#originally i was just going to mention the kidnapping + bonding
potterandpromises · 11 months
It is very funny to me that my two biggest OTPs of all time are both ships where:
They started out as antagonists to each other due to circumstance.
One accidentally killed/erased the other's loved one.
One kidnapped the other in the first season.
Then in the second season they proceeded to bond over being the only people who could possibly understand what the other was going through.
(And they're both so domestic about it!)
They each had a moment of waking up in the other's room/apartment without entirely remembering how they got there. Both in the 2x07 of their respective shows.
And after they woke up their partners made them coffee.
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simpingforheros · 7 days
Gifted With Love~
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Pairing: Jason Todd X Female! Reader
Summary: When a close friend of the Titans turns 21 years old, Dick decides to leave a special present for her.
Warnings: CROPPED TOP JASON wrapped with a bow~💕, Smutty implications, technically kidnapping, bondage, and awkward love confessions.
Author’s Note: Hello, it’s me. I have a pile of toxic Jason fanfics until @jjenthusee blessed me by tagging me in this work of art, so I had to write about it. I didn’t write smut this time because I didn’t know how they would feel about it but let me know if this is good.
Everyone has their own definition of a perfect birthday.
For some it’s traveling off to exciting vacations to tropical getaways, or spoiling themselves with luxurious dinners with loved ones. Others may even throw a larger than life birthday bash.
Those would be what Richard ‘Dick’ Grayson’s definition of a perfect birthday event instead of the horrifying words his beloved friend just spoke to him.
“I don’t really need anything.” The woman says nonchalantly as she finishes filing her field mission report. Her eyes to focused on the monitors to notice Dick frowning.
This weekend was (Y/N)’s birthday, and for the 7th year in a row, the young hero tells him the same thing she always asked for her birthday, Nothing.
“Not even a small get-together with us?” Dick whines as he tries to lean against her desk to get her attention. “It’s not everyday someone turns 21 years old. I’ll even buy you your first legal drink!”
Her chuckles fills the awkwardness in her body as she shakes her head. “Nah, I rather be spend the night alone with Frank.”
Dick practically couldn’t hold his head up after the massive eye roll he gave her at the mention of the stupid cat. He still hadn’t forgiven it for scratching up his favorite costume.
“There has to be something that’ll get you to change your mind…” As his incessant whining gets interrupted by a pinging on her computer.
*Transmission From Red Hood incoming*
A fluttering look of softness passed through her eyes before she accepts the transmission eagerly.
“Titan’s Tower to Red Hood, do you copy?” Her voice professional as she was still clicking on the keyboard.
“Hey, Princess,” Jason purrs out causally causing a small smile to appear on her face. “I got some leads on that case you were looking into. Apparently some of the goons on Black Mask’s gang used to know where some Brother Blood bases are. I’m sending you the details right now along with our wedding planning info.”
(Y/N) rolls her eyes at his joke at the end, but giggles as the familiar warm feeling floods her face. “Okay, Big Guy, I’ll take a look and send you flower arrangements.” She jokes.
Jason’s chuckle causes her smile to widen as they end their call. The reality of her surroundings kick in as her eyes meet Dick’s all knowing smirk, much to her misery.
(Y/N) joined the Teen Titans when she was 14 and fresh out of the hell that created her origin story. She took some time to get comfortable with everyone, but her favorite people have always been Dick and Jason. Her and Dick had a strong sibling bond while her and Jason just had a strong friendship. That may have formed into an unrequited, unlabeled flirtatious situation ship that the pair have been dancing around since Jason returned as the Red Hood.
“I-!” Before Dick could begin with his interrogation, the hero jumps from her seat as she mumbles.
“Well, I better go investigate these leads before the trail gets cold. See ya, Nightwing!” She chirps as she flees from him.
A wicked smirk appears on his face as he realizes what would make this birthday perfect.
(Y/N) sighs as she finishes walking up her fifth flight of stairs with her arms filled with her birthday takeout.
Her civilian job practically wore her down mentally and physically this week with impending deadlines and mounting additions to her workload. Her Hero life has been surprisingly quiet other than the occasional teasing remark from Dick whenever Jason was brought up in conversation. Thank God Jason wasn’t a Titan.
As she unlocks the door after maneuvering for a moment, she coos out for her beloved elderly cat with a
“Frankie~, mama’s home with our favorite take out.” She says as she places the stuff on the counter. Her eyebrows frown together once she sees that all the lights in her home were on despite her remembering to turning them off.
“Frank?” She calls out to her cat as she realizes he has trotted into the room with a cry. She walks around the counter as she finally looks to the floor to find….a ribbon??
A soft baby pink ribbon was placed on the floor of her apartment. Her eyes followed one direction towards her dining table to see an extravagant display on the table. A heart shaped birthday cake stood proudly with a bunch of little gift bags. The offending ribbon stood out proudly on top of a bottle of whiskey that she suspiciously knows is Jason’s favorite.
“Did Jason do this?” She asked herself as she picks up the bottle. A glittery pink care taped to the front causes immediate doubt to her mind as she opens the card.
p.s. I took Frank to my apartment so you can enjoy your ‘gift’ <3 ;)
“So that’s where my cat is…” She says with a giggle. As much as she hated that Dick broke in to do all this, she was honestly expecting something worst. At least she can recognize that some of the gifts were from other titans and friends. She quickly sees a familiar brown wrapping paper with a flower pressed into the fold of it.
A bright smile presses into her face as she picks up the gift knowing it was probably a book that Jason picked out for her.
The other gifts can wait a little bit.
Picking up the whiskey and her book, she begins to walk to her bedroom where she notices that the ribbon leads to her destination. Her exhausted sigh fills the air as she begins to wonder what mess Dick left in her sanctuary.
Glitter bomb? Nah she hates that she already had to clean up the glitter he already left. A huge ass bear? Nope, she’s too old for that, but doesn’t put it past him to do that.
As she got closer to the door, a creak can be heard along with a sound of a struggle. Her eye brow quirks as she opens the door not expecting what she finds.
There in the middle of her bedroom was Jason. Tied to a chair with rope and pink ribbons. In his Red Hood costume or what was supposed to be. The glaring difference was the now cropped combat shirt and his cargo pants unzipped with a red ribbon acting as the belt holding his pants together. His holsters were empty and fastened tightly to emphasize the bulging muscles of his thighs. There was three more bows on him that almost made her fragile state break.
One red ribbon wrapped around each bicep, practically struggling against his flexing muscles. And the other was a thick pink ribbon that was loosely tied around his neck and led directly to the ribbon that brought her here.
Her moment of shock finally breaks when Jason whistles at her to get her attention.
“Princess, I need some help here.” He groans as he struggles against his binds. Her body immediately goes into motion as she sets the bottle and gifts to the ground to help him.
“Jay, what happened?” She asks as she helps him out of the chair after undoing the rope. Her eyes almost bulged out of her skull when the fabric of his cargo pants falls a little to tease the tempting V shaped Adonis belt hidden only by the will of the ribbon.
“Dick invited me over to discuss an idea for a birthday party and then Him and Roy ganged up on me and I ended up here.” He explains vaguely as he stretches his sore muscles.
The movement and winding of his muscles under the the altered costume made warmth fill her chest. His combat shirt was now cropped just below his pectoral muscles, showing off his abs. The ribbon on his left arm pops as he stretches his arm back which causes her to come back to earth again.
“I-I’m so sorry.” (Y/N) apologizes as she sits on the bed to sooth her beating heart. “Dick has been bothering me about what I wanted for my birthday and he wouldn’t take no for an answer…”
“So why did he think I would be a good present?” He says as he removes his mask and shows her the smirk on his face.
Shock filled her face as she looks up at him. His broad shoulders filled her vision as he now stands between her legs. The smell of his cologne filled her senses as he reaches over the bed to grab the wrapped present from where it laid. He places it in her hands as his other hand moves to push the hair out of her face.
With a soft peck on her forehead, he whispers,
“Happy Birthday. Time to open your present.”
Her trembling hands moved to open the present as he steps back to give her room, the whiskey bottle now in his hand. As the paper falls to the floor, her eyes soften as she sees what he given her.
A well worn copy of a Jane Austen book. His favorite book. The pages had color coded tabs that she can recall him placing them during their many missions or hangouts.
The table of contents in the front of the book made her heart skip a beat as Jason watches her through the lip of the bottle.
Yellow tabs - moments that remind me of her
Blue tabs - the same feelings I have while looking at her.
Purple tabs - Funny things I think she would like
Green tabs - moments I wanna recreate with her
Pink tabs- How I feel about (Y/N)
Her hands move to open the book to the one singular pink tab she can see through the sea of colored tabs. Her tears filled her vision as she reads the words colored in pink highlighter.
“In vain have I struggled. It will not do. My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.”
“Oh Jay…” She mutters as she looks up at him with a softened gaze, the hints of desire flickering in her eyes as she watches him return it.
“I would have given you a gift card, but i figured that would be too much.” Jason jokes as he finishes a shot of burning whiskey. A tug around his neck brings his eyes down the offending ribboned leash to her foot.
The tangled appendage tugs him to her. He follows her to her arms as she coils him into her embrace as she presses a kiss to his lips. The burning of the whiskey subsiding to sweetness of her lips before she pulls away just a breath from his own.
“I think it was perfect.” She whispers. “But…”
Jason gasps as she gently runs her finger tips down his exposed abdomen and down to the red ribbon holding his pants together. He clicked his tongue to his teeth as he asked,
“Aren’t you suppose to blow out your candle before you open presents?” He teases as his hand cups her face while the other grips her hip. Her smirk almost causes him to moan as the feeling of silk rubbing against his skin distracts him from the feeling of the heavy cargo pants felling slacked against his hips.
“I thought it was my birthday, Jason…” she teases back as she pulls him to her by his jacket. “And I wanna unwrap all my presents…”
“YOU LITTLE BASTARD!” Dick curses as he tries to get his domino mask away from the tabby. The trained vigilante was no match to Frank as he dives under the heavy oak bed.
Dick tries to reach under the bed to catch the culprit who destroyed another one of his suits as his phone pings. To his annoyance, he calls over his shoulder.
“Kori! Can you help me get this stupid cat? And see who texted me?
“Coming!” The alien princess sings as she smiles at the message on her before it doubles as she see the message on Dick’s phone as well.
To: Dick
From: (Y/N) the Terror >:D
Thx for my birthday gifts. Do you mind keeping Frank until tomorrow? I got some plans today and I would appreciate it. Thank you!!
To: Kori
From: Red
Plan worked! Me and her are going on a late birthday date after last night. Thanks for making Dick think it was his idea.
I hope you guys liked it and let me know if I should make a smut version of this one. Thanks again to @jjenthusee for the inspiration and I hope you enjoyed it.
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yanderes-galore · 19 days
Runs over and kicks your door open!! Yanyan!! I heard requests are open , would it be alright if I request yandere romantic Macaque hcs who’s falling for a female seer reader (someone who sees the future), the only thing is reader knows his next move.
This is such a cute nickname... I'll try my best 🥺 I did it general as I struggled with a plot? I mention a female darling twice in this and it can easily be ignored. I just felt the request didn't really need to be gendered...?
Yandere! Macaque with Seer! Darling
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Female Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Stalking, Possessive behavior, Violence, Mentions of mates, Dubious relationship.
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Let's start with this, "Seer" is defined differently depending on definition and universe.
However, for the most part, seer does indeed mean someone who looks into the future to make predictions.
How accurate such predictions are... vary.
I have a feeling you'd already know about you and Macaque's meeting with one another.
Not only that, but you can no doubt sense the misfortune that will come with it.
He's the shadow of the Monkey King, after all. Mischievous yet ruthless.
If you think about it, seers are probably really useful in this universe.
Based on all of the fate stuff that goes on in it.
You no doubt feel a chill come down your spine when you meet Macaque.
Macaque likes to toy with interesting people.
