#otome sort of
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"Hey, with, a ♪ ding ding dan ♪ let's dance! Rougher and rougher, up, down, up, down ♪ heave-ho ♪ Here, until you hit the climax, I'll take good care of you With our school slippers, shall we dance?"
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Inspired by Balleriko - Mikito and this art
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Part 2 with Fem School LIs...?
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takitafulily · 1 year
Misadventures of the MCs #01
WHB!MC: Oh! Sorry! I must've got the wrong room!
(OB!MC and TWST!Yuu have their head on the table looking like they're dead. MM!MC is lying on the floor with their phone beeping away on the table. LTD!MC is the only functional looking one, clacking away at her laptop.)
TWST!Yuu: (Points at WHB!MC) No no, you look like you're in the right place.
WHB!MC: (confused) ???
OB!MC: (lifts their head up and puts their chin on the table) (also point at WHB!MC) are those fighting bruises or sexual bruises?
WHB!MC: (looks down and sees the massive bruises on their thigh) oh!... sorry............ they're sexual...... (embarrassed)
TWST!Yuu: Oh great. Another adult.
OB!MC: To be fair you're the odd one out. You're only here because no one else matches my level of therapist.
TWST!Yuu: Fair. (Puts their head back down)
WHB!MC: Oh! I heard FM!MC is on the way here as well. No one's met them yet so I don't know what they're like.
LTD!MC: They're probably not that different from us. Worse case scenario, they're like MM!MC and OB!MC. Best case scenario, they're like me.
WHB!MC: What about me?
LTD!MC: You're in the middle hon. Your harem is the best if not a little kinky, they chug their respect juice, but your angels are no joke.
OB!MC: (mumbling) My angels are the best..... not to mention the sex....
WHB!MC: I'm working on the angels ;)
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moeblob · 11 days
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I love Chris so much you guys.
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crezz-star · 8 months
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C'elen was shooketh
C'elen in bg3 story is a daughter of country side ex-noble family. so she's been pretty sheltered and taught how to be a lady. but when her parents went bankrupt, her father offed himself and her mother died of depression, she was left to fend for herself and lived alone for a while, learning how to use the axe to protect herself from wild animals or monsters. She lived beside a river and pretty much a tiny simple home, it was the only home left from her parent's riches.
So she haven't really met that much people nor mingle much and just bases off her knowledge from the romance novel books she read when she was younger, as well as her concept or romance and s-x from more adult oriented novels she read in secret and what her teachers taught her that such things was only to be done to the person you have been betrothed with.
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rekindlevn · 2 months
What would be the boys reaction to getting the princess treatment by the MC :3? (I LOVE MAKING MY MCS GIVE MALE CHARACTERS PRINCESS TREATMENT >:)) )
This would be a little difficult for Niko at first because his first inclination is to spoil you (even if he is playfully teasing you at the same time). One prime example is he’s going to be stuffing you with a lot of good food he cooked for you, and often.
If you turn the princess treatment tables on him, however, he won’t put up too much of a fight. You have been best friends since five years old, afterall. He is used to you taking care of each other at various points in your long history together.
As an adult, the tips of his ears may resemble the color of his hair at being doted upon to this degree, however. Be warned that he’s likely to playfully retaliate with escalated “princess” service at the next available opportunity.
With Julian, do you mean before or after he finished giving you the same treatment?
After being caught off guard that you want to do something so nice for him, he would blush deeply and do his best to let you do your thing. He isn’t used to this kind of treatment at all! Jules is always the person that is there for someone; He doesn't really have someone there for him.
Being spoilt isn’t something he knows how to accept, so make sure to pamper him lots and he will slowly melt into a puddle at your fingers.
Markus is SO fine with being a princess. Please, dote on him, pamper him, he will eat it up. Call him a princess too, it's all great. Get him a tiara. He'll love this is what we're saying.
The catch is that it has to be kind of a joke, or just focused on the fun aspect. Because if things get too deep -- if you tell him that he deserves to be treated like a princess, for example -- he might struggle. He's fine with being attractive, he's good with being the fun time guy, but what he isn't used to is actually being important to someone, so be gentle with him while he gets used to it!
