#otp: i think you need a doctor
effrvsnt107 · 6 months
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These fuckers drive me insane istg
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bronzeagepizzeria · 5 months
it's your birthday. happy birthday, rose tyler (1/3)
G; Nine/Rose; Hurt/Comfort
For the @whywhatswrongwithblue rose tyler mini fest
"Stop wiggling," said the Doctor.
Rose grimaced. It wasn’t easy to stop wiggling. The Doctor’s hands were cupping her throbbing foot, trying in vain to unlace her trainers, but every brush of contact against her flesh was sending shooting pains up her leg, the agony nearly blinding in its intensity.
“Hold still,” he insisted, when her foot jerked violently in his grip again.
“I’m trying!”
“If you want me to take a look…”
Biting the inside of her cheek, Rose tilted her head back, willing her foot to stay still. She forced her mind to wander to other things, to anything but the sensation of the inside of her trainers brushing against what was obviously a very bruised foot. The seat squelched underneath her elbows noisily. Her neck itched. The Doctor’s hands were large and heavy. The ceiling was littered with all sorts of strange looking devices that whirred and beeped, flashing messages in a circular script.
Fighting to keep her voice even, she swallowed. “What is this place, anyway?”
“MedBay,” the Doctor answered.
“You get sick often?”
“Built in mind for especially thick humans.”
Rose rolled her eyes. “Bet you say that to all the girls.”
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angelic37 · 1 year
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4x13. Rose? You've been in a parallel world, that world's running ahead of this universe. You've seen the future. What was it?
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malinaa · 1 year
thinking about tentoo and rose aging together…
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novelbear · 1 year
"not too close!" - some sickfic scenarios for your otp
prompt list by @novelbear
gently placing a hand on their forehead periodically throughout the day to check for fever.
falling asleep almost everywhere because they're just so exhausted
"can i have another blanket?" "do you really think that's a good idea, love?"
remembering little details when shopping for them (certain brands of tissues that don't irritate their nose, flavors of cough drops/lozenges they prefer, etc.)
wincing when they speak for the first time after a while and their voice is so hoarse/rough
"what are you doing out of bed?" "for the love of god, i need to pee."
sacrificing their own comfort for the one that's unwell (ex: they usually need the a.c on at night, but they sleep without it to keep the other warm)
"if you're like this tomorrow, i'm calling the doctor."
massaging their head/stomach when in pain
protecting their peace when friends and family are around ("no, don't wake them! they're sick.")
giving in to anything they want because they feel terrible for how they're feeling
^ "can i have a popsicle?" "you really shouldn't..." "please?" "ugh fine.."
not letting the sick one move an inch.
"you're going to get sick if you keep coddling me." "and you're just going to get worse if i don't..."
"i don't deserve you." "yes you do, now go to sleep hon'."
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topsyturvy-turtely · 3 months
turtely's OTP challenge
read day 25 "That Familiarity, That Femininity" on Ao3!
prompt: trying to seduce one another
summary: Sherlock knows just the trick to get John to be more open to dating men. More specifically, dating Sherlock.
T, 894 words, Getting Together. Developing Relationship, Drinking, Lipstick & Lip Gloss, Kissing, Mutual Pining, Resolved Sexual Tension
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or read it on tumblr:
Sherlock was laying on the couch, hands steepled underneath his chin. He was thinking. About John Watson – as so often. John went on many dates. He didn’t seem too happy about them. Or, yes he did, but there were never many dates with the same woman, which he then complained about until he found a new woman to go out with.
That’s when Sherlock opened his eyes widely. It was clear as water all of the sudden: John just needed to go out with a man for once. He knew John was bisexual. He never told him that, but the signs were clear. Well, and since it would take a while to find a candidate, he would gladly suggest himself.
He got up to take a shower.
He went to put on fresh clothes… Black shirt, one more button open than necessary. Tight, black trousers, the ones that flattered his arse exceptionally nicely. He styled his hair into a perfect curly mess. He put on cologne and… hesitated. He looked very masculine… maybe if he gave John something familiar – something feminine – John would more easily get over the fact that Sherlock was a man. It didn’t take long to find just what he was looking for. Sherlock smiled cheekily.
John was frustrated. Sexually frustrated. He loved sex, hell, he would go so far and say he needed sex. He was grumpy and agitated when he hadn’t had sex in a while. Was it a bad thing to like sex that much, need it, even? John didn’t know and quite frankly didn’t care. He just knew he wanted it.
So today John would go out, take Stamford with him. Wear his best smiles, use his best jokes and get laid. John nodded at himself. As good as done.
When he got home he immediately took a shower. As he walked out of the bathroom, only wearing his towels low on his hips, he noticed Sherlock was laying on the couch. He greeted him, then headed upstairs to change into better clothes.
Breathe in (Sherlock breathed in), breathe out (Sherlock breathed out). He didn’t know why he was freaking out, but he was. That wasn’t entirely true: He knew he was freaking out because he saw some skin. That really shouldn’t be that special. He had seen lots of skin before, lots of naked bodies even. However, Sherlock didn’t expect John to come out of the shower showing off that much of naked skin, practically radiating sexual energy at him, as if he was some kind of sex god. Sherlock groaned and sank deeper into the couch, the images rushing into his mind.
Finally he heard John coming down. He wore nothing special really. A button up, dark jeans, his best cologne.
“I am going out. I will go pick up Mike,” John declared.
Sherlock sat up. “There’s no need.”
“How do you-“ John stopped. Stared. Opened his mouth, “What happened to your lips?”
Sherlock wanted to smile, wanted to squeal and jump, when John stared at him. Eyes fixated on Sherlock’s lips. He had him. Right there, that was the familiarity, that femininity John needed. He stood up and walked over to John. “Lipstick, John. Lipstick happened to my lips,” he said. Sherlock scanned John’s face, categorised his reaction. Smirked, “You are going out with me tonight.”
John still glared at his mouth. When he finally realised he had been staring he breathed in deeply, raised his gaze to Sherlock’s eyes. And bravely, like the closeted bisexual, ex-army doctor he was asked, “Where to?”
