#our own hobbies and lives and dreams
I think a lot about what my ideal situation would look like with a girlfriend for someone who is never going to get a girlfriend
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angelicgirlmj · 1 month
cultivating your hobbies to become that girl
as summer starts to end, i find my days a little emptier and im full of anticipation for the coming academic year. but the last thing i want to do is waste the last part of summer so now is the perfect time to cultivate or begin a new hobby, focusing on four areas to level up your body, skills, mind and passions! enjoy angels and i hope this gives you some inspiration.
having a hobby that helps you reach your dream body, maintain a healthy lifestyle or just help with your mental health (as moving your body always does!) is such a good idea. the past few months my workout schedule has decreased due to the amount of schoolwork i have had and exam season so now is the perfect time for me to get more disciplined and build up a good workout scheme. my hobbies based around my body are pilates or yoga, both of which help me with my fitness goals. here are some more ideas/inspiration for some hobbies you could start:
‘hot girl walks’ - set a goal for your daily steps and go on walks everyday to help you achieve that.
running daily.
swimming daily.
tennis or badminton daily.
joining a sports club such as football or gymnastics.
dance - could be by yourself at home following dance workouts!
strength training.
starting a fitness challenge - such as a month long youtube challenge.
start making your own fitness content! film videos or write tutorials.
bike riding daily.
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finding a hobby that helps you develop/cultivate your skills is so important. mine personally is cooking/baking as it helps me focus on giving my body what it needs, becoming more independent and providing for those i love. here are some ideas/inspiration:
making your own clothes - sewing, knitting or crocheting.
writing - poetry, novels, articles or anything similar.
acting - helps with public speaking, confidence and making friends.
jewellery making.
chess or a similar intense mental game - cultivates your thinking skills and mind.
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finding a hobby that helps you mentally, especially if relevant to schoolwork or career plans is so helpful. mine is reading/engaging with literature as not only does it align with my academic work but also helps me with how i think, view the world and allows me to be more empathetic.
learning to play an instrument.
writing/researching around your subjects.
budgeting - good way of keeping track of and understanding money even if you aren’t planning on doing anything economics based!
journalling or keeping a diary.
joining/starting a book club.
starting a studyblr, study youtube channel etc.
learning a new language.
tutoring someone - great way of helping yourself learn as well!
joining a debate team.
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finding a hobby around one of your passions is such a fun and unique way of engaging in things you enjoy. mine personally is visiting museums/areas of historical importance as i am so passionate about history.
visiting art galleries.
attending the theatre/cinema.
going to live music events.
visiting libraries/book shops - growing your wish list, finding new book inspo etc!
going to cooking classes, restaurants or cafes.
travelling to new areas (could be local or international) - perhaps to develop language skills, find places to hike etc.
attending lectures on subjects youre interested in.
watching documentaries or video essays.
starting a new course - i do several history courses, my most recent was on European empires!
making a blog, channel, instagram etc for a new hobby or interest.
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────୨ৎ────────୨ৎ────────୨ৎ─────── thank you for reading angels! hopefully this will help us all on our hobby journeys and have given you ideas of hobbies to try or develop for the end of summer or just in general! love, m.
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anim-ttrpgs · 5 months
The Kickstarter for Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is Live!!
Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is our team’s debut TTRPG, over three years in the making! The campaign will run from April 10th to May 10th!
How far would you go to learn the truth?
Play amateur detectives caught up in things they barely understand, and explore how the lives of your characters unravel as they push themselves to dig deeper into the unknown!
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Tense investigations!
Delve into an investigation-focused mystery and horror system that lets players take initiative and use their characters’ unique strengths to find clues and deduce conclusions themselves. A few bad rolls won’t get the party hopelessly stuck, but at the same time Eureka respects their intellect and lets them take charge of solving the mystery!
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Character-driven gameplay!
Stats and abilities are based on who your character is as a person. Freeform character creation allows you to build a totally unique little guy, and have a totally unique gameplay experience with him! This is supported by the backbone of the Composure mechanic. Stress, fear, fatigue, and hunger will wear your investigators down as they trudge deeper into the unknown. Food, sleep, and connections with their fellow investigators are the only way to keep them going!
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Secrets inside and out! 
Any investigator could be a monster, helping their friends while trying not to reveal their true natures. The party will learn to trust and rely on each other, or explode into a tangled net of drama!
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Intense, tactical combat! 
Hits are devastating, and misses are unpredictable–firing a gun will always change the situation somehow, for better or for worse!
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Now in Technicolor!
Evocative artwork from talented femme-fatales @chaospyromancy and @qsycomplainsalot and the mysterious @theblackwarden paint a gorgeously-realized portrait of a world with shadows lurking in every corner.
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Elegantly designed and thoroughly playtested, Eureka represents the culmination of three years of near-daily work from our team, as well as a lot of our own money. We are almost at the end, we just need some financial support to put the finishing touches on it and make the final push to get it ready for official release!
With every stretch goal we meet, the game gets better and better. Tons of beautiful new artwork, new options for gameplay, and even two entirely new playable Monsters could be added to the book, so visit the Kickstarter and secure your copy today!
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If you want to try before you buy, you can download a free demo of the prerelease version from our website or our itch.io page!
If you’re interested in a more updated and improved version of Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy than the free demo you got from our website, subscribe to our Patreon where we frequently roll our new updates for the prerelease version!
You can also support us on Ko-fi, or by checking out our merchandise!
Join our TTRPG Book Club At the time of writng this, Eureka: Investigative Urban Fantasy is the current game being played in the book club, and anyone who wants to participate in discussion, but can’t afford to make a contribution, will be given the most updated prerelease version for free! Plus it’s just a great place to discuss and play new TTRPGs you might not be able to otherwise!
We hope to see you there, and that you will help our dreams come true and launch our careers as indie TTRPG developers with a bang by getting us to our base goal and blowing those stretch goals out of the water, and fight back against WotC's monopoly on the entire hobby. Wish us luck.
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loveemagicpeace · 9 months
✨The moon governs our mood and needs. They move and change. Deals with our memories of the past. It represents our emotional nature and way of experiencing the world on an internal, subjective level.It is connected with feelings and emotions, as well as with the body, where emotions are supposed to be stored. These can affect your physical health, and physical symptoms often indicate unresolved or unexpressed emotional pain. A large part of this process takes place on an unconscious level, so we are not always aware of what we feel, and we need to take time and space.
We can relax at home and surround yourself with all the people you love and objects and with all the comfort we need. It's a private place where we can be intimate with others and show our vulnerable side. Its sign and position in the chart often indicate what maternal care we grew up with or how we experienced our mother. It can also describe what maternal care we offer to others - to our own children, as well as partners and friends.
The moon's cycle also represents our daily life habits and routines, including household ones tasks like cooking and cleaning - as soon as we finish them, we have to do them again tackle! When we repeat something often enough or long enough, it affects our body and every aspect of our life. The position of the Moon in the birth chart can indicate, what patterns do we stick to, it seems in our physical health as well as in general lifestyle. It also describes what it's like to live with us and how we behave in close personal relationships in which we show our vulnerable side. Moon can also describe our family background and our current home and family life.✨
🧸Moon in Cancer- they like comfort and feel best there. They don't like going to places where they don't feel their best. They are very intuitive and always know what their next step is. They are often tied to people, things and places that are close to their hearts. Also they don't like strangers. They like being around people that are close to them and people with whom they feel safe to and they just don't really like places that are very unfamiliar and they don't like the places that are unknown or big or full people. Although they are very emotional, they do not show it outwardly. Many times their emotions depend on how they react and what they do. Their routine usually involves something they connect with emotionally. Life with them is pleasant (they will always make sure that you feel comfortable, pleasant and satisfied with them, they care and give you a lot of love). Many times they do cute things for you. They can also be moody sometimes.
🎡Moon in Leo- they feel comfortable when they are doing something that invigorates them and gives them life. They always have their hobbies that they follow. They find themselves through playfulness and childlike energy. It is very important for them to maintain their childlike energy and they will feel the best around people who have this energy. Living with them is fun and fiery. They will always remember to do something to brighten your day. They will always want to keep the romance alive. When they love, they love intensely. They are likely to feel strong emotions. There is often a passionate intensity that needs to be expressed. They can also be dramatic. Finding ways to express yourself is likely to be important for you. At this level, it is very important that you find a partner who is demonstrative, and pays attention to your emotional needs. When partners take the time to make you feel special, then you can respond by sharing all your abundance of emotional warmth with them.
🫧Moon in Pisces- they usually like places that are isolated and places that are empty. They don't like too many people around them. They do a lot for the people around them and can be very compassionate and self-sacrificing. They will sacrifice a lot for the person they love. Living with them can be like a dream you've never been in, but at the same time, things can also be confusing. Many times they swim into their own waters and worlds. They usually get lost in their own way of emotions and things. They just like being there they like to escape from the world.
🎢Moon in Aquarius- this moon will express its feelings and moods less and less. Instead of being very close to the family, she will probably need her own space and time to think. A lot of times this moon is lonely or makes a person that way. Many times they feel more alienated from family and people. It is difficult for them to accept someone, or they feel completely accepted in their surroundings. Because there is a part of them that is always looking for a place and an environment where they really belong. Living with them is unpredictable but very unique and different from anyone else.
⛵️Moon in Aries- a very independent moon and from a young age they are used to being alone and independent from their family. Many times they don't include family as much in their daily routine. Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life- it is their mindset. They have a lot of courage and are very fearless emotionally. Their day practically includes more or less only them. They can be passionate about their partner and their feelings, but once they're gone, they don't come back. They are likely to be most comfortable with others who let them be themselves. They are very spontaneous and direct.
🦋Moon in Taurus- they feel most comfortable with music, movies, good food, the comfort of material things, nature. They like luxurious things, material things, but above all for comfort - they want to have everything they can enjoy. They are tied to people, from predestination and stability of life. Many times they also have an emotional attachment to the people and things around them. And they like to live in their comfort. Life with them is simple and stable. They will give you anything you want and they will do it very selflessly. They are very persistent and once they decide on someone they will not stop persevering and will always prove how much they love you. They are attached to physical touch and it means a lot to them.
⚡️Moon in Capricorn- they prefer to act alone and go their own way. People with this moon sometimes don't need someone emotionally. Kind of hard to find a connection with someone and they take a long time to really connect with someone. Many times they have the feeling that they burden people emotionally and are used to keeping their emotions inside. Their routine is usually full of duty and seriousness. They like to do a lot in a day. They have a very strong focus on things. They can detach emotionally easily(this doesn't mean that they don't love the person but they are people that are like okay I have to do my own thing now). But they are actually very caring people- they will always help other people.
❄️People with moon in 11th house will always be looking for a friend who will fulfill them emotionally. And they can quickly feel emotionally drained from their friends. They are people who will work hard to emotionally feel that they have fulfilled their dreams, goals.
💘People with moon in 8th house will always seek deep intimacy. They will invest a lot emotionally in the things and people they love. They will fall deeply into the routine and feel the emotions. Everything you do will need your soul and depth emotionally. Very often Moon in the 8th house people have a natural ability to help others find a greater sense of self-worth and value.
🦭Synastry moon in 4th house-it indicates that with this person you feel like you can tell them anything without feeling afraid. You feel very comfortable and cozy around them. They give you a sense of security. Emotionally, you feel that this person really understands you and you feel very comfortable with this person. As if they were your family.
🩷Synastry moon in 7th house- you invest a lot emotionally in this relationship and feel that this person accepts your feelings. You feel comfortable in this relationship. You may also feel emotionally dependent on this person. Emotionally, this relationship really means a lot to you, and you see this person as really understanding your feelings and accepting them.
☁️Synastry moon in 2nd house- with this person you will feel like they can give you emotional value and that they appreciates your feelings. You feel a kind of stability and security, that this person will always protect your feelings.
⛵️Synastry moon in 10th house- you can feel responsible from for feelings of other person. Like you feel some kind of responsibility to this person and when you feel things for this person you feel like you feel really hard and intense and stable. But I think sometimes you can feel alone or maybe some kind of distance from this person is like you feel things but you don't know how to express them. You feel like you are not so connected to this person emotionally.
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elysiansparadise · 2 years
Astro Observations X
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🟫Something that I have notice with acquaintances that have a mutable Venus is that they are attracted or intrigued by people quite quickly, however it is very difficult for them to deepen those feelings, which usually fade rather quickly. Love for them is fascinating and complex at the same time, and it is common to see that some of them want to fall in love and experience love and at the same time that desire collides with themselves and their own ideals. "I want to be in love but at the same time not."
