#other kids pick on her so mf bad
karmaphone · 11 months
actually you know what I'm not done talking about this. do you know what it would have meant to fat girls to see a fat Carrie rip her abusers to shreds in 1976. Sissy Spacek did a wonderful performance but it absolutely does not carry the nuance that the book did, or the literal weight that the book did, because she wasn't bullied for being fat or pig-like or ox-like or big or slow. a fat girl wasn't tripped and laughed at for physically blundering after she was covered in pig blood after the first and only time in her life she ever felt even remotely beautiful or even marginally accepted, and so her breakdown scene means significantly less
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upat4amwiththemoon · 6 months
Okay AN IDEA !
If you like it you can use it, if it's not something you wanna write that's perfectly fine too !!
So the request is for wandanat x daughter reader
R is secretly spider girl, only Tony stark knows because he's the one who got her the spider suit. R knows her moms would absolutely be against it, always telling her to stay away from that "spider girl" (not knowing it's actually their daughter. Yes like aunt May does in Spiderman : home coming :3)
So let's say R gets into trouble after trying to fight a villain way too strong compared to her and ends up being saved by wanda herself. Wanda finds out at this moment that the spider girl is her daughter and you can choose how the story goes from there
(your favorite mf who sent 8678 request)
Summary: Is it a plane? Is it the Friendly neighborhood Spider-Girl? Sort of, it’s a girl who doesn’t listen to her moms!
Pairing: WandaNat x daughter!reader
Warnings: violence
Word count: 2111
a/n: there surely are words written down here
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore @emsmultiverse @natashamaximoff69
masterlists | guidelines
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A video of the Spider-Girl stopping bank robbers is shown on the evening news. Y/N stares at the television screen as she eats with her moms, at times glancing at them to see if they’re paying attention to the news.
Natasha shuts off the television with a sigh, throwing the remote to the couch afterwards. Y/N turns to look at her scrunched brows and pursed lips. “If you ever see that Spider-Girl, stay away from her, okay? We don’t want you getting dragged into anything she does.” Her mother mumbles while eating.
Y/N rolls her eyes, though she hides it from her mom. “Mhm.”
“We’re serious about this, Y/N.” Wanda sets her cutlery down, looking at her daughter. “It’s dangerous and we don’t want you getting hurt.”
“I know,” she pushes her plate away, still half full, “you think I can’t handle myself.” Her voice is full of defiance as she mumbles.
The two women sigh as they glance at each other and their daughter, who is keeping her eyes away from them. This isn’t the first time conversations like this have come up.
“It’s not that we think you’re incapable,” Natasha raises her brows as Wanda starts speaking, which makes her wife give her a subtle slap to the arm, “we’re afraid that the bad guys will hit you twice as hard when they realize whose daughter you are.”
“Mhm.” Is all the answer her mothers get before she excuses herself from the dining table and makes her way to her bedroom.
As Y/N slams the door shut, she locks it and moves the curtains in front of her single window. Sitting down to her bed, she closes her eyes and takes some deep breath, calming down her mind. She is aware her mother would never read her mine without permission, unless absolutely necessary, but Y/N likes to make sure there are no loose ends.
Her mind clears from any unwanted thoughts—thanks to Natasha making her meditate with her since she was a kid—and a smile appears on her face. Y/N walks over to her wardrobe, her steps light as she opens it and starts digging through the mess of things inside. She finds the back wall of the wardrobe and moves it out of her way, taking her suit out of its hiding place.
She slips on her Spider-Girl suit, grinning from ear to ear at the empowering feeling the suit gives her. This is what she wants to do. This is her life.
Pressing her ear against the chilly wooden door, listening to the quiet sound of a laugh track coming from the television. Her mom won’t come bother her when they think she is upset. She has plenty of time to fight crime.
Y/N opens her window and climbs out of it, the palms of her suit sticking to the walls of her home as she makes her way to the roof. She shivers as the wind picks up, but she doesn’t let it bother her.
The homemade web shoots out of the web shooter and she flies towards the city centre, where the evening bustle is starting to wake up. She props herself on top of a building, it’s high enough to be hidden from the people, but still low enough to keep an eye on the streets.
After a few minutes of surveilling the area, a bright light flashes just outside the city, leaving a trail of smoke behind. Y/N grins and makes her way to the smoke, practically flying over the buildings as she glides in the air with the web wings of her suit.
It only takes her around 15 minutes to get near the site. She lands on top of an industrial building, staying low as her eyes adjust to the lack of bright city lights.
Y/N can quickly figure out where the light came from. There is a machine on an otherwise unoccupied patch of land between all the abandoned looking buildings. The machine is big, but it looks crude, handmade. She frowns, not feeling good about any of this. It’s still slightly smoking when two men wearing safety gear finally step onto her line of sight.
She tries to hear what they’re talking about, but they’re too quiet even with her heightened sense of hearing. Her eyes scan over the near area, trying to calculate how safe she’d be if she made herself known to them. Not seeing anything on top of the two men and the machine, she starts quietly crawling closer, keeping a close eye to the men’s hands.
Suddenly, a buzzing sensation fills her mind. She snaps her head to the direction her spidey senses guide her, and even though she is fast, it’s not enough. A third man has climbed onto the roof. He is holding a weapon Y/N doesn’t recognize and shoots it before she is able to react.
A bolt of electricity flies out of the gun-like weapon. It hits Y/N right on her side, making her lose her grip and fall down from the building, all the way to the ground. A small cloud of dust puffs out from the impact.
With a groan, Y/N opens her eyes, seeing the two men standing over her with grins on their faces. “Well, well, well,” one of them chuckles, “what do we have here?” His voice is low and raspy, the smoked a pack a day for years kind of voice.
She lets out a quiet growl-like noise, which clearly doesn’t intimidate the men. “What’s she supposed to be?” The other man mumbles, his head tilting from side to side as he studies Y/N’s suit. “Some kind of bug, eh?”
Using the moment to her advantage, she pushes herself on her feet with a move Natasha taught her, webbing one of the men to the face and kicking the other’s knee. The men let out surprised noises, stumbling away from Y/N, which gives her a slight advantage as she starts fighting them.
She does well for a while, at least when there’s only two of them fighting her, but slowly she starts hearing noises growing louder, like running.
Just as she knocks one of the men unconscious and stick the other to a wall with her web, a group of people with the man who shot her in front arrive. “Shit.” Y/N pants, already having used a lot of energy. The man raises his weapon, shooting an electric bolt again.
Y/N lets out a shout as the bolt of energy hits her square in the chest. She flies a few meters back, landing on her back with a grunt. Her hand flies up to her mask, quickly whispering, “SOS,” before she stands back up.
“The Avengers have been notified.” A robotic female voice speaks up.
Mumbling out a quiet thanks to her artificial intelligence helper, Y/N lunges towards the men again. She feels as if part of her strength is back, now that she knows Tony is coming, but reality hits her like a brick wall once an electric beam hits her.
“I’m getting tired of this.” Y/N grumbles, shooting webs to one of the weapons hitting her.
She webs herself into the air, using the altitude as an advantage against the men. While one of the men is still busy with getting the web out of his gun, Y/N swings down, feet first, on one man’s head.
The impact makes a nasty cracking sound, one that makes Y/N cringe. “Sorry!” She lands on the ground, on her feet, while the man falls on his back, unconscious, hopefully. Her spider senses active, and this time she has enough time to web away another weapon pointed at her. What she doesn’t notice is a new group of men on top of a building pushing down a cell tower.
“Take that!” Y/N mumbles to herself, making up sound effects as she shoots her webs, trapping a man to the ground.
A crashing sound gets her attention. She looks up into the sky, where the cell tower is falling down right towards her. She goes to shoot out a web, but nothing comes out of her suit. She lets out an ear shattering scream when the metallic tower drops right on top of her.
Tears are brimming her eyes as she heaves, trapped under the structure. Her vision is blurred and she can taste blood. The men around her look pleased, ready to end it, until one of them flies away.
The others start looking around, shooting at the smallest movements and noises, but one by one they get either flown away or shocked unconscious.
Y/N recognizes the familiar red wisps of magic in the air, and the small widow bites flying. She lets out quiet curses as she starts pushing herself up, using all of her strength to push the structure off of her.
“Let me help you with that.” Wanda lands in front of her, easily lifting the cell tower with her magic while Natasha punches the last man standing unconscious. “Are you alright?” She helps Y/N up, letting her lean on her for support.
Y/N nods, not daring to speak. She knows her mother would recognize her voice. “You got hurt pretty bad. We could help patch you up.” Natasha states as she walks over to them after letting Tony know someone could come collect the men now.
Y/N shakes her head, her eyes wide, though the two women can’t see it. She steps away from Wanda’s hold, giving them finger guns before going to web herself away from the situation. “Shit!” She grumbles as nothing happens.
Wanda frowns. She flicks her wrist, causing the mask on Y/N’s face to fly away. “Y/N!”
Gasping, Y/N looks at her moms with wide eyes. “I can explain! It’s not what it looks like.” She holds out her hands.
“It looks like you sneaked out to fight bad guys on your own,” Natasha’s hands are crossed over her chest, “and you didn’t tell us you’re Spider-Girl.”
“Well-“ Y/N opens and closes her mouth a couple of times, “that’s.. that’s it.” She mumbles, avoiding looking at her moms. They’re angry, so very angry.
“What in the world were you thinking?” Wanda scolds, though concern clearly slips through her angry tone. She walks over to Y/N and starts looking at the wounds she has. “This could’ve ended up so much worse. Do you understand that?”
“How long have you been doing this?” Natasha walks over as well, wrapping her arm around Y/N’s waist so she could lean on her.
Y/N has a sheepish smile on her face, “as long as you’ve seen Spider-Girl on the television.” They start walking towards Natasha’s car.