Now, John was sitting at a bar, which name he had already forgotten and glared at the smear of lipstick on Sherlock’s glass. It was stupid, really. But seeing dark red lipstick on Sherlock’s face… he took another gulp from his third drink (or was it the fourth?).
He had tried to look at women, even checked out some guys, but his attention always fell back to his best friend. And that goddamn lipstick. They were talking about… he didn’t even know what. He looked down, surprised. How had his hand landed on Sherlock’s forearm? Didn’t matter. His eyes found Sherlock’s. He surprised himself, when he asked, “Do you want to dance with me?”
Sherlock’s face was full of questions for second. Then he said, “Let’s.”
So John got up, took Sherlock’ hand because hell, he was drunk and he wanted to. When they were on the dance floor John stood there for a second. Then started giggling. “Sherlock, I forgot that I have no idea how to dance!”
Sherlock stepped closer. “I’ll teach you,” his deep voice kindling something inside of John . The detective took John’s hands in his, put them on his shoulders. And as they stood there - John’s arms around Sherlock’s shoulders, the tall man’s lips dark red at John’s eye level – intoxicated as he was, he leaned in. Not to dance, no. To kiss. Immediately Sherlock responded – he stepped closer, put his hand on John’s neck, his thumb caressing the space behind his ear. The kiss was careful at first, but with every second it grew more rough. Leaving almost no room to breathe.
“I think we should take this dance lesson to Baker Street” John groaned between kisses. Sherlock, whose lipstick was now smeared, searched John’s eyes, then nodded.
It was a nice ‘dance lesson’ indeed.
comment on ao3!
tag list! (tell me if you wanna be added or removed please 💚) @justanobsessedpan @helloliriels @catlock-holmes @fluffbyday-smutbynight @inevitably-johnlocked @hisfavouritejumper @rhasima @forfucksakejohn @ohlooktheresabee @turbulenttrouble @so-youre-unattached-like-me @totallysilvergirl @peanitbear @train-mossman @loki-lock @smulderscobie @timberva @grace-in-the-wilderness @chinike @jawnn-watson @whatnext2020 @escapingthereality @missdeliadili @kettykika78 @musingsofmyown @7-percent @speedymoviesbyscience @astudyin221b @francj15 @ladylindaaa @we-r-loonies @mxster-jocale @sherlockcorner @noahspector @our-stars-graveside @jobooksncoffee @baker-street-blog @macgyvershe @myladylyssa @battledress @a-victorian-girl @dreamerofthemeadow @oetkb12 @ohnoesnotagain @mutedsilence @jawnscoffee @raenchaosandcozyadashofmurder @lisbeth-kk @quickslvxrr @compact-and-beautiful @kabubsmagga @startrekker2011
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alj4890 · 3 months
Your mission, if you choose to accept it! :)
I'm sending a GIF to everyone who has participated in Tobias Carrick Appreciation Week this year. Can you create a ficlet (or anything you desire) based on this by Sunday? If so, you'll get one extra chance at the prize to be selected on Monday! :)
Here is your GIF:
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Okay. LOL! LOVE the above gif so much. Before I begin a whole new AU about this with my otp, here's a short background on my MC. Chris, is American born to Scottish parents and was raised mostly in Inverness. She has a temper, but usually just tells someone off. It would take a lot to get her this violent, like say someone not only manipulating her but also hooking up with a doctor she's fallen for. Going back to Book 2 and rewriting Canon and my own HC for this one.
Rated Mature for Sexual Content and Language. Chris's upbringing allowed me to find some unique Scottish insults that cried out to be used in this.
Game on
The Edenbrook/Mass Kenmore Softball Game
"Good luck out there, Chris." June said. "Remember to run Carrick's face in the dirt for taking that grant from us."
"Don't worry." Chris told her. "He won't be near as handsome when I'm done with him."
June slowly smiled in hearing that.
"Good. I can't wait to see him get knocked down a peg or two."
Taking a deep breath, Chris began to stretch. Shaking her arms out, she made her way to the pitcher's mound.
Of course, she thought, he would be first up to bat.
"You got this Chris!" Elijah shouted.
"Does she now?" Tobias taunted. "You sure you can do this, Valentine?"
Chris was tempted to stick her tongue out at him. The childish thought made her snicker. Tobias's stance eased when he saw her smile. His own lips curved at how cute she was in her uniform.
It was all the distraction Chris needed to throw the first strike. Shocked, Tobias tried to regroup. He narrowed his eyes at her as he tightened his grip on the bat. She winked at him, shaking his concentration, once more.
"Strike Two!" Elijah yelled out. "I don't know about you, Carrick, but I think she can do this."
Tobias rolled his eyes as he lifted his bat over his shoulder once more.
Chris eyed him, taking in how his uniform conformed to his body. A soft smile appeared on her lips as she thought how he might drive her crazy but he was very attractive.
He blinked at that secretive smile she had. After all the escalation between them with taking patients from one another, he never expected her to actually check him out.
"Strike three!" Elijah cackled. "Oh man. You didn't even bother to swing at that last pitch."
"Take it as a goodwill gesture." Tobias replied. "Next time, I won't go easy."
Between innings...
Chris searched through the coolers of beer until she found a bottle of water.
"Keeping your head clear for the game, Valentine?"
She spun around at the sound of that teasing voice.
Tobias Carrick grinned at her as he reached past her for a bottle of water.
"Glad to see someone is taking this as serious as I do." He winked at her.
"You should wish I wasn't." She couldn't help but smile at him. "Then you might stand a chance to actually hit the ball."
He narrowed his eyes at her. Each time she pitched, he struck out. Though impressed, he wasn't about to admit defeat.
"I've still got a few points on that board." He reminded her. "And there will be even more before the night is over."
Chris stepped closer to him. "You wish that were true."
Tobias took another step closer. "You're going to eat those words."
"Doubtful." Her eyes flickered down his body. "I'm sure you win a lot of things, but tonight isn't going to be one of those nights."
"Want to bet?" He leaned down until his nose nearly touched hers.
His gaze settled on her mouth before locking eyes with hers.