He originally approached you for one reason or another, no doubt out of concern for his own fate.
Afterwards... He's intrigued.
You manage to catch his interest, being able to read his every move and know the endgame.
He both wants to test it... yet is also irritated.
I like to imagine the way you get visions is like small puzzle pieces.
You have ideas on what the endgame is, but don't entirely know everything.
Although, I can see your visions giving you an idea of what he intends to do, like kidnapping plans or potential targets.
Such predictions annoy Macaque once he realizes what he can't do.
He's aware of you being a seer, yet he hates he can't fool you.
You have him figured out, you read his every move, you see right through him.
Originally he's teasing, seeing this as a game.
He's testing you... just wanting to play around.
Then he finds himself drawn to you... the cute seer woman he met by fate.
This must be destiny.
Destiny would be a big part of your bond.
As a seer, you no doubt know how this will end.
Which is much different from most obsessions.
Your abilities allow you to predict what will happen... not prevent the end goal.
You can prevent the fates of some others... but your own?
You'll eventually belong to Macaque.
So I imagine Macaque gets frustrated and jealous like your typical yandere.
He's clingy and for the most part you let him.
Although, the moment his plans get devious, you step in.
For example, you may learn he's going to harm someone close to you, which allows you to step in.
But how I like to view this is much more... hopeless.
Makes this situation more dreadful.
Like... the future is set in stone. Destiny can't be changed.
It makes the story more bittersweet.
You know, deep down, there's no preventing this.
Macaque views you as his mate, his girl, his Seer.
In the end, he'll get you.
The only change?
You know what's going to happen...
There's nothing you can do to stop what you saw.
It's like a... prophecy, somewhat.
You know your eventual role... and just don't want anyone hurt.
So, by the end, when you feel it's time...
You'll let him win.
You'll let Macaque have his way, claim you as his.
This is destiny.
Who knows... maybe your visions will tell you something better?
Maybe it'll work out...
It's not like you can fight any of it.
Macaque is overjoyed when you give in.
His grip on you is tight, he promises not to hurt anyone else.
However... Only your visions will tell you if he's lying.
Your visions have told you what will happen... changing such a fate will be futile...
The only thing you can hope for is making it bearable.
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loversj0y · 1 year
saving face
pairing: siren x gn!reader (villain wilbur soot from tommyinnits clinic for supervillains)
tws: okay so, im going to be REALLY thorough because there is some dark content throughout so kidnapping, chloroform use, drug use (power enhancers), reader gets called sweetheart at one point, violence, injuries, torture, major head injuries, alcohol, alcohol is poured on reader, mental manipulation (attempts at it), blood, broken nose, siren tells someone to claw their eye out, mentions of a fractured skull and concussion
notes: big major thank u to @medlarwrites for this idea!!!! ive been obsessing over siren since i read clinic and had to write something abt him. im not in love with the start of the fic bc i had a very different direction at first but!!! dont care i like how it ended up!! so :3
medlars original prompt: “anyways lemme leave you a siren!wilbur who finds our his bestfriend from college got kidnapped because they suspect she's associated with siren and so want to get information about his identity from them :)”
word count: 5.5k!
taglist: @l0veb0mb1ng / @core-queen / @zooone
When you were in college, you had a rather… peculiar best friend. Maybe you should’ve cared a bit more about the moral consequences of what he did, but honestly, it was college. Your best friend was one of the most well-known supervillains, Siren.
That wasn’t how you met him, though. You met him as Wilbur Soot, the guy who sat next to you in your Literature class, who often forgot his pens. You had a small crush on him, so you made a habit of always bringing an extra pen for him. You became quick friends after, bonding over mutual hatred for the professor’s teaching style, as well as sharing an onslaught of opinions.
You didn’t mean to find out about his identity, it was a complete accident. You and him had this mutual agreement that if something was going on (life troubles, finals stress, etc.), you have free permission to come over for some company. If the other person wasn’t there, you would just wait until they got home. It was a good system that kept both of you from getting too lonely, especially you. He lived at home, but you lived in a dodgy apartment by yourself. He would always make an effort to show up any time he had anything he wanted to talk about, mostly to keep you from feeling too alone. One night, the loneliness had gotten pretty rough, so you decided to go to Wilbur’s house. You two had given each other spare keys a long while back, and it wasn’t the first time you’d done this, so you were quick to unlock the door and head into his room to wait for him to come home. When the door did finally open, it wasn’t Wilbur who walked through.
You immediately jumped, backing up a bit as you saw Siren walk in. Once he’d processed that you were there, he cursed under his breath, trying to console you while quickly pulling off his blindfold. You watched as he went from Siren to Wilbur in a matter of seconds, your head swirling with confusion. You two had a very long conversation that night, while you helped him clean up a scratch along his arm.
After college, you didn’t see Wilbur as much anymore. You worked a lot, and he worked quite a bit too. You two still saw each other, just not as often.
You saw Siren much more often, though. Since Wilbur knew where your walk home from work was, he would always make an effort to be there and walk you home at night once a week if he could. Sometimes he would only watch you from the rooftops, other times when it was a bit darker and there were fewer people out, he would walk with you, chatting about anything he could think of. Over time, what once had been a small crush blossomed into genuine love for your best friend.
It was nice, a really good system. Kept you and him talking, even when your busy schedules tended to keep you from each other. However, for as good of a system as it is, it also had some apparent downsides.
Like your current situation.
You didn’t know exactly where you were.
The last thing you remembered was leaving work. You locked up the small bookstore you worked at and began your walk home when you felt a hand wrap around you, pressing a cloth against your mouth. Whoever it was ended up being too strong for you to fight against, and it was only a few minutes before the chloroform reached your brain, knocking you out quickly. In terms of kidnappings, it was fairly tame, at the very least.
It took a while to wake up, your consciousness floating in and out a few times, allowing you to get small glimpses of conversations.
“Try and get ‘em to talk. Just being friends with Siren doesn’t mean they’re strong. We can break them, even if it takes some… stepping in.”
A bit of a horrifying thing to hear post-kidnapping, but even if it wasn’t on purpose, it at least got your guard up a bit.
When you woke up, you spent a few minutes looking around and familiarising yourself with your surroundings. You were in some shitty warehouse. Which, honestly, cliche, and how many abandoned warehouses did this city have? Large, brown-stained windows lined the top of the walls, allowing for a bit of light to pour in. There were garage-type doors every few feet, but most of them had large padlocks, except for one the furthest away from you.
Your hands and feet were tied onto the chair, one hand behind handcuffed while the other hand and your legs were attached with zip ties.
Escape was not going to be easy, but you knew a bit of fighting, Wilbur having taught you how to protect yourself. You finally looked over to the middle of the room.
It took you a while to recognize the guy who’d kidnapped you. You did know him, though, only because of the things that Siren had told you. Schlatt, previously known as Gunmetal, an ex-hero. His power was the ability to strengthen his body to a metal-like level, making him incredibly hard to take down. The Syndicate considered approaching him for membership, but he was… unstable. He got discharged by the Hero Committee after his increased strength led to the destruction of an apartment building. There weren’t any villains around to pin it on, either, and there were too many witnesses. It had also been discovered that he’d been utilizing power enhancers, which were supposed to be outlawed, in order to extend his abilities and allow him to strengthen multiple parts of his body at once.
If what Wilbur had told you in his frustrated rants was true, Schlatt wanted to take over the Syndicate. He’d attacked them numerous times, always aiming to kill, and he’d taken a particular interest in finding out Siren’s identity.
You sat up a bit, preparing yourself for whatever bullshit he was about to spew at you.
Wilbur caught onto something being wrong a few hours after you’d been taken. He had gone on a minor heist with Techno, and things ran… suspiciously well. No hero intervention for the majority of the heist, until Flame showed up towards the end. Blade handled most of the fighting for him, while Siren took care of their escape. It was when they finally escaped that he noticed something odd. He and Techno passed by your apartment, and he knew your habits well enough to know that you would not be asleep this early. Despite that, the lights in your apartment were off. A bit of searching later, and he was quick to notice your disappearance. When he arrived back home, he was quick to enlist Tubbo to see if they could get a ping on your last known location. Your phone wasn’t anywhere to be found, so he hoped he could at least figure out where you had been. Normally, he would pace to try and distract himself, but when it came to you, there was no use. He immediately headed out, trying to find any sign of you and waiting for a response from Tubbo.
“Good mornin’ sweetheart,” Schlatt chuckled, standing in front of a table in front of your chair. He had two briefcases set out in front of him, “Don’t worry. I ain’t gonna hurt you.” There was an implied ‘yet’ at the end of that sentence. You got a good look at him. He wore a pressed suit, and an airsoft mask – equipped specially with two ram horns on the sides, his signature look. His knuckles were wrapped with red athletic tape, at least you’d hoped it was originally red.
“Then what the fuck do you want with me? It’s hard to believe you aren’t going to hurt me when you kidnapped me off the street.”
“I just need a bit of information, that’s all.”
You scoffed, “Really? So you just fucking kidnap me?”
“It’s effective, is it not?” He chuckled, leaning forward, “Do you have any powers?”
You rolled your eyes, “Cut the shitty small talk. Why am I here?”
“To answer my fucking questions.”
You looked down at your arm, noting a small cuff wrapped around it, “If I tell you, will you take the stupid power dampener off?”
He snorted, “Don’t act dumb.”
“Oh, good, then I’m not telling you.” You did have a power. It was part of why Wilbur felt comfortable being around you. You were also a mind manipulator, but you couldn’t get people to actually do things for you. You could just easily see through their words and arguments. Which meant that you could get them to believe you were telling the truth as well, which would be a bloody good thing to be able to utilize right about now.
“Fine, be like that.” He held up a photo, “So, if you won’t tell me your power, maybe you’ll tell me why Siren has had such a close eye on you?” You looked at the photo closer, being able to clearly make out Siren walking you home.
“He’s just a nice dude. Wants to walk me home sometimes,” you shrugged, trying to act nonchalantly, “I don’t know much about him if that’s what you’re wondering.”
He snorted, “Yeah, like I’d believe that.” He pulled out a folder, spreading out numerous photos of you and Siren, hanging out and eating together in your apartment.
“Have you been fucking stalking me, you absolute creep?”
“Not you, but Siren. You just happened to be there. And I wanna know why.”
“What? You’re mad that a citizen can show compassion to a villain?” You scoffed, “Boo-hoo, poor Schlatt, must be such a sad life you have.”
He growled, and you grinned at how easy it was to get under his skin, even without your power. “I couldn’t give less of a shit about that. I want to know why he’s trying to recruit new Syndicate members.”
You laughed, “God, you could not have worse of a grasp on the situation. He’s just a nice guy. Came to my bookstore once, offered to walk me home, and we became friends. Is it impossible for villains to have friends?”
“Supervillains don’t have friends. Not without an agenda.”
“What about their healer? He’s a friend, isn’t he?”
“He works for them. He doesn’t count.”
“Well, I clearly don’t work for them. So just leave me alone, why don’t you?”
“Okay, I will let you go. If you tell me one thing.”
Oh, here came the stupid request. “Oh? Let me guess? You want me to tell you Siren’s real name.”
“Do you really think he’s that stupid? To let a random civilian he met know his name?”
“No. But I know you’re not just a random civilian he met. Because these photos date back years.”
You tensed a bit, trying to hide any clear facial reaction, “And?”
“And, no one who doesn’t work with him would stick around that long, unless there was something keeping them there. So, you obviously know who he is.”
“Oh, obviously?” You tried to will down the blush on your cheeks. “Is it really that obvious? You don’t know anything about me, and you clearly don’t know anything about Siren.”
“So tell me what I don’t know.”
You rolled your eyes, “I’m not falling for that, dipshit. If you want information on Siren, you’ve got the wrong person.”
“Yeah, except that can’t be true. I know you have a power you’ve been hiding, and we know that Siren has spent a highly significant amount of time with you, longer than he ever did their healer. And, we have photos of you with him and other Syndicate members at your apartment. So we know you know his identity. But we can figure out other ways to make you talk.”
