forestshadow-wolf · 10 months
Cw: mention of suicide (not graphic), (vague) mentions of torture
Vamp!ghost in a pure silver muzzle so he can't prey on anyone.
He got turned and muzzled by human!Roba because the torture got so bad that he killed himself, and Roba couldn't have that, so he had him bit. By vernon.
The sadistic bastard was stoked to be able to keep Ghost around a little longer as his "play thing"
The muzzle, little more than a cage for his face, was five horizontal bars with one bisecting the center vertically. At the base of the mask where it sat on his mandable was a hinge, so it could expand and contract because Roba still wanted him able to talk and scream, like the sick fuck he is.
It burned and bubbled and hissed as it seared onto his face, melting the skin so it would cling to the metal when it "healed"
With Ghost's newfound immortality Roba was able to have so much more "fun" with him. He kept him for years, cutting him open whenever he felt like it, just "to see what's going on in there". Branding him with silver to "see what it does" (like he didn't already fucking know). Starving him for months on end. And the muzzle never once came off. When he did get it was through a straw that he was graciously given a single pint of blood.
Then he got bored. And he threw him away. And still the muzzle wasn't removed.
No not thrown away. Buried. In a load of shit. In the desert. One last experiment. To see what Ghost could withstand. He was doomed to burn to death, and even then it was to starve for eternity, or drink through a straw for the rest of his life. He sure as hell wouldn't be getting the muzzle off himself.
One good thing he learned through all this. How far he could break before he truely broke.
Roba locked him in Vernon's reinforced casket, and threw away the key. It took two days of nonstop beating at the wood before he got out, even with the help of the deceased vampire's jaw.
It took 3 days of hiding, and 4 nights of running at inhuman speeds to find the nearest army base.
He also found out that to say he was "starved" wasn't exactly accurate, but there was no other way to describe it. How else you do describe a lack of a need to eat, and yet feeling your body weaken just the same. How else do you explain the feeling of his body using up the blood in him. The way his heart never beats so he needs new blood to replace what has been absorbed or turned into waste, later to be released as venom. What word do you use to describe that othern than "starved", but it's an inhuman kind of starvation, so completely NOT human.
When price found him he was sucking his fifth stolen blood bag dry. He truely was "starved" after so long of not feeding.
The man said he was putting together a task force with the help and authority of a CIA agent. The man, Captain Price introduced him to a dryad, a nature spirit.
It's unusual for a spirits and sprites, especially ones so close to nature, to be in such a violent line of work. But here he was, nonetheless.
Price himself was a normal human, it's the only way the force was allowed to come into fruition.
Ghost was taken to a medic, to see if they could remove the constant burning silver from his face. But it was no use, the doctors said their tools were too soft to ceable to cut into his skin to remove the muzzle. And so there was nothing they could do, short of ripping the thing off, which would only cause more damage, and they didn't have the manpower to do so anyway.
So he stayed in the muzzle, donned a mask to avoid sun exposure, and price made sure to keep a constant stock of blood packs for him, even if sometimes he was reduced to dumping dehydrated pigs' blood into a glass of water, price made sure he was never "hungry" again.
Then price found soap. A natural born werewolf, he said. And he was all rambunctious and happy-go-lucky energy, or that's what it seemed like on the outside. Then Ghost learned that he was a sniper and demolitions specialist, with a wicked memory, and a background intense anti-interrogation training, and he has to wonder how much is for show.
It's only after they defeat hassan that soap asks about it. The muzzle. He knows he saw it when he removed him mask in Las Almas, but he said nothing about it, not did Ghost offer anything.
Soap says he thinks he can get the muzzle off, but they'll need to take leave, head back to his home. Ghost isn't sure how he likes the sound of that. He does want the burning silver off, but he's pretty sure he's heard that wolves and blood suckers weren't exactly friends. And while he's already dead, he can still be killed, and he definitely can't survive an entire pack of wolves (sans one)
Soap says it'll be fine, he'll vouch and/or protect(?) Him. Price encourages him to go, says he can finally get the stupid cage off. And gaz is laughing his ass off at his predicament, and just generally being unhelpful.
A phone call home to Mama Mactavish, explaining the situation had Ghost reluctantly agreeing to go, if only to appeasethe frantic woman. Soap requested 3 months medical leave for both of them, and price easily signed off on it, practically pushing them out the door.