"That all depends," she replied, "what's on the table?"
His lips quirked into a flirty smile. "I can think of one thing I'd like to see on the table."
Her eyebrows rose. The image of just what he'd do to her on that table made a flash of heat go through her body.
"I bet you do." She tilted her head. "I guess we'll just have to--"
"Get away from her!"
The startled pair turned towards a furious Ethan Ramsey.
He moved between them, glaring at Tobias.
"Leave her alone." Ethan bit out.
Tobias narrowed his eyes at him. "What's your deal, Ethan? We were only talking."
"Bullshit." Ethan hissed. "I know you. Chris is off limits."
"Excuse me?" Chris snapped.
"Doesn't sound like she is to me." Tobias winked at her over Ethan's shoulder.
Ethan grabbed hold of Tobias's jersey. "I mean it, Carrick. You've messed with me enough. Just because you poached our patient, doesn't mean you can also take her."
Before Tobias could snap back, Naveen forced them apart.
"Calm down." He ordered. "Take it out on the field."
Tobias snorted. Downing his water bottle, he made sure to knock his shoulder into Ethan's as he walked away.
Ethan grit his teeth, before turning to Chris.
"What did he say to you?" He demanded.
"Nothing but typical trash talk." She replied. "There was no need for you to get involved."
She straightened her shoulders. "I can handle myself. I don't need you jumping in to save me."
Ethan removed his ball cap and ran his hand through his hair. He knew he should have never agreed to play this asinine game.
"I know you can." He looked past her to where the Mass Kenmore team was sitting. "Seeing him try and get close to you, it made me..."
He cursed under his breath.
"So what if he tries to get close to me?" She looked away from Ethan. "It isn't like you want to be in that position."
"Damnit, Chris." Ethan whispered. "You know why I can't--"
"Save your breath." She muttered. "I've heard it all before."
"Wait." He grasped her arm when she tried to walk away. "Carrick isn't the type of man you can tease and not get burned."
Chris jerked her arm away.
"Don't worry." She glared at him. "I know all about being burned."
Ethan watched her storm off with a heavy heart.
After the game, Chris was still full of restless energy. Their win over Mass Kenmore hadn't made her feel any better about the war they'd been having over patients.
When her friends invited her out to celebrate, she sent them on without her. The thought of another night spent in Donahue's with the same faces and conversations didn't appeal to her.
Trying to decide whether or not to just go back to her apartment, she heard her name called out.
She searched for the source and saw Tobias leaning against the side of his car.
"What?" She said once she made her way over.
"Congratulations." He said.
A reluctant smile peeped out at him.
"Thanks." She brushed a lock of hair that had escaped her ponytail behind her ear. "I didn't think you'd be up for saying that after I hit that last pitch of yours."
"It's just a game, Chris." He responded. "I wanted to win, but I still respect how you played it."
She folded her arms. "Something tells me you like to play a lot of games."
He smirked. "So many things in life are more fun when you make it a game. Why not enjoy it?"
"Is patient care a game to you?"
He rolled his eyes. "Come on, Chris. I'm not heartless. If I hadn't thought that Mass Kenmore could give Stephanie better care than Edenbrook, I wouldn't have offered it."
He leaned closer to her. "You would have done the same if the situation was reversed."
Chris hesitated. "You're right. I would have."
He smiled at her. "You and I are more alike than you think."
She laughed, shaking her head. "I wouldn't go that far."
"No?" He placed his hand upon his chin as if considering that. "I guess I'll have to work harder to prove it to you."
He pushed off from his car and opened the passenger door for her. "Want me to give you a ride home?"
Biting her lip, Chris shook her head. "I don't think I'm going home just yet."
"Where are you going?" He glanced around the nearly empty parking lot. "Looks like everyone else left to party without you."
She shrugged. "I'm not really in a celebratory mood."
"What kind of mood are you in?" He asked.
"Honestly, I'm not sure. I guess I'm more restless than anything else."
"Well, how about I drive you around until you decide what you want to do?" He offered.
She slid into his car. Her heart started picking up speed when she realized this would be the first time she was actually alone with him.
"Where were you going?" She asked once he buckled up.
"Home." He replied with a grin. "To drink my loss away."
She couldn't help but laugh. "I wouldn't mind a drink."
He turned towards her. "And just where would you like to have this drink?"
"I'm not really up for a bar." She admitted.
"My place or yours?" He asked.
"Who said anything about us drinking together?" She teased.
"Why waste this rare opportunity to do that very thing?" He countered.
"True." She relaxed back into the seat. "Let's go to your place."
Cutting her eyes towards him, she noticed his smug smile forming.
"Don't think anything other than a drink is going to happen." She warned.
"Whatever you say." He winked at her.
One drink and some flirting later, the two wound up in his shower. As the warm water fell upon them, they did all they could to heat the other's skin until they burned.
Chris ran her hands down his body as he kissed her neck. Her pent up frustrations with her life and work demanded she take advantage of her situation. She needed this release, almost as much as she wanted the man driving her on to give in to her every desire.
Ethan's words echoed in her mind, causing her to pause in her caresses.
The thing was, she wanted to burn. Even if it was just for this one night, she wanted to simply sate her passionate nature with no worries about what the morning would bring.
Tobias began to kiss down her body. He noticed her furrowed brow and lack of movement. He knew he needed to work on drawing her back into the night he was imagining.
He reached over and turned the water off, before urging her out.
"You're distracted." He said, handing her a towel. "Do you not want this?"
Chris paused in drying off. "No, I want you."
He stepped closer, all his usual cockiness nowhere in sight.
"Good. Because I've wanted you from the moment I first saw you."
"Right." Chris sarcastically replied. "I'm sure I really caught your eye at that diner."
He settled his arms around her waist.
"I noticed you immediately." He softly brushed his lips against hers. "Each time I saw you after that, I wanted you more and more."
His deep voice admitting to something like that, even though she doubted the sincerity, made her move right back into his embrace. Her lips sought his, and the two raced right back into the inferno they'd started.
Stumbling back into his bedroom, they fell upon the bed, limbs tangling as they continued to kiss.
