#otp: she's actually very sentimental
civilight-eterna · 29 days
OOOOOH.. any of the hunters + irene breeding kink for request
(because you're a goated polyshipper like me...you get laurentina/irene/skadi sandwich. love and kisses)
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Perhaps Irene's time with the Abyssal Hunters had neutered her fears in a way that others had not experienced. She has always been one to speak her mind in the first place, and when she observes-on multiple occasions!-Skadi dismissing herself from a talk with Laurentina the moment Irene arrives, she begins to wonder at it. Laurentina's musical giggles and the barely-masked scowl it incurs from Skadi sit Irene with the all-too-familiar sense of having things unsaid about oneself in thinly-veiled secret.
She's been singled out before, during her studies. She should be used to it.
But perhaps, she expected a little better of her newer peers.
So she steels her resolve and confronts her directly, on a whim, in the corridor.
"Skadi. You have been avoiding me, and I would very much like to know why."
"I've been avoiding you because I want to get you pregnant."
A beat.
"E-Excuse me!?"
This time, Laurentina is the one to excuse herself. She grins and hoists the hem of her skirt with a sweeping curtsy and a mirthful smile, dipping around from Skadi as she exits the conversation-
Or at least, she tries.
"Y-You! You stay put-you're, you owe me some explanations too-" Irene fumes, her face burning hot, still reeling from Skadi's blunt remark.
"Oh my, such an aggressive little birdie today. But I don't think staying would be very wise of me-"
Irene did not think it possible for Skadi's face to ever entertain an expression that could plead for mercy. And yet, that is exactly how she looked as she turned her gaze to Laurentina with haste.
It takes Irene aback to see her ask so plainly, even though saying things plainly is what she knows her for.
Laurentina smiles and acquiesces, much to Skadi's visible relief.
"Then let's take this conversation somewhere more private, shall we?"
"-It's something of a leftover gene with our less-Aegir side. It's quite troublesome, especially for a certain Orca that says things as she thinks of them." Laurentina finishes the explanation, mercifully succinct, and without too much teasing.
"It's frustrating," Skadi's voice is tense, cutting in sharply, "I don't even have the anatomy to make it happen. But it aches all the same."
"...I see." Irene wonders whether it was the best idea to have this conversation in Skadi's room, in full view of the bed.
Not out of any concern that something would-happen. She just thinks-
How awful it is, to be without control over one's body. How painful, to have to resist those urges, to constantly expend energy in such a way.
How flattering, that all this time, what she'd mistaken for being made fun of in secret had turned out to be admiration, even if it were only because of some physiological response.
What should she even suggest?
"Is there nothing I can do to help?..."
Irene doesn't realize she's wondered it out loud until she glances up and sees Laurentina hide a smile behind her hand.
"Or-I mean!" Irene's face warms instantly as Skadi regards her, "It-doesn't need to be me, if you don't want-"
"I do."
"Excuse me?"
"I am attracted to you. You bled two weeks ago. You're fertile-"
"H-H-How do you-?!"
"Sharks can tell." Skadi answers her outburst calmly. Laurentina's smile is wider, if a little guiltier for it. "And-"
"I-I'm-" Irene's mind reels, feeling like she's reacting to each point in halved time. She doesn't even have the chance to be outraged or indignant-it's all just shock.
Skadi closes in, her presence slow and calm, like she's come to some determinations about her in the last few minutes on her own.
"-Willing. Aren't you?"
Skadi's hand closes around one of Irene's, and she brings the back of it against her mouth.
Irene has been aware of her shorter stature for some time. In general, but especially compared to her new colleagues. She beholds Skadi with quietened awe, the sleek angles of her cheekbones, the texture of her lips against her fingers, the velvet-steel look in her eyes.
"But I would break you apart." Skadi says seriously, "Even without something to put inside of your-"
"Aa-ah-! I get-I get the jist!"
I'll die if I hear another word of this!
Laurentina, her fingers curled beneath her chin, tilts her head and shares her musings.
"Suppose you just...went through the motions until you were satisfied? I could help."
"Help how?" Skadi's brow furrows.
"Relax, no need to be so territorial! You said as much yourself-you'd break her apart. If I were beneath her, to counterbalance you, you should be able to really cut loose."
"I wasn't being-"
"I know. But it's cute when you get flustered. Right, little birdie?"
"I-It's no laughing matter. Skadi is in considerable pain, no? And this is-"
-Sacrilege, if the church ever caught wind of this arrangement-
"-fine with me. I just want you..."
Irene trails off, glances up into Skadi's eyes. Back down again.
"...to feel better."
It's not wrong to help someone who is hurting. Surely, there were-contingencies, for this sort of thing.
Irene knows very well there are not.
But there should be. It's not the church's fault they had no way to conceive of all of the ways in which her people might suffer, when the scriptures were written.
She rapidly realizes that there is absolutely no justification she could offer, to herself or any higher power, for as to why she agreed to be held down against Laurentina's supine form as Skadi doubles over her and grinds, hard, between her legs.
But she soon becomes more concerned with more mortal matters.
All of Skadi's weight is anchored into her hips, and she ruts into Irene through their clothes like she's chasing her very bones. Laurentina writhes beneath her, rolling her between them, easing the worst of the pressure, but the sensation is suffocating.
Her hands scramble for Skadi's shoulders, and she can feel Laurentina's thighs pressing into her backside as she cocoons her with her body.
"Hhhah, you're close?" Laurentina coos, and Skadi groans into Irene's neck, closing her between them like a vise-
My...ribs are going to crack, Irene thinks numbly, and her head dips back over Laurentina's shoulder as a strangled cry rumbles out of her chest, She's going to break every bone in my body, if this keeps up-
Skadi's hand clutches her suddenly beneath the knee, hiking it up as she grinds closer, harder than before.
"S-Skadi, you're, g-going to kill me-!"
Those must have been the magic words, because Skadi's voice pitches and her entire body shudders, rolling with the aftershocks as she slumps over Irene, breathing hard. Something in her was sated, Irene can tell that much.
She's breathing hard too. There's a little too much humidity between her legs to all be sweat, and she pants, desperately-
"-It's, it's hot-"
"Take these off next time then." Skadi's voice is slightly muffled over her shoulder. She doesn't move a muscle.
"N-Next time?!"
Laurentina's hands are drifting, silky-soft, beneath her skirt, pressing and poking at her thighs.
"Oh, see." She hums as Irene winces, "I don't even have to see here to know that she's all bruised up."
Irene whimpers, and Skadi nuzzles her, just below her ear.
"...Sorry. Really."
"D-Don't worry. Just save your strength."
It's funny. Irene thinks. Anyone else, I would expect to say something about the obvious divide in our abilities, would point out how strange it is for someone like me to tell her what to do. But she doesn't sound disingenuous at all.
"You too, brave little birdie." Laurentina's legs tremble beneath hers, and she takes a shivering breath that makes Irene wonder how she managed to take on everything at once. "Not even my finest clay can withstand such pressure-you're truly a resilient medium of your own right." Laurentina's dexterous fingers slide up around Irene's shoulders, gently kneading them, releasing tension, "That being said, you'd probably appreciate a slightly...softer touch? I promise I'll be careful with you while Skadi sleeps it off."
Irene sighs, tilting her neck into the touch.
She has nothing to say for Skadi having fallen asleep already-she'll be joining her soon.
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celaenaeiln · 9 months
can i know your thoughts on the “typical” nightwing ships (him with wally, roy, slade, kory, babs, apollo/midnighter, etc etc)?
ofc! <333
As a multishipper I literally love almost all of these
The softest ship ever! Reading about them is so cute. All cuddles and snuggles, and full on comfort.
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It's the best friends to lovers trope
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Haven't read about them in a really long while but they used to be my comfort ship. Like these two are so soft each other that they just make me feel warm inside.
Roydick is my spicy birdflash ship. Their chemistry was more heated with them constantly getting into arguements but falling together again. Going back to the comics I realize that Roy hero-worships Dick and that's why they get into so many fights. Roy literally thinks Dick is too perfect
There's this post about them which provides comic panels about Roy constantly comparing himself to Dick
But mostly Roy wants all of Dick. He wants Dick's 100% attention of them and he hates-HATES-that Dick gives everything to Batman. It drives him so mad because he thinks Batman doesn't deserve any of Dick's attention.
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Literally tells Batman- you ain't shit. I feel bad Dick had to deal with you. He doesn't deserve it for all the greatness he is.
Roy wants all of Dick and that's where I ship them including their complicated issues. What makes their relationship so great is their problems. Neither of them will compromise (Dick won't let go of Bruce and Roy won't let go of that issue), but after all the screaming and fighting they still fall back together.