“Wow, so you’re adding misuse of power against a civilian to your list of crimes? That combined with the kidnapping, not to mention the murder and the numerous times you’ve hurt civilians and destroyed their homes, oh and getting discharged as a Hero?”
That got under his skin, “I have no problem adding torture onto that list.”
“So much for being a hero then.”
His fists curled up, and he slammed it down on the table, “ex-hero, for a reason.” He walked closer, crouching down to be eye-level with you. “So then, you’re really trying to tell me that the numerous dates you’ve gone on with Siren just don’t mean anything?”
“We- They weren’t dates!” Your face flushed dark red, “We’re just friends!” You blatantly tried to ignore the fact that you’d been in love with him for years.
“Your face is telling a different story,” he smirked, “Is he hot under the mask? Or maybe you just like a man with power?”
You moved back from his hand, jaw tensing, as he tried to cup your jaw, “Hm, well, if you aren’t saying anything willingly, I can make you talk.”
He stood again, walking over to the second briefcase, opening it to where you couldn’t see the contents. You didn’t know if you wanted to. “Plus, this is all just a distraction.” He lifted your phone, turning it on, “They’ll be here soon enough. I won’t need you then, I can take down the Syndicate myself.”
A shiver went down your spine, and you prayed that Wilbur hadn’t noticed your absence.
Tubbo was able to find you pretty quickly. Just when he’d thought your phone was too far for a proper ping, he got one with an exact location that he quickly relayed to Siren. Siren was on it almost immediately, but he wasn’t going in alone. He didn’t know who took you, so he was going to be prepared. By enlisting most of the Syndicate to join him. He made it to the location first, but he knew better than to jump in early, especially since he was one of the least physical fighters. He did some surveying, though, spotting a few guards in suits. Suits were the tell of Schlatt, and he mentally cursed the team members for not getting there as fast as he’d wished. He knew Schlatt could be violent, unpredictable, and hot-headed.
The rest of the Syndicate arrived, and Nemesis and Thanatos made quick work of taking down the guards. Which meant it was time to take down Schlatt.
You’d lost track of time. Schlatt had some interesting methods for getting you to talk. Most of them involve hitting you, his ability making it easy to hurt you, if the broken nose and cut lip were anything to go by. But a lot of it was mental. Using taunting words to try and get under your skin.
“It’s going to be so funny when you’re little boyfriend comes here,” he snickered, grabbing your jaw to make you look up at him, “It’ll be even better to make you watch him die.”
He almost seemed drunk the more and more he continued, “Or, maybe, I could hurt him more. Make him watch me kill you slowly. Or,” he chuckled, but the laughter quickly turned maniacal, “I’ll let him kill you. I’ll make him use that shitty fucking voice of his to kill you.”
You snorted, and he raised an eyebrow, “Something about that funny to you?”
You looked up at him, spitting blood out of your mouth, “His voice is real nice, actually. Much better than yours.” You were playing with fire, but you needed to buy time to get him hopefully exhausted enough to give you a chance to escape.
He smacked you, a loud crack reverberating and echoing throughout the warehouse.
“You piece of shit,” he rolled his eyes, moving away from you. He grabbed a water bottle, downing half of it easily. You watched cautiously, becoming all too aware of how thirsty you were.
“What? You want some or something?” He chuckled, walking back over to you, “Be my fucking guest,” he poured the water over your head. You tilted your head back and drank some of it down. Once you’d gotten some of it in your mouth, though, you quickly realized that it was not, in fact, water but instead vodka. You coughed once you realized, spitting out as much as you could.
He laughed as you hissed in pain, the alcohol stinging the wounds he’d left. He went to throw another retort at you, but before he could, the door slammed open.
Just as Schlatt predicted, the entire Syndicate was there. You sat up, watching as Schlatt moved back to his briefcase and pull out a syringe.
“Siren, run!” You yelled, thrashing and trying to draw attention to yourself, “All of you! Run! It’s a trap-”
You weren’t able to finish your sentence as Schlatt stormed over, grabbing you by the hair. “Oh, Jesus, just shut up with your whining,” he rolled his eyes, hitting your temple harshly, sending the chair to the ground and you with it. The ground rushed up to meet you, and the darkness of unconsciousness was quick to follow.
Siren was pissed. Blade quickly began to advance on Schlatt, but Wilbur was faster. It was stupid, he knew he was being stupid to rush in like this, but he was angry. He watched as Schlatt quickly injected himself with something, some odd shimmering yellow liquid, and in seconds, his body started glowing the same yellow. Power enhancers, Wilbur’s mind supplied. He cursed, hanging back to allow Blade to hit first. Zephyrus flew overhead, getting behind Schlatt to prevent him from running. As much as Wilbur wanted to fight, he needed to make sure you were okay.
He rushed over, grabbing a knife from the table that he prayed hadn’t been used on you. The first thing he did when he approached you was check your pulse, thanking anything that would listen that your pulse was still coming through. He cut the ties easily, then he moved onto the power dampener, trying to pry the thing off. He had no clue where the key for it was, but he didn’t have time to waste looking for it. He started breaking it off when he was tugged back, Schlatt having grabbed the back of his collar. He slammed Siren against the wall, grinning at him.
“For a world-class supervillain, you’d think you’d be smarter,” he chuckled, leaning his knee against Siren’s back and pinning him there. He pushed all of his power into his knee, strengthening and solidifying the metal against Wilbur’s back. “You know how easy it was for me to track them down? You made them an easy target, Siren. You’re the reason they’re here,” he pushed his knee further into his back.
“Let me go,” Siren ordered but to no avail.
Schlatt started laughing louder, “What, you think I’m an idiot? You thought I wouldn’t prepare my mask for you?”
Siren didn’t have to fret much longer, though. Blade came up behind Schlatt, driving a sword through his shoulder. He’d put too much power into his knee, leaving the rest of him vulnerable.
The rest of the takedown was easy. They were planning on taking Schlatt in, hopefully, to use as a bargaining chip against the Hero Committee since he was wanted by them. Once Zephyrus had him subdued, Nemesis and Thanatos grabbed his things and started heading back. Siren lingered with Zephyrus, Jester, Blade, and Ender (who’d only shown up to help take anyone who needed healing to Apollo). Siren walked over, ripping Schlatt’s mask off.
Schlatt was still spilling curses and threats against them, but he’d quieted for a moment as Wilbur pulled his mask off, eyes adjusting to the light. Wilbur threw the mask behind him, and a sinister grin spread over his face.
“We need him alive, Siren,” Blade reminded him.
He groaned, huffing softly, “Fine.” He hummed, tilting his head.
“Claw your left eye out, then knock yourself out.”
Wilbur didn’t stay to watch the aftermath, but he heard the groans and screams of pain from Schlatt as he walked back over to you. Ender was waiting next to you, double-checking for any serious wounds.
Wilbur got the rest of the power dampener off, throwing it to the side. He carefully lifted you, making sure to be mindful of your head.
Ender gave him a concerned look, "It looks bad, but they should be okay."
“No, not should be.” Siren snapped his head towards Ender, shaking his head, “I need them to be okay. Bring us to Apollo.”
Ender nodded, placing a hand on Siren’s shoulder. In seconds, they disappeared in a flurry of purple particles, appearing now in Apollo’s clinic in the Syndicate building.
Tommy was sitting by the desk, playing on his DS. He perked up quickly when he heard Ender teleport in, looking up and seeing Siren cradling you. Siren moved forward, placing you down on the doctor’s mat in the center of the room.
Tommy quickly walked over, “Jesus, man, what the fuck happened?” He placed his hands near your head, warmth emitting over them as he began healing you.
“Schlatt happened. But he won’t be a problem anymore,” Wilbur huffed, tearing off his blindfold and coat, draping them over a chair. He paced around the room as Tommy worked on healing.
“You’re going to burn a hole in the floor,” Tommy huffed.
“I couldn’t care less, Toms. They weren’t supposed to be involved with any of this, I’ve fucked it up again, I-I put them in danger,” Wilbur ran a hand through his hair.
Tommy straightened, pulling his hands away as he finished healing, “Don’t start with your self-deprecating shit, man. They know you’re Siren. They’ve stuck around, and they always knew this could happen. You’re not to blame.”
“But I-”
“You weren’t the one who kidnapped them. It’s not your fault,” Tommy sighed, grabbing a glass of water.
Wilbur nodded, walking up to you, still unconscious, “They- they’ll be fine, right? They’ll be okay?”
Tommy took a sip of his water, nodding, “Yeah. Head injury was the worst of it, but it should be all healed up now. They might be a bit foggy when they wake up, though.”
“When will they wake up?”
Tommy shrugged, “Should be soon. Probably an hour or two. Can’t give you an exact time. You should get them somewhere more comfortable before they’re up, though.”
Wilbur nodded, carefully picking you back up, “Thanks, Tommy.”
“You don’t have to thank me, man, it’s my job.”
Wilbur rolled his eyes, “I want to thank you, dickhead. Now, go to sleep, child.”
“I am n-” Wilbur cut off Tommy’s response by closing the door to Tommy’s clinic behind him. He called Techno, and within a few minutes, Wilbur was being driven home with you still resting in his arms.
“They’re going to be fine, you know that.”
“I know they will be, but they never should’ve been there in the first place. They never asked for this.” Wilbur sighed.
“Oh, please.” Techno snorted, “You tried to scare them away way back when. You even used your ability to try and convince them to not want to be around you.”
“Yeah, but that’s not the same. They turned down the offer to join the Syndicate, which meant they never should’ve been involved with this stuff.”
“Maybe you should ask again,” Techno shrugged. “Even if they don’t want to fight, we could use someone to help out with questioning people. Their ability would work pretty well for that.”
“Techno, I just said they shouldn’t have been involved with this stuff.” Wilbur sighed.
“All I’m saying is if they do become a member, it would be a lot easier to keep them safe. Less loose ends that we can’t keep our eyes on.”
Wilbur bit his lip, nodding with realization, “True. I- yeah. I’ll ask them.”
“Plus, with how in love with them you are, it won’t be long before something like this happens again.”
“I- What?” Wilbur spluttered, eyes widening, “How-?”
“How do I know that? Wilbur, it’s insanely obvious,” Techno laughed, “I have no clue how they don’t know.”
“They won’t know. And you won’t tell them.” Wilbur hissed out.
“Mmhm, okay, sure. Pretty big wimp move for a supervillain.”
Wilbur groaned but didn’t respond past that.
The rest of the car ride was quiet, Wilbur gently playing with your hair gently. He routinely moved a hand to check your pulse, just as a reminder that you were fine and alive and here with him.
He carried you out of the car once Techno pulled up, heading straight to his room. He laid you down gently, placing your head on his lap.
The world seemed fuzzy when you came to. You were too comfortable to open your eyes at first, shifting slightly and letting out a soft groan. Your joints felt sore and stiff, but your face felt even weirder. Your face felt warm but like all of your muscles were new and had never been used before. You scrunched your nose, slowly opening your eyes and letting them get used to the environment around you.
You recognized the room instantly and relaxed as the memories started flooding back to you. The kidnapping, Schlatt, getting knocked out. You heard humming, looking up to see Wilbur leaning against the wall, humming with his eyes closed. He was fidgeting with his fingers and biting at his lip.
You slowly shifted to look up at him fully, “Hey.” Your voice was groggier than you’d expected.
He looked down quickly, “You’re up,” he smiled, “Hi.”
“Did everything go well? With Schlatt?”
He laughed, shaking his head, “God, you just woke up from getting knocked out and tortured, and the first thing you ask is if the fight went well?” He moved a hand to your hair gently, “Are you okay?”
“Well, yeah,” you shrugged, “I feel fine, just a bit tired, I guess. I feel like I’m supposed to feel worse.”
“Tommy healed you,” he supplied.
