#otp: dragon and bat
askrikkaiandhyotei · 2 years
This is just off the top of my head, with a bunch of Kamen Rider ships
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eclipsedrawsthings · 10 months
5 fandoms, 5 ships!
Thanks for the tag, @edwardslostalchemy!
1. BNHA—Fuyukoto
Look, Fran basically already covered Tddk, and while they’re my OTP, this is the kayak I have built with my own two hands and I WILL get more people on board it if it’s the last thing I do. Have they met in canon? No! Do I still have shit to talk about? YOU FUCKING BET.
First off, they have the same goals for a relationship—on Fuyumi’s end, I think it’s pretty clear that what she wants is domestic stability. Makoto, meanwhile, has explicitly stated that her ideal partner is someone “ordinary”—someone down-to-earth and steady to balance out the glitz, glamour, and chaos of her professional life.
She’s also extremely assertive in a way that I think Fuyumi needs in her life—someone like Makoto backing her up would probably do her wonders. Plus, giving Endeavor a daughter-in-law who has blackmailed a pro hero and gotten away with it would simply be excellent.
Speaking of in-laws, this ship would also make Naomasa and Touya in-laws. This is objectively funny.
Come. Join me. Let’s create a future where I am not the only author to have written in this Ao3 tag.
2. Free!—Reigisa
I have such a soft spot for these silly little guys. You know that one post about being a sitcom b-plot character? These two are the fun little b-plot romance to Makoharu’s pining and drama. I love how ridiculously persistent Nagisa was in getting Rei to join the swim club, and I love the scene where Rei scoffs at the idea of him being affected by “something as illogical as love” like it didn’t WORK.
They’re hilarious, they’re adorable, they’re opposites attract, they’re absolutely whipped for each other. I love them.
Also, the water gun fight. The fact that Nagisa successfully ambushed Rei, then proceeded to walk into the trap he’d set earlier, was comedy gold.
3. Lego Monkie Kid—Dragonfruit
I was on the fence about this one until the Samhedi Fire scene. Look, I’ve spent five years and counting in the Tddk community—you give me fire and an “It’s your power!” and I’m gone.
To be clear, when I say “on the fence” I mean I was deciding whether or not I shipped them—they were luring me in, that just sealed the deal. I love the scene were Red returns Mei’s dragon plushie, I love their dynamic in general, and the fact that they were cuddling after the battle got me in the heart.
I’m not as deep in this particular fandom, so I’ll leave it at that—they’re cute, they got me in my weak spot, I like them!
4. Fairy Tail—Nalu
Is it even really a meet-cute if you don’t end up running from the cops?
These two actually hold the honor of being my first anime ship—Fairy Tail was my gateway anime, and Nalu was my first ship from it (thanks, Faun on both counts!)
I like how there’s hints that they could be a couple right off the bat, like Natsu’s arrival snapping Lucy out of the love spell when none of the other girls under it were affected, but that it isn’t fully a romantic subplot immediately. The focus is more on developing their friendship, and even though they’re not together by the end of the original manga, there’s not any question of why they WOULD fall for each other at some point in the future. Time and time again, they’ve saved each other, been there for each other, and just enjoyed each other’s company. I like a good friends-to-lovers, what can I say.
And finally:
5. Superwomen in Love—Honey Trap and Rapid Rabbit
This is mostly an excuse to talk about this manga, because it is a LESBIAN SUPERHERO ROMCOM and more people need to read it.
Honey Trap, a villain, defeats Rapid Rabit, the heroine, in battle, gleefully removes the helmet of her costume… and is immediately smitten. As a result, she lets her get away, gets kicked out of her villain org, and ends up as Rabbit’s roommate, because Rabbit is the sweetest person in existence.
Fun superhero battles ensue as they try to take down the villain organization Honey used to be part of, while meanwhile Honey tries her hardest to get Rabbit to fall for her, and there’s a healthy dose of “and they were ROOMMATES,” which is always a fun time! Plus, one thing I specifically like about this manga is that the fact that they’re gay is a complete non-issue—the only “how can two women—?” of any kind is when Rabbit is (understandably I think) baffled by a different lesbian couple in the story having what’s essentially a biological daughter.
Superwomen in Love!!! Go read it, it’s fun!!!
Tagging @helpilostmygender, @snazzy-hats-and-adhd, @unreemarkable, @r4inwing-pride-parade, and @idkwatthehec! No pressure though!!!
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 years
Ruka/Luna for the character meme, if you're still doing it?
favorite thing about them: Luna is my top favorite yugioh girl as of right now i love her so much!!!!!! I love her bond with Leo and I love just like...her character concept?? Girl falling into the Monster World via her brain when she was itty bitty and then a giant dragon told her it was her job to save and protect everyone. Luna had Undertale happen to her when she was like 4 and we just have to live with that and she just has to live with that too.
least favorite thing about them: unfortunately, she is a girl in a yugioh series. DOUBLE UNFORTUNATELY she is suffering from Girl In the Back Half of 5D's Disease. like i will go to bat for a lot in s2 of 5ds but MAN. THE GIRLS PROBLEM. luna's concept (the fucking fact she can talk to duel spirits!!!) is so cool and the show does barely anything with it except for that agonizing Monkey Miniarc during the dark signers. sad!!! LET HER DO MORE!!!!
favorite line: I can't think of any lines from the show proper off the top of my head but i Love if you play as leo in duel links and challenge her she says something like "Duel you? No way! You always complain when you lose!!"...i just love their dynamic so much ;__;
brOTP: HER AND LEO OF COURSE i love ygo siblings and leo and luna are my favorite 5ds characters (despite. my madnesses.)...their bond is just so so sweet and i love that you can tell even though leo's so rambunctious and obnoxious sometimes (a lot of the time) she still loves him so much. Also I'm insane and have been lost in the gx/5ds post canon crossover AU that exists in my brain where teenage luna is friends with 40-something year old chazz. one day i will talk more about this. i also have a lot i could say about Aporia and Luna having a dynamic but that would take another 3 paragraphs so I will restrain myself for now. <3
OTP: i dont have one. shes 12.
nOTP: if you ship her with any of her older/adult friends i am going to rip your bones out.
random headcanon: Trans girl, has had an on/off childhood attachment to maybe being a veterinarian when she grows up, collects books of old fairy tales, occasionally has nightmares about leo dying. :( cuz...you know. tbh luna is turning a bit into a ygo girl im just making shit up about but they forgot to give her much so im just filling in the gaps.
unpopular opinion: her and leo aren't annoying and their place on team 5D's is meaningful and sweet!!!!!!!!!
song i associate with them: It's a little bit of a 5D's on the Whole song for me but Daniel in the Den by Bastille has some big luna vibes for me primarily via "and you thought the lions were bad/well they tried to kill my brothers".....thinks about a certain leonine looking guy who did. in fact. try to kill her brother. twice. <:)
favorite picture of them:
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sorry it's a group shot but i love whenever the twins hug yusei ;__; hes their fuckign DAD!!!!
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sstargoldens · 3 years
nalu week 2020
Chapter 6
Topic 6: Charm (July 6)
Natsu Dragneel, Magician of Fairy Tail was an attractive man. Most of Fiore's women, mainly his admirers, remembered this phrase as fact. But what was it that made this man so attractive? Anyone outside the guild would say that his good physique because the jade-eyed one had to be admitted had a worked body and it was easily visible thanks to his typical costume, another factor that could be mentioned was his great power in battle to which he owed his fame mainly.
But what did the ladies of Fairy Tail think? The answers were very different depending on who answered, Juvia believed that his best quality was being a great friend of her Gray-sama, Wendy believed that the pink haired man was an example to follow as a magician, Erza believed that his hair which resembled a strawberry, Levy thought it was funny, Lisanna would say his good humor and Mirajane would say his childishness. All these answers were taken by Jason himself, editor of Weekly Sorcerer magazine who was looking to do an article about the Great Salamander and his fame after the Alvarez war.
Everything was relatively normal while the journalist asked the magicians, Natsu who was present cared very little, he was focused on his food. The guild was in its normal state barely affected by the outside presence. That was until Lucy's turn came.
Jason approached her old friend and asked the question he asked all of her guildmates.
-And you Lucy, what do you think is the greatest attractive of Salamander? Your opinion is the most important, after all you are teammates. - The reporter asked the celestial spirit mage.
As if everyone was waiting for that moment (something for sure) the guild was silent, all eyes on the star mage, even Natsu had detached his face from the plate of food, he was interested in Lucy's response. Mirajane already had hearts in her eyes imagining the future of her OTP, Cana was still drinking but very attentive to the blonde, Levy looked compassionately at her best friend knowing her discomfort, Gray, Juvia, Laxus, Lisanna, the Master, Gajeel, Wendy , absolutely everyone was pending on her.
-I ... - Lucy began to sweat, she felt the pressure on her person. She was embarrassed, she couldn't think clearly. At this rate she would drop everything and that wouldn't be good, Jason was staring at her.
Lucy could feel Natsu's gaze, serious and attentive, she felt herself burning in his gaze. After seconds that seemed eternal, Lucy made the best decision that she could think of, she ran out of the guild giving an unintelligible excuse that she didn't even bother to think. The blonde ran like a bat out of hell and she didn't stop until she reached the safety of her apartment.
With her breath recovered and rested sitting on the floor of her room, she supported her back on the bed while she played with her now long blonde hair. Her first intention was never to run from that kind of interview, in fact she had planned in her mind what words she was going to say, she had everything calculated but the pressure on her made her confused and she was about to give a monologue of everything she likes by Natsu.
Lucy's planned response was "her loyalty to the guild" but she barely felt the look of the jade eyes on her person, all the other things began to bubble in her head and that is what does Lucy Heartfilia think, What is the charm of Natsu Dragneel? Lucy could spend hours talking about all the qualities of why Natsu was attractive both physically and psychologically. The physique of the fire mage was unquestionable, the result of his continuous morning training sessions and that is that every day the pink haired man faithfully complied. Another factor would be her salmon-colored hair, which despite appearances is very soft, Lucy checked it all those times that on the train the magician rested on her lap and allowed her to pass her fingers through his locks in a small sample of comfort. On the psychological side, the dragon slayer was the most cheerful and lively person the blonde had ever met, no matter what the situation was, Natsu always managed to get a smile out of her, he was always there for her, supporting and protecting her unconsciously. He was her beloved guardian dragon, the target of all her love, Natsu Dragneel was the man she was deeply in love with.
Lucy always thought that true love was going to come to her one day suddenly, in the form of a first sight and a man who was her prince charming. But it wasn't like that, her love was formed slowly and warmly, during ages of friendship and closeness, it cultivated a trust and affection that could only lead to falling in love with her best friend. A true love full of memories, emotions and experiences. She knew everything about him and he knew everything about her, they could spend hours talking without getting bored and supporting each other on missions. It was a healthy, mutual and meaningful relationship, but this caused fear in the celestial mage. They had never talked about them, you could feel that there was something but they never touched on the subject, they were best friends and Lucy didn't want to lose Natsu. If all that relationship she felt was an interpretation of her part, blinded by her love for him, and it turned out that he didn't feel love for her. Lucy would be heartbroken and she would lose her partner, her best friend, her protector, her comrade in crime, her confidante, her benefactor, she would lose everything that she loves.
