#out of joy of course
fleursdesmorts · 1 year
every year people get angry when ao3 requests donations but honestly in a world where almost all spaces online are slowly being eaten by corporations which censor the content on those sites, having a fan-run fan-sponsored place where people can create gay art without fear is great
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andrromedas · 10 days
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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes / Then There Was You by Calum Scott
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clownsuu · 1 year
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Small detour of what I usually post, but I absolutely wish (other) clown the best of luck during these confusing and almost hopeless times- nobody knows how to deal with such amount of attention in such short amount of time- a blessing and a curse to behold
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glitterghost · 2 years
Normalize wanting to gaze at someone because they're mesmerizing. That something about them clicks in your brain that's soothing. Or calming. Appreciative in a way that isn't an "I want to fuck you" way but a "you bring me joy" kind of way.
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llamagoddessofficial · 6 months
is Cave Bear abandoned?
Unhypnotise yourself from the tiktokification of the internet. Just because something doesn't have constant updates and constant content, doesn't mean it's abandoned or dead. Fanfic authors make the vast majority of their content completely for free and are real people with shifting centres of attention and busy lives outside of their writing.
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bericas · 3 months
isaac & scott / mason & theo | sometimes all i think about is you
#twedit#twvid#scisaac#mason x theo#twrarepair#back on my scisaac masontheo parallel bullshit btw#back on my masontheo is just scisaac if they were True enemies to lovers bullshit. btw. if anyone was wondering.#like of course scisaac and masontheo get paintaking scenes. its enemies to lovers. ofc mason calls theo a bitch its FULL enemies to lovers#for clarity the hands at the rave and the masontheo hug r parallels to ME bc its touch with an excuse for it#scisaac can brush hands when theyre holding a needle between them and theo can hug mason when its a means to an end#the rest i feel r fairly straightforward but i wanted to share the vision for that one#mason hewitt#theo raeken#scott mccall#isaac lahey#tw#oh also the last shot is the last shot of isaac and theo respectively. if that wasnt clear.#like how isaac and theo both nebulously sort of Gone from beacon hills#and the theo shot also to me looks like footage from The masontheo ep 618. btw. which just brings me joy#actually i have more to say. hi. masontheo r just so.#you know how isaac kind of has. he has the awkward tenderness of someone who has never been loved and is forced to improvise#theo doesnt even have THAT!!!! scott holds out a hand and isaac takes it with an awkward fervor#mason keeps his hands to himself because he doesn't trust what theo might do with it and theo can only help when its helping himself#bc the tenderness will be TOO AWKWARD. so isaac says he wont leave without scott and theo says we need to find him so i cant leave you#so isaac grabs scott because scott makes him feel safe and theo can only grab mason when its part of a script bc thats how he feels safe#HELLO. IS THIS THING ON. DO U GUYS HEAR ME. SCISAAC IF THEY WERE TRUE ENEMIES TO LOVERS!!!!
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triona-tribblescore · 8 months
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guess what I finally started on tonight?
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wrixie · 6 months
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Happy Birthday to the stinkiest baby around
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transsextual · 6 months
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had a really incredible moment this evening. went to my campus art market where one of my friends was selling the tank top i'm wearing - another friend bought it for me and i'm so overjoyed to have it. usually a fit that leans more Traditionally Masculine feels like a costume but tonight it just felt deeply correct and honest and warm. took the opportunity to take some indulgent little pictures because i do not think i have Ever looked more like myself. so happy.
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setaflow · 2 months
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So I saw (2our)dust last night and I had a thought
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backpackingspace · 4 months
the first time mu qing threw xie lian over his shoulder before Feng xin could he did have an enlightened moment that beating feng xin was in fact his life purpose. Yes Feng xin did cry about it.
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spearxwind · 2 years
Oof I'm kinda scared to ask... Why do you not want to be an artist professionally?
Its just like, incredibly miserable in my experience.