You sat up slowly, and he carefully placed a hand on your back, keeping it there until you’d gotten in a better position. “He didn’t have to do that. I would’ve been fine.”
“You would’ve had a concussion and a fracture in your skull.”
“That’s not the worst thing in the world.” You joked and gave him a lopsided grin, and he shook his head, chuckling.
He pulled you into a tight hug, “I’m so fucking glad you’re okay.”
You hugged him back, burying your face against him gently, “I would’ve been fine.”
You were lying. You were not fine, actually. As strong as you acted, you couldn’t deny the slight shake that lay in your hands as you thought about that warehouse and the overwhelming fear the image of that mask in your head put in you.
You could’ve used your ability to make Wilbur believe you. You didn’t honestly have the energy to do so.
“You don’t have to be fine,” he whispered, rubbing your back gently, “I know how terrifying it must’ve been. But it’s okay, you’re safe now.”
Your fists balled up the fabric of his sweater, and the tears started falling soon after. He rubbed your back as you cried, the waves of fear and stress finally coming out. You could only hold it together for so long, and Wilbur would always be there when you finally broke.
By the time you calmed down, you were left with soft gasps of breath and holding Wilbur like a lifeboat. He leaned over to his nightstand, handing you a glass of water. After a moment’s hesitation, he placed a gentle kiss on your forehead.
You drank slowly, not wanting to overwhelm yourself. Wilbur’s kiss didn’t exactly help, but physical affection wasn’t something new to either of you.
As if he knew exactly what you were thinking, he wrapped his arms around you gently, leaning his face against your shoulder. You leaned into his touch, letting your eyes close for a moment.
“He was stalking me. Well, he was stalking you, but he had photos from years ago of us. Of Siren walking me home. Of Blade at my apartment. Of Zephyrus in my living room.”
Wilbur tensed, keeping you a bit closer. “I’m so sorry.” He whispered, “I-I never should’ve let you get involved with the Syndicate stuff, I was so stupid to think something like this wouldn’t happen.”
“Wilbur, you never let me get involved. In fact, you were the one pushing me from getting involved. I chose this. I knew something like this could happen, and I chose to stick by you.”
“You’re not a member of the Syndicate, though. I know you can protect yourself, but I don’t want to be the reas-”
“Wilbur.” You hissed out. “If you even for a moment insist again that this is your fault, I will use my ability to make you believe that the best way to sleep is by falling out the window.” He bit his tongue from responding, nodding. “I didn’t turn down the Syndicate offer because I thought it would keep me safe.” You reached for his hand, taking it and squeezing it tightly. You didn’t know if it was your foggy mental state that made the idea of confessing your feelings so appealing or if it was just the residual fear in your system, but you didn’t care regardless.
“Why did you turn it down, then?” Wilbur asked softly.
“I turned down the Syndicate offer because I was worried about working with you.” You sighed, “It’s hard to focus around you, Wilbur.”
“Me? I don’t understand, we’ve been best friends for years, why would..?”
“That’s the problem. It’s hard to focus around you because I am constantly wishing that you would love me back.”
You held your breath once the words left your mouth. Wilbur pulled away from you, and you felt your heart drop.
“Do you mean that?” He asked softly, moving to sit in front of you.
You nodded, unable to respond further in fear of the tears resurfacing.
Wilbur reached a hand out, pausing and hesitating for a moment. He continued though, gently cupping your cheek.
“Can I kiss you?”
Your eyes widened. “Only if you mean it.”
He smiled softly, leaning forward and kissing you hard. You wrapped your arms around his neck, holding him close as you kissed him back, putting all the passion behind it that you’d wanted to for years.
When he pulled away, you rested your forehead against his, catching your breath slowly. He smiled, fingers lightly tracing your arms.
“So… about joining the Syndicate then,” you started.
He laughed, pulling away to grin at you, “You don’t have to decide anything tonight. But it would be really nice. You probably wouldn’t be on the front lines, but we’d love to have you. Plus, we’d be able to see each other a lot more.” He grinned.
You smiled, “Well, I’ll give you a formal answer in the morning. But as for an informal one, I’d fucking love it.”
He grinned, holding you close once more. You ran your hands up and down his back gently, and he hissed in pain when you reached the midpoint of his back. You pulled away.
“Will? You alright?”
He gave a thumbs up, and you smirked, “Say it out loud.”
He groaned, “I am alright. I am perfectly fine.” You could feel the pressure of his words in your head, and they almost sounded distorted. A clear lie.
“Let me see your back.” You smiled, and he groaned.
“You know how much I hate that I can’t lie to you?” He huffed, turning and pulling his sweater up.
“I know, I know,” you took a good look at his back, frowning at the dark bruise on his back, “Wilbur, you have a huge bruise. Are your ribs okay? It looks like some might be cracked.”
“They feel fine,” he shrugged. The pressure returned to your head, and this time you could feel a sensation of burning below your hands. A big lie, then.
“...I’m texting Tommy.”
“No, do not!”
You already had your phone out, texting Tommy to ask for him to come as soon as possible, both for Wilbur and so you could thank him for healing you.
“Too late,” you smiled, and Wilbur huffed, pulling his sweater back down.
He wrapped an arm around you again, kissing the top of your head, “You’re lucky I love you, Aletheia.”
“I am,” you smiled softly. There was no pressure or warm sensation. He did love you. He meant it. “Alethia? God of… truth, right?”
He nodded, “It’s Techno’s codename for you. He chose it out months ago.”
You smiled fondly, “Cool. Has a nice ring to it.”
He nodded, “I agree. And for what it’s worth, I’m lucky too.” He smiled, and you gave him a gentle kiss.
“We’re both lucky. Maybe our duo name could be Tyche.”
“Oh, god, I’m going to have to deal with so many more Greek mythology references with you in the Syndicate, aren’t I?”
“Oh, absolutely.”
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deathbxnny · 2 months
hello!! platonic scar, jiyan and aalto with a teen!reader who is a fractsidus member and is like sirin?
reader was kidnapped and experimented on from a very young age, which made them hate humanity over time and lead them to joining the fractsidus
As someone who loves Sirin so much as a character, I'm really happy to get this ask from you, Anon!! Thank you so much for it, and I hope you'll like this!!<33
Content: Teen!Reader, vague mentions of child experimentation, angst, hurt/comfort, platonic relationships, sfw
Reader has no set pronouns!!
((Not proofread))
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Scar treats you like all the other members at first, as he doesn't see the point in treating you any differently after hearing your backstory. All of them had a tragic background, so what's new? But it was your young age and clear anger that reminded him of himself, that caused him to perhaps reconsider his decision.
When you get assigned to be under his care, he makes sure to train you really well to be as good as you possibly can. He's not good at it and never will claim to be, but he tries to be there for you in his own twisted way. Whilst most would attempt to heal you from your past, he acknowledges it as something that's impossible and therefore just pushes you deeper onto it. It benefits their plans anyway.
With that said, he doesn't treat you cruelly and forms an alliance with you. He'll take care of you and keep you out of trouble, and you'll keep his back free. This eventually leads to you two forming a trusting bond that makes you good team partners. Whilst he has a hard time seeing you as anything else but a companion, deep down, he sees you as family in his own odd way.
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Yeah, this man essentially just snatched you up and ran off with you, thinking you were kidnapped and forced to be a member by the Fractsidus instead. And by the time he realised that this was not the case, he and Encore were stuck with what essentially was a child criminal. But hey, the more the merrier, right?
With that said, whether you liked it or not, you're dragged onto a trip with them. You were understandably angry and annoyed at first, often complaining and yelling about how much you hated humans, until you eventually calmed down and noticed that it was alot more peaceful with them. They were silly and unserious, trying their best to be kind and there for you, which over time made them gain your trust.
When Aalto found out about your past, it made him ill. He heard about alot in his life, but the horrors you had to endure at such a young age made him upset. From that day on, he decided to prove that humanity can do better by being good to you himself. He wants you to lead a good and calm life one day... but will you accept leaving the Fractsidus for it? That's up to you to decide.
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Jiyan wasn't hostile or cruel to you when you were captured and brought to him by his troops. Kneeling down to your eye level, the general gave you a look that promised safety and security, despite your clear rejection for it. He initially took you in for questioning, but when it was proven that you didn't actually know much, he decided to take you under his wing instead. Some criticized his decision, but it felt right to him.
Having found out about your past through old records dug up from a mad scientist you briefly mentioned, Jiyan quickly found out about your sickening origins, which reaffirmed his decision. He understood and sympathized with your pain and rage, going as far as telling you so. The world hurt you, and so you wanted to hurt it back. A natural reaction, despite him being against it.
He decides from then on to completely take you away from the battlefield and get you into school instead. He gives you a warm and safe home, practically gifts you anything that he thinks will help you get better. There is a trust between you two that eventually establishes itself once you realize that someone was finally helping you.
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ghost-bxrd · 7 months
Hello. In the final end notes of ‘What You’re Longing For (you claim to abhor)’ you mention the goons picking up the wrong clues from the Entire Mess of the final chapter. Is there any chance you’d be willing to expand more on that?
Additionally, I find myself curious: in the time after the fic, would Talia ever kidnap Jason for a bit of family bonding time(probably murdering dudes in the middle of nowhere or something, but still.)
Thank you for your time,
Hi! I’m not sure if this is a follow up request you’d like to feature in Ghost Stories so I’ll just list some of my thoughts here 💚
So Dave, Jones and McKenzie are a very very tight knit little group that established itself after being hired by the Red Hood. Despite working as goons, they each have their own moral compass that perfectly aligns with Hood’s rules. Consequently, they ended up being Jason’s most loyal and trusted underlings.
Jason didn’t intend to get attached to the three but he did and as a result let slip some personal info form time to time. Jones, Dave and McKenzie all made a game out of collecting clues to Hood’s real identity and background to the point where they’d sit down after work and pool their information. They’ve got a pinboard and everything lol.
Sadly Jason’s life was depressing af for the most part so the things he accidentally mentioned didn’t paint a very pretty picture. And when he used typical teenage slang one too many times Dave correctly inferred that their boss is much younger than any of them originally thought.
So in the end they had hundreds of little clues that all added up to the following (in their mind):
1. Red Hood is actually anywhere from 20-28 years old (+/- a couple years) and not a fourty-something rogue with plans of grandeur
2. Hood was abused as a kid
3. Hood hates Batman
4. Hood hates Robin and Nightwing but not as much as Batman
5. Hood hates Robin but still mother hens him like crazy and seems reluctant to let him go back to the Bat every time
6. Hood is a young guy with better training and tactical thinking than a trained navy seals soldier
7. Hood is intimately aware of how the Bats operate,l fight, and think
Conclusion: Batman used to train Hood and was also the one who abused him—> he’s concerned the same thing is now happening to Robin.
So yeah, that’s pretty much the train of thought they’re having right now. So while Dave, Jones and McKenzie definitely won’t shoot Robin (or Nightwing), they’ll definitely try to gun down Batman.
At least until Jason remembers to retract the order lol. (After which they reluctantly stop shooting at Batman but still not-so-subtly drop hints that they’d absolutely have Hood’s back if he ever needs help with the asshole. Jason doesn’t know what all the fuss is about all of a sudden.)
As for the “would Talia ever kidnap Jason for family time” question:
Yes. Absolutely. And if Talia was busy Ra’s would show up and do it instead.
The al Ghuls adopted Jason into the family. No takebacksies. And while they think Bruce’s overprotectiveness of Jason is amusing (and totally warranted given Jason’s penchant for getting himself into trouble) they draw the line at being barred from seeing their precious sons/grandsons.
So yeah, Bruce and Dick have to deal with Damian and Jason disappearing for a couple days every two months at least.
The first time it happened Bruce, Dick and Tim all lost their minds with panic and when Jason and Dami returned it was to a frantic batfam and the entire JLA in Gotham, on the hunt for Hood and his assassin baby brother ksksks
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ttrpg-smash-pass-vs · 4 months
I don’t know much of anything about D&D lore, what are your issues with the MPMM hobgoblin description? Feel free to take this as an invitation to rant
It's basically just an erasure of what they've been for like 50 years for no apparent reason.