You will get lots of his genuine smiles with this, and he'll call you "dove" and stuff, so it's totally worth it.
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carpathianskies · 2 months
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If nothing else exciting happens in my life outside of my control I should have something pretty fun to share with you guys on Friday xx
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elfqueen006 · 27 days
Captain Hook x Reader
Tw: canon-typical violence, canon compliant, mention of drawn blood, angst, jealousy
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Currently, Hook's renewed Jolly Roger was being faced off by the Unraveler yet again, who came with his own new and improved ship, that he likely acquired in a manner of minutes rather than with the hours of care Hook's crew had put into his own vessel.
Ever the valiant one, Hook wasted no time throwing himself back into a captain's role and commanded a spyglass from a member of his faithful crew.
"Let's see what tricks the lubber has now-"
The captain stiffened upon looking through his spyglass and his throat bobbed a great lump.
Your brows drew together in concern, immediately picking up on his faltered state. "Hook? Is something wrong?"
"No. No, it's nothing." He replied flippantly, "Nothing to be unnerved about."
Hisame's pale hand swiped the device from him, sneering. "Fool. If you're rattled it's obviously something we need to know." He looked through the spyglass for a moment, but his face became perplexed. "They have a girl."
"Like, a hostage?" you asked.
"Doesn't seem to be. She's consorting with the Unraveler in the open."
"Let me see." Hisame handed the spyglass off to you and you began scanning the ship. The first thing you noticed of course, was the Unraveler with his stark white features against the crew of black clothes. It made sense with what you knew of him, he'd want to stand out amongst the world he deemed himself a god over. 
He seemed to notice you too, smirking before he called to someone yet unseen. When they came up you mentally flinched. It was a girl. And something about her appearance was so distinct from even the Unraveler that it prompted you to get a closer look. Adjusting the spyglass you focused more on her face and dress.
She couldn't have been much older than you, a young woman probably entering college or just leaving it. A fair complexion with a few stray freckles on her face. Pink and full lips, very womanly. Dark hair falling to her shoulders in ringlets. She wore a bright blue dress but no shoes.
"Wendy Darling..." you said, lowering the spyglass. Flowing through your mind were countless memories of the heroine portrayed in the pages of your old books and in the faces of the movies adapting them. And then the more recent ones of the faceless and yet presumably cold woman who had broken Hook's heart. You knew she existed and yet you never thought you'd be able to meet her. Especially like this.
You looked over to Hook, who was paler than usual. His face flushed as he used his hat to fan himself.
"...Captain?" Your call made him look up with wide eyes. You hated to see him so... vulnerable. Well, against his will. A million thoughts must have been running through his head right now. A million memories. But now was the time to act, and act fast. "What should we do?"
He shifted his gaze elsewhere, "We...we persist. But be ready for anything. This is still the Unraveler we're dealing with; a familiar face may very well be another opponent."
He’s obviously still very shaken up. But what else can you do but follow him? If there’s anything Hook excels at, it’s leadership under pressure. He’d walk this blind if he had to. At least, you hope so. 
It isn’t long before the Unraveler deploys his men to overtake your ship. They come in swinging, clashing their swords with Hook’s men. Many try to overpower Hook himself, but he’d knocked the swords from their hands with his skilled parries and thrusts. One man had come up and grabbed hold of Hook’s sword arm, cocking his own arm back to deliver a punch before Grimm had come in from the other side to knock him down with a swipe of his heavy claws. Hook grinned and slapped his back, to which the wolfman gave a scoff but assumed a smirk full of pride when he went off to ward off more attackers.
You felt yourself smile. It was nice to see Hook be himself again, especially after such a rattling development. But that didn’t mean your foes would be deterred. Few men came after you, approaching more methodically than they did your comrades. It was likely the Unraveler still had use for you and ordered that they take care not to damage a possible asset. You weren't as skilled as Hook with your sword, but you made use of your size by dodging and slipping under the bigger men and redistributing your weight along with the direction of your sword to fend them off with swift and heavy strikes. And they just kept coming! As if you were a capoeira champion, you made sure to keep light on your feet, no matter how weary you felt yourself getting.
