herbalism as a general practice is very much rooted in prevention and administering early correctives to help rediscover healthy balance and natural flow. While there may be loss, there’s no point in focusing on it except for how it’s affecting the present. Acknowledge it, help process it, and move on.
The “higher cards” of Gardening Tools and Lily of the Valley are also a bit of a pleasant surprise for me. I associate both of them with Eric since he wanted to include green carnations somewhere in the deck (they’re in the basket) and his favorite flower is Lily of the Valley. For me, I would have expected to see Lily of the Valley in the second position as it’s a card of wonder and curiosity and of fairy magic (as well as the dangers posed by that), while the Gardening Tools card doesn’t feel especially magical or divine. As the card of planning and preparation, it feels the least connected to the magic of the earth itself and the fey goddess work that I had originally thought I was working toward with my original deck concept. But I’m reminded of my strongest spirit guide, Vulcan, a craftsman (and fiery destroyer), and there’s something divinely inspired by the Fibonacci spiral, the perfection of heavenly ideals found in mundane form. Remembering the distinction between the plant spirits of this Apothecary Spirits Oracle and the plants themselves seems key here. They are related but not the same thing. The plant (or fungus or tool) is an entry point, but it’s As above, so below, not As below, it is what it is.
And as for what happens next with the deck? Garlic as the card of everyday magic feels like a clear sign for kitchen witchery. This deck will no doubt encourage me to reinvigorate life and reconnect with my passions, such as art and plants, while also inspiring me to rekindle the magic of the kitchen. And that’s a lesson I am excited to take on. See? The excitement begins already.
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the-place-i-escape-to · 10 months
Did an interview with the oracle deck and this is the card I got after pooling it
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canceraquariuscancer · 4 months
☀️ hi! this is my first collective reading, i’m doing this spontaneously (i should be asleep i have work in the afternoon 😭) i chose to do a career one because i have an interview for a second job tomorrow
☀️ please give feedback, either in replies or dms <3
🪻 take what resonates! if none of the piles resonate, this reading may not be for you 🪻
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1. turtle 2. duck 3. rain cloud
decks: cat tarot, prism oracle
🐢 pile 1
cards: faith, space, 8 of wands, temperance, the empress
if you currently have a job, find a balance in your work life and home life. it’s okay to take space away from something you love doing to benefit yourself emotionally and/or mentally.
if you do not have a job, or are currently looking for a job, trust yourself and the decisions you’re making. some of you may be wanting to jump into something and some of you may want to take time finding a job, and both are completely okay. you know you best and if going for it is what you believe will help you, then do just that.
🦆 pile 2
cards: anger, mystery, queen of wands, justice, ace of cups reversed
i get the feeling most people who chose this pile don’t have a job. this is your sign to get one 😭 the tarot cards flew out so fast, i could feel the frustration through them. i’m not going to assume or call the people who chose this pile and don’t have a job are “lazy” or anything, it could be due to various reasons like fear of rejection or no one hiring you even though they’re looking for people and it’s just a chili’s or something, but i think you should channel the anger into confidence and really push for why you should be hired wherever. if you fully believe you are qualified for the job you’re applying to, tell them exactly why and say it with assertiveness! you DO deserve that job! don’t let your fears get in your way
🌧️ pile 3
cards: balance, protection, 8 of wands reversed, 3 of wands, the lovers reversed, the hanged man
i feel like you’ve done pretty well at keeping a balance with work and life, but that balance has run stale: you’re not getting anywhere at work. you’re not being treated unfairly per se, but you’re not being rewarded for your work either. the 8 of wands fell out of the deck and bounced into the reversed position 😭 if your job isn’t recognizing your work and rewarding you, leave (within reason, have a plan b job. don’t do anything too spontaneous.) there are better places for you to go - places that will be fairer and considerate to you and your work ethic
🪻 i hope y’all enjoyed! again, take what resonates <3 🪻
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divine-crows · 20 days
10 Ideas for When You Want to Practice Divination but 'Don't Have a Good Reason to'
Sometimes you just get an urge to do some tarot, or the urge to mess with runes, but there's nothing you really want or need out of it. So I came up with some ideas that scratch the divination magic itch!