That is why the magician had fled, she was afraid of ruining her relationship with the dragon slayer and more to confess in front of the entire guild where everything would lead to an uncomfortable situation. As Lucy thought about all the things that were going through her mind and her unfounded fear of hers regarding her relationship with her teammate, she failed to notice the sliding of her window and a figure who quietly entered the blonde's apartment.
Natsu was standing in Lucy's room, the celestial spirit mage was sitting a meter away, with her back turned and without noticing her presence. She seemed deeply involved in her thoughts, so distracted that she hadn't noticed his entrance, Natsu felt himself thinking at the idea of what would have happened if someone other than him would enter like this and her partner didn't realize it. He would have to argue with the blonde soon to be more attentive to her surroundings when she was alone, he didn't want anything bad to happen to her. Likewise, she shouldn't worry when he was with her, he would always protect her and was always attentive to their surroundings, after all the celestial mage somehow was almost always the target of evil plans and strange dudes.
Looking at the back of her best friend and her long blonde hair, he remembered why he came to visit, his mission was to ask what the hell happened in the guild and her strange flight at the question of the nefarious Jason. To say that Natsu was curious about what Lucy thought of him was no joke, the dragon slayer craved the answer like Cana craved a beer. He needed to know what the celestial mage had to say, a very important decision depended on her answer. Natsu had proposed to confess to her blonde companion as long as he had the slightest hope that he could be reciprocated or that she would give him the opportunity to conquer her. Because even though Lucy will reject him, if she gave him the chance he would strive to make her fall in love with him until she had no choice but to become her girlfriend. Natsu Dragneel was stubborn and would fight for the girl of her dreams but always taking into account what she wanted, if she gave him a resounding no and asked him to leave her alone. He would do it even if his heart would break into pieces and his soul would bleed from being away from her, same their relationship it would never be the same if his teammate would completely eliminate her relationship with him. But he was going to try hard, he wasn't a coward.
- Luce. - Called the dragon slayer softly and making the magician turn around.
"Nat-ts-u," she exclaimed in surprise as she gave a little jump out of her daydreams. - What are you doing here?
- Well, someone ran out of the guild out of nowhere and I got worried. - Natsu answered sitting next to Lucy.
- I'm sorry. -the celestial mage brought her knees to her chest.
- Okay, nothing's wrong. I think Jason will wait when you feel more willing. - Natsu looked at her.
- I'm sorry. - The magician repeated but almost in a whisper.
- Why are you apologizing again? It's okay, you didn't do anything wrong, it's just an article. - Natsu didn't understand Lucy's attitude.
- I'm sorry. - The blonde began to sob.
Natsu panicked, it was never easy for him to see his partner cry. He took her in her arms, letting her face hide in hix chest, he didn't understand what could cause her tears, there was no one to defeat and this made him angry. It was not so simple how to burn whoever was hurting her, it was something more complex and he wasn't sure what to do.
- Natsu, sorry for not answering.- whispered the blonde buried in his chest.
The dragon slayer felt like laughing when he heard the blonde but he held back, while he thought about thousands of crazy things and things that could be bothering the blonde, it turned out to be something almost unimportant.
- Nothing happens, you will have your reasons Luce. Besides, I don't need an article for you to tell me something nice about me, you always have every opportunity to do so. You have all the time in the world because we will always be together. Do you understand? - Natsu comforted her
Upon hearing the fire mage, Lucy felt more like crying, her partner was too sympathetic with her, if she were in his position she would be hurt and crying. Hearing him say as if nothing that they would always be together made her deeply happy, Natsu hadn't repeated it since the first time he had said it before going to the hundred-year search and hearing it again gave her a security that wasn't a moment she imagined, because Natsu hadn't mentioned something similar again. With a little push of courage that phrase had given her, Lucy decided to tell Natsu everything and once she started speaking, her words just overflowed from her.
- Natsu, your greatest charm is being yourself, no matter what happened, you are always so happy and raise the spirits of the guild, you are like the light of Fairy Tail. Even though you are an idiot sometimes, you always manage to get a smile out of everyone, get a smile out of me and you have the most beautiful smile I have ever seen. -Natsu tensed when he heard the blonde start but he just let her continue. - You are extremely loyal to the guild and your friends, you are stubborn and your unbreakable will is always contagious to others, you protect all your loved ones and don't allow yourself to be defeated by anyone. Without you I wouldn't be where I am today, I will be forever grateful to you, for allowing me to share with a person as great as you and have the honor of being your best friend.
At this point Lucy had lifted her face from her and was looking directly at Natsu, with a sincerity and affection that ironically made the fire wizard feel warm.
- You are an extremely admirable magician and I could spend hours talking about how great you are and your charms. But I just panicked at the whole guild, I knew I had to answer but if I answered I would have told a lie and I didn't want to lie with you there listening. I would have lied because anything I would have said posing as someone who isn't in love with you it wouldn't have been compared to -Natsu was shocked at the words of his beloved blonde. -to what I truly feel for you. And I was very afraid to tell the truth because I didn't want to ruin our relationship, I don't know what I would do if you take me away from your life, it would break my heart. Oh my Mavis! And now I'm a fool who practically confessed and our relationship will be ruined because you don't feel the same way I do, and we'll stop going on missions and I'll never have you with me again.
The magician started crying like a little girl, she had blurted out everything without realizing it and she could only cry, she was very afraid of her teammate's reaction. She had ruined everything by confessing in the worst possible way. Natsu by her side with Lucy still crying in her arms took a few seconds to process that her blonde had confessed to him. Lucy loved him! Her love was reciprocated, the celestial mage loved him as he loved her.
- You are an idiot. - Natsu said decidedly as he forced the celestial mage to look at his face again.
-I confess my feelings and you ... -Lucy felt anger bubble inside her, after showing herself vulnerable and telling him everything she felt, he just called her an idiot.
- Who said I didn't reciprocate your feelings? -Natsu looked into her eyes seriously, his gaze completely serious and determined.
- What-what a-ar-e ... - Lucy was stopped by the dragon slayer's lips on hers.
A hand of the magician was gently taking his face and he was moving his lips gently over hers, Lucy responded shyly, she had never kissed anyone but the kiss between her and Natsu felt wonderful. You could feel fireworks around her, you could feel all the love they felt for each other in that kiss.
They slowly separated, both looking for some oxygen, Natsu supported his forehead with Lucy's and looked at her with his eyes full of the purest love that could exist, there would be no one in the world who could quantify the love that the dragon slayer felt for his celestial mage. Because Lucy was his and he wouldn't be away from her for the rest of his life.
- I love you lucy. I don't need your statement in a magazine, I just need to hear it from you. - Said the pink haired one.
- I love you too Natsu. - The blonde gave him a look full of joy and love.
The magician threw himself on top of Lucy giving her a lot of kisses on her face, the blonde responded with pleasure. Being with him, beloved for him, knowing that he loved her made her extremely happy. They were both too busy showing the love of their hearts to each other , thus forgetting the journalist who was waiting for the arrival of a celestial magician to finish her article. But Jason wouldn't regret all the hours of waiting when at the end of the day a pink-haired man and a blonde arrived hand in hand, giving the reporter the scoop on a news story that would be hit all over Fiore plus the final statement for his Salamander article.
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momochanners · 3 years
Alistair and Aeducan. OTP ask #21 and/or #24
Ohhh, an ask for my OG Dragon Age couple ;w;
#21 -  How have they changed each other for the better/for the worse?
(Gonna focus on the positives for this one)
Alistair - He had grown up thinking he was unwanted, suspecting that his presence in Redcliffe was tolerated at best and a burden at worst. The feeling was compounded further when he was passed off to the Templars, but was thankfully rescued by Duncan who conscripted him into a life of purpose in the Grey Wardens...until Ostagar happened. Journeying with the only surviving warden proved to be a life-changing connection for Alistair, a dwarf who carried herself with confidence and self-assuredness in a world that treats her kind with indifference, graceful in esteemed company and vicious in adversarial ones. While she appreciates his companionship as he is, her outward confidence bolsters his conviction in believing that his place in life matters, he is the master of his own destiny, and that he is loved for who he is regardless of who he was before or what others expect him to be.
Aeducan - The most noticeable influence Alistair has had on Aeducan is in tempering her more ruthless side, a product of her upbringing in the ruling house of Orzammar’s noble society. Whereas previously she wouldn’t bat an eye while casually causing ruin to reputation or life of another house perceived as a threat to her own, her exile from her homeland had caused a considerable perspective shift. Now exposed to a world far bigger (and more complex) than before, she depends on Alistair’s counsel and conscience as guidance in protecting her new home and its complicated people, for there is no one kinder than the man who sees her as a genuinely interesting person years ago when they first met, and not as a prize back in Orzammar society, nor as just a faceless ale-guzzling warrior/coin-obsessed merchant on the surface world.
He is her heart, after all.
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shapeshiftinterest · 4 years
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mao mao heroes of pure heart Christmas gift exchange
for @maomaosrealfamily
wishlist: Mao Mao, Badgerclops, and Adorabat ice-skating; Mao Mao struggles
story under the read more
These Blades are for Skatin’ (also on AO3)
“Do you even know how to ice skate?“ Badgerclops asked, helping Adorabat lace up her skates.
After their usual daily patrol and a fight with some ice dragons that’d been too close to the valley, the trio had decided to take a break at the recently frozen pond.
‘‘Well, no.” Mao admitted. “But it looks fairly simple, and I am a master of the blade.”
Badgerclops gave him a look, picking Adorabat up and setting her on wobbly feet. She threw out a ‘Thanks, Badgerclops!’, fixing her scarf and waving at the two before trudging through the snow toward the pond.
“Dude, just because you use a giant knife-“
“It’s a katana!“
“-And know how to throw littler knives-“
“Wha- those are kunai and you know it! Stop calling them kniv- mmphm!!“
“- does NOT mean you know how to ice skate.“ Badgerclops finished. Mao narrowed his eyes at the other, pouting around the finger being used to shush him.
The cat smacked it away, waving his hand dismissively.
“If my sister Minori can strap kitchen knives to her ballet flats and use them to dance-carve her name into a piano, I’m pretty sure I can do something as simple as ice skating.” He said confidently, already lacing up his own skates.
“I’m sorry, your sister did what now?“
Mao ignored him and made his way to the edge of the pond.
Among the other sweetiepies he saw Adorabat, who’d already made it to the other side and was talking with her dad and some classmates. Eugene was holding her wings and skating backwards, slowly pulling her across the ice and explaining how to move.