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It's Dick that Roy goes to every time he has to deal with Cheshire.
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>:> hehe
Ollie has the biggest grin on his face XD
Bruh I am so into them.
My post on why they were made for each other
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Slade literally used the steam of Dick's shower to write a message in his bathroom mirror.
I am obsessed with Slade's obsession with Dick.
I love how in one comic Dick is literally just listing everything that's wrong with his life and Deathstroke is just standing there actively listening with his arms crossed.
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He's never gonna give up that apprentice agenda.
When I think of love, they are the epitome of it. I didn't know it was possible to feel love through paper until I saw them. One look at the chemistry is overwhelming.
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"Questions about what's right and what's not, I'll always have them. Questions about my loving you? No! I do. Very much."
Dickkory love is stronger than Dick's moral ethics and Dick's moral ethics?
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I've never seen Dick love anyone as much as he did Kory. There are issues that came up ofcourse. I'm pretty sure there was an anti-alien sentiment among the general public (real life?) that affected them and on top of that the Batman office wanting Dick back so they just ripped him away from the titans and rewrote a whole new love story for them while trashing Kory for it but when the public's reaction and Dick's "he's so perfect everyone wants him so let's play around with love interests for him" aside, they were the king and queen of love.
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What I love about their relationship is Dick loved Kori for who she was, not how she looked. And Kori loved Dick for who he was and not how he looked. On both sides, sometimes all people see of them are their beauty not their personality or strengths or being.
Barbara. The reason I held off on writing this.
My feelings about Barbara are complicated.
She and Dick used to be my OTP. I loved them so much I actually hated Kori for a bit, thinking that Barbara was so much better-when I was solely in the fandom. But oh how the table have turned. Very recently the feather broke the camel's back so my feelings about the two of them have changed.
Long story short, they're better off friends. But my favorite moments come from mostly short haired Barbara comics.
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This Barbara was AWESOME. She was so chill and cool and funny. She would be smart but not in a demeaning way to others.
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Also Batgirl 2000 comic Dickbabs was so sweet (below)
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love them!
I think Midnighter would totally seduce Dick into a frenemies with benefits arrangement. I mean he's halfway there.
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But aside from the usual flirting, Midnighter really, really, REALLY respects Dick's fight skills. I'm sure you've seen the panels of that already but since posts have a 30 image limit I'mma skip over that to the other reason: his greater-that-meta-human tenacity. Things and circumstances that take out metahumans, Dick surpasses through sheer will power and dedication.
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So I mostly ship Dick/Midnighter but Apollo would probably join in too at some point.
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Never getting over how John-I don't do things I don't have to-Constantine saved someone because their body was hot and and their butt looked good. But later on in the comic he talks about how cool he was and what he describes Dick as is when asked about him is:
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His relationship with Tiger is AWESOME!!
It reminds me of his batman Dick relationship with Damian. Snarky and affectionate.
I ran out of image space :'0
But Dick basically gets Tiger-Spyral's number 1 and most loyal spy-to abandon the agency they work for, turn coat, and hunt them down to burn the oragnization into the ground instead. They're literally so funny. I loved Dick and Damian's cute banter and Tiger is just Damian aged up but meaner lol.
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
Ask game can you do kyouka
Yay Kyouka!!!
Favorite thing about them: HER EXISTING. The fact that she's one (1) fleshed out female character and for one I will love her for that. I also generally really like the trope of little girls facing unimaginable horrors and defeating them, it gives me hope. The fact that she was able to get out of an abusive environment by her own forces is very inspiring, too. More Kyouka love words here.
Least favorite thing about them: I feel I'm cheating at this with always mentioning things that are really not about the character but rather about the way they fit in the story but... I'm very disappointed when the author flat out forgets about her. 55 Minutes and the whole airport arc. I've said it before but I really wish she would have intervened during the Atsushi / Akutagawa airport fight because what were she and Yosano and Lucy doing the entire time. In general, I wish we'd see her more outside of her relationship with Atsushi which I LOVE but that is starting to feel quite limiting of her right now.
Favorite line:
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Eheh. It's been this blog title since day one. It's just that crepes is one of my favourite desserts too but most of all I really appreciate the feeling of carrying on living even if it's just for the small nice things in life. I may be worthless, and with no right to breathe; but crepes still make life worth living. I appreciate the sentiment. Ss/kk should learn from her it'd spare them a lot of trouble lol
brOTP: I LOVE LOVE LOVE HER RELATIONSHIP WITH ATSUSHI. It's really one of my favourite things. I think Kyouka is about the only person Atsushi truly cares about beyond his own selfishness and it's really heartwarming. They make each other's lives better every day and comfort each other that they're good people capable of doing good. I also think Kyouka really helps Atsushi in the way she's so blunt and straightforward, she helps him overcome his insecurities and second-guessing everything; she's a reassuring presence for him because he knows she wouldn't lie to him. And Atsushi allows her to be a child, and it's so sweet!!! They need each other in a lot of ways and they're so perfect for each other. Platonic soulmates fr. I also really like her relationship with Kenji, that too is so wholesome, I'm happy she has someone her same age she can do 14 y/os things with!!! Oh and I LOVE her relationship with Lucy, they're so much fun in their low-key animosity but I like to think they truly care about each other and that Lucy fully took Kyouka on as her annoying little sister she wouldn't hesitate to die for. AND the potential of Kyouka and Yosano, AND Fukuzawa. AND Akutagawa and Kouyou (more as like, relationships to explore rather than think they'd actually get along). I think about Kyouka's relationships with other characters a lot lol.
OTP: You know I'm fully convinced I would have been a full flagged Kyouka/Kenji supporter if only they were a little older, but the way I can really only think of them as children kinda makes it hard for me to say I ship them just because personally I don't really like to imagine them in a romantic picture in general (个_个) It's a shame because again I know what I like and this kind of sun/moon coded het ship is something I would have been really into ;;
nOTP: Likely Kyouka and Kenji for the reasons mentioned above :// It's just something I noticed I'm not very into when it's brought up in ss/kk fics. That said, it's not like I have any strong feeling against it either.
Random headcanon: About that, I really like to think she and Kenji are going to be partners when they're older.
Unpopular opinion: Not sure this goes here but right now I can't think of anything else– I do think that in the early chapters of the manga there was some level of writing Kyouka like she was Atsushi's love interest. Overall I think the manga verges way less in the “siblings” direction than the “eventually couple to-be living together” direction than the fandom makes it to be (I don't think they were ever directly associated to siblings in the manga, like, ever? I don't remember Atsushi ever saying he sees Kyouka as a little sister or something in those lines). Which I personally do not like, but in my reading interpretation that's the direction the manga was going for. That's why the chapter 15 opening is extremely distasteful to me, it really feels like pushing forward the stereotype of little dainty young house wife waking up early to prepare breackfast for her husband... And the way we know she's so young makes it downright disturbing. (But again, that's only as far as my understanding of the manga goes, feel free to disagree with me on this).
Song i associate with them: Shinkai Shoujo by Yuuyu-P!!!! It's just so her, both in the girly j-pop vibes and lyrics. It literally talks about a girl sinking in the darkness but managing to find the light in the end :')
Favorite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Favourite Mayoi card:
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Send me a character?
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hollygl125 · 24 days
On likes:
I’m not sure if anyone will read this—or care—but I really want you to know: I love your likes.
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Recently I’ve seen some pretty out there (wild) takes on this subject, so I’ll say it again: I love your likes.
I’ve read at least one post (on a very large blog) going in the other direction, with someone saying they appreciate likes and reblogs equally. I appreciate the sentiment, but honestly it would be disingenuous for me to agree with that:
1. This is not a large blog, and reblogs do increase the chances of someone else seeing and appreciating something I’ve spent time making.
2. It is thrilling to know you like something I made enough that you want to put it up on your virtual wall.
3. Sometimes reblogs come with very kind comments or tags, and when someone takes the time to put words to their appreciation for something I’ve made . . . well, to me, that really is the best—that’s the MOST fun part about reblogs, to me.
(@figsr very frequently gives me kind comments in her reblogs, because she is very kind. I still remember @clintbeifong’s “you made WHAT” tag on my very favourite GIF-set I’ve ever made.)
(As an aside, I like it less when people slip in that they don’t ship my OTP. I am an adult—like, born in the ’80s—making GIF-sets and writing fan fiction (or any fiction) for the first time in my life because I fell down such a rabbit hole for these characters, and I am literally the only one guaranteed to read your tags. So it’s so unnecessary!)
But I will say it again for those in the back: I love your likes.