Tobias moaned as Chris rolled on top of him. Deciding to relax and see what she'd do next, he urged her to take the reins.
His breath hitched the moment she kissed him. Her body moved over his, teasing and promising so much more. He cupped her face, looking into her eyes as she caressed him.
"You have no idea how often I've fantasized about this." He murmured, pulling her down for another kiss.
"Show me." She arched into his heated touch. "I want to do everything you thought about."
That was all he needed to hear.
As light began to filter through the slits of the bedroom blinds, Chris and Tobias collapsed exhausted on his bed.
Trying to catch her breath, Chris looked over at him. When he turned towards her, a breathless laugh popped out.
"You have some imagination there." She teased.
He chuckled, scooting closer to her. "That was only half of what I've fantasized."
"You're kidding?" Chris smiled at him. "I don't think I have the energy to see what else is in store."
She stretched, drawing his appreciative gaze towards her lithe body.
"There's always later." He reminded her. "Say like tonight?"
"Why Dr. Carrick," she snuggled closer within his arms. "Are you asking me out?"
"That depends." He pressed a lingering kiss to her lips.
"If the answer is yes."
She laughed, shaking her head over how good she felt in this moment with him.
"That's a definite yes."
"Then I'm asking you out." He chuckled when she softly groaned.
"You're lucky you're cute." She teased.
"I know." He sighed. "It's both a curse and a blessing."
"You poor, poor man." She patted his cheek.
Tobias took her hand and pressed a kiss within her palm. His eyes found hers as she laced their fingers together.
"How about dinner first?"
"So, it's a real date?" She joked.
"Ummhmm." He rolled over on his back, tucking her in beside him. "Is that still a yes?"
"I will need energy to begin whatever round we're on." She replied.
"Yes, you will." He squeezed her close.
"Then, I guess I'll see you later."
She began to ease out of his bed, only to be dragged back within his arms.
"Where do you think you're going?" He murmured against her neck while dotting kisses along it.
"Home." She relaxed back within his arms.
"No need to rush off so soon." He urged her back under the covers.
"I'll stay if you let me sleep." She warned. "If I don't get a few hours, there's no way I'll be any fun later tonight."
"We can't have that." He laughed when she poked him in his ribs.
She curled up against his side. Her eyes closed and she felt her body relax completely. It'd been a while since she felt so blissfully carefree.
It was a feeling she didn't want to end.
Weeks went by in blur. Chris seemed to find her stride in both her professional life and her personal life. That one night with Tobias had blossomed into a weekly date night, adding even more happiness.
She knew she was falling for him. It was difficult not to. He had the ability to get her mind off the possible shutdowns that loomed over their hospitals. His humor and unending charm kept her thoughts firmly in the moment instead of the fears of the future.
Plus the closeness that was developing between them made her care all the more.
She didn't know which she loved most, the amazing sex or the talks they would have afterwards. The nights spent with him ended up being the best part of her week.
Whatever it was, she wasn't going to question it.
The only problem was June Hirata.
Chris was still a bit uneasy around the diagnostician. Seeing how two-faced the woman could be made it hard to completely trust working with her.
Then one day June approached the team with an idea.
"Did you know Senator Ed Farruiga's at Mass Kenmore?"
"No." Chris replied.
"Apparently he has some illness that no one can figure out." She paused to make sure she had everyone's attention. "I think we should encourage him to come here."
Ethan leaned back in his chair in thought. Baz seemed a little uncertain about the idea.
"I would love to give it a go, but we can't just go take one of their patients." He argued.
"Why not? No one has to stay at a hospital where they aren't getting the best possible care. Can you imagine how much publicity we would get if we helped another famous face?" June glanced at Ethan. "It would help us be able to help more people who really need us."
"It would." He conceded. "And we are a better team than Carrick's."
"Are we really going to do what they did with Stephanie?" Chris asked.
"Don't you want some payback for that?" June countered. "We lost a huge grant! They don't need the Senator as much as we do."
Chris didn't like the idea of continuing the game they'd started with Leland Bloom, especially with how close she'd gotten to their opponent.
"Let's do it." Ethan decided, needing a chance to get back at Tobias.
As they worked out a plan of attack, June checked her messages.
"My contact says that Dr. Carrick and his team haven't diagnosed the cause yet. They have only begun the process of ordering lab work."
She looked at the clock. "Given how long it takes for Mass Kenmore's lab techs to come around for blood samples, I say we have an hour tops to poach him."
"Then let's get going." Ethan ordered.
It took less than an hour to find the senator and to convince him to transfer to Edenbrook. As she followed Baz out of the hospital, Chris heard the one voice she wished to avoid.
"Chris?" Tobias called out. "What are you doing here?"
He noticed the senator further ahead of her, changed and in the process of signing discharge papers.
His eyes narrowed when he realized what was going on.
"Look, I--" Chris tried to apologize.
"Save it." He snapped. "I don't want to hear it."
Without giving her a chance, he stormed back the way he came.
Later that night, Chris headed to a bar she knew Tobias liked to frequent. He'd already ignored her calls and texts. If she was ever going to have the chance to explain, she knew it'd have to be in person.
It didn't take long to find him in the crowd. What surprised her was who was sitting with him.
What is June doing here?
The way the two were laughing and talking, it was obvious they knew each other a little too well.
The more she observed, the angrier Chris became.
"Chris!" June greeted. "I didn't expect to see you here."
"Really?" Chris folded her arms. "I'm surprised. I thought you made certain to know where all your pawns are."
June laughed. "Only the most naive make the best pawns. You've been my favorite by far, Chris."
Tobias eyed her then glanced up at Chris.
June leaned closer to him, placing her hand on his thigh. "Our games are so much fun, aren't they?"
Chris was beyond livid. For months June had used her in every situation. Now to see that Tobias was in on whatever manipulative game they were playing caused her to snap.
She lunged forward almost punching June in her smug face. The table had stopped her momentum right before contact, giving Tobias a chance to grab her around the waist and pull her back.
Chris struggled against him. Her Scottish accent became thicker than usual as she unleashed a flurry of insults upon the pair.