🟫I have noticed that those with Pisces Moons are incredibly magnetic and attractive, people are subconsciously drawn to them and many times the people around them perceive them as irresistible. Neptunian in nature, they can easily become the dream or fascination of anyone, they can also become very popular either for their beauty or some talent they have. People don't know much about them and that makes them even more attractive and interesting, there is something in them that makes you curious that you may not have felt for anyone else. It is worth mentioning that these natives, despite their politeness, stand out for their intelligence and strong intuition, which makes them difficult to impress or to "catch".
🟫Those with a Capricorn Mars have a tendency to suppress their anger and many of them are forced into this by "being professionals". This is because being a Mars ruled by Saturn, the planet of limitations and work, prevents them from expressing that explosive nature that is natural on Mars. This placement of Mars can also cause differences with authority figures such as fathers or bosses.
🟫The planets or houses in which the sign of Aries is (or even if we have planets in degrees of Aries) tell us about the areas of our life in which we put more energy, focus and passion. For example, people with Aries in the 5th house put their energy in their hobbies and care a lot about expressing themselves authentically. Aries in the 7th house puts a lot of effort and focus in their relationships, in making them comfortable and open. Aries in the 10th house puts effort in their image, profession and work, at the same time when it comes to achieving their goals.
🟫Having Mercury well positioned by house (either in the 3rd house or the 6th house) together with a stellium in Water sign (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) or house (4th, 8th, 12th) makes a person have a beautiful way of writing. Mercury in any of the two previously mentioned houses stands out for their ease with words and for their way of writing and communicating the idea that crosses their mind with grace and charm, while the Water touch sweetens the verses and gives them an incredible capacity to convey your message almost immediately. They are people who easily reach the hearts of people and know how to provoke millions of emotions with just one piece of writing.
🟫Many people highlight the intensity with which those who have a Scorpio Venus love, have you ever been loved by a Leo Venus? These natives can match or exceed the intensity of Scorpio Venus. These people always have you in their mind and give you a lot of importance in their lives, if someone harms you, they are dead. They are very protective people, they can be somewhat jealous and they are extremely devoted. They seem to have indifferent shades, because the truth is that it is difficult for them to fall in love with someone, but once they fall in love they totally lose their minds, they give everything and you become the most important person in their life. This happens not only because of the intense, passionate and iconic nature of Leo, but also because this Venus is ruled by the Sun, which gives strength to that way of loving, a lot of vitality. Love for these natives is a source of joy and vitamin, they see love as that cure for that bad or heavy day.
🟫Since we mentioned Scorpio Venus, let's talk a little more about them. These natives are often singled out for their "extremist" nature in the eyes of many, when in reality the only thing they ask for is two things, a deep and sincere connection, and of course a lot of loyalty. Of course they like to be shown interest, they like to see that their partner feels a lot for them and that they are lost in them, but they dislike those who are too absorbent, who do not give them their space and who try to control them, because they love to spend some time for themselves. They are fascinated by having a lover who loves them totally, especially those times when they find it difficult to love themselves, because they will love you also in those circumstances, but they also need an independent partner, who shows them that they know how to do and achieve what they want. Independence and emotional depth call their attention, a person who seems not to depend on them, or on anyone.
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🟫Many with the Ruler of the 12th in the 9th or vice versa tend to get a lot of benefit from spending time alone, many of them feel as if they are recharging or regenerating in some way, especially if they have been in social situations constantly. Many of them see solitude as a way to grow and introspect, which they usually enjoy. This placement also indicates that the trips that the person undertakes can bring them a lot of inner peace and profound change, especially if the Ruler is well aspected or is Venus or Jupiter. Not to mention this is a placement common in people that travel to foreign lands or that make long distance trips. 
🟫Those who have Moon-Venus tense aspects are people who find it difficult to accept affection or who feel that they do not know how to react to it. Many of them may not be very used to being shown a lot of affection, this they could feel especially from their childhood where it is likely that they felt that they were not enough or did not receive much affection, especially from their mother or female figures. Another scenario that is possible for them is that many demands or standards were placed on them from a very young age, that people asked them more and more of themselves.
🟫Mars in the 3rd house is more than the stereotypes of a person who yells a lot. Those with Mars in the 3rd are people who infect you with emotion when they talk about something they are passionate about, they are people who do not hesitate to express their opinions directly and clearly so that people are able to understand them. These people transmit strength and power with the way they speak, they make you feel motivated and enthusiastic about the topics they are passionate about. They are that kind of people incapable of hiding when they like something, because it is simply sublime to see how their face lights up when they hear them talk about how much they enjoy a certain topic.
🟫Neptune in the 12th house is a placement as beautiful as it is complex. It gives the natives an ability to heal and charm others with ease, even without realizing it, as well as being endowed with powerful intuition and hidden talents. However, many of them may have been in a somewhat tense environment that made them prone to being aware of the people around them, often being able to sense the intentions of others. This in some cases leads them to see enemies where there are none or to think that people criticize them behind their backs or they are simply bad. Many times they have a struggle between trusting their intuition or not.
🟫Those with Moon in the 2nd or Venus in the 2nd are great gift givers, as they stand out for being very detailed and attentive to those around them. Have you ever mentioned to them that you like certain chocolates? They will buy them from you. They love to make gifts that are not only useful, but also meaningful, and many of them may enjoy adding letters or notes to them. They may even think ahead about what they are going to give you and may be too excited to see you open and enjoy your gifts.
🟫People with 05°, 07°, 17°, 19°, 29° in the angles are incredibly charismatic people who are easily liked by others. These people are intelligent enough to function in any environment and amaze many not only for their beauty, but also for their authenticity, witticisms and sense of humor, which easily adapts to that of other people. Many of them catch other people's eyes without paying much attention to their own appearance. People will always think that they have a very high self-esteem and that there is nothing and no one that can bring it down, even if the natives know that this is not always the case, because they always set high standards for themselves and are somewhat harsh when they make a mistake.
🟫Many people underestimate the charm of people with Jupiter in the 8th house, these natives throughout their lives will attract the attention of many even if they do not want it. They are people who have a naturally mysterious and magnetic aura, as well as an attractiveness and appeal that freezes and amazes everyone instantly. I have noticed that if Jupiter it's in an earth sign (Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn) this becomes more prominent as time goes on. These natives intimidate and fascinate people because their gaze seems to be able to analyze every corner of their soul, a penetrating and hypnotizing gaze that remains impregnated in your mind for a long time.
🟫Those with Cancer Mars don't necessarily cry when upset [although this is generally attributed to those with Mars in a water sign], these people keep everything you make them feel to teach you a lesson later. As this is a Mars ruled by the Moon, these natives keep verbally hidden what you made them feel, but if you keep picking on them, they will decide to hit you where it hurts you the most, where you are most vulnerable. They are not very direct or violent and some can even be somewhat passive aggressive. Taking into account that they are ruled by the Moon, they will be upset if you make them feel vulnerable or hypersensitive, if you do not value and make fun of their emotions, if you do not respect their needs or if you tell them that they worry to much for stupid matters. Never make them feel that their concerns and issues are less. This fact also applies with them not being able to forgive or forget easily.
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wileys-russo · 10 months
like a dumb rom com II k.cooney-cross x catley!reader
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like a dumb rom com II k.cooney-cross x catley!reader
you bopped your head along to the music which was blasting from the speaker on your bedside table, for once home alone and able to have it up as loud as you wanted.
your textbooks lay open and spread around you on your bed as you scrolled through a gruelingly long article on your laptop, sticky notes plastered all over your legs as you tried your hardest to retain what you were attempting to study.
you sighed looking at your calendar on the wall, another flurry of color coded sticky notes mapping our your schedule for the rest of the month. people could call you a lot of things but you were anything but disorganized, you simply couldn't be in order to juggle your studies and have a full time professional football career.
you'd loved football from the moment you were old enough to kick a ball, following quickly in your siblings footsteps as your poor parents lives quickly became encapsulated by all three of your routines.
different teams and matches to watch every weekend, travelling back and forward to games and tournaments, weeks full of multiple training's and commitments, food crumbs in cars where dinners and snacks were smashed in the back seat from destination a to b.
you almost felt like they deserved the peace and quiet of an empty house once you'd all moved out, your brother no longer playing having viewed it as more of a hobby than a career once he got older.
but no matter the driving and the games and the fees they were always your proudest supporters. especially when both you and your sister had made your national team debuts, first as junior matildas and then into the senior teams, you always following a few steps behind steph.
when she'd moved over to london to sign with arsenal and you'd stayed at melbourne victory you'd missed her, but you were confident that a little bit of distance in your football careers would be a good thing for the both of you to grow as players.
then a couple of years later after your olympic debut had come your own offers from overseas, european and super league teams alike all reaching out to your agent eager to offer you your first international professional contract.
it was overwhelming to look at sums and salaries and contracts you could have only ever dreamed of in your youth, your deadline to make a decision coming in hard and fast you weren't any closer to making the final call.
thats when your national team mates had stepped in and suddenly you were getting calls of encouragement and gentle attempts at persuading to join them at their various clubs once it started to leak out just who had made you offers.
the least gentle of all though was of course from your older sister, who all but chewed your ear off that you were even thinking about accepting any clubs beside the one she'd called her home for a couple of years now, caitlin and lydia both quick to back her up.
you'd been the most hesitant at arsenals offer and once you were honest with steph about your reasons why her approach softened significantly. she was fast to assure you that she'd had nothing to do with it at all and had only overheard the coaching staff discussing potential new signings that afternoon.
then came the assurance that she wanted you there with her, and that despite your own insecurities she'd never ever seen it as you copying her or riding her coat tails. her heart broke a little that you could be so dismissive of your own skills and talent that had lead to all of the multitude of offers in the first place.
knowing this was a decision that ultimately you needed to make, and with a quiet reminder from dean that the tighter she held on the further you'd pull away, she left you to make the call of your own accord, doing her very best to ignore the temptation to call you and check in daily about if you were any closer to pulling the trigger.
then a few days later came the video from melbourne victory, the signing post from arsenal and your own bitter sweet goodbye to your home country and the team you'd called family for the last three seasons.
at both your mum and sisters insistence you'd moved in with steph and dean so your sister could first hand make sure you were settling in, and so your mum could sleep at night knowing you had family looking out for you in a foreign country.
you'd settled in quickly and comfortably of course. just like steph you'd always been outgoing and bubbly, never shying away from making a new friend or striking up a conversation, and suddenly you were adopted right into the team as if you'd been there for years, your football family expanding.
back to present day and you were reveling in a rare night in to yourself, steph and dean having gone out for a nice meal together as you dedicated your evening to your studies.
it was peak exam season and mid wsl season which meant you were battling your way through, mostly on top of everything thanks to your calendar and onslaught of sticky notes.
but given your loud music what you failed to hear were the taps at your window over and over, too engrossed in your studies and mumbling along the lyrics to the 1975 song in your ear, a band both you and your sister harbored quite a shared love for.
steph had gotten you tickets for your twenty first birthday earlier this year and the next day at training both of you had been teased relentlessly for your distinct lack of voice from spending the evening screaming along to all of your favourite songs.
failing to hear the gentle taps at your window, you also missed the creak of it being thrown all the way open and the gentle thump of feet falling to your carpet.
"jesus christ babe are you deaf?" you certainly heard that.
you let out a strangled scream at the sudden unexpected voice, spinning around and falling backwards off your bed, hitting the floor with a loud groan as your girlfriends eyes widened and she hurried to help you up.
"what the fuck is wrong with you? why the fuck would you do that?" you shouted angrily after she helped you up, pushing harshly at her chest and sending her stumbling as she just caught her footing.
"i was tossing rocks at your window and you ignored me, i thought you might have been asleep!" kyra defended holding her hands up as you went at her again but thought better of it, your heart beat starting to gently slow down as you recovered from your shock.
"so your reaction to me being asleep was to..break in?" you scoffed, smacking her leg as she whined and pulled a face, mumbling how she was just trying to be romantic.
"why didn't you just message me or come to the front door? i'm home alone you idiot i thought you were a murderer or something!" you shot her an unimpressed glare as the girl gave you a sheepish smile.
"i thought it would be more romantic this way! like those dumb rom coms we love." she pouted and from that moment you could no longer be properly mad at her.