I love knowing that you saw and appreciated something I’ve made! I will admit that I personally am a bit of a reblog slut. When I joined this site in December 2021 (yes, just for these two lovely science nerds!), I was as chock full of anxiety as one could be; I did not want to make any mark here. All I did was like things to keep track of them. Then I liked a bunch of stuff (because I liked a bunch of stuff!) and got blocked by an account by which I had not wanted to be blocked, presumably because my blog was empty and (especially given the format of my username) I looked like a bot.
So I reblogged a few of my very favourite things (so I would look like an actual human being!), and then it was just an incredibly slippery slope to where before long I was reblogging basically anything I could scrounge up that was GSR-related. Seriously, if you were one of the half dozen or so people following me two years ago this time, you will probably know that a lot of that stuff was not of the highest quality by recent standards, and I reblogged a lot of it (and still have a bunch of it waiting in my paused queue, to be honest).
But I know that’s not how everyone engages. I know some people reblog only their very, very favourite things—or nothing at all. And so I want to tell you again: I love your likes.
If you frequently “like” (my) creations for Sara Sidle + Gil Grissom (or William Petersen), regardless of whether I have followed you back (sorry—honestly tell me if you want and I will happily follow back!), I almost certainly recognize your username, and I am always super, super happy to see you in my notifications.
So . . . yes, in conclusion, and for the sake of clarity: I love your likes. 💛💛💛
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pristina-nomine · 1 year
so my knowledge about her is entirely limited to your posts, but may I request ophélie from la passe miroir for the character ask? 💌 very curious about this series!
Ah, I'm so happy that my posts got you curious about it ✨ (I’m also so sorry for the super late reply, but this week stuff just kept happening and I haven’t had a moment to write anything) Anyway! Thanks for allowing me to indulge in more obnoxious gushing u.u
Favorite thing about her: that she's devoid of any sentimentalism, even if the plot constantly puts her through super angsty scenarios. And that in her character arc of opening up to others and accepting the Mortifying Ordeal of Being Known, this part of her never really changes; she comes to realize that feelings are not necessarily melodramatic, that she can love and love deeply, but always in her own way
Least favorite thing about her: even though I really like the general theme of Thorn’s wounds running too deep to be magically cured by him falling for Ophélie, at times in tome 3 I did wish she wasn’t that accommodating to him. Which, again, is a fundamental point of her personal growth and objectively well done (and he’s like. very much accommodating to her as well), but there are a couple of specific scenes where it rubs me the wrong way a bit, can’t help it
Favorite line: Il n’avait pas le droit!!!! Character thesis statement. Iconique. Also, given that the whole series is her internal monologue, honorary mention to the resolve moment in the final paragraphs of tome 1
brOTP: so many to choose from, so I’ll go with: the scarf. Unironically one of my favorite characters.
OTP: Thorn, of course. I love that they’re one and the same obstinate communication disaster, that he realizes it almost immediately and does nothing at all to shy away from or hide his feelings, while she needs to go through her whole journey to understand and accept this new part of herself. Excited to read in which other way they’ll misunderstand each other in tome 4! (I’m not actually. Let them be content, at least for a while, please)
nOTP: given that Ophélie notp-ies herself with everyone aha I'd say Renard, Archibald, anyone of the dudes she forms a strong friendship with, basically (I’m not as opposed with the gals for some reason? But I’m also very monogamous with my ships, so still ain’t it)
Random headcanon: this may be more of a general lore thing because I also apply it to other characters, but the use of "of Anima" - ie the place she comes from - as a surname stand-in, Middle Ages style (mainly because I hate tagging characters with only their first name so I had to make something up aha)
(Wait, now that I think about it, they do use the Family Spirits names in the wedding ceremony... that's pretty much the canon equivalent of a surname... well, there goes my headcanon)
Unpopular opinion: welp, I don't even know what the popular opinions are, the fandom here is so minuscule aha. One thing may be that I'm very adamant about her being in her early twenties, or 19 at least? If she was a teen her uneasiness about romance/sexuality and frustration at feeling "half a woman" and "a child" simply wouldn't hit as hard
Song I associate with her: Alice's Theme by Danny Elfman!!
Favorite picture of her: this picture of an Edwardian young lady who looks precisely how I see her with my mind's eye, minus the scarf
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Bonus: these stunning portraits by @fantasy-seal and Ilenia Pastore
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izzyspussy · 10 months
Hiya Jack! For the OTP ask, Roy/Jamie/Keeley and 22, 56 and 58. If three is too greedy, pick and choose as you see fit. Please and thank you. <3
What reminds each of their partner?
Roy and Jamie will never tell each other but they are both genuinely reminded of each other by actual muppets. The reason they won't tell each other is not because they don't want to be insulting (they do want to be insulting) but because they feel sentimental about it lmfaooo. Jamie will see Sam Eagle or Oscar the Grouch somewhere and get misty eyed alsfjksk. For Roy is pretty much any fucking muppet 'cause he's the one who said it, but most particularly Rowlf and Janis. These two are also reminded of each other by certain shades of blue. Keeley is reminded of her boys by Richmond colors, by the brand Jamie's always wearing, by anything all-black that isn't usually black, and by basically any football stuff. She also has "their song" for each one of them and them as a throuple. (I don't listen to the kind of music she listens to, so I don't have specific songs to tell you.) She also really loves both of their accents and she thinks of them whenever she hears someone speak like them. Roy is reminded of both Keeley and Jamie (and Phoebe) by the color pink. He's reminded of Jamie by his own various Three Lions stuff, now lol. He's reminded of Keeley when he cooks or reads (the latter reminds him of Phoebe too). He's reminded of Keeley any time he takes a moment to fucking chill out and appreciate his surroundings. He's reminded of her (and now Phoebe too lmao) by the music Keeley listens to. He's not really that much of a music guy himself, so whatever music he does know will remind him of one of them tbh, since they're both passionate about what they like. He's reminded of Keeley by his own shitty handwriting lmfao. Listen. He's always thinking about them. Jamie is reminded of Keeley whenever he's doing something or behaving in a way he feels is responsible/kind/mature. He doesn't exactly credit her for him doing that, he knows he's the one who's accountable for his actions both bad and good, but she was the first person (other than his mom) who ever had any expectation of him to be "good" or belief that he could be, and that was a really important thing for him! He also thinks of her any time he's enjoying something he thinks is fancy or, like, sophisticated or "cultured" or whatever (like plays, etc). He also has a "their song" for her (not for Roy, their "song" is football wlkjrlkskf), and they had a sort of battle of the bands once where they blew out the speakers of Jamie's surround sound stereo and also Roy's patience, so the songs the two of them used for that remind him of her too.
What do they do turn the other on/put them in the mood?
Well, Jamie is RoyKeeley's little sexbot puppy, so they can pretty much turn him on just by telling him to be alsfjkkw. In particular though, he gets really weak kneed and easy by being petted/caressed, praised with that certain tone, or made to feel special in some way - nice individualized attention from Roy, being compared favorably to someone (other than Roy), an elaborate date or gesture, etc. These things give him a sort of "time to make love" kind of arousal. He wants more of the intimate/special feeling and he wants to make them feel as good as he does, and some very sweet sex is a great way to do that. For a more "time to fuck" type of arousal, Jamie can always be reliably worked up by a little roughhousing or pets/caresses that are particularly possessive (grabbing his throat or patting his ass or circling his wrists, etc, regardless of if it's rough or gentle). Being sexually teased/denied/having to watch (even just Roy and Keeley kissing if he can't join them for whatever reason) will also get him this type of aroused. And also of course winning a match, but that's not really something either of them do (although Roy will claim credit for it sometimes lol). The two most sure-fire ways for Jamie to turn one of them on are opposites qljisk. He can be an absolute brat and make them want to put him in his place, or he can be incredibly sweet and submissive and make them want to make use of that. When he's preemptively submissive, Roy always wants to test him, see how much he can make Jamie do for him, and he likes to assign him tasks that aren't necessarily explicitly sexual as a sort of tease for both of them. Keeley doesn't really see the appeal of that, her sex is generally much less convoluted than theirs lmfao. When Jamie's sweet she wants to reward him. Jamie also really good at putting very specific inflections into his patterns of speech, so he can turn a completely mundane phrase into something fucking filthy through tone alone and then say it normally later to be an unconscionable tease in public lmao. He can also rev Roy up by making him jealous. This one doesn't work on Keeley, for obvious reasons.
Who’s more likely to hold a grudge after an argument?