Hobgoblins have been in the game like 50 years, and while they've changed a bit here and there they've always been what they were originally designed as- War-loving leaders and commanders of goblinoid warbands. They've lived in a strict hyper-militaristic society, whipping rowdy groups of goblins into a legitimately terrifying threat. Everything about thier society was war, they're obsessed with order, and worked well when others were around because of constant military drills. In 5e they could even gain bonuses on rolls just from refusal to show weakness to anyone!
“They break before our shields, They fall beneath our blades;
Their home is ours to conquer, Their children our slaves.
Acheron! Acheron! Victory is ours!”
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And the new lore is that they were super generous happy-go-lucky theater kids? And sure there are some that've been basically kidnapped or driven out and turned into warriors, but even then they're all about reciprocity and do well with others because they form deep ties with others. Like it still mentions that FR and Ebberon have legions, but that thier strength comes from that generosity still lingering and forming strong bonds of unity among thier ranks. Which is just...not how this has gone. They were always like this from sadism, taking glee in others' suffering. They were notoriously hot tempered and specifically found it DIFFICULT to be altruistic. And now thier defining trait is being about gift giving?
Like the goblin and Hobgoblin lore changes just added onto their established lore, just explained how and why they have thier quirks. But for some reason the hobgoblin got changed super hard. I've not got an issue with this backstory, there was just no reason to slap it onto the hobgoblin of all things. If they fled the fey realm because the "god of war and rulership" killed most of thier gods...but thier chief diety (who was spared) was already a god of "war and authority"...how did that change anything? How exactly were they already supposedly like this with a "war and authority" god at the helm?
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stargirlie25 · 8 months
Make it make sense..
I just don´t understand some e/riels logic.....
Like one day, Azriel is Elains mate because he figured out her power and cleared the murky realm she was in.
Another day he is a good protective boyfriend for saying the whole ´´There is an innate darkness that Elain should not be exposed to´´'and that was previously because she got kidnapped due to her powers.
Another day Lucien is a horrible man for saying ´´good´´ after feyre mentioned there has been no sign of her powers even though he originally asked how she was doing not anything to do with her powers.
Apparently that´s bad behavior because Elain should embrace that power. Although when someone mentions how Elain can get uneasy because of it, they say ´´Well she´s going to be stuck with it forever so its best to embrace it´´
BUT Azriel should forever hide his power because he apparently feels better without it?
One day its ´´The bonus chapter isnt even important because not everybody has access to it!´´
Although another day, the bonus chapter thats so useless reveals lightsinger powers for one of the key people in ACOSF? The optional bonus reveals that a character lured in Azriel and has a dangerous spell on him?!
One day its, oh my gosh forbidden love!
Another day its Elain has a choice and she should not be forced into anything!
But she should be Azriels hidden f-toy? She should be forced to that position even though he isnt ever going to be satisfied with her because he wants a mate?
Or its, Elain does not owe Lucien anything! BUTTTT she deserves to give Azriel her time and hide in the darkness with him and play out his fantasies (only thing he wants) even though he refers to her as ´´The thrid´´. Even though SHE HERSELF gave back the necklace out of her own choice. (something e/riels always disrespect and never notice)
Ugh mates are boring! We want rejected mates!
Or its, E/riel are actually mates because Az can smell the bond.
They are mates because Azriel thought so!
Like Elain is literally a conspiracy theory to Azriel miss maam
Or, Elain made a deal with koschei to be Azriels mate.
Its forbidden love!
No its the whole ´´The boy who never got chosen and the girl who never had the option to chose´´
Elain is the light to Azriels darkness!
Wait no Elain is the light IN the darkness!
(Azriels shadows shy away from light and he trains at night and Elain is a light who needs light and chases away darkness)
Death and life!
(Makes sense because the NC sucks the LIFE from her and obviously death can restore it?)
Elain can´t be highlady of the day court!
Yeah because shes totally going to be High lady of the dusk court with Az..
There is nothing wrong with Elains hobbies! (gardening and baking)
Elains going to be the spymaster of the night court because she keeps secrets about a pregnancy and she will wield a dagger it all times!
She will be the savior of Illyria! (Never trained a day in her life)
Stop trying to change Gwyn for a man and try to say shes a spy (even though she literally was spying in the BR like Az was doing at the same time) However Elain can be a spy because she is foreshadowed to be!
Also Elain is foreshadowed to be taking private lessons with Azriel (Gwyn already does. Canon)\
Luciens gifts to Elain prove that he views her as a breakable docile flower but Azriel basic necklace proves that he sees her for the bada$$ she is? (got that from @lorcanisdabest thought it was funny haha)
Azriel feeling insecure and unworthy of being near Elain because of his TRAUMA means nothing! Elain can fix him! Although Gwynriel isnt happening because they were reminded of Gwyns past (which they were both present for) for a HEARTBEAT WHICH IS LITERALLY 0.8 SECONDS AND THAT MEANS THEY CANT THINK OF ANYTHING OTHER THAN THAT AND THAT´S TOXIC!!!!!!
E/riel are mates because a smile bloomed on Azriels face in regards to Elain.
Although its just normal that a smile bloomed on elain face (AFTER HER DAD DIED WHO SHE WAS CLOSEST to) in regards to Lucien. Like thats just clown sh!t.
Amren said Az was underestimating Elain but we should not take her word for it because it was not Azriels (even though thats the only canon piece of what sjm provided on what Azriel could have been doing) BUT we should take feyres word on Elain and Azriel everytime!
There is so much more crap E/riels say but that would take FOREVER. All im saying is that to make your content consistent. Stick to one plot and make it make sense.
Something i have seen with Eluciens and gwynriels is that we have a solid idea on the romantic part for our ships and it stays consistent.
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pumpkin-padparadscha · 10 months
What if I just read "The Art of Losing" by @wafflelate a million billion times because it's my favorite.
Anyway the rest of this post is just going to be me going !!!!! so, spoilers ahead
Things I think intensely about:
-how suna is going to react to Gaara deciding to become the kazekage
-how any detractors of his new position are going to be IMMEDIATELY shut down because the "first" thing he does is "contract with a seals mistress to get the dead wastes converted into arable land" (who is going to prove it WASNT a seal? Sunas sealing sucks lol. And technically it did originate from a seal. Gelels seal.)
-how devastated Gai is going to be upon learning literally everything Kakashi went through
-how pissed as fuck people are going to be upon discovering that root seals can apparently block soulmate bonds? I feel like sealing people without their informed consent is about to become very very illegal outside of emergency circumstances.
-how the fuck is cat feeling. Does he believe Kakashi is dead? Does he hope Kakashi is alive?
-nara shikakunand yoshino are about to fucking eviscerate the elder council. Either they were aware of this bullshit or they were criminally negligent. Oh, what's that inoichi and shibi? Some of your family got kidnapped too? Maybe we should bring torture back to t&i. Just this once.
-kakashi is going to be so fucking proud of shikimaru. In his super repressed way. Maybe in a he deserves that legacy more than I ever did if he's feeling self deprecating.
-do you think temari has to sit through a million drafts and revised versions of kankuros shikabane play the more information comes out. Soul mates who were cut off completely from their connection, one believing the other dead, and the other never even educated about soul bonds. Them still recognizing each other enough that Kakashi was kind to her and she freed him instead of killing him. Please kankuro why can't you make the fight scenes longer.
-shikaku seeing shikakos complete shadow transformation and being like "yeah that's insanely dangerous to so much as think about attempting, I don't want to consider how bad things had to be for her to create that. Forbidden jutsu on account of who the fuck knows how she didn't end up falling into the black"
-does Gai feel like he failed Kakashi. Does he swear never to do so again. Imagine him thanking shikako for saving his friend. Imagine Kakashi being shocked Gai still considers him a friend
-hi inoichi this is my soulmate Kakashi, he did not take thinking I was assassinated well at all, do you have any self help books because he hates talking about feelings
-obviously she knows about seals because danzo wanted his own nara level intelligent seal master. Obviously she hid as much of her skill as she could from him because she isn't stupid.
-anyway here's a book a better storage scroll some medical seals and the seal to get rid of roots evil tattoo of shittyness.
-actually now I'm thinking about what if she DOES join suna because Kakashi has trouble feeling safe in konoha or just because being around a shikamaru who never knew her and idolizes Kakashi is kind of awkward.
-if they share dreams do you think she explains her original world to Kakashi after he dreams of cities he's never seen.
-wondering who was the first person to remember the lookalike yoshino nara missing nin that got mentioned in that one report.
-if I think about how nervous Kakashi is going to be the first time he trolls shikako and how he'll feel when she grins or laughs or goes along with it I experience An Emotion™
-"I don't know if you'll like them, but here's other you's favorite books. They make a good social barrier, and you've been looking a little overwhelmed."
-yoshino is going to cry so so so much. Her baby needed her all this time and she never knew it.
-kakashi learning that he was absolutely invited to shikakos funeral and danzo is just a dick who lies
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akatsukitrash · 8 days
Wait I wanna know what makes MinaKushi toxic 👀
Honestly when it comes to comparing this ship to other canon ships, it’s not that terrible. However I really don’t see what people mean when they say it’s a beautiful romance and a healthy relationship. Obviously a lot of it comes from Kishimoto’s inability to write female characters without 500 sexist tropes, eg. Kushina abandoning her dream of becoming Hokage and instead making her husband Hokage while she stays at home getting pregnant (a pregnancy that’s incredibly dangerous! And we’re supposed to believe Minato loves her more than anything when he willingly impregnates her). Their first meeting was cute, alright, but then Minato just lets her get bullied. Sure he does offhandedly say later that it’s because she’s strong and he trusts her, and she is, but he could’ve offered his friendship, instead of spying on her (I also find it interesting how Hinata, who canonically kept trying to befriend Naruto, is presented as a stalker by the fandom and called misogynistic insults, but Minato, who does stalk Kushina and doesn’t try to befriend her, is called romantic). Standing by while someone is getting bullied (and I can’t remember if it happened in the manga or the anime but one of her bullies threw actual kunai at her, so it escalated to the point of attempted murder) is being complicit. Yeah he was a kid, but I think we can acknowledge it was a bad move on his part and Kushina wasn’t being a bitch for disliking him, like I’ve seen a lot of fans imply. 
The kidnapping scene is…well. Minato wasn't necessarily being toxic there (still stupid to go after grown ass Jonins instead of alerting authorities, but I guess Naruto had to get his saviour complex from somewhere) but again. Sexist writing. It also implies Kushina is only into Minato because he saved her, there isn’t really any indication that she likes him as a person, and they start dating right away as children. 