With one last glance to make sure the area was secure, the sheriff took a step onto the ice-
-and immediately slid forward into a split.
Thighs burning from the sudden stretch, Mao fell over onto his side and hissed, one skate on the ice and the other still in the snow.
A little ways behind him he could hear Badgerclops laughing. He grunted, pushing himself into a sitting position and shakily using Geraldine to stand upright. At least the sweetiepies were too preoccupied to pay attention to him.
"Oh yeah, a real master of the blade, pfff hehehehe.”
Mao glared at his co hero. "As if you could do any better.” He grouched.
“Actually,“ Badgerclops said, hip checking the other and walking onto the ice. “I can. Watch and learn, dude.“
And with that sassy remark, the deputy pushed off, gracefully gliding across pond and weaving in and out between the sweetiepies.
He did a couple loops around Adorabat and Eugene’s group, making a turn and skating backwards, one hand clutching his beanie and the other tucked into his jacket pocket.
Mao’s mouth fell open, watching in surprise as his friend leapt over Chubbum and went into a backwards spin. He did a few more tricks before sliding in front of the other and striking a pose.
“Who’s the blade master now, Mao Mao?“ He said smugly.
“Wha- when did you learn how to do that?!“
Badgerclops shrugged, “Rodeo classes.“
“That doesn’t-“
“Badgerclops, that was AMAZING!!“ Adorabat exclaimed, swooping in to rest on his shoulder. “Can you teach me how to do that?“
“Of cour-“
The trio turned to see Eugene huffing and puffing his way towards them.
“Get down from there, you could get hurt!“ He wheezed.
“But I hang here all the time?“
Eugene made a concerned face and adjusted his glasses. “Yes, but your skates could get caught in his jacket if they slice through. What if you fall and twist your ankle!“
Adorabat pouted, “It’s fine! Badgerclops would catch me first, right Badgerclops?”
“You know it.“ He said, offering her a fist bump.
Meanwhile, Mao was still trying to stand on the ice without using Geraldine as a crutch. His latest attempt had ended up with him face planting and Kevin skating over his hand.
“Oops! Sowwy, teehee.“
Eugene sighed and helped Mao up, basically attaching the cat to Badgerclops’ other jacket arm.
“How about this, Little Gem. If you get down and come with me, we can get hot chocolate.”
“With tiny marshmallows?“
He smiled. “Yes, with tiny marshmallows.“
“Wait, hot chocolate? Can I go with y’all?“ Badgerclops asked, hand already prying one of Mao’s gloved paws off of his arm.
“If you help teach the Sheriff how to skate I’ll bring you both hot chocolates.“
“Deal! Let’s go, Mao.“
“Wait, Badgerclops, that’s too faaaAAAAAAAHHHH!!“
The taller of the two grabbed his friend’s hands and sped away, while Eugene and Adorabat sat on a bench and started untying their skates.
After about an hour Mao had started to get the hang of it, after 2 hours he could skate from one end of the pond to the other without holding on to anyone.
The Sky Pirates had shown up about ten minutes in, but Badgerclops blasted their ship before they could set anchor (it would have broken the ice if it’d landed). 
The four, having jumped off beforehand, had been promptly ambushed by wave after wave of snowballs. The attack, lead by Adorabat and some of her classmates, forced the pirates to retreat, and turned to an intense snowball fight between the five year olds. (One of the snowballs hit Mao in the skates, nobody admitted who the thrower was.)
Him and Eugene had switched places halfway through, that way the bat could teach Mao how to turn and the deputies could enjoy their hot chocolate together.
“You’re doing great Mao Mao.“ Eugene said, the Sheriff’s hands holding his wings tightly as the shorter of the two slowly spun them around. “Just turn your heel like that- yes. Aaand, perfect!”
“WHOOOO!!! YOU DID IT MAO!!“ Badgerclops hollered from his seat, already on his 3rd cup. Adorabat was huddled in the front of his jacket and trying to catch snowflakes on her tongue.
She would have yelled something too but she’d burned her mouth after drinking her hot chocolate too soon.
“And with that, you know the basics of how to ice skate. Congratulations, Sheriff!“ Eugene sneezed. “Ngh. Let’s go inside, I’m freezing my wings off haha.“
“You go ahead, I want to practice spih- ah- aH- ACHOOO!!“
Mao sniffed. “Y’know on second thought yeah, let’s go inside.”
The two made their way to the deputies and returned the skates, all four of them returning to HQ.
______________________________________________________________  BONUS:
based on the headcanon that Eugene has multiple jobs, as well as takes multiple shifts, he’s an instructor for basic ice skating for this fic and usually teaches the kid classes
Eugene and the sheriff’s department have a good relationship, you can take that as either
him, Mao and BC being in a relationship (OT3)
him, Mao and BC being friends (no ships)
or Badgermao being friends with Eugene (OTP + friend)
Sometimes he has sleepovers at their house
originally I was going to write more Badgermao vibes and like, maybe a flashback thing where Mao and BC met as kids at an ice pond
Mao gets ignored by his sisters/ dad (they brought him) while they skate
he ends up getting lost and meets Badgerclops, who teaches him how to skate and they hold hands/ arms, get hot chocolate, make a snowman, maybe have a snowball fight with Gerald
Mao has a line like ‘I know how to ice skate! My friend taught me how when we were kids.’ but because it was so long ago he’s basically forgotten how to do it and BC teaches him all over again
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thunderdilf · 4 years
What your MK OTP says about you
(based on ships I enjoy and/or have seen in passing)
[feel free to rebagel and add—ship hate will mean insta-blockage, for whatever that’s worth! I’m using the ship names I’ve krafted, and ballparking with others. I hope they give ye a giggle. If your ship isn’t here, PLEASE add it! I just went from memory. I love y’all.]
Caged Heat (Liu/Johnny): you’re here for a good time, not a long time—you like good tiddies and the word “angorny” means something to you. There is passion in both kombat and throwing someone’s luggage off a dock. Sparks, I tells ya.
Sonya/Johnny: you appreciate pegging and Cassie Cage (who doesn’t?). You like the story of a jerk with a heart of gold showing his true colors to a woman who is NOT easily impressed—and who also tops.
Shaolin Rowdy Boys (Liu/Lao): you’re here for a good time, not a long time… literally—you crave childhood friends to unexpected lovers and secret banging in temple broom closets! You see the value of a best friend who’ll go to bat for you, even against a 10,000 year old turboprincess, or maybe you ARE that friend.
Jadetana (Jade/Kitana): Kitana bottoms for NO man, but for Jade, she’d do anything. You love that dynamic of unswerving loyalty which secretly hides deep, abiding admiration and maybe a little lust—or a lot! Who knows what freaky shit Edenian gals can get up to in their private time? You. YOU know and may The Elder Gods™ bless you for producing kontent.
Thermodynamic Equilibrium (subscorp): old guy love is just the ticket—you crave the maturity of years, but you don’t want it boring; someone is getting speared because the love is more intense with age. Kombat to lovemaking is your kryptonite.
Warring Exes (Shang Tsung/Raiden): old guy love, but make it fashion—opulence meets chastity in a clash for the ages; you want an emotional roller coaster of “what if” and “why not”, where a mortal may teach a god to love himself, and love being loved… or perhaps not. Tragedy abounds. There’s enemies to lovers and then there’s this roller coaster. Do you really want good things for Raiden? Debatable.
Faraday Cage (Johnny/Raiden): old guy love, again, but this time it’s two dads finding comfort in a time when they need it most—you REALLY just want good things for Raiden and honestly, who doesn’t? Johnny is, decidedly, a good thing and you’ve decided that nicknames like “1.21 gigawatts” and “electric slide” are acceptable forms of foreplay. 
Cassie/Raiden: Faraday Cage 2: Electric Boogaloo—you might be a spite shipper (rock on) or you just dig visible age gap (because you know that every ship including Raiden or Fujin is EXTREME age gap) and you just want Cassie and Raiden to have nice things.
Jacqueda (Jacqui/Takeda): you watched them grow over the course of X and you were smitten. You’re convinced love really can bloom on the battlefield and kombat spouses appeal to you. The idea of Jacqui throwing down with Scorpion for Takeda’s hand appeals to you as well. Same.
Liutana (Liu Kang/Kitana): all those voice lines and character endings mean something to you—in fact, you may have cried; they’ve been fiddling about since 1995, goddammit, you just want good things for them! Is that so much to ask? I say make it happen.
Royal Pain (Shao Kahn/Sindel): the term “power couple” means something OTHERWORLDLY to you—you took one look at this terrible twosome and went “get me a freak like that” but no one was sure which one you meant and that was okay with you. You’re enamored with their grisly Gomez/Morticia aesthetic. They are awful and you LOVE it. Good on you!
Windwolf (Nightwolf/Fujin): you played Aftermath. ‘Nuff said. JK I’m never done. You love the dynamic of middle-aged person and deity falling in love, which is bizarrely specific, but you’ve found your niche goddammit and you’re going to fill it. You appreciate the koncept of the “god” not always being on top of things, or put-together and the idea of a mortal comforting such a being titillates you. The way Nightwolf stands, holding his belt buckle is, you’re convinced, what sold Fujin; it’s also what sold YOU. 
Windserpent (Shang Tsung/Fujin): you played Aftermath and while you didn’t think of it at the time, you’ve seen some REALLY nice art and batted the idea around a while and then settled on “yes this is for me”. The appeal is in the danger, from both sides—a nigh-immortal soul sorcerer and a god. Perhaps you crave a redemption arc, or a corruption arc; either way, this ship has serious potential and you intend to exploit it. How Shang Tsung of you.
Honor among thieves (Erron Black/Kung Jin): you dig age gap, unironic cowboys, and the idea of a couple of people who haven’t always been on the right side of the law finding themselves and their points of strength in the Kourt of an Outworld emperor. 
Kotal/Jade: you only needed a few cutscenes to tell you that these two are MADLY in love; what we lacked in pure kontent (after all, the game didn’t CENTER on them), they made up for in passionate exchanges. You appreciate the dynamic of respect between them and pegging is NEVER off the table.
Kano/Raiden: the aesthetic of filth-meets-purity appeals to you something fierce. The dynamic is unique and you love the potential for a redemption/corruption arc(s?). 
Shang Tsung/Kano: you saw the club scene in MK95 and you went “yes they’re boning”. Whether there is actual affection or not varies with your mood. You love the idea of disaster gay and refined gay coming together to make something dastardly. 
Bi-Hanzo (Bi-Han/Scorpion): you crave old wounds and aches and angst, drowning in memories of what never could have been, and regrets of what might have been prevented. This is an angst fest and it is YOUR cup of tea; drink that shit down, my friend, no sugar, no cream. Have at it.
Sonya/Jax: team mom and dad aesthetic appeals to you on a spiritual level. Someone’s gotta be in charge of this chicken shit outfit. AMERICA.