To note: for most of these prompts I will be referring to "cards" since I prefer cartomancy the most, however most of these ideas can be adapted into other forms of divination.
1. Artwork
I love drawing a random tarot card and making a quick and easy collage. Or sometimes I let the cards pick a prompt for me!
2. Make your own oracle cards/make your own form of divination
You can create your own themes, give the cards a specific use, or even just make some cards meant for witchy decoration-- do whatever you please! Likewise, you can also create your own divination system using items, symbolism, or "runic" imagery.
3. "Hang out" with your preferred divination device
I like to sit with my cards and admire the artwork, or sometimes I'll watch a movie while randomly shuffling them. It helps me feel connected to them!
4. Conduct an "interview"
Since my preferred method of divination is my tarot cards, I'll typically ask them to give me a reversed card for 'no' and a right-side-up card for 'yes'. I'll then proceed to ask it whatever questions pop into my mind. Sometimes I'll even ask it questions about myself. You can definitely adapt this idea into other forms of divination and give it a try!
Pick a card and then pick a song you feel fits the vibe of the card the most. Keep doing this until you have a full fledged playlist!
5. Make a divination-led playlist!
6. Learn a new form of divination
To name a few for inspiration: Aeromancy, Bibliomancy, Carromancy, Curiomancy, Cubomancy, Dowsing, Dream Interpretation, Scrying, Palmistry.
Please note that some forms of divination may be closely tied to closed practices and cultures and should be treated with respect.
7. Create "companion" cards for your tarot deck OR "companion runes" for rune casting!
This one coincides with idea #2 but it's a concept I love. The idea is you add new symbolic cards/runes based on preference, personal ideas, etc. It's a great way to make your deck feel even more personal to you! You could even find preexisting runes/cards and add those in if you're unsure about creating your own.
8. Make your own divination spreads
Even if you won't nessicarily use them in the moment, or even if you have a lot of spreads saved-- you can still have fun coming up with your own and writing them down to test out in the future! Think about hobbies, interests, or themes you like to inspire you.
9. Multi divination tool readings
Sometimes its fun to figure out how you can use multiple forms of divination. Write down some ideas in your grimoire on how you can possibly incorporate multiple methods so you can test it out in the future!
10. Try to predict your dreams
This one may not be a big favorite for everyone (especially considering you can argue that you'll subconsciously make your dream turn out a certain way because of your reading), but it was a fun activity i used to do when I was a beginner and needed an excuse to practice my skills! I usually would just ask a baseline question like "what will my dream look like overall?" And then from there I would ask more questions to get an idea of what it would look like.
I hope my list of ideas were helpful for anyone in a divination slump! I understand they may not be helpful for everyone so feel free to make your own posts with your own ideas! Likewise feel free to comment any other ideas.
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Reading for others and Selling your Readings
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So, you want to start reading for others and possibly selling your readings? Well you came to the right place. This post piggy backs off a google class I created on my discord pages, and today I will be going over tips and tricks for success and how to start making a side hustle out of divination! This is going to be a very tarot forward post, however this can be integrated into really any form of divination, the interview process for example is not reserved for only tarot and oracle cards! Big note: Make sure you are aware of your countries, state, and county laws revolving around divination. In some places its still illegal and criminalized and there is no point going to jail over this. Instead its best to raise awareness and talk to your local representatives about the issue.
The slides we will be using today
Part One: Knowing
The first section is all about getting started, and most great readers I can think of have 3 key things they recommened
Know your deck - What this means is actually taking the time to interview your deck and get to know its strengths, limitations, and how it will connect to your readings. When you understand your tarot cards voice, you are better able to apply messages for other people.
How do I interview my deck? To design an interview you need to create a spread that answers a few questions like "what are your strengths and weaknesses", "How do you prefer to speak to me?" and "How can I best listen and apply your advice?" Optionally it is always good to add sections asking the deck if it can read for other people, if it can read on the divine, and if it can process information that is changing.