"Let me go, you wee fuckbumper!" She shouted. "I'm going to show that dug licking pish aff a nettle just what happens when she messes with me!"
"Chris!" Tobias grunted when her elbows struck his ribs. "Calm the hell down!"
June began to laugh harder while watching the pair.
"This is the best you can do?" She taunted Chris. "Oh my god, I can't believe I actually thought you might be worthy competition."
"Bolt, ya mangled fud!" Chris yelled.
Still snickering, June gathered her things and headed towards the door.
"Call me Carrick when you're ready to be with a real woman again."
With a last burst of energy, Chris tried to break free of Tobias. She needed to knock June down just once. Her rage demanded to feel that woman's face under her fist.
Tobias yanked her back and half dragged her out the back door.
Once they were outside, he let her go.
They were both panting and glaring at one another.
"What the shit was that?!" He snapped. "If you'd actually touched June, she'd have had your ass in jail so fast it'd have made that hot head of yours spin."
"Do you know what that means?" He demanded when Chris remained defiant. "That means your career would be over!"
"Piss off." Chris hissed at him. "Ya lavvy-heided wankstain."
"Fuck this." Tobias rubbed his hands over his face. "I don't even know why I'm bothering to talk some sense into you."
"I don't either." Chris fought back tears.
"Why did you come here?" He asked when she fell silent. "Just to rub it in that you too can steal a patient?"
"Weren't you the man who said it was all a game?" She shot back. "And if I knew Edenbrook was the best for someone, then I should make it happen?"
"Damnit." He muttered. "Look, June told me you were determined to make me pay for my little stunt with Stephanie."
"That I was?" Chris released another profanity laden tirade.
The more descriptive she got, the more Tobias struggled with his laughter. He was still furious over everything, but he couldn't help but be impressed with her imaginative use of curse words.
After a particularly long sentence about June's reputation with men, all the fire seemed to go out in Chris.
She slumped back against the brick wall of the bar and lowered her head into her hands.
"I know you won't believe me." She began. "But this wasn't my idea."
Against his better judgement, Tobias moved a little closer and leaned next to her.
"What happened?" He asked.
The whole story poured out along with Chris's guilt.
"We never should have gotten close." She added at the end. "Not with all the animosity between the hospitals."
Tobias took a deep breath and slowly released it. "Do you regret it?"
"Stealing your patient?" She slowly nodded. "I don't think it was worth it."
"Not that." He turned towards her. "Us?"
She looked up at him. "No."
Her face scrunched as if she was about to cry. "I mean, I do since you and June had your own thing going at the same time. I know you and I weren't serious, but to have actually been with someone who could be with that two-faced bitch--"
"I wasn't seeing her while seeing you." Tobias interrupted.
She still looked doubtful.
"Come on, Chris." He rubbed the back of his neck. "You know. You have to have seen that what we have is..."
He cursed, kicking at some trash.
"What we have is what? She prodded.
He groaned then yanked her into a heady kiss.
She wrapped her arms around him, giving back as good as she got.
Tobias stumbled back from the passion in her kiss, hitting the wall with her locked in his arms.
When it came to an end, he lifted his head to look into her eyes.
"See?" He said softly.
She slowly nodded.
"Then don't say we shouldn't have gotten together." He cuddled her close.
"What about my part in the senator?" She looked up at him. "Can you let that go?"
"Yes." He tightened his arms around her. "Of course I can."
"Then why didn't you answer my calls?"
"Because June made it seem like you'd strung me along to keep me from suspecting anything when you did eventually steal a patient." He admitted. "Knowing that I'd fallen for you, it stung that you didn't feel the same way. That I was merely your pawn in all this."
"I hate her." Chris bit out.
Tobias snorted. "Yeah, she isn't the easiest person to be around."
Chris bit back the fact he'd found her easy enough to sleep with.
Tobias sighed. "Want me to take you home?"
"No." Chris mumbled. "I'm too keyed up to see my roommates."
A tender smile began to form as he recalled a similar conversation they'd once had.
"Want me to drive you around until you calm down?"
Chris looked up at him, recalling the night of the softball game. Seeing that he remembered it too made her melt against him.
"I'd love that."
Keeping one arm around her waist, Tobias led her to his car.
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ricardian-werewolf · 29 days
This may feel passe but let's go: The man, the myth, the legend, the Reanimator Herbert West
OH MY LORD DID YOU READ MY MIND???? I was literally thinking: damn, no one's sent me a reanimator ask!! The way that man got me on tumblr for a second time is something that should be studied! ahem.
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So, my perception of Herbert West is remarkably different. The people who knew me in 2020 (JFC how was this nearly 4 years AGOOO? Fuck, I'm old!) Anyways. When i first watched reanimator, I was depressed and he was my first foray into the mad scientist. I, admittedly, overlooked a lot of his negative behaviors because to me he was the most Autistic coded character I had seen on screen. The fandom of people on tumblr and discord who I joined were, shall we say, very particular in their perception of Herbert and his relationships with Meg and Daniel Cain.
Romantically, I ship Herbert with... no one! I did ship him and Daniel very, very heavily during Covid times. However 4 years of difference made me realize that he and Daniel's relationship is fundamentally abusive that it doesn't work. I've read a lot of really good Herbert x Meg x Daniel polycule fics that do a great job of redeeming Daniel from his himbo fanon prison and giving Meg an amazing amount of agency. As someone who heard about the original source material having Herbert in the great war, I wrote a very extensive (now deleted) fic of Herbert marrying my original character Harriet, who was an american doctor and vampire. She and him served in the (Real) 42nd Canadian Black Watch Highland battalion as the supernatural doctors assigned to the battalion.
Non romantic OTP: Dan/Meg/Herbert. They have chemistry, but Yuzna and Gordon fumbled it by making Meg the victim of extensive stalking and rape from Hill (no disrespect towards the late David Gale and Barbara Crampton, who did mention that the filming of the infamous scene from the film made her in no way uncomfortable).