Soap's home was nice, a fair bit or farmland with a large home that just seemed to radiate comfort.
Mama Mactavish was first to meet them at the door with a fresh batch of homemade danishes, she pulled them both into a bone crushing hug and ushered them inside. She didn't even flinch at the sight of the muzzle or the horribly "scarred" skin underneath or his fangs.
Simon wasn't so sure what to think about that, he'd never had this kind of kindness before. He didn't hate it. Everyone else was almost as friendly, and he couldn't tell if it was a pack of anomalies, or if the rumors were false. They even had fresh lambs' blood for him, warmed to perfection.
He and Johnny were given a day to rest and settle in, then they were being woken at the crack of dawn, to start collecting herbs and begin preparations. Mama explained that it was a family secret, so she swore him to secrecy.
He supposed it only made sense for a family of werewolves to know how to treat silver burns.
She put Johnny to work making so sort of... salve (us that what you call it? He wasn't sure), then mama had donned a pair of gloves and had him lay down with his head in her lap, she started massaging the salve into his skin around the muzzle.
It was slow work, and took hours to make even a small bit of progress, but progress it was. As more and more of the silver lifted, Johnny helped slide gauze underneath to prevent it from burning back on.
It took all day and most of the night to finally be able to lift the muzzle off, but Mama never once complained.
Simon thanked her profusely, and would be forever indebted to her, but she just waived him off.
A week later the wounds were still trying to heal over, and he knew by the end of their leave there would be little more than a faint scar over near-perfect skin.
There was one night that Johnny had joined him sitting out on the porch. One unable to sleep, and one who would never sleep again.
"Why did you help me?" It'd been running through his head since they arrived. "You hardly knew me."
"I know you enough." Johnny chuckled, knocking their shoulders together.
"But why?" He still didn't understand.
"You know what it's like to have the words 'echoic memory' on your file? I do. It's why I took all that extra training, put it to use a few times too. But nothing could have prepared me for being force-fed silver." Johnny shivered with a faraway look in his eyes. "The pain lasted months. I couldn't be active for nine months. I can only imagine what it must've been like to live with that on your face for years."
"Thank you."
Johnny nodded.
They spent the rest of the night there on the porch, at some point Johnny fell asleep on Simon, and Mama found them early in the morning.
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wndaswife · 3 months
Wanda Maximoff, A Monster: Character Analysis through Jeffrey Jerome Cohen’s ‘Monster Theory: Reading Culture’
Essay | Word count: 1538
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By analysing Wanda Maximoff through Cohen’s Monster Theory, Wanda’s signification as the Other is revealed to be attributable to Marvel as defined by a hypermasculine American culture and its respective signifying values, proving her body to be that of a cultural one — the body of Marvel’s monster.
Cohen’s theory postulates the monster’s body as cultural, whose existence comes into formation once signified by means of the signifier’s cultural value and attitudes. What is pushed to the margins becomes distinguished as the Other and thereby becomes a symbol carrying epistemological significance, embodying everything that is culturally unwanted, foreign, and uncomfortable according to the signifier. 
If there are monsters signified, it is because we understand ourselves as not monstrous, but even by distinguishing ourselves from them, they go nowhere for they are distinguished from within the subjective, therefore all monsters and non-monsters reside exactly where they had prior to signification — together. This theory paradoxically exposes that there is nothing that isn’t; there is only existence, and one that is unitary, for to contrast one another is to be signified as one or the other, working from within a system of signification that achieves only distinction but never separation, for all signification occurs subjectively, meaning from within. This is what allows the ‘inside’ and the 'outside’ to be one in the same. It is why we cannot exist without our monsters and vice versa, and why as long as there is an existence of anything, monsters are necessitated. 
Monsters are villains whose counterparts are heroes. The image of a traditional superhero is simple — a muscled and capable man driven by the pursuit of justice, who fights and triumphs over evil. Traditional Marvel superheroes are all this but with an additional facet of militant patriotism, with one of their most infamous faces, Captain America, being designed specifically for WWII propaganda targeting American men (Roach & Mangels, 2024). Superhero culture is hypermasculine, calling for men to identify with and feel gratified by viewing idealised hypermasculine culture (McIntosh, 2015), with each of the always-triumphant original male Avengers resembling a significant feature of said culture — Hulk as glorified violence, Captain America as patriotism, Iron Man as financial wealth, Thor as godliness, and Hawkeye as fatherhood, and each with character designs showcasing an ideal male body.