I actually don't think any of them really hold grudges, at least not against each other or about real arguments. Like, Roy has a grudge against Carragher, and he held his grudge against Trent for forever, but those are from an apparent mutual dislike and a distant devastating insult respectively. Having an argument or even full on fight with someone you have a personal relationship with is something totally different from those. I also think all three of them have tempers, but they are also all three fully cognizant of those tempers and take deliberate steps to control them or at least mitigate their effects. This is especially true for Jamie and Roy, who are both very scared of hurting people they love. Keeley holds the same type of grudge that Roy does, against strangers or near strangers or acquaintances or whatever that she'll hold onto for foreeeeeever, but she's extremely quick to forgive someone she cares about no matter how dramatic her anger was when her temper snapped with them. All it really takes for any of them is an open discussion of what upset them and a genuine, self-aware apology to get them past things. The only time they'll hold "grudges" with each other is over stuff that doesn't actually matter. Like if one of them eats someone else's special snack, or jokingly insults a musician they like, etc.
OTP Asks
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enemyoflactose · 2 months
Hello! *-* For the OTP Ask: 6, 16, 25, 26, 31, 32, and 35 (Museumshipping)? :3
Hiiii 🩷
6. What every day object reminds them of one another?
Since I have the head canon that both Yami Bakura and Ishizu smoke on some occasions, I think it'd be cute if whenever Yami Bakura looked at his lighter, he'd think of Ishizu because she forgets her's a lot.
For Ishizu, I think whenever she sees an exacto knife it would make her think of Yami Bakura because I like to imagine that he works on modeling kits in his free time.
16. Do they like the same food?
Ishizu doesn't eat meat, so she doesn't like the same food as Yami Bakura. However, Yami Bakura isn't a picky man, so he likes whatever Ishizu likes. (Except hummus. He doesn't like that.)
25. Are they sentimental about the gifts they have received from each other?
Yes. Very.
Yami Bakura doesn't get gifts (or anything nice) from others that often, so whenever Ishizu gets him so much as a pen, he cherishes it like it's the only thing keeping him alive.
Ishizu is mostly just a sentimental person. She keeps gifts from everyone, but she takes extra good care of the gifts from Yami Bakura.
26. What holidays do they like?
I actually don't think they really care about holidays that much.
Maybe it's Valentine's Day or Christmas because they can go a little extra wild with gift giving?
I'm not sure
31. What's a Perfect Date for Them?
They like dinner dates because it's away from everything and food is nice, or they like staying at one another's house and watching movies all night.
32. How do they comfort each other?
Since Yami Bakura is more on the difficult side to cheer up, Ishizu does small things for him like make his favorite meals, cuddle him more, and if he's in a really really bad head space, she'll shower with him just so he knows she isn't going to leave him under any circumstances.
When Yami Bakura comforts Ishizu, I think he'd be a little confused on how he should go about it. Maybe he'll take care of a majority of her chores, maybe he'll give her a back rub, or buy her a meal she really likes. He changes tactics often because he's always trying to figure out what would work best. Sometimes, she needs cuddles and he'll give her them, sometimes she needs him to just stay the night and he will.
35. How do they deal with being away from each other for a long time?
Yami Bakura deals with it by playing with the figurines he made that look exactly like them. He makes them kiss and then he questions all of his life choices that led to that moment. Then he texts Ishizu because he doesn't know if she's working or not.
Ishizu calls him three times a day and tries to stretch the calls as long as possible like she's gonna forget what he sounds like.
Thank you for the ask 💕💖🩷🌸
Asks here
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sycamorre · 6 months
You know I gotta get my girl Ledo! Also Wisteria, please. I barely know her, but I love her already.
[send me a character]
Another long one!
Ledo —
Favorite thing about them: It's a hard tie between her design elements and her passion for what she cares about. I love how her design has come out, in part because of how long I've picked away at her over the years waiting for a chance to play her, and how everything fell into place with the campaign's setup, but I also love how passionate she is about things: her work, her goals, and even her problems. Coming off of playing Oriana, who has a tendency to downplay a lot of her emotions due to her anxiety, it's been a good change of pace. Ledo is pretty calm most of the time but won't hesitate to say what's on her mind if she thinks it's important.
Least favorite thing about them: She's really hard to pinpoint morally/alignment-wise. I've settled on lawful neutral, but she flip flops between wanting to actually do some good and not caring about others at all and it's one of those things that will probably either go one way or another as her story develops, but for right now is just hard to feel out without regularly writing or playing her.
Favorite line: "If the universe wanted us gone so bad, it should have done a better job at killing us." for a specific line. But I'll echo your sentiments about their little campfire talk. I had never gotten a chance to show Ledo angry and when a little bit slipped with her "I am no damn pirate," comment, that was satisfying.
brOTP: Already adoring the vibes between Ledo and Char, they get shit done. But honestly I can't wait to see where the relationships with the other characters go, too. Especially Celeste once they get to really talk about Twalan one on one and maybe even Foaly at some point if they ever get to swapping war/battle stories.
OTP: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) You've seen him. I've only let his name slip once, but you've seen him on this here blog. That's all you get.
nOTP: You've also seen him but do not yet know his name. There's a lot of people in the world she would sell to satan for a corn chip, but she would pay for Satan to take this fellow.
Random Headcanon: In-character, her steel guardian Drache is based on a drake for one primary reason: a joke between her and her father. One day he asked her what she might want as a pet, and she said a dragon. She eventually learned that this was not possible, but the family in-joke remained. Out of character, the reason he's a drake is because I didn't want him to be a dog or a bear, and nothing else felt right. I originally was going to make her an armorer or artillerist artificer and she was gonna have a small monkey automaton, but after reviewing the sub-classes and realizing neither of those actually felt right and battle smith felt like the most useful sub-class, that automaton eventually morphed into Drache.
Unpopular Opinion: I doubt this technically counts, but I honestly think looking back that Ledo would have been better as a Pathfinder character. The inventor class is perfect, and I very well might replay her one day if I do ever get to join a Pathfinder campaign. But she feels like she fits well into the current party so I don't dwell on it too much.
Song I associate with them: OH boy. Currently her main song is "Queen of Kings" by Alessandra, but specifically this cover by Annapantsu for thematic reasons. "Runaway" by AURORA was her main theme before that. I have... a very long playlist for her I am still fine-tuning.
Favorite picture of them: I still think this is the best headshot I've done of her, even if I need to update the horns:
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Wisteria —
Favorite thing about them: She's just fun! Half of my enjoyment when it comes to thinking about Wisteria is considering the fun things like what she might wear, how her spells might appear since she's a dancing-based bard, or what kind of shenanigans she might get into.
Least favorite thing about them: Intelligence is absolutely her dump stat and hoo boy is that gonna be hard to get used to if I ever do get to play her in some kind of game. She also has no sense of personal space and is the worst kind of nosy.
Favorite line: We'll come back to this one day. One day...
brOTP: Her little eladrin bard gang back home. The tightest clique of court ladies and performers the fey have ever seen.
OTP: This gal's not looking to settle down or just pick one... but I could be convinced if the right opportunity presented itself.
nOTP: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Random Headcanon: Since Eladrin can change their "season" willingly, back in the Feywild she would do it on a whim or based on which court she was performing in, but she heavily preferred spring since that is the court she originates from. However, once she enters the material plane and the idea of the courts is no longer looming over her, her "season" tends to change depending on her overall mood for a while, at least until she starts understanding that seasons in this plane are a set timespan and then she starts adhering to that a bit more as she settles.
Unpopular Opinion: Probably gonna need to actually play her some to get an idea for what this might be.
Song I associate with them: A bit of a cop out if I'm being honest because I haven't worked on her playlist yet, but "The Willow Maid" or "Round and Round" by Erutan because they feel like songs she would perform to
Favorite picture of them: She's ready for mischief and other nonsense
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princesssarisa · 1 year
Character ask: Friedrich Bhaer (Little Women)
Tagged by anonymous
Favorite thing about them: He's a likable character all around. Kind, warm, sentimental, good with children, highly intelligent, firm in his moral values, funny in his absentmindedness, and of course loving. He's a good friend to Jo before they fall in love and an ideal match for her as a husband. I couldn't care less about the fact that he's not conventionally handsome or "romantic": neither is Jo. He might not be the dream man whom most girl readers who use Jo as a self-insert would want for themselves, but he's just right for her.
Least favorite thing about them: While I don't find fault with him for criticizing Jo's sensation stories the way other people do, I'll admit that his inner thoughts about the situation are a little condescending, as if Jo were a child in need of guidance. And I especially don't care for how satisfied he is when she gives up her writing altogether rather than write any more sensation stories. Yes, she's taken his moral advice to heart very nicely, but should he really be so happy to see her abandon her dream career altogether? If I could rewrite it, I'd change the order of events to have him give her the Shakespeare volume after her career stalls, to make it clear that he doesn't want her to give up her literary ambitions.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I love books.