OHO I have many unpopular feelings about herbert, mostly wrapped up in how the fandom blorbifies him. I am, admittedly, guilty of this too. Herbert is *not* a good person, and it's what makes him so attractive to many ND peeps, and the especially transgender-lens of takes by fans needs to be respected, because it is extremely valid. However, and I know I'm going to get slammed for this, the fandom when I was active, was incredibly full of double standards and fans who were largely exclusionary towards the female and female presenting fans. I still get notes for my one reanimator fic on here, and I'm consistently shocked because it is in no ways good, at ALL.
Beyond reanimator didn't happen, and that there's a world out there where Renaimtor was a successful, if somewhat gory (and not racist) early 1900s period piece. I'd kill for it. (jk)
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waheelawhisperer · 1 year
Lappland :)
I love Lapp.
NOTP: I don't really have a true NOTP for Lappland, but please dear God do not let my girl end up with anyone who will drag her back into the hell that is the Siracusan mafia lifestyle.
BROTP: Lappland x Penguin Logistics is kind of the obvious one here, but I am also fond of the idea of Lappland becoming friends with any or all of Gavial, Specter, or Indra and proceeding to cause problems on purpose. She's apparently pretty gregarious according to her files, so I feel like she's got some good options for BROTPs.
I guess she can be bros with Capone and Gambino too but honestly those guys kinda suck lol
OTP: Lappland x Texas oh my God Il Siracusano destroyed my brain this ship is so good
Second choice pairing: Lappland x Doctor. Hot choice maybe but I was talking with @norondor the other day and started thinking about the way Lappland has a really unique and compelling relationship with the Doctor (as revealed through her talk lines), what with the way she pretty readily acknowledges that there are people out there that want the Doctor dead and that the Doctor did something to deserve it, and yet pretty explicitly says that stuff like guilt and innocence and remorse and regret don't matter once someone is trying to kill you, once you've entered a fight, once you've picked up a weapon... all that matters is survival. I cannot explain it all in one post, but there is just... so fucking much you can do with their dynamic, so much delicious opportunity for pain and misery and angst, such a strong foundation for storytelling in the way Lappland brings back memories of the Doctor's past with her understanding of violence and her willingness to perform it as a tool, bringing up echoes of what the Doctor was for Theresa and what they used Babel's soldiers as in turn. This is another one of the Doctor x Operator pairings I actually view as legit.
Fluffy pairing: All Lupo pairings are fluffy
I feel like any Lappland pairing has a lot of work to do to get to the point where she can even be fluffy but Lappland x Exusiai probably gets there the quickest.
Angsty pairing: TexLapp. Jesus Christ, TexLapp. Il Siracusano will be feeding me for months.
Favorite poly ship: Doctor x Texas x Lappland, which is now on my fucking WIP list because my God do I have Ideas for these three. Otherwise Wolfpack (Texas x Lappland x Provence x Projekt Red) is wonderful because Red needs tails to fluff, and the Penguin Logistics polycule could always use another member.
Weirdest pairing: Lappland x Vigil (Lappland pegs him). I think every Siracusan operator should get the chance to breed this twink.
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expectiations · 7 months
i'm Tia, of legal age, she/her, and desperately trying to concoct a semblance of organizational skills.
it is really lovely of you though that you come to visit. The following links will, I like to think, give you a bird's eye view of subjects I am rather passionate about. And do drop in my asks! I love getting asks. Asks are cool.
i usually post doctor x river stuff but you'll find a smattering of other stuff here too. i love tumblr a LOT. it just hits different.
my favorite shows are My Little Pony, Care Bears, Strawberry Shortcake, Ninjago, Aang: The Last Airbender, Sherlock, Once Upon A Time, and The Gentlemen. My favorite movies are the Men in Black trilogy, Divergent, the Kingsmen, Princess Diaries, Maze Runner trilogy, the Curious Case of Benjamin Button, the Eagle, Encanto, Mona Lisa Smile, The Proposal, and Cruella (2021).
wow. now that i see it in a list, i guess i've always been a sci-fi and fantasy fan.
Tags I Love Using
#doctorriver musings
#river musings
#otp: you watch us run - tenriver
#otp: you are always here to me - elevenriver
#otp: not one thing is worth you - twelveriver
Doctor x River Meta-ish
Did the Eleventh Doctor Really Not Give River Gifts?
"Dumb Darillium River"? - part 1, part 2
Is 12River better than 11River?
River's species, Child of the TARDIS
River and younger Doctors - sensible or crazy?
The Doctor giving River a way out
the Doctor protecting River
Baby River
he is your destiny, he is your doom
The Couple Who Waited
Other Stuff
The Doctor x River Song - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7
The Doctor x The Professor x The Master
Pond Family Minisodes
River as Patience - fic recommendation, 1
Gushing about DoctorRiver fics - part 1, 2
Watch List - #tia watches stuff
Writing Excerpts - part 1
Writing Prompts
What Should I Do Next? - #tia needs your help
Femme Aziracrow
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effrvsnt107 · 8 months
Me and the people who keep liking and reblogging my posts
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bronzeagepizzeria · 6 months
hot take but i don't care if the tenth doctor was bad sometimes actually it makes me love him even more
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thescholarlystrumpet · 3 months
Tagged by @tawnyontumblr Thank you, luv! This is fun!
How many works do you have on ao3?
166 formatting is being weird without a sentence here
What's your total ao3 word count?
910,348 - ahhh approaching 1M!!
What fandoms do you write for?
Good Omens and (to a lesser extent) Hazbin Hotel right now. Past fandoms included Rumbelle, Whouffaldi, Buffy, and Avenue 5
Top five fics by kudos:
To Tell the Truth (Doctor Who) Whouffaldi moments woven between episodes. Mostly canon-compliant.
Lending a Hand (Good Omens) In his heavenly form he wouldn’t have had this dilemma at all because there was no corporeality with which to struggle. And on the other, much less ephemeral and much more literal hand, he currently had a very noticeable (and increasingly painful) erection.
Personal Assistance (The Thick of It/Doctor Who) Clara Oswald leaves behind teaching to enter the world of British politics. What better way to make a splash than by working for the infamous Malcolm Tucker? And if discovering a (mutual) attraction happens to catch them both off-guard.... well, that's just life, right?