The Storm (Fujin/Raiden): your aesthetic includes the difficulty of a mortal’s inability to truly connect with and understand immortals and immortals finding themselves and each other in that realization. These entities who have existed since the beginning of all things understand each other better than anyone else could. Shine on.
Sindel/Raiden: this is team parents aesthetic on ‘roids. You’re probably a fan of the brainwashed Sindel theory and you’re of the opinion that only the love of a god is remotely worthy of the ultimate scream queen. Honestly, you’re probably right. Body worship is on your list of goals, right alongside worthy equals in a relationship—kinky. That being said, pegging is always a possibility.
Mileena/Scorpion: your aesthetic is danger—but alongside that is “lost souls finding love” and “shared burdens of infinite AGONY”. You dig angst and the potential for star-crossed lovers, meeting each other’s eyes across the arena of kombat. The idea of Scorpion as a consort (Kahnsort?) for Mileena might also appeal to you.
Rain/Mileena: the song “hatefuck” by the Bravery is probably your jam. You know there’s little love lost between these two, but perhaps kombat will bare their souls in such a way that they find some redeeming quality in the other—and the sex is VICIOUS. That’s what you’re looking for and by The Elder Gods™ you’ve found it.
Fanblade (Kitana/Sonya): you saw MK95 and went “I can fix this”. Kombat futch meets ancient warrior princess futch—this feels like hardcore xenabrielle vibes with a side of GORE because it’s mortal kombat, let’s be real. You feel as if Kitana would be foolish not to claim Sonya as her lover after watching her snap Kano’s neck with her thighs. You would be right.
Taleena (Tanya/Mileena): rebel, rebel—we love a good usurpation, don’t we? Power struggles are hot, both politically and in bed. Your kinks include overthrowing the bourgeoisie (even though you ARE the bourgeoisie) and seizing the means of production (meaning the flesh pits, probably). 
Shaiden (Shinnok/Raiden): your motto is fight and fuck—or enemies to lovers, for the more refined shipper. Maybe you prefer enemies AND lovers. Go hard or go home, I say.
Nightwolf/Erron Black: old guy love, but make it reformed criminal. The appeal here is that, very likely, someone has to convince someone else that he really IS out of the woods, to show him his true worth, and maybe give him some time off from the violent grind of kombat life.
Kablam (Kabal/Erron Black): black dragon buddies! In the depths of mercenary work, there isn’t time for love, not really, so you want to see these two assholes find some semblance of peace and pleasure amidst illicit activities. Whether or not Kano knows depends on what kind of quickie sex appeals most to you.
Jacquass (Cassie/Jacqui): military lesbians, friends to lovers, BFFs, this ship has it all. You’re in love with the idea of a couple of people who grew up together, suffered and fought and bled together, stumbling away from a battlefield, carrying each other and finding that perhaps they can keep carrying the other, maybe forever.
Kotal/Erron: The idea of watching someone go from bad to the bone, to actually CARING about something other than himself thrills and excites you. That kind of loyalty can’t be bought, even though you keep pretending that’s all it is. Very tsundere.
Kano/Kabal: “he’s a lowlife, piece of shit scumbag; you’re gunna love ‘im.” Nuff said.
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uchihashisui-kun · 3 years
16) how long have you been into naruto
I started watching Naruto when I was around 8/9 years old, I would come back from school and watch it right after lunch, I remember they used to have two episodes of Naruto right between Dragon Ball and Pokémon and there was no way to take me away from the TV until it was done, and with that I mean that I also had to watch the entire ending even if I knew it by heart
I was obsessed, even if I didn't really follow the plot very much at the time, I just wanted to watch the characters fight each other
27) what animal would you summon
There are three types of animals I would like to summon: owls, bats and snake. I think, if I had to choose one, I would go with owls
30) otp
Ok, I'm about to say it. This is going to either get me a lot of anon hate or a lot of other shippers like me are going to swarm me like bees with their Queen. I would like to say, before telling my OTP, that I am not ashamed of shipping them and that I would die for them, okay?
My OTP is MadaObi (Madara/Obito)
There. I said it. Now the truth is out there for everyone to see ❤🖤
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pikapeppa · 5 years
Fenris/f!Hawke holiday fluff: Satinalia
Inspired by @serial-chillr‘s most recent OC/OTP holiday edition questions! I LOVE YOU AND YOUR MEMES. NEVER STOP TAGGING ME IN THEM. ❤️
Here we have a little before-and-after on Fenris and Rynne Hawke and how they celebrate Satinalia.  Read on AO3 instead; ~1980 words.
The year 9:31 Dragon, in Kirkwall... 
“Happy Satinalia!” Hawke crowed as she sauntered into Fenris’s mansion. With a flourish, she offered him a bottle of wine.
Fenris eyed the expensive bottle suspiciously. “For Satinalia, you say?”
“Yes!” she said. “I don’t know about you, but it’s my favourite holiday. Who doesn’t like a holiday that’s really just an excuse to drink and dance a lot and to buy gifts for your closest friends?” She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “Or to feel guilty about the ones you didn’t buy gifts for. One of the two.” 
He gazed at her in silence, uncertain how to respond. Fenris had never received a Satinalia gift before – not that he could remember, at least. He had also only ever harboured resentment toward this holiday, considering what it had entailed back in the Imperium. 
For Fenris, Satinalia in the Imperium meant being paraded around in his gold-plated cuffs and collar, whether at Danarius’s estate or the estate of whoever was hosting the most lavish Satinalia fête that year. If Fenris was lucky, Danarius would ignore him during the parties, leaving him to skulk undisturbed in Danarius’s wake; if Fenris was less lucky, Danarius would address him in the condescending manner reserved for a pet, or even force Fenris to eat rich morsels of food from his fingers if he was feeling particularly jovial and cruel.
Fenris dropped his gaze and folded his arms defensively. “I didn’t get you anything,” he muttered.
Hawke sighed dramatically. “And here I thought I was your best friend. I’ll pretend that doesn’t hurt my feelings.” She smiled cheekily at him, then held out the bottle more insistently.
Fenris reluctantly took the bottle. He couldn’t read the label, but he recognized the stamp on the glass: the wine was Antivan and very fine, and likely more than Hawke could really afford, given that she was trying to save up for Varric’s brother’s insane Deep Roads expedition. 
There was an odd buzzing feeling in his chest, almost like a mixture of warmth and a dull sort of pain. He swallowed hard. “You expect me to drink this all on my own?” he said gruffly. He knew how ungrateful he sounded; truly, the only words that should be coming from his mouth were ‘thank you’. But… venhedis, it was so difficult with Hawke sometimes. He already owed her so much for helping him to shake off the hunters when he’d first arrived in Kirkwall. Not that she ever brought it up or lorded it over him; in fact, every time she showed up here to see him, it was never to call in any favours. It was always to invite him along on some foolish lark, or to visit the Blooming Rose for a glimpse of the so-called ‘local talent’, or just to invite herself into his squatter’s nest and put her feet up on his filthy table and to talk and talk until he had no choice but to sit with her and talk in return. 
He had much to be grateful to Hawke for, and not just for this wine. But his words of thanks were blocked, trapped behind the unfamiliar and uncomfortable warmth filling his ribcage and swelling in his throat, and he could barely stand to look at her, much less express his thanks.
When she replied, her jovial tone was slightly wary. “You don’t have to drink the whole thing in one go, you handsome fool. Not unless you’re having a party and you’re going for a record or some such thing.” She brightened and looked around the dank foyer. “Are you having a party I don’t know about? I mean, perhaps that cracked femur in the corner is a friend of yours…”
Fenris pursed his lips and didn’t reply, and Hawke took a step closer to him and reached for his arm. “Hey, are you all right?” she asked.
He shirked away from her instinctively. “I’m fine,” he snapped.
She stopped in her tracks, and Fenris took a deep breath to calm himself. Hawke didn’t deserve his ire; not this time, at least. Besides, he wasn’t angry, not really. Anger was easy and familiar, a blistering roar in his chest and in his ears, and that’s not what this roiling warmth in his chest was.
He took another breath, then forced himself to look her in the eye. “I’m fine,” he said calmly. “And this was… thoughtful of you.” He gestured at the bottle. 
She smiled tentatively. “Proof that Rynne Hawke does actually have a thought once in a while, right?” 
He tried for a smile in return; he just not have been very convincing, though, because Hawke tugged her earlobe, then jerked her thumb at the door. “Well, um, I guess I’ll…”
She was shifting slowly toward the door. A dull little pang diluted the warm feeling in his chest. “You’re leaving?” he asked.
She stopped and looked at him in surprise. “I, uh. I don’t know. Am I?”
He dropped his eyes awkwardly to the bottle in his hands, then gestured at it once more. “I just told you that I can’t drink this on my own.”
She didn’t reply right away, and when Fenris chanced another look at her, he found her beaming at him. “Is this your way of asking me to stay for a drink?” she asked.
He huffed in amusement – and, yes, a little relief – then waved for her to sit at the table. “If you’re looking for a gold-embossed invitation on vellum, I’m afraid you’ll be waiting for quite some time.” He uncorked the wine, then sat kitty-corner to her and offered her the freshly-opened bottle. 
She chuckled as she took the bottle from his hand. “Fenris, I think this is your Satinalia gift to me. A drink and – dare I ask – a story from Kirkwall’s most handsome brooding elf?”
He tsked. “I don’t brood.”
She lowered the bottle from her lush raspberry-red lips and grinned at him. “I didn’t hear a refusal there to tell a story. Excellent, I’ll prepare to have my smallclothes melt off at that lovely voice of yours.” 
Her heated smile lifted a flush of warmth in his gut – yet another unfamiliar and pleasant and confusing sensation. He seemed to suffer such sensations a lot when Hawke was around.  
He snorted and took the bottle from her hand. “Shut up, Hawke,” he drawled, and he took a healthy gulp of wine. Just as he’d predicted, it was delicious wine: a rich and tangy sweetness overlaid with the perfect bitter note. He savoured the taste as it washed over his tongue, and when he lowered the bottle, it was to find Hawke watching him with the sort of gentle smile that always seemed to make his heart skip a beat. 
He smirked at her and handed her the bottle. The afternoon stretched out lazily as he and Hawke drank their wine and chatted and bickered and teased each other. By the time they’d finished the bottle of wine, Fenris had realized something odd and… nice. 
He’d realized that perhaps Satinalia wasn’t so bad after all.
Ten years later in Skyhold... 
Hawke carefully kneeled beside Fenris on the carpet, then held out a silver tray bearing two glasses of wine and the remaining half-empty bottle. “Fancy Antivan wine, freshly delivered from, er, Antiva!”
Fenris smiled faintly at her and took one glass of wine. “By which you mean it was specially ordered via Bonnie Sims?”
Hawke lifted her chin in a dignified manner. “How it got here doesn’t matter. What matters is that it’s good.” She carefully set the tray on the carpet beside Toby’s furry snoring form, then lifted the second glass.
She tapped her glass against his in a tiny salute. “Happy Satinalia,” she chirped.