"just lucky you live a few feet off the ground, bit worried i'd fall and break my neck if i had to scale a drain pipe to get to your window." the midfielder grinned as you couldn't help but bite back a small smile at her adorable dimples.
"next time warn me ky instead of giving me a heart attack. i could have hurt you!" you warned, making the girl send you an amused smile, taking a seat on the corner of your bed as you started to tidy up your mess of study materials on the bed.
"and how exactly would you have done that babe? hit me with a book? stabbed me with a pencil? assaulted me with your tiny little baby hands." the girl grinned teasingly, poking at you as you smacked her away with a huff.
"they are not tiny! they're normal sized and they're barely smaller than yours." you glared at her, standing to move your books and laptop over to the desk you should have been studying at in the first place.
"helloo!" the girl sung out, suddenly stood in front of you as you turned, arms now free she wasted no time pulling you into a hug, your chins resting on one anothers shoulders as you relished in the feel of your skin finally in contact with hers.
"i missed you today." you sighed having had to take the day off training to complete an exam, though you were studying online you still needed to go into the distance education office to take your exams which was located in camden.
"missed you more book worm." you might have rolled your eyes but really it was the cheeky comments and consistent flirty banter between the two of you that had caused you to fall for her alluringly mischievous charm in the first place.
having kissed on a night out when you both played for melbourne victory you'd danced around your feelings for far too long, mutually chalking it up to a drunk mistake.
but it seemed you just couldn't keep away from one another and with each moment apart the two of you either on the phone or texting, a few more sober kisses shared now, you'd made it official during prep camp for the world cup, over the moon to both be selected in the final squad.
a few of your close friends knew not long after you'd made it official, having been by both of your sides during the in denial but hopelessly pining over one another stage.
you were quick to tell ellie who was always your roommate on national duties, the blonde practically tackling you to the floor with a sigh of relief she no longer needed to watch the 'slow lovesick burn'.
then kyra of course told her own little football family, charlie first and then katrina who'd given you both a shovel talk about the importance of treating one another with respect and how she wouldn't hesitate to smack either of you into line.
but beyond that you kept it mostly to yourselves, the two of you had always been close so no one thought much of how touchy and affectionate you were, having been that way long before you were anything more than friends no one thought differently.
then when kyra had joined arsenal after the world cup everything seemed to fall into place, the two of you finally able to give your relationship a proper go without hours of time difference and thousands of kilometers of distance between you to be a barrier anymore.
there was just one glaringly unspoken issue and that was that both of you were far too terrified to make your relationship common knowledge, which really was only because you were even more terrified of what your older sisters reaction might be.
a few of the arsenal girls like teyah and gio who you'd been close with since your signing had caught on quite quickly, but promised to keep it hushed.
being on the younger side of the squad had meant you'd gained a whole handful of older sisters alongside steph and again it hadn't taken long before again they'd picked up on your change in mood now kyra was around, but most had kept their observations to themselves.
unlike leah who cornered you after training, your vice captain getting the truth out of you in record time with a stern look and a few well worded questions, and of course she couldn't keep the information away from lia or beth.
so as the list of your team mates who knew the truth about you and kyra grew, so did your plaguing anxieties that someone would slip up and alert steph.
despite knowing you easily the best out of everyone it amazed you that somehow she herself hadn't caught on, you and kyra having made a few clumsy mistakes where she could have easily put the pieces together.
after your first major argument with kyra over something so stupid you could hardly remember what it was even about, you'd turned up on caitlins front door step with tear stained cheeks both for comfort and some advice knowing there wasn't a chance you could speak with steph who was always your go to person.
you knew you needed to come clean and the longer you put it off the more strain it put on your relationship with kyra and the worse you worried for steph's reaction given how long you'd kept her in the dark for.
"i really should study for another hour ky." you hummed, reaching out for your laptop as kyra tutted, moving you away from your desk with her body still wrapped around yours. "lets go look at your schedule babe." she ordered as you moved toward your calendar.
"kyra!" you exclaimed in surprise, seeing a few new sticky notes replace your old ones. "oh look, give kyra a cuddle? check." she wiggled her body against yours where it clung to the back of you making you smile.
"give kyra a kiss." she craned her head around and pressed her lips sweetly to yours as you shook your head but gave in, indulging her for a moment. "what's next? study? mmm don't see that on here for tonight." kyra hummed, finger reaching out to trail down your new list as you sighed.
"when did you even change this? you've been here for like five seconds." you laughed in disbelief at how fast she could be. "i didn't change anything!" she gasped in mock offence.
"oh look! watch movies and make kyra her favourite snack. guess we have to do that then babe, you do live by your schedule!" kyra grinned cheekily, letting go of you and making a beeline for your door, holding out her hand expectantly.
"you are unbelievably sneaky sometimes cooney cross." you smiled, crossing your arms and staring her down. "who, me? never!" she beamed, wiggling her fingers for you to take her hand as you did so with a dramatic sigh as if it was a chore, causing her to attack your face with kisses and pull you out of your room.
having followed through with your 'schedule' you'd made both of your favourite snacks and settled into the living room to watch a movie, kyra's choice of course given you knew if she wasn't into the movie there wasn't a chance she'd sit still through it.
"hey where's calvy?" your girlfriend realised suddenly, pulling her head out of your lap and looking around with a frown. "its taken you this long to realise he isn't here? he's normally jumping on you in seconds ky!" you laughed as kyra rolled her eyes.
"he's with steph and dean they found some dog friendly outdoor bistro they could take him with them for dinner, you know what steph's like with her son." you smiled in amusement, the four legged canine loved and looked at more like your nephew than a dog.
"aw and they left you here all alone." kyra cooed, reaching up to squish your cheeks as her head settled back in its previous place in your lap. "please! its a rare blessing." you mumbled as well as you could given the way your face was being poked and pulled at by the brunette.
"shut up and watch your silly kids movie." you wrenched her hands away from your face and placed them by her sides before tangling yours in her hair again, massaging her scalp gently as she sighed contentedly, tucking one of her hands up your top to rest dormant on your abs, determined to have at least some of her skin on yours at all times.
"it is not a kids movie. it's a comedy film!" kyra defended, eyes glued to the screen as you only hummed with an amused smile, melting into the sofa cushions wrapped up in your little bubble of comfort.
it wasn't long until both your attention spans wavered and you found your lips locked with kyra's, both your hands roaming one anothers bodies. the air was filled with your giggles and sweet nothings as you once again fell head over heels for the girls effortless charm, throwing your head back with a laugh at a particularly cheesy pick up line mumbled into your neck.
that giddy little love bubble burst the moment you heard the jingle of keys and australian accents which didn't belong to you or kyra invading the space, and the pitter patter of paws hurtling toward you as you both quickly broke apart.
you'd just settled with a decent gap between you as calvin arrived, launching himself on top of you with a few licks hello, jumping across to greet kyra before dean called him away.
"oh hi ky!" steph greeted with a warm smile as she appeared next, kyra quick to her feet to hug her hello. "see kyra hugs me hello. she's got manners!" your sister teased as you blew her a sarcastic kiss, unmoving from your position on the couch.
"i see you every day stephanie i hardly feel the need to hug you hello when you've been gone a few hours!" you laughed with a roll of your eyes. "i've technically not seen you all day." she countered, taking a seat in between you and kyra.
"how did your exam go peanut?" the defender questioned with a concerned look, not having spoke with you since you'd left for camden this morning a nervous wreck.
"steph what have i said about calling me that!" you ignored her question with an annoyed groan, throwing your head back and shooting kyra a glare over your sisters shoulder as she laughed at your expense.
"that you hate it and not to call you it but i will always call you it because you're my little peanut!" the blonde cooed, pinching your cheeks and shaking your head side to side, with almost eight years between you she'd always babied you in a sense and though sometimes it was welcomed most of the times you despised it.
"i wish i was adopted." you grimaced, smacking her hands away with a roll of your eyes. "not too late. i'm sure we can find a nice family willing to take in a moody twenty one year old who can't cook, can't clean, whinges and moans about everything, doesn't do her own laundry, eats her salary in groceries-" steph started to list things off on her fingers as your eyes widened and you kicked her.
"none of that is true!" you scoffed with a scowl, once again sending your girlfriend an unimpressed glare as she clutched at her stomach with laughter. "see even your best mate agrees, you're a grub!" steph ruffled your hair and stood to her feet.
"i'm a grub? have you met the six foot three toddler we live with?" you pointed toward the kitchen, referencing your sisters fiance and soon to be brother in law.
"oi! don't throw me under the bus to cover your own ass." dean yelled back, the two of you always having gotten on like a house on fire which was one of the many reasons steph was so in love with him.
"did you drive here ky?" the older catley questioned with an amused smile, kyra getting the unsung hint it was time to head home as you sent her a look to assure she could stay, but there wasn't a use.
"yeah, i'll head off now." the midfielder smiled warmly, again hugging your sister as you were quick to your feet now to walk her out, kyra yelling goodbye to dean before you both stepped out the front door.
"do you want a lift tomorrow? we could get brekky and a coffee?" you offered hopefully, the two of you lingering just out of sight, kyra eagerly agreeing already looking forward to getting you alone for even just a half an hour.
"coast?" the brunette questioned as you peered subtly around the corner, not seeing either steph or dean in the kitchen through the window. "clear." you grinned, barely able to get the word out before her lips were on yours and your back was pressed against the cool brick of the side of the house.
"okay okay, easy tiger!" you laughed quietly, pulling away as her tongue slipped into your mouth, well aware that the two of you could be caught at any moment. "few more." kyra smiled cheekily, pecking your lips repeatedly as her hands gripped your hips.
"i'll get you round nine?" your hands settled on her cheeks, thumbs stroking her jawline, training not starting until eleven thirty given tomorrow was a double session. "make it eight and we can smooch for an hour? teyah has early rehab." kyra countered with a charming grin as you nodded your agreement.
"i hate when you say smooch." you laughed against her lips, kissing her one final time before pushing her off, knowing the longer you hung about outside the larger the chance grew steph would come to check what was going on.
"which is exactly why i say it. goodnight lover!" the girl bowed to you making you gag. "i hate that more! goodnight you dickhead. text me when you get home yeah?" you frowned, kyra quick to promise you she would before she dissapeared into the night.
returning inside you weren't surprised to find your sister and her fiance curled up together on the sofa, not dissimilarly to how you and kyra had been prior to their arrival, calvin asleep in his bed on the floor.
"you gonna watch with us?" steph craned her head back to look at you, i'm a celebrity loaded on the television. "are the two of you going to make out like horny teenagers?" you questioned, knowing exactly how they could be after their little date nights.
"probably." dean grinned in response as you gagged and steph hit him lightly with a smile. "hey you never answered me before! how did your exam go chicken?" steph called out before you could leave, again an eye roll greeting her choice of nickname.
"good i think? i finished before the timer and i remembered most of my arguments. one more and i'm done! then a five week fucking break." you moaned happily, stretching your hands behind your head.
"excuse me are those mine?" your sisters eyes narrowed, pointing to the peter alexander pyjama shorts you currently had on. "noo." you smiled guiltily, grateful she couldn't see you also had on the matching shirt beneath your hoodie.
"you are such a menace." steph sighed with a shake of her head, normally she'd be on top of you in seconds demanding you give back whatever you'd stolen, but knowing she'd actually worn one of your favourite pair of trainers out to dinner and you hadn't yet noticed she decided against that course of action.
"love you steffy!" you grinned, dipping off to the kitchen to fill your water bottle, pulling a face of horror as you returned to find the two of them attempting to eat one anothers face.
"god can you at least wait until i've left the room?" you gagged in disgust as they pulled apart. "can you hurry?" steph smirked making you pull another face and whistle for calvin to follow you.
"no leave him!" your sister attempted but the fluff ball was already padding happily after you toward your room. "i'm saving him years of therapy from having to watch his parents go at it. goodnight sickos!" you saluted sarcastically, your door closing with a thud as calvin made himself comfortable on the end of your bed.
doing your nightly routine you returned to bed with your skin soft and your teeth brushed, smiling at the text from kyra that she was home safe, clicking the facetime icon beside her contact, the two of you normally falling asleep together.
you smiled happily as she accepted, propping her phone up as she brushed her teeth and the two of you chattered away, blissfully unaware of what was to greet you in the week to come.
part two
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cosmicdream222 · 6 months
What is “the state of wish fulfilled” or “feeling the wish fulfilled”?
(Explained in my own words cuz states tumblr is a shitshow)
When I was in HS, I was obsessed with Japan and wanted to visit, and eventually move there.