The Babysitter (Once Upon a Time) Tumblr prompt: Mr. Gold forgets something at his house & goes back to go get it. When he arrives he hears his son's babysitter moaning and thinks she has a boy over. When he goes into his bedroom he finds her touching herself on his bed alone moaning his name.
None of Your Business (Once Upon a Time) “Well, it’s very nice to meet you at last, Angus.” She rolled his name around in her mouth as though she hadn’t been screaming it the night before. Mr. Gold tries to balance lust and trust with less finesse than he'd like to admit. Luckily, Belle can give as good as she gets.
Do you respond to comments?
I've made it a goal to try and reply to almost every comment. I'm grateful someone took the time!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Oh undoubtedly Silence is Golden. I made my self tear up writing that one...
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Almost all of them? But I will take this chance to pimp my Canon-based Buffy Season Six Fix-it! (Everyone lives!): Making the Pieces Fit
Only totally non-shippy fic in my repertoire and one of my proudest achievements.
Do you get hate on fics?
rarely if ever?
Do you write smut?
Bwahahahahahaha. Oh. Yes.
Craziest crossover:
Not Just Watching Anymore - Buffy/Good Omens excuse to write an M/M/M threesome between Aziraphale, Crowley, and Giles :D
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, back in the rumbelle days, someone linked me to a site trying to sell my fic as theirs and we reported it.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
If they did, no one ever linked back to me :(
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Working on one with @hakunahistata tho we've both been sidetracked by Bang fics, hehe. It's gonna be great to get back!
All time favorite ship?
Oof. I love all my OTPs but I'm definitely *deep* in Aziracrow right now and hope not to emerge any time soon.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
What are your writing strengths?
I get good feedback on my dialogue and characterization. I think I write pretty kickass smut most the time.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Background. What color are the walls? Where is the furniture? I have no fucking clue unless its relevant to the story. That table only existed when I needed the character to lean against it. It wasn't raining until that helped set the mood. Some people write exquisite scene setting and I am envious but writing it bores me to tears.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
One of my IRL besties can read a bunch of ancient languages and WILL side eye improper grammatical structure in fiction so I picture them giving me that look unless I do the really proper research (or ask them directly).
First fandom you wrote in?
unofficially HP but per my AO3, Once Upon a Time
Favorite fic you've written?
Ask me to cut my baby in half while you're at it, geez! But right now, I am proudest of For Loving One 
No pressure tagging: @voluptatiscausa, @naromoreau, @fishey-me @ineffabildaddy @she-makes-things @hakunahistata @nosferatini @zin-lynn-c and anyone from the @goodomensafterdark crew!
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simmeons · 25 days
another 10 of the OTP questions with scones
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11. Who leaves notes in the other one's lunch? (Bonus: what do they say?)
McCoy likes packing Scotty lunches more since it was a routine when he was married and took care of his kid, but he's not much of a note writer. Scotty is though, and on the days he packs McCoy a lunch he would write something simple; "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'm not good at rhyming, I love you"
12. Who prefers calling to texting (& vice versa)? Bonus: Who is so bad at texting it made the other think they weren't interested when they first started hanging out? [This could be hypothetical as much as real].
i can't explain how bad McCoy is at texting back. horrible. he's constantly forgetting to reply. Scotty worried a lot in the beginning of their relationship because he would think McCoy is mad at him or something, but they cleared it up. both prefer calling now
13. Stay home/go-out? What are their date nights like?
definitely stay home. screw going out and looking your best when you can stay home snuggled closely to ur human heater of a boyfriend
14. Who falls asleep during a movie?
Scotty. he's really bad about it. McCoy purposely picks movies HE wants to watch so he avoids getting sad when Scotty falls asleep
15. Who's the first to cry during movies that don't seem sad?
if the movie isn't actually sad, i don't think either of them would cry. McCoy definitely cries more during sad animal movies though
16. Who hogs the covers?
Scotty. Scotty so Scotty. he already warms run so he doesn't even need the damn covers but McCoy always finds them wrapped around him. he's tried hogging them back, but he learned now that you just have to wiggle yourself into the bundle of warmth and melt completely against Scotty (these are the nights McCoy sleeps the best- get him warm and he's out like a light)
17. Who is more competitive?
both. they try to act like they aren't but when it comes to board games it comes out in full force
18. What are they like when they're drunk? How do they act together? & when 1 is drunk, while the other one's sober?
ive never gotten drunk before (thank god) and never really been around someone who is drunk IRL (also thank god) so NO ONE look at me for this one. but i think Scotty would be very giggly and McCoy is overall just a bit calmer. when they're together though it's a fucking mess. Scotty is getting them into shit and McCoy is progressively feeding into it by coming up with his own drunk ideas of stupid shit to do
When one of them is drunk and the other isnt; they're used to this. they'll gently guide whoever it is through getting sober, since i don't see either of them getting drunk without the other unless they're going through something and alcohol is the only way they see to cope about it. it's an unspoken rule- if you're drunk without me, you're lost. i'll be there when you're sober to talk about it, no judgment
19. What do they fight about most often? (Alternative: what was their biggest fight?)
i already answered half of this one, so ill answer the other half. i'd probably say after the episode Empath. McCoy gets FUCKING TORTURED GUYS. Scotty is scared and worried for McCoy, but he's constantly playing it off. Scotty isn't exactly mad at the beginning, but he gets progressively more frustrated when McCoy won't open up about it and let him help. he just wants to help- why is McCoy being so stubborn? it admittedly blew up into something bigger than what it needed to be, but fear can make you act irrationally. thankfully they came together with Scotty apologizing about trying to pry too much and potentially babying McCoy, while McCoy apologizes for pushing Scotty away and not being open and honest about things
20. Who randomly brings home a stray puppy/kitten to adopt?
Scotty. he brings home injured animals and looks to McCoy for help, constantly forgetting he's a DOCTOR not a VET. McCoy still tries to help as much as he can
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bonecarversbestie · 1 month
I'm doing this tag bc i've never done one before. thx @zenkindoflove for always tagging me in these even tho i never do them pls don't stop.