“Benefaris,” he said, and she smiled at him. They each sipped their wine, then Hawke shifted closer to him on the carpet. She punched their little nest of cushions into shape and arranged a blanket over their legs before picking up her glass again. She took a sip of wine, then finally snuggled into Fenris’s side.
Fenris watched in amusement until she finally stopped fidgeting. “Sufficiently comfortable now, are you?” he said.
“Yes, thanks for asking,” she said pertly. “Although if you wanted to take your shirt off and share a little more of your body heat with me, I wouldn’t be opposed.” 
He scoffed and pinched her waist. She squeaked and smacked his hand, and they scuffled for a moment until Toby lifted his head quizzically.
Hawke poked Fenris once more. “Settle down, you ruffian. You’re disturbing the mabari.”
Fenris nodded respectfully to Toby. “I apologize, my friend. You can resume your rest.” 
Toby woofed quietly, then settled his head on his paws once more, and Hawke and Fenris settled back on their impromptu pallet of cushions. The fire was dancing brightly in the hearth, and Fenris idly wiggled his bare toes as the flames sent a gentle wash of heat over the soles of his feet. Then, before he could forget, he reached into the pocket of his trousers and pulled out a small envelope. 
He handed the envelope to Hawke. “For you,” he said.
She gasped dramatically and pressed her hand to her chest. “For me? A letter from you? What sort of letter? A naughty one, if I’m lucky.”
He tutted as she eagerly opened the envelope. “As though I haven’t given you a letter every year on Satinalia for the past three years,” he drawled.
“Shh,” she admonished. “You’re ruining the suspense.” She pulled out the letter, and Fenris watched her from the corner of his eye as she read it.
Her eyes flicked swiftly across the page, and her expression shifted just as quickly: from smiling to serious, a bark of a laugh then back to serious. Her face gradually softened to something more complex, like a very tender sort of joy, and by the time she reached the end of the letter, her eyes were shining. 
She looked up and met his gaze, then let out a wobbly little laugh. “Oh Fenris,” she said. She quickly wiped her eyes, then batted her eyelashes playfully. “If I’m not mistaken, this letter must mean you like me a bit. Just a little bit, though, not very much–”
He huffed in amusement and cupped her tattooed neck in his palm. “Shut up, Hawke,” he murmured, and he kissed her smiling lips. 
She slid her fingers through his hair, and a few moments later, she was tucked beneath his body on the carpet as their lips met and parted in a lazy ebb and flow of affection. The fire was cozy and the blanket was warm, trapping the heat continued to rise between them as Fenris slid one arm beneath her waist, and it wasn’t long before he was hot enough to pull his tunic over his head and toss it on the carpet alongside their forgotten wine. 
Hawke smiled and trailed her fingers over his collarbones. “Mmm,” she murmured. “Happy Satinalia to me.” 
He smirked at her salacious tone. “Yes, it is,” he whispered. Just as every Satinalia had been, for as long as he had known her.
He drifted his palm over her belly, then beneath her shirt to seek her golden skin, and moments later her shirt was discarded along with his own. Hawke and Fenris kissed and shifted and breathed together on the carpet in front of the fireplace until the mabari deigned to move somewhere safer, and the passing of night gradually softened the flames to a gentle pile of embers, bringing another Satinalia to a peaceful close.
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my-km-me · 4 years
My Anime & Manga Ships
+ = romantic, & = platonic
Tetsuo + Kaneda
Sho + Arrietty
Beastars manga
Bill + Pina
Gosha + Toki
Juno + Haru
Legoshi & Gohin
Legoshi + Louis
OTP: Legoshi & Gosha
Yafya/Yahya + Gosha
Ship Mates: Legoshi & Gosha, Legoshi + Louis, Yafya/Yahya + Gosha, Past Gosha + Toki, Past Legoshi + Haru, Juno + Haru, and Bill + Pina
Gijinkas ship mates: biracial Melon + dark Black Agata (power bottom) [headcanon: Agata is the one to defeat Melon], JP Legoshi & SEA Gosha, Legoshi + Brown Asian Louis, Indian Yafya + Gosha, Past [Gosha + JP Toki, Legoshi + albino Haru, Past Melon's JP father + Melon's Black mother], JP Juno + Haru, Haru & vitligo Mizuchi, JP Bill + JP Pina, Legoshi & Gohin (Chinese), Louis & black Ibuki, and Legoshi & white Jack
Billy Bat
Kevin & Billy Bat 
Ship Mates: [Tony + Diane] & Kevin, Kevin & Billy Bat, and Black bat + White bat
Ichigo + Rukia
Cardcaptor Sakura
Syaoran + Sakura
Castle in the Sky
Pazu + Sheeta 
Cowboy Bebop
Spike + Faye
Spike + Julia
Devil Nikaido + Kaiman
Fujita + Ebisu
OTP: Kaiman + Nikaido
Shin + Noi
Ship Mates: Kaiman + Nikaido, Devil Nikaido + Kaiman, Shin + Noi, and Fujita + Ebisu
Dragon Ball
Beerus + Puar
Beerus + Whis
Broly + Cheelai
Frieza &/vs. Cooler
Future Gohan + lavender-colored hair Future Trunks 
Gohan + Videl
Goku & Grandpa Gohan
Goku + redhead Vegeta
Imperfect Cell + Piccolo Jr.
Janemba + Cooler
Janemba + Perfect Cell
Janemba + Super Buu
Krillin + Eighteen
[Krillin + Eighteen] & Marron
Mr. Satan & Innocent/Good Buu
OT3: [King Cold & Frieza] &/vs. Cooler 
OTP: Vegeta + Bulma
Perfect Cell + Cooler
Piccolo Jr. + Janet
[Piccolo Jr. + Janet] & Pan
Piccolo Jr. &/vs. King Piccolo
Piccolo Jr. & [lavender-colored hair Trunks + Goten]
Seventeen & Marron 
Sixteen & Marron
Tien + Yamcha 
Toriyama + Sambo lips
Trunks (lavender-colored hair) + Goten
[Vegeta + Bulma] & Trunks
Ship Mates: Piccolo Jr. &/vs. King Piccolo, [King Cold & aroace Frieza] &/vs. Cooler, King Cold + King Piccolo, {Piccolo Jr. + Janet, [Piccolo Jr. + Janet] & Pan, Imperfect Cell + 17} or [Imperfect Cell + Piccolo Jr.], Semi-Perfect Cell + 18, Perfect Cell + adult Gohan, Mr. Satan + Innocent Buu, Kid Buu + kid Aeta Uub, Super Buu + adult Uub (power bottom Aeta), Evil Buu + Good Buu, Janemba + Cooler, Piccolo Jr. & [Trunks + Goten], [redhead Vegeta + Bulma] & lavender-colored hair Trunks & Bulla, Trunks + Goten, Bulla + Marron, Goku & Bulma, Goku &/vs. Vegeta, [Goku + Sumo] & their versions of Gohan & Goten & Pan (one of their sons is a redhead), [Krillin + Maron] & their dark-haired Marron, Future Trunks & Future Bulma,  [Previously: Future Gohan + lavender-colored hair Future Trunks, Future redhead Vegeta + Future Bulma], [Future Goku + Future Chichi] & Future Gohan, [Currently: Future Trunks + Mai's daughter, Different timeline Goku + Future Bulma], [Tien + Yamcha] & [Chiaotzu + Puar], Beerus + Whis, Broly + Cheelai, Bardock + Gine, Kale + Caulifla, and Korin + Yajirobe
Fire Force
Ogun + similar sized darker-skinned Black male OC
Shinra + Arthur
Ship Mates: Ogun + darker skinned Black male OC, Shinra + Arthur, and Hibana + Iris
Fullmetal Alchemist 
Ed & Al
OTP: Ed + Roy
Great Pretender
Makoto + Abby
OTP: Laurent + Dorothy
Ship Mates: Laurent + Dorothy, Makoto + Abby
Bear & Sherry
Brandon & Harry
Grave & Mika
Harry + Sherry
Ship Mates #1: Bear & Sherry, Harry + Sherry
Ship Mates #2: Brandon & Harry, Grave + Mika, and Harry + Sherry
Howl's Moving Castle
Howl + Sophie
Hunter x Hunter
Killua + Canary
Ship Mates: Gon + Killua, Amane + Canary
Kikyo & her serpents
Naraku + Kagura
OTP: Inuyasha + Kikyo
Sesshomaru + Kagome (thanks to Youkai Yume) 
Sesshomaru + Kagura
Jungle Book Shonen Mowgli
Kaa & Mowgli 
Ship Mates: Bagheera & Mowgli, Kaa & Mowgli, Bagheera + Kaa, Mowgli + Jumeirah, and Sura + Lala
Keroro Gunsou
Dark Keroro + Dark Tamama (OC)
Keroro + Mois
Keroro + Pururu
Giroro + Natsumi
OTP: Keroro + Tamama
Ship Mates #1: Dark Keroro + Dark Tamama, Keroro + Tamama, Keroro & Fuyuki, Tamama & Momoka, Fuyuki + Momoka, Giroro + Natsumi, Kururu + Mois, Dororo & Koyuki, and Garuru + Pururu
Ship Mates #2: Dark Keroro + Dark Tamama, Keroro + Tamama, Keroro & Fuyuki, Tamama & Momoka, Fuyuki + Momoka, Giroro + Dororo, Giroro & Natsumi, Dororo & Koyuki, Natsumi + Koyuki, Kururu + Mois, and Garuru + Pururu
Kiki’s Delivery Service
Tombo + Kiki 
Ship Mates: Tombo + Kiki, Kiki & Osono, and Fukuo + Osono
Lupin III
Lupin + Clarisse
Lupin + Fujiko
Lupin & [Goemon + Jigen]
Lupin + Jigen
OTP: Goemon + Jigen
Ship Mates: Lupin & [Goemon + Jigen], Lupin + Fujiko, and Zenigata + Yatagarasu
[Morgan + Kate] & their children
Roy + Claudia
Ship Mates: Roy + Claudia, Hikaru + Misa, and Riber + Minmei 
Michiko to Hatchin
[Michiko + Atsuko] & Hatchin
Michiko & Hatchin
OTP: Michiko + Atsuko
Ship Mates: Michiko + Atsuko, Michiko & Hatchin 
Asuma + Kurenai
Kiba + Hinata
Naruto + Sakura
Naruto + Sasuke
OTP: Rock Lee + Sakura
Shikamaru + Temari
Ship Mates #1: {[Rock Lee + Sakura, Choji + Ino] or [Ino + Sakura] or [Sai + Sakura, Choji + Ino]}, Naruto + Sasuke, (Kakashi & Sakura,) Kiba + Hinata, Asuma + Kurenai, Shikamaru + Temari, Neji + Tenten, and Gaara + Karui