To have a franchise that showcases idealisation appealing to men means that its targeted audience are men that feel the pleasure of ego-gratification through self-identification with what is displayed on screen (Mulvey, 1975), which is, specifically, hypermasculinity that has ideal men front and centre, making this specific audience Marvel’s signifiers while its movies embody their audience’s cultural values and attitudes.
When Marvel’s signifiers are men who are fed pleasure through the ego-constituting hypermasculinity showcased within the movies, it is necessary to question how Marvel depicts its female characters — namely, Natasha Romanoff, the sixth original Avenger.
Natasha is an emotionally-reserved Russian ex-spy who left her foreign associations to join the American superheroes, and who repents for being unable to birth children (School of Politics and International Relations, 2020), going so far as to call herself a monster for being forcefully sterilised (Whedon, 2015, 1:08:26). She is a sexualized object on account of her character’s presentation, used for the audience’s pleasure during scenes like that of her debut, being tied to a chair in a room of powerful men and flirting with them in her mother tongue; her propagandised Russian Otherness contrasting American patriotism is pleasurably-utilised by the male audience, thus this Otherness is categorised and thereby controllable. Her death is used as a plot device for Infinity War and inspires her male comrades to reach their goal of beating the villain — a trope known as ‘fridging,’ allowing for male characters to benefit from the objectification of their female counterparts’ deaths as motivation for their hypermasculinity to further embody the idealised man by achieving their goals. In hypermasculine culture, Natasha Romanoff is Marvel’s ideal female character. 
Wanda Maximoff is everything Natasha Romanoff is not. In Avengers: Age of Ultron, Wanda debuts intent upon destroying who she understands to be the American terrorists who bombed her third-world country and killed her parents. She hails from a foreign country, Sokovia, whose Slavic-inspired language is fictional and thus incomprehensible though it carries heavy similarities to Russian; Tony Stark describes her in a scene: “She isn’t a U.S citizen, and they don’t grant visas to weapons of mass destruction” (Russo & Russo, 2015, 1:00:47).
Wanda is a foreigner, not technically legal in America, and dangerous. 
She is also characterised by her unstable emotional conflict; she is angry and naive when she is first introduced — hysterical, young, and not an American citizen — who later cannot decide whether she wants to fight alongside the Avengers due to her fear and indecision, and whose powers are connected to her uncontrollable emotional tension.
Wanda Maximoff is everything monstrous to Marvel’s target audience; she is a hysteric foreign young woman who not only hates America’s most patriotic heroes, but who is introduced with the goal of destroying them. Her uncontrollable anger stems from a unique perspective as a victim of war at the hands of America and American billionaire Tony Stark’s weaponry, a man who also happens to be one of if not Marvel’s most beloved face alongside Captain America, who also is not spared her hatred as shown during a scene where his caricature is drawn in graffiti and titled ‘fascist’ in Sokovia. 
Interestingly, as if breaking a fourth-wall, the series WandaVision newly introduces Wanda as the typical American housewife, inspired heavily by classic American sitcoms. She loses her foreign accent completely, and plays the role of a mother and a wife as the traditional American Dream would outline.
It is only until she steps out of her illusion that has permitted her to live the American Dream away from reality that she is again faced with being the Other. Angry and hostile in the face of the American military as she had been from her debut, Wanda stubbornly refuses to let down her magical facade that brainwashes and holds captive citizens of Westview within her sitcom setting, a constructed reality in which her family and children exclusively exist. Her foreign accent bleeds vaguely into her angry speech as she denies the American militant man’s demands for her cooperation.
In the scene, Wanda steps out of her constructed American fantasy and into the real world, appearing back into her modern clothing and into her place as the Other, very literally announcing, ‘Your ideal woman is a sham, Marvel, and this is reality.’ What’s more, is that Wanda then transforms the American military sent to control her into circus performers when she absorbs them into her sitcom fantasy — your ideal woman is nothing but a fantasy, and you are fools for fantasising about it. 