Doing this tag feels a little funny since i'm so new to writing and i only have 2 fics, but here we go
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 2
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 23,375
3. What fandoms do you write for? ACOTAR
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?  whelp this is awkward bc i only have two 😅
The Scenic Route(Elucien multichapter WIP)
Reverie(Elucien week oneshot)
5. Do you respond to comments? Yes! I literally sit by my computer after i post waiting for them to come in bc i love attention.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? N/A. All my angst is in the beginning/middle. my endings are all happy so far.
(Although, I do have a bullet point in my fic ideas file that is a Haunting of Hill House rewrite but Autumn Court/Forest house, and if you've ever read the book, you know that calling the ending "angsty" would be an understatement)
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? So Reverie is very short and is sorta set after Elucien have already had their happy ending(in more ways than one ;) The ending of the Scenic Route is also happy and it took way more work to get there, so I'd say that one.
8. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I'm like the writing equivalent of a toddler right now--I'm still learning to write regular stuff haha. I want to write smut one day, but need to take my baby steps to get there. Even when i do, though i think it will not be as explicitly descriptive of the acts themselves, but more emotionally driven (I really like the style of the sex scenes in Song of Achilles if that gives you the vibe)
9. Do you write crossovers? I don't think i'm creative enough for that tbh
10. Have you ever had a fic translated? Nope. maybe one day.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? I have not. I don't even know how that would work esp bc i am a control freak, but i'll never say never.
12. What is your all-time favorite ship? I have a handful of OTPs the primary one right now is obviously Elucien, but I have a special place in my heart for The Doctor and River Song(Doctor Who) and Dramione(who i never really shipped when reading the books, but this was the ship that got me into fanfiction and now i'm addicted)
13. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? So my Current WIP is already completely drafted, i just have to edit and post it, so i'm not worried. I do have an outline of a really long High King Lucien fic started that i worry i won't finish before their book comes out (and that once their book comes out i won't be motivated to write it any more, but we'll see)
14. What are your writing strengths? This is hard because i'm so new to writing, i feel like i don't have any strengths yet, but I'm gonna say dialogue, because it's what i enjoy writing the most. most of my first drafts are very dialogue driven and i fill in the story around the conversations
15. What are your writing weaknesses?  Internal monologues/explaining characters emotions. I tend to leave out details/explanations of a character's feelings because I know what they're feeling and i just expect the reader to inherently know everything that I know even though it's impossible.
16. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? I love when people do this, but my spanish and french are both so rusty i don't feel confident enough to try. Maybe some latin in future works for spells and stuff, but in terms of dialogue, probably not.
17. First fandom you wrote for? Acotar! I only just started writing in June of this year, so i haven't had the chance to write for other fandoms yet, but i'd like to eventually.
18. Favorite fic you’ve written? The Scenic Route! i mean i only have two to choose from--and i have a soft spot for Reverie since it was the first fic i ever posted--but I've put a lot of time and love into The Scenic Route, and I'm excited to finish sharing it. ❤️
I'm not tagging anyone bc i don't know anyone(who wasn't already tagged). 😬
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queenpiranhadon · 4 months
Reverse tropes >:)
So when you encounter an avid Webtoons readers such as myself, you have to wonder what the common tropes in those forms of media would be like when put into context of other characters.
And you've got resurrection, getting back at an ex, your assortment of gay comics and fighting homophobia, but I'm interested in one in particular.
That being the normal girl x famous boy trope - one that I love dearly, but also, something that I think would be even cooler if it was the other way around.
And so, I present, normal boy x famous girl 🤩
In the form of my otps :)
Imagine in a slightly futuristic modern world where a young woman by the name of Sophie Elizabeth Foster is one of the most successful people in the world, bringing society to a whole new level of operating with her extreme intellect through her technology company Moonlark. When she's only 18, she's singlehandedly become the most well known person in the world, and has come to a major roadblock- a virus has taken over her systems- nicknamed the Neverseen, as it was so powerful no one had seen it coming. Sophie needs a break, slipping out from the comforts of her penthouse located on Havenfield street, and makes her way to a beach on the outskirts of the city, where she meets a troubled boy who lives there - in a place joking called "The Shores of Solace" - with a knack for trouble who goes by the name of Keefe.
Annabeth Chase has recently recieved a Nobel Prize, making her way to becoming the most well known architect in all of history. For someone at the ripe age of 17, it's both a significant accomplishment as well as an overwhelming cause of stress. And yet, she knows she can't stop now, she has to be the best, even though she's at the top. Taking on as many projects as she can, she's touring an old aquarium that's meant to be torn down to create room for her next architectural feat - a large tower with the sole purpose of highlighting Ancient Greek culture, something that she holds dear to herself given her own roots. But she's shocked to find a boy there, around her age, with striking sea green eyes- and an infuriating loyalty to the falling apart building - noticing a stubbornness that she sees in herself. Can she get over her pride, and try to see eye to eye?
Being the top doctor in the world is both tiring and exhilarating. Katara knows that, and yet, she's not fulfilled. To become a doctor is a very coveted occupation, one many parents wish upon their children as not only is it impressive, it's flauntable (not a word but who cares). Katara's extremely grateful to her family, but always felt like she didn't belong where she was - she was extremely proud of her talent of course, but it was what everyone expected of her. Women where she came from were always those to rely on when it came to being cared for, a caterer almost. Katara loved helping those who were in need, but it was taxing to always provide, when she never truly received from others. One day, when visiting her local coffee shop, she sees two customers arguing over something menial. She would usually just ignore it and go along her way - she had more important matters to attend to - but things get out of hand and she finds herself in the process of getting her hands burned by a scalding cup of coffee. Thankfully the bartender there comes to her aid, pulling her out of the way with such strength unbefitting for his smaller form. And yet... Katara can't help but feel drawn to him, glimpsing the name Aang on his apron and slips a business card with her contact information she had on hand into his pocket before righting herself and walking away.
Am I right or am I right?????
Should I do more??
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