Letting out a quiet huff, Wanda shakes her head. “You’re so lucky I’m more worried about your health right now.” She gives Y/N a pointed look, a look that says you’re in so much trouble. “But you better believe we are going to take that suit away and ground you until you’re 30, do you hear me? You will never leave the house again.”
Natasha opens the back door for Y/N, helping her in before getting in herself, while Wanda gets into the driver’s seat. “Who gave you the suit?”
“Tony.” Y/N says quickly. She’ll happily put some of the blame on someone else than herself.
“Oh, I’m going to kill him.” Wanda states from the front of the car.
“I’ll help you.” Natasha mumbles, pulling Y/N closer as she starts to look over her wounds. “You know Wanda is right, yeah? Once you’ve healed up properly we will talk about consequences. And you can never do this again, never ever.” Her hands are on her daughter’s cheeks to hold eye contact, she wants to make sure Y/N is really hearing her.
She nods. She understands this was a close call, she has never gotten this hurt before, but Y/N doesn’t see it as a reason to completely stop. She can get better.
Natasha pulls her close, kissing the side of her head gently. “At least not before you train with us.” She whispers, giving her a small wink before going back to acting as if she never said anything.
Y/N can’t help but let a grin grow on her face. She looks down at her lap to hide it from Wanda, who keeps glancing at her from the rear view mirror.
She’ll never stop being Spider-Girl.
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stucky4evayall · 1 year
Eddie Brock x Pregnant Reader Imagines
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When you first told him it was almost first thing in the morning and his mind wasn’t fully awake and functional yet. He was making breakfast when you told him and it took him a hot second to realize what you said.
“That’s great honey.” *five seconds later he realizes what you said*
“Wait what?!”
He’s so excited he actually starts to cry as he hugs you. (After he picks you up and spins you once in the air with tears in his eyes) Cause this was his chance! His chance to be the father that his father wasn’t! He’s hugging and kissing you and thanking you for this (writing this makes me wanna cry 😅🥲)
Venom already knew all this because this mf slithered under the bathroom door like a little snake and saw your reaction when the test showed positive.
Baby shopping with this man is like showing with a kid during at a toy store. He’s just so excited and wants everything to be perfect!
One day you went to lunch with Anne (if you befriended her, if not then another friend) Eddie decided to try and build the crib while you were out.
He struggled. Venom asked to help but Eddie first said no. Then he asked Venom for help. Then he called Dan. So now there’s two grown ass men plus a symbiot sitting in the not yet finished nursery, on the floor trying to build the crib.😂
When Anne (or other friend) and you return to your place you hear three sets of male voices arguing and walk into the nursery to see Eddie sitting crisscross, Dan laying on the floor and Venom in a glob in the corner connected to Eddie by a thread.
You ordered them all out and you and Anne (or bestie) built that crib in less than ten minutes, leaving the men speechless.
He just LOVES your baby bump and talks to it CONSTANTLY.
“Hey bud, all ya all nice and comfy in there?” “What are ya gonna be buddy?” “You need to calm down on the kicking kiddo, mama needs her sleep.”
Gets excited whenever your baby kicks or moves.
Gladly goes on grocery/late night runs to get whatever food you crave. (Venom even shares his chocolate)
When your water breaks he LOOKS calm, but inside he’s scared shitless.
Venom grabbed the bag and your stuff in the rush.
Held your hand and encouraged you the entire time. “Hey honey I’m right here okay, you’re doing so good.”
Silently bursts into tears when he heard your babies first cry.
When the doctors came in with your guys baby and handed it to you, Eddie kisses your forehead and just stared in awe at the little bundle of joy that you two created. “We did it hun, we did it.”
When you asked if he wanted to hold him he was a bit nervous. When he your guys child in his arms he started to cry all over again. He said he loved them promised that nothing bad was going to happen to them.
Eddie invited Venom (with your consent) to come out and see the baby. Venom moved up Eddie arm in his blob form and stared curiously at the child. “It’s so small and chubby.” With a tiny tentacle, he brushed the baby’s cheek and the baby moved against it. “I will protect this little thing with my life and eat whoever harms them.”
You both laughed at this and we’re glad that Venom loves your child.
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pr0cyon-lotor · 20 days
Part 4: Drinks With Friends
(This has some of my writing. If you see punctuation/grammar mistakes, it's because I wrote this on Tumblr and couldn't be bothered to put it in a spell checker :P)
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(MF and LMY are drinking buddies because... Idk they're neat)
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(I feel like LMY would be significantly more shitposty if given the chance. So I gave her the chance)
LMY's Messages Era:
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(Male + Female friendship where they're they both get a little silly even though everyone else perceives them as serious 🔛🔝)
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Ming Fan was sitting on the floor next to Liu Mingyan's bed. He threw his phone behind him onto the bed after responding to the tweet. Just as he did Liu Mingyan returned with three bottles of soft colored liquors.
As much as he wanted to turn his head and scoff, he couldn't deny that getting at least a little tipsy and complaining didn't seem great right now. He had a lot to complain about and maybe a few drinks will make it easier for him to talk about it.
Liu Mingyan sat down in front of him on a pile of pillows and blankets they didn't bother picking up after they were at each other's throats. She handed him a bottle of a vibrant green liquid, it's swirled with eatable glitter. It was pretty, he wondered it would taste good.
"I will be completely honest, I didn't think you'd entertain me after the last time we drank together," Liu Mingyan admitted; her voice calm and smooth. It was sometimes hard to connect the unhinged messages to the poised girl in front of him, but he knew better now than to try to make sense of it.
He pressed the cold bottle against his aching cheek. He could only hope it wouldn't bruise. He always forgot that terrifying strength seemed to run in the Liu family. At least he could hold on against Liu Mingyan, he was positive he'd get taken down by Liu Qingge if he tried.
"I need to complain anyway. What even is this?" Ming Fan asked as he opened his bottle. The took a sniff, it reeked of hard liquor underneath the sweet tone. His scrunched his nose subconsciously.
"A glitter wine, I think. Sha Hualing gave me a few bottles before she left," Liu Mingyan answered as she opened her bottle, which had a dark pink liquid inside.
"The alcohol smells strong," Ming Fan absentmindedly complained as he looked around. No shot glasses or anything to pour some out. He contemplated for a moment before sighing and deciding if he's going to tank his liver, it might as well be in college.
Not that he had a test tomorrow, and he finished his work for the other classes. Shizun was out for the week, and Shen-laoshi wasn't the type to drop a test without warning. He could probably call in sick if his hangover was as bad as last time.
He put the bottle to his lips and took a sip only to taste it. Not bad, it was a tart-sour flavor. Maybe lime or green apple or both. The alcohol was still strong, so he wasn't going to chug it any time soon. Maybe if he drunker.
"How is yours? Mine tastes like dragonfruit," Liu Mingyan said while pulling up her facemask.
"Lime and green apple, I think. I like it," Ming Fan conceded and took another drink, this time to actually coerce a buzz in the very least. He had Liu Mingyan to blame for his ever climbing alcohol tolerance.
"Hm, sounds good," she responded while swirling her bottle. "Do you have something to complain about? You always rant when you drink.'
Ming Fan nodded absentmindedly. It's been a few months since the first day, and he still had so much left in the semester. This year felt long. All because of one annoying brat. Maybe he shouldn't have taken a gap year, then he wouldn't have to deal with Luo Binghe.
"This damn kid. He thinks he's better than me or something," he muttered bitterly and took another drink. He wondered how much he could drink before he was incoherent.
"The same one that took your scholarship?" Liu Mingyan asked, and pulled down her facemask to follow his lead a drink out of her bottle. She subconsciously covered her mouth with her free hand as she drank.
"Yes, it's always him, I swear! What did I do to him? I don't understand why he has it out for me!" Ming Fan ranted.
"Well... If I remember correctly, you had a mean streak when we were in middle school. Maybe he was one of the kids you bullied," Liu Mingyan offered, while fidgeting with her bottle.
Ming Fan wilted a little. He felt so much shame when he's reminded of his middle school days. He didn't know why he constantly picked on kids younger than him. It was definitely an insecurity thing, but he still hated it.
"Maybe..." He murmured and shook his head. He took one big gulp, not wanting to think about it further.
"As I was saying, this guy keeps like following me around," Ming Fan continued before things got sappy.
"Does he?" Liu Mingyan said, entertaining his rant. She also wasn't the best with emotions, so she understood the change of topic.
"He always trails behind me and Ying-er. I could be talking to her about an assignment or something, and then I notice him lurking in the corner of my eye. I can't say anything because Ying-er gets mad at me when I say something!" Ming Fan's tone turned whiney as his inhibitions slowly started waning.
"And don't get me started on tests! He constantly scores around me or above me! And then he has the nerve to look at me when we're told what we made! Shen-laoshi loves to show our ranks in the class at the end of the month, and ugh!!!" He groaned and put his head in his hands.
"I don't get it. I don't know what I did to piss him off. He's so smug too. He once walked up to me and showed me what he had while I was talking to Ying-er. She complemented him, so I had to too, or else people would think I'm bitter," Ming Fan complained, looked at the floor through the gaps of his fingers.
"You are bitter though," Liu Mingyan supplied helpfully.
"Shut up!!" He yelled back, feeling his face grow warm. Yeah, he couldn't deny it, but shouldn't friends feed each other's delusions? He huffed and crossed his arms while looking away from her. He continued to drown himself in his lime flavored vice.
"There's no need to pout, A-Fan. Nothing wrong with being bitter," she said in a teasing tone. She picked up her bottle and paused halfway.
"Hey, A-Fan, do you think he likes Yingying? Maybe that's why he's constantly following you two and trying to one up you," Liu Mingyan suggested. That gave Ming Fan pause.
Would Luo Binghe like Ying-er? A protective part of him wanted to keep the beast far away from her, but...
Begrudgingly, he did have to accept that out of the other people in Cang Qiong University... Luo Binghe was unfortunately one of the better options. Especially with his GPA, and the fact he was polite with everyone...