My dream life = living in Japan, doing the things I wanted to do
My life at the time = living in America, not being able to do the things I wanted to do
Was I sitting around feeling sorry for myself and whining “boo hoo poor me, I wish I was in Japan. Why did I have to be born here? It’s not fair I’m missing out on so much.” HELL NO!! That = the state of lack
Instead, I was excited. I didn’t see going to Japan as such a big deal, it’s not like I wanted to go to outer space! All I had to do was save up some money and buy a plane ticket. It was totally realistic in my mind, why couldn’t I do it?
Sure I wasn’t there now, but I KNEW I could go there eventually. So I spent my time studying & practicing Japanese, enjoying my hobbies from afar, researching & planning my future visits. That = the state of wish fulfilled.
(And yes, I did end up visiting many times and eventually lived there for 5 years.)
Here’s another scenario:
Imagine right now that you won the lottery for an extremely large amount of money - let’s say 1 billion dollars. You have the winning ticket in your hand and you’re at the lotto office right now. They tell you it’s gonna be a few weeks of processing and paperwork before you actually receive the money, but it is yours. It is done.
It doesn’t matter if you’re currently broke, in debt, hate your job, hate your living situation or have any other unfortunate circumstances. In a few weeks, you will have more money than you will ever be able to spend. You will never have to work again. You will never have to worry about money again.
You might not currently know what it “feels like” to be a billionaire, but you know that your current circumstances don’t matter anymore because everything is gonna change soon.
Now, if you are reading this, you have learned about loa/void/shifting - and that is even better than any lottery you could ever win. You found out the truth, my dudes! Reality is an illusion and you can have anything you want. ANYTHING anything, not just materialistic earth things!
Yes we have been programmed with opposite beliefs our whole lives. It might be hard to wrap your head around at first. It might be hard to let go of all the victim-based thinking that society encourages. It might take a week or a month or longer to manifest your desires - but does it matter? Time is an illusion, and you WILL succeed eventually. You didn’t find out about the truth only to fail.
Sitting around on tumblr scrolling for more methods, asking every blogger the same questions, complaining that you don’t have your desires yet = the state of lack
Knowing that you WILL have your desires NO MATTER WHAT and not letting your current circumstances affect you = the state of wish fulfilled.
Have patience and persist! I have faith in you, so have a little faith in yourselves! ILY all and want you to live your best life ❤️
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eroselless · 4 months
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series masterlist | part 2 | part 3
[charles leclerc x reader, carlos sainz x reader]
warnings: angst, fighting, mentions of pregnancy
note: I don’t listen to Billie Eilish all that much but my best friend got me hooked on her latest album and for some reason, Wildflower inspired me to write this. Might not have any correlation but ya know, when life give you lemons. Also here Charles and Carlos aren’t as close as they seem to be in real life. Hope you enjoy it!
You stand in the dim light of your living room, the soft glow of the lamps casting long shadows across the floor. Two years' worth of memories are strewn across the carpet like scattered leaves on a chilling autumn afternoon. Your chest heaves as you face Charles, the weight of your emotions pressing down on you.
“I feel like I’m drowning here, all on my own,” you breathe, your voice trembling with raw emotion. “You’re never home, you’re always away! What about us?”
Charles runs a frustrated hand through his hair, his agitation palpable. “You fully know that racing isn’t a hobby for me; it’s my passion, my life. I thought you understood that,” he spits out, his words sharp with frustration.
“I do understand that!” you exclaim, hands going up to rub at your eyes. Your face is slick with tears, they seem to fall at a never-ending pace. “But passion shouldn’t come at the expense of our relationship. You could come home, but you don’t!”
He shifts uncomfortably from across the room, his eyes darting away from yours to the carpeted floor below. His nostrils are flared in anger as he speaks. "So, what are you saying? You want me to give up my dreams? To stop racing?"
"No, I want you to find a balance. I want you to make time for us, for me. I can't keep feeling like I'm always second place. When you do come home, which is hardly ever, it’s like you're not even here. You’re closed off, cold. We barely spend any time together, and when we do, it’s like you're trying to hide me away.”
Charles’s eyebrows furrow, his jaw clenching as he shoves a finger in your direction. “I keep our relationship private to protect you from the media circus, you know that!” he interjects. "I can't believe you're being so selfish, Y/N," Charles snaps, his fists clenching at his sides. "You knew what you were getting into from the very beginning."
You let out a shaky breath, your shoulders sagging with exhaustion. It's an excuse you’ve heard time and time again, and there's only so much of it you can handle.
“Selfish?" you shoot back, your voice trembling with anger. "I'm the one who's been here, supporting you, waiting for you, and now I'm asking for a little bit of your time, and I'm the selfish one?" Your chest aches as you take a breath, your resolve melting away.
"And you fully know that I can handle whatever the media comes at me with,” you sigh. You turn and make your way down the hall, to your room, Charles following close behind you. All he can do is stand and watch as you start to shove things in a backpack. 
As you pull on a jacket and prepare to leave, he reaches out to stop you, his voice small with confusion. “What’s going on?” he asks, his hand reaching for yours.
You swat his hand away, your heart heavy with sorrow and frustration. “We're just two people trying to make a relationship work. But if you can't even be here for that, then what's the point?” you argue, your voice trembling with emotion.
“You don’t need to worry about keeping us a secret anymore, Charles.”
There’s a tense silence as he struggles to process your words, tears beginning to prick at his cerulean eyes. You stare into them, searching for a sign, a plea for you to stay. But you see none. And with a heavy heart, you slip out of the door, leaving him behind in the empty silence of your once-happy home.
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You gaze out the window, eyes tracing over the contours of the darkening landscape. Raindrops patter slowly against the glass, each droplet a melancholic echo of the turmoil raging within you. Outside, the trees and grass blur together, mirroring the jumble of emotions swirling inside your chest. Your hand falls gently to your tummy and you can't help but glide your fingers over it tenderly. 
With trembling fingers, you reach into your bag and pull out the pregnancy test, its plastic casing cool against your skin. The two bold lines glare back at you, a stark reminder of the life beginning to grow inside you. Fear and uncertainty fill the cavities of your chest, threatening to overwhelm you. You close your eyes, tears tracing silent paths down your cheeks once again. 
Leaving Charles before telling him about the baby feels like abandoning a ship in the middle of a storm. Guilt gnaws at your chest as the train hurtles further and further away from Monaco, the distance between you and Charles widening with each passing moment.  You couldn’t shake the truth that seemed to present itself in bold letters before you. Charles may have been there, he may have laid in the same bed as you but for some time, his thoughts were miles away.
Another fear blooms at the edges of your mind. At 21, you never expected to face the daunting prospect of motherhood on your own. It's not the path you imagined yourself on at all. You thought you would marry Charles and share the joys and challenges of this baby with him.  But now, as the reality of your situation sinks in, you find yourself grappling with the harsh truth that you are all alone in this journey.
You loved how passionate he was about racing, and admired the fire in his eyes as he chased victory on the track. But in his relentless pursuit of glory, he seemed to have left you behind with nothing but his silhouette, a mere afterthought in his quest for greatness. 
In that moment, you realize that in many ways, you'd have to raise the child on your own regardless of Charles's presence. His absence has left you feeling isolated and alone, grasping at the fragments of your fractured relationship. If you'd stayed, who knows if he would have changed? The uncertainty weighs heavily on your heart, threatening to drag you under.
With a sigh, you feel yourself sag further into the train seat, the weight of your decision pressing down on you like a leaden blanket. The ticket inspector’s voice cuts through your thoughts and you hastily produce your ticket, handing it over to him with a shaky hand. Across the aisle, you catch the gaze of a woman's eyes full of unspoken sympathy as she watches your fingers tighten around the pregnancy test. You give her a tight-lipped smile as the ticket inspector hands back your ticket before turning back to the window, your gaze fixed on the blurring landscape outside as you hurtle toward an uncertain future.
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a/n: a little short for the first chapter but they’ll be a little longer in the future, hope you guys enjoy this first one :) also if you made it this far, I just wanted to share that the word pato means duck. It's not too important for now but it will be later! As always, thank you for reading!
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Make that content girl.
This is your sign, it’s time to start your own channel, business, brand your gifts. Whatever little voice that’s been telling you to “try it” we are hear to shine a light on that part of you.
Here’s why:
• Life is too short, you don’t have to live a life of what ifs. Trying is better than failing on any level. You won’t know until you try.
• It’s a new year baby, you’ve made it this far… what if this is the year that elevates you in the way you’ve always dreamed of?
“Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”
— Albert Einstein
• B.F.S encourages all of our besties to enhance your skills this year, what if you can turn that hobby into multiple streams of income? ✨💰
• The social media aesthetic is changing, people are craving authenticity and normalcy. People want to connect and relate to what they are consuming, what if you’re holding on to the content / products needed to help someone else?
• No one is YOU and that’s your power 💎
Follow us on Facebook • X • Instagram
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pinksobg · 7 months
How to atract better the lover|love you so deserve
already in a relationship and single reading
for reflection only. hope it resonates and you enjoy. hope you all are doing very well :)
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pile one - singles -
dolphin - 20 - true.
When meeting someone new, preferably tell the truth from the beginning and don't settle for anything less than respect for the person you are from the beginning. The advice is to be spontaneously you, the carefree energy, being true to your personalities and tastes. "I like this, I like that, I don't like this".
hermit - get to know yourself, and you can even reinvent yourself or, better yet, another skill or quality of yours, valuing your individuality.
the moon reverse - the tip is to also think about the practical, logical and tangible world and not just (and only) feelings. a balance between reason and emotion is advisable.
6 of Wands reversed - if necessary, correct your postures that harmed you in the past.
in a relationship -
27 - fox - think quickly
30 - grasshopper - take a leap of faith
The advice from the cards here are basically to invest in your relationship. analyzing the responses you give to your partner on a daily basis or when you meet. If you tend to respond impulsively to a text message, for example, when you're angry, try taking a step back: take a break to do something else and then analyze the situation again: "Should I really talk like that?" "Now, do I understand myself and my partner better?"
about the grasshopper. Both, seek to strengthen trust in the relationship. whether with open conversations or questions, like, "what do you think we can improve in our relationship?"
I wish the best for you! If necessary, seek professional help. trust yourself. 
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pile 2 - singles -
39 - moth - surrender.
connect with your spirituality.
38 - lizard - make your dream come true.
The advice is to go after a dream, especially if it's a good old dream that you still want to fulfill. It can also be going to a place, doing a hobby that you've always dreamed of, when and if possible.
what great messages!
hierophant - if you want, try to avoid listening to the unnecessary judgments and prejudices of others. live well according to your values, value them, if you want, value and/or invest in your lifestyle.
king of wands - take action when necessary and do the things you are passionate about, or add passion/love/appreciation towards your actions.
7 of Wands - stay true to yourself, protect yourself with healthy boundaries.
-- in a relationship -
oh, yes!
31 - groundhog - time to forget
reverse judgement, page of hearts, the fool, 7 of hearts, 4 of hearts.
well then! the message is apparently advice to learn to forgive your partner if necessary and if you want to<. especially if there are past hurts. learn to forgive and be forgiven. either with a frank conversation and/or inner meditation on the events.
It is advisable here to connect with new people: friends, family. even beloved animals. Receiving loving energy from other people or areas of your life can be beneficial to your healing process.
explore more, have a snack with a friend, visit family, pet a beloved animal, whatever you want. take yourself for going out.
If you like the idea, talk to your partner about it, about forgiveness and each other being able to have a good moment of individuality if this is your case (or one of these is your case).
I wish all the best! Seek professional help if necessary. take good care of yourself.
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pile 3 - singles -
oh! sharpen mind! good!
38 - lizard - make your dream come true
Ask yourself what your ideal life, your ideal relationship, would be like. How can you contribute to your good dreams right now?
12 - canary - sing your own song
invest in self-love and listening to yourself
queen of spades - again, assertiveness and honesty in your reading. Don't accept less than you deserve and speak for yourself when you want/necessary
10 of swords - if you want, heal yourself from past pains; as with good physical and mental rest
hope you be a lot of happy!
in a relationship -
31 - groundhog - time to forget
24 - eel - bring your ideas to life
the advice in the cards is to learn to also listen to your voice in the relationship, also value yourself, your ideas. You are also a person who deserves to be heard and valued. Another piece of advice from the cards is to learn to forgive and be forgiven. These achievements, improving the relationship, if you wish, can be done with a little more self-love, investigation of your own feelings, desires, needs and ideas. Don't feel alone and seek help if necessary and desired. open and calm communication, preferably, about these important issues such as forgiveness, emotional responsibility, etc., can help your relationship if that is the need. remember that you are important and valid.