Hook glances over at you in the middle of his own fight. He feels his heart race in an unpleasant way at seeing you grow sluggish. He cursed himself for not teaching you more in melee combat. It also didn’t seem like you were doing a very good job at handling them permanently. Almost like it was a second instinct not to hurt or maim but to defend. No matter how dire the situation, he supposed he couldn’t fault you for being an inherently caring person. It isn’t just something you could unlearn… at least not so fast.
As the man in front of him lifts his arms up with his sword, foolishly giving Hook an opening, the pirate ran his own sword through his stomach. He kicked the wounded man down and ran over to you. He was halfway there when suddenly–
Whether it be luck or pure instinct, Hook had blocked the Unraveler’s sword in time. “Going somewhere, old friend?”
His cerulean eyes widened before going cold with a sneer. “We’re friends now, are we?” Hook twisted his sword and shoved him backward. The Unraveler slid back but stood his ground before going in once more to parry him.
“Of, course! There’s an unspoken bond between a hero and his villain. Maybe even more than their damsels, wouldn’t you say?” the Unraveler said.
Hook only growled in response as he delivered a particularly harsh blow against his sword. 
The Unraveler snickered, “Struck a nerve, did I? What’s the matter? I thought you’d be happy to see Wendy again-”
“Wendy is dead to me!” This time, he actually managed to cut the white-haired man, who made a surprised yelp when his cheek was grazed by his opponents’ sword. His hold loosened on his swords’ grip and Hook quickly knocked it from his hands, catching his collar by his hook and raising his sword to run him through.
Clang! His arm jerks back at a sudden force and his gaze is drawn to the swift passing of a blue gown. He takes notice his own sword has been flung across the ship deck. The scraping of metal on wood draws everyone’s attention to the fight in the middle of the deck; it’s so quiet you could hear a pin drop.
You look agape at the shocking scene before you: James Hook has the end of a sword to his throat. Your gaze travels down the blade and the woman behind the guard. Wendy holds her weapon assuredly as she assumes an almost pouty expression. Her dark blue eyes stun him in place as his throat bobs with the contact of her blade. That familiar flushed look is on his face. The Unraveler is down, clutching his sore wrist as he smirks up at them.
“Thank you for making this easy for me.” She remarks coldly. But there’s a hint of something else in her tone you can’t place. Either way, the image before you is sobering and your eyes dart to the closest man in front of you. Your blade is still placed over his, and a small pull and thrust to his neck has him gushing and gasping, grasping at his neck while you turn away, taking a running start at Wendy.
You hear Grimm and Hisame call out to you but your blood rushes to your ears as you harshly bump your shoulder against Wendy’s and away from Hook.
“Y/N!” He took a step forward after you but once again was cut off by a punch from the Unraveler.
“We’re not done!” The Unraveler hissed.
As the two fought, both you and Wendy had managed to get yourselves up to the deck stairs. Wendy regains her footing quickly and shoves you back down. You clumsily stumble down but place one foot atop a stair and one back on deck.
Wendy stands above you at the very top. The sun halos her hair, the light giving it a distinct shine. She frowns, sticking her chin out while looking down at you. She is authoritative in a very British noblewoman sort of way, even with the trace of dirt and wetness at the ends of her dress. Still, she’s more than antagonistic, especially with the way she apprehended Hook earlier. You wouldn’t put it past her to be poised to kill.
So you would have to… 
You would have to kill Wendy…
“You’re wearing one of my gowns.” She suddenly announces. Somehow, her voice is louder than the chaos occurring behind you both, which sounds almost muted when you focus on her and her alone.
You look down at your nightgown. It’s a satiny red that’s sheer near the bottom. You never took much notice of it, but now blowing in the wind against your legs, you do feel a bit exposed.
You clear your throat awkwardly, “I never took you for a 'red’ type of girl.”
“Neither did I…” Her eyes dart briefly over to where you assume Hook is. But you don’t take your eyes off her for a moment. She was definitely more skilled than you. Any slip up could mean certain doom.