Except Ming Fan, but since he was sensibly buzzed he could acknowledge he was really easy to hate. If not jealousy, then his abrasive attitude. If he wasn't actively attempting to be charming, his personality was rather lacking.
He can see why he wouldn't be liked, and if compared to Ying-er... He probably seemed like a demon.
Liu Mingyan noticed Ming Fan wilt a little. She swayed slightly as she offered her drink to him. Ming Fan looked at the dark pink liquor and sighed. They switched drinks without a word, a soft silence between them.
It lasted a while, Ming Fan idly looking at the floor. His nail mindlessly scratched at the label. It was a moment before he broke the silence.
"Mingyan... Am I... unpleasant?" He asked; his speech more slurred than before. Liu Mingyan stopped mid-drink; she swallowed and wiped her lips. "No, not particularly. Why?"
Ming Fan didn't respond. His bottom lip was touching the lips of the bottle; if he simply tipped the bottle back, he could drink enough to completely forget this night...
"Because I think I'm unpleasant," he murmured quietly and tipped the bottle back. Emotions were hard. He can deal with the repercussions of drinking so much later.
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NYY's Messages Era:
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(fun fact: MF's drunk texting messages are based off messages my friend sent me drunk asf)
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oddvanilla · 28 days
Help me I'm in school rn waiting for my dad to pick me up..today was fun I guess it's just that my wife is ABSENT bc she forgot to sign up..and my other bsf is on her period so I can't act goofy because everytime I use my rizz she's like "get away from me" and I'm not pissed off but I miss my WIFE☹️☹️ like I want my kisses and hugs and the other mf is acting like she's allergic to me 😞😞also my English teacher is so corny. Like girl bye. Bro she made us do a public speaking activity where you just talk about urself ig and I love public speaking and crap but I just want my friends to look at meee like I NEED attention or I'll collapse. plus lots of my actual friends that I hang out with in lunch are younger than me cause I'm scared of the older kids and seniors but like. Everyone is absent. I had to sit with the new kids and get familiar with the faces and all because if I want to be student council president like last year I need to try at least 🙏 this new girl named ASIA that me and my bsf can't shut up about because we're like "AWH was Europe and Africa taken??" Like HELP why. But in my defense she kept saying my name wrong like she insisted that Reine was pronounced "rain-eee" WHAT?? Im still saving the seat for my bbg tho I miss her SM she was just at my house like 2 days ago but like. I miss physical touch so bad. Plus I know my other bsf is chill but the entire time she's like suffering,, the last thing she would want is a hug from me... which I understand but STILL. PLS get me out of here I want my friends and my wife and a non corny English teacher omfg I hate her SM already how will I survive the year with her. Also some dude randomly paid me to ask the English teacher if she's pregnant. Ma'am every English teacher ever is pregnant like wtf are y'alls husbands doing 🤦‍♀️ turns out she IS and also like 2 months in... Anyways uhm rant post yeah I swear I'm not mad I just feel tired and need a hug and probably a kiss on the cheek thank u
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weemsfreak · 1 year
Bestie, I need fluff. I need a fluffy one shot so bad. I’m a cuddly ass mf who like forehead kisses and feel like I could cry.
Can you write a fluffy comfort one shot please?
I am the fluffiest and I LOVE fluff, therefore I should produce it. Thank you for the request, I hope this is to your expectations!! ~ 1900 words
My Little Snowdrop
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You returned to Nevermore in the afternoon on a beautiful sunny day. You had been gone on a work trip for a week, and you missed your girlfriend so much. You and her had only been together for a couple months, so being away from each other was hard, as you longed to be with her everyday.
You wanted to surprise her with your return, so you decided to climb up the school wall onto her balcony and barge into her office when she wasn't expecting you. You used your ability to turn invisible so she wouldn't catch you, and you climbed up the wall. As you looked through the doors into her office, you were blinded by your own personal sunshine. She was indeed no match for the sun that was shining today, no. She was your light when you couldn't find your way, the star that you followed relentlessly, your sun when there was only darkness, and your love when you needed it most. She was ethereal, she was angelic, and she was yours. As you admired her side profile and the way her gorgeous hands fidgeted with her pen when she was angry, you were snapped out of your daydreaming by a raised voice. "Your pranks are dangerous and your attitude is ugly Mr. Becker, detention tomorrow, 4pm" your girlfriend said sternly. You watched as the boy scoffed and tried to come up with something to say back. He rolled his eyes, "Whatever Weems, you're the ugly one" he spat as he turned and ran to the door, slamming it behind him. You almost laughed at his comment, he really couldn't have come up with something better than that? As you looked back at your girlfriend, you watched her elbows come up to her desk and her head fall into her hands. You knew she was tired, and you knew the kids were mean sometimes, but it was never personal. You had the urge to fly through the door and capture her in your arms, to hold her and kiss her until she forced you to let go. Alas you refrained, as you had a better idea.
You ventured to the flower shop and bought her a bouquet of snowdrop flowers, ones you had never bought her before. Next, you bought her favourite red wine, and then you ordered take out, her favourite Italian meal. You knew that she would be in the dining hall to supervise the students, so you ran back to Nevermore as fast as you could. You broke into her office (which was alarmingly quite easy) and placed the flowers on her desk. You took the food and wine out onto the balcony, as that was where you would wait for her. She didn't know you were back yet as she hadn't texted you much all day, she was too busy. You sat on the balcony as you waited patiently for her to return to her office. Your ability was coming in handy today, you thought. As it started to get dark, the inside of her office was becoming hard to see. Suddenly, a lamp flicked on, and she was standing at her desk. You watched her as she walked over to the flowers and caressed them gently, leaning down to smell them. She picked up the card and her eyes scanned the words you had written.
My love,
Just like these snowdrops, a garden is not complete without you. The beauty you hold inside and out is no match for anyone else. I wish you hope and the ability to overcome all challenges. I pray that our new beginning will lead to a great end. I will forever be by your side.
Xoxo, your darling.
She smiled big, her pearly whites shining in the dark as she brought a hand up to her chest. You laughed as you could see in her eyes how much joy such a simple gesture brought her. She was truly an angel too pure for this world and she deserved to be treated like one. She placed the card back down as you watched her almost run to your quarters, probably looking for you. You felt bad that you wouldn't be there to greet her, but you wanted to surprise her. A few minutes later she came back to her office, taking her coat off and plopping down in her chair. She reached for the flowers and brought them closer to her, admiring them. You stood up and became visible once again, you figured you wouldn't keep her waiting. You turned the door handle and flung it open, taking two big strides towards her. "My beautiful baby" you beamed as you wrapped your arms around her forcefully, almost knocking her and her chair over. She flinched, "Oh darling, you scared me" she chuckled, returning the hug. "I missed you so much" you said desperately, placing a kiss to her cheek. You watched as a blush overtook her face, and she turned to gaze into your eyes. "I missed you too" she whispered, bringing a hand up to cup your cheek. She gave you a soft kiss on the lips, but before you knew it, she pulled away. That wasn't enough for you. You grabbed her cute face in your hands and you squished her cheeks. "You are so fucking precious" you said loudly. Her eyebrows raised in surprise at your tone, and she giggled. "Oh my god" you said suddenly, reverting to the most serious expression you could make. Her smile dropped, "What?" she mumbled concerned, as you were still squishing her face. Your smile returned as you giggled and brought your lips to hers again. "Did-anyone-ever-tell-you-how-fucking-beautiful-you-are?" you said, kissing her cheeks, forehead, chin, nose, and then lips in between each word. She laughed out loud at your antics and buried her head in your shoulder, giggling a quiet "no." You pulled her chair away from her desk, sat in her lap, and pulled her tighter to you, placing a kiss in her hair. She looked up at you, eyes searching for yours, "Thank you for the flowers, they're lovely" she smiled. You buried your face in her neck, kissing her lightly. "Lovely flowers for a lovely woman" you mumbled. After you two sat together for a few minutes, Larissa scooted closer to her desk and started typing away on her laptop. You opened your eyes and sat up, blocking her from reaching her computer. "What are you doing?" you asked sarcastically. "Working" the woman chuckled, trying to move you out of the way. "Hell no" you said, not letting her get past you. A devilish look appeared on Larissa's face and you froze. "If you don't move, I'm going to have to tickle you" she said, bringing her hands up to your stomach. "No, NO!" you screamed, but it was too late. Before you knew it you were thrashing in her lap, laughing so hard your stomach hurt. You eventually wiggled out of her grip and landed on the floor. She looked down, nervous she had hurt you, "Oh shit, I'm sorry darling." You tried to compose yourself from laughing so hard and you stood, retrieving the food and wine from the balcony. You held them up to her and smiled, "It's supper time, Riss."
You both sat and ate your food on the couch after you convinced Larissa to quit work for the night. To your surprise, she didn't put up much of a fight. You opened the wine and poured her a glass. "You always spoil me darling, thank you" she winked. You blushed, "Anytime Riss" you purred. When you were done with your food, you asked her how her week was. "The students are testing me" she huffed. "It has been trying, to say the least." You frowned, you had witnessed it today, but you thought you'd let her vent if she wanted to. "What do you mean Riss?" She went on about Wednesday's impossible actions before bringing up a troubled boy. "And one student today told me that I'm- you know what, it's stupid" she quietly said, looking down at the couch and twirling her glass in her hands. You put a finger under her chin and lifted her face to look at you, "No it's not baby, what did he say?" She sighed, "He said that I was ugly" she chuckled sadly. Despite you both knowing that he didn't mean it, it still hurt when people said rude things. Your jaw dropped and, pretending you didn’t witness the interaction earlier today, you acted angry. Really, you were angry. Why would anyone say things like that about Larissa? You knew her past and you knew that stupid comments like that hurt more than they should. You figured that a little joking around might cheer her up, so you stood.