*I like to play with children.
*I'm heavyset.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a professor.
*I don't have any nephews.
*I'm not German.
Favorite line:
"Heart's dearest, why do you cry?"
And when Jo replies "Because you are going away," his love confession and proposal:
“Ach, mein Gott, that is so good! Jo, I haf nothing but much love to gif you. I came to see if you could care for it, and I waited to be sure that I was something more than a friend. Am I? Can you make a little place in your heart for old Fritz?”
brOTP: All his friends and family members.
OTP: Jo.
nOTP: His sons, his nephews, or little Tina in New York.
Random headcanon: It was his idea, not Jo's, to name their son "Theodore" after Laurie, because Laurie was a close friend to them both by the time young Teddy was born. Not that there's anything wrong with the idea that Jo picked the name, but I don't like seeing people use it for a baseless argument that she and Laurie really do love each other more than they love their spouses.
Unpopular opinion: I don't think it's unforgivable of him to criticize Jo's sensation stories. In the first place, unlike in the adaptations, he never criticizes Jo's actual stories: he only criticizes the genre. But more importantly, what his haters seem to forget is that the sensation stories aren't Jo's passion. She writes them purely for money and is always a little ashamed of them. They're her equivalent of Amy's almost marrying Fred Vaughn for his wealth. Now, we could argue that a 19th century man had no right to judge how a woman earned her living when she had so few choices, and I'll admit I don't fully like his attitude about it (see "Least favorite thing..." above). But whenever I see the fandom chorus of "How can she marry a man who disliked her writing?" I think it's nonsense. He never criticizes the projects she truly cares about and writes from her heart. What he does is gently dissuade her from selling out her real creative genius and her values for money.
Song I associate with them:
Goethe's "Kennst du das Land." Here's Mark Adamo's setting of it from his 1998 Little Women opera.
"Small Umbrella in the Rain," his love duet with Jo in the final scene of the 2005 musical. (It's not the most accurate portrayal of their relationship... they don't really always argue and "disagree on everything" in the book... but it's still a sweet and pretty duet.)
Favorite pictures of them:
This illustration by Jessie Wilcox Smith.
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This illustration of the same scene by Norman Rockwell (although it's a better picture of Jo than of Friedrich).
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Paul Lukas in the 1933 film.
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Rossano Brazzi in the 1949 film.
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Gabriel Byrne in the 1994 film.
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Mark Stanley in the 2017 miniseries.
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Louis Garrel in the 2019 film.
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@littlewomenpodcast, @joandfriedrich, @thatscarletflycatcher
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civilight-eterna · 1 year
How's about some Skadi and Irene, I'd love to see them interacting
Someone is singing.
Irene slowly wakes to this realization, but allows her eyes to fall closed again as she listens.
Clarion, somber, and otherworldly, it lilts through the air.
She remembers doing something like this a very, very long time ago; reading her scriptures by candlelight, laying her head along the open pages, about to drift off, and then hearing her father come into the room. She would pretend to be asleep as he picked her up and carried her to bed and tucked her in.
Just as she is wondering why she's in bed and why she feels so comfortably lethargic, the singing stops. Someone has come in.
"Don't stop on my account! Just wanted to check up on the brave little birdie...Huh...? Oh, alright, I'll keep it down." In a whisper, Laurentina adds, "She's recovering well though?"
"Yes. She woke up a little while ago and is pretending to be asleep."
Mortified, Irene winces and draws the covers up over her head as Laurentina begins to laugh.
"S-Skadi...! If you knew, then-why not say so!?" Irene bemoans from under the covers.
"Because it was cute."
Skadi's reply makes her dearly, incredibly thankful that she can't see the scarlet flush rising in her cheeks. She starts to curl her legs towards herself, but a hand catches her ankles through the sheets and holds her.
"You're not supposed to move around too much." Skadi squeezes her ankles like she's less a human woman and more like a trout she just snatched out of water. "You got hurt during the skirmish."
"You were very brave. I wanted to ask what you'd like from the cafeteria? You too, Orca."
Irene slowly peeks out of the blanket until just the top of her face is visible.
"...Something sweet. Please?"
"You know what I like, Shark."
Laurentina sighs and opens the door, twirling her skirt as she turns to leave.
"Honestly, why do I even ask...? Very well. But no complaints now. Rest well, birdie!"
Laurentina leaves them and after a moment, Irene relaxes into the sheets again.
"...You know," She entreats shyly, "you...don't have to stop singing. If you don't want to, that is."
Skadi's expression is still as undisturbed water, before a ripple of a smile teases the corners of her mouth.
Irene is stunned. It is a mysterious, lovely thing to behold.
"...You liked it?"
"...Very much."
"Alright. I'll sing for you."
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somekindofadeviant · 2 years
Sprusilla Fic Recs
My absolute captivating beloveds, my OTP before I expanded out to an OT4. I gotchu some recs for the married Victorian babies of the Whirlwind. Travels with Spike and Dru by Rebcake - A wonderful series with several classics. 24 Hour Midnight, Tipperary, Let The Good Times Roll, Voodoo Chile...Just go read the whole series. Rebcake is a master of drabbles and short works. Rating: Varying from G to Explicit, Length: 33,362 words Placeholder by Glassdarkly - If you go down to the woods today... Actually, wait. Why would you do anything that stupid? A spooky horror vignette. Rating: Teen+, Length: 1292 words Night Off by Glassdarkly - Breaking into a cemetery on Halloween? Maybe not the brightest idea in the world, even if it is supposed to be a vampire's night off. Rating: Teen+, Length: 2697 words Unwrapping by brutti ma buoni - Another spooky lil vignette. Short and nasty and perfect. Rating: Mature, Length: 850 words O, Little Breath of Oblivion by Dead Soul - 1920s Harlem, Jazz Age sex and vampire hijinks. Deliciously gruesome. Rating: Explicit, Length: 2057 words The Third Defenestration of Prague by Kairos - Spike, Dru, and an angry mob. Disorientating in a perfectly apt way. Rating: Teen+, Length: 1253 words Crazy Madcap Redemption by Hello Spikey - Set during A:tS s5. Drusilla returns, not to be evil, but to reconnect. Can Spike draw her to the light before she draws him to the dark? Rating: Mature, Length: 32,526 words Theatre of War by meridian rose - Harvesting the battlefields of the first world war. Rating: Teen+, Length: 553 words Prague Series by FayJay - Spike and Dru hit Prague. Thoroughly wonderful and vicious. Consists of Painted Eggs, Bone Chapel, and The Painted Rose. Rating: Explicit, Length: 28,811 words Hotel Lavear by Indri - South America, 1998, the chaos demon's POV. A Tragicomedy. Rating: G, Length: 7532 words Twist by Darling Effect - A quiet night home with Spike and Dru in the whirlwind days. Oh yeah, and there's pegging. Rating: Explicit, Length: 1275 words The Dangers of Desert Driving by Meltha - Spike and Dru pick up a rather familiar hitchhiker. Brilliance ensues. Rating: Teen+, Length: 2895 words The Body Electric by sevendeadlyfun - Spike finds a way to give Drusilla what Angelus never can - the beating of her heart. Rating: Explicit, Length: 1500 words The Gold Wrapped Box by duh i write - A bit of a seasonal gift mix-up. Rating: Mature, Length: 606 words Radio Play by Cornerofmadness - Spike and Dru have fun with a radio personality just after the end of World War II and are foiled by an unexpected foe. Rating: Teen+, Length: 5080 words Wishes on Her Eyes by Cornerofmadness - Spike and Dru have turned a sugar mama but her grasping sister and her irate fiancé suspect them of her murder. Rating: Explicit, Length: 12437 words Twists and Turns by beer good - Delightful fun with myths about how to fight vampires. Rating: Teen+, Length: 750 words The Way We Live Now by labingi - Spike is living with an ensouled Drusilla, AU A:tS s5. A thoughtful and softly poignant piece. Rating: Teen+, Length: 1787 words Vamp Dolce by violethamster - A 1950s Italy caper. Because that flashback was divine and we need more. This one is perfect. Rating: Teen+, Length: 2120 words Special mention to: Magpies in the Morning by Tasseomancy - Season 4, Drusilla senses Spike's predicament and makes a deal with the Scoobies. Tasseomancy has an absolutely gorgeous Dru voice. This one starts out Spike/Drusilla but transitions to Spike/Dusilla/Buffy. Rating: Mature, Length: 16,709 words In Imbolic by duh i write - After Angelus leaves, Darla's feeling sentimental. Darla pov. There's Sprusilla and shades of Darla/Dru/Spike. Beautifully bittersweet. Rating: Teen+, Length: 1616 words Set Off Like Geese by Hannah - All Human AU. Not something you see very often for Sprusilla. I very rarely read AH fic but Hannah does it wonderfully with great sensitivity and a gorgeous command of language. Rating: G, Length: 107,172 words
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dmagedgoods · 2 years