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My personal favorite is the one I am listing below.
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2. Knowing your skills - This section is all about identifying your own strengths and weaknesses. Do you not really dabble in spirit work so you cant do spirit ID's? do you work with a trickster god so your decks often go missing? Do you simply just hate doing love readings and they bring you agony? All of these things are really valid, and its good to be honest with yourself. Start by picking out types of readings you enjoy, readings you maybe don't love or aren't skilled at yet, and then readings you just wont do. The ones in the middle category can always be worked on and expanded you may find you love them, but the ones that you just hate doing don't have to come at a cost just be honest and not offer them as a service. Another major aspect is personal associations to cards, Its important that as your using divination to make notes of personal associations you have to things, or how you interpret art on the card. This can help you better connect readings to your skills and give a more unique experience
3. Knowing your client - this is important simply for a marketing standpoint. If you are really good at deity readings it may be better to advertise your work on deity related servers rather than just spiritual ones. If you are a jack of all trades that may be vice versa. When you nail down the readings you love and hate doing you start to learn where you can successfully advertise to attract people who love the readings you do
Some important things and tips I can give as a tarot reader is to trust your intuition, and understand your skill level. When it comes to intuition some of the biggest blocks I see people have is "Well the reading isn't resonating with my spirit like usual" and its actually a really common thing! When people are transitioning to read for other people we become so used to getting that intuitive feeling that the cards just 'fit' but because the reading isn't *for* us we get an uncomfortable empty feeling or second guess ourselves. Have faith that your intuition is still working, just not on your behalf. Relax! If the client lets you know that it didn't resonate that's ok! Its a learning opportunity, it just means you have to re-look at the cards to find details you may have missed. With that also said, sometimes you are going to get a gut feeling that something is just not right, it will be different than that empty feeling or the little nagging self doubt voice. It usually comes as a whisper, a hand tremble, or sharpness in your spine that lets you know to redraw the card.
Another big thing that follows up with the third point is about your own skill level. The reason why there is so much emphasis on it is because your level will determine what readings you do, how much you charge for them, and how long it will take you to preform the reading. Its important that you are charging appropriately for practices, disclosing when you are new to something, or when you just aren't comfortable doing a type of reading for someone yet. It is always ok to say 'no' especially when a reading is out of your skill range.
Another really big thing to this is Practice, like I mentioned about finding your skill level so that leads me to another point:
Where can I go to find people to practice on?
In most cases, if you are a person of the internet you have a ton of options! There are dozens of discord servers and forums where you can practice your skills with people willing to trade or looking for free readings. Its best to avoid places like Instagram, tic tok, or amino for the time being because those places are more for building up a business rather than seeking out people to practice with. This is mainly because you will likely get overwhelmed with people trying to get free readings out of you, and servers usually have moderators that can help protect the peace while you are still learning.
A big thing I see is also about how to source tools for divination, lets say your in the broom closet and want to practice giving tarot readings but cant use physical cards, you can offer up readings using a digital deck (just make sure to disclose that) and get your practice in that way.
Part Two: Planning
Lets look at the aspects of giving a reading, We need to remember that for a lot of people divination is not only just an aspect of their spirituality but also a business for a lot of people. Some of the best readers I know actually aren't spiritual at all, but give such quality readings because they chose the study the psychology behind giving a reading. On the flip side, some of the best readings I have ever received was when the person was in tune with me spiritually, and got to know my beliefs as a client. It is a fine line for most people, and what makes these groups one in the same is they both took the time to really break in their practice, and see divination like an art form.
What are some things to note on the spiritual side?
Spiritually, we as readers are taking the time to use our tools to connect to the other side. Whether you believe tarot reads on paths, futures, or simply psychology, it can be a spiritual experience overall. I want it to be known even a complete atheist can still enjoy giving and practicing with divination, because at the end of the day you don't have to be any "type" of spiritual to practice.