Ship Mates #2: Kakashi & [Naruto + Sakura], Kiba + Hinata, Asuma + Kurenai, Shikamaru + Temari, Choji + Ino, Neji + Tenten, and Gaara + Karui
Ship Mates #3: [Naruto + Sasuke] & [Kakashi + adult Sakura], Kiba + Hinata, Asuma + Kurenai, Shikamaru + Temari, Choji + Ino, Neji + Tenten, and Gaara + Karui
Boruto + Sarada
Inojin & Chocho & Shikadai
OTP: Mitsuki + Chocho
Ship Mates: Naruto + Hinata, Sasuke + Sakura, Shikamaru + Temari, Sai + Ino, Choji + Karui, [Boruto + Sarada] & Mitsuki, Mitsuki + Chocho, Chocho & [Shikadai + Inojin], and Chocho & Sarada
Ojamajo Doremi
Aiko + Doremi
Aiko + Momoko
Momoko & Beth
Naomi + Hazuki
Onpu + Doremi
Onpu + Momoko
Yada + Hazuki
Ship Mates #1: {[Aiko + Doremi] & Hazuki} & [Onpu + Momoko] & [Pop + Hana], [Naomi or Yada] + Hazuki, Nobuko + Miho, Momoko & Beth, and Reika + Beth
Ship Mates #2: [Onpu + Doremi] & Hazuki & [Aiko + Momoko] & [Pop + Hana], [Naomi or Yada] + Hazuki, Nobuko + Miho, Momoko & Beth, and Reika + Beth
One Piece
OTP: Luffy + Nami
Sabo + Koala
Usopp + Kaya
Peach Girl
Kairi + Momo
Alain & Lizardon line
Cilan + Burgundy
Clem & Rexillus line
Georgia + Iris
Iris & Haxorus line
Kiawe & Lizardon line
[Kiawe & Mimo] & [Rango + Sima], Popolos
Kosaburo + Yamato 
Mimo & Turty
Musashi + Kojiro
[Musashi + Kojiro] & Nyasu & Sonans
Myuutsu (male) + Myuu (non-binary, he pronoun)
Leon & Lizardon line
[Ninja Riot + Marilyn Flame] & [male Amphiboni + female Goupelin]
Olivia & Midday Lycanroc line
OTP: Myuu (non-binary) &/vs. male Myuutsu
Raihan & Hydreigon line
Satoshi & Amphiboni line
Satoshi + Lillie
[Satoshi + Serena] & [Amphiboni + Goupelin]
{[Satoshi & Pikachu] & Amphiboni]} & Flambusard & Muplodocus & [Bruyverne + Hawlucha (males)]
[Shigeru + Satoshi] & [male Kamex + male Lizardon]
Takeshi + Olivia
Original seasons ship mates: Myuutsu + Myuu, [Musashi + Kojiro] (& Nyasu & Sonans), Kosaburo + Yamato, [Shigeru + Satoshi] & [Umbreon + Pikachu], [Shigeru + Satoshi] & [males Kamex + Lizardon], Satoshi & Kasumi & Takeshi, Past Satoshi + Kasumi, Kasumi & Togepy, Kenji + Kasumi, and Takeshi + Midori
BW ship mates: [Musashi + Kojiro] & Nyasu, Satoshi & Iris & Cilan, [Satoshi + Hikari] & [Pikachu + female Mimirol], Georgia + Iris, Iris & Haxorus line, Georgia & Beartic line, Cilan + Burgundy, and Cilan & Pansage line (and Kenji + Kasumi, Shu + Haruka, Haruka & Achamo line, and Shu & Roserade line)
XY ship mates: [Satoshi & Amphiboni] vs. [Alain & Lizardon], Satoshi + Serena, Bruyverne + Hawlucha, Clem & Rexillus line, Lem & Iguolta, [Musashi + Kojiro] & Nyasu & Sonans, [Ninja Riot + Marilyn Flame] & [Amphiboni + Goupelin], (Kenji + Kasumi, Shu + Haruka, Haruka & Achamo line, Shu & Roserade line, Nozomi + Hikari, Hikari & Pochama line, Nozomi & Nyarmar line,) Georgia + Iris, Iris & Haxorus line, and Georgia & Beartic line
SM ship mates #1: [Musashi + Kojiro] & Nyasu & Sonans, [Satoshi + Kasumi] & Takeshi, Takeshi + Olivia (Popolo), Satoshi & Pikachu, Kasumi & Kodakku line, Takeshi & Haganeil, Olivia & Midday Lycanroc line, Gladion & Lillie, [Mallow + Lana] & [Tsareena + Primarina], [Kiawe & Mimo] & [Rango + Sima], Kiawe & Lizardon line, Mimo & Turty, and Kukui + Burnet
SM ship mates #2: [Musashi + Kojiro] & Nyasu & Sonans, Gladion & Lillie, Satoshi + Lillie, Gladion + Older Mimo, [Mallow + Lana] & [Tsareena + Primarina], [Kiawe & Mimo] & [Rango + Sima], Kiawe & Lizardon line, Mimo & Turty, Takeshi + Olivia, Takeshi & Haganeil, Olivia & Midday Lycanroc line, and Kukui + Burnet
Black Love ship mates: Leon + Raihan (Siddis), Leon & Hop, and [Kiawe & Mimo] & [Rango + Sima] (and Past Raihan + Nessa)
Altogether: Myuutsu + Myuu, [Musashi + Kojiro] & Nyasu & Sonans, Kosaburo + Yamato, {[aroace Satoshi, Kenji + Kasumi, Goh + Chloe] or [Satoshi + Kasumi, Goh + Chloe] or [Satoshi + Goh, Kenji + Kasumi]}, Satoshi & Pikachu, Kasumi & Kodakku line, Takeshi + Olivia, Takeshi & Haganeil, Olivia & Midday Lycanroc line, [Haruka + Serena] & [Achamo line + Roussil line], Masato & Jirachi, Nozomi + Hikari, Hikari & Pochama line, Nozomi & Nyarmar line, Georgia + Iris, Iris & Haxorus line, Georgia & Beartic line, Cilan + Burgundy, Cilan & Pansage line, Bruyverne + Hawlucha, Clem & Rexillus line, Lem & Iguolta, [Ninja Riot + Marilyn Flame] & [Amphiboni + Goupelin], Gladion & Lillie, [Mallow + Lana] & [Tsareena + Primarina], [Kiawe & Mimo] & [Rango + Sima], Kiawe & Lizardon line, Mimo & Turty,  Kukui + Burnet, Leon + Raihan (Siddis), Past Leon + Sonia, and Sonia + Nessa
Fujimoto & Ponyo
Sosuke + Ponyo
Porco Rosso
Porco + Fio
Porco + Gina
Princess Mononoke
Ashitaka + San
Rave Master
Haru + Elie
Musica + Reina 
Revolutionary Girl Utena
Utena + Anthy
Gigamix manga 
Albert & his sons, including his honorary one Shadow Man
Albert & [his sons (save Forte) & each other], including his honorary one Shadow Man
Albert + Thomas
Blues & Tango
Forte & Gospel
[Mikhail & Kalinka] & Mikhail's sons (especially Skull Man & Ring Man)
Mikhail &/vs. Skull Man 
Pharaoh Man (brown) + similar sized dark Black Nubian male robot OC
[Rock & Roll] & Thomas
{[Rock & Roll & Thomas] & [Thomas' other children (save Blues) & each other]} & Auto
Rock & Rush
Rock & Thomas
Roll + Kalinka
OBHLightWilyCossackF: Albert + Thomas, Blues & Tango, [Rock & Rush] vs. [Forte & Gospel], Roll + Kalinka, other Light robots & each other, other Wily sons & each other, Snake Man + Toad Man, Mikhail's sons & each other, Mikhail &/vs. Skull Man, Pharaoh Man (brown) + male dark Black Nubian robot OC, and Freeze Man + Ice Man
Ship Mates #2: Albert + Thomas, [Forte + Rock] & [Gospel + Rush], Roll + Kalinka, Snake Man + Toad Man, Pharaoh Man (brown) + male dark Black Nubian robot OC, and Freeze Man + Ice Man
Anetta & Silk
Dr. Wily & Baryl
Forte + Rockman
OTP: Enzan + Anetta
Rockman + Roll
Ship Mates #1: Enzan + Anetta, Anetta & Silk, Enzan & Blues, Netto + Iris, Netto & Rockman, and Forte + Rockman
Ship Mates #2: Enzan + Anetta, Anetta & Silk, Enzan & Blues, and [Netto + Meiru] & [Rockman + Roll]
Rurouni Kenshin
Enishi + Kaoru
Kenshin + Kaoru
OTP: Sanosuke + Megumi, anime only
Saito + Sanosuke
Sailor Moon
Amara + Bunny
[Darien + Bunny] & Rini
Hotaru + Rini
OTP: Darien + Bunny
Pegasus + Rini
Pluto (Romani) & Rini
Rei + Minako
Seiya + Usagi
Ship Mates: [Darien + Bunny] & Rini, [Pegasus or Hotaru] + Rini 
90s anime
Haruka + Usagi
Helios + Chibi-usa
Hotaru + Chibi-usa
Makoto + Ami
Makoto + Minako
Makoto + Usagi 
Nephrite + adult Naru 
OTP: Seiya + Usagi
Rei + Usagi
Sapphire + Petz
Yaten + Minako
Hotaru + Chibi-usa
OTP: Haruka + Usagi
Samurai Champloo
Mugen + Fuu
Mugen & Jin & Fuu
Mugen + Jin
OTP: Jin + Fuu
Sonic X
OTP: Vector + Vanilla
Sonic & Helen
Tails + Cosmo
Ship Mates: Vector + Vanilla, Sonic + Amy, Tails + Cosmo, Knuckles + Rouge, Bokkun + Cream, and Tanaka + Topaz
Speed Racer
Go + Michi
Spirited Away
Haku + Chihiro
Haku & Chihiro
Tenchi Muyo
Kagato + Ryoko
Operative A + Ryoko
OTP: Nobuyuki + Achika
Ryoko &/vs. Ayeka
Tenchi + Ryoko
Ship Mates: Nobuyuki + Achika, Yosho + [Itsuki or Haruna], Tenchi + Ayeka, Ayeka & Sasami, Yugi + Sasami, Ayeka & [human Kamidake + human Azaka], Kiyone + Mihoshi, and [Operative A or Kagato] + Ryoko
Tokyo Mew Mew
Deep Blue + Ichigo 
Quiche + Ichigo
Pie + Retasu
Ryou + Ichigo
Zakuro + Minto
The Wind Rises
Jiro + Naoko 
Thumbelina, 1978 version
OTP: Thumbelina & Gekoo
The Prince + Thumbelina
Thumbelina: A Magical Story
Hoppy + Thumbelina
Tokyo Godfathers
[Gin + Hana] & Miyuki & baby Kiyoko
[Gin & Hana & Miyuki] & baby Kiyoko
Whisper of the Heart 
OTP: Shizuku & Shiro
Seiji + Shizuku
Yawara! A Fashionable Judo Girl
Matsuda + Yawara
You Are Umasou
Heart & his mother
OT3: [Heart & Light ho-yay] & their mother
OT4: [Heart & Light ho-yay] & Umasou & Umasou's grandmother
OTP: Heart & Umasou
Umasou & his grandmother
Original manga continuity
[Yuugi/Yami Yuugi + Anzu] & [Jounouchi + Hiroto]
Original anime
Ship Mates: Seto + Yami Yuugi, [Yuugi + Anzu] & Jounouchi & [Hiroto + Miho], Jounouchi & Hiroto, and Jounouchi + Miyuki
Duel Monsters
Ishizu & Marik
Jounouchi + Mai
Mahad + toned darker Black Nubian male OC
Maximillion + Cecilia
OTP: Seto + Blue Eyes White Dragon
Seto & Blue Eyes White Dragon
Yami Marik + Ishizu
Black Ship Mates #1: [Ishizu & Marik] & aroace Rishid, Yami Marik + Ishizu, [Atemu + Mana] & Mahad, and Mahad + darker Black Nubian male OC
Black Ship Mates #2:  [Atemu + Mana] & Mahad, Mahad + Ishizu, [Ishizu & Marik] & aroace Rishid, and Marik + darker Black Nubian male OC
Ship Mates #3: [Atemu + Mana] & Mahad, {[Mahad + male darker Black Nubian OC, Yami Marik + Ishizu] or [Marik + darker Black Nubian male OC, Mahad + Ishizu]}, Ishizu & Marik (& Rishid), Priest Seto + Kisara, Seto + BEWD, Seto & Mokuba, Noa + Mokuba, Yami Yuugi + Yuugi, Yami Yuugi & [Black Magician + Black Magician Girl], Jounouchi + Mai, Jounouchi & Shizuka, Jounouchi & Hiroto, Hiroto + Shizuka, Otogi & Hiroto, Otogi + Anzu, Past Yuugis + Anzu, Yami Bakura + Bakura, and Maximillion + Cecilia