6, 10, 28 (I really wanna know what Daeran thinks of Sal's family...), 30 for Sal/Daeran for the OTP ask please 👀
6. When did they realize they loved each other? Salvadore had already struggled a while with an inability of getting this insolent count out of his head and a weird, hard-to-place pain at the thought of him leaving. He fully realized that he was hopelessly in love with him during not-a-date when Daeran let his masks down – and for the very first time deliberately instead of only giving glimpses of the man behind the barbed comments and proudly worn cynism. There was no doubt for him anymore at his point, but Salvadore got confronted with a new level of intensity regarding his own feelings during the moment in the Nexus when Daeran had gathered stones to stage a dinner with them. He seemed so vulnerable and lost, Salvadore knew for sure he would do anything to gain his trust, keep him at his side, and protect him from any harm. For Daeran the full realization hit in the Abyss. Afraid of allowing the intensity of those feelings and where they could lead in the worst of cases, he still started to give them room in his mind as well instead of only having them linger underneath the surface in an attempt to disguise them as mere passion. 10. What are some non-sexual activities they do together? The long, but definitely incomplete list is here. 28. Do they get along with each other’s friends and family? You want to know about the family drama, I see. 😁💕 They both are terrible at making friends and have been even more so in the past. The people from their lives before the Crusade that are important enough for them to still be in contact with are still kept at distance and they meet some of them at parties and during events in Drezen, Nerosyan and Absalom sometimes. Nothing of it has enough meaning for them to be worth mentioning in detail. One of the few people reaching a deep friendship status with them actually managed it with both: Woljif! So, they basically share their best friend, or well, Sal has two, but we all know if / how well Daeran gets along with Regill. 😂 Regarding future friends, I’m pretty sure both of them will be open-minded and supportive regarding whoever the other one views as worthy and causes him to let his guard down, each knowing that the other one is careful with trusting and that it takes a lot to get there. Family … well … That’s a different topic. Salvadore spent much time in front of the painting of Daeran’s mom, wishing intensely he could have met her. Daeran always gets in a gloomy mood when he catches him staring at it again and tries to drag him towards other topics and activities while Salvadore may try to talk to him about her. In sentimental moods Daeran allows it, in most though he blocks the attempt. Salvadore’s relationship with Galfrey was … complicated beyond compare. He harshly criticized and judged her for her shortcomings while he also saw strength in her, an intense sense of duty, ambition, a love for her position as leader, and some other abilities reminding him of himself. With his own growing power – among the nobles in Nerosyan too – and the strong admiration of the people after his accomplishments and radiant reputation as Iomedae’s chosen one, he realized that the throne of Mendev would be in his reach if it wasn’t for the fact that Galfrey still had very strong support as well. He played a game for power and influence against her, quite aware she knew it too. Daeran’s crush on her added a petty layer of jealousy of a different nature to it all. When she finally died in Iz – and Salvadore couldn’t help but wonder if it had been a deliberate decision of his, a secret hope it would come to this if he’d aid her last – he didn’t feel any victory, but only shame instead, intensified by Daeran’s quiet suffering. Daeran and Salvadore’s family is a combination even more explosive … Salvadore himself has problems keeping things civil during meetings. They can’t touch him in his position as commander and no one of them would be nearly powerful enough to harm him in the state he reached, but they attempt to use his influence in their favor, pretending he owes them that much. Salvadore blocks those efforts but has to find compromises here and there because he still is interested in Absalom’s political situation. Daeran shows much less interest in diplomatic solutions in this very regard. Especially with Sal’s father and his cousin Hemera, it comes to sharp debates as soon as they meet. They all are intelligent, merciless, and conceited and don’t draw back. If Sal joins the discussion too the heated trade of barbs can go on for quite some time and end with threats of quite an unpleasant nature. While Salvadore would prefer not to think about it further as soon as he’s rid of them again and to focus on more important issues, Daeran lets him know that he (Salvadore) would not allow anyone else to speak with him like that without destroying first their reputation, then their whole life. He gets a pained look for it. Daeran may start plotting against Sal’s family behind his back sooner or later. If Salvadore finds out, he won’t stop him unless his plan contradicts one of his own and unless it involves his mother. She is the only one out of the bunch he’d actually protect. Speaking of her, Eleanor, stays out of it all or as best as she can. When Daeran tries to hit her with a commend too, she smiles her calm smile, maybe even answers with a compliment instead of an insult in return. (She secretly likes his son’s husband and is glad he found him, just, as usual, incapable of truly showing so.) 30.  What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.) Salvadore loves to kiss Daeran’s hands: Above the knuckles in devotion, his fingertips or palm. It’s always a gesture of worship, sometimes playful and light, sometimes with almost heavy sincerity. In a submissive mood, Salvadore may kiss the top of his foot. It’s always a delight to find his most sensitive places to kiss. He enjoys to caresses his belly and inner thighs with his mouth for a small eternity until he struggles underneath his ministrations. The skin is so soft and responsive there. When he kisses his wrist, he has to be careful and needs to gather his self-control. It often becomes terribly tempting to sink his fangs into those veins. Daeran knows that Salvadore’s neck is quite sensitive. If he finds the right spot it will cause a delicious shiver. Should he overdo it, he’ll grow aroused. (What a dangerous weapon to use in public too.) The inside of Sal’s thigh’s hides many very kissable spots too in Daeran’s opinion and it will cause some strong reactions. Daeran highly enjoys kissing his way down the little trail of dark hair from Sal’s navel to his crotch. Sometimes in a cozy moment when he finds his ambitious husband exhausted from his day or when he still works and reads through documents, he kisses his hair in soft affection. They both can’t get enough of each other’s lips and while they leave no spot of the other one unkissed, they definitely are among their favorite places always.
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marsbar19 · 1 year
Otp questions as nygmobblepot
1:What is each members love language?
Ed:Physical touch and words of affirmation
Os:Physical touch and gift giving
2:What would they describe as their perfect date?
Ed:Going to a board game cafe and then going home to cuddle
Os:Going to a fancy restaurant and then going home to cuddle
3:Who made the first move?
Oswald. It took him a while to tell Ed but after doing it he couldn't of being happier that he was brave enough to do so
4:Who is more sentimental?
5:Which member calls the other to kill spiders?
Ed calls Oswald because I hc that Ed is scared of bugs
6:Who falls asleep first?
Oswald. He falls asleep late but Ed falls asleep even later
7:Who wakes up first?
8:Who is more relaxed/carefree?
Oswald. He isn't that relaxed but compared to Ed...
9:What is one way their personalities compliment eachother?
They are somehow both opposites attract and also very similar
10:Who is always cold?
Ed. Idk why, I just feel like she would be
11:Which member is always trying to bring home stray animals and which member has to tell them no?
Ed is trying to bring home animals and Os has to tell him no
12:Who worries more?
They both worry way too much
13:What are some non-sexual activities do they do together?
Cuddling, game nights, watching movies/bingeing tv shows and baking
14:Who would be able to talk their way out of a speeding ticket
Both. Os by actually being persuasive and Ed by being confusing
15:Who is the better cook?
16:Which member is more physically affectionate?
They are both equally physically affectionate
17:How does each member feel about PDA?
Os loves it but wants to be seen as 'professional' and Ed also loves it but wants to be seen as a 'cold logician'
18:Who's the safer driver?
Os (Ed actually can't drive)
19:What is each members flirting style?
Os: Seductative flirting
Ed:Giggly flirting
20:Who is the cuddle initiator?
21:Are they an introverted couple or extroverted couple?
Introverted couple but they pretend to extrovered
22:Who is the big/little spoon?
Os is the big spoon and Ed is the little spoon and before anyone says anything about Ed being the taller one, height doesn't matter.
23:Who is more likely to make impulsive decisions and who acts as the voice of reason?
Os makes impulsive decisions and Ed acts as the voice of reason
24:Who's most likely to laugh at their own jokes?
25:Who takes longer showers?
26:Who is more likely to get jealous?
27:Who gives piggyback rides to the other?
28:Who spends almost all their money on the other?
29: Who sleeps in the others lap?
30:Who falls in love first?