Everyone wants their dream job of being paid to draw whatever the hell they want but 99% of the time you are hired and tasked to draw things that you don't have a lot of interest in, professionally speaking, and constantly getting your artistic efforts undermined by the rest of the team (this is esp. true in the videogame industry) artists always try to push for better designs and get their takes watered down for the sake of general public pleasing. Also you don't have a security blanket unless you're under long term contract. Most freelancers live gig to gig with the fear of not being able to support themselves if they don't take a job to take a break. Videogame and movie jobs arent stable because companies never keep the art teams, they are laid off and rehired whenever there is a new project
During my major, I drew nonstop for 4 years for class. Not always things I enjoyed, but also not always things I didnt like. In fact I enjoyed my major immensely! It was so fun. But the burnout is very, very real, and the workload was similar (even inferior to) regular art jobs. What happens if you like to draw in your off time? You spend your days making and pumping out art nonstop for hours, and then on your free time breaks you draw some more? I personally couldn't do it. I just wanted to do other things
And like.... I spent the first three years being told by teachers (people with stable, contract based jobs) how cool of a job it is to do art, and then the last year getting grilled on how insanely hard it is to make it out there. If you don't have connections, money, an audience, a studio, it's actually impossible. You need to be your own lawyer, abide by the very strict self employment rules that take a severe chunk out of your earnings. Do all of your finance/schedule/marketing etc while on top of that constantly producing work (I know there's people who can do it but, personally, I cannot) I really admire the people who were able to build themselves up as artists from the ground like this (because its definitely possible, just insanely hard)
Also, making something you love into your job ends up being miserable too. I experienced this with patreon, which I posted to as like a chill thing and it just got increasingly hard to make content for it or just post in general, even drawing my own ocs and sharing stuff about them started to feel like a chore.
Maybe it's just me though, this has just been my personal experience but yeah in general I realized I am immensely happier just keeping art as a hobby or its gonna suck my soul out (Since I already experienced it)
I don't mean to discourage anyone, I think the world in general needs more artists. But for that we would need to actually be taken seriously and valued, which sadly we are not, at all. And if there's anyone reading that is considering art as a job: it is absolutely grueling. It's not an easy job. Even if you desperately love art it can suck the life out of you and the joy for what you do
(As an extra sidenote. Artists are usually exploited using this mentality as well. That they are supposed to love their job. So they expect you to work your wrists off "For the passion". Dont fall victim to it)
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incorrectsibunaquotes · 3 months
thinking about how every single time fabian told someone to make a move on the senet board, they fell through :(
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problemcore · 5 months
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been real cloudy here, without any rain
#halfway thru this i realized i was drawing myself and not gumi and i had to take a moment and re-gumi-fy the drawing#cant help being a gumi kinnie i guess U_U#dnoodles#vocaloid#i guess? idk i dont think a lot of people will reblog this. i actually kinda hope not.#hello dear followers#yea wow i have um. not been drawing at all lately.#not even simple doodles. i couldnt even pick up a pen.#so i sat down. turned on my favorite music. and drew what i wanted.#not what i wanted to see as the result#but what i wanted to let out of my system.#i dont really care if this looks good or bad. i dont care how messy the lines are. i dont care about the colors or the background#i just wanted to have a good time drawing again. and have a good time i did :)#i have a big drawing ahead of me i need to do. that i Want to do.#im scared of it not turning out good. especially since its for a friend. especially since im being paid for it.#but. im gonna let myself enjoy it. sink into the feeling and let the pen move on its own. indulge in the joy of creation.#i missed art. i missed posting.#sometimes i think about how i was able to crank out so many drawings in high school.#not without extreme determent to my grades of course. but still. i was drawing So Much. and i utterly loved it.#i still wish i could go back to that. perhaps i will. perhaps i wont.#but i want to let that wish go away. and. i guess. start a new chapter.#reinvent my relationship with art.#its going to be bad. its going to be messy. its going to hurt your eyes. and its going to be fun.#WOW okay that was an essay. thank you for reading.#im gonna go eat something and. actually get back to drawing. hehe
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cervidaecorpse · 2 months
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Bringers of Joy
Crystalline air danced in the pallid light. Pushing into itself. Getting weaker the longer it prevailed. Fading from sight. Uniting as one with its surroundings. Your fingers had long since grown accustom to the numbness. No glove or coat could shield you from the everlasting cold. Yet still. You remained. Frozen solid. Almost comparable to those blocks of ice. Almost.