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askrikkaiandhyotei · 1 year
So what are all your Phase 1 Heisei Rider ships? (You can include ones that aren't strong enough to be considered OTPs)
In order, with the otps that have tags
* Yusuke x Ichijou (Kuuga, tagged as the original Heisei gays)
* Shouichi x Hikawa (Agito, tagged as idiot cop and househusband)
* Shinji x Ren (Ryuki, tagged as dragon and bat)
* Kitaoka x Goro (Ryuki)
* Takumi x Kiba (Faiz, tagged as wolf horse)
* Kenzaki x Hajime (Blade, tagged as heart and spade)
* Souji x Kagami (Kabuto, tagged as beetle boys)
* Yuuto x Airi (Den-O)
* Tsukasa x Daiki (Decade, tagged as magenta and cyan)
* Tsukasa x Natsumi (Decade, tagged as you’re my home)
* Tsukasa x Natsumi x Daiki x Onodera (Decade, tagged as Decade OT4)
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laserdog10 · 5 years
RWBY OTP Headcanons, part 2: Favorite Physical Aspect
Lancaster: Jaune is a man who loves Ruby’s thighs, but he secretly has a soft spot in his heart for a nice pair of tiddies. Ruby may not look it, but she has a decent pair under that corset of her’s, and she is more than willing to monkey hug Jaune with her Semblance.
Iceberg: I always fancied Neptune an ass man, and seeing there’s an abundance of “Schnee Booty” memes, it’s a perfect coincidence. Neptune loves Weiss’ fine af legs, but he can’t turn away a fine behind when he sees one, plus Weiss loves the praise from him.
Black Sun: Sun is the hourglass man to balance out Jaune and Neptune. I mean think about, Blake is the best of both worlds! Buuuut he do loves himself the glorious Bellabooty~.
Frozen Dragon: Whitley no doubt is so repressed in terms of romance he probably doesn’t know it’s not the best idea to stare at a woman’s cleavage, and Yang certainly does nothing to help that. This inadvertently made him a bit of a boobs man, but hey, Yang sure as hell doesn’t mind at all!
Renora: Ren loves literally everything about Nora. She’s smol, strong, a shortstack, she’s the whole package. Nora likes to call herself a “Fun-sized Girlfriend” and Ren can’t disagree.
Data Farms: Oscar can’t choose one thing about Penny to love. Her smile, her personality, her cheerfulness and innocence, in his words “THIS GIRL CAN DO NO WRONG IN THE WORLD AND I CHERISH HER FOR IT!!!”
Jaded: Emerald can’t help but blush intensely whenever Mercury does anything acrobatic, especially when he does the splits or high-kicks. Mercury also can’t help but almost nosebleed when he sees Emerald in shorts (which can be any kind).
Gelato: Roman love Neo for her adorable smallness, but he has to admit, her hips do not lie! Her tight jeans accentuate them quite nicely if he says so himself.
Snowbird: Winter. Thigh-highs. Enough said.
Ozglyn: Oz is not one to be all physical with Glynda (he’s a gent, what do you expect), buuuut Glynda leaves that little window open in her shirt for a reason~.
Bats out of Hell: (I’m including this as more self-indulgence, sue me) Vlad couldn’t pick one thing about Cinder, he wouldn’t be so shallow to say he-oh who the hell am I kidding, he hasn’t gone on moment of them cuddling with him nuzzling his face into her chest or cradling her butt. Cinder would have countless complaints but seeing him happy and make little squeaks makes her happy.
(So self indulgent intimate post is self indulgent, but hey I thank blame @darksaiyangoku and @lewdnepvasilias666 for inspiring me to make one of my own)
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raviposting · 4 years
Dragon prince??
my favorite female character Rayla! :) 
my favorite male character Soren!! He’s a delight
my favorite book/season/etc This recent season (3?) we got some great stuff in developing plot, cool characters introduced, a solid pace. 
my favorite episode (if its a tv show) *insert shrug emoji here*
my favorite cast member *insert shrug emoji here* idk them lmao
my favorite ship Oooh probably Rayllum right now?
a character I’d die defending King Harrow; the dude didn’t always make the right choice but he was trying his best and I think he truly was a good and just king 
a character I just can’t sympathize with Difficult because I can sympathize with a lot of them honestly!
a character I grew to love Oh I hardcore just loved almost all of them right off the bat or I love to hate some lmao 
my anti otp Callum/Claudia; they seemed too sibling-like to me lol
Send me a fandom!
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catravandece · 4 years
thenk u iza 4 me distraction <3 
W - 5 favorite ships and 5 kinks you like best for said ships (gr8 one right off the bat fuckn love it, dont got a lot of kinks but tropes r the same thing right)
Merthur- BAMF!Merlin. my bby boy is the living avatar of all magic, pls let him go totally apeshit with godlike displays of power hes earned it. 
Wangxian- bottom lan wangji rights y’all but mostly Marriage Ceremonies And Parenting Sizhui 
Trephacard- listen, this whole arrangement is like my best fantasy. oh to be a sexy and morose dhampir curating the largest combined library of supernatural texts and artifacts on the continent and nightly getting railed by a huge himbo and powerful witch who brush my hair and tell me im pretty. this is the dream.
Spirk- Visibly Alien S’chn T’gai Spock.  My hc vulcans r not just lime flavored desert elves i demand! weird vocalizations!! alien dick!!! anatomical and behavioral holdovers from pre-reform times aside from fuck or die!!!! i am a monsterfucker these r my rights!!!!!
U - 5 favorite characters from 5 different fandoms
Mo Dao Zu Shi- Wen Ning my sweet bby boy
The Silmarillion- Maedhros
Dragon Age- Anders
Howl’s Moving Castle- Sophie Hatter
Evangelion- Kaworu Nagisa (im sorry japan the w has become a fixture)
see here’s the thing even with my own characters i usually gotta beat them up a lil before the happy ending. that being said wen ning did nothing wrong ever in his life and if ppl dont properly appreciate him i will blow a fuse
I - Has tumblr caused you to stop liking any fandoms, if so, which and why
Lord have mercy on my forsaken soul, i just cant be exposed anymore to superwholock. individually or the collective. also theres one old flash-in-the-pan fandom of which i do not speak but involved an old cartoon that i look back on and think “how the fuck did that even start??” i probably regret it less for the ppl and more bc i was 16 and Dumb
A - Your current OTP(s)/OT3(s)/OTX(s)
Wangxian of course, u and @smol-merci did this to me. im recently interested in wen qing/jiang cheng/lan xichen  and wangningxian tho bc of fics
N - Name three things you wish you saw more or in your main fandom (goin with MDZS cuz its my current thing)
Ohhhh boy u already know im working on Crouching Tiger Hidden BAMF Jiang Yanli, moreso i just want her to have like desires outside of caring for the boys and evidence that she is A Noblewoman of Authority With Responsibilities
I tend not to think on the romantic lives of the juniors bc im 23 and theyre babies but something in my soul thinks Ouyang Zizhen is aroace w/ a deep aesthetic sense and imma roll with it
Less corporate jobs in modern au’s and this goes for everything like, not every young master has to be some lame bougie business major. Trade skills and ordinary jobs for life!! let WWX be a childrens librarian!! Academia only if it’s full of the bullshit shenanigans i know scholars get up to like the beef over Poe’s orangutan and underground smuggling rings of of japanese chalk
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Hi! Mind sharing your otps and notps from your top shows?
Absolutely yes! First, I want to say that I do not tolerate ship hate. Ships are beautiful, and unless they involve illegal things, I do not hate them. Also, i will focus on romantic ships only, not platonic ('cause I like almost every platonic ship).
Otp -> Klance
Notp-> Lotura, Sheith, Shance, Shalladins (the latter's just... yucky imho).
Otp -> Rayllum, Janaya, RuThari
Notp-> Viren x literally anyone. Just... no.
Otp -> YumiKuri, JeanMarco, Springles
Notp -> EreMika
Otp -> MakoHaru, RinHaru, ReiGisa, SouRin
Notp -> HaruRei, MakoGisa
Otp -> BirdFlash, SuperBat, TimKon, DickBabs, JaiBart, Spitfire, Dickkori
Notp -> anything bat x bat, Bruce x Talia
Thank you for the ask!
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toogayforthistoday · 4 years
My F/O list
Finally getting around to making this thing, so here we go. I don’t have ship names for most of them (yet), so in the mean time, I’m using emoji’s that fit closest. I don’t have an issue with sharing, but if you do, feel free to block the appropriate tag! I’m doing my best to try and tag everything.