In the film Avengers: Age of Ultron, Wanda makes it clear that not only does she detest Tony Stark, but considers him a monster. Ultron, the antagonist of the film, is an AI robot created by Tony intent on destroying humanity to achieve world peace. In comparing Tony to the antagonist, Wanda says, “Ultron can’t tell the difference between saving humanity and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?” (Whedon, 2015, 1:26:57).
To Wanda, Tony Stark is the American ideal man embodied, signified by her as a monster and therefore turned into a symbol whose process of signification can be understood as follows: Originating from a war-torn third-world country whose war victims consist of Wanda’s people and her parents, monstrosity is defined by Wanda as an inability to understand what true justice is within the topic of international and general warfare — a morally-profound understanding that highly-honoured, American, hypermasculinized heroes need not only never concern themselves with, but who are praised in spite of never bothering themselves with wondering about, which is precisely what Tony Stark, the Avengers, and the American military in WandaVision embody. 
As such, Wanda Maximoff is a political and cultural body for what she symbolises in the real world’s American warfare involving third-world countries; she is the symbolic embodiment of American warfare and its consequences, a body which is the site of constant contestation due to being signified either as monstrous or not by principle of which political and cultural values the viewer subscribes to. Her signification becomes lucid and subjective to the audience’s values, turning her into a site of contestation itself; because she has been constructed as Marvel’s monster, Marvel’s culture is revealed for what it is — American and hypermasculine.
WandaVision introduces a new discursive practice that is the literal materialisation of what Cohen exposes about monsters, revealing not only Wanda as a monster, but a further truth that due to the very fact that there is an ‘outside,’ the Other must be contra another in order to embody Otherness, and that whoever is opposite the Other becomes the Other’s Other — the monster’s monster. 
Both Wanda Maximoff as a character and her role in WandaVision reveals not only the truth of Marvel’s culture, but the larger picture of what is politically and culturally existent and relevant. This epistemological revelation is something revealable only if the analysed subject is a monster, and Marvel ensures she is.
Ashok Jaipuria. (2022, February 14). Avengers : AoU - Steve saw his graffiti | Deleted HD scene [Video]. YouTube. [https://youtu.be/gnkxM1fvNMs?si=OOwFnDcPv1xjLfxB]
Cohen, J. J. (Ed.). (1996). Monster Theory: Reading Culture (NED-New edition). University of Minnesota Press. [http://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5749/j.ctttsq4d]
McIntosh, J. (2015, November 27). Why is the Marvel universe — and the geeks who love it — still obsessed with hypermasculinity? The Independent. [https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/captain-america-civil-war-our-fixation-with-hyper-masculine-films-damages-all-of-us-a6750366.html]
Mulvey, L. (1975). Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema. Screen, 16(3), 6–18. [https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1093/screen/16.3.6]
Roach, D., & Mangels, A. (2024, May 3). Captain America. Britannica. [https://www.britannica.com/topic/Captain-America]
Russo, R., & Russo. J. (Directors). (2016). Captain America: Civil War [Film]. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
School of Politics and International Relations. (2020, January 10). Superhero(ine) movies: popculture’s struggle with patriarchy. Global Gender Justice. [https://globalgenderjustice.wordpress.com/2020/01/10/superheroine-movies-pop-cultures-struggle-with-patriarchy/]
Whedon, J. (Director). (2015). Avengers: Age of Ultron [Film]. Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures
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relgnira · 4 months
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HAPPY WELS THURSDAY!!! He continues to be creaturified for no good reason othern than i ljke him :3
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What do you find most beautiful about your faith or practice- or, alternatively, what do you wish people knew about it (or you can answer both)?
Thanks for the ask! sorry for the delayed response, it took a while for me to be able to put this into words
What I love most about my faith is it's emphasis on sensuality which, incidentally, is the thing that makes me not always so good at it
I'm a very cerebral person and also very anxious and prone to being in my head all the time. Combine this with fibromyalgia and various overstimulation issues, and I don't have the best relationship with my body.
But I also can't really visualize. This means I have to check in with my body in order to actually do my practice.