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renaerys · 2 years
Don’t take this the wrong way cause I’m just curious and this is my first time on your tumblr account lol (I’ve been following your blossick fics). I’m familiar with Naruto since I was young and I was wondering about how you got into the sasori and Sakura ship cause for me it’s very random. What made you ship them instead of the canon ship? You’ve probably answered this before so sorry if I’m asking!
Not at all! That's a really good question. I'll put it under a Read More because 2014 fandom ptsd re the end of Naruto taught me too well.
The tl;dr for why I don't like the canon SS ship is that I thought they had nothing positive in their foundation, which was only made so much worse in the final chapters. There were plenty of opportunities for Kishimoto to show us that they had chemistry and actually cared about each other in a meaningful, non-superficial way over the course of the manga, but bizarrely he did the complete opposite in a way that felt not just careless, but downright malicious at times, especially in the final war chapters. It was honestly offensive to read, even as an anti-shipper, and I found myself feeling really bad for the people who like that ship in the end. What a shit way for their OTP to become canon.
I'm not going to get into the dirty details here because that ship fandom is fucking demented about anti sentiment, even when it's delivered in a respectful way. Frankly, I don't have the time or patience anymore to debate online about a fictional couple in a manga that ended years ago. If people like the ship, cool! I hope they have fun shipping it and making good content for it. I happen not to like it, and I'm extremely comfortable in that camp and always will be.
As for SasoSaku, go re-read the manga where they fight! It's the hottest villain/hero encounter I have EVER read. There are some very compelling takeaways from that fight:
They have diametrically opposed world views, and yet they both demonstrate a willingness (and even a desperation) to understand something about the other's point of view. And they actually accomplish that, to different degrees, in the end. Sasori lets the last attack hit him because Sakura got through to him and made him acknowledge that he had failed, that he had made a mistake, and that he was never truly alone. I think he realized in that last moment that the "life" he was living was no life at all, and that he maybe could have made different choices if Chiyo had done a better job being there for him and if he had let her. It is so staggeringly beautiful that I literally cry. When she yells at him "why is that the only way you can see the world?" and is so angry and so emotional because it feels so personal to her now, I just completely fall apart. If only he could have seen and done things differently, what kind of life could he have led? I think she mourns this in a way, and I think not a single person has ever shown him that type of empathy before now (that he was willing to listen to) and it totally destroyed him.
Sasori is the second person aside from Tsunade to have ever acknowledged Sakura's real power and capabilities--and he is a villain trying to kill her! And he's a rude, entitled, unspeakably selfish person who would rather get stabbed than not get the last word. If that's not a show of the humanity he still has even if he doesn't want to admit it, idk what is. And then he rewards her for killing him? For a dude who keeps berating her about doing pointless things their whole fight, he sure does feel okay doing something completely pointless for her in the end (not for Chiyo, btw, but for Sakura). He took her seriously in this fight, and we saw her feeling so thrilled about showing off her strength and her abilities and how she'd beaten his poison. Sakura was living in this fight, it's all over her face in the panels, and Sasori was living right alongside her as she visibly impressed him each time he thought he'd gotten her and she got right back up and kept going. They were held up as equals in this fight, not necessarily based on shinobi skill alone, but as people with goals and feelings and a violent desire to be seen in the eyes of another they consider truly worthy. I mean, how is this not art and also super fucking hot?
SasoSaku is the first real ship I ever shipped. It was my shipping awakening. I will never forget when that fight first happened in the manga, waiting each week to see what would happen next, and realizing holy shit, this is what the foundation of a real enemies to lovers romance is supposed to be? Go re-read the manga chapters and pay attention to those points I made. I hope it completely blows you away like it did to me!
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pikuhanlove · 8 months
Pikuhan OTP Prompt Answers!!
Prompts from the awesome @lavenderotpprompts :)
What is each member’s love language? 
Pieck: Acts of service. She’s very much the type of person to get things done around the house when she knows her partner is busy / dealing with other stuff.
Hange: Words of Affirmation. They need LOTS of reassurance about stuff. It makes them much more comfortable when their partner verbally reminds them how much they care for them.
What would they describe as their perfect date?
They’d probably love either a quiet night in where they just enjoy each other’s company and do little things like play games, watch movies, etc, or they’d go on a cute little dinner date somewhere secluded and candle-lit. Neither of them are big on crowds so they stick to the more intimate settings.
Who made the first move?
Hange in terms of flirting, but Pieck actually asked them out first. If love at first sight had a definition it would be when they first saw Pieck. They were much more flirty at first, and even though Pieck was initially dismissive, she actually wanted to ask them out way before it crossed Hange’s mind.
Who is more sentimental?
Probably Pieck. She enjoys making photo albums and scrapbooks to dedicate to certain periods in her life.
Which member calls the other in to kill the spiders?
Pieck. She HATES bugs. Hange meanwhile wants to take any spider they find and dissect it or something so they’re always going to handle that lol.
Who falls asleep first?
Pieck. She’s generally very sleepy. She’s usually first to fall asleep, and always the last to wake up. Usually Hange will wake her up with coffee and kisses to lure her out of bed (It works).
Who wakes up first?
As stated above, mostly Hange. They like to make Pieck coffee to lure her out of bed, but they’re also content to just lay there and snuggle with her until she wakes up.
Who is more relaxed/carefree?
Pieck is more relaxed, while Hange is more carefree. Hange is naturally very jittery, so they’re usually more anxious and/or hyper. They’re still very carefree though, just more energetic about it. Pieck is sort of the opposite. She is outwardly very cool and chill, but she’s actually more anxious, especially in public, than she seems.
What’s one way their personalities complement one another? (Is it opposites attract or are they pretty similar?) 
They’re actually very similar. I like to think they fill each other out though. Hange brings out the fun, nerdy side of Pieck, while Pieck helps Hange feel more safe and relaxed. They both are very intelligent, kind, and eccentric in their own ways though! 
Who is always cold?
PIECK. She’s the blanket hog of the two because of this, and Hange will often wake up to find her completely pressed against them for warmth even with all the blankets.
Which member is always trying to bring home stray animals and which member always has to say no?
Hange lol. They find frogs, birds, anything, and will take it home to show Pieck. She’ll let them keep the animal for like a day before they take it back outside and release it somewhere safe.
Who worries more?
Probably Hange. They ask Pieck if she still likes them like every single day. Pieck stopped taking it seriously like the 10th time and just messes with them now by saying “Not at all” or “This is strictly platonic” (They’re literally married). 
What are some non-sexual activities they do together?
They’re just generally very intimate. They like to be touching at all times (not sexual, just physical). They both feel better when they’re physically close to the other. Because of that, they like to get ready for the day in close proximity, and do little domestic things like cooking, cleaning, etc together.
Who would be able to talk their way out of a speeding ticket? 
Pieck. She could be like a professional negotiator. She would convince the officer it was their fault somehow.
Who is the better cook?
Pieck. She’s a decent cook. She’s slowly been teaching herself recipes because she really never bothered learning given she was training, deployed, or with family for most of her life. Hange likes to try and help, but Pieck has literally banned them from the kitchen when they’re alone because she knows it would be burnt down when she comes back.
What are some things they don’t agree on?
They both think the other works too much. After the war, they spend late nights signing paperwork and writing statements. Whoever gets done first tries to drag the other to bed so they don’t get overtired, but will often resign to just being there for the other person and making them food/coffee to help out.
Which member is more physically affectionate?
Pieck. Hange is very cautious about overdoing it on stuff like that, so they don’t initiate things much. They LOVE it, but want Pieck to take the lead because they get wayy too excited around her.
Which member is more verbally affectionate?
Hange. Alternatively to the last one, they feel much better about saying how they feel versus showing it. They tell Pieck they love her like a million times a day. Pieck is actually more reserved about that, but when she does express verbal affection, it’s super articulate and eloquent.
How does each member feel about PDA?
Pieck’s way into it. She’s an ass girl so she rarely is seen without a hand near or on Hange’s. Hange lovess this though. They feel really cool and proud when she feels comfortable expressing affection in public:)
Who’s the safer driver? 
Honestly… Hange. Pieck thought driving would be like operating her titan but was WAY off. She constantly hits curbs and drives really slow because of it. Hange on the other hand is shockingly smooth.
What’s each member's flirting style?
Hange is very charming. Despite being sorta dorky when they do it, Pieck finds their flirting to be very attractive in its own way and eats it up. Pieck herself is such a flirt though. She can make anyone swoon with a single glance, but prefers physical flirting with Hange because she knows it will fluster them the most, which Hange loves too.
Which member steals / borrows the other one's clothing?
Pieck has worn just about all of Hange’s shirts at this point. Because they’re quite a bit taller, she finds all of them fit super comfortably and wears them all the time. Hange stopped questioning it a long time ago and doesn’t even remember which one’s originally belonged to them.