Names in Bold I am not comfortable sharing romantically
Main F/O’s:
My mains fluctuate all the time, but currently the Main ones are:
Porter Gage (Fallout)  🏴‍☠️🖤 #OTP: Underestimated to a Fault
Husk (Hazbin Hotel) 😼❤️ #OTP: Watch Your Cards
Loki (Marvel Cinematic Universe) 🐍💚 #OTP: Green is our Colour
Touya ‘Dabi’ Todoroki (My Hero Academia) #OTP: Lighters in the Dark #gdi Dabi #jfc Touya
Alfie Solomons (Peaky Blinders) #OTP: Bow to the Bakers
Allison / Texas (Red vs Blue) #OTP: Houston We Are the Problem
Hiei Jaganshi (Yu Yu Hakusho) 🐉💜 #OTP: Hiebe
My Kids:
“Child” Familial F/O’s, and Fankids. I love them very much
Angel (Borderlands) Step-Daughter #Angel [Calls me Gabe]
Nero (Devil May Cry) Step-Son #Nero [Calls me Gabe]
Hitoshi Shinso (My Hero Academia) Son  #Rocker Bee Kittens [Calls me 'Mom’] #HK-57 the Malfunctioning Protocol Assassin Droid [Because of course I brought my son into Star Wars]
Eri (My Hero Academia) Adopted Daughter #Everything in Flux [Calls me ‘Mom’]
Cailean Elijah Solomons (Peaky Blinders) Son #Cailean Elijah Solomons [Calls me ‘Mom’]
Romantic F/O’s: 
I still love them very much, but my current attention is on the mains <3
Wolf (10th Kingdom) 🐺🌕❤️
Shaun Hastings (Assassin’s Creed) 📚❤️
Handsome Jack (Borderlands)  💪💔  #OTP: Are We the Heroes
Dr. Nigel Townsend (Crossing Jordan) #OTP: Cryptid Crypts
Skulker (Danny Phantom) 👻💚 #OTP: Compatible Hardware
Vergil (Devil May Cry)  🔵💙 #OTP: The Power to Protect You
Alistair Theirin (Dragon Age) 🌹💙
The Iron Bull (Dragon Age) 🐂💝
Cullen Rutherford (Dragon Age) 💰❤️ #OTP: The Ones Who Remain
Fenris (Dragon Age) ⚡💙
Anders (Dragon Age) 🚑💙
John Hancock (Fallout) ☀️💖
Robert Joseph MacCready (Fallout) 💸💕
Charon (Fallout) 🔫🖤  
Vincent / Angel (nikkzships OC from Halo/RvB) No Tags Yet
Arackniss (Hazbin Hotel) 🕷️🖤
Poly!Husk + Arackniss #OT3: Running the Speakeasys
Sesshomaru (Inuyasha) 🐕💜 #OTP: The Dog The Witch and The Broken Well
Dean McCoppin  (The Iron Giant) #OTP: Scrapyard Shindigs
Garrus Vakarian (Mass Effect) 🌌💙
Vetra Nyx (Mass Effect) 🌌💁💜
Shouta ‘Eraserhead’ Aizawa (My Hero Academia) 💤🖤 #OTP: No Rest For The Wicked
Hizashi ‘Present Mic’ Yamada (My Hero Academia)   🎤💛 #OTP: Loud Blondes Club
Poly!Shouta + Hizashi 💤💜🎤 #OT3: How to Speedrun a Family
Kisame Hoshigaki (Naruto) 🦈💙 #OTP: Fish Out of Water
Hanzo Shimada (Overwatch) 🐉💙🐉 #OTP: So Much for Stealth
Jesse McCree (Overwatch) 🐎❤️ 
Mako ‘Roadhog’ Rutledge (Overwatch) 🐷💗
Aleksandra ‘Zarya’ Zaryanova (Overwatch) 🏋️💗
  Carasynthia 'Cara' Dune (Star Wars: The Mandalorian) ⭐💚 #OTP: Looking in Alderaan Places
Dean Winchester (Supernatural)  🥃🖤 #OTP: The Other We Deserve
Diego Hargreeves (The Umbrella Academy) 🗡🖤 #OTP: Yyou’re Jusst Like Me
Eddie Brock + Venom (Venom) ☣️🖤
Lambert (Witcher) 🐺💚 #OTP: Prickly Pair
Gambit / Remy LeBeau (X-Men/Marvel) 🎴💜
Queer Platonic F/O’s:
Not quite Romantic™, but Platonic™ isn’t enough to describe it.
Gaige (Borderlands)  ⛧❤️
Nisha (Borderlands) No Tag Yet
V (Devil May Cry) #OTP: A Facade of Memories
Merril (Dragon Age)  🌼💚
Dorian Pavus (Dragon Age)  🐍🖤  
Butch DeLoria (Fallout)  🕳️🐍💙
Cait (Fallout) No Tag Yet
Atsuhiro ‘Mr. Compress’ Sako (My Hero Academia) #TheShowmen🎭  
Jamison ‘Junkrat’ Fawkes (Overwatch)  💥💖
Emiel Regis Rohellec Terzieff-Godefroy  (Witcher)  🐦🖤
Addison ‘Addy’ Carver (Z Nation) #OTP: Blended Bats
Platonic F/O’s:
I will probably be constantly adding to this list as I forget all the time. These guys don’t have tags, if you want me to tag them, let me know!
Maya (Borderlands)
Krieg (Borderlands)
Axton (Borderlands)
Mordecai (Borderlands)
Brick (Borderlands)
Timothy Lawrence (Borderlands)
Wilhelm (Borderlands)
Nicoli Technus (Danny Phantom) #TechDeck9000🤖
Dante (Devil May Cry)
Lady (Devil May Cry)
Niko (Devil May Cry)
Zevran Arainai (Dragon Age)
Leliana (Dragon Age)
Oghren (Dragon Age)
Sten/Arishock (Dragon Age)
Isabella (Dragon Age)
Aveline Vallen (Dragon Age)
Varric Tethras (Dragon Age)
Cole (Dragon Age)
Cremisius 'Krem’ Aclassi (Dragon Age)
Sera (Dragon Age)
Blackwall/Thom Rainier (Dragon Age)
Cassandra Pentaghast (Dragon Age)
Deacon (Fallout)
Piper (Fallout)
Curie (Fallout)
Preston Garvey (Fallout)
Dogmeat (Fallout)
Amata (Fallout)
Niffty (Hazbin Hotel)
Angel Dust (Hazbin Hotel)
Vaggie (Hazbin Hotel)
Charlie (Hazbin Hotel)
Wanda Maximoff (Marvel Cinematic Universe)
Liara T’Soni (Mass Effect)
Ashley Williams (Mass Effect)
Tali’Zorah Vas Normandy (Mass Effect)
Cora Harper (Mass Effect)
Jaal Ama Darav (Mass Effect)
Liam Kosta (Mass Effect)
Pelessaria ‘Peebee’ B’Sayle (Mass Effect)
Nemuri ‘Midnight’ Kayama (My Hero Academia)
Hidan (Naruto)
Itachi Uchiha (Naruto)
Din Djarin (Star Wars: The Mandalorian) #TheDadalorian🦏
Fennec Shand (Star Wars: The Mandalorian) #TheStoicShitstarters😈
Sam Winchester (Supernatural)
Castiel (Supernatural)
Eskel (Witcher)
Triss (Witcher)
Ciri (Witcher)
Keira Metz (Witcher)
Yennefer (Witcher)
Yusuke Urameshi (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Kazuma Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Shuichi Minamino/Kurama/Yoko Kurama (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Yukina (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Botan (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Keiko Yukimura (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Shizuru Kuwabara (Yu Yu Hakusho)
Familial F/O’s:
I keep getting adopted by people 👀👀👀
Kai Hiwatari (Beyblade) Twin
Dr. Zed (Borderlands) Weird Uncle
Moxxi (Borderlands) Motherly
Marcus (Borderlands) Fatherly
Tina (Borderlands) Twinsies
Jack Napier ‘Joker’ (Batman 1989) Father Figure
Vlad Masters 'Vlad Plasmius' (Danny Phantom) Father #Vlad Dadsters
Trish (Devil May Cry)  Sister
Wynne (Dragon Age) Grandmotherly
Leandra Amell (Dragon Age) Motherly
Vivienne de Fer (Dragon Age) Elder Sister
Nick Valentine (Fallout) Uncle
Alastor (Hazbin Hotel) Fatherly... Patron... Thing 🦌♡
Lilith (Hazbin Hotel) Motherly
Todd ‘Squee’ Castle (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) Younger Brother
Frank Castle (Marvel Cinematic Universe) Older Brother Figure #CastleGuard
Dr. Karin Chakwas (Mass Effect) Motherly/Grandmotherly
Admiral David Anderson (Mass Effect) Fatherly
Nakmor Drack (Mass Effect) Grandfatherly
Just the Entirety of the LOV (My Hero Academia) Siblings, the whole lot of ‘em #Leaguenanigans
Jin ‘Twice’ Bubaigawara (My Hero Academia) #TwiceTheFun
Kurogiri/Oboro Shirakumo (My Hero Academia) #TheOtherParent
Shuichi ‘Spinner’ Iguchi (My Hero Academia) No Tag Yet
Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia) No Tag Yet
Magne (My Hero Academia) #Miss you Mags
Inko Midoriya (My Hero Academia) Sisterly/Motherly (Dabi Ship Only) #MamaMido #NewtonsFirstLaw🔄
Izuku ‘Deku’ Midoriya (My Hero Academia) Nephew (Dabi Ship Only) #Curveball
Shoto Todoroki (My Hero Academia) Younger Brother (Dabi Ship Only) #GlareOfTheLimelight
Natsuo Todoroki (My Hero Academia) Younger Brother (Dabi Ship Only) #BrothersForACause
Fuyumi Todoroki (My Hero Academia) Younger Sister (Dabi Ship Only) #TeachingGrace
Rei Todoroki (My Hero Academia) Mother-In-Law (Dabi Ship Only) #MamaRei
Tomura Shigaraki (My Hero Academia) It’s Complicated (Dabi Ship Only) #NotInKansas
All For One (My Hero Academia) Father Figure...ish? (Dabi Ship Only) #Dad For One
Kakuzu (Naruto) Fatherly
Ana Amari (Overwatch) Grandmotherly
Reinhardt Wilhelm (Overwatch) Grandfatherly
Aberama Gold (Peaky Blinders) Uncle, Mum’s Brother
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars) Motherly Mentor
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) Father #Ben Dadnobi
Anakin Skywalker (Star Wars) The Fun Uncle Mentor
Mace Windu (Star Wars) The Bullshit Filter Mentor
Grogu (Star Wars: The Mandalorian) Nephew
Donna Hanscum (Supernatural) Motherly
Jody Mills (Supernatural) Motherly
Bobby Singer (Supernatural) Uncle
Vesemir (Witcher) Grandfatherly
Logan / James Howlett / Wolverine (X-Men/Marvel) Father #SupBub
Genkai (Yu Yu Hakusho) Grandmotherly
Tommy ‘10K’ (Z Nation) Brother
This got really long, really quickly. I have been doing this for a while, so that makes sense. Don’t really know how to end this, so... Don’t be afraid to self ship, no matter how old you are!!! Your F/O’s love you!
~ Gabe
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