Then we get to adult them and that’s where the power imbalance is really bad. Kushina is a genocide survivor who’s completely cut off from her original culture and even exiled from her country, she’s inherently in a vulnerable state especially because she has no support system due to being a hated jinchuuriki, and we don’t see any bond outside Minato, with the sole exception of Mikoto, who’s part of an oppressed minority. At the time, the Uchiha weren’t being spied on nor pushed to the outskirts of the village, granted, so most of the oppression we see them face hasn’t happened yet, but it’s safe to assume that Mikoto doesn’t have the power to help Kushina. Meanwhile, Minato has ties to the Hokage, to one of the Sannin, has his own genin team, etc. He has a life outside Kushina, and the power to punish her socially and legally if she steps out of line. Kushina is confined to being his girlfriend (there is no mention of marriage so I’m gonna assume they weren’t married), she’s viewed with suspicion (at best) while he’s viewed as a hero, and she is stuck in a village whose culture is completely foreign to her and which has been actively hostile towards hers (their mockery of her Uzumaki features + the fact Konoha didn’t come to Uzushio’s aid). His whole reputation as a powerful shinobi is entirely built off the back of the Uzumaki clan. Most of his jutsus were taught to him by Kushina, who’s kept away from the Hokage position despite mastering them better than him on top of having the hiden jutsu Adamantine Chains (which we’ve seen can bind Kyuubi even while she was weakened by both Bijuu extraction and childbirth, and we see Karin use it to destroy the Buddha Mokuton jutsu which is a jutsu Hashirama uses to defeat Susanoo-clad Kyuubi, and Orochimaru says Karin’s chains are weaker than Kushina) + her being the Jinchuuriki of the most powerful Bijuu and having a very strong will and chakra to suppress him. There is no reason she was kept from being Hokage that’s not pure xenophobia and sexism. The Yellow Flash only exists because the Uzumaki clan was massacred, and there is nothing that shows he cared enough to preserve her culture, find survivors, or anything to repay the Uzumaki clan. It feels very exploitative. The only two jutsus he uses that aren’t Uzumaki related are the Rasengan (which he admits is his own less powerful version of a Bijuudama, something Kushina has used as a Jinchuuriki of Kyuubi) and Hiraishin, a jutsu invented by SENJU Tobirama, who belongs to a clan related to the Uzumaki, and who gets no credit from Minato, which again ties back to Minato only using the Uzumaki to further his career while doing nothing to help them. It also feels a lot like he’s trying to cosplay Hashirama (even going as far as mirroring Hashirama’s behavior in the War arc despite having a completly different personally pre-Edo Tensei) but that’s a whole other can of worms.
Of course, a lot of those are circumstances that are mostly outside of Minato’s control, but he doesn’t make things better, and it does establish an environment where Kushina is essentially tied to him as her sole provider of attention and love and as a man who holds an incredibly amount of political and societal leverage over her, while exploiting her heritage with no credit and no reward for her as a person and shinobi. And he does use it against her eventually. While he gets to tell Kakashi about her pregnancy and have him guard her day and night, and is free to meet people as he pleases, she’s kept away from her only friend Mikoto, to the point where she didn’t know that Mikoto was pregnant with a boy and not a girl, and wasn’t able to be present at the birth or even the days following the birth (Sasuke was born in July, so he was about two months and a half when Kushina finally saw him BY ACCIDENT). That is an insane level of isolation and while we’re told it’s for “her own good”, for me it just shows Minato doesn’t care about her as a person + is himself filled with bigotry towards the Uchiha. 
We also know that Kushina kept being discriminated against for her appearance as a “foreigner” and that she felt like only Minato could love her (or rather her red hair) and that much of her self worth hinges on Minato’s love of her hair. So again, I’m rehashing this point, but it’s crucial to see that the relationship was never equal. 
Where Minato gets seriously toxic though is Naruto’s birth. He simply ignored her wishes, which confirmed my assumptions earlier of him not seeing her as a person but as a concept, and her culture as just an accessory he can throw away whenever he wants. Using an Uzumaki jutsu to put her son through the unbelievable horror and pain of being Jinchuuriki (while not even being sure Naruto would survive having a Bijuu inside him) is beyond bigoted. Her begging doesn’t phase him. Her asking him to survive so he could be there for Naruto also falls into deaf ears. He claims he’d rather die and give Kushina five minutes with her son later, but I honestly don’t think it’s entirely that, especially since he pulled the “I’m a Konoha shinobi and so is my son”. That line solidified him as a terrible father and husband, but also shows that again, he doesn’t give a shit about Kushina being from Uzushio. Naruto is his, and therefore Konoha’s. He should suffer for Konoha. But also he, as an Uzumaki, should be exploited by Konoha like his mother was. He didn’t even have any last words for him. The worst part is if his dumb fucking ass sealed Kyuubi back into Kushina, she would’ve LIVED. She is a full Uzumaki, and Naruto being half still survived the extraction as soon as Kyuubi was put back into him in the war arc. Hell, she outlived Minato, whose pathetic ass died right away (also he didn’t even have enough chakra to keep fighting Obito, while Kushina was spamming jutsus despite her mortal injuries, but that’s again another can of worms). 
For me their death scene was only a tragedy for Kushina. Exploited since she was eight years old, dies at only twenty-four for a village that hated her and her culture, knowing she’s leaving behind a cultureless, parentless son who will grow up alone and just as exploited. Nothing justifies what Minato did. The fact he never regretted it nor even paused to consider Kushina’s words shows just how little he actually values her input and her opinions. She was never his equal, and that was made clear when he made the decision on her behalf for both of them to die and for Naruto to be a weapon. 
Now yeah, don’t get me wrong, I love toxic ships. I’m a toxic HashiMito truther. But MinaKushi is pushed on us both by the narrative and fandom as the perfect romance and I don’t see it. Minato is self-centered, exploitative, bulldozes over his girlfriend’s DYING wishes, disregards her culture and only brings up her trauma as a genocide survivor to convince her that they should die for the village that abused her till her last breath. Just because he washed the dishes once doesn’t make him a good partner. Kushina was essentially chained to him, and I can hardly see a scenario where her leaving him would be without consequence. That’s just not a healthy relationship. 
Thanks for the ask! This was fun to write, although I fear I might get hated by the entirety of the fandom lmfao. This came out longer than expected (thank god I’m too lazy to add manga panels) because I have so many Kushina feels. She’s my baby
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sakuraharuno156 · 10 months
"…So you claim Hinata had no consideration for life of anyone other than Naruto... and then use a screenshot from the manga of her literally showing consideration for the wellbeing of someone who isn't Naruto."
Considering how things went after Neji vs Naruto, chances are that things changed in the Hyuuga family for those other than just Neji. Even if not, Hinata risking her life =/= a lack of consideration for anyone's life other than Naruto's, despite consequences. Or are you saying you’ve never done anything without carefully considering every single possible consequence first?
But hey… "Tell me you didn’t read my ask properly without telling me you didn’t read my ask properly".
"Or are you saying you've never done anything without carefully considering every single possible consequence first?"
First of all, sure, everyone did, but not necessarily when the consequences are:
1) you will just get in a way of a battle and be a great inconvenience instead of helping
(of which she was aware of)
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2) getting your guard punished/possibly killed
3) you hurting the person you are supposed to "help" (I'm not gonna repeat myself, you can read it here)
4) you dying for no reason
5) if you somehow don't get killed, you becoming a burden to medics who could devote their time to people who did help or got hurt by ricochet of the attack.
Second of all, you are putting it in a way that implies that Hinata did that only once, and you are wrong.
At some point of someone consistently doing the same thing you have to admit they either do that maliciously or that they are plain stupid.
I'm just gonna bring a few examples (that I talked about before over and over, but I'll do that again, especially for you)
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Shimamaru: almost died
Hinata: "But I want to stay beside Naruto too"
Does she care? No. Naruto-kun. That's all she cares about.
But maybe that's because they weren't too close, because who cares about a person from your class that is your comrade in war, he's not Naruto-kun.
How about her own teammate BEING CARRIED OUT BY MEDICS?
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The oiment Hinata has is more important for Naruto-kun, who is completely fine.
Who cares about Kiba, he is just being taken by medical team, but he can be an afterthought, they are just teammates after all.
How about her family?
Neji, who will be punished for hurting her (because, as you recognize YOURSELF, it's before Naruto vs Neji fight, so the punishment WILL BE THERE), who asked her TIME AND TIME again to just give up. Why will he do that, huh? Maybe because he had known what happened TO HIS FATHER FOR JUST THINKING ABOUT HER IN A BAD WAY.
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Anyway, how about making Neji hurt her, then provoking him by RUBBING IT IN HIS FACE THAT HE IS BELLOW HER?
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Neji just said (again) that she should give up and stop the suffering, she just casually mentions that he is "lost and suffering" because he's not in the main family.
(And before you say it was nice of her, NEJI AND THEREFORE MANGA showed us he didn't appreciate it, and the guard also saw that Neji was provoked and WAS ABOUT TO CHARGE AT HER FOR THAT COMMENT)
But ok, maybe they weren't close enough of a family, so it was acceptable to provoke him and get him to be punished, because you know...
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Naruto-kun is watching, so...
How about closer family? How about her own sister?
(Now, I don't like to quote the movies because I prefer to base my opinion on canon manga only, but you, Hinata Fans, love it, so let's go)
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(Credit to whoever made it, I can't find the original)
Hanabi was just kidnapped, but Hinatas mind is occupied, because well... Naruto-kun 🥺
Let's look at the person who took care of her for her whole life, her guard, her family, let's look at Ko:
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Oh wait, we have already seen it.
It doesn't matter who it is, if it's her comrade, friend, teammate, cousin, sister, guard. If that person is not Naruto-kun, their life or well being is irrelevant to Hinata.
She cares about Naruto, that's it. Nothing else and noone else matters.
Do you understand?
So back to the beginning:
At some point of someone consistently doing the same thing you have to either admit they do that maliciously or that they are plain stupid and when it comes to LIFE OF OTHER PEOPLE I'll say that it either way makes you a bad person 🤷‍♀️
So, in conclusion:
I did read your ask, I just assumed (and that is my mistake, I apologize) that if you are protecting Hinata, you shoud know first thing about her, but not only you didn't read the manga, you didn't even read the parts that had Hinata in it.
So, please, first read at LEAST chapters that have Hinata in them, before you speak (It's not a lot, she is a background character after all) or I'm not gonna answer to you again, because I'm tired of repeating myself for a 1000th time.
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frozen-heart · 3 months
Thoughts on episode 8
Here we go again! Lots of thoughts & feelings.. So let's go!
I won't lie I was gagged when I first watched this episode. I was on the edge of my seat!
But now that I've had time to let it sit in my brain I just can't help but think that it was... lacking.. It wasn't bad, but was it good?
I once mentioned before how I didn't want it to be Wes, but I was still shocked when he did his thing this episode.. Mrs Langsberry being Bloody Rose was fine. She was suspicious from the start, but I had other theories that I liked more. But it definitely makes sense with Tabby being the final girl.
I don't really know if I like Wes as the big bad. I didn't dislike it, as much as I thought I would before I watched this episode. But other theories captured my heart more..
I'm glad Kelly survived. I was sure she would and here we are :D
I still don't get why Bloody Rose attacked her. It was so random, even for this movie plot thing. It didn't fit Bloody Rose at all. And then Bloody Rose standing there and watching Faran go in to save Kelly? Go girl give us nothing.
I'm sad they cut Kelly's storyline short. As if Kelly's mom just needed to have a talk with Kelly to stop literally ABUSING her?! And the weird reactions from the girls, when Kelly said there was no more prayer closet time with her mom gave me an ick.
I was also weirded out how she's suddenly included again after Imogen THREATENED to make her life a living hell. And Kelly got over her cult mindset and trauma way to quickly!
I loved her hug with Faran and I hope these two end up together. I've been shipping them since season 1.
Also, not that I care, but where was Greg? That storyline with Faran and Greg is just left in the open. Did Kelly find out? Did they just have a one time thing?? Hello?
Imogen & Johnny
The whole time after Imogen attacked Johnny I was screaming internally for someone to get him out of the fucking freezer T_T That poor guy. I thought Imogen killed him 100%! I thought that would carry out into season 3! But no.. Why didn't she call the police? I mean even in Rosewood, which has the worst police department in history, they were called when dead bodies showed up! I love Imogen, but that was so stupid. I get freaking out on Johnny and I can still excuse her knocking him out, but anything after? Questionable. Choices were made. Still love her tho.
I'm a bit sad because I came to love their relationship, despite it being rushed. I don't think they would get back together, but who knows with this show.
Dr Sullivan
I actually can't believe they butchered Dr Sullivan's character. I know she's a crappy therapist! But you can't make me believe she's so money hungry that she does all of this for a fucking book! She felt like a totally different character! In the original PLL she was still helpful and kind to the Liars and in this she had some good bonding moments with Imogen..
Why was she kidnapped in the first place? That was so random. And stopping therapy is like the last thing the Liars need. Especially Tabby and Imogen. Why is Tabby's mom okay with them stopping therapy?