Divination can be used to help other people through problems by offering another perspective, and as a reader that is a really fulfilling thing! Its nice when we can help others to see things they cant yet. Its also exciting to engage with the different questions a human can be faced with about life. As a reader there are so many beautiful solutions to problems, and divination can help with that!
Most commonly sold methods: Tarot, Oracle, and Runes
Most common services (as of 2022): Love readings, Yes/No questions, Deity and spirit questions
Ethical considerations and quirks are an important thing to cultivate as a reader. Its important to figure out where your ethics lie. Are you comfortable reading on a third party? Are you comfortable doing blind readings? What sort of things can you offer that would make you unique? As a general rule of thumb, its good to plan this out while you practice to see if anything is invoked in you. As you research different styles of readings you may find preset ethical takes online, some you will vibe with, others you will not. Take the information and evaluate it as you practice. Another big thing is confidentiality, if a reading begins to expose a deeper thing its best to talk to your client or leave it be if it isn't an immediate cause for concern.
Note: sometimes you get some seriously sick people asking for readings, confidentiality is great, however if someone is breaking the law or confessing a crime to you it is a good idea to stay calm, and report it to law enforcement if you can. It gets really difficult if the person is in another country and you are just reading online, but you can still pass it on to law enforcement who can possibly notify that countries police system. Above all else: If someone is making you feel uncomfortable you have every right to say no, block them, and move on. If it is someone physically with you like at a school or workplace setting who is making you uncomfortable, you have every right to deny service and seek out someone higher up who can help create distance between you and the other person. safety comes first.
What are some things to note on the business side?
On the business side, not only are we assisting other people, however we are also assisting ourselves. It is amazing when we can take something that brings us so much joy and use it to help turn a profit. When you begin actually selling your readings, you will come to find that a lot of math and marketing is involved like calculating where you want to be, how much to charge per card, how much to charge for other practices, how to market yourself to the world, its all things we have to factor when we are trying to make a side hustle out of this. Above all else, take care of you first! Make sure that you are keeping your energy and mental health in mind as you go through this journey
Average Pricings: $1-2 per card when first starting, averaging $3-4 a card, and on the high end some readers charge up to $17 per card. Usually pricings for spreads start at $5 per 3 cards, $10 per 10 cards, and $20 upcharges for voice chat or in person sessions. The average in person tarot reader will charge $70 per 45 min session
Average market: Highest money comes from tic tok, facebook, and instagram
Average Demographic: Usually within the ages of 23-35, mainly metropolitan areas
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What are some things that makes a reader unique?
Style - Having a style or theme when it comes to how you present your readings is a wonderful thing. It not only makes you more recognizable, but it also draws clients in who are curious
Presentation - How you actually present your readings is important. If you are physically speaking to someone laying your cards so its facing the client adds a special touch, if you are trying to layer paragraphs online making sure they look cohesive with correct grammar and paragraph indentation is amazing
Timing - How long you can produce readings and with how much information can be used to set you apart from other readers. Plenty of readers upcharge for 'same day' readings, or charge more for blind readings because more intuition is being used
Extras - If you are willing to provide extras, online you can create custom spreads, crystal grid photos that represent the readings, or physically offer candy or for the client to pick their own deck
Personality - Having good customer service can apply to readings too, establishing your unique personality to a client is wonderful. Whether your setting up a 'no-nonsense' vibe or are smiling ear to ear, you can connect it to the deck the client vibes the most with.
Options - Providing options and some sort of consultation phase is a great way to start a dialogue between you and your client, giving plenty of room to ask questions and be honest about what's going on sets a really good mood for both of yall.
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Part Three: Doing
In this section we will be going over the most important things to remember while we are practicing, growing, and learning.
Always remember:
Your boundaries - The things you are willing and not willing to read on
Trends - What readings are the most profitable right now, why? Do you want to partake in them or not?
Clients - What types of clients do you tend to get? Do they tend to prefer a specific reading or style? Do you tend to get returning business or mainly one-off readings?