Her lips then pull up in a sneer, “So did you have fun in it?”
“Excuse me?”
“Was he…able to provide you a swell time without cutting you up.”
You feel your cheeks burn at the implications, but your mouth runs before you can think. “You’d be surprised. Hook is very skilled with his hands.”
Now it’s her turn to blush. In fact her face almost glows pink. It nearly matches Hooks own expression toward her. And for some reason that sickens you.
“Ha! That’s putting it heavily. I much prefer the light touch of a gentleman.”
“I bet you would, darling.”
Her lips tighten up with an ugly scrunch of her nose. She flicks her wrist to flash her sword in the light. The gleam of it draws your gaze to the blade. A warning. You hold your own blade assuredly, bringing it in front of you.
You advance up the stairs and thrust your sword against hers. 
Swinging your sword around, you chase her over the upper deck, likely breaking and scraping little fixtures in the ship with your assault. When it seems like you have her, you bring your sword down again. She jumps back as she parries you, and when she leans in close, she thrusts again. Your body moves before your sword, flinching away from her swift strikes. At some points your weapon drags across the floor. You can feel the adrenaline rush from earlier wearing off. The tilt of the floor below you, along with the sun’s beating heat, is making you loopy.
Wendy takes notice of this, smirking. “You don’t even have what it takes to be a pirate.” She turns her left arm and strikes down at your leg. You cry out rather loudly, the stinging pain of being cut way harsher than expected. You hop back as she advances and you’re both going down the other flight of stairs.
The crowd behind you makes way subconsciously. Hook looks over with worry as he fends off the Unraveler. “Two women fighting over you – exciting isn’t it?” His opponent’s taunts fall on deaf ears.
You continue to backup, swinging wildly at Wendy. But she’s too confident. Too bold. She’s sure she will win. And for a moment, you think she might too.
The heel of your foot then catches on something big and you fall on your back. You turn your head, nearly lurching at the sight. Slumped over is the newly dead body of the man who’s throat you slit a moment before. His eyes are rolled upward, mouth slack and open. His chin and neck are coated in his own blood. You turn away just in time to see Wendy raising her sword overhead.
“Don’t worry.” she coos, her voice rising in glee. “Leave Hook to me.”
You hear him scream out of earshot, “Wendy!!!”
Without thinking you lunge for her middle, tackling her down with a newfound fierceness. Her sword flies from her hands. You make a grab for her neck, effectively throttling her and banging her head against the hardwood. She flips you over, about to do the same but you reel your knee back and send her flying off with a harsh kick.
She scrambles for purchase but you’re not finished, grabbing her by her hair and wrenching her up to her feet so you could cock your fist back and slug her across the face. 
“You brute!” Wendy shrieked. Her eyes squinted in anger with her jaw tightened and teeth clenched. She slaps you roughly before pulling at your hair as well. Her actions are that of a young angry woman, flailing and jerking about as she attacks you. Her blows still hurt, but she isn’t as methodical as before. And that’s your in.
“Y/N!” When Hook calls your name, your arm sticks out almost on instinct. You feel something cold and ribbed land in your palm. You curl your hand around the grip and jam the dagger into Wendy’s stomach. Her hands still in your hair, clench harshly, making you wince. You look into her wide blue eyes that trailed down to the blooming red in her dress. Her mouth hung open, taking in sharp little gasps at the sight. Her hands fell from your head, and after a beat, she went slack on your dagger. 
You ripped it from her body, letting her fall with a heavy thud.
Her death marks a gradual hush of the deck. Hook looks on, his eyes upon the body with an unreadable expression. Grimm and Hisame stand speechless as well. And finally, The Unraveler makes an expression that portrays genuine befuddlement at the scene before him: his heroine laid to death by the presumably meek and passive fledgling Reader he kidnapped just days before.
“I can fix this…” he mutters, backing up from Hook. “...I can always just … write her back to life later.”
Immediately he pulls out a book and reads him and all his men away and to their ship. Even Wendy’s body is nowhere to be found.