"I'll fight him for you. I'll tape his mouth shut and shove him in a locker, and forget the combination" you growled, widening your eyes and nodding at her in confirmation. Before she could respond you continued. "That's it, I'm doing it. Once you put out a hit you can't undo it!" The woman started laughing as she watched you pace in front of the fireplace. "What's his name? I'll see to it that if I ever lay eyes on him, I'll make him feel so ugly that he'll wish he was never born." Larissa's mouth dropped open as she laughed loudly, covering her face with her hands. You stopped in front of Larissa, "He probably already wishes that" you mumbled. Larissa took her hands away from her face, trying to spit words out between breaths. "Love, you can't fight a student" she chuckled. "Yes I can, I don't work here" you said, kneeling on the couch beside her. "I can fight, here I'll show you" you giggled, knocking her onto her back and putting all your weight on top of her. You grabbed her face again, kissing her all over. You made a dramatic "Mwah" sound when you pressed a big last kiss to her nose. You smiled wide as you watched her giggle underneath you, her eyes glistening from laughing so much. She grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you down into a passionate kiss, which you happily melted into. You stroked her cheek and gazed into her big blue eyes, you wanted to make sure she was listening to your next words. "Larissa, you shouldn't listen to what people say about you, but I want you to listen to this. You are the most breathtakingly beautiful person that I've ever laid my eyes on, inside and out. You are my angel, and I am so incredibly grateful to even have the chance to know you, let alone be with you." Larissa pouted her bottom lip as you saw tears well up in her eyes. You brought your lips to her cheeks when they fell, kissing them away. Even though you and Larissa knew that you loved each other, you had never had the guts to say it, not until now. You slowly ran your fingers through her soft white hair and pressed your forehead to hers. You let yourself get lost in her pools of ocean blue as you whispered to her "I love you, my little snowdrop."
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cactus-cass · 10 months
do you have any headcanons for the ggy trio?
Tysm for asking this aughhhh
I'm only gonna go over Greg in relation to the other two because Gregory alone I talk about headcanons for a lot, and he's included in the post about the 3 star fam headcanons. So yeah
I just made a separate post for my sorta headcanons for GGY specifically, which you can find here.
Greg was a really good friend before being glitchtrapped. He was during it, too, but that was Rab playing an act. He's a super sweet kid, despite everything
Greg would give Tony his own pocket money sometimes. "I get a lot of it, and you need it more than me." Tony didn't like to accept it, but Gregory is a persistent person.
Greg would always help Ellis with the arcades he wasn't very good at. "I learned this strat, actually...."
Gregory would get them both snacks and sneak them under the desks in class, the trio eating them when the teacher wasn't watching. This was especially the case if Ellis seemed less hyper in class or Tony was particularly quiet.
Gregory was extremely helpful and kind with Tony when his dad got locked up. He was there for him. Ellis is better at lightening the mood, but Gregory is good at real comfort and supportive words
They're all there for each other. Gregory fights when people pick on his friends, which is rare-ish-- they don't really get bullied-- but it still happens, and Greg gets hurt. He gets anxious. But then Ellis and Tony are there. Tony's awful attempts at comfort make Gregory laugh, while Ellis is naturally good at making people smile
The trio balances each other out perfectly, and it makes things easier in school! Sometimes, Tony needs to lighten up and see the bigger picture. Sometimes, Gregory needs to relax and take things slower. Sometimes, Ellis needs to be brought back to earth a little.
Ellis has a pretty normal life. He doesn't have any particular bad shit going on, only the losing his two besties thing in the case of canon. His home life is okay, though; he has a caring mother and a little sister he enjoys taking care of, despite her attitude sometimes-- It's small, and it's nice. His dad is usually away at work, but he finds time for his family.
Ellis has as much monty merch as he can possibly get, but he insists on winning it himself at the Plex instead of just finding it on amazon or whatever.
Tony's secret opinion on Ellis would be so heartbreaking for him. Ellis would be devastated to find Tony doesn't like his silly side. It'd drive him away, "Wow, man. Okay. I'll find new friends, you can have Greg all to yourself. Enjoy it."
If Gregory knew about it, he would side with Ellis. He'd be angry, but also try to help Tony loosen up. "Hey, you don't have to be super mature yet. You're so young. Trust me, you should enjoy being a kid before you force yourself to grow up. Being forced into growing up sucks, I promise." Tony would hate the fact that it sounds like he's talking from experience.
Tony loves music! His dad liked music, and he could play guitar, so Tony likes music and wants to learn to play. He also wants to learn piano. He learned like 2 meme songs on piano to impress people in music class and almost got detention (tryhard)
Tony listens to music mainly at the moment. He wants to learn to write songs. He doesn't wanna be a songwriter-- He's still set on investigative journalism. It's just a hobby
He'd write lemon demon type shit mixed with like uhhh. Idk. Less silly, more serious stuff. Imagine Cabinet Man, but it's about an arcade controlling a person, and it's slower and more ominous sounding (the GGY song)
He listens to songs his dad likes, often. Reminds him of him. He misses him every day, and it's a way of escaping. He usually listens to music late at night, and he thinks... just thinks.
Gregory is the one who got Tony into cheesy 80s music instead of mf. The Clash and The Cure, which his dad likes. "Should I stay or should I.... Nah. Listen to this." He hands the phone back and it's playing Material Girl
Speaking of, Gregory loves 80s music! Ellis loves hard rock and punk music. They really do reflect their glamrock faves in terms of favourite music genre!
They'd have a collab playlist that they can all add music to, and Gregory always quietly adds things he thinks are funny. Tony got 'How Bad Can I Be' blasting in his ears one day and turned to see Gregory and Ellis giggling away nearby.
Gregory adds real songs. Some really good ones. But then he also adds it's raining tacos 60 times. They played it on a speaker once, and when it's raining tacos started playing, Gregory turned it up so it blasted through the cafeteria. All 3 of them got detention
The trio definitely snuck into a show at the Pizzaplex. Yeah, two of them can afford it, but what's the fun in paying? And it's from there that Tony was obsessed with Bonnie. It's the one thing at the Plex he can't pretend he doesn't find childish
Tony has been trying to forget it. He's too old for all that. But he just loves the characters despite everything. He'd start going into how he can like the glamrocks because he researched glam rock, while Gregory and Ellis don't really care-- "Yeah I looked into Glam Rock. It's like. A part of queer history. It's important haha. and I can look into its influence. Okay? It's normal and fine and mature." And they're just like "??? Okay???"
Greg's favourite is Freddy, Tony's is Bonnie, and the duo are super close. Ellis isn't stupid. He definitely thought they were gonna end up together or something; even if they weren't gonna end up like that or anything, Ellis is a huge tease
They all tried cooking once! Tried. Tony isn't a bad cook at 14, but he's an awful, terrible cook at 12. Ellis can't cook at all, and Gregory can only bake (at age 12, also badly).
No matter what they're making, Ellis manages to make slime every time. His favourite to cook is spaghetti and the pasta is always mushy, the sauce always thick as hell with not enough meat... It's slime. Tastes nice, with the worst texture of all time. Despite that, the boys like it anyway. When Tony's sad Ellis is like right. Dude. I'm making you my slimy spaghetti surprise rn
Greg would bake them all cookies at the weekends they work on school projects! They're usually slightly too hard or too soft, but they taste okay.
Ellis helped one time and the cookies became slime. "Oh my God Greg. Who made these, Ellis?" "Uhmmmm excuse me you're doubting the master chef of the three musketeers?" "He helped."
Greg got extremely, scarily good at baking that one September before he and Tony went missing (Afton/the Mimic can really cook apparently!)
The trio has a Minecraft server, owned by Gregory. Tony builds actual houses and stores, Ellis builds really huge complex things like farms and redstone contraptions + traps, and Gregory builds sometimes like Tony, but is shockingly good at it. He builds megabases. But he also starts a million things he never finishes, accidentally breaks things, causes chaos (usually along with Ellis), buries Tony or moves him while he's AFK, and /kills everything.
Ellis and Gregory built a dangerous labyrinth, and Greg teleported Tony to the centre of it. He's in spectator mode with Ellis, watching Tony struggle and constantly respawn in the maze while he complains. "MF GIVE BACK MY CREATIVE PERMS???" "Seek the exit, and your desires will be met." (leaves vc)
If Tony ever gets genuinely annoyed by their antics, Greg usually builds him something as an apology because he feels really bad about it.
And uhh that's all for now! I could probably come up with more eventually, but these ones have been on my mind abkshduhdjd
Thanks for the ask!
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thestrangestthing89 · 1 month
Will manifesting Eddie, Billy, and El.
There is a lot more to say about El being a manifestation compared to Eddie and Billy. She got the most screen time of the three. Brenner's attitude towards El: We see that Brenner favors El above all the other kids in the lab, to the point where they are jealous of El. But we aren't given a reason why. In fact, we are told a lot of reasons why she isn't special - she isn't the most powerful or the most skilled, she is the weakest. He doesn't coddle her either and is instead cruel pretty much every time she can't do something to his liking. She disappoints him, yet he seems to have high hopes for what she can do. His behavior is very manipulative and he's kind when he needs her to do something and cruel when she doesn't do it right. He flatters her with "only you can save them" nonsense when we plainly see that she struggles to save them. We know in S1 and S2 it wasn't just her that saved Will, it was the whole group. In S3 and 4 it not only was the whole group, but El fails to save anyone. She does a lot wrong. But she is constantly told she is special and their only hope. It doesn't add up with what we actually see happening. And this manipulation (by both Brenner and Owens) isn't just when she is the only kid in the lab. He acted like this when there were many kids. So he could have relied on them instead of her. We know he didn't tell her the full story about Henry. He admits to cherry-picking memories. I think what we are being shown here is more El's origin story as it relates to Will. These aren't her memories, which is why she doesn't remember them. She doesn't have them. But Will does and I think he's repressing them (or as I said in my post about Billy, he's putting all of the things he doesn't like about himself onto other people). I think Brenner is interested in her because out of all the other kids in the lab, she was created in a different way - by Will. If she ends up being powerful that means he can create more superheroes through Will.