Where you promote - Where you promote is what you attract, so keep surveying the data analytics for what is most popular. For example: Psychics in Vegas tend to get the most skeptic readings, Beverly hills gets the most amount of pet readings, and Instagram pages tend to offer love readings the most
A big tip I have for new readers are on 3 things, time, spirits, and progress. When it comes to time make sure you are picking ways to charge for everything whether its VC, text, or in house, make sure you aren't running your clock and have methods to lead a conversation if a client is taking up a lot of time with stories that don't exactly apply. Next when it comes to spirits and deities it is important that you wait on those types of readings until you have protections and adequate research on different types of deities and spirits as to not possibly bring danger to yourself, clients, and are giving accurate information that preserves the cultures these being originate from. Finally when it comes to progress I recognize that it can be hard learning to say no, developing a back bone, and wanting to do more with your readings, just ride the wave as it comes! This takes time and I promise the more you work on your skills the more likely you are to succeed. Just make sure you are always honest with your clients and with yourself when you need to take a break.
What are some bad habits people should avoid?
Over cleansing - Sometimes we create this idea that you need to be triple cleansing in between each and every client, but in actuality this can create fatigue on our decks. Its kind of like showers: Some people shower daily just to get the gunk off, but they might not wash their hair or use a scrub every single shower because it strips the good oils from our hair and skin. Tarot can be the same, over cleansing it can strip it of energy. Its best to talk to your cards, have a charging station at the ready, and keep tabs on how they are feeling
overbooking - If you are currently enrolled in school full time, or have a full time job, it isn't realistic to take every single client at all hours of the day, that is the fastest way to divination burn out. Stager out clients between your real world schedule and set up a system that gives you time to transition.
Overdoing - Don't offer more than you can put out. Don't promise to do a 15 card spread in 30 min if you know your readings take longer. Don't offer freebies willy nilly because then it becomes an expectation. Make sure that you are properly valuing your work based off how long it takes you to create that product. At the end of the day you are offering a service, treat it like such!
Final Words
The divination community is an incredibly vast one that features all sorts of people, businesses, and more. Relax! This journey is a rewarding one, don't take it so serious that you start to fall apart. Have faith in your ability to research and practice, and as you grow don't hesitate to start finding communities that can help you grow as a reader.
Another big thing to watch out for is the rampant scam community. often times we see 'readers' come along who either make up some story about an ancestor leading them to you, someone cursing you for no reason, etc and making you foot the bill for their services. Or you get people who pretend to be tarot mentors and instead will copy paste things from biddy tarot while you pay 100 bucks a month. Be aware of people who are looking to take advantage of you, if it looks to good to be true it probably is. Be careful out there!
With all that said, I hope you all enjoyed this post, if you have any questions or comments feel free to drop them below. Thank you! Fair winds travelers
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cursecuelebre · 23 days
Using Tarot within your Spellwork & Spellcasting
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Tarot was created for divination purposes however Tarot is a tool in our witchcraft or folk traditions, it can help advise and push you to do things that will make your life better and easier. There is a lot of divination tools like Runes which are magic themselves, Oracle which can also work really well, same with charm casting, etc. these tools can help manifest things into our lives. Simple as putting a card near a candle flame. I am focus on Tarot cards in this blog but play around and see if these methods can help you.
If you believe that Tarot is infused with energy which I believe, it’s more than just paper and ink. Yes can it be a regular deck of cards yes but we can infuse them with our energy drawing it from other energies that bring them almost like alive in a way. I do interviews with my decks and every single one has a different energy and purpose in my practice. This will definitely help with Spellwork.