Who is the cuddle initiator?
Pieck. She LOVES that shit. Every night she looks forward to going to bed so they can be close all night. Sometimes she stays awake longer just to be able to enjoy the cuddles.
Are they an introverted couple or an extroverted one—AKA would they prefer to go out to a party or event together or would they rather stay in?
Absolutely introverted. They do go out occasionally, but are rarely ever partying. They both prefer the more intimate, romantic settings where they can just enjoy the other’s company.
Who is the big/little spoon?
Complete toss-up. They switch like by the hour cause neither of them really cares, they just like being together lol.
Who is more likely to make an impulsive decision and who is the voice of reason?
Hange is far more impulsive. They’d drop everything if Pieck needed something, even if it was outlandish. Pieck is way more practical and frequently talks them out of these things.
Who’s more likely to laugh at their own jokes?
I want to say Pieck purely because she isn’t as good at them as Hange, so when she does she finds it hilarious and keep giggling over what she said like hours later.
Who takes longer showers?
Probably Pieck because she’s generally more attuned to cleanliness than Hange. Hange would absolutely be using 8-in-1 shampoo to get the job done quicker.
Who is “more loved” by the in-laws?
I generally think of Hange either not having living parents or not being close to them. Therefore I think they would be closer to Pieck’s father. I like to think he and Hange are like best friends. They love hanging out and talking about their jobs (I HC her dad being a doctor at some point so they bond over research talk and such). Pieck melts every time she sees this.
Who is more likely to get jealous?
Pieck. Hange can be kind of an airhead and not notice other people’s advances, because of that, Pieck is very possessive and would not take kindly to someone flirting with them.
What was the most surprising thing they learned about one another once they started dating?
Hange did not expect Pieck to be as weird as she is. Pieck is like a total weirdo in the best way possible. She’s super nerdy and actually very talkative about the things she likes. Pieck didn’t realize Hange is actually very fit. They're always training or exercising. Pieck was certainly not upset by that.
Who stays up way too late and who tries to drag them to bed?
Hange. Pieck is out like a light very quickly, but is often awoken by random questions Hange says out loud (ie: Is a hotdog a sandwich, that type of thing)
Who’s messier? 
Hange. They’re better about it than they used to be, but still are generally messy. Pieck is very organized and keeps a tidy space, which Hange respects and tries their best to uphold.
Which member is more likely to accidentally spend $300 at Target?
Absolutely Pieck. She’s very into shopping and would end up buying an entire matching wardrobe for herself and Hange.
Who wanted/would want kids first? 
Hange externally, Pieck internally. Hange likes pointing out baby clothes and toys they like any time they go shopping, and Pieck will usually just laugh and shake her head. Secretly, Pieck thinks about having a family with them all the time. She literally dreams about it and is sad to wake up and find it isn’t true for a while.
Who gives piggy back rides to the other? 
Hange is literally always carrying Pieck around. Her legs still get tired really easily, but now instead of using her crutch, she just lets Hange carry her (They both prefer this)
Who fell in love first?
It’s gotta be Hange, but on that same note, Pieck confessed first. Like I said, I think Hange would be way too nervous to say anything at first, so she probably admitted to it first, but realized it last.
That's all of the prompts!! Hope y'all enjoyed, let me know your thoughts too:D
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silversiren1101 · 2 years
10, 27, 30, 37
OTP Relationship Asks!
10. What are some non-sexual activities they do together? 
Is there anything more romantic than writing reports together and working on military strategy or operations?
In all honesty, though, they are the type of couple that doesn't necessarily need to do things together so much as they enjoy existing around one another. Quiet time before the fireplace with books or reports or even just dozing off are how they most often relax together - they're both very busy people with different things to worry about at times!
As for more active things, they do often train and workout together. They both know each other's preferred training routines (modified from Hellknight armiger training) and try to have joint sessions at least once a week.
When they have time - board games are also a good, competitive activity for them. Chess and Imperial Conquest to even Checkers to shake things up... I imagine it's a little luxury for them and they end up amassing several interesting games from around Golarion to pass the time.
27. What random everyday object/activity makes them think of each other?
I'm actually kind of struggling with this one!
There are the obvious things like feathers remind Regill of Minovae and battlemaps remind her of him... but those don't really feel sentimental enough.
I have to get a little more abstract - for Regill, the cold often reminds him of her because his first instinct is to grouchily wonder if she remembered a coat or scarf. She gets cold very easily because of her scales and when he found her on the bank of the West Sellen near Leper's Smile after the whole thing with Ssila'meshnik transforming her powers and her panic leaping 3 days ahead... she was deadly hypothermic. He doesn't actively admit or talk about it because he dislikes being considered sentimental or worrying, but remembering how cold she was when pulled his gauntlets off to assess her always disquiets him. Someone so bright and undeserving of such suffering shouldn't have felt that cold, like a corpse.
Minovae on the other hand... teas and coffees, especially ones she has while traveling, always make her wonder what he would think of them. Regill is a bit of a coffee snob (a quiet, aloof one) so when she's traveling around the Inner Sea away from home, she makes sure to always try what's local or preferred in the area, possibly bringing leaves or beans back home with her. He's not a materialistic person, so these more 'practical' gifts are much more to his acceptance... especially if they come with a military history book or martial philosophical treatise to read along with them that she found.
30. What is their favorite place to kiss the other? (Cheek, hand, closed eyelid, neck, nose, etc.)
Minovae gravitates towards kissing his scars - the ones he earned from protecting her: over his jugular, several across his torso, one on his thigh, and the massive one stretching from palm to shoulder on his left arm. It's her way of acknowledging without words his devotion and love, and expressing her deepest gratitude and sorrow over the pain he suffered.
Regill usually defaults to lips or cheek/jaw. Being shorter makes it a bit more difficult for spontaneous kissing though, so her hands do get a brief kiss if there's no time to stop and give her a proper one!
In bed... for both of them, it's open season. Their necks and shoulders especially get rather marked up, but special shout out goes for Mino's inner thighs and her sides.
37. What do they like the least about each other?
Minovae does struggle with how callous and cruel the Worldwound has made Regill in the decades she's been gone. He's always been cold and more willing to pay for victory in blood, but it's gotten so much... severe. When her memories do come back, she is pretty appalled by his actions and beliefs but she also understands. The person he used to be slowly died here just as the person she was did, and she knows if she had survived decades here she might have become much the same. When demons are so merciless and cruel and have been winning for so long, you don't have time to stop and deliberate on the options. Things turn black and white when it's a choice of "everyone dies" or "some/most people die". It's at least offset by his ever-willingness to listen to her input and consider her seriously, and when the tide of the Crusade changes in their favor, his methods and initial impulses do gradually begin to shift to match.
Alongside this, she dislikes how he doesn't see the soldiers and rank and file as people so much as currency of war or tools. Even back during the Chelish Civil War, Mino would personally deliver the remains of those that perished underneath her to their surviving family and apologize for not doing enough to save them. Regill would merely say that they knew what they signed up for and they died in service, as was expected of them. Their sacrifice would be acknowledged and that was suitable enough.
Conversely, Regill dislikes how reluctant Mino is to truly lead. She has all the skills for it, but she cannot detach herself enough to use her soldiers as they've enlisted to be. She takes losses too personally and he even goes so far as to say she is robbing them of their agency by being so reluctant to endanger them. "They signed up for this, to fight and possibly die. This was their choice. Why do you feel the need to shield them from that?"
They've never come to agree on this, but they at least understand and accept where the other is coming from.
I feel like wasted potential would be a huge pet peeve for him, and Minovae would truly be a formidable leader if she could get past this... but he also admit that her softness and kind-heart are what truly make her her, and he wouldn't change that about her if he magically could.
He also dislikes just how trusting she can be with second-chances or her reluctance to think critically of someone without complete proof or evidence. This led her to getting stabbed by Camellia, of course, and even then she was insistent on sparing her and getting her help... Mino is so preoccupied with protecting and saving others that she most often suffers in their stead. Regill does admire how she is so steadfast in her ideals in this but he can only watch her get hurt so many times by foolishly trusting another before it becomes a point of contention between them.
Ultimately though, what they dislike about the other are aspects of what they also admire most. Minovae is kind and good hearted, always searching for answers and solutions that save the most people... but it holds her back and causes her to get hurt. Regill is self-assured, confident, and resolute in his beliefs, doing whatever it takes for the greater good to prevail in the end... but he loses sight of just what the cost is and doesn't see how dozens of instances of mortal empathy and connection can create something far more substantial in the bigger picture.
All that matters is they understand and accept the other during such disagreements.
Questions here!
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