So in going along with my theory about Eddie and Billy, I think El ends up being related to his childhood trauma. The first thing that happened to him that led to everything else. I think this is related to his father given how much Brenner resembles Lonnie and his relationship with Will (at least what we know of it so far). In this case, Will manifests El through the abuse he suffered from Lonnie as a child. We know Lonnie called Will gay slurs and it's been heavily hinted that there is physical abuse and sexual abuse as a part of this (like Brenner and El). We don't know when Lonnie left or what happened here exactly, but I would guess something significant happened when Will was 7 since that was the age El was in those memories in S4. I think El is a reference to parts of Will's psyche he is struggling to accept. Like Eddie is his ego and Billy is his id, El is his superego - the hyper-vigilant, rational side to him. El likes rules and structure. She needs things to be orderly so she can understand them. She punishes the bad guys because she is the good guy. It's a simplistic superhero narrative and one that a child would come up with when they are distressed. He created a superhero to save him, like he created Billy to put his MF trauma on, and Eddie to put his insecurities about being different than everyone else on. That beings said, I think that once these manifestations are created they are real people with their own thoughts and actions. But I think Will can unintentionally manipulate things when he feels strong emotions - ie he gets jealous of all the time Mike and El are spending together so he has El dump his ass and run off with Max.
Will and El's relationship: For 2 people whose stories are so closely tied together, they have very few interactions. El is very determined to save him though, even though she doesn't know him. And there is still that unanswered question from S1 - El recognized Will's picture but we don't know how. I think this goes back to when Will originally manifested her. I think she remembers a little bit about this but not all of it. She doesn't know enough to know that Brenner's memories about Henry are fakes. Throughout the entirety of S1, El is mistaken for Will. They are interchangeable. Hopper thinks he's chasing ghosts. It's interesting to note here that El's limited verbal skills prevent her from explaining herself and her relationship to Will. Much in the same way that El's mother, Terry, can't communicate with words. A similar thing that Will struggles with in S2 when he's possessed. He uses his art because he can't figure out how to describe how he's feeling verbally. I think El, and by extension Terry, are representing how Will is struggling to talk about his trauma, in this case about Lonnie. They don't talk because he isn't ready to talk about this yet. There is so much that could be said about the comparisons between Will and El but here are a few: - There is a moment early on in the season when Mike is in front of the D&D board and you see the little wizard piece meant to represent Will the Wise. The piece is facing off against the 3 headed dragon and is surrounded by what looks like other monsters. The very next scene is El at Benny's facing off against the lab guys and Brenner. She gets surrounded by them and is able to escape. - El being afraid of small spaces is something that doesn't come up again. She doesn't want to be in the closet in Mike's room. This obviously has a lot of subtext for Mike's sexuality. But this scene happens when Jonathan shows up at Lonnie's and checks the trunk of the car for Will, heavily implying Will was put in there by Lonnie at one point. It makes me wonder if we will see Will struggling with this at some point (and Mike comforting him about it). - When El checks in on Will in the void at the end of the season, he's at Castle Byers in the UD. Will isn't surprised to see El. As far as we know, he never saw her before. But this random girl showing up and telling him to hold on a little longer doesn't surprise him. And it's not because he's barely conscious. The next scene with Will he is singing and he is able to sit up and he's alert. So he notices. They both know each other.
- Will and El both die at the same time. Will in the UD, and El sacrifices herself to the demogorgon. At the hospital, Dustin is telling Will that El is "basically a wizard". Will the Wise is a wizard. - At the end of the season, Hopper gets in a car outside the hospital and goes back to the lab. It's implied in S2 that he made a deal to keep things in town quiet for them. But Hopper keeps an awfully close eye on both Will and El all season. It makes me wonder if he was told to keep an eye on El for Will's sake. I think he knows more about what happened with Will then he's letting on. Hopper's relationship with El/Will is very interesting. He's the protector. He goes out of his way to not only keep them both safe but keep them separated. He is the only one of the characters in S2 who knows everything that is going on. He knows the lab is the only place that can figure out what is happening with Will, so he keeps Joyce in Hawkins. He knows El isn't safe from the lab if she leaves the cabin so he keeps her inside. He knows the town isn't safe from the lab so he keeps secrets about the tunnels. He keeps El hidden from everyone even though she seems to know something is going on with Will all season because she was spying. Out of all the characters, I think it's Hopper who already knows everything that is going on with Will and El. There is also the tie in with his daughter. He has flashbacks to Sarah dying the entire time he's looking for Will in S1. There are so many comparisons to be made between Will, El, and Sarah. I have seen people suggest that Sarah is a fake memory like the fake memories of Henry that Brenner showed El in S4. I think this is possible. In that case, I think it's Will who likely has the real father/child relationship with Hopper and not El or Sarah. He's the anti-Lonnie. The father that actually protects him and takes care of him. And I think there is a strong possibility that Hopper has a lot of this figured out already. At least up to the point where he knows Will is manifesting things (likely not about Sarah). I think he wouldn't tell Joyce about something like this because it's tied to his trauma with Lonnie and I think it's been made clear that Joyce doesn't know much about this. So Hopper does what he can to protect people without giving too much away. And he knows the lab is the best place to keep an eye on Will even though he doesn't trust them, because they know about where El comes from. It's a good way to keep an eye on everything and everyone.
In S2 there are a couple things to note: - El gets "rebirthed" through a tigers paw painted on the wall of the school. Tigers are frequently associated with Will. He brings her back to life when he is struggling with his memories of the UD. - When Mike is being interrogated by the government about El's whereabouts the woman tells him "the stories she told you aren't true". On the surface of course this is meant to get him to not trust El. But nothing is ever as it seems on the surface with this show. This line combined with the many references to El being compared to Will, and Max asking her if she is real are meant to point out the obvious - El isn't real. She is part of Will. What she says isn't true - a theme that continues through S4. El frequently lies. Oftentimes unknowingly/unintentionally. But it's still meant to indicate that what she says shouldn't be taken as truth. S3 is seriously wild. I don't even know where to start with this except that I think it needs it's own post because I think everything in this season is happening in Will's head. Or at the very least, is all being heavily influenced by his strong, uncontrollable teen hormones and angst. S4 is the first time we actually see El and Will interacting regularly. And it's really not much. They spent 6 months living in the same house but they aren't close. El gets bullied in school, which is a thing that usually happens to Will. But here she takes up the role of protector again and keeps him safe from the bullies. They don't even notice him because she is there. She's like a shield. I think El's separate storyline in S4 is partly due to Will getting more confident and partly him freeing her from this need to save him. He is becoming stronger on his own now. I don't think it's a coincidence that we see El have the same hair as Will and wear his clothes at this time. She also spends this season finding out info on their past at the lab. I think they are morphing into one person. Will is getting stronger and is more ready to take on his past in a way that he wasn't before. But he is still using El to confront these things. I think Will becoming more confident and confronting his past will coincide with him becoming more powerful and El becoming less centered in saving him (and everyone else). Like Billy and Eddie, I think El will eventually be killed off (like S1) or become a part of him in some way. I am reminded of what Henry said to baby El after he killed all the kids in the lab - all of those people he killed became a part of him and he could still hear them in his head. So I think in this way, El, Billy, and Eddie, still exist as they are a part of Will. But I don't think it's a coincidence that El doesn't seem to be in the next season much. Will doesn't need her to save him anymore.
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Head cannons
But it’s only characters i know a lot about
He hates being touched by people he doesn’t care about, if he cares about someone it’s ok.
When he was a kid people would talk over him, he hated it. He still hates it, but now he can do something about it.
I wanna say he’s bi and trans i think. Goes under the pronouns of he/him he came out as trans when he was 18-20 a couple years after surgery he moved to where he is now.
If he finds a lost or distrusted ( that’s how he met allister ) he’ll try his best to calm them down and help them .
One year the other gym leader gave him a ‘ best dad ever ‘ shirt that’s the first time they had ever seen him cry like ever.
Man’s knows what your thinking and before you can do anything stupid he’ll tell you to stop it
Like kabu he also hates touch, and they hates it even if you know him, in-fact he’s only ok with it if your dating them or have known him for many many years.
I wanna say Demisexual/gay and his also trans and goes under the pronouns of he/they.
He was horrible with dancing until opal taught him how to( he still stumbles a lot in it though )
I like to think he got his stuck up personality because he was in foster care, when he was 7-9 ( then rose picked him up ) because none of the homes wanted him because he was ‘ to traumatized for they’re likening’ so in a way of coping they start to act like that, he also came out as trans when he was 11 ( rose may be a bad man but he supported bede).