If necessary, seek professional help and be very happy, giving yourself more peace and a voice.
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palajae · 1 year
hypegirl! | one.
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PAIRING ▸ soccer player! niki x afab! reader
GENRE ▸ soccerl! au, roommates!au, romance, fluff, angst, humor
SUMMARY ▸ all you want is to join the boys’ soccer team. all niki wants is to get minji’s attention. as roommates, what better than to strike a deal and help each other out? nothing really, except for one glaring issue: your blossoming feelings for said roommate. oh, and the fact that you’re technically supposed to be your brother, kim sunoo. 
AKA a hopefully more sfw version of she's the man? 
NOTES ▸ based off she’s the man (2006), reader is sunoo's sister and pretends to be her brother sunoo—let me know if there’s any typos!
masterlist. | next.
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so you’re practically drooling over your roommate, nishimura riki. a bit embarrassing, you know, but not as much as when you first started living with guys, in an all guys dorm, pretending to be… 
a guy. 
exactly how did you even get into this predicament? stuck hiding your feelings for your roommate that doesn’t even know that you’re utterly (and shamelessly) lying about your entire identity.  
ah. that’s right. technically, you weren’t supposed to be at an all boys soccer camp.
even worse, you’re not supposed to be posing as the opposite gender. especially not as your older brother sunoo.
as roommates with riki for the entire summer, you’re not sure what you’re supposed to do—as kim sunoo and as you yourself. 
growing up you always heard the same old remarks, about how much you and your older brother sunoo looked so much alike. 
while you weren’t twins, you supposed you could see the resemblance. but you were you. and kim sunoo was kim sunoo. 
along with the comments on your resemblance, you constantly remember hearing how sunoo was “so much more feminine” than you. sure you enjoyed more typical ”boy” activities, as the world defined it, but so what? what was with all the gender stereotyping? 
growing up, you learned to deal with it. all that mattered was that you had a somewhat good childhood and relationship with your brother sunoo. 
while your appearances may have been similar, your hobbies certainly weren’t. 
your mother tried to push you toward the more artistic and creative side, which you didn’t exactly have a knack for. those kinds of things were more of sunoo’s style. 
on the other hand, you were interested in more physical and hands on activities. 
you enjoyed playing sports like soccer, while sunoo enjoyed singing and performing. 
but there was one thing both you and sunoo inherited from your mother: stubbornness.
she constantly kept nudging you to those so called refined pastimes and away from said “dangerous” sports. 
so no surprise came to you in the summer of your junior year when your mother informs you of your summer plans (that she apparently decided on her own). 
you would be going to band camp, while sunoo went to soccer camp. 
was she crazy? 
your artistic skills couldn’t exactly be called skills—the last time you touched an instrument was three years ago—and sunoo could barely walk straight sometimes. 
yours and sunoo’s protest fell on deaf ears. 
“but mom! why can’t i go to soccer camp? you know our school has only a boys soccer team and i’ve been wanting to-“
she crosses her arms. “it’s a boys only camp, y/n. i want you to practice your musicality more and sunoo can make more friends at his camp. this will good for both of you. end of discussion.” 
once summer came, you would go off to your respective camps and come back at the end of summer, hopefully still alive. 
that was the plan—your mothers plan. 
but not yours. 
it didn’t take long for you to come up with what you thought (originally) was an ingenious idea. 
you’ll pretend to be sunoo—that was the easiest part— and act as him to attend the soccer camp. in place of you, sunoo will go to yours as he wished. luckily for him, your band camp was for anyone, so it would be easier for him to fit in. a win-win situation, no? 
this is the chance you’ve been waiting for. after years of disapproval from your parents and lack of formal soccer training and participation, you finally have a opportunity. in return, sunoo can just go as himself to your music camp and play it safe. 
you figure you could just switch on the last day and keep each other updated so mom didn’t get suspicious.
when you voice this plan to your brother, being the goody two shoes he is, sunoo’s uncertain until you win him over with constant begging. not only did you inherit stubbornness but tenacity. 
you figured you lived around and hung around enough guys to help you seem less suspicious. or at least, get by. if anything, you could text sunoo for help. 
you were practically counting the days until you left. and with your wig, drawn in eyebrows, and shoulder pads, off you went.  
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you had to keep reminding yourself that from now on, you’re kim sunoo. it’s weird and a bit overwhelming at first, being surrounded by a bunch of sweaty, soccer playing guys who are obviously much more skilled and experienced than you. 
you completely forgot about the whole living situation with dorms and a randomly assigned roommate. all your clothes were borrowed from sunoo, and all your personal products were stored in an hopefully inconspicuous black bag. 
as you drag your heavy and totally not suspicious duffel bag into your given dorm, you soon stop in your tracks. you see a guy, as expected, but he’s—
your eyes widen, and you choke. he turns and you really try your best to focus on his face (and not his defined body). was it hot in here or just you?
he holds out a hand and you look at it, startled. 
“hey, you must be my roommate. i’m riki but everyone calls me niki.” 
man, why was his voice hot as well? 
you clear your throat, finding it hard to focus around him. 
“sup. i’m s-sunoo.” 
“nice,” he nods. 
you realize at that moment how sweaty you are due to stress and paranoia over getting caught, and he must as well due to his next words. 
“you good, man? if you’re hot, i can turn up the air.”
you immediately shake your head, “no thanks, i’m good-“
“-dude,” you add as an afterthought. you cringe as niki shoots you a weird look before returning to his claimed bed. 
you huff and dump your stuff onto your bed. what a start to the day. 
after that, niki introduces you to his other two friends attending the camp as well who live across the hall—jungwon and jay. 
you think you’re getting the hang of it, being your brother, but something about jungwon still makes you keep your guard up. the way he looked at you made you want to shrink up inside and curl into a ball. 
as you finish unpacking your stuff, you hear the three of them talking out in the hall. it’s not loud, but still enough for you to eavesdrop. you can tell immediately by their strategizing that they’re good. and by default their team must be as well. they had to be—they even had a infamous name, for crying out loud. 
enhypen. at first, you scoffed—what, were they like a boy band or something? but as you observed them play together during unofficial practices, their special ones that others couldn’t join, it hit you. 
you knew you had to make their team. no matter what. 
you know how this camp works, as the actual sunoo told you. all the boys at the camp would be divided up into teams based off preference, training, and coordination. 
after teams were formed, they would practice together until the end of the camp where all teams would play off in a championship. 
phones weren’t allowed either, except after hours at night. that would be your only chance to keep in touch with sunoo. besides that, you were on your own. 
waking up at 6am everyday was tough. 
training for hours in the sun with players who were much more stronger, skilled, and overall better than you was tough. 
being surrounded by boys and having to be on guard all the time was tough. 
but sneaking into to shower at night after everyone else was torture. the stink you had to endure 24/7 was bad, let alone all the other guys who caught a whiff too. 
you’re sure most of the guys found you weird. it was weird learning how to live with guys, changing when niki wasn’t around or looking, sneaking all your personal hygiene care. there was a lot to get used to. 
also, why were men’s restrooms so dirty sometimes? 
you were stuck in hot, strenuous conditions outside almost all day. it was a norm, constantly getting yelled at by coaches and receiving harsh remarks from teammates. 
but it’s everything you wanted. 
you knew it made you better. you were getting better. but it wasn’t enough for niki’s team, you could tell. team decisions were coming up, and you needed to find a way to make the cut. 
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soon enough, a week into the camp, you found yourself getting somewhat adjusted. even thought you had like close to no friends, you felt less insecure… and more confident. 
during a break while doing power shot drills,   you gulp down water as your eyes wander.  there were girls training on the other side of the field—lacrosse players. from then on, you observed that you would occasionally share the field with them. you usually watched them with envy, regretting picking up the first ball you saw when you were younger, a soccer ball. 
you also observed how your roommate’s attention would be completely stolen by a certain someone playing lacrosse yards away. 
his eyes would always follow her when the guys had a break, as his friends teased him and he blushed. 
your eyes hardened at ‘minji’ or whoever you heard the guys whisper about. no, you weren’t jealous. why would you when you spoke a total of ten words per day to niki (more than any other guy at the camp)? 
you were just irked. technically, you had no right to be jealous—since you weren’t even you. you were supposed to be your brother. 
it’s only a day or two later that you see the girls training again. but it’s different this time. one of the male coaches calls all the soccer players on one side and the lacrosse players on the other side, all crowded together in a rough circle. you end up standing next to niki and follow his gaze to who do you know, minji. 
the coach blows his whistle. “everyone listen up! we’re going to have a joint session today, with both the guys and girls. just conditioning today, but hopefully this will promote better teamwork and communication.” 
whispers and groans erupt, but the whistle is blown again. 
“one guy and girl will be assigned to each other, randomly. now find your partner and get to it!”
“you’re kidding. we have to train with girls?” you hear someone mutter and bite the inside of your cheek. 
you already know this spells out disaster. soccer boys and lacrosse girls? 
and it does, because your hear one of the assistants call out your (brother’s) name. you perk up, that is, until you hear who your partner is. 
“-and kim minji!” 
your mouth drops open. 
you soon feel a pair (or more) of eyes burn into you. one particularly close. 
“hey, sunoo…” 
you almost forget to respond. 
“…yeah?” you know what niki’s already going to say and it leaves a bitter aftertaste in your mouth. 
“i was thinking we could like, you know, change partners-“ 
“kim sunoo! hurry up! your partners waiting!” 
with helpless eyes, you have no choice but to jog over to said expecting person. 
“hi,” she smiles and holds out a hand. you swallow. 
dang, she was pretty. no need to explain why niki had a crush on her. 
surprisingly, practicing with her went well. maybe a little too well. all you could remember was her nodding brightly and laughing at your jokes? 
honestly you were just trying to ease the awkward atmosphere. 
meanwhile, niki stares at the two of you in envy. he feels a ball hit him in the head. 
“focus nishimura!”
that night, as you walk into your room freshly showered, you almost jump when you hear niki’s voice. you thought he would’ve been asleep by now, as you took your time waiting for everyone to leave the shower rooms.
you clear your throat, making your voice deeper. “what’s up?”
“i bet you already know, but i’m kinda into minji…”
you stifle the urge to roll your eyes. sure, she was pretty and all but why was he so obsessed? what was so much better about her than you? 
“oh yeah?”
you can hear him sit up from his bed. “i know you guys are assigned partners and all, but you think we could switch?”
you fumble for words, “sorry but uh, i don’t think we can. i overheard someone else asking but coach said no exceptions.” 
technically not a lie. 
“dang. well, you think you could help me with her then? as friends?” 
you raise an eyebrow even though he can’t see it. when were you guys friends? 
“it depends, man…” 
“all you gotta do is put in a good word,” he starts quickly. he keeps rambling on but you’re too busy laughing at his cuteness to pay attention to what he’s actually saying. 
then it hits you. this is an opportunity. 
“what’s in it for me?” you cut him off. 
he pauses and you know this is your chance.
“if you put me in your team, i’ll talk to minji about you,” you state firmly. 
“whoa, whoa, whoa!” you hear more shuffling and the lights suddenly turn on. 
niki stares at you with wide eyes.
“you’re serious?” 
you nod, crossing your arms. you feel uncertain, unconfident. 
“i don’t think i can. like, it’s not really fair. plus you gotta meet our standards, you know. i can’t just let you in, you know. i mean, i can try… but that’s still no guarantee.” 
you push your chin forward. “that’s not a deal, then.” 
he sighs, rubbing his face. “i guess there’s only one other option.” you wait for him to speak. 
he looks at you, as serious as ever. “i’ll train you. that’ll give you the best chance to make the cut. only if you’ll help me to the best of your ability too.” 
“but this stays between us,” he adds. 
you exhale. this was better than nothing. 
“you got yourself a deal.” 
the sparks when you shook hands were too much to brush off.
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so began your late night practices with your roommate. something you couldn’t imagine doing the first week you got here. 
niki’s good. at playing and at coaching. 
he’s observant. he sees all your weaknesses and faults. and he isn’t afraid to call you out.
“get to the ball faster, kim.”
“ugly form. we need to change it.” 