I use the cards as a source of power, major and minor arcana, sometimes I’ll shuffle and let them pick the cards or go through the deck and pick out the cards that I think will really work in the spell. I recommend doing the latter since it’s more good on your intuition and more accurate. You can charge them using the moon or incense or even sound. You may have specific decks for specific spells for example if you are doing a love spell maybe using a romantic deck themed cards Sexual Magic (Only 18+), Romance Angels Tarot, the Lovers Path Tarot, if you are doing shadow work spells or darker forms of magic get a darker deck like Haunted House, The Black Tarot, Bianco Nero deck, etc. if you’re doing spells that involve a certain practice of paganism like Celtic magic in Welsh traditions the Llewellyn tarot or Italian Folk magic the traditional Visconti deck. I should mention if you’re working with animals or nature there’s is plenty of all animal decks like Woodland Wardens which is a really great deck. These specific themed decks can really help with symbolism, energies of certain entities, if you’re having a hard time finding certain decks oracle decks can really helpful in this sense.
But if you just want to keep it simple use any witchcraft or magic themed deck, heck any deck that you feel comfortable to be using in spellwork. A simple RWS deck is good enough!
You can also do a quick read on what type of spell and if you need to do one.
Methods of placement
1. Charging an Object
I like putting said cards in a circle or cross formation leaving the center blank. You can most definitely put a card in the center for a bit extra energy. You can add an oracle card to fill the center as well, I don’t have specific placements of the cards really if I’m creating a specific spread I’ll use the same cards each time but you can use directions, shapes like the seven pointed star and pentacle, elements, Zodiacs, etc. you can always be creative with it. But I do prefer putting the main card that is the main point of energy above the object.
Charging an object can multitude of physical things for this example I’ll use an amulet my Mjolnir which symbolises protection, strength, courage, and overall the spirit of Thor. So I can charge this during a Thursday if I really wanted to (but I’m impatient woman) so I’ll take any card that shall resonates with these attributes if you have a specific card for a deity like Thor it’s good to use in this sense. There are multiple cards for Thor I associate with the Tower, Emperor, Strength, but I’ll use Strength and Tower. Negative cards to me in this context doesn’t matter rather what it represents but use your intuition if you have a better understanding what energy fits right and most definitely can use more than one card. It might take awhile to find some cards to help during this step which perfectly okay, read the guidebook or traditional meaning of each card if you still unsure for beginner or advanced there is nothing wrong with that.
I got 7 cards for this spell and depending your space you can switch up the spreads, limit the cards even one card can be powerful, switch to a different surface.
Strength (main focal point) for courage and endurance and strength
Seven of Wands for protection and defense
Two of Swords for boundaries and protection
Ace Of Pentacles for wealth (possession which this case the amulet)
Moon for enchantment and magic to give the spell bit more energy and power.
Tower for Thor representative
Ace of Swords for defence and offense
It’s helpful to write down why you pick certain cards especially for the chant. You can light a candle and burn incense to get in the mood for the ritual. I use a bell and go into a circle calling out the cards names “Strength I waken thee!” I like to be dramatic lol over each one to essentially call upon them. Of course call upon the deity that I have represented in this spell of course, evoking Thor to help for this ritual. You can do it first or after awaken the cards. Then once you’ve completed that it’s time to draw that energy into the amulet, by using a wand really helps in this process but your finger or pen or anything pointy can work!
“Strength I call upon thee for blessing of this amulet of courage and fortitude!” Then imagine energy coming from the card as you slowly dip the wand’s tip into the soft energy then pulling it to the amulet I tap the amulet around three times or you can even blow on the amulet. Then do this for the number of cards you have. For Thor, I lift the amulet up from the table to the ceiling and praying for Thor’s blessing of protection.
Now you’ve done all that it’s time to wrap up the ritual, depending on your practice and preference you might want to leave the amulet and the cards as you have them for a time till the next day maybe have near crystals or charging beneath the moon. For me I thank the cards for their help and Lord Thor’s for his before by lifting the card close to my lips whispering “Thank you” it’s a mindful gesture and having complete trust and thanks. Placing them back into the deck all except the main focal point card of the spell which is Strength keep the main focal point card out, then take it to your altar placing it there with the amulet ontop of it. I set my mjolnir and the Strength card on my Norse altar next to Thor lighting his candle for awhile not too long nor too short. Again it might depend on what spell you might be doing.