Captivating to perceive. Reflecting the faint shine pushing through the icy fog. Faces trapped inside of them. Bodies from all around the universe. People you once spoke to. Conversed with. Even called your friends. Now, they would just ignore you. Pretend as if you never existed. Not because they wanted to. They had that choice taken away from them a long time ago.
Despite its crowded state, the room was empty. Although it was so spacious, it almost seemed claustrophobic. Because of his kind nature, people suffered. But was it truly suffering, if they were unaware of their existence? Preserved forever. In a deep slumber. Did they dream? Could they be happy? Feel any kind of emotion? It was not like you would ever find out.
“There you are!” The chipper voice alerted you to the approaching presence. Heavy cape flowing behind him. Boots obeying his slow stride toward you, coming to a halt. “It’s cold to leave me behind like this.” His tone and facial features prevented his words from having any reprimanding effect. Ever smiling. No matter, if he was eating or working. Smiling, when you looked at him.
“What are you doing out here so late? Are you feeling down?” He enquired. Expression faltering. You had rarely seen him frown when he knew you were around. But his down casted grin would never last. Even during these rare occasions. “Do you want to see my manuscripts again?” He was almost eager, already turning to retrace his steps back to his favourite spot on his ship. “You smile so warmly when we talk about it. I don’t like seeing others sad. It’s cold.”
Sunken in his thoughts, his clouded eyes met yours. Though his smile was incapable of clearing the icy fog surrounding you, his happy grin lifted the thoughts visibly circling his mind. “But I know we’ll make them happy together, right?” He beamed at you. His hand was raised to pat the fluff on your hood. Not for the first time. “We are a great team. I’m sure one day we’ll have brought joy to the entire universe. Maybe even beyond.”
Agree with him?
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shitpostingkats · 8 months
Jaden and Yuya are now my favorite dynamic of all time, and now that I’m being shown the similarities I’m wondering if it’s really just a coincidence GX and Arc-V are my absolute favorites out of all the Yugioh series this is insane 👀
Hehe. Gladly <3
(Uh. This got long so it's going beneath the cut for the sake of people's dashboards)
Well, first off, there's just a lot of similarities between Zarc (the original Zarc, before he split into the Yu-bois) and Jaden. Both can talk to duel spirits, both start out chipper and are driven to the edge by grief, both split into various personas/people (Jaden with himself and the supreme king, Zarc obviously into the Yu-bois), both fuse with their ace monster(s), and both carry the title of "Supreme King". Most interesting, to me at least, is how both shape a lot of their identities around what they think people want from them.
Zarc was content to be an amazing duelist, but felt pressured to put on a good show, to be more brutal. Jaden, more subtly, constructs most of his personality off being easygoing, chill, and carefree, because he internalized that his emotions are dangerous, and people would rather deal with happy Jaden than the emotional disregulation mess that he actually is.
And both of them, when they get overwhelmed, adopt a mentality of "Well, the world might as well burn with me."
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Jaden, rather than feel his grief, locks off his own trauma behind a brick wall and goes on smiling. Yuya, rather than deal with his dads disappearance, does the same.
I'd also like it noted that supreme king Jaden and supreme king Yuya have yellow eyes.
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And some teal/orange eye asymmetry
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Honestly, even dragon form Yuya and the Supreme Kings armor have similar silhouettes.
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Mostly its in the spikes on the shoulders and elbows, and the fact that Zarc Yuya forms a weird chestplate (and that this is the same art team and visual style)
Another thing I get hung up on is that both Jaden and Yuri have super poly. In GX, Jaden had to go through an entire arc of misery to get that card, and Yuri just? Has it?
So my little headcanon, is that in the original timeline, before the dimensions were split, Zarc had the spirit of The Supreme King, able to command duel monsters and wield The Gentle Dark. Unfortunately for everyone, he got a teensy bit traumatized before he could enact his destiny of defeating The Light Of Destruction. Using his powers, he fused with his dragons, nearly destroyed the world, etc, etc. When he split, the Supreme King couldn't just split into four the same way the rest of his soul could, and so while the dimensions split, the past was rewritten to attach the power to a different soul, with a different guardian to boot. Similar to how the timeline got all borked to set everything back to a late nineties world of duel monsters.
Which would make Yuya 1/4 of an alternate universe version of Jaden. And I think there's a lot of fun to be had with that idea :)
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