The pirates of the Jolly Roger cheer but it’s white noise in your ears. You feel yourself give in to the fatigue from the fight, stumbling backward and into a mast. The boys rush to your aid, coming at you from all sides. In your waning vision, you see Hook reach out to you before it all goes black.
When you wake up, you’re in his bed. Not the private room he gave you, but his own quarters. There’s maps lined up on the wall, and jewels and treasures placed around miscellaneously. 
You barely have time to process anything else before two sturdy arms envelope you in a tight hug. You feel yourself grin at the sudden greeting, but begin to groan when he presses kisses all along your face.
You lighty shove him back, “Augh, Hook… lemme go!”
His grin is unmistakable to place, even in his voice.
“Never, darling, never!”
It's five ammmm and I'm finished with storyyy :33
So sleepy gn - Elf queen
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bruhainrot · 2 months
Whitney, C!Sydney, 707, Marius Von Hagen, Mammon, Kiro, Rafayel.. Yeah I can see my "falling for the charismatic playboy in the harem" pattern
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moonlit-sweet-dreams · 9 months
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🎀- Nameless style replica attempt with Nightingale. The hair was a nightmare, but I do like how this turned out! It certianly isn't perfect, though that is often the case when I do these sorts of things. 😔
I maaaaayyy write some things for Nameless and my funny little guys, but I'll have to see if I can finish their pages first 😅
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tunichtgxt-archive · 12 days
🎸 for sanghoon bb
╰┈➤ ❝ [  moodboard and aesthetic game  ]  ❞
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mihai-florescu · 1 year
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I actually get self concious and critical of my media consumption habits. Im very aware that out of my favorite characters few are girls, and that i tend to gravitate towards primarily male cast pieces of media. I know im not the only one though and i think others feel bad about it too and try to pretend it isnt happening, they are # good feminists by pretending the characters are actually girls but that's just a bit delusional and missing the point. It's funny, i'll see people screaming and crying about she/her hajime and wlw rinniki etcetc but wheres the passion and energy for the actual girls in this game. Arashi, anzu, negi, like, the actual canon girls. And when people do talk about arashi it's so often reduced just to her gender. Well it doesnt really matter it's all chronically online talk anyway but i want people to self reflect on their headcanons and then the way they interact with media. Anyway. I watched kamikaze girls a few weeks ago, it was sooo good i need more films like it if you have recs? Doesnt matter the language
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bmpmp3 · 18 days
one thing that keeps happening in some of the shoujo and josei manga i read (and probably any narrative media marketed women and girls really but I just read a lot of manga LOL) that has been kind of tragic is when the premise is like a romance story about a girl who likes submissive guys or wants to take charge or be a top etc etc and navigating a relationship with that desire but then the story goes on and they completely abandon it a few volumes for the usual guy taking the lead fare. its so disappointing. let that girl peg her boyfriend for the love of GOD
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kamil-a · 1 year
me when im making the romance game about people falling in love: i think we should use our one big illustration slot in the chapter where the romantic lead affectionately pats the heroine's head to draw a splitscreen of the romantic lead and another guy waist up
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abyssruler · 2 years
oh i’d love to make an interactive fic using polls
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ratwars · 1 year
Cybird is out here coming out with new kingdoms and new princes and I'm just over here having not done half the season 1 routes even while twiddling my thumbs waiting for Gilbert
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I had a dream that there was some kind of live action production of Seduce Me, but instead of actors, the incubi were cast as themselves... but nobody knew they were actually incubi except me and like two other people. They were passing themselves off as regular humans to everyone else.
I wanted to meet them all before they started filming, but I could only find James and Matthew. Matthew looked...a bit huskier than he normally does. And his jacket was more of a parka than a hoodie. He looked real cozy fkshfj.
Of course I gravitated towards James though, because. well. I'm predictable 😂 wish I could remember what he was wearing or what we talked about, but I was too focused on the fact that I was blessed with conversing with him in the first place gkshfkg
(a distinction I feel is important to make is that they didn't look 2D/stylized like in the games, or even like a 3D model - they looked like legit, actual humans with realistic proportions, hair, everything. And James was still impossibly handsome gkshfkg)
(also they were filming at night for some reason but that part isn't as important fjfsdh)
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