Whether it's bringing my awareness to any bodily sensations I may be experiencing while communicating with spirits or divining or entering trance through movement rather than visualization or the way the wind feels like the caress of spirit that I've been a little in love with my whole life, or the way communicating with certain land spirits always brings up feelings of arousal
Experiencing Body, inhabiting it fully rather than retreating from it as I normally do to survive the pain has become the growing edge in my practice. It's the thing Im least able to do sometimes and the thing that most makes my faith feel alive.
Much is made about witch flight, a witch leaving their body behind. But my conception of it is totally different. For me it's like a broadening of my bodily awareness until the distinction between my body another bodies is gone. Until I'm aware of the many bodies I contain and the many bodies I overlap with. Until I leak into the world and it leaks back. And that's the place where my craft becomes spirituality to me. My door to the Othernes is through my body and the ways in which it's already othered
(Craig Slee and Lee Morgan both write about this in ways that've been foundational for me)
Now if I understand this right it's my turn to ask you something! I see from following you for a while that gardening is something that's really important to you. What first got you into gardening/why is it so meaningful to you specifically?
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crmsnmth · 3 months
One Night in Your Bedroom
It wasn't sex the first night I lay in your bed Hands moving and lips dancing We held auditions and explorations It was talking about nothing and everything somehow at the exact same time an hour usually held by the lonely and the drunk Singing songs before the sun started lighting the sky
It was hushed laughter, for no reason othern than it was dark there's no reason to whisper, your housemates can't hear us move There was no sleeping that nightmare We watched the sky come to a red to blue and bright through a window that faced the building next door
Your eyes caught the light and your room was a mirror ball
Staring at your ceiling, slapping the wall heavy breathing, fingers that dance along skin Your mouth is that of bubblegum and Pall Malls and I'm in love instantly
Even with concert before slipping under sheeys I feel like I'm pure energy Nothing slows my down as a drink from your presence And it is the sweetest tasting thing I've ever had I don't want it to ever leave me mouth We're adults here and we can do what we want
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studentofetherium · 1 year
no but really why is it that only the internet only treats England and France as a joke. countless othern European have histories and contemporary politics that are at least as bad as those two
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jesuscrab · 1 year
i made a post like that once but i cant find it so ill just say it again:
these videos of tiktok ppl stimming make me feel so mad and sad becuse i know i would never be them. i see these conventionally attractive pepole dance and flap their hands, recieve all this praise and attention, meanwhile the guys i knew in school doing the same thing were beaten. an obese balding man could stim the same way and be called a predator, he would be thrown outside of a bus for acting "dangerous". but when a cute girl does it its cool! its sexy! its trendy!
fuck this shit. i grew up seeing so many mentally disabled pepole. i've seen pepole stim and act the same way as these on tiktok. but the ones i knew were fat, ugly, they smelled and had problems with hygene. they would never get the same support from "allies" that those dancing ladies get. no offense to them of course, it's not their fault. but they represent to me this feeling of othernes, that case of "autism is acceptable and loved! unless you do it weird."
guy who loves ducks and funny dances deserves the same repsect and love as one that smears his shit on a wall and speaks only in quotes from "madagascar".
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writingsofwesteros · 1 year
There's a large stone pool in the Keep's gardens where the ladies and lords can refresh. In the daytime it's all classy, it's mostly the ladies gossiping and drinking wine together. Every week there's an interesting night event tho. There's a mingling area where everyone can enter and people who like each other can go to more secluded areas of the pool, separated from each othern with makeshift walls. Food and drinks are provided of course. Everything looks so tempting in the candlelight :)
You decided to try the night pool for the first time. You caught Harwin staring at you everytime he happens to be in the gardens and you would love to bump into him in the night, without his armor and clothes on :) You're checking the whole pool nervously, no sight of Harwin so far. You already declined some fine lords and knights. What a bummer!
Suddenly, you feel someone's (big, duh 👀) cock against your lower back and huge arms hugging you tightly. Seems like tonight is my lucky night. Fancy seeing you here, my lady, Harwin whispers in your ear. He picks you up without asking and takes you to a private corner. You sip on your wine, shivering with anticipation. I promise you will not regret coming here. I've been waiting for you many, many nights. You can't help feeling smug. You straddle his lap: Show me what you got commander. And so he did :)
You're chilling there in his arms when he says I know this your first visit here and I think it will be your last one too, darling. "What do you mean," you laugh. Well, I can't let my future lady wife to attend events like this. And possibly getting fucked like this by somebody else. That's my job now. Yeah, that's Harwin's way of announcing he will ask for your hand 😏
your new au template looks nice! <3 (the gifs are always a good thing :))
ooh, i always look a good body of water ;) And Harwin just makes it even more delicious !!