I also can't get over this timeline with Archie/Dr Sullivan and the og show. It still feels out of character for Archie to randomly kill her son and only now killing her. I gotta admit it was brutal to murder her without answering her question about her son, but that whole story felt like a lie.
AND PLEASE WHERE IS CLANTON??? It always seemed like Archie killed, because Clanton ordered it. Archie isn't actually A, Clanton is. He's the mastermind behind it. And it seems like that whole thing was just dropped?
I also thought Bloody Rose would have a bigger team. I mean it had this while Bloody Rose cult, but besides Wes and Mrs Langsberry, there was no one else involved that we knew or cared about. That was a bit dissapointing.
I was hoping till the end that Jen turns out to be evil. Especially when she accused Christian and Johnny of being suspicious, as if she hadn't suddenly turned up in Millwood as well?! That was so suspicious and I hoped they would follow through... The bar is so low and they still didn't deliver. Why did they wait until the last episode to TRY to make Jen likable?
Noa/Jen/Shawn storyline was really the biggest failure of this season and really dragged the quality down for me. As if there were no consequences for Noa and Jen after stealing money and wrecking Shawn's car?? Then Noa stealing a car (which was justified in that situation). How are these two not in jail right now???
I feel like the episode had a good pace until the time jump they did after Tabby's test. It was way to rushed!
I think I'll have to rewatch this episode. Maybe the whole season to really know whether to like it or not. For now I actually think I prefer season 1 overall, which is really surprising to me. When the first two episodes came out I was sure I would love this season more. I know many hated the reveal of season 1. I don't remember my initial thoughts I had back then, but I still think I preferred that reveal for now. Even if it was a random twin situation 😭
And where was Ash?? I thought he would have a bigger part in the reveal.. Where were the moms? Where were the parents overall this season??
That's it for now. I hope I didn't miss anything. Maybe I'll have more thoughts after rewatching the entire season
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archiveikemen · 5 months
Ellis Twilight Main Story: Chapter 3
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This is a fan-made translation solely for entertainment purposes with no guaranteed perfection. I do not own any of the original content. Please support CYBIRD by buying their stories and playing their games. Reblogs appreciated.
Warnings and FAQ
Ellis: Bodyguards?
At breakfast, Victor was talking about the unexpected incident that occured during my first job as the “fairytale keeper”.
Victor: That’s right! If Jude and Ellis protect Kate, our secrets will be kept safe too.
Victor: At the same time, Kate will also be able to observe the two of you up close and write everything down in her records…
Victor: It’s like killing two birds with one stone!
Victor: What do you think, Ellis?
Ellis: I’m fine with it if Kate is.
Ellis: Just because no one was hurt yesterday doesn't mean that sort of thing won't happen again… I want to be by Kate's side in case.
Victor smiled in response to Ellis and turned to Jude.
Victor: Of course you'll take this new responsibility seriously, right, Jude? You hate doing favours, don't you?
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Jude: Tch…
(I feel safe being near Ellis, but…)
Ever since having my life threatened because I was with Ellis and being mistaken for “Jude Jazza’s woman”, I couldn't help but feel wary of Jude.
Jude: Don’t you start wailing when you get caught in a scary situation, princess.
(He’s so intimidating… but this was a good suggestion from Victor, so I mustn't chicken out.)
Kate: I’ll be fine. I’m surprisingly tough!
Jude: … Hah.
Jude snorted and went back to reading the newspaper.
Ellis: Then it’s decided. I’m looking forward to working with you, Kate.
Kate: I look forward to working with you too.
Unlike Jude, Ellis returned a soft smile.
Ellis: By the way, you can be more casual with me.
Kate: Huh…?
Ellis: You could say “yeah, me too” or something.
Kate: Y-Yeah… me too.
Ellis: Mm, much better.
I felt comforted by Ellis’ warm vibes.
Victor: Administrative matters aside, now let’s talk about your mission.
I straightened my back and listened attentively to Victor’s words.
(This will be my first real job as the fairytale keeper.)
I bear in mind that this was important in helping me gain their trust.
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Victor: — Truth is, there is something I want you to collect information on.
Victor: It’s regarding the series of kidnapping cases happening all over London.
Kate: Kidnapping…?
That dangerous word brought back the same anxiousness I felt when I met the members of Crown for the first time.
Victor: Correct. The victims’ ages ranged from infants, to adolescents, and even grown adults.
Victor: One thing they have in common is that the adults were either prostitutes or street performers.
Victor: Popular songstresses from taverns have gone missing… many of them lived unstable lives without proper residential addresses.
Jude: Because the victims weren't people of high importance and mostly didn't have fixed addresses, no one reported them missing.
Jude: As usual, the police aren’t going to do anything about it either.
Unfortunately, like Jude mentioned, people who worked in the entertainment district were often looked down upon.
In that world of glitz and glamour, they were treated like pieces of trash in a garbage dump.
Victor: So, about the mission…
Victor: Have you heard about the ongoing art fair in London, the one with a few performers gathered there?
Kate: Yes. The scale of the event is not as big as the social season, but it’s rather crowded.
Victor: I want Jude and Ellis to go to that art fair and collect the necessary information.
Victor: These people may be vagrants, but they’re more bonded than you think.
Jude: Why do I have to go? This is useless.
Victor: Remember the human traffickers you dealt with in private? They might be connected to this case.
Victor: This has gone too far, don’t you think? Besides… today's your first day off in a long time.
That sounded like information Victor wouldn't be aware of, unless someone told him. Jude shot a glare at someone…
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Jude: … Ellis.
Ellis: He asked, so I answered honestly. Sorry.
(The power balance between these two might surprisingly be of equal level…)
Victor: See you!
Victor sent us off with his cheerful voice and we headed for our mission.
(The fair is even more crowded this time round…!)
Colourfully decorated stalls lined the venue of the art fair and delicious aromas wafted through the air.
The people were entertained by not only the food, but also the street artists painting and performers showcasing their talents on stages around the city.
Walking around the fair, I couldn't help feeling immersed in the lively atmosphere.
(Oh no, I’m getting too carried away… I must focus on our mission.)
(Right. I should ask him now.)
Kate: Ellis. Jude. Could you tell me about your curses?
Ellis: We haven't told you yet?
Ellis: I have the curse of the “Briar Bushes”, and Jude has the curse of the “13th Fairy”.
Ellis: They’re based on a motif called “The Thorn Princess (Sleeping Beauty)”.
(Curse of the briar bushes and the curse of a fairy…)
The 13th fairy was an antagonist who placed a deadly curse on the princess out of spite for not being invited to her birthday party.
(I know that's the fairy’s sin, but…)
(What sin did the briar bushes commit?)
As I thought hard about it, Jude suddenly stopped in his tracks and turned around languidly.
Jude: We don’t need a party of three. You go in the other direction to search for information.
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Ellis: What about protecting Kate?
Jude: You’ll be fine doing that alone.
Without another word, Jude disappeared into the sea of people.
Kate: … Does he hate me, by any chance?
Ellis: I don’t think so, he treats everyone like that.
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Ellis: His intention was probably to protect you from danger by avoiding being seen with you.
(Hmm, I don't really think so…)
I swallowed those words that I almost blurted out.
Kate: … If that’s the case, he’s actually rather kind-hearted, isn't he?
Ellis: I wouldn't say that. He loves hearing the people he hates scream in pain.
Kate: …
(It scares me how easy it is to imagine that…)
Ellis was the total opposite of him, showing kindness to everyone he met.
As though to prove me right, people all around us started approaching him the moment Jude left.
Flushed Man: Oh, you over there! Thanks for taking care of me that day!
Ellis: You’re welcome. Remember to drink in moderation today.
Kate: This is…?
Ellis: I found him passed out on the streets the other day, so I piggybacked him home. I don't know his name.
Kate: Eh!?
(You brought a random stranger home and nursed him back to health!?)
That wasn’t the only thing that left me in shock—.
Furniture Artisan: Business has been booming thanks to Ellis promoting my works to people!
Bespectacled Student: I’m so glad to run into you again! Um, I’d like to repay you for helping me fix my bike, could I have your contact information…
Cat: Nyaa.
(Even a CAT thanked him…!?)
(Or should I say, judging from the number of people who thanked him as we passed by…)
I could tell that Ellis did many good deeds on a daily basis.
Kate: I’m a postwoman, and yet you’re even more well-known than I am…!
Ellis: Really? I think this is pretty normal, though.
Ellis smiled gleefully as he watched the people smiling around him.
(Everything Ellis did for me yesterday is without a doubt just a usual thing for him.)
Someone who spreads joy.
Watching Ellis’ interactions with the people in town brought those words to my mind.
(Does someone like him even have any “sins” I can record down…?)
(Why would someone this kind-hearted work for an assassination organisation or with Jude?)
Despite having personally witnessed his kindness… that question surfaced in my mind.
Ellis: Kate, Kate.
Kate: … Oh, I’m so sorry! I got lost in thought.
I came back to my senses and noticed Ellis peering into my face up close with his head tilted in puzzlement…
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Ellis: Were you thinking about me?
Kate: …!?
Our eyes met at a close distance like a pair of lovers gazing at each other, sending my heart into a frenzy.
(Ellis doesn't seem to be conscious of it, but… this is too close.)
The situation was the same as when he went to see me in my room the morning after I came to Crown’s castle.
It was the second time seeing his twilight coloured eyes up close.
Feeling my cheeks turn red from the embarrassment, I turned my eyes away from him.
Ellis: Ah, hit the nail on the head.
Kate: How did you know?
Ellis: Hmm… just a hunch, I guess?
Ellis handed me a steaming mug with a smile.
Ellis: Here, I bought this milk tea from that shop over there while you were lost in thought about me.
Ellis: This is to thank you for helping me with my mail the other day.
(... Ellis is awesome…)
Ellis’ eyelashes lowered and he lightly blew on the cup of milk tea before taking a sip.
Ellis: If there’s anything you want to ask me, feel free to.
Kate: … Understood.
Ellis: Just “okay” is good.
Kate: … Ellis, why did you join Crown?
Ellis: Victor recruited Jude to join Crown, then Jude said OK and I joined too, I guess?
(You joined just because Jude did…?)
Kate: Why are you always with Jude?
Ellis: You have many questions, huh.
Ellis smiled and held his mug in both hands.
Ellis: My life was a mess before I met Jude. I moved from place to place, never having anywhere to settle down.
Ellis: When I came to London, I met Jude by coincidence.
Ellis: Some stuff happened, and we made a deal.
Kate: A deal…?
Ellis: That I’ll work for Jude, and he’ll comply with my request in return.
Ellis: So… we’ll be sticking together until the time comes when he fulfils his side of the deal.
My next question gave me a feeling that something might happen if I heard the answer, causing a stir in my chest.
Kate: What request did you make…?
Ellis: It's—
Performer with Flashy Hat: What is going on!?
The sudden yelling made me jump in shock and look in its direction.
Behind us, in the back of a temporary stage, a performer was scratching his head in distress.
Performer with Flashy Hat: Two people can’t make it for the performance… this is a DISASTER…!
(Two people… two performers… could it be?)
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Kate: Ellis.
Ellie: … Yeah.
— “The victims of the serial kidnappings were often prostitutes or street performers”.
We exchanged looks and headed towards the distressed performer.
Kate: Um, excuse me.
Flashy Hat: Hm? Oh. My apologies, Miss, but my show has been postponed by another 10 minutes!
Ellis: We heard you saying just now that two people can’t make it to the show…
Flashy Hat: My buddy who is supposed to perform with me has gone missing without a word.
Flashy Hat: Geez, lots of people have been disappearing into thin air lately… it’s starting to get suspicious.
(Multiple people… going missing…)
(If we ask this person more about the disappearances, we might find something.)
Ellis: If it's alright with you, could you please tell us more?
Flashy Hat: Sorry, but I really don't have the time for that right now! Even if I have to do it alone, I must think of what to perform up on stage.