This doesn’t just have to be an amulet of course but jars, crystals, spell tools, statues, talismans, Poppets etc.
You can also perform candle magic Just be mindful of wax make sure the candle wax can be caught in a dish or there is plentiful space from the card so wax won’t drip onto the card cause that wouldn’t be good. Just place the candle in the center of the ring of cards. I’ll probably make a specific blog about this method.
Even though I have my own method there is nothing wrong to mix it up and doing your own thing. There is plenty of ways to use Tarot not just for divination. I hope this blog gave some folks inspiration in their witchy works!! If any questions please feel free to ask on this blog or the ask me button! 💖
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hekatean-path · 4 months
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Most full moons (when I remember) I do a small ceremony for Selene, goddess of the moon. I always felt a connection to the moon, and since becoming a polytheist, I have deepwndwd that connection.
In this ceremony, I light incense and the candles on my alter and give Selene an offering. Today, it was moon water. I listen to my Selene playlist, which is a mixture of orphic hymns and moon inspired music. After this, I go to my Moon Witch oracle cards and ask what the new cycle holds for me, and I pulled the cards above.
The Diana card fell out the pack while I was shuffling. Diana is the Roman equivalent, or similar to Selene.
The three cards below are the Full Moon, Waxing Gibbous, and Kali. What stands out to me is, I just had a job interview today for a role I really want. So to see the cards say this, *touch wood and cross my fingers* is a good sign.
When I draw cards, I let the cards either fall out or don't want to be shuffled. All these cards wither fell out and stuck out of the deck when I was shuffling.
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strawbexie · 1 year
✨ Donation based Tarot and/or Oracle readings. ✨
I have 10+ experience reading tarot and oracle for myself and for others, started at 11 and am now 24. 🤍 multiple decks of both tarot and oracle to choose from!
Anything helps, at all. My cashapp is $888bexie 🤍 please do not send anything without messaging me for a reading!
In desperate need for me and my son. My bank account is -66.04 currently after an unexpected bill came out. I have one can of formula (large can, but it goes so fucking fast) and no food for myself genuinely at all i are the rest of my spaghetti noodles with hot sauce last night, i get my food stamps beginning of next month and i have an hourly base job interview later today at 4pm EST. I have applied for energy assistance. I have a 4 month old son and lost my job after my maternity leave.
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oraclekleo · 9 months
Kleoo sorry it took me 3 business days to reply 🤣 girl what kind of interview can we have with the cards? It sounds very intriguing. Hopefully you could publish the cards interview (especially Kali omg) one day!
Don't worry 😂 I count time in months. At work I usually want to have issues settled before the end of the month to have a clean sleet for the new month. So! If you respond before the end of the month, I still consider it fast and withing comfortable limit. 😂 Professional deformation.
I have some older recorded interviews but because I don't need to write down the meanings for myself, I only have like keywords stated.
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Like this for example. I don't have a record of my Kali deck interview... or maybe I have handwritten it in my notebook.
These days I use shorter interview.
What's your (deck's) general vibe?
What kind of readings do you like the best?
What is your first impression of me as a tarot reader?
How can we collaborate the best?
What's your first message for me?
I ask my new decks these 5 questions. It works well for me. 😊
I'm always here to show & tell when it comes to tarot so if you are interested in my approach, just ask. 😁
Well... Now when I was reminded with it, I really want to do some thirsty tarot reading 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you for your ask!
Kleo 🦄
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bentcr0wbar · 5 months
Me: *interviewing a new Oracle deck* “Tell me about your energy”
Oracle deck: “Bastet, Goddess of cats. (Allow yourself to be lighthearted as a cat)”
*A few moments later*
Me: “What are you weaknesses as a deck?”
Oracle deck: “Annapurna, Goddess of harvest. (A harvest awaits you. Enjoy it.)”
Me: “. . . Fair enough.”
(My oracle deck is the Goddess Inspiration Oracle)
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hariedgarpalacio · 2 months
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