Yeah, that's Harwin's way of announcing he will ask for your hand YES PLEASE !!!!!!!!!
Ahh, thank you for that!!! <3 <3
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maximuswolf · 1 month
Albums that where almost the last released by the artist
Albums that where almost the last released by the artist I've been thinking on it for a while, there are some albums that were released in a turbulent period of the band and for a glimpse of luck it wasn't their last. Two of my favourite albums by Radiohead and Red Hot Chili Peppers fall in that category (OK COMPUTER and One Hot Minute). And something about it just hits different. Knowing that those songs could have been their last and other songs that we know and love wouldn't happen, and probably a lot of other releases by othern artists wouldn't happen too... It's like a butterfly effect What are other albums that you know was almost the final dot on the band's history ? Submitted August 17, 2024 at 04:52PM by frenxine https://ift.tt/BhoCWje via /r/Music
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signaturewealth · 2 months
Investment management Atlanta
Investment management in Houston includes the professional manageemnt of various securities special shares,bonds and othern Securities Asset by investment managers for clients Agence France Presse economic professionals Houston area. Richer Investment managers in Atlanta provide tailored advice, asset allocation and a diversified portfolio to help clients meet their financial needs as well as grow it over the years.
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sumeria · 2 months
Riverdale characters as strains of weed
i take edibles from medical dispensaries in florida im baby i dont know anything abt strains othern sativa tends to gimme headaches and make me paranoid as hell
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tom2tec · 6 months
Halcyon ~ Minimalistic Music Player
This is a minimalistic Music Player written in Java & native C++.The engine framework is written mainly in Java with C++ used to back any othernative functionalities.Currently this project is under heavy development and not for general consumer usage. Features: audio music-player audio-player minimalistic-music-player sourceforge.net/projects/halcyon4j March 2004
View On WordPress
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xxxairheadedangelxxx · 7 months
so being fat means that I have to worry about boots not fitting my hamhock calves and for *years* ive gazed longingly at demonias not thinking I could wear them bc ive heard they have size issues w calves and all of the bootsi like dont come in a wide calf version
RM had me try on his vash cosplay boots the othern ight AND THEY FIT PERFECTLY
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rhianna · 10 months
The modern part of an universal history : from the earliest account of time / compiled from original writers, by the authors of the antient part.
Cite thisExport citation fileRelated NamesWatson, Robert, 1802-1874, former owner. Swinton, John, 1703-1777 Campbell, John, 1708-1775 Shelvocke, George, -1760 Bower, Archibald, 1686-1766 Psalmanazar, George, 1679?-1763 Sale, George, 1697?-1736 Ware, C. (Catharine), bookseller. Law, B. (Bedwell), -1798, bookseller. Davey, P., -1760, bookseller. Crowder, Stanley, -1798, bookseller. Rivington, J. (John), 1720-1792, bookseller. Millar, Andrew, 1705-1768, bookseller. Hitch, Charles, -1764, bookseller. Osborne, Thomas, -1767, bookseller. Richardson, Samuel, 1689-1761, bookseller. T. Longman (Firm) Pre-1801 Imprint Collection (Library of Congress) Language(s)English PublishedLondon : Printed for S. Richardson, ... [et. al.], 1759-1766. SubjectsWorld history >  World history / Early works to 1800 Early works NoteSpine title: Modern universal history. Index in vol. 44. Physical Description44 v. ; 21 cm.