“how did you even make this camp?”
panting, you collapse onto the grass. what did you find attractive in this guy again? 
you open your eyes and see a hand right in front of your face.
eyes fluttering, you take it as niki helps you up. but he uses a bit too much strength as you stumble forward into his arms. his eyes widen as you stare at him in surprise. you both take a few steps back. 
“my bad. you’re way lighter than i thought.”
you clear your throat, trying to see unaffected. “i get that a lot.”
an uncertain silence fills the air as you gulp down water. 
“it’s getting late, we should head back.” 
you nod as you gather your stuff and it’s quiet again. 
“good work today.” 
you turn to him again with raised eyebrows but niki’s back is already facing you, making his way back to the dorms. 
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“you know niki?”
you ask in between breaths, tossing the medicine ball to minji. 
“uhhh, the soccer player?” 
she tosses it back to you. 
you nod, turning to point him out a couple yards away training with his own partner. 
“yeah. him.” 
she shrugs, eyeing you. “i’ve heard of him, why? is there something i should know?”
“no-no! just wondering. he’s my friend and all, and i think he’s pretty cool. honestly, you guys would get along pretty well.” 
“…okay?” she drags out the last syllable while shooting you a weird look. 
this was going to be harder than you thought. 
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you sigh, patting the lotion into your face. at this point you had gotten used to the conditions at camp, being almost two weeks in. that also meant less than a week until team decisions.
you knew niki was skilled but as he teaches you tips and tricks the coaches don’t, you notice it. you can feel yourself getting better day by day as team selection day comes up. and others take note too.
but only you and niki share a smile. 
thoughts consumed, you soon see a head pop into your peripheral vision. 
an eyebrow of niki’s quirks up, “what is that?” 
you jolt. 
“skincare—it’s important for everyone!”
you defend quickly, and he laughs, causing your heart to stutter. “nah, i get it. i was asking because i need a better everyday sunscreen too.” 
“oh,” you falter. 
you show him unabashedly. “i heard it’s good- uh, from my sister.” 
niki seems a lot more intrigued and it makes you smile. 
“huh… how do they always find the good stuff?”
he snatches it from you and you roll your eyes. 
practicing at night got you a lot closer to niki. it almost made you believe that you could make his team. not only was he a great teacher but overall, he was just a good person. 
you learned early on that nishimura riki really wasn’t all that he seemed to be. he was much, much more playful than you originally assumed. 
and much, much, more shyer. 
especially around girls. especially about girls. that explained why he asked you—of all people—to help with minji. 
niki acted so differently around you and the guys than with the lacrosse players. you could see it now. he was outgoing, funny, and not to mention way too much of a prankster with jay and jungwon (who you felt a bit more comfortable with too).
after all, jay was the one to tell you that niki would never be the one to approach, let alone talk to a girl first. or that he never had a girlfriend before, which surprised you. 
you realize that niki is only acting like his real self around you because he thinks you’re a guy. it makes you wonder, how would he act around you as yourself? 
knowing who you truly were?
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“so….” niki starts off the next morning and you quirk an eyebrow. 
“how’s it going with minji?”
oh, right. you almost forgot about that. you honestly didn’t want to mention anything about him to her, but a deal was a deal and you weren’t the type to go back on your word. 
you rub your hands together, seemingly disappointed. 
“i’m sorry man, but she doesn’t seem that interested. i’m not going to lie to you and sugarcoat things but i don’t want to pressure her too much either.” 
he sighs. “i know. it’s just hard. i’m not good with talking to girls or anything like that.” 
you hum, “i mean, i could help you if you want. like acting as a girl and taking you out to practice.” 
“what?” he glances at you incredulously. 
you quickly shake your head, “i mean- you know i have a sister. i, uh, kinda learned some things from her—about girls and stuff.”
he scratches his neck. “yeah, i guess so.” 
you look around nonchalantly, “she’s around your age actually.” 
at this point you can’t deny that you found your roommate quite attractive. in terms of appearance and personality. his true self was too endearing. and you liked it a little too much. 
the more time you spend together, the more you realize you’re developing feelings for niki. as yourself. 
and you’re supposed to be kim sunoo. 
the next day, minji gives you a gatorade during practice. “good work today, sunoo!” 
you nod back, “you too, minji.”
she looks around before deciding to sit down next to you. “you know, i think your tip really helped. i feel so much less sluggish and puffy in the morning.” 
you zone out as she keeps going on. 
“i don’t know how you know so much, but it’s really cool.” 
she smiles her bright smile again as your eyes wander across the field. everyone else was still practicing, including niki. 
you embarrassingly can’t keep your eyes off of him as you see him wipe the sweat off his face, shaking his hair free of the wetness. 
“huh?” you jump back to reality. 
“did you hear me?” her big eyes blink back at you. “i was wondering if you wanted to hang out with our group tonight. you can invite some of your friends too.”
like the idiot you are, you reluctantly think of how great of an opportunity this is for niki. 
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“are you positive i look okay?” 
you’ve never seen niki this nervous, not even on the first day when the coaches were screaming in your faces. 
“yes,” you roll your eyes.
but a stray flyaway catches your eye. 
you reach up to fix it and you hear his breath hitch. 
“there you go. all nice and ready for minji,” you joke. he blinks before following you. 
“sunoo!” minji waves excitedly at you while niki trails awkwardly behind. occasionally on the weekends, everyone would have free time to go into town and hang out. today was just your (un)lucky day to be with minji and her friends. 
you can see some of them giggling and whispering behind her, and you figure it’s because of niki and jungwon. but they keep sending you looks, making uncomfortable shivers run down your back. 
“what’s up?” 
“we’re going to eat, and then maybe head to the arcade after?” you barely manage to nod before she happily grabs your hand out of the blue and drags you along. 
you don’t think it’s going to plan, however. minji spent most of her time with you while you were trying (quote: trying) to be with niki. all while niki was trying to get closer to her. 
minji was cool and all but you didn’t realize truly how much she talked to only you. she definitely wasn’t that friendly with everyone else, let alone niki and jungwon. so why did she keep such a close distance to you? 
by the end of the night, you wave a halfhearted goodbye to her and her friends as they laugh and walk off. 
sighing, you turn to niki who faces you with a skeptical look. “so… how was it?”
he shrugs, “it was nice, i guess. i feel like i didn’t get that many chances to talk to her, though.” 
“no way, man. i think you guys hit it off pretty well. you just need to spend more time together. trust me, she’ll like you.” 
you cringe internally at the words that leave your own mouth.
“you think so?” his eyes sparkle with hope. 
it’s cute. 
jungwon eyes you two warily. “you sure about that? i feel like she was spending a lot of time around you, sunoo.”
you’re quick to deny, “that’s just cause she’s known me longer. of course you’d be more comfortable with someone you already talked to.” 
you nod at niki for reassurance. for him or for yourself, you’re not sure.
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it’s dark out. you had to wait for everyone else to head to bed before answering your mother’s call.  
“-so late?”
you roll your eyes, lazily kicking the grass with your foot outside on campus. 
“practice ran later today.” 
you hear her sigh from the other end. “whatever. i’m sending it to you then.” 
“mom,” you whine, “i don’t want to wear a dress for the performance.” 
“i have work that day sweetie. you know i won’t be able to see you, so please just wear the dress. pictures are getting taken. okay? i’m getting it sent to your camp so no more arguing.”
you stomp your foot.
“fine. and no, i will not wear high heels.” 
unbeknownst to you, a hidden figure crouches in a near bush. 
taehyun always felt like there was something fishy about you. from the first day on the camp when he locked eyes with you. 
the way you immediately looked away—you simply seemed so skittish, so out of place. there was just something fishy about you and he began to do more research. 
not only that, he saw how close you looked with kim minji. the girl he had liked for years, having come to the same respective camps previously. your new face was too suspicious to not investigate.
after hearing some parts of your conversation with what sounded like your mom, he vows to do more work to find out the truth. 
whatever the truth was about you, kim sunoo. 
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theshiftingwitch · 3 days
An unpopular opinion in the shifting community:
I personally don't get upset, or jealous, or triggered when I see other shifters shifting for one of my S/Os.
I recognize that they are not the same person. Yes they may share a face and a name, but they are different people in each reality, even if that difference is miniscule.
I make it a point to script out most of my s/os trauma (if not all) and choose a reality in which they are as happy and healthy as can be with our "plot", and I'm not saying everyone should do the same because I'll never tell another shifter what to do in their own reality, but that change guarantees that my s/o is different than yours.
If you don't believe that you are the same person in every reality (personality/hobbies/looks/family/interest/habits/quirks...) what makes you think your s/o is?
However, I understand where these shifters are coming from, and I respect their feelings (as long as they don't go around attacking other shifters)
Everyone is entitled to their own emotions, and we all work through them differently. But I promise you, once you shift, you won't give a flying fuck about what random people from you cr are doing or thinking. You'll be living your best life with your lover in a dream reality and you won't care about this one.
Happy shifting ❤️
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starsworldd · 2 years
☉ Stelliums in houses☉
ᴘᴀʀᴛ 1!
ᴅɪꜱᴄʟᴀɪᴍᴇʀ: ɪ’ᴍ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀɴ ᴀꜱᴛʀ��ʟᴏɢᴇʀ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏɴʟʏ ᴛᴀᴋᴇ ᴡʜᴀᴛ ʀᴇꜱᴏɴᴀᴛᴇꜱ <3 ᴛʜᴇꜱᴇ ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴘʀᴇᴛᴀᴛɪᴏɴꜱ ᴄᴏᴜʟᴅ ᴅɪꜰꜰᴇʀ ᴅᴇᴘᴇɴᴅɪɴɢ ᴏɴ ᴀꜱᴘᴇᴄᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ᴘʟᴀɴᴇᴛꜱ ɪɴ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇꜱ ᴛᴏᴏ
stellium in 1st house:
✧˚ · . Throughout your life, there could be more of a spotlight on you. Developing your confidence and sense of direction in life could be prevelant themes. How will you take the reins of your own life? What defines your identity? Maybe how you appear to others could be prominent themes in your life too (insecurity/overconfidence). This could also influence your personality and developing certain traits about yourself too. While there is an emphasis on you, there could also be a lack of energy on your part when it comes to compromise and partnership with others (7th house).
stellium in 2nd house:
✧˚ · . There may be an emphasis on material comfort (this can be sensory too, like food, clothing, etc…), self-esteem, and even your body. The second house is succedent to its neighboring 1st angular house, meaning that the 2nd house supports themes regarding the 1st house. The second house shows us what things support our identities so maybe there’s an emphasis on your talents/skills throughout life too. Your life may tend to focus a lot on things that are within your comfort zone (2nd house), but you must also be willing to experience transformation and uncomfortable experiences in order to grow (8th house).
stellium in third house:
✧˚ · . Stelliums in this house can often indiciate someone who loves to write (songs, plays, poems, etc..). Maybe your someone who loves to learn about different topics and can be a lifelong student, as an example. A lot of your energy in life may be put into being out n about in your hometown (stores, malls, etc..) or meeting with different people, whether that be in person or over the internet since this house also represents the media. Maybe you have a passion for social media and content creation, or it played a significant role in your life. It’s important that you expand yourself by going beyond what’s in your immediate environment (3rd house) and expanding yourself through abroad travel and what is foreign to you (9th).
stellium in fourth house:
✧˚ · . Homebody. Lemme just start off with that hehe. But no, there’s more to that don’t worry. This is the house of emotional comforts and of the physical home + family. It’s all about where you came from and your origin story. A lot of your energy in life may be pulled internally, meaning that you want to focus on what emotionally fulfills you and what helps you feel safe and protected. Your family could play a big role in your life and maybe that’s where the majority of your energy is at too. Maybe you too also crave a solid foundation and/or a strong familial connection. You may want to focus on things that happen in your private life (4th), but it’s also important to build a name for yourself publicly and to go after your calling/vocation in life (10th).
stellium in 5th house:
✧˚ · . Some type of production is essential to your life. It can be your hobbies, like music, crafting, acting, etc.. or maybe children (whether they be your own or someone else’s) have a siginificant impact on your life. This house also represents romance and sex so those may also be important things to you in life. Stelliums in this house often demand attention, leisure and fun throughout the native’s life, and while that may be fortunate it’s important that you also don’t procrastinate too much and still keep up with your responsibilities. I often find that stelliums in this house indicate some sort of talent in the arts which are a big part of the native’s lives. While it’s important to cultivate creativity and fun for yourself (5th house) it’s also important to share that with others and/or to truly pursue your dreams/aspirations (11th house).
stellium in 6th house:
✧˚ · . A lot of people say that natives with a stellium in this house could work in industries that do with service (particularly doctors/nurses) or with animals. This house deals with themes of productivity, “practice makes perfect”, and habits. You might care a lot about your productivity and/or whether you are helpful to others. You could also be very health-oriented and care a lot of fitness or improving your physical state. This could be a rarer manifestation of this stellium in this house, but the 6th house also deals with open enemies (12th house = hidden people) which could be a part of your daily life. Your daily routine is very important to you and you may prefer to keep things tidy and neat. It’s important to focus on daily tasks and routines (6th house) but it is equally important to give yourself rest mentally and/or physically (12th house)
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estapa-edwards · 5 months
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paring: Mark Estapa x fem! reader
word count: 3.1k
requested? yes - mark falling for ethan’s twin sister, and never doing anything out of respect but ethan notices his heart eyes and tells him to go for it
warnings: use of y/n. multiple pov
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
The rink is where I feel most alive. The smooth glide of my skates over the ice, the echo of the puck against the boards, the camaraderie of my teammates—hockey is more than a game to me, it’s a way of life. Playing for the University of Michigan has always been a dream, and now, here I am, living it.