Theater kid
He’s nickname for people he cares about is idiot. Yes he shows affection through mean names
Listens to music that’s like the music sleeping at last makes
Probably have a squishmallow collection
I think that he’s a demi-boy ( trans ) he/they and he’s gay ( yes he has dated rahain )
Has a arua that can calm down any Pokémon or human
He stress draws, and he’s gotten good at drawing because he’s always stressed
Loves to put his head on peoples thighs if they’re ok with is, like it’s just a built in pillow for people
Other that kabu he happens to be one of the shortest mf’s you’ll ever find ( this is a joke )
Probably also has a squishmallow collection
He’s gotten lost in a IKEA before, it was a challenge to find him
Play with his hair, he loves it
Leon has a undercut
He’s pansexual ( i mean he already flirts with everyone he thinks is hot ) he goes by he/him
He’s a funny drunk, (yes that means blackmail )
Also likes to lay on peoples thighs( mostly Leon’s when he can get away with it )
The breeder
Has stolen Leon’s squishmallows before and will again
He’s online friends with emmet
Hes reciprosexual and goes by he/him ( props to the people who know what that is )
He has so many chains in his closet he can and will strangle people with them, like an e-girl
Collects only the ‘scary’ squishmallows
He likes to fall asleep on his partners chest because he can hear they’re heart beat
Steals his partners clothes if they’re a size bigger than him because they’re comfortable unlike his
He has really pale skin right, but it wouldn’t burn he like, reflects all the like off him before it hits his skin
He’s gay ( has dated bede they ended it on goodish terms) and goes by he/him
He learned how to braid and put hair in a bun for leon, he still will and does Leon’s hair for him
Also has squishmallow but only because bede gave them to him as a birthday present
He can’t sleep alone for the life of him so his Pokémon all cuddle with him in his bed
Learned how to draw when he was younger so he could be like Leon ( not knowing leon did it only when he was stressed)
Doesn’t really smile but when she does it’s only for family and loved ones
She’s bi. And goes by they/she
Is an absolute freezer and steals like all the blankets they can
She blacks out ( doesn’t know why still ) and it can cause her to faint
Has salt packets in they’re pockets don’t ask why ( black outs
Has a stuffy collection and a squishmallow collection
He has adhd
I think that he’s gay and demisexual and his pronouns are he/him ( trans )
I can imagine ingo with one of those giant beer mugs so there’s that
He listens to peirs music because of emmet
He does little hand movements well talking
Has a overwhelming obsession on history more so, the Hisuian Sneasels
Has plushies of his Pokémon
Has dislexia has asked emmet to read stuff to him before
He’s bi as F*** he’s pronouns are he/they ( trans )
They have adhd ( joliks being he’s main opposition’s)
He listens to peirs music, they’re online friends
He’s very touchy might come with being a joltik breeder thou Idk
Likes to sleep on his livers chest so he can here they’re heart beat, so he knows they haven’t disappeared to.
Has plushies of they’re pokemom
Emmets theme song is material girl by Madonna
I think that he’s pansexual ( mostly men ) and he’s a he/him
Has a mommy/breeding/pregnancy kink
Has adhd
Can talk on and on about wooloos and other grass type Pokémon for hours
He likes to pick up people well hugging them it’s just easier for him
He taught the wooloos how to Sence that someone’s going to have a panic attack
Has a squishmallow collection and plushies collection of his Pokémon
He is a demi-boy he/they and is pansexual ( he has dating gladion before )
Also has a squishmallow collection
He has a second bed set up at all times so gladion can sleep over
Can and will cuddle with his Pokémon
Gets nightmare easily
Does not like horror movies at all
He infact reads fanfics
Has his ears pierced
He knows how to draw
He listens to peirs music
He is trans and gay and goes by he/him
Has gone to almost all peirs consorts
He gets panic attacks
He got bullied as a kid and now will beat the a** of anyone who’s bullying someone
He pierced hau’s ears for him
Has a squishmallow collection
Null is counting as his emotions support.. Pokémon? Idk
He knows how to draw
Has a strong fear of losing people close to him
She’s bi/poly ( not sexual ) goes by she/her
Is dating mallow and lana
Collection squishmallows
Knows how to draw
Has a strong fear of people dear to her
She has tramau from a Pokémon attack, she can still touch them, she’s just slightly scared
Lesbian/ poly ( not sexual ) they go by they/she )
Is dating Lillie and lana
Also collection squishmallows
Is a really good chef
Has a herb garden
They are neptunic/poly and go by they/them ( props to the people that know that )
Is dating mallow and Lillie
Is a really fast swimmer
Has adhd
Will and does collect little things from the shore and bottom of the sea, to give to they’re girlfriends
Professor kukui
Is a straight ally i mean his wife is bi so
Has adhd
Also has tramau from people leaving him
Has a fear of people leaving him
Has a breeding kink
He is gay ( thought he liked kukui for a like just a hallway crush thou) and goes by he/they
Has adhd
Will collect little thinks he finds on the ground he gives to people he likes
If he finds another bug type trainer he will pick them up and leave with them
Likes cuddles
Likes to lay on his lovers chest so he can feel they’re heart beat
They are omnisexual and go by they/they ( non-binary )
Has a aura that attaches ghost types
Likes to write little stories
Has a squishmallow collection
Likes to draw
Does prank people with they’re Pokémon
Has really bad anxiety
Also has a peanut allergy ( they can use that to get away from annoying men)
Has adhd
He can tell who a person is based on they’re voice
They’re lesbian and go by they/she
She looks up to kabu a lot
Will ignore people she doesn’t like
Will fight anyone that hurts Allister
Has dislexia the only one to know about is it Allister
Gets migraines if they try to read to hard
I think they’re non-binary they/them don’t really mind if someone messes it up but if it’s on purpose they’ll kick you so hard you meet arceus, they’re also asexual
Has this arua around them that can calm down any Pokémon
Has adhd
Does little hand movements well they talk
Has ticks
They jump up and down and or shake they hands up and down when happy
Warden ingo
Still has adhd ( doesn’t know it )
He/him and pansexual ( it changed now you gotta have options)
He has a breeding kink
He has a over opposition on sneasels
Has dislexia still it’s just worse now
If he hates you he will forever hate you and ignore you
Has short term memory lose
I’ll add more later
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aangarchy · 1 year
Do you know of any metas that disprove the argument of aang being a bad father? :/
I haven't seen any metas but i personally found the argument for Aang being a bad father weak at best
Aang wasn't a perfect father, that much is clear. But imo no Avatar can ever be a perfect parent (no one can be a perfect parent but i digress). The Avatar has a responsibility to the world. There are times where the Avatar isn't allowed to be selfish. For example, think of when Aang had to let go of Katara in order to access the Avatar State. How would Katara feel if he ever told her that this is necessary for him to activate it every time? I'm sure she wouldn't be fond of the idea.
The only thing we have to go on when it comes to Aang and Katara's parenting, is episodes 3 and 4 of Tlok book 2 (at least that i know of). Tenzin tries to recall his childhood memories that he thinks Kya and Bumi were a part of but turns out, they weren't. We don't know the reason for this, and we don't find out. I'm assuming these trips were perhaps intended as "airnomad lessons" or something like that, and that would be a reason for the other siblings to not be present. We do have to remember that Aang has a nation to rebuild. He's the only one in the world that was physically present during the time of the airnomads, and he only has so much time between his Avatar duties. He's the only one that can authentically pass on the customs. That's probably why these trips felt so frequent to Bumi and Kya, the few times Aang was present he was off with Tenzin for airnomad teachings. (Again this is my assumption. The writers never gave us a reason for the other siblings being absent or for the trips to even have occurred.)
(Personally i do feel like this is affected by bad writing. Why on earth would Kya and Bumi not also be considered part of the airnomads, as well as the watertribe? Why would they not learn everything there is to know about their heritage, even though they don't master the element? Instead bryke made Kya a mini Katara, Tenzin a mini Aang and Bumi just kind of floats lost in the middle, and is clearly supposed to be a mini Sokka. It's a very poor example of a mixed family.)
Kya and Bumi's version of the events are obviously going to be biased. They felt like their father was never there, and they're very angry with him for being absent (who wouldn't be). Tenzin's view is also biased, he was the youngest and spent the most time with Aang. It surprises me that throughout this episode, they never once mention what Katara was like as a mother. All of their anger is aimed at Aang (easy target, the mf is dead already) but Katara is also responsible here as the other parent. What were discussions like? Did the kids ever tell Katara how they felt? She was still married to Aang it's not like they had separated and started co parenting. They were a team. Did Katara spend a lot more time with Kya to teach her about the watertribe? Did she take Kya on girltrips? What was Bumi doing during all of this?
At the end of these episodes, when the siblings reconcile, Kya shows them a family photo. They all look back on it fondly. If Aang was truly such a horrible father (or even abusive like some people have claimed bc why not throw every term around) they would not look at this picture like that. They like their family, as flawed as it is. They clearly have good memories too, but because these particular episodes are about how parents aren't perfect (the conflict between Ikki and her siblings mimics that of the one Tenzin has with his) those memories aren't talked about.
Anyway to summarize this into a point: i don't think Aang was a bad or abusive father. I think he was unfortunately an pretty absent father as a byproduct of being the Avatar, and that he committed the ultimate parent sin: picking a favorite. I wonder what type of parent Roku was, or any past Avatars that had children.
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restinslices · 9 months
I Don’t Even Know
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I had a dream about the cast of the crows and I gotta share it. I copy and pasted what I told someone cause I had to get it out immediately. No one asked but imma tell you anyway.
So in this dream I start off by getting out of school (idk why I keep having dreams in school when I graduated but ok) and I'm on the bus with a few people and one of my friends irl. So I'm saying that I wish I wasn't the last stop and my friend suggests just walking home. like, walking out at someone else's stop and going home since it'd be quicker. I leave the bus and start walking, my friend is GONE and so is all my school shit but ok whatever. I'm walking and I see Calahan and he's with a little girl. Probably around like, 5. Apparently we know each other and we're dating. He leaves some of his stuff outside, picks up the girl and says we should go to this shop that they were outside of. I'm like "you're just gonna leave your stuff?" and he says smth about how he can't carry it and her and she can't carry it so it's fine outside. I'm like "why not leave it with the other people out there? have them watch over it?" and he says he doesn't know them well enough. And I'm like, aight. not my shit. I have both hands free and could've held it but ok. So this place is like,,, a rolled ice cream diy place? it looked like play dough but mfs was actually snacking so whatever. at some point I tell Cal imma go outside and check on the shit he left outside.
I go outside and this random Silco from Arcane built bitch is staring at me and the shit is gone. So I'm like "you took it didn't you" and he says yes and starts pressing me like we got personal beef. at this point the girl walks out so I can't swing on buddy like I want to. And I ask why he took our (idk why I refer to it as "our" when it's not mine) shit and BITCH hold ya seat. This mf says "I'll give you back your things when you tell Calahan to give Ben back his daughter".