Arabs renderedthemſelves fo fa mous , bothby their extenfive conqueftsand their cultivation ofantient literature , after theintroduction of Iflamifmamongst them , that theirglory , for feveral centuries ,eclipfed that of all othernations . Nay , the vaſtempire they erected ſeemsto fubfift , even at this day ,in thoſe of the OthmanTurks , Perfians , Tartars ,and Moguls ; who derivedfrom them both their religion and polity , both theirfacred and civil in ftitutions .No wonder then that acomplete hiſtory of thiswonderful people , from thebirth of their falfe prophetand legiſlator Mo hammed ,to the reduction of Baghdadby the Tartars , extractedchiefly from the oriental authors , fhould have been folong defired in theſe weſternparts of the world . Nothing, therefore , of that kindhaving yet appeared in anyof the European tongues ;we flatter our felves , thatthe laborious and difficultwork now offered in threevolumes to the public ,which comprehends a clearand fuccinct detail of themoft remarkable eventsthat happened in the Archempire during the aforelaidperiod , and has beendeduced principally fromthe eaſtern MOD . HIST ,VOL . I.
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babyawacs · 10 months
@auschwitzmuseum .@haaretzcom @wef @imf @wto .@potus .@vp .@gop .@dnc .@thed emocrats .@barackobama .@theeconomist @economics .@pontifex @pontifex_de @ekd @all @world @bbc_whys @bbcr4 .@us_stratcom @atom @atomic #jews howcani expl ainyou: better: #reframed: all is thatway and drifting that it is. of no specia l bonus or gain at all to save lives. itis irrational effort on the worthles s. youare. #ai sorted monstrous intel for decades allthat counts //// the d ay the usa falls itis over for .@israel @israel. i really really really reall y believe this. the western system of democracies of civility of specific valu es not only hollow bullshit  is why some form of jews able to live safely is possible itis critical to understand governability of western nations:  for instance supplies: with supplies itis only one lessproblem. but without : itis french revolutions grade amplified problems thelonger it takes civillian s not proper share with labour union things enforced things incontrary 19th century conditions : things that generated amiddleclass and thriving societies othernations copied successfully were b r o k e n d o w n in the 2000s on itis as if idiocy doesnot understand what makes nations governable o r s o w h a t swine grade fu ckthem with fists anyway sowhat aslong as there is gain to who who wonders all fellapart letalone quelled barely with criminal intelmethods ///// ibelieve things are usually that bad tothe jews that only some swines by human standards barely saved some of them .@israel @haaretzcom  or simpler what m ade careers in monstrous dictators and was in intel were not the best of ma n boozing whoring with nazis  thingsare that bad  to the jews that some or one of these saved some while exploiting them  and the lesson is dem ocracy yey dictatorships bllllah all humane civillian truthjusticepeace huma ne at core yey all devious lying hideous monstrous blllah ideology evenmor e ///// which early warning maps that? //// maybe the jews dont notice but all is loss of life becomes meh relative meh and saving humans meh why. then t hey are worthless humans why effort ressources evenmore on those or how to mi lk the case with worthless doomed then thejews donot realise where it drifts and thereisno systemicbonus or gain from savinglives it becomes bad andworse drifts and the usa the only way things got a little better to em drifts or gam es for war with china within4 or 5years
@auschwitzmuseum .@haaretzcom @wef @imf @wto .@potus .@vp .@gop .@dnc .@thedemocrats .@barackobama .@theeconomist @economics .@pontifex @pontifex_de @ekd @all @world @bbc_whys @bbcr4 .@us_stratcom @atom @atomic #jews howcani explainyou: better: #reframed: all is thatway and drifting that it is. of no special bonus or gain at all to save lives. itis irrational effort on the worthless. youare. #ai…
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Oh ,
right ..
im supposed to be intimidated ,
but ,
its difficult to be uncomfortable with truth.
The iranian people took hostages
the legally elected president had a case of the gotto gos , which they seemed to recall had happened next doer net too long before, They wanted to ensure the independett soverienty of their country and felt the only ones who wouldnt sell out
Were the priests ,
We are equally responsible for the theocrasy , and most Iranian people have had enough of the oppressive nature of sharia ,
In ALL of history , there was only one attack on western interests when beruit became a free for all ,
Beyond that
Every single terrorist attack agoinst the west came from our pals the Saudis ,
There is no such thing as a populace of random hatred of othern they dont know
When they say death to america
They are making a political statement on our foreign policy
And would never imagine that some here think its some bizarre
abject hatred based on jealousy or agression
Stop listening to 'news' determined and driven by ratings before its curated with the deaths ef your families just to get you to tune in .
The ONLY enemies to speak of in this world , resides in government leaders like Putin , who truly represent a tiny oligarchy of billionaires only concerned with staying on top
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