I'm the twin sister of Ethan Edwards. Yes, that Ethan Edwards who's a standout player on the University of Michigan hockey team, right alongside Mark Estapa. Growing up, Ethan and I were inseparable. Hockey was our mutual love, and even though we both made it to the university level, we ended up on different teams. Ethan plays as a defenseman, known for his strength and reliability, while I'm a forward, valued for my speed and strategy.
Mark Estapa, on the other hand, is a force to be reckoned with on the ice. As a forward like me, he's got an uncanny ability to read the game, find the gaps in the defense, and score those crucial goals. He’s a great player, and over the seasons, I’ve come to respect and admire his skills.
Our growing friendship, however, didn’t happen overnight. Our two teams would occasionally practice together, and it was during these joint sessions that I began to notice Mark's friendly and approachable nature. We'd find ourselves paired up during drills or chatting during water breaks.
*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨* ≈☆≈ *¨¨*:·..·:*¨¨*
One afternoon, after a particularly intense drill, Mark and I found ourselves catching our breaths on the bench.
“You handled that drill pretty well, Y/N,” Mark said, flashing me a genuine smile.
“Thanks, Mark. You weren’t too bad yourself,” I replied, matching his smile.
From there, our conversations became longer and more meaningful. One day, as we were stretching before practice, Mark turned to me with a curious expression.
“So, Y/N, what made you choose Michigan?” he asked, genuinely interested.
“I guess it was a combination of things,” I answered, thinking back to my decision. “The coaching staff here is amazing, and the program has a great reputation. Plus, Ethan being here didn’t hurt,” I added with a playful grin.
Mark chuckled. “I can see how having family around could be a bonus. I chose Michigan for similar reasons. The team has a great dynamic, and the opportunities for growth both as a player and a student are unparalleled.”
Our conversations didn’t just revolve around hockey; we talked about our classes, our hobbies, and our future goals. It was during one of these post-practice chats that Mark opened up about his passion for photography.
“I’ve always loved taking pictures,” he said, showing me some of his recent shots on his phone. “It’s a way for me to capture moments and emotions that words can’t express.”
I was impressed by his talent and passion. “These are amazing, Mark. You have a real eye for it.”
“Thanks, Y/N. It’s something I hope to pursue more seriously someday,” he said, looking slightly vulnerable.
As the weeks went by, our conversations continued to deepen. We shared stories about our families, our dreams, and even our fears. I found myself looking forward to our practice sessions not just for the hockey but also for the chance to spend time with Mark.
We'd find ourselves paired up during drills or chatting during water breaks. Our teammates began to notice our growing camaraderie, and it wasn’t uncommon for them to tease us about our lengthy conversations.
“You two should just start your own podcast,” Ethan joked one day as he walked past us, a smirk on his face.
Despite the teasing, Mark and I cherished our newfound friendship. Our long conversations became the highlight of my day, and I found myself feeling more and more connected to him with each passing practice.
But lately, it's not just his skills on the ice that have caught my attention. 
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Growing up as a twin, you learn the importance of boundaries and loyalty early on. Ethan and I shared everything—our toys, our secrets, our dreams. So, when I first joined the University of Michigan's hockey team and met Mark Estapa, I couldn’t help but notice his attractiveness. His tall stature, his athletic build, and that charming smile were hard to ignore. But I also knew he was Ethan’s teammate, and I would never do anything to jeopardize their friendship or our family bond.
During those early practices, I would steal glances at Mark, admiring his skill and athleticism on the ice. His dedication and passion for the game were evident, and it only added to his appeal. But each time I felt a flutter in my stomach or caught myself daydreaming about him, I would quickly push those feelings aside, reminding myself of the unspoken rule: teammates were off-limits.
As our teams began to practice together more frequently, Mark and I started to interact more. Our conversations were light-hearted and filled with laughter, but underneath it all, there was an undeniable chemistry brewing. I found myself drawn to him not just because of his looks but also because of his personality. He was kind, thoughtful, and genuinely interested in getting to know me.
Despite these growing feelings, I was determined to keep my emotions in check. I didn’t want to create any awkwardness or tension within the team, especially given Ethan’s close friendship with Mark.
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The first time Y/n Edwards and I really talked was during one of those joint practices. I remember it well— we were both catching our breath on the bench after a tough drill. I looked over at Y/N, and for the first time, I saw her not just as Ethan's twin sister but as Y/N Edwards, an incredible player in her own right.
“You handled that drill pretty well, Y/N,” I said, trying to initiate a conversation.
“Thanks, Mark. You weren’t too bad yourself,” she replied, matching my smile.
In that moment, something shifted. Her smile, her wit, the way she talked about hockey—it all captivated me. She was more than just a talented player; she was someone I wanted to get to know on a deeper level.
As we continued to chat, our conversation flowed effortlessly. We talked about everything from our reasons for choosing Michigan to our hobbies and interests outside of hockey. I was genuinely intrigued by her, and I found myself wanting to learn more about the person behind the player.
But as much as I was drawn to Y/N, I knew I had to tread carefully. She was Ethan's sister, and I didn't want to overstep any boundaries or make things awkward within the team. So, I tried to keep our interactions friendly and professional, all while secretly hoping for more.
The more I got to know Y/N, the harder it became to ignore my growing feelings for her. Her intelligence, her passion for the game, and her kind-hearted nature made her irresistibly attractive to me. But I also knew that acting on my feelings could complicate things, and I didn't want to risk our friendship or create any tension within the team.
Despite these internal struggles, I couldn’t deny the connection I felt with Y/N. Each conversation, each laugh, each shared moment only deepened my admiration and affection for her. I found myself looking forward to our joint practices not just for the hockey but also for the chance to spend time with her.
But lately, it's not just her skills on the ice that have caught my attention.
During one of our joint practices, we were waiting for our turn to jump onto the ice for the next drill. Y/N was leaning against the boards, lacing up her skates, completely engrossed in her task. The afternoon light streamed through the windows, casting a soft glow on her face and highlighting the golden undertones in her hair.
I couldn’t help but stare.
She looked up, catching my gaze, and flashed me a quick smile before returning her attention to her skates. My heart skipped a beat, and I quickly looked away, hoping she hadn’t noticed my lingering gaze.
As we took to the ice for the next drill, I found myself distracted, my thoughts consumed by the simple beauty of that moment. Y/N's natural grace and poise, even in something as mundane as lacing up her skates, left me in awe.
I knew I was treading dangerous waters, but in that moment, I couldn’t help but be captivated by her beauty. She was more than just a talented hockey player; she was a vision of grace and elegance that I found myself drawn to, unable to look away.
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I found myself watching Mark as he talked with some of our teammates. He was animated, gesturing with his hands and laughing at something someone had said. I was captivated by his energy and charisma, and for a moment, I lost myself in the way the sunlight caught the highlights in his hair and how his eyes sparkled with genuine happiness.
Lost in my thoughts, I didn’t notice Ethan approaching until he spoke, "You okay, Y/N? You seem a little distracted."
Startled, I quickly looked away from Mark, feeling my cheeks flush with embarrassment. "Oh, uh, yeah, I'm fine," I stammered, trying to regain my composure.
Ethan gave me a knowing smile but didn’t press further. "Alright, just making sure," he said, patting me gently on the shoulder before heading back to the group.
Relieved that Ethan hadn’t called me out on my obvious distraction, I took a deep breath and refocused on the practice. But even as I skated back onto the ice, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Mark was becoming more than just a teammate to me.
One evening, I found myself at Ethan's apartment, sprawled out on the couch with a bowl of popcorn, ready to watch a movie. Ethan had invited some of his teammates over, including Mark, to hang out and relax after a grueling week of practice and games.
As I settled into the comfortable cushions, Mark walked into the living room, a casual smile on his face. He greeted everyone warmly before taking a seat on the armchair opposite the couch. Our eyes met briefly, and a subtle spark passed between us, but we both quickly looked away, maintaining a friendly distance in front of Ethan and the others.
As the movie started to play, Ethan and Mark began discussing a recent game, dissecting plays and strategies with the kind of intensity only true hockey enthusiasts possess. I found myself drawn into the conversation, sharing my own insights and opinions, and soon, Mark and I were engaged in our own little world of hockey talk, much to Ethan's amusement.
Throughout the evening, I couldn't help but steal glances at Mark, admiring his easygoing demeanor and genuine interest in our conversation. His laughter was infectious, and I found myself laughing along with him, feeling a connection that went beyond our shared love for hockey.
Despite the casual setting and the presence of Ethan and the others, I couldn’t ignore the growing tension between Mark and me. It was as if we were dancing around the undeniable chemistry that had been building between us, both of us aware of the line we were toeing but unwilling to cross it in front of Ethan and our teammates.
As the evening wore on and the movie came to an end, I realized that my feelings for Mark were becoming harder to ignore. He wasn’t just a teammate or Ethan’s friend; he was someone I genuinely cared about, and I found myself looking forward to the next opportunity to spend time with him, both on and off the ice.
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As the evening unfolded in my apartment, I couldn't help but notice the subtle undercurrents between Mark and Y/N. From my vantage point on the couch, I could see the way they exchanged glances when they thought no one was looking, the way their laughter seemed to echo in sync, and the way they both seemed completely engrossed in their own world, despite the presence of our teammates.
At first, I brushed it off as mere camaraderie—after all, they were both passionate about hockey and had been spending a lot of time together at practices. But as the evening wore on, I began to sense something more—a genuine connection that went beyond friendship.
I glanced over at Y/N, who was laughing at something Mark had said, her eyes sparkling with amusement. Then I looked at Mark, who was smiling back at her, his eyes softening in a way I had never seen before. It was clear that there was something special between them, something that went beyond the confines of the rink and our hockey team.
As Y/N and Mark continued to talk and laugh together, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of surprise and curiosity. Mark was my teammate and one of my closest friends, and Y/N was my twin sister. The thought of them being more than just friends was unexpected, but the more I observed their interactions, the more it made sense.
Despite my initial reservations, I couldn’t deny the connection between them. They seemed to complement each other in a way that was both surprising and endearing. And as much as it caught me off guard, I found myself rooting for them, hoping that they would find happiness together, both on and off the ice.
As the evening came to an end and everyone started to say their goodbyes, I pulled Mark aside for a moment.
"Hey, man, are you and Y/N...you know, getting close?" I asked cautiously, not wanting to overstep any boundaries.
Mark looked slightly taken aback but then smiled, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief. "Yeah, I think we are," he said, his voice filled with genuine warmth.
I smiled back, feeling a sense of relief wash over me. "Well, as long as you're both happy, that's all that matters," I replied,
"Are you serious? I was so scared to tell you that I think I'm falling for her." Mark said.
I looked at Mark, surprised by his honesty and vulnerability. His eyes were sincere, and I could see the genuine concern in them.
"Mark, I had no idea you felt that way," I said, feeling a pang of guilt for not noticing his hesitation earlier. "I'm sorry for putting you on the spot like that."
Mark chuckled softly, his smile returning but with a slightly nervous edge. "It's okay, Ethan. I guess I've just been overthinking things. I really care about Y/N, and I didn't want to mess things up, especially since we're teammates and she's your sister."