I BEG YOUR PARDON? For context Cal has been saying this is his niece and I believed him cause she has blonde hair and blue eyes. So I'm like "this isn't Ben's daughter. She looks nothing like him" but he ain't tryna discuss. Those are the terms, good luck and don't fuck it up.
I go inside and see some random ass NPCs that are my friends and I'm like "bitch, I got good news and bad news" and I whisper "good news, this shop's owner won his lawsuit against his old partner so it's now officially his and he can do whatever. Bad news that girl is Ben Barnes daughter. Benjamin Thomas Barnes bitch. And the mom could be-" as I'm saying this, Cal and the girl walk into the hallway so I stop talking and sign that the mom could be any of 5 women Ben fucking around with. Then I leave with Cal and this MF is mad at ME. He's deadass ignoring me. And crazy thing is we pass the store, the silco built bitch is looking at us but we don't say nothing so his stuff is just gone.
We run into the rest of the cast for the crows and we decide to head to Danielle's place. We're going up the hill and Kit brings to our attention that someone is RUNNING at us and instead of us running or jumping brodie, I get volunteered against my will to go and press him. So when he gets close enough I ask what he's doing and apparently he was timing himself on how fast it'd take for him to get close to us. I obviously tell him to get tf on somewhere but as we keep walking, he keeps doing this and only stops when I threaten him with violence.
When we get to Danielle's place I'm tryna ask Cal for Ben's number without saying why I need it and he's still not answering me. I turn around and tell me why Ben is THERE. I turn back around and the kid is gone. These two ain't saying shit to each other so I'm like "you know what, this ain't my business". I look down and Danielle has pet feeders with only shredded cheese so I'm like "Danielle, you don't have cat food?" (does she even have a cat IRL? I have no idea) and she's like "no. she'll be fine with just that" and I'm like "you're going to kill your cat. a little cheese is fine but ONLY cheese, no food no water is gonna kill them".
And the shit irritated me so bad I woke up.
a couple things I thought about when I woke up. 1) Cal how you gonna be mad at ME but you see Ben and you don't press him? And Ben why you not pressing him? SOMEBODY is in the wrong. Either that's Ben's daughter and Cal took her or Ben got mfs in the streets tryna steal Cal's niece for whatever reason. And to add onto that, Cal you are too big not to smack tf outta that Silco looking dude and get your shit back. Just big for no reason.
2) Back to Ben and Cal, y'all should've swung on each other immediately cause somebody either stole or is tryna steal someone's little girl. And I'm just thinking, if y'all was beefing at a wedding, y'all should've been beefing at that wedding. why would you bring it to somebody else club? and by club I mean my life cause this really ain't have shit to do with me. Also Ben was not there during the walk so why is no one concerned this MF popped up like a loan shark finna collect debt?
3) Why am I, a 5'5 girl volunteered to go and talk to this random ass man, instead of the FOUR MEN that was there? That's so unbelievably foul.
4) I'm fr never gonna find out whether that's Ben's daughter or Cal's niece and it upsets me
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here are the other LOSERS I'm considering to f/o😒 /lh /silly
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I'd ship them both with kazumi bc she's my main girl and yk what? her milkshake does bring all the boys to the yard🥛 (I need to be sedated)
I've always wanted to fuck him. there I said it😐 when I first got into the show and started selfshipping I was like "tee hee maybeee" but then I got stressed w life and the morals of proshipping and I already felt bad for f/oing z.enitsu bc I'd eventually outgrow him-🤦🏽‍♀️
It was a whole thing but fuck it, if z.enitsu can have n.ezuko (I don't really ship it lmao but you get my point) then kazumi can have g.enya. equality🤝⚖️
In canon, they bond a little over their unique ways of fighting demons and maybe do some target practice. They're not besties, but they're chill. G.enya would've been more likely to approach kazumi than early t.anjiro that's for sure (leave his tooth alone sir😭)
In my modern au they're closer. I think they struggle over maths together, kazumi joins the gun club (idk what it's called) and they fight sometimes for fun<3 boys will be boys or whatever💕
Again... I've always wanted to fuck him😔 but with him I was like "girl he already has all these fans and you're thirsting over nitsu shim and his BROTHER!? calm down🫵🏼
but now I'm like fuck it we ball🕺
In canon, I think s.anemi roughed kazumi up a little bit (along w o.banai but that's a WHOLE OTHER POST) at her meeting with kaguya. there's tension at first, but he grows a bit of a soft spot for her after learning about her village, her little sister (I also think he thought she was a boy at first so when he learned she was girl I think he would've felt a little bad since he canonically has a soft spot for kids, girls and old people I think?) they have a strained mentor and student relationship.
like anytime they see each other he's immediately making her run drills but also shitting on her to not push herself like?? mf pick a lane😭 but kazumi appreciates it and sometimes goes to him for advice or simple conversation which he refuses to admit how much he enjoys lol. (PUSSY)
In modern au, he's still a math teacher but he's also her friends older brother👀👀 you see where I'm going w this..
listen, this whole thing was inspired by a modern au tenzen fic I read today and I've been lowkey shipping it, but I also didn't want kazumi to be left out so I said "yk what? she can fuck a teacher too. equality💪" /silly
but uh yeah ah ha ha. that's all
*dies cutely*
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shiny-parsnips · 1 year
I am at my wits end with this fucking game. Y’know I download a game from my childhood, all peachy and fun until I find Sago Mini Diner. Oh my fucking god I can’t even with this game do you understand. As I carry out orders everything’s fine and dandy until. I’m out of potatoes. No problem, I say, and I keep scrolling around until I find a truck that delivers food. Perfect, I say, and I take it into the restaurant. I’m scouring through it. No potatoes. I’m like okay no problem. It has a bread sticker on it anyway that’s for carbs. Fine. I keep unloading the truck bc it keeps popping out boxes. This one has an apple on it. Okay, I say, and I take it into the diner and. No potatoes. Fuck. Things are getting bad. I keep unloading the truck. NO POTATOES. But then I see potted plants with vegetables in it. Perfect! I shout. I pick them off, water them with a rain cloud, and. NO. POTATOES. CAN YOU FUCKING BELIEVE THIS. IM SO DONE. My customer wants poutine but I CANT MAKE HER POUTINE. IM SORRY, SQUEAKY, I CANT GIVE YOU YOUR FUCKING POUTINE RIGHT NOW, IM OUT OF FUCKING POTATOES. Alright. Fine. Until I get more potatoes, I’ll just do everyone else’s orders. But LO AND BEHOLD: EVERYONE. WANTS. POTATOES. FRENCH FRIES, POUTINE, BAKED POTATOES, SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have been scrambling, I am at my wits end. DO YOU UNDERSTAND. THE PAIN. THE TORTURE I HAVE GONE THROUGH. DO YOU??????????????? I CANT FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE until. Salad…? Okay, I can make salad no problem. ………… There is NO SALAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME??????? NO SALAD EITHER??????? So now I am scrambling, at my wits end NOT FOR POTATOES THIS TIME, BUT FUCKING SALAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I CANT FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!! THERE IS SHIT ALL OVER THE FLOOR. IM TALKING LIKE BOXES OF SHIT AND OTHER PRODUCE. I HAVE RAW FUCKING MEAT SITTING ON THE FLOOR BECAUSE I CANT FUCKING FIND ANYTHING IN THESE GODDAMN BOXES. I HAVE BEEN DIGGING THROUGH THEM AS FAST AS I CAN, EVERY TIME I TRY AND SCROLL I THROW FUCKING FOOD EVERYWHERE. THIS IS A MESS. A MESS, DO YOU HEAR ME????????? I CANT FUCKING TAKE IT ANYMORE. LIKE JESUS FUCKING CHRIST IM SORRY WE HAVE A POTATO SHORTAGE BUT STOP FUCKING ASKING FOR POTATOES!!!!!!!!!!! AND THEN MY COWORKERS ARE ASSHOLES TOO. SHUT THE FUCK UP ROBIN, I DONT CARE HOW MUCH YOU DONT GET PAID, DO YOU SEE WHAT I HAVE TO DO AS THE CHEF MF??? ALL YOU DO IS STAND AROUND, LA DI DA, BLAH BLAH BLAH MY LIFE IS SO BORING AND SO BAD I WISH I COULD BE WITH MY BOYFRIEND RIGHT NOW SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!! IM SO SICK OF YOU ROLLING YOUR EYES EVERY TIME I DELIVER FOOD. PLEASE END YOUR LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Christ. I will never recover from this fucking game. I’ve had it up to here. HERE. I can’t do this anymore.
@gininabin @mistery-elijah
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thebigfudanshi · 1 year
So this is a really stupid idea for an origin. Bite me if you make fun but all the rest a yas (like one person) can keep on if you'd like to. You can skip to the part in brackets for all RAE but there's an explanation for Dook's behavior in my idea below this.
So I have a poodle, this comes into play. So my dog, Phoebe, she acts completely normal around me, and for the most part the rest of the family. She gets a little excited to see her human "grandparents" but nothing too bad.
But... Here's the thing. Everybody in my house is under 5'6 and we're all AFAB. So we all have quite feminine voices still. Whenever cis men come in the house, I've seen this with three people, Phoebe goes insane. The first issue with that is peeing everywhere but that's not gonna pertain to my idea. But whenever someone, say my best friend comes over, she gets super excited, and she runs over and she pees, yes, but what catches my eye is how her floppy ears slick back, and her tail goes crazy, and she gets all haunched and stuff and she'll even sit down despite, the mess, just to get smaller. My best friend is literally like, 5'9, he is goddamn massive to me (5'3) If the guy makes even a little movement that isn't slow and calm as much as he tries, she freaks out and she runs off and continues the mess.
I know exactly what the behavior is. It's submission. Normal dog stuff for her, it's something I'm working on with positive training.
(Okay here's the RAE part)
I feel kinda terrible I wanna do that to Dook. Like not me doing it specifically, but I wanna like. Write it. Beach Bear is tall as shit, yeah? So is my best friend. You see where I'm going?