The performer shooed us away… but stopped and looked at us again as though he had just gotten an idea.
Flashy Hat: If you guys help me out with the show, that’ll be a whole other story.
Flashy Hat: Haha! I’m just kidding. Being short-handed is one thing, but it's a strict rule to never allow amateurs on stage.
He shook his head, seemingly to dismiss his suggestion as an impulsive one.
Ellis took a step closer.
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Ellis: Help? What kind?
Flashy Hat: Haha! You’re serious about this? I was merely joking.
Ellis: But you said that you’ll tell us the details if we help you, didn't you?
Flashy Hat: … What? Hey man, you guys got a problem or something?
His friendly face twisted.
Flashy Hat: Giving out information about my buddies puts them in danger.
Flashy Hat: I can’t guarantee that you two don't have ill intentions. We're strangers that just met.
Kate: How can we earn your trust?
Flashy Hat: Let me think…
Flashy Hat: If you guys are willing to be used as a target for knife throwing, or tied up and thrown into a tank…
Flashy Hat: I’ll trust you.
(Target for knife throwing…!?)
Ellis: Okay. I’m good at that stuff.
Ellis unhesitatingly proceeded with the negotiations while I stood there, baffled.
(Ellis is so confident when it comes to negotiations. It must’ve come from his experience in working with Jude…)
Ellis agreed to help the performer with the show, but negotiations didn't go as we expected.
Flashy Hat: Tch tch tch… you alone isn’t going to be enough. That lady has to help out too.
Kate: Wha…!?
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Ellis: … Why?
Flashy Hat: Perform, of course!
Flashy Hat: Just think of it. A tragic story about lovers being torn apart, building up and coming to a tear-jerking finale! The audience will definitely love it.
(... Knife throwing… being tied up in a tank…)
Ellis looked at me worriedly when he noticed my face turning pale.
Ellis: Kate, you don’t have to do it if you don't want to.
(Victor has done this knife throwing thing before, so Ellis will be fine with that.)
My physical abilities were nowhere nearly as good as Ellis’, and yet…
Whether or not we would get information from that person depended on me.
(I have to trust them and just go for it…)
Kate: V-Very well. I’ll help.
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coff-in · 4 months
thank you so much for doing my request!! if you’re comfy with a pt 2 I’d love to read it!! seeing reader cope with becoming a parent and how reader copes with getting raped by andrew … how the dynamic at home changes, andrew as a daddy and ashley as a aunt!! does andrew force reader to marry him? <3 if ur not comfy w doing it as a req then maybe ramble or do it in any other form like a hc! thank youuu 🥹🤍
notes from coff-in: it's past midnight right now where i am (as it it's closer to 1:00am) but i need to write. this is definitely a ramble but thank you for clarifying that i could do that! writing properly for ficlets and headcanons take a bit out of me but i want go give you guys the best that i got, you know? sorry, sorry... on to your ask!
[fem] reader-insert, [afab] reader-insert(?), NSFW, rape, talks/mentions of pregnancy and abortion, incest in the last bits but it's skippable really
the biggest thing that i wonder about is how [reader] met andrew and ashley. how long have they'd known each other? were they quarantined together (was [reader] quarantined at all)? i think i'll leave it up to the reader's interpretation/imagination but these things feel like they should impact the story, you know? um... [reader] doesn't really take to being a mother too well. she doesn't want to be a mother, so it makes sense. ashley wouldn't let her get rid of the child, either. she doesn't like [reader] all that much but she does try to recognize potential opportunities to keep andrew close in this... situation.
the last thing a parent wants to do is to make their child sad. if ashley could get close enough to andrew's child (she'd love the child ofc, it's an extension of her brother) then she could keep andrew close to her, too. any separation of them would also affect the child and until it's born who knows how that can go. ashley doesn't like [reader] all that much. she could come to like [reader], but when i was writing the original piece i sort of didn't write it with ashely in mind... so any relationship they build would be after the rape event.
andrew. andrew andrew andrew. he... he wants the child. it's possibly a new chance for him to have a new life. not necessarily an ordinary life (years of sexual tension between him and his sister build up somehow to him raping a women they sorta kidnap/escaped with from an apartment after demon summoning, murder, and cannibalism) but it could be considered close enough if you squint and tilt your head. again, when writing the original piece i didn't really write with andrew and [reader]'s deeper relationship in mind, just the surface level stuff
andrew has come to care for [reader] to some extent, and the child makes him try to enforce that bond and relationship. he would reflect on his own parents and their parenting and how he raised ashley when it comes to his baby. trying to figure what to avoid (i think putting in the effort would be way better than what his parents did, though. it's not even a battle). he gets touchy feely with [reader]; sleeping in the same bed, holding their hand or resting it on their hip, brushing her hair, etc etc some of the stiff we've seen with ashley. i think he'd also talk to the baby bump, too.
[reader] isn't expected to kill people anymore or to do excessive physical labor. i don't think she takes part in the cannibalism as much either. i'm kinda leaving her vague because i want you guys to really just imprint on [reader] i guess when it comes to this situation. andrew would be a fairly good dad though. uh... sort of dozed off a bit trying to think about him as a dad. he would be way more attentive that his own parents, that's for sure. he's the voice of reason along with [reader] (ashley is that "cool aunt" that the kid loves), but andrew is also still a bit of a doormat or pushover. he can't stay too mad at this kids.
do i think andrew would force [reader] to marry him? maybe. it would probably be good for taxes and other legal documents but i don't know if he'd put such a high value on marriage. i think he'd like the intertwining aspect of it, the legal binding it brings. i doubt ashely would enjoy this but it's also dependent on your relationship.
mixing this idea with incest ideas because i can't help myself right now, fell free to skip this: andrew and a sibling [reader]. especially a younger one. i don't know but i kind of enjoy the idea of him during quarantine (or right after) just... losing control one night. it's not violent or loud or out of hate; it's quiet and gentle and out of frustration. he takes his younger baby sibling while they're sleeping as a way to just let it all out. the tension and stress and repression of his feelings for them... he just lets them go. ashley's dead asleep and so is [reader], as ling as he's quiet there are no immediate consequences to this action. he raised [reader] since they were a fucking baby and what a wonderful adult they had turned out to be (as wonderful as a graves could be).
aaaaahhh, i'm tired. sorry for the weird sleepy rant response. i feel like i should mention again: i have never been raped nor do i know friends or people personally who have been raped. i haven't really read anything scholarly about it so take all i say with a grain of salt and an open mind. thank you for requesting, 'nonnie. i love it when people ask for expansions or explanations in previous posts (reminds me of devious anon, i miss them)
anyway my eye saight is losing focus so i'll end it here. good day/night/evening whatever you are
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tobiasdrake · 2 months
That 'Deadpool 2' retcon stinger where Reynolds caps his 'Origins' incarnation did have my inner comic forum quibbler going 'seriously? That easy? What are those hollowpoints juiced with??' Of course the answer's 'fuck you that's what'. Also not at all sure why Origins!Sabertooth needed a crewcut. Spiderverse's Kingpin turned out to be Liev Schreiber's better Marvel role by a few miles.
To be fair, he doesn't have an adamantium skeleton. That's why Logan could cut through his neck for the killing blow. It's mentioned in the film that the adamantium "hasn't finished bonding yet", but Stryker demands his deployment anyway.
What that amounts to in the fight is that Barakapool has adamantium sword-arms but nothing else.
Honestly, he's kind of underwhelming for what he's meant to be.
Like, this character is meant to be a composite mutant with a fuckton of powers all poured into one guy. We see cages with like twenty mutants in them that Stryker's kidnapped to make part of Weapon XI.
This is a perfect time for cameos galore, throwing in this that and the other mutant from all across the X-Men franchise and turning Barakapool into the fucking infinity mutant with a million powers all flowing out of his ass at once.
They do not do this.
None of those mutants. Like. Are. Anybody. They're just some guys. Extras to crowd around and make the prison look more populated. Only two of them have names and any demonstrated powers at all: Cyclops and Emma Frost. And only one of them contributed an ability to Barakapool.
In the fight itself, Barakapool has a grand total of three powers.
Wolverine's regeneration.
Cyclops's optic blasts.
Kestrel's teleportation.
That's it. That is the complete powerset of Weapon XI, the composite mutant with the combined abilities of all of the mutants Sabretooth's been hunting across the globe for six years.
I know Barakapool gets a lot of crap for being an absolute fucking disappointment as a Deadpool rendition.
But I need you to understand that if you don't compare him to the comics, if you don't try to hold him up as a Deadpool rendition and just take him for what he is?
He still fucking sucks.
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yanderes-galore · 5 months
A John Forge (Halo) concept please!
I can try my hand at this, sure. He was a good character and had nice characterization as a marine.
Yandere! John Forge Concept
Pairing: Romantic/Platonic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Manipulation, Poor mental health, Violence, Mentions of War (Start of Human/Covenant war), Overprotective/Possessive behavior, Ruthless behavior, Kidnapping (not by John surprisingly), Murder implied, Blood, Dubious companionship/relationship.
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I feel John will be easier to write for than Spartans in theory... then he has his personality that throws a wrench in things.
He's a marine, not a Spartan. Which means he still has all of his emotions intact.
He's strong, tough, and competitive.
He knows how to lead and knows how to get his missions done.
He's disciplined... although according to the Wiki it's said he failed his last psychological exam.
Which isn't the BEST sign....
It's said in canon he had a wife but mostly focused on military life since he couldn't cope with life outside of it.
He seems to be irritable as it says he struck an officer at one point.
So he seems to be a guy who's experienced and does his own thing... much to the chagrin of his team and superiors.
Despite this having more emotions than a Spartan, violence seems to be something constantly on his mind.
He'd never hurt you, though.
John doesn't seem like he'd be affectionate or even care too much at first.
He is capable of human emotion, but he is so used to war and fighting that he has trouble expressing such things.
Maybe you're a scientist like Ellen Anders, someone researching Forerunner tech that John has to watch over.
There's no doubt the Covenant plan to use humans to activate certain artifacts.
As a result, John is assigned to watch you similar to how he was with Anders to make sure you come out of the mission okay.
Your bond is rocky at first.
After all, you're a person of science... he's a person of violence that doesn't like to follow orders according to his file.
Despite this... John takes being your bodyguard seriously.
Originally he just saw it as "babysitting".
But he sees how important you are to humanity and even begins to enjoy conversation with you at times.
John seems like he'd be ruthless.
He is, but he is capable of being protective of you like any other.
Probably even possessive due to his competitive nature.
Other marines in his command may get too close to you, which causes John to call them out with a snarl.
You don't need to be concerned with them... he'll make sure they won't cause you trouble.
If the Covenant got their hands on you, something in John may just snap.
By this point he has grown attached and even finds comfort in your voice and smile.
So seeing you get kidnapped by the Covenant sends John into a... red rage.
Other Marines can't get close to him as he's so insistent on taking on the Covenant by himself.
He's sent with Red Team, a group of Spartans, but John's rage is feral in nature.
He wouldn't be calmed until you were back beside him.
For others, it's hard to tell why John has such a fixation on you.
But what is known is he'd cover himself in the blood of both his enemies and allies to see you safe.
He's... actually really scary.
It's hard for you to be scared if he's covered in Covenant blood, vibrant blues, purples, and oranges coating his armor.
But then when you look closer... you see splotches of red... and you begin to fear for whatever poor soul got in his way.
Despite his nature for combat, John promises not to harm a hair on your head.
It's not babysitting anymore, he actually cares for you now.
A bit too much, actually.
He doesn't just want to be a bodyguard for you... he'd sacrifice everything just to have you.
He doesn't care how many times they discipline him for disobeying.
He gets the job done... he's going to protect you... he's going to keep you for himself once this is all over.
"Scared of a little blood, dollface? Just the Covenant's blood, you'll be okay. Just let me take care of you... what do you mean you see red?"
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