I clapped Mark on the shoulder, offering him a reassuring smile. "Look, as surprising as it is, I'm actually really happy for you two. Y/N deserves someone who genuinely cares about her, and I can see that you do. Just promise me you'll treat her right, okay?"
Mark nodded earnestly, his eyes shining with gratitude. "I promise, Ethan. She means a lot to me, and I want to do right by her."
Feeling reassured, I smiled at Mark, grateful for his honesty and commitment to Y/N. "Alright then, I trust you. Just remember, if you ever hurt her, you'll have to answer to me," I added with a playful smirk.
Mark laughed, his tension finally breaking. "Understood, Captain."
As we rejoined the others to say our final goodbyes, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief and excitement. Despite the unexpected turn of events, I was genuinely happy for Y/N and Mark. They had found something special in each other, and as their friend and brother, I couldn't wait to see where their relationship would lead.
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As we approached my apartment building, the atmosphere between Mark and me had shifted subtly. There was a sense of anticipation, a tangible connection that seemed to be growing stronger with each step we took. When we reached the entrance, Mark stopped and turned to face me, his blue eyes reflecting a mix of excitement and vulnerability.
"Y/N, there's something I need to tell you," he began, his voice slightly shaky but sincere. "Earlier, when Ethan asked me if we were getting close, I told him that I think I'm falling for you."
I felt my heart leap in my chest, a rush of emotions surging through me. His confession was unexpected but also exhilarating, confirming the feelings I had been trying to suppress.
"Mark," I started, searching for the right words to express the whirlwind of emotions I was feeling. "I'm not sure how to say this, but... I think I'm falling for you too."
The moment the words left my lips, a wide smile spread across Mark's face, his eyes lighting up with joy and relief.
"Really?" he asked, his voice filled with genuine happiness.
I nodded, feeling a warm blush spread across my cheeks. "Yes, really. I've been trying to ignore my feelings, but the truth is, I've been falling for you too, Mark."
A look of pure happiness washed over Mark's face, and without hesitation, he stepped closer, cupping my face gently with his hands. "Y/N, I'm so glad to hear that," he whispered, his eyes locked onto mine.
Feeling emboldened by our mutual confession, I leaned in, closing the distance between us, and our lips met in a soft, sweet kiss. It was a simple yet powerful affirmation of the connection we had both been feeling but had been too afraid to acknowledge until now.
As we pulled apart, our faces flushed and smiles wide, Mark looked into my eyes, his gaze filled with warmth and affection.
"Do you wanna come in?" I asked, my voice soft and inviting, the words coming out almost on their own accord, as if guided by the newfound courage and excitement that bubbled within me.
Mark's eyes sparkled with anticipation, but he hesitated for a moment, wanting to be respectful of the situation and our budding relationship.
"Are you sure?" he asked gently, his voice tinged with a mix of excitement and caution.
I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest. "Yes, I'm sure," I replied, feeling a surge of boldness.
A broad smile spread across Mark's face, his eyes shining with happiness and relief. "I'd love to," he said, his voice filled with genuine warmth and excitement.
Taking my hand in his, Mark followed me into the building, our fingers intertwined as we headed up to my apartment.
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stardewrotsession · 4 months
Note: I have a few new drafts in the works right now but it’s taking longer than expected to get them out. So for now, here’s my takes on our favorite bachelors. Some controversial, some not.
Personal Headcanons (and Opinions) I have about the Bachelors
- So before I threw him under the “golden retriever” skater boy trope and moved on. Yeah he definitely comes off as it at first, HOWEVER.
- I like to think Sam’s hella observant when he wants to be. Sorta like a “selective observer” if you will.
- I mean, his mom seems to wish to run away from the family at times, and his dad’s off at war. Taking care of Vincent and trying his best to be there when his dad wasn’t makes you pick up a bunch of stuff along the way.
- And I think he’s observant enough to notice that Jodi doesn’t really like where’s she’s at in her life.
- He’s a very caring person, I think to the point where he wouldn’t really mind if he gets hurt from it.
- You have to do something really bad for him to hate you or for him to not care, honestly.
- He loves his family, so he’ll take care of Vincent when his dad’s away, or he’ll begrudgingly get a job because his mom told him to.
- That’s not to say he’s grown though. I full on believe his mom baby’s the hell outta him.
- She seems like a very controlling mom with how she acted after Sam dropped the egg on the floor, but she seems like she needs to done her way. Can you tell I don’t like Jodi very much?
- I think once Sam gets married to you and moves out, he takes on a lot more responsibility and learns how to take care of himself more. While still having that “kid at heart” mindset with his hobbies.
- So, I’m not gonna lie, I was one of the girlies that dismissed Sebastian as the resident emo boy at first.
- But now, I think he’s, shocker, more complicated than that.
- So I think Demetrius definitely has a whole favoritism complex going on between Maru and Sebastian, which is nothing new.
- I think it leads Demetrius to spit out verbal abuse, and heavy on verbal cause I don’t think Demetrius is the type to physically abuse, to Sebastian whenever he doesn’t like what he’s doing.
- But, I actually think Sebastian and Maru find ways to be friendly or decent with each other, despite everything that’s happened.
- And I really don’t think Robin’s being dismissive about the whole situation either, I really do think she’s trying her best to get the two to ease up with each other.
- I mean, there’s books in her room about stepdads and second families, I think she’s making an attempt.
- But for Sebastian sometimes it isn’t good enough, making him feel like he’s trapped and that he wants to leave this town.
- I think when you marry him, and he ends up staying in Pelican Town, that’s not crushing his dream.
- I truly believe he just wanted to get away from his family, from Demetrius’ constant complaining and comparisons and favoritism.
- But he still has friends here, Sam and Abigail. And you.
- I think now that he’s moved out, he feels more at peace, spending time with someone he loves and still being able to hang out with friends.
- So, we know Harvey’s hobbies, his job as a doctor, and that he comes off as really shy.
- But he actually comes off as really closed off when you first meet him.
- It’s almost as if he’s straight away drawing a boundary saying, “Oh this is the new farmer. Okay, strictly doctor, patient relationship.”
- But as you start hanging out with him more, his facade starts to break a little.
- He opens up more, about experiences, hobbies, his past.
- And personally? I think he has a huge past with mental health issues.
- Like he relates to Shane when he talks about mental health and getting him a therapist. That could be just a doctor thing, but I think Harvey’s had his own struggles. Even if they were different.
- Out of everyone in Pelican Town (other than Shane) I think Harvey definitely has a therapist.
- Although he still mentions having patients’ lives in his hand, I’m sure he was completely broken about it the first time it happened.
- Not to mention that he had to overcome the fact that he wasn’t going to get his dream job.
- He had to settle, and I think talking to a therapist helps tremendously with not only acknowledging that, but full on accepting it, both the good and bad.
- Harvey is a caring guy, and even if he still has extreme fears and insecurities, he’s willing to overcome them if he thinks it’ll make him a better person. If it’ll give him a better life.
- So the fact that he overcomes his fear of heights for you means he cares a lot about you, and his life with you.
- So, my opinion of Alex changes as his heart events go on.
- So for zero hearts, I full on believe he’s an ass to girls. Like that cliche popular sporty guy that has a big ego.
- If he doesn’t know you and he sees you doing something weird, I bet you he’ll judge super hard.
- I think he’s the type to talk first, think later.
- And not in a sense like Sam where he just kinda… keeps talking. But he’ll say stupid remarks like “Wanna go to the beach? Do you have a bikini?” Or “Did you get new pants?”
- Why are you looking at the farmer’s pants Alex?
- Anyways towards guys I don’t think he’d be that different, only he’d talk about girls to you.
- I wholeheartedly believe George is kinda homophobic, but Evelyn’s like “Love who you love, you don’t live long enough to not.”
- So Alex at first would have George’s beliefs. Cause the guy kinda raised Alex, he’s the only father figure he really knew and liked.
- But as time goes on Alex would realize “Hey I’m spending a lot more time with the farmer now.”
- Like he looks forward to seeing you everyday.
- And I think you influence him, whether you’re a girl or a guy.
- You open his eyes, making him think along the lines of “Maybe I shouldn’t judge so much. Something just feels right when I’m with them.”
- So I think we’ve been knowing how shitty he was in the beginning, before having any hearts with him.
- He’s closed off, depressed, doubting his life choices.
- The farmer literally has to push their way into his heart for him to actually notice and be nice to you.
- So I’ll spend more time focusing on after his heart events, since a lot of people are on the same page about his struggles with alcoholism.
- So like a lotta other people, I think Shane has a great friendship arc, but as a marriage candidate all of that development gets kinda nerfed.
- After everything that happens, he becomes VERY dependent on the farmer.
- Probably to the point where it’s unhealthy
- Like if he heard that you’ve passed out in there mines or something he’d start freaking out, not knowing what else to do if you were suddenly gone.
- But, he’s also one of the only bachelors confirmed to be seeing a therapist, so even if the farmer slowly stops talking to him, he will still be in a better spot than he was in his 6 heart event.
- In the end, he’s very thankful for you coming into his life.
- Just, try not to let him depend on you too much, okay?
- Same with Alex, my opinion and my headcanons of Elliot change depending on how many hearts I have with him.
- But low key I find him very out there when below 4 hearts.
- He has a different kind of ego than Alex, but it does still come off as “I’m better than you” kind of ego.
- For example, when he says he wishes he could “Throw it all away and become a farmer like you”.
- What’s that supposed to mean Elliot?
- Only I don’t think he realizes it, I think at this time he’s more closed minded and never really thought of people being content and success in different ways.
- He does give Wattpad vibes…
- By the way he treats Gus too in his 2 heart event?? Yeah I’m not sure if that seems to change that much lol.
- However as you get to know him more, he realizes how much time and work you put into your farm, and then, starts thinking about how everyone else lives their life.
- I think even as a writer, the dude doesn’t really understand people think differently until you show him.
- Which is why I think that’s one of the reasons why he’s had writer’s block for a while.
- Yeah give him a pencil and paper and he’ll go at it, he’ll write some beautiful poetry and short stories.
- But throw in a consistent protagonist that isn’t like him, and I think he’d struggle big time before he met you.
- After you two become friends, or even after you start dating, he’ll definitely have a different perspective on his art and on other people.
- It’s like you change his perspective on life. And it may not happen overnight, but I truly believe it does happen, and you make him a better person because of it.
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klxudykai · 3 months
i live in my imagination
i realized this a few days ago but classic me, I avoided it. but that was until I made the "ugly side of shifting" post. so this is me coming to terms with the fact that I live in my imagination. its been like that for years but it hit way harder when i got into shifting. it was just something I did when I didn't want to be surrounded by the real world. but I realize that its become an unhealthy amount. I don't suffer from maladaptive daydreaming or anything (at least I dont think I do), but that doesn't mean its not affecting me mentally and even socially. I dont have the desire to hang out with my cr friends like that because I'm so used to my imagination. it makes me comfortable because I can made it however I wanted it to be. I can make the people say and do whatever. its part of the reason I don't really talk about my problems to people I'm close with too. they aren't going to tell me the stuff I want to hear or its going to end up being something I've heard already. i recently started saying that I like the way I do things. which is true. I like being in my own space dealing with my issues on my own because no one else would tell me what I need to hear.
and when the thought that it was becoming an unhealthy obsession hit me, I hated it. and I still do. I don't want to give up on something that has made me stable and happy for years, but I know that if I want to shift and also make a real bond with my cr, I have to. so that's why I'm making a post. this is one of those things I cant do alone or keep to myself because again, I like the way I handle things so if it was up to me, I would delete this blog and go back to daydreaming 24/7, but I actually want to shift. I'm hoping that with this post we'll hold each other accountable and remind each other to actually SHIFT instead of daydreaming all the time.
sadly I don't have a lot of ideas of how to minimize day dreaming because everything I do makes me day dream BUT we are cutting all fanfics out those only make our imaginations bigger and cause us to daydream. so DONT. start embracing your CR and do smth like go outside or paint or do a new mf hobby. avoid daydreaming as much as you can
i gave up on a lot of problem solving, but this is one I intend to actually fix. and I would love for y'all to do that with me. if you don't want to that's perfectly fine I wouldn't want anyone to feel forced, but if you know you can then do it. don't say nothing like "oh no I cant do it I give up" because that sets you back further. so please at least try
once again I love y'all so much, pls dm me if you have anything you wanna talk about and if you have anything you wanna ask my asks are open (if y'all can even see them cause on mobile its not showing up for me idk) but yea <33
(yes I double posted shhhh)
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