My idea is that it's around whenever Dook would've joined. I imagine he's the last to join because he was drawn as dingo in certain showbiz pictures and a mug or two with his beta design. Anyway, if he was the last to join, I could honestly imagine he found the gig in a damn newspaper, or one of the group walked up to him like "you look like you play drums. You play drums?" And he's like "aww yeah I play some slamming drums." And Fatz I guess is just like "cool, come play and we'll see."
So Dook like, walks into the place where they record, and he's getting introduced like "that's Mitzi. Touch her and you die." And little Mitzi's already making herself comfy with Dook by like, petting him or something like kids (11 yr olds?) Would do. And Rolfe's all snarky with his meeting cause that's just his default demeanor, and I feel like that's where Dook and Rolfe would start a friendly canine rivalry. He remeets fatz under his own description as the leader, all puffing out his suit coat. And Billy bobs all nice and sweet and takes his hand to greet him like he did all the others like "great to meet our new drummer." And he picks up Choo Choo's little hand cause he's holding him, and Dook takes his tiny hand to shake because mans adores kids, And Dook's all caught up with the rest of them and meeting people, and he's seen Billy Bob so, here's all the band.
And then Fatz points literally a foot to his side and hes like. "Oh yeah, and that's Beach Bear." And Dook turns to him, like to his leg essentially and he's like. "Yo I thought you had weird decoration skills. You name em too?" And Beach Bear like, whacks an ear like "I am very alive."
And Dook looks up at him and he's met with the single tallest mf he's ever seen in his life, and he just, goes completely submissive because 'Jesus Christ that's not weird decoration?' And then 'oh my god I've been standing next to someone and ignored them for like ten minutes' and also 'HOLY FUCK THATS A BIG BITCH!'
So Dook's like mentally devolving and at the same time he's unconsciously like, trying to look smaller, and his ears are like, swaying all wonky cause they can't figure out whether to cower back or bounce around like mad, and they slick back, and he's all wagging and confused and hunching into himself but he's literally smiling like crazy and Beach Bear's like 'Dude, you look like youre gonna throw up, are you getting vertigo just lookin' at me?' And he's all joking and flirty because he deals with this with every new person he meets, and Dook's like "nah I'm getting butterflies just lookin' at cha what the fuck? How??? You are massive! Oh my god you're amazing. Amazing tall!" Just waving at his fucking everything cause hes GIGANTIC. And I feel like Dook's gotta have a thing for tall people, because he dated a pitbull and those are definitely bigger then cavaliers/beagles and I hc he loves poodles too because 80s and jgjhebdigns
Basically Dook falls head over heels instantly and he's doing the whole run and dance of the submission thing (minus the gross parts), and I feel like ROLFE would be the one to point it out. Because he's a bit of an ass sometimes, but I also feel like Rolfe knows everything about wolf/dog mannerisms specifically to not get caught doing them. So he'd point it out like "Did you seriously not see him? That's the first thing I saw when I came in. Are you gonna start freaking out when I stand next to you too?" Cause Rolfe's like 6'0 and Dook goes all indignant, crossing his arms. "I saw him! And I thought he was a lamp. Big deal. I'm not freaking out. Youre the one whos- staring." And he like, grabs his tail cause it's swinging like crazy but he keeps fuckin missing it and Rolfe's smirk just progressively smears wider and Dook's going red cause he can't grab his goddamn tail and now Beach Bear's looking at him funny and he just gives up, stamps a foot and crosses his arms and he's like "I don't appreciate how I'm being treated."
And Billy Bob starts laughing and he puts an arm on Fatz shoulder. "He's gonna fit right in, don't you think?" Fatz says and Billy bobs nodding like, "yeah, he's gonna get right under Rolfe's shirt like the other two." And he's pointing between Dook, beach and Mitzi who have kinda crowded on one side, and they're devolving into fucking with Rolfe and Rolfes fucking with them back, and Mitzi's like, switching between hurling words at Rolfe to visciously question Dook and he doesn't have time to answer any of them because she's swapping like a multitask queen, And Looney Bird pops out his can blazing drunk like "WHOOOO ROCKAFIRE EXPLOSION!"
and that's how the origin goes ppbt.
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 ੈ✩‧₊˚ FANDOM: keeper of the lost cities
 ੈ✩‧₊˚ FORMAT: headcanon
 ੈ✩‧₊˚ WARNINGS: swearing
masterlist || kotlc masterlist || navigation
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*marlee sighs really loudly, aggressively sips water and sighs again*
it’s so chaotic
they have a pool playlist and
it’s insane.
it goes from witchcraft - frank sinatra (sophie’s pick), not friendly - flo milli (raynis pick), good days - sza (bianas pick), 3005 - childish gambino (keefes pick), the phantom of the opera - phantom of the opera musical (fitz’ pick), what the world needs - ride the cyclone musical (marucas pick), let you break my heart again - laufey (linhs pick), purge the poison - marina (marellas pick), armies of the night - sparks (tams pick), thriller - micheal jackson (dexs pick), the archer - taylor swift (wylie’s pick I KNOW HE LIKES THIS SONG) she bangs (english version) - ricky martin (stinas pick), S.L.U.T. - ppcocaine (jensis pick, he plays it to make everyone laugh)
so basically it’s a chaotic mix of different music tastes
omg sophie falls into the pool
dex is talking to her and he looks away for like a split second snd he looks back and the mf is in the pool, hair clinging to her face
chicken fights are 100% a thing
and tam and sophie are an unstoppable team
so are biana and dex
keefe played on wylie’s shoulders once and HE FUCKING SCREAMED because biana and dex were just going at it and he accidentally choked poor wylie with his thighs and they lost
also dex is insanely good at marco polo
stina slightly moved once and this ginger whips around and fucking tackles her and she can’t look him in the eye for weeks
also i just think maruca, marella and dex with muscles
they all have them showing off and everyone else is like “😨😨”
sophie and fitz bring extra towels and snacks for everyone because they’re slightly responsible
keefe can’t swim so he just clings to dex the whole time
dex is very smug about this
they have inside jokes which are being brought up the whole time
rayni and wylie have a secret friendship and one day tam and sophie are chicken fighting with dex and biana
and the four of them are screaming curse words and getting political over it and wylie turns to rayni and says
and says some goofy ass inside joke and she starts snorting and wheeze laughing and everyone turns to them like “????”
marella also can’t swim so she sun bathes the whole time
tam dumps water on her
stina and tams love language is pushing their friends into the pool and dumping water over their heads
the only time they got along actually
stina will never admit it but she really loves the groups company
and because of jensi being talentless stina always teams up with him for chicken fights so he doesn’t feel left out but he’s also weirdly good at it so she won’t admit it because she feels bad for him and says it’s because he’s good at it
linh absolutely loves to form bubbles around her friends then drop it on them
tam is influencing
the group somehow knows all of nat king coles songs and they scream the lyrics
this group is so chaotic btw
chaotic enough that they scare away all the other people at the public pool, making it their own
fitz lays on a floatie the whole time with a drink and ignores everyone
he doesn’t have time for that shit
until dex, biana and keefe flip over his floatie and he throws it at them then runs after them trying to get it back
they also 100% have water fights and biana is a god with a water gun and i’m gonna leave it there
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cartooncreep · 1 year
I’ve repeated this so much in my real life it’s time to post it here as well. The people need to hear me!
I’ve seen some contention about the new characters in Clone High, specifically their designs. Off the bat I was confused as to why people didn’t like them…but then I saw them next to the other characters.
Choosing to make the characters have softer edges rather than their original sharp ones is whatever to me. Like did they need to do that? No. But did I only notice once it was pointed out to me? Yea. So like honestly an unneeded yet unimportant change. Apart from that however the original cast are kept the same, same clothes, same hair, same colour palette. They look the way they should look when a show is revamped. However, before I was, or anyone probably, even told that there were new characters, I had seen the intro and had seen the character line up and could pick out the new ones with my eyes closed. The designs aren’t bad per say, they are, however, garish.
Something that made clone high have the longevity it has with teens is that the characters are dressed, basic maybe, but still, like real teens. Sure, not all teens are dressed like that, but in order for a show to not look outdated with time more basic clothing styles are adapted. The new characters however throw a wrench in this though (except Topher Bus my beloved).
Harriet Tubman, Confucius and Frida Khalo are introduced and immediately upon seeing them, i at the very least, internally cringed. They way they are dressed is so “young kids these days.” It shows no knowledge of actual trendy fashion and styles. It was as if the executives just threw every neon colour they good think of at them and just hoped they’d all simultaneously stick. I can forgive lots of bright colours and patterns being used for Frida Khalo, as anyone who has seen her art would, but even then - the colours being used aren’t the same tone or shade as the i rial colour palette (which may I remind you hasnt been altered, the new characters have just been introduced despite it).
I understand the humour in someone like Confucius, a famous Chinese philosopher, being a “trendy teen” with dyed hair and multiple clashing layers. This could have been exsersized just as effectively however with the same colour tones as the rest of the cast.
It’s Harriet Tubman I, personally, have the most issues with. Her outfit is the perfect mix of basic enough to last the test of time and also be realistic on a teen today, BUT THE DAMN FUCKING COLOURING IS SO BRIGHT. Did they not have a colour palette they were meant to be following?? Her hair as well would have been better suited to staying her natural dark brown but even a more muted pink would have sufficed.
These characters, no matter how fun or well written they might be are going to be looked back on as cringe material for how old ass mfs thought kids look like.
However, despite this I’ve really loved meeting these characters. They seem fun and interesting, and I know im going to continue to love them and this season. I just wish the show runners took more time to think about the colouring and designs of these new characters before slapping them on top of the pre-existing style and colouring of the show. They look like self-inserts they’re so bright and disconnected visually.
Nah but fr I’m happy for this show. I only wrote this much and am this pressed cause it’s such a simple and obvious thing that could have been fixed.
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